Earthquakes, Seismic Processing

Chapter Contents (Back)
Seismic Processing. Earthquake. Quake.
See also Landslide Analysis, Earthquake Related, Seismic Analysis. General Seismic
See also Seismic Analysis, Geological Analysis, Wells.
See also Surface Deformation From SAR, InSAR, IFSAR, Interferometry. SAR Related to Earthquakes:
See also Surface Deformation From SAR Applied to Earthquakes, Fault Monitoring.
See also Seismic, Ionosphere Analysis for Earthquakes from Space.

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Deformation Response of Seismogenic Faults to the Wenchuan MS 8.0 Earthquake: A Case Study for the Southern Segment of the Longmenshan Fault Zone,
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Integration of Single-Frequency GNSS and Strong-Motion Observations for Real-Time Earthquake Monitoring,
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Al-Husseinawi, Y.[Yasir], Li, Z.H.[Zhen-Hong], Clarke, P.[Peter], Edwards, S.[Stuart],
Evaluation of the Stability of the Darbandikhan Dam after the 12 November 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab (Iran-Iraq Border) Earthquake,
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Yang, C.S.[Cheng-Sheng], Han, B.Q.[Bing-Quan], Zhao, C.Y.[Chao-Ying], Du, J.T.[Jian-Tao], Zhang, D.X.[Dong-Xiao], Zhu, S.[Sainan],
Co- and post-seismic Deformation Mechanisms of the MW 7.3 Iran Earthquake (2017) Revealed by Sentinel-1 InSAR Observations,
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Detection of Liquefaction Phenomena from the 2017 Pohang (Korea) Earthquake Using Remote Sensing Data,
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Wang, Y.Z.[Yong-Zhe], Feng, W.P.[Wan-Peng], Chen, K.[Kun], Samsonov, S.[Sergey],
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Pan, Y.J.[Yuan-Jin], Chen, R.Z.[Rui-Zhi], Ding, H.[Hao], Xu, X.Y.[Xin-Yu], Zheng, G.[Gang], Shen, W.B.[Wen-Bin], Xiao, Y.X.[Yi-Xin], Li, S.Y.[Shu-Ya],
Common Mode Component and Its Potential Effect on GPS-Inferred Three-Dimensional Crustal Deformations in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau,
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Gong, W.Y.[Wen-Yu], Zhang, Y.F.[Ying-Feng], Li, T.[Tao], Wen, S.Y.[Shao-Yan], Zhao, D.Z.[De-Zheng], Hou, L.Y.[Li-Yan], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian],
Multi-Sensor Geodetic Observations and Modeling of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe Earthquake,
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Crustal Deformation of Northeastern China Following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake Estimated from GPS Observations: Strain Heterogeneity and Seismicity,
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Fault Slip Model of the 2018 Mw 6.6 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, Japan, Earthquake Estimated from Satellite Radar and GPS Measurements,
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Karimzadeh, S.[Sadra], Matsuoka, M.[Masashi], Kuang, J.M.[Jian-Ming], Ge, L.L.[Lin-Lin],
Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major Earthquake: A Binary Machine Learning Perspective,
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DOI Link 1910

Zhu, W., Mousavi, S.M., Beroza, G.C.,
Seismic Signal Denoising and Decomposition Using Deep Neural Networks,
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Noise reduction, Neural networks, Noise measurement, Transforms, Time-domain analysis, Earthquakes, Deep learning, seismic denoising BibRef

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Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection,
GeoRS(57), No. 11, November 2019, pp. 8867-8878.
Earthquakes, Seismic waves, Acceleration, Machine learning, Monitoring, Support vector machines, Alarm systems, machine learning BibRef

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A CitSci Approach for Rapid Earthquake Intensity Mapping: A Case Study from Istanbul (Turkey),
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Intelligent Real-Time Earthquake Detection by Recurrent Neural Networks,
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Illuminating the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the 2008-2009 Qaidam Earthquake Sequence with the Joint Use of Insar Time Series and Teleseismic Data,
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Some Thoughts on Measuring Earthquake Deformation Using Optical Imagery,
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Earthquakes, Optical imaging, Adaptive optics, Optical variables measurement, Optical sensors, Strain, orthorectification errors BibRef

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Using High Resolution Optical Imagery to Detect Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction: The 2011 Christchurch Earthquake,
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The November 2019 Seismic Sequence in Albania: Geodetic Constraints and Fault Interaction,
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Remote Sensing Derived Indices for Tracking Urban Land Surface Change in Case of Earthquake Recovery,
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Li, C.L.[Cheng-Long], Zhang, G.H.[Guo-Hong], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian], Zhao, D.Z.[De-Zheng], Song, X.G.[Xiao-Gang],
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Mousavi, S.M., Beroza, G.C.,
Bayesian-Deep-Learning Estimation of Earthquake Location From Single-Station Observations,
GeoRS(58), No. 11, November 2020, pp. 8211-8224.
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He, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qiu], Chen, T.[Ting], Wang, M.C.[Ming-Ce], Li, Y.C.[Yan-Chong],
Multi-Segment Rupture Model of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Revealed by InSAR and GPS Data,
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Yue, C.[Chong], Qu, C.Y.[Chun-Yan], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian], Yan, W.[Wei], Zhao, J.[Jing], Yu, H.Z.[Huai-Zhong], Ma, W.Y.[Wei-Yu], Yao, Q.[Qi],
Numerical Simulation Study on the Influence of Branching Structure of Longmen Shan Thrust Belt on the Nucleation of Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake,
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Su, Q.[Qi], Wang, X.Y.[Xian-Yan], Lu, H.Y.[Hua-Yu], Xie, H.[Hong],
Dynamic Divide Migration as a Response to Asymmetric Uplift: An Example from the Zhongtiao Shan, North China,
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Mezyk, M.[Milosz], Chamarczuk, M.[Michal], Malinowski, M.[Michal],
Automatic Image-Based Event Detection for Large-N Seismic Arrays Using a Convolutional Neural Network,
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DOI Link 2102

Li, Z., Luo, Y., Wang, Y.,
Seismic facies pattem recognition based on 3D Gabor transform and two-step clustering analysis,
geophysical techniques, seismology, faults, seismic facies map, seismic simulation data, unsupervised pattern recognition, gabor transform BibRef

Qi, Y., Wu, L., Mao, W., Ding, Y., He, M.,
Discriminating Possible Causes of Microwave Brightness Temperature Positive Anomalies Related With May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Sequence,
GeoRS(59), No. 3, March 2021, pp. 1903-1916.
Earthquakes, Microwave theory and techniques, Geology, Stress, Spatiotemporal phenomena, Brightness temperature, Dielectrics, remote sensing BibRef

Li, X.[Xuelei], Jia, Z.[Zhuo], Du, N.Q.[Nan-Qiao], Xu, Y.[Yi], Zhang, G.[Gongbo],
Structural Characteristics of Moho Surface Based on Time Series Function of Natural Earthquakes,
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Zhang, Y.[Ying], Meng, Q.Y.[Qing-Yan], Wang, Z.[Zian], Lu, X.[Xian], Hu, D.[Die],
Temperature Variations in Multiple Air Layers before the Mw 6.2 2014 Ludian Earthquake, Yunnan, China,
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Valkanou, K.[Kanella], Karymbalis, E.[Efthimios], Papanastassiou, D.[Dimitris], Soldati, M.[Mauro], Chalkias, C.[Christos], Gaki-Papanastassiou, K.[Kalliopi],
Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis,
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Markušic, S.[Snježana], Stanko, D.[Davor], Penava, D.[Davorin], Ivancic, I.[Ines], Oršulic, O.B.[Olga Bjelotomic], Korbar, T.[Tvrtko], Sarhosis, V.[Vasilis],
Destructive M6.2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020: Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research,
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Kutoglu, H.S.[Hakan S.], Becek, K.[Kazimierz],
Analysis of Ocean Bottom Pressure Anomalies and Seismic Activities in the MedRidge Zone,
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Rashwan, M.[Mohamed], Sawires, R.[Rashad], Radwan, A.M.[Ali M.], Sparacino, F.[Federica], Peláez, J.A.[José Antonio], Palano, M.[Mimmo],
Crustal Strain and Stress Fields in Egypt from Geodetic and Seismological Data,
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Nappi, R.[Rosa], Paoletti, V.[Valeria], d'Antonio, D.[Donato], Soldovieri, F.[Francesco], Capozzoli, L.[Luigi], Ludeno, G.[Giovanni], Porfido, S.[Sabina], Michetti, A.M.[Alessandro Maria],
Joint Interpretation of Geophysical Results and Geological Observations for Detecting Buried Active Faults: The Case of the 'Il Lago' Plain (Pettoranello del Molise, Italy),
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A Contribution to Deep Learning Approaches for Automatic Classification of Volcano-Seismic Events: Deep Gaussian Processes,
GeoRS(59), No. 5, May 2021, pp. 3875-3890.
Global Positioning System, Databases, Volcanoes, Machine learning, Gaussian processes, Registers, Task analysis, volcanoes BibRef

Svigkas, N.[Nikos], Kiratzi, A.[Anastasia], Antonioli, A.[Andrea], Atzori, S.[Simone], Tolomei, C.[Cristiano], Salvi, S.[Stefano], Polcari, M.[Marco], Bignami, C.[Christian],
Earthquake Source Investigation of the Kanallaki, March 2020 Sequence (North-Western Greece) Based on Seismic and Geodetic Data,
RS(13), No. 9, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2105

Guo, P.[Peng], Han, Z.J.[Zhu-Jun], Dong, S.P.[Shao-Peng], Gao, F.[Fan], Li, J.[Jiani],
New Constraints on Slip Behavior of the Jianshui Strike-Slip Fault from Faulted Stream Channel Risers and Airborne Lidar Data, SE Tibetan Plateau, China,
RS(13), No. 10, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2105

Saad, O.M.[Omar M.], Chen, Y.K.[Yang-Kang],
Earthquake Detection and P-Wave Arrival Time Picking Using Capsule Neural Network,
GeoRS(59), No. 7, July 2021, pp. 6234-6243.
Earthquakes, Training, Machine learning, Feature extraction, Kernel, Routing, Neural networks, Capsule neural network (CapsNet), machine learning BibRef

Chen, Z.E.[Zhong-En], Bao, X.W.[Xue-Wei], Yang, W.C.[Wen-Cai],
Shallow Shear-Wave Velocity Structure beneath the West Lake Area in Hangzhou, China, from Ambient-Noise Tomography,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Piersanti, M.[Mirko], Burger, W.J.[William Jerome], Carbone, V.[Vincenzo], Battiston, R.[Roberto], Iuppa, R.[Roberto], Ubertini, P.[Pietro],
On the Geomagnetic Field Line Resonance Eigenfrequency Variations during Seismic Event,
RS(13), No. 14, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Zhu, D.[Daoye], Yang, Y.[Yi], Ren, F.[Fuhu], Murai, S.[Shunji], Cheng, C.Q.[Cheng-Qi], Huang, M.[Min],
Novel Intelligent Spatiotemporal Grid Earthquake Early-Warning Model,
RS(13), No. 17, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Xu, X.T.[Xi-Tong], Chen, S.B.[Sheng-Bo], Yu, Y.[Yan], Zhang, S.[Sen],
Atmospheric Anomaly Analysis Related to Ms > 6.0 Earthquakes in China during 2020-2021,
RS(13), No. 20, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Gao, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu], Li, Y.C.[Yan-Chuan], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian], Zhu, C.H.[Chuan-Hua],
Earthquake Magnitude Estimation from High-Rate GNSS Data: A Case Study of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo Earthquake,
RS(13), No. 21, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Qi, Y.[Yuan], Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin], Ding, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Liu, Y.J.[Ying-Jia], Chen, S.[Shuai], Wang, X.[Xiao], Mao, W.F.[Wen-Fei],
Extraction and Discrimination of MBT Anomalies Possibly Associated with the Mw 7.3 Maduo (Qinghai, China) Earthquake on 21 May 2021,
RS(13), No. 22, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Galvani, A.[Alessandro], Pezzo, G.[Giuseppe], Sepe, V.[Vincenzo], Ventura, G.[Guido],
Shrinking of Ischia Island (Italy) from Long-Term Geodetic Data: Implications for the Deflation Mechanisms of Resurgent Calderas and Their Relationships with Seismicity,
RS(13), No. 22, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Qiao, B.P.[Bao-Ping], Wang, Q.[Qiao], Lei, Y.H.[Yu-Hang],
Correlation-Based Interferometry Method to Enhance Near-Surface Reflection Signals in Surface Active Seismic Exploration,
GeoRS(59), No. 12, December 2021, pp. 10697-10707.
Correlation, MOS devices, Interferometry, Receivers, Imaging, Mirrors, Signal to noise ratio, Near-surface reflection, seismic signal processing BibRef

Li, C.[Chuang], Gao, J.[Jinghuai], Gao, Z.Q.[Zhao-Qi], Wang, R.R.[Rong-Rong], Yang, T.[Tao],
Reflection Angle-Domain Pseudoextended Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration Using Hybrid Regularization,
GeoRS(59), No. 12, December 2021, pp. 10671-10684.
Data models, Imaging, Computational modeling, Analytical models, Numerical models, Surface waves, Seismic waves, reverse time migration (RTM) BibRef

Khalifa, A.[Abdelrahman], Bashir, B.[Bashar], Alsalman, A.[Abdullah], Ögretmen, N.[Nazik],
Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights from Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis,
IJGI(10), No. 11, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Shirmohammadi, F.[Faezeh], Draganov, D.[Deyan], Hatami, M.R.[Mohammad Reza], Weemstra, C.[Cornelis],
Application of Seismic Interferometry by Multidimensional Deconvolution to Earthquake Data Recorded in Malarge, Argentina,
RS(13), No. 23, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Xiang, Y.F.[Yun-Fei], Wang, H.[Hao], Chen, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Xing, Y.[Yin],
GNSS Imaging of Strain Rate Changes and Vertical Crustal Motions over the Tibetan Plateau,
RS(13), No. 23, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Qi, Y.[Yuan], Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin], Ding, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Mao, W.F.[Wen-Fei],
Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated With the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Dolakha Earthquakes in Nepal,
GeoRS(60), 2022, pp. 1-11.
Electric shock, Surface topography, Satellites, Land surface, Microwave theory and techniques, Geology, topographic consistency BibRef

Wang, E.J.[En-Jiang], Carcione, J.M.[José M.], Ba, J.[Jing],
Wave Simulation in Partially Saturated Porothermoelastic Media,
GeoRS(60), 2022, pp. 1-14.
Mathematical model, Media, Heating systems, Liquids, Attenuation, Rocks, Thermal conductivity, Attenuation, dispersion, wave simulation BibRef

Li, Y.J.[Yu-Jiang], Li, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng], Hu, X.P.[Xing-Ping], Liu, H.Q.[Hao-Qing],
Fault Geometry and Mechanism of the Mw 5.7 Nakchu Earthquake in Tibet Inferred from InSAR Observations and Stress Measurements,
RS(13), No. 24, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Xiong, P.[Pan], Marchetti, D.[Dedalo], de Santis, A.[Angelo], Zhang, X.M.[Xue-Min], Shen, X.[Xuhui],
SafeNet: SwArm for Earthquake Perturbations Identification Using Deep Learning Networks,
RS(13), No. 24, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Filizzola, C.[Carolina], Corrado, A.[Angelo], Genzano, N.[Nicola], Lisi, M.[Mariano], Pergola, N.[Nicola], Colonna, R.[Roberto], Tramutoli, V.[Valerio],
RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Turkey in the Period 2004-2015,
RS(14), No. 2, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Akhoondzadeh, M.[Mehdi], de Santis, A.[Angelo], Marchetti, D.[Dedalo], Wang, T.[Ting],
Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magnetic, Ne, Te and TEC Anomalies from Swarm Satellites: The Case of Mw 7.1 2021 Japan Earthquake,
RS(14), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Li, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng], Jiang, W.L.[Wen-Liang], Li, Y.J.[Yu-Jiang], Shen, W.H.[Wen-Hao], He, Z.T.[Zhong-Tai], Li, B.Q.[Bing-Quan], Li, Q.[Qiang], Jiao, Q.S.[Qi-Song], Tian, Y.F.[Yun-Feng],
Coseismic Rupture Model and Tectonic Implications of the January 7 2022, Menyuan Mw 6.6 Earthquake Constraints from InSAR Observations and Field Investigation,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Gao, H.[Hua], Liao, M.S.[Ming-Sheng], Liu, X.[Xiaoge], Xu, W.B.[Wen-Bin], Fang, N.[Nan],
Source Geometry and Causes of the 2019 Ms6.0 Changning Earthquake in Sichuan, China Based on InSAR,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Jiao, Z.[Zhonghu], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian],
Pre-Seismic Temporal Integrated Anomalies from Multiparametric Remote Sensing Data,
RS(14), No. 10, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Chu, M.Z.[Ming-Zhi], Yu, P.F.[Peng-Fei],
Wavefield Decomposition of Ocean-Bottom Multicomponent Seismic Data with Composite Calibration Filters,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Peleli, S.[Sofia], Kouli, M.[Maria], Vallianatos, F.[Filippos],
Satellite-Observed Thermal Anomalies and Deformation Patterns Associated to the 2021, Central Crete Seismic Sequence,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Akhoondzadeh, M.[Mehdi], Marchetti, D.[Dedalo],
Developing a Fuzzy Inference System Based on Multi-Sensor Data to Predict Powerful Earthquake Parameters,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Bucci, M.G.[Monica Giona], Schoenbohm, L.M.[Lindsay M.],
Tectono-Geomorphic Analysis in Low Relief, Low Tectonic Activity Areas: Case Study of the Temiskaming Region in the Western Quebec Seismic Zone (WQSZ), Eastern Canada,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Liu, X.[Xiaoge], Xie, L.[Lei], Li, Y.J.[Yu-Jiang], Han, B.Q.[Bing-Quan], Chen, Z.D.[Zhi-Dan], Xu, W.B.[Wen-Bin],
Role of the Nyainrong Microcontinent in Seismogenic Mechanism and Stress Partitioning: Insights from the 2021 Nagqu Mw 5.7 Earthquake,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Xie, H.[Hong], Li, Z.M.[Zhi-Min], Yuan, D.[Daoyang], Wang, X.[Xianyan], Su, Q.[Qi], Li, X.[Xin], Wang, A.[Aiguo], Su, P.[Peng],
Characteristics of Co-Seismic Surface Rupture of the 2021 Maduo Mw 7.4 Earthquake and Its Tectonic Implications for Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,
RS(14), No. 17, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Peng, C.Y.[Chao-Yong], Jiang, P.[Peng], Ma, Q.[Qiang], Su, J.R.[Jin-Rong], Cai, Y.C.[Yi-Chuan], Zheng, Y.[Yu],
Chinese Nationwide Earthquake Early Warning System and Its Performance in the 2022 Lushan M6.1 Earthquake,
RS(14), No. 17, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Lu, H.[Hao], Feng, G.C.[Guang-Cai], He, L.[Lijia], Liu, J.H.[Ji-Hong], Gao, H.[Hua], Wang, Y.D.[Yue-Dong], Wu, X.X.[Xiong-Xiao], Wang, Y.X.[Yue-Xin], An, Q.[Qi], Zhao, Y.G.[Yin-Gang],
An Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (Southwest China) Based on InSAR and BOI Datasets,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Zhang, J.M.[Jun-Ming], Wang, D.L.[De-Li], Hu, B.[Bin], Gong, X.B.[Xiang-Bo],
An Automatic Velocity Analysis Method for Seismic Data-Containing Multiples,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Li, Z.C.[Zhi-Cai], Zang, J.F.[Jian-Fei], Fan, S.J.[Shi-Jie], Wen, Y.M.[Yang-Mao], Xu, C.J.[Cai-Jun], Yang, F.[Fei], Peng, X.[Xiuying], Zhao, L.[Lijiang], Zhou, X.[Xing],
Real-Time Source Modeling of the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan, China Earthquake with High-Rate GNSS Observations,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Wang, J.[Junyi], Ding, L.[Lin], He, J.K.[Jian-Kun], Cai, F.[Fulong], Wang, C.[Chao], Zhang, Z.[Zongkun],
Research of Seismogenic Structures of the 2016 and 2022 Menyuan Earthquakes, in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302

Semlali, B.E.B.[Badr-Eddine Boudriki], Molina, C.[Carlos], Park, H.[Hyuk], Camps, A.[Adriano],
First Results on the Systematic Search of Land Surface Temperature Anomalies as Earthquakes Precursors,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Marchetti, D.[Dedalo], Zhu, K.[Kaiguang], Marchetti, L.[Laura], Zhang, Y.Q.[Yi-Qun], Chen, W.Q.[Wen-Qi], Cheng, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi], Fan, M.X.[Meng-Xuan], Wang, S.[Siyu], Wang, T.[Ting], Wen, J.[Jiami], Zhang, D.H.[Dong-Hua], Zhang, H.[Hanshuo],
Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rome, Italy) Earthquake: Evidence of a Seismic Acceleration,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Zhou, Y.[Yun], Xu, L.S.[Li-Sheng], Pan, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang], Hao, M.[Ming], Li, C.L.[Chun-Lai],
A Potential Earthquake with Magnitude Mw 7.2 on the Northern Xiaojiang Fault Revealed by GNSS Measurement,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Zhang, Y.Q.[Yi-Qun], Wang, T.[Ting], Chen, W.Q.[Wen-Qi], Zhu, K.G.[Kai-Guang], Marchetti, D.[Dedalo], Cheng, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi], Fan, M.X.[Meng-Xuan], Wang, S.[Siyu], Wen, J.[Jiami], Zhang, D.H.[Dong-Hua], Zhang, H.S.[Han-Shuo],
Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms before Earthquakes? The Case Study of Lushan (China) 2013,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1521.
DOI Link 2304

Prol, F.S.[Fabricio S.], Hoque, M.M.[M. Mainul], Hernández-Pajares, M.[Manuel], Yuan, L.L.[Liang-Liang], Olivares-Pulido, G.[Germán], von Engeln, A.[Axel], Marquardt, C.[Christian], Notarpietro, R.[Riccardo],
Study of Ionospheric Bending Angle and Scintillation Profiles Derived by GNSS Radio-Occultation with MetOp-A Satellite,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1663.
DOI Link 2304

Yang, G.L.[Guang-Liang], Zhao, B.J.[Bing-Jie], Liu, Y.J.[Yi-Jun],
An Aftershock Deletion Method Based on Fault Buffer Zone,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1662.
DOI Link 2304

Gitis, V.[Valery], Derendyaev, A.[Alexander],
A Technology for Seismogenic Process Monitoring and Systematic Earthquake Forecasting,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2171.
DOI Link 2305

Golshadi, Z.[Zeinab], Famiglietti, N.A.[Nicola Angelo], Caputo, R.[Riccardo], Soltani-Moghadam, S.[Saeed], Karimzadeh, S.[Sadra], Memmolo, A.[Antonino], Falco, L.[Luigi], Vicari, A.[Annamaria],
Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in the External Zagros: The Case of the 2021 Fin Doublet, Iran,
RS(15), No. 12, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2307

Zhao, J.J.[Jing-Jing], Chen, Q.[Qiang], Yang, Y.H.[Ying-Hui], Xu, Q.[Qian],
Coseismic Faulting Model and Post-Seismic Surface Motion of the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Doublet Revealed by InSAR and GPS Measurements,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3327.
DOI Link 2307

Schillak, S.[Stanislaw], Satarowska, A.[Agnieszka], Sankowski, D.[Dominik], Michalek, P.[Piotr],
Analysis of the Results Determining the Positions and Velocities of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations during Earthquakes in 2010-2011,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3659.
DOI Link 2307

Jiao, Z.H.[Zhong-Hu], Hao, Y.M.[Yu-Meng], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian],
A Spatially Self-Adaptive Multiparametric Anomaly Identification Scheme Based on Global Strong Earthquakes,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Peng, W.S.[Wen-Shu], Huang, X.[Xuri], Wang, Z.[Zegen],
Focal Mechanism and Regional Fault Activity Analysis of 2022 Luding Strong Earthquake Constraint by InSAR and Its Inversion,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Huang, C.C.[Chuan-Chao], Xie, C.[Chaodi], Zhang, G.[Guohong], Wang, W.[Wan], Tsai, M.C.[Min-Chien], Hu, J.C.[Jyr-Ching],
Revealing the Kinematic Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of a Buried Fault through the Joint Inversion of GPS and Strong-Motion Data: The Case of the 2022 Mw7.0 Taiwan Earthquake,
RS(15), No. 19, 2023, pp. 4868.
DOI Link 2310

Hu, Q.F.[Qing-Feng], Jia, W.W.[Wei-Wei], Yang, J.[Jiuyuan], Zhao, Y.L.[Yan-Ling],
Insight into the 1 December 2016 Mw 6.2 Juliaca Earthquake, Southern Peru, by InSAR Observations and Field Investigation,
RS(15), No. 17, 2023, pp. 4341.
DOI Link 2310

Lacidogna, G.[Giuseppe], Borla, O.[Oscar], de Marchi, V.[Valentina],
Statistical Seismic Analysis by b-Value and Occurrence Time of the Latest Earthquakes in Italy,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5236.
DOI Link 2311

Wang, S.[Shuai], Song, C.[Chuang], Xiao, Z.[Zhuohui],
Two Mw >= 6.5 Earthquakes in Central Pamir Constrained by Satellite SAR Observations,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5115.
DOI Link 2311

Xiang, Y.F.[Yun-Fei], Bian, Y.[Yankai], Liu, J.[Jie], Xing, Y.[Yin],
Insights into Very Early Afterslip Associated with the 2021 M 8.2 Chignik, Alaska Earthquake Using Subdaily GNSS Solutions,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5469.
DOI Link 2312

Xu, G.Y.[Guang-Yu], Xu, X.[Xiwei], Yi, Y.N.[Ya-Ning], Wen, Y.M.[Yang-Mao], Sun, L.X.[Long-Xiang], Wang, Q.X.[Qi-Xin], Lei, X.Q.[Xiao-Qiong],
A Bayesian Source Model for the 2022 Mw6.6 Luding Earthquake, Sichuan Province, China, Constrained by GPS and InSAR Observations,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Zhan, Y.[Yan], Sun, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu], Zhao, G.[Guoze], Zhao, L.Q.[Ling-Qiang], Yang, X.P.[Xiao-Ping], Yang, H.B.[Hai-Bo], Jiang, D.W.[Da-Wei], Lou, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu],
Electrical Structure of Southwestern Longmenshan Fault Zone: Insights into Seismogenic Structure of 2013 and 2022 Lushan Earthquakes,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 370.
DOI Link 2402

Dai, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Liu, X.[Xin], Liu, R.[Rui], Song, M.[Menghao], Zhu, G.[Guangbin], Chang, X.T.[Xiao-Tao], Guo, J.[Jinyun],
Coseismic Slip Distribution and Coulomb Stress Change of the 2023 MW 7.8 Pazarcik and MW 7.5 Elbistan Earthquakes in Turkey,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 240.
DOI Link 2402

Jia, X.D.[Xiao-Dong], Li, Z.[Zhuoyang], Han, J.T.[Jiang-Tao], Hou, H.S.[He-Sheng], Xin, Z.H.[Zhong-Hua], Liu, L.[Lijia], Liu, W.Y.[Wen-Yu],
Two Sets of High-Conductivity Systems with Different Scales Reveal the Seismogenic Mechanism of Earthquakes in the Songyuan Area, Northeastern China,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 547.
DOI Link 2402

Lin, L.C.J.[Li-Chieh J.], Chuang, R.Y.[Ray Y.], Lu, C.H.[Chih-Heng], Ching, K.E.[Kuo-En], Chen, C.L.[Chien-Liang],
Derivation of 3D Coseismic Displacement Field from Integrated Azimuth and LOS Displacements for the 2018 Hualien Earthquake,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1159.
DOI Link 2404

Ali, M.[Muhammad], Schirinzi, G.[Gilda], Afzal, Z.[Zeeshan], Budillon, A.[Alessandra], Mughal, M.S.[Muhammad Saleem], Hussain, S.[Sajid], Ferraioli, G.[Giampaolo],
Estimation of Co-Seismic Surface Deformation Induced by 24 September 2019 Mirpur, Pakistan Earthquake along an Active Blind Fault Using Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry,
RS(16), No. 8, 2024, pp. 1457.
DOI Link 2405

Shu, C.[Chuanzeng], Meng, Z.G.[Zhi-Guo], Wu, Q.[Qiong], Xiong, W.[Wei], He, L.[Lijia], Zhang, X.P.[Xiao-Ping], Xu, D.[Dan],
Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation Mechanism Following the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake: Insights from Satellite Radar Interferometry and GPS,
RS(16), No. 8, 2024, pp. 1399.
DOI Link 2405

Yu, Z.[Zining], Jing, X.[Xilong], Wang, X.W.[Xian-Wei], Chi, C.Q.[Cheng-Quan], Zheng, H.Y.[Hai-Yong],
The Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network Associated with the 2022 Ms6.8 Luding Earthquake,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1613.
DOI Link 2405

Jiao, Z.H.[Zhong-Hu], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian],
A Bayesian Approach for Forecasting the Probability of Large Earthquakes Using Thermal Anomalies from Satellite Observations,
RS(16), No. 9, 2024, pp. 1542.
DOI Link 2405

Huang, X.[Xing], Li, Y.C.[Yan-Chuan], Shan, X.J.[Xin-Jian], Zhong, M.J.[Mei-Jiao], Wang, X.N.[Xue-Ning], Gao, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu],
Fault Kinematics of the 2023 Mw 6.0 Jishishan Earthquake, China, Characterized by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1746.
DOI Link 2405

Abdalzaher, M.S.[Mohamed S.], Soliman, M.S.[M. Sami], Krichen, M.[Moez], Alamro, M.A.[Meznah A.], Fouda, M.M.[Mostafa M.],
Employing Machine Learning for Seismic Intensity Estimation Using a Single Station for Earthquake Early Warning,
RS(16), No. 12, 2024, pp. 2159.
DOI Link 2406

Pavasovic, M.[Marko], Babic, D.[Drago], Banko, A.[Antonio], Timár, G.[Gábor],
The Largest Geodetic Coseismic Assessment of the 2020 Mw = 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake,
RS(16), No. 12, 2024, pp. 2112.
DOI Link 2406

Cianchini, G.[Gianfranco], Calcara, M.[Massimo], de Santis, A.[Angelo], Piscini, A.[Alessandro], d'Arcangelo, S.[Serena], Fidani, C.[Cristiano], Sabbagh, D.[Dario], Orlando, M.[Martina], Perrone, L.[Loredana], Campuzano, S.A.[Saioa A.], de Caro, M.[Mariagrazia], Nardi, A.[Adriano], Soldani, M.[Maurizio],
The Preparation Phase of the 2023 Kahramanmara? (Turkey) Major Earthquakes from a Multidisciplinary and Comparative Perspective,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2766.
DOI Link 2408

Yan, C.H.[Chun-Heng], Zhou, B.[Bin], Zhan, Y.[Yan], Sun, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu], Li, S.[Sha], Li, L.[Lei], Guo, P.[Peilan],
Deep Tectonic Environment Analysis of the Lingshan Conjugate Earthquake within the Qinzhou Fold Belt, South China: Insights Derived from 3D Resistivity Structure Model,
RS(16), No. 19, 2024, pp. 3740.
DOI Link 2410

Luna, D.A.[David Amador], Alonso-Chaves, F.M.[Francisco M.], Fernández, C.[Carlos],
Kernel Density Estimation for the Interpretation of Seismic Big Data in Tectonics Using QGIS: The Türkiye-Syria Earthquakes (2023),
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3849.
DOI Link 2411

Liu, Z.[Zheng], Zhang, K.[Keliang], Gan, W.J.[Wei-Jun], Liang, S.M.[Shi-Ming],
Refined Coseismic Slip and Afterslip Distributions of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake Based on GNSS and InSAR Observations,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 3996.
DOI Link 2411

Xin, Y.[Yubin], Zhao, C.Y.[Chao-Ying], Li, B.[Bin], Liu, X.J.[Xiao-Jie], Gao, Y.[Yang], Lou, J.Q.[Jian-Qi],
Activation of Ms 6.9 Milin Earthquake on Sedongpu Disaster Chain, China with Multi-Temporal Optical Images,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4003.
DOI Link 2411

Xiang, Y.F.[Yun-Fei], Qin, M.[Ming], Chen, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Xing, Y.[Yin], Bian, Y.[Yankai],
Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Slip Properties Associated with the 2024 M 7.5 Noto Peninsula, Japan Earthquake Determined by GNSS Observations,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4057.
DOI Link 2411

Liu, X.[Xuehua], Zhan, Y.[Yan], Zhao, L.Q.[Ling-Qiang], Sun, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu], Lou, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu],
Using Resistivity Structure to Study the Seismogenic Mechanism of the 2021 Luxian Ms6.0 Earthquakes,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4116.
DOI Link 2411

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Chapter on Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection continues in
Seismic Inversion, Seismic Data Processing .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25