23.3.1 Glacier Motion Detection, Change, Flow, and Analysis

Chapter Contents (Back)
Glacier Motion. Ice Detection.
See also Glacial Lake Monitoring.

Trouve, E.[Emmanuel], Vasile, G.[Gabriel], Gay, M.[Michel], Bombrun, L.[Lionel], Grussenmeyer, P.[Pierre], Landes, T.[Tania], Nicolas, J.M.[Jean-Marie], Bolon, P.[Philippe], Petillot, I.[Ivan], Julea, A.[Andreea], Valet, L.[Lionel], Chanussot, J.[Jocelyn], Koehl, M.[Mathieu],
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Glacier Velocity Monitoring by Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking,
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A Joint Test Statistic Considering Complex Wishart Distribution Characterization of Temporal Polarimetric Data,
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Prats, P., Scheiber, R., Reigber, A., Andres, C., Horn, R.,
Estimation of the Surface Velocity Field of the Aletsch Glacier Using Multibaseline Airborne SAR Interferometry,
GeoRS(47), No. 2, February 2009, pp. 419-430.

Ahn, Y.[Yushin], Howat, I.M.,
Efficient Automated Glacier Surface Velocity Measurement From Repeat Images Using Multi-Image/Multichip and Null Exclusion Feature Tracking,
GeoRS(49), No. 8, August 2011, pp. 2838-2846.

Mouginot, J., Scheuchl, B., Rignot, E.,
Mapping of Ice Motion in Antarctica Using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Data,
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Motion Analysis of Fast Flowing Glaciers from Multi-temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning,
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Glacier Velocity Estimation by Means of a Polarimetric Similarity Measure,
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polarimetric synthetic aperture radar; Interferometry BibRef

Schubert, A.[Adrian], Faes, A.[Annina], Kääb, A.[Andreas], Meier, E.[Erich],
Glacier surface velocity estimation using repeat TerraSAR-X images: Wavelet- vs. correlation-based image matching,
PandRS(82), No. 1, August 2013, pp. 49-62.
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Image matching; Feature tracking; Glacier surface velocity; Aletsch; TerraSAR-X; Synthetic Aperture Radar; Wavelet decomposition BibRef

Altena, B., Kaab, A., Nuth, C.,
Robust glacier displacements using knowledge-based image matching,
geophysical image processing BibRef

Akbari, V., Doulgeris, A.P., Eltoft, T.,
Monitoring Glacier Changes Using Multitemporal Multipolarization SAR Images,
GeoRS(52), No. 6, June 2014, pp. 3729-3741.
Backscatter BibRef

Zhou, Y.[Yu], Zhou, C.X.[Chun-Xia], E, D.C.[Dong-Chen], Wang, Z.M.[Ze-Min],
A Baseline-Combination Method for Precise Estimation of Ice Motion in Antarctica,
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digital elevation models BibRef

Yan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong], Liu, G.[Guang], Wang, Y.J.[Yun-Jia], Ruan, Z.X.[Zhi-Xing],
Accurate Determination of Glacier Surface Velocity Fields with a DEM-Assisted Pixel-Tracking Technique from SAR Imagery,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 10898.
DOI Link 1509

Burgess, E.[Evan],
Mapping glacier flow speeds with synthetic aperture radar cross correlation,
SPIE(Newsroom), January 12, 2015
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A new data set, which was derived using synthetic aperture radar satellite data and normalized image cross correlation, represents the first regional map of mountain glacier flow speeds in Alaska. BibRef

King, L.[Leonora], Hassan, M.A.[Marwan A.], Yang, K.[Kang], Flowers, G.[Gwenn],
Flow Routing for Delineating Supraglacial Meltwater Channel Networks,
RS(8), No. 12, 2016, pp. 988.
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Yan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong], Ruan, Z.X.[Zhi-Xing], Liu, G.[Guang], Deng, K.Z.[Ka-Zhong], Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Perski, Z.[Zbigniew],
Deriving Ice Motion Patterns in Mountainous Regions by Integrating the Intensity-Based Pixel-Tracking and Phase-Based D-InSAR and MAI Approaches: A Case Study of the Chongce Glacier,
RS(8), No. 7, 2016, pp. 611.
DOI Link 1608

Schellenberger, T.[Thomas], van Wychen, W.[Wesley], Copland, L.[Luke], Kääb, A.[Andreas], Gray, L.[Laurence],
An Inter-Comparison of Techniques for Determining Velocities of Maritime Arctic Glaciers, Svalbard, Using Radarsat-2 Wide Fine Mode Data,
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Estimation of glacier surface motion by robust phase correlation and point like features of SAR intensity images,
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Elsevier DOI 1609
Glacier surface motion BibRef

Rabault, J., Sutherland, G., Ward, B., Christensen, K.H., Halsne, T., Jensen, A.,
Measurements of Waves in Landfast Ice Using Inertial Motion Units,
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Acceleration BibRef

Paul, F.[Frank], Strozzi, T.[Tazio], Schellenberger, T.[Thomas], Kääb, A.[Andreas],
The 2015 Surge of Hispar Glacier in the Karakoram,
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Strozzi, T.[Tazio], Paul, F.[Frank], Wiesmann, A.[Andreas], Schellenberger, T.[Thomas], Kääb, A.[Andreas],
Circum-Arctic Changes in the Flow of Glaciers and Ice Caps from Satellite SAR Data between the 1990s and 2017,
RS(9), No. 9, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Milillo, P.[Pietro], Minchew, B., Simons, M., Agram, P., Riel, B.,
Geodetic Imaging of Time-Dependent Three-Component Surface Deformation: Application to Tidal-Timescale Ice Flow of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica,
GeoRS(55), No. 10, October 2017, pp. 5515-5524.
glaciology, ice, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tides, time series, interferometic synthetic aperture radar, surface deformation, 3-D analysis. BibRef

Sun, Y.L.[Yong-Ling], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Liu, L.[Lin], Sun, Y.[Yafei], Wang, H.S.[Han-Sheng],
Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Glacier Velocity in the Central Karakoram Revealed with 1999-2003 Landsat-7 ETM+ Pan Images,
RS(9), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Lüttig, C.[Christine], Neckel, N.[Niklas], Humbert, A.[Angelika],
A Combined Approach for Filtering Ice Surface Velocity Fields Derived from Remote Sensing Methods,
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DOI Link 1711

Jeong, S., Howat, I.M., Ahn, Y.,
Improved Multiple Matching Method for Observing Glacier Motion With Repeat Image Feature Tracking,
GeoRS(55), No. 4, April 2017, pp. 2431-2441.
glaciology BibRef

Telling, J.W.[Jennifer W.], Glennie, C.L.[Craig L.], Fountain, A.G.[Andrew G.], Finnegan, D.C.[David C.],
Analyzing Glacier Surface Motion Using LiDAR Data,
RS(9), No. 3, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Wendt, A.[Anja], Mayer, C.[Christoph], Lambrecht, A.[Astrid], Floricioiu, D.[Dana],
A Glacier Surge of Bivachny Glacier, Pamir Mountains, Observed by a Time Series of High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models and Glacier Velocities,
RS(9), No. 4, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Sánchez-Gámez, P.[Pablo], Navarro, F.J.[Francisco J.],
Glacier Surface Velocity Retrieval Using D-InSAR and Offset Tracking Techniques Applied to Ascending and Descending Passes of Sentinel-1 Data for Southern Ellesmere Ice Caps, Canadian Arctic,
RS(9), No. 5, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Mölg, N.[Nico], Bolch, T.[Tobias],
Structure-from-Motion Using Historical Aerial Images to Analyse Changes in Glacier Surface Elevation,
RS(9), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Vijay, S.[Saurabh], Braun, M.[Matthias],
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Columbia Glacier, Alaska (2011-2016): Ice Velocity, Mass Flux, Surface Elevation and Front Position,
RS(9), No. 6, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1706

Yan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong], Li, Y.[Yi], Ruan, Z.X.[Zhi-Xing], Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Liu, G.[Guang], Deng, K.Z.[Ka-Zhong],
Wavelet-Based Topographic Effect Compensation in Accurate Mountain Glacier Velocity Extraction: A Case Study of the Muztagh Ata Region, Eastern Pamir,
RS(9), No. 7, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1708

Chao, N.F.[Neng-Fang], Wang, Z.T.[Zheng-Tao], Hwang, C.[Cheinway], Jin, T.Y.[Tao-Yong], Cheng, Y.S.[Yung-Sheng],
Decline of Geladandong Glacier Elevation in Yangtze River's Source Region: Detection by ICESat and Assessment by Hydroclimatic Data,
RS(9), No. 1, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1702

Phan, V.H.[Vu Hien], Lindenbergh, R.[Roderik], Menenti, M.[Massimo],
Assessing Orographic Variability in Glacial Thickness Changes at the Tibetan Plateau Using ICESat Laser Altimetry,
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Seasonal Trends In Tibetan Lake Level Changes As Observed By Icesat Laser Altimetry,
AnnalsPRS(I-7), No. 2012, pp. 237-242.
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Ke, L.H.[Ling-Hong], Ding, X.L.[Xiao-Li], Li, W.K.[Wen-Kai], Qiu, B.[Bo],
Remote Sensing of Glacier Change in the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Relationship with Changing Climate,
RS(9), No. 2, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
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Liu, T.T.[Ting-Ting], Niu, M.[Muye], Yang, Y.[Yuande],
Ice Velocity Variations of the Polar Record Glacier (East Antarctica) Using a Rotation-Invariant Feature-Tracking Approach,
RS(10), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

Malz, P.[Philipp], Meier, W.[Wolfgang], Casassa, G.[Gino], Jańa, R.[Ricardo], Skvarca, P.[Pedro], Braun, M.H.[Matthias H.],
Elevation and Mass Changes of the Southern Patagonia Icefield Derived from TanDEM-X and SRTM Data,
RS(10), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1804

Scaioni, M., Barazzetti, L., Corti, M., Crippa, J., Azzoni, R.S., Fugazza, D., Cernuschi, M., Diolaiuti, G.A.,
Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Photogrammetry For The Assessment Of Collapse Risk In Alpine Glaciers,
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Pudelko, R.[Rafal], Angiel, P.J.[Piotr Jan], Potocki, M.[Mariusz], Jedrejek, A.[Anna], Kozak, M.[Malgorzata],
Fluctuation of Glacial Retreat Rates in the Eastern Part of Warszawa Icefield, King George Island, Antarctica, 1979-2018,
RS(10), No. 6, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
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Zhang, Z.M.[Zhi-Min], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Liu, L.[Lin], Sun, Y.[Yafei], Wang, H.S.[Han-Sheng],
Annual Glacier-Wide Mass Balance (2000-2016) of the Interior Tibetan Plateau Reconstructed from MODIS Albedo Products,
RS(10), No. 7, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1808

Zhang, Z.M.[Zhi-Min], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Sun, Y.[Yafei], Sirguey, P.[Pascal], Dumont, M.[Marie], Liu, L.[Lin], Gao, N.[Ning], Gao, S.F.[Song-Feng],
Reconstruction of Annual Glacier Mass Balance from Remote Sensing-Derived Average Glacier-Wide Albedo,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Bash, E.A.[Eleanor A.], Moorman, B.J.[Brian J.], Gunther, A.[Allison],
Detecting Short-Term Surface Melt on an Arctic Glacier Using UAV Surveys,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1811

Zanutta, A.[Antonio], Negusini, M.[Monia], Vittuari, L.[Luca], Martelli, L.[Leonardo], Cianfarra, P.[Paola], Salvini, F.[Francesco], Mancini, F.[Francesco], Sterzai, P.[Paolo], Dubbini, M.[Marco], Capra, A.[Alessandro],
New Geodetic and Gravimetric Maps to Infer Geodynamics of Antarctica with Insights on Victoria Land,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
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Lemos, A.[Adriano], Shepherd, A.[Andrew], McMillan, M.[Malcolm], Hogg, A.E.[Anna E.],
Seasonal Variations in the Flow of Land-Terminating Glaciers in Central-West Greenland Using Sentinel-1 Imagery,
RS(10), No. 12, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Mohajerani, Y.[Yara], Wood, M.[Michael], Velicogna, I.[Isabella], Rignot, E.[Eric],
Detection of Glacier Calving Margins with Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study,
RS(11), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Podgórski, J.[Julian], Kinnard, C.[Christophe], Petlicki, M.[Michal], Urrutia, R.[Roberto],
Performance Assessment of TanDEM-X DEM for Mountain Glacier Elevation Change Detection,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Farías-Barahona, D.[David], Vivero, S.[Sebastián], Casassa, G.[Gino], Schaefer, M.[Marius], Burger, F.[Flavia], Seehaus, T.[Thorsten], Iribarren-Anacona, P.[Pablo], Escobar, F.[Fernando], Braun, M.H.[Matthias H.],
Geodetic Mass Balances and Area Changes of Echaurren Norte Glacier (Central Andes, Chile) between 1955 and 2015,
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Fan, J.H.[Jing-Hui], Wang, Q.[Qun], Liu, G.[Guang], Zhang, L.[Lu], Guo, Z.C.[Zhao-Cheng], Tong, L.Q.[Li-Qiang], Peng, J.H.[Jun-Huan], Yuan, W.L.[Wei-Lin], Zhou, W.[Wei], Yan, J.[Jin], Perski, Z.[Zbigniew], Sousa, J.J.[Joaquim Joăo],
Monitoring and Analyzing Mountain Glacier Surface Movement Using SAR Data and a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: A Case Study of the Himalayas North Slope Glacier Area,
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Paul, F.[Frank],
Repeat Glacier Collapses and Surges in the Amney Machen Mountain Range, Tibet, Possibly Triggered by a Developing Rock-Slope Instability,
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Nagy, T.[Teodor], Andreassen, L.M.[Liss M.], Duller, R.A.[Robert A.], Gonzalez, P.J.[Pablo J.],
SenDiT: The Sentinel-2 Displacement Toolbox with Application to Glacier Surface Velocities,
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Amitrano, D.[Donato], Guida, R.[Raffaella], di Martino, G.[Gerardo], Iodice, A.[Antonio],
Glacier Monitoring Using Frequency Domain Offset Tracking Applied to Sentinel-1 Images: A Product Performance Comparison,
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Ai, S.T.[Song-Tao], Ding, X.[Xi], An, J.C.[Jia-Chun], Lin, G.B.[Guo-Biao], Wang, Z.[Zemin], Yan, M.[Ming],
Discovery of the Fastest Ice Flow along the Central Flow Line of Austre Lovénbreen, a Poly-thermal Valley Glacier in Svalbard,
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Lovell, A.M.[Arminel M.], Carr, J.R.[J. Rachel], Stokes, C.R.[Chris R.],
Spatially Variable Glacier Changes in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal, 2000 to 2016,
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DOI Link 1907

Millan, R.[Romain], Mouginot, J.[Jérémie], Rabatel, A.[Antoine], Jeong, S.[Seongsu], Cusicanqui, D.[Diego], Derkacheva, A.[Anna], Chekki, M.[Mondher],
Mapping Surface Flow Velocity of Glaciers at Regional Scale Using a Multiple Sensors Approach,
RS(11), No. 21, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1911

Yan, J.[Jin], Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Ruan, Z.X.[Zhi-Xing], Yan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong], Liu, G.[Guang],
Evolution of Surge-Type Glaciers in the Yangtze River Headwater Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data,
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DOI Link 1912

Ai, S.T.[Song-Tao], Ding, X.[Xi], Tolle, F.[Florian], Wang, Z.[Zemin], Zhao, X.[Xi],
Latest Geodetic Changes of Austre Lovénbreen and Pedersenbreen, Svalbard,
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DOI Link 1912

Zhang, Z.[Zhen], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Jiang, Z.L.[Zong-Li], Shangguan, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Wei, J.F.[Jun-Feng], Guo, W.Q.[Wan-Qin], Xu, J.L.[Jun-Li], Zhang, Y.[Yong], Zhang, S.S.[Sha-Sha], Huang, D.[Danni],
Glacier Variations at Xinqingfeng and Malan Ice Caps in the Inner Tibetan Plateau Since 1970,
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DOI Link 2002

Liu, L.[Lin], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Zhang, Z.M.[Zhi-Min], Wang, H.S.[Han-Sheng], Ding, X.L.[Xiao-Li],
Recent Accelerating Glacier Mass Loss of the Geladandong Mountain, Inner Tibetan Plateau, Estimated from ZiYuan-3 and TanDEM-X Measurements,
RS(12), No. 3, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2002

Ren, S.T.[Shao-Ting], Menenti, M.[Massimo], Jia, L.[Li], Zhang, J.[Jing], Zhang, J.X.[Jing-Xiao], Li, X.[Xin],
Glacier Mass Balance in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains between 2000 and 2017 Retrieved from ZiYuan-3 Stereo Images and the SRTM DEM,
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Zhang, Y.L.[Yan-Li], Qin, X.[Xiang], Li, X.[Xin], Zhao, J.[Jun], Liu, Y.[Yushuo],
Estimation of Shortwave Solar Radiation on Clear-Sky Days for a Valley Glacier with Sentinel-2 Time Series,
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DOI Link 2003

Guo, L.[Lei], Li, J.[Jia], Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin], Li, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Liu, Y.Y.[Yan-Yang], Li, X.[Xin], Miao, Z.L.[Ze-Lang], Wang, W.[Wei],
Investigating the Recent Surge in the Monomah Glacier, Central Kunlun Mountain Range with Multiple Sources of Remote Sensing Data,
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Yang, F.F.[Fang-Fang], Liu, Y.X.[Yan-Xu], Xu, L.L.[Lin-Lin], Li, K.[Kui], Hu, P.P.[Pan-Pan], Chen, J.X.[Ji-Xing],
Vegetation-Ice-Bare Land Cover Conversion in the Oceanic Glacial Region of Tibet Based on Multiple Machine Learning Classifications,
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A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Model for Determining Glacier Vulnerability,
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Avian, M.[Michael], Bauer, C.[Christian], Schlögl, M.[Matthias], Widhalm, B.[Barbara], Gutjahr, K.H.[Karl-Heinz], Paster, M.[Michael], Hauer, C.[Christoph], Frießenbichler, M.[Melina], Neureiter, A.[Anton], Weyss, G.[Gernot], Flödl, P.[Peter], Seier, G.[Gernot], Sulzer, W.[Wolfgang],
The Status of Earth Observation Techniques in Monitoring High Mountain Environments at the Example of Pasterze Glacier, Austria: Data, Methods, Accuracies, Processes, and Scales,
RS(12), No. 8, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2004

Farías-Barahona, D.[David], Ayala, Á.[Álvaro], Bravo, C.[Claudio], Vivero, S.[Sebastián], Seehaus, T.[Thorsten], Vijay, S.[Saurabh], Schaefer, M.[Marius], Buglio, F.[Franco], Casassa, G.[Gino], Braun, M.H.[Matthias H.],
60 Years of Glacier Elevation and Mass Changes in the Maipo River Basin, Central Andes of Chile,
RS(12), No. 10, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Bisset, R.R.[Rosie R.], Dehecq, A.[Amaury], Goldberg, D.N.[Daniel N.], Huss, M.[Matthias], Bingham, R.G.[Robert G.], Gourmelen, N.[Noel],
Reversed Surface-Mass-Balance Gradients on Himalayan Debris-Covered Glaciers Inferred from Remote Sensing,
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Chen, Y.M.[Yi-Ming], Zhou, C.X.[Chun-Xia], Ai, S.T.[Song-Tao], Liang, Q.[Qi], Zheng, L.[Lei], Liu, R.X.[Rui-Xi], Lei, H.[Haobo],
Dynamics of Dalk Glacier in East Antarctica Derived from Multisource Satellite Observations Since 2000,
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DOI Link 2006

Andersen, J.K.[Jonas Kvist], Kusk, A.[Anders], Boncori, J.P.M.[John Peter Merryman], Hvidberg, C.S.[Christine Schřtt], Grinsted, A.[Aslak],
Improved Ice Velocity Measurements with Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry,
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DOI Link 2006

Derkacheva, A.[Anna], Mouginot, J.[Jeremie], Millan, R.[Romain], Maier, N.[Nathan], Gillet-Chaulet, F.[Fabien],
Data Reduction Using Statistical and Regression Approaches for Ice Velocity Derived by Landsat-8, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2,
RS(12), No. 12, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Guo, H.D.[Hua-Dong], Yan, J.[Jin], Wu, K.P.[Kun-Peng], Liu, G.[Guang], Lu, X.C.[Xian-Cai], Ruan, Z.X.[Zhi-Xing], Yan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong],
Distinguishing Glaciers between Surging and Advancing by Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Eastern Karakoram,
RS(12), No. 14, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2007

Yang, W.[Wei], Zhao, C.X.[Chuan-Xi], Westoby, M.[Matthew], Yao, T.D.[Tan-Dong], Wang, Y.J.[Yong-Jie], Pellicciotti, F.[Francesca], Zhou, J.M.[Jian-Min], He, Z.[Zhen], Miles, E.[Evan],
Seasonal Dynamics of a Temperate Tibetan Glacier Revealed by High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry and In Situ Measurements,
RS(12), No. 15, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2008

Cao, B.[Bo], Guan, W.J.[Wei-Jin], Li, K.J.[Kai-Ji], Wen, Z.L.[Zhen-Ling], Han, H.[Hui], Pan, B.T.[Bao-Tian],
Area and Mass Changes of Glaciers in the West Kunlun Mountains Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images and DEMs from 1970 to 2018,
RS(12), No. 16, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2008

Wu, K.P.[Kun-Peng], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Jiang, Z.L.[Zong-Li], Zhu, Y.[Yu], Xie, F.M.[Fu-Ming], Gao, Y.P.[Yong-Peng], Yi, Y.[Ying], Tahir, A.A.[Adnan Ahmad], Muhammad, S.[Saifullah],
Surging Dynamics of Glaciers in the Hunza Valley under an Equilibrium Mass State since 1990,
RS(12), No. 18, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Cui, X.B.[Xiang-Bin], Greenbaum, J.S.[Jamin S.], Lang, S.N.[Shi-Nan], Zhao, X.[Xi], Li, L.[Lin], Guo, J.X.[Jing-Xue], Sun, B.[Bo],
The Scientific Operations of Snow Eagle 601 in Antarctica in the Past Five Austral Seasons,
RS(12), No. 18, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Che, Y.J.[Yan-Jun], Wang, S.J.[Shi-Jin], Yi, S.H.[Shu-Hua], Wei, Y.Q.[Yan-Qiang], Cai, Y.C.[Yan-Cong],
Summer Mass Balance and Surface Velocity Derived by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on Debris-Covered Region of Baishui River Glacier No. 1, Yulong Snow Mountain,
RS(12), No. 20, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2010

Yang, L.[Liye], Zhao, C.Y.[Chao-Ying], Lu, Z.[Zhong], Yang, C.S.[Cheng-Sheng], Zhang, Q.[Qin],
Three-Dimensional Time Series Movement of the Cuolangma Glaciers, Southern Tibet with Sentinel-1 Imagery,
RS(12), No. 20, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2010

Baffelli, S., Frey, O., Hajnsek, I.,
Geostatistical Analysis and Mitigation of the Atmospheric Phase Screens in Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Observations of an Alpine Glacier,
GeoRS(58), No. 11, November 2020, pp. 7533-7556.
Atmospheric modeling, Spaceborne radar, Atmospheric measurements, Radar interferometry, Delays, Phase measurement, terrestrial radar interferometry (TRI) BibRef

York, A.V.[Ashley V.], Frey, K.E.[Karen E.], Jamali, S.[Sadegh], Das, S.B.[Sarah B.],
Change Points Detected in Decadal and Seasonal Trends of Outlet Glacier Terminus Positions across West Greenland,
RS(12), No. 21, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011

Humbert, A.[Angelika], Schröder, L.[Ludwig], Schultz, T.[Timm], Müller, R.[Ralf], Neckel, N.[Niklas], Helm, V.[Veit], Zindler, R.[Robin], Eleftheriadis, K.[Konstantinos], Salzano, R.[Roberto], Salvatori, R.[Rosamaria],
Dark Glacier Surface of Greenland's Largest Floating Tongue Governed by High Local Deposition of Dust,
RS(12), No. 22, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011

Senese, A.[Antonella], Manara, V.[Veronica], Maugeri, M.[Maurizio], Diolaiuti, G.A.[Guglielmina Adele],
Comparing Measured Incoming Shortwave and Longwave Radiation on a Glacier Surface with Estimated Records from Satellite and Off-Glacier Observations: A Case Study for the Forni Glacier, Italy,
RS(12), No. 22, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011

Seehaus, T.[Thorsten], Morgenshtern, V.I.[Veniamin I.], Hübner, F.[Fabian], Bänsch, E.[Eberhard], Braun, M.H.[Matthias H.],
Novel Techniques for Void Filling in Glacier Elevation Change Data Sets,
RS(12), No. 23, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2012

Alessi, N.[Nicola], Wellstein, C.[Camilla], Rocchini, D.[Duccio], Midolo, G.[Gabriele], Oeggl, K.[Klaus], Zerbe, S.[Stefan],
Surface Tradeoffs and Elevational Shifts at the Largest Italian Glacier: A Thirty-Years Time Series of Remotely-Sensed Images,
RS(13), No. 1, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Zhang, J.[Jing], Jia, L.[Li], Menenti, M.[Massimo], Ren, S.T.[Shao-Ting],
Interannual and Seasonal Variability of Glacier Surface Velocity in the Parlung Zangbo Basin, Tibetan Plateau,
RS(13), No. 1, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Pour, A.B.[Amin Beiranvand], Sekandari, M.[Milad], Rahmani, O.[Omeid], Crispini, L.[Laura], Läufer, A.[Andreas], Park, Y.[Yongcheol], Hong, J.K.[Jong Kuk], Pradhan, B.[Biswajeet], Hashim, M.[Mazlan], Hossain, M.S.[Mohammad Shawkat], Muslim, A.M.[Aidy M], Mehranzamir, K.[Kamyar],
Identification of Phyllosilicates in the Antarctic Environment Using ASTER Satellite Data: Case Study from the Mesa Range, Campbell and Priestley Glaciers, Northern Victoria Land,
RS(13), No. 1, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Child, S.F.[Sarah F.], Stearns, L.A.[Leigh A.], Girod, L.[Luc], Brecher, H.H.[Henry H.],
Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry of Antarctic Historical Aerial Photographs in Conjunction with Ground Control Derived from Satellite Data,
RS(13), No. 1, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Munagapati, H.[Harika], Tiwari, V.M.[Virendra M.],
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Mass Changes in Himalayan Glaciated Region from EOF Analyses of GRACE Data,
RS(13), No. 2, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Wang, L.[Lin], Bai, C.B.[Chang-Bin], Ming, J.[Jing],
Current Status and Variation since 1964 of the Glaciers around the Ebi Lake Basin in the Warming Climate,
RS(13), No. 3, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2102

Peng, Y.F.[Yan-Fei], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Xu, C.H.[Chun-Hai], Zhang, H.[Hui], Han, W.X.[Wei-Xiao],
Surface Velocity Analysis of Surge Region of Karayaylak Glacier from 2014 to 2020 in the Pamir Plateau,
RS(13), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2103

Li, D.[Daan], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Huang, R.G.[Rong-Gang],
Hydrological and Kinematic Precursors of the 2017 Calving Event at the Petermann Glacier in Greenland Observed from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data,
RS(13), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2103

Zheng, W.[Wanji], Hu, J.[Jun], Liu, J.H.[Ji-Hong], Sun, Q.[Qian], Li, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Zhu, J.J.[Jian-Jun], Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin],
Mapping Complete Three-Dimensional Ice Velocities by Integrating Multi-Baseline and Multi-Aperture InSAR Measurements: A Case Study of the Grove Mountains Area, East Antarctic,
RS(13), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2103

Lei, Y.[Yang], Gardner, A.[Alex], Agram, P.[Piyush],
Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (autoRIFT) and Its Application for Tracking Ice Displacement,
RS(13), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2103

Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Zhao, J.[Jun], Li, H.L.[Hui-Lin], Wang, P.[Puyu], Wang, L.[Lin],
Changes in the End-of-Summer Snow Line Altitude of Summer-Accumulation-Type Glaciers in the Eastern Tien Shan Mountains from 1994 to 2016,
RS(13), No. 6, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Shangguan, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Li, D.[Da], Ding, Y.J.[Yong-Jian], Liu, J.[Jun], Anjum, M.N.[Muhammad Naveed], Li, Y.J.[Yao-Jun], Guo, W.Q.[Wan-Qin],
Determining the Events in a Glacial Disaster Chain at Badswat Glacier in the Karakoram Range Using Remote Sensing,
RS(13), No. 6, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Jia, B.[Bowen], Hou, S.G.[Shu-Gui], Wang, Y.T.[Ye-Tang],
A Surging Glacier Recognized by Remote Sensing on the Zangser Kangri Ice Field, Central Tibetan Plateau,
RS(13), No. 6, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Vale, A.B.[Amelia B.], Arnold, N.S.[Neil S.], Rees, W.G.[W. Gareth], Lea, J.M.[James M.],
Remote Detection of Surge-Related Glacier Terminus Change across High Mountain Asia,
RS(13), No. 7, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Xu, C.H.[Chun-Hai], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Wang, F.T.[Fei-Teng], Mu, J.X.[Jian-Xin],
Spatio-Temporal Changes of Mass Balance in the Ablation Area of the Muz Taw Glacier, Sawir Mountains, from Multi-Temporal Terrestrial Geodetic Surveys,
RS(13), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Zhou, S.[Sugang], Yao, X.J.[Xiao-Jun], Zhang, D.H.[Da-Hong], Zhang, Y.[Yuan], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Min, Y.F.[Yu-Fang],
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Advancing and Surging Glaciers in the Tien Shan, 1990-2019,
RS(13), No. 10, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2105

Gharehchahi, S.[Saeideh], Ballinger, T.J.[Thomas J.], Jensen, J.L.R.[Jennifer L. R.], Bhardwaj, A.[Anshuman], Sam, L.[Lydia], Weaver, R.C.[Russell C.], Butler, D.R.[David R.],
Local- and Regional-Scale Forcing of Glacier Mass Balance Changes in the Swiss Alps,
RS(13), No. 10, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2105

Glowacki, T.[Tadeusz], Kasza, D.[Damian],
Assessment of Morphology Changes of the End Moraine of the Werenskiold Glacier (SW Spitsbergen) Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques,
RS(13), No. 11, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2106

Lee, H.Y.[Hoon-Yol], Seo, H.[Heejeong], Han, H.S.[Hyang-Sun], Ju, H.[Hyeontae], Lee, J.[Joohan],
Velocity Anomaly of Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, Observed by Double-Differential Interferometric SAR and Ice Penetrating Radar,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Pelto, M.[Mauri], Panday, P.[Prajjwal], Matthews, T.[Tom], Maurer, J.[Jon], Perry, L.B.[L. Baker],
Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Everest Region in 2020-2021,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Bessin, Z.[Zoé], Dedieu, J.P.[Jean-Pierre], Arnaud, Y.[Yves], Wagnon, P.[Patrick], Brun, F.[Fanny], Esteves, M.[Michel], Perry, B.[Baker], Matthews, T.[Tom],
Processing of VENmuS Images of High Mountains: A Case Study for Cryospheric and Hydro-Climatic Applications in the Everest Region (Nepal),
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

Kos, A.[Andrew], Amann, F.[Florian], Strozzi, T.[Tazio], Osten, J.[Julian], Wellmann, F.[Florian], Jalali, M.[Mohammadreza], Dufresne, A.[Anja],
The Surface Velocity Response of a Tropical Glacier to Intra and Inter Annual Forcing, Cordillera Blanca, Peru,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Cao, B.[Bo], Guan, W.J.[Wei-Jin], Li, K.J.[Kai-Ji], Pan, B.T.[Bao-Tian], Sun, X.D.[Xiao-Dong],
High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Mass Balance and Dynamics with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Ningchan No. 1 Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, China,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Shekhar, P.[Prashant], Csathó, B.[Beáta], Schenk, T.[Tony], Roberts, C.[Carolyn], Patra, A.K.[Abani K.],
ALPS: A Unified Framework for Modeling Time Series of Land Ice Changes,
GeoRS(59), No. 8, August 2021, pp. 6466-6481.
Ice, Altimetry, Laser modes, Splines (mathematics), Surface reconstruction, Measurement by laser beam, time series (TS) BibRef

Dematteis, N.[Niccolň], Giordan, D.[Daniele], Troilo, F.[Fabrizio], Wrzesniak, A.[Aleksandra], Godone, D.[Danilo],
Ten-Year Monitoring of the Grandes Jorasses Glaciers Kinematics. Limits, Potentialities, and Possible Applications of Different Monitoring Systems,
RS(13), No. 15, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2108

Shahateet, K.[Kaian], Seehaus, T.[Thorsten], Navarro, F.[Francisco], Sommer, C.[Christian], Braun, M.[Matthias],
Geodetic Mass Balance of the South Shetland Islands Ice Caps, Antarctica, from Differencing TanDEM-X DEMs,
RS(13), No. 17, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Martin, M.D.[Michael Dieter], Barr, I.[Iestyn], Edwards, B.[Benjamin], Spagnolo, M.[Matteo], Vajedian, S.[Sanaz], Symeonakis, E.[Elias],
Assessing the Use of Optical Satellite Images to Detect Volcanic Impacts on Glacier Surface Morphology,
RS(13), No. 17, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Wang, P.[Puyu], Li, H.L.[Hong-Liang], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Liu, Y.[Yushuo], Xu, C.[Chunhai], Mu, J.X.[Jian-Xin], Zhang, H.[Hui],
Seasonal Surface Change of Urumqi Glacier No. 1, Eastern Tien Shan, China, Revealed by Repeated High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry,
RS(13), No. 17, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

de Gaetani, C.I.[Carlo Iapige], Ioli, F.[Francesco], Pinto, L.[Livio],
Aerial and UAV Images for Photogrammetric Analysis of Belvedere Glacier Evolution in the Period 1977-2019,
RS(13), No. 18, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Sun, Y.[Yongling], Liu, L.[Lin], Pei, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Wang, K.[Kai],
Geometric Evolution of the Chongce Glacier during 1970-2020, Detected by Multi-Source Satellite Observations,
RS(13), No. 18, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Zhou, Y.[Yu], Chen, J.L.[Jian-Long], Cheng, X.[Xiao],
Glacier Velocity Changes in the Himalayas in Relation to Ice Mass Balance,
RS(13), No. 19, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Ren, G.B.[Guang-Bo], Wang, J.[Jianbu], Lu, Y.F.[Yun-Fei], Wu, P.Q.[Pei-Qiang], Lu, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing], Chen, C.[Chen], Ma, Y.[Yi],
Monitoring Changes to Arctic Vegetation and Glaciers at Ny-Ĺlesund, Svalbard, Based on Time Series Remote Sensing,
RS(13), No. 19, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Liu, J.[Julia], Enderlin, E.M.[Ellyn M.], Marshall, H.P.[Hans-Peter], Khalil, A.[Andre],
Automated Detection of Marine Glacier Calving Fronts Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Segmentation Method,
GeoRS(59), No. 11, November 2021, pp. 9047-9056.
Ice, Image segmentation, Remote sensing, Earth, Artificial satellites, Wavelet transforms, Image edge detection, optical data BibRef

Knoflach, B.[Bettina], Ramskogler, K.[Katharina], Talluto, M.[Matthew], Hofmeister, F.[Florentin], Haas, F.[Florian], Heckmann, T.[Tobias], Pfeiffer, M.[Madlene], Piermattei, L.[Livia], Ressl, C.[Camillo], Wimmer, M.H.[Michael H.], Geitner, C.[Clemens], Erschbamer, B.[Brigitta], Stötter, J.[Johann],
Modelling of Vegetation Dynamics from Satellite Time Series to Determine Proglacial Primary Succession in the Course of Global Warming: A Case Study in the Upper Martell Valley (Eastern Italian Alps),
RS(13), No. 21, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Hansen, K.[Kristen], Hasenstab, K.[Kyle], Schwartzman, A.[Armin],
Estimating Mountain Glacier Flowlines by Local Linear Regression Gradient Descent,
GeoRS(59), No. 12, December 2021, pp. 10022-10034.
Kernel, Linear regression, Earth, Remote sensing, Artificial satellites, Smoothing methods, Estimation, remote monitoring BibRef

Guo, Z.M.[Zhong-Ming], Wang, N.L.[Ning-Lian], Shen, B.S.[Bao-Shou], Gu, Z.[Zhujun], Wu, Y.W.[Yu-Wei], Chen, A.[Anan],
Recent Spatiotemporal Trends in Glacier Snowline Altitude at the End of the Melt Season in the Qilian Mountains, China,
RS(13), No. 23, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Ioli, F.[Francesco], Bianchi, A.[Alberto], Cina, A.[Alberto], de Michele, C.[Carlo], Maschio, P.[Paolo], Passoni, D.[Daniele], Pinto, L.[Livio],
Mid-Term Monitoring of Glacier's Variations with UAVs: The Example of the Belvedere Glacier,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Bocchiola, D.[Daniele], Chirico, F.[Francesco], Soncini, A.[Andrea], Azzoni, R.S.[Roberto Sergio], Diolaiuti, G.A.[Guglielmina Adele], Senese, A.[Antonella],
Assessment of Recent Flow, and Calving Rate of the Perito Moreno Glacier Using LANDSAT and SENTINEL2 Images,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Popov, S.[Sergey],
Ice Cover, Subglacial Landscape, and Estimation of Bottom Melting of Mac. Robertson, Princess Elizabeth, Wilhelm II, and Western Queen Mary Lands, East Antarctica,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Xu, C.H.[Chun-Hai], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Wang, F.T.[Fei-Teng], Mu, J.X.[Jian-Xin], Zhang, X.[Xin],
Geodetic Mass Balance of Haxilegen Glacier No. 51, Eastern Tien Shan, from 1964 to 2018,
RS(14), No. 2, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Kavan, J.[Jan], Tallentire, G.D.[Guy D.], Demidionov, M.[Mihail], Dudek, J.[Justyna], Strzelecki, M.C.[Mateusz C.],
Fifty Years of Tidewater Glacier Surface Elevation and Retreat Dynamics along the South-East Coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago),
RS(14), No. 2, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Zhou, Y.S.[Yu-Shan], Li, X.[Xin], Zheng, D.H.[Dong-Hai], Zhang, X.L.[Xiao-Long], Wang, Y.Z.[Ying-Zheng], Ren, S.S.[Shan-Shan], Guo, Y.L.[Yan-Long],
Decadal Changes in Glacier Area, Surface Elevation and Mass Balance for 2000-2020 in the Eastern Tanggula Mountains Using Optical Images and TanDEM-X Radar Data,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Ma, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Wang, Z.[Zemin], Li, F.[Fei], Liu, S.L.[Shun-Lun], An, J.C.[Jia-Chun], Li, B.[Bing], Ma, W.F.[Wei-Feng],
Ionospheric Correction of L-Band SAR Interferometry for Accurate Ice-Motion Measurements: A Case Study in the Grove Mountains Area, East Antarctica,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Li, H.L.[Hui-Lin], Wang, F.T.[Fei-Teng], Jin, S.[Shuang],
Multi-Temporal Variations in Surface Albedo on Urumqi Glacier No.1 in Tien Shan, under Arid and Semi-Arid Environment,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Lamsters, K.[Kristaps], Ješkins, J.[Jurijs], Sobota, I.[Ireneusz], Karušs, J.[Janis], Džerinš, P.[Peteris],
Surface Characteristics, Elevation Change, and Velocity of High-Arctic Valley Glacier from Repeated High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Agatova, A.[Anna], Nepop, R.[Roman], Ganyushkin, D.[Dmitry], Otgonbayar, D.[Demberel], Griga, S.[Semen], Ovchinnikov, I.[Ivan],
Specific Effects of the 1988 Earthquake on Topography and Glaciation of the Tsambagarav Ridge (Mongolian Altai) Based on Remote Sensing and Field Data,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Gao, Y.P.[Yong-Peng], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Qi, M.M.[Miao-Miao], Yao, X.J.[Xiao-Jun], Zhu, Y.[Yu], Xie, F.M.[Fu-Ming], Wu, K.P.[Kun-Peng], Saifullah, M.[Muhammad],
The Evolution of the Glacier Surges in the Tuanjie Peak, the Qilian Mountains,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Florath, J.[Janine], Keller, S.[Sina], Abarca-del-Rio, R.[Rodrigo], Hinz, S.[Stefan], Staub, G.[Guido], Weinmann, M.[Martin],
Glacier Monitoring Based on Multi-Spectral and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data: A Case Study for Classification with Respect to Different Snow and Ice Types,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Vacaflor, P.[Paulina], Lenzano, M.G.[Maria Gabriela], Vich, A.[Alberto], Lenzano, L.[Luis],
Co-Registration Methods and Error Analysis for Four Decades (1979-2018) of Glacier Elevation Changes in the Southern Patagonian Icefield,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Herzfeld, U.C.[Ute C.], Lawson, M.[Matthew], Trantow, T.[Thomas], Nylen, T.[Thomas],
Airborne Validation of ICESat-2 ATLAS Data over Crevassed Surfaces and Other Complex Glacial Environments: Results from Experiments of Laser Altimeter and Kinematic GPS Data Collection from a Helicopter over a Surging Arctic Glacier (Negribreen, Svalbard),
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

Li, W.H.[Wen-Hao], Li, F.[Fei], Shum, C.K., Shu, C.F.[Chan-Fang], Ming, F.[Feng], Zhang, S.K.[Sheng-Kai], Zhang, Q.C.[Qing-Chuan], Chen, W.[Wei],
Assessment of Contemporary Antarctic GIA Models Using High-Precision GPS Time Series,
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203
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Ganyushkin, D.[Dmitry], Chistyakov, K.[Kirill], Derkach, E.[Ekaterina], Bantcev, D.[Dmitriy], Kunaeva, E.[Elena], Terekhov, A.[Anton], Rasputina, V.[Valeria],
Glacier Recession in the Altai Mountains after the LIA Maximum,
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

Yan, L.[Lili], Wang, J.[Jian], Shao, D.H.[Dong-Hang],
Glacier Mass Balance in the Manas River Using Ascending and Descending Pass of Sentinel 1A/1B Data and SRTM DEM,
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

Bolch, T.[Tobias], Yao, T.[Tandong], Bhattacharya, A.[Atanu], Hu, Y.[Yan], King, O.[Owen], Liu, L.[Lin], Pronk, J.B.[Jan B.], Rastner, P.[Philipp], Zhang, G.Q.[Guo-Qing],
Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristics and Changes of Glaciers, Glacial Lakes and Rock Glaciers in the Poiqu River Basin (Central Himalaya),
RS(14), No. 8, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Shen, C.[Cong], Jia, L.[Li], Ren, S.T.[Shao-Ting],
Inter- and Intra-Annual Glacier Elevation Change in High Mountain Asia Region Based on ICESat-1&2 Data Using Elevation-Aspect Bin Analysis Method,
RS(14), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Wang, R.J.[Rong-Jun], Ding, Y.J.[Yong-Jian], Shangguan, D.H.[Dong-Hui], Guo, W.Q.[Wan-Qin], Zhao, Q.D.[Qiu-Dong], Li, Y.J.[Yao-Jun], Song, M.[Miao],
Influence of Topographic Shading on the Mass Balance of the High Mountain Asia Glaciers,
RS(14), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Cayo, E.Y.T.[Efrain Yury Turpo], Borja, M.O.[Maria Olga], Espinoza-Villar, R.[Raul], Moreno, N.[Nicole], Camargo, R.[Rodney], Almeida, C.[Claudia], Hopfgartner, K.[Kathrin], Yarleque, C.[Christian], Souza, C.M.[Carlos M.],
Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Tropical Andean Glaciers Using Landsat Data Processed in the Earth Engine,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Wu, K.P.[Kun-Peng], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Zhu, Y.[Yu], Xie, F.M.[Fu-Ming], Gao, Y.P.[Yong-Peng], Qi, M.M.[Miao-Miao], Miao, W.F.[Wen-Fei], Duan, S.[Shimei], Han, F.Z.[Feng-Ze], Grünwald, R.[Richard],
Monitoring the Surface Elevation Changes of a Monsoon Temperate Glacier with Repeated UAV Surveys, Mainri Mountains, China,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Leng, X.J.[Xue-Jing], Feng, X.M.[Xiao-Ming], Fu, B.[Bojie], Zhang, Y.[Yu],
The Spatiotemporal Change of Glacier Runoff Is Comparably Attributed to Climatic Factors and Physical Properties in Northwestern China,
RS(14), No. 10, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Samsonov, S.V.[Sergey V.],
Operational Processing of Big Satellite Data for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics: Case Study of Muldrow Glacier,
RS(14), No. 11, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Gao, L.[Le], Yang, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Qi, J.F.[Ji-Feng], Chen, W.F.[Wen-Feng],
Glacier Mass Balance Pattern and Its Variation Mechanism in the West Kunlun Mountains in Tibetan Plateau,
RS(14), No. 11, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Dziembowski, M.[Michal], Bialik, R.J.[Robert Józef],
The Remotely and Directly Obtained Results of Glaciological Studies on King George Island: A Review,
RS(14), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Liu, S.S.[Shuang-Shuang], Wang, F.T.[Fei-Teng], Xie, Y.[Yida], Xu, C.H.[Chun-Hai], Xue, Y.[Yuang], Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Wang, L.[Lin],
Quantifying the Artificial Reduction of Glacial Ice Melt in a Mountain Glacier (Urumqi Glacier No. 1, Tien Shan, China),
RS(14), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Zhang, Q.F.[Qi-Fei], Chen, Y.N.[Ya-Ning], Li, Z.[Zhi], Xiang, Y.Y.[Yan-Yun], Li, Y.P.[Yu-Peng], Sun, C.J.[Cong-Jian],
Recent Changes in Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan, Central Asia,
RS(14), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Liu, L.[Lin], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Wang, H.S.[Han-Sheng], Sun, Y.[Yafei],
Existence of Glacier Anomaly in the Interior and Northern Tibetan Plateau between 2000 and 2012,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Liu, Y.S.[Yu-Shuo], Qin, D.[Dahe], Jin, Z.Z.[Zi-Zhen], Li, Y.Z.[Yan-Zhao], Xue, L.[Liang], Qin, X.[Xiang],
Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, West Qilian Mountains, West China,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Dittrich, J.[Jirathana], Hölbling, D.[Daniel], Tiede, D.[Dirk], Sćmundsson, Ţ.[Ţorsteinn],
Inferring 2D Local Surface-Deformation Velocities Based on PSI Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study of Oraqfajokull, Iceland,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Zhou, P.[Ping], Zhang, H.[Hui], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin],
Impact of Climate Change on the Glacier and Runoff of a Glacierized Basin in Harlik Mountain, Eastern Tianshan Mountains,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Luo, J.W.[Jian-Wei], Ke, C.Q.[Chang-Qing], Seehaus, T.[Thorsten],
The West Kunlun Glacier Anomaly and Its Response to Climate Forcing during 2002-2020,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Li, J.[Jia], Gu, Y.[Yunyang], Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin], Guo, L.[Lei], Xu, H.D.[Hao-Dong], Miao, Z.[Zelang],
Changes in Glaciers and Glacial Lakes in the Bosula Mountain Range, Southeast Tibet, over the past Two Decades,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Ren, S.S.[Shan-Shan], Li, X.[Xin], Wang, Y.Z.[Ying-Zheng], Zheng, D.H.[Dong-Hai], Jiang, D.C.[De-Cai], Nian, Y.Y.[Yan-Yun], Zhou, Y.S.[Yu-Shan],
Multitemporal Glacier Mass Balance and Area Changes in the Puruogangri Ice Field during 1975-2021 Based on Multisource Satellite Observations,
RS(14), No. 16, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Jazi, Z.E.[Zohreh Erfani], Motagh, M.[Mahdi], Klemann, V.[Volker],
Inferring Mass Loss by Measuring Contemporaneous Deformation around the Helheim Glacier, Southeastern Greenland, Using Sentinel-1 InSAR,
RS(14), No. 16, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Roberts-Pierel, B.M.[Ben M.], Kirchner, P.B.[Peter B.], Kilbride, J.B.[John B.], Kennedy, R.E.[Robert E.],
Changes over the Last 35 Years in Alaska's Glaciated Landscape: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Mapping Glaciers at Fine Temporal Granularity,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Ke, L.H.[Ling-Hong], Zhang, J.S.[Jin-Shan], Fan, C.Y.[Chen-Yu], Zhou, J.J.[Jing-Jing], Song, C.Q.[Chun-Qiao],
Large-Scale Monitoring of Glacier Surges by Integrating High-Temporal- and -Spatial-Resolution Satellite Observations: A Case Study in the Karakoram,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Du, W.B.[Wei-Bing], Zheng, Y.C.[Yan-Chao], Li, Y.Y.[Yang-Yang], Bao, A.[Anming], Li, J.L.[Jun-Li], Ma, D.D.[Dan-Dan], Gao, X.[Xin], Pan, Y.M.[Ya-Ming], Wang, S.T.[Shuang-Ting],
Recent Seasonal Spatiotemporal Variations in Alpine Glacier Surface Elevation in the Pamir,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Song, W.Y.[Wan-Ying], Tang, H.[Handuo], Sun, X.Y.[Xue-Yan], Xiang, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan], Ma, X.F.[Xiao-Fei], Zhang, H.B.[Hong-Bo],
Developing a New Parameterization Scheme of Temperature Lapse Rate for the Hydrological Simulation in a Glacierized Basin Based on Remote Sensing,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Shen, H.F.[Hui-Fang], Zhou, S.D.[Shu-Dong], Fang, L.[Li], Yang, J.[Jian],
Glacier Motion Monitoring Using a Novel Deep Matching Network with SAR Intensity Images,
RS(14), No. 20, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2211

Yao, R.[Ruzhen], Shi, J.C.[Jian-Cheng],
Glacier Mass Loss Simulation Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Yala Glacier and the Qiyi Glacier in the Third Pole,
RS(14), No. 20, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2211

Hesari, M.Z.[Mozhgan Zahriban], Buono, A.[Andrea], Nunziata, F.[Ferdinando], Aulicino, G.[Giuseppe], Migliaccio, M.[Maurizio],
Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR Imagery to Estimate the Recent Dynamics of the d'Iberville Glacier,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Ali, N.[Nauman], Ye, Q.H.[Qing-Hua], Zhang, X.Q.[Xue-Qin], Ji, X.H.[Xin-Hui], Hu, Y.F.[Ya-Fan], Zhu, L.P.[Li-Ping], Ali, A.[Arslan],
Glacier Changes in India's Dhauliganga Catchment over the Past Two Decades,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Milczarek, W.[Wojciech], Kopec, A.[Anna], Glowacki, T.[Tadeusz],
Mapping Ice Flow Velocity of Tidewater Glaciers in Hornsund Fiord Area with the Use of Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (2018-2022),
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Wu, J.[Jiake], Sun, W.J.[Wei-Jun], Huai, B.J.[Bao-Juan], Ding, M.H.[Ming-Hu], Wang, L.[Lei], Wang, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhe], Zhang, J.L.[Jun-Long], Du, W.T.[Wen-Tao], Chen, J.[Jizu], Qin, X.[Xiang],
Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1980 to 2020, Western Qilian Mountains, China,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Bai, C.B.[Chang-Bin], Wang, F.[Feiteng], Bi, Y.[Yanqun], Wang, L.[Lin], Xu, C.[Chunhai], Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Yang, S.[Shujing], Wang, P.[Puyu],
Increased Mass Loss of Glaciers in the Sawir Mountains of Central Asia between 1959 and 2021,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Zhou, S.B.[Shuai-Bo], Sun, Z.L.[Zhang-Li], Sun, P.J.[Pei-Jun],
Rapid Glacier Shrinkage in the Gongga Mountains in the Last 27 Years,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Yang, C.D.[Cheng-De], Xu, M.[Min], Fu, C.S.[Cong-Sheng], Kang, S.C.[Shi-Chang], Luo, Y.[Yi],
The Coupling of Glacier Melt Module in SWAT+ Model Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in the Upper Yarkant River Basin,
RS(14), No. 23, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Lhakpa, D.[Drolma], Fan, Y.[Yubin], Cai, Y.[Yu],
Continuous Karakoram Glacier Anomaly and Its Response to Climate Change during 2000-2021,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Zhou, M.[Min], Xu, S.[Song], Wang, Y.T.[Ye-Tang], Wang, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhe], Hou, S.G.[Shu-Gui],
Recent 50-Year Glacier Mass Balance Changes over the Yellow River Source Region, Determined by Remote Sensing,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Yang, C.S.[Cheng-Sheng], Wei, C.[Chunrui], Ding, H.[Huilan], Wei, Y.J.[Yun-Jie], Zhu, S.[Sainan], Li, Z.[Zufeng],
Inversion of Glacier 3D Displacement from Sentinel-1 and Landsat 8 Images Based on Variance Component Estimation: A Case Study in Shishapangma Peak, Tibet, China,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Zeng, J.[Junze], Xie, J.F.[Jun-Feng], Liu, R.[Ren], Mo, F.[Fan], Yang, X.M.[Xiao-Meng],
Research on Glacier Elevation Variability in the Qilian Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Topographic Correction by Pyramid Registration,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Hu, M.C.[Ming-Cheng], Zhou, G.S.[Guang-Sheng], Lv, X.M.[Xiao-Min], Zhou, L.[Li], Wang, X.L.[Xiao-Liang], He, X.H.[Xiao-Hui], Tian, Z.H.[Zhi-Hui],
Warming Has Accelerated the Melting of Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, but the Debris-Covered Glaciers Are Rapidly Expanding,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Bai, C.B.[Chang-Bin], Wang, F.[Feiteng], Wang, L.[Lin], Xu, C.[Chunhai], Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Yang, S.[Shujing], Wang, P.[Puyu], Bi, Y.[Yanqun], Wei, H.[Haining],
Dynamic Monitoring of Debris-Covered Glacier Surface Velocity and Ice Thickness of Mt. Tomur, Tian Shan, China,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

He, Z.[Zhen], Yang, W.[Wei], Wang, Y.J.[Yong-Jie], Zhao, C.X.[Chuan-Xi], Ren, S.T.[Shao-Ting], Li, C.[Chenhui],
Dynamic Changes of a Thick Debris-Covered Glacier in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(15), No. 2, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Zhao, C.X.[Chuan-Xi], He, Z.[Zhen], Kang, S.Y.[Sheng-Yu], Zhang, T.Z.[Tian-Zhao], Wang, Y.J.[Yong-Jie], Li, T.[Teng], He, Y.F.[Yi-Fei], Yang, W.[Wei],
Contrasting Changes of Debris-Free Glacier and Debris-Covered Glacier in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 918.
DOI Link 2403

Huang, D.[Danni], Zhang, Z.[Zhen], Jiang, L.[Ling], Zhang, R.[Rui], Lu, Y.J.[Yi-Jie], Shahtahmassebi, A.[AmirReza], Huang, X.L.[Xiao-Li],
Variability of Glacier Velocity and the Influencing Factors in the Muztag-Kongur Mountains, Eastern Pamir Plateau,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302

Li, W.[Weile], Chen, J.[Junyi], Lu, H.[Huiyan], Yu, C.[Congwei], Shan, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Li, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang], Dong, X.J.[Xiu-Jun], Xu, Q.[Qiang],
Analysis of Seismic Impact on Hailuogou Glacier after the 2022 Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China, Using SAR Offset Tracking Technology,
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Yu, A.[Aijie], Shi, H.L.[Hong-Ling], Wang, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Yang, J.[Jin], Gao, C.C.[Chun-Chun], Lu, Y.[Yang],
A Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis of Remote Sensing Methods for Glacier Mass Balance Research,
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Koch, M.[Moritz], Seehaus, T.[Thorsten], Friedl, P.[Peter], Braun, M.[Matthias],
Automated Detection of Glacier Surges from Sentinel-1 Surface Velocity Time Series: An Example from Svalbard,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1545.
DOI Link 2304

Xie, Y.[Yida], Wang, F.[Feiteng], Xu, C.[Chunhai], Yue, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying], Yang, S.[Shujing],
Applying Artificial Cover to Reduce Melting in Dagu Glacier in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1755.
DOI Link 2304

Friedt, J.M.[Jean-Michel], Bernard, É.[Éric], Griselin, M.[Madeleine],
Ground-Based Oblique-View Photogrammetry and Sentinel-1 Spaceborne RADAR Reflectivity Snow Melt Processes Assessment on an Arctic Glacier,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1858.
DOI Link 2304

Zhang, Z.[Zhen], Zhao, J.B.[Jin-Biao], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Zhang, Q.B.[Qi-Bing], Jiang, Z.L.[Zong-Li], Xu, Y.Y.[Yang-Yang], Su, H.R.[Hao-Ran],
Characterization of Three Surges of the Kyagar Glacier, Karakoram,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2113.
DOI Link 2305

Ganyushkin, D.[Dmitry], Bantcev, D.[Dmitry], Derkach, E.[Ekaterina], Agatova, A.[Anna], Nepop, R.[Roman], Griga, S.[Semyon], Rasputina, V.[Valeria], Ostanin, O.[Oleg], Dyakova, G.[Galina], Pryakhina, G.[Galina], Chistyakov, K.[Kirill], Kurochkin, Y.[Yuri], Gorbunova, Y.[Yuliya],
Post-Little Ice Age Glacier Recession in the North-Chuya Ridge and Dynamics of the Bolshoi Maashei Glacier, Altai,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2186.
DOI Link 2305

Nurakynov, S.[Serik], Kaldybayev, A.[Azamat], Zulpykharov, K.[Kanat], Sydyk, N.[Nurmakhambet], Merekeyev, A.[Aibek], Chepashev, D.[Daniker], Nyssanbayeva, A.[Aiman], Issanova, G.[Gulnura], Fang, G.[Gonghuan],
Accelerated Glacier Area Loss in the Zhetysu (Dzhungar) Alatau Range (Tien Shan) for the Period of 1956-2016,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2133.
DOI Link 2305

Liang, Q.[Qian], Wang, N.L.[Ning-Lian],
Mountain Glacier Flow Velocity Retrieval from Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Data Using the Offset Tracking and MSBAS Technique: A Case Study of the Siachen Glacier in Karakoram from 2017 to 2021,
RS(15), No. 10, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2306

Saferna, D.[Dawid], Blaszczyk, M.[Malgorzata], Grabiec, M.[Mariusz], Gadek, B.[Bogdan],
Quantifying Changes in Extent and Velocity of the Hornbreen/Hambergbreen Glacial System (SW, Spitsbergen) Based on Timeseries of Multispectral Satellite Imagery,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3529.
DOI Link 2307

Kelly, J.T.[Joshua T.], Hehlen, M.[Mark], McGee, S.[Scott],
Uncertainty of Satellite-Derived Glacier Flow Velocities in a Temperate Alpine Setting (Juneau Icefield, Alaska),
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Gennaro, S.[Simona], Cerrato, R.[Riccardo], Salvatore, M.C.[Maria Cristina], Salzano, R.[Roberto], Salvatori, R.[Rosamaria], Baroni, C.[Carlo],
NDVI Analysis for Monitoring Land-Cover Evolution on Selected Deglaciated Areas in the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps),
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Li, H.[Hao], Li, B.Q.[Bing-Quan], Li, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng], Duan, H.[Huizhi],
The Stability Analysis of Mt. Gongga Glaciers Affected by the 2022 Luding MS 6.8 Earthquake Based on LuTan-1 and Sentinel-1 Data,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Wu, Y.W.[Yu-Wei], Zhang, W.[Wei], Zhang, S.Q.[Shi-Qiang], Mao, Z.L.[Zhong-Lei], Chen, A.[Anan], Li, Z.[Zhen], Zhang, Q.[Quan], Guo, Z.M.[Zhong-Ming], Jiang, X.[Xi], Long, Y.Q.[Yong-Qing],
Emerging Signal of Englacial Debris on One Clean Surface Glacier Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Niu, S.T.[Shu-Ting], Sun, M.P.[Mei-Ping], Wang, G.Y.[Guo-Yu], Wang, W.S.[Wei-Sheng], Yao, X.J.[Xiao-Jun], Zhang, C.[Cong],
Glacier Change and Its Influencing Factors in the Northern Part of the Kunlun Mountains,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 3986.
DOI Link 2309

Fang, G.H.[Gong-Huan], Li, Z.[Zhi], Chen, Y.N.[Ya-Ning], Liang, W.T.[Wen-Ting], Zhang, X.Q.[Xue-Qi], Zhang, Q.F.[Qi-Fei],
Projecting the Impact of Climate Change on Runoff in the Tarim River Simulated by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool Glacier Model,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 3922.
DOI Link 2309

Yao, X.J.[Xiao-Jun], Zhou, S.G.[Su-Gang], Sun, M.P.[Mei-Ping], Duan, H.Y.[Hong-Yu], Zhang, Y.[Yuan],
Surging Glaciers in High Mountain Asia between 1986 and 2021,
RS(15), No. 18, 2023, pp. 4595.
DOI Link 2310

Gawrysiak, L.[Leszek], Kociuba, W.[Waldemar],
Similarity and Change Detection of Relief in a Proglacial River Valley (Scott River, SW Svalbard),
RS(15), No. 20, 2023, pp. 5066.
DOI Link 2310

Song, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu], Du, Y.[Yang], Guo, J.[Jiang],
Automatic Extraction of the Calving Front of Pine Island Glacier Based on Neural Network,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5168.
DOI Link 2311

Pang, X.G.[Xiao-Guang], Jiang, L.M.[Li-Ming], Guo, R.[Rui], Xu, Z.[Zhida], Li, X.[Xiaoen], Lu, X.[Xi],
Surface Motion and Topographic Effects on Ice Thickness Inversion for High Mountain Asia Glaciers: A Comparison Study from Three Numerical Models,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5378.
DOI Link 2311

Wang, Z.F.[Zhen-Feng], Gao, T.G.[Tan-Guang], Kang, Y.L.[Yu-Long], Guo, W.Q.[Wan-Qin], Jiang, Z.L.[Zong-Li],
Glacier Surface Velocity Variations in the West Kunlun Mts. with Sentinel-1A Image Feature-Tracking (2014-2023),
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Gu, J.[Ju], Zhang, Y.[Yong], Lyu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei], Wang, H.H.[Huan-Huan], Jiang, Z.[Zongli], Wang, X.[Xin], Wei, J.F.[Jun-Feng],
Multidecadal Changes in the Flow Velocity and Mass Balance of the Hailuogou Glacier in Mount Gongga, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 571.
DOI Link 2402

Xiao, L.[Letian], Li, S.J.[Shi-Jie], Wu, K.[Kunpeng], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Zhu, Y.[Yu], Afzal, M.M.[Muhammad Mannan], Zhou, J.[Jun], Yi, Y.[Ying], Wei, J.Y.[Jin-Yue], Duan, Y.P.[Yun-Peng], Shen, Y.Y.[Yi-Yuan],
A Geodetic-Data-Calibrated Ice Flow Model to Simulate Historical and Future Response of Glaciers in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 522.
DOI Link 2402

Ren, W.W.[Wei-Wei], Zhu, Z.Z.[Zhong-Zheng], Wang, Y.Z.[Ying-Zheng], Su, J.B.[Jian-Bin], Zeng, R.J.[Rui-Jie], Zheng, D.H.[Dong-Hai], Li, X.[Xin],
Comparison of Machine Learning Models in Simulating Glacier Mass Balance: Insights from Maritime and Continental Glaciers in High Mountain Asia,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 956.
DOI Link 2403

Tong, J.W.[Jin-Wei], Shi, Z.[Zhen], Jiao, J.S.[Jia-Shuang], Yang, B.[Bing], Tian, Z.[Zhen],
Glacier Mass Balance and Its Impact on Land Water Storage in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Revealed by ICESat-2 and GRACE-FO,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 1048.
DOI Link 2403

Huang, Y.L.[Yi-Lin], Kinouchi, T.[Tsuyoshi],
Revealing Decadal Glacial Changes and Lake Evolution in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia: A Semi-Automated Landsat Imagery Analysis,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1231.
DOI Link 2404

Ali, M.[Muzaffar], Liu, Q.[Qiao], Hassan, W.[Wajid],
Two-Decadal Glacier Changes in the Astak, a Tributary Catchment of the Upper Indus River in Northern Pakistan,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1558.
DOI Link 2405

Wang, L.[Lin], Yang, S.J.[Shu-Jing], Chen, K.N.[Kang-Ning], Liu, S.S.[Shuang-Shuang], Jin, X.[Xiang], Xie, Y.[Yida],
A Long-Duration Glacier Change Analysis for the Urumqi River Valley, a Representative Region of Central Asia,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1489.
DOI Link 2405

Murodov, M.[Murodkhudzha], Li, L.[Lanhai], Safarov, M.[Mustafo], Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Murodov, A.[Amirkhamza], Gulakhmadov, A.[Aminjon], Khusrav, K.[Kabutov], Qiu, Y.[Yubao],
A Comprehensive Examination of the Medvezhiy Glacier's Surges in West Pamir (1968-2023),
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1730.
DOI Link 2405

Ren, P.[Pei], Pan, X.H.[Xiao-Hui], Liu, T.[Tie], Huang, Y.[Yue], Chen, X.[Xi], Wang, X.F.[Xiao-Fei], Chen, P.[Ping], Akmalov, S.[Shamshodbek],
Glacier Changes from 1990 to 2022 in the Aksu River Basin, Western Tien Shan,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1751.
DOI Link 2405

Herzfeld, U.C.[Ute C.], Hessburg, L.J.[Lawrence J.], Trantow, T.M.[Thomas M.], Hayes, A.N.[Adam N.],
Combining 'Deep Learning' and Physically Constrained Neural Networks to Derive Complex Glaciological Change Processes from Modern High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Application of the GEOCLASS-Image System to Create VarioCNN for Glacier Surges,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1854.
DOI Link 2406

Ye, F.[Fan], Cheng, Q.[Qing], Hao, W.F.[Wei-Feng], Hu, A.[Anxun], Liang, D.[Dong],
Unveiling Glacier Mass Balance: Albedo Aggregation Insights for Austrian and Norwegian Glaciers,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1914.
DOI Link 2406

Zhao, W.B.[Wei-Bo], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Li, H.L.[Hong-Liang], Xu, C.[Chunhai], Mu, J.X.[Jian-Xin], Yang, Y.F.[Ye-Fei],
The Impact of Glacial Shrinkage on Future Streamflow in the Urumqi River Source Region of Eastern Tien Shan, Central Asia,
RS(16), No. 14, 2024, pp. 2546.
DOI Link 2408

Zhou, W.Y.[Wei-Yong], Xu, M.[Min], Han, H.D.[Hai-Dong],
Spatial Distribution and Variation in Debris Cover and Flow Velocities of Glaciers during 1989-2022 in Tomur Peak Region, Tianshan Mountains,
RS(16), No. 14, 2024, pp. 2587.
DOI Link 2408

Yuan, S.[Suo], Wang, N.L.[Ning-Lian], Chang, J.[Jiawen], Zhou, S.[Sugang], Shi, C.[Chenlie], Zhao, M.J.[Ming-Jie],
Spatiotemporal Changes of Glaciers in the Yigong Zangbo River Basin over the Period of the 1970s to 2023 and Their Driving Factors,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3272.
DOI Link 2409

Liu, P.[Ping], Wu, G.J.[Guang-Jian], Cao, B.[Bo], Zhao, X.[Xuanru], Chen, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan],
Variation in Glacier Albedo on the Tibetan Plateau between 2001 and 2022 Based on MODIS Data,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3472.
DOI Link 2410

Wang, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Zhan, J.[Jingang], Shi, H.[Hongling], Chen, J.L.[Jian-Li],
Interannual Glacial Mass Changes in High Mountain Asia and Connections to Climate Variability,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3426.
DOI Link 2410

Liu, L.[Lin], Zhang, X.[Xueyu], Zhang, Z.M.[Zhi-Min],
Quantifying Annual Glacier Mass Change and Its Influence on the Runoff of the Tuotuo River,
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3898.
DOI Link 2411

Dušeková, L.[Laura], Herich, P.[Pavel], Pukanská, K.[Katarína], Bartoš, K.[Karol], Kse?ak, ?.[?ubomír], Šveda, J.[Jakub], Fehér, J.[Ján],
Comparison of Non-Contact Measurement Technologies Applied on the Underground Glacier: The Choice for Long-Term Monitoring of Ice Changes in Dobšiná Ice Cave,
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3870.
DOI Link 2411

Zhai, L.M.[Li-Min], Ye, Q.H.[Qing-Hua], Liu, Y.Q.[Yong-Qing], Liu, S.Y.[Shu-Yi], Jia, Y.[Yan], Zhang, X.[Xiangkun],
Research on Monitoring the Speed of Glacier Terminus Movement Based on the Time-Series Interferometry of a Ground-Based Radar System,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 3928.
DOI Link 2411

Zhao, H.Y.[Hai-Yan], Li, G.[Gang], Chen, Z.Q.[Zhuo-Qi], Zhang, S.[Shuhang], Zhang, B.G.[Bao-Gang], Cheng, X.[Xiao],
Impacts of GCP Distributions on UAV-PPK Photogrammetry at Sermeq Avannarleq Glacier, Greenland,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 3934.
DOI Link 2411

Wang, Y.Q.[Yan-Qiang], Zhao, J.[Jun], Li, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin], Yang, Y.J.[Yan-Jie], Liu, J.L.[Jia-Liang],
Three-Dimensional Surface Motion Displacement Estimation of the Muz Taw Glacier, Sawir Mountains,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4326.
DOI Link 2412

Liu, J.[Jun], Qin, Y.[Yan], Han, H.D.[Hai-Dong], Zhao, Q.[Qiudong], Liu, Y.Q.[Yong-Qiang],
A Comparative Study of Methods for Estimating the Thickness of Glacial Debris: A Case Study of the Koxkar Glacier in the Tian Shan Mountains,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4356.
DOI Link 2501

Zhai, X.[Xinyi], Zhao, C.Y.[Chao-Ying], Li, B.[Bin], Wang, W.[Wenpei], Liu, X.J.[Xiao-Jie],
Three-Dimensional Monitoring of Zelongnong Glacier, China, with the PO-MSBAS Technique,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4462.
DOI Link 2501

Zhu, L.[Lei], Deng, Y.[Yun], Bai, G.G.[Gang-Gang], Tan, Y.[Yi], Tuo, Y.C.[You-Cai], An, R.D.[Rui-Dong], Wang, X.M.[Xing-Min], Chen, M.[Min],
Runoff Characteristics and Their Response to Meteorological Condition in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin: Spatial Heterogeneity Due to the Glacier Coverage Difference,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4646.
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Wu, K.[Kunpeng], Feng, J.[Jing], Cheng, P.P.[Ping-Ping], Bolch, T.[Tobias], Jiang, Z.[Zongli], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Tahir, A.A.[Adnan Ahmad],
Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Source Data for Insights into Acceleration and Hydrological Control,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4619.
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Abubakari, B.[Bernard], Ambinakudige, S.[Shrinidhi],
The Status of Glaciers in the Western United States Based on Sentinel-2A Images,
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DOI Link 2501

Li, H.Y.[Hong-Yi], Hao, X.H.[Xiao-Hua], Ran, Y.[Youhua], Xiao, P.F.[Peng-Feng],
Monitoring Cold-Region Water Cycles Using Remote Sensing Big Data,
RS(16), No. 24, 2024, pp. 4752.
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Zhou, M.[Min], Wang, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhe], Zhang, T.[Tong], Sun, W.J.[Wei-Jun], Wang, Y.T.[Ye-Tang],
Characterizing Changes in Geometry and Flow Speeds of Land- and Lake-Terminating Glaciers at the Headwaters of Yarlung Zangbo River, Western Himalayas,
RS(17), No. 1, 2025, pp. 40.
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Liu, H.[Hehe], Zhang, Z.[Zhen], Liu, S.Y.[Shi-Yin], Xie, F.[Fuming], Ding, J.[Jing], Li, G.[Guolong], Su, H.R.[Hao-Ran],
Quantifying Spatiotemporal Changes in Supraglacial Debris Cover in Eastern Pamir from 1994 to 2024 Based on the Google Earth Engine,
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A Review of Surge-type Glaciers,
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di Rita, M., Fugazza, D., Belloni, V., Diolaiuti, G., Scaioni, M., Crespi, M.,
Glacier Volume Change Monitoring From UAV Observations: Issues And Potentials of State-of-the-art Techniques,
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Luo, S., Cheng, Y., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, K., Wang, X., Qiao, G., Ye, W., Li, Y., Xia, M., Yuan, X., Tian, Y., Tong, X., Li, R.,
Ice Flow Velocity Mapping In East Antarctica Using Historical Images From 1960s to 1980s: Recent Progress,
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Cheng, Y., Li, X., Qiao, G., Ye, W., Huang, Y., Li, Y., Wang, K., Tian, Y., Tong, X., Li, R.,
Ice Flow Velocity Mapping of East Antarctica From 1963 to 1989,
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Shafique, M., Faiz, B., Bacha, A.,
Evaluating Glacier Dynamics Using Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Hunza Valley, Northern Pakistan,
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Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Using Landsat-8 Data,
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Altena, B., Haga, O.N., Nuth, C., Kääb, A.,
Monitoring Sub-weekly Evolution of Surface Velocity and Elevation for A High-latitude Surging Glacier Using Sentinel-2,
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Ayma, V., Beltrán, C., Happ, P.N., Costa, G.A.O.P., Feitosa, R.Q.,
Mapping Glacier Changes Using Clustering Techniques On Cloud Computing Infrastructure,
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Nascetti, A., Nocchi, F., Camplani, A., di Rico, C., Crespi, M.,
Exploiting Sentinel-1 Amplitude Data For Glacier Surface Velocity Field Measurements: Feasibility Demonstration On Baltoro Glacier,
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Lannutti, E., Lenzano, M.G., Toth, C.K., Lenzano, L., Rivera, A.,
Optical Flow Applied To Time-lapse Image Series To Estimate Glacier Motion In The Southern Patagonia Ice Field,
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Li, R., Ye, W., Kong, F., Qiao, G., Tong, X., Ma, X., Guo, S., Wang, Z.,
A Novel Method For Estimation Of Glacier Surface Motion In 1960s From Argon Kh-5 Optical Imagery,
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Ducasse, E., Berthier, E., Blumstein, D., Le Meur, E., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Durand, G.,
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Pericault, Y., Pothier, C., Meger, N., Rigotti, C., Vernier, F., Pham, H.T., Trouve, E.,
A swap randomization approach for mining motion field time series over the Argentiere glacier,
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Vogel, C., Bauder, A., Schindler, K.,
Optical Flow For Glacier Motion Estimation,
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Sharov, A.[Aleksey], Gutjahr, K.H.[Karl-Heinz], Meyer, F.[Franz], Schardt, M.[Mathias],
Methodical Alternatives to the Glacier Motion Measurement from Differential SAR Interferometry,
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Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
Rock Glacier, Detection, Change, Flow .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25