Journals starting with arpa

ARPA94 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* Active Multibaseline Stereo System with Real-time Image Acquisition, An
* Active Visual Attention System to Play Where's Waldo, An
* Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System
* Adaptive Vergence for the Stereo Matching of Oblique Imagery
* Advances in Polarization Vision
* Algebraic Functions for Recognition
* Algorithms for Invariant Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction
* Analyzing the Probability of a False Alarm for the Hausdorff Distance Under Translation
* Applicability of Green's Theorem to Computation of Rate of Approach, The
* Appropriate-Scale Local Centers: A Foundation for Parts-Based Recognition
* Automated Registration for Visualization in Surgery
* Automating the Construction of Large Scale Virtual Worlds
* Autonomous Visual Control of a Mobile Robot
* Bayesian Corner Detector: Theory and Performance Evaluation, A
* Bayesian Regularization
* Binocular Stereo in the Presence of Specular Reflection
* CAD Model Acquisition using Binary Space Partitioning Trees
* Canonical Views, or the Stability and Likelihood of Images of 3D Objects
* Characterizing Natural Backgrounds for Target Detection
* Close-Loop Object Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Complete Navigation System for Goal Acquisition in Unknown Environments, A
* Computational Sensors for Global Operations
* Computer Vision at The Hebrew University
* Computing Swept Volumes for Sensor Planning Tasks
* Context Vector Approach to Image Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Curvature Segmentation from Multiple Illumination Using a Photometric Invariant
* Curved 3-D Object Description from Single Aerial Images Using Shadows
* Development of a Video-Rate Stereo Machine
* Document Understanding Research at Maryland
* Dynamic Attributes, Code Generation and the IUE
* Dynamic Energy Image with Applications, A
* Effect of Gaussian Error in Object Recognition, The
* Epipolar Curves on Surfaces
* Error Detection and Error Recovery in Two Dimensional Topological Navigation
* Error Propagation in 3D-from-2D Recognition: Scaled-Orthographic and Perspective Projections
* Example-Based Learning for View-Based Human Face Detection
* Expansion Matching of Multiple Templates in Complex Images
* Fast K-NN Search for Robust ATR Object Matching
* Feature Matching for Building Extraction from Multiple Views
* Fractal Based Classification of Natural Textures
* Framework for Segmentation Using Physical Models of Image Formation, A
* From Learning Objects to Learning Environments: Biological and Computational Neural Systems
* From Pictures to Words: Generating Locative Descriptions of Objects in an Image
* General Learning Algorithm for Robot Vision
* Generic, Model-Based Estimation and Detection of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Groundtruthing The RADIUS Model-Board Imagery
* Hard-Copy Benchmark Suite for Image Understanding in Manufacturing
* Image Descriptions for Browsing and Retrieval
* Image Feature Extraction on Connection Machine CM-5
* Image Registration without Explicit Point Correspondences
* Image Segmentation by Integration of Edge and Region Data: The Influence of Edge Detection Algorithms
* Image Stabilization by Registration to a Reference Mosaic
* Image Understanding at CMU
* Image Understanding at IIT
* Image Understanding Research at Columbia University
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Johns Hopkins
* Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Image Understanding Research at SRI International
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Utah
* Image Understanding Research at TI
* Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside
* Inference of Surfaces from Sparse 3-D Points
* Integrated Gradient Edge Detector -- Theory and Performance Evaluation, An
* Interactive Feature-Based Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Parts
* Invariants, Indexing, and Single View Recognition
* IU at the Honeywell Technology Center
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1993-94
* IUE Committee Report, The
* IUE Data Exchange: Status and Experiments
* Knowledge Representation for Computer Vision: The VEIL Project
* Learning Hand/Eye Coordination By an Active Observer
* Learning in Robot Vision Directed Reaching: A Comparison of Methods
* Learning Object Models From Visual Observation and Background Knowledge
* Learning System for Consolidated Recognition and Motion Analysis, A
* Learning to Navigate on a Graph
* Learning, Recognition and Navigation from a Sequence of Infrared Images
* Linear Solution for Multiframe Structure from Motion, A
* Lines and Points in Three Views: A Unified Approach
* Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
* Maryland Progress in Image Understanding
* Medusa Synthesized
* Method for Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation, A
* Methodology for Automatic Selection of IU Algorithm Tuning Parameters, A
* Model Validation for Change Detection
* Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition System for the UGV/RSTA Ladar
* Model-Based Edgel Aggregation
* Model-Based Recognition of Objects in Complex Scenes
* Model-Supported Exploitation as a Framework for Image Understanding
* MORSE: A 3D Object Recognition System Based on Geometric Invariants
* Motion Segmentation Using Convergence Properties
* Multiresolution Statistical Object Recognition
* Multiscale Image Segmentation Using a Recent Transform
* Neural Network Approach for Shape Description and Invariant Recognition, A
* Neural Network/Pyramid Architectures That Learn Target Context
* Next Generation Image Understanding Architecture, The
* Non-parametric Classification of Pixels Under Varying Outdoor Illumination
* Object Recognition by Alignment using Invariant Projections of Planar Surfaces of 3D Objects
* Object Recognition by Functional Parts
* Object to Multisensor Coregistration with Eight Degrees of Freedom
* Obstacle Detection Based on Partial 3D Reconstruction
* Obtaining Focused Images Using a Non-frontal Imaging Camera
* Optimal Edge-Detection in Two-Dimensional Images
* Optimization Methods For Estimating 3D Object Parameters
* Ordering Landmarks in a View
* Overview: Computer Vision Performance Characterization
* Part Decomposition and Description of 3D Shapes
* Perception of Linear Structure: A Generic Linker, The
* Performance Analysis of Depth Cues for Active Vision
* Performance Characterization Protocol in Computer Vision
* Physics-like Invariants for Vision
* Probabilities for Bayesian Networks in Vision
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts
* Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
* Progress on Vision through Learning at George Mason University
* Quadric Reference Surface: Theory and Applications, The
* Quick-Look: A New Way to Prioritize Imagery for Exploitation
* RADIUS Concept Definition Experiments
* RADIUS Phase II: The RADIUS Testbed System
* RADIUS Testbed Database: Issues and Design, The
* RADIUS: Site Model Content
* Real-time Scene Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
* Realtime Stereo and Motion Integration for Navigation
* Recognition of Nonrigid Motion
* Recognizing Human Facial Expressions
* Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition in the UGV/Demo II Program
* Recursive Filters For High Precision Computation of Focus, Stereo and Optical Flow
* Reinterpreting Physically-Motivated Modeling
* Report of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning and Computer Vision: What, Why and How?
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1993-1994
* Robot Task Programming by Human Demonstration
* Robotic Sensor-Motor Transformations
* Role of IU Technology in RADIUS Phase II, The
* RSTA on the Move
* Scale Decomposed Information Measure in Images, A
* Scenario-based Engineering Process for Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition
* Segmentation Characterization for Change Detection
* Sensing Strategies Based on Manufacturing Knowledge
* Sensor Planning and Coordination in Multiagent Systems
* Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams, A
* Shape Recovery from Multiple Views: A Parallax Based Approach
* Signal-to-Symbol Conversion for Structural Object Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Silhouette-based Structure and Motion Estimation of a Smooth Object
* Site Model Acquisition under the UMass RADIUS Project
* Site-Model-Based Monitoring of Aerial Images
* Software Library for Appearance Matching (SLAM)
* Spectral and Temporal Representations of Looming and Maneuvering Information
* Stealth Navigation: Planning and Behaviors
* Stellar Application of the IUE: Solar Feature Extraction, A
* Summary of Progress in FLIR/LADAR Fusion for Target Identification at Rockwell
* Surface Approximation of Complex 3-D Objects
* Surface Description of Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Survey of ATR Research and Development at HNC Software Inc.
* Target Detection Using Phase-Based Gabor Element Aggregation
* Target Recognition Using Multi-Scale Gabor Filters
* Task Driven Perceptual Organization for Extraction of Rooftop Polygons
* Terrain Reconstruction from Oblique Views
* Thermophysical Affine Invariants from IR Imagery for Object Recognition
* Three-Dimensional Part-Based Descriptions from a Real Intensity Image
* Top-Down Gaze Targeting for Space-Variant Active Vision
* Triangulation
* Triangulation without Correspondences
* Unified Framework to Recover 3-D Surfaces by Combining Image-Based and Externally-Supplied Constraints, A
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1993-1994
* Use of Collateral Text in Image Interpretation
* User-Centered Evaluation (UCE) Methods and Metrics
* Virtual Reality Modeling from a Sequence of Range Images
* Visual Collision Avoidance by Segmentation
* Visual Control of Grasping and Manipulation Tasks
* Visualization and Verification of Automatic Target Recognition Results Using Combined Range and Optical Imagery
* Weakly-Calibrated Stereo Perception for Rover Navigation
172 for ARPA94

ARPA96 * *Image Understanding Workshop
* 3D Curve Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras
* 3D Reconstruction Based on Homography Mapping
* Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System
* Affine Object Representations for Calibration-Free Augmented Reality
* Alignment and Tracking Using Graphics Hardware
* Application of the Scenario-Based Engineering Process to the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Project
* Approximate Hausdorff Matching Using Eigenspaces
* Automatic Model Construction for Object Recognition Using Inverse Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
* Bayesian Approach for the Segmentation of SAR Images Using Dynamically Selected Neighborhoods, A
* Buildings Detection and Description from Monocular Aerial Images
* Calibrated Imagery for Quantitative Evaluation of IU Classification, Pose-Estimation, and Stereo Algorithms
* Cartographic Applications of Model-Based Optimization
* Closed-Loop Visual Grasping and Manipulation
* Coalescing Texture Descriptors
* Color Channel Mixing in Learning from Appearance
* Complexity of Indexing: Efficient and Learnable Large Database Indexing
* Computational Theory of Canonical Views, A
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Washington
* Consistent Site Modeling: Imposing Hard Constraints on Deformable Models
* Constructing High-Precision Geometric Models from Sensed Position Data
* Context-Based Visual Hand Gesture Recognition
* Coregistering 3D Models, Range, and Optical Imagery Using Least-Median Squares Fitting
* Curvature Based Signatures for Object Description and Recognition
* Daedalus Battlefield Visualization System
* Database Support for Exploitation Image Understanding
* Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Sensor Planning
* Deformable Surface Reconstruction Coupled with Discontinuity Edge Detection
* Delayed Reinforcement Learning for Closed-Loop Object Recognition
* Design and Evaluation of a Semi-Automated Site Modeling System
* Detecting Changes in Aerial Views of Man-Made Structures
* Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Detection Performance Methodology
* Detection, Estimation and Aggregation of Three Major Types of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Determining the Probability of a False Positive When Matching Chains of Oriented Pixels
* Determining the Similarity of Geometric Models
* Face Verification for Real-Time Applications
* Flat Surface Reconstruction Using Minimal Sonar Readings
* Generalized Feature Extractor Using Expansion Matching and the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, A
* Generic, Model-Based Estimation and Detection of Peaks in Image Surfaces
* Geometric Analysis of Volume Images of the Bronchial and Vascular Trees
* Human-Centered Approach to UGV Navigation, A
* Iconic Representation and Recognition Using Affine-Invariant Spectral Signatures
* Image Retrieval and Robot Vision Research at Stanford
* Image Understanding Research at CMU: From Vision Science to Autonomous Systems
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Johns Hopkins
* Image Understanding Research at SRI International
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland: Video Surveillance and Tracking
* Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside: Robust Recognition of Objects in Real-World Scenes
* Imagery Exploitation Applications for Image Understanding
* Including Interaction in an Automated Modelling System
* Inference of Segmented, Volumetric Shape from Intensity Images
* Inference of Surfaces, 3D Curves and Junctions from Sparse 3D Data
* Integrated System for Site Model Supported Monitoring of Transportation Activities in Aerial Images, An
* Integrating Resampler and Efficient Image Warping, The
* Integration of Image Understanding Exploitation Algorithms in the RADIUS Testbed
* Interleaving 3D Model Feature Prediction and Matching to Suport Multi-Sensor Object Recognition
* IU at the University of Utah: Building 3-D Models from Sensed Data
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1994-95
* Knowledge Based Integration of IU Algorithms
* Learning an Object's Function by Observing the Object in Action
* Learning Grouping Strategies for 2D and 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Hierarchical Representations of Objects
* Learning Image Context for Improved Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Local Search as a Tool for Horizon Line Matching
* Lockheed Martin Report: Progress in Image Invariants Research--1995
* Machine Understanding of Human Action
* Memory-Based Recognition for 3-D Objects
* Merging Constraints to Plan Camera Positions and Parameters
* Mist Methodology and Its Application to Natural Scene Interpretation, The
* Model-Based and Context-Based Vision at SRI
* Model-Based Gaze Control
* Model-Based Recognition of Objects in Complex Scenes
* Model-Based SAR ATR System
* Model-Supported Exploitation of SAR Imagery
* Multi-Body Factorization Method for Motion Analysis, A
* Multiple Image Analysis at the Hebrew University: Motion, Structure, and Recognition
* Multiscale Region Detection
* Notebook Logmap Active Vision System, A
* Obstacle Avoidance via Depth from Focus
* On 3D Shape Synthesis
* On-Line Estimation Of Visual-Motor Models Using Active Vision
* Optical Linear Feature Detection Based on Model Pose
* Ordinal Representations of Visual Space
* Outdoor Landmark Recognition Using Segmentation, Fractal Model and Neural Network
* Overview of a Self-Adaptive ATR System via Context-Based Configuration and Control
* Parallel Algorithms for Linear Approximation on Distributed Memory Machines
* Parallel Implementations of Perceptual Grouping Tasks on Distributed Memory Machines
* Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vanishing Point Detection Techniques
* Performance Improvement by Input Adaption Using Modified Hebbian Learning
* Persistent Data Management for Visual Applications
* Physics-Based Segmentation: Looking Beyond Color
* Polarization Phase-Based Method for Material Classification and Object Recognition in Computer Vision
* Pose Estimation of Multi-Part Curved Objects
* Pose Refinement Using a Parameter Hierarchy
* Probabilistic Learning of Three-Dimensional Object Models
* Progress in Automated Virtual World Construction
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts
* Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
* Progress on Target and Terrain Recognition Research at Colorado State University
* Progress on the Fast Adaptive Target Detection Program
* Progress on Vision Through Learning
* Radius CDROM Ground Truthed Data Set, The
* Real-Time 100 Object Recognition System
* Real-Time Recognition and Visual Control: Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Recognition by Matching with Edge Location and Orientation
* Recognition of Articulated Objects in SAR Images
* Recognizing Blasting Caps in X-Ray Images
* Reflectance Modeling for Object Recognition and Detection in Outdoor Scenes
* Reinforcement Learning for Integrating Context with Clutter Models for Target Detection
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1994-1995
* Resolution and Accuracy of Stereo, Focus, and Shading Methods
* Robot Vision: Sketching Natural Scenes
* Robust Recovery of Camera Rotation from Three Frames
* Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
* RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform
* Scale Space Based Deformable Template Matching Algorithm, A
* Scale-Space Matching and Image Retrieval
* Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Sensing the Virtual World--Work in Progress
* Shape Description of Curved 3-D Objects for Aerial Surveillance
* Shape from Appearance: A Statistical Approach to Surface Shape Estimation
* Shape From Darkness Under Error
* Shape-Based Illustration Indexing and Retrieval: Some First Steps
* Site Model Construction Using Geometric Constrained Optimization
* Site-Model Construction Component of the RADIUS Testbed System, The
* Solving Diverse Image Understanding Problems Using the Image Understanding Environment
* Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching, A
* Spatial and Temporal Mechanisms in Target Cueing
* Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software
* Stereo Machine for Video-Rate Dense Depth Mapping and Its New Applications, A
* Structure and Motion from a Sparse Set of Views
* SUCCESSOR: Interpretation Overview and Constraint System
* Supervised Learning of Detection and Classification Tasks with Uncertain Training Data
* Surface Approximation and Segmentation of Objects with Unknown Topology
* Survey of IU and ATR Research at ITT and UIC
* Target Identification Using Geometric Hashing and FLIR/LADAR Fusion
* Telecentric Optics for Computational Vision
* Tensorial Transfer: Representation of N>3 Views of 3d Scenes
* Theory of Pattern Rejection, A
* Three-Dimensional Grouping and Information Fusion for Site Modeling from Aerial Images
* Towards a Theory of Direct Perception
* Towards Automated Structural Analysis of Difficult Face Images
* Tracking Humans in Action: A 3D Model-Based Approach
* Tracking Object Motion Across Aspect Changes for Augmented Reality
* Transparent Grippers: Seeing While Grasping
* Trilinear Constraints Revisited: Generalized Trilinear Constraints and the Tensor Brightness Constraint
* UMass Progress in 3D Building Model Acquisition
* Unified Approach to Moving Object Detection in 2D and 3D Scenes, A
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1994-1995
* USC RADIUS Related Research: An Overview
* Using Speech Input for Image Interpretation and Annotation
* VEIL: Combining Semantic Knowledge with Image Understanding
* Vision Research at TI: 1994-95 Progress
* Vision-Based Neural Network Road and Intersection Detection and Traversal
* Visual Sensor Systems: Making Them Smaller, Faster, Smarter
158 for ARPA96

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