Matia, D.
Co Author Listing * Detection of Phases in Sugar Crystallization Using Wavelets
Matia, F.
Co Author Listing * Emotional Model for a Guide Robot, An
* Multisensor Fusion: An Autonomous Mobile Robot
Matias, B.
Co Author Listing * 3d Underwater Mine Modelling in the ¡ vamos ! Project
Matias, J.A.S.[Jhonata A. S.]
Co Author Listing * Improving the Creation of Hot Spot Policing Patrol Routes: Comparing Cognitive Heuristic Performance to an Automated Spatial Computation Approach
Matias, J.M.[Jose M.]
Co Author Listing * Functional Pattern Recognition of 3D Laser Scanned Images of Wood-Pulp Chips
Includes: Matias, J.M.[Jose M.] Matías, J.M.[José M.]
Matias, L.
Co Author Listing * Spatial Distribution of Felt Intensities for Portugal Earthquakes
Matias, L.F.[Lindon F.]
Co Author Listing * Importance of Protected Areas by Brazilian States to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon
* Land Use and Land Cover Classification in the Northern Region of Mozambique Based on Landsat Time Series and Machine Learning
Includes: Matias, L.F.[Lindon F.] Matias, L.F.[Lindon Fonseca]
Matias, M.T.[Mariah T.]
Co Author Listing * Snowmelt Onset and Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Spring Migration
Matias, P.M.[Pedro Moreno]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Guidance of a Tractor Using Computer Vision
Includes: Matias, P.M.[Pedro Moreno] Matías, P.M.[Pedro Moreno]
Matias, R.[Ricardo]
Co Author Listing * Time Alignment Measurement for Time Series
Matias, Y.
Co Author Listing * Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
Matiasko, K.[Karol]
Co Author Listing * Application for brain tumour imaging
Matiatos, I.[Ioannis]
Co Author Listing * Applying a 1D Convolutional Neural Network in Flood Susceptibility Assessments: The Case of the Island of Euboea, Greece
Matic, F.[Frano]
Co Author Listing * 55-Year Time Series Station for Primary Production in the Adriatic Sea: Data Correction, Extraction of Photosynthesis Parameters and Regime Shifts, A
* Optimal Sensor Placement Using Learning Models: A Mediterranean Case Study
Matic, N.
Co Author Listing * Computer aided cleaning of large databases for character recognition
Matic, N.P.
Co Author Listing * Quickstroke: an incremental on-line Chinese handwriting recognition system
Matic, R.
Co Author Listing * algorithm-driven processor design for video compression, An
Matignon, L.[Laetitia]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Object Navigation with dynamically learned neural implicit representations
* Solving Multi-Agent Routing Problems Using Deep Attention Mechanisms
* Task-Conditioned Adaptation of Visual Features in Multi-Task Policy Learning
Includes: Matignon, L.[Laetitia] Matignon, L.[Laëtitia]
Matijasevic, M.
Co Author Listing * Introduction to the Special Section on Smart, Social, and Converged TV
Matijevic, H.[Hrvoje]
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Co-Editing of Geographic Features
Matijosaitiene, I.[Irina]
Co Author Listing * Crime Prediction and Monitoring in Porto, Portugal, Using Machine Learning, Spatial and Text Analytics
* Prediction of Hourly Effect of Land Use on Crime
Includes: Matijosaitiene, I.[Irina] Matijošaitiene, I.[Irina]
Matikainen, L.
Co Author Listing * Accuracy of 3D city models: EuroSDR comparison
* Automatic Detection of Buildings and Changes in Buildings for Updating of Maps
* Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Method For The Updating Of Land Parcels, The
* Classification Tree Based Building Detection From Laser Scanner and Aerial Image Data
* Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser scanning for land cover classification
* Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests
* Comparison Between First Pulse and Last Pulse Laser Scanner Data in the Automatic Detection of Buildings
* Deciduous-Coniferous Tree Classification Using Difference between First and Last Pulse Laser Signatures
* Extracting Built-Up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images
* improved approach for automatic detection of changes in buildings, An
* Mapping Built-up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images: A Segment-based Approach
* Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning For Automated Map Updating
* Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scanner data for land cover classification and map updating
* Object-Based Approach for Mapping Shrub and Tree Cover on Grassland Habitats by Use of LiDAR and CIR Orthoimages, An
* Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
* Segment-Based Land Cover Mapping of a Suburban Area: Comparison of High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Datasets Using Classification Trees and Test Field Points
* Test of Automatic Building Change Detection Approaches, A
* Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning
Includes: Matikainen, L. Matikainen, L.[Leena]
18 for Matikainen, L.
Matikainen, P.[Pyry]
Co Author Listing * Classifier Ensemble Recommendation
* Feature seeding for action recognition
* Model recommendation for action recognition
* Prop-free pointing detection in dynamic cluttered environments
* Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action Recognition
* Trajectons: Action recognition through the motion analysis of tracked features
Matikainen, P.K.
Co Author Listing * Fast Motion Consistency through Matrix Quantization
Matilainen, M.[Matti]
Co Author Listing * Finger Tracking for Gestural Interaction in Mobile Devices
* OUHANDS database for hand detection and pose recognition
* Rotation Tolerant Hand Pose Recognition Using Aggregation of Gradient Orientations
* Unusual Activity Recognition in Noisy Environments
Includes: Matilainen, M.[Matti] Matilainen, M.
Matildes, R.
Co Author Listing * ARRIBA: Designing a GIS for Coastal Management
* Geospatial Model for Large Scale Sea Cliff Rockfall Susceptibility Mapping
* Recovering Portugal Aerial Images Repository
Matin, A.[Ali]
Co Author Listing * Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Road Safety and Efficiency: A Systematic Literature Review
* Segment based co-factor detection and elimination for effective gait recognition
Includes: Matin, A.[Ali] Matin, A.
Matin, F.[Farzin]
Co Author Listing * Retinex-Based Image Enhancement with Particle Swarm Optimization and Multi-Objective Function
Matin, M.A.[Mir A.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion Patterns by Fusing OSM and Landsat Data in Kathmandu
* Comparison of Three Temporal Smoothing Algorithms to Improve Land Cover Classification: A Case Study from NEPAL, A
* Operational Flood Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A Case Study from Bangladesh
Includes: Matin, M.A.[Mir A.] Matin, M.A.[Mir Abdul]
Matin, S.[Shafique]
Co Author Listing * Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India
Matinez, B.[Brais]
Co Author Listing * Black Box Few-Shot Adaptation for Vision-Language models
Matinfar, B.[Babak]
Co Author Listing * Non-rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound Images Using Model-Based Segmentation
Matinfar, H.R.[Hamid Reza]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Forest Growing Stem Volume Using Novel Feature Evaluation Criteria Based on Spectral Saturation in Planted Chinese Fir Forest
Matinfar, M.
Co Author Listing * Algorithms and networks for accelerated convergence of adaptive LDA
* Fast adaptive LDA using quasi-Newton algorithm
Matini, M.R.[Mohammad Reza]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of a Collapsed Historical Site from Sparse Set of Photographs and Photogrammetric Map
Matinmikko, E.
Co Author Listing * Empirical evaluation of MPEG-7 XM color descriptors in content-based retrieval of semantic image categories
* Semantic Image Retrieval with HSV Correlograms
* Task-Based User Evaluation of Content-Based Image Database Browsing Systems
Includes: Matinmikko, E. Matinmikko, E.[Esa]
Matitz, L.[Laura]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy and Precision of Stem Cross-Section Modeling in 3D Point Clouds from TLS and Caliper Measurements for Basal Area Estimation
Matiu, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps: An Earth Observation-Based Analysis
* Spatiotemporal variations of alpine climate, snow cover and phenology
Mativenga, M.[Mallory]
Co Author Listing * feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imaging X-ray system based on carbon nanotube field emitters, A
Matiyali, N.
Co Author Listing * Coordinated Joint Multimodal Embeddings for Generalized Audio-Visual Zero-shot Classification and Retrieval of Videos
* Multi-Layer Pruning Framework for Compressing Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Video Person Re-Identification using Learned Clip Similarity Aggregation
Includes: Matiyali, N. Matiyali, N.[Neeraj]
Matiz, G.[Gustavo]
Co Author Listing * Study of Recent Deformations in the Bogota Savanna and the City of Bogota (Colombia) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Radar Interferometry
Matiz, S.[Sergio]
Co Author Listing * Inductive conformal predictor for convolutional neural networks: Applications to active learning for image classification
* Label consistent recursive least squares dictionary learning for image classification