Index for meta

Meta, A. Co Author Listing * Processing of Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Using Baseband Azimuth Scaling
* Signal Processing for FMCW SAR
* TerraSAR-X System Performance Characterization and Verification
* TOPS Imaging With TerraSAR-X: Mode Design and Performance Analysis

Meta, V. Co Author Listing * Spatial Temporal Mapping of Spread of Water Hyacinth In Winum Gulf, Lake Victoria

Metaireau, P.Y. Co Author Listing * Handwritten Information Extraction from Historical Census Documents

Metais, P. Co Author Listing * So-BRIEF: Fast recognition of rectangular objects
Includes: Metais, P. Métais, P.

Metakides, G. Co Author Listing * Challenges for a Human-centered Information Society

Metallinou, A. Co Author Listing * Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Body Language Behavior in Dyadic Interactions From Multimodal Interlocutor Cues
* Annotation and processing of continuous emotional attributes: Challenges and opportunities
* Context-Sensitive Learning for Enhanced Audiovisual Emotion Classification
* Iterative Feature Normalization Scheme for Automatic Emotion Detection from Speech
* Tracking continuous emotional trends of participants during affective dyadic interactions using body language and speech information
Includes: Metallinou, A. Metallinou, A.[Angeliki]

Metari, S. Co Author Listing * computer vision framework for the analysis and interpretation of the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers, A
* Computer Vision System for Analyzing and Interpreting the Cephalo-ocular Behavior of Drivers in a Simulated Driving Context, A
* New Classes of Radiometric and Combined Radiometric-Geometric Invariant Descriptors
* New Convolution Kernel for Atmospheric Point Spread Function Applied to Computer Vision, A
* Novel Polychromatic Model for Light Dispersion, A
Includes: Metari, S. Metari, S.[Samy]

Metaxa, E.[Eirini] Co Author Listing * Spatial Modelling and Prediction Assessment of Soil Iron Using Kriging Interpolation with pH as Auxiliary Information

Metaxas, D.[Dimitri] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Model Evolution Using Blending
* Blended Deformable Models
* Conscious Observer: A Coordinated Effort in Computer Vision, A
* Fast Neural Cell Detection Using Light-Weight SSD Neural Network
* Jointly Optimize Data Augmentation and Network Training: Adversarial Data Augmentation in Human Pose Estimation
* Physics-Based Object Pose and Shape Estimation from Multiple Views
* PLAYBOT: A Visually-Guided Robot for Physically Disabled Children
* RO-SVM: Support Vector Machine with Reject Option for Image Categorization
* Semantic Amodal Segmentation
* Shape Evolution with Structural and Topological Changes Using Blending
Includes: Metaxas, D.[Dimitri] Metaxas, D.
10 for Metaxas, D.

Metaxas, D.M.[Dimitris M.] Co Author Listing * Multispectral Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection

Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitris N.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitris N.]: dnm AT cs rutgers edu
* 3D anatomical shape atlas construction using mesh quality preserved deformable models
* 3D facial tracking from corrupted movie sequences
* 3D Human Body Model Acquisition from Multiple Views
* 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall in Cardiac MRI
* 3D segmentation of rodent brains using deformable models and variational methods
* 4D Cardiac Reconstruction Using High Resolution CT Images
* Abnormal detection using interaction energy potentials
* Accurate Whole-Brain Segmentation for Alzheimer's Disease Combining an Adaptive Statistical Atlas and Multi-atlas
* Active Part-Decomposition, Shape and Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects: A Physics-based Approach
* Activity recognition based on semantic spatial relation
* Adaptive low rank and sparse decomposition of video using compressive sensing
* AdaTransform: Adaptive Data Transformation
* Adjusting Shape Parameters Using Model-Based Optical Flow Residuals
* AE-StyleGAN: Improved Training of Style-Based Auto-Encoders
* Affine Arithmetic Based Estimation of Cue Distributions in Deformable Model Tracking
* Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* ASL Recognition Based on a Coupling Between HMMs and 3D Motion Analysis
* ASSD: Attentive single shot multibox detector
* Automated 3D Motion Tracking Using Gabor Filter Bank, Robust Point Matching, and Deformable Models
* Automated analysis of interactional synchrony using robust facial tracking and expression recognition
* Automated and Robust Framework for Quantification of Muscle and Fat in the Thigh, An
* Automated detection of prostatic adenocarcinoma from high-resolution ex vivo MRI
* Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval Using Group Sparsity
* Automatic image annotation using group sparsity
* Automatic Liver Segmentation and Hepatic Fat Fraction Assessment in MRI
* Background Subtraction Using Low Rank and Group Sparsity Constraints
* Belief Propagation algorithm for bias field estimation and image segmentation, A
* Best of Both Worlds: Combining 3D Deformable Models with Active Shape Models, The
* BM³E : Discriminative Density Propagation for Visual Tracking
* Boosting Coded Dynamic Features for Facial Action Units and Facial Expression Recognition
* Boosting encoded dynamic features for facial expression recognition
* Calibrationless Parallel Dynamic MRI with Joint Temporal Sparsity
* CoCRF Deformable Model: A Geometric Model Driven by Collaborative Conditional Random Fields
* Combining Discrete and Continuous 3D Trackers
* Combining Information using Hard Constraints
* Combining low-, high-level and empirical domain knowledge for automated segmentation of ultrasonic breast lesions
* Component Based Deformable Model for Generalized Face Alignment, A
* Component-Based Framework for Generalized Face Alignment, A
* Composite splitting algorithms for convex optimization
* Conditional models for contextual human motion recognition
* Conditional Random Fields for Contextual Human Motion Recognition
* Consensus of Regression for Occlusion-Robust Facial Feature Localization
* Constraining Deformable Superquadrics and Nonrigid Motion Tracking
* Construction of Left Ventricle 3D Shape Atlas from Cardiac MRI
* Coupled Encoder-Decoder Network for Joint Face Detection and Landmark Localization, A
* Coupled Lighting Direction and Shape Estimation from Single Images
* Coupling CRFs and Deformable Models for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* CRF-driven Implicit Deformable Model
* CrossNorm and SelfNorm for Generalization under Distribution Shifts
* Customized expression recognition for performance-driven cutout character animation
* D-Clutter: Building object model library from unsupervised segmentation of cluttered scenes
* DA-Tran: Multiphase liver tumor segmentation with a domain-adaptive transformer network
* Deep Animation Video Interpolation in the Wild
* DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images
* Deformable Model and HMM-Based Tracking, Analysis, and Recognition of Gestures and Faces
* Deformable model-based face shape and motion estimation
* Deformable Model-Based Shape and Motion Analysis from Images using Motion Residual Error
* Deformable Models for Segmentation, 3D Shape and Motion Estimation and Recognition
* Deformable models with parameter functions for cardiac motion analysis from tagged MRI data
* Deformable Models With Parameter Functions: Application to Heart-Wall Modeling
* Deformable Models, Guest Editors Introduction
* Deformable-Model Based Textured Object Segmentation
* DeFormer: Integrating Transformers with Deformable Models for 3D Shape Abstraction from a Single Image
* Detecting Concealment of Intent in Transportation Screening: A Proof of Concept
* Detection of Mammographic Masses by Content-Based Image Retrieval
* detection-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model for fascia lata labeling and thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification, A
* Digital Clones and Virtual Celebrities: Facial Tracking, Gesture Recognition and Animation for the Movie Industry
* Directed acyclic graph representation of deformable models
* Discriminative Density Propagation for 3D Human Motion Estimation
* Dual Projection Generative Adversarial Networks for Conditional Image Generation
* Dynamic 3D Models with Local and Global Deformations: Deformable Superquadrics
* Dynamic soft encoded patterns for facial event analysis
* Elastically Adaptive Deformable Models
* Embedded Profile Hidden Markov Models for Shape Analysis
* Emblem Detections by Tracking Facial Features
* Explicit occlusion detection based deformable fitting for facial landmark localization
* Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Models for Object Detection
* Exploring facial expressions with compositional features
* Eye localization through multiscale sparse dictionaries
* Face Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Model
* Face Mis-alignment Analysis by Multiple-Instance Subspace
* Facial expression editing in video using a temporally-smooth factorization
* Facial expression recognition using encoded dynamic features
* Facial Tracking and Animation Using a 3D Sensor
* Fast algorithms for large scale conditional 3D prediction
* Fast Optimization for Mixture Prior Models
* Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* FR-Net: Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation in Compressed Sensing Cardiac MRI
* Framework for Motion Recognition with Applications to American Sign Language and Gait Recognition, A
* Framework for Recognizing the Simultaneous Aspects of American Sign Language, A
* Framework for the Recognition of Nonmanual Markers in Segmented Sequences of American Sign Language, A
* From circle to 3-sphere: Head pose estimation by instance parameterization
* Global Matching with Overlapping Attention for Optical Flow Estimation
* Gloss Prior Guided Visual Feature Learning for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* graphical model framework for coupling MRFs and deformable models, A
* Greedy AutoAugment
* Guest Editorial: Medical Imaging Informatics: An Information Processing From Image Formation To Visualization
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Handling Noise in Single Image Deblurring Using Directional Filters
* Handshapes and Movements: Multiple-Channel American Sign Language Recognition
* Head Pose Estimation by Instance Parameterization
* Hierarchical Framework For High Resolution Facial Expression Tracking, A
* Hierarchical Shape Representation Using Locally Adaptive Finite Elements
* Hierarchically Self-supervised Transformer for Human Skeleton Representation Learning
* Human Gait Recognition
* Human gait recognition at sagittal plane
* Human Motion Understanding, Modelling, Capture, and Animation
* Hybrid Deformable Models for Medical Segmentation and Registration
* hybrid face recognition method using markov random fields, A
* Hybrid Framework for Image Segmentation Using Probabilistic Integration of Heterogeneous Constraints, A
* Hybrid Image Registration based on Configural Matching of Scale-Invariant Salient Region Features
* Hypergraph with sampling for image retrieval
* Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities From Myocardial Strains Using Nontracking-Based Strain Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis
* Image retrieval via probabilistic hypergraph ranking
* Image Segmentation Based on the Integration of Pixel Affinity and Deformable Models
* Improving the Scope of Deformable Model Shape and Motion Estimation
* Incorporating Illumination Constraints in Deformable Models
* Incorporating illumination constraints in deformable models for shape from shading and light direction estimation
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Consistency Constraints
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Constraints
* Inferring 2D Object Structure from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Instance Segmentation of Neural Cells
* Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Shape Recovery
* Integration of Gibbs prior models and deformable models for 3D medical image segmentation
* Integration of Optical Flow and Deformable Models: Applications to Human Face Shape and Motion Estimation, The
* Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Techniques for Deformable Model Fitting from Orthographic, Perspective, and Stereo Projections
* Knowledge As Priors: Cross-Modal Knowledge Generalization for Datasets Without Superior Knowledge
* Large Scale Learning of Active Shape Models
* Large Scale Medical Image Search via Unsupervised PCA Hashing
* Learn Distributed GAN with Temporary Discriminators
* Learning active facial patches for expression analysis
* Learning Articulated Shape with Keypoint Pseudo-Labels from Web Images
* Learning Deep Features for Hierarchical Classification of Mobile Phone Face Datasets in Heterogeneous Environments
* Learning Framework for the Automatic and Accurate Segmentation of Cardiac Tagged MRI Images, A
* Learning Joint Top-Down and Bottom-up Processes for 3D Visual Inference
* Learning Multi-category Classification in Bayesian Framework
* Learning Multiscale Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis
* Learning to Forecast and Refine Residual Motion for Image-to-Video Generation
* Learning Trailer Moments in Full-length Movies with Co-contrastive Attention
* Learning View-Disentangled Human Pose Representation by Contrastive Cross-View Mutual Information Maximization
* Learning with dynamic group sparsity
* Learning-based dynamic coupling of discrete and continuous trackers
* Lennard-Jones force field for Geometric Active Contour
* Level Set Method for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneities With Application to MRI, A
* Localization of Multi-pose and Occluded Facial Features via Sparse Shape Representation
* Meshless deformable models for LV motion analysis
* Metamorphs: Deformable Shape and Appearance Models
* Metamorphs: deformable shape and texture models
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion with Occlusion Based on Active Multi-Viewpoint Selection
* Model-based integration of visual cues for hand tracking
* More Than Just Attention: Improving Cross-Modal Attentions with Contrastive Constraints for Image-Text Matching
* Motion Profiles for Deception Detection Using Visual Cues
* MotionNet: Joint Perception and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Bird's Eye View Maps
* Multi-Instance Deep Learning: Discover Discriminative Local Anatomies for Bodypart Recognition
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multilevel Shape Representation Using Global Deformations and Locally Adaptive Finite-Elements
* Neural Deformable Models for 3D Bi-Ventricular Heart Shape Reconstruction and Modeling from 2D Sparse Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* New Approach to Tracking 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences, A
* new spatio-temporal MRF framework for video-based object segmentation, A
* Non-manual grammatical marker recognition based on multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of head pose and facial expressions
* Nonlinear Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Motion Tracking
* Nonlinear Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis
* Object Representation for Object Recognition
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Object Detection
* On Continuous User Authentication via Typing Behavior
* Onlineaugment: Online Data Augmentation with Less Domain Knowledge
* Optical Flow Constraints on Deformable Models with Applications to Face Tracking
* Optimization and Learning for Registration of Moving Dynamic Textures
* Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* Outlier Rejection in Deformable Model Tracking
* Outlier rejection in high-dimensional deformable models
* Overview of the 2014 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2014)
* Overview of the 2015 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2015)
* Parallel Hidden Markov Models for American Sign Language Recognition
* Patch-Based Texture Edges and Segmentation
* People detection in crowded scenes by context-driven label propagation
* Physics-Based Deformable Models Applications to Computer Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging
* Physics-Based Framework for Segmentation, Shape and Motion Estimation, A
* Physics-Based Modeling of Nonrigid Objects for Vision and Graphics
* Physics-Based Tracking of 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences
* PIEFA: Personalized Incremental and Ensemble Face Alignment
* Pose-Free Facial Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Shape Model
* Predicting 3-D Lower Back Joint Load in Lifting: A Deep Pose Estimation Approach
* Profile Hidden Markov Model Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Shape, A
* ProxEdit: Improving Tuning-Free Real Image Editing with Proximal Guidance
* Quantized Densely Connected U-Nets for Efficient Landmark Localization
* Query Specific Fusion for Image Retrieval
* Query Specific Rank Fusion for Image Retrieval
* RankBoost with L1 regularization for facial expression recognition and intensity estimation
* Ranking Model for Facial Age Estimation
* Realistic Animation of Liquids
* Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
* Recognizing eyebrow and periodic head gestures using CRFs for non-manual grammatical marker detection in ASL
* Recognizing Facial Expressions by Tracking Feature Shapes
* Reconstruction of a Color Image from Nonuniformly Distributed Sparse and Noisy Data
* Reconstruction of Detailed Left Ventricle Motion from tMRI Using Deformable Models
* Reconstruction-Based Disentanglement for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Sequential Face Alignment, A
* Recursive Estimation of Shape and Nonrigid Motion
* RED-Net: A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Video-Based Face Alignment
* review of motion analysis methods for human Nonverbal Communication Computing, A
* Revisiting Multimodal Representation in Contrastive Learning: From Patch and Token Embeddings to Finite Discrete Tokens
* Robust eyelid tracking for fatigue detection
* Robust face tracking with a consumer depth camera
* Robust Multi-pose Facial Expression Recognition
* Robust Online Change-point Detection in Video Sequences
* Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts from Range Data, The
* Scalable Mammogram Retrieval Using Composite Anchor Graph Hashing With Iterative Quantization
* Second-Order Graph ODEs for Multi-Agent Trajectory Forecasting
* Segment and recognize expression phase by fusion of motion area and neutral divergence features
* Segmentation Using Deformable Models with Affinity-Based Localization
* Semantic Aware Data Augmentation for Cell Nuclei Microscopical Images with Artificial Neural Networks
* Semantic Graph Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Regression
* Semi-supervised Hierarchical Models for 3D Human Pose Reconstruction
* Semi-Supervised Segmentation of Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis From Lung CT Scans With Multi-Scale Guided Dense Attention
* SequenceMorph: A Unified Unsupervised Learning Framework for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Image Sequences
* Sequential Face Alignment via Person-Specific Modeling in the Wild
* Shape and Nonrigid Motion Estimation through Physics-Based Synthesis
* Shape Registration in Implicit Spaces Using Information Theory and Free Form Deformations
* Shape Representation and Nonrigid Motion Tracking Using Deformable Superquadrics
* Shape Representation and Recovery Using Deformable Superquadrics
* Sharpen Focus: Learning With Attention Separability and Consistency
* Show Me a Story: Towards Coherent Neural Story Illustration
* Show Me What and Tell Me How: Video Synthesis via Multimodal Conditioning
* Similarity Features for Facial Event Analysis
* Simultaneous image transformation and sparse representation recovery
* SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Social ODE: Multi-agent Trajectory Forecasting with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
* Sparse shape composition: A new framework for shape prior modeling
* Sparse shape registration for occluded facial feature localization
* SPDA-CNN: Unifying Semantic Part Detection and Abstraction for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Spectral Latent Variable Models for Perceptual Inference
* StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks
* Statistical cue integration in DAG deformable models
* Steering Prototypes with Prompt-tuning for Rehearsal-free Continual Learning
* Stochastic Transformer Networks with Linear Competing Units: Application to end-to-end SL Translation
* StyleGAN-Fusion: Diffusion Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators
* SVDiff: Compact Parameter Space for Diffusion Fine-Tuning
* Synthetic Learning: Learn From Distributed Asynchronized Discriminator GAN Without Sharing Medical Image Data
* Three-dimensional head pose estimation in-the-wild
* Three-Dimensional Human Body Model Acquisition from Multiple Views
* Toward Marker-Free 3D Pose Estimation in Lifting: A Deep Multi-View Solution
* Toward Personalized Modeling: Incremental and Ensemble Alignment for Sequential Faces in the Wild
* Toward Scalability in ASL Recognition: Breaking Down Signs into Phonemes
* Towards Efficient U-Nets: A Coupled and Quantized Approach
* Towards Image-to-Video Translation: A Structure-Aware Approach via Multi-stage Generative Adversarial Networks
* Towards Self-supervised and Weight-preserving Neural Architecture Search
* Track Facial Points in Unconstrained Videos
* Tracking Facial Features Using Mixture of Point Distribution Models
* Unified Framework of Subspace and Distance Metric Learning for Face Recognition, A
* Unifying Subspace and Distance Metric Learning with Bhattacharyya Coefficient for Image Classification
* Unsupervised Exemplar-Based Image-to-Image Translation and Cascaded Vision Transformers for Tagged and Untagged Cardiac Cine MRI Registration
* Unsupervised Image Categorization by Hypergraph Partition
* Using multiple cues for hand tracking and model refinement
* Using the Pn Potts model with learning methods to segment live cell images
* Variable Albedo Surface Reconstruction from Stereo and Shape from Shading
* Variational Bayesian Sequence-to-sequence Networks for Memory-Efficient Sign Language Translation
* Video Classification via Weakly Supervised Sequence Modeling
* Video object segmentation by hypergraph cut
* Volumetric Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: A New Approach to the 3D Motion Analysis of the LV from MRI-SPAMM
* Weakly Supervised Deep Nuclei Segmentation Using Partial Points Annotation in Histopathology Images
Includes: Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitris N.] Metaxas, D.N. Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitri N.] Metaxas, D.N.[Dmitris N.] Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitris N>] Metaxas, D.N.[Dimitis N.]
265 for Metaxas, D.N.

Metaxas, I.M.[Ioannis Maniadis] Co Author Listing * DivClust: Controlling Diversity in Deep Clustering

Metaxas, M.G.[Marinos G.] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Image Content-Based Exposure Control for Scanning Applications in Radiography

Metaxian, J.P. Co Author Listing * Machine Learning for Volcano-Seismic Signals: Challenges and Perspectives

Index for "m"

Last update:15-Sep-24 16:41:35
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