Journals starting with ivc_

IVC( Vol No. ) * *Image and Vision Computing

IVC(1) * 3D Reconstruction of the Blood Vessels of the Brain from a Stereoscopic Pair of Subtraction Angiograms
* Advances in Image Segmentation
* Application of Edge Detection Techniques to Detection of the Bright Band in Radar Data
* Comparison of Thinning Algorithms on a Parallel Processor
* Detection of Cracks Using Image Processing Algorithms Implemented in Hardware
* Determination of Displacements Using an Improved Digital Correlation Method
* Digital image processing of confocal images
* Digital Processing of Chest Radiographs
* Distributed Parameter Systems Approach to Feature Extraction and Motion Estimation in Image Sequences
* Framestore system for map displays
* Greyscale Image Processing for Industrial Applications
* Image Identification and Segmentation According to Random Field Models
* Image Matching for Pulse Echo Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocity
* Model-Based Vision: A Program to See a Walking Person
* Moment Invariants in Theory and Practice
* On the Accuracy of the Sobel Edge Detector
* Optimal floating point multiplication processor for signal processing
* Optimization Approach to Relaxation Labeling Algorithms, An
* Pattern recognition of collections
* Practical Solution Using a New Approach to Robot Vision
* Region Digitization and Boundary Estimation
* Spatially Referenced Methods of Processing Raster and Vector Data
* Time- and Storage-Efficient Implementations of an Optimal Planar Convex Hull Algorithm
* Two-Level Pipelined Systolic Array for Multidimensional Convolution
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IVC(10) * 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
* 3D Measurements from Imaging Laser Radars: How Good Are They?
* 3D Object Recognition Based on a Viewpoint Analysis
* Analogical Representation of Space and Time
* Bending and Stretching Models for LV Wall Motion Analysis from Curves and Surfaces
* Boundary Detection Using Bayesian Nets
* Classification of Breast Tissue by Texture Analysis
* Closing Gaps in Edges and Surfaces
* Comparative Evaluation of Fast Thinning Algorithms on a Multiprocessor Architecture
* Computational Framework for Determining Stereo Correspondence from a Set of Linear Spatial Filters
* Constraints on Quadratic-Curved Features under Perspective Projection
* Depth Computations from Polyhedral Images
* Detection of Specularity Using Colour and Multiple Views
* Differential Algorithm for the Determination of Shape from Shading Using a Point Light Source
* Digital curvature estimation for left ventricular shape analysis
* Ellipse Detection and Matching with Uncertainty
* Extracting Contours by Perceptual Grouping
* Fast Computer Vision Algorithms for Reconfigurable Meshes
* Feature-Based Correspondence: An Eigenvector Approach
* Features extraction and analysis methods for sequences of ultrasound Images
* Finding Half Boundaries and Junctions in Images
* Four Algorithms for Enhancing Images with Large Peaks in Their Histogram
* From Voxel to Intrinsic Surface Features
* Fuzzy Relaxation Approach for Inexact Scene Matching
* High Level 3D Structures from a Single View
* Image Blurring Effects Due to Depth Discontinuities: Blurring That Creates Emergent Image Details
* Image reconstruction on a special purpose array processor
* Image Restoration Preserving Discontinuities: The Bayesian Approach and Neural Networks
* Images as Functions and Sets
* Integrating Primary Ocular Processes
* Invariants of a Pair of Conics Revisited
* Linear Discriminants and Image Quality
* Method of Obtaining the Relative Positions of Four Points from Three Perspective Projections, A
* Model-Based Image Interpretation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Model-Based Recognition and Range Imaging for a Guided Vehicle
* Modelling and identification of characteristic intensity variations
* Modelling and Identification of Charateristic Intensity Variations
* Modular System for Image Analysis Using a Game-Theoretic Framework
* Musip Multi-Sensor Image Processing System
* Object Modeling by Registration of Multiple Range Images
* Object Recognition from Range Data Prior to Segmentation
* Practical Approach to the Stereo Matching of Urban Imagery
* Procedure for Generating Template Masks for Detecting Variable Signals
* Quadrics-Based Matching Technique for 3D Object Recognition
* Recognizing Geons from Superquadrics Fitted to Range Data
* Recovering A Boundary-Level Structural Description From Dynamic Stereo
* Recursive neighbourhood operations on the linear processor array SYMPATI-2
* Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
* Relative Motion and Pose from Arbitrary Plane Curves
* Representation, Extraction and Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features
* Robust Segmentation of Noisy Images Using a Neural Network Model
* Scale and Segmentation of Grey-Level Images Using Maximum Gradient Paths
* Scale and the Differential Structure of Images
* Scale-Space Primal Sketch: Construction and Experiments
* Segmentation of magnetic resonance images using mean field annealing
* Segmentation of MR images using neural nets
* Shape Description Via Shading Images
* Shape Representation and Image Segmentation Using Deformable Surfaces
* Special Issue Introduction Range image understanding
* Special Issue Introduction: Information processing in medical imaging
* Special Issue Introduction: Towards an active perception
* Steerable-Scalable Kernels for Edge Detection and Junction Analysis
* Stochastic model for automated detection of calcifications in digital mammograms
* Surface Shape and Curvature Scales
* Surgical probe design for a coincidence imaging system without a collimator
* Token-Textured Object Detection by Pyramids
* Towards Visually Convincing Image Segmentation
* Trainable Method of Parametric Shape Description
* Trainable models for the interpretation of biomedical images
* Transformational Invariance: A Primer
* Unsupervised tissue type segmentation of 3D dual-echo MR head data
* Use of the Radon Transform As a Method of Extracting Information About Shape in Two Dimensions
* Visual Reconstruction with Discontinuities Using Variational Methods
* Voxel based Monte Carlo calculations of nuclear medicine images and applied variance reduction techniques
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IVC(100) * Cross-Correlated Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* CrossFusion net: Deep 3D object detection based on RGB images and point clouds in autonomous driving
* Development of an embedded road boundary detection system based on deep learning
* Fast and robust visual tracking with hard balanced focal loss and guided domain adaption
* Gender based face aging with cycle-consistent adversarial networks
* Joint detection and tracking in videos with identification features
* Monocular depth estimation with SPN loss
* Viewpoint constrained and unconstrained Cricket stroke localization from untrimmed videos
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IVC(101) * Automated repair of fragmented tracks with 1D CNNs
* Collaborative representation of blur invariant deep sparse features for periocular recognition from smartphones
* Constructing big panorama from video sequence based on deep local feature
* Cross-modal feature extraction and integration based RGBD saliency detection
* Deep manifold clustering based optimal pseudo pose representation (DMC-OPPR) for unsupervised person re-identification
* Explaining VQA predictions using visual grounding and a knowledge base
* Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cascade and representative point matching algorithm
* novel co-attention computation block for deep learning based image co-segmentation, A
* Person search: New paradigm of person re-identification: A survey and outlook of recent works
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IVC(102) * Adversarial sliced Wasserstein domain adaptation networks
* Application of 3D laser scanning technology for image data processing in the protection of ancient building sites through deep learning
* Application of the best evacuation model of deep learning in the design of public structures
* attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian attributes recognition, An
* Demographic classification through pupil analysis
* Implementing cascaded regression tree-based face landmarking: An in-depth overview
* Investigating bias in deep face analysis: The KANFace dataset and empirical study
* Multimodal facial biometrics recognition: Dual-stream convolutional neural networks with multi-feature fusion layers
* Non-local attention association scheme for online multi-object tracking
* two-stage real-time YOLOv2-based road marking detector with lightweight spatial transformation-invariant classification, A
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IVC(103) * Building NAS: Automatic designation of efficient neural architectures for building extraction in high-resolution aerial images
* calibration method of computer vision system based on dual attention mechanism, A
* Depth-guided saliency detection via boundary information
* Detection of panoramic vision pedestrian based on deep learning
* effect of image recognition traffic prediction method under deep learning and naive Bayes algorithm on freeway traffic safety, The
* Facial expression recognition using human machine interaction and multi-modal visualization analysis for healthcare applications
* From known to the unknown: Transferring knowledge to answer questions about novel visual and semantic concepts
* Fusion of iris and sclera using phase intensive rubbersheet mutual exclusion for periocular recognition
* Generalizable deep features for ocular biometrics
* Geometry consistency aware confidence evaluation for feature matching
* Intelligent detection of building cracks based on deep learning
* Intelligent querying for target tracking in camera networks using deep Q-learning with n-step bootstrapping
* Joint patch and instance discrimination learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Multi-level prediction Siamese network for real-time UAV visual tracking
* New insights on multi-solution distribution of the P3P problem
* PCANet: Pyramid convolutional attention network for semantic segmentation
* R4 Det: Refined single-stage detector with feature recursion and refinement for rotating object detection in aerial images
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IVC(104) * CAM: A fine-grained vehicle model recognition method based on visual attention model
* Cancelable Iris template generation by aggregating patch level ordinal relations with its holistically extended performance and security analysis
* CrossATNet: A novel cross-attention based framework for sketch-based image retrieval
* Deep learning-based object detection in low-altitude UAV datasets: A survey
* Dependable information processing method for reliable human-robot interactions in smart city applications
* GIFSL: Grafting based improved few-shot learning
* Improving face verification using facial marks and deep CNN: IARPA Janus benchmark-A
* Infrared and visible image fusion via global variable consensus
* Iris and periocular biometrics for head mounted displays: Segmentation, recognition, and synthetic data generation
* Multi-semantic long-range dependencies capturing for efficient video representation learning
* Optimization of face recognition algorithm based on deep learning multi feature fusion driven by big data
* Robust biometric authentication system with a secure user template
* Spectral Regularization for Combating Mode Collapse in GANs
* Synergetic reconstruction from 2D pose and 3D motion for wide-space multi-person video motion capture in the wild
* Synthetic guided domain adaptive and edge aware network for crowd counting
* Variance-guided attention-based twin deep network for cross-spectral periocular recognition
* Vehicle re-identification based on unsupervised local area detection and view discrimination
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IVC(105) * Bias alleviating generative adversarial network for generalized zero-shot classification
* Cross-database and cross-attack Iris presentation attack detection using micro stripes analyses
* Crowd density detection method based on crowd gathering mode and multi-column convolutional neural network
* Deep multimodal fusion for semantic image segmentation: A survey
* Efficient pedestrian detection in top-view fisheye images using compositions of perspective view patches
* Expression recognition with deep features extracted from holistic and part-based models
* I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected from websites and social media for Iris recognition
* Improved generative adversarial network and its application in image oil painting style transfer
* Industrial visual perception technology in Smart City
* Multimodal image fusion based on point-wise mutual information
* survey of micro-expression recognition, A
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IVC(106) * Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
* comprehensive review on deep learning-based methods for video anomaly detection, A
* Cuepervision: self-supervised learning for continuous domain adaptation without catastrophic forgetting
* framework of human action recognition using length control features fusion and weighted entropy-variances based feature selection, A
* Pixel-wise ordinal classification for salient object grading
* Point cloud classification with deep normalized Reeb graph convolution
* Projection-dependent input processing for 3D object recognition in human robot interaction systems
* ReMOT: A model-agnostic refinement for multiple object tracking
* ScPnP: A non-iterative scale compensation solution for PnP problems
* Survey on Object Detection for the Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) using Deep Learning and Event-based Middleware: Approaches, Challenges, and Future Directions, A
* Unsupervised face Frontalization for pose-invariant face recognition
* Video-based person re-identification by intra-frame and inter-frame graph neural network
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IVC(107) * Clothing generation by multi-modal embedding: A compatibility matrix-regularized GAN model
* Collaborative knowledge distillation for incomplete multi-view action prediction
* Motion saliency based multi-stream multiplier ResNets for action recognition
* Multi-information-based convolutional neural network with attention mechanism for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Multi-source material image optimized selection based multi-option composition
* Optokinetic response for mobile device biometric liveness assessment
* pooling-based feature pyramid network for salient object detection, A
* Special issue on role of computer vision in smart cities
* Tracking fiducial markers with discriminative correlation filters
* unsupervised domain adaptation scheme for single-stage artwork recognition in cultural sites, An
* Weighted boxes fusion: Ensembling boxes from different object detection models
* Whether normalized or not? Towards more robust iris recognition using dynamic programming
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IVC(108) * Beyond Modality Alignment: Learning Part-Level Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cluster adaptation networks for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Generative adversarial networks and their application to 3D face generation: A survey
* Image captioning via proximal policy optimization
* Improving eye movement biometrics in low frame rate eye-tracking devices using periocular and eye blinking features
* Interactive multi-scale feature representation enhancement for small object detection
* Knowledge distillation methods for efficient unsupervised adaptation across multiple domains
* Novel features for art movement classification of portrait paintings
* study on attention-based LSTM for abnormal behavior recognition with variable pooling, A
* survey of iris datasets, A
* ThickSeg: Efficient semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D point clouds using multi-layer projection
* Tibetan Thangka data set and relative tasks, A
* Triangulate geometric constraint combined with visual-flow fusion network for accurate 6DoF pose estimation
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IVC(109) * 2D progressive fusion module for action recognition
* Boundary graph convolutional network for temporal action detection
* Certifiable relative pose estimation
* DeepSegment: Segmentation of motion capture data using deep convolutional neural network
* efficient foreign objects detection network for power substation, An
* Exploring region relationships implicitly: Image captioning with visual relationship attention
* FEANet: Foreground-edge-aware network with DenseASPOC for human parsing
* HCFS3D: Hierarchical coupled feature selection network for 3D semantic and instance segmentation
* Multi-stream slowFast graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition
* NeuralPlan: Neural floorplan radiance fields for accelerated view synthesis
* SalED: Saliency prediction with a pithy encoder-decoder architecture sensing local and global information
* WRGPruner: A new model pruning solution for tiny salient object detection
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IVC(11) * 3D Scene Modelling by Sinusoid Encoded Illumination
* 3D Structure and Motion Estimation from 2D Image Sequences
* Auto-Calibration by Direct Observation of Objects
* Autofocusing for tissue microscopy
* Automated analysis of retinal images
* Automatic segmentation of hand-wrist radiographs
* Automatic Thresholding Based on Human Visual-Perception
* Beyond Linear Perspective: A Cubist Manifesto for Visual Science
* Chromosome location and feature extraction using neural networks
* Complementary Quadtree
* Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
* Computing the Hough Transform on Reconfigurable Meshes
* Computing Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters: A Hypothesis Testing Approach
* Connected Component Labelling on the Blitzen Massively Parallel Processor
* Connective Hough Transform
* Describing the Shapes of Faces Using Surface Primitives
* Detection and Tracking of Single-Pixel Targets Based on Trajectory Continuity
* Discrimination Between Visual Stimuli by Variation of Shape and Relative Position of Volumetric Primitives
* Efficient Approach to the Identification of Characteristic Intensity Variations, An
* Euclidean Skeleton via Centre-of-Maximal-Disc Extraction
* Extraction of Vanishing Points from Images of Indoor and Outdoor Scenes
* Fast Component Labelling and Convex Hull Computation on Reconfigurable Meshes
* From Line Drawings to Impressions of 3D Objects: Developing a Model to Account for the Shapes That People See
* Generalized Comparison of Quadtree and Bintree Storage Requirements
* Hierarchical Segmentation-Based Approach to Motion Analysis
* Image reconstruction by a Hopfield neural network
* Image Tracking in Real-Time: A Transputer Emulation of Some Early Mammalian Vision Processes
* Interpretation of Line-Drawings of Complex Objects
* Issues in Shape Perception
* Junction Detection Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Knowledge-based approach to image interpretation
* Linear Generalized Hough Transform and Its Parallelization
* Medical Image-Processing
* Methodology for the Representation, Indexing and Retrieval of Images by Content
* Mirroring and Rotating Images in Linear Quadtree Form with Few Machine Instructions
* Motion and Structure Estimation Using Long Sequence Motion Models
* Motion Constraint Equations Based on Constant Image Irradiance
* Neurophysiology of shape processing
* Note on Small Angle Approximations for Stereo Disparity
* Novel Fast and Reliable Thinning Algorithm, A
* On the Sensitivity of Camera Calibration
* Online recognition by deviation-expansion model and A* algorithm-based matching
* Overlapping Quadtrees for the Representation of Similar Images
* Parallel Approach to Tracking Edge Segments in Dynamic Scenes
* Parallel Coordination of Image Operators: Model, Algorithm, and Performance
* Planar Region Detection and Motion Recovery
* Pose Determination of Parameterized Object Models from a Monocular Image
* Quantitative Study of 3D Gradient Operators
* Recognition of fish species by colour and shape
* Recognition of volcanoes on Venus using correlation methods
* Recognizing polyhedral objects from a single perspective view
* Segmentation of Medical Images
* Segmentation of plant cell pictures
* Shape in Machine Vision
* Shape Using Volumetric Primitives
* Spatial Database Manager for a Multi-Source Image Understanding System
* Special issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1992
* Statistical Detection of Independent Movement from a Moving Camera
* Structure-Sensitive Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Methods and Their Evaluation
* Techniques for Online Gesture Recognition on Workstations
* Understanding shape: perspectives from natural and machine vision
* Using Line Correspondences in Invariant Signatures for Curve Recognition
* Vanishing Point Detection
* Variational Approach to Optical-Flow Estimation Managing Discontinuities
* Workstation Environment for Image-Processing in Nuclear-Medicine
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IVC(110) * Camera pose estimation in multi-view environments: From virtual scenarios to the real world
* DCT-net: A deep co-interactive transformer network for video temporal grounding
* Deep domain adaptation with ordinal regression for pain assessment using weakly-labeled videos
* Edge-Aware Salient Object Detection Network via Context Guidance
* Editorial for the special issue of IMAVIS on automatic face analytics for human behavior understanding
* Lightweight boundary refinement module based on point supervision for semantic segmentation
* Multimodal assessment of apparent personality using feature attention and error consistency constraint
* PDA: Proxy-based domain adaptation for few-shot image recognition
* Semantic video segmentation with dynamic keyframe selection and distortion-aware feature rectification
* Short-term anchor linking and long-term self-guided attention for video object detection
* Single-shot cuboids: Geodesics-based end-to-end Manhattan aligned layout estimation from spherical panoramas
* Visual question answering model based on graph neural network and contextual attention
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IVC(111) * ARank: Toward specific model pruning via advantage rank for multiple salient objects detection
* ASPset: An outdoor sports pose video dataset with 3D keypoint annotations
* ATCC: Accurate tracking by criss-cross location attention
* Composite recurrent network with internal denoising for facial alignment in still and video images in the wild
* Double anchor embedding for accurate multi-person 2D pose estimation
* Dual-path CNN with Max Gated block for text-based person re-identification
* Efficient pyramid context encoding and feature embedding for semantic segmentation
* Feedback-driven loss function for small object detection
* Informative discriminator for domain adaptation
* Point cloud completion using multiscale feature fusion and cross-regional attention
* Pose-guided part matching network via shrinking and reweighting for occluded person re-identification
* Unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification with self-attention and joint-flexible optimization
* Using synthetic data for person tracking under adverse weather conditions
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IVC(112) * CFFNet: Coordinated feature fusion network for crowd counting
* DA-SACOT: Domain adaptive-segmentation guided attention for correlation based object tracking
* Discrepant collaborative training by Sinkhorn divergences
* Editorial on Frontiers in computer vision for human computer interaction
* Editorial to special issue on novel insights on ocular biometrics
* Editorial: IMAVIS special issue on deep cross-media neural model for generating image descriptions
* Improved multi-source domain adaptation by preservation of factors
* Intelligent video anomaly detection and classification using faster RCNN with deep reinforcement learning model
* Interpretable visual reasoning: A survey
* Learning auto-scale representations for person re-identification
* LSTM with bio inspired algorithm for action recognition in sports videos
* Online-adaptive classification and regression network with sample-efficient meta learning for long-term tracking
* robust image representation method against illumination and occlusion variations, A
* RoI Tanh-polar transformer network for face parsing in the wild
* Spatiotemporal module for video saliency prediction based on self-attention
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IVC(113) * Flow guided mutual attention for person re-identification
* Human-Object Interaction Detection with Missing Objects
* Introducing the structural bases of typicality effects in deep learning
* lightweight network for monocular depth estimation with decoupled body and edge supervision, A
* MFC-Net: Multi-Feature Fusion Cross Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-label image recognition with two-stream dynamic graph convolution networks
* new perceptual hashing method for verification and identity classification of occluded faces, A
* Semantic and edge-based visual odometry by joint minimizing semantic and edge distance error
* Synergic learning for noise-insensitive webly-supervised temporal action localization
* Task-based parameter isolation for foreground segmentation without catastrophic forgetting using multi-scale region and edges fusion network
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IVC(114) * Activity guided multi-scales collaboration based on scaled-CNN for saliency prediction
* Advances in domain adaptation for computer vision
* bioinspired retinal neural network for accurately extracting small-target motion information in cluttered backgrounds, A
* Boundary guidance network for camouflage object detection
* DeepFH segmentations for superpixel-based object proposal refinement
* Dense graph convolutional neural networks on 3D meshes for 3D object segmentation and classification
* Dynamic information enhancement for video classification
* Omnidirectional stereo depth estimation based on spherical deep network
* Real-time semantic segmentation with weighted factorized-depthwise convolution
* review of deep learning techniques for 2D and 3D human pose estimation, A
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IVC(115) * analytical proof on suitability of Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence as the aggregation criterion in Region Growing Algorithm, An
* Attention-guided chained context aggregation for semantic segmentation
* Attribute saliency network for person re-identification
* Graph-based reasoning attention pooling with curriculum design for content-based image retrieval
* HPRNet: Hierarchical point regression for whole-body human pose estimation
* Multi-granularity for knowledge distillation
* Multi-level refinement enriched feature pyramid network for object detection
* Multi-Tier Attention Network using Term-weighted Question Features for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-type decision fusion network for visual Q&A
* Multi-view self-supervised learning for 3D facial texture reconstruction from single image
* Multiscale parallel deep CNN (mpdCNN) architecture for the real low-resolution face recognition for surveillance
* MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
* Transformer models for enhancing AttnGAN based text to image generation
* You look so different! Haven't I seen you a long time ago?
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IVC(116) * Adaptive and fast image superpixel segmentation approach
* Aligning vision-language for graph inference in visual dialog
* Context-based image explanations for deep neural networks
* Cross-scale global attention feature pyramid network for person search
* EAR: Efficient action recognition with local-global temporal aggregation
* ERF-YOLO: A YOLO algorithm compatible with fewer parameters and higher accuracy
* Generating facial expression adversarial examples based on saliency map
* Incremental human action recognition with dual memory
* Learning to disentangle scenes for person re-identification
* MetaPix: Domain transfer for semantic segmentation by meta pixel weighting
* MLRMV: Multi-layer representation for multi-view action recognition
* Monozygotic twin face recognition: An in-depth analysis and plausible improvements
* Salient object detection network with multi-scale feature refinement and boundary feedback
* Spatial likelihood voting with self-knowledge distillation for weakly supervised object detection
* survey of methods, datasets and evaluation metrics for visual question answering, A
* VQA as a factoid question answering problem: A novel approach for knowledge-aware and explainable visual question answering
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IVC(117) * Attention Guided Contextual Feature Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Double cross-modality progressively guided network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Edge supervision and multi-scale cost volume for stereo matching
* Facial expression recognition using densely connected convolutional neural network and hierarchical spatial attention
* FMD-Yolo: An efficient face mask detection method for COVID-19 prevention and control in public
* Geometric feature statistics histogram for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
* Improving image captioning with Pyramid Attention and SC-GAN
* IRANet: Identity-relevance aware representation for cloth-changing person re-identification
* Learning an augmentation strategy for sparse datasets
* Regularized Hardmining loss for face recognition
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IVC(118) * deep-shallow and global-local multi-feature fusion network for photometric stereo, A
* Deformable convolutions in multi-view stereo
* Does explainable machine learning uncover the black box in vision applications?
* Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object detection
* dynamic keypoint selection network for 6DoF pose estimation, A
* Editorial to special issue on cross-media learning for visual question answering
* PU-GACNet: Graph Attention Convolution Network for Point Cloud Upsampling
* Spatial Temporal and Channel Aware Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Pedestrian Re-Identification Based on an Improved Dissimilarity Space
* View knowledge transfer network for multi-view action recognition
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IVC(119) * Deep learning-based person re-identification methods: A survey and outlook of recent works
* E2E-V2SResNet: Deep residual convolutional neural networks for end-to-end video driven speech synthesis
* Encoder-Decoder Based Thermo-Visible Image Translation for Disguised and Undisguised Faces, An
* Enhancing single-view 3D mesh reconstruction with the aid of implicit surface learning
* FastNet: Fast high-resolution network for human pose estimation
* How robust are discriminatively trained zero-shot learning models?
* Lightweight and computationally faster Hypermetropic Convolutional Neural Network for small size object detection
* LTST: Long-term segmentation tracker with memory attention network
* novel micro-expression detection algorithm based on BERT and 3DCNN, A
* Progressive ShallowNet for large scale dynamic and spontaneous facial behaviour analysis in children
* Self-trained prediction model and novel anomaly score mechanism for video anomaly detection
* Underwater bubble plume image generative model based on noise prior and multi conditional labels
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IVC(12) * 3-Dimensional Motion and Reconstruction of Coronary-Arteries from Biplane Cineangiography
* Algorithm design for image processing in the context of cellular logic
* Alignment of Planar Curves
* Anatomical Object Recognition Using Deformable Geometric-Models
* Autocalibration of Visual Sensor Parameters on a Robotic Head
* Automatic Approach to Mapping a Lifelike 2.5D Human Face
* Complete Line Segment Description Using the Hough Transform
* Contextual Classification of Cracks
* Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxation - Theory and Application to MR-Imaging and MR-Angiography
* Counting People Getting in and out of a Bus by Real-Time Image-Sequence Processing
* Detection of Dominant Points on an Object Boundary: A Discontinuity Approach
* Determining the Gaze of Faces in Images
* Efficient Linear Octree Generation from Voxels
* Estimation of Complex Multimodal Motion: An Approach Based on Robust Statistics and Hough Transform
* Extracting Structure from an Affine View of a 3D Point Set with One or 2 Bilateral Symmetries
* Fast, non-linear inversion for electrical impedance tomography
* Foundations of Factor Analysis of Medical Image Sequences: A Unified Approach and Some Practical Implications
* Generalized Multiresolution Analysis of Magnetic-Resonance Images
* Hierarchical Approach to Feature Indexing
* Hierarchical Probabilistic Image Segmentation
* High Level Language for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Higher order differential structure of images
* HMM-Based Architecture for Face Identification
* How Normal Flow Constrains Relative Depth for an Active Observer
* Image Compression By Vector Quantization: A Review Focused on Codebook Generation
* Issues in Robot Vision
* Kohonen Networks For Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Line Labeling And Region-Segmentation In Stereo Image Pairs
* Local Stereoscopic Depth Estimation
* Medical Image Registration Using Knowledge of Adjacency of Anatomical Structures
* Model-Based Recognition of Anatomical Objects from Medical Images
* Modified Hough Transforms For Feature Recognition On Deformable Patterned Materials
* Morph Transformation of the Facial Image
* Motion Estimation from Scaled Orthographic Projections without Correspondences
* Multiscale Medial Analysis Of Medical Images
* Novel Change Detection Algorithm Using Adaptive Threshold, A
* On Edge Focusing
* On the Accuracy of Point Curvature Estimators in a Discrete Environment
* Online Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Via A Fuzzy Attribute Representation
* Preattentive Computer Vision: Towards a 2-Stage Computer Vision System for the Extraction of Qualitative Descriptors and the Cues for Focus of Attention
* Probabilistic Reasoning in High-Level Vision
* Pyramid Simulation of Image-Processing Applications
* Recognition Of Handwritten Chinese Characters By Modified Relaxation Methods
* Recognition of Parameterized Objects from 3D Data: A Parallel Implementation
* Recognizing Objects on the Ground-Plane
* Recovery of Superquadric Primitive from Stereo Images
* Relative Positioning from Model Indexing
* Robust Shape from Shading
* Saccade and Pursuit on an Active Head Eye Platform
* Segmentation of Magnetic-Resonance Brain Images Using Analog Constraint Satisfaction Neural Networks
* Segmentation of Medical Images
* Segmentation of the Finger Bones as a Prerequisite for the Determination of Bone-Age
* Semi-Algebraic Solids in 3-Space: A Survey of Modeling Schemes and Implications for View Graphs
* Shape From Shading Using Linear-Approximation
* Simultaneous Learning of Decision Rules and Important Attributes for Classification Problems in Image-Analysis
* Sonar Image Motion Distortion Estimation And Correction Using Covariance Function Modeling
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1993
* Special Issue: Information Processing in Medical Imaging
* Straight-Line Approximation and 1D Representation of Off-Line Handwritten Text
* Stretch-Correlation as a Real-Time Alternative to Feature-Based Stereo Matching Algorithms
* Testing Face Recognition Systems
* Token Tracking in a Cluttered Scene
* Uncalibrated Stereo Hand Eye Coordination
* Use of Active Shape Models For Locating Structure In Medical Images
* Using Moments To Acquire The Motion Parameters of a Deformable Object without Correspondences
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IVC(120) * Adaptive weight based on overlapping blocks network for facial expression recognition
* Batch feature standardization network with triplet loss for weakly-supervised video anomaly detection
* Cross-view action recognition with small-scale datasets
* Few-Shot learning for face recognition in the presence of image discrepancies for limited multi-class datasets
* Few-shot object detection via baby learning
* LP-GAN: Learning perturbations based on generative adversarial networks for point cloud adversarial attacks
* neural network aided attuned scheme for gun detection in video surveillance images, A
* R2Net: Residual refinement network for salient object detection
* RAMT-GAN: Realistic and accurate makeup transfer with generative adversarial network
* review on 2D instance segmentation based on deep neural networks, A
* SalFBNet: Learning pseudo-saliency distribution via feedback convolutional networks
* Self-supervised part segmentation via motion imitation
12 for IVC(120)

IVC(121) * Continual coarse-to-fine domain adaptation in semantic segmentation
* Effective actor-centric human-object interaction detection
* Face anti-spoofing detection based on multi-scale image quality assessment
* Fast and reliable probabilistic face embeddings based on constrained data uncertainty estimation
* Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition and classification using facial images
* Learning dynamic background for weakly supervised moving object detection
* Local information fusion network for 3D shape classification and retrieval
* MDCS with fully encoding the information of local shape description for 3D Rigid Data matching
* Monocular contextual constraint for stereo matching with adaptive weights assignment
* polar-edge context-aware (PECA) network for mirror segmentation, A
* RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
11 for IVC(121)

IVC(122) * Atlas generative models and geodesic interpolation
* Batch covariance neural network for image recognition
* Combining complementary trackers for enhanced long-term visual object tracking
* Does depth estimation help object detection?
* Dynamic Sample Weighting for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Grassmann manifold based framework for automated fall detection from a camera
* Learning language to symbol and language to vision mapping for visual grounding
* Machine learning based video segmentation of moving scene by motion index using IO detector and shot segmentation
* MMSNet: Multi-modal scene recognition using multi-scale encoded features
* Multi-scale feature aggregation and boundary awareness network for salient object detection
* Multi-view dynamic facial action unit detection
* Person re-identification: A taxonomic survey and the path ahead
* Robust depth estimation on real-world light field images using Gaussian belief propagation
* Unsupervised multi-view stereo network based on multi-stage depth estimation
14 for IVC(122)

IVC(123) * Consistent camera-invariant and noise-tolerant learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Deep Isometric Maps
* Deep learning-based detection from the perspective of small or tiny objects: A survey
* Double chain networks for monocular 3D human pose estimation
* E2E-VSDL: End-to-end video surveillance-based deep learning model to detect and prevent criminal activities
* Facial expression recognition system based on variational mode decomposition and whale optimized KELM
* Feature fusion for object detection at one map
* Gradual adaption with memory mechanism for image-based 3D model retrieval
* Handcrafted localized phase features for human action recognition
* Improving Neural Network Robustness Through Neighborhood Preserving Layers
* LocalFace: Learning significant local features for deep face recognition
* MEmoR: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition using affective biomarkers for smart prediction of emotional health for people analytics in smart industries
* Multi-feature fusion tracking algorithm based on peak-context learning
* Person Re-ID through unsupervised hypergraph rank selection and fusion
* Real-time semantic segmentation with local spatial pixel adjustment
* STCA: Utilizing a spatio-temporal cross-attention network for enhancing video person re-identification
16 for IVC(123)

IVC(124) * Accurate and efficient salient object detection via position prior attention
* Caption generation on scenes with seen and unseen object categories
* Dense open-set recognition based on training with noisy negative images
* Differential SfM and image correction for a rolling shutter stereo rig
* Distinguishing foreground and background alignment for unsupervised domain adaptative semantic segmentation
* Distribution regularized self-supervised learning for domain adaptation of semantic segmentation
* Few-shot personalized saliency prediction using meta-learning
* Fine-grained bidirectional attentional generation and knowledge-assisted networks for cross-modal retrieval
* H-net: Unsupervised domain adaptation person re-identification network based on hierarchy
* Hyperspherically regularized networks for self-supervision
* Implicit neural refinement based multi-view stereo network with adaptive correlation
* Improved real-time three-dimensional stereo matching with local consistency
* Lightweight multi-scale convolutional neural network for real time stereo matching
* Modeling content-attribute preference for personalized image esthetics assessment
* Monocular depth estimation with spatially coherent sliced network
* Object aspect classification and 6DoF pose estimation
* Output-targeted baseline for neuron attribution calculation
* Tackling multiple object tracking with complicated motions: Re-designing the integration of motion and appearance
* Texture classification-based feature processing for violence-based anomaly detection in crowded environments
* Twin relaxed least squares regression with classwise mean constraint for image classification
* Zero-shot unsupervised image-to-image translation via exploiting semantic attributes
21 for IVC(124)

IVC(125) * Boosting semi-supervised face recognition with raw faces
* Controllable face editing for video reconstruction in human digital twins
* improved YOLOv5 method for large objects detection with multi-scale feature cross-layer fusion network, An
* Late feature supplement network for early action prediction
* Rich global feature guided network for monocular depth estimation

IVC(126) * AGA-GAN: Attribute Guided Attention Generative Adversarial Network with U-Net for face hallucination
* Bald eagle search optimization with deep transfer learning enabled age-invariant face recognition model
* Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
* motion model based on recurrent neural networks for visual object tracking, A
* Multi-label out-of-distribution detection via exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence of labels
* Real-time human-centric segmentation for complex video scenes
* Rotation-aware dynamic temporal consistency with spatial sparsity correlation tracking
* Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learning residuals
* Weakly supervised moment localization with natural language based on semantic reconstruction
10 for IVC(126)

IVC(127) * 3D-VDNet: Exploiting the vertical distribution characteristics of point clouds for 3D object detection and augmentation
* Collaborative learning network for head pose estimation
* controllable face forgery framework to enrich face-privacy-protection datasets, A
* Deep Shape-from-Template: Single-image quasi-isometric deformable registration and reconstruction
* NullSpaceRDAR: Regularized discriminative adaptive nullspace for object tracking
* Online multi-object tracking with d-GLMB filter based on occlusion and identity switch handling
* Relation and context augmentation network for facial expression recognition
* RGB-T tracking by modality difference reduction and feature re-selection
* SiaTrans: Siamese transformer network for RGB-D salient object detection with depth image classification
* ST-VTON: Self-supervised vision transformer for image-based virtual try-on
* Weather-degraded image semantic segmentation with multi-task knowledge distillation
11 for IVC(127)

IVC(128) * Advances in deep learning-based image recognition of product packaging
* ArCo: Attention-reinforced transformer with contrastive learning for image captioning
* Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in children with hearing impairment for a socially assistive robot platform
* Deep hybrid learning for facial expression binary classifications and predictions
* Dual global-aware propagation for few-shot learning
* Emotion detection and face recognition of drivers in autonomous vehicles in IoT platform
* Federated learning based nonlinear two-stage framework for full-reference image quality assessment: An application for biometric
* Intelligent facial expression recognition and classification using optimal deep transfer learning model
* Loss reweight in scale dimension: A simple while effective feature selection strategy for anchor-free detectors
* Multistage temporal convolution transformer for action segmentation
* Optimal deep transfer learning based ethnicity recognition on face images
* Pose-guided counterfactual inference for occluded person re-identification
* Position-guided transformer for image captioning
* Reinforced pedestrian attribute recognition with group optimization reward
* Semantic-aligned reinforced attention model for zero-shot learning
15 for IVC(128)

IVC(129) * Aggregation of attention and erasing for weakly supervised object localization
* cross-modal crowd counting method combining CNN and cross-modal transformer, A
* DFAF3D:A dual-feature-aware anchor-free single-stage 3D detector for point clouds
* Dual-level contrastive learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Exploring viewport features for semi-supervised saliency prediction in omnidirectional images
* Fast and accurate superpixel segmentation algorithm with a guidance image
* Guest Editorial: Learning with Manifolds in Computer Vision
* Modeling graph-structured contexts for image captioning
* Multi-scale interaction transformer for temporal action proposal generation
* Revisiting crowd counting: State-of-the-art, trends, and future perspectives
* TENet: Accurate light-field salient object detection with a transformer embedding network
11 for IVC(129)

IVC(13) * 3-D Shape Recovery Using a Deformable Model
* Active Space-Variant Object Recognition
* Active-Region Models for Segmenting Textures and Colors
* Assessing the Completeness Properties of Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Automated Entry System for Chinese Printed Documents
* Automatic Face Identification System Using Flexible Appearance Models
* Characterization of Optical, Electronic and Topographic Images in Fatigue Research
* Color-Based Object Recognition under Spectrally Nonuniform Illumination
* Combination of HMMs for the Representation of Printed Characters in Noisy Document Images
* Combining Point Distribution Models with Shape Models Based on Finite-Element Analysis
* Computer Vision on a Color-Blindness Plate
* Continuous Principal Distance Change for Binocular Depth-Perception
* Cooperative Strategy for Matching Multilevel Edge Primitives
* Determination of Optimal General Edge Detectors by Global Minimization of a Cost Function
* Discontinuous MRF Prior and Robust Statistics: A Comparative-Study
* Edge-Detection by Curve-Fitting
* Epipolar Curves on Surfaces
* Eyes in the Interface
* Fast image region growing
* Feature Tracking by Multiframe Relaxation
* Finding Grey-Skeletons by Iterated Pixel Removal
* Fitting Grey Level Point Distribution Models to Animals in Scenes
* Fractals: A Fast, Accurate and Illuminating Algorithm
* From Inspection to Process Understanding and Monitoring: A View on Computer Vision in Manufacturing
* Fuzzy State Machines to Recognize Totally Unconstructed Handwritten Strokes
* Gabor function-based medical image compression
* Image Normalization for Pattern-Recognition
* Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
* Improved Mirroring And Rotation Functions For Linear Quadtree Leaves
* Inferring the 3D Shape Formed by Plane Surfaces from Isoluminance Curves
* Intentional Control of Camera Look Direction and Viewpoint in an Active Vision System
* Local Feature Detector Using 3-Point Matching and Dynamic-Programming
* Medical Computer Vision, Virtual-Reality and Robotics
* Method for Matching General Stereo Planar Curves
* Motion Analysis Via Interframe Point Correspondence Establishment
* Motion Estimation Method Using a 3D Steerable Filter
* Motion-Based Recognition: A Survey
* Neural-Network-Based Inspection of Solder Joints Using a Circular Illumination
* New segmentation techniques for document image analysis
* Nonlinear Generalization of Point Distribution Models Using Polynomial Regression
* Nonlinear Scale-Space
* Optimal Parameter Selection for Derivative Estimation from Range Images
* Optimization Approaches to Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Computer Vision
* Pattern-Recognition by Homomorphic Graph Matching Using Hopfield Neural Networks
* Polarization Camera Sensors
* Probabilistic and Nonprobabilistic Hough Transforms: Overview and Comparisons
* Radar image processing for ship-traffic control
* Real-Time Corner Detection Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
* Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex-Hull Computation from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
* Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
* Self-Organizing Hopfield Network for Attributed Relational Graph Matching
* Shape-Description and Recognition by a Multiresolution Approach
* Skeletonization Using an Extended Euclidean Distance Transform
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1994
* Superficial and deep structure in linear diffusion scale space: isophotes, critical points and separatrices
* Symmetry Detection Through Local Skewed Symmetries
* Syntactic Pattern Recognizer for Vehicle Identification Numbers
* User Programmable Visual Inspection
* Viewpoint-Invariant Representation of Generalized Cylinders Using the Symmetry Set
* Vision and Action
* Vision and Lies Approach to Invariance
63 for IVC(13)

IVC(130) * end-to-end convolutional network for estimating the essential matrix, An
* Face reenactment via generative landmark guidance
* Faster and finer pose estimation for multiple instance objects in a single RGB image
* Feature enhancement network for stereo matching
* Human object interaction detection: Design and survey
* Object detection via inner-inter relational reasoning network
* Single stage architecture for improved accuracy real-time object detection on mobile devices
* survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID-19 era, A
* Video prediction by efficient transformers
9 for IVC(130)

IVC(131) * Conditional generative data-free knowledge distillation
* Decoupled contributed attribute-object composition detection
* Dual-branch adaptive attention transformer for occluded person re-identification
* Generative Segment-pose Representation based Augmentation (GSRA) for unsupervised person re-identification
* Intelligent multimodal pedestrian detection using hybrid metaheuristic optimization with deep learning model
* Spatial-temporal graph attention network for video anomaly detection
* unified RGB-T crowd counting learning framework, A
7 for IVC(131)

IVC(132) * Hierarchical interaction and pooling network for co-salient object detection
* investigational FW-MPM-LSTM approach for face recognition using defective data, An
* Language and vision based person re-identification for surveillance systems using deep learning with LIP layers
* Occluded thermal face recognition using BoCNN and radial derivative Gaussian feature descriptor
* Real-time 3D human pose estimation without skeletal a priori structures
* Region selection for occluded person re-identification via policy gradient
* Visual and textual explainability for a biometric verification system based on piecewise facial attribute analysis
7 for IVC(132)

IVC(133) * automated hyperparameter tuned deep learning model enabled facial emotion recognition for autonomous vehicle drivers, An
* Exploiting spatial and temporal context for online tracking with improved transformer
* Face mask detection using deep convolutional neural network and multi-stage image processing
* Multimodal emotion recognition using cross modal audio-video fusion with attention and deep metric learning
* optimized deep supervised hashing model for fast image retrieval, An

IVC(134) * EGRA-NeRF: Edge-Guided Ray Allocation for Neural Radiance Fields
* Face deidentification with controllable privacy protection
* Future pedestrian location prediction in first-person videos for autonomous vehicles and social robots
* Human activity recognition from UAV videos using a novel DMLC-CNN model
* MVPCC-Net: Multi-View Based Point Cloud Completion Network for MLS data
* novel facial expression recognition algorithm using geometry beta-Skeleton in fusion based on deep CNN, A
* Stacked graph bone region U-net with bone representation for hand pose estimation and semi-supervised training
* Synthetic multi-view clustering with missing relationships and instances
* Unsupervised video segmentation for multi-view daily action recognition
9 for IVC(134)

IVC(135) * 3D hand reconstruction with both shape and appearance from an RGB image
* Alleviating the generalization issue in adversarial domain adaptation networks
* complementary and contrastive network for stimulus segmentation and generalization, A
* Contrast enhancement of region of interest of backlit image for surveillance systems based on multi-illumination fusion
* Cross-stream contrastive learning for self-supervised skeleton-based action recognition
* Deep expectation-maximization network for unsupervised image segmentation and clustering
* Detection of anomaly in surveillance videos using quantum convolutional neural networks
* Dictionary-enabled efficient training of ConvNets for image classification
* Extended neighborhood-based road and median filter for impulse noise removal from depth map
* FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking with multi-level features fusion and joint classification-regression
* Improved YOLOX-X based UAV aerial photography object detection algorithm
* Multi-level feature disentanglement network for cross-dataset face forgery detection
* Multiscale features integration based multiple-in-single-out network for object detection
* Problem-dependent attention and effort in neural networks with applications to image resolution and model selection
* Robust visual tracking based on modified mayfly optimization algorithm
* Self-knowledge distillation based on knowledge transfer from soft to hard examples
* semantic fusion based approach for express bill detection in complex scenes, A
* SFincBuster: Spoofed fingerprint buster via incremental learning using leverage bagging classifier
* Synthetic data for face recognition: Current state and future prospects
* SyPer: Synthetic periocular data for quantized light-weight recognition in the NIR and visible domains
* Traffic sign recognition using proposed lightweight twig-net with linear discriminant classifier for biometric application
21 for IVC(135)

IVC(136) * ABC: Aligning binary centers for single-stage monocular 3D object detection
* Accurate video saliency prediction via hierarchical fusion and temporal recurrence
* Adversarial anchor-guided feature refinement for adversarial defense
* Automatic Deep Sparse Multi-Trial Vector-based Differential Evolution clustering with manifold learning and incremental technique
* AutoSegEdge: Searching for the edge device real-time semantic segmentation based on multi-task learning
* COME: Clip-OCR and Master ObjEct for text image captioning
* Contrastive learning with semantic consistency constraint
* dedicated benchmark for contour-based corner detection evaluation, A
* Easy pair selection method for Kinship Verification using fixed age group images
* Emotion recognition at a distance: The robustness of machine learning based on hand-crafted facial features vs deep learning models
* Engagement detection and enhancement for STEM education through computer vision, augmented reality, and haptics
* IAC-ReCAM: Two-dimensional attention modulation and category label guidance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Improving distinctiveness in video captioning with text-video similarity
* Learning more discriminative clues with gradual attention for fine-grained visual categorization
* Loss-aware automatic selection of structured pruning criteria for deep neural network acceleration
* MCANet: Hierarchical cross-fusion lightweight transformer based on multi-ConvHead attention for object detection
* MODE: Monocular omnidirectional depth estimation via consistent depth fusion
* multi-view human gait recognition using hybrid whale and gray wolf optimization algorithm with a random forest classifier, A
* P3DC-shot: Prior-driven discrete data calibration for nearest-neighbor few-shot classification
* PAGML: Precise Alignment Guided Metric Learning for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
* Pruning-and-distillation: One-stage joint compression framework for CNNs via clustering
* regressive encoder-decoder-based deep attention model for segmentation of fetal head in 2D-ultrasound images, A
* Single image dehazing using extended local dark channel prior
* Spontaneous visual database for detecting learning-centered emotions during online learning
* Student behavior recognition for interaction detection in the classroom environment
* Who is partner: A new perspective on data association of multi-object tracking
26 for IVC(136)

IVC(137) * 3D human body modeling with orthogonal human mask image based on multi-channel Swin transformer architecture
* Anchor-based discriminative dual distribution calibration for transductive zero-shot learning
* ATOM: Self-supervised human action recognition using atomic motion representation learning
* Attentive spatial-temporal contrastive learning for self-supervised video representation
* Deep robust multi-channel learning subspace clustering networks
* Discriminable feature enhancement for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Distilling knowledge for occlusion robust monocular 3D face reconstruction
* Dynamic texture analysis using Temporal Gray scale Pattern Image for water surface velocity measurement
* EatSense: Human centric, action recognition and localization dataset for understanding eating behaviors and quality of motion assessment
* Effective hybrid attention network based on pseudo-color enhancement in ultrasound image segmentation
* Efficient unsupervised learning of biological images with compressed deep features
* end-to-end anti-shaking multi-focus image fusion approach, An
* FgbCNN: A unified bilinear architecture for learning a fine-grained feature representation in facial expression recognition
* FSformer: Fast-Slow Transformer for video action recognition
* Generation-based contrastive model with semantic alignment for generalized zero-shot learning
* GW-net: An efficient grad-CAM consistency neural network with weakening of random erasing features for semi-supervised person re-identification
* Joint representation and classifier learning for long-tailed image classification
* LDWS-net: A learnable deep wavelet scattering network for RGB salient object detection
* Lightweight image denoising network with four-channel interaction transform
* Multi parallel U-net encoder network for effective polyp image segmentation
* novel approach for bias mitigation of gender classification algorithms using consistency regularization, A
* PatchMixer: Rethinking network design to boost generalization for 3D point cloud understanding
* Perceiving local relative motion and global correlations for weakly supervised group activity recognition
* Qualitative failures of image generation models and their application in detecting deepfakes
* Temporal information oriented motion accumulation and selection network for RGB-based action recognition
* Temporally consistent reconstruction of 3D clothed human surface with warp field
* Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identification with margin self-punishment loss
* Unsupervised person re-identification by dynamic hybrid contrastive learning
* USMLP: U-shaped Sparse-MLP network for mass segmentation in mammograms
* VAESim: A probabilistic approach for self-supervised prototype discovery
* Visual tracking using transformer with a combination of convolution and attention
* WPE: Weighted prototype estimation for few-shot learning
32 for IVC(137)

IVC(138) * AESPNet: Attention Enhanced Stacked Parallel Network to improve automatic Diabetic Foot Ulcer identification
* Bidirectional Attentional Interaction Networks for RGB-D salient object detection
* Context-aware and part alignment for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Domain adaptive person search via GAN-based scene synthesis for cross-scene videos
* Enhancement method for non-uniform scattering images of turbid underwater based on neural network
* Fuzzy set-based Bernoulli Random Noise Weighted Loss for unsupervised person re-identification
* Multi-focus image fusion using structure-guided flow
* multi-scale perceptual polyp segmentation network based on boundary guidance, A
* Real-time gait biometrics for surveillance applications: A review
* Speaker independent VSR: A systematic review and futuristic applications
* StyleDiff: Attribute comparison between unlabeled datasets in latent disentangled space
* supervised approach for the detection of AM-FM signals' interference regions in spectrogram images, A
* Time-shift image enhancement method
* Visible-infrared person re-identification using high utilization mismatch amending triplet loss
14 for IVC(138)

IVC(139) * BF3D: Bi-directional fusion 3D detector with semantic sampling and geometric mapping
* Diabetic retinopathy grading review: Current techniques and future directions
* Dual-scale point cloud completion network based on high-frequency feature fusion
* Exploring Cross-Video Matching for Few-Shot Video Classification via Dual-Hierarchy Graph Neural Network Learning
* Frequency and content dual stream network for image dehazing
* GFFT: Global-local feature fusion transformers for facial expression recognition in the wild
* Lightweight multi-scale attention-guided network for real-time semantic segmentation
* Multi-layer capsule network with joint dynamic routing for fire recognition
* One-shot Ultra-high-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network That Synthesizes 16K Images On A Single GPU
* SDE-RAE:CLIP-based realistic image reconstruction and editing network using stochastic differential diffusion
* Self-supervised Vision Transformers for 3D pose estimation of novel objects
* Two-stage coarse-to-fine image anomaly segmentation and detection model
* µPEWFace: Parallel ensemble of weighted deep convolutional neural networks with novel loss functions for face-based authentication
13 for IVC(139)

IVC(14) * Active Shape Models And The Shape Approximation Problem
* Alternative Strategies for Irregular Pyramid Construction
* Authentication of Random Patterns by Finding a Match in an Image Database
* Automated Urban Area Building Extraction from High-Resolution Stereo Imagery
* Automated-System for Coarse-to-Fine Pyramidal Area Correlation Stereo Matching
* Bayesian Image Classification Using Markov Random-Fields
* Camera Model for Reciprocal-Wedge Transform
* Closing the Loop: Detection and Pursuit of a Moving Object By a Moving Observer
* Color Texture Segmentation for Clothing in a Computer-Aided Fashion Design System
* Connectionist Median Filtering Networks
* Constant-Time Algorithm for Computing the Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Mesh
* Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform
* Curvature Sensitive Filter and Its Application in Microfossil Image Characterization
* Defect Detection in Random Color Textures
* Detection and Tracking of Independent Motion
* Direct Surface Parameter-Estimation Using Structured Light: A Predictor-Corrector Based Approach
* Edge Linking by a Directional Potential Function (DPF)
* Efficient 3D Deformable Model with a Self-Optimizing Mesh, An
* Efficient Evaluations of Edge-Connectivity and Width Uniformity
* Estimation of Depth and 3D Motion Parameter of Moving Object with Multiple Stereo Images
* Extending the Point Distribution Model Using Polar Coordinates
* Fast Visual Tracking by Temporal Consensus
* Flexible 3D Models from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Flexible Color Point Distribution Models
* Fractal Image-Coding System Based on an Adaptive Side-Coupling Quadtree Structure
* Future-Directions in Industrial Machine Vision: A Case-Study of Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications
* Generating Spatiotemporal Models From Examples
* Generic Object Recognition Using Multiple Representations
* Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition by Greedy Matching with Geometric Constraint
* Hierarchical Contour Matching in Medical Images
* Human-Robot Interface by Pointing with Uncalibrated Stereo Vision
* Image Compression Using Nonstationary and Inhomogeneous Multiresolution Analyses
* Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Using Fuzzy Ring Data
* Invariant Object Recognition Using a Neural Template Classifier
* Learning the Distribution of Object Trajectories for Event Recognition
* Learning-Based Method to Recognize and Localize Glassware Using Laser Range Images
* Median-Type Filters with Model-Based Preselection Masks
* Metric-Topological Approach to Shape Representation and Recognition
* Modeling Grey Level Surfaces Using 3-Dimensional Point Distribution Models
* Multichannel Image Restorations Using an Iterative Algorithm in Space Domain
* New Algorithm for Calculating an Invariant of 3D Point Sets from a Single View
* Object-Oriented Data Model for Scanning Probe Microscopy Image-Processing
* On the Creation of Quadtrees by Using a Branching-Process
* Parallel Entropic Auto-Thresholding
* Probabilistic Feature-Labeling Schemes: Modeling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions
* Projective Calibration of a Laser-Stripe Range Finder
* Promising Research: Vision-Based Robot Positioning Using Neural Networks
* Qualitative Primitive Identification Using Fuzzy Clustering and Invariant Approach
* Realistic Range Rendering for Object Hypothesis Verification
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Primitives in Music Scores
* Robust Algorithm for Separation of Chinese Characters from Line-Drawings, A
* Robust Method for Road Sign Detection and Recognition
* Segmentation of Planar Curves into Circular Arcs and Line Segments
* Self-Alignment of a Binocular Robot
* Skeletonization Algorithm Running on Path-Based Distance Maps
* Spatial Contours for Vision and CAD Model-Matching
* Statistical Estimation for Exterior Orientation from Line-to-Line Correspondences
* Statistical Grey-Level Models for Object Location and Identification
* Statistical Mosaics for Tracking
* Structure Adaptive Anisotropic Image Filtering
* Structure-from-Motion Techniques Applied to Crop Field-Mapping
* Tracking and Measuring Drivers Eyes
* Vision-Based Navigation System for an Endoscope
63 for IVC(14)

IVC(140) * Accurate and robust visual SLAM with a novel ray-to-ray line measurement model
* Adversarial color projection: A projector-based physical-world attack to DNNs
* AGLC-GAN: Attention-based global-local cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks for unpaired single image dehazing
* Cross-domain car detection model with integrated convolutional block attention mechanism
* DGSN: Learning how to segment pedestrians from other datasets for occluded person re-identification
* DiPS: Discriminative pseudo-label sampling with self-supervised transformers for weakly supervised object localization
* Exploiting recollection effects for memory-based video object segmentation
* External knowledge-assisted Transformer for image captioning
* Face and body-shape integration model for cloth-changing person re-identification
* few-shot learning-based ischemic stroke segmentation system using weighted MRI fusion, A
* Improving defocus blur detection via adaptive supervision prior-tokens
* Improving metric-based few-shot learning with dynamically scaled softmax loss
* KAN-AV dataset for audio-visual face and speech analysis in the wild
* Lightweight detection network based on receptive-field feature enhancement convolution and three dimensions attention for images captured by UAVs
* Multi-modal spatial relational attention networks for visual question answering
* Perception-guided defocus blur detection based on SVD feature
* Pose aligned modality-invariant feature learning for NIR-VIS heterogeneous face recognition
* Reconstruction with robustness: A semantic prior guided face super-resolution framework for multiple degradations
* Relation-balanced graph convolutional network for 3D human pose estimation
* RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object detection dataset for UAVs
* STRFormer: Spatial-Temporal-ReTemporal Transformer for 3D human pose estimation
21 for IVC(140)

IVC(141) * Cross channel weight sharing for image classification
* Few-shot classification with multisemantic information fusion network
* Improved SiamCAR with ranking-based pruning and optimization for efficient UAV tracking
* locally weighted, correlated subdomain adaptive network employed to facilitate transfer learning, A
* Multi-scale conditional reconstruction generative adversarial network
* Open-set face recognition with maximal entropy and Objectosphere loss
* RBGAN: Realistic-generation and balanced-utility GAN for face de-identification
* ROBUSfT: Robust real-time shape-from-template, a C++ library
* robust direct linear transformation for camera pose estimation using points, A
* Transfer multi-source knowledge via scale-aware online domain adaptation in depth estimation for autonomous driving
* triple refinement of self-paced learning style for unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification, The
11 for IVC(141)

IVC(142) * Appearance flow estimation for online virtual clothing warping via optimal feature linear assignment
* Camera-aware re-identification feature for multi-target multi-camera tracking
* deep learning-based illumination transform for devignetting photographs of dermatological lesions, A
* Distance metric-based learning for long-tail object detection
* EESSO: Exploiting Extreme and Smooth Signals via Omni-frequency learning for Text-based Person Retrieval
* EFDCNet: Encoding Fusion and Decoding Correction Network for RGB-D Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Enhancing lung abnormalities diagnosis using hybrid DCNN-ViT-GRU model with explainable AI: A deep learning approach
* Exploiting classifier inter-level features for efficient out-of-distribution detection
* Feature extraction and representation learning of 3D point cloud data
* Improving multi-focus image fusion through Noisy image and feature difference network
* LSTPNet: Long short-term perception network for dynamic facial expression recognition in the wild
* novel approach for breast cancer detection using optimized ensemble learning framework and XAI, A
* One-shot lip-based biometric authentication: Extending behavioral features with authentication phrase information
* Research on efficient detection network method for remote sensing images based on self attention mechanism
* SCTrans: Self-align and cross-align transformer for few-shot segmentation
* SDSDet: A real-time object detector for small, dense, multi-scale remote sensing objects
* SGF3D: Similarity-guided fusion network for 3D object detection
* Speech driven video editing via an audio-conditioned diffusion model
* Three dimensional tracking of rigid objects in motion using 2D optical flows
* Top-tuning: A study on transfer learning for an efficient alternative to fine tuning for image classification with fast kernel methods
* Universal domain adaptation from multiple black-box sources
* Variation-aware semantic image synthesis
* Weakly supervised point cloud semantic segmentation with the fusion of heterogeneous network features
23 for IVC(142)

IVC(143) * Audio-visual saliency prediction with multisensory perception and integration
* BPMB: BayesCNNs with perturbed multi-branch structure for robust facial expression recognition
* Computer vision and deep learning meet plankton: Milestones and future directions
* CVAD-GAN: Constrained video anomaly detection via generative adversarial network
* Deep hybrid manifold for image set classification
* Deep learning methods for single camera based clinical in-bed movement action recognition
* Depth awakens: A depth-perceptual attention fusion network for RGB-D camouflaged object detection
* Drone-NeRF: Efficient NeRF based 3D scene reconstruction for large-scale drone survey
* ECT: Fine-grained edge detection with learned cause tokens
* EMNet: Edge-guided multi-level network for salient object detection in low-light images
* Explicit knowledge transfer of graph-based correlation distillation and diversity data hallucination for few-shot object detection
* Feature attention fusion network for occluded person re-identification
* Foreground and background separated image style transfer with a single text condition
* Gated contextual transformer network for multi-modal retinal image clinical description generation
* Image-based human re-identification: Which covariates are actually (the most) important?
* impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance retrieval with highly similar appearance: An empirical study, The
* Integrating prior knowledge into a bibranch pyramid network for medical image segmentation
* Multi-branch residual image semantic segmentation combined with inverse weight gated-control
* Multi-view daily action recognition based on Hooke balanced matrix and broad learning system
* Multiple object detection and tracking from drone videos based on GM-YOLO and multi-tracker
* Noisy label facial expression recognition via face-specific label distribution learning
* Non-probability sampling network based on anomaly pedestrian trajectory discrimination for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Person search over security video surveillance systems using deep learning methods: A review
* Point-level feature learning based on vision transformer for occluded person re-identification
* R2-trans: Fine-grained visual categorization with redundancy reduction
* Recent advances in deterministic human motion prediction: A review
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Domain Sematic High-Order Network
* Shadow detection using a cross-attentional dual-decoder network with self-supervised image reconstruction features
28 for IVC(143)

IVC(144) * Attention guided multi-level feature aggregation network for camouflaged object detection
* C2F: An effective coarse-to-fine network for video summarization
* Camouflaged Object Detection via Cross-Level Refinement and Interaction Network
* deep feature fusion network with global context and cross-dimensional dependencies for classification of mild cognitive impairment from brain MRI, A
* Feature decoupling and interaction network for defending against adversarial examples
* Gaze analysis: A survey on its applications
* Image captioning: Semantic selection unit with stacked residual attention
* improved skin lesion detection solution using multi-step preprocessing features and NASNet transfer learning model, An
* Improved YOLOv7 models based on modulated deformable convolution and swin transformer for object detection in fisheye images
* MRFormer: Multiscale retractable transformer for medical image progressive denoising via noise level estimation
* Multi-axis interactive multidimensional attention network for vehicle re-identification
* Multi-Depth Branch Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-object tracking with adaptive measurement noise and information fusion
* Nonlinear circumference-based robust ellipse detection in low-SNR images
* Point-2s reinforcement learning biomimetic model for estimating and analyzing human 3D motion posture, A
* POSER: POsed vs Spontaneous Emotion Recognition using fractal encoding
* PTET: A progressive token exchanging transformer for infrared and visible image fusion
* Robust visual tracking via modified Harris hawks optimization
18 for IVC(144)

IVC(145) * Arbitrary 3D stylization of radiance fields
* Authenticating and securing healthcare records: A deep learning-based zero watermarking approach
* efficient deep learning architecture for effective fire detection in smart surveillance, An
* efficient feature pyramid attention network for person re-identification, An
* Enhancing fall prediction in the elderly people using LBP features and transfer learning model
* Enhancing open-set domain adaptation through unknown-filtering multi-classifier adversarial network
* Enhancing temporal action localization in an end-to-end network through estimation error incorporation
* Feature disparity learning for weakly supervised object localization
* Flexible multi-objective particle swarm optimization clustering with game theory to address human activity discovery fully unsupervised
* Integration of ultrasound and mammogram for multimodal classification of breast cancer using hybrid residual neural network and machine learning
* MLCapsNet+: A multi-capsule network for the identification of the HIV ISs along important sequence positions
* Model-agnostic progressive saliency map generation for object detector
* RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
* Semantic segmentation using cross-stage feature reweighting and efficient self-attention
* Siamese network to assess scanner-related contrast variability in MRI
15 for IVC(145)

IVC(146) * 3D motion image recognition model based on 3D CNN-GRU model and attention mechanism, A
* 3D multi-scale CycleGAN framework for generating synthetic PETs from MRIs for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, A
* AES-Net: An adapter and enhanced self-attention guided network for multi-stage glaucoma classification using fundus images
* Alignment and fusion for adaptive domain nighttime semantic segmentation
* Attribute discrimination combined with selected sample dropout for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* Bilateral regularized optimization model for edge-preserving image smoothing
* Comparison of fine-tuning strategies for transfer learning in medical image classification
* Deep learning and genetic algorithm-based ensemble model for feature selection and classification of breast ultrasound images
* Deep learning with adaptive convolutions for classification of retinal diseases via optical coherence tomography
* Detection of dental periapical lesions using retinex based image enhancement and lightweight deep learning model
* EMOVA: Emotion-driven neural volumetric avatar
* Evaluation and analysis of feature point detection methods based on vSLAM systems
* Exploring modality enhancement and compensation spaces for visible-infrared person re-identification
* GLIMS: Attention-guided lightweight multi-scale hybrid network for volumetric semantic segmentation
* Heterogeneous heatmap distillation framework based on unbiased alignment for lightweight human pose estimation
* Image recognition based on lightweight convolutional neural network: Recent advances
* Lightweight convolutional neural networks with context broadcast transformer for real-time semantic segmentation
* Localization-aware logit mimicking for object detection in adverse weather conditions
* Mixup Mask Adaptation: Bridging the gap between input saliency and representations via attention mechanism in feature mixup
* Moment preserving tomographic image reconstruction model
* new multi-picture architecture for learned video deinterlacing and demosaicing with parallel deformable convolution and self-attention blocks, A
* Non-invasive coronary artery disease identification through the iris and bio-demographic health profile features using stacking learning
* Optimal fusion of features from decomposed ultrasound RF data with adaptive weighted ensemble classifier to improve breast lesion classification
* ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learning strategy for moving object detection, A
* Robust ensemble person reidentification via orthogonal fusion with occlusion handling
* SADGFeat: Learning local features with layer spatial attention and domain generalization
* SAKD: Sparse attention knowledge distillation
* Semantic segmentation of large-scale point clouds by integrating attention mechanisms and transformer models
* spatiotemporal motion prediction network based on multi-level feature disentanglement, A
* Starting from the structure: A review of small object detection based on deep learning
* SwinSOD: Salient object detection using swin-transformer
* three in one bottom-up framework for simultaneous semantic segmentation, instance segmentation and classification of multi-organ nuclei in digital cancer histology, A
* three-dimensional human motion pose recognition algorithm based on graph convolutional networks, A
* Transductive semantic decoupling double variational inference for few-shot classification
* TransMix: Crafting highly transferable adversarial examples to evade face recognition models
* Underwater image quality optimization: Researches, challenges, and future trends
* Video anomaly detection based on a multi-layer reconstruction autoencoder with a variance attention strategy
* WaveletFormerNet: A Transformer-based wavelet network for real-world non-homogeneous and dense fog removal
38 for IVC(146)

IVC(147) * Acute lymphocytic leukemia detection and subtype classification via extended wavelet pooling based-CNNs and statistical-texture features
* AM-BQA: Enhancing blind image quality assessment using attention retractable features and multi-dimensional learning
* ASF-YOLO: A novel YOLO model with attentional scale sequence fusion for cell instance segmentation
* Black-box reversible adversarial examples with invertible neural network
* Blind deblurring text images via Beltrami regularization
* BMFNet: Bifurcated Multi-Modal Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* CABnet: A channel attention dual adversarial balancing network for multimodal image fusion
* CollaborativeBEV: Collaborative bird eye view for reconstructing crowded environment
* CSRNet: Focusing on critical points for depth completion
* data augmentation approach that ensures the reliability of foregrounds in medical image segmentation, A
* Deep learning-based efficient diagnosis of periapical diseases with dental X-rays
* Depth assisted novel view synthesis using few images
* Detection of objects in satellite and aerial imagery using channel and spatially attentive YOLO-CSL for surveillance
* Detection of tuberculosis using customized MobileNet and transfer learning from chest X-ray image
* Exploring the influence of attention for whole-image mammogram classification
* Expression-aware neural radiance fields for high-fidelity talking portrait synthesis
* Feature alignment via mutual mapping for few-shot fine-grained visual classification
* G-TRACE: Grouped temporal recalibration for video object segmentation
* Giving loss a personal course: Universal loss reweighting to improve stereo matching via uncertainty guidance
* Hourglass cascaded recurrent stereo matching network
* HV-YOLOv8 by HDPconv: Better lightweight detectors for small object detection
* IGIE-net: Cross-modality person re-identification via intermediate modality image generation and discriminative information enhancement
* JGULF: Joint Global and Unilateral Local Feature Network for Micro-Expression Recognition
* LVP-net: A deep network of learning visual pathway for edge detection
* Matte anything: Interactive natural image matting with segment anything model
* Multimodal parallel attention network for medical image segmentation
* multitask tensor-based relation network for cloth-changing person re-identification, A
* Proactive hybrid learning framework for real-time multi-vehicle detection in unregulated traffic environments
* PW-NeRF: Progressive wavelet-mask guided neural radiance fields view synthesis
* Social robot in service of the cognitive therapy of elderly people: Exploring robot acceptance in a real-world scenario
* Temporal refinement network: Combining dynamic convolution and multi-scale information for fine-grained action recognition
* TQRFormer: Tubelet query recollection transformer for action detection
* VAE-GAN3D: Leveraging image-based semantics for 3D zero-shot recognition
* YOLIC: An efficient method for object localization and classification on edge devices
34 for IVC(147)

IVC(148) * Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via Dynamically Balancing Domainness and Uncertainty
* Adaptive attribute distribution similarity for few-shot learning
* Adversarial attacks and defenses in person search: A systematic mapping study and taxonomy
* Bidirectional scale-aware upsampling network for arbitrary-scale video super-resolution
* Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal tract image analysis: A systematic review and futuristic applications
* CrowdAlign: Shared-weight dual-level alignment fusion for RGB-T crowd counting
* DASOD: Detail-aware salient object detection
* DFG-HCEN: A distinctive-feature guided and hierarchical channel enhanced network-based infrared and visible image fusion
* DFSTrack: Dual-stream fusion Siamese network for human pose tracking in videos
* Dual-consistency constraints network for noisy facial expression recognition
* enhanced approach for few-shot segmentation via smooth downsampling mask and label smoothing loss, An
* Enhancing consistency in virtual try-on: A novel diffusion-based approach
* Enhancing small object tracking with reversible rescaling networks
* Environmentally adaptive fast object detection in UAV images
* From darkness to clarity: A comprehensive review of contemporary image shadow removal research (2017-2023)
* Hierarchical slice interaction and multi-layer cooperative decoding networks for remote sensing image dehazing
* IIMT-net: Poly-1 weights balanced multi-task network for semantic segmentation and depth estimation using interactive information
* Indirect deformable image registration using synthetic image generated by unsupervised deep learning
* LELD: Learn enhancement by learning degradation
* Localization of diffusion model-based inpainting through the inter-intra similarity of frequency features
* method of degradation mechanism-based unsupervised remote sensing image super-resolution, A
* MINet: Modality interaction network for unified multi-modal tracking
* Mitigating human fall injuries: A novel system utilizing 3D 4-stream convolutional neural networks and image fusion
* Modality interactive attention for cross-modality person re-identification
* multi-branch dual attention segmentation network for epiphyte drone images, A
* Multi-branch progressive embedding network for crowd counting
* Nighttime image semantic segmentation with retinex theory
* Occlusion-aware deep convolutional neural network via homogeneous Tanh-transforms for face parsing
* OFACD: An end-to-end change detection network for small UAVs remote sensing with viewpoint differences
* Omnidirectional image quality assessment with local-global vision transformers
* Pedestrian detection in low-light conditions: A comprehensive survey
* Person re-identification by utilizing hierarchical spatial relation reasoning
* Predictive breast cancer diagnosis using ensemble fuzzy model
* puzzle questions form training for self-supervised skeleton-based action recognition, A
* RAD-BNN: Regulating activation distribution for accurate binary neural network
* ragBERT: Relationship-aligned and grammar-wise BERT model for image captioning
* SMTCNN - A global spatio-temporal texture convolutional neural network for 3D dynamic texture recognition
* TIE-KD: Teacher-independent and explainable knowledge distillation for monocular depth estimation
* Two-dimensional hybrid incremental learning (2DHIL) framework for semantic segmentation of skin tissues
* Two-dimensional hybrid incremental learning (2DHIL) framework for semantic segmentation of skin tissues
* Two-dimensional hybrid incremental learning (2DHIL) framework for semantic segmentation of skin tissues
* Underwater image enhancement based on global features and prior distribution guided
* Video captioning based on dual learning via multiple reconstruction blocks
* Video object segmentation by multi-scale attention using bidirectional strategy
* Visual tracking based on spatiotemporal transformer and fusion sequences
* Wav2NeRF: Audio-driven realistic talking head generation via wavelet-based NeRF
46 for IVC(148)

IVC(149) * AI-powered trustable and explainable fall detection system using transfer learning
* Artificial immune systems for data augmentation
* CoNPL: Consistency training framework with noise-aware pseudo labeling for dense pose estimation
* Enhancing cervical cancer diagnosis: Integrated attention-transformer system with weakly supervised learning
* EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification based on parameter-shared multi-head self-attention
* EVA-02: A visual representation for neon genesis
* Event-driven weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Exploring global context and position-aware representation for group activity recognition
* Exploring holistic discriminative representation for micro-expression recognition via contrastive learning
* FTAN: Frame-to-frame temporal alignment network with contrastive learning for few-shot action recognition
* GAN-BodyPose: Real-time 3D human body pose data key point detection and quality assessment assisted by generative adversarial network
* GDM-depth: Leveraging global dependency modelling for self-supervised indoor depth estimation
* Hierarchical disentangled representation for image denoising and beyond
* Hybrid attention transformer with re-parameterized large kernel convolution for image super-resolution
* instance-level data balancing method for object detection via contextual information alignment, An
* Joint training strategy of unimodal and multimodal for multimodal sentiment analysis
* LDConv: Linear deformable convolution for improving convolutional neural networks
* M2VAD: Multiview multimodality transformer-based weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Multi-label recognition in open driving scenarios based on bipartite-driven superimposed dynamic graph
* Multi-task disagreement-reducing multimodal sentiment fusion network
* Multiscale segmentation net for segregating heterogeneous brain tumors: Gliomas on multimodal MR images
* novel facial expression recognition model based on harnessing complementary features in multi-scale network with attention fusion, A
* novel infrared and visible image fusion algorithm based on global information-enhanced attention network, A
* PMANet: Progressive multi-stage attention networks for skin disease classification
* QSMT-net: A query-sensitive proposal and multi-temporal-span matching network for video grounding
* Relational-branchformer: Novel framework for audio-visual speech recognition
* Semantics feature sampling for point-based 3D object detection
* semi-parallel CNN-transformer fusion network for semantic change detection, A
* STAFFormer: Spatio-temporal adaptive fusion transformer for efficient 3D human pose estimation
* Superpixel conditional generation adversarial network for CMR artifact correction
* Transferable dual multi-granularity semantic excavating for partially relevant video retrieval
* Visionary vigilance: Optimized YOLOV8 for fallen person detection with large-scale benchmark dataset
32 for IVC(149)

IVC(15) * 2D Feature Detection Via Local Energy
* 2D Image Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning-Trees
* 2D into 3D Hough-Space Mapping for Planar Object Pose Estimation
* 3-D Shape Approximation Using Parametric Geons
* Accurate Matching of 2-Dimensional Shapes Using the Minimal Tolerance Zone Error
* Affine Integral Invariants For Extracting Symmetry Axes
* Approximate String-Matching Algorithm for Online Chinese Character-Recognition, An
* Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Blind Restoration of Images Degraded by Space-Variant Blurs Using Iterative Algorithms for Both Blur Identification and Image Restoration
* British-Machine-Vision-Conference 1996
* Building Perspective Models to Guide a Row Crop Navigation Vehicle
* Class-Based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented by Volumetric Primitives
* Color Image Segmentation Using Hopfield Networks
* Color-Based Detection of Defects on Chicken Meat
* Comparison of Smooth Polynomial Functional Surfaces for Use in Alignment
* Compressed Quadtree Representations for Storing Similar Images
* Determination of Face Position and Pose with a Learned Representation Based on Labeled Graphs
* Determining Optical-Flow Using a Differential Method
* Efficient Algorithm for the Largest Empty Figure Problem-Based on a 2D Cellular-Automaton Architecture, An
* Efficient Registration of Nurbs Geometry
* Estimation of Pose and Illuminant Direction for Face Processing
* Fast Encoding Algorithms for Tree Structured Vector Quantization
* Faster Fractal Image Compression Using Quadtree Recomposition
* Feature-Based Human Face Detection
* From Discs to Parts of Visual Form
* Fusion of Color and Edge Information for Improved Segmentation and Edge Linking
* Genetic Algorithm for Aligning Object Shapes, A
* HOT Curves for Modeling and Recognition of Smooth Curved 3D Objects
* Improved Generalized Hough Transform for the Recognition of Overlapping Objects, An
* Indexing Pictorial Documents by Their Content: A Survey of Current Techniques
* Interpreting Line-Drawings of Curved Objects with Tangential Edges and Surfaces
* Iterative Shape Recovery From Multiple Images
* Linear Projective Reconstruction from Matching Tensors
* Measuring Body Points on Automobile Drivers Using Multiple Cameras
* MLP-Based Texture Segmentation Method without Selecting a Feature Set, An
* Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Orthographic Approximations
* Neural Networks in Human Motion Tracking: An Experimental Study
* New Automatic Multilevel Thresholding Technique for Segmentation of Thermal Images
* New Edge Detector Integrating Scale-Spectrum Information, A
* New Method for Image Separation of Overlapped Images from a Two-Layered Printed Circuit Board (PCB), A
* New Wavelet-Based Edge Detector via Constrained Optimization, A
* Noise Robustness of Texture Features
* Nonlinear Point Distribution Modeling Using a Multilayer Perceptron
* Object Recognition by Deterministic Annealing
* On 3D Differential-Operators for Detecting Point Landmarks
* Optimal 3x3 Decomposable Disks for Morphological Transformations
* Optimal Mapping of Graph Homomorphism onto Self-Organizing Hopfield Network
* Panel Report: The Potential Of Geons For Generic 3-D Object Recognition
* Parameter-Estimation Techniques: A Tutorial with Application to Conic Fitting
* Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion
* Polarization Vision: A New Sensory Approach to Image Understanding
* Range Data-Acquisition Using Color Structured Lighting and Stereo Vision
* Recursive Resolving Algorithm For Multiple Stereo And Motion Matches
* Registering Incomplete Radar Images Using the EM Algorithm
* Resolution Consideration in Spatially Variant Sensors
* Robust Parameterization and Computation of the Trifocal Tensor
* Robust Statistical-Models for Cell Image Interpretation
* Scale-Imprecision Space
* Scale-Space Semilocal Invariants
* Scene Interpretation by Fusion of Segment and Region Information
* Segmentation and Recognition of Arabic Characters by Structural Classification
* Self-Calibration from Four Views with Possibly Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Self-Calibration of a Moving Zoom-Lens Camera by Pre-Calibration
* Shape-Adapted Smoothing in Estimation of 3-D Shape Cues from Affine Deformations of Local 2-D Brightness Structure
* Simple Parametric Equation for Pseudocoloring Grey-Scale Images Keeping Their Original Brightness Progression, A
* Simplifications of Multilinear Forms for Sequences of Images
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1995
* Subjective Image Fidelity Metric Based on Bit Allocation of the Human Visual-System in the DCT Domain
* Surface Texture Analysis Based Upon the Visually Acquired Perturbation of Surface Normals
* Texture Synthesis by L-Systems
* Textured Image Segmentation: Returning Multiple Solutions
* Tracking and Recognizing Hand Gestures, Using Statistical Shape Models
* Triplet Geometric Representation: A Novel Scale, Translation and Rotation-Invariant Feature Representation Based on Geometric Constraints for Recognition of 2D Object Features
* Understanding the Hough Transform: Hough Cell Support and Its Utilization
* Using Light Polarization in Laser-Scanning
* Variational Method for the Recovery of Smooth Boundaries, A
* Visual Surface Segmentation from Stereo
77 for IVC(15)

IVC(150) * 3D-ISRNet: Generating 3D point clouds through image similarity retrieval in a complex background from a single image
* Black-box model adaptation for semantic segmentation
* Coplane-constrained sparse depth sampling and local depth propagation for depth estimation
* Data-driven 2D-EWT based diabetic retinopathy identification using hybrid neural network
* Detecting adversarial samples by noise injection and denoising
* Dual subspace clustering for spectral-spatial hyperspectral image clustering
* Dual temporal memory network with high-order spatio-temporal graph learning for video object segmentation
* Dual-branch teacher-student with noise-tolerant learning for domain adaptive nighttime segmentation
* DynaSeg: A deep dynamic fusion method for unsupervised image segmentation incorporating feature similarity and spatial continuity
* Enhanced human motion detection with hybrid RDA-WOA-based RNN and multiple hypothesis tracking for occlusion handling
* Generative feature-driven image replay for continual learning
* Generous teacher: Good at distilling knowledge for student learning
* HEDehazeNet: Unpaired image dehazing via enhanced haze generation
* improved attentive residue multi-dilated network for thermal noise removal in magnetic resonance images, An
* Language conditioned multi-scale visual attention networks for visual grounding
* Learning accurate monocular 3D voxel representation via bilateral voxel transformer
* Learning facial structural dependency in 3D aligned space for face alignment
* MPE-DETR: A multiscale pyramid enhancement network for object detection in low-light images
* Multi-scale feature correspondence and pseudo label retraining strategy for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Multi-Scale Large Kernel Convolution and Hybrid Attention Network for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing
* Noise-robust re-identification with triple-consistency perception
* Novel approach for fast structured light framework using deep learning
* OCUCFormer: An Over-Complete Under-Complete Transformer Network for accelerated MRI reconstruction
* Pro-ReID: Producing reliable pseudo labels for unsupervised person re-identification
* Probability based dynamic soft label assignment for object detection
* Reverse cross-refinement network for camouflaged object detection
* Ricci curvature based volumetric segmentation
* SAM-RSP: A new few-shot segmentation method based on segment anything model and rough segmentation prompts
* SDMNet: Spatially dilated multi-scale network for object detection for drone aerial imagery
* Segmentation-aware MRI subsampling for efficient cardiac MRI reconstruction with reinforcement learning
* Semi-supervised medical image segmentation via cross teaching between MobileNet and MobileViT
* Simultaneous image patch attention and pruning for patch selective transformer
* Source domain prior-assisted segment anything model for single domain generalization in medical image segmentation
* streamlined framework for BEV-based 3D object detection with prior masking, A
* Synthetic lidar point cloud generation using deep generative models for improved driving scene object recognition
* Triplet-set feature proximity learning for video anomaly detection
* Underwater image restoration based on light attenuation prior and color-contrast adaptive correction
* UTR: A UNet-like transformer for efficient unsupervised medical image registration
* Video object segmentation based on dynamic perception update and feature fusion
* Visible thermal person re-identification via multi-branch modality residual complementary learning
* W-shaped network combined with dual transformers and edge protection for multi-focus image fusion
* ZSDT: Zero-shot domain translation for real-world super-resolution
42 for IVC(150)

IVC(151) * 3D face alignment through fusion of head pose information and features
* Adaptive graph reasoning network for object detection
* AGIL-SwinT: Attention-guided inconsistency learning for face forgery detection
* Automated grading of diabetic retinopathy and Radiomics analysis on ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography scans
* Automatic deep sparse clustering with a dynamic population-based evolutionary algorithm using reinforcement learning and transfer learning
* Automatic segmentation of deep endometriosis in the rectosigmoid using deep learning
* Background debiased class incremental learning for video action recognition
* Boosting certified robustness via an expectation-based similarity regularization
* CRENet: Crowd region enhancement network for multi-person 3D pose estimation
* CRFormer: A cross-region transformer for shadow removal
* decision support system for acute lymphoblastic leukemia detection based on explainable artificial intelligence, A
* DFCNet+: Cross-modal dynamic feature contrast net for continuous sign language recognition
* DFEDC: Dual fusion with enhanced deformable convolution for medical image segmentation
* Diabetic retinopathy data augmentation and vessel segmentation through deep learning based three fully convolution neural networks
* dictionary learning based unsupervised neural network for single image compressed sensing, A
* Diff-STAR: Exploring student-teacher adaptive reconstruction through diffusion-based generation for image harmonization
* Distilling OCT cervical dataset with evidential uncertainty proxy
* Dual-branch underwater image enhancement network via multiscale neighborhood interaction attention learning
* dual-channel network based on occlusion feature compensation for human pose estimation, A
* Efficient masked feature and group attention network for stereo image super-resolution
* Exploring the synergy between textual identity and visual signals in human-object interaction
* Few-shot class incremental learning via prompt transfer and knowledge distillation
* Global information regulation network for multimodal sentiment analysis
* Ground4Act: Leveraging visual-language model for collaborative pushing and grasping in clutter
* GSTGM: Graph, spatial-temporal attention and generative based model for pedestrian multi-path prediction
* High-performance mitosis detection using single-level feature and hybrid label assignment
* Knowledge graph construction in hyperbolic space for automatic image annotation
* Landmark-in-facial-component: Towards occlusion-robust facial landmark localization
* learnable motion preserving pooling for action recognition, A
* Learning weakly supervised audio-visual violence detection in hyperbolic space
* lightweight hash-directed global perception and self-calibrated multiscale fusion network for image super-resolution, A
* LVD-YOLO: An efficient lightweight vehicle detection model for intelligent transportation systems
* MATNet: Multilevel attention-based transformers for change detection in remote sensing images
* method of degradation mechanism-based unsupervised remote sensing image super-resolution, A
* new deepfake detection model for responding to perception attacks in embodied artificial intelligence, A
* Nighttime scene understanding with label transfer scene parser
* Parameter efficient finetuning of text-to-image models with trainable self-attention layer
* Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentation framework for medical images
* PTPFusion: A progressive infrared and visible image fusion network based on texture preserving
* Pyramid quaternion discrete cosine transform based ConvNet for cancelable face recognition
* Regularization by denoising diffusion process meets deep relaxation in phase
* review of recent advances in 3D Gaussian Splatting for optimization and reconstruction, A
* RFSC-net: Re-parameterization forward semantic compensation network in low-light environments
* Search and recovery network for camouflaged object detection
* STAFFormer: Spatio-temporal adaptive fusion transformer for efficient 3D human pose estimation
* UAV image object detection based on self-attention guidance and global feature fusion
* UIR-ES: An unsupervised underwater image restoration framework with equivariance and stein unbiased risk estimator
* Unbiased scene graph generation via head-tail cooperative network with self-supervised learning
* Utilizing Inherent Bias for Memory Efficient Continual Learning: A Simple and Robust Baseline
* VLAI: Exploration and Exploitation based on Visual-Language Aligned Information for Robotic Object Goal Navigation
50 for IVC(151)

IVC(152) * 3DPSR: An innovative approach for pose and shape refinement in 3D human meshes from a single 2D image
* Attention enhanced machine instinctive vision with human-inspired saliency detection
* Automated anthropometric measurements from 3D point clouds of scanned bodies
* Camouflaged Object Detection via Location-Awareness and Feature Fusion
* CF-SOLT: Real-time and accurate traffic accident detection using correlation filter-based tracking
* Channel and Spatial Enhancement Network for human parsing
* CWGA-Net: Center-Weighted Graph Attention Network for 3D object detection from point clouds
* DeepArUco++: Improved detection of square fiducial markers in challenging lighting conditions
* Feature differences reduction and specific features preserving network for RGB-T salient object detection
* FHLight: A novel method of indoor scene illumination estimation using improved loss function
* Fine-grained semantic oriented embedding set alignment for text-based person search
* Gaussian error loss function for image smoothing
* Machine learning applications in breast cancer prediction using mammography
* MinoritySalMix and adaptive semantic weight compensation for long-tailed classification
* multi-label classification method based on transformer for deepfake detection, A
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Score-Driven Hierarchical Association Strategy Between Predicted Tracklets and Objects
* Non-negative subspace feature representation for few-shot learning in medical imaging
* Occlusion-related graph convolutional neural network for multi-object tracking
* Point Cloud Segmentation Neural Network with Same-Type Point Cloud Assistance
* RGB-T tracking with frequency hybrid awareness
* SAFENet: Semantic-Aware Feature Enhancement Network for unsupervised cross-domain road scene segmentation
* SAVE: Encoding spatial interactions for vision transformers
* SVC: Sight view constraint for robust point cloud registration
* Text-augmented Multi-Modality contrastive learning for unsupervised visible-infrared person re-identification
* TransWild: Enhancing 3D interacting hands recovery in the wild with IoU-guided Transformer
25 for IVC(152)

IVC(153) * Detection of fractional difference in inter vertebral disk MRI images for recognition of low back pain
* IFE-Net: Integrated feature enhancement network for image manipulation localization
* Infrared and visible image fusion using quantum computing induced edge preserving filter
* lightweight depth completion network with spatial efficient fusion, A
* Mobile-friendly and multi-feature aggregation via transformer for human pose estimation
* Unified Volumetric Avatar: Enabling flexible editing and rendering of neural human representations

IVC(16) * Accurate 3d Measurement Using A Structured Light System
* Adaptive Page Segmentation for Color Technical Journals' Cover Images
* Affine-Invariant Active Contour Model (AI-Snake) for Model-Based Segmentation, An
* Automated Real-Time Visual Inspection System for High-Resolution Superimposed Printings
* Automatic Target Recognition For Naval Traffic Control Using Neural Networks
* CAD Based Computer Vision System, A
* Character extraction from documents using wavelet maxima
* Color and three-dimensional vision-based assistive telemanipulation
* Complete Description of Multiple Line Segments Using the Hough Transform
* Computation of a Cross-Section Structure: A Projection Based Approach
* Computational and Psychophysical Studies of Early Vision
* Computing 3-Dimensional Project Invariants from a Pair of Images Using the Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
* Content based navigation in an open hypermedia environment
* Content-Based Image Retrieval-System, A
* Content-Based Trademark Retrieval System Using a Visually Salient Feature
* Contour Matching: A Curvature-Based Approach
* Copyright Protection of Digital Images by Embedded Unperceivable Marks
* Deictically Controlled Wheelchair, The
* Derivative Computation By Multiscale Filters
* detection of duplicates in document image databases, The
* Direct Parametric Object Detection in Tomographic-Images
* Edge image quality assessment: A new formulation for degraded edge imaging
* Edge-Finding in Human Vision: A Multistage Model Based on the Perceived Structure of Plaids
* Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm, An
* Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration
* Euclidean Skeletons
* Fast Corner Detection
* FERET Database and Evaluation Procedure for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* FIRST: Fractal Indexing and Retrieval System for Image Databases
* Forward and Inverse Models in Time Resolved Optical Tomography Imaging and Their Finite Element Method Solutions, The
* Fourier Slice Theorem For Range Data Reconstruction, The
* Function from Visual Analysis and Physical Interaction: A Methodology for Recognition of Generic Classes of Objects
* Function of Documents, The
* Functional Features for Chopping Extracted from Observations and Interactions
* Genetically Fine Tuning the Hough Transform Feature Space, for the Detection of Circular Objects
* Geometry Based Computer Vision
* Hierarchical Shape Fitting using an Iterated Linear Filter
* Improving the Generalized Hough Transform Through Imperfect Grouping
* Introduction, Vision-Based Aids for the Disabled
* Iso-Surface Extraction in ND Applied to Tracking Feature Curves Across Scale
* Low-Cost System Using Sparse Vision for Navigation In the Urban-Environment, A
* Machine-Printed Character Recognition Revisited: Re-Application of Recent Advances in Handwritten Character Recognition Research
* Method for Encoding Region Boundaries Based on Transition Points, A
* Model-Based Articulated Hand Motion Tracking For Gesture Recognition
* Multiagent Visual Surveillance of Dynamic Scenes
* Multistage Approach to the Dense Estimation of Disparity from Stereo SEM Images, A
* Neural Architecture of Brightness Perception: Nonlinear Contrast Detection and Geometry Driven Diffusion, A
* Object recognition in compressed imagery
* object-oriented descriptive language to facilitate advanced handwritten form processing, An
* On Modeling, Extraction, Detection and Classification of Deformable Contours from Noisy Images
* On the Correspondence Problem for Wide Angular Separation of Noncoplanar Points
* On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Retrieval of Legal Documents
* Planar Homologies as a Basis for Grouping and Recognition
* PLAYBOT: A Visually-Guided Robot for Physically Disabled Children
* Projection for Pattern Recognition
* Projective and Illumination Invariant Representation of Disjoint Shapes
* Proper Scale for Modeling Visual Data
* Psychophysical Analyses of Contour Processing in Humans: The Case for Qualitative Tests
* Query By Dialog: An Interactive Approach To Pictorial Querying
* Reading Order of Chinese Newspaper Articles Using a Block Growing Method
* Reasoning About Functionality In Object Recognition
* Recent Progress in Modeling Neural Mechanisms of Form and Color Vision
* Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation Using Functionality
* Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters by Constrained Graph Matching
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by elastic matching
* Relation Between 3D Invariants and 2D Invariants
* scale selection principle for estimating image deformations, A
* Segmentation of MR-Images With Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Simulation of Neural Contour Mechanisms: Representing Anomalous Contours
* Simulation of Worn-Out Cloth Textures by Doubly Stochastic L-Systems
* Statistical Models of Face Images: Improving Specificity
* Statistically-Based Newton Method for Pose Refinement, A
* Stereo Inverse Perspective Mapping: Theory And Applications
* Stereo Vision-Based Aid for the Visually-Impaired, A
* Surface Matching for Object Recognition in Complex 3-Dimensional Scenes
* Text Identification for Document Image Analysis Using a Neural Network
* Towards a Method for Parametrizing Models of Early Vision Using Psychophysical Data
* Towards Robust Metric Reconstruction via a Dynamic Uncalibrated Stereo Head
* Tracking of Complex Driving Maneuvers in Traffic Image Sequences
* Understanding Object Motion
* Using Geometric-Properties For Automatic Object Positioning
81 for IVC(16)

IVC(17) * 3-D Modeling from Range Imagery: An Incremental Method with a Planning Component
* 3D Object Recognition from Static 2D Views Using Multiple Coarse Data Channels
* active contour model for colour region extraction in natural scenes, An
* Active Shape Focusing
* Adaptive Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Affine invariant deformation curves a tool for shape characterization
* Affine-invariant image retrieval by correspondence matching of shapes
* Analysing and reducing the cost of exhaustive correspondence search
* analysis of surface texture using photometric stereo acquisition and gradient space domain mapping, The
* Automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology procedures by genetic algorithms
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects using a mobile cameraühle
* Character recognition using statistical moments
* Circle recognition through a 2D Hough Transform and radius histogramming
* Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion of Colour Images
* Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation
* Combining statistical and structural approaches for handwritten character description
* comparative study of efficient generalised Hough transform techniques, A
* Computation of instantaneous optical flow using the phase of Fourier components
* Content-Based Image Retrieval by Viewpoint-Invariant Color Indexing
* Content-based retrieval from digital video
* Convexity Analysis of Active Contour Problems
* corner orientation detector, A
* critical evaluation of image and video indexing techniques in the compressed domain, A
* deformable block-matching algorithm for tracking epithelial cells, A
* Detection of motion fields under spatio-temporal non-uniform illumination
* Development of a graph-based approach for building detection
* Document Mosaicing
* Documents through cameras
* Edge enhancement of remote sensing image data in the DCT domain
* Efficient hybrid search for visual reconstruction problems
* Eliciting visual primitives for detection of elongated shapes
* Fast Face Localisation and Verification
* Fast global registration of 3D sampled surfaces using a multi-z-buffer technique
* Finding the Epipole from Uncalibrated Optical Flow
* Genetic algorithm-based interactive segmentation of 3D medical images
* Global image feature correspondence under a multi-image network
* Gradient space analysis of surface defects using a photometric stereo derived bump map
* Identifying the neuroretinal rim boundary using dynamic contours
* Image coding from wavelet transform maxima and projection onto convex sets
* IME: an image management environment with content-based access
* Intrinsic line features and contour metric for locating 3-D objects in sparse, segmented range images
* Introduction, Indexing
* iterative factorization method for projective structure and motion from image sequences, An
* Knowledge-based Control of Vision Systems
* Linear prediction image coding using iterated function systems
* method of 3D surface correspondence and interpolation for merging shape examples, A
* Mixture Model for Representing Shape Variation, A
* Model-based force-driven nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences
* Needle map recovery using robust regularizers
* Nefertiti: a query by content system for three-dimensional model and image databases management
* new approach to conic section approximation of object boundaries, A
* new approach to high precision 3-D measuring system, A
* Optimal matching between shapes via elastic deformations
* Optimal parallel clustering algorithms on a reconfigurable array of processors with wider bus networks
* Organizing image databases as visual-content search trees
* plane measuring device, A
* Pose determination from angles and relative line lengths using spherical trigonometry
* Probabilistic models for images and quadtrees: Differences and equivalences
* Probabilistic structure from camera location using straight segments
* Qualitative representation of scenes along route
* Registration and Integration of Textured 3-D Data
* Regular-Texture Image Retrieval Based on Texture-Primitive Extraction
* relational learning method for pattern and object recognition, A
* Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps
* Scale space vector fields for symmetry detection
* Segmentation of monochrome and color textures using moving average modeling approach
* Segmentation skin cancer images
* Selection for Gamut Mapping Colour Constancy
* Selectionist relaxation: genetic algorithms applied to image segmentation
* Shape analysis with the `Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion' method
* Shape indexing by multi-scale representation
* Shape representation and recognition based on invariant unary and binary relations
* Shapes, Shocks and Wiggles
* Size invariant circle detection
* Some image operations on S-tree-related spatial data structures
* Special issue on visual form
* Species: Identification of wasps using principal component associative memories
* split and merge procedure for polygonal border detection of dot pattern, A
* statistical active contour model for SAR image segmentation, A
* Three-dimensional modeling of the human hand with motion constraints
* Time Delay Neural Network Algorithm for Estimating Image-Pattern Shape and Motion, A
* Toward Optimal Structured Light Patterns
* Tracking colour objects using adaptive mixture models
* Uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces
* Unsupervised edge-preserving image restoration via a saddle point approximation
* Using Expectation-Maximisation to Learn Dynamical Models from Visual Data
* Very low bit rate face video compression using linear combination of 2D face views and principal components analysis
* View-based object recognition using saliency maps
* Volume estimation from sparse planar images using deformable models
* Voting method for planarity and motion detection
90 for IVC(17)

IVC(18) * 3D Shape and 2D Surface Textures of Human Faces: The Role of Averages in Attractiveness and Age
* 3D stereo reconstruction of human faces driven by differential constraints
* Active vision-based face authentication
* Analysis and evaluation of hard and fuzzy clustering segmentation techniques in burned patient images
* Analysis of Moire Patterns in Non-Uniformly Sampled Halftones
* Appearance-based active object recognition
* Applications of computer vision to intelligent vehicles
* Automated surface inspection for directional textures
* Automatic 3D face authentication
* Bayesian reasoning on qualitative descriptions from images and speech
* Bayesian recognition of targets by parts in second generation forward looking infrared images
* British Machine Vision Conference 1998
* Cephalogram analysis applying template matching and fuzzy logic
* CLARK: a heterogeneous sensor fusion method for finding lanes and obstacles
* Coherent computation of the multispectral maximal directional derivative
* Color and Texture Fusion: Application to Aerial Image Segmentation and GIS Updating
* compact improved quadtree representation with image manipulations, A
* computational approach to color adaptation effects, A
* Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic models
* Conceptual descriptions from monitoring and watching image sequences
* Conceptualizing Images
* Constructing qualitative event models automatically from video input
* Corner detection in color images through a multiscale combination of end-stopped cortical cells
* Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algorithms on arrays with reconfigurable optical buses
* Detecting Changes in Aerial Views of Man-Made Structures
* Detecting human faces in color images
* Detection of obstacles on runways using ego-motion compensation and tracking of significant features
* Duplicate document detection by template matching
* Edge sharpening through ramp width reduction
* edge-preserving subband coding model based on non-adaptive and adaptive regularization, An
* Efficient Method for Texture Defect Detection: Sub-Band Domain Co-Occurrence Matrices, An
* Efficient partitioning and scheduling of computer vision and image processing data on bus networks using divisible load analysis
* Efficient super-resolution via image warping
* Enhancing CSS-based shape retrieval for objects with shallow concavities
* Estimating the 3D orientation of texture planes using local spectral analysis
* Expert system for automatic analysis of facial expressions
* Face recognition by statistical analysis of feature detectors
* Fast head modeling for animation
* Gesture recognition using the multi-PDM method and hidden Markov model
* Heading direction of a mobile robot from the optical flow
* High-level feature based range image segmentation
* image processing system for driver assistance, An
* Incremental recognition of traffic situations from video image sequences
* Industrial inspection using Gaussian functions in a colour space
* Iterative Computation of 3D Plane Parameters
* Lane following combining vision and DGPS
* Learning Spatio-temporal Patterns for Predicting Object Behaviour
* Local iterative improvement of fractal image codes
* Matching color uncalibrated images using differential invariants
* Matching Disparate Views of Planar Surfaces Using Projective Invariants
* Matching techniques to compute image motion
* Method of Automated Landmark Generation for Automated 3D PDM Construction, A
* model-based human body motion analysis system, The
* Morphological image analysis applied to crop field mapping
* Multisensor obstacle detection and tracking
* Multithresholding of color and gray-level images through a neural network technique
* N-Candidate methods for location invariant dithering of color images
* new focus measure method using moments, A
* Non-linear statistical models for the 3D reconstruction of human pose and motion from monocular image sequences
* Object Recognition Using Random Image-Lines
* On the gray-scale inverse Hough transform
* Passive navigation using egomotion estimates
* Pattern regularity as a visual key
* PGSD: an accurate 3D vision system using a projected grid for surface descriptions
* Planar grouping for automatic detection of vanishing lines and points
* Primitive spatial relations based on SKIZ
* Pseudo-invariant image transformations on a hexagonal lattice
* Pupil detection and tracking using multiple light sources
* Quantitative comparison between trajectory estimates obtained from a binocular camera setup within a moving road vehicle and from the outside by a stationary monocular camera
* Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
* Recognition of JPEG compressed face images based on statistical methods
* Recovering more classes than available bands for sets of mixed pixels in satellite images
* Rejection of mismatched correspondences along the affine epipolar line
* review on strategies for recognizing natural objects in colour images of outdoor scenes, A
* Road recognition in urban environment
* role of perceptual contrast non-linearities in image transform quantization, The
* Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking
* Smooth surface interpolation and texture adaptation for MPEG-4 compliant calibration of 3D head models
* Smoothing images creates corners
* Spatio-temporal optimization method for determining motion vector fields under non-stationary illumination
* Special issue on facial image analysis
* Spectral recognition using a modified Eckhorn neural network model
* stereo visual pattern image coding system, A
* strategy for repetitive neighbor finding in octree representations, A
* Sub-pixel location of edges with non-uniform blurring: a finite closed-form approach
* system to place observers on a polyhedral terrain in polynomial time, A
* Texture classification based on Markov modeling in wavelet feature space
* Uncalibrated Euclidean reconstruction: a review
* Uncertainty analysis of 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated views
* Unsupervised and adaptive Gaussian skin-color model
* Use of the angle information in the wavelet transform maxima for image de-noising
* View synthesis by trinocular edge matching and transfer
* VISATRAM: A Real-Time Vision System for Automatic Traffic Monitoring
* Wavelet packet analysis for face recognition
94 for IVC(18)

IVC(19) * 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking, A
* 3D multimodality medical image registration using morphological tools
* 4D reconstruction of the left ventricle during a single heart beat from ultrasound imaging
* adaptative method to smooth discrete curves proposed as a final step for edge detection, An
* adaptive irregular sampling algorithm and its application to image coding, An
* approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images, An
* approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images, An
* Approximating the CIECAM97s color appearance model by means of neural networks
* Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Computer Vision
* Automatic pose determination of 3D shapes based on modeling wave sets: a new data structure for object modeling
* Bayesian similarity measure for deformable image matching, A
* Biomedical Image Registration
* Bone tumor segmentation from MR perfusion images with neural networks using multi-scale pharmacokinetic features
* Cellular Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence in Medical Image Processing
* Cellular Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence in Medical Image Processing
* Chinese text distinction and font identification by recognizing most frequently used characters
* Color image segmentation using histogram multithresholding and fusion
* Color-based image retrieval using spatial-chromatic histograms
* Continuity properties of the appearance manifold for mobile robot position estimation
* Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids
* Defect detection in X-ray images using fuzzy reasoning
* Design of effective neural network ensembles for image classification purposes
* Detection ellipses by finding lines of symmetry in the images via an hough transform applied to straight lines
* Detection of arbitrary planar shapes with 3D pose
* discontinuity adaptive Markov model for color image smoothing, A
* Document filters using morphological and geometrical features of characters
* Edge detection in a hexagonal-image processing framework
* Encoding 3D structural information using multiple self-organizing feature maps
* energy of asymmetry for accurate detection of global reflection axes, An
* Entropy-based gaze planning
* Entropy-threshold method for best basis selection
* Evaluating optical-flow algorithms on a parallel machine
* Face distributions in similarity space under varying head pose
* Fast two-layer image watermarking without referring to the original image and watermark
* Fisher keys for content based retrieval
* Fully automatic 3D feature-based registration of multi-modality medical images
* Fuzzy expert system for foot CT image segmentation
* Gaze determination via images of irises
* Generalized interpolation and its application in super-resolution imaging
* Guaranteeing the probability of success using repeated runs of genetic algorithm
* hierarchical approach to elastic registration based on mutual information, A
* Image compression using principal component neural networks
* Images similarity estimation by processing compressed data
* Interactive 3D model extraction from a single image
* Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system
* Learning environmental features for pose estimation
* Local mapping for multispectral image visualization
* low cost design of rate controlled JPEG-LS near lossless image compression, A
* Measuring biological shape using geometry-based shape transformations
* Medical image segmentation using a contextual-constraint-based Hopfield neural cube
* Mobile Agent Perception
* Monitoring human behavior from video taken in an office environment
* Moving object segmentation in video sequences by user interaction and automatic object tracking
* Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models
* Mutual information matching in multiresolution contexts
* Navigation in birds and other animals
* Neural networks for the recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects from a single 2D perspective view
* new approach to outdoor scene description based on learning and top-down segmentation, A
* new system for trademark segmentation and retrieval, A
* Non-rigid cardiac motion quantification from 2D image sequences based on wavelet synthesis
* On indexing the periodicity of image textures
* Optimal and suboptimal shape tracking based on multiple switched dynamic models
* Optimal Gabor filter design for texture segmentation using stochastic optimization
* Physics-based colour image segmentation for scenes containing vegetation and soil
* Probabilistic estimation of optical flow in multiple band-pass directional channels
* probabilistic model for appearance-based robot localization, A
* Radial basis functions with compact support for elastic registration of medical images
* Real-time object recognition on image sequences with the adaptable time delay neural network algorithm applications for autonomous vehicles
* Real-time recognition of self-similar landmarks
* Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic analysis
* Reconstructing a 3D structure from serial histological sections
* Reconstruction of degraded image sequences. Application to film restoration
* Reflective surfaces as computational sensors
* review of deformable surfaces: topology, geometry and deformation, A
* Road sign detection and recognition using matching pursuit method
* role of image registration in brain mapping, The
* SAVI: an actively controlled teleconferencing system
* Scene classification of SAR images acquired from antiparallel tracks using evidential and rule-based fusion
* self stabilizing robust region finder applied to color and optical flow pictures, A
* Simple and efficient method of calibrating a motorized zoom lens
* simple recursive method for converting a chain code into a quadtree with a lookup table, A
* Skew detection and block classification of printed documents
* snake for CT image segmentation integrating region and edge information, A
* Support vector machines for face recognition
* Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of irregular shapes based on a fitted mesh of contours
* Unsupervised image segmentation combining region and boundary estimation
* Vector processing of wavelet coefficients for robust image denoising
* View-based object representations using RBF networks
* View-based route-learning with self-organizing neural networks
* Volume image registration by template matching
* Volume-Quantization-Based Neural Network Approach to 3D MR Angiography Image Segmentation
* VPLF method for vanishing point computation, The
93 for IVC(19)

IVC(2) * Analysis of integer programming formulations of clustering problems
* Circularity: A New Principle Underlying the Design of Accurate Edge Orientation Operators
* Computation of Optic Flow from the Motion of Edge Features in Image Sequences
* Computerized tomographic imaging is insensitive to density variation during scanning
* Contextual Classification of Multispectral Pixel Data
* Difference and Accumulative Difference Pictures in Dynamic Scene Analysis
* Environments for Image Processing Algorithm Development
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition by Tree Classification Methods
* hidden line mechanism using overinking, A
* Image Processing and Analysis of the Grain Constitution in Minerals
* Image Processing System for Industrial Robots
* Linear Time Algorithm for Finding a Picture's Connected Components
* Low-Cost Remote Sensing Experinments within an Educational Environment
* Matching Sticks, Plates, and Blobs Objects Using Geometric and Relational Constraints
* Model-Based Segmentation of Grey-Tone Images
* Object Decomposition and Subpart Identification: Classification Algorithms
* Obtaining Viewing Distance and Angle of Gaze from Vertical Disparity Using a Hough-Type Accumulator
17 for IVC(2)

IVC(20) * 3D Face pose estimation and tracking from a monocular camera
* Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction
* Adding and subtracting eigenspaces with eigenvalue decomposition and singular value decomposition
* AI-EigenSnake: an affine-invariant deformable contour model for object matching
* Analysis of infected blood cell images using morphological operators
* Applications of computer-aided rasterstereography in spinal deformity detection
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part I: Segmentation of single 2D images
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part II: Prediction-based object recognition from a sequence of images
* Automatic extraction of the face identity-subspace
* Automatic image segmentation system through iterative edge-region co-operation
* Automatically building appearance models from image sequences using salient features
* Autonomous agents for edge detection and continuity perception on otolith images
* British Machine Vision Conference 1999
* British Machine Vision Conference 2000
* cascaded genetic algorithm for efficient optimization and pattern matching, A
* cascaded genetic algorithm for efficient optimization and pattern matching, A
* Classification of hand postures against complex backgrounds using elastic graph matching
* Classifying human endothelial cells based on individual granulometric size distributions
* Cluster validation using legacy delineations
* color coding method for radiographic images, A
* Compensating for Ensemble-Specific Effects when Building Facial Models
* Composite Support Vector Machines for Detection of Faces Across Views and Pose Estimation
* Corresponding dynamic appearances
* Critical Motion Sequences for the Self-Calibration of Cameras and Stereo Systems with Variable Focal Length
* Design and evaluation of spatial similarity approaches for image retrieval
* Design and prototype development of a computer vision-based lumber production planning system
* Detecting lameness using Re-sampling Condensation and multi-stream cyclic hidden Markov models
* Detecting Multiple Texture Planes using Local Spectral Distortion
* dynamics of linear combinations: Tracking 3D Skeletons of Human Subjects, The
* Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images
* Estimating uncertainty in SSD-based feature tracking
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, An
* Fast optical flow using 3D shortest path techniques
* Finding connected components in digital images by aggressive reuse of labels
* Force Field Energy Functionals for Image Feature Extraction
* Gabor wavelet networks for efficient head pose estimation
* Hand tracking for behaviour understanding
* How to measure the pose robustness of object views
* How to measure the pose robustness of object views
* Identification of different script lines from multi-script documents
* Image compression using transformed vector quantization
* Image mosaicing using sequential bundle adjustment
* Image segmentation by relaxation using constraint satisfaction neural network
* indexing scheme for efficient data-driven verification of 3D pose hypotheses, An
* Integrated Segmentation and Depth Ordering of Motion Layers in Image Sequences
* Interactive Visual Dialog
* Iterative Procrustes alignment with the EM algorithm
* locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, A
* Measuring similarity between pixel signatures
* Measuring similarity between pixel signatures
* Model-based 3D hand posture estimation from a single 2D image
* Multi-modal gray-level histogram modeling and decomposition
* neural approach to zoom-lens camera calibration from data with outliers, A
* new approach to vanishing point detection in architectural environments, A
* non-linear model of shape and motion for tracking finger spelt American sign language, A
* Non-Parametric Image Subtraction using Grey Level Scattergrams
* On the semantics of visual behaviour, structured events and trajectories of human action
* Optimal projection of 2-D displacements for 3-D translational motion estimation
* Orientation analysis for rotated human face detection
* Path detection in video surveillance
* Perceptual primitives from an extended 4D Hough transform
* Performance Analysis of a Simple Vehicle Detction Algorithm
* Performing automatic target detection with evolvable finite state automata
* Practical algorithms for stratified structure-from-motion
* Quadtree representations for storage and manipulation of clusters of images
* Real-time gesture recognition system and application
* Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration
* Recognition of human gestures and behaviour based on motion trajectories
* relaxation algorithm for real-time multiple view 3D-tracking, A
* Representation and synthesis of behaviour using Gaussian mixtures
* Robust Point Correspondence by Concave Minimization
* Robust Topology-adaptive Snakes for Image Segmentation
* saliency-based hierarchy for local symmetries, A
* Segmentation of color images using a two-stage self-organizing network
* Skew angle estimation for printed and handwritten documents using the Wigner-Ville distribution
* Structure and Motion Estimation from Apparent Contours under Circular Motion
* Study of Dempster-Shafer theory for image segmentation applications
* Support Vector Machines for Face Authentication
* Testing a measure of image quality for acquisition control
* Theoretical and experimental study on large size image processing applications using divisible load paradigm on distributed bus networks
* Towards the automatic analysis of complex human body motions
* Tracing boundary contours in a binary image
* Tracking people in three dimensions using a hierarchical model of dynamics
* Transforming Pixel Signatures into an Improved Metric Space
* Understanding visual behaviour, Special Issue Introduction
* Using distance transforms to decompose 3D discrete objects
* Using relaxation technique for region-based object recognition
* View-based active appearance models
* Vision system for defect imaging, detection, and characterization on a specular surface of a 3D object
* Visual search: psychophysical models and practical applications
90 for IVC(20)

IVC(21) * 3D nonrigid motion analysis under small deformations
* adaptive color-based particle filter, An
* Adaptive Potential for Robust Shape Estimation, An
* Algorithms for the Recognition of 2D Images of M Points and N Lines in 3D
* Algorithms from statistical physics for generative models of images
* Application of the Active Shape Model in a commercial medical device for bone densitometry
* Asymmetric binary tree coding for contour images
* Automated surface inspection for statistical textures
* Automatic band selection for wavelet reconstruction in the application of defect detection
* Automatic target segmentation using PMMW imagery
* Ball detection in static images with Support Vector Machines for classification
* Bayesian analysis for fusion of data from disparate imaging systems for surveillance
* Bayesian and non-Bayesian probabilistic models for medical image analysis
* Building optimal 2D statistical shape models
* Car Detection in Low Resolution Aerial Images
* Cellular neural networks and active contours: A tool for image segmentation
* Clustering of compressed illumination-invariant chromaticity signatures for efficient video summarization
* Color and grey level object retrieval using a 3D representation of force histogram
* Combined Fisherfaces framework
* Content-based image retrieval using moment-preserving edge detection
* Continuous medial representations for geometric object modeling in 2D and 3D
* Corner detection and matching for visual tracking during power line inspection
* Correcting image distortion in the X-ray digital tomosynthesis system for PCB solder joint inspection
* Dealing with 2D translation estimation in log-polar imagery
* Detecting ellipses of limited eccentricity in images with high noise levels
* Domain learning using Choquet integral-based morphological shared weight neural networks
* Dominant point detection using adaptive bending value
* Dynamic trees for image modelling
* Efficient half-quadratic regularization with granularity control
* Efficient particle filtering for multiple target tracking with application to tracking in structured images
* Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* expressive three-mode principal components model of human action style, An
* Extraction of digital elevation models from satellite stereo images through stereo matching based on epipolarity and scene geometry
* Face alignment using texture-constrained active shape models
* Face Detection in the Near-IR Spectrum
* Face Verification Via Error Correcting Output Codes
* fast and reliable system for 3D surface acquisition and reconstruction, A
* fast incremental approach for accurate measurement of the displacement field, A
* Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets
* GA based approach for boundary detection of left ventricle with echocardiographic image sequences, A
* Generalized ellipsoids and anisotropic filtering for segmentation improvement in 3D medical imaging
* Generative model based vision
* Genetic algorithm based feature selection for target detection in SAR images
* Geometric-photometric approach to monocular shape estimation
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum 2003
* Hand gesture recognition using a real-time tracking method and hidden Markov models
* Hidden Markov Model object recognition technique for incomplete and distorted corner sequences, A
* High compression and low order linear predictor for lossless coding of grayscale images
* Identification of different script lines from multi-script documents
* Image analysis by bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* Image classification using color, texture and regions
* Image Registration Methods: A Survey
* improved method of photometric stereo using local shape from shading, An
* Learning and understanding dynamic scene activity: a review
* Learning Pixel-Wise Signal Energy for Understanding Semantics
* Mean quantization based image watermarking
* method for human action recognition, A
* method of optimum transformation of 3D objects used as a measure of shape dissimilarity, A
* Methods for gamma invariant colour image processing
* Mirror symmetry ==> 2-view stereo geometry
* Model-based control of image acquisition
* Modeling of 2D+1 texture movies for video coding
* Multi-band modelling of appearance
* Multiresolution genetic clustering algorithm for texture segmentation
* novel line scan clustering algorithm for identifying connected components in digital images, A
* NURBS snakes
* Object models in multiscale intrinsic coordinates via m-reps
* Object signatures invariant to affine distortions derived from the Trace transform
* observation-constrained generative approach for probabilistic classification of image regions, An
* On a relaxation-labeling algorithm for real-time contour-based image similarity retrieval
* On the automatic assemblage of arbitrary broken solid artefacts
* Overall view regarding fundamental matrix estimation
* range scanner with a virtual laser, A
* Reactive Memories: An Interactive Talking-Head
* real time adaptive visual surveillance system for tracking low-resolution colour targets in dynamically changing scenes, A
* Recognising Trajectories of Facial Identities Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from relative rotation of light source
* Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets
* Segmentation of multi-spectral images using the combined classifier approach
* Shadow elimination for effective moving object detection by Gaussian shadow modeling
* Special Issue Introduction, Bayesian Analysis
* statistical approach to multi-scale edge detection, A
* Statistical hypothesis pruning for identifying faces from infrared images
* Statistical Shape Knowledge in Variational Motion Segmentation
* survey of video processing techniques for traffic applications, A
* survey on industrial vision systems, applications and tools, A
* Synthesis of texture from clinical images
* Target tracking in airborne forward looking infrared imagery
* Temporal video segmentation and classification of edit effects
* Three dimensional orientation signatures with conic kernel filtering for multiple motion analysis
* Towards a low bandwidth talking face using appearance models
* Tracking Human Faces in Infrared Video
* Tracking in cluttered images
* Traffic sign recognition and analysis for intelligent vehicles
* Uncalibrated three-view image rectification
* Visual contour tracking based on particle filters
96 for IVC(21)

IVC(22) * 3D reconstruction of real objects with high resolution shape and texture
* 3D surface modeling from curves
* ABI: analogy-based indexing for content image retrieval
* Advancing Fan-Front: 3D triangle mesh compression using fan based traversal
* Arbitrary affine transformation and their composition effects for two-dimensional fractal sets
* Assessing the performance of corner detectors for point feature tracking applications
* Auto-calibration by linear iteration using the DAC equation
* Automatic 3D model reconstruction based on novel pose estimation and integration techniques
* Block image retrieval based on a compressed linear quadtree
* Colorization algorithm using probabilistic relaxation
* common framework for nonlinear diffusion, adaptive smoothing, bilateral filtering and mean shift, A
* Compression of map images for real-time applications
* computational approach to determination of main subject regions in photographic images, A
* Computational method for document object locator combination
* Constrained planar motion analysis by decomposition
* Content based image retrieval using motif cooccurrence matrix
* Contour and boundary detection improved by surround suppression of texture edges
* Deformable model-guided region split and merge of image regions
* Deformable spatio-temporal shape models: extending active shape models to 2D+time
* Dense stereo using pivoted dynamic programming
* Depth from gradient fields and control points: Bias Correction in Photometric Stereo
* Detection and Tracking of Eyes for Gaze-camera Control
* Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation and recognition
* efficient fingerprint verification system using integrated wavelet and Fourier-Mellin invariant transform, An
* Enhancement and feature extraction for images of incised and ink texts
* Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* fast image-gathering system from the World-Wide Web using a PC cluster, A
* Fast stitching algorithm for moving object detection and mosaic construction
* Fiducial point localization in color images of face foregrounds
* Film grain reduction on colour images using undecimated wavelet transform
* Free-form object segmentation and representation from registered range and color images
* From spatiotemporal curves to reconstructed depth
* Guaranteeing the probability of success using repeated runs of genetic algorithm
* Guest editorial
* hand-based personal authentication using a coarse-to-fine strategy, A
* hybrid quantization scheme for image compression, A
* Image mosaicing by stratified matching
* Image retrieval using resegmentation driven by query rectangles
* Image segmentation using finite mixtures and spatial information
* Improved Method of Handwritten Digit Recognition Tested on MNIST Database
* Improvements to the JPEG-LS prediction scheme
* Improving accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency in 3D computer vision
* integrated surveillance system: human tracking and view synthesis using multiple omni-directional vision sensors, An
* intelligent character recognizer for Telugu scripts using multiresolution analysis and associative memory, An
* Invariant texture retrieval using modified Zernike moments
* Irregular, unknown light sources in dynamic global illumination
* Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences
* Lane detection and tracking using B-Snake
* Language-based querying of image collections on the basis of an extensible ontology
* Latest research in computer vision: A special issue on VI 2002
* Location of title and author regions in document images based on the Delaunay triangulation
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction for Combinations of Points and Lines in Three Views
* Model-based extraction of femoral medulla ducts from radiographic images
* Motion estimation based on the direction of intensity gradient
* Motion-based filtering of magneto-optic imagers
* MPEG-7 based description schemes for multi-level video content classification
* Multi-view calibration from planar motion trajectories
* N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
* Neural-edge-based vehicle detection and traffic parameter extraction
* Neural-networks-based edges selector for boundary extraction problems
* new constrained parameter estimator for computer vision applications, A
* Newspaper layout analysis incorporating connected component separation
* Non-parametric and unsupervised Bayesian classification with Bootstrap sampling
* Nouse use your nose as a mouse perceptual vision technology for hands-free games and interfaces
* Object recognition with adaptive Gabor features
* Object watermarks for digital images and video
* Omni-directional visual surveillance
* On the distortion of shape recovery from motion
* On using priors in affine matching
* Patient information extraction in digitized X-ray imagery
* Photometric subspace for multibody motion segmentation
* Practical Generation of Video Textures using the Auto-Regressive Process
* Prediction of the suitability for image-matching based on self-similarity of vision contents
* Procedure for Automatically Estimating Model Parameters in Optical Motion Capture, A
* Proceedings of the 13th British Machine Vision Conference
* Randomized RANSAC with Td,d test
* Real-time image tracking for automatic traffic monitoring and enforcement applications
* Real-Time System for Monitoring of Cyclists and Pedestrians, A
* Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
* Recognition of human actions using motion history information extracted from the compressed video
* Reconstruction of segmentally articulated structure in freeform movement with low density feature points
* Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution from Single Uncalibrated Views
* Registration of digital retinal images using landmark correspondence by expectation maximization
* Retrieving digital images from a JPEG compressed image database
* Robust approach for disparity estimation in stereo vision
* Robust tracking of persons in real-world scenarios using a statistical computer vision approach
* Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Separating shape and pose variations
* Special issue on statistical methods in video processing
* Special Issue on Visual Surveillance
* statistical framework for picture reconstruction using 2D AR models, A
* Statistical significance of features in digital images
* Stereo Confidence Metric Using Single View Imagery with Comparison to Five Alternative Approaches, A
* Stereo image compression using wavelet coefficients morphology
* Stereo person tracking with adaptive plan-view templates of height and occupancy statistics
* Sudden illumination change detection using order consistency
* Super-resolution imaging: use of zoom as a cue
* Support Vector Machine Based Multi-View Face Detection and Recognition
* systematic approach to nD orientation representation, A
* Three-dimensional Structure Calculation: Achieving Accuracy without Calibration
* Tightly integrated sensor fusion for robust visual tracking
* Towards a Complete Dense Geometric and Photometric Reconstruction under Varying Pose and Illumination
* Towards Bayesian real-time optical flow
* Tracking multiple vehicles using foreground, background and motion models
* uncalibrated lightfield acquisition system, An
* unified approach for a simultaneous and cooperative estimation of defocus blur and spatial shifts, An
* Unifying statistical texture classification frameworks
* Unscented Kalman filter for visual curve tracking
* Using similarity measures and homogeneity for the comparison of images
* Velocity adaptation of spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities: an experimental study
110 for IVC(22)

IVC(23) * 3-D chamfer distances and norms in anisotropic grids
* 3D object segmentation using B-Surface
* Accelerating colour space conversion on reconfigurable hardware
* Adaptive color space switching for tracking under varying illumination
* adaptive hybrid energy-based fingerprint matching technique, An
* Adaptive robust estimation of affine parameters from block motion vectors
* Analysis of multiframe super-resolution reconstruction for image anti-aliasing and deblurring
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for sputtered surfaces with inhomogeneous textures, An
* Artificial and biological color band design as spectral compression
* automated palmprint recognition system, An
* Automatic machine vision calibration using statistical and neural network methods
* Automatic seeded region growing for color image segmentation
* Bayesian inference for multiband image segmentation via model-based cluster trees
* Beyond self-duality in morphological image analysis
* Boundary refinements for wavelet-domain multiscale texture segmentation
* Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from a single view based on scene constraints
* Color image segmentation based on adaptive local thresholds
* Colorization of black-and-white cartoons
* Colour image segmentation using the self-organizing map and adaptive resonance theory
* comparative evaluation approach for the classification of rotifers with modified non-parametric kNN, A
* Comparing and combining depth and texture cues for face recognition
* Complete calibration of a structured light stripe vision sensor through planar target of unknown orientations
* Component-based LDA face description for image retrieval and MPEG-7 standardisation
* Computing and analysing convex deficiencies to characterise 3D complex objects
* Conditional solutions for the affine reconstruction of N-views
* Connectivity-based local adaptive thresholding for carotid artery segmentation using MRA images
* DCT based simple classification scheme for fractal image compression
* Development and validation of a multi-step approach to improved detection of 3D point landmarks in tomographic images
* Discrete analytical curve reconstruction without patches
* Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery Introduction
* Discrete topology on N-dimensional square tessellated grids
* Dominant point detection: A new proposal
* Dynamic B-snake model for complex objects segmentation
* Dynamic photometric stereo: A new technique for moving surface analysis
* Effective automatic recognition of cultured cells in bright field images using fisher's linear discriminant preprocessing
* Effective pose estimation from point pairs
* efficient computation method for the texture browsing descriptor of MPEG-7, An
* Efficient representation of in-plane rotation within a PCA framework
* eigenvalue-based similarity measure and its application in defect detection, An
* Empirical mode decomposition synthesis of fractional processes in 1D- and 2D-space
* Encoding of multispectral and hyperspectral image data using wavelet transform and gain shape vector quantization
* Exact medial axis with euclidean distance
* Extraction of visual features with eye tracking for saliency driven 2D/3D registration
* Face recognition from 2D and 3D images using 3D Gabor filters
* Fast and robust text detection in images and video frames
* fast edge-oriented algorithm for image interpolation, A
* Fast MAP-based multiframe super-resolution image reconstruction
* fast search algorithm for mean-removed vector quantization using edge and texture strengths of a vector, A
* fast subpixel edge detection method using Sobel-Zernike moments operator, A
* Fundamentals of Stop and Go active models
* Fusion of multi-exposure images
* Fuzzy Spatial Relationships for Image Processing and Interpretation: A Review
* Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
* genetic-based adaptive threshold selection method for dynamic path tree structured vector quantization, A
* Geometric calibration of digital cameras through multi-view rectification
* Hand tracking in bimanual movements
* High-accuracy edge detection with Blurred Edge Model
* histogram-based approach for object-based query-by-shape-and-color in image and video databases, A
* Image enhancement based on the statistics of visual representation
* image zooming technique based on vector quantization approximation, An
* Lane following and lane departure using a linear-parabolic model
* Line-based object recognition using Hausdorff distance: From Range Images to Molecular Secondary Structures
* Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtual body
* Measurements of digitized objects with fuzzy borders in 2D and 3D
* Multi-scale feature identification using evolution strategies
* Multiprimitive segmentation based on meaningful breakpoints for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and conic arcs
* Multiresolution face recognition
* Numerical experiments on the accuracy of rotation moments invariants
* Object recognition and pose estimation using color cooccurrence histograms and geometric modeling
* On moment-based local operators for detecting image patterns
* Optimal partial shape similarity
* Optimal threshold selection algorithm in edge detection based on wavelet transform
* Optimised De Bruijn patterns for one-shot shape acquisition
* Optimizing parameters of a motion detection system by means of a distributed genetic algorithm
* Perspective rectification of document images using fuzzy set and morphological operations
* Photo-realistic facial expression synthesis
* Print-and-scan model and the watermarking countermeasure
* projective reconstruction of points, lines, quadrics, plane conics and degenerate quadrics using uncalibrated cameras, The
* Projective rectification from the fundamental matrix
* Real-time face detection and recognition using hybrid-information extracted from face space and facial features
* Real-time FPGA implementation of Hough Transform using gradient and CORDIC algorithm
* Real-time positioning for augmented reality on a custom parallel machine
* Reconstruction of Lambertian surfaces by discrete equal height contours and regions propagation
* Recovery of the trajectories of multiple moving objects in an image sequence with a PMHT approach
* Removal and contraction operations to define combinatorial pyramids: Application to the design of a spatial modeler
* Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis
* robust approach for automatic detection and segmentation of cracks in underground pipeline images, A
* Robust Euclidean Alignment of 3D Point Sets: The Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* robust iterative hypothesis testing design of the repeated genetic algorithm, A
* Robust motion estimation under varying illumination
* Robust watershed segmentation using wavelets
* Scene modelling from sparse 3D data
* Scene point constraints in camera auto-calibration: An implementational perspective
* Shortest routes on varying height surfaces using gray-level distance transforms
* Single view metrology from scene constraints
* Skeletonization of labeled gray-tone images
* Skin detection using pairwise models
* smoothness constraint set based on local statistics of BDCT coefficients for image postprocessing, A
* Study and evaluation of different Fourier methods for image retrieval
* Surface area estimation of digitized 3D objects using weighted local configurations
* Towards a general sampling theory for shape preservation
* unbiased implementation of regularization mechanisms, An
* Unsupervised colour image segmentation applied to printing quality assessment
* Unsupervised image categorization
* User-adaptive hand gesture recognition system with interactive training
* Using genetic algorithm optimizing stack filters based on MMSE criterion
* Using skew Gabor filter in source signal separation and local spectral orientation analysis
* wavelet-based multiresolution edge detection and tracking, A
108 for IVC(23)

IVC(24) * 3D Pose estimation of symmetrical objects of unknown shape
* 3D shape-based face representation and feature extraction for face recognition
* Active appearance models with occlusion
* Adaptive fingerprint image enhancement with fingerprint image quality analysis
* Adaptive object detection and recognition based on a feedback strategy
* affine-model-based technique for fast DPIV computation, An
* Appearance Models for Occlusion Handling
* Applications of moving windows technique to autonomous vehicle navigation
* Augmented tracking with incomplete observation and probabilistic reasoning
* automated pattern recognition system for the quantification of inflammatory cells in hepatitis-C-infected liver biopsies, An
* Automatic Euclidean reconstruction for turn-table sequences by indirect epipolar search between pairs of views
* Automatic illumination correction for scene enhancement and object tracking
* Automatic parameter regulation of perceptual systems
* Automatic registration of overlapping 3D point clouds using closest points
* Background recovering in outdoor image sequences: An example of soccer players segmentation
* BALAS: Empirical Bayesian learning in the relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Camera self-calibration from bivariate polynomial equations and the coplanarity constraint
* Characterizing the performance of automatic road detection using error propagation
* Collecting highly reproducible images to support dermatological medical diagnosis
* comparison between BEM and FEM for elastic registration of medical images, A
* comparison between feature-based and EM-based contour tracking, A
* Compression of pre-scan-converted echocardiographic video using wavelet packet and integer wavelet transforms
* Context-based object detection in still images
* Contour tracking based on marginalized likelihood ratios
* Coplanar circles, quasi-affine invariance and calibration
* Data-driven synthesis of composite-feature detectors for 3D image analysis
* Discriminant common vectors versus neighbourhood components analysis and Laplacianfaces: A comparative study in small sample size problem
* Dominant colour extraction in DCT domain
* Dynamics of Facial Expression Extracted Automatically from Video
* Efficient cumulative matching for image registration
* Efficient particle filtering using RANSAC with application to 3D face tracking
* Enhanced images watermarking based on amplitude modulation
* Enhancing effective depth-of-field by image fusion using mathematical morphology
* Euclidean reconstruction of a circular truncated cone only from its uncalibrated contours
* Evaluation of correspondence errors for stereo
* Extracting 3D information from broadcast soccer video
* Eye tracking: Pupil orientation geometrical modeling
* Face authentication using speed fractal technique
* Face detection and tracking in video sequences using the modified census transformation
* Face recognition by fusing thermal infrared and visible imagery
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections
* Face recognition using optimal linear components of range images
* Facial pose from 3D data
* Fast construction of dynamic and multi-resolution 360° panoramas from video sequences
* Fast mixing hyperdynamic sampling
* Feature-based image registration by means of the CHC evolutionary algorithm
* Fitting 3D face models for tracking and active appearance model training
* Flexible background mixture models for foreground segmentation
* Fuzzy shape based motion evaluation of left ventricle using genetic algorithm
* global unimodal thresholding based on probabilistic reference maps for the segmentation of muscle images, A
* Hand biometrics
* Hidden Markov models-based 3D MRI brain segmentation
* Hill-manipulation: An effective algorithm for color image segmentation
* Human tracking using 3D surface colour distributions
* Image encryption using chaotic logistic map
* Image inpainting with structural bootstrap priors
* Image segmentation by cue selection and integration
* Image super-resolution survey
* improved procedure for the extraction of temporal motion strength signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures, An
* information-theoretic approach to face recognition from face motion manifolds, An
* Integrating region and boundary information for spatially coherent object tracking
* Inverse perspective mapping and optic flow: A calibration method and a quantitative analysis
* Lighting design for machine vision application
* Line cluster detection using a variant of the Hough transform for culture row localisation
* Local approach for face verification in polar frequency domain
* Manifold Based Analysis of Facial Expression
* Markov random field image segmentation model for color textured images, A
* Measuring the performance of face localization systems
* Minimal-latency human action recognition using reliable-inference
* Model-free tracking of cars and people based on color regions
* Monocular obstacle detection using reciprocal-polar rectification
* Motion detection and tracking using belief indicators for an automatic visual-surveillance system
* motion-based scene tree for compressed video content management, A
* Moving object segmentation by background subtraction and temporal analysis
* Multi Camera Image Tracking
* Multi-Agent Activity Recognition Using Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Models
* Multi-sector algorithm for hardware acceleration of the general Hough transform
* Multisensor triplet Markov fields and theory of evidence
* Neural classifier for micro work piece recognition
* new approach to estimating fundamental matrix, A
* new edge detection approach based on image context analysis, A
* new image shape analysis approach and its application to flower shape analysis, A
* new perceptual organization approach to 3D measuring system based on the fuzzy integral, A
* new technique for generalized learning vector quantization algorithm, A
* Nonlinear optimisation method for image segmentation and noise reduction using geometrical intrinsic properties
* Nonlinear structure tensors
* Novel target segmentation and tracking based on fuzzy membership distribution for vision-based target tracking system
* novel weighted Hausdorff distance for face localization, A
* Numerical error analysis in Zernike moments computation
* Object detection using spatial histogram features
* Object recognition using point uncertainty regions as pose uncertainty regions
* Object tracking in an outdoor environment using fusion of features and cameras
* On the relation between Memon's and the modified Zeng's palette reordering methods
* partition approach for the restoration of camera images of planar and curled document, A
* People tracking in surveillance applications
* Piecewise planar scene reconstruction from sparse correspondences
* Quadtree-based representations of grid-oriented data
* Radiometric calibration of vision cameras and intensity uncertainty estimation
* Recognition of human periodic movements from unstructured information using a motion-based frequency domain approach
* Reconfigurable omnidirectional camera array calibration with a linear moving object
* Region Matching with Missing Parts
* Robust face recognition from 2D and 3D images using structural Hausdorff distance
* robust method to recognize critical configuration for camera calibration, A
* Robust multiple objects tracking using image segmentation and trajectory estimation scheme in video frames
* Seeing faces in video by computers. Editorial for Special Issue on Face Processing in Video Sequences
* Self-organizing shape description for tracking and classifying multiple interacting objects
* Sliding window based approach for document image mosaicing
* Speeding up the similarity search in high-dimensional image database by multiscale filtering and dynamic programming
* Spherical mapping for processing of 3D closed surfaces
* subspace method for projective reconstruction from multiple images with missing data, A
* Supervised locality pursuit embedding for pattern classification
* Synthesis of image deformation strategies
* system for rotational velocity computation from image sequences, A
* Tracking a Detected Face with Dynamic Programming
* use of attention and spatial information for rapid facial recognition in video, The
* Using range data in automatic modeling of buildings
* Video dejittering by bake and shake
* weighted probabilistic approach to face recognition from multiple images and video sequences, A
* Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features
119 for IVC(24)

IVC(25) * 3D optical flow computation using a parallel variational multigrid scheme with application to cardiac C-arm CT motion
* 3D registration of partially overlapping surfaces using a volumetric approach
* 3D surface point and wireframe reconstruction from multiview photographic images
* adaptive level-selecting wavelet transform for texture defect detection, An
* Adaptive surface inspection via interactive evolution
* Adjacency lattices and shape-tree semilattices
* age of human computer interaction, The
* Algorithms for the computation of the Minkowski functionals of deterministic and random polyconvex sets
* Analysis of the rubberband algorithm
* Attribute-space connectivity and connected filters
* augmented reality human-computer interface for object localization in a cognitive vision system, An
* Authentic facial expression analysis
* Automated visual inspection of ripple defects using wavelet characteristic based multivariate statistical approach
* Automatic selection of MRF control parameters by reactive tabu search
* body-mounted camera system for head-pose estimation and user-view image synthesis, A
* Centre of mass model: A novel approach to background modelling for segmentation of moving objects
* Cloud covering denoising through image fusion
* Color image coding using regional correlation of primary colors
* Colour text segmentation in web images based on human perception
* Combined edge detection using wavelet transform and signal registration
* Combining neighbourhood-based and histogram similarity measures for the design of image quality measures
* Combining wavelets and watersheds for robust multiscale image segmentation
* Comparison of directly measured to derived polarization imagery using an adaptive signature detection algorithm
* Computer vision applications: Special issue
* Computer vision methods for optical microscopes
* Contour detection based on contextual influences
* Contour salience descriptors for effective image retrieval and analysis
* Correspondence as energy-based segmentation
* decomposition technique for reconstructing discrete sets from four projections, A
* Defining and computing stable representations of volume shapes from discrete trace using volume primitives: Application to 3D image analysis in soil science
* Deformation tolerant generalized Hough transform for sketch-based image retrieval in complex scenes
* Digital hyperplane recognition in arbitrary fixed dimension within an algebraic computation model
* Discrete bisector function and Euclidean skeleton in 2D and 3D
* Distributed recursive learning for shape recognition through multiscale trees
* Dynamic visual attention model in image sequences
* Efficient complete and incomplete path openings and closings
* Efficient predictive model of zero quantized DCT coefficients for fast video encoding
* EM enhancement of 3D head pose estimated by point at infinity
* Erratum to Real-time FPGA implementation of Hough Transform using gradient and CORDIC algorithm
* Estimating 3D hand pose using hierarchical multi-label classification
* Estimation of electron probe profile from SEM image through wavelet multiresolution analysis for inline SEM inspection
* Evaluating the mid-secretory endometrium appearance using hysteroscopic digital video summarization
* Evaluation of a convex relaxation to a quadratic assignment matching approach for relational object views
* Evolutionary approach to inverse planning in coplanar radiotherapy
* Examining the uncertainty of the recovered surface normal in three light photometric stereo
* Face detection and facial feature localization without considering the appearance of image context
* Fast stochastic optimization for articulated structure tracking
* Fast Zernike wavelet moments for Farsi character recognition
* Fast, accurate and convergent tangent estimation on digital contours
* Filling holes on locally smooth surfaces reconstructed from point clouds
* Finger identification and hand posture recognition for human-robot interaction
* Finite Markov Random Field approach to fast edge-preserving image recovery, A
* framework of fuzzy information fusion for the segmentation of brain tumor tissues on MR images, A
* Fully automatic coloring of grayscale images
* fusion architecture based on TBM for camera motion classification, A
* Fuzzy rough sets hybrid scheme for breast cancer detection
* Fuzzy technique based recognition of handwritten characters
* Gabor wavelets and General Discriminant Analysis for face identification and verification
* Generalised finite radon transform for NxN images
* genetic algorithm for optical flow estimation, A
* Genetic Fourier descriptor for the detection of rotational symmetry
* Hierarchical building recognition
* High-precision stereo disparity estimation using HMMF models
* Histogram-based fuzzy colour filter for image restoration
* Human gait recognition at sagittal plane
* Image distance functions for manifold learning
* Image filtering using morphological amoebas
* Image restoration using digital inpainting and noise removal
* Improved grating and bar cell models in cortical area V1 and texture coding
* Improved SFS 3D measurement based on BP neural network
* integrated fuzzy cells-classifier, An
* Integrating temporal information with a non-rigid method of motion correction for functional magnetic resonance images
* Integration of deformable contours and a multiple hypotheses Fisher color model for robust tracking in varying illuminant environments
* Interaction framework for home environment using speech and vision
* Introduction Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* ISMM05 special issue
* Iterative area filtering of multichannel images
* Kernel-based distance metric learning for content-based image retrieval
* Kinematic sets for real-time robust articulated object tracking
* Knowledge-based adaptive thresholding segmentation of digital subtraction angiography images
* Lie algebra approach for tracking and 3D motion estimation using monocular vision
* Local characterization of a maximum set of digital (26, 6)-surfaces
* Local configurations in discrete combinatorial surfaces
* Locality preserving CCA with applications to data visualization and pose estimation
* Lossy dictionary-based image compression method
* Low-dose, large-angled cone-beam helical CT data reconstruction using algebraic reconstruction techniques
* Memory-efficient spatial prediction image compression scheme
* Methodology for the design of NN-based month-word recognizers written on Brazilian bank checks
* Microarray image gridding with stochastic search based approaches
* model for optimal design of robot vision systems based on kinematic error correction, The
* Modelling and segmentation of colour images in polar representations
* Models from image triplets using epipolar gradient features
* Morphological segmentation of yeast by image analysis
* Morphology for matrix data: Ordering versus PDE-based approach
* Motion estimation and compensation from noisy image sequences: A new filtering scheme
* Multi-modal image registration using local frequency representation and computer-aided design (CAD) models
* Multi-stage 3D reconstruction under circular motion
* Multi-view correspondence by enforcement of rigidity constraints
* Multiscale contour corner detection based on local natural scale and wavelet transform
* multivariate statistical analysis of the developing human brain in preterm infants, A
* Multiview Range Image Registration Using the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* new adaptive vertex-based binary shape coding technique, A
* new edge-adaptive demosaicing algorithm for color filter arrays, A
* New fast normalized neural networks for pattern detection
* Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet-based tracking and non-linear optimization
* Nonrigid motion recovery for 3D surfaces
* novel approach to photometric motion, A
* novel generalization of the gray-scale histogram and its application to the automated visual measurement and inspection of wooden Pallets, A
* Numerical residues
* Object surface recovery using a multi-light photometric stereo technique for non-Lambertian surfaces subject to shadows and specularities
* Obtaining virtual lighting condition based on images using NNs
* On some applications of generalized functionality for arithmetic discrete planes
* On the Bayes fusion of visual features
* On the computational aspects of Zernike moments
* On the dynamics
* Outdoor recognition at a distance by fusing gait and face
* Outlier rejection in high-dimensional deformable models
* parallel application for 3D reconstruction of coronal loops using image morphing, A
* particle filter for joint detection and tracking of color objects, A
* Pattern Recognition with SVM and dual-tree complex wavelets
* People detection and tracking using stereo vision and color
* Pipe eccentricity measurement using laser triangulation
* Portrait beautification: A fast and robust approach
* Priority pixel queue algorithm for geodesic distance transforms
* prism-based single-lens stereovision system: From trinocular to multi-ocular, A
* Product quality on-line inspecting for the pressed protuberant character on a metal tag
* Pyramid symmetry transforms: From local to global symmetry
* R-snakes
* Random projection and orthonormality for lossy image compression
* Rapid prototyping 3D objects from scanned measurement data
* Real time multispectral high temperature measurement: Application to control in the industry
* Rectification of the chordal axis transform skeleton and criteria for shape decomposition
* Resolving hand over face occlusion
* Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves and applications
* review of recent range image registration methods with accuracy evaluation, A
* Robust Tracking with Motion Estimation and Local Kernel-Based Color Modeling
* Rotation-invariant and scale-invariant Gabor features for texture image retrieval
* Scene based non-uniformity correction in thermal images using Kalman filter
* Segmentation and description of natural outdoor scenes
* Segmentation and region of interest based image retrieval in low depth of field observations
* sensitivity analysis method and its application in physics-based nonrigid motion modeling, A
* Sequential Monte Carlo tracking by fusing multiple cues in video sequences
* shape interpolation technique based on inclusion relationships and median sets, A
* Silhouette lookup for monocular 3D pose tracking
* Simultaneous pose recovery and camera registration from multiple views of a walking person
* Stability results for the reconstruction of binary pictures from two projections
* Stand-alone embedded vision system based on fuzzy associative database
* Stochastic exploration and active learning for image retrieval
* Supervised texture classification by integration of multiple texture methods and evaluation windows
* Surface detail in computer models
* Text segmentation in color images using tensor voting
* Texture analysis methods for tool condition monitoring
* Theoretical foundations for spatially discrete 1-D shock filtering
* Tracking human motion using auxiliary particle filters and iterated likelihood weighting
* Transductive local exploration particle filter for object tracking
* Two steps for fingerprint segmentation
* two-step neural-network based algorithm for fast image super-resolution, A
* Understanding image structure from a new multi-scale representation of higher order derivative filters
* Using resolution pyramids for watershed image segmentation
* validated edge model technique for the empirical performance evaluation of discrete zero-crossing methods, A
* variation on SVD based image compression, A
* variational formulation for segmenting desired objects in color images, A
* Vector quantization and fuzzy ranks for image reconstruction
* Vehicle detection from high-resolution satellite imagery using morphological shared-weight neural networks
* View synthesis by the parallel use of GPU and CPU
* visual landmark framework for mobile robot navigation, A
* Visual recognition of pointing gestures for human-robot interaction
* Watershed and multimodal data for brain vessel segmentation: Application to the superior sagittal sinus
* Which is the best way to organize/classify images by content?
169 for IVC(25)

IVC(26) * 15th Annual British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2004)
* 2D Gaborface representation method for face recognition with ensemble and multichannel model
* 3D Motion from structures of points, lines and planes
* 3D-spline reconstruction using shape from shading: Spline from shading
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on particle swarm optimization
* analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion, An
* Analytic image unwarping by a systematic calibration method for omni-directional cameras with hyperbolic-shaped mirrors
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast glass substrates, An
* Attention can improve a simple model for object recognition
* Attention links sensing to recognition
* Automatic detection of salient objects and spatial relations in videos for a video database system
* Automatic face authentication with self compensation
* Automatic generation of consensus ground truth for the comparison of edge detection techniques
* Automatic object and image alignment using Fourier Descriptors
* Bayesian optimization of the scale saliency filter
* Bilateral learning for color-based tracking
* Biometric verification/identification based on hands natural layout
* blind source separation-based method for multiple images encryption, A
* Camera calibration from human motion
* Cognitive vision: The case for embodied perception
* Color PCA eigenimages and their application to compression and watermarking
* comparative study of deformable contour methods on medical image segmentation, A
* comparative study of model selection criteria for computer vision applications, A
* Computer vision techniques for forest fire perception
* Conceptual representations between video signals and natural language descriptions
* Contour simplification using a multi-scale local phase analysis
* Convergence analysis of active contours
* Conversions between three methods for representing 3D surface textures under arbitrary illumination directions
* Definition and recovery of kinematic features for recognition of American sign language movements
* Denoising of multicomponent images using wavelet least-squares estimators
* Diffeomorphic Statistical Shape Models
* Digitization of non-regular shapes in arbitrary dimensions
* Direct type-specific conic fitting and eigenvalue bias correction
* distance-based separator representation for pattern classification, A
* Distinctive and compact features
* Dominant point detection by reverse polygonization of digital curves
* Drums, curve descriptors and affine invariant region matching
* Dual fractals
* Edge-and-corner preserving regularization for image interpolation and reconstruction
* Efficient embedded wavelet codec based on list structure
* EM enhancement of 3D head pose estimated by point at infinity
* EM/E-MRF algorithm for adaptive model based tracking in extremely poor visibility, An
* Embedded zerotree wavelets coding based on adaptive fuzzy clustering for image compression
* Enhanced tracking and recognition of moving objects by reasoning about spatio-temporal continuity
* Estimating the minimum redundancy in stereo image pair
* Estimation of multiple directional illuminants from a single image
* Euclidean path modeling for video surveillance
* extended difference expansion algorithm for reversible watermarking, An
* Extraction and Temporal Segmentation of Multiple Motion Trajectories in Human Motion
* Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
* fast classification based method for fractal image encoding, A
* Fast VQ codebook search algorithm for grayscale image coding
* feature-based robust digital image watermarking against geometric attacks, A
* Filtering noise on mammographic phantom images using local contrast modification functions
* Fractal image compression using visual-based particle swarm optimization
* Full-sky autonomous star identification based on radial and cyclic features of star pattern
* general recursive linear method and unique solution pattern design for the perspective-n-point problem, A
* Hand gesture recognition and tracking based on distributed locally linear embedding
* Image and vision computing special issue on cognitive vision
* Image encryption with compound chaotic sequence cipher shifting dynamically
* Image interpolation using interpolative classified vector quantization
* Image magnification based on a blockwise adaptive Markov random field model
* Image vector quantization codec indices recovery using Lagrange interpolation
* Impact of vertex clustering on registration-based 3D dynamic mesh coding
* Improved spatially adaptive MDL denoising of images using normalized maximum likelihood density
* improvement of EMD embedding method for large payloads by pixel segmentation strategy, An
* Improving detection of surface discontinuities in visual-force control systems
* Incremental and robust learning of subspace representations
* Independent component analysis-based defect detection in patterned liquid crystal display surfaces
* Integrating region and edge information for texture segmentation using a modified constraint satisfaction neural network
* Intra-dimensional feature diagnosticity in the Fuzzy Feature Contrast Model
* Iterated dynamic programming and quadtree subregioning for fast stereo matching
* knowledge based approach for a fast image retrieval system, A
* Learning semantic object parts for object categorization
* Learning temporal structure for task based control
* Local feature extraction for iris recognition with automatic scale selection
* Log-polar mapping template design: From task-level requirements to geometry parameters
* Lossless nibbled data embedding scheme based on difference expansion
* Making a smarter color camera
* Mathematical model of blob matching and modified Bhattacharyya coefficient
* Minimal Solution for Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length, A
* minimum description length objective function for groupwise non-rigid image registration, A
* mixture of K-Optimal-Spanning-Trees based probability approximation: Application to skin detection, The
* Monomodal image registration using mutual information based methods
* morphological image processing method for locating myosin filaments in muscle electron micrographs, A
* Motion bias and structure distortion induced by intrinsic calibration errors
* Multi-focus color image fusion in the HSI space using the sum-modified-laplacian and a coarse edge map
* Multi-modal tracking of people using laser scanners and video camera
* Multi-modal tracking using texture changes
* Multiclass cell detection in bright field images of cell mixtures with ECOC probability estimation
* Multifocus image fusion using region segmentation and spatial frequency
* Mumford-Shah model on lattice, A
* new scheme for automated 3D PDM construction using deformable models, A
* Non-linear fourth-order image interpolation for subpixel edge detection and localization
* Non-negative sparse coding shrinkage for image denoising using normal inverse Gaussian density model
* novel Kohonen SOM-based image compression architecture suitable for moderate density FPGAs, A
* Novel Pixon-Representation for Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field, A
* Numerical calculation of digital curve length by using anchored discrete convolution
* Occlusion Analysis: Learning and Utilising Depth Maps in Object Tracking
* Occlusion invariant face recognition using selective local non-negative matrix factorization basis images
* On scene interpretation with description logics
* On the Probabilistic Epipolar Geometry
* Ontology based complex object recognition
* Optimised coupling of hierarchies in image registration
* Palmprint Recognition with Improved Two-Dimensional Locality Preserving Projections
* Parallelized segmentation of a serially sectioned whole human brain
* Persian/arabic handwritten word recognition using M-band packet wavelet transform
* Plane-based camera self-calibration by metric rectification of images
* Random-bit sequence generation from image data
* Rapid surface registration of 3D volumes using a neural network approach
* Real-time camera tracking for marker-less and unprepared augmented reality environments
* Real-time hand posture recognition using range data
* Reconstructing Relief Surfaces
* Region saliency as a measure for colour segmentation stability
* Relative scale method to locate an object in cluttered environment
* Relaying scene information to the blind via sound using cartoon depth maps
* Restoration of blue scratches in digital image sequences
* Robust face recognition under partial occlusion based on support vector machine with local Gaussian summation kernel
* Robust face-voice based speaker identity verification using multilevel fusion
* Robust motion from space curves and 3d reconstruction from multiviews using perpendicular double stereo rigs
* Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measuring for 3D models by relative angle-context distributions
* ROI image retrieval method based on CVAAO, A
* Segmentation of color images via reversible jump MCMC sampling
* Shock filter coupled to curvature diffusion for image denoising and sharpening
* Simplified patterns for extracting the isosurfaces of solid objects
* Staircase effect alleviation by coupling gradient fidelity term
* stratified self-calibration method for circular motion in spite of varying intrinsic parameters, A
* strongest schema learning GA and its application to multilevel thresholding, The
* Subpixel edge location based on orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Supervised grayscale thresholding based on transition regions
* system for processing handwritten bank checks automatically, A
* Three-dimensional face recognition using combinations of surface feature map subspace components
* Tiny surface defect inspection of electronic passive components using discrete cosine transform decomposition and cumulative sum techniques
* Topological triangle characterization with application to object detection from images
* Total variation minimizing blind deconvolution with shock filter reference
* Touch-less palm print biometrics: Novel design and implementation
* Triangulation for Points on Lines
* Unified Framework for Scene Illuminant Estimation, A
* Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discover and classify texture patterns
* Using structured light for efficient depth edge detection
* Vehicle speed detection from a single motion blurred image
* Viewpoint Determination of Image by Interpolation over Sparse Samples
* visual active memory perspective on integrated recognition systems, The
* WaterBalloons: A hybrid watershed Balloon Snake segmentation
* windowed Gaussian notch filter for quasi-periodic noise removal, A
145 for IVC(26)

IVC(27) * 1-D chaincode pattern matching for compression of Bi-level printed farsi and arabic textual images
* 3-D multimodal cardiac data superimposition using 2-D image registration and 3-D reconstruction from multiple views
* 3D Mesh decomposition using Reeb graphs
* 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes
* 3DID face alignment system for verifying identity, The
* Accurate text localization in images based on SVM output scores
* Advances in fingerprint modeling
* Aircraft recognition in infrared image using wavelet moment invariants
* Anytime learning for the NoSLLiP tracker
* Approximate graph edit distance computation by means of bipartite graph matching
* Approximative graph pyramid solution of the E-TSP
* Auto-correlation wavelet support vector machine
* Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs
* Automated encoding of footwear patterns for fast indexing
* Automated tracking in digitized videofluoroscopy sequences for spine kinematic analysis
* Automatic analysis of 2D foam sequences: Application to the characterization of aqueous proteins foams stability
* Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs
* Automatic coding of facial expressions displayed during posed and genuine pain
* Automatic detection of abnormal gait
* Automatic noise estimation in images using local statistics. Additive and multiplicative cases
* Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groups: A review
* Automatic objects behaviour recognition from compressed video domain
* Automatic soccer players tracking in goal scenes by camera motion elimination
* Autonomous vision-based robotic exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and particle filters
* Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive audiovisual integration for real-life application
* Benchmarking graph-based clustering algorithms
* Biometrics and their use in e-passports
* Block Wiener-based image registration for moving target indication
* Capturing outlines of 2D objects with Bezier cubic approximation
* clustering approach to free form surface reconstruction from multi-view range images, A
* Combining vector ordering and spatial information for color image interpolation
* Comparing active vision models
* Computer vision methods for ambient intelligence
* Computing and evaluating view-normalized body part trajectories
* Continuous dimensionality characterization of image structures
* Covariance estimation in full- and reduced-dimensionality image classification
* Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on a compound chaotic sequence
* customized Gabor filter for unsupervised color image segmentation, A
* Decomposition of two-dimensional shapes for efficient retrieval
* Detection and compression of moving objects based on new panoramic image modeling
* Directly computing the generators of image homology using graph pyramids
* Discrete 2D and 3D euclidean medial axis in higher resolution
* Dynamic face recognition: From human to machine vision
* Dynamic visual tracking control of a mobile robot with image noise and occlusion robustness
* Edge landmarks in monocular SLAM
* edge-based color-aided method for license plate detection, An
* Efficient 3D characterization of raised topological defects in smooth specular coatings
* Efficient computation of channel-coded feature maps through piecewise polynomials
* Efficient constrained local model fitting for non-rigid face alignment
* Efficient illumination independent appearance-based face tracking
* Embodied spatial cognition: Biological and artificial systems
* Empirical evaluation of combining unobtrusiveness and security requirements in multimodal biometric systems
* Epipolar geometry of catadioptric stereo systems with planar mirrors
* evaluation metric for image segmentation of multiple objects, An
* Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding
* Exploratory learning structures in artificial cognitive systems
* extension of min/max flow framework, An
* Fabric defect detection using morphological filters
* Face recognition in JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed domain
* Face recognition with disguise and single gallery images
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Binary Patterns: A Comprehensive Study
* Fast Image Blending using Watersheds and Graph Cuts
* Feasibility assessment of vision-based surface roughness parameters acquisition for different types of machined specimens
* Feature based RDWT watermarking for multimodal biometric system
* featureless and stochastic approach to on-board stereo vision system pose, A
* Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs
* Fuzzy rough sets hybrid scheme for motion and scene complexity adaptive deinterlacing
* game-theoretic approach to partial clique enumeration, A
* Generic and Real-Time Structure from Motion Using Local Bundle Adjustment
* geometric active contour model without re-initialization for color images, A
* Geometrical PDEs based on second-order derivatives of gauge coordinates in image processing
* gradient-based combined method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field, A
* Graph Cut based Panoramic 3D Modeling and Ground Truth Comparison with a Mobile Platform: The Wagele
* Graph matching using the interference of discrete-time quantum walks
* Graph-based Representations Preface
* Handwriting verification: Comparison of a multi-algorithmic and a multi-semantic approach
* hierarchical attention-based neural network architecture, based on human brain guidance, for perception, conceptualisation, action and reasoning, A
* Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations, A
* Histogram of oriented rectangles: A new pose descriptor for human action recognition
* Image and vision computing journal special issue on multimodal biometrics
* Image compression using plane fitting with inter-block prediction
* Image stitching with dynamic elements
* Improving object detection with boosted histograms
* Joint trajectory tracking and recognition based on bi-directional nonlinear learning
* Latent mixture vocabularies for object categorization and segmentation
* level set framework using a new incremental, robust Active Shape Model for object segmentation and tracking, A
* linear-complexity reparameterisation strategy for the hierarchical bootstrapping of capabilities within perception-action architectures, A
* Local adaptive receptive field self-organizing map for image color segmentation
* Local detection of occlusion boundaries in video
* Localisation of the optic disc by means of GA-optimised Topological Active Nets
* Localized matching using Earth Mover's Distance towards discovery of common patterns from small image samples
* Matching of anatomical tree structures for registration of medical images
* Minimum Bayes error features for visual recognition
* mixtures of Student's t-distributions as a robust framework for rigid registration, The
* model for dynamic object segmentation with kernel density estimation based on gradient features, A
* Modelling and recognition of the linguistic components in American Sign Language
* Modelling of axonal fields in the optic nerve for direct MR detection studies
* Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries
* Moving surface extraction based on unordered hexagonal perfect submaps projection: Applications to 3D feature tracking
* Multi perspective panoramic imaging
* Multiple object tracking using a neural cost function
* Multiple planes based registration using 3D Projective Space for Augmented Reality
* Multiscale fusion of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree through graph cut
* new automated quality assessment algorithm for image fusion, A
* new computational framework for 2D shape-enclosing contours, A
* new integer image coding technique based on orthogonal polynomials, A
* New sequential exact Euclidean distance transform algorithms based on convex analysis
* Non-intrusive liveness detection by face images
* Non-uniformity correction for SLM microscopic images
* Normal mesh based geometrical image compression
* Novel depth cues from light scattering
* Object detection using image reconstruction with PCA
* On the morphological processing of hue
* On the security defects of an image encryption scheme
* Optic flow from unstable sequences through local velocity constancy maximization
* outdoor time scenes simulation scheme based on support vector regression with radial basis function on DCT domain, An
* painful face: Pain expression recognition using active appearance models, The
* parallel algorithm to skeletonize the distance transform of 3D objects, A
* Parts-based segmentation with overlapping part models using Markov chain Monte Carlo
* PDE-Based Robust Robotic Navigation
* People detection in low-resolution video with non-stationary background
* Pose independent object classification from small number of training samples based on kernel principal component analysis of local parts
* Problem solving through imitation
* Qualitative spatial relationships for image interpretation by using a conceptual graph
* quantitative characterization of the distinctiveness and robustness of local image descriptors, The
* Query by low-quality image
* Real-time facial expression recognition using STAAM and layered GDA classifier
* Region and constellations based categorization of images with unsupervised graph learning
* Region-based Deformable Net for automatic color image segmentation
* robust Graph Transformation Matching for non-rigid registration, A
* Robust pedestrian detection and tracking in crowded scenes
* Robust sequential view planning for object recognition using multiple cameras
* Second and Third Canadian Conferences on Computer and Robot Vision
* Self-calibration of a vision-based sensor network
* Semi-automatic identification of print layers from a sequence of sample images: A case study from banknote print inspection
* Semi-random subspace method for face recognition
* Semiautomatic Segmentation with Compact Shape Prior
* Separation of the retinal vascular graph in arteries and veins based upon structural knowledge
* Shape and texture clustering: Best estimate for the clusters number
* Shape retrieval with eigen-CSS search
* Sharpness preserving image enlargement by using self-decomposed codebook and Mahalanobis distance
* Simultaneous place and object recognition using collaborative context information
* Simultaneously learning to recognize and control a low-cost robotic arm
* smart content-based image retrieval system based on color and texture feature, A
* Social signal processing: Survey of an emerging domain
* soft MAP framework for blind super-resolution image reconstruction, A
* Sparse B-spline polynomial descriptors for human activity recognition
* spatially distributed model for foreground segmentation, A
* Special issue on Perception, Action and Learning
* Statistics and category systems for the shape index descriptor of local 2nd order natural image structure
* Stereo Retinex
* Subspace manifold learning with sample weights
* Support vector regression based image denoising
* Taking the bite out of automated naming of characters in TV video
* Texture analysis for ulcer detection in capsule endoscopy images
* thresholding method based on two-dimensional fractional differentiation, A
* tool for integer homology computation: lambda-AT-model, A
* Tracking and recognizing actions of multiple hockey players using the boosted particle filter
* Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evaluation
* Using noise inconsistencies for blind image forensics
* Using self-organising maps in the detection and recognition of road signs
* Video analysis of hockey play in selected game situations
* View Matching with Blob Features
* view-based statistical system for multi-view face detection and pose estimation, A
* View-independent human motion classification using image-based reconstruction
* Visual and multimodal analysis of human spontaneous behaviour: Introduction to the Special Issue
* Watershed segmentation using prior shape and appearance knowledge
167 for IVC(27)

IVC(28) * 3D reconstruction using silhouettes from unordered viewpoints
* 3D shape recovery from image focus using kernel regression in eigenspace
* Accurate and speedy computation of image Legendre moments for computer vision applications
* Active Contours with Selective Local or Global Segmentation: A New Formulation and Level Set Method
* adaptive data hiding scheme with high embedding capacity and visual image quality based on SMVQ prediction through classification codebooks, An
* Adaptive pyramid mean shift for global real-time visual tracking
* Adaptive total variation denoising based on difference curvature
* Adaptive wavelet-Galerkin methods for limited angle tomography
* Adjacency stable connected operators and set levelings
* Adjusted pixel features for robust facial component classification
* agglomerative segmentation framework for non-convex regions within uterine cervix images, An
* Analysis of natural images processing for the extraction of agricultural elements
* Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* Automatic cleaning and segmentation of web images based on colors to build learning databases
* Automatic production of quantisation matrices based on perceptual modelling of wavelet coefficients for grey scale images
* Automatic textile image annotation by predicting emotional concepts from visual features
* Autonomous sub-image matching for two-dimensional electrophoresis gels using MaxRST algorithm
* Bayesian approach to joint tracking and identification of geometric shapes in video sequences, A
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2008
* Biometric classifier update using online learning: A case study in near infrared face verification
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal camera pose and focal length, A
* Camera handoff with adaptive resource management for multi-camera multi-object tracking
* Camera motion estimation by tracking contour deformation: Precision analysis
* Classifying materials in the real world
* Coarse-to-fine stereo vision with accurate 3D boundaries
* Color filter array design using random patterns with blue noise chromatic spectra
* Colour, texture, and motion in level set based segmentation and tracking
* Combining monoSLAM with object recognition for scene augmentation using a wearable camera
* Comments on 'Staircase effect alleviation by coupling gradient fidelity term'
* Construction of a complete set of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moment invariants for pattern recognition applications
* Context-based embedded image compression using binary wavelet transform
* Contrast enhancement of images using Partitioned Iterated Function Systems
* Delving deeper into the whorl of flower segmentation
* Depth reconstruction uncertainty analysis and improvement: The dithering approach
* Derivative-based imaging
* Detection and correction of purple fringing using color desaturation in the xy chromaticity diagram and the gradient information
* Digital Steiner sets and Matheron semi-groups
* Discriminative human action recognition in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* Distinguishing variance embedding
* Drift-correcting template update strategy for precision feature point tracking
* EDBoost algorithm towards robust face recognition in JPEG compressed domain, An
* Edge detection insensitive to changes of illumination in the image
* Efficient and robust segmentation of noisy iris images for non-cooperative iris recognition
* efficient approach for the removal of impulse noise from the corrupted image using neural network based impulse detector, An
* Efficient multiple phase shift patterns for dense 3D acquisition in structured light scanning
* Electric contacts inspection using machine vision
* Equidistant f-theta fish-eye perspective with application in distortion centre estimation
* Estimation of surface area and surface area measure of three-dimensional sets from digitizations
* Eye synthesis using the eye curve model
* Facial feature localization using weighted vector concentration approach
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape-from-Shading
* Fast and accurate geodesic distance transform by ordered propagation
* fast vector quantization encoding algorithm based on projection pyramid with Hadamard transformation, A
* Finding stable salient contours
* From rendering to tracking point-based 3D models
* FRVT 2006: Quo Vadis face quality
* Gabor texture representation method for face recognition using the Gamma and generalized Gaussian models
* general framework for tree-based morphology and its applications to self-dual filtering, A
* Generalized sparse MRF appearance models
* Geometric characterization and clustering of graphs using heat kernel embeddings
* Gradient histogram: Thresholding in a region of interest for edge detection
* Graph cuts with many-pixel interactions: Theory and applications to shape modelling
* Harmony Filter: A robust visual tracking system using the improved harmony search algorithm
* high-accuracy method for fine registration of overlapping point clouds, A
* highly accurate and computationally efficient approach for unconstrained iris segmentation, A
* Human action recognition using boosted EigenActions
* Human detection using a mobile platform and novel features derived from a visual saliency mechanism
* Image secret sharing method with two-decoding-options: Lossless recovery and previewing capability
* improved no-search fractal image coding method based on a fitting plane, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the Segmentation of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured At-a-distance and On-the-move
* Invariant image reconstruction from irregular samples and hexagonal grid splines
* Inverses and quotients of mappings between ordered sets
* Iris image segmentation and sub-optimal images
* Iris recognition: Analysis of the error rates regarding the accuracy of the segmentation stage
* Iris segmentation in non-ideal images using graph cuts
* ISMM 2007 Special Issue
* iterative multiresolution scheme for SFM with missing data: Single and multiple object scenes, An
* knowledge-based approach to the iris segmentation problem, A
* lattice computing approach for on-line fMRI analysis, A
* Learning a generic 3D face model from 2D image databases using incremental Structure-from-Motion
* Learning natural scene categories by selective multi-scale feature extraction
* Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
* Level-set segmentation of brain tumors using a threshold-based speed function
* Linear discriminant projection embedding based on patches alignment
* low-dimensional local descriptor incorporating TPS warping for image matching, A
* Markerless human articulated tracking using hierarchical particle swarm optimisation
* Maximum likelihood estimation of vessel parameters from scale space analysis
* Micro-crack inspection in heterogeneously textured solar wafers using anisotropic diffusion
* Modelling human perception of static facial expressions
* Monocular Head Pose Estimation Using Generalized Adaptive View-Based Appearance Model
* more you learn, the less you store: Memory-controlled incremental SVM for visual place recognition, The
* MRF-based kernel method for nonlinear feature extraction, An
* Multi-PIE
* multi-resolution area-based technique for automatic multi-modal image registration, A
* Multiview Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Occluding Layers
* Neuro semantic thresholding using OCR software for high precision OCR applications
* new iris segmentation method for non-ideal iris images, A
* new method for the registration of three-dimensional point-sets: The Gaussian Fields framework, A
* new pyramid-based color image representation for visual localization, A
* new ranking method for principal components analysis and its application to face image analysis, A
* new wavelet-based fuzzy single and multi-channel image denoising, A
* Noisy iris segmentation with boundary regularization and reflections removal
* Non-rigid face tracking with enforced convexity and local appearance consistency constraint
* Non-rigid metric reconstruction from perspective cameras
* Novel fractal image encoding algorithm using normalized one-norm and kick-out condition
* novel statistical generative model dedicated to face recognition, A
* Object-based video coding with dynamic quality control
* On the accuracy of image normalization by Zernike moments
* On-line evolving image classifiers and their application to surface inspection
* Online kernel density estimation for interactive learning
* Online learning of task-driven object-based visual attention control
* Online pattern recognition and machine learning techniques for computer-vision: Theory and applications
* Online shape learning using binary search trees
* Optimal non-iterative pose estimation via convex relaxation
* Palmprint authentication using a symbolic representation of images
* Perceptual color descriptor based on spatial distribution: A top-down approach
* Photo Hull regularized stereo
* Photometric stereo using LCD displays
* portable stereo vision system for whole body surface imaging, A
* Probabilistic learning for fully automatic face recognition across pose
* problems in digital watermarking into intra-frames of H.264/AVC, The
* Pulse-coupled neural networks and one-class support vector machines for geometry invariant texture retrieval
* Rapid, man-made object morphological segmentation for aerial images using a multi-scaled, geometric image analysis
* Reaction-diffusion network for geometric multiscale high speed image processing
* Real time fractal image coder based on characteristic vector matching
* Recognizing faces using Adaptively Weighted Sub-Gabor Array from a single sample image per enrolled subject
* Rejection of non-meaningful activities for HMM-based activity recognition system
* Relationships between some watershed definitions and their tie-zone transforms
* Reliable algorithm for iris segmentation in eye image
* Removing outliers by minimizing the sum of infeasibilities
* Review of pulse-coupled neural networks
* Robust and accurate iris segmentation in very noisy iris images
* Robust iris segmentation on uncalibrated noisy images using mathematical morphology
* Root Mean Square filter for noisy images based on hyper graph model
* Segmentation of 4D cardiac MRI: Automated method based on spatio-temporal watershed cuts
* Segmentation of historical machine-printed documents using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing and skeleton segmentation paths
* Segmentation of the carotid intima-media region in B-mode ultrasound images
* Self-calibration of spherical rectification for a PTZ-stereo system
* Shape from incomplete silhouettes based on the reprojection error
* Silhouette representation and matching for 3D pose discrimination: A comparative study
* Smoothing of optical flow using robustified diffusion kernels
* solution to illumination direction estimation of a shaded image: Genetic algorithm, A
* Some improvements for image filtering using peer group techniques
* Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cuts
* Stereo vision for robotic applications in the presence of non-ideal lighting conditions
* Sub-pixel edge detection based on an improved moment
* survey on vision-based human action recognition, A
* SVD lossy adaptive encoding of 3D digital images for ROI progressive transmission
* Symmetric deformable image registration via optimization of information theoretic measures
* Text detection in images using sparse representation with discriminative dictionaries
* two-stage scheme for text detection in video images, A
* Variable silhouette energy image representations for recognizing human actions
* Video synchronization and its application to object transfer
* Video-Based Face Model Fitting Using Adaptive Active Appearance Model
* Watershed from propagated markers: An interactive method to morphological object segmentation in image sequences
155 for IVC(28)

IVC(29) * 1D approach to correlation-based stereo matching, A
* 3D block-based medial axis transform and chessboard distance transform based on dominance
* Adaptive height-modified histogram equalization and chroma correction in YCbCr color space for fast backlight image compensation
* Adaptive smoothness based robust active contours
* adaptive steganographic method based on the measurement of just noticeable distortion profile, An
* Algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments and their numerical stability
* Automated fabric defect detection: A review
* Boosting histograms of descriptor distances for scalable multiclass specific scene recognition
* Central catadioptric image processing with geodesic metric
* Choice of similarity measure, likelihood function and parameters for histogram based particle filter tracking in CCTV grey scale video
* Combinatorial Optimization of the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah functional with application to scalar/vector valued and volumetric image segmentation
* Comments on Generalised finite Radon transform for NXN images
* Cost-effective solution to synchronised audio-visual data capture using multiple sensors
* Defuzzification of spatial fuzzy sets by feature distance minimization
* Dirichlet Gaussian mixture model: Application to image segmentation
* Distortion estimates for adaptive lifting transforms with noise
* Edge and line oriented contour detection: State of the art
* Edge detection in the feature space
* Edge preserved image fusion based on multiscale toggle contrast operator
* Enhancement of historical printed document images by combining Total Variation regularization and Non-local Means filtering
* Evolutionary-computer-assisted design of image operators that detect interest points using genetic programming
* Face tracking with automatic model construction
* Facial expression recognition from near-infrared videos
* Fast image motion segmentation for surveillance applications
* FoSA: F* Seed-growing Approach for crack-line detection from pavement images
* Frequency domain regularization of d-dimensional structure tensor-based directional fields
* fuzzy filter for the removal of random impulse noise in image sequences, A
* Goal-based trajectory analysis for unusual behaviour detection in intelligent surveillance
* graphical model based solution to the facial feature point tracking problem, A
* hierarchical feature fusion framework for adaptive visual tracking, A
* Image segmentation from scale and rotation invariant texture features from the double dyadic dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Improvements in image categorization using codebook ensembles
* Improving the performance of k-means for color quantization
* Inexact graph matching based on kernels for object retrieval in image databases
* Keyframe-based recognition and localization during video-rate parallel tracking and mapping
* Learning-based super resolution using kernel partial least squares
* Maximum likelihood autocalibration
* Measuring linearity of open planar curve segments
* Median-based image thresholding
* modified support vector machine and its application to image segmentation, A
* Multiple piecewise constant with geodesic active contours (MPC-GAC) framework for interactive image segmentation using graph cut optimization
* mutual information based face clustering algorithm for movie content analysis, A
* Non-local adaptive structure tensors: Application to anisotropic diffusion and shock filtering
* novel contour descriptor for 2D shape matching and its application to image retrieval, A
* novel kernel-based framework for facial-image hallucination, A
* Object tracking via appearance modeling and sparse representation
* PCA-based image recombination for multimodal 2D + 3D face recognition
* projected gradient algorithm based on the augmented Lagrangian strategy for image restoration and texture extraction, A
* Radial basis function based level set interpolation and evolution for deformable modelling
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition for mobile robots with cascade HMM and particle filter
* Real-time stereo on GPGPU using progressive multi-resolution adaptive windows
* Reverse caricatures effects on three-dimensional facial reconstructions
* Robust classification of face and head gestures in video
* Scale invariant and deformation tolerant partial shape matching
* SEDMI: Saliency based edge detection in multispectral images
* Shape ultimate attribute opening
* Similarity-based image organization and browsing using multi-resolution self-organizing map
* Spatial color histogram based center voting method for subsequent object tracking and segmentation
* spatial variant approach for vergence control in complex scenes, A
* survey on image-based continuum-body motion estimation, A
* Toward coherent object detection and scene layout understanding
* Towards human motion capture from a camera mounted on a mobile robot
* Tracking highly correlated targets through statistical multiplexing
* Useful features for human verification in near-infrared periocular images
* Using diagonals of orthogonal projection matrices for affine invariant contour matching
* Video-based descriptors for object recognition
* Video-based, real-time multi-view stereo
* Video-object segmentation and 3D-trajectory estimation for monocular video sequences
* Visible and infrared image registration using trajectories and composite foreground images
* Visual attention guided bit allocation in video compression
* Visual tracking using the Earth Mover's Distance between Gaussian mixtures and Kalman filtering
71 for IVC(29)

IVC(3) * Alvey computer vision and image interpretation research programmes
* Approach to Knowledge-Driven Segmentation, An
* Automatic Recalibration of Moving Cameras in Stereo Vision Systems
* Binocular Stereo Algorithm Based on the Disparity-Gradient Limit and Using Optimization Theory
* Direct Surface Reconstruction from a Moving Sensor
* Efficient Planar Convex Hull Algorithm
* Fast Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images
* Image Database
* Image Segmentation by Conventional and Information-Integrating Techniques: A Synopsis
* Implicit Convolution
* Knowledge-Based Analysis of Carotid Angiograms
* Machine Vision for Industry: Tasks, Tools, and Techniques
* Multiband image classification with a distributed architecture
* On Describing Complex Surface Shapes
* Optic Flow Segmentation as an Ill-Posed and Maximum Likelihood Problem
* Overview of the computer vision and robotics programme at the University of Utah
* Properties, implementations and applications of rank filters
* Range Filters: Local-Intensity Subrange Filters and Their Properties
* Relaxation Labelling Algorithms: A Review
* Space and Time Efficiency of the Forest-of-Quadtrees Representation
* Surface Descriptions from Stereo and Shading
* Three-dimensional hidden-surface removal for signal-return modelling: experimental results
* Three-Dimensional Surface Mapping Simulator: Theory, Capabilities and Operation
* Use of Multiple Difference-of-Gaussian Filters to Verify Geometric Models
24 for IVC(3)

IVC(30) * 3D facial behaviour analysis and understanding
* 3D hand tracking for human computer interaction
* 3D human face description: landmarks measures and geometrical features
* 3D shape estimation in video sequences provides high precision evaluation of facial expressions
* 3D/4D facial expression analysis: An advanced annotated face model approach
* Advances in matrix manifolds for computer vision
* Are we making real progress in computer vision today?
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2011
* Boosted human re-identification using Riemannian manifolds
* Boosted translation-tolerable classifiers for fast object detection
* Can the World-Wide Web Bridge the Semantic Gap?
* Colored exaggerative caricature creation using inter- and intra-correlations of feature shapes and positions
* Compact and adaptive spatial pyramids for scene recognition
* Computer vision needs a core and foundations
* Conjugate gradient on Grassmann manifolds for robust subspace estimation
* Context modeling for facial landmark detection based on Non-Adjacent Rectangle (NAR) Haar-like feature
* Contextual modulation via low-level vision processing
* Demographic effects on estimates of automatic face recognition performance
* Discrimination and description of repetitive patterns for enhancing the performance of feature-based recognition
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition: An exemplar-based approach from motion divergence fields
* Efficient 3D face recognition handling facial expression and hair occlusion
* efficient ear localization technique, An
* Efficient video denoising based on dynamic nonlocal means
* Encoding local image patterns using Riesz transforms: With applications to palmprint and finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Exploiting eye-hand coordination to detect grasping movements
* Exploring the effect of illumination on automatic expression recognition using the ICT-3DRFE database
* Extended local binary patterns for texture classification
* Face pose estimation with automatic 3D model creation in challenging scenarios
* Face verification of age separated images under the influence of internal and external factors
* fast robot homing approach using sparse image waypoints, A
* Fast variational multi-view segmentation through backprojection of spatial constraints
* Filling the gap in quality assessment of video object tracking
* Fitting smoothing splines to time-indexed, noisy points on nonlinear manifolds
* Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Face Challenge Problem, The
* Hi4D-ADSIP 3-D dynamic facial articulation database
* High-throughput-derived biologically-inspired features for unconstrained face recognition
* human motion database: A cognitive and parametric sampling of human motion, The
* Human skeleton tracking from depth data using geodesic distances and optical flow
* I2VM: Incremental import vector machines
* Image segmentation with one shape prior: A template-based formulation
* Introduction
* Learning common behaviors from large sets of unlabeled temporal series
* Learning-based encoding with soft assignment for age estimation under unconstrained imaging conditions
* Local phase quantization for blur-insensitive image analysis
* loop-consistency measure for dense correspondences in multi-view video, A
* Low-rank matrix decomposition in L1-norm by dynamic systems
* Lucas-Kanade based entropy congealing for joint face alignment
* Mathematical statistics and computer vision
* Max-margin Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* MIFT: A framework for feature descriptors to be mirror reflection invariant
* Model-based recognition of human actions by trajectory matching in phase spaces
* Morphable model space based face super-resolution reconstruction and recognition
* Multi-operator image retargeting with automatic integration of direct and indirect seam carving
* Multi-View Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Scenarios
* Multiple Human Tracking in High-Density Crowds
* Natural metrics and least-committed priors for articulated tracking
* novel framework for making dominant point detection methods non-parametric, A
* On advances in differential-geometric approaches for 2D and 3D shape analyses and activity recognition
* On collaborative people detection and tracking in complex scenarios
* On nonlinear dimensionality reduction for face recognition
* On stop conditions about methods to obtain polygonal approximations relied on break point suppression
* On the dynamic time warping of cyclic sequences for shape retrieval
* on-line learning method for face association in personal photo collection, An
* Optimal solutions for semantic image decomposition
* Output-associative RVM regression for dimensional and continuous emotion prediction
* Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression archive database
* Photo-consistent synthesis of motion blur and depth-of-field effects with a real camera model
* pointwise smooth surface stereo reconstruction algorithm without correspondences, A
* Real-time face tracking and recognition by sparse eigentracker with associative mapping to 3D shape
* Real-time object detection and localization with SIFT-based clustering
* Real-time robust background subtraction under rapidly changing illumination conditions
* Real-time viewpoint-invariant hand localization with cluttered backgrounds
* Recognition of 3D facial expression dynamics
* Recognition of occluded objects by reducing feature interactions
* Regression-based intensity estimation of facial action units
* Reshaping 3D facial scans for facial appearance modeling and 3D facial expression analysis
* road to intelligence, The
* Robust detection of moving objects in video sequences through rough set theory framework
* Robust estimation of surface properties and interpolation of shadow/specularity components
* Robust sparse bounding sphere for 3D face recognition
* role of computer vision in prosthetic vision, The
* Saliency from hierarchical adaptation through decorrelation and variance normalization
* Scale selection for supervised image segmentation
* Scene Aware Detection and Block Assignment Tracking in crowded scenes
* Shape based appearance model for kernel tracking
* Shape from pairwise silhouettes for plan-view map generation
* Spaces and manifolds of shapes in computer vision: An overview
* Spatial and spectral morphological template matching
* Static and dynamic 3D facial expression recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Structured learning of local features for human action classification and localization
* Subband effect of the wavelet fuzzy C-means features in texture classification
* Tensor rank one differential graph preserving analysis for facial expression recognition
* Toward a unified framework of motion understanding
* Ultra-fast tracking based on zero-shift points
* Using a Product Manifold distance for unsupervised action recognition
* Viewpoint-aware object detection and continuous pose estimation
* Visual SLAM: Why filter?
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IVC(31) * 3D head tracking for fall detection using a single calibrated camera
* Accurate subpixel edge location based on partial area effect
* Adaptive large window correlation for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Appearance-based navigation and homing for autonomous mobile robot
* Building facade detection, segmentation, and parameter estimation for mobile robot stereo vision
* Canonical locality preserving Latent Variable Model for discriminative pose inference
* Categorical and dimensional affect analysis in continuous input: Current trends and future directions
* computational approach to body mass index prediction from face images, A
* Contrast-Adaptive Removable Visible Watermarking (CARVW) mechanism
* Corisco: Robust edgel-based orientation estimation for generic camera models
* Efficient and robust model fitting with unknown noise scale
* efficient approach for scene categorization based on discriminative codebook learning in bag-of-words framework, An
* Empirical mode decomposition on skeletonization pruning
* Evaluation of two-view geometry methods with automatic ground-truth generation
* Extended Topological Active Nets
* Fast perspective recovery of text in natural scenes
* Feature subset selection applied to model-free gait recognition
* forgery detection algorithm for exemplar-based inpainting images using multi-region relation, A
* Fusion of facial expressions and EEG for implicit affective tagging
* Gauge-SURF descriptors
* Geometric particle swarm optimization for robust visual ego-motion estimation via particle filtering
* Guided depth enhancement via a fast marching method
* Hierarchical classification of images by sparse approximation
* Hierarchical On-line Appearance-Based Tracking for 3D head pose, eyebrows, lips, eyelids and irises
* Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis (HMA): Generalized separation of style and content on manifolds
* Human activity recognition in videos using a single example
* Image-consistent patches from unstructured points with J-linkage
* Improved background modeling for real-time spatio-temporal non-parametric moving object detection strategies
* improved distance-based relevance feedback strategy for image retrieval, An
* Integrating multiple character proposals for robust scene text extraction
* Integrating tracking with fine object segmentation
* Integration of 3D and multispectral data for cultural heritage applications: Survey and perspectives
* Integration of multi-feature fusion and dictionary learning for face recognition
* Introduction To The Special Issue On Affect Analysis In Continuous Input
* Keyword spotting in unconstrained handwritten Chinese documents using contextual word model
* Learning structured visual dictionary for object tracking
* Learning to rank biological motion trajectories
* LSTM-Modeling of continuous emotions in an audiovisual affect recognition framework
* Machine learning in motion analysis: New advances
* MAHNOB Laughter database, The
* Manifold based sparse representation for facial understanding in natural images
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Mixtures of Gaussian process models for human pose estimation
* Motion-based segmentation of objects using overlapping temporal windows
* Multi-agent event recognition by preservation of spatiotemporal relationships between probabilistic models
* Multi-Kernel Appearance Model
* Multilabel partition moves for MRF optimization
* new evaluation measure for color image segmentation based on genetic programming approach, A
* new level set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation, A
* Non-parametric hand pose estimation with object context
* Offline text-independent writer identification using codebook and efficient code extraction methods
* On ear-based human identification in the mid-wave infrared spectrum
* On growth and formlets: Sparse multi-scale coding of planar shape
* On-line Support Vector Regression of the transition model for the Kalman filter
* Optical flow estimation for motion-compensated compression
* Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
* Recognizing hand gestures using the weighted elastic graph matching (WEGM) method
* Reliability measure for shape-from-focus
* review of motion analysis methods for human Nonverbal Communication Computing, A
* Road traffic density estimation using microscopic and macroscopic parameters
* Salient object detection: From pixels to segments
* Selection of a best metric and evaluation of bottom-up visual saliency models
* Simultaneous particle tracking in multi-action motion models with synthesized paths
* Spatially aware feature selection and weighting for object retrieval
* Spatiotemporal bag-of-features for early wildfire smoke detection
* Stable and fast techniques for unambiguous compound phase coding
* Stochastic bottom-up fixation prediction and saccade generation
* Symmetry-driven shape description for image retrieval
* text reading algorithm for natural images, A
* Toward designing intelligent PDEs for computer vision: An optimal control approach
* Towards the automatic detection of spontaneous agreement and disagreement based on nonverbal behaviour: A survey of related cues, databases, and tools
* Tracking continuous emotional trends of participants during affective dyadic interactions using body language and speech information
* Two-layer dual gait generative models for human motion estimation from a single camera
* unified probabilistic framework for automatic 3D facial expression analysis based on a Bayesian belief inference and statistical feature models, A
* Using texture to complement color in image matting
* Vector field analysis for multi-object behavior modeling
* Vehicle matching in smart camera networks using image projection profiles at multiple instances
* Visual tracking based on Distribution Fields and online weighted multiple instance learning
* Weibull manifold in low-level image processing: An application to automatic image focusing, The
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IVC(32) * 3D human motion analysis framework for shape similarity and retrieval
* 3D shape descriptor for object recognition based on Kinect-like depth image
* Accelerometer-based correction of skewed horizon and keystone distortion in digital photography
* Adaptive on-line similarity measure for direct visual tracking
* Adaptive visual tracking using the prioritized Q-learning algorithm: MDP-based parameter learning approach
* Attribute-based learning for gait recognition using spatio-temporal interest points
* Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning
* Automatic audiovisual behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis
* Automatic expression spotting in videos
* Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the Internet
* Automatic sub-category partitioning and parts localization for learning a robust object model
* Automatic usability and stress analysis in mobile biometrics
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2013
* Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in challenging conditions
* BIG-OH: BInarization of Gradient Orientation Histograms
* BP4D-Spontaneous: a high-resolution spontaneous 3D dynamic facial expression database
* Classification and weakly supervised pain localization using multiple segment representation
* Comparison of human and computer performance across face recognition experiments
* Contour-based focus of attention mechanism to speed up object detection and labeling in 3D scenes
* Coupled person orientation estimation and appearance modeling using spherical harmonics
* Covariance descriptor based on bio-inspired features for person re-identification and face verification
* Data-driven hair segmentation with isomorphic manifold inference
* Direct model based visual tracking and pose estimation using mutual information
* Discrete area filters in accurate detection of faces and facial features
* distinct and compact texture descriptor, A
* Dynamic scene understanding using temporal association rules
* Dynamic-static unsupervised sequentiality, statistical subunits and lexicon for sign language recognition
* effects of temperature variation on videometric measurement and a compensation method, The
* Efficient generic face model fitting to images and videos
* Eikonal-based region growing for efficient clustering
* Ensemble dictionary learning for saliency detection
* Ensemble of multiple instance classifiers for image re-ranking
* Estimating layout of cluttered indoor scenes using trajectory-based priors
* Euclidean upgrading from segment lengths: DLT-like algorithm and its variants
* Evaluating spatiotemporal interest point features for depth-based action recognition
* Exploiting multi-expression dependences for implicit multi-emotion video tagging
* Exploiting Universum data in AdaBoost using gradient descent
* Exploring album structure for face recognition in online social networks
* Face detection by structural models
* Face gender classification: A statistical study when neutral and distorted faces are combined for training and testing purposes
* Facial expression recognition experiments with data from television broadcasts and the World Wide Web
* Fast stereo matching using adaptive guided filtering
* FIRME: Face and Iris Recognition for Mobile Engagement
* framework for joint estimation of age, gender and ethnicity on a large database, A
* Gaussian Markov random field based improved texture descriptor for image segmentation
* Generic polar harmonic transforms for invariant image representation
* Global registration of large collections of range images with an improved Optimization-on-a-Manifold approach
* Half-sweep imaging for depth from defocus
* Hierarchical On-line Appearance-Based Tracking for 3D head pose, eyebrows, lips, eyelids and irises
* Improving texture categorization with biologically-inspired filtering
* Iterative Grassmannian optimization for robust image alignment
* Keypoint descriptor matching with context-based orientation estimation
* Lattice estimation from images of patterns that exhibit translational symmetry
* Learning gaze biases with head motion for head pose-free gaze estimation
* Learning low-rank and discriminative dictionary for image classification
* local approach for 3D object recognition through a set of size functions, A
* Local circular patterns for multi-modal facial gender and ethnicity classification
* Local histogram specification for face recognition under varying lighting conditions
* Mask spoofing in face recognition and countermeasures
* measure of information gained through biometric systems, A
* Model-based graph-cut method for automatic flower segmentation with spatial constraints
* Modeling and correction of multipath interference in time of flight cameras
* Morphological analysis for investigating artistic images
* Motion boundary based sampling and 3D co-occurrence descriptors for action recognition
* Non-manual grammatical marker recognition based on multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of head pose and facial expressions
* Non-rigid registration using gradient of self-similarity response
* Nonverbal social withdrawal in depression: Evidence from manual and automatic analyses
* novel monochromatic cue for detecting regions of visual interest, A
* Online learning and fusion of orientation appearance models for robust rigid object tracking
* Online parameter tuning for object tracking algorithms
* Partial least squares-based human upper body orientation estimation with combined detection and tracking
* Password hardened fuzzy vault for fingerprint authentication system
* Radial shifted Legendre moments for image analysis and invariant image recognition
* Real-time 3D face tracking based on active appearance model constrained by depth data
* Real-time fingertip localization conditioned on hand gesture classification
* Recognizing activities in multiple views with fusion of frame judgments
* Recognizing in the depth: Selective 3D Spatial Pyramid Matching Kernel for object and scene categorization
* Representation of facial expression categories in continuous arousal-valence space: Feature and correlation
* review of recent advances in visual speech decoding, A
* Robust object tracking using least absolute deviation
* Robust visual tracking via augmented kernel SVM
* Scale-invariant contour segment context in object detection
* Self-calibration of stationary non-rotating zooming cameras
* Simultaneous active camera array focus plane estimation and occluded moving object imaging
* Single frame correction of motion artifacts in PMD-based time of flight cameras
* Sparse feature selection based on graph Laplacian for web image annotation
* Sparse representation with multi-manifold analysis for texture classification from few training images
* Special issue on 'Multi-biometrics and Mobile-biometrics: Recent Advances and Future Research'
* spectral independent approach for physiological and geometric based face recognition in the visible, middle-wave and long-wave infrared bands, A
* survey of approaches and trends in person re-identification, A
* talking profile to distinguish identical twins, A
* tensor-based deep learning framework, A
* Timely autonomous identification of UAV safe landing zones
* Tracking in dense crowds using prominence and neighborhood motion concurrence
* Two-dimensional multi-pixel anisotropic Gaussian filter for edge-line segment (ELS) detection
* unified approach to the recognition of complex actions from sequences of zone-crossings, A
* Unsupervised flow-based motion analysis for an autonomous moving system
* Unsupervised manifold learning using Reciprocal kNN Graphs in image re-ranking and rank aggregation tasks
* Unsupervised multiphase color-texture image segmentation based on variational formulation and multilayer graph
* Using a Discrete Hidden Markov Model Kernel for lip-based biometric identification
100 for IVC(32)

IVC(33) * Eye detection using discriminatory Haar features and a new efficient SVM
* Face recognition in the SWIR band when using single sensor multi-wavelength imaging systems
* Feature correspondence based on directed structural model matching
* Fitting multiple projective models using clustering-based Markov chain Monte Carlo inference
* Multiview stereo and silhouette fusion via minimizing generalized reprojection error
* Robust tracking with interest points: A sparse representation approach

IVC(34) * Cognitive Dialogue: A new model for vision implementing common sense reasoning, The
* Discriminative and generative vocabulary tree: With application to vein image authentication and recognition
* Generalized essential matrix: Properties of the singular value decomposition
* Optimized polygonal approximations through vertex relocations in contour neighborhoods
* Simultaneous high-dimensional clustering and feature selection using asymmetric Gaussian mixture models
* Visual re-identification across large, distributed camera networks

IVC(35) * Application of Shearlet transform to classification of surface defects for metals
* Enhanced disparity estimation in stereo images
* Multi-Scale Hybrid Saliency Analysis for Region of Interest Detection in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Robust regional bounding spherical descriptor for 3D face recognition and emotion analysis

IVC(36) * Facial landmarking for in-the-wild images with local inference based on global appearance
* Incorporating higher order models for occlusion resilient motion segmentation in streaming videos
* Incremental learning from chunk data for IDR/QR
* Near laser-scan quality 3-D face reconstruction from a low-quality depth stream
* Precise localization of eye centers in low resolution color images
* Registration of images with affine geometric distortion based on Maximally Stable Extremal Regions and phase congruency
* Unrestricted pose-invariant face recognition by sparse dictionary matrix
7 for IVC(36)

IVC(37) * Local color transformation analysis for sudden illumination change detection
* Non-uniform patch based face recognition via 2D-DWT
* Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
* Stabilization of panoramic videos from mobile multi-camera platforms

IVC(38) * Document image binarization using local features and Gaussian mixture modeling
* How to use Bag-of-Words model better for image classification
* Incremental probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for video retrieval
* Self-adaptive CodeBook (SACB) model for real-time background subtraction, A
* stereo matching approach based on particle filters and scattered control landmarks, A
* Visual tracking based on online sparse feature learning

IVC(39) * Feature selection for position estimation using an omnidirectional camera
* Non-negative matrix completion for action detection
* Optimized projection patterns for stereo systems
* Visual tracking of non-rigid objects with partial occlusion through elastic structure of local patches and hierarchical diffusion

IVC(4) * Algorithm for Analysing Optical Flow Based on the Least-Squares Method
* Application of an Optimized Digital Correlation Method to Planar Deformation Analysis
* Automated reasoning about image motion using a rule-based deduction system
* Biomedical Image Processing Using the Clip System
* Comments on Fast Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images
* Computer vision and image processing research at the University of Texas at Austin
* Curvature-Based Representation of Objects From Range Data
* Edge Detection and Motion Detection
* Efficient Algorithm for Polygon Overlay for Dense Map Image Data Sets
* Hardware Implementation of Image Registration Algorithms
* Implementation for Noise Suppression in Images
* Improved Digital Image Processing Techniques to Investigate Plastic Zone Formation in Steel
* Invariance in Pattern Recognition: Application to Line Images
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images
* Medical Image Processing: The Characterization of Display Changes Using Histogram Entropy
* Merging The Autoview Image Processing Language With Prolog
* Method for Improving Image Quality in Digital Linear Tomography
* Model: A Poplog Package to Support Model-Based Vision
* Multiconstraint Shape Analysis
* Parallel Approach to the Picture Restoration Algorithm of Geman and Geman on an SIMD Machine, A
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters: A Review
* Three-dimensional surface measurement by microcomputer
22 for IVC(4)

IVC(40) * Approaches for automatic low-dimensional human shape refinement with priors or generic cues using RGB-D data
* Computation of graph edit distance: Reasoning about optimality and speed-up
* Developing a contactless palmprint authentication system by introducing a novel ROI extraction method
* Effects of texture addition on optical flow performance in images with poor texture
* Fusion of a panoramic camera and 2D laser scanner data for constrained bundle adjustment in GPS-denied environments
* Hallucination of facial details from degraded images using 3D face models

IVC(41) * Chromatic shadow detection and tracking for moving foreground segmentation
* novel algorithm for defect inspection of touch panels, A
* Semi-supervised sparse feature selection based on multi-view Laplacian regularization
* Unified multi-lateral filter for real-time depth map enhancement

IVC(42) * Complex event recognition using constrained low-rank representation
* Empirical analysis of cascade deformable models for multi-view face detection
* Ordered trajectories for human action recognition with large number of classes
* Predicting memorability of images using attention-driven spatial pooling and image semantics
* RSILC: Rotation- and Scale-Invariant, Line-based Color-aware descriptor

IVC(43) * Application of gradient-based edge detectors to determine vanishing points in monoscopic images: Comparative study
* Exploiting structural constraints for visual object tracking
* Globally rotation invariant multi-scale co-occurrence local binary pattern
* Investigating new calibration methods without feature detection for TOF cameras
* Skewed stereo time-of-flight camera for translucent object imaging

IVC(44) * Accurate abandoned and removed object classification using hierarchical finite state machine
* Boosting Fisher vector based scoring functions for person re-identification
* Hankelet-based dynamical systems modeling for 3D action recognition
* Robust face hallucination using ensemble of feature-based regression functions and classifiers
* Word spotting in historical documents using primitive codebook and dynamic programming

IVC(45) * Background modeling using Object-based Selective Updating and Correntropy adaptation
* Invariant texture classification using a spatial filter bank in multi-resolution analysis
* novel low false alarm rate pedestrian detection framework based on single depth images, A

IVC(46) * framework for semantic people description in multi-camera surveillance systems, A
* Local part model for action recognition
* Piecewise-planar reconstruction using two views
* Sketch retrieval via local dense stroke features
* What is a good evaluation protocol for text localization systems? Concerns, arguments, comparisons and solutions

IVC(47) * 300 Faces In-The-Wild Challenge: database and results
* 300 W: Special issue on facial landmark localisation 'in-the-wild'
* Approaching human level facial landmark localization by deep learning
* L2,1-based regression and prediction accumulation across views for robust facial landmark detection
* M3 CSR: Multi-view, multi-scale and multi-component cascade shape regression
* Multi-view facial landmark detection by using a 3D shape model
* Multi-view facial landmark detector learned by the Structured Output SVM
7 for IVC(47)

IVC(48-49) * 3D Reconstruction: Why should the accuracy always be presented in the pixel unit?
* Infrared ship target segmentation through integration of multiple feature maps
* Time Flexible Kernel framework for video-based activity recognition, A
* variational based model for estimating true tracklets in wide area surveillance, A
* Viewpoint-independent gait recognition through morphological descriptions of 3D human reconstructions
* Violence detection using Oriented VIolent Flows

IVC(5) * Algorithm Design Specification for Interpreting Segmented Image Data Using Schemas and Support Logic
* Algorithm For Converting A Forest Of Quadtrees To A Binary Array
* Apparent Area of a Rigid Moving Body
* Context-Directed Segmentation Algorithm for Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Contextual Decision Rule for Image Analysis
* Design of Optimal Gaussian Operators in Small Neighborhoods
* Dilation Algorithm for a Linear Quadtree
* Distributed Associative Memory for Use in Scene Analysis
* Dupin's Cyclide and the Cyclide Patch
* Edge-Detection Algorithm and Its Video-Rate Implementation
* Estimation of Stereo and Motion Parameters Using a Variational Principle
* Four-Line Method of Locally Estimating Optic Flow
* Geometric Reasoning for Computer Vision
* Hough Transform Analysis of Data from a Planar Array of Image Sensors
* Image Understanding System for Carotid Angiograms
* Improved Localization in a Generalized Hough Scheme for the Detection of Straight Edges
* Knowledge Source for Describing Stereoscopically Viewed Textured Surfaces
* Knowledge-Based Segmentation of Sonar Data
* Linear predictive transform of monochrome images
* Matching Geometrical Descriptions in Three-Space
* Matching Segmented Scenes to Models Using Pairwise Relationships between Features
* Measures of Correspondence Between Binary Patterns
* Model-Based Recognition Using 3D Structure from Motion
* On the Classification of Views of Piecewise Smooth Objects
* Optimal Combination of Multiple Sensors Including Stereo Vision
* Practical First-Difference Edge Detection with Subpixel Accuracy
* Radon Transform and Its Application to Shape Parameterization in Machine Vision, The
* Recent Developments in Linear Quadtree-Based Geographic Information Systems
* Segmentation and Description of Binocularly Viewed Contours
* SMS: A Suggestive Modelling System for Object Recognition
* Stochastic Model for Boundary Detection
* Terrain Modelling with B-Spline Type Surfaces Defined on Curved Knot Lines
* Tomographic image reconstruction based on a backscattering coherent processing technique
* Transformation Calibration of a Camera Mounted on a Robot
* Triangular decomposition
* Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Partial Contours
* Use of Models in Studying Macrophage Cell Images and the Underlying Biological Processes
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IVC(50) * Action recognition via spatio-temporal local features: A comprehensive study
* Degenerate motions in multicamera cluster SLAM with non-overlapping fields of view
* Enhancing feature tracking with gyro regularization
* Estimating the focus of expansion in a video sequence using the trajectories of interest points

IVC(51) * BLAID: Boundaries from Locally Adaptive Isotropic Detection
* Cascade of Tasks for facial expression analysis
* discriminative and sparse topic model for image classification and annotation, A
* Fully automatic person segmentation in unconstrained video using spatio-temporal conditional random fields
* Online unsupervised feature learning for visual tracking
* Orthonormal dictionary learning and its application to face recognition
* Robust face alignment and tracking by combining local search and global fitting
* Visual units and confusion modelling for automatic lip-reading
8 for IVC(51)

IVC(52) * Action recognition using saliency learned from recorded human gaze
* Aerial image sequence geolocalization with road traffic as invariant feature
* Bayesian approach to simultaneously recover camera pose and non-rigid shape from monocular images, A
* Cloudmaps from static ground-view video
* Discovering object aspects from video
* Efficient algorithms for robust estimation of relative translation
* Fixing the root node: Efficient tracking and detection of 3D human pose through local solutions
* Highly accurate optical flow estimation on superpixel tree
* Improving facial analysis and performance driven animation through disentangling identity and expression
* Large scale face identification by combined iconic features and 3D joint invariant signatures
* neural implementation of the Hough transform and the advantages of explaining away, A
* On designing practical long range near infrared-based face recognition systems
* Real-time facial action unit intensity prediction with regularized metric learning
* Recent trends in gesture recognition: How depth data has improved classical approaches
* robust similarity measure for volumetric image registration with outliers, A
* Towards a mean body for apparel design
* True scaled 6 DoF egocentric localisation with monocular wearable systems
17 for IVC(52)

IVC(53) * Compression of multiple user photo galleries
* Event-Based Media Processing and Analysis: A Survey of the Literature
* Event-enabled intelligent asset selection and grouping for photobook creation
* framework for dynamic restructuring of semantic video analysis systems based on learning attention control, A
* Learning to detect video events from zero or very few video examples
* Multimodal classification of events in social media
* Special Issue on Event-based Media Processing and Analysis
7 for IVC(53)

IVC(55, Part 1) * changing fortunes of pattern recognition and computer vision, The
* Combining forces: Data fusion across man and machine for biometric analysis
* Face recognition for authentication on mobile devices
* Face recognition outside the visible spectrum
* Is automatic facial expression recognition of emotions coming to a dead end? The rise of the new kids on the block
* Presentations and attacks, and spoofs, oh my
* Recognizing Future Hot Topics and Hard Problems In Biometrics Research
* Signature analysis in the context of mobile devices
* Sketch Recognition: What Lies Ahead?
* Visible-wavelength iris/periocular imaging and recognition surveillance environments
10 for IVC(55, Part 1)

IVC(55, Part 2) * 3D-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for action recognition with depth sequences
* Action recognition by joint learning
* Cross-domain action recognition via collective matrix factorization with graph Laplacian regularization
* Cross-view action recognition by cross-domain learning
* Deep and fast: Deep learning hashing with semi-supervised graph construction
* Dual many-to-one-encoder-based transfer learning for cross-dataset human action recognition
* Dynamic texture recognition with video set based collaborative representation
* From handcrafted to learned representations for human action recognition: A survey
* Handcrafted vs. learned representations for human action recognition
* Robust geometric LP-norm feature pooling for image classification and action recognition
* Statistical adaptive metric learning in visual action feature set recognition
* Towards optimal VLAD for human action recognition from still images
* Using the conflict in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory as a rejection criterion in classifier output combination for 3D human action recognition
13 for IVC(55, Part 2)

IVC(56) * automatic 3D point cloud registration method based on regional curvature maps, An
* Pain intensity estimation by a self-taught selection of histograms of topographical features
* survey on heterogeneous face recognition: Sketch, infra-red, 3D and low-resolution, A
* Weakly supervised object localization and segmentation in videos

IVC(57) * Color-blob-based COSFIRE filters for object recognition
* Descriptors and regions of interest fusion for in- and cross-database gender classification in the wild
* efficient and reliable coarse-to-fine approach for asphalt pavement crack detection, An
* Exploiting scene maps and spatial relationships in quasi-static scenes for video face clustering
* Eye detection in a facial image under pose variation based on multi-scale iris shape feature
* Near-lighting Photometric Stereo for unknown scene distance and medium attenuation
* On robust optical flow estimation on image sequences with differently exposed frames using primal-dual optimization
* On the effect of hyperedge weights on hypergraph learning
* Open-set face recognition across look-alike faces in real-world scenarios
* Photometric stereo with only two images: A theoretical study and numerical resolution
* Physically inspired depth-from-defocus
* Robust hashing for multi-view data: Jointly learning low-rank kernelized similarity consensus and hash functions
* Salient object detection with low-rank approximation and l2,1-norm minimization
* Shape-indifferent stereo disparity based on disparity gradient estimation
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IVC(58) * *Editorial for the Special Issue on the Best of FG 2015
* Binary feature fusion for discriminative and secure multi-biometric cryptosystems
* Comparing random forest approaches to segmenting and classifying gestures
* Current research in eye movement biometrics: An analysis based on BioEye 2015 competition
* Dense 3D face alignment from 2D video for real-time use
* Effective and efficient human action recognition using dynamic frame skipping and trajectory rejection
* Examplar coherent 3D face reconstruction from forensic mugshot database
* Facial attributes for active authentication on mobile devices
* Implications of ocular pathologies for iris recognition reliability
* Joint prototype and metric learning for image set classification: Application to video face identification
* Joint regularized nearest points for image set based face recognition
* Lessons from collecting a million biometric samples
* Leveraging multiple cues for recognizing family photos
* Local feature approach to dorsal hand vein recognition by Centroid-based Circular Key-point Grid and fine-grained matching
* Multi-label convolutional neural network based pedestrian attribute classification
* novel iris weight map method for less constrained iris recognition based on bit stability and discriminability, A
* Pose-specific non-linear mappings in feature space towards multiview facial expression recognition
* Recompression effects in iris recognition
* Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) competition series: 2009 to 2015
* Security analysis and improvement of some biometric protected templates based on Bloom filters
* Semi self-training beard/moustache detection and segmentation simultaneously
* Special issue on Best of Biometrics 2015
* Statistical non-rigid ICP algorithm and its application to 3D face alignment
* Utilizing overt and latent linguistic structure to improve keystroke-based authentication
* Variable-state Latent Conditional Random Field models for facial expression analysis
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IVC(59) * Fully-automated person re-identification in multi-camera surveillance system with a robust kernel descriptor and effective shadow removal method
* Human pose search using deep networks
* Ocular biometrics in the visible spectrum: A survey
* Sparse composition of body poses and atomic actions for human activity recognition in RGB-D videos
* Wavelet-based gender detection on off-line handwritten documents using probabilistic finite state automata

IVC(6) * 3D positional integration from image sequences
* Accelerated Analysis of Occlusion
* Adaptive iterative algorithm for image restoration
* Algorithm to Expand Regions Represented by Linear Quadtrees
* Algorithms for Realtime Component Labelling of Images
* Analysis of Bilevel Quantizers Used in Binary Image Correlators
* Boundary Matching Algorithm for Connected Component Labelling Using Linear Quadtrees
* Can Multiple Views Make up for Lack of Camera Registration?
* Comparison of Two Dilation Algorithms for a Linear Quadtree
* Consistency Maintenance in the Revgraph Environment
* Decomposition of 3-D Objects into Compact Subobjects by Analysis of Cross-Sections
* Finding Corners
* From an Image Sequence to a Recognized Polyhedral Object
* From Image Sequences Towards Conceptual Descriptions
* Image Labeling: A Neural Network Approach
* Image Registration by Local Approximation Methods
* Improved Algorithms for Translation of Pictures Represented by Leaf Codes
* Knowledge-Based Improvement of Automatic Image Interpretation for Restricted Scenes: Two Case Studies
* Level Crossing Curvature and the Laplacian
* Matching Canny Edgels to Compute the Principal Components of Optic Flow
* On the Geometry of a Surface and Its Singular Profiles
* Query Based Visual Analysis: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Computer Vision
* Representing Space for Practical Reasoning
* Solving Geometric Constraints in a Parallel Network
* Spline-Based Recognition of Straight Lines and Curves in Engineering Line Drawings
* Texture Isolation by Adaptive Digital Filtering
* Tina: A 3D Vision System for Pick and Place
* VIPS: A Digital Image Processing Algorithm Development Environment
* Visualization of quaternion slices
29 for IVC(6)

IVC(60) * Cell tracking using deep neural networks with multi-task learning
* Discriminative transfer learning with sparsity regularization for single-sample face recognition
* Going deeper into action recognition: A survey
* Group sparse autoencoder
* Kinship verification using neighborhood repulsed correlation metric learning
* Learning spatially regularized similarity for robust visual tracking
* Multimedia news QA: Extraction and visualization integration with multiple-source information
* Non-convex regularized self-representation for unsupervised feature selection
* novel companion objective function for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks, A
* novel correspondence-based face-hallucination method, A
* Person re-identification with block sparse recovery
* Plant Cell Tracking Using Kalman Filter Based Local Graph Matching
* Random Multi-Graphs: A semi-supervised learning framework for classification of high dimensional data
* Regularization techniques for high-dimensional data analysis
* Robust scene matching method based on sparse representation and iterative correction
* Robust uncalibrated stereo rectification with constrained geometric distortions (USR-CGD)
* Semi-supervised learning through adaptive Laplacian graph trimming
* Visual tracking with structured patch-based model
18 for IVC(60)

IVC(61) * Automatic recognition of flower species in the natural environment
* Decision-level fusion for single-view gait recognition with various carrying and clothing conditions
* Estimation of measurement uncertainty in stereo vision system
* Gesture sequence recognition with one shot learned CRF/HMM hybrid model
* Martial Arts, Dancing and Sports dataset: A challenging stereo and multi-view dataset for 3D human pose estimation
* multi-model restoration algorithm for recovering blood vessels in skin images, A
* Robust pedestrian detection under deformation using simple boosted features
* Saliency and KAZE features assisted object segmentation
8 for IVC(61)

IVC(62) * Extended three-dimensional rotation invariant local binary patterns
* Marker-based human pose tracking using adaptive annealed particle swarm optimization with search space partitioning
* Multiple consumer-grade depth camera registration using everyday objects
* User-assisted image shadow removal

IVC(63) * DSP: Discriminative Spatial Part modeling for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Infrared dim target detection based on total variation regularization and principal component pursuit
* learning-based variable size part extraction architecture for 6D object pose recovery in depth images, A
* Semi-supervised multi-label feature selection via label correlation analysis with L1-norm graph embedding

IVC(64) * 3D facial shape reconstruction using macro- and micro-level features from high resolution facial images
* Automatic evaluation of sports motion: A generic computation of spatial and temporal errors
* Compression of Probabilistic Volumetric Models using multi-resolution scene flow
* Context-aware obstacle detection for navigation by visually impaired
* Fine-grained categorization via CNN-based automatic extraction and integration of object-level and part-level features
* Joint gender, ethnicity and age estimation from 3D faces: An experimental illustration of their correlations
* Moving object segmentation for jittery videos, by clustering of stabilized latent trajectories
* Robust local features for remote face recognition
* versatile homography computation method based on two real points, A
9 for IVC(64)

IVC(65) * AFEW-VA database for valence and arousal estimation in-the-wild
* Behavioral cues help predict impact of advertising on future sales
* Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database, The
* From pixels to sentiment: Fine-tuning CNNs for visual sentiment prediction
* GOAALLL!: Using sentiment in the world cup to explore theories of emotion
* Guest editorial: Multimodal sentiment analysis and mining in the wild
* Strength modelling for real-worldautomatic continuous affect recognition from audiovisual signals
* survey of multimodal sentiment analysis, A
* Video-based emotion recognition in the wild using deep transfer learning and score fusion
9 for IVC(65)

IVC(66) * GeoPose3K: Mountain landscape dataset for camera pose estimation in outdoor environments
* Handwritten signature verification using the quad-tree histogram of templates and a Support Vector-based artificial immune classification
* Optimizing explicit feature maps on intervals
* Sparse composition of body poses and atomic actions for human activity recognition in RGB-D videos
* Visual tracking with multiple Hough detectors

IVC(67) * Analyzing of facial paralysis by shape analysis of 3D face sequences
* Efficient rotation estimation for 3D registration and global localization in structured point clouds
* Feature selection in multimedia: The state-of-the-art review
* Multiple structure recovery via robust preference analysis
* Robust epipolar geometry estimation using noisy pose priors
* Texture features for object salience

IVC(69) * Designing a symmetric classifier for image annotation using multi-layer sparse coding
* Fast and reliable minimal relative pose estimation under planar motion
* further study of low resolution androgenic hair patterns as a soft biometric trait, A
* Hybrid Ageing Patterns for face age estimation
* Joint gender classification and age estimation by nearly orthogonalizing their semantic spaces
* Long-term path prediction in urban scenarios using circular distributions
* Negative results in computer vision: A perspective
* Pairwise registration in indoor environments using adaptive combination of 2D and 3D cues
* Primal-dual optimization strategies in Huber-L1 optical flow with temporal subspace constraints for non-rigid sequence registration
* Robust discriminative tracking via structured prior regularization
* Salient object detection employing robust sparse representation and local consistency
* Vehicle detection in intelligent transportation systems and its applications under varying environments: A review
* Visual tracking based on edge field with object proposal association
13 for IVC(69)

IVC(7) * 3D Wire-Frame Integration from Image Sequences
* Associative Processor Array for Image Processing, An
* Behavioral Constraints on Animate Vision
* Compact: A Surface Representation Scheme
* Consistent Labelling of Image Features Using an Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System
* cue generator for crack detection, A
* Design Of Hexagonal Sampling Structures for Image Digitization and Their Use with Local Operators, The
* Detecting and Extracting Compact Textured Regions Using Pyramids
* Detecting Partially Occluded Ellipses Using the Hough Transform
* Digital Elevation Model Production by Stereo-Matching Spot Image Pairs: A Comparison of Two Algorithms
* Digital Geometry for Hexagonal Pixels, A
* Dynamic Estimation of Optical Flow Field Using Objective Functions
* edge preserved image compression technique, An
* Efficient Parallel Implementation of the Hough Transform on a Distributed Memory System
* Frame-Based System for Modelling and Executing Visual Tasks, A
* Hybrid Constraint Equation for Motion Extraction, The
* Image processing by software parallel computation
* Image Processing for Primitive Image Features Recognition in the Case of Discontinuous Line Images of Printed Characters
* Information Available to a Moving Observer from Specularities, The
* Markov Random Field Approach to Data Fusion and Colour Segmentation, A
* Matching Oversegmented 3D Images to Models Using Association Graphs
* Model Based Perspective Inversion
* Object Location Strategy Using Shape and Grey-Level Models, An
* Parallel Imperative and Functional Approaches to Visual Scene Labelling
* Polyhedral Object Recognition with Sparse Data in SIMD Processing Mode
* Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
* Recognition of Shiny Dielectric Objects by Analyzing the Polarization of Reflected Light
* Recognition of Single 3D Curved Objects Using 2D Cross-Sectional Slice Shapes
* Region-Growing Algorithm for Matching of Terrain Images
* Review of Shape Coding Techniques
* Robust Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement by Local Histogram Modification, A
* rule-based system for dimensional analysis of glass containers, A
* Segmentation of Edges into Lines and Arcs
* Space Efficient Hierarchical Structures: Relatively Addressed Compact Quadtrees for GISs
* Stereo Vision Correspondence Using a Multichannel Graph Matching Technique
* Surface Reconstruction from Outdoor Image Sequences
* Tracking Cataract by the Four-Line Method
* Using a Mixed Wave-Diffusion Process to Elicit the Symmetry Set
38 for IVC(7)

IVC(70) * Distances evolution analysis for online and off-line human object interaction recognition
* Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting
* Learning deep similarity models with focus ranking for fabric image retrieval
* Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods with additional support camera views
* Minimum barrier superpixel segmentation
* P3P problem solver representing all parameters as a linear combination, A

IVC(71) * Hair detection, segmentation, and hairstyle classification in the wild
* Hybrid eye center localization using cascaded regression and hand-crafted model fitting
* Multidimensional directional steerable filters: Theory and application to 3D flow estimation
* TRISK: A local features extraction framework for texture-plus-depth content matching

IVC(72) * Development and utilization of a disgusting image dataset to understand and predict visual disgust
* Distances evolution analysis for online and off-line human object interaction recognition
* novel local wavelet energy mesh pattern (LWEMeP) for heterogeneous face recognition, A
* Reading car license plates using deep neural networks

IVC(73) * Detection of moving objects through turbulent media. Decomposition of Oscillatory vs Non-Oscillatory spatio-temporal vector fields
* Found a Good Match: Should I Keep Searching?: Accuracy and Performance in Iris Matching Using 1-to-First Search
* GoDP: Globally Optimized Dual Pathway deep network architecture for facial landmark localization in-the-wild
* Patch-Based Face Recognition Using a Hierarchical Multi-Label Matcher

IVC(74) * Calibration free, user-independent gaze estimation with tensor analysis
* Detection of roadside vegetation using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Unobtrusive and pervasive video-based eye-gaze tracking

IVC(75) * Beyond one-hot encoding: Lower dimensional target embedding
* L0-regularized discrete variational level set method for image segmentation, The
* Recognition of action dynamics in fencing using multimodal cues
* Three-step-ahead prediction for object tracking

IVC(76) * brand new application of visual-audio fingerprints: Estimating the position of the pirate in a theater-A case study, A
* Context awareness in biometric systems and methods: State of the art and future scenarios
* Efficient contour match kernel
* Gait recognition in the wild using shadow silhouettes
* Online background subtraction with freely moving cameras using different motion boundaries
* ONPPn: Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projection with Normalization and its applications
* Speeded up detection of squared fiducial markers
7 for IVC(76)

IVC(77) * Can we teach computers to understand art? Domain adaptation for enhancing deep networks capacity to de-abstract art
* Kinematic Spline Curves: A temporal invariant descriptor for fast action recognition
* Learning CNNs from weakly annotated facial images
* On the generalization of color texture-based face anti-spoofing
* Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of unconstrained faces
* Structured deep Fisher pruning for efficient facial trait classification

IVC(78) * Attribute annotation on large-scale image database by active knowledge transfer
* Benchmark database for fine-grained image classification of benthic macroinvertebrates
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Subjective Face Attributes
* Recurrent semi-supervised classification and constrained adversarial generation with motion capture data
* Robust in-plane and out-of-plane face detection algorithm using frontal face detector and symmetry extension
* Survey on automatic lip-reading in the era of deep learning

IVC(79) * Automatic local shape spectrum analysis for 3D facial expression recognition
* challenge of simultaneous object detection and pose estimation: A comparative study, The
* Deep and low-level feature based attribute learning for person re-identification
* Enhancing convolutional neural networks for face recognition with occlusion maps and batch triplet loss
* Exploiting feature representations through similarity learning, post-ranking and ranking aggregation for person re-identification
* Improving face representation learning with center invariant loss
* KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pose of unconstrained faces in a unified framework by learning efficient H-CNN regressors
* Lane estimation by particle-filtering combined with likelihood computation of line boundaries and motion compensation
* Learning contextual dissimilarity on tensor product graph for visual re-ranking
* Modeling and synthesis of kinship patterns of facial expressions
* Template adaptation for face verification and identification
* Top-down model fitting for hand pose recovery in sequences of depth images
12 for IVC(79)

IVC(8) * 3D representation of biostructures imaged with an optical microscope: Part A: Digital optical sectioning
* 5th Alvey vision Conference
* Adjacency Algorithms for Linear Octree Nodes
* Algebraic Polyhedral Constraints and 3D Structure from Motion
* Analytic Results on Error Sensitivity of Motion Estimation from Two Views
* Biased Anisotropic Diffusion: A Unified Regularization and Diffusion Approach to Edge Detection
* Calibrating A Mobile Camera
* Comparative Study of Hough Transform Methods for Circle Finding
* Derivation of Qualitative Information in Motion Analysis, The
* Direct Evidence for Occlusion in Stereo and Motion
* Efficient Linear Quadtree Construction Algorithm
* Estimation of Depth from Motion Using an Anthropomorphic Visual Sensor
* Experiments in Vehicle Control Using Predictive Feed-Forward Stereo
* Feature labelling in infrared oceanographic images
* Fitting Ellipses and Predicting Confidence Envelopes Using a Bias Corrected Kalman Filter
* Gaze Controls Cooperating Through Prediction
* Generation Process for the Reconstruction of Space Curves
* Geometric Constraints from Planar Surface Patch Matching
* Image Segmentation for Complex Natural Scenes
* Image Segmentation Using Maximum Gradient Profiles Orthogonal to Edges
* Industrial part recognition using a component-index
* Interactive Processing and Archiving of Images
* Modelling rain patterns: towards automatic interpretation of radar images
* Neural network use in maximum entropy image restoration
* Novel Approach to Boundary Finding
* On Scale and Resolution in Active Analysis of Local Image Structure
* Perspective Approximations
* Polyhedral Object Recognition with Sparse Data: Validation of Interpretations
* Predicting Multiple Feature Locations for a Class of Dynamic Image Sequences
* Real-Time 3D Object Tracking
* Rigid Velocities Compatible with Five Image Velocity Vectors
* Road Edge Tracking for Robot Road Following: A Real-Time Implementation
* Roll Angle Consistency Constraint
* Shape from Shading in the Light of Mutual Illumination
* Stereo Matching of Curves
* Stereoscopic Tracking of Bodies in Motion
* Switcher: A Stereo Algorithm for Ground Plane Obstacle Detection
* Tracking Line Segments
* Tracking Objects Using Image Disparities
39 for IVC(8)

IVC(80) * comprehensive review of fruit and vegetable classification techniques, A
* Image annotation: Then and now
* ISEC: Iterative over-segmentation via edge clustering
* LCO: Lightweight Convolution Operators for fast tracking
* Modeling of facial aging and kinship: A survey
* Multi-view 3D face reconstruction with deep recurrent neural networks

IVC(81) * deep generic to specific recognition model for group membership analysis using non-verbal cues, A
* Fast and robust multiple ColorChecker detection using deep convolutional neural networks
* Large-scale multiview 3D hand pose dataset
* Learning facial action units with spatiotemporal cues and multi-label sampling
* Local fusion networks with chained residual pooling for video action recognition

IVC(82) * Adaptive rational fractal interpolation function for image super-resolution via local fractal analysis
* Feature Detection Performance Based Benchmarking of Motion Deblurring Methods: Applications to Vision for Legged Robots
* Learning non-metric visual similarity for image retrieval
* Partial face detection in the mobile domain

IVC(83-84) * Beyond saliency: Understanding convolutional neural networks from saliency prediction on layer-wise relevance propagation
* Correspondence matching in unorganized 3D point clouds using Convolutional Neural Networks
* From person to group re-identification via unsupervised transfer of sparse features
* Multi-directional local gradient descriptor: A new feature descriptor for face recognition
* novel database of children's spontaneous facial expressions (LIRIS-CSE), A
* Postnatal gestational age estimation of newborns using Small Sample Deep Learning
* Two-stage quality adaptive fingerprint image enhancement using Fuzzy C-means clustering based fingerprint quality analysis
* Visual object tracking based on adaptive Siamese and motion estimation network
8 for IVC(83-84)

IVC(85) * Deep convolution neural network with scene-centric and object-centric information for object detection
* Face recognition in low-quality images using adaptive sparse representations
* Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstruction under speckle pattern projection
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* survey on human detection surveillance systems for Raspberry Pi, A

IVC(86) * comprehensive survey on computer vision based approaches for automatic identification of products in retail store, A
* Generative Image Fusion Approach Based on Supervised Deep Convolution Network Driven by Weighted Gradient Flow, A
* Image caption model of double LSTM with scene factors
* Online reconstruction-free single-pixel image classification
* Smoke vehicle detection based on robust codebook model and robust volume local binary count patterns

IVC(87) * Accurate traffic light detection using deep neural network with focal regression loss
* Automatic License Plate Recognition via sliding-window darknet-YOLO deep learning
* Convex class model on symmetric positive definite manifolds
* Coupled Encoder-Decoder Network for Joint Face Detection and Landmark Localization, A
* Macro unit-based convolutional neural network for very light-weight deep learning
* novel edge-oriented framework for saliency detection enhancement, A
* Scaled layout recovery with wide field of view RGB-D
* Semantic-aware neural style transfer
8 for IVC(87)

IVC(88) * Adaptive Lucas-Kanade tracking
* EF-Index: Determining number of clusters (K) to estimate number of segments (S) in an image
* Eye center localization in a facial image based on geometric shapes of iris and eyelid under natural variability
* Human tracking from single RGB-D camera using online learning
* Image super resolution by dilated dense progressive network
* Lip reading with Hahn Convolutional Neural Networks
* novel instrument to compare dynamic object detection algorithms, A
* Spatio-temporal object detection by deep learning: Video-interlacing to improve multi-object tracking
* study on wrist identification for forensic investigation, A
* topology-based descriptor for 3D point cloud modeling: Theory and experiments, A
* Total variation constraint GAN for dynamic scene deblurring
* Utilizing CNNs and transfer learning of pre-trained models for age range classification from unconstrained face images
12 for IVC(88)

IVC(89) * Analysing roughness of surface through fractal dimension: A review
* DeepDSAIR: Deep 6-DOF camera relocalization using deblurred semantic-aware image representation for large-scale outdoor environments
* Design of multi-scale receptive field convolutional neural network for surface inspection of hot rolled steels
* Detecting and classifying online dark visual propaganda
* Diffusion-based kernel matrix model for face liveness detection
* Discriminative Supervised Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Fast motion estimation for field sequential imaging: Survey and benchmark
* Hand pose estimation and tracking in real and virtual interaction: A review
* Image mosaicing: A deeper insight
* Interpretable Relative Squeezing bottleneck design for compact convolutional neural networks model
* Is that my hand? An egocentric dataset for hand disambiguation
* Learning deep features for online person tracking using non-overlapping cameras: A survey
* Learning discriminative subregions and pattern orders for facial gender classification
* On visual BMI analysis from facial images
* Online learning of contexts for detecting suspicious behaviors in surveillance videos
* Real-time 6D Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* Reinforcement learning for neural architecture search: A review
* SE(3) invariant description for 3D face recognition, An
* Semi-dense and robust image registration by shift adapted weighted aggregation and variational completion
* STag: A stable fiducial marker system
* survey on freehand sketch recognition and retrieval, A
* Unsupervised learning-based long-term superpixel tracking
* Visual tracking based on robust appearance model
23 for IVC(89)

IVC(9) * Alternative to Abstract Graph Matching for Locating Objects from Their Salient Features
* Ambiguity in Reconstruction from Image Correspondences
* Automatic inspection of mechanical parts using geometric models and laser range finder data
* Calculating the surface topography of integrated circuit wafers from SEM images
* Colour Image Quantization for High Resolution Graphics Display
* Comparison of Stochastic and Deterministic Solution Methods in Bayesian Estimation of 2-D Motion, A
* Curve Matching and Stereo Calibration
* Data preprocessing for adaptive vector quantization
* Decomposition and Parallel Architecture for the Geometric Transformation of Digital Images
* Determining Motion from 3D Line Segment Matches: A Comparative Study
* Efficient Method for Finding the Position of Object Boundaries to Sub-Pixel Precision
* Estimating Spectral Reflectance Using Highlights
* Feature Grouping in a Hierarchical Probabilistic Network
* Frame-Based System for Image Interpretation
* Image Segmentation and Matching Using the Binary Object Forest
* Improved rendering of the Lorenz equations
* Integrating stereo and photometric stereo to monitor the development of glaucoma
* Multiprocessor 3D Vision System for Pick and Place
* Obstacle Detection by Evaluation of Optical Flow Fields from Image Sequences
* On Computing All Solutions to the Motion Estimation Problem with Exact or Noisy Data
* On the Visual Mathematics of Tracking
* Optimal Combination of Stereo Camera Calibration from Arbitrary Stereo Images
* Parallel Algorithms for Plane Detection Using an Adaptive Hough Transform
* Parallel Hough Transform Algorithm Performance
* PC-based system for transparent fluid film monitoring
* Phase Singularities in Scale-Space
* Probabilistic Approach to the Hough Transform
* Projectively Invariant Representations Using Implicit Algebraic Curves
* Quantification and Abstraction: Low Level Tokens for Object Extraction
* Recognition of Generic Components Using Logic-Program Relations of Image Contours
* Recovering Partial 3D Wire Frame Descriptions from Stereo Data
* Recursive Filtering and Edge Tracking: Two Primary Tools for 3D Edge Detection
* Robust Estimation of Surface Curvature from Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Semi-Analytic Method for Estimating Stereo Camera Geometry from Matched Points
* Spatial/Spatial-Frequency Representations for Image Segmentation and Grouping
* Static Scene Analysis Using Structured Light
* Stereoscopic Recovery and Description of Smooth Textured Surfaces
* Structure-from-Motion under Orthographic Projection
* Synthesising continuous-tone caricatures
* Tesseral Amalgamators And Hierarchical Tessellations
* Three-Dimensional Mathematical Morphology
* Tracking Multiple Moving Objects by Binary Object Forest Segmentation
* Vertical and Horizontal Disparities from Phase
* Zooming techniques on digital Chinese character patterns: a further study and improvement
44 for IVC(9)

IVC(90) * component-based video content representation for action recognition, A
* Dilated Light-Head R-CNN using tri-center loss for driving behavior recognition
* Foreground extraction via dual-side cameras on a mobile device using long short-term trajectory analysis
* Image fusion method based on spatially masked convolutional sparse representation
* novel unsupervised Globality-Locality Preserving Projections in transfer learning, A

IVC(91) * Deep reinforcement learning-based patch selection for illuminant estimation
* Intelligent and vision-based fire detection systems: A survey
* Keypoint based weakly supervised human parsing
* Multi-frame stereo matching with edges, planes, and superpixels
* Multi-level thresholding based on differential evolution and Tsallis Fuzzy entropy
* Regression with residual neural network for vanishing point detection
* Simplified Active Calibration
7 for IVC(91)

IVC(92) * Combining Landsat images with historic records to estimate the live coral cover of Luhuitou fringing reef in Northern South China Sea
* Consistent estimation of rotational optical flow in real environments using a biologically-inspired vision algorithm on embedded hardware
* IIRNet: A lightweight deep neural network using intensely inverted residuals for image recognition
* Improved person re-identification based on saliency and semantic parsing with deep neural network models
* novel 2D and 3D multimodal approach for in-the-wild facial expression recognition, A
* On the importance of local and global analysis in the judgment of similarity and dissimilarity of faces
* Physics Based Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Defogging, A
* Self-supervised blur detection from synthetically blurred scenes
* Visual appearance based person retrieval in unconstrained environment videos
9 for IVC(92)

IVC(93) * Depth prediction from 2D images: A taxonomy and an evaluation study
* Face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios: A comprehensive evaluation
* FALF ConvNets: Fatuous auxiliary loss based filter-pruning for efficient deep CNNs
* Fine-Grained Image Retrieval via Piecewise Cross Entropy loss
* Improving head pose estimation using two-stage ensembles with top-k regression
* integrated ship segmentation method based on discriminator and extractor, An
* Multi-label learning for concept-oriented labels of product image data
* Multiple stream deep learning model for human action recognition
* Out-of-region keypoint localization for 6D pose estimation
* Region-based Fitting of Overlapping Ellipses and its application to cells segmentation
* ResFeats: Residual network based features for underwater image classification
* Salient Object Detection via Double Random Walks with Dual Restarts
* Spec-Net and Spec-CGAN: Deep learning models for specularity removal from faces
* Transfer learning in computer vision tasks: Remember where you come from
* View-based weight network for 3D object recognition
15 for IVC(93)

IVC(94) * Bottom-Up Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using FC-Dense U-Net Based Deep Representation Clustering and Multidimensional Feature Fusion Based Region Merging
* Collective Sports: A multi-task dataset for collective activity recognition
* Coupled generative adversarial network for heterogeneous face recognition
* Enhancing deep discriminative feature maps via perturbation for face presentation attack detection
* fast and accurate iterative method for the camera pose estimation problem, A
* Flow Adaptive Video Object Segmentation
* Learning reliable-spatial and spatial-variation regularization correlation filters for visual tracking
* Multi-feature fusion for image retrieval using constrained dominant sets
* new cast shadow detection method for traffic surveillance video analysis using color and statistical modeling, A
* Online maximum a posteriori tracking of multiple objects using sequential trajectory prior
* Post-mortem iris recognition with deep-learning-based image segmentation
* SAANet: Spatial adaptive alignment network for object detection in automatic driving
* Single image dehazing via a dual-fusion method
* Skin detection and lightweight encryption for privacy protection in real-time surveillance applications
* Variational shape prior segmentation with an initial curve based on image registration technique
15 for IVC(94)

IVC(95) * Attention-guided RGBD saliency detection using appearance information
* complementary regression network for accurate face alignment, A
* Depth-guided view synthesis for light field reconstruction from a single image
* EML-NET: An Expandable Multi-Layer NETwork for saliency prediction
* GANILLA: Generative adversarial networks for image to illustration translation
* Local-adaptive and outlier-tolerant image alignment using RBF approximation
* Person re-identification with expanded neighborhoods distance re-ranking
* Riemannian approach for free-space extraction and path planning using catadioptric omnidirectional vision, A
* Salient object detection based on backbone enhanced network
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for mobile semantic segmentation based on cycle consistency and feature alignment
10 for IVC(95)

IVC(96) * Automatic recognition of image of abnormal situation in scenic spots based on Internet of things
* Category-specific upright orientation estimation for 3D model classification and retrieval
* high-efficiency energy and storage approach for IoT applications of facial recognition, A
* Recovering facial reflectance and geometry from multi-view images
* review on object pose recovery: From 3D bounding box detectors to full 6D pose estimators, A

IVC(97) * Co-occurrence of deep convolutional features for image search
* Digital video intrusion intelligent detection method based on narrowband Internet of Things and its application
* IoU-aware single-stage object detector for accurate localization
* Recent advances in small object detection based on deep learning: A review
* Saddle: Fast and repeatable features with good coverage

IVC(98) * Anomaly detection in surveillance video based on bidirectional prediction
* contextual conditional random field network for monocular depth estimation, A
* Convolutional prototype learning for zero-shot recognition
* EDS pooling layer
* Energy clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* Learning visual variation for object recognition

IVC(99) * Class-aware domain adaptation for improving adversarial robustness
* Cross-resolution learning for Face Recognition
* Dense convolutional feature histograms for robust visual object tracking
* Learning rebalanced human parsing model from imbalanced datasets
* Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection with batch-level online hard keypoint mining
* Zero-sum game theory model for segmenting skin regions

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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