15.2.15 Geoid Analysis, Computation, Definition, Vertical Datum

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Geoid. Geodetic Calibration. Vertical Datum. The sea level relationship is that elevations are relative to the mean sea level from the geoid.
See also Sea Level Measurement and Change, Satellite Altimetric Data.
See also SAR, Radar Altimetry.
See also Site Model Registration, Georeference, Geo-Registeration.

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The 0.4 Arc-Sec Tandem-X Intermediate DEM with Respect to the SRTM and Aster Global DEMS,
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Rapid Geometric Correction of SSC TERRASAR-X Images with Direct Georeferencing, Global DEM and Global Geoid Models,
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Evaluation of SAR Data as Source of Ground Control Information: First Results,
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Wu, Q.[Qiong], Wang, H.Y.[Hong-Yao], Wang, B.[Bin], Chen, S.B.[Sheng-Bo], Li, H.Q.[Hong-Qing],
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Vu, D.T.[Dinh Toan], Bruinsma, S.[Sean], Bonvalot, S.[Sylvain], Remy, D.[Dominique], Vergos, G.S.[Georgios S.],
A Quasigeoid-Derived Transformation Model Accounting for Land Subsidence in the Mekong Delta towards Height System Unification in Vietnam,
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Zhang, P.P.[Pan-Pan], Bao, L.F.[Li-Feng], Guo, D.M.[Dong-Mei], Wu, L.[Lin], Li, Q.Q.[Qian-Qian], Liu, H.[Hui], Xue, Z.X.[Zhi-Xin], Li, Z.C.[Zhi-Cai],
Estimation of Vertical Datum Parameters Using the GBVP Approach Based on the Combined Global Geopotential Models,
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Erol, S.[Serdar], Özögel, E.[Emrah], Kuçak, R.A.[Ramazan Alper], Erol, B.[Bihter],
Utilizing Airborne LiDAR and UAV Photogrammetry Techniques in Local Geoid Model Determination and Validation,
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The Interannual Fluctuations in Mass Changes and Hydrological Elasticity on the Tibetan Plateau from Geodetic Measurements,
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Trojanowicz, M.[Marek], Owczarek-Wesolowska, M.[Magdalena], Wang, Y.M.[Yan Ming], Jamroz, O.[Olgierd],
Quasi Geoid and Geoid Modeling with the Use of Terrestrial and Airborne Gravity Data by the GGI Method: A Case Study in the Mountainous Area of Colorado,
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Lyszkowicz, A.[Adam], Nastula, J.[Jolanta], Zielinski, J.B.[Janusz B.], Birylo, M.[Monika],
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Alcantar-Elizondo, N.[Norberto], Garcia-Lopez, R.V.[Ramon Victorino], Torres-Carillo, X.G.[Xochitl Guadalupe], Vazquez-Becerra, G.E.[Guadalupe Esteban],
Combining Global Geopotential Models, Digital Elevation Models, and GNSS/Leveling for Precise Local Geoid Determination in Some Mexico Urban Areas: Case Study,
IJGI(10), No. 12, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
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Liu, Y.S.[Yu-Sheng], Lou, L.Z.[Li-Zhi],
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Varbla, S.[Sander], Liibusk, A.[Aive], Ellmann, A.[Artu],
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Wu, Y.H.[Yi-Hao], He, X.[Xiufeng], Huang, J.[Jia], Shi, H.K.[Hong-Kai], Wang, H.[Haihong], Wu, Y.L.[Yun-Long], Ding, Y.[Yuan],
Comparison of Mean Dynamic Topography Modeling from Multivariate Objective Analysis and Rigorous Least Squares Method,
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Varbla, S.[Sander], Ĺgren, J.[Jonas], Ellmann, A.[Artu], Poutanen, M.[Markku],
Treatment of Tide Gauge Time Series and Marine GNSS Measurements for Vertical Land Motion with Relevance to the Implementation of the Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000,
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DOI Link 2202

Guo, D.M.[Dong-Mei], Xue, Z.X.[Zhi-Xin],
Analysis of a Relative Offset between the North American and the Global Vertical Datum in Gravity Potential Space,
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DOI Link 2307

Wu, Q.[Qiong], Zhang, G.Y.[Guo-Yu], Wang, B.[Bin], Zhong, L.S.[Lin-Shan], Xiao, F.[Feng],
Performance Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Modifications in Stokes's and Hotine's Formulas: The Case of Jilin Province, China,
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Natsiopoulos, D.A.[Dimitrios A.], Mamagiannou, E.G.[Elisavet G.], Pitenis, E.A.[Eleftherios A.], Vergos, G.S.[Georgios S.], Tziavos, I.N.[Ilias N.],
GOCE Downward Continuation to the Earth's Surface and Improvements to Local Geoid Modeling by FFT and LSC,
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Liu, X.Y.[Xin-Yu], Li, S.S.[Shan-Shan], Yuan, J.J.[Jia-Jia], Fan, D.[Diao], Tan, X.L.[Xu-Li],
Estimation of Geopotential Value W0 for the Geoid and Local Vertical Datum Parameters,
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Experiences with the RTM Method in Local Quasi-Geoid Modeling,
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Application of Sparse Regularization in Spherical Radial Basis Functions-Based Regional Geoid Modeling in Colorado,
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Grigoriadis, V.N.[Vassilios N.], Andritsanos, V.D.[Vassilios D.], Natsiopoulos, D.A.[Dimitrios A.], Vergos, G.S.[Georgios S.], Tziavos, I.N.[Ilias N.],
Geoid Studies in Two Test Areas in Greece Using Different Geopotential Models towards the Estimation of a Reference Geopotential Value,
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DOI Link 2310

Guo, D.M.[Dong-Mei], Chen, X.D.[Xiao-Dong], Xue, Z.X.[Zhi-Xin], He, H.[Huiyou], Xing, L.[Lelin], Ma, X.[Xian], Niu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei],
High-Accuracy Quasi-Geoid Determination Using Molodensky's Series Solutions and Integrated Gravity/GNSS/Leveling Data,
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DOI Link 2311

Lapaine, M.[Miljenko],
On the Definition of Standard Parallels in Map Projections,
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Secant Cylinders Are Evil: A Case Study on the Standard Lines of the Universal Transverse Mercator and Universal Polar Stereographic Projections,
IJGI(13), No. 2, 2024, pp. 56.
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Trojanowicz, M.[Marek], Owczarek-Wesolowska, M.[Magdalena], Wang, Y.M.[Yan Ming],
Determination of the Geoid-Quasigeoid Separation Using GGI Method,
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DOI Link 2403

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An Updated Estimate of Geocenter Variation from Analysis of SLR Data,
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Yu, H.P.[Hai-Peng], Chang, G.B.[Guo-Bin], Yu, Y.J.[Ya-Jie], Zhang, S.[Shubi],
A Direct Approach for Local Quasi-Geoid Modeling Based on Spherical Radial Basis Functions Using a Noisy Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model,
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Xu, W.[Wei], Chen, G.[Gang], Yang, D.[Defang], Ding, K.[Kaihua], Dong, R.[Rendong], Ma, X.[Xuyan], Han, S.[Sipeng], Zhang, S.[Shengpeng], Zhang, Y.[Yongyin],
Enhancing Regional Quasi-Geoid Refinement Precision: An Analytical Approach Employing ADS80 Tri-Linear Array Stereoscopic Imagery and GNSS Gravity-Potential Leveling,
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Vergos, G.S.[Georgios S.], Tziavos, I.N.[Ilias N.], Mertikas, S.[Stelios], Piretzidis, D.[Dimitrios], Frantzis, X.[Xenofon], Donlon, C.[Craig],
Local Gravity and Geoid Improvements around the Gavdos Satellite Altimetry Cal/Val Site,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3243.
DOI Link 2409

Wang, C.[Cong], Mi, Q.C.[Qian-Chuan], He, F.[Fei], Guo, W.J.[Wen-Jie], Zhang, X.X.[Xiao-Xin], Yang, J.F.[Jun-Feng],
The Response of Stratospheric Gravity Waves to the 11-Year Solar Cycle,
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Tan, X.L.[Xu-Li], Fan, D.[Diao], Feng, J.[Jinkai], Wan, H.F.[Hong-Fa], Xu, Z.B.[Zhen-Bang], Li, S.S.[Shan-Shan],
An Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth Gravity Field Based on K-Band Range-Rate Observations,
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Gravimetric Geoid Modelling Over Peninsular Malaysia Using Two Different Gridding Approaches for Combining Free Air Anomaly,
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Ismail, M.K., Din, A.H.M., Uti, M.N., Omar, A.H.,
Establishment of New Fitted Geoid Model In Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
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Chapter on Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following continues in
Autonomous Vehicles .

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