Nevado, F.[Francisco]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation of Bilingual Corpora: A Comparison of Different Techniques
Nevalainen, J.[Jouni]
Co Author Listing * Quasi-)Real-Time Inversion of Airborne Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data via Artificial Neural Network
Nevalainen, O.
Co Author Listing * Geometric And Reflectance Signature Characterization Of Complex Canopies Using Hyperspectral Stereoscopic Images From UAV And Terrestrial Platforms
* Hyperspectral lidar in non-destructive 4D monitoring of climate variables
* Incidence Angle Dependency of Leaf Vegetation Indices from Hyperspectral Lidar Measurements
* Individual Tree Detection and Classification with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Investigating Bi-Temporal Hyperspectral Lidar Measurements from Declined Trees: Experiences from Laboratory Test
* Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR and Optical Satellite Images in Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
* Tree Species Classification of Drone Hyperspectral and RGB Imagery with Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks
* Using Multitemporal Hyper- and Multispectral UAV Imaging for Detecting Bark Beetle Infestation on Norway Spruce
Includes: Nevalainen, O. Nevalainen, O.[Olli]
8 for Nevalainen, O.
Nevalainen, O.S.
Co Author Listing * Clustering by a parallel self-adaptive genetic algorithm
* Compression of Binary Images by Composite Methods Based on Block Coding
* Computing relative neighbourhood graphs in the plane
* Fast Exact GLA Based on Code Vector Activity Detection, A
* Feature learning with a genetic algorithm for fluorescence fingerprinting of plant species
* Iterative Split-And-Merge Algorithm for Vector Quantization Codebook Generation
* new iterative algorithm for VQ codebook generation, A
* On the design of a hierarchical BTC-VQ compression system
* On the Splitting Method for Vector Quantization Codebook Generation
* TABU Search Algorithm for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization
* Variable quality image compression system based on SPIHT
Includes: Nevalainen, O.S. Nevalainen, O.S.[Olli S.]
11 for Nevalainen, O.S.
Nevalainen, P.[Paavo]
Co Author Listing * Arctic Soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Type Recognition Based on Aerial Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Topographical Data
* Comprehensive Study of Clustering-Based Techniques for Detecting Abnormal Vessel Behavior, A
* Detecting Terrain Stoniness From Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Estimating the Rut Depth by UAV Photogrammetry
* Localization in Unstructured Environments: Towards Autonomous Robots in Forests with Delaunay Triangulation
* Navigation and Mapping in Forest Environment Using Sparse Point Clouds
Nevarez Martinez, M.O.[Manuel Otilio]
Co Author Listing * Temporal Variability of Oceanic Mesoscale Events in the Gulf of California
Includes: Nevarez Martinez, M.O.[Manuel Otilio] Nevárez-Martínez, M.O.[Manuel Otilio]
Nevarez, M.[Mitzy]
Co Author Listing * Nose bug egg geometric structure segmentation with anisotropic filtering and edge enhancement
Nevas, S.
Co Author Listing * Impact of Improved Calibration of a NEO HySpex VNIR-1600 Sensor on Remote Sensing of Water Depth
Nevatia, R.[Ram]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Nevatia, R.[Ram]: nevatia AT usc edu
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Surface Descriptions
* 3D Descriptions of Buildings from an Oblique View Aerial Image
* 3D Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Motion Templates
* 3D tracking of human locomotion: a tracking as recognition approach
* Abstraction hierarchy and self annotation update for fine grained activity recognition
* Accurate person tracking through changing poses for multi-view action recognition
* Action recognition in cluttered dynamic scenes using Pose-Specific Part Models
* ACTIVE: Activity Concept Transitions in Video Event Classification
* Activity Driven Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Activity recognition and prediction with pose based discriminative patch model
* AMC: Attention Guided Multi-modal Correlation Learning for Image Search
* Automatic and Interactive Modeling of Buildings in Urban Environments from Aerial Images
* Automatic Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* Automatic Concept Discovery from Parallel Text and Visual Corpora
* Automatic Description of Buildings with Complex Rooftops from Multiple Images
* Automatic description of complex buildings from multiple images
* Automatic Description of Complex Buildings with Multiple Images
* Automatic Integration of Facade Textures into 3D Building Models with a Projective Geometry Based Line Clustering
* Automatic pose estimation of complex 3D building models
* Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a Video Sequence
* Bayesian Framework for Video Surveillance Application
* Bayesian human segmentation in crowded situations
* Beyond Pedestrians: A Hybrid Approach of Tracking Multiple Articulating Humans
* Body Part Detection for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Boundary Detection in Range Pictures
* Building Detection and Description from a Monocular Image
* Building Detection and Description from a Single Intensity Image
* Buildings Detection and Description from Monocular Aerial Images
* CaesarNeRF: Calibrated Semantic Representation for Few-shot Generalizable Neural Rendering
* CAILA: Concept-Aware Intra-Layer Adapters for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Camera Calibration from Video of a Walking Human
* Car Detection in Low Resolution Aerial Images
* CAT-NeRF: Constancy-Aware Tx2Former for Dynamic Body Modeling
* Characterization and Requirements of Computer vision Systems
* Classification of Edges for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* CLEAR'07 Evaluation of USC Human Tracking System for Surveillance Videos
* Cluster Boosted Tree Classifier for Multi-View, Multi-Pose Object Detection
* Color Edge Detector and Its Use in Scene Segmentation, A
* Color Edge Detector, A
* Combined face-body tracking in indoor environment
* Computer Analysis of Scenes of 3-D Curved Objects
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Southern California
* Computing Volume Descriptions from Sparse 3-D Data
* Conditional Bayesian networks for action detection
* Constraints for Interpretation of Line Drawings under Perspective Projection
* Constraints for Interpretation of Perspective Images
* Correcting Matches and Inferring Surface Patches in Passive Stereo
* Coupled Hidden Semi Markov Models for Activity Recognition
* CPARR: Category-based Proposal Analysis for Referring Relationships
* CTAP: Complementary Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Curriculum DeepSDF
* Deep, Landmark-Free FAME: Face Alignment, Modeling, and Expression Estimation
* Depth Measurement by Motion Stereo
* Describing and Segmenting Scenes from Imperfect and Incomplete Data
* Describing Natural Textures
* Description and Recognition of Curved Objects
* Description and Tracking of Moving Articulated Objects
* Description of 3-D Surfaces Using Curvature Properties
* Description of Surfaces from Range Data
* Description of Surfaces from Range Data using Curvature Properties
* Descriptions of Complex Objects from Incomplete and Imperfect Data
* Detecting Buildings in Aerial Images
* Detecting Changes in Aerial Views of Man-Made Structures
* Detecting Moving Objects from a Moving Platform
* Detecting Runways in Aerial Images
* Detecting Runways in Complex Airport Scenes
* Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Detection and Segmentation of Multiple, Partially Occluded Objects by Grouping, Merging, Assigning Part Detection Responses
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Vehicles in Crowded Scenes
* Detection and Tracking of Multiple Humans with Extensive Pose Articulation
* Detection and Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet based Part Detectors
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Images
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Views of Aerial Scenes Using Perceptual Grouping and Shadows
* Detection of Buildings in Aerial Images Using Shape and Shadows
* Detection of Buildings Using Perceptual Groupings and Shadows
* Detection of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans in a Single Image by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet Part Detectors
* DISCOVER: Discovering Important Segments for Classification of Video Events and Recounting
* Dynamic Human Pose Estimation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Dynamics Based Trajectory Segmentation for UAV videos
* Edge Based System for Detecting Buildings in Aerial Images, An
* Efficient Detector Adaptation for Object Detection in a Video
* Efficient Feature Distillation for Zero-shot Annotation Object Detection
* Efficient incremental learning of boosted classifiers for object detection
* Efficient Inference with Multiple Heterogeneous Part Detectors for Human Pose Estimation
* Efficient Parallel Processing in High Level Vision
* Efficient scan-window based object detection using GPGPU
* Evaluating multimedia features and fusion for example-based event detection
* Evaluation of a Simplified Hueckel Edge-Line Detector
* Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams
* Every Pixel Counts ++: Joint Learning of Geometry and Motion with 3D Holistic Understanding
* Every Pixel Counts: Unsupervised Geometry Learning with Holistic 3D Motion Understanding
* Expandable bayesian networks for 3D object description from multiple views and multiple mode inputs
* Exploring deep learning based solutions in fine grained activity recognition in the wild
* ExpNet: Landmark-Free, Deep, 3D Facial Expressions
* Extensive articulated human detection by voting Cluster Boosted Tree
* Extraction and integration of window in a 3D building model from ground view images
* Face and Body Association for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Face recognition using deep multi-pose representations
* FacePoseNet: Making a Case for Landmark-Free Face Alignment
* Forecasting Human Pose and Motion with Multibody Dynamic Model
* From an Intensity Image to 3-D Segmented Descriptions
* From Sparse 3-D Data Directly to Volumetric Shape Descriptions
* Gait Recognition Using 3-D Human Body Shape Inference
* Generalized Cone Descriptions from Sparse 3-D Data
* Generalizing Over Aspect and Location for Rooftop Detection
* Global data association for multi-object tracking using network flows
* Graphical framework for action recognition using temporally dense STIPs
* Hierarchical abnormal event detection by real time and semi-real time multi-tasking video surveillance system
* Hierarchical Multi-Channel Hidden Semi Markov Graphical Models for Activity Recognition
* Hierarchical Multi-channel Hidden Semi Markov Models
* High Accuracy Model Matching for Scenes Containing Man-Made Structures
* High performance object detection by collaborative learning of Joint Ranking of Granules features
* How does person identity recognition help multi-person tracking?
* Human Action Recognition Using a Dynamic Bayesian Action Network with 2D Part Models
* Human detection by searching in 3d space using camera and scene knowledge
* Human Pose Tracking in Monocular Sequence Using Multilevel Structured Models
* Human Pose Tracking Using Multi-level Structured Models
* Image Segmentation
* Image Set Classification via Template Triplets and Context-Aware Similarity Embedding
* Image Understanding Systems and Industrial Applications
* Improving Object Detection and Attribute Recognition By Feature Entanglement Reduction
* Improving Part based Object Detection by Unsupervised, Online Boosting
* Improving Weakly Supervised Scene Graph Parsing through Object Grounding
* Including Interaction in an Automated Modelling System
* Indoor Navigation without a Specific Map
* Inferring Shape from Contour for Curved Surfaces
* Integrating component cues for human pose tracking
* Integrating ground and aerial views for urban site modeling
* Inter-camera Association of Multi-target Tracks by On-Line Learned Appearance Affinity Models
* Interactive 3D building modeling using a hierarchical representation
* Issues In Parallel Tree Search for Object Recognition
* Issues in Shape Description and an Approach for Working with Sparse Data
* Key Object Driven Multi-category Object Recognition, Localization and Tracking Using Spatio-temporal Context
* Knowledge Aided Consistency for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
* Knowledge-Based Automatic Feature Extraction
* Knowledge-Based Building Detection and Description: 1997-1998
* Large Language Models are Good Prompt Learners for Low-Shot Image Classification
* Large-scale event detection using semi-hidden markov models
* Large-scale web video event classification by use of Fisher Vectors
* Learning 3D action models from a few 2D videos for view invariant action recognition
* Learning Action Concept Trees and Semantic Alignment Networks from Image-Description Data
* Learning affinities and dependencies for multi-target tracking using a CRF model
* Learning neighborhood cooccurrence statistics of sparse features for human activity recognition
* Learning Pose-Aware Models for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
* Learning to associate: HybridBoosted multi-target tracker for crowded scene
* Left-Luggage Detection using Bayesian Inference
* LEGO: Learning Edge with Geometry all at Once by Watching Videos
* Leveraging Task-Specific Pre-Training to Reason across Images and Videos
* Linear Feature Extraction
* Linear Feature Extraction and Description
* Local-Global Landmark Confidences for Face Recognition
* Locating Object Boundaries in Textured Environments
* Locating Structures in Aerial Images
* MAC: Mining Activity Concepts for Language-Based Temporal Localization
* Machine Perception
* Matching Images Using Linear Features
* Matching in 2-D and 3-D
* Matching Linear Features of Images and Maps
* Matching of Natural Terrain Scenes
* Method for Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation, A
* Model Registration and Validation
* Model Validation for Change Detection
* Model-Based Approach for Multi-View Complex Building Description, A
* Model-Based Vehicle Segmentation Method for Tracking, A
* Modeling 3-D Complex Buildings With User Assistance
* Monocular Human Pose Tracking Using Multi Frame Part Dynamics
* Motion-Appearance Co-memory Networks for Video Question Answering
* MSRC: multimodal spatial regression with semantic context for phrase grounding
* Multi class boosted random ferns for adapting a generic object detector to a specific video
* Multi-Agent Event Recognition
* multi-scale cascade fully convolutional network face detector, A
* Multi-state Discriminative Video Segment Selection for Complex Event Classification
* Multi-target tracking by on-line learned discriminative appearance models
* Multi-Target Tracking by Online Learning a CRF Model of Appearance and Motion Patterns
* Multi-target tracking by online learning of non-linear motion patterns and robust appearance models
* Multiple pose context trees for estimating human pose in object context
* Multiple Target Tracking by Learning-Based Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Multisensor Integration for Building Modeling
* MURI Project for Rapid Feature Extraction in Urban Areas, The
* NOTE-RCNN: NOise Tolerant Ensemble RCNN for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* online learned CRF model for multi-target tracking, An
* Online Learned Discriminative Part-Based Appearance Models for Multi-human Tracking
* Online, Real-time Tracking and Recognition of Human Actions
* Ontology for Video Event Representation, An
* OPEN: Order-preserving Pointcloud Encoder Decoder Network for Body Shape Refinement
* Optimizing discrimination-efficiency tradeoff in integrating heterogeneous local features for object detection
* Parallel Linear Feature Extraction
* Parallel Processing for Spatial Grouping and Matching
* Part-Based 3D Descriptions of Complex Objects from a Single Image
* PatchZero: Defending against Adversarial Patch Attacks by Detecting and Zeroing the Patch
* Pedestrian Detection in Infrared Images based on Local Shape Features
* Pedestrian Tracking by Associating Tracklets using Detection Residuals
* Perception of 3-D Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Perceptual Grouping for the Detection and Description of Structures in Aerial Images
* Perceptual Grouping with Applications to 3D Shape Extraction
* Perceptual Organization for Scene Segmentation and Description
* Perceptual Organization for Segmentation and Description
* PIRC Net: Using Proposal Indexing, Relationships and Context for Phrase Grounding
* Pose based activity recognition using Multiple Kernel learning
* Pose Estimation of Multi-Part Curved Objects
* Pose Filter Based Hidden-CRF Models for Activity Detection
* ProNet: Learning to Propose Object-Specific Boxes for Cascaded Neural Networks
* Quasi-Invariant Properties and 3-D Shape Recovery of Non-Straight, Non-Constant Generalized Cylinders
* Query-Guided Regression Network with Context Policy for Phrase Grounding
* Real Time Body Pose Tracking in an Immersive Training Environment
* Real-Time 3D Body Pose Tracking from Multiple 2D Images
* Recent Advances in Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Images
* ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation
* Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation Using Functionality
* Recognition and Segmentation of 3-D Human Action Using HMM and Multi-class AdaBoost
* Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions
* Recovering Building Structures from Stereo
* Recovering LSHGCs and SHGCs from Stereo
* Recovering Shape from Contour for Constant Cross Section Generalized Cylinders
* Recovering Shape from Contour for SHGCs and CGCs
* Recovery of 3-D Objects with Multiple Curved Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Recovery of Three-Dimensional Shape of Curved Objects from a Single Image
* Representation and Computation of the Spatial Environment for Indoor Navigation
* Representation and Optimal Recognition of Human Activities
* Robust Adaptive Classifier for Detector Adaptation in a Video, A
* Robust camera calibration tool for video surveillance camera in urban environment
* Robust multi-pose face tracking by multi-stage tracklet association
* Robust multi-view car detection using unsupervised sub-categorization
* Robust Object Tracking based on Detection with Soft Decision
* Robust Object Tracking by Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Robust Object Tracking Using Constellation Model with Superpixel
* Scene Segmentation and Volumetric Descriptions of SHGCs from a Single Intensity Image
* SEAS: ShapE-Aligned Supervision for Person Re-Identification
* Segment-based models for event detection and recounting
* Segment-Based Stereo Matching
* Segmentation and 3-D Recovery of Curved-Axis Generalized Cylinders from an Intensity Image
* Segmentation and Description Based on Perceptual Organization
* Segmentation and Recovery of SHGCS from a Real Intensity Image
* Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Complex Situations
* Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments
* Segmentation of multiple, partially occluded objects by grouping, merging, assigning part detection responses
* Segmentation of objects in a detection window by Nonparametric Inhomogeneous CRFs
* Segmented Description of 3-D Surfaces
* Self-calibration of a camera from video of a walking human
* Semantic Aware Video Transcription Using Random Forest Classifiers
* Semi-automated 3-D Building Extraction from Stereo Imagery
* Shape Descriptions from Imperfect and Incomplete Data
* Shape from Contour: Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cones
* Shape From Contour: Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and Constant Cross-Section Generalized Cylinders
* ShARc: Shape and Appearance Recognition for Person Identification In-the-wild
* SimPLE: Similar Pseudo Label Exploitation for Semi-Supervised Classification
* Simultaneous inference of activity, pose and object
* Simultaneous Object Detection and Segmentation by Boosting Local Shape Feature based Classifier
* Simultaneous tracking and action recognition for single actor human actions
* Single View Human Action Recognition using Key Pose Matching and Viterbi Path Searching
* SPAN: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Image Manipulation Localization
* Speed Performance Improvement of Vehicle Blob Tracking System
* Steps Toward Accurate Stereo Correspondence
* Stereo Error Detection, Correction, and Evaluation
* Stochastic human segmentation from a static camera
* Structural Analysis of Natural Textures
* Structural Description of Natural Textures
* Structural Texture Analysis Applications
* Structured Description of Complex Objects
* Surface Segmentation and Description from Curvature Features
* Surveillance and Monitoring Using Video Images from a UAV
* Symbolic Representation: USC IU System
* System for Building Detection from Aerial Images, A
* systems level approach to perimeter protection, A
* Tag-based video retrieval by embedding semantic content in a continuous word space
* TALL: Temporal Activity Localization via Language Query
* Temporal Shift and Attention Modules for Graphical Skeleton Action Recognition
* Three-Dimensional Descriptions Based on the Analysis of the Invariant and Quasi-Invariant Properties of Some Curved-Axis Generalized Cylinders
* Three-Dimensional Part-Based Descriptions from a Real Intensity Image
* Tracking Multiple Humans in Complex Situations
* Tracking multiple humans in crowded environment
* Tracking of Multiple Humans in Meetings
* Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans based on Static Body Part Detection
* TURN TAP: Temporal Unit Regression Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* Uncertain Reasoning and Learning for Feature Grouping
* Unsupervised incremental learning for improved object detection in a video
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1988-89
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1992-1993
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1993-1994
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1994-1995
* USC RADIUS Related Research: An Overview
* Use of Cues from Range Data for Automatic Building Modeling
* Use of Monocular Groupings and Occlusion Analysis in a Hierarchical Stereo System
* User Assisted Modeling of Buildings
* User Assisted Modeling of Buildings from Aerial Images
* User interactive multiple aerial view analysis for reconstructing a large number of 3D architectural models
* Using Generic Knowledge in Analysis of Aerial Scenes: A Case Study
* Using Perceptual Organization to Extract 3-D Structures
* Using Symmetries for Analysis of Shape from Contour
* Utilizing Every Image Object for Semi-supervised Phrase Grounding
* Vehicle detection from low quality aerial LIDAR data
* VEIL: Combining Semantic Knowledge with Image Understanding
* VERL: An Ontology Framework for Representing and Annotating Video Events
* Video event classification with temporal partitioning
* Video Object Grounding Using Semantic Roles in Language Description
* Video segmentation and feature co-occurrences for activity classification
* Video Segmentation Descriptors for Event Recognition
* Video segmentation with spatio-temporal tubes
* Video-based event recognition: activity representation and probabilistic recognition methods
* View and scale invariant action recognition using multiview shape-flow models
* Visual Inspection Using Linear Features
* Visual Semantic Role Labeling for Video Understanding
* Visually Indicated Sound Generation by Perceptually Optimized Classification
* Volumetric Descriptions from a Single Intensity Image
* Zero-Shot Grounding of Objects From Natural Language Queries
Includes: Nevatia, R.[Ram] Nevatia, R. Nevatia, R.[Ramakant]
308 for Nevatia, R.
Nevavuori, P.[Petteri]
Co Author Listing * Crop Yield Prediction Using Multitemporal UAV Data and Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Models