Chalabe, S.
Co Author Listing * Experiences in Cadastral Restitution At a Town Affected By a Natural Disaster. The Case of Volcan, Jujuy Province, Argentina
Chalaermwat, P.[Prachya]
Co Author Listing * Multi-resolution Image Registration Using Genetics
Chalaki, B.[Behdad]
Co Author Listing * Time-Optimal Coordination for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Adjacent Intersections
Chalakkal, R.J.[Renoh Johnson]
Co Author Listing * Automatic detection and segmentation of optic disc and fovea in retinal images
Chalamala, S.
Co Author Listing * Face Template Protection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Chalamalasetty, S.P.[Sai Pratheek]
Co Author Listing * Research Perception Towards Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection: Challenges and Future Directions
Chalamish, M.
Co Author Listing * Enhancing Parking Simulations Using Peer-Designed Agents
Chalana, V.
Co Author Listing * methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images, A
* Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions, A
* multiple active contour model for cardiac boundary detection on echocardiographic sequences, A
* PC-Based Machine Vision System for Real-Time Computer-Aided Potato Inspection
* Video object tracking using a hierarchy of deformable templates
* Video object tracking with a sequential hierarchy of template deformations
Includes: Chalana, V. Chalana, V.[Vikram]
Chalar, A.[Alvaro]
Co Author Listing * Cost models for Failure Management on a Peer to peer VoD system
Chalas, I.[Igor]
Co Author Listing * Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images
Includes: Chalas, I.[Igor] Chalás, I.[Igor]
Chalasani, T.
Co Author Listing * CatNet: Class Incremental 3D ConvNets for Lifelong Egocentric Gesture Recognition
* SalNet360: Saliency maps for omni-directional images with CNN
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Recognition: Towards More Accurate Ego Gesture Recognition
Includes: Chalasani, T. Chalasani, T.[Tejo]
Chalastanis, D.[Dimitrios]
Co Author Listing * Using Wiimote for 2D and 3D Pointing Tasks: Gesture Performance Evaluation
Chalavadi, K.M.
Co Author Listing * Echocardiogram Analysis Using Motion Profile Modeling
* Human action recognition based on motion capture information using fuzzy convolution neural networks
* Human action recognition in RGB-D videos using motion sequence information and deep learning
* Human Action Recognition Using Action Bank Features and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Human action recognition using genetic algorithms and convolutional neural networks
Includes: Chalavadi, K.M. Chalavadi, K.M.[Krishna Mohan]
Chalavadi, V.[Vishnu]
Co Author Listing * Fine-grained action recognition using dynamic kernels
* mSODANet: A network for multi-scale object detection in aerial images using hierarchical dilated convolutions
Chalcla, B.E.
Co Author Listing * Synthesis of fingerprint images
Chalechale, A.
Co Author Listing * Edge image description using angular radial partitioning
* Facial expression recognition using high order directional derivative local binary patterns
* Image database retrieval using sketched queries
* Local binary patterns for noise-tolerant sEMG classification
* Noise-tolerant texture feature extraction through directional thresholded local binary pattern
* Sketch-Based Image Matching Using Angular Partitioning
* Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval Using Length and Curvature of 2D Digital Contours
Includes: Chalechale, A. Chalechale, A.[Abdolah]
7 for Chalechale, A.
Chalehchaleh, A.[Amirhossein]
Co Author Listing * Diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder using 1 D-CNN and Resting-State fMRI Data
Chaleplis, K.[Kyriakos]
Co Author Listing * Soil Moisture and Vegetation-Based Susceptibility Mapping Approach to Wildfire Events in Greece, A
Chalermwat, P.
Co Author Listing * Parallel image processing in heterogeneous computing network systems
Chaleshtori, S.A.[Sepide Aghaei]
Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Effects on Surface Water Resources in the Lake Urmia Basin, Iran, A
Chalfaouat, A.[Abderrahim]
Co Author Listing * Converging human and algorithmic biases in the hiring decision-making process
Chalfoun, J.
Co Author Listing * Analyzing U-Net Robustness for Single Cell Nucleus Segmentation from Phase Contrast Images
* Enabling Stem Cell Characterization from Large Microscopy Images
* Human Inspired Local Ratio-Based Algorithm for Edge Detection in Fluorescent Cell Images, A
* Methodology for Increasing the Measurement Accuracy of Image Features
* Predicting Segmentation Accuracy for Biological Cell Images
* Understanding the impact of image quality on segmentation accuracy
Includes: Chalfoun, J. Chalfoun, J.[Joe]
Chalh, Z.
Co Author Listing * Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for 2-D discrete state delayed systems
Chalhoub, N.G.
Co Author Listing * Development of an efficient perception system and a path planning algorithm for autonomous mobile robots
Chalhoub, R.[Reda]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Coordinate-Based Video Denoising
* Unsupervised Microscopy Video Denoising
Chali, S.[Samy]
Co Author Listing * Improving Normalizing Flows with the Approximate Mass for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Chalidabhongse, J.
Co Author Listing * Fast Motion Vector Estimation Using Multiresolution-Spatio-Temporal Correlations
Chalidabhongse, T.H.
Co Author Listing * 2D/3D Vision-Based Mango's Feature Extraction and Sorting
* Adaptive parametric statistical background subtraction for video segmentation
* Background modeling and subtraction by codebook construction
* ICIP 2022 Challenge on Parasitic Egg Detection and Classification in Microscopic Images: Dataset, Methods and Results
* Players tracking and ball detection for an automatic tennis video annotation
* Real-Time Face Identification Using Two Cooperative Active Cameras
* Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model
* speedup scheme for MRF stereo using local label hierarchy, A
Includes: Chalidabhongse, T.H. Chalidabhongse, T.H.[Thanarat H.]
8 for Chalidabhongse, T.H.
Chalifour, A.[Alain]
Co Author Listing * Otolith Recognition System Using a Normal Angles Contour
Chalimoniuk, M.[Marek]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of Ultrasonic B-Scans for Nondestructive Testing of Composites
Chalinel, R.[Remi]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide from IASI on Metop-A
Includes: Chalinel, R.[Remi] Chalinel, R.[Rémi]
Chalise, B.K.
Co Author Listing * Energy Distribution of Multiple Target Signal With Application to Target Counting
* On the Product of Complex Gaussians With Applications to Radar
* Performance Tradeoff in a Unified Passive Radar and Communications System
Chalk, J.[Jacob]
Co Author Listing * TIM: A Time Interval Machine for Audio-Visual Action Recognition
Chalkias, A.V.
Co Author Listing * MRISIMUL: A GPU-Based Parallel Approach to MRI Simulations
Chalkias, C.[Christos]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Developing and Disseminating a New Historical Geospatial Database from Kitchener's 19th Century Map of Cyprus
* Geoinformation Technologies in Support of Environmental Hazards Monitoring under Climate Change: An Extensive Review
* GIS Supported Landslide Susceptibility Modeling at Regional Scale: An Expert-Based Fuzzy Weighting Method
* Integrated Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis Model to Assess and Predict the Degradation of Protected Forest Areas, An
* Spatial Variability and Clustering of Quality of Life at Local Level: A Geographical Analysis in Athens, Greece
* Urban Quality of Life: Spatial Modeling and Indexing in Athens Metropolitan Area, Greece
7 for Chalkias, C.
Chalkias, G.[Georgios]
Co Author Listing * Developing and Disseminating a New Historical Geospatial Database from Kitchener's 19th Century Map of Cyprus
Chalkley, R.[Richard]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Feasibility Study into Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Monitoring Using Same-Day Observations, A
Challa, A.[Aditya]
Co Author Listing * Introduction to Gamma-Convergence for Spectral Clustering, An
* Power Tree Filter: A Theoretical Framework Linking Shortest Path Filters and Minimum Spanning Tree Filters
* Some Properties of Interpolations Using Mathematical Morphology
* Some Theoretical Links Between Shortest Path Filters and Minimum Spanning Tree Filters
* Watersheds for Semi-Supervised Classification
Includes: Challa, A.[Aditya] Challa, A.
Challa, N.K.[Naveen K.]
Co Author Listing * Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone-driven ERG responses: I. Square-wave pulse stimulation
Challa, S.[Subhash]
Co Author Listing * Camera motion and visual information fusion for 3D target tracking
* Combining background subtraction and temporal persistency in pedestrian detection from static videos
* Compressed sensing for face recognition
* License plate localization based on a probabilistic model
* Microscopic Cell Segmentation and Dead Cell Detection Based on CFSE and PI Images by Using Distance and Watershed Transforms
* Motion based 3D Target Tracking with Interacting Multiple Linear Dynamic Models
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking Using Colour and Motion Models
* Non-cooperative Object Detection in Sea Using Acoustic Sensors
* Tracking pedestrians using smoothed colour histograms in an interacting multiple model framework
* Vision based data fusion for autonomous vehicles target tracking using interacting multiple dynamic models
* Vision Based Target Tracking for Autonomous Land Vehicle Navigation: A Brief Survey
* Visual information fusion for object-based video image segmentation using unsupervised Bayesian online learning
Includes: Challa, S.[Subhash] Challa, S.
12 for Challa, S.
Challal, Y.
Co Author Listing * Game Theoretic Approach for Privacy Preserving Model in IoT-Based Transportation, A
Challapali, K.
Co Author Listing * Extracting coding parameters from pre-coded MPEG-2 video
* Fast computation of perceptually optimal quantization matrices for MPEG-2 intra pictures
* novel distortion-quantization model and its application in low bitrate video conununications, A
* Real-Time Object Segmentation and Coding for Selective-Quality Video Communications
* Robust video streaming over wireless LAN with efficient scalable coding and prioritized adaptive transmission
* System for the Automatic Extraction of 3-d Facial Feature Points for Face Model Calibration, A
Challappa, R.[Rama]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Super-Resolution for PREDATOR Video Sequences
* Data-Driven Multichannel Superresolution with Application to Video Sequences
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring
Challener, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Image encoding and synthesis
Challenor, P.G.
Co Author Listing * Method for Tracking Individual Planetary Waves in Remotely Sensed Data, A
Challita, K.
Co Author Listing * Indexation of Syriac manuscripts using directional features
Challoob, M.[Mohsin]
Co Author Listing * Distinctive Phase Interdependency Model for Retinal Vasculature Delineation in OCT-Angiography Images
* Local Flow Phase Stretch Transform for Robust Retinal Vessel Detection, A
* Quadratic Tensor Anisotropy Measures for Reliable Curvilinear Pattern Detection
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Matched Filter with Joint Relative Entropy
* Separable Paravector Orientation Tensors for Enhancing Retinal Vessels
Chalme, S.
Co Author Listing * Dealing with frame cancellation for stereoscopic displays in 3D user interfaces
Chalmers, A.[Andrew]
Co Author Listing * De-lighting Human Images Using Region-Specific Data Augmentation
* Deep Portrait Delighting
* DeepDuoHDR: A Low Complexity Two Exposure Algorithm for HDR Deghosting on Mobile Devices
* Displaying colourimetrically calibrated images on a high dynamic range display
* Displaying detail in bright environments: A 10,000 nit display and its evaluation
* Enabling stereoscopic high dynamic range video
* Evaluation of feature point detection in high dynamic range imagery
* Evaluation of HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices
* evaluation of power transfer functions for HDR video compression, An
* Full-body Human De-lighting with Semi-supervised Learning
* HDR video past, present and future: A perspective
* Mixing tone mapping operators on the GPU by differential zone mapping based on psychophysical experiments
* Objective and subjective evaluation of High Dynamic Range video compression
* Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content
* Per-pixel classification of clouds from whole sky HDR images
* Perceptually based radiance map for realistic composition
* Repeatable texture sampling with interchangeable patches
* Screen reflections impact on HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices: an evaluation study
* Selective local tone mapping
* Selective rendering for efficient ray traced stereoscopic images
* Shadow-based Light Detection for HDR Environment Maps
* Smoothness perception
* study on user preference of high dynamic range over low dynamic range video, A
* Synthesising radiance maps from legacy outdoor photographs for real-time IBL on HMDs
* TMO-Det: Deep tone-mapping optimized with and for object detection
* Top-Down Visual Attention for Efficient Rendering of Task Related Scenes
* Uniform Color Space-Based High Dynamic Range Video Compression
* Visuohaptic augmented feedback for enhancing motor skills acquisition
Includes: Chalmers, A.[Andrew] Chalmers, A.[Alan] Chalmers, A.
28 for Chalmers, A.
Chalmers, A.N.[Andrew N.]
Co Author Listing * Application of the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to predict the effect of gamma on the colours viewed on CRT monitors
* virtual imaging system for colour research, A
Includes: Chalmers, A.N.[Andrew N.] Chalmers, A.N.
Chalmers, C.[Carl]
Co Author Listing * Empowering Wildlife Guardians: An Equitable Digital Stewardship and Reward System for Biodiversity Conservation Using Deep Learning and 3/4G Camera Traps
* Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Deep Learning
Chalmers, E.[Eric]
Co Author Listing * Toward maximum-predictive-value classification
Chalmond, B.
Co Author Listing * Association of adaptative smoothing and Markovian models for detection of valley bottoms on strongly noisy images
* Building and Training Radiographic Models for Flexible Object Identification from Incomplete Data
* Contextual performance prediction for low-level image analysis algorithms
* Individual Hip Prosthesis Design from CT Images
* Iterative Gibbsian Technique for Reconstruction of M-Ary Images, An
* Markov Fusion of a Pair of Noisy Images to Detect Intensity Valleys
* Nonlinear Modeling of Scattered Multivariate Data and Its Application to Shape Change
* Transfer-Function Estimation, Film Fusion and Image Restoration
* Using Hidden Scale for Salient Object Detection
Includes: Chalmond, B. Chalmond, B.[Bernard]
9 for Chalmond, B.
Chalmoviansky, P.[Pavel]
Co Author Listing * Visualisation of complex functions on Riemann sphere
Includes: Chalmoviansky, P.[Pavel] Chalmovianský, P.[Pavel]
Chalodhorn, R.
Co Author Listing * Periodic nonlinear principal component neural networks for humanoid motion segmentation, generalization, and generation
Chalom, E.[Edmond]
Co Author Listing * Apparatus and method for context-based indexing and retrieval of image sequences
* Segmentation of an Image Sequence Using Multi-Dimensional image attributes
Chalon, S.
Co Author Listing * 4DGVF segmentation of vector-valued images
* Variational Segmentation of Vector-Valued Images With Gradient Vector Flow
Chaloupka, J.[Josef]
Co Author Listing * Czech Artificial Computerized Talking Head George
* Using Various Types of Multimedia Resources to Train System for Automatic Transcription of Czech Historical Oral Archives
Chaloupka, Z.[Zdenek]
Co Author Listing * Czech Artificial Computerized Talking Head George
Chalov, S.[Sergey]
Co Author Listing * North to South Variations in the Suspended Sediment Transport Budget within Large Siberian River Deltas Revealed by Remote Sensing Data
Chalumeau, T.
Co Author Listing * Complex networks: Application for Texture Characterization and Classification
Chalup, S.[Stephan]
Co Author Listing * Comparing Ellipse Detection and Deep Neural Networks for the Identification of Drinking Glasses in Images
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Speech and Physiological Signals Using Deep Neural Networks
Chalup, S.K.
Co Author Listing * Affective Visual Perception Using Machine Pareidolia of Facial Expressions
* study on validating non-linear dimensionality reduction using persistent homology, A
* Support vector clustering of time series data with alignment kernels
Includes: Chalup, S.K. Chalup, S.K.[Stephan K.]
Chalupka, K.
Co Author Listing * Rethinking Zero-Shot Video Classification: End-to-End Training for Realistic Applications
Chalupka, M.
Co Author Listing * 3D Virtual Reconstructions of Minoan Rural Sites: The Case Of Livari Cheromylia
Chalus, M.[Michal]
Co Author Listing * Calibration and using a laser profile scanner for 3D robotic welding
Co Author Listing * Intellectual Journey in History: Preserving Indian Cultural Heritage, An
Chalvatzaki, G.
Co Author Listing * Video Processing and Learning in Assistive Robotic Applications
Chalvidal, M.
Co Author Listing * Block Distributed 3MG Algorithm and its Application to 3D Image Restoration