Journals starting with ip_3

IP(3) * Active Mesh: A Feature Seeking and Tracking Image Sequence Representation Scheme
* Adaptive Image Region-Growing
* Adaptive model-based motion estimation
* Algorithm for Successive Identification of Reflections, An
* Analysis of interlaced video signals and its applications
* Avoidance of Additional Aliasing in Multipass Image Rotations
* Bayesian approach to image expansion for improved definition, A
* Bayesian reconstruction of signals invariant under a space-group symmetry from Fourier transform magnitudes
* Bit allocation for dependent quantization with applications to multiresolution and MPEG video coders
* Cell-loss concealment techniques for layered video codecs in an ATM network
* Combined Markov Random Field and Wave-Packet Transform-Based Approach for Image Segmentation, A
* Data compression on multifont Chinese character patterns
* Detection Of Composite Edges
* development of symmetric extension method for subband image coding, A
* Effects of luminance quantization error on color image processing
* Efficient Algorithm to Compute the Complete Set of Discrete Gabor Coefficients, An
* Efficient Multiscale Regularization With Applications To The Computation Of Optical Flow
* Efficient Quadtree Coding of Images and Video
* Error-diffused image compression using a binary-to-gray-scale decoder and predictive pruned tree-structured vector quantization
* Estimation of Linear Parametric Models of Non-Gaussian Discrete Random Fields with Application to Texture Synthesis
* Fan Filters, the 3-D Radon Transform, and Image Sequence Analysis
* Fast Thresholded Linear Convolution Representation of Morphological Operations, A
* Filter Considerations in Color Correction
* Generalized symmetric extension for size-limited multirate filter banks
* Hidden Markov Models Applied to On-Line Handwritten Isolated Character Recognition
* Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding
* Image compression via improved quadtree decomposition algorithms
* Image identification and restoration in the subband domain
* Image sequence coding at very low bit rates: a review
* Improved interpolation, motion estimation, and compensation for interlaced pictures
* improvement to MBASIC algorithm for 3-D motion and depth estimation, An
* Index assignment for progressive transmission of full-search vector quantization
* Inverse and Approximation Problem for Two-Dimensional Fractal Sets
* Joint estimation of forward and backward motion vectors for interpolative prediction of video
* Khoros Software Development Environment for Image and Signal Processing, The
* Low bit rate video coding using robust motion vector regeneration in the decoder
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation
* Multichannel restoration of single channel images using a wavelet-based subband decomposition
* Multiconstraint Wiener-based motion compensation using wavelet pyramids
* Multirate 3-D subband coding of video
* Multiscale Random Field Model for Bayesian Image Segmentation, A
* Near-Sensor Image Processing: A New Paradigm
* New Algorithms for Fixed and Elastic Geometric Transformation Models
* Nonlinear ultrasonic image processing based on signal-adaptive filters and self-organizing neural networks
* Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation Using Kalman Filtering
* Object-Based Analysis-Synthesis Coding (OBASC) Based on the Source Model of Moving Flexible 3-D Objects
* On the Invertibility of the Morphological Representation of Binary Images
* Optimal Brightness Functions for Optical Flow Estimation of Deformable Motion
* Optimal Edge-Preserving Hybrid Filters
* Optimal Filtering of Digital Binary Images Corrupted by Union/Intersection Noise
* Optimal Parallel Stack Filtering under the Mean Absolute Error Criterion
* Optimal space-varying regularization in iterative image restoration
* Optimal trellis-based buffered compression and fast approximations
* Orientation adaptive subband coding of images
* Overlapped block motion compensation: an estimation-theoretic approach
* Perceptual coding of images for halftone display
* Perceptual coding of images for halftone display
* perceptually efficient VBR rate control algorithm, A
* Phase and magnitude in normalized images
* POCS-based restoration of space-varying blurred images
* Probabilistic and Sequential Computation of Optical Flow Using Temporal Coherence
* Pyramidal lattice vector quantization for multiscale image coding
* Rank Conditioned Rank Selection Filters for Signal Restoration
* Rate-distortion optimal fast thresholding with complete JPEG/MPEG decoder compatibility
* Representing Moving Images with Layers
* Sequential and Parallel Image Restoration: Neural Network Implementations
* Sidelobe reduction via adaptive FIR filtering in SAR imagery
* Simple Information Theoretic Proof of the Maximum Entropy Property of Some Gaussian Random Fields, A
* Space-frequency localized image compression
* Spatially adaptive subsampling of image sequences
* Special Issue on Image Sequence Compression
* stable feedback control of the buffer state using the controlled Lagrange multiplier method, A
* Structure for Adaptive Order Statistics Filtering, A
* Subband image coding using watershed and watercourse lines of the wavelet transform
* Temporally adaptive motion interpolation exploiting temporal masking in visual perception
* Three-Dimensional Elastic Matching of Volumes
* Three-dimensional subband coding with motion compensation
* Tomographic reconstruction of 3-D vector fields using inner product probes
* Wavelet transform domain filters: a spatially selective noise filtration technique
79 for IP(3)

IP(30) * 2D-LCoLBP: A Learning Two-Dimensional Co-Occurrence Local Binary Pattern for Image Recognition
* 3D Face From X: Learning Face Shape From Diverse Sources
* 3D Interactive Segmentation With Semi-Implicit Representation and Active Learning
* 3D Object Representation Learning: A Set-to-Set Matching Perspective
* 3D-Guided Face Manipulation of 2D Images for the Prediction of Post-Operative Outcome After Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
* 3DCD: Scene Independent End-to-End Spatiotemporal Feature Learning Framework for Change Detection in Unseen Videos
* AAN-Face: Attention Augmented Networks for Face Recognition
* Accurate and Fast Image Denoising via Attention Guided Scaling
* Accurate and Lightweight Method for Human Body Image Super-Resolution, An
* ACP++: Action Co-Occurrence Priors for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Action Anticipation Using Pairwise Human-Object Interactions and Transformers
* Active Subdivision Surfaces for the Semiautomatic Segmentation of Biomedical Volumes
* Adaptive Context-Aware Multi-Modal Network for Depth Completion
* Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC
* Adaptive LiDAR Sampling and Depth Completion Using Ensemble Variance
* Adaptive Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on an Accelerating Iterative Curvelet Thresholding Method
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Graph Enhanced Vision-Language Representation for Video QA
* Adaptive Streaming of 360 Videos With Perfect, Imperfect, and Unknown FoV Viewing Probabilities in Wireless Networks
* Adaptively Learning Facial Expression Representation via C-F Labels and Distillation
* Adversarial Attack Against Deep Saliency Models Powered by Non-Redundant Priors
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation With Prototype-Based Normalized Output Conditioner
* Adversarial Multi-Label Variational Hashing
* Adversarial Multi-Path Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Adversarial Training for Solving Inverse Problems in Image Processing
* AFAN: Augmented Feature Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* Affine Transformation-Based Deep Frame Prediction
* Affinity Space Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Across Domains
* Age-Oriented Face Synthesis With Conditional Discriminator Pool and Adversarial Triplet Loss
* AGRNet: Adaptive Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing
* AMP-Net: Denoising-Based Deep Unfolding for Compressive Image Sensing
* Angular-Driven Feedback Restoration Networks for Imperfect Sketch Recognition
* AP-CNN: Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Approximate Intrinsic Voxel Structure for Point Cloud Simplification
* ASK: Adaptively Selecting Key Local Features for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* Asymmetric Supervised Consistent and Specific Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Attend and Guide (AG-Net): A Keypoints-Driven Attention-Based Deep Network for Image Recognition
* Attend to the Difference: Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Contrastive Correlation
* Attention Guided Multiple Source and Target Domain Adaptation
* Attention-Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
* AutoPedestrian: An Automatic Data Augmentation and Loss Function Search Scheme for Pedestrian Detection
* Backward Attentive Fusing Network With Local Aggregation Classifier for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Band Representation-Based Semi-Supervised Low-Light Image Enhancement: Bridging the Gap Between Signal Fidelity and Perceptual Quality
* Batch Coherence-Driven Network for Part-Aware Person Re-Identification
* Bayesian Low Rank Tensor Ring for Image Recovery
* Better Compression With Deep Pre-Editing
* Bi-Directional Exponential Angular Triplet Loss for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Bidirectional Interaction Network for Person Re-Identification
* Bifurcated Backbone Strategy for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Bilateral Asymmetry Guided Counterfactual Generating Network for Mammogram Classification
* Bilateral Attention Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Bilateral Upsampling Network for Single Image Super-Resolution With Arbitrary Scaling Factors
* Bilevel Integrated Model With Data-Driven Layer Ensemble for Multi-Modality Image Fusion, A
* Bio-Inspired Video Enhancement for Small Moving Target Detection
* BiSPL: Bidirectional Self-Paced Learning for Recognition From Web Data
* Blind Decomposition of Multispectral Document Images Using Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Blind Deconvolution for Poissonian Blurred Image With Total Variation and L0-Norm Gradient Regularizations
* Blind Image Deblurring Using a Non-Linear Channel Prior Based on Dark and Bright Channels
* Blind Image Quality Assessment With Active Inference
* Blind Motion Deblurring Super-Resolution: When Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Learning Meets Static Image Understanding
* Block Proposal Neural Architecture Search
* Blur Removal Via Blurred-Noisy Image Pair
* Boosting Single Image Super-Resolution Learnt From Implicit Multi-Image Prior
* BSNet: Bi-Similarity Network for Few-shot Fine-grained Image Classification
* Burst Photography for Learning to Enhance Extremely Dark Images
* Calibration for Camera-Projector Pairs Using Spheres
* CameraNet: A Two-Stage Framework for Effective Camera ISP Learning
* CapsField: Light Field-Based Face and Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Capsule Routing
* Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement via an Auxiliary Panchromatic Image
* CDNet: Complementary Depth Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* CGNet: A Light-Weight Context Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation
* ChipQA: No-Reference Video Quality Prediction via Space-Time Chips
* CoANet: Connectivity Attention Network for Road Extraction From Satellite Imagery
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Alignment for Cross-Modal Moment Localization
* COAST: COntrollable Arbitrary-Sampling NeTwork for Compressive Sensing
* Combining Appearance and Gradient Information for Image Symmetry Detection
* Combining Progressive Rethinking and Collaborative Learning: A Deep Framework for In-Loop Filtering
* Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation On Person Re-Identification
* Complementary, Heterogeneous and Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation
* Composited FishNet: Fish Detection and Species Recognition From Low-Quality Underwater Videos
* Comprehensive Bi-Static Amplitude Compensated Range Migration Algorithm (AC-RMA), A
* Compressed Domain Deep Video Super-Resolution
* Condition-Aware Comparison Scheme for Gait Recognition
* Conditional Generative ConvNets for Exemplar-Based Texture Synthesis
* Consistency Graph Modeling for Semantic Correspondence
* Context-Based Image Contrast Enhancement Using Energy Equalization With Clipping Limit, A
* Contour Co-Tracking Method for Image Pairs, A
* Contour-Aware Loss: Boundary-Aware Learning for Salient Object Segmentation
* Controllable Sketch-to-Image Translation for Robust Face Synthesis
* Conversational Image Search
* Convex and Compact Superpixels by Edge- Constrained Centroidal Power Diagram
* Correcting Higher Order Aberrations Using Image Processing
* Coupled Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection With Gated Multi-Layer Feature Extraction and Deformable Occlusion Handling
* Cross-Dataset Point Cloud Recognition Using Deep-Shallow Domain Adaptation Network
* Cross-Domain Image Captioning via Cross-Modal Retrieval and Model Adaptation
* Cross-Layer Feature Pyramid Network for Salient Object Detection
* Cross-Modal Knowledge Adaptation for Language-Based Person Search
* Crowd Scene Analysis Encounters High Density and Scale Variation
* Cubemap-Based Perception-Driven Blind Quality Assessment for 360-degree Images
* CycleSegNet: Object Co-Segmentation With Cycle Refinement and Region Correspondence
* DAN: Deep-Attention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* DanceIt: Music-Inspired Dancing Video Synthesis
* DASGIL: Domain Adaptation for Semantic and Geometric-Aware Image-Based Localization
* Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Decomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Deconvolved Image Restoration From Auto-Correlations
* Decoupled Two-Stage Crowd Counting and Beyond
* Deep Coupled Feedback Network for Joint Exposure Fusion and Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Dehazing Network With Latent Ensembling Architecture and Adversarial Learning
* Deep Dense Multi-Scale Network for Snow Removal Using Semantic and Depth Priors
* Deep Dichromatic Guided Learning for Illuminant Estimation
* Deep Dichromatic Model Estimation Under AC Light Sources
* Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring for Unconstrained Dual-Lens Cameras
* Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Deep Inference Networks for Reliable Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation in Congested Urban Environments
* Deep K-SVD Denoising
* Deep Learning-Based Forgery Attack on Document Images
* Deep Learning-Based Model That Reduces Speed of Sound Aberrations for Improved In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging, A
* Deep Likelihood Network for Image Restoration With Multiple Degradation Levels
* Deep Magnification-Flexible Upsampling Over 3D Point Clouds
* Deep Multiple Instance Hashing for Fast Multi-Object Image Search
* Deep Ordinal Distortion Estimation Approach for Distortion Rectification, A
* Deep Outlier Handling for Image Deblurring
* Deep Relation Embedding for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Retinex Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Deep SAR Imaging and Motion Compensation
* Deep Shearlet Residual Learning Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Spectral Representation Learning from Multi-View Data
* Deep Unsupervised Active Learning via Matrix Sketching
* Deep-Learned Regularization and Proximal Operator for Image Compressive Sensing
* Deep-Masking Generative Network: A Unified Framework for Background Restoration From Superimposed Images
* DeepFoveaNet: Deep Fovea Eagle-Eye Bioinspired Model to Detect Moving Objects
* DeepQTMT: A Deep Learning Approach for Fast QTMT-Based CU Partition of Intra-Mode VVC
* Defense Against Adversarial Attacks by Reconstructing Images
* Defocus Blur Detection via Boosting Diversity of Deep Ensemble Networks
* Delving Deep Into Label Smoothing
* Denoising-Based Turbo Message Passing for Compressed Video Background Subtraction
* Dense Attention Fluid Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Depth Privileged Scene Recognition via Dual Attention Hallucination
* Depth-Quality-Aware Salient Object Detection
* DerainCycleGAN: Rain Attentive CycleGAN for Single Image Deraining and Rainmaking
* Designing Color Filters That Make Cameras More Colorimetric
* Designing Interpretable Recurrent Neural Networks for Video Reconstruction via Deep Unfolding
* Detail Preserving Coarse-to-Fine Matching for Stereo Matching and Optical Flow
* Different Input Resolutions and Arbitrary Output Resolution: A Meta Learning-Based Deep Framework for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Digital Image Noise Estimation Using DWT Coefficients
* Dimensionality Reduction for Tensor Data Based on Local Decision Margin Maximization
* Direct Unsupervised Super-Resolution Using Generative Adversarial Network (DUS-GAN) for Real-World Data
* Discriminative Cross-Modality Attention Network for Temporal Inconsistent Audio-Visual Event Localization
* Discriminative Feature Learning for Thorax Disease Classification in Chest X-ray Images
* Distributed Connected Component Filtering and Analysis in 2D and 3D Tera-Scale Data Sets
* Distributed Learning and Inference With Compressed Images
* Diversifying Inference Path Selection: Moving-Mobile-Network for Landmark Recognition
* Diversity Image Coding Using Irregular Interpolation
* Domain Adaptive Ensemble Learning
* Domain Shift Preservation for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation
* Domain-Guided Noise-Optimization-Based Inversion Method for Facial Image Manipulation, A
* DotFAN: A Domain-Transferred Face Augmentation Net
* Double Similarity Distillation for Semantic Image Segmentation
* DPANet: Depth Potentiality-Aware Gated Attention Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* DRCNN: Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* DS-UI: Dual-Supervised Mixture of Gaussian Mixture Models for Uncertainty Inference in Image Recognition
* DSNet: A Flexible Detect-to-Summarize Network for Video Summarization
* Dual Attention-in-Attention Model for Joint Rain Streak and Raindrop Removal
* Dual Color Space Guided Sketch Colorization
* Dual Modulated QR Codes for Proximal Privacy and Security
* Dual-Refinement: Joint Label and Feature Refinement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
* Dynamic Image Quantization Using Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
* Dynamic Point Cloud Denoising via Manifold-to-Manifold Distance
* Dynamic Selection Network for Image Inpainting
* Dynamic Selective Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Effective Blind Image Deblurring Using Matrix-Variable Optimization
* Efficient Center Voting for Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation in 3D Point Cloud
* Efficient Depth Intra Frame Coding in 3D-HEVC by Corner Points
* Efficient Face Detection in the Fisheye Image Domain
* Efficient Style-Corpus Constrained Learning for Photorealistic Style Transfer
* Ellipse R-CNN: Learning to Infer Elliptical Object From Clustering and Occlusion
* Ellipse Recovery From Blurred Binary Images
* Embarrassingly Simple Binarization for Deep Single Imagery Super-Resolution Networks
* Embedding Perspective Analysis Into Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* Embedding Regularizer Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification
* EnAET: A Self-Trained Framework for Semi-Supervised and Supervised Learning with Ensemble Transformations
* End-to-End Foreground-Aware Network for Person Re-Identification, An
* End-to-End Learnt Image Compression via Non-Local Attention Optimization and Improved Context Modeling
* End-to-End Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Network Using Multiple Epipolar Geometry
* Enhancement and Speedup of Photometric Compensation for Projectors by Reducing Inter-Pixel Coupling and Calibration Patterns
* Enhancing ISAR Image Efficiently via Convolutional Reweighted L1 Minimization
* EnlightenGAN: Deep Light Enhancement Without Paired Supervision
* ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identification
* Estimating Human Pose Efficiently by Parallel Pyramid Networks
* Evaluating the Stability of Spatial Keypoints via Cluster Core Correspondence Index
* Examinee-Examiner Network: Weakly Supervised Accurate Coronary Lumen Segmentation Using Centerline Constraint
* Explicit Facial Expression Transfer via Fine-Grained Representations
* Exploit Camera Raw Data for Video Super- Resolution via Hidden Markov Model Inference
* Exploring Chromatic Aberration and Defocus Blur for Relative Depth Estimation From Monocular Hyperspectral Image
* Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions for Real-Time Video Salient Object Detection
* Exploring Spatial Diversity for Region-Based Active Learning
* Exploring the Effects of Blur and Deblurring to Visual Object Tracking
* Extremely Lightweight Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with ShiftGCN++
* Fabric Retrieval Based on Multi-Task Learning
* Face Hallucination With Finishing Touches
* Face Video Retrieval Based on the Deep CNN With RBF Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Frequency Neural Network
* FASHE: A FrActal Based Strategy for Head Pose Estimation
* Fast and Robust Cascade Model for Multiple Degradation Single Image Super-Resolution
* Fast Hyperspectral Image Recovery of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging via Non-Iterative Subspace-Based Fusion
* Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
* Fast Local Spatial Verification for Feature-Agnostic Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Fast Manifold Ranking With Local Bipartite Graph
* Fast Multi-View Clustering via Nonnegative and Orthogonal Factorization
* Fast Roughness Minimizing Image Restoration Under Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Features Guided Face Super-Resolution via Hybrid Model of Deep Learning and Random Forests
* Few-Shot Common-Object Reasoning Using Common-Centric Localization Network
* Few-Shot Human-Object Interaction Recognition with Semantic-Guided Attentive Prototypes Network
* FFD: Fast Feature Detector
* Fine-Grained 3D Shape Classification With Hierarchical Part-View Attention
* Fine-Grained Crowd Counting
* Fine-Grained Fashion Similarity Prediction by Attribute-Specific Embedding Learning
* Fixed Viewpoint Mirror Surface Reconstruction Under an Uncalibrated Camera
* Flexible Multi-View Unsupervised Graph Embedding
* FloorLevel-Net: Recognizing Floor-Level Lines With Height-Attention-Guided Multi-Task Learning
* Framework for Hexagonal Image Processing Using Hexagonal Pixel-Perfect Approximations in Subpixel Resolution, A
* FREE: A Fast and Robust End-to-End Video Text Spotter
* Fs-DSM: Few-Shot Diagram-Sentence Matching via Cross-Modal Attention Graph Model
* Fully Spiking Hybrid Neural Network for Energy-Efficient Object Detection, A
* F³A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Game Theory Based CTU-Level Bit Allocation Scheme for HEVC Region of Interest Coding, A
* Gated Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Gated Recurrent Network With Dual Classification Assistance for Smoke Semantic Segmentation, A
* Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours and Image Segmentation, A
* Generalized MSFA Engineering With Structural and Adaptive Nonlocal Demosaicing
* Generalized Nonconvex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Generative Partial Multi-View Clustering With Adaptive Fusion and Cycle Consistency
* Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Region-Based Homogeneity Enhancement
* Geometrically Editable Face Image Translation With Adversarial Networks
* Geometry Auxiliary Salient Object Detection for Light Fields via Graph Neural Networks
* Geometry-Based Camera Calibration Using Closed-Form Solution of Principal Line
* Ghost-Free Deep High-Dynamic-Range Imaging Using Focus Pixels for Complex Motion Scenes
* Giant Panda Identification
* Global Aggregation Then Local Distribution for Scene Parsing
* Global and Local Texture Randomization for Synthetic-to-Real Semantic Segmentation
* Global-Feature Encoding U-Net (GEU-Net) for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object Detection, A
* Globally and Locally Semantic Colorization via Exemplar-Based Broad-GAN
* GMNet: Graded-Feature Multilabel-Learning Network for RGB-Thermal Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation
* GPU-Based Supervoxel Generation With a Novel Anisotropic Metric
* Gradient-Based Feature Extraction From Raw Bayer Pattern Images
* Graph Attention Layer Evolves Semantic Segmentation for Road Pothole Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* Graph Learning Based Head Movement Prediction for Interactive 360 Video Streaming
* Graph Regularized Flow Attention Network for Video Animal Counting From Drones
* Graph-Based Multi-Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* Graph-Embedded Lane Detection
* Graph-Theoretic Post-Processing of Segmentation With Application to Dense Biofilms
* GSDet: Object Detection in Aerial Images Based on Scale Reasoning
* Hand Pose Understanding With Large-Scale Photo-Realistic Rendering Dataset
* Harmonic Feature Activation for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Harnessing Multi-View Perspective of Light Fields for Low-Light Imaging
* HCE: Hierarchical Context Embedding for Region-Based Object Detection
* HDR-GAN: HDR Image Reconstruction From Multi-Exposed LDR Images With Large Motions
* Heavy-Tailed Self-Similarity Modeling for Single Image Super Resolution
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation by Information Capturing and Distribution Matching
* Hier R-CNN: Instance-Level Human Parts Detection and A New Benchmark
* Hierarchical Alternate Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical and Interactive Refinement Network for Edge-Preserving Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical Attention Learning of Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Connectivity-Centered Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Edge Refinement Network for Saliency Detection
* Hierarchical Generation of Human Pose With Part-Based Layer Representation
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Nonsymmetry and Anti-Packing Pattern Representation Model
* Hierarchical Lossy Bilevel Image Compression Based on Cutset Sampling
* Hierarchical Paired Channel Fusion Network for Street Scene Change Detection
* Hierarchical Predictive Coding-Based JND Estimation for Image Compression
* Hierarchical Reasoning Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Hierarchical Superpixel-Based Approach for DIBR View Synthesis, A
* High Frequency Detail Accentuation in CNN Image Restoration
* Highly Efficient Multiview Depth Coding Based on Histogram Projection and Allowable Depth Distortion
* Holistic LSTM for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Homogeneous-to-Heterogeneous: Unsupervised Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* HOReID: Deep High-Order Mapping Enhances Pose Alignment for Person Re-Identification
* HRSiam: High-Resolution Siamese Network, Towards Space-Borne Satellite Video Tracking
* HSGAN: Hierarchical Graph Learning for Point Cloud Generation
* HTD: Heterogeneous Task Decoupling for Two-Stage Object Detection
* Human Interaction Understanding With Joint Graph Decomposition and Node Labeling
* Human Skin Gloss Perception Based on Texture Statistics
* Hybrid Regularization of Diffusion Process for Visual Re-Ranking
* Hypergraph Neural Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Hypergraph Spectral Analysis and Processing in 3D Point Cloud
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Deep Progressive Zero-Centric Residual Learning
* Hyperspectral Texture Metrology Based on Joint Probability of Spectral and Spatial Distribution
* I Understand You: Blind 3D Human Attention Inference from the Perspective of Third-Person
* iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-Modal Subspace Clustering
* IDE: Image Dehazing and Exposure Using an Enhanced Atmospheric Scattering Model
* IDRLP: Image Dehazing Using Region Line Prior
* Image Co-Skeletonization via Co-Segmentation
* Image Comes Dancing With Collaborative Parsing-Flow Video Synthesis
* Image Contrast Measure Based on Retinex Principles, An
* Image Defogging Quality Assessment: Real-World Database and Method
* Image Denoising Based on Fractional Gradient Vector Flow and Overlapping Group Sparsity as Priors
* Image Inpainting by End-to-End Cascaded Refinement With Mask Awareness
* Image Noise Reduction Based on a Fixed Wavelet Frame and CNNs Applied to CT
* Image Restoration via Reconciliation of Group Sparsity and Low-Rank Models
* Image Stitching Based on Semantic Planar Region Consensus
* Image-Guided Human Reconstruction via Multi-Scale Graph Transformation Networks
* Improved Multiple-Image-Based Reflection Removal Algorithm Using Deep Neural Networks
* Improving Performance and Adaptivity of Anchor-Based Detector Using Differentiable Anchoring With Efficient Target Generation
* Improving Single Shot Object Detection With Feature Scale Unmixing
* Improving Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization by Exploiting Multi-Resolution Information in Temporal Domain
* Incremental Generative Occlusion Adversarial Suppression Network for Person ReID
* Insights Into Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
* Inspirational Adversarial Image Generation
* Intensity-Aware Single-Image Deraining With Semantic and Color Regularization
* Interaction-Integrated Network for Natural Language Moment Localization
* Interleaved Deep Artifacts-Aware Attention Mechanism for Concrete Structural Defect Classification
* Interpretable Detail-Fidelity Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Interpreting and Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks With Neuron Sensitivity
* Interpreting Bottom-Up Decision-Making of CNNs via Hierarchical Inference
* Invertible Image Decolorization
* Investigating Customization Strategies and Convergence Behaviors of Task-Specific ADMM
* IPGN: Interactiveness Proposal Graph Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Is Context-Aware CNN Ready for the Surroundings? Panoramic Semantic Segmentation in the Wild
* Is Heuristic Sampling Necessary in Training Deep Object Detectors?
* It GAN Do Better: GAN-Based Detection of Objects on Images With Varying Quality
* Iterative Co-Training Transductive Framework for Zero Shot Learning, An
* Iterative Robust Graph for Unsupervised Change Detection of Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Iterative Training of Neural Networks for Intra Prediction
* JCS: An Explainable COVID-19 Diagnosis System by Joint Classification and Segmentation
* Joint Clustering and Discriminative Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Joint Denoising and Demosaicking With Green Channel Prior for Real-World Burst Images
* Joint Depth and Defocus Estimation From a Single Image Using Physical Consistency
* Joint Feature Disentanglement and Hallucination for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Joint Feature Optimization and Fusion for Compressed Action Recognition
* Joint Hand-Object 3D Reconstruction From a Single Image With Cross-Branch Feature Fusion
* Joint Learning of Latent Similarity and Local Embedding for Multi-View Clustering
* Joint Local and Global Information Learning With Single Apex Frame Detection for Micro-Expression Recognition
* Joint Multi-Dimension Pruning via Numerical Gradient Update
* Joint Multisource Saliency and Exemplar Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Joint Person Objectness and Repulsion for Person Search
* Jointly Modeling Motion and Appearance Cues for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Just Noticeable Distortion Profile Inference: A Patch-Level Structural Visibility Learning Approach
* Kalman Filter for Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters
* KFC: An Efficient Framework for Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Kinship Verification Based on Cross-Generation Feature Interaction Learning
* Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
* KT-GAN: Knowledge-Transfer Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* L3DOC: Lifelong 3D Object Classification
* Latent Correlation Representation Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation With Missing MRI Modalities
* Layer-Output Guided Complementary Attention Learning for Image Defocus Blur Detection
* LayerCAM: Exploring Hierarchical Class Activation Maps for Localization
* Layout-to-Image Translation With Double Pooling Generative Adversarial Networks
* Learnable Descriptors for Visual Search
* Learning Aligned Image-Text Representations Using Graph Attentive Relational Network
* Learning Category- and Instance-Aware Pixel Embedding for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
* Learning Causal Temporal Relation and Feature Discrimination for Anomaly Detection
* Learning Complete and Discriminative Direction Pattern for Robust Palmprint Recognition
* Learning Deep Global Multi-Scale and Local Attention Features for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Learning Deep Lucas-Kanade Siamese Network for Visual Tracking
* Learning Dense Correspondences for Non-Rigid Point Clouds With Two-Stage Regression
* Learning Diverse Models for End-to-End Ensemble Tracking
* Learning Dual Encoding Model for Adaptive Visual Understanding in Visual Dialogue
* Learning Dynamic Relationships for Facial Expression Recognition Based on Graph Convolutional Network
* Learning Dynamical Human-Joint Affinity for 3D Pose Estimation in Videos
* Learning Efficient Hash Codes for Fast Graph-Based Data Similarity Retrieval
* Learning Event Representations for Temporal Segmentation of Image Sequences by Dynamic Graph Embedding
* Learning From Images: A Distillation Learning Framework for Event Cameras
* Learning Guided Convolutional Network for Depth Completion
* Learning Human-Object Interaction via Interactive Semantic Reasoning
* Learning Methodologies to Generate Kernel-Learning-Based Image Downscaler for Arbitrary Scaling Factors
* Learning Modal-Invariant Angular Metric by Cyclic Projection Network for VIS-NIR Person Re-Identification
* Learning Multi-Modal Nonlinear Embeddings: Performance Bounds and an Algorithm
* Learning Person Re-Identification Models From Videos With Weak Supervision
* Learning Recurrent Memory Activation Networks for Visual Tracking
* Learning Self-Supervised Space-Time CNN for Fast Video Style Transfer
* Learning Spatial Attention for Face Super-Resolution
* Learning Steering Kernels for Guided Depth Completion
* Learning to Anticipate Egocentric Actions by Imagination
* Learning to Discover Multi-Class Attentional Regions for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Learning to Match Anchor-Target Video Pairs With Dual Attentional Holographic Networks
* Learning to Rank Proposals for Siamese Visual Tracking
* Learning to Zoom-In via Learning to Zoom-Out: Real-World Super-Resolution by Generating and Adapting Degradation
* Learning Transformation-Invariant Local Descriptors With Low-Coupling Binary Codes
* Learning Wavefront Coding for Extended Depth of Field Imaging
* Light Field Image Super-Resolution Using Deformable Convolution
* Light Field Super-Resolution via Adaptive Feature Remixing
* Light Field View Synthesis via Aperture Disparity and Warping Confidence Map
* Light-DehazeNet: A Novel Lightweight CNN Architecture for Single Image Dehazing
* Lightweight Depth Estimation Network for Wide-Baseline Light Fields, A
* Lightweight Spatial and Temporal Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Defect Detection, A
* Local Correspondence Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Local Semantic Enhanced ConvNet for Aerial Scene Recognition
* Localizing Anomalies From Weakly-Labeled Videos
* Location Sensitive Network for Human Instance Segmentation
* Logarithmic Norm Regularized Low-Rank Factorization for Matrix and Tensor Completion
* Looking for the Detail and Context Devils: High-Resolution Salient Object Detection
* Loop Closure Detection by Using Global and Local Features With Photometric and Viewpoint Invariance
* Loss-Based Attention for Interpreting Image-Level Prediction of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low Complexity Trellis-Coded Quantization in Versatile Video Coding
* Low-Complexity Error Resilient HEVC Video Coding: A Deep Learning Approach
* Low-Rank Constrained Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Video
* Low-Rank Preserving t-Linear Projection for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* LR-Net: Low-Rank Spatial-Spectral Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* MABAN: Multi-Agent Boundary-Aware Network for Natural Language Moment Retrieval
* Mask-Guided Attention Network and Occlusion-Sensitive Hard Example Mining for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Memorize, Associate and Match: Embedding Enhancement via Fine-Grained Alignment for Image-Text Retrieval
* MESNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Multi-Scale Micro-Expression Intervals in Long Videos
* Meta-Knowledge Learning and Domain Adaptation for Unseen Background Subtraction
* Meta-VOS: Learning to Adapt Online Target-Specific Segmentation
* MGG: Monocular Global Geolocation for Outdoor Long-Range Targets
* MGSeg: Multiple Granularity-Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network
* Micro-Doppler Effects Removed Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging via Low-Rank and Double Sparsity Constrained ADMM and Linearized ADMM
* MINet: Meta-Learning Instance Identifiers for Video Object Detection
* MLDA-Net: Multi-Level Dual Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Modeling Sub-Actions for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* MSB-FCN: Multi-Scale Bidirectional FCN for Object Skeleton Extraction
* Multi-Branch Tensor Network Structure for Tensor-Train Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Completion via Low-Rank Tensor Representation Under Coupled Transform
* Multi-Domain Adversarial Feature Generalization for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via a Unified Circular Framework
* Multi-Hierarchical Category Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Interactive Dual-Decoder for RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Modal Interaction Graph Convolutional Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Quality in VVC Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Coding
* Multi-Relation Attention Network for Image Patch Matching
* Multi-Resolution Aitchison Geometry Image Denoising for Low-Light Photography
* Multi-Scale Low-Discriminative Feature Reactivation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Multi-Scale Representation Learning on Hypergraph for 3D Shape Retrieval and Recognition
* Multi-Scale Single Image Dehazing Using Laplacian and Gaussian Pyramids
* Multi-Scale Spatial Attention-Guided Monocular Depth Estimation With Semantic Enhancement
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* Multi-Sentence Auxiliary Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Multi-Stage Degradation Homogenization for Super-Resolution of Face Images With Extreme Degradations
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Stream Fusion Network With Generalized Smooth L1 Loss for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles Using Metadata-Aided Re-ID and Trajectory-Based Camera Link Model
* Multi-Target Pan-Class Intrinsic Relevance Driven Model for Improving Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Task Deep Learning for Image Segmentation Using Recursive Approximation Tasks
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Multi-Temporal Scene Classification and Scene Change Detection With Correlation Based Fusion
* Multi-View 3D Shape Recognition via Correspondence-Aware Deep Learning
* Multi-View Face Synthesis via Progressive Face Flow
* Multi-View Face Synthesis via Progressive Face Flow
* Multi-View Feature Selection for PolSAR Image Classification via L_2,1 Sparsity Regularization and Manifold Regularization
* Multi-View Gait Image Generation for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Multi-View Learning a Decomposable Affinity Matrix via Tensor Self-Representation on Grassmann Manifold
* Multi-View Mouse Social Behaviour Recognition With Deep Graphic Model
* Multidataset Independent Subspace Analysis With Application to Multimodal Fusion
* Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Motion Prediction
* Multitask Identity-Aware Image Steganography via Minimax Optimization
* Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
* MW-GAN: Multi-Warping GAN for Caricature Generation With Multi-Style Geometric Exaggeration
* Neutral Cross-Entropy Loss Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* New Approaches for Monitoring Image Data
* Night-Time Scene Parsing With a Large Real Dataset
* No-Reference Physics-Based Quality Assessment of Polarization Images and Its Application to Demosaicking
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images Using Visual Edge Model and AdaBoosting Neural Network
* No-Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Nocal-Siam: Refining Visual Features and Response With Advanced Non-Local Blocks for Real-Time Siamese Tracking
* Non-Contact Heart Rate Estimation via Adaptive RGB/NIR Signal Fusion
* Non-Greedy L21-Norm Maximization for Principal Component Analysis
* Non-Homogeneous Haze Removal via Artificial Scene Prior and Bidimensional Graph Reasoning
* Non-Local Superpatch-Based Algorithm Exploiting Low Rank Prior for Restoration of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Novel Convergence Results of Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descents
* Novel Eye Center Localization Method for Head Poses With Large Rotations, A
* Novel Visual Representation on Text Using Diverse Conditional GAN for Visual Recognition, A
* OIFlow: Occlusion-Inpainting Optical Flow Estimation by Unsupervised Learning
* On Data Augmentation for GAN Training
* On Plug-and-Play Regularization Using Linear Denoisers
* One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using Auto-Encoder Network
* Online Learning-Based Multi-Stage Complexity Control for Live Video Coding
* Online Rain/Snow Removal From Surveillance Videos
* Open-Set Hypothesis Transfer With Semantic Consistency
* Optimal Pre-Filtering for Improving Facebook Shared Images
* Pairwise Attentive Adversarial Spatiotemporal Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Action Recognition-R2, A
* Panoptic Feature Fusion Net: A Novel Instance Segmentation Paradigm for Biomedical and Biological Images
* Parallel Residual Bi-Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Accurate Single-Shot Object Detection
* Pareto-Optimal Bit Allocation for Collaborative Intelligence
* Part-Guided Relational Transformers for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Patch-Based Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for Kinship Recognition
* Patch-Wise Spatial-Temporal Quality Enhancement for HEVC Compressed Video
* PCG-TAL: Progressive Cross-Granularity Cooperation for Temporal Action Localization
* Perceptual Video Quality Prediction Emphasizing Chroma Distortions
* Person Re-Identification via Attention Pyramid
* Person Re-Identification With Reinforced Attribute Attention Selection
* Personal Fixations-Based Object Segmentation With Object Localization and Boundary Preservation
* Petersen Graph Multi-Orientation Based Multi-Scale Ternary Pattern (PGMO-MSTP): An Efficient Descriptor for Texture and Material Recognition
* Pixel-Wise Wasserstein Autoencoder for Highly Generative Dehazing
* Plant Disease Recognition: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset and a Visual Region and Loss Reweighting Approach
* PlenoptiCam v1.0: A Light-Field Imaging Framework
* Polarization Guided Specular Reflection Separation
* Pose Flow Learning From Person Images for Pose Guided Synthesis
* PoT-GAN: Pose Transform GAN for Person Image Synthesis
* PRA-Net: Point Relation-Aware Network for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* Predicting Task-Driven Attention via Integrating Bottom-Up Stimulus and Top-Down Guidance
* Predicting the Quality of Compressed Videos With Pre-Existing Distortions
* Principled Design and Implementation of Steerable Detectors
* Progressive Diversified Augmentation for General Robustness of DNNs: A Unified Approach
* Progressive Feature Enhancement for Person Re-Identification
* Progressive Modality Cooperation for Multi-Modality Domain Adaptation
* Progressive Self-Guided Loss for Salient Object Detection
* Progressive Transfer Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
* ProxIQA: A Proxy Approach to Perceptual Optimization of Learned Image Compression
* PSAT-GAN: Efficient Adversarial Attacks Against Holistic Scene Understanding
* Pseudo-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering
* Push for Center Learning via Orthogonalization and Subspace Masking for Person Re-Identification
* PVRED: A Position-Velocity Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Human Motion Prediction
* PWD-3DNet: A Deep Learning-Based Fully-Automated Segmentation of Multiple Structures on Temporal Bone CT Scans
* Pyramidal Multiple Instance Detection Network With Mask Guided Self-Correction for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Quality Assessment of Free-Viewpoint Videos by Quantifying the Elastic Changes of Multi-Scale Motion Trajectories
* Quantization Parameter Cascading for Surveillance Video Coding Considering All Inter Reference Frames
* Rain-Free and Residue Hand-in-Hand: A Progressive Coupled Network for Real-Time Image Deraining
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph Coarsening and Partitioning for Light Field Coding
* Ratio-and-Scale-Aware YOLO for Pedestrian Detection
* Re-Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Real-Time 3D Facial Tracking via Cascaded Compositional Learning
* Real-Time Computation of 3D Wireframes in Computer-Generated Holography
* Real-Time Deep Image Retouching Based on Learnt Semantics Dependent Global Transforms
* Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star-Shaped to Hierarchical
* Recovering Surface Normal and Arbitrary Images: A Dual Regression Network for Photometric Stereo
* Reduced Reference Perceptual Quality Model With Application to Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Reference-Based Defect Detection Network
* RefineDNet: A Weakly Supervised Refinement Framework for Single Image Dehazing
* Regularized Densely-Connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
* Relation Graph Network for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Relational Reasoning for Group Activity Recognition via Self-Attention Augmented Conditional Random Field
* RelightGAN: Instance-level Generative Adversarial Network for Face Illumination Transfer
* Removal of Micro-Doppler Effect of ISAR Image Based on Laplacian Regularized Nonconvex Low-Rank Representation
* Removing Adversarial Noise via Low-Rank Completion of High-Sensitivity Points
* ResKD: Residual-Guided Knowledge Distillation
* Resolution Learning in Deep Convolutional Networks Using Scale-Space Theory
* Resolution-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Inference
* Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Semantic Saliency Reranking First, Pixelwise Saliency Refinement Later
* Rethinking Motion Representation: Residual Frames With 3D ConvNets
* Rethinking Shape From Shading for Spoofing Detection
* Rethinking the U-Shape Structure for Salient Object Detection
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Dual Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
* Revisiting Shadow Detection: A New Benchmark Dataset for Complex World
* RGB-D Salient Object Detection With Ubiquitous Target Awareness
* RGBT Tracking via Multi-Adapter Network with Hierarchical Divergence Loss
* RLStereo: Real-Time Stereo Matching Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Robust 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Single-Photon Lidar Using Beta-Divergences
* Robust and Efficient Graph Correspondence Transfer for Person Re-Identification
* Robust Content-Adaptive Global Registration for Multimodal Retinal Images Using Weakly Supervised Deep-Learning Framework
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Ellipse Fitting With Laplacian Kernel Based Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust Face Alignment by Multi-Order High-Precision Hourglass Network
* Robust Focus Volume Regularization in Shape From Focus
* Robust Online Tracking via Contrastive Spatio-Temporal Aware Network
* Robust Phase Unwrapping via Deep Image Prior for Quantitative Phase Imaging
* Robust Segmentation-Free Algorithm for Homogeneity Quantification in Images
* Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution via CNNs and TV-TV Minimization
* Robust Sparse Representation in Quaternion Space
* Robust Subspace Detectors Based on a-Divergence With Application to Detection in Imaging
* Robust Tensor Decomposition for Image Representation Based on Generalized Correntropy
* Robust Text Image Recognition via Adversarial Sequence-to-Sequence Domain Adaptation
* Robust Texture-Aware Computer-Generated Image Forensic: Benchmark and Algorithm
* Role of Redundant Bases and Shrinkage Functions in Image Denoising, The
* Rotation Awareness Based Self-Supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition With Limited Training Samples
* RR-DnCNN v2.0: Enhanced Restoration-Reconstruction Deep Neural Network for Down-Sampling-Based Video Coding
* SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction
* Salience-Guided Iterative Asymmetric Mutual Hashing for Fast Person Re-Identification
* Saliency Prediction on Omnidirectional Image With Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
* Salient Object Detection Based on Visual Perceptual Saturation and Two-Stream Hybrid Networks
* Salient Object Detection With Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity Loss
* SAMNet: Stereoscopically Attentive Multi-Scale Network for Lightweight Salient Object Detection
* SAN: Selective Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Pedestrian Detection
* SC-RPN: A Strong Correlation Learning Framework for Region Proposal
* Scalable Optimization Mechanism for Pairwise Based Discrete Hashing, A
* Scene Adaptive Online Surveillance Video Synopsis via Dynamic Tube Rearrangement Using Octree
* SCG: Saliency and Contour Guided Salient Instance Segmentation
* SDOF-GAN: Symmetric Dense Optical Flow Estimation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* SDP-GAN: Saliency Detail Preservation Generative Adversarial Networks for High Perceptual Quality Style Transfer
* Searching Multi-Rate and Multi-Modal Temporal Enhanced Networks for Gesture Recognition
* Self-Attention Context Network: Addressing the Threat of Adversarial Attacks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Self-Supervised Colorization Towards Monochrome-Color Camera Systems Using Cycle CNN
* Self-Supervised Deep Correlation Tracking
* Self-Training Approach for Point-Supervised Object Detection and Counting in Crowds, A
* Self-Training With Progressive Representation Enhancement for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Semantic Perceptual Image Compression With a Laplacian Pyramid of Convolutional Networks
* Semantically Adversarial Learnable Filters
* Semantics-Aware Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Sensor-to-Vision Action Recognition
* Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Video Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Classification
* Semi-Supervised Image Deraining Using Gaussian Processes
* Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Semantics Grouping for Zero-Shot Learning
* Semi-Supervised Perception Augmentation for Aerial Photo Topologies Understanding
* Semi-Supervised Pixel-Level Scene Text Segmentation by Mutually Guided Network
* Semi-Supervised Scene Text Recognition
* Sequential Instance Refinement for Cross-Domain Object Detection in Images
* SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere Loss for Robust Face Recognition
* Shadow Removal by a Lightness-Guided Network With Training on Unpaired Data
* Shape-Preserving Stereo Object Remapping via Object-Consistent Grid Warping
* SiamCAN: Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on Siamese Center-Aware Network
* Siamese Regression Tracking With Reinforced Template Updating
* Simulation of Atmospheric Visibility Impairment
* Simultaneous Direct Depth Estimation and Synthesis Stereo for Single Image Plant Root Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Removal
* Single Image Dehazing via Dual-Path Recurrent Network
* Single-Image Real-Time Rain Removal Based on Depth-Guided Non-Local Features
* Singularity-Exponent-Domain Image Feature Transform
* Sketch-Guided Scenery Image Outpainting
* SlimConv: Reducing Channel Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks by Features Recombining
* SLOAN: Scale-Adaptive Orientation Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
* SMSIR: Spherical Measure Based Spherical Image Representation
* SOLVER: Scene-Object Interrelated Visual Emotion Reasoning Network
* SPADE-E2VID: Spatially-Adaptive Denormalization for Event-Based Video Reconstruction
* Sparse Coding Driven Deep Decision Tree Ensembles for Nucleus Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images
* Sparse Gradient Regularized Deep Retinex Network for Robust Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Sparse Learning-Based Correlation Filter for Robust Tracking
* Sparse Representation Based Joint Demosaicing Method for Single-Chip Polarized Color Sensor, A
* Spatial Information Guided Convolution for Real-Time RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* Spatial-Angular Attention Network for Light Field Reconstruction
* Spatial-Aware Texture Transformer for High-Fidelity Garment Transfer
* Spatial-Spectral Structured Sparse Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Spatial-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Video Saliency Prediction, A
* Spatially Adaptive Feature Refinement for Efficient Inference
* Spatially Constrained Online Dictionary Learning for Source Separation
* Spatially-Aware Context Neural Networks
* Speckle-Free SAR Image Ship Detection
* Spectral Super-Resolution Network Guided by Intrinsic Properties of Hyperspectral Imagery
* SRGAT: Single Image Super-Resolution with Graph Attention Network
* SSIM Compliant Modeling Framework With Denoising and Deblurring Applications
* SSSIC: Semantics-to-Signal Scalable Image Coding With Learned Structural Representations
* ST-GREED: Space-Time Generalized Entropic Differences for Frame Rate Dependent Video Quality Prediction
* Stimuli-Aware Visual Emotion Analysis
* Stroke-Based Scene Text Erasing Using Synthetic Data for Training
* Structural Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Structure-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Multi-Adversarial Optimized CycleGAN
* Structure-Coherent Deep Feature Learning for Robust Face Alignment
* Structure-Texture Image Decomposition Using Discriminative Patch Recurrence
* Study of Multi-Task and Region-Wise Deep Learning for Food Ingredient Recognition, A
* Sub-Sampled Cross-Component Prediction for Emerging Video Coding Standards
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of 2D and 3D Foveated Video Compression in Virtual Reality
* Superpixel-Based Quality Assessment of Multi-Exposure Image Fusion for Both Static and Dynamic Scenes
* Superpixel-Guided Discriminative Low-Rank Representation of Hyperspectral Images for Classification
* Superpixels With Content-Adaptive Criteria
* Supervised Domain Adaptation: A Graph Embedding Perspective and a Rectified Experimental Protocol
* Supervised Segmentation Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Surface Regularity via the Estimation of Fractional Brownian Motion Index
* Systematic IoU-Related Method: Beyond Simplified Regression for Better Localization, A
* Task-Driven Semantic Coding via Reinforcement Learning
* TDIOT: Target-Driven Inference for Deep Video Object Tracking
* Temporal Reasoning Guided QoE Evaluation for Mobile Live Video Broadcasting
* TEST: Triplet Ensemble Student-Teacher Model for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Text-Based Localization of Moments in a Video Corpus
* Texture Memory-Augmented Deep Patch-Based Image Inpainting
* Thanka Mural Inpainting Based on Multi-Scale Adaptive Partial Convolution and Stroke-Like Mask
* TJU-DHD: A Diverse High-Resolution Dataset for Object Detection
* TMMF: Temporal Multi-Modal Fusion for Single-Stage Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Together Recognizing, Localizing and Summarizing Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Toward Accurate Pixelwise Object Tracking via Attention Retrieval
* Toward Fine-Grained Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Toward Visual Distortion in Black-Box Attacks
* Towards Cross-Dataset Palmprint Recognition Via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
* Towards Efficient Scene Understanding via Squeeze Reasoning
* Towards Fair Knowledge Transfer for Imbalanced Domain Adaptation
* Towards Fine-Grained Human Pose Transfer With Detail Replenishing Network
* Towards Perceptually Optimized Adaptive Video Streaming-A Realistic Quality of Experience Database
* TPSSI-Net: Fast and Enhanced Two-Path Iterative Network for 3D SAR Sparse Imaging
* Tracking Beyond Detection: Learning a Global Response Map for End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking
* Tracking-by-Counting: Using Network Flows on Crowd Density Maps for Tracking Multiple Targets
* Training Robust Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Noise Propagation
* Training Robust Object Detectors From Noisy Category Labels and Imprecise Bounding Boxes
* Triply Complementary Priors for Image Restoration
* Two-Stage Density-Aware Single Image Deraining Method, A
* Two-Stream Dynamic Pyramid Representation Model for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, A
* UGC-VQA: Benchmarking Blind Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Content
* Ultra High Fidelity Deep Image Decompression with L-Infinity-Constrained Compression
* Uncertainty Class Activation Map (U-CAM) Using Gradient Certainty Method
* Uncertainty Guided Multi-Scale Attention Network for Raindrop Removal From a Single Image
* Uncertainty Learning for Noise Resistant Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Uncertainty Quantification Enforced Flash Radiography Reconstruction by Two-Level Efficient MCMC
* Uncertainty-Aware Blind Image Quality Assessment in the Laboratory and Wild
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Medium Transmission-Guided Multi-Color Space Embedding
* UniFaceGAN: A Unified Framework for Temporally Consistent Facial Video Editing
* Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for Various Surveillance Environments, An
* Unsharp Mask Guided Filtering
* Unsupervised Abstract Reasoning for Raven's Problem Matrices
* Unsupervised Cross Domain Person Re-Identification by Multi-Loss Optimization Learning
* Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images
* Unsupervised Discrete Hashing With Affinity Similarity
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Recursive Stereo Distillation
* Urban Scene LOD Vectorized Modeling From Photogrammetry Meshes
* Video Frame Interpolation and Enhancement via Pyramid Recurrent Framework
* Video Moment Localization via Deep Cross-Modal Hashing
* Video Text Tracking with a Spatio-Temporal Complementary Model
* Visible-NIR Image Fusion Based on Top-Hat Transform
* Visual Explanation for Deep Metric Learning
* VMAF Oriented Perceptual Coding Based on Piecewise Metric Coupling
* VMAN: A Virtual Mainstay Alignment Network for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Vocabulary-Wide Credit Assignment for Training Image Captioning Models
* VolumeNet: A Lightweight Parallel Network for Super-Resolution of MR and CT Volumetric Data
* VR Sickness Versus VR Presence: A Statistical Prediction Model
* WaveCNet: Wavelet Integrated CNNs to Suppress Aliasing Effect for Noise-Robust Image Classification
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Single Depth-Based Hand Shape Recovery
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection With Saliency Bounding Boxes
* Weighted Feature Histogram of Multi-Scale Local Patch Using Multi-Bit Binary Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Where to Prune: Using LSTM to Guide Data-Dependent Soft Pruning
* Zero-Shot Learning to Index on Semantic Trees for Scalable Image Retrieval
701 for IP(30)

IP(31) * 3D Cascade RCNN: High Quality Object Detection in Point Clouds
* 3D Layout Estimation via Weakly Supervised Learning of Plane Parameters From 2D Segmentation
* 6D-ViT: Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation via Transformer-Based Instance Representation Learning
* AAP-MIT: Attentive Atrous Pyramid Network and Memory Incorporated Transformer for Multisentence Video Description
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects by Spatial-Temporal Multiplexing and Motion-Induced Error Elimination
* ACE: Anchor-Free Corner Evolution for Real-Time Arbitrarily-Oriented Object Detection
* Action Recognition With Motion Diversification and Dynamic Selection
* Action Shuffling for Weakly Supervised Temporal Localization
* Actor and Action Modular Network for Text-Based Video Segmentation
* Adaptive Affinity for Associations in Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking
* Adaptive Attribute and Structure Subspace Clustering Network
* Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Toward Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation
* Adaptive Contourlet Fusion Clustering for SAR Image Change Detection
* Adaptive Face Recognition Using Adversarial Information Network
* Adaptive Online Mutual Learning Bi-Decoders for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Rate Block Compressive Sensing Based on Statistical Characteristics Estimation
* Advanced Scalability for Light Field Image Coding
* Adversarial Reinforcement Learning With Object-Scene Relational Graph for Video Captioning
* Adversarial Shape Learning for Building Extraction in VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Adversarial Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* AIParsing: Anchor-Free Instance-Level Human Parsing
* APSNet: Toward Adaptive Point Sampling for Efficient 3D Action Recognition
* Arbitrary-Scale Texture Generation From Coarse-Grained Control
* Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Memory Network for Continuous Event-Based Object Detection
* Attention Guided Global Enhancement and Local Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Attention Regularized Laplace Graph for Domain Adaptation
* Attention-Driven Graph Neural Network for Deep Face Super-Resolution
* Attention-Guided Collaborative Counting
* Attention-Guided Progressive Neural Texture Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Restoration
* Attentive WaveBlock: Complementarity-Enhanced Mutual Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-Identification and Beyond
* Attribute and State Guided Structural Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Attribute Artifacts Removal for Geometry-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Visual Retrieval
* AVLSM: Adaptive Variational Level Set Model for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity and High Noise
* BANet: A Blur-Aware Attention Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Better Than Reference in Low-Light Image Enhancement: Conditional Re-Enhancement Network
* Beyond Greedy Search: Tracking by Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Beam Search
* Bi-Directional Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Network for Video Frame Interpolation
* Bias-Eliminated Semantic Refinement for Any-Shot Learning
* Bidirectional Mapping Coupled GAN for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Big-Hypergraph Factorization Neural Network for Survival Prediction From Whole Slide Image
* BIGPrior: Toward Decoupling Learned Prior Hallucination and Data Fidelity in Image Restoration
* BiN-Flow: Bidirectional Normalizing Flow for Robust Image Dehazing
* Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Category-Divergence Guidance for Domain Adaptive Segmentation
* Blind and Compact Denoising Network Based on Noise Order Learning
* BooDet: Gradient Boosting Object Detection With Additive Learning-Based Prediction Aggregation
* Boosting Fast Adversarial Training With Learnable Adversarial Initialization
* Boosting Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation With Part Aware Attention
* Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB Images
* Boundary TextSpotter: Toward Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Spotting
* BP-EVD: Forward Block-Output Propagation for Efficient Video Denoising
* BQN: Busy-Quiet Net Enabled by Motion Band-Pass Module for Action Recognition
* C2FNet: A Coarse-to-Fine Network for Multi-View 3D Point Cloud Generation
* Camouflaged Instance Segmentation In-the-Wild: Dataset, Method, and Benchmark Suite
* Canonical Correlation Analysis With Low-Rank Learning for Image Representation
* CartoonLossGAN: Learning Surface and Coloring of Images for Cartoonization
* CAST: Learning Both Geometric and Texture Style Transfers for Effective Caricature Generation
* Castle in the Sky: Dynamic Sky Replacement and Harmonization in Videos
* CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection
* CERL: A Unified Optimization Framework for Light Enhancement With Realistic Noise
* Chasing the Tail in Monocular 3D Human Reconstruction With Prototype Memory
* CIR-Net: Cross-Modality Interaction and Refinement for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* CKDF: Cascaded Knowledge Distillation Framework for Robust Incremental Learning
* CLAST: Contrastive Learning for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Cluster Alignment With Target Knowledge Mining for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation
* Cluster-Guided Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* CM-Net: Concentric Mask Based Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection
* Co-Clustering on Bipartite Graphs for Robust Model Fitting
* Coarse-to-Fine Contrastive Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Land-Cover Classification in SAR Images With Limited Labeled Data
* Collaborative Refining for Person Re-Identification With Label Noise
* Color Alignment for Relative Color Constancy via Non-Standard References
* Color Image Recovery Using Low-Rank Quaternion Matrix Completion Algorithm
* Compact Representation and Reliable Classification Learning for Point-Level Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
* Complementary Data Augmentation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Completely Blind Quality Assessment of User Generated Video Content
* Composed Image Retrieval via Explicit Erasure and Replenishment With Semantic Alignment
* Composition and Style Attributes Guided Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Conceptual Compression via Deep Structure and Texture Synthesis
* Conditional Feature Embedding by Visual Clue Correspondence Graph for Person Re-Identification
* Conditional Feature Learning Based Transformer for Text-Based Person Search
* Conditional Hyper-Network for Blind Super-Resolution With Multiple Degradations
* Confusing Image Quality Assessment: Toward Better Augmented Reality Experience
* Consistency-Regularized Region-Growing Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes With Point-Level Annotations
* Content-Aware Scalable Deep Compressed Sensing
* Continual Referring Expression Comprehension via Dual Modular Memorization
* Contrast-Reconstruction Representation Learning for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Contrastive Proposal Extension With LSTM Network for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Contrastive Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Video Quality Assessment
* Convolutional Fine-Grained Classification With Self-Supervised Target Relation Regularization
* Cooperated Spectral Low-Rankness Prior and Deep Spatial Prior for HSI Unsupervised Denoising
* Correcting Face Distortion in Wide-Angle Videos
* Coupled Splines for Sparse Curve Fitting
* Covariance Estimation From Compressive Data Partitions Using a Projected Gradient-Based Algorithm
* CrabNet: Fully Task-Specific Feature Learning for One-Stage Object Detection
* Crafting Adversarial Perturbations via Transformed Image Component Swapping
* Cross-Attentional Spatio-Temporal Semantic Graph Networks for Video Question Answering
* Cross-Batch Hard Example Mining With Pseudo Large Batch for ID vs. Spot Face Recognition
* Cross-Modal Graph With Meta Concepts for Video Captioning
* Cross-Part Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Crosslink-Net: Double-Branch Encoder Network via Fusing Vertical and Horizontal Convolutions for Medical Image Segmentation
* CRS-CONT: A Well-Trained General Encoder for Facial Expression Analysis
* CSR-Net: Learning Adaptive Context Structure Representation for Robust Feature Correspondence
* Curiosity-Driven Salient Object Detection With Fragment Attention
* CVIDS: A Collaborative Localization and Dense Mapping Framework for Multi-Agent Based Visual-Inertial SLAM
* Data Acquisition and Preparation for Dual-Reference Deep Learning of Image Super-Resolution
* Data Augmentation Using Bitplane Information Recombination Model
* DCT2net: An Interpretable Shallow CNN for Image Denoising
* Deep Bilateral Filtering Network for Point-Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Demosaicing for Polarimetric Filter Array Cameras
* Deep Fourier Ranking Quantization for Semi-Supervised Image Retrieval
* Deep Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Deep Interactive Image Matting With Feature Propagation
* Deep Listwise Triplet Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Deep Motion Prior for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Deep Multi-Scale Feature Learning for Defocus Blur Estimation
* Deep Posterior Distribution-Based Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Ranking Exemplar-Based Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Deep RED Unfolding Network for Image Restoration
* Deep Stereo Matching With Hysteresis Attention and Supervised Cost Volume Construction
* Deep Unrolled Low-Rank Tensor Completion for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Deepfake Forensics via an Adversarial Game
* Defending Against Multiple and Unforeseen Adversarial Videos
* Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by Using Universal Defensive Frame
* Defocus Image Deblurring Network With Defocus Map Estimation as Auxiliary Task
* Deformable Wiener Filter for Future Video Coding
* Delving Deeper Into Mask Utilization in Video Object Segmentation
* Delving Deeper Into Pixel Prior for Box-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Dense Pixel-Level Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes With Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Depth Map Recovery Based on a Unified Depth Boundary Distortion Model
* Designing an Illumination-Aware Network for Deep Image Relighting
* DetPoseNet: Improving Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Coarse-Pose Filtering
* Differentiable SAR Renderer and Image-Based Target Reconstruction
* Differential Transform for Video-Based Plenoptic Point Cloud Coding
* Discrete and Parameter-Free Multiple Kernel k-Means
* Discrete Metric Learning for Fast Image Set Classification
* Discriminative Style Learning for Cross-Domain Image Captioning
* Disentangled Capsule Routing for Fast Part-Object Relational Saliency
* Disentangling Task-Oriented Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Disparity-Aware Reference Frame Generation Network for Multiview Video Coding
* Distance-Aware Occlusion Detection With Focused Attention
* Divergent Angular Representation for Open Set Image Recognition
* Diverse Complementary Part Mining for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* DMRA: Depth-Induced Multi-Scale Recurrent Attention Network for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
* Domain Gap Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Domain Image Translation, A
* DRNet: Double Recalibration Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Dual Aligned Siamese Dense Regression Tracker
* Dual Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Inverse Imaging
* Dual Mixture Model Based CNN for Image Denoising
* Dual Prior Learning for Blind and Blended Image Restoration
* Dual-Branch Self-Boosting Framework for Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation, A
* Dual-Scale Single Image Dehazing via Neural Augmentation
* Dual-Stage Approach Toward Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Dual-View 3D Reconstruction via Learning Correspondence and Dependency of Point Cloud Regions
* DUT: Learning Video Stabilization by Simply Watching Unstable Videos
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Under Partial Occlusion With Optical Flow Reconstruction
* Dynamic Instance Domain Adaptation
* Dynamic Neural Network for Lossy-to-Lossless Image Coding
* E2Style: Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of StyleGAN Inversion
* ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fusing Strategy for Efficient Intervertebral Disc Segmentation and Classification
* Edge Tracing Using Gaussian Process Regression
* Edge-Aware Extended Star-Tetrix Transforms for CFA-Sampled Raw Camera Image Compression
* EDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled Network
* Effective Multimodal Encoding for Image Paragraph Captioning
* Effective Prediction Modes Design for Adaptive Compression With Application in Video Coding
* Efficient 3D Point Cloud Feature Learning for Large-Scale Place Recognition
* Efficient and Accurate Stitching for 360° Dual-Fisheye Images and Videos
* Efficient Hypergraph Approach to Robust Point Cloud Resampling, An
* Efficient Sampling-Based Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation, An
* Efficient Semi-Supervised Multimodal Hashing With Importance Differentiation Regression
* EMDQ: Removal of Image Feature Mismatches in Real-Time
* End-to-End Optimized 360° Image Compression
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized Learned Hierarchical Bi-Directional Video Compression
* End-to-End Temporal Action Detection With Transformer
* Enhanced Standard Compatible Image Compression Framework Based on Auxiliary Codec Networks
* Euclidean Distance Approximations From Replacement Product Graphs
* Evaluating Quantitative Metrics of Tone-Mapped Images
* Exemplar-Based, Semantic Guided Zero-Shot Visual Recognition
* Exploiting Non-Local Priors via Self-Convolution for Highly-Efficient Image Restoration
* Explored Normalized Cut With Random Walk Refining Term for Image Segmentation
* Exploring Language Hierarchy for Video Grounding
* Exploring Local Detail Perception for Scene Sketch Semantic Segmentation
* Exploring Spatial Correlation for Light Field Saliency Detection: Expansion From a Single View
* Extendable Multiple Nodes Recurrent Tracking Framework with RTU++
* Face Inverse Rendering via Hierarchical Decoupling
* Fast and Efficient Shape Blending by Stable and Analytically Invertible Finite Descriptors, A
* Fast Generation of Superpixels With Lattice Topology
* Fast Multiview Clustering With Spectral Embedding
* Fast Parameter-Free Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Consensus Anchor Guidance
* Fast Run-Length Compression of Point Cloud Geometry
* Fast Scalable Image Restoration Using Total Variation Priors and Expectation Propagation
* Feature Aggregation and Propagation Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Feature Map Distillation of Thin Nets for Low-Resolution Object Recognition
* Feature Preserving Non-Rigid Iterative Weighted Closest Point and Semi-Curvature Registration
* Feature-Aligned Video Raindrop Removal With Temporal Constraints
* Feedback Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Few-Shot Domain Adaptation via Mixup Optimal Transport
* Few-Shot Learning With Class-Covariance Metric for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancement Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Fine-Grained Classification via Categorical Memory Networks
* Fine-Grained Hashing With Double Filtering
* Fine-Grained Image Quality Caption With Hierarchical Semantics Degradation
* Fine-Grained Multilevel Fusion for Anti-Occlusion Monocular 3D Object Detection
* FineAction: A Fine-Grained Video Dataset for Temporal Action Localization
* FlexHDR: Modeling Alignment and Exposure Uncertainties for Flexible HDR Imaging
* FOVQA: Blind Foveated Video Quality Assessment
* Fractional Super-Resolution of Voxelized Point Clouds
* Frequency-Tuned Universal Adversarial Attacks on Texture Recognition
* From Pixels to Semantics: Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation With Multiperspective Feature Mining
* From Whole Video to Frames: Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptive Continuous-Time QoE Evaluation
* Fuzzy Discriminative Block Representation Learning for Image Feature Extraction
* Fuzzy Sparse Deviation Regularized Robust Principal Component Analysis
* General Dynamic Knowledge Distillation Method for Visual Analytics, A
* General Gaussian Heatmap Label Assignment for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection, A
* Generalized Meta-FDMixup: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Guided by Labeled Target Data
* Generic Reversible Visible Watermarking via Regularized Graph Fourier Transform Coding
* Geodesic Translation Model for Spherical Video Compression, A
* Geometry Sensitive Cross-Modal Reasoning for Composed Query Based Image Retrieval
* Geometry-Aware Deep Video Deblurring via Recurrent Feature Refinement
* GMLight: Lighting Estimation via Geometric Distribution Approximation
* GraFT: Graph Filtered Temporal Dictionary Learning for Functional Neural Imaging
* Grammar-Induced Wavelet Network for Human Parsing
* Graph Convolution RPCA With Adaptive Graph
* Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm for Video Summarization
* Graph Jigsaw Learning for Cartoon Face Recognition
* Graph-Based Depth Denoising and Dequantization for Point Cloud Enhancement
* GraphReg: Dynamical Point Cloud Registration With Geometry-Aware Graph Signal Processing
* Group Sparsity Mixture Model and Its Application on Image Denoising
* Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Guided Filter Network for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Prototype Refinement With Progressive Inter-Categorical Discrimination Maximization for Few-Shot Learning
* Hierarchical Random Walker Segmentation for Large Volumetric Biomedical Images
* Hierarchical Representation Network With Auxiliary Tasks for Video Captioning and Video Question Answering
* Hierarchical Superpixel Segmentation by Parallel CRTrees Labeling
* High-Order Correlation Preserved Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* High-Resolution Depth Maps Imaging via Attention-Based Hierarchical Multi-Modal Fusion
* Hilbert Space Filling Curve Based Scan-Order for Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* HiSA: Hierarchically Semantic Associating for Video Temporal Grounding
* HQ2CL: A High-Quality Class Center Learning System for Deep Face Recognition
* Hybrid Dynamic Contrast and Probability Distillation for Unsupervised Person Re-Id
* I2-Transformer: Intra- and Inter-Relation Embedding Transformer for TV Show Captioning
* IDART: An Improved Discrete Tomography Algorithm for Reconstructing Images With Multiple Gray Levels
* Identity-Quantity Harmonic Multi-Object Tracking
* Image Analysis by Fractional-Order Gaussian-Hermite Moments
* Image Compression Using Stochastic-AFD Based Multisignal Sparse Representation
* Image Inpainting With Local and Global Refinement
* Image Quality Assessment Using Contrastive Learning
* Image Quality Evaluation in Professional HDR/WCG Production Questions the Need for HDR Metrics
* Implicitly Selected Transform for AVS3
* Imposing Semantic Consistency of Local Descriptors for Few-Shot Learning
* Improving Face-Based Age Estimation With Attention-Based Dynamic Patch Fusion
* Improving RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Modality-Aware Decoder
* IMU-Assisted Online Video Background Identification
* Individual-Difference-Aware Model for Cross-Person Gaze Estimation, An
* Inference-Reconstruction Variational Autoencoder for Light Field Image Reconstruction
* Information Symmetry Matters: A Modal-Alternating Propagation Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Ingredient-Guided Region Discovery and Relationship Modeling for Food Category-Ingredient Prediction
* Interactive Regression and Classification for Dense Object Detector
* Intra- and Inter-Pair Consistency for Semi-Supervised Gland Segmentation
* Intra- and Inter-Slice Contrastive Learning for Point Supervised OCT Fluid Segmentation
* JigsawGAN: Auxiliary Learning for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Joint Learning of Salient Object Detection, Depth Estimation and Contour Extraction
* Joint Local and Nonlocal Progressive Prediction for Versatile Video Coding
* Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval
* JPD-SE: High-Level Semantics for Joint Perception-Distortion Enhancement in Image Compression
* Knowing What to Learn: A Metric-Oriented Focal Mechanism for Image Captioning
* LasHeR: A Large-Scale High-Diversity Benchmark for RGBT Tracking
* LASOR: Learning Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape via Synthetic Occlusion-Aware Data and Neural Mesh Rendering
* Latent Space Semantic Supervision Based on Knowledge Distillation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Learning a Prototype Discriminator With RBF for Multimodal Image Synthesis
* Learning Calibrated Class Centers for Few-Shot Classification by Pair-Wise Similarity
* Learning Dense and Continuous Optical Flow From an Event Camera
* Learning Discrete Representations From Reference Images for Large Scale Factor Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Discriminative Cross-Modality Features for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Learning Feature Channel Weighting for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Learning Feature Recovery Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Learning From Pixel-Level Label Noise: A New Perspective for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Residual Color for Novel View Synthesis
* Learning Semantic-Aware Local Features for Long Term Visual Localization
* Learning Spectral Cues for Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion
* Learning to Compare Relation: Semantic Alignment for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning Transferable Parameters for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Learning-Based Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Leveraging Geometric Structure for Label-Efficient Semi-Supervised Scene Segmentation
* Light Field FDL-HCGH Feature in Scale-Disparity Space, A
* Limb Pose Aware Networks for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Local Intensity Order Transformation for Robust Curvilinear Object Segmentation
* Local Self-Expression Subspace Learning Network for Motion Capture Data
* Local Semantic Correlation Modeling Over Graph Neural Networks for Deep Feature Embedding and Image Retrieval
* Locality-Guided Global-Preserving Optimization for Robust Feature Matching
* Long Short-Term Relation Transformer With Global Gating for Video Captioning
* Loss Re-Scaling VQA: Revisiting the Language Prior Problem From a Class-Imbalance View
* Lossless Coding of Light Fields Based on 4D Minimum Rate Predictors
* Lossless White Balance for Improved Lossless CFA Image and Video Compression
* Low-Light Enhancement Using a Plug-and-Play Retinex Model With Shrinkage Mapping for Illumination Estimation
* Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in Visual Data
* Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition Model With Factors Prior and Total Variation for Impulsive Noise Removal, A
* M5L: Multi-Modal Multi-Margin Metric Learning for RGBT Tracking
* MA-GANet: A Multi-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Defocus Blur Detection
* Machine Learning Approach to Design of Aperiodic, Clustered-Dot Halftone Screens via Direct Binary Search, A
* MATR: Multimodal Medical Image Fusion via Multiscale Adaptive Transformer
* MC-GCN: A Multi-Scale Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Unconstrained Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Memory-Guided Image De-Raining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Meta PID Attention Network for Flexible and Efficient Real-World Noisy Image Denoising
* MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
* MetaLabelNet: Learning to Generate Soft-Labels From Noisy-Labels
* MFNet: A Novel GNN-Based Multi-Level Feature Network With Superpixel Priors
* Middle-Level Feature Fusion for Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs
* Mixed-Supervised Scene Text Detection With Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Model-Agnostic Temporal Regularizer for Object Localization Using Motion Fields
* Model-Induced Generalization Error Bound for Information-Theoretic Representation Learning in Source-Data-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Motion Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Motion-Driven Visual Tempo Learning for Video-Based Action Recognition
* MSA-Net: Establishing Reliable Correspondences by Multiscale Attention Network
* Multi-Attribute Subspace Clustering via Auto-Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Multi-Constraint Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Multi-Manifold Deep Discriminative Cross-Modal Hashing for Medical Image Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Image Matching Considering Co-Occurrence Filter
* Multi-Modality Self-Distillation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Pseudo Target Domain
* Multi-Task Interaction Learning for Spatiospectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-View Multi-Human Association with Deep Assignment Network
* Multiframe Joint Enhancement for Early Interlaced Videos
* Multimodal Unrolled Robust PCA for Background Foreground Separation
* Multistage Framework With Mean Subspace Computation and Recursive Feedback for Online Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Multistage Spatio-Temporal Networks for Robust Sketch Recognition
* Multisubject Task-Related fMRI Data Processing via a Two-Stage Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multiview Spectral Clustering With Bipartite Graph
* Narrowing the Gap: Improved Detector Training With Noisy Location Annotations
* Neighbor2Neighbor: A Self-Supervised Framework for Deep Image Denoising
* Neural Reference Synthesis for Inter Frame Coding
* New Non-Linear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Coupled PDE Model for Image Despeckling, A
* NL-CALIC Soft Decoding Using Strict Constrained Wide-Activated Recurrent Residual Network
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment by Hallucinating Pristine Features
* no-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Network Based on Binocular Interaction and Fusion Mechanisms, A
* Non-Local Robust Quaternion Matrix Completion for Large-Scale Color Image and Video Inpainting
* Nonparametric Bayesian Regression and Classification on Manifolds, With Applications to 3D Cochlear Shapes
* Novel Hybrid Level Set Model for Non-Rigid Object Contour Tracking, A
* Object Point Set Inductive Tracker for Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation, An
* Object-Agnostic Transformers for Video Referring Segmentation
* Occlusion-Aware Unsupervised Learning of Depth From 4-D Light Fields
* Offline-Online Associated Camera-Aware Proxies for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* On a Linear Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
* One Sketch for All: One-Shot Personalized Sketch Segmentation
* Open-Source Data-Driven Cross-Domain Road Detection from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Optimized Dual Fire Attention Network and Medium-Scale Fire Classification Benchmark
* OSLO: On-the-Sphere Learning for Omnidirectional Images and Its Application to 360-Degree Image Compression
* Parallel Discrete Convolutions on Adaptive Particle Representations of Images
* Partially Supervised Compatibility Modeling
* Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Using Optimal Transport
* Pattern-Based Reconstruction of K-Level Images From Cutsets
* PDNet: Toward Better One-Stage Object Detection With Prediction Decoupling
* Perceptually Unimportant Information Reduction and Cosine Similarity-Based Quality Assessment of 3D-Synthesized Images
* Person Foreground Segmentation by Learning Multi-Domain Networks
* Personality Assessment Based on Multimodal Attention Network Learning With Category-Based Mean Square Error
* PETR: Rethinking the Capability of Transformer-Based Language Model in Scene Text Recognition
* PFDN: Pyramid Feature Decoupling Network for Single Image Deraining
* Physics-Coupled Neural Network Magnetic Resonance Electrical Property Tomography (MREPT) for Conductivity Reconstruction
* Plug-and-Play Regularization Using Linear Solvers
* PNRNet: Physically-Inspired Neural Rendering for Any-to-Any Relighting
* Point Cloud Video Super-Resolution via Partial Point Coupling and Graph Smoothness
* PointRas: Uncertainty-Aware Multi-Resolution Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
* Portal Vein and Hepatic Vein Segmentation in Multi-Phase MR Images Using Flow-Guided Change Detection
* Pose2UV: Single-Shot Multiperson Mesh Recovery With Deep UV Prior
* Pre-Demosaic Graph-Based Light Field Image Compression
* Predicate Correlation Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Pro-PULSE: Learning Progressive Encoders of Latent Semantics in GANs for Photo Upsampling
* Pro-UIGAN: Progressive Face Hallucination From Occluded Thumbnails
* Probabilistic Temporal Modeling for Unintentional Action Localization
* Progressive Feature Learning for Facade Parsing With Occlusions
* Progressive Glass Segmentation
* Progressive Joint Low-Light Enhancement and Noise Removal for Raw Images
* Progressive Language-Customized Visual Feature Learning for One-Stage Visual Grounding
* Progressive Transfer Learning
* Prototypical Knowledge Oriented Adaptation Framework for Semantic Segmentation, A
* Pseudo Decoder Guided Light-Weight Architecture for Image Inpainting
* Pseudo-Pair Based Self-Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* PU-Dense: Sparse Tensor-Based Point Cloud Geometry Upsampling
* PUFA-GAN: A Frequency-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Point Cloud Upsampling
* QA-Filter: A QP-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network Filter for Video Coding
* Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Views Based on Sparsity of Difference of Closings and Difference of Gaussians
* Quasi-Equilibrium Feature Pyramid Network for Salient Object Detection
* R-PointHop: A Green, Accurate, and Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration Method
* Real Image Denoising With a Locally-Adaptive Bitonic Filter
* Reconstruct Dynamic Soft-Tissue With Stereo Endoscope Based on a Single-Layer Network
* Reconstruction of Connected Digital Lines Based on Constrained Regularization
* Recovering Realistic Details for Magnification-Arbitrary Image Super-Resolution
* Refined One-Stage Oriented Object Detection Method for Remote Sensing Images
* Relation-Based Associative Joint Location for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Relational Reasoning Over Spatial-Temporal Graphs for Video Summarization
* Relative Pose Estimation for Light Field Cameras Based on LF-Point-LF-Point Correspondence Model
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification via Multi-Branch Local Attention Network
* Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Deep Adversarial Learning
* Rethinking the Competition Between Detection and ReID in Multiobject Tracking
* Rethinking the Importance of Quantization Bias, Toward Full Low-Bit Training
* Robust Deep 3D Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Structural Priors
* Robust Movement Quantification Algorithm of Hyperactivity Detection for ADHD Children Based on 3D Depth Images, A
* Robust Object Detection via Adversarial Novel Style Exploration
* Robust Perturbation for Visual Explanation: Cross-Checking Mask Optimization to Avoid Class Distortion
* Rotation-Invariant Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* RVFace: Reliable Vector Guided Softmax Loss for Face Recognition
* Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
* Sample-Centric Feature Generation for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* Sampling Agnostic Feature Representation for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Scalable Image Coding for Humans and Machines
* Scale-Consistent Fusion: From Heterogeneous Local Sampling to Global Immersive Rendering
* SceneSketcher-v2: Fine-Grained Scene-Level Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Using Adaptive GCNs
* Screen Content Video Quality Assessment Model Using Hybrid Spatiotemporal Features
* See360: Novel Panoramic View Interpolation
* Seeking Subjectivity in Visual Emotion Distribution Learning
* SegGroup: Seg-Level Supervision for 3D Instance and Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Guided Image Dehazing Using Progressive Feature Fusion
* Self-Supervised Matting-Specific Portrait Enhancement and Generation
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With Multiscale Perception
* Self-Supervised Multi-Category Counting Networks for Automatic Check-Out
* Self-Supervised Nonlinear Transform-Based Tensor Nuclear Norm for Multi-Dimensional Image Recovery
* Self-Supervised Residual Feature Learning Model for Multifocus Image Fusion, A
* Self-Supervised Rigid Registration for Multimodal Retinal Images
* Semantic Context-Aware Image Style Transfer
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
* Semi-Supervised Structured Subspace Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* SemiCurv: Semi-Supervised Curvilinear Structure Segmentation
* SGUIE-Net: Semantic Attention Guided Underwater Image Enhancement With Multi-Scale Perception
* ShaTure: Shape and Texture Deformation for Human Pose and Attribute Transfer
* Siamese Implicit Region Proposal Network With Compound Attention for Visual Tracking
* Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting Resolution of Digital Rock Images for Improved Petrophysical Property Estimation
* SiamHYPER: Learning a Hyperspectral Object Tracker From an RGB-Based Tracker
* Single Image Super-Resolution Quality Assessment: A Real-World Dataset, Subjective Studies, and an Objective Metric
* Sinkhorn Adversarial Attack and Defense
* SMDS-Net: Model Guided Spectral-Spatial Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Smoothed-NUV Priors for Imaging
* SODAR: Exploring Locally Aggregated Learning of Mask Representations for Instance Segmentation
* Soft Exemplar Highlighting for Cross-View Image-Based Geo-Localization
* Spatial and Geometry Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for the Light Field Images, A
* Spatial-Temporal Pyramid Graph Reasoning for Action Recognition
* Spatially Consistent Transformer for Colorization in Monochrome-Color Dual-Lens System
* Spatio-Temporal Collaborative Module for Efficient Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Correlation Guided Geometric Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding
* Spectral-Spatial Boundary Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Spectral-Spatial Latent Reconstruction for Open-Set Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SPICE: Semantic Pseudo-Labeling for Image Clustering
* Spot-Adaptive Knowledge Distillation
* SPU-Net: Self-Supervised Point Cloud Upsampling by Coarse-to-Fine Reconstruction With Self-Projection Optimization
* SR-GNN: Spatial Relation-Aware Graph Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* SSL++: Improving Self-Supervised Learning by Mitigating the Proxy Task-Specificity Problem
* SST: Spatial and Semantic Transformers for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Stabilizing Adversarially Learned One-Class Novelty Detection Using Pseudo Anomalies
* Stretching Artifacts Identification for Quality Assessment of 3D-Synthesized Views
* Structure Guided Deep Neural Network for Unsupervised Active Learning
* Structure-Aware Positional Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Study of the Subjective and Objective Quality of High Motion Live Streaming Videos
* Sub-Region Localized Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Subjective and Objective Quality of Experience of Free Viewpoint Videos
* Subjective and Objective Study of Space-Time Subsampled Video Quality, A
* Superpixel Guided Deformable Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Supervised Adaptive Similarity Matrix Hashing
* Suppressing Shot Noise Using Quadratic Variable Step-Size Quantization for the Initial Acquisition of Camera-Raw Image Data
* Target Detection With Unconstrained Linear Mixture Model and Hierarchical Denoising Autoencoder in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Task-Oriented Convex Bilevel Optimization With Latent Feasibility
* TCGL: Temporal Contrastive Graph for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* TDPN: Texture and Detail-Preserving Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Temporal-Aware Relation and Attention Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Tensor Completion via Complementary Global, Local, and Nonlocal Priors
* Three-Dimensional Cubic Barcodes
* Three-Stage Self-Training Framework for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, A
* Toward Better Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-Offs: Divide and Co-Training
* Toward Real-World Category-Level Articulation Pose Estimation
* Toward Scalable and Unified Example-Based Explanation and Outlier Detection
* Toward Stable Co-Saliency Detection and Object Co-Segmentation
* Toward Top-Down Just Noticeable Difference Estimation of Natural Images
* Toward Unaligned Guided Thermal Super-Resolution
* Toward Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective
* Towards Disentangling Latent Space for Unsupervised Semantic Face Editing
* Towards Lightweight Transformer Via Group-Wise Transformation for Vision-and-Language Tasks
* Towards Low Light Enhancement With RAW Images
* Trajectory Grouping With Curvature Regularization for Tubular Structure Tracking
* TransCS: A Transformer-Based Hybrid Architecture for Image Compressed Sensing
* Triple-Level Model Inferred Collaborative Network Architecture for Video Deraining
* TSA-SCC: Text Semantic-Aware Screen Content Coding With Ultra Low Bitrate
* TSGB: Target-Selective Gradient Backprop for Probing CNN Visual Saliency
* Twin Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Underwater Image Enhancement and Beyond
* Two-Branch Deconvolutional Network With Application in Stereo Matching
* Two-Stage Copy-Move Forgery Detection With Self Deep Matching and Proposal SuperGlue
* Two-Step Registration on Multi-Modal Retinal Images via Deep Neural Networks
* UIF: An Objective Quality Assessment for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Under-Display Camera Image Enhancement via Cascaded Curve Estimation
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimal Color Loss and Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
* Underwater Image Enhancement With Hyper-Laplacian Reflectance Priors
* Unified Pansharpening Model Based on Band-Adaptive Gradient and Detail Correction, A
* Unintentional Action Localization via Counterfactual Examples
* Universal Adversarial Patch Attack for Automatic Checkout Using Perceptual and Attentional Bias
* Universal Background Subtraction Based on Arithmetic Distribution Neural Network
* Unsupervised Foggy Scene Understanding via Self Spatial-Temporal Label Diffusion
* Unsupervised High-Resolution Portrait Gaze Correction and Animation
* Unsupervised Meta Learning With Multiview Constraints for Hyperspectral Image Small Sample set Classification
* Unsupervised Neural Rendering for Image Hazing
* Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Memory and Contrastive Learning
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification With Stochastic Training Strategy
* Unsupervised Structure-Texture Separation Network for Oracle Character Recognition
* Unsupervised Synthetic Acoustic Image Generation for Audio-Visual Scene Understanding
* Untrained Neural Network Prior for Light Field Compression, An
* User-Guided Deep Human Image Matting Using Arbitrary Trimaps
* Variational Abnormal Behavior Detection With Motion Consistency
* Variational Bayesian Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Over the Stiefel Manifold
* Variational Deep Image Restoration
* Variational Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal With a Gray Haze-Line Prior
* VCRNet: Visual Compensation Restoration Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Video Crowd Localization With Multifocus Gaussian Neighborhood Attention and a Large-Scale Benchmark
* Video Moment Retrieval With Cross-Modal Neural Architecture Search
* Video Quality Model of Compression, Resolution and Frame Rate Adaptation Based on Space-Time Regularities
* Video Question Answering With Prior Knowledge and Object-Sensitive Learning
* Video Reenactment as Inductive Bias for Content-Motion Disentanglement
* Video Summarization Through Reinforcement Learning With a 3D Spatio-Temporal U-Net
* Video Super-Resolution via a Spatio-Temporal Alignment Network
* VideoABC: A Real-World Video Dataset for Abductive Visual Reasoning
* VidSfM: Robust and Accurate Structure-From-Motion for Monocular Videos
* View-Consistency Learning for Incomplete Multiview Clustering
* View-Wise Versus Cluster-Wise Weight: Which Is Better for Multi-View Clustering?
* Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Partially Interactive Collaboration
* Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification With Modality-Specific Memory Network
* Visual Cluster Grounding for Image Captioning
* VPU: A Video-Based Point Cloud Upsampling Framework
* Wavelet-Based Texture Reformation Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Weakly Alignment-Free RGBT Salient Object Detection With Deep Correlation Network
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Textbook Question Answering
* Weakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection With Prediction Consistency Training and Active Scribble Boosting
* Weakly Supervised Visual Saliency Prediction
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection on Light Fields
* Weighted Correlation Embedding Learning for Domain Adaptation
* Weighted Feature Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network and Graph Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* WINNet: Wavelet-Inspired Invertible Network for Image Denoising
* X-Invariant Contrastive Augmentation and Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
537 for IP(31)

IP(32) * 4D LUT: Learnable Context-Aware 4D Lookup Table for Image Enhancement
* ABC-Norm Regularization for Fine-Grained and Long-Tailed Image Classification
* Acquiring 360° Light Field by a Moving Dual-Fisheye Camera
* AdaPool: Exponential Adaptive Pooling for Information-Retaining Downsampling
* Adaptive Betweenness Clustering for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Chroma Prediction Based on Luma Difference for H.266/VVC
* Adaptive Domain Generalization Via Online Disagreement Minimization
* Adaptive Feature Projection With Distribution Alignment for Deep Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Adaptive Hierarchical Similarity Metric Learning With Noisy Labels
* Adaptive Latent Graph Representation Learning for Image-Text Matching
* Additivity Constrained Linearisation of Camera Calibration Data
* ADMM-SRNet: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Sparse Representation Network for One-Class Classification
* Adversarial Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* AFT: Adaptive Fusion Transformer for Visible and Infrared Images
* Algorithm for Learning Orthonormal Matrix Codebooks for Adaptive Transform Coding, An
* APP-Net: Auxiliary-Point-Based Push and Pull Operations for Efficient Point Cloud Recognition
* Attention-Guided Neural Networks for Full-Reference and No-Reference Audio-Visual Quality Assessment
* Automated Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration by Jointly Optimizing Network Architectures and Objective Functions
* B2C-AFM: Bi-Directional Co-Temporal and Cross-Spatial Attention Fusion Model for Human Action Recognition
* Bayesian Nonlocal Patch Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Bi-Nuclear Tensor Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Binary Change Guided Hyperspectral Multiclass Change Detection
* Bitstream-Based Perceptual Quality Assessment of Compressed 3D Point Clouds
* Blind VQA on 360° Video via Progressively Learning From Pixels, Frames, and Video
* BLPSeg: Balance the Label Preference in Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Boosting Broader Receptive Fields for Salient Object Detection
* Boosting Night-Time Scene Parsing With Learnable Frequency
* Brain Network Analysis of Schizophrenia Patients Based on Hypergraph Signal Processing
* Broad Spectrum Image Deblurring via an Adaptive Super-Network
* BVI-VFI: A Video Quality Database for Video Frame Interpolation
* Can Spectral Information Work While Extracting Spatial Distribution?: An Online Spectral Information Compensation Network for HSI Classification
* Capsule-Based Regression Tracking via Background Inpainting
* Category Knowledge-Guided Parameter Calibration for Few-Shot Object Detection
* CAVER: Cross-Modal View-Mixed Transformer for Bi-Modal Salient Object Detection
* CBANet: Toward Complexity and Bitrate Adaptive Deep Image Compression Using a Single Network
* Centralized Feature Pyramid for Object Detection
* Changes to Captions: An Attentive Network for Remote Sensing Change Captioning
* Characteristic Mapping for Ellipse Detection Acceleration
* CLIP-Driven Fine-Grained Text-Image Person Re-Identification
* Closer Look at the Joint Training of Object Detection and Re-Identification in Multi-Object Tracking, A
* CLSA: A Contrastive Learning Framework With Selective Aggregation for Video Rescaling
* CMOS-GAN: Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Model for Cross-Modality Face Image Synthesis
* Co-Learning Meets Stitch-Up for Noisy Multi-Label Visual Recognition
* Coarse Mask Guided Interactive Object Segmentation
* Cognition Guided Human-Object Relationship Detection
* Collaborative Content-Dependent Modeling: A Return to the Roots of Salient Object Detection
* Collaborative Contrastive Refining for Weakly Supervised Person Search
* Complementary Calibration: Boosting General Continual Learning With Collaborative Distillation and Self-Supervision
* Composed Image Retrieval via Cross Relation Network With Hierarchical Aggregation Transformer
* Composite Object Relation Modeling for Few-Shot Scene Recognition
* Concept-Aware Video Captioning: Describing Videos With Effective Prior Information
* Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton-Based Gait Recognition
* Conditional Boundary Loss for Semantic Segmentation
* Connections Between Deep Equilibrium and Sparse Representation Models With Application to Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Consensus Sparsity: Multi-Context Sparse Image Representation via L8-Induced Matrix Variate
* Conservative-Progressive Collaborative Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Content-Adaptive Auto-Occlusion Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Context Adaptive Network for Image Inpainting
* Contrast Optimization for Size Invariant Visual Cryptography Scheme
* Contrastive Learning of Person-Independent Representations for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Contrastive Transformer Hashing for Compact Video Representation
* Contrastive-ACE: Domain Generalization Through Alignment of Causal Mechanisms
* CONVIQT: Contrastive Video Quality Estimator
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Conditional Random Field Model for Structured Multi-Focus Image Fusion Robust to Noise, A
* Correntropy-Induced Wasserstein GCN: Learning Graph Embedding via Domain Adaptation
* CPP-Net: Context-Aware Polygon Proposal Network for Nucleus Segmentation
* Cross-Camera Trajectories Help Person Retrieval in a Camera Network
* Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition via Contrastive Warm up and Complexity-Aware Self-Training
* Cross-Modality Pyramid Alignment for Visual Intention Understanding
* Crowd Localization From Gaussian Mixture Scoped Knowledge and Scoped Teacher
* CSformer: Bridging Convolution and Transformer for Compressive Sensing
* CTCNet: A CNN-Transformer Cooperation Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* Cycle-Consistent Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding With Individual and Contextual Representations
* Cyclic Self-Training With Proposal Weight Modulation for Cross-Supervised Object Detection
* DCN-T: Dual Context Network With Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Decode-MOT: How Can We Hurdle Frames to Go Beyond Tracking-by-Detection?
* Deep Face Video Inpainting via UV Mapping
* Deep Hypersphere Feature Regularization for Weakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Deep Multi-Exposure Image Fusion for Dynamic Scenes
* Deep-Based Film Grain Removal and Synthesis
* DeflickerCycleGAN: Learning to Detect and Remove Flickers in a Single Image
* Deformable Density Estimation via Adaptive Representation
* Degraded Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Dense Nested Attention Network for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Density-Guided Incremental Dominant Instance Exploration for Two-View Geometric Model Fitting
* Depth Injection Framework for RGBD Salient Object Detection
* Describe, Spot and Explain: Interpretable Representation Learning for Discriminative Visual Reasoning
* Detector-Oblivious Multi-Arm Network for Keypoint Matching, A
* DGRNet: A Dual-Level Graph Relation Network for Video Object Detection
* Dif-Fusion: Toward High Color Fidelity in Infrared and Visible Image Fusion With Diffusion Models
* Differentiable RandAugment: Learning Selecting Weights and Magnitude Distributions of Image Transformations
* DisAVR: Disentangled Adaptive Visual Reasoning Network for Diagram Question Answering
* Discrepancy-Aware Meta-Learning for Zero-Shot Face Manipulation Detection
* Discriminative Radial Domain Adaptation
* Distractor-Aware Event-Based Tracking
* DO-SA&R: Distant Object Augmented Set Abstraction and Regression for Point-Based 3D Object Detection
* Doing More With Moiré Pattern Detection in Digital Photos
* Domain Adaptation for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Doppler and Pair-Wise Optical Flow Constrained 3D Motion Compensation for 3D Ultrasound Imaging
* Double Auto-Weighted Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis
* DTCM: Joint Optimization of Dark Enhancement and Action Recognition in Videos
* Dual Level Adaptive Weighting for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Recommendation Disentanglement Network for View Fuzz in Action Recognition
* Dynamic Frame Interpolation in Wavelet Domain
* Dynamic Path-Controllable Deep Unfolding Network for Compressive Sensing
* Dynamic Slimmable Denoising Network
* Dynamical Hyperspectral Unmixing With Variational Recurrent Neural Networks
* E2FIF: Push the Limit of Binarized Deep Imagery Super-Resolution Using End-to-End Full-Precision Information Flow
* EDDMF: An Efficient Deep Discrepancy Measuring Framework for Full-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment
* Edge Devices Clustering for Federated Visual Classification: A Feature Norm Based Framework
* Efficient 3D Scene Semantic Segmentation via Active Learning on Rendered 2D Images
* Efficient and Robust Video Object Segmentation Through Isogenous Memory Sampling and Frame Relation Mining
* Efficient Anomaly Detection Using Self-Supervised Multi-Cue Tasks
* Efficient Few-Shot Object Detection via Knowledge Inheritance
* Efficient Halftoning via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Efficient Human Vision Inspired Action Recognition Using Adaptive Spatiotemporal Sampling
* Efficient Layer Compression Without Pruning
* Efficient Robust Watermarking Based on Structure-Preserving Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition
* Efficient Token-Guided Image-Text Retrieval With Consistent Multimodal Contrastive Training
* Efficient Transformer Based on Global and Local Self-Attention for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis, An
* Efficient Vision Transformer via Token Merger
* EGRC-Net: Embedding-Induced Graph Refinement Clustering Network
* End-to-End Pre-Training With Hierarchical Matching and Momentum Contrast for Text-Video Retrieval
* Entropic Descent Archetypal Analysis for Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Equilibrium Image Denoising With Implicit Differentiation
* ERNet: An Efficient and Reliable Human-Object Interaction Detection Network
* Erosion Attack: Harnessing Corruption To Improve Adversarial Examples
* Event-Aware Video Deraining via Multi-Patch Progressive Learning
* Event-Based Semantic Segmentation With Posterior Attention
* Evolving Into a Transformer: From a Training-Free Retrieval-Based Method for Anomaly Obstacle Segmentation
* Experts Collaboration Learning for Continual Multi-Modal Reasoning
* Exploring High-Order Spatio-Temporal Correlations From Skeleton for Person Re-Identification
* Exploring Sparse Spatial Relation in Graph Inference for Text-Based VQA
* Exploring the Robustness of Human Parsers Toward Common Corruptions
* FABNet: Frequency-Aware Binarized Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Facial Action Unit Detection via Adaptive Attention and Relation
* Facial Expression Recognition on the High Aggregation Subgraphs
* Fast ACE (FACE): An Error-Bounded Approximation of Automatic Color Equalization
* Fast Adversarial Training With Adaptive Step Size
* Fast Guided Median Filter
* Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays
* Fast Multi-Grid Methods for Minimizing Curvature Energies
* Fast Self-Guided Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Feature Interaction Learning Network for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Fine-Grained Feature Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Fine-Grained Spatio-Temporal Parsing Network for Action Quality Assessment
* Fine-Grained Video Retrieval With Scene Sketches
* Frequency Information Disentanglement Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Frequency-Based Motion Representation for Video Generative Adversarial Networks
* From Global to Local: Multi-Patch and Multi-Scale Contrastive Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Defocus Blur Detection
* From Global to Local: Multi-Scale Out-of-Distribution Detection
* FS-BAN: Born-Again Networks for Domain Generalization Few-Shot Classification
* FsaNet: Frequency Self-Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* FSNet: Focus Scanning Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Full-Reference Image Quality Expression via Genetic Programming
* Fuzzy Cluster-Based Group-Wise Point Set Registration With Quality Assessment
* Fuzzy Semantics for Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detection
* Fuzzy Sparse Subspace Clustering for Infrared Image Segmentation
* General vs. Long-Tailed Age Estimation: An Approach to Kill Two Birds With One Stone
* Generalized Tensor Summation Compressive Sensing Network (GTSNET): An Easy to Learn Compressive Sensing Operation
* Generative Inference Network for Imbalanced Domain Generalization
* Generative Reasoning Integrated Label Noise Robust Deep Image Representation Learning
* Glass Segmentation With RGB-Thermal Image Pairs
* GQE-Net: A Graph-Based Quality Enhancement Network for Point Cloud Color Attribute
* Graph Embedding Contrastive Multi-Modal Representation Learning for Clustering
* Guided Colorization Using Mono-Color Image Pairs
* Guided Deep Generative Model-Based Spatial Regularization for Multiband Imaging Inverse Problems
* Guided Discrimination and Correlation Subspace Learning for Domain Adaptation
* Helping Visually Impaired People Take Better Quality Pictures
* HENC: Hierarchical Embedding Network With Center Calibration for Few-Shot Fine-Grained SAR Target Classification
* HGR-Net: Hierarchical Graph Reasoning Network for Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection
* HiDAnet: RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Depth Awareness
* Hierarchical Co-Attention Propagation Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Graph Pattern Understanding for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Hashing Learning for Image Set Classification
* Hierarchical Shape-Consistent Transformer for Unsupervised Point Cloud Shape Correspondence
* HiFiSketch: High Fidelity Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Manipulation
* High-Frequency Normalizing Flow for Image Rescaling
* HIPA: Hierarchical Patch Transformer for Single Image Super Resolution
* Human Co-Parsing Guided Alignment for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Human Motion Segmentation via Velocity-Sensitive Dual-Side Auto-Encoder
* HybrUR: A Hybrid Physical-Neural Solution for Unsupervised Underwater Image Restoration
* Hyperpixels: Flexible 4D Over-Segmentation for Dense and Sparse Light Fields
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Transformer and Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation-Based Active Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Knowledge-Driven Deep Unrolling and Transformer Embedded Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Meets Optical Flow: Spectral Flow Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* ICE: Implicit Coordinate Encoder for Multiple Image Neural Representation
* Image Deblurring with Image Blurring
* Image Patch-Matching With Graph-Based Learning in Street Scenes
* Image Separation With Side Information: A Connected Auto-Encoders Based Approach
* Improving Embedding Generalization in Few-Shot Learning With Instance Neighbor Constraints
* Improving Inconspicuous Attributes Modeling for Person Search by Language
* Improving Lightweight AdderNet via Distillation from L2 to L1-norm
* Incomplete Multi-View Learning Under Label Shift
* Inference-Domain Network Evolution: A New Perspective for One-Shot Multi-Object Tracking
* Infrared Small and Dim Target Detection With Transformer Under Complex Backgrounds
* INFWIDE: Image and Feature Space Wiener Deconvolution Network for Non-Blind Image Deblurring in Low-Light Conditions
* Ingredient Prediction via Context Learning Network with Class-Adaptive Asymmetric Loss
* Ink Drop Displacement Model-Based Direct Binary Search
* Instance Motion Tendency Learning for Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Instance-Level Few-Shot Learning With Class Hierarchy Mining
* Integrated Multiscale Domain Adaptive YOLO
* Interactive Learning of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties for All-Day Semantic Segmentation
* Inverse Image Frequency for Long-Tailed Image Recognition
* JNMR: Joint Non-Linear Motion Regression for Video Frame Interpolation
* Joint Answering and Explanation for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Joint Correlation and Attention Based Feature Fusion Network for Accurate Visual Tracking
* Joint Decision Tree and Visual Feature Rate Control Optimization for VVC UHD Coding
* Joint Denoising-Demosaicking Network for Long-Wave Infrared Division-of-Focal-Plane Polarization Images With Mixed Noise Level Estimation
* Joint-Confidence-Guided Multi-Task Learning for 3D Reconstruction and Understanding From Monocular Camera
* JPEG 2000 Extensions for Scalable Coding of Discontinuous Media
* Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometric Clustering for Video Frame Prediction and Anomaly Detection, A
* Knowledge Amalgamation for Object Detection With Transformers
* Knowledge Conditioned Variational Learning for One-Class Facial Expression Recognition
* KSS-ICP: Point Cloud Registration Based on Kendall Shape Space
* Latent Feature Disentanglement for Visual Domain Generalization
* Learned Image Compression Using Cross-Component Attention Mechanism
* Learned Image Compression With Gaussian-Laplacian-Logistic Mixture Model and Concatenated Residual Modules
* Learned Video Compression With Efficient Temporal Context Learning
* Learning a Deep Ensemble Network With Band Importance for Hyperspectral Object Tracking
* Learning a Locally Unified 3D Point Cloud for View Synthesis
* Learning Cross-Scale Weighted Prediction for Efficient Neural Video Compression
* Learning Domain Invariant Representations for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Learning Patch-Channel Correspondence for Interpretable Face Forgery Detection
* Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation
* Learning Resolution-Adaptive Representations for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Learning Shadow Removal From Unpaired Samples via Reciprocal Learning
* Learning Shape-Invariant Representation for Generalizable Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Structure Aware Deep Spectral Embedding
* Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* Learning to Purification for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Learning Weak Semantics by Feature Graph for Attribute-Based Person Search
* Lightweight Deep Neural Networks for Ship Target Detection in SAR Imagery
* LineDL: Processing Images Line-by-Line With Deep Learning
* Local Orthogonal Moments for Local Features
* Lossless Recompression of JPEG Images Using Transform Domain Intra Prediction
* LRT: An Efficient Low-Light Restoration Transformer for Dark Light Field Images
* LRTCFPan: Low-Rank Tensor Completion Based Framework for Pansharpening
* LSNet: Lightweight Spatial Boosting Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-Thermal Images
* Macroscopic-and-Microscopic Rain Streaks Disentanglement Network for Single-Image Deraining
* MagConv: Mask-Guided Convolution for Image Inpainting
* Magi-Net: Meta Negative Network for Early Activity Prediction
* Masked Embedding Modeling With Rapid Domain Adjustment for Few-Shot Image Classification
* MaskFaceGAN: High-Resolution Face Editing With Masked GAN Latent Code Optimization
* MBFQuant: A Multiplier-Bitwidth-Fixed, Mixed-Precision Quantization Method for Mobile CNN-Based Applications
* MCSfM: Multi-Camera-Based Incremental Structure-From-Motion
* MDF-Net: A Multi-Scale Dynamic Fusion Network for Breast Tumor Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* MemBridge: Video-Language Pre-Training With Memory-Augmented Inter-Modality Bridge
* Memorizing Complementation Network for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Meta-Learning-Based Degradation Representation for Blind Super-Resolution
* MGL: Mutual Graph Learning for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Missing Recovery: Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Auxiliary Prior Learning
* mmWave Networking and Edge Computing for Scalable 360° Video Multi-User Virtual Reality
* Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
* Monocular Road Planar Parallax Estimation
* Motion-Compensated Predictive RAHT for Dynamic Point Clouds
* Multi-Biometric Unified Network for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Branch and Progressive Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Deformable Self-Attention
* Multi-Granularity Context Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Granularity Denoising and Bidirectional Alignment for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Label Hashing for Dependency Relations Among Multiple Objectives
* Multi-Level Content-Aware Boundary Detection for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Multi-Object Navigation Using Potential Target Position Policy Function
* Multi-Objective Unsupervised Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Multi-Purpose Realistic Haze Benchmark With Quantifiable Haze Levels and Ground Truth, A
* Multi-Query Vehicle Re-Identification: Viewpoint-Conditioned Network, Unified Dataset and New Metric
* Multi-View Clustering via Triplex Information Maximization
* Multi-View Diffusion Process for Spectral Clustering and Image Retrieval
* Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Excited Graph Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Segmentation With Intuition-Inspired Hypergraph Modeling
* Multiplex Transformed Tensor Decomposition for Multidimensional Image Recovery
* Multiscale Approach to Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment, A
* Multispectral Filter Array Design by Optimal Sphere Packing
* Multiview Clustering by Consensus Spectral Rotation Fusion
* NCSiam: Reliable Matching via Neighborhood Consensus for Siamese-Based Object Tracking
* Neighbor-Guided Consistent and Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* Neural Attention-Driven Non-Maximum Suppression for Person Detection
* New Language-Independent Deep CNN for Scene Text Detection and Style Transfer in Social Media Images, A
* NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
* nnFormer: Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation via a 3D Transformer
* Noise Prior Knowledge Informed Bayesian Inference Network for Hyperspectral Super-Resolution
* Nowhere to Disguise: Spot Camouflaged Objects via Saliency Attribute Transfer
* NR-MVSNet: Learning Multi-View Stereo Based on Normal Consistency and Depth Refinement
* OBMO: One Bounding Box Multiple Objects for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Omni-Frequency Channel-Selection Representations for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* On Single-Model Transferable Targeted Attacks: A Closer Look at Decision-Level Optimization
* One-Class Classification Using lp-Norm Multiple Kernel Fisher Null Approach
* One-Stage Visual Relationship Referring With Transformers and Adaptive Message Passing
* Optimization-Inspired Learning with Architecture Augmentations and Control Mechanisms for Low-Level Vision
* Optimized Modulation and Coding for Dual Modulated QR Codes
* Orientation Cues-Aware Facial Relationship Representation for Head Pose Estimation via Transformer
* OTP-NMS: Toward Optimal Threshold Prediction of NMS for Crowded Pedestrian Detection
* Panel-Page-Aware Comic Genre Understanding
* Pansharpening With Spatial Hessian Non-Convex Sparse and Spectral Gradient Low Rank Priors
* Part-Aware Framework for Robust Object Tracking
* Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC Intra-Frame Coding
* Pedestrian Detection by Exemplar-Guided Contrastive Learning
* Perceptually Optimizing Color Look-up Tables
* Perceptually Weighted Rate Distortion Optimization for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Perspectively Equivariant Keypoint Learning for Omnidirectional Images
* PFONet: A Progressive Feedback Optimization Network for Lightweight Single Image Dehazing
* PGFNet: Preference-Guided Filtering Network for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Physics-Informed Compressed Sensing for PC-MRI: An Inverse Navier-Stokes Problem
* PLGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Power-Line Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Plug-and-Play Priors for Multi-Shot Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Plug-and-Play Regulators for Image-Text Matching
* POCE: Pose-Controllable Expression Editing
* Point-Based Learnable Query Generator for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Point-NAS: A Novel Neural Architecture Search Framework for Point Cloud Analysis
* PolarPose: Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Estimation in Polar Coordinates
* Pose-Appearance Relational Modeling for Video Action Recognition
* Position-Aware Relation Learning for RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Reference Heatmap Transformer
* Prediction Calibration for Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Predictive Uncertainty Estimation for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Probability-Based Graph Embedding Cross-Domain and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Domain Adaptation
* Progressive Context-Dependent Inference for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Progressive Contextual Aggregation Empowered by Pixel-Wise Confidence Scoring for Image Inpainting
* Prototype Adaption and Projection for Few- and Zero-Shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Prototypical Matching Networks for Video Object Segmentation
* PUGAN: Physical Model-Guided Underwater Image Enhancement Using GAN With Dual-Discriminators
* Quaternion Scalar and Vector Norm Decomposition: Quaternion PCA for Color Face Recognition
* Rain Removal From Light Field Images With 4D Convolution and Multi-Scale Gaussian Process
* Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object Detector in Unseen Domains
* Rank Flow Embedding for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Manifold Learning
* Ray-Space Motion Compensation for Lenslet Plenoptic Video Coding
* REAF: Remembering Enhancement and Entropy-Based Asymptotic Forgetting for Filter Pruning
* Real-Time Memory Updating Strategy for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification, A
* Reasoning and Tuning: Graph Attention Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Rebalanced Zero-Shot Learning
* Redesigning Multi-Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* ReDFeat: Recoupling Detection and Description for Multimodal Feature Learning
* Reducing Vision-Answer Biases for Multiple-Choice VQA
* Reformulating Graph Kernels for Self-Supervised Space-Time Correspondence Learning
* Region Assisted Sketch Colorization
* Region-Based Template Matching Prediction for Intra Coding
* Regular Splitting Graph Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Retain and Recover: Delving Into Information Loss for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Rethinking and Improving Feature Pyramids for One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension
* Rethinking Cross-Domain Pedestrian Detection: A Background-Focused Distribution Alignment Framework for Instance-Free One-Stage Detectors
* Rethinking Lightweight Salient Object Detection via Network Depth-Width Tradeoff
* Rethinking Sampling Strategies for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Retrieving Object Motions From Coded Shutter Snapshot in Dark Environment
* Revisiting Multi-Codebook Quantization
* Revisiting the Regularizers in Blind Image Deblurring With a New One
* RGB-Guided Depth Map Recovery by Two-Stage Coarse-to-Fine Dense CRF Models
* Robust Cross-Domain Pseudo-Labeling and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center
* Rotational Convolution: Rethinking Convolution for Downside Fisheye Images
* RSSFormer: Foreground Saliency Enhancement for Remote Sensing Land-Cover Segmentation
* SAGN: Semantic-Aware Graph Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Driven by Transformer
* Sampling Equivariant Self-Attention Networks for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Scale-Arbitrary Invertible Image Downscaling
* Scene-Text Synthesis Engine Achieved Through Learning From Decomposed Real-World Data, A
* SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Moving Vehicle Detection in Satellite Videos
* Searching Efficient Model-Guided Deep Network for Image Denoising
* Secure Outsourced SIFT: Accurate and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Image SIFT Feature Extraction
* Selecting High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Bottom-Up Aggregated Attention and Phase-Aware Loss
* Self-Parameter Distillation Dehazing
* Self-Supervised 3D Behavior Representation Learning Based on Homotopic Hyperbolic Embedding
* Self-Supervised Information Bottleneck for Deep Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Self-Supervised Learning by Estimating Twin Class Distribution
* Self-Supervised Learning for RGB-Guided Depth Enhancement by Exploiting the Dependency Between RGB and Depth
* Self-Supervised Learning of Perceptually Optimized Block Motion Estimates for Video Compression
* Self-Supervised Video-Based Action Recognition With Disturbances
* Semantic Consistent Embedding for Domain Adaptive Zero-Shot Learning
* Semantic Representation and Attention Alignment for Graph Information Bottleneck in Video Summarization
* Semantic-Aware Modular Capsule Routing for Visual Question Answering
* Semi-Cycled Generative Adversarial Networks for Real-World Face Super-Resolution
* Semi-Sparsity for Smoothing Filters
* Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting via Multiple Representation Learning
* Sequence as a Whole: A Unified Framework for Video Action Localization With Long-Range Text Query
* Sequential Order-Aware Coding-Based Robust Subspace Clustering for Human Action Recognition in Untrimmed Videos
* SharpFormer: Learning Local Feature Preserving Global Representations for Image Deblurring
* Simultaneous Destriping and Image Denoising Using a Nonparametric Model With the EM Algorithm
* Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Line Prior
* Single-Source Domain Expansion Network for Cross-Scene Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Single-View 3D Mesh Reconstruction for Seen and Unseen Categories
* SIR: Self-Supervised Image Rectification via Seeing the Same Scene From Multiple Different Lenses
* Skeleton-CutMix: Mixing Up Skeleton With Probabilistic Bone Exchange for Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Sketch-Segformer: Transformer-Based Segmentation for Figurative and Creative Sketches
* SMAM: Self and Mutual Adaptive Matching for Skeleton-Based Few-Shot Action Recognition
* SPA2Net: Structure-Preserved Attention Activated Network for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Space-Time Super-Resolution for Light Field Videos
* Sparse-to-Local-Dense Matching for Geometry-Guided Correspondence Estimation
* Spatial Context-Aware Object-Attentional Network for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Spatially Varying Prior Learning for Blind Hyperspectral Image Fusion
* Spectral Clustering Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Multispectral Camera Array
* Spherical Centralized Quantization for Fast Image Retrieval
* Spike-Based Motion Estimation for Object Tracking Through Bio-Inspired Unsupervised Learning
* SPS: Accurate and Real-Time Semantic Positioning System Based on Low-Cost DEM Maps
* SpVOS: Efficient Video Object Segmentation With Triple Sparse Convolution
* State-Aware Compositional Learning Toward Unbiased Training for Scene Graph Generation
* Stereoscopic Vision Recalling Memory for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* StochasticFormer: Stochastic Modeling for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Structure-Guided Cross-Attention Network for Cross-Domain OCT Fluid Segmentation
* Structure-Informed Shadow Removal Networks
* Study of Spatio-Temporal Modeling in Video Quality Assessment
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Mobile Cloud Gaming Videos
* Style Uncertainty Based Self-Paced Meta Learning for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Subjective and Objective Audio-Visual Quality Assessment for User Generated Content
* Super-Resolution Phase Retrieval Network for Single-Pattern Structured Light 3D Imaging
* SUR-Driven Video Coding Rate Control for Jointly Optimizing Perceptual Quality and Buffer Control
* Suspicious Object Detection for Millimeter-Wave Images With Multi-View Fusion Siamese Network
* SVCNet: Scribble-Based Video Colorization Network With Temporal Aggregation
* Symmetrical Siamese Network Framework with Contrastive Learning for Pose-Robust Face Recognition, A
* Task-Agnostic Vision Transformer for Distributed Learning of Image Processing
* Taylor Neural Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Temporal Phase Unwrapping Based on Unequal Phase-Shifting Code
* Tensor Cascaded-Rank Minimization in Subspace: A Unified Regime for Hyperspectral Image Low-Level Vision
* Tensor Recovery Based on a Novel Non-Convex Function Minimax Logarithmic Concave Penalty Function
* Test-Time Adaptation for Optical Flow Estimation Using Motion Vectors
* Text Prior Guided Scene Text Image Super-Resolution
* Time-Division Multiplexing Light Field Display With Learned Coded Aperture
* Tolerating Annotation Displacement in Dense Object Counting via Point Annotation Probability Map
* Toward 3D Face Reconstruction in Perspective Projection: Estimating 6DoF Face Pose From Monocular Image
* Toward a Unified Transformer-Based Framework for Scene Graph Generation and Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Toward Adversarial Robustness in Unlabeled Target Domains
* Toward Effective Domain Adaptive Retrieval
* Toward Fine-Grained Talking Face Generation
* Toward Intrinsic Adversarial Robustness Through Probabilistic Training
* Toward Projected Clustering With Aggregated Mapping
* Toward Robust Visual Object Tracking With Independent Target-Agnostic Detection and Effective Siamese Cross-Task Interaction
* Toward the Achievable Rate-Distortion Bound of VVC Intra Coding: A Beam Search-Based Joint Optimization Scheme
* Towards Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Image and Video Transformers
* Transition Is a Process: Pair-to-Video Change Detection Networks for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Translation, Association and Augmentation: Learning Cross-Modality Re-Identification From Single-Modality Annotation
* TransWeaver: Weave Image Pairs for Class Agnostic Common Object Detection
* Tree-Structured Data Clustering-Driven Neural Network for Intra Prediction in Video Coding
* Tripartite Feature Enhanced Pyramid Network for Dense Prediction
* TRNR: Task-Driven Image Rain and Noise Removal With a Few Images Based on Patch Analysis
* TSDN: Two-Stage Raw Denoising in the Dark
* TTVFI: Learning Trajectory-Aware Transformer for Video Frame Interpolation
* Two-Step Discrete Cosine Basis Oriented Motion Modeling Approach for Enhanced Motion Compensation, A
* Txt2Img-MHN: Remote Sensing Image Generation From Text Using Modern Hopfield Networks
* U-Shape Transformer for Underwater Image Enhancement
* UIU-Net: U-Net in U-Net for Infrared Small Object Detection
* Uncertainty-Aware Gaze Tracking for Assisted Living Environments
* Uncertainty-Aware Source-Free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Uncertainty-Induced Transferability Representation for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Universal Demosaicking for Interpolation-Friendly RGBW Color Filter Arrays
* Universum-Inspired Supervised Contrastive Learning
* Unmixing Guided Unsupervised Network for RGB Spectral Super-Resolution
* Unrolled Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Image Blind Deconvolution
* Unsupervised Adaptive Feature Selection With Binary Hashing
* Unsupervised Deep Exemplar Colorization via Pyramid Dual Non-Local Attention
* Unsupervised Low-Light Video Enhancement With Spatial-Temporal Co-Attention Transformer
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning via Multi-Dimensional Relationship Alignment
* Versatile Denoising-Based Approximate Message Passing for Compressive Sensing
* Video Summarization With Spatiotemporal Vision Transformer
* Viewpoint-Adaptive Representation Disentanglement Network for Change Captioning
* Vine Spread for Superpixel Segmentation
* Vision Transformers for Single Image Dehazing
* VTAE: Variational Transformer Autoencoder With Manifolds Learning
* Wavelet-Guided Promotion-Suppression Transformer for Surface-Defect Detection
* WaveNet: Wavelet Network With Knowledge Distillation for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Spatial Reasoning for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* What is the Real Need for Scene Text Removal? Exploring the Background Integrity and Erasure Exhaustivity Properties
* Win-Win by Competition: Auxiliary-Free Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Windowed Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Concentration and Its Application to ISAR Imaging
* X-View: Non-Egocentric Multi-View 3D Object Detector
* Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
465 for IP(32)

IP(33) * 5-D Epanechnikov Mixture-of-Experts in Light Field Image Compression
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Complex Texture Objects by Height Compensation Using a Dual-Projector Structure
* Accurate and Robust Object Detection via Selective Adversarial Learning With Constraints
* Active Disparity Sampling for Stereo Matching With Adjoint Network
* Active Factor Graph Network for Group Activity Recognition
* Adapting Few-Shot Classification via In-Process Defense
* Adapting Vision-Language Models via Learning to Inject Knowledge
* Adaptive Blind Super-Resolution Network for Spatial-Specific and Spatial-Agnostic Degradations
* Adaptive Feature Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Adaptive Log-Euclidean Metrics for SPD Matrix Learning
* Addressing Challenges of Incorporating Appearance Cues Into Heuristic Multi-Object Tracker via a Novel Feature Paradigm
* ADMNet: Adaptive-Weighting Dual Mapping for Online Tracking With Respiratory Motion Estimation in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
* Advancing 6-DoF Instrument Pose Estimation in Variable X-Ray Imaging Geometries
* Advancing Video Anomaly Detection: A Bi-Directional Hybrid Framework for Enhanced Single- and Multi-Task Approaches
* Alignment Relation is What You Need for Diagram Parsing
* Analysis and Benchmarking of Extending Blind Face Image Restoration to Videos
* Analysis of Coding Gain Due to In-Loop Reshaping
* Angular Isotonic Loss Guided Multi-Layer Integration for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Anisotropic Scale-Invariant Ellipse Detection
* AnlightenDiff: Anchoring Diffusion Probabilistic Model on Low Light Image Enhancement
* Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Heterogeneous Auto-Encoder
* Anycost Network Quantization for Image Super-Resolution
* AnySR: Realizing Image Super-Resolution as Any-Scale, Any-Resource
* AS2LS: Adaptive Anatomical Structure-Based Two-Layer Level Set Framework for Medical Image Segmentation
* Automatic Quaternion-Domain Color Image Stitching
* BadCM: Invisible Backdoor Attack Against Cross-Modal Learning
* Balanced Destruction-Reconstruction Dynamics for Memory-Replay Class Incremental Learning
* Bayesian Statistical Analysis for Bacterial Detection in Pulmonary Endomicroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
* Beyond Appearance: Multi-Frame Spatio-Temporal Context Memory Networks for Efficient and Robust Video Object Segmentation
* Bi-Directionally Fused Boundary Aware Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation, A
* Bi-Fusion of Structure and Deformation at Multi-Scale for Joint Segmentation and Registration
* Bilateral Context Modeling for Residual Coding in Lossless 3D Medical Image Compression
* BinsFormer: Revisiting Adaptive Bins for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Bio-Inspired Small Target Motion Detection With Spatio-Temporal Feedback in Natural Scenes
* Bjøntegaard Bible Why Your Way of Comparing Video Codecs May Be Wrong, The
* Blind Video Quality Prediction by Uncovering Human Video Perceptual Representation
* Boundary-Aware Prototype in Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* BPMTrack: Multi-Object Tracking With Detection Box Application Pattern Mining
* CalibNet: Dual-Branch Cross-Modal Calibration for RGB-D Salient Instance Segmentation
* Camera-Based 3D Semantic Scene Completion With Sparse Guidance Network
* Causality-Enhanced Multiple Instance Learning With Graph Convolutional Networks for Parkinsonian Freezing-of-Gait Assessment
* Cayley Rotation Averaging: Multiple Camera Averaging Under the Cayley Framework
* CCDet: Confidence-Consistent Learning for Dense Object Detection
* CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Context-Free Learning
* Change Representation and Extraction in Stripes: Rethinking Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Change Detection With an Untrained Network
* CI3D: Context Interaction for Dynamic Objects and Static Map Elements in 3D Driving Scenes
* Class-Incremental Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Pseudo-Label Distillation
* Classification of Small Drones Using Low-Uncertainty Micro-Doppler Signature Images and Ultra-Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Click-Pixel Cognition Fusion Network With Balanced Cut for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Closer Look at the Reflection Formulation in Single Image Reflection Removal, A
* Coarse- and Fine-Grained Fusion Hierarchical Network for Hole Filling in View Synthesis
* CoBEV: Elevating Roadside 3D Object Detection With Depth and Height Complementarity
* COFT-AD: COntrastive Fine-Tuning for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
* Complete Region of Interest for Unconstrained Palmprint Recognition
* Compound Weakly Supervised Clustering
* Comprehensive Attribute Prediction Learning for Person Search by Language
* Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
* Constructing Diverse Inlier Consistency for Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Context Recovery and Knowledge Retrieval: A Novel Two-Stream Framework for Video Anomaly Detection
* Contrastive Open-Set Active Learning-Based Sample Selection for Image Classification
* Convex Hull Prediction for Adaptive Video Streaming by Recurrent Learning
* Convolution-Enhanced Bi-Branch Adaptive Transformer With Cross-Task Interaction for Food Category and Ingredient Recognition
* Cost Volume Aggregation in Stereo Matching Revisited: A Disparity Classification Perspective
* CPI-Parser: Integrating Causal Properties Into Multiple Human Parsing
* CreativeSeg: Semantic Segmentation of Creative Sketches
* Cross-Attention Regression Flow for Defect Detection
* Cross-Component Prediction Boosted With Local and Non-Local Information in Video Coding
* Cross-Layer Contrastive Learning of Latent Semantics for Facial Expression Recognition
* Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With Noisy Correspondence via Consistency Refining and Mining
* Cross-Scope Spatial-Spectral Information Aggregation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* CrossDiff: Exploring Self-SupervisedRepresentation of Pansharpening via Cross-Predictive Diffusion Model
* CS2DIPs: Unsupervised HSI Super-Resolution Using Coupled Spatial and Spectral DIPs
* CSFwinformer: Cross-Space-Frequency Window Transformer for Mirror Detection
* CWSCNet: Channel-Weighted Skip Connection Network for Underwater Object Detection
* Cylin-Painting: Seamless 360° Panoramic Image Outpainting and Beyond
* Dataset and Model for the Visual Quality Assessment of Inversely Tone-Mapped HDR Videos, A
* DEA-Net: Single Image Dehazing Based on Detail-Enhanced Convolution and Content-Guided Attention
* Deblurring Videos Using Spatial-Temporal Contextual Transformer With Feature Propagation
* Decouple Ego-View Motions for Predicting Pedestrian Trajectory and Intention
* Decoupled Cross-Modal Phrase-Attention Network for Image-Sentence Matching
* Deep Boosting Learning: A Brand-New Cooperative Approach for Image-Text Matching
* Deep Cross-View Reconstruction GAN Based on Correlated Subspace for Multi-View Transformation
* Deep Feature Statistics Mapping for Generalized Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Stochastic Adaptive Fourier Decomposition Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Deep Supervised Multi-View Learning With Graph Priors
* Deep Variation Prior: Joint Image Denoising and Noise Variance Estimation Without Clean Data
* DeepDuoHDR: A Low Complexity Two Exposure Algorithm for HDR Deghosting on Mobile Devices
* DeGCN: Deformable Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Depth-Aware Unpaired Video Dehazing
* DHM-Net: Deep Hypergraph Modeling for Robust Feature Matching
* Diffusion Models as Strong Adversaries
* Discrete-Mapping-Based Cross-Component Prediction Paradigm for Screen Content Coding, A
* Disentangled Cross-Modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection and Beyond
* Disentangled Generation With Information Bottleneck for Enhanced Few-Shot Learning
* Disentangled Sample Guidance Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Divide and Conquer: Improving Multi-Camera 3D Perception With 2D Semantic-Depth Priors and Input-Dependent Queries
* DMMG: Dual Min-Max Games for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Double Discrete Cosine Transform-Oriented Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* DREAM-PCD: Deep Reconstruction and Enhancement of mmWave Radar Pointcloud
* DriftRec: Adapting Diffusion Models to Blind JPEG Restoration
* Dual Branch Multi-Level Semantic Learning for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
* Dual Contrast-Driven Deep Multi-View Clustering
* Dual-Stream Complex-Valued Convolutional Network for Authentic Dehazed Image Quality Assessment
* Dual-View Curricular Optimal Transport for Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-Label Confidence Calibration
* Dynamic Dense Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Motion Prediction
* Dynamic Semantic-Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Reasoning for VideoQA With Self-Supervised Event Recognition
* E-Calib: A Fast, Robust, and Accurate Calibration Toolbox for Event Cameras
* ECEA: Extensible Co-Existing Attention for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Efficient Crowd Counting via Dual Knowledge Distillation
* Efficient Dynamic Correspondence Network
* Efficient Multi-View K-Means for Image Clustering
* Efficient Multiscale Spatial Rearrangement MLP Architecture for Image Restoration, An
* Efficient Single Correspondence Voting for Point Cloud Registration
* Efficient Single Image De-Raining Model With Decoupled Deep Networks, An
* Efficient Swin Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* EI-MVSNet: Epipolar-Guided Multi-View Stereo Network With Interval-Aware Label
* Embeddable Implicit IUVD Representation for Part-Based 3D Human Surface Reconstruction, An
* Emotional Video Captioning With Vision-Based Emotion Interpretation Network
* Energy-Based Domain Adaptation Without Intermediate Domain Dataset for Foggy Scene Segmentation
* Enhanced Long-Tailed Recognition With Contrastive CutMix Augmentation
* Enhanced Multispectral Band-to-Band Registration Using Co-Occurrence Scale Space and Spatial Confined RANSAC Guided Segmented Affine Transformation
* Enhancing Face Recognition With Detachable Self-Supervised Bypass Networks
* Enhancing Information Maximization With Distance-Aware Contrastive Learning for Source-Free Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning
* Enhancing Low-Light Light Field Images With a Deep Compensation Unfolding Network
* Enhancing Person Re-Identification Performance Through In Vivo Learning
* Enhancing Sample Utilization in Noise-Robust Deep Metric Learning With Subgroup-Based Positive-Pair Selection
* Entropy-Optimized Deep Weighted Product Quantization for Image Retrieval
* Error Model and Concise Temporal Network for Indirect Illumination in 3D Reconstruction
* Event Graph Guided Compositional Spatial-Temporal Reasoning for Video Question Answering
* Event-Assisted Blurriness Representation Learning for Blurry Image Unfolding
* Event-Based Optical Flow via Transforming Into Motion-Dependent View
* EviPrompt: A Training-Free Evidential Prompt Generation Method for Adapting Segment Anything Model in Medical Images
* EvRepSL: Event-Stream Representation via Self-Supervised Learning for Event-Based Vision
* Expanding and Refining Hybrid Compressors for Efficient Object Re-Identification
* Explainability Enhanced Object Detection Transformer With Feature Disentanglement
* Explicitly-Decoupled Text Transfer With Minimized Background Reconstruction for Scene Text Editing
* Exploiting Unlabeled Videos for Video-Text Retrieval via Pseudo-Supervised Learning
* Exploration of Learned Lifting-Based Transform Structures for Fully Scalable and Accessible Wavelet-Like Image Compression
* Exploring Hierarchical Information in Hyperbolic Space for Self-Supervised Image Hashing
* Exploring Intrinsic Discrimination and Consistency for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Exploring Long- and Short-Range Temporal Information for Learned Video Compression
* Exploring Multi-Modal Contextual Knowledge for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
* Exploring Multi-Modal Spatial-Temporal Contexts for High-Performance RGB-T Tracking
* Exploring the Application of Large-Scale Pre-Trained Models on Adverse Weather Removal
* Exploring the Spectral Prior for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Exploring Video Denoising in Thermal Infrared Imaging: Physics-Inspired Noise Generator, Dataset, and Model
* Facial Action Unit Representation Based on Self-Supervised Learning With Ensembled Priori Constraints
* Facial Prior Guided Micro-Expression Generation
* Family of Generalized Cardinal Polishing Splines, A
* Fast and High-Performance Learned Image Compression With Improved Checkerboard Context Model, Deformable Residual Module, and Knowledge Distillation
* Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Views
* Fast Projected Fuzzy Clustering With Anchor Guidance for Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery
* FATE: Learning Effective Binary Descriptors With Group Fairness
* FDSR: An Interpretable Frequency Division Stepwise Process Based Single-Image Super-Resolution Network
* Feature Mixture on Pre-Trained Model for Few-Shot Learning
* Feature Selection Based on Intrusive Outliers Rather Than All Instances
* FF-LPD: A Real-Time Frame-by-Frame License Plate Detector With Knowledge Distillation and Feature Propagation
* Fine-Grained Accident Detection: Database and Algorithm
* Fine-Grained Essential Tensor Learning for Robust Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augmentation
* Flex-DLD: Deep Low-Rank Decomposition Model with Flexible Priors for Hyperspectral Image Denoising and Restoration
* Generalization Beyond Feature Alignment: Concept Activation-Guided Contrastive Learning
* Generalizing to Out-of-Sample Degradations via Model Reprogramming
* Generating Stylized Features for Single-Source Cross-Dataset Palmprint Recognition With Unseen Target Dataset
* Gloss Prior Guided Visual Feature Learning for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
* Graph Embedding Interclass Relation-Aware Adaptive Network for Cross-Scene Classification of Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Graph-DETR4D: Spatio-Temporal Graph Modeling for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
* Graph-Represented Distribution Similarity Index for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* GRiD: Guided Refinement for Detector-Free Multimodal Image Matching
* Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmentation
* GSSF: Generalized Structural Sparse Function for Deep Cross-Modal Metric Learning
* HAFormer: Unleashing the Power of Hierarchy-Aware Features for Lightweight Semantic Segmentation
* HDR or SDR? A Subjective and Objective Study of Scaled and Compressed Videos
* HeadDiff: Exploring Rotation Uncertainty With Diffusion Models for Head Pose Estimation
* Hierarchical Graph Interaction Transformer With Dynamic Token Clustering for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Hierarchical Perceptual Noise Injection for Social Media Fingerprint Privacy Protection
* Hierarchical Prior-Based Super Resolution for Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* High-Quality and Diverse Few-Shot Image Generation via Masked Discrimination
* High-Quality Fusion and Visualization for MR-PET Brain Tumor Images via Multi-Dimensional Features
* High-Similarity-Pass Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* How is Visual Attention Influenced by Text Guidance? Database and Model
* Hybrid Perturbation Strategy for Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting
* HyperE2VID: Improving Event-Based Video Reconstruction via Hypernetworks
* Hyperspectral Compressive Snapshot Reconstruction via Coupled Low-Rank Subspace Representation and Self-Supervised Deep Network
* IdeNet: Making Neural Network Identify Camouflaged Objects Like Creatures
* IDNet: Information Decomposition Network for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
* Image Matching by Bare Homography
* Image Quality Assessment: Measuring Perceptual Degradation via Distribution Measures in Deep Feature Spaces
* Image Reconstruction for Accelerated MR Scan With Faster Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks
* Image Super-Resolution via Efficient Transformer Embedding Frequency Decomposition With Restart
* Image Understands Point Cloud: Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation via Association Learning
* Image-Level Adaptive Adversarial Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Improved MRF Reconstruction via Structure-Preserved Graph Embedding Framework
* Improving Transferability of Universal Adversarial Perturbation With Feature Disruption
* IMU-Assisted Accurate Blur Kernel Re-Estimation in Non-Uniform Camera Shake Deblurring
* In Defense of Clip-Based Video Relation Detection
* Incrementally Adapting Pretrained Model Using Network Prior for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* INformer: Inertial-Based Fusion Transformer for Camera Shake Deblurring
* Injecting Text Clues for Improving Anomalous Event Detection From Weakly Labeled Videos
* Inspector for Face Forgery Detection: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks From Coarse to Fine
* Instance-Specific Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Image Classification
* INSURE: An Information Theory iNspired diSentanglement and pURification modEl for Domain Generalization
* Inter-Class and Inter-Domain Semantic Augmentation for Domain Generalization
* Inter-Frame Compression for Dynamic Point Cloud Geometry Coding
* Interpretable Neural Networks for Video Separation: Deep Unfolding RPCA With Foreground Masking
* Inverse-Like Antagonistic Scene Text Spotting via Reading-Order Estimation and Dynamic Sampling
* ISTR: Mask-Embedding-Based Instance Segmentation Transformer
* ITER: Image-to-Pixel Representation for Weakly Supervised HSI Classification
* Iterative Residual Optimization Network for Limited-Angle Tomographic Reconstruction
* Joint Learning of Fully Connected Network Models in Lifting Based Image Coders
* Joint Under-Sampling Pattern and Dual-Domain Reconstruction for Accelerating Multi-Contrast MRI
* JPEG Quantized Coefficient Recovery via DCT Domain Spatial-Frequential Transformer
* KBStyle: Fast Style Transfer Using a 200 KB Network With Symmetric Knowledge Distillation
* Key-Axis-Based Localization of Symmetry Axes in 3D Objects Utilizing Geometry and Texture
* Knowledge-Augmented Visual Question Answering With Natural Language Explanation
* Label-Aware Calibration and Relation-Preserving in Visual Intention Understanding
* lambda-Domain Rate Control via Wavelet-Based Residual Neural Network for VVC HDR Intra Coding
* Laplacian Gradient Consistency Prior for Flash Guided Non-Flash Image Denoising
* Large-Scale Network Construction and Lightweighting Method for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
* Latitude-Redundancy-Aware All-Zero Block Detection for Fast 360-Degree Video Coding
* Layer-Specific Knowledge Distillation for Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* LDPC Code-Based Distributed Source Coding With an Efficient Message Passing Mechanism for the Compression of Correlated Image Sources
* LEAPSE: Learning Environment Affordances for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Learnable Feature Augmentation Framework for Temporal Action Localization
* Learning a Cross-Modality Anomaly Detector for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Learning a Deep Demosaicing Network for Spike Camera With Color Filter Array
* Learning a Non-Locally Regularized Convolutional Sparse Representation for Joint Chromatic and Polarimetric Demosaicking
* Learning Attention in the Frequency Domain for Flexible Real Photograph Denoising
* Learning Common Semantics via Optimal Transport for Contrastive Multi-View Clustering
* Learning Compact Hyperbolic Representations of Latent Space for Old Photo Restoration
* Learning Content-Weighted Pseudocylindrical Representation for 360° Image Compression
* Learning Contrast-Enhanced Shape-Biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Learning Controllable ISP for Image Enhancement
* Learning Cross-Attention Point Transformer With Global Porous Sampling
* Learning Discriminative Features for Crowd Counting
* Learning Diverse Tone Styles for Image Retouching
* Learning Domain Invariant Prompt for Vision-Language Models
* Learning Frame-Event Fusion for Motion Deblurring
* Learning Generalizable Models via Disentangling Spurious and Enhancing Potential Correlations
* Learning Kernel-Modulated Neural Representation for Efficient Light Field Compression
* Learning Prompt-Enhanced Context Features for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Learning Robust and Sparse Principal Components With the alpha-Divergence
* Learning Spherical Radiance Field for Efficient 360° Unbounded Novel View Synthesis
* Learning Student Network Under Universal Label Noise
* Learning Temporal Distribution and Spatial Correlation Toward Universal Moving Object Segmentation
* Learning to Discover Knowledge: A Weakly-Supervised Partial Domain Adaptation Approach
* Learning to Generate Parameters of ConvNets for Unseen Image Data
* Learning to Recover Spectral Reflectance From RGB Images
* Learning Transferable Conceptual Prototypes for Interpretable Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Learning Virtual View Selection for 3D Scene Semantic Segmentation
* LGCOAMix: Local and Global Context-and-Object-Part-Aware Superpixel-Based Data Augmentation for Deep Visual Recognition
* Lightweight Prompt Learning Implicit Degradation Estimation Network for Blind Super Resolution
* Line-Based 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation and Tracking With an Event Camera
* Linear Combinations of Patches are Unreasonably Effective for Single-Image Denoising
* Low Complexity Coding Unit Decision for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Low Overlapping Point Cloud Registration Using Mutual Prior Based Completion Network
* Low-Light Phase Retrieval With Implicit Generative Priors
* LSSVC: A Learned Spatially Scalable Video Coding Scheme
* L_0 Gradient-Regularization and Scale Space Representation Model for Cartoon and Texture Decomposition
* M2GCNet: Multi-Modal Graph Convolution Network for Precise Brain Tumor Segmentation Across Multiple MRI Sequences
* MA-ST3D: Motion Associated Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection
* MAS-CL: An End-to-End Multi-Atlas Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Brain ROI Segmentation
* MCD-Net: Toward RGB-D Video Inpainting in Real-World Scenes
* MECOM: A Meta-Completion Network for Fine-Grained Recognition With Incomplete Multi-Modalities
* MemeNet: Toward a Reliable Local Projection for Image Recognition via Semantic Featurization
* MERF: A Practical HDR-Like Image Generator via Mutual-Guided Learning Between Multi-Exposure Registration and Fusion
* Meta Clothing Status Calibration for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Mind the Gap: Learning Modality-Agnostic Representations With a Cross-Modality UNet
* Minimalist and High-Quality Panoramic Imaging With PSF-Aware Transformers
* Misclassification in Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Mitigating Search Interference With Task-Aware Nested Search
* MLMG-SGG: Multilabel Scene Graph Generation With Multigrained Features
* MM-Net: A MixFormer-Based Multi-Scale Network for Anatomical and Functional Image Fusion
* Model Attention Expansion for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Model-Based Explainable Deep Learning for Light-Field Microscopy Imaging
* Modeling of Multiple Spatial-Temporal Relations for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Motion-Aware Memory Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Condition Latent Diffusion Network for Scene-Aware Neural Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Restoration: Uncovering the Global Discrepancy in Transformed High-Order Tensor Singular Values
* Multi-Granularity Contrastive Cross-Modal Collaborative Generation for End-to-End Long-Term Video Question Answering
* Multi-Granularity Part Sampling Attention for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Multi-Label Action Anticipation for Real-World Videos With Scene Understanding
* Multi-Person Pose Tracking With Sparse Key-Point Flow Estimation and Hierarchical Graph Distance Minimization
* Multi-Relational Deep Hashing for Cross-Modal Search
* Multi-Scale Fusion and Decomposition Network for Single Image Deraining
* Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Memory Network for Lightweight Video Denoising
* Multi-Stage Image-Language Cross-Generative Fusion Network for Video-Based Referring Expression Comprehension
* Multi-Stage Network With Geometric Semantic Attention for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Multi-View Time-Series Hypergraph Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Multimodal Action Quality Assessment
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Boosted by Monomodal Normal Brain Images
* Multimodal Composition Example Mining for Composed Query Image Retrieval
* Multiple Riemannian Kernel Hashing for Large-Scale Image Set Classification and Retrieval
* Multispectral Image Stitching via Global-Aware Quadrature Pyramid Regression
* Mutual Information Driven Equivariant Contrastive Learning for 3D Action Representation Learning
* MWFormer: Multi-Weather Image Restoration Using Degradation-Aware Transformers
* Neighbor-Guided Pseudo-Label Generation and Refinement for Single-Frame Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* NesTD-Net: Deep NESTA-Inspired Unfolding Network With Dual-Path Deblocking Structure for Image Compressive Sensing
* Neural Degradation Representation Learning for All-in-One Image Restoration
* Neural Graph Refinement for Robust Recognition of Nuclei Communities in Histopathological Landscape
* Neuromorphic Imaging With Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising
* Neuromorphic Synergy for Video Binarization
* Neuromorphic Synergy for Video Binarization
* Noisy-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Scene Text Recognition
* Non-Cascaded and Crosstalk-Free Multi-Image Encryption Based on Optical Scanning Holography Using 2D Orthogonal Compressive Sensing
* Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomized Low-Rank Approximation
* Nonparametric Clustering-Guided Cross-View Contrastive Learning for Partially View-Aligned Representation Learning
* NormAUG: Normalization-Guided Augmentation for Domain Generalization
* NTK-Guided Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Occlusion-Aware Transformer With Second-Order Attention for Person Re-Identification
* One Transform to Compute Them All: Efficient Fusion-Based Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* One-Shot Any-Scene Crowd Counting With Local-to-Global Guidance
* Online Streaming Video Super-Resolution With Convolutional Look-Up Table
* Optimized Pattern Partitioning for Multi-Pass Printing: PARAOMASKING
* Orthogonal Spatial Binary Coding Method for High-Speed 3D Measurement
* OTAMatch: Optimal Transport Assignment With PseudoNCE for Semi-Supervised Learning
* PAMK: Prototype Augmented Multi-Teacher Knowledge Transfer Network for Continual Zero-Shot Learning
* Part-Object Progressive Refinement Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Perception-Aware Texture Similarity Prediction
* Perception-Distortion Balanced Super-Resolution: A Multi-Objective Optimization Perspective
* Perception-Guided Quality Metric of 3D Point Clouds Using Hybrid Strategy
* Pick-and-Place Transform Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
* PIG: Prompt Images Guidance for Night-Time Scene Parsing
* Pixel-Level Domain Adaptation: A New Perspective for Enhancing Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Plug-and-Play Image Reconstruction Is a Convergent Regularization Method
* Plug-and-Play Split Gibbs Sampler: Embedding Deep Generative Priors in Bayesian Inference
* Point Clouds Matching Based on Discrete Optimal Transport
* PointCAT: Contrastive Adversarial Training for Robust Point Cloud Recognition
* Privacy-Preserving Autoencoder for Collaborative Object Detection
* Pro2Diff: Proposal Propagation for Multi-Object Tracking via the Diffusion Model
* Probabilistic Intersection-Over-Union for Training and Evaluation of Oriented Object Detectors
* Progressive Frame-Proposal Mining for Weakly Supervised Video Object Detection
* Progressive Learning With Cross-Window Consistency for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Prototype-Augmented Self-Supervised Generative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Pseudo Label Association and Prototype-Based Invariant Learning for Semi-Supervised NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Pseudo-Labeling Based Practical Semi-Supervised Meta-Training for Few-Shot Learning
* PVPUFormer: Probabilistic Visual Prompt Unified Transformer for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Quality-Aware Selective Fusion Network for V-D-T Salient Object Detection
* QueryTrack: Joint-Modality Query Fusion Network for RGBT Tracking
* RCUMP: Residual Completion Unrolling With Mixed Priors for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* REACT: Remainder Adaptive Compensation for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Real-Time Predictive Condition Monitoring Using Multivariate Data
* Reference-Based Multi-Stage Progressive Restoration for Multi-Degraded Images
* RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
* Region Aware Video Object Segmentation With Deep Motion Modeling
* ReGO: Reference-Guided Outpainting for Scenery Image
* RegSeg: An End-to-End Network for Multimodal RGB-Thermal Registration and Semantic Segmentation
* Relation Knowledge Distillation by Auxiliary Learning for Object Detection
* Relationship Learning From Multisource Images via Spatial-Spectral Perception Network
* Relationship-Guided Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Facial Expression Recognition
* Remote Sensing Change Detection With Bitemporal and Differential Feature Interactive Perception
* Restructuring the Teacher and Student in Self-Distillation
* Rethinking Attentive Object Detection via Neural Attention Learning
* Rethinking Noise Sampling in Class-Imbalanced Diffusion Models
* Rethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-Flow Processing Paradigm
* Rethinking Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Landmark Detection: A Selection-Free Approach
* Revisiting Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Knowledge Distillation
* RGBT Tracking via Challenge-Based Appearance Disentanglement and Interaction
* Rich Action-Semantic Consistent Knowledge for Early Action Prediction
* Robust Fine-Grained Visual Recognition With Neighbor-Attention Label Correction
* Robust Framework for One-Shot Key Information Extraction via Deep Partial Graph Matching, A
* Robust Least Squares Regression for Subspace Clustering: A Multi-View Clustering Perspective
* Robust Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation With Environmental Noise Disentanglement
* RoMo: Robust Unsupervised Multimodal Learning With Noisy Pseudo Labels
* SAAN: Similarity-Aware Attention Flow Network for Change Detection With VHR Remote Sensing Images
* SALENet: Structure-Aware Lighting Estimations From a Single Image for Indoor Environments
* Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for Color Transfer With Light Optimization
* Salient Object Detection From Arbitrary Modalities
* Salient Object Detection in RGB-D Videos
* Satellite Video Multi-Label Scene Classification With Spatial and Temporal Feature Cooperative Encoding: A Benchmark Dataset and Method
* Scalable and Structural Multi-View Graph Clustering With Adaptive Anchor Fusion
* Scalable Deep Color Quantization: A Cluster Imitation Approach
* Scalable Face Image Coding via StyleGAN Prior: Toward Compression for Human-Machine Collaborative Vision
* Scalable Training Strategy for Blind Multi-Distribution Noise Removal, A
* SCFormer: Spectral Coordinate Transformer for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SC_LPR: Semantically Consistent LiDAR Place Recognition Based on Chained Cascade Network in Long-Term Dynamic Environments
* Searching Discriminative Regions for Convolutional Neural Networks in Fundus Image Classification With Genetic Algorithms
* SegHSI: Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images With Limited Labeled Pixels
* Segmentation and Completion of Human Motion Sequence via Temporal Learning of Subspace Variety Model
* Segmentation-Free Velocity Field Super-Resolution on 4D Flow MRI
* Self-Paced Multi-Grained Cross-Modal Interaction Modeling for Referring Expression Comprehension
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With Positional Shift Depth Variance and Adaptive Disparity Quantization
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning With Spatial-Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Recognition
* Self-Supervised Sub-Action Parsing Network for Semi-Supervised Action Quality Assessment
* SelfGCN: Graph Convolution Network with Self-Attention for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Semantic-Aware Message Broadcasting for Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Semantic-Disentangled Transformer With Noun-Verb Embedding for Compositional Action Recognition
* Semantics Disentangling for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised 3D Shape Segmentation via Self Refining
* Semi-Supervised Learning With Heterogeneous Distribution Consistency for Visible Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Light Field Images Using Disparity Information
* SemiRS-COC: Semi-Supervised Classification for Complex Remote Sensing Scenes With Cross-Object Consistency
* SENSE: Self-Evolving Learning for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Sensitivity Decouple Learning for Image Compression Artifacts Reduction
* SETA: Semantic-Aware Edge-Guided Token Augmentation for Domain Generalization
* Shadow Segmentation With Image Thresholding for Describing the Harshness of Light Sources
* Shared Latent Membership Enables Joint Shape Abstraction and Segmentation With Deformable Superquadrics
* Shared Manifold Regularized Joint Feature Selection for Joint Classification and Regression in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Siamese-DETR for Generic Multi-Object Tracking
* SIM-OFE: Structure Information Mining and Object-Aware Feature Enhancement for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Simultaneous Temperature Estimation and Nonuniformity Correction From Multiple Frames
* Single Stage Adaptive Multi-Attention Network for Image Restoration
* Single-Frame Deflectometry Method for Online Inspection of Light-Transmitting Components, A
* Single-Subject Deep-Learning Image Reconstruction With a Neural Optimization Transfer Algorithm for PET-Enabled Dual-Energy CT Imaging
* Smoke-Aware Global-Interactive Non-Local Network for Smoke Semantic Segmentation
* Smooth Tensor Product for Tensor Completion
* Source-Guided Target Feature Reconstruction for Cross-Domain Classification and Detection
* Sparse Action Tube Detection
* Sparse Coding Inspired LSTM and Self-Attention Integration for Medical Image Segmentation
* Sparsely-Supervised Object Tracking
* Spatial Structure Constraints for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Spatial-Temporal Knowledge-Embedded Transformer for Video Scene Graph Generation
* Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for Enhanced Inter Prediction in Video Coding
* Spectral Embedding Fusion for Incomplete Multiview Clustering
* Spiking Transfer Learning From RGB Image to Neuromorphic Event Stream
* Spiking Tucker Fusion Transformer for Audio-Visual Zero-Shot Learning
* SRNSD: Structure-Regularized Night-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Outdoor Scenes
* StructLane: Leveraging Structural Relations for Lane Detection
* Structural Relation Modeling of 3D Point Clouds
* Structure-Aware Cross-Modal Transformer for Depth Completion
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of HDR Videos, A
* Style Consistency Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Medical Image Segmentation
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Rendered Human Avatar Videos in Virtual Reality
* Subjective Quality Assessment of Compressed Tone-Mapped High Dynamic Range Videos
* Surface-SOS: Self-Supervised Object Segmentation via Neural Surface Representation
* SWFormer: Stochastic Windows Convolutional Transformer for Hybrid Modality Hyperspectral Classification
* Synthesizing Knowledge-Enhanced Features for Real-World Zero-Shot Food Detection
* Target Before Shooting: Accurate Anomaly Detection and Localization Under One Millisecond via Cascade Patch Retrieval
* Task-Specific Normalization for Continual Learning of Blind Image Quality Models
* TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
* Temporal Feature Fusion for 3D Detection in Monocular Video
* Tensorized Multi-View Low-Rank Approximation Based Robust Hand-Print Recognition
* Texture-Guided Transfer Learning for Low-Quality Face Recognition
* TMP: Temporal Motion Propagation for Online Video Super-Resolution
* To Boost Zero-Shot Generalization for Embodied Reasoning With Vision-Language Pre-Training
* TopicFM+: Boosting Accuracy and Efficiency of Topic-Assisted Feature Matching
* TOPIQ: A Top-Down Approach from Semantics to Distortions for Image Quality Assessment
* Toward Accurate Human Parsing Through Edge Guided Diffusion
* Toward Blind Flare Removal Using Knowledge-Driven Flare-Level Estimator
* Toward Class-Agnostic Tracking Using Feature Decorrelation in Point Clouds
* Toward Generalized Few-Shot Open-Set Object Detection
* Toward Real-World Super Resolution with Adaptive Self-Similarity Mining
* Toward Robust and Unconstrained Full Range of Rotation Head Pose Estimation
* Toward Robust Referring Image Segmentation
* Toward Video Anomaly Retrieval From Video Anomaly Detection: New Benchmarks and Model
* Tracking With Saliency Region Transformer
* Training and Testing Texture Similarity Metrics for Structurally Lossless Compression
* Transformer-Based Light Field Salient Object Detection and Its Application to Autofocus
* Transforming Image Super-Resolution: A ConvFormer-Based Efficient Approach
* TransVQA: Transferable Vector Quantization Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Trustworthy Counterfactual Explanation Method With Latent Space Smoothing, A
* TTST: A Top-k Token Selective Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Ultra-Low Bitrate Face Video Compression Based on Conversions From 3D Keypoints to 2D Motion Map
* UMCGL: Universal Multi-View Consensus Graph Learning With Consistency and Diversity
* Uncertainty Modeling for Gaze Estimation
* Uncertainty-Aware Active Domain Adaptive Salient Object Detection
* Unfolded Proximal Neural Networks for Robust Image Gaussian Denoising
* Unified and Real-Time Image Geo-Localization via Fine-Grained Overlap Estimation
* Unified Video Reconstruction for Rolling Shutter and Global Shutter Cameras
* UniParser: Multi-Human Parsing With Unified Correlation Representation Learning
* Universal and Scalable Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Unsupervised Discriminative Feature Selection via Contrastive Graph Learning
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Domain-Adaptive Diffusion
* Unsupervised Learning of Intrinsic Semantics With Diffusion Model for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised Modality-Transferable Video Highlight Detection With Representation Activation Sequence Learning
* Unsupervised Multi-Domain Progressive Stain Transfer Guided by Style Encoding Dictionary
* Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Object Detection via PCA-Driven Dynamic Prototype Enhancement
* Unsupervised Spectral Demosaicing With Lightweight Spectral Attention Networks
* USER: Unified Semantic Enhancement With Momentum Contrast for Image-Text Retrieval
* UVaT: Uncertainty Incorporated View-Aware Transformer for Robust Multi-View Classification
* Versatile Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Based on Instance Weighting, A
* VGSG: Vision-Guided Semantic-Group Network for Text-Based Person Search
* Video Instance Shadow Detection Under the Sun and Sky
* Virtual-Sensor Construction Network Based on Physical Imaging for Image Super-Resolution, A
* Vision-Based UAV Self-Positioning in Low-Altitude Urban Environments
* Visualizing and Understanding Contrastive Learning
* Visualizing and Understanding Contrastive Learning
* Visually Source-Free Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Style Matching
* VRT: A Video Restoration Transformer
* Weakly Supervised Solar Panel Mapping via Uncertainty Adjusted Label Transition in Aerial Images
* Weakly-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Object Discovery
* Weakly-Supervised RGBD Video Object Segmentation
* YOLOH: You Only Look One Hourglass for Real-Time Object Detection
* Zero-Shot Video Grounding With Pseudo Query Lookup and Verification
489 for IP(33)

IP(34) * 3VL: Using Trees to Improve Vision-Language Models' Interpretability
* Acoustic Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy Imaging Enhancement: Integration of Group Sparsity With Deep Denoiser Prior
* Breaking Boundaries: Unifying Imaging and Compression for HDR Image Compression
* Constrained Visual Representation Learning With Bisimulation Metrics for Safe Reinforcement Learning
* CrossEI: Boosting Motion-Oriented Object Tracking With an Event Camera
* Difference-Complementary Learning and Label Reassignment for Multimodal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Diffusion Model-Based Visual Compensation Guidance and Visual Difference Analysis for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* ESOD: Efficient Small Object Detection on High-Resolution Images
* Exploiting Latent Properties to Optimize Neural Codecs
* Generalizable Deepfake Detection With Phase-Based Motion Analysis
* GeodesicPSIM: Predicting the Quality of Static Mesh With Texture Map via Geodesic Patch Similarity
* HAda: Hyper-Adaptive Parameter-Efficient Learning for Multi-View ConvNets
* HEOI: Human Attention Prediction in Natural Daily Life With Fine-Grained Human-Environment-Object Interaction Model
* HomuGAN: A 3D-Aware GAN With the Method of Cylindrical Spatial-Constrained Sampling
* HYRE: Hybrid Regressor for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* IFENet: Interaction, Fusion, and Enhancement Network for V-D-T Salient Object Detection
* Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via Deep PatchMatch and Pairwise Ranking Learning
* Learning Feature Matching via Matchable Keypoint-Assisted Graph Neural Network
* MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven by Large Multimodal Model
* Modeling Dual-Exposure Quad-Bayer Patterns for Joint Denoising and Deblurring
* Momentum Contrastive Teacher for Semi-Supervised Skeleton Action Recognition
* NeuralDiffuser: Neuroscience-Inspired Diffusion Guidance for fMRI Visual Reconstruction
* Normalizing Batch Normalization for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging With Light Transport Modulation
* Physically Realizable Adversarial Creating Attack Against Vision-Based BEV Space 3D Object Detection
* Portrait Shadow Removal Using Context-Aware Illumination Restoration Network
* PTH-Net: Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Without Face Detection and Alignment
* Real-World Low-Dose CT Image Denoising by Patch Similarity Purification
* Refining Pseudo Labeling via Multi-Granularity Confidence Alignment for Unsupervised Cross Domain Object Detection
* Regularization by Denoising: Bayesian Model and Langevin-Within-Split Gibbs Sampling
* Residual Quotient Learning for Zero-Reference Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Rethinking Masked Representation Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* RSB-Pose: Robust Short-Baseline Binocular 3D Human Pose Estimation With Occlusion Handling
* Saliency Segmentation Oriented Deep Image Compression With Novel Bit Allocation
* Self-Adaptive Feature Extraction Method for Aerial-View Geo-Localization, A
* Universal Fine-Grained Visual Categorization by Concept Guided Learning
* VDMUFusion: A Versatile Diffusion Model-Based Unsupervised Framework for Image Fusion
37 for IP(34)

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
Use for comments.