Index for sam_

Sam, A.R.[Ananthi Roy] Co Author Listing * Digital image steganalysis: A survey on paradigm shift from machine learning to deep learning based techniques

Sam, D.B.[Deepak Babu] Co Author Listing * Completely Self-supervised Crowd Counting via Distribution Matching
* Divide and Grow: Capturing Huge Diversity in Crowd Images with Incrementally Growing CNN
* Going Beyond the Regression Paradigm with Accurate Dot Prediction for Dense Crowds
* Locate, Size, and Count: Accurately Resolving People in Dense Crowds via Detection
* Switching Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting
Includes: Sam, D.B.[Deepak Babu] Sam, D.B.

Sam, L.[Lydia] Co Author Listing * Distribution and Morphologies of Transverse Aeolian Ridges in ExoMars 2020 Rover Landing Site
* Editorial: Applications of Remote Sensing in Glaciology
* Evaluating the Efficacy of Segment Anything Model for Delineating Agriculture and Urban Green Spaces in Multiresolution Aerial and Spaceborne Remote Sensing Images
* Glacier Ice Thickness Estimation and Future Lake Formation in Swiss Southwestern Alps: The Upper Rhône Catchment: A VOLTA Application
* Local- and Regional-Scale Forcing of Glacier Mass Balance Changes in the Swiss Alps
* Quantifying the Congruence between Air and Land Surface Temperatures for Various Climatic and Elevation Zones of Western Himalaya
* Reconstruction and Characterisation of Past and the Most Recent Slope Failure Events at the 2021 Rock-Ice Avalanche Site in Chamoli, Indian Himalaya
* Remote Sensing Perspective on Mass Wasting in Contrasting Planetary Environments: Cases of the Moon and Ceres, A
* Small Lava Caves as Possible Exploratory Targets on Mars: Analogies Drawn from UAV Imaging of an Icelandic Lava Field
* UAV Imaging of a Martian Brine Analogue Environment in a Fluvio-Aeolian Setting
10 for Sam, L.

Index for "s"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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