Nie, A.X.[Ai Xiu]
Co Author Listing * Lookup Table-Based Method for Estimating Sea Surface Hemispherical Broadband Emissivity Values (8-13.5 µm), A
Includes: Nie, A.X.[Ai Xiu] Nie, A.X.[Ai-Xiu]
Nie, B.[Bofan]
Co Author Listing * Color Image Denoising Using Reduced Biquaternion U-Network
* Comparative Analysis of LiDAR SLAM-Based Indoor Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Joint Knowledge Base Embedding with Neighborhood Context
* Non-local feature aggregation quaternion network for single image deraining
* Novel Method of Modeling Grassland Wildfire Dynamics Based on Cellular Automata: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China, A
Includes: Nie, B.[Bofan] Nie, B.[Bu] Nie, B. Nie, B.[Beidou]
Nie, B.B.[Bing Bing]
Co Author Listing * Cross-modal knowledge learning with scene text for fine-grained image classification
* Multisource Adaption for Driver Attention Prediction in Arbitrary Driving Scenes
* Quantifying the Individual Differences of Drivers' Risk Perception via Potential Damage Risk Model
* Real-Time Reconstruction of Multi-Body Pedestrian Pre-Impact Posture in Collision Accidents From Monocular Images
* Sensitivity of Electrodermal Activity Features for Driver Arousal Measurement in Cognitive Load: The Application in Automated Driving Systems
Includes: Nie, B.B.[Bing Bing] Nie, B.B.[Bing-Bing]
Nie, B.K.[Bing Kang]
Co Author Listing * Continuous Intra-Annual Changes of Lake Water Level and Water Storage from 2000 to 2018 on the Tibetan Plateau
* Spatial Difference of Terrestrial Water Storage Change and Lake Water Storage Change in the Inner Tibetan Plateau
Includes: Nie, B.K.[Bing Kang] Nie, B.K.[Bing-Kang]
Nie, B.L.[Bin Ling]
Co Author Listing * POSTER++: A simpler and stronger facial expression recognition network
Includes: Nie, B.L.[Bin Ling] Nie, B.L.[Bin-Ling]
Nie, B.X.
Co Author Listing * Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions
* Attribute And-Or Grammar for Joint Parsing of Human Pose, Parts and Attributes
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Predicting Depth on Joints
Includes: Nie, B.X. Nie, B.X.[Bruce Xiaohan]
Nie, B.X.H.[Bruce Xiao Han]
Co Author Listing * Joint action recognition and pose estimation from video
Includes: Nie, B.X.H.[Bruce Xiao Han] Nie, B.X.H.[Bruce Xiao-Han]
Nie, C.[Chong]
Co Author Listing * Coupling Characteristics of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Moisture in China, The
* EDAfuse: A encoder-decoder with atrous spatial pyramid network for infrared and visible image fusion
* MDSK-Net: Multi-scale dynamic segmentation kernel network for renal tumour endoscopic image segmentation
* RLSAC: Reinforcement Learning enhanced Sample Consensus for End-to-End Robust Estimation
* Using Remote Sensing Data and Species-Environmental Matching Model to Predict the Potential Distribution of Grassland Rodents in the Northern China
Includes: Nie, C.[Chong] Nie, C.[Cairen] Nie, C.[Chao] Nie, C.[Chang] Nie, C.[Chaojia]
Nie, C.H.[Chang Hai]
Co Author Listing * RADAP: A Robust and Adaptive Defense Against Diverse Adversarial Patches on face recognition
* Rich CNN Features for Water-Body Segmentation from Very High Resolution Aerial and Satellite Imagery
Includes: Nie, C.H.[Chang Hai] Nie, C.H.[Chang-Hai] Nie, C.H.[Chen-Hui]
Nie, C.J.[Chao Jia]
Co Author Listing * Early Crop Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data and the Random Forest Algorithm
Includes: Nie, C.J.[Chao Jia] Nie, C.J.[Chao-Jia]
Nie, C.W.[Chen Wei]
Co Author Listing * Damage Mapping of Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat with High-Resolution Satellite Image
* Detection and Analysis of Degree of Maize Lodging Using UAV-RGB Image Multi-Feature Factors and Various Classification Methods
* Entrance Pupil Irradiance Estimating Model for a Moon-Based Earth Radiation Observatory Instrument
* Maize Canopy and Leaf Chlorophyll Content Assessment from Leaf Spectral Reflectance: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis across Growth Stages and Vertical Distribution
* visualization method for data domain changes in CNN networks and the optimization method for selecting thresholds in classification tasks, A
Includes: Nie, C.W.[Chen Wei] Nie, C.W.[Chen-Wei] Nie, C.W.[Chang-Wei]
Nie, D.[Dong]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
* Adversarial Confidence Learning for Medical Image Segmentation and Synthesis
* Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* Bidirectional Pyramid Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Cascaded MultiTask 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Pancreas Segmentation
* Characteristics Analysis of Influence of Multiple Parameters of Mixed Sea Waves on Delay-Doppler Map in Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry
* Collaborative Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Correlation Detection Method of Low SNR Based on Multi-Channelization, A
* CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid Loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
* Devil is in the Upsampling: Architectural Decisions Made Simpler for Denoising with Deep Image Prior, The
* Doubly-Fused ViT: Fuse Information from Vision Transformer Doubly with Local Representation
* Facet-Based Investigation on Microwave Backscattering From Sea Surface With Breaking Waves: Sea Spikes and SAR Imaging
* Fast Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisition by Optimal Sampling of Information Complementary to Pre-Acquired MRI Contrast
* HF-UNet: Learning Hierarchically Inter-Task Relevance in Multi-Task U-Net for Accurate Prostate Segmentation in CT Images
* High-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks for Low-Contrast Medical Image Segmentation
* Improvement of SSA Approach for Numerical Simulation of Sea Surface Scattering at High Microwave Bands
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System for AI City Challenge 2022
* Multi-View Spatial Aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Boosted by Monomodal Normal Brain Images
* New Model for Sand-Ripple Scattering Based on SSA Method and Practical Ripple Profiles, A
* Nonlinear Ship Wake Detection in SAR Images Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Model and YOLOv5
* One-Shot Generative Adversarial Learning for MRI Segmentation of Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures
* Pelvic Organ Segmentation Using Distinctive Curve Guided Fully Convolutional Networks
* Pyramid Architecture for Multi-Scale Processing in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Standard-Dose PET Image Generation via Region-Adaptive Normalization and Structural Consistency Constraint
* Task Decomposition and Synchronization for Semantic Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Weakly-supervised Metric Learning with Cross-Module Communications for the Classification of Anterior Chamber Angle Images
Includes: Nie, D.[Dong] Nie, D. Nie, D.[Ding]
27 for Nie, D.
Nie, D.D.[Dong Dong]
Co Author Listing * Optimization based grayscale image colorization
Includes: Nie, D.D.[Dong Dong] Nie, D.D.[Dong-Dong]
Nie, D.X.[Du Xian]
Co Author Listing * Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction for Gaussian Plus Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal
Includes: Nie, D.X.[Du Xian] Nie, D.X.[Du-Xian]
Nie, D.Y.[Dong Yan]
Co Author Listing * Neuromorphic Similarity Measurement of Tactile Stimuli in Human-Machine Interface
* Vaisl: Visual-aware Identification of Semantic Locations in Lifelog
Includes: Nie, D.Y.[Dong Yan] Nie, D.Y.[Dong-Yan] Nie, D.Y.[Dong-Yun]
Nie, F.
Co Author Listing * 2D Feature Selection by Sparse Matrix Regression
* Accelerating Flexible Manifold Embedding for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning
* Angle 2DPCA: A New Formulation for 2DPCA
* Auto-Weighted Multi-View Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* Capped L_p-Norm LDA for Outliers Robust Dimension Reduction
* Convex Multiview Semi-Supervised Classification
* Deep Binary Reconstruction for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Dimension Reduction for Non-Gaussian Data by Adaptive Discriminative Analysis
* Discrete Multi-Graph Clustering
* Discrete Spectral Hashing for Efficient Similarity Retrieval
* Discriminant Analysis via Joint Euler Transform and L_2,1-Norm
* Discriminating Joint Feature Analysis for Multimedia Data Understanding
* Discriminative and Uncorrelated Feature Selection With Constrained Spectral Analysis in Unsupervised Learning
* Double-Attentive Principle Component Analysis
* Fast and Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Fast Multi-View Clustering via Nonnegative and Orthogonal Factorization
* Feature Selection via Incorporating Stiefel Manifold in Relaxed K-Means
* General Framework for Auto-Weighted Feature Selection via Global Redundancy Minimization, A
* Guest editors' introduction: Perception, Aesthetics, and Emotion in Multimedia Quality Modeling
* Image Clustering Using Local Discriminant Models and Global Integration
* Joint Learning of Fuzzy k-Means and Nonnegative Spectral Clustering With Side Information
* Large-Scale Robust Semisupervised Classification
* Learning Multi-instance Enriched Image Representations via Non-greedy Ratio Maximization of the L1-Norm Distances
* Locality-Based Discriminant Feature Selection with Trace Ratio
* LRAGE: Learning Latent Relationships With Adaptive Graph Embedding for Aerial Scene Classification
* L_2,p-Norm Based PCA for Image Recognition
* Matrix Completion Based on Non-Convex Low-Rank Approximation
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Labeling in Embedded System, A
* MSMFN: An Ultrasound Based Multi-Step Modality Fusion Network for Identifying the Histologic Subtypes of Metastatic Cervical Lymphadenopathy
* Multi-Modal Joint Clustering With Application for Unsupervised Attribute Discovery
* Multi-view Subspace Clustering
* Multiple Features and Isolation Forest-Based Fast Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multitask Spectral Clustering by Exploring Intertask Correlation
* Multiview Consensus Graph Clustering
* Non-Greedy Algorithm for L1-Norm LDA, A
* Object Co-segmentation via Graph Optimized-Flexible Manifold Ranking
* Parallel Genetic Algorithm With Variable Neighborhood Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem in Forest Fire-Fighting, A
* Re-Weighted Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* Revisiting Co-Saliency Detection: A Novel Approach Based on Two-Stage Multi-View Spectral Rotation Co-clustering
* Robust 2DPCA With Non-greedy L_1-Norm Maximization for Image Analysis
* Robust Low Rank Approxiamtion via Inliers Selection
* Robust Multiple Rank-k Bilinear Projections for Unsupervised Learning
* Robust Object Co-Segmentation Using Background Prior
* Saliency Detection via a Multiple Self-Weighted Graph-Based Manifold Ranking
* Scalable Graph-Based Clustering With Nonnegative Relaxation for Large Hyperspectral Image
* Self-Balanced Min-Cut Algorithm for Image Clustering, A
* Self-Weighted Adaptive Locality Discriminant Analysis
* Unsupervised automatic attribute discovery method via multi-graph clustering
* Unsupervised feature extraction using a learned graph with clustering structure
* Unsupervised Feature Selection with Local Structure Learning
* Web and Personal Image Annotation by Mining Label Correlation With Relaxed Visual Graph Embedding
* Web Image Annotation Via Subspace-Sparsity Collaborated Feature Selection
Includes: Nie, F. Nie, F.[Fang] Nie, F.[Fapeng]
52 for Nie, F.
Nie, F.P.[Fei Ping]
Co Author Listing * 3D human pose recovery from image by efficient visual feature selection
* Adaptive and fuzzy locality discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Adaptive Flexible Optimal Graph for Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Adaptive Neighborhood Metric Learning
* Adaptive-order proximity learning for graph-based clustering
* Adaptive-weighting discriminative regression for multi-view classification
* attention-based framework for multi-view clustering on Grassmann manifold, An
* Auto-weighted 2-dimensional maximum margin criterion
* Auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering via fast matrix factorization
* Centerless Clustering
* Confidence Regularized Label Propagation Based Domain Adaptation
* Contour graph based human tracking and action sequence recognition
* Contour Matching Based on Belief Propagation
* Coordinate Descent Method for k-means
* Coordinate Descent Optimized Trace Difference Model for Joint Clustering and Feature Extraction
* Deep multi-view spectral clustering via ensemble
* Deep Multimodal Clustering for Unsupervised Audiovisual Learning
* Detecting Coherent Groups in Crowd Scenes by Multiview Clustering
* Differentiable Perspective for Multi-View Spectral Clustering With Flexible Extension, A
* Directly solving normalized cut for multi-view data
* Discrete and Balanced Spectral Clustering With Scalability
* Discrete and Parameter-Free Multiple Kernel k-Means
* Discriminative projection fuzzy K-Means with adaptive neighbors
* Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-view Clustering
* Dyadic transfer learning for cross-domain image classification
* EBMGC-GNF: Efficient Balanced Multi-View Graph Clustering via Good Neighbor Fusion
* Efficient and Robust MultiView Clustering With Anchor Graph Regularization
* Efficient Image Classification via Multiple Rank Regression
* Elaborate multi-task subspace learning with discrete group constraint
* Enhanced Balanced Min Cut
* Entropy regularization for unsupervised clustering with adaptive neighbors
* Exemplar-Based Human Contour Tracking
* Extracting the optimal dimensionality for local tensor discriminant analysis
* Fast Adaptive Local Subspace Learning With Regressive Regularization
* Fast adaptively balanced min-cut clustering
* Fast algorithm for large-scale subspace clustering by LRR
* Fast anchor graph preserving projections
* Fast Clustering With Anchor Guidance
* Fast Locality Discriminant Analysis With Adaptive Manifold Embedding
* Fast Manifold Ranking With Local Bipartite Graph
* Fast Multiview Clustering With Spectral Embedding
* Fast spectral clustering learning with hierarchical bipartite graph for large-scale data
* Flexible Manifold Embedding: A Framework for Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
* Flexible Manifold Learning With Optimal Graph for Image and Video Representation
* Flexible Multi-View Unsupervised Graph Embedding
* Fuzzy Sparse Deviation Regularized Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Geometric-inspired graph-based Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
* Harnessing Lab Knowledge for Real-World Action Recognition
* Heterogeneous image feature integration via multi-modal spectral clustering
* Heterogeneous Image Features Integration via Multi-modal Semi-supervised Learning Model
* Heterogeneous Visual Features Fusion via Sparse Multimodal Machine
* Image Classification by Cross-Media Active Learning with Privileged Information
* Interactive Image Segmentation With Multiple Linear Reconstructions in Windows
* Interactive Natural Image Segmentation via Spline Regression
* Interactive Supervision for New Intent Discovery
* Intermediary-Guided Bidirectional Spatial-Temporal Aggregation Network for Video-Based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Joint Feature Adaptation and Graph Adaptive Label Propagation for Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition From EEG Signals
* Joint nonlinear feature selection and continuous values regression network
* Large Graph Clustering With Simultaneous Spectral Embedding and Discretization
* Large-Scale Clustering With Structured Optimal Bipartite Graph
* Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric for data clustering and classification
* Learning an Orthogonal and Smooth Subspace for Image Classification
* Learning Feature-Sparse Principal Subspace
* linear multivariate binary decision tree classifier based on K-means splitting, A
* Listen to the Image
* Local structured feature learning with dynamic maximum entropy graph
* Multi-Class Active Learning by Uncertainty Sampling with Diversity Maximization
* Multi-View Clustering Based on Invisible Weights
* Multi-View Discrete Clustering: A Concise Model
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback, A
* Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification
* Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* Multiview Clustering: A Scalable and Parameter-Free Bipartite Graph Fusion Method
* New Graph Structured Sparsity Model for Multi-label Image Annotations
* Non-Greedy L21-Norm Maximization for Principal Component Analysis
* Novel and Effective Method to Directly Solve Spectral Clustering, A
* Novel Normalized-Cut Solver With Nearest Neighbor Hierarchical Initialization, A
* Optimal Dimensionality Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Image Recognition
* Optimal graph learning with partial tags and multiple features for image and video annotation
* Optimal mean two-dimensional principal component analysis with F-norm minimization
* Optimal Projection Guided Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Optimized Graph Learning Using Partial Tags and Multiple Features for Image and Video Annotation
* Orthogonal vs. uncorrelated least squares discriminant analysis for feature extraction
* Outlier Indicator Based Projection Fuzzy K-Means Clustering for Hyperspectral Image
* Parameter-free ensemble clustering with dynamic weighting mechanism
* Parameter-Insensitive Min Cut Clustering With Flexible Size Constrains
* Patch Distribution Compatible Semisupervised Dimension Reduction for Face and Human Gait Recognition
* Predicting Cognitive Declines Using Longitudinally Enriched Representations for Imaging Biomarkers
* Projective Unsupervised Flexible Embedding with Optimal Graph
* Ratio Sum Versus Sum Ratio for Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Regularized Trace Ratio Discriminant Analysis with Patch Distribution Feature for human gait recognition
* Resource-Efficient Parallel Connected Component Labeling Algorithm and Its Hardware Implementation, A
* Robust and discriminative distance for Multi-Instance Learning
* Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Fuzzy Local Information Reservation
* Robust rank-one matrix completion with rank estimation
* Robust spectral embedded bilateral orthogonal concept factorization for clustering
* Robust weighted co-clustering with global and local discrimination
* Scalable Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification via Adaptive Regression
* Self-Supervised Learning for Heterogeneous Audiovisual Scene Analysis
* Self-Weighted Euler k-Means Clustering
* Self-weighted learning framework for adaptive locality discriminant analysis
* Self-weighting multi-view spectral clustering based on nuclear norm
* Semi-Supervised Classification via Local Spline Regression
* Semi-supervised learning on large-scale geotagged photos for situation recognition
* Semi-supervised multi-Layer convolution kernel learning in credit evaluation
* Semi-supervised orthogonal discriminant analysis via label propagation
* Semi-supervised pivotal-aware nonnegative matrix factorization with label and pairwise constraint propagation for data clustering
* Semi-supervised Robust Dictionary Learning via Efficient l-Norms Minimization
* Semi-supervised sub-manifold discriminant analysis
* Semisupervised Band Selection With Graph Optimization for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Semisupervised Dimensionality Reduction and Classification Through Virtual Label Regression
* Simultaneous local clustering and unsupervised feature selection via strong space constraint
* Sparse feature selection via fast embedding spectral analysis
* Sparse multi-task regression and feature selection to identify brain imaging predictors for memory performance
* Sparse PCA via L_2,p-Norm Regularization for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Spectral clustering with linear embedding: A discrete clustering method for large-scale data
* Structured Bipartite Graph Learning method for ensemble clustering, A
* Structured multi-view k-means clustering
* SVM based multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation
* Tag localization with spatial correlations and joint group sparsity
* Tensorized and Compressed Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Structured Constraint
* Texture Image Segmentation: An Interactive Framework Based on Adaptive Features and Transductive Learning
* Towards Robust Discriminative Projections Learning via Non-Greedy L_2,1-Norm MinMax
* Truncated Robust Principle Component Analysis With A General Optimization Framework
* TurboPixel Segmentation Using Eigen-Images
* Two-Dimensional Whitening Reconstruction for Enhancing Robustness of Principal Component Analysis
* Unified Framework for Discrete Multi-kernel k-means with Kernel Diversity Regularization, A
* unified framework for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction, A
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning via l1-norm graph
* Unsupervised Salient Object Detection via Inferring from Imperfect Saliency Models
* WeGAN: Deep Image Hashing With Weighted Generative Adversarial Networks
* Weighted bilateral K-means algorithm for fast co-clustering and fast spectral clustering
* Worst-Case Discriminative Feature Learning via Max-Min Ratio Analysis
Includes: Nie, F.P.[Fei Ping] Nie, F.P.[Fei-Ping] Nie, F.P.
133 for Nie, F.P.
Nie, F.X.[Fang Xin]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Multi-Scale Hybrid Feature Extraction Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Nie, F.X.[Fang Xin] Nie, F.X.[Fang-Xin]
Nie, G.[Gaozhong]
Co Author Listing * Building Extraction and Floor Area Estimation at the Village Level in Rural China Via a Comprehensive Method Integrating UAV Photogrammetry and the Novel EDSANet
* Enhanced Flood Monitoring in the Pearl River Basin via GAIN-Reconstructed GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies
* Evaluation of Network RTK Positioning Performance Based on BDS-3 New Signal System
* Landslide Deformation Prediction Based on a GNSS Time Series Analysis and Recurrent Neural Network Model
Includes: Nie, G.[Gaozhong] Nie, G.[Guigen]
Nie, G.F.[Gao Feng]
Co Author Listing * Cognitive AmBC-NOMA IoV-MTS Networks With IQI: Reliability and Security Analysis
Includes: Nie, G.F.[Gao Feng] Nie, G.F.[Gao-Feng]
Nie, G.G.[Gui Gen]
Co Author Listing * Analyses of GLONASS and GPS+GLONASS Precise Positioning Performance in Different Latitude Regions
* Analysis and Discussion on the Optimal Noise Model of Global GNSS Long-Term Coordinate Series Considering Hydrological Loading
* Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Loading Series from GFZ and EOST on Long-Term GPS Height Time Series
* Sequential Ambiguity Resolution Method for Poorly-Observed GNSS Data
* Sub-Regional Extraction Method of Common Mode Components from IGS and CMONOC Stations in China, A
Includes: Nie, G.G.[Gui Gen] Nie, G.G.[Gui-Gen]
Nie, G.H.[Guo Hao]
Co Author Listing * Novel visual tracking approach via ant lion optimiser
* Uncertain motion tracking based on convolutional net with semantics estimation and region proposals
Includes: Nie, G.H.[Guo Hao] Nie, G.H.[Guo-Hao]
Nie, G.M.[Guang Ming]
Co Author Listing * cooperative lane change approach for heterogeneous platoons under different communication topologies, A
Includes: Nie, G.M.[Guang Ming] Nie, G.M.[Guang-Ming]
Nie, G.T.[Guang Tao]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images With Double Horizontal Rectangles
Includes: Nie, G.T.[Guang Tao] Nie, G.T.[Guang-Tao]
Nie, G.Y.[Guang Yu]
Co Author Listing * DNA: Deeply Supervised Nonlinear Aggregation for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Level Context Ultra-Aggregation for Stereo Matching
Includes: Nie, G.Y.[Guang Yu] Nie, G.Y.[Guang-Yu]
Nie, G.Z.[Guo Zhang]
Co Author Listing * Attention-guided image captioning with adaptive global and local feature fusion
* Building Function Type Identification Using Mobile Signaling Data Based on a Machine Learning Method
Includes: Nie, G.Z.[Guo Zhang] Nie, G.Z.[Guo-Zhang] Nie, G.Z.[Gao-Zhong]
Nie, H.[Hangyu]
Co Author Listing * Cross-scale resolution consistent network for salient object detection
* Dual-Generator Translation Network Fusing Texture and Structure Features for SAR and Optical Image Matching, A
* Effect of Water Transfer during Non-growing Season on the Wetland Ecosystem via Surface and Groundwater Interactions in Arid Northwestern China, The
* From Node to Graph: Joint Reasoning on Visual-Semantic Relational Graph for Zero-Shot Detection
* Quantitative Assessment of Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Streamflow Changes Using an Improved Three-Parameter Monthly Water Balance Model
* Volume Reconstruction for MRI
Includes: Nie, H.[Hangyu] Nie, H.[Han] Nie, H.[Hui] Nie, H.[Huirao]
Nie, H.F.[Hua Feng]
Co Author Listing * Fixed-pattern noise correction method based on improved moment matching for a TDI CMOS image sensor
Includes: Nie, H.F.[Hua Feng] Nie, H.F.[Hua-Feng]
Nie, H.J.[Han Jiang]
Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Dynamic Analysis of Eutrophication Status Based on Machine Learning-Based Retrieval Algorithm: Case Study in Liangzi Lake, Hubei, China
Includes: Nie, H.J.[Han Jiang] Nie, H.J.[Han-Jiang]
Nie, H.S.[Han Song]
Co Author Listing * Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Based on Dynamic Representation Learning of Internet of Vehicles
Includes: Nie, H.S.[Han Song] Nie, H.S.[Han-Song]
Nie, H.T.[Hong Tao]
Co Author Listing * ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Pattern in the Pacific Ocean with Regional Differences
* KDA3D: Key-Point Densification and Multi-Attention Guidance for 3D Object Detection
* Lightweight Neural Network for Centroid Detection of Weak, Small Infrared Targets via Background Matching in Complex Scenes
* Multi-Degradation Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Remote Sensing Images with Reconstruction Features-Guided Kernel Correction
* Partial Point Cloud Completion Network Focusing on Detail Reconstruction, A
* Res-LK-SLR: A Residual Network Based on Large Kernels and Shapelet-Level Representations for Spatial Infrared Spot Target Discrimination
* Stroke-Seg: A deep learning-based framework for chinese stroke segmentation
Includes: Nie, H.T.[Hong Tao] Nie, H.T.[Hong-Tao] Nie, H.T.[Hai-Tao]
7 for Nie, H.T.
Nie, J.[Jie]
Co Author Listing * Adaptively Clustering-Driven Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
* BidNet: Binocular Image Dehazing Without Explicit Disparity Estimation
* Binocular Image Dehazing via a Plain Network Without Disparity Estimation
* C-GCN: Correlation Based Graph Convolutional Network for Audio-Video Emotion Recognition
* CLN: Cross-Domain Learning Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Handling for Robust Object Tracking in RGB-D Videos
* Cross-Domain Recommendation Via User-Clustering and Multidimensional Information Fusion
* Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Reasoning for VideoQA With Self-Supervised Event Recognition
* Efficient Selective Context Network for Accurate Object Detection
* Emotion Detection for Conversations Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework
* Enriched Feature Guided Refinement Network for Object Detection
* ESGN: Efficient Stereo Geometry Network for Fast 3D Object Detection
* Exploring Relationship Between Face and Trustworthy Impression Using Mid-level Facial Features
* Finding suits in images of people in unconstrained environments
* Human body segmentation based on shape constraint
* Improve Image Codec's Performance By Variating Post Enhancing Neural Network: Submission of zxw for CLIC2020
* Is Your First Impression Reliable? Trustworthy Analysis Using Facial Traits in Portraits
* Joint Intermediate Domain Generation and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Objects Retrieval
* Joint TDOA, FDOA and PDOA Localization Approaches and Performance Analysis
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer, Using a Split-Window Algorithm
* Latent Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* Localization-aware logit mimicking for object detection in adverse weather conditions
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* MIGN: Multiscale Image Generation Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Level Policy and Reward-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Image Captioning
* Multi-query and multi-level enhanced network for semantic segmentation
* Multi-View Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for 3-D Object Retrieval and Classification
* Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Representation for Long-term Visual Place Recognition, A
* Online multi-objective optimization for live video forwarding across video data centers
* Person Re-Identification Based on Pose-Aware Segmentation
* R2SN: Refined Semantic Segmentation Network of City Remote Sensing Image
* Real-Time Underwater Fish Tracking Based on Adaptive Multi-Appearance Model
* Remote Sensing Image Dehazing via a Local Context-Enriched Transformer
* Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmospheric Parameters From Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Image Using a Feature-Band Linear-Format Hybrid Algorithm
* Robust skin detection in real-world images
* Sliced Wasserstein based Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* Stereo Refinement Dehazing Network
* Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient for Affine Rank Minimization Problem
* Surface Rupture Kinematics and Coseismic Slip Distribution during the 2019 Mw7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence Revealed by SAR and Optical Images
* Temporal-Aware Relation and Attention Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Towards Adaptive Multi-Scale Intermediate Domain via Progressive Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-Term Visual Place Recognition Toward Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Fine-Grained Similarity-Preserving Contrastive Learning for Image Retrieval
* VLSI implementation of an ultra-low-cost and low-power image compressor for wireless camera networks
Includes: Nie, J.[Jie] Nie, J.[Jing] Nie, J. Nie, J.[Jiwei] Nie, J.[Juan]
44 for Nie, J.
Nie, J.C.[Jia Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Rotation-invariant Texture Vit for Fine-grained Recognition of Esophageal Cancer Endoscopic Ultrasound Images, A
Includes: Nie, J.C.[Jia Cheng] Nie, J.C.[Jia-Cheng]
Nie, J.F.[Jun Fei]
Co Author Listing * Edge and Skeleton Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Nie, J.F.[Jun Fei] Nie, J.F.[Jun-Fei]
Nie, J.H.[Jia Hong]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Event-Triggered Platoon Control Under Unreliable Communication Links
* Cross-Domain Few-Shot Segmentation via Iterative Support-Query Correspondence Mining
* Discriminative atoms embedding relation dual network for classification of choroidal neovascularization in OCT images
* Learning Localization-Aware Target Confidence for Siamese Visual Tracking
* MSF-SLAM: Multi-Sensor-Fusion-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Complex Dynamic Environments
* New multi-view human motion capture framework
* One-Shot Multiple Object Tracking in UAV Videos Using Task-Specific Fine-Grained Features
* Reconstructing Binary Signals by Rule-Based Fuzzy Equalizer with Self-Organizing Capability
* Spreading Fine-Grained Prior Knowledge for Accurate Tracking
Includes: Nie, J.H.[Jia Hong] Nie, J.H.[Jia-Hong] Nie, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Nie, J.H.[Jian-Hua] Nie, J.H.[Jian-Hui] Nie, J.H.
9 for Nie, J.H.
Nie, J.L.[Jia Long]
Co Author Listing * How to Simulate Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Vegetation? A Forest Carbon Sequestration Model across a Typical Mountain City in China
* Insulator Image Dataset Generation based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Multi-Target Detection Method Based on Improved U-Net for UWB MIMO Through-Wall Radar, A
Includes: Nie, J.L.[Jia Long] Nie, J.L.[Jia-Long] Nie, J.L.[Jiang-Long] Nie, J.L.[Jin-Liang]
Nie, J.T.[Jiang Tao]
Co Author Listing * Adjustable Visible and Infrared Image Fusion
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Highly Efficient Vehicle Taillight Detection Approach Based on Deep Learning, A
* Multimodal Feature Extraction and Fusion for Emotional Reaction Intensity Estimation and Expression Classification in Videos with Transformers
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image
* Unsupervised Adaptation Learning for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution
* Unsupervised Recurrent Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution Using Pixel-Aware Refinement
* Unsupervised Test-Time Adaptation Learning for Effective Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With Unknown Degeneration
Includes: Nie, J.T.[Jiang Tao] Nie, J.T.[Jiang-Tao] Nie, J.T.[Jiang-Tian] Nie, J.T.[Jian-Tao]
8 for Nie, J.T.
Nie, J.X.[Jing Xin]
Co Author Listing * Brain Connectivity Based Graph Convolutional Networks and Its Application to Infant Age Prediction
* Direction field diffusion on cortical surface via graph cuts
Includes: Nie, J.X.[Jing Xin] Nie, J.X.[Jing-Xin]
Nie, J.Y.[Jin Yan]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Clustering-Based Two-Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Calibration-Free Cross-Camera Target Association Using Interaction Spatiotemporal Consistency
* Content analysis in document images: a scale space approach
* Retrieving poorly degraded OCR documents
* RSPD: A Novel Remote Sensing Index of Plant Biodiversity Combining Spectral Variation Hypothesis and Productivity Hypothesis
Includes: Nie, J.Y.[Jin Yan] Nie, J.Y.[Jin-Yan] Nie, J.Y.[Jia-Yang] Nie, J.Y. Nie, J.Y.[Jing-Yan]
Nie, K.[Ke]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Spatial Variation of Network-Constrained Phenomena Represented by a Link Attribute Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model
* Bi-Graph Reasoning for Masticatory Muscle Segmentation From Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
* Deep Volumetric Descriptor Learning for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography via Spectral Maps
* Extracting Building Areas from Photogrammetric DSM and DOM by Automatically Selecting Training Samples from Historical DLG Data
* Fixed-pattern noise correction method based on improved moment matching for a TDI CMOS image sensor
* Multi-Objective Permanent Basic Farmland Delineation Model Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, A
* On-Board Spectral-CT/CBCT/SPECT Imaging Configuration for Small-Animal Radiation Therapy Platform: A Monte Carlo Study, An
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* Semantic Labeling Based Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Semantic labeling for improved vehicle detection in aerial imagery
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecological Security Based on Landscape Patterns
* Using Local Toponyms to Reconstruct the Historical River Networks in Hubei Province, China
Includes: Nie, K.[Ke] Nie, K.[Kaichen] Nie, K.[Kaiming] Nie, K. Nie, K.[Kehui]
12 for Nie, K.
Nie, K.M.[Kai Ming]
Co Author Listing * Denoising Method Based on Pulse Interval Compensation for High-Speed Spike-Based Image Sensor, A
* High Frame Rate Video Reconstruction and Deblurring Based on Dynamic and Active Pixel Vision Image Sensor
* High-speed target tracking algorithm for the pulse-sequence-based image sensor
Includes: Nie, K.M.[Kai Ming] Nie, K.M.[Kai-Ming]
Nie, K.Y.[Kai Yu]
Co Author Listing * Calculation Model of Radar Terrain Masking Based on Tensor Grid Dilation Operator
Includes: Nie, K.Y.[Kai Yu] Nie, K.Y.[Kai-Yu]
Nie, L.[Lang]
Co Author Listing * 360 Layout Estimation via Orthogonal Planes Disentanglement and Multi-View Geometric Consistency Perception
* As-Deformable-As-Possible Single-Image-Based View Synthesis Without Depth Prior
* Beyond Text QA: Multimedia Answer Generation by Harvesting Web Information
* Bi-projection for 360° image object detection bridged by RoI Searcher
* Complementary Bi-directional Feature Compression for Indoor 360° Semantic Segmentation with Self-distillation
* Coordinated optimisation problem integrating EMU circulation and timetabling for high-speed railway
* Deep Rectangling for Image Stitching: A Learning Baseline
* Depth-Aware Multi-Grid Deep Homography Estimation With Contextual Correlation
* Detecting Densely Distributed Graph Patterns for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Digital Twin for Transportation Big Data: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Network Traffic Prediction Approach
* Discrete Hashing With Multiple Supervision
* Disentangling Orthogonal Planes for Indoor Panoramic Room Layout Estimation with Cross-Scale Distortion Awareness
* Distance metric optimization driven convolutional neural network for age invariant face recognition
* Dynamic identification of logistics critical roads based on BeiDou trajectory data
* Eliminating Warping Shakes for Unsupervised Online Video Stitching
* Exploring Web Images to Enhance Skin Disease Analysis Under A Computer Vision Framework
* Fine-Grained Butterfly Recognition with Deep Residual Networks: A New Baseline and Benchmark
* GAFlow: Incorporating Gaussian Attention into Optical Flow
* Image Retrieval with Attribute-Associated Auxiliary References
* Instance-aware representation learning and association for online multi-person tracking
* Iterative Local-Global Collaboration Learning Towards One-Shot Video Person Re-Identification
* Large-Scale Tracking for Images With Few Textures
* Learning the Traditional Art of Chinese Calligraphy via Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Assessment
* Model Optimization Boosting Framework for Linear Model Hash Learning
* Multimodal spatiotemporal aggregation for point cloud accumulation
* Neural Compatibility Modeling With Probabilistic Knowledge Distillation
* Neural Contourlet Network for Monocular 360° Depth Estimation
* Neural Task Planning With AND-OR Graph Representations
* NOMA-Enabled Framework for Relay Deployment and Network Optimization in Double-Layer Airborne Access VANETs, A
* Online Data Organizer: Micro-Video Categorization by Structure-Guided Multimodal Dictionary Learning
* PanoFormer: Panorama Transformer for Indoor 360 ° Depth Estimation
* Parallax-Tolerant Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching
* Perceptual Attributes Optimization for Multivideo Summarization
* Perceptually Guided Photo Retargeting
* Periocular Recognition Using Unsupervised Convolutional RBM Feature Learning
* Pre-Earthquake Oscillating and Accelerating Patterns in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) before the 2022 Luding (China) Ms6.8 Earthquake
* RecRecNet: Rectangling Rectified Wide-Angle Images by Thin-Plate Spline Model and DoF-based Curriculum Learning
* Remote Sensing LiDAR and Hyperspectral Classification with Multi-Scale Graph Encoder-Decoder Network
* SCA-CNN: Spatial and Channel-Wise Attention in Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning
* Semantic-Based Location Recommendation With Multimodal Venue Semantics
* Semi-Supervised Coupled Thin-Plate Spline Model for Rotation Correction and Beyond
* single-shot structured light means by encoding both color and geometrical features, A
* Study on the Range Equation Modeling for Multichannel Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR-GMTI Systems, A
* Supervised Robust Discrete Multimodal Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval
* TG-Pose: Delving Into Topology and Geometry for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
* Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images
* view-free image stitching network based on global homography, A
* Weakly Supervised Human Fixations Prediction
* Weakly Supervised Multilabel Clustering and its Applications in Computer Vision
Includes: Nie, L.[Lang] Nie, L. Nie, L.[Lei] Nie, L.[Laisen] Nie, L.[Lin] Nie, L.[Liaodong] Nie, L.[Liang]
49 for Nie, L.
Nie, L.M.[Li Ming]
Co Author Listing * Full-Wave Iterative Image Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography With Acoustically Inhomogeneous Media
* Tamper-Resistant Broadcasting Scheme for Secure Communication in Internet of Autonomous Vehicles, A
Includes: Nie, L.M.[Li Ming] Nie, L.M.[Li-Ming]
Nie, L.Q.[Li Qiang]
Co Author Listing * AAMT: Adversarial Attack-Driven Mutual Teaching for Source-Free Domain-Adaptive Person Reidentification
* Adversarial Graph Convolutional Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* aerial image recognition framework using discrimination and redundancy quality measure, An
* aMM: Towards adaptive ranking of multi-modal documents
* Anti-Collapse Loss for Deep Metric Learning
* Attribute-Guided Collaborative Learning for Partial Person Re-Identification
* Audio-Driven Talking Video Frame Restoration
* Audio-Semantic Enhanced Pose-Driven Talking Head Generation
* BadCM: Invisible Backdoor Attack Against Cross-Modal Learning
* Category-Aware Multimodal Attention Network for Fashion Compatibility Modeling
* CHMATCH: Contrastive Hierarchical Matching and Robust Adaptive Threshold Boosted Semi-Supervised Learning
* CNVid-3.5M: Build, Filter, and Pre-Train the Large-Scale Public Chinese Video-Text Dataset
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Alignment for Cross-Modal Moment Localization
* Conversational Image Search
* DBiased-P: Dual-Biased Predicate Predictor for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Detecting and Grounding Multi-Modal Media Manipulation
* Detecting and Grounding Multi-Modal Media Manipulation and Beyond
* DiffPerformer: Iterative Learning of Consistent Latent Guidance for Diffusion-Based Human Video Generation
* Discover Micro-Influencers for Brands via Better Understanding
* Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation
* Disentangled Multimodal Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Distribution-Oriented Aesthetics Assessment With Semantic-Aware Hybrid Network
* Divide-and-Conquer Predictor for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization Method for Micro-Video Multi-Label Classification
* Dual-track spatio-temporal learning for urban flow prediction with adaptive normalization
* DualGNN: Dual Graph Neural Network for Multimedia Recommendation
* Efficient Attribute-Preserving Framework for Face Swapping, An
* Efficient Image-Text Retrieval via Keyword-Guided Pre-Screening
* Exploiting Low-Rank Latent Gaussian Graphical Model Estimation for Visual Sentiment Distributions
* Exploring large scale data for multimedia QA: an initial study
* Fourier Priors-Guided Diffusion for Zero-Shot Joint Low-Light Enhancement and Deblurring
* Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image Memorability Prediction, A
* GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians
* Genetic algorithm and mathematical morphology based binarization method for strip steel defect image with non-uniform illumination
* GPS-Gaussian: Generalizable Pixel-Wise 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Human Novel View Synthesis
* Graph Contrastive Clustering
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Transformers
* Guest editorial: Image/video understanding and analysis
* Hierarchical Feature Aggregation Based on Transformer for Image-Text Matching
* Hierarchical User Intent Graph Network for Multimedia Recommendation
* Hybrid-Attention Enhanced Two-Stream Fusion Network for Video Venue Prediction
* Joint Answering and Explanation for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Learning Dual Low-Rank Representation for Multi-Label Micro-Video Classification
* Learning Enriched Hop-Aware Correlation for Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Learning Geometric Transformation for Point Cloud Completion
* Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Relationship Inference for Image Memorability Prediction
* LION: Empowering Multimodal Large Language Model with Dual-Level Visual Knowledge
* Lipschitz Continuity Guided Knowledge Distillation
* Lipschitz Continuity Retained Binary Neural Network
* Loss Re-Scaling VQA: Revisiting the Language Prior Problem From a Class-Imbalance View
* Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fashion Compatibility Prediction
* Micro-Influencer Recommendation by Multi-Perspective Account Representation Learning
* Modality-Oriented Graph Learning Toward Outfit Compatibility Modeling
* Modeling Multiple Aesthetic Views for Series Photo Selection
* Multi-Granularity Interaction and Integration Network for Video Question Answering
* Multi-level adversarial attention cross-modal hashing
* Multi-Modal Interaction Graph Convolutional Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
* Muti-Modal Emotion Recognition via Hierarchical Knowledge Distillation
* Neighbor-Guided Consistent and Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* Network Binarization via Contrastive Learning
* Neural Multimodal Cooperative Learning Toward Micro-Video Understanding
* On robust image spam filtering via comprehensive visual modeling
* Open-Set Synthesis for Free-Viewpoint Human Body Reenactment of Novel Poses
* Partially Supervised Compatibility Modeling
* Pre-Trained Transformer-Based Parallel Multi-Channel Adaptive Image Sequence Interpolation Network
* Predicting Image Memorability Through Adaptive Transfer Learning From External Sources
* Quality biased multimedia data retrieval in microblogs
* Query-Oriented Micro-Video Summarization
* Reconstruction regularized low-rank subspace learning for cross-modal retrieval
* Retargeting Semantically-Rich Photos
* SADCMF: Self-Attentive Deep Consistent Matrix Factorization for Micro-Video Multi-Label Classification
* Scalable Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Social Image Retrieval
* SCRATCH: A Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization Hashing Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Correlation Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Self-Training Boosted Multi-Factor Matching Network for Composed Image Retrieval
* Semantic-Aware Contrastive Learning With Proposal Suppression for Video Semantic Role Grounding
* Semantic-Aware Modular Capsule Routing for Visual Question Answering
* Semantic-Driven Interpretable Deep Multi-Modal Hashing for Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval
* Siamese Alignment Network for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* Simple to complex cross-modal learning to rank
* Smart Ambient Sound Analysis via Structured Statistical Modeling
* Sparse Code Filtering for Action Pattern Mining
* Spatial Structure Constraints for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Special issue on cross-media big data analytics
* Stacked Hybrid-Attention and Group Collaborative Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Stereo Image Restoration via Attention-Guided Correspondence Learning
* Stochastic Latent Talking Face Generation Toward Emotional Expressions and Head Poses
* Survey on Video Moment Localization, A
* Toward Fine-Grained Talking Face Generation
* Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation for Fashion Compatibility Prediction
* UNK-VQA: A Dataset and a Probe Into the Abstention Ability of Multi-Modal Large Models
* User Identity Linkage Across Social Media via Attentive Time-Aware User Modeling
* Utilizing Sensor-Social Cues to Localize Objects-of-Interest in Outdoor UGVs
* Venue Prediction for Social Images by Exploiting Rich Temporal Patterns in LBSNs
* Video Moment Localization via Deep Cross-Modal Hashing
* Weakly supervised image parsing via label propagation over discriminatively semantic graph
* Weakly Supervised Multimodal Kernel for Categorizing Aerial Photographs
Includes: Nie, L.Q.[Li Qiang] Nie, L.Q.[Li-Qiang]
97 for Nie, L.Q.
Nie, L.S.[Lan Shun]
Co Author Listing * Few shot learning-based fast adaptation for human activity recognition
* SeerNet: Predicting Convolutional Neural Network Feature-Map Sparsity Through Low-Bit Quantization
Includes: Nie, L.S.[Lan Shun] Nie, L.S.[Lan-Shun]
Nie, L.W.[Liang Wei]
Co Author Listing * Improving Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Prediction with Accelerometer Data
* Initial Assessment of Precise Point Positioning with LEO Enhanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems (LeGNSS)
Includes: Nie, L.W.[Liang Wei] Nie, L.W.[Liang-Wei]
Nie, L.Y.[Ling Yun]
Co Author Listing * Influence of Ocean Processes on Fine-Scale Changes in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Boundary Area Structure Based on Acoustic Observations, The
Includes: Nie, L.Y.[Ling Yun] Nie, L.Y.[Ling-Yun]
Nie, L.Z.[Lin Zhen]
Co Author Listing * Longitudinal speed control of autonomous vehicle based on a self-adaptive PID of radial basis function neural network
* Multispectral pedestrian detection based on feature complementation and enhancement
* VideoGraph: a non-linear video representation for efficient exploration
Includes: Nie, L.Z.[Lin Zhen] Nie, L.Z.[Lin-Zhen] Nie, L.Z.[Lei-Zheng]
Nie, M.[Ming]
Co Author Listing * ONCE-3DLanes: Building Monocular 3D Lane Detection
* PARTNER: Level up the Polar Representation for LiDAR 3D Object Detection
* Reason2drive: Towards Interpretable and Chain-based Reasoning for Autonomous Driving
* TransPose: Keypoint Localization via Transformer
Includes: Nie, M.[Ming] Nie, M.[Mu]
Nie, M.M.[Meng Meng]
Co Author Listing * Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Classification Based on Double-Channel Convolution Network and Edge-Preserving Markov Random Field
Includes: Nie, M.M.[Meng Meng] Nie, M.M.[Meng-Meng]
Nie, N.[Ning]
Co Author Listing * Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Wetland and Agriculture in the Songnen and Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
* DIP: Deep Inverse Patchmatch for High-Resolution Optical Flow
* Monitoring the spatial distribution and changes in permafrost with passive microwave remote sensing
Includes: Nie, N.[Ning] Nie, N.[Ni]
Nie, P.[Pin]
Co Author Listing * Trajectory Similarity Analysis with the Weight of Direction and k-Neighborhood for AIS Data
* Using the Directional Derivative Trace Transform for Seismic Wavefield Separation
Includes: Nie, P.[Pin] Nie, P.
Nie, P.L.
Co Author Listing * On-line map-matching framework for floating car data with low sampling rate in urban road networks
Nie, Q.[Qing]
Co Author Listing * Classification Based on SPACT and Visual Saliency
* Deterministic Point Cloud Registration via Novel Transformation Decomposition
* Fast Acquisition and Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images via Sparse Representation
* HopFIR: Hop-wise GraphFormer with Intragroup Joint Refinement for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Lifting 2D Human Pose to 3D with Domain Adapted 3D Body Concept
* LORS: Low-Rank Residual Structure for Parameter-Efficient Network Stacking
* Model-based optical flow for large displacements and homogeneous regions
* Modified L-Iterative Algorithm for Fast Computation of Pseudo-Zernike Moments, A
* Tuning-free Image Customization with Image and Text Guidance
* Unsupervised remote sensing image thin cloud removal method based on contrastive learning
* View-Invariant Human Action Recognition Based on a 3D Bio-Constrained Skeleton Model
* Voting spaces cooperation for 3D plane detection from monocular image sequences
* Weakly Supervised 3D Scene Segmentation with Region-Level Boundary Awareness and Instance Discrimination
Includes: Nie, Q.[Qing] Nie, Q.[Qiang] Nie, Q.[Qiong] Nie, Q.[Qin] Nie, Q.
13 for Nie, Q.
Nie, Q.A.[Qi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised 3d Human Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Disentanglement
* View Transfer on Human Skeleton Pose: Automatically Disentangle the View-Variant and View-Invariant Information for Pose Representation Learning
Includes: Nie, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Nie, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]
Nie, Q.F.[Qing Feng]
Co Author Listing * Probability estimation for multi-class classification using AdaBoost
Includes: Nie, Q.F.[Qing Feng] Nie, Q.F.[Qing-Feng]
Nie, Q.Q.[Qin Qin]
Co Author Listing * VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
Includes: Nie, Q.Q.[Qin Qin] Nie, Q.Q.[Qin-Qin]
Nie, R.[Rencan]
Co Author Listing * CEFusion: Multi-Modal medical image fusion via cross encoder
* DPAFNet: A Multistage Dense-Parallel Attention Fusion Network for Pansharpening
* EDAfuse: A encoder-decoder with atrous spatial pyramid network for infrared and visible image fusion
* GAGCN: Generative adversarial graph convolutional network for non-homogeneous texture extension synthesis
* LineGAN: An image colourisation method combined with a line art network
* Multi-Source Information Exchange Encoding With PCNN for Medical Image Fusion
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on the spectral total variation and local structural patch measurement
* Rethinking Normalization Layers for Domain Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* S2CANet: A self-supervised infrared and visible image fusion based on co-attention network
* Total Variation With Joint Norms For Infrared and Visible Image Fusion, A
* Virtual Try-on Network With Attribute Transformation and Local Rendering
Includes: Nie, R.[Rencan] Nie, R. Nie, R.[Ren]
11 for Nie, R.
Nie, R.C.[Ren Can]
Co Author Listing * AMBCR: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Attention Guided Multi-Branch Construction and Retinex Theory
* Construction of high dynamic range image based on gradient information transformation
* DFG-HCEN: A distinctive-feature guided and hierarchical channel enhanced network-based infrared and visible image fusion
* FuseGAN: Learning to Fuse Multi-Focus Image via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* MCNN: Conditional focus probability learning to multi-focus image fusion via mutually coupled neural network
* Trident-YOLO: Improving the precision and speed of mobile device object detection
Includes: Nie, R.C.[Ren Can] Nie, R.C.[Ren-Can]
Nie, R.F.[Ruo Feng]
Co Author Listing * NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Stereo Cross Global Learnable Attention Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Includes: Nie, R.F.[Ruo Feng] Nie, R.F.[Ruo-Feng]
Nie, R.H.[Rui Hua]
Co Author Listing * Comparative Analysis of Certainty Factor-Based Machine Learning Methods for Collapse and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Wenchuan County, China, A
* LAI-Based Phenological Changes and Climate Sensitivity Analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region
* Meta-Analysis and Visualization of the Literature on Early Identification of Flash Floods
* Research on Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction: Bibliometrics and Knowledge Graph Analysis
Includes: Nie, R.H.[Rui Hua] Nie, R.H.[Rui-Hua]
Nie, R.W.[Ru Wei]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Three Theoretical Methods for Determining Dry and Wet Edges of the LST/FVC Space: Revisit of Method Physics
Includes: Nie, R.W.[Ru Wei] Nie, R.W.[Ru-Wei]
Nie, S.[Shen]
Co Author Listing * All are Worth Words: A ViT Backbone for Diffusion Models
* Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Estimation Using Space-Borne LiDAR Waveform Data
* Assessing the Impacts of Various Factors on Treetop Detection Using LiDAR-Derived Canopy Height Models
* Canopy Height Layering Biomass Estimation Model (CHL-BEM) with Full-Waveform LiDAR
* Deep Regression Bayesian Network and Its Applications: Probabilistic Deep Learning for Computer Vision, The
* DEM Generation from GF-7 Satellite Stereo Imagery Assisted by Space-Borne LiDAR and Its Application to Active Tectonics
* Developing a sub-meter phenological spectral feature for mapping poplars and willows in urban environment
* Estimating Terrain Slope from ICESat-2 Data in Forest Environments
* Estimating the Biomass of Maize with Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Evaluation and Comparison of ICESat-2 and GEDI Data for Terrain and Canopy Height Retrievals in Short-Stature Vegetation
* Exploring the Influence of Various Factors on Slope Estimation Using Large-Footprint LiDAR Data
* Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point Extraction and Direct DBH Measurement
* GNSS-IR Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-Satellite Data Fusion Based on Random Forest
* Ground Elevation and Vegetation Height Retrieval Algorithm Using Micro-Pulse Photon-Counting Lidar Data, A
* Improved the Characterization of Flood Monitoring Based on Reconstructed Daily GRACE Solutions over the Haihe River Basin
* Influence of FY-4A High-Frequency LST Data on Data Assimilation in a Climate Model, The
* Location and Extraction of Telegraph Poles from Image Matching-Based Point Clouds
* Novel Model for Terrain Slope Estimation Using ICESat/GLAS Waveform Data, A
* Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Novel HTS Maglev System Employing Double-Sided Homopolar Linear Synchronous Motor
* Power Pylon Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Component Segmentation and Model Matching
* Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on Multisatellite Dual-Frequency Combination Multipath Errors
* Retrieving leaf area index in discontinuous forest using ICESat/GLAS full-waveform data based on gap fraction model
* revised terrain correction method for forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data, A
* Robust offline handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features under the guidance of printed data
* Robust Text Image Recognition via Adversarial Sequence-to-Sequence Domain Adaptation
* Sequence-To-Sequence Domain Adaptation Network for Robust Text Image Recognition
* Statistical Evaluation of the Performance of Gridded Daily Precipitation Products from Reanalysis Data, Satellite Estimates, and Merged Analyses over Global Land
* Systematic Comparison of Power Corridor Classification Methods from ALS Point Clouds
* Unveiling spatiotemporal tree cover patterns in China: The first 30m annual tree cover mapping from 1985 to 2023
* Vegetation Horizontal Occlusion Index (VHOI) from TLS and UAV Image to Better Measure Mangrove LAI
Includes: Nie, S.[Shen] Nie, S.[Sheng] Nie, S. Nie, S.[Shihai] Nie, S.[Shengkun] Nie, S.[Suping] Nie, S.[Sanchun] Nie, S.[Shuai]
30 for Nie, S.
Nie, S.H.[Shi Hai]
Co Author Listing * GNSS-IR Snow Depth Retrieval from Multi-GNSS and Multi-Frequency Data
Includes: Nie, S.H.[Shi Hai] Nie, S.H.[Shi-Hai]
Nie, S.J.[Shi Jie]
Co Author Listing * Data-Driven Approach for Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image, A
* Deeply Learned Filter Response Functions for Hyperspectral Reconstruction
Includes: Nie, S.J.[Shi Jie] Nie, S.J.[Shi-Jie]
Nie, S.L.[Shao Liang]
Co Author Listing * AK-GPSR: An Adaptive K-Medoids-Based Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Algorithm for Multi-Channel Vehicular Network Communication
Includes: Nie, S.L.[Shao Liang] Nie, S.L.[Shao-Liang]
Nie, S.M.[Shao Min]
Co Author Listing * Image Segmentation Method of Heavy Forgings Based on Genetic Algorithm
Includes: Nie, S.M.[Shao Min] Nie, S.M.[Shao-Min]
Nie, S.Q.[Si Qi]
Co Author Listing * Capturing Global and Local Dynamics for Human Action Recognition
* Data-Free Prior Model for Upper Body Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Efficient 3D Upper Body Tracking with Self-Occlusions
* Feature Learning Using Bayesian Linear Regression Model
* generative restricted Boltzmann machine based method for high-dimensional motion data modeling, A
* information theoretic feature selection framework based on integer programming, An
* Latent regression Bayesian network for data representation
* Sea-Land Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images with Prompt Mask-Attention
Includes: Nie, S.Q.[Si Qi] Nie, S.Q.[Si-Qi] Nie, S.Q.[Shi-Qiang]
8 for Nie, S.Q.
Nie, S.W.[Si Wei]
Co Author Listing * Self-supervised Video Copy Localization with Regional Token Representation
Includes: Nie, S.W.[Si Wei] Nie, S.W.[Si-Wei]
Nie, T.[Ting]
Co Author Listing * Blind Infrared Remote-Sensing Image Deblurring Algorithm via Edge Composite-Gradient Feature Prior and Detail Maintenance
* Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traffic Data Forecast at Scale
* Enhancement and Noise Suppression of Single Low-Light Grayscale Images
* Method of Ship Detection under Complex Background, A
* Multi-Exposure Fusion of Gray Images Under Low Illumination Based on Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multiscale Feature Extraction U-Net for Infrared Dim- and Small-Target Detection
* Point cloud semantic segmentation based on local feature fusion and multilayer attention network
* Radiation-Variation Insensitive Coarse-to-Fine Image Registration for Infrared and Visible Remote Sensing Based on Zero-Shot Learning
* Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
* Ship Detection in Panchromatic Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Visual Saliency and Multi-Dimensional Feature Description
* Spatio-Temporal Changes and Driving Forces of Vegetation Coverage on the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
* Stripe Noise Removal Algorithm for Infrared Remote Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Weighted Variable Order Model
* Two-Stream Deep Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Nie, T.[Ting] Nie, T.[Tong] Nie, T.
13 for Nie, T.
Nie, T.Y.[Ting Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Face Recognition via Curvelets and Local Ternary Pattern-Based Features
* Iris Recognition Based on Local Gabor Orientation Feature Extraction
* Multi-path Segmentation Network Based on CNN and Transformer for Skin Lesion Image
Includes: Nie, T.Y.[Ting Yuan] Nie, T.Y.[Ting-Yuan] Nie, T.Y.[Tian-Yu]
Nie, T.Z.[Tang Zhe]
Co Author Listing * Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Summer Crop Residue Burning Practices in North China: Exploring the Influence of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Factors
Includes: Nie, T.Z.[Tang Zhe] Nie, T.Z.[Tang-Zhe]
Nie, W.[Weili]
Co Author Listing * Bongard-HOI: Benchmarking Few-Shot Visual Reasoning for Human-Object Interactions
* Characteristic Views Extraction Modal Based-on Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D Model Retrieval
* complex mixing matrix estimation algorithm in under-determined blind source separation problems, A
* Dual Regression-Enhanced Gaze Target Detection in the Wild
* Dual-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Video Captioning
* Hyper-Clique Graph Matching and Applications
* Localization of Mobile Robots Based on Depth Camera
* Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences
* Multi-Level Policy and Reward-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Image Captioning
* Novel Hybrid Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping-Based GeoDetector and Machine Learning Cluster: A Case of Xiaojin County, China, A
* Robust and adaptive ROI extraction for hyperspectral dorsal hand vein images
* Semantic-Based Location Recommendation With Multimodal Venue Semantics
* Vehdoop: A Scalable Analytical Processing Framework for Vehicular Sensor Networks
Includes: Nie, W.[Weili] Nie, W. Nie, W.[Wei] Nie, W.[Wen]
13 for Nie, W.
Nie, W.B.[Wen Bin]
Co Author Listing * Coupling an Ecological Network with Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation: An Ecological Spatial Constraint Approach
Includes: Nie, W.B.[Wen Bin] Nie, W.B.[Wen-Bin]
Nie, W.F.[Wen Feng]
Co Author Listing * Earth Rotation Parameters Derived from BDS-3 New Signals B1C/B2a Dual-Frequency Combination Observations
* Efficient UD Factorization Implementation of Kalman Filter for RTK Based on Equivalent Principle, An
* Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor from Five Reanalysis Products with Ground-Based GNSS Observations
* Evaluation of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Derived from ERA5 Data over China Using GNSS Observations
* GPS/BDS RTK Positioning Based on Equivalence Principle Using Multiple Reference Stations
* Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model, The
* Middle- and Long-Term UT1-UTC Prediction Based on Constrained Polynomial Curve Fitting, Weighted Least Squares and Autoregressive Combination Model
* Observation Density Based Method for Independent Baseline Searching in GNSS Network Solution, An
* Observation of Ionospheric Gravity Waves Introduced by Thunderstorms in Low Latitudes China by GNSS
* Optimal Walker Constellation Design of LEO-Based Global Navigation and Augmentation System
* Ordered Subsets-Constrained ART Algorithm for Ionospheric Tomography by Combining VTEC Data
* Parallel Approach for Multi-GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination, A
* Precise Orbit Determination of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Using SLR
* Spatiotemporal Evaluation of GNSS-R Based on Future Fully Operational Global Multi-GNSS and Eight-LEO Constellations
* Stationary Detection for Zero Velocity Update of IMU Based on the Vibrational FFT Feature of Land Vehicle
Includes: Nie, W.F.[Wen Feng] Nie, W.F.[Wen-Feng]
15 for Nie, W.F.
Nie, W.Y.[Wen Yu]
Co Author Listing * Building Function Type Identification Using Mobile Signaling Data Based on a Machine Learning Method
* dual-attention V-network for pulmonary lobe segmentation in CT scans, A
* Spatiotemporal Mechanism-Based Spacetimeformer Network for InSAR Deformation Prediction and Identification of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Chumar River Basin
Includes: Nie, W.Y.[Wen Yu] Nie, W.Y.[Wen-Yu] Nie, W.Y.[Wei-Yu]
Nie, W.Z.
Co Author Listing * 3D Convolutional Networks-Based Mitotic Event Detection in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations
* 3D Object Retrieval Based on Multi-View Latent Variable Model
* 3D object retrieval based on sparse coding in weak supervision
* 3D Pose Estimation Based on Reinforce Learning for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Adaptive semantic transfer network for unsupervised 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* Adaptively Clustering-Driven Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
* AnyScene: Customized Image Synthesis with Composited Foreground
* Benchmarking a Multimodal and Multiview and Interactive Dataset for Human Action Recognition
* Brain tumor image segmentation based on prior knowledge via transformer
* C-GCN: Correlation Based Graph Convolutional Network for Audio-Video Emotion Recognition
* CAT-DM: Controllable Accelerated Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Model
* CDCM: ChatGPT-Aided Diversity-Aware Causal Model for Interactive Recommendation
* Clique-graph matching by preserving global & local structure
* CLN: Cross-Domain Learning Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* comparison of methods for 3D scene shape retrieval, A
* Coupled-dynamic learning for vision and language: Exploring Interaction between different tasks
* CPG3D: Cross-Modal Priors Guided 3D Object Reconstruction
* Cross-Domain Recommendation Via User-Clustering and Multidimensional Information Fusion
* Cross-view action recognition by cross-domain learning
* DAN: Deep-Attention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* Deep Correlated Joint Network for 2-D Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval
* Dual-Stage Uncertainty Modeling for Unsupervised Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Emotion Detection for Conversations Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework
* Event-Aware Retrospective Learning for Knowledge-Based Image Captioning
* Hierarchical Clustering Multi-Task Learning for Joint Human Action Grouping and Recognition
* I-GCN: Incremental Graph Convolution Network for Conversation Emotion Detection
* Inter- and Intra-Domain Potential User Preferences for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* Interactive Multimodal Attention Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* Iterative Residual Feature Refinement Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* JFLN: Joint Feature Learning Network for 2D sketch based 3D shape retrieval
* Joint Heterogeneous Feature Learning and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Object Retrieval
* Joint Local Correlation and Global Contextual Information for Unsupervised 3D Model Retrieval and Classification
* Knowledge-Enhanced Causal Reinforcement Learning Model for Interactive Recommendation
* LD-GAN: Learning perturbations for adversarial defense based on GAN structure
* LIMAN: Local Information-Based Multiattention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* Location emotion recognition for travel recommendation based on social network
* Long Dialogue Emotion Detection Based on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Guidance
* LR-GCN: Latent Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* MHFP: Multi-view based hierarchical fusion pooling method for 3D shape recognition
* Mitosis event recognition and detection based on evolution of feature in time domain
* Monocular Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* MRFT: Multiscale Recurrent Fusion Transformer Based Prior Knowledge for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Task Learning for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Clique-Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-type decision fusion network for visual Q&A
* Multi-View Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for 3-D Object Retrieval and Classification
* Multimedia venue semantic modeling based on multimodal data
* Multiple Person Tracking by Spatiotemporal Tracklet Association
* Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning
* Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Scene graph captioner: Image captioning based on structural visual representation
* Scene Graph Inference via Multi-Scale Context Modeling
* Subgraph learning for graph matching
* T2TD: Text-3D Generation Model Based on Prior Knowledge Guidance
* Universal Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Unsupervised Cross-Media Graph Convolutional Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* View-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
Includes: Nie, W.Z. Nie, W.Z.[Wei-Zhi]
58 for Nie, W.Z.
Nie, X.[Xing]
Co Author Listing * AME: Attention and Memory Enhancement in Hyper-Parameter Optimization
* Assessing the Relationship between Freshwater Flux and Sea Surface Salinity
* Bilateral Memory Consolidation for Continual Learning
* Cooperation Does Matter: Exploring Multi-Order Bilateral Relations for Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Deep Multiscale Fusion Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Detail enhancement-based vehicle re-identification with orientation-guided re-ranking
* Differentiable Convolution Search for Point Cloud Processing
* Discrete online cross-modal hashing with consistency preservation
* Discriminative atoms embedding relation dual network for classification of choroidal neovascularization in OCT images
* Edge Preserving Filtering by Combining Nonlinear Mean and Median Filters
* Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* Human Pose Estimation with Parsing Induced Learner
* Incremental Multi-view Active Learning Algorithm for PolSAR Data Classification, An
* Inversion of Aerosol Particle Size Distribution Using an Improved Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Learning Feature Semantic Matching for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
* Learning to Rank Proposals for Object Detection
* MLIP: Enhancing Medical Visual Representation with Divergence Encoder and Knowledge-guided Contrastive Learning
* MoBoo: Memory-Boosted Vision Transformer for Class-Incremental Learning
* Model Optimization Boosting Framework for Linear Model Hash Learning
* Multi-axis interactive multidimensional attention network for vehicle re-identification
* Performance Analysis of BDS-3 SAIM and Enhancement Research on Autonomous Satellite Ephemeris Monitoring
* Polsar data online classification based on multi-view learning
* Pro-Tuning: Unified Prompt Tuning for Vision Tasks
* Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark Detection
* Semi-Supervised Semi-Paired Cross-Modal Hashing
* Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
* Structural Compact Core Tensor Dictionary Learning for Multispec-Tral Remote Sensing Image Deblurring
* Unsupervised Port Detection Method in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Three-Component Decomposition and Multi-Scale Thresholding Segmentation, An
* Variable-Length Quantization Strategy for Hashing
* Vehicle re-identification based on grouping aggregation attention and cross-part interaction
* Vehicle Reidentification Based on Convolution and Vision Transformer Feature Fusion
Includes: Nie, X.[Xing] Nie, X.[Xunwei] Nie, X. Nie, X.[Xiushan] Nie, X.[Xin] Nie, X.[Xuan]
31 for Nie, X.
Nie, X.C.[Xue Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Self-supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised 3d Action Recognition
* BlazeBVD: Make Scale-time Equalization Great Again for Blind Video Deflickering
* Body Meshes as Points
* Customize your NeRF: Adaptive Source Driven 3D Scene Editing via Local-Global Iterative Training
* Distribution-Aware Single-Stage Models for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
* DropKey for Vision Transformer
* Dynamic Kernel Distillation for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos
* Grouping by Center: Predicting Centripetal Offsets for the Bottom-up Human Pose Estimation
* High-Sensitivity Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Emission Tomography (XFET) System With a Full-Ring of X-Ray Imaging-Spectrometers and a Compound-Eye Collimation Aperture, A
* Layered modeling and generation of Pollock's drip style
* Multi-Person Pose Regression With Distribution-Aware Single-Stage Models
* Mutual Learning to Adapt for Joint Human Parsing and Pose Estimation
* Pose Partition Networks for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Rethinking the Person Localization for Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Self-Supervised Neural Aggregation Networks for Human Parsing
* Single-Stage is Enough: Multi-Person Absolute 3D Pose Estimation
* Spatial-Aware Texture Transformer for High-Fidelity Garment Transfer
Includes: Nie, X.C.[Xue Cheng] Nie, X.C.[Xue-Cheng] Nie, X.C.[Xing-Chen]
17 for Nie, X.C.
Nie, X.F.[Xiang Fei]
Co Author Listing * MIMO DFRC Signal Design in Signal-Dependent Clutter
Includes: Nie, X.F.[Xiang Fei] Nie, X.F.[Xiang-Fei]
Nie, X.H.[Xiao Han]
Co Author Listing * benchmark for interactive image segmentation algorithms, A
* Cross-View Action Modeling, Learning, and Recognition
* Depth-Guided Sparse Structure-from-Motion for Movies and TV Shows
* Experts-Shift: Learning active spatial classification experts for keyframe-based video segmentation
* Mining discriminative 3D Poselet for cross-view action recognition
* Movies2Scenes: Using Movie Metadata to Learn Scene Representation
* Robust and Efficient Framework for Sports-Field Registration, A
* Shot Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Scene Boundary Detection
Includes: Nie, X.H.[Xiao Han] Nie, X.H.[Xiao-Han]
8 for Nie, X.H.
Nie, X.L.[Xin Li]
Co Author Listing * Feature extraction using HHT-based locally optimized short-time fractional Fourier transform for speaker recognition
* Lifelong CycleGAN for continual multi-task image restoration
* Monocular 6-DoF Pose Estimation of Spacecrafts Utilizing Self-iterative Optimization and Motion Consistency
* Multi-View Feature Selection for PolSAR Image Classification via L_2,1 Sparsity Regularization and Manifold Regularization
* New Algorithm for Optimizing TV-Based PolSAR Despeckling Model, A
* Nonlocal TV-Based Variational Method for PolSAR Data Speckle Reduction, A
* PolSAR Image Feature Extraction via Co-Regularized Graph Embedding
* Supervised Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Tensor Local Discriminant Embedding
* Supervised Polsar Image Classification by Combining Multiple Features
* Variational Model for PolSAR Data Speckle Reduction Based on the Wishart Distribution, A
Includes: Nie, X.L.[Xin Li] Nie, X.L.[Xin-Li] Nie, X.L.[Xiang-Li]
10 for Nie, X.L.
Nie, X.R.[Xin Ran]
Co Author Listing * Remote-Sensing Evaluation and Temporal and Spatial Change Detection of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal-Mining Areas
* Research on Temporal and Spatial Resolution and the Driving Forces of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal Mining Areas Considering Topographic Correction
* Using UAV and Field Measurement Technology to Monitor the Impact of Coal Gangue Pile Temperature on Vegetation Ecological Construction
Includes: Nie, X.R.[Xin Ran] Nie, X.R.[Xin-Ran]
Nie, X.S.[Xue Song]
Co Author Listing * AHOR: Online Multi-Object Tracking With Authenticity Hierarchizing and Occlusion Recovery
* Assessment of feature fusion strategies in visual attention mechanism for saliency detection
* Comprehensive Feature-Based Robust Video Fingerprinting Using Tensor Model
* Context-related video anomaly detection via generative adversarial network
* Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Category Structure Preserving
* Deep Hashing with Weighted Spatial Importance
* Discrete hashing with triple supervision learning
* Discrete Spatial Importance-based Deep Weighted Hashing
* DUN: Dual-path Temporal Matching Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Retrieval
* Efficient weakly-supervised discrete hashing for large-scale social image retrieval
* Face Image Super-Resolution Based on Topology ICA and Sparse Representation
* Fast Unmediated Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Graph-based video fingerprinting using double optimal projection
* Hybrid textual-visual relevance learning for content-based image retrieval
* Image Aesthetic Distribution Prediction with Fully Convolutional Network
* Logarithmic Spread-Transform Dither Modulation watermarking Based on Perceptual Model
* Multi-Branch GAN-Based Abnormal Events Detection via Context Learning in Surveillance Videos
* Normality Learning in Multispace for Video Anomaly Detection
* Online Discriminative Cross-Modal Hashing
* PredToken: Predicting Unknown Tokens and Beyond with Coarse-to-Fine Iterative Decoding
* Reformulating Graph Kernels for Self-Supervised Space-Time Correspondence Learning
* Regularized Two Granularity Loss Function for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* Reinforced Short-Length Hashing
* Relational Network via Cascade CRF for Video Language Grounding
* Robust Video Hashing Based on Double-Layer Embedding
* Saliency detection based on directional patches extraction and principal local color contrast
* ScopeViT: Scale-Aware Vision Transformer
* Structural similarity-based video fingerprinting for video copy detection
* Supervised Adaptive Similarity Matrix Hashing
* Supervised discrete hashing for hamming space retrieval
* Triple-attention interaction network for breast tumor classification based on multi-modality images
* Triplet Attention Transformer for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning
* Video Hashing Algorithm With Weighted Matching Based on Visual Saliency
* Visual Out-of-Distribution Detection in Open-Set Noisy Environments
* visual saliency based video hashing algorithm, A
Includes: Nie, X.S.[Xue Song] Nie, X.S.[Xue-Song] Nie, X.S.[Xiu-Shan]
35 for Nie, X.S.
Nie, X.X.[Xi Xi]
Co Author Listing * MLNet: A Multi-Domain Lightweight Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* User-Guided Personalized Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Nie, X.X.[Xi Xi] Nie, X.X.[Xi-Xi]
Nie, X.Y.[Xiao Ying]
Co Author Listing * Physics-preserving fluid reconstruction from monocular video coupling with SFS and SPH
* Surface-Based Probabilistic Fiber Tracking in Superficial White Matter
Includes: Nie, X.Y.[Xiao Ying] Nie, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying] Nie, X.Y.[Xin-Yu]
Nie, Y.[Yao]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive fuzzy post-filtering for highly compressed video
* Adaptive Irregular Pattern Search With Matching Prejudgment for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation
* Adaptive rood pattern search for fast block-matching motion estimation
* Collision-Free Video Synopsis Incorporating Object Speed and Size Changes
* Correctable Landmark Discovery via Large Models for Vision-Language Navigation
* Detecting Subsidence in Coastal Areas by Ultrashort-Baseline TCPInSAR on the Time Series of High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Images
* DiffuScene: Denoising Diffusion Models for Generative Indoor Scene Synthesis
* Distribution System Planning Considering Stochastic EV Penetration and V2G Behavior
* DPHMs: Diffusion Parametric Head Models for Depth-Based Tracking
* Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* Fuzzy Ordering Theory and Its Use in Filter Generalization
* Fuzzy Rank LUM Filters
* Fuzzy transformation and its applications
* fuzzy transformation and its applications in image processing, The
* Glacial Lake Changes and Risk Assessment in Rongxer Watershed of China-Nepal Economic Corridor
* Glacier Change, Supraglacial Debris Expansion and Glacial Lake Evolution in the Gyirong River Basin, Central Himalayas, between 1988 and 2015
* HeadGas: Real-time Animatable Head Avatars via 3d Gaussian Splatting
* LASA: Instance Reconstruction from Real Scans using A Large-scale Aligned Shape Annotation Dataset
* Learning 3D Scene Priors with 2D Supervision
* Lightweight Neural Network for Centroid Detection of Weak, Small Infrared Targets via Background Matching in Complex Scenes
* ME-PCN: Point Completion Conditioned on Mask Emptiness
* Mesh2nerf: Direct Mesh Supervision for Neural Radiance Field Representation and Generation
* Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Detour Behavior from GPS Traces at Directional Road Segment Level
* Multi-Area Self-Adaptive Pricing Control in Smart City With EV User Participation
* Multi-View Video Synopsis via Simultaneous Object-Shifting and View-Switching Optimization
* NerVE: Neural Volumetric Edges for Parametric Curve Extraction from Point Cloud
* Network Amplification with Efficient MACs Allocation
* novel photometric stereo method with nonisotropic point light sources, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* On-line classroom visual tracking and quality evaluation by an advanced feature mining technique
* Progress in the Application of CNN-Based Image Classification and Recognition in Whole Crop Growth Cycles
* Remote Sensing Analysis of the Status of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
* RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction
* Suitability Evaluation of Typical Drought Index in Soil Moisture Retrieval and Monitoring Based on Optical Images
* Total3DUnderstanding: Joint Layout, Object Pose and Mesh Reconstruction for Indoor Scenes From a Single Image
* UFineBench: Towards Text-based Person Retrieval with Ultra-fine Granularity
Includes: Nie, Y.[Yao] Nie, Y. Nie, Y.[Yunshuang] Nie, Y.[Yunju] Nie, Y.[Yinyu] Nie, Y.[Yong] Nie, Y.[Yu] Nie, Y.[Ying] Nie, Y.[Yang] Nie, Y.[Yan]
36 for Nie, Y.
Nie, Y.F.[Yu Feng]
Co Author Listing * Combination Analysis of Future Polar-Type Gravity Mission and GRACE Follow-On
* Correcting Optical Aberration via Depth-Aware Point Spread Functions
* edge fusion scheme for image denoising based on anisotropic diffusion models, An
* Hierarchical Density-Aware Dehazing Network
* Improved U-Net Network for Sandy Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Video Super-Resolution via a Spatio-Temporal Alignment Network
Includes: Nie, Y.F.[Yu Feng] Nie, Y.F.[Yu-Feng] Nie, Y.F.[Yun-Feng]
Nie, Y.H.[Yong Hui]
Co Author Listing * Biomass Estimation and Saturation Value Determination Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Inversion of Forest above Ground Biomass in Mountainous Region Based on PolSAR Data after Terrain Correction: A Case Study from Saihanba, China
* Inversion of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Regions with Complex Terrain Based on PolSAR Data and a Machine Learning Model: Radiometric Terrain Correction Assessment
Includes: Nie, Y.H.[Yong Hui] Nie, Y.H.[Yong-Hui]
Nie, Y.L.[Yu Liang]
Co Author Listing * Building Damage Detection Based on OPCE Matching Algorithm Using a Single Post-Event PolSAR Data
* EA-UNet: A Macrophages Image Segmentation Model Based on U-Net with External Attention
Includes: Nie, Y.L.[Yu Liang] Nie, Y.L.[Yu-Liang] Nie, Y.L.[Yuan-Liu]
Nie, Y.M.[Yu Man]
Co Author Listing * Design of A Novel Gait Simulator for Rehabilitation Training
* DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Models for Autonomous Driving
* Real-time scratching behavior quantification system for laboratory mice using high-speed vision
* Revised depth map estimation for multi-view stereo
* Robust multi-view stereo synthesized by various parameters model
* Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Consistency Training
Includes: Nie, Y.M.[Yu Man] Nie, Y.M.[Yu-Man] Nie, Y.M.[Yi-Ming] Nie, Y.M.[Yong-Ming]
Nie, Y.P.[Yuan Ping]
Co Author Listing * Detection and Tracking of Weak Exoatmospheric Target with Elliptical Hough Transform
* GIS-Based Visibility Network and Defensibility Model to Reconstruct Defensive System of the Han Dynasty in Central Xinjiang, China
* Phenological Observations on Classical Prehistoric Sites in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Based on Landsat NDVI Time Series
* Relations analysis between canal and urban development of Yangzhou supported by space technology
* Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of China's Terrestrial Biodiversity: A Dynamic Habitat Index Diagnostic
Includes: Nie, Y.P.[Yuan Ping] Nie, Y.P.[Yuan-Ping] Nie, Y.P.[Yue-Ping]
Nie, Y.Q.[Yun Qing]
Co Author Listing * Part Aware Graph Convolution Network with Temporal Enhancement for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Includes: Nie, Y.Q.[Yun Qing] Nie, Y.Q.[Yun-Qing]
Nie, Y.S.[You San]
Co Author Listing * Efficient identification of speakers in news video based on shot segmentation
Includes: Nie, Y.S.[You San] Nie, Y.S.[You-San]
Nie, Y.W.[Yong Wei]
Co Author Listing * Blind Color Separation Model for Faithful Palette-Based Image Recoloring, A
* Content-aware model resizing with symmetry-preservation
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Controllable Person Image Generation
* Enhancing Underexposed Photos Using Perceptually Bidirectional Similarity
* Fine-Grained Face Swapping Via Regional GAN Inversion
* Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection Framework via Memory-Augmented Flow Reconstruction and Flow-Guided Frame Prediction, A
* Interactive Contour Extraction via Sketch-Alike Dense-Validation Optimization
* Interleaving One-class and Weakly-supervised Models with Adaptive Thresholding for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Learning Dynamic Style Kernels for Artistic Style Transfer
* Learning to Remove Shadows from a Single Image
* MSR-GCN: Multi-Scale Residual Graph Convolution Networks for Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-ROI Human Mesh Recovery with Camera Consistency and Contrastive Losses
* PatchMixing Masked Autoencoders for 3D Point Cloud Self-Supervised Learning
* Progressively Generating Better Initial Guesses Towards Next Stages for High-Quality Human Motion Prediction
* Public Curb Parking Demand Estimation With POI Distribution
* Spatial attention for human-centric visual understanding: An Information Bottleneck method
* Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches
* Understanding More About Human and Machine Attention in Deep Neural Networks
* Video retargeting combining warping and summarizing optimization
* Video super-resolution via pre-frame constrained and deep-feature enhanced sparse reconstruction
Includes: Nie, Y.W.[Yong Wei] Nie, Y.W.[Yong-Wei] Nie, Y.W.[Yi-Wen]
20 for Nie, Y.W.
Nie, Y.X.[Yu Xin]
Co Author Listing * Deep video steganography using temporal-attention-based frame selection and spatial sparse adversarial attack
* Elysium: Exploring Object-level Perception in Videos via MLLM
* Toward high imperceptibility deep JPEG steganography based on sparse adversarial attack
Includes: Nie, Y.X.[Yu Xin] Nie, Y.X.[Yu-Xin] Nie, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang]
Nie, Y.Y.[Yin Yu]
Co Author Listing * Pose2Room: Understanding 3D Scenes from Human Activities
* Shallow2Deep: Indoor scene modeling by single image understanding
Includes: Nie, Y.Y.[Yin Yu] Nie, Y.Y.[Yin-Yu]
Nie, Z.
Co Author Listing * Approach on Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Data Based on Structural Constraints
* Attributes Preserving Face De-Identification
* DAIR-V2X: A Large-Scale Dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Object Detection
* Deformable Image Registration Using Functions of Bounded Deformation
* Fault Detection Filter and Controller Co-Design for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Under DoS Attacks
* Forest Types Classification Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
* Human-Inspired Anticipative Cruise Control for Enhancing Mixed Traffic Flow
* Modified Phase-Extracted Basis Functions for Efficient Analysis of Scattering From Electrically Large Targets
* Multirelay Cooperation Method for Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signals, A
* Numerical Modeling for Excitation and Coupling Transmission of Near Field Around the Metal Drilling Pipe in Lossy Formation
* Preliminary Evaluation of the Consistency of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Products in An Urban Area: An Example in Beijing, China
* RCooper: A Real-world Large-scale Dataset for Roadside Cooperative Perception
* RMV Antenna Selection Algorithm for Massive MIMO
* Spectral-Spatial Interaction Network for Multispectral Image and Panchromatic Image Fusion
* Statistical Entity Extraction From the Web
* Subset Selection Strategies Based on Target Positioning Characteristics for Anti-Jamming Technology
* V2X-Seq: A Large-Scale Sequential Dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Perception and Forecasting
* Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signal Based on Guidance of Metal Pipes and Relay of Transceivers
Includes: Nie, Z. Nie, Z.[Zaiqing] Nie, Z.[Zhen] Nie, Z.[Zifei] Nie, Z.[Zihao] Nie, Z.[Zhao]
18 for Nie, Z.
Nie, Z.B.[Zhen Bo]
Co Author Listing * Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Parameter Modeling
Includes: Nie, Z.B.[Zhen Bo] Nie, Z.B.[Zhen-Bo]
Nie, Z.G.[Zhi Gen]
Co Author Listing * Full Transfer Learning LSTM-Based Fractional Order Optimization Method of GM(r,2) for Inferring Driving Intention, A
* Gain-scheduling control of dynamic lateral lane change for automated and connected vehicles based on the multipoint preview
* Linear Hashtable Method Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Spatial Related Criterion
Includes: Nie, Z.G.[Zhi Gen] Nie, Z.G.[Zhi-Gen] Nie, Z.G.[Zhen-Gang]
Nie, Z.J.[Zong Jun]
Co Author Listing * AFCN: An attention-directed feature-fusion ConvNeXt network for low-voltage apparatus assembly quality inspection
Includes: Nie, Z.J.[Zong Jun] Nie, Z.J.[Zong-Jun]
Nie, Z.L.[Zhong Liang]
Co Author Listing * Anabranch network for camouflaged object segmentation
Includes: Nie, Z.L.[Zhong Liang] Nie, Z.L.[Zhong-Liang]
Nie, Z.P.[Zai Ping]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Modeling of Large-Scale Electromagnetic Well-Logging Problems Using an Improved Nonconformal FEM-DDM
* Frequency-Hopping Subspace-Based Optimization Method for Reconstruction of 2-D Large Uniaxial Anisotropic Scatterers With TE Illumination, A
* Modified Model for Electromagnetic Scattering of Sea Surface Covered with Crest Foam and Static Foam, A
* Nonconformal FEM-DDM With Tree-Cotree Splitting and Improved Transmission Condition for Modeling Subsurface Detection Problems, A
* Persymmetric Adaptive Detection With Reduced-Dimension Approach
Includes: Nie, Z.P.[Zai Ping] Nie, Z.P.[Zai-Ping]
Nie, Z.Q.[Zuo Quan]
Co Author Listing * Risk Assessment of Landslide Collapse Disasters along National Highways Based on Information Quantity and Random Forest Coupling Methods: A Case Study of the G331 National Highway
Includes: Nie, Z.Q.[Zuo Quan] Nie, Z.Q.[Zuo-Quan]
Nie, Z.S.[Zhao Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Digital Orthoimage Generation with Low Altitude Photogrammetric System Based on Unmanned Airship
Includes: Nie, Z.S.[Zhao Sheng] Nie, Z.S.[Zhao-Sheng]
Nie, Z.W.[Zi Wei]
Co Author Listing * Deformable Image Registration Based on Functions of Bounded Generalized Deformation
Includes: Nie, Z.W.[Zi Wei] Nie, Z.W.[Zi-Wei]
Nie, Z.X.[Zhi Xi]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Orbit, Clock and Ionospheric Corrections from Five Currently Available SBAS L1 Services: Methodology and Analysis
* High-Precision and High-Reliability Positioning, Navigation, and Timing: Opportunities and Challenges
* Initial Assessment of BDS PPP-B2b Service: Precision of Orbit and Clock Corrections, and PPP Performance
* Integration of High-Rate GNSS and Strong Motion Record Based on Sage-Husa Kalman Filter with Adaptive Estimation of Strong Motion Acceleration Noise Uncertainty
* New Angle-Calibration Method for Precise Ultra-Short Baseline Underwater Positioning, A
* Performance Assessment of BDS-3 PPP-B2b/INS Loosely Coupled Integration
Includes: Nie, Z.X.[Zhi Xi] Nie, Z.X.[Zhi-Xi]