Index for lou_

Lou, A.[Ange] Co Author Listing * CFPNET: Channel-Wise Feature Pyramid for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* DaReNeRF: Direction-aware Representation for Dynamic Scenes
* Diffusion Model Alignment Using Direct Preference Optimization
* Divide and Fuse: Body Part Mesh Recovery from Partially Visible Human Images
* Min-Max Similarity: A Contrastive Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Network for Surgical Tools Segmentation
* Research of Line Matching Algorithm Under The Improved Homograph Matrix Constraint Condition, The
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing in Grassland Ecosystem Monitoring: A Systematic Review
Includes: Lou, A.[Ange] Lou, A.[Aaron] Lou, A. Lou, A.[Anru]
7 for Lou, A.

Lou, B.[Bin] Co Author Listing * Combining dark channel prior and color cues for road following in outdoor environments
* Flexible-Cm GAN: Towards Precise 3D Dose Prediction in Radiotherapy
* Predicting COVID-19 in China Using Hybrid AI Model
Includes: Lou, B.[Bin] Lou, B.

Lou, B.C.[Bai Chuan] Co Author Listing * Robust Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles at Highway On-Ramps: A Constrained Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Approach
Includes: Lou, B.C.[Bai Chuan] Lou, B.C.[Bai-Chuan]

Lou, C.[Chao] Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Vision-Language Parsing: Seamlessly Bridging Visual Scene Graphs with Language Structures via Dependency Relationships

Lou, C.C. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Motion Search Range Prediction for Video Encoding
* Efficient HD video coding with joint first-order-residual (FOR) and second-order-residual (SOR) coding technique
* Improved FOR/SOR-based video coding and its performance analysis
Includes: Lou, C.C. Lou, C.C.[Chung-Cheng]

Lou, C.G.[Cun Guang] Co Author Listing * Ultrashort Microwave-Pumped Real-Time Thermoacoustic Breast Tumor Imaging System
Includes: Lou, C.G.[Cun Guang] Lou, C.G.[Cun-Guang]

Lou, C.W.[Chun Wei] Co Author Listing * Alleviating the generalization issue in adversarial domain adaptation networks
Includes: Lou, C.W.[Chun Wei] Lou, C.W.[Chun-Wei]

Lou, D.[Dan] Co Author Listing * Comparing Multiple Precipitation Products against In-Situ Observations over Different Climate Regions of Pakistan
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Two Evapotranspiration-Based Drought Products and Their Mechanisms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Lou, D.C.[Der Chyuan] Co Author Listing * Active steganalysis for interpolation-error based reversible data hiding
* Image Authentication and Integrity Verification Via Content-based Watermarks and a Public Key Cryptosystem
Includes: Lou, D.C.[Der Chyuan] Lou, D.C.[Der-Chyuan] Lou, D.C.

Lou, E.[Edmond] Co Author Listing * Toward maximum-predictive-value classification

Lou, G.[Ge] Co Author Listing * Non-Uniform Grid Graph Convolutional Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, A
* Using Nighttime Light Data and POI Big Data to Detect the Urban Centers of Hangzhou

Lou, H.[Hao] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Target ISAR Imaging in Radar Systems
* Detection and Analysis of the Variation in the Minimum Ecological Instream Flow Requirement in the Chinese Northwestern Inland Arid Region by Using a New Remote Sensing Method
* Estimation of Long-Term River Discharge and Its Changes in Ungauged Watersheds in Pamir Plateau
* Example-Based Human Motion Denoising
* LDGM codes for joint source-channel coding of correlated sources
* Pseudo-Labeling and Meta Reweighting Learning for Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Target 3D Imaging in Radar Network Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Simulation of Lake Water Volume in Ungauged Terminal Lake Basin Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
Includes: Lou, H.[Hao] Lou, H.[Hezhen] Lou, H.[Hui] Lou, H.
8 for Lou, H.

Lou, H.L.[Hao Lun] Co Author Listing * DesmokeNet: A Two-Stage Smoke Removal Pipeline Based on Self-Attentive Feature Consensus and Multi-Level Contrastive Regularization
Includes: Lou, H.L.[Hao Lun] Lou, H.L.[Hao-Lun]

Lou, H.W.[Hao Wei] Co Author Listing * Miss Yoga: A Yoga Assistant Mobile Application Based on Keypoint Detection
Includes: Lou, H.W.[Hao Wei] Lou, H.W.[Hao-Wei]

Lou, H.Y.[Han Yue] Co Author Listing * All-in-Focus Imaging from Event Focal Stack
* Hybrid All-in-Focus Imaging From Neuromorphic Focal Stack
* NEST: Neural Event Stack for Event-Based Image Enhancement
Includes: Lou, H.Y.[Han Yue] Lou, H.Y.[Han-Yue]

Lou, H.Z.[He Zhen] Co Author Listing * Combining and Comparing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Multiple Remote Sensing Satellites to Calculate Long-Term River Discharge in an Ungauged Water Source Region on the Tibetan Plateau
* New Method for Long-Term River Discharge Estimation of Small- and Medium-Scale Rivers by Using Multisource Remote Sensing and RSHS: Application and Validation, A
* Performance of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Calculating the Flood Peak Discharge of Ephemeral Rivers Combined with the Incipient Motion of Moving Stones in Arid Ungauged Regions
* Quantitative Assessment of the Influences of Snow Drought on Forest and Grass Growth in Mid-High Latitude Regions by Using Remote Sensing
Includes: Lou, H.Z.[He Zhen] Lou, H.Z.[He-Zhen]

Lou, J. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Resolution Change for Versatile Video Coding
* Analog Hardware for Detecting Discontinuities in Early Vision
* DyCC-NEt: Dynamic Context Collection Network for Input-Aware Drone-View Object Detection
* Efficient and Robust Vehicle Localization
* Explaining Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks from Clustering Effect Perspective
* Extraction of Landmine Features Using a Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar With MIMO Array
* H.264 Deblocking Speedup
* Integer-arithmetic-only Certified Robustness for Quantized Neural Networks
* Joint design of bi-predictive interpolation filters
* Just Noticeable Difference for Deep Machine Vision
* MUter: Machine Unlearning on Adversarially Trained Models
* Novel Prescreening Method for Land-Mine Detection in UWB SAR Based on Feature Point Matching, A
* Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attacks in the Physical World
* Pose Evaluation Based on Bayesian classification Error
* Rate-distortion optimized rate-allocation for motion-compensated predictive video codecs using PixelRank
* Real-Time 3D Facial Tracking via Cascaded Compositional Learning
* Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Minimization via a New Tensor Spectral k-Support Norm
* Technique of Prescaled Integer Transform: Concept, Design and Applications, The
* Toward Efficient Image Representation: Sparse Concept Discriminant Matrix Factorization
Includes: Lou, J. Lou, J.[Jian] Lou, J.[Jun]
20 for Lou, J.

Lou, J.G.[Jian Guang] Co Author Listing * 3-D model-based vehicle tracking
* Effective Epipolar Geometry Assisted Motion Estimation Technique for Multi-View Image and Video Coding, An
* Epipolar Geometry-Based Fast Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Image and Video Coding, An
* LayoutDiffusion: Improving Graphic Layout Generation by Discrete Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* LayoutFormer++: Conditional Graphic Layout Generation via Constraint Serialization and Decoding Space Restriction
* Multi-camera correspondence based on principal axis of human body
* Multiview Image Coding Based on Geometric Prediction
* Parse-Then-Place Approach for Generating Graphic Layouts from Textual Descriptions, A
* Principal Axis-Based Correspondence between Multiple Cameras for People Tracking
* Privacy-Preserving Algorithm for APPs in Vehicle Intelligent Terminal System: A Compressive Method
* Semantic interpretation of object activities in a surveillance system
* Video super-resolution based on a spatio-temporal matching network
Includes: Lou, J.G.[Jian Guang] Lou, J.G.[Jian-Guang] Lou, J.G. Lou, J.G.[Jun-Gang] Lou, J.G.[Jian-Gung]
12 for Lou, J.G.

Lou, J.J.[Jing Jing] Co Author Listing * free-form surface flattening algorithm that minimizes geometric deformation energy, A
Includes: Lou, J.J.[Jing Jing] Lou, J.J.[Jing-Jing]

Lou, J.K.[Jing Kai] Co Author Listing * SB-VQA: A Stack-Based Video Quality Assessment Framework for Video Enhancement
Includes: Lou, J.K.[Jing Kai] Lou, J.K.[Jing-Kai]

Lou, J.M.[Jie Ming] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Contrastive Learning via Asymmetric InfoNCE
* ELFNet: Evidential Local-global Fusion for Stereo Matching
Includes: Lou, J.M.[Jie Ming] Lou, J.M.[Jie-Ming]

Lou, J.P.[Jun Peng] Co Author Listing * Multi-Year NDVI Values as Indicator of the Relationship between Spatiotemporal Vegetation Dynamics and Environmental Factors in the Qaidam Basin, China
Includes: Lou, J.P.[Jun Peng] Lou, J.P.[Jun-Peng]

Lou, J.Q.[Jian Qi] Co Author Listing * Activation of Ms 6.9 Milin Earthquake on Sedongpu Disaster Chain, China with Multi-Temporal Optical Images
Includes: Lou, J.Q.[Jian Qi] Lou, J.Q.[Jian-Qi]

Lou, J.T.[Jing Tao] Co Author Listing * Omni-gradient-based total variation minimisation for sparse reconstruction of omni-directional image
Includes: Lou, J.T.[Jing Tao] Lou, J.T.[Jing-Tao]

Lou, J.W.[Jian Wen] Co Author Listing * Keypointdetr: An End-to-end 3d Keypoint Detector
Includes: Lou, J.W.[Jian Wen] Lou, J.W.[Jian-Wen]

Lou, J.X.[Jian Xun] Co Author Listing * Benchmark of Variance of Opinion Scores in Image Quality Assessment, A
* Blind Image Quality Assessment via Adaptive Graph Attention
* Predicting Radiologist Attention During Mammogram Reading with Deep and Shallow High-Resolution Encoding
* Predicting Radiologists' Gaze With Computational Saliency Models in Mammogram Reading
* SSPNet: Predicting Visual Saliency Shifts
* Study of Saccadic Eye Movements in Diagnostic Imaging
Includes: Lou, J.X.[Jian Xun] Lou, J.X.[Jian-Xun]

Lou, K.[Kang] Co Author Listing * High-Precision Sub-Wavelength Motion Compensation Technique for 3D Down-Looking Imaging Sonar Based on an Acoustic Calibration System
* Incomplete Multi-View Clustering With Complete View Guidance
* Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data
* User Recruitment System for Efficient Photo Collection in Mobile Crowdsensing
Includes: Lou, K.[Kang] Lou, K.[Kai] Lou, K.[Kaihao] Lou, K.

Lou, K.N. Co Author Listing * Intelligent Sensor Fusion System for Tool Monitoring on a Machining Center, An

Lou, L.[Lu] Co Author Listing * Accurate Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction for Cost-Effective Plant Phenotyping
* Object Detection with the High-frequency Change of Objects Classes
* Ping-pong robotics with high-speed vision system
* Request Analysis of DGPS/IMU on the Air-Borne INSAR System
* Rice Height Estimation with Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Data and Optimal Detection Baseline Combination Analysis
Includes: Lou, L.[Lu] Lou, L. Lou, L.[Lei] Lou, L.[Linjiang]

Lou, L.L.[Liang Liang] Co Author Listing * Environmental Energy Harvesting-Driven Wireless Parking Detection Method: Analysis and Implementation, An
* Optimized Wireless Sensing and Deep Learning for Enhanced Human-Vehicle Recognition
Includes: Lou, L.L.[Liang Liang] Lou, L.L.[Liang-Liang]

Lou, L.M.[Li Ming] Co Author Listing * Luotuo Mountain Waste Dump Cover Interpretation Combining Deep Learning and VDVI Based on Data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Real-Time Detection of Full-Scale Forest Fire Smoke Based on Deep Convolution Neural Network
Includes: Lou, L.M.[Li Ming] Lou, L.M.[Li-Ming]

Lou, L.S.[Liang Shan] Co Author Listing * Improved Transformer with Parallel Encoders for Image Captioning
Includes: Lou, L.S.[Liang Shan] Lou, L.S.[Liang-Shan]

Lou, L.T.[Lian Tang] Co Author Listing * Method of Boundary Extraction Based on Schrödinger Equation
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet and Nonlinear Iteration
Includes: Lou, L.T.[Lian Tang] Lou, L.T.[Lian-Tang]

Lou, L.Z.[Li Zhu] Co Author Listing * Research on Quality Evaluation Algorithm of Flight Training for National Day Parade Air Echelon
* Unified Land-Ocean Quasi-Geoid Computation from Heterogeneous Data Sets Based on Radial Basis Functions
Includes: Lou, L.Z.[Li Zhu] Lou, L.Z.[Li-Zhu] Lou, L.Z.[Li-Zhi]

Lou, M. Co Author Listing * Calculation Method of Surface Representation Using B-Spline Mask

Lou, M.H.[Ming Hua] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Numerical Calculation Methods for Stem Diameter Retrieval Using Terrestrial Laser Data
* Precise Measurement of Stem Diameter by Simulating the Path of Diameter Tape from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
Includes: Lou, M.H.[Ming Hua] Lou, M.H.[Ming-Hua]

Lou, M.J.[Ming Jing] Co Author Listing * World's Largest Macroalgal Blooms Altered Phytoplankton Biomass in Summer in the Yellow Sea: Satellite Observations
Includes: Lou, M.J.[Ming Jing] Lou, M.J.[Ming-Jing]

Lou, M.M.[Meng Meng] Co Author Listing * Balanced Collision Avoidance Algorithm for USVs in Complex Environment: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, A
Includes: Lou, M.M.[Meng Meng] Lou, M.M.[Meng-Meng]

Lou, M.Y.[Ming Yue] Co Author Listing * BeiDou-Based Passive Radar Vessel Target Detection: Method and Experiment via Long-Time Optimized Integration
Includes: Lou, M.Y.[Ming Yue] Lou, M.Y.[Ming-Yue]

Lou, P.[Ping] Co Author Listing * Can a machine have two systems for recognition, like human beings?
* Constructing an efficient and adaptive learning model for 3D object generation
* MVBench: A Comprehensive Multi-modal Video Understanding Benchmark

Lou, P.Q.[Pei Qing] Co Author Listing * Activity and Kinematics of Two Adjacent Freeze-Thaw-Related Landslides Revealed by Multisource Remote Sensing of Qilian Mountain
* Optimized Object-Based Random Forest Algorithm for Marsh Vegetation Mapping Using High-Spatial-Resolution GF-1 and ZY-3 Data, An
Includes: Lou, P.Q.[Pei Qing] Lou, P.Q.[Pei-Qing]

Lou, Q.[Qian] Co Author Listing * Lite-MDETR: A Lightweight Multi-Modal Detector
* SSL-Cleanse: Trojan Detection and Mitigation in Self-supervised Learning
* Step-by-Step Validation of Antarctic ASI AMSR-E Sea-Ice Concentrations by MODIS and an Aerial Image
* TrojViT: Trojan Insertion in Vision Transformers
* Variational Model for Image Segmentation
* WBP: Training-time Backdoor Attacks Through Hardware-based Weight Bit Poisoning
Includes: Lou, Q.[Qian] Lou, Q. Lou, Q.[Qiong]

Lou, Q.W.[Qiu Wen] Co Author Listing * Super Efficient Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction and Super Resolution
Includes: Lou, Q.W.[Qiu Wen] Lou, Q.W.[Qiu-Wen]

Lou, R.R.[Ran Ran] Co Author Listing * AI Empowered Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Prediction of Ocean Wave Height Suitable for Ship Autopilot
Includes: Lou, R.R.[Ran Ran] Lou, R.R.[Ran-Ran]

Lou, S.[Shanhe] Co Author Listing * Interactive Prediction and Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles: Online Active Learning With Traffic Entropy Minimization
* Wavelet-Based Total Variation and Nonlocal Similarity Model for Image Denoising
Includes: Lou, S.[Shanhe] Lou, S.

Lou, S.J.[Si Jing] Co Author Listing * Impact of Three Gorges Reservoir Water Impoundment on Vegetation-Climate Response Relationship
Includes: Lou, S.J.[Si Jing] Lou, S.J.[Si-Jing]

Lou, S.L. Co Author Listing * Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images
* Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spectral Indices for Building Consistent Landsat 1-5 Data Record
* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Continuity of the Landsat 4-5 MSS and TM: Investigations Based on Simulation
* Ship Detection Using a Fully Convolutional Network with Compact Polarimetric SAR Images
Includes: Lou, S.L. Lou, S.L.[Shen-Long]

Lou, S.R.[Sheng Rong] Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation of Differential Absorption Lidar for Ozone Detection and Intercomparisons with Other Instruments
* Intercomparison of NO3 under Humid Conditions with Open-Path and Extractive IBBCEAS in an Atmospheric Reaction Chamber
Includes: Lou, S.R.[Sheng Rong] Lou, S.R.[Sheng-Rong]

Lou, S.S.[Shang Shang] Co Author Listing * China Coastal Front from Himawari-8 AHI SST Data: Part 1: East China Sea, The
* China Coastal Front from Himawari-8 AHI SST Data: Part 2: South China Sea, The
Includes: Lou, S.S.[Shang Shang] Lou, S.S.[Shang-Shang]

Lou, S.T.[Shun Tian] Co Author Listing * Crop Classification Using MSCDN Classifier and Sparse Auto-Encoders with Non-Negativity Constraints for Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
* Low Complexity Iterative Algorithm for Joint Zero Diagonalization, A
Includes: Lou, S.T.[Shun Tian] Lou, S.T.[Shun-Tian] Lou, S.T.

Lou, T.R.[Tian Rui] Co Author Listing * Hide in Thicket: Generating Imperceptible and Rational Adversarial Perturbations on 3D Point Clouds
Includes: Lou, T.R.[Tian Rui] Lou, T.R.[Tian-Rui]

Lou, W. Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke From DWI Using 3-D Fully Convolutional DenseNets
* Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN Architecture Switching for Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
* New Crossover Operator in Genetic Programming for Object Classification, A
* On Charging Scheduling Optimization for a Wirelessly Charged Electric Bus System
* Structure Embedded Nucleus Classification for Histopathology Images
* Trend Changes of the Vegetation Activity in Northeastern East Asia and the Connections with Extreme Climate Indices
* Which Pixel to Annotate: A Label-Efficient Nuclei Segmentation Framework
Includes: Lou, W. Lou, W.[Wei]
7 for Lou, W.

Lou, W.D.[Wei Dong] Co Author Listing * 3D Graph Convolutional Networks Model for 2D Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition, A
* Biomass Estimation of Milk Vetch Using UAV Hyperspectral Imagery and Machine Learning
* Improving Soil Moisture Estimation via Assimilation of Remote Sensing Product into the DSSAT Crop Model and Its Effect on Agricultural Drought Monitoring
Includes: Lou, W.D.[Wei Dong] Lou, W.D.[Wei-Dong]

Lou, W.J.[Wen Jie] Co Author Listing * Quadrotor Autonomous Navigation in Semi-Known Environments Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Lou, W.J.[Wen Jie] Lou, W.J.[Wen-Jie]

Lou, W.Q.[Wen Qi] Co Author Listing * TCL-Net: A Lightweight and Efficient Dehazing Network with Frequency-domain Fusion and Multi-angle Attention
Includes: Lou, W.Q.[Wen Qi] Lou, W.Q.[Wen-Qi]

Lou, W.S.[Wen Shiou] Co Author Listing * 3D scanning system based on low-occlusion approach, A
Includes: Lou, W.S.[Wen Shiou] Lou, W.S.[Wen-Shiou]

Lou, X. Co Author Listing * Active Structured Learning for Cell Tracking: Algorithm, Framework, and Usability
* Assessments of Ocean Wind Retrieval Schemes Used for Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Co-Polarized Data
* Bathymetry Mapping Approach Combining Log-Ratio and Semianalytical Models Using Four-Band Multispectral Imagery Without Ground Data, A
* Content-Aware Radiance Fields: Aligning Model Complexity with Scene Intricacy Through Learned Bitwidth Quantization
* Cost-efficient bathymetric mapping method based on massive active-passive remote sensing data
* Gradient-Based Feature Extraction From Raw Bayer Pattern Images
* Identity-Unrelated Information Decoupling Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Improved Local Gradient Method for Sea Surface Wind Direction Retrieval from SAR Imagery, An
* Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobile Ai & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Translation Integrating Visible Images
* Radar Echo Reconstruction in Oceanic Area via Deep Learning of Satellite Data
* Ray Reordering for Hardware-Accelerated Neural Volume Rendering
* Residual Pyramid Learning for Single-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Ring and Radius Sampling Based Phasor Field Diffraction Algorithm for Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction
* Unpaired Thermal Infrared Image Translation Method Using GMA-CycleGAN, An
* Using Artificial Neural Network Ensembles With Crogging Resampling Technique to Retrieve Sea Surface Temperature From HY-2A Scanning Microwave Radiometer Data
Includes: Lou, X. Lou, X.[Xin] Lou, X.[Xiulin] Lou, X.[Xulei] Lou, X.[Xiayin] Lou, X.[Xiao]
16 for Lou, X.

Lou, X.D.[Xu Dong] Co Author Listing * Tecm-clip: Text-based Controllable Multi-attribute Face Image Manipulation
Includes: Lou, X.D.[Xu Dong] Lou, X.D.[Xu-Dong]

Lou, X.H.[Xing Hua] Co Author Listing * Graph-regularized 3D shape reconstruction from highly anisotropic and noisy images
* Learning to segment dense cell nuclei with shape prior
* Quality Classification of Microscopic Imagery with Weakly Supervised Learning
Includes: Lou, X.H.[Xing Hua] Lou, X.H.[Xing-Hua]

Lou, X.L.[Xue Ling] Co Author Listing * Computer-aided detection and classification of microcalcifications in mammograms: a survey
* Development of a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix-Based Texture Orientation Estimation Method and Its Application in Sea Surface Wind Direction Retrieval From SAR Imagery
* Exponential Algorithm for Bottom Reflectance Retrieval in Clear Optically Shallow Waters from Multispectral Imagery without Ground Data, An
* Long time-series remote sensing analysis of the periodic cycle evolution of the inlets and ebb-tidal delta of Xincun Lagoon, Hainan Island, China
* Remote Sensing Analysis of Erosion in Arctic Coastal Areas of Alaska and Eastern Siberia
Includes: Lou, X.L.[Xue Ling] Lou, X.L.[Xue-Ling] Lou, X.L.[Xiu-Lin]

Lou, X.M. Co Author Listing * Numerically Efficient Angle, Width, Offset, and Discontinuity Determination of Straight Lines by the Discrete Fourier Bilinear Transformation Algorithm

Lou, X.P.[Xiao Ping] Co Author Listing * Parameterized Hamiltonian Learning With Quantum Circuit
Includes: Lou, X.P.[Xiao Ping] Lou, X.P.[Xiao-Ping]

Lou, X.X.[Xiao Xuan] Co Author Listing * Ownership Verification of DNN Architectures via Hardware Cache Side Channels
Includes: Lou, X.X.[Xiao Xuan] Lou, X.X.[Xiao-Xuan]

Lou, X.Y.[Xiao Yu] Co Author Listing * Electrical Structure of Southwestern Longmenshan Fault Zone: Insights into Seismogenic Structure of 2013 and 2022 Lushan Earthquakes
* FINNCH: Cooperative Pursuit Navigation for a Pursuer Team to Capture a Single Evader in Urban Environments
* Gesture-Radar: A Dual Doppler Radar Based System for Robust Recognition and Quantitative Profiling of Human Gestures
* Structure Embedded Nucleus Classification for Histopathology Images
* Using Resistivity Structure to Study the Seismogenic Mechanism of the 2021 Luxian Ms6.0 Earthquakes
Includes: Lou, X.Y.[Xiao Yu] Lou, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Lou, X.Y.[Xia-Yin] Lou, X.Y.[Xin-Ye] Lou, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying]

Lou, Y. Co Author Listing * AI-Oriented Large-Scale Video Management for Smart City: Technologies, Standards, and Beyond
* Augmented Tensor MUSIC for DOA Estimation Using Nested Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation Regularization
* Cascaded recurrent networks with masked representation learning for stereo matching of high-resolution satellite images
* CenLight: Centralized traffic grid signal optimization via action and state decomposition
* Computationally Efficient Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on Quaternion Theory
* Deep regional feature pooling for video matching
* EDS: Exploring deeper into semantics for video captioning
* Empirical Studies on Phase Retrieval
* Enhanced Long Baseline Underwater Target Localization With Adaptive Track-Before-Detect Method
* Exact BER Analysis of Selection Combining for Differential SWIPT Relaying Systems
* Group-based truncated L1_2 model for image inpainting
* Group-Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Reidentification
* Identification and Analysis of Long-Term Land Use and Planting Structure Dynamics in the Lower Yellow River Basin
* Impact of nonstationary optical illumination on image reconstruction in optoacoustic tomography
* Improve object detection via a multi-feature and multi-task CNN model
* KeypointNet: A Large-Scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated From Numerous Human Annotations
* MatchMiner: Efficient Spanning Structure Mining in Large Image Collections
* Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Nonnegative Least Squares Problems with Applications, A
* Multienergy Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction with a Spatial Spectral Nonlocal Means Algorithm
* note on multi-image denoising, A
* Online Reinforcement Learning Approach for User-Optimal Parking Searching Strategy Exploiting Unique Problem Property and Network Topology, An
* Partially Blind Deblurring of Barcode from Out-of-Focus Blur
* Prior Knowledge about Attributes: Learning a More Effective Potential Space for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging With Hierarchical Graph Priors
* Reconstruction-Aware Imaging System Ranking by Use of a Sparsity-Driven Numerical Observer Enabled by Variational Bayesian Inference
* Secrecy Analysis of ABCom-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems With Jamming
* Towards Efficient Front-End Visual Sensing for Digital Retina: A Model-Centric Paradigm
* Unsupervised Scene Sketch to Photo Synthesis
* Vila: Efficient Video-language Alignment for Video Question Answering
* weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation for relaxed Mumford-Shah image segmentation, A
* Weighted Selection Combinings for Differential Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks
Includes: Lou, Y. Lou, Y.[Yi] Lou, Y.[Yue] Lou, Y.[Yican] Lou, Y.[Yibo] Lou, Y.[Yu] Lou, Y.[Yang] Lou, Y.[Yin] Lou, Y.[Yingyan] Lou, Y.[Yukuan]
32 for Lou, Y.

Lou, Y.C.[Ying Chen] Co Author Listing * DC2: Dual-Camera Defocus Control by Learning to Refocus
* Joint Direction of Arrival-Polarization Parameter Tracking Algorithm Based on Multi-Target Multi-Bernoulli Filter
Includes: Lou, Y.C.[Ying Chen] Lou, Y.C.[Yu-Chao]

Lou, Y.D.[Yi Dong] Co Author Listing * Design and Validation of a Cascading Vector Tracking Loop in High Dynamic Environments
* Evaluation of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Satellite Atomic Clock Products and Their Effects on Positioning
* Fast Algorithm for Rail Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* Impact of the Initial State on BDS Real-Time Orbit Determination Filter Convergence
* National BDS Augmentation Service System (NBASS) of China: Progress and Assessment
* On the Assessment GPS-Based WRFDA for InSAR Atmospheric Correction: A Case Study in Pearl River Delta Region of China
* On the Study of Influences of Different Factors on the Rapid Tropospheric Tomography
* Precise Orbit Determination for GNSS Maneuvering Satellite with the Constraint of a Predicted Clock
* Precise Orbit Determination of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) Using Onboard GPS and BDS Observations
* Real-Time Estimation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Clock Based on Ground Tracking Stations
* Robust Framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Multiple Non-Repetitive Scanning Lidars, A
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Precipitable Water Vapor and Horizontal Tropospheric Gradients from GPS during Typhoon Lekima
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Regional Ionospheric TEC Prediction Using Multi-Factor NeuralProphet Model under Disturbed Conditions
* Strategy to Mitigate the Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on BDS Precise Point Positioning: Cycle-Slip Threshold Model, A
* Tropospheric Second-Order Horizontal Gradient Modeling for GNSS PPP
* WTM: The Site-Wise Empirical Wuhan University Tropospheric Model
Includes: Lou, Y.D.[Yi Dong] Lou, Y.D.[Yi-Dong]
16 for Lou, Y.D.

Lou, Y.F.[Yi Fei] Co Author Listing * Autocalibration and Uncalibrated Reconstruction of Shape from Defocus
* Direct Sparse Deblurring
* Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction via the L_1/L_2 Minimization
* Linear Systems Approach to Imaging Through Turbulence, A
* Nonlocal Similarity Image Filtering
* Scale-Invariant Relaxation in Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with an Application to Tensor Completion, A
* Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise Removal
* Truncated L_1-2 Models for Sparse Recovery and Rank Minimization
* Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Preconditioned Proximal Algorithm
* Weighted Anisotropic-Isotropic Total Variation for Poisson Denoising
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation for Relaxed Mumford-Shah Color and Multiphase Image Segmentation, A
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation Model for Image Processing, A
Includes: Lou, Y.F.[Yi Fei] Lou, Y.F.[Yi-Fei]
12 for Lou, Y.F.

Lou, Y.H.[Yi Hua] Co Author Listing * adaptive H.264 video protection scheme for video conferencing, An
* Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis: The Emerging MPEG Standard
* Disentangled Feature Learning Network and a Comprehensive Benchmark for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Dual-Tuning: Joint Prototype Transfer and Structure Regularization for Compatible Feature Learning
* Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Event-Based Semantic Segmentation With Posterior Attention
* Geometric Anchor Correspondence Mining with Uncertainty Modeling for Universal Domain Adaptation
* Hierarchical Connectivity-Centered Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-Identification
* HNIP: Compact Deep Invariant Representations for Video Matching, Localization, and Retrieval
* improved noise-robust voice activity detector based on hidden semi-Markov models, An
* Noise-Robust Voice Activity Detector Based on Hidden Semi-Markov Models
* Person30K: A Dual-Meta Generalization Network for Person Re-Identification
* Switchable Representation Learning Framework with Self-Compatibility
* VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild
Includes: Lou, Y.H.[Yi Hua] Lou, Y.H.[Yi-Hua] Lou, Y.H.[Yi-Hang]
14 for Lou, Y.H.

Lou, Y.J.[Yu Jing] Co Author Listing * Canonical Voting: Towards Robust Oriented Bounding Box Detection in 3D Scenes
* Human Correspondence Consensus for 3d Object Semantic Understanding
* Interactive Model Predictive Control for Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds
* PRIN/SPRIN: On Extracting Point-Wise Rotation Invariant Features
* Understanding Pixel-Level 2D Image Semantics With 3D Keypoint Knowledge Engine
* Visual Servo Tracking Control of Quadrotor with a Cable Suspended Load
Includes: Lou, Y.J.[Yu Jing] Lou, Y.J.[Yu-Jing] Lou, Y.J.[Yun-Jiang]

Lou, Y.M.[Yi Min] Co Author Listing * large-scale diffractive glasses-free 3D display, A
Includes: Lou, Y.M.[Yi Min] Lou, Y.M.[Yi-Min]

Lou, Y.S.[Yun Sheng] Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Variation of Hourly Scale Extreme Rainstorms in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain and Its Impact on NDVI
Includes: Lou, Y.S.[Yun Sheng] Lou, Y.S.[Yun-Sheng]

Lou, Y.Z.[Yun Zhong] Co Author Listing * Draw Step by Step: Reconstructing CAD Construction Sequences from Point Clouds via Multimodal Diffusion
Includes: Lou, Y.Z.[Yun Zhong] Lou, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhong]

Lou, Z. Co Author Listing * Extracting 3D Layout From a Single Image Using Global Image Structures
* Extraction of courtesy amount item from Chinese check
* Face recognition based on the uncorrelated discriminant transformation
* Integrated probability function on local mean distance for image recognition
* Learning to Recognize Human Activities Using Soft Labels
* Learning with Privileged Tasks
* Minimal local reconstruction error measure based discriminant feature extraction and classification
* Novel Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Based On Hit-Distance
* Novel PCA-Based Bayes Classifier and Face Analysis, A
* Preprocessing of Handwritten Date Images on Chinese Cheque
* Rejection Criteria and Pairwise Discrimination of Handwritten Numerals Based on Structural Features
* Structured Receptive Fields in CNNs
Includes: Lou, Z. Lou, Z.[Zhen] Lou, Z.[Zan]
12 for Lou, Z.

Lou, Z.H.[Zi Hang] Co Author Listing * Accuracy of Winter Wheat Identification at Different Growth Stages Using Remote Sensing, The
* Deep-Learning Network for Wheat Yield Prediction Combining Weather Forecasts and Remote Sensing Data, A
* Matching Spring Phenology Indicators in Ground Observations and Remote-Sensing Metrics
* Soybean EOS Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Their Climate Drivers in Global Major Regions
Includes: Lou, Z.H.[Zi Hang] Lou, Z.H.[Zi-Hang]

Lou, Z.J.[Zi Jie] Co Author Listing * Transferable adversarial attack on image tampering localization
Includes: Lou, Z.J.[Zi Jie] Lou, Z.J.[Zi-Jie]

Lou, Z.L.[Zheng Liang] Co Author Listing * On-line signature verification using local shape analysis
Includes: Lou, Z.L.[Zheng Liang] Lou, Z.L.[Zheng-Liang]

Lou, Z.Q.[Zhi Qiang] Co Author Listing * GPV-Pose: Category-level Object Pose Estimation via Geometry-guided Point-wise Voting
* RBP-Pose: Residual Bounding Box Projection for Category-Level Pose Estimation
Includes: Lou, Z.Q.[Zhi Qiang] Lou, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang]

Lou, Z.X.[Zhao Xia] Co Author Listing * Two-Stream Dense Feature Fusion Network Based on RGB-D Data for the Real-Time Prediction of Weed Aboveground Fresh Weight in a Field Environment
Includes: Lou, Z.X.[Zhao Xia] Lou, Z.X.[Zhao-Xia]

Lou, Z.Y.[Zhen Yu] Co Author Listing * BiViT: Extremely Compressed Binary Vision Transformers
* Color Constancy by Deep Learning
* DSText V2: A comprehensive video text spotting dataset for dense and small text
* Expression-Invariant Age Estimation
* Expression-Invariant Age Estimation Using Structured Learning
* Extracting Primary Objects by Video Co-Segmentation
* Image Alignment by Piecewise Planar Region Matching
* Mean-Shift Tracking of Variable Kernel Based on Projective Geometry
* Multimodal Sense-Informed Forecasting of 3D Human Motions
* Multiple view image denoising using 3D focus image stacks
Includes: Lou, Z.Y.[Zhen Yu] Lou, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu] Lou, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yu] Lou, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang]
10 for Lou, Z.Y.

Lou, Z.Z.[Zheng Zheng] Co Author Listing * Incorporating side information into multivariate Information Bottleneck for generating alternative clusterings
* multi-factor analysis model of quantitative investment based on GA and SVM, A
* Multi-View Clustering via Triplex Information Maximization
* Survey on Information Bottleneck, A
* View-Wise Versus Cluster-Wise Weight: Which Is Better for Multi-View Clustering?
Includes: Lou, Z.Z.[Zheng Zheng] Lou, Z.Z.[Zheng-Zheng]

Index for "l"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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