Update Dates 1201

1201 * *3D Representation for Recognition
* *4DMOD Workshop on Dynamic Shape Capture and Analysis
* *Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams
* *Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies
* *Challenges and Opportunities in Robot Perception
* *Computer Vision on GPU
* *Human Interaction in Computer Vision
* *Human-Computer Interaction
* *IEEE/ISPRS Workshop on Computer Vision for Remote Sensing of the Environment
* *International Workshop on Mobile Vision
* *International Workshop on Stochastic Image Grammars
* *License plate recognition software targets embedded systems
* *Live Dense Reconstruction with Moving Cameras
* *Scale-Space
* *Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring
* *Standard Gives Machine Vision Systems a New Image
* *Vineyard monitoring system combines global positioning and NIR imaging
* *VS
* *Workshop in Information Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* *Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars
* *Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Large Crowds
* *Workshop on Performance Evaluation on Recognition of Human Actions and Pose
* *Workshop on Video Event Categorization, Tagging and Retrieval
* 2D to 3D conversion of sports content using panoramas
* 2D-3D fusion for layer decomposition of urban facades
* 2D-GE image segmentation based on level-sets
* 2D/3D virtual face modeling
* 3D automatic approach for precise segmentation of the prostate from Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 3D ball trajectory reconstruction from single-camera sports video for free viewpoint virtual replay
* 3D Curve Evolution Algorithm with Tangential Redistribution for a Fully Automatic Finding of an Ideal Camera Path in Virtual Colonoscopy
* 3D dynamics analysis in Teichmüller space
* 3D environment measurement using binocular stereo and motion stereo by mobile robot with omnidirectional stereo camera
* 3D facial expression analysis by using 2D AND 3D wavelet transforms
* 3D facial expression recognition using Zernike moments on depth images
* 3D human teeth database construction based on a point-based shape registration, A
* 3D image reconstruction from sparse measurement of wideband millimeter wave SAR experiments
* 3D information extraction using Region-based Deformable Net for monocular robot navigation
* 3D Laplacian-driven parametric deformable model, A
* 3D medial axis point approximation using nearest neighbors and the normal field
* 3D mesh compression based on dual-ring prediction and MMSE prediction
* 3D microscopic imaging by synchrotron radiation micro/nano-CT
* 3D model retrieval based on color + geometry signatures
* 3D protein-protein docking using shape complementarity and fast alignment
* 3D reconstruction of a smooth articulated trajectory from a monocular image sequence
* 3D reconstruction of bat flight kinematics from sparse multiple views
* 3D roof details by 3D aerial vision
* 3D scene flow estimation with a rigid motion prior
* 3D shape analysis of the brain cortex with application to dyslexia
* 3D spatio-temporal graph cuts for video objects segmentation
* 3D surface registration using Z-SIFT
* 3D Twins and Expression Challenge
* 3D with Kinect
* 3D-DCT based perceptual quality assessment of stereo video
* 3D-PMDC: A parallelized morphological wavelet codec for 3D medical datasets and teleradiology applications
* 4D facial expression recognition
* 94fps view synthesis engine for HD1080p video, A
* AAU Video Browser: Non-Sequential Hierarchical Video Browsing without Content Analysis
* Abnormal motion selection in crowds using bottom-up saliency
* Abrupt Motion Tracking Via Intensively Adaptive Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Sampling
* Accelerating multi-scale flows for LDDKBM diffeomorphic registration
* Accuracy of Carotid Strain Estimates From Ultrasonic Wall Tracking: A Study Based on Multiphysics Simulations and In Vivo Data
* Accuracy of the spider model in decomposing layered surfaces
* Accurate 3D pose estimation from a single depth image
* Accurate depth estimation using structured light and passive stereo disparity estimation
* Accurate depth map estimation from video via MRF optimization
* Accurate distortion measurement for B-spline-based shape coding
* Action recognition by learning discriminative key poses
* Action recognition in cluttered dynamic scenes using Pose-Specific Part Models
* Action recognition in videos acquired by a moving camera using motion decomposition of Lagrangian particle trajectories
* Action recognition using Correlogram of Body Poses and spectral regression
* Action recognition using Partial Least Squares and Support Vector Machines
* Action recognition using rank-1 approximation of Joint Self-Similarity Volume
* Action scene detection from motion and events
* Action Similarity Labeling Challenge, The
* Active Cleaning for Video Corpus Annotation
* Active clustering of document fragments using information derived from both images and catalogs
* Active contours with a novel distribution metric for complex object segmentation
* Active geodesics: Region-based active contour segmentation with a global edge-based constraint
* Active learning for human action recognition with Gaussian Processes
* Active scene recognition with vision and language
* Actively selecting annotations among objects and attributes
* adaptable spatial-temporal error concealment method for Multiple Description Coding based on error tracking, An
* Adapting a real-time monocular visual SLAM from conventional to omnidirectional cameras
* Adaptive background estimation of outdoor illumination variations for foreground detection
* adaptive coupled-layer visual model for robust visual tracking, An
* Adaptive deconvolutional networks for mid and high level feature learning
* Adaptive Derivative Free Method for Bayesian Posterior Approximation, An
* Adaptive filtering of raster map images using optimal context selection
* Adaptive frame and QP selection for temporally super-resolved full-exposure-time video
* Adaptive grid pattern artifact reduction in radiography imaging based on the significant-signal bandwidth
* adaptive H.264 video protection scheme for video conferencing, An
* Adaptive incremental video super-resolution with temporal consistency
* Adaptive integer-precision Lagrange multiplier selection for high performance AVS video coding
* Adaptive intra modes reduction by clustering for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive KPCA-based missing texture reconstruction approach including classification scheme via difference subspaces
* Adaptive least squares prediction for stereo image coding
* Adaptive loop filter technology based on analytical design considering local image characteristics
* Adaptive mean-shift for automated multi object tracking
* Adaptive multi-resolution CRF-based contour tracking
* Adaptive Norm Algorithm for Image Restoration, An
* Adaptive patches for change detection
* Adaptive pixel/patch-based synthesis for texture compression
* Adaptive plenoptic sampling
* Adaptive policies for real-time video transmission: A Markov decision process framework
* Adaptive raster scan for slice/frame coding
* Adaptive regularization for multiple image restoration using an extended Total Variations approach
* adaptive total variation method for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound imaging, An
* Advanced Methodology for ASTER DEM Generation
* Advanced spatial and Temporal Direct Mode for B picture coding
* Advanced statistical matrices for texture characterization: Application to DNA chromatin and microtubule network classification
* Adversarial Optimization Approach to Efficient Outlier Removal, An
* Aerial 3D reconstruction with line-constrained dynamic programming
* Aesthetic enhancement of landscape photographs as informed by paintings across depth layers
* Affine morphological shape stable boundary regions (SSBR) for image representation
* Affine transformation invariant image watermarking using moment normalization and radial symmetry transform
* affinity-based new local distance function and similarity measure for kNN algorithm, An
* Airborne Estimation of Boreal Forest LAI in Winter Conditions: A Test Using Summer and Winter Ground Truth
* Algorithm for Finding Repeated Solutions to the General Perspective Three-Point Pose Problem, An
* algorithm for simultaneous image segmentation and nonrigid registration, with clinical application in image guided radiotherapy, An
* Algorithms for the Digital Restoration of Torn Films
* Alignment of uncalibrated images for multi-view classification
* All-IDB: The acute lymphoblastic leukemia image database for image processing
* Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Binary Image Restoration, An
* Amoeba Active Contours
* Analysis of coding risks in progressive transmission
* Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for applications in medicine and biology
* Analysis of Solder Paste scooping with hierarchical point processes
* analytical formulation of global occlusion reasoning for multi-target tracking, An
* Analyzing pedestrian behavior in crowds for automatic detection of congestions
* Anisotropic Non-Local Means with Spatially Adaptive Patch Shapes
* Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark localization
* Annotated Free-Hand Sketches for Video Retrieval Using Object Semantics and Motion
* Annotator rationales for visual recognition
* Anovel framework for automatic passenger counting
* Aorta segmentation using the watershed algorithm for an augmented reality system in laparoscopic surgery
* Aperture access and manipulation for computational imaging
* Appearance-Based Head Pose Estimation with Scene-Specific Adaptation
* Application of complex networks for automatic classification of damaging agents in soybean leaflets
* Application of computational anatomy methods to MRI data for the diagnosis of Alzheimer'S disease
* application of Sparse Code Shrinkage to image steganalysis based on supervised learning, An
* application of support vector machine classification to detect cell nuclei for automated microscopy, The
* Approximate straightest path computation and its application in parameterization
* Approximate techniques in solving optimal camera placement problems
* Approximating image filters with box filters
* Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for segmentation?
* Articulated part-based model for joint object detection and pose estimation
* Ask the locals: Multi-way local pooling for image recognition
* Asserting the Precise Position of 3D and Multispectral Acquisition Systems for Multisensor Registration Applied to Cultural Heritage Analysis
* Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using generic image descriptors
* Assessing the quality of compressed images using EEG
* Assessment of Post-Storm Recovery of Beaches Using Video Imaging Techniques: A Case Study at Gold Coast, Australia
* Assisting system of visually impaired in touch panel operation using stereo camera
* Asymmetric Coding of Multi-View Video Plus Depth Based 3-D Video for View Rendering
* asymmetric real-time dense visual localisation and mapping system, An
* Audiovisual quality fusion based on relative multimodal complexity
* Augmented faces
* Augmented fingerprint minutiae vicinity
* augmented Lagrangian method for fast gradient vector flow computation, An
* Augmented reality mirror for virtual facial alterations
* auto-focus sharpness function for stereo image pairs, An
* Automated articulated structure and 3D shape recovery from point correspondences
* Automated corpus callosum extraction via Laplace-Beltrami nodal parcellation and intrinsic geodesic curvature flows on surfaces
* Automated delineation of tree-rings in X-Ray Computed Tomography images of wood
* Automated detection of lung nodules in computed tomography images: a review
* Automated image quality assessment for camera-captured OCR
* Automated nuclei clump decomposition for image analysis in neuronal cell fluorescent microscopy
* Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depicting a 3D scene
* Automatic analysis of composite activities in video sequences using Key Action Discovery and hierarchical graphical models
* Automatic and interactive evolution of vector graphics images with genetic algorithms
* automatic assembly and completion framework for fragmented skulls, An
* Automatic bandwidth estimation strategy for high-quality non-parametric modeling based moving object detection
* Automatic boundary detection and symmetry calculation in dermoscopy images of skin lesions
* Automatic cage generation by improved OBBs for mesh deformation
* Automatic construction of an action video shot database using web videos
* Automatic crowd density and motion analysis in airborne image sequences based on a probabilistic framework
* Automatic Detection of Altered Fingerprints
* Automatic Feature Extraction and Text Recognition From Scanned Topographic Maps
* Automatic fish segmentation via double local thresholding for trawl-based underwater camera systems
* Automatic foreground-background refocusing
* Automatic geospatial metadata generation for earth science virtual data products
* Automatic identification of facial clues to lies
* Automatic image orientation detection with prior hierarchical content-based classification
* Automatic IVUS media-adventitia border extraction using double interface graph cut segmentation
* Automatic labeling and classification of brain CT images
* Automatic nesting seabird detection based on boosted HOG-LBP descriptors
* Automatic people segmentation with a template-driven graph cut
* Automatic quality enhancement and nerve fibre layer artefacts removal in retina fundus images by off axis imaging
* Automatic real-time FACS-coder to anonymise drivers in eye tracker videos
* Automatic real-time road marking recognition using a feature driven approach
* Automatic salient object extraction with contextual cue
* Automatic segmentation for Arabic characters in handwriting documents
* Automatic Stem Mapping Using Single-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic subcortical tissue segmentation of MR images using optimum-path forest clustering
* Automatic surveillance video matting using a shape prior
* Automatic target recognition using discriminative graphical models
* Automatic text detection for mobile augmented reality translation
* Automatic user interaction correction via Multi-label Graph cuts
* Automatic video deshearing for skew sequences capturedby rolling shutter cameras
* Background subtraction through multiple life span modeling
* bag-of-regions approach to sketch-based image retrieval, A
* balanced semi-supervised hashing method for CBIR, A
* Basis constrained 3D scene flow on a dynamic proxy
* Batch-incremental principal component analysis with exact mean update
* Bayesian data fusion and inversion in X-ray multi-energy computed tomography
* Bayesian Estimation for Optimized Structured Illumination Microscopy
* Bayesian filter based behavior recognition in workflows allowing for user feedback
* Bayesian frame interpolation by fusing multiple motion-compensated prediction frames
* Bayesian MAP detection of extragalactic point sources in microwave astronomical images
* Bayesian online learning on Riemannian manifolds using a dual model with applications to video object tracking
* Bayesian stereoscopic image resolution enhancement
* Bayesian TV denoising of SAR images
* Bayesian visual surveillance: A model for detecting and tracking a variable number of moving objects
* Belief C-Means: An extension of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in belief functions framework
* Belief consensus for distributed action recognition
* Belief Propagation algorithm for bias field estimation and image segmentation, A
* Belief propagation with local edge detection-based cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Beltrami-Mumford-Shah Functional, The
* Beyond straight lines: Object detection using curvature
* Bi-layer inpainting for novel view synthesis
* Bi-prediction combining template and block motion compensations
* BiCoS: A Bi-level co-segmentation method for image classification
* Bicriteria-Optimization-Approach-Based Dimensionality-Reduction Model for the Color Display of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Bifurcation of Segment Edge Curves in Scale Space
* biologically inspired system for fast handwritten digit recognition, A
* Biologically motivated feature extraction using the spiral architecture
* Biologically-inspired object recognition system with features from complex wavelets
* Biometric Signature of Private Key by Reliable Iris Recognition Based on Flexible-ICA Algorithm
* Birdlets: Subordinate categorization using volumetric primitives and pose-normalized appearance
* Bit-depth scalable video coding using error residual correction
* Blackboard content classification for lecture videos
* Blind Adaptive Method for Image Restoration Using Microscanning
* Blind correction of lens aberration using Zernike moments
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Without Human Training Using Latent Quality Factors
* Blind Source Separation With Compressively Sensed Linear Mixtures
* Block-adaptive palette-based prediction for depth map coding
* block-adaptive skip mode for inter prediction based on parametric motion models, A
* Block-lifting factorization of M-channel biorthogonal filter banks with an arbitrary McMillan degree
* Blurred target tracking by Blur-driven Tracker
* Blurring-invariant Riemannian metrics for comparing signals and images
* Boosting based object detection using a geometric model
* Boosting global scene classification accuracy by discriminative region localization
* Boosting segmentation results by contour relaxation
* BOSSA: Extended bow formalism for image classification
* Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Model Based on Human Visual Sensitivity and Amplitude Spectrum
* Bounded multivariate surfaces on monovariate internal functions
* Branch and bound global optima search for tracking a single object in a network of non-overlapping cameras
* BRISK: Binary Robust invariant scalable keypoints
* Browsing catalogue graphs: Content caching supercharged!!
* brute force approach to depth camera odometry, A
* Building a better probabilistic model of images by factorization
* Building large urban environments from unstructured point data
* Building long-term relationships with virtual and robotic characters: the role of remembering
* Building Semantic Hierarchies Faithful to Image Semantics
* Building semantic scene models from unconstrained video
* CAD-model recognition and 6DOF pose estimation using 3D cues
* Calibrating dynamic pedestrian route choice with an Extended Range Telepresence System
* Calibrating MS-SSIM for compression distortions using MLDS
* Calibration of central catadioptric camera with one-dimensional object undertaking general motions
* Calibration of radially symmetric distortion based on linearity in the calibrated image
* Camera auto-calibration using pedestrians and zebra crossings
* Can 3D synthesized views be reliably assessed through usual subjective and objective evaluation protocols?
* Cancer detection from biopsy images using probabilistic and discriminative features
* Canonical correlation analysis of local feature set for view-based object recognition
* Capacity improvement in EMBMS using SVC and layer-aware bearer allocation
* capturing of turbulent gas flows using multiple Kinects, The
* CARD: Compact And Real-time Descriptors
* Cascaded active learning for object retrieval using multiscale coarse to fine analysis
* Cast Shadow Removal in a Hierarchical Manner Using MRF
* category-level 3-D object dataset: Putting the Kinect to work, A
* Cellsnake: A new active contour technique for cell/fibre segmentation
* Center-surround divergence of feature statistics for salient object detection
* Centralized sparse representation for image restoration
* chains model for localizing participants of group activities in videos, A
* Challenges in 3D video standardization
* Challenges in Storing Multimedia Data for the Future: An Overview
* Change-detection based on support vector data description handling dependency
* Channel protection for H.264 compression in transportation video surveillance applications
* Chaos-based Robust Watermarking Algorithm For Rightful Ownership Protection, A
* Chi-square unbiased risk estimate for denoising magnitude MR images
* Chroma intra prediction using template matching with reconstructed luma components
* Classification and reconstruction of surfaces from point clouds of man-made objects
* Classification of multitemporal remote sensing data of different resolution using Conditional Random Fields
* Client-Driven Price Selection for Scalable Video Streaming with Advertisements
* Clipboard: A Visual Search and Browsing Engine for Tablet and PC
* Close the loop: Joint blind image restoration and recognition with sparse representation prior
* Clothing segmentation and recoloring using background subtraction and back projection method
* Clump splitting via bottleneck detection
* Cluster-based color space optimizations
* cluster-based strategy for active learning of RGB-D object detectors, A
* Clustering of Detected Changes in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using a Stabilized Competitive Agglomeration Algorithm
* Co-occurrence flow for pedestrian detection
* Cognitive visual tracking and camera control
* Coherency Sensitive Hashing
* collusion resilient key management scheme for multi-dimensional scalable media access control, A
* Color constancy and non-uniform illumination: Can existing algorithms work?
* Color Constancy for Multiple Light Sources
* Color correction using rotation matrix for HDR rendering in iCAM06
* Color correction via robust reference selection and recovery using a low-rank matrix model
* Color distribution matching using a weighted subspace descriptor
* Color histogram diffusion for image enhancement
* Color HOG-EBGM for face recognition
* Color monogenic wavelets for image analysis
* Color photometric stereo for multicolored surfaces
* Color quantization using c-means clustering algorithms
* Color space influence on mean shift filtering
* Color style transfer by constraint locally linear embedding
* Color texture analysis based on fractal descriptors
* Color-based lips extraction applied to voice activity detection
* Colorization Based Image Coding by Using Local Correlation between Luminance and Chrominance
* Colorization Using Quaternion Algebra with Automatic Scribble Generation
* combined texture-shape descriptor for enhanced 3D feature matching, A
* Combining global and local features for food identification in dietary assessment
* Combining Graph-cut Technique And Anatomical Knowledge For Automatic Segmentation Of Lungs Affected By Diffuse Parenchymal Disease In Hrct Images
* Combining Head Pose and Eye Location Information for Gaze Estimation
* Combining Image-Level and Segment-Level Models for Automatic Annotation
* Combining open- And closed-loop architectures for H.264/AVC-TO-SVC transcoding
* Combining sorted random features for texture classification
* Combining sparse and dense descriptors with temporal semantic structures for robust human action recognition
* Commercial mining basedon temporal recurrence hashing algorithm and bag-of-fingerprints model
* Common visual pattern discovery via directed graph model
* Compact correlation coding for visual object categorization
* Compact rotation invariant image descriptors by spectral trimming
* comparative evaluation of ring artifacts reduction filters for X-ray computed microtomography images, A
* Comparative study of global color and texture descriptors for web image retrieval
* Comparison of Cloud-Screening Methods Applied to GOSAT Near-Infrared Spectra
* Comparison of energy minimization methods for 3-D brain tissue classification
* Comparison of Information Functions and Search Strategies for Sensor Planning in Target Classification, A
* comparison of techniques for robust gender recognition, A
* comparison of the error resiliency of bit-plane based and symbol based pixel-domain distributed video coding, A
* Comparison of video sequences with histograms of motion patterns
* Complementary hashing for approximate nearest neighbor search
* Complementary Visual Tracking
* Complexity-aware adaptive spatial pre-processing for ROI scalable video coding with dynamic transition region
* Component-based restoration of speckled images
* compositional approach to learning part-based models of objects, A
* Comprehensive assessment of iris image quality
* Compressed sensing for radio interferometric imaging: Review and future direction
* Compressing Feature Sets with Digital Search Trees
* Compression and protection of JPEG images
* Compressive demosaicing for periodic color filter arrays
* Compressive passive millimeter-wave imaging
* Compressive sensing based video scrambling for privacy protection
* Compressive sensing image recovery based on equalization quantization noise model
* Computer vision for the remote sensing of atmospheric visibility
* Computer) Vision Without Sight
* Computer-aided cataract detection using enhanced texture features on retro-illumination lens images
* Computerized paleography: Tools for historical manuscripts
* Computing importance of 2D contour parts by reconstructability
* Concentric ring signature descriptor for 3D objects
* Conditional Random Field Based Side-Information Fusion for Distributed Multi-View Video Coding
* Conditional Random Fields for multi-camera object detection
* Condy: Ultra-fast high performance restoration using multi-frame L2-relaxed-L0 sparsity and constrained dynamic heuristics
* confidence measure for assessing optical flow accuracy in the absence of ground truth, A
* Confocal microscopy segmentation using active contour based on alpha(alpha)-divergence
* Considering binocular spatial sensitivity in stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Consolidation of multiple depth maps
* Constrained Band Selection Method Based on Information Measures for Spectral Image Color Visualization, A
* Constrained UAV mission planning: A comparison of approaches
* Contact-free hand geometry identification system
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Bag-Of-Regions
* Content-adaptive encoder optimization of the H.264/AVC deblocking filter for visual quality improvement
* Content-aware utility-fair video streaming in wireless broadcasting networks
* Content-based image quality assessment of natural scene image distorted by quantization
* Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features
* Content-Based Photo Quality Assessment
* Content-Based Video Description for Automatic Video Genre Categorization
* Context-Aware Querying for Multimodal Search Engines
* Context-based adaptive zigzag scanning for image coding
* Context-driven moving object detection in aerial scenes with user input
* Contextual saliency
* Contextual Weighting for Vocabulary Tree Based Image Retrieval
* Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Minimal Partitions with Label Cost Prior, A
* Continuous point projection to planar freeform curves using spiral curves
* Contour Code: Robust and efficient multispectral palmprint encoding for human recognition
* Contour tracking via on-line discriminative appearance modeling based level sets
* Contour-based object detection as dominant set computation
* Contour-based segmentation and coding for depth map compression
* Contrast enhancement and denoising of Poisson and Gaussian mixture noise for solar images
* Contrast restoration of road images taken in foggy weather
* Contribution-based peer selection for packet protection for P2P video streaming over mesh-based networks
* Convex approaches to model wavelet sparsity patterns
* convex framework for image segmentation with moment constraints, A
* convex minimization model in image restoration via one-dimensional Sobolev norm profiles, A
* Convex multi-region probabilistic segmentation with shape prior in the isometric log-ratio transformation space
* convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
* Copy detection towards semantic mining for video retrieval
* Corner detection on hexagonal pixel based images
* Correcting cuboid corruption for action recognition in complex environment
* Correlation-based joint acquisition and demosaicing of visible and near-infrared images
* Correlative multi-label multi-instance image annotation
* Correspondence free registration through a point-to-model distance minimization
* Correspondence-Less Approach to Matching of Deformable Shapes, A
* Cosine integral images for fast spatial and range filtering
* Cost aggregation with anisotropic diffusion in feature space for hybrid stereo matching
* cost function approach for multi-human tracking, A
* Countering JPEG anti-forensics
* Countermeasure of re-recording prevention against attack with short wavelength pass filter
* Coupled distributed arithmetic coding
* Coupled Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Unmixing for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data Fusion
* CrackTree: Automatic crack detection from pavement images
* Criteria and metrics for thresholded AU detection
* Critically Sampled Wavelets With Composite Dilations
* Cross-band noise model refinement for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Cross-layer design for video streaming with dynamic antenna selection
* Cross-view post-filtering for fidelity enhancement on asymmetric coding of 3D video
* Crowd instability analysis using velocity-field based social force model
* Crowdsourcing subjective image quality evaluation
* Cryo-balloon reconstruction from two views
* CT Reconstruction From Parallel and Fan-Beam Projections by a 2-D Discrete Radon Transform
* Cultural factors in the regression of non-verbal communication perception
* Curvature Minimization for Surface Reconstruction with Features
* Curve-based and image-based JND contrast analysis for inverse tone mapping operators
* Cutset sampling and reconstruction of images
* CW-SSIM based image classification
* DAISY-like compass operator, A
* Dancing icons detection
* Data augmentation for galaxy density map reconstruction
* Data Fusion of Different Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Applied to Forest-Type Mapping
* Data hiding based error recovery for H.264 video streaming over wireless networks
* data-driven approach for real-time full body pose reconstruction from a depth camera, A
* Data-driven crowd analysis in videos
* dataset for workflow recognition in industrial scenes, A
* DCT Statistics Model-Based Blind Image Quality Assessment
* De-ghosting of HDR images with double-credit intensity mapping
* Deblurring Shaken and Partially Saturated Images
* Deblurring Space-Variant Blur by Adding Noisy Image
* Decision tree fields
* Decoder picture buffer reduction based effective reference frame selection algorithm for multiview video coding
* Decoder side true motion estimation for very low bitrate B-frame coding
* Decoder-side dimensionality determination for compressive-projection principal component analysis of hyperspectral data
* Decoupled inverse and denoising for image deblurring: Variational BM3D-frame technique
* Decoupling photometry and geometry in dense variational camera calibration
* Deformable DAISY Matcher for robust iris recognition
* Deformable part models revisited: A performance evaluation for object category pose estimation
* Deformable Shape Retrieval by Learning Diffusion Kernels
* Delta-Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes: A pragmatic abnormal behaviour detector
* Demonstrations and live evaluation for the gesture recognition challenge
* denoising approach for iterative side information creation in distributed video coding, A
* Dense disparity maps from sparse disparity measurements
* Dense interpolation of 3D points based on surface and color
* Dense one-shot 3D reconstruction by detecting continuous regions with parallel line projection
* Dense point-to-point correspondences between 3D faces with large variations for constructing 3D Morphable Models
* Dense versus Sparse Approaches for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix
* Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
* Depth map reconstruction using color-based region merging
* Depth map super resolution
* Depth measurement using single camera with fixed camera parameters
* Depth Video Coding Using Adaptive Geometry Based Intra Prediction for 3-D Video Systems
* Depth-enhanced compression for 3D video
* Describing people: A poselet-based approach to attribute classification
* Descriptive local feature groups for image classification
* Design of color screen sets for robustness to color plane misregistration
* Design of Interpolation Functions for Subpixel-Accuracy Stereo-Vision Systems
* Design of non-separable transforms for directional 2-D sources
* Design of Q-shift filters with improved vanishing moments for DTCWT
* Detail preserving multiple bit-depth image representation and coding
* Detailed reconstruction of 3D plant root shape
* Detecting and tracking people using an RGB-D camera via multiple detector fusion
* Detecting gestures in medieval images
* Detecting humans under occlusion using variational mean field method
* Detecting individual in crowd with moving feature's structure consistency
* Detection of activities and events without explicit categorization
* Detection of non-aligned double JPEG compression with estimation of primary compression parameters
* Detection of pelvic fractures using graph cuts and curvatures
* Detection of resting-state brain activity in magnetic resonance images through wavelet feature cluster analysis
* Detection-based multi-human tracking using a CRF model
* Determination of Axonal and Dendritic Orientation Distributions Within the Developing Cerebral Cortex by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Determining Digital Circularity Using Integer Intervals
* Developer-centred interface design for computer vision
* Developing robust vision modules for microsystems applications
* Diagonal preconditioning for first order primal-dual algorithms in convex optimization
* Dictionary Learning for Noisy and Incomplete Hyperspectral Images
* Differentiating spontaneous from posed facial expressions within a generic facial expression recognition framework
* Diffuse reflectance imaging with astronomical applications
* Diffusion runs low on persistence fast
* Digital anti-aging in face images
* Digital Sensors and Sensor Systems: Practical Design
* Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions, Morphological Operations and Thinning Algorithms
* Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images with wavelet based Empirical Mode Decomposition
* dimensionality result for multiple homography matrices, A
* Direct Iterative Closest Point for real-time visual odometry
* Direct Least-Squares (DLS) method for PnP, A
* Direct reconstruction of parametric images from cardiac gated dynamic SPECT data
* Direction-based stochastic matching for pedestrian recognition in non-overlapping cameras
* Directional adaptive loop filter for video coding
* Discontinuous seismic horizon tracking based on a poisson equation with incremental dirichlet boundary conditions
* Discovering favorite views of popular places with iconoid shift
* Discovering object instances from scenes of Daily Living
* Discrete infinity harmonic functions: Towards a unified interpolation framework on graphs
* Discrete Minimum Distortion Correspondence Problems for Non-rigid Shape Matching
* discrete-continuous Bayesian model for Emission Tomography, A
* Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projection for face feature extraction
* Discrimination and description of repetitive patterns for enhancing object recognition performance
* Discriminative figure-centric models for joint action localization and recognition
* Discriminative high order SVD: Adaptive tensor subspace selection for image classification, clustering, and retrieval
* discriminative key pose sequence model for recognizing human interactions, A
* Discriminative learning of relaxed hierarchy for large-scale visual recognition
* discriminative learning technique for mobile landmark recognition, A
* Discriminative model selection using a modified Bayesian criterion: Application to trajectory modeling
* Discriminative Multimanifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person
* discriminative prototype selection approach for graph embedding in human action recognition, A
* Disparity disambiguation by fusion of signal- and symbolic-level information
* Disregarding spectral overlap: A unified approach for demosaicking, compressive sensing and color filter array design
* Distance Images and Intermediate-Level Vision
* Distortion estimates for adaptive temporal decompositions of video under displacement errors and quantization noise
* Distributed coding of endoscopic video
* Distributed compression of zerotrees of wavelet coefficients
* Distributed compression: Overview of current and emerging multimedia applications
* Distributed cosegmentation via submodular optimization on anisotropic diffusion
* Distributed Markov decision process in cooperative peer recovery for WWAN multiview video multicast
* Distributed source coding for securing a hand-based biometric recognition system
* Distributed transforms for efficient data gathering in arbitrary networks
* Distributed video coding: A promising solution for distributed wireless video sensors or not?
* Divider-free architecture for fast sub-pixel motion prediction in H.264/AVC
* Do they like me? Using video cues to predict desires during speed-dates
* Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Low-Cost Pupil-Based Eye Tracker for Computer Graphics Applications
* Domain adaptation for object recognition: An unsupervised approach
* Domain Transfer Multiple Kernel Learning
* Double Fusion for Multimedia Event Detection
* Double window optimisation for constant time visual SLAM
* double-filter design of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC macroblock adaptive frame field coding, A
* Driving 3D morphable models using shading cues
* Driving me around the bend: Learning to drive from visual gist
* DTAM: Dense tracking and mapping in real-time
* Dual-Polarized TerraSAR-X Data for Oil-Spill Observation
* Dyadic transfer learning for cross-domain image classification
* Dynamic and hierarchical multi-structure geometric model fitting
* dynamic approach for approximate pairwise alignment based on 4-points congruence sets of 3D points, A
* Dynamic background subtraction using moments
* Dynamic compressive magnetic resonance imaging using a Gaussian scale mixtures model
* Dynamic fluid surface acquisition using a camera array
* Dynamic GOP size control for low-delay distributed video coding
* Dynamic Manifold Warping for view invariant action recognition
* Dynamic subspace-based coordinated multicamera tracking
* Dynamic texture classification using dynamic fractal analysis
* Dynamic video object detection with single PTU camera
* Dynamic voxel carving in tennis based on player localisation using a low cost camera network
* Edge detection in multispectral images using the n-dimensional self-organizing map
* Edge foci interest points
* Edge noise removal in bilevel graphical document images using sparse representation
* Edge-based objective evaluation of image quality
* Edgelet tracking using Gauss-Laguerre Circular Harmonic filters
* Edlines: Real-time line segment detection by Edge Drawing (ed)
* effecive night video enhancement algorithm, An
* Effect of a synthesized depth view on multi-view rendering quality
* Effect of brightness on the quality of visual 3D perception
* effective approach to corner point detection through multiresolution analysis, An
* Effective autofocus decision using reciprocal focus profile
* Effective discretization of Gabor features for real-time face detection
* Effective Heterogeneous Similarity Measure with Nearest Neighbors for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Effective image noise removal based on difference eigenvalue
* effective image steganalysis method based on neighborhood information of pixels, An
* effective method of searching for subregions in chromosome images, An
* Effects of piecewise smoothing on cardiac SPECT reconstruction
* Efficient Additive Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps
* Efficient Algorithm for Focus Measure Computation in Constant Time, An
* Efficient algorithm for low-rank matrix factorization with missing components and performance comparison of latest algorithms
* Efficient and Effective Tool for Image Segmentation, Total Variations and Regularization, An
* Efficient Bag-of-Feature kernel representation for image similarity search
* Efficient Beltrami Flow in Patch-Space
* Efficient Camera Calibration Technique Offering Robustness and Accuracy Over a Wide Range of Lens Distortion, An
* Efficient cell segmentation and tracking of developing plant meristem
* Efficient coding of video sequences by non-local in-loop denoising of reference frames
* Efficient communication of video using metadata
* Efficient compression method for integral images using multi-view video coding
* Efficient dead-zone plus uniform threshold scalar quantization of generalized Gaussian random variables
* Efficient depth blurring with occlusion handling
* Efficient disparity vector prediction schemes with modified P frame for 2D camera arrays
* efficient dynamic reliability-dependent bit allocation for biometric discretization, An
* Efficient edge-preserving stereo matching
* Efficient face hallucination by using shape and texture dependency
* Efficient framework for extended visual object tracking
* Efficient image matching using weighted voting
* efficient incremental strategy for constrained groupwise registration based on symmetric pairwise registration, An
* efficient IP approach to constrained multiple face tracking and recognition, An
* Efficient iterative receiver for LDPC coded wireless IPTV system
* Efficient joint poisson-gauss restoration using multi-frame L2-relaxed-L0 analysis-based sparsity
* efficient key-frame-free prediction method for MGS of H.264/SVC, An
* Efficient learning of sparse, distributed, convolutional feature representations for object recognition
* Efficient linear discriminant analysis with locality preserving for face recognition
* Efficient Minimization of the Non-local Potts Model
* Efficient multi-object segmentation of 3D medical images using clustering and graph cuts
* Efficient object detection and segmentation with a cascaded Hough Forest ISM
* Efficient Orthogonal Matching Pursuit using sparse random projections for scene and video classification
* Efficient P-frame complexity estimation for frame layer rate control of H.264/AVC
* Efficient parallel message computation for MAP inference
* Efficient pedestrian detection with group lasso
* Efficient quantization of color sift for image classification
* Efficient real-time local optical flow estimation by means of integral projections
* Efficient Regression of General-Activity Human Poses from Depth Images
* Efficient rendering distortion estimation for depth map compression
* Efficient similarity search for covariance matrices via the Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence
* Efficient Spatio-Temporal Edge Descriptor
* Efficient Storage and Decoding of SURF Feature Points
* Efficient Super-Resolution driven by saliency selectivity
* Efficient variational inference in large-scale Bayesian compressed sensing
* Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
* efficient VLSI architecture for 4X4 intra prediction in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, An
* Efficient wavelet packet basis selection in JPEG2000
* Efficiently selecting spatially distributed keypoints for visual tracking
* Eigenshape kernel based mean shift for human tracking
* Either Fit to Data Entries or Locally to Prior: The Minimizers of Objectives with Nonsmooth Nonconvex Data Fidelity and Regularization
* Elastic Shape Registration Using an Incremental Free Form Deformation Approach with the ICP Algorithm
* Elastographic image reconstruction: A stochastic state space approach
* Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot halftoning with direct binary search
* Ellipse detection using sampling constraints
* EMIR: A Novel Music Retrieval System for Mobile Devices Incorporating Analysis of User Emotion
* End-to-end scene text recognition
* Enhanced Bag-of-Visual Word Vector Space Model to Represent Visual Content in Athletics Images, An
* Enhanced classification of focal hepatic lesions in ultrasound images using novel texture features
* Enhanced error resiliency for video with cyclic intra-refresh lines
* Enhancing the User Experience with the Sensory Effect Media Player and AmbientLib
* Ensemble of exemplar-SVMs for object detection and beyond
* Ensemble of furthest subspace pairs for enhanced image set matching
* ensemble-based microaneurysm detector for retinal images, An
* Entropy-Scale Profiles for Texture Segmentation
* Epipolar geometry estimation for wide-baseline omnidirectional street view images
* Error concealment via 3-mode tensor approximation
* Error recovery of image-based depth maps using Bézier curve fitting
* Error Weighted Semi-Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* Estimating initial pose by utilizing symmetric property for real-time intelligent transportation system
* Estimating pose of articulated objects using low-level motion
* Estimating the unknown poses of a reference plane for specular shape recovery
* Estimation of an optimal spectral band combination to evaluate skin disease treatment efficacy using multi-spectral images
* Estimation of Mouse Organ Locations Through Registration of a Statistical Mouse Atlas With Micro-CT Images
* Evaluating image segments by applying the description length to sets of superpixels
* Evaluation framework on translation-invariant representation for cumulative foot pressure image
* Evaluation of face recognition system in heterogeneous environments (visible vs NIR)
* Evaluation of image features using a photorealistic virtual world
* evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications, An
* Evaluation of stereo algorithms for 3D object recognition
* Evaluation of two-part algorithms for objects' depth estimation
* Event-driven feature analysis in a 4D spatiotemporal representation for ambient assisted living
* Everybody needs somebody: Modeling social and grouping behavior on a linear programming multiple people tracker
* evolution of stochastic grammars for representation and recognition of activities in videos, The
* Examplar-based inpainting based on local geometry
* Exemplar extraction using spatio-temporal hierarchical agglomerative clustering for face recognition in video
* Expanding Window Random Linear Codes for data partitioned H.264 video transmission over DVB-H network
* Exploitation of context classification for parallel pixel coding in JPEG-LS
* Exploiting color SIFT features for 2D ear recognition
* Exploiting contextual information for rank aggregation
* Exploiting DLP Illumination Dithering for Reconstruction and Photography of High-Speed Scenes
* Exploiting feature correspondence constraints for image recognition
* Exploiting inter-frame correlations in compound video coding
* Exploiting spatial consistency for object classification and pose estimation
* Exploiting the Manhattan-world assumption for extrinsic self-calibration of multi-modal sensor networks
* exploration framework for segmentation parameter spaces, An
* Exploring compression effects for improved source camera identification using strongly compressed video
* Exploring regularized feature selection for person specific face verification
* Exploring the representation capabilities of the HOG descriptor
* Expression Robust 3D Face Recognition via Mesh-Based Histograms of Multiple Order Surface Differential Quantities
* Expressive Maps for 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* Extended Kalman filtering for MR-thermometry guided high intensity focused ultrasound using the bio heat transfer equation
* Extended whole mesh deformation model: Full 3D processing
* Extending SVC by Content-adaptive Spatial Scalability
* Extension of Non-Local Means (NLM) algorithm with Gaussian filtering for highly noisy images
* Extracting adaptive contextual cues from unlabeled regions
* Extracting foreground masks towards object recognition
* Extracting salient contour groups from cluttered solar images via Markov Random Fields
* Extraction of road network using amodified active contour approach
* Eye specular highlights telltales for digital forensics: A machine learning approach
* Eye-Tracking Database for a Set of Standard Video Sequences
* Face authentication using graph-based low-rank representation of facial local structures for mobile vision applications
* face biometric benchmarking review and characterisation, A
* Face detection using SURF cascade
* Face liveness detection under bad illumination conditions
* Face recognition based on local uncorrelated and weighted global uncorrelated discriminant transforms
* Face recognition based on non-corresponding region matching
* Face Recognition from Caption-Based Supervision
* Face recognition through regional weight estimation
* Face recognition using an enhanced age simulation method
* Face recognition using maximum local Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition using multi-scale local phase quantisation and Linear Regression Classifier
* Face recognition via local sparse coding
* Face reconstruction in the wild
* Face recovery in conference video streaming using robust principal component analysis
* Face sketch-photo synthesis based on support vector regression
* Face tracking in low resolution videos under illumination variations
* FaceSimile: A mobile application for face image search based on interactive shape manipulation
* Facial action unit detection using kernel partial least squares
* Facial expression recognition using clustering discriminant Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Facial expression recognition with temporal modeling of shapes
* Facial expressions in American sign language: Tracking and recognition
* FACS valid 3D dynamic action unit database with applications to 3D dynamic morphable facial modeling, A
* Fairness and QOS guaranteed user scheduling for multi-user MIMO broadcasting channel
* FascinatE Production Scripting Engine, The
* Fast algorithm for total variation minimization
* Fast Algorithms for p-elastica Energy with the Application to Image Inpainting and Curve Reconstruction
* fast and accurate cascade subspace face/eye detector on mobile devices, A
* Fast and accurate environment modeling using three-dimensional occupancy grids
* Fast and accurate iris segmentation based on linear basis function and RANSAC
* Fast and high quality learning-based super-resolution utilizing TV regularization method
* Fast and robust isotropic scaling iterative closest point algorithm
* Fast and robust laser stripe extraction for 3D reconstruction in industrial environments
* Fast Approximate Energy Minimization with Label Costs
* Fast approximation for geometric classification of LiDAR returns
* Fast articulated motion tracking using a sums of Gaussians body model
* Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method for Euler's Elastica Model, A
* Fast Candidate Points Selection in the LASSO Path
* Fast common visual pattern detection via radiate geometric model
* fast component-tree algorithm for high dynamic-range images and second generation connectivity, A
* fast compression-based similarity measure with applications to content-based image retrieval, A
* Fast deconvolution-based image super-resolution using gradient prior
* Fast depth video coding method using adaptive edge classification
* Fast detection of small infrared objects in maritime scenes using local minimum patterns
* Fast disparity estimation for Multi-view plus depth video coding
* Fast edge-filtered image upsampling
* fast encoder of frame-compatible format based on content similarity for 3D distribution, A
* Fast encoding algorithms for geometry-adaptive block partitioning
* Fast face sequence matching in large-scale video databases
* Fast facial landmark detection using cascade classifiers and a simple 3D model
* Fast FPGA-based architecture for pedestrian detection based on covariance matrices
* Fast GPU-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast human detection using Node-Combined Part Detector
* Fast image inpainting using similarity of subspace method
* Fast image-based localization using direct 2D-to-3D matching
* Fast incremental method for matrix completion: An application to trajectory correction
* Fast intra mode selection for stereo video coding using epipolar constraint
* Fast iterative search for motion and disparity estimation in stereoscopic video coding
* Fast Joint Estimation of Silhouettes and Dense 3D Geometry from Multiple Images
* Fast Majorize-Minimize Algorithm for the Recovery of Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices, A
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC-to-SVC Transcoding with Temporal Scalability
* Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in HEVC
* Fast mode decision algorithm for Residual Quadtree coding in HEVC
* Fast mode decision for H.264 video coding in packet loss environment
* Fast model of space-variant blurring and its application to deconvolution in astronomy
* Fast Motion Estimation System Using Dynamic Models for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast movement detection for high dynamic range imaging
* fast Multiple Birth and Cut algorithm using belief propagation, A
* fast object tracking approach based on sparse representation, A
* fast online incremental learning method for object detection and pose classification using voting and combined appearance modeling, A
* Fast parameter-free region growing segmentation with application to surgical planning
* Fast PDE-Based Image Analysis in Your Pocket
* fast progressive image transmission scheme using block truncation coding by pattern fitting, A
* Fast removal of non-uniform camera shake
* Fast Sub-Volume Search Method for Human Action Detection, A
* Fast template matching in non-linear tone-mapped images
* Fast TV-L1 optical flow for interactivity
* Fast video interpolation/upsampling using linear motion model
* Fast volumetric visual hull computation
* Feature fusion for 3D hand gesture recognition by learning a shared hidden space
* Feature grouping and local soft match for mobile visual search
* Feature Line Extraction On Meshes Through Vertex Marking And 2d Topological Operators
* Feature seeding for action recognition
* Feature selection via simultaneous sparse approximation for person specific face verification
* Feature selection with geometric constraints for vision-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle navigation
* Feature-domain super-resolution for iris recognition
* Feature-preserving thumbnail generation based on graph cuts
* Feature-Specific Difference Imaging
* Feature-weighting in dynamic time-warping for gesture recognition in depth data
* FEM models to code non-rigid EKF monocular SLAM
* Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Film Comic Reflecting Camera-Works
* Filtering and Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Binary Partition Trees
* Finding Suits in Images of People
* Fine-grained categorization of fish motion patterns in underwater videos
* Fire scene segmentations for forest fire characterization: A comparative study
* Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning for sparse representation
* Flash scene video coding using weighted prediction
* Flexible Adaptive Multiple Description Coding for Video Transmission
* Flexible tracklet association for complex scenarios using a Markov Logic Network
* Flexible trajectory modeling using a mixture of parametric motion fields for video surveillance
* FM processing with generalized amplitude and phase: Application to modulation domain geometric image transformations
* Foldable Augmented Maps
* Foreground estimation based on robust linear regression model
* formulation of a non-linear hertzian model in order to assess the mechanical strength of human cells based on data from an atomic force microscope, The
* Forward Wyner-Ziv Fast Video Decoding Using Multicore Processors
* Fourier Active Appearance Models
* Fourier implementation of Poisson image editing
* FPGA design for image processing using a GUI of a web-based VHDL Code Generator
* FPGA Implementation of the N-FINDR Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* FPGA-Based Hardware Implementation of Configurable Pixel-Level Color Image Fusion, An
* Fractal image coding using SSIM
* Fragmented aperture imaging for motion and defocus deblurring
* Frame buffer compression for low-power video coding
* Frame structure optimization for interactive multiview video streaming with bounded network delay
* Framelet-Based Algorithm for Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* Framelet-Based Blind Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
* framework for global vehicle localization using stereo images and satellite and road maps, A
* Freehand 3D scanning in a mobile environment using video
* Frequency domain infrared watermarking for printed CMYK image
* Frequency guided bilateral symmetry Gabor Wavelet Network
* From a Modified Ambrosio-Tortorelli to a Randomized Part Hierarchy Tree
* From contours to 3D object detection and pose estimation
* From High Definition Image to Low Space Optimization
* From images to scenes: Compressing an image cluster into a single scene model for place recognition
* From learning models of natural image patches to whole image restoration
* From the Rendering Equation to Stratified Light Transport Inversion
* From universal bag-of-words to adaptive bag-of-phrases for mobile scene recognition
* Front view gait recognition using Spherical Space Model with Human Point Clouds
* FTV and all-around 3DTV
* Full DOF tracking of a hand interacting with an object by modeling occlusions and physical constraints
* Full-motion recovery from multiple video cameras applied to face tracking and recognition
* Fully automated exposure fusion algorithm for mobile platforms
* Fully automatic pose-invariant face recognition via 3D pose normalization
* Fully Automatic Recognition of the Temporal Phases of Facial Actions
* Fusing color and shape descriptors in the recognition of degraded iris images acquired at visible wavelengths
* Fusing generic objectness and visual saliency for salient object detection
* Fusing Template and Point Information to Track Planes with Large Interframe Displacement
* Fusing visual and range imaging for object class recognition
* Fusion of panchromatic and multispectral images using multiscale dual bilateral filter
* Fusion of visual attention cues by machine learning
* Fusion-based restoration of the underwater images
* Future vision
* fuzzy framework with prior information unifying registration, segmentation and bias field correction of brain MRI, A
* Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control Architecture Incorporated With Modified-Univector Field-Based Navigation for Humanoid Robots
* Fuzzy Rank-Based Late Fusion Method for Image Retrieval, A
* Gait-Based Action Recognition via Accelerated Minimum Incremental Coding Length Classifier
* Gauss-Laguerre keypoints descriptors for color images
* Gaussian process regression flow for analysis of motion trajectories
* GEA optimization for live structureless motion estimation
* General adaptive distance transforms on gray tone images: Application to image segmentation
* General p-constrained approach for colour constancy
* general preconditioning scheme for difference measures in deformable registration, A
* Generalized background subtraction based on hybrid inference by belief propagation and Bayesian filtering
* Generalized Biased Discriminant Analysis for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Generalized interpolation for motion compensated prediction
* Generalized ordering constraints for multilabel optimization
* Generalized Radar Backscattering Model Based on Wave Theory for Multilayer Multispecies Vegetation, A
* Generalized roof duality for pseudo-boolean optimization
* Generalized selective data pruning for video sequence
* Generalized Subgraph Preconditioners for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment
* Generalized subspace based high dimensional density estimation
* generalized trace-norm and its application to structure-from-motion problems, The
* Generating compact meshes under planar constraints: An automatic approach for modeling buildings from aerial LiDAR
* Generating vocabulary for global feature representation towards commerce image retrieval
* generative framework to investigate the underlying patterns in human activities, A
* Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning for Medical Imaging
* Generic polar harmonic transforms for invariant image description
* Genetic Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifier for Land Cover Classification From Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Geodesic Voting Shape Prior to Constrain the Level Set Evolution for the Segmentation of Tubular Trees, A
* Geometric Dissimilarity Criterion Between Jordan Spatial Mosaics. Theoretical Aspects and Application to Segmentation Evaluation, A
* geometric solver for calibrated stereo egomotion, A
* Geometrical transformation-based ghost artifacts removing for high dynamic range image
* Geometrically consistent elastic matching of 3D shapes: A linear programming solution
* Geometrically consistent stereo seam carving
* Global motion guided adaptive temporal inter-/extrapolation for side information generation in Distributed Video Coding
* Globally optimal reconstruction of millimeter-wave radiometric images with belief propagation
* Globally optimal solution to multi-object tracking with merged measurements
* Globally optimal target tracking in real time using max-flow network
* Going into depth: Evaluating 2D and 3D cues for object classification on a new, large-scale object dataset
* Good features to track: A view geometric approach
* Good-looking green images
* GPU & CPU cooperative accelerated pedestrian and vehicle detection
* GPU accelerated interactive interface for exploratory functional connectivity analysis of FMRI data, A
* GPU-assisted personal video organizing system, A
* GPU-based face tracking at 500 fps
* Gradient domain contrast enhancement with histogram-guided boundary conditions
* Gradient sparsity for piecewise continuous optical flow estimation
* Gradient-based learning of higher-order image features
* graph cut algorithm for higher-order Markov Random Fields, A
* graph cut method for linear inverse problems, A
* Graph matching in 3D space for structural seismic damage assessment
* Graph mode-based contextual kernels for robust SVM tracking
* Graph-based multiple-instance learning with instance weighting for image retrieval
* Graph-based shape matching for deformable objects
* Graph-cut based antialiasing for Doppler ultrasound color flow medical imaging
* graph-matching kernel for object categorization, A
* Grid-based local feature bundling for efficient object search and localization
* Ground Moving Target Signal Analysis in Complex Image Domain for Multichannel SAR
* Ground topography estimation over forests using PolInSAR image by means of coherence set
* group sparsity-driven approach to 3-D action recognition, A
* Group-Valued Regularization Framework for Motion Segmentation of Dynamic Non-rigid Shapes
* H.264/AVC UHD decoder implementation on multi-cluster platform using hybrid parallelization method
* Hairstyle Suggestion Using Statistical Learning
* Hand shape recognition using distance transform and shape decomposition
* Handling Label Noise in Video Classification via Multiple Instance Learning
* Handling outliers in non-blind image deconvolution
* Handwritten connected digits detection: An approach using instance selection
* HANS: Controlling Ink-Jet Print Attributes Via Neugebauer Primary Area Coverages
* Hardware encoder and decoder for 3-D stereo video streaming applications
* Harmonic active contours for multichannel image segmentation
* Harmony Potentials: Fusing Global and Local Scale for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Hazy image modeling using color ellipsoids
* HEAT: Iterative relevance feedback with one million images
* HEVC ALF decode complexity analysis and reduction
* hidden Markov model-based methodology for intra-field video deinterlacing, A
* Hidden-Concept Driven Multilabel Image Annotation and Label Ranking
* Hierarchical bag-of-features for hand posture recognition
* hierarchical conditional random field model for labeling and classifying images of man-made scenes, A
* Hierarchical fusion of descriptor matching and L-K optical flow
* Hierarchical hybrid MLP/HMM or rather MLP features for a discriminatively trained Gaussian HMM: A comparison for offline handwriting recognition
* Hierarchical invariant sparse modeling for image analysis
* Hierarchical Matching of Non-rigid Shapes
* Hierarchical Navigation and Visual Search for Video Keyframe Retrieval
* Hierarchical stochastic fast search motion estimation algorithm
* High definition video intra-only coding based on node-cell macroblock pixel structure and 2-D interleaved DCT
* High dynamic range imaging under noisy observations
* High frequency compensated face hallucination
* High performance H.264/AVC encoding motion prediction algorithm
* High quality depth map upsampling for 3D-TOF cameras
* High quality facial expression recognition in video streams using shape related information only
* High quality image reconstruction from RAW and JPEG image pair
* High resolution biologically inspired salient region detection
* High resolution subpixel and subframe rendering for color flatpanel and projector displays
* High resolution visual terrain classification for outdoor robots
* High-accuracy wave field reconstruction: decoupled inverse imaging with sparse modeling of phase and amplitude
* High-Frame-Rate Optical Flow System
* High-frequency error recovery in JPEG XR coded images
* High-level situation recognition using Fuzzy Metric Temporal Logic, case studies in surveillance and smart environments
* High-performance asic architecture for hysteresis thresholding and component feature extraction in limited-resource applications
* High-performance template tracking
* High-quality image restoration from partial random samples in spatial domain
* High-quality video denoising for motion-based exposure control
* High-resolution comprehensive 3-D dynamic database for facial articulation analysis
* high-throughput parallel hardware architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC encoding, A
* Higher order potentials with superpixel neighbourhood (HSN) for semantic image segmentation
* Histogram analysis of CT scans for patients with post-mastectomy lymphedema
* Histogram Contextualization
* HMAX-S: Deep scale representation for biologically inspired image categorization
* HMDB: A large video database for human motion recognition
* Hole filling with random walks using occlusion constraints in view synthesis
* Holistic 3D reconstruction of urban structures from low-rank textures
* Hollow TV logo detection
* Home 3D body scans from noisy image and range data
* Hough-based tracking of non-rigid objects
* How to Select and Customize Object Recognition Approaches for an Application?
* HTTP-based scalable video streaming over mobile networks
* Human action recognition based on aggregated local motion estimates
* Human action recognition by learning bases of action attributes and parts
* Human action recognition using Pose-based discriminant embedding
* Human action segmentation and recognition via motion and shape analysis
* Human action silhouette recognition based on tensor analysis using synthetic silhouette data
* Human Activity Modeling as Brownian Motion on Shape Manifold
* Human activity prediction: Early recognition of ongoing activities from streaming videos
* Human and car identification using motion vector in H.264 compressed video
* Human detection using multi-camera and 3D scene knowledge
* Human detection with contour-based local motion binary patterns
* Human face classification based on localized blur descriptors
* Human Focused Video Description
* Human gait characteristics from unconstrained walks and viewpoints
* Human identification using body prior and generalized EMD
* Human parsing using stochastic and-or grammars and rich appearances
* Human Pose Estimation Using Structural Support Vector Machines
* Human pose tracking in low dimensional space enhanced by limb correction
* Human skin detection in images by MSER analysis
* Human tracking by structured body parts
* Human tracking from a mobile agent: Optical flow and Kalman filter arbitration
* Humanising GrabCut: Learning to segment humans using the Kinect
* Hybrid blind deconvolution of images using variable splitting and proximal point methods
* Hybrid cluster ensemble framework based on the random combination of data transformation operators
* hybrid framework for event detection using multi-modal features, A
* Hybrid hand tracking system
* Hybrid light coding for fast and high-accuracy shape acquisition
* Hybrid motion estimation scheme for secondary SP-frame coding using inter-frame correlation and FMO
* Hybrid parametric-nonparametric modeling with application to natural image upsampling
* Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based on Topological Gradient and Fast Marching Algorithms: Application to Inpainting and Segmentation, A
* Hypercomplex polar Fourier analysis for color image
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Kernel Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Independent Component Discriminant Analysis
* Hyperspectral image segmentation using Binary Partition Trees
* hypothesize-and-bound algorithm for simultaneous object classification, pose estimation and 3D reconstruction from a single 2D image, A
* I spy with my little eye: Learning optimal filters for cross-modal stereo under projected patterns
* Identifying computer generated graphics via histogram features
* Identifying Objects in Images from Analyzing the Users' Gaze Movements for Provided Tags
* Identifying salient poses in lecture videos
* IFTrace: Video segmentation of deformable objects using the Image Foresting Transform
* iGroup: Weakly supervised image and video grouping
* Illuminant color estimation for real-world mixed-illuminant scenes
* Illumination demultiplexing from a single image
* Illumination estimation from shadow borders
* Illumination robust dictionary-based face recognition
* Illumination-free gaze estimation method for first-person vision wearable device
* Illumination-robust face recognition via sparse representation
* Image analysis using separable two-dimensional discrete orthogonal moments
* Image based detection of geometric changes in urban environments
* Image categorization through optimum path forest and visual words
* Image coding with face descriptors embedding
* Image complexity measure based on visual attention
* Image contrast enhancement in compressed wavelet domain
* Image database categorization using robust unsupervised learning of finite generalized dirichlet mixture models
* Image Denoising Using Mean Curvature of Image Surface
* Image enhancement based on Retinex and lightness decomposition
* Image filtering using anisotropic structure tensor for cell membrane enhancement in 3D microscopy
* Image Fusion Approach Based on Markov Random Fields, An
* Image indexing using 3D model for image retrieval
* Image inpainting via Weighted Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Image labeling by multiple segmentation
* Image matting based on mutual information
* Image Morphing in Frequency Domain
* Image pattern discovery by using the spatial closeness of visual code words
* Image Processing Assisted Algorithms for Optical Projection Tomography
* Image processing challenges in weak gravitational lensing
* image quality assessment metric based on Non-shift Edge, An
* Image quality assessment of endoscopic panorama images
* Image reconstruction from compressed linear measurements with side information
* Image reconstruction from random samples with parametric and nonparametric modeling
* Image rectification for single camera stereo system
* Image representation by active curves
* Image retargeting based on the sensitivity-tuned visual significance map
* Image segmentation by figure-ground composition into maximal cliques
* Image Segmentation With Complementary Use Of Edge And Region Information
* Image segmentation with hierarchical topic assignment
* Image similarity using the normalized compression distance based on finite context models
* Image super-segmentation: Segmentation with multiple labels from shuffled observations
* Image-based object detection under varying illumination in environments with specular surfaces
* Imaging via three-dimensional compressive sampling (3DCS)
* Implicit B-spline fitting using the 3L algorithm
* Improved Authentication Accuracy by Individually Set Orders of the Fractional Fourier Transform and Effects of Damage of Fingerprint Image on Authentication Accuracy
* improved automatic commercial detection system, An
* improved automatic initial snaxel selection with corner tracing for object contour extraction in medical image, An
* improved cross-layer mapping mechanism for packet video delivery over WLAN, An
* Improved DCT coefficient distribution modeling for H.264-like video coders based on block classification
* improved depth map estimation for coding and view synthesis, An
* Improved entropy coding for component-based image coding
* improved error concealment by diminishing the edge discontinuity, An
* Improved FOR/SOR-based video coding and its performance analysis
* Improved force field for vector field convolution method
* Improved Fractal Image Compression Based On Robust Feature Descriptors
* Improved H.264/AVC lossless intra compression using multiple partition prediction for 4X4 intra block
* Improved kernel-based limited-view CT reconstruction VIA anisotropic diffusion
* Improved lossless coding algorithm in H.264/AVC based on hierarchical intra prediction
* Improved multiplicative spread spectrum embedding for image data hiding
* improved occlusion handling for appearance-based tracking, An
* Improved optimal seam selection blending for fast video stitching of videos captured from freely moving devices
* Improved Range Ambiguity Performance in Quad-Pol SAR
* Improved rate-adaptive codes for Distributed Video Coding
* improved region-based model with local statistical feature, An
* Improved sparse coding using manifold projections
* Improved spatial aided low delay Wyner-Ziv video coding by wavelet shrinkage
* Improved Wyner-Ziv video coding efficiency using bit plane prediction
* Improvement Of Colorization Realism Via The Structure Tensor
* Improving Cluster Selection and Event Modeling in Unsupervised Mining for Automatic Audiovisual Video Structuring
* Improving image similarity with vectors of locally aggregated tensors
* Improving image tag recommendation using favorite image context
* Improving Item Recommendation Based on Social Tag Ranking
* Improving neighborhood based Collaborative Filtering via integrated folksonomy information
* Improving object localization using macrofeature layout selection
* Improving sub-pixel correspondence through upsampling
* Improving the visual quality of size invariant visual cryptography scheme
* In defense of soft-assignment coding
* Incorporating color information for reliable palmprint authentication
* Incorporating estimated motion in real-time background subtraction
* Incorporating temporal context in Bag-of-Words models
* Increasing camera dynamic range through in-sensor multi-exposure white balancing
* Increasing imaging resolution by covering your sensor
* Incremental evolution of collective network of binary classifier for polarimetric SAR image classification
* Incremental import vector machines for large area land cover classification
* Incremental local Hough Transform for line segment extraction
* Incremental on-line semi-supervised learning for segmenting the left ventricle of the heart from ultrasound data
* Incremental orthogonal projective non-negative matrix factorization and its applications
* incremental/decremental Delaunay mesh-generation framework for image representation, An
* Individuals, groups, and crowds: Modelling complex, multi-object behaviour in phase space
* Indoor scene segmentation using a structured light sensor
* Indoor SLAM using a range-augmented omnidirectional vision
* Inferring 3D body pose using variational semi-parametric regression
* Inferring human gaze from appearance via adaptive linear regression
* Inferring social relations from visual concepts
* Inferring social roles in long timespan video sequence
* Inferring users' image-search goals with pseudo-images
* information geometry approach to shape density Minimum Description Length model selection, An
* information theoretic approach to gender feature selection, An
* Information theoretic methods for learning generative models for relational structures
* Information theoretic preattentive saliency: A closed-form solution
* Informative feature selection for object recognition via Sparse PCA
* insect-inspired omnidirectional vision system including UV-sensitivity and polarisation, An
* Integrated framework for simultaneous segmentation and registration of carpal bones
* Integrating distance metric learning into label propagation model for multi-label image annotation
* Integrating GI with non-GI services: showcasing interoperability in a heterogeneous service-oriented architecture
* Integrating local action elements for action analysis
* Integrating local classifiers through nonlinear dynamics on label graphs with an application to image segmentation
* Integrating pedestrian simulation, tracking and event detection for crowd analysis
* Intelligent filtering by semantic importance for single-view 3D reconstruction from Snooker video
* Intelligent multimedia interactivity
* Intelligent photo clustering with user interaction and distance metric learning
* Intelligent trainee behavior assessment system for medical training employing video analysis
* intensity-gradient-texture guided methodology for spatial segmentation of remotely sensed multi/hyperspectral imagery, An
* Inter prediction using lapped transforms for advanced video coding
* Interactive collection of training samples from the Max-Tree structure
* Interactive CT image segmentation with online discriminative learning
* Interactive learning of human activities using active video composition
* Interactive motion deblurring using light streaks
* Interactive multiview image coding
* Interactive multiview video system with low decoding complexity
* Interactive object segmentation for mono and stereo applications: Geodesic prior induced graph cut energy minimization
* Interactive object segmentation using iterative adjustable graph cut
* Interactive Video Indexing With Statistical Active Learning
* Interleaving-based error concealment for scalable video coding system
* Intra-prediction with adaptive sub-sampling
* Intra-WZ quantization mismatch in distributed video coding
* Intrinsic geometric distortions in a type of multi-projector light field display
* Introducing total curvature for image processing
* Introduction to Special Section on Space Technology
* Inverse halftoning with nonlocal regularization
* Inverse problems with poisson noise: Primal and primal-dual splitting
* Inverse rendering in SUV space with a linear texture model
* invertible dimension reduction of curves on a manifold, A
* Investigating Gesture and Pressure Interaction with a 3D Display
* Investigation of Dehazing Effects on Image and Video Coding, An
* Iris Recognition Using Possibilistic Fuzzy Matching on Local Features
* IrisCode Decompression Based on the Dependence between Its Bit Pairs
* Ising field parameter estimation from incomplete and noisy data
* Isotonic CCA for sequence alignment and activity recognition
* Isotropic Huber MRFS for structure super-resolution
* iterative integrated framework for thermal-visible image registration, sensor fusion, and people tracking for video surveillance applications, An
* Iteratively merging information from a pair of flash/no-flash images using nonlinear diffusion
* joint estimation of head and body orientation cues in surveillance video, A
* Joint just noticeable difference model based on depth perception for stereoscopic images
* Joint Learning for Single-Image Super-Resolution via a Coupled Constraint
* joint learning framework for attribute models and object descriptions, A
* Joint multi-view foreground segmentation and 3D reconstruction with tolerance loop
* Joint optimization of background subtraction and object detection for night surveillance
* Joint pose estimation and action recognition in image graphs
* Joint Processing of Landsat and ALOS-PALSAR Data for Forest Mapping and Monitoring
* Joint reconstruction of 3D shape and non-rigid motion in a region-growing framework
* Joint source-channel coding optimization with packet loss resilience for video transmission
* Joint source-channel decoding of motion-information using maximum-a-posteriori
* Joint space-time-view error concealment algorithms for 3D multi-view video
* Joint sparsity model improves multimodal image fusion
* Joint ToF Image Denoising and Registration with a CT Surface in Radiation Therapy
* JPEG XR optimization with graph-based soft decision quantization
* Kalman-Filtering Approach to High Dynamic Range Imaging for Measurement Applications, A
* Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale Diffeomorphic Image Registration
* Kernel discriminant analysis for regression problems
* Kernel non-rigid structure from motion
* Kernel sparse representation with local patterns for face recognition
* Key frame extraction from consumer videos using sparse representation
* Key-Frame-Oriented Video Browser, A
* Key-segments for video object segmentation
* Kinecting the dots: Particle based scene flow from depth sensors
* Kronecker Compressive Sensing
* L2 restoration of L_inf-decoded images with context modeling
* Lane formation in a microscopic model and the corresponding partial differential equation
* Laplacian Eigenmaps-Based Polarimetric Dimensionality Reduction for SAR Image Classification
* Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
* Large-Scale Similarity-Based Join Processing in Multimedia Databases
* Large-Scale Vehicle Detection, Indexing, and Search in Urban Surveillance Videos
* Latent Low-Rank Representation for subspace segmentation and feature extraction
* Latent structured models for human pose estimation
* Learning a category independent object detection cascade
* Learning a dictionary of deformable patches using GPUs
* Learning a mixture of sparse distance metrics for classification and dimensionality reduction
* Learning a wavelet tree for multichannel image denoising
* Learning and the language of thought
* Learning complex image patterns with Scale and Shift Invariant Sparse Coding
* Learning component-level sparse representation using histogram information for image classification
* Learning context-aware sparse representation for single image super-resolution
* Learning cross-modality similarity for multinomial data
* Learning dictionary via subspace segmentation for sparse representation
* Learning equivariant structured output SVM regressors
* Learning images using compositional pattern-producing neural networks for source camera identification and digital demographic diagnosis
* Learning invariant color features with sparse topographic restricted Boltzmann machines
* Learning local binary patterns for gender classification on real-world face images
* Learning multi-lane trajectories using vehicle-based vision
* Learning nonlinear distance functions using neural network for regression with application to robust human age estimation
* Learning occlusion with likelihoods for visual tracking
* Learning of context-aware single image super-resolution
* Learning parameterized histogram kernels on the simplex manifold for image and action classification
* Learning semantic embedding at a large scale
* Learning semantic features for action recognition via diffusion maps
* Learning shape models for monocular human pose estimation from the Microsoft Xbox Kinect
* Learning shape statistics for hierarchical 3D medical image segmentation
* Learning spatiotemporal graphs of human activities
* Learning specific-class segmentation from diverse data
* Learning structural conjunction of image content by sparse graphical model
* Learning temporal signatures for Lip Reading
* Learning the trip suggestion from landmark photos on the web
* Learning to cluster using high order graphical models with latent variables
* Learning to predict the perceived visual quality of photos
* Learning universal multi-view age estimator using video context
* Learning-based image restoration for compressed images
* Learning-based non-rigid image registration using prior joint intensity distributions with graph-cuts
* Least-squares estimation of anisotropic similarity transformations from corresponding 2D point sets
* Lens distortion correction with a calibration harp
* Level Set Algorithm for Shape Reconstruction of Non-Overlapping Three-Dimensional Penetrable Targets
* Level set evolution with locally linear classification for image segmentation
* Level set segmentation with robust image gradient energy and statistical shape prior
* Level-set person segmentation and tracking with multi-region appearance models and top-down shape information
* Linear dependency modeling for feature fusion
* Linear stereo matching
* linear subspace learning approach via sparse coding, A
* Linear SVM classification using boosting HOG features for vehicle detection in low-altitude airborne videos
* Linear time offline tracking and lower envelope algorithms
* Linking User Generated Video Annotations to the Web of Data
* Lip contour tracking using multiple dynamic models on a manifold
* Live 3D shape reconstruction, recognition and registration
* Liver tumor detection in CT images by adaptive contrast enhancement and the EM/MPM algorithm
* Local Binary Pattern features for pedestrian detection at night/dark environment
* Local Binary Pattern histogram based Texton learning for texture classification
* Local color vector binary pattern for face recognition
* Local complexity adaptable trajectory partitioning via minimum message length
* Local geometric consistency constraint for image retrieval
* Local Intensity Order Pattern for feature description
* Local primitive code mining for fast and accurate face recognition
* Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation for Robust Face Recognition
* Localized principal component analysis based curve evolution: A divide and conquer approach
* Locally rigid globally non-rigid surface registration
* Location-based image retrieval for urban environments
* Long term video segmentation through pixel level spectral clustering on GPUs
* Long-Term Consecutive DInSAR for Volume Change Estimation of Land Deformation
* Lossless integer color transform for four color components
* LOTUS: Composing a multi-user interactive tiled display virtual environment
* Loveparade 2010: Automatic video analysis of a crowd disaster
* Low complexity deblocking filter perceptual optimization for the HEVC codec
* low complexity dual mode edge detector, A
* Low Complexity Iterative Algorithm for Joint Zero Diagonalization, A
* Low Complexity Macroblock Layer Rate Control Scheme Base on Weighted-Window for H.264 Encoder, A
* Low order dynamics embedding for high dimensional time series
* Low power parallel surveillance video encoding system based on joint power-speed scheduling
* Low visual difference virtual high dynamic range image synthesizer from a single legacy image
* Low-complexity image coder/decoder with an approaching-entropy quad-tree search code for embedded computing platforms
* Low-complexity intra prediction algorithm for video down-sizing transcoder
* Low-complexity mode-dependent KLT for block-based intra coding
* low-complexity upsampling technique for H.264, A
* Low-Complexity Video Coding Based on Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
* LSP: Local similarity pattern, a new approach for rotation invariant noisy texture analysis
* Luminance constrained total variation and its application for optimized decoding of JPEG 2000
* Lung tumor delineation in PET-CT images using a downhill region growing and a Gaussian mixture model
* Machine learning based modeling of spatial and temporal factors for video quality assessment
* Machine vision system for automated spectroscopy
* machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces, A
* Magnetic resonance imaging detects seeds in mandarins
* Manhattan scene understanding using monocular, stereo, and 3D features
* Manifold based Sparse Representation for robust expression recognition without neutral subtraction
* Manifold learning for simultaneous pose and facial expression recognition
* MAP-MRF based lip segmentation without true segment number
* Mapping data on a rotated grid in high-dimensions for lossless compression
* Marker-less human pose estimation and surface reconstruction using a segmented model
* markerless motion capture system with automatic subject-specific body model acquisition and robust pose tracking from 3D data, A
* Markov Chain CFAR Detection for Polarimetric Data Using Data Fusion
* Markov Random Field-based fitting of a subdivision-based geometric atlas
* Markov-Gibbs model based registration of CT lung images using subsampling for the follow-up assessment of pleural thickenings
* Matching cylindrical panorama sequences using planar reprojections
* Material-specific user colour profiles from imaging spectroscopy data
* Matrix-Based Approach to Unsupervised Human Action Categorization, A
* Maximizing all margins: Pushing face recognition with Kernel Plurality
* Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
* McFIS in hierarchical bipredictve pictures-based video coding for referencing the stable area in a scene
* MCMC-based tracking and identification of leaders in groups
* MEAN-shift tracking algorithm with weight fusion strategy
* Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
* Measuring and reducing observational latency when recognizing actions
* Measuring Geodesic Distances via the Uniformization Theorem
* medial feature detector: Stable regions from image boundaries, The
* Medial-Based Deformable Models in Nonconvex Shape-Spaces for Medical Image Segmentation
* Medical image denoising using Kernel Ridge Regression
* Memory Gradient algorithm for L2-L0 regularization with applications to image restoration, A
* method for discontinuous neurite reconstruction based on diffusion tensor, Hessian eigenvector, and diffused gradient vector fields, A
* Method for estimating the relative contribution of phase and power spectra to the total information in natural-scene patches
* method to determine the size of the structuring element in morphological correction of non-uniform illumination, A
* Methods for geometrical video projector calibration
* Mid-air interactive display using modulated display light
* Minimum near-convex decomposition for robust shape representation
* MixCast modulation for layered video multicast over WLANs
* mixture of gated experts optimized using simulated annealing for 3D face recognition, A
* MMSE nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal
* mobile structured light system for food volume estimation, A
* Mobile visual search on printed documents using text and low bit-rate features
* Mode dependent DCT/DST for intra prediction in block-based image/video coding
* Mode-dependent intra frame interpolation for H.264/AVC compressed video
* Model-Assisted Adaptive Recovery of Compressed Sensing with Imaging Applications
* Model-Based Shot Boundary Detection Technique Using Frame Transition Parameters, A
* Modeling a parallelism constraint in active contours. Application to the segmentation of eye vessels and retinal layers
* Modeling and application of color noise perception dependent on background color and spatial frequency
* Modeling and Compressing 3-D Facial Expressions Using Geometry Videos
* Modeling and prediction of driver behavior by foot gesture analysis
* Modeling image similarity by Gaussian mixture models and the Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* Modeling of PSF for refractive index variation in fluorescence microscopy
* Modeling of rate and perceptual quality of video and its application to frame rate adaptive rate control
* Modeling spatial layout with Fisher vectors for image categorization
* Modeling symmetries for stochastic structural recognition
* Modeling temporal coherence for optical flow
* Modeling the EXIF-Image correlation for image manipulation detection
* Modeling vs. learning approaches for monocular 3D human pose estimation
* Modern shape from shading and beyond
* Modification and implementation of an edge-based fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC high resolution real-time systems
* Modified-CS-residual for recursive reconstruction of highly undersampled functional MRI sequences
* Monitoring changes of 3D building elements from unordered photo collections
* Monocular Camera Trajectory Optimization using LiDAR data
* Monocular omnidirectional head motion capture in the visible light spectrum
* monotonic constrained regression framework for histogram equalization and specification, A
* Monte Carlo sampling for visual pose tracking
* MoPaCo: High telepresence video communication system using motion parallax with monocular camera
* More accurate pinhole camera calibration with imperfect planar target
* Motion artifact-free HDR imaging under dynamic environments
* Motion capture from dynamic orthographic cameras
* Motion compensated frame interpolation using skipped frame information
* Motion compensated prediction using partial mesh generation
* Motion detection in old film sequences using adaptive Gaussian mixture model
* Motion re-estimation for H.264/AVC video downscaling transcoding using EPZS algorithm
* Motion Tracking for Medical Imaging: A Nonvisible Structured Light Tracking Approach
* Motion Tracking of Discontinuous Sea Ice
* Motion trajectory based visual saliency for video quality assessment
* Motion-tolerance contextual visual saliency preserving for video retargeting
* Moving object selection based on an active curve approach
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* MPEG-7 compliant generalized structure descriptor for still image indexing
* MPL-Boosted Integrable Features Pool for pedestrian detection
* multi-affine model for tensor decomposition, A
* Multi-camera multi-object tracking by robust hough-based homography projections
* Multi-class semi-supervised SVMs with Positiveness Exclusive Regularization
* Multi-cue learning and visualization of unusual events
* Multi-dimensional earth mover's distance active contours
* Multi-dimensional evolutionary feature synthesis for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-hypothesis motion planning for visual object tracking
* Multi-keyframe abstraction from videos
* Multi-label visual classification with label exclusive context
* Multi-layer Local Graph Words for Object Recognition
* multi-level dynamic complexity reduction scheme for multiview video coding, A
* Multi-modal Solution for Unconstrained News Story Retrieval
* Multi-modal surface registration for markerless initial patient setup in radiation therapy using microsoft's Kinect sensor
* Multi-observation visual recognition via joint dynamic sparse representation
* Multi-oriented touching text character segmentation in graphical documents using dynamic programming
* Multi-person tracking based on vertical reference lines and dynamic visibility analysis
* Multi-resolution 3D Mesh Coding in MPEG
* Multi-resolution level set image segmentation using wavelets
* Multi-resolution missing data interpolation in SST image series
* Multi-resolution texture coding for multi-resolution 3D meshes
* Multi-scale 3D representation via volumetric quasi-random scale space
* Multi-scale analysis of color and texture for salient object detection
* Multi-scale and real-time non-parametric approach for anomaly detection and localization
* Multi-scale multi-feature codebook-based background subtraction
* Multi-scale Non-Local Kernel Regression for super resolution
* Multi-task GLOH feature selection for human age estimation
* Multi-task low-rank affinity pursuit for image segmentation
* Multi-view 3D Human Pose Estimation in Complex Environment
* Multi-view 3D reconstruction for scenes under the refractive plane with known vertical direction
* Multi-view face recognition via joint dynamic sparse representation
* Multi-View Human Movement Recognition Based on Fuzzy Distances and Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-view manhole detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multi-view multi-stance gait identification
* Multi-view people surveillance using 3D information
* Multi-view repetitive structure detection
* Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of a Boreal Forest at P- and L-Bands
* Multichannel image processing by using the Rank M-type L-filter
* Multiclass recognition and part localization with humans in the loop
* Multiclass transfer learning from unconstrained priors
* Multicolor image segmentation using Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation
* Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Automatic Graded Relevance Judgments, A
* Multimodal Cue Detection Engine for Orchestrated Entertainment
* Multimodal learning for multi-label image classification
* Multimodal templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects in heavily cluttered scenes
* Multimodal Video Concept Detection via Bag of Auditory Words and Multiple Kernel Learning
* multimodal video copy detection approach with sequential pyramid matching, A
* Multimodal Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Directed Information
* Multiple blind re-watermarking with quantisation-based embedding
* Multiple description video coding against both erasure and bit errors by compressive sensing
* Multiple Descriptions Coinciding Lattice Vector Quantizer for Wavelet Image Coding
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking in camera networks
* Multiple person re-identification using part based spatio-temporal color appearance model
* Multiple-image compressed encryption and decryption by compressive holography
* Multiplexed illumination for scene recovery in the presence of global illumination
* Multiplicative Calculus in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Multiplicative update rules for incremental training of multiclass support vector machines
* Multiresolution localization and segmentation of the optical disc in fundus images using inpainted background and vessel information
* Multiscale directional AM-FM demodulation of images using a 2D optimized method
* Multiscale Semilocal Interpolation With Antialiasing
* Multiscale sparse representation of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) lung images for diffuse lung disease classification
* Multiscale Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter for Fluid Flow Estimation
* Multiscale, curvature-based shape representation for surfaces
* Multispectral demosaicking using adaptive kernel upsampling
* Multispectral interest points for RGB-NIR image registration
* Multitemporal image change detection with compressed sparse representation
* Multivariate log-Gaussian Cox models of elementary shapes for recognizing natural scene categories
* Multivariate texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between elliptically distributed random variables
* Multiview 3D warps
* Multiview encoder parallelized fast search realization on NVIDIA CUDA
* Multiview geometry in traditional vision and omnidirectional vision under the L_inf-norm
* Multiview projectors/cameras system for 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes
* Multiview structure from motion in trajectory space
* Muscle injury determination by image segmentation
* N-best maximal decoders for part models
* Natural scene statistics of color and range
* NBNN kernel, The
* Near-Space Vehicle-Borne SAR With Reflector Antenna for High-Resolution and Wide-Swath Remote Sensing
* Neighborhood-consensus message passing as a framework for generalized iterated conditional expectations
* Network snakes: Graph-based object delineation with active contour models
* Neural gray edge: Improving gray edge algorithm using neural network
* new 3D paradigm for metal artifact reduction in dental CT, A
* new approach of photometric stereo from linear image representation under close lighting, A
* new approach to the automated mapping of pockmarks in multi-beam bathymetry, A
* new blind robust image watermarking scheme in SVD-DCT composite domain, A
* new block compressive sensing to control the number of measurements, A
* New color filter arrays of high light sensitivity and high demosaicking performance
* new deformable model-based segmentation approach for accurate extraction of the kidney from abdominal CT images, A
* new distance for scale-invariant 3D shape recognition and registration, A
* new fast motion estimation and mode decision algorithm for H.264 depth maps encoding in free viewpoint TV, A
* new feature-preserving nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for denoising images containing blobs and ridges, A
* new framework for automated segmentation of left ventricle wall from contrast enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance images, A
* new global-based video enhancement algorithm by fusing features of multiple region-of-interests, A
* new graph matching method for point-set correspondence using the EM algorithm and Softassign, A
* new hybrid method to detect text in natural scene, A
* New image coding scheme with hierarchical representation and adaptive interpolation
* new image deblurring algorithm with less ringing artifacts via error variance estimation and soft decision, A
* new image quality assessment method to detect and measure strength of blocking artifacts, A
* new information fusion approach for image segmentation, A
* new infrared image fusion method using empirical mode decomposition and inpainting, A
* New Maximum Simplex Volume Method Based on Householder Transformation for Endmember Extraction, A
* new multidirectional extrapolation hole-filling method for Depth-Image-Based Rendering, A
* New optimization scheme for L2-norm total variation semi-supervised image soft labeling
* new package-group-transmission-based algorithm for human activity recognition in videos, A
* new shape based segmentation framework using statistical and variational methods, A
* new similarity measure for multi-modal image registration, A
* New stereo video coding in redundant wavelet domain
* New TCP video streaming proxy design for last-hop wireless networks
* Newton optimization based Congealing for facial image alignment
* No reference metric of video coding quality based on parametric analysis of video bitstream
* No-reference cross-layer video quality estimation model over wireless networks
* No-reference image quality assessment based on visual codebook
* No-reference video quality metric for HDTV based on H.264/AVC bitstream features
* Noise estimation using statistics of natural images
* Noiseless GPU rendering of isotropic BRDF surfaces
* Noiseless no-flash photo creation by color transform of flash image
* Non-linearization of free Schrodinger equation and pseudo-morphological complex diffusion operators
* Non-local Active Contours
* Non-parametric Sub-pixel Local Point Spread Function Estimation Is a Well Posed Problem, The
* Non-sequential structure from motion
* Non-stationary correction of optical aberrations
* non-temporal texture driven approach to real-time fire detection, A
* Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement
* Nonlinear L1-norm minimization learning for human detection
* Nonlocal Active Contours
* Nonlocal SAR Image Denoising Algorithm Based on LLMMSE Wavelet Shrinkage, A
* Nonlocal Surface Fairing
* Nonparametric polygonal and multimodel approximation of digital curves with Rate-Distortion curve modeling
* nonparametric Riemannian framework on tensor field with application to foreground segmentation, A
* Nonrigid Structure-From-Motion From 2-D Images Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* novel alternative algorithm for limited angle tomography, A
* novel approach for accurate estimation of left ventricle global indexes from short-axis cine MRI, A
* novel approach to adaptive image authentication, A
* novel coupled transmission-reflection tomography and the V-line Radon transform, A
* novel energy reduction technique for H.264 intra mode decision, A
* novel feature descriptor based on the shearlet transform, A
* novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase Difference Feature, A
* novel full-reference video quality metric and its application to wireless video transmission, A
* novel high efficiency fixed length coding for video compression based on symbol probability estimation, A
* novel image importance model for content-aware image resizing, A
* novel iterative image restoration algorithm using nonstationary image priors, A
* Novel Kernel Discriminant Feature Extraction Framework Based on Mapped Virtual Samples for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Large-Scale Digital Forensics Service Platform for Internet Videos, A
* Novel Method for Imaging of Group Targets Moving in a Formation, A
* Novel Multi-modal Integration and Propagation Model for Cross-Media Information Retrieval, A
* Novel Multiple Sparse Source Localization Using Triangular Pyramid Microphone Array, A
* novel parallel encoding framework for scalable video coding, A
* Novel Partially Supervised Approach to Targeted Change Detection, A
* novel probabilistic simultaneous segmentation and registration using level set, A
* novel rate-distortion optimization method of H.264/AVC intra coder, A
* novel region-based active contour approach relying on local and global information, A
* Novel Schemes for Hyperbolic PDEs Using Osmosis Filters from Visual Computing
* novel stereoscopic cue for figure-ground segregation of semi-transparent objects, A
* novel technique for the restoration of atomic force microscope images enabling an approximation of AFM impulse response, A
* Novel Texture-based Multi-linear Analysis Algorithm For Face Recognition, A
* novel video coding scheme for lossy networks with scalable bit-stream, A
* Numerical evaluation of sampling bounds for near-optimal reconstruction in compressed sensing
* Numerical schemes for advanced reflectance models for Shape from Shading
* Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-linear Enhancement of DW-MRI
* Object color categorization in surveillance videos
* Object detection and segmentation from joint embedding of parts and pixels
* Object detection grammars
* Object detection using discriminative photogrammetric context
* Object recoloring based on intrinsic image estimation
* Object representation based on gabor wave vector binning: An application to human head pose detection
* Object segmentation in video: A hierarchical variational approach for turning point trajectories into dense regions
* Object Segmentation of Database Images by Dual Multiscale Morphological Reconstructions and Retrieval Applications
* Object Tracking With Particle Filtering in Fluorescence Microscopy Images: Application to the Motion of Neurofilaments in Axons
* Object-Based Image Analysis of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Modified Cloud Basis Function Neural Network and Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling Process
* Object-based Layered Depth Images for improved virtual view synthesis in rate-constrained context
* Objective metrics for quality of experience in stereoscopic images
* Observation quality guaranteed layout of camera networks via sparse representation
* On building an accurate stereo matching system on graphics hardware
* On improving the robustness of differential optical flow
* On lossless image compression using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform
* On signal representations within the Bayes decision framework
* On sparse representations of color images
* On Stability of Adaptive Similarity Measures for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* On the Bandwidth of the Plenoptic Function
* On the effect of temporal information on monocular 3d human pose estimation
* On the efficiency of proximal methods in CBCT and PET
* On the repeatability of the local reference frame for partial shape matching
* On the surprisingly accurate transfer of image parameters between medical and solar images
* On the use of conceptual information in a concept-based image indexing and retrieval framework
* On the use of hemispherical harmonics for modeling images of objects under unknown distant illumination
* On Video Recommendation over Social Network
* Onboard low-complexity compression of solar images
* One dimensional prediction and transform for intra coding
* One step beyond bags of features: Visual categorization using components
* One-Dimensional Directional Unified Transform for intra coding
* One-pass encoding algorithm for adaptive loop filter in high-efficiency video coding
* One-round renormalization based 2-bin/cycle H.264/AVC CABAC encoder
* Online 3D reconstruction using convex optimization
* Online dictionaries for image prediction
* Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object tracking
* Online sparse learning utilizing multi-feature combination for image classification
* Online Vicept learning for web-scale image understanding
* ontology for generating descriptions about natural outdoor scenes, An
* Operator attention based video surveillance
* Optic Flow Scale Space
* Optical flow estimation using learned sparse model
* Optical flow estimation using sparse gradient representation
* Optimal conditions for camera calibration using a planar template
* optimal design of FIR filters with discrete coefficients and image sampling application, An
* Optimal estimation of vanishing points in a Manhattan world
* Optimal image transmission over Visual Sensor Networks
* Optimal landmark detection using shape models and branch and bound
* Optimal Metric Projections for Deformable and Articulated Structure-from-Motion
* Optimal object matching via convexification and composition
* Optimal rate adaptation with Integer Linear Programming in the scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* Optimized Butterfly-based lifting scheme for semi-regular meshes
* Optimizing interaction force for global anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Optimizing Multimedia Retrieval Using Multimodal Fusion and Relevance Feedback Techniques
* Optimizing polynomial solvers for minimal geometry problems
* Optimum alignment of panoramic images for stereoscopic navigation in image-based telepresence systems
* ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF
* Orthonormal expansion L1-minimization for compressed sensing in MRI
* Outdoor human motion capture using inverse kinematics and von mises-fisher sampling
* Over-Parameterized Optical Flow Using a Stereoscopic Constraint
* OVIDIUS: A Web Platform for Video Browsing and Search
* Packet Video Error Concealment With Auto Regressive Model
* Panoramic stereo video textures
* Paracatadioptric camera calibration using sphere images
* parallel context model for level information in CABAC, A
* Parallel iterative decoding of Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv video using cross bitplane correlation
* Parallel Lasso for Large-Scale Video Concept Detection
* Parallel processing for combined intra prediction in high efficiency video coding
* Parallel quadratic programming for image processing
* Parallelizable inpainting and refinement of diffeomorphisms using Beltrami holomorphic flow
* Parallelized deblocking filter for hybrid video coding
* Parameter estimation in Bayesian super-resolution pansharpening using contourlets
* Parameterization and appearance preserving on cubic cells for 3D digital preservation of cultural heritage
* Parametric OBMC for Pixel-Adaptive Temporal Prediction on Irregular Motion Sampling Grids
* Parsing robustness in High Efficiency Video Coding: Analysis and improvement
* Parsing video events with goal inference and intent prediction
* Partial Least Squares based subwindow search for pedestrian detection
* Particle Filtering Based Estimation of Consistent Motion and Disparity With Reduced Search Points
* Particle-based tracking model for automatic anomaly detection
* Passive spread-spectrum steganalysis
* Patch similarity under non Gaussian noise
* Patch-based image deconvolution via joint modeling of sparse priors
* Patch-based locally optimal denoising
* Patch-sweeping with robust prior for high precision depth estimation in real-time systems
* Pattern recognition by affine Legendre moment invariants
* Pattern recognition using rotation-invariant filter-driven template matching
* PDEs level sets on weighted graphs
* Pedestrian Attribute Analysis Using a Top-View Camera in a Public Space
* PEL-CNF: Probabilistic event logic conjunctive normal form for video interpretation
* People appearance tracing in video by spectral graph transduction
* Perception-based high dynamic range video compression with optimal bit-depth transformation
* Perceptual multi-cues 2D-to-3D conversion system
* Perceptual noise shaping in dual-tree complex wavelet transform for image coding
* perceptual quality assessment metric using temporal complexity and disparity information for stereoscopic video, A
* Perceptual quality assessment on B-D tradeoff of P2P assisted layered video streaming
* Perceptually motivated automatic sharpness enhancement using hierarchy of non-local means
* Performance of H.264 with isolated bit error: Packet decode or discard?
* Periodic entropy coder initialization for wavefront decoding of video bitstream
* Person detection in surveillance environment with HoGG: Gabor filters and Histogram of Oriented Gradient
* Perturb-and-MAP random fields: Using discrete optimization to learn and sample from energy models
* Pet image reconstruction: GPU-accelerated particle filter framework
* PFT: A protocol for evaluating video trackers
* Phase retrieval via spatial light modulator phase modulation in 4f optical setup: numerical inverse imaging with sparse regularization for phase and amplitude
* Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures
* Photometric stereo with auto-radiometric calibration
* Physically-based motion models for 3D tracking: A convex formulation
* Pictorial structures for object recognition and part labeling in drawings
* Picture-level parameteric motion representation for efficient motion compensation
* pivot-based filtering algorithm for enhancing query performance of LSH, A
* Pixel domain referenceless visual degradation detection and error concealment for mobile video
* pixel-based approach to template-based monocular 3D reconstruction of deformable surfaces, A
* PKUBench: A context rich mobile visual search benchmark
* Place Recognition via 3D Modeling for Personal Activity Lifelog Using Wearable Camera
* Planar Motion Estimation and Linear Ground Plane Rectification using an Uncalibrated Generic Camera
* Planarity-enforcing higher-order graph cut
* Point cloud compression for grid-pattern-based 3D scanning system
* Point object detection using a NL-means type filter
* Point-based calibration using a parametric representation of the general imaging model
* Polyakov Action on (rho,G)-Equivariant Functions Application to Color Image Regularization
* Pose estimation and body segmentation based on hierarchical searching tree
* Pose estimation by local procrustes regression
* Pose estimation from reflections for specular surface recovery
* Pose invariant facial component-landmark detection
* Pose, illumination and expression invariant pairwise face-similarity measure via Doppelgänger list comparison
* Positive definite dictionary learning for region covariances
* possibilistic clustering approach toward generative mixture models, A
* Post processing for blocking artifact reduction
* Post-compression Rate-distortion Development For Embedded Block Coding With Optimal Truncation In Jpeg2000 Imagery
* power of comparative reasoning, The
* Practical rate control algorithm for temporal scalability in scalable video coding
* Precision-Aware Self-Quantizing Hardware Architectures for the Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Predicting occupation via human clothing and contexts
* Prediction of DCT coefficients considering motion compensation error distributions
* Preliminary study on statistical shape model applied to diagnosis of liver cirrhosis
* Preserving SIFT features in JPEG-encoded images
* Prioritized packet fragmentation for H.264 video
* Priority pyramid based bit allocation for multiview video coding
* Probabilistic 3D object recognition with both positive and negative evidences
* probabilistic framework for automatic prostate segmentation with a statistical model of shape and appearance, A
* Probabilistic group-level motion analysis and scenario recognition
* Probabilistic image segmentation with closedness constraints
* Probabilistic shape-based segmentation using level sets
* Probabilistic subspace-based learning of shape dynamics modes for multi-view action recognition
* Probability interval partitioning entropy coding using systematic variable-to-variable length codes
* Progressive adaptive correlation estimation(PACE) for WZVC
* Progressive correlation noise refinement for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Projectable classifiers for multi-view object class recognition
* Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study
* Provably correct and complete transaction rules for updating 3D city models
* Psychophysical assessment of perceived interest in natural images: The ROI-D database
* PTZ camera-based adaptive panoramic and multi-layered background model
* Pushing the limits of digital imaging using structured illumination
* Putting images on a manifold for atlas-based image segmentation
* Putting the pieces together: Connected Poselets for human pose estimation
* QDFA: Query-Dependent Feature Aggregation for Medical Image Retrieval
* QoE-driven resource optimization for user generated video content in next generation mobile networks
* Quadrature Nodes Meet Stippling Dots
* Quadtree classified vector quantization based image retrieval scheme
* quality evaluation of image recovery attack for visible watermarking algorithms, The
* Quality-controlled view interpolation for multiview video
* Quantifying structure regularity in fluorescence microscopy cell images using a novel multi-dimensional approximate entropy metric
* Quantitative assessment of 2D versus 3D visualisation modalities
* Query sensitive dynamic web video thumbnail generation
* Radial Multi-focal Tensors: Applications to Omnidirectional Camera Calibration
* Radial Tchebichef moment invariants for image recognition
* Radio astronomical image deconvolution using prolate spheroidal wave functions
* Random ensemble metrics for object recognition
* RANSAC-LEL: An optimized version with least entropy like estimators
* Rapid weak-perspective Structure from Motion with missing data
* Rate control initialization algorithm for scalable video coding
* Rate distortion optimized transform for intra block coding for HEVC
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Directional Wavelets
* Rate-distortion analysis of super-resolution image/video decoding
* Rate-distortion-optimized content-adaptive coding for immersive networked experience of sports events
* Re-identification of pedestrians with variable occlusion and scale
* Reading the signs: A video based sign dictionary
* Real time feature point tracking with automatic model selection
* Real time hand pose estimation using depth sensors
* Real-time affine invariant patch matching using DCT descriptor and affine space quantization
* Real-time clothing recognition in surveillance videos
* Real-time detection via homography mapping of foreground polygons from multiple cameras
* Real-time forward error correction for video transmission
* Real-time free-viewpoint DIBR on GPUs for large base-line multi-view 3DTV videos
* Real-time global prediction for temporally stable stereo
* Real-time GPU-based face detection in HD video sequences
* Real-time hand tracking on depth images
* Real-time human tracking based on switching linear dynamic system combined with adaptive Meanshift tracker
* Real-time indoor scene understanding using Bayesian filtering with motion cues
* Real-Time Life Experience Logging Tool, A
* Real-time moving object segmentation and tracking for H.264/AVC surveillance videos
* Real-time multi-camera air surveillance system using a simultaneous estimation, filtering and rejection tracking algorithm
* real-time multi-cue framework for determining optical flow confidence, A
* Real-time multi-person tracking with detector assisted structure propagation
* Real-time plane extraction from depth images with the Randomized Hough Transform
* Real-time preprocessing for dense 3-D range imaging on the GPU: Defect interpolation, bilateral temporal averaging and guided filtering
* Real-time RGB-D mapping and 3-D modeling on the GPU using the random ball cover data structure
* Real-time semi-global matching disparity estimation on the GPU
* Real-time sign language letter and word recognition from depth data
* Real-time structure and motion recovery from two views of a multiplanar scene
* Real-time traffic analysis at night-time
* Real-time Two-Stage SPECK (TSSP) design and implementation for scalable video coding on embedded systems
* Real-time upper body tracking with online initialization using a range sensor
* Real-time visual odometry from dense RGB-D images
* Real-time visual saliency by Division of Gaussians
* Real-Time Visualizations of Gigapixel Texture Data Sets Using HTML5
* Realistic log-compressed law for ultrasound image recovery
* Realtime multibody visual SLAM with a smoothly moving monocular camera
* Recent progress on perceptual video coding
* Reciprocal Focus Profile
* Recognising spontaneous facial micro-expressions
* Recognizability assessment of facial images for automated teller machine applications
* Recognizing 3D objects in cluttered scenes using projection images
* Recognizing Human Actions by Learning and Matching Shape-Motion Prototype Trees
* Recognizing human actions using curvature estimation and NWFE-based histogram vectors
* Recognizing jumbled images: The role of local and global information in image classification
* Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows using domain-specific visual and textual cues
* RECON: Scale-adaptive robust estimation via Residual Consensus
* Reconfigurable Peer-to-Peer network Image Retrieval
* Reconstructing static scene viewed through smoke using video
* Reconstructing the drawing process of reproductions from medieval images
* Reconstruction of High Dynamic Range images with poisson noise modeling and integrated denoising
* Reconstruction of non-Lambertian surfaces by fusion of Shape from Shading and active range scanning
* Recovering depth from a single image using spectral energy of the defocused step edge gradient
* Recovering missing coefficients in DCT-transformed images
* Recurring Element Detection in Movies
* Recursive Live Dense Reconstruction: Some comments on established and imaginable new approaches
* Recursive MDL via graph cuts: Application to segmentation
* Reduced-complexity entropy coding of transform coefficient levels using truncated golomb-rice codes in video compression
* Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partitions using texture and depth data
* Reducing aliasing in images: A simple diffusion equation based on the inverse diffusivity
* Reducing the training set using semi-supervised self-training algorithm for segmenting the left ventricle in ultrasound images
* Reference model for a data grid approach to address data in a dynamic SDI
* Refractive index estimation using photometric stereo
* Refractive shape from light field distortion
* Region based motion vector prediction using data hiding and decoder side reasoning
* Region tracking with narrow perception of background
* Region-based adaptive bilateral filter in depth map coding
* Region-based thresholding using component tree
* Region-of-interest segmentation based on Bayesian theorem for H.264 video transcoding
* Regression from local features for viewpoint and pose estimation
* Regularization of Positive Definite Matrix Fields Based on Multiplicative Calculus
* Regularized polychromatic reconstruction for transmission tomography
* Relational HOG feature with wild-card for object detection
* Relative attributes
* Relative depth from monocular optical flow
* Relevance feedback for real-world human action retrieval
* Reliable information embedding for image/video in the presence of lossy compression
* Removing shadows from images using color and near-infrared
* Removing the artifacts from artwork cross-section images
* Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry With Partially Coherent Targets
* Representative sampling with certainty propagation for image retrieval
* RERBEE: Robust Efficient Registration via Bifurcations and Elongated Elements Applied to Retinal Fluorescein Angiogram Sequences
* Resolution assessment in dynamic image formation
* Resolution-invariant separable ARMA modeling of images
* Resource aware real-time stream adaptation of MPEG-4 video in constrained bandwidth networks
* Resource management for wireless visual sensor networks based on individual video characteristics
* Retinal image registration using bifurcation structures
* Retrieval of logically relevant 3D human motions by Adaptive Feature Selection with Graded Relevance Feedback
* Retrieval of Multiple Instances of Objects in Videos
* Retrieving Middle-Infrared Reflectance Using Physical and Empirical Approaches: Implications for Burned Area Monitoring
* Retrieving video shots in semantic brain imaging space using manifold-ranking
* Revc: Computationally Reliable Video Coding on unreliable hardware platforms: A case study on error-tolerant H.264/AVC CAVLC entropy coding
* Reversible video stream anonymization for video surveillance systems based on pixels relocation and watermarking
* Reversible watermarking based on generalized histogram shifting
* revisit to cost aggregation in stereo matching: How far can we reduce its computational redundancy?, A
* Revisiting 3D geometric models for accurate object shape and pose
* Revisiting radiometric calibration for color computer vision
* RGB-D Based Multi-attribute People Search in Intelligent Visual Surveillance
* RGBD-HuDaAct: A color-depth video database for human daily activity recognition
* Rhythm of Motion Extraction and Rhythm-Based Cross-Media Alignment for Dance Videos
* riverbed approach for user-steered image segmentation, The
* Robot localization using 3D-models and an off-board monocular camera
* Robust 3D object pose estimation from a single 2D image
* Robust abandoned object detection using region-level analysis
* Robust Active Stereo Vision Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Robust airplane detection in satellite images
* Robust albedo estimation from a facial image with cast shadow
* Robust and efficient parametric face alignment
* Robust body parts tracking using particle filter and dynamic template
* Robust color correction in stereo vision
* Robust Color Texture Features Under Varying Illumination Conditions
* Robust consistent correspondence between 3D non-rigid shapes based on Dual Shape-DNA
* robust content-based JPWL transmission over a realistic MIMO channel under perceptual constraints, A
* Robust crowd counting using detection flow
* Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition
* Robust Edge Detection Using Mumford-Shah Model and Binary Level Set Method
* Robust facial expression tracking based on composite constraints AAM
* Robust free space segmentation using active contours and monocular omnidirectional vision
* Robust head pose estimation via Convex Regularized Sparse Regression
* Robust low-rank subspace recovery and face image denoising for face recognition
* Robust mean-shift tracking with corrected background-weighted histogram
* Robust Moving Object Detection Against Fast Illumination Change
* Robust object pose estimation via statistical manifold modeling
* Robust object tracking via online learning of adaptive appearance manifold
* Robust object tracking with boosted discriminative model via graph embedding
* Robust Optic-Flow Estimation with Bayesian Inference of Model and Hyper-parameters
* Robust Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimization for estimating the fundamental matrix
* Robust outliers detection in image point matching
* robust parametric active contour based on fourier descriptors, A
* robust pipeline for rapid feature-based pre-alignment of dense range scans, A
* Robust segmentation of relevant regions in low depth of field images
* Robust shape-from-image-focus by 3-D multivariate statistical analyses
* robust skew detection method based on Maximum Gradient Difference and R-signature, A
* Robust sparse image denoising
* Robust Student's-t Mixture Model With Spatial Constraints and Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation
* Robust text detection in natural images with edge-enhanced Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Robust Through-the-Wall Radar Image Classification Using a Target-Model Alignment Procedure
* Robust topological features for deformation invariant image matching
* Robust unsupervised motion pattern inference from video and applications
* Robust validation of Visual Focus of Attention using adaptive fusion of head and eye gaze patterns
* Robust video stabilization approach based on a voting strategy
* Robust video transmission using Pyramid Vector Quantisation
* Robust View Transformation Model for Gait Recognition
* Robust visual tracking via context objects computing
* Robust visual tracking via ranking SVM
* Robust visual tracking via transfer learning
* Robust Watermark Extraction Using SVD-Based Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* Robustness and repeatability of saliency models subjected to visual degradations
* Rotational transform for image and video compression
* RRAR: A novel reduced-reference IQA algorithm for facial images
* RRED Indices: Reduced Reference Entropic Differencing for Image Quality Assessment
* Saliency-directed color image interpolation using artificial neural network and particle swarm optimization
* Salient covariance for near-duplicate image and video detection
* Salient object detection by composition
* Salient Object Detection using concavity context
* Same frame rate IR to enhance visible video conference lighting
* Sampling for Shape from Focus in Optical Microscopy
* Sampling Theorem for a 2D Surface, A
* SAR image classification with non-stationary Multinomial Logistic mixture of amplitude and texture densities
* SAR Imaging of Fractal Surfaces
* Saturated Light Correction Method for DMSP/OLS Nighttime Satellite Imagery, A
* SB-index and the HSB-index: Efficient indices for spatial data warehouses, The
* Scalable compressive video
* Scalable Mobile-to-Mobile Video Communications Based on an Improved WZ-to-SVC Transcoder
* Scalable object-class retrieval with approximate and top-k ranking
* Scalable video streaming over OpenFlow networks: An optimization framework for QoS routing
* Scale and object aware image retargeting for thumbnail browsing
* Scale and orientation adaptive mean shift tracking
* Scale and rotation invariant color features for weakly-supervised object Learning in 3D space
* Scale invariant images in astronomy through the lens of multifractal modeling
* Scale space for central catadioptric systems: Towards a generic camera feature extractor
* scale-space based hierarchical representation of discrete data, A
* Scale-space representation of scalar functions on 2D manifolds
* Scan rectification for structured light range sensors with rolling shutters
* Scene recognition and weakly supervised object localization with deformable part-based models
* Scene Signatures for Unconstrained News Video Stories
* Scene specific people detection by simple human interaction
* Scene structure recovery from a single omnidirectional image
* Screen-strategy analysis in broadcast basketball video using player tracking
* Scribble based interactive 3D reconstruction via scene co-segmentation
* SDALA: Simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm
* Seam carving in wavelet transform domain
* Search pruning in video surveillance systems: Efficiency-reliability tradeoff
* second-order extension of TV regularization for image deblurring, A
* Secure JPEG steganography by LSB+ matching and multi-band embedding
* Secure transcoding for compressive multimedia sensing
* Security analysis of a cancelable iris recognition system based on block remapping
* Segment Optimization and Data-Driven Thresholding for Knowledge-Based Landslide Detection by Object-Based Image Analysis
* Segmentation as selective search for object recognition
* Segmentation by temporal detection integration
* Segmentation from a box
* Segmentation fusion for connectomics
* Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluorescence confocal microscopy images
* Segmentation Quality Measure Based on Rich Descriptors and Classification Methods, A
* Segmentation-based motion compensation for enhanced video coding
* Segmented rapid magnetic resonance imaging using structured sparse representations
* Segmenting extended structures in radio astronomical images by filtering bright compact sources and using wavelets decomposition
* Segmenting human knee cartilage automatically from multi-contrast MR images using support vector machines and discriminative random fields
* Select informative features for recognition
* Selective eigenbackgrounds method for background subtraction in crowed scenes
* selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for human action recognition in complex scenes, A
* Selective spatio-temporal interest points
* Selective subtraction when the scene cannot be learned
* Self-adaptive Gaussian mixture model for urban traffic monitoring system
* Self-calibrating 3D context for retrieving people with luggage
* Self-calibrating depth from refraction
* Self-localization of mobile robot equipped with omnidirectional camera using image matching and 3D-2D edge matching
* Semantic clusters based manifold ranking for image retrieval
* Semantic contours from inverse detectors
* Semantic Model Vectors for Complex Video Event Recognition
* Semantic structure from motion with object and point interactions
* Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics
* Semantic video event search for surveillance video
* Semi-automatic 2D to 3D image conversion using scale-space Random Walks and a graph cuts based depth prior
* Semi-automatic 3-D segmentation of Computed Tomographic imagery by iterative gradient-driven volume growing
* Semi-supervised face recognition with LDA self-training
* Semi-supervised learning and optimization for hypergraph matching
* Semi-supervised learning with kernel locality-constrained linear coding
* Semitransparency-Based Optical-Flow Method With a Point Trajectory Model for Particle-Like Video, A
* Sensitivity to error of the truncated Hilbert transform technique for interior reconstruction
* Sensor-Based Analysis of User Generated Video for Multi-camera Video Remixing
* Separable bilateral nonlocal means
* Separation of superimposed images with unknown motions using sparsity priors
* Sequence Kernels for Clustering and Visualizing Near Duplicate Video Segments
* Severity classification of abnormal traffic events at intersections
* Shading-Based Dynamic Shape Refinement from Multi-View Video under General Illumination
* Shadow Detection in Remotely Sensed Images Based on Self-Adaptive Feature Selection
* Shape context based image hashing using local feature points
* shape contour descriptor based on salience points, A
* Shape from shading with specular highlights: Analysis of the Phong model
* Shape from specular reflection in calibrated environments and the integration of spatial normal fields
* Shape Palindromes: Analysis of Intrinsic Symmetries in 2D Articulated Shapes
* Shape-Constrained Gaussian Process Regression for Facial-Point-Based Head-Pose Normalization
* Shape-from-shading under complex natural illumination
* Shared shape spaces
* Shedding light on the asymmetric learning capability of AdaBoost
* Should We Search for a Global Minimizer of Least Squares Regularized with an L_0 Penalty to Get the Exact Solution of an under Determined Linear System?
* Showing vehicles at blind corners from mixed-dimensional multi-view geometry
* Silhouette-based object phenotype recognition using 3D shape priors
* Similarity invariant classification of events by KL divergence minimization
* Similarity modulated block estimation for image interpolation
* Simple and Robust Feature Point Matching Algorithm Based on Restricted Spatial Order Constraints for Aerial Image Registration, A
* simple boundary extraction technique for irregular pupil localization with orthogonal polynomials, A
* Simplification of 3D morphable models
* Simultaneous 3D object tracking and camera parameter estimation by Bayesian methods and transdimensional MCMC sampling
* Simultaneous Camera Pose and Correspondence Estimation with Motion Coherence
* Simultaneous correspondence and non-rigid 3D reconstruction of the coronary tree from single X-ray images
* Simultaneous Denoising and Illumination Correction via Local Data-Fidelity and Nonlocal Regularization
* Simultaneous detection and segmentation for generic objects
* Simultaneous localization, mapping and deblurring
* Simultaneous multi-body stereo and segmentation
* single algorithm combining exposure and focus fusion, A
* Single image local blur identification
* Single image spatially variant out-of-focus blur removal
* Single image super resolution via texture constrained sparse representation
* Single Image Super Resolution with High Resolution Dictionary
* Single- and cross- database benchmarks for gender classification under unconstrained settings
* Single-Image Refocusing and Defocusing
* Single-Pass-Based Localized Adaptive Interpolation Filter for Video Coding, A
* Single-shot high dynamic range imaging with conventional camera hardware
* Single-view reconstruction from an unknown spherical mirror
* Slice matching for accurate spatio-temporal alignment
* Slow feature analysis and decorrelation filtering for separating correlated sources
* Slow Feature Analysis for Human Action Recognition
* Smooth object retrieval using a bag of boundaries
* snake algorithm for automatically tracking multiple objects, A
* Snake based unsupervised texture segmentation using Gaussian Markov Random Field Models
* Snoopertrack: Text detection and tracking for outdoor videos
* Soft assignment of visual words as Linear Coordinate Coding and optimisation of its reconstruction error
* Softferns for homography estimation
* Sorted Random Projections for robust texture classification
* Source camera identification using Auto-White Balance approximation
* Source constrained clustering
* Source separation in cosmology, from global to local models
* Space-Mapping Method for Object Location Estimation Adaptive to Camera Setup Changes for Vision-Based Automation Applications, A
* Space-time template matching for human action detection using volume-based Generalized Hough transform
* Sparse cost-sensitive classifier with application to face recognition
* Sparse dictionary-based representation and recognition of action attributes
* Sparse Ensemble Learning for Concept Detection
* Sparse image restoration using iterated linear expansion of thresholds
* Sparse multi-task regression and feature selection to identify brain imaging predictors for memory performance
* Sparse regression analysis for object recognition
* Sparse representation based band selection for hyperspectral images
* Sparse representation based visual element analysis
* Sparse representation or collaborative representation: Which helps face recognition?
* Sparse spectral hashing
* Sparse stereo image coding with learned dictionaries
* Sparsity-based image deblurring with locally adaptive and nonlocally robust regularization
* Sparsity-based retinal layer segmentation of optical coherence tomography images
* Sparsity-driven image formation and space-variant focusing for SAR
* SPARTAN system: Towards a low-cost and high-performance vision architecture for space exploratory rovers
* Spatial and probabilistic codebook template based head pose estimation from unconstrained environments
* Spatial Coordinate Coding to reduce histogram representations, Dominant Angle and Colour Pyramid Match
* Spatial prediction based on self-similarity compensation for 3D holoscopic image and video coding
* Spatial pyramid co-occurrence for image classification
* Spatially adaptive filtering for registration artifact removal in HDR video
* Spatially adaptive illumination modeling for background subtraction
* Spatially Optimized Data-Level Fusion of Texture and Shape for Face Recognition
* Spatio-temporal clustering of probabilistic region trajectories
* Spatio-temporal de-interlacing based on maximum likelihood estimation
* Spatio-temporal quality pooling accounting for transient severe impairments and egomotion
* Spatiogram features to characterize pearls in paintings
* Spatiotemporal analysis of human activities for biometric authentication
* spatiotemporal most-apparent-distortion model for video quality assessment, A
* Spatiotemporal oriented energies for spacetime stereo
* Spatiotemporally localized new event detection in crowds
* Spectral learning of latent semantics for action recognition
* Specularity and shadow detection for the multisource photometric reconstruction of a textured surface
* Speed-invariant gait recognition based on Procrustes Shape Analysis using higher-order shape configuration
* Speeded-up, relaxed spatial matching
* Spelling it out: Real-time ASL fingerspelling recognition
* spherical representation for efficient visual loop closing, A
* Springs-based simulation for image retargeting
* SSIM-based non-local means image denoising
* SSIM-inspired divisive normalization for perceptual video coding
* Stabilizing cell phone video using inertial measurement sensors
* Standard Gives Machine Vision Systems a New Image
* STARS: A new ensemble partitioning approach
* Static facial expression analysis in tough conditions: Data, evaluation protocol and benchmark
* Statistical Method for 2-D Facial Landmarking, A
* Statistical Multiresolution Strategy for Image Reconstruction, A
* Stereo estimation of depth along virtual cut planes
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo time-of-flight
* StereoCut: Consistent interactive object selection in stereo image pairs
* Stereoscopic video coding in AVS
* Stereoscopic vision through epipolarization without orientation parameters
* Stixels estimation without depth map computation
* Stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest approach for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images, A
* Stochastic Models for Local Optical Flow Estimation
* Stochastic models for semantic parsing, multi-faceted topic discovery, and causal event inference: Perspectives from natural language processing
* Stochastic Uncertainty Models for the Luminance Consistency Assumption
* string of feature graphs model for recognition of complex activities in natural videos, A
* Stripmap-ScanSAR SBAS Approach to Fill Gaps in Stripmap Deformation Time Series With ScanSAR Data, The
* Strong supervision from weak annotation: Interactive training of deformable part models
* Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
* Structural-context-preserving image abstraction by using space-filling curve based on minimum spanning tree
* Structure and motion estimation from rolling shutter video
* Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Action Recognition
* Structure from Motion using full spherical panoramic cameras
* structure-guided conditional sampling model for video resolution enhancement, A
* Structure-Sensitive Superpixels via Geodesic Distance
* Structured class-labels in random forests for semantic image labelling
* structured learning-based graph matching for dynamic multiple object tracking, A
* Study on Convex Optimization Approaches to Image Fusion, A
* Subjective evaluation of transmission errors in IPTV and 3DTV
* Subjective quality analyses of stereoscopic images in 3DTV system
* Sulci Detection in Photos of the Human Cortex Based on Learned Discriminative Dictionaries
* Sum-product networks: A new deep architecture
* Summarization and Presentation of Real-Life Events Using Community-Contributed Content
* Summarizing Rushes Videos by Motion, Object, and Event Understanding
* Super-resolution interpolation with a quasi blur-hypothesis
* Super-resolution plane sweeping for free-viewpoint image synthesis
* Super-Resolution Power and Robustness of Compressive Sensing for Spectral Estimation With Application to Spaceborne Tomographic SAR
* Superfast superresolution
* Superpixel tracking
* Superpixels via pseudo-Boolean optimization
* Supervised feature quantization with entropy optimization
* Supervised Scale-Invariant Segmentation (and Detection)
* Supervised texture segmentation through a multi-level pixel-based classifier based on specifically designed filters
* Surface completion of shape and texture based on energy minimization
* Surface reconstruction for RGB-D data using real-time depth propagation
* surveillance video analysis and storage scheme for scalable synopsis browsing, A
* suspicious behaviour detection using a context space model for smart surveillance systems, A
* SVM-Based Fuzzy Decision Trees for Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Symbiotic Black-Box Tracker
* Symbol recognition using spatial relations
* symmetric KL divergence based spatiogram similarity measure, A
* Synchronization of presentation slides and lecture videos using bit rate sequences
* Synchronization of texture and depth map by data hiding for 3D H.264 video
* Synthesis of two-dimensional fractional brownian motion via circulant embedding
* Synthesizing for face recognition
* Synthetic OCT data for image processing performance testing
* System for the automated segmentation of heads from arbitrary background
* Systematic evaluation of super-resolution using classification
* Systematic stress testing of image quality estimators
* T-junction: Experiments, trajectory collection, and analysis
* Tabula rasa: Model transfer for object category detection
* Tactic analysis based on real-world ball trajectory in soccer video
* Taking shape
* Target Discrimination Methodology Utilizing Wavelet-Based and Morphological Feature Extraction With Metal Detector Array Data, A
* Tasting families of features for image classification
* Technical Perspective: Where Do People Draw Lines?
* Telepresence Index for Bilateral Teleoperations
* Template Matching and Monte Carlo Markova Chain for People Counting under Occlusions
* TempoM2: A Multi Feature Index Structure for Temporal Video Search
* Temporal adaptation strategies for spatio-temporal image alignment in inter-sequence error concealment of digital TV
* Temporal key poses for human action recognition
* Temporal registration of partial data using particle filtering
* Temporal trajectory filtering for bi-directional predicted frames
* Temporal trimap propagation for video matting using inferential statistics
* Temporally coded flash illumination for motion deblurring
* Tensor Discriminant Analysis With Multiscale Features for Action Modeling and Categorization
* Tensor Learning for Regression
* Tensor vector field based active contours
* Tensor-based covariance matrices for object tracking
* Tensor-based total Bregman divergences between graphs
* Tensor-directed simulation of strokes for image stylization with hatching and contours
* Testing a multivariate model for wavelet coefficients
* Text detection and recognition in urban scenes
* Text-based image retrieval using progressive multi-instance learning
* Texture classification based low order local binary pattern for face recognition
* Texture Classification from Random Features
* Texture classification of scarred and non-scarred myocardium in cardiac MRI using learned dictionaries
* Texture segmentation based on local feature histograms
* Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
* Theoretical Analysis of View Interpolation With Inaccurate Depth Information
* Theoretical consideration of global motion temporal filtering
* Theoretical Foundations of Gaussian Convolution by Extended Box Filtering
* theory of color barcodes, A
* theory of Coprime Blurred Pairs, A
* Three kinds of color total-variation semi-norms and its application to color-image denoising
* Three-Dimensional Gabor Wavelets for Pixel-Based Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Three-dimensional television system based on integral photography
* Tight convex relaxations for vector-valued labeling problems
* time, space and color-based classification of different weather conditions, A
* Time-variant modeling for general surface appearance
* Topic Based Query Suggestions for Video Search
* Topological localization using optical flow descriptors
* Topological operators: a relaxed query processing approach
* Topological vascular tree segmentation for retinal images using shortest path connection
* Total variation-wavelet-curvelet regularized optimization for image restoration
* Total-variation regularized motion estimation in a periodic image sequence
* Toward More Precise Radiotherapy Treatment of Lung Tumors
* Towards a better understanding of model-free semantic concept detection for annotation and near-duplicate video clip detection
* Towards a diffusion image processing validation and accuracy prediction framework
* Towards a theory of compositional learning and encoding of objects
* Towards accurate and efficient representation of image irradiance of convex-Lambertian objects under unknown near lighting
* Towards Automatic Detection of CBIRs Configuration
* Towards Category-Based Aesthetic Models of Photographs
* Towards clinical applicability of the diffusion-based DT-MRI visualization algorithm
* Towards coherent natural language description of video streams
* Towards quality-oriented scheduling for live swarm-based P2P streaming
* Towards real-time 3D region-based segmentation: B-spline explicit active surfaces
* Towards robust and efficient text sign reading from a mobile phone
* Towards robust cross-user hand tracking and shape recognition
* Towards Scalable Summarization of Consumer Videos Via Sparse Dictionary Selection
* Tracking by Sampling Trackers
* Tracking failure detection by imitating human visual perception
* Tracking Mobile Users in Wireless Networks via Semi-Supervised Colocalization
* Tracking moving objects with a catadioptric sensor using particle filter
* Tracking multiple people under global appearance constraints
* Tracking pedestrians using smoothed colour histograms in an interacting multiple model framework
* Tracking Persons in Ultra-HD Panoramic Video
* Tracking visual and infrared objects using joint Riemannian manifold appearance and affine shape modeling
* Tracking-optimized quantization for H.264 compression in transportation video surveillance applications
* Trainable 3D recognition using stereo matching
* Trajectory reconstruction from non-overlapping surveillance cameras with relative depth ordering constraints
* Transductive transfer learning for action recognition in tennis games
* Transferring activities: Updating human behavior analysis
* Transform coding in the HEVC Test Model
* Transform domain semi-super resolution
* Transform domain sparsification of depth maps using iterative quadratic programming
* Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supervised online CovBoost
* Tree trunk detection using contrast templates
* trellis-based approach for robust view synthesis, A
* triangular-warping based view synthesis scheme with enhanced artifact reduction for FTV, A
* truth about cats and dogs, The
* Two constrained formulations for deblurring Poisson noisy images
* Two view to N-view conversion without depth
* Two-Dimensional Approach to Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Positional Structural Information
* two-dimensional Neighborhood Preserving Projection for appearance-based face recognition, A
* Two-phase approach for multi-view object extraction
* Two-stage method for salt-and-pepper noise removal using statistical jump regression analysis
* Two-step super-resolution technique using bounded total variation and bisquare M-estimator under local illumination changes
* Two-View Geometry estimation using the Rodrigues Rotation Formula
* U-Drumwave: An Interactive Performance System for Drumming
* Ultimate Immersive Experience: Panoramic 3D Video Acquisition, The
* Ultra High Definition video decoding with Motion JPEG XR using the GPU
* Ultrasound video analysis for understanding infant breastfeeding
* Ultrasound-based surgical navigation for percutaneous renal intervention: In vivo measurements and in vitro assessment
* Ultrawideband Gated Step Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar
* UMB-DB: A database of partially occluded 3D faces
* UMPM benchmark: A multi-person dataset with synchronized video and motion capture data for evaluation of articulated human motion and interaction
* Understanding egocentric activities
* Understanding scenes on many levels
* Underwater sensing with omni-directional stereo camera
* Unequal channel error protection of multiple description codes for wireless media streaming
* unequally protected Distributed Compressed Video Sensing algorithm, An
* unified dimensionality reduction framework for semi-paired and semi-supervised multi-view data, A
* unified framework for spectral domain prediction and end-to-end distortion estimation in scalable video coding, A
* unified framework for web video topic discovery and visualization, A
* Unified Training of Feature Extractor and HMM Classifier for Speech Recognition
* Uniqueness for shape from shading via photometric stereo technique
* unorthodox approach towards shape from focus, An
* Unstructured light scanning to overcome interreflections
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning via l1-norm graph
* unsupervised data projection that preserves the cluster structure, An
* Unsupervised discovery of object classes in 3D outdoor scenarios
* Unsupervised Learning for Graph Matching
* Unsupervised learning of a scene-specific coarse gaze estimator
* Unsupervised learning of event AND-OR grammar and semantics from video
* Unsupervised learning of stochastic AND-OR templates for object modeling
* Unsupervised metric learning by Self-Smoothing Operator
* Unsupervised metric learning for face identification in TV video
* Unsupervised sub-categorization for object detection: Finding cars from a driving vehicle
* Unsupervised workflow discovery in industrial environments
* Unwrapping low-rank textures on generalized cylindrical surfaces
* Using context saliency for movie shot classification
* Using distributed source coding and depth image based rendering to improve interactive multiview video access
* Using Segmented 3D Point Clouds for Accurate Likelihood Approximation in Human Pose Tracking
* VADANA: A dense dataset for facial image analysis
* Vanishing point detection in corridors: using hough transform and K-means clustering
* Vanishing point-based line sampling for efficient axis-based people localization
* Variable remapping of images from very different sources
* Variable-Resolution Probabilistic Three-Dimensional Model for Change Detection, A
* Variational Approach for Exact Histogram Specification, A
* Variational approach for segmentation of lung nodules
* Variational Depth from Defocus in real-time
* Variational Formulation for Fingerprint Orientation Modeling, A
* Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* Variational image restoration based on Poisson singular integral and curvelet-type decomposition space regularization
* Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences
* Variational stereo in dynamic illumination
* Vector field analysis for motion pattern identification in video
* Very low-complexity coding of images using adaptive Modulo-PCM
* video analytics framework for amorphous and unstructured anomaly detection, A
* Video Browser Showdown by NUS
* Video Browsing Tool for Content Management in Media Post-Production, A
* Video Browsing with a 3D Thumbnail Ring Arranged by Color Similarity
* Video Coding With Rate-Distortion Optimized Transform
* Video coding with wavelet image size reduction and wavelet super resolution reconstruction
* Video compression complexity reduction with adaptive down-sampling
* Video deblurring algorithm using an adjacent unblurred frame
* Video denoising based on transform domain minimum mean square error
* Video encoder based on lifting transforms on graphs
* Video event detection based on over-segmented STV regions
* Video Face Book, The
* Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a learned over-complete dictionary
* Video matting via opacity propagation
* Video mosaicing using a mutual information-based motion estimation process
* Video motion detection algorithm using probabilistic time integrated RANSAC
* Video object segmentation in rainy situations based on difference scheme with object structure and color analysis
* Video object tracking using graph cuts and location-dependent appearance models
* Video parsing for abnormality detection
* Video Primal Sketch: A generic middle-level representation of video
* Video resolution enhancement by using complex wavelet transform
* Video scene classification based on natural language description
* Video Summarization Based on Balanced AV-MMR
* Video summarization guiding evaluative rectification for industrial activity recognition
* Video Super-Resolution Using Generalized Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* Video-based traffic queue length estimation
* View Interpolation for Medical Images on Autostereoscopic Displays
* View-based 3D model retrieval using two-level spatial structure
* Viewpoint invariant 3D landmark model inference from monocular 2D images using higher-order priors
* Viewpoint-aware object detection and pose estimation
* Virtual ads insertion in street building views for augmented reality
* Virtual manipulator-based binocular stereo vision positioning system and errors modelling
* Virtual support window for adaptive-weight stereo matching
* Virtual Tawaf: A case study in simulating the behavior of dense, heterogeneous crowds
* Virtual view invariant domain for 3D video blind watermarking
* Vision field capture for advanced 3DTV applications
* VISON: VIdeo Summarization for ONline applications
* Visual Attention Based Image Quality Assessment
* Visual attention: Effects of blur
* Visual control of a multi-robot coupled system: Application to collision avoidance in human-robot interaction
* Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation
* Visual Extent of an Object: Suppose We Know the Object Locations, The
* Visual framing feedback for desktop video conferencing
* Visual grasp affordances from appearance-based cues
* Visual localization by linear combination of image descriptors
* Visual localization for mobile surveillance
* Visual object classification by robots, using on-line, self-supervised learning
* Visual perception based Lagrangian rate distortion optimization for video coding
* Visual pertinent 2D-to-3D video conversion by multi-cue fusion
* Visual saliency detection based on Bayesian model
* Visual synonyms for landmark image retrieval
* Visual system using ray-based image sensors and electronic holography display toward ultra-realistic communication
* Visual tracking and dynamic learning on the Grassmann manifold with inference from a Bayesian framework and state space models
* Visual tracking by fusing multiple cues with context-sensitive reliabilities
* Visual tracking using compensated motion model for mobile cameras
* Visual Vocabulary Optimization with Spatial Context for Image Annotation and Classification
* Visual word disambiguation by semantic contexts
* Visual-Based Spatiotemporal Analysis for Nighttime Vehicle Braking Event Detection
* Visually lossless JPEG2000 at fractional resolutions
* Voice activity detection and speaker localization using audiovisual cues
* Volumetric 3D graphics on commodity displays using active gaze tracking
* Volumetric Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion on GPUs
* VSYNC: Bandwidth-Efficient and Distortion-Tolerant Video File Synchronization
* Wasserstein Barycenter and Its Application to Texture Mixing
* Wasserstein regularization of imaging problem
* wave kernel signature: A quantum mechanical approach to shape analysis, The
* Wavelet Variance Analysis for Random Fields on a Regular Lattice
* Wavelet-Based Fluid Motion Estimation
* Weak Statistical Constraints for Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves
* Weakly Convex Coupling Continuous Cuts and Shape Priors
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Interactions between Humans and Objects
* Weakly supervised locality sensitive hashing for duplicate image retrieval
* Weakly supervised object detector learning with model drift detection
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation with a multi-image model
* Weighted fidelity in non-uniformly quantized compressed sensing
* Weighted sparse coding residual minimization for visual tracking
* Weighting function in Random Walk based left ventricle segmentation
* What an image reveals about material reflectance
* What characterizes a shadow boundary under the sun and sky?
* Where Do People Draw Lines?
* Who Blocks Who: Simultaneous clothing segmentation for grouping images
* Who knows who: Inverting the Social Force Model for finding groups
* Wi-Fi and keygraphs for localization with cell phones
* Wide-angle distortion correction by Hough transform and gradient estimation
* Wide-band image guided visible-band image enhancement
* Workflow Activity Monitoring Using Dynamics of Pair-Wise Qualitative Spatial Relations
* Writer-independent off-line signature verification using surroundedness feature
* Wyner-Ziv Coding for Depth Maps in Multiview Video-Plus-Depth
* Wyner-Ziv video coding using progressive encoding and decoding
* X-T slice based method for action recognition, An
* YouTubeEvent: On large-scale video event classification
* Zero spectrum removal using joint bilateral filter for Fourier transform profilometry
* Zero-error watermarking on jpeg images by shuffling huffman tree nodes
* Zhang's one-dimensional calibration revisited with the heteroscedastic error-in-variables model
2233 for 1201

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.