* 3D head tracking under partial occlusion
* 3D Shape Reconstruction from Autostereograms and Stereo
* Accurate and Efficient Curve Detection in Images: The Importance Sampling Hough Transform
* Accurate and Real-time Image Processing on a New PC-compatible Board
* Adaptive Finite Volume Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations in Image Processing, An
* Algebraic Framework for Linear and Morphological Scale-Spaces
* Aligning Non-Overlapping Sequences
* All Points Considered: A Maximum Likelihood Method for Motion Recovery
* Audio Classification in Speech and Music: A Comparison Between a Statistical and a Neural Approach
* Automatic detection of abnormalities in chest radiographs using local texture analysis
* Automatic extraction of the face identity-subspace
* Automatic following guidance system for motor vehicles
* Automatically building appearance models from image sequences using salient features
* Bayesian Level Sets for Image Segmentation
* Binary morphological shape-based interpolation applied to 3-D tooth reconstruction
* British Machine Vision Conference 1999
* Calibration of Panoramic Cameras Using 3D Scene Information
* Combinatorial and Geometric Problems Related to Digital Halftoning
* Combining Belief Networks and Neural Networks for Scene Segmentation
* comparative review of camera calibrating methods with accuracy evaluation, A
* Comparison of Algorithms for Connected Set Openings and Closings, A
* Comparison of the spatial-frequency selectivity of local and global motion detectors
* Composite Support Vector Machines for Detection of Faces Across Views and Pose Estimation
* Computation of the mid-sagittal plane in 3-D brain images
* Computational Surface Flattening: A Voxel-Based Approach
* Context modeling for near-lossless image coding
* Corner detection based on modified Hough transform
* Correcting Distortion of Image by Image Registration with the Implicit Function Theorem
* Critical Motion Sequences for the Self-Calibration of Cameras and Stereo Systems with Variable Focal Length
* CyberCity GIS (CCGIS): Integration of DEMs, Images, and 3D Models
* Denoising Images: Non-linear Leap-Frog for Shape and Light-Source Recovery
* Dense Disparity Map Estimation Respecting Image Discontinuities: A PDE and Scale-Space Based Approach
* Deriving Topological Representations from Edge Images
* Description and simulation of an active imaging technique utilizing two speckle fields: iterative reconstructors
* Description and simulation of an active imaging technique utilizing two speckle fields: root reconstructors
* Design and Evaluation of an Entirely Psychovisual-Based Coding Scheme
* Detection Of Obstacles By The Horizon View Camera, The
* Detection of repeated and frozen frames in a video signal
* Determining surface orientations of transparent objects based on polarization degrees in visible and infrared wavelengths
* Differential modulation using space-time block codes
* Discrepancy-Based Digital Halftoning: Automatic Evaluation and Optimization
* Dissimilarity representations allow for building good classifiers
* Distance Map Based Enhancement for Interpolated Images
* Distortion Minimization with Fast Local Search for Fractal Image Compression
* dynamics of linear combinations: Tracking 3D Skeletons of Human Subjects, The
* Edge-preserving tomographic reconstruction with nonlocal regularization
* Effects of spectral response function on surface reflectance and NDVI measured with moderate resolution satellite sensors
* Eigenspaces For Graphs
* Elastica with Hinges
* Entropy-Controlled Artificial Anisotropic Diffusion for the Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws Based on Algorithms from Image Processing
* External versus Internal Parameterizations for Lengths of Curves with Nonuniform Samplings
* Extracting medial curves on 3D images
* Extraction of dominant points by estimation of the contour fluctuations
* Face recognition using kernel principal component analysis
* Fan Clouds: An Alternative to Meshes
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for 2D/3D Panorama Ultrasound Data, A
* Fast JPEG huffman encoding and decoding
* Finding The Beat: An Analysis Of The Rhythmic Elements Of Motion Pictures
* Finite difference time domain (FDTD) analysis of optical pulse responses in biological tissues for spectroscopic diffused optical tomography
* Flat Morphological Operatorson Arbitrary Power Lattices
* Force Field Energy Functionals for Image Feature Extraction
* Framework for Automatic Recognition of Spatial Features from Mobile Mapping Imagery, A
* From Digital Plane Segmentation to Polyhedral Representation
* Fully Global Approach to Image Segmentation via Coupled Curve Evolution Equations, A
* Gaussian mixture parameter estimation with known means and unknown class-dependent variances
* genetic approach to limited data tomographic reconstruction of time-resolved energy spectrum of short-pulsed neutron sources, A
* Geodesic Active Regions: A New Framework to Deal with Frame Partition Problems in Computer Vision
* Geometric Probing of Dense Range Data
* Geometric Structure and Randomness in Texture Analysis and Synthesis
* ground truth based vanishing point detection algorithm, A
* How to measure the pose robustness of object views
* Hybrid Image Alignment System for Fast and Precise Pattern Localization, A
* Hyperfigures and Their Interpretations
* image intellectual property protection scheme for gray-level images using visual secret sharing strategy, An
* Image Recovery via Diffusion Tensor and Time-Delay Regularization
* Impact of tracking system knowledge on multi-sensor 3D triangulation
* Improving Performance of Similarity-Based Clustering by Feature Weight Learning
* Initialization, noise, singularities, and scale in height ridge traversal for tubular object centerline extraction
* Interactive Optimization of 3D Shape and 2D Correspondence Using Multiple Geometric Constraints via POCS
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: II. Role of boundary conditions
* Inverse Quantization for Resolution Conversion
* Investigating Anytime Algorithms for Future Distance Warning Systems
* Iterative Hillclimbing Algorithm for Discrete Optimization on Images: Application to Joint Encoding of Image Transform Coefficients, An
* Iterative Procrustes alignment with the EM algorithm
* k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, A
* Learning good prototypes for classification using filtering and abstraction of instances
* Lines as the Fundamental Unit of Vision
* Machine vision methods and system for boundary point-based comparison of patterns and images
* Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
* Measuring similarity between pixel signatures
* Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion I: Regular Points
* Medial Set, Boundary, and Topology of Random Point Sets
* Method, apparatus and computer program product for generating perspective corrected data from warped information
* Model-based recognition of articulated objects
* Modified product fusion
* Monotonicity Enhancing Nonlinear Diffusion
* Morphological Texture Analysis Using Optimization of Structuring Elements
* Motion Detection From Time-varied Background
* Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation: Model Selection and Reliability Evaluation
* MRF clustering for segmentation of color images
* Multi-resolution form of SVD for text-independent speaker recognition
* Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter
* Multifocus image fusion using artificial neural networks
* Multigrid Convergence and Surface Area Estimation
* multiple circular path convolution neural network system for detection of mammographic masses, A
* Multiscale skeletons by image foresting transform and its application to neuromorphometry
* new approach to edge detection, A
* New Approach to Identify Big Rocks with Applications to the Mining Industry, A
* New Class of Morphological Pyramids for Multiresolution Image Analysis, A
* New improvements to range image segmentation by edge detection
* Nice Perspective Projections
* Nontexture Inpainting by Curvature-Driven Diffusions
* Note on the Number of Solutions of the Noncoplanar P4P Problem, A
* O(N^3/log N) backprojection algorithm for the 3-D radon transform
* Objective Evaluation Criteria for 2D-Shape Estimation Results of Moving Objects
* On a Higher-Order Neural Network for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition
* On deformable models for visual pattern recognition
* On distributing the clustering process
* On Projection Matrices P^k, -> P^2, k=,3..., 6, and their Applications in Computer Vision
* Optimal Parameter Height Ridges
* Optimal Rate Allocation for Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable Video Coding
* Optimal reference subset selection for nearest neighbor classification by tabu search
* Ordinal-Measure Based Shape Correspondence
* Orientation Diffusion or How to Comb a Porcupine
* Overcoming Superstrictness in Line Drawing Interpretation
* Overview of the MPEG-7 Standard and of Future Challenges for Visual Information Analysis
* Performance Measures For Assessing Contour Trackers
* Polygon Decomposition Based on the Straight Line Skeleton
* Practical Approach For 3d Building Modeling From Uncalibrated Video Sequences, A
* Probabilistic Tracking with Exemplars in a Metric Space
* Quantification of the Spatial Distributionof Line Segments with Applications to CAD of Chest X-Ray CT Images
* Quantitative Depth Recovery from Time-Varying Optical Flow in a Kalman Filter Framework
* Ratio model serves suprathreshold color luminance discrimination
* Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Learning
* Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
* Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration
* Recognition of human gestures and behaviour based on motion trajectories
* Reconstruction of 3D Space Structure with a Rotational Imaging System
* Reconstruction of Planar Surfaces Behind Occlusions in Range Images
* Reestablishing Consistency of Uncertain Geometric Relations in Digital Images
* Retrieval by classification of images containing large manmade objects using perceptual grouping
* Root Images of Median Filters: Semi-topological Approach
* Scale-Based Corner Extraction of a Contour Figure Using a Crystalline Flow
* Scale-based diffusive image filtering preserving boundary sharpness and fine structures
* Scheme for Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion Filtering with Optimized Rotation Invariance, A
* Segmentation and Content-Based Watermarking for Color Image and Image Region Indexing and Retrieval
* Selection of Marr Prize and Honourable Mentions at ICCV'01
* Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts
* Shape Recovery by Diffusion Generated Motion
* Space of All Stereo Images, The
* Special Issue on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
* Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics
* Speech driven lip synthesis using viseme based hidden markov models
* Stand-Alone Objective Segmentation Quality Evaluation
* statistic approach to the detection of human faces in color nature scene, A
* statistical analysis of dynamic curves and sections, The
* Statistical image reconstruction for polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography
* Structure and Motion Estimation from Apparent Contours under Circular Motion
* Structure from Motion Causally Integrated Over Time
* Sub-vector Weighting Scheme For Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback, A
* Superresolution in far-field imaging
* Support Vector Machines for Face Authentication
* Surface Evolution under Curvature Flows
* survey on off-line Cursive Word Recognition, A
* System and method for determining a level of similarity among more than one image and a segmented data structure for enabling such determination
* Texture Gradient Equation for Recovering Shape from Texture, The
* Theory of quantitative phase-contrast computed tomography
* Three-dimensional face identification system
* Tip/tilt estimation from defocused images
* Topological Analysis and Characterization of Discrete Scalar Fields
* Topology Correction in Brain Cortex Segmentation Using a Multiscale, Graph-Based Algorithm
* Total Variation Denoising and Enhancement of Color Images Based on the CB and HSV Color Models
* Toward Automatic Simulation of Aging Effects on Face Images
* Unifying Quantitative, Semi-quantitative and Qualitative Spatial Relation Knowledge Representations Using Mathematical Morphology
* universal image quality index, A
* Using Invariant Image Features for Synchronization in Spread Spectrum Image Watermarking
* Using MPEG-7 at the Consumer Terminal in Broadcasting
* Using reflectance models for color scanner calibration
* Variational Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Arising in Image Processing
* Video Segmentation Using Fast Marching and Region Growing Algorithms
* Visual motion based behavior learning using hierarchical discriminant regression
* Visualizing Topography by Openness: A New Application of Image Processing to Digital Elevation Models
* Volume image registration by cross-entropy optimization
* Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based Off-Line Cursive Script Recognition
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