Update Dates 2307

2307 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *Scale-Space
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* 100-Driver: A Large-Scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification
* 2D-DOA Estimation in Multipath Using EMVS Rectangle Array
* 3D craniofacial reconstruction framework using elastic surface deformation based on automatic landmark positioning
* 3D Information Guided Motion Transfer via Sequential Image Based Human Model Refinement and Face-Attention GAN
* 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey
* 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Algorithm Based on Temporal Information Fusion and Uncertainty Estimation
* 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
* 3d Shape Temporal Aggregation for Video-based Clothing-change Person Re-identification
* 3D-C2FT: Coarse-to-fine Transformer for Multi-view 3d Reconstruction
* 3D-Yoga: A 3D Yoga Dataset for Visual-based Hierarchical Sports Action Analysis
* 6D Pose Estimation of the Aircraft Using Geometric Property, The
* 6G Based Intelligent Charging Management for Autonomous Electric Vehicles
* 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road Maintenance Using Deep Learning Data Fusion
* 94 GHz Pulse Doppler Solid-State Millimeter-Wave Cloud Radar, A
* a-EGAN: a-Energy distance GAN with an early stopping rule
* A2: Adaptive Augmentation for Effectively Mitigating Dataset Bias
* ABC-Norm Regularization for Fine-Grained and Long-Tailed Image Classification
* About the Assessment of Cover Crop Albedo Potential Cooling Effect: Risk of the Darkening Feedback Loop Effects
* Aboveground Biomass Prediction of Arid Shrub-Dominated Community Based on Airborne LiDAR through Parametric and Nonparametric Methods
* Accuracy Assessment of Eleven Medium Resolution Global and Regional Land Cover Land Use Products: A Case Study over the Conterminous United States
* Accurate and robust visual tracking using bounding box refinement and online sample filtering
* Action Capsules: Human skeleton action recognition
* Action Representing by Constrained Conditional Mutual Information
* Active Domain Adaptation with Multi-level Contrastive Units for Semantic Segmentation
* Active Tectonics Assessment Using Geomorphic and Drainage Indices in the Sertengshan, Hetao Basin, China
* Adaptation of a Neuro-Variational Algorithm from SeaWiFS to MODIS-Aqua Sensor for the Determination of Atmospheric and Oceanic Variables
* Adapting an Existing Empirical Algorithm for Microwave Land Surface Temperature Retrieval in China for AMSR2 Data
* Adaptive Coding and Ordered-Index Extended Scrambling Based RDH in Encrypted Images
* Adaptive Deep PnP Algorithm for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Adaptive Despread Spectrum-Based Image Watermarking for Fast Product Tracking
* Adaptive Feature Selection With Augmented Attributes
* Adaptive FSP: Adaptive Architecture Search with Filter Shape Pruning
* Adaptive Fuzzy Approach to Fault Estimation Observer Design With Actuator Fault and Digital Communication, An
* Adaptive Hybrid Attention Based Convolutional Neural Net for Intelligent Transportation Object Recognition, An
* Adaptive Range Guided Multi-view Depth Estimation with Normal Ranking Loss
* Adaptive reweighted quaternion sparse learning for data recovery and classification
* Adaptive Robust Formation Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Swarm System Based on Constraint Following
* Adaptive Robust Watermarking Method Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Adaptive Search-and-Training for Robust and Efficient Network Pruning
* Adaptive Speckle Filter for Multi-Temporal PolSAR Image with Multi-Dimensional Information Fusion
* ADD-UNet: An Adjacent Dual-Decoder UNet for SAR-to-Optical Translation
* Additivity Constrained Linearisation of Camera Calibration Data
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-nearest Neighbor Classification
* ADEL: Adaptive Distribution Effective-Matching Method for Guiding Generators of GANs
* ADPL: Adaptive Dual Path Learning for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
* Advanced Binary Neural Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Adversarial Examples in Visual Object Tracking in Satellite Videos: Cross-Frame Momentum Accumulation for Adversarial Examples Generation
* Adversarial Learning Domain-Invariant Conditional Features for Robust Face Anti-spoofing
* Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Robustness Enhancement of UAV-Oriented Automatic Image Recognition Based on Deep Ensemble Models
* Advfilter: Adversarial Example Generated by Perturbing Optical Path
* Aerial Image Segmentation via Noise Dispelling and Content Distilling
* Aerosol Optical Characteristics in Different Dust Events Based on a 532 nm and 355 nm Polarization Lidar in Beijing, The
* AFF-Cam: Adaptive Frequency Filtering Based Channel Attention Module
* Affine Subspace Robust Low-Rank Self-Representation: From Matrix to Tensor
* Affinity-Aware Relation Network for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* AgriSen-COG, a Multicountry, Multitemporal Large-Scale Sentinel-2 Benchmark Dataset for Crop Mapping Using Deep Learning
* AHF: An Automatic and Universal Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Circular-Coded Targets Identification in Close-Range Photogrammetry under Complex Illumination Conditions
* Airbirds: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for Bird Strike Prevention in Real-world Airports
* Airborne Radar Staggered PRF Coherent Processing Method for Down-Looking Target Detection
* AlexNet-NDTL: Classification of MRI brain tumor images using modified AlexNet with deep transfer learning and Lipschitz-based data augmentation
* Algorithm for Learning Orthonormal Matrix Codebooks for Adaptive Transform Coding, An
* Algorithms and Predictors for Land Cover Classification of Polar Deserts: A Case Study Highlighting Challenges and Recommendations for Future Applications
* alpha-Pixels for Hierarchical Analysis of Digital Objects
* AM-GM Algorithm for Evaluating, Analyzing, and Correcting the Spatial Scaling Bias of the Leaf Area Index
* Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODIS Products in Gansu Province, Northwest China
* Analysis of a Relative Offset between the North American and the Global Vertical Datum in Gravity Potential Space
* Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Semiarid Tunisia Using Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of PlanetScope Dove Digital Surface Model Accuracy Using Geometrically Simulated Images
* Analysis of Short-Term Drought Episodes Using Sentinel-3 SLSTR Data under a Semi-Arid Climate in Lower Eastern Kenya
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Ideas of Ancient Urban Land-Use Based on GIS and an Algorithm: A Case Study of Chang'an City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
* Analysis of the Differences in Internal Solitary Wave Characteristics Retrieved from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images under Different Background Environments in the Northern South China Sea
* Analysis of the Results Determining the Positions and Velocities of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations during Earthquakes in 2010-2011
* Analysis of the Superposition Effect of Land Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise in the Tianjin Coastal Area and Its Emerging Risks
* Analysis of Tourist Market Structure and Its Driving Factors in Small Cities before and after COVID-19
* Analysis of Walkable Street Networks by Using the Space Syntax and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Cankiri City
* Analysis of Water Yield Changes in the Johor River Basin, Peninsular Malaysia Using Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery
* Analysis on BDS-3 Autonomous Navigation Performance Based on the LEO Constellation and Regional Stations
* Analyzing lower half facial gestures for lip reading applications: Survey on vision techniques
* Anomaly Detection and Correction of Optimizing Autonomous Systems With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Anomaly Detection in Pedestrian Walkways for Intelligent Transportation System Using Federated Learning and Harris Hawks Optimizer on Remote Sensing Images
* Anomaly-Based Ship Detection Using SP Feature-Space Learning with False-Alarm Control in Sea-Surface SAR Images
* Antarctic Amplification Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperature and ERA5, The
* Anti-Intermittent Sampling Jamming Technique Utilizing the OTSU Algorithm of Random Orthogonal Sub-Pulses, An
* Anticipated Capabilities of the ODYSEA Wind and Current Mission Concept to Estimate Wind Work at the Air-Sea Interface
* AONET: Attentional Occlusion-aware Network for Occluded Person Re-identification
* Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in 3d Medical Segmentation
* Applicability Analysis and Ensemble Application of BERT with TF-IDF, TextRank, MMR, and LDA for Topic Classification Based on Flood-Related VGI
* Application of a Modified BPS Neural Network Based on Three-Way Decision Theory in an Effectiveness Evaluation for a Remote Sensing Satellite Cluster
* Application of a Randomized Algorithm for Extracting a Shallow Low-Rank Structure in Low-Frequency Reverberation
* Application of CNN-Based Image Segmentation for Tracking Coastal Erosion and Post-Storm Recovery, The
* Application of Data Sensor Fusion Using Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Identification and Tracking of Moving Targets from LiDAR-Radar Data
* Application of Multi-modal Fusion Attention Mechanism in Semantic Segmentation
* Application of Remote Sensing in Detecting and Monitoring Water Stress in Forests
* Applying a 1D Convolutional Neural Network in Flood Susceptibility Assessments: The Case of the Island of Euboea, Greece
* Applying a hybrid model considering the interaction between train and power system for energy consumption surveys
* Applying Reconstructed Daily Water Storage and Modified Wetness Index to Flood Monitoring: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Basin
* Appraisal of the Magnetotelluric and Magnetovariational Transfer Functions' Selection in a 3-D Inversion
* Apprenticeship Learning Approach for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on Chunk Quality and User Preference, An
* Approach for Visual Realism Complexity Classification of 3d Models in Virtual and Augmented Reality, An
* Approach to Investigate an Influence of Visual Angle Size on Emotional Activation During a Decision-making Task, An
* Approximate Evaluation of the Resolution in Near Field Remote Sensing
* AR-Based Visitor Support System for Enhancing the Liveliness of Sightseeing Spots Using Cg Humanoid Models
* Archaeological Predictive Modeling Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Japan and China
* Areca Yellow Leaf Disease Severity Monitoring Using UAV-Based Multispectral and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Assessing Landslide Drivers in Social-Ecological-Technological Systems: The Case of Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo, Brazil
* Assessing Models of Sea Level Rise and Mean Sea Surface with Sentinel-3B and Jason-3 Altimeter Data near Taiwan: Impacts of Data Quality and Length
* Assessing the Effects of New Light Rail Transit on Regional Traffic Congestion and Transit Ridership: A Synthetic Control Approach
* Assessing the Magnitude of the Amazonian Forest Blowdowns and Post-Disturbance Recovery Using Landsat-8 and Time Series of PlanetScope Satellite Constellation Data
* Assessing the Status of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of Bangladesh
* Assessment and Projections of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Pacific Based on CMIP6 Models
* Assessment of GRAS Ionospheric Measurements for Ionospheric Model Assimilation
* Assessment of Negative Samples and Model Structures in Landslide Susceptibility Characterization Based on Bayesian Network Models, An
* Assessment of Six Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Gross Primary Productivity in Grassland
* Assessment of Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Effect of the Relationship between Meteorological Drought and Vegetation Dynamics in the Yangtze River Basin Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Impact of Water Conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Radiance Observations to Improve Ensemble Analyses and Short-Term Predictions of Thunderstorms
* Assimilating AMSU-A Radiance Observations with an Ensemble Four-Dimensional Variational (En4DVar) Hybrid Data Assimilation System
* Assimilating FY-3D MWHS2 Radiance Data to Predict Typhoon Muifa Based on Different Initial Background Conditions and Fast Radiative Transfer Models
* Assimilating GNSS TEC with an LETKF over Yunnan, China
* Assimilation and Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density Data Using Lightning Whistlers
* Asymptotic Result for a Decoupled Nonlinear Elasticity-based Multiscale Registration Model
* Asynchronous Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based URLLC-Aware Computation Offloading in Space-Assisted Vehicular Networks
* Asynchronous Generative Adversarial Network for Asymmetric Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Atmospheric correction under cloud edge effects for Geostationary Ocean Color Imager through deep learning
* Atmospheric Ducts and Their Electromagnetic Propagation Characteristics in the Northwestern South China Sea
* Attention guided domain alignment for conditional face image generation
* Attention Spiking Neural Networks
* Attention-Driven Appearance-Motion Fusion Network for Action Recognition
* Attention-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Imagery Spatial Super-Resolution
* Attention-induced semantic and boundary interaction network for camouflaged object detection
* Attentional prototype inference for few-shot segmentation
* Attentive Spatio-Temporal Learning-Based Network for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis, An
* Audio Retrieval With Natural Language Queries: A Benchmark Study
* Augmentation Pathways Network for Visual Recognition
* Augmented GBM Nonlinear Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Augmented Gravity Field Modelling by Combining EIGEN_6C4 and Topographic Potential Models
* Augmented Least Lncosh Conjugate Gradient Adaptive Filtering
* Augmenting Softmax Information for Selective Classification with Out-of-distribution Data
* AutoEncoder-Driven Multimodal Collaborative Learning for Medical Image Synthesis
* Autoenhancer: Transformer on U-net Architecture Search for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Automated Detection and Identification of Olive Fruit Fly Using Yolov7 Algorithm
* Automated Orientation Detection of 3d Head Reconstructions from SMRI Using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-based Approach
* Automatic Early Warning to Derive Eruption Source Parameters of Paroxysmal Activity at Mt. Etna (Italy)
* Automatic Extraction of Saltpans on an Amendatory Saltpan Index and Local Spatial Parallel Similarity in Landsat-8 Imagery
* Automatic Eye-tracking-assisted Chest Radiography Pathology Screening
* Automatic Generation of 3D Indoor Navigation Networks from Building Information Modeling Data Using Image Thinning
* Automatic Graphic Pattern Generation Algorithm and Its Application to the Multipurpose Camouflage Pattern Design, An
* Automatic Monitoring of Maize Seedling Growth Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based RGB Imagery
* Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Visual Attention Mechanism Network
* Background Scene Recovery From an Image Looking Through Colored Glass
* Balanced Spectral Feature Selection
* Band-Optimized Bidirectional LSTM Deep Learning Model for Bathymetry Inversion
* BARC: Breed-Augmented Regression Using Classification for 3D Dog Reconstruction from Images
* Barrier-Based Adaptive Line-of-Sight 3-D Path-Following System for a Multijoint Robotic Fish With Sideslip Compensation
* Baseline Calibration of L-Band Spaceborne Bistatic SAR TwinSAR-L for DEM Generation
* BASSL: Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* Bayesian Direction of Arrival Estimation with Prior Knowledge from Target Tracker
* Bayesian Dumbbell Diffusion Model for RGBT Object Tracking With Enriched Priors
* BCE-Net: Reliable building footprints change extraction based on historical map and up-to-date images using contrastive learning
* BDS/GPS/Galileo Precise Point Positioning Performance Analysis of Android Smartphones Based on Real-Time Stream Data
* Benchmark for Multi-Modal LiDAR SLAM with Ground Truth in GNSS-Denied Environments, A
* Benchmarking Geospatial High-Value Data Openness Using GODI Plus Methodology: A Regional Level Case Study
* Beyond RMSE: Do Machine-Learned Models of Road User Interaction Produce Human-Like Behavior?
* Bi-calibration Networks for Weakly-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Bi-Criteria Approximation for a Multi-Origin Multi-Channel Auto-Scaling Live Streaming Cloud
* Bi-Nuclear Tensor Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on Multiple Deep Learning Networks
* Bias-Corrected RADARSAT-2 Soil Moisture Dynamics Reveal Discharge Hysteresis at An Agricultural Watershed
* Bibliometric-based Study of Virtual Reality User Interface Design, A
* Bilateral Adversarial Patch Generating Network for the Object Tracking Algorithm
* Binary residual feature pyramid network: An improved feature fusion module based on double-channel residual pyramid structure for autonomous detection algorithm
* Biometric Surveillance and the Future of War
* Biophysical Variable Retrieval of Silage Maize with Gaussian Process Regression and Hyperparameter Optimization Algorithms
* Blind Adaptive Beamforming for a Global Navigation Satellite System Array Receiver Based on Direction Lock Loop
* Blind Image Super-Resolution with Degradation-Aware Adaptation
* Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Authentication Model Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Blockchain-Based Route Selection With Allocation of Radio and Computing Resources for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Blue Color Indices as a Reference for Remote Sensing of Black Sea Water
* Boosting Dense Long-tailed Object Detection from Data-centric View
* Bordernet: An Efficient Border-attention Text Detector
* Borex: Bayesian-optimization-based Refinement of Saliency Map for Image- and Video-classification Models
* Boundary-aware Temporal Sentence Grounding with Adaptive Proposal Refinement
* Bow Device for Accurate Reproduction of Archery in XR Environment
* Bright as the Sun: In-depth Analysis of Imagination-driven Image Captioning
* Bringing to Light the Potential of Angular Nighttime Composites for Monitoring Human Activities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon
* BSFCDet: Bidirectional Spatial-Semantic Fusion Network Coupled with Channel Attention for Object Detection in Satellite Images
* Building a Practical Multi-Sensor Platform for Monitoring Vessel Activity near Marine Protected Areas: Case Studies from Urban and Remote Locations
* Building Facade Color Distribution, Color Harmony and Diversity in Relation to Street Functions: Using Street View Images and Deep Learning
* C-RISE: A Post-Hoc Interpretation Method of Black-Box Models for SAR ATR
* Calibration Method of Multi-Channel Spatially Varying Amplitude-Phase Inconsistency Errors in Airborne Array TomoSAR, The
* Calibration of Non-central Conical Catadioptric Systems from Parallel Lines
* Caltechfn: Distorted and Partially Occluded Digits
* Camouflaged object segmentation using saliency maps: A comparative study
* Can Representation Learning for Multimodal Image Registration be Improved by Supervision of Intermediate Layers?
* CarDD: A New Dataset for Vision-Based Car Damage Detection
* Cartographic Design and Processing of Originally Printed Historical Maps for Their Presentation on the Web
* Cartography of the Solar System: Remote Sensing beyond Earth
* Cascaded Deep Video Deblurring Using Temporal Sharpness Prior and Non-Local Spatial-Temporal Similarity
* Case Study on the Effect of Atmospheric Density Calibration on Orbit Predictions with Sparse Angular Data, A
* Casting a BAIT for offline and online source-free domain adaptation
* CatBoost-Based Model for the Intensity Detection of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Based on Satellite Cloud Images, A
* Causal Property Based Anti-conflict Modeling with Hybrid Data Augmentation for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Causal-SETR: A SEgmentation TRansformer Variant Based on Causal Intervention
* Causes of Catastrophic Forgetting in Class-incremental Semantic Segmentation
* CBFM: Contrast Balance Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Contrast-Preserving Guided Filter
* CCLM: Class-conditional Label Noise Modelling
* Cclsl: Combination of Contrastive Learning and Supervised Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Cellular QoE Prediction for Video Service Based on Causal Structure Learning
* CenLight: Centralized traffic grid signal optimization via action and state decomposition
* CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-Sensing Image Super Resolution
* Changes in Nighttime Lights Caused by the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Using NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band Data, The
* Changes in Vegetation Resistance and Resilience under Different Drought Disturbances Based on NDVI and SPEI Time Series Data in Jilin Province, China
* Channel Activity Remote Sensing Retrieval Model: A Case Study of the Lower Yellow River
* Channel Measurement and Ray-Tracing Simulation for 77 GHz Automotive Radar
* Characteristics and Evolution of Structural and Functional Connectivity in a Large Catchment (Poyang Lake) during the Past 30 Years, The
* Characteristics of Air Pollutant Distribution and Sources in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in Spring Based on Multiple Observation Methods
* Characteristics of Internal Tides from ECCO Salinity Estimates and Observations in the Bay of Bengal
* Characteristics of Regional GPS Crustal Deformation before the 2021 Yunnan Yangbi Ms 6.4 Earthquake and Its Implications for Determining Potential Areas of Future Strong Earthquakes
* Characterization of the layered SIF distribution through hyperspectral observation and SCOPE modeling for a subtropical evergreen forest
* Characterizing Post-Fire Forest Structure Recovery in the Great Xing'an Mountain Using GEDI and Time Series Landsat Data
* Characterizing the Development of Photovoltaic Power Stations and Their Impacts on Vegetation Conditions from Landsat Time Series during 1990-2022
* Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model for Current and Future Remote Sensing Satellite Missions
* Circular SAR Incoherent 3D Imaging with a NeRF-Inspired Method
* Cirl: A Category-instance Representation Learning Framework for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation
* Class Concentration with Twin Variational Autoencoders for Unsupervised Cross-modal Hashing
* Class Specialized Knowledge Distillation
* Class-specific and self-learning local manifold structure for domain adaptation
* Classification of Marine Sediment in the Northern Slope of the South China Sea Based on Improved U-Net and K-Means Clustering Analysis
* Climatology of Cloud Base Height Retrieved from Long-Term Geostationary Satellite Observations
* Cloud-Free Global Maps of Essential Vegetation Traits Processed from the TOA Sentinel-3 Catalogue in Google Earth Engine
* CLUE: Consolidating Learned and Undegroing Experience in Domain-incremental Classification
* Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Clustered Task-Aware Meta-Learning by Learning from Learning Paths
* Clustering ECG Time Series for the Quantification of Physiological Reactions to Emotional Stimuli
* CMT-CO: Contrastive Learning with Character Movement Task for Handwritten Text Recognition
* CNN transfer learning-based approach for segmentation and classification of brain stroke from noncontrast CT images, A
* CNN with noise inclined module and denoise framework for hyperspectral image classification, A
* Co-attention Aligned Mutual Cross-attention for Cloth-changing Person Re-identification
* Coarse-to-fine Disentangling Demoiréing Framework for Recaptured Screen Images
* Coarse-to-Fine Feature Match Network Using Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Registration, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Automatic Video Unscreen, A
* Coastal Ship Tracking with Memory-Guided Perceptual Network
* Coexistence of a Marginal Mountain Community with Large-Scale and Low Kinematic Landslide: The Intensive Monitoring Approach
* Cognitive Electronic Jamming Decision-Making Method Based on Q-Learning and Ant Colony Fusion Algorithm, A
* Coil-agnostic Attention-based Network for Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Collaborative Trajectory Planning and Resource Allocation for Multi-Target Tracking in Airborne Radar Networks under Spectral Coexistence
* Collider: A Robust Training Framework for Backdoor Data
* Color-Gray Multi-Image Hybrid Compression-Encryption Scheme Based on BP Neural Network and Knight Tour
* Combined Deep Learning and Prior Knowledge Constraint Approach for Large-Scale Forest Disturbance Detection Using Time Series Remote Sensing Data, A
* Combined PS-InSAR Technology and High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing for Identifying Illegal Underground Mining in the Suburb of Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, China
* Combining Images and Trajectories Data to Automatically Generate Road Networks
* Combining Multi-Source Data and Feature Optimization for Plastic-Covered Greenhouse Extraction and Mapping Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case in Central Yunnan Province, China
* Combining PropSeg and a convolutional neural network for automatic spinal cord segmentation in pediatric populations and patients with spinal cord injury
* Comparative Analysis of Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention Algorithms for Resource Provisioning in Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems Over 6G Infrastructure, A
* Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Atmospheric Duct Inversion Using Automatic Identification System Signals
* Comparative Assessment of Five Machine Learning Algorithms for Supervised Object-Based Classification of Submerged Seagrass Beds Using High-Resolution UAS Imagery
* comparative study between convolution neural networks and multi-layer perceptron networks for hand-written digits recognition, A
* Comparative Study of VLF Transmitter Signal Measurements and Simulations during Two Solar Eclipse Events, A
* Comparing Complexities of Decision Boundaries for Robust Training: A Universal Approach
* Comparison of Different Important Predictors and Models for Estimating Large-Scale Biomass of Rubber Plantations in Hainan Island, China
* Comparison of Spring Wind Gusts in the Eastern Part of the Tibetan Plateau and along the Coast: The Role of Turbulence
* Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Total Electron Content for Bidirectional and Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks in European Region
* Compatible Biomass Model with Measurement Error Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Complex Handwriting Trajectory Recovery: Evaluation Metrics and Algorithm
* Comprehensive Evaluation of High-Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using the New Ground Observation Network
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Three Global Surface Longwave Radiation Products, A
* Comprehensive Ocean Information-Enabled AUV Motion Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Compressed Vision for Efficient Video Understanding
* Compressive Learning of Deep Regularization for Denoising
* Compressive Prior Guided Mask Predictive Coding Approach for Video Analysis, A
* Computationally-Affordable Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm to Identify the Level of Distress Severity in Pavement Functional Performance
* Computing the Radar Cross-Section of Dielectric Targets Using the Gaussian Beam Summation Method
* Condition Rating of Bridge Decks with Fuzzy Sets Modeling for SF-GPR Surveys
* Conditional Boundary Loss for Semantic Segmentation
* Conditional GAN for Point Cloud Generation
* Conditional Predictive Behavior Planning With Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* Confidence-calibrated Face Image Forgery Detection with Contrastive Representation Distillation
* Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Recognition and Detection
* Consistent 3D Hand Reconstruction in Video via Self-Supervised Learning
* Consistent Semantic Attacks on Optical Flow
* Construction and Analysis of Space-Time Paths for Moving Polygon Objects Based on Time Geography: A Case Study of Crime Events in the City of London
* Construction of the Global Reference Atmospheric Profile Database
* Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in the External Zagros: The Case of the 2021 Fin Doublet, Iran
* Content-aware Hierarchical Representation Selection for Cross-view Geo-localization
* Content-Aware Warping for View Synthesis
* Context-aware target classification with hybrid Gaussian process prediction for cooperative vehicle safety systems
* ContextLoc++: A Unified Context Model for Temporal Action Localization
* Contextual Instance Decoupling for Instance-Level Human Analysis
* Continual Image Deraining With Hypergraph Convolutional Networks
* Continual Vocabularies to Tackle the Catastrophic Forgetting Problem in Machine Translation
* Continuous cross-modal hashing
* Continuous Self-Study: Scene Graph Generation with Self-Knowledge Distillation and Spatial Augmentation
* Contra: (con)text (tra)nsformer for Cross-modal Video Retrieval
* Contrastive Learning Network Based on Causal Attention for Fine-Grained Ship Classification in Remote Sensing Scenarios
* Contrastive Multi-View Kernel Learning
* Contribution of Reverse Dune Migration to Stabilization of a Transgressive Coastal Dune Field at Lagoa do Peixe National Park Dune Field (South of Brazil)
* Controlling Traffic Congestion in Urbanised City: A Framework Using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation Approach
* Convergence Guarantees of Overparametrized Wide Deep Inverse Prior
* Convolution and Attention Neural Network with MDTW Loss for Cross-Variable Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Image Series, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robot Control for an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Convolutional Point Transformer
* Cooperative Game-Based Approximate Optimal Control of Modular Robot Manipulators for Human-Robot Collaboration
* Cooperative Lane-Change Motion Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons in Multi-Lane Scenarios
* coordinate attention enhanced swin transformer for handwriting recognition of Parkinson's disease, A
* Coordination Analysis between the Development of Urban Built-Up Areas and Urban Environmental Factors through Remote Sensing of Nighttime Lights: A Case Study in Nanjing, China
* CoReS: Compatible Representations via Stationarity
* Corn Phenology Detection Using the Derivative Dynamic Time Warping Method and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Correction Method of Water and Fresnel Reflection Coefficient for Soil Moisture Retrieved by CYGNSS, The
* Correlated and individual feature learning with contrast-enhanced MR for malignancy characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma
* Correlation Matrix-Based Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images
* Correntropy-Induced Wasserstein GCN: Learning Graph Embedding via Domain Adaptation
* Coseismic Faulting Model and Post-Seismic Surface Motion of the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Doublet Revealed by InSAR and GPS Measurements
* Coseismic Source Model of the February 2023 Mw 6.8 Tajikistan Earthquake from Sentinel-1A InSAR Observations and Its Associated Earthquake Hazard
* Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* Could Head Motions Affect Quality When Viewing 360° Videos?
* Coupling Dilated Encoder-Decoder Network for Multi-Channel Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Full-Waveform Denoising
* Coupling the Relationship between Land Subsidence and Groundwater Level, Ground Fissures in Xi'an City Using Multi-Orbit and Multi-Temporal InSAR
* COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis Based on Tweets
* CP3: Unifying Point Cloud Completion by Pretrain-Prompt-Predict Paradigm
* Credible Dual-Expert Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
* CRNN: Collaborative Representation Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Crop Mapping without Labels: Investigating Temporal and Spatial Transferability of Crop Classification Models Using a 5-Year Sentinel-2 Series and Machine Learning
* Crop Type Mapping Based on Polarization Information of Time Series Sentinel-1 Images Using Patch-Based Neural Network
* Cropland Data Extraction in Mekong Delta Based on Time Series Sentinel-1 Dual-Polarized Data
* Cropland Mapping in Tropical Smallholder Systems with Seasonally Stratified Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Spectral and Textural Features
* Cross domain 2D-3D descriptor matching for unconstrained 6-DOF pose estimation
* Cross-architecture Knowledge Distillation
* Cross-attention Transformer for Video Interpolation
* Cross-Camera Trajectories Help Person Retrieval in a Camera Network
* Cross-domain few-shot action recognition with unlabeled videos
* Cross-domain Local Characteristic Enhanced Deepfake Video Detection
* Cross-Domain Multi-Prototypes with Contradictory Structure Learning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Cross-Modal Recurrent Semantic Comprehension for Referring Image Segmentation
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With Partially Mismatched Pairs
* Cross-Scale and Illumination Invariance-Based Model for Robust Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance Scenarios, A
* Cross-view Self-fusion for Self-supervised 3d Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Crowd-Powered Photo Enhancement Featuring an Active Learning Based Local Filter
* CSIE: Coded Strip-patterns Image Enhancement Embedded in Structured Light-Based Methods
* CSS-Net: Classification and Substitution for Segmentation of Rotator Cuff Tear
* Cutout with patch-loss augmentation for improving generative adversarial networks against instability
* Cv4code: Sourcecode Understanding via Visual Code Representations
* Cvlnet: Cross-view Semantic Correspondence Learning for Video-based Camera Localization
* Cylindrical Convolution Network for Dense Top-view Semantic Segmentation with Lidar Point Clouds, A
* D 3: Duplicate Detection Decontaminator for Multi-Athlete Tracking in Sports Videos
* DAC-GAN: Dual Auxiliary Consistency Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Generation
* DAFCNN: A Dual-Channel Feature Extraction and Attention Feature Fusion Convolution Neural Network for SAR Image and MS Image Fusion
* DAQE: Enhancing the Quality of Compressed Images by Exploiting the Inherent Characteristic of Defocus
* DARTS with Degeneracy Correction
* Data Set for Fall Detection with Smart Floor Sensors, A
* Dataset agnostic document object detection
* Dataset Auditing Method for Collaboratively Trained Machine Learning Models, A
* DATFuse: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Dual Attention Transformer
* Day at the Bog: Preliminary Interpretation of Prehistoric Human Occupation at Ancient Lake Duvensee (Germany) by GPR Structures, A
* DCCaps-UNet: A U-Shaped Hyperspectral Semantic Segmentation Model Based on the Depthwise Separable and Conditional Convolution Capsule Network
* DCIFPN: Deformable cross-scale interaction feature pyramid network for object detection
* DCVQE: A Hierarchical Transformer for Video Quality Assessment
* DDL-MVS: Depth Discontinuity Learning for Multi-View Stereo Networks
* Decanus to Legatus: Synthetic Training for 2D-3D Human Pose Lifting
* DECENT: Decentralized and Efficient Key Management to Secure Communication in Dense and Dynamic Environments
* Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock Glaciers in the Central European Alps Using DInSAR Time Series
* Decision-based Black-box Attack Specific to Large-size Images
* Decisionet: A Binary-tree Structured Neural Network
* Decomposed CNN for Sub-Nyquist Tensor-Based 2-D DOA Estimation
* Decomposition Dynamic graph convolutional recurrent network for traffic forecasting, A
* Decoupling Identity and Visual Quality for Image and Video Anonymization
* Deep Accurate Solver for the Geodesic Problem
* Deep Active Ensemble Sampling for Image Classification
* Deep and Low-Rank Quaternion Priors for Color Image Processing
* Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation, A
* Deep Attention-Guided Graph Clustering With Dual Self-Supervision
* Deep continual hashing for real-world multi-label image retrieval
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Plume Rise Measurements in Industrial Environments
* Deep EEG Superresolution via Correlating Brain Structural and Functional Connectivities
* Deep Graph-Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Semi-Supervised Learning on Graphs
* Deep image compression using scene text quality assessment
* Deep Image Prior Regularized by Coupled Total Variation for Image Colorization
* Deep Learning Approach for Paddy Field Detection Using Labeled Aerial Images: The Case of Detecting and Staging Paddy Fields in Central and Southern Taiwan
* Deep Learning Image Age Approximation - What is More Relevant: Image Content or Age Information?
* Deep Learning Techniques for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Prognosis Based on Radiological Imaging
* Deep learning-based blind image super-resolution with iterative kernel reconstruction and noise estimation
* Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Object Classification Approach via Imbalanced Training Samples Handling, A
* Deep Neural Networks to Distinguish Between Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
* Deep Perceptual Image Enhancement Network for Exposure Restoration
* Deep Person Generation: A Survey from the Perspective of Face, Pose, and Cloth Synthesis
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for V2X Managed Intersections of Connected Vehicles
* Deep RGB-Driven Learning Network for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution
* Deep RNN Based Prediction of Driver's Intended Movements at Intersection Using Cooperative Awareness Messages
* Deeparuco: Marker Detection and Classification in Challenging Lighting Conditions
* DeepCog: A Trustworthy Deep Learning-Based Human Cognitive Privacy Framework in Industrial Policing
* DeepEIT: Deep Image Prior Enabled Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Deepfake Fingerprint Detection Model Intellectual Property Protection via Ridge Texture Enhancement
* DeepGAL: Intelligent Vehicle Control for Traffic Congestion Alleviation at Intersections
* Defending against Poisoning Attacks in Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation with Robust Invariant Feature Enhancement
* Deforestation as the Prominent Driver of the Intensifying Wildfire in Cambodia, Revealed through Geospatial Analysis
* Deformation Evaluation of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) Central Route over Handan in Hebei, China, Based on Sentinel-1A, Radarsat-2 and, TerraSAR-X Datasets
* Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Reservoir Dams Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology: Banqiao Reservoir
* Demonstration of the Feasibility of the Korean eLoran System as a Resilient PNT in a Testbed
* Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object Detection Under Adverse Weather Conditions
* Dense Modality Interaction Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
* Dense video captioning based on local attention
* Dependence of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Factor fnof' on the Particulate Backscattering Ratio in an Inland Lake
* Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Semantics
* Depth Information Precise Completion-GAN: A Precisely Guided Method for Completing Ill Regions in Depth Maps
* Deriving the Vertical Variations in the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Photosynthetically Available Radiation in the North Pacific Ocean from Remote Sensing
* Describe Fashion Products via Local Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism and Attribute-Based Re-Sampling Strategy
* Designing and Evaluating a Virtual Reality Training for Paramedics to Practice Triage in Complex Situations
* Designing CW Range-Resolved Environmental S-Lidars for Various Range Scales: From a Tabletop Test Bench to a 10 km Path
* Designing Robots to Best World Cup Winners has Inspired Generations of Roboticists
* Despeckling of SAR Images Using Residual Twin CNN and Multi-Resolution Attention Mechanism
* Detecting abandoned citrus crops using Sentinel-2 time series. A case study in the Comunitat Valenciana region (Spain)
* Detecting Android Malware With Pre-Existing Image Classification Neural Networks
* Detecting Loose Wheel Bolts of a Vehicle Using Accelerometers in the Chassis
* Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via the Digital Image Correlation of Airborne Optic and LiDAR Datasets: Test Sites in South Tyrol (Italy)
* Detecting Swarm Degradation: Measuring Human and Machine Performance
* Detection and Attribution of Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage across China: Climate Change versus Vegetation Greening
* Detection of Cotton Verticillium Wilt Disease Severity Based on Hyperspectrum and GWO-SVM
* Detection of Green Tide Biomass by Remote Sensing Images and In Situ Measurement in the Yellow Sea of China, The
* Detection of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Satellite and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging
* Determination of the Stability of a High and Steep Highway Slope in a Basalt Area Based on Iron Staining Anomalies
* Determining the trustworthiness of DNNs in classification tasks using generalized feature-based confidence metric
* Developing a High-Resolution Seamless Surface Water Extent Time-Series over Lake Victoria by Integrating MODIS and Landsat Data
* Developing Comprehensive Local Climate Zone Land Use Datasets for Advanced High-Resolution Urban Climate and Environmental Modeling
* Development and Discussion of an Authentic Game to Develop Cleaning Skills
* Development of a Google Earth Engine-Based Application for the Management of Shallow Coral Reefs Using Drone Imagery
* Development of AI- and Robotics-Assisted Automated Pavement-Crack-Evaluation System
* Development of Mix-reality Interface and Synchronous Robot Fabrication for the Collaborative Construction, The
* Development of preprocessing methods and revised EfficientNet for diabetic retinopathy detection
* DGRNet: A Dual-Level Graph Relation Network for Video Object Detection
* DHG-GAN: Diverse Image Outpainting via Decoupled High Frequency Semantics
* Different Characteristics of the Mass Transport between the Stratosphere and the Troposphere in Two Types of Cyclonic Rossby Wave-Breaking Events, The
* Differentiable Distance Approximation for Fairer Image Classification, A
* differentiated decision-making algorithm for automated vehicles based on pedestrian feature estimation, A
* Diffusion Models for Counterfactual Explanations
* Diffusion-refinement Model for Sketch-to-point Modeling, A
* Diffusion-shock Inpainting
* DIG: Draping Implicit Garment over the Human Body
* Digital-Twin Prediction of Metamorphic Object Transportation by Multi-Robots With THz Communication Framework
* DIGITALESCAPE Project: Aerial Remote Sensing, HBIM, and Archaeology for the Preservation and Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage at Risk in the Sierra Sur and Sierra Morena Regions
* Dilane: Dynamic Instance-aware Network for Lane Detection
* Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Energy Sensing of Local Multi-Directional Gradient Information
* DInSAR Data Reveal an Intriguing Contemporaneous Onset of Deep Deflation below Vesuvio and the Ongoing Campi Flegrei Uplift
* Directional and High-Gain Ultra-Wideband Bow-Tie Antenna for Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications
* Disassembling Convolutional Segmentation Network
* Discovering Optimal Triplets for Assessing the Uncertainties of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Products
* Discrepancy-Aware Meta-Learning for Zero-Shot Face Manipulation Detection
* Discrete analytical objects in the body-centered cubic grid
* Disentangling Geometric Deformation Spaces in Generative Latent Shape Models
* Distributed and Collective Intelligence for Computation Offloading in Aerial Edge Networks
* Distributed Coordination of Space-Ground Multiresources for Remote Sensing Missions
* Distributed Search Planning in 3-D Environments With a Dynamically Varying Number of Agents
* Distribution of Grazing Paths and Their Influence on Mountain Vegetation in the Traditional Grazing Area of the Tien-Shan Mountains
* Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture over Space and Time in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica, The
* Disturbance Frequency Index in Earthquake Forecast Using Radio Occultation Data, A
* Disturbing Variability in Microwave Emission from a Non-Gaussian Distributed and Correlated Multiscale Rough Surface
* Diurnal Cycle in Surface Incident Solar Radiation Characterized by CERES Satellite Retrieval
* Diurnal Precipitation Features over Complex Terrains along the Yangtze River in China Based on Long-Term TRMM and GPM Radar Products
* Divide-and-conquer model based on wavelet domain for multi-focus image fusion
* DLRW: Dual-Link Weight Random Walk Model for Aquaculture Boundary Extraction by Single-Polarized SAR Imagery
* DLSANet: Facial expression recognition with double-code LBP-layer spatial-attention network
* DMVC: Decomposed Motion Modeling for Learned Video Compression
* Do Ecological Restoration Projects Undermine Economic Performance? A Spatially Explicit Empirical Study in Loess Plateau, China
* Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
* Dolphins: Dataset for Collaborative Perception Enabled Harmonious and Interconnected Self-driving
* Domain adaptive learning for document layout analysis and object detection using classifier alignment mechanism
* Domain adaptive multigranularity proposal network for text detection under extreme traffic scenes
* Domain Generalized RPPG Network: Disentangled Feature Learning with Domain Permutation and Domain Augmentation
* DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enhanced Multimodal Scene Graph Generation in Social Media Posts
* DreamNet: A Deep Riemannian Manifold Network for SPD Matrix Learning
* DRFM Repeater Jamming Suppression Method Based on Joint Range-Angle Sparse Recovery and Beamforming for Distributed Array Radar
* DTCM: Joint Optimization of Dark Enhancement and Action Recognition in Videos
* DTSSD: Dual-Channel Transformer-Based Network for Point-Based 3D Object Detection
* Dual-branch spatio-temporal graph neural networks for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Dual-channel embedding learning model for partially labeled attributed networks
* Dual-Parameter Simultaneous Full Waveform Inversion of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Arctic Sea Ice
* Dual-View Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Spatial Consistency and Spectral Unmixing
* Dualbln: Dual Branch LUT-Aware Network for Real-time Image Retouching
* Dynamic Changes of Terrestrial Water Cycle Components over Central Asia in the Last Two Decades from 2003 to 2020
* Dynamic Feature Aggregation for Efficient Video Object Detection
* Dynamic identification of logistics critical roads based on BeiDou trajectory data
* Dynamic Model-Based Safety Margins for High-Density Matrix Headlight Systems
* Dynamic Vectors-Based Attention Model for Chinese Mathematical Term Extraction, The
* Dynamic Vegetation Responses to Climate and Land Use Changes over the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River Basin, China
* Dynamics of Freezing/Thawing Indices and Frozen Ground from 1961 to 2010 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* E-Agriculture Planning Tool for Supporting Smallholder Cocoa Intensification Using Remotely Sensed Data
* E-CNNet: Time-reassigned Multisynchrosqueezing transform-based deep learning framework for MI-BCI task classification
* EAI-stereo: Error Aware Iterative Network for Stereo Matching
* Early Crop Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data and the Random Forest Algorithm
* Early Detection of Wheat Yellow Rust Disease and Its Impact on Terminal Yield with Multi-Spectral UAV-Imagery
* Earth Observation Framework in Service of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, An
* Eco-CSAS: A Safe and Eco-Friendly Speed Advisory System for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon Using Consortium Blockchain
* ECOSTRESS Reveals the Importance of Topography and Forest Structure for Evapotranspiration from a Tropical Forest Region of the Andes
* Ecosystem Resistance and Resilience after Dry and Wet Events across Central Asia Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Edge Intelligence-Empowered Immersive Media
* Edge-Assisted Virtual Viewpoint Generation for Immersive Light Field
* Editorial for Special Issue Ground and Structural Deformations Monitoring Systems Integrating Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Data
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing of Precipitation: Part III
* Editorial for the Special Issue Radar Techniques for Structures Characterization and Monitoring
* Effect of Grain Size on Hyperspectral Polarization Data of Particulate Material, The
* Effect of Repulsive Positions on Haptic Feedback on Using a String-based Device Virtual Objects Without a Real Tool
* Effect of Tactile Affordance During the Design of Extended Reality-based Training Environments for Healthcare Contexts
* Effective data augmentation for brain tumor segmentation
* Effective Imputation Method Using Data Enrichment for Missing Data of Loop Detectors in Intelligent Traffic Control Systems, An
* Effective Method of Infrared Maritime Target Enhancement and Detection with Multiple Maritime Scene, An
* Effects of Discharge Changes in Siberian Rivers on Arctic Sea-Ice Melting, The
* Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Changes on Land Surface Temperature
* Efficiency Optimization of Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle Based on Improved Marine Predators Algorithm
* Efficient 3D Scene Semantic Segmentation via Active Learning on Rendered 2D Images
* Efficient and Robust Video Object Segmentation Through Isogenous Memory Sampling and Frame Relation Mining
* Efficient Classification of Imbalanced Natural Disasters Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentation
* Efficient Fault Detection and Exclusion Method for Ephemeris Monitoring, An
* Efficient Hardware-aware Neural Architecture Search for Image Super-resolution on Mobile Devices
* Efficient Line Search for Sparse Reconstruction, An
* Efficient multi-stage network with pixel-wise degradation prediction for real-time motion deblurring
* Efficient Neural Generation of 4k Masks for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
* Efficient Resource Management of Micro-Services in VANETs
* Efficient Robust Watermarking Based on Structure-Preserving Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition
* Efficient TFI-Based Depth-Tunable LPI Radar Waveform Recognition Network
* Efficient Token-Guided Image-Text Retrieval With Consistent Multimodal Contrastive Training
* Efficient Vision Transformer via Token Merger
* EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network for fast non-rigid 3D models classification and retrieval
* ELDET: An Anchor-free General Ellipse Object Detector
* Elimination of Thermal Effects from Limited Structural Displacements Based on Remote Sensing by Machine Learning Techniques
* Embedding Self-assessment Manikins in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications
* EMNEF: Neural Fields for Embedded Variational Problems in Imaging
* Emphasizing Closeness and Diversity Simultaneously for Deep Face Representation
* Empowering Next-Generation IoT WLANs Through Blockchain and 802.11ax Technologies
* Enabling Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Ships by Lossless Protocol Transformations
* Encoded Feature Enhancement in Watermarking Network for Distortion in Real Scenes
* End-to-End page-Level assessment of handwritten text recognition
* End-to-end Surface Reconstruction for Touching Trajectories
* Energetic Electron Precipitation via Satellite and Balloon Observations: Their Role in Atmospheric Ionization
* Energy-Efficient and QoS-Aware Computation Offloading in GEO/LEO Hybrid Satellite Networks
* Energy-Efficient Coverage and Capacity Enhancement With Intelligent UAV-BSs Deployment in 6G Edge Networks
* Energy-efficient Image Processing Using Binary Neural Networks with Hadamard Transform
* energy-efficient train control approach with dynamic efficiency of the traction system, An
* Enhanced Absence Sampling Technique for Data-Driven Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study in Songyang County, China
* Enhanced features in image manipulation detection
* Enhanced Motion Compensation for Deep Video Compression
* Enhanced Radar Detection in the Presence of Specular Reflection Using a Single Transmitting Antenna and Three Receiving Antennas
* Enhanced road information representation in graph recurrent network for traffic speed prediction
* Enhanced Scene Interpretation and Perception Through 3d Virtual Thermal Imaging
* Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
* Enhancing Federated Learning Robustness Through Clustering Non-iid Features
* Enhancing Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Guided by Bicubic-Downsampled Low-Resolution Image
* Enhancing Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution with Efficient Hybrid Conditional Diffusion Model
* Enhancing Spatial Variability Representation of Radar Nowcasting with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Audio in Speaker Recognition Systems
* Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RGB Images and Machine Learning: Multi-Feature Combinations, Flight Height, and Algorithm Implications
* Ensemble Model of Visual Transformer and CNN Helps BA Diagnosis for Doctors in Underdeveloped Areas
* Ensemble the recent architectures of deep convolutional networks for skin diseases diagnosis
* Ensemble-based Phenotype Classifier to Diagnose Crohn's Disease from 16s RRNA Gene Sequences, An
* Entropy-Constrained Implicit Neural Representations for Deep Image Compression
* Environmental and Volcanic Implications of Volatile Output in the Atmosphere of Vulcano Island Detected Using SO2 Plume (2021-23)
* Epsanet: An Efficient Pyramid Squeeze Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network
* Equidistant Nodes Orthogonal Polynomial Fitting for Harmonic Constants of Long-Period Tides Based on Satellite Altimeter Data
* ERMF: Edge refinement multi-feature for change detection in bitemporal remote sensing images
* ESarDet: An Efficient SAR Ship Detection Method Based on Context Information and Large Effective Receptive Field
* Establishment of national diagnostic reference levels as guidelines for computed tomography radiation in Jordan
* Estimating Human Weight From a Single Image
* Estimating Surface Concentrations of Calanus finmarchicus Using Standardised Satellite-Derived Enhanced RGB Imagery
* Estimating the Aboveground Biomass of Various Forest Types with High Heterogeneity at the Provincial Scale Based on Multi-Source Data
* Estimating the Evolution of a Post-Little Ice Age Deglaciated Alpine Valley through the DEM of Difference (DoD)
* Estimating the Secret Key of Spread Spectrum Watermarking Based on Equivalent Keys
* Estimating Three-Dimensional Distribution of Leaf Area Using Airborne LiDAR in Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest
* Estimation of Forest Fire Burned Area by Distinguishing Non-Photosynthetic and Photosynthetic Vegetation Using Triangular Space Method
* Estimation of Forest Parameters in Boreal Artificial Coniferous Forests Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A
* Estimation of the Multielement Content in Rocks Based on a Combination of Visible-Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Band Index Analysis
* Estimation of the Seawater Lidar Ratio by MODIS: Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Ecological Significance
* Estimation of the Soil Water Content Using the Early Time Signal of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Heterogeneous Soil
* Estimation of the Two-Dimensional Direction of Arrival for Low-Elevation and Non-Low-Elevation Targets Based on Dilated Convolutional Networks
* Estimation of Winter Wheat SPAD Values Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing
* ETS2 Dataset, Synthetic Data from Video Games for Monocular Depth Estimation, The
* Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for Traffic Sign and Traffic Light Datasets
* Evaluating Classification Model Against Bayes Error Rate
* Evaluating Domain Generalization in Kitchen Utensils Classification
* Evaluating the Abilities of Satellite-Derived Burned Area Products to Detect Forest Burning in China
* Evaluating the Effect of Training Data Size and Composition on the Accuracy of Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture Mapping in Mozambique Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Evaluating the Performance of PRISMA Shortwave Infrared Imaging Sensor for Mapping Hydrothermally Altered and Weathered Minerals Using the Machine Learning Paradigm
* Evaluating the Performance of Sentinel-3A OLCI Products in the Subarctic Northeast Pacific
* Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability in the Upper Kelkit Valley (Northeastern Turkey) Using DRASTIC and AHP-DRASTICLu Models
* Evaluation of Post-Tunneling Aging Buildings Using the InSAR Nonuniform Settlement Index
* Evaluation of Regularization Techniques for Transformers-based Models
* Evaluation of the Horizontal Winds Simulated by IAP-HAGCM through Comparison with Beijing MST Radar Observations
* Evaluation of the Stability of Muddy Coastline Based on Satellite Imagery: A Case Study in the Central Coasts of Jiangsu, China
* Event-Triggered Prespecified Performance Control for Steer-by-Wire Systems With Input Nonlinearity
* Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space under Different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Scenarios
* Evolutionary Game of Perception-Based Stochastic User-Equilibrium in a Parallel Network, An
* eX-ViT: A Novel explainable vision transformer for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Exemplar Free Class Agnostic Counting
* EXP-GAN: 3D-Aware Facial Image Generation with Expression Control
* Experiences with the RTM Method in Local Quasi-Geoid Modeling
* Experimental Evaluation of a Game-Theoretic Human Driver Steering Control Model
* Explaining Deep Neural Networks for Point Clouds Using Gradient-based Visualisations
* Explicit Diffusion of Gaussian Mixture Model Based Image Priors
* Exploiting image translations via ensemble self-supervised learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Exploring Adversarially Robust Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Exploring Crowd Travel Demands Based on the Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Interaction between Urban Functional Zones
* Exploring Deep Learning Models on GPR Data: A Comparative Study of AlexNet and VGG on a Dataset from Archaeological Sites
* Exploring Multisource Feature Fusion and Stacking Ensemble Learning for Accurate Estimation of Maize Chlorophyll Content Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
* Exploring Public Transportation Supply-Demand Structure of Beijing from the Perspective of Spatial Interaction Network
* Exploring Spatial-temporal Instance Relationships in an Intermediate Domain for Image-to-video Object Detection
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Variations in Land Surface Temperature Based on Local Climate Zones in Shanghai from 2008 to 2020
* Exploring the Best-Matching Precipitation Traits in Four Long-Term Mainstream Products over China from 1981 to 2020
* Exploring the effects of measures of performance and calibration strategies on calibrating traffic microsimulation model: A quantitative analysis approach
* Exploring the Potential of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Monitoring Drought-Induced Net Primary Productivity Dynamics in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Based on the SIF/NPP Ratio
* Exploring the Real-Time WRF Forecast Skill for Four Tropical Storms, Isaias, Henri, Elsa and Irene, as They Impacted the Northeast United States
* Exposing Face Forgery Clues via Retinex-based Image Enhancement
* Extended Fixed-Point Methods for the Computation of Virtual Analog Models
* Extending version-space theory to multi-label active learning with imbalanced data
* Extracting Semantic Knowledge From GANs With Unsupervised Learning
* Extraction of Rocky Desertification Information in the Karst Area Based on the Red-NIR-SWIR Spectral Feature Space
* Eyecandies Dataset for Unsupervised Multimodal Anomaly Detection and Localization, The
* Facial Action Unit Detection via Adaptive Attention and Relation
* Facial Expression Recognition on the High Aggregation Subgraphs
* Fapn: Face Alignment Propagation Network for Face Video Super-resolution
* Fast and Accurate 3D Registration from Line Intersection Constraints
* Fast and Accurate Refocusing for Moving Ships in SAR Imagery Based on FrFT
* Fast and Informative Model Selection Using Learning Curve Cross-Validation
* Fast and Robust Non-Rigid Registration Using Accelerated Majorization-Minimization
* Fast Chromatic Aberration Correction with 1D Filters
* Fast Frequency-Diverse Radar Imaging Based on Adaptive Sampling Iterative Soft-Thresholding Deep Unfolding Network
* Fast Marching Energy CNN
* Fast SAR Image Simulation Based on Echo Matrix Cell Algorithm Including Multiple Scattering
* Faster and Better: A Lightweight Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* FBN: Federated Bert Network with client-server architecture for cross-lingual signature verification
* Feature Decoupled Knowledge Distillation via Spatial Pyramid Pooling
* Feature Embedding Network with Multiscale Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Feature preserving 3D mesh denoising with a Dense Local Graph Neural Network
* Feature selection and classification using bio-inspired algorithms for the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema subtypes
* Feature-Level Point Cloud Fusion Method for Timber Volume of Forest Stands Estimation, A
* Features kept generative adversarial network data augmentation strategy for hyperspectral image classification
* FedDAD: Solving the Islanding Problem of SAR Image Aircraft Detection Data
* Federated Active Learning for Multicenter Collaborative Disease Diagnosis
* Federated Brain Graph Evolution Prediction Using Decentralized Connectivity Datasets With Temporally-Varying Acquisitions
* Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Learning of Surgical Phases
* Federated Learning of Generative Image Priors for MRI Reconstruction
* Federated Learning System for Histopathology Image Analysis With an Orchestral Stain-Normalization GAN, A
* Federated Learning Via Inexact ADMM
* Federated Learning With Privacy-Preserving Ensemble Attention Distillation
* Federated Multidomain Learning With Graph Ensemble Autoencoder GMM for Emotion Recognition
* Federated Partially Supervised Learning With Limited Decentralized Medical Images
* FedMix: Mixed Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* FedNI: Federated Graph Learning With Network Inpainting for Population-Based Disease Prediction
* Few-shot Adaptive Object Detection with Cross-domain Cutmix
* Few-Shot Drug Synergy Prediction With a Prior-Guided Hypernetwork Architecture
* Few-shot Image Classification for Automatic Covid-19 Diagnosis
* Few-shot Learning for Prediction of Electricity Consumption Patterns
* Few-shot Metric Learning: Online Adaptation of Embedding for Retrieval
* Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery via Fuse Context Dependencies and Global Features
* FFD Augmentor: Towards Few-shot Oracle Character Recognition from Scratch
* Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the Rhythm of the Cities: Proof-of-Concept to Create Data-Driven Urban Mobility Models
* Field Verification of Vehicle-Mounted All-Fiber Coherent Wind Measurement Lidar Based on Four-Beam Vertical Azimuth Display Scanning
* Fighting against COVID-19: Innovations and applications
* Filter Pruning via Automatic Pruning Rate Search
* Filtering Green Vegetation Out from Colored Point Clouds of Rocky Terrains Based on Various Vegetation Indices: Comparison of Simple Statistical Methods, Support Vector Machine, and Neural Network
* Fine-grained Image Style Transfer with Visual Transformers
* First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urban Dominant Tree Species Classification in Shenzhen, China
* First Ocean Wave Retrieval from HISEA-1 SAR Imagery through an Improved Semi-Automatic Empirical Model
* First Retrievals of Surface and Atmospheric Properties Using EnMAP Measurements over Antarctica
* Fishing Gear Classification from Vessel Trajectories and Velocity Profiles: Database and Benchmark
* Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetograms and Sunspot Physical Features
* Flattening-Net: Deep Regular 2D Representation for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* Flight Delay Prediction With Priority Information of Weather and Non-Weather Features
* Flood Analysis Using Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Observations in Laos
* Fluctuation-based Deconvolution in Fluorescence Microscopy Using Plug-and-play Denoisers
* Flying Laboratory of Imaging Systems: Fusion of Airborne Hyperspectral and Laser Scanning for Ecosystem Research
* Focal and Global Spatial-temporal Transformer for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Footprint of the 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown on Column-Integrated Aerosol Parameters in Spain
* Forecasting PM10 Levels Using Machine Learning Models in the Arctic: A Comparative Study
* Forecasting Regional Ionospheric TEC Maps over China Using BiConvGRU Deep Learning
* Foreground-specialized Model Imitation for Instance Segmentation
* Forest Area and Structural Variable Estimation in Boreal Forest Using Suomi NPP VIIRS Data and a Sample from VHR Imagery
* Forest Clearing Dynamics and Its Relation to Remotely Sensed Carbon Density and Plant Species Diversity in the Puuc Biocultural State Reserve, Mexico
* Forest Fire Monitoring Method Based on UAV Visual and Infrared Image Fusion
* Fracture Electromagnetic Radiation Induced by a Seismic Active Zone (in the Vicinity of Eilat City, Southern Israel)
* Frame Decomposition of the Funk-Radon Transform, A
* Framework for Retrieving Soil Organic Matter by Coupling Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images and Variable Selection in the Sanjiang Plain, China, A
* Free-HeadGAN: Neural Talking Head Synthesis With Explicit Gaze Control
* Frequency-Based Motion Representation for Video Generative Adversarial Networks
* FrMLNet: Framelet-Based Multilevel Network for Pansharpening
* From CAD Models to Soft Point Cloud Labels: An Automatic Annotation Pipeline for Cheaply Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation
* From Instance to Metric Calibration: A Unified Framework for Open-World Few-Shot Learning
* From Open Set to Closed Set: Supervised Spatial Divide-and-Conquer for Object Counting
* From Sparse to Dense: Semantic Graph Evolutionary Hashing for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* From Within to Between: Knowledge Distillation for Cross Modality Retrieval
* Full-scale Selective Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
* Fully Convolutional Change Detection Framework With Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised and Regional Supervised Change Detection
* Fully synthetic training for image restoration tasks
* Fully Transformer Network for Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Funnynet: Audiovisual Learning of Funny Moments in Videos
* Fusion Deraining Network Based on Swin Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Fusion of ERA5 and MERRA-2 Atmospheric Temperature Profiles with Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Accuracy, The
* Fuzzy Logic Inference System for Display Characterization, A
* Gaitstrip: Gait Recognition via Effective Strip-based Feature Representations and Multi-level Framework
* GAMA: Geometric analysis based motion-aware architecture for moving object segmentation
* GAN-Based Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data to Characterize Subsurface Structures
* GAN-in-GAN for Monaural Speech Enhancement
* GAN-SR Anomaly Detection Model Based on Imbalanced Data
* GARNet: Global-aware multi-view 3D reconstruction network and the cost-performance tradeoff
* Gated Content-Oriented Residual Dense Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Gated Cross Word-visual Attention-driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-image Synthesis
* Gauging Heat Vulnerability in Southeast Florida: A Multimodal Approach Integrating Physical Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity
* Gaussian Process Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter for 3D Multiple Extended Target Tracking
* GB-Cosface: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of Open Set Classification
* Gender Effects on Physical Contact in Social VR
* Gender Stereotypes in Interaction Design. Render Me: Augmented Reality Masks to Inhabit the Metaverse
* General Divergence Modeling Strategy for Salient Object Detection, A
* General Greedy De-Bias Learning
* Generalised Scale-space Properties for Probabilistic Diffusion Models
* Generalization capacity of multi-class SVM based on Markovian resampling
* Generalization of the shortest path approach for superpixel segmentation of omnidirectional images
* Generalized Explanation Framework for Visualization of Deep Learning Model Predictions, A
* Generalized Person Re-identification by Locating and Eliminating Domain-Sensitive Features
* Generating Emotion Descriptions for Fine Art Paintings Via Multiple Painting Representations
* Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3d Human Mesh and Pose Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
* Genharris-Resnet: A Rotation Invariant Neural Network Based on Elementary Symmetric Polynomials
* Geodesic Tracking of Retinal Vascular Trees with Optical and TV-Flow Enhancement in Se(2)
* Geographic mapping with unsupervised multi-modal representation learning from VHR images and POIs
* Geographic-Information-System-Based Risk Assessment of Flooding in Changchun Urban Rail Transit System
* Geometric Adaptations of PDE-G-CNNs
* Geometric and Statistical Models for Analysis of Two-Object Complexes
* Geometric Constraint-Based and Improved YOLOv5 Semantic SLAM for Dynamic Scenes
* Geometric reasoning for the freehand-drawn delineation of 2D geometries
* Geometrically Aware Auto-Encoder for Multi-texture Synthesis, A
* GeoTransformer: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration With Geometric Transformer
* Gestalt-guided Image Understanding for Few-shot Learning
* Gift from Nature: Potential Energy Minimization for Explainable Dataset Distillation
* GIGAN: Self-supervised GAN for generating the invisible using cycle transformation and conditional normalization
* Global Cloudiness and Cloud Top Information from AVHRR in the 42-Year CLARA-A3 Climate Data Record Covering the Period 1979-2020
* Global Optimization of Long-Term Average Proportional Fair Throughput via Convex Reformulation
* Global Patterns and Dynamics of Burned Area and Burn Severity
* Global spatio-temporal dynamic capturing network-based traffic flow prediction
* Global Structure and Adaptive Weight Aware ICP Algorithm for Image Registration, A
* Global Trends and Future Directions in Agricultural Remote Sensing for Wheat Scab Detection: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis
* Global- and local-aware feature augmentation with semantic orthogonality for few-shot image classification
* GlobalAP: Global average precision optimization for person re-identification
* GLRT-Based Multi-Pixel Target Detector in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Google Earth Engine: A Global Analysis and Future Trends
* GRACE Data Quantify Water Storage Changes in the Shiyang River Basin, an Inland River in the Arid Zone
* Gradient Descent-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Lens Antenna Array
* Graph Laplacian and Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: GraphLaNet
* Graph Laplacian for Semi-supervised Learning
* Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, A
* Graph Neural Network and Spatiotemporal Transformer Attention for 3D Video Object Detection From Point Clouds
* Graph Theory Based Large-Scale Machine Learning With Multi-Dimensional Constrained Optimization Approaches for Exact Epidemiological Modeling of Pandemic Diseases
* GraphIQA: Learning Distortion Graph Representations for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Greening and Browning Trends on the Pacific Slope of Peru and Northern Chile
* Gridless DOA Estimation Using Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network With Phasor Normalization
* GriT-DBSCAN: A spatial clustering algorithm for very large databases
* Gromov-Wasserstein Transfer Operators
* Ground Deformation and Permafrost Degradation in the Source Region of the Yellow River, in the Northeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Ground-Based Microwave Measurements of Mesospheric Ozone Variations over Moscow Region during the Solar Eclipses of 20 March 2015 and 25 October 2022
* Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry
* Group Guided Data Association for Multiple Object Tracking
* gScoreCAM: What Objects Is CLIP Looking At?
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Federated Learning for Medical Imaging: Enabling Collaborative Development of Robust AI Models
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intelligent Autonomous Transportation Systems With 6G: Part IV
* Guided Depth Completion Using Active Infrared Images in Time of Flight Systems
* Guided Sampling for Multistructure Data via Neighborhood Consensus and Residual Sorting
* GuidedNet: A General CNN Fusion Framework via High-Resolution Guidance for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Handling Domain Shift for Lesion Detection via Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation
* Handling Imbalanced Classification Problems With Support Vector Machines via Evolutionary Bilevel Optimization
* Handling Open-Set Noise and Novel Target Recognition in Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Havit: Hybrid-attention Based Vision Transformer for Video Classification
* Haze-net: High-frequency Attentive Super-resolved Gaze Estimation in Low-resolution Face Images
* HB-YOLO: An Improved YOLOv7 Algorithm for Dim-Object Tracking in Satellite Remote Sensing Videos
* Head Mounted Display Attachment Olfactory Display to Offer Multimodal Sensory Information for Advertisements in Metaverse, A
* Helping Visually Impaired People Take Better Quality Pictures
* HENC: Hierarchical Embedding Network With Center Calibration for Few-Shot Fine-Grained SAR Target Classification
* Heterogeneous Avatar Synthesis Based on Disentanglement of Topology and Rendering
* Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning Network for Personalized Micro-Video Recommendation
* Heterogeneous Interactive Learning Network for Unsupervised Cross-modal Retrieval
* HF Radar Wind Direction: Multiannual Analysis Using Model and HF Network
* HGR-Net: Hierarchical Graph Reasoning Network for Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection
* HICO: Hierarchical Contrastive Learning for Ultrasound Video Model Pretraining
* Hierarchical co-clustering with augmented matrices from external domains
* Hierarchical eco-driving control strategy for hybrid electric vehicle platoon at signalized intersections under partially connected and automated vehicle environment
* Hierarchical Line Extremity Segmentation U-net for the Soccernet 2022 Calibration Challenge - Pitch Localization
* Hierarchical Refined Composite Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension and Its Application in Feature Extraction of Ship-Radiated Noise
* High Accuracy Distributed Kalman Filtering for Synchronizing Frequency and Phase in Distributed Phased Arrays
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3d Mesh Models Based on Topology
* High Resolution Forest Masking for Seasonal Monitoring with a Regionalized and Colourimetrically Assisted Chorologic Typology
* High-Accuracy Filtering of Forest Scenes Based on Full-Waveform LiDAR Data and Hyperspectral Images
* High-Accuracy Positioning in GNSS-Blocked Areas by Using the MSCKF-Based SF-RTK/IMU/Camera Tight Integration
* High-capacity Adaptive Steganography Based on Transform Coefficient for HEVC
* High-Performance Automated Large-Area Land Cover Mapping Framework, A
* High-performance Steganographic Coding Based on Sub-polarized Channel
* High-Performance Thin-Film Sensor in 6G for Remote Sensing of the Sea Surface, A
* High-Precision Satellite Video Stabilization Method Based on ED-RANSAC Operator
* High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on Sparse Representation Autofocusing
* High-Resolution Estimation of Methane Emissions from Boreal and Pan-Arctic Wetlands Using Advanced Satellite Data
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Method Based on Improved Siamese U-Net
* High-Speed Maneuvering Target Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging and Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Fast Spare Bayesian Learning and Minimum Entropy
* High-throughput calculation of organ-scale traits with reconstructed accurate 3D canopy structures using a UAV RGB camera with an advanced cross-circling oblique route
* HiMoReNet: A Hierarchical Model for Human Motion Refinement
* Hitchhiker's Guide to Super-Resolution: Introduction and Recent Advances
* HKGAIL: Policy shaping via integrating human knowledge with generative adversarial imitation learning
* Holocene Erosional Processes in a Highly Exposed Intertidal Sandstone Reef Inferred from Remote Sensing Data
* Homography Matrix-Based Local Motion Consistent Matching for Remote Sensing Images
* How Does Wind Influence Near-Nadir and Low-Incidence Ka-Band Radar Backscatter and Coherence from Small Inland Water Bodies?
* How to Optimize High-Value GEP Areas to Identify Key Areas for Protection and Restoration: The Integration of Ecology and Complex Networks
* HUD Training and Extended Reality Solutions
* Human Parsing With Part-Aware Relation Modeling
* Human skeletons and change detection for efficient violence detection in surveillance videos
* Human-object interaction prediction in videos through gaze following
* Humanoid Saxophone-playing Robot Based on Instrument-centered Design, A
* Hybrid Approach Based on GAN and CNN-LSTM for Aerial Activity Recognition, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning and S2S Model for Improved Sub-Seasonal Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Forecasting
* Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID-19 using chest x-ray images
* hybrid deep neural network-based automated diagnosis system using x-ray images and clinical findings, A
* Hybrid Indoor Positioning System Based on Acoustic Ranging and Wi-Fi Fingerprinting under NLOS Environments
* Hybrid Integration Method-Based Track-before-Detect for High-Speed and High-Maneuvering Targets in Ubiquitous Radar, An
* Hybrid neural-like P systems with evolutionary channels for multiple brain metastases segmentation
* Hybrid Prediction Model Based on Decomposed and Synthesized COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Data
* Hybrid Training of Denoising Networks to Improve the Texture Acutance of Digital Cameras
* Hybrid Visual-Ranging Servoing for Positioning Based on Image and Measurement Features
* Hybrid-Patch-Alex: A new patch division and deep feature extraction-based image classification model to detect COVID-19, heart failure, and other lung conditions using medical images
* Hybrid-Scale Hierarchical Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Hypergraph P-Laplacians, Scale Spaces, and Information Flow in Networks
* Hyperpixels: Flexible 4D Over-Segmentation for Dense and Sparse Light Fields
* HyperSFormer: A Transformer-Based End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification Method for Crop Classification
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Using Spatial-Spectral-Based Union Dictionary and Improved Saliency Weight
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Dense Pyramidal Convolution and Multi-Feature Fusion
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Fusing S3-PCA, 2D-SSA and Random Patch Network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Transformer and Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation-Based Active Learning
* Hyperspectral image denoising via spectral noise distribution bootstrap
* Hyperspectral Imaging of Adaxial and Abaxial Leaf Surfaces for Rapid Assessment of Foliar Nutrient Concentrations in Hass Avocado
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution Reconstruction Network Based on Hybrid Convolution and Spectral Symmetry Preservation
* Ice Velocity Variations of the Cook Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, from 2017 to 2022 from Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Offset Tracking
* Identifiable Face Privacy Protection via Virtual Identity Transformation
* Identification of Abandoned Logging Roads in Point Reyes National Seashore
* Identification of Ballast Fouling Status and Mechanized Cleaning Efficiency Using FDTD Method
* Identification of Brush Species and Herbicide Effect Assessment in Southern Texas Using an Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS)
* Identification of Risk Areas of Dengue Transmission in Culiacan, Mexico
* Identifying Core Wavelengths of Oil Tree's Hyperspectral Data by Taylor Expansion
* Identifying Ecological Security Patterns Meeting Future Urban Expansion in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration, China
* Identifying mangroves through knowledge extracted from trained random forest models: An interpretable mangrove mapping approach (IMMA)
* Identifying Potential Landslides in Steep Mountainous Areas Based on Improved Seasonal Interferometry Stacking-InSAR
* Identifying Thermokarst Lakes Using Discrete Wavelet Transform-based Deep Learning Framework
* Identifying Urban and Socio-Environmental Patterns of Brazilian Amazonian Cities by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* IESRGAN: Enhanced U-Net Structured Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Image Blending with Osmosis
* Image Comparison and Scaling via Nonlinear Elasticity
* Image Denoising Using Convolutional Sparse Coding Network with Dry Friction
* Image Desnowing via Deep Invertible Separation
* Image Intensity Variation Information for Interest Point Detection
* Image Patch-Matching With Graph-Based Learning in Street Scenes
* Image retrieval by using texture and shape correlated hand crafted features
* Image Retrieval with Well-separated Semantic Hash Centers
* Image Texture Analysis Enhances Classification of Fire Extent and Severity Using Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite Imagery
* Imbalanced Malware Family Classification Using Multimodal Fusion and Weight Self-Learning
* Impact of Assimilating GK-2A All-Sky Radiance with a New Observation Error for Summer Precipitation Forecasting
* Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on Stratospheric Water Vapour, Temperature, and Ozone
* Impacts of Dual Head-up Display Use on Workload in the Civil Aviation Flight Deck: Implications for Crew Coordination
* Implementation of Real-Time Space Target Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Space-Based Surveillance
* Implementing Cloud Computing for the Digital Mapping of Agricultural Soil Properties from High Resolution UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Implementing Handheld Burst Super-Resolution
* Implicit Neural Representations With Structured Latent Codes for Human Body Modeling
* Imprint of Mesoscale Eddies on Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
* Improved Doppler-Aided Smoothing Code Algorithm for BeiDou-2/BeiDou-3 un-Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellites in Consideration of Satellite Code Bias, An
* Improved Method for Estimating Construction Year of Road Bridges by Analyzing Landsat Normalized Difference Water Index 2
* Improved Multi-GNSS PPP Partial Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Two-Step Sorting Criterion
* Improved PPP-RTK by Considering the Non-Homogeneous Uncertainty of the ionosphere with a Spatial Three-Direction Model
* Improved SR-SSIM Band Selection Method Based on Band Subspace Partition
* Improved Sufficient Conditions Based on RIC of Order 2s for IHT and HTP Algorithms
* Improved VMD-LSTM Model for Time-Varying GNSS Time Series Prediction with Temporally Correlated Noise, An
* Improvement of pBRDF Model for Target Surface Based on Diffraction and Transmission Effects
* Improving building rooftop segmentation accuracy through the optimization of UNet basic elements and image foreground-background balance
* Improving Faster-RCNN With Multi-Attention ResNet for Small Target Detection in Intelligent Autonomous Transport With 6G, An
* Improving Feature Learning in Remote Sensing Images Using an Integrated Deep Multi-Scale 3D/2D Convolutional Network
* Improving Few-shot Learning by Spatially-aware Matching and Crosstransformer
* Improving Inconspicuous Attributes Modeling for Person Search by Language
* Improving Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography: Good Annotation is All You Need
* Improving Semi-Supervised and Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Self-Supervised Depth Estimation
* Improving Spaceborne GNSS-R Algal Bloom Detection with Meteorological Data
* Improving Surveillance Object Detection with Adaptive Omni-attention over Both Inter-frame and Intra-frame Context
* Improving the Accuracy of Flood Susceptibility Prediction by Combining Machine Learning Models and the Expanded Flood Inventory Data
* Improving the Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model Using Least Squares Collocation Method
* Improving the Generalization of MAML in Few-Shot Classification via Bi-Level Constraint
* Improving the planarity and sharpness of monocularly estimated depth images using the Phong reflection model
* Improving the Quality of Sparse-view Cone-beam Computed Tomography via Reconstruction-friendly Interpolation Network
* Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks Through Both Front and Rear Vector Method
* Improving YOLOv7-Tiny for Infrared and Visible Light Image Object Detection on Drones
* In-Situ and Remote Sensing Platforms for Mapping Fine-Fuels and Fuel-Types in Sonoran Semi-Desert Grasslands
* Incomplete Multi-View Learning Under Label Shift
* Inconsistency Detection in Cross-Layer Tile Maps with Super-Pixel Segmentation
* Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack in Central Asia
* Influence of On-Site Camera Calibration with Sub-Block of Images on the Accuracy of Spatial Data Obtained by PPK-Based UAS Photogrammetry
* Influence of the Coriolis Force on Spreading of River Plumes
* Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Inter-Annual Variability of the Tibetan-Plateau NDVI in Its Main Growing Season
* Influences of Ecological Restoration Programs on Ecosystem Services in Sandy Areas, Northern China
* Infrared and Visible Image Homography Estimation Based on Feature Correlation Transformers for Enhanced 6G Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network Perception
* Infrared Dim Small Target Detection Based on Nonconvex Constraint with L1-L2 Norm and Total Variation
* Ink Drop Displacement Model-Based Direct Binary Search
* Inner Voices: Reflexive Augmented Listening
* Innovative Growth of Space Archaeology: A Brief Overview of Concepts and Approaches in Detection, Monitoring, and Promotion of the Archaeological Heritage, The
* Insight into the Warping Spatial Sampling Method in Subsurface Radar Imaging and Its Experimental Validation, An
* Insights for Sea Outfall Turbid Plume Monitoring with High-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Imagery Application in Portugal
* Insights From Generative Modeling for Neural Video Compression
* Instance Segmentation in the Dark
* Insuring Alpine Grasslands against Drought-Related Yield Losses Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* Integrated Approach for Analyzing the Morphological Evolution of the Lower Reaches of the Minjiang River Based on Long-Term Remote Sensing Data, An
* Integrated Framework for Spatiotemporally Merging Multi-Sources Precipitation Based on F-SVD and ConvLSTM, An
* Integrated Node Infrastructure for Future Smart City Sensing and Response
* Integrated OFDM Waveform Design for RadCom System-Based Signal-to-Clutter Noise Ratio Maximization
* Integrated Spatiotemporal Analysis of Vegetation Condition in a Complex Post-Mining Area: Lignite Mine Case Study
* Integrated Zoning and Spatial Heterogeneity of Coastal Watershed-Nearshore Waters
* Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Mango Yield Prediction Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Integrating SBAS-InSAR and AT-LSTM for Time-Series Analysis and Prediction Method of Ground Subsidence in Mining Areas
* Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in Space, An
* Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping Weed Infested Regions Over 6G Networks
* Intelligent Identification of Pine Wilt Disease Infected Individual Trees Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
* Inter vs. Intra Domain Study of Covid Chest X-ray Classification with Imbalanced Datasets
* Interactive Avatar Creation System from Learned Attributes for Virtual Reality
* Interactive Learning of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties for All-Day Semantic Segmentation
* Interference Mitigation Method for Millimeter-Wave Frequency-Modulation Continuous-Wave Radar Based on Outlier Detection and Variational Modal Decomposition
* Interpretability-guided Human Feedback During Neural Network Training
* Interpretation of Signals Recorded by Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges during the Passage of Atmospheric Lamb Wave on 15 January 2022
* Interpreting vulnerabilities of multi-instance learning to adversarial perturbations
* Inverse Scattering Series Internal Multiple Attenuation in the Common-Midpoint Domain
* Inversion Method for Geoacoustic Parameters in Shallow Water Based on Bottom Reflection Signals, An
* Inversion of Leaf Area Index in Citrus Trees Based on Multi-Modal Data Fusion from UAV Platform
* Inverting Adversarially Robust Networks for Image Synthesis
* Investigating heterogeneity in travel behaviour change when implementing soft transport interventions: A latent class choice model
* Investigating the Role of Vection, Presence, and Stress on Visually Induced Motion Sickness
* Investigation into the Affect of Chemometrics and Spectral Data Preprocessing Approaches upon Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Quantification Accuracy Based on MarSCoDe Laboratory Model and MarSDEEP Equipment
* Investigation of lp-Norm Minimization for the Artifact-Free Inversion of Gravity Data, An
* Investigation of Temperature Effects into Long-Span Bridges via Hybrid Sensing and Supervised Regression Models
* Investigation of the Vertical Distribution Characteristics and Microphysical Properties of Summer Mineral Dust Masses over the Taklimakan Desert Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* IOP-FL: Inside-Outside Personalization for Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* IOU-enhanced Attention for End-to-end Task Specific Object Detection
* Is an Object-centric Video Representation Beneficial for Transfer?
* Is Industrial Tomography Ready for Augmented Reality? A Need-finding Study of How Augmented Reality Can Be Adopted by Industrial Tomography Experts
* Is It Live, or Is It Deepfake?
* Isolating the Source Region of Infrasound Travel Time Variability Using Acoustic Sensors on High-Altitude Balloons
* Iterative Design of an Immersive Analytics Environment Based on Frame of Reference
* Joint A-SNN: Joint training of artificial and spiking neural networks via self-Distillation and weight factorization
* Joint Answering and Explanation for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Joint Design of Transmitting Waveform and Receiving Filter via Novel Riemannian Idea for DFRC System
* Joint Detection and Reconstruction of Weak Spectral Lines under Non-Gaussian Impulsive Noise with Deep Learning
* Joint Framework Towards Class-aware and Class-Agnostic Alignment for Few-Shot Segmentation, A
* Joint JPEG Compression and Encryption Scheme Based on Order-8-16 Block Transform
* Joint Optimization of Depth and Ego-Motion for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
* Joint semantic-geometric learning for polygonal building segmentation from high-resolution remote sensing images
* Jointly Defending DeepFake Manipulation and Adversarial Attack Using Decoy Mechanism
* Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via Self-Knowledge Distillation and Cycle Consistency
* JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Prediction and RS Pair Permutation
* JPEG Steganography With Content Similarity Evaluation
* k nearest neighbour ensemble via extended neighbourhood rule and feature subsets, A
* Kalman Filter, ANN-MLP, LSTM and ACO Methods Showing Anomalous GPS-TEC Variations Concerning Turkey's Powerful Earthquake (6 February 2023)
* KGCN-LSTM: A graph convolutional network considering knowledge fusion of point of interest for vehicle trajectory prediction
* Kinstyle: A Strong Baseline Photorealistic Kinship Face Synthesis with an Optimized Stylegan Encoder
* Knowledge Conditioned Variational Learning for One-Class Facial Expression Recognition
* Knowledge driven weights estimation for large-scale few-shot image recognition
* Knowledge Expansion and Consolidation for Continual Traffic Prediction With Expanding Graphs
* Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
* Koopman-Theoretic Modeling of Quasiperiodically Driven Systems: Example of Signalized Traffic Corridor
* Label-Efficient Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Medical Imaging
* Labelling the Gaps: A Weakly Supervised Automatic Eye Gaze Estimation
* LACC2.0: Improving the LACC Algorithm for Reconstructing Satellite-Derived Time Series of Vegetation Biochemical Parameters
* Lake Cyanobacterial Bloom Color Recognition and Spatiotemporal Monitoring with Google Earth Engine and the Forel-Ule Index
* Lambda-Domain VVC Rate Control Based on Nash Equilibrium
* Land Cover Classification of SAR Based on 1DCNN-MRF Model Using Improved Dual-Polarization Radar Vegetation Index
* Land Use/Land Cover Optimized SAR Coherence Analysis for Rapid Coastal Disaster Monitoring: The Impact of the Emma Storm in Southern Spain
* Landsat 9 Geometric Commissioning Calibration Updates and System Performance Assessment
* Landslide Hazard Assessment in Highway Areas of Guangxi Using Remote Sensing Data and a Pre-Trained XGBoost Model
* Landslide Identification Method Based on the FKGRNet Model for Remote Sensing Images
* Landslide Recognition from Multi-Feature Remote Sensing Data Based on Improved Transformers
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Mountainous Area Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Lane Information Extraction for High Definition Maps Using Crowdsourced Data
* Large Scale Visual Food Recognition
* Large-Scale Clustering With Structured Optimal Bipartite Graph
* Large-scaled detection of COVID-19 from X-ray using transfer learning
* Laser Scanning for Terrain Analysis and Route Design for Electrified Public Transport in Urban Areas
* Latent Class-Conditional Noise Model
* Latent low-rank representation sparse regression model with symmetric constraint for unsupervised feature selection
* Latent-space Disentanglement with Untrained Generator Networks for the Isolation of Different Motion Types in Video Data
* Latentgaze: Cross-domain Gaze Estimation Through Gaze-aware Analytic Latent Code Manipulation
* Layered SOTIF Analysis and 3 sigma-Criterion-Based Adaptive EKF for Lidar-Based Multi-Sensor Fusion Localization System on Foggy Days
* Layered-garment Net: Generating Multiple Implicit Garment Layers from a Single Image
* Layout-guided Indoor Panorama Inpainting with Plane-aware Normalization
* Leaf Spectral Analysis for Detection and Differentiation of Three Major Rice Diseases in the Philippines
* Learnable Subspace Orthogonal Projection for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Learned Discretization Schemes for the Second-order Total Generalized Variation
* Learning a Deep Attention Dilated Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China
* Learning Accurate Performance Predictors for Ultrafast Automated Model Compression
* Learning an artificial neural network to discover bit-quad-based formulas to compute basic object properties
* Learning an insertion region for advertisement embedding on planes
* Learning and Transforming General Representations to Break Down Stability-plasticity Dilemma
* Learning Common and Specific Visual Prompts for Domain Generalization
* Learning Cross-Channel Representations for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Cross-Scale Weighted Prediction for Efficient Neural Video Compression
* Learning Customised Decision Trees for Domain-knowledge Constraints
* Learning Detail-Structure Alternative Optimization for Blind Super-Resolution
* Learning Differential Invariants of Planar Curves
* Learning global image representation with generalized-mean pooling and smoothed average precision for large-scale CBIR
* Learning Good Features to Transfer Across Tasks and Domains
* Learning Inter-superpoint Affinity for Weakly Supervised 3d Instance Segmentation
* Learning Internal Semantics with Expanded Categories for Generative Zero-shot Learning
* Learning Posterior Distributions in Underdetermined Inverse Problems
* Learning Rates for Nonconvex Pairwise Learning
* Learning Semantic-visual Embeddings with a Priority Queue
* Learning Shadow Removal From Unpaired Samples via Reciprocal Learning
* Learning Structure Aware Deep Spectral Embedding
* Learning Texture Enhancement Prior with Deep Unfolding Network for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* Learning to Adapt to Light
* Learning to Augment Poses for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Images and Videos
* Learning to Predict Decomposed Dynamic Filters for Single Image Motion Deblurring
* Learning to Purification for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Search for and Detect Objects in Foveal Images Using Deep Learning
* Learning to Super-Resolve Blurry Images With Events
* Learning Using Privileged Information for Zero-shot Action Recognition
* Learning Video-independent Eye Contact Segmentation from In-the-wild Videos
* Learning With Asymmetric Kernels: Least Squares and Feature Interpretation
* LEO Satellite Clock Modeling and Its Benefits for LEO Kinematic POD
* Level Line Guided Interest Point Detection
* Level Sets Guided by SoDEF-Fitting Energy for River Channel Detection in SAR Images
* Leveraging CNNs for Panoramic Image Matching Based on Improved Cube Projection Model
* LHDR: HDR Reconstruction for Legacy Content Using a Lightweight DNN
* Lie group kernel learning method for medical image classification, A
* Lifelong Learning for Document Image Binarization: An Experimental Study
* Light Attenuation and Color Fluctuation for Underwater Image Restoration
* Light Field Surface Feature and Spherical Descriptor in the Surface Scale Space
* Lightning Interferometry with the Long Wavelength Array
* Lightweight Alpha Matting Network Using Distillation-based Channel Pruning
* Lightweight and Progressively-Scalable Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Lightweight Asymmetric Convolutional Distillation Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Lightweight attention-guided redundancy-reuse network for real-time semantic segmentation
* Lightweight feature point detection network with channel enhancement
* Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Network with Deep Feature Hallucination
* Lightweight Image Matting via Efficient Non-local Guidance
* Lightweight Local-global Attention Network for Single Image Super-resolution, A
* lightweight network of near cotton-coloured impurity detection method in raw cotton based on weighted feature fusion, A
* Lightweight Vision Transformers for Face Verification in the Wild
* Limited Electrodes Models in Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction
* Live 360 Degree Video Delivery Based on User Collaboration in a Streaming Flock
* LiveSR: Enabling Universal HD Live Video Streaming With Crowdsourced Online Learning
* Local Climate Zone Classification Using Daytime Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Imagery and Nighttime Light Data
* Local to non-local: Multi-scale progressive attention network for image restoration
* Local-Global Context Aware Transformer for Language-Guided Video Segmentation
* Locality Preserving Property Constrained Contrastive Learning for Object Classification in SAR Imagery
* Localization Distillation for Object Detection
* Long-Range Perception System for Road Boundaries and Objects Detection in Trains
* Long-Term Measurements of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height in Central Amazonia Using Remote Sensing Instruments
* Looking from a Higher-level Perspective: Attention and Recognition Enhanced Multi-scale Scene Text Segmentation
* Low-Cost BDS Reflectometry for Real-Time Water Surface Retrieval
* Low-Cost Neural ODE with Depthwise Separable Convolution for Edge Domain Adaptation on FPGAs, A
* Low-Rank Matrix Completion Theory via Plücker Coordinates
* LSMD-Net: Lidar-stereo Fusion with Mixture Density Network for Depth Sensing
* Lunar Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) Stratigraphy and Structure with Depth: Evidence for Significantly Decreased Th Concentrations and Thermal Evolution Consequences
* Machine Learning and VIIRS Satellite Retrievals for Skillful Fuel Moisture Content Monitoring in Wildfire Management
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Road Accident Hotspots, A
* Machine Learning Classifier Evaluation for Different Input Combinations: A Case Study with Landsat 9 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Machine Learning-Based Multiple Cloud Vertical Structure Parameter Prediction Algorithm Only Using OCO-2 Oxygen A-Band Measurements, A
* Machine-Learning-Enhanced Procedural Modeling for 4D Historical Cities Reconstruction
* Magnetotelluric Deep Learning Forward Modeling and Its Application in Inversion
* MAL-Net: Multiscale Attention Link Network for Accurate Eye Center Detection
* Malignant melanoma dermoscopy image classification method based on multi-modal medical features
* Manipulated Face Detection and Localization Based on Semantic Segmentation
* Many Hands Make Light Work: Transferring Knowledge from Auxiliary Tasks for Video-Text Retrieval
* Mapping Alteration Minerals Using ZY-1 02D Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data in Coalbed Methane Enrichment Areas
* Mapping and Estimating Aboveground Biomass in an Alpine Treeline Ecotone under Model-Based Inference
* Mapping Irish Water Bodies: Comparison of Platforms, Indices and Water Body Type
* Mapping Surface Features of an Alpine Glacier through Multispectral and Thermal Drone Surveys
* Mapping Water Levels across a Region of the Cuvette Centrale Peatland Complex
* Marine Environmental Impact on CFAR Ship Detection as Measured by Wave Age in SAR Images
* Mars Rover Penetrating Radar Modeling and Interpretation Considering Linear Frequency Modulation Source and Tilted Antenna
* MASA-SegNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network for PolSAR Images
* Mask-and-Edge Co-Guided Separable Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Matchformer: Interleaving Attention in Transformers for Feature Matching
* Matrix Completion With Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling
* MAXGNR: A Dynamic Weight Strategy via Maximizing Gradient-to-noise Ratio for Multi-Task Learning
* Mean Moment of Inertia for Irregularly Shaped Phobos and Its Application to the Constraint for the Two-Layer Interior Structure for the Martian Moon, The
* Measure of Tortuosity for 3d Curves: Identifying 3d Beating Patterns of Sperm Flagella, A
* Measurement of Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids in Water Systems: A Review of the Issues, Conventional, and Remote Sensing Techniques
* Measurements of the Thickness and Area of Thick Oil Slicks Using Ultrasonic and Image Processing Methods
* Measuring Perceptual Color Differences of Smartphone Photographs
* Measuring Vertical Urban Growth of Patna Urban Agglomeration Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry SAR (PSInSAR) Remote Sensing
* Median Autoregressive Graph Filters
* MemBridge: Video-Language Pre-Training With Memory-Augmented Inter-Modality Bridge
* Memorial GAN With Joint Semantic Optimization for Unpaired Image Captioning
* Memory Based Temporal Fusion Network for Video Deblurring
* Mercury Prediction in Urban Soils by Remote Sensing and Relief Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Meta-DET3D: Learn to Learn Few-Shot 3D Object Detection
* Meta-Learning-Based Degradation Representation for Blind Super-Resolution
* Meta-prototype Decoupled Training for Long-tailed Learning
* Metaverse Interactive Experience Space Based on Oriental Prayer Culture, A
* Method for Measuring Gravitational Potential of Satellite's Orbit Using Frequency Signal Transfer Technique between Satellites, A
* Method of Development of a New Regional Ionosphere Model (RIM) to Improve Static Single-Frequency Precise Point Positioning (SF-PPP) for Egypt Using Bernese GNSS Software
* Method of Identifying Personalized Car-Following Characteristics for Adaptive Cruise Control System, A
* Methods of Visualizing Landing Performance in Low-visibility ILS Approaches (preliminary Findings)
* Methods to Calibrate a Digital Colour Camera as a Multispectral Imaging Sensor in Low Light Conditions
* MFGCN: A Multimodal Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Online Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
* MGRLN-net: Mask-guided Residual Learning Network for Joint Single-image Shadow Detection and Removal
* Mgtr: End-to-end Mutual Gaze Detection with Transformer
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using a Shallow Convlstm-based Network
* Micro-Influencer Recommendation by Multi-Perspective Account Representation Learning
* Microgliaj: An Automatic Tool for Microglial Cell Detection and Segmentation
* MILO: Multi-Bounce Inverse Rendering for Indoor Scene With Light-Emitting Objects
* MIMO DFRC Signal Design in Signal-Dependent Clutter
* MISPEL: A Multi-Crop Spectral Library for Statistical Crop Trait Retrieval and Agricultural Monitoring
* Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Mutual Interference Using Spectrum Sub-Band Analysis and Synthesis
* Mixed attention and regularized COVID-19 network: An approach to detection of COVID-19 with chest x-ray images
* Mixed Reality Applications for Manipulating Robots and Rovers: Arsis 6.0
* MLST-Former: Multi-Level Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
* Mobility Tableau: Human Mobility Similarity Measurement for City Dynamics
* Model for the cooperative obstacle-avoidance of the automated vehicle swarm in a connected vehicles environment
* Model is Worth Tens of Thousands of Examples, A
* Model Predictive Path Planning of AGVs: Mixed Logical Dynamical Formulation and Distributed Coordination
* Model-Assisted Combined Machine Learning Method for Ionospheric TEC Prediction, A
* Modeling and Analysis of Edge Caching for 6G mmWave Vehicular Networks
* Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation
* Modeling Large-scale Joint Distributions and Inference by Randomized Assignment
* Modeling Multi-Rotunda Buildings at LoD3 Level from LiDAR Data
* Modeling Phenology Combining Data Assimilation Techniques and Bioclimatic Indices in a Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyard (Vitis vinifera L.) in Central Chile
* Modeling the Pedestrian Flow Before Bottleneck Through Learning-Based Method
* Modelling and simulation of (connected) autonomous vehicles longitudinal driving behavior: A state-of-the-art
* Modelling Spectral Unmixing of Geological Mixtures: An Experimental Study Using Rock Samples
* Modified Auto-Focusing Algorithm for High Squint Diving SAR Imaging Based on the Back-Projection Algorithm with Spectrum Alignment and Truncation
* Modified Dynamic Movement Primitives: Robot Trajectory Planning and Force Control Under Curved Surface Constraints
* MODIS Time Series Reveal New Maximum Records of Defoliated Area by Ormiscodes amphimone in Deciduous Nothofagus Forests, Southern Chile
* Modular 3d Interface Design for Accessible VR Applications
* Modular Degradation Simulation and Restoration for Under-display Camera
* Monitoring and Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Effective Refuge Area of Emergency Shelters by Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Beijing's Fifth Ring Road
* Monitoring Braided River-Bed Dynamics at the Sub-Event Time Scale Using Time Series of Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
* Monitoring Forest Cover Dynamics Using Orthophotos and Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Geological Risk Areas in the City of Sao Paulo Based on Multi-Temporal High-Resolution 3D Models
* Monitoring Individual Tree Phenology in a Multi-Species Forest Using High Resolution UAV Images
* Monitoring Mining-Induced Geo-Hazards in a Contaminated Mountainous Region of Indonesia Using Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring of Land Cover and Vegetation Changes in Juhugeng Coal Mining Area Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Surface Subsidence Using Distributed Scatterer InSAR with an Improved Statistically Homogeneous Pixel Selection Method in Coalfield Fire Zones
* Monitoring Urban Change in Conflict from the Perspective of Optical and SAR Satellites: The Case of Mariupol, a City in the Conflict between RUS and UKR
* Monocular Road Planar Parallax Estimation
* Monocular Road Scene Bird's Eye View Prediction via Big Kernel-Size Encoder and Spatial-Channel Transform Module
* Morphology Dynamics of Ice Cover in a River Bend Revealed by the UAV-GPR and Sentinel-2
* Mountain Segmentation Based on Global Optimization with the Cloth Simulation Constraint
* MOV-Modified-FxLMS Algorithm With Variable Penalty Factor in a Practical Power Output Constrained Active Control System
* MS-AGAN: Road Extraction via Multi-Scale Information Fusion and Asymmetric Generative Adversarial Networks from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images under Complex Backgrounds
* MSAFNet: Multiscale Successive Attention Fusion Network for Water Body Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* MSF 2DN: Multi Scale Feature Fusion Dehazing Network with Dense Connection
* MT-FANet: A Morphology and Topology-Based Feature Alignment Network for SAR Ship Rotation Detection
* MU-Net: Embedding MixFormer into Unet to Extract Water Bodies from Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Branch Deep Learning Framework for Land Scene Classification in Satellite Imagery
* Multi-branch Network with Ensemble Learning for Text Removal in the Wild
* Multi-Channel HEVC Steganography by Minimizing IPM Steganographic Distortions
* Multi-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecosystem Service Values in the Li River Basin, 1990-2020
* Multi-directional broad learning system for the unsupervised stereo matching method
* Multi-granularity Transformer for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Convolutional Network for Ground-Based Star Image Enhancement
* Multi-Level Difference Network for Change Detection from Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Open-Pit Mines
* Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Multi-modal Characteristic Guided Depth Completion Network
* Multi-modal Segment Assemblage Network for Ad Video Editing with Importance-coherence Reward
* Multi-Modal Transformer network for action detection, A
* Multi-Oriented Enhancement Branch and Context-Aware Module for Few-Shot Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation in the Wild: Using Adversarial Method to Train a Top-Down Pose Estimation Network
* Multi-Purpose Realistic Haze Benchmark With Quantifiable Haze Levels and Ground Truth, A
* Multi-Relay Cognitive Network With Anti-Fragile Relay Communication for Intelligent Transportation System Under Aggregated Interference
* Multi-Scale Analysis of PM2.5 Concentrations in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Investigating the Combined Impact of Natural and Human Factors
* Multi-Scale correlation module for video-based facial expression recognition in the wild
* Multi-scale feature fusion pyramid attention network for single image dehazing
* Multi-Scale Feature Residual Feedback Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of the Vertical Structure of the Radar Echo
* Multi-Scale Object Detector Based on Coordinate and Global Information Aggregation for UAV Aerial Images, A
* Multi-scale Residual Interaction for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Similarity Guidance Few-Shot Network for Ship Segmentation in SAR Images
* Multi-scale Wavelet Transformer for Face Forgery Detection
* Multi-semantic hypergraph neural network for effective few-shot learning
* Multi-Sensor and Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Approach for Assessing Slope Instability along Transportation Corridors Using Satellites and Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
* Multi-Source SAR-Based Surface Deformation Monitoring and Groundwater Relationship Analysis in the Yellow River Delta, China
* Multi-stream Fusion for Class Incremental Learning in Pill Image Classification
* Multi-Supervised Feature Fusion Attention Network for Clouds and Shadows Detection
* Multi-Target Detection Method Based on Improved U-Net for UWB MIMO Through-Wall Radar, A
* Multi-target Knowledge Distillation via Student Self-reflection
* Multi-Task Distributed Learning Using Vision Transformer With Random Patch Permutation
* Multi-user VR Experience for Creating and Trading Non-fungible Tokens
* Multi-view Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
* Multi-view Coupled Self-attention Network for Pulmonary Nodules Classification
* Multi-view Infant Cry Classification
* Multi-view Normal Estimation: Application to Slanted Plane-sweeping
* Multifractal Characterization of Texts for Pattern Recognition: On the Complexity of Morphological Structures in Modern and Ancient Languages
* Multilayer Data and Artificial Intelligence for the Delineation of Homogeneous Management Zones in Maize Cultivation
* Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the South China Sea Using Gravity Multiscale Analysis
* Multimodal Approach to Assess a Virtual Reality-based Surgical Training Platform
* Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition
* Multimodality: Exploring Sensibility and Sense-making Beyond the Metaverse
* Multipath Error Reduction Method for BDS Using Tikhonov Regularization with Parameter Optimization, A
* Multiple Graph Affinity Interactive Network and a Variable Illumination Dataset for RGBT Image Salient Object Detection
* Multiplex Transformed Tensor Decomposition for Multidimensional Image Recovery
* Multiscale Representation of Radar Echo Data Retrieved through Deep Learning from Numerical Model Simulations and Satellite Images
* Multispectral Filter Array Design by Optimal Sphere Packing
* Multispectral-based Imaging and Machine Learning for Noninvasive Blood Loss Estimation
* Multistep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid
* Multitemporal Analysis of Slow-Moving Landslides and Channel Dynamics through Integrated Remote Sensing and In Situ Techniques
* Multivariate Time Series Analysis of Ground Deformation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, A
* Multiview Text Imagination Network Based on Latent Alignment for Image-Text Matching, A
* Mush: Multi-scale Hierarchical Feature Extraction for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Mvfi-net: Motion-aware Video Frame Interpolation Network
* MVFRnet: A Novel High-Accuracy Network for ISAR Air-Target Recognition via Multi-View Fusion
* N-STGAT: Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network Based Network Intrusion Detection for Near-Earth Remote Sensing
* Nanostructures Transform Tiny Cameras: Thin Semiconductor Metalenses are Finally Moving into Consumers' Hands
* Natural Numerical Networks on Directed Graphs in Satellite Image Classification
* Navigation-Oriented Topological Model Construction Algorithm for Complex Indoor Space
* NDVI Response to Satellite-Estimated Antecedent Precipitation in Dryland Pastures
* Near Real-Time Flood Mapping with Weakly Supervised Machine Learning
* Near-Surface Structure Investigation Using Ambient Noise in the Water Environment Recorded by Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing
* Neighborhood Region Smoothing Regularization for Finding Flat Minima in Deep Neural Networks
* Neighborhood-based credibility anchor learning for universal domain adaptation
* Neo-3DF: Novel Editing-oriented 3d Face Creation and Reconstruction
* Network Collaborative Pruning Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Evolutionary Multi-Task Optimization
* Network Pruning via Feature Shift Minimization
* Neural Architecture Search for Dense Prediction Tasks in Computer Vision
* Neural Belief Propagation for Scene Graph Generation
* Neural Deformable Voxel Grid for Fast Optimization of Dynamic View Synthesis
* Neural Network Compression via Low Frequency Preference
* Neural Network Panning: Screening the Optimal Sparse Network Before Training
* Neural Plenoptic Sampling: Learning Light-field from Thousands of Imaginary Eyes
* Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes
* Neural Residual Flow Fields for Efficient Video Representations
* Neuron-Based Spiking Transmission and Reasoning Network for Robust Image-Text Retrieval
* New Approach Based on TensorFlow Deep Neural Networks with ADAM Optimizer and GIS for Spatial Prediction of Forest Fire Danger in Tropical Areas, A
* New Approach Combining a Multilayer Radiative Transfer Model with an Individual-Based Forest Model: Application to Boreal Forests in Finland, A
* New Approach toward Corner Detection for Use in Point Cloud Registration, A
* New Blind Selection Approach for Lunar Landing Zones Based on Engineering Constraints Using Sliding Window, A
* New Framework of Swarm Learning Consolidating Knowledge From Multi-Center Non-IID Data for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* New Language-Independent Deep CNN for Scene Text Detection and Style Transfer in Social Media Images, A
* New Method for Continuous Track Monitoring in Regions of Differential Land Subsidence Rate Using the Integration of PS-InSAR and SBAS-InSAR, A
* New Methodology for Intertidal Seaweed Biomass Estimation Using Multispectral Data Obtained with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles
* new methodology in constructing no-reference focus quality assessment metrics, A
* New Remote Hyperspectral Imaging System Embedded on an Unmanned Aquatic Drone for the Detection and Identification of Floating Plastic Litter Using Machine Learning, A
* New Spatio-Temporal Selection Method for Estimating Upwelling Medium-Wave Radiation, A
* New Upwelling Index for the Moroccan Atlantic Coast for the Period between 1982-2021, A
* Nickel Grade Inversion of Lateritic Nickel Ore Using WorldView-3 Data Incorporating Geospatial Location Information: A Case Study of North Konawe, Indonesia
* NIRPed: A Novel Benchmark for Nighttime Pedestrian and Its Distance Joint Detection
* nnFormer: Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation via a 3D Transformer
* Noise-Sensitive Adversarial Learning for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* Noise-Separated Adaptive Feature Distillation for Robust Speech Recognition
* Noisetransfer: Image Noise Generation with Contrastive Embeddings
* Non-invasive prediction of overall survival time for glioblastoma multiforme patients based on multimodal MRI radiomics
* Non-Stationarity Characterization and Geometry-Cluster-Based Stochastic Model for High-Speed Train Radio Channels
* Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analysis and Application
* Not End-to-end: Explore Multi-stage Architecture for Online Surgical Phase Recognition
* novel adaptive class weight adjustment-based multiclass segmentation error minimization technique for COVID-19 X-ray image analysis, A
* Novel Approach to Characterizing Crown Vertical Profile Shapes Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), A
* novel attention-based enhancement framework for face mask detection in complicated scenarios, A
* novel cancelable finger vein templates based on LDM and RetinexGan, A
* novel classification method combining phase-field and DNN, A
* Novel Concatenation Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes With SPC Product Codes, A
* Novel Deep Multi-Image Object Detection Approach for Detecting Alien Barleys in Oat Fields Using RGB UAV Images, A
* Novel Filtering Method of 3D Reconstruction Point Cloud from Tomographic SAR, A
* Novel Framework for Stratified-Coupled BLS Tree Trunk Detection and DBH Estimation in Forests (BSTDF) Using Deep Learning and Optimization Adaptive Algorithm, A
* Novel Method for Building Contour Extraction Based on CSAR Images, A
* Novel Method for Determining the Height of the Stable Boundary Layer under Low-Level Jet by Judging the Shape of the Wind Velocity Variance Profile
* Novel Method for Monitoring Tropical Cyclones' Movement Using GNSS Zenith Tropospheric Delay, A
* Novel Method of Ionospheric Inversion Based on Horizontal Constraint and Empirical Orthogonal Function, A
* Novel Object-Level Building-Matching Method across 2D Images and 3D Point Clouds Based on the Signed Distance Descriptor (SDD), A
* Novel Optimization Strategy of Sidelobe Suppression for Pulse Compression Weather Radar, A
* Novel Radar Signals Sorting Method via Residual Graph Convolutional Network, A
* Novel Technique for High-Precision Ionospheric VTEC Estimation and Prediction at the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Region: A Case Study over Haikou Station, A
* Now Look Here! ? Mixed Reality Improves Robot Communication Without Cognitive Overload
* NRPose: Towards noise resistance for multi-person pose estimation
* NSKY-CD: A System for Cloud Detection Based on Night Sky Brightness and Sky Temperature
* Numerical Solution of the Atmospheric Perturbations Triggered by Persistent Lithospheric Vibrations
* Object Centric Point Sets Feature Learning with Matrix Decomposition
* Object Detection for Rescue Operations by High-altitude Infrared Thermal Imaging Collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Object Detection in Foggy Scenes by Embedding Depth and Reconstruction into Domain Adaptation
* Object Detection in Traffic Videos: A Survey
* Object detection network based on dense dilated encoder net
* Object Localization with Multiplanar Fiducial Markers: Accurate Pose Estimation
* Object-Agnostic Vision Measurement Framework Based on One-Shot Learning and Behavior Tree
* Object-Oriented Deep Multi-Sphere Support Vector Data Description Method for Impervious Surfaces Extraction Based on Multi-Sourced Data, An
* Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances Produced by a Powerful Very-Low-Frequency Radio Signal in the Magnetic Conjugated Region Respect the Transmitter
* Observations of the Impacts of Hong Kong International Airport on Water Quality from 1986 to 2022 Using Landsat Satellite
* Occluded Facial Expression Recognition Using Self-supervised Learning
* Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation Via BiLayer Network Architectures
* Oceanic Responses to the Winter Storm Outbreak of February 2021 in the Gulf of Mexico from In Situ and Satellite Observations
* Off-the-grid Charge Algorithm for Curve Reconstruction in Inverse Problems
* On Assignment Problems Related to Gromov-Wasserstein Distances on the Real Line
* On Photometric Stereo in the Presence of a Refractive Interface
* On the automatic quality assessment of annotated sample data for object extraction from remote sensing imagery
* On the Convergence of Inexact Gradient Descent With Controlled Synchronization Steps
* On the Estimation of Tsallis Entropy and a Novel Information Measure Based on Its Properties
* On the Feasibility of Split Learning, Transfer Learning and Federated Learning for Preserving Security in ITS Systems
* On the Inclusion of Topological Requirements in CNNs for Semantic Segmentation Applied to Radiotherapy
* On the inductive biases of deep domain adaptation
* On the Remarkable Efficiency of Smart
* On Trainable Multiplicative Noise Removal Models
* On Understanding of Spatiotemporal Prediction Model
* On-Orbit Calibration and Wet Tropospheric Correction of HY-2C Correction Microwave Radiometer
* Onboard Sensors-Based Self-Localization for Autonomous Vehicle With Hierarchical Map
* Online Knowledge Distillation via Mutual Contrastive Learning for Visual Recognition
* Online Public Transit Ridership Monitoring Through Passive WiFi Sensing
* Only Once Attack: Fooling the Tracker With Adversarial Template
* Optical and SAR Image Registration Based on Pseudo-SAR Image Generation Strategy
* Optimal design method of public transit network considering transfer efficiency
* Optimal Estimation Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density from GNSS-POD Limb Measurements: Part I-Algorithm and Morphology
* Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Synthesis
* Optimal Volumetric Video Streaming With Hybrid Saliency Based Tiling
* Optimal Wavelength Selection for Deep Learning from Hyperspectral Images
* Optimization Model of Regional Green Wave Coordination Control for the Coordinated Path Set
* Optimization of Vehicle Trajectories Considering Uncertainty in Actuated Traffic Signal Timings
* Optimizing Object Detection Models via Active Learning
* Optimizing Two-Way Partial AUC With an End-to-End Framework
* ORCNN-X: Attention-Driven Multiscale Network for Detecting Small Objects in Complex Aerial Scenes
* Outlier-Robust Iterative Extended Kalman Filtering
* Outsmarting Deepfake Video
* Overall architecture and system design of shuttle unmanned ground vehicle with road verification in intelligent transportation system zone
* Overview of Using Unmanned Aerial System Mounted Sensors to Measure Plant Above-Ground Biomass, An
* OVPT: Optimal Viewset Pooling Transformer for 3d Object Recognition
* PAA: A Blockchain-Based Parking Assistance Alliance With User Preference
* Paddy variety identification from field crop images using deep learning techniques
* Parallel Implementation of CNN on Multi-FPGA Cluster
* Parallel Solution of Timing Synchronization in High-Speed Remote Sensing Data Transmission, A
* Parameter Estimation and Anti-Sideslip Line-of-Sight Method-Based Adaptive Path-Following Controller for a Multijoint Snake Robot
* Parametric Instantaneous Frequency Estimation via PWSR with Adaptive QFM Dictionary
* Partial Shape Similarity by Multi-Metric Hamiltonian Spectra Matching
* Partial-NOMA Based Physical Layer Security: Forwarding Design and Secrecy Analysis
* Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration by Rotation Invariant Features and Spatial Geometric Consistency
* Participatory Design Approach to Develop a VR-based Electrocardiogram Training Simulator, A
* Passive Electro-Optical Tracking of Resident Space Objects for Distributed Satellite Systems Autonomous Navigation
* Passthrough Mixed Reality With Oculus Quest 2: A Case Study on Learning Piano
* Patch Embedding as Local Features: Unifying Deep Local and Global Features via Vision Transformer for Image Retrieval
* Patchflow: A Two-stage Patch-based Approach for Lightweight Optical Flow Estimation
* Path planning of mobile manipulator for navigation and object clean-up
* Path-Analysis-Based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Imitation Filming
* Path-Guided Model-Free Flocking Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on Concurrent Learning Extended State Observers
* Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Localization in Gigapixel Pathology Images
* Pavement Crack Detection Based on 3D Edge Representation and Data Communication With Digital Twins
* Pbcstereo: A Compressed Stereo Network with Pure Binary Convolutional Operations
* PCFN: Progressive Cross-Modal Fusion Network for Human Pose Transfer
* PDC-Net+: Enhanced Probabilistic Dense Correspondence Network
* Pedestrian potentially dangerous behaviour prediction based on attention-long-short-term memory with egocentric vision
* Pedtrans: A Fine-grained Visual Classification Model for Self-attention Patch Enhancement and Dropout
* Performance Assessment of Global-EO-Based Precipitation Products against Gridded Rainfall from the Indian Meteorological Department
* Performance Assessment of Multi-GNSS PPP Ambiguity Resolution with LEO-Augmentation
* Performance Assessment of Structural Monitoring of a Dedicated High-Speed Railway Bridge Using a Moving-Base RTK-GNSS Method
* Performance-Aware Approximation of Global Channel Pruning for Multitask CNNs
* Periodic-Filtering Method for Low-SNR Vibration Radar Signal
* Persistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for More Effective Delineation
* Person re-identification: A retrospective on domain specific open challenges and future trends
* Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
* Photorealistic Facial Wrinkles Removal
* Phylonet: Physically-constrained Long-term Video Prediction
* Physical Anti-copying Semi-robust Random Watermarking for QR Code
* Physical model and image translation fused network for single-image dehazing
* Physical Passive Patch Adversarial Attacks on Visual Odometry Systems
* Physics-Informed Guided Disentanglement in Generative Networks
* Physiological Data Placement Recommendations for VR Sport Applications
* Piece-wise Constant Image Segmentation with a Deep Image Prior Approach
* Pilot Study of Low-Light Enhanced Terrain Mapping for Robotic Exploration in Lunar PSRs
* Pixel-Wise Attention Residual Network for Super-Resolution of Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Plausible Proxy Mining With Credibility for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* PMGCN: Progressive Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* Pneumonia X-ray detection with anchor-free detection framework and data augmentation
* POEM: A prototype cross and emphasis network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Point Cloud Upsampling via Cascaded Refinement Network
* PointCNT: A One-Stage Point Cloud Registration Approach Based on Complex Network Theory
* Pointformer: A Dual Perception Attention-based Network for Point Cloud Classification
* Polarimetry for Bionic Geolocation and Navigation Applications: A Review
* PoseGU: 3D human pose estimation with novel human pose generator and unbiased learning
* Possible Projection of the First Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire in Lower Austria and Hungary (Late 18th Century): An Improvement in Fitting Historical Topographic Maps to Modern Cartographic Systems
* Post-Shock Gravitational Erosion and Sediment Yield: A Case Study of Landscape Transformation along the Wenchuan-Yingxiu Section of the Minjiang River, Sichuan, China
* Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing, The
* Potential Rockfall Source Identification and Hazard Assessment in High Mountains (Maoyaba Basin) of the Tibetan Plateau
* PPO2: Location Privacy-Oriented Task Offloading to Edge Computing Using Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems
* PPR-net: Patch-based Multi-scale Pyramid Registration Network for Defect Detection of Printed Label
* Pre-Disaster Resilient Road Network Investment Strategy With Uncertainty Quantification
* precise and timely graph-based approach to identify SARS Covid19 infection from medical imaging data using IsoCovNet, A
* Precision Aquaculture Drone Mapping of the Spatial Distribution of Kappaphycus alvarezii Biomass and Carrageenan
* Predicting Crop Growth Patterns with Spatial-Temporal Deep Feature Exploration for Early Mapping
* Predicting Grassland Fire-Occurrence Probability in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
* Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantity of Dry Matter Determined with Vegetation Indices Obtained from Multispectral Field Imaging
* Predicting the Subjective Responses' Emotion in Dialogues with Multi-task Learning
* Predicting Water Quality Distribution of Lakes through Linking Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring and Machine Learning Simulation
* Prediction Aerospace Software to Detect Solar Activity and the Fast Tracking of Solar Activity Using Remote Sensing Instruments in Orbit
* Prediction Calibration for Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Prediction Method of Ionospheric hmF2 Based on Machine Learning, A
* Prediction Model of Maize Field Yield Based on the Fusion of Multitemporal and Multimodal UAV Data: A Case Study in Northeast China, A
* Prediction of Areal Soybean Lodging Using a Main Stem Elongation Model and a Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index That Accounts for the Ratio of Vegetation Cover
* Prediction of drug amount in Parkinson's disease using hybrid machine learning systems and radiomics features
* Predictive Uncertainty Estimation for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Preliminary Analysis of Typical Structures and Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation in Northeastern China Cold Vortexes, A
* Preliminary Experiment for Measuring the Anxiety Level Using Heart Rate Variability
* Preliminary exploration of geometrical regularized SAR tomography
* Preliminary Study on the Inversion Method for the Refraction Structure Parameter from Vortex Electromagnetic Waves, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Mapping the Contribution of Individual Riverine Discharges into Liverpool Bay Using Distance Accumulation Cost Methods on Satellite Derived Ocean-Colour Data, A
* Probabilistic Simplex Component Analysis by Importance Sampling
* Product Fuzzy Convolutional Network for Detecting Driving Fatigue, A
* Progress in the Application of CNN-Based Image Classification and Recognition in Whole Crop Growth Cycles
* Progressive Attentional Manifold Alignment for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Progressive Instance-Aware Feature Learning for Compositional Action Recognition
* Progressive scene text erasing with self-supervision
* Promptlearner-clip: Contrastive Multi-modal Action Representation Learning with Context Optimization
* Prony-based Super-Resolution Phase Retrieval of Sparse, Multidimensional Signals
* Properties of Standard and Sketched Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Proportionally Fair Hospital Collaborations in Federated Learning of Histopathology Images
* Proposal for Automatic Coastline Extraction from Landsat 8 OLI Images Combining Modified Optimum Index Factor (MOIF) and K-Means, A
* Prototype-oriented Contrastive Adaption Network for Cross-domain Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Provably Secure and Anonymous V2I and V2V Authentication Protocol for VANETs
* Proxemics-net: Automatic Proxemics Recognition in Images
* Proximal Residual Flows for Bayesian Inverse Problems
* PS-ARM: An End-to-end Attention-aware Relation Mixer Network for Person Search
* Pseudo-haptic Feedback Design for Virtual Activities in Human Computer Interface
* Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery, A
* PU-Transformer: Point Cloud Upsampling Transformer
* PV-TSC: Learning to Control Traffic Signals for Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic in 6G Era
* PVL-Cartographer: Panoramic Vision-Aided LiDAR Cartographer-Based SLAM for Maverick Mobile Mapping System
* PY4MER: A CTC-based Mathematical Expression Recognition System
* Pyramidal Signed Distance Learning for Spatio-temporal Human Shape Completion
* QISampling: An Effective Sampling Strategy for Event-Based Sign Language Recognition
* QoE-Driven Adaptive Streaming for Point Clouds
* QS-Craft: Learning to Quantize, Scrabble and Craft for Conditional Human Motion Animation
* Qualitative Analysis of Tree Canopy Top Points Extraction from Different Terrestrial Laser Scanner Combinations in Forest Plots
* Quality Evaluation of Arbitrary Style Transfer: Subjective Study and Objective Metric
* Quantification of Heat Storage Change-Based Evaporation Behavior in Middle-Large-Sized Lakes in the Inland of the Tibetan Plateau and Their Temporal and Spatial Variations, A
* Quantifying Changes in Extent and Velocity of the Hornbreen/Hambergbreen Glacial System (SW, Spitsbergen) Based on Timeseries of Multispectral Satellite Imagery
* Quantifying Multi-Scale Performance of Geometric Features for Efficient Extraction of Insulators from Point Clouds
* Quantifying Multifrequency Ocean Altimeter Wind Speed Error Due to Sea Surface Temperature and Resulting Impacts on Satellite Sea Level Measurements
* Quantifying the Spatial Ratio of Streets in Beijing Based on Street-View Images
* Quantitative Analysis of Desertification-Driving Mechanisms in the Shiyang River Basin: Examining Interactive Effects of Key Factors through the Geographic Detector Model
* Quantitative Assessment of Sea Surface Salinity Estimates Using a High-Frequency Radar in Ise Bay, Japan
* Quantitative Study on Salinity Estimation of Salt-Affected Soils by Combining Different Types of Crack Characteristics Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Observation
* Quantum State Assignment Flows
* Quasi-Newton Primal-dual Algorithm with Line Search, A
* Quaternary Image Decomposition with Cross-Correlation-Based Multi-Parameter Selection
* Query-Specific Embedding Co-Adaptation Improve Few-Shot Image Classification
* RA Loss: Relation-Aware Loss for Robust Person Re-identification
* Radar Echo Reconstruction in Oceanic Area via Deep Learning of Satellite Data
* Radar Signal Processor of the First Romanian Space Surveillance Radar, The
* Radio-Assisted Human Detection
* RaftMLP: How Much Can Be Done Without Attention and with Less Spatial Locality?
* Railway Cyber-Security in the Era of Interconnected Systems: A Survey
* Random Cycle Loss and Its Application to Voice Conversion
* RDRN: Recursively Defined Residual Network for Image Super-resolution
* Re-Parameterization Making GC-Net-Style 3dconvnets More Efficient
* Reading Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text from Images Through Spline Regression and Rectification
* REAF: Remembering Enhancement and Entropy-Based Asymptotic Forgetting for Filter Pruning
* Reagformer: Reaggregation Transformer with Affine Group Features for 3d Object Detection
* Real-time coloring method of laser surgery video based on generative adversarial network
* Real-time distributed video analytics for privacy-aware person search
* Real-time face perception based encoding strategy optimization method for UHD videos
* Real-Time Tomographic Inversion of Truncated Ionospheric GNSS Radio Occultations
* Real-time Unsupervised Object Localization on the Edge for Airport Video Surveillance
* Real-Time Water Level Monitoring Based on GNSS Dual-Antenna Attitude Measurement
* Real-World Urban Light Emission Functions and Quantitative Comparison with Spacecraft Measurements
* Realtime-3D Interactive Content Creation for Multi-platform Distribution: A 3d Interactive Content Creation User Study
* Recent Advances and Challenges in Schumann Resonance Observations and Research
* Recent Advances in Immersive Multimedia
* Reconstructing Groundwater Storage Changes in the North China Plain Using a Numerical Model and GRACE Data
* Reconstruction of a Monthly 1 km NDVI Time Series Product in China Using Random Forest Methodology
* Reconstruction of Forest and Grassland Cover for the Conterminous United States from 1000 AD to 2000 AD
* Recovery Effect of Different Virtual Natural Environments on Stress in Short-term Isolation Tasks
* Redesigning Multi-Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* Reducing Redundancy in Maps without Lowering Accuracy: A Geometric Feature Fusion Approach for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
* Reflective Learning With Label Noise
* Refocusing Swing Ships in SAR Imagery Based on Spatial-Variant Defocusing Property
* Refraction Correction for Spectrally Derived Bathymetry Using UAS Imagery
* Region-Aware Hierarchical Latent Feature Representation Learning-Guided Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Region-aware RGB and near-infrared image fusion
* Region-Based Sea Ice Mapping Using Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery with Learned Features and Contextual Information
* Region-of-interest Attentive Heteromodal Variational Encoder-decoder for Segmentation with Missing Modalities
* Regional Atmospheric CO2 Response to Ecosystem CO2 Budgets in China
* Regional Climate Effects of Irrigation under Central Asia Warming by 2.0 °C
* Regional Representativeness Analysis of Ground-Monitoring PM2.5 Concentration Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and Machine Learning Techniques
* Regionwise Generative Adversarial Image Inpainting for Large Missing Areas
* Regularized Material Decomposition for K-edge Separation in Hyperspectral Computed Tomography
* Relation Networks for Few-shot Video Object Detection
* Relationship between Lidar-Derived Canopy Densities and the Scattering Phase Center of High-Resolution TanDEM-X Data
* Relationship of Time Span and Missing Data on the Noise Model Estimation of GNSS Time Series, The
* RelationTrack: Relation-Aware Multiple Object Tracking With Decoupled Representation
* Relaxed Proximal Gradient Descent Algorithm for Convergent Plug-and-play with Proximal Denoiser, A
* Relevance-aware Question Generation in Non-task-oriented Dialogue Systems
* Remote Sensing Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1985 to 2021
* Remote Sensing and Data Analyses on Planetary Topography
* Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Research: A Review
* Remote Sensing for Soil Organic Carbon Mapping and Monitoring
* Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in China's Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions Based on XCO2 Data
* Remote-Sensing-Based Sampling Design and Prescription Mapping for Soil Acidity
* Removing Moving Objects without Registration from 3D LiDAR Data Using Range Flow Coupled with IMU Measurements
* Removing Time Dispersion from Elastic Wave Modeling with the pix2pix Algorithm Based on cGAN
* REPF-Net: Distortion-Aware Re-Projection Fusion Network for Object Detection in Panorama Image
* RES-StS: Referring Expression Speaker via Self-Training With Scorer for Goal-Oriented Vision-Language Navigation
* Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomography
* Research on an Intra-Pulse Orthogonal Waveform and Methods Resisting Interrupted-Sampling Repeater Jamming within the Same Frequency Band
* Research on Dynamic Deformation Laws of Super High-Rise Buildings and Visualization Based on GB-RAR and LiDAR Technology
* Research on High Precision Positioning Method for Pedestrians in Indoor Complex Environments Based on UWB/IMU
* Research on High Robustness Underwater Target Estimation Method Based on Variational Sparse Bayesian Inference
* Research on High-Resolution Reconstruction of Marine Environmental Parameters Using Deep Learning Model
* Research on identification and classification of grassland forage based on deep learning and attention mechanisms
* Research on Long-Term Tidal-Height-Prediction-Based Decomposition Algorithms and Machine Learning Models
* Research on Mixed Reality Visual Augmentation Method for Teleoperation Interactive System
* Research on Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms of Live Streaming Commerce in China Based on Geolocation Data
* Research on Stellar Occultation Detection with Bandpass Filtering for Oxygen Density Retrieval
* Research on SUnet Winter Wheat Identification Method Based on GF-2
* Research on Vision of Intelligent Car Based on Broad Learning System
* Resolution-invariant Image Classification Based on Fourier Neural Operators
* Respho(sc)net: A Zero-shot Learning Framework for Norwegian Handwritten Word Image Recognition
* Restoring Vision in Adverse Weather Conditions With Patch-Based Denoising Diffusion Models
* Rethinking Low-level Features for Interest Point Detection and Description
* Rethinking Online Knowledge Distillation with Multi-Exits
* Rethinking Portrait Matting with Privacy Preserving
* Rethinking Representation Learning-Based Hyperspectral Target Detection: A Hierarchical Representation Residual Feature-Based Method
* Rethinking the unpretentious U-net for medical ultrasound image segmentation
* Retrieval Consistency between LST CCI Satellite Data Products over Europe and Africa
* Retrieving Soil Moisture at the Field Scale from Sentinel-1 Data over a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Agricultural Area
* Retrieving the Kinematic Process of Repeated-Mining-Induced Landslides by Fusing SAR/InSAR Displacement, Logistic Model, and Probability Integral Method
* Revealing the Influence of the Fine-Scale Built Environment on Urban Rail Ridership with a Semiparametric GWPR Model
* Revealing the Land Subsidence Deceleration in Beijing (China) by Gaofen-3 Time Series Interferometry
* Reversible Data Hiding via Arranging Blocks of Bit-planes in Encrypted Images
* Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting the Regularizers in Blind Image Deblurring With a New One
* Revisiting Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Models: A Smoothness Perspective
* RFGAN: RF-Based Human Synthesis
* RGB Color Image Steganography Scheme by Binary Lower Triangular Matrix, An
* RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
* RGB-depth map formation from cili-padi plant imaging using stereo vision camera
* Rice False Smut Monitoring Based on Band Selection of UAV Hyperspectral Data
* Ride-pooling in the light of COVID-19: Determining spatiotemporal demand characteristics on the example of MOIA
* RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity Sampling Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* RNN-Based Framework for the MILP Problem in Robustness Verification of Neural Networks, An
* Robust and Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for GWAS Data Traceability
* Robust attention ranking architecture with frequency-domain transform to defend against adversarial samples
* Robust cooperative train trajectory optimization with stochastic delays under virtual coupling
* Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on an End-to-End Hash Generation Model, A
* Robust Dynamic Game-Based Control Framework for Integrated Torque Vectoring and Active Front-Wheel Steering System, A
* Robust Face Alignment via Inherent Relation Learning and Uncertainty Estimation
* Robust Human Matting via Semantic Guidance
* Robust LiDAR-Based Vehicle Detection for On-Road Autonomous Driving
* Robust Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Integrating Magnetic Field Signals and Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting Signals
* Robust rank-one matrix completion with rank estimation
* Robust registration of aerial and close-range photogrammetric point clouds using visual context features and scale consistency
* Robust unsupervised feature selection via data relationship learning
* Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry Based on a Kalman Filter and Factor Graph
* Robustizing Object Detection Networks Using Augmented Feature Pooling
* Role of Subjective Perceptions and Objective Measurements of the Urban Environment in Explaining House Prices in Greater London: A Multi-Scale Urban Morphology Analysis, The
* Roles of Autonomy and Assurance in the Future of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Low-Altitude Airspace Operations, The
* Roll Your Own All-Sky Camera > Use Raspberry Pi Hardware to Capture Mesmerizing Time-Lapse Images of the Heavens
* Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Estimations in India Using Remotely Sensed Data and Methods
* RoReg: Pairwise Point Cloud Registration With Oriented Descriptors and Local Rotations
* Rove-tree-11: The Not-so-wild Rover a Hierarchically Structured Image Dataset for Deep Metric Learning Research
* S2-LOR: Supervised Stream Learning for Object Recognition
* SAC-GAN: Face Image Inpainting with Spatial-aware Attribute Controllable Gan
* Safe Route Carpooling to Avoid Accident Locations and Small-Scale Proof of Concept in Japan
* Safest Nearby Neighbor Queries in Road Networks
* SAFF-SSD: Self-Attention Combined Feature Fusion-Based SSD for Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing
* Saliency-Aware Spatio-Temporal Artifact Detection for Compressed Video Quality Assessment
* Salvage of Supervision in Weakly Supervised Object Detection and Segmentation
* Sample Plots Forestry Parameters Verification and Updating Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* SAR Coherence in Detecting Fluvial Sediment Transport Events in Arid Environments
* SAR Image-Despeckling Method Based on HOSVD Using Tensor Patches, A
* Satellite Formation-Containment Control Emphasis on Collision Avoidance and Uncertainty Suppression
* Satellite Sensed Data-Dose Response Functions: A Totally New Approach for Estimating Materials' Deterioration from Space
* Satellite-Based Approach for Quantifying Terrestrial Water Cycle Intensity, A
* Satellite-Based Mapping of Gold-Mining-Related Land-Cover Changes in the Magadan Region, Northeast Russia
* Scale Adaptive Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Scattering Properties of Non-Gaussian Ocean Surface with the SSA Model Applied to GNSS-R
* Scfnet: A Spatial-channel Features Network Based on Heterocentric Sample Loss for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
* SCHE2MA: Scalable, Energy-Aware, Multidomain Orchestration for Beyond-5G URLLC Services
* SCOAD: Single-Frame Click Supervision for Online Action Detection
* Se-resnet56: Robust Network Model for Deepfake Detection
* Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction via an Attention-Enhanced Seq2Seq Network
* Sea Ice Detection by an Unsupervised Method Using Ku- and Ka-Band Radar Data at Low Incidence Angles: First Results
* Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration Retrieval from HY-1C Satellite Data Based on Residual Network
* Seasonal Spatiotemporal Changes in the NDVI and Its Driving Forces in Wuliangsu Lake Basin, Northern China from 1990 to 2020
* Seasonal Vegetation Trends for Europe over 30 Years from a Novel Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Time-Series: The TIMELINE NDVI Product
* Secure Data Sharing With Flexible Cross-Domain Authorization in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
* Secure Decentralized Image Classification With Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
* Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Mapping Cover and Counting Trees from Aerial Images of a Mangrove Forest Using Artificial Intelligence
* Segmentation of brain tumor subregions with depthwise separable dense U-NET (DSDU-NET)
* Segmentation of Large Historical Manuscript Bundles into Multi-page Deeds
* Segmenting MR Images Through Texture Extraction and Multiplicative Components Optimization
* SEIC: Semantic Embedding with Intermediate Classes for Zero-shot Domain Generalization
* Self-distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization
* Self-knowledge distillation via dropout
* Self-paced principal component analysis
* Self-supervised Augmented Patches Segmentation for Anomaly Detection
* Self-Supervised Correlation Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Self-supervised Dehazing Network Using Physical Priors
* Self-Supervised Learning Approach for Extracting China Physical Urban Boundaries Based on Multi-Source Data, A
* Self-supervised Learning with Multi-view Rendering for 3d Point Cloud Analysis
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Using Global and Local Mixed Multi-Scale Feature Enhancement Network for Low-Altitude UAV Remote Sensing
* Self-supervised Secondary Landmark Detection via 3D Representation Learning
* SELMA: SEmantic Large-Scale Multimodal Acquisitions in Variable Weather, Daytime and Viewpoints
* Semantic Consistent Embedding for Domain Adaptive Zero-Shot Learning
* Semantic Representation and Attention Alignment for Graph Information Bottleneck in Video Summarization
* Semantic-Aware Noise Driven Portrait Synthesis and Manipulation
* Semi-supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation Using Local Cross Triplet Loss for Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Mri
* Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Uncertainty-guided Self Cross Supervision
* Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Sensing Mechanism and Real-Time Bridge Displacement Monitoring for a Laboratory Truss Bridge Using Hybrid Data Fusion
* Sensitivity of Grassland Coverage to Climate across Environmental Gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Sentinel-1 SAR Images and Deep Learning for Water Body Mapping
* Sentinel-1 Time Series for Predicting Growing Stock Volume of Boreal Forest: Multitemporal Analysis and Feature Selection
* Sentinel-2 Time Series and Classifier Fusion to Map an Aquatic Invasive Plant Species along a River: The Case of Water-Hyacinth
* SequenceMorph: A Unified Unsupervised Learning Framework for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Image Sequences
* sfHxL3: Optimized Delivery Architecture for HTTP Low-Latency Live Streaming
* SG-Det: Shuffle-GhostNet-Based Detector for Real-Time Maritime Object Detection in UAV Images
* SG-Net: Semantic Guided Network for Image Dehazing
* Shallow-Guided Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Shape Prior is Not All You Need: Discovering Balance Between Texture and Shape Bias in CNN
* Sharp Feature-Preserving 3D Mesh Reconstruction from Point Clouds Based on Primitive Detection
* Ship Detection in Low-Quality SAR Images via an Unsupervised Domain Adaption Method
* Shipborne Multi-Function Radar Working Mode Recognition Based on DP-ATCN
* Shoreline Analysis and Extraction Tool (SAET): A New Tool for the Automatic Extraction of Satellite-Derived Shorelines with Subpixel Accuracy
* Short-term traffic travel time forecasting using ensemble approach based on long short-term memory networks
* ShuffleCloudNet: A Lightweight Composite Neural Network-Based Method for Cloud Computation in Remote-Sensing Images
* SiamCAF: Complementary Attention Fusion-Based Siamese Network for RGBT Tracking
* Signal Processing for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A review and current perspectives
* Significant Stratospheric Moistening Following Extreme El Nino Events
* Simple Real LST Reconstruction Method Combining Thermal Infrared and Microwave Remote Sensing Based on Temperature Conservation, A
* Simple Strategy to Provable Invariance via Orbit Mapping, A
* Simulation and Design of an Underwater Lidar System Using Non-Coaxial Optics and Multiple Detection Channels
* Simulation and Error Analysis of Methane Detection Globally Using Spaceborne IPDA Lidar
* Simulation of Compact Spaceborne Lidar with High-Repetition-Rate Laser for Cloud and Aerosol Detection under Different Atmospheric Conditions
* Simulation of Land Use Based on Multiple Models in the Western Sichuan Plateau
* Simulation of Seismoelectric Waves Using Time-Domain Finite-Element Method in 2D PSVTM Mode
* Simultaneous local clustering and unsupervised feature selection via strong space constraint
* Single and multiple illuminant estimation using convex functions
* Single Image Dehazing Based on Sky Area Segmentation and Image Fusion
* Single-Epoch Decimeter-Level Precise Point Positioning with a Galileo Five-Frequency Ionosphere-Reduced Combination
* Single-View 3D Mesh Reconstruction for Seen and Unseen Categories
* Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
* Skeleton-CutMix: Mixing Up Skeleton With Probabilistic Bone Exchange for Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Skin Tone Diagnosis in the Wild: Towards More Robust and Inclusive User Experience Using Oriented Aleatoric Uncertainty
* SkinNet-ENDO: Multiclass skin lesion recognition using deep neural network and Entropy-Normal distribution optimization algorithm with ELM
* Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT Volume
* Slow-Time MIMO Waveform Design Using Pulse-Agile-Phase-Coding for Range Ambiguity Mitigation
* Small Field Plots Can Cause Substantial Uncertainty in Gridded Aboveground Biomass Products from Airborne Lidar Data
* Small Object Detection Based on Deep Learning for Remote Sensing: A Comprehensive Review
* Smart City as an Urban Intelligent Digital System: The Case of Parma
* Smart Road Stud-Empowered Vehicle Magnetic Field Distribution and Vehicle Detection
* Smart Underwater Pollution Detection Based on Graph-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Towards AUV-Based Network ITS
* Smart-tree: Neural Medial Axis Approximation of Point Clouds for 3d Tree Skeletonization
* SMBCNet: A Transformer-Based Approach for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images through Semantic Segmentation
* SMNet: Symmetric Multi-Task Network for Semantic Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on CNN and Transformer
* Snow Cover and Climate Change and Their Coupling Effects on Runoff in the Keriya River Basin during 2001-2020
* Snow Cover Mapping Based on SNPP-VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Case Study in Xinjiang, China
* Social Aware Multi-modal Pedestrian Crossing Behavior Prediction
* Social Psychology Inspired Distributed Ledger Technique for Anomaly Detection in Connected Vehicles
* Soft Label Mining and Average Expression Anchoring for Facial Expression Recognition
* Software-Defined Radar for Low-Altitude Slow-Moving Small Targets Detection Using Transmit Beam Control, A
* Soil Moisture Retrieval in Bare Agricultural Areas Using Sentinel-1 Images
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS-IR Based on Empirical Modal Decomposition and Cross-Correlation Satellite Selection
* Soil Salinity Estimation in Cotton Fields in Arid Regions Based on Multi-Granularity Spectral Segmentation (MGSS)
* SOLAR-HRS New High-Resolution Solar Spectra for Disk-Integrated, Disk-Center, and Intermediate Cases, The
* Solid Angle Geometry-Based Modeling of Volume Scattering with Application in the Adaptive Decomposition of GF-3 Data of Sea Ice in Antarctica
* Solving Vehicle Routing Problem Using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
* Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic Reconstruction Using EEG Signal
* Space-Time Partial Differential Equation Based Physics-Guided Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, A
* Spaceborne Relative Radiometer: Instrument Design and Pre-Flight Test
* Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Using the Explicit Reference Governor Approach
* Sparse Off-the-Grid Computation of the Zeros of STFT
* Sparse Uniform Linear Array DOA Estimation Algorithm for FMCW Radar, A
* Sparse-to-Local-Dense Matching for Geometry-Guided Correspondence Estimation
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Drought Events in Southwest China over the Past 120 Years
* Spatial and Temporal Evolution Analysis of Desert Land Changes in Inner Mongolia by Combining a Structural Equation Model and Deep Learning, A
* Spatial and Temporal Variations of Atmospheric CH4 in Monsoon Asia Detected by Satellite Observations of GOSAT and TROPOMI
* Spatial Association between Residents' Leisure Activities and Tourism Activities Using Colocation Pattern Measures: A Case Study of Nanjing, China, The
* Spatial Data Analysis of Determinants of U.S. Presidential Voting Results in the Rustbelt States during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
* Spatial Effect of Accessibility to Public Service Facilities on Housing Prices: Highlighting the Housing Equity, The
* Spatial Group-wise Enhance: Enhancing Semantic Feature Learning in CNN
* Spatial Simulation and Prediction of Land Use/Land Cover in the Transnational Ili-Balkhash Basin
* Spatial Temporal Network for Image and Skeleton Based Group Activity Recognition
* Spatial-Aware Transformer (SAT): Enhancing Global Modeling in Transformer Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images
* Spatial-Convolution Spectral-Transformer Interactive Network for Large-Scale Fast Refined Land Cover Classification and Mapping Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spatial-Semantic Collaborative Graph Network for Textbook Question Answering
* Spatial-temporal Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Forces of Aboveground Biomass in Desert Steppes of Inner Mongolia, China in the Past 20 Years
* Spatial-temporal correlation graph convolutional networks for traffic forecasting
* Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Interannual Variability in Planted Forests: NPP Time-Series Analysis on the Loess Plateau
* Spatially Variant Error Elimination for High-Resolution UAV SAR with Extremely Small Incident Angle
* Spatio-channel Attention Blocks for Cross-modal Crowd Counting
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Small Lakes of the Qilian Mountains from 1987 to 2020 and Their Driving Mechanisms, The
* Spatio-Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Glacial Lakes in the Altai Mountains with Climate Change from 2000 to 2020
* Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Coupled Coordination of LUCC and ESV in Cities of the Transition Zone, Shenmu City, China
* Spatio-temporal modelling with multi-gradient features and elongated quinary pattern descriptor for dynamic facial expression recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Variability Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics in China from 2000 to 2022 Based on Leaf Area Index: A Multi-Temporal Image Classification Perspective
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization in the Taiwan Strait Based on Nighttime Light Data from 1992 to 2020
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Arid Ecosystems Using Thematic Land Cover Products
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Production-Living-Ecological Land and Its Eco-Environmental Response in China's Coastal Zone
* Spatiotemporal Features of the Surface Urban Heat Island of Bacau City (Romania) during the Warm Season and Local Trends of LST Imposed by Land Use Changes during the Last 20 Years
* Spatiotemporal path inference model for urban rail transit passengers based on travel time data
* Spatiotemporal Patterns Evolution of Residential Areas and Transportation Facilities Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Xi'an, China
* Spatiotemporal Prediction of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Based on ED-ConvLSTM
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane Observed from Two Decades of Satellite Hyperspectral Infrared Sounders
* Spatiotemporal Variations of Global Human-Perceived Heatwave Risks and their Driving Factors Based on Machine Learning
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021
* Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Reconstruction
* Spectral and Spatial Dependencies in the Validation of Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Using the Aerosol Robotic Network
* Spectral Calibration for SO2 Cameras with Light Dilution Effect Correction
* Spectral-Spatial MLP Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Spectral-Temporal Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Change Detection
* Specular Detection and Rendering for Immersive Multimedia
* Speech-Visual Emotion Recognition by Fusing Shared and Specific Features
* SPL-Net: Spatial-Semantic Patch Learning Network for Facial Attribute Recognition with Limited Labeled Data
* Spotlights: Probing Shapes from Spherical Viewpoints
* SRTPN: Scale and Rotation Transform Prediction Net for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration
* SS-TBN: A Semi-Supervised Tri-Branch Network for COVID-19 Screening and Lesion Segmentation
* SSP-Net: Scalable sequential pyramid networks for real-Time 3D human pose regression
* SST-VLM: Sparse Sampling-twice Inspired Video-language Model
* ST-Bikes: Predicting Travel-Behaviors of Sharing-Bikes Exploiting Urban Big Data
* ST-Conal: Consistency-based Acquisition Criterion Using Temporal Self-ensemble for Active Learning
* Stable Obstacle Avoidance Strategy for Crawler-Type Intelligent Transportation Vehicle in Non-Structural Environment Based on Attention-Learning
* Staged Adaptive Blind Watermarking Scheme
* Static High Target-Induced False Alarm Suppression in Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar Moving Target Detection Based on Trajectory Features
* Stay in Grid: Improving Video Captioning via Fully Grid-Level Representation
* Stereoscopic Monitoring Methods for Flood Disasters Based on ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Stocamo: Online Calibration Monitoring for Stereo Cameras
* Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems in Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces
* Streaming egocentric action anticipation: An evaluation scheme and approach
* Structure Guided Proposal Completion for 3d Object Detection
* Structure of the High-Latitude Noon Ionosphere of the Southern Hemisphere
* Structure Representation Network and Uncertainty Feedback Learning for Dense Non-uniform Fog Removal
* Study and Automatic Translation of Toki Pona
* Study of Augmentation Methods for Handwritten Stenography Recognition, A
* Study of Coverage Probability-Based Energy-Efficiency Analysis for UAV-Aided THz-Enabled 6G Networks, A
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Mobile Cloud Gaming Videos
* Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Contact Networks in China Based on Population Flows, A
* Study of the Relationships between Depths of Soil Constraints and Remote Sensing Data from Different Stages of the Growing Season, A
* Study of the Response of Environmental Factors of the Coastal Area in Zhoushan Fishery to Typhoon In-fa Based on Remote Sensing
* Study on Color Schemes for Nostalgic Illustrations, A
* Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Earthquakes Based on CSES Observations
* Study on Land Subsidence Simulation Based on a Back-Propagation Neural Network Combined with the Sparrow Search Algorithm
* Study on the Damage Mechanism of Sandstone under Different Water Content States
* Study on the Erosion and Deposition Changes of Tidal Flat in Jiangsu Province Using ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Style and content separation network for remote sensing image cross-scene generalization
* Style Image Harmonization via Global-local Style Mutual Guided
* Sub-Bottom Type Adaption-Based Empirical Approach for Coastal Bathymetry Mapping Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery, A
* Subjective and Objective Audio-Visual Quality Assessment for User Generated Content
* Super-attention for Exemplar-based Image Colorization
* Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Hybrid Network for Multi-Channel Remote Sensing Images, A
* Superresolution Image Reconstruction: Selective milestones and open problems
* Suppression of Mainlobe Jammers with Quadratic Element Pulse Coding in MIMO Radar
* Surface Displacement of Hurd Rock Glacier from 1956 to 2019 from Historical Aerial Frames and Satellite Imagery (Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula)
* Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Cloud Using Directional G-norm
* Surface Subsidence of Nanchang, China 2015-2021 Retrieved via Multi-Temporal InSAR Based on Long- and Short-Time Baseline Net
* Surface-Related Multiples Elimination for Waterborne GPR Data
* Survey of Air, Sea, and Road Vehicles Research for Motion Control Security
* Survey on Label-Efficient Deep Image Segmentation: Bridging the Gap Between Weak Supervision and Dense Prediction, A
* Survey on Perceptually Optimized Video Coding, A
* Survey on Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation: A Methodological Perspective, A
* Suspicious Object Detection for Millimeter-Wave Images With Multi-View Fusion Siamese Network
* Swarm Learning-Based Dynamic Optimal Management for Traffic Congestion in 6G-Driven Intelligent Transportation System
* SWPT: Spherical Window-based Point Cloud Transformer
* Symbol Position Recovery for Optical Camera Communication with High-Density Matrix Codes
* SYMMNERF: Learning to Explore Symmetry Prior for Single-view View Synthesis
* Synchronous Bi-directional Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Error Compensation
* Synergy of Road Network Planning Indices on Central Retail District Pedestrian Evacuation Efficiency
* Synthetic aperture radar image despeckling using convolutional neural networks in wavelet domain
* Synthetic Spermatozoa Video Sequences Generation Using Adversarial Imitation Learning
* Systematic Approach to Identify Shipping Emissions Using Spatio-Temporally Resolved TROPOMI Data, A
* Systematic Review of Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Crime Prediction Methods, A
* Target Detection in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image: Current Status and Challenges
* TAT: Targeted backdoor attacks against visual object tracking
* TCVM: Temporal Contrasting Video Montage Framework for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Teacher-guided Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Teamwork in Software Development and What Personality Has to Do with It: An Overview
* Technical Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast by Blending Weather Radar Based on New Spatial Test Method
* Technique for Generating Preliminary Satellite Data to Evaluate SUHI Using Cloud Computing: A Case Study in Moscow, Russia, A
* Technological Advances to Rescue Temporary and Ephemeral Wetlands: Reducing Their Vulnerability, Making Them Visible
* Tecm-clip: Text-based Controllable Multi-attribute Face Image Manipulation
* Temporal and Spatial Variations of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration and the Driving Mechanism over Equatorial Africa Using Satellite and Reanalysis-Based Observation
* Temporal Changes in Mediterranean Pine Forest Biomass Using Synergy Models of ALOS PALSAR-Sentinel 1-Landsat 8 Sensors
* Temporal Cross-attention for Action Recognition
* Temporal Extension Topology Learning for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future Directions
* Temporal Variation in Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Its Environmental Response in a Chinese Cork Oak Plantation
* Temporal-aware Siamese Tracker: Integrate Temporal Context for 3d Object Tracking
* Temporal-viewpoint Transportation Plan for Skeletal Few-shot Action Recognition
* Tensor Recovery Based on a Novel Non-Convex Function Minimax Logarithmic Concave Penalty Function
* Test-time Augmentation for Document Image Binarization
* Testing Textural Information Base on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data for Mapping Wetland Vegetation: A Case Study of Warta River Mouth National Park (Poland)
* Thangka Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on a Spatial-Spectral Integration Network
* Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Susceptibility Mapping to Support Community-Scale Planning in Ilulissat, West Greenland
* Theoretical Foundations for Pseudo-inversion of Nonlinear Operators
* Thermokarst Lake Susceptibility Assessment Induced by Permafrost Degradation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using Machine Learning Methods
* Thinking Hallucination for Video Captioning
* Thorough Evaluation of 127 Potential Evapotranspiration Models in Two Mediterranean Urban Green Sites, A
* Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model for Estimating the Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Using Digital and Multispectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images at Various Growth Stages, A
* Three-Dimensional Surface Deformation Characteristics Based on Time Series InSAR and GPS Technologies in Beijing, China
* Three-stage Bidirectional Interaction Network for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Three-stage Training Pipeline with Patch Random Drop for Few-shot Object Detection
* Time Series Imputation in Faulty Systems
* Time-constrained learning
* TLWSR: Weakly supervised real-world scene text image super-resolution using text label
* To What Extent Can Satellite Cities and New Towns Serve as a Steering Instrument for Polycentric Urban Expansion during Massive Population Growth?: A Comparative Analysis of Tokyo and Shanghai
* Toward a High-Resolution Wave Forecasting System for the Changjiang River Estuary
* Toward Deeper Understanding of Camouflaged Object Detection
* Toward Intrinsic Adversarial Robustness Through Probabilistic Training
* Toward Projected Clustering With Aggregated Mapping
* Toward Real-Time GNSS Single-Frequency Precise Point Positioning Using Ionospheric Corrections
* Towards a Guideline for UAV-Based Data Acquisition for Geomorphic Applications
* Towards a more flexible demand responsive transit service with compensation mechanism considering boundedly rational passengers
* Towards Improving the Anti-Attack Capability of the Rangenet++
* Towards Lightweight Deep Classification for Low-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images: An Empirical Study
* Towards Real-time High-definition Image Snow Removal: Efficient Pyramid Network with Asymmetrical Encoder-decoder Architecture
* Towards Scene Understanding for Autonomous Operations on Airport Aprons
* Towards the Accurate Automatic Detection of Mesoscale Convective Systems in Remote Sensing Data: From Data Mining to Deep Learning Models and Their Applications
* Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Approach: Ground-Based Observations
* Tracking Occupant Activities in Autonomous Vehicles Using Capacitive Sensing
* Tracking Small and Fast Moving Objects: A Benchmark
* Tractable Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Structure Influence Models With Applications to EEG and ECoG Processing
* Trade-Offs and Synergies among 17 Ecosystem Services in Africa: A Long-Term Multi-National Analysis
* Traffic Anomaly Prediction System Using Predictive Network
* Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using Multi-Frame Embedding of Video-Log Images
* Traffic signal priority control based on shared experience multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
* Traffic-Driven Epidemic Spreading in Networks: Considering the Transition of Infection From Being Mild to Severe
* Training Compact CNNs for Image Classification Using Dynamic-Coded Filter Fusion
* Training Dynamics Aware Neural Network Optimization with Stabilization
* Training-free NAS for 3d Point Cloud Processing
* Trajectory Guided Robust Visual Object Tracking With Selective Remedy
* TranSDet: Toward Effective Transfer Learning for Small-Object Detection
* Transformer Based Motion In-betweening
* transformer-based deep neural network for detection and classification of lung cancer via PET/CT images, A
* Transformer-Based Framework for Parameter Learning of a Land Surface Hydrological Process Model, A
* Transformer-based image generation from scene graphs
* Transformer-based Model for Preoperative Early Recurrence Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Muti-modality Mri, A
* Transport Path and Vertical Structure of Dust Storms in East Asia and the Impacts on Cities in Northern China, The
* Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Through Virtual Reality-based Body Exposure and Reduction of Attentional Bias
* Tree Species Diversity Mapping: Success Stories and Possible Ways Forward
* Tree-Structured Data Clustering-Driven Neural Network for Intra Prediction in Video Coding
* Trends of Grassland Resilience under Climate Change and Human Activities on the Mongolian Plateau
* Trimix: A General Framework for Medical Image Segmentation from Limited Supervision
* Triple Collocation of Ground-, Satellite- and Land Surface Model-Based Surface Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma Part II: New Multi-Sensor Soil Moisture (MSSM) Product
* Triplet teaching graph contrastive networks with self-evolving adaptive augmentation
* Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Contrastive Representation Learning
* Truncated attention-aware proposal networks with multi-scale dilation for temporal action detection
* Trust-Region Adaptive Frequency for Online Continual Learning
* TSDN: Two-Stage Raw Denoising in the Dark
* TSVR-Net: An End-to-End Ground-Penetrating Radar Images Registration and Location Network
* Tube-Embedded Transformer for Pixel Prediction
* Tucker Decomposition Based on a Tensor Train of Coupled and Constrained CP Cores
* Two Decades of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Surroundings Revealed through GRACE/GRACE-FO
* Two Video Data Sets for Tracking and Retrieval of Out of Distribution Objects
* Two-Person Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition
* Two-Stage Alignments Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Time Series Data
* Two-stage Multimodality Fusion for High-performance Text-based Visual Question Answering
* UAS-Borne Radar for Autonomous Navigation and Surveillance Applications
* UAV-Based Computer Vision System for Orchard Apple Tree Detection and Health Assessment
* UAV-Based Disease Detection in Palm Groves of Phoenix canariensis Using Machine Learning and Multispectral Imagery
* UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging for River Algae Pigment Estimation
* UAV-Based Terrain Modeling in Low-Vegetation Areas: A Framework Based on Multiscale Elevation Variation Coefficients
* UHD Underwater Image Enhancement via Frequency-spatial Domain Aware Network
* UI Design Recommendations for Multimodal XR Interfaces Using a Collaborative System
* Uncertainty Evaluation on Temperature Detection of Middle Atmosphere by Rayleigh Lidar
* Uncertainty of CYGNSS-Derived Heat Flux Variations at Diurnal to Seasonal Time Scales over the Tropical Oceans
* Uncertainty of SNO Cross-Calibration for Satellite Infrared Channels, The
* Uncertainty-Aware Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Re-Identification
* Uncertainty-Aware Graph-Guided Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Uncertainty-based Thin Cloud Removal Network via Conditional Variational Autoencoders
* Understanding Spatial-Temporal Interactions of Ecosystem Services and Their Drivers in a Multi-Scale Perspective of Miluo Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Understanding the Challenges When 3D Semantic Segmentation Faces Class Imbalanced and OOD Data
* Understanding the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Land Subsidence and Rebound in the Lianjiang Plain Using Time-Series InSAR with Dual-Track Sentinel-1 Data
* Understanding Tumor Micro Environment Using Graph Theory
* Uneven Bi-Classifier Learning for Domain Adaptation
* Unification of a Global Height System at the Centimeter-Level Using Precise Clock Frequency Signal Links
* Unified Energy-based Generative Network for Supervised Image Hashing
* Universal Demosaicking for Interpolation-Friendly RGBW Color Filter Arrays
* Unlocking the Potential of Data Augmentation in Contrastive Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Unlocking the Potential of Remote Sensing in Wind Erosion Studies: A Review and Outlook for Future Directions
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Perspective Small Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv5
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Search and Rescue: A Survey
* Unreliability-aware Disentangling for Cross-domain Semi-supervised Pedestrian Detection
* Unsupervised 3D Pose Transfer With Cross Consistency and Dual Reconstruction
* Unsupervised 3d Shape Representation Learning Using Normalizing Flow
* Unsupervised Deep Exemplar Colorization via Pyramid Dual Non-Local Attention
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation via cross-region alignment
* Unsupervised Hashing Retrieval via Efficient Correlation Distillation
* Unsupervised Learning of Graph Matching With Mixture of Modes via Discrepancy Minimization
* Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffraction Information in Frequency Domain
* Unsupervised Machine Learning for GNSS Reflectometry Inland Water Body Detection
* Unsupervised Online Hashing with Multi-bit Quantization
* Unsupervised real image super-resolution via knowledge distillation network
* Unsupervised soft-to-hard hashing with contrastive learning
* Unveiling Air Pollution in Crimean Mountain Rivers: Analysis of Sentinel-5 Satellite Images Using Google Earth Engine (GEE)
* Upper Bounds of Cellular Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Latency for Platoon-Based Autonomous Driving, The
* Urban Flood Dynamic Risk Assessment Based on Typhoon Rainfall Process: A Case Study of Typhoon Lupit (2109) in Fuzhou, China
* Urban Flood Risk Assessment through the Integration of Natural and Human Resilience Based on Machine Learning Models
* URS: A Light-Weight Segmentation Model for Train Wheelset Monitoring
* Usability Enhanced Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Data Hiding for JPEG Images
* Use of ICTs to Support Social Participation in the Planning, Design and Maintenance of Public Spaces in Latin America, The
* Use of Landsat Satellite Images in the Assessment of the Variability in Ice Cover on Polish Lakes
* User-Relevant Land Cover Products for Informed Decision-Making in the Complex Terrain of the Peruvian Andes
* Using Enhanced Gap-Filling and Whittaker Smoothing to Reconstruct High Spatiotemporal Resolution NDVI Time Series Based on Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and MODIS Imagery
* Using Mask-Based Enhancement and Feature Aggregation for Single Image Deraining
* Using NDT Data to Assess the Effect of Pavement Thickness Variability on Ride Quality
* Using Robust Regression to Retrieve Soil Moisture from CyGNSS Data
* Using Voting-Based Ensemble Classifiers to Map Invasive Phragmites australis
* Utb180: A High-quality Benchmark for Underwater Tracking
* Utilization of synthetic minority oversampling technique for improving potato yield prediction using remote sensing data and machine learning algorithms with small sample size of yield data
* Uto Observatory for Analysing Atmospheric Ducting Events over Baltic Coastal and Marine Waters
* Validation of Landsat-9 and Landsat-8 Surface Temperature and Reflectance during the Underfly Event
* validation study of a fixed-based, medium fidelity driving simulator for human-machine interfaces visual distraction testing, A
* Variable-Rate Image Compression Based on Side Information Compensation and R-lambda Model Rate Control
* Variation of Aerosol Optical Properties over Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Based on 10 Years of AERONET Data and MODIS MAIAC AOD Product
* Variational Approach to the Flow of Sobolev-Diffeomorphisms Model, The
* Variational Nested Dropout
* Variations of Remote-Sensed Forel-Ule Index in the Bohai and Yellow Seas during 1997-2019
* Vectorizing Building Blueprints
* Vegetation Subtype Classification of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in Mountainous Areas Using a Hierarchy-Based Classifier
* Vegetation Types Variations to the South of Ngoring Lake from 2013 to 2020, Analyzed by Hyperspectral Imaging
* Vehicle Target Detection Method for Wide-Area SAR Images Based on Coarse-Grained Judgment and Fine-Grained Detection
* Verification of Geographic Laws Hidden in Textual Space and Analysis of Spatial Interaction Patterns of Information Flow
* Video-to-Music Recommendation Using Temporal Alignment of Segments
* View Birdification in the Crowd: Ground-Plane Localization from Perceived Movements
* Virtual Construction Simulation: Evaluating Impact of Immersion and Interactivity on Novice Designers
* Virtual Reality Immersion: Enhancing Physician Communication to Promote Ethical Behavior at the Bedside
* Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Using Deep Learning
* Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Diurnal Variation Calibration for Corn Phenotyping Using Remote Sensing
* Vision Transformer Compression and Architecture Exploration with Efficient Embedding Space Search
* Vision-Aided Hyperspectral Full-Waveform LiDAR System to Improve Detection Efficiency
* Visual Attention in Extended Reality and Implications for Aviation Safety
* Visual Explanation Generation Based on Lambda Attention Branch Networks
* Visual Explanations for Exposing Potential Inconsistency of Deepfakes
* Visual Footsteps Planning System for Exoskeleton Robots Under Complex Terrain, The
* Visual Servoing of Rigid-Link Flexible-Joint Manipulators in the Presence of Unknown Camera Parameters and Boundary Output
* Voice Conversion Using Learnable Similarity-guided Masked Autoencoder
* VR Office Applying Modern Search and Filter Concepts for Knowledge Workers, A
* VR2Gather: A Collaborative, Social Virtual Reality System for Adaptive, Multiparty Real-Time Communication
* Vulnerable Road User Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using a Data-Driven Integrated Approach
* Wasserstein Gradient Flows of the Discrepancy with Distance Kernel on the Line
* Watch and Act: Learning Robotic Manipulation From Visual Demonstration
* We Need to Communicate: Communicating Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Weakly Supervised Forest Fire Segmentation in UAV Imagery Based on Foreground-Aware Pooling and Context-Aware Loss
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Spatial Reasoning for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* Weakly-supervised Approach for Layout Analysis in Music Score Images, A
* Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation with Dynamic Weight Loss
* Weighted Contrastive Hashing
* Weighted Undirected Similarity Network Construction and Application for Nonlinear Time Series Detection
* Wetland Mapping in Great Lakes Using Sentinel-1/2 Time-Series Imagery and DEM Data in Google Earth Engine
* What Makes First Steps Users Rave About Virtual Reality? An Explorative Qualitative Study of Consumers' First VR Experience
* What Role Does Data Augmentation Play in Knowledge Distillation?
* When Convolutional Neural Networks Meet Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: End-to-End Quantitative Analysis Modeling of ChemCam Spectral Data for Major Elements Based on Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks
* When Object Detection Meets Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
* Whether and how congested is a road? Indices, updating strategy and a vision-based detection framework
* Winter Wheat Drought Risk Assessment by Coupling Improved Moisture-Sensitive Crop Model and Gridded Vulnerability Curve
* Worst-Case Integrity Risk Sensitivity for RAIM with Constellation Modernization
* Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning With Knowledge Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey
* ß-Random Walk: Collaborative sampling and weighting mechanisms based on a single parameter for node embeddings
1947 for 2307

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Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.