Flood Analysis, Flood Mapping, Flood Monitoring

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Flood Analysis.
See also SAR and Radar for Flood Analysis, Flood Mapping, Flood Monitoring. Damage Analysis
See also Flood Damage Analysis, Impacts, Economic. Risk analysis:
See also Flood Risk Analysis, Flood Hazard Assessment, Susceptibility. Coast, tide specific:
See also Coastal, Tidal Flood Analysis, Storm Surge.
See also Land Cover Analysis, Water Detection, Water Areas, Water Body.
See also Hydrological Analysis, Hydrological Modeling.
See also Floodplains, Riverside.

Asante, K.O., Macuacua, R.D., Artan, G.A., Lietzow, R.W., Verdin, J.P.,
Developing a Flood Monitoring System From Remotely Sensed Data for the Limpopo Basin,
GeoRS(45), No. 6, June 2007, pp. 1709-1714.

Khatami, R., Mountrakis, G.,
Implications of Classification of Methodological Decisions in Flooding Analysis from Hurricane Katrina,
RS(4), No. 12, December 2012, pp. 3877-3891.
DOI Link 1211

Faruolo, M., Coviello, I., Lacava, T., Pergola, N.[Nicola], Tramutoli, V.[Valerio],
A Multi-Sensor Exportable Approach for Automatic Flooded Areas Detection and Monitoring by a Composite Satellite Constellation,
GeoRS(51), No. 4, April 2013, pp. 2136-2149.

Millán, V.E.G.[Virginia Elena García], Teuwsen, S.[Sebastian], Pakzad, K.[Kian],
GMES4Mining: Description of a Flooding Process in Mining Areas using spectral Indices on multi-temporal Landsat Imagery,
PFG(2013), No. 5, 2013, pp. 427-436.
DOI Link 1310

Diakakis, M.[Michalis], Pallikarakis, A.[Aggelos], Katsetsiadou, K.[Katerina],
Using a Spatio-Temporal GIS Database to Monitor the Spatial Evolution of Urban Flooding Phenomena. The Case of Athens Metropolitan Area in Greece,
IJGI(3), No. 1, 2014, pp. 96-109.
DOI Link 1402

Khan, S.I.[Sadiq I.], Hong, Y.[Yang], Gourley, J.J.[Jonathan J.], Khattak, M.U.[Muhammad Umar], de Groeve, T.[Tom],
Multi-Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for 2010 Flood along Indus River, Pakistan,
RS(6), No. 3, 2014, pp. 2393-2407.
DOI Link 1404

Ticehurst, C.[Catherine], Guerschman, J.P.[Juan Pablo], Chen, Y.[Yun],
The Strengths and Limitations in Using the Daily MODIS Open Water Likelihood Algorithm for Identifying Flood Events,
RS(6), No. 12, 2014, pp. 11791-11809.
DOI Link 1412

Li, L.[Linyi], Chen, Y.[Yun], Yu, X.[Xin], Liu, R.[Rui], Huang, C.[Chang],
Sub-pixel flood inundation mapping from multispectral remotely sensed images based on discrete particle swarm optimization,
PandRS(101), No. 1, 2015, pp. 10-21.
Elsevier DOI 1503
Flood inundation BibRef

Ireland, G.[Gareth], Volpi, M.[Michele], Petropoulos, G.P.[George P.],
Examining the Capability of Supervised Machine Learning Classifiers in Extracting Flooded Areas from Landsat TM Imagery: A Case Study from a Mediterranean Flood,
RS(7), No. 3, 2015, pp. 3372-3399.
DOI Link 1504

Zhang, P.[Peng], Lu, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong], Feng, L.[Lian], Chen, X.L.[Xiao-Ling], Zhang, L.[Li], Xiao, X.W.[Xiong-Wu], Liu, H.G.[Hong-Gao],
Hydrodynamic and Inundation Modeling of China's Largest Freshwater Lake Aided by Remote Sensing Data,
RS(7), No. 4, 2015, pp. 4858-4879.
DOI Link 1505

Dao, P.D.[Phuong D.], Liou, Y.A.[Yuei-An],
Object-Based Flood Mapping and Affected Rice Field Estimation with Landsat 8 OLI and MODIS Data,
RS(7), No. 5, 2015, pp. 5077-5097.
DOI Link 1506

Chen, N.C.[Neng-Cheng], Du, W.Y.[Wen-Ying], Song, F.[Fan], Chen, Z.Q.[Ze-Qiang],
FLCNDEMF: An Event Metamodel for Flood Process Information Management under the Sensor Web Environment,
RS(7), No. 6, 2015, pp. 7231.
DOI Link 1507

Xiao, C.J.[Chang-Jiang], Chen, N.C.[Neng-Cheng], Wang, X.L.[Xiao-Lei], Chen, Z.Q.[Ze-Qiang],
A Semantic Registry Method Using Sensor Metadata Ontology to Manage Heterogeneous Sensor Information in the Geospatial Sensor Web,
IJGI(5), No. 5, 2016, pp. 63.
DOI Link 1606

Wang, C.[Chao], Chen, N.C.[Neng-Cheng], Wang, W.[Wei], Chen, Z.Q.[Ze-Qiang],
A Hydrological Sensor Web Ontology Based on the SSN Ontology: A Case Study for a Flood,
IJGI(7), No. 1, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1801

Hu, Y.X.[Yan-Xia], Huang, J.L.[Jin-Liang], Du, Y.[Yun], Han, P.P.[Peng-Peng], Huang, W.[Wei],
Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flood Regimes and Their Relation to Wetland Landscape Patterns in Dongting Lake from MODIS Time-Series Imagery,
RS(7), No. 6, 2015, pp. 7494.
DOI Link 1507

Kuenzer, C.[Claudia], Klein, I.[Igor], Ullmann, T.[Tobias], Georgiou, E.F.[Efi Foufoula], Baumhauer, R.[Roland], Dech, S.[Stefan],
Remote Sensing of River Delta Inundation: Exploiting the Potential of Coarse Spatial Resolution, Temporally-Dense MODIS Time Series,
RS(7), No. 7, 2015, pp. 8516.
DOI Link 1506

Chignell, S.M.[Stephen M.], Anderson, R.S.[Ryan S.], Evangelista, P.H.[Paul H.], Laituri, M.J.[Melinda J.], Merritt, D.M.[David M.],
Multi-Temporal Independent Component Analysis and Landsat 8 for Delineating Maximum Extent of the 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 9822.
DOI Link 1509

Chen, N.C.[Neng-Cheng], Zhou, L.J.[Lian-Jie], Chen, Z.Q.[Ze-Qiang],
A Sharable and Efficient Metadata Model for Heterogeneous Earth Observation Data Retrieval in Multi-Scale Flood Mapping,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 9610.
DOI Link 1509

Byun, Y.G.[Young-Gi], Han, Y.K.[You-Kyung], Chae, T.[Taebyeong],
Image Fusion-Based Change Detection for Flood Extent Extraction Using Bi-Temporal Very High-Resolution Satellite Images,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 10347.
DOI Link 1509

Feng, Q.L.[Quan-Long], Gong, J.H.[Jian-Hua], Liu, J.T.[Jian-Tao], Li, Y.[Yi],
Flood Mapping Based on Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and Random Forest Classifier: The Case of Yuyao, China,
RS(7), No. 9, 2015, pp. 12539.
DOI Link 1511

See also UAV Remote Sensing for Urban Vegetation Mapping Using Random Forest and Texture Analysis. BibRef

Giustarini, L.[Laura], Chini, M.[Marco], Hostache, R.[Renaud], Pappenberger, F.[Florian], Matgen, P.[Patrick],
Flood Hazard Mapping Combining Hydrodynamic Modeling and Multi Annual Remote Sensing data,
RS(7), No. 10, 2015, pp. 14200.
DOI Link 1511

Gomes, T.L.[Thiago L.], Magalhães, S.V.G.[Salles V. G.], Andrade, M.V.A.[Marcus V. A.], Franklin, W.R.[W. Randolph], Pena, G.C.[Guilherme C.],
Efficiently computing the drainage network on massive terrains using external memory flooding process,
GeoInfo(19), No. 4, October 2015, pp. 671-692.
Springer DOI 1511

Jongman, B.[Brenden], Wagemaker, J.[Jurjen], Romero, B.R.[Beatriz Revilla], de Perez, E.C.[Erin Coughlan],
Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals,
IJGI(4), No. 4, 2015, pp. 2246.
DOI Link 1511

Reager, J.T.[John T.], Thomas, A.C.[Alys C.], Sproles, E.A.[Eric A.], Rodell, M.[Matthew], Beaudoing, H.K.[Hiroko K.], Li, B.L.[Bai-Ling], Famiglietti, J.S.[James S.],
Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations into a Land Surface Model for the Assessment of Regional Flood Potential,
RS(7), No. 11, 2015, pp. 14663.
DOI Link 1512

Malinowski, R.[Radoslaw], Groom, G.[Geoff], Schwanghart, W.[Wolfgang], Heckrath, G.[Goswin],
Detection and Delineation of Localized Flooding from WorldView-2 Multispectral Data,
RS(7), No. 11, 2015, pp. 14853.
DOI Link 1512

Revilla-Romero, B.[Beatriz], Hirpa, F.A.[Feyera A.], del Pozo, J.T.[Jutta Thielen], Salamon, P.[Peter], Brakenridge, R.[Robert], Pappenberger, F.[Florian], de Groeve, T.[Tom],
On the Use of Global Flood Forecasts and Satellite-Derived Inundation Maps for Flood Monitoring in Data-Sparse Regions,
RS(7), No. 11, 2015, pp. 15702.
DOI Link 1512

Wu, G.P.[Gui-Ping], Liu, Y.B.[Yuan-Bo],
Downscaling Surface Water Inundation from Coarse Data to Fine-Scale Resolution: Methodology and Accuracy Assessment,
RS(7), No. 12, 2015, pp. 15813.
DOI Link 1601

Boergens, E.[Eva], Dettmering, D.[Denise], Schwatke, C.[Christian], Seitz, F.[Florian],
Treating the Hooking Effect in Satellite Altimetry Data: A Case Study along the Mekong River and Its Tributaries,
RS(8), No. 2, 2016, pp. 91.
DOI Link 1603
Water level time series estimation using altimetry. BibRef

Zander, F.[Franziska], Kralisch, S.[Sven],
River Basin Information System: Open Environmental Data Management for Research and Decision Making,
IJGI(5), No. 7, 2016, pp. 123.
DOI Link 1608

Li, L.Y.[Lin-Yi], Xu, T.B.[Ting-Bao], Chen, Y.[Yun],
Improved Urban Flooding Mapping from Remote Sensing Images Using Generalized Regression Neural Network-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm,
RS(8), No. 8, 2016, pp. 625.
DOI Link 1609

Díaz-Delgado, R.[Ricardo], Aragonés, D.[David], Afán, I.[Isabel], Bustamante, J.[Javier],
Long-Term Monitoring of the Flooding Regime and Hydroperiod of Doñana Marshes with Landsat Time Series (1974-2014),
RS(8), No. 9, 2016, pp. 775.
DOI Link 1610

Tamari, S.[Serge], Guerrero-Meza, V.[Vicente],
Flash Flood Monitoring with an Inclined Lidar Installed at a River Bank: Proof of Concept,
RS(8), No. 10, 2016, pp. 834.
DOI Link 1609

Schinke, R.[Reinhard], Kaidel, A.[Anna], Golz, S.[Sebastian], Naumann, T.[Thomas], López-Gutiérrez, J.S.[José Santos], Garvin, S.[Stephen],
Analysing the Effects of Flood-Resilience Technologies in Urban Areas Using a Synthetic Model Approach,
IJGI(5), No. 11, 2016, pp. 202.
DOI Link 1612

Singh, A.[Akansha], Singh, K.K.[Krishna Kant],
Satellite image classification using Genetic Algorithm trained radial basis function neural network, application to the detection of flooded areas,
JVCIR(42), No. 1, 2017, pp. 173-182.
Elsevier DOI 1701
Radial basis function BibRef

Xia, H.M.[Hao-Ming], Zhao, W.[Wei], Li, A.[Ainong], Bian, J.H.[Jin-Hu], Zhang, Z.J.[Zheng-Jian],
Subpixel Inundation Mapping Using Landsat-8 OLI and UAV Data for a Wetland Region on the Zoige Plateau, China,
RS(9), No. 1, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1702

Olthof, I.[Ian],
Mapping Seasonal Inundation Frequency (1985-2016) along the St-John River, New Brunswick, Canada using the Landsat Archive,
RS(9), No. 2, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1703

Langhammer, J.[Jakub], Lendzioch, T.[Theodora], Mirijovský, J.[Jakub], Hartvich, F.[Filip],
UAV-Based Optical Granulometry as Tool for Detecting Changes in Structure of Flood Depositions,
RS(9), No. 3, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1704

Ban, H.J.[Hyun-Ju], Kwon, Y.J.[Young-Joo], Shin, H.[Hayan], Ryu, H.S.[Han-Sol], Hong, S.[Sungwook],
Flood Monitoring Using Satellite-Based RGB Composite Imagery and Refractive Index Retrieval in Visible and Near-Infrared Bands,
RS(9), No. 4, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1705

Liu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yi], Sahli, H.[Hichem], Meng, Y.[Yu], Huang, Q.Q.[Qing-Qing], Lin, L.[Lei],
Flood Inundation Mapping from Optical Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Context Learning and Modest AdaBoost,
RS(9), No. 6, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1706

Mao, J.[Jian], Wang, S.D.[Shan-Dong], Ni, J.H.[Jian-Hua], Xi, C.B.[Chang-Bai], Wang, J.C.[Jie-Chen],
Management System for Dam-Break Hazard Mapping in a Complex Basin Environment,
IJGI(6), No. 6, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1706

Bohorquez, P.[Patricio], del Moral-Erencia, J.D.[José David],
100 Years of Competition between Reduction in Channel Capacity and Streamflow during Floods in the Guadalquivir River (Southern Spain),
RS(9), No. 7, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1708

Horkaew, P.[Paramate], Puttinaovarat, S.[Supattra],
Entropy-Based Fusion of Water Indices and DSM Derivatives for Automatic Water Surfaces Extraction and Flood Monitoring,
IJGI(6), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1710

Sun, Z.L.[Zhang-Li], Zhu, X.F.[Xiu-Fang], Pan, Y.Z.[Yao-Zhong], Zhang, J.S.[Jin-Shui],
Assessing Terrestrial Water Storage and Flood Potential Using GRACE Data in the Yangtze River Basin, China,
RS(9), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1711

Zhou, H.[Hao], Luo, Z.C.[Zhi-Cai], Tangdamrongsub, N.[Natthachet], Wang, L.[Lunche], He, L.J.[Li-Jie], Xu, C.[Chuang], Li, Q.[Qiong],
Characterizing Drought and Flood Events over the Yangtze River Basin Using the HUST-Grace2016 Solution and Ancillary Data,
RS(9), No. 11, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1712

Zhou, H.[Hao], Luo, Z.C.[Zhi-Cai], Tangdamrongsub, N.[Natthachet], Zhou, Z.B.[Ze-Bing], He, L.J.[Li-Jie], Xu, C.[Chuang], Li, Q.[Qiong], Wu, Y.L.[Yun-Long],
Identifying Flood Events over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations, Hydrological Models and In Situ Data,
RS(10), No. 5, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Liu, S.[Sulan], Wu, Y.L.[Yun-Long], Xu, G.D.[Guo-Dong], Cheng, S.[Siyu], Zhong, Y.L.[Yu-Long], Zhang, Y.[Yi],
Characterizing the 2022 Extreme Drought Event over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations and In Situ Data,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5125.
DOI Link 2311

Feng, Y.[Yu], Sester, M.[Monika],
Extraction of Pluvial Flood Relevant Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) by Deep Learning from User Generated Texts and Photos,
IJGI(7), No. 2, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1802

Yang, C.[Chao], Luo, J.[Jin], Hu, C.L.[Chu-Li], Tian, L.[Lu], Li, J.[Jie], Wang, K.[Ke],
An Observation Task Chain Representation Model for Disaster Process-Oriented Remote Sensing Satellite Sensor Planning: A Flood Water Monitoring Application,
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DOI Link 1804

Yi, L.[Lu], Zhang, W.C.[Wan-Chang], Wang, K.[Kai],
Evaluation of Heavy Precipitation Simulated by the WRF Model Using 4D-Var Data Assimilation with TRMM 3B42 and GPM IMERG over the Huaihe River Basin, China,
RS(10), No. 4, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1805

Martinis, S.[Sandro], Plank, S.[Simon], Cwik, K.[Kamila],
The Use of Sentinel-1 Time-Series Data to Improve Flood Monitoring in Arid Areas,
RS(10), No. 4, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1805

Li, X.H.[Xiao-Hui], Han, G.Q.[Guo-Qi], Yang, J.S.[Jing-Song], Chen, D.[Dake], Zheng, G.[Gang], Chen, N.[Nan],
Using Satellite Altimetry to Calibrate the Simulation of Typhoon Seth Storm Surge off Southeast China,
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Li, J.G.[Jia-Guang], Yang, X.C.[Xiu-Cheng], Maffei, C.[Carmine], Tooth, S.[Stephen], Yao, G.Q.[Guang-Qing],
Applying Independent Component Analysis on Sentinel-2 Imagery to Characterize Geomorphological Responses to an Extreme Flood Event near the Non-Vegetated Río Colorado Terminus, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia,
RS(10), No. 5, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Kordelas, G.A.[Georgios A.], Manakos, I.[Ioannis], Aragonés, D.[David], Díaz-Delgado, R.[Ricardo], Bustamante, J.[Javier],
Fast and Automatic Data-Driven Thresholding for Inundation Mapping with Sentinel-2 Data,
RS(10), No. 6, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Lim, J.B.[Joong-Bin], Lee, K.S.[Kyoo-Seock],
Flood Mapping Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data and Logistic Regression in the Heterogeneous Mountainous Regions in North Korea,
RS(10), No. 7, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1808

Huang, X., Wang, C., Li, Z.,
Reconstructing Flood Inundation Probability by Enhancing Near Real-Time Imagery With Real-Time Gauges and Tweets,
GeoRS(56), No. 8, August 2018, pp. 4691-4701.
data acquisition, floods, hydrological techniques, probability, remote sensing, enhancing near real-time imagery, remote sensing BibRef

Goldberg, M.D.[Mitchell D.], Li, S.[Sanmei], Goodman, S.[Steven], Lindsey, D.[Dan], Sjoberg, B.[Bill], Sun, D.L.[Dong-Lian],
Contributions of Operational Satellites in Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricane Harvey,
RS(10), No. 8, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1809

Tsyganskaya, V.[Viktoriya], Martinis, S.[Sandro], Marzahn, P.[Philip], Ludwig, R.[Ralf],
Detection of Temporary Flooded Vegetation Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Data,
RS(10), No. 8, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1809

Casado, M.R.[Monica Rivas], Irvine, T.[Tracy], Johnson, S.[Sarah], Palma, M.[Marco], Leinster, P.[Paul],
The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Estimate Direct Tangible Losses to Residential Properties from Flood Events: A Case Study of Cockermouth Following the Desmond Storm,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1811

Zazo, S.[Santiago], Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, P.[Pablo], Molina, J.L.[José-Luis], González-Aguilera, D.[Diego], Agudelo-Ruiz, C.A.[Carlos Andrés], Hernández-López, D.[David],
Flood Hazard Assessment Supported by Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetry,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
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Notti, D.[Davide], Giordan, D.[Daniele], Caló, F.[Fabiana], Pepe, A.[Antonio], Zucca, F.[Francesco], Galve, J.P.[Jorge Pedro],
Potential and Limitations of Open Satellite Data for Flood Mapping,
RS(10), No. 11, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1812

Wang, Y.Q.[Ye-Qiao], Yésou, H.[Hervé],
Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands: A Challenging Frontier in the Monitoring of Changing Environments,
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DOI Link 1901

Liu, J.[Jie], Xu, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Chen, F.[Fulong], Chen, F.[Fang], Zhang, L.[Lu],
Flood Hazard Mapping and Assessment on the Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia,
RS(11), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Wang, Y.[Yi], Hong, H.Y.[Hao-Yuan], Chen, W.[Wei], Li, S.J.[Shao-Jun], Pamucar, D.[Dragan], Gigovic, L.[Ljubomir], Drobnjak, S.[Siniša], Bui, D.T.[Dieu Tien], Duan, H.[Hexiang],
A Hybrid GIS Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping at Shangyou, China,
RS(11), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Gigovic, L.[Ljubomir], Drobnjak, S.[Siniša], Pamucar, D.[Dragan],
The Application of the Hybrid GIS Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Best-Worst Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping,
IJGI(8), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Zaji, A.H., Bonakdari, H., Gharabaghi, B.,
Applying Upstream Satellite Signals and a 2-D Error Minimization Algorithm to Advance Early Warning and Management of Flood Water Levels and River Discharge,
GeoRS(57), No. 2, February 2019, pp. 902-910.
Rivers, Satellites, Discharges (electric), Input variables, Satellite broadcasting, Forecasting, Fault diagnosis, remote sensing BibRef

Rahman, M.S.[M. Shahinoor], Di, L.P.[Li-Ping], Yu, E.[Eugene], Lin, L.[Li], Zhang, C.[Chen], Tang, J.[Junmei],
Rapid Flood Progress Monitoring in Cropland with NASA SMAP,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Lin, L.[Li], Di, L.P.[Li-Ping], Tang, J.[Junmei], Yu, E.[Eugene], Zhang, C.[Chen], Rahman, M.S.[Md. Shahinoor], Shrestha, R.[Ranjay], Kang, L.J.[Ling-Jun],
Improvement and Validation of NASA/MODIS NRT Global Flood Mapping,
RS(11), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1902

Jiang, J.C.[Jing-Chao], Liu, J.Z.[Jun-Zhi], Cheng, C.X.[Chang-Xiu], Huang, J.Z.[Jing-Zhou], Xue, A.[Anke],
Automatic Estimation of Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Based on Ubiquitous Reference Objects,
RS(11), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Jiang, J.C.[Jing-Chao], Qin, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi], Yu, J.[Juan], Cheng, C.X.[Chang-Xiu], Liu, J.Z.[Jun-Zhi], Huang, J.Z.[Jing-Zhou],
Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Using Synthetic Image Data,
RS(12), No. 6, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2003

Lacava, T.[Teodosio], Ciancia, E.[Emanuele], Faruolo, M.[Mariapia], Pergola, N.[Nicola], Satriano, V.[Valeria], Tramutoli, V.[Valerio],
On the Potential of RST-FLOOD on Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Data for Flooded Areas Detection,
RS(11), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Bhattacharya, B.[Biswa], Mazzoleni, M.[Maurizio], Ugay, R.[Reyne],
Flood Inundation Mapping of the Sparsely Gauged Large-Scale Brahmaputra Basin Using Remote Sensing Products,
RS(11), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Jawad, M.[Muhammad], Bhattacharya, B.[Biswa], Young, A.[Adele], van Andel, S.J.[Schalk Jan],
Evaluation of Near Real-Time Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modelling and Flood Inundation Mapping of Sparsely Gauged Large Transboundary Basins: A Case Study of the Brahmaputra Basin,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1756.
DOI Link 2405

Jacquinod, F.[Florence], Bonaccorsi, J.[Julia],
Studying Social Uses of 3D Geovisualizations: Lessons Learned from Action-Research Projects in the Field of Flood Mitigation Planning,
IJGI(8), No. 2, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Jones, J.W.[John W.],
Improved Automated Detection of Subpixel-Scale Inundation: Revised Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) Partial Surface Water Tests,
RS(11), No. 4, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Ahmad, K.[Kashif], Pogorelov, K.[Konstantin], Riegler, M.[Michael], Ostroukhova, O.[Olga], Halvorsen, P.[Pål], Conci, N.[Nicola], Dahyot, R.[Rozenn],
Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data,
SP:IC(74), 2019, pp. 110-118.
Elsevier DOI 1904
Flood detection, Convolutional neural networks, Natural disasters, Social media, Satellite imagery, Multimedia indexing and retrieval BibRef

Wan, W.[Wei], Liu, B.J.[Bao-Jian], Zeng, Z.Y.[Zi-Yue], Chen, X.[Xi], Wu, G.P.[Gui-Ping], Xu, L.W.[Li-Wen], Chen, X.W.[Xiu-Wan], Hong, Y.[Yang],
Using CYGNSS Data to Monitor China's Flood Inundation during Typhoon and Extreme Precipitation Events in 2017,
RS(11), No. 7, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1904

Zou, F.[Fang], Tenzer, R.[Robert], Jin, S.G.[Shuang-Gen],
Water Storage Variations in Tibet from GRACE, ICESat, and Hydrological Data,
RS(11), No. 9, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1905

Hadimlioglu, I.A.[I. Alihan], King, S.A.[Scott A.],
Visualization of Flooding Using Adaptive Spatial Resolution,
IJGI(8), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Wang, Y.[Yanmei], Zhang, C.C.[Cheng-Cai], Zhang, Y.S.[Yi-Sheng], Huang, H.[He], Feng, L.T.[Ling-Tong],
Obtaining Land Cover Type for Urban Storm Flood Model in UAV Images Using MRF and MKFCM Clustering Techniques,
IJGI(8), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Hoang, T.V.[Thanh Van], Chou, T.Y.[Tien Yin], Nguyen, N.T.[Ngoc Thach], Fang, Y.M.[Yao Min], Yeh, M.L.[Mei Ling], Nguyen, Q.H.[Quoc Huy], Nguyen, X.L.[Xuan Linh],
A Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam,
IJGI(8), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Oliveira, E.R.[Eduardo R.], Disperati, L.[Leonardo], Cenci, L.[Luca], Pereira, L.G.[Luísa Gomes], Alves, F.L.[Fátima L.],
Multi-Index Image Differencing Method (MINDED) for Flood Extent Estimations,
RS(11), No. 11, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1906

Bui, D.T.[Duie Tien], Khosravi, K.[Khabat], Shahabi, H.[Himan], Daggupati, P.[Prasad], Adamowski, J.F.[Jan F.], Melesse, A.M.[Assefa M.], Pham, B.T.[Binh Thai], Pourghasemi, H.R.[Hamid Reza], Mahmoudi, M.[Mehrnoosh], Bahrami, S.[Sepideh], Pradhan, B.[Biswajeet], Shirzadi, A.[Ataollah], Chapi, K.[Kamran], Lee, S.[Saro],
Flood Spatial Modeling in Northern Iran Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Comparison between Evidential Belief Functions and Its Ensemble with a Multivariate Logistic Regression Model,
RS(11), No. 13, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
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Albano, R.[Raffaele], Mancusi, L.[Leonardo], Adamowski, J.[Jan], Cantisani, A.[Andrea], Sole, A.[Aurelia],
A GIS Tool for Mapping Dam-Break Flood Hazards in Italy,
IJGI(8), No. 6, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1908

Xiong, J.N.[Jun-Nan], Li, J.[Jin], Cheng, W.M.[Wei-Ming], Wang, N.[Nan], Guo, L.[Liang],
A GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China,
IJGI(8), No. 7, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1908

Debusscher, B.[Bos], van Coillie, F.[Frieke],
Object-Based Flood Analysis Using a Graph-Based Representation,
RS(11), No. 16, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

See also Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: Towards a New Paradigm. BibRef

She, S.Y.[Shi-Ying], Zhong, H.Y.[Hao-Yu], Fang, Z.X.[Zhi-Xiang], Zheng, M.[Meng], Zhou, Y.[Yan],
Extracting Flooded Roads by Fusing GPS Trajectories and Road Network,
IJGI(8), No. 9, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Eivazy, H.[Hooshang], Malek, M.R.[Mohammad Reza],
Flood Management in Aqala through an Agent-Based Solution and Crowdsourcing Services in an Enterprise Geospatial Information System,
IJGI(8), No. 9, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Heritage, G.[George], Entwistle, N.[Neil],
Drone Based Quantification of Channel Response to an Extreme Flood for a Piedmont Stream,
RS(11), No. 17, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Wieland, M.[Marc], Martinis, S.[Sandro],
A Modular Processing Chain for Automated Flood Monitoring from Multi-Spectral Satellite Data,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Sarker, C.[Chandrama], Mejias, L.[Luis], Maire, F.[Frederic], Woodley, A.[Alan],
Flood Mapping with Convolutional Neural Networks Using Spatio-Contextual Pixel Information,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Moya, L.[Luis], Endo, Y.[Yukio], Okada, G.[Genki], Koshimura, S.[Shunichi], Mas, E.[Erick],
Drawback in the Change Detection Approach: False Detection during the 2018 Western Japan Floods,
RS(11), No. 19, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Kordelas, G.A.[Georgios A.], Manakos, I.[Ioannis], Lefebvre, G.[Gaëtan], Poulin, B.[Brigitte],
Automatic Inundation Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Data Applicable to Both Camargue and Doñana Biosphere Reserves,
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DOI Link 1910

Huang, C.[Chang], Chen, Y.[Yun], Zhang, S.Q.[Shi-Qiang], Li, L.[Linyi], Shui, J.F.[Jun-Feng], Liu, Q.H.[Qi-Hang],
Integrating Water Observation from Space Product and Time-Series Flow Data for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Flood Inundation Dynamics,
RS(11), No. 21, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
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Peng, B.[Bo], Meng, Z.L.[Zong-Lin], Huang, Q.Y.[Qun-Ying], Wang, C.X.[Cai-Xia],
Patch Similarity Convolutional Neural Network for Urban Flood Extent Mapping Using Bi-Temporal Satellite Multispectral Imagery,
RS(11), No. 21, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1911

Munir, B.A.[Bilal Ahmad], Ahmad, S.R.[Sajid Rashid], Hafeez, S.[Sidrah],
Integrated Hazard Modeling for Simulating Torrential Stream Response to Flash Flood Events,
IJGI(9), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Costache, R.[Romulus], Pham, Q.B.[Quoc Bao], Sharifi, E.[Ehsan], Linh, N.T.T.[Nguyen Thi Thuy], Abba, S.I., Vojtek, M.[Matej], Vojteková, J.[Jana], Nhi, P.T.T.[Pham Thi Thao], Khoi, D.N.[Dao Nguyen],
Flash-Flood Susceptibility Assessment Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Machine Learning Supported by Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques,
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Xiong, J.[Junnan], Pang, Q.[Quan], Fan, C.K.[Chun-Kun], Cheng, W.M.[Wei-Ming], Ye, C.C.[Chong-Chong], Zhao, Y.L.[Yun-Liang], He, Y.R.[Yuan-Rong], Cao, Y.F.[Yi-Fan],
Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Driving Force Analysis of Flash Floods in Fujian Province,
IJGI(9), No. 2, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
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Rättich, M.[Michaela], Martinis, S.[Sandro], Wieland, M.[Marc],
Automatic Flood Duration Estimation Based on Multi-Sensor Satellite Data,
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Lin, Y.T.[Yan-Ting], Yang, M.D.[Ming-Der], Han, J.Y.[Jen-Yu], Su, Y.F.[Yuan-Fong], Jang, J.H.[Jiun-Huei],
Quantifying Flood Water Levels Using Image-Based Volunteered Geographic Information,
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Hultquist, C.[Carolynne], Cervone, G.[Guido],
Integration of Crowdsourced Images, USGS Networks, Remote Sensing, and a Model to Assess Flood Depth during Hurricane Florence,
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Inman, V.L.[Victoria L.], Lyons, M.B.[Mitchell B.],
Automated Inundation Mapping Over Large Areas Using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine,
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Laborczi, A.[Annamária], Bozán, C.[Csaba], Körösparti, J.[János], Szatmári, G.[Gábor], Kajári, B.[Balázs], Túri, N.[Norbert], Kerezsi, G.[György], Pásztor, L.[László],
Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessment of Inland Excess Water Hazard,
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Forbes, B.T.[Brandon T.], DeBenedetto, G.P.[Geoffrey P.], Dickinson, J.E.[Jesse E.], Bunch, C.E.[Claire E.], Fitzpatrick, F.A.[Faith A.],
Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Measuring Post-Flood High-Water Marks and Streambed Elevations,
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Performance of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Calculating the Flood Peak Discharge of Ephemeral Rivers Combined with the Incipient Motion of Moving Stones in Arid Ungauged Regions,
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Rapid Change Detection of Flood Affected Area after Collapse of the Laos Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Using Sentinel-1 GRD Data,
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Debusscher, B.[Bos], Landuyt, L.[Lisa], van Coillie, F.[Frieke],
A Visualization Tool for Flood Dynamics Monitoring Using a Graph-Based Approach,
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Zhang, Y.[Ying], Crawford, P.[Peter],
Automated Extraction of Visible Floodwater in Dense Urban Areas from RGB Aerial Photos,
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Moya, L.[Luis], Mas, E.[Erick], Koshimura, S.[Shunichi],
Learning from the 2018 Western Japan Heavy Rains to Detect Floods during the 2019 Hagibis Typhoon,
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Ichim, L.[Loretta], Popescu, D.[Dan],
Segmentation of Vegetation and Flood from Aerial Images Based on Decision Fusion of Neural Networks,
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Islam, K.A.[Kazi Aminul], Uddin, M.S.[Mohammad Shahab], Kwan, C.[Chiman], Li, J.[Jiang],
Flood Detection Using Multi-Modal and Multi-Temporal Images: A Comparative Study,
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Chaudhary, P., d'Aronco, S., Leitão, J.P., Schindler, K., Wegner, J.D.,
Water level prediction from social media images with a multi-task ranking approach,
PandRS(167), 2020, pp. 252-262.
Elsevier DOI 2008
Object detection, Deep learning, Image segmentation, Flood estimation, Learning to rank, Flood detection BibRef

Ohki, M.[Masato], Yamamoto, K.[Kosuke], Tadono, T.[Takeo], Yoshimura, K.[Kei],
Automated Processing for Flood Area Detection Using ALOS-2 and Hydrodynamic Simulation Data,
RS(12), No. 17, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Unnithan, S.L.K.[S L Kesav], Biswal, B.[Basudev], Rüdiger, C.[Christoph],
Flood Inundation Mapping by Combining GNSS-R Signals with Topographical Information,
RS(12), No. 18, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Li, S.[Sanmei], Goldberg, M.D.[Mitchell D.], Sjoberg, W.[William], Zhou, L.[Lihang], Nandi, S.[Sreela], Chowdhury, N.[Nazmi], Straka, W.[William], Yang, T.S.[Tian-Shu], Sun, D.L.[Dong-Lian],
Assessment of the Catastrophic Asia Floods and Potentially Affected Population in Summer 2020 Using VIIRS Flood Products,
RS(12), No. 19, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2010

Arabameri, A.[Alireza], Saha, S.I.[Sun-Il], Mukherjee, K.[Kaustuv], Blaschke, T.[Thomas], Chen, W.[Wei], Ngo, P.T.T.[Phuong Thao Thi], Band, S.S.[Shahab S.],
Modeling Spatial Flood using Novel Ensemble Artificial Intelligence Approaches in Northern Iran,
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Hassan, M.M.[Mohammad Mehedy], Ash, K.[Kevin], Abedin, J.[Joynal], Paul, B.K.[Bimal Kanti], Southworth, J.[Jane],
A Quantitative Framework for Analyzing Spatial Dynamics of Flood Events: A Case Study of Super Cyclone Amphan,
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Feng, Y.[Yu], Brenner, C.[Claus], Sester, M.[Monika],
Flood severity mapping from Volunteered Geographic Information by interpreting water level from images containing people: A case study of Hurricane Harvey,
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Elsevier DOI 2011
Flood severity mapping, Social media, Crowdsourcing, Volunteered geographic information, Hurricane Harvey BibRef

Landuyt, L.[Lisa], Verhoest, N.E.C.[Niko E. C.], van Coillie, F.M.B.[Frieke M. B.],
Flood Mapping in Vegetated Areas Using an Unsupervised Clustering Approach on Sentinel-1 and -2 Imagery,
RS(12), No. 21, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011

Cigna, F.[Francesca], Xie, H.J.[Hong-Jie],
Imaging Floods and Glacier Geohazards with Remote Sensing,
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DOI Link 2012

Munir, B.A.[Bilal Ahmad], Ahmad, S.R.[Sajid Rashid], Rehan, R.[Raja],
Torrential Flood Water Management: Rainwater Harvesting through Relation Based Dam Suitability Analysis and Quantification of Erosion Potential,
IJGI(10), No. 1, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2101

Wania, A.[Annett], Joubert-Boitat, I.[Inès], Dottori, F.[Francesco], Kalas, M.[Milan], Salamon, P.[Peter],
Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Using Early Warning Systems in the Copernicus Emergency Management Service,
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Zhu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua], Yang, Y.Y.[Yue-Ying], Cai, Y.P.[Yan-Peng], Yang, Z.F.[Zhi-Feng],
Urban Flood Analysis in Ungauged Drainage Basin Using Short-Term and High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Rainfall Records,
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Bai, Y.B.[Yan-Bing], Wu, W.Q.[Wen-Qi], Yang, Z.X.[Zheng-Xin], Yu, J.Z.[Jin-Ze], Zhao, B.[Bo], Liu, X.[Xing], Yang, H.F.[Han-Fang], Mas, E.[Erick], Koshimura, S.[Shunichi],
Enhancement of Detecting Permanent Water and Temporary Water in Flood Disasters by Fusing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms: Demonstration of Sen1Floods11 Benchmark Datasets,
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Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydraulic Simulations and Satellite Images,
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Brill, F.[Fabio], Schlaffer, S.[Stefan], Martinis, S.[Sandro], Schröter, K.[Kai], Kreibich, H.[Heidi],
Extrapolating Satellite-Based Flood Masks by One-Class Classification: A Test Case in Houston,
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Akiva, P.[Peri], Purri, M.[Matthew], Dana, K.[Kristin], Tellman, B.[Beth], Anderson, T.[Tyler],
H2O-Net: Self-Supervised Flood Segmentation via Adversarial Domain Adaptation and Label Refinement,
Training, Image segmentation, Adaptation models, Time-frequency analysis, Satellites, Image resolution, Annotations BibRef

Wang, S.J.[Shi-Jin], Yang, Y.D.[Yuan-De], Gong, W.Y.[Wen-Yu], Che, Y.J.[Yan-Jun], Ma, X.G.[Xing-Gang], Xie, J.[Jia],
Reason Analysis of the Jiwenco Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and Potential Hazard on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,
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Konapala, G.[Goutam], Kumar, S.V.[Sujay V.], Ahmad, S.K.[Shahryar Khalique],
Exploring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 diversity for flood inundation mapping using deep learning,
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Elsevier DOI 2109
Flood inundation mapping, Deep learning, Segmentation, Hydrology BibRef

Vojtek, M.[Matej], Vojteková, J.[Jana], Pham, Q.B.[Quoc Bao],
GIS-Based Spatial and Multi-Criteria Assessment of Riverine Flood Potential: A Case Study of the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia,
IJGI(10), No. 9, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
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Ali, S.[Sikandar], Cheema, M.J.M.[Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud], Waqas, M.M.[Muhammad Mohsin], Waseem, M.[Muhammad], Leta, M.K.[Megersa Kebede], Qamar, M.U.[Muhammad Uzair], Awan, U.K.[Usman Khalid], Bilal, M.[Muhammad], ur Rahman, M.H.[Muhammad Habib],
Flood Mitigation in the Transboundary Chenab River Basin: A Basin-Wise Approach from Flood Forecasting to Management,
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Liu, Z.[Zhen], Jr, R.G.P.[Robert Gilmore Pontius],
The Total Operating Characteristic from Stratified Random Sampling with an Application to Flood Mapping,
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Le Moine, N.[Nicolas], Mahdade, M.[Mounir],
A Preliminary Assessment of a Newly-Defined Multispectral Hue Space for Retrieving River Depth with Optical Imagery and In Situ Calibration Data,
RS(13), No. 21, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
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Yang, W.T.[Wen-Tao], Gao, F.[Fan], Xu, T.[Tianhe], Wang, N.Z.[Na-Zi], Tu, J.S.[Jin-Sheng], Jing, L.[Lili], Kong, Y.H.[Ya-Hui],
Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A Case Study on Henan, China,
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Falck, A.[Aline], Tomasella, J.[Javier], Papa, F.[Fabrice],
Assessing the Potential of Upcoming Satellite Altimeter Missions in Operational Flood Forecasting Systems,
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Yokoya, N.[Naoto], Yamanoi, K.[Kazuki], He, W.[Wei], Baier, G.[Gerald], Adriano, B.[Bruno], Miura, H.[Hiroyuki], Oishi, S.[Satoru],
Breaking Limits of Remote Sensing by Deep Learning From Simulated Data for Flood and Debris-Flow Mapping,
GeoRS(60), 2022, pp. 1-15.
Remote sensing, Strain, Floods, Data models, Training data, Optical sensors, Optical imaging, numerical simulation BibRef

Zhang, S.C.[Shuang-Cheng], Ma, Z.M.[Zhong-Min], Li, Z.H.[Zhen-Hong], Zhang, P.F.[Peng-Fei], Liu, Q.[Qi], Nan, Y.[Yang], Zhang, J.J.[Jing-Jiang], Hu, S.W.[Sheng-Wei], Feng, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan], Zhao, H.[Hebin],
Using CYGNSS Data to Map Flood Inundation during the 2021 Extreme Precipitation in Henan Province, China,
RS(13), No. 24, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
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Zhang, L.C.[Lian-Chong], Xia, J.[Junshi],
Flood Detection Using Multiple Chinese Satellite Datasets during 2020 China Summer Floods,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Hernández, D.[Daniel], Cecilia, J.M.[José M.], Cano, J.C.[Juan-Carlos], Calafate, C.T.[Carlos T.],
Flood Detection Using Real-Time Image Segmentation from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Edge-Computing Platform,
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Ulloa, N.I.[Noel Ivan], Yun, S.H.[Sang-Ho], Chiang, S.H.[Shou-Hao], Furuta, R.[Ryoichi],
Sentinel-1 Spatiotemporal Simulation Using Convolutional LSTM for Flood Mapping,
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Tulbure, M.G.[Mirela G.], Broich, M.[Mark], Perin, V.[Vinicius], Gaines, M.[Mollie], Ju, J.C.[Jun-Chang], Stehman, S.V.[Stephen V.], Pavelsky, T.[Tamlin], Masek, J.G.[Jeffrey G.], Yin, S.[Simon], Mai, J.[Joachim], Betbeder-Matibet, L.[Luc],
Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat Sentinel 2 data compared to Landsat 8 alone?,
PandRS(185), 2022, pp. 232-246.
Elsevier DOI 2202
Flooding, Ephemeral floods, Landsat, Sentinel 2, Analysis ready data, Harmonized data, Drylands BibRef

Colosio, P.[Paolo], Tedesco, M.[Marco], Tellman, E.[Elizabeth],
Flood Monitoring Using Enhanced Resolution Passive Microwave Data: A Test Case over Bangladesh,
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

Ammirati, L.[Lorenzo], Chirico, R.[Rita], di Martire, D.[Diego], Mondillo, N.[Nicola],
Application of Multispectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Flood-Affected Zones in the Brumadinho Mining District (Minas Gerais, Brasil),
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

Bellido-Leiva, F.J.[Francisco J.], Lusardi, R.A.[Robert A.], Lund, J.R.[Jay R.],
Quantification of Off-Channel Inundated Habitat for Pacific Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) along the Sacramento River, California, Using Remote Sensing Imagery,
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

Tew, Y.L.[Yi Lin], Tan, M.L.[Mou Leong], Juneng, L.[Liew], Chun, K.P.[Kwok Pan], bin Hassan, M.H.[Mohamad Hafiz], bin Osman, S.[Sazali], Samat, N.[Narimah], Chang, C.K.[Chun Kiat], Kabir, M.H.[Muhammad Humayun],
Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021-2022 Malaysia Flood,
IJGI(11), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Yang, Z.L.[Zheng-Li], Yuan, X.Y.[Xin-Yue], Liu, C.[Chao], Nie, R.H.[Rui-Hua], Liu, T.G.[Tie-Gang], Dai, X.A.[Xiao-Ai], Ma, L.[Lei], Tang, M.[Min], Xu, Y.[Yina], Lu, H.[Heng],
Meta-Analysis and Visualization of the Literature on Early Identification of Flash Floods,
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Huang, M.[Minmin], Jin, S.G.[Shuang-Gen],
Backscatter Characteristics Analysis for Flood Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Images,
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Qiu, J.[Juan], Han, D.F.[Dong-Feng], Li, R.[Rendong], Xiao, Y.[Ying], Zhu, H.[Hong], Xia, J.[Jing], Jiang, J.[Jie], Han, Y.F.[Yi-Fei], Shao, Q.H.[Qi-Hui], Yan, Y.[Yi], Li, X.D.[Xiao-Dong],
Satellite Imagery-Based Identification of High-Risk Areas of Schistosome Intermediate Snail Hosts Spread after Flood,
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Atefi, M.R.[Mujeeb Rahman], Miura, H.[Hiroyuki],
Detection of Flash Flood Inundated Areas Using Relative Difference in NDVI from Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of the August 2020 Event in Charikar, Afghanistan,
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Hamunyela, E.[Eliakim], Hipondoka, M.[Martin], Persendt, F.[Frans], Sevelia-Nghiyalwa, H.[Hilma], Thomas, C.[Chris], Matengu, K.[Kenneth],
Spatio-temporal characterization of surface water dynamics with Landsat in endorheic Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (1990-2021),
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Surface water, Landsat, Cuvelai-Etosha, Endorheic basin, Flooding, Angola, Namibia BibRef

Gu, L.[Lei], Gu, Z.Y.[Zi-Ye], Guo, Q.[Qiang], Fang, W.[Wei], Zhang, Q.Y.[Qian-Yi], Sun, H.W.[Huai-Wei], Yin, J.[Jiabo], Zhou, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong],
Can Satellite and Atmospheric Reanalysis Products Capture Compound Moist Heat Stress-Floods?,
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A downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VIIRS imagery and SRTM/DEM,
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Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Machine Learning Algorithms to Assess the Inundation Status of Nebraska Conservation Easements during 2018-2021,
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Song, D.M.[Dong-Mei], Zhang, Q.Q.[Qi-Qi], Wang, B.[Bin], Yin, C.[Cong], Xia, J.M.[Jun-Ming],
A Novel Dual-Branch Neural Network Model for Flood Monitoring in South Asia Based on CYGNSS Data,
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Albertini, C.[Cinzia], Gioia, A.[Andrea], Iacobellis, V.[Vito], Manfreda, S.[Salvatore],
Detection of Surface Water and Floods with Multispectral Satellites,
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Kim, J.[Junwoo], Kim, H.[Hwisong], Kim, D.J.[Duk-Jin], Song, J.[Juyoung], Li, C.L.[Cheng-Lei],
Deep Learning-Based Flood Area Extraction for Fully Automated and Persistent Flood Monitoring Using Cloud Computing,
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Brazda, S.[Steven], Šraj, M.[Mojca], Bezak, N.[Nejc],
Classification of Floods in Europe and North America with Focus on Compound Events,
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Vavassori, A.[Alberto], Carrion, D.[Daniela], Zaragozi, B.[Benito], Migliaccio, F.[Federica],
VGI and Satellite Imagery Integration for Crisis Mapping of Flood Events,
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DOI Link 2301

Li, M.[Mingke], McGrath, H.[Heather], Stefanakis, E.[Emmanuel],
Multi-Scale Flood Mapping under Climate Change Scenarios in Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids,
IJGI(11), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
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Wei, H.H.[Hao-Han], Yu, T.N.[Tong-Ning], Tu, J.S.[Jin-Sheng], Ke, F.[Fuyang],
Detection and Evaluation of Flood Inundation Using CYGNSS Data during Extreme Precipitation in 2022 in Guangdong Province, China,
RS(15), No. 2, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Lyu, J.Q.[Ji-Qiang], Yin, S.S.[Shan-Shan], Sun, Y.T.[Yu-Tong], Wang, K.X.[Ke-Xin], Luo, P.P.[Ping-Ping], Meng, X.L.[Xiao-Lan],
Flood Runoff Simulation under Changing Environment, Based on Multiple Satellite Data in the Jinghe River Basin of the Loess Plateau, China,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302

Burshtynska, K.[Khrystyna], Kokhan, S.[Svitlana], Pfeifer, N.[Norbert], Halochkin, M.[Maksym], Zayats, I.[Iryna],
Hydrological Modeling for Determining Flooded Land from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images: Case Study at the Dniester River,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Kimijima, S.[Satomi], Nagai, M.[Masahiko],
High Spatiotemporal Flood Monitoring Associated with Rapid Lake Shrinkage Using Planet Smallsat and Sentinel-1 Data,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Wang, J.M.[Jing-Ming], Wang, F.[Futao], Wang, S.X.[Shi-Xin], Zhou, Y.[Yi], Ji, J.W.[Jian-Wan], Wang, Z.Q.[Zhen-Qing], Zhao, Q.[Qing], Liu, L.F.[Long-Fei],
Flood Monitoring in the Middle and Lower Basin of the Yangtze River Using Google Earth Engine and Machine Learning Methods,
IJGI(12), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Nie, S.[Shengkun], Zheng, W.[Wei], Yin, W.J.[Wen-Jie], Zhong, Y.L.[Yu-Long], Shen, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Li, K.Z.[Ke-Zhao],
Improved the Characterization of Flood Monitoring Based on Reconstructed Daily GRACE Solutions over the Haihe River Basin,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1564.
DOI Link 2304

Sava, E.[Elena], Cervone, G.[Guido], Kalyanapu, A.[Alfred],
Multiscale Observation Product (MOP) for Temporal Flood Inundation Mapping of the 2015 Dallas Texas Flood,
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DOI Link 2304

Huang, H.C.[Hao-Cheng], Lei, X.H.[Xiao-Hui], Liao, W.H.[Wei-Hong], Li, H.[Haichen], Wang, C.[Chao], Wang, H.[Hao],
A Real-Time Detecting Method for Continuous Urban Flood Scenarios Based on Computer Vision on Block Scale,
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Oakes, G.[Gregory], Hardy, A.[Andy], Bunting, P.[Pete],
RadWet: An Improved and Transferable Mapping of Open Water and Inundated Vegetation Using Sentinel-1,
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Khan, S.D.[Sultan Daud], Basalamah, S.[Saleh],
Multi-Scale and Context-Aware Framework for Flood Segmentation in Post-Disaster High Resolution Aerial Images,
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Zhao, Z.G.[Zhong-Guo], Hu, C.L.[Chu-Li], Wang, K.[Ke], Zhang, Y.X.[Yi-Xiao], Xu, Z.Y.[Zhang-Yan], Ding, X.[Xuan],
An Earth Observation Task Representation Model Supporting Dynamic Demand for Flood Disaster Monitoring and Management,
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Cao, Y.Q.[Yong-Qiang], Wang, M.R.[Meng-Ran], Yao, J.Q.[Jia-Qi], Mo, F.[Fan], Zhu, H.[Hong], Hu, L.R.[Liu-Ru], Zhai, H.R.[Hao-Ran],
Stereoscopic Monitoring Methods for Flood Disasters Based on ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2 Data,
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Xiao, C.[Cuiyu], Zhong, Y.L.[Yu-Long], Wu, Y.L.[Yun-Long], Bai, H.B.[Hong-Bing], Li, W.Q.[Wan-Qiu], Wu, D.C.[Ding-Cheng], Wang, C.Q.[Chang-Qing], Tian, B.M.[Bao-Ming],
Applying Reconstructed Daily Water Storage and Modified Wetness Index to Flood Monitoring: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Basin,
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Vongkusolkit, J.[Jirapa], Peng, B.[Bo], Wu, M.[Meiliu], Huang, Q.Y.[Qun-Ying], Andresen, C.G.[Christian G.],
Near Real-Time Flood Mapping with Weakly Supervised Machine Learning,
RS(15), No. 13, 2023, pp. 3263.
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Rodrigues-da Silva, A.[Alberto], Estima, J.[Jacinto], Marques, J.[Jorge], Gamito, I.[Ivo], Serra, A.[Alexandre], Moura, L.[Leonardo], Ricardo, A.M.[Ana Margarida], Mendes, L.[Luís], Ferreira, R.M.L.[Rui M. L.],
A Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood Events: The RiverCure Portal,
IJGI(12), No. 7, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Breznik, J.[Jana], Oštir, K.[Krištof], Ivacic, M.[Matjaž], Rak, G.[Gašper],
Water Dynamics Analysis in Karst Flood Areas Using Sentinel-1 Time Series,
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Hamouda, M.A.[Mohamed A.], Hinge, G.[Gilbert], Yemane, H.S.[Henok S.], Mosteka, H.A.[Hasan Al], Makki, M.[Mohammed], Mohamed, M.M.[Mohamed M.],
Reliability of GPM IMERG Satellite Precipitation Data for Modelling Flash Flood Events in Selected Watersheds in the UAE,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 3991.
DOI Link 2309

Stateczny, A.[Andrzej], Praveena, H.D.[Hirald Dwaraka], Krishnappa, R.H.[Ravikiran Hassan], Chythanya, K.R.[Kanegonda Ravi], Babysarojam, B.B.[Beenarani Balakrishnan],
Optimized Deep Learning Model for Flood Detection Using Satellite Images,
RS(15), No. 20, 2023, pp. 5037.
DOI Link 2310

Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Long], Chen, Y.J.[Ying-Jie], Zhang, R.G.[Ron-Gyu], Cui, Z.F.[Zhen-Fei], Liu, X.Y.[Xin-Yi], Zhang, J.Y.[Jia-Yi], Wang, M.Z.[Mei-Zhen], Wu, Y.[Yong],
A Spatial Information Extraction Method Based on Multi-Modal Social Media Data: A Case Study on Urban Inundation,
IJGI(12), No. 9, 2023, pp. 368.
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Kulk, G.[Gemma], Sathyendranath, S.[Shubha], Platt, T.[Trevor], George, G.[Grinson], Suresan, A.K.[Anagha Kunhimuthappan], Menon, N.[Nandini], Evers-King, H.[Hayley], Abdulaziz, A.[Anas],
Using Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing for Flood Mapping: A Case Study in Lake Vembanad, India,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5139.
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Johary, R.[Rosa], Révillion, C.[Christophe], Catry, T.[Thibault], Alexandre, C.[Cyprien], Mouquet, P.[Pascal], Rakotoniaina, S.[Solofoarisoa], Pennober, G.[Gwenaelle], Rakotondraompiana, S.[Solofo],
Detection of Large-Scale Floods Using Google Earth Engine and Google Colab,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5368.
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Koutsovili, E.I.[Eleni-Ioanna], Tzoraki, O.[Ourania], Theodossiou, N.[Nicolaos], Tsekouras, G.E.[George E.],
Early Flood Monitoring and Forecasting System Using a Hybrid Machine Learning-Based Approach,
IJGI(12), No. 11, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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He, Y.J.[Yong-Jun], Wang, J.F.[Jin-Fei], Zhang, Y.[Ying], Liao, C.H.[Chun-Hua],
An Efficient Urban Flood Mapping Framework Towards Disaster Response Driven by Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Decoupled Training Samples,
PandRS(207), 2024, pp. 338-358.
Elsevier DOI Code:
WWW Link. 2401
Rapid flood mapping, Weakly supervised semantic segmentation, Sparse label, Tree filtering, Self-distillation, Segment anything model BibRef

Amitrano, D.[Donato], di Martino, G.[Gerardo], di Simone, A.[Alessio], Imperatore, P.[Pasquale],
Flood Detection with SAR: A Review of Techniques and Datasets,
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Moshe, L.B.[Liran Ben], Lensky, N.G.[Nadav G.],
Geomorphological Response of Alluvial Streams to Flood Events during Base-Level Lowering: Insights from Drone-Based Photogrammetric Surveys in Dead Sea Tributaries,
RS(16), No. 8, 2024, pp. 1346.
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Bonkoungou, B.[Benjamin], Bossa, A.Y.[Aymar Yaovi], van der Kwast, J.[Johannes], Mul, M.[Marloes], Sintondji, L.O.[Luc Ollivier],
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Unsupervised Color-Based Flood Segmentation in UAV Imagery,
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Lee, Y.J.[Youn Joo], Hwang, J.Y.[Jun Young], Park, J.[Jiwon], Jung, H.G.[Ho Gi], Suhr, J.K.[Jae Kyu],
Deep Neural Network-Based Flood Monitoring System Fusing RGB and LWIR Cameras for Embedded IoT Edge Devices,
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Lyu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu], Li, Z.[Zhanling], Li, X.T.[Xin-Tong],
Evaluation of GPM IMERG Satellite Precipitation Products in Event-Based Flood Modeling over the Sunshui River Basin in Southwestern China,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2333.
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Yu, Y.[Yang], Li, B.Q.[Bing-Quan], Li, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng], Jiang, W.L.[Wen-Liang],
Retrospective Analysis of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Using AI Earth InSAR and Optical Images: A Case Study of South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim,
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Deijns, A.A.J.[Axel A.J.], Michéa, D.[David], Déprez, A.[Aline], Malet, J.P.[Jean-Philippe], Kervyn, F.[François], Thiery, W.[Wim], Dewitte, O.[Olivier],
A semi-supervised multi-temporal landslide and flash flood event detection methodology for unexplored regions using massive satellite image time series,
PandRS(215), 2024, pp. 400-418.
Elsevier DOI 2408
Multi-temporal inventory, Spectral index analysis, Machine Learning, Sentinel-2 time series, Geomorphic hazards, Tropical Africa BibRef

Prasad, R.S.[Rajesh S.], Prasad, J.R.[Jayashree Rajesh], Chaudhari, B.S.[Bhushan S.], Ranjan, N.M.[Nihar M.], Srivastava, R.[Rajat],
FCM with Spatial Constraint Multi-Kernel Distance-Based Segmentation and Optimized Deep Learning for Flood Detection,
IJIG(24), No. 4, July 2024, pp. 2450041.
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Zhang, J.[Jian], Pan, B.[Bin], Shi, W.X.[Wen-Xuan], Zhang, Y.[Yu], Gu, S.X.[Shi-Xiang], Chen, J.M.[Jin-Ming], Xia, Q.[Quanbin],
Construction of a High-Resolution Waterlogging Disaster Monitoring Framework Based on the APSIM Model: A Case Study of Jingzhou and Bengbu,
RS(16), No. 14, 2024, pp. 2581.
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Meyer, F.J.[Franz J.], Schultz, L.A.[Lori A.], Osmanoglu, B.[Batuhan], Kennedy, J.H.[Joseph H.], Jo, M.J.[Min-Jeong], Thapa, R.B.[Rajesh B.], Bell, J.R.[Jordan R.], Pradhan, S.[Sudip], Shrestha, M.[Manish], Smale, J.[Jacquelyn], Kristenson, H.[Heidi], Kubby, B.[Brooke], Meyer, T.J.[Thomas J.],
HydroSAR: A Cloud-Based Service for the Monitoring of Inundation Events in the Hindu Kush Himalaya,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3244.
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Satriano, V.[Valeria], Ciancia, E.[Emanuele], Pergola, N.[Nicola], Tramutoli, V.[Valerio],
A First Extension of the Robust Satellite Technique RST-FLOOD to Sentinel-2 Data for the Mapping of Flooded Areas: The Case of the Emilia Romagna (Italy) 2023 Event,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3450.
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Zhao, J.[Jie], Xiong, Z.[Zhitong], Zhu, X.X.[Xiao Xiang],
UrbanSARFloods: Sentinel-1 SLC-Based Benchmark Dataset for Urban and Open-Area Flood Mapping,
WWW Link. 2410
Training, Satellites, Urban areas, Transfer learning, Sentinel-1, Land surface, Benchmark testing, Sentinel-1, flood mapping, urban flood BibRef

Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong], Dong, Z.[Zhe], Yang, K.[Kun], Liu, Q.J.[Qing-Jie], Wang, W.[Wei],
Floodwater Extraction from UAV Orthoimagery Based on a Transformer Model,
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Zhou, F.[Fangrong], Wu, N.[Nan], Luo, Y.N.[Yu-Ning], Wang, Y.H.[Yu-Hao], Ma, Y.[Yi], Wang, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Zhang, K.[Ke],
Improving Flood Streamflow Estimation of Ungauged Small Reservoir Basins Using Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4399.
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Chanda, M.[Mithu], Azad Hossain, A.K.M.,
Application of PlanetScope Imagery for Flood Mapping: A Case Study in South Chickamauga Creek, Chattanooga, Tennessee,
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Farhadi, H.[Hadi], Ebadi, H.[Hamid], Kiani, A.[Abbas], Asgary, A.[Ali],
Near Real-Time Flood Monitoring Using Multi-Sensor Optical Imagery and Machine Learning by GEE: An Automatic Feature-Based Multi-Class Classification Approach,
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Wang, J.[Jing], Li, H.Y.[Hai-Yang], Wu, S.G.[Shu-Guang], Nie, G.[Guigen], Wang, Y.[Yawei],
Enhanced Flood Monitoring in the Pearl River Basin via GAIN-Reconstructed GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies,
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Xu, H.[Han], Woodley, A.[Alan],
Ensemble Learning for Urban Flood Segmentation Through the Fusion of Multi-Spectral Satellite Data with Water Spectral Indices Using Row-Wise Cross Attention,
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MetaTrans-FSTSF: A Transformer-Based Meta-Learning Framework for Few-Shot Time Series Forecasting in Flood Prediction,
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Inferring the past: a combined CNN-LSTM deep learning framework to fuse satellites for historical inundation mapping,

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FL-Former: Flood Level Estimation with Vision Transformer for Images from Cameras in Urban Areas,
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Cerbelaud, A., Roupioz, L., Blanchet, G., Breil, P., Briottet, X.,
Supervised Classification Methods for Automatic Damage Detection Caused By Heavy Rainfall Using Multitemporal High Resolution Optical Imagery And Auxiliary Data,
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Muckley, L.[Leo], Garforth, J.[James],
Multi-input Convlstm for Flood Extent Prediction,
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Finding Relevant Flood Images on Twitter Using Content-based Filters,
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Said, A.[Abdullah], Shaat, O.[Omar], Su, P.H.[Po-Hsuan], Bogden, P.[Philip], Kraig, R.[Robert], Bosch, M.[Marc],
Understanding Flooding Detection Using Overhead Imagery - Lessons Learned,
Springer DOI 2103

Kapilaratne, R.G.C.J., Kaneta, S.,
Towards An Automated Flood Area Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images,
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Sipelgas, L., Aavaste, A., Uiboupin, R.,
Mapping Recurrent Flooding Zone Along Estonian Inland Waters From Sentinel-1 and -2,
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Tavus, B., Kocaman, S., Nefeslioglu, H.A., Gokceoglu, C.,
A Fusion Approach for Flood Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Datasets,
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Thakur, P.K., Ranjan, R., Singh, S., Dhote, P.R., Sharma, V., Srivastav, V., Dhasmana, M., Aggarwal, S.P., Chauhan, P., Nikam, B.R., Garg, V., Chouksey, A.,
Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and Hydrological Models For Study of August 2018 Kerala Floods,
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Bonafilia, D., Tellman, B., Anderson, T., Issenberg, E.,
Sen1Floods11: a georeferenced dataset to train and test deep learning flood algorithms for Sentinel-1,
Remote sensing, Earth, Artificial satellites, Training, Data models, Sensors, Machine learning BibRef

Otieno, O.M., Abdillahi, H.S., Wambui, E.M., Kiprono, K.S.,
Flood Impact-based Forecasting for Early Warning and Early Action In Tana River Basin, Kenya,
DOI Link 1912

Panidi, E., Popova, K., Tsepelev, V.,
GIS-based Mapping of Estimated Flood Inundation Area, Geometrical Aspect,
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Toshiharu, K., Narantsetseg, C.,
Long Term Changes in Flooding Around Gifu City,
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Zelentsov, V.A., Potryasaev, S.A., Pimanov, I.Y., Ponomarenko, M.R.,
Integrated Use of GIS, Remote Sensing Data and a Set of Models For Operational Flood Forecasting,
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Sunar, A.F., Yagmur, N., Dervisoglu, A.,
Flood Analysis With Remote Sensing Data - a Case Study: Maritsa River, Edirne,
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Bibi, T., Nawaz, F., Abdul Rahman, A., Latif, A.,
Flood Hazard Assessment Using Participatory Approach and Weighted Overlay Methods,
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Kaoje, I.U., Abdul Rahman, M.Z., Tam, T.H., Mohd Salleh, M.R.,
An Indicator-based Approach for Micro-scale Physical Flood Vulnerability Mapping,
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Lahsaini, M., Tabyaoui, H., El Hammichi, F.,
Big Data Processing and Analysis Using Multi-temporal Sentinel 1 Data To Manage Floods in North of Morocco,
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Khalifeh Soltanian, F., Abbasi, M., Riyahi Bakhtyari, H.R.,
Flood Monitoring Using Ndwi and Mndwi Spectral Indices: a Case Study Of Aghqala Flood-2019, Golestan Province, Iran,
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Pouyanfar, S., Tao, Y., Sadiq, S., Tian, H., Tu, Y., Wang, T., Chen, S., Shyu, M.,
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Kumar, K., Ledoux, H., Stoter, J.,
Dynamic 3D Visualization of Floods: Case of the Netherlands,
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Wu, Y., Liu, Z., Xu, W., Feng, J., Palaiahnakote, S., Lu, T.,
Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction,
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Wu, Y.R.[Yi-Rui], Xu, W.G.[Wei-Gang], Yu, Q.H.[Qing-Han], Feng, J.[Jun], Lu, T.[Tong],
Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Flood Prediction,
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Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Prediction,
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Boori, M.S., Choudhary, K., Evers, M., Kupriyanov, A.,
Food Vulnerability And Alluvial Farming for Food Security in Central Dry Zone Area of Myanmar,
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Evaluating the Variations in the Flood Susceptibility Maps Accuracies Due to the Alterations in the Type And Extent of the Flood Inventory,
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Cruz-Bello, G.M., Alfie-Cohen, M., Morales-Zaragoza, N.A., Larralde-Corona, A.H., Reyes Perez, J.,
Flood Vulnerability Reduction, Using A Partial Participatory Gis Approach. A Study Case in Baja California Sur, Mexico.,
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Adaptation to Flooding Events Through Vulnerability Mapping in Historic Urban Areas,
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Flash Flood Mapping for Mountain Streams Using High-resolution Alos-2 Data,
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Community-based Nationwide Capacity Building for GIS-based Integrated Flood Management,
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Zakaria, S., Mahadi, M.R., Abdullah, A.F., Abdan, K.,
Aerial Platform Reliability for Flood Monitoring Under Various Weather Conditions: A Review,
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Mapping Infected Area After A Flash-flooding Storm Using Multi Criteria Analysis And Spectral Indices,
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Monitoring and Evaluation of Flooded Areas Based on Fused Texture Descriptors,
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Combining Color Fractal with LBP Information for Flood Segmentation in UAV-Based Images,
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Integrating Recursive Bayesian Estimation with Support Vector Machine to Map Probability of Flooding from Multispectral Landsat Data,
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A Flood Detection and Warning System Based on Video Content Analysis,
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Lateral Flooding Associated To Wave Flood Generation On River Surface,
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Makinano-Santillan, M., Santillan, J.R., Morales, E.M.O., Asube, L.C.S., Amora, A.M., Cutamora, L.C., Makinano, R.M.,
Academe-local Government Partnership Towards Effective Application Of Geospatial Technologies For Smarter Flood Disaster Management At The Local Level: An Example From Mindanao, Philippines,
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3D GIS for Flood Modelling In River Valleys,
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The Role of Satellite Derived Data for Flood Inundation Mapping Using GIS,
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A Conceptual Modeling of spatio-temporal database to Estimate Runoff Changes in Urbanized Watersheds,
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Koschitzki, R., Schwalbe, E., Maas, H.G.,
An autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods,
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Tournadre, V., Pierrot-Deseilligny, M., Faure, P.H.,
UAV Linear Photogrammetry,
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UAV Photogrammetry to Monitor Dykes: Calibration and Comparison to Terrestrial Lidar,
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The Use Of LIDAR and Volunteered Geographic Information To Map Flood Extents And Inundation,
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Design and Implementation of Flood Monitoring and Assessment System,

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3D Visualization for Flood Adaptation Options in Delta, B.C.,
PDF File. 1006

Abdullah, A.F.[Ahmad Fikri], Rahman, A.A.[Alias Abdul], Vojinovic, Z.[Zoran],
Lidar Filtering Algorithm for Urban Flood Application,
Laser09(30). 0909

Haile, A.T.[A. Tamiru], Rientjes, T.H.M.,
Effects of LiDAR DEM resolution in flood modelling: A model sensitivity study for the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras,
PDF File. 0509

Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
SAR and Radar for Flood Analysis, Flood Mapping, Flood Monitoring .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25