* analysis of vehicle sounds for recognition, The
* Application of List Processing Techniques to Picture Processing, The
* Calculation of multi-category minimum distance classifier recognition error for binomial measurement distributions
* Computer analysis of multi-channel SEM and X-ray images from fine particles
* Computer output display of cells and cell features
* Direct three-dimensional analysis of electron micrograph pictures
* Effect of random errors on generalized distance computations
* Efficient pattern recognition in fine particle science
* Extraction of the Line Drawing of 3-Dimensional Objects by Sequential Illumination from Several Directions
* Fast-converging adaptive algorithms for well-balanced separating linear classifier
* Formal System for Texture Languages, A
* Introduction to special issue on syntactic pattern recognition: Part two
* Introduction to the special issue on fine particle science
* Iterative least squares development of discriminant functions for spectroscopic data analysis by pattern recognition
* Measuring two-dimensional complexity: A conceptual structure
* method of comparing two patterns independent of possible transformations and small distortions, A
* new type of feature extraction of patterns using coherent optical system, A
* On the application of formal language and automata theory to pattern recognition
* Optical Information Procedure for Characterizing the Shape of Fine Particle Images, An
* parameter-free clustering model, A
* pattern description language: PADEL, A
* Pattern recognition problems in the study of carbon black
* Recognition of Polyhedrons with a Range Finder
* Reduction of the class of feature evaluation techniques in pattern analysis
* Representation of Figures by Labeled Graphs
* Simulation of process of forming the language for description and analysis of the forms of images
* Stochastic Programmed Grammars for Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Strategic pattern generation: A solution technique for a class of games
* study in descriptive representation of pictorial data, A
* Unsupervised learning in nongaussian pattern recognition
30 for PR(4)
* 3D model retrieval using principal plane analysis and dynamic programming
* Accelerating feature-vector matching using multiple-tree and sub-vector methods
* Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
* Active learning for image retrieval with Co-SVM
* Adaptive learning for event modeling and characterization
* Adaptive simplification of solution for support vector machine
* Affine and projective active contour models
* Affine invariant comparison of point-sets using convex hulls and hausdorff distances
* algorithm for projective point matching in the presence of spurious points, An
* ALSBIR: A local-structure-based image retrieval
* Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems
* Arc-based evaluation and detection of ellipses
* Atrial fibrillation classification with artificial neural networks
* Attention-based similarity
* background robust active appearance model using active contour technique, A
* Biological shape characterization for automatic image recognition and diagnosis of protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria
* Biosec baseline corpus: A multimodal biometric database
* Boosted manifold principal angles for image set-based recognition
* Bootstrap FDA for counting positives accurately in imprecise environments
* Boundary vector field for parametric active contours
* BYY annealing learning algorithm for Gaussian mixture with automated model selection, The
* Calculating geometric properties of three-dimensional objects from the spherical harmonic representation
* Camera calibration based on receptive fields
* Camera calibration with one-dimensional objects moving under gravity
* Center-based nearest neighbor classifier
* cheating prevention scheme for binary visual cryptography with homogeneous secret images, A
* Circularly orthogonal moments for geometrically robust image watermarking
* Classification in the presence of class noise using a probabilistic Kernel Fisher method
* Classification of run-length encoded binary data
* clustering algorithm based on maximal theta-distant subtrees, A
* Clustering and aggregation of relational data with applications to image database categorization
* clustering procedure for exploratory mining of vector time series, A
* Coarse to over-fine optical flow estimation
* Color image compression based on block truncation coding using pattern fitting principle
* color image segmentation approach for content-based image retrieval, A
* Colorization in YCbCr color space and its application to JPEG images
* comment on: A one-dimensional analysis for the probability of error of linear classifiers for normally distributed classes by Rueda, A
* comparative study on multivariate mathematical morphology, A
* Complete invariants for robust face recognition
* Compressed vertex chain codes
* computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods in microwave sterilization processes, A
* Conformal spherical representation of 3D genus-zero meshes
* consensus-based method for tracking: Modelling background scenario and foreground appearance, A
* Consideration of illumination effects and optimization of window size for accurate calculation of depth map for 3D shape recovery
* Consistency of robust estimators in multi-structural visual data segmentation
* Constraints on general motions for camera calibration with one-dimensional objects
* Content-based image collection summarization and comparison using self-organizing maps
* contour tracing and coding algorithm for generating 2D contour codes from 3D classified objects, A
* Convex hull based skew estimation
* cooperative constructive method for neural networks for pattern recognition, A
* Cost-sensitive boosting for classification of imbalanced data
* Cost-sensitive feature acquisition and classification
* coupled HMM approach to video-realistic speech animation, A
* Cubic Bezier approximation of a digitized curve
* Data-driven feature modeling, recognition and analysis in a discovery of supersonic cracks in multimillion-atom simulations
* Decision trees using model ensemble-based nodes
* Decolorize: Fast, contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion
* Definition and extraction of stable points from fingerprint images
* Depth recovery and affine reconstruction under camera pure translation
* Design and formal proof of a new optimal image segmentation program with hypermaps
* Designing a classifier by a layered multi-population genetic programming approach
* Designing spectral sensitivity curves for use with Artificial Color
* Detecting unattended packages through human activity recognition and object association
* Development and evaluation of fast branch-and-bound algorithm for feature matching based on line segments
* Digital watermarking based on chaotic map and reference register
* discriminant analysis using composite features for classification problems, A
* discriminant elastic graph matching algorithm applied to frontal face verification, The
* distributed hierarchical genetic algorithm for efficient optimization and pattern matching, A
* Distributed Markovian segmentation: Application to MR brain scans
* Domain described support vector classifier for multi-classification problems
* effect of imbalanced data sets on LDA: A theoretical and empirical analysis, The
* Efficiency of chain codes to represent binary objects
* Efficient 3D shape matching and retrieval using a concrete radialized spherical projection representation
* Efficient fingerprint search based on database clustering
* Efficient hierarchical method for background subtraction
* efficient image authentication method based on Hamming code, An
* Efficient text independent speaker recognition with wavelet feature selection based multilayered neural network using supervised learning algorithm
* Eigenmoments
* elastic partial shape matching technique, An
* Ellipsoidal support vector clustering for functional MRI analysis
* EROS: Ensemble rough subspaces
* Estimating the concentration of optically active constituents of sea water by Takagi-Sugeno models with quadratic rule consequents
* Estimation of skew angles for scanned documents based on piecewise covering by parallelograms
* Evaluation of the effects of Gabor filter parameters on texture classification
* Evolution-Based Tabu Search Approach to Codebook Design, An
* evolutionary system for near-regular texture synthesis, An
* Exact Legendre moment computation for gray level images
* Experimental study for the comparison of classifier combination methods
* Exploration trees on highly complex scenes: A new approach for 3D segmentation
* Extension of higher order local autocorrelation features
* Extracting eyebrow contour and chin contour for face recognition
* Extracting gene regulation information for cancer classification
* Extracting image orientation feature by using integration operator
* Extraction and analysis of forensic document examiner features used for writer identification
* Extraction and segmentation of tables from Chinese ink documents based on a matrix model
* Extraction of salient contours from cluttered scenes
* Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF classifier for small sample biometric recognition
* Face detection with boosted Gaussian features
* Face recognition under arbitrary illumination using illuminated exemplars
* Face recognition using a kernel fractional-step discriminant analysis algorithm
* Face recognition using spectral features
* Fast and robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms incorporating local information for image segmentation
* Fast and versatile algorithm for nearest neighbor search based on a lower bound tree
* Fast cross-validation algorithms for least squares support vector machine and kernel ridge regression
* Fast detecting and locating groups of targets in high-resolution SAR images
* Fast estimation of slopes of linear and quasi-linear structures in noisy background, using Fourier methods
* Fast k-nearest-neighbor search based on projection and triangular inequality
* Fast mean filtering technique (FMFT)
* Fast template matching algorithm for contour images based on its chain coded description applied for human face identification
* Faster and more robust point symmetry-based K-means algorithm
* Fingerprint enhancement using STFT analysis
* Fingerprint matching from minutiae texture maps
* Fingerprint matching using OrientationCodes and PolyLines
* flexible multi-layer self-organizing map for generic processing of tree-structured data, A
* FOE estimation: Can image measurement errors be totally corrected by the geometric method?
* Functional dissipation microarrays for classification
* Further results on the subspace distance
* Fusion of color and infrared video for moving human detection
* Fusion of color edge detection and color quantization for color image watermarking using principal axes analysis
* Fuzzy classifier design using genetic algorithms
* Fuzzy model based recognition of handwritten numerals
* GAPS: A clustering method using a new point symmetry-based distance measure
* Generic orthogonal moments: Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image description
* genetic framework using contextual knowledge for segmentation and recognition of handwritten numeral strings, A
* Genetic-fuzzy rule mining approach and evaluation of feature selection techniques for anomaly intrusion detection
* geometric approach to non-parametric density estimation, A
* Global optimization in clustering using hyperbolic cross points
* Gradual model generator for single-pass clustering
* Graph embedding using tree edit-union
* Graph simplification and matching using commute times
* Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms--Part I: Unified theory
* Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms--part II: Application to angiographic image processing
* Hallucinating faces: LPH super-resolution and neighbor reconstruction for residue compensation
* Hand radiograph image segmentation using a coarse-to-fine strategy
* Handwritten Bangla numeral recognition system and its application to postal automation
* Handwritten digit classification using higher order singular value decomposition
* High-utility pattern mining: A method for discovery of high-utility item sets
* Human gait recognition based on matching of body components
* Human gait recognition by the fusion of motion and static spatio-temporal templates
* Hybrid attribute reduction based on a novel fuzzy-rough model and information granulation
* Hybrid image matching combining Hausdorff distance with normalized gradient matching
* hybrid wavelet-based fingerprint matcher, A
* Image analysis by modified Legendre moments
* Image classification with the use of radial basis function neural networks and the minimization of the localized generalization error
* Image covariance-based subspace method for face recognition
* Image denoising with complex ridgelets
* Image encryption by random grids
* Image indexing and retrieval based on vector quantization
* Image reconstruction from limited range projections using orthogonal moments
* Image registration by local histogram matching
* Image security system using recursive cellular automata substitution
* Image thresholding based on the EM algorithm and the generalized Gaussian distribution
* image-hiding method with high hiding capacity based on best-block matching and k-means clustering, An
* improved BioHashing for human authentication, An
* Improved discriminate analysis for high-dimensional data and its application to face recognition
* improved incremental training algorithm for support vector machines using active query, An
* improved watershed algorithm based on efficient computation of shortest paths, An
* Improving angular error via systematically designed near-circular Gaussian-based feature extraction operators
* Incorporating multiple SVMs for automatic image annotation
* Incorporating shape prior into geodesic active contours for detecting partially occluded object
* Increasing the discrimination power of the co-occurrence matrix-based features
* Incremental MLLR speaker adaptation by fuzzy logic control
* Information cut for clustering using a gradient descent approach
* Integrated kernels and their properties
* investigation of the modified direction feature for cursive character recognition, An
* invisible hybrid color image system using spread vector quantization neural networks with penalized FCM, An
* Iterative sliced inverse regression for segmentation of ultrasound and MR images
* Kernel clustering-based discriminant analysis
* Kernel PCA for novelty detection
* kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems, A
* Kernel-based classification using quantum mechanics
* Knowledge-based part correspondence
* Knowledge-based part correspondence
* Learning linear PCA with convex semi-definite programming
* Learning the best subset of local features for face recognition
* Learning the kernel matrix by maximizing a KFD-based class separability criterion
* Learning to display high dynamic range images
* Least-squares-based fitting of paraboloids
* linear discriminant analysis framework based on random subspace for face recognition, A
* Linear manifold clustering in high dimensional spaces by stochastic search
* Local anisotropy analysis for non-smooth images
* Logistic regression using covariates obtained by product-unit neural network models
* Lossless Compression of Map Contours by Context Tree Modeling of Chain Codes
* Markov blanket-embedded genetic algorithm for gene selection
* Matrix-pattern-oriented Ho-Kashyap classifier with regularization learning
* mean field annealing approach to accurate free form shape matching, A
* Mean shift-based clustering
* Medical image segmentation, volume representation and registration using spheres in the geometric algebra framework
* Mining evolving data streams for frequent patterns
* ML-KNN: A lazy learning approach to multi-label learning
* Model-based evaluation of clustering validation measures
* modified Beckmann-Kirchhoff scattering theory for rough surface analysis, The
* modified fuzzy C-means image segmentation algorithm for use with uneven illumination patterns, A
* Motion blur identification in noisy images using mathematical models and statistical measures
* Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
* Multiclass classifiers based on dimension reduction with generalized LDA
* Multiple appearance models
* Multiple statistical models for soft decision in noisy speech enhancement
* multiresolution gradient vector field skeleton, The
* Multiscale directional filter bank with applications to structured and random texture retrieval
* Naked image detection based on adaptive and extensible skin color model
* Network intrusion detection in covariance feature space
* neural network system for matching dental radiographs, A
* Neutral offspring controlling operators in genetic programming
* new 3D model retrieval approach based on the elevation descriptor, A
* new framework for identifying differentially expressed genes, A
* new measure of symmetry and its application to classification of bifurcating structures, A
* new segmentation approach for iris recognition based on hand-held capture device, A
* new segmentation method for phase change thermography sequence, A
* Newtonian clustering: An approach based on molecular dynamics and global optimization
* Nonparametric analysis of fingerprint data on large data sets
* note on the convergence of the mean shift, A
* novel approach for edge detection based on the theory of universal gravity, A
* novel cascade ensemble classifier system with a high recognition performance on handwritten digits, A
* novel edge detection method based on the maximizing objective function, A
* novel image watermarking scheme based on amplitude attack, A
* numerical recipe for accurate image reconstruction from discrete orthogonal moments, A
* object class-uncertainty induced adaptive force and its application to a new hybrid snake, An
* Object recognition using wavelets, L-G graphs and synthesis of regions
* OCR binarization and image pre-processing for searching historical documents
* On an alternative formulation of the Fisher criterion that overcomes the small sample problem
* On the estimation of independent binomial random variables using occurrence and sequential information
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize dissimilarity-based classification
* On-line signature recognition based on VQ-DTW
* Optic disk feature extraction via modified deformable model technique for glaucoma analysis
* Optimizing resources in model selection for support vector machine
* Pairwise fusion matrix for combining classifiers
* Panchromatic sharpening of remote sensing images using a multiscale Kalman filter
* Pattern identification in dynamical systems via symbolic time series analysis
* PCA-based web page watermarking
* Personal recognition based on an image of the palmar surface of the hand
* Polygonal approximation of closed discrete curves
* Possibilistic fuzzy co-clustering of large document collections
* Preprocessing and postprocessing for skeleton-based fingerprint minutiae extraction
* Real-time detection of steam in video images
* Real-time hand tracking using a mean shift embedded particle filter
* Reconstruction of 3D human body pose from stereo image sequences based on top-down learning
* Rectified nearest feature line segment for pattern classification
* region and gradient based active contour model and its application in boundary tracking on anal canal ultrasound images, A
* region-based selective optical flow back-projection for genuine motion vector estimation, A
* relative distance of key point based iris recognition, The
* Retrieval of images of man-made structures based on projective invariance
* Retrieval of textured images through the use of quantization and modal analysis
* Riemannian approach to graph embedding, A
* robust associative watermarking technique based on similarity diagrams, A
* Robust face tracking by integration of two separate trackers: Skin color and facial shape
* Robust facial feature tracking under varying face pose and facial expression
* Robust Hausdorff distance measure for face recognition
* robust incremental learning framework for accurate skin region segmentation in color images, A
* Robust kernel Isomap
* Robust lip region segmentation for lip images with complex background
* Robust Multi-View Feature Matching from Multiple Unordered Views
* Rotation, scale and translation invariant handwritten Devanagari numeral character recognition using general fuzzy neural network
* S-kernel: A measure of symmetry of objects, The
* Scaling and rotation invariant analysis approach to object recognition based on Radon and Fourier-Mellin transforms
* Segmentation and tracking of multiple video objects
* Self-calibration of a stereo rig using monocular epipolar geometries
* Self-generating prototypes for pattern classification
* Self-recalibration of a structured light system via plane-based homography
* Semi-automatic computer aided lesion detection in dental X-rays using variational level set
* semi-supervised regression model for mixed numerical and categorical variables, A
* Shadow compensation in 2D images for face recognition
* Shadow detection for moving objects based on texture analysis
* Shadow resistant tracking using inertia constraints
* Shape recognition using eigenvalues of the Dirichlet Laplacian
* Shape retrieval using triangle-area representation and dynamic space warping
* Sharing multiple secrets in visual cryptography
* Significant edges in the case of non-stationary Gaussian noise
* simple algorithm for digital line recognition in the general case, A
* simple decomposition algorithm for support vector machines with polynomial-time convergence, A
* simple method for fitting of bounding rectangle to closed regions, A
* Simultaneous Gesture Segmentation and Recognition based on Forward Spotting Accumulative HMMs
* Size-density spectra and their application to image classification
* Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking
* Special section on visual information processing
* Spectral distortion measures for biological sequence comparisons and database searching
* statistical approach to sparse multi-scale phase-based stereo, A
* Stereo matching using iterative reliable disparity map expansion in the color-spatial-disparity space
* Strongly normal sets of contractible tiles in N dimensions
* Style-preserving English handwriting synthesis
* Subspace evolution analysis for face representation and recognition
* survey of content-based image retrieval with high-level semantics, A
* survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods, A
* SVM-based cursive character recognizer, A
* Synthesized affine invariant function for 2D shape recognition
* Target differentiation with simple infrared sensors using statistical pattern recognition techniques
* Task decomposition and modular single-hidden-layer perceptron classifiers for multi-class learning problems
* Text line extraction from multi-skewed handwritten documents
* Text search for medieval manuscript images
* Texture classification and segmentation using wavelet packet frame and Gaussian mixture model
* theoretical analysis of GLRAM and its applications, The
* Thresholding based on variance and intensity contrast
* trainable feature extractor for handwritten digit recognition, A
* Translation and scale invariants of Tchebichef moments
* Triangle refinement in a constrained Delaunay triangulation skeleton
* Two graph theory based methods for identifying the pectoral muscle in mammograms
* Two secret sharing schemes based on Boolean operations
* Two symmetrical thinning algorithms for 3D binary images, based on P-simple points
* Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) with its application to palmprint recognition
* Uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis based on weighted pairwise Fisher criterion
* Unified feature analysis in JPEG and JPEG 2000-compressed domains
* unified perspective and new results on RHT computing, mixture based learning, and multi-learner based problem solving, A
* Unsupervised minor prototype detection using an adaptive population partitioning algorithm
* Unsupervised multiscale oil slick segmentation from SAR images using a vector HMC model
* Unsupervised real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to hyperspectral image classification
* Use of power law models in detecting region of interest
* Using perceptual relation of regularity and anisotropy in the texture with independent component model for defect detection
* Using position extrema points to capture shape in on-line handwritten signature verification
* Variable structuring element based fuzzy morphological operations for single viewpoint omnidirectional images
* VCPSS: A two-in-one two-decoding-options image sharing method combining visual cryptography (VC) and polynomial-style sharing (PSS) approaches
* visual approach for driver inattention detection, A
* Visual guided navigation for image retrieval
* Visual object retrieval via block-based visual-pattern matching
* Wavelet feature domain adaptive noise reduction using learning algorithm for text-independent speaker recognition
* Weighted and robust learning of subspace representations
* weighted combination of stacking and dynamic integration, A
* Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices
317 for PR(40)
* 1D correlation filter based class-dependence feature analysis for face recognition
* 1D-LDA vs. 2D-LDA: When is vector-based linear discriminant analysis better than matrix-based?
* 2D face recognition based on supervised subspace learning from 3D models
* 3D head model retrieval in kernel feature space using HSOM
* Accurate integration of multi-view range images using k-means clustering
* Active semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* Activity based surveillance video content modelling
* Adaptive lossless steganographic scheme with centralized difference expansion
* Annealing and the normalized N-cut
* Application of semantic features in face recognition
* Application of the cross entropy method to the GLVQ algorithm
* Applying the multi-category learning to multiple video object extraction
* Approximate information discriminant analysis: A computationally simple heteroscedastic feature extraction technique
* Articulated motion reconstruction from feature points
* Attentive texture similarity as a categorization task: Comparing texture synthesis models
* Automatic clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on adaptive influence function
* Automatic feature localisation with constrained local models
* Automatic image authentication and recovery using fractal code embedding and image inpainting
* Automatic object extraction and reconstruction in active video
* Automatic segmentation of metaphase cells based on global context and variant analysis
* Bayesian feature evaluation for visual saliency estimation
* Bayesian plan-view map based approach for multiple-person detection and tracking, A
* Beyond FCM: Graph-theoretic post-processing algorithms for learning and representing the data structure
* Binarization and cleanup of handwritten text from carbon copy medical form images
* Binary-image comparison with local-dissimilarity quantification
* Biometric dispersion matcher
* Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization
* Boosted string representation and its application to video surveillance
* Boundary based shape orientation
* Building compact MQDF classifier for large character set recognition by subspace distribution sharing
* Camera self-calibration from bivariate polynomials derived from Kruppa's equations
* Cancellable biometrics and annotations on BioHash
* case-study on naive labelling for the nearest mean and the linear discriminant classifiers, A
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: In his own words
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: Introductory remarks
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: Reflections
* Chromaticity-based separation of reflection components in a single image
* Chromosome classification based on the band profile similarity along approximate medial axis
* Classification in an informative sample subspace
* Classification in the presence of class noise using a probabilistic Kernel Fisher method
* Classifier learning with a new locality regularization method
* Clothing segmentation using foreground and background estimation based on the constrained Delaunay triangulation
* Cloud basis function neural network: A modified RBF network architecture for holistic facial expression recognition
* cluster validity measure with a hybrid parameter search method for the support vector clustering algorithm, A
* Clustering of biological time series by cepstral coefficients based distances
* Color segmentation robust to brightness variations by using B-spline curve modeling
* Colored visual cryptography scheme based on additive color mixing
* Combining apparent motion and perspective as visual cues for content-based camera motion indexing
* Combining local belief from low-level primitives for perceptual grouping
* Combining minutiae descriptors for fingerprint matching
* Combining singular points and orientation image information for fingerprint classification
* comment on 'Laplacian linear discriminant analysis', A
* Comment on: Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets
* Comment on: Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) with its application to palmprint recognition
* Comments on An analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices
* Comparison between two coevolutionary feature weighting algorithms in clustering
* comparison of generalized linear discriminant analysis algorithms, A
* Computation of a face attractiveness index based on neoclassical canons, symmetry, and golden ratios
* constrained region growing approach based on watershed for the segmentation of low contrast structures in bone micro-CT images, A
* Constrained-storage multistage vector quantization based on genetic algorithms
* Constraint Score: A new filter method for feature selection with pairwise constraints
* Contour graph based human tracking and action sequence recognition
* Contrast context histogram: An efficient discriminating local descriptor for object recognition and image matching
* convergence theorem for the fuzzy subspace clustering (FSC) algorithm, A
* daily behavior enabled hidden Markov model for human behavior understanding, A
* Data mining with a simulated annealing based fuzzy classification system
* Data-driven decomposition for multi-class classification
* Defect detection in periodically patterned surfaces using independent component analysis
* design of granular classifiers: A study in the synergy of interval calculus and fuzzy sets in pattern recognition, The
* Detection and recognition of contour parts based on shape similarity
* Detection of incomplete ellipse in images with strong noise by iterative randomized Hough transform (IRHT)
* Determining comprehension and quality of TV programs using eye-gaze tracking
* Discriminative analysis of skull morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: Comparative study with normal controls
* Discriminative analysis of skull morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: Comparative study with normal controls
* Do unbalanced data have a negative effect on LDA
* Domain density description for multiclass pattern classification with reduced computational load
* double-threshold image binarization method based on edge detector, A
* Dual watermark for image tamper detection and recovery
* Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion
* dynamic overproduce-and-choose strategy for the selection of classifier ensembles, A
* Dynamic training using multistage clustering for face recognition
* easy measure of compactness for 2D and 3D shapes, An
* ECM: An evidential version of the fuzzy c-means algorithm
* effective and fast iris recognition system based on a combined multiscale feature extraction technique, An
* Efficient and accurate computation of geometric moments on gray-scale images
* Efficient generation of simple polygons for characterizing the shape of a set of points in the plane
* efficient kernel matrix evaluation measure, An
* eigenPulse: Robust human identification from cardiovascular function
* Elastic shape-texture matching for human face recognition
* Enhancement of multimodal biometric segregation using unconstrained cohort normalisation
* Enhancing decision combination of face and fingerprint by exploitation of individual classifier space: An approach to multi-modal biometry
* Epipolar geometry estimation based on evolutionary agents
* evolutionary patch pattern approach for texture discrimination, An
* Exploiting generalized discriminative multiple instance learning for multimedia semantic concept detection
* Exploiting Voronoi diagram properties in face segmentation and feature extraction
* Expression recognition using fuzzy spatio-temporal modeling
* Extensions of vector quantization for incremental clustering
* Extracting a diagnostic gait signature
* Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZM array from a single exemplar image per person
* Face recognition using elastic local reconstruction based on a single face image
* Fast computation of geometric moments using a symmetric kernel
* Fast online graph clustering via Erdos-Renyi mixture
* fast separability-based feature-selection method for high-dimensional remotely sensed image classification, A
* fast VQ codebook generation algorithm using codeword displacement, A
* Feature extracted from wavelet decomposition using biorthogonal Riesz basis for text-independent speaker recognition
* Feature Extraction for Classification Problems and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Feature extraction using constrained maximum variance mapping
* Feature fusion of side face and gait for video-based human identification
* Feature generation and machine learning for robust multimodal biometrics
* Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images
* Feature selection using localized generalization error for supervised classification problems using RBFNN
* Filtering segmentation cuts for digit string recognition
* Fingerprint classification using one-vs-all support vector machines dynamically ordered with naieve Bayes classifiers
* Fingerprint orientation field estimation using ridge projection
* Forty years of research in character and document recognition: An industrial perspective
* Four-scanning attack on hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery
* Fractional order singular value decomposition representation for face recognition
* Friendly progressive visual secret sharing
* From dynamic classifier selection to dynamic ensemble selection
* FRSDE: Fast reduced set density estimator using minimal enclosing ball approximation
* Fusing multimodal biometrics with quality estimates via a Bayesian belief network
* Fuzzy feature selection based on min-max learning rule and extension matrix
* Fuzzy integral based information fusion for classification of highly confusable non-speech sounds
* Gait Analysis For Human Identification Through Manifold Learning and HMM
* Gaussian mixture modeling and learning of neighboring characters for multilingual text extraction in images
* general soft method for learning SVM classifiers with L1-norm penalty, A
* General support vector representation machine for one-class classification of non-stationary classes
* Generalization-oriented road line segmentation by means of an artificial neural network applied over a moving window
* Generative models for similarity-based classification
* Generative tracking of 3D human motion by hierarchical annealed genetic algorithm
* Generic temporal segmentation of cyclic human motion
* Genetic algorithm-based feature set partitioning for classification problems
* genetic approach for efficient outlier detection in projected space, A
* Geometric moment invariants
* Gesture spotting for low-resolution sports video annotation
* Gesture spotting with body-worn inertial sensors to detect user activities
* Graph spectral image smoothing using the heat kernel
* Hand radiographs preprocessing, image representation in the finger regions and joint space width measurements for image interpretation
* Heart sound as a biometric
* hidden Markov model-based character extraction method, A
* Hidden Markov Model-Based Ensemble Methods for Offline Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* Hierarchical Approach for Fast and Robust Ellipse Extraction, A
* Hierarchical contour matching for dental X-ray radiographs
* High accuracy handwritten Chinese character recognition using LDA-based compound distances
* High-performance JPEG steganography using complementary embedding strategy
* homotopy-based approach for computing defocus blur and affine transform simultaneously, A
* Hough transform based fast skew detection and accurate skew correction methods
* Human action recognition using shape and CLG-motion flow from multi-view image sequences
* Human eye sclera detection and tracking using a modified time-adaptive self-organizing map
* Hybrid-boost learning for multi-pose face detection and facial expression recognition
* Identifying elephant photos by multi-curve matching
* Image categorization: Graph edit distance+edge direction histogram
* Image mosaicking for polyhedral scene and in particular singly visible surfaces
* Image retrieval based on the texton co-occurrence matrix
* Impact of imputation of missing values on classification error for discrete data
* Improvement of the k-means clustering filtering algorithm
* incremental node embedding technique for error correcting output codes, An
* Integrated multilevel image fusion and match score fusion of visible and infrared face images for robust face recognition
* Integration of local and global geometrical cues for 3D face recognition
* Integration of prior knowledge of measurement noise in kernel density classification
* Interest point detection using imbalance oriented selection
* Interval-valued versus intuitionistic fuzzy sets: Isomorphism versus semantics
* Invariant optimal feature selection: A distance discriminant and feature ranking based solution
* Inverted pattern approach to improve image quality of information hiding by LSB substitution
* Invited paper: Automatic speech recognition: History, methods and challenges
* kernel optimization method based on the localized kernel Fisher criterion, A
* Kernel quadratic discriminant analysis for small sample size problem
* Kernels, regularization and differential equations
* KPCA for semantic object extraction in images
* lazy bagging approach to classification, A
* Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric for data clustering and classification
* Learning iteratively a classifier with the Bayesian Model Averaging Principle
* Learning probabilistic models of tree edit distance
* Learning to display high dynamic range images
* Linear dimensionality reduction by maximizing the Chernoff distance in the transformed space
* Linear feature extraction by integrating pairwise and global discriminatory information via sequential forward floating selection and kernel QR factorization with column pivoting
* Local binary patterns for a hybrid fingerprint matcher
* Local prediction of non-linear time series using support vector regression
* Locally linear discriminant embedding: An efficient method for face recognition
* Locally linear reconstruction for instance-based learning
* Lossless data hiding for color images based on block truncation coding
* lossless data hiding scheme based on three-pixel block differences, A
* Machine learning based adaptive watermark decoding in view of anticipated attack
* machine-learning approach for analyzing document layout structures with two reading orders, A
* Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion
* Maximizing the area under the ROC curve by pairwise feature combination
* Mean shift spectral clustering
* Measuring linearity of planar point sets
* memetic algorithm for evolutionary prototype selection: A scaling up approach, A
* Metric learning by discriminant neighborhood embedding
* Minutiae feature analysis for infrared hand vein pattern biometrics
* model-based approach to junction detection using radial energy, A
* Modified global k-means algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering problems
* Mosaicing-by-recognition for video-based text recognition
* Motif-based defect detection for patterned fabric
* Motion estimation of elastic articulated objects from points and contours with volume invariable constraint
* Motion representation using composite energy features
* Movie scene segmentation using background information
* Multi-sensor image registration based on intensity and edge orientation information
* Multilevel Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images
* Multimodal biometrics using geometry preserving projections
* Multimodality image registration by maximization of quantitative-qualitative measure of mutual information
* multiscale directional operator and morphological tools for reconnecting broken ridges in fingerprint images, A
* nearly optimal sensor placement algorithm for boundary coverage, A
* new calibration model of camera lens distortion, A
* new linear algorithm for calibrating central catadioptric cameras, A
* No Panacea Theorem for classifier combination, A
* Non-stationary data sequence classification using online class priors estimation
* Nonlinear registration using variational principle for mutual information
* normalised image of the absolute conic and its application for zooming camera calibration, The
* novel algorithm for estimation of depth map using image focus for 3D shape recovery in the presence of noise, A
* novel approach for fast codebook re-quantization, A
* novel approach to feature extraction from classification models based on information gene pairs, A
* novel fuzzy classifier based on product aggregation operator, A
* novel image thresholding method based on Parzen window estimate, A
* Object detection by global contour shape
* Object Recognition Using a Generalized Robust Invariant Feature and Gestalt's Law of Proximity and Similarity
* offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve the classification of multi-channel evoked potentials, An
* Old and new straight-line detectors: Description and comparison
* On clustering tree structured data with categorical nature
* Optimization of an Hough transform algorithm for the search of a center
* Optimized polygonal approximation by dominant point deletion
* Optimizing the data-dependent kernel under a unified kernel optimization framework
* Orthogonal neighborhood preserving discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Palmprint verification based on principal lines
* Palmprint verification based on robust line orientation code
* Parallelization of cellular neural networks on GPU
* Partition belief median filter based on Dempster-Shafer theory for image processing
* Performance evaluation of soft color texture descriptors for surface grading using experimental design and logistic regression
* Person recognition by fusing palmprint and palm vein images based on Laplacianpalm representation
* Perturbation scheme for online learning of features: Incremental principal component analysis
* Piecewise affine kernel tracking for non-planar targets
* Posterior probability measure for image matching
* practical approach to the 2D incremental nearest-point problem suitable for different point distributions, A
* Practical background estimation for mosaic blending with patch-based Markov random fields
* Probabilistic distance measures of the Dirichlet and Beta distributions
* Probabilistic relaxation labelling using the Fokker-Planck equation
* Probabilistic suffix models for API sequence analysis of Windows XP applications
* projection pursuit algorithm for anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery, A
* Quadratic boosting
* Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information
* Quasi-isometric parameterization for texture mapping
* Radial symmetries based decomposition of cell clusters in binary and gray level images
* random electrode selection ensemble for EEG signal classification, The
* Real-time accurate circle fitting with occlusions
* Real-time line detection through an improved Hough transform voting scheme
* Real-time line detection through an improved Hough transform voting scheme
* real-time object detecting and tracking system for outdoor night surveillance, A
* Real-time Object Recognition using Relational Dependency based on Graphical Model
* Recognising online spatial activities using a bioinformatics inspired sequence alignment approach
* Recognition of camera-captured low-quality characters using motion blur information
* Recognition of degraded characters using dynamic Bayesian networks
* Region-based image retrieval with high-level semantics using decision tree learning
* Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
* Regularized query classification using search click information
* Resulted word counts optimization: A new approach for better automatic image annotation
* Retrieval of machine-printed Latin documents through Word Shape Coding
* Robust and efficient multiclass SVM models for phrase pattern recognition
* Robust head tracking using 3D ellipsoidal head model in particle filter
* Robust path-based spectral clustering
* Robust symbolic representation for shape recognition and retrieval
* SAT-based parser and completer for pictures specified by tiling, A
* Scalable representation for 3D object recognition using feature sharing and view clustering
* scale-free distribution of false positives for a large class of audio similarity measures, A
* segmentation algorithm for SAR images based on the anisotropic heat diffusion equation, A
* Segmentation and recognition of phonetic features in handwritten Pitman shorthand
* sequential algorithm for recognition of a developing pattern with application in orthotic engineering, A
* Shape from Shading Using Graph Cuts
* Shape matching and modeling using skeletal context
* Shape Recovery from Turntable Sequence Using Rim Reconstruction
* Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
* Signing Exact English (SEE): Modeling and recognition
* Simplified Gabor wavelets for human face recognition
* Size functions for comparing 3D models
* Skin heat transfer model of facial thermograms and its application in face recognition
* spatio-temporal 2D-models framework for human pose recovery in monocular sequences, A
* Spectral clustering with eigenvector selection
* statistical model of cluster stability, A
* Statistical pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Structural hidden Markov models for biometrics: Fusion of face and fingerprint
* Structure-based graph distance measures of high degree of precision
* Structuring low-quality videotaped lectures for cross-reference browsing by video text analysis
* study of graph spectra for comparing graphs and trees, A
* study of regularized Gaussian classifier in high-dimension small sample set case based on MDL principle with application to spectrum recognition, A
* study on three linear discriminant analysis based methods in small sample size problem, A
* Subpixel determination of imperfect circles characteristics
* SubXPCA and a generalized feature partitioning approach to principal component analysis
* Supervised dimensionality reduction via sequential semidefinite programming
* survey of kernel and spectral methods for clustering, A
* SVD based initialization: A head start for nonnegative matrix factorization
* SVM-Based Active Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Clustering and Unlabeled Data
* Symbolic image indexing and retrieval by spatial similarity: An approach based on B-tree
* Tampering with a watermarking-based image authentication scheme
* Template matching using the parametric template vector with translation, rotation and scale invariance
* Text line detection in handwritten documents
* Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition
* Three measures for secure palmprint identification
* top-down region dividing approach for image segmentation, A
* Toward a tight upper bound for the error probability of the binary Gaussian classification problem
* Tracking multiple objects through occlusion with online sampling and position estimation
* two-codebook combination and three-phase block matching based image-hiding scheme with high embedding capacity, A
* Two-dimensional Laplacianfaces method for face recognition
* Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) with its application to palmprint recognition
* two-stage head pose estimation framework and evaluation, A
* Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian mixture models
* Unified 3D face and ear recognition using wavelets on geometry images
* unified framework for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction, A
* Unimodal thresholding for edge detection
* Unsupervised feature selection using clustering ensembles and population based incremental learning algorithm
* Using anatomical knowledge expressed as fuzzy constraints to segment the heart in CT images
* Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding
* Verification of dynamic curves extracted from static handwritten scripts
* vision-based method for weeds identification through the Bayesian decision theory, A
* Visual measurement of pile movements for the foundation work using a high-speed line-scan camera
* Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
* Volumetric restrictions in single particle 3DEM reconstruction
* Waveprint: Efficient wavelet-based audio fingerprinting
* Who is LB1? Discriminant analysis for the classification of specimens
* Writer identification of Chinese handwriting documents using hidden Markov tree model
* writer identification system for on-line whiteboard data, A
320 for PR(41)
* 2DVTE: A two-directional videotext extractor for rapid and elaborate design
* 3D noisy discrete objects: Segmentation and application to smoothing
* 3D object retrieval using the 3D shape impact descriptor
* Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D human body tracking
* Adaptive and optimal difference operators in image processing
* adaptive image Euclidean distance, An
* Adaptive shape prior for recognition and variational segmentation of degraded historical characters
* Adaptive spatial information-theoretic clustering for image segmentation
* Adaptive thresholding of tomograms by projection distance minimization
* Adaptive weighting of local classifiers by particle filters for robust tracking
* Advances in combinatorial image analysis
* Associative Naive Bayes classifier: Automated linking of gene ontology to medline documents
* Authors reply Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
* Automated cell analysis in 2D and 3D: A comparative study
* Automatic 3D face recognition from depth and intensity Gabor features
* Automatic analysis of 3D low dose CT images for early diagnosis of lung cancer
* Automatic face detection in video sequences using local normalization and optimal adaptive correlation techniques
* Automatic joint classification and segmentation of whole cell 3D images
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D human motion pose from uncalibrated monocular video sequences based on markerless human motion tracking
* Automatic writer identification framework for online handwritten documents using character prototypes
* Bagging null space locality preserving discriminant classifiers for face recognition
* belief-based sequential fusion approach for fusing manual signs and non-manual signals, A
* Biometric dispersion matcher versus LDA
* boundary method for outlier detection based on support vector domain description, A
* Choosing the kernel parameters for support vector machines by the inter-cluster distance in the feature space
* closed-form reduction of multi-class cost-sensitive learning to weighted multi-class learning, A
* Clustering aggregation by probability accumulation
* Clustering with r-regular graphs
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* Color-texture segmentation using unsupervised graph cuts
* Combining appearance and motion for face and gender recognition from videos
* Combining diverse on-line and off-line systems for handwritten text line recognition
* Combining feature spaces for classification
* Combining global, regional and contextual features for automatic image annotation
* comment on 'Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding', A
* comment on Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication, A
* Comment on: 'Extended Hough transform for linear feature detection'
* Comparison and improvement of tangent estimators on digital curves
* complex network-based approach for boundary shape analysis, A
* Component-Based Discriminative Classification for Hidden Markov Models
* Computer-aided evaluation of neuroblastoma on whole-slide histology images: Classifying grade of neuroblastic differentiation
* Computer-aided prognosis of neuroblastoma on whole-slide images: Classification of stromal development
* Computer-assisted pit-pattern classification in different wavelet domains for supporting dignity assessment of colonic polyps
* Computing upper and lower bounds of rotation angles from digital images
* configurable method for multi-style license plate recognition, A
* Consensus fingerprint matching with genetically optimised approach
* consensus sampling technique for fast and robust model fitting, A
* Coronal loop detection from solar images
* correntropy MACE filter, The
* Crease detection from fingerprint images and its applications in elderly people
* Curvature estimation along noisy digital contours by approximate global optimization
* Data dependency in multiple classifier systems
* Data hiding in grayscale images by dynamic programming based on a human visual model
* Description of interest regions with local binary patterns
* Detecting the most unusual part of two- and three-dimensional digital images
* Detection of unexpected multi-part objects from segmented contour maps
* Development of a Sigma-Lognormal representation for on-line signatures
* Digital image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection of cancer
* Digitization scheme that assures faithful reconstruction of plane figures
* Dimensionality reduction for heterogeneous dataset in rushes editing
* Discrete data clustering using finite mixture models
* Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Discriminatively regularized least-squares classification
* disk expansion segmentation method for ultrasonic breast lesions, A
* Dissimilarity between two skeletal trees in a context
* Dissimilarity-based classification in the absence of local ground truth: Application to the diagnostic interpretation of chest radiographs
* distance-relatedness dynamic model for clustering high dimensional data of arbitrary shapes and densities, A
* Distortion-free secret image sharing mechanism using modulus operator
* Eager interpretation of on-line hand-drawn structured documents: The DALI methodology
* Edge-preserving smoothing using a similarity measure in adaptive geodesic neighbourhoods
* Effective image retrieval using dominant color descriptor and fuzzy support vector machine
* efficient algorithm for attention-driven image interpretation from segments, An
* efficient discriminant-based solution for small sample size problem, An
* efficient low cost approach for on-line signature recognition based on length normalization and fractional distances, An
* Efficient search strategy in structural analysis for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Empirical distribution of k-word matches in biological sequences
* Employing topographical height map in colonic polyp measurement and false positive reduction
* Enhanced bisecting k-means clustering using intermediate cooperation
* Enhanced graph-based dimensionality reduction with repulsion Laplaceans
* Ensemble component selection for improving ICA based microarray data prediction models
* Enzymatic competition: Modeling and verification with timed hybrid petri nets
* Estimating myocardial motion by 4D image warping
* Evaluation of incremental learning algorithms for HMM in the recognition of alphanumeric characters
* Exploring feature-based approaches in PET images for predicting cancer treatment outcomes
* Exploring the boundary region of tolerance rough sets for feature selection
* Extracting the optimal dimensionality for local tensor discriminant analysis
* Face recognition across pose: A review
* Face recognition based on 3D ridge images obtained from range data
* Facial expression recognition based on shape and texture
* Facial expression recognition system based on rigid and non-rigid motion separation and 3D pose estimation
* Facial feature detection using distance vector fields
* Fast connected-component labeling
* Fast image registration by hierarchical soft correspondence detection
* fast k-means clustering algorithm using cluster center displacement, A
* Fast nonlinear autocorrelation algorithm for source separation
* Fast, automatic and fine-grained tampered JPEG image detection via DCT coefficient analysis
* Faster retrieval with a two-pass dynamic-time-warping lower bound
* Feature extraction based on Laplacian bidirectional maximum margin criterion
* Feature extraction for one-class classification problems: Enhancements to biased discriminant analysis
* Feature selection based on loss-margin of nearest neighbor classification
* feature selection technique for generation of classification committees and its application to categorization of laryngeal images, A
* Feature selection with dynamic mutual information
* Finding representative landmarks of data on manifolds
* Finding words in alphabet soup: Inference on freeform character recognition for historical scripts
* Flexible signature descriptions for adaptive motion trajectory representation, perception and recognition
* From ambiguities to insights in cancer diagnosis via query-based comparisons
* Front-view vehicle detection by Markov chain Monte Carlo method
* Fusion of color spaces for ear authentication
* fusion-based approach to digital movie restoration, A
* Fuzzy declustering-based vector quantization
* Gait classification in children with cerebral palsy by Bayesian approach
* Gaussian kernel optimization for pattern classification
* Gene boosting for cancer classification based on gene expression profiles
* generalized adaptive ensemble generation and aggregation approach for multiple classifier systems, A
* Generation and Recognition of Digital Planes Using Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions
* genetic algorithm with gene rearrangement for K-means clustering, A
* Genetic approaches for topological active nets optimization
* genetic programming framework for content-based image retrieval, A
* Geometric active contours without re-initialization for image segmentation
* Gift-Wrapping Based Preimage Computation Algorithm
* grammatical approach to RNA-RNA interaction prediction, A
* Graph characteristics from the heat kernel trace
* Graph matching using the interference of continuous-time quantum walks
* Graph matching using the interference of discrete-time quantum walks
* Graph-based tools for microscopic cellular image segmentation
* Growing enzyme gene networks by integration of gene expression, motif sequence, and metabolic information
* Handwriting recognition research: Twenty years of achievement... and beyond
* Handwritten Chinese text line segmentation by clustering with distance metric learning
* Handwritten word-spotting using hidden Markov models and universal vocabularies
* hierarchical approach to recognition of handwritten Bangla characters, A
* Higher-Order Active Contour Model of a Gas of Circles and its Application to Tree Crown Extraction, A
* Human identification by quantifying similarity and dissimilarity in electrocardiogram phase space
* hybrid novelty score and its use in keystroke dynamics-based user authentication, A
* hybrid probabilistic framework for content-based image retrieval with feature weighting, A
* Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition
* Identifying centers of circulating and spiraling vector field patterns and its applications
* Image annotation via graph learning
* Image denoising in steerable pyramid domain based on a local Laplace prior
* Image encryption by multiple random grids
* Image registration using Markov random coefficient and geometric transformation fields
* Image segmentation by a contrario simulation
* Image thresholding by variational minimax optimization
* image-based automatic Arabic translation system, An
* Improved bi-dimensional EMD and Hilbert spectrum for the analysis of textures
* improved box-counting method for image fractal dimension estimation, An
* improved time-adaptive self-organizing map for high-speed shape modeling, An
* Improvement of the fast exact pairwise-nearest-neighbor algorithm
* improvement on floating search algorithms for feature subset selection, An
* Improving the characterization of the alternative hypothesis via minimum verification error training with applications to speaker verification
* Incremental subspace learning via non-negative matrix factorization
* Induction of multiclass multifeature split decision trees from distributed data
* Insight in discrete geometry and computational content of a discrete model of the continuum
* Integrating a wavelet based perspiration liveness check with fingerprint recognition
* Integrating prior domain knowledge into discriminative learning using automatic model construction and phantom examples
* Intrinsic dimension estimation of manifolds by incising balls
* Invariant pattern recognition using radon, dual-tree complex wavelet and Fourier transforms
* Invariant trajectory classification of dynamical systems with a case study on ECG
* Investigation on LP-residual representations for speaker identification
* Iris quality assessment and bi-orthogonal wavelet based encoding for recognition
* Iris recognition by local extremum points of multiscale Taylor expansion
* It's about time: Signal recognition in staged models of protein translocation
* Landmark MDS ensemble
* Language identification for handwritten document images using a shape codebook
* Latent classification models for binary data
* Learning AAM fitting through simulation
* Learning Bayesian network parameters under incomplete data with domain knowledge
* Learning decision trees with taxonomy of propositionalized attributes
* Learning from partially supervised data using mixture models and belief functions
* Learning mixture models with support vector machines for sequence classification and segmentation
* Learning semantics from multimedia content
* local-motion-based probabilistic model for visual tracking, A
* lossless data embedding technique by joint neighboring coding, A
* Lyndon + Christoffel = digitally convex
* marginFace: A novel face recognition method by average neighborhood margin maximization
* Medial axis lookup table and test neighborhood computation for 3D chamfer norms
* Median graphs: A genetic approach based on new theoretical properties
* Membrane boundary extraction using circular multiple paths
* method for combining complementary techniques for document image segmentation, A
* Microcalcification Classification Assisted by Content-Based Image Retrieval for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Model selection for the LS-SVM. Application to handwriting recognition
* Model-based signature verification with rotation invariant features
* Modeling inverse covariance matrices by expansion of tied basis matrices for online handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Modelling sequences using pairwise relational features
* Modified differential evolution based fuzzy clustering for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery
* MSLD: A robust descriptor for line matching
* multi-direction GVF snake for the segmentation of skin cancer images, A
* Multi-output regression on the output manifold
* multi-plane approach for text segmentation of complex document images, A
* multi-prototype clustering algorithm, A
* multi-resolution statistical deformable model (MISTO) for soft-tissue organ reconstruction, A
* Multiple ellipses detection in noisy environments: A hierarchical approach
* Multiple initial point prediction based search pattern selection for fast motion estimation
* Multiple-instance content-based image retrieval employing isometric embedded similarity measure
* Multiscale facial structure representation for face recognition under varying illumination
* narrow band graph partitioning method for skin lesion segmentation, A
* Natural facial expression recognition using differential-AAM and manifold learning
* new benchmark on the recognition of handwritten Bangla and Farsi numeral characters, A
* new dual wing harmonium model for document retrieval, A
* new feature selection method for Gaussian mixture clustering, A
* New Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* new impulse detection and filtering method for removal of wide range impulse noises, A
* New models for region of interest reader classification analysis in chest radiographs
* New neutrosophic approach to image segmentation
* New shape-based auroral oval segmentation driven by LLS-RHT
* Non-negative matrix factorization: Ill-posedness and a geometric algorithm
* novel approach for tracking high speed skaters in sports using a panning camera, A
* novel encoding algorithm for vector quantization using transformed codebook, A
* novel Hough transform based on eliminating particle swarm optimization and its applications, A
* novel hybrid approach based on sub-pattern technique and whitened PCA for face recognition, A
* novel method for speckle noise reduction and ship target detection in SAR images, A
* Novel script line identification method for script normalization and feature extraction in on-line handwritten whiteboard note recognition
* novel soft cluster neural network for the classification of suspicious areas in digital mammograms, A
* Object motion detection using information theoretic spatio-temporal saliency
* Object-oriented texture analysis for the unsupervised segmentation of biopsy images for cancer detection
* Off-line recognition of realistic Chinese handwriting using segmentation-free strategy
* On candidates selection for hysteresis thresholds in edge detection
* On estimating performance indices for biometric identification
* On general construction for extended visual cryptography schemes
* On the sampling distribution of resubstitution and leave-one-out error estimators for linear classifiers
* On the security of a visual cryptography scheme for color images
* On the use of small training sets for neural network-based characterization of mixed pixels in remotely sensed hyperspectral images
* On using prototype reduction schemes to enhance the computation of volume-based inter-class overlap measures
* On-line Arabic handwriting recognition with templates
* On-line hand-drawn electric circuit diagram recognition using 2D dynamic programming
* On-line motif detection in time series with SwiftMotif
* On-line signature verification system with failure to enrol management
* Online phenotype discovery based on minimum classification error model
* Optimization of a training set for more robust face detection
* Orientation selection using modified FCM for competitive code-based palmprint recognition
* Parameter estimation of Poisson mixture with automated model selection through BYY harmony learning
* Partitional clustering algorithms for symbolic interval data based on single adaptive distances
* Pattern analysis of dermoscopic images based on Markov random fields
* PCA and SVD with nonnegative loadings
* penalized likelihood based pattern classification algorithm, A
* Performance of feature-selection methods in the classification of high-dimension data
* Personal identity verification by serial fusion of fingerprint and face matchers
* Perturbation LDA: Learning the difference between the class empirical mean and its expectation
* Phrase-based correction model for improving handwriting recognition accuracies
* Prediction of beef eating qualities from colour, marbling and wavelet surface texture features using homogenous carcass treatment
* probabilistic method for keyword retrieval in handwritten document images, A
* probabilistic relaxation labeling framework for reducing the noise effect in geometric biclustering of gene expression data, A
* Provably correct reconstruction of surfaces from sparse noisy samples
* Recognition and analysis of cell nuclear phases for high-content screening based on morphological features
* Recursive reduced least squares support vector regression
* Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
* Removal of digitization errors in fingerprint ridgelines using B-splines
* Renal tumor quantification and classification in contrast-enhanced abdominal CT
* Retrieval of online handwriting by synthesis and matching
* Reversible data hiding exploiting spatial correlation between sub-sampled images
* robust approach to text line grouping in online handwritten Japanese documents, A
* Robust cluster validity indexes
* robust digital audio watermarking based on statistics characteristics, A
* robust hit-or-miss transform for template matching applied to very noisy astronomical images, A
* Robust supervised classification with mixture models: Learning from data with uncertain labels
* Rotation and intensity invariant shoeprint matching using Gabor transform with application to forensic science
* Rough-fuzzy weighted k-nearest leader classifier for large data sets
* RSLDI: Restoration of single-sided low-quality document images
* Run-hierarchical structure of digital lines with irrational slopes in terms of continued fractions and the Gauss map
* scalable framework for cluster ensembles, A
* Searching satellite imagery with integrated measures
* Semi-structured document categorization with a semantic kernel
* Semi-supervised orthogonal discriminant analysis via label propagation
* Sharing a verifiable secret image using two shadows
* simple method for detecting salient regions, A
* simultaneous learning framework for clustering and classification, A
* Single point iterative weighted fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm for remote sensing image segmentation
* Sinuosity pattern recognition of road features for segmentation purposes in cartographic generalization
* Soft clustering using weighted one-class support vector machines
* Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with application to permeable language distinction
* Solving Nonograms by combining relaxations
* Sparse multinomial kernel discriminant analysis (sMKDA)
* sparsity driven kernel machine based on minimizing a generalization error bound, A
* Spatiotemporal filtering of sequences of ultrasound images to estimate a dense field of velocities
* Special issue on pattern recognition in computational life sciences
* Spectral derivative feature coding for hyperspectral signature analysis
* Splitting touching cells based on concave points and ellipse fitting
* Stable local dimensionality reduction approaches
* State-of-the-art on spatio-temporal information-based video retrieval
* statistical approach to the problem of restoring damaged and contaminated images, A
* Statistical power of Fisher test for the detection of short periodic gene expression profiles
* stochastic graph grammar for compositional object representation and recognition, A
* Stochastic modeling western paintings for effective classification
* structure of narrative: The case of film scripts, The
* Supervised projection approach for boosting classifiers
* survey of biometric technology based on hand shape, A
* survey of palmprint recognition, A
* swarm-inspired projection algorithm, A
* Synthetic handwritten CAPTCHAs
* Tangential Cover for Thick Digital Curves
* Tensor linear Laplacian discrimination (TLLD) for feature extraction
* Text line and word segmentation of handwritten documents
* Text Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents Using Mumford-Shah Model
* Theoretical analysis on feature extraction capability of class-augmented PCA
* Thermography based breast cancer analysis using statistical features and fuzzy classification
* Threshold-optimized decision-level fusion and its application to biometrics
* time series representation model for accurate and fast similarity detection, A
* Toward breast cancer diagnosis based on automated segmentation of masses in mammograms
* Towards an omnilingual word retrieval system for ancient manuscripts
* Towards improving fuzzy clustering using support vector machine: Application to gene expression data
* Towards view-invariant gait modeling: Computing view-normalized body part trajectories
* Trademark image retrieval using synthetic features for describing global shape and interior structure
* two-stage mechanism for registration and classification of ECG using Gaussian mixture model, A
* unified framework for document restoration using inpainting and shape-from-shading, A
* unified tensor framework for face recognition, A
* Unsupervised constellation model learning algorithm based on voting weight control for accurate face localization
* Use of random time-intervals (RTIs) generation for biometric verification
* Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding
* Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions
* Variable predictive models: A new multivariate classification approach for pattern recognition applications
* Variance reduction techniques in particle-based visual contour tracking
* View independent face detection based on horizontal rectangular features and accuracy improvement using combination kernel of various sizes
* Visual secret sharing by random grids revisited
* Weighted locally linear embedding for dimension reduction
313 for PR(42)
* 3-D object segmentation using ant colonies
* 3D face recognition with sparse spherical representations
* 3D human motion tracking based on a progressive particle filter
* 3D model comparison using spatial structure circular descriptor
* 3D object classification using salient point patterns with application to craniofacial research
* Accurate video text detection through classification of low and high contrast images
* Action categorization with modified hidden conditional random field
* Active contours driven by local image fitting energy
* Activity classification and anomaly detection using m-mediods based modelling of motion patterns
* Adaptive fingerprint pore modeling and extraction
* Adaptive image segmentation for region-based object retrieval using generalized Hough transform
* Adaptive thresholding algorithm: Efficient computation technique based on intelligent block detection for degraded document images
* adaptive unsupervised approach toward pixel clustering and color image segmentation, An
* Analysis of colour channel coupling from a physics-based viewpoint: Application to colour edge detection
* Analysis of multi-agent activity using petri nets
* Analysis of new top-hat transformation and the application for infrared dim small target detection
* Anisotropic diffusion with generalized diffusion coefficient function for defect detection in low-contrast surface images
* Application of support-vector-machine-based method for feature selection and classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images
* Application of the computational theory of perceptions to human gait pattern recognition
* Application-independent feature selection for texture classification
* Approximate input sensitive algorithms for point pattern matching
* Approximately harmonic projection: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm
* Artificial neural networks capable of learning spatiotemporal chemical diffusion in the cortical brain
* asymmetric classifier based on partial least squares, An
* Attributed relational graph matching based on the nested assignment structure
* Automated breast cancer detection and classification using ultrasound images: A survey
* Automated flexion crease identification using internal image seams
* Automatic color constancy algorithm selection and combination
* Axiomatic approach to computational attention
* Bagging Constraint Score for feature selection with pairwise constraints
* Bilinear Lanczos components for fast dimensionality reduction and feature extraction
* binarization method with learning-built rules for document images produced by cameras, A
* Bisection approach for pixel labelling problem
* Blur invariants: A novel representation in the wavelet domain
* call-independent and automatic acoustic system for the individual recognition of animals: A novel model using four passerines, A
* Camera calibration using one-dimensional information and its applications in both controlled and uncontrolled environments
* Classification and interactive segmentation of EEG synchrony patterns
* Classifying transformation-variant attributed point patterns
* Clique descriptor of affine invariant regions for robust wide baseline image matching
* Clothing-invariant gait identification using part-based clothing categorization and adaptive weight control
* Cluster validity index for estimation of fuzzy clusters of different sizes and densities
* Clustering of temporal gene expression data by regularized spline regression and an energy based similarity measure
* Color image associative memory on a class of Cohen-Grossberg networks
* Color space normalization: Enhancing the discriminating power of color spaces for face recognition
* Color spectral analysis for spatial structure characterization of textures in IHLS color space
* Combining discrete SVM and fixed cardinality warping distances for multivariate time series classification
* Combining predictions in pairwise classification: An optimal adaptive voting strategy and its relation to weighted voting
* Comment on: Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets. Importance of this method
* comparative evaluation of interactive segmentation algorithms, A
* Comparative study on classifying human activities with miniature inertial and magnetic sensors
* Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal authentication
* Complete neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* Context-aware fusion: A case study on fusion of gait and face for human identification in video
* Continuous force field analysis for generalized gradient vector flow field
* Cooperative clustering
* Corner detection based on gradient correlation matrices of planar curves
* Coupled region-edge shape priors for simultaneous localization and figure-ground segmentation
* Cross-media retrieval using query dependent search methods
* Curvature weighted gradient based shape orientation
* Data compression by volume prototypes for streaming data
* data mining approach to face detection, A
* Defect detection of uneven brightness in low-contrast images using basis image representation
* Denoising and recognition using hidden Markov models with observation distributions modeled by hidden Markov trees
* Detecting the fuzzy clusters of complex networks
* Detection of microaneurysms using multi-scale correlation coefficients
* Development of an efficient neural-based segmentation technique for Arabic handwriting recognition
* Discriminability and reliability indexes: Two new measures to enhance multi-image face recognition
* Dynamic tongueprint: A novel biometric identifier
* e-PCP: A robust skew detection method for scanned document images
* effective classification and numbering system for dental bitewing radiographs using teeth region and contour information, An
* Effective segmentation and classification for HCC biopsy images
* effective solution for trademark image retrieval by combining shape description and feature matching, An
* Efficient backward decoding of high-order hidden Markov models
* efficient local Chan-Vese model for image segmentation, An
* efficient raster font compression for embedded systems, An
* Ellipsoidal decision regions for motif-based patterned fabric defect detection
* Embedding HMMs-based models in a Euclidean space: The topological hidden Markov models
* Embedding spatial information into image content description for scene retrieval
* Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face recognition
* Enabling scalable spectral clustering for image segmentation
* Enhanced soft subspace clustering integrating within-cluster and between-cluster information
* Enhancing principal direction divisive clustering
* Ensemble gene selection for cancer classification
* equivalent definition of the histogram of forces: Theoretical and algorithmic implications, An
* Estimation of orientation of a textured planar surface using projective equations and separable analysis with M-channel wavelet decomposition
* Extraction of illumination invariant facial features from a single image using nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections based on maximum margin criterion
* Face recognition using Intrinsicfaces
* facial texture analysis for the automatic portrait drawing, The
* Familiarity based unified visual attention model for fast and robust object recognition
* Fast agglomerative clustering using information of k-nearest neighbors
* Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments
* Fast distance transformation on irregular two-dimensional grids
* Fast exact k nearest neighbors search using an orthogonal search tree
* Fast extraction of wavelet-based features from JPEG images for joint retrieval with JPEG2000 images
* Fast global k-means clustering using cluster membership and inequality
* Fast k most similar neighbor classifier for mixed data (tree k-MSN)
* Fast randomized algorithm for center-detection
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Feature extraction by learning Lorentzian metric tensor and its extensions
* feature extraction method for use with bimodal biometrics, A
* Feature extraction using discrete cosine transform and discrimination power analysis with a face recognition technology
* Feature subset selection in large dimensionality domains
* Feature vector field and feature matching
* Fingerprint classification based on Adaboost learning from singularity features
* Fixed partitioning and salient points with MPEG-7 cluster correlograms for image categorization
* Fractional subpixel diffusion and fuzzy logic approach for ultrasound speckle reduction
* Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images
* Fusion of color, local spatial and global frequency information for face recognition
* Fuzzy clustering with weighted medoids for relational data
* general learning framework using local and global regularization, A
* general procedure for learning mixtures of independent component analyzers, A
* Generalized iterative RELIEF for supervised distance metric learning
* Generalized Median Graph Computation by Means of Graph Embedding in Vector Spaces
* Generalized re-weighting local sampling mean discriminant analysis
* GeoEntropy: A measure of complexity and similarity
* Graph-based classification of multiple observation sets
* Graph-based transductive learning for robust visual tracking
* Graph-optimized locality preserving projections
* graph-theoretical clustering method based on two rounds of minimum spanning trees, A
* gravitational approach to edge detection based on triangular norms, A
* Gujarati handwritten numeral optical character reorganization through neural network
* Haar-like features with optimally weighted rectangles for rapid object detection
* Hallucinating face by position-patch
* Hand gesture recognition based on dynamic Bayesian network framework
* Handwritten character recognition through two-stage foreground sub-sampling
* Handwritten document image segmentation into text lines and words
* Hierarchical vibrations for part-based recognition of complex objects
* High resolution partial fingerprint alignment using pore-valley descriptors
* Hilbert warping method for handwriting gesture recognition, A
* Hole filling in 3D volumetric objects
* Homeomorphic alignment of weighted trees
* Homogeneity similarity based image denoising
* Hu moment invariant as a shape circularity measure, A
* hybrid SVM based decision tree, A
* hyperbolic smoothing clustering method, The
* IFS-CoCo: Instance and feature selection based on cooperative coevolution with nearest neighbor rule
* Illumination direction estimation for augmented reality using a surface input real valued output regression network
* Image analysis by Bessel-Fourier moments
* Image quality assessment by discrete orthogonal moments
* Image replica detection system utilizing R-trees and linear discriminant analysis
* Image retrieval based on multi-texton histogram
* improved method for voice pathology detection by means of a HMM-based feature space transformation, An
* incremental Bhattacharyya dissimilarity measure for particle filtering, An
* Incremental discriminant-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* Incremental learning of bidirectional principal components for face recognition
* incremental nested partition method for data clustering, An
* Incremental spectral clustering by efficiently updating the eigen-system
* Incremental template updating for face recognition in home environments
* Individual tooth segmentation from CT images using level set method with shape and intensity prior
* Information theoretic combination of pattern classifiers
* Information theoretic novelty detection
* Infrared gait recognition based on wavelet transform and support vector machine
* Inter-image outliers and their application to image classification
* Interactive image segmentation by maximal similarity based region merging
* Interactive image segmentation using probabilistic hypergraphs
* Interactive imaging and vision: Ideas, algorithms and applications
* Interactive Localized Content Based Image Retrieval with Multiple-Instance Active Learning
* Interactive unsupervised classification and visualization for browsing an image collection
* Interactively multiphase image segmentation based on variational formulation and graph cuts
* Interesting faces: A graph-based approach for finding people in news
* Invariant pattern recognition using contourlets and AdaBoost
* Iterative Boolean combination of classifiers in the ROC space: An application to anomaly detection with HMMs
* Large margin cost-sensitive learning of conditional random fields
* LCMine: An efficient algorithm for mining discriminative regularities and its application in supervised classification
* Learn++.MF: A random subspace approach for the missing feature problem
* Learning state machine-based string edit kernels
* level set method based on the Bayesian risk for medical image segmentation, A
* Linear boundary discriminant analysis
* linguistic approach to classification of bacterial genomes, A
* Local contrast enhancement and adaptive feature extraction for illumination-invariant face recognition
* Local normalized linear summation kernel for fast and robust recognition
* Long-term relevance feedback and feature selection for adaptive content based image suggestion
* lossless robust data hiding scheme, A
* LPP solution schemes for use with face recognition
* Measure of circularity for parts of digital boundaries and its fast computation
* memetic approach to discrete tomography from noisy projections, A
* MIB: Using mutual information for biclustering gene expression data
* Minimum classification error learning for sequential data in the wavelet domain
* Missile target automatic recognition from its decoys based on image time-series
* model validation approach to texture recognition and inpainting, A
* Modelling fingerprint ridge orientation using Legendre polynomials
* Monocular 3D tracking of deformable surfaces using sequential second order cone programming
* Motion analysis in oceanographic satellite images using multiscale methods and the energy cascade
* Motion trajectory reproduction from generalized signature description
* Motion-based behaviour learning, profiling and classification in the presence of anomalies
* Mountain c-regressions method
* multi-class classification strategy for Fisher scores: Application to signer independent sign language recognition, A
* Multi-class pairwise linear dimensionality reduction using heteroscedastic schemes
* Multi-environment model adaptation based on vector Taylor series for robust speech recognition
* Multi-focus image fusion using PCNN
* Multi-level pixel-based texture classification through efficient prototype selection via normalized cut
* Multi-model classification method in heterogeneous image databases
* multi-model selection framework for unknown and/or evolutive misclassification cost problems, A
* Multi-object detection and tracking by stereo vision
* Multi-oriented Bangla and Devnagari text recognition
* multi-scale framework for adaptive binarization of degraded document images, A
* multilevel approach for learning from labeled and unlabeled data on graphs, A
* multimodal biometric test bed for quality-dependent, cost-sensitive and client-specific score-level fusion algorithms, A
* Multimodal genetic algorithms-based algorithm for automatic point correspondence
* Multimodal interactive transcription of text images
* Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* Multiple-view multiple-learner active learning
* naive relevance feedback model for content-based image retrieval using multiple similarity measures, A
* Nearest neighbour group-based classification
* new and fast implementation for null space based linear discriminant analysis, A
* new clustering algorithm for coordinate-free data, A
* new convex objective function for the supervised learning of single-layer neural networks, A
* new GVF-based image enhancement formulation for use in the presence of mixed noise, A
* new node splitting measure for decision tree construction, A
* new nonlinear classifier with a penalized signed fuzzy measure using effective genetic algorithm, A
* New Riemannian techniques for directional and tensorial image data
* Non-linear metric learning using pairwise similarity and dissimilarity constraints and the geometrical structure of data
* Nonlinear embedding preserving multiple local-linearities
* Nonstructured light-based sensing for 3D reconstruction
* Normality-based validation for crisp clustering
* novel 3D mesh compression using mesh segmentation with multiple principal plane analysis, A
* novel Bayesian logistic discriminant model: An application to face recognition, A
* novel biorthogonal wavelet network system for off-angle iris recognition, A
* novel framework for automatic sorting of postal documents with multi-script address blocks, A
* novel iterative shape from focus algorithm based on combinatorial optimization, A
* Novel moment invariants for improved classification performance in computer vision applications
* novel rotation/scale invariant template matching algorithm using weighted adaptive lifting scheme transform, A
* Object classification by fusing SVMs and Gaussian mixtures
* On cluster tree for nested and multi-density data clustering
* On minimum class locality preserving variance support vector machine
* On the use of graph parsing for recognition of isolated hand postures of Polish Sign Language
* On the vulnerability of face verification systems to hill-climbing attacks
* On voting-based consensus of cluster ensembles
* On-line independent support vector machines
* online core vector machine with adaptive MEB adjustment, An
* Online finger-knuckle-print verification for personal authentication
* Operator context scanning to support high segmentation rates for real time license plate recognition
* Optimal feature selection for support vector machines
* Optimized high speed pixel sorting and its application in watershed based image segmentation
* Out-of-bag estimation of the optimal sample size in bagging
* Parallel relevance feedback for 3D model retrieval based on fast weighted-center particle swarm optimization
* Parametric estimation of affine deformations of planar shapes
* Parsimonious reduction of Gaussian mixture models with a variational-Bayes approach
* Particle filtering with multiple and heterogeneous cameras
* Partition-induced connections and operators for pattern analysis
* People detection through quantified fuzzy temporal rules
* Peptide classification using optimal and information theoretic syntactic modeling
* performance driven methodology for cancelable face templates generation, A
* Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal biometric systems
* Personalized text snippet extraction using statistical language models
* Pixel-level singular point detection from multi-scale Gaussian filtered orientation field
* PolSOM: A new method for multidimensional data visualization
* Polygonal approximation of digital planar curves through break point suppression
* POSIT: Part-based object segmentation without intensive training
* Probability density difference-based active contour for ultrasound image segmentation
* Probably correct k-nearest neighbor search in high dimensions
* Projective active shape models for pose-variant image analysis of quasi-planar objects: Application to facial analysis
* Projective invariants of co-moments of 2D images
* Projective reconstruction of ellipses from multiple images
* Prototype selection algorithms for distributed learning
* Quantization-based clustering algorithm
* quasi-perspective model: Geometric properties and 3D reconstruction, The
* Quasi-supervised learning for biomedical data analysis
* Real-time 2D+3D facial action and expression recognition
* Real-time traffic sign recognition from video by class-specific discriminative features
* Recognition of attentive objects with a concept association network for image annotation
* Recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by critical region analysis
* Recognition of multiple configurations of objects with limited data
* Reconstruction of tomographic images from limited range projections using discrete Radon transform and Tchebichef moments
* Recursive estimation of motion and a scene model with a two-camera system of divergent view
* Reducing forgeries in writer-independent off-line signature verification through ensemble of classifiers
* Reduction of processing time for optimal and quadratic discriminant analyses
* Registration and interactive planar segmentation for stereo images of polyhedral scenes
* regular polygon detector, The
* regularization framework for multiclass classification: A deterministic annealing approach, A
* regularization framework for robust dimensionality reduction with applications to image reconstruction and feature extraction, A
* Regularized margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss for prototype learning
* Restoration of images corrupted by Gaussian and uniform impulsive noise
* review of vision-based systems for soccer video analysis, A
* Revisiting priority queues for image analysis
* Revisiting Zhang's 1D calibration algorithm
* robust dynamic niching genetic algorithm with niche migration for automatic clustering problem, A
* Robust metric calibration of non-linear camera lens distortion
* Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
* Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a single training image: A uniform pursuit approach
* Rotation invariant texture classification using LBP variance (LBPV) with global matching
* Rotation-discriminating template matching based on Fourier coefficients of radial projections with robustness to scaling and partial occlusion
* Salient feature and reliable classifier selection for facial expression classification
* Scale selection for anisotropic diffusion filter by Markov random field model
* Scene categorization via contextual visual words
* Secret image sharing based on cellular automata and steganography
* Segmentation and classification of hyperspectral images using watershed transformation
* Selection-fusion approach for classification of datasets with missing values
* Semantic fusion of laser and vision in pedestrian detection
* Semantic modeling of natural scenes based on contextual Bayesian networks
* Semi-automatic dynamic auxiliary-tag-aided image annotation
* semi-dependent decomposition approach to learn hierarchical classifiers, A
* semi-supervised approach to space carving, A
* Semi-supervised clustering with metric learning: An adaptive kernel method
* SEP/COP: An efficient method to find the best partition in hierarchical clustering based on a new cluster validity index
* Sequential non-stationary dynamic classification with sparse feedback
* Shadowed c-means: Integrating fuzzy and rough clustering
* Shape detection from line drawings with local neighborhood structure
* Shape feature extraction and description based on tensor scale
* Shape from silhouette using Dempster-Shafer theory
* Simultaneous spotting of signs and fingerspellings based on hierarchical conditional random fields and boostmap embeddings
* Skin detection for single images using dynamic skin color modeling
* Solving the process of hysteresis without determining the optimal thresholds
* Sparsity preserving projections with applications to face recognition
* Spoofing protection for fingerprint scanner by fusing ridge signal and valley noise
* stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering, A
* state of the art in structured light patterns for surface profilometry, A
* Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel differences using neural networks
* structural clustering and analysis of metric based on granular space, The
* Super-resolution of human face image using canonical correlation analysis
* Supervised feature selection by clustering using conditional mutual information-based distances
* Surface area estimation of digitized 3D objects using quasi-Monte Carlo methods
* SVM-based feature extraction for face recognition
* SVM-FuzCoC: A novel SVM-based feature selection method using a fuzzy complementary criterion
* symmetry based multiobjective clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters, A
* syntactic approach based on distortion-tolerant Adjacency Grammars and a spatial-directed parser to interpret sketched diagrams, A
* Text independent writer recognition using redundant writing patterns with contour-based orientation and curvature features
* text-independent Persian writer identification based on feature relation graph (FRG), A
* Texture analysis and classification using deterministic tourist walk
* Texture measures combination for improved meningioma classification of histopathological images
* theoretic framework of local weighted approximation for microarray missing value estimation, The
* Thermal and reflectance based personal identification methodology under variable illumination
* Tone-mapping high dynamic range images by novel histogram adjustment
* Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformable model for volume segmentation
* topology preserving non-rigid registration algorithm with integration shape knowledge to segment brain subcortical structures from MRI images, A
* Total variation, adaptive total variation and nonconvex smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty for denoising blocky images
* Tracking human pose with multiple activity models
* Transfer estimation of evolving class priors in data stream classification
* Transition pixel: A concept for binarization based on edge detection and gray-intensity histograms
* Transition thresholds and transition operators for binarization and edge detection
* tree-structured framework for purifying complex clusters with structural roles of individual data, A
* triangle area based nearest neighbors approach to intrusion detection, A
* Two novel real-time local visual features for omnidirectional vision
* Two-dimensional supervised local similarity and diversity projection
* Two-level k-means clustering algorithm for k-tau relationship establishment and linear-time classification
* Two-stage image denoising by principal component analysis with local pixel grouping
* U-curve: A branch-and-bound optimization algorithm for U-shaped cost functions on Boolean lattices applied to the feature selection problem
* Ultrasound speckle reduction by a SUSAN-controlled anisotropic diffusion method
* Uncovering delayed patterns in noisy and irregularly sampled time series: An astronomy application
* Unsupervised detection and localization of structural textures using projection profiles
* Unsupervised line network extraction in remote sensing using a polyline process
* User-centric image segmentation using an interactive parameter adaptation tool
* Using underapproximations for sparse nonnegative matrix factorization
* Velocity and pressure-based partitions of horizontal and vertical trajectories for on-line signature verification
* Viewpoint independent object recognition in cluttered scenes exploiting ray-triangle intersection and SIFT algorithms
* Virtual double-sided image probing: A unifying framework for non-linear grayscale pattern matching
* Weighted and extended total variation for image restoration and decomposition
* Weighted partition consensus via kernels
* Wrap-around effect removal finite ridgelet transform for multiscale image denoising
350 for PR(43)
* 3D video and free viewpoint video: From capture to display
* Active Learning Paradigms for CBIR Systems Based on Optimum-Path Forest Classification
* Active learning with adaptive regularization
* Actor-independent action search using spatiotemporal vocabulary with appearance hashing
* Adaptive human motion analysis and prediction
* Affine moment invariants generated by graph method
* Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features
* Analysis of pattern recognition techniques for in-air signature biometrics
* Approximate pairwise clustering for large data sets via sampling plus extension
* Arabic script web page language identifications using decision tree neural networks
* Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification
* Augmented DT-CWT feature based classification using Regularized Neighborhood Projection Discriminant Analysis for face recognition
* Automated segmentation of macular layers in OCT images and quantitative evaluation of performances
* Automatic registration for 3D shapes using hybrid dimensionality-reduction shape descriptions
* Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts
* BASSUM: A Bayesian semi-supervised method for classification feature selection
* Bayesian hybrid generative discriminative learning based on finite Liouville mixture models
* Beyond pixels and regions: A non-local patch means (NLPM) method for content-level restoration, enhancement, and reconstruction of degraded document images
* Blaire Mossman (1950-2011)
* Blockwise projection matrix versus blockwise data on undersampled problems: Analysis, comparison and applications
* Boosted multi-class semi-supervised learning for human action recognition
* CAIP: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
* Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate classification of event related potentials
* Choice of a pertinent color space for color texture characterization using parametric spectral analysis
* class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation, A
* Clipping algorithms for solving the nearest point problem over reduced convex hulls
* Clustering ellipses for anomaly detection
* coarse-to-fine framework to efficiently thwart plagiarism, A
* Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding: Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach
* Color image segmentation using pixel wise support vector machine classification
* Combining multiple clusterings using similarity graph
* comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments, A
* compact local binary pattern using maximization of mutual information for face analysis, A
* comparative study of preprocessing mismatch effects in color image based face recognition, A
* Comparison of stochastic filtering methods for 3D tracking
* Content-based binary image retrieval using the adaptive hierarchical density histogram
* Content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback using random walks
* Correntropy based feature selection using binary projection
* Defocus map estimation from a single image
* Density-induced margin support vector machines
* Designing efficient fusion schemes for multimodal biometric systems using face and palmprint
* detailed investigation into low-level feature detection in spectrogram images, A
* Detecting and discriminating behavioural anomalies
* Detection and matching of curvilinear structures
* Diagnosis of heart disease using artificial immune recognition system and fuzzy weighted pre-processing
* Differential evolution for optimizing the positioning of prototypes in nearest neighbor classification
* discrete geometry approach for dominant point detection, A
* Discriminative deep belief networks for visual data classification
* Discriminative semi-supervised learning of dynamical systems for motion estimation
* Discussion on paper 'A Robust Real-Time Ellipse Detector' by Zhang and Liu
* distance based clustering method for arbitrary shaped clusters in large datasets, A
* distance between shape centroids is less than a quarter of the shape perimeter, The
* Distance metric learning by minimal distance maximization
* Distributed multi-camera visual mapping using topological maps of planar regions
* Document seal detection using GHT and character proximity graphs
* dynamic over-sampling procedure based on sensitivity for multi-class problems, A
* Dynamic pattern denoising method using multi-basin system with kernels
* Edge-based compression of cartoon-like images with homogeneous diffusion
* efficient accelerator for attribute reduction from incomplete data in rough set framework, An
* efficient hyperellipsoidal clustering algorithm for resource-constrained environments, An
* Efficient region-aware large graph construction towards scalable multi-label propagation
* Enhanced Local Subspace Affinity for feature-based motion segmentation
* Ensemble of local and global information for finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Extending metric multidimensional scaling with Bregman divergences
* Face recognition based on the multi-scale local image structures
* Facial expression recognition on multiple manifolds
* Faithful polygonal representation of the convex and concave parts of a digital curve
* Fast and accurate global motion compensation
* fast approach to deformable surface 3D tracking, A
* Fast facial shape recovery from a single image with general, unknown lighting by using tensor representation
* Fast modified global k-means algorithm for incremental cluster construction
* Fast Quartet tree heuristic for hierarchical clustering, A
* fast quasi-Newton method for semi-supervised SVM, A
* fast segmentation method based on constraint optimization and its applications: Intensity inhomogeneity and texture segmentation, A
* Features extraction from hand images based on new detection operators
* From classifiers to discriminators: A nearest neighbor rule induced discriminant analysis
* Fuzzy C-means based clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable data
* Fuzzy complex numbers and their application for classifiers performance evaluation
* Fuzzy posterior-probabilistic fusion
* Gait flow image: A silhouette-based gait representation for human identification
* Gait recognition based on improved dynamic Bayesian networks
* Gender discriminating models from facial surface normals
* general stochastic clustering method for automatic cluster discovery, A
* Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artifact removal for correspondence algorithms
* Generalized darting Monte Carlo
* Generative modeling and classification of dialogs by a low-level turn-taking feature
* global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering, A
* Global optimization of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree for image segmentation
* Greedy optimization classifiers ensemble based on diversity
* Help-Training for semi-supervised support vector machines
* Hessian optimal design for image retrieval
* Hierarchical annotation of medical images
* Hierarchical multispectral galaxy decomposition using a MCMC algorithm with multiple temperature simulated annealing
* Human face recognition based on multidimensional PCA and extreme learning machine
* Hypergraph with sampling for image retrieval
* Illumination invariant feature extraction and mutual-information-based local matching for face recognition under illumination variation and occlusion
* Image representation using Laplacian regularized nonnegative tensor factorization
* Image retrieval based on micro-structure descriptor
* Image segmentation based on the integration of colour-texture descriptors: A review
* Image segmentation by iterated region merging with localized graph cuts
* Image segmentation by iterative optimization of multiphase multiple piecewise constant model and Four-Color relabeling
* Improved learning of I2C distance and accelerating the neighborhood search for image classification
* improved model for surround suppression by steerable filters and multilevel inhibition with application to contour detection, An
* Improving vector space embedding of graphs through feature selection algorithms
* Incremental Kernel Learning for Active Image Retrieval Without Global Dictionaries
* Individual attribute prior setting methods for naive Bayesian classifiers
* Inference on the prediction of ensembles of infinite size
* Interactive segmentation based on component-trees
* Interactive segmentation of non-star-shaped contours by dynamic programming
* Kernel discriminant transformation for image set-based face recognition
* kernel-based parametric method for conditional density estimation, A
* lambda-Perceptron: An adaptive classifier for data streams
* Latent visual context learning for web image applications
* Learning context-sensitive similarity by shortest path propagation
* Learning effective color features for content based image retrieval in dermatology
* linear discriminant analysis method based on mutual information maximization, A
* Linearized proximal alternating minimization algorithm for motion deblurring by nonlocal regularization
* Local autocorrelation of similarities with subspaces for shift invariant scene classification
* Local fractal and multifractal features for volumic texture characterization
* Local MAP estimation for quality improvement of compressed color images
* Local recurrence based performance prediction and prognostics in the nonlinear and nonstationary systems
* Locally affine patch mapping and global refinement for image super-resolution
* Long distance bigram models applied to word clustering
* Mammographic mass segmentation: Embedding multiple features in vector-valued level set in ambiguous regions
* Manifold topological multi-resolution analysis method
* Methodological improvement on local Gabor face recognition based on feature selection and enhanced Borda count
* Mining data with random forests: A survey and results of new tests
* Model-based segmentation and recognition of dynamic gestures in continuous video streams
* Molecular dynamics-like data clustering approach
* Multi-label classification and extracting predicted class hierarchies
* multi-manifold discriminant analysis method for image feature extraction, A
* multi-objective optimisation approach for class imbalance learning, A
* Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
* Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
* Multi-scale edge detection on range and intensity images
* Multi-scale stacked sequential learning
* multi-view vision-based hand motion capturing system, A
* Multivariate online kernel density estimation with Gaussian kernels
* Near-real-time stereo matching with slanted surface modeling and sub-pixel accuracy
* nearly optimal algorithm for covering the interior of an Art Gallery, A
* Network-based sparse Bayesian classification
* new measurement for assessing polygonal approximation of curves, A
* new scheme for unconstrained handwritten text-line segmentation, A
* Non-Local Fuzzy Segmentation Method: Application to Brain MRI, A
* Non-rigid image registration of brain magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts
* Nonlinear nonnegative matrix factorization based on Mercer kernel construction
* novel attribute weighting algorithm for clustering high-dimensional categorical data, A
* novel edge detection method with application to the fat content prediction in marbled meat, A
* novel ensemble construction method for multi-view data using random cross-view correlation between within-class examples, A
* novel framework for multi-class classification via ternary smooth support vector machine, A
* novel hierarchical fingerprint matching approach, A
* novel method to look for the hysteresis thresholds for the Canny edge detector, A
* novel multi-view learning developed from single-view patterns, A
* novel multiset integrated canonical correlation analysis framework and its application in feature fusion, A
* novel mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry for text frame classification in video, A
* Object detection based on a robust and accurate statistical multi-point-pair model
* Off-line signature verification based on grey level information using texture features
* On accurate orientation extraction and appropriate distance measure for low-resolution palmprint recognition
* On Euclidean norm approximations
* On the distance concentration awareness of certain data reduction techniques
* Online Learning from Local Features for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Optic flow based on multi-scale anchor point movement and discontinuity-preserving regularization
* Optimization for limited angle tomography in medical image processing
* Orientation and anisotropy of multi-component shapes from boundary information
* Orthogonal Tensor Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for facial expression recognition
* overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes, An
* Pair-polar coordinate-based cancelable fingerprint templates
* Parametric active membrane for segmentation of multiple objects in an image
* Part-based localisation and segmentation of landmark-related auditory cortical regions
* Partial AUC maximization in a linear combination of dichotomizers
* Particle swarm optimization based fusion of near infrared and visible images for improved face verification
* PLBP: An effective local binary patterns texture descriptor with pyramid representation
* polynomial characterization of hypergraphs using the Ihara zeta function, A
* probabilistic model of classifier competence for dynamic ensemble selection, A
* Progressive dimensionality reduction by transform for hyperspectral imagery
* Quantitative analysis of human facial beauty using geometric features
* Quaternion Fourier-Mellin moments for color images
* Rapid classification of specular and diffuse reflection from image velocities
* Real-time lip reading system for isolated Korean word recognition
* Realtime training on mobile devices for face recognition applications
* Recent Advances in Graph-Based Pattern Recognition with Applications in Document Analysis
* Recursive projection twin support vector machine via within-class variance minimization
* Regression based automatic face annotation for deformable model building
* Regularizing multiple kernel learning using response surface methodology
* Research on the unbiased probability estimation of error-correcting output coding
* Residual orientation modeling for fingerprint enhancement and singular point detection
* Restoration of images corrupted by mixed Gaussian-impulse noise via l1-l0 minimization
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* Riemannian Scalar Measure for Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration, A
* Robust kernel discriminant analysis using fuzzy memberships
* ROC manifold for classification systems, The
* SALSAS: Sub-linear active learning strategy with approximate k-NN search
* Segmentation of retinal blood vessels using the radial projection and semi-supervised approach
* self-trained ensemble with semisupervised SVM: An application to pixel classification of remote sensing imagery, A
* Semi-supervised classification and betweenness computation on large, sparse, directed graphs
* Semi-supervised Elastic net for pedestrian counting
* set of new Chebyshev kernel functions for support vector machine pattern classification, A
* SfM-based 3D face reconstruction method robust to self-occlusion by using a shape conversion matrix, A
* Shadowed sets in the characterization of rough-fuzzy clustering
* Shape analysis of local facial patches for 3D facial expression recognition
* Shape classification via image-based multiscale description
* Shape from focus using fast discrete curvelet transform
* shape-based voting algorithm for pedestrian detection and tracking, A
* Signature extraction using mutual interdependencies
* Similarity measures for image matching despite occlusions in stereo vision
* Skeleton growing and pruning with bending potential ratio
* Sketch recognition by fusion of temporal and image-based features
* Solving the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem by hyperbolic smoothing and partition into boundary and gravitational regions
* Sparse ensembles using weighted combination methods based on linear programming
* Sparse regularization for semi-supervised classification
* Spatial-temporal consistent labeling of tracked pedestrians across non-overlapping camera views
* spatially adaptive statistical method for the binarization of historical manuscripts and degraded document images, A
* Special edition on semi-supervised learning for visual content analysis and understanding
* spectral approach to clustering numerical vectors as nodes in a network, A
* Stability-based validation of bicluster solutions
* State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data
* Structure-Preserving Smoothing of Biomedical Images
* subspace approach for matching 2D shapes under affine distortions, A
* sum-over-paths extension of edit distances accounting for all sequence alignments, A
* Supervised principal component analysis: Visualization, classification and regression on subspaces and submanifolds
* Supervised relevance maps for increasing the distinctiveness of facial images
* survey of multilinear subspace learning for tensor data, A
* Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases
* Text-independent speaker identification using Radon and discrete cosine transforms based features from speech spectrogram
* Texture analysis using graphs generated by deterministic partially self-avoiding walks
* Texture segmentation using independent-scale component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian mixture model in KL measure based multi-scale nonlinear structure tensor space
* TPMSVM: A novel twin parametric-margin support vector machine for pattern recognition
* training-free nose tip detection method from face range images, A
* transductive multi-label learning approach for video concept detection, A
* Transfer latent variable model based on divergence analysis
* Two-class support vector data description
* Unified formulation of linear discriminant analysis methods and optimal parameter selection
* unifying criterion for unsupervised clustering and feature selection, A
* Unsupervised measures for parameter selection of binarization algorithms
* variational approach to vesicle membrane reconstruction from fluorescence imaging, A
* variational Bayesian methodology for hidden Markov models utilizing Student's-t mixtures, A
* Virtual illumination grid for correction of uncontrolled illumination in facial images
* Visual enhancement of old documents with hyperspectral imaging
* Visual object tracking via sample-based Adaptive Sparse Representation (AdaSR)
* Visual search reranking via adaptive particle swarm optimization
* Wavelet kernel learning
* Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite state automata for pattern classification
* Wavelet-based image watermarking with visibility range estimation based on HVS and neural networks
* Weighted dynamic time warping for time series classification
245 for PR(44)
* 2.5D face recognition using Patch Geodesic Moments
* 3D real-time positioning for autonomous navigation using a nine-point landmark
* Adaptive ROC-based ensembles of HMMs applied to anomaly detection
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint template design: A densely infinite-to-one mapping (DITOM) approach
* Analysis of parameter selections for fuzzy c-means
* Application of global optimization methods to model and feature selection
* approach for real-time recognition of online Chinese handwritten sentences, An
* Arbitrary body segmentation in static images
* Archaeological trace extraction by a local directional active contour approach
* Attribute-restricted latent topic model for person re-identification
* Automated human identification using ear imaging
* Automatic aspect discrimination in data clustering
* Automatic recommendation of classification algorithms based on data set characteristics
* Automatic upright orientation and good view recognition for 3D man-made models
* Bayesian hypothesis testing for pattern discrimination in brain decoding
* Beyond sparsity: The role of L1-optimizer in pattern classification
* Binary segmentation algorithm for English cursive handwriting recognition
* Biometric recognition using online uppercase handwritten text
* BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Evaluating online signature algorithms depending on the quality of signatures
* Blind spatial unmixing of multispectral images: New methods combining sparse component analysis, clustering and non-negativity constraints
* block-oriented restoration in gray-scale images using full range autoregressive model, A
* Bone age cluster assessment and feature clustering analysis based on phalangeal image rough segmentation
* boosting approach for supervised Mahalanobis distance metric learning, A
* Bootstrapping Boosted Random Ferns for discriminative and efficient object classification
* Brain computer interface control via functional connectivity dynamics
* Brain decoding: Opportunities and challenges for pattern recognition
* Building global image features for scene recognition
* cascade fusion scheme for gait and cumulative foot pressure image recognition, A
* Cell migration analysis: Segmenting scratch assay images with level sets and support vector machines
* Class dependent factor analysis and its application to face recognition
* Classification trees for time series
* Classifier variability: Accounting for training and testing
* Clustered sampling improves random subspace brain mapping
* Clustering by Sorting Potential Values (CSPV): A novel potential-based clustering method
* Clustering with proximity knowledge and relational knowledge
* Coevolutionary learning of neural network ensemble for complex classification tasks
* Cohort-based kernel visualisation with scatter matrices
* Color texture analysis based on fractal descriptors
* Colour invariants under a non-linear photometric camera model and their application to face recognition from video
* Combined blur, translation, scale and rotation invariant image recognition by Radon and pseudo-Fourier-Mellin transforms
* compact association of particle filtering and kernel based object tracking, A
* Comparative evaluation of 3D vs. 2D modality for automatic detection of facial action units
* comparative study of thermal face recognition methods in unconstrained environments, A
* comparison of imputation methods for handling missing scores in biometric fusion, A
* Computationally efficient application of the generic shape-illumination invariant to face recognition from video
* Constrained large Margin Local Projection algorithms and extensions for multimodal dimensionality reduction
* Content-based image quality metric using similarity measure of moment vectors
* Contour-based object detection as dominant set computation
* copula echo state network, The
* Correlation-based incremental visual tracking
* Cost-conscious comparison of supervised learning algorithms over multiple data sets
* Coupling edge and region-based information for boundary finding in biomedical imagery
* CPCQ: Contrast pattern based clustering quality index for categorical data
* Cytoplasm and nucleus segmentation in cervical smear images using Radiating GVF Snake
* De-noising, phase ambiguity correction and visualization techniques for complex-valued ICA of group fMRI data
* Decoding design based on posterior probabilities in Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Decoding stimulus-related information from single-trial EEG responses based on voltage topographies
* Decoding visual brain states from fMRI using an ensemble of classifiers
* Decomposition of binary images: A survey and comparison
* Dental biometrics: Human identification based on teeth and dental works in bitewing radiographs
* Design of reject rules for ECOC classification systems
* Detecting singular patterns in 2D vector fields using weighted Laurent polynomial
* Detection and discrimination of disease-related abnormalities based on learning normal cases
* Digital image splicing detection based on Markov features in DCT and DWT domain
* Dimensionality reduction by Mixed Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Directed enumeration method in image recognition
* Discover latent discriminant information for dimensionality reduction: Non-negative Sparseness Preserving Embedding
* Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* Discriminative compact pyramids for object and scene recognition
* Discriminative features for texture description
* Distance Maps from Unthresholded Magnitudes
* distance-relatedness dynamic model for clustering high dimensional data of arbitrary shapes and densities, A
* double mapping framework for extraction of shape-invariant features based on multi-scale partitions with AdaBoost for video smoke detection, A
* Driving 3D morphable models using shading cues
* Dynamic appearance model for particle filter based visual tracking
* Dynamic selection of generative-discriminative ensembles for off-line signature verification
* Edge curvature and convexity based ellipse detection method
* efficient dynamic reliability-dependent bit allocation for biometric discretization, An
* Efficient linear discriminant analysis with locality preserving for face recognition
* Efficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via projected Newton method
* Efficient numerical schemes for gradient vector flow
* Efficient sampling strategy and refinement strategy for randomized circle detection
* Efficient semi-supervised learning on locally informative multiple graphs
* Efficient supervised optimum-path forest classification for large datasets
* endmember-based distance for content based hyperspectral image retrieval, An
* Enhanced fisher discriminant criterion for image recognition
* Ensemble methods for biclustering tasks
* ensemble of filters and classifiers for microarray data classification, An
* entropy approach for abnormal activities detection in video streams, An
* evidential reasoning based classification algorithm and its application for face recognition with class noise, An
* Evolution of heterogeneous ensembles through dynamic particle swarm optimization for video-based face recognition
* Exon prediction using empirical mode decomposition and Fourier transform of structural profiles of DNA sequences
* Explicit Length Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation
* Extending morphological covariance
* extensive experimental comparison of methods for multi-label learning, An
* Extract minimum positive and maximum negative features for imbalanced binary classification
* Extracting non-negative basis images using pixel dispersion penalty
* Extraction and fusion of partial face features for cancelable identity verification
* Extraction of complex patterns from multiresolution remote sensing images: A hierarchical top-down methodology
* eye-hand data fusion framework for pervasive sensing of surgical activities, An
* Face recognition in 2D and 2.5D using ridgelets and photometric stereo
* Face recognition using Elasticfaces
* Face recognition using the POEM descriptor
* Facial expression recognition using radial encoding of local Gabor features and classifier synthesis
* Facial expressions in American sign language: Tracking and recognition
* family of measures for best top-n class-selective decision rules, A
* Fast affinity propagation clustering: A multilevel approach
* Fast matching of large point sets under occlusions
* Fast segmentation of ultrasound images using robust Rayleigh distribution decomposition
* Fast semi-supervised clustering with enhanced spectral embedding
* Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory
* Feature fusion within local region using localized maximum-margin learning for scene categorization
* feature group weighting method for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, A
* Feature interaction in subspace clustering using the Choquet integral
* Fingerprint reference point detection for image retrieval based on symmetry and variation
* Frameworks for multivariate m-mediods based modeling and classification in Euclidean and general feature spaces
* Functional data clustering via piecewise constant nonparametric density estimation
* Functional gradient ascent for Probit regression
* Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models
* GANC: Greedy agglomerative normalized cut for graph clustering
* general framework for subspace detection in unordered multidimensional data, A
* generalization of the R-transform for invariant pattern representation, The
* Generalized Adjusted Rand Indices for cluster ensembles
* Geometric graph comparison from an alignment viewpoint
* Geometrically local embedding in manifolds for dimension reduction
* Gradual land cover change detection based on multitemporal fraction images
* Graph based construction of textured large field of view mosaics for bladder cancer diagnosis
* Graph dual regularization non-negative matrix factorization for co-clustering
* Graph embedding in vector spaces by node attribute statistics
* Graph matching based on spectral embedding with missing value
* Hand shape recognition based on coherent distance shape contexts
* Heteroscedastic linear feature extraction based on sufficiency conditions
* hierarchical extension to 3D non-parametric surface relief completion, A
* Hierarchical linear support vector machine
* Higher rank Support Tensor Machines for visual recognition
* Homological methods for extraction and analysis of linear features in multidimensional images
* Human action recognition based on graph-embedded spatio-temporal subspace
* Hybrid active learning for reducing the annotation effort of operators in classification systems
* Hybrid cluster ensemble framework based on the random combination of data transformation operators
* Hypergraph-based image retrieval for graph-based representation
* Illumination invariant extraction for face recognition using neighboring wavelet coefficients
* Image deblurring with matrix regression and gradient evolution
* Image matching based on orientation-magnitude histograms and global consistency
* Image reconstruction from continuous Gaussian-Hermite moments implemented by discrete algorithm
* Image representation for generic object recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation features on posterior probability images
* Image representation using separable two-dimensional continuous and discrete orthogonal moments
* Image warping for face recognition: From local optimality towards global optimization
* Improve robustness of sparse PCA by L1-norm maximization
* Improved direction estimation for Di Zenzo's multichannel image gradient operator
* improved region-based model with local statistical features for image segmentation, An
* Improving constrained clustering with active query selection
* Improving microaneurysm detection using an optimally selected subset of candidate extractors and preprocessing methods
* Inconsistency-based active learning for support vector machines
* Incremental complete LDA for face recognition
* Incremental face recognition for large-scale social network services
* infinite Student's t-factor mixture analyzer for robust clustering and classification, The
* integer linear program for substitution-tolerant subgraph isomorphism and its use for symbol spotting in technical drawings, An
* Intelligent region-based thresholding for color document images with highlighted regions
* Interactive image segmentation by matching attributed relational graphs
* Invariant pattern recognition using the RFM descriptor
* Invariant representation of orientation fields for fingerprint indexing
* Inverse random under sampling for class imbalance problem and its application to multi-label classification
* Iris recognition failure over time: The effects of texture
* Iterative bicluster-based least square framework for estimation of missing values in microarray gene expression data
* Joint dynamic sparse representation for multi-view face recognition
* Joint segmentation of collectively moving objects using a bag-of-words model and level set evolution
* Junction detection for linear structures based on Hessian, correlation and shape information
* Kernel discriminant analysis for regression problems
* Learning deformable shape manifolds
* Learning pairwise image similarities for multi-classification using Kernel Regression Trees
* Leveraging social media for scalable object detection
* Linear pose estimate from corresponding conics
* Local co-occurrence features in subspace obtained by KPCA of local blob visual words for scene classification
* local region based approach to lip tracking, A
* Locally discriminative topic modeling
* LODE: A distance-based classifier built on ensembles of positive and negative observations
* LoGID: An adaptive framework combining local and global incremental learning for dynamic selection of ensembles of HMMs
* Manifold-ranking based retrieval using k-regular nearest neighbor graph
* method for noise-robust context-aware pattern discovery and recognition from categorical sequences, A
* Mid-level features and spatio-temporal context for activity recognition
* Minkowski metric, feature weighting and anomalous cluster initializing in K-Means clustering
* Model free head pose estimation using stereovision
* Model sparsity and brain pattern interpretation of classification models in neuroimaging
* Modeling and measuring the spatial relation along: Regions, contours and fuzzy sets
* Modeling and segmentation of floating foreground and background in videos
* Multi-objective learning of Relevance Vector Machine classifiers with multi-resolution kernels
* Multi-oriented touching text character segmentation in graphical documents using dynamic programming
* Multi-task clustering via domain adaptation
* Multiclass classification with potential function rules: Margin distribution and generalization
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization-based unsupervised planar segmentation algorithm of unorganized point clouds
* Multilabel classifiers with a probabilistic thresholding strategy
* Multiple target tracking using cognitive data association of spatiotemporal prediction and visual similarity
* Multiplicative update rules for incremental training of multiclass support vector machines
* multiresolution framework for local similarity based image denoising, A
* Mutual information-based selection of optimal spatial-temporal patterns for single-trial EEG-based BCIs
* Naive random subspace ensemble with linear classifiers for real-time classification of fMRI data
* Neuro-levelset system based segmentation in dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images
* new discriminant subspace analysis approach for multi-class problems, A
* new fast multiphase image segmentation algorithm based on nonconvex regularizer, A
* new fuzzy c-means method with total variation regularization for segmentation of images with noisy and incomplete data, A
* new perspective to null linear discriminant analysis method and its fast implementation using random matrix multiplication with scatter matrices, A
* new protocol for multi-biometric systems' evaluation maintaining the dependencies between biometric scores, A
* new robust algorithmic for multi-camera calibration with a 1D object under general motions without prior knowledge of any camera intrinsic parameter, A
* noise-detection based AdaBoost algorithm for mislabeled data, A
* Noise-robust edge detector combining isotropic and anisotropic Gaussian kernels
* Non-homogeneous temporal Boolean models to study endocytosis
* non-rigid appearance model for shape description and recognition, A
* Nonlinear model and constrained ML for removing back-to-front interferences from recto-verso documents
* Nonlinear single layer neural network training algorithm for incremental, nonstationary and distributed learning scenarios
* nonparametric Riemannian framework on tensor field with application to foreground segmentation, A
* novel ant colony optimization algorithm for large-distorted fingerprint matching, A
* Novel Fisher discriminant classifiers
* novel hybrid CNN-SVM classifier for recognizing handwritten digits, A
* novel multi-object detection method in complex scene using synthetic aperture imaging, A
* novel supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm: Graph-based Fisher analysis, A
* novel SVM+NDA model for classification with an application to face recognition, A
* Novelty detection in wildlife scenes through semantic context modelling
* Object categorization with sketch representation and generalized samples
* octree-based method for shape from inconsistent silhouettes, An
* On analysis of bi-dimensional component decomposition via BEMD
* On measuring forgery quality in online signatures
* On minimum distribution discrepancy support vector machine for domain adaptation
* On signal representations within the Bayes decision framework
* On the improvement of combined fuzzy topological and directional relations information
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize locally linear reconstruction methods
* Online adaptation strategies for statistical machine translation in post-editing scenarios
* Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kernelization for face and palmprint recognition
* Orthogonal discriminant vector for face recognition across pose
* Overlapping Mixtures of Gaussian Processes for the data association problem
* Pain monitoring: A dynamic and context-sensitive system
* Parameter-free based two-stage method for binarizing degraded document images
* Part-based motion descriptor image for human action recognition
* Partial retrieval of CAD models based on the gradient flows in Lie group
* Partitioning hard clustering algorithms based on multiple dissimilarity matrices
* Pedestrian detection in images via cascaded L1-norm minimization learning method
* Perceptually motivated morphological strategies for shape retrieval
* Phase congruency induced local features for finger-knuckle-print recognition
* Phase congruency-based detection of circular objects applied to analysis of phytoplankton images
* Physiological and behavioral lip biometrics: A comprehensive study of their discriminative power
* Point set morphological filtering and semantic spatial configuration modeling: Application to microscopic image and bio-structure analysis
* possibilistic clustering approach toward generative mixture models, A
* probabilistic model for image representation via multiple patterns, A
* Profile-based 3D-aided face recognition
* Progressively weighted affine adaptive correlation matching for quasi-dense 3D reconstruction
* Quadratic nonnegative matrix factorization
* Rational filter design for depth from defocus
* Real-time estimation of 3D scene geometry from a single image
* Recognizability assessment of facial images for automated teller machine applications
* Recognizing multiple human activities and tracking full-body pose in unconstrained environments
* Recursive 'concave-convex' Fisher Linear Discriminant with applications to face, handwritten digit and terrain recognition
* Regularized tessellation density estimation with bootstrap aggregation and complexity penalization
* Relevance feature mapping for content-based multimedia information retrieval
* Reliable detection of eye features and eyes in color facial images using ternary eye-verifier
* Remote sensing image segmentation by active queries
* Removal of noise patterns in handwritten images using expectation maximization and fuzzy inference systems
* Representing and recognizing objects with massive local image patches
* reservoir-driven non-stationary hidden Markov model, A
* Retinal vessel segmentation using a probabilistic tracking method
* review on automatic image annotation techniques, A
* Risk bounds for CART classifiers under a margin condition
* robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic identification of clusters, A
* robust alignment-free fingerprint hashing algorithm based on minimum distance graphs, A
* Robust decentralized multi-model adaptive template tracking
* robust EM clustering algorithm for Gaussian mixture models, A
* Robust face detection using local gradient patterns and evidence accumulation
* Robust line matching through line-point invariants
* Robust regression for face recognition
* Robust segment-based object tracking using generalized hyperplane approximation
* Robust visual speakingness detection using bi-level HMM
* saliency map based on sampling an image into random rectangular regions of interest, A
* Salient object detection using content-sensitive hypergraph representation and partitioning
* Scalable image quality assessment with 2D mel-cepstrum and machine learning approach
* Scale invariant small target detection by optimizing signal-to-clutter ratio in heterogeneous background for infrared search and track
* Selected papers from Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Self-tuned Evolution-Constructed features for general object recognition
* Semantic hierarchies for image annotation: A survey
* Semi-supervised classification based on random subspace dimensionality reduction
* Semi-supervised clustering with discriminative random fields
* semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm applied to gene expression data, A
* Separation theorem for independent subspace analysis and its consequences
* Shadow detection: A survey and comparative evaluation of recent methods
* Shape from Silhouette Consensus
* Silhouette-based gait recognition using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors
* simple method for improving local binary patterns by considering non-uniform patterns, A
* simplified gravitational model to analyze texture roughness, A
* Simultaneous clustering and classification over cluster structure representation
* Sketched symbol recognition with auto-completion
* Slip and fall event detection using Bayesian Belief Network
* small sample size problem of ICA: A comparative study and analysis, The
* Soft biometric classification using local appearance periocular region features
* Sparse non-negative tensor factorization using columnwise coordinate descent
* spatial-spectral kernel-based approach for the classification of remote-sensing images, A
* spatially adaptive statistical method for the binarization of historical manuscripts and degraded document images, A
* spatially constrained fuzzy hyper-prototype clustering algorithm, A
* SpectralCAT: Categorical spectral clustering of numerical and nominal data
* Statistical modeling of dissimilarity increments for d-dimensional data: Application in partitional clustering
* Subclass discriminant Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for facial image analysis
* Super-resolution reconstruction of faces by enhanced global models of shape and texture
* Supervised class-specific dictionary learning for sparse modeling in action recognition
* supervised clustering approach for fMRI-based inference of brain states, A
* Supervised learning of Gaussian mixture models for visual vocabulary generation
* Supervised neighborhood graph construction for semi-supervised classification
* Supervised optimal locality preserving projection
* Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face reconstruction
* synthesised word approach to word retrieval in handwritten documents, A
* Synthesizing queries for handwritten word image retrieval
* Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part I: Methodology and algorithms
* Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part II: Experimental validation
* Tactic analysis based on real-world ball trajectory in soccer video
* TED: A texture-edge descriptor for pedestrian detection in video sequences
* Texton theory revisited: A bag-of-words approach to combine textons
* Towards automatic polyp detection with a polyp appearance model
* Trace ratio criterion based generalized discriminative learning for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* Tunable halfband-pair wavelet filter banks and application to multifocus image fusion
* Two stage architecture for multi-label learning
* Two-dimensional histogram equalization and contrast enhancement
* two-dimensional Neighborhood Preserving Projection for appearance-based face recognition, A
* unified dimensionality reduction framework for semi-paired and semi-supervised multi-view data, A
* unifying view on dataset shift in classification, A
* Unsupervised 2D gel electrophoresis image segmentation based on active contours
* unsupervised approach to feature discretization and selection, An
* Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using fuzzy triplet Markov fields model
* Unsupervised segmentation and classification of cervical cell images
* Variational Formulation for Fingerprint Orientation Modeling, A
* Vector quantization based approximate spectral clustering of large datasets
* Video fingerprinting using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and facial images
* Visual tracking by fusing multiple cues with context-sensitive reliabilities
* Visual tracking of numerous targets via multi-Bernoulli filtering of image data
* VNS heuristic for escaping local extrema entrapment in normalized cut clustering, A
* W-TSV: Weighted topological signature vector for lexicon reduction in handwritten Arabic documents
* Wavelet-based defect detection in solar wafer images with inhomogeneous texture
* Word spotting in historical printed documents using shape and sequence comparisons
* Writer identification using directional ink-trace width measurements
333 for PR(45)
* 3D shape retrieval using Kernels on Extended Reeb Graphs
* Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Sparse Representation
* Achieving robust face recognition from video by combining a weak photometric model and a learnt generic face invariant
* Action recognition using linear dynamic systems
* Adaptive boosted spectral filtering for progressive fingerprint enhancement
* Adaptive discriminant learning for face recognition
* Adaptive occlusion state estimation for human pose tracking under self-occlusions
* Adaptive shape prior in graph cut image segmentation
* adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence of unified orthogonal polynomials, An
* Adaptive weighted learning for linear regression problems via Kullback-Leibler divergence
* Affine transforms between image space and color space for invariant local descriptors
* Agglomerative clustering via maximum incremental path integral
* Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classification
* algorithm based on density and compactness for dynamic overlapping clustering, An
* Analysis of focus measure operators for shape-from-focus
* Analysis of the contour structural irregularity of skin lesions using wavelet decomposition
* Analytical study of performance of linear discriminant analysis in stochastic settings
* Arabic handwriting recognition using structural and syntactic pattern attributes
* Auto learning temporal atomic actions for activity classification
* Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a single click ensemble segmentation approach
* Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* Automatic salient object extraction with contextual cue and its applications to recognition and alpha matting
* Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using self-generating neural networks seeded by genetic algorithm
* Automatic segmentation technique for acetabulum and femoral head in CT images
* Automatic spectral video matting
* Bag of spatio-visual words for context inference in scene classification
* Biclustering of gene expression data based on related genes and conditions extraction
* Biview face recognition in the shape-texture domain
* Block covariance based L1 tracker with a subtle template dictionary
* Boosted key-frame selection and correlated pyramidal motion-feature representation for human action recognition
* Categorical-and-numerical-attribute data clustering based on a unified similarity metric without knowing cluster number
* Classification of hyperspectral images by tensor modeling and additive morphological decomposition
* Classifier design given an uncertainty class of feature distributions via regularized maximum likelihood and the incorporation of biological pathway knowledge in steady-state phenotype classification
* Clustering and outlier detection using isoperimetric number of trees
* Color texture classification based on gravitational collapse
* Combining fractal and deterministic walkers for texture analysis and classification
* Combining heterogeneous classifiers for relational databases
* Comments on supervised feature selection by clustering using conditional mutual information-based distances
* comparative study on illumination preprocessing in face recognition, A
* comparison of 3D interest point descriptors with application to airport baggage object detection in complex CT imagery, A
* comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
* complementary method for automated detection of microaneurysms in fluorescein angiography fundus images to assess diabetic retinopathy, A
* complete and fully automated face verification system on mobile devices, A
* Complete large margin linear discriminant analysis using mathematical programming approach
* Computational and space complexity analysis of SubXPCA
* Computing internally constrained motion of 3-D sensor data for motion interpretation
* conditional random field-based model for joint sequence segmentation and classification, A
* Content-based image retrieval using color difference histogram
* Contour-based shape representation using principal curves
* Detection of melanocytes in skin histopathological images using radial line scanning
* Directional histogram ratio at random probes: A local thresholding criterion for capillary images
* Discriminative fusion of shape and appearance features for human pose estimation
* Discriminative histograms of local dominant orientation (D-HLDO) for biometric image feature extraction
* discriminative linear regression approach to adaptation of multi-prototype based classifiers and its applications for Chinese OCR, A
* Discriminative prototype selection methods for graph embedding
* Double-pupil location of face images
* Dynamic classifier selection for One-vs-One strategy: Avoiding non-competent classifiers
* Dynamic scene understanding by improved sparse topical coding
* EDCircles: A Real-Time Circle Detector with a False Detection Control
* Edge preserving image denoising with a closed form solution
* effective retinal blood vessel segmentation method using multi-scale line detection, An
* efficient 3D face recognition approach based on the fusion of novel local low-level features, An
* efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering based on grouping evolution strategies, An
* Efficient Euclidean distance transform algorithm of binary images in arbitrary dimensions
* efficient illumination invariant face recognition framework via illumination enhancement and DD-DTWT filtering, An
* Efficient iris segmentation method in unconstrained environments
* efficient matrix factorization based low-rank representation for subspace clustering, An
* efficient two-stage framework for image annotation, An
* ElliFit: An unconstrained, non-iterative, least squares based geometric Ellipse Fitting method
* Errata and comments on Generic orthogonal moments: Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image description
* Error-correcting output codes based ensemble feature extraction
* ESPOSALLES database: An ancient marriage license corpus for off-line handwriting recognition, The
* EUSBoost: Enhancing ensembles for highly imbalanced data-sets by evolutionary undersampling
* Evaluation of weighted Fisher criteria for large category dimensionality reduction in application to Chinese handwriting recognition
* Exact order based feature descriptor for illumination robust image matching
* Exhaustive comparison of colour texture features and classification methods to discriminate cells categories in histological images of fish ovary
* Exploring trace transform for robust human action recognition
* extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices, An
* Eye localization from thermal infrared images
* Facial age estimation based on label-sensitive learning and age-oriented regression
* Fast multi-label core vector machine
* fast tri-factorization method for low-rank matrix recovery and completion, A
* feature construction method for general object recognition, A
* Feature extraction for different distances of visible reflection iris using multiscale sparse representation of local Radon transform
* FIDOS: A generalized Fisher based feature extraction method for domain shift
* Fingerprint classification by a hierarchical classifier
* FRPS: A Fuzzy Rough Prototype Selection method
* fundamental theory of optimal Anti-Bayesian parametric pattern classification using order statistics criteria, The
* Fuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis-guided maximum entropy fuzzy clustering algorithm
* Fuzzy multilevel graph embedding
* GA-based model selection for smooth twin parametric-margin support vector machine, A
* Gabor Feature Based Robust Representation and Classification for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dictionary
* Game-theoretical occlusion handling for multi-target visual tracking
* Gene selection with guided regularized random forest
* general framework for the statistical analysis of the sources of variance for classification error estimators, A
* Generalised relaxed Radon transform (GR2T) for robust inference
* Generalized batch mode active learning for face-based biometric recognition
* Generalized dual Hahn moment invariants
* Generalized Mean For Feature Extraction in One-Class Classification Problems
* genetic-based subspace analysis method for improving Error-Correcting Output Coding, A
* GHT-based associative memory learning and its application to Human action detection and classification
* global structure-based algorithm for detecting the principal graph from complex data, A
* HBF49 feature set: A first unified baseline for online symbol recognition
* Hierarchical MRF of globally consistent localized classifiers for 3D medical image segmentation
* Historical document image restoration using multispectral imaging system
* How large should ensembles of classifiers be?
* Human emotional state recognition using real 3D visual features from Gabor library
* Hyperdisk based large margin classifier
* Identification and classification of microaneurysms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy
* Image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation
* Image Re-ranking and Rank Aggregation Based on Similarity of Ranked Lists
* Image region description using orthogonal combination of local binary patterns enhanced with color information
* Incremental behavior modeling and suspicious activity detection
* indication of unification for different clustering approaches, An
* InstanceRank based on borders for instance selection
* Interactive image segmentation based on synthetic graph coordinates
* Interest point detection using rank order LoG filter
* Iris recognition: the need to recognise the iris as a dynamic biological system: Response to Daugman and Downing
* iterative SVM approach to feature selection and classification in high-dimensional datasets, An
* Joint Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Joint learning and weighting of visual vocabulary for bag-of-feature based tissue classification
* Kernel-based representation for 2D/3D motion trajectory retrieval and classification
* Kernel-based sparse representation for gesture recognition
* L1 norm based KPCA for novelty detection
* Label propagation based supervised locality projection analysis for plant leaf classification
* Large Margin Subspace Learning for feature selection
* Large-scale document image retrieval and classification with runlength histograms and binary embeddings
* Latent semantic learning with structured sparse representation for human action recognition
* Learner excellence biased by data set selection: A case for data characterisation and artificial data sets
* Learning a hybrid similarity measure for image retrieval
* Learning Bayesian network classifiers from label proportions
* Learning dictionary on manifolds for image classification
* Learning discriminative features for fast frame-based action recognition
* Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
* Learning small gallery size for prediction of recognition performance on large populations
* Learning spatial weighting for facial expression analysis via constrained quadratic programming
* Level set evolution with locally linear classification for image segmentation
* LinkFCM: Relation integrated fuzzy c-means
* literature survey on robust and efficient eye localization in real-life scenarios, A
* Local descriptors in application to the aging problem in face recognition
* Local discriminative distance metrics ensemble learning
* Local image tagging via graph regularized joint group sparsity
* local information-based feature-selection algorithm for data regression, A
* Local self-similarity-based registration of human ROIs in pairs of stereo thermal-visible videos
* Locality-sensitive dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification
* Localized algorithms for multiple kernel learning
* M4L: Maximum margin Multi-instance Multi-cluster Learning for scene modeling
* Manifold-constrained coding and sparse representation for human action recognition
* Marginalized Viterbi algorithm for hierarchical hidden Markov models
* Markov random field-regulated Pitma-Yor process prior for spatially constrained data clustering, A
* Maximum weight and minimum redundancy: A novel framework for feature subset selection
* measure of tortuosity based on chain coding, A
* Measures for ranking cell trackers without manual validation
* MLRank: Multi-correlation Learning to Rank for image annotation
* Mode seeking over permutations for rapid geometric model fitting
* Multi-focus image fusion based on the neighbor distance
* Multi-label classification with a reject option
* Multibiometric human recognition using 3D ear and face features
* Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised color-texture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging
* Multiple graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization
* Multiple-instance learning as a classifier combining problem
* Multitask multiclass support vector machines: Model and experiments
* Mutual information-based method for selecting informative feature sets
* Nearest neighbor classifier generalization through spatially constrained filters
* new belief-based K-nearest neighbor classification method, A
* new binarization method for non-uniform illuminated document images, A
* new framework for optimal classifier design, A
* New mathematical and algorithmic schemes for pattern classification with application to the identification of writers of important ancient documents
* New method to find corner and tangent vertices in sketches using parametric cubic curves approximation
* new topological clustering algorithm for interval data, A
* No change over time is shown in Rankin et al. Iris recognition failure over time: The effects of texture
* Noise robust rotation invariant features for texture classification
* Non-negativity constraints on the pre-image for pattern recognition with kernel machines
* Nonconvex sparse regularizer based speckle noise removal
* Nonlinear multicriteria clustering based on multiple dissimilarity matrices
* Novel and efficient pedestrian detection using bidirectional PCA
* novel face-hallucination scheme based on singular value decomposition, A
* novel method for splitting clumps of convex objects incorporating image intensity and using rectangular window-based concavity point-pair search, A
* novel ring radius transform for video character reconstruction, A
* novel shape-based non-redundant local binary pattern descriptor for object detection, A
* Novel soft subspace clustering with multi-objective evolutionary approach for high-dimensional data
* Object recognition using Gabor co-occurrence similarity
* On achieving semi-supervised pattern recognition by utilizing tree-based SOMs
* On some convergence properties of the subspace constrained mean shift
* On the choice of the parameters for anisotropic diffusion in image processing
* On the detection of tracks in spectrogram images
* On the study of nearest neighbor algorithms for prevalence estimation in binary problems
* On the use of a minimal path approach for target trajectory analysis
* One class random forests
* One-Class Classification with Gaussian Processes
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: Benchmarking on new databases
* Optimal classifiers with minimum expected error within a Bayesian framework - Part I: Discrete and Gaussian models
* Optimal classifiers with minimum expected error within a Bayesian framework - Part II: Properties and performance analysis
* Optimizing the Gaussian kernel function with the formulated kernel target alignment criterion for two-class pattern classification
* Order statistics-based parametric classification for multi-dimensional distributions
* Pairwise constraints based multiview features fusion for scene classification
* Parameterization of point-cloud freeform surfaces using adaptive sequential learning RBFnetworks
* Parametric annealing: A stochastic search method for human pose tracking
* Parsimonious Mahalanobis kernel for the classification of high dimensional data
* Part template: 3D representation for multiview human pose estimation
* Particle swarm classification: A survey and positioning
* Passage method for nonlinear dimensionality reduction of data on multi-cluster manifolds
* Pattern classification of dermoscopy images: A perceptually uniform model
* Pattern Recognition after image processing of low-contrast images, the case of the Shroud of Turin
* Pattern Recognition special issue: Sparse representation for event recognition in videosurveillance
* Pectoral muscle segmentation in mammograms based on homogenous texture and intensity deviation
* Perceptually motivated shape context which uses shape interiors
* Person authentication from neural activity of face-specific visual self-representation
* PHA: A fast potential-based hierarchical agglomerative clustering method
* Pose-Robust Face Recognition Via Sparse Representation
* Position regularized Support Vector Domain Description
* Possibilistic nonlinear dynamical analysis for pattern recognition
* Practical structure and motion recovery from two uncalibrated images using Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution
* Predicting missing values with biclustering: A coherence-based approach
* Predicting noise filtering efficacy with data complexity measures for nearest neighbor classification
* Probabilistic classifiers with a generalized Gaussian scale mixture prior
* Quantitative error measures for edge detection
* rank-one update method for least squares linear discriminant analysis with concept drift, A
* Real-time oriented behavior-driven 3D freehand tracking for direct interaction
* Real-Time Visual Tracking Via Online Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
* Recognize objects with three kinds of information in landmarks
* Recursive voids for identifying a nonconvex boundary of a set of points in the plane
* region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation, A
* Region-of-interest extraction in low depth of field images using ensemble clustering and difference of Gaussian approaches
* Regularized vector field learning with sparse approximation for mismatch removal
* Relationship between the accuracy of classifier error estimation and complexity of decision boundary
* reliability of estimated confidence intervals for classification error rates when only a single sample is available, The
* Retinal vessel segmentation using multiwavelet kernels and multiscale hierarchical decomposition
* Retrieval-based cartoon gesture recognition and applications via semi-supervised heterogeneous classifiers learning
* Robust ear identification using sparse representation of local texture descriptors
* robust evolutionary algorithm for the recovery of rational Gielis curves, A
* robust face and ear based multimodal biometric system using sparse representation, A
* Robust face recognition using the GAP feature
* Robust gender classification using a precise patch histogram
* robust real-time algorithm for facial shape recovery from a single image containing cast shadow under general, unknown lighting, A
* robust static hand gesture recognition system using geometry based normalizations and Krawtchouk moments, A
* Robust twin support vector machine for pattern classification
* Robust visual tracking with discriminative sparse learning
* ROC curves for regression
* Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image retrieval using eigen value analysis of intensity gradients and multi-resolution analysis
* Rough clustering using generalized fuzzy clustering algorithm
* Scene classification using a multi-resolution bag-of-features model
* second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised learning, A
* Selecting feature subset for high dimensional data via the propositional FOIL rules
* Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with ensemble strategy
* Self-taught dimensionality reduction on the high-dimensional small-sized data
* Semi-supervised learning with nuclear norm regularization
* Semi-supervised metric learning via topology preserving multiple semi-supervised assumptions
* sequential algorithm for sparse support vector classifiers, A
* Shape clustering: Common structure discovery
* simple feature combination method based on dominant sets, A
* Simultaneous discriminative projection and dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification
* Sparse coding based visual tracking: Review and experimental comparison
* Sparse-plus-dense-RANSAC for estimation of multiple complex curvilinear models in 2D and 3D
* spectral-multiplicity-tolerant approach to robust graph matching, A
* Stochastic margin-based structure learning of Bayesian network classifiers
* Stratified sampling for feature subspace selection in random forests for high dimensional data
* Sub-Pixel Mapping Based on Artificial Immune Systems for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Support value based stent-graft marker detection
* survey of graph theoretical approaches to image segmentation, A
* symbol spotting approach in graphical documents by hashing serialized graphs, A
* Synthetic aperture imaging using pixel labeling via energy minimization
* T-HOG: An effective gradient-based descriptor for single line text regions
* Template based classification of multi-touch gestures
* Texture aware image segmentation using graph cuts and active contours
* Three-dimensional Fuzzy Kernel Regression framework for registration of medical volume data
* Three-fold structured classifier design based on matrix pattern
* Threshold optimisation for multi-label classifiers
* Training inter-related classifiers for automatic image classification and annotation
* Transcript mapping for handwritten Chinese documents by integrating character recognition model and geometric context
* Tree ensembles for predicting structured outputs
* Two-Stage Quality Measure for Mobile Phone Captured 2D Barcode Images, A
* unified approach to background adaptation and initialization in public scenes, A
* unified framework for multimodal retrieval, A
* Unsharp masking using quadratic filter for the enhancement of fingerprints in noisy background
* Unsupervised edge detection and noise detection from a single image
* Unsupervised methods for the classification of hyperspectral images with low spatial resolution
* Unsupervised profiling of OCRed historical documents
* user-specific and selective multimodal biometric fusion strategy by ranking subjects, A
* Using robust dispersion estimation in support vector machines
* Using the original and symmetrical face training samples to perform representation based two-step face recognition
* Variational and PCA based natural image segmentation
* Variational learning of a Dirichlet process of generalized Dirichlet distributions for simultaneous clustering and feature selection
* Visual saliency detection using information divergence
* Visual tracking by proto-objects
* Wave atoms based compression method for fingerprint images
* Writer identification in handwritten musical scores with bags of notes
287 for PR(46)
* 2D tree object representation via the slope chain code
* 3D fingerprint reconstruction system using feature correspondences and prior estimated finger model
* 3D modeling of multiple-object scenes from sets of images
* 3D soft-tissue tracking using spatial-color joint probability distribution and thin-plate spline model
* Abrupt motion tracking using a visual saliency embedded particle filter
* Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Active learning with multi-criteria decision making systems
* Active selection of clustering constraints: a sequential approach
* Adaptive fusion of particle filtering and spatio-temporal motion energy for human tracking
* alignment-free fingerprint bio-cryptosystem based on modified Voronoi neighbor structures, An
* Amplitude-only log Radon transform for geometric invariant shape descriptor
* ANA HEp-2 cells image classification using number, size, shape and localization of targeted cell regions
* analysis of the transition proportion for binarization in handwritten historical documents, An
* Anti-Bayesian parametric pattern classification using order statistics criteria for some members of the exponential family
* Approximate polytope ensemble for one-class classification
* Arabic font recognition based on diacritics features
* Arabic word descriptor for handwritten word indexing and lexicon reduction
* Asplünds metric defined in the Logarithmic Image Processing (LIP) framework: A new way to perform double-sided image probing for non-linear grayscale pattern matching
* Asymmetric clustering using the alpha-beta divergence
* Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell Indirect Immunofluorescence images using Cell Pyramid Matching
* Automatic classification of legumes using leaf vein image features
* Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion
* Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
* Automatic segmentation of granular objects in images: Combining local density clustering and gradient-barrier watershed
* Axis estimation and grouping of rotationally symmetric object segments
* Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
* Bayesian estimation of Dirichlet mixture model with variational inference
* Bilinear Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Boosting the handwritten word spotting experience by including the user in the loop
* Boundary reconstruction in binary images using splines
* Bounded generalized Gaussian mixture model
* Building a compact online MRF recognizer for large character set by structured dictionary representation and vector quantization technique
* C-loss function for pattern classification, The
* Camera calibration in sport event scenarios
* central profile-based 3D face pose estimation, A
* Centroid index: Cluster level similarity measure
* Character confidence based on N-best list for keyword spotting in online Chinese handwritten documents
* classification-oriented dictionary learning model: Explicitly learning the particularity and commonality across categories, A
* cluster assessment of facial attractiveness using fuzzy neural network classifier based on 3D Moiré features, The
* combined post-filtering method to improve accuracy of variational optical flow estimation, A
* compressed sensing approach for efficient ensemble learning, A
* Consensus strategy for clustering using RC-images
* Constructing and applying higher order textons: Estimating breast cancer risk
* Contextual text/non-text stroke classification in online handwritten notes with conditional random fields
* Continuous Generalized Procrustes analysis
* Cooperative and penalized competitive learning with application to kernel-based clustering
* Corrigendum to three papers that deal with 'Anti'-Bayesian Pattern Recognition [Pattern Recognition]
* Coupling-and-decoupling: A hierarchical model for occlusion-free object detection
* Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machine
* Credal classification rule for uncertain data based on belief functions
* Cross-entropy clustering
* Cross-validation based weights and structure determination of Chebyshev-polynomial neural networks for pattern classification
* DANCo: An intrinsic dimensionality estimator exploiting angle and norm concentration
* Dependent binary relevance models for multi-label classification
* Depth-based complexity traces of graphs
* Design of alignment-free cancelable fingerprint templates via curtailed circular convolution
* Detect foreground objects via adaptive fusing model in a hybrid feature space
* Detecting pedestrians on a Movement Feature Space
* Detection of masses and architectural distortions in digital breast tomosynthesis images using fuzzy and a contrario approaches
* Discriminant analysis and similarity measure
* Discriminative multi-task objects tracking with active feature selection and drift correction
* Discriminative subspace learning with sparse representation view-based model for robust visual tracking
* distance measure for large graphs based on prime graphs, A
* Distinction between handwritten and machine-printed text based on the bag of visual words model
* Double linear regressions for single labeled image per person face recognition
* Dynamic selection of classifiers: A comprehensive review
* ECOC-DRF: Discriminative random fields based on error correcting output codes
* Edges, transitions and criticality
* efficient 3D face recognition approach using local geometrical signatures, An
* efficient approach for face recognition based on common eigenvalues, An
* efficient color quantization based on generic roughness measure, An
* efficient construction and application usefulness of rectangle greedy covers, An
* Efficient feature size reduction via predictive forward selection
* Efficient k-NN based HEp-2 cells classifier
* Efficient monte carlo methods for multi-dimensional learning with classifier chains
* Efficient multilevel image segmentation through fuzzy entropy maximization and graph cut optimization
* efficient weighted Lagrangian twin support vector machine for imbalanced data classification, An
* Ellipsoidal neighbourhood outlier factor for distributed anomaly detection in resource constrained networks
* Embedding new observations via sparse-coding for non-linear manifold learning
* Emotion recognition from geometric facial features using self-organizing map
* End-to-end scene text recognition using tree-structured models
* Enhanced iterative projection for subclass discriminant analysis under EM-alike framework
* Enhanced pose normalization and matching of non-rigid objects based on support vector machine modelling
* Enhancing multi-label classification by modeling dependencies among labels
* Ensemble clustering by means of clustering embedding in vector spaces
* Equidistant prototypes embedding for single sample based face recognition with generic learning and incremental learning
* Estimating the camera direction of a geotagged image using reference images
* Exploiting the relationships among several binary classifiers via data transformation
* Exploration of classification confidence in ensemble learning
* Extended Spectral Regression for efficient scene recognition
* Extracting sparse error of robust PCA for face recognition in the presence of varying illumination and occlusion
* Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees
* Eyes closeness detection from still images with multi-scale histograms of principal oriented gradients
* Face detection based on skin color likelihood
* Face hallucination based on sparse local-pixel structure
* Face hallucination with imprecise-alignment using iterative sparse representation
* Face recognition by sparse discriminant analysis via joint L2,1-norm minimization
* Face recognition using scale-adaptive directional and textural features
* Facial expression recognition in dynamic sequences: An integrated approach
* fast and effective ellipse detector for embedded vision applications, A
* Fast and robust face recognition via coding residual map learning based adaptive masking
* Fast fingerprint identification for large databases
* Fast nonparametric active contour adapted to quadratic inhomogeneous intensity fluctuations
* Feature fusion for facial landmark detection
* Finding contrasted and regular edges by a contrario detection of periodic subsequences
* Fingerprint ridge orientation field reconstruction using the best quadratic approximation by orthogonal polynomials in two discrete variables
* Fisher discrimination based low rank matrix recovery for face recognition
* Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis for text-image combination in multimedia information retrieval
* Fisher tensors for classifying human epithelial cells
* Fractional-order embedding canonical correlation analysis and its applications to multi-view dimensionality reduction and recognition
* framework for cost-based feature selection, A
* Fusion of local normalization and Gabor entropy weighted features for face identification
* general non-local denoising model using multi-kernel-induced measures, A
* generalized morphological skeleton transform using both internal and external skeleton points, A
* generalized multiclass histogram thresholding approach based on mixture modelling, A
* Geometric invariant features in the Radon transform domain for near-duplicate image detection
* Geometric techniques for 3D tracking of ultrasound sensor, tumor segmentation in ultrasound images, and 3D reconstruction
* Global consistency, local sparsity and pixel correlation: A unified framework for face hallucination
* Global plus local: A complete framework for feature extraction and recognition
* Global-local optimizations by hierarchical cuts and climbing energies
* Good recognition is non-metric
* Gradient orientation pattern matching with the Hamming distance
* Graph regularized multiset canonical correlations with applications to joint feature extraction
* Gravity optimised particle filter for hand tracking
* Hallucinating optimal high-dimensional subspaces
* Handling uncertain data in subspace detection
* HEASK: Robust homography estimation based on appearance similarity and keypoint correspondences
* HEGM: A hierarchical elastic graph matching for hand gesture recognition
* HEp-2 cell classification using rotation invariant co-occurrence among local binary patterns
* HEp-2 cell image classification with multiple linear descriptors
* HEp-2 cell pattern classification with discriminative dictionary learning
* HEp-2 cells classification via sparse representation of textural features fused into dissimilarity space
* HEp-2 fluorescence pattern classification
* HEp-2 image classification using intensity order pooling based features and bag of words
* Hierarchical kernel-based rotation and scale invariant similarity
* Human activity recognition using multi-features and multiple kernel learning
* Humans in groups: The importance of contextual information for understanding collective activities
* Hybrid clustering solution selection strategy
* Hybrid learning of Bayesian multinets for binary classification
* hybrid mobile object tracker based on the modified Cuckoo Search algorithm and the Kalman Filter, A
* Image clustering based on sparse patch alignment framework
* Imbalanced data classification using second-order cone programming support vector machines
* Improvements to the relational fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
* Improving on-line handwritten recognition in interactive machine translation
* Incremental feature selection based on rough set in dynamic incomplete data
* Incremental partial least squares analysis of big streaming data
* Inductive manifold learning using structured support vector machine
* Inexact Bayesian point pattern matching for linear transformations
* Influence functions for a linear subspace method
* Information theoretic clustering using a k-nearest neighbors approach
* Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of methodologies and databases
* Integrated Fisher linear discriminants: An empirical study
* Interactive image segmentation via kernel propagation
* Intrinsic dimension estimation via nearest constrained subspace classifier
* irrelevant variability normalization approach to discriminative training of multi-prototype based classifiers and its applications for online handwritten Chinese character recognition, An
* Iterative infrared ship target segmentation based on multiple features
* Joint Laplacian feature weights learning
* Joint tracking and classification based on aerodynamic model and radar cross section
* K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
* k-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation
* KAFD Arabic font database
* Kernel-based hard clustering methods in the feature space with automatic variable weighting
* Kernel-based transition probability toward similarity measure for semi-supervised learning
* Keyword spotting for self-training of BLSTM NN based handwriting recognition systems
* KHATT: An open Arabic offline handwritten text database
* Knot segmentation in 3D CT images of wet wood
* Lane-mark extraction for automobiles under complex conditions
* Laplacian group sparse modeling of human actions
* largest inertial sensor-based gait database and performance evaluation of gait-based personal authentication, The
* Latent topic model for audio retrieval
* Learning a mixture model for clustering with the completed likelihood minimum message length criterion
* Learning discriminative localization from weakly labeled data
* Learning group-based dictionaries for discriminative image representation
* Learning kernel logistic regression in the presence of class label noise
* Learning locality-constrained collaborative representation for robust face recognition
* Learning-based word spotting system for Arabic handwritten documents
* Legendre polynomials based feature extraction for online signature verification. Consistency analysis of feature combinations
* Leveraging colour segmentation for upper-body detection
* Leveraging local neighborhood topology for large scale person re-identification
* Likelihood ratio estimation in forensic identification using similarity and rarity
* Linear reconstruction measure steered nearest neighbor classification framework
* LiNearN: A new approach to nearest neighbour density estimator
* locality correlation preserving support vector machine, A
* Low resolution pedestrian detection using light robust features and hierarchical system
* Masquerade attack on transform-based binary-template protection based on perceptron learning
* Maximum margin multiple-instance feature weighting
* method for image retrieval based on multi-factors correlation utilizing block truncation coding, The
* Minimum-risk training for semi-Markov conditional random fields with application to handwritten Chinese/Japanese text recognition
* MinMax k-Means clustering algorithm, The
* mobile, lightweight, poll-based food identification system, A
* Modeling local behavior for predicting social interactions towards human tracking
* Moments and root-mean-square error of the Bayesian MMSE estimator of classification error in the Gaussian model
* More than twenty years of advancements on Frontiers in handwriting recognition
* Multi-class boosting with asymmetric binary weak-learners
* Multi-label core vector machine with a zero label
* Multi-linear neighborhood preserving projection for face recognition
* Multi-local model image set matching based on domain description
* Multi-resolution feature fusion for face recognition
* Multi-subregion based correlation filter bank for robust face recognition
* multiple criteria active learning method for support vector regression, A
* Multiple feature kernel hashing for large-scale visual search
* Multiple kernel clustering based on centered kernel alignment
* Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification
* Multiple-instance discriminant analysis
* Near-duplicate document image matching: A graphical perspective
* Neural network language models for off-line handwriting recognition
* New and efficient DCA based algorithms for minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* new generalised a scale spaces quadrature filters, A
* new method for linear feature and junction enhancement in 2D images based on morphological operation, oriented anisotropic Gaussian function and Hessian information, A
* New method for the on-line signature verification based on horizontal partitioning
* new proposal for graph-based image classification using frequent approximate subgraphs, A
* new relative chain code in 3D, A
* Nighttime face recognition at large standoff: Cross-distance and cross-spectral matching
* Non-negative and sparse spectral clustering
* novel approach to combine features for salient object detection using constrained particle swarm optimization, A
* novel approach to polarimetric SAR data processing based on Nonlinear PCA, A
* Novel image fusion scheme based on dependency measure for robust multispectral palmprint recognition
* novel method for combining Bayesian networks, theoretical analysis, and its applications, A
* novel prototype generation technique for handwriting digit recognition, A
* Object tracking across non-overlapping views by learning inter-camera transfer models
* On hidden Markov models and cyclic strings for shape recognition
* On the design of an ECOC-Compliant Genetic Algorithm
* On the feature extraction in discrete space
* On the impact of anisotropic diffusion on edge detection
* On-the-fly feature importance mining for person re-identification
* Ongoing human action recognition with motion capture
* optical character recognition of Urdu-like cursive scripts, The
* Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments
* Pair-copula based mixture models and their application in clustering
* particle swarm optimization based simultaneous learning framework for clustering and classification, A
* Pattern recognition in stained HEp-2 cells: Where are we now?
* Predictive models for multibiometric systems
* Primal explicit max margin feature selection for nonlinear support vector machines
* Probabilistic pseudo-morphology for grayscale and color images
* Probability estimation for multi-class classification using AdaBoost
* QUAC: Quick unsupervised anisotropic clustering
* Quaternion Bessel-Fourier moments and their invariant descriptors for object reconstruction and recognition
* Query-expanded collaborative representation based classification with class-specific prototypes for object recognition
* Random Forests with ensemble of feature spaces
* Ranking consistency for image matching and object retrieval
* Rapid-transform based rotation invariant descriptor for texture classification under non-ideal conditions
* Rayleigh-Ritz style method for large-scale discriminant analysis, A
* Realistic action recognition via sparsely-constructed Gaussian processes
* Recognition of Bangla compound characters using structural decomposition
* Recognition of Chinese artists via windowed and entropy balanced fusion in classification of their authored ink and wash paintings (IWPs)
* Regularized discriminant entropy analysis
* Representation of enclosing surfaces from simple voxelized objects by means of a chain code
* Retinal vessels segmentation based on level set and region growing
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* review of biometric technology along with trends and prospects, A
* Ricci flow embedding for rectifying non-Euclidean dissimilarity data
* Robust action recognition using local motion and group sparsity
* Robust face recognition via occlusion dictionary learning
* Robust level set image segmentation via a local correntropy-based K-means clustering
* robust method for coarse classifier construction from a large number of basic recognizers for on-line handwritten Chinese/Japanese character recognition, A
* Robust multi-view L2 triangulation via optimal inlier selection and 3D structure refinement
* Robust point pattern matching based on spectral context
* Robust similarity registration technique for volumetric shapes represented by characteristic functions
* Robust spatially constrained fuzzy c-means algorithm for brain MR image segmentation
* Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items
* Rule-based trajectory segmentation for modeling hand motion trajectory
* Salient and non-salient fiducial detection using a probabilistic graphical model
* Salient object detection via local saliency estimation and global homogeneity refinement
* Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* Scan integration as a labelling problem
* Segmentation of blurred objects by classification of isolabel contours
* Segmentation of gray scale image based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets constructed from several membership functions
* Segmentation-free word spotting with exemplar SVMs
* Self-organizing maps whose topologies can be learned with adaptive binary search trees using conditional rotations
* Semi-supervised clustering via multi-level random walk
* Semi-supervised learning for character recognition in historical archive documents
* Sentiment visualization and classification via semi-supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Separability versus prototypicality in handwritten word-image retrieval
* SIFT-based contactless palmprint verification approach using iterative RANSAC and local palmprint descriptors, A
* Silhouette-based gait recognition via deterministic learning
* Simultaneous feature selection and Gaussian mixture model estimation for supervised classification problems
* Simultaneous segmentation and classification of human actions in video streams using deeply optimized Hough transform
* size-insensitive integrity-based fuzzy c-means method for data clustering, A
* Sketched symbol recognition using Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields and distance-based clustering
* Smoothing of HMM parameters for efficient recognition of online handwriting
* sparse nonnegative matrix factorization technique for graph matching problems, A
* Sparse Representation for Robust Abnormality Detection in Crowded Scenes
* sparse-response deep belief network based on rate distortion theory, A
* Special issue on computer vision applying pattern recognition techniques
* Special Issue on Handwriting recognition and other PR applications
* Special issue on the analysis and recognition of indirect immuno-fluorescence images
* Speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery with stochastic distances and nonlocal means
* Spectra of shape contexts: An application to symbol recognition
* Spontaneous facial expression recognition: A robust metric learning approach
* Statistical computation of feature weighting schemes through data estimation for nearest neighbor classifiers
* statistical model for magnitudes and angles of wavelet frame coefficients and its application to texture retrieval, A
* Statistical script independent word spotting in offline handwritten documents
* Stochastic reasoning for structural pattern recognition: An example from image-based UAV navigation
* Strokes against stroke: strokes for strides
* Subclass Discriminant Analysis of morphological and textural features for HEp-2 staining pattern classification
* Support vector description of clusters for content-based image annotation
* survey on still image based human action recognition, A
* Target detection based on a dynamic subspace
* Toward maximum-predictive-value classification
* Towards adaptive learning with improved convergence of deep belief networks on graphics processing units
* Towards subject independent continuous sign language recognition: A segment and merge approach
* Training restricted Boltzmann machines: An introduction
* Two tree-based methods for the waterfall
* Uncooperative gait recognition by learning to rank
* Unified detection of skewed rotation, reflection and translation symmetries from affine invariant contour features
* Unified framework for representing and ranking
* unified view of class-selection with probabilistic classifiers, A
* Unsupervised language model adaptation for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Unsupervised segmentation and approximation of digital curves with rate-distortion curve modeling
* user-specific and selective multimodal biometric fusion strategy by ranking subjects, A
* Using retinex for point selection in 3D shape registration
* Video object matching across multiple non-overlapping camera views based on multi-feature fusion and incremental learning
* Virtual unrolling and information recovery from scanned scrolled historical documents
* Visual learning and classification of human epithelial type 2 cell images through spontaneous activity patterns
* Visual query expansion with or without geometry: Refining local descriptors by feature aggregation
* Visual tracking via weakly supervised learning from multiple imperfect oracles
* Visual word spatial arrangement for image retrieval and classification
* Writer identification using oriented Basic Image Features and the Delta encoding
* Zoning methods for handwritten character recognition: A survey
320 for PR(47)
* *Preface of Special Issue on 'Graph-based Processing for Pattern Recognition'
* 3D rotation invariants by complex moments
* Accurate 3D action recognition using learning on the Grassmann manifold
* Accurate fibre orientation measurement for carbon fibre surfaces
* Active constrained fuzzy clustering: A multiple kernels learning approach
* active learning-based SVM multi-class classification model, An
* Activity related authentication using prehension biometrics
* adaptive hybrid pattern for noise-robust texture analysis, An
* Adaptive skew-sensitive ensembles for face recognition in video surveillance
* Alignment-free row-co-occurrence cancelable palmprint Fuzzy Vault
* Alternating multiconlitron: A novel framework for piecewise linear classification
* Anatomical-plane-based representation for human-human interactions analysis
* Approximate spectral clustering with utilized similarity information using geodesic based hybrid distance measures
* Approximation of graph edit distance based on Hausdorff matching
* Arabic handwriting synthesis system, An
* Automated analysis and diagnosis of skin melanoma on whole slide histopathological images
* Automated measurement of sintering degree in optical microscopy through image analysis of particle joins
* Automatic image annotation using semi-supervised generative modeling
* Automatic image-text alignment for large-scale web image indexing and retrieval
* Automatic ink mismatch detection for forensic document analysis
* Bayesian model for recognizing handwritten mathematical expressions, A
* Breaking text-based CAPTCHAs with variable word and character orientation
* Bridging from syntactic to statistical methods: Classification with automatically segmented features from sequences
* center sliding Bayesian binary classifier adopting orthogonal polynomials, A
* Classifying dynamic textures via spatiotemporal fractal analysis
* Classifying imbalanced data sets using similarity based hierarchical decomposition
* Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform
* Cluster validity measure and merging system for hierarchical clustering considering outliers
* clustering ensemble: Two-level-refined co-association matrix with path-based transformation, A
* Clustering of multivariate binary data with dimension reduction via L1-regularized likelihood maximization
* Co-occurrence probability-based pixel pairs background model for robust object detection in dynamic scenes
* coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detection, A
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* collaborative representation based projections method for feature extraction, A
* Combined Sparse and Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Combining face averageness and symmetry for 3D-based gender classification
* Combining where and what in change detection for unsupervised foreground learning in surveillance
* Computer aided erosions and osteophytes detection based on hand radiographs
* Conditional distance based matching for one-shot gesture recognition
* Connectivity calculus of fractal polyhedrons
* Content-based image retrieval using computational visual attention model
* context-aware approach for long-term behavioural change detection and abnormality prediction in ambient assisted living, A
* Contour-based corner detection via angle difference of principal directions of anisotropic Gaussian directional derivatives
* convergence theorem for graph shift-type algorithms, A
* Cost-sensitive learning of hierarchical tree classifiers for large-scale image classification and novel category detection
* Coupled segmentation of nuclear and membrane-bound macromolecules through voting and multiphase level set
* CRF learning with CNN features for image segmentation
* Cross-trees, edge and superpixel priors-based cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Curvelet-based approach for textured 3D face recognition, A
* Decremental Sparse Modeling Representative Selection for prototype selection
* Deep feature learning with relative distance comparison for person re-identification
* Deep sparse feature selection for computer aided endoscopy diagnosis
* Dempster-Shafer Theory based combination of handwriting recognition systems with multiple rejection strategies, A
* Design and learn distinctive features from pore-scale facial keypoints
* Detection guided deconvolutional network for hierarchical feature learning
* Determining Shape and Motion from Monocular Camera: A Direct Approach Using Normal Flows
* DETEXTIVE optical character recognition with pattern matching on-the-fly
* Discrete optimal Bayesian classification with error-conditioned sequential sampling
* Discriminative feature learning from big data for visual recognition
* Discriminative sparsity preserving projections for image recognition
* Disjunctive normal random forests
* distributed framework for trimmed Kernel k-Means clustering, A
* Document dewarping via text-line based optimization
* Double adjacency graphs-based discriminant neighborhood embedding
* DRCW-OVO: Distance-based relative competence weighting combination for One-vs-One strategy in multi-class problems
* ECDS: An effective shape signature using electrical charge distribution on the shape
* Editorial, Introduction
* Effective and efficient contour-based corner detectors
* Effective texture classification by texton encoding induced statistical features
* effective use of the one-class SVM classifier for handwritten signature verification based on writer-independent parameters, The
* Efficient and accurate set-based registration of time-separated aerial images
* Efficient multi-modal fusion on supergraph for scalable image annotation
* efficient radius-incorporated MKL algorithm for Alzheimer's disease prediction, An
* Efficient segmentation-free keyword spotting in historical document collections
* Efficient steerable circular harmonic functions
* Efficient subgraph matching using topological node feature constraints
* Ellipse fitting for imaged cross sections of a surface of revolution
* Enhancement of morphological snake based segmentation by imparting image attachment through scale-space continuity
* Ensemble manifold regularized sparse low-rank approximation for multiview feature embedding
* entropy-based persistence barcode, An
* Errata and comments on 'Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments'
* Estimating the number of clusters in a numerical data set via quantization error modeling
* Estimation of linear deformations of 2D and 3D fuzzy objects
* Euclidean-distance-based canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval
* evaluation of classifier-specific filter measure performance for feature selection, An
* Evaluation of two stereo matchers on long real-world video sequences
* evidential classifier based on feature selection and two-step classification strategy, An
* EWMA model based shift-detection methods for detecting covariate shifts in non-stationary environments
* Exact solution to median surface problem using 3D graph search and application to parameter space exploration
* Exemplar based Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning for scene image classification
* Exploring space-frequency co-occurrences via local quantized patterns for texture representation
* Face recognition on large-scale video in the wild with hybrid Euclidean-and-Riemannian metric learning
* Face recognition under pose variation with local Gabor features enhanced by Active Shape and Statistical Models
* Face recognition using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch
* Facial aging and asymmetry decomposition based approaches to identification of twins
* Fast and accurate surface alignment through an isometry-enforcing game
* Fast and efficient narrow volume reconstruction from scattered data
* Fast computation of Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image recognition
* Fast computation of separable two-dimensional discrete invariant moments for image classification
* Fast detection of facial wrinkles based on Gabor features using image morphology and geometric constraints
* Fast incremental LDA feature extraction
* Fast multi-label feature selection based on information-theoretic feature ranking
* Feature matching in stereo images encouraging uniform spatial distribution
* Feature Neighbourhood Mutual Information for multi-modal image registration: An application to eye fundus imaging
* Feature representation for statistical-learning-based object detection: A review
* Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
* Finding the best not the most: regularized loss minimization subgraph selection for graph classification
* flexible framework for online document segmentation by pairwise stroke distance learning, A
* focus fusion framework with anisotropic depth map smoothing, A
* Full ranking as local descriptor for visual recognition: A comparison of distance metrics on S_n
* Fully automatic segmentation of breast ultrasound images based on breast characteristics in space and frequency domains
* Fuzzy human motion analysis: A review
* Fuzzy rule based decision trees
* Fuzzy support vector machines for multilabel classification
* GANT: Gaze analysis technique for human identification
* generalisable framework for saliency-based line segment detection, A
* Generalized quadratic discriminant analysis
* Generative regularization with latent topics for discriminative object recognition
* Geometrically-constrained balloon fitting for multiple connected ellipses
* Graph-based point drift: Graph centrality on the registration of point-sets
* Greedy approaches to semi-supervised subspace learning
* grid-based tracker for erratic targets, A
* Handwritten Bangla character recognition using a soft computing paradigm embedded in two pass approach
* Handwritten word image matching based on Heat Kernel Signature
* Hierarchical facial landmark localization via cascaded random binary patterns
* High-speed transition patterns for video projection, 3D reconstruction, and copyright protection
* Human behaviour recognition in data-scarce domains
* Hybrid support vector machines for robust object tracking
* Identification of faces in line drawings by edge decomposition
* Image segmentation with arbitrary noise models by solving minimal surface problems
* Importance sampling based discriminative learning for large scale offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Improved multi-kernel classification machine with Nyström approximation technique
* Improved support vector machine algorithm for heterogeneous data
* Improving Bipartite Graph Edit Distance Approximation Using Various Search Strategies
* Improving classification performance of breast lesions on ultrasonography
* Improving kNN multi-label classification in Prototype Selection scenarios using class proposals
* Improving pedestrian detection with selective gradient self-similarity feature
* Improving skeletal shape abstraction using multiple optimal solutions
* Inexact and incremental bilinear Lanczos components algorithms for high dimensionality reduction and image reconstruction
* Inhomogeneity-embedded active contour for natural image segmentation
* Integral invariants for space motion trajectory matching and recognition
* Intensity-Texture model based level set method for image segmentation, An
* Interactive graph-matching using active query strategies
* Interactive interpretation of structured documents: Application to the recognition of handwritten architectural plans
* Interactive tracking of insect posture
* Interval type-2 credibilistic clustering for pattern recognition
* IODA: An input/output deep architecture for image labeling
* IRAHC: Instance Reduction Algorithm using Hyperrectangle Clustering
* Iterative Nearest Neighbors
* Joint Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for texture classification
* Junction detection in handwritten documents and its application to writer identification
* KCRC-LCD: Discriminative kernel collaborative representation with locality constrained dictionary for visual categorization
* Kernel collaborative face recognition
* Kernel methods for point symmetry-based clustering
* L0-norm based structural sparse least square regression for feature selection
* Large scale crowd analysis based on convolutional neural network
* Large-scale eigenvector approximation via Hilbert Space Embedding Nyström
* Learning descriptive visual representation for image classification and annotation
* Learning from weakly labeled faces and video in the wild
* Learning LBP structure by maximizing the conditional mutual information
* Learning predictable binary codes for face indexing
* Learning salient visual word for scalable mobile image retrieval
* Least squares twin multi-class classification support vector machine
* Linear convergence rate for the MDM algorithm for the Nearest Point Problem
* Local contrast phase descriptor for fingerprint liveness detection
* Locality Regularization Embedding for face verification
* long trip in the charming world of graphs for Pattern Recognition, A
* Low-rank matrix factorization with multiple Hypergraph regularizer
* Machine learning and pattern recognition models in change detection
* Matching based ground-truth annotation for online handwritten mathematical expressions
* Materials-based 3D segmentation of unknown objects from dual-energy computed tomography imagery in baggage security screening
* Matrixized learning machine with modified pairwise constraints
* MDGHM-SURF: A robust local image descriptor based on modified discrete Gaussian-Hermite moment
* Measuring the intensity of spontaneous facial action units with dynamic Bayesian network
* META-DES: A dynamic ensemble selection framework using meta-learning
* Mixed-norm sparse representation for multi view face recognition
* Model selection for linear classifiers using Bayesian error estimation
* model-based approach to offline text-independent Arabic writer identification and verification, A
* Modeling and recognizing human trajectories with beta process hidden Markov models
* Moment invariants under similarity transformation
* Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
* Motion-towards-each-other-based hand gesture initialization
* multi-class SVM approach based on the L1-norm minimization of the distances between the reduced convex hulls, A
* Multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation and facial action unit recognition
* Multi-Local-Task Learning with Global Regularization for Object Tracking
* Multi-manifold LLE learning in pattern recognition
* Multi-target tracking by learning local-to-global trajectory models
* Multi-task proximal support vector machine
* Multilabel predictions with sets of probabilities: The Hamming and ranking loss cases
* Multimodal learning for facial expression recognition
* Multiple instance learning with bag dissimilarities
* Multiple kernel-based dictionary learning for weakly supervised classification
* NCM: Neutrosophic c-means clustering algorithm
* new estimator of intrinsic dimension based on the multipoint Morisita index, A
* new patch based change detector for polarimetric SAR data, A
* Noise-robust semi-supervised learning via fast sparse coding
* Noisy and incomplete fingerprint classification using local ridge distribution models
* Non-linear dictionary learning with partially labeled data
* non-parametric Bayesian model for bounded data, A
* Non-rigid visible and infrared face registration via regularized Gaussian fields criterion
* Nonlocal Center-Surround Reconstruction-Based Bottom-Up Saliency Estimation
* note on order statistics-based parametric pattern classification, A
* novel 3D vorticity based approach for automatic registration of low resolution range images, A
* novel dynamic rough subspace based selective ensemble, A
* novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data, A
* novel feature selection method considering feature interaction, A
* novel level set method for image segmentation by incorporating local statistical analysis and global similarity measurement, A
* novel license plate location method based on wavelet transform and EMD analysis, A
* Novel outline features for pedestrian detection system with thermal images
* novel unsupervised approach to discovering regions of interest in traffic images, A
* novel validity index with dynamic cut-off for determining true clusters, A
* novel visual codebook model based on fuzzy geometry for large-scale image classification, A
* Novelty detection in human tracking based on spatiotemporal oriented energies
* Nuclear-L_1 Norm Joint Regression for Face Reconstruction and Recognition with Mixed Noise
* Object classification in 3D baggage security computed tomography imagery using visual codebooks
* Object Tracking Based on an Online Learning Network with Total Error Rate Minimization
* On group-wise regularization: Theory and efficient algorithms
* On robust image spam filtering via comprehensive visual modeling
* On the complexity of submap isomorphism and maximum common submap problems
* On the usefulness of one-class classifier ensembles for decomposition of multi-class problems
* On-line signature recognition through the combination of real dynamic data and synthetically generated static data
* Optimizing area under the ROC curve using semi-supervised learning
* ordinal relation preserving binary codes, The
* Ortho-diffusion decompositions of graph-based representation of images
* Outlier detection and robust normal-curvature estimation in mobile laser scanning 3D point cloud data
* Parallel Double Snakes. Application to the segmentation of retinal layers in 2D-OCT for pathological subjects
* Pareto models for discriminative multiclass linear dimensionality reduction
* Pattern recognition applications in computer vision and image analysis
* pattern recognition framework for detecting dynamic changes on cyclic time series, A
* Pattern Recognition in Latin America in the 'Big Data' Era
* Penalized partial least square discriminant analysis with for multi-label data
* Performance evaluation of classification algorithms by k-fold and leave-one-out cross validation
* Piece-wise linearity based method for text frame classification in video
* Plant identification using leaf shapes: A pattern counting approach
* Power histogram for circle detection on images
* Principles of time-frequency feature extraction for change detection in non-stationary signals: Applications to newborn EEG abnormality detection
* QFuse: Online learning framework for adaptive biometric system
* Quantification-oriented learning based on reliable classifiers
* quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs, A
* Quaternion generic Fourier descriptor for color object recognition
* Randomized circle detection with isophotes curvature analysis
* Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank Coherency Analysis in Feature Space
* Real-time detection of planar regions in unorganized point clouds
* Recognizing human motions through mixture modeling of inertial data
* Region-based Mixture of Gaussians modelling for foreground detection in dynamic scenes
* Registration of thermal and visible light images of diseased plants using silhouette extraction in the wavelet domain
* relative decision entropy-based feature selection approach, A
* Relative entropy collaborative fuzzy clustering method
* Relaxed sparse eigenvalue conditions for sparse estimation via non-convex regularized regression
* Relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization
* Representing scenes for real-time context classification on mobile devices
* Robust active learning for the diagnosis of parasites
* robust approach for text detection from natural scene images, A
* Robust Face Recognition After Plastic Surgery Using Region-Based Approaches
* robust global and local mixture distance based non-rigid point set registration, A
* robust method for scale independent detection of curvature-based criticalities and intersections in line drawings, A
* Robust multiple cameras pedestrian detection with multi-view Bayesian network
* Robust Nuclear Norm Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion
* Robust pedestrian detection in thermal infrared imagery using a shape distribution histogram feature and modified sparse representation classification
* Robust people counting using sparse representation and random projection
* Robust view-invariant multiscale gait recognition
* Robust visual tracking via efficient manifold ranking with low-dimensional compressive features
* Robust visual tracking via online multiple instance learning with Fisher information
* Saliency-driven image classification method based on histogram mining and image score
* Salient feature based graph matching for person re-identification
* Salient object detection via global and local cues
* Salient views and view-dependent dictionaries for object recognition
* Scalable multi-output label prediction: From classifier chains to classifier trellises
* scale- and orientation-adaptive extension of Local Binary Patterns for texture classification, A
* Scene adaptive structured light using error detection and correction
* Scene text recognition using a Hough forest implicit shape model and semi-Markov conditional random fields
* Secure biometric template generation for multi-factor authentication
* Segmented minimum noise fraction transformation for efficient feature extraction of hyperspectral images
* Self-adaptive SOM-CNN neural system for dynamic object detection in normal and complex scenarios
* Self-expressive tracking
* Self-taught learning of a deep invariant representation for visual tracking via temporal slowness principle
* Semantic human activity recognition: A literature review
* Shape classification using invariant features and contextual information in the bag-of-words model
* Shape-based detection of Maya hieroglyphs using weighted bag representations
* Similar gait action recognition using an inertial sensor
* Similarity transformation parameters recovery based on Radon transform. Application in image registration and object recognition
* simple statistics-based nearest neighbor cluster detection algorithm, A
* Single- vs. multiple-instance classification
* Single-view-based 3D facial reconstruction method robust against pose variations
* Sloop: A pattern retrieval engine for individual animal identification
* Sparse discriminative feature selection
* Sparse distributed localized gradient fused features of objects
* spatial-temporal framework based on histogram of gradients and optical flow for facial expression recognition in video sequences, A
* SPiraL Aggregation Map (SPLAM): A new descriptor for robust template matching with fast algorithm
* Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clustering of high dimensional data
* structured view on pattern mining-based biclustering, A
* Study of visual saliency detection via nonlocal anisotropic diffusion equation
* Subclass Graph Embedding and a Marginal Fisher Analysis paradigm
* Subject-dependent classification for robust idle state detection using multi-modal neuroimaging and data-fusion techniques in BCI
* Subspace clustering using affinity propagation
* Subspace clustering with automatic feature grouping
* Subspace learning for unsupervised feature selection via matrix factorization
* superparticle filter for lane detection, A
* survey of Hough Transform, A
* Symmetry detection in 3D chain coded discrete curves and trees
* Tensor representation learning based image patch analysis for text identification and recognition
* Three new instance selection methods based on local sets: A comparative study with several approaches from a bi-objective perspective
* Traffic sign detection via interest region extraction
* Training more discriminative multi-class classifiers for hand detection
* Trajectory-based human action segmentation
* tree conditional random field model for panel detection in comic images, A
* Treelet kernel incorporating cyclic, stereo and inter pattern information in chemoinformatics
* Tuning of the hyperparameters for L2-loss SVMs with the RBF kernel by the maximum-margin principle and the jackknife technique
* Two-stage multiple kernel learning for supervised dimensionality reduction
* Two-view line matching algorithm based on context and appearance in low-textured images
* Understanding social relationships in egocentric vision
* Unfolding Kernel embeddings of graphs: Enhancing class separation through manifold learning
* unified framework for local visual descriptors evaluation, A
* Unsupervised feature selection by regularized self-representation
* Unsupervised segmentation of highly dynamic scenes through global optimization of multiscale cues
* Variational image segmentation model coupled with image restoration achievements
* Vehicle make and model recognition using sparse representation and symmetrical SURFs
* Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
* Visual data denoising with a unified Schatten-p norm and lq norm regularized principal component pursuit
* Visual feature coding for image classification integrating dictionary structure
* Weighted classifier ensemble based on quadratic form
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* Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video face recognition
* Automatic power line extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery based on an improved Radon transform
* Discriminative quadratic feature learning for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Double-orientation code and nonlinear matching scheme for palmprint recognition
* Ensembles of random sphere cover classifiers
* Facial expression transfer method based on frequency analysis
* Image analysis by circularly semi-orthogonal moments
* Improving object recognition with the l-channel
* Landmarks inside the shape: Shape matching using image descriptors
* Measuring linearity of curves in 2D and 3D
* new method for multi-oriented graphics-scene-3D text classification in video, A
* novel combining classifier method based on Variational Inference, A
* novel finger and hand pose estimation technique for real-time hand gesture recognition, A
* novel Non-local means image denoising method based on grey theory, A
* Object-level saliency detection with color attributes
* Regularized generalized eigen-decomposition with applications to sparse supervised feature extraction and sparse discriminant analysis
* Smoothly approximated support vector domain description
* spatio-temporal RBM-based model for facial expression recognition, A
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