* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *AI City Challenge
* *Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring
* *Autonomous Driving
* *Biometrics
* *Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security, The
* *Computational Cameras and Displays
* *Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis
* *Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement
* *Computer Vision in Sports
* *CRV
* *Deep Learning for Robotic Vision
* *Deep Learning for Visual SLAM
* *DeepGlobe: A Challenge for Parsing the Earth through Satellite Images
* *Diff-CVML: Differential Geometry in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* *Disguised Faces in the Wild
* *Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* *Human Pose, Motion, Activities and Shape in 3D
* *International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures
* *Joint Detection, Tracking, and Prediction in the Wild
* *Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision: How Can We Use One to Understand the Other?
* *New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement
* *Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* *Special Issue on Large-scale Visual Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* *Vision with Biased or Scarce Data
* *Visual Odometry and Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues
* *Visual Understanding of Humans in Crowd Scene and the 1st Look Into Person Challenge
* *Visual Understanding of Subjective Attributes of Data
* *Women in Computer Vision
* 2018 NVIDIA AI City Challenge, The
* 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Network Fusion for Predicting the Histological Grade of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
* 2D-3D CNN Based Architectures for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* 2D-to-3D Facial Expression Transfer
* 2D/3D Pose Estimation and Action Recognition Using Multitask Deep Learning
* 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network
* 3-D Subject-Specific Shape and Density Estimation of the Lumbar Spine From a Single Anteroposterior DXA Image Including Assessment of Cortical and Trabecular Bone
* 3D Cell Nuclear Morphology: Microscopy Imaging Dataset and Voxel-Based Morphometry Classification Results
* 3D Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation, A
* 3D Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for Detecting Temporal Irregularities in Videos
* 3D Gait Recognition based on Functional PCA on Kendall's Shape Space
* 3D Geometry-Aware Semantic Labeling of Outdoor Street Scenes
* 3D gesture based real-time object selection and recognition
* 3D Head Pose Estimation Using Tensor Decomposition and Non-linear Manifold Modeling
* 3D Human Pose Estimation from Deep Multi-View 2D Pose
* 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild by Adversarial Learning
* 3D Human Sensing, Action and Emotion Recognition in Robot Assisted Therapy of Children with Autism
* 3D Object Detection with Latent Support Surfaces
* 3D Objective Quality Assessment of Light Field Video Frames
* 3D Pose Estimation and 3D Model Retrieval for Objects in the Wild
* 3D Registration of Curves and Surfaces Using Local Differential Information
* 3D Semantic Segmentation with Submanifold Sparse Convolutional Networks
* 3D Semantic Trajectory Reconstruction from 3D Pixel Continuum
* 3D Shape Segmentation Based on Viewpoint Entropy and Projective Fully Convolutional Networks Fusing Multi-view Features
* 3D Vibration Estimation from Ground-Based Radar
* 3D Visual Homing for Commodity UAVs
* 3D-RCNN: Instance-Level 3D Object Reconstruction via Render-and-Compare
* 3DBodyTex: Textured 3D Body Dataset
* 3DMAX-Net: A Multi-Scale Spatial Contextual Network for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 3DTNet: Learning Local Features Using 2D and 3D Cues
* 4-D Intracardiac Ultrasound Vector Flow Imaging-Feasibility and Comparison to Phase-Contrast MRI
* 4D Human Body Correspondences from Panoramic Depth Maps
* 4DFAB: A Large Scale 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis and Biometric Applications
* A2-RL: Aesthetics Aware Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Aboveground Tree Biomass Estimation of Sparse Subalpine Coniferous Forest with UAV Oblique Photography
* Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece
* Absolute Calibration or Validation of the Altimeters on the Sentinel-3A and the Jason-3 over Lake Issykkul (Kyrgyzstan)
* Accelerating the Classification of Very Deep Convolutional Network by A Cascading Approach
* Accommodative extractor for QIM-based watermarking schemes
* Accumulated Aggregation Shifting Based on Feature Enhancement for Defect Detection on 3D Textured Low-Contrast Surfaces
* Accuracy Assessment of Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent Maps Produced at Three Different Spatial Resolutions
* Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2011 impervious cover data for the Chesapeake Bay region, USA
* Accurate 3-D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras using Depth Map Fusion and Pose Refinement
* Accurate and Diverse Sampling of Sequences Based on a Best of Many Sample Objective
* Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imagery and Phone-Grade GPS
* Accurate Method of Temporal-Shift Estimation for 3D Video
* Accurate Sparse Feature Regression Forest Learning for Real-Time Camera Relocalization
* Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of background layer in X-ray coronary angiograms
* ACE: An Efficient Asynchronous Corner Tracker for Event Cameras
* Action Classification via Concepts and Attributes
* Action Recognition from 3D Skeleton Sequences using Deep Networks on Lie Group Features
* Action Recognition Method Based on Sets of Time Warped ARMA Models
* Action Recognition with Visual Attention on Skeleton Images
* Action Sets: Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Without Ordering Constraints
* Action-Conditioned Convolutional Future Regression Models for Robot Imitation Learning
* Active Fixation Control to Predict Saccade Sequences
* Active Learning for Crowdsourced QoE Modeling
* Active target tracking: A simplified view aligning method for binocular camera model
* Active Vision Dataset Benchmark
* Activity Detection using Fusion of Multi-Pressure Sensors in Insoles
* Actor and Action Video Segmentation from a Sentence
* Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Third-Person Videos
* AdaDepth: Unsupervised Content Congruent Adaptation for Depth Estimation
* Adaptation and Re-identification Network: An Unsupervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach to Person Re-identification
* Adaptive Albedo Compensation for Accurate Phase-Shift Coding
* Adaptive appearance separation for interactive image segmentation based on Dense CRF
* Adaptive Color Correction in Virtual View Synthesis
* Adaptive Convolution Local and Global Learning for Class-Level Joint Representation of Face Recognition with Single Sample Per Person
* Adaptive Forward Collision Warning Framework Design Based on Driver Distraction, An
* Adaptive Latent Representation for Multi-view Subspace Learning
* Adaptive Locality Preserving based Discriminative Regression
* Adaptive Markov Random Field for Structured Compressive Sensing, An
* Adaptive Model-Based Classification of PolSAR Data
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Selection For H.265/HEVC by Employing Inter-Frame Dependency
* Adaptive Tiling: Applying Fixed-size Systolic Arrays To Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* ADMM for image restoration based on nonlocal simultaneous sparse Bayesian coding
* ADS-BI: Compressed Indexing of ADS-B Data
* Advancing Surface Feature Encoding and Matching for More Accurate 3D Biometric Recognition
* Advantages of Landsat 8-OLI-Derived Suspended Particulate Matter Maps for Monitoring the Subtidal Extension of Amazonian Coastal Mud Banks (French Guiana), The
* Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Adversarial Data Programming: Using GANs to Relax the Bottleneck of Curated Labeled Data
* Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image
* Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Detection
* Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification
* Advertisement Effectiveness Estimation Based on Crowdsourced Multimodal Affective Responses
* Aerosol Microphysical Particle Parameter Inversion and Error Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Affective Video Content Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Insight
* Affine invariant fusion feature extraction based on geometry descriptor and BIT for object recognition
* Aggregated Multicolumn Dilated Convolution Network for Perspective-Free Counting, An
* Aggregated Sparse Attention for Steering Angle Prediction
* AIC2018 Report: Traffic Surveillance Research
* Air Signature Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Sequential Model
* Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tides, Waves, and Surface Slope at the Mouth of the Columbia River
* Airport Ground Movement Problem: Minimization of Delay and Pollution Emission
* ALFA: Agglomerative Late Fusion Algorithm for Object Detection
* Aligning Infinite-Dimensional Covariance Matrices in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Domain Adaptation
* Aligning Text and Document Illustrations: Towards Visually Explainable Digital Humanities
* Alive Caricature from 2D to 3D
* All-stop, skip-stop, or transfer service: an empirical study on preferences of bus passengers
* alternating proximal approach for blind video deconvolution, An
* Alternating-Stereo VINS: Observability Analysis and Performance Evaluation
* Ambiance in Social Media Venues: Visual Cue Interpretation by Machines and Crowds
* AMNet: Memorability Estimation with Attention
* Analysis and Implementation of the Shape Preserving Local Histogram Modification Algorithm, An
* Analysis and Simulation on Imaging Performance of Backward and Forward Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Analysis of Accommodation Cues in Holographic Stereograms
* Analysis of Demosaicing for Plenoptic Capture Based on Ray Optics, An
* Analysis of Efficient CNN Design Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Analysis of Hand Segmentation in the Wild
* Analysis of Scale Invariance in Object Detection - SNIP, An
* analysis of the effect of combining standard and alternate sensor signals on recognition of syllabic units for multimodal speech recognition, An
* Analysis of the Radar Vegetation Index and Potential Improvements
* Analytic Expressions for Probabilistic Moments of PL-DNN with Gaussian Input
* Analytical Method for the Precise and Fast Prediction of Railway Running Times and its Applications
* Analytical Modeling of Vanishing Points and Curves in Catadioptric Cameras
* Analyzing Body Fat from Depth Images
* Analyzing Filters Toward Efficient ConvNet
* Analyzing the role of pulse density and voxelization parameters on full-waveform LiDAR-derived metrics
* Anatomical Priors in Convolutional Networks for Unsupervised Biomedical Segmentation
* Anchor Free Network for Multi-Scale Face Detection
* Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood Generative Adversarial Networks
* Anti-occlusion tracking algorithm of video target based on prediction and re-matching strategy
* Anticipating Traffic Accidents with Adaptive Loss and Large-Scale Incident DB
* AON: Towards Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Recognition
* Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth Estimation
* ApolloScape Dataset for Autonomous Driving, The
* Appearance Variation Insensitive State Regression for Visual Tracking
* Appearance-and-Relation Networks for Video Classification
* Appearance-based data augmentation for image datasets using contrast preserving sampling
* Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Estimation Using Space-Borne LiDAR Waveform Data
* Application of Open-Source Software in Community Heritage Resources Management
* Application of Spectrally Derived Soil Type as Ancillary Data to Improve the Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon by Using the Chinese Soil Vis-NIR Spectral Library
* Applications and impacts of Google Earth: A decadal review (2006-2016)
* Applications of single-operator edit distances for permuted sequences
* Applying a WNN-HMM Based Driver Model in Human Driver Simulation: Method and Test
* Applying hand gesture recognition and joint tracking to a TV controller using CNN and Convolutional Pose Machine
* Approach to discovering companion patterns based on traffic data stream
* Approach to Overcome Occlusions in Visual Tracking: By Occlusion Estimating Agency and Self-Adapting Learning Rate for Filter's Training, An
* Approximate Bayesian Long Short-Term Memory Algorithm for Outlier Detection, An
* Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional Data
* AQUI Soil Moisture Network for Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Validation in South-Western France, The
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Deep Feature Reshuffle
* ARC: Adversarial Robust Cuts for Semi-Supervised and Multi-label Classification
* Are French Really That Different? Recognizing Europeans from Faces Using Data-Driven Learning
* Are twin hyperplanes necessary?
* Are You Talking to Me? Reasoned Visual Dialog Generation Through Adversarial Learning
* Art of Singular Vectors and Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* Artsy-GAN: A style transfer system with improved quality, diversity and performance
* As-global-as-possible stereo matching with adaptive smoothness prior
* Assessing Cropland Area in West Africa for Agricultural Yield Analysis
* Assessing Pasture Degradation in the Brazilian Cerrado Based on the Analysis of MODIS NDVI Time-Series
* Assessing Radiometric Correction Approaches for Multi-Spectral UAS Imagery for Horticultural Applications
* Assessing Shape Bias Property of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Assessment of CT Image Quality Using a Bayesian Framework
* Assessment of Ground-Reference Data and Validation of the H-SAF Precipitation Products in Brazil
* Assessment of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Products over China Using Eddy Covariance Observations
* Assessment of perceptual distortion boundary through applying reversible watermarking to brain MR images
* Assessment of Segmentation Parameters for Object-Based Land Cover Classification Using Color-Infrared Imagery
* Asymmetric filtering-based dense convolutional neural network for person re-identification combined with Joint Bayesian and re-ranking
* Asynchronous and Event-Based Fusion Systems for Affect Recognition on Naturalistic Data in Comparison to Conventional Approaches
* Atlas Structure of Images, The
* Atmospheric Artifacts Correction With a Covariance-Weighted Linear Model Over Mountainous Regions
* Atomic Representation-Based Classification: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications
* Attend and Align: Improving Deep Representations with Feature Alignment Layer for Person Retrieval
* Attend and Interact: Higher-Order Object Interactions for Video Understanding
* Attention Clusters: Purely Attention Based Local Feature Integration for Video Classification
* Attention in Multimodal Neural Networks for Person Re-identification
* Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification
* Attention-Based Approach for Single Image Super Resolution, An
* Attention-based Neural Network for Traffic Sign Detection
* Attentional ShapeContextNet for Point Cloud Recognition
* Attentive Fashion Grammar Network for Fashion Landmark Detection and Clothing Category Classification
* Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from A Single Image
* AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Attribute Augmented Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination
* Attribute-Centered Loss for Soft-Biometrics Guided Face Sketch-Photo Recognition
* Audio to Body Dynamics
* Audio-Visual Temporal Saliency Modeling Validated by fMRI Data
* Augment and Adapt: A Simple Approach to Image Tampering Detection
* Augmented Skeleton Space Transfer for Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation
* Augmenting Crowd-Sourced 3D Reconstructions Using Semantic Detections
* automated airway segmentation algorithm for CT images using topological leakage detection and volume freezing, An
* Automated Analysis of Marine Video with Limited Data
* Automated Classification Framework for Pressure Ulcer Tissues Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Automated Depression Diagnosis Based on Deep Networks to Encode Facial Appearance and Dynamics
* automated mathematical morphology driven algorithm for water body extraction from remotely sensed images, An
* Automated Point Set Registration Framework for Multimodal Retinal Image, An
* Automated Pruning for Deep Neural Network Compression
* Automated skin lesion segmentation of dermoscopic images using GrabCut and k-means algorithms
* Automated Virtual Navigation and Monocular Localization of Indoor Spaces from Videos
* Automatic 3D Indoor Scene Modeling from Single Panorama
* automatic approach for land-change detection and land updates based on integrated NDVI timing analysis and the CVAPS method with GEE support, An
* Automatic Building Rooftop Extraction From Aerial Images via Hierarchical RGB-D Priors
* Automatic Cricket Highlight Generation Using Event-Driven and Excitement-Based Features
* Automatic Eye Gaze Estimation using Geometric & Texture-based Networks
* Automatic Facial Attractiveness Prediction by Deep Multi-Task Learning
* Automatic Feature Extraction for Wide-angle and Fish-eye Camera Calibration
* Automatic Inspection of Aerospace Welds Using X-Ray Images
* Automatic Large-Scale 3D Building Shape Refinement Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Automatic Multi-Atlas Segmentation for Abdominal Images Using Template Construction and Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Automatic Multi-Circle Detection on Images Using the Teaching Learning Based Optimisation Algorithm
* Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation via Multiscale Registration and Graph Cut
* Automatic Parametrization of Urban Areas Using ALS Data: The Case Study of Santiago de Compostela
* Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced Holistically-Nested Networks
* Automatic Quantification of Stomata for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping
* Automatic Recognition and Positioning Method for Point Source Targets on Satellite Images, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Kidney and Renal Tumor in CT Images Based on 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Pyramid Pooling Module
* Automatic Ship Detection Using the Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine from X-Band SAR Satellite Images
* Automatically Detecting Arrhythmia-related Irregular Patterns using the Temporal and Spectro-Temporal Textures of ECG Signals
* Automotive Semi-specular Surface Defect Detection System
* Autonomous Detection of Disruptions in the Intensive Care Unit Using Deep Mask R-CNN
* Autonomous vehicle routing problem solution based on artificial potential field with parallel ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm
* AutonoVi-Sim: Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Platform with Weather, Sensing, and Traffic Control
* AVA: A Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Atomic Visual Actions
* Avatar-Net: Multi-scale Zero-Shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration
* Average Performance of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) for Sparse Approximation
* Back to the beginning: Starting point detection for early recognition of ongoing human actions
* Background Subtraction via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Balancing Video Analytics Processing and Bandwidth for Edge-Cloud Networks
* Band Dual Density Discrimination Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Baseline Desensitizing in Translation Averaging
* Bayesian estimation of generalized Gamma mixture model based on variational EM algorithm
* Bayesian Multi-Hyperplane Machine for Pattern Recognition
* Behavior and Personality Analysis in a Nonsocial Context Dataset
* Benchmark for Full Rotation Head Tracking, A
* Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions
* Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs and Geometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation, The
* Best Practices in Crafting the Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Passive-Microwave EASE-Grid 2.0 Brightness Temperature Earth System Data Record
* Between-Class Learning for Image Classification
* Beyond GIS Layering: Challenging the (Re)use and Fusion of Archaeological Prospection Data Based on Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN)
* Beyond Grobner Bases: Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers
* Beyond Holistic Object Recognition: Enriching Image Understanding with Part States
* Beyond the Pixel-Wise Loss for Topology-Aware Delineation
* Beyond Trade-Off: Accelerate FCN-Based Face Detector with Higher Accuracy
* Beyond Two-stream: Skeleton-based Three-stream Networks for Action Recognition in Videos
* Bi-Directional Message Passing Model for Salient Object Detection, A
* Biconvex Analysis for Lasso L_1 Reweighting, A
* Bidirectional Attentive Fusion with Context Gating for Dense Video Captioning
* Bidirectional Retrieval Made Simple
* Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Bilevel Feature Learning for Video Saliency Detection
* Biresolution Spectral Framework for Product Quantization, A
* Blazingly Fast Video Object Segmentation with Pixel-Wise Metric Learning
* Blind Predicting Similar Quality Map for Image Quality Assessment
* Blind separation of temporally correlated noncircular sources using complex matrix joint diagonalization
* Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Evaluator With Segmented Stacked Autoencoders Considering the Whole Visual Perception Route, A
* Block-Permutation-Based Encryption Scheme with Independent Processing of RGB Components, A
* BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
* Blurred Image Region Detection based on Stacked Auto-Encoder
* Boosting Adversarial Attacks with Momentum
* Boosting Black-Box Variational Inference by Incorporating the Natural Gradient
* Boosting Domain Adaptation by Discovering Latent Domains
* Boosting Self-Supervised Learning via Knowledge Transfer
* Bootstrapping the Performance of Webly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Botnet Detection based on Fuzzy Association Rules
* Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering
* Bottom-Up Approach Based on Semantics for the Interpretation of the Main Camera Stream in Soccer Games, A
* Bottom-up Pose Estimation of Multiple Person with Bounding Box Constraint
* Boundary Flow: A Siamese Network that Predicts Boundary Motion Without Training on Motion
* Boundary-based Image Forgery Detection by Fast Shallow CNN
* Boundary-Guided Feature Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection
* BPGrad: Towards Global Optimality in Deep Learning via Branch and Pruning
* Breast Segmentation in MRI via U-Net Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Brightness Temperature Calculation and Uncertainty Propagation for Conical Microwave Blackbody Targets
* BTF Compound Texture Model with Non- Parametric Control Field
* Building a Framework of Usability Patterns for Web Applications in Spatial Data Infrastructures
* Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Composite Loss Function
* Building Detection from Satellite Imagery using Ensemble of Size-Specific Detectors
* Building Extraction from Satellite Images Using Mask R-CNN with Building Boundary Regularization
* Building Extraction in Very High Resolution Imagery by Dense-Attention Networks
* Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction Networks
* Calibrating Adaptable Automation to Individuals
* Calibrating Light-Field Cameras Using Plenoptic Disc Features
* Calibration of Raman Lidar Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Measurements Using Zenithal Measurements of Diffuse Sunlight and a Radiative Transfer Model
* CAM-based HDR image reproduction using CA-TC decoupled JCh decomposition
* Camera Calibration for Underwater 3D Reconstruction Based on Ray Tracing Using Snell's Law
* Camera Orientation Estimation in Natural Scenes Using Semantic Cues
* Camera Pose Estimation with Unknown Principal Point
* Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification
* CamStyle: A Novel Data Augmentation Method for Person Re-Identification
* Can modified minimax win in Pearl's game?
* Can Spatiotemporal 3D CNNs Retrace the History of 2D CNNs and ImageNet?
* Can we trust computer with body-cam vidio? Police departments are being led to believe AI will help, but they should be wary
* Cancelable Biometrics Using Noise Embedding
* CANDID: Robust Change Dynamics and Deterministic Update Policy for Dynamic Background Subtraction
* CANDY: Conditional Adversarial Networks based End-to-End System for Single Image Haze Removal
* Canopy Effects on Snow Accumulation: Observations from Lidar, Canonical-View Photos, and Continuous Ground Measurements from Sensor Networks
* Capability of Current Car-Following Models to Reproduce Vehicle Free-Flow Acceleration Dynamics
* Capability of Remotely Sensed Drought Indices for Representing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of the Meteorological Droughts in the Yellow River Basin
* Car detection and classification using cascade model
* CarFusion: Combining Point Tracking and Part Detection for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction of Vehicles
* Cartoon-Texture Approach for JPEG/JPEG 2000 Decompression Based on TGV and Shearlet Transform, A
* CartoonGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Photo Cartoonization
* CAS(ME)^2: A Database for Spontaneous Macro-Expression and Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition
* Cascade Deep Networks for Sparse Linear Inverse Problems
* Cascade R-CNN: Delving Into High Quality Object Detection
* Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* CascadeNet: Modified ResNet with Cascade Blocks
* Case Study: Deep learning features for robust facial kinship verification
* Categorizing Concepts with Basic Level for Vision-to-Language
* Cauchy Matching Pursuit for Robust Sparse Representation and Classification
* Causal And-Or Graph Model for Visibility Fluent Reasoning in Tracking Interacting Objects, A
* Cayley- Klein Metric Learning with Shrinkage-Expansion Constraints
* CBMV: A Coalesced Bidirectional Matching Volume for Disparity Estimation
* Cell Image Segmentation by Integrating Multiple CNNs
* Centre symmetric quadruple pattern: A novel descriptor for facial image recognition and retrieval
* Certifiably Globally Optimal Solution to the Non-minimal Relative Pose Problem, A
* CG-DIQA: No-Reference Document Image Quality Assessment Based on Character Gradient
* Challenges on Large Scale Surveillance Video Analysis
* Change Detection in Coral Reef Environment Using High-Resolution Images: Comparison of Object-Based and Pixel-Based Paradigms
* Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images Using Recurrent 3D Fully Convolutional Networks
* Channel-Mismatch Detection Algorithm for Stereoscopic Video Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Characteristics of BeiDou-3 Experimental Satellite Clocks
* Characterization of GNSS Signals Tracked by the iGMAS Network Considering Recent BDS-3 Satellites
* Characterization of S-Band Dual-Polarized Radar Data for the Convective Rain Melting Layer Detection in A Tropical Region
* Citywide Spatial-Temporal Travel Time Estimation Using Big and Sparse Trajectories
* Class2Str: End to End Latent Hierarchy Learning
* Classification Guided Deep Convolutional Network for Compressed Sensing
* Classification of EEG signals for detection of epileptic seizure activities based on feature extraction from brain maps using image processing algorithms
* Classification of Hydrometeors Using Measurements of the Ka-Band Cloud Radar Installed at the Milešovka Mountain (Central Europe)
* Classification of Ocean Surface Slicks in Simulated Hybrid-Polarimetric SAR Data
* Classification of symmetric positive definite matrices based on bilinear isometric Riemannian embedding
* Classification-Driven Dynamic Image Enhancement
* Classifier Learning with Prior Probabilities for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Classifier Recommendation Using Data Complexity Measures
* Classifying Group Emotions for Socially-Aware Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
* Classifying low-resolution images by integrating privileged information in deep CNNs
* clcNet: Improving the Efficiency of Convolutional Neural Network Using Channel Local Convolutions
* CleanNet: Transfer Learning for Scalable Image Classifier Training with Label Noise
* CLEAR: Cumulative LEARning for One-Shot One-Class Image Recognition
* Clinical Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Representations Inspired by Dermatologist Criteria
* CLIP-Q: Deep Network Compression Learning by In-parallel Pruning-Quantization
* Closed-loop hierarchical control strategies for connected and autonomous hybrid electric vehicles with random errors
* Closer Look at Spatiotemporal Convolutions for Action Recognition, A
* Clothing Change Aware Person Identification
* ClusterNet: Detecting Small Objects in Large Scenes by Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Information
* CNN Based Learning Using Reflection and Retinex Models for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* CNN Driven Sparse Multi-level B-Spline Image Registration
* CNN in MRF: Video Object Segmentation via Inference in a CNN-Based Higher-Order Spatio-Temporal MRF
* CNN+RNN Depth and Skeleton based Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition
* CNN-based features for retrieval and classification of food images
* CNNs Fusion for Building Detection in Aerial Images for the Building Detection Challenge
* Co-occurrence Background Model with Hypothesis on Degradation Modification for Object Detection in Strong Background Changes, A
* COCO-Stuff: Thing and Stuff Classes in Context
* CodeSLAM: Learning a Compact, Optimisable Representation for Dense Visual SLAM
* Coding Kendall's Shape Trajectories for 3D Action Recognition
* Coherent Multilayer Simulator of Radargrams Acquired by Radar Sounder Instruments, A
* Collaborative and Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Color calibration of digital images for agriculture and other applications
* Color correction algorithm for color constancy finite dimensional linear model under complex illumination
* Color Homography: Theory and Applications
* Color Image Reconstruction with Perceptual Compressive Sensing
* Combining Camera Relascope-Measured Field Plots and Multi-Seasonal Landsat 8 Imagery for Enhancing the Forest Inventory of Boreal Forests in Central Russia
* Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human activity recognition
* Combining Facial Expression and Touch for Perceiving Emotional Valence
* Combining weighted curvelet accumulation with motion vector duty cycle for nonuniform video deblurring
* ComboGAN: Unrestrained Scalability for Image Domain Translation
* Common Framework for Interactive Texture Transfer, A
* Common Random Subgraph Modeling Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Community detection for multi-layer social network based on local random walk
* Compact Deep Learning Model for Robust Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Comparative Study of Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving, A
* Compare and Contrast: Learning Prominent Visual Differences
* Comparison between the MODIS Product (MOD17A2) and a Tide-Robust Empirical GPP Model Evaluated in a Georgia Wetland, A
* Comparison of Aerosol Reflectance Correction Schemes Using Two Near-Infrared Wavelengths for Ocean Color Data Processing
* Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models for Forecasting Photosynthetically-Active Radiation
* Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segmentation of Coral Reef Survey Images, A
* Comparison of Deep Transfer Learning Strategies for Digital Pathology
* Comparison of Imputation Approaches for Estimating Forest Biomass Using Landsat Time-Series and Inventory Data, A
* Comparison of level set models in image segmentation
* Comparison of Pre-Event VHR Optical Data and Post-Event PolSAR Data to Investigate Damage Caused by the 2011 Japan Tsunami in Built-Up Areas
* Comparison of the Vegetation Effect on ET Partitioning Based on Eddy Covariance Method at Five Different Sites of Northern China
* Comparison of TMPA-3B42RT Legacy Product and the Equivalent IMERG Products over Mainland China
* Compassionately Conservative Balanced Cuts for Image Segmentation
* complete person re-identification model using Kernel-PCA-based Gabor-filtered hybrid descriptors, A
* Completed Grayscale-Inversion and Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Complex network model for railway timetable stability optimisation
* Complying with Privacy Legislation: From Legal Text to Implementation of Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services
* Component interconnect and data access interface for embedded vision applications
* Compositional Human Pose Regression
* Comprehensive predictive control method for automated vehicles in dynamic traffic circumstances
* comprehensive review of fruit and vegetable classification techniques, A
* Comprehensive Solution for Deep-Learning Based Cargo Inspection to Discriminate Goods in Containers, A
* Comprehensive Study on Upper-Body Detection with Deep Neural Networks, A
* Compressed Video Action Recognition
* Compression of Acoustic Model via Knowledge Distillation and Pruning
* Compression of Plenoptic Point Clouds
* Computer aided diagnosis of glaucoma using discrete and empirical wavelet transform from fundus images
* Concise Derivation for Generalized Approximate Message Passing Using Expectation Propagation
* CondenseNet: An Efficient DenseNet Using Learned Group Convolutions
* Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Structured Domain Adaptation
* Conditional Image-to-Image Translation
* Conditional Information Gain Networks
* Conditional Probability Models for Deep Image Compression
* Conditional Transfer with Dense Residual Attention: Synthesizing traffic signs from street-view imagery
* Confidence-Driven Network for Point-to-Set Matching
* CONFIRM: Clustering of noisy form images using robust matching
* Confocal Ellipse-based Distance and Confocal Elliptical Field for polygonal shapes
* Confronting Soil Moisture Dynamics from the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model With the ESA-CCI Product: Perspectives for Data Assimilation
* Connected Components Labeling on DRAGs
* Connecting Pixels to Privacy and Utility: Automatic Redaction of Private Information in Images
* Consensus Ensemble System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Consensus Maximization for Semantic Region Correspondences
* Constant Velocity 3D Convolution
* Constrained Deep Neural Network for Ordinal Regression, A
* Constrained Sparse Subspace Clustering with Side-Information
* Content driven clustering algorithm combining density and distance functions
* Content-Sensitive Supervoxels via Uniform Tessellations on Video Manifolds
* Context Contrasted Feature and Gated Multi-scale Aggregation for Scene Segmentation
* Context Embedding Networks
* Context Encoding for Semantic Segmentation
* Context proposals for saliency detection
* Context-Aware Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos Using Bidirectional LSTM
* Context-Aware and Depthwise-based Detection on Orbit for Remote Sensing Image
* Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
* Context-Aware Deep Feature Compression for High-Speed Visual Tracking
* Context-Aware Mouse Behavior Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Context-Aware Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation
* Context-Aware Trajectory Prediction
* Continuous Action Recognition and Segmentation in Untrimmed Videos
* Continuous Change Detection of Forest/Grassland and Cropland in the Loess Plateau of China Using All Available Landsat Data
* Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation at the Field-Scale over Heterogeneous Agricultural Areas by Fusing ASTER and MODIS Data
* Continuous Relaxation of MAP Inference: A Nonconvex Perspective
* Controllable Video Generation with Sparse Trajectories
* Controversial pixel prior rule for JPEG adaptive steganography
* Convective-Dispersion Modeling in 3D Contrast-Ultrasound Imaging for the Localization of Prostate Cancer
* Convergence Analysis of a Fixed Point Algorithm Under Maximum Complex Correntropy Criterion
* Convexity invariance of voxel objects under rigid motions
* Convolutional Discriminant Analysis
* Convolutional factor analysis model with application to radar automatic target recognition
* Convolutional Features-Based CRF Graph Matching for Tracking of Densely Packed Cells
* Convolutional Image Captioning
* Convolutional kernel networks based on a convex combination of cosine kernels
* Convolutional Networks for Semantic Heads Segmentation using Top-View Depth Data in Crowded Environment
* Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Estimating Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using Satellite-based Infrared Images, A
* Convolutional Neural Network for Pixelwise Illuminant Recovery in Colour and Spectral Images, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks Based Ball Detection in Tennis Games
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Iris Presentation Attack Detection: Toward Cross-Dataset and Cross-Sensor Generalization
* Convolutional Neural Networks Regularized by Correlated Noise
* Convolutional Neural Networks with Alternately Updated Clique
* Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Model for Human Dynamics
* Convolutional Social Pooling for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction
* Cooperative adaptive cruise control in mixed traffic with selective use of vehicle-to-vehicle communication
* Cooperative driving modelling in the vicinity of traffic signals based on intelligent driver model
* Correlation Tracking via Joint Discrimination and Reliability Learning
* CosFace: Large Margin Cosine Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Cosmetic Features Extraction by a Single Image Makeup Decomposition
* Counting Static Targets Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle On-the-Fly and Autonomously
* Coupled End-to-End Transfer Learning with Generalized Fisher Information
* Coupling Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval in Sparse Vegetation Covered Areas Based on Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Data, A
* Covariance Matrices Encoding Based on the Log-Euclidean and Affine Invariant Riemannian Metrics
* Covariance Pooling for Facial Expression Recognition
* Covariance Symmetries Detection in PolInSAR Data
* Crafting a Toolchain for Image Restoration by Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Creating Capsule Wardrobes from Fashion Images
* Crisis Maps: Observed Shortcomings and Recommendations for Improvement
* CROification: Accurate Kernel Classification with the Efficiency of Sparse Linear SVM
* Cross Modal Multiscale Fusion Net for Real-time RGB-D Detection
* Cross-Dataset Adaptation for Visual Question Answering
* Cross-Dataset Data Augmentation for Convolutional Neural Networks Training
* Cross-Domain Fashion Image Retrieval
* Cross-Domain Hallucination Network for Fine-Grained Object Recognition
* Cross-Domain Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval by View Sequence Learning
* Cross-Domain Self-Supervised Multi-task Feature Learning Using Synthetic Imagery
* Cross-domain Semantic Feature Learning via Adversarial Adaptation Networks
* Cross-Domain Weakly-Supervised Object Detection Through Progressive Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Modal Deep Variational Hand Pose Estimation
* Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Category Structure Preserving
* Cross-Validation of Observations between the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar and Ground Based Dual-Polarization Radars
* Cross-View Image Synthesis Using Conditional GANs
* Crowd Activity Change Point Detection in Videos via Graph Stream Mining
* Crowd Counting via Adversarial Cross-Scale Consistency Pursuit
* Crowd Counting with Deep Negative Correlation Learning
* CRRN: Multi-scale Guided Concurrent Reflection Removal Network
* Crypto-stego System for Securing Text and Image Data
* CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry
* CSRNet: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Understanding the Highly Congested Scenes
* CT and MRI image fusion based on multiscale decomposition method and hybrid approach
* Cube Padding for Weakly-Supervised Saliency Prediction in 360° Videos
* CuDi3D: Curvilinear displacement based approach for online 3D action detection
* Cumulative attribute space regression for head pose estimation and color constancy
* Curvature-based Comparison of Two Neural Networks
* Curvature-based spectral signatures for non-rigid shape retrieval
* Curve Reconstruction via the Global Statistics of Natural Curves
* Customized Image Narrative Generation via Interactive Visual Question Generation and Answering
* CVM-Net: Cross-View Matching Network for Image-Based Ground-to-Aerial Geo-Localization
* Cycle-Dehaze: Enhanced CycleGAN for Single Image Dehazing
* D-LinkNet: LinkNet with Pretrained Encoder and Dilated Convolution for High Resolution Satellite Imagery Road Extraction
* D-NND: A Hierarchical Density Clustering Method via Nearest Neighbor Descent
* DA-GAN: Instance-Level Image Translation by Deep Attention Generative Adversarial Networks
* Data Augmentation via Latent Space Interpolation for Image Classification
* Data Augmentation with Improved Generative Adversarial Networks
* Data dissemination in service discovery for vehicular ad hoc networks: a survey
* Data Distillation: Towards Omni-Supervised Learning
* Data-Driven Multispectral Image Registration
* Data-Driven Prior on Facet Orientation for Semantic Mesh Labeling, A
* Data-Driven State-Increment Statistical Model and Its Application in Autonomous Driving
* DCF with high-speed spatial constraint
* De-noising of Lidar Point Clouds Corrupted by Snowfall
* DeblurGAN: Blind Motion Deblurring Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* DecideNet: Counting Varying Density Crowds Through Attention Guided Detection and Density Estimation
* Decorrelated Batch Normalization
* Decoupled Networks
* Deep Adversarial Metric Learning
* Deep Adversarial Subspace Clustering
* Deep Age Estimation Model Stabilization from Images to Videos
* Deep Aggregation Net for Land Cover Classification
* Deep Autoencoders with Aggregated Residual Transformations for Urban Reconstruction from Remote Sensing Data
* Deep Back-Projection Networks for Super-Resolution
* Deep Cauchy Hashing for Hamming Space Retrieval
* Deep CNN-Based Framework For Enhanced Aerial Imagery Registration with Applications to UAV Geolocalization, A
* Deep CockTail Network: Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Category Shift
* Deep Conditional Color Harmony Model for Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Deep Context Networks for Image Annotation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Natural Image Matting Using Initial Alpha Mattes
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Learning ECG Features for Screening Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Patients
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Integrated Quadratic Correlation Filters for Automatic Target Recognition
* Deep Cost-Sensitive and Order-Preserving Feature Learning for Cross-Population Age Estimation
* Deep Crisp Boundaries: From Boundaries to Higher-Level Tasks
* Deep Cross-Media Knowledge Transfer
* Deep Decision Trees for Discriminative Dictionary Learning with Adversarial Multi-agent Trajectories
* Deep Density Clustering of Unconstrained Faces
* Deep Depth Completion of a Single RGB-D Image
* Deep Diffeomorphic Transformer Networks
* Deep Difference Analysis in Similar-looking Face recognition
* Deep Disguised Faces Recognition
* Deep Distillation Recursive Network for Remote Sensing Imagery Super-Resolution
* Deep Emotion Transfer Network for Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition
* Deep End-to-End Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Deep Epitome for Unravelling Generalized Hamming Network
* Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation
* Deep Face Detector Adaptation Without Negative Transfer or Catastrophic Forgetting
* Deep Face Identification Network Enhanced by Facial Attributes Prediction, A
* Deep Features for Recognizing Disguised Faces in the Wild
* Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for the Sparse Signal Denoising
* Deep Graphical Model for Layered Knowledge Transfer, A
* Deep Group-Shuffling Random Walk for Person Re-identification
* Deep hashing network for material defect image classification
* Deep Hashing via Discrepancy Minimization
* Deep High-order Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Hybrid Graph Kernel Through Deep Learning Networks, A
* Deep Image Prior
* Deep intensity guidance based compression artifacts reduction for depth map
* Deep Joint Noise Estimation and Removal for High ISO JPEG Images
* Deep joint rain and haze removal from a single image
* Deep Layer Aggregation
* Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detection in IVOCT Images
* Deep Learning Based Single Image Dehazing
* Deep learning for printed document source identification
* Deep Learning Global Glomerulosclerosis in Transplant Kidney Frozen Sections
* deep learning method for image super-resolution based on geometric similarity, A
* Deep Learning Object Detection Methods for Ecological Camera Trap Data
* Deep Learning of Graph Matching
* Deep Learning Parametrization for B-Spline Curve Approximation
* Deep Learning Under Privileged Information Using Heteroscedastic Dropout
* Deep Learning Whole Body Point Cloud Scans from a Single Depth Map
* Deep Learning with Unsupervised Data Labeling for Weed Detection in Line Crops in UAV Images
* Deep Learning-based Face Recognition and the Robustness to Perspective Distortion
* Deep Learning-Driven Depth from Defocus via Active Multispectral Quasi-Random Projections with Complex Subpatterns
* Deep Lesion Graphs in the Wild: Relationship Learning and Organization of Significant Radiology Image Findings in a Diverse Large-Scale Lesion Database
* Deep Marching Cubes: Learning Explicit Surface Representations
* Deep Material-Aware Cross-Spectral Stereo Matching
* Deep Mutual Learning
* Deep Networks Under Scene-Level Supervision for Multi-Class Geospatial Object Detection from Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Neural Networks: A Comparison on Different Computing Platforms
* Deep Ordinal Regression Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Deep Parametric Continuous Convolutional Neural Networks
* Deep People Detection: A Comparative Study of SSD and LSTM-decoder
* Deep Photo Enhancer: Unpaired Learning for Image Enhancement from Photographs with GANs
* Deep Pixel Probabilistic Model for Super Resolution Based on Human Visual Saliency Mechanism
* Deep Progressive Reinforcement Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Deep Recurrent Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Networks with Random Tuning of Hyper-parameters
* Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection: Analysis of Temporal Enhanced Ultrasound
* Deep Regression Forests for Age Estimation
* Deep Reinforcement Learning of Region Proposal Networks for Object Detection
* Deep Residual Network with Enhanced Upscaling Module for Super-Resolution
* Deep residual network with regularised fisher framework for detection of melanoma
* Deep Salient Object Detection With Dense Connections and Distraction Diagnosis
* Deep Semantic Face Deblurring
* Deep Semi-Supervised Learning
* Deep Sparse Coding for Invariant Multimodal Halle Berry Neurons
* Deep Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Partial Person Re-identification: Alignment-free Approach
* Deep spatio-temporal feature fusion with compact bilinear pooling for multimodal emotion recognition
* Deep Spatio-Temporal Random Fields for Efficient Video Segmentation
* Deep Spatiotemporal Perspective for Understanding Crowd Behavior, A
* Deep Spatiotemporal Representation of the Face for Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation
* Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting
* Deep Super Resolution for Recovering Physiological Information from Videos
* Deep Temporal Feature Encoding for Action Recognition
* Deep Texture Manifold for Ground Terrain Recognition
* Deep Unsupervised Saliency Detection: A Multiple Noisy Labeling Perspective
* Deep Video Super-Resolution Network Using Dynamic Upsampling Filters Without Explicit Motion Compensation
* Deep Visual Teach and Repeat on Path Networks
* Deep-anomaly: Fully convolutional neural network for fast anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Deep-BCN: Deep Networks Meet Biased Competition to Create a Brain-Inspired Model of Attention Control
* DeepCrack: Learning Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Crack Detection
* DeepDriver: Automated System For measuring Valence and Arousal in Car Driver Videos
* Deeper Look at Power Normalizations, A
* DeepFirearm: Learning Discriminative Feature Representation for Fine-Grained Firearm Retrieval
* DeepGlobe 2018: A Challenge to Parse the Earth through Satellite Images
* DeephESC: An Automated System for Generating and Classification of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
* DeepHPS: End-to-end Estimation of 3D Hand Pose and Shape by Learning from Synthetic Depth
* Deeply Learned Filter Response Functions for Hyperspectral Reconstruction
* Deeply Supervised Residual Network for HEp-2 Cell Classification
* DeepMVS: Learning Multi-view Stereopsis
* DeepScores-A Dataset for Segmentation, Detection and Classification of Tiny Objects
* DeepVoting: A Robust and Explainable Deep Network for Semantic Part Detection Under Partial Occlusion
* Defense Against Adversarial Attacks Using High-Level Representation Guided Denoiser
* Defense Against Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* Deflecting Adversarial Attacks with Pixel Deflection
* Defocus Blur Detection via Multi-stream Bottom-Top-Bottom Fully Convolutional Network
* Deformable GANs for Pose-Based Human Image Generation
* Deformable Shape Completion with Graph Convolutional Autoencoders
* Deformation Aware Image Compression
* Delay Minimization for NOMA-MEC Offloading
* DeLS-3D: Deep Localization and Segmentation with a 3D Semantic Map
* Delving into the Synthesizability of Dynamic Texture Samples
* DEM refinement by low vegetation removal based on the combination of full waveform data and progressive TIN densification
* Demo2Vec: Reasoning Object Affordances from Online Videos
* Denoising adversarial autoencoders: classifying skin lesions using limited labelled training data
* Denoising of ultrasound images affected by combined speckle and Gaussian noise
* Dense 3D Regression for Hand Pose Estimation
* Dense Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Generalized Speech Animation
* Dense Decoder Shortcut Connections for Single-Pass Semantic Segmentation
* Dense Fusion Classmate Network for Land Cover Classification
* Dense Receptive Field for Object Detection
* DenseASPP for Semantic Segmentation in Street Scenes
* Densely Connected Pyramid Dehazing Network
* Densely Connected Single-Shot Detector
* DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Density Adaptive Point Set Registration
* Density-Adaptive Kernel based Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Density-Aware Single Image De-raining Using a Multi-stream Dense Network
* Dependence Models for Searching Text in Document Images
* Dependence of Sea SAR Image Distribution Parameters on Surface Wave Characteristics, The
* Depth and Transient Imaging with Compressive SPAD Array Cameras
* Depth Estimation in Light Field Camera Arrays Based on Multi-Stereo Matching and Belief Propagation
* Depth Image Based View Synthesis with Multiple Reference Views for Virtual Reality
* Depth Masked Discriminative Correlation Filter
* Depth Perception Prediction of 3D Video for Ensuring Advanced Multimedia Services
* Depth Restoration From RGB-D Data via Joint Adaptive Regularization and Thresholding on Manifolds
* Depth-assisted RefineNet for Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Depth-Aware Stereo Video Retargeting
* Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation: From Current Achievements to Future Goals
* Depth-based Subgraph Convolutional Neural Networks
* DepthNet: A Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Monocular Depth Prediction
* Derivation of Three-Dimensional Displacement Vectors from Multi-Temporal Long-Range Terrestrial Laser Scanning at the Reissenschuh Landslide (Tyrol, Austria)
* Design of a Generic Mobile GIS for Professional Users
* Design of a Quadrature 1H/31P Coil Using Bent Dipole Antenna and Four-Channel Loop at 3T MRI
* Design of a Reconfigurable 3D Pixel-Parallel Neuromorphic Architecture for Smart Image Sensor
* Design of Micro Photon Sieve Arrays for High Resolution Light-Field Capture in Plenoptic Cameras
* Despeckling CNN with Ensembles of Classical Outputs
* Despeckling of ultrasound images using directionally decimated wavelet packets with adaptive clustering
* Detach and Adapt: Learning Cross-Domain Disentangled Deep Representation
* Detail Preserving Depth Estimation from a Single Image Using Attention Guided Networks
* Detail-enhanced target segmentation method for thermal video sequences based on spatiotemporal parameter update technique
* Detail-Preserving Pooling in Deep Networks
* Detailed Human Avatars from Monocular Video
* Detect Globally, Refine Locally: A Novel Approach to Saliency Detection
* Detect-and-Track: Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos
* Detecting and Recognizing Human-Object Interactions
* Detecting Disguise Attacks on Multi-spectral Face Recognition Through Spectral Signatures
* Detecting Heads using Feature Refine Net and Cascaded Multi-scale Architecture
* Detecting Phishing Websites and Targets Based on URLs and Webpage Links
* Detecting Presentation Attacks from 3D Face Masks Under Multispectral Imaging
* Detection and Description of the Different Ionospheric Disturbances that Appeared during the Solar Eclipse of 21 August 2017
* Detection and Identification of Remnant PFM-1 'Butterfly Mines' with a UAV-Based Thermal-Imaging Protocol
* Detection and localization of spatially correlated point landmarks in medical images using an automatically learned conditional random field
* Detection of Building and Infrastructure Instabilities by Automatic Spatiotemporal Analysis of Satellite SAR Interferometry Measurements
* Detection of Distracted Driver Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Detection of individual trees in urban alignment from airborne data and contextual information: A marked point process approach
* Detection of vehicle wheels from images using a pseudo-wavelet filter for analysis of congested traffic
* Detection, Localization and Classification of Multiple Mechanized Ocean Vessels over Continental-Shelf Scale Regions with Passive Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing
* Determination of changes in leaf and canopy spectra of plants grown in soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons
* Determining spectral groups to distinguish oil emulsions from Sargassum over the Gulf of Mexico using an airborne imaging spectrometer
* Determining the Mechanisms that Influence the Surface Temperature of Urban Forest Canopies by Combining Remote Sensing Methods, Ground Observations, and Spatial Statistical Models
* Developing a Quality Index Associated with Rain for Hurricane Winds from SAR
* Developing an Ensemble Precipitation Algorithm from Satellite Products and Its Topographical and Seasonal Evaluations Over Pakistan
* Development of a global batch clustering with gradient descent and initial parameters in colour image classification
* Development of License Plate Recognition on Complex Scene with Plate-Style Classification and Confidence Scoring Based on KNN
* Dict Layer: A Structured Dictionary Layer
* Differential Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Digital blind watermarking based on depth variation prediction map and DWT for DIBR free-viewpoint image
* Dimensionality's Blessing: Clustering Images by Underlying Distribution
* Direct Impacts of Climate Change and Indirect Impacts of Non-Climate Change on Land Surface Phenology Variation across Northern China
* Direct pose estimation for planar objects
* Direct Shape Regression Networks for End-to-End Face Alignment
* Direct-Global Separation for Improved Imaging Photoplethysmography
* Directed Graph Evolution from Euler-Lagrange Dynamics
* Directed Sparse Graphical Model for Multi-target Tracking, A
* Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection
* Directional 3D Wavelet Transform Based on Gaussian Mixtures for the Analysis of 3D Ultrasound Ovarian Volumes
* Discernibility Matrix-Based Ensemble Learning
* Discovering Point Lights with Intensity Distance Fields
* Discovering Style Trends Through Deep Visually Aware Latent Item Embeddings
* Discrete Cosine Transform Residual Feature Based Filtering Forgery and Splicing Detection in JPEG Images
* Discrete Spectral Hashing for Efficient Similarity Retrieval
* Discrete stationary wavelet transform based saliency information fusion from frequency and spatial domain in low contrast images
* Discrete-Continuous ADMM for Transductive Inference in Higher-Order MRFs
* Discriminability Objective for Training Descriptive Captions
* Discriminate Cross-modal Quantization for Efficient Retrieval
* Discriminative Collaborative Representation and Its Application to Audio Signal Classification
* Discriminative Latent Visual Space For Zero-Shot Object Classification
* Discriminative Learning of Latent Features for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Disentangled Person Image Generation
* Disentangling 3D Pose in a Dendritic CNN for Unconstrained 2D Face Alignment
* Disentangling Factors of Variation by Mixing Them
* Disentangling Features in 3D Face Shapes for Joint Face Reconstruction and Recognition
* Disentangling Structure and Aesthetics for Style-Aware Image Completion
* Disguised Faces in the Wild
* DisguiseNet: A Contrastive Approach for Disguised Face Verification in the Wild
* Disparity Filtering with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Disparity tuning guided stereoscopic saliency detection for eye fixation prediction
* Displacement Monitoring and Health Evaluation of Two Bridges Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Distort-and-Recover: Color Enhancement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Distributable Consistent Multi-object Matching
* Distributed Consolidation of Highly Incomplete Dynamic Point Clouds Based on Rank Minimization
* Distributed Target Detection Based on the Volume Cross-Correlation Function
* Distributed Video Decoding on Hadoop
* Distribution Sensitive Product Quantization
* Distribution Statistics Preserving Post-Processing Method With Plot Level Uncertainty Analysis for Remotely Sensed Data-Based Forest Inventory Predictions
* DiverseNet: When One Right Answer is not Enough
* Diversified Dual Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks
* Diversity Regularized Spatiotemporal Attention for Video-Based Person Re-identification
* DivGroup: A Diversified Approach to Divide Collection of Patterns into Uniform Groups
* Divide and Conquer for Full-Resolution Light Field Deblurring
* Divide and Grow: Capturing Huge Diversity in Crowd Images with Incrementally Growing CNN
* DIY Human Action Dataset Generation
* Do-It-Yourself Single Camera 3D Pointer Input Device
* Document Enhancement Using Visibility Detection
* Document Image Classification with Intra-Domain Transfer Learning and Stacked Generalization of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Document Images Watermarking for Security Issue using Fully Convolutional Networks
* DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via a Stacked U-Net
* Does A Body Image Tell Age?
* Does Anthropogenic Land Use Change Play a Role in Changes of Precipitation Frequency and Intensity over the Loess Plateau of China?
* Does Sea Surface Temperature Contribute to Determining Range Limits and Expansion of Mangroves in Eastern South America (Brazil)?
* Domain Adaptive Faster R-CNN for Object Detection in the Wild
* Domain Generalization with Adversarial Feature Learning
* Domain Translation with Conditional GANs: from Depth to RGB Face-to-Face
* Don't Just Assume; Look and Answer: Overcoming Priors for Visual Question Answering
* DOTA: A Large-Scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Double Sphere Camera Model, The
* DoubleFusion: Real-Time Capture of Human Performances with Inner Body Shapes from a Single Depth Sensor
* Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
* DPW-SDNet: Dual Pixel-Wavelet Domain Deep CNNs for Soft Decoding of JPEG-Compressed Images
* Drainage ditch extraction from airborne LiDAR point clouds
* Dravidian Language Identification System, A
* Driver Behavior Characteristics Identification Strategies Based on Bionic Intelligent Algorithms
* Driver Distraction Detection using MEL Cepstrum Representation of Galvanic Skin Responses and Convolutional Neural Networks*
* Driver intention based coordinate control of regenerative and plugging braking for electric vehicles with in-wheel PMSMs
* Driving Maneuver Detection via Sequence Learning from Vehicle Signals and Video Images
* Drone-View Building Identification by Cross-View Visual Learning and Relative Spatial Estimation
* DS*: Tighter Lifting-Free Convex Relaxations for Quadratic Matching Problems
* DSR: Direct Self-Rectification for Uncalibrated Dual-Lens Cameras
* Dual Attention Matching Network for Context-Aware Feature Sequence Based Person Re-identification
* Dual Rectified Linear Units (DReLUs): A replacement for tanh activation functions in Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks
* Dual Skipping Networks
* Dual-modality Talking-metrics: 3D Visual-Audio Integrated Behaviometric Cues from Speakers
* Dual-Mode Vehicle Motion Pattern Learning for High Performance Road Traffic Anomaly Detection
* Dual-Resolution U-Net: Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* dual-source approach for 3D human pose estimation from single images, A
* Dual-SVM tracker via Multiple Support Instance and LEVER Strategy
* DUGMA: Dynamic Uncertainty-Based Gaussian Mixture Alignment
* Duplex Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* DVQA: Understanding Data Visualizations via Question Answering
* Dynamic Ensemble Active Learning: A Non-Stationary Bandit with Expert Advice
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Dense Connections
* Dynamic Facial Expression Synthesis Driven by Deformable Semantic Parts
* Dynamic Feature Learning for Partial Face Recognition
* Dynamic Few-Shot Visual Learning Without Forgetting
* DYnamic Fracturing of 3D Models for Real Time Computer Graphics
* Dynamic Graph Generation Network: Generating Relational Knowledge from Diagrams
* Dynamic Learning Rate for Neural Networks: A Fixed-Time Stability Approach
* Dynamic Projected Segmentation Networks For Hand Pose Estimation
* Dynamic Scene Deblurring Using Spatially Variant Recurrent Neural Networks
* Dynamic texture classification using Gumbel mixtures in the complex wavelet domain
* Dynamic Texture Similarity Criterion
* Dynamic Video Segmentation Network
* Dynamic Zoom-in Network for Fast Object Detection in Large Images
* Dynamic-Shape-Prior Guided Snake Model With Application in Visually Tracking Dense Cell Populations, A
* Dynamic-Structured Semantic Propagation Network
* Dynamical stochastic resonance for non-uniform illumination image enhancement
* Dynamically integrated spatiotemporal-based trajectory planning and control for autonomous vehicles
* Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: A Neuroimaging Study with Deep Learning Architectures
* Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy in OCTA Images Based on Local Analysis of Retinal Blood Vessels and Foveal Avascular Zone
* Easy Identification from Better Constraints: Multi-shot Person Re-identification from Reference Constraints
* Edge detection with feature re-extraction deep convolutional neural network
* Edit Probability for Scene Text Recognition
* Editorial for Special Issue Optical Remote Sensing of Boreal Forests
* Effect of Artefact Removal Techniques on EEG Signals for Video Category Classification
* Effect of Ground Truth on Performance Evaluation of Hyperspectral Image Classification, The
* Effect of Size, Shape and Map Background in Cartographic Visualization: Experimental Study on Czech and Chinese Populations
* Effective Content-Aware Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Effective Deep Learning Based Scheme for Network Intrusion Detection, An
* Effective Identification of Terrain Positions from Gridded DEM Data Using Multimodal Classification Integration
* Effects of Continuous Auditory Feedback on Drawing Trajectory-Based Finger Gestures
* Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Nondriving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles, The
* Effects of sampling skewness of the importance-weighted risk estimator on model selection.
* Efficient and Deep Person Re-identification Using Multi-level Similarity
* Efficient and Provable Approach for Mixture Proportion Estimation Using Linear Independence Assumption, An
* Efficient and Safe Vehicle Navigation Based on Driver Behavior Classification
* Efficient Approach for Polyps Detection in Endoscopic Videos Based on Faster R-CNN, An
* Efficient Budget Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Channel Advertising, An
* Efficient coarser-to-fine holistic traffic sign detection for occlusion handling
* Efficient Convolutions for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* Efficient Deep Learning Inference Based on Model Compression
* Efficient Deep Representation Based Framework for Large-Scale Terrain Classification, An
* Efficient Diverse Ensemble for Discriminative Co-tracking
* Efficient edge-preserved sonar image enhancement method based on CVT for object recognition
* Efficient energy-based topological outlier rejection
* Efficient H.264-to-HEVC Transcoding Based on Motion Propagation and Post-Order Traversal of Coding Tree Units
* Efficient Interactive Annotation of Segmentation Datasets with Polygon-RNN++
* Efficient Large-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on OpenCL FPGA
* Efficient Module Based Single Image Super Resolution for Multiple Problems
* Efficient Object Region Discovery for Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
* Efficient Parametrization of Multi-domain Deep Neural Networks
* Efficient Semantic Segmentation Using Gradual Grouping
* Efficient Statistical Face Recognition Using Trigonometric Series and CNN Features
* Efficient Subpixel Refinement with Symbolic Linear Predictors
* Efficient System for Hazy Scene Text Detection using a Deep CNN and Patch-NMS, An
* Efficient Text Classification Using Tree-structured Multi-linear Principal Component Analysis
* Efficient Transport Simulation With Restricted Batch-Mode Active Learning
* Efficient Video Object Segmentation via Network Modulation
* Efficient VR Video Representation and Quality Assessment
* Efficient, Sparse Representation of Manifold Distance Matrices for Classical Scaling
* Egocentric Activity Recognition on a Budget
* Egocentric Basketball Motion Planning from a Single First-Person Image
* Egocentric Shopping Cart Localization
* Elastic Handling of Predictor Phase in Functional Regression Models
* Elephant in the Room: Informality in Tanzania's Rural Waterscape, The
* Elevation-Based Stratification Model for Simulating Land Use Change, An
* Eliminating Background-bias for Robust Person Re-identification
* Em-SLAM: a Fast and Robust Monocular SLAM Method for Embedded Systems
* Embodied Question Answering
* Embodied Question Answering
* EMD-Based Entropy Features for micro-Doppler Mini-UAV Classification
* Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual Attention
* Empirical Study of the Topology and Geometry of Deep Networks
* Empirically Analyzing the Effect of Dataset Biases on Deep Face Recognition Systems
* Encapsulating the Impact of Transfer Learning, Domain Knowledge and Training Strategies in Deep-Learning Based Architecture: A Biometric Based Case Study
* Encoded Texture Features to Characterize Bone Radiograph Images
* Encoding Crowd Interaction with Deep Neural Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Encoding pairwise Hamming distances of Local Binary Patterns for visual smoke recognition
* End-to-End Convolutional Semantic Embeddings
* End-to-End Deep Kronecker-Product Matching for Person Re-identification
* End-to-End Dense Video Captioning with Masked Transformer
* End-to-End Feature Integration for Correlation Filter Tracking With Channel Attention
* End-to-End Flow Correlation Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Attention
* End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor for Pose Invariant 3D Matching
* End-to-End Learning of Motion Representation for Video Understanding
* End-to-end Multi-Modal Multi-Task Vehicle Control for Self-Driving Cars with Visual Perceptions
* End-to-End Neural Network for Multi-line License Plate Recognition, An
* End-to-End Recovery of Human Shape and Pose
* End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention, An
* End-to-end Video-level Representation Learning for Action Recognition
* End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Alignment
* Endoscope Navigation and 3D Reconstruction of Oral Cavity by Visual SLAM with Mitigated Data Scarcity
* Energy-Efficient Train Timetable Optimization in the Subway System with Energy Storage Devices
* Enforcing Co-Expression Within a Brain-Imaging Genomics Regression Framework
* Enhanced multi-dataset transfer learning method for unsupervised person re-identification using co-training strategy
* Enhanced Network Embedding with Text Information
* Enhancement approach for liver lesion diagnosis using unenhanced CT images
* Enhancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Positive Unlabeled Learning
* Enhancing OCR Accuracy with Super Resolution
* Enhancing Pix2Pix for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Stereo Images Using a Parallax Prior
* Enrollee-constrained sparse coding of test data for speaker verification
* Ensemble classifier for driver's fatigue detection based on a single EEG channel
* Ensemble Reversible Data Hiding
* Ensemble SW image steganalysis: A low dimension method for LSBR detection
* Environment Upgrade Reinforcement Learning for Non-differentiable Multi-stage Pipelines
* EOE: Expected Overlap Estimation over Unstructured Point Cloud Data
* EPINET: A Fully-Convolutional Neural Network Using Epipolar Geometry for Depth from Light Field Images
* Erase or Fill? Deep Joint Recurrent Rain Removal and Reconstruction in Videos
* Error Correction for Dense Semantic Image Labeling
* Error Source Analysis and Correction of GF-3 Polarimetric Data
* Error-tolerant graph matching using node contraction
* ESPReSSo: Efficient Slanted PatchMatch for Real-Time Spacetime Stereo
* Establishment and Evaluation of a New Meteorological Observation-Based Grid Model for Estimating Zenith Wet Delay in Ground-Based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
* Estimating Attention of Faces Due to its Growing Level of Emotions
* Estimating Calibration Variability in Evapotranspiration Derived from a Satellite-Based Energy Balance Model
* Estimating Changes in Leaf Area, Leaf Area Density, and Vertical Leaf Area Profile for Mango, Avocado, and Macadamia Tree Crowns Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Estimating Evapotranspiration in a Post-Fire Environment Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* Estimating forest structural attributes using UAV-LiDAR data in Ginkgo plantations
* Estimating Inefficiency in Bus Trip Choices From a User Perspective With Schedule, Positioning, and Ticketing Data
* Estimating Prediction Qualities without Ground Truth: A Revisit of the Reverse Testing Framework
* Estimating the Number of Soccer Players Using Simulation-Based Occlusion Handling
* Estimating Tree Position, Diameter at Breast Height, and Tree Height in Real-Time Using a Mobile Phone with RGB-D SLAM
* Estimation of Camera Locations in Highly Corrupted Scenarios: All About that Base, No Shape Trouble
* Estimation of Center of Mass for Sports Scene Using Weighted Visual Hull
* Estimation of Hourly Link Population and Flow Directions from Mobile CDR
* Estimation of Sperm Concentration and Total Motility from Microscopic Videos of Human Semen Samples
* Evaluating attributed personality traits from scene perception probability
* Evaluating Carbon Sequestration and PM2.5 Removal of Urban Street Trees Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Evaluation of a Visual-Tactile Multimodal Display for Surface Obstacle Avoidance During Walking
* Evaluation of Collection-6 MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product Using Multi-Year Ground Measurements in an Arid Area of Northwest China
* Evaluation of Deep CNN Baselines for Scene-Independent Person Re-identification, An
* Evaluation of Sensor and Environmental Factors Impacting the Use of Multiple Sensor Data for Time-Series Applications
* Evaluation of Spatial Generalization Characteristics of a Robust Classifier as Applied to Coral Reef Habitats in Remote Islands of the Pacific Ocean
* Evaluation of Spectral Indices for Assessing Fire Severity in Australian Temperate Forests
* Evaluation of the AVHRR DeepBlue aerosol optical depth dataset over mainland China
* Evaluation of the SPARSE Dual-Source Model for Predicting Water Stress and Evapotranspiration from Thermal Infrared Data over Multiple Crops and Climates
* Evaluation of User Performance in Interactive and Static 3D Maps
* Event-Based Vision Meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-Driving Cars
* Every Smile is Unique: Landmark-Guided Diverse Smile Generation
* Evolving rule-based classifiers with genetic programming on GPUs for drifting data streams
* Exact Legendre-Fourier moments in improved polar pixels configuration for image analysis
* Excitation Backprop for RNNs
* Exemplar-based Cascaded Stacked Auto-Encoder Networks for robust face alignment
* exocentric look at egocentric actions and vice versa, An
* Expected Hypervolume Improvement with Constraints
* Expert Evaluation of a Novel Light-Field Visualization Format
* Explain Black-box Image Classifications Using Superpixel-based Interpretation
* Explicit Loss-Error-Aware Quantization for Low-Bit Deep Neural Networks
* Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-identification by Stepwise Learning
* Exploiting SAR Tomography for Supervised Land-Cover Classification
* Exploiting Symmetries of Distributions in CNNs and Folded Coding
* Exploiting Transitivity for Learning Person Re-identification Models on a Budget
* Exploration in Mapping Kernel-Based Home Range Models from Remote Sensing Imagery with Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Exploring Discriminative HMM States for Improved Recognition of Online Handwriting
* Exploring Disentangled Feature Representation Beyond Face Identification
* Exploring the Congestion Pattern at Long-Queued Tunnel Sag and Increasing the Efficiency by Control
* Exploring the Feasibility of Face Video Based Instantaneous Heart-Rate for Micro-Expression Spotting
* Exploring the potential of Rayleigh-corrected reflectance in coastal and inland water applications: A simple aerosol correction method and its merits
* Extended Morphological Profile-based Gabor Wavelets for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Extended YouTube Faces: A Dataset for Heterogeneous Open-Set Face Identification
* extension of kernel learning methods using a modified Log-Euclidean distance for fast and accurate skeleton-based Human Action Recognition, An
* Extension of Phase Correlation-Based Image Registration to Estimate Similarity Transform Using Multiple Polar Fourier Transform, An
* Extensive Study of Cycle-Consistent Generative Networks for Image-to-Image Translation, An
* Extracting Individual Bricks from a Laser Scan Point Cloud of an Unorganized Pile of Bricks
* Extraction of PRNU noise from partly decoded video
* Extreme 3D Face Reconstruction: Seeing Through Occlusions
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration of Display-Camera System with Cornea Reflections
* Eye blink completeness detection
* Eye in the Sky: Real-Time Drone Surveillance System (DSS) for Violent Individuals Identification Using ScatterNet Hybrid Deep Learning Network
* Eye In-painting with Exemplar Generative Adversarial Networks
* Eye on the Sky: An Upward-Looking Monocular Teach-and-Repeat System for Indoor Environments
* Face Aging with Identity-Preserved Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Face Aging with Improved Invertible Conditional GANs
* Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution
* Face Anti-Spoofing with Multi-Scale Information
* Face Image Illumination Processing Based on Generative Adversarial Nets
* Face Image Super-Resolution via K-NN Regularized Collaborative Representation with Importance Reweighting
* Face Recognition for Newborns, Toddlers, and Pre-School Children: A Deep Learning Approach
* Face Template Protection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Face Verification with Disguise Variations via Deep Disguise Recognizer
* Face-to-Face Neural Conversation Model, A
* FaceID-GAN: Learning a Symmetry Three-Player GAN for Identity-Preserving Face Synthesis
* Facelet-Bank for Fast Portrait Manipulation
* FaceLiveNet: End-to-End Networks Combining Face Verification with Interactive Facial Expression-Based Liveness Detection
* Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation Enhanced Through Label Dependencies
* Facial Attribute Editing by Latent Space Adversarial Variational Autoencoders
* Facial Expression Recognition by De-expression Residue Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-Scale CNN with Regularized Center Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition for Different Pose Faces Based on Special Landmark Detection
* Facial expression video analysis for depression detection in Chinese patients
* FACSCaps: Pose-Independent Facial Action Coding with Capsules
* Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a 3D Scene
* Factorization based structure from motion with object priors
* Falling Things: A Synthetic Dataset for 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* fast algorithm for integrating connected-component labeling and euler number computation, A
* Fast and accurate compressed sensing model in magnetic resonance imaging with median filter and split Bregman method
* Fast and Accurate Online Video Object Segmentation via Tracking Parts
* Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution via Information Distillation Network
* Fast and Furious: Real Time End-to-End 3D Detection, Tracking and Motion Forecasting with a Single Convolutional Net
* Fast and Robust Estimation for Unit-Norm Constrained Linear Fitting Problems
* fast and robust homography scheme for real-time planar target detection, A
* Fast and Robust Pose Estimation Algorithm for Bin Picking Using Point Pair Feature
* Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Understanding Urban Mobility
* Fast Atmospheric Correction Method for Hyperspectral Data
* Fast automatic estimation of the number of clusters from the minimum inter-center distance for k-means clustering
* fast Cascade Shape Regression Method based on CNN-based Initialization, A
* Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast codebook design method for image vector quantisation
* Fast Descriptor Extraction for Contextless 3D Registration Using a Fully Convolutional Network
* Fast detection and segmentation of partial image blur based on discrete Walsh-Hadamard transform
* Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter
* Fast High-Dimensional Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering
* Fast Integer Motion Estimation With Bottom-Up Motion Vector Prediction for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast inter-frame prediction in multi-view video coding based on perceptual distortion threshold model
* Fast Local Analysis by Thresholding applied to image matching, A
* Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles Using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations
* Fast Motion Deblurring for Feature Detection and Matching Using Inertial Measurements
* Fast Occlusion Filling Method for Multiview Video Generation
* Fast Resection-Intersection Method for the Known Rotation Problem, A
* Fast Single Image Dehazing via Positive Correlation
* Fast single shot multibox detector and its application on vehicle counting system
* Fast Skin Lesion Segmentation via Fully Convolutional Network with Residual Architecture and CRF
* Fast Spectral Ranking for Similarity Search
* Fast Unsynchronized Unstructured Light
* Fast Uyghur Text Detector for Complex Background Images, A
* Fast Video Object Segmentation by Reference-Guided Mask Propagation
* fast video super resolution for facial image, A
* FastSME: Faster and Smoother Manifold Extraction from 3D Stack
* FCM Approach of Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures with a-Cut for Handling Mixed Pixels
* FeaStNet: Feature-Steered Graph Convolutions for 3D Shape Analysis
* FEATS: Synthetic Feature Tracks for Structure from Motion Evaluation
* Feature Extraction and Grain Segmentation of Sandstone Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning
* Feature Mapping for Learning Fast and Accurate 3D Pose Inference from Synthetic Images
* Feature Pyramid Network for Multi-class Land Segmentation
* Feature Quantization for Defending Against Distortion of Images
* Feature Selection Ensemble for Symbolic Data Classification with AHP
* Feature Selective Networks for Object Detection
* Feature Space Transfer for Data Augmentation
* Feature Super-Resolution: Make Machine See More Clearly
* Feature-Fusion HALS-based Algorithm for Linked CP Decomposition Model in Application to Joint EMG/MMG Signal Classification
* Features for Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking and Re-identification
* Feedback-Prop: Convolutional Neural Network Inference Under Partial Evidence
* Feeling the Shape: Active Exploration Behaviors for Object Recognition With a Robotic Hand
* Few-Shot Image Recognition by Predicting Parameters from Activations
* FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning
* Fight Ill-Posedness with Ill-Posedness: Single-shot Variational Depth Super-Resolution from Shading
* FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells With Growing and Branching Filopodia
* Find it! Fraud Detection Contest Report
* Finding Beans in Burgers: Deep Semantic-Visual Embedding with Localization
* Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Grounding in Instructional Videos
* Finding Tiny Faces in the Wild with Generative Adversarial Network
* Finding Widespread Events with Simple Bitmaps
* Finding your Lookalike: Measuring Face Similarity Rather than Face Identity
* Fine-Grained Activity Recognition in Baseball Videos
* Fine-Grained Age Group Classification in the wild
* Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints
* Fine-Grained Quality Assessment for Compressed Images
* Fine-grained recognition of maritime vessels and land vehicles by deep feature embedding
* Fine-Grained Video Captioning for Sports Narrative
* Fine-grained Video Retrieval using Query Phrases: Waseda_Meisei TRECVID 2017 AVS System
* Fine-Level Semantic Labeling of Large-Scale 3D Model by Active Learning
* First-Person Hand Action Benchmark with RGB-D Videos and 3D Hand Pose Annotations
* Fish Detection from Low Visibility Underwater Videos
* Five-Point Fundamental Matrix Estimation for Uncalibrated Cameras
* Flexible and Discriminative Non-linear Embedding with Feature Selection for Image Classification
* Flexible Rotation Invariant Bases from Orthogonal Moments
* FLIPDIAL: A Generative Model for Two-Way Visual Dialogue
* Flow Guided Recurrent Neural Encoder for Video Salient Object Detection
* Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Focus Manipulation Detection via Photometric Histogram Analysis
* Focus on Scene Text Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Focusing on What is Relevant: Time-Series Learning and Understanding using Attention
* FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deformation
* Fooling Vision and Language Models Despite Localization and Attention Mechanism
* Force Myography Based Novel Strategy for Locomotion Classification
* Foreground Enlargement of Omnidirectional Images by Spherical Trigonometry
* Forest Cover and Vegetation Degradation Detection in the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area Using BFAST Monitor
* Forgery Detection in 3D-Sensor Images
* Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Snow Using SnowSAR Data
* FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network
* Four- and Seven-Point Relative Camera Pose from Oriented Features
* Fourier coefficients and moments of piecewise-circular curves
* Fourier Transform based Features for Clean and Polluted Water Image Classification
* FPGA implementation for real-time edge detection, An
* Fractional crow search-based support vector neural network for patient classification and severity analysis of tuberculosis
* Frame-Recurrent Video Super-Resolution
* framework for computationally efficient video quality assessment, A
* framework for SAR-optical stereogrammetry over urban areas, A
* Free Space, Visible and Missing Lane Marker Estimation using the PsiNet and Extra Trees Regression
* Free Supervision from Video Games
* FReLU: Flexible Rectified Linear Units for Improving Convolutional Neural Networks
* Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cartesian Coordinate and Subregion Range Migration Correction for High-Squint SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms, A
* From Apparent to Real Age: Gender, Age, Ethnic, Makeup, and Expression Bias Analysis in Real Age Estimation
* From Geometric-Optical Remote Sensing Modeling to Quantitative Remote Sensing Science: In Memory of Academician Xiaowen Li
* From Global Goals to Local Gains: A Framework for Crop Water Productivity
* From Images to 3D Shape Attributes
* From Lifestyle VLOGs to Everyday Interactions
* From Source to Target and Back: Symmetric Bi-Directional Adaptive GAN
* From Text to Video: Exploiting Mid-Level Semantics for Large-Scale Video Classification
* Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data
* FSRNet: End-to-End Learning Face Super-Resolution with Facial Priors
* Full Level-of-Detail Specification for 3D Building Models Combining Indoor and Outdoor Scenes, A
* Fully Automated Approach to Extract and Assess Road Cross Sections From Mobile LiDAR Data, A
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of the Left Ventricle Using Multi-Scale Fusion Learning
* Fully Convolutional Adaptation Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Fully Convolutional Network and Graph-Based Method for Co-Segmentation of Retinal Layer on Macular OCT Images
* Fully Convolutional Network for Automatic Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery
* Fully Convolutional Network for Head Detection with Depth Images
* Fully Convolutional Network for Multiscale Temporal Action Proposals
* Fully convolutional neural networks for prostate cancer detection using multi-parametric magnetic resonance images: an initial investigation
* Fully End-to-End Learning Based Conditional Boundary Equilibrium GAN with Receptive Field Sizes Enlarged for Single Ultra-High Resolution Image Dehazing
* Fully Progressive Approach to Single-Image Super-Resolution, A
* Fully-Automatic Camera-Based Pulse-Oximetry During Sleep
* Functional Map of the World
* Fused Text Segmentation Networks for Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection
* Fusing Crowd Density Maps and Visual Object Trackers for People Tracking in Crowd Scenes
* Fusing Heterogeneous Data: A Case for Remote Sensing and Social Media
* Fusing Visual Saliency for Material Recognition
* Fusion of Handcrafted and Deep Learning Features for Large-Scale Multiple Iris Presentation Attack Detection
* Fusion of Head and Full-Body Detectors for Multi-object Tracking
* Fusion Strategy for the Single Shot Text Detector, A
* Fusion++: Volumetric Object-Level SLAM
* Fusion-Attention Network for person search with free-form natural language
* Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection - A New Baseline
* Future Person Localization in First-Person Videos
* fuzzy neural network approach for automatic K-complex detection in sleep EEG signal, A
* FV-Net: learning a finger-vein feature representation based on a CNN
* GAGAN: Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks
* Gait Recognition by Deformable Registration
* GaitGANv2: Invariant gait feature extraction using generative adversarial networks
* Game-Theoretic Electric Vehicle Charging Management Resilient to Non-Ideal User Behavior
* Game-Theoretic Hyper-Graph Matching Algorithm, A
* GANerated Hands for Real-Time 3D Hand Tracking from Monocular RGB
* Gated Fusion Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Gaussian Markov Random Field Priors in Ionospheric 3-D Multi-Instrument Tomography
* Gaussian process approach for metric learning
* Gaze Prediction in Dynamic 360° Immersive Videos
* Gaze Selection for Enhanced Visual Odometry During Navigation
* Gaze-Aided Eye Detection via Appearance Learning
* Gaze-Sensitive Virtual Reality Based Social Communication Platform for Individuals with Autism
* Gender recognition from face images using trainable shape and color features
* Generalized Continuous Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar for High Resolution and Wide Swath Remote Sensing
* Generalized Fisher Discriminant Analysis as A Dimensionality Reduction Technique
* Generalized Hadamard-Product Fusion Operators for Visual Question Answering
* Generalized Hierarchical Model-Based Estimation for Aboveground Biomass Assessment Using GEDI and Landsat Data
* Generalized Variability Model for Speaker Verification
* Generalized Zero-Shot Learning via Synthesized Examples
* Generate to Adapt: Aligning Domains Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Generating a Fusion Image: One's Identity and Another's Shape
* Generating Adversarial Examples With Conditional Generative Adversarial Net
* Generating Facial Line-drawing with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Generating high quality pan-shots from motion blurred videos
* Generating Image Sequence from Description with LSTM Conditional GAN
* Generating Mesh-based Shapes From Learned Latent Spaces of Point Clouds with VAE-GAN
* Generating Synthetic X-Ray Images of a Person from the Surface Geometry
* Generating Visible Spectrum Images from Thermal Infrared
* Generation of High Resolution Vegetation Productivity from a Downscaling Method
* Generation Textured Contact Lenses Iris Images Based on 4DCycle-GAN
* Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning from Noisy Texts, A
* Generative Adversarial Frontal View to Bird View Synthesis
* Generative Adversarial Image Synthesis with Decision Tree Latent Controller
* Generative Adversarial Learning Towards Fast Weakly Supervised Detection
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Depth Map Estimation from RGB Video
* Generative Adversarial Perturbations
* Generative Adversarial Style Transfer Networks for Face Aging
* Generative Band Feature Enhancement for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention
* Generative Model for Zero Shot Learning Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders, A
* Generative Modeling Using the Sliced Wasserstein Distance
* Generic Axiomatic Characterization for Measuring Influence in Social Networks, A
* Generic calibration of cameras with non-parallel optical elements
* Generic spatial-color metric for scale-space processing of catadioptric images
* GenLR-Net: Deep Framework for Very Low Resolution Face and Object Recognition with Generalization to Unseen Categories
* GEOBIA Approach for Multitemporal Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Analysis in a Tropical Watershed in the Southeastern Amazon, A
* Geodesic Discriminant Analysis for Manifold-Valued Data
* Geometric Consistency for Self-Supervised End-to-End Visual Odometry
* Geometric discriminative deep features for traffic image analysis
* Geometric Multi-model Fitting with a Convex Relaxation Algorithm
* Geometric Robustness of Deep Networks: Analysis and Improvement
* Geometry Aware Constrained Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
* Geometry Guided Convolutional Neural Networks for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Geometry-Aware Deep Network for Single-Image Novel View Synthesis
* Geometry-Aware Learning of Maps for Camera Localization
* Geometry-Aware Network for Non-rigid Shape Prediction from a Single View
* Geometry-Aware Scene Text Detection with Instance Transformation Network
* Geometry-Aware Traffic Flow Analysis by Detection and Tracking
* GeoNet: Geometric Neural Network for Joint Depth and Surface Normal Estimation
* GeoNet: Unsupervised Learning of Dense Depth, Optical Flow and Camera Pose
* Gesture Recognition: Focus on the Hands
* Getting Rid of Night: Thermal Image Classification Based on Feature Fusion
* Getting to know low-light images with the Exclusively Dark dataset
* GiB: A Game Theory Inspired Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images
* Gibson Env: Real-World Perception for Embodied Agents
* Glimpse Clouds: Human Activity Recognition from Unstructured Feature Points
* Global and Local Consistent Age Generative Adversarial Networks
* Global Context Encoding for Salient Objects Detection
* Global Contrast Enhancement Detection via Deep Multi-Path Network
* Global Pose Estimation with an Attention-Based Recurrent Network
* Global Versus Localized Generative Adversarial Nets
* Globally Optimal Inlier Set Maximization for Atlanta Frame Estimation
* GNSS Time Synchronization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Benefits and Feasibility
* Going from Image to Video Saliency: Augmenting Image Salience with Dynamic Attentional Push
* Good View Hunting: Learning Photo Composition from Dense View Pairs
* GP-GAN: Gender Preserving GAN for Synthesizing Faces from Landmarks
* GPS-data-driven dynamic destination prediction for on-demand one-way carsharing system
* GPU Based Video Object Tracking on PTZ Cameras
* GPVC: Graphics Pipeline-Based Visibility Classification for Texture Reconstruction
* Grab, Pay, and Eat: Semantic Food Detection for Smart Restaurants
* GrabCut algorithm for dental X-ray images based on full threshold segmentation
* Grading Prenatal Hydronephrosis from Ultrasound Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Graph based over-segmentation methods for 3D point clouds
* Graph Edit Distance Testing through Synthetic Graphs Generation
* Graph Embedding-Based Ensemble Learning for Image Clustering
* Graph Memory Networks for Molecular Activity Prediction
* Graph regularized multiview marginal discriminant projection
* Graph-based Approach for Static Ensemble Selection in Remote Sensing Image Analysis, A
* Graph-Based Blind Image Deblurring From a Single Photograph
* Graph-Based Joint Dequantization and Contrast Enhancement of Poorly Lit JPEG Images
* Graph-based Semi-supervised Classification with CRF and RNN
* Graph-Cut RANSAC
* Graph@FIT Submission to the NVIDIA AI City Challenge 2018
* GraphBit: Bitwise Interaction Mining via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Greenhouse Crop Identification from Multi-Temporal Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery Using Object-Based Approach: A Case Study from Almería (Spain)
* Ground and Multi-Class Classification of Airborne Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Grounding Referring Expressions in Images by Variational Context
* Group Consistent Similarity Learning via Deep CRF for Person Re-identification
* GroupCap: Group-Based Image Captioning with Structured Relevance and Diversity Constraints
* Grouped Multi-Task CNN for Facial Attribute Recognition
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Knowledge Discovery From Mobility Data for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guide Me: Interacting with Deep Networks
* Guided Proofreading of Automatic Segmentations for Connectomics
* GVCNN: Group-View Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition
* H-DenseUNet: Hybrid Densely Connected UNet for Liver and Tumor Segmentation From CT Volumes
* Hallucinated-IQA: No-Reference Image Quality Assessment via Adversarial Learning
* Hallucinating Dense Optical Flow from Sparse Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles
* Hand PointNet: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Point Sets
* Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep Encoder-Decoder Network
* Handwritten Devanagari Similar Character Recognition by Fisher Linear Discriminant and Pairwise Classification
* Handwritten Digit String Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
* HandyNet: A One-stop Solution to Detect, Segment, Localize & Analyze Driver Hands
* Hard Example Mining with Auxiliary Embeddings
* Hard Zero Shot Learning for Gesture Recognition
* Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-identification
* HashGAN: Deep Learning to Hash with Pair Conditional Wasserstein GAN
* Hashing as Tie-Aware Learning to Rank
* HATS: Histograms of Averaged Time Surfaces for Robust Event-Based Object Classification
* Hazard Implications of the 2016 Mw 5.0 Cushing, OK Earthquake from a Joint Analysis of Damage and InSAR Data
* HCLR: A hybrid clustering and low-rank regularization-based method for photon-limited image restoration
* HDR video quality assessment: Perceptual evaluation of compressed HDR video
* Head and Body Orientation Estimation Using Convolutional Random Projection Forests
* Heterogeneous image change detection using Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Heterogeneous multi-output classification by structured conditional risk minimization
* Hexagonal Grid based triangulated feature descriptor for shape retrieval
* Hidden Markov model and driver path preference for floating car trajectory map matching
* Hierarchical CNN-based real-time fatigue detection system by visual-based technologies using MSP model
* Hierarchical coherency sensitive hashing and interpolation with RANSAC for large displacement optical flow
* Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-batch Selection Method for Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection, A
* Hierarchical Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding for Static Signature Verification
* Hierarchical ensemble of Extreme Learning Machine
* Hierarchical Feature Map Characterization in Fashion Interpretation
* Hierarchical Generative Model for Eye Image Synthesis and Eye Gaze Estimation, A
* Hierarchical Network for Facial Palsy Detection
* Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Visual Object Recognition
* Hierarchical Recurrent Attention Networks for Structured Online Maps
* High Performance Visual Tracking with Siamese Region Proposal Network
* High variation removal for background subtraction in traffic surveillance systems
* High-Definition Road-Network Model for Self-Driving Vehicles, A
* High-density stereo image matching using intrinsic curves
* High-Order Tensor Regularization with Application to Attribute Ranking
* High-Quality and Memory-Efficient Volumetric Integration of Depth Maps Using Plane Priors
* High-Quality Denoising Dataset for Smartphone Cameras, A
* High-Quality Facial Keypoints Matching with Motion Smoothness Constraint and 3D Model Constraint
* High-Resolution Image Dehazing with Respect to Training Losses and Receptive Field Sizes
* High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs
* High-Resolution X-Ray Phase-Contrast 3-D Imaging of Breast Tissue Specimens as a Possible Adjunct to Histopathology
* High-Speed Tracking with Multi-kernel Correlation Filters
* High-Throughput Phenotyping of Crop Water Use Efficiency via Multispectral Drone Imagery and a Daily Soil Water Balance Model
* Highway Network Block with Gates Constraints for Training Very Deep Networks
* Historical document image binarization using background estimation and energy minimization
* Holistic Framework for Addressing the World Using Machine Learning, A
* How do Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Design?
* How Far Can Consumer-Grade UAV RGB Imagery Describe Crop Production? A 3D and Multitemporal Modeling Approach Applied to Zea mays
* HP-GAN: Probabilistic 3D Human Motion Prediction via GAN
* HSA-RNN: Hierarchical Structure-Adaptive RNN for Video Summarization
* HSCNN+: Advanced CNN-Based Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images
* HSF-Net: Multiscale Deep Feature Embedding for Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* HSW: Heuristic Shrink-wrapping for automatically repairing solid-based CityGML LOD2 building models
* Human Action Adverb Recognition: ADHA Dataset and a Three-Stream Hybrid Model
* Human Activity Recognition Based On Convolutional Neural Network
* Human Appearance Transfer
* Human Gait Recognition with Micro-Doppler Radar and Deep Autoencoder
* Human Perceptions of Sensitive Content in Photos
* Human Pose as Calibration Pattern: 3D Human Pose Estimation with Multiple Unsynchronized and Uncalibrated Cameras
* Human Pose Estimation with Parsing Induced Learner
* Human Routine Change Detection using Bayesian Modelling
* Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
* Human-Centric Indoor Scene Synthesis Using Stochastic Grammar
* Human-Centric Scene Understanding from Single View 360 Video
* Hybrid 3D Surface Description with Global Frames and Local Signatures of Histograms
* Hybrid Camera Array-Based UAV Auto-Landing on Moving UGV in GPS-Denied Environment
* Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation
* Hybrid Deep Architecture for Robust Recognition of Text Lines of Degraded Printed Documents, A
* Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
* Hybrid Framework for Tumor Saliency Estimation, A
* Hybrid Gabor Convolutional Networks
* Hybrid L1-L0 Layer Decomposition Model for Tone Mapping, A
* Hybrid Path Planner for Efficient Navigation in Urban Road Networks through Analysis of Trajectory Traces
* Hybrid segmentation method based on multi-scale Gaussian kernel fuzzy clustering with spatial bias correction and region-scalable fitting for breast US images
* Hybrid Skeleton Driven Surface Registration for Temporally Consistent Volumetric Video
* Hybrid Sparse Subspace Clustering for Visual Tracking
* Hybrid User-Independent and User-Dependent Offline Signature Verification with a Two-Channel CNN
* HybridNet: A fast vehicle detection system for autonomous driving
* HydraNets: Specialized Dynamic Architectures for Efficient Inference
* HyperFace: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, Pose Estimation, and Gender Recognition
* Hyperparameter Optimization for Tracking with Continuous Deep Q-Learning
* Hyperspectral anomalous change detection based on joint sparse representation
* Hyperspectral image compression based on simultaneous sparse representation and general-pixels
* HyperStackNet: A Hyper Stacked Hourglass Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Joint Player and Stick Pose Estimation in Hockey
* I Know How You Feel: Emotion Recognition with Facial Landmarks
* IAN: The Individual Aggregation Network for Person Search
* ICE-BA: Incremental, Consistent and Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Visual-Inertial SLAM
* ICP with Depth Compensation for Calibration of Multiple TOF Sensors
* ICPR2018 Contest on Object Detection in Aerial Images (ODAI-18)
* ICPR2018 Contest on Robust Reading for Multi-Type Web Images
* iCushion: A Pressure Map Algorithm for High Accuracy Human Identification
* Identification of ASD Children based on Video Data
* Identification of Hypertension by Mining Class Association Rules from Multi-dimensional Features
* Identifying Collapsed Buildings Using Post-Earthquake Satellite Imagery and Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
* Identifying Emotions from Non-Contact Gaits Information Based on Microsoft Kinects
* Identifying Tree-Related Microhabitats in TLS Point Clouds Using Machine Learning
* Identity Aware Synthesis for Cross Resolution Face Recognition
* IFQ-Net: Integrated Fixed-Point Quantization Networks for Embedded Vision
* Illuminant Spectra-Based Source Separation Using Flash Photography
* Im2Flow: Motion Hallucination from Static Images for Action Recognition
* Im2Pano3D: Extrapolating 360° Structure and Semantics Beyond the Field of View
* Im2Struct: Recovering 3D Shape Structure from a Single RGB Image
* Image annotation: Then and now
* Image Blind Denoising with Generative Adversarial Network Based Noise Modeling
* Image Caption Generation with Hierarchical Contextual Visual Spatial Attention
* Image Captioning using Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning
* Image Collection Pop-up: 3D Reconstruction and Clustering of Rigid and Non-rigid Categories
* Image Correction via Deep Reciprocating HDR Transformation
* Image deformation based on contour using moving integral least squares
* Image Dehazing by Joint Estimation of Transmittance and Airlight Using Bi-Directional Consistency Loss Minimized FCN
* Image dehazing using Moore neighborhood-based gradient profile prior
* Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
* Image Exploration Procedure Classification with Spike-timing Neural Network for the Blind
* Image Generation from Scene Graphs
* Image Rain Removal algorithm based on the depth of field and sparse coding, An
* Image Reconstruction Combined With Interference Removal Using a Mixed-Domain Proximal Operator
* Image Restoration by Estimating Frequency Distribution of Local Patches
* Image Restoration by Iterative Denoising and Backward Projections
* Image segmentation algorithm based on geometric flow Bandelets transformation particle replanting
* Image Segmentation by Deep Learning of Disjunctive Normal Shape Model Shape Representation
* Image segmentation framework based on optimal multi-method fusion
* Image Super-Resolution via Dual-State Recurrent Networks
* Image Super-Resolution via Progressive Cascading Residual Network
* Image to Image Translation for Domain Adaptation
* Image-based Air Pollution Estimation Using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network
* Image-Based Approach for 3D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes Using Architectural Symmetries, An
* Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification
* impact of dataset selection on land degradation assessment, The
* Impact of Dielectric Changes on L-Band 3-D SAR Reflectivity Profiles of Forest Volumes
* Impact of lossy data compression techniques on EEG-based pattern recognition systems
* Impact of the Elevation Angle on CYGNSS GNSS-R Bistatic Reflectivity as a Function of Effective Surface Roughness over Land Surfaces
* Impacts of Climate and Supraglacial Lakes on the Surface Velocity of Baltoro Glacier from 1992 to 2017
* Impaired Water Hazard Zones: Mapping Intersecting Environmental Health Vulnerabilities and Polluter Disproportionality
* Impairing Factors in Remote-PPG Pulse Transit Time Measurements on the Face
* Implementation of the Exposure Fusion Algorithm, An
* Implementing a Robust Explanatory Bias in a Person Re-identification Network
* Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks
* Importance of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Variables for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of African Citrus Triozid (Trioza erytreae) in Kenya
* Importance Weighted Adversarial Nets for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Improve Word Mover's Distance with Part-of-Speech Tagging
* Improved Algorithm for Discriminating Soil Freezing and Thawing Using AMSR-E and AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products, An
* Improved approach for time-based taxi trajectory planning towards conflict-free, efficient and fluent airport ground movement
* Improved Correlation Filter Tracking with Hard Negative Mining
* Improved dual-mode compressive tracking integrating balanced colour and texture features
* Improved Efficiency on Adaptive Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression Using Range-Adjusting Scheme, Increasingly Adjusting Step, and Mutual-Learning Scheme
* Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy Images with Unsupervised Thresholding and Supervised U-net Techniques
* Improved Framework of Affine Motion Compensation in Video Coding, An
* Improved Fusion of Visual and Language Representations by Dense Symmetric Co-attention for Visual Question Answering
* Improved Image-Based Localization Using SFM and Modified Coordinate System Transfer
* Improved Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks with Shifted Exponential Linear Units (ShELUs)
* Improved Lossy Image Compression with Priming and Spatially Adaptive Bit Rates for Recurrent Networks
* improved progressive morphological filter for UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds in river bank monitoring, An
* Improved Robust Discriminant Analysis for Feature Extraction
* Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Column Density via Updating of Air Mass Factor (AMF): Case Study of Southern China
* Improved Self-Representation Approach for Missing Value Imputation, An
* Improvement of global motion estimation in two-dimensional digital video stabilisation methods
* Improvements to Context Based Self-Supervised Learning
* Improving Color Reproduction Accuracy on Cameras
* Improving Image Classification Performance with Automatically Hierarchical Label Clustering
* Improving Land Cover Classifications with Multiangular Data: MISR Data in Mainland Spain
* Improving Landmark Localization with Semi-Supervised Learning
* Improving Object Localization with Fitness NMS and Bounded IoU Loss
* Improving Occlusion and Hard Negative Handling for Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors
* Improving Optimum-Path Forest Classification Using Unsupervised Manifold Learning
* Improving the Accuracy of Rain Rate Estimates Using X-Band Phased-Array Weather Radar Network
* Improving the Estimation of Sinusoidal Frequencies and Direction-of-Arrival Using Line Spectral Frequencies
* Improving the Reliability of Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering Remote Sensing Classification Results Using Supervised Learning Algorithms and Cross-Validation
* Improving the Seasonal Representation of ASCAT Soil Moisture and Vegetation Dynamics in a Temperate Climate
* Improving Viseme Recognition Using GAN-Based Frontal View Mapping
* IMU-Based Robust Human Activity Recognition using Feature Analysis, Extraction, and Reduction
* In Defense of Classical Image Processing: Fast Depth Completion on the CPU
* In Situ Demonstration of a Passive Radio Sounding Approach Using the Sun for Echo Detection
* In-place Activated BatchNorm for Memory-Optimized Training of DNNs
* In2I: Unsupervised Multi-Image-to-Image Translation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
* Inception Donut Convolution for Top-down Semantic Segmentation
* Incorporating high-level and low-level cues for pain intensity estimation
* Incorporating Touch Biometrics to Mobile One-Time Passwords: Exploration of Digits
* Increasing Video Saliency Model Generalizability by Training for Smooth Pursuit Prediction
* Incremental 3D Line Segment Extraction from Semi-dense SLAM
* Incremental Kernel Null Foley-Sammon Transform for Person Re-identification
* Incremental Multi-view Active Learning Algorithm for PolSAR Data Classification, An
* Independently Recurrent Neural Network (IndRNN): Building A Longer and Deeper RNN
* Indoor Localization in Dynamic Human Environments Using Visual Odometry and Global Pose Refinement
* Indoor RGB-D Compass from a Single Line and Plane
* Indoor Scene Layout Estimation from a Single Image
* Inertia-Constrained Pixel-by-Pixel Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation: A Hyperspectral Unmixing Method Dealing with Intra-Class Variability
* Inference in Higher Order MRF-MAP Problems with Small and Large Cliques
* Inferring Light Fields from Shadows
* Inferring Semantic Layout for Hierarchical Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Inferring Shared Attention in Social Scene Videos
* Influence of emotion and cognitive demand on frame effect in crisis decision-making
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion using a Deep Learning Framework
* Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Rank Approximation Minimization Joint L_2,1 Norm
* InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis
* Input-output finite-region stability and stabilization for discrete the 2-D Roesser model
* Instance Embedding Transfer to Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Intact Planar Abstraction of Buildings via Global Normal Refinement from Noisy Oblique Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Integrated Learning and Feature Selection for Deep Neural Networks in Multispectral Images
* Integrating Local and Non-local Denoiser Priors for Image Restoration
* Integration of Absolute Orientation Measurements in the KinectFusion Reconstruction Pipeline
* Interactive Image Segmentation with Latent Diversity
* Interactive Segmentation of Glioblastoma for Post-surgical Treatment Follow-up
* Interleaved Structured Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* Interplay between Photons, Canopy Structure, and Recollision Probability: A Review of the Spectral Invariants Theory of 3D Canopy Radiative Transfer Processes, An
* Interpolation-Based Object Detection Using Motion Vectors for Embedded Real-time Tracking Systems
* Interpret Neural Networks by Identifying Critical Data Routing Paths
* Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks
* Interpretable Video Captioning via Trajectory Structured Localization
* Intrinsic Image Transformation via Scale Space Decomposition
* Introduce More Characteristics of Samples into Cross-domain Sentiment Classification
* Introduction of the Double-Differenced Ambiguity Resolution into Precise Point Positioning
* Inverse Composition Discriminative Optimization for Point Cloud Registration
* InverseFaceNet: Deep Monocular Inverse Face Rendering
* Investigation on the Occurrence of Mid-Latitude E-Region Irregularity by Wuhan VHF Radar and Its Relationship With Sporadic E layer
* Ionospheric Regions Producing Anomalous GNSS Radio Occultation Results
* IQA: Visual Question Answering in Interactive Environments
* IR2VI: Enhanced Night Environmental Perception by Unsupervised Thermal Image Translation
* IRGUN: Improved Residue Based Gradual Up-Scaling Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* ISAR Autofocus Imaging Algorithm for Maneuvering Targets Based on Phase Retrieval and Gabor Wavelet Transform
* ISEC: Iterative over-segmentation via edge clustering
* ISTA-Net: Interpretable Optimization-Inspired Deep Network for Image Compressive Sensing
* It Takes Two to Tango: Cascading off-the-Shelf Face Detectors
* Iterative feature mapping network for detecting multiple changes in multi-source remote sensing images
* Iterative Global Similarity Points: A Robust Coarse-to-Fine Integration Solution for Pairwise 3D Point Cloud Registration
* Iterative Learning with Open-set Noisy Labels
* Iterative Visual Reasoning Beyond Convolutions
* iVQA: Inverse Visual Question Answering
* Jerk-Aware Video Acceleration Magnification
* Jersey Number Recognition with Semi-Supervised Spatial Transformer Network
* Jittered Exposures for Image Super-Resolution
* Joining multi-epoch archival aerial images in a single SfM block allows 3-D change detection with almost exclusively image information
* Joint Alignment of Multiple Generalized Point Sets with Anisotropic Positional Uncertainty Based on Expectation Maximization
* Joint Cuts and Matching of Partitions in One Graph
* Joint Denoising and Super-Resolution via Generative Adversarial Training
* Joint Density Based Rank-Score Fusion for Soft Biometric Recognition at a Distance, A
* Joint Detection and Online Multi-object Tracking
* Joint Haze-relevant Features Selection and Transmission Estimation via Deep Belief Network for Efficient Single Image Dehazing
* Joint Head Pose Estimation with Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks for Face Alignment
* Joint Identification-Verification Model for Visual Tracking
* Joint Image Restoration and Matching Based on Distance-Weighted Sparse Representation
* Joint Knowledge Base Embedding with Neighborhood Context
* Joint learning for voice based disease detection
* Joint Material and Illumination Estimation from Photo Sets in the Wild
* Joint Optimization Framework for Learning with Noisy Labels
* joint optimization framework of low-dimensional projection and collaborative representation for discriminative classification, A
* Joint Pose and Expression Modeling for Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Representation of Primitive and Non-primitive Objects for 3D Vision
* Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification
* Joint Sponsor Scheduling in Cellular and Edge Caching Networks for Mobile Video Delivery
* Joint Voxel and Coordinate Regression for Accurate 3D Facial Landmark Localization
* Jointly Localizing and Describing Events for Dense Video Captioning
* Jointly Optimize Data Augmentation and Network Training: Adversarial Data Augmentation in Human Pose Estimation
* Kalman Filter for Quasi-Dynamic o-d Flow Estimation/Updating, A
* KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection with a Compact Convolutional Neural Network
* Keep it Unreal: Bridging the Realism Gap for 2.5D Recognition with Geometry Priors Only
* Kernel Clustering: Density Biases and Solutions
* Kernel Discriminant Correlation Analysis: Feature Level Fusion for Nonlinear Biometric Recognition
* Kernel Dual Linear Regression for Face Image Set Classification
* Kernel-Weighted Graph Convolutional Network: A Deep Learning Approach for Traffic Forecasting
* Kernelized Subspace Pooling for Deep Local Descriptors
* Kernelized support vector machine with deep learning: An efficient approach for extreme multiclass dataset
* Kinect-Based Approach for 3D Pavement Surface Reconstruction and Cracking Recognition, A
* Kinematic Pose Rectification for Performance Analysis and Retrieval in Sports
* Kinematics-based Extraction of Salient 3D Human Motion Data for Summarization of Choreographic Sequences
* KIPPI: KInetic Polygonal Partitioning of Images
* Knowledge Aided Consistency for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
* Knowledge Graph Embedding with Multiple Relation Projections
* Label Denoising Adversarial Network (LDAN) for Inverse Lighting of Faces
* LAMV: Learning to Align and Match Videos with Kernelized Temporal Layers
* Land Cover Classification from Satellite Imagery with U-Net and Lovász-Softmax Loss
* Land Cover Classification with Superpixels and Jaccard Index Post-Optimization
* Land Cover Mapping with Higher Order Graph-Based Co-Occurrence Model
* Landscape-Scale Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Buffer Zone Community Forests of Central Nepal: Coupling In Situ Measurements with Landsat 8 Satellite Data
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Logistic Regression Analysis along the Jinsha River and Its Tributaries Close to Derong and Deqin County, Southwestern China
* Language-Based Image Editing with Recurrent Attentive Models
* Large Kernel Refine Fusion Net for Neuron Membrane Segmentation
* Large Margin Structured Convolution Operator for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking
* Large Receptive Field Networks for High-Scale Image Super-Resolution
* Large Scale Fine-Grained Categorization and Domain-Specific Transfer Learning
* Large-Scale Distance Metric Learning with Uncertainty
* Large-Scale Ecological Analyses of Animals in the Wild Using Computer Vision
* Large-Scale Image Geo-Localization Using Dominant Sets
* Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs
* Latent Fingerprint Image Quality Assessment Using Deep Learning
* Latent Linear Dynamics for Modeling Pedestrian Behaviors
* Latent multi-feature co-regression for visual recognition by discriminatively leveraging multi-source models
* Latent RANSAC
* Latent space mapping for generation of object elements with corresponding data annotation
* Latest Research at the Advanced Displays Laboratory at NTU
* Layered Surface Detection for Virtual Unrolling
* LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image
* LCO: Lightweight Convolution Operators for fast tracking
* LD-CNN: A Lightweight Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for Environmental Sound Classification
* LDMNet: Low Dimensional Manifold Regularized Neural Networks
* Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing
* Learned Shape-Tailored Descriptors for Segmentation
* Learning 3D Scene Semantics and Structure from a Single Depth Image
* Learning 3D Shape Completion from Laser Scan Data with Weak Supervision
* Learning a Bias Correction for Lidar-Only Motion Estimation
* Learning a Complete Image Indexing Pipeline
* Learning a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Compact-Resolution
* Learning a Discriminative Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank Within a CNN for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Learning a Discriminative Prior for Blind Image Deblurring
* Learning a Hierarchical Latent Semantic Model for Multimedia Data
* Learning a Hierarchical Latent-Variable Model of 3D Shapes
* Learning a Single Convolutional Super-Resolution Network for Multiple Degradations
* Learning an Order Preserving Image Similarity through Deep Ranking
* Learning and Using the Arrow of Time
* Learning Answer Embeddings for Visual Question Answering
* Learning Attentions: Residual Attentional Siamese Network for High Performance Online Visual Tracking
* Learning Attribute Representation for Human Activity Recognition
* Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for Flexible Fashion Search
* Learning Biomimetic Perception for Human Sensorimotor Control
* Learning by Asking Questions
* Learning Collaborative Model for Visual Tracking
* Learning Combinations of Activation Functions
* Learning Compact Recurrent Neural Networks with Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Learning Complex Spatio-Temporal Configurations of Body Joints for Online Activity Recognition
* Learning Compositional Visual Concepts with Mutual Consistency
* Learning Compressible 360° Video Isomers
* Learning Converged Propagations With Deep Prior Ensemble for Image Enhancement
* Learning Convolutional Networks for Content-Weighted Image Compression
* Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image Retrieval using Text and Sketch
* Learning Deep Descriptors with Scale-Aware Triplet Networks
* Learning Deep Models for Face Anti-Spoofing: Binary or Auxiliary Supervision
* Learning Deep Sketch Abstraction
* Learning deep spatiotemporal features for video captioning
* Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
* Learning Depth from Monocular Videos Using Direct Methods
* Learning Descriptor Networks for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
* Learning Descriptor, Confidence, and Depth Estimation in Multi-view Stereo
* Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories from Longitudinal Datasets: A Hierarchical Model on a Manifold of Diffeomorphisms
* Learning Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Level Vision
* Learning Evasion Strategy in Pursuit-Evasion by Deep Q-network
* Learning Face Age Progression: A Pyramid Architecture of GANs
* Learning Face Deblurring Fast and Wide
* Learning Facial Action Units from Web Images with Scalable Weakly Supervised Clustering
* Learning Fashion By Simulated Human Supervision
* Learning Filters for the 2D Wavelet Transform
* Learning Fixation Point Strategy for Object Detection and Classification
* Learning for Disparity Estimation Through Feature Constancy
* Learning from Millions of 3D Scans for Large-Scale 3D Face Recognition
* Learning from multiple annotators using kernel alignment
* Learning from Noisy Web Data with Category-Level Supervision
* Learning from Synthetic Data: Addressing Domain Shift for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Generative ConvNets via Multi-grid Modeling and Sampling
* Learning Globally Optimized Object Detector via Policy Gradient
* Learning Graph Distances with Message Passing Neural Networks
* Learning Hierarchical Models for Class-Specific Reconstruction from Natural Data
* Learning Instance Segmentation by Interaction
* Learning Intelligent Dialogs for Bounding Box Annotation
* Learning Intrinsic Image Decomposition by Deep Neural Network with Perceptual Loss
* Learning Intrinsic Image Decomposition from Watching the World
* Learning Latent Super-Events to Detect Multiple Activities in Videos
* Learning Less is More: 6D Camera Localization via 3D Surface Regression
* Learning Low-Dimensional Representation of Bivariate Histogram Data
* Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
* Learning Material-Aware Local Descriptors for 3D Shapes
* Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images
* Learning Monocular Depth Estimation with Unsupervised Trinocular Assumptions
* Learning multi-denoising autoencoding priors for image super-resolution
* Learning Multi-instance Enriched Image Representations via Non-greedy Ratio Maximization of the L1-Norm Distances
* Learning Multi-view Generator Network for Shared Representation
* Learning Network Architectures of Deep CNNs Under Resource Constraints
* Learning Parallel Canonical Correlations for Scale-Adaptive Low Resolution Face Recognition
* Learning Parts-Based and Global Representation for Image Classification
* Learning Patch Reconstructability for Accelerating Multi-view Stereo
* Learning Pixel-Level Semantic Affinity with Image-Level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Pose Specific Representations by Predicting Different Views
* Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection
* Learning Semantic Concepts and Order for Image and Sentence Matching
* Learning Spatial-Aware Regressions for Visual Tracking
* Learning Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning Steerable Filters for Rotation Equivariant CNNs
* Learning Strict Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks
* Learning Structure and Strength of CNN Filters for Small Sample Size Training
* Learning Superpixels with Segmentation-Aware Affinity Loss
* Learning Time/Memory-Efficient Deep Architectures with Budgeted Super Networks
* Learning to Act Properly: Predicting and Explaining Affordances from Images
* Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning to Align Images Using Weak Geometric Supervision
* Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Detect Features in Texture Images
* Learning to Estimate 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Color Image
* Learning to Estimate Indoor Lighting from 3D Objects
* Learning to Evaluate Image Captioning
* Learning to Extract a Video Sequence from a Single Motion-Blurred Image
* Learning to Find Good Correspondences
* Learning to Generate Facial Depth Maps
* Learning to Generate Time-Lapse Videos Using Multi-stage Dynamic Generative Adversarial Networks
* Learning to Learn Second-Order Back-Propagation for CNNs Using LSTMs
* Learning to Localize Sound Source in Visual Scenes
* Learning to Look Around: Intelligently Exploring Unseen Environments for Unknown Tasks
* Learning to Parse Wireframes in Images of Man-Made Environments
* Learning to Promote Saliency Detectors
* Learning to Reconstruct Texture-Less Deformable Surfaces from a Single View
* Learning to Refine Human Pose Estimation
* Learning to See in the Dark
* Learning to Segment Every Thing
* Learning to Sketch with Shortcut Cycle Consistency
* Learning to Understand Image Blur
* Learning Topics Using Semantic Locality
* Learning Training Samples for Occlusion Edge Detection and Its Application in Depth Ordering Inference
* Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition
* Learning Visual Knowledge Memory Networks for Visual Question Answering
* Learning with Latent Label Hierarchy from Incomplete Multi-Label Data
* Learning-Compression Algorithms for Neural Net Pruning
* Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
* LEGO: Learning Edge with Geometry all at Once by Watching Videos
* Leveraging the Bayesian Filtering Paradigm for Vision-Based Facial Affective State Estimation
* Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Crowd Counting by Learning to Rank
* LHONE: Label Homophily Oriented Network Embedding
* License Plate Recognition Data-Based Traffic Volume Estimation Using Collaborative Tensor Decomposition
* LiDAR-Video Driving Dataset: Learning Driving Policies Effectively
* Life: A Flexible Testbed for Light Field Evaluation
* Lifting Scheme Based Deep Network Model for Remote Sensing Imagery Classification
* Light CNN based Method for Hand Detection and Orientation Estimation, A
* Light Field Depth Estimation on Off-the-Shelf Mobile GPU
* Light Field Intrinsics with a Deep Encoder-Decoder Network
* Light-Weight Head Pose Invariant Gaze Tracking
* Lightweight convolutional neural networks for player detection and classification
* Lightweight Deep Residue Learning for Joint Color Image Demosaicking and Denoising
* Lightweight Probabilistic Deep Networks
* LIME: Live Intrinsic Material Estimation
* Limitations and Challenges of MODIS-Derived Phenological Metrics Across Different Landscapes in Pan-Arctic Regions
* Linear Discriminative Sparsity Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Linear Disentangled Representation Learning for Facial Actions
* Linear Incremental Nyström Method for Online Kernel Learning, A
* Linearly uncorrelated principal component and deep convolutional image deblurring for natural images
* Link and Code: Fast Indexing with Graphs and Compact Regression Codes
* Lions and Tigers and Bears: Capturing Non-rigid, 3D, Articulated Shape from Images
* LiteFlowNet: A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Optical Flow Estimation
* LLTO: Towards efficient lesion localization based on template occlusion strategy in intelligent diagnosis
* Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Prediction
* Local and Global Optimization Techniques in Graph-Based Clustering
* Local Binary Patterns for Graph Characterization
* Local Compact Binary Patterns for Background Subtraction in Complex Scenes
* Local Descriptors Optimized for Average Precision
* Local Feature Reliability Measure Consistent with Match Conditions for Mobile Visual Search
* Local Group Invariance for Heart Rate Estimation from Face Videos in the Wild
* Local Method of Color-Difference Correction Between Stereoscopic-Video Views
* Local multiscale blur estimation based on toggle mapping for sharp region extraction
* Local Regression Based Hourglass Network for Hand Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Image
* Local Subclass Constraint for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Local Wavelet Acoustic Pattern: A Novel Time-Frequency Descriptor for Birdsong Recognition
* Locality Preserving Discriminative Complex-Valued Latent Variable Model
* Localization and Tracking in 4D Fluorescence Microscopy Imagery
* Localization Based on Semantic Map and Visual Inertial Odometry
* Locally-Weighted Elastic Comparison of Planar Shapes
* Log Transform Based Optimal Image Enhancement Using Firefly Algorithm for Autonomous Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: An Application of Aerial Photography
* Logistic Regression of Point Matches for Accurate Transformation Estimation
* Logo Synthesis and Manipulation with Clustered Generative Adversarial Networks
* Long-Term and High-Resolution Global Time Series of Brightness Temperature from Copula-Based Fusion of SMAP Enhanced and SMOS Data
* Long-Term Arctic Snow/Ice Interface Temperature from Special Sensor for Microwave Imager Measurements
* Long-Term Ground-Based Measurements of Aerosol Optical Depth over Kuwait City
* Long-term Object Tracking with Instance Specific Proposals
* Long-Term On-board Prediction of People in Traffic Scenes Under Uncertainty
* Look at Boundary: A Boundary-Aware Face Alignment Algorithm
* Look, Imagine and Match: Improving Textual-Visual Cross-Modal Retrieval with Generative Models
* Lose the Views: Limited Angle CT Reconstruction via Implicit Sinogram Completion
* Lossless medical image watermarking method based on significant difference of cellular automata transform coefficient
* Lovasz-Softmax Loss: A Tractable Surrogate for the Optimization of the Intersection-Over-Union Measure in Neural Networks, The
* Low Power, High Throughput, Fully Event-Based Stereo System, A
* Low Rank Multi-Label Classification with Missing Labels
* Low-Frequency Mean Square Slopes and Dominant Wave Spectral Properties: Toward Tropical Cyclone Remote Sensing
* Low-Latency Video Semantic Segmentation
* Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm
* Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition on Contrast Map for Small Infrared Target Detection
* Low-Rank Linear Embedding for Image Recognition
* Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimation for visual sentiment distribution prediction
* Low-Rank Tensor Completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Low-Shot Learning from Imaginary Data
* Low-Shot Learning with Imprinted Weights
* Low-Shot Learning with Large-Scale Diffusion
* LR-GAN for degraded Face Recognition
* LRID: A new metric of multi-class imbalance degree based on likelihood-ratio test
* LSTM Pose Machines
* Lunar Brightness Temperature Map and TB Distribution Model
* L_2,1-norm minimization based negative label relaxation linear regression for feature selection
* M3: Multimodal Memory Modelling for Video Captioning
* Machine learning-based H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding via motion information reuse and coding mode similarity analysis
* Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
* Making Convolutional Networks Recurrent for Visual Sequence Learning
* Mammographic mass classification using filter response patches
* Mammographic mass detection based on convolution neural network
* Manifold Geometry with Fast Automatic Derivatives and Coordinate Frame Semantics Checking in C++
* Manifold Learning in Quotient Spaces
* MapNet: An Allocentric Spatial Memory for Mapping Environments
* Mapping Crop Calendar Events and Phenology-Related Metrics at the Parcel Level by Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) of MODIS-NDVI Time-Series: A Case Study in Central California
* Mapping Ecological Production and Benefits from Water Consumed in Agricultural and Natural Landscapes: A Case Study of the Pangani Basin
* Mapping Paddy Rice Using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Landsat 8 Datasets in the Dongting Lake Area, China
* Mapping underrepresented land cover heterogeneity in arid regions: The Sahara-Sahel example
* Mapping Urban Functional Zones by Integrating Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and Points of Interest: A Case Study of Xiamen, China
* Markov Chain Neural Networks
* Markovian Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection with Multiresolution and Multimodality SAR Data, A
* Mask-Guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-identification
* Mask-SLAM: Robust Feature-Based Monocular SLAM by Masking Using Semantic Segmentation
* Masked Label Learning for Optical Flow Regression
* MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features
* Mass Balance of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, Russian High Arctic, Using Time-Variable Gravity from GRACE and Altimetry Data from ICESat and CryoSat-2
* Matching Adversarial Networks
* Matching Light Field Datasets from Plenoptic Cameras 1.0 and 2.0
* Matching Pixels Using Co-occurrence Statistics
* Matrix-Based Margin-Maximization Band Selection With Data-Driven Diversity for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Matryoshka Networks: Predicting 3D Geometry via Nested Shape Layers
* MAttNet: Modular Attention Network for Referring Expression Comprehension
* Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Maximum Gradient Dimensionality Reduction
* MDCN: Multi-Scale, Deep Inception Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Object Detection
* Mean-Variance Loss for Deep Age Estimation from a Face
* Measurement of Capillary Refill Time (CRT) in Healthy Subjects Using a Robotic Hand
* Measurement of Opportunity Cost of Travel Time for Predicting Future Residential Mobility Based on the Smart Card Data of Public Transportation
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness by Macroscopic and Microscopic Motion Consistencies
* Measuring Landscape Albedo Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Measuring Urban Land Cover Influence on Air Temperature through Multiple Geo-Data: The Case of Milan, Italy
* Medical Knowledge Constrained Semantic Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* MegaDepth: Learning Single-View Depth Prediction from Internet Photos
* MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector
* Memory Based Online Learning of Deep Representations from Video Streams
* Memory Matching Networks for One-Shot Image Recognition
* Memory Network Approach for Story-Based Temporal Summarization of 360° Videos, A
* Merging Deep Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* Merging Neurons for Structure Compression of Deep Networks
* Mesoscopic Facial Geometry Inference Using Deep Neural Networks
* Meta Transfer Learning for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Method based on bitonic filtering decomposition and sparse representation for fusion of infrared and visible images
* Method for Mapping Rice Fields in Complex Landscape Areas Based on Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network from HJ-1 A/B Data
* Method for PET-CT Lung Cancer Segmentation based on Improved Random Walk, A
* method of automatically generating Labanotation from human motion capture data, A
* Method of speed data fusion based on Bayesian combination algorithm and high-order multi-variable Markov model
* Methodology and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Railway On-Board Positioning Systems
* Methodology for filtering of depth maps based on the MCbR algorithm supported by color, shape and neighboring features
* Methodology for Participatory GIS Risk Mapping and Citizen Science for Solotvyno Salt Mines
* MiCT: Mixed 3D/2D Convolutional Tube for Human Action Recognition
* MILP-Based Unsupervised Clustering
* Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation With Coherence Penalty and Adaptive Anisotropy
* Minimalist Approach to Type-Agnostic Detection of Quadrics in Point Clouds, A
* Minimizing Supervision for Free-Space Segmentation
* Mining deep And-Or object structures via cost-sensitive question-answer-based active annotations
* Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
* Mining on Manifolds: Metric Learning Without Labels
* Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling
* Mining Smart Card Data for Travellers' Mini Activities
* Minutia Matching using 3D Pore Clouds
* Mirror symmetry detection in curves represented by means of the Slope Chain Code
* Missing Slice Recovery for Tensors Using a Low-Rank Model in Embedded Space
* Mix and Match Networks: Encoder-Decoder Alignment for Zero-Pair Image Translation
* Mixture Model for Aggregation of Multiple Pre-Trained Weak Classifiers, A
* Mixture separability loss in a deep convolutional network for image classification
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* Mobile Video Object Detection with Temporally-Aware Feature Maps
* MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks
* MoCoGAN: Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation
* Model for Estimation of Global Horizontal Irradiance in the Presence of Dust, Fog, and Clouds
* Model-based active learning to detect an isometric deformable object in the wild with a deep architecture
* Model-Based Approach to Investigate the Effect of a Long Bone Fracture on Ultrasound Strain Elastography, A
* Model-based graph segmentation in 2-D fluorescence microsecopy images
* Model-free Knockoffs for SLOPE-Adaptive Variable Selection with Controlled False Discovery Rate
* Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
* Modeling of facial aging and kinship: A survey
* Modelling, Validation and Quantification of Climate and Other Sensitivities of Building Energy Model on 3D City Models
* Modified Fixed-Point Chirp Scaling Algorithm Based on Updating Phase Factors Regionally for Spaceborne SAR Real-Time Imaging, A
* Modified mean shift algorithm
* Modified Superpixel Segmentation for Digital Surface Model Refinement and Building Extraction from Satellite Stereo Imagery
* Modifying Non-local Variations Across Multiple Views
* Modulated Convolutional Networks
* MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
* MoNet: Moments Embedding Network
* Monitoring Coastal Reclamation Subsidence in Hong Kong with Distributed Scatterer Interferometry
* Monocular 3D Pose and Shape Estimation of Multiple People in Natural Scenes: The Importance of Multiple Scene Constraints
* Monocular Depth Estimation via Deep Structured Models with Ordinal Constraints
* Monocular Depth Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Monocular Relative Depth Perception with Web Stereo Data Supervision
* Monocular RGB Hand Pose Inference from Unsupervised Refinable Nets
* More Than Meets the Eye: Using Sentinel-2 to Map Small Plantations in Complex Forest Landscapes
* MorphNet: Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Structure Learning of Deep Networks
* Morphological co-processing unit for embedded devices
* Motion Fused Frames: Data Level Fusion Strategy for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Motion Segmentation by Exploiting Complementary Geometric Models
* Motion-Appearance Co-memory Networks for Video Question Answering
* Motion-Guided Cascaded Refinement Network for Video Object Segmentation
* MovieGraphs: Towards Understanding Human-Centric Situations from Videos
* MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* MPTR: A Maximal-Marginal-Relevance-Based Personalized Trip Recommendation Method
* MS-CapsNet: A Novel Multi-Scale Capsule Network
* MSFD: Multi-Scale Receptive Field Face Detector
* MSFD: Multi-Scale Segmentation-Based Feature Detection for Wide-Baseline Scene Reconstruction
* MSMCT: Multi-State Multi-Camera Tracker
* MSSVT: Multi-scale feature extraction for single face recognition
* MSU-AVIS dataset: Fusing Face and Voice Modalities for Biometric Recognition in Indoor Surveillance Videos
* Multi attention module for visual tracking
* Multi Long-Short Term Memory Models for Short Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Multi-agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks
* multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
* Multi-capture Dynamic Calibration of Multi-camera Systems
* Multi-cell Detection and Classification Using a Generative Convolutional Model
* Multi-classification of Parkinson's Disease via Sparse Low-Rank Learning
* Multi-content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer
* Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) of Urban Residential Buildings
* Multi-cue Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Tracking
* Multi-dimensional multi-directional mask maximum edge pattern for bio-medical image retrieval
* Multi-evidence Filtering and Fusion for Multi-label Classification, Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation Based on Weakly Supervised Learning
* Multi-frame Quality Enhancement for Compressed Video
* Multi-frame Super Resolution for Ocular Biometrics
* Multi-frame super-resolution algorithm using common vector approach
* Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification
* Multi-Gradient Directional Features for Gender Identification
* Multi-image Semantic Matching by Mining Consistent Features
* Multi-Kernel Supervised Hashing with Graph Regularization for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-label Classification of Stem Cell Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Multi-label Semantic Decoding from Human Brain Activity
* Multi-label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs
* Multi-layer CNN Features Aggregation for Real-time Visual Tracking
* Multi-layer fusion techniques using a CNN for multispectral pedestrian detection
* Multi-level context-adaptive correlation tracking
* Multi-Level Contextual RNNs With Attention Model for Scene Labeling
* Multi-level Factorisation Net for Person Re-identification
* Multi-Level Feature Abstraction from Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Biometric Identification
* Multi-Level Fusion Based 3D Object Detection from Monocular Images
* Multi-level semantic appearance representation for person re-identification system
* Multi-level Wavelet-CNN for Image Restoration
* multi-modal multi-view dataset for human fall analysis and preliminary investigation on modality, A
* Multi-Modal Three-Stream Network for Action Recognition
* multi-order derivative feature-based quality assessment model for light field image, A
* Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
* Multi-part Convolutional Attention Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition, A
* Multi-planar Monocular Reconstruction of Manhattan Indoor Scenes
* Multi-projector Resolution Enhancement Through Biased Interpolation
* Multi-Pseudo Regularized Label for Generated Data in Person Re-Identification
* Multi-resolution Approach for Color Correction of Textured Meshes, A
* Multi-Scale Attention with Dense Encoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Multi-scale CNN Stereo and Pattern Removal Technique for Underwater Active Stereo System
* Multi-Scale Cross-Band Encoding of Sectored Local Binary Pattern for Robust Texture Classification
* Multi-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time 3D-Landmark Detection in CT Scans
* Multi-scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry for Large-Scale Natural Environment
* Multi-Scale Fusion of Two Large-Exposure-Ratio Images
* Multi-Scale Fusion with Context-Aware Network for Object Detection
* Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Networks for Crowd Counting
* Multi-scale Location-Aware Kernel Representation for Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Object Histogram Distance for LCCD Using Bi-Temporal Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-scale Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Dense Temporal Classification
* Multi-scale Semantic Segmentation Enriched Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Scale Single Image Dehazing Using Perceptual Pyramid Deep Network
* Multi-scale Voxel Hashing and Efficient 3D Representation for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Multi-scale Weighted Nuclear Norm Image Restoration
* Multi-shot Pedestrian Re-identification via Sequential Decision Making
* Multi-Source Clustering based on spectral recovery
* Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition
* Multi-source Learning for Skeleton-based Action Recognition Using Deep LSTM Networks
* Multi-Spectral Fusion and Denoising of RGB and NIR Images Using Multi-Scale Wavelet Analysis
* Multi-task Adversarial Network for Disentangled Feature Learning
* Multi-task Learning by Maximizing Statistical Dependence
* Multi-task Learning of Cascaded CNN for Facial Attribute Classification
* Multi-task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics
* Multi-task Micro-expression Recognition Combining Deep and Handcrafted Features
* Multi-task multiple kernel machines for personalized pain recognition from functional near-infrared spectroscopy brain signals
* Multi-Temporal Loess Landslide Inventory Mapping with C-, X- and L-Band SAR Datasets: A Case Study of Heifangtai Loess Landslides, China
* multi-UAV cooperative route planning methodology for 3D fine-resolution building model reconstruction, A
* Multi-Variable Classification Approach for the Detection of Lightning Activity Using a Low-Cost and Portable X Band Radar
* Multi-view 3D face reconstruction with deep recurrent neural networks
* Multi-View Classification and 3D Bounding Box Regression Networks
* Multi-view Consistency as Supervisory Signal for Learning Shape and Pose Prediction
* Multi-view Harmonized Bilinear Network for 3D Object Recognition
* Multi-view Inpainting for RGB-D Sequence
* Multilayer Encoder-Decoder Network for 3D Nuclear Segmentation in Spheroid Models of Human Mammary Epithelial Cell Lines
* Multilevel magnetic resonance imaging compression using compressive sensing
* Multimodal Depression Detection: Fusion Analysis of Paralinguistic, Head Pose and Eye Gaze Behaviors
* Multimodal Explanations: Justifying Decisions and Pointing to the Evidence
* Multimodal Face Spoofing Detection via RGB-D Images
* Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Densely Connected Convolution and BLSTM
* Multimodal Stress Detection from Multiple Assessments
* Multimodal vehicle detection: fusing 3D-LIDAR and color camera data
* Multimodal Visual Concept Learning with Weakly Supervised Techniques
* Multinomial logit analysis of the effects of five different app-based incentives to encourage cycling to work
* Multiphase Local Mean Geodesic Active Regions
* Multiple Granularity Group Interaction Prediction
* Multiple instance hybrid estimator for hyperspectral target characterization and sub-pixel target detection
* Multiple Manifolds Metric Learning with Application to Image Set Classification
* Multiple Mice Tracking: Occlusions Disentanglement using a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Multiple view image denoising using 3D focus image stacks
* Multiple-Instance Learning with Empirical Estimation Guided Instance Selection
* Multiple-parameter fractional quaternion Fourier transform and its application in colour image encryption
* Multiscale Optimized Segmentation of Urban Green Cover in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Multiscale Representations Fusion With Joint Multiple Reconstructions Autoencoder for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
* Multispectral Image Intrinsic Decomposition via Subspace Constraint
* Multistage Adversarial Losses for Pose-Based Human Image Synthesis
* Multitaper Frequency-Domain Bootstrap Method, A
* Multiview Consensus Graph Clustering
* Multiview Laplacian semisupervised feature selection by leveraging shared knowledge among multiple tasks
* MUNet: Macro Unit-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* Mutual-optimization Towards Generative Adversarial Networks For Robust Speech Recognition
* MVDepthNet: Real-Time Multiview Depth Estimation Neural Network
* MX-LSTM: Mixing Tracklets and Vislets to Jointly Forecast Trajectories and Head Poses
* Myocardial Scar Segmentation in LGE-MRI using Fractal Analysis and Random Forest Classification
* NAG: Network for Adversary Generation
* Natural and Effective Obfuscation by Head Inpainting
* Nature vs. Nurture: The Role of Environmental Resources in Evolutionary Deep Intelligence
* Negotiating Corners With Teleoperated Mobile Robots With Time Delay
* Neighborhood-Based Recovery of Phase Unwrapping Faults
* NestedNet: Learning Nested Sparse Structures in Deep Neural Networks
* Net2Vec: Quantifying and Explaining How Concepts are Encoded by Filters in Deep Neural Networks
* net4Lap: Neural Laplacian Regularization for Ranking and Re-Ranking
* Network Architecture for Point Cloud Classification via Automatic Depth Images Generation, A
* Neural 3D Mesh Renderer
* Neural Baby Talk
* Neural Body Fitting: Unifying Deep Learning and Model Based Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Neural Kinematic Networks for Unsupervised Motion Retargetting
* Neural Motifs: Scene Graph Parsing with Global Context
* Neural Multi-sequence Alignment TeCHnique (NeuMATCH), A
* Neural Network Knowledge Transfer using Unsupervised Similarity Matching
* Neural Sign Language Translation
* Neural Style Transfer via Meta Networks
* Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for Post-Fire Vegetation Regrowth
* NeuralNetwork-Viterbi: A Framework for Weakly Supervised Video Learning
* New 3D CNN-based CAD System for Early Detection of Acute Renal Transplant Rejection, A
* new bag of visual words encoding method for human action recognition, A
* New Directional Canopy Emissivity Model Based on Spectral Invariants, A
* New Distortion Function Design for JPEG Steganography Using the Generalized Uniform Embedding Strategy, A
* New Dynamic Minimal Path Model for Tubular Structure Centerline Delineation, A
* New ECOC Algorithm for Multiclass Microarray Data Classification, A
* New Foreground Segmentation Method for Video Analysis in Different Color Spaces, A
* new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies, A
* New Method for Face Alignment under Extreme Poses and Occlusion, A
* New Metrics and Experimental Paradigms for Continual Learning
* New Single Image Super-resolution Method Using SIMK-based Classification and ISRM Technique, A
* New Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm for Octonion Signal, A
* New Spectrum Management Scheme for Road Safety in Smart Cities, A
* New Take on Protecting Cyclists in Smart Cities, A
* New Techniques for Preserving Global Structure and Denoising with Low Information Loss in Single-Image Super-Resolution
* NISP: Pruning Networks Using Neuron Importance Score Propagation
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Orthogonal Color Planes Patterns
* Noise-Resilient Online Learning Algorithm for Scene Classification, A
* Noise-Robust Self-Adaptive Multitarget Speaker Detection System, A
* Non-blind Deblurring: Handling Kernel Uncertainty with CNNs
* Non-contact Heart Rate Monitoring by Combining Convolutional Neural Network Skin Detection and Remote Photoplethysmography via a Low-Cost Camera
* Non-iterative multiple data registration method based on the motion screw theory and trackable features
* Non-linear Temporal Subspace Representations for Activity Recognition
* Non-local Neural Networks
* Non-negative Subspace Representation Learning Scheme for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* Non-rigid Reconstruction with a Single Moving RGB-D Camera
* Non-uniform Illumination Video Enhancement Based on Zone System and Fusion
* Nonlinear 3D Face Morphable Model
* nonlinear dimensionality reduction framework using smooth geodesics, A
* Nonlinear Metric Learning through Geodesic Interpolation within Lie Groups
* Nonlinear supervised dimensionality reduction via smooth regular embeddings
* Nonlocal Low-Rank and Total Variation Constrained PET Image Reconstruction
* Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Factor Analysis for Image Restoration
* Nonnegative and Adaptive Multi-view Clustering
* Normalized Cut Loss for Weakly-Supervised CNN Segmentation
* Novel ADCs-Based CNN Classification System for Precise Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, A
* Novel Algorithms to Monitor Continuous Cardiac Activity with a Video Camera
* Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion, A
* Novel Disparity-Assisted Block Matching-Based Approach for Super-Resolution of Light Field Images, A
* Novel Framework for Remote Photoplethysmography Pulse Extraction on Compressed Videos, A
* novel hypergraph matching algorithm based on tensor refining, A
* Novel image encryption algorithm based on improved logistic map
* novel imputation methodology for time series based on pattern sequence forecasting, A
* Novel Integrated Framework for Learning both Text Detection and Recognition, A
* Novel Method of Generating Deformation Time-Series Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Application in Mexico City, A
* Novel Model for Multi-label Image Annotation, A
* Novel Resection-Intersection Algorithm With Fast Triangulation Applied to Monocular Visual Odometry, A
* Novel Single View Constraints for Manhattan 3D Line Reconstruction
* Novel Two-Stage Deep Method for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histology Images, A
* Novel Video Coding Framework Using a Self-Adaptive Dictionary, A
* Now You Shake Me: Towards Automatic 4D Cinema
* NRGA: Gravitational Approach for Non-rigid Point Set Registration
* NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Image Dehazing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* NU-Net: Deep Residual Wide Field of View Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Nuclei Segmentation of Cervical Cell Images Based on Intermediate Segment Qualifier
* Null Distribution of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS) With Continuous Measurements
* O-HAZE: A Dehazing Benchmark with Real Hazy and Haze-Free Outdoor Images
* OATM: Occlusion Aware Template Matching by Consensus Set Maximization
* Object Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Partial Randomness Supervised Discrete Hashing
* Object Detection in Equirectangular Panorama
* Object instance detection with pruned Alexnet and extended training data
* Object Referring in Videos with Language and Human Gaze
* Object sequences: encoding categorical and spatial information for a yes/no visual question answering task
* Object Shape Approximation and Contour Adaptive Depth Image Coding for Virtual View Synthesis
* Object tracking by mean shift and radial basis function neural networks
* Object Tracking Via Online Multiple Instance Learning with Reliable Components
* Object-Adaptive LSTM Network for Visual Tracking
* Object-Based Plastic-Mulched Landcover Extraction Using Integrated Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Objects as Context for Detecting Their Semantic Parts
* Oblique aerial image matching based on iterative simulation and homography evaluation
* Observer-Based Recursive Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* Occluded Joints Recovery in 3D Human Pose Estimation based on Distance Matrix
* Occluded Leaf Matching with Full Leaf Databases Using Explicit Occlusion Modelling
* Occluded Pedestrian Detection Through Guided Attention in CNNs
* Occlusion Aware Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow
* Occlusion Handling Human Detection with Refocused Images
* Occlusion-Aware Rolling Shutter Rectification of 3D Scenes
* Oil Price Forecasting Using Supervised GANs with Continuous Wavelet Transform Features
* OLE: Orthogonal Low-rank Embedding, A Plug and Play Geometric Loss for Deep Learning
* On Computing Gradient of Products in Discretized Spaces and Its Effects in PDE Image Processing
* On Detecting Domestic Abuse via Faces
* On Evaluating Floating Car Data Quality for Knowledge Discovery
* On Influential Trends in Interactive Video Retrieval: Video Browser Showdown 2015-2017
* On Learning From Inaccurate and Incomplete Traffic Flow Data
* On Mugshot-based Arbitrary View Face Recognition
* On the Convergence of PatchMatch and Its Variants
* On the Duality Between Retinex and Image Dehazing
* On the Impact of Parallax Free Colour and Infrared Image Co-Registration to Fused Illumination Invariant Adaptive Background Modelling
* On the Importance of Label Quality for Semantic Segmentation
* On the Importance of Stereo for Accurate Depth Estimation: An Efficient Semi-Supervised Deep Neural Network Approach
* On the Interrelation Between Listener Characteristics and the Perception of Emotions in Classical Orchestra Music
* On the Iterative Refinement of Densely Connected Representation Levels for Semantic Segmentation
* On the Optimal Design of Doppler Scatterometers
* On the Optimal Speed Profile for Eco-Driving on Curved Roads
* On the Optimality of Likelihood Ratio Test for Prospect Theory-Based Binary Hypothesis Testing
* On the Robustness of Deep Learning Models to Universal Adversarial Attack
* On the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models to Adversarial Attacks
* On the Suitability of Lp-Norms for Creating and Preventing Adversarial Examples
* On the Use of Dual-Doppler Radar Measurements for Very Short-Term Wind Power Forecasts
* On Visible Adversarial Perturbations & Digital Watermarking
* Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid
* Once for All: A Two-Flow Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Tracking
* One-class Random Maxout Probabilistic Network for Mobile Touchstroke Authentication
* One-Class SVMs Based Pronunciation Verification Approach
* One-factor Cancellable Biometrics based on Indexing-First-Order Hashing for Fingerprint Authentication
* One-Shot Action Localization by Learning Sequence Matching Network
* Online and Flexible Multi-object Tracking Framework Using Long Short-Term Memory, An
* Online Biterm Topic Model based short text stream classification using short text expansion and concept drifting detection
* Online Data Organizer: Micro-Video Categorization by Structure-Guided Multimodal Dictionary Learning
* Online Kernel Selection Wrapper via Multi-Armed Bandit Model, An
* Online Learning of Spatial-Temporal Convolution Response for Robust Real-Time Tracking
* Online Low-Rank Metric Learning via Parallel Coordinate Descent Method
* Online Model Adaptation for UAV Tracking with Convolutional Neural Network
* Online Multi-Target Tracking with Tensor-Based High-Order Graph Matching
* Online Temporal Calibration of Camera and IMU using Nonlinear Optimization
* Optical Algorithm to Estimate Downwelling Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in the Red Sea, An
* Optical Flow Guided Feature: A Fast and Robust Motion Representation for Video Action Recognition
* Optimal Control for Reducing Congestion and Improving Safety in Freeway Systems
* Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator for Alignment of Point Clouds
* Optimal Query Selection Using Multi-Armed Bandits
* Optimal Stochastic Eco-Routing Solutions for Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Structured Light a la Carte
* Optimal velocity prediction for fuel economy improvement of connected vehicles
* Optimising Ensemble of Two-Class classifiers using Spectral Analysis
* optimized non-subsampled shearlet transform-based image fusion using Hessian features and unsharp masking, An
* Optimizing Energies for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Optimizing Filter Size in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Optimizing Quality of Experience for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming via Viewer Interest Inference
* Optimizing Video Object Detection via a Scale-Time Lattice
* Ordinal Depth Supervision for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Ordinal space projection learning via neighbor classes representation
* Orientation-Guided Similarity Learning for Person Re-identification
* OWP: Objectness Weighted Patch Descriptor for Visual Tracking
* PackNet: Adding Multiple Tasks to a Single Network by Iterative Pruning
* PAD-Net: Multi-tasks Guided Prediction-and-Distillation Network for Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Scene Parsing
* Page Object Detection from PDF Document Images by Deep Structured Prediction and Supervised Clustering
* PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup
* Palmprint recognition using a modified competitive code with distinctive extended neighbourhood
* Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Interaction Capture
* Panoramic visual tracking based on adaptive mechanism
* Papier-Mache Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation, A
* Parallel Attention: A Unified Framework for Visual Object Discovery Through Dialogs and Queries
* Parallel Intelligent Systems for Integrated High-Speed Railway Operation Control and Dynamic Scheduling
* Paris-Lille-3D: A Point Cloud Dataset for Urban Scene Segmentation and Classification
* Parsing Geometry Using Structure-Aware Shape Templates
* Part-based Multi-stream Model for Vehicle Searching
* Part-Based Player Identification Using Deep Convolutional Representation and Multi-scale Pooling
* Partial Descriptor Update and Isolated Point Avoidance Based Template Update for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Deformation Matching
* Partial Transfer Learning with Selective Adversarial Networks
* Partially Shared Multi-task Convolutional Neural Network with Local Constraint for Face Attribute Learning
* Passenger in vehicle counting method of HOV/HOT system
* Passive Acoustic Mapping Using Data-Adaptive Beamforming Based on Higher Order Statistics
* Patch Optimization for Surface Light Field Reconstruction
* Patch-Based Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction from a Single Depth Stream
* Patch-Gated CNN for Occlusion-aware Facial Expression Recognition
* Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
* Path Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Reconstruction and Denoising of SWIR Maritime Imagery
* Pay Attention to Virality: Understanding Popularity of Social Media Videos with the Attention Mechanism
* PCN: Point Completion Network
* PCNN: Deep Convolutional Networks for Short-Term Traffic Congestion Prediction
* Pedestrian tracking by learning deep features
* Pen Tip Motion Prediction for Handwriting Drawing Order Recovery using Deep Neural Network
* Pentuplet Loss for Simultaneous Shots and Critical Points Detection in a Video
* People, Penguins and Petri Dishes: Adapting Object Counting Models to New Visual Domains and Object Types Without Forgetting
* Perception-Distortion Tradeoff, The
* Perceptual Face Completion using a Local-Global Generative Adversarial Network
* Perceptual image quality assessment through spectral analysis of error representations
* Perceptual Measure for Deep Single Image Camera Calibration, A
* Periodic Variance Maximization Using Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition Applied to Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation
* Permafrost Terrain Dynamics and Infrastructure Impacts Revealed by UAV Photogrammetry and Thermal Imaging
* Persistent Memory Residual Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Procedure Based on Stable Areas to Filter the Atmospheric Component, A
* Person Re-identification Based on Feature Fusion and Triplet Loss Function
* Person Re-identification Using Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network
* Person Re-identification with Cascaded Pairwise Convolutions
* Person Re-Identification with Vision and Language
* Person Re-Identification with Weighted Spatial-Temporal Features
* Person Recognition at a Distance: Improving Face Recognition Through Body Static Information
* Person Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-identification
* Perturbative Neural Networks
* Phase Corrected ICA for Uplink Massive MIMO
* PhaseNet for Video Frame Interpolation
* phenology-based approach to the classification of Arctic tundra ecosystems in Greenland, A
* Photographic Text-to-Image Synthesis with a Hierarchically-Nested Adversarial Network
* Photometric Stereo in Participating Media Considering Shape-Dependent Forward Scatter
* Photosensor Oculography: Survey and Parametric Analysis of Designs Using Model-Based Simulation
* PiCANet: Learning Pixel-Wise Contextual Attention for Saliency Detection
* PID Controller Approach for Stochastic Optimization of Deep Networks, A
* PieAPP: Perceptual Image-Error Assessment Through Pairwise Preference
* Piecewise Linear Units for Fast Self-Normalizing Neural Networks
* Pipelines for HDR Video Coding Based on Luminance Independent Chromaticity Preprocessing
* Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape Modeling
* Pixels, Voxels, and Views: A Study of Shape Representations for Single View 3D Object Shape Prediction
* PIXOR: Real-time 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
* Place versus Space: From Points, Lines and Polygons in GIS to Place-Based Representations Reflecting Language and Culture
* Planar Shape Detection at Structural Scales
* Plane-Based Optimization of Geometry and Texture for RGB-D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes
* PlaneNet: Piece-Wise Planar Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
* Plant identification from bark: A texture description based on Statistical Macro Binary Pattern
* Point Pattern Chamfer Registration of Optical and SAR Images Based on Mesh Grids, A
* PointFusion: Deep Sensor Fusion for 3D Bounding Box Estimation
* PointGrid: A Deep Network for 3D Shape Understanding
* PointNetVLAD: Deep Point Cloud Based Retrieval for Large-Scale Place Recognition
* Pointwise Convolutional Neural Networks
* Poisson image denoising by piecewise principal component analysis and its application in single-particle X-ray diffraction imaging
* POL-LWIR Vehicle Detection: Convolutional Neural Networks Meet Polarised Infrared Sensors
* Polarimetric Dense Monocular SLAM
* Polarimetric Radar Vegetation Index for Biomass Estimation in Desert Fringe Ecosystems
* Polarimetric Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Change-Type Classification with a Hyperparameter-Free Open-Set Classifier
* Polarization Orientation Angle and Polarimetric SAR Scattering Characteristics of Steep Terrain
* pooling based scene text proposal technique for scene text reading in the wild, A
* Pose Encoding for Robust Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Pose Transferrable Person Re-identification
* Pose-Guided Photorealistic Face Rotation
* Pose-Robust Face Recognition via Deep Residual Equivariant Mapping
* Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-ranking, A
* pOSE: Pseudo Object Space Error for Initialization-Free Bundle Adjustment
* PoseFlow: A Deep Motion Representation for Understanding Human Behaviors in Videos
* PoseTrack: A Benchmark for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* posterior evaluation algorithm of steganalysis accuracy inspired by residual co-occurrence probability, A
* Potential and Limitations of Open Satellite Data for Flood Mapping
* PoTion: Pose MoTion Representation for Action Recognition
* Power of Ensembles for Active Learning in Image Classification, The
* Powered Two-Wheelers Critical Events Detection and Recognition Using Data-Driven Approaches
* PPFNet: Global Context Aware Local Features for Robust 3D Point Matching
* Practical Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* Pre-trained VGGNet Architecture for Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Precision direction and compact surface type representation for 3D palmprint identification
* Precision Learning: Towards Use of Known Operators in Neural Networks
* Predicting Dynamical Evolution of Human Activities from a Single Image
* Predicting Personalized Image Emotion Perceptions in Social Networks
* Predicting the Probability Density Function of Music Emotion Using Emotion Space Mapping
* Predicting Traffic Flow via Ensemble Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Spatio-temporal Joint Relations
* Predicting vacant parking space availability: an SVR method with fruit fly optimisation
* Predicting Visual Features From Text for Image and Video Caption Retrieval
* Prediction Defaults for Networked-guarantee Loans
* Prediction of Drought on Pentad Scale Using Remote Sensing Data and MJO Index through Random Forest over East Asia
* Prediction of Forest Structural Parameters Using Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data in Subtropical Forests
* Prediction of ship collision risk based on CART
* Prediction-based classification using learning on Riemannian manifolds
* Preserving Semantic Relations for Zero-Shot Learning
* Priming Neural Networks
* Principal Curvature Guided Surface Geometry Aware Global Shape Representation
* Prior-Less Method for Multi-face Tracking in Unconstrained Videos, A
* Privacy-Aware Smart Metering: Progress and Challenges
* Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization via Active Scene Illumination
* Privileged Multi-Target Support Vector Regression
* Probabilistic Approach to Cross-Region Matching-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction via Structure Learning
* Probabilistic Graph Embedding for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Probabilistic Joint Face-Skull Modelling for Facial Reconstruction
* Probabilistic Plant Modeling via Multi-view Image-to-Image Translation
* Probabilistic Sparse Subspace Clustering Using Delayed Association
* Probabilistic Voting for Sequence Based Visual Place Recognition
* Progressive Attention Guided Recurrent Network for Salient Object Detection
* Progressive Large-Scale Structure-from-Motion with Orthogonal MSTs
* Progressively Complementarity-Aware Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Progressively Expanded Neural Network (PEN Net) for hyperspectral image classification: A new neural network paradigm for remote sensing image analysis
* Projection-Based AR: Effective Visual Feedback in Gait Rehabilitation
* Pros and Cons of Structure for Motion Embarked on a Vehicle to Survey Slopes along Transportation Lines Using 3D Georeferenced and Coloured Point Clouds
* Pseudo Mask Augmented Object Detection
* Pseudo-Labels for Supervised Learning on Dynamic Vision Sensor Data, Applied to Object Detection Under Ego-Motion
* Pseudoanalytical Formulations for Modeling the Effect of an Insulating Layer in Electromagnetic Well Logging
* PU-Net: Point Cloud Upsampling Network
* Pulling Actions out of Context: Explicit Separation for Effective Combination
* Pushing the boundaries of audiovisual word recognition using Residual Networks and LSTMs
* PWC-Net: CNNs for Optical Flow Using Pyramid, Warping, and Cost Volume
* Pyramid CNN for Dense-Leaves Segmentation, A
* Pyramid Embedded Generative Adversarial Network for Automated Font Generation
* Pyramid Stereo Matching Network
* q-Gaussian Maximum Correntropy Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Robust Sparse Recovery in Impulsive Noise, A
* QuadricSLAM: Dual Quadrics as SLAM Landmarks
* Quality Classified Image Analysis with Application to Face Detection and Recognition
* Quantitative Assessment for Detection and Monitoring of Coastline Dynamics with Temporal RADARSAT Images
* Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference
* Quantization of Fully Convolutional Networks for Accurate Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Quasimetric Graph Edit Distance as a Compact Quadratic Assignment Problem
* R-FCN-3000 at 30fps: Decoupling Detection and Classification
* R2-ResNeXt: A ResNeXt-Based Regression Model with Relative Ranking for Facial Beauty Prediction
* R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Arbitrarily-Oriented Scene Text Detection
* Radial Lens Distortion Correction by Adding a Weight Layer with Inverted Foveal Models to Convolutional Neural Networks
* Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations
* Radiometric confidence criterion for patch-based inpainting
* Radiometric Correction of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Scenes Using Drone Imagery in Synergy with Field Spectroradiometry
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Tiangong-2 MWI Visible/NIR Channels over Aquatic Environments using MODIS
* Railway System Energy Management Optimization Demonstrated at Offline and Online Case Studies
* Random walk-based feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* randomized hierarchical trees indexing approach for camera-based information spotting, A
* Range Image Technique for Change Analysis of Rock Slopes Using Dense Point Cloud Data
* Rapid Coastal Forest Decline in Florida's Big Bend
* Rate Perceptual-Distortion Optimized Video Coding HEVC, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Sparse Coding With Ordered Dictionary for Image Set Compression
* RayNet: Learning Volumetric 3D Reconstruction with Ray Potentials
* Re-identification for Online Person Tracking by Modeling Space-Time Continuum
* Re-Weighted Adversarial Adaptation Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Real time vanishing points detection on smartphones under Manhattan world assumption
* Real-Time 3D Face Verification with a Consumer Depth Camera
* Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Face Detection on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
* Real-time correction of panoramic images using hyperbolic Möbius transformations
* Real-Time Deep Hair Matting on Mobile Devices
* Real-Time Detection and Estimation of Denial of Service Attack in Connected Vehicle Systems
* Real-time detection of distracted driving based on deep learning
* Real-time detection of end-of-queue shockwaves on freeways using probe vehicles with spacing equipment
* Real-Time Efficient Exploration in Unknown Dynamic Environments Using MAVs
* Real-Time End-to-End Action Detection with Two-Stream Networks
* Real-Time Large-Scale Fusion of High Resolution 3D Scans with Details Preservation
* Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation Using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation via Image Style Transfer
* Real-Time Movie-Induced Discrete Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals
* Real-Time Multi-View Volumetric Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes Using Kinect V2
* Real-Time Prediction of Crop Yields From MODIS Relative Vegetation Health: A Continent-Wide Analysis of Africa
* Real-Time Rotation-Invariant Face Detection with Progressive Calibration Networks
* Real-Time Seamless Single Shot 6D Object Pose Prediction
* Real-Time Temporal Superpixels for Unsupervised Remote Photoplethysmography
* Real-Time Texture-less Object Recognition on Mobile Devices
* Real-time Vehicle Localization and Tracking Using Monocular Panomorph Panoramic Vision
* Real-time visual tracking by deep reinforced decision making
* Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Real-World Repetition Estimation by Div, Grad and Curl
* Realtime Quality Assessment of Iris Biometrics Under Visible Light
* Recognition of Infants' Gaze Behaviors and Emotions
* Recognize Actions by Disentangling Components of Dynamics
* Recognizing American Sign Language Gestures from Within Continuous Videos
* Recognizing Human Actions as the Evolution of Pose Estimation Maps
* Reconstructing Spectral Images from RGB-Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Reconstructing Thin Structures of Manifold Surfaces by Integrating Spatial Curves
* Reconstruction Network for Video Captioning
* Reconstruction of Interior Walls from Point Cloud Data with Min-Hashed J-Linkage
* Reconstruction of Remotely Sensed Snow Albedo for Quality Improvements Based on a Combination of Forward and Retrieval Models
* Recovering Realistic Texture in Image Super-Resolution by Deep Spatial Feature Transform
* RecResNet: A Recurrent Residual CNN Architecture for Disparity Map Enhancement
* Recurrent Neural Network Based Small-footprint Wake-up-word Speech Recognition System with a Score Calibration Method
* Recurrent Neural Networks for Financial Time-Series Modelling
* Recurrent Pixel Embedding for Instance Grouping
* Recurrent Residual Module for Fast Inference in Videos
* Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network: Incorporating Multi-stage Visual Cues for Small Organ Segmentation
* Recurrent Scene Parsing with Perspective Understanding in the Loop
* Recurrent Segmentation for Variable Computational Budgets
* Recurrent Slice Networks for 3D Segmentation of Point Clouds
* recursive Bayesian approach to describe retinal vasculature geometry, A
* Recursive Deep Residual Learning for Single Image Dehazing
* Recursive Inception Network for Super-Resolution
* Reduced-reference quality assessment of multiply-distorted images based on structural and uncertainty information degradation
* Reducing Tongue Shape Dimensionality from Hundreds of Available Resources Using Autoencoder
* Referring Image Segmentation via Recurrent Refinement Networks
* Referring Relationships
* Reflection Removal for Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
* Reflective Field for Pixel-Level Tasks
* Region and Temporal Dependency Fusion for Multi-label Action Unit Detection
* Region-specific Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
* Regularization Analysis and Design for Prior-Image-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction
* Regularizing Deep Networks by Modeling and Predicting Label Structure
* Regularizing RNNs for Caption Generation by Reconstructing the Past with the Present
* Reinforcement Cutting-Agent Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* Relating Deep Neural Network Representations to EEG-fMRI Spatiotemporal Dynamics in a Perceptual Decision-Making Task
* Relating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Forest Fires Burned Area and Duration to Diurnal Land Surface Temperature Anomalies
* Relation Networks for Object Detection
* RelationNet: Learning Deep-Aligned Representation for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps: An Earth Observation-Based Analysis
* Reliability verification-based convolutional neural networks for object tracking
* Remote Sensing Is Changing Our View of the Coast: Insights from 40 Years of Monitoring at Narrabeen-Collaroy, Australia
* Remote sensing of albedo-reducing snow algae and impurities in the Maritime Antarctica
* Remote Sensing of Coastal Upwelling in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea: Statistical Properties and Implications for the Coastal Environment
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multilayer Stacked Covariance Pooling
* Remote Sensing-Based Proxies for Urban Disaster Risk Management and Resilience: A Review
* ReNN: Rule-embedded Neural Networks
* Replicating Coded Content in Crowdsourcing-Based CDN Systems
* Representation of Categories in Filters of Deep Neural Networks
* Representing a Partially Observed Non-Rigid 3D Human Using Eigen-Texture and Eigen-Deformation
* Representing and Learning High Dimensional Data with the Optimal Transport Map from a Probabilistic Viewpoint
* Representing Relative Visual Attributes with a Reference-Point-Based Decision Model
* Repulsion Loss: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd
* resample strategy and artificial bee colony optimization-based 3d range imaging registration, A
* Reservoir Computing with Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
* ResFusion: deeply fused scene parsing network for RGB-D images
* Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Residual HSRCNN: Residual Hyper-Spectral Reconstruction CNN from an RGB Image
* Residual Inception Skip Network for Binary Segmentation
* Residual MeshNet: Learning to Deform Meshes for Single-View 3D Reconstruction
* Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
* Resilience of the U.S. National Airspace System Airport Network
* Resolution-Enhanced Lensless Color Shadow Imaging Microscopy Based on Large Field-of-View Submicron-Pixel Imaging Sensors
* Resource Aware Person Re-identification Across Multiple Resolutions
* Restoration of Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images Using a Partially Occluded Training Set
* Rethinking Feature Distribution for Loss Functions in Image Classification
* Rethinking Pose in 3D: Multi-stage Refinement and Recovery for Markerless Motion Capture
* Rethinking ReLU to Train Better CNNs
* Rethinking the Faster R-CNN Architecture for Temporal Action Localization
* Retinal blood vessel segmentation using the elite-guided multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm
* Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
* Retraining: A Simple Way to Improve the Ensemble Accuracy of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification
* Retrieval of Sediment Fill Factor by Inversion of a Modified Hapke Model Applied to Sampled HCRF from Airborne and Satellite Imagery
* Retrieval of the Fine-Mode Aerosol Optical Depth over East China Using a Grouped Residual Error Sorting (GRES) Method from Multi-Angle and Polarized Satellite Data
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with private-key homomorphism and public-key homomorphism
* Revised Contrastive Loss for Robust Age Estimation from Face
* Revised Spatial Transformer Network towards Improved Image Super-resolutions
* Revised Underwater Image Formation Model, A
* Revisiting Deep Intrinsic Image Decompositions
* Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Revisiting Knowledge Transfer for Training Object Class Detectors
* Revisiting Outlier Rejection Approach for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking
* Revisiting Salient Object Detection: Simultaneous Detection, Ranking, and Subitizing of Multiple Salient Objects
* Revisiting Superquadric Fitting: A Numerically Stable Formulation
* Revisiting Video Saliency: A Large-Scale Benchmark and a New Model
* Reward Learning from Narrated Demonstrations
* RGB-D-based human motion recognition with deep learning: A survey
* Riemannian Geometry of Deep Generative Models, The
* Riemannian kernel based Nyström method for approximate infinite-dimensional covariance descriptors with application to image set classification
* Riemannian Metric Learning based on Curvature Flow
* Rigorous Solution for Closed-form Correlation Filter Tracking, A
* Ring Loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition
* Road Detection with EOSResUNet and Post Vectorizing Algorithm
* Road safety evaluation through automatic extraction of road horizontal alignments from Mobile LiDAR System and inductive reasoning based on a decision tree
* Road-Segmentation-Based Curb Detection Method for Self-Driving via a 3D-LiDAR Sensor
* ROAD: Reality Oriented Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
* Roadmap Generation using a Multi-stage Ensemble of Deep Neural Networks with Smoothing-Based Optimization
* Roadside unit location for information propagation promotion on two parallel roadways with a general headway distribution
* RoadTracer: Automatic Extraction of Road Networks from Aerial Images
* Robust Adaptive Label Propagation by Double Matrix Decomposition
* Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Representation
* robust and efficient method for license plate recognition, A
* Robust and Flexible Graph-based Semi-supervised Embedding
* Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
* Robust Classification with Convolutional Prototype Learning
* Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on DCT and LDA Topic Classification
* Robust Depth Estimation from Auto Bracketed Images
* Robust Depth Image Based Rendering Scheme for Stereoscopic View Synthesis with Adaptive Domain Transform Based Filtering Framework, A
* Robust Discriminative Projective Dictionary Pair Learning by Adaptive Representations
* Robust ECG Biometrics Using Two-Stage Model
* robust enhancement system based on observer-backstepping controller, A
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection via a Fully-Convolutional Local-Global Context Network
* Robust Fitting of Subdivision Surfaces for Smooth Shape Analysis
* Robust Fussed Lasso Model for Recurrent Copy Number Variation Detection
* Robust Hough Transform Based 3D Reconstruction from Circular Light Fields
* Robust Hybrid Filter Based on Evolutionary Intelligence and Fuzzy Evaluation, A
* Robust image hashing using exact Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Robust Lane Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Applications
* Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint Sparse Embedding
* Robust Method for Strong Rolling Shutter Effects Correction Using Lines with Automatic Feature Selection, A
* Robust Physical-World Attacks on Deep Learning Visual Classification
* Robust Projective Low-Rank and Sparse Representation by Robust Dictionary Learning
* Robust Scene Text Detection with Deep Feature Pyramid Network and CNN based NMS Model
* Robust synchronization in SO(3) and SE(3) via low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
* Robust tracking of multiple objects in video by adaptive fusion of subband particle filters
* Robust UAV Visual Teach and Repeat Using Only Sparse Semantic Object Features
* robust unsupervised pattern discovery and clustering of speech signals, A
* Robust Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using Bag-of-Words and Orientation Aware Scanning
* Robust Video Content Alignment and Compensation for Rain Removal in a CNN Framework
* Robust visual data segmentation: Sampling from distribution of model parameters
* Rolling Shutter and Radial Distortion are Features for High Frame Rate Multi-camera Tracking
* Rotate your Networks: Better Weight Consolidation and Less Catastrophic Forgetting
* RotateConv: Making Asymmetric Convolutional Kernels Rotatable
* Rotated Rectangles for Symbolized Building Footprint Extraction
* Rotation Averaging and Strong Duality
* Rotation-Sensitive Regression for Oriented Scene Text Detection
* Rotational Invariant Discriminant Subspace Learning For Image Classification
* RotationNet: Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation Using Multiviews from Unsupervised Viewpoints
* RPIfield: A New Dataset for Temporally Evaluating Person Re-identification
* Runtime-Scalable and Hardware-Accelerated Approach to On-Board Linear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Salience Guided Depth Calibration for Perceptually Optimized Compressive Light Field 3D Display
* Saliency detection based on background seeds by object proposals and extended random walk
* Saliency detection based on directional patches extraction and principal local color contrast
* Saliency Detection using Iterative Dynamic Guided Filtering
* Saliency detection via background and foreground null space learning
* Saliency guided fast interpolation for large displacement optical flow
* Salient Feature Selection for CNN-Based Visual Place Recognition
* Salient Object Detection Driven by Fixation Prediction
* Salient region detection using feature extraction in the non-subsampled contourlet domain
* SAM: Pushing the Limits of Saliency Prediction Models
* Sampling of Signals Bandlimited to a Disc in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain
* SAR ATR of Ground Vehicles Based on LM-BN-CNN
* SBNet: Sparse Blocks Network for Fast Inference
* Scalable and Effective Deep CCA via Soft Decorrelation
* Scalable Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: A Grassmannian Perspective
* Scalable kNN Search Approximation for Time Series Data
* Scalable Monocular SLAM by Fusing and Connecting Line Segments with Inverse Depth Filter
* Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning by Graph Construction with Approximate Anchors Embedding
* Scalable spectral clustering with cosine similarity
* Scale and Orientation Aware EPI-Patch Learning for Light Field Depth Estimation
* Scale-Free Properties of Human Mobility and Applications to Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Scale-Recurrent Network for Deep Image Deblurring
* Scale-Transferrable Object Detection
* ScanComplete: Large-Scale Scene Completion and Semantic Segmentation for 3D Scans
* Scattering Transform for Matching Surgically Altered Face Images
* Scene Classification Based on Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network
* Scene Grammar in Human and Machine Recognition of Objects and Scenes
* Scene invariant crowd counting using multi-scales head detection in video surveillance
* Scene Text Detection via Deep Semantic Feature Fusion and Attention-based Refinement
* Scene Text Detection with Recurrent Instance Segmentation
* Scene text rectification using glyph and character alignment properties
* Scene Understanding Networks for Autonomous Driving Based on Around View Monitoring System
* Scene-dependent proposals for efficient person detection
* Scope of Earth-Observation to Improve the Consistency of the SDG Slum Indicator, The
* Screen Orientation Aware DRAM Architecture for Mobile Video and Graphic Applications
* Screen-rendered text images recognition using a deep residual network based segmentation-free method
* Script Identification of Central Asia Based on Fused Texture Features
* SCUT-FBP5500: A Diverse Benchmark Dataset for Multi-Paradigm Facial Beauty Prediction
* Secure Image Watermarking Based on LWT and SVD
* Security Consideration for Deep Learning-Based Image Forensics
* Security Credential Management System for V2X Communications, A
* Seeded graph matching
* SeedNet: Automatic Seed Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Interactive Segmentation
* Seeing Small Faces from Robust Anchor's Perspective
* Seeing Temporal Modulation of Lights from Standard Cameras
* Seeing Voices and Hearing Faces: Cross-Modal Biometric Matching
* SeeThrough: Finding Objects in Heavily Occluded Indoor Scene Images
* SeGAN: Segmenting and Generating the Invisible
* SegDenseNet: Iris Segmentation for Pre-and-Post Cataract Surgery
* Segment-Based Spatial Analysis for Assessing Road Infrastructure Performance Using Monitoring Observations and Remote Sensing Data
* Segmentation Edit Distance
* Segmentation-Guided Tracking with Prior Map Decision
* Segmented Local Offset Method for Imbalanced Data Classification Using Quasi-Linear Support Vector Machine, A
* SegmentedFusion: 3D Human Body Reconstruction Using Stitched Bounding Boxes
* Selective Ensemble Network for Accurate Crowd Density Estimation
* Selective Multi-Convolutional Region Feature Extraction based Iterative Discrimination CNN for Fine-Grained Vehicle Model Recognition
* Selective Tracking and Detection Framework with Target Enhanced Feature, A
* Self Functional Maps
* Self-Attention Based Network for Punctuation Restoration
* Self-Calibrating Polarising Radiometric Calibration
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Hashing Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Learning to Spot Artifacts
* Self-Supervised Learning of Geometrically Stable Features Through Probabilistic Introspection
* Self-Supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocular Reconstruction at Over 250 Hz
* Self-Talk: Responses to Users' Opinions and Challenges in Human Computer Dialog
* Semantic Adversarial Examples
* Semantic Binary Segmentation Using Convolutional Networks without Decoders
* Semantic Classification of 3D Point Clouds with Multiscale Spherical Neighborhoods
* Semantic convex matrix factorisation for cross-media retrieval
* Semantic Image Synthesis via Conditional Cycle-Generative Adversarial Networks
* Semantic Interpretation of Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds in Indoor Scenes Using Trajectories
* Semantic Metric 3D Reconstruction for Concrete Inspection
* Semantic Music Annotation by Label-Specific Conditional Random Fields
* Semantic Scene Models for Visual Localization under Large Viewpoint Changes
* Semantic Segmentation Based Building Extraction Method Using Multi-source GIS Map Datasets and Satellite Imagery
* Semantic Video Segmentation by Gated Recurrent Flow Propagation
* Semantic Visual Localization
* Semantic-only Visual Odometry based on dense class-level segmentation
* Semi-Automated Classification of Lake Ice Cover Using Dual Polarization RADARSAT-2 Imagery
* Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation from Monocular Videos, A
* Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis
* Semi-supervised convolutional neural networks with label propagation for image classification
* Semi-supervised Feature Selection by Mutual Information Based on Kernel Density Estimation
* Semi-supervised Graph Rewiring with the Dirichlet Principle
* Semi-supervised Hashing for Semi-Paired Cross-View Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised Learning via Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SemStyle: Learning to Generate Stylised Image Captions Using Unaligned Text
* Sensitivity of TDS-1 GNSS-R Reflectivity to Soil Moisture: Global and Regional Differences and Impact of Different Spatial Scales
* Sensor fusion for vehicle tracking based on the estimated probability
* Sentinel-1 and Ground-Based Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of the Corvara Landslide (South Tyrol, Italy)
* Separating Self-Expression and Visual Content in Hashtag Supervision
* Separating Style and Content for Generalized Style Transfer
* Separating the Influence of Vegetation Changes in Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry
* Sequential Fish Catch Forecasting Using Bayesian State Space Models
* Sequential Modeling of Deep Features for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification
* SequentialSegNet: Combination with Sequential Feature for Multi-Organ Segmentation
* SESR: Single Image Super Resolution with Recursive Squeeze and Excitation Networks
* Seven Years of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity at High Latitudes: Variability in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions
* SfSNet: Learning Shape, Reflectance and Illuminance of Faces in the Wild
* SGAN: An Alternative Training of Generative Adversarial Networks
* SGPN: Similarity Group Proposal Network for 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
* Shape from Shading Through Shape Evolution
* Shape measurement using LIP-signature
* Shape-Preserving Object Depth Control for Stereoscopic Images
* Shift: A Zero FLOP, Zero Parameter Alternative to Spatial Convolutions
* Shortly and Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification, A
* Shot Level Egocentric Video Co-summarization
* Show Me a Story: Towards Coherent Neural Story Illustration
* Show me your face and I will tell you your height, weight and body mass index
* ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* Sign Language Recognition Based on Hand and Body Skeletal Data
* Signal Multiobjective Optimization for Urban Traffic Network
* Signal processing challenges for digital holographic video display systems
* Significant Region-Based Framework for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Using11C PiB-PET Scans
* Sim2Real Viewpoint Invariant Visual Servoing by Recurrent Control
* Simple Method for the Parameterization of Surface Roughness from Microwave Remote Sensing, A
* Simple Real-Time Multi-face Tracking Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Simplifying the Formal Verification of Safety Requirements in Zone Controllers Through Problem Frames and Constraint-Based Projection
* Simulation of Plenoptic Cameras
* Simultaneous Context Feature Learning and Hashing for Large Scale Loop Closure Detection
* Simultaneous robustness against random initialization and optimal order selection in Bag-of-Words modeling
* Single color image photometric stereo for multi-colored surfaces
* Single Image Dehazing via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Single image rain removal based on depth of field and sparse coding
* Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual Losses
* Single Image Super-Resolution With Learning Iteratively Non-Linear Mapping Between Low- and High-Resolution Sparse Representations
* Single Shot Feature Aggregation Network for Underwater Object Detection
* Single View Stereo Matching
* Single-Camera and Inter-Camera Vehicle Tracking and 3D Speed Estimation Based on Fusion of Visual and Semantic Features
* Single-image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Single-Image Depth Estimation Based on Fourier Domain Analysis
* Single-pixel compressive imaging based on motion compensation
* Single-Shot Dense Reconstruction with Epic-Flow
* Single-Shot Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB
* Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics
* Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection
* Single-View Reconstruction using orthogonal line-pairs
* SINT++: Robust Visual Tracking via Adversarial Positive Instance Generation
* Sketch-a-Classifier: Sketch-Based Photo Classifier Generation
* SketchMate: Deep Hashing for Million-Scale Human Sketch Retrieval
* SketchyGAN: Towards Diverse and Realistic Sketch to Image Synthesis
* Skin Lesion Segmentation via Dense Connected Deconvolutional Network
* Skip-Connected Deep Convolutional Autoencoder for Restoration of Document Images
* Sliced Wasserstein Distance for Learning Gaussian Mixture Models
* SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform with Kernel Windowing
* Sliding Line Point Regression for Shape Robust Scene Text Detection
* SMAP and CalCOFI Observe Freshening during the 2014-2016 Northeast Pacific Warm Anomaly
* Smooth Neighbors on Teacher Graphs for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arctic Permafrost Areas, Using a Land Surface Scheme Informed with Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* SO-Net: Self-Organizing Network for Point Cloud Analysis
* SobolevFusion: 3D Reconstruction of Scenes Undergoing Free Non-rigid Motion
* Soccer on Your Tabletop
* Soccer: Who Has the Ball? Generating Visual Analytics and Player Statistics
* SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
* Social functional mapping of urban green space using remote sensing and social sensing data
* Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Solar Atmosphere Data Analysis
* solution to the classification problem with cellular automata, A
* Solving the Perspective-2-Point Problem for Flying-Camera Photo Composition
* Something to Talk About: Signal Processing in Speech and Audiology Research: Promising Investigations Explore New Opportunities in Human Communication
* SoS-RSC: A Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Approach to Robustifying Subspace Clustering Algorithms
* Soybean crop coverage estimation from NDVI images with different spatial resolution to evaluate yield variability in a plot
* Space Subdivision of Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning Data Based on the Scanner Trajectory
* Space-Time-Brightness Sampling Using an Adaptive Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure
* Sparse Active Rectangular Array With Few Closely Spaced Elements
* Sparse and Dense Data with CNNs: Depth Completion and Semantic Segmentation
* Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient Stereo Matching
* Sparse optimization of non separable vector lifting scheme for stereo image coding
* Sparse Photometric 3D Face Reconstruction Guided by Morphable Models
* Sparse Range-Constrained Learning and Its Application for Medical Image Grading
* Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
* Sparse Representation Over Learned Dictionaries on the Riemannian Manifold for Automated Grading of Nuclear Pleomorphism in Breast Cancer
* Sparse weakly supervised models for object localization in road environment
* Sparse, Smart Contours to Represent and Edit Images
* SparsePPG: Towards Driver Monitoring Using Camera-Based Vital Signs Estimation in Near-Infrared
* Sparsity induced prototype learning via lp,1-norm grouping
* Sparsity inspired pan-sharpening technique using multi-scale learned dictionary
* Spatial Calibration for Thermal-RGB Cameras and Inertial Sensor System
* Spatial Consistency Assessments for Global Land-Cover Datasets: A Comparison among GLC2000, CCI LC, MCD12, GLOBCOVER and GLCNMO
* Spatial Distribution Estimates of the Urban Population Using DSM and DEM Data in China
* Spatial domain morphological filtering for interpolation of the Fourier domain
* Spatial Pyramid Dilated Network for Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Classification
* Spatially Coherent Matching for Robust Registration
* Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pedestrian recognition from LIDAR data
* Spatially-Adaptive Filter Units for Deep Neural Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Laban Features for Dance Style Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Public Transport Delays Based on Large-Scale Vehicle Positioning Data From GPS in Wroclaw
* Spatio-Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Using Kinetic Models
* Spatiotemporal KSVD Dictionary Learning for Online Multi-target Tracking
* Spatiotemporal Modeling for Efficient Registration of Dynamic 3D Faces
* SPCNet: Scale Position Correlation Network for End-to-End Visual Tracking
* Speaker Clustering Using Dominant Sets
* Special Issue of Silicon Photonics [Scanning the Issue]
* Species-Level Vegetation Mapping in a Himalayan Treeline Ecotone Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Imagery
* Spectral Embedded Clustering on Multi-Manifold
* Spectral Responses of As and Pb Contamination in Tailings of a Hydrothermal Ore Deposit: A Case Study of Samgwang Mine, South Korea
* Speed Estimation and Abnormality Detection from Surveillance Cameras
* SPIHT Algorithm With Adaptive Selection of Compression Ratio Depending on DWT Coefficients
* Spindle-Net: CNNs for Monocular Depth Inference with Dilation Kernel Method
* SPLATNet: Sparse Lattice Networks for Point Cloud Processing
* Spline Error Weighting for Robust Visual-Inertial Fusion
* SplineCNN: Fast Geometric Deep Learning with Continuous B-Spline Kernels
* Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* SqueezeNext: Hardware-Aware Neural Network Design
* SSNet: Scale Selection Network for Online 3D Action Prediction
* SSSD: Speech Scene database by Smart Device for Visual Speech Recognition
* ST-GAN: Spatial Transformer Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Compositing
* Stabilizing Actor Policies by Approximating Advantage Distributions from K Critics
* Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal
* Stacked Latent Attention for Multimodal Reasoning
* Stacked U-Nets for Ground Material Segmentation in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Stacked U-Nets with Multi-output for Road Extraction
* Staff line Removal using Generative Adversarial Networks
* StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Statistical Tomography of Microscopic Life
* Stereoscopic Neural Style Transfer
* Stingray Detection of Aerial Images Using Augmented Training Images Generated by a Conditional Generative Model
* Stochastic Downsampling for Cost-Adjustable Inference and Improved Regularization in Convolutional Networks
* Stochastic Variational Inference with Gradient Linearization
* Stream Clustering with Dynamic Estimation of Emerging Local Densities
* Street Centralities and Land Use Intensities Based on Points of Interest (POI) in Shenzhen, China
* Strict Very Fast Decision Tree: A memory conservative algorithm for data stream mining
* Structural and Spectral Analysis of Cereal Canopy Reflectance and Reflectance Anisotropy
* structural approach to Person Re-identification problem, A
* Structural pattern-based approach for Betacam dropout detection in degraded archived media
* Structure from Motion for aerial thermal imagery at city scale: Pre-processing, camera calibration, accuracy assessment
* Structure from Recurrent Motion: From Rigidity to Recurrency
* Structure Inference Net: Object Detection Using Scene-Level Context and Instance-Level Relationships
* Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks by Finding the Optimal Ordering
* Structure preserving image denoising based on low-rank reconstruction and gradient histograms
* Structure Preserving Video Prediction
* Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis
* Structure-Guided Image Inpainting Using Homography Transformation
* Structured Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Structured Attention Guided Convolutional Neural Fields for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Structured Convex Optimization Method for Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Point-Cloud Denoising
* Structured Set Matching Networks for One-Shot Part Labeling
* Structured Uncertainty Prediction Networks
* Study of the Principal Component Analysis Method for the Correction of Images Degraded by Turbulence
* Style Aggregated Network for Facial Landmark Detection
* Sub-Nyquist Radar Systems: Temporal, Spectral, and Spatial Compression
* Subset Replay Based Continual Learning for Scalable Improvement of Autonomous Systems
* Subspace clustering via seeking neighbors with minimum reconstruction error
* Subspace Support Vector Data Description
* Subtracted Histogram: Utilizing Mutual Relation Between Features for Thresholding
* Successional stages and their evolution in tropical forests using multi-temporal photogrammetric surface models and superpixels
* Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation
* Super-FAN: Integrated Facial Landmark Localization and Super-Resolution of Real-World Low Resolution Faces in Arbitrary Poses with GANs
* Super-resolution Imaging Based on Global Interpolation and Structural Similarities
* Super-resolution of Sentinel-2 images: Learning a globally applicable deep neural network
* Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging Based on the Phase of the Carrier Wave Without Deterioration by Grating Lobes
* Super-Resolving Very Low-Resolution Face Images with Supplementary Attributes
* Superframes, A Temporal Video Segmentation
* Superpixel-Based Feature Extraction and Fusion Method for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Superpixel-Based Unsupervised Band Selection for Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* SuperPoint: Self-Supervised Interest Point Detection and Description
* Supervised Mixed Norm Autoencoder for Kinship Verification in Unconstrained Videos
* Supervision-by-Registration: An Unsupervised Approach to Improve the Precision of Facial Landmark Detectors
* Support vector candidates selection via Delaunay graph and convex-hull for large and high-dimensional datasets
* Support vector machine and back propagation neutral network approaches for trip mode prediction using mobile phone data
* Support vector machine approach to fall recognition based on simplified expression of human skeleton action and fast detection of start key frame using torso angle
* Surface Deformation Monitoring in Zhengzhou City from 2014 to 2016 Using Time-Series InSAR
* Surface Light Field Fusion
* Surface Networks
* Surface reconstruction from a sparse point cloud by enforcing visibility consistency and topology constraints
* Surface-Based GICP
* SurfConv: Bridging 3D and 2D Convolution for RGBD Images
* survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
* Survey of Higher Order Rigid Body Motion Interpolation Methods for Keyframe Animation and Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation
* Survey of Monocular SLAM Algorithms in Natural Environments
* SynRhythm: Learning a Deep Heart Rate Estimator from General to Specific
* Synthesized Texture Quality Assessment via Multi-scale Spatial and Statistical Texture Attributes of Image and Gradient Magnitude Coefficients
* Synthesizing Images of Humans in Unseen Poses
* SYQ: Learning Symmetric Quantization for Efficient Deep Neural Networks
* Systematic Street View Sampling: High Quality Annotation of Power Infrastructure in Rural Ontario
* t,n)-multi secret image sharing scheme based on Boolean operations, A
* Tagging Like Humans: Diverse and Distinct Image Annotation
* Tags2Parts: Discovering Semantic Regions from Shape Tags
* Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in 3D
* Target Group Distribution Pattern Discovery via Convolutional Neural Network
* Task-Oriented Knowledge Base for Geospatial Problem-Solving, A
* Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning
* Taxi Demand Forecasting: A HEDGE-Based Tessellation Strategy for Improved Accuracy
* Teaching Categories to Human Learners with Visual Explanations
* Teaching Squeeze-and-Excitation PyramidNet for Imbalanced Image Classification with GAN-based Curriculum Learning
* Tell Me Where to Look: Guided Attention Inference Network
* Temporal Action Detection by Joint Identification-Verification
* Temporal Alignment Improves Feature Quality: An Experiment on Activity Recognition with Accelerometer Data
* Temporal Deformable Residual Networks for Action Segmentation in Videos
* Temporal Filter Parameters for Motion Pattern Maps
* Temporal Hallucinating for Action Recognition with Few Still Images
* Temporal Hierarchical Dictionary with HMM for Fast Gesture Recognition
* Temporal Inception Architecture for Action Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Temporal Pattern Localization using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Temporal stochastic linear encoding networks
* Tensor Low-Rank Discriminant Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction
* Tensor-Based Classification Models for Hyperspectral Data Analysis
* Tensorize, Factorize and Regularize: Robust Visual Relationship Learning
* TernausNetV2: Fully Convolutional Network for Instance Segmentation
* Testing a Shape-Changing Haptic Navigation Device With Vision-Impaired and Sighted Audiences in an Immersive Theater Setting
* Text effects transfer via distribution-aware texture synthesis
* Textbook Question Answering Under Instructor Guidance with Memory Networks
* Textural Region Denoising: Application in Agriculture
* Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor
* Texture Segmentation using Siamese Network and Hierarchical Region Merging
* Texture-based feature extraction of smear images for the detection of cervical cancer
* TextureGAN: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Texture Patches
* ThinNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection
* Thoracic Disease Identification and Localization with Limited Supervision
* Three Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Image Synthesis and Segmentation
* Three-Dimensional Cloud Volume Reconstruction from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer
* Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angular Velocity Maps and Connived Feature ResNet
* Threshold-Guided Design and Optimization for Harris Corner Detector Architecture
* Through-Wall Human Pose Estimation Using Radio Signals
* TieNet: Text-Image Embedding Network for Common Thorax Disease Classification and Reporting in Chest X-Rays
* Tikhonov Regularization Based Modeling and Sidereal Filtering Mitigation of GNSS Multipath Errors
* Time Analysis of Pulse-Based Face Anti-Spoofing in Visible and NIR
* Time-Dependent Pre-attention Model for Image Captioning
* Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Photometric Stereo
* Tiny SSD: A Tiny Single-Shot Detection Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Embedded Object Detection
* Tips and Tricks for Visual Question Answering: Learnings from the 2017 Challenge
* TOM-Net: Learning Transparent Object Matting from a Single Image
* TomoSAR Imaging for the Study of Forested Areas: A Virtual Adaptive Beamforming Approach
* Tool for automatic tuning of binarisation techniques
* Top-down saliency detection driven by visual classification
* Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies
* Totally Looks Like: How Humans Compare, Compared to Machines
* Toward Achieving Robust Low-Level and High-Level Scene Parsing
* Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras
* Toward Construction-Based Data Hiding: From Secrets to Fingerprint Images
* Toward Driving Scene Understanding: A Dataset for Learning Driver Behavior and Causal Reasoning
* Toward Model-Generated Household Listing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Using Deep Learning
* Toward More Realistic Face Recognition Evaluation Protocols for the YouTube Faces Database
* Towards a 20 m Global Building Map from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Towards a Mathematical Understanding of the Difficulty in Learning with Feedforward Neural Networks
* Towards Automatic Detection of Monkey Faces
* Towards CNN Map Representation and Compression for Camera Relocalisation
* Towards Dense Object Tracking in a 2D Honeybee Hive
* Towards Effective Low-Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards Estimating Land Evaporation at Field Scales Using GLEAM
* Towards Faster Training of Global Covariance Pooling Networks by Iterative Matrix Square Root Normalization
* Towards Good Practice for Action Recognition with Spatiotemporal 3D Convolutions
* Towards High Performance Video Object Detection
* Towards Human-Machine Cooperation: Self-Supervised Sample Mining for Object Detection
* Towards More Accurate Radio Telescope Images
* Towards Open-Set Identity Preserving Face Synthesis
* Towards operational marker-free registration of terrestrial lidar data in forests
* Towards Personalized Autism Diagnosis: Promising Results
* Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
* Towards Reading Hidden Emotions: A Comparative Study of Spontaneous Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition Methods
* Towards Reconstructing 3D Buildings from ALS Data Based on Gestalt Laws
* Towards social pattern characterization in egocentric photo-streams
* Towards Unconstrained Pointing Problem of Visual Question Answering: A Retrieval-based Method
* Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition
* Tracking Multiple Objects Outside the Line of Sight Using Speckle Imaging
* Traffic Flow Analysis with Multiple Adaptive Vehicle Detectors and Velocity Estimation with Landmark-Based Scanlines
* Traffic Risk Mining From Heterogeneous Road Statistics
* Traffic Sign Image Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Traffic sign recognition using weighted multi-convolutional neural network
* Traffic Speed Estimation from Surveillance Video Data: For the 2nd NVIDIA AI City Challenge Track 1
* Training Deep Networks with Synthetic Data: Bridging the Reality Gap by Domain Randomization
* Trajectory planning and optimisation method for intelligent vehicle lane changing emergently
* Trajectory-based Radical Analysis Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Transductive Label Augmentation for Improved Deep Network Learning
* Transductive Unbiased Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning
* Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Transferred Semantic Scores for Scalable Retrieval of Histopathological Breast Cancer Images
* Translating and Segmenting Multimodal Medical Volumes with Cycle- and Shape-Consistency Generative Adversarial Network
* Transparency by Design: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Interpretability in Visual Reasoning
* Transparent Random Dot Markers
* Trapping Light for Time of Flight
* Tree Species Classification with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-view 3D Object Retrieval
* Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Estimates from FY-3B MWRI Brightness Temperatures Using the WS Algorithm
* Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic and Native Trees: Spatial Patterns of Tropical Forest Biomass, Functional Groups, and Species Counts and Links to Stand Age, Geoclimate, and Sustainability Goals
* Truncated Cauchy Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Trust your Model: Light Field Depth Estimation with Inline Occlusion Handling
* Tweets or nighttime lights: Comparison for preeminence in estimating socioeconomic factors
* TwinFusion: High Framerate Non-rigid Fusion through Fast Correspondence Tracking
* Two Can Play This Game: Visual Dialog with Discriminative Question Generation and Answering
* Two Yard Crane Scheduling With Dynamic Processing Time and Interference
* Two-Branch CNN Architecture for Land Cover Classification of PAN and MS Imagery, A
* Two-Stage Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Two-Stage Crack Detection Method for Concrete Bridges Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Two-Step Disentanglement Method, A
* Two-Step Quantization for Low-Bit Neural Networks
* Two-Step Urban Water Index (TSUWI): A New Technique for High-Resolution Mapping of Urban Surface Water
* Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Texture Synthesis
* Two-Stream Gated Fusion ConvNets for Action Recognition
* Two-Time-Scale Hybrid Traffic Models for Pedestrian Crowds
* Twofold Siamese Network for Real-Time Object Tracking, A
* UAV Target Tracking with A Boundary-Decision Network
* UAV-based multispectral remote sensing for precision agriculture: A comparison between different cameras
* Ultra Power-Efficient CNN Domain Specific Accelerator with 9.3TOPS/Watt for Mobile and Embedded Applications
* Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Under Natural Illumination
* Uncertainty Gated Network for Land Cover Segmentation
* Unconstrained Fingerphoto Database
* Underestimates of Grassland Gross Primary Production in MODIS Standard Products
* Understanding Dynamic Cross-OSN Associations for Cold-Start Recommendation
* Uniface: A Unified Network for Face Detection and Recognition
* Unified Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* Unified Neighbor Reconstruction Method for Embeddings, A
* uniformizing method of MR image intensity transformation, An
* Unifying Contrast Maximization Framework for Event Cameras, with Applications to Motion, Depth, and Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Unifying Identification and Context Learning for Person Recognition
* Universal Denoising Networks: A Novel CNN Architecture for Image Denoising
* Universal Perturbation Generation for Black-box Attack Using Evolutionary Algorithms
* Unmanned Aircraft System to Detect a Radiological Point Source Using RIMA Software Architecture, An
* Unobtrusive Driver Drowsiness Prediction Using Driving Behavior from Vehicular Sensors
* Unraveling Human Perception of Facial Aging Using Eye Gaze
* UnrealStereo: Controlling Hazardous Factors to Analyze Stereo Vision
* Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Features as a Perceptual Metric, The
* Unsupervised Adversarial Depth Estimation Using Cycled Generative Networks
* Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Surveillance Based on Background Modeling
* Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Multi-Temporal Irrigated Area Mapping in Central Asia, An
* Unsupervised clustering of mammograms for outlier detection and breast density estimation
* Unsupervised Correlation Analysis
* Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Person Re-identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns
* Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network
* Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Light Field Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Unsupervised Discovery of Object Landmarks as Structural Representations
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by regularizing Softmax Activation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Similarity Learning
* Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-parametric Instance Discrimination
* Unsupervised Features for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Over Time
* Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution Using Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks
* Unsupervised Learning and Segmentation of Complex Activities from Video
* Unsupervised Learning Model for Deformable Medical Image Registration, An
* Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Monocular Video Using 3D Geometric Constraints
* Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth Estimation and Visual Odometry with Deep Feature Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Multi-Domain Image Translation with Domain-Specific Encoders/Decoders
* Unsupervised Person Image Synthesis in Arbitrary Poses
* Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medical Images via Adversarial Training
* Unsupervised Sparse Dirichlet-Net for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Unsupervised Textual Grounding: Linking Words to Image Concepts
* Unsupervised Training for 3D Morphable Model Regression
* Unsupervised Vehicle Re-identification Using Triplet Networks
* Unsupervised Video Highlight Extraction via Query-related Deep Transfer
* Uplink Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication
* Use of a Multilayer Perceptron to Automate Terrain Assessment for the Needs of the Armed Forces
* Using ALPR data to understand the vehicle use behaviour under TDM measures
* Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Method for the Height of F2 Peak Forecasting from Ionosonde Measurements in the Australian Region
* Using Driver Control Models to Understand and Evaluate Behavioral Validity of Driving Simulators
* Using Eccentricity to Locate Ionospheric Exit Points of Magnetospheric Whistler Mode Waves
* Using Landsat-8 Images for Quantifying Suspended Sediment Concentration in Red River (Northern Vietnam)
* Using Psychophysical Methods to Understand Mechanisms of Face Identification in a Deep Neural Network
* Using Roads for Autonomous Air Vehicle Guidance
* Using TanDEM-X Pursuit Monostatic Observations with a Large Perpendicular Baseline to Extract Glacial Topography
* Using visual features based on MPEG-7 and deep learning for movie recommendation
* Utilizing Multilevel Features for Cloud Detection on Satellite Imagery
* UV-GAN: Adversarial Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* V2V-PoseNet: Voxel-to-Voxel Prediction Network for Accurate 3D Hand and Human Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Map
* Variability in annual temperature cycle in the urban areas of the United States as revealed by MODIS imagery
* Variational Autoencoders for Deforming 3D Mesh Models
* Variational Fusion of Light Field and Photometric Stereo for Precise 3D Sensing within a Multi-Line Scan Framework
* Variational Gaussian process for multisensor classification problems
* Variational Mode Decomposition-Based Heart Rate Estimation Using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmography During Physical Exercise
* Variational U-Net for Conditional Appearance and Shape Generation, A
* Vegetation Characterization through the Use of Precipitation-Affected SAR Signals
* Vegetation Height Estimate in Rice Fields Using Single Polarization TanDEM-X Science Phase Data
* Vegetation Horizontal Occlusion Index (VHOI) from TLS and UAV Image to Better Measure Mangrove LAI
* Vegetation Indices Do Not Capture Forest Cover Variation in Upland Siberian Larch Forests
* Vehicle Path Prediction Using Yaw Acceleration for Adaptive Cruise Control
* Vehicle Re-Identification by Deep Feature Fusion Based on Joint Bayesian Criterion
* Vehicle Re-identification with the Space-Time Prior
* Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation from Traffic Videos
* Vehicles detection for illumination changes urban traffic scenes employing adaptive local texture feature background model
* Very Large-Scale Global SfM by Distributed Motion Averaging
* Vessel Enhancement Based on Length-constrained Hessian Information
* VGAN-Based Image Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Recognition
* Video Analytics in Smart Transportation for the AIC'18 Challenge
* Video Based Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Spectrogram from Estimated Hemoglobin Information
* Video Based Reconstruction of 3D People Models
* Video Captioning via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
* Video Compression for Object Detection Algorithms
* Video denoising algorithm based on improved dual-domain filtering and 3D block matching
* Video Gesture Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection
* Video Person Re-Identification by Temporal Residual Learning
* Video Person Re-identification with Competitive Snippet-Similarity Aggregation and Co-attentive Snippet Embedding
* Video Rain Streak Removal by Multiscale Convolutional Sparse Coding
* Video Representation Learning Using Discriminative Pooling
* Video Salient Object Detection via Multiple Time-scale Analysis
* Video Stitching with Extended-MeshFlow
* Video Super-Resolution Using Non-Simultaneous Fully Recurrent Convolutional Network
* Video-based Emotion Recognition using Aggregated Features and Spatio-temporal Information
* View Extrapolation of Human Body from a Single Image
* View Priority Based Threads Allocation and Binary Search Oriented Reweight for GPU Accelerated Real-Time 3D Ball Tracking
* Viewing Simulation of Integral Imaging Display Based on Wave Optics
* Viewpoint-Aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification
* Viewpoint-Aware Video Summarization
* VIIRS Sea-Ice Albedo Product Generation and Preliminary Validation, The
* VirtualHome: Simulating Household Activities Via Programs
* ViS-HuD: Using Visual Saliency to Improve Human Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* VisDA: A Synthetic-to-Real Benchmark for Visual Domain Adaptation
* Vision-and-Language Navigation: Interpreting Visually-Grounded Navigation Instructions in Real Environments
* Visual comparison based on linear regression model and linear discriminant analysis
* Visual Feature Attribution Using Wasserstein GANs
* Visual graph mining for graph matching
* Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* Visual Localization in Changing Environments using Place Recognition Techniques
* Visual Localization of Key Positions for Visually Impaired People
* Visual Object Tracking: The Initialisation Problem
* Visual Question Answering with Memory-Augmented Networks
* Visual Question Generation as Dual Task of Visual Question Answering
* Visual Question Reasoning on General Dependency Tree
* Visual Relationship Detection Using Joint Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Visual saliency based on extended manifold ranking and third-order optimization refinement
* Visual SLAM for Automated Driving: Exploring the Applications of Deep Learning
* Visual to Sound: Generating Natural Sound for Videos in the Wild
* Visual Tracking by Combining the Structure-Aware Network and Spatial-Temporal Regression
* Visual Tracking with Breeding Fireflies using Brightness from Background-Foreground Information
* Visual Tree Convolutional Neural Network in Image Classification
* Visualization of Hyperspectral Images Using Moving Least Squares
* VITAL: VIsual Tracking via Adversarial Learning
* VITON: An Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network
* VizWiz Grand Challenge: Answering Visual Questions from Blind People
* Voting-based Incremental Structure-from-Motion
* Voting-Near-Extreme-Learning-Machine Classification Algorithm, A
* VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection
* W2F: A Weakly-Supervised to Fully-Supervised Framework for Object Detection
* Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-Based Markerless Motion Capture
* Wasserstein Generative Recurrent Adversarial Networks for Image Generating
* Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks
* Watercolor, Segmenting Images Using Connected Color Components
* WAYLA - Generating Images from Eye Movements
* Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
* Weakly and Semi Supervised Human Body Part Parsing via Pose-Guided Knowledge Transfer
* Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling Network
* Weakly Supervised Coupled Networks for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Weakly Supervised Domain-Specific Color Naming Based on Attention
* Weakly Supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition Through Adversarial Training
* Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation Using Class Peak Response
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Indoor Geometry by Dual Warping
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Single-Cell Feature Embeddings
* Weakly Supervised Phrase Localization with Multi-scale Anchored Transformer Network
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Joint Key Local Structure Localization and Classification of Aurora Image
* Weakly Supervised Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images via Multiple Instance Ranking
* Weakly- and Semi-supervised Faster R-CNN with Curriculum Learning
* Weakly-Supervised Action Segmentation with Iterative Soft Boundary Assignment
* Weakly-Supervised Deep Convolutional Neural Network Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iteratively Mining Common Object Features
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing
* Weather Recognition Based on Edge Deterioration and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Webly Supervised Learning Meets Zero-shot Learning: A Hybrid Approach for Fine-Grained Classification
* Weighted Graph Embedding-Based Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Weighted Sparse Sampling and Smoothing Frame Transition Approach for Semantic Fast-Forward First-Person Videos, A
* Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentation
* WESPE: Weakly Supervised Photo Enhancer for Digital Cameras
* WGAN Latent Space Embeddings for Blast Identification in Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
* What are you doing while answering your smartphone?
* What do Deep Networks Like to See?
* What have We Learned from Deep Representations for Action Recognition?
* What Makes a Video a Video: Analyzing Temporal Information in Video Understanding Models and Datasets
* What Rainfall Does Not Tell Us: Enhancing Financial Instruments with Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Evaporative Stress
* When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities
* Where and Why are They Looking? Jointly Inferring Human Attention and Intentions in Complex Tasks
* Which Content in a Booklet is he/she Reading? Reading Content Estimation using an Indoor Surveillance Camera
* Which Part is Better: Multi-Part Competition Network for person Re-Identification
* Who Let the Dogs Out? Modeling Dog Behavior from Visual Data
* Who's Better? Who's Best? Pairwise Deep Ranking for Skill Determination
* WiCV 2018: The Fourth Women in Computer Vision Workshop
* Wide Compression: Tensor Ring Nets
* WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted Pedestrian Detection
* Wing Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spatiotemporal Modelling Approach for Better Understanding a Respiratory Disease
* WiTT: Modeling and the evaluation of table tennis actions based on WIFI signals
* Word Image Representation Based on Visual Embeddings and Spatial Constraints for Keyword Spotting on Historical Documents
* Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolutional Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks
* Word Spotting in Scene Images Based on Character Recognition
* Wrapped Gaussian Process Regression on Riemannian Manifolds
* xUnit: Learning a Spatial Activation Function for Efficient Image Restoration
* Zero-Shot Kernel Learning
* Zero-Shot Recognition via Semantic Embeddings and Knowledge Graphs
* Zero-Shot Sketch-Image Hashing
* Zero-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Internal Learning
* Zero-Shot Visual Imitation
* Zero-Shot Visual Recognition Using Semantics-Preserving Adversarial Embedding Networks
* Zigzag Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Zone2Vec: Distributed Representation Learning of Urban Zones
* Zoom and Learn: Generalizing Deep Stereo Matching to Novel Domains
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