* 3D Brain surface matching based on geodesics and local geometry
* 3D Curves Reconstruction Based on Deformable Models
* 3D Model-Based Tree Measurement from High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* 3D particle tracking using an active vision
* 3D reconstruction of free-formed line-like objects using NURBS representation
* 3D Scan-Based Wavelet Transform and Quality Control for Video Coding
* 3D shape recovery of complex objects from multiple silhouette images
* 3D target recognition based on projective invariant relationships
* abstract representation of geometric knowledge for object classification, An
* Accurate 3D image colour histogram transformation
* Active blobs: region-based, deformable appearance models
* Adaptive interpolation of images
* Adaptive Landweber method to deblur images
* Adaptive Resolution System for Distributed Surveillance
* Adaptive singular value decomposition in wavelet domain for image denoising
* Adaptive vector median filtering
* Adaptive Video Coding Control Scheme for Real-Time MPEG Applications, An
* Affine invariant descriptors for color images using Fourier series
* algorithm for fast adaptive image binarization with applications in radiotherapy imaging, An
* Analysis and architecture design of block-coding engine for EBCOT in JPEG 2000
* Analysis methods of CT-scan images for the characterization of the bone texture: First results
* Angle counts for isothetic polygons and polyhedra
* Ant colony search algorithms for optimal polygonal approximation of plane curves
* Application of spectral decomposition to compression and watermarking of 3D triangle mesh geometry
* Application of the ICI principle to window size adaptive median filtering
* Arithmetic errors in the sub-band FFT: derivation of error equations and simulation results
* Attribute bagging: improving accuracy of classifier ensembles by using random feature subsets
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using MPEG-4 Compliant Visual Features
* Automatic band selection for wavelet reconstruction in the application of defect detection
* Automatic classification of clustered microcalcifications by a multiple expert system
* Automatic extraction of human-recognizable shape and execution prototypes of handwritten characters
* Automatic focusing device
* Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
* Automatic Matching and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Free-Form Linear Features from Stereo Images
* Automatic Speechreading with Applications to Human-Computer Interfaces
* Automatic textual document categorization based on generalized instance sets and a metamodel
* Bandwidth-adjusted LPC analysis for robust speech recognition
* BAS: A Perceptual Shape Descriptor Based on the Beam Angle Statistics
* Bayesian Soft Classification for Sub-Pixel Analysis: A Critical Evaluation
* Bi-directional 2-D mesh representation for video object rendering, editing and superresolution in the presence of occlusion
* bin picking system based on depth from defocus, A
* Biological Image Restoration in Optical-Sectioning Microscopy Using Prototype Image Constraints
* Biologically inspired Cartesian and non-Cartesian filters for attentional sequences
* Bit vector architecture for computational mathematical morphology
* Block Adjustment of High-Resolution Satellite Images Described by Rational Functions
* Boosting neural network feature extraction by reduced accuracy activation functions
* Boundary filter design for multiwavelets
* Calibrated, Registered Images of an Extended Urban Area
* Calibration of the AIRS microwave instruments
* Camera with object recognition/data output
* Catchment areas of panoramic snapshots in outdoor scenes
* CFAR edge detector for polarimetric SAR images
* Choice of a 2-D causal autoregressive texture model using information criteria
* Choosing k for two-class nearest neighbour classifiers with unbalanced classes
* Class-Guided Building Extraction from Ikonos Imagery
* Classification by restricted random walks
* Classification of forms with handwritten fields by planar hidden Markov models
* Coalignment and synchronization of the AIRS instrument suite
* Color active shape models for tracking non-rigid objects
* Color constancy from physical principles
* Color Image Retrieval Using Multispectral Random Field Texture Model and Color Content Features
* Color quantization of compressed video sequences
* Colour image retrieval based on primitives of colour moments
* Colour Mathematical Morphology for Neural Image Analysis
* Combinational image watermarking in the spatial and frequency domains
* Combined Wavelet Video Coding and Error Control for Internet Streaming and Multicast
* Combining low-, high-level and empirical domain knowledge for automated segmentation of ultrasonic breast lesions
* common set of perceptual observables for grouping, figure-ground discrimination, and texture classification, A
* comparative study of curvature scale space and Fourier descriptors for shape-based image retrieval, A
* Comparing Texture Analysis Methods through Classification
* Comparison of AESA and LAESA search algorithms using string and tree-edit-distances
* Comparison of Fuzzy vs. Augmented-ISODATA Classification Algorithms for Cloud-Shadow Discriminationfrom Landsat Images, A
* Comparison of Multiepisode Video Summarisation Algorithms
* Comparison of three rough surface classifiers
* Comprehensive interest points based imaging mosaic
* Computer vision systems
* Computing approximate tree edit distance using relaxation labeling
* Constructing and training feed-forward neural networks for pattern classification
* Constructing Descriptive and Discriminative Nonlinear Features: Rayleigh Coefficients in Kernel Feature Spaces
* Constructing Facial Identity Surfaces for Recognition
* Content-based image copy detection
* Contextual Priming for Object Detection
* Contour-based handwritten numeral recognition using multiwavelets and neural networks
* Contraction kernels and combinatorial maps
* Coupling Dense and Landmark-Based Approaches for Non Rigid Registration
* Creation of Digital Terrain Models Using an Adaptive Lidar Vegetation Point Removal Process
* Data decomposition using independent component analysis with prior constraints
* DC coefficient restoration technique and its application to image coding
* Defect detection in textured surfaces using color ring-projection correlation
* Defining a target distinctness measure through a single-channel computational model of vision
* Deformotion: Deforming Motion, Shape Average and the Joint Registration and Approximation of Structures in Images
* Dempster-Shafer approach for recognizing machine features from CAD models, A
* Design and implementation of a fuzzy hardware structure for morphological color image processing
* Design considerations for generic grouping in vision
* Design of two-channel low-delay IIR nonuniform-division filter banks using L1 error criteria
* Detected motion classification with a double-background and a Neighborhood-based difference
* Detection and discrimination of texture modulations defined by orientation, spatial frequency, and contrast
* Detection of spectral signatures in multispectral MR images for classification
* Development and Real-Time Implementation of Auto White Balancing Scoring Algorithm
* direct algorithm for estimating land surface broadband albedos from MODIS imagery, A
* Directional Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Comparison Between Fuzzy Approaches
* Discovering cluster-based local outliers
* Distributed versus compartment models for PET receptor studies
* Document retrieval from compressed images
* Double-bagging: combining classifiers by bootstrap aggregation
* DREAM 2 S: Deformable Regions Driven by an Eulerian Accurate Minimization Method for Image and Video Segmentation
* Dry camera calibration for underwater applications
* DWT-based high-capacity blind video watermarking, invariant to geometrical attacks
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Dynamic selection and effective compression of key frames for video abstraction
* Effect of Training Strategies on Supervised Classification at Different Spatial Resolutions, The
* Effective Tracking Through Tree-Search
* Effects of thin metal outer case and top air gap on thermal IR images of buried antitank and antipersonnel land mines
* efficient approach for slant correction of handwritten Korean strings based on structural properties, An
* Efficient block-based video encoder embedding a Wiener filter for noisy video sequences
* efficient low-cost antialiasing method based on adaptive postfiltering, An
* efficient model order selection for PCA mixture model, An
* Eigenfilter approach for the design of variable fractional delay FIR and all-pass filters
* Embedding Color Watermarks in Color Images
* Enhancement algorithm for nonlinear context-based predictors
* Entropy-based dual-portal-to-3-DCT registration incorporating pixel correlation
* Error concealment for video transmission with dual multiscale markov random field modeling
* Error prevention and resilience of VQ encoded images
* Error resilience of multireference motion compensated prediction in video coding
* Error-resilient image and video transmission over the internet using unequal error protection
* Estimating the scene illumination chromaticity by using a neural network
* Estimation of 3D structure and motion from image corners
* Estimation of movement parameters of 3D textured surfaces using the autocorrelation function
* Evaluation of distance metrics for recognition based on non-negative matrix factorization
* Evaluation of statistical and multiple-hypothesis tracking for video traffic surveillance
* Experimental 3-D digital TV studio
* Experimental determination of object statistics from noisy images
* Extension of proposal of standards for intelligibility tests of Chinese speech: CDRT-tone
* Face recognition based on a group decision-making combination approach
* Facial expression recognition: A clustering-based approach
* Factors affecting the correlation coefficient template matching algorithm with application to real-time 2-D coronary artery MR imaging
* Fast adaptive algorithms and networks for class-separability features
* fast algorithm for level set-like active contours, A
* fast algorithm for the computation of axial moments and its application to the orthogonal fitting of curves, A
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Construction of Asymmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes, A
* Fast deformable matching of 3D images over multiscale nested subspaces. Application to atlas-based MRI segmentation
* Fast image thresholding by finding the zero(s) of the first derivative of between-class variance
* fast octagon-based search algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation
* Fast view interpolation of stereo images using image gradient and disparity triangulation
* Fast, iterative image reconstruction for MRI in the presence of field inhomogeneities
* Feature extraction based on the Bhattacharyya distance
* Feature fusion: parallel strategy vs. serial strategy
* Feature subset selection using a new definition of classifiability
* Features for robust face-based identity verification
* Finding optimal least-significant-bit substitution in image hiding by dynamic programming strategy
* Finding Perceptually Closed Paths in Sketches and Drawings
* Finding representative patterns with ordered projections
* Fingerprint indexing based on novel features of minutiae triplets
* Fingerprint matching by thin-plate spline modelling of elastic deformations
* First order Gaussian graphs for efficient structure classification
* Focusing Analysis of the Pinhole Photon Sieve: Individual Far-Field Model
* Footprint Sampling-based Motion Editing
* Foveation scalable video coding with automatic fixation selection
* Fractal analysis of tumor in brain MR images
* FractalNet: A biologically inspired neural network approach to fractal geometry
* Frame interpolation scheme using inertia motion prediction
* fully automatic method for the reconstruction of spectral reflectance curves by using mixture density networks, A
* Fusion algorithm for multisensor images based on discrete multiwavelet transform
* Fusion of multiple classifiers for intrusion detection in computer networks
* Fuzzy approach for color region extraction
* Fuzzy homogeneity and scale-space approach to color image segmentation
* GA-Based Image Restoration by Isophote Constraint Optimization
* General Discrete Contour Model in Two, Three, and Four Dimensions for Topology-Adaptive Multichannel Segmentation, A
* General multilayer perceptron demixer scheme for nonlinear blind signal separation
* General sweep mathematical morphology
* Generalized Mosaicing: High Dynamic Range in a Wide Field of View
* golden-block-based self-refining scheme for repetitive patterned wafer inspections, A
* Gradient-based polyhedral segmentation for range images
* Graph-Based Object Description for Information Retrieval in Digital Image and Video Libraries, A
* Greedy Algorithm for Decomposing Convex Structuring Elements, A
* grouping principle and four applications, A
* Growing support vector classifiers with controlled complexity
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on perceptual organization in computer vision
* guide tour of video watermarking, A
* Guiding Ziplock Snakes with a Priori Information
* Hidden Tree Markov Models for Document Image Classification
* hierarchy of the cocoons of a graph and its application to image segmentation, The
* High accuracy flashlight scene determination for shot boundary detection
* High performance 2D parallel block-filtering system for real-time imaging applications using the Sharc ADSP21060
* High speed associative memories for feature extraction and visualisation
* high-performance JPEG2000 architecture, A
* Human Body Model Acquisition and Tracking Using Voxel Data
* HVS-based adaptive coder for perceptually lossy image compression, An
* Hybrid Approach to the 3D High Precision Position Measurement and Particle Tracking in Human Cell Nuclei, A
* hybrid fingerprint matcher, A
* Hybrid global-local motion compensated frame interpolation for low bit rate video coding
* Hybrid inter- and intra-wavelet scale image restoration
* Iconic feature based nonrigid registration: the PASHA algorithm
* Identification of Bitmap Compression History: JPEG Detection and Quantizer Estimation
* iJADE surveillant: An intelligent multi-resolution composite neuro-oscillatory agent-based surveillance system
* Illuminant and gamma comprehensive normalisation in logRGB space
* Image alignment based on invariant features for palmprint identification
* Image enhancement and minutiae matching in fingerprint verification
* Image extraction in DCT domain
* Image restoration based on multiscale relationships of image structures
* Image retrieval based on perceptive weighted color blocks
* Image retrieval based on shape similarity by edge orientation autocorrelogram
* Image-based Inexpensive 3d Scanner, An
* improved branch and bound algorithm for feature selection, An
* Improved Facial-Feature Detection for AVSP via Unsupervised Clustering and Discriminant Analysis
* improved sequential method for principal component analysis, An
* Improvements on the Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Vectors
* Improving similarity measures of histograms using smoothing projections
* In-flight spectral calibration of the atmospheric infrared sounder
* Incorporating a measure of local scale in voxel-based 3-D image registration
* Influences of variable scales and activation functions on the performances of multilayer feedforward neural networks
* Information-theoretic learning for FAN network applied to eterokurtic component analysis
* integrated range-sensing, segmentation and registration framework for the characterization of intra-surgical brain deformations in image-guided surgery, An
* Integration of harmonic and analysis by synthesis coders
* Intermediate-level feature extraction in novel parallel environments
* Interpretive Tools for 3-D Structural Geological Modeling Part I: Bézier-Based Curves, Ribbons and Grip Frames
* Inversion of the sliding Fourier transform using only two frequency bins and its application to source separation
* Iris code generating device and iris identifying system
* Joint Audio-Visual Tracking Using Particle Filters
* JPEG compressed image retrieval via statistical features
* Kernel-based object tracking
* KGBR viewpointlighting ambiguity, The
* Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Detection Using Improved Change-Vector Analysis
* large database of graphs and its use for benchmarking graph isomorphism algorithms, A
* Layered 4D representation and voting for grouping from motion
* Layered coded vs. multiple description coded video over error-prone networks
* Learning fingerprint minutiae location and type
* Learning with progressive transductive support vector machine
* Lending A Helping Hand: Using Remote Sensing to Support the Response and Recovery Operations at the World Trade Center
* Length-speed ratio (LSR) as a characteristic for moving elements real-time classification
* Linear Pose Estimation from Points or Lines
* Linear transform for simultaneous diagonalization of covariance and perceptual metric matrix in image coding
* Local correlations, information redundancy, and sufficient pixel depth in natural images
* Log-polar wavelet energy signatures for rotation and scale invariant texture classification
* Lossless compression of video using temporal information
* Low computational cost improvements of the rate-distortion performance in MPEG-2 rate control
* Matching graphs by pivoting
* Material identification by surface reflection analysis in combination with bundle adjustment technique
* Measurement and analysis of brain deformation during neurosurgery
* medical image display and analysis group at the University of North Carolina: Reminiscences and Philosophy, The
* Merging parametric active contours within homogeneous image regions for MRI-based lung segmentation
* Message-based Cocktail Watermarking System, A
* Method and apparatus for detecting fade of image in a video signal
* Method and apparatus for image registration
* Method and apparatus for the processing of images
* Method for compiling an image database, an image database system, and an image data storage medium
* Method for segmenting medical images and detecting surface anomalies in anatomical structures
* Method of dealing with occlusion when tracking multiple objects and people in video sequences
* MOBSY: Integration of Vision and Dialogue in Service Robots
* Model-Based Conifer Canopy Surface Reconstruction from Photographic Imagery: Overcoming the Occlusion, Foreshortening, and Edge Effects
* Model-based detection, segmentation, and classification for image analysis using on-line shape learning
* Modeling Visual Patterns by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods
* modified Gabor filter design method for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* Modified JPEG Huffman coding
* modular and scalable architecture for PC-based real-time vision systems, A
* Motion compensated film restoration
* Motion compensation using backward prediction and prediction refinement
* Motion detection with nonstationary background
* Motion Pattern-Based Video Classification and Retrieval
* Moving-Talker, Speaker-Independent Feature Study, and Baseline Results Using the CUAVE Multimodal Speech Corpus
* MRF parameter estimation by an accelerated method
* Multi-scale texture classification from generalized locally orderless images
* multichannel watershed-based algorithm for supervised texture segmentation, A
* Multiple Motion Segmentation with Level Sets
* Multiresolution Compression and Visualization of Global Topographic Data
* Multiresolution permutation filter implementations based on acyclic connected graphs
* Multispectral image classification using wavelets: a simulation study
* multistage filtering technique to detect hazards on the ground plane, A
* Natural resonance-based feature extraction with reduced aspect sensitivity for electromagnetic target classification
* Near-lossless/lossless compression of error-diffused images using a two-pass approach
* Neural network based detection of local textile defects
* new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction, A
* new approach to optimize bandwidth reservation for real-time video transmission with deterministic guarantees, A
* New FPGA/DSP-Based Parallel Architecture for Real-Time Image Processing, A
* New Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints: Application to Mammography, A
* New irregular sampling coding method for transmitting images progressively
* new method for representing and matching shapes of natural objects, A
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding Using Adaptive Kalman Filter, A
* new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration, A
* new robust algorithm for video text extraction, A
* Nist Form-Based Handprint Recognition System (Release 2.2)
* Noise Adaptive Stream Weighting in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Noise-robust pitch detection method using wavelet transform with aliasing compensation
* Noisy logo recognition using line segment Hausdorff distance
* Non-rigid Body Interpolation Based On Generalized Morphologic Morphing
* Non-rigid registration using distance functions
* Noncombinatorial detection of regular repetitions under perspective skew
* Nonlinear filtering for phase image denoising
* Nonrigid brain registration: synthesizing full volume deformation fields from model basis solutions constrained by partial volume intraoperative data
* Nonrigid image registration: Guest editors' introduction
* Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with their application for hole detection
* novel line scan clustering algorithm for identifying connected components in digital images, A
* numerical algorithm for stable 2D autoregressive filter design, A
* Object-based image labeling through learning by example and multi-level segmentation
* Objective evaluation of video segmentation quality
* On Computing General Position Views of Data in Three Dimensions
* On stability of group fuzzy classification algorithms
* On the automatic assemblage of arbitrary broken solid artefacts
* On the geodesic paths approach to color image filtering
* On the Relationship between Face Movements, Tongue Movements, and Speech Acoustics
* On the use of interval arithmetic in geometric branch and bound algorithms
* On Using Functions to Describe the Shape
* One-class texture classifier in the CCR feature space
* Online training of support vector classifier
* Optimal decoding for watermarks subject to geometrical attacks
* Optimization Techniques For Assembly Planning Of Complex Models In Large-scale Virtual Environments
* Ordering Points for Incremental TIN Construction from DEMs
* Orthogonal discrete periodic Radon transform. Part I: theory and realization
* Orthogonal discrete periodic Radon transform. Part II: applications
* overview of the AIRS radiative transfer model, An
* Pairwise Markov Chains
* Palmprint recognition using eigenpalms features
* Parameterized quantization matrix adaptation for video encoding
* Path-based clustering for grouping of smooth curves and texture segmentation
* pattern reordering approach based on ambiguity detection for online category learning, A
* PCA-based branch and bound search algorithms for computing K nearest neighbors
* Pedestrian registration in static images with unconstrained background
* perceptive workbench: Computer-vision-based gesture tracking, object tracking, and 3D reconstruction for augmented desks, The
* Perceptual audio data concealment and watermarking scheme using direct frequency domain substitution
* Perceptual Image Indexing and Retrieval
* perceptual organization of texture flow: A contextual inference approach, The
* Perceptual User Interface In Virtual Shopping Environment
* Performance analysis of pattern classifier combination by plurality voting
* Personalized Face Animation In Showface System
* PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form deformations
* Phase retrieval by iterated projections
* Physiologically based modeling of 3-D vascular networks and CT scan angiography
* Poisson equation for image texture modelling, The
* Pose classification of human faces by weighting mask function approach
* Pose-invariant face recognition using a 3D deformable model
* Possibilistic and probabilistic fuzzy clustering: unification within the framework of the non-extensive thermostatistics
* Practical watermarking scheme based on wide spread spectrum and game theory
* Preface: Colour Image Processing and Analysis. First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision
* Prelaunch and in-flight radiometric calibration of the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS)
* Prelaunch spectral calibration of the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS)
* Premature clustering phenomenon and new training algorithms for LVQ
* Probabilistic Multimedia Retrieval Model and Its Evaluation, A
* Progressive Image Transmission in Telemicroscopy: A Quantitative Approach for Electron Microscopy Images of Biological Specimens
* Properties of embedding methods for similarity searching in metric spaces
* Providing VCR Functionality in Multicast Video-on-Demand Systems Using Adaptive Batching
* QoS-adaptive proxy caching for multimedia streaming over the Internet
* Quantitative comparison of FBP, EM, and bayesian reconstruction algorithms for the indyPET scanner
* Quantization from Bayes factors with application to multilevel thresholding
* Radar and Optical Data Comparison/Integration for Urban Delineation: A Case Study
* Radar and vision data fusion for hybrid adaptive cruise control on highways
* Range image reconstruction based on robust multiresolution estimation of surface parameters
* Range image segmentation using local approximation of scan lines with application to CAD model acquisition
* Rate control optimization in embedded wavelet coding
* Rational Functions and Potential for Rigorous Sensor Model Recovery
* Real-time adaptive filtering for projection reconstruction MR fluoroscopy
* Real-Time automated visual inspection of color tablets in pharmaceutical blisters
* Real-Time Eye, Gaze, and Face Pose Tracking for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
* Real-time foveation techniques for low bit rate video coding
* Real-time iterative framework of regularized image restoration and its application to video enhancement
* Real-Time Stereo within the VIDET Project
* Real-time thresholding with Euler numbers
* Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
* reconfigurable architecture for autonomous visual-navigation, A
* Reconstructing a textured CAD model of an urban environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
* Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Drosophila Genes Expression from Sets of Images Sharing a Common Pattern
* Redundant versus orthogonal wavelet decomposition for multisensor image fusion
* Refractive index estimation and color image rendering
* Region removal and restoration using a genetic algorithm with isophote constraint
* Regularized Laplacian Zero Crossings as Optimal Edge Integrators
* Relevance of multifractal textures in static images
* Remote Sensing Texture Analysis Using Multi-Parameter and Multi-Scale Features
* Removing Impulse Bursts from Images by Training-Based Filtering
* Representation and geometric computation using the extended Gaussian image
* Resolving handwriting from background printing using photometric stereo
* Retrieval by Local Motion
* Retrieval of translated, rotated and scaled color textures
* Retrieving Urban Objects Using a Wavelet Transform Approach
* Retrospective on Real-Time Imaging, a New Taxonomy and a Roadmap for the Future, A
* review of real-time segmentation of uncompressed video sequences for content-based search and retrieval, A
* Right-Angle Building Hypothesis Generation in Regularized Urban Areas by Pose Clustering
* Rigid and non-rigid 3D motion estimation from multiview image sequences
* Robust Computer Vision Theory and Applications
* Robust digital image watermarking method against geometrical attacks
* Robust Photometric Invariant Region Detection in Multispectral Images
* Robust Reconstruction of Building Models from Three-Dimensional Line Segments
* Robust stability of two-dimensional uncertain discrete systems
* ROC analysis of ultrasound tissue characterization classifiers for breast cancer diagnosis
* Role of Soft Classification Techniques in the Refinement of Estimates of Ground Control Point Location, The
* Rotation invariant texture classification using even symmetric Gabor filters
* Rotation-invariant texture classification
* Scale-orientation histogram for texture image retrieval
* Search the Audio, Browse the Video: A Generic Paradigm for Video Collections
* Security of digital entertainment content from creation to consumption
* Segmentation based compression for graylevel images
* Segmentation of brush strokes by saliency preserving dual graph contraction
* Segmentation of Microarray Images by Mathematical Morphology
* Segmentation of multiple salient closed contours from real images
* Segmentation using fuzzy divergence
* Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Content Using Visual, Audio, and Text Cues
* Semiautomated Building Extraction Based on CSG Model-Image Fitting
* Separation of Audio-Visual Speech Sources: A New Approach Exploiting the Audio-Visual Coherence of Speech Stimuli
* sequential pruning strategy for the selection of the number of states in hidden Markov models, A
* shape and image merging technique to solve jigsaw puzzles, A
* Shape based leaf image retrieval
* Shape classification using smooth principal components
* shape of handwritten characters, The
* shape-based approach to the segmentation of medical imagery using level sets, A
* Shooting a smooth video with a shaky camera
* Side-match tree-structured vector quantiser for image progressive coding
* Similarity learning for graph-based image representations
* simple mapping between Mth-band FIR filters using cosine modulation, A
* simple simultaneous geometric and intensity correction method for echo-planar imaging by EPI-based phase modulation, A
* Simple termination conditions for k-nearest neighbor method
* Single-pass Approach To Adaptive Simplification Of Out-of-core Models, A
* Single-reference near-field calibration procedure for step-frequency ground penetrating radar
* Sketches with curvature: The curve indicator random field and Markov processes
* Skew detection and correction in document images based on straight-line fitting
* Smooth constrained motion estimation for video coding
* Spatial coefficient partitioning for lossless wavelet image coding
* spatial wave-length analysis of coarseness or fineness of color variation in painting arts, A
* Spatially eigen-weighted Hausdorff distances for human face recognition
* Spatiotemporal video segmentation and motion estimation through irregular pyramids
* Special Issue on Image security: secure imaging--is it necessary?
* Specification of real-time imaging systems using the UML
* Statistical Lip-Appearance Models Trained Automatically Using Audio Information
* Statistical Methods to Partition Effects of Quantity and Location During Comparison of Categorical Maps at Multiple Resolutions
* Statisticalphysical model for foliage clutter in ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar images
* Steganalysis using image quality metrics
* steganographic method for images by pixel-value differencing, A
* Stereo matching and occlusion detection with integrity and illusion sensitivity
* stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration, A
* Stereoscopic Segmentation
* Stochastic pyramid revisited
* Strategy for Estimating the Rates of Recent United States Land-Cover Changes, A
* Structural change detection in a disturbed conifer forest using a geometric optical reflectance model in multiple-forward mode
* Structured-light, triangulation-based three-dimensional digitizer
* Subpixel Classifier for Urban Land-Cover Mapping Based on a Maximum-Likelihood Approach and Expert-System Rules, A
* subspace identification extension to the phase correlation method, A
* Summarizing Audiovisual Contents of a Video Program
* Support Vector Machine-Based Dynamic Network for Visual Speech Recognition Applications, A
* Suppressed fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
* Suppression of sampling moire in color printing by spline-based least-squares prefiltering
* Symmetric prefilters for multiwavelets
* Synergistic Fusion of GPS and Photogrammetrically Generated Elevation Models
* Synthesis of texture from clinical images
* System and method for selecting key-frames of video data
* System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship Structure, A
* System, method and article of manufacture for tracking a head of a camera-generated image of a person
* TASOM-based algorithm for active contour modeling, A
* Techniques for Mapping Suburban Sprawl
* Tele-Graffiti: A Camera-Projector Based Remote Sketching System with Hand-Based User Interface and Automatic Session Summarization
* test statistic in the complex Wishart distribution and its application to change detection in polarimetric SAR data, A
* Texture classification using wavelet transform
* Texture-Based Characterization of Urban Environments on Satellite SAR Images
* Theory of total-internal-reflection tomography
* Three dimensional orientation signatures with conic kernel filtering for multiple motion analysis
* Three-dimensional database of subcortical electrophysiology for image-guided stereotactic functional neurosurgery
* Threshold selection by clustering gray levels of boundary
* Topology preservation of template-based 6-subiteration reduction operations
* topology-preserving parallel 3D thinning algorithm for extracting the curve skeleton, A
* Towards automatic redeye effect removal
* Towards Robust Multi-Cue Integration for Visual Tracking
* Tracking regions of human skin through illumination changes
* Tracking the human arm using constraint fusion and multiple-cue localization
* Translation invariants of Zernike moments
* True Orthoimage Production for Forested Areas from Large-Scale Aerial Photographs
* Two-stage, least squares design of biorthogonal filter banks
* Unbalanced Multiple-Description Video Coding with Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Uncalibrated reconstruction: an adaptation to structured light vision
* Undesirable effects of output normalization in multiple classifier systems
* Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion compensated video over the internet
* unifying framework for partial volume segmentation of brain MR images, A
* Unsupervised segmentation of scenes containing vegetation (Forsythia) and soil by hierarchical analysis of bi-dimensional histograms
* Urban Growth Detection Using Texture Analysis on Merged Landsat TM and SPOT-P Data
* Use of depth and colour eigenfaces for face recognition
* Using attributed plex grammars for the generation of image and graph databases
* Using cross-ratios to model curve data for aircraft recognition
* Using simplicial partitions to determine a closest point to a query line
* Utilization of stereo disparity and optical flow information for the computer analysis of human interactions
* Validation indices for graph clustering
* Validation of nonrigid image registration using finite-element methods: application to breast MR images
* Vanishing point detection without any a priori information
* Variation of JPEG-LS to low cost rate control and its application in region-of-interest based coding
* Variational Restoration and Edge Detection for Color Images
* Vector SPIHT for embedded wavelet video and image coding
* Verification of AIRS boresight accuracy using coastline detection
* version of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for restoration of images degraded by Poisson noise, A
* View-dependent Rendering For Large Polygonal Models Over Networks
* Viewpoint independent face recognition by competition of the viewpoint dependent classifiers
* Virtual circles: a new set of features for fast image registration
* Visual cluster validity for prototype generator clustering models
* Visual cryptography for color images
* Visual enhancement of incised text
* Voxel-guided morphometry (VGM) and application to stroke
* Wavelet Packet Image Decomposition on MIMD Architectures
* Wood inspection with non-supervised clustering
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