Index for shaf

Shafae, M.[Michael] Co Author Listing * SMART: An Efficient Technique for Massive Terrain Visualization from Out-of-core

Shafaei, A.[Alireza] Co Author Listing * AutoRetouch: Automatic Professional Face Retouching
* Play and Learn: Using Video Games to Train Computer Vision Models
* Real-Time Human Motion Capture with Multiple Depth Cameras
* Unlabelled 3D Motion Examples Improve Cross-View Action Recognition

Shafaei, S. Co Author Listing * new approach to unwrap a 3-D fingerprint to a 2-D rolled equivalent fingerprint, A

Shafahi, A. Co Author Listing * Stochastic Emergency Response Location Model Considering Secondary Incidents on Freeways, A

Shafai, B. Co Author Listing * Diffuse optical tomography using a linear matrix inequality algorithm in an admissible solution approach

Shafai, L. Co Author Listing * Modeling and Measurement of C-Band Radar Backscatter From Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice
* Monte Carlo Method for Simulating Scattering From Sea Ice Using FVTD, A
* Study on the C-Band Polarimetric Scattering and Physical Characteristics of Frost Flowers on Experimental Sea Ice, A

Shafai, S.[Shahid] Co Author Listing * Climate-Change-Driven Droughts and Tree Mortality: Assessing the Potential of UAV-Derived Early Warning Metrics

Shafait, F.[Faisal] Co Author Listing * Adaptive spectral reflectance recovery using spatio-spectral support from hyperspectral images
* Automatic ink mismatch detection for forensic document analysis
* Background variability modeling for statistical layout analysis
* Bayes-true data generator for evaluation of supervised and unsupervised learning methods, A
* Bayesian Approach to Photo Time-Stamp Recognition
* Bayesian sparse representation for hyperspectral image super resolution
* Biologically Significant Facial Landmarks: How Significant Are They for Gender Classification?
* Border Noise Removal of Camera-Captured Document Images Using Page Frame Detection
* Burnt Forest Estimation from Sentinel-2 Imagery of Australia using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems?
* Combined orientation and skew detection using geometric text-line modeling
* Coupled Snakelet Model for Curled Textline Segmentation of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Coupled Snakelets for Curled Text-Line Segmentation from Warped Document Images
* Decapod: A Flexible, Low Cost Digitization Solution for Small and Medium Archives
* Dense 3D Face Correspondence
* Discriminative Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Discriminative learning for script recognition
* Distance Measures for Layout-Based Document Image Retrieval
* Distortion Measurement for Automatic Document Verification
* Do Cross Modal Systems Leverage Semantic Relationships?
* Document Authentication Using Printing Technique Features and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Document cleanup using page frame detection
* Effect of Border Noise on the Performance of Projection-Based Page Segmentation Methods, The
* Efficient classification with sparsity augmented collaborative representation
* Efficient feature size reduction via predictive forward selection
* Evaluation of HMM-Based Techniques for the Recognition of Screen Rendered Text, An
* Example-Based Logical Labeling of Document Title Page Images
* Eye-tracker based part-image selection for image retrieval
* Futuristic Greedy Approach to Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Generic Method for Stamp Segmentation Using Part-Based Features, A
* Gradient based efficient feature selection
* Hierarchical Beta Process with Gaussian Process Prior for Hyperspectral Image Super Resolution
* Hierarchical Visual Saliency Model for Character Detection in Natural Scenes, A
* High Performance Layout Analysis of Arabic and Urdu Document Images
* High-Performance OCR for Printed English and Fraktur Using LSTM Networks
* Hyperspectral Document Imaging: Challenges and Perspectives
* Hyperspectral Imaging for Ink Mismatch Detection
* ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition Challenge 2: Reading Text in Scene Images
* ICDAR 2013 Robust Reading Competition
* ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
* Image Based Performance Evaluation Method for Page Dewarping Algorithms Using SIFT Features, An
* Image-Matching for Revision Detection in Printed Historical Documents
* Incremental Learning of Object Detector with Limited Training Data
* IUPR Dataset of Camera-Captured Document Images, The
* Joint Group Sparse PCA for Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging
* Localized Deep Extreme Learning Machines for Efficient RGB-D Object Recognition
* Localized forgery detection in hyperspectral document images
* Modeling 2D Appearance Evolution for 3D Object Categorization
* Modeling Sub-Event Dynamics in First-Person Action Recognition
* OCR Based Thresholding
* Offline Printed Urdu Nastaleeq Script Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM Networks
* On the performance of Decapod's digital font reconstruction
* Page Frame Detection for Marginal Noise Removal from Scanned Documents
* Performance Comparison of Six Algorithms for Page Segmentation
* Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six-Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Performance evaluation of curled textline segmentation algorithms on CBDAR 2007 dewarping contest dataset
* Pixel-Accurate Representation and Evaluation of Page Segmentation in Document Images
* Preface: Robust Reading
* QuantYOLO: A High-Throughput and Power-Efficient Object Detection Network for Resource and Power Constrained UAVs
* Real Time Lip Motion Analysis for a Person Authentication System using Near Infrared Illumination
* Real-Time Lane Departure Warning System on a Lower Resource Platform
* Recognition Driven Page Orientation Detection
* Response to Projection Methods Require Black Border Removal
* Revisiting Distillation and Incremental Classifier Learning
* Ridges Based Curled Textline Region Detection from Grayscale Camera-Captured Document Images
* Robust Binarization of Stereo and Monocular Document Images Using Percentile Filter
* Robust stereo correspondence for documents by matching connected components of text-lines with dynamic programming
* Robust stereo matching for document images using parameter selection of text-line extraction
* Script-Independent Handwritten Textlines Segmentation Using Active Contours
* Search Space Reduction for Holistic Ligature Recognition in Urdu Nastalique Script
* Semi-automated OCR database generation for Nabataean scripts
* sequence learning approach for multiple script identification, A
* Shape-based automatic detection of a large number of 3D facial landmarks
* Sparse Spatio-spectral Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution
* Steganographic universal adversarial perturbations
* SUnGP: A Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithm for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Text-line examination for document forgery detection
* Text-Line Extraction Using a Convolution of Isotropic Gaussian Filter with a Set of Line Filters
* Textline information extraction from grayscale camera-captured document images
* Towards Generic Text-Line Extraction
* Ubiquitous Document Capturing with Deep Learning
Includes: Shafait, F.[Faisal] Shafait, F.
81 for Shafait, F.

Shafaity, F.[Faisal] Co Author Listing * Curriculum learning for printed text line recognition of ligature-based scripts

Shafapourtehrany, M.[Mahyat] Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Applications in Earthquake Preparedness, Emergency Management, and Damage Assessment, A

Shafarenko, L. Co Author Listing * Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Randomly Textured Color Images
* Histogram Based Segmentation in a Perceptually Uniform Color Space

Shafee, N. Co Author Listing * Automatic Selection of Keyframes from Angiogram Videos

Shafeeque, M.[Muhammad] Co Author Listing * Combining APHRODITE Rain Gauges-Based Precipitation with Downscaled-TRMM Data to Translate High-Resolution Precipitation Estimates in the Indus Basin
* Investigating the Potential Climatic Effects of Atmospheric Pollution across China under the National Clean Air Action Plan
* Spatial Downscaling of GRACE Data Based on XGBoost Model for Improved Understanding of Hydrological Droughts in the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS)

Shafei, B.[Behrang] Co Author Listing * Homogeneous Penalizers and Constraints in Convex Image Restoration
* new fuzzy c-means method with total variation regularization for segmentation of images with noisy and incomplete data, A
* Segmentation of images with separating layers by fuzzy c-means and convex optimization
* Supervised and transductive multi-class segmentation using p-Laplacians and RKHS methods

Shafeian, H.[Hessamoddin] Co Author Listing * Integrated personalized video summarization and retrieval

Shafer, A.[Allison] Co Author Listing * new generation of hurricane-observing satellites, A

Shafer, G. Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Evidence
* Implementing Dempster's Rule for Hierarchical Evidence
* Mathematical Theory of Evidence, A
Includes: Shafer, G. Shafer, G.[Glenn]

Shafer, K.C.[Katherine C.] Co Author Listing * Automated and efficient powerline extraction from laser scanning data using a voxel-based subsampling with hierarchical approach

Shafer, S. Co Author Listing * Panel on Computer Vision: Past, Present and Future

Shafer, S.A.[Steven A.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Shafer, S.A.[Steven A.]: stevensh AT microsoft com
* Anatomy of a Color Histogram
* Anatomy of a Histogram
* Architecture for Sensor Fusion in a Mobile Robot, An
* Automation and Calibration for Robot Vision Systems
* Color Image Analysis with an Intrinsic Reflection Model
* Computational Model of Driving for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Control of Perceptual Attention in Robot Driving
* Correspondence in Line Drawings of Multiple Views of Objects
* Dense Structure from a Dense Optical Flow Sequence
* Depth from Focusing and Defocusing
* Determination of Surface-Roughness from Reflected Step Edges
* Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon University: December 1989 Final Report
* Dynamic Lens Compensation for Active Color Imaging and Constant Magnification Focusing
* Error Modelling in Stereo Navigation
* Estimating Scene Properties from Color Histograms
* Framework for Segmentation Using Physical Models of Image Formation, A
* Gradient Space under Orthography and Perspective
* Hypergeometric Filters for Optical Flow and Affine Matching
* Image Segmentation and Reflection Analysis Through Color
* Image Understanding at CMU
* Image Understanding Research At Carnegie Mellon
* Image Understanding Research at CMU
* June 1987 Annual Report: Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
* Local Spatial Frequence Analysis for Computer Vision
* measurement of highlights in color images, The
* Method For Estimating Scene Parameters From Color Histograms
* Modeling Foreshortening in Stereo Vision using Local Spatial Frequency
* Moment and Hypergeometric Filters for High Precision Computation of Focus, Stereo and Optical Flow
* MOOSE Users' Manual Implementation Guide Evaluation
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking for EasyLiving
* Optical Phenomena in Computer Vision
* Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding, A
* Physics-Based Segmentation of Complex Objects Using Multiple Hypotheses of Image-Formation
* Physics-Based Segmentation: Looking Beyond Color
* Physics-Based Segmentation: Moving beyond Color
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Color
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Radiometry
* Physics-Based Vision-Principles and Practice: Shape Recovery
* Planning for Perception in Robot Driving
* Recursive Filters For High Precision Computation of Focus, Stereo and Optical Flow
* Recursive Region Segmentation by Analysis of Histograms
* Segmentation and Interpretation of Multicolored Objects with Highlights
* Segmenting Textured 3D Surfaces Using the Space/Frequency Representation
* Shadow Geometry and Occluding Contours of Generalized Cylinders
* Shadows and Silhouettes in Computer Vision
* Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Spectrogram
* Supervised Color Constancy Using a Color Chart
* Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments, A
* Texture Segmentation and Shape in the Same Image
* Theory of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and a Taxonomy of Generalized Cylinders, The
* Theory of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders, The
* Topological Correspondence in Line Drawings of Multiple Views of Objects
* Using a Color Reflection Model to Separate Highlights from Object Color
* Using Active Vision to Simplify Perception for Robot Driving
* Using Color to Separate Reflection Components
* Using Shadows in Finding Surface Orientations
* Variable Window Gabor Filters and Their Use in Focus and Correspondence
* Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon NAVLAB
* What is the Center of the Image?
Includes: Shafer, S.A.[Steven A.] Shafer, S.A. Shafer, S.A.[Steve A.]
61 for Shafer, S.A.

Shafey, L.E. Co Author Listing * Session variability modelling for face authentication

Shaffer, C.A.[Clifford A.] Co Author Listing * Algorithm to Expand Regions Represented by Linear Quadtrees
* Defect detection on hardwood logs using high resolution three dimensional laser scan data
* Formula for Computing the Number of Quadtree Node Fragments Created by a Shift, A
* Generalized Comparison of Quadtree and Bintree Storage Requirements
* Geographic Information System Using Quadtrees, A
* Linear Time Distance Transforms for Quadtrees
* Model for the Analysis of Neighbor Finding in Pointer Based Quadtrees, A
* New Region Expansion for Quadtrees, A
* Optimal Boundary to Quadtree Conversion Algorithm, An
* Optimal Quadtree Construction Algorithm, An
* Optimal Quadtree Construction Algorithms
* Processing Geographic Data with Quadtrees
* Quadtree Region Representation in Cartography: Experimental Results
* Recent Developments in Linear Quadtree-Based Geographic Information Systems
* Segment Quadtree: A Linear Quadtree-Based Representation for Linear Features, The
* Set Operations for Unaligned Linear Quadtrees
Includes: Shaffer, C.A.[Clifford A.] Shaffer, C.A.
16 for Shaffer, C.A.

Shaffer, E.[Etienne] Co Author Listing * Phase retrieval by using transport-of-intensity equation and differential interference contrast microscopy
* Robust Classification of Curvilinear and Surface-Like Structures in 3d Point Cloud Data
* Single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* Streaming Mesh Optimization for CAD
Includes: Shaffer, E.[Etienne] Shaffer, E.[Eric] Shaffer, E.[Edward]

Shaffer, G.K. Co Author Listing * Two-Dimensional Mapping of Expansive Unknown Areas

Shaffer, G.R. Co Author Listing * Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
* Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis, An

Shaffer, J.J. Co Author Listing * Population Shape Collapse in Large Deformation Registration of MR Brain Images

Shaffer, M.[Matthew] Co Author Listing * Ray Deformation Networks for Novel View Synthesis of Refractive Objects

Shaffer, M.E.[Matthew E.] Co Author Listing * Differentiable Neural Surface Refinement for Modeling Transparent Objects

Shaffer, P. Co Author Listing * Cartooning for Enhanced Privacy in Lifelogging and Streaming Videos

Shaffer, R.E. Co Author Listing * Using physics-based modeler outputs to train probabilistic neural networks for unexploded ordnance (UXO) classification in magnetometry surveys

Shaffer, S. Co Author Listing * Interferometric Alignment of the X-SAR Antenna System on the Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission

Shaffer, T. Co Author Listing * Framework for Unsupervised Segmentation of Lung Tissues from Low Dose Computed Tomography Images, A

Shaffie, A. Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Framework For Accurate Classification of Pulmonary Nodules, A
* comprehensive framework for early assessment of lung injury, A
* Hand Crafted Features for Efficient Lung Cancer Diagnosis Using Stacked Autoencoder
* Image-based CAD system for accurate identification of lung injury
* new framework for incorporating appearance and shape features of lung nodules for precise diagnosis of lung cancer, A
* Novel Autoencoder-Based Diagnostic System for Early Assessment of Lung Cancer, A
* Novel CNN Segmentation Framework Based on Using New Shape and Appearance Features, A
* Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, A
* Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules, A
* Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Includes: Shaffie, A. Shaffie, A.[Ahmed]
10 for Shaffie, A.

Shaffrey, C.[Cian] Co Author Listing * Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retrieval Systems and Segmentation Methods toutes les pages., The
Includes: Shaffrey, C.[Cian] Shaffrey, C.[Cián]

Shaffrey, C.W. Co Author Listing * Unsupervised image segmentation via markov trees and complex wavelets

Shafi, M.K.[Muhammad Kamran] Co Author Listing * Assessment of IMERG-V06, TRMM-3B42V7, SM2RAIN-ASCAT, and PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Products over the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia

Shafi, Q.M.[Qaisar M.] Co Author Listing * Securing IoT Based Maritime Transportation System Through Entropy-Based Dual-Stack Machine Learning Framework

Shafi, S.[Sadman] Co Author Listing * Low-Frequency Near-Field Interferometry for Characterization of Lossy Dielectric and an Investigation on Sea Ice

Shafi, S.N.[Sebahadin Nasir] Co Author Listing * Automated Brain Imaging Diagnosis and Classification Model using Rat Swarm Optimization with Deep Learning based Capsule Network

Shafia, M.A. Co Author Listing * Robust Train Timetabling Problem: Mathematical Model and Branch and Bound Algorithm

Shafian, S.[Sanaz] Co Author Listing * Estimation of Bale Grazing and Sacrificed Pasture Biomass through the Integration of Sentinel Satellite Images and Machine Learning Techniques
* Index of Soil Moisture Using Raw Landsat Image Digital Count Data in Texas High Plains
* Pasture Biomass Estimation Using Ultra-High-Resolution RGB UAVs Images and Deep Learning
* UAV Oblique Imagery with an Adaptive Micro-Terrain Model for Estimation of Leaf Area Index and Height of Maize Canopy from 3D Point Clouds

Shafie Khah, M.[Miadreza] Co Author Listing * Optimal Sizing and Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Distribution Networks With Robust Optimizing Model
* Synergies Between Transportation Systems, Energy Hub and the Grid in Smart Cities
Includes: Shafie Khah, M.[Miadreza] Shafie-Khah, M.[Miadreza]

Shafie, A.A.[Amir A.] Co Author Listing * Dynamic approach for real-time skin detection
* Recognizing faces with normalized local Gabor features and Spiking Neuron Patterns
Includes: Shafie, A.A.[Amir A.] Shafie, A.A.[Amir Akramin]

Shafie, A.B.[Afza Bt] Co Author Listing * Visual Learning in Application of Integration

Shafie, S.M.[Siti Mariam] Co Author Listing * Classifying Data Considering Pairs of Patients in a Relational Space
* Visualisation of exudates in fundus images using radar chart and color auto correlogram technique
Includes: Shafie, S.M.[Siti Mariam] Shafie, S.M.

Shafiee, A.[Ali] Co Author Listing * Post-training Piecewise Linear Quantization for Deep Neural Networks

Shafiee, M.J. Co Author Listing * Apparent Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* CellDefectNet: A Machine-designed Attention Condenser Network for Electroluminescence-based Photovoltaic Cell Defect Inspection
* Compensated Row-Column Ultrasound Imaging System Using Three Dimensional Random Fields
* Dense Depth Map Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Using a Multilayer Conditional Random Field Model
* Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequencers for Multi-parametric MRI Prostate Cancer Classification
* Document image binarization using a discriminative structural classifier
* Efficient Bayesian inference using fully connected conditional random fields with stochastic cliques
* Efficient Deep Feature Learning and Extraction via StochasticNets
* Embedded Motion Detection via Neural Response Mixture Background Modeling
* Fast GraspNeXt: A Fast Self-Attention Neural Network Architecture for Multi-task Learning in Computer Vision Tasks for Robotic Grasping on the Edge
* High dynamic range map estimation via fully connected random fields with stochastic cliques
* Image Restoration via Deep-Structured Stochastically Fully-Connected Conditional Random Fields (DSFCRFs) for Very Low-Light Conditions
* Improved fine structure modeling via guided stochastic clique formation in fully connected conditional random fields
* Learn2Perturb: An End-to-End Feature Perturbation Learning to Improve Adversarial Robustness
* Learning Efficient Deep Feature Representations via Transgenerational Genetic Transmission of Environmental Information During Evolutionary Synthesis of Deep Neural Networks
* MAPLE-Edge: A Runtime Latency Predictor for Edge Devices
* MAPLE: Microprocessor A Priori for Latency Estimation
* Mating Rituals of Deep Neural Networks: Learning Compact Feature Representations Through Sexual Evolutionary Synthesis, The
* Model-based tracking: Temporal conditional random fields
* NeRD: A Neural Response Divergence Approach to Visual Saliency Detection
* Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging via a Stochastically Fully-Connected Joint Conditional Random Field Model
* Oil spill candidate detection from SAR imagery using a thresholding-guided stochastic fully-connected conditional random field model
* PIRM: Fast background subtraction under sudden, local illumination changes via probabilistic illumination range modelling
* Random feature maps via a Layered Random Projection (LARP) framework for object classification
* Random Field Computational Adaptive Optics Framework for Optical Coherence Microscopy, A
* Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Real-Time, Embedded Scene Invariant Crowd Counting Using Scale-Normalized Histogram of Moving Gradients (HoMG)
* Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted fully-connected graphical models
* Tiny SSD: A Tiny Single-Shot Detection Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Embedded Object Detection
Includes: Shafiee, M.J. Shafiee, M.J.[Mohammad Javad] Shafiee, M.J.[M. Javad]
29 for Shafiee, M.J.

Shafiee, N.[Nasim] Co Author Listing * Introvert: Human Trajectory Prediction via Conditional 3D Attention
* Zero-Shot Attribute Attacks on Fine-Grained Recognition Models

Shafiee, S. Co Author Listing * Cluster-based multi-task Sparse Representation for efficient face recognition
* Multi-Modal Sparse Coding Classifier Using Dictionaries with Different Number of Atoms, A
* Multimodal sparse representation classification with Fisher discriminative sample reduction
* two-stage speech activity detection system considering fractal aspects of prosody, A
Includes: Shafiee, S. Shafiee, S.[Soheil]

Shafieezadeh, A.[Abdollah] Co Author Listing * Cholesky-KalmanNet: Model-Based Deep Learning With Positive Definite Error Covariance Structure

Shafiei, A.K.[Amir Keivan] Co Author Listing * Infant brain segmentation based on a combination of VGG-16 and U-Net deep neural networks

Shafiei, M. Co Author Listing * Inverse Rendering for Complex Indoor Scenes: Shape, Spatially-Varying Lighting and SVBRDF From a Single Image
* Mapping Agricultural Landuse Patterns from Time Series of Landsat 8 Using Random Forest Based Hierarchial Approach
* Viper: Visual Personalization of Generative Models via Individual Preference Learning
Includes: Shafiei, M. Shafiei, M.[Mojtaba] Shafiei, M.[Mahdi]

Shafiei, M.M. Co Author Listing * new on-line signature verification algorithm using variable length segmentation and hidden Markov models, A

Shafiei, S.[Sajjad] Co Author Listing * Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Considering the Integration of Autonomous Vehicles With Public Transport, An
* Class-Agnostic Weighted Normalization of Staining in Histopathology Images Using a Spatially Constrained Mixture Model
Includes: Shafiei, S.[Sajjad] Shafiei, S.

ShafieiBavani, E.[Elaheh] Co Author Listing * Image-Based Table Recognition: Data, Model, and Evaluation

Shafieyan, F. Co Author Listing * Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
* Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map

Shafii, M.[Mahnaz] Co Author Listing * Skew detection and correction based on an axes-parallel bounding box

Shafii, S.[Sohail] Co Author Listing * Design and Implementation of a Foveal Projection Display

Shafik, A.K.[Amr K.] Co Author Listing * Integrated Back of Queue Estimation and Vehicle Trajectory Optimization Considering Uncertainty in Traffic Signal Timings
* Optimization of Vehicle Trajectories Considering Uncertainty in Actuated Traffic Signal Timings

Shafik, E.N. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Visual Attention Models for Robots

Shafik, M.S.E.N.[M. Salah E.N.] Co Author Listing * Fast Saliency-Based Motion Segmentation Algorithm for an Active Vision System

Shafik, R.[Rishad] Co Author Listing * REDRESS: Generating Compressed Models for Edge Inference Using Tsetlin Machines

Shafiq, F.[Farhan] Co Author Listing * DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks

Shafiq, M.[Muhammad] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Wireless Information and Power Transfer Scheme for Nano-Empowered Vehicular Networks
* IMG-forensics: Multimedia-enabled information hiding investigation using convolutional neural network
* improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperceptibility of data protection in the perception layer of internet of things, An
* Lightweight Privacy-Preserving System for the Security of Remote Sensing Images on IoT, A
* Rust-Style Patch: A Physical and Naturalistic Camouflage Attacks on Object Detector for Remote Sensing Images

Shafiq, M.A. Co Author Listing * Saliency detection for seismic applications using multi-dimensional spectral projections and directional comparisons
* Subsurface Structure Analysis Using Computational Interpretation and Learning: A Visual Signal Processing Perspective

Shafiq, U. Co Author Listing * More for less: Insights into convolutional nets for 3D point cloud recognition

Shafique, A.[Ayesha] Co Author Listing * Combining synthesis sparse with analysis sparse for single image super-resolution
* Deep Learning-Based Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images: A Review
* Dual Sparse Representation Graph-Based Copropagation for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Rotation-Agnostic Image Representation Learning for Digital Pathology
* Subpixel Multilevel Scale Feature Learning and Adaptive Attention Constraint Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Shafique, A.[Ayesha] Shafique, A.[Abubakr]

Shafique, K.[Khurram] Co Author Listing * Appearance Modeling for Tracking in Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Efficient Data Driven Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Alignment, An
* Estimation of rigid and non-rigid facial motion using anatomical face model
* Estimation of the radiometric response functions of a color camera from differently illuminated images
* hierarchical approach to robust background subtraction using color and gradient information, A
* JanusNet: Detection of Moving Objects from UAV Platforms
* Modeling inter-camera space-time and appearance relationships for tracking across non-overlapping views
* Noniterative Greedy Algorithm for Multiframe Point Correspondence, A
* Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
* Probabilistic Modeling of Scene Dynamics for Applications in Visual Surveillance
* rank constrained continuous formulation of multi-frame multi-target tracking problem, A
* Self Calibrating Visual Sensor Networks
* Source color error analysis for robust separation of reflection components
* Target tracking in airborne forward looking infrared imagery
* Target-Tracking in FLIR Imagery Using Mean-Shift and Global Motion Compensation
* Tracking across multiple cameras with disjoint views
Includes: Shafique, K.[Khurram] Shafique, K.
17 for Shafique, K.

Shafique, M.[Muhammad] Co Author Listing * adaptive complexity reduction scheme with fast prediction unit decision for HEVC intra encoding, An
* adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
* AdvART: Adversarial Art for Camouflaged Object Detection Attacks
* Anomaly Unveiled: Securing Image Classification against Adversarial Patch Attacks
* Complexity control of HEVC encoders targeting real-time constraints
* Computer-aided Arrhythmia Diagnosis with Bio-signal Processing: A Survey of Trends and Techniques
* Content-adaptive reference frame compression based on intra-frame prediction for multiview video coding
* DAP: A Dynamic Adversarial Patch for Evading Person Detectors
* Efficient Uncertainty Estimation in Semantic Segmentation via Distillation
* Evaluating Glacier Dynamics Using Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Hunza Valley, Northern Pakistan
* Fast hierarchical intra angular mode selection for high efficiency video coding
* Hardware/Software Co-design of Embedded Real-Time KD-Tree Based Feature Matching Systems
* High-throughput interpolation hardware architecture with coarse-grained reconfigurable datapaths for HEVC
* high-throughput parallel hardware architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC encoding, A
* Hybrid Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC
* Model Predictive Hierarchical Rate Control With Markov Decision Process for Multiview Video Coding
* multi-level dynamic complexity reduction scheme for multiview video coding, A
* Non-linear rate control for H.264/AVC video encoder with multiple picture types using image-statistics and motion-based Macroblock Prioritization
* Power efficient and workload balanced tiling for parallelized high efficiency video coding
* Revc: Computationally Reliable Video Coding on unreliable hardware platforms: A case study on error-tolerant H.264/AVC CAVLC entropy coding
* Steganographic universal adversarial perturbations
* Utilization of Fine Resolution Satellite Data for Landslide Susceptibility Modelling: a Case Study of Kashmir Earthquake Induced Landslides
Includes: Shafique, M.[Muhammad] Shafique, M.
22 for Shafique, M.

Shafique, S.[Samia] Co Author Listing * Creating a Forensic Database of Shoeprints from Online Shoe-Tread Photos
* Crisp: Leveraging Tread Depth Maps for Enhanced Crime-scene Shoeprint Matching

Shafique, Z.[Zoya] Co Author Listing * Nonverbal Communication Cue Recognition: A Pathway to More Accessible Communication

Shafir, T.[Tal] Co Author Listing * Unlocking the Emotional World of Visual Media: An Overview of the Science, Research, and Impact of Understanding Emotion

Shafir, Y.[Yonatan] Co Author Listing * Mismatch Quest: Visual and Textual Feedback for Image-Text Misalignment

Shafiullah, G.M. Co Author Listing * Energy-Efficient Wireless MAC Protocols for Railway Monitoring Applications
* Predicting Vertical Acceleration of Railway Wagons Using Regression Algorithms

Shafiullah, M.[Md] Co Author Listing * Advancements and Applications of Drone-Integrated Geographic Information System Technology: A Review
* Exploring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Red Sea Air Quality through Multivariate Analysis, Trajectories, and Satellite Observations
* GIS-Based Progress Monitoring of SDGs towards Achieving Saudi Vision 2030

Shafizadeh Moghadam, H.[Hossein] Co Author Listing * Digital Soil Texture Mapping and Spatial Transferability of Machine Learning Models Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Terrain-Derived Covariates
* Modeling Urban Dynamics Using Random Forest: Implementing Roc And Toc For Model Evaluation
Includes: Shafizadeh Moghadam, H.[Hossein] Shafizadeh-Moghadam, H.[Hossein] Shafizadeh-Moghadam, H.

Shafizadeh, M. Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of Chronic Pain-Related Expression: Requirements, Challenges and the Multimodal EmoPain Dataset, The

Shafran, A.[Avital] Co Author Listing * Membership Inference Attacks are Easier on Difficult Problems

Shafran, I.[Izhak] Co Author Listing * Adaptive H-Extrema for Automatic Immunogold Particle Detection

Shafri, H.Z.M.[Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd] Co Author Listing * Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and Very High-Resolution Aerial Imagery with Deep Neural Network
* Data Fusion Technique Using Wavelet Transform and Taguchi Methods for Automatic Landslide Detection From Airborne Laser Scanning Data and QuickBird Satellite Imagery
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Large-Scale Date Palm Tree Mapping from UAV-Based Images
* Global Spatial Suitability Mapping of Wind and Solar Systems Using an Explainable AI-Based Approach
* Image Classification for Mapping Oil Palm Distribution Via Support Vector Machine Using Scikit-learn Module
* Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of Digital Surface Model and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Images Using Adaptive Multiscale Image Segmentation and Classification
* Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network with Adaptive Center Point Detector for Building Instance Extraction
* Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using Trajectories of Matched Regional Adjacency Graphs
* Multiscale Semantic Feature Optimization and Fusion Network for Building Extraction Using High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data
* Novel Approach Based on Machine Learning and Public Engagement to Predict Water-Scarcity Risk in Urban Areas, A
* Potential of Building Detection from SAR and Lidar Using Deep Learning, The
* Roofing Assessment for Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Adoption Using Remote Sensing And GIS Approach
* UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Area Mapping
* Urban Growth Forecast Using Machine Learning Algorithms and GIS-Based Novel Techniques: A Case Study Focusing on Nasiriyah City, Southern Iraq
Includes: Shafri, H.Z.M.[Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd] Shafri, H.Z.M. Shafri, H.Z.M.[Helmi Z. M.]
14 for Shafri, H.Z.M.

Shafron, E.[Ethan] Co Author Listing * Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Forest Biomass Carbon Sink in China from 1990 to 2021

Shaftel, A. Co Author Listing * Conservation of the Sinclair Inn Museum, And the Painted Room Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
* Digital Technology in Preservation of Buddist Monastery Treasures

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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