Journals starting with iciv

ICIVC16 * *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* Automatic Urdu Speech Recognition using Hidden Markov Model
* Bayesian image blind restoration based on differential evolution optimization
* Can DMD obtain a Scene Background in color?
* Chinese traditional Visual Cultural Symbols recognition based on SPM muti-feature extraction
* Compact Root Bilinear CNNs for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Continuous action recognition based on hybrid CNN-LDCRF model
* Ecology-inspired Admission Control scheme in heterogeneous wireless Networks
* Generating video description with Long-Short Term Memory
* Image semantic segmentation based on FCN-CRF model
* Improved image quality in fast inpainting with omnidirectional filling
* Improvement of transform-skip mode in lossy intra coding with 3-tap filters
* Improving the Canny edge detector using automatic programming: Improving the filter
* integrated approach for Diabetic Retinopathy exudate segmentation by using Genetic Algorithm and Switching Median Filter, An
* Invariant directional feature extraction and matching approach for robust off-line signature verification
* Local sparse appearance model with specific structural information in infrared pedestrian tracking
* Lossless intra coding in HEVC with adaptive 3-tap filters
* Moment Symmetry: A novel method for interest point detection to match blurred and non-blurred images
* Point Pattern Matching based on point pair local nonuniform ODT and Spectral Matching
* Positional binding with distributed representations
* Register based on efficient scene learning and keypoint matching for Augmented Reality system
* Resonant modes analysis in power systems algorithms and Matlab GUI
* Speed improvement of object recognition using Boundary-Bitmap of histogram of oriented Gradients
* technological innovation to safely aid in the spatial orientation of blind people in a complex urban environment, A
* Using game engines for marine visualisation and collaboration
* Vision-based approach for American Sign Language recognition using Edge Orientation Histogram
26 for ICIVC16

ICIVC17 * *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* 3D visual simulation of Chinese fir based on the influence of different stand spatial structures
* ABO blood group detection based on image processing technology
* accelerated matching algorithm for SIFT-like features, An
* Acquisition of fruit region in green apple image based on the combination of segmented regions
* adaptive tracking algorithm based on particle normalization operation, An
* Algorithm of fingerprint extraction and implementation based on OpenCV
* algorithm of spectral reflectance function reconstruction without sample training can integrate prior information, An
* Amplitude and phase correction of the phased array antenna by REV algorithm
* analysis of topic's personality traits using a new topic model, The
* Appearance and structural motion context for multi-target tracking in aerial video
* Application of data mining methods in diabetes prediction
* Application of educational data mining on analysis of students' online learning behavior
* application of equipment positioning system in the based on the distributed of integrated navigation and multi-sensor data fusion, The
* Application of neural network based on SIFT local feature extraction in medical image classification
* application of Quantum-inspired ant colony algorithm in automatic segmentation of tomato image, The
* Application of Sensor/Weapon-Target Assignment based on Multi-Scale Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Algorithm
* Application of terrestrial 3D laser scanning technology in spatial information acquisition of urban buildings
* approach to get overall emotion from comment text towards a certain image uploaded to social network using Latent Semantic Analysis, An
* Assisted signals based mode decomposition
* Autofocus window selection algorithm based on visual saliency
* Automated digital mammogram segmentation using Dispersed Region Growing and Sliding Window Algorithm
* Automatic Bifurcation angle calculation in intravascular optical coherence tomography images
* Automatic detection and tracking of ship based on mean shift in corrected video sequences
* Automatic floor plan detection and recognition
* Batch regularization to converge the deep neural network for indoor RGBD scene understanding
* bias correction variational level set image segmentation model combining structure extraction, A
* Binocular stereovision system for three-dimensional reconstruction of aluminum alloy weld pool in pulsed GMA welding
* Case study for graph signal denoising by graph structure similarity
* Cell Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Medical Hyperspectral Imagery
* chaotic immune niche genetic algorithm for target signal selection in large scale wireless sensor networks, A
* Characteristic extraction, classification and identification algorithm based on two kinds of eaglewood micrographs
* class participation enrollment system based on face recognition, A
* Class-imbalance aware CNN extension for high resolution aerial image based vehicle localization and categorization
* Classification of resting-state fMRI datasets based on graph kernels
* Classification of spatio-temporal data represented as multiset for tactical profiling in badminton
* Classifier ensemble with relevance-based feature subset selection
* CNN based spatio-temporal feature extraction for face anti-spoofing
* combined filtering search for DTW, A
* compact loop closure detection based on spatial partitioning, A
* Comparative study in complex network: Node degree and topological potential
* Comparison of imaging properties between monostatic and bistatic circular SAR
* Compressive hyperspectral imaging and unmixing using spectral library
* Computation reduction of haar wavelet coefficients
* Computational comparison of GRASP and DCTSP methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem
* Computer simulations of imaging astronomical objects through Kolmogorov turbulence
* Content-based mammogram retrieval using k-means clustering and local binary pattern
* cost effective method for automobile security based on detection and recognition of human face, A
* cross-layer and optimized privacy method in Vehicular ad-hoc Networks, A
* data targeting method based on trilateration principle, A
* Deep convolutional networks super-resolution method for reconstructing high frequency information of the single image
* Defect inspection of medicine vials using LBP features and SVM classifier
* Depth estimation of stereo matching based on microarray camera
* design and analysis of adjustment factor in Gerschgorin Criterion for Source Number Estimation, The
* Design and implementation of high resolution face image acquisition system under low illumination based on the open source computer vision library
* Design of area CCD imaging system based on FPGA
* design of combinational deformable mirror of multi-conjugated adaptive optics, The
* Design of image confusion-diffusion cryptosystem based on vector quantization and cross chaotic map
* Design of multi-channel CCD signal processing system based on FPGA
* Design of time unification software based on Kylin operating system
* Designing ETL processes to integrate multi-field digital information resources
* Detecting Chinese calligraphy style consistency by deep learning and one-class SVM
* Detection of point sources in X-ray astronomical images using elliptical Gaussian filters
* Development of small-sized pixel structures for high-resolution CMOS image sensors
* Digital description and recognition of pollen granules with invariant moments
* Discovering the pathological mechanism based on the locus interaction networks with differential analysis
* Discovery of patterns in spatio-temporal data using clustering techniques
* efficient algorithm for incremental and interactive high utility itemset mining, An
* Efficient Fast Updated Frequent Pattern tree algorithm and its parallel implementation
* Efficient HD video and image salient object detection with hierarchical boolean map approach
* Efficient star nodes discovery algorithm in social networks based on acquaintance immunization
* Enhance deep learning performance in face recognition
* Entropy-based prioritized sampling in Deep Q-learning
* Establishment of big data application platform for education industry
* Estimating concept understanding ability for exploratory search query recommendations
* Euclidean output layer for discriminative feature extraction
* Evaluation and simulation of LPI radar signals' low probability of exploitation
* Experiment design of machine vision measurement based on set algebra theory for discrete mathematics course
* extraction method for digital camouflage texture based on human visual perception and isoperimetric theory, An
* extraction of buildings on the basis of the prior shape, The
* Face recognition in real-world surveillance videos with deep learning method
* Face Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks and subspace learning
* fast calculation method for gray-level co-occurrence matrix base on GPU, A
* fast image encryption scheme based on AES, A
* fast image mosaic algorithm based on MPI, A
* Fast medical image segmentation based on patch sharing
* Fine-grained object detection based on self-adaptive anchors
* FM0 decode for collided RFID tag signals with frequency drift
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images using improved HySure method
* Fusion of texture, color and gradient information for stereo matching cost computation
* Fuzzy Support Vector Machine for breast cancer gene classification
* Gate Level Information Flow analysis for multi-valued logic system
* Grid clustering analysis the big data of spectrum by deep learning
* High precision blind navigation system based on haptic and spatial cognition
* Higher order modes in cubic Dielectric Resonator antenna for directivity enhancement
* Holistic Vertical Regional Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection
* Hybrid organization and visualization of the DSM combined with 3D building model
* Hybrid single image dehazing with bright channel and dark channel priors
* Hyperspectral image classification based on Gabor features and decision fusion
* Image analysis with symmetry properties of Legendre moments
* Image fusion method based on the local neighborhood feature and nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Image inpainting with LS-SVM based on additive high order kernel
* Image morphing using deformation and patch-based synthesis
* Image-based biomechanical relationship estimation between maximum jaw opening and masticatory muscle activities
* improved Canny algorithm based on adaptive 2D-Otsu and Newton Iterative, An
* improved image defogging method based on dark channel prior, An
* improved method for eliminating false matches, An
* improved multiple object tracking algorithm of GMMCP, An
* improved single image defogging method based on Retinex, An
* improved superpixel-based saliency detection method, An
* Inception-v3 for flower classification
* Indoor ultrasonic positioning system of mobile robot based on TDOA ranging and improved trilateral algorithm
* inertial information assisted acquisition algorithm of modernized navigation signal, An
* Infrared dim small target detection method based on background prediction and high-order statistics
* Integrating saliency and ResNet for airport detection in large-size remote sensing images
* Introducing an in-core hybrid LU implementation on heterogeneous systems
* Iterative self-adapting color image enhancement base on chroma and hue constrain
* joint stereo matching in the pixel and image level, A
* Large scale object's measurement method research based on multi-view Reconstruction
* LASSO approximation and application to image super-resolution with CUDA acceleration
* load balanced mapping for spiking neural network, A
* local modeling approach of craniofacial shape correlation based on PLSR, A
* Local variance image-based for scene text binarization under illumination effects
* Measurement of classify typical planting medicinal Fritillaria Pallidiflora Schrenk with WorldView-2 extraction problem imagery
* Medical X-ray image enhancement method based on TV-homomorphic filter
* method of lane detection and tracking for expressway based on RANSAC, A
* Microscopic image enhancement of Chinese Herbal Medicine based on fuzzy set
* Mining e-commerce satisfaction sentiment through a bilingual model
* mixed particle swarm optimization algorithm's application in image/video super-resolution reconstruction, A
* mobile augmented reality system for exhibition hall based on Vuforia, A
* model based on hierarchical safety distance algorithm for ACC control mode switching strategy, A
* modified parameter model-based spectrum estimation method for incoherent scatter radar, A
* modified variational method for large displacement optical flow, A
* Multi-channel and large angle-of-view imaging systematic research of bio-inspired compound eye
* multi-factor analysis model of quantitative investment based on GA and SVM, A
* Multi-filters guided low-rank tensor coding for image inpainting
* Multi-modal medical image fusion using 2DPCA
* multi-watermarking based on DWT and ICA, A
* Mumford-Shah-ATV functional for limited angle tomography
* Natural scene text detection based on SWT, MSER and candidate classification
* new competing risks model for predicting prepayment and default using data mining, A
* new fire detection method based on the centroid variety of consecutive frames, A
* new infrared turbulent fuzzy image restoration algorithm based on Gaussian function parameter identification, A
* new numerical integration method using trapezoid formula for 3D virtual clothes animation, A
* New rate distortion optimization method for video coding
* No reference image quality assessments based on edge-blur measure and its applications in printed sheet blurs classification
* Non-rigid point set registration based on DIS ANG descriptor and RANSAC
* Nonmonotone projected Barzilai-Borwein method for compressed sensing
* novel approach for visual Saliency detection and segmentation based on objectness and top-down attention, A
* novel IRA-like codes construction method based on cyclic matrix permutation, A
* novel optimization algorithm for BP neural network based on RS-MEA, A
* novel retinal vessel extraction method based on dynamic scales allocation, A
* novel saliency computation model for traffic sign detection, A
* Number of faces affect performance of rigid joint alignment
* Optimal layout algorithm for reusing solar cell fragments
* Optimization on stereo correspondence based on local feature algorithm
* PageRank-based analysis and visualization of ethnic entrepreneurship and innovation
* Parallelizing band selection for hyperspectral imagery with many-threads
* parameter estimation algorithm for LFM signal intercepted by Nyquist folding receiver, A
* Parameter estimation of LFMCW signal using S-Method with adaptive window
* Path planning for support jammers formation in penetration operation based on improved PSO-GA
* pattern-aware method for maximal fuzzy supplement frequent pattern mining, A
* Performance comparison of image block compressive sensing based on chaotic sensing matrix using different basis matrices
* Performance on a combined representation for time-frequency analysis
* pipeline for reconstructing cross-shredded English document, A
* Potts model for limited angle tomography
* Power line detect system based on stereo vision and FPGA
* Prediction of MCI to AD conversion using Laplace Eigenmaps learned from FDG and MRI images of AD patients and healthy controls
* Proposal and application of hybrid SLM-PTS method in 8QAM-OFDM optical access system for reducing PAPR influence
* real-time object recognition for forward looking sonar, A
* Real-time stereoscopic rendering of realistic avatar for interactive 3D telepresence system
* Real-time vehicle queue estimation of large-scale traffic scene
* Recognition of road type for unmanned vehicle based on texture and color features
* Region-based growing algorithm for 3D reconstruction from MRI images
* Relative pose measurement of Satellite and rocket based on photogrammetry
* Relevance feedback for Content-based Image Retrieval using deep learning
* Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Thresholding in NSCT Domain
* research of 3D parametric modeling method along railways based on cylindrical projection, The
* Research of red tide visualization system based on OpenGL
* Research of visual tracking based on prior knowledge
* Research on Adaptive Cruise Control based on curve radius prediction
* Research on auto-calibration technology of intelligent vehicle camera based on machine vision
* Research on automatic determining clustering centers algorithm based on linear regression analysis
* Research on Chinese characters recognition in complex background images
* Research on missile-borne image transmission technology based on compressive sensing
* Research on robust face recognition based on depth image sets
* Research on the identification method of micro assembly part
* Research on video scene mapping of fixed viewing angle
* Review of personal identification based on near infrared vein imaging of finger
* Review on on-line visual ferrographic analysis system for marine diesel engine
* reweighted zero-attracting/repelling LMS algorithm for sparse system identification, A
* robust tracking method based on the correlation filter and correcting strategy, A
* Robust video denoising for mixed Poisson, Gaussian and impule noise
* Saliency detection with relative location measure in light field image
* Ship detection in harbor area in SAR images based on constructing an accurate sea-clutter model
* Simultaneously Multiple-object Pattern Matching based on Multi-swarms Particle Swarm Optimization
* Single image super resolution based on feature enhancement
* sparsity adaptive signal reconstruction algorithm, A
* State space model and numerical simulation of overlay error for multilayer overlay lithography processes
* Stock price forecasting based on BP neural network model of network public opinion
* Stratification-based super-resolution algorithm for document processing
* Stroke edge based binarization algorithm for the palm leaf manuscripts
* Structure extraction of straight wing aircraft using consistent line clustering
* Study and comparison on histogram-based local image enhancement methods
* Study of ground moving target parameters estimation and imaging for Mini-SAR
* Sub-pattern based Maximum Margin Criterion for face Recognition
* Supervised single-channel speech dereverberation and denoising using a two-stage processing
* Survey of track association of radar and AIS
* SVM-based method for perceptual image recognition
* Tensor-based weighted least square decomposition haze removal algorithm
* Thermal analysis of AC-LED light engine based on infrared image
* Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-chaotic system
* Tracking skeletal fusion feature for one shot learning gesture recognition
* Unconstrained Face Detection Based on Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks in Surveillance Video
* Understanding random guessing line in ROC curve
* universal pedestrian's foot-point and head-point recognition with improved motion detection algorithm, A
* Urban expansion monitoring in South Asia based on SPOT /VGT and DMSP/OLS data
* US financial market forecasting using data classification with features from global markets
* Vehicle sparse recognition via class dictionary learning
* Vessel segmentation using prior shape based on tensor analysis for inhomogeneous intensity and weak-edge images
* Video segmentation based on patch matching and enhanced Onecut
* Video segmentation based on strong target constrained video saliency
* Video super-resolution using multiple complementary priors
* Video watermarking algorithm based DC coefficient
* Visual simulation of interactive process of stand growth, structure and thinning
* visual simulation technology in formatting forest management plan at unit level based on WF, The
* Web service ranking and visualization based on QoS properties and invocation relationships
* Weighted orthogonal constrained maximum likelihood ICA algorithm and its application in image feature extraction
* yBRIEF: A study of non-Gaussian Binary Elementary Features
* Zoom out CNNs features for optical remote sensing change detection
230 for ICIVC17

ICIVC20 * *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* 3D Object Recognition Method Based on Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm in Augmented Reality
* 3D U-Net Brain Tumor Segmentation Using VAE Skip Connection
* A-DFPN: Adversarial Learning and Deformation Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
* Adaptive Chaotic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for QoS Routing in Wireless Image Sensor Networks
* AI Illustrator: Art Illustration Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Air Quality Inference with Deep Convolutional Conditional Random Field
* Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-level Topological Relations
* Anisotropic Mesh Representation for Color Images
* Application of CEM Algorithm in the Field of Tunnel Crack Identification
* Application of Transfer Learning in Infrared Pedestrian Detection
* Arteriovenous Classification in Retinal Images by U-net and Tracking Algorithm, The
* Biologically Inspired Channel Allocation Method for Image Acquisition in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks, A
* Bus Signal Priority Control Method Based on Video Detection Technology at Urban Intersection
* Clone Chaotic Niche Evolutionary Algorithm for Duty Cycle Control Optimization in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Color Image Filtering in Bessel-Fourier Moments Domain
* Craik-O'Brien Effect Based Lightness Modification Method Considering Color Distance for Dichromats, A
* Deep Learning Approach in Gregg Shorthand Word to English-Word Conversion
* Design and Development of Spinning Bike Game Based on VR Technology
* Design of Face Recognition Attendance
* Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking with Dimensionality Reduction
* Dual Stream Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* EDLLIE-Net: Enhanced Deep Convolutional Networks for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Exploiting Sparse Topics Mining for Temporal Event Summarization
* Exploring the Properties of Points Generation Network
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Graph Neural Network
* Feature Point Extraction and Matching Method Based on Akaze in Illumination Invariant Color Space
* Foreground Mask Network for Cell Counting, A
* Gain-Pixel Visualization Algorithm Designed for Computational Color Constancy Scheme
* GalaDC: Galaxy Detection and Classification Tool
* High Temperature Deformation Field Measurement Using 3D Digital Image Correlation Method
* Human Fall Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv3
* Image Transmission via LoRa Networks: A Survey
* Importance of Artworks 3D Digitalization at the Time of COVID Epidemy: Case Studies by the Use of a Multi-wavelengths Technique, The
* Improved Digital Orthorectification Map Generation Approach Using the Integrating of ZY3 and GF3 Image
* Improved FAsT_Match Algorithm for Micro Parts Detection, An
* Improved Three-Frame-Difference Algorithm for Infrared Moving Target
* Method to Improve the Lining Images Quality in Complex Tunnel Scenes, A
* Multi-frame Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Small Amount of Data
* Multi-scale Fast Detection of Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Network for Makeup Face Verification Based upon Deep Learning, A
* New Method for Polygon Detection Based on Hough Parameter Space and USAN Region, A
* Novel 3D Surface Reconstruction Method with Posterior Constraints of Edge Detection, A
* Online Multi-object Tracking with Siamese Network and Optical Flow
* Parallax-Based Color Correction in Image Stitching
* Point-Based Registration for Multi-stained Histology Images
* Pose Refinement of Occluded 3D Objects Based on Visible Surface Extraction
* Real-Time Measurement of Thread Number of Rail Fastener
* Recognition Method for Underwater Acoustic Target Based on DCGAN and DenseNet
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Dual Attention-Aware Network
* Research on Dual Anti Duplication and Anti-counterfeiting Technology of QR Code Based on Metamerism Characteristics
* Research on Product Style Design Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Research on the Audit Failure Based on the Perspective of Manager Behavior Game
* Research on the Influence of Icon Shape Complexity and Composition on Visual Search Based on Military Geographic Intelligence System
* Review of Remote Sensing Image Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning, A
* Straw Burning Detection Method Based on Improved Frame Difference Method and Deep Learning
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm of Target Image Based on Learning Background
* Support Vector Machine Based Spectrum Allocation Scheme for the Mobile Cognitive Radio Manhattan City Environments
* Td-VOS: Tracking-Driven Single-Object Video Object Segmentation
* Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm, A
60 for ICIVC20

ICIVC21 * *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* Antenna Tracking and Angle Measurement Algorithm of Communication in Motion Based on Pseudo Monopulse Technology
* Application of Artificial Intelligence on the Traceability and Dispersion of Air Pollution, The
* Application of Surfer Software in the Teaching Practice of Atmospheric Science, The
* Attention LSTM for Scene Graph Generation
* AVX-512 Based, High-Throughput LDPC Decoders
* Building Extraction Based on U-net and Conditional Random Fields
* Cat Face Recognition Based on MFCC and GMM
* Certificateless Peer-to-Peer Key Agreement Protocol for the Perception Layer of Internet of Things
* Combing Color Index and Region Growing with Simple Non-iterative Clustering for Plant Segmentation
* Comments on Test Methods of Encryption and Decryption Speeds of Image Cryptosystems
* Comparing Robustness and Efficiency of Closed Eye Detection in Images
* Comprehensive Monitoring Approach of Abnormal Problems for the Ecological Environment in Qinling Region, A
* Constrained Policy Optimization Algorithm for Autonomous Driving via Reinforcement Learning
* Contrast Enhancement of Images on Retina by Adjusting Deconvolved Images
* Correlation Tracking via Mask and Multi-peaks Re-prediction
* Database of Students' Actions Based on Real Classroom Environment, A
* Decoupling and Coupling Transformation for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Design of a Global Retrieval System for Characteristic Data Based on SOLR
* Design of a User Interface to Estimate Distance of Moving Explosive Devices with Stereo Cameras
* Distributed Face Retrieval System for Large-Scale Social Networking Avatars, A
* Dynamic MRI Exploiting Partial Separability and Shift Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Effective Algorithm for Object Detection Based on Deep Learning, An
* Feature Fusion Based Dense Estimation Model for 3D Human Pose, A
* Fine-Grained Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on RoBERTa-WWM-BiLSTM-CRF Model
* Flower Image Classification Based on Multi-scale Dense Residual Network
* Flower Species Recognition Based on the Convolutional Neural Network
* Frame-Based Feature Model for Violence Detection from Surveillance Cameras Using ConvLSTM Network, A
* GAN Evaluation Method Based on Remote Sensing Image Information
* General Machine Learning Framework for Solving Real Applications with a Texture Perception Case Study, A
* High-Precision Lens Distortion Correction Method for Vision Measurement, A
* Identity Authentication Based on Dynamic Touch Behavior on Smartphone
* Image Enhancement Method in Coal Mine Underground Based on Deep Retinex Network and Fusion Strategy, An
* Image Reconstruction Based on Deep Iterative Shrinkage Network
* Improved Global 1:50000 Scale Surveying and Mapping 4D Product Generation Approach Using the Public Geographic Information Data
* Improved Method of Low Light Image Enhancement Based on Retinex, An
* Improved Recognition Method Based on YOLOv3-45k for Refrigerator Item Images, An
* Improved SAR DSM Generation Approach Using the High-Precise 1:10000 Scale Surveying and Mapping Optical DSM
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on TRPCA and Visual Saliency Detection
* Intelligent Data Security Threat Discovery Model Based on Grid Data
* InterAdam: Interpolating Dull Intervention to Adaptive Gradient Method
* JPEG Steganalysis Based on Local Dimension Estimation
* Learning-Based QoE Prediction and Optimization for Video Streaming
* Long-Range Comprehensive Modeling for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Method for Identifying the Key Information of Electronic Invoicing in Complex Scenes, A
* MITNet: Multi-intention Trajectory Network for Motion Prediction
* Mix: A Potential Image Augmentation Method on Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Mixed Real-Life and Anime Harmful Images Classification Using Deep Residual Neural Networks and Migration Learning
* Monitory Consensus Mechanism of Blockchain for Internet of Things
* Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for Action Tube Detection
* Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Cascaded 3D U-Net
* Multi-objective Cluster Head Selection Optimization Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Multi-scale Feature Fusion Network for Blind Deblurring
* Multi-source Collaborative Target Classification Based on ISAR and Infrared Image
* New Method for Polygon Detection Based on Clustering, A
* Non-common Field of View 2D Full-Field Digital Image Correlation Method Based on Space Conversion Calibration Method
* Novel Facial Expression Recognition Method Based on AMSSD Model, A
* Object Relationship Graph Reasoning for Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Parallel Approach to High-Precision Smoke Simulation Based on a Multi-GPU Framework
* PC-PINet: Partial Re-identification Network for People Counting with Overlapping Cameras
* Phase Compensation Method for Surface Reconstruction of Moving Object, A
* Plankton Classification on Imbalanced Dataset via Hybrid Resample Method with LightBGM
* Plant Disease Detection Using Advanced Deep Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Papaya Ring Spot Disease
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Combined Attention Mechanism and Multiscale Feature
* Research on Classification of Wild Fungi Based on Improved Resnet50 Network
* Research on CNN Algorithm for Monochromatic Fabric Defect Detection
* Research on Pavement Marking Recognition and Extraction Method
* Retinal Image Segmentation Based on Multiple Features Method
* Ridge Detection and Perceptual Grouping Based Automatic Counting of Rice Seedlings Using UAV Images
* Safe and Intelligent Knowledge Graph Construction Model Suitable for Smart Gridaper Title, A
* Segmentation and Identification of Small Intestinal Lesions Based on U-Net with Batch Normalization and Virtual Sample
* Semi-Quantitative Analysis of DCE-MRI for Classification of the Prostate with and without Cancer
* Shape Optimization of Developable Bézier-Like Surfaces with Multiple Shape Parameters Using Sparrow Search Algorithm
* Single Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network
* Small-Scaled Intraoperative 3D Visualization Navigation System for Femoral Head Repair Surgery, A
* Smart Campus Mobility: From Concept to Realization
* Smart_Auth: User Identity Authentication Based on Smartphone Motion Sensors
* Stereo Matching Based on Visual Sensitive Information
* Student Break Behavior Recognition Dataset
* Study on Pedestrian Re-identification Based on Transfer Learning, A
* Study on the application of improved DIC method in deformation testing of geotechnical materials
* Target Detection in Rural River Image Based on YOLO V5 Model with the Cross-Stitch Unit
* Text Similarity Measurement Method Based on BiLSTM-SECapsNet Model
* Tooth Condition Classification for Dental Charting Using Convolutional Neural Network and Image Processing
* Trusted Connection Architecture for Edge Computing, A
* Video Captioning in Compressed Video
* Visual Odometry Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
* VPNet: Vision and Planning Network for Robotic Navigation
* YOLO-Based Approach for Aedes Aegypti Larvae Classification and Detection, A
89 for ICIVC21

ICIVC22 * *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* 360-Degree Image Super-Resolution Based on Single Image Sample and Progressive Residual Generative Adversarial Network
* 3D Geographic Trajectories' Generation and Visualization of Dynamic Objects in Surveillance Videos
* Abnormal Signal Detection Method Based on Bimodal Fusion
* Adaptive Distributed CRC-aided SCL Decoder with Flip Operations for Polar Codes
* Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Image Classification: A Practical Perspective
* Algorithm for Detecting the Discontinuous Areas in Interferometric Phase Images, An
* Altitude Correction of Surface Control Field Strength of Converter Valve Hall Fittings Based on Ultraviolet Spectrum Image Analysis
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Ground Subsidence in Xiamen Based on PS-InSAR
* Anchor-free face detection in the wild with an application to facial expression recognition
* Ancient Book Seals Segmentation Based on Automatic Region Growing
* Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Online Learning Space Based on XGBoost
* Attention-GRU Based Method for Predicting Coal Mine Water Surge Analysis
* Bi-Directional Image-Text Retrieval With Position Attention and Similarity Filtering
* Breast Cancer Tumor Image Classification Using Deep Learning Image Data Generator
* Camouflaged Object Detection with Discriminative Information Attention and Cross-level Feature Fusion
* Cascaded Feature Interaction Network for Stereo Matching
* CAU: A Consensus Model of Augmented Unlabeled Data for Medical Image Segmentation
* Characteristics Exploration of Hospitals in Shanghai through Spatial Relationship Using Taxi Data
* Chromosome Image Denoising Based on Adaptive Wavelet Threshold
* Circular SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Improved Polar Coordinate Scheme, A
* Combining Attention Mechanism and Dual-Stream 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Micro-expression Recognition
* Compact-Pol SAR Ship Detection Combining Sublook Analysis and Tucker Decomposition
* Comparison of the Rock Core Image Segmentation Algorithm
* Compression and Rendering of Time-Varying Space Environment Volumes
* Construction of Generalized lambda-mu-Ball Curves of Degree n
* Coupled Shift-Invariant Tensorial Spatial ICA Applied to Multi-Group Complex-Valued Task-Related and Resting-State fMRI Data
* CPNet: A Hybrid Neural Network for Identification of Carcinoma Pathological Slices
* Cross-Domain Leaf Counting with Minimizing Feature Distances
* Crosswalk Stripe Detection Model Based on Gradient Similarity Tags, A
* Denoising Method of Human Pose Estimation Based on Reconstruction from Keyframes, A
* DenseATT-Net: Densely-Connected Neural Network with Intensive Attention Modules for 3D ABUS Mass Segmentation
* Design of High-Speed Image Processing System for Weak-Dim Target Based on FPGA
* Design of Ultra Wide Band System Based on Multistage Digital Beam Forming
* Design of Visualization Platform for Intelligent Distribution Room Based on 3D Modeling Technology
* Detection of Decomposition Products of SF6 Gas Based on Gas Chromatography and Optical Cavity Detection and Its Field Application
* Detection of Face Mask Wearing Conditions with Lightweight CNN Models on Raspberry Pi 4 and Jetson Nano
* DEVTrV2: Enhanced Data-Efficient Video Transformer For Violence Detection
* Dynamic Sign Language Recognition Based on Improved R(2+1)D Algorithm
* EA-UNet: A Macrophages Image Segmentation Model Based on U-Net with External Attention
* Echo State Network Optimization Based on Improved Fireworks Algorithm
* Edge-Aware Fusion for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Encoder-Decoder Network with Residual and Attention Blocks for Full-Face 3D Gaze Estimation, An
* Enhanced DeepLabv3+ for Urban Land Use Classification Based on UAV-Borne Images
* Ensemble Long Short-Term Tracking with ConvNeXt and Transformer
* Face Morph Detection Method Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Occlusion Test, A
* Fast Heterogeneous Image Registration Method Based on the Human Skeleton Points, A
* Fast Ship Detection Based on the Superpixels for High Resolution SAR Images
* FCOS-Mask: Fully Convolution Neural Network for Face Mask Detection
* Full-Reference Image/Video Quality Assessment Algorithms Based on Contrastive Principal Component Analysis
* Generating Adversarial Examples in Audio Classification with Generative Adversarial Network
* Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Dynamic Word-Level Update for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* GFB-Net: A Global Context-Guided Feature Balance Network for Arbitrary-Oriented SAR Ship Detection
* Human Action Recognition Based on Three-Stream Network with Frame Sequence Features
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network Embedded with Attention Mechanism and Shadow Enhancement by Dynamic Stochastic Resonance
* IBR-Yolov5: Illegal Building Recognition with UAV Image Based on Improved YOLOv5
* Idea of Image and Music Matching Design Based on Mobile Application, The
* Identification of Papilionidae Species in Yunnan Province Based on Deep Learning
* Image Caption Method Based on Graph Attention Network with Global Context
* Image Dehazing via Pyramid Exposure Fusion
* Image Generation Method of Bird Text Based on Improved StackGAN
* Image Restoration Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image Retrieval for Visual Localization via Scene Text Detection and Logo Filtering
* Improved Algorithm for Defogging of Sky Images Based on Dark Channel Prior
* Improved Cascade R-CNN-Based Target Detection Algorithm for UAV Aerial Images, An
* Improved Method for Pan-Sharpening Based on Pan-GAN, An
* Improved Method of Image Recognition with Deep Learning Combined with Attention Mechanism, An
* Improved UNet Model for Foot Ulcer Image Segmentation, An
* Improved YOLOv5 with Transformer for Large Scene Military Vehicle Detection on SAR Image
* Index Construction and Similarity Retrieval Method Based on Sentence-Bert, An
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Biological Vision
* Instance Segmentation Method for Anthracnose Based on Swin Transformer and Path Aggregation, An
* Integrated Land Classification Approach for the Giant Panda National Park, An
* Interlaced Perception for Person Re-identification Based on Swin Transformer
* IRNet: An Improved RetinaNet Model for Face Detection
* JDSNet: Joint Detection and Segmentation Network for Real-Time Road Scene Understanding
* Learnable Upsampling-Based Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Light-Field Depth Estimation Using RNN and CRF
* LightAUNet: A Lightweight Fusing Attention Based UNet for Crack Detection
* Low Bit Neural Networks with Channel Sparsity and Sharing
* Low Illumination Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on HSV-RNET
* Low-light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Optimized Multi-illumination Fusion, A
* Lévy Flight Based Honey Badger Algorithm for Robot Gripper Problem, An
* Medical Image Fusion Technology Based on Low-Rank Representation of Image Blocks and Pulse Coupled Neural Network
* Method of Sound Event Localization and Detection Based on Three-Dimension Convolution, A
* Microwave Breast Imaging Based on Deep Learning
* MITPose: Multi-Granularity Feature Interaction for Human Pose Estimation
* Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on the Focused Heuristic Algorithm
* Modality-Independent Regression and Training for Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Modeling for Stock Trends: A Study of Two-Stage Pattern Strategy
* Multi-Object Tracking Based on Deep Path Aggregation Network
* Multi-scale Radar HRRP Target Recognition Method Based on Pyramid Depthwise Separable Convolution Network, A
* Multi-scale Visual Aggregation Residual Network for Super-Resolution
* Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Deep Learning For Chinese Legal Documents, A
* Near-Infrared Image Colorization with Weighted UNet++ and Auxiliary Color Enhancement GAN
* Non-cooperative Space Target High-Speed Tracking Measuring Method Based on FPGA
* NonReference Mapping Net
* Object Detection Algorithm Based on Global Information Fusion
* Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved Lightweight Neural Network
* Object Detection of Tobacco-Related Information Based on Visual Features
* Online Neural Fiber Classification Method based on Lightweight Neural Network
* Optimization Scheme of Object Detection Model Based on CNN Feature Visualization Method, An
* Parallel Top-N Video Big Data Retrieval Method Based on Multi-features, A
* Personalized Access and Cross-Platform Associated Bulk Commodity Trading Entity Inspection
* Personalized Image-Guided-Radiotherapy Workflow Based on Subtypes of Diagnostic Site, A
* Prediction Method of Anti-Electricity Stealing Based on Big Data of Electric Power, A
* Primate Recognition System Design Based on Deep Learning Model VGG16
* PSA-YOLO: License Plate Detection Method Based on Pyramid Segmentation Attention in Complex Scenes
* Relation Graph Reasoning for Image-Text Matching
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Based on Semantic and Spatial Interactive Information
* Research of Chain Model Based on CNN-TDNNF in Yulin Dialect Speech Recognition, The
* Research of Scoliosis Detection Method Based on Kinect
* Research on Fast Extraction of Information System from Online Social Network Images Based on Big Data Algorithm
* Research on Financial Trading Strategies Based on Dynamic Programming Theory
* Research on Fruit Counting of Xanthoceras Sorbifolium Bunge Based on Deep Learning
* Research on High Performance Acquisition and Synchronization of Signals Based on Beidou New System
* Research on Multiscale Pedestrian Detection Algorithm
* Research on Offline Classification and Counting Algorithm of Long Fitness Video
* Research on On-line Detection Method and Device Development of HF and Micro Water Content with Optical Image Processing
* Research on Pleasure Experience Design of Housekeeping APP for Middle-Aged and Elderly
* Research on Task-Driven Dual-Light Image Fusion and Enhancement Method under Low Illumination
* Research on Weighted Association Rules Mining Algorithm for the Medical Internet of Things Information Based on Fuzzy Numerical Constraints
* Review of Academic Recommendation Systems Based on Intelligent Recommendation Algorithms, A
* Review of Brain Information Processing for Robot Control, A
* Review of Gray-scale Image Recoloring Methods With Neural Network Based Model, A
* Review of Human Violence Recognition Algorithms
* Review of Researches on the Emotion Recognition and Affective Computing Based on HCI
* Review of the Intelligent Diagnosis Methods for the Power Transmission Lines
* Revisiting Point Matching Methods for Object Pose Estimation
* Road Traffic Vehicle Detection Method Using Lightweight YOLOv5 and Attention Mechanism
* Roadside Edge Sensed and Fused Three-dimensional Localization using Camera and LiDAR
* Robust Approach for Smile Recognition via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Robust Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dual Branch Multi-feature Learning
* Robust Hyperspectral Image Fusion Method for Unregistered Data, A
* Segmentation of Main Weld Seam Area Based on MGLNS-Retinex Image Enhancement Algorithm
* Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Class-Imbalanced Images: A Hierarchical Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network
* Separation for Incomplete Micro-Doppler Signal via STVMD and Hungarian Algorithm
* Similarity Measurement Human Actions with GNN
* Simulating Ice Skating Experience in Virtual Reality
* Skeleton-Based Dumbbell Fitness Action Recognition Using Two-Stream LSTM Network
* Small Object Detection Algorithm for Railway Scene
* Stable Lightweight Model for Metal Crack Detection Based on YOLOv5, A
* Stroke Based Shadow Generation For Line Drawings
* Study on Dielectric Property Test and Image Computer Recognition of UHVDC Bushing
* Textile Defect Detection Algorithm Based on Unsupervised Learning
* Traffic Police Gesture Recognition Based on Openpose and GRU
* Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Automated Plant Identification
* UavTinyDet: Tiny Object Detection in UAV Scenes
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Based Automatic COVID-19 CT Segmentation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaption Framework for Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation Based on Curriculum Learning, An
* Using Hyperspectral Reconstruction for Multispectral Images Change Detection
* Verification and Analysis of Overseas 1:50000 Scale Surveying and Mapping 4D Products Quality Generated by the ZY3 and TH1 Satellite Imagery
* WAMF: A Weighted Adaptive Multi-convolution Fusion Scheme for Dermoscopic Image Recognition
* Zero-DCE with HSV loss for Low-Light Image Enhancement
154 for ICIVC22

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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