ATR -- Small Targets IR, Infra-Red, Thermal, Applications

Chapter Contents (Back)
Infrared. Small Targets. ATR. General objects:
See also Small Objects, Detect Small Objects.
See also Subpixel Target, Subpixel Land Use, Tiny Objects.

Ramanan, S., Petersen, R.S., Clarkson, T.G., Taylor, J.G.,
PRAM Nets for Detection of Small Targets in Sequences of Infrared Images,
NeurNet(8), No. 7-8, 1995, pp. 1227-1237. BibRef 9500

Ashton, E.A.,
Detection of Subpixel Anomalies in Multispectral Infrared Imagery Using an Adaptive Bayesian Classifier,
GeoRS(36), No. 2, March 1998, pp. 506-517.
IEEE Top Reference. 9804

Gao, C.Q.[Chen-Qiang], Meng, D.Y.[De-Yu], Yang, Y.[Yi], Wang, Y.T.[Yong-Tao], Zhou, X.F.[Xiao-Fang], Hauptmann, A.G.,
Infrared Patch-Image Model for Small Target Detection in a Single Image,
IP(22), No. 12, 2013, pp. 4996-5009.
image segmentation BibRef

Chen, C.L.P., Li, H.[Hong], Wei, Y.T.[Yan-Tao], Xia, T.[Tian], Tang, Y.Y.[Yuan Yan],
A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection,
GeoRS(52), No. 1, January 2014, pp. 574-581.
clutter BibRef

Wei, Y.T.[Yan-Tao], You, X.G.[Xin-Ge], Li, H.[Hong],
Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection,
PR(58), No. 1, 2016, pp. 216-226.
Elsevier DOI 1606
Local contrast BibRef

Liu, L.P.[Li-Ping], Wei, Y.T.[Yan-Tao], Wang, Y.[Yue], Yao, H.[Huang], Chen, D.[Di],
Using Double-Layer Patch-Based Contrast for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Zhou, W.[Weina], Xue, X.Y.[Xiang-Yang], Chen, Y.[Yun],
Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Based Frame Difference Method for Small Infrared Target Detection in Coastal Surveillance,
IEICE(E99-D), No. 2, February 2016, pp. 554-557.
WWW Link. 1604

Deng, H., Sun, X., Liu, M., Ye, C., Zhou, X.,
Small Infrared Target Detection Based on Weighted Local Difference Measure,
GeoRS(54), No. 7, July 2016, pp. 4204-4214.
Clutter BibRef

Nasiri, M.[Mahdi], Mosavi, M.R.[Mohammad Reza], Mirzakuchaki, S.[Sattar],
Infrared dim small target detection with high reliability using saliency map fusion,
IET-IPR(10), No. 7, 2016, pp. 524-533.
DOI Link 1608
image fusion BibRef

Nasiri, M.[Mahdi], Mosavi, M.R.[Mohammad Reza], Mirzakuchaki, S.[Sattar],
IR small target detection based on human visual attention using pulsed discrete cosine transform,
IET-IPR(11), No. 6, June 2017, pp. 397-405.
DOI Link 1706

Wang, X., Peng, Z., Kong, D., He, Y.,
Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Stable Multisubspace Learning in Heterogeneous Scene,
GeoRS(55), No. 10, October 2017, pp. 5481-5493.
image colour analysis, infrared imaging, noise interference, optimization algorithm, infrared (IR) images, multisubspace, learning BibRef

Deng, H.[He], Sun, X.P.[Xian-Ping], Liu, M.[Maili], Ye, C.H.[Chao-Hui], Zhou, X.[Xin],
Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets,
PR(61), No. 1, 2017, pp. 66-77.
Elsevier DOI 1609
Dim and small target detection BibRef

Guo, J.[Jun], Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Quan], Dai, Y.M.[Yi-Mian],
Small Target Detection Based on Reweighted Infrared Patch-Image Model,
IET-IPR(12), No. 1, January 2018, pp. 70-79.
DOI Link 1712

Zhou, F.[Fei], Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Quan], Dai, Y.M.[Yi-Mian], Wang, P.[Peng],
Detection of Small Target Using Schatten 1/2 Quasi-Norm Regularization with Reweighted Sparse Enhancement in Complex Infrared Scenes,
RS(11), No. 17, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Gao, C.Q.[Chen-Qiang], Wang, L.[Lan], Xiao, Y.X.[Yong-Xing], Zhao, Q.[Qian], Meng, D.Y.[De-Yu],
Infrared small-dim target detection based on Markov random field guided noise modeling,
PR(76), No. 1, 2018, pp. 463-475.
Elsevier DOI 1801
Infrared image BibRef

Wang, H.[Huan], Yang, F.[Fei], Zhang, C.C.[Cong-Cong], Ren, M.W.[Ming-Wu],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Patch Image Model with Local and Global Analysis,
IJIG(18), No. 01, 2018, pp. 1850002.
DOI Link 1801

Li, Y.S.[Yan-Sheng], Zhang, Y.J.[Yong-Jun],
Robust infrared small target detection using local steering kernel reconstruction,
PR(77), 2018, pp. 113-125.
Elsevier DOI 1802
Infrared small target detection, Local steering kernel (LSK), Closed-form feature reconstruction BibRef

Bai, X., Bi, Y.,
Derivative Entropy-Based Contrast Measure for Infrared Small-Target Detection,
GeoRS(56), No. 4, April 2018, pp. 2452-2466.
Area measurement, Clutter, Entropy, Image edge detection, Object detection, Pollution measurement, Robustness, small-target detection BibRef

Marvasti, F.S.[Fereshteh Seyed], Mosavi, M.R.[Mohammad Reza], Nasiri, M.[Mahdi],
Flying small target detection in IR images based on adaptive toggle operator,
IET-CV(12), No. 4, June 2018, pp. 527-534.
DOI Link 1805

Bihn, M., Gunther, M., Lemmond, D., Boult, T.,
Evaluating a Convolutional Neural Network on Short-Wave Infra-Red Images,
face recognition, feature extraction, feedforward neural nets, infrared imaging, SWIR images, SWIR wavelengths, Visualization BibRef

Zhang, L.[Landan], Peng, L.B.[Ling-Bing], Zhang, T.F.[Tian-Fang], Cao, S.Y.[Si-Ying], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Rank Approximation Minimization Joint L_2,1 Norm,
RS(10), No. 11, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1812

Guan, X.W.[Xue-Wei], Zhang, L.[Landan], Huang, S.[Suqi], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Tensor Rank Surrogate Joint Local Contrast Energy,
RS(12), No. 9, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2005

Li, J.[Jing], Dai, Y.R.[Yan-Ran], Li, C.C.[Cong-Cong], Shu, J.Q.[Jun-Qi], Li, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Yang, T.[Tao], Lu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yang],
Visual Detail Augmented Mapping for Small Aerial Target Detection,
RS(11), No. 1, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1901

Zhang, L.[Landan], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Partial Sum of the Tensor Nuclear Norm,
RS(11), No. 4, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Zhang, T.F.[Tian-Fang], Wu, H.[Hao], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Peng, L.B.[Ling-Bing], Yang, C.P.[Chun-Ping], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Non-Convex Optimization with Lp-Norm Constraint,
RS(11), No. 5, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1903

Wu, F.Y.[Feng-Yi], Zhang, T.F.[Tian-Fang], Li, L.[Lei], Huang, Y.F.[Yi-Fan], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection,
WWW Link. 2404
Source coding, Neural networks, Object detection, Feature extraction, Matrix decomposition, Sparse matrices, Image recognition and understanding BibRef

Zhang, S.[Shuai], Huang, F.Y.[Fu-Yu], Liu, B.Q.[Bing-Qi], Yu, H.[Hao], Chen, Y.C.[Yi-Chao],
Infrared dim target detection method based on the fuzzy accurate updating symmetric adaptive resonance theory,
JVCIR(60), 2019, pp. 180-191.
Elsevier DOI 1903
Infrared dim target detection, Human vision system, Fuzzy accurate updating symmetric adaptive resonance theory, ROI model BibRef

Chen, Z.B.[Zhao-Bing], Shi, K.[Kui], Chen, N.[Ning], Shi, L.[Long], Zhuang, X.Y.[Xin-Yu], Zhou, J.Q.[Jia-Qi], Zhang, Y.S.[Yu-Shuai], Wang, H.Q.[Hong-Qi], Liu, X.Y.[Xing-Yang], Li, G.N.[Guan-Nan],
The experimental study about laser-induced dizziness effect of medium-wave infrared seeker which based on image processing,
JVCIR(59), 2019, pp. 401-406.
Elsevier DOI 1903
Countermeasure for laser guided weapons. Image processing, Laser dizziness interference, Medium wave infrared detector, Photoelectric interference BibRef

Gao, Z.S.[Zhi-Sheng], Dai, J.[Jiao], Xie, C.Z.[Chun-Zhi],
Dim and small target detection based on feature mapping neural networks,
JVCIR(62), 2019, pp. 206-216.
Elsevier DOI 1908
Dim and small target detection, Feature mapping, Deep neural network, Constant false alarm rate, Background suppression BibRef

Qin, Y., Bruzzone, L., Gao, C., Li, B.,
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Facet Kernel and Random Walker,
GeoRS(57), No. 9, September 2019, pp. 7104-7118.
Object detection, Image edge detection, Kernel, Detection algorithms, Image segmentation, Shape, Clutter, small target detection BibRef

Niu, Q.L.[Qing-Lin], Meng, X.Y.[Xia-Ying], He, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong], Dong, S.[Shikui],
Infrared Optical Observability of an Earth Entry Orbital Test Vehicle Using Ground-Based Remote Sensors,
RS(11), No. 20, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1910

Sun, Y.[Yang], Yang, J.[Jungang], Li, M.[Miao], An, W.[Wei],
Infrared Small-Faint Target Detection Using Non-i.i.d. Mixture of Gaussians and Flux Density,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Thomas, A.[Anthony], Leboucher, V.[Vincent], Cotinat, A.[Antoine], Finet, P.[Pascal], Gilbert, M.[Mathilde],
UAV Localization Using Panoramic Thermal Cameras,
Springer DOI 1912

Zhu, H.[Hu], Liu, S.M.[Shi-Ming], Deng, L.Z.[Li-Zhen], Li, Y.S.[Yan-Sheng], Xiao, F.[Fu],
Infrared Small Target Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Completion With Top-Hat Regularization,
GeoRS(58), No. 2, February 2020, pp. 1004-1016.
Object detection, Morphology, Weight measurement, Periodic structures, Optimization, Signal to noise ratio, structural prior knowledge BibRef

Deng, L.Z.[Li-Zhen], Zhang, J.K.[Jie-Ke], Xu, G.X.[Guo-Xia], Zhu, H.[Hu],
Infrared small target detection via adaptive M-estimator ring top-hat transformation,
PR(112), 2021, pp. 107729.
Elsevier DOI 2102
Infrared small target detection, Top-hat transformation, M-estimator, Local entropy BibRef

Huang, S.[Suqi], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], He, Y.M.[Yan-Min], Zhang, T.F.[Tian-Fang], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Structure-Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Infrared Small Target Detection: Chain-Growth Filtering,
RS(12), No. 1, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Zhou, F.[Fei], Wu, Y.[Yiquan], Dai, Y.[Yimian], Ni, K.[Kang],
Robust Infrared Small Target Detection via Jointly Sparse Constraint of l1/2-Metric and Dual-Graph Regularization,
RS(12), No. 12, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Rawat, S.S.[Sur Singh], Verma, S.K.[Sashi Kant], Kumar, Y.[Yatindra],
Reweighted infrared patch image model for small target detection based on non-convex Lp-norm minimisation and TV regularisation,
IET-IPR(14), No. 9, 20 July 2020, pp. 1937-1947.
DOI Link 2007

Zhu, H., Ni, H., Liu, S., Xu, G., Deng, L.,
TNLRS: Target-Aware Non-Local Low-Rank Modeling With Saliency Filtering Regularization for Infrared Small Target Detection,
IP(29), 2020, pp. 9546-9558.
Object detection, Sparse matrices, Entropy, Optimization, Sea measurements, Weight measurement, Filtering, ADMM BibRef

Liu, H.K.[Hong-Kang], Zhang, L.[Lei], Huang, H.[Hua],
Small Target Detection in Infrared Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Tensor Model,
GeoRS(58), No. 12, December 2020, pp. 8689-8700.
Object detection, Tensors, Videos, Clutter, Image edge detection, Correlation, Indexes, Infrared video, small target detection, tensor decomposition BibRef

Kwan, C.[Chiman], Budavari, B.[Bence],
Enhancing Small Moving Target Detection Performance in Low-Quality and Long-Range Infrared Videos Using Optical Flow Techniques,
RS(12), No. 24, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2012

Song, I.[Ikhwan], Kim, S.[Sungho],
AVILNet: A New Pliable Network with a Novel Metric for Small-Object Segmentation and Detection in Infrared Images,
RS(13), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2103

Yan, Z.J.[Zu-Jing], Xin, Y.H.[Yun-Hong], Zhang, Y.X.[Yi-Xuan],
Local contrast measure with iterative error for infrared small target detection,
IET-IPR(14), No. 15, 15 December 2020, pp. 3725-3732.
DOI Link 2103

Zhao, B.[Bin], Wang, C.P.[Chun-Ping], Fu, Q.[Qiang], Han, Z.S.[Zi-Shuo],
A Novel Pattern for Infrared Small Target Detection With Generative Adversarial Network,
GeoRS(59), No. 5, May 2021, pp. 4481-4492.
Generators, Object detection, Feature extraction, Generative adversarial networks, Image reconstruction, small target detection BibRef

Sun, Y.[Yang], Yang, J.G.[Jun-Gang], An, W.[Wei],
Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection via Multiple Subspace Learning and Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model,
GeoRS(59), No. 5, May 2021, pp. 3737-3752.
Tensile stress, Object detection, Sun, Data structures, Optimization, Dictionaries, Robustness, Infrared small target detection, multisubspace property BibRef

Lu, D.Y.[De-Yong], An, W.[Wei], Ling, Q.[Qiang], Cao, D.[Dong], Wang, H.B.[Hai-Bo], Li, M.[Miao], Lin, Z.P.[Zai-Ping],
LSTT: Long-Term Spatial-Temporal Tensor Model for Infrared Small Target Detection under Dynamic Background,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2746.
DOI Link 2408

Rawat, S.S.[Sur Singh], Verma, S.K.[Sashi Kant], Kumar, Y.[Yatindra],
Infrared small target detection based on non-convex triple tensor factorisation,
IET-IPR(15), No. 2, 2021, pp. 556-570.
DOI Link 2106

Du, J.M.[Jin-Ming], Lu, H.Z.[Huan-Zhang], Hu, M.[Moufa], Zhang, L.P.[Lu-Ping], Shen, X.L.[Xing-Lin],
CNN-based infrared dim small target detection algorithm using target-oriented shallow-deep features and effective small anchor,
IET-IPR(15), No. 1, 2021, pp. 1-15.
DOI Link 2106

Zhao, M.J.[Ming-Jing], Li, L.[Lu], Li, W.[Wei], Tao, R.[Ran], Li, L.W.[Li-Wei], Zhang, W.J.[Wen-Juan],
Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Multiple Morphological Profiles,
GeoRS(59), No. 7, July 2021, pp. 6077-6091.
Brightness, Feature extraction, Data mining, Image reconstruction, Vegetation, Clutter, Robustness, Feature extraction, infrared image, small-target detection BibRef

Tong, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhong], Sun, B.[Bei], Wei, J.Y.[Jun-Yu], Zuo, Z.[Zhen], Su, S.J.[Shao-Jing],
EAAU-Net: Enhanced Asymmetric Attention U-Net for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(13), No. 16, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Cao, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yang], Kong, X.[Xuan], Zhu, Q.[Qiang], Cao, S.Y.[Si-Ying], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Infrared dim target detection via mode-k1k2 extension tensor tubal rank under complex ocean environment,
PandRS(181), 2021, pp. 167-190.
Elsevier DOI 2110
Infrared dim target detection, Tensor robust principal component analysis, Complex ocean environment BibRef

Dai, Y.M.[Yi-Mian], Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Quan], Zhou, F.[Fei], Barnard, K.[Kobus],
Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection,
GeoRS(59), No. 11, November 2021, pp. 9813-9824.
Feature extraction, Object detection, Task analysis, Modulation, Data models, Semantics, Acceleration, Attention mechanism, local contrast BibRef

Zhang, P.[Ping], Zhang, L.Y.[Ling-Yi], Wang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yang], Shen, F.C.[Feng-Can], Pu, T.[Tian], Fei, C.[Chun],
Edge and Corner Awareness-Based Spatial-Temporal Tensor Model for Infrared Small-Target Detection,
GeoRS(59), No. 12, December 2021, pp. 10708-10724.
Tensors, Image edge detection, Correlation, Mathematical model, Analytical models, TV, Target tracking, truncated nuclear norm BibRef

Zhao, M.J.[Ming-Jing], Li, W.[Wei], Li, L.[Lu], Ma, P.G.[Peng-Ge], Cai, Z.Q.[Zhao-Quan], Tao, R.[Ran],
Three-Order Tensor Creation and Tucker Decomposition for Infrared Small-Target Detection,
GeoRS(60), 2022, pp. 1-16.
Tensors, Vegetation, Shape, Level set, Entropy, Sparse matrices, Signal to noise ratio, Infrared image, Tucker decomposition BibRef

Hu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin], Ma, Y.P.[Ya-Peng], Pan, Z.X.[Zong-Xu], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han],
Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection from Complex Scenes via Multi-Frame Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Aliha, A.[Aersi], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Ma, Y.P.[Ya-Peng], Hu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin], Pan, Z.X.[Zong-Xu], Zhou, G.Y.[Guang-Yao],
A Spatial-Temporal Block-Matching Patch-Tensor Model for Infrared Small Moving Target Detection in Complex Scenes,
RS(15), No. 17, 2023, pp. 4316.
DOI Link 2310

Zuo, Z.[Zhen], Tong, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhong], Wei, J.Y.[Jun-Yu], Su, S.J.[Shao-Jing], Wu, P.[Peng], Guo, R.[Runze], Sun, B.[Bei],
AFFPN: Attention Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Small Infrared Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Chen, G.[Gao], Wang, W.H.[Wei-Hua], Tan, S.[Sirui],
IRSTFormer: A Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 14, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Liu, S.[Shuai], Chen, P.F.[Peng-Fei], Wozniak, M.[Marcin],
Image Enhancement-Based Detection with Small Infrared Targets,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Wu, D.[Di], Cao, L.H.[Li-Hua], Zhou, P.J.[Peng-Ji], Li, N.[Ning], Li, Y.[Yi], Wang, D.J.[De-Jun],
Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Radiation Characteristics with a Multimodal Feature Fusion Network,
RS(14), No. 15, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Fan, X.[Xiangsuo], Li, J.[Juliu], Chen, H.[Huajin], Min, L.[Lei], Li, F.[Feng],
Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Improved Hessian Matrix and F-Norm Collaborative Filtering,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Chen, X.L.[Xiao-Long], Xu, W.[Wei], Tao, S.P.[Shu-Ping], Gao, T.[Tan], Feng, Q.P.[Qin-Ping], Piao, Y.J.[Yong-Jie],
Total Variation Weighted Low-Rank Constraint for Infrared Dim Small Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Wang, T.L.[Te-Liang], Yin, Q.[Qian], Cao, F.Z.[Fan-Zhi], Li, M.[Miao], Lin, Z.P.[Zai-Ping], An, W.[Wei],
Noise Parameter Estimation Two-Stage Network for Single Infrared Dim Small Target Image Destriping,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Du, J.M.[Jin-Ming], Lu, H.Z.[Huan-Zhang], Zhang, L.P.[Lu-Ping], Hu, M.[Moufa], Deng, Y.J.[Ying-Jie], Shen, X.L.[Xing-Lin], Li, D.Y.[Dong-Yang], Zhang, Y.[Yu],
DP-MHT-TBD: A Dynamic Programming and Multiple Hypothesis Testing-Based Infrared Dim Point Target Detection Algorithm,
RS(14), No. 20, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2211

Wei, H.G.[Hong-Guang], Ma, P.G.[Peng-Ge], Pang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Li, W.[Wei], Qian, J.W.[Jin-Wang], Guo, X.C.[Xing-Chen],
Weighted Local Ratio-Difference Contrast Method for Detecting an Infrared Small Target against Ground-Sky Background,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Lv, G.[Guangrui], Dong, L.[Lili], Liang, J.[Junke], Xu, W.[Wenhai],
Novel Asymmetric Pyramid Aggregation Network for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 22, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Lin, J.[Jian], Zhang, K.[Kai], Yang, X.[Xi], Cheng, X.Z.[Xiang-Zheng], Li, C.[Chenhui],
Infrared dim and small target detection based on U-Transformer,
JVCIR(89), 2022, pp. 103684.
Elsevier DOI 2212
Infrared small and dim target detection, Swin transformer, Anchor free, Object detection, Heatmap BibRef

Zhao, E.[Enzhong], Dong, L.[Lili], Dai, H.[Hao],
Infrared Maritime Small Target Detection Based on Multidirectional Uniformity and Sparse-Weight Similarity,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Lu, Z.L.[Zi-Ling], Huang, Z.H.[Zheng-Hua], Song, Q.[Qiong], Bai, K.[Kun], Li, Z.T.[Zheng-Tao],
An Enhanced Image Patch Tensor Decompostion for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 23, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Liu, T.[Ting], Yin, Q.[Qian], Yang, J.[Jungang], Wang, Y.Q.[Ying-Qian], An, W.[Wei],
Combining Deep Denoiser and Low-rank Priors for Infrared Small Target Detection,
PR(135), 2023, pp. 109184.
Elsevier DOI 2212
Low-rank prior, Deep denoiser prior, Infrared small target detection, Plug-and-play BibRef

Zhang, Y.[Yi], Nian, B.K.[Bing-Kun], Zhang, Y.[Yan], Zhang, Y.[Yu], Ling, F.[Feng],
Lightweight Multimechanism Deep Feature Enhancement Network for Infrared Small-Target Detection,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Wu, X.[Xin], Hong, D.F.[Dan-Feng], Chanussot, J.[Jocelyn],
UIU-Net: U-Net in U-Net for Infrared Small Object Detection,
IP(32), 2023, pp. 364-376.
Object detection, Integrated circuits, Feature extraction, Image resolution, Visualization, Semantics, Decoding, feature interaction BibRef

Zhang, Z.[Zhao], Ding, C.[Cheng], Gao, Z.S.[Zhi-Sheng], Xie, C.Z.[Chun-Zhi],
ANLPT: Self-Adaptive and Non-Local Patch-Tensor Model for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Cao, S.Y.[Si-Ying], Deng, J.K.[Jia-Kun], Luo, J.H.[Jun-Hai], Li, Z.[Zhi], Hu, J.S.[Jun-Song], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming],
Local Convergence Index-Based Infrared Small Target Detection against Complex Scenes,
RS(15), No. 5, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Ma, Y.P.[Ya-Peng], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Pan, Z.X.[Zong-Xu], Hu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin],
Method of Infrared Small Moving Target Detection Based on Coarse-to-Fine Structure in Complex Scenes,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1508.
DOI Link 2304

Zhang, M.J.[Ming-Jin], Li, B.[Bate], Wang, T.Y.[Tian-Yu], Bai, H.[Haichen], Yue, K.[Ke], Li, Y.S.[Yun-Song],
CHFNet: Curvature Half-Level Fusion Network for Single-Frame Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1573.
DOI Link 2304

Zhang, S.H.[Sheng-Hao], Rao, P.[Peng], Zhang, H.[Hao], Chen, X.[Xin],
Velocity Estimation for Space Infrared Dim Targets Based on Multi-Satellite Observation and Robust Locally Weighted Regression,
RS(15), No. 11, 2023, pp. 2767.
DOI Link 2306

Chen, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Wang, H.Q.[Hui-Qian], Pang, Y.[Yu], Han, J.H.[Jin-Hui], Mou, E.[En], Cao, E.[Enling],
RETRACTED: Chen et al. An Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on a Weighted Human Visual Comparison Mechanism for Safety Monitoring,
RS(15), No. 11, 2023, pp. 2922.
DOI Link 2405

Shao, Y.[Yu], Kang, X.[Xu], Ma, M.Y.[Ming-Yang], Chen, C.[Cheng], He, S.[Sun], Wang, D.[Dejiang],
Infrared Dim Small Target Detection Based on Nonconvex Constraint with L1-L2 Norm and Total Variation,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3513.
DOI Link 2307

Hui, T.[Tian], Xu, Y.[YueLei], Li, H.[HuaFeng], Zhou, Q.[Qing], Rasol, J.[Jarhinbek],
Water-surface infrared small object detection based on spatial feature weighting and class balancing method,
IET-IPR(17), No. 10, 2023, pp. 3012-3027.
DOI Link 2308
computer vision, convolutional neural nets, feature extraction, Gaussian distribution, image processing, infrared detectors, object detection BibRef

Hao, Y.T.[Yu-Tong], Liu, Y.P.[Yun-Peng], Zhao, J.M.[Jin-Miao], Yu, C.[Chuang],
Dual-Domain Prior-Driven Deep Network for Infrared Small-Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Ma, J.K.[Jian-Kang], Guo, H.R.[Hao-Ran], Rong, S.H.[Sheng-Hui], Feng, J.J.[Jun-Jie], He, B.[Bo],
Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Background Prediction,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Xu, X.D.[Xiang-Dong], Wang, J.R.[Jia-Rong], Zhu, M.[Ming], Sun, H.J.[Hai-Jiang], Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yuan], Wang, Y.[Yao], Cao, S.Y.[Shen-Yi], Liu, S.Z.[San-Zai],
UCDnet: Double U-Shaped Segmentation Network Cascade Centroid Map Prediction for Infrared Weak Small Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Lee, I.H.[In Ho], Chung, W.Y.[Won Young], Park, C.G.[Chan Gook],
Style transformation super-resolution GAN for extremely small infrared target image,
PRL(174), 2023, pp. 1-9.
Elsevier DOI 2310
Super-resolution, Remote sensing images, Infrared, Small target BibRef

Kou, R.[Renke], Wang, C.P.[Chun-Ping], Peng, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming], Zhao, Z.[Zhihe], Chen, Y.H.[Yao-Hong], Han, J.H.[Jin-Hui], Huang, F.[Fuyu], Yu, Y.[Ying], Fu, Q.[Qiang],
Infrared small target segmentation networks: A survey,
PR(143), 2023, pp. 109788.
Elsevier DOI 2310
Infrared small target, Characteristic analysis, Segmentation network, Deep learning, Collaborative technology, Missed detection BibRef

Wang, Y.[Yao], Cao, L.H.[Li-Hua], Su, K.[Keke], Dai, D.[Deen], Li, N.[Ning], Wu, D.[Di],
Infrared Moving Small Target Detection Based on Space-Time Combination in Complex Scenes,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5380.
DOI Link 2311

Hao, X.Y.[Xu-Ying], Liu, X.Y.[Xian-Yuan], Liu, Y.[Yujia], Cui, Y.[Yi], Lei, T.[Tao],
Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Background-Suppression Proximal Gradient and GPU Acceleration,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5424.
DOI Link 2311

Liu, F.[Fangcen], Gao, C.Q.[Chen-Qiang], Chen, F.[Fang], Meng, D.Y.[De-Yu], Zuo, W.M.[Wang-Meng], Gao, X.B.[Xin-Bo],
Infrared Small and Dim Target Detection With Transformer Under Complex Backgrounds,
IP(32), 2023, pp. 5921-5932.

Jiang, J.[Jin], Yang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yuan], Li, Y.X.[Yi-Xiao],
IIANet: Information Interactivity Attention Network with adversarial learning for infrared small object detection,
CVIU(237), 2023, pp. 103839.
Elsevier DOI 2311
Information interactivity attention, Information aggregation, Pixel equalization, Infrared small object detection BibRef

Wang, W.J.[Wen-Jing], Xiao, C.W.[Cheng-Wang], Dou, H.F.[Hao-Feng], Liang, R.X.[Rui-Xiang], Yuan, H.[Huaibin], Zhao, G.H.[Guang-Hui], Chen, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Huang, Y.H.[Yu-Hang],
CCRANet: A Two-Stage Local Attention Network for Single-Frame Low-Resolution Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5539.
DOI Link 2312

Li, B.Y.[Bo-Yang], Xiao, C.[Chao], Wang, L.G.[Long-Guang], Wang, Y.Q.[Ying-Qian], Lin, Z.P.[Zai-Ping], Li, M.[Miao], An, W.[Wei], Guo, Y.L.[Yu-Lan],
Dense Nested Attention Network for Infrared Small Target Detection,
IP(32), 2023, pp. 1745-1758.
Feature extraction, Object detection, Shape, Clutter, Decoding, Annotations, Training, Infrared small target detection, dataset BibRef

Aibibu, T.[Tuerniyazi], Lan, J.H.[Jin-Hui], Zeng, Y.L.[Yi-Liang], Lu, W.J.[Wei-Jian], Gu, N.W.[Nai-Wei],
An Efficient Rep-Style Gaussian-Wasserstein Network: Improved UAV Infrared Small Object Detection for Urban Road Surveillance and Safety,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Li, M.H.[Mei-Hui], Wei, Y.X.[Yu-Xing], Dan, B.B.[Bing-Bing], Liu, D.X.[Dong-Xu], Zhang, J.L.[Jian-Lin],
Infrared Small Dim Target Detection Using Group Regularized Principle Component Pursuit,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Zhang, S.H.[Sheng-Hao], Rao, P.[Peng], Hu, T.L.[Ting-Liang], Chen, X.[Xin], Xia, H.[Hui],
A Multi-Dimensional Feature Fusion Recognition Method for Space Infrared Dim Targets Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive with Spatio-Temporal Correlation,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 343.
DOI Link 2402

Chen, X.[Xin], Zhang, H.[Hao], Zhang, S.H.[Sheng-Hao], Feng, J.P.[Jia-Peng], Xia, H.[Hui], Rao, P.[Peng], Ai, J.L.[Jian-Liang],
A Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved DS Theory and Multi-Dimensional Feature Decision Level Fusion Ensemble Classifier,
RS(16), No. 3, 2024, pp. 510.
DOI Link 2402

Wang, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhen], Han, C.[Chengshan], Li, J.Q.[Jia-Qi], Nie, T.[Ting], Li, M.X.[Ming-Xuan], Wang, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Huang, L.[Liang],
Multiscale Feature Extraction U-Net for Infrared Dim- and Small-Target Detection,
RS(16), No. 4, 2024, pp. 643.
DOI Link 2402

Li, H.Q.[Hao-Qing], Yang, J.[Jinfu], Xu, Y.F.[Yi-Fei], Wang, R.[Runshi],
A Level Set Annotation Framework With Single-Point Supervision for Infrared Small Target Detection,
SPLetters(31), 2024, pp. 451-455.
Level set, Annotations, Manuals, Object detection, Task analysis, Clutter, Training, Deep learning, infrared small target detection, level set BibRef

Lin, F.Z.[Fan-Zhao], Ge, S.M.[Shi-Ming], Bao, K.[Kexin], Yan, C.G.[Cheng-Gang], Zeng, D.[Dan],
Learning Shape-Biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection,
MultMed(26), 2024, pp. 4681-4692.
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Lin, F.Z.[Fan-Zhao], Bao, K.[Kexin], Li, Y.[Yong], Zeng, D.[Dan], Ge, S.M.[Shi-Ming],
Learning Contrast-Enhanced Shape-Biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection,
IP(33), 2024, pp. 3047-3058.
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Zhang, G.Y.[Gui-Yu], Ding, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu], Lv, Q.[Qunbo], Zhu, B.Y.[Bao-Yu], Zhang, W.J.[Wen-Jian], Li, J.[Jiaao], Tan, Z.[Zheng],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Tensor Tree Decomposition and Self-Adaptive Local Prior,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 1108.
DOI Link 2403

Wang, W.[Wei], Li, Z.Z.[Zheng-Zhou], Siddique, A.[Abubakar],
Infrared Maritime Small-Target Detection Based on Fusion Gray Gradient Clutter Suppression,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1255.
DOI Link 2404

Pan, L.[Lehao], Liu, T.[Tong], Cheng, J.H.[Jiang-Hua], Cheng, B.[Bang], Cai, Y.H.[Ya-Hui],
AIMED-Net: An Enhancing Infrared Small Target Detection Net in UAVs with Multi-Layer Feature Enhancement for Edge Computing,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1776.
DOI Link 2405

Aliha, A.[Aersi], Liu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Zhou, G.Y.[Guang-Yao], Hu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin],
High-Speed Spatial-Temporal Saliency Model: A Novel Detection Method for Infrared Small Moving Targets Based on a Vectorized Guided Filter,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1685.
DOI Link 2405

Zhong, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Shi, Z.G.[Zhi-Guang], Zhang, Y.[Yan], Zhang, Y.[Yong], Li, H.Y.[Han-Yu],
CSAN-UNet: Channel Spatial Attention Nested UNet for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1894.
DOI Link 2406

Guo, F.[Feng], Ma, H.B.[Hong-Bing], Li, L.L.[Liang-Liang], Lv, M.[Ming], Jia, Z.H.[Zhen-Hong],
FCNet: Flexible Convolution Network for Infrared Small Ship Detection,
RS(16), No. 12, 2024, pp. 2218.
DOI Link 2406

Peng, L.B.[Ling-Bing], Lu, Z.[Zhi], Lei, T.[Tao], Jiang, P.[Ping],
Dual-Structure Elements Morphological Filtering and Local Z-Score Normalization for Infrared Small Target Detection against Heavy Clouds,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2343.
DOI Link 2407

Liu, Y.F.[Yang-Fan], Li, N.[Ning], Cao, L.H.[Li-Hua], Zhang, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Ni, X.[Xu], Han, X.[Xiyu], Dai, D.[Deen],
Research on Infrared Dim Target Detection Based on Improved YOLOv8,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 2878.
DOI Link 2408

Jiang, W.[Wen], Pan, H.X.[Han-Xin], Wang, Y.P.[Yan-Ping], Li, Y.[Yang], Lin, Y.[Yun], Bi, F.[Fukun],
A Multi-Level Cross-Attention Image Registration Method for Visible and Infrared Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Targets via Image Style Transfer,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 2880.
DOI Link 2408

Zhang, Y.N.[Ya-Ning], Wu, T.H.[Tian-Hao], Yang, J.[Jungang], An, W.[Wei],
Infrared Camera Array System and Self-Calibration Method for Enhanced Dim Target Perception,
RS(16), No. 16, 2024, pp. 3075.
DOI Link 2408

Tang, W.J.[Wen-Juan], Dai, Q.[Qun], Hao, F.[Fan],
An Efficient Knowledge Distillation-Based Detection Method for Infrared Small Targets,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3173.
DOI Link 2409

Zhuang, J.B.[Jun-Bin], Chen, W.Y.[Wen-Ying], Guo, B.[Baolong], Yan, Y.[Yunyi],
Infrared Weak Target Detection in Dual Images and Dual Areas,
RS(16), No. 19, 2024, pp. 3608.
DOI Link 2410

Wang, H.[Han], Hu, Y.[Yong], Wang, Y.[Yang], Cheng, L.[Long], Gong, C.[Cailan], Huang, S.[Shuo], Zheng, F.Q.[Fu-Qiang],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Weighted Improved Double Local Contrast Measure,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4030.
DOI Link 2411

Liu, L.Q.[Li-Qi], Zhang, R.G.[Rong-Guo], Mei, J.[Jian], Ni, X.Y.[Xin-Yue], Li, L.Y.[Li-Yuan], Su, X.F.[Xiao-Feng], Chen, F.S.[Fan-Sheng],
ILN-SSR: Improved Logarithmic Norm and Sparse Structure Refinement for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 4018.
DOI Link 2411

Yang, R.M.[Rui-Min], Zhang, Y.D.[Yi-Dan], Gao, G.S.[Guang-Shuai], Liao, L.[Liang], Li, C.L.[Chun-Lei],
Global information aware network with global interaction graph attention for infrared small target detection,
IET-IPR(18), No. 12, 2024, pp. 3650-3666.
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Chang, Y.[Yan], Ma, D.[Decao], Ding, Y.[Yao], Chen, K.[Kefu], Zhou, D.M.[Da-Ming],
Lightweight Design for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex Environments,
RS(16), No. 20, 2024, pp. 3761.
DOI Link 2411

Yang, J.[Junyan], Ye, Z.H.[Zhi-Hui], Lin, J.[Jian], Chen, D.F.[Dong-Fang], Du, L.[Lingbian], Li, S.[Shaoyi],
MM-IRSTD: Conv Self-Attention-Based Multi-Modal Small and Dim Target Detection in Infrared Dual-Band Images,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 3937.
DOI Link 2411

Luo, Y.[Yuan], Li, X.R.[Xiao-Run], Chen, S.H.[Shu-Han],
5-D spatial-temporal information-based infrared small target detection in complex environments,
PR(158), 2025, pp. 111003.
Elsevier DOI 2411
Infrared small target detection, Spatial-temporal factor, Moreau envelope, Completion model, Multi-block alternating direction method of multipliers BibRef

Dong, X.N.[Xiao-Na], Jiang, H.L.[Hui-Lin], Song, Y.S.[Yan-Song], Dong, K.[Keyan],
Precision Detection of Infrared Small Target in Ground-to-Air Scene,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4230.
DOI Link 2412

Xu, X.D.[Xiang-Dong], Wang, J.R.[Jia-Rong], Sha, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao], Nie, H.T.[Hai-Tao], Zhu, M.[Ming], Nie, Y.[Yu],
Lightweight Neural Network for Centroid Detection of Weak, Small Infrared Targets via Background Matching in Complex Scenes,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4301.
DOI Link 2412

Yu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hui], Pan, N.[Nian], Zhou, J.[Jin],
SFFNet: Shallow Feature Fusion Network Based on Detection Framework for Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(16), No. 22, 2024, pp. 4160.
DOI Link 2412

Peng, L.B.[Ling-Bing], Lu, Z.[Zhi], Lei, T.[Tao], Jiang, P.[Ping],
Non-Concentric Differential Model with Geographic Information-Driven Weights Allocation for Enhanced Infrared Small Target Detection,
RS(17), No. 1, 2025, pp. 75.
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Wu, L.[Lang], Ma, Y.[Yong], Fan, F.[Fan], Huang, J.[Jun],
Infrared Small Target Detection via Local-Global Feature Fusion,
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Liu, F.[Fangcen], Gao, C.Q.[Chen-Qiang], Zhang, Y.M.[Ya-Ming], Guo, J.J.[Jun-Jie], Wang, J.H.[Jing-Hao], Meng, D.Y.[De-Yu],
Infmae: A Foundation Model in the Infrared Modality,
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Springer DOI 2412

Zhang, M.J.[Ming-Jin], Wang, Y.C.[Yu-Chun], Guo, J.[Jie], Li, Y.S.[Yun-Song], Gao, X.B.[Xin-Bo], Zhang, J.[Jing],
IRSAM: Advancing Segment Anything Model for Infrared Small Target Detection,
ECCV24(LXVII: 233-249).
Springer DOI 2412

Kumar, N.[Nikhil], Upadhyay, A.[Avinash], Sharma, S.[Shreya], Sharma, M.[Manoj], Singh, P.[Pravendra],
MWIRSTD: A MWIR Small Target Detection Dataset,
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Ma, J.[Jian], Li, X.H.[Xiu-Hong], Zhang, Y.Y.[Yu-Ye], Li, B.Y.[Bo-Yuan], Wu, D.X.[Dang-Xuan], Jia, Z.H.[Zhen-Hong],
U-Convnext Network for Infrared Small Target Detection,
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Liu, Q.K.[Qian-Kun], Liu, R.[Rui], Zheng, B.[Bolun], Wang, H.K.[Hong-Kui], FU, Y.[Ying],
Infrared Small Target Detection with Scale and Location Sensitivity,
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Zhu, W.M.[Wen-Ming], Tan, Y.H.[Yi-Hua],
A moving infrared small target detection method based on optical flow-guided neural networks,
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Liu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Ying], He, J.[Junran], Zhang, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang], Zhang, T.[Ting], Han, Z.Q.[Zi-Qing], Liu, B.[Bo],
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Saliency Guided Multi-Task Learning,

Li, B.Y.[Bo-Yang], Wang, Y.Q.[Ying-Qian], Wang, L.G.[Long-Guang], Zhang, F.[Fei], Liu, T.[Ting], Lin, Z.P.[Zai-Ping], An, W.[Wei], Guo, Y.L.[Yu-Lan],
Monte Carlo Linear Clustering with Single-Point Supervision is Enough for Infrared Small Target Detection,
WWW Link. 2401

Ying, X.Y.[Xin-Yi], Liu, L.[Li], Wang, Y.Q.[Ying-Qian], Li, R.J.[Ruo-Jing], Chen, N.[Nuo], Lin, Z.P.[Zai-Ping], Sheng, W.D.[Wei-Dong], Zhou, S.L.[Shi-Lin], o
Mapping Degeneration Meets Label Evolution: Learning Infrared Small Target Detection with Single Point Supervision,

Dai, Y.M.[Yi-Mian], Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Quan], Zhou, F.[Fei], Barnard, K.[Kobus],
Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection,
Technological innovation, Annotations, Semantics, Modulation, Object detection BibRef

Wang, H., Zhou, L., Wang, L.,
Miss Detection vs. False Alarm: Adversarial Learning for Small Object Segmentation in Infrared Images,
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Brorsson, A.[Andreas], Brännlund, C.[Carl], Bergström, D.[David], Gustafsson, D.[David],
Compressed Imaging at Long Range in SWIR,
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Deng, X., Li, W., Li, L., Zhang, W., Li, X.,
Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition on Contrast Map for Small Infrared Target Detection,
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Gao, J., Lin, Z., Guo, Y., An, W.,
TVPCF: A Spatial and Temporal Filter for Small Target Detection in IR Images,
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Jiao, J.[Jiao], Lingda, W.[Wu],
Infrared dim small target detection method based on background prediction and high-order statistics,
Estimation, Image reconstruction, Low pass filters, Object detection, Prediction algorithms, Theodolites, Wavelet transforms, background prediction, high-order statistics, infrared dim small target, target detection, wavelet, filter BibRef

Bai, K.[Kun], Wang, Y.H.[Yue-Huan], Song, Q.[Qiong],
Patch similarity based edge-preserving background estimation for single frame infrared small target detection,
Clutter BibRef

Sun, L.H.[Li-Hui], Jin, S.M.[Su-Mei], Zhang, R.S.[Rui-Sheng],
Detection Algorithm of Dim and Small Infrared Target Based on Temporal chi² Test,

Liu, J.[Jin], Ji, H.B.[Hong-Bing],
Improved Background Prediction Algorithm for IR Small Targets Detection,

Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
ATR -- Targets, Radar Applications .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25