Journals starting with ijis

IJIS( Vol No. ) * *International Journal of Intelligent Systems

IJIS(1) * Fast Correlation Registration Method Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Intelligent Computer Vision System, An
* Object Recognition by Three-Dimensional Curve Matching
* Shape-from-Shading Using Multiple Light Sources

IJIS(10) * Integrating Artificial and Psychophysical Approaches for Boundary Finding in Line Drawings

IJIS(11) * Design of Large Intelligent Image Database-Systems
* Hybrid Architecture for Shape Reconstruction and Object Recognition
* Using Geometrical Information for Accurate Scene Understanding in an Artificial Vision System

IJIS(12) * Visibility Inference Based on Spatial Knowledge Representation from Observers Perspective

IJIS(2) * Planning and Reasoning for Autonomous Vehicle Control

IJIS(20) * Adaptive Shadow and Highlight Invariant Colour Segmentation for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Kohonen SOM
* Novel Efficient Algorithm for Locating and Tracking Object Parts in Low Resolution Videos, A
* SiMOR: Single Moving Object Recognition

IJIS(4) * FUR: Understanding FUnctional Reasoning

IJIS(6) * Object Structure and Action Requirements: A Compatibility Model for Functional Recognition

IJIS(8) * Fuzzy Reasoning Approach to Similarity Evaluation in Image Analysis

IJIST( Vol No. ) * *International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

IJIST(1) * Algebraic Methods in 3-D Motion Estimation from Two-View Point Correspondences

IJIST(10) * Adaptive image compression based on segmentation and block classification
* Application of diffusion tensor MRI to neurological segmentation
* Application of the genetic algorithm for microwave imaging of a layered dielectric object via the regular shape expansion technique
* Applications of monotonic noise reduction algorithms in fMRI, phase estimation, and contrast enhancement
* Automated quantification of brain magnetic resonance image hyperintensities using hybrid clustering and knowledge-based methods
* Autonomous underwater vehicle guidance by integrating neural networks and geometric reasoning
* Cell loss concealment and packetization in packet video
* Chinese signature verification: The topological approach and the waveform matching approach
* Color reduction using local features and a kohonen self-organized feature map neural network
* Compton back-scattering imaging
* Computer recognition of Jia Gu Wen characters
* Contrast enhancement and artifact reduction in magnetization-prepared MR angiography
* direct reconstruction method with variable constraints, A
* DSP-based system for real-time video communications
* Edge-assisted upper band coding techniques
* Estimating voxel volume fractions of trabecular bone on the basis of magnetic resonance images acquired in vivo
* Excitation of complex profiles by CARVE sequence: Accounting for spectral dispersion and relaxation
* Explorative signal processing in functional MR imaging
* fast convergence method with simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for computerized tomography, A
* Fast hierarchical noniterative registration algorithm
* Genetic adaptive coding optimization applied to fractal image compression
* Guest editorial: Advanced signal processing in MRI. Part I
* Guest editorial: Advanced signal processing in MRI. Part II
* Image and video compression: A survey
* imaginary component of the reconstructed image in fan beam tomography, The
* Improving videophone subjective quality using audio information
* Investigation of the noise properties of a new class of reconstruction methods in diffraction tomography
* iterative method for maximum entropy regularization reconstruction in MRI, An
* Local elastic matching and pattern recognition in MR mammography
* Lossless compression for storing similar binary images
* Maximum cross-entropy generalized series reconstruction
* Measurement and analysis of nonexponential signal decay curves in brain diffusion and muscle relaxation magnetic resonance studies in humans
* Model-based methods for textile fault detection
* MR image encoding by spatially selective RF excitation: An analysis using linear response models
* Multidimensional k-space model for analysis of flow-related phenomena in MR imaging
* Near-optimal spatial encoding for dynamically adaptive MRI: Mathematical principles and computational methods
* new algorithm for parallel thinning and its hardware realization, A
* new shape-vector quantization-based adaptive predictive image coder, A
* Novel encoding technology for ultrafast MRI in a limited spatial region
* Parameter estimation from magnitude MR images
* pyramidal-mirror detector for scanning laser acoustic microscopy, The
* Real-time detection of multiple moving objects in complex image sequences
* Reconstruction algorithm for novel ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging
* Single-chip processor for media applications: the MAP1000TM
* Survey of progressive image transmission methods
* Three-dimensional CAD model reconstruction from image data of computer tomography
* Tracking MR tag surfaces using a spatiotemporal filter and interpolator
* Ultrasonic pulse shaping with optimal lag filters
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IJIST(11) * Analytical surface recognition in three-dimensional (3D) medical images using genetic matching: Application to the extraction of spheroidal articular surfaces in 3D computed tomography data sets
* Approximate volume rendering for curvilinear and unstructured grids by hardware-assisted polyhedron projection
* Beam blocking method for optical characterization of surfaces
* Bidirectional multiple-valued neural network for pattern recognition and associative recall
* Binary operator design by k-nearest neighbor learning with application to image resolution increasing
* Clutter-free volume rendering for magnetic resonance angiography using fuzzy connectedness
* Design and operation of an imaging sensor for detecting vegetation
* Detecting multiple objects under partial occlusion by integrating classification and tracking approaches
* Diffuse tomography: Using time-of-flight information in a two-dimensional model
* Graph models applied to specification, simulation, allocation, and scheduling of real-time computer vision applications
* Guest editorial: Advances in quantitative image analysis
* Guest editorial: Three-dimensional imaging
* Helical cone-beam tomography
* Image processing approaches to biological three-dimensional electron microscopy
* Inverse scattering of a buried imperfect conductor by the genetic algorithm
* Investigation of smooth basis functions and an approximated projection algorithm for faster tomography
* Mammographic mass detection by adaptive thresholding and region growing
* method for three-dimensional time-resolved optical tomography, A
* Microwave imaging of parallel perfectly conducting cylinders
* Multicriteria maximum likelihood neural network approach to positron emission tomography
* neural network approach to microwave imaging, A
* On Holographic Transform Compression of Images
* On the use of shadows in stance recovery
* On vision systems identification with application to fixed-camera robotic systems
* Pattern recognition: Historical perspective and future directions
* Quantitative images of antenna patterns using infrared thermography and microwave holography
* Quantitative trace element imaging using PIXE and the nuclear microprobe
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Real-time video surveillance system using a field programmable gate array
* Real-time volume rendering
* stereo vision system for the inspection of IC bonding wires, A
* technique of object-adaptive vertex-based shape coding for MPEG-4 videos, A
* Three-dimensional digital topological characterization of cancellous bone architecture
* Transformation Invariance in Pattern Recognition: Tangent Distance and Propagation
* Unifying maximum likelihood approaches in medical image registration
* Using dendronal signatures for feature extraction and retrieval
* Variable-rate hierarchical vector quantization with variance classification
* Vision system for on-line characterization of paper slurry
* Volumetric morphologic deformation method for intersubject image registration
* Volumetry and topography of the human brain by magnetic resonance imaging
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IJIST(12) * accelerated multiplicative iterative algorithm in image reconstruction, An
* Analysis of the compatibility conditions for the radon projections, with an application to seismology
* analytic simplification for the reconstruction problem of electrical impedance tomography, An
* Application of Krylov subspaces to SPECT imaging
* automatic focusing algorithm, An
* Constrained total least-squares computations for high-resolution image reconstruction with multisensors
* Design and implementation of real-time software-based H.261 video codec
* Fast color image restoration with multisensors
* Fast Feldkamp reconstruction based on focus of attention and distributed computing
* Fourier approach to the natural pixel discretization of brain single-photon emission computed tomography, A
* hybrid approach of wavelet packet and directional decomposition for image compression, A
* Image indexing by Color Plane Moment
* Intensity-based image matching for regular firearms
* Multifoveal imager for stereo applications
* Neural network-based image restoration using scaled residual with space-variant regularization
* Neural Network-Based Nonlinear Filter for Image Enhancement, A
* new fast block matching algorithm based on complexity-distortion optimization, A
* Nonlinear Inverse Problem Inspired by Three-Dimensional Diffuse Tomography: Explicit Formulas, A
* Nonuniform video coding by means of multifoveal geometries
* novel blind super-resolution technique based on the improved Poisson maximum a posteriori algorithm, A
* Numerically robust minimal-scan reconstruction algorithms for diffraction tomography via radon transform inversion
* On estimation of the number of image principal colors and color reduction through self-organized neural networks
* On the fast search algorithms for vector quantization encoding
* Past and future directions in x-ray computed tomography (CT)
* Position-dependent defocus processing for acoustic holography images
* Progressive edge detection compression for fingerprint images
* Pyramid-based super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence
* Reconstruction of smooth distributions within unsmooth circumferences from limited views using filtered-backprojection algorithm
* Robust estimation of 3D trajectories from a monocular image sequence
* Superresolution planar diffraction tomography through evanescent fields
* Three-dimensional support function estimation and application for projection magnetic resonance imaging
* Wavelet-based adaptive vector quantization for still-image coding
32 for IJIST(12)

IJIST(13) * Audiovisual localization of multiple speakers in a video teleconferencing setting
* Automatic vergence control based on hierarchical segmentation of stereo pairs
* Block-based fine granularity scalable video coding with optimized rate allocation for content-aware streaming
* Description method for spatio-temporal regions in a video and its application
* Enhanced mode-adaptive fine granularity scalability
* Face alignment using view-based direct appearance models
* Face as an index: Knowing who is who using a PDA
* Face recognition based on face-specific subspace
* Face tracking for model-based coding and face animation
* fast BNM (Best Neighborhood Matching): Algorithm and parallel processing for image restoration, A
* Fast template matching using correlation-based adaptive predictive search
* Hierarchical fuzzy segmentation of brain MR images
* How we detect a face: A survey of psychological evidence
* Image reconstructions from two orthogonal projections
* Image segmentation via local higher order statistics
* Intellectual property management and protection for MPEG multimedia content: A structured language for interoperable IPMP systems
* locally adaptive region growing algorithm for vascular segmentation, A
* Macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* Modeling and animation of individualized faces for 3D facial expression synthesis
* MPEG-4 facial animation in video analysis and synthesis
* Multicriteria second-order neural networks approach to imaging through turbulence
* Optimal data acquisition in fMRI using prolate spheroidal wave functions
* pose-invariant approach for hypothesis support, A
* Pyramid-based super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence
* Rate-distortion optimized intra update for error resilience in MPEG-4 video coding
* Real-time video postprocessing for deblocking and deringing on mediaprocessors
* Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
* robust video scene extraction approach to movie content abstraction, A
* Subband decomposition strategies for object-based image coding
* Summarization of news video and its description for content-based access
* Superresolution image reconstruction from blurred observations by multisensors
* Synthetic faces: Analysis and applications
* TV-trawler project, The
* Video compression for multicast environments using spatial scalability and simulcast coding
* Visual speech, a trajectory in viseme space
* Wavelet energy spectrum for time-frequency localization of earthquake energy
36 for IJIST(13)

IJIST(14) * Adaptive video filtering framework
* Advances and challenges in super-resolution
* Application of independent component analysis with mixture density model to localize brain alpha activity in fMRI and EEG
* Color adaptation for anomalous trichromats
* Content-aware full search scheme for motion estimation
* Electromagnetic imaging for a conducting cylinder buried in a slab medium by the genetic algorithm
* Hardware architecture for hierarchical segmentation in foveal images
* High-resolution image reconstruction from rotated and translated low-resolution images with multisensors
* High-resolution image reconstruction with displacement errors: A framelet approach
* High-resolution images from compressed low-resolution video: Motion estimation and observable pixels
* High-resolution imaging using integrated optical systems
* Holographic digital Fourier microscopy for selective imaging of biological tissue
* Image reconstruction with a shift-variant filtration in circular cone-beam CT
* Image-based view rendering in endoscopy
* List-mode EM algorithms for limited precision high-resolution PET image reconstruction
* Matching of uncalibrated stereo images by elastic deformation
* Motion compensation by phase correction for synthetic-aperture side-scan sonar imaging
* Parameter estimation in Bayesian reconstruction of SPECT images: An aid in nuclear medicine diagnosis
* SAR imaging using multidimensional continuous wavelet transform and applications to polarimetry and interferometry
* second-generation wavelet framework for super-resolution with noise filtering, A
* secure authentication watermarking for halftone and binary images, A
* Single-frame image super-resolution using learned wavelet coefficients
* Super-resolution approach to overcome physical limitations of imaging sensors: An overview
* Super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence by a neural network
* Synthetic-aperture assessment of a dispersive surface
* Synthetic-aperture technique for high-resolution composite imaging of the inside walls of tubular specimens
* Target image enhancement using representative line in MR cholangiography images
* Theoretical analysis and reduction of the quantization noise effects in the SA-DCT
* Time-varying reconstruction in single photon emission computed tomography
* use of super-resolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI, The
* Wavelet algorithms for deblurring models
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IJIST(15) * 3D velocity from 3D Doppler radial velocity
* Automatic detection and verification of solar features
* Bayesian image decomposition applied to relaxographic imaging
* Blind deconvolution using TV regularization and Bregman iteration
* Color image denoising using evolutionary computation
* Equivalence principle for optimization of sparse versus low-spread representations for signal estimation in noise
* Genetic coding of image on synthetic peptides
* Guest editorial: Special issue on blind source separation and de-convolution in imaging and image processing
* Image coding based on wavelet feature vector
* Image reconstruction of buried inhomogeneous dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Independent comparative study of PCA, ICA, and LDA on the FERET data set
* Inlier-based ICA with an application to superimposed images
* Lebesgue anisotropic image denoising
* Low discrepancy holographic image sampling
* multimodal fusion system for people detection and tracking, A
* multiresolution-based method for the determination of the relative resolution between images: First application to remote sensing and medical images, A
* Optimization and integration of high-performance ground penetrating imaging radar system: A research prototype
* practical approach for estimating illumination distribution from shadows using a single image, A
* Simultaneous total variation image inpainting and blind deconvolution
* Sparse ICA for blind separation of transmitted and reflected images
* Stereoscopic imaging and computer vision of impinging fires by a single camera with a stereo adapter
* Survey of sparse and non-sparse methods in source separation
* Symmetric-key block cipher for image and text cryptography
* system for matching moving vehicles across different camera sites in outdoor environments, A
* Trademark image retrieval by distance-angle pair-wise histogram
* Unsupervised learning of nonlinear dependencies in natural images
* Variational blind deconvolution of multi-channel images
27 for IJIST(15)

IJIST(16) * Adaptive image thresholding for real-time particle monitoring
* Adaptive vs. non-adaptive strategies for the computation of optical flow
* application of linear predictive coding and computational geometry to iris recognition, An
* Bayesian approach to change points detection in time series
* Bayesian inference for inverse problems in signal and image processing and applications
* cDNA microarray image segmentation using root signals
* Classification of leaf images
* Color invariant object recognition using entropic graphs
* Digital holographic scanning of large objects using a rotating optical slab
* Edge-adaptive color interpolation for complementary color filter array
* Efficient bit-plane coding scheme for fine granular scalable video coding
* How to tell the difference between a cat and a dog?
* Image registration methods in high-dimensional space
* Matching pursuit-based shape representation and recognition using scale-space
* method for eye detection based on SVD transforms, A
* minute lossy method for 2D-gel images compression, A
* Model-based shape from shading for microelectronics applications
* new progressive coding scheme for halftone dithered images using bit-interleaving, A
* New scheme of digital watermarking using an adaptive embedding strength applied on multiresolution filed by 9/7 wavelet
* Optimal packetization scheme for embedded multimedia bitstreams using genetic algorithms
* simple set of numerical invariants for the analysis of images, A
* snake-based approach to automated segmentation of tongue image using polar edge detector, A
* spin glass model of a Markov random field, A
* Splitting up panoramic range images into compact 2-1/2 D representations
* Text binarization in color documents
* Using matching distance in size theory: A survey
* Vision in the real world: Finding, attending and recognizing objects
27 for IJIST(16)

IJIST(17) * 3D modeling and free-view generation system using environmental stereo cameras, A
* Analysis of skin images using texture descriptor by a combined statistical and structural approach
* Assessing human skin color from uncalibrated images
* Binocular imaging of a laser stripe and approximation networks for shape detection
* Color aided motion-segmentation and object tracking for video sequences semantic analysis
* Color high dynamic range imaging: The luminance-chrominance approach
* comparative study on interpolation methods for controlled cardiac CT, A
* Constrained image reconstruction for magnetic detection electrical impedance tomography
* Determination of optimal number of projections and parametric sensitivity analysis of operators for parallel-ray transmission tomography using hybrid continuous genetic algorithm
* efficient approach to texture-based image retrieval, An
* Error assisted fast mode decision in the H264 video coding standard
* Face modeling and editing with statistical local feature control models
* Guest editorial: Special issue on applied color image processing
* hybrid image restoration approach: Using fuzzy punctual kriging and genetic programming, A
* hybrid PET-MRI: An integrated molecular-genetic imaging system with HRRT-PET and 7.0-T MRI, A
* Image texture classification using wavelet based curve fitting and probabilistic neural network
* Improved data hiding in halftone images with cooperating pair toggling human visual system
* Improved upsampling filter design for spatially scalable video coding
* Influence of background and surround on image color matching
* Learning invariants to illumination changes typical of indoor environments: Application to image color correction
* Low-cost solution to on-line color filter array demosaicking
* Medical images compression for remote diagnosis using modified SPIHT data organization and fidelity enhancement filter
* new automated delineation method for SPECT lung scans using adaptive dual-exponential thresholding, A
* new image sharpening approach for single-sensor digital cameras, A
* On modeling interchannel dependency for color image denoising
* On the pretreatment process for the object extraction in color image of wear debris
* Perceptually inspired HDR images tone mapping with color correction
* Performance evaluation of dimensionality reduction techniques for multispectral images
* Robust multiscale algorithms for gradient-based motion estimation
* Scale and skew-invariant road sign recognition
* Secret image transmission based on VQ and data embedding
* Spatially adaptive color filter array interpolation for noiseless and noisy data
* Study on color space selection for detecting cast shadows in video surveillance
* Three-stage model for robust real-time face tracking
* Two finite inverse Hilbert transform formulae for region-of-interest tomography
* User-friendly image sharing using polynomials with different primes
* Video tracking system optimization using evolution strategies
* Watermarking in halftone images with mixed halftone techniques
38 for IJIST(17)

IJIST(18) * Artifactual time-course correlations in echo-planar fMRI with implications for studies of brain function
* Assessing spatial probabilistic distributional differences in the common space between schizophrenics and normal controls based on a novel automated probabilistic pattern analysis method
* Block-based recursive motion filtering for preserving true motion vectors in time-varying texture objects
* Co-registration of in vivo human MRI brain images to postmortem histological microscopic images
* Composite MR contrast agents for conditional cell-labeling
* Correcting image defects of stained glass windows
* Defining a new feature set for content-based image analysis using histogram refinement
* Differential transient MEG and fMRI responses to visual stimulation onset rate
* Does compression affect image retrieval performance?
* Effective and efficient browsing of image databases
* efficient gait recognition based on a selective neural network ensemble, An
* Efficient video retrieval using index structure
* fast spherical inflation method of the cerebral cortex by deformation of a simplex mesh on the polar coordinates, A
* generic approach to semantic video indexing using adaptive fusion of multimodal classifiers, A
* Guest editorial: Special issue on human brain imaging
* Guest editorial: Special issue on multimedia information retrieval
* Image reconstruction of buried multiple conductors by genetic algorithms
* Image retrieval in multipoint queries
* improvement in the moment-preserving thresholding method, An
* Independent vector analysis (IVA) for group fMRI processing of subcortical area
* Inverse scattering of buried inhomogeneous biaxial dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Long-Term Learning in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* MAP fusion method for superresolution of images with locally varying pixel quality
* methodology for analyzing curvature in the developing brain from preterm to adult, A
* Neurofeedback fMRI-mediated learning and consolidation of regional brain activation during motor imagery
* New brain atlas: Mapping the human brain in vivo with 7.0 T MRI and comparison with postmortem histology: Will these images change modern medicine?
* On-road vehicle detection and tracking based on road context and the ambient lighting adaptive framework
* Parallel fuzzy segmentation of multiple objects
* projection-based image quality measure, A
* RTSVC: Real-time system for visual control of robots
* Spectral weighting for distributed backward propagation image reconstruction in diffraction tomography
* Speeding up active relevance feedback with approximate knn retrieval for hyperplane queries
* Stereo image displaying based on both physiological and psychological stereoscopy from single image
* Switching between the SA-DCT and the EI-DCT in arbitrarily shaped image coding
* Transform-domain penalized-likelihood filtering of tomographic data
* Video compression by bit-plane watermarking
36 for IJIST(18)

IJIST(19) * adaptive scheme for compressed video steganography using temporal and spatial features of the video signal, An
* Algorithms for connected component labeling based on quadtrees
* Application of highlight removal and multivariate image analysis to color measurement of flotation bubble images
* Attenuation map estimation with SPECT emission data only
* Color reduction for complex document images
* Color-edge detection based on discrimination of noticeable color contrasts
* Combining ubiquitous direction-sensitive digitizing with a multimedia electronic dictionary for enhanced understanding
* Compensating for nonstationary blurring by further blurring and deconvolution
* Complexity-reduced and contrast-enhanced halftoning with hybrid model
* Computer-aided diagnosis system for the detection of bronchiectasis in chest computed tomography images
* Computing surfaces via pq-permutations
* Conoscopic holograms analysis using variations of the Hough transform
* Contemporary technologies for 3D digitization of Maori and Pacific Island artifacts
* Control of dermatology image integrity using reversible watermarking
* Cross-band fusion by energy weight as solution to illumination and arch restrictions in palm-print recognition
* Data clustering as an optimum-path forest problem with applications in image analysis
* Detection and segmentation of cervical cell cytoplast and nucleus
* EM algorithm-based adaptive custom thresholding for image denoising in wavelet domain
* Finger vein recognition using minutia-based alignment and local binary pattern-based feature extraction
* Framework of View-Dependent Planar Scene Active Camouflage, A
* Guest editorial: Contemporary challenges in combinatorial image analysis
* image compression method based on multiple models for the probabilities of patterns, An
* Image fusion methodology for efficient interpretation of multiband images in 3D high-resolution ultrasonic transmission tomography
* Image reconstruction for a partially immersed imperfectly conducting cylinder by genetic algorithm
* Intra mode selection in downsizing video transcoder based on H.264
* Iterative algorithm for optimal fiducials under weak perspective projection
* Languages for constrained binary segmentation based on maximum a posteriori probability labeling
* Motion segmentation and activity representation in crowds
* Neighborhood sequences in the diamond grid: Algorithms with two and three neighbors
* Plant leaf identification using Gabor wavelets
* Producing stylized videos using the AnimVideo rendering tool
* Recognizability of iso-picture languages by Wang systems
* Reduced model of discrete-time dynamic image segmentation system and its bifurcation analysis
* Resolution trade-off analysis for aperture size and signaling bandwidth of diffraction tomography based on spatial-frequency spectral coverage
* Satellite image segmentation using hybrid variable genetic algorithm
* Secure video distribution scheme based on partial encryption
* study on restoration of iris images with motion-and-optical blur on mobile iris recognition devices, A
* Supervised pattern classification based on optimum-path forest
* Temporal motion recognition and segmentation approach
* Texture-based parametric active contour for target detection and tracking
* theoretical solution to MAP-EM partial volume segmentation of medical images, A
* Visual data association for real-time video tracking using genetic and estimation of distribution algorithms
42 for IJIST(19)

IJIST(2) * Aspect Graphs: an Introduction and Survey of Recent Results
* Invariants Under Image Perspective Transformations: Theory and Examples
* Non-Rigid Object Motion and Deformation Estimation for Three-Dimensional Data

IJIST(20) * Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recognition
* Apparent diffusion coefficient dependent fMRI: Spatiotemporal characteristics and implications on calibrated fMRI
* Arterial spin labeling at ultra-high field: All that glitters is not gold
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automatic gait recognition based on probabilistic approach
* Balanced steady state free precession fMRI
* benefits of rapid 3D fMRI, The
* Block-Based Watermarking for Color Images Using Visibility of Quantization Noise
* Brain networks: Graph theoretical analysis and development models
* Challenges for molecular neuroimaging with MRI
* Color edge detection using multiscale quaternion convolution
* Computer-based morphometry of brain
* Data hiding in halftone images with secret-shared dot diffusion
* Delineating low-count defective-contour SPECT lung scans for PE diagnosis using adaptive dual exponential thresholding and active contours
* Determination of yarn production characteristics using image processing
* DTI-DROID: Diffusion tensor imaging-deformable registration using orientation and intensity descriptors
* effective approach for wavelet lifting based on filter optimization and median operator, An
* Effects of the curvelet transform over interferometric images
* efficient reflection invariance region-based image retrieval framework, An
* Estimation of a dense velocity field based on the statistics of dynamic speckle
* Fake iris detection based on 3D structure of iris pattern
* Guest editorial: Special issue on neuroimaging
* Identification of copy-paste regions in digital image
* Image restoration through regularization based on error energy minimization
* Joint coding of multiview video and depth data using virtual view synthesis
* Learning methods for melanoma recognition
* Lie group method: A new approach to image matching with arbitrary orientations
* Morphological hierarchical segmentation and color spaces
* Motion estimated and compensated compressed sensing dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: What we can learn from video compression techniques
* Moving target detection using super-resolution algorithms with an ultra wideband radar
* Multiview foreground extraction and composition to multiview background using trimap sharing for natural 3D scene generation
* New metric for stereo image quality assessment based on HVS
* Numerical methods for interactive multiple-class image segmentation problems
* Parallel transmit and receive technology in high-field magnetic resonance neuroimaging
* Pattern-information fMRI: New questions which it opens up and challenges which face it
* Perceptual denoising of color images
* Relaxation time constants and apparent diffusion coefficients of rat retina at 7 Tesla
* Selective and adaptive signal hiding technique for security of JPEG2000
* Shadow removal from image of stained glass windows
* Study of white matter anatomy and 3D tract reconstruction by diffusion tensor imaging
* Studying brain cytoarchitecture with MRI - Present, future and promises of high field
* Subspace models for document script and language identification
* virtual teleconferencing system based on face detection and 3D animation in a low-bandwidth environment, A
* Virtual view synthesis method and self-evaluation metrics for free viewpoint television and 3D video
* Watermarking in halftone images with noise balance strategy
* What are we missing here? Brain imaging evidence for higher cognitive functions in primary visual cortex V1
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IJIST(21) * Application of morphological connected openings and levelings on magnetic resonance images of the brain
* Beyond topographic representation: Decoding visuospatial attention from local activity patterns in the human frontal cortex
* Contrast enhancement dynamic histogram equalization for medical image processing application
* Cubical Cohomology Ring of 3D Photographs
* Decoding of multichannel EEG activity from the visual cortex in response to pseudorandom binary sequences of visual stimuli
* Decoding the nonstationary neural activity in motor cortex for brain machine interfaces
* Depth map estimation based on linear regression using image focus
* Dissimilarity-based detection of schizophrenia
* Edge preserving filter of side scan sonar images with wavelet modulus maxima shift-correlative technique
* Factorization-Based Approach To Photometric Stereo, A
* Feature extraction through generalization of histogram refinement technique for local region-based object attributes
* Focused ultrasound modulates the level of cortical neurotransmitters: Potential as a new functional brain mapping technique
* Fractional anisotropy-weighted front evolution algorithm for white matter tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging data
* Frequency Structure Matrix: A Representation of Color Filter Arrays, The
* Fully automated pipeline for quantification and localization of white matter hyperintensity in brain magnetic resonance image
* Guest editorial: Special issue on pattern recognition in neuroimaging
* hierarchical stimulus presentation paradigm for a P300-based Hangul speller, A
* Investigation of spectrally coherent resting-state networks using non-negative matrix factorization for functional MRI data
* Iterative adaptive spatial filtering for noise-suppression in functional magnetic resonance imaging time-series
* Kinetics Of 18f-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake In The Choroid Plexus, The
* Large sample group independent component analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging using anatomical atlas-based reduction and bootstrapped clustering
* Local Image Segmentation With Geometric Filters
* Measure Of Straight Lines For Digital Contour Analysis
* New Algorithm For Triangulation From Cross Sections and Its Application To Surface Area Estimation, A
* New fMRI analysis method for multiple stimuli using reference estimation
* New Line Symmetry Distance Based Automatic Clustering Technique: Application To Image Segmentation, A
* New splitting algorithms for geometric transformations of digital images and their error analysis
* On the problem of gradient calibration in diffusion weighted imaging
* Optimal Consensus Set for Digital Line and Plane Fitting
* Pattern analysis in neuroimaging: Beyond two-class categorization
* Quantitative analysis of cerebrospinal fluid flow in complex regions by using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
* Quantitative analysis of the SN in Parkinson's disease implementing 3D modeling at 7.0-T MRI
* Single trial variability in brain-computer interfaces based on motor imagery: Learning in the presence of labeling noise
* SPECT reconstruction with sub-sinogram acquisitions
* study on combining local field potential and single unit activity for better neural decoding, A
* Subject and class specific frequency bands selection for multiclass motor imagery classification
* Tiled Top-Down Combinatorial Pyramids For Large Images Representation
* Topology Preserving Parallel Thinning Algorithms
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IJIST(22) * Analysis of the BOLD characteristics in pass-band bSSFP fMRI
* Assessment of testicular uptake in flourine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography
* automatic evaluation system for contrast-detail phantom images in digital radiography, An
* Background and mathematical analysis of diffusion MRI methods
* Clinical value of cardiac I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy between Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease associated dementia
* Contrast enhancement of computed tomography images by adaptive histogram equalization-application for improved ischemic stroke detection
* Differential entropy in wavelet sub-band for assessment of glaucoma
* Filtered backprojection algorithm can outperform iterative maximum likelihood expectation-maximization algorithm
* Group inference of default-mode networks from functional magnetic resonance imaging data: comparison of random- and mixed-effects group statistics
* Guest editorial: Special issue on neuroimaging
* Image deconvolution using incomplete Fourier measurements
* Image-guided navigation of single-element focused ultrasound transducer
* impact of genetic variation in COMT and BDNF on resting-state functional connectivity, The
* Improving fMRI activation detection sensitivity using intervoxel coherence mapping
* Improving the accuracy of cross-relaxation imaging
* In vivo correlation between semi-quantitative hemodynamic parameters and Ktrans derived from DCE-MRI of brain tumors
* Interest points localization for brain image using landmark-annotated atlas
* k-space sharing 3D GRASE pseudocontinuous ASL method for whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity, A
* local modified Chan-Vese model for segmenting inhomogeneous multiphase images, A
* method for the visual analysis of early-stage Parkinson's disease based on virtual MRI-derived SPECT images, A
* Microvascular functional MR angiography with ultra-high-field 7 T MRI: Comparison with BOLD fMRI
* Morphological contrast index based on the Weber's law
* MRtrix: Diffusion tractography in crossing fiber regions
* new approach to medical image stitching using minimum average correlation energy filter and peak to side-lobe ratio, A
* novel noniterative metal artifact reduction method using coherence transport with fast marching in computed tomography, A
* Positron emission tomography in neurological and psychiatric disorders
* Regional thinning of cerebral cortical thickness in first-episode and chronic schizophrenia
* Resolution enhancement of nondestructive testing from B-scans
* Study of X-ray imaging with toroidally bent crystal
* Three-dimensional shape reconstruction system based on fiber-optic interference fringe imaging
* Time-resolved and spatio-temporal analysis of complex cognitive processes and their role in disorders like developmental dyscalculia
* Unmixing functional magnetic resonance imaging data using matrix factorization
32 for IJIST(22)

IJIST(23) * 3D image interpolation based on anisotropic diffusion of feature point correspondence
* adaptive dynamic combined energy minimization model for few-view computed tomography reconstruction, An
* Application of compatible dual-echo arteriovenography in stroke: Preliminary observations
* Automatic detection of brain tumor in magnetic resonance images using multi-texton histogram and support vector machine
* Brain MRI denoising and segmentation based on improved adaptive nonlocal means
* Brain perfusion SPECT can differentiate clinical subtypes of Parkinson's diseases
* clique potential of Markov random field in a random experiment for estimation of noise levels in 2D brain MRI, The
* Comprehensive analysis of LPG-PCA algorithms in denoising and deblurring of medical images
* Compressed sensing with MCT and I(2D)2PCA processing for efficient face recognition
* Design of a low cross-talk micro-coil array for micro-scale MRI
* Designing discriminative spatial filter vectors in motor imagery brain-computer interface
* Distance measures for medical image retrieval
* Divide et impera: Acceleration of DTI tractography using multi-GPU parallel processing
* efficient method for estimating soft tissue deformation based on intraoperative stereo image features and point-based registration, An
* Fast and robust symmetry detection for brain images based on parallel scale-invariant feature transform matching and voting
* Feature extraction based on sparse representation with application to epileptic EEG classification
* Few-view image reconstruction combining total variation and a high-order norm
* Fuzzy entropy-based MR brain image segmentation using modified particle swarm optimization
* Hough transform-based approach for estimating 3D rotation angles of vertebrae from biplanar radiographs using GPU-acceleration
* improved fast marching method and its application in Alzheimer's disease, An
* Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiotherapy and neurosurgery
* intelligent mining system for diagnosing medical images using combined texture-histogram features, An
* Leakage suppression in human airway tree segmentation using shape optimization based on fuzzy connectivity method
* Lossless color medical image compression using adaptive block-based encoding for human computed tomographic images
* Magnetic resonance scan-time reduction using echo prediction
* Medical image registration-based retrieval using distance metrics
* Microscopic image segmentation based on pixel classification and dimensionality reduction
* Multiscale ICA for fundus image analysis
* new images segmentation method based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm, A
* Non-iterative reconstruction with a prior for undersampled radial MRI data
* Particle filtering based pitch sequence correction for monaural speech segregation
* Probing of human implicit intent based on eye movement and pupillary analysis for augmented cognition
* Rapid computation of sodium bioscales using gpu-accelerated image reconstruction
* shrinkage method for causal network detection of brain regions, A
* simple auto prescan calibration method for multislice fast spin echo MRI, A
* stretching transform-based automatic nonrigid registration system for cerebrovascular digital subtraction angiography images, A
* System response matrix calculation using symmetries for dual-head PET scanners
* systematic review on the effectiveness of thermography in diagnosis of diseases, A
* Theoretical design of vascular imaging based on hall effect
* Two-pass search strategy using accumulated band energy histogram for HMM-based identification of perceptually identical music
* Variations in BOLD response latency estimated from event-related fMRI at 3T: Comparisons between gradient-echo and Spin-echo
* Wavelet-based denoising and its impact on analytical SPECT reconstruction with nonuniform attenuation compensation
42 for IJIST(23)

IJIST(24) * 3D multiwavelet based block coding algorithm for compression of volumetric medical images
* Analysis of cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with dementia versus subcortical ischemic vascular dementia using single photon emission computed tomography
* Attenuating noise from computed tomography medical images using a coefficients-driven total variation denoising algorithm
* Automated texture-based characterization of fibrosis and carcinoma using low-dose lung CT images
* Bone segmentation and 3D visualization of CT images for traumatic pelvic injuries
* Brain tumor severity analysis using modified multi-texton histogram and hybrid kernel SVM
* complete automated algorithm for segmentation of tissues and identification of tumor region in T1, T2, and FLAIR brain images using optimization and clustering techniques, A
* Comprehensive and quantitative study of rank-4 order diffusion tensor imaging and positive definite rank-4 order diffusion tensor imaging: A higher order tensor imaging study
* Creation of various skin sensations using pulsed focused ultrasound: Evidence for functional neuromodulation
* Data driven analysis of functional brain networks in fMRI for schizophrenia investigation
* Dimensional scalable lossless compression of MRI images using Haar wavelet lifting scheme with EBCOT
* Efficacy of an NMDA receptor antagonist for Parkinson's disease dementia: A brain perfusion SPECT study
* Endoscopic capsule robots using reconfigurable modular assembly: A pilot study
* Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel as an acoustic coupling medium for low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound
* extended non-local means algorithm: Application to brain MRI, An
* Few views image reconstruction using alternating direction method via L0-norm minimization
* fMRI analysis of excessive binocular disparity on the human brain
* Four-neighborhood clique kernel: A general framework for Bayesian and variational techniques of noise reduction in magnetic resonance images of the brain
* Identification and extraction of brain tumor from MRI using local statistics of Zernike moments
* Imaging of hemorrhagic stroke in magnetic induction tomography: An in vitro study
* impact of constraint induced movement therapy on brain activation in chronic stroke patients with upper extremity paralysis: An fMRI study, The
* Improved fuzzy entropy clustering algorithm for MRI brain image segmentation
* Keyhole-3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography: A time-resolved reconstruction method
* Micro-vascular imaging experiences of time-of-flight MRA at 7T for cerebrovascular diseases
* modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressively sampled MR imaging, A
* Neurofeedback using functional spectroscopy
* optimal RF shielding method for MR-PET fusion system with insertable PET, An
* Performance analysis of EM, SVD, and SVM classifiers in classification of carcinogenic regions of medical images
* Performance enhancement of respiratory tumor motion prediction using adaptive support vector regression: Comparison with adaptive neural network method
* PET image reconstruction using ANN
* Rapid method for assessing relative tissue stiffness using MR acoustic radiation force imaging
* Reversal effect of low-intensity ultrasound on adriamycin-resistant human hepatoma cells in vitro and in vivo
* Robust brain MRI denoising and segmentation using enhanced non-local means algorithm
* Segmentation and analysis of brain subcortical regions using regularized multiphase level set in autistic MR images
* Segmentation for brain magnetic resonance images using dual-tree complex wavelet transform and spatial constrained self-organizing tree map
* Structural brain changes in early-onset and late-onset depression: An update of volumetric MRI findings
* study of long-term fMRI reproducibility using data-driven analysis methods, A
* Survey and analysis of various image fusion techniques for clinical CT and MRI images
* Threshold prediction for segmenting tumour from brain MRI scans
* Two level security for medical images using watermarking/encryption algorithms
* Vagus nerve modulation using focused pulsed ultrasound: Potential applications and preliminary observations in a rat
* variational level set segmentation formulation based on signal model for images in the presence of intensity inhomogeneity, A
42 for IJIST(24)

IJIST(25) * 3d discrete wavelet transform for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using t1-weighted brain MRI
* ANFIS-EM approach for PET brain image reconstruction
* Computer aided brain tumor detection system using watershed segmentation techniques
* Contrast enhancement using real coded genetic algorithm based modified histogram equalization for gray scale images
* design of composite adaptive morphological filter and applications to Rician noise reduction in MR images, The
* Efficient image compression techniques for compressing multimodal medical images using neural network radial basis function approach
* empirical study on compressed sensing MRI using fast composite splitting algorithm and combined sparsifying transforms, An
* Estimating intravoxel fiber architecture using constrained compressed sensing combined with multitensor adaptive smoothing
* Evaluation of a power injection system in the 7-Tesla MRI environment
* Exploring human brain neuronal currents with phase MRI
* fast and efficient computer aided diagnostic system to detect tumor from brain magnetic resonance imaging, A
* Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO and ABC for abnormal brain detection
* FPGA implementation of particle swarm optimization based on new fitness function for MRI images segmentation
* Gamma Knife treatment planning: MR brain tumor segmentation and volume measurement based on unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means clustering
* Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer aided diagnosis of Parkinson's disease using T1-weighted MRI
* Magnetic resonance brain image classification based on weighted-type fractional Fourier transform and nonparallel support vector machine
* Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum likelihood paradigm in DCT-framework
* magnetic resonance image reconstruction method using support of first-second order variation, A
* Medical image enhancement algorithm based on NSCT and the improved fuzzy contrast
* medical image enhancement method using adaptive thresholding in NSCT domain combined unsharp masking, A
* Medical image fusion based on improved sum-modified-Laplacian
* Medical image fusion based on nuclear norm minimization
* MRI brain image classification: a hybrid approach
* Multiview cluster ensembles for multimodal MRI segmentation
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* nonlinear variation regularization algorithm for the magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography, The
* novel Zohair filter for deblurring computed tomography medical images, A
* Performance analysis of neural networks for classification of medical images with wavelets as a feature extractor
* Performance improvement of multi-view video coding based on geometric prediction and human visual system
* Quantitative evaluation of B1 insensitivity in nonadiabatic frequency-selective fat-suppression RF pulse techniques
* rapid automatic brain tumor detection method for MRI images using modified minimum error thresholding technique, A
* segmentation system based on clustering method for pediatric DTI images, A
* Signal intensity correction for multichannel MR images using radon transformation
* Simple image intensity compensation (SIMIC) method prior to application of distortion correction algorithms in brain diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Validation test for two cost functions of distortion correction algorithms
* Spectral density variation mapping of cerebral waves by three-dimensional interpolation techniques
* study of brain networks driven by steady-state visual evoked potentials, The
* Super resolution in CT
37 for IJIST(25)

IJIST(26) * actively decoupled dual transceiver coil system for continuous ASL at 7 T, An
* Automated detection of glioblastoma tumor in brain magnetic imaging using ANFIS classifier
* Automatic segmentation of cerebral hemispheres in MR human head scans
* Brain image segmentation using a combination of expectation-maximization algorithm and watershed transform
* Brain tumor detection and diagnosis using ANFIS classifier
* Can COMT-inhibitor delay the clinical progression of Parkinson's disease? 2 years follow up pilot study
* Classification of focal and nonfocal EEG signals using ANFIS classifier for epilepsy detection
* comprehensive review: Segmentation of MRI images: brain tumor, A
* Contribution of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of brain disorders: Recent findings and future applications
* Earlier detection of cancer regions from MR image features and SVM classifiers
* EEG-based brain source localization using visual stimuli
* efficient approach for brain image (tissue) compression based on the position of the brain tumor, An
* Exploration of connectivity with SEM: An fMRI study of resting state
* Fast and accurate fuzzy C-means algorithm for MR brain image segmentation
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using a Combination of the Pyramidal Approach and Level Set Method, A
* Filter-based compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* fully automatic method for biological target volume segmentation of brain metastases, A
* Fully automatic method for segmentation of brain tumor from multimodal magnetic resonance images using wavelet transformation and clustering technique
* Fuzzy C means integrated with spatial information and contrast enhancement for segmentation of MR brain images
* Image segmentation model based on adaptive adjustment of global and local information
* Model-Based Reconstruction for T1 Mapping Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Radial FLASH
* MR imaging reconstruction using a modified descent-type alternating direction method
* Multi-contrast MR image denoising for parallel imaging using multilayer perceptron
* Neural substrates in secondary somatosensory area for the perception of different tactile sensations
* novel brain image segmentation using intuitionistic fuzzy C means algorithm, A
* novel method for detection of voxels for decision making: An fMRI study, A
* Olfactory identification and white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary study
* Performance comparison of texture feature analysis methods using PNN classifier for segmentation and classification of brain CT images
* Real-time ballistocardiographic artifact reduction using the k-teager energy operator detector and multi-channel referenced adaptive noise cancelling
* Removing ring artifacts in CBCT images via L0 smoothing
* Sparse-view statistical iterative head CT image reconstruction via joint regularization
* Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
* Unsupervised tissue classification of brain MR images for voxel-based morphometry analysis
* usefulness of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI and fast spin echo with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling: A comparison with single-shot EPI for diffusion-weighted imaging in ischemic stroke patients, The
34 for IJIST(26)

IJIST(27) * Alterations of regional cerebral blood flow after NMDA receptor antagonist administration in patients with alcohol-related dementia
* Alzheimer disease classification using KPCA, LDA, and multi-kernel learning SVM
* Analysis of denoising filters on MRI brain images
* Automated brain tumour segmentation techniques: A review
* Brightness preserving bi-level fuzzy histogram equalization for MRI brain image contrast enhancement
* CANFIS based glioma brain tumor classification and retrieval system for tumor diagnosis
* Comparison of regional cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with depression and major depression
* computer-aided approach for meningioma brain tumor detection using CANFIS classifier, A
* Contrast limited fuzzy adaptive histogram equalization for enhancement of brain images
* Data modeling and method analysis for brain imaging genetics
* Detection and diagnosis of meningioma brain tumor using ANFIS classifier
* EEG source localization using a sparsity prior based on Brodmann areas
* effect of short cardio on inhibitory control ability of obese people, The
* Effects of tissue and gender on macromolecule suppressed gamma-aminobutyric acid
* efficient and automatic glioblastoma brain tumor detection using shift-invariant shearlet transform and neural networks, An
* efficient automated methodology for detecting and segmenting the ischemic stroke in brain MRI images, An
* Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion, An
* Epileptic seizure detection by combining robust-principal component analysis and least square-support vector machine
* Evaluating the performance of BSBL methodology for EEG source localization on a realistic head model
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using a Combination of the Pyramidal Approach and Level Set Method, A
* fully automated hybrid methodology using Cuckoo-based fuzzy clustering technique for magnetic resonance brain image segmentation, A
* Fusion of MRI and CT images using guided image filter and image statistics
* Fuzzy generalized fast marching method for 3D segmentation of brain structures
* hybrid contextual compression technique using wavelet and contourlet transforms with PSO optimized prediction, A
* improved label fusion approach with sparse patch-based representation for MRI brain image segmentation, An
* machine learning approach for brain image enhancement and segmentation, A
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on discrete Tchebichef moments and pulse coupled neural network
* Multiview convolutional neural networks for lung nodule classification
* Neuroimage-based clinical prediction using machine learning tools
* novel Markov random field model based on region adjacency graph for T1 magnetic resonance imaging brain segmentation, A
* Performance analysis of computer aided brain tumor detection system using ANFIS classifier
* Quantitative susceptibility mapping in a diabetes mellitus rat model: Iron accumulation in the brain
* Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient anisotropic diffusion filtering
* Segmentation method for medical image based on improved GrabCut
* Segmentation of brain MRI using active contour model
* Segmentation of glioma tumors using convolutional neural networks
* Three-dimensional FDTD modeling of neurons to solve EEG and MEG forward problem
* Tumor detection in T1, T2, FLAIR and MPR brain images using a combination of optimization and fuzzy clustering improved by seed-based region growing algorithm
38 for IJIST(27)

IJIST(28) * 3D brain magnetic resonance imaging segmentation by using bitplane and adaptive fast marching
* Analysis of human chromosome images: Application towards an automated chromosome classification
* Assessment of cerebral blood perfusion changes after neurorehabilitation therapy in patients with middle cerebral artery infarction: An acetazolamide-challenged SPECT study
* Combined DCT-Haar transforms for image compression
* Computational intelligence techniques for human brain MRI classification
* Control study of low tube voltage computed tomography angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in diagnosing intracranial micro-aneurysm
* Convex MR brain image reconstruction via non-convex total variation minimization
* Development of computer-aided approach for brain tumor detection using random forest classifier
* Enhanced brain image retrieval using carrier frequency offset compensated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for telemedicine applications
* Focused ultrasound brain stimulation to anesthetized rats induces long-term changes in somatosensory evoked potentials
* Glioma tumor detection in brain MRI image using ANFIS-based normalized graph cut approach
* IGM-based perceptual multimodal medical image fusion using free energy motivated adaptive PCNN
* Imaging manifestations of sepsis-associated encephalopathy
* Intensity-curvature functional-based digital high-pass filters
* MRI brain image enhancement using brightness preserving adaptive fuzzy histogram equalization
* MRI brain segmentation in combination of clustering methods with Markov random field
* Multi-modal brain tumor image segmentation based on SDAE
* multi-modal, multi-atlas-based approach for Alzheimer detection via machine learning, A
* Multimodal sensor medical image fusion based on mutual-structure for joint filtering using sparse representation
* new rectangular window based image cropping method for generalization of brain neoplasm classification systems, A
* NeXt for neuro-radiosurgery: A fully automatic approach for necrosis extraction in brain tumor MRI using an unsupervised machine learning technique
* No reference quality evaluation of medical image fusion
* novel brain image enhancement method based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform, A
* novel multimodal medical image fusion using sparse representation and modified spatial frequency, A
* Performance analysis of brain tissues and tumor detection and grading system using ANFIS classifier
* Performance analysis of meningioma brain tumor classifications based on gradient boosting classifier
* Rapid brain tissue segmentation process by modified FCM algorithm with CUDA enabled GPU machine
* Regularization in parallel magnetic resonance imaging
* statistical region selection and randomized volumetric features selection framework for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, A
* Walsh Hadamard kernel-based texture feature for multimodal MRI brain tumour segmentation
30 for IJIST(28)

IJIST(29) * 3D brain tumor segmentation in MRI images based on a modified PSO technique
* adaptive framework for saliency detection, An
* Analysis and classification of malignancy in pancreatic magnetic resonance images using neural network techniques
* Assessment of severity in neuropsychiatric disorders based on radiomic features with prior shape level set and metaheuristic algorithms
* Automated and reliable brain radiology with texture analysis of magnetic resonance imaging and cross datasets validation
* Automated delineation of non-small cell lung cancer: A step toward quantitative reasoning in medical decision science
* Automatic brain tissue segmentation in MR images using hybrid atlas forest based on confidence-weighted probability matrix
* Bimodal recognition of affective states with the features inspired from human visual and auditory perception system
* Brightness preserving optimized weighted bi-histogram equalization algorithm and its application to MR brain image segmentation
* Cell-type based semantic segmentation of histopathological images using deep convolutional neural networks
* Cervical image classification based on image segmentation preprocessing and a CapsNet network model
* Classification of Alzheimer disease among susceptible brain regions
* Comparative analysis of Alzheimer's disease classification by CDR level using CNN, feature selection, and machine-learning techniques
* Comparative evaluation of the polynomial and spline fitting methods for the B0 correction of CEST MRI data acquired from human brains
* Computer aided automated detection and classification of brain tumors using CANFIS classification method
* Computer aided diagnosis of brain abnormalities using texture analysis of MRI images
* Contrast enhancement of medical images using fuzzy set theory and nonsubsampled shearlet transform
* Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image registration via hybrid differential search algorithm
* Dempster-Shafer theory-based hierarchical saliency detection
* Denoising and segmentation of MR images using fourth order non-linear adaptive PDE and new convergent clustering
* Differences in brain networks of children with ADHD: Whole-brain analysis of resting-state fMRI
* dynamic threshold-based local mesh ternary pattern technique for biomedical image retrieval, A
* Early detection of brain cancer using association allotment hierarchical clustering
* Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomial and brain extraction from magnetic resonance images of human head
* Effects of nicergoline treatment on regional cerebral blood flow in early Alzheimer's disease
* Efficient impulse noise removal using hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter with optimized intelligent water drop technique
* Fusion of noisy images based on joint distribution model in dual-tree complex wavelet domain
* Fuzzy relevance vector machine based classification of lung nodules in computed tomography images
* Gaussian probability bi-histogram equalization for enhancement of the pathological features in medical images
* gingivitis identification method based on contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and extreme learning machine, A
* Glioma brain tumor detection and segmentation using weighting random forest classifier with optimized ant colony features
* Image registration-based brain tumor detection and segmentation using ANFIS classification approach
* improved machine learning technique based on downsized KPCA for Alzheimer's disease classification, An
* improved multimodal medical image fusion scheme based on hybrid combination of nonsubsampled contourlet transform and stationary wavelet transform, An
* Landmark-based multi-region ensemble convolutional neural networks for bone age assessment
* Lung computed axial tomography image segmentation using possibilistic fuzzy C-means approach for computer aided diagnosis system
* Machine learning approach for homolog chromosome classification
* Measurement method for human body anteflexion angle based on image processing
* Medical imaging: A new era of precision and holistic imaging
* Multicontext 3D residual CNN for false positive reduction of pulmonary nodule detection
* Multimodal neurological image fusion based on adaptive biological inspired neural model in nonsubsampled Shearlet domain
* Neuro-wavelet based intelligent medical image fusion
* Neuroimaging computer-aided diagnosis systems for Alzheimer's disease
* new linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer for reconstructing EEG sparse sources, A
* novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation approach based on elliptical gamma mixture model for breast lumps detection, A
* novel prognosis and segmentation of necrosis (dead cells) in contrast enhanced T1-weighted glioblastoma tumor with automatic contextual clustering, A
* Objective analysis and bit rate analysis of HEVC compressed 4D-fMRI images
* Optical positioning technology of an assisted puncture robot based on binocular vision
* Optimal multi-scale geometric fusion based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and modified central force optimization
* Pediatric brain extraction from T2-weighted MR images using 3D dual frame U-net and human connectome database
* Quantitative evaluation on 3D fetus morphology via X-ray grating based imaging technique
* rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c-means for brain tissue segmentation with CUDA-enabled GPU machine, A
* Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network
* Research on rehabilitation training bed with action prediction based on NARX neural network
* Robust MR image super-resolution reconstruction with cross-modal edge-preserving regularization
* SWI post processing using granularity controlled edge-preserved denoising of multichannel GRE images
* Teeth category classification via seven-layer deep convolutional neural network with max pooling and global average pooling
* Three-dimensional-based landmark tracker employing a superpixels method for neuroscience, biomechanics, and biology studies
* Unsupervised learning-based clustering approach for smart identification of pathologies and segmentation of tissues in brain magnetic resonance imaging
* Voxel selection framework based on meta-heuristic search and mutual information for brain decoding
60 for IJIST(29)

IJIST(3) * Unification Scheme for 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Physically Based Models

IJIST(30) * Adaptive image denoising for speckle noise images based on fuzzy logic
* Adrenal tumor characterization on magnetic resonance images
* Anatomical region segmentation method from dermoscopic images of pigmented skin lesions
* Application of compressed sensing using chirp encoded 3D GRE and MPRAGE sequences
* Automated detection of calcified plaque using higher-order spectra cumulant technique in computer tomography angiography images
* automated methodology for the classification of focal and nonfocal EEG signals using a hybrid classification approach, An
* Automatic annotation of liver computed tomography images based on a vessel-skeletonization method
* Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with the aid of adaptive average filtering with optimized deep convolutional neural network
* Automatic segmentation of nuclei from pap smear cell images: A step toward cervical cancer screening
* Automatic segmentation system for liver tumors based on the multilevel thresholding and electromagnetism optimization algorithm
* Bayesian inference framework for bounded generalized Gaussian-based mixture model and its application to biomedical images classification
* Brain tumor segmentation and classification via adaptive CLFAHE with hybrid classification
* Breast cancer diagnosis based on a new improved Elman neural network optimized by meta-heuristics
* Classification of mammogram images using the energy probability in frequency domain and most discriminative power coefficients
* Classification of motor imagery electroencephalography signals using continuous small convolutional neural network
* Computer aided detection and diagnosis methodology for brain stroke using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system classifier
* Computer-aided diagnosis of retinal diseases using multidomain feature fusion
* Convolutional neural network in the detection of lung carcinoma using transfer learning approach
* COVID-19 pandemic: What can bioengineers, computer scientists and big data specialists bring to the table, The
* Decoding visual network-related dynamic functional connectivity for eyes-open and eyes-closed using machine learning
* Deep learning and optimization algorithms for automatic breast cancer detection
* Detection and classification of microcalcification from digital mammograms with firefly algorithm, extreme learning machine and non-linear regression models: A comparison
* Detection and segmentation of cancer regions in cervical images using fuzzy logic and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system classification method
* Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomography images and false positive reduction using 3D convolutional neural networks
* determination of the optimal strip-thickness of anti-scatter grids for a given grid ratio and strip height, The
* Development of automatic glioma brain tumor detection system using deep convolutional neural networks
* Di-phase midway convolution and deconvolution network for brain tumor segmentation in MRI images
* Diagnosis of disc bulge and disc desiccation in lumbar MRI using concatenated shape and texture features with random forest classifier
* diffusion-based compensation approach for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI, A
* Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast utilizing near field microwave holography
* efficient and high quality medical CT image enhancement algorithm, An
* Efficient classification of chronic kidney disease by using multi-kernel support vector machine and fruit fly optimization algorithm
* enhanced weighted greedy analysis pursuit algorithm with application to EEG signal reconstruction, An
* Enhancing breast pectoral muscle segmentation performance by using skip connections in fully convolutional network
* Enhancing multivariate pattern analysis for magnetoencephalography through relevant sensor selection
* Evaluation of multi-slice spiral computed tomography application in the diagnosis of arterial root lesions
* Experimental exploration on loss surface of deep neural network
* fast and high frame rate adaptive beamforming using DCT-based RF-line recovery in line-by-line ultrasound imaging, A
* Fitness adaptive deer hunting-based region growing and recurrent neural network for melanoma skin cancer detection
* Fully automatic multisegmentation approach for magnetic resonance imaging brain tumor detection using improved region-growing and quasi-Monte Carlo-expectation maximization algorithm
* Functional connectivity differences in brain networks from childhood to youth
* Functional neural interactions during adaptive reward learning: An functional magnetic resonance imaging study
* Fuzzy clustering-based image segmentation techniques used to segment magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography scan brain tissues: Comparative analysis
* Gingivitis Identification Via Multichannel Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
* High-performance dynamic magnetic resonance image reconstruction and synthesis employing deep feature learning convolutional networks
* High-quality retinal vessel segmentation using generative adversarial network with a large receptive field
* High-resolution 3D imaging of microvascular architecture in human glioma tissues using X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography as a potential adjunct to histopathology
* Hybrid features and optimization-driven recurrent neural network for glaucoma detection
* Hybrid fully convolutional networks-based skin lesion segmentation and melanoma detection using deep feature
* Image analysis by fast improved radial harmonic-Fourier moments algorithm
* Improved automated detection of glaucoma by correlating fundus and SD-OCT image analysis
* Improved chicken swarm optimization to classify dementia MRI images using a novel controlled randomness optimization algorithm
* Impulse noise reduction using hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter with improved firefly algorithm from X-ray bio-images
* Information count and distribution matrix: A contemporary approach for content-based brain image indexing
* intelligent IoT with cloud centric medical decision support system for chronic kidney disease prediction, An
* intelligent system for gastrointestinal polyp detection in endoscopic video using fusion of bidimensional empirical mode decomposition and convolutional neural network features, An
* Intuitionistic fuzzy approach for enhancement of low contrast mammogram images
* Linear array arrangement using composite right-/left-handed transmission lines for magnetic resonance imaging
* Longitudinal structural MRI analysis and classification in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment
* Lymph node detection method based on multisource transfer learning and convolutional neural network
* Mammographic mass segmentation using multichannel and multiscale fully convolutional networks
* Medical image fusion based on laws of texture energy measures in stationary wavelet transform domain
* Modified transform-based gamma correction for MRI tumor image denoising and segmentation by optimized histon-based elephant herding algorithm
* Morphological feature extraction and KNG-CNN classification of CT images for early lung cancer detection
* Multi-Scale 3D U-Nets: An approach to automatic segmentation of brain tumor
* Multiclassifier for severity-level categorization of glioma tumors using multimodal magnetic resonance imaging brain images
* Multiple sparse priors technique with optimized patches for brain source localization
* Neural network based non-invasive method to detect anemia from images of eye conjunctiva
* Noninvasive methods of classification and staging of chronic hepatic diseases
* novel approach in multimodality medical image fusion using optimal shearlet and deep learning, A
* novel proximity graph: Circular neighborhood cell graph for histopathological tissue image analyzing, A
* novel region-based multimodal image fusion technique using improved dictionary learning, A
* novel scheme for image sharpness using inflection points, A
* novel two-band equilateral wavelet filter bank method for an automated detection of seizure from EEG signals, A
* Online variational learning of finite inverted Beta-Liouville mixture model for biomedical analysis
* Optimized contrast enhancement for tumor detection
* Optimizing deep belief network parameters using grasshopper algorithm for liver disease classification
* Oriented distance regularized level set evolution for image segmentation
* Performance analysis of classifiers for colon cancer detection from dimensionality reduced microarray gene data
* Performance enhancement of swarm intelligence techniques in dementia classification using dragonfly-based hybrid algorithms
* Pre-trained convolutional neural networks as feature extractors for diagnosis of breast cancer using histopathology
* Region based coronary artery segmentation using modified Frangi's vesselness measure
* Removal of noise in MRI images using a block difference-based filtering approach
* Residual learning based CNN for breast cancer histopathological image classification
* Robust segmentation of optic disc and optic cup using statistical Kurtosis test
* Segmentation of tumor using PCA based modified fuzzy C means algorithms on MR brain images
* serialized classification method for pulmonary nodules based on lightweight cascaded convolutional neural network-long short-term memory, A
* Severity detection and infection level identification of tuberculosis using deep learning
* Spatio-temporal context based recurrent visual attention model for lymph node detection
* Statistical correlative model in the multimodal fusion of brain images
* study on multiple array method of birdcage coils to improve the signal intensity and homogeneity in small-animal whole-body magnetic resonance imaging at 7?T, A
* Superpixel with nanoscale imaging and boosted deep convolutional neural network concept for lung tumor classification
* Thyroid nodules classification and diagnosis in ultrasound images using fine-tuning deep convolutional neural network
* Two-scale image decomposition based image fusion using structure tensor
* Volumetric medical image compression using inter-slice correlation switched prediction approach
95 for IJIST(30)

IJIST(31) * 2D+t track detection via relative persistent homology
* 3D conditional generative adversarial network-based synthetic medical image augmentation for lung nodule detection
* Aggregated residual transformation network for multistage classification in diabetic retinopathy
* Analysis of brain-facial muscle connection in the static fractal visual stimulation
* Anatomical multiatlas segmentation using local texture statistical properties for matching descriptor with machine learning
* Anatomical-functional image fusion based on deep convolution neural networks in local Laplacian pyramid domain
* Ant Cuckoo Search Optimization-based deep learning classifier for image enhancement in spinal cord images
* approach for cancer classification using optimization driven deep learning, An
* automated and fast system to identify COVID-19 from X-ray radiograph of the chest using image processing and machine learning, An
* Automated brain tumor detection and classification using weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm, deep auto encoder with barnacle mating algorithm and random forest classifier techniques
* Automated detection and classification of skin diseases using diverse features and improved gray wolf-based multiple-layer perceptron neural network
* Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degeneration using hybrid features set from fundus images
* Automatic brain tumor segmentation for a computer-aided diagnosis system
* Automatic breast cancer detection based on optimized neural network using whale optimization algorithm
* Automatic COVID-19 CT segmentation using U-Net integrated spatial and channel attention mechanism
* Automatic detection and localization of COVID-19 pneumonia using axial computed tomography images and deep convolutional neural networks
* Automatic detection and segmentation of lung nodules in different locations from CT images based on adaptive a-hull algorithm and DenseNet convolutional network
* Automatic skin cancer detection in dermoscopy images by combining convolutional neural networks and texture features
* Automatic three-dimensional detection and volume estimation of low-grade gliomas
* Binary glioma grading framework employing locality preserving projections and Gaussian radial basis function support vector machine
* Bone microarchitecture characterization based on fractal analysis in spatial frequency domain imaging
* Brain micro-vasculature imaging: An unsupervised deep learning algorithm for segmenting mouse brain volume probed by high-resolution phase-contrast X-ray tomography
* Brain MR image tumor detection and classification using neuro fuzzy with binary cuckoo search technique
* Brain tumor diagnosis based on metaheuristics and deep learning
* Brain tumour classification using siamese neural network and neighbourhood analysis in embedded feature space
* Breast cancer diagnosis from mammographic images using optimized feature selection and neural network architecture
* Breast cancer histopathology image classification using kernelized weighted extreme learning machine
* Cancer detection using convolutional neural network optimized by multistrategy artificial electric field algorithm
* Characterization of regional differences in cerebral vascular response to breath holding using BOLD fMRI
* Classification of breast cancer histopathological image with deep residual learning
* Classification of Coronavirus (COVID-19) from X-ray and CT images using shrunken features
* Classification of electroencephalogram records related to cursor movements with a hybrid method based on deep learning
* Classification of neovascularization on retinal images using extreme learning machine
* Classification of the four-class motor imagery signals using continuous wavelet transform filter bank-based two-dimensional images
* Colon tumor localization using three input variants to Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network and lazy snapping
* comprehensive review on automated systems for severity grading of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema, A
* Compressive sensing theory and neighborhood spatial-temporal information for frame rate improvement of dynamic ultrasonic imaging
* computed tomography signs quantization analysis method for pulmonary nodules malignancy grading, A
* Content-Based Gastric Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Convolutional capsule network for COVID-19 detection using radiography images
* COVID-19 vs influenza viruses: A cockroach optimized deep neural network classification approach
* COVSeg-NET: A deep convolution neural network for COVID-19 lung CT image segmentation
* Curvelet and fast marching method-based technique for efficient artifact detection and removal in dermoscopic images
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Deep convolution neural networks to differentiate between COVID-19 and other pulmonary abnormalities on chest radiographs: Evaluation using internal and external datasets
* Deep learning based Alzheimer's disease early diagnosis using T2w segmented gray matter MRI
* deep learning model for mass screening of COVID-19, A
* deep learning model integrating convolution neural network and multiple kernel K means clustering for segmenting brain tumor in magnetic resonance images, A
* Deep learning super-resolution electron microscopy based on deep residual attention network
* Deep transfer learning based hepatitis B virus diagnosis using spectroscopic images
* Deep-features with Bayesian optimized classifiers for the breast cancer diagnosis
* Deeply supervised U-Net for mass segmentation in digital mammograms
* Dementia MRI image classification using transformation technique based on elephant herding optimization with Randomized Adam method for updating the hyper-parameters
* Detection and classification of breast cancer from digital mammograms using hybrid extreme learning machine classifier
* Detection and classification of electroencephalogram signals for epilepsy disease using machine learning methods
* Detection and diagnosis of brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural networks
* Detection and diagnosis of brain tumors-framework using extreme machine learning and CANFIS classification algorithms
* Detection of lung tumor using dual tree complex wavelet transform and co-active adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system classification approach
* Detection of pneumonia in chest X-ray images by using 2D discrete wavelet feature extraction with random forest
* DHS-CapsNet: Dual horizontal squash capsule networks for lung and colon cancer classification from whole slide histopathological images
* Diabetic retinopathy severity grading employing quadrant-based Inception-V3 convolution neural network architecture
* Differential photon waves imaging
* Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia using radiomics of chest computed tomography and clinical features
* Differentiation of tumoral and non-tumoral breast lesions using back reflection diffuse optical tomography: A pilot clinical study
* Digital breast tomosynthesis improves diagnostic accuracy of breast microcalcifications
* Dual-pathway DenseNets with fully lateral connections for multimodal brain tumor segmentation
* Early detection of breast malignancy using wavelet features and optimized classifier
* Early detection of melanoma images using gray level co-occurrence matrix features and machine learning techniques for effective clinical diagnosis
* ECG steganography based on tunable Q-factor wavelet transform and singular value decomposition
* Echocardiography image segmentation using semi-automatic numerical optimisation method based on wavelet decomposition thresholding
* edge guided cascaded U-net approach for accelerated magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction, An
* Effect of electrode configuration on recognizing uterine contraction with electrohysterogram: Analysis using a convolutional neural network
* Effect of interpolation on specular reflections in texture-based automatic colonic polyp detection
* end-to-end brain tumor segmentation system using multi-inception-UNET, An
* Enhancing the performance of hybrid evolutionary algorithms in microarray colon data classification
* Evaluation of quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI parameters using a reference region model in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) patients
* feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imaging X-ray system based on carbon nanotube field emitters, A
* Fractional wavelet transform based diagnostic system for brain tumor detection in MR imaging
* Fully automatic brain tumor extraction and tissue segmentation from multimodal MRI brain images
* Fusing dual-tree quaternion wavelet transform and local mesh based features for grading of diabetic retinopathy using extreme learning machine classifier
* Future IoT tools for COVID-19 contact tracing and prediction: A review of the state-of-the-science
* fuzzy and spline based dynamic histogram equalization for contrast enhancement of brain images, A
* Fuzzy inference based contextual dissimilarity histogram equalization algorithm for image enhancement
* fuzzy logic-based meningioma tumor detection in magnetic resonance brain images using CANFIS and U-Net CNN classification, A
* Glaucoma assessment from color fundus images using convolutional neural network
* Glioma grade detection using grasshopper optimization algorithm-optimized machine learning methods: The Cancer Imaging Archive study
* Hybrid classification with meta-heuristic-enabled optimal feature selection for thyroid detection
* Hybrid compression of biomedical ECG and EEG signals based on differential clustering and encoding techniques
* hybrid framework for brain tissue segmentation in magnetic resonance images, A
* Hybrid method combining superpixel, supervised learning, and random walk for glioma segmentation
* Identifying brain regions contributing to Alzheimer's disease using self regulating particle swarm optimization
* Illumination normalized based technique for retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Image reconstruction for diffuse optical tomography using bi-conjugate gradient and transpose-free quasi minimal residual algorithms and comparison of them
* Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizers in coronary ischemia detection
* Implementation of deep neural networks for classifying electroencephalogram signal using fractional S-transform for epileptic seizure detection
* improved framework for polyp image segmentation based on SegNet architecture, An
* Improved pulmonary lung nodules risk stratification in computed tomography images by fusing shape and texture features in a machine-learning paradigm
* Improvement of thin retinal vessel extraction using mean matting method
* Improving medical image fusion method using fuzzy entropy and nonsubsampling contourlet transform
* integrated feature frame work for automated segmentation of COVID-19 infection from lung CT images, An
* Iris boundary localization based on Hough transform and the quadratic circle data compensation
* Local binary pattern encoding schemes for computed tomography image segmentation: An experimental and comparative study
* Longitudinal evaluation for COVID-19 chest CT disease progression based on Tchebichef moments
* Lung segmentation on chest X-ray images in patients with severe abnormal findings using deep learning
* machine learning classification approach based glioma brain tumor detection, A
* Machine learning-based tri-stage classification of Alzheimer's progressive neurodegenerative disease using PCA and mRMR administered textural, orientational, and spatial features
* Magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction via non-convex total variation regularization
* ME-Net: Multi-encoder net framework for brain tumor segmentation
* Measuring panoramic radiomorphometric indices for mandible bone using active shape model and Bayesian information criterion-support vector machine
* Medical image denoising using optimal thresholding of wavelet coefficients with selection of the best decomposition level and mother wavelet
* Medical image fusion using Transfer Learning and L-BFGS optimization algorithm
* Mining frequent approximate patterns in large networks
* Mobile-aided screening system for proliferative diabetic retinopathy
* Modeling an effectual multi-section You Only Look Once for enhancing lung cancer prediction
* Modified Global Flower Pollination Algorithm-based image fusion for medical diagnosis using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
* Multi-feature fusion of deep networks for mitosis segmentation in histological images
* Multi-level dilated convolutional neural network for brain tumour segmentation and multi-view-based radiomics for overall survival prediction
* Multi-scale decomposition-based CT-MR neurological image fusion using optimized bio-inspired spiking neural model with meta-heuristic optimization
* Multiatlas-based segmentation of female pelvic organs: Application for computer-aided diagnosis of cervical cancer
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on the spectral total variation and local structural patch measurement
* Multimodal medical image fusion using L0 gradient smoothing with sparse representation
* Multiple sclerosis identification in brain MRI images using wavelet convolutional neural networks
* Multistage multimodal medical image fusion model using feature-adaptive pulse coupled neural network
* New antiscatter grid design by optimization of strip thickness and height
* New calculation method for exact length weighting factor in cone-beam computed tomography
* Nonparametric learning approach based on infinite flexible mixture model and its application to medical data analysis
* Nonparametric variational learning of multivariate beta mixture models in medical applications
* Nonsubsampled contourlet transform with cross-guided bilateral filter for despeckling of medical ultrasound images
* novel and efficient deep learning approach for COVID-19 detection using X-ray imaging modality, A
* Novel computer-aided lung cancer detection based on convolutional neural network-based and feature-based classifiers using metaheuristics
* novel improved crow-search algorithm to classify the severity in digital mammograms, A
* novel intuitionistic fuzzy soft set based colonogram enhancement for polyps localization, A
* Novel local information kernelized fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation
* novel machine learning-based analytical framework for automatic detection of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images, A
* On the reproducibility of in vivo temporal signal-to-noise ratio and its utility as a predictor of subject-level t-values in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
* Optimal deep belief network with opposition-based hybrid grasshopper and honeybee optimization algorithm for lung cancer classification: A DBNGHHB approach
* Optimal weighted hybrid pattern for content based medical image retrieval using modified spider monkey optimization
* Optimized hybrid classifier for diagnosing diabetic retinopathy: Iterative blood vessel segmentation process
* Optimized segmentation and classification for liver tumor segmentation and classification using opposition-based spotted hyena optimization
* Particle swarm optimization-based liver disorder ultrasound image classification using multi-level and multi-domain features
* Performance analysis of classification and segmentation of cysts in panoramic dental images using convolutional neural network architecture
* Pulmonary lesion classification from endobronchial ultrasonography images using adaptive weighted-sum of the upper and lower triangular gray-level co-occurrence matrix
* Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D-LBP feature extraction
* Rapid head-pose detection for automated slice prescription of fetal-brain MRI
* Retinal image enhancement using adaptive histogram equalization tuned with nonsimilar grouping curvelet
* Retinal vessel segmentation based on an improved deep forest
* Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep learning and balanced sparrow search algorithm
* SegCaps: An efficient SegCaps network-based skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images
* Segmentation and classification of ground glass nodule on CT images
* semantic contour based segmentation of lungs from chest x-rays for the classification of tuberculosis using Naïve Bayes classifier, A
* Skin lesion segmentation based on mask RCNN, Multi Atrous Full-CNN, and a geodesic method
* SLICACO: An automated novel hybrid approach for dermatoscopic melanocytic skin lesion segmentation
* Sparse structure deep network embedding for transforming brain functional network in early mild cognitive impairment classification
* study to identify limitations of existing automated systems to detect glaucoma at initial and curable stage, A
* Thermal imaging method to evaluate childhood obesity based on machine learning techniques
* Thermography based breast cancer detection using self-adaptive gray level histogram equalization color enhancement method
* Three-class classification of brain magnetic resonance images using average-pooling convolutional neural network
* Transfer learning networks with skip connections for classification of brain tumors
* Triple novelty block detection and classification approach for lung tumor analysis
* vessel segmentation technique for retinal images, A
160 for IJIST(31)

IJIST(32) * 3D multi-resolution attention capsule network for diagnosing multi-pathological types of pulmonary nodules
* 3D multi-resolution deep learning model for diagnosis of multiple pathological types on pulmonary nodules
* Accelerated brain tumor dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using Adaptive Pharmaco-Kinetic Model Constrained method
* accurate and noninvasive skin cancer screening based on imaging technique, An
* Accurate classification of nodules and non-nodules from computed tomography images based on radiomics and machine learning algorithms
* affinity propagated clustering aided computerized Inherent Seeded Region Growing and Deep learned Marching Cubes Algorithm (ISRG-DMCA) based three dimensional image reconstruction approach, An
* all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on soft computing, An
* alternative approach for determining the cholesterol level: Iris analysis, An
* Application of a novel T1 retrospective quantification using internal references (T1-REQUIRE) algorithm to derive quantitative T1 relaxation maps of the brain
* Approaches to Preclinical Studies with Heterogeneous Breast Phantom Using Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Image Processing Algorithms for Diffuse Optical Imaging
* Att2ResNet: A deep attention-based approach for melanoma skin cancer classification
* Automated assessment for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis from MRI images: Meta-heuristic assisted deep learning model
* Automated measurement of sulcus angle on axial knee magnetic resonance images
* Automatic classification of severity of COVID-19 patients using texture feature and random forest based on computed tomography images
* Automatic detection of eardrum otoendoscopic images in patients with otitis media using hybrid-based deep models
* Automatic detection of keratoconus on Pentacam images using feature selection based on deep learning
* Automatic diagnosis of pneumonia using backward elimination method based SVM and its hardware implementation
* Automatic semantic segmentation for dental restorations in panoramic radiography images using U-Net model
* BDU-net: Toward accurate segmentation of dental image using border guidance and feature map distortion
* Brain tumor classification by using a novel convolutional neural network structure
* Brain tumor detection and patient survival prediction using U-Net and regression model
* Brain tumor segmentation and multiview multiscale-based radiomic model for patient's overall survival prediction
* Breast cancer histopathological image classification using attention high-order deep network
* Can laboratory parameters be an alternative to CT and RT-PCR in the diagnosis of COVID-19? A machine learning approach
* Cataract grading method based on deep convolutional neural networks and stacking ensemble learning
* Categorization of breast masses based on deep belief network parameters optimized using chaotic krill herd optimization algorithm for frequent diagnosis of breast abnormalities
* Cervix type detection using a self-supervision boosted object detection technique
* Classification of brain tumor from magnetic resonance images using probabilistic features and possibilistic Hanman-Shannon transform classifier
* Classification with respect to colon adenocarcinoma and colon benign tissue of colon histopathological images with a new CNN model: MA:NET
* COLI-Net: Deep learning-assisted fully automated COVID-19 lung and infection pneumonia lesion detection and segmentation from chest computed tomography images
* comparative analysis of deep neural network architectures for the dynamic diagnosis of COVID-19 based on acoustic cough features, A
* Comparative analysis of the kernel types in generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition algorithms for accelerated three-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data
* Computed tomography image generation from magnetic resonance imaging using Wasserstein metric for MR-only radiation therapy
* computer-aided melanoma detection using deep learning and an improved African vulture optimization algorithm, A
* Conductivity characteristics of human lung tissues
* COVID-opt-aiNet: A clinical decision support system for COVID-19 detection
* CoviDetNet: A new COVID-19 diagnostic system based on deep features of chest x-ray
* CR-SSL: A closely related self-supervised learning based approach for improving breast ultrasound tumor segmentation
* CSDL-Net: An iterative network based on compressed sensing and deep learning
* Data imputation in deep neural network to enhance breast cancer detection
* deep data-driven approach for enhanced segmentation of blood vessel for diabetic retinopathy, A
* Deep feature enhancement and Xgboost network for multi-organ classification
* Deep learning based automated detection of intraretinal cystoid fluid
* deep learning framework for glaucoma detection based on robust optic disc segmentation and transfer learning, A
* Deep learning on compressed sensing measurements in pneumonia detection
* Deep learning-based automated mitosis detection in histopathology images for breast cancer grading
* Deep learning-based semantic segmentation of interphase cells and debris from metaphase images
* deeply supervised maximum response texton based SegNet for simultaneous multi retinal lesion segmentation, A
* Denoising of computed tomography using bilateral median based autoencoder network
* Dense and shuffle attention U-Net for automatic skin lesion segmentation
* Design of rectangular coaxial slot antenna for ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging
* Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural network with transfer learning approach
* Detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in lungs images using deep learning techniques
* Detection of liver abnormalities: A new paradigm in medical image processing and classification techniques
* Domain adaptation and weight initialization of neural networks for diagnosing interstitial lung diseases
* Early breast cancer diagnosis using cogent activation function-based deep learning implementation on screened mammograms
* Early cervical cancer diagnosis using Sooty tern-optimized CNN-LSTM classifier
* Edge and anomaly detection of brain magnetic resonance images in a distributed environment
* effect of deep feature concatenation in the classification problem: An approach on COVID-19 disease detection, The
* Effect of physical exercise and noninvasive brain stimulation on cognition and dementia of elderly people with frailty: A randomized study
* effect of quantization at different resolutions on the classification of lesion texture in dermoscopic images using support vector machine, The
* effective detection of COVID-19 using adaptive dual-stage horse herd bidirectional long short-term memory framework, An
* Efficient feature subset selection and classification using levy flight-based cuckoo search optimization with parallel support vector machine for the breast cancer data
* efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alzheimer's disease/mild cognitive impairment/Normal subjects, An
* Electroencephalography based imagined alphabets classification using spatial and time-domain features
* Emotion identification by dynamic entropy and ensemble learning from electroencephalogram signals
* En-ConvNet: A novel approach for glaucoma detection from color fundus images using ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks
* Enhancing convolutional neural network model with spectral features for the identification of cervical dysplasia
* ensemble model of convolution and recurrent neural network for skin disease classification, An
* Estimation of Nonhomogeneous Noise in 2D Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Extended and optimized deep convolutional neural network-based lung tumor identification in big data
* Feature-versus deep learning-based approaches for the automated detection of brain tumor with magnetic resonance images: A comparative study
* Fusion of convolutional neural networks based on Dempster-Shafer theory for automatic pneumonia detection from chest X-ray images
* GAN-segNet: A deep generative adversarial segmentation network for brain tumor semantic segmentation
* Genetic-based adaptive momentum estimation for predicting mortality risk factors for COVID-19 patients using deep learning
* HS-UNET-ID: An approach for human skin classification integrating between UNET and improved dense convolutional network
* hybrid feature fusion strategy for early fusion and majority voting for late fusion towards melanocytic skin lesion detection, A
* Hybrid time-reassigned multisynchrosqueezing transform-Picard-based automated electroencephalography artifact correction methodology for brain-computer interface applications
* Identification of white blood cells for the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia
* Image denoising for magnetic resonance imaging medical images using improved generalized cross-validation based on the diffusivity function
* improved invasive weed optimization enabled Shepard convolutional neural network for classification of breast cancer, An
* Improved segmentation of overlapping red blood cells on malaria blood smear images with TransUNet architecture
* Improved sparse representation algorithm for optical coherence tomography images
* Individualized real-time prediction of working memory performance by classifying electroencephalography signals
* influence of the activation function in a capsule network for brain tumor type classification, The
* Intelligent detection and applied research on diabetic retinopathy based on the residual attention network
* Intelligent diagnosis system of hepatitis C virus: A probabilistic neural network based approach
* intelligent fuzzy inference rule-based expert recommendation system for predictive diabetes diagnosis, An
* Interpretability of deep neural networks used for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
* Interpretable ensemble deep learning model for early detection of Alzheimer's disease using local interpretable model-agnostic explanations
* Key techniques for classification of thorax diseases based on deep learning
* Learning domain transfer for unsupervised magnetic resonance imaging restoration and edge enhancement
* lightweight capsule network architecture for detection of COVID-19 from lung CT scans, A
* LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography images using multiscale residual dilated encoder-decoder network
* Liver tumor segmentation using a new asymmetrical dilated convolutional semantic segmentation network in CT images
* Lung cancer classification using exponential mean saturation linear unit activation function in various generative adversarial network models
* Lung cancer detection by using probabilistic majority voting and optimization techniques
* Lung CT image enhancement based on total variational frame and wavelet transform
* Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
* Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrating modified convolutional neural network classifier and texture features
* Mammographic mass recognition using feature reuse and channel attention mechanism
* Mask RCNN algorithm for nuclei detection on breast cancer histopathological images
* Medical image fusion based on local Laplacian decomposition and iterative joint filter
* Melanoma segmentation: A framework of improved DenseNet77 and UNET convolutional neural network
* method for detecting and classifying the tumor regions in brain MRI images using vector index filtering and ANFIS classification process, A
* method to measure data complexity of a complicated medical data set, A
* modified contrast source inversion method for microwave tomographic imaging of Debye dispersive media, A
* modified DeepLabV3+ based semantic segmentation of chest computed tomography images for COVID-19 lung infections, A
* Modified U-Net for cytological medical image segmentation
* Molecular cancer classification on microarrays gene expression data using wavelet-based deep convolutional neural network
* MR-UNet: An UNet model using multi-scale and residual convolutions for retinal vessel segmentation
* mRMR-based hybrid convolutional neural network model for classification of Alzheimer's disease on brain magnetic resonance images
* Multi- and dual-tuned microstripline-based transmit/receive switch for 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging
* multilevel self-attention based segmentation and classification technique using Directional Hexagonal Mixed Pattern algorithm for lung nodule detection in thoracic CT image, A
* Multimodal covid network: Multimodal bespoke convolutional neural network architectures for COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray's and computerized tomography scans
* Multiple instance learning for classifying histopathological images of the breast cancer using residual neural network
* NCA-based hybrid convolutional neural network model for classification of cervical cancer on gauss-enhanced pap-smear images
* Neuromuscular disease detection based on feature extraction from time-frequency images of EMG signals employing robust hyperbolic Stockwell transform
* new medical image enhancement algorithm using adaptive parameters, A
* Nonlocal convolutional block attention module VNet for gliomas automatic segmentation
* novel DeepML framework for multi-classification of breast cancer based on transfer learning, A
* novel discriminant feature selection-based mutual information extraction from MR brain images for Alzheimer's stages detection and prediction, A
* novel EEG channel selection and classification methodology for multi-class motor imagery-based BCI system design, A
* novel multimodality anatomical image fusion method based on contrast and structure extraction, A
* novel receptive field-regularized V-net and nodule classification network for lung nodule detection, A
* novel software framework for magnetic particle imaging reconstruction, A
* novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation technique for brain magnetic resonance images using adaptive opposition slime mold algorithm, A
* optimal statistical feature-based transformation function for enhancement of retinal images using adaptive enhanced leader particle swarm optimization, An
* optimized morphology transform-based diagnostic computed tomography image enhancement using edge map, An
* ORYX-MRSI: A fully-automated open-source software for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data analysis
* OVASO: Integrated binary CNN models to classify COVID-19, pneumonia and healthy lung in X-ray images
* Patch-based local deep feature extraction for automated skin cancer classification
* Pathological categorization of lung carcinoma from multimodality images using convolutional neural networks
* PC-SNet for automated detection of prostate cancer in multiparametric-magnetic resonance imaging
* Preoperative planning for jugular-foramen tumors: Preparation of a three-dimensional surgical drawing
* Pulmonary disease diagnosis using African vulture optimized weighted support vector machine approach
* Randomly initialized convolutional neural network for the recognition of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Real-time automated segmentation of breast lesions using CNN-based deep learning paradigm: Investigation on mammogram and ultrasound
* Recognition of ischaemia and infection in diabetic foot ulcer: A deep convolutional neural network based approach
* Reconstruction of conductivity distribution with a compound variational strategy in electrical impedance tomography
* Research on data classification and feature fusion method of cancer nuclei image based on deep learning
* Skin lesion segmentation using an improved framework of encoder-decoder based convolutional neural network
* SKMAT-U-Net architecture for breast mass segmentation
* Taylor series-based deep belief network for automatic classification of diabetic retinopathy using retinal fundus images
* Ten simple rules for reporting machine learning methods implementation and evaluation on biomedical data
* Theoretical and experimental sensing of bone healing by microwave approach
* Topological features in addition to radiomics signature predict 1P19Q status and tumor grade in low-grade gliomas
* Transfer learning-based platform for detecting multi-classification retinal disorders using optical coherence tomography images
* TWEEC: Computer-aided glaucoma diagnosis from retinal images using deep learning techniques
* Uncertainty-guided self-ensembling model for semi-supervised segmentation of multiclass retinal fluid in optical coherence tomography images
* Utilizing the spatial frequency domain imaging to investigate change in optical parameters of skin exposed to thermal-hydrotherapy: Ex-vivo study
* VEntNet: Hybrid deep convolutional neural network model for automated multi-class categorization of chest X-rays
* Whole slide cervical image classification based on convolutional neural network and random forest
155 for IJIST(32)

IJIST(33) * Active contour and texture features hybrid model for breast cancer detection from ultrasonic images
* Advanced imaging system for brain tumor automatic classification from MRI images using HOG and BOF feature extraction approaches
* AlexNet-NDTL: Classification of MRI brain tumor images using modified AlexNet with deep transfer learning and Lipschitz-based data augmentation
* Alzheimer's detection using various feature extraction approaches using a multimodal multi-class deep learning model
* Applying machine learning to screen for acute myocardial infarction-related biomarkers and immune infiltration features and validate it clinically and experimentally
* Attention augmented residual autoencoder for efficient polyp segmentation
* Automated diagnosis of COVID stages using texture-based Gabor features in variational mode decomposition from CT images
* Automated differentiation of skin melanocytes from keratinocytes in high-resolution histopathology images using a weakly-supervised deep-learning framework
* Automated knee osteoarthritis severity classification using three-stage preprocessing method and VGG16 architecture
* Automated screening of glaucoma stages from retinal fundus images using BPS and LBP based GLCM features
* Automated segmentation of diabetic macular edema in OCT B-scan images based on RCU-Net
* Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnetic resonance imaging using an EfficientNet encoder in UNet++ architecture
* automatic channel selection method based on the standard deviation of wavelet coefficients for motor imagery based brain-computer interfacing, An
* Automatic diagnosis of ureteral stone and degree of hydronephrosis with proposed convolutional neural network, RelieF, and gradient-weighted class activation mapping based deep hybrid model
* automatic gastric polyp detection technique using deep learning, An
* Automatic liver tumor segmentation on multiphase computed tomography volume using SegNet deep neural network and K-means clustering
* Brain tumor image segmentation based on prior knowledge via transformer
* Brain tumor segmentation using a deep Shuffled-YOLO network
* Breast cancer: A hybrid method for feature selection and classification in digital mammography
* Breast lesion classification using features fusion and selection of ensemble ResNet method
* BUS-CAD: A computer-aided diagnosis system for breast tumor classification in ultrasound images using grid-search-optimized machine learning algorithms with extended and Boruta-selected features
* CA-UNet: Convolution and attention fusion for lung nodule segmentation
* CarpNet: Transformer for mitral valve disease classification in echocardiographic videos
* Cascaded Networks for the Embryo Classification on Microscopic Images Using the Residual External-Attention
* Cerebral stroke classification based on fusion model of 3D EmbedConvNext and 3D Bi-LSTM network
* Classification of brain hemorrhage computed tomography images using OzNet hybrid algorithm
* Classification of skin lesions with generative adversarial networks and improved MobileNetV2
* Classifications of benign and malignant mammogram images using Gabor-modified CNN architecture
* CNN transfer learning-based approach for segmentation and classification of brain stroke from noncontrast CT images, A
* Colour-based segmentation using FCM and K-means clustering for 3D thyroid gland state image classification using deep convolutional neural network structure
* Combining PropSeg and a convolutional neural network for automatic spinal cord segmentation in pediatric populations and patients with spinal cord injury
* Comparison of the impacts of dermoscopy image augmentation methods on skin cancer classification and a new augmentation method with wavelet packets
* Cone beam computed tomography enhancement using feature-embedded variational autoencoder with a perceptual loss function
* ContourGAN: Auto-contouring of organs at risk in abdomen computed tomography images using generative adversarial network
* COVID-19 lung infection segmentation from chest CT images based on CAPA-ResUNet
* COVID-19: A systematic review of prediction and classification techniques
* DAU-Net: An unsupervised 3D brain MRI registration model with dual-attention mechanism
* Deep CNN-based classification of motor imagery tasks from EEG signals using 2D wavelet transformed images of adaptively reconstructed signals from MVMD decomposed modes
* deep conventional neural network model for glioma tumor segmentation, A
* Deep learning and machine learning-based early survival predictions of glioblastoma patients using pre-operative three-dimensional brain magnetic resonance imaging modalities
* deep learning approach for classification of COVID and pneumonia using DenseNet-201, A
* deep learning approach for multi-stage classification of brain tumor through magnetic resonance images, A
* Deep learning for COVID-19 contamination analysis and prediction using ECG images on Raspberry Pi 4
* Deep learning-based robust hybrid approaches for brain tumor classification in magnetic resonance images
* DeepChestNet: Artificial intelligence approach for COVID-19 detection on computed tomography images
* Design and analysis of a super compact UWB antenna for accurate detection of breast tumors using monostatic radar-based microwave imaging technique
* Detection and classification of large bowel obstruction from X-ray images using machine learning algorithms
* Development of preprocessing methods and revised EfficientNet for diabetic retinopathy detection
* Distributed autoencoder classifier network for small-scale and scattered COVID-19 dataset classification
* dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spine segmentation of MRI images, A
* E-CNNet: Time-reassigned Multisynchrosqueezing transform-based deep learning framework for MI-BCI task classification
* EANet: Multiscale autoencoder based edge attention network for fluid segmentation from SD-OCT images
* EEG/MEG source imaging in the absence of subject's brain MRI scan: Perspective on co-registration and MRI selection approach
* Effective data augmentation for brain tumor segmentation
* effective deep learning model for grading abnormalities in retinal fundus images using variational auto-encoders, An
* efficient deep learning algorithm for the segmentation of cardiac ventricles, An
* efficient lymphocytic leukemia detection based on EfficientNets and ensemble voting classifier, An
* efficient quantification of COVID-19 in chest CT images with improved semantic segmentation using U-Net deep structure, An
* efficient skin cancer detection and classification using Improved Adaboost Aphid-Ant Mutualism model, An
* Enc-Unet: A novel method for Glioma segmentation
* Enhanced grasshopper optimization-based selection of ultrasound and elastography features for breast lesion classification
* Enhancing level set brain tumor segmentation using fuzzy shape prior information and deep learning
* Ensemble the recent architectures of deep convolutional networks for skin diseases diagnosis
* Error analysis driven network modification for surgical tools detection in laparoscopic frames
* Establishment of national diagnostic reference levels as guidelines for computed tomography radiation in Jordan
* Factorization-based active contour segmentation and pelican optimization-based modified bidirectional long short-term memory for ovarian tumor detection
* Feature selection and classification using bio-inspired algorithms for the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema subtypes
* Federated learning-based colorectal cancer classification by convolutional neural networks and general visual representation learning
* Few-shot learning for dermatological conditions with Lesion Area Aware Swin Transformer
* FFCAEs: An efficient feature fusion framework using cascaded autoencoders for the identification of gliomas
* Fighting against COVID-19: Innovations and applications
* Forward selection-based ensemble of deep neural networks for melanoma classification in dermoscopy images
* Fusing feature and output space for unsupervised domain adaptation on medical image segmentation
* generalizable approach based on the U-Net model for automatic intraretinal cyst segmentation in SD-OCT images, A
* Global iterative optimization framework for predicting cognitive function statuses of patients with end-stage renal disease
* GR-Net: Gated axial attention ResNest network for polyp segmentation
* Grading of steatosis, fibrosis, lobular inflammation, and ballooning from liver pathology images using pre-trained convolutional neural networks
* Handling dataset dependence with model ensembles for skin lesion classification from dermoscopic and clinical images
* HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automatic segmentation of organs at risk in thoracic computed tomography images
* Histopathological carcinoma classification using parallel, cross-concatenated and grouped convolutions deep neural network
* HPKNN: Hyper-parameter optimized KNN classifier for classification of poikilocytosis
* hybrid convolutional neural network model to detect COVID-19 and pneumonia using chest X-ray images, A
* Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID-19 using chest x-ray images
* hybrid deep neural network-based automated diagnosis system using x-ray images and clinical findings, A
* Hybrid-Patch-Alex: A new patch division and deep feature extraction-based image classification model to detect COVID-19, heart failure, and other lung conditions using medical images
* Image processing and machine learning-based bone fracture detection and classification using X-ray images
* Image reconstruction based on a modified bird swarm optimization algorithm for electrical impedance tomography
* improved method for thyroid nodule ultrasound image segmentation based on U2-Net, An
* Improved multiple sclerosis diagnosis with advanced deep learning techniques
* Intramuscular EMG classifier for detecting myopathy and neuropathy
* joint segmentation and classification framework for COVID-19 infection segmentation and detection from chest CT images, A
* Large-scaled detection of COVID-19 from X-ray using transfer learning
* Lesion-aware network for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis
* lightweight deep learning model for retinal optical coherence tomography image classification, A
* LMSA-Net: A lightweight multi-scale aware network for retinal vessel segmentation
* LPNet: A lightweight CNN with discrete wavelet pooling strategies for colon polyps classification
* LSS-net: 3-dimensional segmentation of the spinal canal for the diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis
* Lung lobe segmentation in computed tomography images based on multi-feature fusion and ensemble learning framework
* Maximum isotope accumulation in the retrosplenial cortex during amnesia attack and its temporal change suggest cortical spreading depression as a pathophysiology of patients with transient global amnesia
* Medical image contrast enhancement based on improved sparrow search algorithm
* Mixed attention and regularized COVID-19 network: An approach to detection of COVID-19 with chest x-ray images
* modified threshold score-based multilevel thresholding segmentation technique for brain magnetic resonance images using opposition-based learning hybrid rice optimization algorithm, A
* Multi-branch sustainable convolutional neural network for disease classification
* Multi-level deep learning based lung cancer classifier for classification based on tumour-node-metastasis approach
* Multi-planar 3D knee MRI segmentation via UNet inspired architectures
* Multimodal brain tumor detection and classification using deep saliency map and improved dragonfly optimization algorithm
* Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using hybrid features extraction and ensemble support vector machines
* multimodal molecular image fusion method based on relative total variation and co-saliency detection, A
* Multiscale attention network for retinal vein occlusion classification with multicolor image
* Non-invasive prediction of overall survival time for glioblastoma multiforme patients based on multimodal MRI radiomics
* novel adaptive class weight adjustment-based multiclass segmentation error minimization technique for COVID-19 X-ray image analysis, A
* novel approach for MR brain tumor classification and detection using optimal CNN-SVM model, A
* novel automated depression detection technique using text transcript, A
* novel convolutional neural network-based approach for brain tumor classification using magnetic resonance images, A
* novel hybrid artificial neural network technique for the early skin cancer diagnosis using color space conversions of original images, A
* Optimal channel and frequency band-based feature selection for motor imagery electroencephalogram classification
* optimal diagnosis system for melanoma dermoscopy images based on enhanced design of horse herd optimizer, An
* Optimized lung cancer detection by amended whale optimizer and rough set theory
* ORYX-MRSI: A fully-automated open-source software for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data analysis
* Performance analysis of various denoising filters on intravascular ultrasound coronary artery images
* Performance evaluation of 67 denoising filters in ultrasound images: A systematic comparison analysis
* Pneumonia X-ray detection with anchor-free detection framework and data augmentation
* powerful probabilistic model for noise analysis in medical images, A
* precise and timely graph-based approach to identify SARS Covid19 infection from medical imaging data using IsoCovNet, A
* Predicting lung cancer treatment response from CT images using deep learning
* Prediction of drug amount in Parkinson's disease using hybrid machine learning systems and radiomics features
* QCBO-WSVM: Quantum chaos butterfly optimization-based weighted support vector machine for neuropathic pain detection from EEG signal
* Real-time coloring method of laser surgery video based on generative adversarial network
* Relationship between reduced scattering coefficient and intracranial pressure in clinical patients under different brain edema states
* Research on the magnetic resonance imaging brain tumor segmentation algorithm based on DO-UNet
* Residual UNet with Dual Attention: An ensemble residual UNet with dual attention for multi-modal and multi-class brain MRI segmentation
* Resolution improvement using enriched Krylov subspace for microwave tomography breast imaging system
* Retinal fundus image registration framework using Bayesian integration and asymmetric Gaussian mixture model
* SABOS-Net: Self-supervised attention based network for automatic organ segmentation of head and neck CT images
* Segmentation of brain tumor subregions with depthwise separable dense U-NET (DSDU-NET)
* Semantic context-aware attention UNET for lung cancer segmentation and classification
* Skin lesion classification based on the VGG-16 fusion residual structure
* SkinNet-ENDO: Multiclass skin lesion recognition using deep neural network and Entropy-Normal distribution optimization algorithm with ELM
* Squeeze and multi-context attention for polyp segmentation
* Three level automatic segmentation of optic disc using LAB color space contours and morphological operation
* Total variation-based ultrasound image despeckling using method noise thresholding in non-subsampled contourlet transform
* transformer-based deep neural network for detection and classification of lung cancer via PET/CT images, A
* UACENet: Uncertain area attention and cross-image context extraction network for polyp segmentation
* Using a convolutional neural network model to derive imaging landmarks for lumbar spine numbering on axial magnetic resonance images
* Using ChatGPT and other AI-assisted tools to improve manuscripts readability and language
* Ventricular segmentation and modeling using topological watershed transformation and harmonic state model
* XCapsNet: A deep neural network for automated detection of diabetic retinopathy
147 for IJIST(33)

IJIST(34) * 3D U-Net based two stage deep learning framework for predicting dose distributions in radiation treatment planning, A
* Accurate and fast extraction of adhesive cells based on concave points detection and matching
* ADT-UNet: An Innovative Algorithm for Glioma Segmentation in MR Images
* Application program interface for automatic segmentation of retinal layers and fluids in Optical Coherence Tomography - Neovascular Age related Macular degeneration retinal images using deep learning models
* Automated detection and classification of skin diseases using diverse features and improved gray wolf-based multiple-layer perceptron neural network
* Automatic left ventricle segmentation via edge-shape feature-based fully convolutional neural network
* automatic measurement method for ankle key angles based on point cloud segmentation network, An
* BCUIS-Net: A breast cancer ultrasound image segmentation network via boundary-aware and shape feature fusion
* BGNet: Boundary-guided network for polyp segmentation
* Brain tumor grade classification using multi-step pre-training
* Brain tumor image pixel segmentation and detection using an aggregation of GAN models with vision transformer
* Brain tumor segmentation and survival time prediction using graph momentum fully convolutional network with modified Elman spike neural network
* brain tumour classification on the magnetic resonance images using convolutional neural network based privacy-preserving federated learning, A
* Comparative analysis of cone-beam breast computed tomography and digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer diagnosis: A comprehensive study on reconstruction algorithms
* comprehensive study on automatic non-informative frame detection in colonoscopy videos, A
* customized ConvNeXt-XL network with fusion of deep and handcrafted features for colposcopy image classification, A
* CVINet: A deep learning based model for the diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency in lower extremity using infrared thermal images
* cyto-Knet: An instance segmentation approach for multiple myeloma plasma cells using conditional kernels
* DCELANM-Net: Medical image segmentation based on dual channel efficient layer aggregation network with learner
* Deep learning approach for brain tumor classification using metaheuristic optimization with gene expression data
* Deep learning based Glaucoma Network Classification (GNC) using retinal images
* Deep learning network selection and optimized information fusion for enhanced COVID-19 detection
* Deep learning-based survival prediction of brain tumor patients using attention-guided 3D convolutional neural network with radiomics approach from multimodality magnetic resonance imaging
* deep learning-based x-ray imaging diagnosis system for classification of tuberculosis, COVID-19, and pneumonia traits using evolutionary algorithm, A
* Design and development of artificial intelligence-based application programming interface for early detection and diagnosis of colorectal cancer from wireless capsule endoscopy images
* Development and validation of an artificial intelligence software for periodontal bone loss in panoramic imaging
* Diagnosing of Parkinson's disease based on hand drawing analysis using Bi-Directional LSTM equipped with fuzzy inferential soft-max classifier
* Differentiation of COVID-19 pneumonia from other lung diseases using CT radiomic features and machine learning: A large multicentric cohort study
* Diffusion tensor imaging from past to present: A bibliometric analysis with trending topics and global productivity during 1980-2022
* Dual independent pathway-densely connected residual network with dilated convolution-based arterial spin labeling MRI image reconstruction with minimum label-control pairs
* Dynamic weight HiLo attention network for medical image multiple organ segmentation
* effective human monkeypox classification using vision transformer, An
* efficient brain tumor segmentation model based on group normalization and 3D U-Net, An
* Efficient breast cancer diagnosis using multi-level progressive feature aggregation based deep transfer learning system
* efficient convolutional histogram-oriented gradients and deep convolutional learning approach for accurate classification of bone cancer, An
* Efficient feature extraction and hybrid deep learning for early identification of uterine fibroids in ultrasound images
* efficient lung image classification and detection using spiral-optimized Gabor filter with convolutional neural network, An
* efficient stacked bidirectional GRU-LSTM network for intracranial hemorrhage detection, An
* efficient wavelet thresholding strategy and robust shrinkage approach for de-noising ECG signal, An
* Empowering ultrasound image filtering precision by reducing speckles and preserving edge cues
* encoder-decoder and modified U-Net network for microwave imaging of stroke, An
* enhanced framework for identifying brain tumor using discrete wavelet transform, deep convolutional network, and feature fusion-based machine learning techniques, An
* Enhanced Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging With HRNeT: A Deep Learning Approach
* Enhancing brain tumor classification with transfer learning: Leveraging DenseNet121 for accurate and efficient detection
* Enhancing explainability in brain tumor detection: A novel DeepEBTDNet model with LIME on MRI images
* Evaluation of optimal interpolation and segmentation of the optic nerves on magnetic resonance images for cross-sectional area measurement
* Examining the classification performance of pre-trained capsule networks on imbalanced bone marrow cell dataset
* exploration of ventricle regions segmentation and multiclass disease detection using cardiac MRI, An
* Feature Pyramid Network Based Spatial Attention and Cross-Level Semantic Similarity for Diseases Segmentation From Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Few-shot segmentation for esophageal OCT images based on self-supervised vision transformer
* gingivitis identification method based on contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and extreme learning machine, A
* Glioma detection using EHO based FLAME clustering in MR brain images
* GLRP: Global and local contrastive learning based on relative position for medical image segmentation on cardiac MRI
* High-precision real-time urine crystallization recognition based on dilated bilinear space pyramid ConvNext
* HMARNET: A Hierarchical Multi-Attention Residual Network for Gleason scoring of prostate cancer
* Hybrid-NET: A fusion of DenseNet169 and advanced machine learning classifiers for enhanced brain tumor diagnosis
* Identifying and matching 12-level multistained glomeruli via deep learning for diagnosis of glomerular diseases
* Improved GAN for image resolution enhancement using ViT for breast cancer detection
* In silico, in vitro, and in vivo validation of a microwave imaging system using a low-profile Ultra Wide Band Archimedean spiral antenna to detect skin cancer
* interpretable deep learning Bayesian optimized random forest framework for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in structural magnetic resonance images, An
* Intra voxel analysis in magnetic resonance imaging via deep learning
* Karyotyping of human chromosomes in metaphase images using faster R-CNN and inception models
* MacD-Net: An automatic guided-ensemble approach for macular pathology detection using optical coherence tomography images
* MAEU-NET: A novel supervised architecture for brain tumor segmentation
* MFH-Net: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network Based Multi-Scale Fusion for Medical Image Segmentation
* Microaneurysm classification system in color fundus images using auto-weight dilated convolutional network
* MMTFN: Multi-modal multi-scale transformer fusion network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
* MozzieNet: A deep learning approach to efficiently detect malaria parasites in blood smear images
* MResCaps: Enhancing capsule networks with parallel lanes and residual blocks for high-performance medical image classification
* MSFNet-2SE: A multi-scale fusion convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease classification on magnetic resonance images
* Multi-branch sustainable convolutional neural network for disease classification
* Multi-classification of brain tumor by using deep convolutional neural network model in magnetic resonance imaging images
* Multiencoder-based federated intelligent deep learning model for brain tumor segmentation
* MultiFeNet: Multi-scale feature scaling in deep neural network for the brain tumour classification in MRI images
* Multiloss strategy for breast cancer subtype classification using digital breast tomosynthesis
* Multispectral Blood Smear Background Images Reconstruction for Malaria Unstained Images Normalization, A
* Non-invasive measurement of blood pressure waveform based on spatiotemporal multi-dimensional pulse waves
* optimal system for increasing the contrast resolution qualities of histopathology images in the wavelet domain, An
* Optimization and Application Analysis of Phase Correction Method Based on Improved Image Registration in Ultrasonic Image Detection
* Performance analysis of state-of-the-art CNN architectures for brain tumour detection
* Predicting coronary artery disease using learning rate based snow leopard optimization with soft swish scaling based bidirectional long short-term memory
* Privacy preserved collaborative transfer learning model with heterogeneous distributed data for brain tumor classification
* Quantum-inspired hybrid algorithm for image classification and segmentation: Q-Means++ max-cut method
* Radiomic feature reliability of amide proton transfer-weighted MR images acquired with compressed sensing at 3?T
* Range and variability of CBF in young adults: PC-MRI and ASL studies
* Real-time small bowel visualization quality assessment in wireless capsule endoscopy images using different lightweight embeddable models
* Registration-enhanced multiple instance learning for cervical cancer whole slide image classification
* Relevant edge probability-based adaptively weighted active contour for medical image segmentation
* Remote ultrasound real-time consultation and quality control system
* Retinal vessel segmentation to diagnose diabetic retinopathy using fundus images: A survey
* Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep learning and balanced sparrow search algorithm
* Robust nuclei segmentation with encoder-decoder network from the histopathological images
* SAtUNet: Series atrous convolution enhanced U-Net for lung nodule segmentation
* Shell-Net: A robust deep neural network for the joint segmentation of retinal fragments
* Simplifying vein detection for intravenous procedures: A comparative assessment through near-infrared imaging system
* Skin cancer classification using improved transfer learning model-based random forest classifier and golden search optimization
* Sleep disorder identification using wavelet scattering on ECG signals
* SRP&PASMLP-Net: Lightweight skin lesion segmentation network based on structural re-parameterization and parallel axial shift multilayer perceptron
* Stacked deep model-based classification of the multiclass brain hemorrhages in CT scans
* Staged cluster transformers for intracranial aneurysms segmentation from structure fused 3D MRA
* Structural biomarker-based Alzheimer's disease detection via ensemble learning techniques
* SVTNet: Automatic bone age assessment network based on TW3 method and vision transformer
* Systematic study and design of multimodal MRI image augmentation for brain tumor detection with loss aware exchange and residual networks
* TACT: Text attention based CNN-Transformer network for polyp segmentation
* target region extraction method for ultrasound medical images based on improved PRIDNet and UCTransNet, A
* Toward more accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Automated lesion segmentation in brain magnetic resonance image using modified U-Net model
* Unmasking pancreatic cancer: Advanced biomedical imaging for its detection in native versus arterial dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) scans
* Use of covariance matrix images for electroencephalography signal classification for multiclass motor imagery-based brain computer interface
* Using normalized echo state network to detect abnormal ECG patterns
* Wavelet scattering- and object detection-based computer vision for identifying dengue from peripheral blood microscopy
* Width measurement of retinal vessels using cubic spline fitting and extended edge-searching mode
* YOLOv5 based detector for eight different urine particles components on single board computer
112 for IJIST(34)

IJIST(35) * DCFU-Net: Rethinking an Effective Attention and Convolutional Architecture for Retinal Vessel Segmentation

IJIST(4) * Application of Splines to Maximum Likelihood Radar Imaging, An
* Optimum Rigid Motion with One Perspective View

IJIST(5) * Differential and Semi-differential Invariant Signature Functions for Space Curve Recognition
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Some Further Results
* Nonlinear Local and Global Document Degradation Models

IJIST(6) * Astrometry with Reconstructed Hubble-Space-Telescope Planetary Camera (WF/PC-1) Images
* Bayesian Image Restoration in Astronomy: Application to Images of the Recent Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 with Jupiter
* Convolution Connection Paradigm Neural Network Enables Linear-System Theory-Based Image-Enhancement
* Generalized Cross-Validation as a Stopping Rule for the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm
* HST Image Restoration Developments at the ST-ECF
* Image-Reconstruction and Restoration in Astronomy
* Multiresolution in Astronomical Image-Processing: A General Framework
* Occamian Approach in the Image Restoration and Other Inverse Problems
* Pixon-Based Multiresolution Image-Reconstruction and the Quantification of Picture Information-Content
* Regularization Methods in Image Restoration: An Application to HST Images
* Some Early Radiotherapy Optimization Work
* Some Practical Aspects of Image Restoration
* Spatially Adaptive Iterative Algorithm for the Restoration of Astronomical Images
* Superresolution of images: algorithms, principles, performance
14 for IJIST(6)

IJIST(7) * Algebra Of Multidimensional Multirate Structures
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Document Image-Analysis Systems: Issues and Practice
* Bank Check Processing System
* Classified Variable-Block-Size Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding
* Computer Understanding of Document Structure
* Data-Consistent Linear Prediction Method for Image-Reconstruction from Finite Fourier Samples, A
* Digital Half-Toning: A Model-Based Perspective
* Document Image-Processing System for Name and Address Recognition
* Estimation of Perceived Image Blur Using Edge Features
* Extraction of Text Lines and Text Blocks on Document Images Based on Statistical Modeling
* First-Order Algorithm with Three Clusters of Optical-Flow Vectors
* Incorporating Diverse Information-Sources in Handwriting Recognition Postprocessing
* Information-Theory, Wavelets, and Image Compression
* Integrated Approach to Document Decomposition and Structural-Analysis
* Interactive Imaging Environment for Scientific Visualization and Quantification (Visiometrics), An
* Multilayer Recognition Method for Understanding Table-Form Documents, A
* Multiple Feature/Resolution Approach to Handprinted Digit and Character-Recognition, A
* Perceptual Steps Along Color Scales
* Performance Evaluation for Document Analysis
* Postal Address Reading in Real-Time
* Reading Handwritten Phrases on US Census Forms
* Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Using a Kalman Filter-Trained Neural-Network
* Similarities Between Texture Grouping and Motion Perception: The Role of Color, Luminance, and Orientation
* Special Issue on Visual-Perception: Guest Editorial
* Special Issue: Document Analysis And Recognition - Guests Editors Introduction
* Structure Recognition and Information Extraction from Tabular Documents
* Wavelet Filtering for Topological Decomposition of Flow-fields
* Wavelet Processing of Images for Target Detection
28 for IJIST(7)

IJIST(8) * Alternatives to the Use of the DFT in MRI and Spectroscopic Reconstructions
* Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automated Microscopy in Diagnostic Histopathology: From Image-Processing to Automated Reasoning
* Dynamic Imaging by Model Estimation
* Embedded Wavelet Coder with Multistage Vector Quantization
* Fast Image Vector Quantization Using a Modified Competitive Learning Neural Network Approach
* Fuzzy Rule Based Image Processing
* Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis and Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm for Digital Mammography
* Inhomogeneous Surface Diffusion for Image Filtering
* Interactive Acquisition, Analysis, and Visualization of Sonographic Volume Data
* Microwave Antenna Imaging, Diagnostics, and Phaseless Reconstructions
* Microwave Imaging: Reconstructions from Experimental-Data Using Conjugate-Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Morphologic Field Morphing: Contour Model-Guided Image Interpolation
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences under Orthographic Projection
* MPEG-4 Video Verification Model: Status and Directions
* Natural K-Plane Coordinate Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Mathematical Foundations
* Novel Iterative Optimizing Quantization Technique and Its Application to X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy for 3-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Views
* Pulse-Echo Microwave Imaging for NDE of Civil Structures: Image-Reconstruction, Enhancement, and Object Recognition
* Role of High-Resolution in Magnetic-Resonance (MR) Imaging: Applications to MR-Angiography, Intracranial T-1-Weighted Imaging, and Image Interpolation
* Space-Time Imaging of Transient Ultrasound Fields
* Special Issue: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Signal Processing
* Time Domain Simulation of Fourier Imaging by Summation of Isochromats
* Tomographic Reconstruction Technique for Pulsed Echo Imaging
* Uncertainty Assessment for Reconstructions Based on Deformable Geometry
* Unified Framework for Modern Synthetic-Aperture Imaging Algorithms
25 for IJIST(8)

IJIST(9) * 3-Dimensional Regularized Binary Image-Reconstruction from Three 2-Dimensional Projections Using a Randomized ICM Algorithm
* 3-GHz microwave imaging system based on a modulated scattering technique and on a modified Born approximation, A
* Advanced Image-Processing Technique for Real-Time Interpretation of Ground-Penetrating Radar Images
* Architectures and Visual-Processing Applications of Multimedia DSPs
* Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
* Bayesian Image-Reconstruction Using Image-Modeling Gibbs Priors
* Binary Tomography on the Hexagonal Grid Using Gibbs Priors
* blockwise relaxation labeling scheme and its application to edge detection in cardiac MR image sequences, A
* Causal fractal compression of video sequences using matching pursuit
* Cooperative Matching Paradigm for the Analysis of Stereo Image Sequences
* Detection and Removal of Anomalies in Digitized Animation Film
* Direct-Fourier Reconstruction in Tomography and Synthetic-Aperture Radar
* Discrete Radon-Transform and Its Approximate Inversion via the EM Algorithm
* Discrete Tomography
* Dynamic Surface Imaging For The Space-Shuttle Experiments
* Electromagnetic transverse electric-wave inverse scattering of a conductor by the genetic algorithm
* Explicit Closed-Form Solution to the Limited-Angle Discrete Tomography Problem for Finite-Support Objects, An
* Fast Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Image Registration on a Multiprocessing Digital Signal Processor
* Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using an Optimal Motion Compensation Scheme
* Generalized Image Warping Using Enhanced Lookup Tables
* Generic VLSI Architecture for Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Guest Editorial: Advanced Imaging Chip Architectures And Applications
* High Resolution Image Reconstruction with Multisensors
* High-Performance Image Computing With Modern Microprocessors
* High-Performance Scalable Parallel Platform for Volume Reconstruction of PET Data
* Hybrid Video CODEC with Block Based and Mesh Based Motion Compensation Modes, A
* Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Single-Chip Signal and Image-Processor
* Indexing audiovisual databases through joint audio and video processing
* Interactive 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Using a Programmable Multimedia Processor
* Intraframe image decoding based on a nonlinear variational approach
* Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging of Satellites
* Iterative Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Jitter smoothing and traffic modeling for MPEG-2 video transport over ATM networks
* Medians of Polyominoes: A Property for Reconstruction
* Microwave Tomography for Compact-Support Dielectric Objects
* Motion Estimation and Compensation Based on Almost Shift Invariant Wavelet Transform for Image Sequence Coding
* Network Flow Model for Binary Tomography on Lattices
* Neural Network Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections
* On Processing Binary Pictures via Their Projections
* On the Application of Discrete Tomography to CT-Assisted Engineering and Design
* On Which Grids Can Tomographic Equivalence of Binary Pictures Be Characterized in Terms of Elementary Switching Operations
* Optical Flow Based Motion Compensation Algorithm for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Optimization of Wireframe Model Adaptation and Motion Estimation in a Rate Distortion Framework
* PC-Based Machine Vision System for Real-Time Computer-Aided Potato Inspection
* Quantitative measurement of texture orientation in biomedical images using an artificial neural network
* Reconstruction of 2-Valued Matrices from Their 2 Projections
* Regularized Modified Newton-Raphson Technique Applied to Electrical-Impedance Tomography
* Special Issue: Image Sequence Processing: I
* Success and Failure of Certain Reconstruction and Uniqueness Algorithms in Discrete Tomography
* Superresolution Capabilities of the Gerchberg Method in the Band-Pass Case: An Eigenvalue Analysis
* Time-Varying Reconstruction of the Ionosphere: 1. The Algorithm
* Time-Varying Reconstruction of the Ionosphere: 2. Data Source Analysis
* Tracking Severe Weather Storms in Doppler Radar Images
* Very-High-Quality Image Compression Based on Noise Modeling
* Wavelet-based solution to anisotropic diffusion equation for edge detection
55 for IJIST(9)

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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