IJGI( Vol No. )
* *ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
* Analyzing the Contributor Activity of a Volunteered Geographic Information Project: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property, A
* Changes in Vegetation Cover in Reforested Areas in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and the Implication for Landslide Processes
* Detecting Changes in Forest Structure over Time with Bi-Temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets
* Exploring Human Activity Patterns Using Taxicab Static Points
* Exposure Estimation from Multi-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery for Seismic Risk Assessment
* Geoprocessing Journey-to-Work Data: Delineating Commuting Regions in Dalarna, Sweden
* Modeling Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* Prioritizing Areas for Rehabilitation by Monitoring Change in Barangay-Based Vegetation Cover
* Review: An Analysis of Geospatial Technologies for Risk and Natural Disaster Management
* Satellite Image Pansharpening Using a Hybrid Approach for Object-Based Image Analysis
* Spatial Multi-Criteria Model for the Evaluation of Land Redistribution Plans, A
* Spatial Relations Using High Level Concepts
* Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap
* Unified Building Model for 3D Urban GIS, A
* Using Crowdsourced Geodata for Agent-Based Indoor Evacuation Simulations
* Visual Analytics Approach for Extracting Spatio-Temporal Urban Mobility Information from Mobile Network Traffic, A
* Visualization of Lake Mead Surface Area Changes from 1972 to 2009
19 for IJGI(1)
* #AllforJan: How Twitter Users in Europe Reacted to the Murder of Ján Kuciak: Revealing Spatiotemporal Patterns through Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling
* 3D Agent-Based Model of Pedestrian Movements for Simulating COVID-19 Transmission in University Students
* 3D Change Detection Using Adaptive Thresholds Based on Local Point Cloud Density
* 3D Perspective towards the Development of a Metadata-Driven Sharing Mechanism for Heterogeneous CCTV Systems
* 3D Point Cloud Data in Conveying Information for Local Green Factor Assessment
* 3D Tiles-Based High-Efficiency Visualization Method for Complex BIM Models on the Web
* 3D Visibility Analysis for Evaluating the Attractiveness of Tourism Routes Computed from Social Media Photos
* A3T-GCN: Attention Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* Accessibility Assessment of Buildings Based on Multi-Source Spatial Data: Taking Wuhan as a Case Study
* Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak Control: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
* Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
* Accuracy Comparison on Culvert-Modified Digital Elevation Models of DSMA and BA Methods Using ALS Point Clouds
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ionospheric Delay from Multi-Scale Reference Networks and Its Augmentation to PPP during Low Solar Activity
* Accuracy of Regional Centrality Using Social Network Analysis: Evidence from Commuter Flow in South Korea
* Adaptive Pose Fusion Method for Indoor Map Construction, An
* Adaptive Spatial Resolution Method Based on the ST-ResNet Model for Hourly Property Crime Prediction, An
* Advanced GIS and RS Applications for Soil and Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping
* Agricultural Land-Use Changes in the Judean Region from the End of the Ottoman Empire to the End of the British Mandate: A Spatial Analysis
* Air Humidity Characteristics in Local Climate Zones of Novi Sad (Serbia) Based on Long-Term Data
* AIRSENSE-TO-ACT: A Concept Paper for COVID-19 Countermeasures Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Multi-Source Data Processing
* AIS and VBD Data Fusion for Marine Fishing Intensity Mapping and Analysis in the Northern Part of the South China Sea
* Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap
* Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on Prevention and Control of COVID-19: A Case Study of Wuhan City
* Analysis of Differences in the Spatial Distribution among Terrestrial Mammals Using Geodetector: A Case Study of China
* Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
* Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?
* Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia
* Analysis of the Degree of Threat to Railway Infrastructure by Falling Tree Vegetation
* Analysis of the Possibilities of Using HBIM Technology in the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Based on a Review of the Latest Research Carried out in Poland
* Analysis of the Temporal Changes of Inland Ramsar Sites in Turkey Using Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of the Uniqueness and Similarity of City Landscapes Based on Deep Style Learning
* Analysis of the Work Resumption in China under the COVID-19 Epidemic Based on Night Time Lights Data, An
* Analyzing Contextual Linking of Heterogeneous Information Models from the Domains BIM and UIM
* Analyzing the Contribution of Human Mobility to Changes in Air Pollutants: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdown in Wuhan
* Analyzing the Research Evolution in Response to COVID-19
* Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Reconstructing History Using Gamification Integrated into 3D City Modelling, 4D Web and Transmedia Storytelling, An
* Annual Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation via GIS Models of Three Empirical Methods Employing Remotely Sensed Data for the Peloponnese, Greece, and Comparison with Annual MODIS ET and Pan Evaporation Measurements
* Applicability Evaluation of Several Spatial Clustering Methods in Spatiotemporal Data Mining of Floating Car Trajectory
* Application of GIS Tools in the Measurement Analysis of Urban Spatial Layouts Using the Square Grid Method
* Application of Random Forest and SHAP Tree Explainer in Exploring Spatial (In)Justice to Aid Urban Planning
* Application of Territorial Laser Scanning in 3D Modeling of Traditional Village: A Case Study of Fenghuang Village in China
* Approach to Delineate Potential Groundwater Zones in Kilinochchi District, Sri Lanka, Using GIS Techniques, An
* Approach to Improve the Quality of User-Generated Content of Citizen Science Platforms, An
* Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile, The
* ArcStereoNet: A New ArcGIS® Toolbox for Projection and Analysis of Meso- and Micro-Structural Data
* Are Electric Vehicles Reshaping the City? An Investigation of the Clustering of Electric Vehicle Owners' Dwellings and Their Interaction with Urban Spaces
* Art and Argument: Indigitization of a Kiowa Historical Map for Teaching and Research
* Artificial Neural Network Model Development to Predict Theft Types in Consideration of Environmental Factors
* Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of Historic Areas: Methods for GIS Tools
* Assessing Health Resources Equipped with Hemodynamic Rooms in the Portuguese-Spanish Borderland: Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies as a Possible Solution
* Assessing Impacts of New Subway Stations on Urban Thefts in the Surrounding Areas
* Assessing Influential Factors on Inland Property Damage from Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones in the United States
* Assessing Place Type Similarities Based on Functional Signatures Extracted from Social Media Data
* Assessing Potential Climatic and Human Pressures in Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems Using a Spatial Data-Driven Approach
* Assessing the Generalization of Machine Learning-Based Slope Failure Prediction to New Geographic Extents
* Assessing the Impacts of Hierarchical Healthcare System on the Accessibility and Spatial Equality of Healthcare Services in Shenzhen, China
* Assessing the Prediction Accuracy of Geomorphon-Based Automated Landform Classification: An Example from the Ionian Coastal Belt of Southern Italy
* Assessing the Urban Eco-Environmental Quality by the Remote-Sensing Ecological Index: Application to Tianjin, North China
* Assessing Urban Greenness Fragmentation and Analysis of Its Associated Factors: A Case Study in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China
* Assessment and Visualization of OSM Consistency for European Cities
* Assessment of a Rock Pillar Failure by Using Change Detection Analysis and FEM Modelling
* Assessment of Influencing Factors on the Spatial Variability of SOM in the Red Beds of the Nanxiong Basin of China, Using GIS and Geo-Statistical Methods
* Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Distribution Based on Land Disturbance in Southern Taiwan
* Assessment of Surface Water Availability under Climate Change Using Coupled SWAT-WEAP in Hongshui River Basin, China
* Asymmetric Pattern of Population Mobility during the Spring Festival in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Complex Network Analysis: An Empirical Analysis of Tencent Migration Big Data, The
* Automated Mapping of Historical Native American Land Allotments at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Using Geographic Information Systems
* Automatic and Operational Method for Land Cover Change Detection Using Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS Data: A Northern Ontario (Canada) Case Study, An
* Automatic Building Detection with Polygonizing and Attribute Extraction from High-Resolution Images
* Automatic Construction of Indoor 3D Navigation Graph from Crowdsourcing Trajectories
* Automatic Delineation of Urban Growth Boundaries Based on Topographic Data Using Germany as a Case Study
* Automatic Extraction Method for Hatched Residential Areas in Raster Maps Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, An
* Automatic Extraction of Indoor Spatial Information from Floor Plan Image: A Patch-Based Deep Learning Methodology Application on Large-Scale Complex Buildings
* Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment of Imagery Segmentation Processes: A Case Study
* Automatic Road Extraction from Historical Maps Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Regional Case Study of Turkey in a German World War II Map
* Automatically Tracking Road Centerlines from Low-Frequency GPS Trajectory Data
* Autonomous Flight Trajectory Control System for Drones in Smart City Traffic Management
* Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on an Improved Velocity Obstacle Method
* Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Spatial Distribution of Crowdsourced Radiation Measurements around Fukushima, A
* Beautiful China Construction Evaluation Method Based on POIs: Case Study of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
* Between Consultation and Collaboration: Self-Reported Objectives for 25 Web-Based Geoparticipation Projects in Urban Planning
* Beyond Objects in Space-Time: Towards a Movement Analysis Framework with How and Why Elements
* Big Data Spatio-Temporal Correlation Analysis and LRIM Model Based Targeted Poverty Alleviation through Education
* Big Data Supported the Identification of Urban Land Efficiency in Eurasia by Indicator SDG 11.3.1
* Big Data-Driven Pedestrian Analytics: Unsupervised Clustering and Relational Query Based on Tencent Street View Photographs
* BIM Adoption in the Cambodian Construction Industry: Key Drivers and Barriers
* Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest
* Blockchain Solution for Securing Real Property Transactions: A Case Study for Serbia, A
* Building a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Transport Scenario Using Big Data
* Building Typification in Map Generalization Using Affinity Propagation Clustering
* Burned Area Mapping over the Southern Cape Forestry Region, South Africa Using Sentinel Data within GEE Cloud Platform
* Bus Service Level and Horizontal Equity Analysis in the Context of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
* Can Live Streaming Save the Tourism Industry from a Pandemic? A Study of Social Media
* Cascaded Attention DenseUNet (CADUNet) for Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Images
* Cellular Automata Based Land-Use Change Simulation Considering Spatio-Temporal Influence Heterogeneity of Light Rail Transit Construction: A Case in Nanjing, China
* Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of Land Use and Transport Interactions, A
* Century of French Railways: The Value of Remote Sensing and VGI in the Fusion of Historical Data, A
* Changes of Spatiotemporal Pattern and Network Characteristic in Population Flow under COVID-19 Epidemic
* Characterizing the Up-To-Date Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Xiong'an New Area from 2017 to 2020 Using the Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine
* Circuity Temporal Analysis of Urban Street Networks Using Open Data: A Lisbon Case Study, A
* City Intelligence Quotient Evaluation System Using Crowdsourced Social Media Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China
* Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Using Point-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Climate Change and Vulnerability: The Case of MENA Countries
* Closed-Form Solution to Planar Feature-Based Registration of LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Cloud and Snow Segmentation in Satellite Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Clustering Indoor Positioning Data Using E-DBSCAN
* Coastal Tourism Spatial Planning at the Regional Unit: Identifying Coastal Tourism Hotspots Based on Social Media Data
* Cognition of Graphical Notation for Processing Data in ERDAS IMAGINE
* Combining Global Geopotential Models, Digital Elevation Models, and GNSS/Leveling for Precise Local Geoid Determination in Some Mexico Urban Areas: Case Study
* Common Approach to Geo-Referencing Building Models in Industry Foundation Classes for BIM/GIS Integration, A
* Comparative Analysis of Geolocation Information through Mobile-Devices under Different COVID-19 Mobility Restriction Patterns in Spain
* Comparative Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Distribution between Traditional Taxi Service and Emerging Ride-Hailing
* Comparative Study of Frequency Ratio, Shannon's Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Models for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment, A
* Comparing High Accuracy t-LiDAR and UAV-SfM Derived Point Clouds for Geomorphological Change Detection
* Comparing World City Networks by Language: A Complex-Network Approach
* Comparison Method for 3D Laser Point Clouds in Displacement Change Detection for Arch Dams, A
* Comparison of Data from Rain Gauges and the IMERG Product to Analyse Precipitation in Mountain Areas of Central Italy
* Comparison of Ecohydrological and Climatological Zoning of the Cities: Case Study of the City of Pilsen
* Comparison of Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Soil Erosion Pin Measurements
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Potential Active Landslide Hazards Identification with Multi-Source Data
* Comprehensive Analysis of Hurricane Damage across the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts Using Geospatial Big Data, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of the GF-4 Satellite Image Quality from 2015 to 2020
* Computational Geometry-Based Surface Reconstruction for Volume Estimation: A Case Study on Magnitude-Frequency Relations for a LiDAR-Derived Rockfall Inventory
* Consideration of Uncertainty Information in Accessibility Analyses for an Effective Use of Urban Infrastructures
* Considerations for Developing Predictive Spatial Models of Crime and New Methods for Measuring Their Accuracy
* Construction of a WebGIS Tool Based on a GIS Semiautomated Processing for the Localization of P2G Plants in Sicily (Italy)
* Context-Specific Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Popularity-Weighted Random Sampling and Factorization Machine
* Continuous Taxi Pickup Path Recommendation under The Carbon Neutrality Context, A
* Contributor-Focused Intrinsic Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap in Mozambique Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, A
* Copyright Protection Based on Zero Watermarking and Blockchain for Vector Maps
* Correlation Analysis and Reconstruction of the Geometric Evaluation Indicator System of the Discrete Global Grid
* Cost Function for the Uncertainty of Matching Point Distribution on Image Registration, A
* Could Historical Mortality Data Predict Mortality Due to Unexpected Events?
* Coupling Degree between the Demand and Supply of Bus Services at Stops: A Density-Based Approach
* Coupling Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Clustering Algorithm for MSW Landfill Site Selection (Case Study: Lanzhou, China)
* Coupling Historical Maps and LiDAR Data to Identify Man-Made Landforms in Urban Areas
* COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Concentration and Population Density: An Exploratory Study
* CPRQ: Cost Prediction for Range Queries in Moving Object Databases
* Creation of a Multimodal Urban Transportation Network through Spatial Data Integration from Authoritative and Crowdsourced Data
* Crime against Businesses: Temporal Stability of Hot Spots in Mexicali, Mexico
* Crime Prevention Based on the Strategic Mapping of Living Conditions
* Crime Risk Stations: Examining Spatiotemporal Influence of Urban Features through Distance-Aware Risk Signal Functions
* CrimeVec: Exploring Spatial-Temporal Based Vector Representations of Urban Crime Types and Crime-Related Urban Regions
* Crisis Map Design Considering Map Cognition
* Critical Comparison of 3D Digitization Techniques for Heritage Objects, A
* Crowd-Sourced City Images: Decoding Multidimensional Interaction between Imagery Elements with Volunteered Photos
* Crowdsourcing of Popular Toponyms: How to Collect and Preserve Toponyms in Spoken Use
* Crowdsourcing without Data Bias: Building a Quality Assurance System for Air Pollution Symptom Mapping
* CWDAT: An Open-Source Tool for the Visualization and Analysis of Community-Generated Water Quality Data
* Cyberdivisions Produced by the Design of VGI under the Platform Economy: The Case of the Restaurant Sector in TripAdvisor, The
* Cycling Trajectory-Based Navigation Independent of Road Network Data Support
* Data Cube Metamodel for Geographic Analysis Involving Heterogeneous Dimensions, A
* Data-Based Bi-Objective Approach to Explore the Accessibility of Multimodal Public Transport Networks, A
* Data-Driven Framework for Analyzing Spatial Distribution of the Elderly Cardholders by Using Smart Card Data, A
* Data-Driven Quasi-Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Integrating Multi-Source Traffic Sensor Data on the Expressway Network, A
* Decentralized Semantic Reasoning Approach for the Detection and Representation of Continuous Spatial Dynamic Phenomena in Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Decision Making in the 4th Dimension: Exploring Use Cases and Technical Options for the Integration of 4D BIM and GIS during Construction
* Deep Fusion of DOM and DSM Features for Benggang Discovery
* Deep Graph Convolutional Networks for Accurate Automatic Road Network Selection
* Deep Learning for Toponym Resolution: Geocoding Based on Pairs of Toponyms
* Deep Learning Streaming Methodology for Trajectory Classification, A
* Deep Learning-Based Generation of Building Stock Data from Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Demand Modeling
* Deep Understanding of Urban Dynamics from Imprint Urban Toponymic Data Using a Spatial-Temporal-Semantic Analysis Approach
* DeepDBSCAN: Deep Density-Based Clustering for Geo-Tagged Photos
* Defining a Model for Integrating Indoor and Outdoor Network Data to Support Seamless Navigation Applications
* Deformation Characteristics of Tianjiaba Landslide Induced by Surcharge
* DEM Based Study on Shielded Astronomical Solar Radiation and Possible Sunshine Duration under Terrain Influences on Mars by Using Spectral Methods
* DEM- and GIS-Based Analysis of Soil Erosion Depth Using Machine Learning
* DEM- and GIS-Based Analysis of Soil Erosion Depth Using Machine Learning
* DEM-Based UAV Flight Planning for 3D Mapping of Geosites: The Case of Olympus Tectonic Window, Lesvos, Greece
* Density-Peak-Based Clustering Method for Multiple Densities Dataset, A
* Depth Contours and Coastline Generalization for Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
* Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition
* Design Verification of an Optimized Wayfinding Map in a Station
* Design, Development and Applicability Evaluation of a Digital Cartographic Model for 3D Cadastre Mapping in China
* Detecting and Analyzing Urban Centers Based on the Localized Contour Tree Method Using Taxi Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shanghai
* Detecting Multi-Decadal Changes in Seagrass Cover in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, Using Landsat Imagery and Boosting Ensemble Classification Techniques
* Detecting Urban Events by Considering Long Temporal Dependency of Sentiment Strength in Geotagged Social Media Data
* Detection and Analysis of Degree of Maize Lodging Using UAV-RGB Image Multi-Feature Factors and Various Classification Methods
* Detection of Schools in Remote Sensing Images Based on Attention-Guided Dense Network
* Determination of Environmental Factors for the Implementation of the Exploitability Index in Industrial Aggregate Mining Using Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Determining Cover Management Factor with Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis for Improving Long-Term Soil Loss Estimation in Watersheds
* Development after Displacement: Evaluating the Utility of OpenStreetMap Data for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal Progress in Refugee Settlements
* Development of a City-Scale Approach for Façade Color Measurement with Building Functional Classification Using Deep Learning and Street View Images
* Development of a New Phenology Algorithm for Fine Mapping of Cropping Intensity in Complex Planting Areas Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine
* Development of an Integrated BIM-3D GIS Approach for 3D Cadastre in Morocco
* Development of Multilayer-Based Map Matching to Enhance Performance in Large Truck Fleet Dispatching
* DFFAN: Dual Function Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Differencing the Risk of Reiterative Spatial Incidence of COVID-19 Using Space-Time 3D Bins of Geocoded Daily Cases
* Diffuse Anthropization Impacts in Vulnerable Protected Areas: Comparative Analysis of the Spatial Correlation between Land Transformation and Ecological Deterioration of Three Wetlands in Spain
* Digital Graphic Documentation and Architectural Heritage: Deformations in a 16th-Century Ceiling of the Pinelo Palace in Seville (Spain)
* Digital Terrain Models Generated with Low-Cost UAV Photogrammetry: Methodology and Accuracy
* Disaster Image Classification by Fusing Multimodal Social Media Data
* Discovering Spatial-Temporal Indication of Crime Association (STICA)
* Distribution of Lightning Accidents in Sri Lanka from 1974 to 2019 Using the DesInventar Database
* Distribution Patterns and Multilevel Factors of the Innovation Activities of China's New Energy Vehicle Industry
* Do Different Map Types Support Map Reading Equally? Comparing Choropleth, Graduated Symbols, and Isoline Maps for Map Use Tasks
* Do Migrant and Native Robbers Target Different Places?
* Do Mobile Phone Data Provide a Better Denominator in Crime Rates and Improve Spatiotemporal Predictions of Crime?
* Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Panchromatic Orthomosaics in Central Africa
* Dynamic and Static Context-Aware Attention Network for Trajectory Prediction, A
* Dynamic Grid-Based Spatial Density Visualization and Rail Transit Station Prediction
* Dynamic Influence of High-Speed Rail on the Spatial Structure of Economic Networks and the Underlying Mechanisms in Northeastern China, The
* Dynamic Intervisibility Analysis of 3D Point Clouds
* Earth Observation Systems and Pasture Modeling: A Bibliometric Trend Analysis
* Ecosystem-Dependent Responses of Vegetation Coverage on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Factors and Their Lag Periods
* Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds Using Digital Images
* Editorial on the Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Building
* Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Quality of UAS Orthophoto-Maps in the Coastal Environment, The
* Effectiveness of Memorizing an Animated Route: Comparing Satellite and Road Map Differences in the Eye-Tracking Study
* Effects of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Water Yield Services in the Dongjiang Lake Basin
* Effects of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques on Distance Estimations
* Efficient 2.5D Shadow Detection Algorithm for Urban Planning and Design Using a Tensor Based Approach, An
* Efficient and High Path Quality Autonomous Exploration and Trajectory Planning of UAV in an Unknown Environment
* Efficient Group K Nearest-Neighbor Spatial Query Processing in Apache Spark
* Efficient Interactive Tactile Maps: A Semi-Automated Workflow Using the TouchIt3D Technology and OpenStreetMap Data
* Efficient IoT Data Management for Geological Disasters Based on Big Data-Turbocharged Data Lake Architecture
* Efficient Visualization of Large-Scale Oblique Photogrammetry Models in Unreal Engine
* Efficient, Platform-Independent Map Rendering Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality, An
* Electrification Planning for Healthcare Facilities in Low-Income Countries, Application of a Portfolio-Level, Multi Criteria Decision-Making Approach
* Emojis as Contextual Indicants in Location-Based Social Media Posts
* Empirical Insights from a Study on Outlier Preserving Value Generalization in Animated Choropleth Maps
* Encoding a Categorical Independent Variable for Input to TerrSet's Multi-Layer Perceptron
* End Point Rate Tool for QGIS (EPR4Q): Validation Using DSAS and AMBUR
* End-to-End Point of Interest (POI) Conflation Framework, An
* Enhancing the Visibility of SuDS in Strategic Planning Using Preliminary Regional Opportunity Screening
* EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to Improve the Environment Fusion in AR Applications
* Escaping from Cities during the COVID-19 Crisis: Using Mobile Phone Data to Trace Mobility in Finland
* Estimates of the Ambient Population: Assessing the Utility of Conventional and Novel Data Sources
* Estimating the Impacts of Proximity to Public Transportation on Residential Property Values: An Empirical Analysis for Hartford and Stamford Areas, Connecticut
* Estimating the Photovoltaic Potential of Building Facades and Roofs Using the Industry Foundation Classes
* Estimating the Soil Erosion Cover-Management Factor at the European Part of Russia
* Estimation of Agricultural Dykelands Cultivated in Nova Scotia Using Land Property Boundaries and Crop Inventory
* Evaluating and Visualizing Drivers of Coastline Change: A Lake Ontario Case Study
* Evaluating Cultural Landscape Remediation Design Based on VR Technology
* Evaluating Natural Ecological Land Change in Function-Oriented Planning Regions Using the National Land Use Survey Data from 2009 to 2018 in China
* Evaluating Social Distancing Measures and Their Association with the Covid-19 Pandemic in South America
* Evaluating the Effect of the Financial Status to the Mobility Customs
* Evaluating the Representativeness of Socio-Demographic Variables over Time for Geo-Social Media Data
* Evaluation Methods for Citizen Design Science Studies: How Do Planners and Citizens Obtain Relevant Information from Map-Based E-Participation Tools?
* Evaluation Model for Analyzing Robustness and Spatial Closeness of 3D Indoor Evacuation Networks, An
* Evaluation of Gully Erosion Susceptibility Using a Maximum Entropy Model in the Upper Mkhomazi River Basin in South Africa
* Evaluation of Street Dynamic Vitality and Its Influential Factors Based on Multi-Source Big Data, An
* Evaluation of the Optimal Topic Classification for Social Media Data Combined with Text Semantics: A Case Study of Public Opinion Analysis Related to COVID-19 with Microblogs
* Evaluation of Urban Vibrancy and Its Relationship with the Economic Landscape: A Case Study of Beijing
* Evolution of Interactivity, Immersion and Interoperability in HBIM: Digital Model Uses, VR and AR for Built Cultural Heritage, The
* Evolution of the Beaches in the Regional Park of Salinas and Arenales of San Pedro del Pinatar (Southeast of Spain) (1899-2019)
* Evolvement of Rail Transit Network Structure and Impact on Travel Characteristics: A Case Study of Wuhan, The
* Examination of People's Privacy Concerns, Perceptions of Social Benefits, and Acceptance of COVID-19 Mitigation Measures That Harness Location Information: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and South Korea, An
* Examining the Characteristics of the Cropland Data Layer in the Context of Estimating Land Cover Change
* Examining the Effect of Squatter Settlements in the Evolution of Spatial Fragmentation in the Housing Market of the City of Buenos Aires by Using Geographical Weighted Regression
* Examining the Impact of Different DEM Sources and Geomorphology on Flash Flood Analysis in Hyper-Arid Deserts
* Experimental Study of a New Keypoint Matching Algorithm for Automatic Point Cloud Registration, An
* Expert Knowledge as Basis for Assessing an Automatic Matching Procedure
* Exploiting a Semi-Automatic Point Cloud Segmentation Method to Improve the Quality of Rock-Mass Characterization. The Cima Grappa Conservative Restoration Case Study
* Exploration of Semantic Geo-Object Recognition Based on the Scale Parameter Optimization Method for Remote Sensing Images
* Exploring Allometric Scaling Relations between Fractal Dimensions of Metro Networks and Economic, Environmental and Social Indicators: A Case Study of 26 Cities in China
* Exploring App-Based Taxi Movement Patterns from Large-Scale Geolocation Data
* Exploring Complementary Models Consisting of Machine Learning Algorithms for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Exploring Equity in Healthcare Services: Spatial Accessibility Changes during Subway Expansion
* Exploring Spatial Distribution of Urban Park Service Areas in Shanghai Based on Travel Time Estimation: A Method Combining Multi-Source Data
* Exploring Spatial Patterns of Virginia Tornadoes Using Kernel Density and Space-Time Cube Analysis (1960-2019)
* Exploring the Connection between Urban 3D Form and Building Energy Performance and the Influencing Mechanism
* Exploring the Effects of Urban Built Environment on Road Travel Speed Variability with a Spatial Panel Data Model
* Exploring the Factors of Intercity Ridesplitting Based on Observed and GIS Data: A Case Study in China
* Exploring the Influence Mechanism of Attractiveness on Wuhan's Urban Commercial Centers by Modifying the Classic Retail Model
* Exploring the Influence of E-Hailing Applications on the Taxi Industry: From the Perspective of the Drivers
* Exploring the Influences of Point-of-Interest on Traffic Crashes during Weekdays and Weekends via Multi-Scale Geographically Weighted Regression
* Exploring the Latent Manifold of City Patterns
* Exploring the Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Coastline Changes Using Place Name Information on Hainan Island, China
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of COVID-19 Infections among Healthcare Workers: A Multi-Scale Perspective
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Residents' Daily Activities Using Text-Based Social Media Data: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Extended Concept of the Map in View of Modern Geoinformation Products, The
* Extending Geodemographics Using Data Primitives: A Review and a Methodological Proposal
* Extending the IFC Standard to Enable Road Operation and Maintenance Management through OpenBIM
* Extension of IFC For Supporting 3D Cadastre LADM Geometry, The
* Extracting 3D Indoor Maps with Any Shape Accurately Using Building Information Modeling Data
* Extracting Terrain Texture Features for Landform Classification Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Extraction and Visualization of Tourist Attraction Semantics from Travel Blogs
* Eye Tracking Research in Cartography: Looking into the Future
* FARMs: A Geospatial Crop Modeling and Agricultural Water Management System
* Fast Geo-Location Method Based on Panoramic Skyline in Hilly Area
* Filming the Historical Geography: Story from the Realm of Maps in Regensburg
* Filtering Link Outliers in Vehicle Trajectories by Spatial Reasoning
* Fine-Scale Mangrove Map of China Derived from 2-Meter Resolution Satellite Observations and Field Data, A
* Fingerprint Positioning Method for Dual-Band Wi-Fi Based on Gaussian Process Regression and K-Nearest Neighbor
* Forest Fire Hazards Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Sirmaur District Forest of Himachal Pradesh (India): A Geospatial Approach
* Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Geoprocessing: A SHACL-Based Method
* Framework for Cloud-Based Spatially-Explicit Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis in Spatial Multi-Criteria Models, A
* Framework for Indoor Elements Classification via Inductive Learning on Floor Plan Graphs
* Framework of Dam-Break Hazard Risk Mapping for a Data-Sparse Region in Indonesia, A
* FraudMove: Fraud Drivers Discovery Using Real-Time Trajectory Outlier Detection
* Fully Automated Pose Estimation of Historical Images in the Context of 4D Geographic Information Systems Utilizing Machine Learning Methods
* Fully Automatic, Interpretable and Adaptive Machine Learning Approach to Map Burned Area from Remote Sensing, A
* Functional Area Recognition and Use-Intensity Analysis Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Jinan, China
* Functional Classification of Urban Parks Based on Urban Functional Zone and Crowd-Sourced Geographical Data
* FuNet: A Novel Road Extraction Network with Fusion of Location Data and Remote Sensing Imagery
* G-STC-M Spatio-Temporal Analysis Method for Archaeological Sites
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* Geo-L: Topological Link Discovery for Geospatial Linked Data Made Easy
* Geo-Spatial Analysis of Population Density and Annual Income to Identify Large-Scale Socio-Demographic Disparities
* Geocoding Freeform Placenames: An Example of Deciphering the Czech National Immigration Database
* GeoFairy2: A Cross-Institution Mobile Gateway to Location-Linked Data for In-Situ Decision Making
* Geographies of Expatriates' Cultural Venues in Globalizing Shanghai: A Geo-Information Approach Applied to Social Media Data Platform, The
* Geography of Social Media Data in Urban Areas: Representativeness and Complementarity, The
* Geohazards Susceptibility Assessment along the Upper Indus Basin Using Four Machine Learning and Statistical Models
* Geoinformation Technologies in Support of Environmental Hazards Monitoring under Climate Change: An Extensive Review
* Geometric Accuracy of 3D Reality Mesh Utilization for BIM-Based Earthwork Quantity Estimation Workflows
* Geometric Layout Method for Synchronous Pseudolite Positioning Systems Based on a New Weighted HDOP, A
* Geomorphic Approach for Identifying Flash Flood Potential Areas in the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal, A
* GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark, A
* Geospatial Analysis and Mapping Strategies for Fine-Grained and Detailed COVID-19 Data with GIS
* Geospatial Analysis of Solar Energy in Riyadh Using a GIS-AHP-Based Technique
* Geospatial Analysis of the Non-Surveyed (Estimated) Coastlines in Inoh's Map, 1821
* Geospatial and Machine Learning Regression Techniques for Analyzing Food Access Impact on Health Issues in Sustainable Communities
* Geospatial Data Disaggregation through Self-Trained Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Models
* Geospatial Data Utilisation in National Disaster Management Frameworks and the Priorities of Multilateral Disaster Management Frameworks: Case Studies of India and Bulgaria
* Geospatial Decision-Making Framework Based on the Concept of Satisficing
* Geospatial Least Squares Support Vector Regression Fused with Spatial Weight Matrix
* Geospatial Management and Analysis of Microstructural Data from San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Core Samples
* Geospatial Open Data Usage and Metadata Quality
* Geospatial Queries on Data Collection Using a Common Provenance Model
* Geospatial Semantics Analysis of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on Microblog Short Texts
* Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users' Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time
* GIS Assessment of the Suitability of Tilapia and Clarias Pond Farming in Tanzania, A
* GIS Mapping Evaluation of Stroke Service Areas in Bangkok Using Emergency Medical Services
* GIS Models for Vulnerability of Coastal Erosion Assessment in a Tropical Protected Area
* GIS-Based Approach to Estimate Electricity Requirements for Small-Scale Groundwater Irrigation, A
* GIS-Based Bivariate Logistic Regression Model for the Site-Suitability Analysis of Parcel-Pickup Lockers: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China, A
* GIS-Based Methodology for Evaluating the Increase in Multimodal Transport between Bicycle and Rail Transport Systems. A Case Study in Palermo, A
* GIS-Based Multi-Criterion Decision-Making Method to Select City Fire Brigade: A Case Study of Wuhan, China, A
* GIS-Based Spatial and Multi-Criteria Assessment of Riverine Flood Potential: A Case Study of the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia
* GIS-Based System for Spatial-Temporal Availability Evaluation of the Open Spaces Used as Emergency Shelters: The Case of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, A
* Global Contraction and Local Strengthening of Firms' Supply and Sales Logistics Networks in the Context of COVID-19: Evidence from the Development Zones in Weifang, China
* GloVe-Based POI Type Embedding Model for Extracting and Identifying Urban Functional Regions, A
* Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Highly Complex Terrain Using Machine Learning Models
* HA-MPPNet: Height Aware-Multi Path Parallel Network for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Habitat Connectivity for the Conservation of Small Ungulates in A Human-Dominated Landscape
* Heat Maps: Perfect Maps for Quick Reading? Comparing Usability of Heat Maps with Different Levels of Generalization
* Heterogeneity of Spatial Distribution and Factors Influencing Unattended Locker Points in Guangzhou, China: The Case of Hive Box
* Hierarchical Spatial Network Index for Arbitrarily Distributed Spatial Objects, A
* High Influencing Pattern Discovery over Time Series Data
* High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Estimation of Ground-Based Global Navigation Satellite System Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) Soil Moisture Using the Genetic Algorithm Back Propagation (GA-BP) Neural Network
* High-Accuracy Recognition and Localization of Moving Targets in an Indoor Environment Using Binocular Stereo Vision
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Framework Based on Attention Mechanism and Adaptive Weighting
* HiIndex: An Efficient Spatial Index for Rapid Visualization of Large-Scale Geographic Vector Data
* Hotspot Detection and Spatiotemporal Evolution of Catering Service Grade in Mountainous Cities from the Perspective of Geo-Information Tupu
* How Culture and Sociopolitical Tensions Might Influence People's Acceptance of COVID-19 Control Measures That Use Individual-Level Georeferenced Data
* How Did Built Environment Affect Urban Vitality in Urban Waterfronts? A Case Study in Nanjing Reach of Yangtze River
* How Image Acquisition Geometry of UAV Campaigns Affects the Derived Products and Their Accuracy in Areas with Complex Geomorphology
* How Is Urban Greenness Spatially Associated with Dockless Bike Sharing Usage on Weekdays, Weekends, and Holidays?
* Hybrid GLM Model for Predicting Citywide Spatio-Temporal Metro Passenger Flow, A
* Hybrid Population Distribution Prediction Approach Integrating LSTM and CA Models with Micro-Spatiotemporal Granularity: A Case Study of Chongming District, Shanghai, A
* Hydrological Modeling of Green Infrastructure to Quantify Its Effect on Flood Mitigation and Water Availability in the High School Watershed in Tucson, AZ
* Identification and Classification of Arid Zones through Multicriteria Evaluation and Geographic Information Systems: Case Study: Arid Regions of Northwest Mexico, The
* Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques: A Case Study Upper Coruh River Basin (NE Turkey)
* Identification of Poverty Areas by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Case Study in Guizhou, Southwest China
* Identification of Shrinking Cities on the Main Island of Taiwan Based on Census Data and Population Registers: A Spatial Analysis
* Identifying Complex Junctions in a Road Network
* Identifying the Relatedness between Tourism Attractions from Online Reviews with Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
* IdroGEO: A Collaborative Web Mapping Application Based on REST API Services and Open Data on Landslides and Floods in Italy
* IFCInfra4OM: An Ontology to Integrate Operation and Maintenance Information in Highway Information Modelling
* Impact Assessing of Traffic Lights via GPS Vehicle Trajectories
* Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap: Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses, The
* Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Spatial Temporal Analysis in Chicago, The
* Impact of COVID-19 on Pedestrian Flow Patterns in Urban POIs: An Example from Beijing, The
* Impact of Digital and Non-Digital Urban Participatory Approaches on Public Access Conditions: An Evaluation Framework
* Impact of Innovation City Projects on National Balanced Development in South Korea: Identifying Regional Network and Centrality
* Impact of Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Change on Land Surface Temperature Due to Urbanization in Hefei City, China
* Impact of the Accuracy of Terrain Surface Data on the Navigation of Off-Road Vehicles, The
* Impact of the Cartographer's Position and Topographic Accessibility on the Accuracy of Historical Land Use Information: Case of the Second Military Survey Maps of the Habsburg Empire
* Impact of the Geographic Resolution on Population Synthesis Quality
* Impact of Urban Land-Cover Changes on the Spatial-Temporal Land Surface Temperature in a Tropical City of Mexico
* Implementation of FAIR Principles for Ontologies in the Disaster Domain: A Systematic Literature Review
* Implicit, Formal, and Powerful Semantics in Geoinformation
* Importance of Indigenous Cartography and Toponymy to Historical Land Tenure and Contributions to Euro/American/Canadian Cartography, The
* Importance of School World Atlases According to Czech Geography Teachers, The
* Improved A-Star Algorithm for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Using Terrain Data Map
* Improved Accessibility-Based Model to Evaluate Educational Equity: A Case Study in the City of Wuhan, An
* Improved Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Method Using Clustering Algorithm and Dynamic Compensation
* Improved Indoor Positioning by Means of Occupancy Grid Maps Automatically Generated from OSM Indoor Data
* Improving Geographically Weighted Regression Considering Directional Nonstationary for Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation
* Improving Room-Level Location for Indoor Trajectory Tracking with Low IPS Accuracy
* Improving Strawberry Yield Prediction by Integrating Ground-Based Canopy Images in Modeling Approaches
* Improving the Creation of Hot Spot Policing Patrol Routes: Comparing Cognitive Heuristic Performance to an Automated Spatial Computation Approach
* Improving Urban Land Cover Classification with Combined Use of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Imagery
* Improving Victimization Risk Estimation: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
* Incorporating Memory-Based Preferences and Point-of-Interest Stickiness into Recommendations in Location-Based Social Networks
* Independent Map Enhancement for a Spatial Road Network: Fundamental Applications and Opportunities
* Indigenous Mapping for Integrating Traditional Knowledge to Enhance Community-Based Vegetation Management and Conservation: The Kumeyaay Basket Weavers of San José de_la_Zorra, México
* Indoor Floor Localization Based on Multi-Intelligent Sensors
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Maximum Correntropy Unscented Information Filter
* Indoor Traveling Salesman Problem (ITSP) Path Planning
* Inferring Mixed Use of Buildings with Multisource Data Based on Tensor Decomposition
* Inferring Urban Land Use from Multi-Source Urban Mobility Data Using Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Influence of Relief Degree of Land Surface on Street Network Complexity in China
* Influence of Spatial Grid Division on the Layout Analysis of Urban Functional Areas, The
* Influential Factor Detection for Tourism on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Social Media Data
* Information Detection for the Process of Typhoon Events in Microblog Text: A Spatio-Temporal Perspective
* Innovative Intelligent System with Integrated CNN and SVM: Considering Various Crops through Hyperspectral Image Data, An
* INS Error Estimation Based on an ANFIS and Its Application in Complex and Covert Surroundings
* Instance Segmentation for Governmental Inspection of Small Touristic Infrastructure in Beach Zones Using Multispectral High-Resolution WorldView-3 Imagery
* Integrated Decision Support System for Improving Wildfire Suppression Management, An
* Integrating a Three-Level GIS Framework and a Graph Model to Track, Represent, and Analyze the Dynamic Activities of Tidal Flats
* Integrating Evacuation and Storm Surge Modeling Considering Potential Hurricane Tracks: The Case of Hurricane Irma in Southeast Florida
* Integrating Network Centrality and Node-Place Model to Evaluate and Classify Station Areas in Shanghai
* Integrating the Eigendecomposition Approach and k-Means Clustering for Inferring Building Functions with Location-Based Social Media Data
* Integration and Analysis of Multi-Modal Geospatial Secondary Data to Inform Management of at-Risk Archaeological Sites
* Integration Development of Urban Agglomeration in Central Liaoning, China, by Trajectory Gravity Model
* Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Kirikkale-Delice (Turkey)
* Integration of GPS/BDS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning and Visual-Inertial Odometry Based on Smartphones, The
* Integration of Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry for Heritage BIM Enhancement
* Integration of Linguistic and Geospatial Features Using Global Context Embedding for Automated Text Geocoding, The
* Intensity of Urban Sprawl in Poland, The
* Interactive Maps for the Production of Knowledge and the Promotion of Participation from the Perspective of Communication, Journalism, and Digital Humanities
* Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Variabilities in Daily Activity-Travel Patterns: A Networked Spatiotemporal Analysis
* Investigating Carnivore Guild Structure: Spatial and Temporal Relationships amongst Threatened Felids in Myanmar
* Investigating Eco-Environmental Vulnerability for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Key Sector Punjab Using Multi-Sources Geo-Information
* Investigating the Urban Spatial Growth by Using Space Syntax and GIS: A Case Study of Famagusta City
* Investigation of the Expression Method of Theme-Typhoon Disaster Information
* Joint Optimization on Trajectory, Cache Placement, and Transmission Power for Minimum Mission Time in UAV-Aided Wireless Networks
* Joint Promotion Partner Recommendation Systems Using Data from Location-Based Social Networks
* Key Factors Driving the Development of New Towns by Mother Cities and Regions: Evidence from China, The
* KMapper: A Field Geological Survey System
* Knowledge Discovery Web Service for Spatial Data Infrastructures
* Knowledge-Based Recommendation for On-Demand Mapping: Application to Nautical Charts
* Land Use Change Ontology and Traffic Prediction through Recurrent Neural Networks: A Case Study in Calgary, Canada
* Land-Use Change Dynamics Based on the CORINE Data in the Period 1990-2018 in the European Archipelagos of the Macaronesia Region: Azores, Canary Islands, and Madeira, The
* Land-Use Conflict Identification from the Perspective of Construction Space Expansion: An Evaluation Method Based on Likelihood-Exposure-Consequence
* Land-Use Suitability Assessment Using Delphi and Analytical Hierarchy Process (D-AHP) Hybrid Model for Coastal City Management: Kuala Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia
* Landscape Pattern Theoretical Optimization of Urban Green Space Based on Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand
* Landscape Visual Sensitivity Assessment of Historic Districts: A Case Study of Wudadao Historic District in Tianjin, China
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment Using Geospatial Platforms and Weights of Evidence (WoE) Method in the Indian Himalayan Region: Recent Developments, Gaps, and Future Directions
* Learning from the Informality. Using GIS Tools to Analyze the Structure of Autopoietic Urban Systems in the Smart Perspective
* Leveraging Road Characteristics and Contributor Behaviour for Assessing Road Type Quality in OSM
* Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Graphs and Knowledge Graphs: Perspectives in the Field of Maritime Transportation
* Linking Geosocial Sensing with the Socio-Demographic Fabric of Smart Cities
* Linking Public Transport User Satisfaction with Service Accessibility for Sustainable Mobility Planning
* Local Climate Zones, Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature Interactions: Case Study of Hradec Králové, the Czech Republic
* Lost Person Search Area Prediction Based on Regression and Transfer Learning Models
* Machine Learning and Geo-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems in Analysis of Complex Problems
* Machine Learning Approaches to Bike-Sharing Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
* Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Blooms in the Galician Rias Baixas (NW Spain)
* Machine Learning of Spatial Data
* Machine Learning Reveals a Significant Shift in Water Regime Types Due to Projected Climate Change
* Machine Learning-Based Processing Proof-of-Concept Pipeline for Semi-Automatic Sentinel-2 Imagery Download, Cloudiness Filtering, Classifications, and Updates of Open Land Use/Land Cover Datasets
* Machine Learning-Based Supervised Classification of Point Clouds Using Multiscale Geometric Features
* Map-Aided Indoor Positioning Algorithm with Complex Deployed BLE Beacons
* Mapping Allochemical Limestone Formations in Hazara, Pakistan Using Google Cloud Architecture: Application of Machine-Learning Algorithms on Multispectral Data
* Mapping and Quantification of the Dwarf Eelgrass Zostera noltei Using a Random Forest Algorithm on a SPOT 7 Satellite Image
* Mapping Coastal Flood Susceptible Areas Using Shannon's Entropy Model: The Case of Muscat Governorate, Oman
* Mapping Inuinnaqtun: The Role of Digital Technology in the Revival of Traditional Inuit Knowledge Ecosystems
* Mapping Local Climate Zones and Their Applications in European Urban Environments: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Development Trends
* Mapping Mineral Prospectivity Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Support Vector Machine (GA-SVM) Model
* Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions
* Mapping Seasonal High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations with Spatiotemporal Bagged-Tree Model across China
* Mapping the Accessibility of Medical Facilities of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Marker-Less UAV-LiDAR Strip Alignment in Plantation Forests Based on Topological Persistence Analysis of Clustered Canopy Cover
* Massively Parallel Discovery of Loosely Moving Congestion Patterns from Trajectory Data
* Matching Model for Door-to-Door Multimodal Transit by Integrating Taxi-Sharing and Subways, A
* Maximizing Impacts of Remote Sensing Surveys in Slope Stability: A Novel Method to Incorporate Discontinuities into Machine Learning Landslide Prediction
* MCCRNet: A Multi-Level Change Contextual Refinement Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MDST-DBSCAN: A Density-Based Clustering Method for Multidimensional Spatiotemporal Data
* Measurement of Potential Victims of Burglary at the Mesoscale: Comparison of Census, Phone Users, and Social Media Data
* Mechanistic Data-Driven Approach to Synthesize Human Mobility Considering the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Dimensions Together, A
* Method for Exploring and Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Traffic Congestion in Expressway Networks Based on Origin-Destination Data, A
* Method of Optimizing Terrain Rendering Using Digital Terrain Analysis, A
* Methodological Proposal for Automated Detection of the Wildland-Urban Interface: Application to the Metropolitan Regions of Madrid and Barcelona
* Methodological Proposal for the Analysis of Lighting the House Building Façades, A
* Micro-Fabric Analyzer (MFA): A New Semiautomated ArcGIS-Based Edge Detector for Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of Rock Thin-Sections
* Micro-Topography Mapping through Terrestrial LiDAR in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments
* Ming and Qing Dynasty Official-Style Architecture Roof Types Classification Based on the 3D Point Cloud
* Mini-Map for Gamers Who Walk and Teleport in a Virtual Stronghold
* Mining Topological Dependencies of Recurrent Congestion in Road Networks
* Mitigating Urban Visual Pollution through a Multistakeholder Spatial Decision Support System to Optimize Locational Potential of Billboards
* Mixed Reality Flood Visualizations: Reflections on Development and Usability of Current Systems
* Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channels in Urban Emergency Management
* Modeling and Processing of Smart Point Clouds of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometries
* Modeling of the German Wind Power Production with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
* Modeling Past, Present, and Future Urban Growth Impacts on Primary Agricultural Land in Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan Using SLEUTH (1972-2050)
* Modeling Patterns in Map Use Contexts and Mobile Map Design Usability
* Modeling Soil Moisture from Multisource Data by Stepwise Multilinear Regression: An Application to the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Modeling the Distribution of Human Mobility Metrics with Online Car-Hailing Data: An Empirical Study in Xi'an, China
* Modelling Place Visit Probability Sequences during Trajectory Data Gaps Based on Movement History
* Modelling Sediment Retention Services and Soil Erosion Changes in Portugal: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Modern Cartographic Forms of Expression: The Renaissance of Multimedia Cartography
* Modified Deep Reinforcement Learning with Efficient Convolution Feature for Small Target Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Trajectory of Urban Area Hotspots Using the SVM Regression Method Based on NPP-VIIRS Imagery
* Monitoring Vegetation Greenness in Response to Climate Variation along the Elevation Gradient in the Three-River Source Region of China
* Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform
* Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights from Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
* Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: Graphic Analysis of Interior Perspectives by Girault de Prangey around 1839, The
* Moving Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance Video: New MOD-AT Method Based on Adaptive Threshold
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation of the Urban Ecological Environment in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing, A
* Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods for Dissident Republican Violence in Belfast, A
* Multi-Level and Multiple Aspect Semantic Trajectory Model: Application to the Tourism Domain
* Multi-Perspective View on Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs), A
* Multi-Scale Coal Fire Detection Based on an Improved Active Contour Model from Landsat-8 Satellite and UAV Images
* Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data, A
* Multi-Scenario Model of Plastic Waste Accumulation Potential in Indonesia Using Integrated Remote Sensing, Statistic and Socio-Demographic Data
* Multi-Scenario Prediction of Intra-Urban Land Use Change Using a Cellular Automata-Random Forest Model
* Multi-Zone Staged Indoor Emergency Evacuation Algorithm Based on Time Equalization, A
* Multiclassification Method of Landslide Risk Assessment in Consideration of Disaster Levels: A Case Study of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province
* Multifractal Characteristics Analysis Based on Slope Distribution Probability in the Yellow Rivre Basin, China
* Multiple Subspaces-Based Model: Interpreting Urban Functional Regions with Big Geospatial Data, A
* Multiscale Spatial Polygonal Object Granularity Factor Matching Method Based on BPNN
* Multistage Impacts of the Heavy Rain Process on the Travel Speeds of Urban Roads
* Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover within an Oil Block in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Nanjing's Intracity Tourism Flow Network Using Cellular Signaling Data: A Comparative Analysis of Residents and Non-Local Tourists
* National Examination of the Spatial Extent and Similarity of Offenders' Activity Spaces Using Police Data, A
* Nationwide Determination of Required Total Lengths of Multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers under Variable Climate and Geology in Japan
* Natural and Political Determinants of Ecological Vulnerability in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Case Study of Shannan, China
* Near Real-Time Semantic View Analysis of 3D City Models in Web Browser
* New Approach to Measuring the Similarity of Indoor Semantic Trajectories, A
* New Data-Enabled Intelligence Framework for Evaluating Urban Space Perception, A
* New Insight on Soil Loss Estimation in the Northwestern Region of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt
* New Methodology to Study Street Accessibility: A Case Study of Avila (Spain), A
* Non-Local Feature Search Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* Non-Stationary Modeling of Microlevel Road-Curve Crash Frequency with Geographically Weighted Regression
* Novel Heuristic Emergency Path Planning Method Based on Vector Grid Map, A
* Novel Hybrid Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping-Based GeoDetector and Machine Learning Cluster: A Case of Xiaojin County, China, A
* Novel Invariant Based Commutative Encryption and Watermarking Algorithm for Vector Maps, A
* Novel Method Based on Deep Learning, GIS and Geomatics Software for Building a 3D City Model from VHR Satellite Stereo Imagery, A
* Novel Parallel Algorithm with Map Segmentation for Multiple Geographical Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* Novel Robust Approach for Computing DE-9IM Matrices Based on Space Partition and Integer Coordinates, A
* Novel Ultra-Wideband Double Difference Indoor Positioning Method with Additional Baseline Constraint, A
* Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm, A
* OBIA-Based Extraction of Artificial Terrace Damages in the Loess Plateau of China from UAV Photogrammetry
* Object Semantic Segmentation in Point Clouds: Comparison of a Deep Learning and a Knowledge-Based Method
* On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness
* On the Use of Glyphmaps for Analysing the Scale and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 Reported Cases
* Open Community-Based Crowdsourcing Geoportal for Earth Observation Products: A Model Design and Prototype Implementation
* Open Source GIS Application for Spatial Assessment of Health Care Quality Indicators, An
* Pairwise Coarse Registration of Indoor Point Clouds Using 2D Line Features
* Panoramic Street-Level Imagery in Data-Driven Urban Research: A Comprehensive Global Review of Applications, Techniques, and Practical Considerations
* Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone of Eastern Turkey Using Landsat 8 Remotely Sensed Data Coupled with PCA, ICA, and MNFA Techniques
* Parking Places to Moped-Style Scooter Sharing Services Using GIS Location-Allocation Models and GPS Data
* Participatory Mapping as a Didactic and Auxiliary Tool for Learning Community Integration, Technology Transference, and Natural Resource Management
* Particle System-Based Multi-Hierarchy Dynamic Visualization of Ocean Current Data
* Passive Mobile Data for Studying Seasonal Tourism Mobilities: An Application in a Mediterranean Coastal Destination
* Pattern Recognition of Complex Distributed Ditches
* Pedestrian Flow Prediction in Open Public Places Using Graph Convolutional Network
* Pedestrian Routing and Perspectives: WayFinder's Route down the Lane: Come on with the Rain
* People, Projects, Organizations, and Products: Designing a Knowledge Graph to Support Multi-Stakeholder Environmental Planning and Design
* Perceiving Residents' Festival Activities Based on Social Media Data: A Case Study in Beijing, China
* Perception Model for Optimizing and Evaluating Evacuation Guidance Systems, A
* Performance and Productivity of Regional Air Transport Systems in China
* Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (SfM) Processing with Public Cloud Computing and an On-Premise Cluster System for UAS Images in Agriculture
* Person-to-Person and Person-to-Place COVID-19 Contact Tracing System Based on OGC IndoorGML, A
* Platform and Its Applied Modes for Geography Fieldwork in Higher Education Based on Location Services, A
* PLD-SLAM: A New RGB-D SLAM Method with Point and Line Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
* PM2.5 Estimation and Spatial-Temporal Pattern Analysis Based on the Modified Support Vector Regression Model and the 1 km Resolution MAIAC AOD in Hubei, China
* Point-of-Interest (POI) Data Validation Methods: An Urban Case Study
* Population Disaggregation on the Building Level Based on Outdated Census Data
* Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
* Portraying Citizens' Occupations and Assessing Urban Occupation Mixture with Mobile Phone Data: A Novel Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
* POSE-ID-on: A Novel Framework for Artwork Pose Clustering
* Post-Scan Point Cloud Colorization Method for Cultural Heritage Documentation, A
* Post-War Urban Damage Mapping Using InSAR: The Case of Mosul City in Iraq
* Potential of LiDAR and UAV-Photogrammetric Data Analysis to Interpret Archaeological Sites: A Case Study of Chun Castle in South-West England, The
* Potential of LiDAR and UAV-Photogrammetric Data Analysis to Interpret Archaeological Sites: A Case Study of Chun Castle in South-West England, The
* PPTPF: Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Publication Framework for CDR Mobile Trajectories
* Practical Efficient Regional Land-Use Planning Using Constrained Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization
* Precision Agriculture Workflow, from Data Collection to Data Management Using FOSS Tools: An Application in Northern Italy Vineyard
* Precision Evaluation Index System for Remote Sensing Data Sampling Based on Hexagonal Discrete Grids, A
* Predict the Suitable Places to Run in the Urban Area of Beijing by Using the Maximum Entropy Model
* Predicting Spatiotemporal Demand of Dockless E-Scooter Sharing Services with a Masked Fully Convolutional Network
* Predicting the Place Visited of Floating Car: A Three-Layer Framework Using Spatiotemporal Probability
* Predicting User Activity Intensity Using Geographic Interactions Based on Social Media Check-In Data
* Prediction of Groundwater Level Variations in a Changing Climate: A Danish Case Study
* Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and Land Cover Types
* Prediction of Urban Area Expansion with Implementation of MLC, SAM and SVMs' Classifiers Incorporating Artificial Neural Network Using Landsat Data
* Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Data Publishing by Dynamic Anonymization with Bounded Distortion
* Process-Oriented Approach to Identify Evolutions of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies with a Time-Series of a Raster Dataset, A
* Processing Laser Point Cloud in Fully Mechanized Mining Face Based on DGCNN
* Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a Digital Terrain Model for Lake Trichonis Using Geospatial Technologies and Hydroacoustics
* Progressive and Combined Building Simplification Approach with Local Structure Classification and Backtracking Strategy, A
* Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
* Proposed Framework for Identification of Indicators to Model High-Frequency Cities, A
* PSOTSC: A Global-Oriented Trajectory Segmentation and Compression Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligence
* Public Bike Trip Purpose Inference Using Point-of-Interest Data
* Public Responses to Air Pollution in Shandong Province Using the Online Complaint Data
* Pyramidal Framework: Guidance for the Next Generation of GIS Spatial-Temporal Models
* QRB-tree Indexing: Optimized Spatial Index Expanding upon the QR-tree Index
* Quantification of Loess Landforms from Three-Dimensional Landscape Pattern Perspective by Using DEMs
* Quantifying the Contributions of Environmental Factors to Wind Characteristics over 2000-2019 in China
* Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Organic Matter Concentration in the Topsoil of Black Soil in Northeast China Based on Spatial Heterogeneous Patterns, A
* Radio Base Stations and Electromagnetic Fields: GIS Applications and Models for Identifying Possible Risk Factors and Areas Exposed. Some Exemplifications in Rome
* Random Forests with Bagging and Genetic Algorithms Coupled with Least Trimmed Squares Regression for Soil Moisture Deficit Using SMOS Satellite Soil Moisture
* Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tundi Reserved Forest Area, India
* Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Urban Green Spaces on Google Earth Engine
* Real-Time Web Map Construction Based on Multiple Cameras and GIS
* Reconstruction of Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery by Coupling Variational Segmentation and Radiometric Analysis
* Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece
* Refined Lines/Regions and Lines/Lines Topological Relations Model Based on Whole-Whole Objects Intersection Components, A
* Regional and Local Scale Evolution of the Spatial Structure of High-Speed Railway Networks: A Case Study Focused on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, The
* Regionalization of Rainfall Regimes Using Hybrid RF-Bs Couple with Multivariate Approaches
* Regression and Evaluation on a Forward Interpolated Version of the Great Circle Arcs-Based Distortion Metric of Map Projections
* Relationships between Peri-Urbanization Processes and Multi-Hazard Increases: Compared Diachronic Analysis in Basins of the Mediterranean Coast
* Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
* Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Positioning Image Based on Area Division of Foreground and Background
* Research on HAR-Based Floor Positioning
* Research on Landslides Automatic Extraction Model Based on the Improved Mask R-CNN, A
* Research on Large-Scale Urban Shrinkage and Expansion in the Yellow River Affected Area Using Night Light Data
* Research on Susceptibility Mapping of Multiple Geological Hazards in Yanzi River Basin, China, A
* Research on the Method of Urban Jobs-Housing Space Recognition Combining Trajectory and POI Data
* Residual Multi-Attention Classification Network for A Forest Dominated Tropical Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Resilience of Urban Network Structure in China: The Perspective of Disruption
* Review of Human Mobility Research Based on Big Data and Its Implication for Smart City Development, A
* Review of Recent Spatial Accessibility Studies That Benefitted from Advanced Geospatial Information: Multimodal Transportation and Spatiotemporal Disaggregation, A
* Rice Yield Simulation and Planting Suitability Environment Pattern Recognition at a Fine Scale
* Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge Graph: A Focus on Meteorological Conditions
* Risk Assessment of Different Maize (Zea mays L.) Lodging Types in the Northeast and the North China Plain Based on a Joint Probability Distribution Model
* Risk Assessment of Population Loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
* Road Characteristics Detection Based on Joint Convolutional Neural Networks with Adaptive Squares
* Road Map to Classify the Potential Risk of Wind Erosion, The
* Role of Maximum Entropy and Citizen Science to Study Habitat Suitability of Jacobin Cuckoo in Different Climate Change Scenarios
* Role of Participatory Village Maps in Strengthening Public Participation Practice, The
* Role of Spatio-Temporal Information to Govern the COVID-19 Pandemic: A European Perspective, The
* Roman Aqueduct Flow Estimation Using Geomatic Measurement
* RSPCN: Super-Resolution of Digital Elevation Model Based on Recursive Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Networks
* Rurality and Origin-Destination Trajectories of Medical School Application and Matriculation in the United States
* Safe Documentation of Historical Monuments by an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Saline-Soil Deformation Extraction Based on an Improved Time-Series InSAR Approach
* SDG Indicator 11.3.1 and Secondary Cities: An Analysis and Assessment
* Searching for an Optimal Hexagonal Shaped Enumeration Unit Size for Effective Spatial Pattern Recognition in Choropleth Maps
* Seismic Damage Semantics on Post-Earthquake LOD3 Building Models Generated by UAS
* Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Ranau, Sabah, Using Two Different Models
* Semantic Enhancement of Human Urban Activity Chain Construction Using Mobile Phone Signaling Data
* Semantic Relation Model and Dataset for Remote Sensing Scene Understanding
* Semantic-Linked Data Ontologies for Indoor Navigation System in Response to COVID-19
* Semantics of Voids within Data: Ignorance-Aware Machine Learning
* Semantics-Driven Remote Sensing Scene Understanding Framework for Grounded Spatio-Contextual Scene Descriptions
* Semi-Automatic Extraction of Rural Roads under the Constraint of Combined Geometric and Texture Features
* Sensitivity Assessment of Spatial Resolution Difference in DEM for Soil Erosion Estimation Based on UAV Observations: An Experiment on Agriculture Terraces in the Middle Hill of Nepal
* Sentinel 2 Time Series Analysis with 3D Feature Pyramid Network and Time Domain Class Activation Intervals for Crop Mapping
* Set of Integral Grid-Coding Algebraic Operations Based on GeoSOT-3D, A
* Setting the Flow Accumulation Threshold Based on Environmental and Morphologic Features to Extract River Networks from Digital Elevation Models
* Simulating Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Bicycle Flows with an Agent-Based Model
* Simulation of Land-Use Changes Using the Partitioned ANN-CA Model and Considering the Influence of Land-Use Change Frequency
* Simulation of the Urban Jobs-Housing Location Selection and Spatial Relationship Using a Multi-Agent Approach
* Simultaneous Extraction of Road and Centerline from Aerial Images Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Site Selection of Fire Stations in Large Cities Based on Actual Spatiotemporal Demands: A Case Study of Nanjing City
* Size-Adaptive Texture Atlas Generation and Remapping for 3D Urban Building Models
* Sketch Map Tool Facilitates the Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data for Participatory Mapping, The
* Smart Design for Evacuation Signage Layout for Exhibition Halls in Exhibition Buildings Based on Visibility
* Smart Tourism Recommendation Algorithm Based on Cellular Geospatial Clustering and Multivariate Weighted Collaborative Filtering, A
* Smartphone GPS Locations of Students' Movements to and from Campus
* Societal Echo of Severe Weather Events: Ambient Geospatial Information (AGI) on a Storm Event, The
* Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts on Regional Tourism across Chinese Cities: A Spatiotemporal Heterogeneous Perspective
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Polarimetric SAR Data and Experimental Observations in an Arid Environment
* Soil Nutrient Digital Mapping for Precision Agriculture Cases in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone of Russia Using Topographic Attributes, The
* Spatial Allocation Based on Physiological Needs and Land Suitability Using the Combination of Ecological Footprint and SVM (Case Study: Java Island, Indonesia)
* Spatial Analysis of Gunshot Reports on Twitter in Mexico City
* Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Vegetation Greening and Precipitation Changes for Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Climate Zones over Africa, A
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristic Analysis of Imbalance Usage in the Hangzhou Public Bicycle System
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Urban Tourism Travel by Taxi: A Case Study of Shenzhen
* Spatial Approach for Modeling Amphibian Road-Kills: Comparison of Regression Techniques, A
* Spatial Characteristics of the Tourism Flows in China: A Study Based on the Baidu Index
* Spatial Concentration and Dispersion of Homicide during a Period of Homicide Increase in Brazil, The
* Spatial Data Sequence Selection Based on a User-Defined Condition Using GPGPU
* Spatial Distribution and Mechanism of Urban Occupation Mixture in Guangzhou: An Optimized GeoDetector-Based Index to Compare Individual and Interactive Effects
* Spatial Distribution and Morphological Identification of Regional Urban Settlements Based on Road Intersections
* Spatial Distribution Assessment of Terrorist Attack Types Based on I-MLKNN Model
* Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Surface Soil of Xilinguole Coal Mining Area Based on Semivariogram
* Spatial Distribution of Displaced Population Estimated Using Mobile Phone Data to Support Disaster Response Activities
* Spatial Distribution Pattern and Influencing Factors of Sports Tourism Resources in China
* Spatial Modeling and Analysis of the Determinants of Property Crime in Portugal
* Spatial Modelling of Kaolin Deposit Demonstrated on the Jimlikov-East Deposit, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
* Spatial Optimization of Mega-City Fire Stations Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* Spatial Pattern of Highway Transport Dominance in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at the County Scale
* Spatial Patterns of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Crime Rate Across London
* Spatial Variability of Rainfall Trends in Sri Lanka from 1989 to 2019 as an Indication of Climate Change
* Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Concept and Modeling of Prone Shoreline Retreat Areas
* Spatially Characterizing Major Airline Alliances: A Network Analysis
* Spatially Highly Resolved Ground Mounted and Rooftop Potential Analysis for Photovoltaics in Austria, A
* Spatially Varying Effects of Street Greenery on Walking Time of Older Adults
* Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Analysis of Social Media Data and Refugee Movement Statistics
* Spatio-Temporal Schedule-Based Neural Network for Urban Taxi Waiting Time Prediction, A
* Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatio-Temporal Visual Analysis for Urban Traffic Characters Based on Video Surveillance Camera Data
* Spationomy Simulation Game: Playful Learning in Spatial Economy Higher Education
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 Spread with Emerging Hotspot Analysis and Space-Time Cube Models in East Java, Indonesia
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Cover and the Effects on Ecosystem Service Values in Rupandehi, Nepal from 2005 to 2020
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Risk Factors of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York State: Implication of Future Policies
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urban Land Expansion and Population Growth in Africa from 2001 to 2019: Evidence from Population Density Data
* Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns and Local Driving Factors of Regional Development in Java
* Spatiotemporal Dynamic of COVID-19 Diffusion in China: A Dynamic Spatial Autoregressive Model Analysis
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Suspended Sediments in the Negro River, Amazon Basin, from In Situ and Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing Data
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Determinant Factors of the Intra-Regional Trade Community Structures of the Indian Ocean Region
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Trend Prediction of Tourism Economic Vulnerability in China's Major Tourist Cities
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Online Social Network after a Natural Disaster
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Patterns of the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Space-Time Aggregation and Spatial Statistics: A Global Perspective
* Spatiotemporal Influence of Land Use/Land Cover Change Dynamics on Surface Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria
* Spatiotemporal Interaction Effect of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States, The
* Spatiotemporal Pattern and Driving Factors of Cyber Fraud Crime in China, The
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Human Mobility and Its Association with Land Use Types during COVID-19 in New York City
* Spatiotemporal RDF Data Query Based on Subgraph Matching
* SPPD: A Novel Reassembly Method for 3D Terracotta Warrior Fragments Based on Fracture Surface Information
* Strategic Analysis for Governance Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal in Korea
* Structure-Level 3D Building Model Encoding Method for Progressive Transmission
* Students' Reactions to Virtual Geological Field Trip to Baengnyeong Island, South Korea
* Study of Diffusion Equation-Based Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Simulation, A
* Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability Change
* Study on Feng Shui (Geomantic) Suitability Evaluation of Mausoleums in Nanjing City Based on GIS
* Study on Fractal Characteristics of Migration-Population Flow: Evidence from Egypt
* Study on Prediction Model of Gully Volume Based on Morphological Features in the JINSHA Dry-Hot Valley Region of Southwest China, A
* Study on Relative Accuracy and Verification Method of High-Definition Maps for Autonomous Driving
* Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Spatial Behavior of Urban Tourists Based on Commentary Big Data: A Case Study of Nanjing, China
* Study on the Spatio-Temporal Land-Use Changes and Ecological Response of the Dongting Lake Catchment, A
* Subjectively Measured Streetscape Perceptions to Inform Urban Design Strategies for Shanghai
* Subsurface Topographic Modeling Using Geospatial and Data Driven Algorithm
* Survey of Scan-to-BIM Practices in the AEC Industry: A Quantitative Analysis, A
* Surveying Reality (SurReal): Software to Simulate Surveying in Virtual Reality
* Sustainable Development of Transport as a Regional Policy Target for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Poland
* Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces to Improve the Usability of Metadata Systems
* Synthesizing Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability into VRRSability for Improving Geoinformation Decision Support Evaluations
* Systematic Review of Station Location Techniques for Bicycle-Sharing Systems Planning and Operation, A
* TATSSI: A Free and Open-Source Platform for Analyzing Earth Observation Products with Quality Data Assessment
* Techniques for the Automatic Detection and Hiding of Sensitive Targets in Emergency Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Temporal and Spatial Evolution Analysis of Earthquake Events in California and Nevada Based on Spatial Statistics
* Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Influencing Factors of Public Sentiment in Natural Disasters: A Case Study of Typhoon Haiyan
* Temporal and Spatial Variation of Anthropogenic Heat in the Central Urban Area: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Leaf Area Index and Its Response to Topography in the Three-River Source Region, China from 2000 to 2017
* Temporal Directed Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Using Taxi Trajectory Data, A
* Theoretical Proposition for Spatial Data Infrastructure On-Going Improvement, A
* Thirty-Year Dynamics of LULC at the Dong Thap Muoi Area, Southern Vietnam, Using Google Earth Engine
* Three-Dimensional Buffer Analysis Method Based on the 3D Discrete Global Grid System, A
* Three-Dimensional Inundation Mapping Using UAV Image Segmentation and Digital Surface Model
* Three-Dimensional Measurement and Three-Dimensional Printing of Giant Coastal Rocks
* Tidal Flat Wetlands Delineation and Classification Method for High-Resolution Imagery, A
* Time-Series-Based Queries on Stable Transportation Networks Equipped with Sensors
* To Drive or to Be Driven? The Impact of Autopilot, Navigation System, and Printed Maps on Driver's Cognitive Workload and Spatial Knowledge
* Topology Conflict Detection Considering Incremental Updating of Multi-Scale Road Networks
* Topology-Preserving Simplification Method for 3D Building Models, A
* Torrential Flood Water Management: Rainwater Harvesting through Relation Based Dam Suitability Analysis and Quantification of Erosion Potential
* TouchTerrain: 3D Printable Terrain Models
* Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Temporal, and Visual Embeddings for Flickr-Geotagged Photos, A
* Toward Improving Image Retrieval via Global Saliency Weighted Feature
* Towards an Operative Predictive Model for the Songshan Area during the Yangshao Period
* Towards Culture-Aware Smart and Sustainable Cities: Integrating Historical Sources in Spatial Information Infrastructures
* Towards Development of a Real-Time Point Feature Quality Assessment Method for Volunteered Geographic Information Using the Internet of Things
* Towards Managing Visual Pollution: A 3D Isovist and Voxel Approach to Advertisement Billboard Visual Impact Assessment
* Towards Measuring Shape Similarity of Polygons Based on Multiscale Features and Grid Context Descriptors
* Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructures: Understanding the Impact of Coastal Flooding on the Fuel Transportation Network in the San Francisco Bay
* Towards the Semantic Enrichment of Trajectories Using Spatial Data Infrastructures
* Traditional Communities and Mental Maps: Dialogues between Local Knowledge and Cartography from the Socioenvironmental Atlas of Lencois Maranhenses, Brazil
* Traffic Inequality and Relations in Maritime Silk Road: A Network Flow Analysis
* Trajectory Ensemble-Compression Algorithm Based on Finite Element Method, A
* Trajectory Privacy Protection Method Based on Random Sampling Differential Privacy, A
* Trajectory Scoring Tool for Local Anomaly Detection in Maritime Traffic Using Visual Analytics, A
* Trajectory Similarity Analysis with the Weight of Direction and k-Neighborhood for AIS Data
* Transfer Learning of a Deep Learning Model for Exploring Tourists' Urban Image Using Geotagged Photos
* Transnational Accessibility between Residential Areas Based on Multimodal Transport System
* Transparency for Participation through the Communication Approach
* Tree Height Growth Modelling Using LiDAR-Derived Topography Information
* TriangleConv: A Deep Point Convolutional Network for Recognizing Building Shapes in Map Space
* Trip Purpose Imputation Using GPS Trajectories with Machine Learning
* Twitter Use in Hurricane Isaac and Its Implications for Disaster Resilience
* Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Opensource Workflow Solution Applied to Lithological Mapping of the Coatings of Cultural Heritage, An
* Understanding Plum Rain's Effects on Urban Public Bicycle Unavailability Considering Both Place Semantics and Riding Distance
* Understanding the Correlation between Landscape Pattern and Vertical Urban Volume by Time-Series Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Melbourne
* Understanding the Drivers of Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Florida, USA Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Understanding the Relationship between Dominant Geo-Environmental Factors and Rural Poverty in Guizhou, China
* Understanding the Role of Urbanization on Vegetation Dynamics in Mountainous Areas of Southwest China: Mechanism, Spatiotemporal Pattern, and Policy Implications
* Understanding the Spatial Effects of Unaffordable Housing Using the Commuting Patterns of Workers in the New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure
* Understanding Users' Satisfaction towards Public Transit System in India: A Case-Study of Mumbai
* Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features, A
* Unifying Framework for Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Event Sequence Similarity and Its Applications, A
* Urban Fine-Grained Spatial Structure Detection Based on a New Traffic Flow Interaction Analysis Framework
* Urban Growth, Real Estate Development and Indigenous Property: Simulating the Expansion Process in the City of Temuco, Chile
* Urban Hotspot Area Detection Using Nearest-Neighborhood-Related Quality Clustering on Taxi Trajectory Data
* Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan
* Urban Quality of Life: Spatial Modeling and Indexing in Athens Metropolitan Area, Greece
* Urban-Rural Gradients Predict Educational Gaps: Evidence from a Machine Learning Approach Involving Academic Performance and Impervious Surfaces in Ecuador
* Usability of WebXR Visualizations in Urban Planning
* Usage of Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Data for Identifying Spatial Variability of Soil Nitrogen Content
* Use and Perceptions of Pedestrian Navigation Apps: Findings from Bologna and Porto
* Use of Interactive Virtual BIM to Boost Virtual Tourism in Heritage Sites, Historic Jeddah, The
* Use of Land Cover Indices for Rapid Surface Urban Heat Island Detection from Multi-Temporal Landsat Imageries, The
* Use of PPGIS: Towards Reaching a Meaningful Public Participation in Spatial Planning, The
* Use of UAV in Cadastral Mapping of the Czech Republic, The
* User-Centred Design of Multidisciplinary Spatial Data Platforms for Human-History Research
* User-Specific Route Planning for People with Motor Disabilities: A Fuzzy Approach
* Using Content Analysis to Probe the Cognitive Image of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Exploration of Chinese Social Media
* Using Exploratory Spatial Analysis to Understand the Patterns of Adolescents' Active Transport to School and Contributory Factors
* Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Study the Seasonal Influence of Potential Risk Factors on the Incidence of HFMD on the Chinese Mainland
* Using Geomatic Techniques to Estimate Volume-Area Relationships of Watering Ponds
* Using Geotagged Social Media Data to Explore Sentiment Changes in Tourist Flow: A Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
* Using Machine Learning to Map Western Australian Landscapes for Mineral Exploration
* Using Multiple Scale Space-Time Patterns to Determine the Number of Replicates and Burn-In Periods in Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Modeling of Vector-Borne Disease Transmission
* Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden
* Using Prospective Methods to Identify Fieldwork Locations Favourable to Understanding Divergences in Health Care Accessibility
* Using Restaurant POI Data to Explore Regional Structure of Food Culture Based on Cuisine Preference
* Using Standardized Time Series Land Cover Maps to Monitor the SDG Indicator Mountain Green Cover Index and Assess Its Sensitivity to Vegetation Dynamics
* Using VGI and Social Media Data to Understand Urban Green Space: A Narrative Literature Review
* Utilization of Image, LiDAR and Gamma-Ray Information to Improve Environmental Sustainability of Cut-to-Length Wood Harvesting Operations in Peatlands: A Management Systems Perspective
* Utilizing Urban Geospatial Data to Understand Heritage Attractiveness in Amsterdam
* Vector Map Encryption Algorithm Based on Double Random Position Permutation Strategy
* Vegetation Coverage Prediction for the Qinling Mountains Using the CA-Markov Model
* Vehicle Detection in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on an Anchor-Free Detection Model with a More Precise Foveal Area
* Versioning of 3D City Models for Municipality Applications: Needs, Obstacles and Recommendations
* View-Dependent Progressive Transmission Method for 3D Building Models
* Virtual 3D Campus for Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
* Virtual Prospecting in Paleontology Using a Drone-Based Orthomosaic Map: An Eye Movement Analysis
* Virtual Reality-Based Fuzzy Spatial Relation Knowledge Extraction Method for Observer-Centered Vague Location Descriptions
* Virtual Space Built on a Canvas Painting for an Augmented Experience to Catch the Artist's Message, A
* Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments by Employing OGC Standards, A
* Visual Attention Model Based on Eye Tracking in 3D Scene Maps, A
* Visual Positioning in Indoor Environments Using RGB-D Images and Improved Vector of Local Aggregated Descriptors
* Visual SLAM Robust against Dynamic Objects Based on Hybrid Semantic-Geometry Information, A
* Visualizing Large-Scale Building Information Modeling Models within Indoor and Outdoor Environments Using a Semantics-Based Method
* Volumetric Representation and Sphere Packing of Indoor Space for Three-Dimensional Room Segmentation
* Water Yield Modelling, Sensitivity Analysis and Validation: A Study for Portugal
* Watershed Drought and Ecosystem Services: Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Gray Relational Analysis
* Web GIS-Based Integration of 3D Digital Models with Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage Exploration, A
* Web Map Effectiveness in the Responsive Context of the Graphical User Interface
* What Happens in the City When Long-Term Urban Expansion and (Un)Sustainable Fringe Development Occur: The Case Study of Rome
* What Is the Shape of Geographical Time-Space? A Three-Dimensional Model Made of Curves and Cones
* What Would Happen If the M 7.3 (1721) and M 7.4 (1780) Historical Earthquakes of Tabriz City (NW Ira
* Which Gridded Population Data Product Is Better? Evidences from Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA)
* Whose Urban Green? Mapping and Classifying Public and Private Green Spaces in Padua for Spatial Planning Policies
* Why Is Green Hotel Certification Unpopular in Taiwan? An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach
* Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
* Wireless Fingerprint Positioning Method Based on Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning, A
* Yearly and Daily Relationship Assessment between Air Pollution and Early-Stage COVID-19 Incidence: Evidence from 231 Countries and Regions
* Zero Watermarking for the TIN DEM Data Based on the Edge Length
* Zonal Displacement Approach via Grid Point Weighting in Building Generalization, A
829 for IJGI(10)
* 3D Modeling Method for Dome Structure Using Digital Geological Map and DEM
* 3D Modeling of Individual Trees from LiDAR and Photogrammetric Point Clouds by Explicit Parametric Representations for Green Open Space (GOS) Management
* 3D Visualisation of the Historic Pre-Dam Vltava River Valley: Procedural and CAD Modelling, Online Publishing and Virtual Reality
* Acceptance of GIS within ERP System: Research Study in Higher Education
* Acceptance of Online Mapping Technology among Older Adults: Technology Acceptance Model with Facilitating Condition, Compatibility, and Self-Satisfaction
* Accuracy Issues for Spatial Update of Digital Cadastral Maps
* Accurate and Efficient Quaternion-Based Visualization Approach to 2D/3D Vector Data for the Mobile Augmented Reality Map, An
* Accurate Extraction of Ground Objects from Remote Sensing Image Based on Mark Clustering Point Process
* Achieving Active 30 Minute Cities: How Feasible Is It to Reach Work within 30 Minutes Using Active Transport Modes?
* Achieving Differential Privacy Publishing of Location-Based Statistical Data Using Grid Clustering
* Adaptive Embedding Network with Spatial Constraints for the Use of Few-Shot Learning in Endangered-Animal Detection, An
* Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier
* Adaptive Route Planning Method of Connected Vehicles for Improving the Transport Efficiency, An
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Query Strategies in Blockchain
* Aesthetics and Cartography: Post-Critical Reflections on Deviance in and of Representations
* Agglomeration Externalities, Network Externalities and Urban High-Quality Development: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
* All Burglaries Are Not the Same: Predicting Near-Repeat Burglaries in Cities Using Modus Operandi
* Ambulances Deployment Problems: Categorization, Evolution and Dynamic Problems Review
* Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of Volunteered Geographic Information in the Context of National Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data Imputation Methods for Traffic Flow Data in Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Spatial Pattern of the Catering Industry in the Four Central Cities of the Yangtze River Delta
* Analysis of the Evolution of the Relationship between the Urban Pattern and Economic Development in Guangdong Province Based on Coupled Multisource Data
* Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Nanjing's Urban Expansion and Its Driving Mechanisms
* Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Boundary-Based Neural Network Weighted Regression Model
* Analyzing Air Pollutant Reduction Possibilities in the City of Zagreb
* Analyzing the Behaviors of OpenStreetMap Volunteers in Mapping Building Polygons Using a Machine Learning Approach
* ANNs-Based Method for Automated Labelling of Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed: Implications for Agricultural Water Management, An
* Application of Observation Minus Reanalysis Method towards LULC Change Impact over Southern India
* Application of Social Network Analysis in the Economic Connection of Urban Agglomerations Based on Nighttime Lights Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, China
* Applying Check-in Data and User Profiles to Identify Optimal Store Locations in a Road Network
* Applying Decision Trees to Examine the Nonlinear Effects of Multiscale Transport Accessibility on Rural Poverty in China
* Approaches for the Clustering of Geographic Metadata and the Automatic Detection of Quasi-Spatial Dataset Series
* Aquaculture Site Selection of Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) in Markazi Province Using GIS-Based MCDM
* Aquifer and Land Subsidence Interaction Assessment Using Sentinel-1 Data and DInSAR Technique
* Assessing Multi-Temporal Global Urban Land-Cover Products Using Spatio-Temporal Stratified Sampling
* Assessing Park Accessibility Based on a Dynamic Huff Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method and Map Service API
* Assessing Reliability of Chinese Geotagged Social Media Data for Spatiotemporal Representation of Human Mobility
* Assessing Street Space Quality Using Street View Imagery and Function-Driven Method: The Case of Xiamen, China
* Assessing the Accessibility of Swimming Pools in Nanjing by Walking and Cycling Using Baidu Maps
* Assessing the Spatial Accessibility of Urban Medical Facilities in Multi-Level and Multi-Period Scales Based on Web Mapping API and an Improved Potential Model
* Assessing the Spectral Information of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellites for Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval of a Tropical Forest
* Assessment and Mapping Soil Water Erosion Using RUSLE Approach and GIS Tools: Case of Oued el-Hai Watershed, Aures West, Northeastern of Algeria
* Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Fuzzy AHP Techniques: A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia)
* Assessment of Morphometric Parameters as the Basis for Hydrological Inferences in Water Resource Management: A Case Study from the Sinu River Basin in Colombia
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Surface Extents and Lake Surface Temperatures Using Google Earth Engine for Lakes Region, Turkiye
* Assessment of the Accessibility of Multiple Public Service Facilities and Its Correlation with Housing Prices Using an Improved 2SFCA Method: A Case Study of Jinan City, China, An
* Assignment of a Synthetic Population for Activity-Based Modeling Employing Publicly Available Data
* Associative Analysis of Inefficiencies and Station Activity Levels in Emergency Response
* Attention-Based Multiscale Spatiotemporal Network for Traffic Forecast with Fusion of External Factors
* Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships, An
* Augmented Multi-Component Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Automated Residential Area Generalization: Combination of Knowledge-Based Framework and Similarity Measurement
* Automatic Classification of Photos by Tourist Attractions Using Deep Learning Model and Image Feature Vector Clustering
* Automatic Generalization Method for a Dense Road Network Area Considering Spatial Structural Features as Constraints, An
* Automatic Georeferencing of Topographic Raster Maps
* Automatic Identification of Addresses: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic Positioning of Street Objects Based on Self-Adaptive Constrained Line of Bearing from Street-View Images
* B-GPS: Blockchain-Based Global Positioning System for Improved Data Integrity and Reliability
* Beyond Accessibility: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Urban Park Equity in Yangzhou, China
* Bibliometric Analysis of OGC Specifications between 1994 and 2020 Based on Web of Science (WoS)
* Bridges and Barriers: An Exploration of Engagements of the Research Community with the OpenStreetMap Community
* Bringing Federated Semantic Queries to the GIS-Based Scenario
* Building Block Extraction from Historical Maps Using Deep Object Attention Networks
* Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based on Multi-Attribute Aggregated Data from Cell Phones: A Method Combining Multidimensional Time Series with a SOM Neural Network
* Cascaded Residual Attention Enhanced Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Certainty Factor Analyses and Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Landslide Evolution: Case Studies in the Chishan River Watershed in Taiwan
* Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Market Service Industries in Rural Areas around Metropolises: A Case Study of Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Characteristics of False-Positive Active Fires for Biomass Burning Monitoring in Indonesia from VIIRS Data and Local Geo-Features
* Characterizing Production-Living-Ecological Space Evolution and Its Driving Factors: A Case Study of the Chaohu Lake Basin in China from 2000 to 2020
* Classification of Floods in Europe and North America with Focus on Compound Events
* Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk for Climate Change Mitigation of the Urban and Peri-Urban Area of Padua (Italy)
* Cluster Nested Loop k-Farthest Neighbor Join Algorithm for Spatial Networks
* Clustering Methods Based on Stay Points and Grid Density for Hotspot Detection
* Combining Telecom Data with Heterogeneous Data Sources for Traffic and Emission Assessments: An Agent-Based Approach
* Combining Temporal and Multi-Modal Approaches to Better Measure Accessibility to Banking Services
* Commuter Mobility Patterns in Social Media: Correlating Twitter and LODES Data
* Commuting Analysis of the Budapest Metropolitan Area Using Mobile Network Data
* Comparative Study about Vertical Accuracy of Four Freely Available Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study in the Balsas River Watershed, Brazil, A
* Comparative Study of Various Deep Learning Approaches to Shape Encoding of Planar Geospatial Objects, A
* Comparative Study on Matching Methods for the Distinction of Building Modifications and Replacements Based on Multi-Temporal Building Footprint Data
* Comparison Study of Landslide Susceptibility Spatial Modeling Using Machine Learning, A
* Complete Reinforcement-Learning-Based Framework for Urban-Safety Perception, A
* Comprehensive Analysis of Hurricane Damage across the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts Using Geospatial Big Data, A
* Comprehensive Spatio-Temporal Model for Subway Passenger Flow Prediction, A
* Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region: A Case Study of Southwest China
* Construction of a COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Knowledge Graph Considering Spatial Relationships: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Contact-Fraud Victimization among Urban Seniors: An Analysis of Multilevel Influencing Factors
* Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of Urban Functional Regions with POI and Taxi OD Data
* Continuous Monitoring of the Surface Water Area in the Yellow River Basin during 1986-2019 Using Available Landsat Imagery and the Google Earth Engine
* Copernicus User Uptake: From Data to Applications
* Correlation between Land Use Pattern and Urban Rail Ridership Based on Bicycle-Sharing Trajectory
* County-Level Assessment of Vulnerability to COVID-19 in Alabama
* Coupling a Physical Replica with a Digital Twin: A Comparison of Participatory Decision-Making Methods in an Urban Park Environment
* COVID-19 Crisis and the Case for Online GeoParticipation in Spatial Planning, The
* Crime Prediction and Monitoring in Porto, Portugal, Using Machine Learning, Spatial and Text Analytics
* Crop Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Active and Passive Remote Sensing Images
* Crowd Anomaly Detection via Spatial Constraints and Meaningful Perturbation
* Cybercartographic Atlas of the Sky: Cybercartography, Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Work among the Pa Ipai Indigenous Families from Baja California, Mexico, A
* Daily Human Mobility: A Reproduction Model and Insights from the Energy Concept
* Data Analytics Process over Road Accidents Data: A Case Study of Lisbon City
* Data-Driven Approach to Assess Street Safety: Large-Scale Analysis of the Microscopic Design
* Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Event-Based and Multi-Level Modeling Approach
* Deep Descriptor Learning with Auxiliary Classification Loss for Retrieving Images of Silk Fabrics in the Context of Preserving European Silk Heritage
* Deep Learning of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery for Coastal Marsh Change Detection: A Comparative Study
* Deep Learning-Assisted Smart Process Planning, Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks, and Geospatial Big Data Management Algorithms in the Internet of Manufacturing Things
* DeepWindows: Windows Instance Segmentation through an Improved Mask R-CNN Using Spatial Attention and Relation Modules
* Delineating Urban Community Life Circles for Large Chinese Cities Based on Mobile Phone Data and POI Data: The Case of Wuhan
* Design and Application of Multi-Dimensional Visualization System for Large-Scale Ocean Data
* Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Verification Middle Platform for Natural Resources Government Affairs, The
* Detecting and Visualizing Observation Hot-Spots in Massive Volunteer-Contributed Geographic Data across Spatial Scales Using GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Estimation
* Detecting People on the Street and the Streetscape Physical Environment from Baidu Street View Images and Their Effects on Community-Level Street Crime in a Chinese City
* Developing Participatory Analytics Techniques to Inform the Prioritisation of Cycling Infrastructure
* Developing Relative Spatial Poverty Index Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Geospatial Big Data Approach: A Case Study of East Java, Indonesia
* Development and Application of a QGIS-Based Model to Estimate Monthly Streamflow
* Development Characteristics and Causes of a Fatal Landslide Occurred in Shuicheng, Guizhou Province, China
* Development of a 3D WebGIS Application for the Visualization of Seismic Risk on Infrastructural Work
* Development of a Conceptual Data Model for 3D Geospatial Road Management Based on LandInfra Standard: A Case Study of Korea
* Development of Big Data-Analysis Pipeline for Mobile Phone Data with Mobipack and Spatial Enhancement
* Development of Building Inventory Data in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for Seismic Loss Estimation
* Development of Spatial Model for Food Security Prediction Using Remote Sensing Data in West Java, Indonesia
* Different Ways Ambient and Immobile Population Distributions Influence Urban Crime Patterns
* Differentiation of Vegetation Community Characteristics by Altitude within Urban Parks and Their Service Functions in a Semi-Arid Mountain Valley: A Case Study of Lanzhou City
* Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Matter with Deep Learning Algorithms
* Digitalization and Classification of Cesare Battisti's Atlas of 1915
* Discovering Spatio-Temporal Co-Occurrence Patterns of Crimes with Uncertain Occurrence Time
* Distributed Hybrid Indexing for Continuous KNN Query Processing over Moving Objects, A
* Does Culture Shape Our Spatial Ability? An Investigation Based on Eye Tracking
* Domain Constraints-Driven Automatic Service Composition for Online Land Cover Geoprocessing
* Domain-Specific Language for Land Administration System Transactions
* Downscaling of AMSR-E Soil Moisture over North China Using Random Forest Regression
* DP-CSM: Efficient Differentially Private Synthesis for Human Mobility Trajectory with Coresets and Staircase Mechanism
* Drought Assessment Based on Fused Satellite and Station Precipitation Data: An Example from the Chengbi River Basin, China
* Dynamics of the Burlan and Pomacochas Lakes Using SAR Data in GEE, Machine Learning Classifiers, and Regression Methods
* Early Detection of Suspicious Behaviors for Safe Residence from Movement Trajectory Data
* Ecological Associations between Obesity Prevalence and Neighborhood Determinants Using Spatial Machine Learning in Chicago, Illinois, USA
* Ecological Impact Prediction of Groundwater Change in Phreatic Aquifer under Multi-Mining Conditions
* Editorial Commentary on the IJGI Special Issue Mapping Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Age
* Editorial on Geomatic Applications to Coastal Research: Challenges and New Developments
* Editorial on Special Issue Geo-Information Technology and Its Applications
* Effective Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Extreme Values, An
* Effects of Atmospheric Correction and Image Enhancement on Effective Plastic Greenhouse Segments Based on a Semi-Automatic Extraction Method
* Effects of Climate Change on Corn Yields: Spatiotemporal Evidence from Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model
* Effects of Colour Content and Cumulative Area of Outdoor Advertisement Billboards on the Visual Quality of Urban Streets, The
* Effects of Terrain Parameters and Spatial Resolution of a Digital Elevation Model on the Calculation of Potential Solar Radiation in the Mountain Environment: A Case Study of the Tatra Mountains
* Efficient Calculation of Distance Transform on Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Efficient Plane-Segmentation Method for Indoor Point Clouds Based on Countability of Saliency Directions, An
* EmergEventMine: End-to-End Chinese Emergency Event Extraction Using a Deep Adversarial Network
* Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities' Transportation: Geo-Information, Data Analytics and Machine Learning Approaches
* Empirical Study on the Effects of Temporal Trends in Spatial Patterns on Animated Choropleth Maps, An
* Encoding Conversion Algorithm of Quaternary Triangular Mesh
* End-to-End Pedestrian Trajectory Forecasting with Transformer Network
* Enhancing the Accuracy of Land Cover Classification by Airborne LiDAR Data and WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery
* Estimation of Urban Housing Vacancy Based on Daytime Housing Exterior Images: A Case Study of Guangzhou in China
* EU Net-Zero Policy Achievement Assessment in Selected Members through Automated Forecasting Algorithms
* Evaluating BFASTMonitor Algorithm in Monitoring Deforestation Dynamics in Coniferous and Deciduous Forests with LANDSAT Time Series: A Case Study on Marmara Region, Turkey
* Evaluating Impacts of Bus Route Map Design and Dynamic Real-Time Information Presentation on Bus Route Map Search Efficiency and Cognitive Load
* Evaluating Stable Matching Methods and Ridesharing Techniques in Optimizing Passenger Transportation Cost and Companionship
* Evaluation and Scale Forecast of Underground Space Resources of Historical and Cultural Cities in China
* Evaluation Method of Equalization of Basic Medical Services from the Spatial Perspective: The Case of Xinjiang, China
* Evaluation of Automatic Prediction of Small Horizontal Curve Attributes of Mountain Roads in GIS Environments
* Evaluation of Coastal Erosion in the Watersheds of Municipality of Buenaventura, Colombia: Using Geospatial Techniques and the Composite Vulnerability Index
* Evaluation of Community Livability Using Gridded Basic Urban Geographical Data: A Case Study of Wuhan
* Evaluation of Drifting Snow Susceptibility Based on GIS and GA-BP Algorithms
* Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education
* Evaluation of Street Space Quality Using Streetscape Data: Perspective from Recreational Physical Activity of the Elderly
* Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Trends of Global Warming and Extreme Ocean Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Canada, The
* Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies: A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
* Evaluation of Urban Renewal Based on Inclusive Development Theory: The Case of Wuhan, China, An
* Exploration of Loess Landform Development Based on Population Ecology Method, An
* Explore the Correlation between Environmental Factors and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime
* Exploring Landscape Composition Using 2D and 3D Open Urban Vectorial Data
* Exploring Spatial Features of Population Activities and Functional Facilities in Rail Transit Station Realm Based on Real-Time Positioning Data: A Case of Xi'an Metro Line 2
* Exploring Spatial Nonstationarity in Determinants of Intercity Commuting Flows: A Case Study of Suzhou-Shanghai, China
* Exploring the Applicability of Self-Organizing Maps for Ecosystem Service Zoning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Exploring the Association of Spatial Capital and Economic Diversity in the Tourist City of Surat Thani, Thailand
* Exploring the Evolution of the Accessibility of Educational Facilities and Its Influencing Factors in Mountainous Areas: A Case Study of the Rocky Desertification Area in Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou
* Exploring the Impact of Built Environment Attributes on Social Followings Using Social Media Data and Deep Learning
* Exploring the Impact of Floating Population with Different Household Registration on Theft
* Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urban Spatial Interaction Networks Based on Baidu Migration Data
* Exploring the Interactive Associations between Urban Built Environment Features and the Distribution of Offender Residences with a GeoDetector Model
* Exploring the Relationship between the Spatial Distribution of Different Age Populations and Points of Interest (POI) in China
* Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of UAV Logistics Network: Case Study of Hangzhou, China
* Exploring the Strategy Goals and Strategy Drivers of National Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registry Authorities
* Extracting Human Activity Areas from Large-Scale Spatial Data with Varying Densities
* Extracting Objects' Spatial-Temporal Information Based on Surveillance Videos and the Digital Surface Model
* Extracting Skeleton Lines from Building Footprints by Integration of Vector and Raster Data
* Extracting Spatio-Temporal Information from Chinese Archaeological Site Text
* Extracting the Urban Landscape Features of the Historic District from Street View Images Based on Deep Learning: A Case Study in the Beijing Core Area
* Extraction of Continuous and Discrete Spatial Heterogeneities: Fusion Model of Spatially Varying Coefficient Model and Sparse Modelling
* Extraction of Urban Built-Up Areas Based on Data Fusion: A Case Study of Zhengzhou, China
* Extraction of Urban Quality of Life Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: The Case of Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
* Factors That Affect Spatial Data Sharing in Malaysia
* Fast and Accurate Spatial Target Snapping Method for 3D Scene Modeling and Mapping in Mobile Augmented Reality, A
* FC-RRT*: An Improved Path Planning Algorithm for UAV in 3D Complex Environment
* Few-Shot Building Footprint Shape Classification with Relation Network
* Field Cognitive Styles on Visual Cognition in the Event Structure Design of Bivariate Interactive Dorling Cartogram: The Similarities and Differences of Field-Independent and Field-Dependent Users
* Field Investigation on Gully Erosion and Implications for Changes in Sediment Delivery Processes in Some Tributaries of the Upper Yellow River in China, A
* Fine Crop Classification Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images and Random Forest
* Fine-Grain Batching-Based Task Allocation Algorithm for Spatial Crowdsourcing, A
* Fire Scenario Zone Construction and Personnel Evacuation Planning Based on a Building Information Model and Geographical Information System
* Forest of Forests: A Spatially Weighted and Computationally Efficient Formulation of Geographical Random Forests, A
* Framework for Scaling Urban Transformative Resilience through Utilizing Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* From Meadow to Map: Integrating Field Surveys and Interactive Visualizations for Invasive Species Management in a National Park
* Fusion Scheme and Implementation Based on SRTM1, ASTER GDEM V3, and AW3D30
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* General Data Search Algorithms for Earth Simulation Systems with Cyclic Boundaries
* Generalization of Linear and Area Features Incorporating a Shape Measure
* Generalized 9-Intersection Model for Topological Relations between Regions with Holes, A
* Generation Method for Shaded Relief Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
* Geo-Enabled Sustainable Municipal Energy Planning for Comprehensive Accessibility: A Case in the New Federal Context of Nepal
* GeoAI for Large-Scale Image Analysis and Machine Vision: Recent Progress of Artificial Intelligence in Geography
* Geocomputational Approach to Simulate and Understand the Spatial Dynamics of COVID-19 Spread in the City of Montreal, QC, Canada
* Geographic Approach: Identifying Relatively Stable Tibetan Dialect and Subdialect Area Boundaries
* Geographic Complexity: Concepts, Theories, and Practices
* Geographic Information System Applied to Sustainability Assessments: Conceptual Structure and Research Trends
* Geographic Knowledge Graph Attribute Normalization: Improving the Accuracy by Fusing Optimal Granularity Clustering and Co-Occurrence Analysis
* Geographic Named Entity Recognition by Employing Natural Language Processing and an Improved BERT Model
* Geographical Determinants of Regional Retail Sales: Evidence from 12,500 Retail Shops in Qiannan County, China
* Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers
* Geomedia Attributes for Perspective Visualization of Relief for Historical Non-Cartometric Water-Colored Topographic Maps
* Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial Photos Using a Custom-Built Online Georeferencing Tool
* Georeferencing of COVID-19 Positive Nasopharyngeal Swabs to Support Emergency Management in an Area of Northern Italy
* GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder Model for Transportation Mode Identification
* GeoSPARQL 1.1: Motivations, Details and Applications of the Decadal Update to the Most Important Geospatial LOD Standard
* Geospatial Information Technologies for Mobile Collaborative Geological Mapping: The Italian CARG Project Case Study
* Geospatial Modeling Approaches to Historical Settlement and Landscape Analysis
* Geospatial Platform for Crowdsourcing Green Space Area Management Using GIS and Deep Learning Classification, A
* Geospatial Web Services Discovery through Semantic Annotation of WPS
* Getting Real: The Challenge of Building and Validating a Large-Scale Digital Twin of Barcelona's Traffic with Empirical Data
* GIS and Machine Learning for Analysing Influencing Factors of Bushfires Using 40-Year Spatio-Temporal Bushfire Data
* GIS Based Procedural Modeling in 3D Urban Design
* GIS Mapping of Short-Term Noisy Event of Diwali Night in Lucknow City
* GIS Pipeline to Produce GeoAI Datasets from Drone Overhead Imagery, A
* GIS-Based Approach for the Analysis of Geographical Education Paths
* GIS-Based Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Relationship between the Outbreak of COVID-19, Delta Variant and Construction in Sydney and Melbourne, A
* GIS-Based Survey over the Public Transport Strategy: An Instrument for Economic and Sustainable Urban Traffic Planning
* GIScience and Historical Cartography for Evaluating Land Use Changes and Resulting Effects on Carbon Balance
* GIScience and Historical Visual Sources: A Promising Look at Past Scenarios and Sceneries
* GisGCN: A Visual Graph-Based Framework to Match Geographical Areas through Time
* Global Spatial Suitability Mapping of Wind and Solar Systems Using an Explainable AI-Based Approach
* GloVe Model for Urban Functional Area Identification Considering Nonlinear Spatial Relationships between Points of Interest, A
* Google Earth Engine as Multi-Sensor Open-Source Tool for Monitoring Stream Flow in the Transboundary River Basin: Doosti River Dam
* Governance of INSPIRE: Evaluating and Exploring Governance Scenarios for the European Spatial Data Infrastructure, The
* Grid-Scale Regional Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals Using Multi-Source Data
* Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping: Integration of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and GIS Techniques for the Al-Qalamoun Region in Syria
* GtoG Direct Coding Mapping Method for Multi-Type Global Discrete Grids Based on Space Filling Curves, A
* Harmonizing Full and Partial Matching in Geospatial Conflation: A Unified Optimization Model
* HBIM Meta-Modelling: 50 (and More) Shades of Grey
* HBIM Open Source: A Review
* HDRLM3D: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Model with Human-like Perceptron and Policy for Crowd Evacuation in 3D Environments
* Heri-Graphs: A Dataset Creation Framework for Multi-Modal Machine Learning on Graphs of Heritage Values and Attributes with Social Media
* Heritage Smart City Mapping, Planning and Land Administration (Hestya)
* High-Precision Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping Based on Road Surveillance Video
* HiPDERL: An Improved Implementation of the PDERL Viewshed Algorithm and Accuracy Analysis
* Historical Vltava River Valley: Various Historical Sources within Web Mapping Environment
* House Price Valuation Model Based on Geographically Neural Network Weighted Regression: The Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* How Are Macro-Scale and Micro-Scale Built Environments Associated with Running Activity? The Application of Strava Data and Deep Learning in Inner London
* How Has the Recent Climate Change Affected the Spatiotemporal Variation of Reference Evapotranspiration in a Climate Transitional Zone of Eastern China?
* Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale
* Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Logistics Distribution Center
* Hybrid-TransCD: A Hybrid Transformer Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Network via Token Aggregation
* Hydrological Web Services for Operational Flood Risk Monitoring and Forecasting at Local Scale in Niger
* IAGC: Interactive Attention Graph Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds in Building Indoor Environment
* ICD: VHR-Oriented Interactive Change-Detection Algorithm
* Identification and Classification of Routine Locations Using Anonymized Mobile Communication Data
* Identification and Mapping of High Nature Value Farmland in the Yellow River Delta Using Landsat-8 Multispectral Data
* Identification of Co-Clusters with Coherent Trends in Geo-Referenced Time Series
* Identification of Metropolitan Area Boundaries Based on Comprehensive Spatial Linkages of Cities: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Identification of Paddy Varieties from Landsat 8 Satellite Image Data Using Spectral Unmixing Method in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia
* Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Vehicle Telemetry Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Identification of Urban Agglomeration Spatial Range Based on Social and Remote-Sensing Data: For Evaluating Development Level of Urban Agglomeration
* Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on the Spatial Specificity of Online Car-Hailing Traffic Cycle
* Identifying Multiple Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity in Housing Prices Based on Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Approaches
* Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri-Planning
* Identifying Urban Wetlands through Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Deep Learning: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Image-Based Angular Distortion Metric of Map Projections by Using Surface Fitting for Noise Reduction
* Impact of Built Environment Factors on Elderly People's Mobility Characteristics by Metro System Considering Spatial Heterogeneity, The
* Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility in Rangamati Municipality of Rangamati District, Bangladesh
* Impact of Urban Public Transport on Residential Transaction Prices: A Case Study of Poznan, Poland, The
* Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for Urban Bus Network Optimization Based on Existing Bus Routes, An
* Improvement of Oracle Bone Inscription Recognition Accuracy: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Improving LST Downscaling Quality on Regional and Field-Scale by Parameterizing the DisTrad Method
* Improving Road Surface Area Extraction via Semantic Segmentation with Conditional Generative Learning for Deep Inpainting Operations
* Improving the Spatial Accessibility of Community-Level Healthcare Service toward the 15-Minute City Goal in China
* Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Machine Learning Models Using Spatial Lag and Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Features
* Increasing Access to Cultural Heritage Objects from Multiple Museums through Semantically-Aware Maps
* Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Data and UAV Remote Sensing Imagery
* Indoor Emergency Path Planning Based on the Q-Learning Optimization Algorithm
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Reconstructed Observation Model and Particle Filter
* Indoor Space Model of Building Considering Multi-Type Segmentation, An
* Indoor Space Subspacing Framework for Implementing a 3D Hierarchical Network-Based Topological Data Model, An
* Influence of Data Density and Integration on Forest Canopy Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series in Mediterranean Oak Forests, The
* Influence of Landscape Structure on Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions: Geostatistical Analysis on Hot Spot and Habitat Proximity Relations, The
* Influence of Point Cloud Accuracy from Image Matching on Automatic Preparation of Training Datasets for Object Detection in UAV Images, The
* Influence of Relief Degree of Land Surface on Street Network Complexity in China
* Influence of Varied Ambient Population Distribution on Spatial Pattern of Theft from the Person: The Perspective from Activity Space
* Influences of Built Environment at Residential and Work Locations on Commuting Distance: Evidence from Wuhan, China
* Information Fusion Model between GeoSOT Grid and Global Hexagonal Equal Area Grid, An
* Information in Streetscapes: Research on Visual Perception Information Quantity of Street Space Based on Information Entropy and Machine Learning
* Integrated Environment for Monitoring and Documenting Quality in Map Composition Utilizing Cadastral Data, An
* Integrated Graph Model for Spatial-Temporal Urban Crime Prediction Based on Attention Mechanism, An
* Integrating Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK)-Structure-from-Motion (SfM) with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UA
* Integrating Remote Sensing and Street View Imagery for Mapping Slums
* Integrating Visualization and Interaction Tools for Enhancing Collaboration in Different Public Participation Settings
* Integration of Geostatistical and Sentinal-2AMultispectral Satellite Image Analysis for Predicting Soil Fertility Condition in Drylands
* Integration of Web Processing Services with Workflow-Based Scientific Applications for Solving Environmental Monitoring Problems
* Intelligent Mining of Urban Ventilated Corridor Based on Digital Surface Model under the Guidance of K-Means
* Interactive Geological Data Visualization in an Immersive Environment
* Interactive Impacts of Built Environment Factors on Metro Ridership Using GeoDetector: From the Perspective of TOD
* Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation
* Interday Stability of Taxi Travel Flow in Urban Areas
* Interoperability and Integration: An Updated Approach to Linked Data Publication at the Dutch Land Registry
* Interplay between Spatial Urban Expansion and Morphologic Landscapes East of Cairo, Egypt Using Time Series Satellite Imagery, The
* Interpretation of Map Symbols in the Context of Gamers' Age and Experience
* Interpretation of Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Community Green Spaces Based on Service Efficiency and Distribution Characteristics: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Beijing, China
* Inventory and Distribution Characteristics of Large-Scale Landslides in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China
* Investigating Factors Related to Criminal Trips of Residential Burglars Using Spatial Interaction Modeling
* Investigating Human Travel Patterns from an Activity Semantic Flow Perspective: A Case Study within the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing Using Taxi Trajectory Data
* Investigating Relationships between Runoff-Erosion Processes and Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Multiple Gridded Datasets
* Investigation of Long and Short-Term Water Surface Area Changes in Coastal Ramsar Sites in Turkey with Google Earth Engine
* Is Medoid Suitable for Averaging GPS Trajectories?
* Is One-Way Multi-Station Feasible? Influence of Value and Cost on Travel Intention of Urban Agglomeration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Job Accessibility as a Lens for Understanding the Urban Structure of Colonial Cities: A Digital Humanities Study of the Colonial Seoul in the 1930s Using GIS
* Knowledge Discovery Method for Landslide Monitoring Based on K-Core Decomposition and the Louvain Algorithm, A
* Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks Method for Countryside Ecological Patterns Recommendation by Mining Geographical Features, A
* Land Use Changes and Ecosystem Services: The Case Study of the Abruzzo Region Coastal Strip
* Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province Based on Google Earth Engine from 2000 to 2020
* Landscape Ecological Risk and Ecological Security Pattern Construction in World Natural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Bayinbuluke, Xinjiang, China
* Landscape Visual Impact Evaluation for Onshore Wind Farm: A Case Study
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Considering Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersion Characteristics: A Case Study of Bijie City in Guizhou Province, China
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning: A Danish Case Study
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Based on High-Trust Non-Landslide Point Selection
* Language Modeling on Location-Based Social Networks
* Lightweight Long-Term Vehicular Motion Prediction Method Leveraging Spatial Database and Kinematic Trajectory Data, A
* Lightweight Object Detection Method in Aerial Images Based on Dense Feature Fusion Path Aggregation Network, A
* Limiting the Collection of Ground Truth Data for Land Use and Land Cover Maps with Machine Learning Algorithms
* Limits of GIS Implementation in Education: A Systematic Review, The
* Location Optimization of VTS Radar Stations Considering Environmental Occlusion and Radar Attenuation
* Long and Short-Term Coastal Changes Assessment Using Earth Observation Data and GIS Analysis: The Case of Sperchios River Delta
* Long- and Short-Term Preference Modeling Based on Multi-Level Attention for Next POI Recommendation
* Low-Cost System for Automatic Recognition of Driving Pattern in Assessing Interurban Mobility using Geo-Information
* Low-Frequency Trajectory Map Matching Method Based on Vehicle Heading Segmentation
* Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media, A
* Machine Recognition of Map Point Symbols Based on YOLOv3 and Automatic Configuration Associated with POI
* Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
* Managing Inhomogeneity in the Control Point Network during Staking Out Cadastral Boundaries in Austria
* Map Design and Usability of a Simplified Topographic 2D Map on the Smartphone in Landscape and Portrait Orientations
* Map Tile Data Access Model Based on the Jump Consistent Hash Algorithm, A
* Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate, A
* Map-Matching Error Identification in the Absence of Ground Truth
* Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate
* Mapping for Awareness of Indigenous Stories
* Mapping of Rill Erosion of the Middle Volga (Russia) Region Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping Urban Forms Worldwide: An Analysis of 8910 Street Networks and 25 Indicators
* Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
* Measuring COVID-19 Vulnerability for Northeast Brazilian Municipalities: Social, Economic, and Demographic Factors Based on Multiple Criteria and Spatial Analysis
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities in Marinduque, Philippines
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Hospitals of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Multi Period Scale: A Case Study in Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
* Measuring the Similarity of Metro Stations Based on the Passenger Visit Distribution
* Method for Cartographic Symbols Creation in Connection with Map Series Digitization
* Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
* Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry Density of POI, A
* Metric Rectification of Spherical Images
* Metric, Topological, and Syntactic Accessibility in Three-Dimensional Urban Networked Spaces: Modeling Options and Visualization
* Mining the Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Typical Fast-Food Industry Based on Point-of-Interest Data: The Case Study of Hangzhou, China
* Mining Type-beta Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
* Missing Millions in Maps: Exploring Causes of Uncertainties in Global Gridded Population Datasets, The
* Mitigating Imbalance of Land Cover Change Data for Deep Learning Models with Temporal and Spatiotemporal Sample Weighting Schemes
* Modeling and Querying Fuzzy SOLAP-Based Framework
* Modeling as a Critical Process of Knowledge: Survey of Buildings in a State of Ruin
* Modeling Buildings in CityGML LOD1: Building Parts, Terrain Intersection Curve, and Address Features
* Modeling Health Seeking Behavior Based on Location-Based Service Data: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Modeling of Time Geographical Kernel Density Function under Network Constraints
* Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 in Poland Based on a Spatial Interaction Model
* Modelling and Analyzing the Semantic Evolution of Social Media User Behaviors during Disaster Events: A Case Study of COVID-19
* Modelling Bottlenecks of Bike-Sharing Travel Using the Distinction between Endogenous and Exogenous Demand: A Case Study in Beijing
* Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis
* Modelling the Mobility Changes Caused by Perceived Risk and Policy Efficiency
* Modelling the Risk of Imported COVID-19 Infections at Maritime Ports Based on the Mobility of International-Going Ships
* Moderating Effect of a Cross-Level Social Distancing Policy on the Disparity of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States
* Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data
* Moving Object Tracking Technique Using Few Frames with Feature Map Extraction and Feature Fusion, A
* MSEN-GRP: A Geographic Relations Prediction Model Based on Multi-Layer Similarity Enhanced Networks for Geographic Relations Completion
* Multi-Criterion Spatial Optimization of Future Police Stations Based on Urban Expansion and Criminal Behavior Characteristics
* Multi-Mode Huff-Based 2SFCA: Examining Geographical Accessibility to Food Outlets in Austin, Texas
* Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* Multi-Scale Flood Mapping under Climate Change Scenarios in Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Considering Spatial Neighborhood Features, A
* Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Data-Based Tourism Structure Analysis of Demonstration City for Global Tourism: Case Study of Liyang, China
* Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data
* Multifractal Correlation between Terrain and River Network Structure in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Multiobjective Land Use Design Framework with Geo-Big Data for Station-Level Transit-Oriented Development Planning, A
* Multipurpose GIS Portal for Forest Management, Research, and Education
* Multiscale Effects of Multimodal Public Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices Based on MGWR: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* Ndist2vec: Node with Landmark and New Distance to Vector Method for Predicting Shortest Path Distance along Road Networks
* Network Patterns of Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration in China Based on Baidu Migration Data
* New Graph-Based Fractality Index to Characterize Complexity of Urban Form, A
* New Insight into the Coupled Grain-Disaster-Economy System Based on a Multilayer Network: An Empirical Study in China
* New Urban Space Analysis Method Based on Space Syntax and Geographic Information System Using Multisource Data, A
* Nominal Land Valuation with Best-Worst Method Using Geographic Information System: A Case of Atakum, Samsun
* Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Cyclist Waiting Times across Three Behavioral Typologies
* Novel Approach Based on Machine Learning and Public Engagement to Predict Water-Scarcity Risk in Urban Areas, A
* Novel Composite Index to Measure Environmental Benefits in Urban Land Use Optimization Problems, A
* Novel Deep Learning Approach Using Contextual Embeddings for Toponym Resolution, A
* Novel MLR-RF-Based Geospatial Techniques: A Comparison with OK
* Novel Traffic Flow Reduction Method Based on Incomplete Vehicle History Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data, A
* Novel Trajectory Based Prediction Method for Urban Subway Design, A
* Object-Based Automatic Mapping of Winter Wheat Based on Temporal Phenology Patterns Derived from Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots, An
* Of) Indigenous Maps in the Amazon: For a Decolonial Cartography
* Official Statistics, Building Censuses, and OpenStreetMap Completeness in Italy
* Open Geospatial System for LUCAS In Situ Data Harmonization and Distribution
* Open-Source Workflow for Spatiotemporal Studies with COVID-19 as an Example, An
* Operation Status Comparison Monitoring of China's Southeast Asian Industrial Parks before and after COVID-19 Using Nighttime Lights Data
* Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors
* Optimization of Complex Function Expansions for Gauss-Kruger Projections
* Optimization of Shelter Location Based on a Combined Static/Dynamic Two-Stage Optimization Methodology: A Case Study in the Central Urban Area of Xinyi City, China
* Optimizing the Sampling Area across an Old-Growth Forest via UAV-Borne Laser Scanning, GNSS, and Radial Surveying
* Optimizing the Spatial Location of Street Lights in Belle Isle, Michigan
* Organizational Geosocial Network: A Graph Machine Learning Approach Integrating Geographic and Public Policy Information for Studying the Development of Social Organizations in China
* OSM Science: The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications
* OSO-YOLOv5: Automatic Extraction Method of Store Signboards in Street View Images Based on Multi-Dimensional Analysis
* Ownership Protection on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Using Transform-Based Watermarking
* Panic Detection Using Machine Learning and Real-Time Biometric and Spatiotemporal Data
* Parametric and Visual Programming BIM Applied to Museums, Linking Container and Content
* Parametric Modeling Method for 3D Symbols of Fold Structures
* Parametric Processes for the Implementation of HBIM: Visual Programming Language for the Digitisation of the Index of Masonry Quality
* Participatory GIS-Based Approach for the Demarcation of Village Boundaries and Their Utility: A Case Study of the Eastern Boundary of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
* Passenger Flow Prediction of Scenic Spots in Jilin Province Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Improved Quantile Regression Long Short-Term Memory Network
* Patch-Based Local Climate Zones Mapping and Population Distribution Pattern in Provincial Capital Cities of China
* Pathwalker: A New Individual-Based Movement Model for Conservation Science and Connectivity Modelling
* Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor
* Perspective Charts in a Multi-Foci Globe-Based Visualization of COVID-19 Data
* Perspectives on Earth Observation and GIScience for Agricultural Applications
* Placial-Discursive Topologies of Violence: Volunteered Geographic Information and the Reproduction of Violent Places in Recife, Brazil
* PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perceptions and Multi-Travel Modes. A Case Study in Beijing
* Point Cloud Convolution Network Based on Spatial Location Correspondence
* Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Method for the Ming and Qing Dynasties' Official-Style Architecture Roof Considering the Construction Regulations, The
* Point Event Cluster Detection via the Bayesian Generalized Fused Lasso
* Point-of-Interest Recommendation Method Exploiting Sequential, Category and Geographical Influence, A
* Polygonal 3D Layout Reconstruction of an Indoor Environment via Voxel-Based Room Segmentation and Space Partition, The
* Population Space-Time Patterns Analysis and Anthropic Pressure Assessment of the Insubric Lakes Using User-Generated Geodata
* Positioning Localities for Vague Spatial Location Description: A Supervaluation Semantics Approach
* Possibilities for Assessment and Geovisualization of Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Data Using a WebGIS Application
* Posyandu Application for Monitoring Children Under-Five: A 3-Year Data Quality Map in Indonesia
* Potential Ecological Distributions of Urban Adapters and Urban Exploiters for the Sustainability of the Urban Bird Network
* Potential of the Geometric Layer in Urban Digital Twins
* Potential Use of Drone Ultra-High-Definition Videos for Detailed 3D City Modeling
* Poverty Measurement Method Incorporating Spatial Correlation: A Case Study in Yangtze River Economic Belt, China, A
* Precise Indoor Path Planning Based on Hybrid Model of GeoSOT and BIM
* Predicting Poverty Using Geospatial Data in Thailand
* Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Predicting Terrorism in Europe with Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics, and Machine Learning
* Prediction and Uncertainty Capabilities of Quantile Regression Forests in Estimating Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Matter
* Prediction of Urban Sprawl by Integrating Socioeconomic Factors in the Batticaloa Municipal Council, Sri Lanka
* Preservation of Villages in Central Italy: Geomatic Techniques' Integration and GIS Strategies for the Post-Earthquake Assessment
* Pricing Model for Urban Rental Housing Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Spatial Density: A Case Study of Wuhan, China, A
* Problem of Reference Rot in Spatial Metadata Catalogues, The
* Progressive Collapse of Dual-Line Rivers Based on River Segmentation Considering Cartographic Generalization Rules
* Progressive Simplification Method for Buildings Based on Structural Subdivision, A
* Proposal of Redefinition of the Terms Geomatics and Geoinformatics on the Basis of Terminological Postulates
* Quality Assurance for Spatial Research Data
* Quantification of Spatial Association between Commercial and Residential Spaces in Beijing Using Urban Big Data
* Quantify the Potential Spatial Reshaping Utility of Urban Growth Boundary (UGB): Evidence from the Constrained Scenario Simulation Model
* Quantifying Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Geographic Data: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Quantitative Analysis of Land Subsidence and Its Effect on Vegetation in Xishan Coalfield of Shanxi Province
* Quantitative Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Benggang Landforms Based on a Geographical Detector
* Quantitative Relations between Topological Similarity Degree and Map Scale Change of Contour Clusters in Multi-Scale Map Spaces
* Query Processing of Geosocial Data in Location-Based Social Networks
* Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021-2022 Malaysia Flood
* Raster Map Line Element Extraction Method Based on Improved U-Net Network
* RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
* Recognizing Building Group Patterns in Topographic Maps by Integrating Building Functional and Geometric Information
* Reconsidering Tourism Destination Images by Exploring Similarities between Travelogue Texts and Photographs
* Refined Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Integrating Open-Source Data
* Reflection of Income Segregation and Accessibility Cleavages in Sydney's House Prices, The
* Regional Small Towns Classification Assessment and Spatial Pattern Integration: A Case Study of the Yunnan Section of the China-Laos Economic Corridor
* Relation between the Views and the Real Estate Application to a Mediterranean Coastal Area
* RepDarkNet: A Multi-Branched Detector for Small-Target Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Repertoire and Efficiency of Students' Strategies for General-Reference Maps
* Research into the Optimal Regulation of the Groundwater Table and Quality in the Southern Plain of Beijing Using Geographic Information Systems Data and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Research on Gridding of Urban Spatial Form Based on Fractal Theory
* Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Pension Resources in Shanghai Community-Life Circle
* Research on the Dynamic Evolution of the Landscape Pattern in the Urban Fringe Area of Wuhan from 2000 to 2020
* Research on Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Chart Hybrid Spatial Index Structure Based on Quadtree and R-Tree
* Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
* Revealing Taxi Interaction Network of Urban Functional Area Units in Shenzhen, China
* Reverse Difference Network for Highlighting Small Objects in Aerial Images
* Revising Cadastral Data on Land Boundaries Using Deep Learning in Image-Based Mapping
* Road Intersection Recognition via Combining Classification Model and Clustering Algorithm Based on GPS Data
* Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for Vector Geographic Data Based on the Ratio Invariance of DWT-CSVD Coefficients
* Robustness Study for the Extraction of Watertight Volumetric Models from Boundary Representation Data, A
* Satellite Image for Cloud and Snow Recognition Based on Lightweight Feature Map Attention Network
* Scenario Expression Method for Regional Geological Structures
* Scenic Railway Mapping: An Analysis of Spatial Patterns in France Based on Historical GIS
* School Location Analysis by Integrating the Accessibility, Natural and Biological Hazards to Support Equal Access to Education
* Scientometric Analysis for Spatial Autocorrelation-Related Research from 1991 to 2021
* Self-Organizing Maps to Evaluate Multidimensional Trajectories of Shrinkage in Spain
* Semantic Integration of Raster Data for Earth Observation on Territorial Units
* Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Airborne Images with Dual-Stream DeepLabV3+
* Sensing Tourist Distributions and Their Sentiment Variations Using Social Media: Evidence from 5A Scenic Areas in China
* Serverless Geospatial Data Processing Workflow System Design
* Shape-Preserving Simplification Method for Urban Building Models, A
* Ship Target Recognition Based on Context-Enhanced Trajectory
* Similarity Analysis: Revealing the Regional Difference in Geomorphic Development in Areas with High and Coarse Sediment Yield of the Loess Plateau in China
* Similarity Search on Semantic Trajectories Using Text Processing
* Simulating the Spatial Heterogeneity of Housing Prices in Wuhan, China, by Regionally Geographically Weighted Regression
* SIT: A Spatial Interaction-Aware Transformer-Based Model for Freeway Trajectory Prediction
* Site Selection of Natural Gas Emergency Response Team Centers in Istanbul Metropolitan Area Based on GIS and FAHP
* SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consumption Patterns: A Case Study at a University Campus
* SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of Traffic Information from Social Media Data
* Socio-Ecological Vulnerability in Aba Prefecture, Western Sichuan Plateau: Evaluation, Driving Forces and Scenario Simulation
* Soft Integration of Geo-Tagged Data Sets in J-CO-QL+
* Space-Time Dynamics of Land Use in the Municipality of Goianesia Do Para, Brazil
* Space: Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Seasonal Clusters: A Case of Sweden
* Spatial and Attribute Neural Network Weighted Regression for the Accurate Estimation of Spatial Non-Stationarity
* Spatial Concept Query Based on Lattice-Tree
* Spatial Decision Support Approach for Flood Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Tehran, A
* Spatial Determinants of Real Estate Appraisals in The Netherlands: A Machine Learning Approach
* Spatial Distribution of Urban Parks' Effect on Air Pollution-Related Health and the Associated Factors in Beijing City
* Spatial Evolution of Coastal Tourist City Using the Dyna-CLUE Model in Koh Chang of Thailand during 1990-2050
* Spatial Interaction Analysis of Shared Bicycles Mobility Regularity and Determinants: A Case Study of Six Main Districts, Beijing
* Spatial Modeling of COVID-19 Prevalence Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
* Spatial Pattern and Formation Mechanism of Rural Tourism Resources in China: Evidence from 1470 National Leisure Villages
* Spatial Pattern and Influencing Factors of Basic Education Resources in Rural Areas around Metropolises: A Case Study of Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Spatial Pattern of the Walkability Index, Walk Score and Walk Score Modification for Elderly
* Spatial Patterns of the Spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and the Influencing Factors
* Spatial Patterns of Urban Innovation and Their Evolution from Perspectives of Capacity and Structure: Taking Shenzhen as an Example
* Spatial Prediction of COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics in the United States
* Spatial Variability and Clustering of Quality of Life at Local Level: A Geographical Analysis in Athens, Greece
* Spatial Variability of the Airbnb Effect: A Spatially Explicit Analysis of Airbnb's Impact on Housing Prices in Sydney
* Spatial-Temporal Attentive LSTM for Vehicle-Trajectory Prediction
* Spatial-Temporal Diffusion Convolutional Network: A Novel Framework for Taxi Demand Forecasting
* Spatial-Temporal Water Balance Components Estimation Using Integrated GIS-Based Wetspass-M Model in Moulouya Basin, Morocco
* Spatio-Temporal Cognitive Framework for Individual Route Choice in Outdoor Evacuation Scenarios, A
* Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using Earth Observation Sentinel 5P TROPOMI Data: Impact of Stubble Burning a Case Study
* Spatio-Temporal Sentiment Mining of COVID-19 Arabic Social Media
* Spatio-Temporal Unequal Interval Correlation-Aware Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Impact of Population Mobility on Local Business Sales in Response to COVID-19 in Seoul, Korea
* Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Traffic Accidents Hotspots Based on Geospatial Techniques
* Spatiotemporal Change in Livestock Population and Its Correlation with Meteorological Disasters during 2000-2020 across Inner Mongolia
* Spatiotemporal Changes and Driving Factors of Ecosystem Health in the Qinling-Daba Mountains
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influential Factors of Rural Poverty in Poverty-Stricken Areas of Guizhou Province: Implications for Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Urban Thermal Environment Effect and Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Scale Traffic Forecasting
* Spatiotemporal Modeling of the Electricity Production from Variable Renewable Energies in Germany
* Spatiotemporal Polyrhythm Characteristics of Public Bicycle Mobility in Urban Chronotopes Context
* Spectral Index for Mapping Topsoil Organic Matter Content Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data in Jiangsu Province, China
* ST3DNetCrime: Improved ST-3DNet Model for Crime Prediction at Fine Spatial Temporal Scales
* Stacking Ensemble Learning Method to Classify the Patterns of Complex Road Junctions, A
* Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management Based on Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Zhengzhou, China
* Structural Connectivity of Asia's Protected Areas Network: Identifying the Potential of Transboundary Conservation and Cost-Effective Zones
* Structural Differences of PM2.5 Spatial Correlation Networks in Ten Metropolitan Areas of China
* Structure Monitoring with BIM and IoT: The Case Study of a Bridge Beam Model
* STSGAN: Spatial-Temporal Global Semantic Graph Attention Convolution Networks for Urban Flow Prediction
* Study on the Emergency Shelter Spatial Accessibility Based on the Adaptive Catchment Size 2SFCA Method, A
* Study on the Spatio-Temporal Land-Use Changes and Ecological Response of the Dongting Lake Catchment, A
* Sub-Surface Geotechnical Data Visualization of Inaccessible Sites Using GIS
* Surface Elevation Changes Estimation Underneath Mangrove Canopy Using SNERL Filtering Algorithm and DoD Technique on UAV-Derived DSM Data
* Susceptibility Mapping of Typical Geological Hazards in Helong City Affected by Volcanic Activity of Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China
* Sustainable Urban Land-Use Optimization Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision-Making (GIS-MCDM) Approach
* System for Aligning Geographical Entities from Large Heterogeneous Sources, A
* Technical Analysis of Contact Tracing Platform Developed by Google-Apple for Constraining the Spread of COVID-19
* Technical and Operational Perspective on Quality Analysis of Stitching Images with Multi-Row Panorama and Multimedia Sources for Visualizing the Tourism Site of Onshore Wind Farm, A
* Temperature Accuracy Analysis by Land Cover According to the Angle of the Thermal Infrared Imaging Camera for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Terrain Segmentation Using a U-Net for Improved Relief Shading
* Terrain Skeleton Construction and Analysis in Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
* Testing Small-Scale Vitality Measurement Based on 5D Model Assessment with Multi-Source Data: A Resettlement Community Case in Suzhou
* Thematic Content and Visualization Strategy for Map Design of City-Specific Culture Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of Dengfeng City, China
* Three-Dimensional Visualization and Optimization Method of Landslide Disaster Scenes Guided by Knowledge, A
* Time Series Investigation to Assess Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Quantitative Land Degradation in the North Delta, Egypt, A
* Time-Space Compression Effect of High-Speed Rail on Tourist Destinations in China
* Topographic Characteristics of Drainage Divides at the Mountain-Range Scale: A Review of DTM-Based Analytical Tools
* Topological Access Methods for Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data
* Tour-Route-Recommendation Algorithm Based on the Improved AGNES Spatial Clustering and Space-Time Deduction Model
* Tourist Behavior Analysis Framework Guided by Geo-Information Tupu Theory and Its Application in Dengfeng City, China, A
* Tourists' Behavioral Characteristics Regarding Island-Based Tourism Destinations through the Perspective of Spatial Constraints: A Case Study of Yangma Island in China
* Toward Gaze-Based Map Interactions: Determining the Dwell Time and Buffer Size for the Gaze-Based Selection of Map Features
* Toward User-Generated Content as a Mechanism of Digital Placemaking: Place Experience Dimensions in Spatial Media
* Towards a Core Set of Landscape Metrics of Urban Land Use in Wuhan, China
* Towards a Sensitive Urban Wind Representation in Virtual Reality
* Towards a Sensitivity Analysis in Seismic Risk with Probabilistic Building Exposure Models: An Application in Valparaiso, Chile Using Ancillary Open-Source Data and Parametric Ground Motions
* Towards Integrated Land Management: The Role of Green Infrastructure
* Tracing the Scientific Trajectory of Volunteered Cartography: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Trade-Off Algorithm for Solving p-Center Problems with a Graph Convolutional Network, A
* Trajectory Big Data Storage Model Incorporating Partitioning and Spatio-Temporal Multidimensional Hierarchical Organization, A
* Uncertainty of Historic GLAD Forest Data in Temperate Climates and Implications for Forest Change Modelling
* Uncovering Factors Affecting Taxi Income from GPS Traces at the Directional Road Segment Level
* Uncovering the Relationship between Urban Road Network Topology and Taxi Drivers' Income: A Perspective from Spatial Design Network Analysis
* Understanding the Dynamic Mechanism of Urban Land Use and Population Distribution Evolution from a Microscopic Perspective
* Understanding the Spatiotemporal Variation of High-Efficiency Ride-Hailing Orders: A Case Study of Haikou, China
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Target Tracking Based on OTSCKF and Improved Coordinated Lateral Guidance Law
* Urban Air Pollutant Monitoring through a Low-Cost Mobile Device Connected to a Smart Road
* Urban Air Quality Assessment by Fusing Spatial and Temporal Data from Multiple Study Sources Using Refined Estimation Methods
* Urban Change Detection from Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning
* Urban Hot/Cold Spot Detection Method Based on the Page Rank Value of Spatial Interaction Networks Constructed from Human Communication Records, An
* Urban Human-Land Spatial Mismatch Analysis from a Source-Sink Perspective with ICT Support
* Use of a MODIS Satellite-Based Aridity Index to Monitor Drought Conditions in the Pearl River Basin from 2001 to 2021
* Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Urban Tree Species Classification, The
* Use of Spatial Interpolation to Improve the Quality of Corn Silage Data in Case of Presence of Extreme or Missing Values, The
* Using an Eigenvector Spatial Filtering-Based Spatially Varying Coefficient Model to Analyze the Spatial Heterogeneity of COVID-19 and Its Influencing Factors in Mainland China
* Using Attributes Explicitly Reflecting User Preference in a Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Using Flickr Data to Understand Image of Urban Public Spaces with a Deep Learning Model: A Case Study of the Haihe River in Tianjin
* Using GIS to Understand Healthcare Access Variations in Flood Situation in Surabaya
* Using Isovists in Measuring Surveillance and Expected Guardianship in Residential Neighborhood Property Crimes
* Using Machine Learning to Extract Building Inventory Information Based on LiDAR Data
* Using TanDEM-X Global DEM to Map Coastal Flooding Exposure under Sea-Level Rise: Application to Guinea-Bissau
* Utilizing Geospatial Data for Assessing Energy Security: Mapping Small Solar Home Systems Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning
* Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Buildings on a Tile Map
* Vector Data Model for Efficiently Rendering Large Vector Maps on Global 3D Terrain Surfaces, A
* Vector Field Approach to Estimating Environmental Exposure Using Human Activity Data, A
* Vegetation Greenness Trend in Dry Seasons and Its Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Mara River Basin, Africa
* Verification of Land Cover Datasets with the Geo-Tagged Natural Scene Images, The
* VGI and Satellite Imagery Integration for Crisis Mapping of Flood Events
* VHRShips: An Extensive Benchmark Dataset for Scalable Deep Learning-Based Ship Detection Applications
* VINS-Dimc: A Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Dynamic Environment Integrating Multiple Constraints
* Virtual 3D City Models
* Visual Analysis of Vessel Behaviour Based on Trajectory Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Estuary
* Visualization and Analysis of Transport Accessibility Changes Based on Time Cartograms
* Volunteered Geographical Information and Recreational Uses within Metropolitan and Rural Contexts
* Vulnerability Analysis of Geographical Railway Network under Geological Hazard in China
* Vulnerability Identification and Cascading Failure Spatiotemporal Patterns on Road Network under the Rainstorm Disaster
* WaterSmart-GIS: A Web Application of a Data Assimilation Model to Support Irrigation Research and Decision Making
* Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasible Archaeological and Environmental Tourism in Versilia (Italy)
* Web-Based Geoinformation System for Heritage Management and Geovisualisation in Canton Nabon (Ecuador), A
* Where Maps Lie: Visualization of Perceptual Fallacy in Choropleth Maps at Different Levels of Aggregation
* Wildland Fires in the Czech Republic: Review of Data Spanning 20 Years
630 for IJGI(11)
* Abnormal-Trajectory Detection Method Based on Variable Grid Partitioning
* Aggregated Shape Similarity Index: A Case Study of Comparing the Footprints of OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE Buildings, An
* Analyses of Land Use and Prevention in High-Density Main Urban Areas under the Constraint of Karst Ground Subsidence: Study of Wuhan City, China, The
* Analysing River Systems with Time Series Data Using Path Queries in Graph Databases
* Analysis and Forecast of Traffic Flow between Urban Functional Areas Based on Ride-Hailing Trajectories
* Analysis and Visualization of Vessels' RElative MOtion (REMO)
* Analysis of a Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site: Use of Geographic Information Technology Tools for Decision Making
* Analysis of Correlation between Anthropization Phenomena and Landscape Values of the Territory: A GIS Framework Based on Spatial Statistics
* Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province
* Analysis of Road Networks Features of Urban Municipal District Based on Fractal Dimension
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Traditional Opera Culture along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Its Influencing Factors of Warehouse Supermarkets in Liaoning Province
* Analysis of the Aggregation Characteristics and Influencing Elements of Urban Catering Points in Small Scale: Methods and Results
* Analysis of the Evolution of Public Sentiment and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Regarding Building Collapse Accidents Based on Sina Weibo Data, An
* Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Associated Factors of the Transmission Locations of COVID-19 in the First Four Waves in Hong Kong
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion of the Rome Coastline through GEE and RF Algorithm, Using Landsat Imagery
* Analysis of Tourist Market Structure and Its Driving Factors in Small Cities before and after COVID-19
* Analysis of Walkable Street Networks by Using the Space Syntax and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Cankiri City
* Analyzing Geographic Questions Using Embedding-based Topic Modeling
* Applicability Analysis and Ensemble Application of BERT with TF-IDF, TextRank, MMR, and LDA for Topic Classification Based on Flood-Related VGI
* Application of AHP-ICM and AHP-EWM in Collapse Disaster Risk Mapping in Huinan County
* Application of Hydro-Based Morphological Models for Environmental Assessment of Watersheds
* Applying Dynamic Human Activity to Disentangle Property Crime Patterns in London during the Pandemic: An Empirical Analysis Using Geo-Tagged Big Data
* AR Map Virtual-Real Fusion Method Based on Element Recognition, An
* Archaeological Predictive Modeling Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Japan and China
* Artificial Intelligence for Multisource Geospatial Information
* Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe
* Assessing Potable Water Access and Its Implications for Households' Livelihoods: The Case of Sibi in the Nkwanta North District, Ghana
* Assessing Regional Development Balance Based on Zipf's Law: The Case of Chinese Urban Agglomerations
* Assessing SDI Implementation Scenarios to Facilitate Emergency Mapping Operations in the Dominican Republic
* Assessing the Effect of Urban Growth on Surface Ecological Status Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery: A Multi-City Analysis
* Assessing the Hazard Degree of Wadi Malham Basin in Saudi Arabia and Its Impact on North Train Railway Infrastructure
* Assessing the Influence of Land Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Runoff Patterns Using CA-ANN Model and CMIP6 Data
* Assessing the Status of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of Bangladesh
* Assessment of a Dynamic Physically Based Slope Stability Model to Evaluate Timing and Distribution of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides
* Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India
* Assessment of Forest Ecological Security in China Based on DPSIRM Model: Taking 11 Provincial Administrative Regions along the Yangtze River Basin as Examples
* Assessment of Perceived and Physical Walkability Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technology
* Assessment of the Bike-Sharing Socioeconomic Equity in the Use of Routes
* Assessment of the Croatian Open Data Portal Using User-Oriented Metrics
* Assessment of Urban Resilience and Detection of Impact Factors Based on Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis and GeoDetector Model: A Case of Hunan Province
* Automated Generation of Room Usage Semantics from Point Cloud Data
* Automated Mapping Method of 3D Geological Cross-Sections Using 2D Geological Cross-Sections and a DEM, An
* Automated Method for Generating Prefabs of AR Map Point Symbols Based on Object Detection Model, An
* Automatic Clustering of Indoor Area Features in Shopping Malls
* Automatic Derivation Method for Creation of Complex Map Symbols in a Topographic Map, An
* Automatic Detection and Mapping of Dolines Using U-Net Model from Orthophoto Images
* Automatic Generation of 3D Indoor Navigation Networks from Building Information Modeling Data Using Image Thinning
* Automatic Production of Deep Learning Benchmark Dataset for Affine-Invariant Feature Matching
* Batch Simplification Algorithm for Trajectories over Road Networks
* Benchmarking Geospatial High-Value Data Openness Using GODI Plus Methodology: A Regional Level Case Study
* Bibliometric Insights into the Implications of Urban Built Environment on Travel Behavior
* Big Data Management Algorithms, Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Technologies, and Geospatial Simulation and Sensor Fusion Tools in the Internet of Robotic Things
* Billion Tree Tsunami Forests Classification Using Image Fusion Technique and Random Forest Classifier Applied to Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Images: A Case Study of Garhi Chandan Pakistan
* BiodivAR: A Cartographic Authoring Tool for the Visualization of Geolocated Media in Augmented Reality
* Black Carbon Concentration Estimation with Mobile-Based Measurements in a Complex Urban Environment
* Building Facade Color Distribution, Color Harmony and Diversity in Relation to Street Functions: Using Street View Images and Deep Learning
* Canopy Assessment of Cycling Routes: Comparison of Videos from a Bicycle-Mounted Camera and GPS and Satellite Imagery
* Carbon Biomass Estimation Using Vegetation Indices in Agriculture-Pasture Mosaics in the Brazilian Caatinga Dry Tropical Forest
* Carbon Emission Patterns and Carbon Balance Zoning in Urban Territorial Spaces Based on Multisource Data: A Case Study of Suzhou City, China
* Cartographic Design and Processing of Originally Printed Historical Maps for Their Presentation on the Web
* Cartography and Geomedia in Pragmatic Dimensions
* CatBoost-Based Automatic Classification Study of River Network
* Central Locations across Spatial Scales: A Quantitative Evaluation for Italy Using Census Enumeration District Indicators
* Characterizing Intercity Mobility Patterns for the Greater Bay Area in China
* Chinese Modern Architectural Heritage Resources: Perspectives of Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors
* ChineseCTRE: A Model for Geographical Named Entity Recognition and Correction Based on Deep Neural Networks and the BERT Model
* Classification of Seismaesthesia Information and Seismic Intensity Assessment by Multi-Model Coupling
* Classification of Spatial Objects with the Use of Graph Neural Networks
* Climate Change Adaptation: The Role of Geospatial Data in Sustainable Infrastructures
* Climate Change, Forest Fires, and Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon Rainforest: An Integrated Analysis for Mitigation Strategies
* Co-Creating GIS-Based Dashboards to Democratize Knowledge on Urban Resilience Strategies: Experience with Camerino Municipality
* Coastal Flooding Hazard, Exposure, and Readiness of Buildings in Hong Kong in 2080-2100, and the Implications for Real Estate Management
* Comparative Hotspot Analysis of Urban Living Environments and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategies: A Case Study of Beijing and Xi'an
* Comparison of Cartographic and Toponymic Databases in a Multilingual Environment: A Methodology for Detecting Redundancies Using ETL and GIS Tools, A
* Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Mapping Tree Species Using WorldView-2 Imagery in the Agroforestry Landscape of West Africa, A
* Comparison of Several UAV-Based Multispectral Imageries in Monitoring Rice Paddy (A Case Study in Paddy Fields in Tottori Prefecture, Japan), A
* Comparison of Soft Indicator and Poisson Kriging for the Noise-Filtering and Downscaling of Areal Data: Application to Daily COVID-19 Incidence Rates
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Machine Learning and Classical Approaches for Spaceborne Active-Passive Fusion Bathymetry of Coral Reefs, A
* Concept of a Georeferential Spatial Database of Topographic-Historical Objects (GSDoT-HO): A Case Study of the Cadastral Map of Torun (Poland), The
* Construction and Analysis of Space-Time Paths for Moving Polygon Objects Based on Time Geography: A Case Study of Crime Events in the City of London
* Construction Method for a Three-Dimensional Tunnel General Monomer Model Based on Parallel Pathfinding
* Construction of a Real-Time Ship Trajectory Prediction Model Based on Ship Automatic Identification System Data
* Context-Aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Similar User Clustering and Tensor Factorization
* Contour Line Group Simplification Method Based on Classified Terrain Features, A
* Controlling Traffic Congestion in Urbanised City: A Framework Using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation Approach
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approximation of Coverage Path Planning Results for Parking Lots
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Flood Mapping Using NovaSAR-1 and Sentinel-1 Data
* Correlation of Road Network Structure and Urban Mobility Intensity: An Exploratory Study Using Geo-Tagged Tweets
* Crime Risk Analysis of Tangible Cultural Heritage in China from a Spatial Perspective
* Critical Review of Smart City Frameworks: New Criteria to Consider When Building Smart City Framework, A
* Cross-Attention-Guided Feature Alignment Network for Road Crack Detection
* Crowd Density Estimation and Mapping Method Based on Surveillance Video and GIS
* Data-Driven Models Informed by Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics
* Decoding Spontaneous Informal Spaces in Old Residential Communities: A Drone and Space Syntax Perspective
* Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Land Use and Land Cover Types Using Landsat 8 Imagery
* Deep Transfer Learning Toponym Extraction and Geospatial Clustering Framework for Investigating Scenic Spots as Cognitive Regions, A
* Deep-Learning-Based Annotation Extraction Method for Chinese Scanned Maps
* Deep-Learning-Based Multimodal Data Fusion Framework for Urban Region Function Recognition, A
* Deformation of High Rise Cooling Tower through Projection of Coordinates Resulted from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Observations onto a Vertical Plane
* Describing the Urban Jungle: A Multicriteria Urbanization Index for the Amazon
* Detecting Turning Relationships and Time Restrictions of OSM Road Intersections from Crowdsourced Trajectories
* Detecting Urban Commercial Districts by Fusing Points of Interest and Population Heat Data with Region-Growing Algorithms
* Detection of Forest Fires through Deep Unsupervised Learning Modeling of Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Developing a Model to Express Spatial Relationships on Omnidirectional Images for Indoor Space Representation to Provide Location-Based Services
* Developing and Disseminating a New Historical Geospatial Database from Kitchener's 19th Century Map of Cyprus
* Development of a Voice Virtual Assistant for the Geospatial Data Visualization Application on the Web
* Development of an Algorithm to Evaluate the Quality of Geolocated Addresses in Urban Areas
* Development Process, Quantitative Models, and Future Directions in Driving Analysis of Urban Expansion
* Diagnosis and Planning Strategies for Quality of Urban Street Space Based on Street View Images
* Digitization, Visualization and Accessibility of Globe Virtual Collection: Case Study Juttner's Globe
* Directional and Weighted Urban Network Analysis in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle from the Perspective of New Media Information Flow
* Do Locations of Employment and Residence Influence whether People Use Virtual Social Networks? A Case Study of Residents in Wuhan, China
* Does Time Smoothen Space? Implications for Space-Time Representation
* Dominant Modes of Agricultural Production Helped Structure Initial COVID-19 Spread in the U.S. Midwest
* Drainage Pattern Recognition of River Network Based on Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* Driving Factors and Scale Effects of Residents' Willingness to Pay for Environmental Protection under the Impact of COVID-19
* Dynamic Analysis of School Mobility Using Geolocation Web Technologies
* Dynamic Fusion Technology of Mobile Video and 3D GIS: The Example of Smartphone Video
* Dynamic Management and Integration Framework for Models in Landslide Early Warning System, A
* Dynamic Visualization of VR Map Navigation Systems Supporting Gesture Interaction
* Dynamic Weighted Road Network Based Multi-Vehicles Navigation and Evacuation
* Early Flood Monitoring and Forecasting System Using a Hybrid Machine Learning-Based Approach
* Earth Observation Framework in Service of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, An
* Editorial on Special Issue Geo-Information Applications in Active Mobility and Health in Cities
* Effective Method for Computing the Least-Cost Path Using a Multi-Resolution Raster Cost Surface Model, An
* Effectiveness of Rectangular Cartogram for Conveying Quantitative Information: An Eye Tracking-Based Evaluation
* Effects of Spatial Reference Frames, Map Dimensionality, and Navigation Modes on Spatial Orientation Efficiency
* Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Order K Voronoi Diagrams in Road Networks
* Efficient and Accurate Convolution-Based Similarity Measure for Uncertain Trajectories, An
* Efficient Classification of Imbalanced Natural Disasters Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentation
* Efficient Construction of Voxel Models for Ore Bodies Using an Improved Winding Number Algorithm and CUDA Parallel Computing
* Efficient Distortion Mitigation and Partition Reduction in Mapping Global Geodata: Dual Orthogonal Equidistant Cylindrical Projection Approach
* Efficient Management and Scheduling of Massive Remote Sensing Image Datasets
* Efficient Trajectory Clustering with Road Network Constraints Based on Spatiotemporal Buffering
* Energy-Efficient 3D Path Planning for Complex Field Scenes Using the Digital Model with Landcover and Terrain
* Enhancing Chinese Address Parsing in Low-Resource Scenarios through In-Context Learning
* Enhancing Crop Classification Accuracy through Synthetic SAR-Optical Data Generation Using Deep Learning
* Enhancing Indoor Air Quality Estimation: A Spatially Aware Interpolation Scheme
* Enhancing the Understanding of the EU Gender Equality Index through Spatiotemporal Visualizations
* Estimating Daily NO2 Ground Level Concentrations Using Sentinel-5P and Ground Sensor Meteorological Measurements
* Estimation of a Fundamental Diagram with Heterogeneous Data Sources: Experimentation in the City of Santander
* Estimation of Travel Cost between Geographic Coordinates Using Artificial Neural Network: Potential Application in Vehicle Routing Problems
* Evacuation Simulation Implemented by ABM-BIM of Unity in Students' Dormitory Based on Delay Time
* Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility Using Sampling Methodology and Multiple Machine Learning Models
* Evaluating the Usability of a Gaze-Adaptive Approach for Identifying and Comparing Raster Values between Multilayers
* Evaluation and Spatiotemporal Differentiation of Cultural Tourism Development Potential: The Case of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
* Evaluation of Geological Hazard Susceptibility Based on the Regional Division Information Value Method
* Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability in the Upper Kelkit Valley (Northeastern Turkey) Using DRASTIC and AHP-DRASTICLu Models
* Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms in the Classification of Multispectral Images from the Sentinel-2A/2B Orbital Sensor for Mapping the Environmental Dynamics of Ria Formosa (Algarve, Portugal)
* Evaluation of SMAP-Enhanced Products Using Upscaled Soil Moisture Data Based on Random Forest Regression: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Evaluation of Smartphone Tracking for Travel Behavior Studies, An
* Evaluation of Supply-Demand Matching of Public Health Resources Based on Ga2SFCA: A Case Study of the Central Urban Area of Tianjin
* Evaluation of Sustainable Development Potential of High-Speed Railway Station Areas Based on Node-Place-Industry Model
* Evaluation of the Resilience of the Catering Industry in Hong Kong before and after the COVID-19 Outbreak Based on Point-of-Interest Data
* Evolution Characteristics and Causes: An Analysis of Urban Catering Cluster Spatial Structure
* Evolution of the Urban Network in the Upper Yellow River Region of China: Enterprise Flow, Network Connections, and Influence Mechanisms: A Case Study of the Ningxia Urban Agglomeration along the Yellow River
* Examining the Nonlinear Impacts of Origin-Destination Built Environment on Metro Ridership at Station-to-Station Level
* ExhibitXplorer: Enabling Personalized Content Delivery in Museums Using Contextual Geofencing and Artificial Intelligence
* Explanation and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Correlations: Towards a Conceptual Approach of a Semantic Comparison Visualization in a Use Case of Carparks in Mainz, Germany
* Explanatory Factors of Daily Mobility Patterns in Suburban Areas: Applications and Taxonomy of Two Metropolitan Corridors in Madrid Region
* Exploring Crowd Travel Demands Based on the Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Interaction between Urban Functional Zones
* Exploring Divergent Patterns and Dynamics of Urban and Active Rural Developments: A Case Study of Dezhou City
* Exploring Equity in a Hierarchical Medical Treatment System: A Focus on Determinants of Spatial Accessibility
* Exploring Historical Australian Expeditions with Time-Layered Cultural Maps
* Exploring Public Transportation Supply-Demand Structure of Beijing from the Perspective of Spatial Interaction Network
* Exploring Spatial Mismatch between Primary Care and Older Populations in an Aging Country: A Case Study of South Korea
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns of Expressway Traffic Accidents Based on Density Clustering and Bayesian Network
* Exploring the Correlation between Streetscape and Economic Vitality Using Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Old Urban District of Xuzhou, China
* Exploring the Impact of Built Environment Factors on the Relationships between Bike Sharing and Public Transportation: A Case Study of New York
* Exploring the Spatial Relationship between Street Crime Events and the Distribution of Urban Greenspace: The Case of Porto, Portugal
* Extraction of Urban Road Boundary Points from Mobile Laser Scanning Data Based on Cuboid Voxel
* Filling in the Spaces: Compactifying Cities towards Accessibility and Active Transport
* Finding and Evaluating Community Structures in Spatial Networks
* Fine-Grained Simulation Study on the Incidence Rate of Dysentery in Chongqing, China, A
* FINNCH: Cooperative Pursuit Navigation for a Pursuer Team to Capture a Single Evader in Urban Environments
* Flash Flood Hazard Assessment along the Red Sea Coast Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
* Flexible Trip-Planning Queries
* Flood Monitoring in the Middle and Lower Basin of the Yangtze River Using Google Earth Engine and Machine Learning Methods
* Flow-Data-Based Global Spatial Autocorrelation Measurements for Evaluating Spatial Interactions
* Forecasting Short-Term Passenger Flow of Subway Stations Based on the Temporal Pattern Attention Mechanism and the Long Short-Term Memory Network
* Free Choice Navigation in the Real World: Giving Back Freedom to Wayfinders
* Function2vec: A Geographic Knowledge Graph Model of Urban Function Evolution and Its Application
* Future Swedish 3D City Models: Specifications, Test Data, and Evaluation
* Gated Recurrent Unit Embedded with Dual Spatial Convolution for Long-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Gauging Heat Vulnerability in Southeast Florida: A Multimodal Approach Integrating Physical Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity
* Generating Gridded Gross Domestic Product Data for China Using Geographically Weighted Ensemble Learning
* Geo-Referencing and Analysis of Entities Extracted from Old Drawings and Photos Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Algorithms
* Geo-Visualization of Spatial Occupancy on Smart Campus Using Wi-Fi Connection Log Data
* Geographical Information System Based Spatial and Statistical Analysis of the Green Areas in the Cities of Abha and Bisha for Environmental Sustainability
* GeoGraphVis: A Knowledge Graph and Geovisualization Empowered Cyberinfrastructure to Support Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid
* Geological Hazard Assessment of Secondary Collapses Due to Volcanic Earthquakes on Changbai Mountain in China
* Geometric Constraint-Based and Improved YOLOv5 Semantic SLAM for Dynamic Scenes
* Geospatial Analysis in Web Browsers: Comparison Study on WebGIS Process-Based Applications
* Geospatial Modeling of Health, Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Environmental Factors with COVID-19 Incidence Rate in Arkansas, US
* Geospatial Network Analysis and Origin-Destination Clustering of Bike-Sharing Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Geospatial XAI: A Review
* Geostatistics on Real-Time Geodata Streams-High-Frequent Dynamic Autocorrelation with an Extended Spatiotemporal Moran's I Index
* Geostatistics on Real-Time Geodata Streams: An Extended Spatiotemporal Moran's I Index with Distributed Stream Processing Technologies
* Geovisualization of Temporal Change in Urban Racial Geography: A Step towards Explaining Persistent Segregation
* GIS Analysis of Adequate Accessibility to Public Transportation in Metropolitan Areas
* GIS-Based Damage Evaluation Method for Explosives Road Transportation Accidents, A
* GIS-Based Evacuation Route Planning in Flood-Susceptible Area of Siraha Municipality, Nepal, A
* GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Methods for Aquaculture Site Selection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
* Global Digital Elevation Model Comparison Criteria: An Evident Need to Consider Their Application
* Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting: The Research Progress
* Group-Privacy Threats for Geodata in the Humanitarian Context
* Growth Simulations of Urban Underground Space with Ecological Constraints Using a Patch-Based Cellular Automaton
* Head/Tail Breaks-Based Approach to Characterizing Space-Time Risks of COVID-19 Epidemic in China's Cities, A
* Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius Eigen Centrality for Social Networks
* Heuristic Approach for Resolving Spatial Conflicts of Buildings in Urban Villages, A
* HexTile: A Hexagonal DGGS-Based Map Tile Algorithm for Visualizing Big Remote Sensing Data in Spark
* HGST: A Hilbert-GeoSOT Spatio-Temporal Meshing and Coding Method for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Range Query on Massive Trajectory Data
* High-Resolution Spatial Distribution-Based Integration Machine Learning Algorithm for Urban Fire Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Chengdu, China, A
* High-Speed Railway Access Pattern and Spatial Overlap Characteristics of the Yellow River Basin Urban Agglomeration
* High-Temporal-Resolution Prediction of Malaria Transmission Risk in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Based on Multi-Criteria Evaluation Using Geospatial Data
* HMM-Based Map Matching and Spatiotemporal Analysis for Matching Errors with Taxi Trajectories
* How Has the Recent Climate Change Affected the Spatiotemporal Variation of Reference Evapotranspiration in a Climate Transitional Zone of Eastern China?
* Hybrid Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Label Similarity for Solving Point-Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* Hybrid POI Recommendation System Combining Link Analysis and Collaborative Filtering Based on Various Visiting Behaviors, A
* Hybrid Prediction Model Based on Decomposed and Synthesized COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Data
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Network Based on 3D Octave Convolution and Multiscale Depthwise Separable Convolution
* Identification and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bikesharing-Metro Integration Cycling
* Identification of Risk Areas of Dengue Transmission in Culiacan, Mexico
* Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on POI Density and Marginalized Graph Autoencoder
* Identify Important Cities in the Belt and Road Comprehensive Traffic Network
* Identifying Conditioning Factors and Predictors of Conflict Likelihood for Machine Learning Models: A Literature Review
* Identifying Hazardous Crash Locations Using Empirical Bayes and Spatial Autocorrelation
* Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Multiscale Connectivity in the Flow Space of Urban Agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin
* Identifying the Production-Living-Ecological Functional Structure of Haikou City by Integrating Empirical Knowledge with Multi-Source Data
* Identifying Urban Park Events through Computer Vision-Assisted Categorization of Publicly-Available Imagery
* IFC-CityGML Data Integration for 3D Property Valuation
* Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Map Pre-Sampling Construction in Indoor Positioning
* Impact of Environmental Exposure on Chronic Diseases in China and Assessment of Population Health Vulnerability
* Impacts of Public Schools on Housing Prices of Residential Properties: A Case Study of Greater Sydney, Australia, The
* Impacts of Urban Morphology on Seasonal Land Surface Temperatures: Comparing Grid- and Block-Based Approaches
* Implementation of GIS Tools in the Quality of Life Assessment of Czech Municipalities
* Implementation of Web Map Services for Old Cadastral Maps
* Importance of Protected Areas by Brazilian States to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon
* Improved Adaptive Sparrow Search Algorithm for TDOA-Based Localization, An
* Imputation of Missing Parts in UAV Orthomosaics Using PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Data: A Case Study in a Grass-Dominated Area
* In-Path Oracles for Road Networks
* Inconsistency Detection in Cross-Layer Tile Maps with Super-Pixel Segmentation
* Increasing Efficiency of Nautical Chart Production and Accessibility to Marine Environment Data through an Open-Science Compilation Workflow
* Influence of Street Morphology on Thermal Environment Based on ENVI-met Simulation: A Case Study of Hangzhou Core Area, China, The
* Influence of the Built Environment on Pedestrians' Route Choice in Leisure Walking
* Influencing Pedestrians' Route Choice Using Route Shape Simplification
* Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example
* Intelligent Short-Term Multiscale Prediction of Parking Space Availability Using an Attention-Enhanced Temporal Convolutional Network
* Intelligent UAV Path-Planning Method Based on the Theory of the Three-Dimensional Subdivision of Earth Space, An
* Interaction of Crime Risk across Crime Types in Hotspot Areas
* Interactive and Immersive Digital Representation for Virtual Museum: VR and AR for Semantic Enrichment of Museo Nazionale Romano, Antiquarium di Lucrezia Romana and Antiquarium di Villa Dei Quintili
* Interactive Thematic Map as a Means of Documenting and Visualizing Information about Cultural Heritage Objects
* Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Geo-Visualization of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry SAR Data
* Internet in the Middle of Nowhere: Performance of Geoportals in Rural Areas According to Core Web Vitals
* Investigating Geomorphic Change Using a Structure from Motion Elevation Model Created from Historical Aerial Imagery: A Case Study in Northern Lake Michigan, USA
* Investigating Metropolitan Hierarchies through a Spatially Explicit (Local) Approach
* Investigating the Spatiotemporal Relationship between the Built Environment and COVID-19 Transmission
* Is Ride-Hailing an Effective Tool for Improving Transportation Services in Suburban New Towns in China? Evidence from Wuhan Unicom Users' Mobile Phone Usage Big Data
* Isolated or Colocated? Exploring the Spatio-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Influencing Factors of the Attractiveness of Residential Areas to Restaurants in the Central Urban Area
* Joint Deep Learning and Information Propagation for Fast 3D City Modeling
* Knowledge Graph Construction to Facilitate Indoor Fire Emergency Evacuation
* Knowledge-Guided Fusion Visualisation Method of Digital Twin Scenes for Mountain Highways, A
* Land Cover Impacts on Surface Temperatures: Evaluation and Application of a Novel Spatiotemporal Weighted Regression Approach
* Land Use and Land Cover Classification in the Northern Region of Mozambique Based on Landsat Time Series and Machine Learning
* Land Use Change and Hotspot Identification in Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration in China from 1990 to 2020
* Landscape Sensitivity Assessment of Historic Districts Using a GIS-Based Method: A Case Study of Beishan Street in Hangzhou, China
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Japanese Archipelago Based on a Landslide Distribution Map
* Large-Scale Automatic Identification of Industrial Vacant Land
* Large-Scale Mobile-Based Analysis for National Travel Demand Modeling
* Latent Semantic Sequence Coding Applied to Taxi Travel Time Estimation
* Latent-Factor-Model-Based Approach for Traffic Data Imputation with Road Network Information, A
* LBS Tag Cloud: A Centralized Tag Cloud for Visualization of Points of Interest in Location-Based Services
* Learning from Accidents: Spatial Intelligence Applied to Road Accidents with Insights from a Case Study in Setubal District, Portugal
* Leveraging Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Point Symbol Recognition in Scanned Topographic Maps
* Lighting Consistency Technique for Outdoor Augmented Reality Systems Based on Multi-Source Geo-Information, A
* Linguistic Landscape of Arabs in New York City: Application of a Geosemiotics Analysis
* Location Planning of Emergency Medical Facilities Using the p-Dispersed-Median Modeling Approach
* Location Scheme of Routine Nucleic Acid Testing Sites Based on Location-Allocation Models: A Case Study of Shenzhen City
* Lossless Watermarking Algorithm for Geographic Point Cloud Data Based on Vertical Stability
* MAAFEU-Net: A Novel Land Use Classification Model Based on Mixed Attention Module and Adjustable Feature Enhancement Layer in Remote Sensing Images
* MAC-GAN: A Community Road Generation Model Combining Building Footprints and Pedestrian Trajectories
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Road Accident Hotspots, A
* Machine-Learning-Based Forest Classification and Regression (FCR) for Spatial Prediction of Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) Infection in Small Sub-Watersheds
* Making Transportation Systems in U.S. Cities Smarter and More Inclusive: A Synthesis of Challenges and Evaluation of Strategies
* Management Method of Multi-Granularity Dimensions for Spatiotemporal Data, A
* Mapping Agricultural Intensification in the Brazilian Savanna: A Machine Learning Approach Using Harmonized Data from Landsat Sentinel-2
* Mapping Cropland Extent in Pakistan Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Framework
* Mapping Gross Domestic Product Distribution at 1 km Resolution across Thailand Using the Random Forest Area-to-Area Regression Kriging Model
* Mapping Imprecision: How to Geocode Data from Inaccurate Historic Maps
* Mapping with ChatGPT
* mapSR: A Deep Neural Network for Super-Resolution of Raster Map
* Matching Standard and Secant Parallels in Cylindrical Projections
* Measuring and Mapping Physical Activity Disparity (PAD) Index Based on Physical Activity Environment for Children
* Measuring Metro Accessibility: An Exploratory Study of Wuhan Based on Multi-Source Urban Data
* Measuring the Influence of Multiscale Geographic Space on the Heterogeneity of Crime Distribution
* Measuring the Multiple Functions and Tradeoffs among Streets: A New Framework Using the Deep Learning Method
* Measuring the Spatial Accessibility of Parks in Wuhan, China, Using a Comprehensive Multimodal 2SFCA Method
* Measuring Traffic Congestion with Novel Metrics: A Case Study of Six U.S. Metropolitan Areas
* Mesoscale Structure in Urban-Rural Mobility Networks in the Pearl River Delta Area: A Weighted Stochastic Block Modeling Analysis
* Method for Applying Crowdsourced Street-Level Imagery Data to Evaluate Street-Level Greenness
* Method for Intelligent Road Network Selection Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* Method for Regularizing Buildings through Combining Skeleton Lines and Minkowski Addition, A
* Metric and Color Modifications for the Automated Construction of Map Symbols
* Micro Transit Simulation of On-Demand Shuttles Based on Transit Data for First- and Last-Mile Connection
* Mini-Map Design Features as a Navigation Aid in the Virtual Geographical Space Based on Video Games
* Mining Geomatics
* Mixed-Methods Approach to Land Use Renewal Strategies in and around Abandoned Airports: The Case of Beijing Nanyuan Airport
* Mobile Collaborative Heatmapping to Infer Self-Guided Walking Tourists' Preferences for Geomedia
* Model and Data Integrated Transfer Learning for Unstructured Map Text Detection
* Modeling Land Administration Data Dissemination Processes: A Case Study in Croatia
* Modeling Long and Short Term User Preferences by Leveraging Multi-Dimensional Auxiliary Information for Next POI Recommendation
* Modeling the Impact of Investment and National Planning Policies on Future Land Use Development: A Case Study for Myanmar
* Modelling & Analysis of High Impact Terrorist Attacks in India & Its Neighbors
* Modelling Global Deforestation Using Spherical Geographic Automata Approach
* Monitoring the Impacts of Human Activities on Urban Ecosystems Based on the Enhanced UCCLN (EUCCLN) Model
* Morphometric Analysis of Trail Network and Tourist Vulnerability in a Highly Frequented Protected Area
* Motion-Based Conceptual Space Model to Support 3D Evacuation Simulation in Indoor Environments, A
* Multi-Criterion Analysis of Cyclone Risk along the Coast of Tamil Nadu, India: A Geospatial Approach
* Multi-Framework of Google Earth Engine and GEV for Spatial Analysis of Extremes in Non-Stationary Condition in Southeast Queensland, Australia, A
* Multi-GPU-Parallel and Tile-Based Kernel Density Estimation for Large-Scale Spatial Point Pattoern Analysis
* Multi-Level Grid Database for Protecting and Sharing Historical Geographic Urban Data: A Case Study of Shanghai, A
* Multi-Objective Roadside Unit Deployment Model for an Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, A
* Multi-Scale Massive Points Fast Clustering Based on Hierarchical Density Spanning Tree
* Multi-Scale Road Matching Based on the Summation Product of Orientation and Distance and Shape Descriptors
* Multi-Source Data and Machine Learning-Based Refined Governance for Responding to Public Health Emergencies in Beijing: A Case Study of COVID-19
* Multi-Supervised Feature Fusion Attention Network for Clouds and Shadows Detection
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 MSI Data for Flood Mapping and Damage Assessment in Mozambique
* Multi-Type Features Embedded Deep Learning Framework for Residential Building Prediction
* Multiscale Analysis of Spatial Accessibility to Acute Hospitals in Carinthia, Austria
* Multiuser Incomplete Preference K-Nearest Neighbor Query Method Based on Differential Privacy in Road Network
* Navigation-Oriented Topological Model Construction Algorithm for Complex Indoor Space
* New Algorithm for Large-Scale Geographically Weighted Regression with K-Nearest Neighbors, A
* Next Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Joint Mining of Spatial-Temporal and Semantic Sequential Patterns
* Non-Linear Influence of Built Environment on the School Commuting Metro Ridership: The Case in Wuhan, China, The
* Nonlinear Hierarchical Effects of Housing Prices and Built Environment Based on Multiscale Life Circle: A Case Study of Chengdu
* Novel Approach for Mining Spatiotemporal Explicit and Implicit Information in Multiscale Spatiotemporal Data, A
* Novel Approach for Spatially Controllable High-Frequency Forecasts of Park Visitation Integrating Attention-Based Deep Learning Methods and Location-Based Services, A
* Novel CNN-Based Approach for Reading Urban Form Data in 2D Images: An Application for Predicting Restaurant Location in Seoul, Korea
* Novel Lane Line Detection Algorithm for Driverless Geographic Information Perception Using Mixed-Attention Mechanism ResNet and Row Anchor Classification, A
* Novel Method for Extracting and Analyzing the Geometry Properties of the Shortest Pedestrian Paths Focusing on Open Geospatial Data, A
* Novel Method of Modeling Grassland Wildfire Dynamics Based on Cellular Automata: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China, A
* Object-Oriented Deep Multi-Sphere Support Vector Data Description Method for Impervious Surfaces Extraction Based on Multi-Sourced Data, An
* Observed Equity and Driving Factors of Automated External Defibrillators: A Case Study Using WeChat Applet Data
* Old Mine Map Georeferencing: Case of Marsigli's 1696 Map of the Smolnik Mines
* On the Definition of Standard Parallels in Map Projections
* Ontology-Based Framework for Geospatial Integration and Querying of Raster Data Cube Using Virtual Knowledge Graphs, An
* Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation Method for Typhoon Events from Chinese News Reports, An
* Open Geospatial Data Integration in Game Engine for Urban Digital Twin Applications
* Optimised Region-Growing Algorithm for Extraction of the Loess Shoulder-Line from DEMs, An
* Optimization and Simulation of Mountain City Land Use Based on MOP-PLUS Model: A Case Study of Caijia Cluster, Chongqing
* Optimization Method for Equalizing the Spatial Accessibility of Medical Services in Guangzhou, An
* Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Variability over Sri Lanka
* Place-Centered Bus Accessibility Time Series Classification with Floating Car Data: An Actual Isochrone and Dynamic Time Warping Distance-Based k-Medoids Method
* PMGCN: Progressive Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* POI Symbol Design in Web Cartography: A Comparative Study
* Point Cloud Data Processing Optimization in Spectral and Spatial Dimensions Based on Multispectral Lidar for Urban Single-Wood Extraction
* Policing Social Disorder and Broken Windows Theory: Spatial Evidence from the Franeleros Experience
* Portraying the Influence Factor of Urban Vibrancy at Street Level Using Multisource Urban Data
* Positional Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models and 3D Vector Datasets Using Check-Surfaces
* Possible Projection of the First Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire in Lower Austria and Hungary (Late 18th Century): An Improvement in Fitting Historical Topographic Maps to Modern Cartographic Systems
* Potential Impact of Cycling on Urban Transport Energy and Modal Share: A GIS-Based Methodology, The
* Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas
* Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides
* Private Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data
* Probing Regional Disparities and Their Characteristics in a Suburb of a Global South Megacity: The Case of Bekasi Regency, Jakarta Metropolitan Region
* Procedural Point Cloud Modelling in Scan-to-BIM and Scan-vs-BIM Applications: A Review
* Profiling Public Transit Passenger Mobility Using Adversarial Learning
* Progressive Geological Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis Using Machine Learning
* Proposing Optimal Locations for Runoff Harvesting and Water Management Structures in the Hami Qeshan Watershed, Iraq
* Provenance in GIServices: A Semantic Web Approach
* Qualitative Analysis of Tree Canopy Top Points Extraction from Different Terrestrial Laser Scanner Combinations in Forest Plots
* Quality Assessment of Global Ocean Island Datasets
* Quantifying the Effect of Socio-Economic Predictors and the Built Environment on Mental Health Events in Little Rock, AR
* Quantifying the Spatial Ratio of Streets in Beijing Based on Street-View Images
* Quantitative Relations between Morphostructural Similarity Degree and Map Scale Change in Contour Clusters in Multi-Scale Map Space
* Querying Similar Multi-Dimensional Time Series with a Spatial Database
* Question Classification for Intelligent Question Answering: A Comprehensive Survey
* Quick Estimation Model for Mapping Earthquake Impacts in Bogota, Colombia
* Random Forest Variable Importance Measures for Spatial Dynamics: Case Studies from Urban Demography
* Recognition of Intersection Traffic Regulations from Crowdsourced Data
* Redesigning Graphical User Interface of Open-Source Geospatial Software in a Community-Driven Way: A Case Study of GRASS GIS
* Reducing Redundancy in Maps without Lowering Accuracy: A Geometric Feature Fusion Approach for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
* Remote Sensing-Based Yield Estimation of Winter Wheat Using Vegetation and Soil Indices in Jalilabad, Azerbaijan
* Research on Approximate Spatial Keyword Group Queries Based on Differential Privacy and Exclusion Preferences in Road Networks
* Research on Road Network Partitioning Considering the Coupling of Network Connectivity and Traffic Attributes
* Research on Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms of Live Streaming Commerce in China Based on Geolocation Data
* Research on the Cyberspace Map and Its Conceptual Model
* Research on Time-Aware Group Query Method with Exclusion Keywords
* Research on Traffic Accident Risk Prediction Method Based on Spatial and Visual Semantics
* Research on Urban Fire Station Layout Planning Based on a Combined Model Method
* Residents' Experiential Knowledge and Its Importance for Decision-Making Processes in Spatial Planning: A PPGIS Based Study
* Revealing Schematic Map Designs with Preservation of Relativity in Node Position and Segment Length in Existing Official Maps
* Revealing the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Residential Travel Structure Based on Floating Car Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Nantong, China
* Revealing the Influence of the Fine-Scale Built Environment on Urban Rail Ridership with a Semiparametric GWPR Model
* Revealing the Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of the Association between the Built Environment and Urban Vitality in Shenzhen
* Risk Assessment of Landslide Collapse Disasters along National Highways Based on Information Quantity and Random Forest Coupling Methods: A Case Study of the G331 National Highway
* Role of Subjective Perceptions and Objective Measurements of the Urban Environment in Explaining House Prices in Greater London: A Multi-Scale Urban Morphology Analysis, The
* SAM-GAN: Supervised Learning-Based Aerial Image-to-Map Translation via Generative Adversarial Networks
* SASTGCN: A Self-Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* Seasonal Migrants Spatially Affect the Park Green Space Accessibility and Equity under Different Travel Modes: Evidence from Sanya, China, The
* Self-Attention Model for Next Location Prediction Based on Semantic Mining, A
* Self-Error-Correction-Based Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Vector Maps, A
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Geographical Data: A Systematic Literature Review
* Semi-Automatic Semantic-Model-Based Comparison Workflow for Archaeological Features on Roman Ceramics, A
* Sensing Mobility and Routine Locations through Mobile Phone and Crowdsourced Data: Analyzing Travel and Behavior during COVID-19
* Sensor Placement Strategy for Comprehensive Urban Heat Island Monitoring, A
* Simplification and Regularization Algorithm for Right-Angled Polygon Building Outlines with Jagged Edges
* Site Selection Prediction for Coffee Shops Based on Multi-Source Space Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Skyline-Based Sorting Approach for Rail Transit Stations Visualization
* SLBRIN: A Spatial Learned Index Based on BRIN
* Spatial Accessibility of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Services in China
* Spatial Analysis of the Suitability of Hass Avocado Cultivation in the Cauca Department, Colombia, Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Geographic Information Systems
* Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Broad-Scale Yield Predictions Created from Yield Mapping Technology and Landsat Satellite Imagery in the Australian Mediterranean Dryland Cropping Region, A
* Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially Aggregated Elements in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* Spatial Application of Southern U.S. Pine Water Yield for Prioritizing Forest Management Activities
* Spatial Association between Residents' Leisure Activities and Tourism Activities Using Colocation Pattern Measures: A Case Study of Nanjing, China, The
* Spatial Data Analysis of Determinants of U.S. Presidential Voting Results in the Rustbelt States during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
* Spatial Decision Support Systems with Automated Machine Learning: A Review
* Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors on the Retail Industry in the Central Urban Area of Lanzhou City at the Scale of Daily Living Circles
* Spatial Distribution of Pension Institutions in Shanghai Based on the Perspective of Wisdom Grade
* Spatial Effect of Accessibility to Public Service Facilities on Housing Prices: Highlighting the Housing Equity, The
* Spatial Effects of Regional Poverty: Spatial Dependence, Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale Effects, The
* Spatial Information Extraction Method Based on Multi-Modal Social Media Data: A Case Study on Urban Inundation, A
* Spatial Mechanism and Predication of Rural Tourism Development in China: A Random Forest Regression Analysis, The
* Spatial Morphological Characteristics and Evolution of Traditional Villages in the Mountainous Area of Southwest Zhejiang
* Spatial Non-Stationarity of Influencing Factors of China's County Economic Development Base on a Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Model
* Spatial Pattern and Drivers of China's Public Cultural Facilities between 2012 and 2020 Based on POI and Statistical Data
* Spatial Pattern Evolution and Influencing Factors of Tourism Flow in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle in China
* Spatial Relation Model of Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Charts Based on Point-Set Topology Theory, A
* Spatial Structure and Driving Mechanisms of Multi-Source Networks in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle of China, The
* Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Vehicle Routing Problem from Online Car-Hailing Trajectories
* Spatial-Temporal Data Imputation Model of Traffic Passenger Flow Based on Grid Division
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Visualization Method of Time-Varying Wind Fields Based on Particle System, A
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamics, Driving Mechanism, and Management Strategies for International Students in China under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiatives, The
* Spatio-Temporal Information Extraction and Geoparsing for Public Chinese Resumes
* Spatio-Temporal Relevance Classification from Geographic Texts Using Deep Learning
* Spatio-Temporal Transformer Recommender: Next Location Recommendation with Attention Mechanism by Mining the Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Visited Locations
* Spatiotemporal Analytics of Environmental Sounds and Influencing Factors Based on Urban Sensor Network Data
* Spatiotemporal Conflict Analysis and Prediction of Long Time Series Land Cover Changes in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China Using Remote Sensing and GIS
* Spatiotemporal Data-Driven Multiperiod Relocation Optimization of Emergency Medical Services: Maximum Equality Objective
* Spatiotemporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Theft during the Pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 Periods: A Case Study of Haining City, Zhejiang, China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis of the Chinese Railway Network Structure Based on Self-Organizing Maps
* Spatiotemporal Optimization for the Placement of Automated External Defibrillators Using Mobile Phone Data
* Spatiotemporal Pattern Evolution and Driving Force of Tourism Information Flow in the Chengdu-Chongqing City Cluster, The
* Spatiotemporal Pattern of Carbon Compensation Potential and Network Association in Urban Agglomerations in the Yellow River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Patterns Evolution of Residential Areas and Transportation Facilities Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Xi'an, China
* Spatiotemporal Predictive Geo-Visualization of Criminal Activity for Application to Real-Time Systems for Crime Deterrence, Prevention and Control
* Spherical Volume-Rendering Method of Ocean Scalar Data Based on Adaptive Ray Casting, A
* STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation Method for Association Analysis
* Study of Regional Innovation Network Structure: Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, The
* Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Contact Networks in China Based on Population Flows, A
* Survey of Methods and Input Data Types for House Price Prediction, A
* Sustainability Indicators and GIS as Land-Use Planning Instrument Tools for Urban Model Assessment
* Synergy of Road Network Planning Indices on Central Retail District Pedestrian Evacuation Efficiency
* Systematic Review of Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Crime Prediction Methods, A
* Tale of Two Cities: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy as a Result of Racial, Socioeconomic, Digital, and Partisan Divides, A
* Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Suppression and Multi-Similarity Fusion in Low-Illumination Environments
* Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Information Based on Image Preprocessing Enhancement in Indoor Low-Light Environments
* Think-Aloud Method for Evaluating the Usability of a Regional Atlas, The
* To What Extent Can Satellite Cities and New Towns Serve as a Steering Instrument for Polycentric Urban Expansion during Massive Population Growth?: A Comparative Analysis of Tokyo and Shanghai
* Topic-Clustering Model with Temporal Distribution for Public Opinion Topic Analysis of Geospatial Social Media Data
* Tourism De-Metropolisation but Not De-Concentration: COVID-19 and World Destinations
* Tourism Support System to Utilize Virtual Reality Space Reflecting Dynamic Information in Real Time
* Toward 3D Property Valuation: A Review of Urban 3D Modelling Methods for Digital Twin Creation
* Towards the Monitoring of Underground Caves Using Geomatics and Geophysical Techniques: 3D Analyses and Seismic Response
* Trajectory Forecasting Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Prior Awareness and Information Fusion
* Two Decades of Land-Use Dynamics in an Urbanizing Tropical Watershed: Understanding the Patterns and Drivers
* Understanding Map Misinterpretation: Factors Influencing Correct Map Reading and Common Errors
* Unseen: An Investigative Analysis of Thematic and Spatial Coverage of News on the Ongoing Refugee Crisis in West Africa, The
* Urban Architectural Style Recognition and Dataset Construction Method under Deep Learning of street View Images: A Case Study of Wuhan
* Urban Growth Forecast Using Machine Learning Algorithms and GIS-Based Novel Techniques: A Case Study Focusing on Nasiriyah City, Southern Iraq
* Urban Resident Travel Survey Method Based on Cellular Signaling Data
* Urban Road Lane Number Mining from Low-Frequency Floating Car Data Based on Deep Learning
* Use of Decision Support in Search and Rescue: A Systematic Literature Review, The
* Use of ICTs to Support Social Participation in the Planning, Design and Maintenance of Public Spaces in Latin America, The
* Usefulness of an Urban Growth Model in Creating Scenarios for City Resilience Planning: An End-User Perspective
* Usefulness of Plane-Based Augmented Geovisualization: Case of The Crown of Polish Mountains 3D
* User Evaluation of Thematic Maps on Operational Areas of Rescue Helicopters
* Using a Cost-Distance Time-Geographic Approach to Identify Red Deer Habitat Use in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
* Using a Flexible Model to Compare the Efficacy of Geographical and Temporal Contextual Information of Location-Based Social Network Data for Location Prediction
* Using Dual Spatial Clustering Models for Urban Fringe Areas Extraction Based on Night-time Light Data: Comparison of NPP/VIIRS, Luojia 1-01, and NASA's Black Marble
* Using Enhanced Gap-Filling and Whittaker Smoothing to Reconstruct High Spatiotemporal Resolution NDVI Time Series Based on Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and MODIS Imagery
* Using HyperLogLog to Prevent Data Retention in Social Media Streaming Data Analytics
* Using Large-Scale Truck Trajectory Data to Explore the Location of Sustainable Urban Logistics Centres: The Case of Wuhan
* Validation of Recent DSM/DEM/DBMs in Test Areas in Greece Using Spirit Leveling, GNSS, Gravity and Echo Sounding Measurements
* Variations in the Spatial Distribution of Smart Parcel Lockers in the Central Metropolitan Region of Tianjin, China: A Comparative Analysis before and after COVID-19
* Vector Field Visualization Method for Trajectory Big Data, A
* VEPL-Net: A Deep Learning Ensemble for Automatic Segmentation of Vegetation Encroachment in Power Line Corridors Using UAV Imagery
* Verification of Geographic Laws Hidden in Textual Space and Analysis of Spatial Interaction Patterns of Information Flow
* Vertical vs. Horizontal Fractal Dimensions of Roads in Relation to Relief Characteristics
* Virtual Scene Construction of Wetlands: A Case Study of Poyang Lake, China
* Visibility-Based R-Tree Spatial Index for Consistent Visualization in Indoor and Outdoor Scenes
* Visual Attention and Recognition Differences Based on Expertise in a Map Reading and Memorability Study
* Visual Perception of Property Rights in 3D
* Walk Score from 2D to 3D: Walkability for the Elderly in Two Medium-Sized Cities in Germany
* Wandering Detection Method Based on Processing GPS Trajectories Using the Wavelet Packet Decomposition Transform for People with Cognitive Impairment, A
* Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood Events: The RiverCure Portal, A
* Web-Based Geodesign Tool for Evaluating the Integration of Transport Infrastructure, Public Spaces, and Human Activities, A
* Weighted k-Nearest-Neighbors-Based Spatial Framework of Flood Inundation Risk for Coastal Tourism: A Case Study in Zhejiang, China, A
* What Determinants Will Enhance or Constrain the Spatiality of Agricultural Products with Geographical Indications in Northeast China? An Interpretable Learning Approach
* What Do We Know about Multidimensional Poverty in China: Its Dynamics, Causes, and Implications for Sustainability
* What Drives the Spatial Heterogeneity of Urban Leisure Activity Participation? A Multisource Big Data-Based Metrics in Nanjing, China
* Where Am I Now? Modelling Disorientation in Pan-Scalar Maps
504 for IJGI(12)
* 3D Cadastral Database Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
* 3D Model-Based Framework for Real-Time Emergency Evacuation Using GIS and IoT Devices, A
* Accessibility Measures: From a Literature Review to a Classification Framework
* Accuracy Evaluation for Plan-Reliefs and Historical Maps Created during WWI in Northern Italy
* Adaptive Simplification Method for Coastlines Using a Skeleton Line Bridge Double Direction Buffering Algorithm, An
* Advanced Integration of Urban Street Greenery and Pedestrian Flow: A Multidimensional Analysis in Chengdu's Central Urban District
* Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-Arid Environments: Insights from Geospatial and Machine Learning Approaches
* AED Inequity among Social Groups in Guangzhou
* Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad
* Algorithm for Simplifying 3D Building Models with Consideration for Detailed Features and Topological Structure, An
* Analysing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of Urban Street Summer Solar Radiation through Historical Street View Images: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Analysis of Decoupling Effects and Influence Factors in Transportation: Evidence from Guangdong Province, China
* Analysis of Guidance Signage Systems from a Complex Network Theory Perspective: A Case Study in Subway Stations
* Analysis of Road Safety Perception and Influencing Factors in a Complex Urban Environment: Taking Chaoyang District, Beijing, as an Example
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Desertification in Qilian Mountain National Park Based on Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of the Impact of the Digital Economy on Carbon Emission Reduction and Its Spatial Spillover Effect: The Case of Eastern Coastal Cities in China
* Analysis of the Spatial Variations in the Relationship Between Built Environment and Severe Crashes, An
* Analyzing the Influence of Visitor Types on Location Choices and Revisit Intentions in Urban Heritage Destinations
* Analyzing the Problems of a District-Based Administration Using Monte Carlo Simulation: The Case of Sex Offender Notifications in Korea
* Animating Cartographic Meaning: Unveiling the Impact of Pictorial Symbol Motion Speed in Preattentive Processing
* Annual and Seasonal Dynamics of CO2 Emissions in Major Cities of China (2019-2022)
* Application of Space Syntax to Enhance Sociability in Public Urban Spaces: A Systematic Review, The
* Applications for Semantic 3D Streetspace Models and Their Requirements: A Review and Look at the Road Ahead
* Areas of Crime in Cities: Case Study of Lithuania
* Assessing and Predicting Nearshore Seawater Quality with Spatio-Temporal Semivariograms: The Case of Coastal Waters in Fujian Province, China
* Assessing Contamination in Transitional Waters Using Geospatial Technologies: A Review
* Assessing Risks in Cross-Regional Tourism Corridors: A Case Study of Tibetan Plateau Tourism
* Assessing the Association Between Urban Amenities and Urban Green Space Transformation in Guangzhou
* Assessing the Defensibility of Medieval Fortresses on the Mediterranean Coast: A Study of Algerian and Spanish Territories
* Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Surface Temperature Dynamics Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Tlemcen Municipality, Northwestern Algeria (1989-2019)
* Assessing the Suitability of Fractal Dimension for Measuring Graphic Complexity Change in Schematic Metro Networks
* Assessing the Transformative Potential: An Examination of the Urban Mobility Impact Based on an Open-Source Microscopic Traffic Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
* Assessment of Fine-Scale Urban Heat Health Risk and Its Potential Driving Factors Based on Local Climate Zones in Shenzhen, China
* Assessment of the Map-Style Influence on Generalization with CycleGAN: Taking Line Features as an Example, An
* Assignment of a Synthetic Population for Activity-Based Modeling Employing Publicly Available Data
* Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Environmental Quality in the United States
* Association between Built Environment and Bus Usage among Older Adults: Urban-Rural Differences in the Nonlinearities
* Auditing Flood Vulnerability Geo-Intelligence Workflow for Biases
* Automated Geospatial Approach for Assessing SDG Indicator 11.3.1: A Multi-Level Evaluation of Urban Land Use Expansion across Africa
* Automatic Extraction and Cluster Analysis of Natural Disaster Metadata Based on the Unified Metadata Framework
* Automatic Functional Classification of Buildings Supported by a POI Semantic Characterization Knowledge Graph
* Automatic Road Extraction from Historical Maps Using Transformer-Based SegFormers
* Automatic Vehicle Trajectory Behavior Classification Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Derived Trajectories Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Balancing Flood Control and Economic Development in Flood Detention Areas of the Yangtze River Basin
* Bayesian Shared Component Spatial Modeling for Assessing the Shared and Age Group-Specific Mental Health Disorder Risk of Young and Old Age Groups: A Case Study of Toronto Neighborhoods, Canada
* Bayesian Structural Time Series and Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Modelling Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on the Spatiotemporal Patterns of London's Crimes
* Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models
* Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of Geoscience Knowledge Graph (GeoKG) from 2012 to 2023
* Bridging Human Expertise with Machine Learning and GIS for Mine Type Prediction and Classification
* BS-GeoEduNet 1.0: Blockchain-Assisted Serverless Framework for Geospatial Educational Information Networks
* Building an Indoor Digital Twin: A Use-Case for a Hospital Digital Twin to Analyze COVID-19 Transmission
* Building Height Extraction Based on Spatial Clustering and a Random Forest Model
* Built Environment Effect on Metro Ridership in Metropolitan Area of Valparaíso, Chile, under Different Influence Area Approaches
* Cartographic Metadata for Improving Accessibility and Facilitating Knowledge Extraction and Validation in Planetary Mapping Based on Remote-Sensing Observations
* Cartography and Neural Networks: A Scientometric Analysis Based on CiteSpace
* Challenges in Geocoding: An Analysis of R Packages and Web Scraping Approaches
* Challenges to Viticulture in Montenegro under Climate Change
* Changes in the 19th Century Cultural Landscape with Regard to City Rights in Western Poland
* Characterizing Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Child Sexual Abuse in Mexico City Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Characterizing the Role of Geospatial Science in Digital Twins
* ChatGeoAI: Enabling Geospatial Analysis for Public through Natural Language, with Large Language Models
* City Transmission Networks: Unraveling Disease Spread Dynamics
* Classifying the Shapes of Buildings by Combining Distance Field Enhancement and a Convolution Neural Network
* Collaborative Methods of Resolving Road Graphic Conflicts Based on Cartographic Rules and Generalization Operations
* Comment on Transformation Problem. From Euler Angles Method to Quaternion Algebra
* Community Quality Evaluation for Socially Sustainable Regeneration: A Study Using Multi-Sourced Geospatial Data and AI-Based Image Semantic Segmentation
* Commutative Encryption and Reversible Watermarking Algorithm for Vector Maps Based on Virtual Coordinates
* Comparing Characteristics of the Urban Thermal Environment Based on the Local Climate Zone in Three Chinese Metropolises
* Comparing Machine Learning and Time Series Approaches in Predictive Modeling of Urban Fire Incidents: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
* Comparison of Different Green Space Measures and Their Impact on Dementia Cases in South Korea: A Spatial Panel Analysis
* Comprehension of City Map Pictograms Designed for Specific Tourists' Needs
* Comprehensive Assessment of Large-Scale Regional Fluvial Flood Exposure Using Public Datasets: A Case Study from China
* Comprehensive Overview Regarding the Impact of GIS on Property Valuation, A
* Comprehensive Survey on High-Definition Map Generation and Maintenance, A
* Concepts Towards Nation-Wide Individual Tree Data and Virtual Forests
* Conceptualizing and Validating the Trustworthiness of Maps through an Empirical Study on the Influence of Cultural Background on Map Design Perception
* Connection of Conic and Cylindrical Map Projections
* Constraining the Geometry of NeRFs for Accurate DSM Generation from Multi-View Satellite Images
* Constructing Efficient Mesh-Based Global Grid Systems with Reduced Distortions
* Construction and Inference Method of Semantic-Driven, Spatio-Temporal Derivation Relationship Network for Place Names
* Containerized Service-Based Integration Framework for Heterogeneous-Geospatial-Analysis Models, A
* Context-Aware Search for Environmental Data Using Dense Retrieval
* Contextual Enrichment of Crowds from Mobile Phone Data through Multimodal Geo-Social Media Analysis
* Continuous Satellite Image Generation from Standard Layer Maps Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* ConvTEBiLSTM: A Neural Network Fusing Local and Global Trajectory Features for Field-Road Mode Classification
* Coupling Coordination Relationship Between Urbanization and the Eco-Environment in Resource-Based Cities, Loess Plateau, China, The
* Coupling Hyperbolic GCN with Graph Generation for Spatial Community Detection and Dynamic Evolution Analysis
* Crossing Boundaries: The Ethics of AI and Geographic Information Technologies
* CSMNER: A Toponym Entity Recognition Model for Chinese Social Media
* Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: Damage Assessment in Urban Areas of Ukraine Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Cultural Itineraries Generated by Smart Data on the Web
* Dasymetric Algorithms Using Land Cover to Estimate Human Population at Smaller Spatial Scales
* Data-Driven Geofencing Design for Point-Of-Interest Notifiers Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
* DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom Online Calculation and Rendering
* Deep Learning Application for Biodiversity Conservation and Educational Tourism in Natural Reserves
* Delineating Source and Sink Zones of Trip Journeys in the Road Network Space
* Delineations for Police Patrolling on Street Network Segments with p-Median Location Models
* Dempster-Shafer Enhanced Framework for Urban Road Planning Using a Model-Based Digital Twin and MCDM Techniques, A
* Detecting Road Intersections from Crowdsourced Trajectory Data Based on Improved YOLOv5 Model
* Detecting the Spatial Association between Commercial Sites and Residences in Beijing on the Basis of the Colocation Quotient
* Detecting Urban Traffic Anomalies Using Traffic-Monitoring Data
* Determinants of Intra-City Residential Migration Patterns of Older Adults: A GIS and Decision Tree Analysis of Yancheng City, China
* Developing a Base Domain Ontology from Geoscience Report Collection to Aid in Information Retrieval towards Spatiotemporal and Topic Association
* Developing a Bi-Level Optimization Model for the Coupled Street Network and Land Subdivision Design Problem with Various Lot Areas in Irregular Blocks
* Differences in Urban Development in China from the Perspective of Point of Interest Spatial Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Discovering Electric Vehicle Charging Locations Based on Clustering Techniques Applied to Vehicular Mobility Datasets
* Discovering Links between Geospatial Data Sources in the Web of Data: The Open Geospatial Engine Approach
* Distinguishing the Intervalley Plain from the Intermountain Flat for Landform Mapping Using the Sightline Algorithm
* Does Urban Polycentric Structure Improve Carbon Emission Efficiency? A Spatial Panel Data Analysis of 279 Cities in China from 2012 to 2020
* Dry-Wet Changes in a Typical Agriculture and Pasture Ecotone in China between 1540 and 2019
* Dynamic Algorithm for Measuring Pedestrian Congestion and Safety in Urban Alleyways, A
* Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams Based on Ordered Dilation
* Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network-Based Prediction of the Urban Grid-Level Taxi Demand-Supply Imbalance Using GPS Trajectories
* Dynamic Perception-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using a Memory-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Graph Network
* Dynamics and Predictions of Urban Expansion in Java, Indonesia: Continuity and Change in Mega-Urbanization
* Ecological Network Construction Based on Red, Green and Blue Space: A Case Study of Dali City, China
* Effectiveness of Adjacent and Bivariate Maps in Communicating Global Sensitivity Analysis for Geodiversity Assessment
* Efficient Algorithm for Extracting Railway Tracks Based on Spatial-Channel Graph Convolutional Network and Deep Neural Residual Network, An
* Efficient and Expressive Fully Policy-Hidden Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme for Satellite Service Systems, An
* Efficient and Verifiable Range Query Scheme for Encrypted Geographical Information in Untrusted Cloud Environments
* Efficient Vehicle Detection and Optimization in Multi-Graph Mode Considering Multi-Section Tracking Based on Geographic Similarity
* Encapsulating Spatially Varying Relationships with a Generalized Additive Model
* Enhanced Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Tracking Using Time Series of GNSS Positioning Errors
* Enhancing Adversarial Learning-Based Change Detection in Imbalanced Datasets Using Artificial Image Generation and Attention Mechanism
* Enhancing Agricultural Productivity: Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques for Cotton Yield Monitoring and Assessment
* Enhancing Maritime Navigational Safety: Ship Trajectory Prediction Using ACoAtt-LSTM and AIS Data
* Enhancing Place Emotion Analysis with Multi-View Emotion Recognition from Geo-Tagged Photos: A Global Tourist Attraction Perspective
* Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm Based on Survey and Social Media Tourism Objectives for Tourism Path Recommendations
* Entity-Driven New Paradigm of Mine Data: Model Construction and Application
* Estimation of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Using the NDVI-DFI Model in a Typical Dry-Hot Valley, Southwest China
* Evaluating Geospatial Data Adequacy for Integrated Risk Assessments: A Malaria Risk Use Case
* Evaluating School Location Based on a Territorial Spatial Planning Knowledge Graph
* Evaluating the Impact of Human Activities on Vegetation Restoration in Mining Areas Based on the GTWR
* Evaluation of Qualitative Colour Palettes for Tactile Maps
* Evaluation of the Accessibility of Children's Spaces at the Community Scale: The Case Study of Hangzhou
* Evaluation of the Monitoring Capabilities of Remote Sensing Satellites for Maritime Moving Targets
* EventGeoScout: Fostering Citizen Empowerment and Augmenting Data Quality through Collaborative Geographic Information Governance and Optimization
* Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of City Networks in China: A Case Study of Cross-Regional Automobile Enterprises
* Examining Spatial Accessibility and Equity of Public Hospitals for Older Adults in Songjiang District, Shanghai
* Examining Spatial Disparities in Electric Vehicle Public Charging Infrastructure Distribution Using a Multidimensional Framework in Nanjing, China
* Examining the Causal and Heterogeneous Influence of Three-Dimensional Urban Forms on CO2 Emissions in 285 Chinese Cities
* Explaining Theft Using Offenders' Activity Space Inferred from Residents' Mobile Phone Data
* Exploration of an Open Vocabulary Model on Semantic Segmentation for Street Scene Imagery
* Exploring Family Ties and Interpersonal Dynamics: A Geospatial Simulation Analyzing Their Influence on Evacuation Efficiency within Urban Communities
* Exploring Forest Fire Dynamics: Fire Danger Mapping in Antalya Region, Türkiye
* Exploring Georeferenced Augmented Reality for Architectural Visualization with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Exploring Nonlinear Effects of the Built Environment on Employment Behavior Among Older Adults: Evidence from Metro Station Catchment Areas
* Exploring Summer Variations of Driving Factors Affecting Land Use Zoning Based on the Surface Urban Heat Island in Chiang Mai, Thailand
* Exploring the Activity-Travel Patterns of Multi-Purpose Commuters on Workdays Based on Activity Chains and Time Allocation: Evidence from Kunming, China
* Exploring the Effects of Light and Dark on Crime in London
* Exploring the Influence of Terrain Blockage on Spatiotemporal Variations in Land Surface Temperature from the Perspective of Heat Energy Redistribution
* Exploring the Pedestrian Route Choice Behaviors by Machine Learning Models
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Effects of the Built Environment on the Nonlinear Impacts of Metro Ridership: Evidence from Xi'an, China
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Passenger Flows in Expanding Urban Metros: A Case Study of Shenzhen
* Exploring Travel Mobility in Integrated Usage of Dockless Bike-Sharing and the Metro Based on Multisource Data
* Extension of RCC*-9 to Complex and Three-Dimensional Features and Its Reasoning System
* Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature Based on the Hierarchical Temporal Memory Model
* Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Demand-Responsive Transport Services in Rural Areas: A GIS-Based Method for Optimising and Evaluating Potential Services
* Feasibility of Emergency Flood Traffic Road Damage Assessment by Integrating Remote Sensing Images and Social Media Information
* Fine-Grained Metro-Trip Detection from Cellular Trajectory Data Using Local and Global Spatial-Temporal Characteristics
* Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS-Based Frequency Ratio and Shannon's Entropy Index Bivariate Statistical Models: A Case Study of Chandrapur District, India
* Framing VRRSability Relationships among Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability for Improving Geo-Information Evaluations within Geodesign Decision Support
* Functional Method for Analyzing Open-Space Ratios around Individual Buildings and Its Implementation with GIS
* Future Site Suitability for Urban Waste Management in English Bazar and Old Malda Municipalities, West Bengal: A Geospatial and Machine Learning Approach
* Generating Spatial Knowledge Graphs with 2D Indoor Floorplan Data: A Case Study on the Jeonju Express Bus Terminal
* Generating Urban Road Networks with Conditional Diffusion Models
* Generic Method for Social-Environmental System Boundary Delineation: An Amalgamation of Spatial Data Integration, Optimization, and User Control for Resource Management
* Genetic Programming to Optimize 3D Trajectories
* Geographic Information System-Based Model and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Wind Farm Site Selection in the Red Sea, A
* Geographic Knowledge Base Question Answering over OpenStreetMap
* Geographical Entity Management Model Based on Multi-Classification
* Geographically-Informed Modeling and Analysis of Platform Attitude Jitter in GF-7 Sub-Meter Stereo Mapping Satellite
* Geometric Characterization of the Mateur Plain in Northern Tunisia Using Vertical Electrical Sounding and Remote Sensing Techniques
* Geometric Characterization of the Mateur Plain in Northern Tunisia Using Vertical Electrical Sounding and Remote Sensing Techniques
* Geospatial Crowd: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Crowdsourced Spatial Analytics, The
* Geospatial Multi-Hazard Assessment for Gyeonggi-do Province, South Korea Subjected to Earthquake
* GIS-Based Analytical Hierarchy Process for Identifying Groundwater Potential Zones in Punjab, Pakistan
* GIS-Based Framework for Synthesizing City-Scale Long-Term Individual-Level Spatial-Temporal Mobility, A
* GIS-Based Framework to Analyze the Behavior of Urban Greenery During Heatwaves Using Satellite Data, A
* Globally Optimal Relative Pose and Scale Estimation from Only Image Correspondences with Known Vertical Direction
* Granularity Optimization of Travel Trajectory Based on Node2vec: A Case Study on Urban Travel Time Prediction
* Graph Representation Learning for Street-Level Crime Prediction
* Grid Density Algorithm-Based Second-Hand Housing Transaction Activity and Spatio-Temporal Characterization: The Case of Shenyang City, China
* HBIM for Conservation of Built Heritage
* Helmert Transformation Problem. From Euler Angles Method to Quaternion Algebra
* Hierarchy-Aware Geocoding Model Based on Cross-Attention within the Seq2Seq Framework, A
* Historical Heritage Maintenance via Scan-to-BIM Approaches: A Case Study of the Lisbon Agricultural Exhibition Pavilion
* Hourly PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Geographically Weighted Neural Network
* How Does the 2D/3D Urban Morphology Affect the Urban Heat Island across Urban Functional Zones? A Case Study of Beijing, China
* How Information and Communications Technology Affects the Micro-Location Choices of Stores on On-Demand Food Delivery Platforms: Evidence from Xinjiekou's Central Business District in Nanjing
* Identification and Analysis of Ecological Corridors in the Central Urban Area of Xuchang Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data
* Identification and Causes of Neighborhood Commercial Areas: Focusing on the Development of Daily Life Circles in Urban Built Environments
* Identification of Key Determinants Influencing Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Urban Resilience
* Identification of Typhoon-Vulnerable Areas and Countermeasures in High-Density Coastal Cities: The Case of Macau
* Identifying Editions of the Ptolemy of Rome Maps (1478/90-1507/08) by Copper Plates Changes
* Identifying Relationship between Regional Centrality and POI Facilities: A Case Study of Seoul Metropolitan Area
* Identifying Spatial Determinants of Rice Yields in Main Producing Areas of China Using Geospatial Machine Learning
* Identifying the Hierarchical Structure of Nighttime Economic Agglomerations Based on the Fusion of Multisource Data
* Identifying the Nonlinear Impacts of Road Network Topology and Built Environment on the Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction of Dockless Bike-Sharing Trips: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Identifying the Spatial Range of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration by Fusing Nighttime Light Data with Weibo Sign-In Data
* Impact of Airbnb on Long-Term Rental Markets in San Francisco: A Geospatial Analysis Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression, The
* Impact of Extreme Climate Indices on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Comprehensive Analysis Utilizing Long-Term Dataset
* Impact of Land Use Change on Carbon Storage in Complex Terrains: A Case Study of Sichuan-Chongqing, China
* Implementing Immersive Worlds for Metaverse-Based Participatory Design through Photogrammetry and Blockchain
* Improved A* Navigation Path-Planning Algorithm Based on Hexagonal Grid
* Improved ANN-Based Label Placement Method Considering Surrounding Features for Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Improved BLG Tree for Trajectory Compression with Constraints of Road Networks, An
* Improved Early-Stage Maize Row Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Multi-Scale Electronic Map Tiles Considering Cartographic Requirements, An
* Improved Population Mapping for China Using the 3D Building, Nighttime Light, Points-of-Interest, and Land Use/Cover Data within a Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Model
* Improved Road Extraction Models through Semi-Supervised Learning with ACCT
* Improving Three-Dimensional Building Segmentation on Three-Dimensional City Models through Simulated Data and Contextual Analysis for Building Extraction
* Influence of Origin Attributes on the Destination Choice of Discretionary Home-Based Walk Trips, The
* Influence of Perceptions of the Park Environment on the Health of the Elderly: The Mediating Role of Social Interaction, The
* Influence of Proximity on the Evolution of Urban Innovation Networks in Nanjing Metropolitan Area, China: A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge and Technological Innovations, The
* Influencing Factors of Street Vitality in Historic Districts Based on Multisource Data: Evidence from China
* Integrated Assessment of Security Risk Considering Police Resources
* Integrated Duranton and Overman Index and Local Duranton and Overman Index Framework for Industrial Spatial Agglomeration Pattern Analysis, An
* Integrated Framework for Landscape Indices' Calculation with Raster-Vector Integration and Its Application Based on QGIS, An
* Integrating NoSQL, Hilbert Curve, and R*-Tree to Efficiently Manage Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Integrating Sequential Backward Selection (SBS) and CatBoost for Snow Avalanche Susceptibility Mapping at Catchment Scale
* Integrating Spatial and Non-Spatial Dimensions to Evaluate Access to Rural Primary Healthcare Service: A Case Study of Songzi, China
* Integrating Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Transformation and Urban Growth in Peshawar Valley and Its Implications on Temperature in Response to Climate Change
* Integration of Spatial and Co-Existence Relationships to Improve Administrative Region Target Detection in Map Images
* Interpretation of Hot Spots in Wuhan New Town Development and Analysis of Influencing Factors Based on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Mining
* Investigating Resident-Tourist Sharing of Urban Public Recreation Space and Its Influencing Factors
* Investigating Spatial Effects through Machine Learning and Leveraging Explainable AI for Child Malnutrition in Pakistan
* Investigating the Performance of Open-Vocabulary Classification Algorithms for Pathway and Surface Material Detection in Urban Environments
* Is ChatGPT a Good Geospatial Data Analyst? Exploring the Integration of Natural Language into Structured Query Language within a Spatial Database
* Isochrone-Based Accessibility Analysis of Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Facilities: A Case Study of Central Districts of Beijing
* Knowledge Graph Representation of Multi-Source Urban Storm Surge Hazard Information Based on Spatio-Temporal Coding and the Hazard Events Ontology Model
* Knowledge-Guided Intelligent Analysis Method of Geographic Digital Twin Models: A Case Study on the Diagnosis of Geometric Deformation in Tunnel Excavation Profiles, A
* Land Cover Disaggregated Fire Occurrence and Particulate Matter2.5 Relationship in the Mekong Region: A Comprehensive Study
* Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam, Using Boosting Models
* Landslide Recognition Based on Machine Learning Considering Terrain Feature Fusion
* Landslide Risk Assessments through Multicriteria Analysis
* Large Language Model-Driven Structured Output: A Comprehensive Benchmark and Spatial Data Generation Framework
* Layout Optimization of Logistics and Warehouse Land Based on a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm: Taking Wuhan City as an Example
* Learning Daily Human Mobility with a Transformer-Based Model
* Learning Effective Geometry Representation from Videos for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Learning Universal Trajectory Representation via a Siamese Geography-Aware Transformer
* Leveraging Digital Twins as a Common Operating Picture for Disaster Management: Case of Seismic Hazards
* Leveraging Transfer Learning and U-Nets Method for Improved Gap Filling in Himawari Sea Surface Temperature Data Adjacent to Taiwan
* Lightweight Approach for Building User Mobility Profiles, A
* Lightweight Multi-Label Classification Method for Urban Green Space in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* LLM-Based Inventory Construction Framework of Urban Ground Collapse Events with Spatiotemporal Locations, An
* Localized Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Using GIS-Based Water Quality Index along Satpara Watershed Skardu Baltistan, Pakistan, A
* Locating Senior-Friendly Restaurants in a Community: A Bi-Objective Optimization Approach for Enhanced Equality and Convenience
* Location, Location, Location: The Power of Neighborhoods for Apartment Price Predictions Based on Transaction Data
* Low-Cost Data, High-Quality Models: A Semi-Automated Approach to LOD3 Creation
* Map Reading and Analysis with GPT-4V(ision)
* Mapmaking Process Reading from Local Distortions in Historical Maps: A Geographically Weighted Bidimensional Regression Analysis of a Japanese Castle Map
* Mapping Geospatial AI Flood Risk in National Road Networks
* Mapping Localization Preferences for Residential Buildings
* Mapping Street Patterns with Network Science and Supervised Machine Learning
* Mapping the CityGML Energy ADE to CityGML 3.0 Using a Model-Driven Approach
* Maximal Multimodal Accessibility Equality Model to Optimize the Equality of Healthcare Services, A
* Measuring Efficiency and Accuracy in Locating Symbols on Mobile Maps Using Eye Tracking
* Measuring Reliable Accessibility to High-Speed Railway Stations by Integrating the Utility-Based Model and Multimodal Space-Time Prism under Travel Time Uncertainty
* Measuring the Potential and Realized (or Revealed) Spatial Access from Places of Residence and Work to Food Outlets in Rural Communities of Quebec, Canada
* Measuring the Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity of Helplessness Sentiment and Its Built Environment Determinants during the COVID-19 Quarantines: A Case Study in Shanghai
* Measuring Villagers' Perceptions of Changes in the Landscape Values of Traditional Villages
* Meeting the Challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Holistic Systems Thinking and Applied Geospatial Ethics
* Method for Constructing an Urban Waterlogging Emergency Knowledge Graph Based on Spatiotemporal Processes, A
* Method for the Identification and Classification of Zones with Vehicular Congestion
* Methodological Innovations for Establishing Cemetery Spatial Databases: A UAV-Based Workflow Helping Small Communities
* Methodology for Designing One-Way Station-Based Carsharing Services in a GIS Environment: A Case Study in Palermo, A
* Methodology of Mosaicking and Georeferencing for Multi-Sheet Early Maps with Irregular Cuts Using the Example of the Topographic Chart of the Kingdom of Poland
* Mining and Visualization of Tourism Cultural Image Based on the Information Transmission Model of Tourism Cultural Map: Taking Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Tourist Attraction as an Example
* Mining Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns Using Improved Deep Time Series Clustering
* Mixed Methods Evaluation of Wearable Technology: Findings from the Vivo Play Scientist (VPS) Program, A
* Modeling Population Mobility Flows: A Hybrid Approach Integrating a Gravity Model and Machine Learning
* Modeling Shallow Landslide Runout Distance in Eocene Flysch Facies Using Empirical-Statistical Models (Western Black Sea Region of Türkiye)
* Monitoring and Cause Analysis of Land Subsidence along the Yangtze River Utilizing Time-Series InSAR
* Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Evaluate the Geographic Potential of Alternative Photovoltaic Types
* Multi-Criteria Framework for Routing on Access Land: A Case Study on Dartmoor National Park
* Multi-Feature Fusion Method for Urban Functional Regions Identification: A Case Study of Xi'an, China, A
* Multi-Level Analysis of Bus Ridership in Buffalo, New York, A
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Urban Gas Station Site Selection Under Territorial Spatial Planning Constraints
* Multi-Scale Effects of Supply-Demand Changes in Water-Related Ecosystem Services Across Different Landscapes in River Basin
* Multi-Scale Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Information Fusion Networks for Multi-Step Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Multi-Session High-Definition Map-Monitoring System for Map Update
* Multidimensional Spatial Vitality Automated Monitoring Method for Public Open Spaces Based on Computer Vision Technology: Case Study of Nanjing's Daxing Palace Square
* Multiscale Feature Extraction by Using Convolutional Neural Network: Extraction of Objects from Multiresolution Images of Urban Areas
* Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landmark Semantic Constraints
* Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Measurements Associated with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Navigating Immovable Assets: A Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Data Model for Effective Information Management
* Network-Based Hierarchical Feature Augmentation for Predicting Road Classes in OpenStreetMap
* New Framework for Integrating DNN-Based Geographic Simulation Models within GISystems, A
* New Method Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method and Unsupervised Clustering for Identification of Urban-Scale Ventilation Corridors, A
* New Subject-Sensitive Hashing Algorithm Based on Multi-PatchDrop and Swin-Unet for the Integrity Authentication of HRRS Image, A
* New Urban Built-Up Index and Its Application in National Central Cities of China, A
* Non-Uniform Spatial Partitions and Optimized Trajectory Segments for Storage and Indexing of Massive GPS Trajectory Data
* Nonlinear and Threshold Effects on Station-Level Ridership: Insights from Disproportionate Weekday-to-Weekend Impacts
* Nonlinear Influence of the Built Environment on the Attraction of the Third Activity: A Comparative Analysis of Inflow from Home and Work
* Novel Address-Matching Framework Based on Region Proposal, A
* Novel and Extensible Remote Sensing Collaboration Platform: Architecture Design and Prototype Implementation, A
* Novel Approach for Ex Situ Water Quality Monitoring Using the Google Earth Engine and Spectral Indices in Chilika Lake, Odisha, India, A
* Novel Approach to Urban Village Extraction and Generalization from Digital Line Graphics Using the Computational Geometric Method and the Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* Novel Flexible Geographically Weighted Neural Network for High-Precision PM2.5 Mapping across the Contiguous United States, A
* Novel Rock Mass Discontinuity Detection Approach with CNNs and Multi-View Image Augmentation, A
* Novel Visual Narrative Framework for Tourist Map Design Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of the Songshan Scenic Area, A
* Oil Palm Bunch Ripeness Classification and Plantation Verification Platform: Leveraging Deep Learning and Geospatial Analysis and Visualization
* On the Theoretical Link between Optimized Geospatial Conflation Models for Linear Features
* Online Decision Support Infrastructures for Integrating Spatial Planning and Flood Risk Management Policies
* Open Data for Transparency of Government Tenders: A State Analysis in Croatian Agriculture Land Lease
* Optimisation Model for Spatialisation of Population Based on Human Footprint Index Correction
* Optimization of Shared Electric Scooter Deployment Stations Based on Distance Tolerance
* Optimizing Station Placement for Free-Floating Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems: Leveraging Predicted User Spatial Distribution from Points of Interest
* Parallel Channel Identification and Elimination Method Based on the Spatial Position Relationship of Different Channels
* Parallel-Optimized Visualization Method for Large-Scale Multiple Video-Augmented Geographic Scenes on Cesium, A
* Passive Perception and Path Tracking of Tourists in Mountain Scenic Spots Through Face to Body Two Stepwise Method
* Pathfinding Algorithm for Large-Scale Complex Terrain Environments in the Field, A
* Patterns and Mechanisms of Residential Mobility in Nanjing, China: Insights from the Mantel Test, The
* Performance Analysis of Random Forest Algorithm in Automatic Building Segmentation with Limited Data
* Population Density Prediction at Township Scale Supported by Machine Learning Method: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia
* Population Distribution Forecasting Based on the Fusion of Spatiotemporal Basic and External Features: A Case Study of Lujiazui Financial District
* Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Improved Old Residential Neighborhood Satisfaction Using Principal Component Analysis: The Case of Wuxi, China
* Potential and Observed Supply-Demand Characteristics of Medical Services: A Case Study of Nighttime Visits in Shenzhen
* Potentials in Using VR for Facilitating Geography Teaching in Classrooms: A Systematic Review
* Power Corridor Safety Hazard Detection Based on Airborne 3D Laser Scanning Technology
* Pre-Dam Vltava River Valley: A Case Study of 3D Visualization of Large-Scale GIS Datasets in Unreal Engine
* Prediction of Commercial Street Location Based on Point of Interest (POI) Big Data and Machine Learning
* Prediction of Parking Space Availability Using Improved MAT-LSTM Network
* Preserving Spatial Patterns in Point Data: A Generalization Approach Using Agent-Based Modeling
* Privacy Preserving Human Mobility Generation Using Grid-Based Data and Graph Autoencoders
* Probabilistic Time Geographic Modeling Method Considering POI Semantics
* Quantifying Urban Linguistic Diversity Related to Rainfall and Flood across China with Social Media Data
* Quantitative and Qualitative Experimental Framework for the Evaluation of Urban Soundscapes: Application to the City of Sidi Bou Saïd, A
* Quantitative Estimation and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Delay Effects in Expressway Traffic Accidents
* Quantitative Study on American COVID-19 Epidemic Predictions and Scenario Simulations
* Question and Answering Service of Typhoon Disasters Based on the T5 Large Language Model, A
* Raster-Based Multi-Objective Spatial Optimization Framework for Offshore Wind Farm Site-Prospecting, A
* Real-Time Co-Editing of Geographic Features
* Recognition and Classification of Typical Building Shapes Based on YOLO Object Detection Models
* Reconstruction of 3D Information of Buildings from Single-View Images Based on Shadow Information
* Regional-Scale Equidistance Optimizing Method Considering the Equidistance Patterns of Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Relationship between the Construction of Transportation Infrastructure and the Development of New Urbanization, The
* Relief Supply-Demand Estimation Based on Social Media in Typhoon Disasters Using Deep Learning and a Spatial Information Diffusion Model
* Renovation and Reconstruction of Urban Land Use by a Cost-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Shenzhen
* Research and Modeling of Commercial Location Selection Based on Geographic Big Data and Mobile Signaling Data: A Case Study of the Central Urban Area of Beijing
* Research on Global Off-Road Path Planning Based on Improved A* Algorithm
* Research on Land Use and Land Cover Information Extraction Methods for Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Networks
* Research on Rural Environments' Effects on Well-Being: The Huizhou Area in China
* Research on the Evolution and Driving Factors of the Economic Spatial Pattern of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the Context of the COVID-19 Epidemic
* Research on the Geographical Pattern, Evolution Model, and Driving Mechanism of Carbon Emission Density from Urban Industrial Land in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China
* Research on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Educational Facilities Based on POI Data: A Case Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Research on the Spatial Network Structure of Tourist Flows in Hangzhou Based on BERT-BiLSTM-CRF
* Retrospective Analysis of Municipal Geoportal Usability in the Context of the Evolution of Online Data Presentation Techniques
* Review of Bayesian Spatiotemporal Models in Spatial Epidemiology, A
* Review of Crowdsourcing Update Methods for High-Definition Maps, A
* Review of Pakistan's National Spatial Data Infrastructure Using Multiple Assessment Frameworks, A
* Riders Under the Heat: Exploring the Impact of Extreme Heat on the Integration of Bike-Sharing and Public Transportation in Shenzhen, China
* Road Accessibility during Natural Hazards Based on Volunteered Geographic Information Data and Network Analysis
* Road Network Intelligent Selection Method Based on Heterogeneous Graph Attention Neural Network
* SAMPLID: A New Supervised Approach for Meaningful Place Identification Using Call Detail Records as an Alternative to Classical Unsupervised Clustering Techniques
* Scale Distribution of Retail Formats in the Central Districts of Chinese Cities: A Study Analysis of Ten Cities
* Scale- and Resolution-Adapted Shaded Relief Generation Using U-Net
* Schema Retrieval for Korean Geographic Knowledge Base Question Answering Using Few-Shot Prompting
* Scoping the Field: Recent Advances in Optical Remote Sensing for Precision Viticulture
* Search Engine for Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services Improving Discoverability through Natural Language Processing-Based Processing and Ranking
* Secant Cylinders Are Evil: A Case Study on the Standard Lines of the Universal Transverse Mercator and Universal Polar Stereographic Projections
* Semantic Partition Algorithm Based on Improved K-Means Clustering for Large-Scale Indoor Areas, A
* Semantic Segmentation and Roof Reconstruction of Urban Buildings Based on LiDAR Point Clouds
* Semantic-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Scale Urban Functional-Feature Identification Based on Human Mobility
* Semantic-Spatial Aware Data Conflation Approach for Place Knowledge Graphs, A
* Semantically Enhanced Label Prediction Method for Imbalanced POI Data Category Distribution, A
* Sensing the Environmental Inequality of PM2.5 Exposure Using Fine-Scale Measurements of Social Strata and Citizenship Identity
* Sensor-Based Simulation Method for Spatiotemporal Event Detection, A
* SGIR-Tree: Integrating R-Tree Spatial Indexing as Subgraphs in Graph Database Management Systems
* Shape Pattern Recognition of Building Footprints Using t-SNE Dimensionality Reduction Visualization
* Similarity Measurement and Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Voxel Model Based on Symbolic Operator
* Simplifying Land Cover-Geoprocessing-Model Migration with a PAMC-LC Containerization Strategy in the Open Web Environment
* Simulating Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Spatial Anisotropy and Expansion Neighborhood
* Site Selection of Elderly Care Facilities Based on Multi-Source Spatial Big Data and Integrated Learning
* Sky-Scanning for Energy: Unveiling Rural Electricity Consumption Patterns through Satellite Imagery's Convolutional Features
* Smart Solutions for Mega-Cities: Utilizing Long Short-Term Memory and Multi-Head Attention in Parking Prediction
* Smart Urban Cadastral Map Enrichment: A Machine Learning Method
* Socioeconomic Disparities in the Usage of Urban Opportunities in South Korea During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using Land Use/Land Cover and Mobile Phone Data
* Space-Time Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship with Socioeconomic and Demographic Variables in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil
* Spatial Analysis of Exposure of Roads to Flooding and Its Implications for Mobility in Urban/Peri-Urban Accra
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Major Californian Cities Using a Geographic Information System
* Spatial and Temporal Changes and Influencing Factors of Capital Cities in Five Provinces of the Underdeveloped Regions of Northwest China
* Spatial and Temporal Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Mexico
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs and Synergistic Relationships in a Mountainous Region of Northern China, The
* Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Vegetation Greenness and Its Response to Climate Change in the Tarim River Basin, China
* Spatial and Temporal Variation of GPP and Its Response to Urban Environmental Changes in Beijing
* Spatial Case-Based Reasoning Method for Healthy City Assessment: A Case Study of Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) in Birmingham, England, A
* Spatial Correlation between the Changes in Supply and Demand for Water-Related Ecosystem Services
* Spatial Equilibrium Model of Elderly Care Facilities with High Spatiotemporal Sensitivity and Its Economic Associations Study, The
* Spatial Equity Disparities of Work Commuting Based on Job Accessibility in Chengdu, China
* Spatial Nonlinear Effects of Street Vitality Constrained by Construction Intensity and Functional Diversity: A Case Study from the Streets of Shenzhen
* Spatial Optimization Model for Delineating Metropolitan Areas, A
* Spatial Pattern and Influencing Factors of Tourist Attractions in Coastal Cities: A Case Study of Qingdao
* Spatial Patterns and the Evolution of Logistics Service Node Facilities in Large Cities: A Case from Wuhan
* Spatial Planning Data Structure Based on Blockchain Technology
* Spatial Process Analysis of the Evolution of Farmland Landscape in China
* Spatial Regression Model for Predicting Prices of Short-Term Rentals in Athens, Greece, A
* Spatial Relationship Analysis of Geographic Elements in Sketch Maps at the Meso and Micro Spatial Scales
* Spatial Relationship of Inter-City Population Movement and Socio-Economic Determinants: A Case Study in China Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
* Spatial Semantic Feature Extraction Method for Urban Functional Zones Based on POIs, A
* Spatial Semantics for the Evaluation of Administrative Geospatial Ontologies
* Spatial-Temporal Changes in Ecosystem Service Value and Its Overlap with Coal Mining Intensity in the Yellow River Basin, China, During 2000-2030
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics Analysis of Color Steel Buildings in Lanzhou City
* Spatially Varying Effect Mechanism of Intermodal Connection on Metro Ridership: Evidence from a Polycentric Megacity with Multilevel Ring Roads
* Spatio-Temporal Big Data Collaborative Storage Mechanism Based on Incremental Aggregation Subvector Commitment in On-Chain and Off-Chain Systems
* Spatio-Temporal Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of INGO Activities in Myanmar
* Spatio-Temporal Variation in Pluvial Flash Flood Risk in the Lhasa River Basin, 1991-2020
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecological Security Based on Landscape Patterns
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nighttime Crimes in Vienna, Austria
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Water Body in the Chongming Island Region over the Past Decade Based on the ISUNet Model
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of Inscription Sites in Henan Province
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Water Quality: Long-Term Assessment Using Water Quality Indices and GIS
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Urban Industry in Modern China (1840-1949): A Case Study of Nanjing
* Spatiotemporal Hierarchical Analysis Method for Urban Traffic Congestion Optimization Based on Calculation of Road Carrying Capacity in Spatial Grids, A
* Spatiotemporal Information, Near-Field Perception, and Service for Tourists by Distributed Camera and BeiDou Positioning System in Mountainous Scenic Areas
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Socioeconomic Influences on Host Participation in Short-Term Rental Markets: Airbnb in San Francisco
* Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Land Subsidence and Ecological Environmental Quality in Shenfu Mining Area, Loess Plateau, China
* Status of the Implementation of the Building Information Modeling Mandate in Poland: A Literature Review, The
* Study of the Evolution of Haze Microblog Concerns Based on a Co-Word Network Analysis, A
* Study on a Spatiotemporal Entity-Based Event Data Model, A
* Study on LOS to Vertical Deformation Conversion Model on Embankment Slopes Using Multi-Satellite SAR Interferometry
* Study on Multiscale Virtual Environment Construction and Spatial Navigation Based on Hierarchical Structure
* Study on Spatio-Temporal Indexing Model of Geohazard Monitoring Data Based on Data Stream Clustering Algorithm
* Study on Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Commuting under Adverse Weather Events: Case Study of Typhoon In-Fa
* Study on the Spatiotemporal Distribution and Usage Pattern of Dockless Shared Bicycles: The Case of Nanjing, A
* Superblock Design and Evaluation by a Microscopic Door-to-Door Simulation Approach
* Supplementary Dam Site Selection Using a Geospatial Approach: A Case Study of Wivenhoe Dam
* Supporting Asset Management with GIS and Business Intelligence Technologies: The Case Study of the University of Turin
* Sustainable and Resilient Land Use Planning: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
* Symbolization of Regional Elements Based on Local-Chronicle Text Mining and Image-Feature Extraction, The
* Temporal Paths in Real-World Sensor Networks
* Time-Identified R-Tree: A Workload-Controllable Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Index Scheme for Streaming Processing, A
* Total Least Squares Estimation in Hedonic House Price Models
* Towards Quality Management Procedures in 3D Cadastre
* Towards Topological Geospatial Conflation: An Optimized Node-Arc Conflation Model for Road Networks
* TPTrans: Vessel Trajectory Prediction Model Based on Transformer Using AIS Data
* Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Federated Learning and Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks
* Trajectory Compression with Spatio-Temporal Semantic Constraints
* TravelRAG: A Tourist Attraction Retrieval Framework Based on Multi-Layer Knowledge Graph
* Two-Phase and Bi-Level Spatial Configuration Methodology of Shelters Based on a Circular Assignment Model and Evacuation Traffic Flow Allocation, A
* Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Based on Terrain Data
* Type of Scale-Oriented Terrain Pattern Derived from Normalized Topographic Relief Layers and Its Interpretation, A
* Universal Snow Avalanche Modeling Index Based on SAFI-Flow-R Approach in Poorly-Gauged Regions
* Unveiling the Non-Linear Influence of Eye-Level Streetscape Factors on Walking Preference: Evidence from Tokyo
* Unveiling Urban River Visual Features Through Immersive Virtual Reality: Analyzing Youth Perceptions with UAV Panoramic Imagery
* UPGAN: An Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Network Based on U-Shaped Structure for Pansharpening
* Urban Internal Network Structure and Resilience Characteristics from the Perspective of Population Mobility: A Case Study of Nanjing, China
* Urban Land Use Classification Model Fusing Multimodal Deep Features
* Urban Spatiotemporal Event Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network and Road Feature Fusion Network
* Urban-Rural Exposure to Flood Hazard and Social Vulnerability in the Conterminous United States
* Using Knowledge Graphs to Analyze the Characteristics and Trends of Forest Carbon Storage Research at the Global Scale
* Using Space Syntax and GIS to Determine Future Growth Routes of Cities: The Case of the Kyrenia White Zone
* Using Virtual and Augmented Reality with GIS Data
* Using Wi-Fi Probes to Evaluate the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Tourist Preferences in Historic Districts' Public Spaces
* Variability of Extreme Climate Events and Prediction of Land Cover Change and Future Climate Change Effects on the Streamflow in Southeast Queensland, Australia
* VIS-SLAM: A Real-Time Dynamic SLAM Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Visual, Inertial, and Semantic Information
* Voxel-Based Navigation: A Systematic Review of Techniques, Applications, and Challenges
* VST-PCA: A Land Use Change Simulation Model Based on Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction and Pre-Allocation Strategy
* WC-CP: A Bluetooth Low Energy Indoor Positioning Method Based on the Weighted Centroid of the Convex Polygon
* Web Publication of Schmitt's Map of Southern Germany (1797): The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis
* Wetland Classification, Attribute Accuracy, and Scale
* What Factors Revitalize the Street Vitality of Old Cities? A Case Study in Nanjing, China
* What Local Environments Drive Opportunities for Social Events? A New Approach Based on Bayesian Modeling in Dallas, Texas, USA
* Where and Why Travelers Visit? Classifying Coastal Tourism Activities Using Geotagged Image Content from Social Media Data
* Where Are Business Incubators Built? County-Level Spatial Distribution and Rationales Based on the Big Data of Chinese Yangtze River Delta Region
467 for IJGI(13)
* Accuracy Evaluation Method for Vector Data Based on Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid
* Analysis and Optimization of the Spatial Patterns of Commercial Service Facilities Based on Multisource Spatiotemporal Data and Graph Neural Networks: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Change Detection and Incremental Updates for Multi-Source Road Networks Considering Topological Consistency
* Concept, Framework, and Data Model for Geographical Soundscapes
* Construction of 3D Indoor Topological Models Based on Improved Face Sorting
* Construction of a Real-Scene 3D Digital Campus Using a Multi-Source Data Fusion: A Case Study of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
* DPSTCN: Dynamic Pattern-Aware Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Efficient Tourism Path Approach Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization in Hilly Areas, An
* Enhancing Accessibility in Public Spaces: A Computational Study of Hatirjheel Lakefront Using Space Syntax
* Evaluation of Cross-Border Transport Connectivity and Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Latin America
* Exploring Cartographic Differences in Web Map Applications: Evaluating Design, Scale, and Usability
* Extracting Regular Building Footprints Using Projection Histogram Method from UAV-Based 3D Models
* Footprints of the Future: Cleaner and Faster Transportation with Shared E-Scooter Operational Models
* Geographic Information System-Based Framework for Sustainable Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Logistics Operations
* HGeoKG: A Hierarchical Geographic Knowledge Graph for Geographic Knowledge Reasoning
* Integration of Multi-Source Landslide Disaster Data Based on Flink Framework and APSO Load Balancing Task Scheduling
* Investigating Social Vulnerability to Extreme Heat: Heat Islands and Climate Shelters in Urban Contexts: The Case of Bologna
* Lightweight CNN-Transformer Implemented via Structural Re-Parameterization and Hybrid Attention for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution, A
* Marijuana Dispensary Locations and Neighborhood Characteristics in New York City
* Multi-Scenario Simulation Evaluation and Strategic Zoning of Habitat Services Based on Habitat Quality and Ecological Network: A Case Study of Lanzhou City
* New Construction Method for Rectangular Cartograms, A
* Optimizing Site Selection for Construction: Integrating GIS Modeling, Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Geomorphological Data Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
* Patch-Level and Neighborhood-Dependency Spatial Optimization Method (PNO): Application to Urban Land-Use Planning to Facilitate Both Socio-Economic and Environmental Development in Beijing
* Performance Evaluation and Optimization of 3D Gaussian Splatting in Indoor Scene Generation and Rendering
* POI Data Fusion Method Based on Multi-Feature Matching and Optimization
* Portraying the Geography of US Airspace with 3-Dimensional GIS-Based Analysis and Visualization
* Quantification of Soil-Water Erosion Using the RUSLE Method in the Mékrou Watershed (Middle Niger River)
* Revealing Land-Use Dynamics on Thermal Environment of Riverine Cities Under Climate Variability Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques
* Revealing the City Influence and Its Pattern Using Web Search Data: A New Perspective Through Attention Flow
* Solving Spatial Optimization Problems via Lagrangian Relaxation and Automatic Gradient Computation
* Space Efficiency of Transit-Oriented Station Areas: A Case Study from a Complex Adaptive System Perspective
* Spatial Analysis of Maritime Disasters in the Philippines: Distribution Patterns and Identification of High-Risk Areas
* Synergy of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies to Advance Sustainable Development Goals for Future Coastal Urbanization and Environmental Challenges in a Riverine Megacity
* Temporal-Spatial Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Prompt Learning
* Towards AI-Assisted Mapmaking: Assessing the Capabilities of GPT-4o in Cartographic Design
* Urban Vitality Measurement Through Big Data and Internet of Things Technologies
36 for IJGI(14)
* Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach
* Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information
* Assessing the Geographic Representativity of Farm Accountancy Data
* Collaborative Geospatial Shoreline Inventory Tool to Guide Coastal Development and Habitat Conservation, A
* Comparative Review of North American Tundra Delineations, A
* Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry for Building Subsidence Rate Measurement, A
* Conflation Optimized by Least Squares to Maintain Geographic Shapes
* Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling
* Dynamics of Sheep Production in Brazil
* Evaluation of Model Validation Techniques in Land Cover Dynamics
* Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Congenital Malformations (CM) in Israel, 2000-006.
* Forecast-Driven Enhancement of Received Signal Strength (RSS)-Based Localization Systems
* From Geoportals to Geographic Knowledge Portals
* Genetic Optimization for Associative Semantic Ranking Models of Satellite Images by Land Cover
* GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Environmental and Geospatial Changes in the Italian Landscape
* Georeferenced Point Clouds: A Survey of Features and Point Cloud Management
* Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure and Geoprocessing Web: A Review of Commonalities and Differences of E-Science Approaches
* Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Economic Analysis and Spatial Decision-Making, A
* HCTNav: A Path Planning Algorithm for Low-Cost Autonomous Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments
* Identifying Land Use/Cover Dynamics in the Koga Catchment, Ethiopia, from Multi-Scale Data, and Implications for Environmental Change
* Improved Neural Network Training Algorithm for Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Positioning, An
* Improving the GIS-DRP Approach by Means of Delineating Runoff Characteristics with New Discharge Relevant Parameters
* Indoor Positioning for Smartphones Using Asynchronous Ultrasound Trilateration
* Integrating Open Access Geospatial Data to Map the Habitat Suitability of the Declining Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra)
* Low Power 24 GHz ad hoc Networking System Based on TDOA for Indoor Localization
* Mapping Ontario's Wind Turbines: Challenges and Limitations
* Mapping Urban Tree Species Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Comparing Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approaches
* Measuring Completeness of Building Footprints in OpenStreetMap over Space and Time
* Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia
* Multi-Temporal Time-Dependent Terrain Visualization through Localized Spatial Correspondence Parameterization
* New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia coli Outbreak, A
* Optimizing the Use of Secchi Depth as a Proxy for Euphotic Depth in Coastal Waters: An Empirical Study from the Baltic Sea
* Photogrammetric Approach for Assessing Positional Accuracy of OpenStreetMap© Roads, A
* Pioneering GML Deployment for NSDI: Case Study of USTIGER/GML
* Potential Impact of Climate Changes on the Inundation Risk Levels in a Dam Break Scenario
* Pygrass: An Object Oriented Python Application Programming Interface (API) for Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) Geographic Information System (GI
* Quantifying Landscape-Scale Patterns of Temperate Forests over Time by Means of Neutral Simulation Models
* Rise of Collaborative Mapping: Trends and Future Directions, The
* Self-Contained and Self-Checking LPS with High Accuracy, A
* Semantic Interoperability of Sensor Data with Volunteered Geographic Information: A Unified Model
* Semantics of Web Services: An Examination in GIScience Applications, The
* Simplified Occupancy Grid Indoor Mapping Optimized for Low-Cost Robots
* Spatial Search Techniques for Mobile 3D Queries in Sensor Web Environments
* Spatially Intelligent Public Participation System for the Environmental Impact Assessment Process, A
* Spatially-Explicit Simulation Modeling of Ecological Response to Climate Change: Methodological Considerations in Predicting Shifting Population Dynamics of Infectious Disease Vectors
* Spatio-Temporal Data Construction
* Spatio-Temporal Occurrence Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1: A Case Study in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
* Suite of Tools for ROC Analysis of Spatial Models, A
* Towards an Authoritative OpenStreetMap: Conflating OSM and OS OpenData National Maps' Road Network
* Towards Improving Query Performance of Web Feature Services (WFS) for Disaster Response
* User Experience Design in Professional Map-Based Geo-Portals
* Using Geometric Properties to Evaluate Possible Integration of Authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information
* Using the Hierarchical Pathfinding A* Algorithm in GIS to Find Paths through Rasters with Nonuniform Traversal Cost
* Visual Analysis for Nowcasting of Multidimensional Lightning Data
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* Accuracy and Effort of Interpolation and Sampling: Can GIS Help Lower Field Costs?
* Application of WebGIS Tools for Visualizing Coastal Flooding Vulnerability and Planning for Resiliency: The New Jersey Experience, The
* Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap
* Assessing the Seasonal Dynamics of the Java's Paddy Field Using MODIS Satellite Images
* Barrier Island Dynamics Using Mass Center Analysis: A New Way to Detect and Track Large-Scale Change
* Canadian Forest Fires and the Effects of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Hospitalizations among the Elderly
* Concept for Uncertainty-Aware Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Geovisual Analytics, A
* Conceptual Flash Flood Early Warning System for Africa, Based on Terrestrial Microwave Links and Flash Flood Guidance, A
* Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Management Based on Earth Observation, A
* Correlating Remote Sensing Data with the Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico
* Coupling Land Use Change Modeling with Climate Projections to Estimate Seasonal Variability in Runoff from an Urbanizing Catchment Near Cincinnati, Ohio
* Dasymetric Mapping and Spatial Modeling of Mosquito Vector Exposure, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
* Design of a GIS-Based Web Application for Simulating Biofuel Feedstock Yields
* Determination of Suitable Areas for the Generation of Wind Energy in Germany: Potential Areas of the Present and Future
* Developing a GIS-Based Visual-Acoustic 3D Simulation for Wind Farm Assessment
* Development of a GIS-Based Tool for Aquaculture Siting
* Dynamic GIS as an Efficient Tool for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, A
* EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets
* Effects of Pansharpening on Vegetation Indices
* Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
* Flexible Spatial Framework for Modeling Spread of Pathogens in Animals with Biosurveillance and Disease Control Applications, A
* Geo-Based Statistical Models for Vulnerability Prediction of Highway Network Segments
* Geo-Enrichment and Semantic Enhancement of Metadata Sets to Augment Discovery in Geoportals
* Geo-Spatial Support for Assessment of Anthropic Impact on Biodiversity
* Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-Based Approach to Derivative Map Production and Visualizing Bedrock Topography within the Town of Rutland, Vermont, USA, A
* Geographical Variation of Incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Manitoba, Canada
* Geographical-Based Multi-Criteria Approach for Marine Energy Farm Planning, A
* Geospatial Approach for Prioritizing Wind Farm Development in Northeast Nebraska, USA, A
* Geospatial Narratives and Their Spatio-Temporal Dynamics: Commonsense Reasoning for High-Level Analyses in Geographic Information Systems
* GIS and Public Health
* GIS Approach to Urban History: Rome in the 18th Century, A
* GIS Supported Landslide Susceptibility Modeling at Regional Scale: An Expert-Based Fuzzy Weighting Method
* GIS-Based Analytical Tools for Transport Planning: Spatial Regression Models for Transportation Demand Forecast
* GIS-Based Planning and Modeling for Renewable Energy: Challenges and Future Research Avenues
* Habitat Mapping and Change Assessment of Coastal Environments: An Examination of WorldView-2, QuickBird, and IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR for Mapping Barrier Island Habitats
* Hierarchical Approach to Optimizing Bus Stop Distribution in Large and Fast Developing Cities, A
* Holistics 3.0 for Health
* Impacts of Scale on Geographic Analysis of Health Data: An Example of Obesity Prevalence
* Improving Inland Water Quality Monitoring through Remote Sensing Techniques
* Investigating Forest Disturbance Using Landsat Data in the Nagagamisis Central Plateau, Ontario, Canada
* Land Cover Heterogeneity Effects on Sub-Pixel and Per-Pixel Classifications
* Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Multispectral Scanner (MSS) Studies Examine Coastal Environments Influenced by Mining
* Mapping Entomological Dengue Risk Levels in Martinique Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Environmental Data
* Mapping the Potential for Biofuel Production on Marginal Lands: Differences in Definitions, Data and Models across Scales
* Mapping VHR Water Depth, Seabed and Land Cover Using Google Earth Data
* Model for Determining Geographical Distribution of Heat Saving Potentials in Danish Building Stock
* Modeling Properties of Influenza-Like Illness Peak Events with Crossing Theory
* Monitoring Geologic Hazards and Vegetation Recovery in the Wenchuan Earthquake Region Using Aerial Photography
* Nexus of Health and Development: Modelling Crude Birth Rate and Maternal Mortality Ratio Using Nighttime Satellite Images
* Operational Web-Based Indicator System for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, An
* Potential of Urban Agriculture in Montréal: A Quantitative Assessment, The
* Predicting Relevant Change in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Quality Study of the OpenStreetMap Dataset for Tehran, A
* Quantification of Deltaic Coastal Zone Change Based on Multi-Temporal High Resolution Earth Observation Techniques
* Rapid Prototyping: A Tool for Presenting 3-Dimensional Digital Models Produced by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Relationship between an Invasive Shrub and Soil Moisture: Seasonal Interactions and Spatially Covarying Relations, The
* RichWPS Environment for Orchestration, The
* Sequential Generation of Gaussian Random Fields for Applications in the Geospatial Sciences, The
* SIT-REM: An Interoperable and Interactive Web Geographic Information System for Fauna, Flora and Plant Landscape Data Management
* Small Reservoir Distribution, Rate of Construction, and Uses in the Upper and Middle Chattahoochee Basins of the Georgia Piedmont, USA, 1950-2010
* Software Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented 3D Geovisualization Systems, A
* Spatial Analysis of Biomass Resources within a Socio-Ecologically Heterogeneous Region: Identifying Opportunities for a Mixed Feedstock Stream
* Spatial and Semantic Validation of Secondary Food Source Data
* Spatial Distribution of Greenhouse Commercial Horticulture in Kenya and the Role of Demographic, Infrastructure and Topo-Edaphic Factors
* Spatial Representation of Coastal Risk: A Fuzzy Approach to Deal with Uncertainty
* Systems Perspective on Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* Targeting: Logistic Regression, Special Cases and Extensions
* Uncertainty in Geographic Data on Bivariate Maps: An Examination of Visualization Preference and Decision Making
* Urban Morphological Change Analysis of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Space Syntax
* Use of the NASA Giovanni Data System for Geospatial Public Health Research: Example of Weather-Influenza Connection
* Using a Spatio-Temporal GIS Database to Monitor the Spatial Evolution of Urban Flooding Phenomena. The Case of Athens Metropolitan Area in Greece
* Utilizing GIS to Examine the Relationship Between State Renewable Portfolio Standards and the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies
* Vertical Measurements in Oblique Aerial Imagery
* Web GIS-Based Public Health Surveillance Systems: A Systematic Review
* Where 2.0 Australia's Environment? Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Citizens Acting as Sensors for Environmental Sustainability
75 for IJGI(3)
* Airborne Gravity Data Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Case Study for SGA-WZ Greenland Test Data
* Analytical Estimation of Map Readability
* Analyzing the Correlation between Deer Habitat and the Component of the Risk for Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada: A GIS-Based Approach
* Application of Geo-Information Techniques in Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis in a Peri-Urban District of Ghana
* Applications of 3D City Models: State of the Art Review
* Approach for Indoor Path Computation among Obstacles that Considers User Dimension, An
* Architecture of a Process Broker for Interoperable Geospatial Modeling on the Web
* Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
* Assessing the Impact of Seasonal Population Fluctuation on Regional Flood Risk Management
* Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map the Bathymetry of an Amazonian Hydroelectric Reservoir to Aid in Decision Making for Water Management
* Bridge Performance Assessment Based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Wavelet Filter for the GPS Measurements
* Building Blocks of User-Focused 3D City Models, The
* CALPUFF and CAFOs: Air Pollution Modeling and Environmental Justice Analysis in the North Carolina Hog Industry
* Categorization and Conversions for Indexing Methods of Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Characterizing the Heterogeneity of the OpenStreetMap Data and Community
* Cloud-Based Geospatial 3D Image Spaces: A Powerful Urban Model for the Smart City
* Cognitive Themes Emerging from Air Photo Interpretation Texts Published to 1960
* Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable EU Flood Risk Management: FOSS and Geospatial Tools: Challenges and Opportunities for Operative Risk Analysis
* Combining 2D Mapping and Low Density Elevation Data in a GIS for GNSS Shadow Prediction
* Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services
* Conception and Implementation of an OGC-Compliant Sensor Observation Service for a Standardized Access to Raster Data
* Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground Railway Laser Scanning Systems
* Contextualized Relevance Evaluation of Geographic Information for Mobile Users in Location-Based Social Networks
* Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance
* Data Integration for Climate Vulnerability Mapping in West Africa
* Defining a Threshold Value for Maximum Spatial Information Loss of Masked Geo-Data
* Developing a Relative Ranking of Social Vulnerability of Governorates of Yemen to Humanitarian Crisis
* Discriminating Irrigated and Rainfed Maize with Diurnal Fluorescence and Canopy Temperature Airborne Maps
* Does the Visibility of Greenery Increase Perceived Safety in Urban Areas? Evidence from the Place Pulse 1.0 Dataset
* Dynamically Integrating OSM Data into a Borderland Database
* Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals
* Ecological Network Construction Based on Minimum Cumulative Resistance for the City of Nanjing, China
* Economic Assessment of the Use Value of Geospatial Information
* Enhancing Disaster Management: Development of a Spatial Database of Day Care Centers in the USA
* Environmental Assessment of School Shade Tree Canopy and Implications for Sun Safety Policies: The Los Angeles Unified School District, An
* Estimating Plant Traits of Grasslands from UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Images: A Comparison of Statistical Approaches
* Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* Examination of Three Spatial Event Cluster Detection Methods, An
* Examining Personal Air Pollution Exposure, Intake, and Health Danger Zone Using Time Geography and 3D Geovisualization
* Exploiting Spatial Abstraction in Predictive Analytics of Vehicle Traffic
* Exploratory Method for Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Clustering: An Integrated Multi-Scale Framework
* Exploratory Testing of an Artificial Neural Network Classification for Enhancement of the Social Vulnerability Index
* Exploring Spatial Scale, Autocorrelation and Nonstationarity of Bird Species Richness Patterns
* Extracting Urban Land Use from Linked Open Geospatial Data
* Fast Inversion of Air-Coupled Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) Using in situ Particle Displacement
* Finding Causes of Irregular Headways Integrating Data Mining and AHP
* Fractal Characterization of Settlement Patterns and Their Spatial Determinants in Coastal Zones
* Generating Heat Maps of Popular Routes Online from Massive Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data in Milliseconds While Respecting Privacy
* Geographic Layers as Landscape Drivers for the Marco Polo Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan
* Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery
* Geospatial Technology: A Tool to Aid in the Elimination of Malaria in Bangladesh
* Geovisual Analytics Approach to Exploring Public Political Discourse on Twitter
* Geoweb-Based Tagging System for Borderlands Data Acquisition, A
* GIS-Based Borderlands Modeling and Understanding: A Perspective
* GIS-Based Web Approach for Serving Land Price Information, A
* GPS-Aided Video Tracking
* Historical Urban Land Use Transformation in Virtual Geo-Library
* House Crow (Corvus splendens): A Threat to New Zealand?, The
* Housing Abandonment and Demolition: Exploring the Use of Micro-Level and Multi-Year Models
* Hybrid 3D Rendering of Large Map Data for Crisis Management
* HybVOR: A Voronoi-Based 3D GIS Approach for Camera Surveillance Network Placement
* Image Segmentation Parameter Optimization Considering Within- and Between-Segment Heterogeneity at Multiple Scale Levels: Test Case for Mapping Residential Areas Using Landsat Imagery
* Impacts of Species Misidentification on Species Distribution Modeling with Presence-Only Data
* Improved PDR/Magnetometer/Floor Map Integration Algorithm for Ubiquitous Positioning Using the Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter, An
* Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A Novel Approach to Prioritize Geospatial Data Collection
* Inferring Directed Road Networks from GPS Traces by Track Alignment
* Innovation in OGC: The Interoperability Program
* Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education
* Integrating Legal and Physical Dimensions of Urban Environments
* Intelligent Open Data 3D Maps in a Collaborative Virtual World
* Interactive Presentation of Geo-Spatial Climate Data in Multi-Display Environments
* Investigating Within-Field Variability of Rice from High Resolution Satellite Imagery in Qixing Farm County, Northeast China
* Investigation into the Completeness of, and the Updates to, OpenStreetMap Data in a Heterogeneous Area in Brazil, An
* Investigation of Travel and Activity Patterns Using Location-based Social Network Data: A Case Study of Active Mobile Social Media Users
* Land Cover Mapping Analysis and Urban Growth Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Greater Cairo Region: Egypt
* Landslide Fissure Inference Assessment by ANFIS and Logistic Regression Using UAS-Based Photogrammetry
* Lane-Level Road Information Mining from Vehicle GPS Trajectories Based on Naïve Bayesian Classification
* Large Scale Landform Mapping Using Lidar DEM
* Local Edge Matching for Seamless Adjacent Spatial Datasets with Sequence Alignment
* MAARGHA: A Prototype System for Road Condition and Surface Type Estimation by Fusing Multi-Sensor Data
* Manifestation of an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model on Fire Potential Zonation Mapping in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal
* Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities
* Mapping of Asbestos Cement Roofs and Their Weathering Status Using Hyperspectral Aerial Images
* Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade
* Measure of Landmark Semantic Salience through Geosocial Data Streams
* Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks
* Modeling a 3D City Model and Its Levels of Detail as a True 4D Model
* Modeling Historical Land Cover and Land Use: A Review from Contemporary Modeling
* Modeling Obstruction and Restoration of Urban Commutation Networks in the Wake of a Devastating Earthquake in Tokyo
* Modelling of Building Interiors with Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Movement Pattern Analysis Based on Sequence Signatures
* Moving Point Density Estimation Algorithm Based on a Generated Bayesian Prior
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Regional Inequality based on Spatial Field Model: A Case Study of China from 2000 to 2012
* Multimedia Data Visualization Based on Ad Hoc Communication Networks and Its Application to Disaster Management, A
* New Algorithm for Cartographic Simplification of Streams and Lakes Using Deviation Angles and Error Bands, A
* Novel Spatial-Temporal Voronoi Diagram-Based Heuristic Approach for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Optimization with Time Constraints, A
* OGC Consensus: How Successful Standards Are Made
* Open Geospatial Education
* Open Source WebGIS Application for Civic Education on Peace and Conflict, An
* Operational Monitoring of the Desert Locust Habitat with Earth Observation: An Assessment
* Optimising Mobile Mapping System Laser Scanner Orientation
* Optimized Route Selection Method based on the Turns of Road Intersections: A Case Study on Oversized Cargo Transportation
* Pitch and Flat Roof Factors' Association with Spatiotemporal Patterns of Dengue Disease Analysed Using Pan-Sharpened Worldview 2 Imagery
* Point Cluster Analysis Using a 3D Voronoi Diagram with Applications in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Processing: A Python Framework for the Seamless Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS
* Progressive Buffering Method for Road Map Update Using OpenStreetMap Data, A
* Prototype of a Web-based Participative Decision Support Platform in Natural Hazards and Risk Management
* Q-SOS: A Sensor Observation Service for Accessing Quality Descriptions of Environmental Data
* Quality Evaluation of VGI Using Authoritative Data: A Comparison with Land Use Data in Southern Germany
* Real-Time Sidewalk Slope Calculation through Integration of GPS Trajectory and Image Data to Assist People with Disabilities in Navigation
* Remote Sensing Image Fusion at the Segment Level Using a Spatially-Weighted Approach: Applications for Land Cover Spectral Analysis and Mapping
* Remotely Sensed Soil Data Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of El-Fayoum Depression, Egypt
* Rethinking Engagement: Innovations in How Humanitarians Explore Geoinformation
* Reviews of Geospatial Information Technology and Collaborative Data Delivery for Disaster Risk Management
* Sensor Web-Enabled Infrastructure for Precision Farming, A
* Simulating and Communicating Outcomes in Disaster Management Situations
* Simulating Urban Growth Using a Random Forest-Cellular Automata (RF-CA) Model
* Solar Irradiance Modelling with NASA WW GIS Environment
* Space for Climate
* Spatial Analysis as a Transformative Technology for Decision-Making in Environmental Domains
* Spatial Sampling Strategies for the Effect of Interpolation Accuracy
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Spatial Accessibility to Primary Health Care in Bhutan
* Spatiotemporal Data Mining: A Computational Perspective
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest-Heathland Communities over 60 Years in Fontainebleau, France, The
* Structural-Lexical Measure of Semantic Similarity for Geo-Knowledge Graphs, A
* Towards a Standard Plant Species Spectral Library Protocol for Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in the Shrubland of Doñana National Park
* Towards Measuring and Visualizing Sustainable National Power: A Case Study of China and Neighboring Countries
* Tracking 3D Moving Objects Based on GPS/IMU Navigation Solution, Laser Scanner Point Cloud and GIS Data
* Transport Accessibility Analysis Using GIS: Assessing Sustainable Transport in London
* Use of Exhaustive Micro-Data Firm Databases for Economic Geography: The Issues of Geocoding and Usability in the Case of the Amadeus Database, The
* User-Centered Design for Interactive Maps: A Case Study in Crime Analysis
* Using Multi-Attribute Decision Factors for a Modified All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment
* Visual Overlay on OpenStreetMap Data to Support Spatial Exploration of Urban Environments
* Visual Soccer Analytics: Understanding the Characteristics of Collective Team Movement Based on Feature-Driven Analysis and Abstraction
* Volunteered Geographic Information Framework to Enable Bottom-Up Disaster Management Platforms, A
* Walk This Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity Analysis
* Weather Conditions, Weather Information and Car Crashes
137 for IJGI(4)
* 3-Dimensional Modeling and Simulation of the Cloud Based on Cellular Automata and Particle System
* 3D Cadastral Data Model Based on Conformal Geometry Algebra
* 4D-SAS: A Distributed Dynamic-Data Driven Simulation and Analysis System for Massive Spatial Agent-Based Modeling
* Adaptive Density-Based Time Series Clustering Algorithm: A Case Study on Rainfall Patterns, An
* Adjustment and Assessment of the Measurements of Low and High Sampling Frequencies of GPS Real-Time Monitoring of Structural Movement
* Algebraic and Geometric Characterizations of Double-Cross Matrices of Polylines
* Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Contributors in OpenStreetMap Based on Contributing Behaviors
* Analysing the Effects of Flood-Resilience Technologies in Urban Areas Using a Synthetic Model Approach
* Analysis of Attraction Features of Tourism Destinations in a Mega-City Based on Check-in Data Mining: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Analyzing Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Police Calls-for-Service Using Bayesian Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation
* Analyzing the Impact of Highways Associated with Farmland Loss under Rapid Urbanization
* Analyzing Urban Human Mobility Patterns through a Thematic Model at a Finer Scale
* Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Interaction between Human Activity and Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of the Lijiang River Basin, China
* Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotional and Visual Data Based on GIS Technique
* Assessing Land Degradation Dynamics and Distinguishing Human-Induced Changes from Climate Factors in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China
* Assessing Patient bypass Behavior Using Taxi Trip Origin-Destination (OD) Data
* Assessing the Distribution of Urban Green Spaces and its Anisotropic Cooling Distance on Urban Heat Island Pattern in Baotou, China
* Assessment of Urban Surface Energy Fluxes Using a Sub-Pixel Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study in Suzhou, China, An
* Assessment on the Impact of Arable Land Protection Policies in a Rapidly Developing Region
* Automatic Airport Recognition Based on Saliency Detection and Semantic Information
* Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation
* Automatic Pose Estimation of Uncalibrated Multi-View Images Based on a Planar Object with a Predefined Contour Model
* Automatic Scaling Hadoop in the Cloud for Efficient Process of Big Geospatial Data
* Belgium through the Lens of Rail Travel Requests: Does Geography Still Matter?
* Biophysical Image Compositing Technique for the Global-Scale Extraction and Mapping of Barren Lands, A
* Can Hawaii Meet Its Renewable Fuel Target? Case Study of Banagrass-Based Cellulosic Ethanol
* Characterizing Traffic Conditions from the Perspective of Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity
* Closing the Skill Gap of Cloud CRM Application Services in Cloud Computing for Evaluating Big Data Solutions
* Cloud Computing-Enabled Spatio-Temporal Cyber-Physical Information Infrastructure for Efficient Soil Moisture Monitoring, A
* Coastline Zones Identification and 3D Coastal Mapping Using UAV Spatial Data
* Combination of Stop-and-Go and Electro-Tricycle Laser Scanning Systems for Rural Cadastral Surveys, A
* Comparative Analysis of the Distributions of KFC and McDonald's Outlets in China, A
* Comparative Perspective of Human Behavior Patterns to Uncover Ownership Bias among Mobile Phone Users
* Comprehensive View on Urban Spatial Structure: Urban Density Patterns of German City Regions, A
* Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social Media
* Contextualized VGI Creation and Management to Cope with Uncertainty and Imprecision
* Continuous Road Network Generalization throughout All Scales
* Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information
* Dam Deformation Monitoring Data Analysis Using Space-Time Kalman Filter
* Data Association at the Level of Narrative Plots to Support Analysis of Spatiotemporal Evolvement of Conflict: A Case Study in Nigeria
* Data Autodiscovery: The Role of the OPD
* Data Management in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Projects: Conclusions from the Digitalization of Research in Sustainable Manufacturing
* Defining Fitness-for-Use for Crowdsourced Points of Interest (POI)
* Delineating Urban Fringe Area by Land Cover Information Entropy: An Empirical Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area, China
* Density-Based Clustering with Geographical Background Constraints Using a Semantic Expression Model
* Describing Geospatial Assets in the Web of Data: A Metadata Management Scenario
* Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization
* Detecting Themed Streets Using a Location Based Service Application
* Detecting Urban Transport Modes Using a Hybrid Knowledge Driven Framework from GPS Trajectory
* Detection of Catchment-Scale Gully-Affected Areas Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Detection of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Urban Sprawl in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia: An Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Discovering Land Cover Web Map Services from the Deep Web with JavaScript Invocation Rules
* Discovery of Transition Rules for Cellular Automata Using Artificial Bee Colony and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms in Urban Growth Modeling
* Distribution Pattern of Landslides Triggered by the 2014 Ludian Earthquake of China: Implications for Regional Threshold Topography and the Seismogenic Fault Identification
* Dual Half-Edge: A Topological Primal/Dual Data Structure and Construction Operators for Modelling and Manipulating Cell Complexes, The
* Dynamic Monitoring of Agricultural Fires in China from 2010 to 2014 Using MODIS and GlobeLand30 Data
* Editorial for the IJGI Special Issue on Geo-Information Fostering Innovative Solutions for Smart Cities
* Effective NoSQL-Based Vector Map Tile Management Approach, An
* Efficient Geo-Computational Algorithms for Constructing Space-Time Prisms in Road Networks
* Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Multi-Scale Analysis of Connected Components in Gigapixel Images, An
* Efficient Processing of Continuous Reverse k Nearest Neighbor on Moving Objects in Road Networks
* Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Identity: States of Existence and Presence
* Estimating Potential Demand of Bicycle Trips from Mobile Phone Data: An Anchor-Point Based Approach
* Evaluating Temporal Analysis Methods Using Residential Burglary Data
* Evaluating Trade Areas Using Social Media Data with a Calibrated Huff Model
* Evaluation of Deterministic and Complex Analytical Hierarchy Process Methods for Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis in a Changing Climate
* Evaluation of Different Irrigation Methods for an Apple Orchard Using an Aerial Imaging System
* Evaluation of Multiple Classifier Systems for Landslide Identification in LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) Images
* Evaluation of River Network Generalization Methods for Preserving the Drainage Pattern
* Exploring Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Twitter User Mobility Patterns with a Visual-Analytics Approach
* Exploring Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Twitter User Mobility Patterns with a Visual-Analytics Approach
* Exploring the Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics on Burglary Risks: A Bayesian Random Effects Modeling Approach
* Exploring the Relationship between Remotely-Sensed Spectral Variables and Attributes of Tropical Forest Vegetation under the Influence of Local Forest Institutions
* Extended Semi-Supervised Regression Approach with Co-Training and Geographical Weighted Regression: A Case Study of Housing Prices in Beijing, An
* Extracting Stops from Noisy Trajectories: A Sequence Oriented Clustering Approach
* Extraction and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings from High Resolution Aerial Images
* Extraction and Simplification of Building Façade Pieces from Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds for 3D Street View Services
* Field Motion Estimation with a Geosensor Network
* Forecasting Public Transit Use by Crowdsensing and Semantic Trajectory Mining: Case Studies
* Forest above Ground Biomass Inversion by Fusing GLAS with Optical Remote Sensing Data
* Forest Vertical Parameter Estimation Using PolInSAR Imagery Based on Radiometric Correction
* Fractal Perspective on Scale in Geography, A
* Framework for Data-Centric Analysis of Mapping Activity in the Context of Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* Generating Orthorectified Multi-Perspective 2.5D Maps to Facilitate Web GIS-Based Visualization and Exploitation of Massive 3D City Models
* Generic Model to Exploit Urban Regulation Knowledge, A
* Geosimulation Approach for Data Scarce Environments: Modeling Dynamics of Forest Insect Infestation across Different Landscapes, A
* Geospatial Analysis of the Building Heat Demand and Distribution Losses in a District Heating Network
* Geospatial Information Categories Mapping in a Cross-lingual Environment: A Case Study of 'Surface Water' Categories in Chinese and American Topographic Maps
* GeoWeb Crawler: An Extensible and Scalable Web Crawling Framework for Discovering Geospatial Web Resources
* GIS and Transport Modeling: Strengthening the Spatial Perspective
* GIS Study of the Influences of Warm Ocean Eddies on the Intensity Variations of Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea, A
* GIS- and Fuzzy Set-Based Online Land Price Evaluation Approach Supported by Intelligence-Aided Decision-Making, A
* Global Inventory of Urban Corridors Based on Perceptions and Night-Time Light Imagery, A
* Global Research on Artificial Intelligence from 1990-2014: Spatially-Explicit Bibliometric Analysis
* Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Public OGC Web Map Services
* Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap
* Gully Erosion Mapping and Monitoring at Multiple Scales Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data of the Sancha River Catchment, Northeast China
* Göttingen eResearch Alliance: A Case Study of Developing and Establishing Institutional Support for Research Data Management, The
* HD(CP)2 Data Archive for Atmospheric Measurement Data, The
* Heading Estimation with Real-time Compensation Based on Kalman Filter Algorithm for an Indoor Positioning System
* Hidden Naive Bayes Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Based on Best-Discriminating AP Selection
* High-Efficiency Method of Mobile Positioning Based on Commercial Vehicle Operation Data, A
* How Do Vegetation Density and Transportation Network Density Affect Crime across an Urban Central-Peripheral Gradient? A Case Study in Kitchener, Waterloo, Ontario
* Hybrid Method for Interpolating Missing Data in Heterogeneous Spatio-Temporal Datasets, A
* Hypergraph+: An Improved Hypergraph-Based Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Processing on Master-Slave Platforms
* Implementation of Geographical Conditions Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China
* Improved Biogeography-Based Optimization Based on Affinity Propagation
* Improved WiFi/PDR Integrated System Using an Adaptive and Robust Filter for Indoor Localization, An
* Improving Seasonal Land Cover Maps of Poyang Lake Area in China by Taking into Account Logical Transitions
* Indexing for Moving Objects in Multi-Floor Indoor Spaces That Supports Complex Semantic Queries
* Indoor Multi-Dimensional Location GML and Its Application for Ubiquitous Indoor Location Services
* Initial Results of the Precise Orbit Determination for the New-Generation BeiDou Satellites (BeiDou-3) Based on the iGMAS Network
* Integrated Simplification Approach for 3D Buildings with Sloped and Flat Roofs, An
* Integrated Software Framework to Support Semantic Modeling and Reasoning of Spatiotemporal Change of Geographical Objects: A Use Case of Land Use and Land Cover Change Study, An
* Integrated WiFi/PDR/Smartphone Using an Adaptive System Noise Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Indoor Localization
* Integrating Logistic Regression and Geostatistics for User-Oriented and Uncertainty-Informed Accuracy Characterization in Remotely-Sensed Land Cover Change Information
* Integrating Multiple Spatial Datasets to Assess Protected Areas: Lessons Learnt from the Digital Observatory for Protected Area (DOPA)
* Integrating Spatial and Attribute Characteristics of Extended Voronoi Diagrams in Spatial Patterning Research: A Case Study of Wuhan City in China
* Interest Aware Location-Based Recommender System Using Geo-Tagged Social Media
* Investigating Locality of Intra-Urban Spatial Interactions in New York City Using Foursquare Data
* Investigating the Feasibility of Geo-Tagged Photographs as Sources of Land Cover Input Data
* Knowledge-Based Step Length Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithms for a Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System, A
* Labeling Model Based on the Region of Movability for Point-Feature Label Placement, A
* Land Cover Extraction from High Resolution ZY-3 Satellite Imagery Using Ontology-Based Method
* Land Surface Water Mapping Using Multi-Scale Level Sets and a Visual Saliency Model from SAR Images
* Laser Scanning and Data Integration for Three-Dimensional Digital Recording of Complex Historical Structures: The Case of Mevlana Museum
* Line Graph-Based Continuous Range Query Method for Moving Objects in Networks, A
* Local Land Use Competition Cellular Automata Model and Its Application, A
* Long Baseline Three Carrier Ambiguity Resolution with a New Ionospheric Constraint, A
* Mapping Historical Data: Recovering a Forgotten Floristic and Vegetation Database for Biodiversity Monitoring
* Measuring Land Take: Usability of National Topographic Databases as Input for Land Use Change Analysis: A Case Study from Germany
* Method for Determining Appropriate Clustering Criteria of Location-Sensing Data
* Method for Traffic Congestion Clustering Judgment Based on Grey Relational Analysis, A
* Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
* Methodology for the Efficient Progressive Distribution and Visualization of 3D Building Objects
* Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service
* Modeling and Querying Moving Objects with Social Relationships
* Modeling Change of Topographic Spatial Structures with DEM Resolution Using Semi-Variogram Analysis and Filter Bank
* Modeling Spatial Interactions between Areas to Assess the Burglary Risk
* Modeling the Relationship between the Gross Domestic Product and Built-Up Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data: A Case Study of Seven Major Cities in Canada
* MongoDB-Based Management of Planar Spatial Data with a Flattened R-Tree, A
* Morphological Operations to Extract Urban Curbs in 3D MLS Point Clouds
* Morphological PDEs on Graphs for Image Processing on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Morphological Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Motorways in Metropolitan Areas: The Northwestern Growth of Florence and the Urban Use of Motorway A1
* Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitter: A Case for Emergency Response, A
* New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolution Aerial Image, A
* New Method of Gold Foil Damage Detection in Stone Carving Relics Based on Multi-Temporal 3D LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* New Simplification Approach Based on the Oblique-Dividing-Curve Method for Contour Lines, A
* Normalized-Mutual-Information-Based Mining Method for Cascading Patterns
* Novel Absolute Orientation Method Using Local Similarities Representation, A
* Novel Dynamic Physical Storage Model for Vehicle Navigation Maps, A
* Novel Evaluation Approach for Line Simplification Algorithms towards Vector Map Visualization, A
* Novel Simplified Algorithm for Bare Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using L-Band Radiometer, A
* Observational Analysis of Variation Characteristics of GPS-Based TEC Fluctuation over China
* Occlusion-Free Visualization of Important Geographic Features in 3D Urban Environments
* Open Data and Beyond
* Open Polar Server (OPS): An Open Source Infrastructure for the Cryosphere Community
* OpenCL Implementation of a Parallel Universal Kriging Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Interpolation on Heterogeneous Systems
* Opening up Smart Cities: Citizen-Centric Challenges and Opportunities from GIScience
* panMetaDocs, eSciDoc, and DOIDB: An Infrastructure for the Curation and Publication of File-Based Datasets for GFZ Data Services
* Parallel Landscape Driven Data Reduction &, Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Big LiDAR Data
* Past and Future Spatial Growth Dynamics of Chihuahua City, Mexico: Pressures for Land Use
* Physical Density of the City: Deconstruction of the Delusive Density Measure with Evidence from Two European Megacities, The
* Point-Set-Based Footprint Model and Spatial Ranking Method for Geographic Information Retrieval, A
* Portraying Temporal Dynamics of Urban Spatial Divisions with Mobile Phone Positioning Data: A Complex Network Approach
* Potential of UAVs for Monitoring Mudflat Morphodynamics (Application to the Seine Estuary, France)
* Propagating Updates of Residential Areas in Multi-Representation Databases Using Constrained Delaunay Triangulations
* Proximity-Based Asynchronous Messaging Platform for Location-Based Internet of Things Service
* Pull-Based Modeling and Algorithms for Real-Time Provision of High-Frequency Sensor Data from Sensor Observation Services
* RADAR Project: A Service for Research Data Archival and Publication, The
* Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application
* Real-Time Spatial Queries for Moving Objects Using Storm Topology
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings on Roads from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Recognition of Repetitive Movement Patterns: The Case of Football Analysis
* Reconstructing Sessions from Data Discovery and Access Logs to Build a Semantic Knowledge Base for Improving Data Discovery
* Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to the Landscape for the Environmental Restoration of Urbanizations by Means of 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization (Salamanca, Spain)
* Requirements on Long-Term Accessibility and Preservation of Research Results with Particular Regard to Their Provenance
* Research Data Management Training for Geographers: First Impressions
* Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images with Pattern Spectra Descriptors
* Review of Forty Years of Technological Changes in Geomatics toward the Big Data Paradigm
* River Basin Information System: Open Environmental Data Management for Research and Decision Making
* Road Map Inference: A Segmentation and Grouping Framework
* Segmentation of Façades from Urban 3D Point Clouds Using Geometrical and Morphological Attribute-Based Operators
* Semantic Registry Method Using Sensor Metadata Ontology to Manage Heterogeneous Sensor Information in the Geospatial Sensor Web, A
* Semantic Specification of Data Types for a World of Open Data
* Semi-Automated Workflow Solution for Data Set Publication, A
* Sensitivity of Mapping Methods to Reference Data Quality: Training Supervised Image Classifications with Imperfect Reference Data, The
* Sensor Web and Web Service-Based Approach for Active Hydrological Disaster Monitoring, A
* Simulation and Evaluation of Urban Growth for Germany Including Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures
* Simulation of Dynamic Urban Growth with Partial Least Squares Regression-Based Cellular Automata in a GIS Environment
* Size Distribution, Scaling Properties and Spatial Organization of Urban Clusters: A Global and Regional Percolation Perspective, The
* SMAP Supervised Classification of Landsat Images for Urban Sprawl Evaluation, A
* Smartphone-Based Pedestrian's Avoidance Behavior Recognition towards Opportunistic Road Anomaly Detection
* Socio-Spatial Distribution of Leisure Venues: A Case Study of Karaoke Bars in Nanjing, China, The
* Soil Moisture Mapping in an Arid Area Using a Land Unit Area (LUA) Sampling Approach and Geostatistical Interpolation Techniques
* Soil Sealing and the Complex Bundle of Influential Factors: Germany as a Case Study
* Spatial Air Index Based on Largest Empty Rectangles for Non-Flat Wireless Broadcast in Pervasive Computing
* Spatial Data Infrastructure Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Geospatial Data and Time Series: A Study Case in Agriculture, A
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban-Rural Development and Transformation in East of the Hu Huanyong Line, China
* Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment Process Modeling for Urban Hazard Events in Sensor Web Environment
* Spatio-Temporal VGI Model Considering Trust-Related Information, A
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Growth Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka
* Spatiotemporal Information Extraction from a Historic Expedition Gazetteer
* Spatiotemporal Modeling of Urban Growth Predictions Based on Driving Force Factors in Five Saudi Arabian Cities
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Precipitation Regime in China from 1961 to 2014 from the Standardized Precipitation Index
* Spectral Signature Shape-Based Algorithm for Landsat Image Classification, A
* Strategy for the Development of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Czech Republic, The
* Subdivision Method to Unify the Existing Latitude and Longitude Grids, A
* Supervised Approach to Delineate Built-Up Areas for Monitoring and Analysis of Settlements, A
* Tagging in Volunteered Geographic Information: An Analysis of Tagging Practices for Cities and Urban Regions in OpenStreetMap
* Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap: A Comparative Study for Four Countries
* Time-Series and Frequency-Spectrum Correlation Analysis of Bridge Performance Based on a Real-Time Strain Monitoring System
* TOD District Planning Based on Residents' Perspectives
* Top-k Spatial Preference Queries in Directed Road Networks
* Towards a Protocol for the Collection of VGI Vector Data
* Towards an Automatic Ice Navigation Support System in the Arctic Sea
* Towards Automatic and Topologically Consistent 3D Regional Geological Modeling from Boundaries and Attitudes
* Towards Narrowing the Curation Gap: Theoretical Considerations and Lessons Learned from Decades of Practice
* Two-Step Clustering Approach to Extract Locations from Individual GPS Trajectory Data, A
* Typification for Façade Structures Based on User Perception
* Uncertainty-Based Map Matching: The Space-Time Prism and k-Shortest Path Algorithm
* Understanding Public Opinions from Geosocial Media
* Understanding Spatiotemporal Patterns of Human Convergence and Divergence Using Mobile Phone Location Data
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Route Planning in the Presence of a Threat Environment Based on a Virtual Globe Platform
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics
* Updating Road Networks by Local Renewal from GPS Trajectories
* Urban Link Travel Time Prediction Based on a Gradient Boosting Method Considering Spatiotemporal Correlations
* Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infectious Diseases in China
* User Generated Spatial Content-Integrator: Conceptual Model to Integrate Data from Diverse Sources of User Generated Spatial Content
* Using an Optimized Chinese Address Matching Method to Develop a Geocoding Service: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Using Moderate-Resolution Temporal NDVI Profiles for High-Resolution Crop Mapping in Years of Absent Ground Reference Data: A Case Study of Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China
* Vehicle Positioning and Speed Estimation Based on Cellular Network Signals for Urban Roads
* Visual-LiDAR Odometry Aided by Reduced IMU
* Visualizing the Intellectual Structure of Eye Movement Research in Cartography
* Visualizing the Structure of the Earth's Lithosphere on the Google Earth Virtual-Globe Platform
* Volunteered Geographic Information in Natural Hazard Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review of Current Approaches with a Focus on Preparedness and Mitigation
* Volunteered Geographic Information System Design: Project and Participation Guidelines
* Watershed Land Cover/Land Use Mapping Using Remote Sensing and Data Mining in Gorganrood, Iran
* What is an Appropriate Temporal Sampling Rate to Record Floating Car Data with a GPS?
* WiGeR: WiFi-Based Gesture Recognition System
* Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dynamic of the German Building Stock Using Official Spatial Data, A
242 for IJGI(5)
* 27-Intersection Model for Representing Detailed Topological Relations between Spatial Objects in Two-Dimensional Space, A
* 3D Digital Cadastre for New Zealand and the International Opportunity, A
* 3D Space Shift from CityGML LoD3-Based Multiple Building Elements to a 3D Volumetric Object
* Accuracy Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Eight Medium Resolution Forest Products on the Loess Plateau, China
* Accuracy Assessment of Landform Classification Approaches on Different Spatial Scales for the Iranian Loess Plateau
* Accuracy Improvement of DGPS for Low-Cost Single-Frequency Receiver Using Modified Flächen Korrektur Parameter Correction
* Adaptive Agent-Based Model of Homing Pigeons: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, An
* Adaptive and Optimized RDF Query Interface for Distributed WFS Data
* Adaptive Surface Modeling of Soil Properties in Complex Landforms
* Adaptive Sweep-Circle Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on Gestalt, An
* Addressing Public Law Restrictions within a 3D Cadastral Context
* Affine-Invariant Triangulation of Spatio-Temporal Data with an Application to Image Retrieval
* AHS Model: Efficient Topological Operators for a Sensor Web Publish/Subscribe System
* Aircraft Reconstruction in High-Resolution SAR Images Using Deep Shape Prior
* Analysis and Applications of GlobeLand30: A Review
* Analysis of Burglary Hot Spots and Near-Repeat Victimization in a Large Chinese City
* Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in the Central Valley: Comparison of the Geodetector Method, Principal Component Analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression
* Analysis of Task and Data Characteristic and the Collaborative Processing Method in Real-Time Visualization Pipeline of Urban 3DGIS, The
* Analysis of the Patrimonial Conservation of a Quito Suburb without Altering Its Commercial Structure by Means of a Centrality Measure for Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Spatial Variation of Network-Constrained Phenomena Represented by a Link Attribute Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model
* Analysis of Users and Uses of DEMs in Spain
* Analyzing Refugee Migration Patterns Using Geo-tagged Tweets
* Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticated Klobuchar Model in China
* Application of a GIS-Based Slope Unit Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along the Longzi River, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* Applications of Location-Based Services and Mobile Technologies in K-12 Classrooms
* Applying OGC Standards to Develop a Land Surveying Measurement Model
* Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice
* Array Database Approach for Earth Observation Data Management and Processing, An
* Assessing Crowdsourced POI Quality: Combining Methods Based on Reference Data, History, and Spatial Relations
* Assessing Performance of Three BIM-Based Views of Buildings for Communication and Management of Vertically Stratified Legal Interests
* Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Case Study in Wuhan, Central China
* Assessment of Spatial Pattern Characterization of Air Pollution: A Case Study of CO and PM2.5 in Tehran, Iran, An
* Assessment of UAV and Ground-Based Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo Photogrammetry in a Gullied Savanna Catchment
* Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yangtze and Amazon River Basins
* ASTROLABE: A Rigorous, Geodetic-Oriented Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
* Attribute Learning for SAR Image Classification
* Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya
* Automated Processing Algorithm for Flat Areas Resulting from DEM Filling and Interpolation, An
* Automatic K-Means Clustering Algorithm of GPS Data Combining a Novel Niche Genetic Algorithm with Noise and Density, An
* Automatic Matcher and Linker for Transportation Datasets, An
* Automatic Road Network Construction Method Using Massive GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic Room Segmentation of 3D Laser Data Using Morphological Processing
* Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extraction from SAR Images
* Benchmarking the Applicability of Ontology in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis
* Beyond Maximum Independent Set: An Extended Integer Programming Formulation for Point Labeling
* Bibliometric Analysis of Global Remote Sensing Research during 2010-2015
* Building an Urban Spatial Structure from Urban Land Use Data: An Example Using Automated Recognition of the City Centre
* Camera Coverage Estimation Based on Multistage Grid Subdivision
* Centrality as a Method for the Evaluation of Semantic Resources for Disaster Risk Reduction
* Change of Land Use/Cover in Tianjin City Based on the Markov and Cellular Automata Models
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Kernel Fully Constrained Least Squares
* Closing Data Gaps with Citizen Science? Findings from the Danube Region
* Cloud-Based Architectures for Auto-Scalable Web Geoportals towards the Cloudification of the GeoVITe Swiss Academic Geoportal
* Collaborative Geodesign and Spatial Optimization for Fragmentation-Free Land Allocation
* Collection and Integration of Local Knowledge and Experience through a Collective Spatial Analysis
* Combinatorial Reasoning Mechanism with Topological and Metric Relations for Change Detection in River Planforms: An Application to GlobeLand30's Water Bodies, A
* Combined Forecasting Method of Landslide Deformation Based on MEEMD, Approximate Entropy, and WLS-SVM
* Comparative Analysis on Topological Structures of Urban Street Networks
* Comparative Assessment of Three Nonlinear Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Coal Mine Area
* Comparative Research of Visual Interpretation of Aerial Images and Topographic Maps for Unskilled Users: Searching for Objects Important for Decision-Making in Crisis Situations
* Comparison and Evolution of Extreme Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Taiwan
* Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Conceptual Architecture and Service-Oriented Implementation of a Regional Geoportal for Rice Monitoring
* Conceptual Design of a Mobile Application for Geography Fieldwork Learning
* Conceptual Model for Delineating Land Management Units (LMUs) Using Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis, A
* Consistent Roof Geometry Encoding for 3D Building Model Retrieval Using Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
* Construction of a Decision Support System Based on GP Services, Using a Warning-Judgment Module as an Example
* Content-Based Remote Sensing Image Change Information Retrieval Model, A
* Contextual Building Selection Based on a Genetic Algorithm in Map Generalization
* Continuous Scale Transformations of Linear Features Using Simulated Annealing-Based Morphing
* Contributors' Withdrawal from Online Collaborative Communities: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Country Profile of the Czech Republic Based on an LADM for the Development of a 3D Cadastre, A
* Coupling Knowledge with GIS Operations: The Benefits of Extended Operation Descriptions
* Crowdsourcing User-Generated Mobile Sensor Weather Data for Densifying Static Geosensor Networks
* Crustal and Upper Mantle Density Structure Beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Surrounding Areas Derived from EGM2008 Geoid Anomalies
* Deriving Ephemeral Gullies from VHR Image in Loess Hilly Areas through Directional Edge Detection
* Design of a Model Base Framework for Model Environment Construction in a Virtual Geographic Environment (VGE)
* Detecting Damaged Building Regions Based on Semantic Scene Change from Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Detecting Road Intersections from GPS Traces Using Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
* Detection of Electronic Anklet Wearers' Groupings throughout Telematics Monitoring
* Detection of Moving Ships in Sequences of Remote Sensing Images
* Determination of 3D Displacements of Drainage Networks Extracted from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Using Linear-Based Methods
* Determination of Areas Susceptible to Landsliding Using Spatial Patterns of Rainfall from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Data, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Development and Comparison of Species Distribution Models for Forest Inventories
* Development of a Change Detection Method with Low-Performance Point Cloud Data for Updating Three-Dimensional Road Maps
* Development of a Safety Index to Identify Differences in Safety Performance by Postal Delivery Motorcyclists Based either in Different Regional Post Offices or within the Same Regional Office
* Disaster Hashtags in Social Media
* Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture through Geospatial (Big) Data Processing
* Discover Patterns and Mobility of Twitter Users: A Study of Four US College Cities
* Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application
* Double-Smoothing Algorithm for Integrating Satellite Precipitation Products in Areas with Sparsely Distributed In Situ Networks, A
* Dynamic Data Structure to Efficiently Find the Points below a Line and Estimate Their Number, A
* Dynamic Indoor Field Model for Emergency Evacuation Simulation, A
* Dynamic Spatiotemporal Analysis Model for Traffic Incident Influence Prediction on Urban Road Networks, A
* Ecological Security Pattern and Its Constraint on Urban Expansion of a Black Soil Farming Area in Northeast China, The
* Effect of the Long-Term Mean and the Temporal Stability of Water-Energy Dynamics on China's Terrestrial Species Richness
* Effective High-Performance Multiway Spatial Join Algorithm with Spark, An
* Effects of Rural Settlement Evolution on the Surrounding Land Ecosystem Service Values: A Case Study in the Eco-Fragile Areas, China, The
* Efficient Geometric Pruning Strategies for Continuous Skyline Queries
* Efficient Location Privacy-Preserving k-Anonymity Method Based on the Credible Chain
* Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based on Fréchet Distance Threshold, An
* Efficient Vector-Raster Overlay Algorithm for High-Accuracy and High-Efficiency Surface Area Calculations of Irregularly Shaped Land Use Patches, An
* Elastic Spatial Query Processing in OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment for Time-Constraint Data Analysis
* Employing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques for Improving the Discovery of Geospatial Resources on the Web
* Enabling the Use of Sentinel-2 and LiDAR Data for Common Agriculture Policy Funds Assignment
* Enhanced Map-Matching Algorithm with a Hidden Markov Model for Mobile Phone Positioning
* Ensemble Model for Co-Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Using GIS and Random Forest Method, An
* Entropy-Based Fusion of Water Indices and DSM Derivatives for Automatic Water Surfaces Extraction and Flood Monitoring
* Estimation of 3D Indoor Models with Constraint Propagation and Stochastic Reasoning in the Absence of Indoor Measurements
* Estimation of Travel Time Distributions in Urban Road Networks Using Low-Frequency Floating Car Data
* Evaluating Influential Nodes in Social Networks by Local Centrality with a Coefficient
* Evaluating the Evacuation and Rescue Capabilities of Urban Open Space from a Land Use Perspective: A Case Study in Wuhan, China
* Evaluating the Impact of Meteorological Factors on Water Demand in the Las Vegas Valley Using Time-Series Analysis: 1990-2014
* Evaluating the Impact the Weekday Has on Near-Repeat Victimization: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Street Robberies in the City of Vienna, Austria
* Evaluation of Device-Independent Internet Spatial Location
* Evaluation of Empirical and Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimation of Coastal Water Quality Parameters
* Evaluation of Feature Selection Methods for Object-Based Land Cover Mapping of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery Using Random Forest and Support Vector Machine Classifiers
* Event-Driven Distributed Information Resource-Focusing Service for Emergency Response in Smart City with Cyber-Physical Infrastructures
* Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructures and the Role of Adaptive Governance
* Examining the Driving Factors Causing Rapid Urban Expansion in China: An Analysis Based on GlobeLand30 Data
* Experiences with Citizen-Sourced VGI in Challenging Circumstances
* Experimental Evaluation of the Usability of Cartogram for Representation of GlobeLand30 Data
* Exploratory Data Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Measurements to Distinguish the Sea Surface Expressions of Naturally-Occurring Oil Seeps from Human-Related Oil Spills in Campeche Bay (Gulf of Mexico)
* Exploratory Study Investigating Gender Effects on Using 3D Maps for Spatial Orientation in Wayfinding, An
* Exploring Determinants of Housing Prices in Beijing: An Enhanced Hedonic Regression with Open Access POI Data
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns of Long-Distance Taxi Rides in Shanghai
* Exploring the Relationship between the Arid Valley Boundary's Displacement and Climate Change during 1999-2013 in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, China
* Exploring the Role of the Spatial Characteristics of Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance in Predicting Soil Organic Carbon Density
* Extraction of Road Intersections from GPS Traces Based on the Dominant Orientations of Roads
* Extraction of Terraces on the Loess Plateau from High-Resolution DEMs and Imagery Utilizing Object-Based Image Analysis
* Extrusion Approach Based on Non-Overlapping Footprints (EABNOF) for the Construction of Geometric Models and Topologies in 3D Cadasters
* Farm Level Assessment of Irrigation Performance for Dairy Pastures in the Goulburn-Murray District of Australia by Combining Satellite-Based Measures with Weather and Water Delivery Information
* Feature-Based Approach of Decision Tree Classification to Map Time Series Urban Land Use and Land Cover with Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI in a Coastal City, China, A
* Flow Orientation Analysis for Major Activity Regions Based on Smart Card Transit Data
* Forecasting Urban Vacancy Dynamics in a Shrinking City: A Land Transformation Model
* Formal Framework for Integrated Environment Modeling Systems, A
* FOSS Tools and Applications for Education in Geospatial Sciences
* Framework for Evaluating Stay Detection Approaches, A
* Frontiers in Spatial and Spatiotemporal Crime Analytics: An Editorial
* Fusion of Multi-Temporal Interferometric Coherence and Optical Image Data for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Damage Assessment
* Fuzzy GML Modeling Based on Vague Soft Sets
* G-Super4PCS Registration Method for Photogrammetric and TLS Data in Geology, A
* Generalized Additive Model Combining Principal Component Analysis for PM2.5 Concentration Estimation, A
* Generalized Aggregation of Sparse Coded Multi-Spectra for Satellite Scene Classification
* Generating Up-to-Date and Detailed Land Use and Land Cover Maps Using OpenStreetMap and GlobeLand30
* Geo-Environmental Estimation of Land Use Changes and Its Effects on Egyptian Temples at Luxor City
* Geo-Hazard Detection and Monitoring Using SAR and Optical Images in a Snow-Covered Area: The Menyuan (China) Test Site
* GeoSpark SQL: An Effective Framework Enabling Spatial Queries on Spark
* Geospatial Analysis of Earthquake Damage Probability of Water Pipelines Due to Multi-Hazard Failure
* Geospatial Big Data-Based Geostatistical Zonation of Seismic Site Effects in Seoul Metropolitan Area
* Geospatial Google Street View with Virtual Reality: A Motivational Approach for Spatial Training Education
* Geovisualization for Association Rule Mining in Oil and Gas Well Data
* GIS-Based Evaluation of Spatial Interactions by Geographic Disproportionality of Industrial Diversity
* GIS-Based Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Spatial Coverage of Public Transport Networks in Tourist Destinations, A
* GIS-Based Fuzzy Decision Making Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Areas with Incomplete Data, A
* GIS-Based Visibility Network and Defensibility Model to Reconstruct Defensive System of the Han Dynasty in Central Xinjiang, China
* Globally Consistent Indoor Mapping via a Decoupling Rotation and Translation Algorithm Applied to RGB-D Camera Output
* Governance Landscape of Geospatial E-Services: The Belgian Case, The
* Graph-Based Min-# and Error-Optimal Trajectory Simplification Algorithm and Its Extension towards Online Services, A
* Ground Deformation Detection Using China's ZY-3 Stereo Imagery in an Opencast Mining Area
* GSMNet: A Hierarchical Graph Model for Moving Objects in Networks
* Guided Image Filtering-Based Pan-Sharpening Method: A Case Study of GaoFen-2 Imagery
* Hierarchical Approach for Measuring the Consistency of Water Areas between Multiple Representations of Tile Maps with Different Scales, A
* Hierarchical Model for the Similarity Measurement of a Complex Holed-Region Entity Scene
* High Performance, Spatiotemporal Statistical Analysis System Based on a Spatiotemporal Cloud Platform, A
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Classification over Urban Areas Using Random Forest Ensemble and Fully Connected Conditional Random Field
* Highlighting Current Trends in Volunteered Geographic Information
* Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-Resolution DEM
* How They Move Reveals What Is Happening: Understanding the Dynamics of Big Events from Human Mobility Pattern
* Hybrid Parallel Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Massive LiDAR Point Clouds on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems, A
* Hybrid Process/Thread Parallel Algorithm for Generating DEM from LiDAR Points, A
* Hybrid Spatial Data Model for Indoor Space: Combined Topology and Grid
* Hypothesis Platform: An Online Tool for Experimental Research into Work with Maps and Behavior in Electronic Environments, The
* Identifying and Analyzing the Prevalent Regions of a Co-Location Pattern Using Polygons Clustering Approach
* Identifying Different Transportation Modes from Trajectory Data Using Tree-Based Ensemble Classifiers
* Identifying Witness Accounts from Social Media Using Imagery
* Impact of High-Resolution Topographic Mapping on Beach Morphological Analyses Based on Terrestrial LiDAR and Object-Oriented Beach Evolution
* Implementation of Algorithm for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry using Open Source GIS and Evaluation for Tsunami Simulation
* Implementing Data-Dependent Triangulations with Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
* Improved DBSCAN Algorithm to Detect Stops in Individual Trajectories, An
* Improved Density-Based Time Series Clustering Method Based on Image Resampling: A Case Study of Surface Deformation Pattern Analysis, An
* Improved Hybrid Method for Enhanced Road Feature Selection in Map Generalization, An
* Improved Identification Code for City Components Based on Discrete Global Grid System, An
* Improved Information Value Model Based on Gray Clustering for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Improving Destination Choice Modeling Using Location-Based Big Data
* Improving Identification of Areas for Ecological Restoration for Conservation by Integrating USLE and MCDA in a GIS-Environment: A Pilot Study in a Priority Region Northern Mexico
* IMU/UWB Fusion Positioning Algorithm Based on a Particle Filter, The
* Index Based on Joint Density of Corners and Line Segments for Built-Up Area Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Indoor Fingerprint Positioning Based on Wi-Fi: An Overview
* Inferring Social Functions Available in the Metro Station Area from Passengers' Staying Activities in Smart Card Data
* Integrated Approach for Monitoring and Information Management of the Guanling Landslide (China), An
* Integrated Spatial Clustering Analysis Method for Identifying Urban Fire Risk Locations in a Network-Constrained Environment: A Case Study in Nanjing, China, An
* Integrating Decentralized Indoor Evacuation with Information Depositories in the Field
* Integrating Geospatial Techniques for Urban Land Use Classification in the Developing Sub-Saharan African City of Lusaka, Zambia
* Integrating Global Open Geo-Information for Major Disaster Assessment: A Case Study of the Myanmar Flood
* Integrating Multiple Spatial Datasets to Assess Protected Areas: Lessons Learnt from the Digital Observatory for Protected Area (DOPA)
* Integration of GIS and Moving Objects in Surveillance Video
* Integration of Landscape Metrics and Variograms to Characterize and Quantify the Spatial Heterogeneity Change of Vegetation Induced by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
* Integration of Traffic Information into the Path Planning among Moving Obstacles
* Interactive Planning Support Tool for Addressing Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects in The Netherlands, An
* INTERLIS Language for Modelling Legal 3D Spaces and Physical 3D Objects by Including Formalized Implementable Constraints and Meaningful Code Lists
* Internet-Based GIS Platform Providing Data for Visualization and Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Major Asian and African Cities, An
* Interpolation and Prediction of Spatiotemporal Data Based on XML Integrated with Grey Dynamic Model
* Investigating Public Facility Characteristics from a Spatial Interaction Perspective: A Case Study of Beijing Hospitals Using Taxi Data
* Investigating the Influence of Different DEMs on GIS-Based Cost Distance Modeling for Site Catchment Analysis of Prehistoric Sites in Andalusia
* Investigation on the Expansion of Urban Construction Land Use Based on the CART-CA Model
* Joint Modeling of Multiple Crimes: A Bayesian Spatial Approach
* Kinematic Precise Point Positioning Using Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Observations
* Knowledge-Driven Geospatially Enabled Framework for Geological Big Data, A
* Land Use Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Urban Crime: A Case Study of Szczecin, Poland
* Land-Use Suitability in Northeast Iran: Application of AHP-GIS Hybrid Model
* Landsat-Based Land Cover Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Urban Agglomeration in 1990, 2000 and 2010
* LandXML Encoding of Mixed 2D and 3D Survey Plans with Multi-Level Topology
* Legibility and Permeability of Cities: Examining the Role of Spatial Data and Metrics, The
* Lightweight CUDA-Based Parallel Map Reprojection Method for Raster Datasets of Continental to Global Extent, A
* Limits of Colour Perception in the Context of Minimum Dimensions in Digital Cartography
* Linkage of OGC WPS 2.0 to the e-Government Standard Framework in Korea: An Implementation Case for Geo-Spatial Image Processing
* Linking Neighborhood Characteristics and Drug-Related Police Interventions: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis
* Local Colocation Patterns of Crime and Land-Use Features in Wuhan, China, The
* Locating Automated External Defibrillators in a Complicated Urban Environment Considering a Pedestrian-Accessible Network that Focuses on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests
* Machine Learning Classification of Buildings for Map Generalization
* Machine Learning Techniques for Modelling Short Term Land-Use Change
* Management System for Dam-Break Hazard Mapping in a Complex Basin Environment
* Map Spectrum-Based Spatiotemporal Clustering Method for GDP Variation Pattern Analysis Using Nighttime Light Images of the Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, A
* Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed, Minnesota, USA
* Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by Riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico
* Mapping Comparison and Meteorological Correlation Analysis of the Air Quality Index in Mid-Eastern China
* Mapping Forest Species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through Remote Sensing Techniques
* Mapping Parallels between Outdoor Urban Environments and Indoor Manufacturing Environments
* Mapping the Far Right: Geomedia in an Educational Response to Right-Wing Extremism
* Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development Framework: Croatia Case Study
* Matrix-Based Structure for Vario-Scale Vector Representation over a Wide Range of Map Scales: The Case of River Network Data, A
* Method for Estimating Surveillance Video Georeferences, A
* Method of Ship Detection under Complex Background, A
* Mixture Statistical Distribution Based Multiple Component Model for Target Detection in High Resolution SAR Imagery
* Modeling Spatial Effect in Residential Burglary: A Case Study from ZG City, China
* Modeling the Hourly Distribution of Population at a High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Subway Smart Card Data: A Case Study in the Central Area of Beijing
* Modified Neutral Models as Benchmarks to Evaluate the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) Model Performance
* Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data
* Monitoring and Modeling of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Using Integrated Markov Chain Cellular Automata Model
* Monitoring Rural Water Points in Tanzania with Mobile Phones: The Evolution of the SEMA App
* Morphing of Building Footprints Using a Turning Angle Function
* Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification of Mangrove Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Objective Emergency Material Vehicle Dispatching and Routing under Dynamic Constraints in an Earthquake Disaster Environment
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Using Relevance Vector Machine and Active Learning, A
* Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Room Optimal Spatial Allocation, A
* Multiple Feature Hashing Learning for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Nationwide Flood Monitoring for Disaster Risk Reduction Using Multiple Satellite Data
* Nationwide Point Cloud: The Future Topographic Core Data
* Near-Real-Time OGC Catalogue Service for Geoscience Big Data
* Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density, and Alcohol-Related Calls-for-Service: A Spatiotemporal Analysis in a Wet Drinking Country
* New Approach for Interpreting the Morisita Index of Aggregation through Quadrat Size, A
* New Endmember Preprocessing Method for the Hyperspectral Unmixing of Imagery Containing Marine Oil Spills, A
* New GNSS Single-Epoch Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Triple-Frequency Signals, A
* New Look at Public Services Inequality: The Consistency of Neighborhood Context and Citizens' Perception across Multiple Scales, A
* New Recursive Filtering Method of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data to Preserve Ground Surface Information in Steep-Slope Areas, A
* NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Real-Time Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Public Security Video Surveillance, A
* Novel Algorithm for Mining ENSO-Oriented Marine Spatial Association Patterns from Raster-Formatted Datasets
* Novel Analysis Method of Geographical Centrality Based on Space of Flows, A
* Novel Approach for Publishing Linked Open Geodata from National Registries with the Use of Semantically Annotated Context Dependent Web Pages, A
* Novel Approach to Semantic Similarity Measurement Based on a Weighted Concept Lattice: Exemplifying Geo-Information, A
* Novel Divisive Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Geospatial Analysis, A
* Novel k-Means Clustering Based Task Decomposition Method for Distributed Vector-Based CA Models, A
* Novel Popular Tourist Attraction Discovering Approach Based on Geo-Tagged Social Media Big Data, A
* Novel Semantic Matching Method for Indoor Trajectory Tracking, A
* On Data Quality Assurance and Conflation Entanglement in Crowdsourcing for Environmental Studies
* On Metrics for Location-Aware Games
* On Wi-Fi Model Optimizations for Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization
* On-Demand Retrieval Method Based on Hybrid NoSQL for Multi-Layer Image Tiles in Disaster Reduction Visualization, An
* One-Page Multimedia Interactive Map
* Ontology-Guided Image Interpretation for GEOBIA of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sense Imagery: A Coastal Area Case Study
* Optimizing Cruising Routes for Taxi Drivers Using a Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Model
* Optimizing Multi-Way Spatial Joins of Web Feature Services
* Original Application of Image Recognition Based Location in Complex Indoor Environments, An
* Overview of the Croatian Land Administration System and the Possibilities for Its Upgrade to 3D by Existing Data
* Overview of the OGC CDB Standard for 3D Synthetic Environment Modeling and Simulation
* Pan-Sharpening of Landsat-8 Images and Its Application in Calculating Vegetation Greenness and Canopy Water Contents
* Parcel-Level Model for Ranking and Allocating Urban Land-Uses, A
* Participatory Land Administration on Customary Lands: A Practical VGI Experiment in Nanton, Ghana
* Pattern of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Pollutants during 2013 in Shenzhen, China
* Performance Analysis of Space Resection-Aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Smartphone Navigation in a Mapped Indoor Environment, The
* Polygon and Point-Based Approach to Matching Geospatial Features, A
* Post-Rectification Approach of Depth Images of Kinect v2 for 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, A
* Predicting Spatial Distribution of Key Honeybee Pests in Kenya Using Remotely Sensed and Bioclimatic Variables: Key Honeybee Pests Distribution Models
* Prediction of Suspect Location Based on Spatiotemporal Semantics
* Procedural Construction Method for Interactive Map Symbols Used for Disasters and Emergency Response, A
* Public Transit Route Mapping for Large-Scale Multimodal Networks
* Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* Quantifying Tourist Behavior Patterns by Travel Motifs and Geo-Tagged Photos from Flickr
* Ranking the City: The Role of Location-Based Social Media Check-Ins in Collective Human Mobility Prediction
* Recent Advances of Structures Monitoring and Evaluation Using GPS-Time Series Monitoring Systems: A Review
* Reconstruction of River Boundaries at Sub-Pixel Resolution: Estimation and Spatial Allocation of Water Fractions
* Reducing Building Conflicts in Map Generalization with an Improved PSO Algorithm
* Regions Set in Stone: Delimiting and Categorizing Regions in Europe by Settlement Patterns Derived from EO-Data
* Registration of Multi-Level Property Rights in 3D in The Netherlands: Two Cases and Next Steps in Further Implementation
* Relationship between MRPV Model Parameters from MISRL2 Land Surface Product and Land Covers: A Case Study within Mainland Spain
* Remote Sensing Approach to Environmental Monitoring in a Reclaimed Mine Area, A
* Representation Method for Complex Road Networks in Virtual Geographic Environments, A
* Retrieval and Comparison of Forest Leaf Area Index Based on Remote Sensing Data from AVNIR-2, Landsat-5 TM, MODIS, and PALSAR Sensors
* Review of Urban Air Pollution Monitoring and Exposure Assessment Methods, A
* Review of Web Mapping: Eras, Trends and Directions
* Road Intersection Detection through Finding Common Sub-Tracks between Pairwise GNSS Traces
* Road Map Refinement Method Using Delaunay Triangulation for Big Trace Data, A
* Road2Vec: Measuring Traffic Interactions in Urban Road System from Massive Travel Routes
* Robust and Parameter-Free Algorithm for Constructing Pit-Free Canopy Height Models
* Robust Indoor Mobile Localization with a Semantic Augmented Route Network Graph
* Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Geometric Feature Inference
* Salience Indicators for Landmark Extraction at Large Spatial Scales Based on Spatial Analysis Methods
* SCMDOT: Spatial Clustering with Multiple Density-Ordered Trees
* Selecting the Best Band Ratio to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Tropical Freshwater Lake Using Sentinel 2A Images from a Case Study of Lake Ba Be (Northern Vietnam)
* Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-Style Architectural Roofs of Digital Heritage
* Semantic-Geographic Trajectory Pattern Mining Based on a New Similarity Measurement
* sgdm: An R Package for Performing Sparse Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling with Tools for gdm
* Sightseeing Spot Recommendation System That Takes into Account the Change in Circumstances of Users, A
* Simplifying GPS Trajectory Data with Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Constraints
* Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models
* Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dimensional Descriptive Primitive of Polarimetric SAR Image Time Series, A
* Sparse Voxel Octree-Based Framework for Computing Solar Radiation Using 3D City Models, A
* Spatial Analysis Approach for Evaluating the Service Capability of Urban Greenways: A Case Study in Wuhan, A
* Spatial Analysis of Linear Structures in the Exploration of Groundwater
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Mitigating Effects of Industrial Relocation on the Surface Urban Heat Island over China
* Spatial Characteristics of Twitter Users: Toward the Understanding of Geosocial Media Production
* Spatial Context from Open and Online Processing (SCOOP): Geographic, Temporal, and Thematic Analysis of Online Information Sources
* Spatial Data Sharing: A Pilot Study of French SDIs
* Spatial Dynamic Modelling of Future Scenarios of Land Use Change in Vaud and Valais, Western Switzerland
* Spatial Lattice Model Applied for Meteorological Visualization and Analysis, A
* Spatial Modelling and Prediction Assessment of Soil Iron Using Kriging Interpolation with pH as Auxiliary Information
* Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study
* Spatial Variation Relationship between Floating Population and Residential Burglary: A Case Study from ZG, China
* Spatial-Spectral Graph Regularized Kernel Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Bean Crop in Brazil over the Period 1990-2013
* Spatio-Temporal Behavior Analysis and Pheromone-Based Fusion Model for Big Trace Data
* Spatio-Temporal Building Exposure Database and Information Life-Cycle Management Solution, A
* Spatio-Temporal Change Detection of Ningbo Coastline Using Landsat Time-Series Images during 1976-2015
* Spatio-Temporal Enhanced Metadata Model for Interdisciplinary Instant Point Observations in Smart Cities, A
* Spatio-Temporal Series Remote Sensing Image Prediction Based on Multi-Dictionary Bayesian Fusion
* Spatio-Temporal Variability in a Turbid and Dynamic Tidal Estuarine Environment (Tasmania, Australia): An Assessment of MODIS Band 1 Reflectance
* Spatiotemporal Assessment of Littoral Waterbirds for Establishing Ecological Indicators of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons
* Species Distribution Modeling: Comparison of Fixed and Mixed Effects Models Using INLA
* SSIEGNOS: A New Asian Single Site Tropospheric Correction Model
* SSP-Tree: A Method for Distributed Processing of Range Monitoring Queries in Road Networks, The
* Standard Indoor Spatial Data Model: OGC IndoorGML and Implementation Approaches, A
* Standardization and Harmonization of Land Cover Classification Systems towards Harmonized Datasets: A Review, The
* State-of-the-Art Review on the Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS), A
* Statistical Evaluation of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Metrics for Remote Sensing Images
* Supporting Indoor Navigation Using Access Rights to Spaces Based on Combined Use of IndoorGML and LADM Models
* Surveillance Video Synopsis in GIS
* Template Matching and Simplification Method for Building Features Based on Shape Cognition
* Tensions in Rural Water Governance: The Elusive Functioning of Rural Water Points in Tanzania
* Terrain Extraction in Built-Up Areas from Satellite Stereo-Imagery-Derived Surface Models: A Stratified Object-Based Approach
* Texture-Cognition-Based 3D Building Model Generalization
* Three-Dimensional Modeling and Indoor Positioning for Urban Emergency Response
* Topographic Correction to Landsat Imagery through Slope Classification by Applying the SCS + C Method in Mountainous Forest Areas
* Topographic Spatial Variation Analysis of Loess Shoulder Lines in the Loess Plateau of China Based on MF-DFA
* Toward the Development of a Marine Administration System Based on International Standards
* Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model
* Towards a Common Framework for the Identification of Landforms on Terrain Models
* Towards a Landmark-Based Pedestrian Navigation Service Using OSM Data
* Towards a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Towards an Affordance-Based Ad-Hoc Suitability Network for Indoor Manufacturing Transportation Processes
* Towards Detecting the Crowd Involved in Social Events
* Towards Enhancing Integrated Pest Management Based on Volunteered Geographic Information
* Towards Sustainable Urban Planning Through Transit-Oriented Development (A Case Study: Tehran)
* Towards Understanding Location Privacy Awareness on Geo-Social Networks
* Tracing the Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Events Based on Social Media Data
* Trajectory Data Mining via Cluster Analyses for Tropical Cyclones That Affect the South China Sea
* Transdisciplinary Foundations of Geospatial Data Science
* Trends and Opportunities of BIM-GIS Integration in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry: A Review from a Spatio-Temporal Statistical Perspective
* Triangular Prism Spatial Interpolation Method for Mapping Geological Property Fields, A
* Turn Left after the WC, and Use the Lift to Go to the 2nd Floor Generation of Landmark-Based Route Instructions for Indoor Navigation
* Two-Step Method for Missing Spatio-Temporal Data Reconstruction, A
* UAV Low Altitude Photogrammetry for Power Line Inspection
* Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and an Analysis of Inconsistencies in Global Land Cover Products
* Uncovering Distribution Patterns of High Performance Taxis from Big Trace Data
* Understanding the Functionality of Human Activity Hotspots from Their Scaling Pattern Using Trajectory Data
* Understanding the Representativeness of Mobile Phone Location Data in Characterizing Human Mobility Indicators
* Unveiling E-Bike Potential for Commuting Trips from GPS Traces
* Upscaling of Surface Soil Moisture Using a Deep Learning Model with VIIRS RDR
* Urban Heat Island Study of the Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka, Based on Landsat Data (1997-2017), An
* Usage of Smartphone Data to Derive an Indicator for Collaborative Mobility between Individuals
* Use of Nadir and Oblique UAV Images for Building Knowledge, The
* Use of Tencent Street View Imagery for Visual Perception of Streets
* User-Generated Geographic Information for Visitor Monitoring in a National Park: A Comparison of Social Media Data and Visitor Survey
* Using a Hidden Markov Model for Improving the Spatial-Temporal Consistency of Time Series Land Cover Classification
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore the Guidance and Constancy of Visual Variables in 3D Visualization
* Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Research Trends in OpenStreetMap
* Using Remote Sensing Products to Identify Marine Association Patterns in Factors Relating to ENSO in the Pacific Ocean
* Using Visual Exploratory Data Analysis to Facilitate Collaboration and Hypothesis Generation in Cross-Disciplinary Research
* Validation of Spatial Prediction Models for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Considering Structural Similarity
* Variable-Weighted Linear Combination Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in the Shennongjia Forestry District, China
* Virtual Geographic Environment for Debris Flow Risk Analysis in Residential Areas, A
* Virtual Geographic Simulation of Light Distribution within Three-Dimensional Plant Canopy Models
* Visual Analysis Approach for Inferring Personal Job and Housing Locations Based on Public Bicycle Data, A
* Visualization of Features in 3D Terrain
* Voting with Their Feet: Delineating the Sphere of Influence Using Social Media Data
* Web-Based Visual and Analytical Geographical Information System for Oil and Gas Data, A
* Web-Scale Normalization of Geospatial Metadata Based on Semantics-Aware Data Sources
* WebGIS and Geospatial Technologies for Landscape Education on Personalized Learning Contexts
* What do New Yorkers Think about Impacts and Adaptation to Heat Waves? An Evaluation Tool to Incorporate Perception of Low-Income Groups into Heat Wave Adaptation Scenarios in New York City
* Whistland: An Augmented Reality Crowd-Mapping System for Civil Protection and Emergency Management
* Wicked Water Points: The Quest for an Error Free National Water Point Database
* Within Skyline Query Processing in Dynamic Road Networks
* WLAN Fingerprint Indoor Positioning Strategy Based on Implicit Crowdsourcing and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Working with Open BIM Standards to Source Legal Spaces for a 3D Cadastre
405 for IJGI(6)
* 2D Cartography Training: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm Shift?
* 3-D Morphological Change Analysis of a Beach with Seagrass Berm Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* 3D Visualization of Trees Based on a Sphere-Board Model
* 3D WebGIS: From Visualization to Analysis. An Efficient Browser-Based 3D Line-of-Sight Analysis
* 4D Time Density of Trajectories: Discovering Spatiotemporal Patterns in Movement Data
* Accounting for and Predicting the Influence of Spatial Autocorrelation in Water Quality Modeling
* Accuracy Assessment of Different Digital Surface Models
* Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds from LiDAR and Dense Image Matching Acquired Using the UAV Platform for DTM Creation
* Achieving Complete and Near-Lossless Conversion from IFC to CityGML
* Advanced Sidereal Filtering for Mitigating Multipath Effects in GNSS Short Baseline Positioning
* Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling Using Spatial Analyses
* Air Quality Context Information Model for Ubiquitous Public Access to Geographic Information
* Allocation of Tutors and Study Centers in Distance Learning Using Geospatial Technologies
* Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Assessment
* Analysis of Land Use Change and Expansion of Surface Urban Heat Island in Bogor City by Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Scattering Properties of Continuous Slow-Release Slicks on the Sea Surface Based on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Analysis of Thematic Similarity Using Confusion Matrices
* Analyzing and Predicting Micro-Location Patterns of Software Firms
* Analyzing OpenStreetMap Road Data and Characterizing the Behavior of Contributors in Ankara, Turkey
* Analyzing Space-Time Dynamics of Theft Rates Using Exchange Mobility
* Analyzing Spatial and Temporal User Behavior in Participatory Sensing
* Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap
* Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Quality and Availability Assessment: A Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka
* Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
* Application of Open-Source Software in Community Heritage Resources Management
* Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a New Correlation Algorithm to Urban Construction and Supervision Using Multi-Source Government Data in Tianjin, The
* Applications of Internet of Things
* Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generation in Distributed In-Memory Cluster Architecture
* Approach to Measuring Semantic Relatedness of Geographic Terminologies Using a Thesaurus and Lexical Database Sources, An
* Architecture for Mobile Outdoors Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage, An
* Are the Poor Digitally Left Behind? Indications of Urban Divides Based on Remote Sensing and Twitter Data
* Are We in Boswash Yet? A Multi-Source Geodata Approach to Spatially Delimit Urban Corridors
* Assessing the Impacts of Streamside Ordinance Protection on the Spatial and Temporal Variability in Urban Riparian Vegetation
* Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Next Place Prediction using Different Machine Learning Approaches
* Assessment of Accuracy in the Identification of Rock Formations from Aerial and Terrestrial Laser-Scanning Data
* Assessment of Displacements of Linestrings Based on Homologous Vertexes
* Assessment of Groundwater Nitrate Pollution Potential in Central Valley Aquifer Using Geodetector-Based Frequency Ratio (GFR) and Optimized-DRASTIC Methods
* Assessment of Multiple GNSS Real-Time SSR Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Assessment of Segmentation Parameters for Object-Based Land Cover Classification Using Color-Infrared Imagery
* Assessment of Sustainable Livelihood and Geographic Detection of Settlement Sites in Ethnically Contiguous Poverty-Stricken Areas in the Aba Prefecture, China
* Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatial Analysis Approach under the Effects of Climate Change: Case Study in an Urban Watershed in Hanoi, Vietnam
* Association Rules-Based Multivariate Analysis and Visualization of Spatiotemporal Climate Data
* Augmented Virtuality for Coastal Management: A Holistic Use of In Situ and Remote Sensing for Large Scale Definition of Coastal Dynamics
* AutoCloud+, a Universal Physical and Statistical Model-Based 2D Spatial Topology-Preserving Software for Cloud/Cloud-Shadow Detection in Multi-Sensor Single-Date Earth Observation Multi-Spectral Imagery: Part 1: Systematic ESA EO Level 2 Product Generation at the Ground Segment as Broad Context
* Automated Identification of Discrepancies between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings
* Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement
* Automated Processing Method for Agglomeration Areas, An
* Automatic Classification of Major Urban Land Covers Based on Novel Spectral Indices
* Automatic Parametrization and Shadow Analysis of Roofs in Urban Areas from ALS Point Clouds with Solar Energy Purposes
* Automatic Parametrization of Urban Areas Using ALS Data: The Case Study of Santiago de Compostela
* Automatic Recognition and Positioning Method for Point Source Targets on Satellite Images, An
* Automatic Seam-Line Detection in UAV Remote Sensing Image Mosaicking by Use of Graph Cuts
* Automatic User Grouping Model for a Group Recommender System in Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Automation of Building Permission by Integration of BIM and Geospatial Data
* Autonomous Point Cloud Acquisition of Unknown Indoor Scenes
* Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Determination Technique for Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning, An
* Bathymetric Photogrammetry to Update CHS Charts: Comparing Conventional 3D Manual and Automatic Approaches
* Beyond Spatial Proximity: Classifying Parks and Their Visitors in London Based on Spatiotemporal and Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
* BIM-GIS Integration as Dedicated and Independent Course for Geoinformatics Students: Merits, Challenges, and Ways Forward
* Building a Framework of Usability Patterns for Web Applications in Spatial Data Infrastructures
* Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps
* Care, Indifference and Anxiety: Attitudes toward Location Data in Everyday Life
* Cartographic Line Generalization Based on Radius of Curvature Analysis
* Cartographic Redundancy in Reducing Change Blindness in Detecting Extreme Values in Spatio-Temporal Maps
* Case Study of the Forced Invariance Approach for Soil Salinity Estimation in Vegetation-Covered Terrain Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* CATCHA: Real-Time Camera Tracking Method for Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage Interiors
* Challenges of Mapping Sustainable Development Goals Indicators Data
* Change Detection for Building Footprints with Different Levels of Detail Using Combined Shape and Pattern Analysis
* Change Detection in Coral Reef Environment Using High-Resolution Images: Comparison of Object-Based and Pixel-Based Paradigms
* Changes in Gross Primary Production (GPP) over the Past Two Decades Due to Land Use Conversion in a Tourism City
* Characterizing 3D City Modeling Projects: Towards a Harmonized Interoperable System
* Characterizing Data Ecosystems to Support Official Statistics with Open Mapping Data for Reporting on Sustainable Development Goals
* Characterizing Light Pollution Trends across Protected Areas in China Using Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data
* Checking the Consistency of Volunteered Phenological Observations While Analysing Their Synchrony
* CHS Priority Planning Tool (CPPT): A GIS Model for Defining Hydrographic Survey and Charting Priorities
* Citizen Science Approach for Collecting Toponyms, A
* Classification of Noise-Afflicted Remotely Sensed Data Using Three Machine-Learning Techniques: Effect of Different Levels and Types of Noise on Accuracy, The
* Close-Range Photogrammetry and Infrared Imaging for Non-Invasive Honeybee Hive Population Assessment
* Co-Citation and Cluster Analysis of Scientometrics of Geographic Information Ontology, A
* CO-RIP: A Riparian Vegetation and Corridor Extent Dataset for Colorado River Basin Streams and Rivers
* Collecting Typhoon Disaster Information from Twitter Based on Query Expansion
* Combining the Stock Unearthing Method and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for a Gapless Estimation of Soil Mobilisation in Vineyards
* Combining the Two-Layers PageRank Approach with the APA Centrality in Networks with Data
* Comic Strip Narratives in Time Geography
* Comparative Study of Three Non-Geostatistical Methods for Optimising Digital Elevation Model Interpolation, A
* Comparison of Communication Viewsheds Derived from High-Resolution Digital Surface Models Using Line-of-Sight, 2D Fresnel Zone, and 3D Fresnel Zone Analysis
* Comparison of Independent Component Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, and Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation for Tree Species Classification Using APEX Hyperspectral Imagery
* Comparison of Landscape Metrics for Three Different Level Land Cover/Land Use Maps
* Comparison of Split Window Algorithms for Retrieving Measurements of Sea Surface Temperature from MODIS Data in Near-Land Coastal Waters
* Complying with Privacy Legislation: From Legal Text to Implementation of Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services
* Comprehensive Analysis of System Calibration between Optical Camera and Range Finder
* Construction and Optimization of Three-Dimensional Disaster Scenes within Mobile Virtual Reality
* Creating a Story Map Using Geographic Information Systems to Explore Geomorphology and History of Methana Peninsula
* Crisis Maps: Observed Shortcomings and Recommendations for Improvement
* Critical Review of Methods to Estimate PM2.5 Concentrations within Specified Research Region
* Critical Review of the Integration of Geographic Information System and Building Information Modelling at the Data Level, A
* Cross-Domain Building Models: A Step towards Interoperability
* CS Projects Involving Geoinformatics: A Survey of Implementation Approaches
* Current Trends and Challenges in Location-Based Services
* DASSCAN: A Density and Adjacency Expansion-Based Spatial Structural Community Detection Algorithm for Networks
* Data Extraction Algorithm for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) to Estimate the Maximum Economic Damage of Buildings for Economic Impact Assessment of Floods in Flanders, Belgium
* Deep Belief Networks Based Toponym Recognition for Chinese Text
* Design and Development of a 3D Digital Cadastre Visualization Prototype
* Design and Implementation of a 4D Web Application for Analytical Visualization of Smart City Applications
* Design of a Generic Mobile GIS for Professional Users
* Detecting Anomalous Trajectories and Behavior Patterns Using Hierarchical Clustering from Taxi GPS Data
* Determining Optimal Video Length for the Estimation of Building Height through Radial Displacement Measurement from Space
* Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS Based Landslide Early Warning System for the Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh
* Developing an Agent-Based Simulation System for Post-Earthquake Operations in Uncertainty Conditions: A Proposed Method for Collaboration among Agents
* Development of a Conceptual Mapping Standard to Link Building and Geospatial Information
* Development of a QGIS Plugin to Obtain Parameters and Elements of Plantation Trees and Vineyards with Aerial Photographs
* Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Analysis of the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso Landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy): Results from a Multi-Dataset Investigation
* Digital Story Mapping to Advance Educational Atlas Design and Enable Student Engagement
* Direct Impacts of Climate Change and Indirect Impacts of Non-Climate Change on Land Surface Phenology Variation across Northern China
* Distance-Adaptive Refueling Recommendation Algorithm for Self-Driving Travel, A
* Distribution Pattern of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Dens and Spatial Relationships with Sea Turtle Nests, Recreation, and Environmental Characteristics
* Do Charitable Foundations Spend Money Where People Need It Most? A Spatial Analysis of China
* Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Constructed Dense 3D Map in Indoor Environments
* Duality and Dimensionality Reduction Discrete Line Generation Algorithm for a Triangular Grid
* Effect of Size, Shape and Map Background in Cartographic Visualization: Experimental Study on Czech and Chinese Populations
* Effective Identification of Terrain Positions from Gridded DEM Data Using Multimodal Classification Integration
* Effective Privacy Architecture to Preserve User Trajectories in Reward-Based LBS Applications, An
* Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Geoinformation Raster Generalization in the Analysis of LUCC in Portugal, The
* Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Scene Data Organization, An
* Efficient Method for POI/ROI Discovery Using Flickr Geotagged Photos
* Efficient Parallel K Best Connected Trajectory (K-BCT) Query with GPGPU: A Combinatorial Min-Distance and Progressive Bounding Box Approach
* Efficient Shortest Path Routing Algorithm for Directed Indoor Environments, An
* Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynamic Simplification, An
* Elephant in the Room: Informality in Tanzania's Rural Waterscape, The
* Employing Incremental Outlines for OpenStreetMap Data Updating
* Endmember Initialization Scheme for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Application in Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Enhancing Location-Related Hydrogeological Knowledge
* ENSO- and Rainfall-Sensitive Vegetation Regions in Indonesia as Identified from Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* Environmental Influences on Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity in the U.S.: An Exploration of Spatial Non-Stationarity
* Estimating the Performance of Random Forest versus Multiple Regression for Predicting Prices of the Apartments
* Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Crime Events around a Football Stadium from Georeferenced Tweets
* Estimation of Hourly Link Population and Flow Directions from Mobile CDR
* Evaluating a Fit-For-Purpose Integrated Service-Oriented Land and Climate Change Information System for Mountain Community Adaptation
* Evaluating the Open Source Data Containers for Handling Big Geospatial Raster Data
* Evaluating the Societal Impact of Using Drones to Support Urban Upgrading Projects
* Evaluation of Close-Range Photogrammetry Image Collection Methods for Estimating Tree Diameters
* Evaluation of the Cartographical Quality of Urban Plans by Eye-Tracking
* Evaluation of User Performance in Interactive and Static 3D Maps
* Ex Post Impact Assessment of Master Plans: The Case of Shenzhen in Shaping a Polycentric Urban Structure
* Examining the Association of Economic Development with Intercity Multimodal Transport Demand in China: A Focus on Spatial Autoregressive Analysis
* Examining the Stream Threshold Approaches Used in Hydrologic Analysis
* Expansion Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery for 1993 to 2012
* Exploring Railway Network Dynamics in China from 2008 to 2017
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Fires: A Case of Nanjing, China
* Exploring the Factors Driving Changes in Farmland within the Tumen/Tuman River Basin
* Exploring the Impact of Seasonality on Urban Land-Cover Mapping Using Multi-Season Sentinel-1A and GF-1 WFV Images in a Subtropical Monsoon-Climate Region
* Extracting Indoor Space Information in Complex Building Environments
* Extraction and Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Urban Fringes: A Case Study of Changchun in Jilin Province, China
* Extraction of Pluvial Flood Relevant Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) by Deep Learning from User Generated Texts and Photos
* Extraction of Terrain Feature Lines from Elevation Contours Using a Directed Adjacent Relation Tree
* Extraction of Tourist Destinations and Comparative Analysis of Preferences Between Foreign Tourists and Domestic Tourists on the Basis of Geotagged Social Media Data
* Factors Affecting the Number of Visitors in National Parks in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
* Feasibility of the Space-Time Cube in Temporal Cultural Landscape Visualization
* Feature Extraction and Selection of Sentinel-1 Dual-Pol Data for Global-Scale Local Climate Zone Classification
* Fine Resolution Probabilistic Land Cover Classification of Landscapes in the Southeastern United States
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for Geospatial Data Analysis
* Formalized 3D Geovisualization Illustrated to Selectivity Purpose of Virtual 3D City Model, A
* Framework for Virtual Cognitive Experiment in Virtual Geographic Environments
* Framework for Visual Analytics of Spatio-Temporal Sensor Observations from Data Streams, A
* From a Vegetation Index to a Sustainable Development Goal Indicator: Forest Trend Monitoring Using Three Decades of Earth Observations across Switzerland
* From Global Goals to Local Gains: A Framework for Crop Water Productivity
* From IFC to 3D Tiles: An Integrated Open-Source Solution for Visualising BIMs on Cesium
* Full Level-of-Detail Specification for 3D Building Models Combining Indoor and Outdoor Scenes, A
* Fusing Georeferenced and Stereoscopic Image Data for 3D Building Façade Reconstruction
* Fusion of SAR and Multispectral Images Using Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
* Generalized Model for Indoor Location Estimation Using Environmental Sound from Human Activity Recognition, A
* Generating a High-Precision True Digital Orthophoto Map Based on UAV Images
* Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
* Geo-Information Tools, Governance, and Wicked Policy Problems
* Geographic Information Retrieval Method for Geography Mark-Up Language Data
* Geographically Weighted Regression in the Analysis of Unemployment in Poland
* Geography of Taste: Using Yelp to Study Urban Culture, The
* Geoinformatics in Citizen Science
* Geometric Framework for Detection of Critical Points in a Trajectory Using Convex Hulls, A
* Geospatial Analysis and the Internet of Things
* Geospatial Assessment of the Post-Earthquake Hazard of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Considering Seismic Site Effects
* Geospatial IoT: The Need for Event-Driven Architectures in Contemporary Spatial Data Infrastructures
* Geospatial Methods and Tools for Natural Risk Management and Communications
* Geospatial Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature Effects on Vegetation Dynamics in the Southeastern Region of Bangladesh from 2001 to 2016
* Ghost City Extraction and Rate Estimation in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Data
* GIS Application to Regional Geological Structure Relationship Modelling Considering Semantics
* GIS-Assisted Prediction and Risk Zonation of Wildlife Attacks in the Chitwan National Park in Nepal
* Graph Database Model for Knowledge Extracted from Place Descriptions, A
* Graph-Based Matching of Points-of-Interest from Collaborative Geo-Datasets
* Graph-Optimization-Based ZUPT/UWB Fusion Algorithm
* Grid-Based Crime Prediction Using Geographical Features
* hackAIR: Towards Raising Awareness about Air Quality in Europe by Developing a Collective Online Platform
* Handling Points of Interest (POIs) on a Mobile Web Map Service Linked to Indoor Geospatial Objects: A Case Study
* Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment: Potential Application in Spatiotemporal Behavior Experiments, A
* Hexagon-Based Adaptive Crystal Growth Voronoi Diagrams Based on Weighted Planes for Service Area Delimitation
* HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data in Real Time
* HidroMap: A New Tool for Irrigation Monitoring and Management Using Free Satellite Imagery
* High-Definition Road-Network Model for Self-Driving Vehicles, A
* High-Performance Geospatial Big Data Processing System Based on MapReduce
* High-Precision LiDAR-Based Method for Surveying and Classifying Coastal Notches, A
* Higher Order Support Vector Random Fields for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Historical Collaborative Geocoding
* Holo3DGIS: Leveraging Microsoft HoloLens in 3D Geographic Information
* How to Contextualize SDG 11? Looking at Indicators for Sustainable Urban Development in Germany
* Hybrid Approach Combining the Multi-Temporal Scale Spatio-Temporal Network with the Continuous Triangular Model for Exploring Dynamic Interactions in Movement Data: A Case Study of Football, A
* Hydrological Modeling with Respect to Impact of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change on the Runoff Dynamics in Godavari River Basin Using the HEC-HMS Model
* Hydrological Sensor Web Ontology Based on the SSN Ontology: A Case Study for a Flood, A
* Identification of Experimental and Control Areas for CCTV Effectiveness Assessment: The Issue of Spatially Aggregated Data
* Identification of Painted Rock-Shelter Sites Using GIS Integrated with a Decision Support System and Fuzzy Logic
* Identifying Modes of Driving Railway Trains from GPS Trajectory Data: An Ensemble Classifier-Based Approach
* Identifying Urban Functional Zones Using Public Bicycle Rental Records and Point-of-Interest Data
* Identifying Urban Neighborhood Names through User-Contributed Online Property Listings
* Impact of the Parameterisation of Physiographic Features of Urbanised Catchment Areas on the Spatial Distribution of Components of the Water Balance Using the WetSpass Model, The
* Impacts of Street-Visible Greenery on Housing Prices: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model and a Massive Street View Image Dataset in Beijing
* Impaired Water Hazard Zones: Mapping Intersecting Environmental Health Vulnerabilities and Polluter Disproportionality
* Implementation of a Parallel GPU-Based Space-Time Kriging Framework
* Implementation of Spatial Planning Objects in a 3D Cadastral Model, The
* Implications of Field Worker Characteristics and Landscape Heterogeneity for Classification Correctness and the Completeness of Topographical Mapping, The
* Importance of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Variables for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of African Citrus Triozid (Trioza erytreae) in Kenya
* Improved Jitter Elimination and Topology Correction Method for the Split Line of Narrow and Long Patches
* Improved Progressive TIN Densification Filtering Method Considering the Density and Standard Variance of Point Clouds, An
* Improving ASTER GDEM Accuracy Using Land Use-Based Linear Regression Methods: A Case Study of Lianyungang, East China
* Improving Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery by Combining Coarse Location and Co-Segmentation
* Improving the Quality of Citizen Contributed Geodata through Their Historical Contributions: The Case of the Road Network in OpenStreetMap
* Improving the Separability of Deep Features with Discriminative Convolution Filters for RSI Classification
* Improving Tree Species Classification Using UAS Multispectral Images and Texture Measures
* Increasing the Accuracy of Crowdsourced Information on Land Cover via a Voting Procedure Weighted by Information Inferred from the Contributed Data
* Incremental Road Network Generation Based on Vehicle Trajectories
* Incrementally Detecting Change Types of Spatial Area Object: A Hierarchical Matching Method Considering Change Process
* Indoor Scene Recognition-Based 3D Registration Mechanism for Real-Time AR-GIS Visualization in Mobile Applications, An
* Inferencing Human Spatiotemporal Mobility in Greater Maputo via Mobile Phone Big Data Mining
* Influence of Geographic Factors on Information Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks in China: Evidence from WeChat, The
* Influence of Sample Size on Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods for Urban Areas
* Influence of the Shape and Size of the Cell on Developing Military Passability Maps, The
* Influences of the Shadow Inventory on a Landslide Susceptibility Model
* INS/Floor-Plan Indoor Localization System Using the Firefly Particle Filter, An
* Intact Planar Abstraction of Buildings via Global Normal Refinement from Noisy Oblique Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience
* Integrating GEOBIA, Machine Learning, and Volunteered Geographic Information to Map Vegetation over Rooftops
* Integrating Risk Assessment into Spatial Planning: RiskOTe Decision Support System
* Integration of Local and Global Support Vector Machines to Improve Urban Growth Modelling
* Interpreting the Fuzzy Semantics of Natural-Language Spatial Relation Terms with the Fuzzy Random Forest Algorithm
* Introduction to the Special Issue: Research and Development Progress in 3D Cadastral Systems
* Introduction to the Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Virtual/Augmented Reality and 3D Modeling Techniques for Virtual Urban Geographic Experiments
* Inverse Parametrization of a Regional Groundwater Flow Model with the Aid of Modelling and GIS: Test and Application of Different Approaches
* Investigating the Influences of Tree Coverage and Road Density on Property Crime
* Joint Alternate Small Convolution and Feature Reuse for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Journey-to-Crime Distances of Residential Burglars in China Disentangled: Origin and Destination Effects
* Knowledge Base for Automatic Feature Recognition from Point Clouds in an Urban Scene, A
* Knowledge-Informed and Pareto-Based Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation, A
* Land Consolidation Suitability Ranking of Cadastral Municipalities: Information-Based Decision-Making Using Multi-Criteria Analyses of Official Registers' Data
* Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Data for Harmonized Official Statistics
* Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Modeling of Urban Land Expansion by the Integration of Cellular Automata and Markov Chain
* LandQv2: A MapReduce-Based System for Processing Arable Land Quality Big Data
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at Mila Basin (Algeria): A Comparative Assessment of Prediction Capability of Advanced Machine Learning Methods
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Logistic Regression Analysis along the Jinsha River and Its Tributaries Close to Derong and Deqin County, Southwestern China
* LiDAR: A Technology to Assist with Smart Cities and Climate Change Resilience: A Case Study in an Urban Metropolis
* Line-Constrained Shape Feature for Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* Long-Term Changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians
* Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm
* Map Archive Mining: Visual-Analytical Approaches to Explore Large Historical Map Collections
* Mapping Creative Spaces in Omaha, NE: Resident Perceptions versus Creative Firm Locations
* Mapping Forest Characteristics at Fine Resolution across Large Landscapes of the Southeastern United States Using NAIP Imagery and FIA Field Plot Data
* Mapping Frictions Inhibiting Bicycle Commuting
* Mapping Heritage: Geospatial Online Databases of Historic Roads. The Case of the N-340 Roadway Corridor on the Spanish Mediterranean
* Mapping Lithologic Components of Ophiolitic Mélanges Based on ASTER Spectral Analysis: A Case Study from the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone (Tibet, China)
* Mapping Rural Road Networks from Global Positioning System (GPS) Trajectories of Motorcycle Taxis in Sigomre Area, Siaya County, Kenya
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Patterns and Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Islands across 32 Major Cities in China
* Mapping the Changes in Urban Greenness Based on Localized Spatial Association Analysis under Temporal Context Using MODIS Data
* Mapping Urban Land Use at Street Block Level Using OpenStreetMap, Remote Sensing Data, and Spatial Metrics
* Measurement of Opportunity Cost of Travel Time for Predicting Future Residential Mobility Based on the Smart Card Data of Public Transportation
* Measuring Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Quality Basic Education: A Case Study in Florida, US
* Measuring Selection Diversity of Emergency Medical Service for Metro Stations: A Case Study in Beijing
* Measuring the Spatial Relationship Information of Multi-Layered Vector Data
* Measuring Urban Land Cover Influence on Air Temperature through Multiple Geo-Data: The Case of Milan, Italy
* Metaphor Representation and Analysis of Non-Spatial Data in Map-Like Visualizations
* Method Based on Floating Car Data and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree Classification for the Detection of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Intersections
* Method for Mapping Rice Fields in Complex Landscape Areas Based on Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network from HJ-1 A/B Data
* Method for the Analysis and Visualization of Similar Flow Hotspot Patterns between Different Regional Groups
* Method of Constructing Point Generalization Constraints Based on the Cloud Platform
* Method of Mining Association Rules for Geographical Points of Interest, A
* Methodology for Planar Representation of Frescoed Oval Domes: Formulation and Testing on Pisa Cathedral, A
* Mining Individual Similarity by Assessing Interactions with Personally Significant Places from GPS Trajectories
* Model of Point Cloud Data Management System in Big Data Paradigm
* Modeling of Macroscopic Building Evacuation Using IFC Data
* Modeling Patterns of Land Use in Chinese Cities Using an Integrated Cellular Automata Model
* Modeling Words for Qualitative Distance Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
* Modelling, Validation and Quantification of Climate and Other Sensitivities of Building Energy Model on 3D City Models
* Moment-Based Shape Similarity Measurement for Areal Entities in Geographical Vector Data, A
* Monthly Analysis of Wetlands Dynamics Using Remote Sensing Data
* Morphological Features-Based Descriptive Index System for Lunar Impact Craters
* Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Approach for Heterogeneous GeoVideo Data
* Multi-Agent Planning for Automatic Geospatial Web Service Composition in Geoportals
* Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) of Urban Residential Buildings
* Multi-Criteria Land Evaluation of Suitability for the Sport of Foot Orienteering: A Case Study of Croatia and Slovenia
* Multi-Objective Optimisation Based Planning of Power-Line Grid Expansions
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor 3D Documentation of Heritage Complexes in Urban Areas
* Multi-Temporal Image Analysis for Fluvial Morphological Characterization with Application to Albanian Rivers
* Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion for Optical Image Simulation
* Multidimensional Arrays for Analysing Geoscientific Data
* Multilevel Visualization of Travelogue Trajectory Data
* Multiresolution Grid Structure Applied to Seafloor Shape Modeling, A
* Multitemporal SAR Data and 2D Hydrodynamic Model Flood Scenario Dynamics Assessment
* Negative Effects of Alcohol Establishment Size and Proximity on the Frequency of Violent and Disorder Crime across Block Groups of Victoria, British Columbia, The
* Nesting Patterns of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): Development of a Multiple Regression Model Tested in North Carolina, USA
* Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for Post-Fire Vegetation Regrowth
* New Approach to Line Simplification Based on Image Processing: A Case Study of Water Area Boundaries, A
* New Geographical Cluster View on Passenger Vehicle Purchasing in Chinese Cities, A
* New Geospatial Approaches for Efficiently Mapping Forest Biomass Logistics at High Resolution over Large Areas
* New Method for the Assessment of Spatial Accuracy and Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints, A
* New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts
* Novel 3D Anisotropic Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Method for Hyperspectral Image Mixed Denoising, A
* Novel Approach for Identifying Urban Built-Up Area Boundaries Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Data Based on the Scale Effect, A
* Novel Approach to Site Selection: Collaborative Multi-Criteria Decision Making through Geo-Social Network (Case Study: Public Parking), A
* Novel Method for Virtual Restoration of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometric Structure Based on Multiscale Spatial Geometry
* Object-Based Image Analysis Workflow for Monitoring Shallow-Water Aquatic Vegetation in Multispectral Drone Imagery, An
* On the Risk Assessment of Terrorist Attacks Coupled with Multi-Source Factors
* On the Statistical Distribution of the Nonzero Spatial Autocorrelation Parameter in a Simultaneous Autoregressive Model
* On the Use of Geographic Information in Humanities Research Infrastructure: A Case Study on Cultural Heritage
* Once upon a Spacetime: Visual Storytelling in Cognitive and Geotemporal Information Spaces
* Optical Satellite Image Geo-Positioning with Weak Convergence Geometry
* Optimising Citizen-Driven Air Quality Monitoring Networks for Cities
* Optimized Location-Allocation of Earthquake Relief Centers Using PSO and ACO, Complemented by GIS, Clustering, and TOPSIS
* Ordered Capacitated Multi-Objective Location-Allocation Problem for Fire Stations Using Spatial Optimization, The
* OSM Data Import as an Outreach Tool to Trigger Community Growth? A Case Study in Miami
* Parallel N-Dimensional Space-Filling Curve Library and Its Application in Massive Point Cloud Management, A
* Parallel-Computing Approach for Vector Road-Network Matching Using GPU Architecture, A
* Performance Evaluation of QZSS Augmenting GPS and BDS Single-Frequency Single-Epoch Positioning with Actual Data in Asia-Pacific Region
* Phenology Response to Climatic Dynamic across China's Grasslands from 1985 to 2010
* Pixel-Wise Classification Method for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks
* Place and City: Toward Urban Intelligence
* Place versus Space: From Points, Lines and Polygons in GIS to Place-Based Representations Reflecting Language and Culture
* Prioritizing Abandoned Mine Lands Rehabilitation: Combining Landscape Connectivity and Pattern Indices with Scenario Analysis Using Land-Use Modeling
* Procedural Generation of Large-Scale Forests Using a Graph-Based Neutral Landscape Model
* Processing BIM and GIS Models in Practice: Experiences and Recommendations from a GeoBIM Project in The Netherlands
* Profiling the Spatial Structure of London: From Individual Tweets to Aggregated Functional Zones
* Progressive Amalgamation of Building Clusters for Map Generalization Based on Scaling Subgroups
* Public Participation Using 3D Web-Based City Models: Opportunities for E-Participation in Kisumu, Kenya
* Quantifying Surface Urban Heat Island Formation in the World Heritage Tropical Mountain City of Sri Lanka
* Raising Semantics-Awareness in Geospatial Metadata Management
* Real-Time Efficient Exploration in Unknown Dynamic Environments Using MAVs
* Real-Time Location-Based Rendering of Urban Underground Pipelines
* Real-Time Visualization of Geo-Sensor Data Based on the Protocol-Coupling Symbol Construction Method
* Recommendation System Regarding Meeting Places for Groups during Events, A
* Reduction Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention without Affecting Route Recognition Performance
* Regional Landslide Identification Based on Susceptibility Analysis and Change Detection
* Regional Mapping Method for Oilseed Rape Based on HSV Transformation and Spectral Features, A
* Relevance Assessment of Crowdsourced Data (CSD) Using Semantics and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Techniques
* Remote Sensing Algorithm of Column-Integrated Algal Biomass Covering Algal Bloom Conditions in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake, A
* Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies in Public Health
* Representative Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part I: Overview and Key Issues
* Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part II: Impact, Comparison, and Future Developments
* Research on a 3D Geological Disaster Monitoring Platform Based on REST Service
* Revealing Recurrent Urban Congestion Evolution Patterns with Taxi Trajectories
* Revisiting the Role of Place in Geographic Information Science
* Road Extraction from VHR Remote-Sensing Imagery via Object Segmentation Constrained by Gabor Features
* Roadblocks Hindering the Reuse of Open Geodata in Colombia and Spain: A Data User's Perspective
* Role of Social Factors in the Accessibility of Urban Areas for People with Motor Disabilities, The
* RSSI/PDR-Based Probabilistic Position Selection Algorithm with NLOS Identification for Indoor Localisation, A
* Saddle Position-Based Method for Extraction of Depressions in Fengcong Areas by Using Digital Elevation Models
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Improving Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts
* Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Stream Processing of Spatiotemporal IoT Stream Data: Performance Analysis on the Example of Map Matching, A
* Scope of Earth-Observation to Improve the Consistency of the SDG Slum Indicator, The
* Seamless Upscaling of the Field-Measured Grassland Aboveground Biomass Based on Gaussian Process Regression and Gap-Filled Landsat 8 OLI Reflectance
* Segmented Processing Approach of Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Regression for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Central China, A
* Semi-Automatic 3D City Model Generation from Large-Format Aerial Images
* Semi-Supervised Classification for Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiple Classifiers and Relaxation Strategy
* Sentinel-2 Based Temporal Detection of Agricultural Land Use Anomalies in Support of Common Agricultural Policy Monitoring
* Shaking Maps Based on Cumulative Absolute Velocity and Arias Intensity: The Cases of the Two Strongest Earthquakes of the 2016-2017 Central Italy Seismic Sequence
* Shape Similarity Assessment Method for Coastline Generalization
* Share Our Cultural Heritage (SOCH): Worldwide 3D Heritage Reconstruction and Visualization via Web and Mobile GIS
* Shared Execution Approach to e-Distance Join Queries in Dynamic Road Networks
* Short-Range Prediction of the Zone of Moving Vehicles in Arterial Networks
* Short-Term and Long-Term Forecasting for the 3D Point Position Changing by Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Shortest Paths from a Group Perspective: A Note on Selfish Routing Games with Cognitive Agents
* Shp2graph: Tools to Convert a Spatial Network into an Igraph Graph in R
* Similarity Measurement of Metadata of Geospatial Data: An Artificial Neural Network Approach
* Simple Line Clustering Method for Spatial Analysis with Origin-Destination Data and Its Application to Bike-Sharing Movement Data, A
* Single-Frequency Kinematic Performance Comparison between Galileo, GPS, and GLONASS Satellite Positioning Systems Using an MMS-Generated Trajectory as a Reference: Preliminary Results
* Single-Tree Detection in High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images Based on a Cascade Neural Network
* Sino-InSpace: A Digital Simulation Platform for Virtual Space Environments
* Site Selection of Retail Shops Based on Spatial Accessibility and Hybrid BP Neural Network
* Smart Web-Based Geospatial Data Discovery System with Oceanographic Data as an Example, A
* SmartEscape: A Mobile Smart Individual Fire Evacuation System Based on 3D Spatial Model
* Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces, A
* Software Systems Approach to Multi-Scale GIS-BIM Utility Infrastructure Network Integration and Resource Flow Simulation
* Space-Ruled Ecological Processes: Introduction to the Special Issue on Spatial Ecology
* Space-Time Analysis of Vehicle Theft Patterns in Shanghai, China
* Space-Time Periodic Task Model for Recommendation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Spatial Analysis of Clustering of Foreclosures in the Poorest-Quality Housing Urban Areas: Evidence from Catalan Cities
* Spatial Analysis of Digital Imagery of Weeds in a Maize Crop
* Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty, A
* Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty, A
* Spatial Assessment of the Potential Impact of Infrastructure Development on Biodiversity Conservation in Lowland Nepal
* Spatial Characterization and Mapping of Gated Communities
* Spatial Data Structure and Functionalities for 3D Land Management System Implementation: Israel Case Study
* Spatial Distribution Estimates of the Urban Population Using DSM and DEM Data in China
* Spatial Heterogeneity, Scale, Data Character and Sustainable Transport in the Big Data Era
* Spatial Information System (SIS) for the Architectural and Cultural Heritage of Sardinia (Italy), A
* Spatial Transformation of Equality: Generalized Travelling Salesman Problem to Travelling Salesman Problem
* Spatial Variability of Local Rural Landscape Change under Rapid Urbanization in Eastern China
* Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Human Dynamics on Urban Land Use Patterns Using Social Media Data by Gender
* Spatial-Temporal Event Detection from Geo-Tagged Tweets
* Spatially Explicit Age Segregation Index and Self-Rated Health of Older Adults in US Cities
* Spatio-Temporal Database of Places Located in the Border Area
* Spatiotemporal Multi-View-Based Learning Method for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting, A
* Species-Level Vegetation Mapping in a Himalayan Treeline Ecotone Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Imagery
* Storytelling in Interactive 3D Geographic Visualization Systems
* Strategic Actions for Increasing the Submission of Digital Cadastral Data by the Surveying Industry Based on Lessons Learned from Victoria, Australia
* Street Centralities and Land Use Intensities Based on Points of Interest (POI) in Shenzhen, China
* Structured Knowledge Base as Prior Knowledge to Improve Urban Data Analysis
* Studies on Three-Dimensional (3D) Modeling of UAV Oblique Imagery with the Aid of Loop-Shooting
* Study of a Gray Genetic BP Neural Network Model in Fault Monitoring and a Diagnosis System for Dam Safety
* Studying the Association between Green Space Characteristics and Land Surface Temperature for Sustainable Urban Environments: An Analysis of Beijing and Islamabad
* Suitability Evaluation of Urban Construction Land Based on an Approach of Vertical-Horizontal Processes
* Supporting Facility Management Processes through End-Users' Integration and Coordinated BIM-GIS Technologies
* Survey on Urban Warfare Augmented Reality
* Susceptibility to Translational Slide-Type Landslides: Applicability of the Main Scarp Upper Edge as a Dependent Variable Representation by Reduced Chi-Square Analysis
* Task-Oriented Knowledge Base for Geospatial Problem-Solving, A
* Task-Oriented Visualization Approaches for Landscape and Urban Change Analysis
* Template Matching for Wide-Baseline Panoramic Images from a Vehicle-Borne Multi-Camera Rig
* Temporal and Spatial Analyses of the Landscape Pattern of Wuhan City Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Temporal Variations and Associated Remotely Sensed Environmental Variables of Dengue Fever in Chitwan District, Nepal
* Three-Dimensional Rule-Based City Modelling to Support Urban Redevelopment Process
* Toward Model-Generated Household Listing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Using Deep Learning
* Towards Detecting Social Events by Mining Geographical Patterns with VGI Data
* Towards HD Maps from Aerial Imagery: Robust Lane Marking Segmentation Using Country-Scale Imagery
* Towards Modelling Future Trends of Quebec's Boreal Birds' Species Distribution under Climate Change
* Traffic Command Gesture Recognition for Virtual Urban Scenes Based on a Spatiotemporal Convolution Neural Network
* Trajectory Regression Clustering Technique Combining a Novel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm with the Least Squares Method, A
* Trend Analysis of Relationship between Primary Productivity, Precipitation and Temperature in Inner Mongolia
* Uncertainty in Upscaling In Situ Soil Moisture Observations to Multiscale Pixel Estimations with Kriging at the Field Level
* Uncovering Spatial Inequality in Taxi Services in the Context of a Subsidy War among E-Hailing Apps
* Urban Growth Modeling and Future Scenario Projection Using Cellular Automata (CA) Models and the R Package Optimx
* Use of a Multilayer Perceptron to Automate Terrain Assessment for the Needs of the Armed Forces
* Use of DEMs Derived from TLS and HRSI Data for Landslide Feature Recognition
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Updating Farmland Cadastral Data in Areas Subject to Landslides
* Using Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Usability of Flow Maps
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore Differences in Map-Based Spatial Ability between Geographers and Non-Geographers
* Using Geospatial Analysis and Hydrologic Modeling to Estimate Climate Change Impacts on Nitrogen Export: Case Study for a Forest and Pasture Dominated Watershed in North Carolina
* Using GIS for Determining Variations in Health Access in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia
* Using High-Performance Computing to Address the Challenge of Land Use/Land Cover Change Analysis on Spatial Big Data
* Using Location-Based Social Media Data to Observe Check-In Behavior and Gender Difference: Bringing Weibo Data into Play
* Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Improve the Performance of Semivariograms for Choosing the Remote Sensing Imagery Resolution for Natural Resource Surveys: Case Study on Three Counties in East, Central, and West China
* Using Remote Sensing to Analyse Net Land-Use Change from Conflicting Sustainability Policies: The Case of Amsterdam
* Using Satellite-Borne Remote Sensing Data in Generating Local Warming Maps with Enhanced Resolution
* Using Spatial Semantics and Interactions to Identify Urban Functional Regions
* Using the Spatial Knowledge of Map Users to Personalize City Maps: A Case Study with Tourists in Madrid, Spain
* Using the TensorFlow Deep Neural Network to Classify Mainland China Visitor Behaviours in Hong Kong from Check-in Data
* Utilizing MapReduce to Improve Probe-Car Track Data Mining
* Validation of Pleiades Tri-Stereo DSM in Urban Areas
* Validity of VR Technology on the Smartphone for the Study of Wind Park Soundscapes
* Vehicle Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Multi-Perspective Convolutional Neural Network
* Verification of a GNSS Time Series Discontinuity Detection Approach in Support of the Estimation of Vertical Crustal Movements
* Visually-Enabled Active Deep Learning for (Geo) Text and Image Classification: A Review
* Water Level Reconstruction Based on Satellite Gravimetry in the Yangtze River Basin
* WebGIS for Geography Education: Towards a GeoCapabilities Approach
* Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spatiotemporal Modelling Approach for Better Understanding a Respiratory Disease
* Wireless Sensor Network Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Height and Volume Variations on Sandy Beaches and Dunes, A
462 for IJGI(7)
* 25-Intersection Model for Representing Topological Relations between Simple Spatial Objects in 3-D Space, A
* 3D Landform Modeling to Enhance Geospatial Thinking
* Abstract Topological Data Structure for 3D Spatial Objects
* Access or Accessibility? A Critique of the Urban Transport SDG Indicator
* Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-SLAM2 Based on RGB-D Cameras
* Accuracy Analysis of a 3D Model of Excavation, Created from Images Acquired with an Action Camera from Low Altitudes
* Accurate Reconstruction of the LoD3 Building Model by Integrating Multi-Source Point Clouds and Oblique Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adapted Rules for UML Modelling of Geospatial Information for Model-Driven Implementation as OWL Ontologies
* Adaptive Choropleth Mapper: An Open-Source Web-Based Tool for Synchronous Exploration of Multiple Variables at Multiple Spatial Extents
* Adaptive Construction Method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Index for Vector Data under Peer-to-Peer Networks, An
* Adaptive Construction of the Virtual Debris Flow Disaster Environments Driven by Multilevel Visualization Task
* Adaptive Non-Negative Geographically Weighted Regression for Population Density Estimation Based on Nighttime Light
* Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Search of Big Climate Datasets in THREDDS
* Agent-based Model Simulation of Human Mobility Based on Mobile Phone Data: How Commuting Relates to Congestion, An
* Airbnb Offer in Spain: Spatial Analysis of the Pattern and Determinants of Its Distribution
* Algorithm based on the Weighted Network Voronoi Diagram for Point Cluster Simplification, An
* Americas' Spatial Data Infrastructure, The
* Analysis of Bird Flyways in 3D
* Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Digital Signage in Beijing with Multi-Source Data
* Analysis of Spatial Wharf Pattern of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Analysis of the Cycling Flow Between Origin and Destination for Dockless Shared Bicycles Based on Singular Value Decomposition
* Analysis of the Evolution, Completeness and Spatial Patterns of OpenStreetMap Building Data in China, An
* Analysis of Tourism Hotspot Behaviour Based on Geolocated Travel Blog Data: The Case of Qyer
* Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
* Analytics Platform for Integrating and Computing Spatio-Temporal Metrics, An
* Analyzing and Visualizing Emotional Reactions Expressed by Emojis in Location-Based Social Media
* Analyzing Newspaper Maps for Earthquake News through Cartographic Approach
* Analyzing the Relationship between Perception of Safety and Reported Crime in an Urban Neighborhood Using GIS and Sketch Maps
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns in Green Spaces for Urban Studies Using Location-Based Social Media Data
* Anisotropic Diffusion for Improved Crime Prediction in Urban China
* Anomalous Urban Mobility Pattern Detection Based on GPS Trajectories and POI Data
* Applicability of Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Water Content in Modeling Lightning-Caused Forest Fire Occurrences
* Application of Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Models to Develop Land Value Maps in Urbanized Areas
* Application of Integrated 3D Technologies for Replicas in Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of Ordinary Kriging and Regression Kriging Method for Soil Properties Mapping in Hilly Region of Central Vietnam
* Application of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluation of Rockfall Potential within a Quarry Slope
* Application of Remote Sensing to the Investigation of Rock Slopes: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned
* Application of the Hybrid GIS Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Best-Worst Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, The
* Application of the Spatial Autocorrelation Method on the Change of Real Estate Prices in Taitung City, An
* Application of UAV Photogrammetry in Displacement Measurement of the Soil Nail Walls Using Local Features and CPDA Method
* Applications of Photogrammetry for Environmental Research
* Approach for the Analysis of the Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Urban Territories, An
* Areal Interpolation Using Parcel and Census Data in Highly Developed Urban Environments
* As-Built BIM for a Fifteenth-Century Chinese Brick Structure at Various LoDs
* Assessing Spatial Information Themes in the Spatial Information Infrastructure for Participatory Urban Planning Monitoring: Indonesian Cities
* Assessing the Distribution of Heavy Industrial Heat Sources in India between 2012 and 2018
* Assessing the Intensity of the Population Affected by a Complex Natural Disaster Using Social Media Data
* Assessment and Benchmarking of Spatially Enabled RDF Stores for the Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Assessment of Police Officers' Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer's Situational Awareness?, An
* Attention-Based Spatiotemporal Gated Recurrent Unit Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, An
* Automated Matching of Multi-Scale Building Data Based on Relaxation Labelling and Pattern Combinations
* Automated Method for Detection of Missing Road Point Regions in Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Multi-Sensor 3D Reconstruction for the Web
* Automated Road Curb Break Lines Extraction from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automatic (Tactile) Map Generation: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic Annotation Method for Discovering Semantic Information of Geographical Locations from Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Automatic Building Footprint Extraction from Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using a Hybrid FCN
* Automatic Detection of Objects in 3D Point Clouds Based on Exclusively Semantic Guided Processes
* Automatic Detection of Potential Dam Locations in Digital Terrain Models
* Automatic Discovery of Railway Train Driving Modes Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Automatic Identification of Overpass Structures: A Method of Deep Learning
* Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic Pipeline Route Design with Multi-Criteria Evaluation Based on Least-Cost Path Analysis and Line-Based Cartographic Simplification: A Case Study of the Mus Project in Turkey
* Bangkok CCTV Image through a Road Environment Extraction System Using Multi-Label Convolutional Neural Network Classification
* Bicycle Level of Service for Route Choice: A GIS Evaluation of Four Existing Indicators with Empirical Data
* BiGeo: A Foundational PaaS Framework for Efficient Storage, Visualization, Management, Analysis, Service, and Migration of Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study of Sichuan Province, China
* Calculation for Multidimensional Topological Relations in 3D Cadastre Based on Geometric Algebra
* Capturing and Characterizing Human Activities Using Building Locations in America
* Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages, A
* City Maker: Reconstruction of Cities from OpenStreetMap Data for Environmental Visualization and Simulations
* CityGML-Based Road Information Model for Route Optimization of Snow-Removal Vehicle
* Classification of Areas Suitable for Fish Farming Using Geotechnology and Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Cluster-Based Machine Learning Ensemble Approach for Geospatial Data: Estimation of Health Insurance Status in Missouri, A
* Clustering Complex Trajectories Based on Topologic Similarity and Spatial Proximity: A Case Study of the Mesoscale Ocean Eddies in the South China Sea
* CM SAF R Toolbox: A Tool for the Easy Usage of Satellite-Based Climate Data in NetCDF Format, The
* Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments for Education in Geography
* Collision Detection for UAVs Based on GeoSOT-3D Grids
* Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Mapping the Diachronic Coastline Evolution: The Case of Lefkada Island
* Combinatorial Spatial Data Model for Building Fire Simulation and Analysis
* Combining Design Patterns and Topic Modeling to Discover Regions That Support Particular Functionality
* Combining Object-Based Image Analysis with Topographic Data for Landform Mapping: A Case Study in the Semi-Arid Chaco Ecosystem, Argentina
* Combining Water Fraction and DEM-Based Methods to Create a Coastal Flood Map: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey
* COMET's Education and Training for the Worldwide Meteorological Satellite User Community: Meeting Evolving Needs with Innovative Instruction
* Comparative Analysis of Firearm Discharge Recorded by Gunshot Detection Technology and Calls for Service in Louisville, Kentucky
* Comparative Assessment of Geostatistical, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Approaches for Mapping Topsoil Organic Carbon Content, A
* Comparative Evaluation of the Spectral and Spatial Consistency of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 OLI Data for Igneada Longos Forest
* Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Preferences for Waterfronts in Wuhan based on Gender Differences in Check-In Behavior, A
* Comparative Study of Statistics-Based Landslide Susceptibility Models: A Case Study of the Region Affected by the Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal, A
* Comparing Residents' Fear of Crime with Recorded Crime Data: Case Study of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Comparison Between Major Artificial Intelligence Models for Crop Yield Prediction: Case Study of the Midwestern United States, 2006-2015, A
* Comparison of FOSS4G Supported Equal-Area Projections Using Discrete Distortion Indicatrices
* Comparison of GNSS-, TLS- and Different Altitude UAV-Generated Datasets on the Basis of Spatial Differences
* Comparison of Main Approaches for Extracting Behavior Features from Crowd Flow Analysis
* Comparison of Standard Modeling Techniques Using Digital Aerial Imagery with National Elevation Datasets and Airborne LiDAR to Predict Size and Density Forest Metrics in the Sapphire Mountains MT, USA, A
* Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Information Service: Improving User Experience of GIServices in a Distributed Computing Environment, The
* Concrete Preliminary Damage Inspection by Classification of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds through Systematic Threshold Definition
* Consideration of Level of Confidence within Multi-Approach Satellite-Derived Bathymetry
* Constructing Geographic Dictionary from Streaming Geotagged Tweets
* Construction and Verification of a High-Precision Base Map for an Autonomous Vehicle Monitoring System
* Context-Aware Group-Oriented Location Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
* Continuous-Scale 3D Terrain Visualization Based on a Detail-Increment Model
* Convenient Tool for District Heating Route Optimization Based on Parallel Ant Colony System Algorithm and 3D WebGIS, A
* Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Auto-Detection of Landslide Photographs to Assess Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information Data Quality, A
* Corporate Editors in the Evolving Landscape of OpenStreetMap
* Could Crime Risk Be Propagated across Crime Types?
* Crime Geographical Displacement: Testing Its Potential Contribution to Crime Prediction
* Data Augmentation Strategy Based on Simulated Samples for Ship Detection in RGB Remote Sensing Images, A
* Data Fusion and Accuracy Analysis of Multi-Source Land Use/Land Cover Datasets along Coastal Areas of the Maritime Silk Road
* Data-driven Bicycle Network Analysis Based on Traditional Counting Methods and GPS Traces from Smartphone
* Dataset Reduction Techniques to Speed Up SVD Analyses on Big Geo-Datasets
* Decision Model for Predicting Social Vulnerability Using Artificial Intelligence
* Decomposition of Repulsive Clusters in Complex Point Processes with Heterogeneous Components
* Deep Learning Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Road Markings Using Multiview Aerial Imagery
* Deep Neural Networks and Kernel Density Estimation for Detecting Human Activity Patterns from Geo-Tagged Images: A Case Study of Birdwatching on Flickr
* Delimitating Urban Commercial Central Districts by Combining Kernel Density Estimation and Road Intersections: A Case Study in Nanjing City, China
* Delineation of Cocoa Agroforests Using Multiseason Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A Low Grey Level Range Reduces Uncertainties in GLCM Texture-Based Mapping
* DEM-Based Vs30 Map and Terrain Surface Classification in Nationwide Scale: A Case Study in Iran
* Designing Geovisual Analytics Environments and Displays with Humans in Mind
* Detecting Large-Scale Urban Land Cover Changes from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using CNN-Based Classification
* Detecting Urban Polycentric Structure from POI Data
* Detection of Microrelief Objects to Impede the Movement of Vehicles in Terrain
* Developing the Chinese Academic Map Publishing Platform
* Development of a CityGML Application Domain Extension for Simulating the Building Construction Process
* Development of an Indoor Space Semantic Model and Its Implementation as an IndoorGML Extension
* Development of an Object-Based Interpretive System Based on Weighted Scoring Method in a Multi-Scale Manner
* Diachronic Reconstruction and Visualization of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites
* Diachronic UAV Photogrammetry of a Sandy Beach in Brittany (France) for a Long-Term Coastal Observatory
* Direction-Aware Continuous Moving K-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks
* Discovering Memory-Based Preferences for POI Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
* Distance-Decay Effect in Probabilistic Time Geography for Random Encounter
* Distributed Geoscience Algorithm Integration Based on OWS Specifications: A Case Study of the Extraction of a River Network
* Distributed Processing of Location-Based Aggregate Queries Using MapReduce
* Distributed Storage and Access Approach for Massive Remote Sensing Data in MongoDB, A
* Distribution Pattern of the Railway Network in China at the County Level, The
* Diverse Visualization Techniques and Methods of Moving-Object-Trajectory Data: A Review
* Do Crash Barriers and Fences Have an Impact on Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions?: An Artificial Intelligence and GIS-Based Analysis
* Does Income Inequality Explain the Geography of Residential Burglaries? The Case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
* Dot Symbol Auto-Filling Method for Complex Areas Considering Shape Features
* Drainage Network Analysis and Structuring of Topologically Noisy Vector Stream Data
* Drift-of-Stay Pattern Extraction Method for Indoor Pedestrian Trajectories for the Error and Accuracy Assessment of Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning, A
* Dual-Path and Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for High-Resolution Aerial Image Segmentation, A
* Dynamic 3D Simulation of Flood Risk Based on the Integration of Spatio-Temporal GIS and Hydrodynamic Models
* Dynamic Land Cover Mapping of Urbanized Cities with Landsat 8 Multi-temporal Images: Comparative Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Dimension Reduction Methods
* Dynamic Monitoring of Forest Land in Fuling District Based on Multi-Source Time Series Remote Sensing Images
* Dynamic Recommendation of POI Sequence Responding to Historical Trajectory
* Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccessible Soil Samples during Field Sampling Campaign
* Dynamic Wildfire Navigation System
* e-Approximation of the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem Solution for All Departure Times, The
* Earthquake Information Extraction and Comparison from Different Sources Based on Web Text
* Education and Training in Applied Remote Sensing in Africa: The ARCSSTE-E Experience
* EEG & Eye Tracking User Experiments for Spatial Memory Task on Maps
* Effect of DEM Interpolation Neighbourhood on Terrain Factors
* Effect of NDVI Time Series Density Derived from Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multisource Remote Sensing Data on Crop Classification Accuracy, The
* Effects of Free-Floating Shared Bicycles on Urban Public Transportation
* Effects of GPS-Based Buffer Size on the Association between Travel Modes and Environmental Contexts, The
* Effects of Physical, Social, and Housing Disorder on Neighborhood Crime: A Contemporary Test of Broken Windows Theory, The
* Effects of Seismogenic Faults on the Predictive Mapping of Probability to Earthquake-Triggered Landslides
* Efficacy Analysis of Determining the Wooded and Shrubbed Area Based on Archival Aerial Imagery Using Texture Analysis, The
* Efficiency of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Land Cover Classification Using an Extended Margin and Disagreement Performance
* Efficient and Scene-Adaptive Algorithm for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using an Improved YOLOv3 Framework, An
* Efficient Indexing Approach for Continuous Spatial Approximate Keyword Queries over Geo-Textual Streaming Data, An
* Eigenvector Spatial Filtering-Based Logistic Regression for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
* Eliciting Knowledge on Technical and Legal Aspects of Participatory Toponym Handling
* Embracing Crowdsensing: An Enhanced Mobile Sensing Solution for Road Anomaly Detection
* Empirical Evaluation of Data Interoperability: A Case of the Disaster Management Sector in Uganda, An
* Empirical Study Investigating the Relationship between Land Prices and Urban Geometry, An
* Enhanced Drone Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment Using VDM and Hall Effect Sensor
* Ensemble Neural Networks for Modeling DEM Error
* Estimating 2009-2017 Impervious Surface Change in Gwadar, Pakistan Using the HJ-1A/B Constellation, GF-1/2 Data, and the Random Forest Algorithm
* Estimating Autonomous Vehicle Localization Error Using 2D Geographic Information
* Estimating Hilly Areas Population Using a Dasymetric Mapping Approach: A Case of Sri Lanka's Highest Mountain Range
* Estimating the Available Sight Distance in the Urban Environment by GIS and Numerical Computing Codes
* Estimation of Origin-Destination Flows of Passenger Cars in 1925 in Old Tokyo City, Japan
* European Digital Elevation Model Validation against Extensive Global Navigation Satellite Systems Data and Comparison with SRTM DEM and ASTER GDEM in Central Macedonia (Greece)
* Evacuation Planning Optimization Based on a Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Evacuation Priority Method in Tsunami Hazard Based on DMSP/OLS Population Mapping in the Pearl River Estuary, China
* Evaluating the Suitability of Urban Expansion Based on the Logic Minimum Cumulative Resistance Model: A Case Study from Leshan, China
* Evaluating Urban Bicycle Infrastructures through Intersubjectivity of Stress Sensations Derived from Physiological Measurements
* Evaluating Young People's Area Estimation of Countries and Continents
* Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Field Quadrat Survey of Alpine Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on the Satellite Remote Sensing Pixel Scale
* Evaluation of the Influence of Disturbances on Forest Vegetation Using the Time Series of Landsat Data: A Comparison Study of the Low Tatras and Sumava National Parks
* Evaluation of Topological Consistency in CityGML
* Evaluation of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems' Lidar Data Quality
* Examination of Spatial Differences between Migrant and Native Offenders in Committing Violent Crimes in a Large Chinese City, An
* Examination of the Distribution of White-Collar Worker Residences in Tokyo and Osaka during the Modernizing Period, An
* Examining Trade-Offs between Social, Psychological, and Energy Potential of Urban Form
* Experimental Research on the Use of Recurrent Neural Networks in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Exploiting the Potential of Integrated Public Building Data: Energy Performance Assessment of the Building Stock in a Case Study in Northern Italy
* Exploiting the Potential of VGI Metadata to Develop A Data-Driven Framework for Predicting User's Proficiency in OpenStreetMap Context
* Exploring Group Movement Pattern through Cellular Data: A Case Study of Tourists in Hainan
* Exploring Housing Rent by Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Nanjing
* Exploring Influence of Sampling Strategies on Event-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling
* Exploring the Associations Between Urban Form and Neighborhood Vibrancy: A Case Study of Chengdu, China
* Exploring the Characteristics of an Intra-Urban Bus Service Network: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Exploring the Distribution Patterns of Flickr Photos
* Exploring Trusted Relations among Virtual Interactions in Social Networks for Detecting Influence Diffusion
* Expressing History through a Geo-Spatial Ontology
* Extracting Flooded Roads by Fusing GPS Trajectories and Road Network
* Extracting Main Center Pattern from Road Networks Using Density-Based Clustering with Fuzzy Neighborhood
* Eye-tracking Evaluation of Weather Web Maps
* Feasibility of a BIM-Driven Approach to Support Building Subdivision Workflows: Case Study of Victoria, Australia, The
* Feasibility of Three Prediction Techniques of the Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Assessing the Safety Factor of Cohesive Slopes, The
* Field Data Acquisition Method and Tools for Hazard Evaluation of Earthquake-Induced Landslides with Open Source Mobile GIS, A
* Filtering-Based Approach for Improving Crowdsourced GNSS Traces in a Data Update Context, A
* Finding Visible kNN Objects in the Presence of Obstacles within the User's View Field
* Fire Risk Assessment in Dense Urban Areas Using Information Fusion Techniques
* Fleet Size and Rebalancing Analysis of Dockless Bike-Sharing Stations Based on Markov Chain
* Flood Management in Aqala through an Agent-Based Solution and Crowdsourcing Services in an Enterprise Geospatial Information System
* FracL: A Tool for Characterizing the Fractality of Landscape Gradients from a New Perspective
* From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparation Methods for Geographic Modeling
* From Motion Activity to Geo-Embeddings: Generating and Exploring Vector Representations of Locations, Traces and Visitors through Large-Scale Mobility Data
* Function-Based Search of Place Using Theoretical, Empirical and Probabilistic Patterns
* Fused Transparent Visualization of Point Cloud Data and Background Photographic Image for Tangible Cultural Heritage Assets
* Fusion of Multi-Sensor-Derived Heights and OSM-Derived Building Footprints for Urban 3D Reconstruction
* Fusion Visualization Method for Disaster Information Based on Self-Explanatory Symbols and Photorealistic Scene Cooperation, A
* Gender and Age Differences in Using Indoor Maps for Wayfinding in Real Environments
* Generating Different Urban Land Configurations Based on Heterogeneous Decisions of Private Land Developers: An Agent-Based Approach in a Developing Country Context
* Generation of Lane-Level Road Networks Based on a Trajectory-Similarity-Join Pruning Strategy
* Generic Framework for Combining Multiple Segmentations in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, A
* Geo-Referencing and Mapping 1901 Census Addresses for England and Wales
* Geo-Tagged Photo Metadata Processing Method for Beijing Inbound Tourism Flow
* Geo-Tagged Social Media Data-Based Analytical Approach for Perceiving Impacts of Social Events
* GeoAnnotator: A Collaborative Semi-Automatic Platform for Constructing Geo-Annotated Text Corpora
* GEOBIA Achievements and Spatial Opportunities in the Era of Big Earth Observation Data
* GEOBIA at the Terapixel Scale: Toward Efficient Mapping of Small Woody Features from Heterogeneous VHR Scenes
* Geographic Information Metadata: An Outlook from the International Standardization Perspective
* Geographic Knowledge Graph (GeoKG): A Formalized Geographic Knowledge Representation
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for Automated Landslide Detection Using Open Source GIS Software
* Geographical Analysis on the Projection and Distortion of INO's Tokyo Map in 1817
* Geographical Area Network: Structural Health Monitoring Utility Computing Model
* GeoSOT-Based Spatiotemporal Index of Massive Trajectory Data
* Geospatial Application Framework for Directional Relations, A
* Geospatial Assessment of the Post-Earthquake Hazard of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Considering Seismic Site Effects
* Geospatial Disaggregation of Population Data in Supporting SDG Assessments: A Case Study from Deqing County, China
* GIS Mapping of Driving Behavior Based on Naturalistic Driving Data
* GIS Tool for Mapping Dam-Break Flood Hazards in Italy, A
* GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China, A
* GIS-Based Tool for Automatic Bankfull Detection from Airborne High Resolution DEM, A
* Global Ambitions, Local Contexts: Alternative Ways of Knowing the World
* Global Mapping of GDP at 1 km2 Using VIIRS Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* Grassland Dynamics and the Driving Factors Based on Net Primary Productivity in Qinghai Province, China
* Grey System Theory in Research into Preferences Regarding the Location of Place of Residence within a City
* Guest Editor's Editorial Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for GIS
* Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment: A CityGML Extension for LandInfra
* Hazard Assessment of Earthquake Disaster Chains Based on a Bayesian Network Model and ArcGIS
* HBIM Modeling from the Surface Mesh and Its Extended Capability of Knowledge Representation
* Heritage Building Information Modeling (H-BIM) Applied to A Stone Bridge
* Heuristic Bike Optimization Algorithm to Improve Usage Efficiency of the Station-Free Bike Sharing System in Shenzhen, China
* Hierarchical Semantic Correspondence Analysis on Feature Classes between Two Geospatial Datasets Using a Graph Embedding Method
* High-performance Cross-platform Map Rendering Engine for Mobile Geographic Information System (GIS), A
* High-Performance Overlay Analysis of Massive Geographic Polygons That Considers Shape Complexity in a Cloud Environment
* Highway Alignment Optimization: An Integrated BIM and GIS Approach
* HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
* Hot Spot Analysis versus Cluster and Outlier Analysis: An Enquiry into the Grouping of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura (Spain)
* How Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data
* How Is the Confidentiality of Crime Locations Affected by Parameters in Kernel Density Estimation?
* HsgNet: A Road Extraction Network Based on Global Perception of High-Order Spatial Information
* Human-Centric Data Science for Urban Studies
* Hybrid 3D Models: When Geomatics Innovations Meet Extensive Built Heritage Complexes
* Hybrid Framework for High-Performance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pipe Networks, A
* Hybrid of Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Geographical Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* Identification and Mapping of Soil Erosion Processes Using the Visual Interpretation of LiDAR Imagery
* Identify and Delimitate Urban Hotspot Areas Using a Network-Based Spatiotemporal Field Clustering Method
* Identifying Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) Adoption in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta: A Change Detection Approach
* Identifying Building Functions from the Spatiotemporal Population Density and the Interactions of People among Buildings
* Image Retrieval Based on Learning to Rank and Multiple Loss
* Impact of a Vicinity of Airport on the Prices of Single-Family Houses with the Use of Geospatial Analysis
* Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
* Impact of the Scale on Several Metrics Used in Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis: Does GEOBIA Mitigate the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)?
* Impact of Urban Inequalities on Monitoring Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Methodological Considerations, The
* Impacts of Rapid Socioeconomic Development on Cropping Intensity Dynamics in China during 2001-2016
* Improved Decision-Making Geo-Information System for Continuous Monitoring of Deformations on Airport Infrastructure
* Improved Global Analysis of Population Distribution in Proximity to Active Volcanoes, 1975-2015, An
* Improved Hybrid Segmentation Method for Remote Sensing Images, An
* Improved Mobile Mapping System to Detect Road-Killed Amphibians and Small Birds, An
* Improvement of Spatial Autocorrelation, Kernel Estimation, and Modeling Methods by Spatial Standardization on Distance
* Improving the Positional Accuracy of Traditional Cadastral Index Maps with Membrane Adjustment in Slovenia
* Incorporating Graph Attention and Recurrent Architectures for City-Wide Taxi Demand Prediction
* Incorporating Topological Representation in 3D City Models
* Individual Behavior Simulation Based on Grid Object and Agent Model
* Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist Sight Spatial Interest Field
* Indoor Location Prediction Method for Shopping Malls Based on Location Sequence Similarity
* Indoor Routing on Logical Network Using Space Semantics
* Information Exchange between GIS and Geospatial ITS Databases Based on a Generic Model
* Instability Index Derived from a Landslide Inventory for Watershed Stability Assessment and Mapping
* Integrated BIM-GIS Method for Planning of Water Distribution System, An
* Integrated Framework Combining Multiple Human Activity Features for Land Use Classification, An
* Integrated Graphic Modeling System for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation in Lakes, An
* Integrated Multiscale Method for Obtaining Accurate Forest Surface Area Statistics over Large Areas
* Integrated UAV-Based Real-Time Mapping for Security Applications
* Integrating Geovisual Analytics with Machine Learning for Human Mobility Pattern Discovery
* Integrating Island Spatial Information and Integer Optimization for Locating Maritime Search and Rescue Bases: A Case Study in the South China Sea
* Integrating Spatial and Non-Spatial Dimensions to Measure Urban Fire Service Access
* Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS
* Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS
* Intelligent Interaction with Virtual Geographical Environments Based on Geographic Knowledge Graph
* Interactions between Bus, Metro, and Taxi Use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival
* Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Scale Spatial Data
* Intercropping Classification From GF-1 and GF-2 Satellite Imagery Using a Rotation Forest Based on an SVM
* Internet GIS-Based Multimodal Public Transport Trip Planning Information System for Travelers in Lithuania
* Interpolation of Instantaneous Air Temperature Using Geographical and MODIS Derived Variables with Machine Learning Techniques
* Intersection-First Approach for Road Network Generation from Crowd-Sourced Vehicle Trajectories, An
* Intuitionistic Fuzzy Similarity Approach for Clustering Analysis of Polygons, An
* Investigating Contextual Effects on Burglary Risks: A Contextual Effects Model Built Based on Bayesian Spatial Modeling Strategy
* Investigating Roundabout Properties and Bicycle Accident Occurrence at Swiss Roundabouts: A Logistic Regression Approach
* Investigating Schema-Free Encoding of Categorical Data Using Prime Numbers in a Geospatial Context
* Investigating the Spatiotemporally Varying Correlation between Urban Spatial Patterns and Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Nansihu Lake Basin, China
* Investigating the Utility Potential of Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Temporal Monitoring of a Landfill
* Investigation of Post-Fire Debris Flows in Montecito
* Japanese Lexical Variation Explained by Spatial Contact Patterns
* Knowledge Embedding with Geospatial Distance Restriction for Geographic Knowledge Graph Completion
* Knowledge-Based Filtering Method for Open Relations among Geo-Entities, A
* LADM Based Utility Network Cadastre in Serbia
* LADM-Based Model for Natural Resource Administration in China
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Method Based on GIS Technology and an AHP-Weighted Information Content Method: A Case Study of Southern Anhui, China, A
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Weighted Gradient Boosting Decision Tree in Wanzhou Section of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (China)
* Large-Scale Station-Level Crowd Flow Forecast with ST-Unet
* Leading Progress in Digital Terrain Analysis and Modeling
* Learning Cartographic Building Generalization with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Lessons Learned from the NOAA CoastWatch Ocean Satellite Course Developed for Integrating Oceanographic Satellite Data into Operational Use
* LiDAR and UAV System Data to Analyse Recent Morphological Changes of a Small Drainage Basin
* Light Source Metaphor Revisited: Bringing an Old Concept for Teaching Map Projections to the Modern Web, The
* Location Privacy in the Wake of the GDPR
* Low-Altitude Flight Conflict Detection Algorithm Based on a Multilevel Grid Spatiotemporal Index, A
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study from Souk Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
* Machine Learning Methods for Classification of the Green Infrastructure in City Areas
* Making the Invisible Visible: Strategies for Visualizing Underground Infrastructures in Immersive Environments
* Mapping Canopy Heights of Poplar Plantations in Plain Areas Using ZY3-02 Stereo and Multispectral Data
* Mapping Creative Industries: A Case Study on Supporting Geographical Information Systems in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic
* Mapping Impact of Tidal Flooding on Solar Salt Farming in Northern Java using a Hydrodynamic Model
* Mapping Long-Term Dynamics of Population and Dwellings Based on a Multi-Temporal Analysis of Urban Morphologies
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Data to RDF: A SPARQL Endpoint for Brussels
* Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* Mapping with Stakeholders: An Overview of Public Participatory GIS and VGI in Transport Decision-Making
* MapReduce-Based D_ELT Framework to Address the Challenges of Geospatial Big Data
* Measurement of Mobility-Based Accessibility: The Impact of Floods on Trips of Various Length and Motivation, The
* Measuring SDG 15 at the County Scale: Localization and Practice of SDGs Indicators Based on Geospatial Information
* Measuring Spatial Mismatch between Public Transit Services and Regular Riders: A Case Study of Beijing
* Measuring Urban Greenspace Distribution Equity: The Importance of Appropriate Methodological Approaches
* Mesh-Based Typification Method for Building Groups with Grid Patterns, A
* Method for 3D City Building Continuous Transformation Based on an Improved LOD Topological Data Structure
* Method of Population Spatialization Considering Parametric Spatial Stationarity: Case Study of the Southwestern Area of China, A
* Method of Selecting a Decontamination Site Deployment for Chemical Accident Consequences Elimination: Application of Multi-Criterial Analysis
* Method of Watershed Delineation for Flat Terrain Using Sentinel-2A Imagery and DEM: A Case Study of the Taihu Basin, A
* Methodology for Generating Service Areas That Accounts for Linear Barriers, A
* Methodology for Heterogeneous Sensor Data Organization and Near Real-Time Data Sharing by Adopting OGC SWE Standards, A
* Methods and Application of Archeological Cloud Platform for Grand Sites Based on Spatio-Temporal Big Data
* Methods to Detect Edge Effected Reductions in Fire Frequency in Simulated Forest Landscapes
* MGWR: A Python Implementation of Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression for Investigating Process Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale
* Mobile Phone Indicators and Their Relation to the Socioeconomic Organisation of Cities
* Mobility Data Warehouses
* Mobility Modes Awareness from Trajectories Based on Clustering and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Model Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression for Improved Accuracy in the Prediction of Vegetation Conditions and Droughts in Four Northern Kenya Counties
* Model for Animal Home Range Estimation Based on the Active Learning Method, A
* Modeling Housing Rent in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Using Textual Information and Deep Learning
* Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
* Modeling the Vagueness of Areal Geographic Objects: A Categorization System
* Modelling and Simulation of Selected Real Estate Market Spatial Phenomena
* Modelling and Visualizing Holographic 3D Geographical Scenes with Timely Data Based on the HoloLens
* Modelling Urban Housing Stocks for Building Energy Simulation Using CityGML EnergyADE
* Modified Methodology for Generating Indoor Navigation Models, A
* Monitoring 2.0: Update on the Halyomorpha halys Invasion of Trentino
* Monitoring and Mapping of Rice Cropping Pattern in Flooding Area in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Using Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of An Giang Province
* Monitoring Ground Instabilities Using SAR Satellite Data: A Practical Approach
* Monitoring the Water Quality of Small Water Bodies Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS for Soil Erosion Modelling
* Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detection Based on an Extended Set of LiDAR-Derived Terrain Features
* Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open Source GIS-Based Approach
* Multi-Dimensional Analysis of El Niño on Twitter: Spatial, Social, Temporal, and Semantic Perspectives, A
* Multi-Level Morphometric Characterization of Built-up Areas and Change Detection in Siberian Sub-Arctic Urban Area: Yakutsk
* Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
* Multi-Scale Flow Field Mapping Method Based on Real-Time Feature Streamlines
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
* Multi-Scale Validation of MODIS LAI Products Based on Crop Growth Period
* Multi-Sensor UAV Application for Thermal Analysis on a Dry-Stone Terraced Vineyard in Rural Tuscany Landscape
* Multi-Source Geo-Information Fusion in Transition: A Summer 2019 Snapshot
* Multidimensional and Multiscale GIS
* Multidimensional Web GIS Approach for Citizen Participation on Urban Evolution
* Multifaceted Geometric Assessment towards Simplified Urban Surfaces Built by 3D Reconstruction
* Multilevel Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Model of House Prices: A Case Study of House Sales in Fairfax County, Virginia, A
* Multilevel Mapping Strategy to Calculate the Information Content of Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Multilevel Terrain Rendering Method Based on Dynamic Stitching Strips, A
* Multisource Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion for Urban Land-Use Mapping based on a Modified Two-Branch Convolutional Neural Network
* Navigation in Indoor Environments: Does the Type of Visual Learning Stimulus Matter?
* New Agent-Based Methodology for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Urban Areas, A
* New Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Geometric and Structural Properties of Road Network, A
* New Tools for the Classification and Filtering of Historical Maps
* New, Score-Based Multi-Stage Matching Approach for Road Network Conflation in Different Road Patterns, A
* NoiseModelling: An Open Source GIS Based Tool to Produce Environmental Noise Maps
* Non-Employment Activity Type Imputation from Points of Interest and Mobility Data at an Individual Level: How Accurate Can We Get?
* Non-Temporal Point Cloud Analysis for Surface Damage in Civil Structures
* Novel Dynamic Dispatching Method for Bicycle-Sharing System, A
* Novel Method for Improving Air Pollution Prediction Based on Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study Applied to the Capital City of Tehran, A
* Novel Method of Missing Road Generation in City Blocks Based on Big Mobile Navigation Trajectory Data, A
* Novel Process-Oriented Graph Storage for Dynamic Geographic Phenomena, A
* NS-DBSCAN: A Density-Based Clustering Algorithm in Network Space
* Obstacle-Aware Indoor Pathfinding Using Point Clouds
* Obtaining Land Cover Type for Urban Storm Flood Model in UAV Images Using MRF and MKFCM Clustering Techniques
* Occupancy Simulator for a Smart Parking System: Developmental Design and Experimental Considerations, An
* Oil Film Classification Using Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology
* On the Feasibility of Water Surface Mapping with Single Photon LiDAR
* On the Use of Single-, Dual-, and Quad-Polarimetric SAR Observation for Landslide Detection
* On-Demand Scalable Model for Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Processing in a Cloud GIS, An
* Online Map Services: Contemporary Cartography or a New Cartographic Culture?
* Ontology-Driven Cyberinfrastructure for Intelligent Spatiotemporal Question Answering and Open Knowledge Discovery, An
* Optimization of Shortest-Path Search on RDBMS-Based Graphs
* Optimizing Wireless Sensor Network Installations by Visibility Analysis on 3D Point Clouds
* Out of Plumb Assessment for Cylindrical-Like Minaret Structures Using Geometric Primitives Fitting
* Parallel Cellular Automata Markov Model for Land Use Change Prediction over MapReduce Framework
* Parallelizing Multiple Flow Accumulation Algorithm using CUDA and OpenACC
* Parameters Derived from and/or Used with Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Landslide Risk Assessment: A Review
* PDF Tile Model for Geographic Map Data, A
* Performance Testing of istSOS under High Load Scenarios
* Performance Testing on Marker Clustering and Heatmap Visualization Techniques: A Comparative Study on JavaScript Mapping Libraries
* Planning Sustainable Economic Development in the Russian Arctic
* Point of Interest Matching between Different Geospatial Datasets
* Polarimetric Target Decompositions and Light Gradient Boosting Machine for Crop Classification: A Comparative Evaluation
* PPGIS and Public Use in Protected Areas: A Case Study in the Ebro Delta Natural Park, Spain
* Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System, A
* Precise Urban Component Management Method Based on the GeoSOT Grid Code and BIM, A
* Predicting Presence of Amphibian Species Using Features Obtained from GIS and Satellite Images
* Predicting Slope Stability Failure through Machine Learning Paradigms
* Predicting Station-Level Short-Term Passenger Flow in a Citywide Metro Network Using Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Predicting the Upcoming Services of Vacant Taxis near Fixed Locations Using Taxi Trajectories
* Prediction of Hourly Effect of Land Use on Crime
* Prediction of Soil Nutrient Contents Using Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Principles and Applications of the Global Human Settlement Layer as Baseline for the Land Use Efficiency Indicator: SDG 11.3.1
* Probabilistic Model of Random Encounter in Obstacle Space
* Progress and Challenges on Entity Alignment of Geographic Knowledge Bases
* Prototype of the 3D Cadastral System Based on a NoSQL Database and a JavaScript Visualization Application
* Prototyping of Environmental Kit for Georeferenced Transient Outdoor Comfort Assessment
* pyjeo: A Python Package for the Analysis of Geospatial Data
* QGIS Tool for Automatically Identifying Asbestos Roofing, A
* QRA-Grid: Quantitative Risk Analysis and Grid-based Pre-warning Model for Urban Natural Gas Pipeline
* Quality Control of As Built BIM Datasets Using the ISO 19157 Framework and a Multiple Hypothesis Testing Method Based on Proportions
* Quantifying Efficiency of Sliding-Window Based Aggregation Technique by Using Predictive Modeling on Landform Attributes Derived from DEM and NDVI
* Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Process of Township Urbanization: A Large-Scale Data-Driven Approach
* Quantitative Identification of Urban Functions with Fishers' Exact Test and POI Data Applied in Classifying Urban Districts: A Case Study within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing
* Quaternion-Based Piecewise 3D Modeling Method for Indoor Path Networks, A
* Querying 3D Cadastral Information from BIM Models
* Ranking of Illegal Buildings Close to Rivers: A Proposal, Its Implementation and Preliminary Validation
* Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate: Analysis of Different Formulations Applied to Mainland Portugal
* Re-Arranging Space, Time and Scales in GIS: Alternative Models for Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Analyses
* Real-Time and Open Geographic Information System and Its Application for Smart Rivers: A Case Study of the Yangtze River, A
* Real-Time Displacement of Point Symbols Based on Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Recent NDVI Trends in Mainland Spain: Land-Cover and Phytoclimatic-Type Implications
* Recommendation of Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Objects for the Promotion of Tourism
* Reconstruction Method for Broken Contour Lines Based on Similar Contours, A
* Recovering Human Motion Patterns from Passive Infrared Sensors: A Geometric-Algebra Based Generation-Template-Matching Approach
* Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
* Regionalization and Partitioning of Soil Health Indicators for Nigeria Using Spatially Contiguous Clustering for Economic and Social-Cultural Developments
* Registration of Multi-Sensor Bathymetric Point Clouds in Rural Areas Using Point-to-Grid Distances
* Relationship between Winter Snow Cover Dynamics, Climate and Spring Grassland Vegetation Phenology in Inner Mongolia, China
* Relevance of the Cell Neighborhood Size in Landscape Metrics Evaluation and Free or Open Source Software Implementations
* Reliability Analysis of LandScan Gridded Population Data. The Case Study of Poland
* Relief Dependent Evaluation of Digital Elevation Models on Different Scales for Northern Chile, A
* Remote Diagnosis of Architectural Heritage Based on 5W1H Model-Based Metadata in Virtual Reality
* Remote Sensing in Environmental Justice Research: A Review
* Research on the Construction Method of the Service-Oriented Web-SWMM System
* Research on the Spatial Features of the E-Retailing-Economic Linkages at County Level: A Case Study for Zhejiang Province, China
* Research on Urban Ecological Network Under the Threat of Road Networks: A Case Study of Wuhan
* RETRACTION: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
* RETRACTION: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
* Retrieving Landmark Salience Based on Wikipedia: An Integrated Ranking Model
* Revealing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Urban Travel: A Large-Scale Analysis and Visualization Study with Taxi GPS Data
* Review of Big Data and Processing Frameworks for Disaster Response Applications
* Road Congestion Detection Based on Trajectory Stay-Place Clustering
* Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly labeled OpenStreetMap Centerline
* Road Network Extraction from Low-Frequency Trajectories Based on a Road Structure-Aware Filter
* Road Rutting Measurement Using Mobile LiDAR Systems Point Cloud
* Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam, A
* Role of African Emerging Space Agencies in Earth Observation Capacity Building for Facilitating the Implementation and Monitoring of the African Development Agenda: The Case of African Earth Observation Program, The
* Role of Geoprocessing in Mapping Crime Using Hot Streets, The
* Role-Tailored Map Dashboards: A New Approach for Enhancing the Forest-based Supply Chain
* Satellite-Based Bathymetric Modeling Using a Wavelet Network Model
* Scenario-Based Risk Assessment of Earthquake Disaster Using Slope Displacement, PGA, and Population Density in the Guyuan Region, China
* Semantic Expansion Model for VGI Retrieval, A
* Semantic Geometric Modelling of Unstructured Indoor Point Cloud
* Semantic Modelling of Ship Behavior in Harbor Based on Ontology and Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Semantic Profiles for Easing SensorML Description: Review and Proposal
* Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of Multimodal Spatiotemporal Data for Landslide Disaster Assessment
* Semi-Automatic Versus Manual Mapping of Cold-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds Located Offshore Norway
* SfM-MVS Photogrammetry for Rockfall Analysis and Hazard Assessment Along the Ancient Roman Via Flaminia Road at the Furlo Gorge (Italy)
* Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Sochi Ski-Jump Area Using GIS and Numerical Modelling
* Shared Data Sources in the Geographical Domain: A Classification Schema and Corresponding Visualization Techniques
* Shore Construction Detection by Automotive Radar for the Needs of Autonomous Surface Vehicle Navigation
* Shoreline Detection using Optical Remote Sensing: A Review
* Short-Term Prediction of Bus Passenger Flow Based on a Hybrid Optimized LSTM Network
* Sightseeing Support System Using Augmented Reality and Pictograms within Urban Tourist Areas in Japan, A
* Simple Method to Improve Estimates of County-Level Economics in China Using Nighttime Light Data and GDP Growth Rate, A
* Simplification and Detection of Outlying Trajectories from Batch and Streaming Data Recorded in Harsh Environments
* Simulating Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Terrorism Incidents on the Indochina Peninsula with GIS and the Random Forest Method
* Simulating Uneven Urban Spatial Expansion under Various Land Protection Strategies: Case Study on Southern Jiangsu Urban Agglomeration
* Skeleton Line Extraction Method in Areas with Dense Junctions Considering Stroke Features
* Small Manhole Cover Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Social Media Big Data Mining and Spatio-Temporal Analysis on Public Emotions for Disaster Mitigation
* Social Media Use in American Counties: Geography and Determinants
* Solving Competitive Location Problems with Social Media Data Based on Customers' Local Sensitivities
* Spatial Analysis Framework to Monitor and Accelerate Progress towards SDG 3 to End TB in Bangladesh, A
* Spatial Analysis Using Temporal Point Clouds in Advanced GIS: Methods for Ground Elevation Extraction in Slant Areas and Building Classifications
* Spatial and Social Patterning of Property and Violent Crime in Toronto Neighbourhoods: A Spatial-Quantitative Approach, The
* Spatial Disaggregation of Historical Census Data Leveraging Multiple Sources of Ancillary Information
* Spatial Equity of Nursing Homes in Changchun: A Multi-Trip Modes Analysis, The
* Spatial Interaction Modeling of OD Flow Data: Comparing Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression (GWNBR) and OLS (GWOLSR)
* Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Distributed Representation of Point-Of-Interest
* Spatial Learning with Orientation Maps: The Influence of Different Environmental Features on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition
* Spatial Pattern Consistency among Different Remote-Sensing Land Cover Datasets: A Case Study in Northern Laos
* Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major Earthquake: A Binary Machine Learning Perspective
* Spatial Variations in Fertility of South Korea: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Regional Differentiation Features of Urbanization in China from 2003 to 2013
* Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Estimating the Effects of Land Use Change on Urban Heat Island, A
* Spatio-Temporal Change Characteristics of Spatial-Interaction Networks: Case Study within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing, China
* Spatio-Temporal Flow Model of Urban Dockless Shared Bikes Based on Points of Interest Clustering, A
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Storage Using National Geography Census Data in Wuhan, China
* Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of Earthquake Emergency Information Based on Microblog Data: A Case Study of the 8.8 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake
* Spatiotemporal Data Clustering: A Survey of Methods
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nonseismic Landslides during the Last 22 Years in Shaanxi Province, China
* Spatiotemporal Influence of Urban Environment on Taxi Ridership Using Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression
* Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of China's Cities Based on High-Resolution Imagery from 2000 to 2015
* Spectral Feature Based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Sea Surface Oil Spill, A
* Speed Estimation of Multiple Moving Objects from a Moving UAV Platform
* Spill Over of Crime from Urban Centers: An Account of the Changing Spatial Distribution of Violent Crime in Guyana, The
* Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: Disaster Subculture in Sanriku Coast, Japan
* Study of NSSDA Variability by Means of Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods
* Study on a Matching Algorithm for Urban Underground Pipelines, A
* Study on Storm and Flood Insurance Management Mapping: Case Study of Incheon Metropolitan City, A
* Studying Social Uses of 3D Geovisualizations: Lessons Learned from Action-Research Projects in the Field of Flood Mitigation Planning
* Suitability of UAS for Mass Movement Monitoring Caused by Torrential Rainfall: A Study on the Talus Cones in the Alpine Terrain in High Tatras, Slovakia, The
* Surface Reconstruction for Three-Dimensional Rockfall Volumetric Analysis
* Synthesizing Data to Explore the Dynamic Spatial Patterns of Hotel Development
* Taming Disruption? Pervasive Data Analytics, Uncertainty and Policy Intervention in Disruptive Technology and its Geographic Spread
* Taxonomy-Oriented Domain Analysis of GIS: A Case Study for Paleontological Software Systems
* Template-Based 3D Road Modeling for Generating Large-Scale Virtual Road Network Environment
* TerraBrasilis: A Spatial Data Analytics Infrastructure for Large-Scale Thematic Mapping
* Terrain Representation and Distinguishing Ability of Roughness Algorithms Based on DEM with Different Resolutions
* Testing Different Interpolation Methods Based on Single Beam Echosounder River Surveying. Case Study: Siret River
* Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Ploucnice River (Czech Republic)
* Three-Dimensional Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage Site Based on the Convergence of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry
* TLS Measurement during Static Load Testing of a Railway Bridge
* Top-Bounded Spaces Formed by the Built Environment for Navigation Systems
* TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Inside Road Networks
* Toward the Evolution of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
* Towards the Development of Agenda 2063 Geo-Portal to Support Sustainable Development in Africa
* Traffic Accident Spatial Simulation Modeling for Planning of Road Emergency Services
* Traffic Regulator Detection and Identification from Crowdsourced Data: A Systematic Literature Review
* Transformations of Landscape Topography of the Belchatów Coal Mine (Central Poland) and the Surrounding Area Based on DEM Analysis
* Transparent Collision Visualization of Point Clouds Acquired by Laser Scanning
* Transport System Models and Big Data: Zoning and Graph Building with Traditional Surveys, FCD and GIS
* Tree Species Classification Using Hyperion and Sentinel-2 Data with Machine Learning in South Korea and China
* Tree-Based and Optimum Cut-Based Origin-Destination Flow Clustering
* Trends in Citizen-Generated and Collaborative Urban Infrastructure Feedback Data: Toward Citizen-Oriented Infrastructure Management in Japan
* Trip Extraction of Shared Electric Bikes Based on Multi-Rule-Constrained Homomorphic Linear Clustering Algorithm
* Twitter Data Credibility Framework: Hurricane Harvey as a Use Case, A
* Types of Crime, Poverty, Population Density and Presence of Police in the Metropolitan District of Quito
* UAV Photogrammetry-Based 3D Road Distress Detection
* Universal Generating Algorithm of the Polyhedral Discrete Grid Based on Unit Duplication, A
* Urban Parcel Grouping Method Based on Urban Form and Functional Connectivity Characterisation
* Urban Road-Traffic Commuting Dynamics Study Based on Hotspot Clustering and a New Proposed Urban Commuting Electrostatics Model, An
* User Evaluation of Map-Based Visual Analytic Tools
* User Preferences on Route Instruction Types for Mobile Indoor Route Guidance
* Using a Complex Network to Analyze the Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on Water Level Fluctuation in Poyang Lake
* Using Cartographic Documents to Provide Geoinformation on the Rights to Real Estate: Taking Poland as an Example
* Using Geographic Ontologies and Geo-Characterization to Represent Geographic Scenarios
* Using Intelligent Clustering to Implement Geometric Computation for Electoral Districting
* Using Landsat OLI and Random Forest to Assess Grassland Degradation with Aboveground Net Primary Production and Electrical Conductivity Data
* Using Social Media to Mine and Analyze Public Sentiment during a Disaster: A Case Study of the 2018 Shouguang City Flood in China
* Using Vehicle Synthesis Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Utilizing A Game Engine for Interactive 3D Topographic Data Visualization
* Utilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization of 3D Cadastre
* UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncertainty Based on an Amended Ellipse Model
* V-Factor Indicator in the Assessment of the Change in the Attractiveness of View as a Result of the Implementation of a Specific Planning Scenario
* Value of OpenStreetMap Historical Contributions as a Source of Sampling Data for Multi-Temporal Land Use/Cover Maps, The
* Variables Selection for Aboveground Biomass Estimations Using Satellite Data: A Comparison between Relative Importance Approach and Stepwise Akaike's Information Criterion
* Variant of the Planchon and Darboux Algorithm for Filling Depressions in Raster Digital Elevation Models, A
* Varied Density-based Clustering Approach for Event Detection from Heterogeneous Twitter Data, A
* Visualization of Flooding Using Adaptive Spatial Resolution
* Visualization of Pedestrian Density Dynamics Using Data Extracted from Public Webcams
* Visualizations Out of Context: Addressing Pitfalls of Real-Time Realistic Hazard Visualizations
* Voxel-based 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation: Unsupervised Geometric and Relationship Featuring vs Deep Learning Methods
* VS30 Seismic Microzoning Based on a Geomorphology Map: Experimental Case Study of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Lamphun, Thailand
* WeatherNet: Recognising Weather and Visual Conditions from Street-Level Images Using Deep Residual Learning
* Web Service-Oriented Geoprocessing System for Supporting Intelligent Land Cover Change Detection, A
* Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for Grid-Based Travel-Demand-Pattern Clustering: Case Study of Beijing Bicycle-Sharing System
* Who, Where, Why and When? Using Smart Card and Social Media Data to Understand Urban Mobility
* Why Shape Matters: On the Inherent Qualities of Geometric Shapes for Cartographic Representations
* Wind Condition Analysis of Japanese Rural Landscapes in the 19th Century: A Case Study of Kichijoji Village in Musashino Upland
* WOF-SWAT: A Web-Based Open-Source Framework for Investigating the Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities Through Online Simulation and Visualization of SWAT Models
588 for IJGI(8)
* 3D Building Façade Reconstruction Using Deep Learning
* 3D Geodatabase for Urban Underground Infrastructures: Implementation and Application to Groundwater Management in Milan Metropolitan Area, A
* 3D Geometry-Based Indoor Network Extraction for Navigation Applications Using SFCGAL
* 3D Land Administration: A Review and a Future Vision in the Context of the Spatial Development Lifecycle
* Abandoned Farmland Location in Areas Affected by Rapid Urbanization Using Textural Characterization of High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Accuracy Assessment of a UAV Block by Different Software Packages, Processing Schemes and Validation Strategies
* Accuracy Improvement of Airborne Lidar Strip Adjustment by Using Height Data and Surface Feature Strength Information Derived from the Tensor Voting Algorithm
* Accuracy of Ground Surface Interpolation from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) Data in Dense Forest Cover
* Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Three-Dimensional Cost Distance
* Accurate Matching Method for Projecting Vector Data into Surveillance Video to Monitor and Protect Cultivated Land, An
* Accurate Road Marking Detection from Noisy Point Clouds Acquired by Low-Cost Mobile LiDAR Systems
* ACYOTB Plugin: Tool for Accurate Orthorectification in Open-Source Environments
* Adaptive Cutoff Frequency Selection Approach for Fast Fourier Transform Method and Its Application into Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* ADAtools: Automatic Detection and Classification of Active Deformation Areas from PSI Displacement Maps
* Adjusting the Regular Network of Squares Resolution to the Digital Terrain Model Surface Shape
* Aerial Bombing Crater Identification: Exploitation of Precise Digital Terrain Models
* Affective Communication of Map Symbols: A Semantic Differential Analysis
* Algebraic Operations on Spatiotemporal Data Based on RDF
* All-in-One Application for Temporal Coordinate Transformation in Geodesy and Geoinformatics, An
* Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data
* Analysing the Police Patrol Routing Problem: A Review
* Analysis of Green Spaces by Utilizing Big Data to Support Smart Cities and Environment: A Case Study About the City Center of Shanghai
* Analysis of Online Reputation Indicators by Means of Geostatistical Techniques: The Case of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura, Spain, An
* Analysis of Spatial Interaction between Different Food Cultures in South and North China: Practices from People's Daily Life
* Analysis of the Temporal Characteristics of the Elderly Traveling by Bus Using Smart Card Data
* Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale
* Analyzing Road Coverage of Public Vehicles According to Number and Time Period for Installation of Road Inspection Systems
* Analyzing Social-Geographic Human Mobility Patterns Using Large-Scale Social Media Data
* Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* Applicability of a Recreational-Grade Interferometric Sonar for the Bathymetric Survey and Monitoring of the Drava River
* Application of AHP to Road Selection
* Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessment of Inland Excess Water Hazard
* Application of Image Segmentation in Surface Water Extraction of Freshwater Lakes using Radar Data
* Application of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and GNSS Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Applications of GIScience for Land Administration
* Applying GIS and Text Mining Methods to Twitter Data to Explore the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Topics of Interest in Kuwait
* Approach Based on Landsat Images for Shoreline Monitoring to Support Integrated Coastal Management: A Case Study, Ezbet Elborg, Nile Delta, Egypt, An
* Approach for Filter Divergence Suppression in a Sequential Data Assimilation System and Its Application in Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* Approach to Decompose and Evaluate a Complex GIS-Application Design to a Simple, Lightweight, User-Centered App-Based Design Using User Experience Evaluation, An
* Articulated Trajectory Mapping for Reviewing Walking Tours
* Assessing Earthquake-Induced Urban Rubble by Means of Multiplatform Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessing Emergency Shelter Demand Using POI Data and Evacuation Simulation
* Assessing Equity in the Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces According to Different Functional Levels
* Assessing Quality of Life Inequalities. A Geographical Approach
* Assessing Safety and Suitability of Old Trails for Hiking Using Ground and Drone Surveys
* Assessing Similarities and Differences between Males and Females in Visual Behaviors in Spatial Orientation Tasks
* Assessing the Influence of Landmarks and Paths on the Navigational Efficiency and the Cognitive Load of Indoor Maps
* Assessing the Reliability of Relevant Tweets and Validation Using Manual and Automatic Approaches for Flood Risk Communication
* Assessing the Spatial Pattern of Irrigation Demand under Climate Change in Arid Area
* Assessment and Mapping of Spatio-Temporal Variations in Human Mortality-Related Parameters at European Scale
* Assessment and Quantification of the Accuracy of Low-and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data for Shoreline Monitoring
* Assessment of Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperatures and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena in the Kathmandu Valley (1988-2018)
* Assessment of Enhanced Dempster-Shafer Theory for Uncertainty Modeling in a GIS-Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Model, Case Study: Tabriz City
* Assessment of Interventions in Fuel Management Zones Using Remote Sensing
* Augmenting Geostatistics with Matrix Factorization: A Case Study for House Price Estimation
* Automated Geolocation in Urban Environments Using a Simple Camera-Equipped Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Rapid Mapping Surveying Alternative?
* Automated Processing of Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Semantic Segmentation: A Building Footprint Extraction Case
* Automatic Generation of High-Accuracy Stair Paths for Straight, Spiral, and Winder Stairs Using IFC-Based Models
* Automatic Geodata Processing Methods for Real-World City Visualizations in Cities: Skylines
* Automatic Identification of the Social Functions of Areas of Interest (AOIs) Using the Standard Hour-Day-Spectrum Approach
* Automatic Threat Detection for Historic Buildings in Dark Places Based on the Modified OptD Method
* Automatic Workflow for Roof Extraction and Generation of 3D CityGML Models from Low-Cost UAV Image-Derived Point Clouds
* Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating Terrain Features and Semantics to Support Landform Object Recognition from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
* Balancing Hazard Exposure and Walking Distance in Evacuation Route Planning during Earthquake Disasters
* Base Point Split Algorithm for Generating Polygon Skeleton Lines on the Example of Lakes
* Behavioural Effects of Spatially Structured Scoring Systems in Location-Based Serious Games: A Case Study in the Context of OpenStreetMap
* Between Post-Flâneur and Smartphone Zombie: Smartphone Users' Altering Visual Attention and Walking Behavior in Public Space
* Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network for Chinese Address Element Segmentation
* BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning and Navigation, A
* BITOUR: A Business Intelligence Platform for Tourism Analysis
* Blind Digital Watermarking Algorithm against Projection Transformation for Vector Geographic Data
* Boosting Computational Effectiveness in Big Spatial Flow Data Analysis with Intelligent Data Reduction
* Boosting the Timeliness of UAV Large Scale Mapping. Direct Georeferencing Approaches: Operational Strategies and Best Practices
* Building Change Detection Using a Shape Context Similarity Model for LiDAR Data
* Building Virtual 3D City Model for Smart Cities Applications: A Case Study on Campus Area of the University of Novi Sad
* Built Heritage Information System Based on Point Cloud Data: HIS-PC, A
* Can Urban Street Network Characteristics Indicate Economic Development Level? Evidence from Chinese Cities
* Capacitated Refuge Assignment for Speedy and Reliable Evacuation
* Cartographic Symbology for Crisis Mapping: A Comparative Study
* Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games: The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon GO
* Case Study on Privacy-Aware Social Media Data Processing in Disaster Management
* Catchment-Scale Flood Modelling in Data-Sparse Regions Using Open-Access Geospatial Technology
* Change Detection from Remote Sensing to Guide OpenStreetMap Labeling
* Change of Theme: The Role of Generalization in Thematic Mapping, A
* Characterizing Tourism Destination Image Using Photos' Visual Content
* Citizen-Centric Approach for the Improvement of Territorial Services Management, A
* Citizens' Spatial Footprint on Twitter: Anomaly, Trend and Bias Investigation in Istanbul
* CitSci Approach for Rapid Earthquake Intensity Mapping: A Case Study from Istanbul (Turkey), A
* City of Tomorrow from the Data of Today, The
* CityGML Multiscale Approach for the Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of the Old Town of Taranto (Italy), A
* CityJSON Building Generation from Airborne LiDAR 3D Point Clouds
* Classification and Segmentation of Mining Area Objects in Large-Scale Spares Lidar Point Cloud Using a Novel Rotated Density Network
* Coarse-to-Fine Model for Geolocating Chinese Addresses, A
* Combination of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Data for Mapping Paddy Fields in Parts of West and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia
* Combining AHP and ROC with GIS for Airport Site Selection: A Case Study in Libya
* Combining Deep Learning and Location-Based Ranking for Large-Scale Archaeological Prospection of LiDAR Data from The Netherlands
* Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Species Distribution Models to Improve the Conservation of Iberian White Oaks (Quercus L.)
* Combining UAV Imagery, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Field Survey Data to Improve Characterization of Rural Water Points in Malawi
* Comparative Study of Several Metaheuristic Algorithms to Optimize Monetary Incentive in Ridesharing Systems, A
* Comparing Fully Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Land Cover Classification with High-Spatial-Resolution Gaofen-2 Images
* Comparing Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Large 3D Heritage Semantic Segmentation
* Comparing Machine Learning Models and Hybrid Geostatistical Methods Using Environmental and Soil Covariates for Soil pH Prediction
* Comparison of Post-fire Patterns in Brazilian Savanna and Tropical Forest from Remote Sensing Time Series
* Comparison of Relief Shading Techniques Applied to Landforms
* Comparison of Satellite-Based Estimates of Urban Agglomeration Size for the Accra Area, A
* Complexity Level of People Gathering Presentation on an Animated Map: Objective Effectiveness Versus Expert Opinion
* Comprehensive Measurement of Progress toward Local SDGs with Geospatial Information: Methodology and Lessons Learned, A
* Concept and Evaluation of Heating Demand Prediction Based on 3D City Models and the CityGML Energy ADE: Case Study Helsinki
* Concept Lattice Method for Spatial Association Discovery in the Urban Service Industry
* Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web of Data on Successful European SDIs: Toward a European Geographic Knowledge Graph
* Constructing Geospatial Concept Graphs from Tagged Images for Geo-Aware Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Constructing the CityGML ADE for the Multi-Source Data Integration of Urban Flooding
* Construction, Detection, and Interpretation of Crime Patterns over Space and Time
* Continuous k Nearest Neighbor Queries over Large-Scale Spatial-Textual Data Streams
* Continuous, Semi-Automated Workflow: From 3D City Models with Geometric Optimization and CFD Simulations to Visualization of Wind in an Urban Environment, A
* Contribution of Connectivity Assessments to Green Infrastructure (GI)
* Convolutional Neural Network and Matrix Factorization-Based Travel Location Recommendation Method Using Community-Contributed Geotagged Photos, A
* Correlation between Geochemical and Multispectral Patterns in an Area Severely Contaminated by Former Hg-As Mining
* Correlation between the Jobs-Housing Relationship and the Innovative Development of Sci-Tech Parks in New Urban Districts: A Case Study of the Hangzhou West Hi-Tech Corridor in China, The
* Correlation Studies between Land Cover Change and Baidu Index: A Case Study of Hubei Province
* CostNet: A Concise Overpass Spatiotemporal Network for Predictive Learning
* Crime Prediction with Historical Crime and Movement Data of Potential Offenders Using a Spatio-Temporal Cokriging Method
* Crowdsourcing Street View Imagery: A Comparison of Mapillary and OpenStreetCam
* CUDA-Based Parallel Geographically Weighted Regression for Large-Scale Geographic Data, A
* Cultural Heritage and the Shaping of Tourist Itineraries in Rural Areas: The Case of Historical Ensembles of Extremadura, Spain, The
* Daily Water Level Prediction of Zrebar Lake (Iran): A Comparison between M5P, Random Forest, Random Tree and Reduced Error Pruning Trees Algorithms
* Damage Signature Generation of Revetment Surface along Urban Rivers Using UAV-Based Mapping
* Data Gap Classification for Terrestrial Laser Scanning-Derived Digital Elevation Models
* Data Model for IndoorGML Extension to Support Indoor Navigation of People with Mobility Disabilities
* Data-Driven Framework for Walkability Measurement with Open Data: A Case Study of Triple Cities, New York, A
* Decentralized Model for Spatial Data Digital Rights Management, A
* Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Prediction Based on Centrality Measures and Stacked Denoising Autoencoder, A
* Deep Learning for Detecting and Classifying Ocean Objects: Application of YoloV3 for Iceberg-Ship Discrimination
* Deep Learning for Fingerprint Localization in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
* Deep Learning-Based Named Entity Recognition and Knowledge Graph Construction for Geological Hazards
* DEM Void Filling Based on Context Attention Generation Model
* Density-Based Spatial Clustering and Ordering Points Approach for Characterizations of Tourist Behaviour
* Design of Multiple Spatial Context Detection Method Considering Elongated Top-Bounded Spaces Based on GPS Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Fuzzy Inference
* Detailed Streetspace Modelling for Multiple Applications: Discussions on the Proposed CityGML 3.0 Transportation Model
* Detecting Destroyed Communities in Remote Areas with Personal Electronic Device Data: A Case Study of the 2017 Puebla Earthquake
* Detecting Intra-Urban Housing Market Spillover through a Spatial Markov Chain Model
* Detection of Levee Damage Based on UAS Data: Optical Imagery and LiDAR Point Clouds
* Determination of a Hazard Compensations Based on Land Administration Data
* Determination of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with Top-of-Canopy (TOC) Reflectance from a KOMPSAT-3A Image Using Orfeo ToolBox (OT
* Developing a Serious Game That Supports the Resolution of Social and Ecological Problems in the Toolset Environment of Cities: Skylines
* Developing Shopping and Dining Walking Indices Using POIs and Remote Sensing Data
* Developing the Raster Big Data Benchmark: A Comparison of Raster Analysis on Big Data Platforms
* Developing Versatile Graphic Map Load Metrics
* Developing Vulnerability Index to Quantify Urban Heat Islands Effects Coupled with Air Pollution: A Case Study of Camden, NJ
* Developing Web-Based and Mobile-Based GIS for Places of Worship Information to Support Halal Tourism: A Case Study in Bukittinggi, Indonesia
* Development and Application of an Intelligent Modeling Method for Ancient Wooden Architecture
* Development of a Novel Framework to Propose New Strategies for Automated External Defibrillators Deployment Targeting Residential Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: Application to the City of Milan
* Development of GIS for Buildings in the Customary Village of Minangkabau Koto Gadang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
* Development of the Theory of Six Value Aggregation Paths in Network Modeling for Spatial Analyses
* Differences in the Gaze Behaviours of Pedestrians Navigating between Regular and Irregular Road Patterns
* Differences in Thematic Map Reading by Students and Their Geography Teacher
* Different Sourcing Point of Interest Matching Method Considering Multiple Constraints
* Digital Data Literacy in an Economic World: Geo-Spatial Data Literacy Aspects
* Digital Soil Mapping over Large Areas with Invalid Environmental Covariate Data
* Digital Trade Feature Map: A New Method for Visualization and Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Bilateral Trade
* Digital Twin and CyberGIS for Improving Connectivity and Measuring the Impact of Infrastructure Construction Planning in Smart Cities
* Digital Twin: Research Framework to Support Preventive Conservation Policies
* Disaster Mitigation in Urban Pakistan Using Agent Based Modeling with GIS
* Disdyakis Triacontahedron DGGS
* Disparities in Geographical Access to Hospitals in Portugal
* Distribution Pattern of Coseismic Landslides Triggered by the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Ms 7.0 Earthquake of China: Control of Seismic Landslide Susceptibility
* Divergent Sensitivities of Spaceborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Drought among Different Seasons and Regions
* DM-SLAM: A Feature-Based SLAM System for Rigid Dynamic Scenes
* Drift Invariant Metric Quality Control of Construction Sites Using BIM and Point Cloud Data
* Dual Path Attention Net for Remote Sensing Semantic Image Segmentation
* Dynamic Online 3D Visualization Framework for Real-Time Energy Simulation Based on 3D Tiles
* Dynamic Simulation Method of High-Speed Railway Engineering Construction Processes Based on Virtual Geographic Environment
* Dynamics of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in An Arid Piedmont Plain in the Middle Reaches of the Kaxgar River Basin, Xinjiang, China
* Dynamics of Sediments in Reservoir Inflows: A Case Study of the Skalka and Nechranice Reservoirs, Czech Republic
* Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence for Improving Safety to Navigation in Canada Low-Impact Shipping Corridors
* Earth Observation and GIS-Based Analysis for Landslide Susceptibility and Risk Assessment
* Earthquake Risk Assessment for Tehran, Iran
* Economic Development Evaluation Based on the OpenStreetMap Road Network Density: The Case Study of 85 Cities in China, An
* Effectiveness of School Site Decisions on Land Use Policy in the Planning Process
* Effectiveness of Sentinel-2 in Multi-Temporal Post-Fire Monitoring When Compared with UAV Imagery
* Effects of Length and Orientation on Numerical Representation in Flow Maps, The
* Efficient Coarse Registration of Pairwise TLS Point Clouds Using Ortho Projected Feature Images
* Efficient Estimation of Biomass from Residual Agroforestry
* Efficient Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning Method Using Virtual Location of AP, An
* Efficient Probabilistic Registration Based on Shape Descriptor for Heritage Field Inspection, An
* Efficient Row Key Encoding Method with ASCII Code for Storing Geospatial Big Data in HBase, An
* Efficient Staged Evacuation Planning Algorithm Applied to Multi-Exit Buildings, An
* ELiT, Multifunctional Web-Software for Feature Extraction from 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* Emergency Department Overcrowding: A Retrospective Spatial Analysis and the Geocoding of Accesses. A Pilot Study in Rome
* Empirical Agent-Based Model for Regional Knowledge Creation in Europe, An
* English-Chinese Machine Translation and Evaluation Method for Geographical Names, An
* Enhancing Image-Based Multiscale Heritage Recording with Near-Infrared Data
* Estimating and Interpreting Fine-Scale Gridded Population Using Random Forest Regression and Multisource Data
* Estimating Soil Erosion Rate Changes in Areas Affected by Wildfires
* Estimation of Crop Water Deficit in Lower Bari Doab, Pakistan Using Reflection-Based Crop Coefficient
* Estimation of Indoor Location Through Magnetic Field Data: An Approach Based On Convolutional Neural Networks
* Estimation of Potato Yield Using Satellite Data at a Municipal Level: A Machine Learning Approach
* Eutrophication Monitoring for Lake Pamvotis, Greece, Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Evaluating a Workflow Tool for Simplifying Scenario Planning with the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System
* Evaluating Geo-Tagged Twitter Data to Analyze Tourist Flows in Styria, Austria
* Evaluating Responses of Temperature Regulating Service to Landscape Pattern Based on Source-Sink Theory
* Evaluating Spatial Scenarios for Sustainable Development in Quito, Ecuador
* Evaluating Temporal Approximation Methods Using Burglary Data
* Evaluating the Influence of Urban Morphology on Urban Wind Environment Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
* Evaluating the Performance of Three Popular Web Mapping Libraries: A Case Study Using Argentina's Life Quality Index
* Evaluating Variable Selection and Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimating Forest Heights by Combining Lidar and Hyperspectral Data
* Evaluation of Augmented Reality-Based Building Diagnostics Using Third Person Perspective
* Evaluation of Driving Forces of Land Use and Land Cover Change in New England Area by a Mixed Method
* Evaluation of Geological and Ecological Bearing Capacity and Spatial Pattern along Du-Wen Road Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Method
* Evaluation of Replication Mechanisms on Selected Database Systems
* Evaluation of Spatial Resilience of Highway Networks in Response to Adverse Weather Conditions
* Evaluation of the Space Syntax Measures Affecting Pedestrian Density through Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis
* Event Geoparser with Pseudo-Location Entity Identification and Numerical Argument Extraction Implementation and Evaluation in Indonesian News Domain
* Event-Based Inventory Approach in Landslide Hazard Assessment: The Case of the Skolis Mountain, Northwest Peloponnese, Greece, An
* Evolution and Optimization of Urban Network Spatial Structure: A Case Study of Financial Enterprise Network in Yangtze River Delta, China
* Examining Hotspots of Traffic Collisions and their Spatial Relationships with Land Use: A GIS-Based Geographically Weighted Regression Approach for Dammam, Saudi Arabia
* Examining Land Use/Land Cover Change and the Summertime Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Fast-Growing Greater Hefei, China: Implications for Sustainable Land Development
* Experts and Gamers on Immersion into Reconstructed Strongholds
* Exploiting Two-Dimensional Geographical and Synthetic Social Influences for Location Recommendation
* Exploring Resilient Observability in Traffic-Monitoring Sensor Networks: A Study of Spatial-Temporal Vehicle Patterns
* Exploring the Attractiveness of Residential Areas for Human Activities Based on Shared E-Bike Trajectory Data
* Exploring the Cognitive Load of Expert and Novice Map Users Using EEG and Eye Tracking
* Exploring the Spatial Determinants of Rural Poverty in the Interprovincial Border Areas of the Loess Plateau in China: A Village-Level Analysis Using Geographically Weighted Regression
* Exploring the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Emotions of Weibo Users in Wuhan Waterfront Based on Gender Differences Using Social Media Texts
* Exploring Travel Patterns during the Holiday Season: A Case Study of Shenzhen Metro System During the Chinese Spring Festival
* Exploring Urban Spatial Features of COVID-19 Transmission in Wuhan Based on Social Media Data
* Extended Classification Course Improves Road Intersection Detection from Low-Frequency GPS Trajectory Data
* Extended Reality in Spatial Sciences: A Review of Research Challenges and Future Directions
* Extracting Building Areas from Photogrammetric DSM and DOM by Automatically Selecting Training Samples from Historical DLG Data
* Extracting Representative Images of Tourist Attractions from Flickr by Combining an Improved Cluster Method and Multiple Deep Learning Models
* Feasibility Study of Map-Based Dashboard for Spatiotemporal Knowledge Acquisition and Analysis, A
* Field Geological Investigations and Stability Analysis of Duanjiagou Landslide
* Fine-Scale Dasymetric Population Mapping with Mobile Phone and Building Use Data Based on Grid Voronoi Method
* Flash Flood Susceptibility Assessment Based on Geodetector, Certainty Factor, and Logistic Regression Analyses in Fujian Province, China
* Flexible Framework for Covering and Partitioning Problems in Indoor Spaces, A
* Flight Planning for LiDAR-Based UAS Mapping Applications
* Flood Evacuation Mapping Using a Time-Distance cartogram
* Flood Susceptibility Mapping through the GIS-AHP Technique Using the Cloud
* FloodSim: Flood Simulation and Visualization Framework Using Position-Based Fluids
* Flow Modeling and Rendering to Support 3D River Shipping Based on Cross-Sectional Observation Data
* Forecasting of Short-Term Daily Tourist Flow Based on Seasonal Clustering Method and PSO-LSSVM
* Form Follows Content: An Empirical Study on Symbol-Content (In)Congruences in Thematic Maps
* Fourier-Based Automatic Transformation between Mapping Shapes: Cadastral and Land Registry Applications
* Fractal-Based Modeling and Spatial Analysis of Urban Form and Growth: A Case Study of Shenzhen in China
* Framework for Classifying Participant Motivation that Considers the Typology of Citizen Science Projects, A
* Framework of Spatio-Temporal Fusion Algorithm Selection for Landsat NDVI Time Series Construction, A
* Framework Uniting Ontology-Based Geodata Integration and Geovisual Analytics, A
* From Massive Trajectory Data to Traffic Modeling for Better Behavior Prediction in a Usage-Based Insurance Context
* From Spatial Data Infrastructures to Data Spaces: A Technological Perspective on the Evolution of European SDIs
* Fusion of Sentinel-1 with Official Topographic and Cadastral Geodata for Crop-Type Enriched LULC Mapping Using FOSS and Open Data
* Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Modelling Uncertainty in Open Geospatial Data on Landfill Suitability Analysis, A
* Fuzzy Spatial Region Extraction Model for Object's Vague Location Description from Observer Perspective, A
* Gamification-Based Approach on Indoor Wayfinding Research, A
* General Method for Extending Discrete Global Grid Systems to Three Dimensions
* Generalization of Soundings across Scales: From DTM to Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
* Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Assess Emerald Ash Borer Diffusion, A
* Generating and Mapping Amazonian Urban Regions Using a Geospatial Approach
* Generation of Spatiotemporally Resolved Power Production Data of PV Systems in Germany
* Generic and Extensible Core and Prototype of Consistent, Distributed, and Resilient LIS, A
* Geo-DMP: A DTN-Based Mobile Prototype for Geospatial Data Retrieval
* Geo-Informatics in Resource Management
* Geo-Spatial Analysis in Hydrology
* Geodiversity Assessment with Crowdsourced Data and Spatial Multicriteria Analysis
* Geographic Information System Technology Combined with Back Propagation Neural Network in Groundwater Quality Monitoring
* Geographical and Economic Factors Affecting the Spatial Distribution of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Study of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region in Poland
* Geographical Structural Features of the WeChat Social Networks
* GeohashTile: Vector Geographic Data Display Method Based on Geohash
* Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon
* Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon
* Geological Map Generalization Driven by Size Constraints
* Geospatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Model
* Geospatial Data Management Research: Progress and Future Directions
* Geospatial Serverless Computing: Architectures, Tools and Future Directions
* Geospatial Virtual Reality for Cyberlearning in the Field of Topographic Surveying: Moving Towards a Cost-Effective Mobile Solution
* Geovisualization and Geographical Analysis for Fire Prevention
* Geovisualization of the Excavation Process in the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Greece Using Augmented Reality
* Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI Workflows
* GIS-Based Assessment of Habitat Networks for Conservation Planning in Kas-Kekova Protected Area (Turkey)
* GIS-Based Emotional Computing: A Review of Quantitative Approaches to Measure the Emotion Layer of Human-Environment Relationships
* GIS-Based Mapping of Seismic Parameters for the Pyrenees
* GIS-Based Modeling for Selection of Dam Sites in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
* GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Model for Determining Glacier Vulnerability, A
* GIS-Based Statistical Analysis of Detecting Fear of Crime with Digital Sketch Maps: A Hungarian Multicity Study
* GIScience Theory Based Assessment of Spatial Disparity of Geodetic Control Points Location
* Glacial Lake Inventory Derived from Landsat 8 OLI in 2016-2018 in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
* Glacial Lakes Mapping Using Multi Satellite PlanetScope Imagery and Deep Learning
* GNSS Positioning Using Mobile Devices with the Android Operating System
* Graph-Based Spatiotemporal Data Framework for 4D Natural Phenomena Representation and Quantification-An Example of Dust Events, A
* Graphic Simplification and Intelligent Adjustment Methods of Road Networks for Navigation with Reduced Precision
* GRID-Based Spatial Interpolation Method as a Tool Supporting Real Estate Market Analyses, A
* GroupSeeker: An Applicable Framework for Travel Companion Discovery from Vast Trajectory Data
* Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU, A
* Head/Tail Breaks-Based Method for Efficiently Estimating the Absolute Boltzmann Entropy of Numerical Raster Data, A
* Helmert Transformation Problem. From Euler Angles Method to Quaternion Algebra
* Hierarchical Behavior Model for Multi-Agent System with Evasion Capabilities and Dynamic Memory
* Hierarchical Instance Recognition of Individual Roadside Trees in Environmentally Complex Urban Areas from UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Matching Method for Vectorial Road Networks Using Delaunay Triangulation, A
* Hierarchical Point Matching Method Based on Triangulation Constraint and Propagation
* High Resolution Viewscape Modeling Evaluated Through Immersive Virtual Environments
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Integrity Authentication Method Considering Both Global and Local Features
* High-Resolution Spatial and Time-Series Labeled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Dataset for Middle-Season Rice, A
* Holistic Overview of Anticipatory Learning for the Internet of Moving Things: Research Challenges and Opportunities, A
* Household Level Vulnerability Analysis: Index and Fuzzy Based Methods
* How Much Do We Learn from Addresses? On the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Addressing Systems
* How Urban Factors Affect the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Infectious Diseases in Addition to Intercity Population Movement in China
* Hybrid Approach Integrating Entropy-AHP and GIS for Suitability Assessment of Urban Emergency Facilities, A
* Hybrid Method to Incrementally Extract Road Networks Using Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data, A
* Identification and Extraction of Geomorphological Features of Landslides Using Slope Units for Landslide Analysis
* Identification and Geographic Distribution of Accommodation and Catering Centers
* Identification of Salt Deposits on Seismic Images Using Deep Learning Method for Semantic Segmentation
* Identification of Urban Functional Regions in Chengdu Based on Taxi Trajectory Time Series Data
* Identifying Port Calls of Ships by Uncertain Reasoning with Trajectory Data
* Identifying the Socio-Spatial Logics of Foreclosed Housing Accumulated by Large Private Landlords in Post-Crisis Catalan Cities
* Identifying Urban Residents' Activity Space at Multiple Geographic Scales Using Mobile Phone Data
* Identifying Users' Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in the Dominican Republic
* IFC Schemas in ISO/TC 211 Compliant UML for Improved Interoperability between BIM and GIS
* Illumination Insensitive Descriptor Combining the CSLBP Features for Street View Images in Augmented Reality: Experimental Studies, An
* Impact of Strike Hard on Repeat and Near-Repeat Residential Burglary in Beijing, The
* Impact of UAV Surveying Parameters on Mixed Urban Landuse Surface Modelling
* Impact of Various Atmospheric Corrections on Sentinel-2 Land Cover Classification Accuracy Using Machine Learning Classifiers
* Implementation and Evaluation of a Fast Area Feature Labeling Method Using Auxiliary Lines
* Improved Estimations of Nitrate and Sediment Concentrations Based on SWAT Simulations and Annual Updated Land Cover Products from a Deep Learning Classification Algorithm
* Improved Graph Neural Networks for Spatial Networks Using Structure-Aware Sampling
* Improved Parallelized Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Complex Geographical Spatial Sampling: AMOSA-II, An
* Index for the Consistent Measurement of Spatial Heterogeneity for Large-Scale Land Cover Datasets
* Indexing Mixed Aperture Icosahedral Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Indoor Localization of a Mobile Platform Based on Monocular Vision and Coding Images, The
* Indoor Positioning Method Using WiFi RTT Based on LOS Identification and Range Calibration
* Indoor Positioning Using PnP Problem on Mobile Phone Images
* Indoor Reconstruction from Floorplan Images with a Deep Learning Approach
* Influence of Cross-Section Thickness on Diameter at Breast Height Estimation from Point Cloud, The
* Influence of Map Projections on People's Global-Scale Cognitive Map: A Worldwide Study, The
* Influence of Quality of Remote Sensing Data on Vegetation Passability by Terrain Vehicles
* Influence of Weights of Geographical Factors on the Results of Multicriteria Analysis in Solving Spatial Analyses
* Information Fusion for Cultural Heritage Three-Dimensional Modeling of Malay Cities
* Infrastructure of the Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Based on Examples of Italy and Poland
* Integrated Approach for Detection and Prediction of Greening Situation in a Typical Desert Area in China and Its Human and Climatic Factors Analysis, An
* Integrated Hazard Modeling for Simulating Torrential Stream Response to Flash Flood Events
* Integrated Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis Model to Assess and Predict the Degradation of Protected Forest Areas, An
* Integrated Visualization Approach for Real-Time and Dynamic Assessment of Storm Surge Disasters for China's Seas
* Integrating Land-Use and Renewable Energy Planning Decisions: A Technical Mapping Guide for Local Government
* Integration of Convolutional Neural Network and Error Correction for Indoor Positioning
* Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Extract Plantation Rows from A Drone-Based Image Point Cloud Digital Surface Model
* Integrative Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity and Overdispersion of Crime with a Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Model
* Integrative Approach to Assessing Property Owner Perceptions and Modeled Risk to Coastal Hazards, An
* Intelligent High-Resolution Geological Mapping Based on SLIC-CNN
* Interactive Web-Map of the European Freeway Junction A1/A4 Development with the Use of Archival Cartographic Sources
* Interdependent Healthcare Critical Infrastructure Analysis in a Spatiotemporal Environment: A Case Study
* Intracity Pandemic Risk Evaluation Using Mobile Phone Data: The Case of Shanghai during COVID-19
* Introduction to Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications
* Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environment and Relative Risk of COVID-19 in Hong Kong
* Is Crowdsourcing a Reliable Method for Mass Data Acquisition? The Case of COVID-19 Spread in Greece During Spring 2020
* Issues of Healthcare Planning and GIS: A Review
* IT Services and Crowdsourcing in Support of the Hellenic Cadastre: Advanced Citizen Participation and Crowdsourcing in the Official Property Registration Process
* Joint Simulation of Spatially Correlated Soil Health Indicators, Using Independent Component Analysis and Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
* Knowing My Village from the Sky: A Collaborative Spatial Learning Framework to Integrate Spatial Knowledge of Stakeholders in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
* Land Suitability for Coffee (Coffea arabica) Growing in Amazonas, Peru: Integrated Use of AHP, GIS and RS
* Land Suitability for Sustainable Aquaculture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Molinopampa (Peru) Based on RS, GIS, and AHP
* Land Use and Land Cover Change Modeling and Future Potential Landscape Risk Assessment Using Markov-CA Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process
* Land Use Mapping Techniques (Including the Areas Used by Pedestrians) Based on Low-Level Aerial Imagery, The
* Landscape Sustainability Evaluation of Ecologically Fragile Areas Based on Boltzmann Entropy
* Landslide Image Captioning Method Based on Semantic Gate and Bi-Temporal LSTM
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using an Optimized Group Method of Data Handling Model
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Regional Soil Erosion Based on Machine-Learning Models
* Large Common Plansets-4-Points Congruent Sets for Point Cloud Registration
* LASDU: A Large-Scale Aerial LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Labeling in Dense Urban Areas
* Lattice Quad-Tree Indexing Algorithm for a Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid System
* Leveraging Container Technologies in a GIScience Project: A Perspective from Open Reproducible Research
* Leveraging OSM and GEOBIA to Create and Update Forest Type Maps
* Linguistic Landscapes on Street-Level Images
* Linking Ecosystem Services to Land Use Decisions: Policy Analyses, Multi-Scenarios, and Integrated Modelling
* LionVu 2.0 Usability Assessment for Pennsylvania, United States
* Living Structure as an Empirical Measurement of City Morphology
* Local Segregation of Realised Niches in Lizards
* Location Extraction and Prediction Method Based on Floating Car Spatial-Temporal Trajectory
* Location-Based Analyses for Electronic Monitoring of Parolees
* Location-Based Social Network's Data Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Modeling for the Mega City of Shanghai, China
* Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data, A
* Machine Learning for Gully Feature Extraction Based on a Pan-Sharpened Multispectral Image: Multiclass vs. Binary Approach
* Machine Learning Framework for the Estimation of Average Speed in Rural Road Networks with OpenStreetMap Data
* Machine Learning Generalisation across Different 3D Architectural Heritage
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Spatial Estimation Using the Spatial Features of Coordinate Information, A
* Making Smart Cities Resilient to Climate Change by Mitigating Natural Hazard Impacts
* Map Generalization for the Future: Editorial Comments on the Special Issue
* Map Is a Living Structure with the Recurring Notion of Far More Smalls than Larges, A
* Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories
* Map Metadata: the Basis of the Retrieval System of Digital Collections
* Mapping and Monitoring Urban Environment through Sentinel-1 SAR Data: A Case Study in the Veneto Region (Italy)
* Mapping Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2
* Mapping Food and Health Premises in Barcelona. An Approach to Logics of Distribution and Proximity of Essential Urban Services
* Mapping Landslide Hazard Risk Using Random Forest Algorithm in Guixi, Jiangxi, China
* Mapping of Intrusive Complex on a Small Scale Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Diffusion of COVID-19 in Lombardy (Italy) on the Base of Emergency Medical Services Activities
* Mapping Submerged Aquatic Vegetation along the Central Vietnamese Coast Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Mapping the Catchment Area of Park and Ride Facilities within Urban Environments
* Mapping Urban Spatial Structure Based on POI (Point of Interest) Data: A Case Study of the Central City of Lanzhou, China
* Measuring Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities for Populations with Multiple Transportation Modes Considering Residential Transportation Mode Choice
* Measuring Accessibility to Various ASFs from Public Transit using Spatial Distance Measures in Indian Cities
* Measuring Community Disaster Resilience in the Conterminous Coastal United States
* Measuring Delays for Bicycles at Signalized Intersections Using Smartphone GPS Tracking Data
* Measuring Impacts of Urban Environmental Elements on Housing Prices Based on Multisource Data: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Urban Fire Services Using Historical Fire Incidents in Nanjing, China
* Meet the Virtual Jeju Dol Harubang The Mixed VR/AR Application for Cultural Immersion in Korea's Main Heritage
* Method for 3D Reconstruction of the Ming and Qing Official-Style Roof Using a Decorative Components Template Library, A
* Method for Generating the Centerline of an Elongated Polygon on the Example of a Watercourse, A
* Method for Generating Variable-Scale Maps for Small Displays, A
* Method for Generation of Indoor GIS Models Based on BIM Models to Support Adjacent Analysis of Indoor Spaces
* Method for Tree Detection Based on Similarity with Geometric Shapes of 3D Geospatial Data, A
* Method of Directional Signs Location Selection and Content Generation in Scenic Areas, A
* Methodological Approach to Incorporate the Involve of Stakeholders in the Geodesign Workflow of Transmission Line Projects
* Methodology of Creating Variable Resolution Maps Based on the Example of Passability Maps, The
* Methodology of Sub-Catchment Division Considering Land Uses and Flow Directions
* Methods for Inferring Route Choice of Commuting Trip From Mobile Phone Network Data
* Micro-scale Flood Hazard Assessment Based on Catastrophe Theory and an Integrated 2-D Hydraulic Model: A Case Study of Gongshuangcha Detention Basin in Dongting Lake Area, China
* Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil
* Mining Evolution Patterns from Complex Trajectory Structures: A Case Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea
* Mining Subsidence Prediction by Combining Support Vector Machine Regression and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Missing Data Imputation for Geolocation-based Price Prediction Using KNN-MCF Method
* Mission Flight Planning of RPAS for Photogrammetric Studies in Complex Scenes
* Modeling Diurnal Changes in Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas under Cloudy Conditions
* Modeling Major Rural Land-Use Changes Using the GIS-Based Cellular Automata Metronamica Model: The Case of Andalusia (Southern Spain)
* Modeling Method for Automatic Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Zones Based on Semantic Segmentation, A
* Modeling Spatial Charging Demands Related to Electric Vehicles for Power Grid Planning Applications
* Modeling the Optimal Baseline for a Spaceborne Bistatic SAR System to Generate DEMs
* Modelling Housing Rents Using Spatial Autoregressive Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Cracow, Poland
* Monitoring Forest Change in the Amazon Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Classification on Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring of Urban Growth Patterns in Rapidly Growing Bahir Dar City of Northwest Ethiopia with 30 year Landsat Imagery Record
* Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform
* Morphometric Prioritization, Fluvial Classification, and Hydrogeomorphological Quality in High Andean Livestock Micro-Watersheds in Northern Peru
* Mountainous City Featured Landscape Planning Based on GIS-AHP Analytical Method
* Moving Towards a Single Smart Cadastral Platform in Victoria, Australia
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Management of Woodland Plantations in Floodplain Areas
* Multi-factor Spatial Optimization Approach for Emergency Medical Facilities in Beijing, A
* Multi-Mode PDR Perception and Positioning System Assisted by Map Matching and Particle Filtering, A
* Multi-Objective Permanent Basic Farmland Delineation Model Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, A
* Multi-Parameter Estimation of Average Speed in Road Networks Using Fuzzy Control
* Multi-Scale Representation of Ocean Flow Fields Based on Feature Analysis
* Multi-Scale Representation of Point-of-Interest (POI) Features in Indoor Map Visualization, A
* Multi-Scale Water Extraction Convolutional Neural Network (MWEN) Method for GaoFen-1 Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multi-View Instance Matching with Learned Geometric Soft-Constraints
* Multidimensional Visualization and Processing of Big Open Urban Geospatial Data on the Web
* Multifractal Characteristics of Seismogenic Systems and b Values in the Taiwan Seismic Region
* Multiple Global Population Datasets: Differences and Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Multiresolution Vector Data Compression Algorithm Based on Space Division, A
* Multisensorial Close-Range Sensing Generates Benefits for Characterization of Managed Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Stands
* Multispecies Assessment to Identify the Functional Connectivity of Amphibians in a Human-Dominated Landscape, A
* Multistage Cascade Predictor of Structural Elements Movement in the Deformation Analysis of Large Objects Based on Time Series Influencing Factors
* Multitemporal Analysis of Deforestation in Response to the Construction of the Tucuruí Dam
* Multitemporal Analysis of Gully Erosion in Olive Groves by Means of Digital Elevation Models Obtained with Aerial Photogrammetric and LiDAR Data
* Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Classification from Time-Series Landsat Datasets Using Harmonic Analysis with a Minimum Spectral Distance Algorithm
* Mutualistic Pattern of Intra-Urban Agglomeration and Impact Analysis: A Case Study of 11 Urban Agglomerations of Mainland China
* National-Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Austria Using Fuzzy Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
* Near Relation-Based Indoor Positioning Method under Sparse Wi-Fi Fingerprints
* Network Characteristics and Vulnerability Analysis of Chinese Railway Network under Earthquake Disasters
* Neural Networks Approach to Detecting Lost Heritage in Historical Video, A
* New Algorithm for Calculating the Flow Path Curvature (C) from the Square-Grid Digital Elevation Model (DEM), A
* New Approach to Refining Land Use Types: Predicting Point-of-Interest Categories Using Weibo Check-in Data, A
* New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks for Pan-Sharpening, A
* New Methodology for Mapping Past Rockfall Events: From Mobile Crowdsourcing to Rockfall Simulation Validation, A
* New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts
* New Urban Vitality Analysis and Evaluation Framework Based on Human Activity Modeling Using Multi-Source Big Data, A
* Nighttime Mobile Laser Scanning and 3D Luminance Measurement: Verifying the Outcome of Roadside Tree Pruning with Mobile Measurement of the Road Environment
* Novel Indoor Structure Extraction Based on Dense Point Cloud, A
* Novel Infringement Detection Method for GIS Vector Data, A
* Novel Method of Spatiotemporal Dynamic Geo-Visualization of Criminal Data, Applied to Command and Control Centers for Public Safety, A
* Novel Rapid Method for Viewshed Computation on DEM through Max-Pooling and Min-Expected Height, A
* Novel Underwater Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Online Algorithm Based on Neural Network, A
* Numbers on Thematic Maps: Helpful Simplicity or Too Raw to Be Useful for Map Reading?
* Numerical Simulation of Donghu Lake Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Based on Remote Sensing and MIKE 21
* OD Flow Clustering Method Based on Vector Constraints: A Case Study for Beijing Taxi Origin-Destination Data, An
* Oil Flow Analysis in the Maritime Silk Road Region Using AIS Data
* On the Right Track: Comfort and Confusion in Indoor Environments
* Online Education Program in Operational Meteorology and a Case Study about a Product for Decision Making
* Open Geospatial Software and Data: A Review of the Current State and A Perspective into the Future
* Open-Source Framework of Generating Network-Based Transit Catchment Areas by Walking, An
* Open-Source Web Platform to Share Multisource, Multisensor Geospatial Data and Measurements of Ground Deformation in Mountain Areas, An
* Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial Analysis for Promoting Urban Livability in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning
* Optimal Location Analysis of Delivery Parcel-Pickup Points Using AHP and Network Huff Model: A Case Study of Shiweitang Sub-District in Guangzhou City, China
* Optimal Lowest Astronomical Tide Estimation Using Maximum Likelihood Estimator with Multiple Ocean Models Hybridization
* Optimization-Based Construction of Quadrilateral Table Cartograms
* Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Flow for Multilevel Visualization Tasks
* Orinoco: Retrieving a River Delta Network with the Fast Marching Method and Python
* OSMWatchman: Learning How to Detect Vandalized Contributions in OSM Using a Random Forest Classifier
* OurPlaces: Cross-Cultural Crowdsourcing Platform for Location Recommendation Services
* Overview of Social Media Apps and their Potential Role in Geospatial Research, An
* PalmitoAR: The Last Battle of the U.S. Civil War Reenacted Using Augmented Reality
* Panoramic Mapping with Information Technologies for Supporting Engineering Education: A Preliminary Exploration
* Participation, for Whom? The Potential of Gamified Participatory Artefacts in Uncovering Power Relations within Urban Renewal Projects
* Participatory Rural Spatial Planning Based on a Virtual Globe-Based 3D PGIS
* Past and Present Practices of Topographic Base Map Database Update in Nepal
* Patterns of School Preference about the Local Heritage in Medium-Size Cities of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The Case of Ciudad Real
* Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Bivariate Statistical-Based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Landslides
* Performance Evaluation of GIS-Based Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling and Spatial Patterns Analysis
* Performance Testing on Vector vs. Raster Map Tiles: Comparative Study on Load Metrics
* Personalized Legibility of an Indoor Environment for People with Motor Disabilities: A New Framework
* POI Mining for Land Use Classification: A Case Study
* PolySimp: A Tool for Polygon Simplification Based on the Underlying Scaling Hierarchy
* Population Trends and Urbanization: Simulating Density Effects Using a Local Regression Approach
* Post-Earthquake Recovery Phase Monitoring and Mapping Based on UAS Data
* Postearthquake Multiple Scene Recognition Model Based on Classical SSD Method and Transfer Learning, A
* Potential Water Harvesting Sites Identification Using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation in Maysan Province, Iraq
* Predicting Future Locations of Moving Objects by Recurrent Mixture Density Network
* Predicting Land Cover Change in the Mamminasata Area, Indonesia, to Evaluate the Spatial Plan
* Predicting Spatial Crime Occurrences through an Efficient Ensemble-Learning Model
* Privacy-Aware Visualization of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) to Analyze Spatial Activity: A Benchmark Implementation
* Procedures for Condition Mapping Using 360° Images
* Promoting Environmental Justice through Integrated Mapping Approaches: The Map of Water Conflicts in Andalusia (Spain)
* Proposal for Modeling Indoor-Outdoor Spaces through IndoorGML, Open Location Code and OpenStreetMap, A
* Protected Areas from Space Map Browser with Fast Visualization and Analytical Operations on the Fly. Characterizing Statistical Uncertainties and Balancing Them with Visual Perception
* Prototyping a Social Media Flooding Photo Screening System Based on Deep Learning
* Public Traffic Congestion Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network
* Quality of GNSS Traces from VGI: A Data Cleaning Method Based on Activity Type and User Experience
* Quality Verification of Volunteered Geographic Information Using OSM Notes Data in a Global Context
* Quantification Method for the Uncertainty of Matching Point Distribution on 3D Reconstruction
* Quantifying the Characteristics of the Local Urban Environment through Geotagged Flickr Photographs and Image Recognition
* Quantifying the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of Aboveground Forest Biomass in the Urban Area of Xi'an, China
* Quantitative Assessment and Driving Force Analysis of Mangrove Forest Changes in China from 1985 to 2018 by Integrating Optical and Radar Imagery
* Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Differentiation for Public Open Spaces in Urban Built-Up Areas by Assessing SDG 11.7: A Case of Deqing County
* Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Two Adjacent Catchments Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms
* Random Forest-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Coastal Regions of Artvin, Turkey
* Ranking of Assets with Respect to Their Exposure to the Landslide Hazard: A GIS Proposal
* Real-Time Infrared Stereo Matching Algorithm for RGB-D Cameras' Indoor 3D Perception, A
* Recent Sea Level Change in the Black Sea from Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Observations
* Recognition Method of New Address Elements in Chinese Address Matching Based on Deep Learning
* Recognizing Linear Building Patterns in Topographic Data by Using Two New Indices based on Delaunay Triangulation
* Reconstruction of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes: Context of Ancient Objects in Time and Space
* Reducing Consumer Uncertainty: Towards an Ontology for Geospatial User-Centric Metadata
* Reduction of Circular Arcs in European Cadastral Systems: The Proposal of a Solution Referring to the Recommendations of the INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels
* Regional Terrain Complexity Assessment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Geographic Information System: A Case of Jiangxi Province, China
* Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
* Relationship between Near-Repeat Street Robbery and the Environment: Evidence from Malmö, Sweden, The
* Reliable 2D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveys: Case Studies from Greece and Romania
* Remote Sensing Data Assimilation in Dynamic Crop Models Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Representing Complex Evolving Spatial Networks: Geographic Network Automata
* Requirements, Development, and Evaluation of A National Building Standard: A Swedish Case Study
* Research of Automatic Generation for Engineering Geological Survey Reports Based on a Four-Dimensional Dynamic Template
* Research on an Urban Building Area Extraction Method with High-Resolution PolSAR Imaging Based on Adaptive Neighborhood Selection Neighborhoods for Preserving Embedding
* Research on Generating an Indoor Landmark Salience Model for Self-Location and Spatial Orientation from Eye-Tracking Data
* Research on the Colors of Military Symbols in Digital Situation Maps Based on Event-Related Potential Technology
* Research Progress and Development Trend of Social Media Big Data (SMBD): Knowledge Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace
* RETRACTED: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network's Data from Weibo
* RETRACTED: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network's Data from Weibo
* Retrieval of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest Area
* Revealing the Correlation between Population Density and the Spatial Distribution of Urban Public Service Facilities with Mobile Phone Data
* Review of Geospatial Semantic Information Modeling and Elicitation Approaches, A
* Risk Assessment of the Overseas Imported COVID-19 of Ocean-Going Ships Based on AIS and Infection Data
* Role of Spatial Context Information in the Generalization of Geographic Information: Using Reducts to Indicate Relevant Attributes, The
* Rural-Urban Transition of Hanoi (Vietnam): Using Landsat Imagery to Map Its Recent Peri-Urbanization
* Scalable Model Selection for Spatial Additive Mixed Modeling: Application to Crime Analysis
* Scale Optimization in Topographic and Hydrographic Feature Mapping Using Fractal Analysis
* School Commuting Mode Shift: A Scenario Analysis for Active School Commuting Using GIS and Online Map API
* Seeing Climate Change: A Framework for Understanding Visualizations for Climate Adaptation
* Selecting Prices Determinants and Including Spatial Effects in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation
* Selection Method of Dendritic River Networks Based on Hybrid Coding for Topographic Map Generalization
* Semantic Integration of Raster Data for Earth Observation: An RDF Dataset of Territorial Unit Versions with their Land Cover
* Semantic Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Imagery Using Heterogeneous Big Data: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Potsdam and Cityscape Datasets
* Sharp Feature Detection as a Useful Tool in Smart Manufacturing
* Shoreline Changes Along the Coast of Mainland China: Time to Pause and Reflect?
* Sightseeing Spot Recommendation System That Takes into Account the Visiting Frequency of Users, A
* Similarity Retention Loss (SRL) Based on Deep Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Simple Semantic-Based Data Storage Layout for Querying Point Clouds, A
* Simulating Large-Scale 3D Cadastral Dataset Using Procedural Modelling
* Simulation of Sentinel-2 Bottom of Atmosphere Reflectance Using Shadow Parameters on a Deciduous Forest in Thailand
* Site Selection for Pre-Hospital Emergency Stations Based on the Actual Spatiotemporal Demand: A Case Study of Nanjing City, China
* Site Selection Improvement of Retailers Based on Spatial Competition Strategy and a Double-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* Site Selection of Digital Signage in Beijing: A Combination of Machine Learning and an Empirical Approach
* Skewness-Based Partitioning in SpatialHadoop
* SLiX: A GIS Toolbox to Support Along-Stream Knickzones Detection through the Computation and Mapping of the Stream Length-Gradient (SL) Index
* Slope Hazard Monitoring Using High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing: Lessons Learned from a Case Study
* Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Interest Data Mining Machine Learning
* Smooth Transition Algorithm for Adjacent Panoramic Viewpoints Using Matched Delaunay Triangular Patches, A
* Social Sensing for Urban Land Use Identification
* Social-Aware Recommender System Based on User's Personal Smart Devices, A
* Soil Mapping Based on Globally Optimal Decision Trees and Digital Imitations of Traditional Approaches
* Solar3D: An Open-Source Tool for Estimating Solar Radiation in Urban Environments
* Space-Time Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Clusters in Spatiotemporal Point Data
* Space-Time Variation and Spatial Differentiation of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in Hubei Province Based on Extended GWR
* Spaces in Spatial Science and Urban Applications: State of the Art Review
* Spatial Agent-Based Model to Assess the Spread of Malaria in Relation to Anti-Malaria Interventions in Southeast Iran, A
* Spatial Analysis of Asymmetry in the Development of Tourism Infrastructure in the Borderlands: The Case of the Bystrzyckie and Orlickie Mountains
* Spatial Analysis of Housing Prices and Market Activity with the Geographically Weighted Regression
* Spatial Analysis of Seasonal Precipitation over Iran: Co-Variation with Climate Indices
* Spatial Analysis of Settlement Structures to Identify Pattern Formation Mechanisms in Inter-Urban Systems
* Spatial Analysis of the Potentials for Offshore Wind Farm Locations in the North Sea Region: Challenges and Opportunities, A
* Spatial Analysis of the Rural-Urban Structure of the Spanish Municipalities
* Spatial Analytics Framework to Investigate Electric Power-Failure Events and Their Causes, A
* Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Infiltration Characteristics of a Loess Landslide
* Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Volunteer Data Contribution Activities: A Case Study of eBird
* Spatial Assessment of the Effects of Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion in Hungary from 1990 to 2018
* Spatial Context-Based Local Toponym Extraction and Chinese Textual Address Segmentation from Urban POI Data
* Spatial Data Science
* Spatial Determinants of Land Conversion for Various Urban Use: A Case Study of Beijing
* Spatial Dimension of COVID-19: The Potential of Earth Observation Data in Support of Slum Communities with Evidence from Brazil, The
* Spatial Dimension of Unemployment: Space-Time Analysis Using Real-Time Accessibility in Czechia
* Spatial Dimensions of Female Political Participation: Regional Perspective of Women's Descriptive Representation in Czech Local Councils, 1994-2018
* Spatial Distribution of China's Industrial Output Values under Global Warming Scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5
* Spatial Exploration of Economic Data: Insight into Attitudes of Students towards Interdisciplinary Knowledge
* Spatial Heterogeneity of Factors of Drug Dealing: A Case Study from ZG, China, The
* Spatial Intensity in Tourism Accommodation: Modelling Differences in Trends for Several Types through Poisson Models
* Spatial Interaction Effect of Population Density Patterns in Sub-Districts of Northeastern Thailand
* Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Mobile Maps: Effects of Map Size on Users' Wayfinding Performance with Interactive Interfaces
* Spatial Mismatch between the Supply and Demand of Urban Leisure Services with Multisource Open Data
* Spatial Modeling for Homicide Rates Estimation in Pernambuco State-Brazil
* Spatial Multi-Objective Land Use Optimization toward Livability Based on Boundary-Based Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in Singapore
* Spatial Optimization Approach for Simultaneously Districting Precincts and Locating Polling Places, A
* Spatial Orientation Skill Performance with a Workshop Based on Green Infrastructure in Cities
* Spatial Paradigms in Road Networks and Their Delimitation of Urban Boundaries Based on KDE
* Spatial Pattern of Construction Land Distribution in Bays along the Coast of Vietnam
* Spatial Patterns of Childhood Obesity Prevalence in Relation to Socioeconomic Factors across England
* Spatial Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility Based on GIS and Discriminant Functions
* Spatial Relationship between Natural Wetlands Changes and Associated Influencing Factors in Mainland China
* Spatial Reliability Assessment of Social Media Mining Techniques with Regard to Disaster Domain-Based Filtering
* Spatial-Comprehensiveness (S-COM) Index: Identifying Optimal Spatial Extents in Volunteered Geographic Information Point Datasets, The
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Analysis of the Driving Force of Oil Palm Patterns in Malaysia from 2000 to 2018
* Spatially Explicit Approach for Targeting Resource-Poor Smallholders to Improve their Participation in Agribusiness: A Case of Nyando and Vihiga County in Western Kenya, A
* Spatially Supported Disaster Management: Introduction to the Special Issue GI for Disaster Management
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Intense Convective Storms Tracks in a Densely Urbanized Italian Basin
* Spatio-Temporal Land-Use Changes and the Response in Landscape Pattern to Hemeroby in a Resource-Based City
* Spatio-Temporal Prediction of the Epidemic Spread of Dangerous Pathogens Using Machine Learning Methods
* Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas: A Case Study in Geneva and Paris
* Spatio-Temporal Research Data Infrastructure in the Context of Autonomous Driving
* Spatio-Temporal Visualization Method for Urban Waterlogging Warning Based on Dynamic Grading
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxi-Driver Shifts Using Big Trace Data
* Spatiotemporal Assessment of Irrigation Performance of the Kou Valley Irrigation Scheme in Burkina Faso Using Satellite Remote Sensing-Derived Indicators
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Driving Force Analysis of Flash Floods in Fujian Province
* Spatiotemporal Dilated Convolutional Generative Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, A
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Expansion Using Landsat Time Series Data and Assessment of Its Influences on Forests
* Spatiotemporal Exploration of Chinese Spring Festival Population Flow Patterns and Their Determinants Based on Spatial Interaction Model
* Spatiotemporal LUCC Simulation under Different RCP Scenarios Based on the BPNN_CA_Markov Model: A Case Study of Bamboo Forest in Anji County
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Factors on Crime Changing During Black Lives Matter Protests
* Spatiotemporal Variation of NDVI in the Vegetation Growing Season in the Source Region of the Yellow River, China
* Spatiotemporal Varying Effects of Built Environment on Taxi and Ride-Hailing Ridership in New York City
* Special Issue Global Grid Systems
* Spoofing Detection of Civilian UAVs Using Visual Odometry
* State of Mapillary: An Exploratory Analysis, The
* Station-Free Bike Rebalancing Analysis: Scale, Modeling, and Computational Challenges
* Statistical Correlation between Monthly Electric Power Consumption and VIIRS Nighttime Light
* Stratified Data Reconstruction and Spatial Pattern Analyses of Soil Bulk Density in the Northern Grasslands of China
* Strengthening Participation Using Interactive Planning Support Systems: A Systematic Review
* Structural Elements Detection and Reconstruction (SEDR): A Hybrid Approach for Modeling Complex Indoor Structures
* STS: Spatial-Temporal-Semantic Personalized Location Recommendation
* Study of User Activity Patterns and the Effect of Venue Types on City Dynamics Using Location-Based Social Network Data, A
* Study on the GIS Professional (GISP) Certification Program in the U.S., A
* Study on the Level and Type Identification of Rural Development in Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Subject-Sensitive Perceptual Hash Based on MUM-Net for the Integrity Authentication of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Subjective or Objective? How Objective Measures Relate to Subjective Life Satisfaction in Europe
* Supporting Disaster Resilience Spatial Thinking with Serious GeoGames: Project Lily Pad
* Supporting Policy Design for the Diffusion of Cleaner Technologies: A Spatial Empirical Agent-Based Model
* Supporting SDG 15, Life on Land: Identifying the Main Drivers of Land Degradation in Honghe Prefecture, China, between 2005 and 2015
* Survey on Big Data for Trajectory Analytics, A
* Sustainable Spatial and Temporal Development of Land Prices: A Case Study of Czech Cities
* Systematic Review into Factors Influencing Sketch Map Quality, A
* Terrain Analysis in Google Earth Engine: A Method Adapted for High-Performance Global-Scale Analysis
* Testing a Comprehensive Volcanic Risk Assessment of Tenerife by Volcanic Hazard Simulations and Social Vulnerability Analysis
* Thematic Similarity Network Approach for Analysis of Places Using Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* Theoretical Approach for Forecasting Different Types of Drought Simultaneously, Using Entropy Theory and Machine-Learning Methods, A
* Think Spatially With Game Engine
* Three-Dimensional (3D) Parametric Modeling and Organization for Web-Based Visualization of City-Scale Pipe Network
* Three-Dimensional Indoor Fire Evacuation Routing
* Three-Dimensional Visualization Framework for Underground Geohazard Recognition on Urban Road-Facing GPR Data, A
* Time, Spatial, and Descriptive Features of Pedestrian Tracks on Set of Visualizations
* Time-Series Clustering for Home Dwell Time during COVID-19: What Can We Learn from It?
* Time-Series of Vegetation Indices (VNIR/SWIR) Derived from Sentinel-2 (A/B) to Assess Turgor Pressure in Kiwifruit
* Tools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019
* Topology Preserving Gridding Method for Vector Features in Discrete Global Grid Systems, A
* Toward Measuring the Level of Spatiotemporal Clustering of Multi-Categorical Geographic Events
* Towards Automatic Points of Interest Matching
* Towards Deriving Freight Traffic Measures from Truck Movement Data for State Road Planning: A Proposed System Framework
* Towards Detecting Building Facades with Graffiti Artwork Based on Street View Images
* Towards Increasing Residential Market Transparency: Mapping Local Housing Prices and Dynamics
* Towards Integrating Heterogeneous Data: A Spatial DBMS Solution from a CRC-LCL Project in Australia
* Towards Self-Service GIS: Combining the Best of the Semantic Web and Web GIS
* Towards Supporting Collaborative Spatial Planning: Conceptualization of a Maptable Tool through User Stories
* Traffic Control Recognition with Speed-Profiles: A Deep Learning Approach
* Traffic Impact Area Detection and Spatiotemporal Influence Assessment for Disaster Reduction Based on Social Media: A Case Study of the 2018 Beijing Rainstorm
* Tri-Clustering Based Exploration of Temporal Resolution Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Clusters in Geo-Referenced Time Series
* UAV-Based Structural Damage Mapping: A Review
* Uber Movement Data: A Proxy for Average One-way Commuting Times by Car
* Unbalanced Analysis of Economic Urbanization: A Case Study of Typical Cities in China, The
* Uncertainty Analysis of Remote Sensing Pretreatment for Biomass Estimation on Landsat OLI and Landsat ETM+
* Uncertainty Visualization of Transport Variance in a Time-Varying Ensemble Vector Field
* Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi K-Order and Spatial Correlations in Web Maps
* Uncovering the Relationship between Human Connectivity Dynamics and Land Use
* Understanding Chinese Urban Form: The Universal Fractal Pattern of Street Networks over 298 Cities
* Understanding Completeness and Diversity Patterns of OSM-Based Land-Use and Land-Cover Dataset in China
* Understanding Individual Mobility Pattern and Portrait Depiction Based on Mobile Phone Data
* Understanding Spatiotemporal Variations of Ridership by Multiple Taxi Services
* Understanding the Shared E-scooter Travels in Austin, TX
* Unfolding Events in Space and Time: Geospatial Insights into COVID-19 Diffusion in Washington State during the Initial Stage of the Outbreak
* Unfolding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Taxi Trip based on an Improved Network Kernel Density Estimation
* Unsupervised Crop Classification Method Based on Principal Components Isometric Binning, An
* Urban Ageing in Europe: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Determinants
* Urban Coastal Flood-Prone Mapping under the Combined Impact of Tidal Wave and Heavy Rainfall: A Proposal to the Existing National Standard
* Urban Crime Mapping and Analysis Using GIS
* Urban Ecological Corridor Network Construction: An Integration of the Least Cost Path Model and the InVEST Model
* Urban Fire Dynamics and Its Association with Urban Growth: Evidence from Nanjing, China
* Urban Geological 3D Modeling Based on Papery Borehole Log
* Urban Green Accessibility Index: A Measure of Pedestrian-Centered Accessibility to Every Green Point in an Urban Area
* Urban Green Plastic Cover Mapping Based on VHR Remote Sensing Images and a Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Framework
* Urban Population Distribution Mapping with Multisource Geospatial Data Based on Zonal Strategy
* Urban Scene Vectorized Modeling Based on Contour Deformation
* Urban Water Demand Simulation in Residential and Non-Residential Buildings Based on a CityGML Data Model
* UrbanWater: Integrating EPANET 2 in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS-Based Geospatial Database Management System
* Usability of IoT and Open Data Repositories for Analyzing Water Pollution. A Case Study in the Czech Republic
* Use of AHP to Prioritize Five Waste Processing Plants Locations in Krakow, The
* Use of Geographic Databases for Analyzing Changes in Land Cover A Case Study of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in Poland, The
* Use of Mamdani Fuzzy Algorithm for Multi-Hazard Susceptibility Assessment in a Developing Urban Settlement (Mamak, Ankara, Turkey)
* User Experience in Using Graphical User Interfaces of Web Maps
* Using Areal Interpolation to Deal with Differing Regional Structures in International Research
* Using Climate-Sensitive 3D City Modeling to Analyze Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban Areas
* Using Flickr Geotagged Photos to Estimate Visitor Trajectories in World Heritage Cities
* Using GIS for Disease Mapping and Clustering in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
* Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rating Data to Analyse Stock and Value Change for Land Administration: A Case Study of York
* Using Local Toponyms to Reconstruct the Historical River Networks in Hubei Province, China
* Using Open Source Data to Identify Transit Deserts in Four Major Chinese Cities
* Using OpenStreetMap Data and Machine Learning to Generate Socio-Economic Indicators
* Using Social Networks to Analyze the Spatiotemporal Patterns of the Rolling Stock Manufacturing Industry for Countries in the Belt and Road Initiative
* Utilizing Airborne LiDAR and UAV Photogrammetry Techniques in Local Geoid Model Determination and Validation
* Vector Line Simplification Algorithm Based on the Douglas-Peucker Algorithm, Monotonic Chains and Dichotomy, A
* Vegetation Phenological Changes in Multiple Landforms and Responses to Climate Change
* Vertex Concavity-Convexity Detection Method for Three-Dimensional Spatial Objects Based on Geometric Algebra, A
* Village-Level Homestead and Building Floor Area Estimates Based on UAV Imagery and U-Net Algorithm
* Virtual Reality Simulation Method for Crowd Evacuation in a Multiexit Indoor Fire Environment, A
* Virtual Touring for the Puglia Regional Museum Directorate
* Visit Probability in Space-Time Prisms Based on Binomial Random Walk
* Visitor Flows at a Large-Scale Cultural Event: GPS Tracking at Dutch Design Week
* Visual Exposure of Rock Outcrops in the Context of a Forest Disease Outbreak Simulation Based on a Canopy Height Model and Spectral Information Acquired by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Visualisation of Spatial Data Uncertainty. A Case Study of a Database of Topographic Objects
* Visualization of 3D Survey Data for Strata Titles
* Visualization, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Directional Analysis of Urban Activities Using Geolocation Data Extracted from LBSN
* Visualizing the USA's Maritime Freight Flows Using DM, LP, and AON in GIS
* VisWebDrone: A Web Application for UAV Photogrammetry Based on Open-Source Software
* Water Areas Segmentation from Remote Sensing Images Using a Separable Residual SegNet Network
* Watershed Segmentation Algorithm Based on LUV Color Space Region Merging for Extracting Slope Hazard Boundaries
* Weighted Ensemble Object Detection with Optimized Coefficients for Remote Sensing Images
* What Influences Customer Flows in Shopping Malls: Perspective from Indoor Positioning Data
* What Is Urban after All? A Critical Review of Measuring and Mapping Urban Typologies in Portugal
* What Went Wrong for Bad Solvers during Thematic Map Analysis? Lessons Learned from an Eye-Tracking Study
* When Traditional Selection Fails: How to Improve Settlement Selection for Small-Scale Maps Using Machine Learning
* Where Urban Youth Work and Live: A Data-Driven Approach to Identify Urban Functional Areas at a Fine Scale
* Wildfire Risk Assessment Based on Geospatial Open Data: Application on Chios, Greece
* Workflow of Digital Field Mapping and Drone-Aided Survey for the Identification and Characterization of Capable Faults: The Case of a Normal Fault System in the Monte Nerone Area (Northern Apennines, Italy)
* Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via Topological Analysis of Crowdsourced Digital Maps
743 for IJGI(9)