Park, A.[Anjin]
Co Author Listing * Better Foreground Segmentation for 3D Face Reconstruction Using Graph Cuts
* Codebook-Based Background Subtraction to Generate Photorealistic Avatars in a Walkthrough Simulator
* Computed tomography guided laparoscopy: Proof of concept
* Contents Recycling Using Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Device
* Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* GPU accelerated view synthesis from multiple RGB-D images
* Graph Cuts-Based Automatic Color Image Segmentation
* Graph-Cut Based Background Subtraction Using Visual Hull in Multiveiw Images
* Human Pose Recognition Using Chamfer Distance in Reduced Background Edge for Human-Robot Interaction
* Intelligent document scanning with active camera
* Neural Network Implementation Using CUDA and OpenMP
* Segment-Based Foreground Extraction Dedicated to 3D Reconstruction
* Selective Quality Control of Multiple Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services
Includes: Park, A.[Anjin] Park, A. Park, A.[Aaron]
13 for Park, A.
Park, A.Y.[A Youn]
Co Author Listing * Gesture Spotting in Continuous Whole Body Action Sequences Using Discrete Hidden Markov Models
* Human-Robot Interaction by Whole Body Gesture Spotting and Recognition
* Robust Spotting of Key Gestures from Whole Body Motion Sequence
Includes: Park, A.Y.[A Youn] Park, A.Y.[A-Youn] Park, A.Y.[A-Yeon]
Park, B.[Byungwoon]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Improvement of DGPS for Low-Cost Single-Frequency Receiver Using Modified Flächen Korrektur Parameter Correction
* Bridging Implicit and Explicit Geometric Transformation for Single-Image View Synthesis
* Deep belief network based statistical feature learning for fingerprint liveness detection
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Deep Learning-Based Model That Reduces Speed of Sound Aberrations for Improved In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging, A
* Development and Evaluation of a Cooperative Vehicle Intersection Control Algorithm Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Development of Prototype Algorithms for Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasts From AMI Onboard the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Satellite
* efficient intra-mode decision method for HEVC, An
* Estimating Comic Content from the Book Cover Information Using Fine-Tuned VGG Model for Comic Search
* Fine-Grained Multi-Class Object Counting
* HarmonyView: Harmonizing Consistency and Diversity in One-Image-to-3D
* Joint Learning of Blind Video Denoising and Optical Flow Estimation
* Moai: Mixture of All Intelligence for Large Language and Vision Models
* Nonlinear Regression-Based GNSS Multipath Dynamic Map Construction and Its Application in Deep Urban Areas
* Optimal Parameter Inflation to Enhance the Availability of Single-Frequency GBAS for Intelligent Air Transportation
* Outdoor Operation of Structured Light in Mobile Phone
* Point-DynRF: Point-based Dynamic Radiance Fields from a Monocular Video
* PoSNet: 4x Video Frame Interpolation Using Position-Specific Flow
* PU-type-dependent reference frame selection method for HEVC
* Robust Temporal Super-Resolution for Dynamic Motion Videos
* Seamless Accurate Positioning in Deep Urban Area Based on Mode Switching Between DGNSS and Multipath Mitigation Positioning
* Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* Stochastic Path Optimization to Improve Navigation Safety in Urban Environment
* Structured Compression by Weight Encryption for Unstructured Pruning and Quantization
* Temporal Flow Mask Attention for Open-Set Long-Tailed Recognition of Wild Animals in Camera-Trap Images
Includes: Park, B.[Byungwoon] Park, B.[Byeongjun] Park, B.[Bogun] Park, B.[Beomhee] Park, B.[Byullee] Park, B. Park, B.[Byungkil] Park, B.[Byeongseon] Park, B.[Beomchan] Park, B.[Byoungwoon] Park, B.[Byungjae]
25 for Park, B.
Park, B.B.[Byungkyu Brian]
Co Author Listing * Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Unconnected Vehicle in the Loop
* Development of a Robust Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Dynamic Topology
* Optimal Control for Speed Harmonization of Automated Vehicles
* Preceding Vehicle Identification for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Platoon Forming
* Speed harmonisation and merge control using connected automated vehicles on a highway lane closure: a reinforcement learning approach
Includes: Park, B.B.[Byungkyu Brian] Park, B.B.
Park, B.G.[Bo Gun]
Co Author Listing * Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Modeling structural dissimilarity based on shape embodiment for cell segmentation
* New Similarity Measure for Random Signatures: Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* Novel Stochastic Attributed Relational Graph Matching Based on Relation Vector Space Analysis, A
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
Includes: Park, B.G.[Bo Gun] Park, B.G.[Bo-Gun] Park, B.G.
Park, B.H.[Byung H.]
Co Author Listing * DENSECL: Haze Mitigation Using Dense Blocks and Contrastive Loss Regularization
Park, B.J.[Bum Jun]
Co Author Listing * AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Analysis of Physiological Responses and Use of Fuzzy Information Granulation-Based Neural Network for Recognition of Three Emotions
* Deep convolution neural networks to differentiate between COVID-19 and other pulmonary abnormalities on chest radiographs: Evaluation using internal and external datasets
* design of granular classifiers: A study in the synergy of interval calculus and fuzzy sets in pattern recognition, The
* Effects of Augmented-Reality Head-up Display System Use on Risk Perception and Psychological Changes of Drivers
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* Switch Diffusion Transformer: Synergizing Denoising Tasks with Sparse Mixture-of-experts
* Underground Object Classification for Urban Roads Using Instantaneous Phase Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Data
* Using a convolutional neural network model to derive imaging landmarks for lumbar spine numbering on axial magnetic resonance images
Includes: Park, B.J.[Bum Jun] Park, B.J.[Bum-Jun] Park, B.J.[Byoung-Jun] Park, B.J.[Beom Jin] Park, B.J. Park, B.J.[Byeong-Jun] Park, B.J.[Byeong-Jin]
10 for Park, B.J.
Park, B.K.[Byung Kwan]
Co Author Listing * Color distortion correction without noise boost using multi-resolution analysis
* Improving the spatail resolution based on 4D light field data
* Pulse Repetition Interval Modulation Recognition Using Symbolization
* RGB-D image segmentation based on multiple random walkers
Includes: Park, B.K.[Byung Kwan] Park, B.K.[Byung-Kwan] Park, B.K.[Byung-Koo] Park, B.K.
Park, B.S.[Bong Seok]
Co Author Listing * Connectivity-Preserving Approach for Distributed Adaptive Synchronized Tracking of Networked Uncertain Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
* Error Transformation Approach for Connectivity-Preserving and Collision-Avoiding Formation Tracking of Networked Uncertain Underactuated Surface Vessels, An
Includes: Park, B.S.[Bong Seok] Park, B.S.
Park, C.[Chaehoon]
Co Author Listing * Accelerated Kmeans Clustering Using Binary Random Projection
* Automatic Recognition of Children Engagement from Facial Video Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* CNG-SFDA: Clean-and-noisy Region Guided Online-offline Source-free Domain Adaptation
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* Discrepancies between Global Forest Net Primary Productivity Estimates Derived from MODIS and Forest Inventory Data and Underlying Factors
* EdgeConv with Attention Module for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Efficient Dilated-Winograd Convolutional Neural Networks
* Electrical Conductivity Imaging Using Gradient z-Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)
* End-To-End Ego Lane Estimation Based on Sequential Transfer Learning for Self-Driving Cars
* Enhanced Detection of Small Objects in Aerial Imagery: A High-Resolution Neural Network Approach with Amplified Feature Pyramid and Sigmoid Re-Weighting
* Fast Point Transformer
* Fast video anomaly detection via context-aware shortcut exploration and abnormal feature distance learning
* FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-temporal Patch Transformation
* Generalized quantification of three-dimensional resolution in optical diffraction tomography using the projection of maximal spatial bandwidths
* Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Immersive Gatekeeper Training System for Suicide Prevention in HMD Based Virtual Environments
* Improved Face Recognition Using Extended Modular Principal Component Analysis
* Large object detection in cluttered background using boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Learning SO(3)-Invariant Semantic Correspondence via Local Shape Transform
* LFI-CAM: Learning Feature Importance for Better Visual Explanation
* LLM4SGG: Large Language Models for Weakly Supervised Scene Graph Generation
* Look Around for Anomalies: Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Context-Motion Relational Learning
* Minimum Cost Multi-Way Data Association for Optimizing Multitarget Tracking of Interacting Objects
* MotionDiffuser: Controllable Multi-Agent Motion Prediction Using Diffusion
* Multi-Modal Human Verification Using Face and Speech
* Mutual Learning for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Noise Localization Method for Model Tests in a Large Cavitation Tunnel Using a Hydrophone Array
* PointMixer: MLP-Mixer for Point Cloud Understanding
* Posterior Distillation Sampling
* Probabilistic Surfel Fusion for Dense LiDAR Mapping
* Promptable Behaviors: Personalizing Multi-Objective Rewards from Human Preferences
* RCV2023 Challenges: Benchmarking Model Training and Inference for Resource-Constrained Deep Learning
* Relative advantage of touch over vision in the exploration of texture
* Robust Binary Feature Using the Intensity Order
* Robust Gaussian process regression with a bias model
* Robust regression for image binarization under heavy noise and nonuniform background
* Saliency Detection via Global Context Enhanced Feature Fusion and Edge Weighted Loss
* Segmentation, Inference and Classification of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles
* Self-supervised learning with automatic data augmentation for enhancing representation
* Semantic Diversity-aware Prototype-based Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Shear Modulus Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Sparse filtered SIRT for electron tomography
* Split, Merge, and Refine: Fitting Tight Bounding Boxes via Over-Segmentation and Iterative Search
* SPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Superpixel Group-Correlation Network for Co-Saliency Detection
* Tackling Background Distraction in Video Object Segmentation
* Treating Motion as Option to Reduce Motion Dependency in Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Prototype Memory Network
* Wasserstein-Type Distance for Gaussian Mixtures on Vector Bundles with Applications to Shape Analysis, A
Includes: Park, C.[Chaehoon] Park, C. Park, C.[Chanmin] Park, C.[Chan] Park, C.[Chaewon] Park, C.[Chanyeong] Park, C.[Chunghyun] Park, C.[Chansuk] Park, C.[Changhoon] Park, C.[Changhan] Park, C.[Chanyoung] Park, C.[Cheolho] Park, C.[Changhwa] Park, C.[Cheolsoo] Park, C.[Chanho] Park, C.[Chanwoo] Park, C.[Choonseog] Park, C.[Chiwoo] Park, C.[Chanjong] Park, C.[Chanhyeok]
49 for Park, C.
Park, C.A.[Chan A]
Co Author Listing * Micro-vascular imaging experiences of time-of-flight MRA at 7T for cerebrovascular diseases
* Microvascular functional MR angiography with ultra-high-field 7 T MRI: Comparison with BOLD fMRI
Includes: Park, C.A.[Chan A] Park, C.A.[Chan-A]
Park, C.B.[Chang Beom]
Co Author Listing * Automatic microarray image segmentation based on watershed transformation
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition for mobile robots with cascade HMM and particle filter
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Tracking 3D Human Body using Particle Filter in Moving Monocular Camera
Includes: Park, C.B.[Chang Beom] Park, C.B.[Chang-Beom]
Park, C.C.
Co Author Listing * Attend to You: Personalized Image Captioning with Context Sequence Memory Networks
* Retrieval of Sentence Sequences for an Image Stream via Coherence Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Towards Personalized Image Captioning via Multimodal Memory Networks
Includes: Park, C.C. Park, C.C.[Cesc Chunseong]
Park, C.E.[Cheon Eum]
Co Author Listing * Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
Includes: Park, C.E.[Cheon Eum] Park, C.E.[Cheon-Eum]
Park, C.G.
Co Author Listing * EKF-Based Visual Inertial Navigation Using Sliding Window Nonlinear Optimization
* Monocular Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry Using Low-Grade IMU in Urban Areas
* Style transformation super-resolution GAN for extremely small infrared target image
* Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
Includes: Park, C.G. Park, C.G.[Chan Gook]
Park, C.H.[Cheor Hong]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Radio-Shaded Areas in the Geoje Island Sea Based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS)
* comparison of generalized linear discriminant analysis algorithms, A
* Comparison of incremental linear dimension reduction methods for streaming data
* Complexity accuracy tradeoffs of Lie operators in motion estimation
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Dofnet: Depth of Field Difference Learning for Detecting Image Forgery
* Driver Workload Characteristics Analysis Using EEG Data From an Urban Road
* Extracting and Combining Multimodal Directional Iris Features
* Face Recognition Using Optimized 3D Information from Stereo Images
* Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Directional Image Feature in Polar Coordinate System
* Fingerprint Matching Using the Distribution of the Pairwise Distances Between Minutiae
* Iris Feature Extraction and Matching Based on Multiscale and Directional Image Representation
* Iris-Based Personal Authentication Using a Normalized Directional Energy Feature
* Large-scale color holographic display capable of steering view window
* Multi-Modal Correlated Network with Emotional Reasoning Knowledge for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
* New Approach for Calculating the Effective Dielectric Constant of the Moist Soil for Microwaves
* Nonlinear feature extraction based on centroids and kernel functions
* On applying linear discriminant analysis for multi-labeled problems
* Optimization Criterion for Generalized Discriminant Analysis on Undersampled Problems, An
* Parameterization of Vegetation Scattering Albedo in the Tau-Omega Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval on Croplands
* Predicting the EEG Level of a Driver Based on Driving Information
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Late Integration
* Robust digital image watermarking method against geometrical attacks
* Robust Localization Employing Weighted Least Squares Method Based on MM Estimator and Kalman Filter With Maximum Versoria Criterion
* Robust Time-of-Arrival-Based Splitting Mean Moving Object Localization
* Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints
Includes: Park, C.H.[Cheor Hong] Park, C.H.[Cheor-Hong] Park, C.H.[Cheong Hee] Park, C.H.[Chul-Ho] Park, C.H. Park, C.H.[Chang-Hyun] Park, C.H.[Chul-Hyun] Park, C.H.[Chang-Han] Park, C.H.[Chung Hyuk] Park, C.H.[Chang-Hwan] Park, C.H.[Cheol Hoon] Park, C.H.[Chee-Hyun]
27 for Park, C.H.
Park, C.J.[Chan Jong]
Co Author Listing * Efficient and Simple Quad Edge Conversion of Polygonal Mainfold Objects, An
* Emotional Landscape Image Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Fusion of the Magnetic and Optical Information for Motion Capturing
* Moving Object Removal Based on Global Feature Registration
* Sequential Motion and Scene Reconstruction from Image Sequences Captured by a Multi-camera System
* Shape Acquisition System Using an Handheld Line Laser Pointer Without Markers
* Symmetric polarity in generalized symmetry transformation
Includes: Park, C.J.[Chan Jong] Park, C.J.[Chan-Jong] Park, C.J.[Chang-Joon] Park, C.J. Park, C.J.[Chang Joon]
7 for Park, C.J.
Park, C.M.
Co Author Listing * 3-D Virtual Studio for Natural Inter-Acting
* Learning Visual Context by Comparison
* Natural/Man-Made Object Classification Based on Gabor Characteristics
* Octree-R: An Adaptive Octree for Efficient Ray-Tracing
* On Object Classification: Artificial vs. Natural
* Speech authentication system using digital watermarking and pattern recovery
Includes: Park, C.M. Park, C.M.[Chang Min] Park, C.M.[Chang-Min] Park, C.M.[Chang-Mok]
Park, C.R.[Chan Ryul]
Co Author Listing * automatic approach for tree species detection and profile estimation of urban street trees using deep learning and Google street view images, An
Includes: Park, C.R.[Chan Ryul] Park, C.R.[Chan-Ryul]
Park, C.S.[Chun Su]
Co Author Listing * 2D Discrete Fourier Transform on Sliding Windows
* 3D Deformable Spatial Pyramid for Dense 3D Motion Flow of Deformable Object
* Edge-Based Intramode Selection for Depth-Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Estimation-Based Interlayer Intra Prediction for Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Blind Measurement of Blocking Artifacts in both Pixel and DCT Domains
* Fast Mode Decision Using All-Zero Block Detection for Fidelity and Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Fast, Accurate, and Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* Generalized Deformable Spatial Pyramid: Geometry-preserving dense correspondence estimation
* Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform, The
* Level-set-based motion estimation algorithm for multiple reference frame motion estimation
* Novel fast PU decision algorithm for the HEVC video standard
* Robust Energy Calibration Technique for Photon Counting Spectral Detectors
* robust stereo disparity estimation using adaptive window search and dynamic programming search, A
* Statistical Approach for Fast Mode Decision in Scalable Video Coding, A
* Temporal correlation based general search strategy for multiple reference frame motion estimation
Includes: Park, C.S.[Chun Su] Park, C.S.[Chun-Su] Park, C.S.[Chang-Soo] Park, C.S. Park, C.S.[Chang Seob]
15 for Park, C.S.
Park, C.W.[Cheol Wan]
Co Author Listing * Micro-vascular imaging experiences of time-of-flight MRA at 7T for cerebrovascular diseases
* Mobile robot navigation under duct environment
* Optimal Image Selection Method to Improve Quality of Relative Radiometric Calibration for Uav Multispectral Images, An
* Potential of Hybrid CNN-RF Model for Early Crop Mapping with Limited Input Data
* Quantitative analysis of the SN in Parkinson's disease implementing 3D modeling at 7.0-T MRI
* Relative Radiometric Calibration Using Tie Points and Optimal Path Selection for UAV Images
* robust facial feature detection on mobile robot platform, A
Includes: Park, C.W.[Cheol Wan] Park, C.W.[Cheol-Wan] Park, C.W.[Chang-Woo] Park, C.W.[Chan-Won] Park, C.W.[Chan-Woong]
7 for Park, C.W.
Park, C.Y.[Chae Yeon]
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Mean Radiant Temperature in Urban Canyons Using Google Street View: A Case Study on Seoul
* Fast Algorithm for the Conversion of DCT Coefficients to H.264 Transform Coefficients, A
* Mew: Multiplexed Immunofluorescence Image Analysis Through an Efficient Multiplex Network
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
Includes: Park, C.Y.[Chae Yeon] Park, C.Y.[Chae-Yeon] Park, C.Y.[Chan Yul] Park, C.Y.[Chan-Young] Park, C.Y.[Chan Y.]
Park, D.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Bayesian Decision-Model for Motion Segmentation
* Adversarial Continual Learning to Transfer Self-Supervised Speech Representations for Voice Pathology Detection
* All-in-One Image Restoration for Unknown Degradations Using Adaptive Discriminative Filters for Specific Degradations
* Articulated pose estimation with tiny synthetic videos
* BIPS: Bi-modal Indoor Panorama Synthesis via Residual Depth-Aided Adversarial Learning
* Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
* Contribution-based Low-rank Adaptation with Pre-training Model for Real Image Restoration
* Differential Image-Based Scalable YOLOv7-Tiny Implementation for Clustered Embedded Systems
* Diffusion Prior-based Amortized Variational Inference for Noisy Inverse Problems
* Diffusion-guided Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Document Change Detection With Hierarchical Patch Comparison
* Edge-Guided Image Downscaling With Adaptive Filtering
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient Module Based Single Image Super Resolution for Multiple Problems
* Efficient Single-image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient Unified Demosaicing for Bayer and Non-Bayer Patterned Image Sensors
* Enhancing Underwater Color Images via Optical Imaging Model and Non-Local Means Denoising
* Exploring Weak Stabilization for Motion Feature Extraction
* Fast Single Image De-Hazing Using Characteristics of RGB Channel of Foggy Image
* Finding Low-Rank Solutions via Nonconvex Matrix Factorization, Efficiently and Provably
* Formant-based acoustic features for cow's estrus detection in audio surveillance system
* Image enhancement for extremely low light conditions
* Improved Sufficient Condition for Performance Guarantee in Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Is Pseudo-Lidar needed for Monocular 3D Object detection?
* Jitter-Robust Video Retargeting With Kalman Filter And Attention Saliency Fusion Network
* Low-Power Fractional-Order Synchronizer for Syncless Time-Sequential Synchronization of 3-D TV Active Shutter Glasses, A
* Method to Create a Metaverse Using Smartphone Data
* MMTF: Multi-Modal Temporal Fusion for Commonsense Video Question Answering
* Modified Adaptive Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation with Scene Change Detection for Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Multi-Agent Long-Term 3D Human Pose Forecasting via Interaction-Aware Trajectory Conditioning
* Multi-temporal Recurrent Neural Networks for Progressive Non-uniform Single Image Deblurring with Incremental Temporal Training
* Multiresolution Models for Object Detection
* N-best maximal decoders for part models
* Precision and Characteristics of Satellite Spatial Quality Estimators' Measurement Using an Edge Target Imaged with KOMPSAT-3A
* Probabilistic Precision and Recall Towards Reliable Evaluation of Generative Models
* Query: Dependent Video Representation for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection
* Randomized decision bush: Combining global shape parameters and local scalable descriptors for human body parts recognition
* Revealing Occlusions with 4D Neural Fields
* Rotating your face using multi-task deep neural network
* Simplified Triangular Partitioning Mode in Versatile Video Coding
* Single image dehazing with image entropy and information fidelity
* Single image haze removal using novel estimation of atmospheric light and transmission
* T4P: Test-Time Training of Trajectory Prediction via Masked Autoencoder and Actor-Specific Token Memory
* Task-Aware Variational Adversarial Active Learning
* Temporal modulation for computational video cross-talk reduction
* Unlocking the Potential of Ordinary Classifier: Class-specific Adversarial Erasing Framework for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* ViP-LLaVA: Making Large Multimodal Models Understand Arbitrary Visual Prompts
* Warp-Refine Propagation: Semi-Supervised Auto-Labeling via Cycle-Consistency
* What You Can Reconstruct from a Shadow
Includes: Park, D. Park, D.[Dongkeon] Park, D.[Dongwon] Park, D.[Dennis] Park, D.[Daehee] Park, D.[David] Park, D.[Daejin] Park, D.[Dogyun] Park, D.[Doyoung] Park, D.[Dubok] Park, D.[Daihee] Park, D.[Dongchan] Park, D.[Daejun] Park, D.[Daesoon] Park, D.[Dusik] Park, D.[Dohyeon] Park, D.[Dookun]
49 for Park, D.
Park, D.C.[Dong Chul]
Co Author Listing * Application of 3D Co-occurrence Features to Terrain Classification
* Building Detection and Reconstruction from Aerial Images
* Classification of Audio Signals Using Fuzzy C-Means with Divergence-Based Kernel
* Content-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Methods for MPEG Repair
* fast hybrid Jacket-Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform, A
* Lenticular stereoscopic imaging and displaying techniques with no special glasses
* Recovery of Image Blocks Using the Method of Alternating Projections
* Satellite Image Classification Using a Divergence-Based Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm
* stable feedback control of the buffer state using the controlled Lagrange multiplier method, A
Includes: Park, D.C.[Dong Chul] Park, D.C.[Dong-Chul] Park, D.C. Park, D.C.[Dae-Chul]
9 for Park, D.C.
Park, D.H.[Do Hyeon]
Co Author Listing * Assessing CALIOP-Derived Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Ground-Based Lidar
* Billion-Scale Pretraining with Vision Transformers for Multi-Task Visual Representations
* Decode-MOT: How Can We Hurdle Frames to Go Beyond Tracking-by-Detection?
* Enhanced Derivation of Model Parameters for Cross-Component Linear Model (CCLM) in VVC
* More Control for Free! Image Synthesis with Semantic Diffusion Guidance
* Multimodal Explanations: Justifying Decisions and Pointing to the Evidence
* novel Position-Based Visual Servoing approach for robust global stability with feature points kept within the Field-of-View, A
* Robust Change Captioning
* Shape-Guided Diffusion with Inside-Outside Attention
Includes: Park, D.H.[Do Hyeon] Park, D.H.[Do-Hyeon] Park, D.H.[Dong Huk] Park, D.H.[Dae-Hyeon] Park, D.H. Park, D.H.[Do-Hwan]
9 for Park, D.H.
Park, D.J.[Dong Jo]
Co Author Listing * 2:1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation
* Adaptive template filtering for signal-to-noise ratio enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging
* Construction of a non-overlapping panoramic mosaic in wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Edge-Detection in Noisy Images Based on the Cooccurrence Matrix
* effective successive elimination algorithm for fast optimal block-matching motion estimation, An
* Fast Block Matching Technique Using a Gradual Voting Strategy, A
* Fast image segmentation based on multi-resolution analysis and wavelets
* Floor detection based depth estimation from a single indoor scene
* Multiresolution Edge-Detection Techniques
* New enhancement algorithm for fingerprint images
* Non-contrast based edge descriptor for image segmentation
* Novel Noncontrast-Based Edge Descriptor for Image Segmentation
* Novel precision target detection with adaptive thresholding for dynamic image segmentation
* Novel target segmentation and tracking based on fuzzy membership distribution for vision-based target tracking system
* Novel Template Matching Scheme for Fast Full-Search Boosted by an Integral Image, A
* Unsupervised video object segmentation and tracking based on new edge features
* Video Event Detection as Matching of Spatiotemporal Projection
Includes: Park, D.J.[Dong Jo] Park, D.J.[Dong-Jo] Park, D.J. Park, D.J.[Deok J.] Park, D.J.[Dong-Jin] Park, D.J.[Dong-Jun]
17 for Park, D.J.
Park, D.K.[David Keetae]
Co Author Listing * Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-Based Palette Generation
* composite histogram for image retrieval, A
* Image Block Classification and Variable Block Size Segmentation Using a Model-Fitting Criterion
* Image-To-Image Translation via Group-Wise Deep Whitening-And-Coloring Transformation
* Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* new iris segmentation method for non-ideal iris images, A
Includes: Park, D.K.[David Keetae] Park, D.K.[Dong Kwon] Park, D.K. Park, D.K.[Dong-Kwon]
7 for Park, D.K.
Park, D.M.[Dong Min]
Co Author Listing * Continual Learning by Asymmetric Loss Approximation With Single-Side Overestimation
Includes: Park, D.M.[Dong Min] Park, D.M.[Dong-Min]
Park, D.S.[Du Sik]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of mode correlation between texture and depth images in multi-view video plus depth format
* Buffer structure optimized VLSI architecture for efficient hierarchical integer pixel motion estimation implementation
* Color Processing for Multi-Primary Display Devices
* Comprehensive Survey of Image Augmentation Techniques for Deep Learning, A
* Deep Learning-based Techniques for Plant Diseases Recognition in Real-field Scenarios
* Effect of a synthesized depth view on multi-view rendering quality
* Enhancement for temporal resolution of video based on multi-frame feature trajectory and occlusion compensation
* Fast and Efficient Multi-View Depth Image Coding Method Based on Temporal and Inter-View Correlations of Texture Images, A
* Finger Vein Recognition Using Histogram of Competitive Gabor Responses
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on a Half Gabor Filter
* Fingerprint reference point detemination based on a novel ridgeline feature
* Flat Panel Light-Field 3-D Display: Concept, Design, Rendering, and Calibration
* Generation of high resolution image based on accumulated feature trajectory
* high performance and low complexity sampling-based intra coding method for H.264/AVC, A
* Image indexing using weighted color histogram
* Improved Depth-Based Motion Vector Prediction in 3D Video Coding
* loop filter with segmentation mode in video coding, A
* low-complexity rate distortion model for motion estimation in H.263, A
* Motion information sharing mode for depth video coding
* Multi-view prediction structure for free viewpoint video
* Multi-view Synthesis Based on Single View Reference Layer
* Multi-View Video Coding Based on High Efficiency Video Coding
* New Wide-Gamut RGB Primary Set and Efficient Color Encoding Methods for Ultrahigh-Definition Television (UHDTV), A
* Temporal and inter-view skip modes for multi-view video coding
* Temporal Frame Interpolation Based on Multiframe Feature Trajectory
* Unsupervised Denoising for Satellite Imagery Using Wavelet Directional CycleGAN
* Variation-aware semantic image synthesis
* Visual tracking with semi-supervised online weighted multiple instance learning
Includes: Park, D.S.[Du Sik] Park, D.S.[Du-Sik] Park, D.S.[Dong Sun] Park, D.S.[Deok-Soo] Park, D.S. Park, D.S.[Dong Seek] Park, D.S.[Dae-Soon]
28 for Park, D.S.
Park, D.W.[Dae Wook]
Co Author Listing * Development of a Background Filtering Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy of Determining Underground Cavities Using Multi-Channel Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Learning
* Robust visual tracking using autoregressive hidden Markov Model
Includes: Park, D.W.[Dae Wook] Park, D.W.[Dong Woo]
Park, D.Y.[Dae Young]
Co Author Listing * Arbitrary Style Transfer With Style-Attentional Networks
* Motion Detection in Complex and Dynamic Backgrounds
* Object-Wise Multilayer Background Ordering for Public Area Surveillance
* unified approach to background adaptation and initialization in public scenes, A
Includes: Park, D.Y.[Dae Young] Park, D.Y.[Dae-Yong]
Park, E.[Edward]
Co Author Listing * 2020 Hpakant Jade Mine Disaster, Myanmar: A multi-sensor investigation for slope failure, The
* AFA-Net: Adaptive Feature Attention Network in image deblurring and super-resolution for improving license plate recognition
* Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitation Products (SPP) in the Data-Sparse Himalayan Terrain
* AutoCaCoNet: Automatic Cartoon Colorization Network Using Self-Attention GAN, Segmentation, and Color Correction
* BASQ: Branch-wise Activation-clipping Search Quantization for Sub-4-bit Neural Networks
* Combining multiple sources of knowledge in deep CNNs for action recognition
* Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field
* Comprehensive Database of Indonesian Dams and Its Spatial Distribution, A
* Continuous Memory Representation for Anomaly Detection
* D-ViSA: A Dataset for Detecting Visual Sentiment from Art Images
* Deblurring 3d Gaussian Splatting
* Deep Learning Applications on Multitemporal SAR (Sentinel-1) Image Classification Using Confined Labeled Data: The Case of Detecting Rice Paddy in South Korea
* Deforestation as the Prominent Driver of the Intensifying Wildfire in Cambodia, Revealed through Geospatial Analysis
* Diffusion Model Compression for Image-to-image Translation
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Large Rivers
* Enhancing real-time traffic volume prediction: A two-step approach of object detection and time series modelling
* Fine-grained Semantics-aware Representation Enhancement for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Flood Monitoring in Rural Areas of the Pearl River Basin (China) Using Sentinel-1 SAR
* Frdiff: Feature Reuse for Universal Training-free Acceleration of Diffusion Models
* FREQ-MIP-AA: Frequency Mip Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
* Fully-Automatic Reflection Removal for 360-Degree Images
* Impacts of Climate Change on Lake Fluctuations in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau
* Inferring and Improving Street Maps with Data-Driven Automation
* INSTA-BNN: Binary Neural Network with INSTAnce-aware Threshold
* MART: Masked Affective RepresenTation Learning via Masked Temporal Distribution Distillation
* Masked Wavelet Representation for Compact Neural Radiance Fields
* Meta-tracker: Fast and Robust Online Adaptation for Visual Object Trackers
* Multi-scale Local Implicit Keypoint Descriptor for Keypoint Matching
* Neural Residual Flow Fields for Efficient Video Representations
* Nighttime Reflectance Generation in the Visible Band of Satellites
* NIPQ: Noise proxy-based Integrated Pseudo-Quantization
* Novel Method for River Bank Detection from Landsat Satellite Data: A Case Study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* OSANet: Object Semantic Attention Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Parameter-Efficient Instance-adaptive Neural Video Compression
* Pathway to the Automated Global Assessment of Water Level in Reservoirs with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), A
* Profit: A Novel Training Method for sub-4-bit Mobilenet Models
* Remote Sensing in Field Crop Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review of Sensor Systems, Data Analyses and Recent Advances
* Residual Learning in Diffusion Models
* Rethinking convolutional neural networks for trajectory refinement
* Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter in Inland Waters with Widely Differing Optical Properties Using a Semi-Analytical Scheme
* Robust and accurate pattern matching in fuzzy space for fiducial mark alignment
* Rotationally-temporally Consistent Novel View Synthesis of Human Performance Video
* Searching for Robust Binary Neural Networks via Bimodal Parameter Perturbation
* Sharp-NeRF: Grid-based Fast Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields using Sharpness Prior
* SMPConv: Self-Moving Point Representations for Continuous Convolution
* Stereo and motion correspondences using nonlinear optimization method
* StRDAN: Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Streamable Neural Fields
* Symmetry Regularization and Saturating Nonlinearity for Robust Quantization
* Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing Loss
* Transformation-Grounded Image Generation Network for Novel 3D View Synthesis
* Universal Dehazing via Haze Style Transfer
* Use of a MODIS Satellite-Based Aridity Index to Monitor Drought Conditions in the Pearl River Basin from 2001 to 2021
* Value-Aware Quantization for Training and Inference of Neural Networks
* Visual Madlibs: Fill in the Blank Description Generation and Question Answering
* Weighted-Entropy-Based Quantization for Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Park, E.[Edward] Park, E.[Eunil] Park, E.[Eunhyeok] Park, E. Park, E.[Eunbyung] Park, E.[Eunpil] Park, E.[Eunsu] Park, E.[Eunsung] Park, E.[Eunsoo] Park, E.[Eunkwang]
57 for Park, E.
Park, E.H.[Eun Hee]
Co Author Listing * Emotion Ontology Studies: A Framework for Expressing Feelings Digitally and Its Application to Sentiment Analysis
Park, E.J.[Eun Jong]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy Similarity-Based Emotional Classification of Color Images
* HSWIS: Hierarchical Shrink-Wrapped Iso-Surface Algorithm
* Keyword-based Vehicle Retrieval
* Machine Vision Framework for Automated Localization of Microinjection Sites on Low-Contrast Single Adherent Cells, A
* Vision-Based Self-localization of Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using Landmarks of Colored Pentagons
Includes: Park, E.J.[Eun Jong] Park, E.J.[Eun-Jong] Park, E.J.[Eun-Jin] Park, E.J.[Eun-Ju] Park, E.J.[Edward J.] Park, E.J.
Park, E.K.
Co Author Listing * Using RTT Variability for Adaptive Cross-Layer Approach to Multimedia Delivery in Heterogeneous Networks
* Utilizing Different Link Types to Enhance Document Clustering Based on Markov Random Field Model With Relaxation Labeling
Park, F.[Fredrick]
Co Author Listing * Image segmentation using clique based shape prior and the Mumford Shah Functional
* Nonconvex Regularization for Network Slimming: Compressing CNNS Even More
* Weighted Anisotropic-Isotropic Total Variation for Poisson Denoising
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation for Relaxed Mumford-Shah Color and Multiphase Image Segmentation, A
* weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation for relaxed Mumford-Shah image segmentation, A
Includes: Park, F.[Fredrick] Park, F.
Park, F.C.
Co Author Listing * DTI Segmentation and Fiber Tracking Using Metrics on Multivariate Normal Distributions
* Fluid Dynamic Models for Bhattacharyya-Based Discriminant Analysis
* Geometric Direct Search Algorithms for Image Registration
* Geometric Particle Filter for Template-Based Visual Tracking, A
* Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing
* Robot Sensor Calibration: Solving Ax=Xb on the Euclidean Group
* Visual tracking via geometric particle filtering on the affine group with optimal importance functions
Includes: Park, F.C. Park, F.C.[Frank Chongwoo] Park, F.C.[Frank C.]
7 for Park, F.C.
Park, F.E.[Frederick E.]
Co Author Listing * fourth order dual method for staircase reduction in texture extraction and image restoration problems, A
* Image decomposition combining staircase reduction and texture extraction
* Simultaneous total variation image inpainting and blind deconvolution
Park, G.[Gitae]
Co Author Listing * 3D Multi-Trajectory and Pick-Up Optimization of UAV for Minimizing Delivery Time With Weight Restriction
* Analysis of the Novel Transformer Module Combination for Scene Text Recognition
* Analytical Approach to the Predictive Energy Management of Connected HEVs: What Information Do We Need to Guarantee Global Optimality?, An
* Bitat: Neural Network Binarization with Task-dependent Aggregated Transformation
* Comprehensive Analysis of Hurricane Damage across the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts Using Geospatial Big Data, A
* Data-Efficient Unsupervised Interpolation Without Any Intermediate Frame for 4D Medical Images
* Dynamic Inference Acceleration of 3D Point Cloud Deep Neural Networks Using Point Density and Entropy
* Effective integration of morphological analysis and named entity recognition based on a recurrent neural network
* Integrated Observer for Real-Time Estimation of Vehicle Center of Gravity Height, An
* Joint Optimization of UAV Trajectory and Communication Resources With Complete Avoidance of No-Fly-Zones
* LA-VITON: A Network for Looking-Attractive Virtual Try-On
* MatteFormer: Transformer-Based Image Matting via Prior-Tokens
* Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* MHSAN: Multi-Head Self-Attention Network for Visual Semantic Embedding
* Mitigating Background Shift in Class-incremental Semantic Segmentation
* MMTF: Multi-Modal Temporal Fusion for Commonsense Video Question Answering
* Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
* Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature for Large Face Image Set
* N-ImageNet: Towards Robust, Fine-Grained Object Recognition with Event Cameras
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Pseudo-curved integral imaging pickup system with realtime view image generation
* Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Refine Myself by Teaching Myself: Feature Refinement via Self-Knowledge Distillation
* UAV-Assisted Wireless-Powered Two-Way Communications
Includes: Park, G.[Gitae] Park, G.[Gunhan] Park, G.[Geunyoung] Park, G.[Geon] Park, G.[Gainbi] Park, G.[Geondo] Park, G.[Gyudo] Park, G.[Geonwoo] Park, G.[Giseo] Park, G. Park, G.[GyuTae] Park, G.[Gyuro] Park, G.[Gilhan] Park, G.[Gyutae] Park, G.[Gangin] Park, G.[Geongi] Park, G.[Gilbae] Park, G.[Gibeom]
24 for Park, G.
Park, G.C.[Gi Chang]
Co Author Listing * High-Definition 3D Stereoscopic Microscope Display System for Biomedical Applications
Includes: Park, G.C.[Gi Chang] Park, G.C.[Gi-Chang]
Park, G.G.[Go Gwang]
Co Author Listing * Active Calibration of Camera-Projector Systems Based on Planar Homography
Park, G.H.[Gwang Hoon]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Depth-Map Coding for 3D-Video
* Adaptive QoS Control for Scalable Video Streaming over WLAN
* Chrominance Compensation for Multi-View Video Coding
* Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* Directional Filtering for Upsampling According to Direction Information of the Base Layer in the JVT/SVC Codec
* Distributed Video Coding with Multiple Side Information Sets
* Estimation of Fugacity of Carbon Dioxide in the East Sea Using In Situ Measurements and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Satellite Data
* MC Complexity Reduction for Generalized P and B Pictures in HEVC
* Reusable HEVC Design in 3D-HEVC
* Revisiting PID Control for Power-Constrained Video Display
* Shape-Adaptive Region Partitioning Method for Shape-Assisted Block-Based Texture Coding
Includes: Park, G.H.[Gwang Hoon] Park, G.H.[Gwang-Hoon] Park, G.H. Park, G.H.[Geun-Ha] Park, G.H.[Geon-Ho]
11 for Park, G.H.
Park, G.M.[Gyeong Moon]
Co Author Listing * Fisheye Object Detection with Visual Prompting-Aided Fine-Tuning
* Generative Unlearning for Any Identity
* GLAD: Global-Local View Alignment and Background Debiasing for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Large Domain Gap
* IntereStyle: Encoding an Interest Region for Robust StyleGAN Inversion
* LFS-GAN: Lifelong Few-Shot Image Generation
* LINe: Out-of-Distribution Detection by Leveraging Important Neurons
* Online Class Incremental Learning on Stochastic Blurry Task Boundary via Mask and Visual Prompt Tuning
* Online Continuous Generalized Category Discovery
* Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Pre-trained Vision and Language Transformers are Few-Shot Incremental Learners
* RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
* Towards Model-agnostic Dataset Condensation by Heterogeneous Models
* Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-agnostic Incremental Learning
* Wav2NeRF: Audio-driven realistic talking head generation via wavelet-based NeRF
Includes: Park, G.M.[Gyeong Moon] Park, G.M.[Gyeong-Moon]
14 for Park, G.M.
Park, G.R.[Gyu Ro]
Co Author Listing * evaluation of statistical methods in handwritten hangul recognition, An
Includes: Park, G.R.[Gyu Ro] Park, G.R.[Gyu-Ro]
Park, G.S.[Gi Seok]
Co Author Listing * effective cross-layer designed packet scheduling, call admission control, and handover system for video streaming services over LTE network, An
Park, G.T.[Gwi Tae]
Co Author Listing * Affine-Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Momentums in Log-Polar Images
* Feature Map Consisting of Orientation and Inter-ridge Spacing for Fingerprint Retrieval, A
* Neural network-based fuzzy observer with application to facial analysis
* Recognition of Raised Characters For Automatic Classification of Rubber Tires
* Simulation Study on the Generative Neural Ensemble Decoding Algorithms, A
Includes: Park, G.T.[Gwi Tae] Park, G.T.[Gwi-Tae] Park, G.T.[Gyu-Tae] Park, G.T.
Park, G.Y.[Geon Yeong]
Co Author Listing * Contrastive Denoising Score for Text-Guided Latent Diffusion Image Editing
* Dreammotion: Space-time Self-similar Score Distillation for Zero-shot Video Editing
* Dreamsampler: Unifying Diffusion Sampling and Score Distillation for Image Manipulation
* Image co-saliency detection based on clustering and diffusion process
* Information-theoretic regularization for Multi-source Domain Adaptation
* Natural and Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution With Explicit Natural Manifold Discrimination
* Reliably fast adversarial training via latent adversarial perturbation
* RFG-HDR: Representative Feature-Guided Transformer for Multi-Exposure High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Self-Supervised Debiasing Using Low Rank Regularization
* Self-supervised Image Denoising with Downsampled Invariance Loss and Conditional Blind-Spot Network
* Training Debiased Subnetworks with Contrastive Weight Pruning
* Transfer Learning From Synthetic to Real-Noise Denoising With Adaptive Instance Normalization
* VMC: Video Motion Customization Using Temporal Attention Adaption for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models
Includes: Park, G.Y.[Geon Yeong] Park, G.Y. Park, G.Y.[Gu Yong]
13 for Park, G.Y.
Park, H.[Hyekang]
Co Author Listing * ACLS: Adaptive and Conditional Label Smoothing for Network Calibration
* ACN: Occlusion-tolerant face alignment by attentional combination of heterogeneous regression networks
* Adaptive Latent Diffusion Model for 3D Medical Image to Image Translation: Multi-modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
* Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
* Adaptive personalized routing for vulnerable road users
* Adaptive Video Watermarking Utilizing Video Characteristics in 3D-DCT Domain
* Adaptively Hierarchical Quantization Variational Autoencoder Based on Feature Decoupling and Semantic Consistency for Image Generation
* Addressing the Occlusion Problem in Multi-Camera People Tracking with Human Pose Estimation
* Advances in Remote Sensing-Based Disaster Monitoring and Assessment
* Analysis and Recognition of Facial Expression Based on Point-Wise Motion Energy
* Augundo: Scaling Up Augmentations for Monocular Depth Completion and Estimation
* Automatic Adjustment of the Distance Ratio Threshold in Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio Matching for Robust Camera Tracking
* Automatic Denoising of 2D Color Face Images Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* Beamforming Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood of a Complex Gaussian Distribution With Time-Varying Variances for Robust Speech Recognition, A
* Bi-directional Contrastive Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tactile Representations
* Classification Trees with Optimal Multivariate Decision Nodes
* Cluster Self-Refinement for Enhanced Online Multi-Camera People Tracking
* CNN-Based Learnable Gammatone Filterbank and Equal-Loudness Normalization for Environmental Sound Classification
* Common Mathematical Framework for Real and Synthetic Aperture by Interferometry Radiometers
* complementary regression network for accurate face alignment, A
* Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors
* Comprehensive Overhaul of Feature Distillation, A
* Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Illumination/Focus Display Images
* Cost-Effective and Robust Edge-Based Blur Metric Based on Careful Computation of Edge Slope, A
* Deep adaptive learning for safe and efficient navigation of pedestrian dynamics
* Deep RAW Image Super-Resolution. A NTIRE 2024 Challenge Survey
* Deep RAW Image Super-Resolution. A NTIRE 2024 Challenge Survey
* DejaVu: Conditional Regenerative Learning to Enhance Dense Prediction
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Depth Map Rasterization Using Triangulation and Color Consistency for Various Sampling Structures
* Design and Analysis of an Image Resizing Filter in the Block-DCT Domain
* Detecting Targets above the Earth's Surface Using GNSS-R Delay Doppler Maps: Results from TDS-1
* Detection of Tropical Overshooting Cloud Tops Using Himawari-8 Imagery
* DetectorDetective: Investigating the Effects of Adversarial Examples on Object Detectors
* Development and Initial Results of a Brain PET Insert for Simultaneous 7-Tesla PET/MRI Using an FPGA-Only Signal Digitization Method
* Distributed Network Formation Strategy for Network Coding Based Wireless Networks
* Domain Aware Multi-task Pretraining of 3d Swin Transformer for T1-Weighted Brain MRI
* Dual-domain Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Demoireing
* Dual-layer approach for improved mesh-based motion compensation
* Dynamic Guidance Adversarial Distillation with Enhanced Teacher Knowledge
* ECG Authentication System Design Based on Signal Analysis in Mobile and Wearable Devices
* Edge-Aware 3D Instance Segmentation Network with Intelligent Semantic Prior
* Effect of Permafrost Thawing on Discharge of the Kolyma River, Northeastern Siberia
* Effective Preprocessing Method for Fast Hierarchical Maximum Intensity Projection, An
* Efficient Priority-Based Reference Frame Selection Method for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Viewer-Centric Depth Adjustment Based on Virtual Fronto-Parallel Planar Projection in Stereo 3D Images
* Emerging Property of Masked Token for Effective Pre-training
* End-to-End Lane Marker Detection via Row-wise Classification
* Enhancing Multi-view Pedestrian Detection Through Generalized 3D Feature Pulling
* Estimating the Impacts of Ungauged Reservoirs Using Publicly Available Streamflow Simulations and Satellite Remote Sensing
* Estimation of Swell Height Using Spaceborne GNSS-R Data from Eight CYGNSS Satellites
* Experimental Evidence of Swell Signatures in Airborne L5/E5a GNSS-Reflectometry
* Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks
* Face alignment using cascade Gaussian process regression trees
* Face photo-sketch recognition based on joint dictionary learning
* Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack as Out-of-distribution Generalization
* Fast Algorithm for Computing a Histogram on Reconfigurable Mesh, A
* Fast building segmentation from satellite imagery and few local labels
* Fast Detection of Robust Features by Reducing the Number of Box Filtering in SURF
* Fast Feature Matching by Coarse-to-Fine Comparison of Rearranged SURF Descriptors
* Fast Hierarchical Algorithm of Maximum Intensity Projection, A
* Fast Inter-Mode Selection in the H.264/AVC Standard Using a Hierarchical Decision Process
* Fast Mode Decision Method Based on Motion Cost and Intra Prediction Cost for H.264/AVC, A
* Feature Diversification and Adaptation for Federated Domain Generalization
* Feature-Adaptive Motion Energy Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* FedHide: Federated Learning by Hiding in the Neighbors
* First Results on the Systematic Search of Land Surface Temperature Anomalies as Earthquakes Precursors
* First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* Gaps Analysis and Requirements Specification for the Evolution of Copernicus System for Polar Regions Monitoring: Addressing the Challenges in the Horizon 2020-2030
* Generating Hand Posture and Motion Dataset for Hand Pose Estimation in Egocentric View
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Grobner Bases and Multidimensional FIR Multirate Systems
* Hand shape recognition using distance transform and shape decomposition
* Highly Efficient Audio Coding With Blind Spectral Recovery Based on Machine Learning
* Human motion control with physically plausible foot contact models
* Hybrid Pansharpening Algorithm of VHR Satellite Images that Employs Injection Gains Based on NDVI to Reduce Computational Costs, A
* Hybrid Shading Model Based on Device Performance for LOD Adaptive Service
* Icing Detection over East Asia from Geostationary Satellite Data Using Machine Learning Approaches
* ImaGAN: Unsupervised Training of Conditional Joint CycleGAN for Transferring Style with Core Structures in Content Preserved
* Image-free Domain Generalization via CLIP for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Improved Gini-Index Algorithm to Correct Feature-Selection Bias in Text Classification
* Improved MUSIC-Based SMOS RFI Source Detection and Geolocation Algorithm
* Improved Schemes for Inter-Frame Coding in the H.264/AVC Standard
* Improved Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Image Segmentation, An
* Improving the Speech Quality of VoIP by Packet Prioritization
* In-Orbit Validation of the FMPL-2 Instrument: The GNSS-R and L-Band Microwave Radiometer Payload of the FSSCat Mission
* Initial Pose Estimation of 3d Object with Severe Occlusion Using Deep Learning
* Interactive-Multiple-Model Algorithm Based on Minimax Particle Filtering
* Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field
* Joint Estimation of Camera Pose, Depth, Deblurring, and Super-Resolution from a Blurred Image Sequence
* Joint-Connectivity-Based Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis of Imaging Genetics for Detecting Biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease
* k-SALSA: k-Anonymous Synthetic Averaging of Retinal Images via Local Style Alignment
* L-Band Vegetation Optical Depth Estimation Using Transmitted GNSS Signals: Application to GNSS-Reflectometry and Positioning
* Learning Augmentation Network via Influence Functions
* Learning by Aligning: Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification using Cross-Modal Correspondences
* Learning Dynamic Network Using a Reuse Gate Function in Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Learning Memory-Guided Normality for Anomaly Detection
* Location Estimation of Predominant Sound Source with Embedded Source Separation in Amplitude-Panned Stereo Signal
* Look Wider to Match Image Patches With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low-Cost Object Detection Models for Traffic Control Devices through Domain Adaption of Geographical Regions
* LRSLAM: Low-rank Representation of Signed Distance Fields in Dense Visual SLAM System
* MAIR: Multi-View Attention Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting Estimation
* Making Joint-Histogram-Based Weighted Median Filter Much Faster
* MedBN: Robust Test-Time Adaptation against Malicious Test Samples
* Memory-Free Stochastic Weight Averaging by One-Way Variational Pruning
* Mesh-Based Disparity Representation Method for View Interpolation and Stereo Image Compression, A
* Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modular VLSI architectures for real-time full-search-based vector quantization
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation of Occlusion and Motion Ambiguity Regions Using Color-Plus-Depth Information
* Moving-object Segmentation with Adaptive Sprite for DCT-based Video Coder
* Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks
* Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural Networks
* New fMRI analysis method for multiple stimuli using reference estimation
* new motion estimation method for motion-compensated frame interpolation using a convolutional neural network, A
* New No-Reference Method for Judder Artifact Assessment, A
* New Performance Measure Using k -Set Correlation for Compressed Sensing Matrices, A
* New Shape Feature for Vehicle Classification in Thermal Video Sequences, A
* No-Reference Blur Strength Estimation Based on Spectral Analysis of Blurred Images
* nonintrusive method for generating all-focused projection, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Bracketing Image Restoration and Enhancement: Datasets, Methods and Results
* Offset Aperture: A Passive Single-Lens Camera for Depth Sensing
* On the Viability of Monocular Depth Pre-Training for Semantic Segmentation
* Open-Set Face Identification on Few-Shot Gallery by Fine-Tuning
* Optimal decomposition of convex morphological structuring elements for 4-connected parallel array processors
* Panoptic, Instance and Semantic Relations: A Relational Context Encoder to Enhance Panoptic Segmentation
* Pansharpening Using Guided Filtering to Improve the Spatial Clarity of VHR Satellite Imagery
* Phase and Amplitude Calibrations of Rotating Equispaced Circular Array for Geostationary Microwave Interferometric Radiometers: Theory and Methods
* Phase and Baseline Calibration for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers Using Beacons
* Photographic Composition Guide for Photo Acquisition on Augmented Reality Glasses
* Predominant Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals Based on Harmonic Structure
* Preliminary Study on Ionospheric Scintillation Anomalies Detected Using GNSS-R Data from NASA CYGNSS Mission as Possible Earthquake Precursors, A
* Probabilistic learning of similarity measures for tensor PCA
* Progressive Random Convolutions for Single Domain Generalization
* Radiometrically-Compensated Projection onto Non-Lambertian Surface Using Multiple Overlapping Projectors
* RankMixup: Ranking-Based Mixup Training for Network Calibration
* Rapid Generation of the State Codebook in Side Match Vector Quantization
* Real-Time, Accurate, and Consistent Video Semantic Segmentation via Unsupervised Adaptation and Cross-Unit Deployment on Mobile Device
* Recognizing Material of a Covered Object: A Case Study With Graffiti
* Region-Based Dehazing via Dual-Supervised Triple-Convolutional Network
* Region-of-interest Attentive Heteromodal Variational Encoder-decoder for Segmentation with Missing Modalities
* Reliable face recognition using feature selection and image rejection based on probabilistic face model
* ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
* Retinex-Based Image Enhancement with Particle Swarm Optimization and Multi-Objective Function
* Retrieval of Significant Wave Height and Mean Sea Surface Level Using the GNSS-R Interference Pattern Technique: Results From a Three-Month Field Campaign
* Ringing-Artifact Reduction Method for Block-DCT-Based Image Resizing, A
* Road Object Detection Robust to Distorted Objects at the Edge Regions of Images
* Robust Face Sketch Recognition Using Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Salience-based Adaptive Masking: Revisiting Token Dynamics for Enhanced Pre-Training
* Satellite Cross-Talk Impact Analysis in Airborne Interferometric Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry with the Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer
* Satellite-Based Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Budget in Tropical Peatland Ecosystems
* Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Extent Mapping with L-Band Microwave Radiometry and GNSS-R Data from the FFSCat Mission Using Neural Networks
* Selection of the Key Earth Observation Sensors and Platforms Focusing on Applications for Polar Regions in the Scope of Copernicus System 2020-2030
* Self-Training Of Graph Neural Networks Using Similarity Reference For Robust Training With Noisy Labels
* Semi-supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation Using Local Cross Triplet Loss for Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Mri
* Sensitivity of TDS-1 GNSS-R Reflectivity to Soil Moisture: Global and Regional Differences and Impact of Different Spatial Scales
* Sharpening the VNIR and SWIR Bands of Sentinel-2A Imagery through Modified Selected and Synthesized Band Schemes
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* SINet: Extreme Lightweight Portrait Segmentation Networks with Spatial Squeeze Modules and Information Blocking Decoder
* Single image haze removal using novel estimation of atmospheric light and transmission
* Single-Pass Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS-R at L1 and L5 Bands: Results from Airborne Experiment
* Soil Moisture Estimation Synergy Using GNSS-R and L-Band Microwave Radiometry Data from FSSCat/FMPL-2
* Spatial Accessibility of Urban Forests in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China
* Special issue on advances in 2D/3D Video Streaming Over P2P Networks
* Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* Stochastic Capacity Adjustment Considering Secondary Incidents
* Stochastic Emergency Response Location Model Considering Secondary Incidents on Freeways, A
* Structuring element decomposition for efficient implementation of morphological filters
* STSPhys: Enhanced Remote Heart Rate Measurement With Spatial-Temporal SwiftFormer
* Surface-Independent Direct-Projected Augmented Reality
* Temporally Consistent Depth Prediction With Flow-Guided Memory Units
* Test- Time Adaptation for Depth Completion
* Test-time Adaptation vs. Training-time Generalization: A Case Study in Human Instance Segmentation using Keypoints Estimation
* Towards Query Efficient and Generalizable Black-Box Face Reconstruction Attack
* Triple-Frame-Based Bi-Directional Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using Multi-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks from Geostationary Satellite Data
* Understanding open-set recognition by Jacobian norm and inter-class separation
* Undistorted Projection onto Dynamic Surface
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detection Using Distribution Matching in Various Feature Level
* Video streaming over P2P networks: Challenges and opportunities
* Viewpoint-Agnostic Change Captioning with Cycle Consistency
* Visiontrap: Vision-augmented Trajectory Prediction Guided by Textual Descriptions
* Weakly supervised Branch Network with Template Mask for Classifying Masses in 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound
* Wind Direction Signatures in GNSS-R Observables from Space
* WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation
Includes: Park, H.[Hyekang] Park, H.[Hyunsung] Park, H.[Hyunjin] Park, H.[Hanje] Park, H.[Hyoshin] Park, H.[Hyun] Park, H.[Hyunhee] Park, H.[Hancheol] Park, H.[Haemi] Park, H.[Hanhoon] Park, H.[Hyoungseob] Park, H. Park, H.[Hyuk] Park, H.[Hyunsin] Park, H.[Hyojin] Park, H.[Hangil] Park, H.[Heuk] Park, H.[Haekyu] Park, H.[Haewook] Park, H.[Hyejin] Park, H.[Hyunje] Park, H.[Hotaek] Park, H.[Haesol] Park, H.[Hyunkyu] Park, H.[Hanjae] Park, H.[Hojin] Park, H.[Hogeun] Park, H.[Hwangpil] Park, H.[Hochong] Park, H.[Honglyun] Park, H.[Hwajin] Park, H.[Hyoungwoo] Park, H.[Hansoo] Park, H.[Heum] Park, H.[Hyeonjin] Park, H.[Hyunjong] Park, H.[Hyungkeun] Park, H.[Hongbeen] Park, H.[Hyunseong] Park, H.[Heonchul] Park, H.[Hyunwook] Park, H.[Hosung] Park, H.[Hyunkook] Park, H.[Hyeyoung] Park, H.[Hasil] Park, H.[Hyungjo] Park, H.[Hyunggon]
190 for Park, H.
Park, H.A.[Hyun Ae]
Co Author Listing * Iris recognition based on score level fusion by using SVM
* Iris Recognition in Mobile Phone Based on Adaptive Gabor Filter
Includes: Park, H.A.[Hyun Ae] Park, H.A.[Hyun-Ae]
Park, H.B.[Hee Bok]
Co Author Listing * Sequential vector quantization of directionally decomposed DCT coefficients
* VQ on projection domain of image
Park, H.C.[Hee Chan]
Co Author Listing * Affine Symmetric Image Model and Its Applications, An
* Compact representation of contours using directional grid chain code
* Decomposition of Arbitrarily Shaped Morphological Structuring Elements
* Generation of Radiometric, Phenological Normalized Image Based on Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
* Image Denoising with Directional Bases
* Local Affine Image Matching and Synthesis Based on Structural Patterns
* Progressive Mesh-Based Motion Estimation Using Partial Refinement
* Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Consecutive Block Error Using the Just-Noticeable-Distortion Method
* Structural Texture Segmentation using Affine Symmetry
* Throughput-Speed Product Augmentation for Scanning Fiber-Optic Two-Photon Endomicroscopy
* word extraction algorithm for machine-printed documents using a 3D neighborhood graph model, A
Includes: Park, H.C.[Hee Chan] Park, H.C.[Hee-Chan] Park, H.C. Park, H.C.[Hyun Chun] Park, H.C.[Ho-Chong] Park, H.C.[Hwan-Chul]
11 for Park, H.C.
Park, H.D.[Hyeong Dong]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Extraction of Rock Joints From Laser Scanned Data By Moving Least Squares Method And Fuzzy K-Means Clustering
* CAD Based Planning and Execution of Inspection
* Vision-Based Rendering: Image Synthesis for Vision Feature Extraction
Includes: Park, H.D.[Hyeong Dong] Park, H.D.[Hyeong-Dong] Park, H.D.
Park, H.G.[Hyung Gon]
Co Author Listing * Fairness Strategies for Wireless Resource Allocation Among Autonomous Multimedia Users
* Information-driven resource negotiation strategies for multimedia applications
* Quality-Based Resource Brokerage for Autonomous Networked Multimedia Applications
Includes: Park, H.G.[Hyung Gon] Park, H.G.[Hyung-Gon]
Park, H.H.[Hyun Hee]
Co Author Listing * Development of a Block-Based Real-Time People Counting System
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation
* High Quality Reference Feature for Two Stage Bracketing Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Identification of Multiple Image Steganographic Methods Using Hierarchical ResNets
* Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
* Portable Projection-Based AR System
* Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling for Blind All-in-one Image Restoration
* Self-rectifying Diffusion Sampling with Perturbed-attention Guidance
* Subjective Evaluation on Visual Perceptibility of Embedding Complementary Patterns for Nonintrusive Projection-Based Augmented Reality
Includes: Park, H.H.[Hyun Hee] Park, H.H.[Ho-Hyun] Park, H.H.[Hyun-Hee] Park, H.H.[Han-Hoon]
9 for Park, H.H.
Park, H.J.
Co Author Listing * CMOS Codec Chip for a Cost-Effective Group-4 FAX System, A
* Construction of an abdominal probabilistic atlas and its application in segmentation
* Cooperative pixel clustering for accurate automatic inflamed appendix extraction from ultrasound images
* Coregistration of Small Animal PET and Autoradiography for in vivo-ex vivo Comparison
* Design of Hierarchical Fuzzy Classification System Based on Statistical Characteristics of Data
* Echo Watermarking in Sub-band Domain
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm for Constrained One-Bit Transform-Based Motion Estimation Using Binomial Distribution
* Invariant object detection based on evidence accumulation and Gabor features
* Leveraging Non-Causal Knowledge via Cross-Network Knowledge Distillation for Real-Time Speech Enhancement
* Meta-Learning Approach of Optimisation for Spatial Prediction of Landslides, A
* Method for quantifying volumetric lesion change in interval liver CT examinations
* Physically Based Susceptibility Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using a Fuzzy Point Estimate Method
* Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
* Secure Watermarking for JPEG-2000, A
* Single image dehazing with image entropy and information fidelity
* Uncertainty Reduction in Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using Random Forest and eXtreme Gradient Boosting Algorithms in Two Tropical Desert Cities, Shibam and Marib, Yemen
* Unsupervised learning of nonlinear dependencies in natural images
* Wearable Mobile-Based Emotional Response-Monitoring System for Drivers
Includes: Park, H.J. Park, H.J.[Hyun-Jin] Park, H.J.[Hyun Jun] Park, H.J.[Hye-Jin] Park, H.J.[Hee-Joon] Park, H.J.[Ha-Joong] Park, H.J.[Han-Jin] Park, H.J.[Hyun Jin] Park, H.J.[Hyun Joon] Park, H.J.[Hyuck-Jin] Park, H.J.[Hyeon-Ju] Park, H.J.[Hyung-Jo]
18 for Park, H.J.
Park, H.K.[Hung Kook]
Co Author Listing * Practical Gaze Point Detecting System
Park, H.M.[Ho Min]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Deep Learning-based Item Classification for Belt Conveyors Targeting Packaging and Logistics
* Automatic brain MR image registration based on talairach reference system
* Compressed sensing with MCT and I(2D)2PCA processing for efficient face recognition
* Consistent multiple graph matching with multi-layer random walks synchronization
* Developing a Segmentation Model for Microscopic Images of Microplastics Isolated from Clams
* direction-constrained k nearest neighbor query, The
* Disparity-based space-variant image deblurring
* DNN-Based Feature Enhancement Using DOA-Constrained ICA for Robust Speech Recognition
* Efficient HMM-Based Feature Enhancement Method With Filter Estimation for Reverberant Speech Recognition, An
* Encouraging second-order consistency for multiple graph matching
* Exploiting multi-layer graph factorization for multi-attributed graph matching
* Greedy refinement of object proposals via boundary-aligned minimum bounding box search
* Homographic p-norms: Metrics of homographic image transformation
* Image-pair-based deblurring with spatially varying norms and noisy image updating
* KSL-Guide: A Large-scale Korean Sign Language Dataset Including Interrogative Sentences for Guiding the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
* Multi-Attributed Graph Matching With Multi-Layer Graph Structure and Multi-Layer Random Walks
* Multi-attributed Graph Matching with Multi-layer Random Walks
* Optimized hierarchical block matching for fast and accurate image registration
* Relationship Between Himawari-8-derived Overshooting Tops And Extreme Weather Events In Southeast Asia
* Subband-Based Stationary-Component Suppression Method Using Harmonics and Power Ratio for Reverberant Speech Recognition, A
Includes: Park, H.M.[Ho Min] Park, H.M.[Ho-Min] Park, H.M.[Hyun Mook] Park, H.M.[Hyung-Min] Park, H.M.[Han-Mu] Park, H.M.[Ha-Myung] Park, H.M.
20 for Park, H.M.
Park, H.S.[Hyun Seong]
Co Author Listing * 1st Agriculture-Vision Challenge: Methods and Results, The
* 3D Point Cloud Reduction Using Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming
* 3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Projections
* 3D reconstruction of a smooth articulated trajectory from a monocular image sequence
* 3D Semantic Trajectory Reconstruction from 3D Pixel Continuum
* 3D Trajectory Reconstruction under Perspective Projection
* Am I a Baller? Basketball Performance Assessment from First-Person Videos
* comparison of generalized linear discriminant analysis algorithms, A
* Diffusion Shape Prior for Wrinkle-Accurate Cloth Registration
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* Egocentric Future Localization
* Egocentric Scene Understanding via Multimodal Spatial Rectifier
* Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis
* Force from Motion: Decoding Control Force of Activity in a First-Person Video
* Force from Motion: Decoding Physical Sensation in a First Person Video
* Generalizing Discriminant Analysis Using the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition
* Hierarchical Clustering of Hyperspectral Images Using Rank-Two Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* High-fidelity Modeling of Generalizable Wrinkle Deformation
* HMM-Based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
* HMMRF-based statistical approach for off-line handwritten character recognition, An
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions and Benchmark Challenge
* Improving User Experience in Augmented Reality Mirrors with 3d Displays
* Inverse Problem in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Inverse Simulation: Reconstructing Dynamic Geometry of Clothed Humans via Optimal Control
* Learning High Fidelity Depths of Dressed Humans by Watching Social Media Dance Videos
* Learning Motion-Dependent Appearance for High-Fidelity Rendering of Dynamic Humans from a Single Camera
* Learning to Detect Scene Landmarks for Camera Localization
* Linear discriminant analysis for data with subcluster structure
* Look Both Ways: Self-supervising Driver Gaze Estimation and Road Scene Saliency
* MAP Visibility Estimation for Large-Scale Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Metal Artifact Reduction for Polychromatic X-ray CT Based on a Beam-Hardening Corrector
* MONET: Multiview Semi-Supervised Keypoint Detection via Epipolar Divergence
* Motion-Based Temporal Alignment of Independently Moving Cameras
* Multiclass classifiers based on dimension reduction with generalized LDA
* Multiview Co-segmentation for Wide Baseline Images using Cross-view Supervision
* Multiview Supervision By Registration
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* Nonlinear feature extraction based on centroids and kernel functions
* Normal-guided Garment UV Prediction for Human Re-texturing
* Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes With Globally Coherent Depths From a Monocular Camera
* Off-Line Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters with Multiple Hidden Markov-Models
* Offset aperture based hardware architecture for real-time depth extraction
* OpenMonkeyChallenge: Dataset and Benchmark Challenges for Pose Estimation of Non-human Primates
* Optimization Criterion for Generalized Discriminant Analysis on Undersampled Problems, An
* Pose-Guided Human Animation from a Single Image in the Wild
* PoseKernelLifter: Metric Lifting of 3D Human Pose using Sound
* Predicting Behaviors of Basketball Players from First Person Videos
* Predicting Primary Gaze Behavior Using Social Saliency Fields
* Pseudo-monochromatic Imaging in Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Real-time hand gesture recognition for augmented screen using average background and camshift
* RETOUCH: The Retinal OCT Fluid Detection and Segmentation Benchmark and Challenge
* Self Organizing Hierarchical Classifier for Multilingual Large Set Oriental Character Recognition, A
* Self-Supervised 3D Representation Learning of Dressed Humans From Social Media Videos
* Self-Supervised Adaptation of High-Fidelity Face Models for Monocular Performance Tracking
* Self-supervised Secondary Landmark Detection via 3D Representation Learning
* Social saliency prediction
* Solving the small sample size problem in face recognition using generalized discriminant analysis
* Sparsity Sharing Embedding for Face Verification
* Surface Normal Estimation of Tilted Images via Spatial Rectifier
* Toward Wide-Angle Microvision Sensors
* Truly 2-D hidden Markov model for off-line handwritten character recognition
* Unsupervised Learning of Important Objects from First-Person Videos
* Video correction apparatus for camcorder
* Visible Korean Human: Improved Serially Sectioned Images of the Entire Body
* Vision-Based Game Interface Using Human Gesture
* Wide-angle micro sensors for vision on a tight budget
Includes: Park, H.S.[Hyun Seong] Park, H.S.[Hyun-Seong] Park, H.S.[Hyun Soo] Park, H.S. Park, H.S.[Hae-Sun] Park, H.S.[Hye Sun] Park, H.S.[Hee-Seon] Park, H.S.[Hyoung Suk] Park, H.S.[Han-Sung] Park, H.S.[Hyun-Sin] Park, H.S.[Hyun-Sung] Park, H.S.[Ho Sang]
68 for Park, H.S.
Park, H.T.[Hyeong Taek]
Co Author Listing * Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing
Includes: Park, H.T.[Hyeong Taek] Park, H.T.[Hyeong-Taek]
Park, H.W.[Hyun Wook]
Co Author Listing * Active contour model with gradient directional information: Directional snake
* Adaptive 3-D median filtering for restoration of an image sequence corrupted by impulse noise
* adaptive divide-and-predict coding for intra-frame of H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive Interpolation-Based Divide-and-Predict Intra Coding for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Intra-Frame Assignment and Bit-Rate Estimation for Variable GOP Length in H.264
* Adaptive Mammographic Image Enhancement Using First Derivative and Local Statistics
* adaptive reference frame selection method for multiple reference frame motion estimation in the H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive up-sampling method for H.264 scalable video coding
* Adaptive Up-Sampling Method Using DCT for Spatial Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Analysis of IDCT and Motion-Compensation Mismatches Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Motion-Compensated Coders
* Arbitrary-Ratio Image Resizing Using Fast DCT of Composite Length for DCT-Based Transcoder
* Beyond the Words: Analysis and Detection of Self-Disclosure Behavior during Robot Positive Psychology Interaction
* Blocking Effect Reduction of JPEG Images By Signal Adaptive Filtering
* Body Gesture and Head Movement Analyses in Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction as Indicators of Relationship
* Composite MR contrast agents for conditional cell-labeling
* Dense Disparity Estimation Method using Color Segmentation and Energy Minimization, A
* Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms Using Surrounding Region Dependence Method and Artificial Neural Network
* Digital halftoning algorithm using visual-optimized binary patterns
* Disparity-Based Adaptive Multihomography Method for Moving Target Detection Based on Global Motion Compensation, A
* Dyadic Affect in Parent-Child Multimodal Interaction: Introducing the DAMI-P2C Dataset and its Preliminary Analysis
* efficient and fast mode decision method for inter slice of H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient down-up sampling using DCT kernel for MPEG-21 SVC
* Efficient Multi-View Generation Method From a Single-View Video Based on Affine Geometry Information, An
* Efficient Synthesis-Based Depth Map Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Method in HEVC Using Adaptive Ordering of Modes, A
* Fast Motion Vector Search Algorithm for Variable Blocks, A
* fast spherical inflation method of the cerebral cortex by deformation of a simplex mesh on the polar coordinates, A
* Fast template matching using correlation-based adaptive predictive search
* Fast Variable-Length Decoder Using Plane Separation, A
* Fast view interpolation of stereo images using image gradient and disparity triangulation
* fMRI analysis of excessive binocular disparity on the human brain
* Guest editorial: Special issue on human brain imaging
* Hierarchical fuzzy segmentation of brain MR images
* high-resolution image reconstuction method from low-resolution image sequence, A
* Image Resolution Enhancement using Inter-Subband Correlation in Wavelet Domain
* Image segmentation of color image based on region coherency
* Invariant feature extraction based on radial and distance function for automatic target recognition
* Iterative True Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* L/M-fold image resizing in block-DCT domain using symmetric convolution
* Loop Filtering and Post-Filtering for Low-Bit-Rates Moving Picture Coding
* Loop-filtering and Post-filtering for Low Bit-rate Moving Picture Coding
* Mammographic mass detection by adaptive thresholding and region growing
* Motion Estimation Using Low-Band-Shift Method for Wavelet-Based Moving-Picture Coding
* Multi-contrast MR image denoising for parallel imaging using multilayer perceptron
* Multi-modal Characteristic Guided Depth Completion Network
* Multiple target tracking using cognitive data association of spatiotemporal prediction and visual similarity
* multiresolutional coding method based on SPIHT, A
* Near-lossless/lossless compression of error-diffused images using a two-pass approach
* new distortion measure for motion estimation in motion-compensated hybrid video coding, A
* New Forming Scheme of Reference of LL Band for In-Band Video Coding with Spatial Scalability
* object tracking method using particle filter and scale space model, An
* Offset Compensation Method for Skip Mode in Hybrid Video Coding
* optimal motion vector regularization method using variance-distortion curve, An
* optimal RF shielding method for MR-PET fusion system with insertable PET, An
* Postprocessing Method for Reducing Quantization Effects in Low Bit-Rate Moving Picture Coding
* Precision lifting method to reduce the mismatches between spatial- and transform-domain motion-compensated coders
* Predicting Visual Discomfort of Stereoscopic Images Using Human Attention Model
* Progressive coding of error diffused images
* Rate Control Algorithm for DCT-Based Video Coding Using Simple Rate Estimation and Linear Source Model, A
* Rate control using linear rate-rho model for H.264
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Reduced Resolution Update method on transform domain for H.264/AVC, A
* Region-Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Method Using a Variance-Distortion Curve, A
* Region-based Video Segmentation using DCT Coefficients
* Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
* robust stereo disparity estimation using adaptive window search and dynamic programming search, A
* Sampling is Matter: Point-Guided 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction
* Segmentation and visualization of left ventricle in MR cardiac images
* shrinkage method for causal network detection of brain regions, A
* Signal Adaptative Postprocessing for Blocking Effects Reduction in JPEG Image
* Simultaneous View Interpolation and Multiplexing Method using Stereo Image Pairs for Lenticular Display, A
* Statistical textural features for detection of microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
* Subblock sum matching algorithm for block-based interframe coding
* Surrounding Region Dependence Method For Detection Of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms
* Symmetric Motion Estimation Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Using Motion-Compensated Frame-Rate Conversion for the Correction of 3:2 Pulldown Artifacts in Video Sequences
* Wavelet-based moving-picture coding using shift-invariant motion estimation in wavelet domain
Includes: Park, H.W.[Hyun Wook] Park, H.W.[Hyun-Wook] Park, H.W. Park, H.W.[Hae Won] Park, H.W.[Hyun-Woo] Park, H.W.[Huyn-Wook]
77 for Park, H.W.
Park, H.Y.[Hye Young]
Co Author Listing * feature analysis for dimension reduction based on a data generation model with class factors and environment factors, A
* Fusarium Wilt of Radish Detection Using RGB and Near Infrared Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Quantification of age-related brain cortex change using 3D shape analysis
Includes: Park, H.Y.[Hye Young] Park, H.Y.[Hye-Young] Park, H.Y.[Han-Yong] Park, H.Y.
Park, I.[Inhye]
Co Author Listing * Defining Spatial Neighborhoods for 3D Topological Analysis in Indoor Space
* Dynamic Reference Frame Selection for Improved Motion Estimation Time in H.264/AVC
* Efficient Measurement of Eye Blinking under Various Illumination Conditions for Drowsiness Detection Systems
* Factorized Diffusion: Perceptual Illusions by Noise Decomposition
* Fast gradient-based mesh generation method for the stereo image representation
* Generative Self-supervised Learning for Medical Image Classification
* Improved motion estimation time using a combination of dynamic reference frame selection and residue-based mode decision
* Interactive Multi-View Video Adaptation for 3DTV
* Interactive Multi-View Video and View-Dependent Audio Under MPEG-21 DIA (Digital Item Adaptation)
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* On the Robustness of Normalizing Flows for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Point Cloud Transformation Using Sensor Calibration Information for Map Data Adjustment
* Relevance-CAM: Your Model Already Knows Where to Look
* Robust Asymmetric Loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning
* Spatio-Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Using Kinetic Models
* Visual Anagrams: Generating Multi-View Optical Illusions with Diffusion Models
Includes: Park, I.[Inhye] Park, I.[Insu] Park, I.[Ilkwon] Park, I.[Inbum] Park, I.[Inhyuk] Park, I. Park, I.[Inyong]
16 for Park, I.
Park, I.C.[In Cheol]
Co Author Listing * Architecture design of a high-performance dual-symbol binary arithmetic coder for JPEG2000
* High-performance and low-power memory-interface architecture for video processing applications
* High-Speed H.264/AVC CABAC Decoding
* Memory-less bit-plane coder architecture for JPEG2000 with concurrent column-stripe coding
* Optimization of Arithmetic Coding for JPEG2000
* Parallel Decoding of Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Codes Based on Most Probable Symbol Prediction
* Pyramid Texture Compression and Decompression Using Interpolative Vector Quantization
Includes: Park, I.C.[In Cheol] Park, I.C.[In-Cheol] Park, I.C.
7 for Park, I.C.
Park, I.H.
Co Author Listing * Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere
* Defining the Framework of Address Systems Based on Street-Based Address System in Korea
* Secure Steganographic Scheme against Statistical Analyses, A
Includes: Park, I.H. Park, I.H.[Il Hwan]
Park, I.K.[In Kyu]
Co Author Listing * email: Park, I.K.[In Kyu]: pik AT sting snu ac kr
* 360 Panorama Synthesis from a Sparse Set of Images with Unknown Field of View
* 5D Light Field Synthesis from a Monocular Video
* Active 3D shape acquisition using smartphones
* Automatic 3-D Model Synthesis from Measured Range Data
* Automatic Pose Estimation for Range Images on the GPU
* Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation
* Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
* Content-based 3D model retrieval using a single depth image from a low-cost 3D camera
* Content-Driven Retargeting of Stereoscopic Images
* Controllable Facial Micro-Element Synthesis using Segmentation Maps
* Correcting Photometric Distortion of Document Images on a Smartphone
* Cost aggregation benchmark for light field depth estimation
* Deep CNN-Based Super-Resolution Using External and Internal Examples
* Deep Recurrent Network for Fast and Full-Resolution Light Field Deblurring
* Deep self-guided cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Depth Image-Based Representation and Compression for Static and Animated 3-D Objects
* Depth image-based representations for static and animated 3D objects
* Depth Map Estimation and Colorization of Anaglyph Images Using Local Color Prior and Reverse Intensity Distribution
* Efficient design and implementation of visual computing algorithms on the GPU
* Efficient GPU-Based Graph Cuts for Stereo Matching
* Efficient Measurement of Shape Dissimilarity Between 3D Models Using Z-Buffer and Surface Roving Method
* Efficient Skeleton-Based Action Recognition for Real-Time Embedded Systems
* Face De-Occlusion Using 3D Morphable Model and Generative Adversarial Network
* Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU
* Fast and Robust Perspective Rectification of Document Images on a Smartphone
* Feature description using local neighborhoods
* Geometric Modeling from Scattered 3-D Range Data
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Human Motion Deblurring Using Localized Body Prior
* IFQA: Interpretable Face Quality Assessment
* Image-Based 3D Face Modeling System
* Image-based photorealistic 3-D face modeling
* Implementation and Optimization of Image Processing Algorithms on Embedded GPU
* Implementation and optimization of image processing algorithms on handheld GPU
* Interactive motion photography from a single image
* Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field
* Light Field Depth Estimation on Off-the-Shelf Mobile GPU
* Light Field Synthesis from a Monocular Image using Variable LDI
* Lightweight Skeleton-Based 3D-CNN for Real-Time Fall Detection and Action Recognition, A
* M2C: Concise Music Representation for 3D Dance Generation
* Mobile photo collage
* Models and algorithms for efficient color image indexing
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Object oriented framework for real-time image processing on GPU
* Perceptual Grouping of 3-D Features in Aerial Images Using Decision Tree Classifier
* Perceptual Grouping of Line Features in 3-D Space: A Model-Based Framework
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Affine Invariant Region Detector
* Performance evaluation of local descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions
* Photorealistic 3D face modeling on a smartphone
* Re-Aging GAN: Toward Personalized Face Age Transformation
* Recognition and Reconstruction of 3-d Objects Using Model-based Perceptual Grouping
* Reflection removal for in-vehicle black box videos
* Reflection Removal Under Fast Forward Camera Motion
* Robust Light Field Depth Estimation for Noisy Scene with Occlusion
* Robust Light Field Depth Estimation Using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
* Scene Classification via Hypergraph-Based Semantic Attributes Subnetworks Identification
* Single image motion deblurring using anisotropic regularization
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
Includes: Park, I.K.[In Kyu] Park, I.K.[I. Kyu] Park, I.K.
60 for Park, I.K.
Park, I.M.[Il Memming]
Co Author Listing * Jointly Learning Visual Motion and Confidence from Local Patches in Event Cameras
* Streaming Variational Monte Carlo
Park, I.P.[Il Pyung]
Co Author Listing * Error Detection and Error Recovery in Two Dimensional Topological Navigation
* Formalization and Implementation of Topological Visual Navigation in two Dimensions, A
* Qualitative Environmental Navigation
* Topological Direction-Giving and Visual Navigation in Large Environments
* Using Isolated Landmarks and Trajectories in Robot Navigation
Includes: Park, I.P.[Il Pyung] Park, I.P.[Il-Pyung] Park, I.P.
Park, I.S.
Co Author Listing * Geometry Compression of 3-D Mesh Model using Predictive Two-Stage Quantization
Park, J.[Joonkyu]
Co Author Listing * 3d Hand Sequence Recovery from Real Blurry Images and Event Stream
* 3D Modeling of Optically Challenging Objects
* 3D Scene Painting via Semantic Image Synthesis
* 3D trajectory reconstruction under refraction at a cylindrical surface
* 3D Visual Discomfort Predictor: Analysis of Disparity and Neural Activity Statistics
* AccelIR: Task-aware Image Compression for Accelerating Neural Restoration
* Accurate depth map estimation from a lenslet light field camera
* Accurate depth map estimation from a lenslet light field camera
* Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
* Active Character Recognition using A*-like Algorithm
* Adaptive Approach to Offline Handwritten Word Recognition, An
* ADEL: Adaptive Distribution Effective-Matching Method for Guiding Generators of GANs
* Analysis of Blockage Sensing by Radars in Random Cellular Networks
* Anomaly Monitoring Framework in Lane Detection With a Generative Adversarial Network
* ASMR: Learning Attribute-Based Person Search with Adaptive Semantic Margin Regularizer
* Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
* Attentionhand: Text-driven Controllable Hand Image Generation for 3d Hand Reconstruction in the Wild
* Automated Parts-Based Model for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions from Aerial Imagery with Fully Convolutional Network
* Automated VIIRS Boat Detection Based on Machine Learning and Its Application to Monitoring Fisheries in the East China Sea
* Automatic Extraction of Large Complex Buildings Using Lidar Data and Digital Maps
* Automation of dormant pruning in specialty crop production: An adaptive framework for automatic reconstruction and modeling of apple trees
* Azimuth Super-Resolution for FMCW Radar in Autonomous Driving
* BiFormer: Learning Bilateral Motion Estimation via Bilateral Transformer for 4K Video Frame Interpolation
* Binocular mobile augmented reality based on stereo camera tracking
* Block Partitioning Structure in the HEVC Standard
* BMBC: Bilateral Motion Estimation with Bilateral Cost Volume for Video Interpolation
* Bridge to Answer: Structure-aware Graph Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* Bridging the Gap Between Audio and Text Using Parallel-Attention for User-Defined Keyword Spotting
* Calibrating a Non-isotropic Near Point Light Source Using a Plane
* CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module
* CBDN: Cloud-Based Drone Navigation for Efficient Battery Charging in Drone Networks
* CenterMask: Real-Time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation
* Class-Incremental Learning by Knowledge Distillation with Adaptive Feature Consolidation
* Class-Incremental Learning for Action Recognition in Videos
* Cluster-Based Distributed Face Tracking in Camera Networks
* Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* Cognitive Workload Assessment of Prosthetic Devices: A Review of Literature and Meta-Analysis
* CoLaNet: Adaptive Context and Latent Information Blending for Face Image Inpainting
* Collision Avoidance of Hexacopter UAV Based on LiDAR Data in Dynamic Environment
* Color and Edge Refinement Method for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Color image enhancement with high saturation using piecewise linear gamut mapping
* Colored Point Cloud Registration Revisited
* Combination of self-organization map and kernel mutual subspace method for video surveillance
* Comparison Between Motion Verbs Using Similarity Measure for the Semantic Representation of Moving Object
* Comparison of Computational Intelligence Techniques for Real-time Discrete Multivariate Time Series Classification of Conducting Gestures, A
* COMPASS: High-Efficiency Deep Image Compression with Arbitrary-scale Spatial Scalability
* Consistency Learning via Decoding Path Augmentation for Transformers in Human Object Interaction Detection
* Content-adaptive Style Transfer: A Training-free Approach with Vq Autoencoders
* Content-Aware Image Resizing Detection Using Deep Neural Network
* Content-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Methods for MPEG Repair
* Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Networks
* Contour models for curvature estimation and shape decomposition
* Contour Tracking Using Modified Canny Edge Maps with Level-of-Detail
* ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision
* CostDCNet: Cost Volume Based Depth Completion for a Single RGB-D Image
* CrossFormer: Cross-guided attention for multi-modal object detection
* CrossFormer: Cross-guided attention for multi-modal object detection
* DAT: Domain Adaptive Transformer for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Data augmentation method for improving the accuracy of human pose estimation with cropped images
* Data Reconstruction for Remotely Sensed Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Ross Sea Using Ensemble-Based Machine Learning
* Deep Cost Ray Fusion for Sparse Depth Video Completion
* Deep Dehazing Powered by Image Processing Network
* Deep Depth Estimation from Thermal Image
* Deep Edge-Aware Interactive Colorization against Color-Bleeding Effects
* Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration
* Deep Neural Network-Based Flood Monitoring System Fusing RGB and LWIR Cameras for Embedded IoT Edge Devices
* Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
* Deep Virtual Markers for Articulated 3D Shapes
* Defining a new feature set for content-based image analysis using histogram refinement
* Deformable models with parameter functions for cardiac motion analysis from tagged MRI data
* Deformable Models With Parameter Functions: Application to Heart-Wall Modeling
* Demosaicing Method for Digital Cameras with White-RGB Color Filter Array
* Depth from a Light Field Image with Learning-Based Matching Costs
* Development of a Background Filtering Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy of Determining Underground Cavities Using Multi-Channel Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Learning
* Development of a Parcel-Level Land Boundary Extraction Algorithm for Aerial Imagery of Regularly Arranged Agricultural Areas
* Development of Land Cover Classification Model Using AI Based FusionNet Network
* Difficulty-Aware Simulator for Open Set Recognition
* DIFFnet: Diffusion Parameter Mapping Network Generalized for Input Diffusion Gradient Schemes and b-Value
* Digital Drill Core Models: Structure-from-Motion as a Tool for the Characterisation, Orientation, and Digital Archiving of Drill Core Samples
* Direct-Global Separation for Improved Imaging Photoplethysmography
* DISCO: U-Net based Autoencoder Architecture with Dual Input Streams for Skeleton Image Drawing
* Discriminative Multi -level Reconstruction under Compact Latent Space for One-Class Novelty Detection
* Distilling Diffusion Models Into Conditional GANs
* Distilling Global and Local Logits with Densely Connected Relations
* Distort-and-Recover: Color Enhancement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Distributed Object Tracking Using a Cluster-Based Kalman Filter in Wireless Camera Networks
* Divergent Angular Representation for Open Set Image Recognition
* Domain Adaptive Transfer Attack-Based Segmentation Networks for Building Extraction From Aerial Images
* Double JPEG Detection in Mixed JPEG Quality Factors Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* DProST: Dynamic Projective Spatial Transformer Network for 6D Pose Estimation
* Drivable Dirt Road Region Identification Using Image and Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Fusion
* Dual Microphone Voice Activity Detection Exploiting Interchannel Time and Level Differences
* Dual-beam structured-light scanning for 3-D object modeling
* Dual-Path Adaptation from Image to Video Transformers
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation
* Dynamic Point Clustering with Line Constraints for Moving Object Detection in DAS
* Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution
* efficient algorithm for the extraction of contours and curvature scale space on SIMD-powered Smart Cameras, An
* Efficient and Robust Color Consistency for Community Photo Collections
* Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images With Small Objects, An
* Efficient Representation of Hand Sketch Graphic Messages Using Recursive Bezier Curve Approximation, An
* Elucidating robust learning with uncertainty-aware corruption pattern estimation
* Embedded OCR Software Architecture for Enhancing Portability, An
* End-to-end learning for weakly supervised video anomaly detection using Absorbing Markov Chain
* Energy Efficient Canny Edge Detector for Advanced Mobile Vision Applications
* Energy-efficient Image Processing Using Binary Neural Networks with Hadamard Transform
* Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Connected Vehicle Environment
* Enhancing Intrinsic Features for Debiasing via Investigating Class-Discerning Common Attributes in Bias-Contrastive Pair
* Enhancing Source-Free Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Low-Confidence Pseudo Label Distillation
* Estimating head pose with an RGBD sensor: A comparison of appearance-based and pose-based local subspace methods
* Estimation of Surface NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio in Four Metropolitan Cities in Korea Using Multiple Regression Models with OMI and AIRS Data
* Event classification for vehicle navigation system by regional optical flow analysis
* EVET: Enhancing Visual Explanations of Deep Neural Networks Using Image Transformations
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation
* Exploiting Cross-modal Cost Volume for Multi-sensor Depth Estimation
* Exploiting Shading Cues in Kinect IR Images for Geometry Refinement
* Exploring Spatial Mismatch between Primary Care and Older Populations in an Aging Country: A Case Study of South Korea
* Extended Reality Simulator for Advanced Trauma Life Support Training, An
* Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack as Out-of-distribution Generalization
* Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Shallow Snow Depth Measured Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry
* Fast Global Registration
* Fast Point Transformer
* FBRNN: Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Extreme Image Super-Resolution
* Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards
* Feature extraction through generalization of histogram refinement technique for local region-based object attributes
* Feedback-based object detection for multi-person pose estimation
* Ferrite Position Identification System Operating With Wireless Power Transfer for Intelligent Train Position Detection
* First Approach to Aerosol Classification Using Space-Borne Measurement Data: Machine Learning-Based Algorithm and Evaluation, A
* First TROPOMI Retrieval of Aerosol Effective Height Using O4 Absorption Band at 477 nm and Aerosol Classification
* Flexible Depth Completion for Sparse and Varying Point Densities
* Flow-assisted Motion Learning Network for Weakly-supervised Group Activity Recognition
* Frequency-Domain Volterra Filter Based on Data-Driven Soft Decision for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Suppression
* Full-body virtual try-on using top and bottom garments with wearing style control
* Fully Convolutional Geometric Features
* Fully-Automatic Reflection Removal for 360-Degree Images
* Fusion of Heterogeneous Adversarial Networks for Single Image Dehazing
* Future Frame Extrapolation Using Future Cost Volume
* Future Video Synthesis With Object Motion Prediction
* Generalization of an Anonymous Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol and Its Application to Mobile Communications, A
* Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples for Speech Classification
* Giving Ecological Meaning to Satellite-Derived Fire Severity Metrics across North American Forests
* GMM-based saliency aggregation for calibration-free gaze estimation
* Graph Regularization Network with Semantic Affinity for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Groupwise Query Specialization and Quality-Aware Multi-Assignment for Transformer-Based Visual Relationship Detection
* Groupwise Query Specialization and Quality-Aware Multi-Assignment for Transformer-Based Visual Relationship Detection
* Hand-Object Reconstruction Via Interaction-Aware Graph Attention Mechanism
* Hard-label based Small Query Black-box Adversarial Attack
* Hardware Architecture for the Affine-Invariant Extension of SIFT, A
* Hierarchical Data Structure for Real-Time Background Subtraction
* High quality depth map upsampling for 3D-TOF cameras
* High-Dimensional Convolutional Networks for Geometric Pattern Recognition
* High-Order Tensor Regularization with Application to Attribute Ranking
* High-Quality Depth from Uncalibrated Small Motion Clip
* High-Quality Depth Map Upsampling and Completion for RGB-D Cameras
* High-quality Frame Interpolation via Tridirectional Inference
* Hippocampal Shape Modeling Based on a Progressive Template Surface Deformation and its Verification
* Histogram-Based Transformation Function Estimation for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* HoloGesture: A Multimodal Dataset for Hand Gesture Recognition Robust to Hand Textures on Head-Mounted Mixed-Reality Devices
* Huffman coding of DCT coefficients using dynamic codeword assignment and adaptive codebook selection
* Human Motion Aware Text-to-Video Generation with Explicit Camera Control
* Human-Centered Evaluation of EMG-Based Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control Modes
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions and Benchmark Challenge
* Hybrid Video Diffusion Models with 2d Triplane and 3d Wavelet Representation
* Identigram/watermark removal using cross-channel correlation
* Image enhancement using the modified ICM method
* Implementation of Content Analysis System for Recognition of Journals' Table of Contents
* Improving 3D Imaging with Pre-Trained Perpendicular 2D Diffusion Models
* Improving Accuracy of Binary Neural Networks using Unbalanced Activation Distribution
* In-Distribution Public Data Synthesis With Diffusion Models for Differentially Private Image Classification
* InstaFormer++: Multi-Domain Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer
* InstaFormer: Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer
* Instance-wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes
* Instant Domain Augmentation for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* Intelligent Trip Modeling for the Prediction of an Origin: Destination Traveling Speed Profile
* Investigation of Aerosol Peak Height Effect on PBL and Volcanic Air Mass Factors for SO2 Column Retrieval from Space-Borne Hyperspectral UV Sensors
* Joint Learning of Blind Video Denoising and Optical Flow Estimation
* Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors
* Jointly Optimize Positive and Negative Saliencies for Black Box Classifiers
* Knowing Where to Focus: Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding
* Language-free Training for Zero-shot Video Grounding
* LANIT: Language-Driven Image-to-Image Translation for Unlabeled Data
* Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation
* Learning Discriminative Part Features Through Attentions For Effective And Scalable Person Search
* Learning Lightweight Low-Light Enhancement Network Using Pseudo Well-Exposed Images
* Learning SO(3)-Invariant Semantic Correspondence via Local Shape Transform
* Learning to Adapt to Unseen Abnormal Activities Under Weak Supervision
* Learning-Based Early Transform Skip Mode Decision for VVC Screen Content Coding
* Light-Weight Event-Driven Protocol for Sensor Clustering in Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Lightweight Alpha Matting Network Using Distillation-based Channel Pruning
* Lightweight Deep CNN for Natural Image Matting via Similarity-Preserving Knowledge Distillation
* Localizing Human Keypoints beyond the Bounding Box
* LOD Canny Edge Based Boundary Edge Selection for Human Body Tracking
* Lossless Image Coding Based on Inter-color Prediction for Ultra High Definition Image
* LVS: A Learned Video Storage for Fast and Efficient Video Understanding
* MC-Calib: A generic and robust calibration toolbox for multi-camera systems
* Mesh-Based Disparity Representation Method for View Interpolation and Stereo Image Compression, A
* Mesoscopic photogrammetry with an unstabilized phone camera
* Metric Rectification to Estimate the Aspect Ratio of Camera-Captured Document Images
* MIND-Net: A Deep Mutual Information Distillation Network for Realistic Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Modality-Agnostic Learning for Radar-Lidar Fusion in Vehicle Detection
* Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
* Modeling photo composition and its application to photo re-arrangement
* Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms and Water Quality Using Sentinel-3 OLCI Satellite Imagery with Machine Learning
* Movement Awareness-Adaptive Spatio Temporal Noise Reduction in Video
* mr2vec: Multiple role-based social network embedding
* Multi-Modal Representation Learning with Text-Driven Soft Masks
* Multi-Peak Range Imaging for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Specular Objects
* Multi-Reference Flow-Guided Cross-Domain Reconstruction for General Object 6D Pose Estimation
* Multi-View Object Extraction With Fractional Boundaries
* Multilayered Diagnostics for Smart Cities
* Multimodal Human Action Recognition for Rehabilitation Exercise of Upper Body for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy
* Multiple transformation function estimation for image enhancement
* Multispectral pedestrian detection: Benchmark dataset and baseline
* Multithreading Architecture for Real-Time MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 SVC Decoder
* Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
* Nearest Neighbor Guidance for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* New Approach for Active Stereo Camera Calibration, A
* New Methodology to the Design of Associative Memories Based on Cellular Neural Networks, A
* No-Reference Sharpness Assessment of Camera-Shaken Images by Analysis of Spectral Structure
* Non-local Spatial Propagation Network for Depth Completion
* Nonparametric Background Model-Based LiDAR SLAM in Highly Dynamic Urban Environments
* Novel 2-D Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique for Acoustic-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy, A
* novel evidence accumulation framework for robust multi-camera person detection, A
* Novel Parameter Estimation Algorithm for the Multivariate t-Distribution and Its Application to Computer Vision, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Numerical Analysis of the Changes in O3 Concentration in a Wildfire Plume, A
* Object Boundary Edge Selection for Accurate Contour Tracking Using Multi-level Canny Edges
* Object boundary edge selection using normal direction derivatives of a contour in a complex scene
* Object Tracking and Elimination Using Level-of-Detail Canny Edge Maps
* Occluded Video Instance Segmentation with Set Prediction Approach
* Occlusion-aware spatial attention transformer for occluded object recognition
* OCR in a Hierarchical Feature Space
* OCR-Free Document Understanding Transformer
* One-Shot Summary Prototypical Network Toward Accurate Unpaved Road Semantic Segmentation
* Online distributed calibration of a large network of wireless cameras using dynamic clustering
* Online Video Recommendation through Tag-Cloud Aggregation
* Only-Reference Video Quality Assessment for Video Coding Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Open-Set Face Identification on Few-Shot Gallery by Fine-Tuning
* Open-Vocabulary Video Question Answering: A New Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Video Question Answering Models
* Opencos: Contrastive Semi-supervised Learning for Handling Open-set Unlabeled Data
* optical reconstruction of hologram recorded by OSH using amplitude-only SLM and phase-only SLM, An
* Optimum block size detection for image quality measure
* parallel color-based particle filter for object tracking, A
* parallel histogram-based particle filter for object tracking on SIMD-based smart cameras, A
* Parallel Implementation of the Color-Based Particle Filter for Object Tracking, A
* PartMix: Regularization Strategy to Learn Part Discovery for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Pattern Transformation Method for Digital Camera with Bayer-Like White-RGB Color Filter Array
* PC-Adapter: Topology-Aware Adapter for Efficient Domain Adaption on Point Clouds with Rectified Pseudo-label
* Perceptually Scalable Extension of H.264
* Periocular Recognition in the Wild With Generalized Label Smoothing Regularization
* Photorealistic Arm Robot Simulation for 3D Plant Reconstruction and Automatic Annotation using Unreal Engine 5
* Phytoplankton Bloom Changes under Extreme Geophysical Conditions in the Northern Bering Sea and the Southern Chukchi Sea
* Pick-or-Mix: Dynamic Channel Sampling for ConvNets
* Pin the Memory: Learning to Generalize Semantic Segmentation
* Plot: Text-based Person Search with Part Slot Attention for Corresponding Part Discovery
* PointFix: Learning to Fix Domain Bias for Robust Online Stereo Adaptation
* PointMixer: MLP-Mixer for Point Cloud Understanding
* Prediction of Leaf Wetness Duration Using Geostationary Satellite Observations and Machine Learning Algorithms
* probabilistic framework for joint segmentation and tracking, A
* Probabilistic Representations for Video Contrastive Learning
* Prompt Learning via Meta-Regularization
* Propose-and-Attend Single Shot Detector
* Prune Your Model Before Distill It
* Pseudo-Blind Convolutional Neural Network for the Reduction of Compression Artifacts, A
* PT4AL: Using Self-supervised Pretext Tasks for Active Learning
* Public Bus-Assisted Task Offloading for UAVs
* QoS Evaluation Testbed for Mac Protocols for Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Rapid Exposure Assessment Of Nationwide River Flood For Disaster Risk Reduction
* Real time color purity and convergence measurement algorithms for automatic ITC adjustment system
* Real-Time Head Orientation from a Monocular Camera Using Deep Neural Network
* Real-Time Multi-Car Localization and See-Through System
* Recognition of shapes by statistical modeling of centroidal profile
* Recognizability Embedding Enhancement for Very Low-Resolution Face Recognition and Quality Estimation
* Reconstructed 3-D Ocean Temperature Derived from Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Measurements for Mixed Layer Depth Analysis
* Reconstruction of Ocean Color Data Using Machine Learning Techniques in Polar Regions: Focusing on Off Cape Hallett, Ross Sea
* Recovering 3D Hand Mesh Sequence from a Single Blurry Image: A New Dataset and Temporal Unfolding
* Recovery of Image Blocks Using the Method of Alternating Projections
* Reducing Domain Gap by Reducing Style Bias
* Refining Geometry from Depth Sensors using IR Shading Images
* Reflective Noise Filtering of Large-Scale Point Cloud Using Multi-Position LiDAR Sensing Data
* Regularizing Class-Wise Predictions via Self-Knowledge Distillation
* ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
* Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a and Water Quality over Inland Lakes: How to Alleviate Geo-Location Error and Temporal Discrepancy in Model Training
* Removing Boundary Effect of a Patch-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm
* Renderable Neural Radiance Map for Visual Navigation
* Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust Lidar Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather
* Review of Recent Spatial Accessibility Studies That Benefitted from Advanced Geospatial Information: Multimodal Transportation and Spatiotemporal Disaggregation, A
* Revisiting ImprovedGAN with Metric Learning for Semi-Supervised Learning
* RFG-HDR: Representative Feature-Guided Transformer for Multi-Exposure High Dynamic Range Imaging
* RGB No More: Minimally-Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers
* Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
* Robust Facial Pose Estimation Using Landmark Selection Method for Binocular Stereo Vision
* Robust Keypoint Detection Using Higher-Order Scale Space Derivatives: Application to Image Retrieval
* Robust Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
* Robust Neural Networks Inspired by Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta Methods
* Robust Reference-Based Super-Resolution With Similarity-Aware Deformable Convolution
* Robust tracking of articulated human movements through Component-Based Multiple Instance Learning with particle filtering
* SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network With User's Sketch and Color
* Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Selective Quality Control of Multiple Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services
* Selectively Informative Description can Reduce Undesired Embedding Entanglements in Text-to-Image Personalization
* Self-Balanced Learning for Domain Generalization
* Self-Calibrating Neural Radiance Fields
* Semantic Visual-Inertial SLAM for Automated Valet Parking
* Seoul bike trip duration prediction using data mining techniques
* Shape Analysis of Euclidean Curves under Frenet-Serret Framework
* Shuffle and Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text
* Side Scan Sonar Image Super Resolution via Region-Selective Sparse Coding
* Silicon-Integrated High-Density Electrocortical Interfaces
* Simple and Light-Weight Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition of People Handling Objects
* Sketch-based Video Object Localization
* SlaBins: Fisheye Depth Estimation using Slanted Bins on Road Environments
* Small object segmentation with fully convolutional network based on overlapping domain decomposition
* Snakes on the Watershed
* Spacetime Surface Regularization for Neural Dynamic Scene Reconstruction
* Sparse Scene Recovery for High-Resolution Automobile FMCW SAR via Scaled Compressed Sensing
* Spatio-temporal quality pooling accounting for transient severe impairments and egomotion
* Specularity elimination in range sensing for accurate 3D modeling of specular objects
* Stabilization of endangered part of structures by building dry brunt brick buttressing, critical case study of plane wall in DKG-North Area, Mohenjo daro
* Stacking-Based Deep Neural Network: Deep Analytic Network for Pattern Classification
* Stacking-based deep neural network: Deep analytic network on convolutional spectral histogram features
* STAD: Stable Video Depth Estimation
* StudioGAN: A Taxonomy and Benchmark of GANs for Image Synthesis
* Studying the Effects of Self-Attention for Medical Image Analysis
* Style-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
* Styleformer: Transformer based Generative Adversarial Networks with Style Vector
* Sumgraph: Video Summarization via Recursive Graph Modeling
* Survey on zoom-lens calibration methods and techniques
* Switchable-Encoder-Based Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Monocular Depth and Pose Estimation
* Symmetric Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in 3D
* Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Light Field Depth Estimation Algorithms, A
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Light Field Depth Estimation Algorithms, A
* Temporal pooling of video quality estimates using perceptual motion models
* Tensor Voting Approach for Multi-View 3D Scene Flow Estimation and Refinement, A
* Tensor Voting Based Text Localization in Natural Scene Images
* Text-aware image dehazing using stroke width transform
* Textured Mesh Generation Using Multi-View and Multi-Source Supervision and Generative Adversarial Networks
* Tighter Regret Analysis and Optimization of Online Federated Learning
* Tolerance analysis of model-based camera tracking by modeling errors
* Towards Flexible Inductive Bias via Progressive Reparameterization Scheduling
* Towards Query Efficient and Generalizable Black-Box Face Reconstruction Attack
* Tracking articulated human movements with a component based approach to boosted multiple instance learning
* Training Auxiliary Prototypical Classifiers for Explainable Anomaly Detection in Medical Image Segmentation
* Transitional Asymmetric Non-local Neural Networks for Real-World Dirt Road Segmentation
* Two-Stream Network for Detecting Double Compression of H.264 Videos
* Ultron: Unifying Local Transformer and Convolution for Large-scale Image Retrieval
* Understanding open-set recognition by Jacobian norm and inter-class separation
* Understanding the Feature Norm for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Unified Approach of Multi-scale Deep and Hand-Crafted Features for Defocus Estimation, A
* Unsupervised Change Detection Based on Image Reconstruction Loss
* Unsupervised Hyperbolic Representation Learning via Message Passing Auto-Encoders
* Unsupervised Moving Object Detection through Background Models for PTZ Camera
* Unsupervised outlier detection using random subspace and subsampling ensembles of Dirichlet process mixtures
* Unsupervised Real-World Super Resolution with Cycle Generative Adversarial Network and Domain Discriminator
* Use of adaptive segmentation in handwritten phrase recognition
* Using Lexical Similarity in Handwritten Word Recognition
* Using objective ground-truth labels created by multiple annotators for improved video classification: A comparative study
* Value of Visual Attention for COVID-19 Classification in CT Scans, The
* variance-based Bayesian framework for improving Land-Cover classification through wide-area learning from large geographic regions, A
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
* Video Quality Pooling Adaptive to Perceptual Distortion Severity
* Video Summarization by Learning Relationships between Action and Scene
* Videomamba: Spatio-temporal Selective State Space Model
* VideoSet: A large-scale compressed video quality dataset based on JND measurement
* ViPLO: Vision Transformer Based Pose-Conditioned Self-Loop Graph for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Virtual Coupling of Railway Vehicles: Gap Reference for Merge and Separation, Robust Control, and Position Measurement
* Visual Graph Memory with Unsupervised Representation for Visual Navigation
* Volumetric Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: A New Approach to the 3D Motion Analysis of the LV from MRI-SPAMM
* Wasserstein approximate bayesian computation for visual tracking
* Weakly- and Self-Supervised Learning for Content-Aware Deep Image Retargeting
* Why is the Winner the Best?
* Wildfire smoke detection using spatiotemporal bag-of-features of smoke
* Wildfire Threshold Detection and Progression Monitoring Using an Improved Radar Vegetation Index in California
Includes: Park, J.[Joonkyu] Park, J. Park, J.[Jaesik] Park, J.[Jungsik] Park, J.[Jinwoo] Park, J.[Jinsun] Park, J.[Jihun] Park, J.[Jaehwa] Park, J.[Jeongeun] Park, J.[Jicheol] Park, J.[Junheum] Park, J.[Junho] Park, J.[Jeongmin] Park, J.[Jaeyoon] Park, J.[Jihye] Park, J.[Johnny] Park, J.[Jinhyung] Park, J.[Jungin] Park, J.[Jihwan] Park, J.[Jongchan] Park, J.[Jaeyoo] Park, J.[Jongho] Park, J.[Jongan] Park, J.[Junhee] Park, J.[Junbum] Park, J.[Jack] Park, J.[Jongmin] Park, J.[Jaeseon] Park, J.[Jaehyeong] Park, J.[Jinyoung] Park, J.[Jinah] Park, J.[Jinku] Park, J.[Jinhee] Park, J.[Jeonghoon] Park, J.[Jiwon] Park, J.[Jongjoo] Park, J.[Jeongjun] Park, J.[Jinseok] Park, J.[Juhyung] Park, J.[Joonsang] Park, J.[Jaewoo] Park, J.[Jinbae] Park, J.[Juhum] Park, J.[James] Park, J.[Junyoung] Park, J.[Junsung] Park, J.[Joonseok] Park, J.[Jeonghyung] Park, J.[Jinki] Park, J.[Juwon] Park, J.[Jeongha] Park, J.[Jaihyun] Park, J.[Jaeseo] Park, J.[Jeonghyeon] Park, J.[Jonghyuk] Park, J.[JiHwan] Park, J.[Jinseong] Park, J.[Jane] Park, J.[Jeonghwan] Park, J.[Juhyun] Park, J.[Jaemin] Park, J.[Jeongwoo] Park, J.[Juha] Park, J.[JaeHyuk] Park, J.[Jaehyun] Park, J.[Jihoon] Park, J.[Jaeseok] Park, J.[Jeeyoon] Park, J.[Jiho] Park, J.[Jongse] Park, J.[Jaehee] Park, J.[Jungheum] Park, J.[Jinhyeok] Park, J.[Jincheol] Park, J.[Joohyun] Park, J.[Jonghun] Park, J.[Jongjin] Park, J.[Joonhyung] Park, J.[Jeremy] Park, J.[Junsang] Park, J.[Jinhyuk] Park, J.[Ji_Hyun] Park, J.[Jongcheol] Park, J.[JoonKyu] Park, J.[Jisun] Park, J.[Jeongho] Park, J.[Jeongsoo] Park, J.[Jin] Park, J.[Jungwon] Park, J.[Jungho] Park, J.[Jangwoo] Park, J.[Jeongin] Park, J.[Jaesang] Park, J.[Junhyeong] Park, J.[Jeeseung] Park, J.[Jaechan] Park, J.[Jiwoong] Park, J.[Jonghwan] Park, J.[Jongyoul] Park, J.[Juyeon] Park, J.[Jaegeun] Park, J.[Jun_Oh]
378 for Park, J.
Park, J.A.[Jung Ah]
Co Author Listing * Distributed Video Coding with Multiple Side Information Sets
* Image Corner Detection Using Hough Transform
* In Vivo Measurement of Brain Tissue Response After Irradiation: Comparison of T2 Relaxation, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Electrical Conductivity
Includes: Park, J.A.[Jung Ah] Park, J.A.[Jong An] Park, J.A.
Park, J.B.
Co Author Listing * New Approach to the Use of Edge Extremities for Model-based Object Tracking, A
* Person Tracking with a Mobile Robot using Two Uncalibrated Independently Moving Cameras
* Stereo vision based intuitive posture input system using a portable color marked puppet
Includes: Park, J.B. Park, J.B.[Jae Byung]
Park, J.C.[Jin Cheol]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Coding and Transmission Over Broadband Wireless Networks
* Gloss-Free Sign Language Production with Discrete Representation, A
* Learning Visual Context by Comparison
* Optimal Channel Adaptation of Scalable Video Over a Multicarrier-Based Multicell Environment
* Optimal power allocation for minimizing visual distortion over MIMO communication systems
* Perceptually Unequal Packet Loss Protection by Weighting Saliency and Error Propagation
* Protection of Incumbent Services and Its Impact on Coverage of TV Band Device Networks in TV White Space
Includes: Park, J.C.[Jin Cheol] Park, J.C.[Jin-Cheol] Park, J.C.[Jong C.] Park, J.C.[Jong-Chan] Park, J.C.[Jae Cheol]
7 for Park, J.C.
Park, J.D.[Jun Dong]
Co Author Listing * Improved Conversion Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Intensity Index and Maximum Wind Speed for the Advanced Dvorak Technique in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Using SMAP Data, An
* On the Power of Gradual Network Alignment Using Dual-Perception Similarities
Includes: Park, J.D.[Jun Dong] Park, J.D.[Jun-Dong] Park, J.D.[Jin-Duk]
Park, J.E.[Ji Eun]
Co Author Listing * Application of Deep Learning for Speckle Removal in GOCI Chlorophyll-a Concentration Images (2012-2017)
* Controllable Text-to-Image Synthesis for Multi-Modality MR Images
* Green Band Generation for Advanced Baseline Imager Sensor Using Pix2Pix With Advanced Baseline Imager and Advanced Himawari Imager Observations
Includes: Park, J.E.[Ji Eun] Park, J.E.[Ji-Eun] Park, J.E.[Jeong-Eun]
Park, J.G.[Jong Geol]
Co Author Listing * Cropland Mapping Using Fusion of Multi-Sensor Data in a Complex Urban/Peri-Urban Area
* Determination Of Methane Sourcex Globally By Sciamachy
* Measurement of the Position of the Overhead Electric-Railway Line Using the Stereo Images
* Object-based Classification And Change Detection Of Hokkaido, Japan
Includes: Park, J.G.[Jong Geol] Park, J.G. Park, J.G.[Jong-Guk]
Park, J.H.[Jong Hyuk]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Body Posture Analysis for Elderly-Falling Detection with Multisensors
* Adaptive locomotion on slopes and stairs using pelvic rotation
* Automatic Cardiac View Classification of Echocardiogram
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components
* BLF-Based Neuroadaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Vehicular Platoon With Time-Varying Fault Directions and Distance Restrictions
* Blockchain-Based Secure Mist Computing Network Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Buyers satisfaction in a virtual fitting room scenario based on realism of avatar
* Cartoon Animation Style Rendering of Water
* Classification of Small Drones Using Low-Uncertainty Micro-Doppler Signature Images and Ultra-Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Color Image Segmentation Using a Model-Based Clustering and a MFA-EM Algorithm
* Combination of Warping Robust Elastic Graph Matching and Kernel-Based Projection Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Complementary Domain Adaptation and Generalization for Unsupervised Continual Domain Shift Learning
* Context ranking machine and its application to rigid localization of deformable objects
* Crack Detection and Refinement Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Crowdsensing Multimedia Data: Security and Privacy Issues
* CSTA: CNN-based Spatiotemporal Attention for Video Summarization
* DCID: A divide and conquer approach to solving the trade-off problem between artifacts caused by enhancement procedure in image downscaling
* decision-boundary-oriented feature selection method and its application to face recognition, A
* Defining Geospatial Data Fusion Methods Based On Topological Relationships
* Depth Prompting for Sensor-Agnostic Depth Estimation
* Detection of human faces using skin color and eyes
* Detection of Text Region and Segmentation from Natural Scene Images
* DetMatch: Two Teachers are Better than One for Joint 2D and 3D Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Development of a UAS-Based Multi-Sensor Deep Learning Model for Predicting Napa Cabbage Fresh Weight and Determining Optimal Harvest Time
* Development of a virtual aquarium system interacting with a smart device
* Discrepancies between Global Forest Net Primary Productivity Estimates Derived from MODIS and Forest Inventory Data and Underlying Factors
* Distributed MPC-Based String Stable Platoon Control of Networked Vehicle Systems
* Edge-Based Motion Vector Processing for Frame Interpolation Based on Weighted Vector Median Filter
* Efficient LiDAR-Trajectory Affinity Model for Autonomous Vehicle Orchestration
* Efficient local adaptive thresholding for night-time vehicle candidate detection
* Extraction of Multiple Motion Trajectories in Human Motion
* Face Generation for Low-Shot Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Search Range Adjustment Using Neighboring MVDs
* Fast Nonoverlapping Block Jacobi Method for the Dual Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model
* Fast view interpolation of stereo images using image gradient and disparity triangulation
* Feature Selection for SAR Target Discrimination and Efficient Two-Stage Detection Method
* Fusion-Based Event-Triggered H_inf State Estimation of Networked Autonomous Surface Vehicles With Measurement Outliers and Cyber-Attacks
* GeoBrick: exploration of spatiotemporal data
* Geographic hypermedia using search space transformation
* HandFoldingNet: A 3D Hand Pose Estimation Network Using Multiscale-Feature Guided Folding of a 2D Hand Skeleton
* High precision probability estimation for CABAC
* high-performance and low-power unified 4X4 / 8X8 transform architecture for the H.264/AVC Codec, A
* Highly Reliable Stochastic Perceptual Watermarking Model Based on Multiwavelet Transform
* Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Image-Based Multiclass Boosting and Echocardiographic View Classification
* Improved Knowledge Transfer for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation via Trico Training Strategy
* Improved Video Compression Efficiency Through Flexible Unit Representation and Corresponding Extension of Coding Tools
* Intelligent Finite-Time Protocol-Based Stabilization for Networked UMV Systems With DoS Attacks
* Iris Recognition Against Counterfeit Attack Using Gradient Based Fusion of Multi-spectral Images
* Iris recognition using collarette boundary localization
* Joint person re-identification and camera network topology inference in multiple cameras
* JPEG's JPSearch Standard: Harmonizing Image Management and Search
* JPSearch: New international standard providing interoperable framework for image search and sharing
* KOLOMVERSE: Korea Open Large-Scale Image Dataset for Object Detection in the Maritime Universe
* Learning Pedestrian Group Representations for Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction
* Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function
* Local smoothing for manifold learning
* Memory-Event-Triggered Tracking Control for Intelligent Vehicle Transportation Systems: A Leader-Following Approach
* Moving Object Detection Based on Clausius Entropy
* Moving objects detection using freely moving depth sensing camera
* Multilabel Naïve Bayes classification considering label dependence
* new approach to similarity retrieval of 2-D graphic objects based on dominant shapes, A
* Noise Removal and Restoration Using Voting-Based Analysis and Image Segmentation Based on Statistical Models
* Non-dyadic fisheye lens correction model for image enhancement
* Non-Probability Sampling Network for Stochastic Human Trajectory Prediction
* Not All Classes Stand on Same Embeddings: Calibrating a Semantic Distance with Metric Tensor
* Performance evaluation of object detection algorithms
* pi-SIFT: A photometric and Scale Invariant Feature Transform
* Predictive coding of CU quadtree structure for HEVC quality scalability
* probabilistic, hierarchical, and discriminant framework for rapid and accurate detection of deformable anatomic structure, A
* Quadtree Based Nonsquare Block Structure for Inter Frame Coding in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Quantitative analysis of the SN in Parkinson's disease implementing 3D modeling at 7.0-T MRI
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
* Recognition of a person's state using FG Vision Sensor
* Resilient-Based and Attack-Intensity Event-Triggered Protocol for Active Quarter-Vehicle Suspension Systems Under DoS Attacks
* RGB Image Prioritization Using Convolutional Neural Network on a Microprocessor for Nanosatellites
* Sample Adaptive Offset in the HEVC Standard
* Scale-Space Kernels for Additive Modeling
* Segmentation of 3D object in volume dataset using active deformable model
* Segmentation of Color Image Using Deterministic Annealing EM
* Semantic-aware neural style transfer
* simulation based method for vehicle motion prediction, A
* Skew correction of business card images acquired in PDA
* Spectral Clustering for Robust Motion Segmentation
* Support vector clustering combined with spectral graph partitioning
* Tensor Voting Based Color Clustering
* Text localization using image cues and text line information
* Text segmentation in color images using tensor voting
* Three-Dimensional Object Representation and Recognition Based on Surface Normal Images
* Two-Stream Symmetric Network with Bidirectional Ensemble for Aerial Image Matching, A
* UL-VIO: Ultra-lightweight Visual-inertial Odometry with Noise Robust Test-time Adaptation
* Unified Framework for Automated Person Re-identification and Camera Network Topology Inference in Camera Networks
* Vision-based adaptive and recursive tracking of unpaved roads
* Visual information retrieval system via content-based approach
* What Makes Deviant Places?
Includes: Park, J.H.[Jong Hyuk] Park, J.H.[Jin-Ho] Park, J.H. Park, J.H.[Jong-Hyun] Park, J.H.[Ju H.] Park, J.H.[Ji Hwan] Park, J.H.[Jun-Hyeong] Park, J.H.[Jae Hee] Park, J.H.[Jin-Ha] Park, J.H.[Jin-Hyung] Park, J.H.[Jae-Hun] Park, J.H.[Jae Hyeon] Park, J.H.[Jin-Hwi] Park, J.H.[Jeong-Hee] Park, J.H.[Jong-Hwa] Park, J.H.[Jin Han] Park, J.H.[Ju Hyun] Park, J.H.[Jin Hyeong] Park, J.H.[Jae-Hyeung] Park, J.H.[Jong-Ho] Park, J.H.[Joon Hong] Park, J.H.[Ji-Hoon] Park, J.H.[Jae Hyun] Park, J.H.[Jeong-Hoon] Park, J.H.[Jong-Hyuk] Park, J.H.[Ji-Hwan] Park, J.H.[Jong Hyun] Park, J.H.[Jae-Han] Park, J.H.[Je-Ho] Park, J.H.[Jin Hyoung] Park, J.H.[Jin-Hyeong] Park, J.H.[Jong H.] Park, J.H.[Joshua H.] Park, J.H.[Joon-Hong] Park, J.H.[Jae-Hong] Park, J.H.[Jung-Hwa] Park, J.H.[Ji Hyun] Park, J.H.[Joo Hyun] Park, J.H.[Jae-Hyuck] Park, J.H.[Jong Hoon] Park, J.H.[Jae-Hyun]
97 for Park, J.H.
Park, J.I.[Jong Il]
Co Author Listing * 3D trajectory reconstruction under refraction at a cylindrical surface
* Acquisition of sharp depth map from multiple cameras
* Analysis and Recognition of Facial Expression Based on Point-Wise Motion Energy
* Arbitrary View Generation from Multiple Cameras
* Augmented Reality-Based On-Site Tour Guide: A Study in Gyeongbokgung
* Binocular mobile augmented reality based on stereo camera tracking
* Disparity estimation using color coherence and stochastic diffusion
* Estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for model-based video coding
* Fast generating of a digital hologram using general-purpose computation on graphics processing units
* Feature-Adaptive Motion Energy Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* Fine-Motion Estimation Using Ego/Exo-Cameras
* gesture based TV control interface for visually impaired: Initial design and user study, A
* Hand shape recognition using distance transform and shape decomposition
* Hierarchical depth mapping from multiple cameras
* hierarchical method of map-based stochastic diffusion and disparity estimation, A
* Hierarchical stochastic diffusion for disparity estimation
* Identification of Multiple Image Steganographic Methods Using Hierarchical ResNets
* Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
* Intelligent Video Security System Using Object Tracking and Shape Recognition, An
* MAP-Based Stochastic Diffusion for Stereo Matching and Line Fields Estimation
* Marker Concealment Using Print Color Correction and Its Application
* mobile spherical mosaic system, A
* Multispectral Imaging Using Multiplexed Illumination
* nonintrusive method for generating all-focused projection, A
* Object Segmentation in Stereo Image Using Cooperative Line Field in Stochastic Diffusion
* Occlusion detection and stereo matching in a stochastic method
* Optimal illumination spectrum for endoscope
* Portable Projection-Based AR System
* Radiometrically-Compensated Projection onto Non-Lambertian Surface Using Multiple Overlapping Projectors
* Rapid Generation of the State Codebook in Side Match Vector Quantization
* Robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for video composition
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Simultaneous object extraction and disparity estimation using stochastic diffusion
* Stochastic Approach to Separate Diffuse and Specular Reflections
* Stochastic Diffusion for Correspondence Estimation and Objects Segmentation
* Subjective Evaluation on Visual Perceptibility of Embedding Complementary Patterns for Nonintrusive Projection-Based Augmented Reality
* Surface-Independent Direct-Projected Augmented Reality
* Undistorted Projection onto Dynamic Surface
* Video composition based on robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence
Includes: Park, J.I.[Jong Il] Park, J.I.[Jong-Il] Park, J.I.
39 for Park, J.I.
Park, J.J.[Jeong Joon]
Co Author Listing * 4D-fy: Text-to-4D Generation Using Hybrid Score Distillation Sampling
* ALTO: Alternating Latent Topologies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis to Vessel Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Bacon: Band-Limited Coordinate Networks for Multiscale Scene Representation
* CC3D: Layout-Conditioned Generation of Compositional 3D Scenes
* CurveCloudNet: Processing Point Clouds with 1D Structure
* DeepSDF: Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation
* Detection of ridges and ravines using fuzzy logic operations
* Exploring Long-Term Persistence in Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Parameters via Detrended Cross-Correlation Approach
* FAR: Flexible, Accurate and Robust 6DoF Relative Camera Pose Estimation
* Generating Part-Aware Editable 3D Shapes without 3D Supervision
* Generative Novel View Synthesis with 3D-Aware Diffusion Models
* Gray-Scale Thinning Algorithm Using Local Min/Max Operations
* Hazardous Noxious Substance Detection Based on Ground Experiment and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* LEGO-Net: Learning Regular Rearrangements of Objects in Rooms
* Novel Imaging Method for Cell Phone Camera in Low Ambient Light Conditions Using Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs, A
* Seeing the World in a Bag of Chips
* SinGRAF: Learning a 3D Generative Radiance Field for a Single Scene
* StyleSDF: High-Resolution 3D-Consistent Image and Geometry Generation
* Surface Light Field Fusion
* TC4D: Trajectory-Conditioned Text-to-4D Generation
Includes: Park, J.J.[Jeong Joon] Park, J.J.[Jae-Jin] Park, J.J.[Joong Jo] Park, J.J.[Jong-Jin] Park, J.J.[Jong-Joo] Park, J.J.
21 for Park, J.J.
Park, J.K.[Joon Kyu]
Co Author Listing * Content-Aware Local GAN for Photo-Realistic Super-Resolution
* Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images With Small Objects, An
* example-based prior model for text image super-resolution, An
* Extract-and-Adaptation Network for 3D Interacting Hand Mesh Recovery
* HandOccNet: Occlusion-Robust 3D Hand Mesh Estimation Network
* Learning to Estimate Robust 3D Human Mesh from In-the-Wild Crowded Scenes
* Length Prediction of Moving Vehicles Using a Commercial FMCW Radar
* Novel Vital-Sign Sensing Algorithm for Multiple Subjects Based on 24-GHz FMCW Doppler Radar, A
* Unified convolutional neural network for direct facial keypoints detection
* Utilizing venation features for efficient leaf image retrieval
Includes: Park, J.K.[Joon Kyu] Park, J.K.[Joon-Kyu] Park, J.K.[Jung-Kyu] Park, J.K.[Jang-Kyun] Park, J.K.[Jeong-Ki] Park, J.K.[Jin-Kwan] Park, J.K.[Je-Kang] Park, J.K.[Jin-Kyu]
10 for Park, J.K.
Park, J.M.
Co Author Listing * 3-D Scene Graph: A Sparse and Semantic Representation of Physical Environments for Intelligent Agents
* Adaptive Mammographic Image Enhancement Using First Derivative and Local Statistics
* CASR: Efficient Cascade Network Structure with Channel Aligned method for 4K Real-Time Single Image Super-Resolution
* Convergence and Application of Online Active Sampling Using Orthogonal Pillar Vectors
* Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms Using Surrounding Region Dependence Method and Artificial Neural Network
* Dual Task Learning by Leveraging Both Dense Correspondence and Mis-Correspondence for Robust Change Detection With Imperfect Matches
* Effectiveness of the Reconstructed MODIS Typical-Angle Reflectances on Forest Biomass Estimation
* Improving Daily Precipitation Estimates by Merging Satellite and Reanalysis Data in Northeast China
* Lane estimation by particle-filtering combined with likelihood computation of line boundaries and motion compensation
* Lightweight Real-Time Image Super-Resolution Network for 4K Images
* Mammographic mass detection by adaptive thresholding and region growing
* Multimodality Radionuclide, Fluorescence, and Bioluminescence Small-Animal Imaging
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* Online Learning for Active Pattern-Recognition
* Pedestrian detection by modeling local convex shape features
* Performance Improvement of Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Demosaicing Technique
* Pilot Study of Low-Light Enhanced Terrain Mapping for Robotic Exploration in Lunar PSRs
* Robust Object Categorization and Scene Classification over Remote Sensing Images via Features Fusion and Fully Convolutional Network
* Scene text detection suitable for parallelizing on multi-core
* Sensor-Display Registration for 3D Physical User Interaction Using a Flat-Panel Display
* Shape-indifferent stereo disparity based on disparity gradient estimation
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for Chub Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus) in the East/Japan Sea and the South Sea of South Korea
* Speckle filtering of SAR images based on adaptive windowing
* System-of-Systems Approach to the Strategic Feasibility of Modular Vehicle Fleets, A
Includes: Park, J.M. Park, J.M.[Jeong Mi] Park, J.M.[Jin-Man] Park, J.M.[Jong-Min] Park, J.M.[Jeong Min] Park, J.M.[Jung-Me] Park, J.M.[Jin Man] Park, J.M.[Jae-Min] Park, J.M.[Jeong-Min] Park, J.M.[Jung-Min] Park, J.M.[Joo Myun]
24 for Park, J.M.
Park, J.N.
Co Author Listing * Towards a Maori Telepresence System
Park, J.O.
Co Author Listing * Independent Electromagnetic Field Control for Practical Approach to Actively Locomotive Wireless Capsule Endoscope
* Spatiotemporal bag-of-features for early wildfire smoke detection
Includes: Park, J.O. Park, J.O.[Jun-Oh]
Park, J.R.[Ja Rin]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Convectively Induced Turbulence Using in Situ Aircraft and Radar Spectral Width Data, A
* Retinal Blood Vessel Caliber Estimation for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Based on 3D Superellipsoid Modeling
Includes: Park, J.R.[Ja Rin] Park, J.R.[Ja-Rin] Park, J.R.[Jang Ryul]
Park, J.S.
Co Author Listing * 182 mW 94.3 f/s in Full HD Pattern-Matching Based Image Recognition Accelerator for an Embedded Vision System in 0.13-mu-m CMOS Technology, A
* 3D-DCT video encoder using advanced coding techniques for low power mobile device, A
* Abduction of Sherlock Holmes: A Dataset for Visual Abductive Reasoning, The
* Adaptive Nonlinear Shape-Matching for Unconstrained Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Adversarial Inference for Multi-Sentence Video Description
* Assessing spatial probabilistic distributional differences in the common space between schizophrenics and normal controls based on a novel automated probabilistic pattern analysis method
* Assessment for a Condition Using Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic Mura Detection for Display Film Using Mask Filtering in Wavelet Transform
* Automatic Quality Measurement of Gray-scale Handwriting Based on Extended Average Entropy
* Classification of Small Drones Using Low-Uncertainty Micro-Doppler Signature Images and Ultra-Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Co-saliency detection via seed propagation over the integrated graph with a cluster layer
* Contour Matching Using Epipolar Geometry
* Contour Matching: A Curvature-Based Approach
* Contour Motion Estimation from Image Sequences Using Curvature Information
* Correcting DEM Extracted from Aster Stereo Images by Combining Cartographic DEM
* Curvature-Based Approach to Contour Motion Estimation, A
* Depth from a Light Field Image with Learning-Based Matching Costs
* Development of a global batch clustering with gradient descent and initial parameters in colour image classification
* Effect of Error in SO2 Slant Column Density on the Accuracy of SO2 Transport Flow Rate Estimates Based on GEMS Synthetic Radiances
* Enhancing low-resolution facial images using error back-projection for human identification at a distance
* Estimating Optical Flow by Tracking Contours
* Euclidean reconstruction from contour matches
* Example-Based Face Hallucination Method for Single-Frame, Low-Resolution Facial Images, An
* Fully automated pipeline for quantification and localization of white matter hyperintensity in brain magnetic resonance image
* Fusing Pre-Trained Language Models with Multimodal Prompts through Reinforcement Learning
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive Error Compensation
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* Hardware-Centric Vision Processing for Mobile IoT Environment Exploiting Approximate Graph Cut in Resistor Grid
* Hierarchical Contribution Culling for Fast Rendering of Complex Scenes
* Highlight Separation and Surface Orientation for 3-D Specular Objects
* Identifying photorealistic computer graphics using convolutional neural networks
* Identity-Aware Multi-Sentence Video Description
* Image co-saliency detection based on clustering and diffusion process
* Image indexing using weighted color histogram
* Interactive 3D reconstruction from multiple images: A primitive-based approach
* Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors
* Low-Power Channel-Adaptive Reconfigurable 4X4 QRM-MLD MIMO Detector
* MICS: Midpoint Interpolation to Learn Compact and Separated Representations for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on the Adaptive Weights Reflecting the Relative Pixel Intensity and Global Gradient, A
* New Recursive Filtering Method of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data to Preserve Ground Surface Information in Steep-Slope Areas, A
* Non-contrast based edge descriptor for image segmentation
* Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Paired mini-batch training: A new deep network training for image forensics and steganalysis
* Particle filtering based pitch sequence correction for monaural speech segregation
* Performance Evaluation of Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Rapid Disaster Mapping through Data Integration from UAVS and Multi-sensors Mounted on Investigation Platforms of Ndmi, Korea
* Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multimedia Processor for IC-Stacking on Si-Interposer, A
* Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Using Recursive Error Back-Projection
* Resolution enhancement of facial image using an error back-projection of example-based learning
* Retrieval Accuracy of HCHO Vertical Column Density from Ground-Based Direct-Sun Measurement and First HCHO Column Measurement Using Pandora
* Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
* Sectioned Images of the Cadaver Head Including the Brain and Correspondences With Ultrahigh Field 7.0 T MRIs
* Segmentation of object regions using depth information
* Shape decomposition and skeleton extraction of character patterns
* Stepwise Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Interpolated Morphable Face Model
* Synthesis of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Top-Down Learning
* Two-pass search strategy using accumulated band energy histogram for HMM-based identification of perceptually identical music
* Vertical Profiles of PM2.5 and O3 Measured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Their Relationships with Synoptic- and Local-Scale Air Movements
* Visible Korean Human: Improved Serially Sectioned Images of the Entire Body
* Vision Processor With a Unified Interest-Point Detection and Matching Hardware for Accelerating a Stereo-Matching Algorithm, A
* Visualcomet: Reasoning About the Dynamic Context of a Still Image
Includes: Park, J.S. Park, J.S.[Jeoong Sung] Park, J.S.[Jae Sung] Park, J.S.[Jeong-Seon] Park, J.S.[Jun Sung] Park, J.S.[Jong-Seung] Park, J.S.[Jun-Sung] Park, J.S.[Jong Seung] Park, J.S.[Jin-Sung] Park, J.S.[Jin-Sun] Park, J.S.[Jae-Sam] Park, J.S.[Joon Sik] Park, J.S.[Jong-Sun] Park, J.S.[Joon Sung] Park, J.S.[Je-Sung] Park, J.S.[Ju-Seok] Park, J.S.[Jin-Seok] Park, J.S.[Jeong-Sik] Park, J.S.[Jin-Soo] Park, J.S.[Jai Song] Park, J.S.[Jeong-Sun] Park, J.S.[Jong-Sung]
62 for Park, J.S.
Park, J.T.[Jong Tae]
Co Author Listing * Chrominance Compensation for Multi-View Video Coding
Includes: Park, J.T.[Jong Tae] Park, J.T.[Jong-Tae]
Park, J.U.[Jong Uk]
Co Author Listing * Centroid Error Analysis of Beacon Tracking under Atmospheric Turbulence for Optical Communication Links
* Link Budget Analysis with Laser Energy for Time Transfer Using the Ajisai Satellite
* Modeling and Analysis of an Echo Laser Pulse Waveform for the Orientation Determination of Space Debris
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth, Total Ozone and NO2 Over East Asia: Strategy for the Validation to the GEMS Scientific Products
Includes: Park, J.U.[Jong Uk] Park, J.U.[Jong-Uk]
Park, J.W.[Jong Woo]
Co Author Listing * 3M3D: Multi-View, Multi-Path, Multi-Representation for 3D Object Detection
* Assessing the Accuracy of Ortho-image using Photogrammetric Unmanned Aerial System
* Assessment of the GNSS-RTK for Application in Precision Forest Operations
* Automatic Skull Segmentation and Registration for Tissue Change Measurement After Mandibular Setback Surgery
* Connectivity-based local adaptive thresholding for carotid artery segmentation using MRA images
* DCT Coefficients Recovery Based Error Concealment Technique and Its Application to the MPEG-2 Bit Stream Error
* Development of Open source-based automatic shooting and processing UAV imagery for Orthoimage Using Smart Camera UAV
* Domain Hybrid Day-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme
* Dynamic Response Measurement and Cable Tension Estimation Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Efficient Memory System for Image Processing, An
* Efficient Thermal Noise Removal for Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Cross-Polarization Channel
* Evaluation of Large-Sized LCD Touch Panel Using Differential Sensing Circuit and Algorithm
* Evolution of Backscattering Coefficients of Drifting Multi-Year Sea Ice during End of Melting and Onset of Freeze-up in the Western Beaufort Sea
* Fast and Efficient Correction of Ground Moving Targets in a Synthetic Aperture Radar, Single-Look Complex Image
* Feasibility Study on Estimation of Sea Ice Drift from KOMPSAT-5 and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Images
* Grafting Vision Transformers
* Hierarchy Embedded Differential Image for Progressive Transmission Using Lossless Compression
* Joint Image Segmentation and Motion Estimation for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Lane-Curve Detection Based on an LCF, A
* Long-Term Pattern of Primary Productivity in the East/Japan Sea Based on Ocean Color Data Derived from MODIS-Aqua
* Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island
* Non-iterative post-processing technique for transform coded image sequence
* Nondestructive dynamic process monitoring using electrical capacitance tomography
* Recovery of Corrupted Image Data Based on the NURBS Interpolation
* Spatial and Temporal Variability of Minimum Brightness Temperature at the 6.925 GHz Band of AMSR2 for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
* Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
* Topological Surgery Encoding Improvements Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation and DFSVQ
* Upper-body pose recognition using cylindrical coordinate system
* ViPLO: Vision Transformer Based Pose-Conditioned Self-Loop Graph for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Virtual playing ground interface using upper-body gesture recognition
Includes: Park, J.W.[Jong Woo] Park, J.W.[Jong-Woo] Park, J.W. Park, J.W.[Jin-Woo] Park, J.W.[Jae-Woo] Park, J.W.[Jong Won] Park, J.W.[Jin-Woong] Park, J.W.[Jong Woong] Park, J.W.[Jae-Won] Park, J.W.[Jeong-Won] Park, J.W.[Jon Wong] Park, J.W.[Jong Woung] Park, J.W.[Jung-Woo] Park, J.W.[Jong-Wook] Park, J.W.[Jang-Woo] Park, J.W.[Jae-Wan]
30 for Park, J.W.
Park, J.Y.[Ji Young]
Co Author Listing * Accurate and Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation Algorithm Using Single Depth Images for Pose Analysis in Golf
* Assessment of Perceived and Physical Walkability Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technology
* Building an Indoor Digital Twin: A Use-Case for a Hospital Digital Twin to Analyze COVID-19 Transmission
* DeepDBSCAN: Deep Density-Based Clustering for Geo-Tagged Photos
* Development and Application of a QGIS-Based Model to Estimate Monthly Streamflow
* Efficient Depth Edge Detection Using Structured Light
* Efficient Fingertip Tracking and Mouse Pointer Control for a Human Mouse
* Efficient motion compensation using multiple warped reference pictures based on feature tracking and segmentation
* Efficiently Capturing Object Contours for Non-Photorealistic Rendering
* Exact ML Criterion Based on Semidefinite Relaxation for MIMO Systems
* Face Reconstruction with Low Resolution Facial Images by Feature Vector Projection in Kernel Space
* Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
* feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imaging X-ray system based on carbon nanotube field emitters, A
* Hierarchical classification of images by sparse approximation
* Hierarchical Classification of Images by Sparse Approximation 1
* Immersive Visualization of Casting Flow and Solidification
* Interactive display of image details using a camera-coupled mobile projector
* Invariant-Feature Based Object Tracking Using Discrete Dynamic Swarm Optimization
* Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection
* Low resolution face recognition based on support vector data description
* Low-light image enhancement using gamma correction prior in mixed color spaces
* Maximization and restoration: Action segmentation through dilation passing and temporal reconstruction
* Multi-Level Analysis of Bus Ridership in Buffalo, New York, A
* Online incremental hierarchical classification resonance network
* Person Identification Using Pose-Based Hough Forests from Skeletal Action Sequence
* Picture-level parameteric motion representation for efficient motion compensation
* Plenoptic system identification using random calibration patterns
* Quantifying Leaf Phenology of Individual Trees and Species in a Tropical Forest Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
* Self-Positioning Point-Based Transformer for Point Cloud Understanding
* Slice-Based Super-Resolution Using Light-Weight Network With Relation Loss
* SRG: Snippet Relatedness-Based Temporal Action Proposal Generator
* Stereo Matching Using Population-Based MCMC
* Structured Light Based Depth Edge Detection for Object Shape Recovery
* Temporal filtering networks for online action detection
* Using structured light for efficient depth edge detection
Includes: Park, J.Y.[Ji Young] Park, J.Y.[Ji-Young] Park, J.Y.[Jin Young] Park, J.Y.[Jang You] Park, J.Y.[Jong-Yoon] Park, J.Y.[Joon-Young] Park, J.Y.[Jang-Yong] Park, J.Y.[Joo-Young] Park, J.Y.[Jun-Young] Park, J.Y.[Jae Young] Park, J.Y.[Jong-Youl] Park, J.Y.[Jun Young] Park, J.Y.[Jun-Yong] Park, J.Y.[Ju-Youn] Park, J.Y.[John Y.] Park, J.Y.[Jin-Young] Park, J.Y.
35 for Park, J.Y.
Park, K.[Kyungsoo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Local Binarization Method for Recognition of Vehicle License Plates
* Application of a Novel Hybrid Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping with Satellite Images: A Case Study of Seoul, Korea
* Automatic Georeferncing of Close-range FaÇade Images Acquired In An Narrow and Long Alleyway Using Rtk Drone Images
* BshapeNet: Object detection and instance segmentation with bounding shape masks
* Cascade of Box (CABOX) Filters for Optimal Scale Space Approximation
* ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision
* Deformable strokes towards temporally coherent video painting
* Detection of Aquatic Plants Using Multispectral UAV Imagery and Vegetation Index
* Dynamic Residual Self-Attention Network for Lightweight Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* FiG-NeRF: Figure-Ground Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Object Category Modelling
* Generative Adversarial Network With Robust Discriminator Through Multi-Task Learning for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* GLNAS: Greedy Layer-wise Network Architecture Search for low cost and fast network generation
* Hierarchical pose classification based on human physiology for behaviour analysis
* High-Precision Depth Estimation Using Uncalibrated LiDAR and Stereo Fusion
* Hole-robust Wireframe Detection
* KAIST Multi-Spectral Day/Night Data Set for Autonomous and Assisted Driving
* KSL-Guide: A Large-scale Korean Sign Language Dataset Including Interrogative Sentences for Guiding the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
* LatentFusion: End-to-End Differentiable Reconstruction and Rendering for Unseen Object Pose Estimation
* Learning Descriptor, Confidence, and Depth Estimation in Multi-view Stereo
* Learning to Find Unpaired Cross-Spectral Correspondences
* Live Demonstration: PINK: Polarity-based Anti-flicker for Event Cameras
* Long-Term Variation in the Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Vertical Column Density over Korea and Japan from the MAX-DOAS Network, 2007-2017
* MMT: An Emerging MPEG Standard for Multimedia Delivery over the Internet
* Modality-Invariant Image Classification Based on Modality Uniqueness and Dictionary Learning
* Multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on accumulated object proposal with fully convolutional networks
* Multispectral human co-segmentation via joint convolutional neural networks
* Mutual Domain Adaptation
* Mutual Hypothesis Verification for 6D Pose Estimation of Natural Objects
* NDMP: An emerging MPEG standard for network distributed media processing
* Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields
* Neural Object Learning for 6d Pose Estimation Using a Few Cluttered Images
* On Learning Higher-Order Consistency Potentials for Multi-class Pixel Labeling
* Pedestrian proposal generation using depth-aware scale estimation
* Personalized Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment by Joint Regression and Ranking
* Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation
* Randomized Global Transformation Approach for Dense Correspondence
* ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors
* Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions
* Self-Supervised Bulk Motion Artifact Removal in Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
* Shuffle and Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text
* Single Image Super-Resolution with Dynamic Residual Connection
* Stiffness-Switchable Hydrostatic Transmission Toward Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction
* Suboptimal Transmission of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes Over Correlated Distributed Antennas
* Tracking-by-Segmentation with Online Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
* Unexplored Faces of Robustness and Out-of-Distribution: Covariate Shifts in Environment and Sensor Domains
* Unified Depth Prediction and Intrinsic Image Decomposition from a Single Image via Joint Convolutional Neural Fields
* Unified multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on probabilistic fusion networks
* Unpaired Cross-Spectral Pedestrian Detection Via Adversarial Feature Learning
* Unsupervised Stereo Matching Using Confidential Correspondence Consistency
* Verification of Accuracy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Land Surface Temperature Images Using In-Situ Data
* Weakly-Supervised Multiple Object Tracking Via A Masked Center Point Warping Loss
Includes: Park, K.[Kyungsoo] Park, K.[Kyoohong] Park, K. Park, K.[Keunju] Park, K.[Kyungmo] Park, K.[Kyoungwon] Park, K.[Kyoungju] Park, K.[Kyunghun] Park, K.[Karam] Park, K.[Keunhong] Park, K.[Kanggil] Park, K.[Kyongseok] Park, K.[Kihong] Park, K.[Kiwoong] Park, K.[Kibaek] park, K. Park, K.[Keunjoo] Park, K.[Kanghee] Park, K.[Kiru] Park, K.[Kyoungup] Park, K.[Kicheon] Park, K.[Kyungseo] Park, K.[Keondo] Park, K.[Kayoung]
51 for Park, K.
Park, K.A.[Kyung Ae]
Co Author Listing * Application of Deep Learning for Speckle Removal in GOCI Chlorophyll-a Concentration Images (2012-2017)
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis to Vessel Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Assessment and Improvement of Global Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Datasets in the Yellow Sea Using In Situ Ocean Buoy and Research Vessel Observations
* Change in the Recent Warming Trend of Sea Surface Temperature in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) over Decades (1982-2018)
* Derivation of Red Tide Index and Density Using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data
* Estimation of Extreme Significant Wave Height in the Northwest Pacific Using Satellite Altimeter Data Focused on Typhoons (1992-2016)
* Hazardous Noxious Substance Detection Based on Ground Experiment and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Data at Coastal Regions
* Inter-Comparisons of Daily Sea Surface Temperatures and In-Situ Temperatures in the Coastal Regions
* Modulation of Tidal Channel Signatures on SAR Images Over Gyeonggi Bay in Relation to Environmental Factors
* Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from the First Korean Geostationary Satellite COMS Data: Validation and Error Assessment
* Validation of Satellite Sea Surface Temperatures and Long-Term Trends in Korean Coastal Regions over Past Decades (1982-2018)
Includes: Park, K.A.[Kyung Ae] Park, K.A.[Kyung-Ae]
12 for Park, K.A.
Park, K.H.
Co Author Listing * Algorithm For Optimal Isomorphism Between 2 Random Graphs, An
* Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Islands over Three Megacities in East Asia Using Land Surface Temperature Data Retrieved from COMS
* Automatic Human Face Location in a Complex Background Using Motion and Color Information
* Boundary Detection in a Hexagonal Grid Using Energy Minimization
* Concept-Centric Transformers: Enhancing Model Interpretability through Object-Centric Concept Learning within a Shared Global Workspace
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Don't Wait Until the Accident Happens: Few-Shot Classification Framework for Car Accident Inspection in a Real World
* Estimating Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance from GK2A/AMI Data Using Machine Learning Approach around Korea
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Directional Image Feature in Polar Coordinate System
* Formal Definition and Entropy Calculation of Hierarchical Attributed Random Graph
* Hue-Shift Modeling and Correction Method for High-Luminance Display
* Image Normalization Using Invariant Centroid for RST Invariant Digital Image Watermarking
* Improving the Labeling Accuracy by a New Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling
* Incremental Clustering of Attributed Graphs
* Iris Feature Extraction and Matching Based on Multiscale and Directional Image Representation
* Iris-Based Personal Authentication Using a Normalized Directional Energy Feature
* Is Meta-Learning Always Necessary?: A Practical ML Framework Solving Novel Tasks at Large-scale Car Sharing Platform
* multiresolutional coding method based on SPIHT, A
* Online Class Incremental Learning on Stochastic Blurry Task Boundary via Mask and Visual Prompt Tuning
* Online Continuous Generalized Category Discovery
* Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Phantom of Benchmark Dataset: Resolving Label Ambiguity Problem on Image Recognition in the Wild
* Pre-trained Vision and Language Transformers are Few-Shot Incremental Learners
* Range Image Segmentation Based on 2D Quadratic Function Approximation
* Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
* Robust digital image watermarking method against geometrical attacks
* RST-Resistant Image Watermarking Using Invariant Centroid and Reordered Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Shape Decomposition Based on Perceptual Structure
* Shape Decomposition by Collinearity
* Shape Prior is Not All You Need: Discovering Balance Between Texture and Shape Bias in CNN
* Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints
* SOCAR: Socially-Obtained CAR Dataset for Image Recognition in the Wild
* Variable block-based deblocking filter for H.264/AVC on low-end and low-bit rates terminals
* X-Ray Image Classification and Retrieval Using Ensemble Combination of Visual Descriptors
Includes: Park, K.H. Park, K.H.[Ki-Hong] Park, K.H.[Keun Hee] Park, K.H.[Kyung Ho] Park, K.H.[Kil-Houm] Park, K.H.[Kee-Hyon] Park, K.H.[Keun-Hyeong] Park, K.H.[Keon-Hee] Park, K.H.[Kyu-Ho] Park, K.H.[Ki-Hee]
34 for Park, K.H.
Park, K.J.
Co Author Listing * RSU-Assisted Adaptive Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Data Sharing in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
* Social Network Approach to Analysis of Soccer Game
Includes: Park, K.J. Park, K.J.[Kyoung-Jin]
Park, K.M.
Co Author Listing * Detection and Localization of Traffic Lights Using Yolov3 and Stereo Vision
* Image compression system by setting fixed bit rates
* Smoke detection in ship engine rooms based on video images
Includes: Park, K.M. Park, K.M.[Ku-Man] Park, K.M.[Kyung-Min]
Park, K.R.[Kang Ryoung]
Co Author Listing * Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features
* Banknote recognition based on optimization of discriminative regions by genetic algorithm with one-dimensional visible-light line sensor
* Biometric Key Binding: Fuzzy Vault Based on Iris Images
* comparative study of facial appearance modeling methods for active appearance models, A
* comparative study of local feature extraction for age estimation, A
* Design of Hierarchical Fuzzy Classification System Based on Statistical Characteristics of Data
* Facial and Eye Gaze Detection
* Fake iris detection based on 3D structure of iris pattern
* Fake Iris Detection by Using Purkinje Image
* Finger vein recognition using minutia-based alignment and local binary pattern-based feature extraction
* Gaze Detection System by Wide and Auto Pan/Tilt Narrow View Camera
* Gaze position detection by computing the three dimensional facial positions and motions
* Iris recognition based on score level fusion by using SVM
* Iris Recognition in Mobile Phone Based on Adaptive Gabor Filter
* Iris Recognition in Wearable Computer
* Learning Trimodal Relation for Audio-visual Question Answering with Missing Modality
* Morphological scale-space using generalized zero-crossings as feature points
* Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification
* Multi-unit Iris Recognition System by Image Check Algorithm
* Multimodal biometric method based on vein and geometry of a single finger
* New Feature Extraction Method Using the ICA Filters for Iris Recognition System, A
* New Focus Assessment Method for Iris Recognition Systems
* New Iris Recognition Method for Noisy Iris Images
* New Iris Recognition Method Using Independent Component Analysis, A
* new iris segmentation method for non-ideal iris images, A
* New Method for Generating an Invariant Iris Private Key Based on the Fuzzy Vault System, A
* New Multi-Unit Iris Authentication Based on Quality Assessment and Score Level Fusion for Mobile Phones, A
* Pan-Tilt-Zoom Based Iris Image Capturing System for Unconstrained User Environments at a Distance
* Practical Gaze Point Detecting System
* Real-Time Facial and Eye Gaze Tracking System
* Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
* Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
* Real-Time Gaze Position Estimation Method Based on a 3-D Eye Model, A
* Real-Time Image Restoration for Iris Recognition Systems
* robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model, A
* robust eyelash detection based on iris focus assessment, A
* Robust Fake Iris Detection
* robust gaze detection method by compensating for facial movements based on corneal specularities, A
* Scale-Space Using Mathematical Morphology
* SfM-based 3D face reconstruction method robust to self-occlusion by using a shape conversion matrix, A
* Study on Eye Gaze Estimation Method Based on Cornea Model of Human Eye, A
* study on eyelid localization considering image focus for iris recognition, A
* Study on Fast Iris Image Acquisition Method, A
* Study on Fast Iris Restoration Based on Focus Checking, A
* Study on Human Gaze Detection Based on 3D Eye Model, A
* Study on Iris Image Restoration, A
* Study on Multi-unit Fingerprint Verification, A
* study on multi-unit iris recognition, A
* study on restoration of iris images with motion-and-optical blur on mobile iris recognition devices, A
* Substroke Matching by Segmenting and Merging for On-Line Korean Cursive Character Recognition
Includes: Park, K.R.[Kang Ryoung] Park, K.R.[Kyung-Ri] Park, K.R.[Kyu Ri] Park, K.R.[Kyeong-Ryeol] Park, K.R.
50 for Park, K.R.
Park, K.S.[Ki Sung]
Co Author Listing * Design of Blockchain-Based Multi-Domain Authentication Protocol for Secure EV Charging Services in V2G Environments
* Electrocardiogram authentication method robust to dynamic morphological conditions
* Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* LOTUS: Composing a multi-user interactive tiled display virtual environment
* Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
Includes: Park, K.S.[Ki Sung] Park, K.S.[Ki-Sung] Park, K.S.[Kwang Suk] Park, K.S.[Kyoung-Su] Park, K.S.[Kyoung Shin]
Park, K.T.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Approximation Bounds for Vertex Based Contour Encoding
* Adaptive Termination Rule for Iterative Image Restoration
* Block-Based Preprocessing System for the Coding Performance Improvement, The
* HD-VCR Codec for Studio Application Using Quadtree Structured Binary Symbols in Wavelet Transform Domain
* High-speed moving picture coding using adaptively load balanced multiprocessor system
* Interframe Coding Using 2-Stage Variable Block-Size Multiresolution Motion Estimation and Wavelet Decomposition
* Study of the Application and the Limitations of GPR Investigation on Underground Survey of the Korean Expressways, A
Includes: Park, K.T. Park, K.T.[Keon-Tae]
7 for Park, K.T.
Park, K.W.[Kyung Wook]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Extraction of Semantic Relationships from Images Using Ontologies and SVM Classifiers
* CMOS Codec Chip for a Cost-Effective Group-4 FAX System, A
* Doc-Trace: Tracing Secret Documents in Cloud Computing via Steganographic Marking
* Hydrological Utility and Uncertainty of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in the Mountainous Region of South Korea
* Impact of 2D and 3D display watching on EEG power spectra: A standardized low-resolution tomography (sLORETA) study
* pi-SIFT: A photometric and Scale Invariant Feature Transform
Includes: Park, K.W.[Kyung Wook] Park, K.W.[Kyung-Wook] Park, K.W. Park, K.W.[Ki-Woong] Park, K.W.[Kyung Won] Park, K.W.[Kun-Woo]
Park, K.Y.[Kwan Yong]
Co Author Listing * Bridging Images and Videos: A Simple Learning Framework for Large Vocabulary Video Object Detection
* improved Haar-like feature for efficient object detection, An
* LabOR: Labeling Only if Required for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Classifiers of Prototypes and Reciprocal Points for Universal Domain Adaptation
* Mask-Guided Matting in the Wild
* MTMMC: A Large-Scale Real-World Multi-Modal Camera Tracking Benchmark
* Per-Clip Video Object Segmentation
* Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation from Thermal Images via Adversarial Multi-spectral Adaptation
* Tracking by Associating Clips
* Weak-to-strong Compositional Learning from Generative Models for Language-based Object Detection
Includes: Park, K.Y.[Kwan Yong] Park, K.Y.[Kwan-Yong] Park, K.Y.[Ki-Yeong]
10 for Park, K.Y.
Park, L.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of BRDF/BTDF for the texture representation of woven fabrics based on the impression-evaluation model
* Clustering ellipses for anomaly detection
* simulation of multilayer thin-film interference for pearl material preproduction, A
* TD3-Based Optimization Framework for RSMA-Enhanced UAV-Aided Downlink Communications in Remote Areas
Includes: Park, L. Park, L.[Laurence] Park, L.[Lisa] Park, L.[Laihyuk]
Park, L.A.F.
Co Author Listing * Automatic detection of retinal vascular landmark features for colour fundus image matching and patient longitudinal study
* effective retinal blood vessel segmentation method using multi-scale line detection, An
* Effective Supervised Framework for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Local Standardisation and Bagging, An
* Novel Document Ranking Method Using the Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Quantitative Measure for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Evaluation, A
Includes: Park, L.A.F. Park, L.A.F.[Laurence A.F.] Park, L.A.F.[Laurence A. F.]
Park, M.[Moojong]
Co Author Listing * Adequacy Analysis Using UAV of Heavy Rainfall Disaster Reduction Facilities According to Urban Development in Republic of Korea
* Automatic extraction of semantic concepts in medical images
* Bidimensional Statistical Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Blending video with synthetic images created from matched viewing environments
* Classification of colonic polyps using Hidden Markov Models
* Decomposition of Neural Discrete Representations for Large-scale 3d Mapping
* Deep Objective Assessment Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Perception of 360-Degree Video for VR Sickness Prediction
* Development of an Asymmetric Car-Following Model and Simulation Validation
* False Positive Reduction in Colonic Polyp Detection Using Glocal Information
* Fast content-based image retrieval using quasi-gabor filter and reduction of image feature dimension
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Generative Guiding Block: Synthesizing Realistic Looking Variants Capable of Even Large Change Demands
* Hierarchical Indexing Images Using Weighted Low Dimensional Texture Features
* Image Decoding Over Noisy Channels Using Minimum Mean-Squared Estimation and a Markov Mesh
* Improved Image Decoding over Noisy Channels Using Minimum Mean-Squared Estimation and a Markov Mesh
* Large-scale color holographic display capable of steering view window
* Learning Depth from Endoscopic Images
* LRSLAM: Low-rank Representation of Signed Distance Fields in Dense Visual SLAM System
* Participatory Design of Affective Technology: Interfacing Biomusic and Autism
* Plankton classification on imbalanced large scale database via convolutional neural networks with transfer learning
* Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms, A
* Robust Video Frame Interpolation With Exceptional Motion Map
* Table-top electronic holographic display satisfying stereopsis along 360 degree
* Using Smart Cameras to Localize Self-Assembling Modular Robots
* Vision-Based Vehicle Detection System With Consideration of the Detecting Location
Includes: Park, M.[Moojong] Park, M.[Mira] Park, M.[Minjeong] Park, M.[Moonho] Park, M. Park, M.[Minseong] Park, M.[Minsik] Park, M.[Melissa]
25 for Park, M.
Park, M.A.
Co Author Listing * Improved Regional Activity Quantitation in Nuclear Medicine Using a New Approach to Correct for Tissue Partial Volume and Spillover Effects
* Supplemental Transmission Aided Attenuation Correction for Quantitative Cardiac PET
Includes: Park, M.A. Park, M.A.[Mi-Ae]
Park, M.C.[Min Chul]
Co Author Listing * 3D TV Interface by an Intelligent Remote Controller
* Analysis and synthesis of 3-D face image sequence based on model-based image coding scheme with an Internet browser
* Depth resolution in three-dimensional images
* New ophthalmic device for measuring binocular accommodation responses
* Priority and Segmentation Algorithm for the 3-D Motion Estimation of Two Heads Partly Overlapped
* See through HMD type MF 3D display for AR
* Stereo-photography with hand phone
* System and method for camera calibration
Includes: Park, M.C.[Min Chul] Park, M.C.[Min-Chul] Park, M.C. Park, M.C.[Michael C.]
8 for Park, M.C.
Park, M.E.[Mi Eun]
Co Author Listing * Study on the Long-Term Variations in Mass Extinction Efficiency Using Visibility Data in South Korea, A
Park, M.G.[Min Gyu]
Co Author Listing * As-planar-as-possible depth map estimation
* Canonicalfusion: Generating Drivable 3d Human Avatars from Multiple Images
* Dynamic Point Clustering with Line Constraints for Moving Object Detection in DAS
* Efficient Point Feature Tracking based on Self-aware Distance Transform
* High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images
* Joint Layout Estimation and Global Multi-view Registration for Indoor Reconstruction
* Learning and Selecting Confidence Measures for Robust Stereo Matching
* Leveraging stereo matching with learning-based confidence measures
* Memory-Efficient Parametric Semiglobal Matching
* Predicting Future Frames Using Retrospective Cycle GAN
Includes: Park, M.G.[Min Gyu] Park, M.G.[Min-Gyu] Park, M.G.
10 for Park, M.G.
Park, M.H.[Min Ho]
Co Author Listing * Augmenting Features via Contrastive Learning-based Generative Model for Long-Tailed Classification
* Deep Learning-based Video Retrieval Using Object Relationships and Associated Audio Classes
* Efficient Shot Boundary Detection for Action Movies Using Blockwise Motion-Based Features
* HMM-Based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
* iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hints to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2020
* Learning to Generate Semantic Layouts for Higher Text-Image Correspondence in Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Photo-Realistic Facial Emotion Synthesis Using Multi-level Critic Networks with Multi-level Generative Model
* Stable VITON: Learning Semantic Correspondence with Latent Diffusion Model for Virtual Try-On
* Usability test of game-based learning in safe-medication education for older adults
Includes: Park, M.H.[Min Ho] Park, M.H.[Min-Ho] Park, M.H.[Myong-Hwa]
10 for Park, M.H.
Park, M.J.[Moo Jin]
Co Author Listing * Color inspection of printed texture using scanner: compensation of positional deviation via NN model
* Machine Learning-Based Concrete Crack Depth Prediction Using Thermal Images Taken under Daylight Conditions
* Structural Stability Evaluation of Existing Buildings by Reverse Engineering with 3D Laser Scanner
* Unsupervised soft-to-hard hashing with contrastive learning
Includes: Park, M.J.[Moo Jin] Park, M.J.[Moo-Jin] Park, M.J.[Min Jae] Park, M.J.[Min-Je]
Park, M.K.[Min Kyu]
Co Author Listing * Edge-adaptive color interpolation for complementary color filter array
* Edi-Based Deinterlacing Using Edge Patterns
* Joint Deblurring and Demosaicing Using Edge Information from Bayer Images
* Super-resolution image reconstruction: a technical overview
Includes: Park, M.K.[Min Kyu] Park, M.K.
Park, M.S.[Mi Seon]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Interpolation for Error Concealment in H.264 Using Directional Histograms
* Applicability of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Mapping of Sea Surface Salinity in the East China Sea, The
* Damage-Map Estimation Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms for Disaster Management System
* Decadal Measurements of the First Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite (GOCI) Compared with MODIS and VIIRS Data
* Depth-Wise Split Unit Coding Order for Video Compression
* Efficient multilevel successive elimination algorithms for block matching motion estimation
* Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Marine Fog Detection in Combination with Himawari-8 Based on the Decision Tree
* Improvement of GOCI-II Water Vapor Absorption Correction through Fusion with GK-2A/AMI Data
* Leveraging Future Trajectory Prediction for Multi-Camera People Tracking
* Linear boundary discriminant analysis
* Low-Light Image Enhancement Framework for Improved Object Detection in Fisheye Lens Datasets
* Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data
* Measurement of Planetary Boundary Layer Winds with Scanning Doppler Lidar
* Merge Mode With Motion Vector Difference
* Multilabel Image Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Decision Support on Wildfire Response
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* Nocturnal Boundary Layer Height Uncertainty in Particulate Matter Simulations during the KORUS-AQ Campaign
* Novel Incremental Principal Component Analysis with Improved Performance
* Theoretical analysis on feature extraction capability of class-augmented PCA
* Tracking failure detection by imitating human visual perception
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
* Wildfire-Detection Method Using DenseNet and CycleGAN Data Augmentation-Based Remote Camera Imagery
Includes: Park, M.S.[Mi Seon] Park, M.S.[Myung-Sook] Park, M.S.[Min-Soo] Park, M.S. Park, M.S.[Myoung Soo] Park, M.S.[Moon-Soo] Park, M.S.[Moon-Seo]
22 for Park, M.S.
Park, M.W.[Min Woo]
Co Author Listing * Chrominance Compensation for Multi-View Video Coding
* Data driven mean-shift belief propagation for non-gaussian MRFs
* Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using Mean-Shift Belief Propagation
* Deformed Lattice Discovery Via Efficient Mean-Shift Belief Propagation
* Depth based two-step disparity vector derivation for AVS2-3D
* Depth-Wise Split Unit Coding Order for Video Compression
* DPPD: Deformable Polar Polygon Object Detection
* Dynamic Obstacle Detection of Road Scenes using Equi-Height Mosaicking Image
* Efficient mean shift belief propagation for vision tracking
* Estimating the camera direction of a geotagged image using reference images
* Face modeling and tracking with Gabor Wavelet Network prior
* HazardNet: Road Debris Detection by Augmentation of Synthetic Models
* Image De-fencing Revisited
* Learning to Produce 3D Media From a Captured 2D Video
* Low-Complexity Scaler Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Adaptive Video Streaming
* Merge Mode With Motion Vector Difference
* NVAutoNet: Fast and Accurate 360° 3D Visual Perception For Self Driving
* Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
* Performance evaluation of state-of-the-art discrete symmetry detection algorithms
* Symmetry Detection from RealWorld Images Competition 2013: Summary and Results
* Synthetic Data Generation using Imitation Training
* Translation-Symmetry-Based Perceptual Grouping with Applications to Urban Scenes
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
Includes: Park, M.W.[Min Woo] Park, M.W.[Min-Woo] Park, M.W.
24 for Park, M.W.
Park, M.Y.[Michael Y.]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel as an acoustic coupling medium for low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound
* Improving 3D Imaging with Pre-Trained Perpendicular 2D Diffusion Models
* Pixel-Weighting Method for Discriminating Objects of Different Sizes in an Image Captured from a Single Camera, A
* Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-agnostic Incremental Learning
Includes: Park, M.Y.[Michael Y.] Park, M.Y.[Min-Young] Park, M.Y.[Mook-Yung] Park, M.Y.[Min-Yeong]
Park, N.[Namgyu]
Co Author Listing * Defending against attacks tailored to transfer learning via feature distancing
* EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
* Grounding Visual Representations with Texts for Domain Generalization
* Hybrid Pansharpening Algorithm of VHR Satellite Images that Employs Injection Gains Based on NDVI to Reduce Computational Costs, A
* It's All In the Teacher: Zero-Shot Quantization Brought Closer to the Teacher
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* Sharpening the VNIR and SWIR Bands of Sentinel-2A Imagery through Modified Selected and Synthesized Band Schemes
* Synthesis of VLSI architectures for tree-structured image coding
Includes: Park, N.[Namgyu] Park, N.[Nokyung] Park, N.[Nyunghee] Park, N.[Noseong] Park, N. Park, N.[Neungsoo]
8 for Park, N.
Park, N.C.[No Cheol]
Co Author Listing * Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
Includes: Park, N.C.[No Cheol] Park, N.C.[No-Cheol]
Park, N.K.[No Kap]
Co Author Listing * Image Restoration for Quantifying TFT-LCD Defect Levels
Park, N.R.[Nae Ri]
Co Author Listing * Fast Fine Granularity Scalability Decoding Scheme for Low-Delay Scalable Video Coding Applications
Includes: Park, N.R.[Nae Ri] Park, N.R.[Nae-Ri]
Park, N.W.[No Wook]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Potential of Multi-Temporal Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks in SAR-to-Optical Image Translation for Early-Stage Crop Monitoring
* Comparison Between Major Artificial Intelligence Models for Crop Yield Prediction: Case Study of the Midwestern United States, 2006-2015, A
* Cross-Resolution, Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Fusion Model for Combining Satellite Image Time-Series of Different Spatial and Temporal Resolutions, A
* Different Agricultural Responses to Extreme Drought Events in Neighboring Counties of South and North Korea
* Geostatistical Integration of Coarse Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products and Rain Gauge Data to Map Precipitation at Fine Spatial Resolutions
* Potential of Hybrid CNN-RF Model for Early Crop Mapping with Limited Input Data
* Satellite-Based Evaluation of the Post-Fire Recovery Process from the Worst Forest Fire Case in South Korea
* Self-Learning Based Land-Cover Classification Using Sequential Class Patterns from Past Land-Cover Maps
* Spatial Estimation of Classification Accuracy Using Indicator Kriging with an Image-Derived Ambiguity Index
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Self-Training for Crop Classification Using Remote Sensing Images
* Using MODIS Data to Predict Regional Corn Yields
Includes: Park, N.W.[No Wook] Park, N.W.[No-Wook]
12 for Park, N.W.
Park, N.Y.[Noh Young]
Co Author Listing * Vision-based all-in-one solution for augmented reality and its storytelling applications
Includes: Park, N.Y.[Noh Young] Park, N.Y.[Noh-Young]
Park, P.[Poogyeon]
Co Author Listing * Distributed Prescribed Performance Fault-Tolerant Control of Multi-UAVs With Input Delays via Dynamic Event-Triggered Observers
* Hybrid Communication Protocols and Control Algorithms for NextGen Aircraft Arrivals
* Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm Based on Variable-Step-Size Recursion With Innovative Input Data, A
* Optimal Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm
Includes: Park, P.[Poogyeon] Park, P. Park, P.[PooGyeon]
Park, P.G.[Poo Gyeon]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Line-Search Algorithm for Unbiased Recursive Least-Squares Filtering With Noisy Inputs, An
* Variable Step-Size Sign Subband Adaptive Filter
Includes: Park, P.G.[Poo Gyeon] Park, P.G.[Poo-Gyeon]
Park, P.K.[Pil Kyu]
Co Author Listing * Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
Includes: Park, P.K.[Pil Kyu] Park, P.K.[Pil-Kyu]
Park, P.K.J.[Paul K.J.]
Co Author Listing * Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bio-inspired visual and cognitive processing
* Context-aware event-driven stereo matching
* Gesture recognition system based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
* Performance Improvement of Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Demosaicing Technique
* Real-time human body parts localization from dynamic vision sensor
* Real-time motion estimation based on event-based vision sensor
* Touchless hand gesture UI with instantaneous responses
Includes: Park, P.K.J.[Paul K.J.] Park, P.K.J. Park, P.K.J.[Paul K. J.]
7 for Park, P.K.J.
Park, P.Y.[Peter Y.]
Co Author Listing * Developing a situation and threat assessment framework for a next generation roadside animal detection system
Park, P.Y.J.[Peter Young Jin]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of overlapping origin-destination pairs between bus stations to enhance the efficiency of bus operations
Includes: Park, P.Y.J.[Peter Young Jin] Park, P.Y.J.[Peter Young-Jin]
Park, R.
Co Author Listing * Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using an Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule
* Reduction of Aliasing Artifacts by Sign Function Approximation in Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Foreground-Background Separation
Park, R.H.[Rae Hong]
Co Author Listing * email: Park, R.H.[Rae Hong]: rhpark AT ccs songag ac kr
* 2-Stage High-Precision Visual Inspection of Surface Mount Devices
* 3D Object Recognition in Range Images Using Hidden Markov Models and Neural Networks
* 8-Point Discrete Hartley Transform as an Edge Operator and Its Interpretation in the Frequency-Domain
* Absolute position estimation using IRS satellite images
* Analysis of Mixed Korean Documents Using the Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DP Matching
* Analysis Of Quantization-Error in Line-Based Stereo Matching
* Anisotropic Hierarchical Motion Estimation Method Based on Decomposition of the Functional Domain
* Color fringe correction based on image fusion
* Color Fringe Correction by the Color Difference Prediction Using the Logistic Function
* Color Image Palette Construction Based on the HSI Color System for Minimizing the Reconstruction Error
* Colour fringe detection and correction in YCbCr colour space
* Colour image dehazing using near-infrared fusion
* Colour matching for soft proofing using a camera
* Colourisation in Yxy colour space for purple fringing correction
* Comments on A Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection
* Comments on Optimal Approximation of Uniformly Rotated Images: Relationship Between Karhunen-Loeve Expansion and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Comparative Performance Study of Several Global Thresholding Techniques for Segmentation, A
* Comparison of eyelid and eyelash detection algorithms for performance improvement of iris recognition
* Complex-Valued Disparity: Unified Depth Model of Depth from Stereo, Depth from Focus, and Depth from Defocus Based on the Light Field Gradient
* Comprehensive analysis and evaluation to unsupervised binary hashing method in image similarity measurement
* Context-based abnormal object detection using the fully-connected conditional random fields
* Contour Coding Based on the Decomposition of Line Segments
* Contrast-aware power control method for mobile active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display
* Detection and correction of purple fringing using color desaturation in the xy chromaticity diagram and the gradient information
* Document image binarization based on topographic analysis using a water flow model
* Edge Detection Using a Complex-Valued Directional Vector Representation
* Edge-Detection in Noisy Images Based on the Cooccurrence Matrix
* Edge-Preserving Artifact-Free Smoothing with Image Pyramids
* efficient algorithm for video sequence matching using the modified Hausdorff distance and the directed divergence, An
* Efficient iris localisation using a guided filter
* Efficient Shot Boundary Detection for Action Movies Using Blockwise Motion-Based Features
* Extracting Spatial Arrangement of Structural Textures Using Projection Information
* Extraction of Periodicity Vectors from Structural Textures Using Projection Information
* Extraction of Straight Line Segments Using Rotation Transformation: Generalized Hough Transformation
* Eyelid and eyelash detection method in the normalized iris image using the parabolic Hough model and Otsu's thresholding method
* Face Recognition Using Dual Difference Regression Classification
* fast automatic VOP generation using boundary block segmentation, A
* fast hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm using mean pyramid, A
* Fast local motion-compensation algorithm for video sequences with brightness variations
* Fourier Interpretation of the Frei-Chen Edge Masks, A
* Gaze estimation using a webcam for region of interest detection
* High-Contrast Color-Stripe Pattern for Rapid Structured-Light Range Imaging
* Histogram-Based Locality-Preserving Contrast Enhancement
* Hurst Parameter Estimation of Long-Range Dependent VBR MPEG Video Traffic in ATM Networks
* Hybrid Approaches to Frontal View Face Recognition Using the Hidden Markov Model and Neural-Network
* Hybrid Estimation of Navigation Parameters from Aerial Image Sequence
* Hybrid Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Hierarchical Structure in Object-Oriented Coding
* Image coding based on fractal approximation and vector quantization
* Image interpolation using interpolative classified vector quantization
* Integrated Position Estimation Using Aerial Image Sequences
* Interpretation of eight-point discrete cosine and sine transforms as 3x3 orthogonal edge masks in terms of the Frei-Chen masks
* Invariant texture retrieval using modified Zernike moments
* Local motion-adaptive interpolation technique based on block matching algorithms
* Localization based on DEM matching using multiple aerial image pairs
* Localization Based on the Gradient Information for Dem matching
* LOT coding for arbitrarily shaped object regions
* Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Integral Projections and Segmented Moving-Objects in Object-Oriented Analysis-Synthesis Coding
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* MPEG-2 stereoscopic video coding technique using adaptive bandwidth control
* Multi-scale foreground-background separation for light field depth estimation with deep convolutional networks
* Multiimage Photometric Stereo Using Surface Approximation by Legendre Polynomials
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing
* Multiresolution Edge-Detection Techniques
* Multiresolution Surface Parameter Estimation for Range Images
* Navigation parameter estimation from sequential aerial images
* New Hausdorff distances based on robust statistics for comparing images
* New image quality metric using derivative filters and compressive sensing
* New image quality metric using random projection
* New Image Quality Metric Using the Harris Response
* New interface for musical instruments using lip reading
* New Interpretation of the Compass Gradient Edge Operators, A
* Noise reduction in high dynamic range images
* Noise reduction using multiscale bilateral decomposition for digital color images
* Novel Approach to Scene Change Detection Using a Cross Entropy, A
* Object Matching Algorithms Using Robust Hausdorff Distance Measures
* Object Oriented Coder Using Block Based Motion Vectors and Residual Image Compensation, An
* Object-Based Very Low Bit-Rate Coding Using Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Multiple Frame Prediction
* Off-Line Recognition of Handwritten Korean and Alphanumeric Characters Using Hidden Markov-Models
* One-dimensional frequency domain interpretation of compass roof edge and Frei-Chen line masks
* Online Recognition of Cursive Korean Characters Using DP Matching and Fuzzy Concept
* Optical Flow Based Frame Interpolation of Ultrasound Images
* Orientation Reliability Matrix for the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, An
* Oriented Hausdorff Similarity Measure for Object Matching
* Pattern matching assisted motion estimation and motion vector histogram analysis for interlaced-to-progressive conversion
* Pothole detection using spatio-temporal saliency
* Power-constrained contrast enhancement for organic light-emitting diode display using locality-preserving histogram equalisation
* Pyramidal Robust Hausdorff Distance for Object Matching
* Range image reconstruction based on robust multiresolution estimation of surface parameters
* Rate-distortion optimized intra update for error resilience in MPEG-4 video coding
* Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
* Recognition of Human Front Faces Using Knowledge-Based Feature-Extraction and Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm
* Recognition of Raised Characters For Automatic Classification of Rubber Tires
* Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images Using Disparity Vectors Estimated by the Geometrical Constraint
* Relaxation Algorithm for Detection of Face Outline and Eye Locations
* Relaxation Algorithm for Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Residual LSTM Attention Network for Object Tracking
* Resolution Enhancement by Prediction of the High-Frequency Image Based on the Laplacian Pyramid
* Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images
* Robust Hausdorff distance matching algorithms using pyramidal structures
* Robust Reweighted MAP Motion Estimation
* Segmentation based on fusion of range and intensity images using robust trimmed methods
* Segmentation with saliency map using colour and depth images
* Self-Calibration with Two Views Using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
* Semi-fragile Watermarking for Tamper Proofing and Authentication of Still Images
* Shape from Shading and Photometric Stereo Using Surface Approximation by Legendre Polynomials
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Illumination Compensation in Video
* Stereo Matching Technique Based on the Theory of Possibility
* Stereo Matching Using Hierarchical Features for Robotic Applications
* Still Image-Coding Based on Vector Quantization and Fractal Approximation
* surface-based approach to 3-D object recognition using a mean field annealing neural network, A
* Systolic array architectures for computation of the discrete wavelet transform
* Texture Periodicity Detection: Features, Properties, and Comparisons
* Three-Dimensional DCT/WT Compression Using Motion Vector Segmentation for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Tone mapping with contrast preservation and lightness correction in high dynamic range imaging
* Trinocular Stereo Sequence Coding Based on MPEG-2
* Two-Dimensional Object Alignment Based on the Robust Oriented Hausdorff Similarity Measure
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Motion Discontinuity-Preserving Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* VLSI architectures of the 1-D and 2-D discrete wavelet transforms for JPEG 2000
* Wavelet Packet-Based Progressive Image Transmission by Prioritized Subband Selection and Multistage Quantization
Includes: Park, R.H.[Rae Hong] Park, R.H.[Rae-Hong] Park, R.H.
120 for Park, R.H.
Park, R.J.[Rokjin J.]
Co Author Listing * Compromised Improvement of Poor Visibility Due to PM Chemical Composition Changes in South Korea
* Effect of Error in SO2 Slant Column Density on the Accuracy of SO2 Transport Flow Rate Estimates Based on GEMS Synthetic Radiances
Park, S.[Seyoun]
Co Author Listing * 3D freehand ultrasound reconstruction using a piecewise smooth Markov random field
* 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with 2D Pose Information
* Abnormal Object Detection by Canonical Scene-Based Contextual Model
* Absolute Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud Using Amorphous Objects
* Accelerating neuromorphic vision on FPGAs
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation Algorithm Using Single Depth Images for Pose Analysis in Golf
* Adaptive Streaming of 360-Degree Videos with Reinforcement Learning
* Amphibian Sounds Generating Network Based on Adversarial Learning
* Analysis on the Dropout Effect in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Analytics-Driven Visualization on Digital Directory via Screen-Smart Device Interactions
* Angelic Patches for Improving Third-Party Object Detector Performance
* AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment
* Assessing CALIOP-Derived Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Ground-Based Lidar
* Athlete Pose Estimation by a Global-Local Network
* AttentionNet: Aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
* Attribute And-Or Grammar for Joint Parsing of Human Pose, Parts and Attributes
* Attributed Grammars for Joint Estimation of Human Attributes, Part and Pose
* Audio-Visual Mismatch-Aware Video Retrieval via Association and Adjustment
* Automatic Classification of Woodcuts and Copperplate Engravings
* Bayesian Optimization Meets Self-Distillation
* Benchmarking Self-Supervised Learning on Diverse Pathology Datasets
* Bidirectional Motion Estimation with Cyclic Cost Volume for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning
* Burned-Area Mapping Using Post-Fire PlanetScope Images and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Can CLIP Help Sound Source Localization?
* case study of learning assessment, flow, satisfaction and expressiveness of the music game: focused on elementary students' music appreciation learning, A
* Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of volumetric imaging data sets
* Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D signals in 3D simulated images
* Channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels in detection tasks involving non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds and a Gaussian signal
* Character Region Attention for Text Spotting
* Classification and Mapping of Paddy Rice by Combining Landsat and SAR Time Series Data
* Classification and Mapping of Paddy Rice by Combining Landsat and SAR Time Series Data
* Classification Of Croplands Through Fusion Of Optical And Sar Time Series Data
* CLEval: Character-Level Evaluation for Text Detection and Recognition Tasks
* Coarse to Fine: Progressive and Multi-Task Learning for Salient Object Detection
* Comparative evaluation of the polynomial and spline fitting methods for the B0 correction of CEST MRI data acquired from human brains
* Comparison of Channel Methods and Observer Models for the Task-Based Assessment of Multi-Projection Imaging in the Presence of Structured Anatomical Noise
* Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors
* computationally efficient scheme for feature extraction with kernel discriminant analysis, A
* Constructing The Flood Evacuation Zones Based On User-centric Time-distance Representation
* Construction of a flexible and scalable 4D light field camera array using Raspberry Pi clusters
* Continuous digital zooming using local self-similarity-based super-resolution for an asymmetric dual camera system
* Cross-Modal Deep Variational Hand Pose Estimation
* Cross-Modal Transformers for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Cultural event recognition by subregion classification with convolutional neural network
* Damage-Map Estimation Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms for Disaster Management System
* Data augmentation method for improving the accuracy of human pose estimation with cropped images
* Data Model for IndoorGML Extension to Support Indoor Navigation of People with Mobility Disabilities
* Deep Learning COVID-19 Features on CXR Using Limited Training Data Sets
* Deep Pictorial Gaze Estimation
* Deformable mesh simulation for virtual laparoscopic cholecystectomy training
* Denoising Recurrent Neural Networks for Classifying Crash-Related Events
* Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruction in Presence of Occlusions and Minimal Texture
* Detection of Text Region and Segmentation from Natural Scene Images
* Detection of Tropical Overshooting Cloud Tops Using Himawari-8 Imagery
* Developing a Segmentation Model for Microscopic Images of Microplastics Isolated from Clams
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Development of Raman Lidar for Remote Sensing of CO2 Leakage at an Artificial Carbon Capture and Storage Site
* Differential Trellis-Coded Quantization for FDD Massive MIMO Systems in a Spatially Correlated Channel, A
* Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder
* Discrepancy Analysis for Detecting Candidate Parcels Requiring Update of Land Category in Cadastral Map Using Hyperspectral UAV Images: A Case Study in Jeonju, South Korea
* Disparity Refinement with Guided Filtering of Soft 3D Cost Function in Multi-view Stereo System
* Dofnet: Depth of Field Difference Learning for Detecting Image Forgery
* Domain Generalization by Mutual-Information Regularization with Pre-trained Models
* Domain Generalization Method for Person Re-Id Using Metabin and Mixstyle
* Domain Hybrid Day-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme
* Downscaling of MODIS One Kilometer Evapotranspiration Using Landsat-8 Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Feature Representation Learning Using Various Deep Networks
* Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Condition-Adaptive Representation Learning Framework
* Drought Forecasting Based On Machine Learning Of Remote Sensing And Long-range Forecast Data
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation
* ECCV Caption: Correcting False Negatives by Collecting Machine-and-Human-verified Image-Caption Associations for MS-COCO
* EFE: End-to-end Frame-to-Gaze Estimation
* Efficient Architecture of In-Loop Filters for Multicore Scalable HEVC Hardware Decoders, An
* Efficient extraction of domain specific sentiment lexicon with active learning
* Enhancing road safety through misbehaviour detection in vehicle-to-everything systems of Korea
* Estimating the Pre-Historical Volcanic Eruption in the Hantangang River Volcanic Field: Experimental and Simulation Study
* Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures in urban landscapes using MODIS time series satellite data
* ETH-Xgaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation Under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation
* Exploiting Transferable Knowledge for Fairness-aware Image Classification
* Face Generation for Low-Shot Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Face Recognition Using Optimized 3D Information from Stereo Images
* Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification
* Fair-VPT: Fair Visual Prompt Tuning for Image Classification
* Fast Adaptation to Super-resolution Networks via Meta-learning
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* fast image retrieval system using index lookup table on mobile device, A
* Fast transform-based adaptive beamformer for medical ultrasound imaging
* Fast video anomaly detection via context-aware shortcut exploration and abnormal feature distance learning
* Fast-Convergent Federated Learning via Cyclic Aggregation
* Feasibility of employing a smartphone as the payload in a photogrammetric UAV system
* Feature selection of 3D volume data through multi-dimensional transfer functions
* FedX: Unsupervised Federated Learning with Cross Knowledge Distillation
* Few-Shot Adaptive Gaze Estimation
* Few-Shot Calibration of Set Predictors via Meta-Learned Cross-Validation-Based Conformal Prediction
* Few-Shot Font Generation With Weakly Supervised Localized Representations
* Flood Evacuation Mapping Using a Time-Distance cartogram
* Focused ultrasound modulates the level of cortical neurotransmitters: Potential as a new functional brain mapping technique
* Full-body virtual try-on using top and bottom garments with wearing style control
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* General External Uncertainty Models of Three-Plane Intersection Point for 3D Absolute Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud
* Graphics2RAW: Mapping Computer Graphics Images to Sensor RAW Images
* Guaranteed Dynamic Scheduling of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Traffic via Conformal Prediction
* Hierarchical prescription pattern analysis with symptom labels
* Hierarchical Visual Primitive Experts for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* High-Resolution Virtual Try-On with Misalignment and Occlusion-Handled Conditions
* Hypergraph-Induced Semantic Tuplet Loss for Deep Metric Learning
* Icing Detection over East Asia from Geostationary Satellite Data Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Identifying the Impact of Regional Meteorological Parameters on US Crop Yield at Various Spatial Scales Using Remote Sensing Data
* Illumination robust optical flow estimation by illumination-chromaticity decoupling
* Illumination technique for optical dynamic range compression and offset reduction
* Image-guided navigation of single-element focused ultrasound transducer
* Immersive Gatekeeper Training System for Suicide Prevention in HMD Based Virtual Environments
* Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
* Improvement of GPR-Based Rebar Diameter Estimation Using YOLO-v3
* Improvement of GPR-Based Rebar Diameter Estimation Using YOLO-v3
* Improving 3d Mesh Quality Using Multi-directional UAV Images
* Improving Korean verb-verb morphological disambiguation using lexical knowledge from unambiguous unlabeled data and selective web counts
* Improving Unsupervised Image Clustering With Robust Learning
* Improving Unsupervised Image Clustering With Robust Learning
* Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers for Detection Tasks
* Independent component analysis by lp-norm optimization
* Influence-Balanced Loss for Imbalanced Visual Classification
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Bimodal Transformers
* Integrating Grammar and Segmentation for Human Pose Estimation
* Integrating Language-Derived Appearance Elements With Visual Cues in Pedestrian Detection
* Interactive Multi-Class Tiny-Object Detection
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2020
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2021
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2022
* Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Kernel Learning for Supervised Image Segmentation
* K-Hairstyle: A Large-Scale Korean Hairstyle Dataset for Virtual Hair Editing and Hairstyle Classification
* Kinetic Typography Diffusion Model
* KoDF: A Large-scale Korean DeepFake Detection Dataset
* Label Shift Adapter for Test-Time Adaptation under Covariate and Label Shifts
* Language-free Training for Zero-shot Video Grounding
* Learning Feature Representation for Face Verification
* Learning representative exemplars using one-class Gaussian process regression
* Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function
* Leveraging Future Trajectory Prediction for Multi-Camera People Tracking
* Localization and Manipulation of Immoral Visual Cues for Safe Text-to-Image Generation
* Localization Uncertainty-Based Attention for Object Detection
* Localizing Human Keypoints beyond the Bounding Box
* LOD Canny Edge Based Boundary Edge Selection for Human Body Tracking
* Low-Light Image Enhancement Framework for Improved Object Detection in Fisheye Lens Datasets
* Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data
* Majority Can Help the Minority: Context-rich Minority Oversampling for Long-tailed Classification, The
* Max-margin embedding for multi-label learning
* Measurement of Planetary Boundary Layer Winds with Scanning Doppler Lidar
* MedBN: Robust Test-Time Adaptation against Malicious Test Samples
* Microarray Data Classifier Consisting of k-Top-Scoring Rank-Comparison Decision Rules With a Variable Number of Genes
* Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification
* MMTF: Multi-Modal Temporal Fusion for Commonsense Video Question Answering
* MoDA: Map Style Transfer for Self-supervised Domain Adaptation of Embodied Agents
* Multi-modal Characteristic Guided Depth Completion Network
* Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements Between Visual and Semantic Features
* Multi-Task Distributed Learning Using Vision Transformer With Random Patch Permutation
* Multi-view Video Analysis of Humans and Vehicles in an Unconstrained Environment
* Multilabel Image Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Decision Support on Wildfire Response
* Multiple Heads are Better than One: Few-shot Font Generation with Multiple Localized Experts
* Mutual Domain Adaptation
* NIPQ: Noise proxy-based Integrated Pseudo-Quantization
* Normality Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Not All Classes Stand on Same Embeddings: Calibrating a Semantic Distance with Metric Tensor
* Notice of Retraction: E2V-SDE: From Asynchronous Events to Fast and Continuous Video Reconstruction via Neural Stochastic Differential Equations
* Novel Method of Cone Beam CT Projection Binning Based on Image Registration, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* OCELOT: Overlapped Cell on Tissue Dataset for Histopathology
* On a Flood-Producing Coastal Mesoscale Convective Storm Associated with the Kor'easterlies: Multi-Data Analyses Using Remotely-Sensed and In-Situ Observations and Storm-Scale Model Simulations
* On Recognizing Texts of Arbitrary Shapes with 2D Self-Attention
* Online Continual Learning on a Contaminated Data Stream with Blurry Task Boundaries
* Online Reinforcement Learning of X-Haul Content Delivery Mode in Fog Radio Access Networks
* Optimal Band Selection for Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery to Retrieve a Wide Range of Cyanobacterial Pigment Concentration Using a Data-Driven Approach
* Optimizing Semi-Analytical Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin Concentrations in Inland Waters in Korea
* PalmitoAR: The Last Battle of the U.S. Civil War Reenacted Using Augmented Reality
* Parallelized deblocking filtering of HEVC decoders based on complexity estimation
* Partial and Holistic Face Recognition on FRGC-II data using Support Vector Machine
* Partial Least Squares: A Method to Estimate Efficient Channels for the Ideal Observers
* PartMix: Regularization Strategy to Learn Part Discovery for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* PEPSI: Fast Image Inpainting With Parallel Decoding Network
* Performance of Drought Indices in Assessing Rice Yield in North Korea and South Korea under the Different Agricultural Systems
* Physics-Based Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Using Landsat OLI Images
* Pixel-Level Domain Transfer
* Positional Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud from NAIP/3DEP Pilot Project
* Predicting Mind-Wandering with Facial Videos in Online Lectures
* Prediction of Drought on Pentad Scale Using Remote Sensing Data and MJO Index through Random Forest over East Asia
* Prediction of Transit Vehicle Arrival Time for Signal Priority Control: Algorithm and Performance
* Procrustean Regression Networks: Learning 3d Structure of Non-rigid Objects from 2d Annotations
* Procrustean Regression: A Flexible Alignment-Based Framework for Nonrigid Structure Estimation
* Quantification of Phycocyanin in Inland Waters through Remote Measurement of Ratios and Shifts in Reflection Spectral Peaks
* Quantile Learn-Then-Test: Quantile-Based Risk Control for Hyperparameter Optimization
* Quantitative susceptibility mapping in a diabetes mellitus rat model: Iron accumulation in the brain
* Real-time Triple-modal Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging of Humans
* Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
* Representation Learning, Scene Understanding, and Feature Fusion for Drowsiness Detection
* Representing and Learning High Dimensional Data with the Optimal Transport Map from a Probabilistic Viewpoint
* Resampling approach for one-Class classification
* Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Via Spectral Position-Free Feature Mapping
* Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection via Uncertainty-aware Cross-modal Learning
* Robust pedestrian detection via constructing versatile pedestrian knowledge bank
* Robust Small-scale Pedestrian Detection with Cued Recall via Memory Learning
* Rotary Position Embedding for Vision Transformer
* SACuP: Sonar Image Augmentation with Cut and Paste Based DataBank for Semantic Segmentation
* Seed growing for interactive image segmentation with geodesic voting
* Seit++: Masked Token Modeling Improves Storage-efficient Training
* SeiT: Storage-Efficient Vision Training with Tokens Using 1% of Pixel Storage
* Selectively Dilated Convolution for Accuracy-Preserving Sparse Pillar-based Embedded 3D Object Detection
* Self-Configurable Stabilized Real-Time Detection Learning for Autonomous Driving Applications
* Semantic-aware neural style transfer
* SGIR-Tree: Integrating R-Tree Spatial Indexing as Subgraphs in Graph Database Management Systems
* Shape and Appearance Repair for Incomplete Point Surfaces
* Short-Term Forecasting of Satellite-Based Drought Indices Using Their Temporal Patterns and Numerical Model Output
* Similarity of Neural Architectures Using Adversarial Attack Transferability
* Simultaneous Multi-VENC and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Simultaneous Variable-Slab Dual-Echo TOF MR Angiography and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
* Single-Temporal Sentinel-2 for Analyzing Burned Area Detection Methods: A Study of 14 Cases in Republic of Korea Considering Land Cover
* Singular Vectors of a Linear Imaging System as Efficient Channels for the Bayesian Ideal Observer
* Sparsity Reduction Technique Using Grouping Method for Matrix Factorization in Differentially Private Recommendation Systems
* Spatiotemporal downscaling approaches for monitoring 8-day 30 m actual evapotranspiration
* Stable VITON: Learning Semantic Correspondence with Latent Diffusion Model for Virtual Try-On
* Stiffness-Switchable Hydrostatic Transmission Toward Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction
* Style Your Hair: Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer via Local-Style-Aware Hair Alignment
* Style-aware Discriminator for Controllable Image Translation, A
* Sym-Parameterized Dynamic Inference for Mixed-Domain Image Translation
* Symmetry Regularization and Saturating Nonlinearity for Robust Quantization
* system architecture for real time traffic monitoring in foggy video, A
* TCX: Texture and channel swappings for domain generalization
* Temporal Interpolation is all You Need for Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
* Three-Component Power Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Adaptive Volume Scatter Modeling
* Towards Attack-tolerant Federated Learning via Critical Parameter Analysis
* Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-tracking
* Towards Human-Like Interpretable Object Detection Via Spatial Relation Encoding
* Towards Reliable Design and Operation of Electric Road Systems for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Under Realistic Traffic Scenarios
* Towards Representing Transitional Spaces: Developmental Direction for IndoorGML Anchor Node
* Towards Robust and Smooth 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation from Monocular Videos in the Wild
* Tracking of Individuals in Very Long Video Sequences
* Transfer Learning of a Deep Learning Model for Exploring Tourists' Urban Image Using Geotagged Photos
* Transportation LP Distance for Signal Analysis, A
* Tutorial on Matching-based Causal Analysis of Human Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensor Data
* Uncertainty-Guided Cross-Modal Learning for Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Unsupervised Deep Contrast Enhancement With Power Constraint for OLED Displays
* Variational framework for low-light image enhancement using optimal transmission map and combined and -minimization
* Video Composition and Retrieval
* Video in the Web: Technical Challenges and Standardization
* Videopatchcore: An Effective Method to Memorize Normality for Video Anomaly Detection
* VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization
* Weakly-Supervised Physically Unconstrained Gaze Estimation
* Weather-Aware Drone-View Object Detection Via Environmental Context Understanding
* What Is Wrong With Scene Text Recognition Model Comparisons? Dataset and Model Analysis
* Why is the Winner the Best?
* Wildfire-Detection Method Using DenseNet and CycleGAN Data Augmentation-Based Remote Camera Imagery
Includes: Park, S.[Seyoun] Park, S.[Sungheon] Park, S.[Sangdon] Park, S.[Seonkyung] Park, S.[Sungho] Park, S.[Soonchan] Park, S.[Sohee] Park, S. Park, S.[Sunghyun] Park, S.[Soojin] Park, S.[Sunggyun] Park, S.[Seyoung] Park, S.[Sungjune] Park, S.[Suyeong] Park, S.[Seonwook] Park, S.[Seonghyun] Park, S.[Seong_Uk] Park, S.[Seonyoung] Park, S.[Sooyoung] Park, S.[Seungie] Park, S.[Subok] Park, S.[Sungrae] Park, S.[Seohui] Park, S.[Sangwoo] Park, S.[Sanghyuk] Park, S.[Sanghun] Park, S.[Seonhee] Park, S.[Seunghee] Park, S.[Seula] Park, S.[Sehyung] Park, S.[Soonyoung] Park, S.[Sanghyeon] Park, S.[Sunjeong] Park, S.[Sun_Ho] Park, S.[Sehyeon] Park, S.[Sungyeon] Park, S.[Sungwoo] Park, S.[Song] Park, S.[Seungyoung] Park, S.[Sungjae] Park, S.[Seanae] Park, S.[Seobin] Park, S.[Soonyong] Park, S.[Suhyun] Park, S.[Seungwook] Park, S.[Soyoung] Park, S.[Sangmin] Park, S.[Sungwon] Park, S.[Shinsuk] Park, S.[Sangki] Park, S.[Sanguk] Park, S.[Seongheon] Park, S.[Seulki] Park, S.[Sumin] Park, S.[Sinwoo] Park, S.[Sungmin] Park, S.[Sehwan] Park, S.[Seog] Park, S.[Sungkyu] Park, S.[Seonmi] Park, S.[Saerom] Park, S.[Seongbeom] Park, S.[Sunghun] Park, S.[Sunho] Park, S.[SangWon] Park, S.[Seokjun] Park, S.[Sangjoon] Park, S.[Sunghong] Park, S.[Sein] Park, S.[Seunggi] Park, S.[Seongsik] Park, S.[Sojung] Park, S.[Sanghyun] Park, S.[Sohyun] Park, S.[Seung] Park, S.[Serim] Park, S.[Seunghwan] Park, S.[Sundong] Park, S.[Seongmin] Park, S.[Soohyun] Park, S.[Soryeon] Park, S.[Sungbin] Park, S.[Seonguk] Park, S.[Sangyoung] Park, S.[Sungchan] Park, S.[Soyeon] Park, S.[Sangjun] Park, S.[Singla] Park, S.[Soohong]
253 for Park, S.
Park, S.B.[Sung Bum]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Geometry Compression using Multiscale Plane Based Representation and Zerotree Based Coding
* Content-based image classification using a neural network
* Error resilient coding of 3-D meshes
* Fast K Nearest Neighbor Finding Algorithm Based on the Ordered Partition, A
* Iterative Reconstruction-Reprojection in Projection Space
* Learnable Human Mesh Triangulation for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Low complexity lossless image compression using efficient context modeling
* motion detection system based on a CMOS photo sensor array, A
* Multiple Description Coding of Plane-Based 3-D Surfaces
* Multiscale surface representation and rendering for point clouds
* Optimum Recursive Filtering of Noisy Two-Dimensional Data with Sequential Parameter Identification
* Pedestrian detection using a single monochrome camera
* Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Host Using Corner Points
* Progressive mesh compression using cosine index predictor and 2-stage geometry predictor
* Remote Pulse Rate Measurement From Near-Infrared Videos
* Representation Learning of Vertex Heatmaps for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction From Multi-View Images
* Spectral reflectivity recovery from the tristimulus values using a hybrid method
* Superpixel Coherency and Uncertainty Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Surveillance sensor systems using CMOS imagers
* Surveillance System Based on Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects Using CMOS Imagers
* Watermarking two dimensional data object identifier for authenticated distribution of digital multimedia contents
Includes: Park, S.B.[Sung Bum] Park, S.B.[Sung-Bum] Park, S.B.[Soo Beom] Park, S.B. Park, S.B.[Sang-Btan] Park, S.B.[Su-Birm] Park, S.B.[Soo-Been]
21 for Park, S.B.
Park, S.C.[Sung Chan]
Co Author Listing * Fast transform-based adaptive beamformer for medical ultrasound imaging
* High-Speed Parallel Architecture for Stereo Matching, A
* Low-light imaging method with visible-band and wide-band image pair
* Motion artifact-free HDR imaging under dynamic environments
* Qualitative estimation of camera motion parameters from the linear composition of optical flow
* Real-time stereo matching architecture based on 2D MRF model: A Memory-Efficient Systolic Array
* Spatially Adaptive High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of DCT-Based Compressed Images
* Spatially Adaptive High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of Low-Resolution DCT-Based Compressed Images
* Super-resolution image reconstruction: a technical overview
* Superimposing 3D Virtual Objects using Markerless Tracking
* Text locating from natural scene images using image intensities
* Tracking non-rigid objects using probabilistic Hausdorff distance matching
* Triangular mesh intersection
Includes: Park, S.C.[Sung Chan] Park, S.C.[Sung-Chan] Park, S.C.[Sang-Cheol] Park, S.C.[Sung Cheol] Park, S.C. Park, S.C.[Sang C.]
13 for Park, S.C.
Park, S.D.[Sang Deog]
Co Author Listing * Applicability Comparison of GIS-Based RUSLE and SEMMA for Risk Assessment of Soil Erosion in Wildfire Watersheds
Park, S.E.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Scattering Mechanism of Polarimetric SAR Signal From Mountainous Forest Areas
* Capability Assessment of Fully Polarimetric ALOS-PALSAR Data for Discriminating Wet Snow From Other Scattering Types in Mountainous Regions
* Comparative Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Calibration Methods
* Correction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in Time Series InSAR Using WRF Model for Monitoring Volcanic Activities
* Detection of Damaged Buildings Using Temporal SAR Data with Different Observation Modes
* Detection of Earthquake-Induced Building Damages Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Effect of Topography on Target Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Data, The
* Estimation of Surface Roughness Parameter in Intertidal Mudflat Using Airborne Polarimetric SAR Data
* Monitoring Long-Term Land Cover Change in Central Yakutia Using Sparse Time Series Landsat Data
* Monitoring of the March 11, 2011, Off-Tohoku 9.0 Earthquake With Super-Tsunami Disaster by Implementing Fully Polarimetric High-Resolution POLSAR Techniques
* On Complete Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Coherency Matrix Data
* On Semiparametric Clutter Estimation for Ship Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* On the Use of Single-, Dual-, and Quad-Polarimetric SAR Observation for Landslide Detection
* On Unsupervised Multiclass Change Detection Using Dual-Polarimetric SAR Data
* Polarimetric SAR Response of Snow-Covered Area Observed by Multi-Temporal ALOS PALSAR Fully Polarimetric Mode
* PolInSAR Coherence Region Modeling and Inversion: The Best Normal Matrix Approximation Solution
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018
* Theoretical Evaluation of Water Cloud Model Vegetation Parameters
* Unsupervised Classification of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric SAR Data Using Fuzzy Logic in Entropy and Alpha Plane
* Variations of Microwave Scattering Properties by Seasonal Freeze/Thaw Transition in the Permafrost Active Layer Observed by ALOS PALSAR Polarimetric Data
Includes: Park, S.E. Park, S.E.[Sang-Eun]
20 for Park, S.E.
Park, S.G.[Sahng Gyu]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive lossless video compression using an integer wavelet transform
* Demonstration of the Feasibility of the Korean eLoran System as a Resilient PNT in a Testbed
* Multi-projection 3D displays using multiplexing techniques in autostereoscopic displays
* Multi-scale pyramid pooling for deep convolutional representation
* Table-top display using integral floating display
Includes: Park, S.G.[Sahng Gyu] Park, S.G.[Sahng-Gyu] Park, S.G.[Sul Gee] Park, S.G.[Soon-Gi] Park, S.G.[Sung-Gyun]
Park, S.H.[Sang Hyun]
Co Author Listing * ABCD: Arbitrary Bitwise Coefficient for De-Quantization
* Adaptive Chrominance Correction for a Projector Considering Image and Screen Color
* Adaptive fractional motion and disparity estimation skipping in MV-HEVC
* adaptive media playout for intra-media synchronization of networked-video applications, An
* Alleviation of Perceptual Blindness During Driving in Urban Areas Guided by Saccades Recommendation, The
* Analysis and query of person-vehicle interactions in homography domain
* Application of compatible dual-echo arteriovenography in stroke: Preliminary observations
* Automated Visual Inspection of Solder Joints Using 2D and 3D Features, An
* Automatic Inspection of Solder Joints Using Layered Illumination
* Automatic video segmentation using genetic algorithms
* CAD: Co-Adapting Discriminative Features for Improved Few-Shot Classification
* CityGML-Based Road Information Model for Route Optimization of Snow-Removal Vehicle
* Color Image Segmentation Based on 3-D Clustering: Morphological Approach
* Conditional GAN with 3D discriminator for MRI generation of Alzheimer's disease progression
* Cross-Range Scaling Algorithm for ISAR Images Using 2-D Fourier Transform and Polar Mapping
* Design and implementation of the visual programming environment for the distributed image processing
* Digital Watermarking for Copyright Protection of MPEG2 Compressed Video
* Dissolve Detection Using Intensity Change Information of Edge Pixels
* Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting Through Multimodal Context Understanding
* EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
* Embedding-Dynamic Approach to Self-Supervised Learning, An
* Evaluating tone mapping algorithms for rendering non-pictorial (scientific) high-dynamic-range images
* Event semantics in two-person interactions
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Region Specific Dense Optical Flow and LBP Features
* Fast Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Using a Lightweight Neural Network
* FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weight and adaptive group normalizations
* FR-MIL: Distribution Re-Calibration-Based Multiple Instance Learning With Transformer for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Frankencamera: An Experimental Platform for Computational Photography, The
* Fully automatic 3-D segmentation of knee bone compartments by iterative local branch-and-mincut on MR images from osteoarthritis initiative (OAI)
* Genetic Algorithm with Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Video Segmentation, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Segmentation of Markov Random Field Modeled Images, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Video Segmentation with Adaptive Population Size
* Geomorphological and Spatial Characteristics of Underwater Volcanoes in the Easternmost Australian-Antarctic Ridge
* Grounding Visual Representations with Texts for Domain Generalization
* Gyro-Based Multi-image Deconvolution for Removing Handshake Blur
* Haptic Sculpting Technique Based on Volumetric Representation, A
* Hierarchical MRF of globally consistent localized classifiers for 3D medical image segmentation
* HMM-Based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
* Homography-based Analysis of People and Vehicle Activities in Crowded Scenes
* Human motion: modeling and recognition of actions and interactions
* Human-Factors-in-Driving-Loop: Driver Identification and Verification via a Deep Learning Approach using Psychological Behavioral Data
* IFSeg: Image-free Semantic Segmentation via Vision-Language Model
* Image retrieval model based on weighted visual features determined by relevance feedback
* Improved Calibration of Wind Estimates from Advanced Scatterometer MetOp-B in Korean Seas Using Deep Neural Network
* Improvement of Road Driving Safety Guided by Visual Inattentional Blindness, The
* Interactive Prostate Segmentation Based on Adaptive Feature Selection and Manifold Regularization
* Joint Decompression and Decoding for Cloud Radio Access Networks
* Joint Design of Fronthaul and Access Links for C-RAN With Wireless Fronthauling
* Joint Secure Design of Downlink and D2D Cooperation Strategies for Multi-User Systems
* K-centered Patch Sampling for Efficient Video Recognition
* Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Texture Classification
* LaPred: Lane-Aware Prediction of Multi-Modal Future Trajectories of Dynamic Agents
* Line Feature Matching Technique Based on an Eigenvector Approach, A
* Localization and Manipulation of Immoral Visual Cues for Safe Text-to-Image Generation
* Lost Your Style? Navigating with Semantic-Level Approach for Text-to-Outfit Retrieval
* M3FPolypSegNet: Segmentation Network with Multi-Frequency Feature Fusion for Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Images
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Jeju Island from Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Sogwang-ri Forest from Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Neural Network
* Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation
* MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
* MRF Model Based Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Distributed Genetic Algorithm
* Multi-person interaction and activity analysis: A synergistic track- and body-level analysis framework
* Multi-spectral and multi-perspective video arrays for driver body tracking and activity analysis
* Multiperspective Thermal IR and Video Arrays for 3D Body Tracking and Driver Activity Analysis
* N-pad : Neighboring Pixel-based Industrial Anomaly Detection
* Noise and dynamic range optimal computational imaging
* NTIRE 2021 Learning the Super-Resolution Space Challenge
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object Extraction and Tracking Using Genetic Algorithms
* Object-Ratio-Preserving Video Retargeting Framework based on Segmentation and Inpainting
* OCR-Free Document Understanding Transformer
* Oil Spill Mapping from Kompsat-2 High-Resolution Image Using Directional Median Filtering and Artificial Neural Network
* optimal motion vector regularization method using variance-distortion curve, An
* optimal motion vector regularization method using variance-distortion curve, An
* Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
* Perception-Oriented Single Image Super-Resolution using Optimal Objective Estimation
* Performance enhancement of respiratory tumor motion prediction using adaptive support vector regression: Comparison with adaptive neural network method
* Postprocessing for vector-quantized images based on projection onto hypercubes
* Processing Motion Capture Data to Achieve Positional Accuracy
* Projection onto the Narrow Vector Quantization Constraint Set for Postprocessing of Vector Quantized Images
* Pruning-guided feature distillation for an efficient transformer-based pose estimation model
* pyramid image coder using classified transform vector quantization, A
* Recognition of Human Interaction Using Multiple Features in Grayscale Images
* Regression Guided Deformable Models for Segmentation of Multiple Brain ROIs
* Robust online multiple object tracking based on the confidence-based relative motion network and correlation filter
* Search Method of Time Sensitive Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams
* Segmentation and tracking of interacting human body parts under occlusion and shadowing
* Segmentation of ISAR Images of Targets Moving in Formation
* Segmentation of Perivascular Spaces Using Vascular Features and Structured Random Forest from 7T MR Image
* SelfReg: Self-supervised Contrastive Regularization for Domain Generalization
* Semantic-level Understanding of Human Actions and Interactions using Event Hierarchy
* Similarity-based Subsequence Search In Image Sequence Databases
* Simultaneous tracking of multiple body parts of interacting persons
* Spatial Sharpening of KOMPSAT-3A MIR Images Using Optimal Scaling Factor
* Spatiotemporal Protein Variations Based on VIIRS-Derived Regional Protein Algorithm in the Northern East China Sea
* Spatiotemporal segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* Structure-preserving image translation for multi-source medical image domain adaptation
* Support vector machine-based text detection in digital video
* Support Vector Machines for Texture Classification
* Theory of Projection onto the Narrow Quantization Constraint Set and Its Application
* Time-Asynchronous Robust Cooperative Transmission for the Downlink of C-RAN
* track-based human movement analysis and privacy protection system adaptive to environmental contexts, A
* Two-stage Multi-view Analysis Framework for Human Activity and Interactions, A
* Uncertainty-aware semi-supervised few shot segmentation
* Understanding human interactions with track and body synergies (TBS) captured from multiple views
* Video Retrieval System for Bridging the Semantic Gap
* Video sequence segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Visual inspection system for the classification of solder joints
* Vizecgnet: Visual ECG Image Network for Cardiovascular Diseases Classification with Multi-Modal Training and Knowledge Distillation
* Weighted Interpolation Scheme for Robust Video Deinterlacing
* Zero coefficient-aware fast butterfly-based inverse discrete cosine transform algorithm
Includes: Park, S.H.[Sang Hyun] Park, S.H.[Sun Hee] Park, S.H.[Sang-Hyo] Park, S.H.[Sang-Hoon] Park, S.H.[Seop Hyeong] Park, S.H.[Sang-Ho] Park, S.H.[Sung-Hong] Park, S.H. Park, S.H.[Se Hyun] Park, S.H.[Sang Ho] Park, S.H.[Sung-Han] Park, S.H.[Sang-Hui] Park, S.H.[Seong Hyeon] Park, S.H.[Seung-Hyun] Park, S.H.[Sung Ho] Park, S.H.[Sung Hee] Park, S.H.[Sung-Hyun] Park, S.H.[Se Hyung] Park, S.H.[Sang-Hyun] Park, S.H.[Sung-Hwan] Park, S.H.[Seok-Hwan] Park, S.H.[Sung-Hyuk] Park, S.H.[Seo-Hyeong] Park, S.H.[Su-Hong] Park, S.h. Park, S.H.[Seung-Ho] Park, S.H.[Seung Ho] Park, S.H.[Se Hyeok] Park, S.H.[Sung Han] Park, S.H.[Seo-Hyung]
112 for Park, S.H.
Park, S.I.[Seong Il]
Co Author Listing * Comparative Evaluation for Tracking the Capability of Solar Cell Malfunction Caused by Soil Debris between UAV Video versus Photo-Mosaic
* Comparative Evaluation of Mapping Accuracy between UAV Video versus Photo Mosaic for the Scattered Urban Photovoltaic Panel
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Fingerprint Enhancement Based on the Directional Filter Bank
* Gradtrans: Transformer-Based Gradient Guidance for Image Generation
* HIMap: HybrId Representation Learning for End-to-end Vectorized HD Map Construction
* Improved Structures of Maximally Decimated Directional Filter Banks for Spatial Image Analysis
* Low-cost, high-speed computer vision using NVIDIA's CUDA architecture
* Mapdistill: Boosting Efficient Camera-based Hd Map Construction via Camera-lidar Fusion Model Distillation
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* Object-Centric Representation Learning for Video Scene Understanding
* Performance analysis of a novel GPU computation-to-core mapping scheme for robust facet image modeling
* Upper Body Tracking and 3D Gesture Reconstruction Using Agent-Based Architecture
Includes: Park, S.I.[Seong Il] Park, S.I.[Seong-Il] Park, S.I. Park, S.I.[Seung-In] Park, S.I.[Seung In] Park, S.I.[Sang-In]
13 for Park, S.I.
Park, S.J.[Sung Jun]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Real-Time Rendering for Large-Scale Molecular Models
* Adaptive Weighting Scheme for Edge-based Line Interpolation
* Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Time-Series Data and Random Forest in North Korea
* Automatic Shot-Change Detection Algorithm Based on Visual Rhythm Extraction
* AV2AV: Direct Audio-Visual Speech to Audio-Visual Speech Translation with Unified Audio-Visual Speech Representation
* Balancing Hazard Exposure and Walking Distance in Evacuation Route Planning during Earthquake Disasters
* Biologically Inspired Saliency Map Model for Bottom-up Visual Attention
* composite histogram for image retrieval, A
* Covariance-based adaptive deinterlacing method using edge map
* CroMM-VSR: Cross-Modal Memory Augmented Visual Speech Recognition
* CU encoding depth prediction, early CU splitting termination and fast mode decision for fast HEVC intra-coding
* Defining a new feature set for content-based image analysis using histogram refinement
* Direction-Oriented Line Interpolation Using Geometric Duality
* Discface: Minimum Discrepancy Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Enhancement of interlaced images by fuzzy reasoning approach
* Fast 2D-3D Point-Based Registration Using GPU-Based Preprocessing for Image-Guided Surgery
* Fast Mode Decision on the Enhancement Layer in H.264 Scalable Extension
* Feature extraction through generalization of histogram refinement technique for local region-based object attributes
* Fine Gaze Redirection Learning with Gaze Hardness-aware Transformation
* fusion neural network classifier for image classification, A
* Generation of Structurally Realistic Retinal Fundus Images with Diffusion Models
* Halftone Blending Between Smooth and Detail Screens to Improve Print Quality With Electrophotographic Printers
* Histogram ordering model-based fast motion estimation
* Image Classification into Object / Non-object Classes
* Improving the Accuracy of Vehicle Position in an Urban Environment Using the Outlier Mitigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Multi-Position Clustering
* Investigating Wintertime Cloud Microphysical Properties and Their Relationship to Air Mass Advection at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Using the Synergy of a Cloud Radar-Ceilometer-Microwave Radiometer
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Comparison Using Decision Tree Models: A Case Study of Jumunjin Area, Korea
* Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover and Landscape Pattern Changes at a Local Scale: A Case Study of Pyongyang, North Korea
* Multi-modality Associative Bridging through Memory: Speech Sound Recollected from Face Video
* new image quality assessment method to detect and measure strength of blocking artifacts, A
* object tracking method using particle filter and scale space model, An
* Point2Lane: Polyline-Based Reconstruction With Principal Points for Lane Detection
* Quality-Agnostic Image Recognition via Invertible Decoder
* RDFNet: RGB-D Multi-level Residual Feature Fusion for Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Recovering an indoor 3D layout with top-down semantic segmentation from a single image
* SRFeat: Single Image Super-Resolution with Feature Discrimination
* Temporal error concealment algorithm for H.264/AVC using omnidirectional motion similarity
* Video semantic object segmentation by self-adaptation of DCNN
Includes: Park, S.J.[Sung Jun] Park, S.J.[Sung-Jun] Park, S.J.[Sang-Jun] Park, S.J.[Sang-Jin] Park, S.J.[Seong Jun] Park, S.J.[Se Jin] Park, S.J.[Sang-Joon] Park, S.J.[Sang-Jae] Park, S.J.[Soo-Jun] Park, S.J.[Sang Ju] Park, S.J.[Seung-Jin] Park, S.J.[Seong-Jin] Park, S.J.[Sung-Joon] Park, S.J.[Sang Jun] Park, S.J. Park, S.J.[So-Jung] Park, S.J.[So Jin] Park, S.J.[Sang-Jong] Park, S.J.[Sung-Jae] Park, S.J.[Soo Jun] Park, S.J.[Su-Jin] Park, S.J.[So Jeong]
39 for Park, S.J.
Park, S.K.[Seon Ki]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Geo-Kompsat-2A Atmospheric Motion Vector Data and Its Assimilation Impact in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
* Crowd Behavior Representation Using Motion Influence Matrix for Anomaly Detection
* Efficient Fall Detection for a Healthcare Robot System Based on 3-Axis Accelerometer and Depth Sensor Fusion with LSTM Networks
* Estimating 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* Fast correlation-based stereo matching with the reduction of systematic errors
* FPGA Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Image Reconstruction by Parametric Cubic Convolution
* Image Sampling, Reconstruction, and the Effect of Sample-Scene Phasing
* Iterative Method for Improving Bas-relief Ambiguity, An
* Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification
* Modified particle filtering using foreground separation and confidence for object tracking
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* On a Flood-Producing Coastal Mesoscale Convective Storm Associated with the Kor'easterlies: Multi-Data Analyses Using Remotely-Sensed and In-Situ Observations and Storm-Scale Model Simulations
* Optimal small kernels for edge detection
* Protection of Incumbent Services and Its Impact on Coverage of TV Band Device Networks in TV White Space
* Robust and direct estimation of 3-D motion and scene depth from stereo image sequences
* Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
* Visual Information Processing V
* Visual Information Processing VI
* Visual Information Processing VII
Includes: Park, S.K.[Seon Ki] Park, S.K.[Sung-Kee] Park, S.K.[Stephen K.] Park, S.K. Park, S.K.[Sung-Kyu] Park, S.K.[Seung-Keun] Park, S.K.[Seong Kee]
21 for Park, S.K.
Park, S.M.[Sung Min]
Co Author Listing * Data-Based Perspective on Transfer Learning, A
* Detection of Driver Drowsiness Using 3D Deep Neural Network and Semi-Supervised Gradient Boosting Machine
* Estimation of Surface Concentrations of Black Carbon from Long-Term Measurements at Aeronet Sites over Korea
* FFCV: Accelerating Training by Removing Data Bottlenecks
* Image Based Metrology for Quantitative Analysis of Local Structural Similarity of Nanostructures
* New Lookup Tables and Searching Algorithms for Fast H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
* Optimum Solution for Scale Invariant Object Recognition Based on the Multiresolution Approximation, An
* Structured Learning of Sum-of-Submodular Higher Order Energy Functions
* Vessel Preserving CNN-Based Image Resampling of Retinal Images
Includes: Park, S.M.[Sung Min] Park, S.M.[Sang-Min] Park, S.M.[Seung-Myung] Park, S.M. Park, S.M.[Seong-Mo] Park, S.M.[Seong M.] Park, S.M.[Sang Min]
9 for Park, S.M.
Park, S.N.[Su Nghyun]
Co Author Listing * I Can Already Guess Your Answer: Predicting Respondent Reactions during Dyadic Negotiation
Park, S.O.[Seung Ok]
Co Author Listing * Factors affecting the psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays
* Sparse Scene Recovery for High-Resolution Automobile FMCW SAR via Scaled Compressed Sensing
Includes: Park, S.O.[Seung Ok] Park, S.O.[Seong-Ook]
Park, S.R.
Co Author Listing * Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform and Its Application to Image Classification, The
* Road extraction from images using template matching
* Simultaneous Out-of-Focus Blur Estimation and Restoration for Digital Auto-Focusing System
Includes: Park, S.R. Park, S.R.[Seung-Ran]
Park, S.S.
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Robot Navigation by Active Visual Motion Analysis and Understanding
* Detection of Absorbing Aerosol Using Single Near-UV Radiance Measurements from a Cloud and Aerosol Imager
* Facial expression analysis with facial expression deformation
* POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation, The
* Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth, Total Ozone and NO2 Over East Asia: Strategy for the Validation to the GEMS Scientific Products
* Spontaneous facial expression classification with facial motion vectors
* Subtle facial expression recognition using motion magnification
* Synergistic Use of Hyperspectral UV-Visible OMI and Broadband Meteorological Imager MODIS Data for a Merged Aerosol Product
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
Includes: Park, S.S. Park, S.S.[Sang Seo] Park, S.S.[Sung-Soo]
10 for Park, S.S.
Park, S.S.Y.[Sophie So Yeon]
Co Author Listing * Element Selection of Three-Dimensional Objects in Virtual Reality
Park, S.T.
Co Author Listing * New Fast Encoding Algorithm Based on an Efficient Motion Estimation Process for the Scalable Video Coding Standard, A
Park, S.U.[Sang Un]
Co Author Listing * 3D world modeling using 3D laser scanner and omni-direction camera
* Building a mobile platform for spatiotemporal integration of 3D outdoor world models
* CDV-DVC: Transform-domain distributed video coding with multiple channel division
* EBSD image segmentation using a physics-based forward model
* Multiple channel division for efficient distributed video coding
* Query: Dependent Video Representation for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection
* Semi-Blind Sparse Image Reconstruction With Application to MRFM
* Temporal Feature Modulation for Video Watermarking
Includes: Park, S.U.[Sang Un] Park, S.U.[Sang-Uk] Park, S.U.[Se Un] Park, S.U.
8 for Park, S.U.
Park, S.W.[Sung Won]
Co Author Listing * 3D face reconstruction from a single 2D face image
* 3D Point Cloud Generative Adversarial Network Based on Tree Structured Graph Convolutions
* Articulated hand configuration and rotation estimation using extended torus manifold embedding
* Colorization-Based Compression Using Optimization
* Cross-Referencing Self-Training Network for Sound Event Detection in Audio Mixtures
* Digital zooming system utilizing image buffers and employing an approximated bilinear interpolation method
* Dynamic Hand Shape Manifold Embedding and Tracking from Depth Maps
* Efficient motion compensation using multiple warped reference pictures based on feature tracking and segmentation
* Estimating Mixing Factors Simultaneously in Multilinear Tensor Decomposition for Robust Face Recognition and Synthesis
* extension of multifactor analysis for face recognition based on submanifold learning, An
* Improved Two-Phase Framework for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Individual Kernel Tensor-Subspaces for Robust Face Recognition: A Computationally Efficient Tensor Framework Without Requiring Mode Factorization
* Motion decision feedback deinterlacing algorithms
* Multifactor analysis based on factor-dependent geometry
* multifactor extension of Grassmann manifolds for face recognition, The
* Orthogonal object proposal and its application
* Picture-level parameteric motion representation for efficient motion compensation
* Pixel-Wise Wasserstein Autoencoder for Highly Generative Dehazing
* Practical Ways to Calculate Camera Lens Distortion for Real-Time Camera Calibration
* Real-Time Camera Calibration for Virtual Studio
* Sphere Generative Adversarial Network Based on Geometric Moment Matching
* SphereGAN: Sphere Generative Adversarial Network Based on Geometric Moment Matching and its Applications
* Tracking Hand Rotation and Grasping from an IR Camera Using Cylindrical Manifold Embedding
* Tracking hand rotation and various grasping gestures from an IR camera using extended cylindrical manifold embedding
* two-stage approach for segmentation and recognition of handwritten digit strings collected from mail pieces, A
* Wasserstein distributional harvesting for highly dense 3D point clouds
Includes: Park, S.W.[Sung Won] Park, S.W.[Sung Woo] Park, S.W.[Shin Won] Park, S.W.[Sang-Wook] Park, S.W.[Sung-Wook] Park, S.W.[Seung-Wook] Park, S.W. Park, S.W.[Se-Woong] Park, S.W.[Seong-Woo] Park, S.W.[Sung-Won]
26 for Park, S.W.
Park, S.Y.[Soon Yong]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Tube Scanning Technique Based on Axis and Center Alignment of Multi-laser Triangulation, A
* 3D Non-rigid Registration of Deformable Object Using GPU
* 3D Visualization of Radioactive Sources by Combining Depth Maps Generated from a Stereo Radiation Detection Device
* accurate and fast point-to-plane registration technique, An
* Active Calibration of Camera-Projector Systems Based on Planar Homography
* Adaptive Estimation of Crop Water Stress in Nectarine and Peach Orchards Using High-Resolution Imagery from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Automatic 3D model reconstruction based on novel pose estimation and integration techniques
* Automatic 3d model reconstruction using voxel coding and pose integration
* Combination of Color and Binary Pattern Codification for an Error Correcting M-array Technique
* Correction of Dual-PRF Velocity for Operational S-Band Doppler Weather Radar
* Dependence of CWSI-Based Plant Water Stress Estimation with Diurnal Acquisition Times in a Nectarine Orchard
* Determination Of Methane Sourcex Globally By Sciamachy
* Digital shallow depth-of-field adapter for photographs
* Domain-Specific Image Analysis for Cervical Neoplasia Detection Based on Conditional Random Fields
* DSM Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Multi-View Satellite Stereo Images by RPC Estimation and Integration
* Efficient Depth Compression Based on Partial Surface for 3-D Object Represented by Layered Depth Image
* Efficient Detection and Tracking of Road Signs Based on Vehicle Motion and Stereo Vision
* Efficient Integer DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Error Correcting 3D Scanning Technique Using Dual Pseudorandom Arrays, An
* Expandable Spherical Projection and Feature Fusion Methods for Object Detection from Fisheye Images
* fast point-to-tangent plane technique for multi-view registration, A
* Fast Stereo Matching of Feature Links
* Forward-Looking Multimodal Endoscopic System Based on Optical Multispectral and High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Tumor Detection
* Hand-held 3D scanning based on coarse and fine registration of multiple range images
* Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Image Restoration of Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-2
* Image-Based Calibration of Spatial Domain Depth-from-Defocus and Application to Automatic Focus Tracking
* image-based calibration technique of spatial domain depth-from-defocus, An
* Integrated Drought Monitoring and Evaluation through Multi-Sensor Satellite-Based Statistical Simulation
* Localization of an unmanned ground vehicle using 3D registration of laser range data and DSM
* Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Monocular Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry Using Low-Grade IMU in Urban Areas
* Moving Object Detection Based on Clausius Entropy
* Moving Object Removal Based on Global Feature Registration
* multiview 3D modeling system based on stereo vision techniques, A
* Natural Image Matting Based on Neighbor Embedding
* Occlusion detection and stereo matching in a stochastic method
* Online Registration of Multi-view Range Images using Geometric and Photometric Feature Tracking
* Parallel Hough Space Image Generation Method for Real-Time Lane Detection
* Pose estimation and integration for complete 3D model reconstruction
* Quantitative analysis of the SN in Parkinson's disease implementing 3D modeling at 7.0-T MRI
* range image refinement technique for multi-view 3D model reconstruction, A
* Real-time 3D registration of stereo-vision based range images using GPU
* Real-time 3D registration using GPU
* Robust ICP Registration Using Bi-unique Correspondence
* Segmentation based disparity estimation using color and depth information
* Segmentation of 3D object in volume dataset using active deformable model
* Segmentation of Color Image Using Deterministic Annealing EM
* Study of Phase-Based Optical Flow Technique Using an Adaptive Bilateral Filter, The
* Synchronization Error Compensation of Multi-view RGB-D 3D Modeling System
* VLAAD: Vision and Language Assistant for Autonomous Driving
* Watermarking Technique for Authentication of 3-D Polygonal Meshes
Includes: Park, S.Y.[Soon Yong] Park, S.Y.[Soon-Yong] Park, S.Y.[Su-Young] Park, S.Y.[So-Yeon] Park, S.Y. Park, S.Y.[Sang Yoon] Park, S.Y.[Soon-Young] Park, S.Y.[Seo-Yeon] Park, S.Y.[Sang Yeon] Park, S.Y.[Sung-Yeon] Park, S.Y.[Soon Young] Park, S.Y.[Sung Yun]
52 for Park, S.Y.
Park, T.[Taejin]
Co Author Listing * Amazon Forests' Response to Droughts: A Perspective from the MAIAC Product
* Analyses of Impact of Needle Surface Properties on Estimation of Needle Absorption Spectrum: Case Study with Coniferous Needle and Shoot Samples
* Application of Physically-Based Slope Correction for Maximum Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform Lidar across Different Footprint Sizes and Locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS
* BlobGAN: Spatially Disentangled Scene Representations
* Color and Edge Refinement Method for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Consensus Analysis and Modeling of Visual Aesthetic Perception
* Contrastive Feature Loss for Image Prediction
* Contrastive Learning for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* DA-cGAN: A Framework for Indoor Radio Design Using a Dimension-Aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Distilling Diffusion Models Into Conditional GANs
* Domain Expansion of Image Generators
* Editable Image Elements for Controllable Synthesis
* Estimating Crown Variables of Individual Trees Using Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 1: Consistency and Improvements
* Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 2: Validation and Intercomparison
* Expressive Text-to-Image Generation with Rich Text
* Fair Feature Distillation for Visual Recognition
* Generating Global Products of LAI and FPAR From SNPP-VIIRS Data: Theoretical Background and Implementation
* Generation and Evaluation of LAI and FPAR Products from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Data
* Lazy Diffusion Transformer for Interactive Image Editing
* Novel Atmospheric Correction Algorithm to Exploit the Diurnal Variability in Hypertemporal Geostationary Observations, A
* One-Step Diffusion with Distribution Matching Distillation
* Orientation and Scale Invariant Text Region Extraction in WWW Images
* Placement Optimization of Multiple Lidar Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles
* Potential Lidar Height, Intensity, and Ratio Parameters for Plot Dominant Species Discrimination and Volume Estimation
* Prototyping of LAI and FPAR Retrievals from MODIS Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Data
* Rebalancing Using Estimated Class Distribution for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning Under Class Distribution Mismatch
* ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
* Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Segmentation of Vehicles and Roads by a Low-Channel Lidar
* Semantic Image Synthesis With Spatially-Adaptive Normalization
* Sparse edit propagation for high resolution image using support vector machines
* STMAC: Spatio-Temporal Coordination-Based MAC Protocol for Driving Safety in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Toward Mitigating Phantom Jam Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
* Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
* Virtual-Reality Videos to Relieve Depression
Includes: Park, T.[Taejin] Park, T.[Taesung] Park, T.[Taesu] Park, T. Park, T.[Taesuh] Park, T.[Taeeon] Park, T.[Taemin] Park, T.[Taewoong] Park, T.[Taiwoo]
36 for Park, T.
Park, T.H.[Tae Hyoung]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Feature Attention Module for Robust Visual-LiDAR Fusion-Based Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
* Dynamic Tracking Line: Feasible Tracking Region of a Robot in Conveyor Systems
* Event-based Structure-from-Orbit
* Fast Road Detection by CNN-Based Camera-Lidar Fusion and Spherical Coordinate Transformation
* Fast Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Based Transmission Map Estimation
* Image segmentation of UV pattern for automatic paper-money inspection
* Progressive lossless image coding via self-referential partitions
* Quantitative susceptibility mapping in a diabetes mellitus rat model: Iron accumulation in the brain
* Quantization-based Markov feature extraction method for image splicing detection
* Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Algorithm-Based Network Module for Camera-LiDAR Detection
Includes: Park, T.H.[Tae Hyoung] Park, T.H.[Tae-Hyoung] Park, T.H. Park, T.H.[Tae Ha] Park, T.H.[Tae-Hee] Park, T.H.[Tae Hee]
10 for Park, T.H.
Park, T.J.[Tae Jin]
Co Author Listing * Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China
* Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Using Normalized Maximum Eigengap
* Implications of Whole-Disc DSCOVR EPIC Spectral Observations for Estimating Earth's Spectral Reflectivity Based on Low-Earth-Orbiting and Geostationary Observations
* Mapping Forest Canopy Height over Continental China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Progressive Compression of Geometry Information with Smooth Intermediate Meshes
Includes: Park, T.J.[Tae Jin] Park, T.J.[Tae-Jin] Park, T.J. Park, T.J.[Tae-Jung]
Park, T.N.[Tony Nokap]
Co Author Listing * RealPixVSR: Pixel-Level Visual Representation Informed Super-Resolution of Real-World Videos
Park, T.S.[Tae Sung]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Fusion of Band-Specific Spectral Features for Multi-Band NIR Colorization
* moving object detection algorithm for smart cameras, A
* Search Method of Time Sensitive Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
Includes: Park, T.S.[Tae Sung] Park, T.S.[Tae-Sung] Park, T.S.[Tae-Suh] Park, T.S.[Tae-Su] Park, T.S.
Park, T.Y.[Tae Yong]
Co Author Listing * Color Signal Decomposition Method Using 3-D Gamut Boundary of Multi-Primary Display
* Hi-Fi Printer Characterization Method using Color Correlation for Gamut Extension
Includes: Park, T.Y.[Tae Yong] Park, T.Y.[Tae-Yong]
Park, T.Y.S.[Tae Yoon S.]
Co Author Listing * Application of Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Exploration of Zn-Pb Sulfide Mineralization in the Franklinian Basin, North Greenland
* Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, and WorldView-3 Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Prospecting Copper-Gold Mineralization in the Northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), Northwest Greenland
* Mapping Listvenite Occurrences in the Damage Zones of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica Using ASTER Satellite Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Park, T.Y.S.[Tae Yoon S.] Park, T.Y.S.[Tae-Yoon S.]
Park, U.[Ukeob]
Co Author Listing * Human implicit intent recognition based on the phase synchrony of EEG signals
* Robust Keypoint Detection Using Higher-Order Scale Space Derivatives: Application to Image Retrieval
* ViSE: Visual Search Engine Using Multiple Networked Cameras
Includes: Park, U.[Ukeob] Park, U.
Park, U.S.[Un Sang]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Reconstruction from Stereo Video
* 3D Model-Assisted Face Recognition in Video
* 3D Model-Based Face Recognition in Video
* Age progression by gender-specific 3D aging model
* Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Cart Auditor: A Compliance and Training Tool for Cashiers at Checkout
* Discriminative Model for Age Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Face Matching and Retrieval in Forensics Applications
* Face Recognition in Video: Adaptive Fusion of Multiple Matchers
* Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D aging model
* Face recognition: Some challenges in forensics
* Facial marks: Soft biometric for face recognition
* Improving face verification using facial marks and deep CNN: IARPA Janus benchmark-A
* Integrating Faces, Fingerprints, and Soft Biometric Traits for User Recognition
* Motion-based filtering of magneto-optic imagers
* Multi-channel Shape-Flow Kernel Descriptors for Robust Video Event Detection and Retrieval
* Multimodal feature fusion for robust event detection in web videos
* Periocular biometrics in the visible spectrum: A feasibility study
* Pill-ID: Matching and retrieval of drug pill images
* PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images
Includes: Park, U.S.[Un Sang] Park, U.S.[Un-Sang]
20 for Park, U.S.
Park, W.
Co Author Listing * Accurate Image Rotation Using Hermite Expansions
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Atmospheric Correction Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Models for Satellite-Borne Single-Channel Mid-Wavelength and Thermal Infrared Imaging Sensors, An
* Automated Update of Existing Ortho-Image Database and DEM Using High resolution Satellite Images
* Broadface: Looking at Tens of Thousands of People at once for Face Recognition
* Eigencontours: Novel Contour Descriptors Based on Low-Rank Approximation
* Eigenlanes: Data-Driven Lane Descriptors for Structurally Diverse Lanes
* Extraction of digital elevation models from satellite stereo images through stereo matching based on epipolarity and scene geometry
* Fast Computation of Integer DCT-V, DCT-VIII, and DST-VII for Video Coding
* Feature-Based Approach to Change Detection of Small Objects from High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Fuzzy Logic Based Satellite Image Classification: Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function and Rule from Training Set
* GroupFace: Learning Latent Groups and Constructing Group-Based Representations for Face Recognition
* Harmonious Semantic Line Detection via Maximal Weight Clique Selection
* HTTP adaptive streaming scheme for improving the quality of experience in multi-server environments
* Hybrid line simplification for cartographic generalization
* Incorporating Human Factor Considerations in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing
* Interconversion Between Truncated Cartesian and Polar Expansions of Images
* Method for Determining Appropriate Clustering Criteria of Location-Sensing Data
* MosaicMVS: Mosaic-Based Omnidirectional Multi-View Stereo for Indoor Scenes
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* Relational Knowledge Distillation
* Rethinking the Backdoor Attacks' Triggers: A Frequency Perspective
* Robust Asymmetric Loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning
* Rule-based detection of intrathoracic airway trees
* Sensor Adversarial Traits: Analyzing Robustness of 3D Object Detection Sensor Fusion Models
Includes: Park, W. Park, W.[Woonsung] Park, W.[Wook] Park, W.[Wanyong] Park, W.[Wonpyo] Park, W.[Wonhui] Park, W.[Wonkyu] Park, W.[Woonjoo] Park, W.[Woojin] Park, W.[Woojune] Park, W.[Wonhark] Park, W.[Won] Park, W.[Wongi]
26 for Park, W.
Park, W.C.
Co Author Listing * Lossless Color Image Compression Architecture Using a Parallel Golomb-Rice Hardware CODEC, A
Park, W.H.[Woo Hyun]
Co Author Listing * Effective 3D Text Recurrent Voting Generator for Metaverse, An
* Scarcity-aware spam detection technique for big data ecosystem
Park, W.J.[Won Jae]
Co Author Listing * Face Recognition Using LBP Eigenfaces
* Fast human detection using selective block-based HOG-LBP
* Kernel-Based Structural Binary Pattern Tracking
Includes: Park, W.J.[Won Jae] Park, W.J.[Won-Jae]
Park, W.S.
Co Author Listing * CNN-based in-loop filtering for coding efficiency improvement
* Correcting image distortion in the X-ray digital tomosynthesis system for PCB solder joint inspection
Includes: Park, W.S. Park, W.S.[Won Shik]
Park, W.Y.[Wan Yong]
Co Author Listing * Fusion of SAR and Multispectral Images Using Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
* Generation of Radiometric, Phenological Normalized Image Based on Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
Park, Y.[Younghyun]
Co Author Listing * Active Object Detection with Epistemic Uncertainty and Hierarchical Information Aggregation
* Alien Pulse Rejection in Concurrent Firing LIDAR
* Application of Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Exploration of Zn-Pb Sulfide Mineralization in the Franklinian Basin, North Greenland
* Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme With User Anonymity and Untraceability for 5G-Enabled Softwarized Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
* Blockchain Assisted Intra-Twin and Inter-Twin Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Digital Twin System
* Concurrent Firing Light Detection and Ranging System for Autonomous Vehicles
* Context-Based Trit-Plane Coding for Progressive Image Compression
* Cross-modal alignment and translation for missing modality action recognition
* Defect Inspection Method for Machine Vision Using Defect Probability Image with Deep Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Design and Analysis of an Image Resizing Filter in the Block-DCT Domain
* Design of Blockchain-Based Multi-Domain Authentication Protocol for Secure EV Charging Services in V2G Environments
* Designing Extremely Memory-efficient CNNs for On-device Vision Tasks
* Distance-based positive and unlabeled learning for ranking
* DPICT: Deep Progressive Image Compression Using Trit-Planes
* Effects of Auditory Feedback on Menu Selection in Hand-Gesture Interfaces
* Enabling Technologies and Techniques for Floor Identification
* Enhancing Machine Learning Performance in Estimating CDOM Absorption Coefficient via Data Resampling
* Enhancing road safety through misbehaviour detection in vehicle-to-everything systems of Korea
* Evaluation of a Wearable Hand Kinesthetic Feedback System for Virtual Reality: Psychophysical and User Experience Evaluation
* Evaluation of Sentinel-2 Based Chlorophyll-a Estimation in a Small-Scale Reservoir: Assessing Accuracy and Availability
* Fast Quantization Method With Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization for an HEVC Encoder
* FREQ-MIP-AA: Frequency Mip Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
* Generalized quantification of three-dimensional resolution in optical diffraction tomography using the projection of maximal spatial bandwidths
* Guiding Users to Where to Give Color Hints for Efficient Interactive Sketch Colorization via Unsupervised Region Prioritization
* High-Frequency Preserving Image Downscaler
* High-Spatial Resolution Monitoring of Phycocyanin and Chlorophyll-a Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Identification of Phyllosilicates in the Antarctic Environment Using ASTER Satellite Data: Case Study from the Mesa Range, Campbell and Priestley Glaciers, Northern Victoria Land
* Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, and WorldView-3 Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Prospecting Copper-Gold Mineralization in the Northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), Northwest Greenland
* Low-Complexity Scaler Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Adaptive Video Streaming
* Mapping Listvenite Occurrences in the Damage Zones of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica Using ASTER Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Matched Filters for Noisy Induced Subgraph Detection
* MCW-Net: Single image deraining with multi-level connections and wide regional non-local blocks
* Mobile Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Modality Mixer for Multi-modal Action Recognition
* Noise Robust Depth from Focus Using a Ring Difference Filter
* Only-Reference Video Quality Assessment for Video Coding Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Optimal Band Selection for Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery to Retrieve a Wide Range of Cyanobacterial Pigment Concentration Using a Data-Driven Approach
* Optimized Ensemble Framework for Multi-Label Classification on Long-Tailed Chest X-ray Data, An
* Optimizing Semi-Analytical Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin Concentrations in Inland Waters in Korea
* Provably Secure Mobile User Authentication Scheme for Big Data Collection in IoT-Enabled Maritime Intelligent Transportation System, A
* QoS-supporting video streaming system with minimum data service cost over heterogeneous wireless networks
* Regional Geological Mapping in the Graham Land of Antarctic Peninsula Using Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Data
* Reluifying Smooth Functions: Low-cost Knowledge Distillation to Obtain High-performance Relu Networks
* RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field
* RLBA-UAV: A Robust and Lightweight Blockchain-Based Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for PUF-Enabled UAVs
* Role of Color in Content Based Image Retrieval, The
* Secure Self-Certified Broadcast Authentication Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems in UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Environments, A
* Self-knowledge distillation via dropout
* Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation
* Self-Updatable Database System Based on Human Motion Assessment Framework
* Shortcut-V2V: Compression Framework for Video-to-Video Translation based on Temporal Redundancy Reduction
* Smart Battery Swapping Control for an Electric Motorcycle Fleet With Peak Time Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Strategic Multiple Sensor Data Fusion For Time-critical Natural Disaster Response
* Survey on Cyber Security Threats in IoT-Enabled Maritime Industry, A
* Temporally x real-time video dehazing
* Video-Based In Situ Tagging on Mobile Phones
* VISOLO: Grid-Based Space-Time Aggregation for Efficient Online Video Instance Segmentation
* Visual Inspection Method Based on Periodic Feature for Wheel Mark Defect on Wafer Backside, A
* VLAAD: Vision and Language Assistant for Autonomous Driving
* Web-based Visualization Tool for 3d Spatial Coverage Measurement of Aerial Images, A
Includes: Park, Y.[Younghyun] Park, Y.[Yongwan] Park, Y.[Yongcheol] Park, Y.[Youngho] Park, Y.[Youngo] Park, Y.[Yeonju] Park, Y.[Yangsub] Park, Y. Park, Y.[Yoel] Park, Y.[Youngser] Park, Y.[Yongki] Park, Y.[Yongeun] Park, Y.[Youngin] Park, Y.[YongKeun] Park, Y.[Yeojeong] Park, Y.[Yeachan] Park, Y.[Yunwon] Park, Y.[Yongseok] Park, Y.[Yeonhong] Park, Y.[Yeonsoo] Park, Y.[Yeseung] Park, Y.[Yoon_Shik] Park, Y.[Yongsup] Park, Y.[Yeonchool] Park, Y.[Yang_Sub] Park, Y.[Yoonah]
61 for Park, Y.
Park, Y.B.[Yong Bae]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Downlink Considering Antenna Radiation Patterns and Space Environment in Interference Situations
* Visual Recognition of Types of Structural Corridor Landmarks Using Vanishing Points Detection and Hidden Markov Models
Includes: Park, Y.B.[Yong Bae] Park, Y.B.[Young-Bin]
Park, Y.C.[Yu Chul]
Co Author Listing * Application of Support Vector Regression and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Gangneung-si, South Korea
* Auditory Distance Rendering Based on ICPD Control for Stereophonic 3D Audio System
* Counting People in Groups
* Numerical Synthesis of an Optimal Low-Sidelobe Beam Pattern for a Microphone Array
Includes: Park, Y.C.[Yu Chul] Park, Y.C.[Yu-Chul] Park, Y.C. Park, Y.C.[Young-Choon]
Park, Y.G.[Young Gyu]
Co Author Listing * Applicability of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Mapping of Sea Surface Salinity in the East China Sea, The
* Divergence Observation in a Mesoscale Eddy during Chla Bloom Revealed in Submesoscale Satellite Currents
* Estimation of Fugacity of Carbon Dioxide in the East Sea Using In Situ Measurements and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Satellite Data
* Geodesic Gramian denoising applied to the images contaminated with noise sampled from diverse probability distributions
* Intelligent Video Security System Using Object Tracking and Shape Recognition, An
* Near-Surface Dispersion and Current Observations Using Dye, Drifters, and HF Radar in Coastal Waters
* Novel Method to Extract Features for Iris Recognition System, A
* Reconstruction of fragmented trajectories of collective motion using Hadamard deep autoencoders
Includes: Park, Y.G.[Young Gyu] Park, Y.G.[Young-Gyu] Park, Y.G.[Yong-Gi] Park, Y.G.[Yong Gyu] Park, Y.G.[Yeung-Gyu]
8 for Park, Y.G.
Park, Y.H.[Yong Hui]
Co Author Listing * email: Park, Y.H.[Yong Hui]: yhpark AT adonis comeng chungnam ac kr
* Design of V2X-Based Vehicular Contents Centric Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Noise Localization Method for Model Tests in a Large Cavitation Tunnel Using a Hydrophone Array
* Perception Sensor for a Mobile Robot
Includes: Park, Y.H.[Yong Hui] Park, Y.H.[Young-Hoon] Park, Y.H.[Young-Ha] Park, Y.H.
Park, Y.I.[Ye In]
Co Author Listing * Selective TransHDR: Transformer-Based Selective HDR Imaging Using Ghost Region Mask
Includes: Park, Y.I.[Ye In] Park, Y.I.[Ye-In]
Park, Y.J.[Young Ju]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Downlink Considering Antenna Radiation Patterns and Space Environment in Interference Situations
* Business email classification using incremental subspace learning
* Comparison of Aerosol Reflectance Correction Schemes Using Two Near-Infrared Wavelengths for Ocean Color Data Processing
* Contrast enhancement using histogram equalization with bin underflow and bin overflow
* Convex Image Segmentation: Extending Graph Cuts and Closed-Form Matting, A
* Correction of Stray-Light-Driven Interslot Radiometric Discrepancy (ISRD) Present in Radiometric Products of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI)
* Downlink Analysis of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Considering an Airborne Interference Source Moving on Various Trajectory
* Estimating Water Reflectance at Near-Infrared Wavelengths for Turbid Water Atmospheric Correction: A Preliminary Study for GOCI-II
* Estimation of Hourly Sea Surface Salinity in the East China Sea Using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Measurements
* Evaluation of Stray Light Correction for GOCI Remote Sensing Reflectance Using in Situ Measurements
* Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Marine Fog Detection in Combination with Himawari-8 Based on the Decision Tree
* High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images
* Impacts of Urban Morphology on Seasonal Land Surface Temperatures: Comparing Grid- and Block-Based Approaches
* Insect Classification Using Squeeze-and-Excitation and Attention Modules: a Benchmark Study
* Isotropic Huber MRFS for structure super-resolution
* SingularTrajectory: Universal Trajectory Predictor Using Diffusion Model
* SVM-based feature extraction for face recognition
* What Makes Deviant Places?
Includes: Park, Y.J.[Young Ju] Park, Y.J.[Young-Ju] Park, Y.J.[Young-Ja] Park, Y.J.[Young-Je] Park, Y.J.[Yung-Jun] Park, Y.J.[Young-Jin] Park, Y.J.[Young-Jae] Park, Y.J.[Yu-Jin] Park, Y.J. Park, Y.J.[Youn Jung]
18 for Park, Y.J.
Park, Y.K.[Young Kyung]
Co Author Listing * Common Image Method(Null Space + 2DPCAs) for Face Recognition
* DeepRegularizer: Rapid Resolution Enhancement of Tomographic Imaging Using Deep Learning
* Depth Image Based Rendering for 3D Data Service Over T-DMB
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* New Method of Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition, A
* New Methodology of Illumination Estimation/Normalization Based on Adaptive Smoothing for Robust Face Recognition, A
Includes: Park, Y.K.[Young Kyung] Park, Y.K.[Yong-Keun]
Park, Y.L.[Yong Lae]
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Real-Time Interventional Scan Plane Control With a 3-D Shape-Sensing Needle
* Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physical Interactions, The
Includes: Park, Y.L.[Yong Lae] Park, Y.L.[Yong-Lae]
Park, Y.M.[Young Man]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Real Time Algorithms to Simultaneously Reduce Blocking and Ringing Artifacts of Compressed Video, An
* Socioeconomic Disparities in the Usage of Urban Opportunities in South Korea During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using Land Use/Land Cover and Mobile Phone Data
Includes: Park, Y.M.[Young Man] Park, Y.M.[Yoo Min]
Park, Y.O.
Co Author Listing * Multi-hypothesis error concealment algorithm for H.26l video
Park, Y.P.
Co Author Listing * Sonar Mapping of a Mobile Robot Considering Position Uncertainty
* Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
Includes: Park, Y.P. Park, Y.P.[Young-Pil]
Park, Y.R.[Yu Rang]
Co Author Listing * Federated Class Incremental Learning: A Pseudo Feature Based Approach Without Exemplars
Park, Y.S.
Co Author Listing * Arbitrary-Ratio Image Resizing Using Fast DCT of Composite Length for DCT-Based Transcoder
* Confidence indicators based pose estimation for high-quality 3D reconstruction using depth image
* Development and Application of a QGIS-Based Model to Estimate Monthly Streamflow
* Difference-Frequency MUSIC for DOAs
* Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Service With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Fast Computation Algorithm of Binocular Energy Model, A
* Fast Variable-Length Decoder Using Plane Separation, A
* Frame Synchronization for Depth-Based 3D Video Using Edge Coherence
* L/M-fold image resizing in block-DCT domain using symmetric convolution
* Motion Map Generation for Maintaining the Temporal Coherence of Brush Strokes
Includes: Park, Y.S. Park, Y.S.[Young Soo] Park, Y.S.[Youn Shik] Park, Y.S.[Yong-Sung] Park, Y.S.[Young-Soo] Park, Y.S.[Young-Seo] Park, Y.S.[Young-Sup]
10 for Park, Y.S.
Park, Y.T.[Young Tae]
Co Author Listing * Automated design of linear tree classifiers
* Automated design of piecewise-linear classifiers of multiple-class data
* comparison of neural net classifiers and linear tree classifiers: Their similarities and differences, A
* Fast tree classifiers
* Robust vehicle detection based on shadow classification
* Shape-resolving local thresholding for object detection
Includes: Park, Y.T.[Young Tae] Park, Y.T.[Young-Tae]
Park, Y.U.[Young Uk]
Co Author Listing * Statistical region selection for robust image stabilization using feature-histogram
Includes: Park, Y.U.[Young Uk] Park, Y.U.[Young-Uk]
Park, Y.W.[Yong Woon]
Co Author Listing * Localization of an unmanned ground vehicle using 3D registration of laser range data and DSM
* mathematical programming approach for integrated multiple linear regression subset selection and validation, A
* Observation weights matching approach for causal inference
* Real-time 3D registration of stereo-vision based range images using GPU
Includes: Park, Y.W.[Yong Woon] Park, Y.W.[Young Woong]
Parkan, M.[Matthew]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Uncertainty of Point-Cloud Based Single-Tree Segmentation with Ensemble Based Filtering
Parkash, A.[Amar]
Co Author Listing * Attributes for Classifier Feedback
* Predicting User Annoyance Using Visual Attributes
Parke, I.[Ian]
Co Author Listing * COSMIC: A compatible scheme for moving image coding
* Motion detector for video signals including a novel line comparison processing scheme
* Motion estimator
* spatially layered hierarchical approach to video coding, A
Parker, A.
Co Author Listing * Analysis, synthesis, and Evaluation of Local Measures for Discrimination and Segmentation of Textured Regions, The
* Detection and classification of opened and closed flowers in grape inflorescences using Mask R-CNN
* Human cortical responses to variations of the interocular correlation of binocular signals
Parker, A.C.[Alice C.]
Co Author Listing * 3D Tree-Structured Object Tracking for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Representation for Shape Based on Peaks and Ridges in the Difference of Low-Pass Transform, A
Parker, A.E.[Albert E.]
Co Author Listing * Annealing and the normalized N-cut
Parker, A.L.[Amy L.]
Co Author Listing * Applications of Satellite Radar Imagery for Hazard Monitoring: Insights from Australia
* First Results from Sentinel-1A InSAR over Australia: Application to the Perth Basin
* Sequential Monte Carlo Framework for Noise Filtering in InSAR Time Series, A
Includes: Parker, A.L.[Amy L.] Parker, A.L.
Parker, B.
Co Author Listing * Range estimation via multi-dimensional segmentation
* Three-dimensional Video Segmentation Using a Variational Method
Parker, C.[Christopher]
Co Author Listing * CUDA LATCH Binary Descriptor: Because Sometimes Faster Means Better, The
* Empirical Study of Feature Extraction Methods for Audio Classification, An
* Review of Virtual Reality Studies on Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction, A
Includes: Parker, C.[Christopher] Parker, C.[Charles] Parker, C.[Callum]
Parker, D.
Co Author Listing * Focal plane array folding for efficient information extraction and tracking
* Small vessel enhancement in MRA images using local maximum mean processing
Parker, D.J.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of global pattern features
* End Points, Complexity, and Visual Illusions
Parker, D.R.[David R.]
Co Author Listing * Cardinal Interpolation
Parker, E.
Co Author Listing * Predicting Adversarial Cyber-Intrusion Stages Using Autoregressive Neural Networks
Parker, G.[Gordon]
Co Author Listing * Can body expressions contribute to automatic depression analysis?
* Cross-cultural detection of depression from nonverbal behaviour
* Eye movement analysis for depression detection
* Interpretation of Depression Detection Models via Feature Selection Methods
* Multimodal Depression Detection: Fusion Analysis of Paralinguistic, Head Pose and Eye Gaze Behaviors
* Neural-net classification for spatio-temporal descriptor based depression analysis
* Video-Based Facial Behaviour Analysis Approach to Melancholia, A
Includes: Parker, G.[Gordon] Parker, G.
7 for Parker, G.
Parker, G.A.
Co Author Listing * Lightweight Camera Head for Robotic-Based Binocular Stereo Vision: An Integrated Engineering Approach
* Surrey Attentive Robot Vision System, The
Parker, G.G.[Geoffrey G.]
Co Author Listing * What is the Point? Evaluating the Structure, Color, and Semantic Traits of Computer Vision Point Clouds of Vegetation
Parker, G.J.M.
Co Author Listing * Estimating distributed anatomical connectivity using fast marching methods and diffusion tensor imaging
* Exploiting peak anisotropy for tracking through complex structures
* Using the Model-Based Residual Bootstrap to Quantify Uncertainty in Fiber Orientations From Q-Ball Analysis
Parker, I.M.
Co Author Listing * Finding the overlap integral between two classes of object
Parker, J.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Computer Recognition of Printed Music
* Automatic Enhancement and Binarization of Degraded Document Images
* Linear Dynamic Range Reduction of Musical Audio Using an Allpass Filter Chain
* Monitoring Social Insect Activity with Minimal Human Supervision
Includes: Parker, J. Parker, J.[Joseph]
Parker, J.D.
Co Author Listing * Antiderivative Antialiasing for Memoryless Nonlinearities
* Unquantized resolution conversion of bitmap images using error diffusion
Includes: Parker, J.D. Parker, J.D.[James D.]
Parker, J.K.[Jonathon K.]
Co Author Listing * Footprint generation using fuzzy-neighborhood clustering
Parker, J.M.[Johne M.]
Co Author Listing * Efficient 3D characterization of raised topological defects in smooth specular coatings
* Texture Defect Detection Using Support Vector Machines with Adaptive Gabor Wavelet Features
Includes: Parker, J.M.[Johne M.] Parker, J.M.[Johné M.]
Parker, J.R.
Co Author Listing * Algorithm Performance Contest
* Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Demonstration of Handprinted Symbol Recognition, A
* Gray Level Thresholding in Badly Illuminated Images
* Practical Computer Vision Using C
* Recognizing Symbols By Drawing Them
* Simple Distances Between Handwritten Signatures
* Vector templates and handprinted digit recognition
* Vector Templates for Symbol Recognition
* Vision knowledge vectorization: converting raster images into vector form
Includes: Parker, J.R. Parker, J.R.[Jim R.]
10 for Parker, J.R.
Parker, J.T.
Co Author Listing * Single Frequency Inverse Obstacle Scattering: A Sparsity Constrained Linear Sampling Method Approach
* Sparsity and Compressed Sensing in Radar Imaging
Parker, K.[Kevin]
Co Author Listing * Color Filter Arrays Based on Mutually Exclusive Blue Noise Patterns
* Crossing the Great Divide: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap to Maximize the Utility of Remote Sensing for Invasive Species Monitoring and Management
* How to Include Crowd-Sourced Photogrammetry in a Geohazard Observatory: Case Study of the Giant's Causeway Coastal Cliffs
Includes: Parker, K.[Kevin] Parker, K.[Kelsey] Parker, K.[Kieran]
Parker, K.H.[Kim H.]
Co Author Listing * Joint spatio-temporal registration and microvasculature segmentation of retinal angiogram sequences
* Maximum likelihood estimation of vessel parameters from scale space analysis
* Microvasculature Segmentation of Co-Registered Retinal Angiogram Sequences
* Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels based on the Second Directional Derivative and Region Growing
Includes: Parker, K.H.[Kim H.] Parker, K.H.
Parker, K.J.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Feature Enhancement for Mammographic Images with Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis
* Adaptive quantization with spatial constraints in subband video compression using wavelets
* Artifact Reduction in Low Bit-rate DCT-Based Image Compression
* Efficient Transmission of Half-Tones via Facsimile
* Encoding and processing of color engravings (using MRC)
* Evaluation of reproducibility for manual and semi-automated feature extraction in CT and MR images
* Face Location in Wavelet-Based Video Compression for High Perceptual Quality Videoconferencing
* Image Segmentation Via Adaptive K-Mean Clustering And Knowledge-Based Morphological Operations With Biomedical Applications
* Joint Scene and Signal Modeling for Wavelet Based Video Coding with Cellular Neural Network Architecture
* knowledge-based approach to volumetric medical image segmentation, A
* Method and apparatus for halftone rendering of a gray scale image using a blue noise mask
* Multiple Resolution Bayesian Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Multitoning using generalized projections and the DCT
* novel volumetric feature extraction technique with applications to MR images, A
* Properties of combined blue noise patterns
* Scene Adaptive and Signal Adaptive Quantization for Subband Image and Video Compression Using Wavelets, A
* Segmentation and features extraction techniques, with applications to biomedical images
* Three dimensional subband video analysis and synthesis with adaptive clustering in high frequency subbands
* Three-dimensional registration and fusion of ultrasound and MRI using major vessels as fiducial markers
Includes: Parker, K.J. Parker, K.J.[Kevin J.]
19 for Parker, K.J.
Parker, K.M.
Co Author Listing * Redundant-Wavelet Watermarking with Pixel-Wise Masking
Parker, L.E.[Lynne E.]
Co Author Listing * CoDe4D: Color-Depth Local Spatio-Temporal Features for Human Activity Recognition From RGB-D Videos
* Fuzzy Temporal Segmentation and Probabilistic Recognition of Continuous Human Daily Activities
* Real-Time Multiple Human Perception With Color-Depth Cameras on a Mobile Robot
* Simplex-Based 3D Spatio-temporal Feature Description for Action Recognition
Includes: Parker, L.E.[Lynne E.] Parker, L.E.
Parker, M.D.
Co Author Listing * 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned cameras
* FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-time 3D tracking of deformable surfaces
Parker, M.J.[Michael J.]
Co Author Listing * Animation System for Biomechanical Analysis of Leg Motion and Predicting Injuries during Cycling, An
Parker, N.[Nathan]
Co Author Listing * Design of a GIS-Based Web Application for Simulating Biofuel Feedstock Yields
Parker, O.[Owen]
Co Author Listing * Atmospheric Trace Gas (NO2 and O3) Variability in South Korean Coastal Waters, and Implications for Remote Sensing of Coastal Ocean Color Dynamics
Parker, R.[Rebecca]
Co Author Listing * Indicating Severity of Vehicle Accidents Using Pupil Diameter in a Driving Simulator Environment
Parker, R.C.
Co Author Listing * Change Detection Techniques for Use in a Statewide Forest Inventory Program
Parker, R.J.[Robert J.]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
Parker, S.
Co Author Listing * Global and locally adaptive warped motion compensation in video compression
* On Extended Transform Partitions For The Next Generation Video CODEC
* switchable loop-restoration with side-information framework for the emerging AV1 video codec, A
* Technical Overview of AV1, A
Includes: Parker, S. Parker, S.[Sarah]
Parker, T.
Co Author Listing * Bus rapid transit system deployment for high quality and cost-effective transit service: a comprehensive review and comparative analysis
* Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapping for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Includes: Parker, T. Parker, T.[Tim]
Parker, T.A.[Travis A.]
Co Author Listing * Determining the Genetic Control of Common Bean Early-Growth Rate Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Parker, T.C.[Thomas C.]
Co Author Listing * Predicting Soil Respiration from Plant Productivity (NDVI) in a Sub-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
Parker, W.[William]
Co Author Listing * Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for COVID-19 Segmentation in CT Images, A
Parkes, A.P.
Co Author Listing * Application of Video Semantics and Theme Representation in Automated Video Editing, The
* Film Sequence Generation Strategies for Automatic Intelligent Video Editing
* Filmic space-time diagrams for video structure representation
* Toward the Automated Editing of Theme-Oriented Video Sequences
Includes: Parkes, A.P. Parkes, A.P.[Alan P.]
Parkes, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * Improving the Performance of Index Insurance Using Crop Models and Phenological Monitoring
Parkes, S.[Stephen]
Co Author Listing * Automated Georectification and Mosaicking of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery from Push-Broom Sensors
* Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Parkes, S.D.[Stephen D.]
Co Author Listing * Intra-Season Crop Height Variability at Commercial Farm Scales Using a Fixed-Wing UAV
Parkes, S.M.
Co Author Listing * compression of raw SAR and SAR image data, The
Parkhi, O.[Omkar]
Co Author Listing * Aria Digital Twin: A New Benchmark Dataset for Egocentric 3D Machine Perception
* End-to-End Visual Editing with a Generatively Pre-Trained Artist
* Pointly-Supervised Instance Segmentation
Parkhi, O.M.[Omkar M.]
Co Author Listing * Automated Video Face Labelling for Films and TV Material
* Cats and dogs
* Compact and Discriminative Face Track Descriptor, A
* Deep Face Recognition
* Face Painting: querying art with photos
* Fisher Vector Faces in the Wild
* On-the-fly learning for visual search of large-scale image and video datasets
* Template adaptation for face verification and identification
* truth about cats and dogs, The
* VGGFace2: A Dataset for Recognising Faces across Pose and Age
Includes: Parkhi, O.M.[Omkar M.] Parkhi, O.M.
10 for Parkhi, O.M.
Parkhurst, D.J.
Co Author Listing * openEyes: A low-cost head-mounted eye-tracking solution
* Starburst: A hybrid algorithm for video-based eye tracking combining feature-based and model-based approaches
Parkhurst, E.L.
Co Author Listing * Age and Gender Differences in Performance for Operating a Robotic Manipulator
Parkin, A.[Aleksandr]
Co Author Listing * 3D mask presentation attack detection via high resolution face parts
Parkin, G.
Co Author Listing * Intelligent Integration of Multi-sensor Data for Risk Assessment in Transport Corridor Environments
* Remote Sensing Approach for Landslide Hazard Assessment on Engineered Slopes, A
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Assessing the Risk of Slope Instability along Transport Corridors
Parkin, I.
Co Author Listing * Classification of Crop Lodging with Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
Parkin, R.M.
Co Author Listing * Use of Low-Cost FM-CW Radar Sensors in Navigation, The
Parkins, A.D.
Co Author Listing * Method for calculating first-order derivative based feature saliency information in a trained neural network and its application to handwritten digit recognition
Parkins, L.
Co Author Listing * Proteus: A Reconfigurable Computational Network for Computer Vision
Parkinson, A.
Co Author Listing * ORIGAMI project: advanced tools and techniques for high-end mixing and interaction between real and virtual content, The
Parkinson, A.F.
Co Author Listing * Comparative-Study of Skew Detection Algorithms
Parkinson, A.M.L.[Anne Marie L.]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Post-Fire Recovery of Chaparral and Conifer Species Using Field Surveys and Landsat Time Series
Includes: Parkinson, A.M.L.[Anne Marie L.] Parkinson, A.M.L.[Anne-Marie L.]
Parkinson, D.
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Visual Events Detection and Classification without Explicit Object-Centred Segmentation and Tracking
* Measurement of Performance on a Highly Parallel System, The
* Reduced-complexity image segmentation under parallel Markov Random Field formulation using graph partitioning
Parkinson, S.[Simon]
Co Author Listing * Biometric Systems Utilising Health Data from Wearable Devices: Applications and Future Challenges in Computer Security
* Cyber Threats Facing Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: Future Challenges
* empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords: A longitudinal study, An
* Password policy characteristics and keystroke biometric authentication
Includes: Parkinson, S.[Simon] Parkinson, S.
Parkitna, K.[Karolina]
Co Author Listing * ALS-Based Detection of Past Human Activities in the Bialowieza Forest: New Evidence of Unknown Remains of Past Agricultural Systems
* Use of Remotely Sensed Data and Polish NFI Plots for Prediction of Growing Stock Volume Using Different Predictive Methods, The
Parkkinen, J.[Jussi]
Co Author Listing * Application of Spectral Information to Investigate Historical Materials: Detection of Metameric Color Area in Icon Images
* Carotenoid Concentration of Arctic Charr (Salvelinus Alpinus L.) from Spectral Data
* Color Sensitive Biosensors for Imaging
* Comparison of X2 and K Statistics in Finding Signal and Picture Periodicity
* Compression of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Using Clustering and Spectral Reduction
* Computational Theory of Color Transparency, A
* Computational theory of color transparency: Recovery of spectral properties for overlapping surfaces
* Computationally Efficient Technique for Image Colorization, A
* Detecting Texture Periodicity from the Cooccurrence Matrix
* Digital Watermarking of Spectral Images with Three-Dimensional Wavelet Transform
* Enhanced color visualization by spectral imaging: An application in cultural heritage
* Estimating Color Signal at Different Correlated Color Temperature of Daylight
* Evaluation and unification of some methods for estimating reflectance spectra from RGB images
* Fiber dye classification by spectral imaging
* Forest Stand Delineation Using a Hybrid Segmentation Approach Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Generalized Co-occurrence Matrix for Multispectral Texture Analysis
* Highlight detection and removal from spectral image
* Highlight Removal from Single Image
* Illuminant dependence of PCA, NMF and NTF in spectral color imaging
* Image quality assessment using block-based weighted SVD
* Image Standardization in Automated Optical Microscopy
* Joint facial expression recognition and intensity estimation based on weighted votes of image sequences
* Kernel-based spectral color image segmentation
* Method to Analyze Preferred MTF for Printing Medium Including Paper, A
* Multi-spectral Texture Segmentation Based on the Spectral Cooccurrence Matrix
* Multiresolution Approach in Computing NTF
* Multispectral Image Compression
* Multispectral Video
* Multiwavelets in Spectral Image Compression
* Optimal sampling of color spectra
* Parametric Multispectral Texture Modelling
* Pictorial Object-Oriented Database Architecture for Retrieving Images by Their Content, A
* Polynomial Regression Spectra Reconstruction of Arctic Charr's RGB
* Prototype of the Spectral Vision System, A
* Quality of Reconstructed Spectrum for Watermarked Spectral Images Subject to Various Illumination Conditions
* Regularized learning framework in the estimation of reflectance spectra from camera responses
* Retinal Spectral Image Analysis Methods Using Spectral Reflectance Pattern Recognition
* Searching Technique in a Spectral Image Database
* Simulated Multispectral Imagery for Tree Species Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Spatio-temporal descriptor for abnormal human activity detection
* Spatiotemporal feature extraction for facial expression recognition
* Spectral Color Imaging
* Spectral Representation of Color Images
* Spectral vision system for measuring color images
* SR-LLA: A novel spectral reconstruction method based on locally linear approximation
* SVM Classification of Tree Species Radiometric Signatures Based on the Leica ADS40 Sensor, An
* Temporal Characteristics of Artificial Retina Based on Bacteriorhodopsin and Its Variants
* Three dimensional measurement using color structured patterns and imaging spectrograph
* Transform Based Lossy Compression of Multispectral Images
* Uniform Color Spaces for Color Sensors
* Wavelet Filter Selection in Multispectral Image Compression
* Weighted compression of spectral color information
Includes: Parkkinen, J.[Jussi] Parkkinen, J.
52 for Parkkinen, J.
Parkkinen, J.P.S.
Co Author Listing * Edge detection in multispectral images using the self-organizing map
* Image Compression Using the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS) and Delaunay Triangulation
* Image Compression Using the DTOCS and Delaunay Triangulation
Includes: Parkkinen, J.P.S. Parkkinen, J.P.S.[Jussi P.S.]
Parkkinen, S.
Co Author Listing * Color Sensitive Biosensors for Imaging
Parkman, K.B.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of a Subsurface Wire Using an Electromagnetic Gradiometer
Parks Young, A.[Aaron]
Co Author Listing * Intersection Management Protocol for Mixed Autonomous and Human-Operated Vehicles
Includes: Parks Young, A.[Aaron] Parks-Young, A.[Aaron]
Parks, B.C.[Brian C.]
Co Author Listing * FACE-GRAB: Face recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary operator
* taxonomy of face-models for system evaluation, A
Includes: Parks, B.C.[Brian C.] Parks, B.C.
Parks, D.[Donovan]
Co Author Listing * Hive: A distributed system for vision processing
* Integrating human context and occlusion reasoning to improve handheld object tracking
Includes: Parks, D.[Donovan] Parks, D.[Daniel]
Parks, D.F.[Daniel F.]
Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of Neuromorphic-Vision Object Recognition Algorithms
Parks, D.H.[Donovan H.]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms with Post-Processing
* Is local colour normalization good enough for local appearance-based classification?
* McGill Object Detection Suite, The
Includes: Parks, D.H.[Donovan H.] Parks, D.H.
Parks, E.A.
Co Author Listing * Model for Color Conversion
Parks, M.H.
Co Author Listing * Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. II. Validation on severely atrophied brains
Parks, N.J.
Co Author Listing * Analysis and restoration of desert/urban scenes degraded by the atmosphere
Parks, S.[Stuart]
Co Author Listing * Simultaneous structural and functional imaging of the macula using combined optical coherence tomography ophthalmoscope and multifocal electroretinogram
Parks, S.A.[Sean A.]
Co Author Listing * Comparing Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 for Burn Severity Mapping in Western North America
* Evaluating a New Relative Phenological Correction and the Effect of Sentinel-Based Earth Engine Compositing Approaches to Map Fire Severity and Burned Area
* Giving Ecological Meaning to Satellite-Derived Fire Severity Metrics across North American Forests
* Mean Composite Fire Severity Metrics Computed with Google Earth Engine Offer Improved Accuracy and Expanded Mapping Potential
* New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio, A
Parks, S.M.
Co Author Listing * Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Imagery Data Fusion: Crop Yield Analysis in Southeast Asia
Parks, T.W.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm
* Adaptive principal components and image denoising
* Adaptively Quadratic (AQua) Image Interpolation
* Chromatic Adaptation and White-Balance Problem
* Demosaicing Using Optimal Recovery
* Image Denoising Using Total Least Squares
* Image-Coding Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transforms with Symmetrical Extensions
* Joint Demosaicing and Denoising
* Optimal face reconstruction using training
* Optimal Recovery Approach to Image Interpolation
* Prediction of Image Detail
* Reconstruction of Signals from Phase: Efficient Algorithms, Segmnetations, and Generalizations
* two-dimensional translation invariant wavelet representation and its applications, A
13 for Parks, T.W.
Parks, W.J.[W. James]
Co Author Listing * Cardiac Deformation Recovery using a 3D Incompressible Deformable Model
* Myocardial Deformation Recovery Using a 3D Biventricular Incompressible Model