Index for bake

Bakent, D.[Deniz] Co Author Listing * Morphological surface profile extraction with multiple range sensors

Baker, A.[Angela] Co Author Listing * Multi-Stage, Multi-Feature Machine Learning Approach to Detect Driver Sleepiness in Naturalistic Road Driving Conditions, A

Baker, B.[Brendan] Co Author Listing * Data-Driven Impostor Selection for T-Norm Score Normalisation and the Background Dataset in SVM-Based Speaker Verification
* Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stain Images for Microbiology
* Influence of Measurement and Prediction Uncertainties on Range Estimation for Electric Vehicles
* Scatter Difference NAP for SVM Speaker Recognition
Includes: Baker, B.[Brendan] Baker, B.[Brett] Bäker, B. (Maybe also Baeker, B.)

Baker, C.[Chris] Co Author Listing * Autonomous Vehicle Video Aided Navigation: Coupling INS and Video Approaches
* Detection of Concealed Explosives at a Distance Using Terahertz Technology
* Multi-Agent Tensor Fusion for Contextual Trajectory Prediction
* Obstacle Detection and Tracking for the Urban Challenge
* OptFlow: Fast Optimization-based Scene Flow Estimation without Supervision
* Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues
Includes: Baker, C.[Chris] Baker, C.

Baker, C.G.[Christopher G.] Co Author Listing * Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace Learning Applied for Background Modeling and Subtraction

Baker, C.J. Co Author Listing * Biomimetic Echolocation With Application to Radar and Sonar Sensing
* Evaluation of Direct Signal Suppression for Passive Radar

Baker, C.L. Co Author Listing * DIRSAC: A directed sampling and consensus approach to quasi-degenerate data fitting
* First- and second-order information in natural images: A Filter-Based Approach to Image Statistics
* Spatiochromatic statistics of natural scenes: first- and second-order information and their correlational structure
Includes: Baker, C.L. Baker, Jr., C.L.[Curtis L.]

Baker, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Global Characterization of CO2 Column Retrievals from Shortwave-Infrared Satellite Observations of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission
* On-Street Parking Occupancy Inference Based on Payment Transactions
* Virtual Presence and the Mind's Eye in 3-D Online Communities
Includes: Baker, D.[David] Baker, D.[Douglas] Baker, D.

Baker, D.C. Co Author Listing * Detection and Segmentation of Man-Made Objects in Outdoor Scenes: Concrete Bridges
* Geometry Guided Incremental Segmentation

Baker, E. Co Author Listing * Template-Based B_1 Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MRI Brain Studies

Baker, F. Co Author Listing * Beyond stereoscopic: Combining spatial acquisition technologies in real-time engines to produce immersive virtual reality expereinces for the dissemination of archaeological research
* Combined Approach to Classifying Land Surface Cover of Urban Domestic Gardens Using Citizen Science Data and High Resolution Image Analysis, A
* Digital Heritage and 3D Printing: Trans-media Analysis and the Display of Prehistoric Rock Art from Valcamonica
Includes: Baker, F. Baker, F.[Fraser] Baker, F.[Frederick]

Baker, G. Co Author Listing * Principal flow for tubular objects with non-circular cross-sections

Baker, H. Co Author Listing * Assessing human skin color from uncalibrated images
* Automatic Skin Pixel Selection and Skin Color Classification
* Building camera arrays for light-field capture, display, and analysis
* Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
* Feature learning using Generalized Extreme Value distribution based K-means clustering
* Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Cameras for Life-Size 3D Immersive Video
* Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-imager Array
* Robust Software for Computing Camera Motion Parameters
Includes: Baker, H. Baker, H.[Harlyn]
8 for Baker, H.

Baker, H.H.[Harlyn H.] Co Author Listing * email: Baker, H.H.[Harlyn H.]: baker AT interval com
* Building Surfaces of Evolution: The Weaving Wall
* Building, Visualizing, and Computing on Surfaces of Evolution
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Edge-Based Stereo Correlation
* Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis: A Technique for Analyzing Sequences
* Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis: An Approach to Determining Structure from Motion
* Exploiting Homologies in Global Calibration of a Multi-imager Array
* Generalizing Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis for Non-Orthogonal and Varying View Directions
* Generalizing Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Graphics-Accelerated Panoramic Mosaicking from a Video Camera Array
* JISCT Stereo Evaluation, The
* Method and apparatus for personnel detection and tracking
* Motion Tracking on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* Moving imager camera for track and range capture
* Progress in Stereo Mapping
* Realtime Stereo and Motion Integration for Navigation
* Robust, Real-Time People Tracking in Open Environments Using Integrated Stereo, Color, and Face Detection
* Surface Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* System for Automated Stereo Mapping, A
* Three-Dimensional Modelling
Includes: Baker, H.H.[Harlyn H.] Baker, H.H. Baker, H.H.[H. Harlyn] Baker, H.H.[Henry H.]
21 for Baker, H.H.

Baker, J.[Jill] Co Author Listing * Bayesian pot-assembly from fragments as problems in perceptual-grouping and geometric-learning
* Empirical Evaluation of a Visual Interface for Exploring Message Boards
* Historical Perspective of Speech Recognition, A
* Independent Component-Based Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering for Slow Flow Ultrasound
* Techniques for improving stereo depth maps of faces
* Training Deep Network Ultrasound Beamformers With Unlabeled In Vivo Data
Includes: Baker, J.[Jill] Baker, J.[Jason] Baker, J.[James] Baker, J. Baker, J.[Jennifer]

Baker, J.B.[Josef B.] Co Author Listing * Comparing Approaches to Mathematical Document Analysis from PDF
* Improving Formula Analysis with Line and Mathematics Identification
* Mathematical formula identification and performance evaluation in PDF documents
* Text Line Detection Method for Mathematical Formula Recognition, A
Includes: Baker, J.B.[Josef B.] Baker, J.B.

Baker, J.C.[John C.] Co Author Listing * Lending A Helping Hand: Using Remote Sensing to Support the Response and Recovery Operations at the World Trade Center

Baker, J.D.[Jonathan D.] Co Author Listing * Multiresolution Statistical Object Recognition

Baker, J.P. Co Author Listing * Computer Vision Analysis for Quantification of Autism Risk Behaviors
* Fusing multimodal biometrics with quality estimates via a Bayesian belief network
Includes: Baker, J.P. Baker, J.P.[John P.]

Baker, J.W.[Johnnie W.] Co Author Listing * Constant-Time Algorithm for Computing the Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Mesh

Baker, K. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of object tracking for aircraft activity surveillance

Baker, K.D. Co Author Listing * 3D Grouping by Viewpoint Consistency Ascent
* 3D Structure and Motion Estimation from 2D Image Sequences
* 5th Alvey vision Conference
* Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor
* Active Contours Using Finite Elements to Control Local Scale
* Advances in Model Based Traffic Vision
* Agent Orientated Annotation in Model Based Visual Surveillance
* Alvey computer vision and image interpretation research programmes
* Automatic Construction of a View-Independent Relational Model for 3-D Object Recognition, The
* Closed-Form Algorithms for Object Pose and Scale Recovery in Constrained Scenes
* Colour Based Object Tracking
* Comparative Study of Rotation Invariant Classification and Retrieval of Texture Images, A
* Consistent Labelling of Image Features Using an Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System
* Efficient Image Gradient Based Vehicle Localization
* Efficient Image Gradient-Based Object Localization and Recognition
* Experiments on the Use of the ATMS to Lagel Features for Object Recognition
* Fast Algorithms for Object Orientation Determination
* Fast Vehicle Localization and Recognition without Line Extraction and Matching
* Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition, A
* Integrated Traffic and Pedestrian Model-Based Vision System, An
* Kalman Filters in Constrained Model Based Tracking
* Linear Algorithms for Multi-Frame Structure from Constrained Motion
* Linear Algorithms for Object Pose Estimation
* Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues
* Model Based Perspective Inversion
* Model Construction from a single perspective view using shape from symmetry
* model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimensional arteries from biplane angiograms, A
* Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in cranial MR images
* Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Model-based Tracking
* Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Orthographic Approximations
* Model-Independent Recovery of Object Orientations
* Model: A Poplog Package to Support Model-Based Vision
* Modelling Data Complexity for Model-based Vision
* Multiagent Visual Surveillance of Dynamic Scenes
* On Computing the Perspective Transformation Matrix and Camera Parameters
* On Evidence Assessment for Model-based Recognition
* Parabolic and hermite cubic finite elements: a flexible technique for deformable models
* Performance Assessment of Model-Based Tracking
* Personal identification based on handwriting
* Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models
* Pose Determination and Recognition of Vehicles in Traffic Scenes
* Pose Refinement of Active Models Using Forces in 3D
* Quantitative Analysis of the Viewpoint Consistency Constraint in Model-Based Vision
* Recognising Cortical Sulci and Gyri in MR Images
* Recognising Objects on the Ground Plane
* Recognizing Objects on the Ground-Plane
* Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters using Perspective Views of Rectangles
* Relational Model Construction and 3D Object Recognition from Single 2D Monochromatic Image
* Roll Angle Consistency Constraint
* Simple, Intuitive Camera Calibration Tool for Natural Images, A
* Structure from Constrained Motion Using Point Correspondences
* Structure from Motion Using Ground Plane Constraint
* Use of Multiple Difference-of-Gaussian Filters to Verify Geometric Models
* Using Automatically Constructed View-Independent Relational Model in 3D Object Recognition
* Writer Identification from Non-uniformly Skewed Handwriting Images
Includes: Baker, K.D. Baker, K.D.[Keith D.]
56 for Baker, K.D.

Baker, L.[Lewis] Co Author Listing * Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for AR Sports Spectators
* Power line detection using Hough transform and line tracing techniques
* Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments: Limitations and Challenges
Includes: Baker, L.[Lewis] Baker, L.

Baker, L.D.[L. Douglas] Co Author Listing * Automatic Calibration of a Range Sensor and Camera System

Baker, L.R. Co Author Listing * Validation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) multispectral tissue classification

Baker, L.Z.[Lauren Zoe] Co Author Listing * Predicting Cognitive Declines Using Longitudinally Enriched Representations for Imaging Biomarkers

Baker, M.[Mary] Co Author Listing * Connectivity in math-gifted adolescents: Comparing structural equation modeling, granger causality, and dynamic causal modeling
* Learn like a Pathologist: Curriculum Learning by Annotator Agreement for Histopathology Image Classification
* LTE, The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice
* Reconstruction of Smooth Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Adaptive Splines
* Surface Reconstruction and Compression Using Multiresolution Arbitrary Topology G1 Continuous Splines
* Teardrops on My Face: Automatic Weeping Detection From Nonverbal Behavior
* Visual framing feedback for desktop video conferencing
* What is the Point? Evaluating the Structure, Color, and Semantic Traits of Computer Vision Point Clouds of Vegetation
Includes: Baker, M.[Mary] Baker, M.[Michael] Baker, M.[Matthew] Baker, M. Baker, M.[Marc]
8 for Baker, M.

Baker, M.E.[Matthew E.] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Automated Watershed Delineations: Effects on Land Cover Areas, Percentages, and Relationships to Nutrient Discharge
* Predicting Urban Trees' Functional Trait Responses to Heat Using Reflectance Spectroscopy

Baker, M.K.M.[Moustafa Khalil M.] Co Author Listing * Large Scale Landform Mapping Using Lidar DEM

Baker, M.L.[Matthew L.] Co Author Listing * Computing a Family of Skeletons of Volumetric Models for Shape Description
* Graph-based deformable matching of 3D line with application in protein fitting

Baker, N. Co Author Listing * How Much Chemistry Does a Deep Neural Network Need to Know to Make Accurate Predictions?

Baker, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * Complete Calibration of a Multi-camera Network
* Eyes from Eyes
* Geometry and Statistics of Visual Space-Time
* Lines as the Fundamental Unit of Vision
* Multi-Camera Networks: Eyes from Eyes
* Persistence and tracking: Putting vehicles and trajectories in context
* Rotations, Lines, and Multilinear Constraints
* Spherical Eye from Multiple Cameras (Makes Better Models of the World), A
* Structure from Motion of Parallel Lines
* Toward a Human-Like Approach to Face Recognition
* Using shorelines for autonomous air vehicle guidance
* Visual space-time geometry: A tool for perception and the imagination
Includes: Baker, P.[Patrick] Baker, P.
12 for Baker, P.

Baker, P.J.[Patrick J.] Co Author Listing * Combining Environmental, Multispectral, and LiDAR Data Improves Forest Type Classification: A Case Study on Mapping Cool Temperate Rainforests and Mixed Forests
* Identifying Old-Growth Forests in Complex Landscapes: A New LiDAR-Based Estimation Framework and Conservation Implications
* Mapping Disturbance Dynamics In Wet Sclerophyll Forests Using Time Series Landsat
Includes: Baker, P.J.[Patrick J.] Baker, P.J.

Baker, P.W. Co Author Listing * Generation of Polygons Representing Circles, Ellipses and Hyperbolas, The

Baker, R.G.[Robert G.] Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging which emphasizes peripheral content

Baker, R.L. Co Author Listing * Efficient Quadtree Coding of Images and Video
* integrated circuit design for pruned tree-search vector quantization encoding with an off-chip controller, An
* Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree structured vector quantizers

Baker, R.S.[Ryan S.] Co Author Listing * Re-Analysis and Synthesis of Data on Affect Dynamics in Learning, A

Baker, R.S.J.D.[Ryan S.J.D.] Co Author Listing * Effects of an Interactive Software Agent on Student Affective Dynamics while Using an Intelligent Tutoring System, The

Baker, S.[Simon] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Baker, S.[Simon]: sbaker AT microsoft com
* 2D vs. 3D Deformable Face Models: Representational Power, Construction, and Real-Time Fitting
* Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Active appearance models with occlusion
* Algorithms for Pattern Rejection
* Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
* Appearance-Based 3-D Face Recognition from Video
* Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
* Assessing the Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Growth Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Phenotyping
* Asymmetry of Image Registration and Its Application to Face Tracking, The
* AutoCaption: Automatic caption generation for personal photos
* Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as an Image Coding Problem
* Car make and model recognition using 3D curve alignment
* Case Study of Novel Landslide Activity Recognition Using ALOS-1 InSAR within the Ragged Mountain Western Hillslope in Gunnison County, Colorado, USA, A
* Catadioptric Image Formation
* Characterization of Inherent Stereo Ambiguities, A
* Clustering Videos by Location
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database of Human Faces, The
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression Database, The
* Constructing and Fitting Active Appearance Models with Occlusion
* Coplanar Shadowgrams for Acquiring Visual Hulls of Intricate Objects
* Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow, A
* Design and Evaluation of Feature Detectors
* Efficient Image Alignment with Outlier Rejection
* Eigen light-fields and face recognition across pose
* Equivalence and Efficiency of Image Alignment Algorithms
* Estimating Tree Frontal Area in Urban Areas Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearance Models
* Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
* Field evaluation of an enhanced rear signalling system for heavy trucks
* Filter Flow
* Fisher Light-Fields for Face Recognition across Pose and Illumination
* Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to Multiple Images
* Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
* Global Measures of Coherence for Edge Detector Evaluation
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR Papers
* Hallucinating Faces
* Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
* Increasing the density of Active Appearance Models
* Interactive 3D Modeling from Multiple Images Using Scene Regularities
* Internet Vision
* Joint People, Event, and Location Recognition in Personal Photo Collections Using Cross-Domain Context
* Layered Approach to Stereo Reconstruction, A
* Leveraging archival video for building face datasets
* Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them
* Local Distance Functions: A Taxonomy, New Algorithms, and an Evaluation
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 1
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
* Markerless human motion transfer
* Memory constrained face recognition
* Model-Based Face De-Identification
* MRF-Based DeInterlacing Algorithm With Exemplar-Based Refinement, An
* Multi-PIE
* Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration
* Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction
* Multilevel Spectral Partitioning for Efficient Image Segmentation and Tracking
* On the Dimensionality of Deformable Face Models
* On Using Shadowgrams for Visual Hull Reconstruction
* Optimal Weighting Functions for Feature Detection
* Parameterizing Homographies
* Parametric Feature Detection
* Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
* Pattern Rejection
* prediction and planning framework for road safety analysis, obstacle avoidance and driver information, A
* Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
* REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters and Microwave Radiometer Data
* Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Using Multiple Still Images and Multiple Cameras
* Recognizing proxemics in personal photos
* Removing rolling shutter wobble
* Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training Class
* Resolution-Aware Fitting of Active Appearance Models to Low Resolution Images
* Robust low-resolution face identification and verification using high-resolution features
* Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
* Semi-supervised learning of multi-factor models for face de-identification
* Setting Low-Level Vision Parameters
* Shape and Motion Carving in 6D
* Shape-From-Silhouette Across Time Part I: Theory and Algorithms
* Shape-From-Silhouette Across Time Part II: Applications to Human Modeling and Markerless Motion Tracking
* Shape-from-silhouette of articulated objects and its use for human body kinematics estimation and motion capture
* Simultaneous super-resolution and feature extraction for recognition of low-resolution faces
* Single Viewpoint Catadioptric Cameras
* Spatio-Temporal View Interpolation
* Super Resolution Optical Flow
* Tele-Graffiti: A Camera-Projector Based Remote Sketching System with Hand-Based User Interface and Automatic Session Summarization
* Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System
* Template Update Problem, The
* Textureless Layers
* Theory and Practice of Coplanar Shadowgram Imaging for Acquiring Visual Hulls of Intricate Objects, The
* Theory of Catadioptric Image Formation, A
* Theory of Pattern Rejection, A
* Theory of Single-Viewpoint Catadioptric Image Formation, A
* Three-Dimensional Scene Flow
* Towards Real-World Face De-Identification
* Visual hull alignment and refinement across time: a 3D reconstruction algorithm combining shape-from-silhouette with stereo
* When is the Shape of a Scene Unique Given its Light-Field: A Fundamental Theorem of 3D Vision?
* Which Faces to Tag: Adding Prior Constraints into Active Learning
Includes: Baker, S.[Simon] Baker, S. Baker, S.[Shannon] Baker, S.[Scott] Baker, S.[Steven]
103 for Baker, S.

Baker, S.A.[Salah A.] Co Author Listing * Fundus2angio: A Conditional Gan Architecture for Generating Fluorescein Angiography Images from Retinal Fundus Photography
* VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers

Baker, S.E.[Sarah E.] Co Author Listing * Contact lenses: Handle with care for iris recognition
* Degradation of iris recognition performance due to non-cosmetic prescription contact lenses
* Empirical Evidence for Correct Iris Match Score Degradation with Increased Time-Lapse between Gallery and Probe Matches

Baker, S.L. Co Author Listing * Scan-Time Corrections for 80-100-min Standardizetd Uptake Volume Ratios to Measure the 18F-AV-1451 Tracer for Tau Imaging

Baker, T.[Thar] Co Author Listing * Building Covert Timing Channel of the IoT-Enabled MTS Based on Multi-Stage Verification
* Framework for Calculating Peak Discharge and Flood Inundation in Ungauged Urban Watersheds Using Remotely Sensed Precipitation Data: A Case Study in Freetown, Sierra Leone, A
* Location Recommendation Based on Mobility Graph With Individual and Group Influences
* Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for High-Temporal Video Data Analytics
* Method and system for improved internet color
* Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data
* Representation of Uncertainty in Spatial Target Tracking
Includes: Baker, T.[Thar] Baker, T.[Tracy] Baker, T.[Tamara] Baker, T.[Tim]
7 for Baker, T.

Baker, T.R.[Timothy R.] Co Author Listing * Identifying and Quantifying the Abundance of Economically Important Palms in Tropical Moist Forest Using UAV Imagery

Baker, W.H. Co Author Listing * Elements of Photogrammetry

Index for "b"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
Use for comments.