Keywords a

AAM Definition:* Active Appearance Model.
Section: Active Appearance Models: AAM (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Abandoned Luggage Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Unattended Package, Abandoned Luggage, Left Luggage, Theft (H4)

Abdominal Analysis Section: Abdominal Seqmentation, Multi-Organ Segmentation (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Aberration Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Camera Calibration, Lens Distortion, Aberration, Radial Distortion, Internal Parameters (H2)

Ablation Section: Cardiac Ablation (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Abnormal Event Section: Anomaly Localization (H4)
Section: Deep Learning for Detecting Anomalies (H4)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Abnormal Behavior In Crowds (H4)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Abnormal Event, Abnormal Behavior, or Rare Events, Rare Behaviors (H3)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Trajectory Analysis for Anomalies (H4)
Section: Learning for Detecting Anomalies (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
7 for Abnormal Event

Accidents Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Traffic Collisions, Accidents, Analysis, Congestion, Not Image Analysis (H4)

Accumulation Based Matching Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Grimson Object Recognition Papers (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Matching Using Accumulation and Alignment Schemes (H2)
* Finding Waldo, or Focus of Attention Using Local Color Information

Accumulation Matching Section: Clustering and Accumulation Array Techniques (H3)
Section: Range Data Matching -- Accumulation Methods (H3)
Section: Region/Contour Matching, Accumulation Based (H3)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)

Acoustic Section: Acoustic Signals, Sounds, Audio (H2)
Section: Coding, Compression, Acoustic Signals, Sounds, Audio (H3)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

ACRONYM Section: ACRONYM and SUCCESSOR Papers - Stanford University and Others (H2)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Action Detection Section: Articulatd Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition and Detection Using Depth, RGB-D, Kinect (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition and Detection Using Human Pose (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Neural Nets for Skeletal Representations (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Skeletal Representations (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Neural Networks and Learning for Human Action Recognition and Detection (H4)
Section: Viewpoint invariant, View Invariant, Human Action Detection, Human Action Recognition (H4)
8 for Action Detection

Action Localization Section: Action Localization, Action Localisation (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Action Recognition Section: Accumulation Methods, Motion Histograms for Human Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Action Segmentation (H4)
Section: Articulatd Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition and Detection (H4)
Section: Deep Networks, Deep Learning for Human Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Egocentric Human Action Recognition, First Person, Wearable Monitoring (H4)
Section: Human Action Detection, Human Action Recognition (H3)
Section: Human Action Recognition and Detection Using Depth, RGB-D, Kinect (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition and Detection Using Human Pose (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition and Detection, Surveys, Evaluation, General (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition in Still Images, Single Images (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Indoor Environments, Classroom, Smart Room (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Neural Nets for Skeletal Representations (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Office, Meetings (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Part Models, Human Pose (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Skeletal Representations (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Sparse Techniques, Low-Rank, SVM (H4)
Section: Human Activities, Interacting with Objects (H4)
Section: Incremental Learning for Human Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Models, Inference, Learning Human Activities, Human Behavior (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Flow, Motion Vectors for Human Action Recognition and Detection (H4)
Section: Neural Networks and Learning for Human Action Recognition and Detection (H4)
Section: Spatio-Temporal Techniques for Human Action Recognition and Detection (H4)
Section: Zero-Shot, One-Shot, Few-Shot Learning for Human Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Zero-Shot, One-Shot, Few-Shot Learning for Human Action Recognition (H4)
26 for Action Recognition

Action Segmentation Section: Action Segmentation (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Activation Detection Section: fMRI Brain Activity Detction (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Active Appearance Models Section: Active Appearance Models: AAM (H3)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Classification of Biological Objects Using Active Appearance Modelling and Color Cooccurrence Matrices

Active Contours Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Contours and Snakes, Region Segmentation Issues (H3)
Section: Active Contours and Snakes, Segmentations, Flow, Gradient Flow (H4)
Section: Active Contours and Snakes, Video, Motion Segmentation Issues (H4)
Section: Active Contours, Snakes or Deformable Curves (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Interactive 3D Segmentations, Depth, Range, Stereo (H4)
Section: Interactive Region Segmentations, Snakes, User-Assisted Segmentation (H4)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Snakes, Algorithms for Computation (H3)
Section: Snakes, Applications (H3)
Section: Snakes, General Techniques and Descriptions (H3)
Section: Snakes, Restricted Curves, Splines, etc. (H2)
Section: Variational Models, Snake Models, Active Contours (H4)
* Higher Order Active Contours
* Piecewise-Smooth Dense Optical Flow via Level Sets
* Using Generic Geometric Models for Intelligent Shape Extraction
17 for Active Contours

Active Learning Section: Active Learning (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Active Noise Section: Active Noise Cancellation (H3)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

Active Shape Model Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Active Volumes, Deformable Solids, 3-D Snakes, etc. (H1)

Active Vision Section: Active Vision - General (H2)
Section: Active Vision Systems (H1)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
* Active Recovery of 3D Motion Trajectories and Their Use in Prediction, The
* Analysis Of Camera Behavior During Tracking
* On the Estimation of Depth from Motion Using an Anthropomorphic Visual Sensor
* Planning for Perception in Robot Driving
* Recognizing 3D Objects by Generating Random Actions
* Using Camera Motion to Estimate Range for Robotic Parts Manipulation
* Vision During Action
14 for Active Vision

Active Vision, Attention Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Active Vision, Visual Attention (H2)

Active Vision, Calibration Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Camera Calibration, Robot Based, Servo (H2)

Active Vision, Evaluation Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Comparative Study of Stereo, Vergence, and Focus as Depth Cues for Active Vision, A

Active Vision, Focus of Attention Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Selective Perception for Robot Driving

Active Vision, Fovea Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Active Vision: Foveal Sensing (H2)

Active Vision, Gaze Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Active Vision: Gaze Control (H2)

Active Vision, Hand-Eye Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Hand-Eye Coordination (H2)

Active Vision, Overview Section: Active Vision - General (H2)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Active Vision, Path Planning Section: Active Vision - Path Planning (H2)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)

Active Vision, Sensor Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
* Direct Estimation of Time-to-Impact from Optical Flow

Active Vision, Survey Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Animate Vision
* Principles of Animate Vision
* Purposive and Qualitative Active Vision

Active Vision, Tools Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Triclops: A Tool for Studying Active Vision

Active Vision, Tracking Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Target Tracking, Active, Camera Following, Real Time Issues, Hardware (H3)
* Model-Based Visual Feedback Control for a Hand-Eye Coordinated Robotic System

Active Vision, Vergence Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Stereo Ranging with Verging Cameras
* Surface Reconstruction by Dynamic Integration of Focus, Camera Vergence, and Stereo

Active Volumes Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Active Volumes, Deformable Solids, 3-D Snakes, etc. (H1)

Activity Recognition Section: Baseball, Cricket, Tracking, Desctiptions, Analysis (H4)
Section: Basketball Tracking, Desctiptions, Line Judge (H4)
Section: Complex Human Activity Recognition (H4)
Section: Depth Based, Human Activity Recognition (H4)
Section: Football, Soccer, Tracking, Desctiptions, Analysis (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Indoor Environments, Classroom, Smart Room (H4)
Section: Human Action Recognition, Office, Meetings (H4)
Section: Human Activities, Groups, Several People (H4)
Section: Human Activities, Interactions between People (H3)
Section: Human Activities, Sports, Planned Activities (H4)
Section: Human Activities, Sports, Summaries, Highlights (H4)
Section: Human Activity Recognition, Human Behaviors (H3)
Section: Human Motion Capture, Dance Activities (H4)
Section: Human Safety, Drowning, Underwater, Home Care, Smart Home (H4)
Section: Intruders, Intrusions, Intrusion Detection, Threats (H4)
Section: Lifelog, Daily Activities (H4)
Section: Models, Inference, Learning Human Activities, Human Behavior (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Social Interactions, Human Activities, Social Grouping (H4)
Section: Sports, Line Judge, Ball Position, Ball Tracking and Enhanced Displays (H4)
Section: Tennis Tracking, Desctiptions, Line Judge (H4)
21 for Activity Recognition

Actors Section: Actor Identification (H3)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Ad Detection Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Find Ads, Find Commercials (H4)

AdaBoost Section: Boosting, AdaBoost Technique (H2)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Adaptive coding Section: Adaptive Coding Techniques (H2)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Adaptive Cruise Control Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Adaptive Cruise Control (H4)

Adaptive Filters Section: Adaptive Filters (H2)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection
* Steerable Filters for Early Vision, Image Analysis and Wavelet Decomposition

Adaptive Histogram Equalization Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Models and Algorithms for a Real-Time Hybrid Image-Enhancement Methodology

Adaptive Hough Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Multi-Resolution and Parallel Hough Transform (H2)

Adaptive Pyramid Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
* Adaptive Pyramid: A framework for 2D Image Analysis, The
* Modelisation of Spatial Organization of Vegetations in Floodplains

Adaptive Reconstructions Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Discontinuity Analysis in Surface Reconstruction (H3)

Adaptive Smoothing Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Smoothing Techniques, Adaptive Smoothing (H2)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Accurate Edge Detection for Multiple Scale Processing
* Adaptive Smoothing: A General Tool for Early Vision
* Edge detection with iteratively refined regularization
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Smoothing
* On Discontinuity-Adaptive Smoothness Priors in Computer Vision
* Parallel Multiscale Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Smoothing
11 for Adaptive Smoothing

Adaptive Stereo Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Accurate Building Structure Recovery from High Resolution Aerial Imagery

Adaptive Threshold Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Segmentation by Thresholding, Quantization, or Relaxation (H2)
* Automatic Target Segmentation by Locally Adaptive Image Thresholding
* New Method for Image Segmentation, A
* Real-Time Automated Visual Inspection System for Hot Steel Slabs, A

Adaptive Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Improving Edges by Neighborhood Processing, Relaxation, Multi-Scale (H2)
Section: Noise Removal, Adaptive, Non-linear Techniques (H3)
Section: Patch-Based Restoration, Patch Based Denoising (H3)
Section: Space Varying Restoration, Adaptive Restoration (H2)

Address Blocks Section: Mail -- Addresses, Document Analysis, Postal Automation (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

ADHD Section: Autism Analysis, Behavior, Cognitive, Other Analysis (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Adversarial Learning Section: Adversarial Learning, GAN, Re-Identification Issues, Pedestrian Tracking (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Adversarial Network Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Generative Adversarial Network, GAN, Semantic Segmentation (H4)

Adversarial Networks Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Adversarial Attacks (H4)
Section: Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis, Image Generation (H4)
Section: Adversarial Networks for Transfer Learning, Domain Adaption (H3)
Section: Adversarial Networks, Adversarial Inputs, Generative Adversarial (H3)
Section: Adversarial Patch Attacks (H4)
Section: Adversarial Trainning for Defense (H4)
Section: Countering Adversarial Attacks, Defense, Robustness (H4)
Section: Data Hiding, Steganography, Adversarial Networks, Convolutional Networks, Deep Learning (H3)
Section: Noise in Adversarial Attacks, Removing, Detection, Use (H4)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: StyleGAN Image Synthesis, Image Generation (H4)
Section: Training of Adversarial Networks (H4)
14 for Adversarial Networks

Adversarial Patch Section: Adversarial Patch Attacks (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Adversarial Training Section: Adversarial Patch Attacks (H4)
Section: Adversarial Trainning for Defense (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Advertising Section: Advertising based on the User, Targeting (H3)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Video Analysis, Find Ads, Find Commercials (H4)

Aerial-Ground Section: Fusion, Aerial and Ground Images (H3)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)

Aerial Autonomous Vehicles Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Aerial Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Rotorcraft (H3)

Aerial Image Analysis Section: Airport Analysis Systems, Runways (H1)
Section: Building Change Detection (H4)
Section: Building Extraction, Analysis and Detection Systems, Multi-View (H1)
Section: Building Extraction, High Resolution, Multi-View Images (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Change Detection for Damage Assessment (H3)
Section: CMU Building Systems (H2)
Section: General Site Model Use, Program Surveys (H1)
Section: General Urban Area Detection, Built-Up Area Detection (H2)
Section: Impervious Surface Detection, Urban Area Extraction (H3)
Section: Insulators on Power Lines, Transmission Towers, Pylons (H3)
Section: KU Leuven Building Systems (H2)
Section: Landslide Detection, Analysis, Damage Assessment, Deformations (H3)
Section: Night Time Image Analysis for Urban Area Detection, Change and Growth (H3)
Section: Power Line Extraction, Powerline Extraction, Radar, SAR, Lidar, Laser, Depth (H2)
Section: Road Extraction in Radar, SAR, Lidar, Laser, Depth (H2)
Section: Road Following, Road Tracking Systems, Connecting Fragments, Extracting Fragments (H2)
Section: Road Junctions, Road Intersections (H2)
Section: Road Network Detection, Road Extraction Systems (H1)
Section: Road Network Model Integration, Updating, and Change Detection (H2)
Section: Site Model Change Detection, Map Update (H3)
Section: Site Model Construction and Evaluation, General Mapping (H2)
Section: Site Model Registration, Georeference, Geo-Registeration (H2)
Section: SRI General Cartography Systems (H1)
Section: Subsidance, Deformation (H3)
Section: Transmission Towers, Pylons, Poles, Extraction, Radar, SAR, Lidar, Laser, Depth (H3)
Section: UMass Building Extraction Systems (H2)
Section: Urban Areas, Change, Expansion and Growth (H3)
Section: Urban Areas, Expansion and Growth, Specific Sites, China (H4)
Section: USC Building Systems (H2)
* RADIUS: Site Model Content
31 for Aerial Image Analysis

Aerial Image Section: Aerial Image Mosaic Generation, UAV Mosaics, Drone Mosaics (H3)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Aerial Images Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection (H2)
Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Image Analysis Applications

Aerial Traffic Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Traffic Surveillance, Analysis, Aerial Images, Overhead, Airborne Sensors (H4)

Aerosol Optical Depth Section: Atmospheric, Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Measurements, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Aerosols Section: Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality, Specific Sites (H3)
Section: Air Quality, Air Pollution, Aerosols, General Pollution (H3)
Section: Atmospheric, Aerosols Measurements with MODIS (H4)
Section: Atmospheric, Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Measurements, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Atmospheric, Dust, Dust Storms, Volcanic Ash, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Atmospheric, Water Vapor, Precipitable Water Vapor, PWV (H2)
Section: LiDAR for Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality (H4)
Section: Mars, Martian Atmosphere Measurements, Mars Analysis, Other Planets (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Sulfur Di-Oxide, Sulphur, SO2 (H3)
10 for Aerosols

Aesthetic Quality Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Aesthetic Quality, Aesthetic Evaluation (H4)
Section: Artistic Recognition, Interpretation (H4)

Affine Invariance Section: Affine Invariants (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Affine Model Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Estimation of Complex Multimodal Motion: An Approach Based on Robust Statistics and Hough Transform

Affine Transform Section: Afine Transforms (H2)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Matching, Affine Transformations (H3)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Direct Estimation of Image Deformations Using Visual Front-End Operations with Automatic Scale Selection

Affordance Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Recognition by Function, By Use, Affordance (H2)

AFLC Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Image-Adaptive Vector Quantization in an Entropy-Constrained Framework

Age Estimation Section: Face Analysis -- Age Estimation (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Ageing Analaysis Section: Face Analysis -- Age Variations and Related Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Aggregated Descriptors Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors, VLAD Features (H3)

Aging Analaysis Section: Face Analysis -- Age Estimation (H3)
Section: Face Analysis -- Age Variations and Related Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Agricultural Drought Section: Agricultural Drought (H4)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Agricultural Field Section: Agricultural Field Extraction (H4)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Agricultural Parcel Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Smallholder Analysis (H4)

Agricultural Section: Applied Change Analysis, Specific Site Applications, Site Specific Temporal (H2)
Section: Classification for Crops, Analysis of Production, Specific Crops, Specific Plants (H2)
Section: Land Cover Change Analysis, Remote Sensing Change Analysis, Temporal Analysis (H2)
Section: Land Cover Change Analysis, Temporal Analysis, Specific Site, China (H3)
Section: Land Use Change Analysis (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Agriculture Tools Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Precision Agriculture Tools (H4)

Air Quality Section: Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality, Specific Sites (H3)
Section: Air Quality, Air Pollution, Aerosols, General Pollution (H3)
Section: LiDAR for Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality (H4)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Air Temperature Section: Atmospheric Temperature, Atmospheric Analysis (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Air Traffic Section: Air Traffic Controls, Runways, Aircraft (H4)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Air Writing Section: Air Writing, Devisce Free Handwriting (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Aircraft Detection Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Aircraft Detection, Recognition (H3)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Aircraft Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Airplane Obstacles, Collision Detection, Sense and Avoid (H3)

Airplane Detection Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Aircraft Detection, Recognition (H3)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Airplane Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Aircraft Landings, Spacecraft Landing (H4)
Section: Airplane Obstacles, Collision Detection, Sense and Avoid (H3)

Airport Recognition Section: Airport Analysis Systems, Runways (H1)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Airway Structure Section: Airway Tree Structure (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Albedo Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Face Analysis, Shading, Illumination, Lighting and Color Variations (H2)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Land Surface Albedo (H3)
Section: Reflectance Computations, Albedo (H2)

Algal Blooms Section: Algal Blooms, Analysis, Detection (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Algebraic and Geometric Invariants Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
* Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications

Algorithms Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
* Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in C++

Algorithms, Survey Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
* Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing

Aliasing Section: Aliasing, Anti-Aliasing (H2)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Alignment Section: Alignment, Registration for Super Resolution (H3)
Section: Brain, Cortex, Registration, Alignment, MRI, Other (H3)
Section: Face Alignment, Registration, 3-D Models (H4)
Section: Face Alignment, Registration, Recognition (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Registration Techniques (H2)
Section: Image Stabilization, Video Stabilization, Alignment (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
10 for Alignment

Altimetry Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: SAR, Radar Altimetry (H3)

ALV Definition:* Autonomous Land Vehicles.
* Elector-Optical Technology for Autonomous Vehicles

ALVINN Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: CMU Road Followers, ALVINN YARF MANIAC (H3)

Alzheimer's Disease Section: Brain, Cortex, Alzheimer's Disease (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Analogy Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Heuristic Program to Solve Geometry-Analogy Problems, A

Ancient Documents Section: Historical Document Analysis, Ancient Documents (H3)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Aneurysms Section: Aneurysms -- Vascular Analysis (H3)
Section: Brain, Cortex, Cerebral Arteries, Cerebral Aneurysm, Cerebrovascular (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Angiography Section: Angiography using MRI (H2)
Section: Heart, Cardiac, Angiography using CAT, CT, Tomography (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Animal Inspection Section: Agriculture, Inspection -- Animals, Animal Detection (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Animal Tracking Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Tracking Animals, Animal Gait, Animal Behaviors (H4)

Animals Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Tracking Animals, Animal Gait, Animal Behaviors (H4)
Section: Wildlife Detection, Analysis (H4)

Animation Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Animation and Reconstruction of Human Model from Posture, or Pose (H3)
Section: Emotions in Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis (H4)
Section: Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Facial Expressions in Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis (H4)
Section: Gesture Generation (H4)
Section: Human Motion Generation, Human Motion Synthesis (H4)
8 for Animation

Annotation Section: Image Annotation (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Video Retrieval, Video Annotation, Video Categorization, Genre (H4)

Anomaly Detection Section: Deep Learning for Detecting Anomalies (H4)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Abnormal Behavior In Crowds (H4)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Abnormal Event, Abnormal Behavior, or Rare Events, Rare Behaviors (H3)
Section: Detecting Anomalies, Trajectory Analysis for Anomalies (H4)
Section: Hyperspectral Data Anomaly Detection, Hyper-Spectral Anomaly (H4)
Section: Learning for Detecting Anomalies (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Unsupervised Activity Perception by Hierarchical Bayesian Models
9 for Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Localization Section: Anomaly Localization (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Anomaly Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Traffic Anomaly Detection, Traffic Analysis (H4)

Ant Colony Section: Ant Colony Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Antennas Section: Antenna Systems, Transmission Issues (H3)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

Anti-Aliasing Section: Aliasing, Anti-Aliasing (H2)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)

Aorta Section: Medical Applications -- Aorta, Aortic Analysis (H4)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Apparent Contours Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Camera Pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Image Profiles under Circular Motion
* Determination of the Apparent Boundary of an Object
* Reconstruction and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion

Appearance Based Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Invariants -- Eigen Representations, General Appearance Based Methods (H2)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Active Appearance Models
* Seemore: Combining Color, Shape, and Texture Histogramming in a Neurally Inspired Approach to Visual Object Recognition
* View-based active appearance models
7 for Appearance Bas

Apples Section: Apple Trees, Plantations, Analysis, Diseases (H4)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Application, Airports Section: Airport Analysis Systems, Runways (H1)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Application, Astronomy Section: Astronomy Applications, Solar Analysis (H2)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* On the Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Image Restoration: Applications to Astronomical Images

Application, ATR Section: ATR Applications, Automatic Target Recognition (H1)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Automatic Target Recognition: State of the Art Survey

Application, Barcodes Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Optimal Correspondence for String Subsequences

Application, Bin-picking Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Distributed Associative Memory (DAM) for Bin-Picking
* Three-Dimensional Vision System for Bin-Picking, A

Application, Biometrics Section: Biometrics, Privacy Issues, Security Issues (H3)
Section: Face De-Identification, Privacy (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Keystroke Dynamics Biometrics (H3)
Section: Liveness Detection, Spoofing, Presentation Attack, Faces, Other Biometrics (H3)

Application, Cartography Section: Airport Analysis Systems, Runways (H1)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: CMU MAPS Image Database System (H1)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: General Cartography, Remote Sensing Issues (H1)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Automatic Road Network Detection on Aerial Photographs
* Classification of Edges for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Detection of Roads and Linear Structures in Low Resolution Aerial Images Using Multi-Source Knowledge Integration Techniques
* Hierarchical Knowledge-Directed Object Extraction using a Combined Region and Line Representation
* Interactive Aids for Cartography and Photo-Interpretation
* ISIS: An Interactive Facility for Scene Analysis Research
* Recovering 3D Information from Complex Aerial Imagery
* Research in Interactive Scene Analysis
* Road Finding for Road-Network Extraction
* Scene-Analysis Approach to Remote Sensing, A
* Sigma Image Understanding System, The
* SRI Road Expert: Image-to-Database Correspondence, The
* Stereo Verification in Aerial Image Analysis
* Utilization of Multispectral Imagery for Cartographic Feature Extraction
23 for Application, Cartography

Application, Character Recognition Section: Character Recognition Systems (H1)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Fourier Preprocessing for Hand Print Character Recognition
* Optical Character Recognition: A Survey
* Overview of Character Recognition Methodologies, An

Application, Checks Section: Money and Check Processing -- Amounts, etc. (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Application, Circuit Diagrams Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Automatic Circuit Diagram Reader with Loop-Structure-Based Symbol Recognition, An
* Topology-Based Component Extractor for Understanding Electronic Circuit Diagrams, A

Application, Counting Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Moving Object Extraction Method Robust Against Illumination Level Changes for a Pedestrian Counting System, A

Application, Crops Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
* Real-Time Segmentation of Plants and Weeds
* Real-Time Tracking of Cplan Rows Using a Hough Transform
* Structure-from-Motion Techniques Applied to Crop Field-Mapping

Application, Document Analysis * 3D Shape Reconstruction of Unfolded Book Surface from a Scanner Image
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Analysis Systems Applied to Documents, Document Analysis (H1)
Section: Documents and Character Analysis -- Surveys, Comparisons, Evaluations (H1)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Classification of Newspaper Image Blocks Using Texture Analysis
* Image Segmentation by Shape-Directed Covers
* Rule-Based System for Document Image Segmentation, A
* Understanding Multi-Articled Documents
9 for Application, Document Analysis

Application, Document Layout Section: Document Layout, Document Segmentation, Page Layout, Structure Analysis (H3)
Section: Document Layout, Structure Analysis, Web Documents, Online Documents (H4)
Section: Form and Layout Analysis (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Page Segmentation, General Evaluations (H4)
Section: Separate Images and Graphics from Text (H4)
Section: Table Segmentation, Extract Tables or Forms, General (H4)
Section: Text vs. Non-Text Regions (H4)
8 for Application, Document Layout

Application, Engineering Drawings Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Engineering Drawings, Hand Drawings Analysis (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Engineering Drawing Processing and Vectorization System
* Extended Binary Tree Representation of Binary Image and Its Application to Engineering Drawing Entry, The
* Syntactic/Geometric Approach to Recognition of Dimensions in Engineering Machine Drawings, A
* Understanding Engineering Drawings
7 for Application, Engineering Drawings

Application, Fabrics Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Inspection -- Textiles, Fabrics, Fibers (H3)

Application, Face Detection Section: Face Detection in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Finding Faces by Color Features (H3)
Section: Finding Faces by Finding Features (H3)
Section: Finding Faces in Images, Face Detection (H2)
Section: Localizing a Face in an Image, Face Localization (H3)

Application, Face Recognition Section: Face Alignment, Registration, 3-D Models (H4)
Section: Face Alignment, Registration, Recognition (H4)
Section: Face Analysis -- Age Variations and Related Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Analysis -- Find and Use Features, Facial Features (H2)
Section: Face Analysis -- Gender Classification (H3)
Section: Face Analysis -- High Level Facial Features, Sketches (H3)
Section: Face Analysis -- Kinship Analysis, Relationships (H2)
Section: Face Analysis, General Papers, Surveys (H3)
Section: Face Analysis, Profiles (H2)
Section: Face Hallucination for Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Models (H4)
Section: Face Recognition at a Distance, In the wild, In-the-Wild, Low Resolution Faces (H3)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video, Chellappa Group Papers (H4)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition Systems Using Neural Networks, Learning (H2)
Section: Face Recognition Systems, Occlusions, Masks (H3)
Section: Face Recognition Systems (H2)
Section: Face Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Models, 3-D Models (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Face Recogniton, Stereo Based, Multiple Images (H4)
Section: Face Three-Dimensional Model Generation for Recognition, 3-D Models (H4)
Section: Finding Facial Features (H3)
Section: Fourier Features for Facial Recognition (H4)
Section: Gabor Wavelets for Facial Recognition (H3)
23 for Application, Face Recognition

Application, Face Tracking Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Head Motion, Head Tracking, Tracking Faces in Video (H1)
Section: Tracking Faces, Heads Using Color Models (H3)

Application, Faces Section: Depression Analysis, PTSD, Mental Health (H4)
Section: Emotion Recognition from Face Images (H3)
Section: Face Action Units for Expressions and Motion Analysis, FAU, FACS (H4)
Section: Face Analysis -- Age Variations and Related Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Analysis -- Attractiveness, Beauty, Subjective Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Analysis -- Find and Use Features, Facial Features (H2)
Section: Face Analysis -- Gender Classification (H3)
Section: Face Analysis -- High Level Facial Features, Sketches (H3)
Section: Face Analysis -- Kinship Analysis, Relationships (H2)
Section: Face Analysis, Evaluations, Benchmarks, Databases of Images (H2)
Section: Face Analysis, General Papers, Surveys (H3)
Section: Face Analysis, Profiles (H2)
Section: Face Expression Recognition and Analysis, Facial Expression Analysis, Facial Expressions (H3)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video, Chellappa Group Papers (H4)
Section: Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video (H3)
Section: Face Recognition Systems from Single Example, One Sample, One Shot (H3)
Section: Face Recognition Systems Using Neural Networks, Learning (H2)
Section: Face Recognition Systems, Occlusions, Masks (H3)
Section: Face Recognition Systems (H2)
Section: Face Recognition Using Models (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Face Retrieval, Face Databases, Retrieval of Faces (H2)
Section: Face Verification, Authentication, Evaluations, Verification Benchmarks (H3)
Section: Facial Expressions, Overviews, Surveys, Data (H3)
Section: Learning Face Detection, Neural Nets, SVM (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Personality, Traits, Mood, Deception, Diagnosis Analysis (H4)
Section: Recognition and Analysis of Faces -- Early Papers (H1)
Section: Recognition and Analysis of Faces (H1)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Application of the Karhunen-Loeve Procedure for the Characterization of Human Faces
* Determining the Gaze of Faces in Images
* Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces
33 for Application, Faces

Application, Fingerprints Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Cancelable Fingerprint Template, Recognition, Analysis, Systems (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Finger Veins, Recognition and Extraction (H3)
Section: Fingerprint Features, Minutiae, Ridges (H2)
Section: Fingerprint Features, Ridges, Flow, Orientation Based (H3)
Section: Fingerprint Features, Singular Points (H2)
Section: Fingerprint Recognition Methods (H1)
Section: Fingerprint Systems, Overviews, Comparisons, Evaluation (H2)
Section: Fingerprint Unrolling, Image Enhancement and Compression (H2)
Section: Latnet Fingerprint Recognition, Analysis (H3)
Section: Liveness Detection, Spoofing, Fingerprint Recognition (H3)
* Image Analysis Applications
13 for Application, Fingerprints

Application, Flowers Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Plants, Flowers, Flower Shape, Flower Color (H4)

Application, Forklift Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Camera Space Control-System For An Automated Forklift, A

Application, Fruit Section: Fruit Detection, Fruit Inspection, Apples, Oranges (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Application, General Section: General Applications (H1)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Application, Geographic Information Systems Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
* Image Analysis Applications

Application, Geology Section: Geological Analysis, Rocks (H3)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Application, Gesture Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Gesture Recognition Techniques (H2)
Section: Hand Gesture Systems, Gesture Recognition (H3)
Section: Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition, Multimodal Recognition (H4)
Section: Video Conferencing, Videoconference, Teleconference (H2)

Application, Heart Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Deformable Models, Cardiac Motion Models for Volumes, Left Ventricle (H3)

Application, Houses Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
* Polymorphic Grouping for Image Segmentation

Application, Industrial Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Industrial Applications (H1)
Section: Other Industrial Applications Areas (H2)
* Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision

Application, Inspection Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Agriculture, Inspection -- Animals, Animal Detection (H4)
Section: Agriculture, Inspection -- Fish, Fish Motion, Detection (H4)
Section: Agriculture, Inspection -- Food Products, Plants, Farms (H3)
Section: Agriculture, Inspection -- Meat (H4)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Inspection -- Chips, Wafers, PCB, PWB, VLSI, IC, Disks, etc. (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Defect Detection, Crack Detection (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Lumber, Logs, Wood (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Metal Inspection, Castings, Machining (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Metal, Coins (H4)
Section: Inspection -- Paint and Printing Quality, Print Analysis (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Pavement, Road Surface, Asphalt, Concrete (H4)
Section: Inspection -- Pharmaceutical Applications, Drugs, Pills (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Solder Joints, Welding, Pipes (H3)
Section: Inspection -- Textiles, Fabrics, Fibers (H3)
Section: Inspection Systems -- General, Survey, Review (H3)
Section: Inspection Systems and Techniques (H2)
Section: Wildlife Detection, Analysis (H4)
* Automatic Tube Inspection System That Finds Cylinders in Range Data, An
* Label Inspection using the Hough Transform on Transputer Networks
22 for Application, Inspection

Application, Leaf Shapes Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Plants, Leaf Shapes, Leaf Analysis, Leaf Segmentation (H4)

Application, Lipreading Section: Combined Audio Visual Recognition and Analysis (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Lipreading, Lip Reading, Lip Tracking (H2)
Section: Mouth Location, Lip Location, Detection (H3)
* Architecture for Automatic Lipreading to Enhance Speech Recognition, An

Application, Lumber Mill Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Computer Vision System That Analyses CT-Scans of Sawlogs, A
* Determining a Maximum Value Yield of a Log Using an Optical Log Scanner
* Identifying and Location Surface Defects in Wood: Part of an Automated Lumber Processing System

Application, Mail sorting Section: Mail -- Addresses, Document Analysis, Postal Automation (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Lexicon-Driven Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Character Strings for Japanese Address Reading
* Object Recognition in Structured and Random Environments: Locating Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* Recognizing Address Blocks on Mail Pieces: Specialized Tools and Problem-Solving Architecture

Application, Maps Section: Map Analysis, Analysis of Map data, Map Processing (H2)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Application, Medical Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Computer Vision Workshops -- Medical, Biomedical (H3)
Section: Deformable Models, Medical Applications (H2)
Section: Deformable Models, University of Manchester Papers (H2)
Section: General Medical Applications (H1)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Medical Applications, Diagonistic Systems, General Diagnosis, Therapy Systems (H2)
Section: Survival Analysis, Cancer Survival (H2)
* Automatic Comparison of 2-D Electrophoretic Gels
* Automatic Registration Method for Frameless Stereotaxy, Image Guided Surgery and Enhanced Reality Visualization, An
* Medical Applications of Image Understanding
12 for Application, Medical

Application, Minerals Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Mineral Composition Analysis, Material Composition (H3)

Application, Navigation Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots: Stereo Vision and Multisensory Perception
* Fido: Vision and Navigation for a Robot Rover
* VITS--A Vision System for Autonomous Land Vehicle Navigation

Application, Page Layout Section: Document Layout, Document Segmentation, Page Layout, Structure Analysis (H3)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Application, Palmprints Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Palmprints, Recognition, Systems (H2)

Application, Pathology Section: Forensic Analysis, Pathology (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Application, Ping Pong Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Dynamic Sensing in a Ping-Pong Playing Robot

Application, Plankton Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Plankton Analysis, Extraction, Features, Small Scale and Large Scale (H4)

Application, Pollen Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Pollen Detection, Analysis (H4)

Application, Registration Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Sub-Mu-M Registration of Fiducial Marks Using Machine Vision

Application, SAR Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Interpretation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Using Projective Invariants and Deformable Templates, The

Application, Seismic Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Seismic Analysis, Geological Analysis, Wells (H3)
Section: Seismic Inversion, Seismic Data Processing (H4)

Application, Shoeprint Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Shoeprint Analysis (H2)

Application, Sign Language Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Intelligible Encoding of ASL Image Sequences at Extremely Low Information Rates

Application, Speech Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* On the Use of Computer Vision Techniques for Automatic Speech Recognition

Application, Textiles Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Inspection -- Textiles, Fabrics, Fibers (H3)
* Color Texture Segmentation for Clothing in a Computer-Aided Fashion Design System

Application, Vegetables Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Vegetables Detection, Vegetable Inspection, Roots, Tomatoes, Potatoes (H4)

Application, Weeds Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Weed Detection, Close Range (H4)

Aquaculture Section: Aquaculture, Analysis, Extraction (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Arabic Characters Section: Arabic Character Recognition (H3)
Section: Arabic Recognition, Word Level, Word Spotting (H3)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)

Archaeological Sites Section: Archeological Sites, Modeling, Analysis, Tools (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Ground Penetrating Radar for Archeological Sites (H3)

Archeological Sites Section: Archeological Sites, Modeling, Analysis, Tools (H2)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Ground Penetrating Radar for Archeological Sites (H3)

Archetypal Analysis Section: Archetypal Analysis (H3)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Architecture Search Section: Neural Architecture, Neural Architecture Search, NAS (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Architectures Section: Architectures and Systems for Matching for Block Coding, Block Motion Estimation (H4)
Section: Hardware and Architecture for Image Coding (H2)
Section: Hardware and Systems for Transcoding, Conversions (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion and Video Coding: Hardware and Systems (H2)
Section: Parallel and Multi-Processor Algorithms, General, Survey (H2)
Section: Systems and Architectures for Image Processing (H2)
8 for Architectures

Architectures, Survey Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Parallel Computer Architectures for Image Processing
* Survey of Array Processors

Area Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Computing Area, Diameter and Perimeter (H3)

Arid Regions Section: Dryland Analysis and Change, Arid Regions (H4)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Aritstic Interpretation Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Brush Stroke Analysis (H4)

Array Processors Section: Array Processors, Massive Parallel Systems, Pyramids (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Artefact Removal Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Tomographic Images, Artifact Removal, Artefacts, Enhancement (H2)

Artefacts Section: Block Coding -- Reduce Block Artifacts, Effects, Deblocking (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Arterial Network Section: Medical Applications -- Blood Vessels, Arteries, Veins, Vascular (H2)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Arteries Section: Brain, Cortex, Cerebral Arteries, Cerebral Aneurysm, Cerebrovascular (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Arthritis Section: Medical Applications, Arthritis (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Articulated Action Section: Articulatd Action Recognition (H4)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Articulated Pose Section: Articulated Human Pose Desicriptions (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Articulated Shape Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Generic Recognition of Articulated Objects by Reasoning about Functionality

Artifact Removal Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: MRI, Enhancement, Noise and Artifact Reduction (H2)
Section: Tomographic Images, Artifact Removal, Artefacts, Enhancement (H2)

Artifacts Section: Block Coding -- Reduce Block Artifacts, Effects, Deblocking (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Artistic Interpretation Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Graphics, Rendering Issues Related to Artistic Interpretation (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Learning beautiful (and ugly) attributes

Artitstic Interpretation Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Artistic Recognition, Interpretation (H4)

Ash Section: Atmospheric, Dust, Dust Storms, Volcanic Ash, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

ASIFT Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Scale Invariant Features, SIFT, SURF, ASIFT (H3)

ASL Definition:* American Sign Language.
Section: American Sign Language, ASL Recognition (H3)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Sign Language Generation, Sign Language Synthesis (H4)
Section: Sign Language, Fingerspelling (H4)
* Simultaneous Localization and Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures

Aspect Graphs Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Aspect Graph Matching -- Bowyer (H3)
Section: Aspect Graph Matching -- Ikeuchi (H3)
Section: Aspect Graph Matching, Characteristic Views (H2)
Section: Aspect Graphs, Matching Systems, Object Recognition (H3)
Section: Dual/Gradient Space Concepts (H1)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
7 for Aspect Graphs

Aspects Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
* Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts from Range Data, The

Assistive Technology Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Survey on Document Image Processing Methods Useful for Assistive Technology for the Blind, A

Associative Memory Section: Associative Memory for Matching and Recognition (H3)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)

Astronomy Section: Astronomy Applications, Solar Analysis (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Atmospheric Correction Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Atmospheric Corrections for Remote Sensing, Satellite and Space Images (H3)

Atmospheric Measurements Section: Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality, Specific Sites (H3)
Section: Air Quality, Air Pollution, Aerosols, General Pollution (H3)
Section: Atmospheric, Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Measurements, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: LiDAR for Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality (H4)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Atmospheric Temperature Section: Atmospheric Temperature, Atmospheric Analysis (H3)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

Atmospheric Section: Atmospheric, Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Measurements, Remote Sensing (H2)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)

ATR Definition:* Automatic Target Recognition.
* *Automatic ObjectTarget Recognition VIII
* *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition V
* *Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: ATR -- Clutter, Background Issues, Noise (H2)
Section: ATR -- IR, Infra-Red, Thermal, Applications (H2)
Section: ATR -- Model, Object Based Radar and SAR Recognition (H3)
Section: ATR -- Multiple Sensors, Multiple Algorithms, Fusion (H2)
Section: ATR -- Small Targets IR, Infra-Red, Thermal, Applications (H3)
Section: ATR -- Sonar, Acoustic (H2)
Section: ATR -- Survey, Review, Evaluation, General Discussions (H2)
Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Aircraft Detection, Recognition (H3)
Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Ship Detection (H3)
Section: ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection (H2)
Section: ATR Applications, Automatic Target Recognition (H1)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: LIDAR, LADAR -- Range data (H2)
Section: Moving Targets, Radar, Radar Tracking, SAR Applications (H3)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Radar, SAR, Ship Detection (H4)
* Reinforcement Learning for Integrating Context with Clutter Models for Target Detection
* Survey and Evaluation of FLIR Target Detection/Segmentation Algorithms, A
23 for ATR

ATR, Survey Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Automatic Target Recognition: State of the Art Survey

Atrial Fibrillation Section: Atrial Fibrillation (H3)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)

Attacks Section: Adversarial Attacks (H4)
Section: Backdoor Attacks (H4)
Section: Black-Box Attacks, Robustness (H4)
Section: Countering Adversarial Attacks, Defense, Robustness (H4)
Section: Noise in Adversarial Attacks, Removing, Detection, Use (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Attention Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Active Vision, Visual Attention (H2)
Section: Human Attention, Gaze, Eye Tracking (H3)

Attractiveness Section: Face Analysis -- Attractiveness, Beauty, Subjective Analysis (H2)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Attributed Graphs Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Structural Matching in Computer Vision Using Probabilistic Relaxation

Audio-Visual Speech Section: Combined Audio Visual Recognition and Analysis (H3)
Section: Combined Audio Visual Speaker Tracking (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Audio-Visual Tracking Section: Combined Audio Visual Speaker Tracking (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Audio-Visual Section: Audio-Visual Emotion, Audiovisual Emotion Recognition (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Audio Video Section: Audio-Video Analysis for Indexing and Classification (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)

Audio Section: Acoustic Signals, Sounds, Audio (H2)
Section: Active Noise Cancellation (H3)
Section: Audio Source Separation, Source Localization, Direction of Arrival, DoA, Analysis (H3)
Section: Audio Watermarks, Speech Watermarks (H2)
Section: Coding, Compression, Acoustic Signals, Sounds, Audio (H3)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

Augmentation Section: Data Augmentation, Generative Network, Convolutional Network (H2)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)

Augmented Reality Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Augmented Reality, General Hardware, Software, Devices (H2)
Section: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Applications (H1)
Section: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Overviews, Surveys, Systems, Evaluations (H2)
Section: Augmented Reality, With Panoramic, Omnidirectional Images (H3)
Section: Augmented Reality, With SmartPhone, Handheld Device, Mobile Device (H3)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Cultural Heritage, Museum Visitation Models, Immersive, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality (H4)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Telepresence, Immersion, for Instruction, Training, Education (H4)
10 for Augmented Reality

Authentication Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Watermarks for Copyright, Ownership Protection, Authentication, Verification (H2)

Authorship Section: Authorship Issues (H4)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)

Autism Section: Autism Analysis, Behavior, Cognitive, Other Analysis (H4)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)

Auto-Calibration Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Camera Calibration, Self Calibration, Autocalibration, Auto-Calibration (H2)

Auto-Focusing Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Focusing, Autofocus, Auto Focus (H2)

Autocalibration Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Camera Calibration, Self Calibration, Autocalibration, Auto-Calibration (H2)
* Automatic Calibration and Removal of Distortion from Scenes of Structured Environments

Autocorrelation Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Autocorrelation Texture Models (H2)

Autoencoder Section: Generative Autoencoder (H4)
Section: MAE, Masked Autoencoder (H4)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: VAE, Variational Autoencoder (H4)

Autofocus Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Focusing, Autofocus, Auto Focus (H2)
Section: Radar, SAR, Autofocus, Focus (H2)

Automatic Target Recognition Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Empirical Evaluation of Neural, Statistical and Model-based Approaches to FLIR ATR

Automation, Survey Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Robotics and Automation

Automation, Systems Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Factory Automation - General Vision Systems (H2)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Planning Sensing Strategies in Robot Work Cell with Multi-Sensor Capabilities

Automotive Radar Section: Automotive Radar, Automotive MIMO Radars, Analysis, Use (H3)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)

Autonmous Vehicle Section: Mixed Traffic, Platoon, Autonmous Controls, Intersections, Signals (H4)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Autonomous Vehicle Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots: Stereo Vision and Multisensory Perception
* Calibration of a Mobile Robot with Application to Visual Navigation
* Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar

Autonomous Vehicle, High Speed Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Visual Dynamic Scene Understanding Exploiting High-Level Spatio-Temporal Models

Autonomous Vehicle, Image Processing Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Autonomous Vehicles, Low Level Image Processing (H2)

Autonomous Vehicle, Safety Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Autonomous Vehicle Safety, Evaluation, Analysis (H3)

Autonomous Vehicle, Systems Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Aerial Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Rotorcraft (H3)
Section: ALV, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotic Systems or Vehicles, Autonomous Robots (H2)
Section: Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic (H3)
Section: Legged Locomotion Robots, Assistants (H3)
Section: Specific Systems, Working Autonomous Vehicles (H3)
Section: Underwater Autonomous Vehicles (H3)
7 for Autonomous Vehicle, Systems

Autonomous Vehicles Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Autonomous Vehicle Safety, Evaluation, Analysis (H3)
Section: Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic (H3)
Section: Autonomous Vehicles, Surveys, Collections, Overviews (H3)
Section: Autonomous Vehicles (H1)
Section: Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB, AMBLER, etc. (H3)
Section: Underwater Autonomous Vehicles (H3)
Section: Wheelchairs, Control, Design, Ssystem (H3)
8 for Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vyehicles Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Aerial Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Rotorcraft (H3)
Section: Specific Systems, Working Autonomous Vehicles (H3)

Autoregression Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Autoregressive Texture Models, AR Models (H2)

Autoregressive Measures Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Autoregressive Texture Models, AR Models (H2)

Avalanche Section: Avalanches, Snow Avalanche (H4)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)

Avatars Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis (H3)

AVC Section: H.264/AVC Issues, Advanced Video Coding (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Average Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Rotation Averaging (H3)

AVS Section: Audio and Video Coding Standard, AVS Coding Issues, Standards (H3)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)

Award Paper Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology

Award, ACCV Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Context-Based Support Vector Machines for Interconnected Image Annotation
* Generalized Fusion Moves for Continuous Label Optimization
* Lip Reading in the Wild
* Sparse Coding on Cascaded Residuals
* Unifying Algebraic Solvers for Scaled Euclidean Registration from Point, Line and Plane Constraints
9 for Award, ACCV

Award, ACCV, Application Paper Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Network Connectivity via Inference over Curvature-Regularizing Line Graphs

Award, ACCV, HM Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
* Image-Based 3D Modeling via Cheeger Sets

Award, ACCV, Student Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector

Award, AMDO Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Predicting 3D People from 2D Pictures

Award, Best Department Article, 2015 Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
* Microsoft Kinect Sensor and Its Effect

Award, Best MultiMedia Department Paper Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Person-Centered Multimedia Computing: A New Paradigm Inspired by Assistive and Rehabilitative Applications

Award, Best MultiMedia Paper Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Multimodal Spatio-Temporal Theme Modeling for Landmark Analysis

Award, Best Robotics Paper Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Light at the End of the Tunnel: High-Speed LiDAR-Based Train Localization in Challenging Underground Environments

Award, Best Vision Paper Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Learning Neural Networks with Ranking-Based Losses for Action Retrieval

Award, BMVC Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Detection and Tracking of Occluded People
* Object and Action Classification with Latent Variables

Award, BMVC, Application Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views

Award, BMVC, Best Demo Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Online Feedback for Structure-from-Motion Image Acquisition

Award, BMVC, Best Impact Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Branch&Rank: Non-Linear Object Detection
* PMBP: PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Correspondence Field Estimation

Award, BMVC, Best Poster Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Graph-based Particle Filter for Human Tracking with Stylistic Variations
* Hand detection using multiple proposals
* Real-time Learning and Detection of 3D Texture-less Objects: A Scalable Approach

Award, BMVC, Best Supplementary Material Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Skeletal Graph Based Human Pose Estimation in Real-Time

Award, BMVC, Best Video Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Automatic and Efficient Long Term Arm and Hand Tracking for Continuous Sign Language TV Broadcasts

Award, BMVC, HM Poster Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
* devil is in the details: An evaluation of recent feature encoding methods, The

Award, BMVC, HM Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Automatic and Efficient Long Term Arm and Hand Tracking for Continuous Sign Language TV Broadcasts

Award, BMVC, Industry Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Deep Perceptual Mapping for Thermal to Visible Face Recogntion

Award, BMVC, Poster Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Robust Global Motion Compensation in Presence of Predominant Foreground

Award, BMVC, Rigorous Evaluation Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Tom-vs-Pete Classifiers and Identity-Preserving Alignment for Face Verification

Award, BMVC, Science Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Sketch-a-Net that Beats Humans

Award, CIARP Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
* CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
* Face super-resolution via bilayer contextual representation

Award, CIPPRS Doctoral Dissertation Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Prior Knowledge for Targeted Object Segmentation in Medical Images

Award, CIPPRS Doctoral Dissertation, HM Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Geometry of Cardiac Myofibers, The

Award, CVIU, Most Cited Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift
* Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
* Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
* survey of approaches and challenges in 3D and multi-modal 3D-2D face recognition, A
* Survey of Vision-Based Methods for Action Representation, Segmentation and Recognition, A
9 for Award, CVIU, Most Cit

Award, CVPR * *CVPR
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Beyond sliding windows: Object localization by efficient subwindow search
* Coupled Detection and Trajectory Estimation for Multi-Object Tracking
* Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
* Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
* Determining 3-D Object Pose Using the Complex Extended Gaussian Image
* Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle
* DynamicFusion: Reconstruction and tracking of non-rigid scenes in real-time
* Efficient computation of robust low-rank matrix approximations in the presence of missing data using the L1 norm
* Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces
* Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
* Global Stereo Reconstruction under Second-Order Smoothness Priors
* Hierarchical Object Recognition Using Libraries of Parameterized Model Sub-Parts
* Large Hierarchical Object Recognition Using Libraries of Parameterized Model Sub-Parts
* Learning Bilinear Models for Two Factor Problems in Vision
* Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training
* Morphable 3D Models from Video
* Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning
* Optimal Structure from Motion: Local Ambiguities and Global Estimates
* Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving
* Probabilistic Fusion of Stereo with Color and Contrast for Bi-Layer Segmentation
* Programmable imaging using a digital micromirror array
* Putting Objects in Perspective
* Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
* Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift
* Robust Dynamic Motion Estimation Over Time
* Robust Hierarchical Algorithm for Constructing a Mosaic from Images of the Curved Human Retina
* Simple Prior-Free Method for Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization, A
* Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning
* Theory of Fermat Paths for Non-Line-Of-Sight Shape Reconstruction, A
* Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects From Images in the Wild
* Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning without training
* What Camera Motion Reveals about Shape with Unknown BRDF
* What Is A Light Source?
* What is the Set of Images of an Object Under All Possible Lighting Conditions
51 for Award, CVPR

Award, CVPR, HM * 3D Shape and Indirect Appearance by Structured Light Transport
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Annotating Object Instances with a Polygon-RNN
* Bi-Layer Segmentation of Binocular Stereo Video
* Chromatic Framework for Vision in Bad Weather
* CodeSLAM: Learning a Compact, Optimisable Representation for Dense Visual SLAM
* Constraint on five points in two images
* Deep Learning of Graph Matching
* DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak Supervision
* Discrete-continuous optimization for large-scale structure from motion
* Efficient Globally Optimal Consensus Maximisation with Tree Search
* Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Human Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds
* In Search of Illumination Invariants
* Incremental learning of object detectors using a visual shape alphabet
* Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* Lost! Leveraging the Crowd for Probabilistic Visual Self-Localization
* Non-Local Algorithm for Image Denoising, A
* Picture: A probabilistic programming language for scene perception
* Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
* Spectral Matting
* SPLATNet: Sparse Lattice Networks for Point Cloud Processing
* Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies
* Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms
* Video Epitomes
* YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger
42 for Award, CVPR, HM

Award, CVPR, Student HM Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Modeling mutual context of object and human pose in human-object Interaction activities
* Separating reflective and fluorescent components of an image

Award, CVPR, Student Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* BSP-Net: Generating Compact Meshes via Binary Space Partitioning
* Category-specific object reconstruction from a single image
* Computational Imaging on the Electric Grid
* Discriminative Non-blind Deblurring
* Fast image search for learned metrics
* Max-Margin Early Event Detectors
* Nonparametric scene parsing: Label transfer via dense scene alignment
* Optimal Rigid Motion Estimation and Performance Evaluation with Bootstrap
* Partial Optimality by Pruning for MAP-Inference with General Graphical Models
* Recognition using visual phrases
* Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision-Language Navigation
* Statistical Shape Influence in Geodesic Active Contours
* Structural-RNN: Deep Learning on Spatio-Temporal Graphs
* Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies
* Tracking and Modeling Non-Rigid Objects with Rank Constraints
* Tracking in Low Frame Rate Video: A Cascade Particle Filter with Discriminative Observers of Different Life Spans
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* Visual Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Web Data
31 for Award, CVPR, Student

Award, CVPR, Student, HM Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Dense Image Matching with Global and Local Statistical Criteria: A Variational Approach
* Epitomic Location Recognition
* JPDAF Based HMM for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Model-Based Curve Evolution Technique for Image Segmentation
* Tensor-Based Algorithm for High-Order Graph Matching, A
10 for Award, CVPR, Student, HM

Award, DAGM Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
* Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization
* Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping

Award, ECCV * *ECCV
* 3D Statistical Shape Models Using Direct Optimisation of Description Length
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Active Appearance Models
* Contour Tracking by Stochastic Propagation of Conditional Density
* Factorization with Uncertainty
* Geometric Saliency of Curve Correspondences and Grouping of Symmetric Contours
* Graph Cut Based Inference with Co-occurrence Statistics
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping
* Homography Tensors: On Algebraic Entities That Represent Three Views of Static or Moving Planar Points
* Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images
* Increasing Space-Time Resolution in Video
* Large-Scale Object Classification Using Label Relation Graphs
* Learning Spatial Context: Using Stuff to Find Things
* Minimal Set of Constraints for the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Multi-camera Scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts
* Non-Linear Bayesian Image Modelling
* Raft: Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and 6-DoF Tracking with an Event Camera
* Scene Chronology
* Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet
* Surface Orientation and Time to Contact from Image Divergence and Deformation
* Variational Approach to Shape from Defocus, A
* What Energy Functions Can Be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
* What shadows reveal about object structure
38 for Award, ECCV

Award, ECCV, Cognitive Vision Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Object Recognition as Machine Translation: Learning a Lexicon for a Fixed Image Vocabulary

Award, ECCV, HM Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Activity Forecasting
* Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitative Geometry and Mechanics
* Confocal Stereo
* Fast Bilateral Solver, The
* GANimation: Anatomically-Aware Facial Animation from a Single Image
* Group Normalization
* NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
* Simultaneous Object Pose and Velocity Computation Using a Single View from a Rolling Shutter Camera
* Towards Streaming Perception
* Unified Algebraic Approach to 2-D and 3-D Motion Segmentation, A
18 for Award, ECCV, HM

Award, Everingham Prize * *KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite, The
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)

Award, Everingham Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms, A

Award, FG Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Automatic behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis

Award, FG, Student Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Predicting online media effectiveness based on smile responses gathered over the Internet

Award, FG, Test of Time Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Orientation histograms for hand gesture recognition

Award, GCPR Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Bias Detection and Prediction of Mapping Errors in Camera Calibration
* Clustered Stochastic Optimization for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Symmetric Scenes from a Single Image
* Duality Based Approach for Realtime TV-L1 Optical Flow, A
* Edge and Junction Detection with an Improved Structure Tensor
* Efficient Multi-cue Scene Segmentation
* End-to-End Learning of Deterministic Decision Trees
* Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
* From Box Filtering to Fast Explicit Diffusion
* FSI Schemes: Fast Semi-Iterative Solvers for PDEs and Optimisation Methods
* High-Resolution Stereo Datasets with Subpixel-Accurate Ground Truth
* Joint 3D Object and Layout Inference from a Single RGB-D Image
* Learned Collaborative Stereo Refinement
* Low-Cost Laser Range Scanner and Fast Surface Registration Approach
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Joint Multi-class Object Detection, A
* On-Line Variational Estimation of Dynamical Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-temporal Regularization
* Scale-Invariant Object Categorization Using a Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift Search
* Super-Resolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction, A
* Synergy-based Learning of Facial Identity
* System for Marker-Less Human Motion Estimation, A
* Variational Networks: Connecting Variational Methods and Deep Learning
34 for Award, GCPR

Award, GCPR, HM * 3D Fluid Flow Estimation with Integrated Particle Reconstruction
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Adaptive Feature Selection in Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Pose Estimation for Different Corresponding Entities
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Camera Tracking Approach Based on Free-Form Surfaces, An
* Anisotropic Range Image Integration
* Artistic Style Transfer for Videos
* Characterizing the Role of a Single Coupling Layer in Affine Normalizing Flows
* Combining the Advantages of Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* Convolutional Decision Trees for Feature Learning and Segmentation
* Cross-Articulation Learning for Robust Detection of Pedestrians
* Deep Archetypal Analysis
* Deep Variational Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Down to Earth: Using Semantics for Robust Hypothesis Selection for the Five-Point Algorithm
* Efficient Two-View Geometry Classification
* Estimation of Geometric Entities and Operators from Uncertain Data
* Fast Generalized Belief Propagation for MAP Estimation on 2D and 3D Grid-Like Markov Random Fields
* Fast Scalar and Vectorial Grayscale Based Invariant Features for 3D Cell Nuclei Localization and Classification
* Group-Lasso: L1,inf Regularization versus L1,2 Regularization, The
* How Well Do Filter-Based MRFs Model Natural Images?
* Improving Denoising Algorithms via a Multi-scale Meta-procedure
* K-Smallest Spanning Tree Segmentations
* kernelHMM: Learning Kernel Combinations in Structured Output Domains, The
* Learning to Identify Physical Parameters from Video Using Differentiable Physics
* Long-Short Story of Movie Description, The
* Markerless 3D Face Tracking
* Median Filtering of Tensor-Valued Images
* Non-causal Tracking by Deblatting
* Non-parametric Single View Reconstruction of Curved Objects Using Convex Optimization
* Optic Flow Goes Stereo: A Variational Method for Estimating Discontinuity-Preserving Dense Disparity Maps
* Partial Optimal Labeling Search for a NP-Hard Subclass of (max,+) Problems
* Pixel-Level Encoding and Depth Layering for Instance-Level Semantic Labeling
* Pixel-to-Pixel Matching for Image Recognition Using Hungarian Graph Matching
* POI Detection Using Channel Clustering and the 2D Energy Tensor
* Probabilistic Multi-class Scene Flow Segmentation for Traffic Scenes
* Random Fourier Approximations for Skewed Multiplicative Histogram Kernels
* Randomized Gradient-Free Attack on ReLU Networks, A
* Refractive Plane Sweep for Underwater Images
* Scalable Full Flow with Learned Binary Descriptors
* Segmentation of SBFSEM Volume Data of Neural Tissue by Hierarchical Classification
* Semidefinite Clustering for Image Segmentation with A-priori Knowledge
* Spherical Decision Surfaces Using Conformal Modelling
* Statistically Optimal Averaging for Image Restoration and Optical Flow Estimation
* Voxel-Wise Gray Scale Invariants for Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification
* Will the Pedestrian Cross? Probabilistic Path Prediction Based on Learned Motion Features
61 for Award, GCPR, HM

Award, Helmholtz Prize * *ICCV
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
* Building Rome in a day
* Database of Human Segmented Natural Images and its Application to Evaluating Segmentation Algorithms and Measuring Ecological Statistics, A
* Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
* Matching Shapes
* Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features, The
* Recognising panoramas
* Recognizing action at a distance
* Space-time interest points
* Video google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos
19 for Award, Helmholtz Prize

Award, Honorable Mention Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
* Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion

Award, IAPR, J.K. Aggarwal Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Context models and out-of-context objects

Award, ICCV Test of Time * *ICCV
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images
* Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
* Flexible Camera Calibration by Viewing a Plane from Unknown Orientations
* Framework for the Robust Estimation of Optical Flow, A
* Geodesic Active Contours
* Geometric Hashing: A General and Efficient Model-Based Recognition Scheme
* In Defence of the 8-Point Algorithm
* Indexing Via Color Histograms
* Metric for Distributions with Applications to Image Databases, A
* Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features
* Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
* Snakes: Active Contour Models
* Steerable Filters for Early Vision, Image Analysis and Wavelet Decomposition
* Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling
27 for Award, ICCV Test of Time

Award, ICCV, Helmholtz * *HMDB: a large human motion database
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
* DTAM: Dense tracking and mapping in real-time
* ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF

Award, ICCV, Student Paper Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
* Pixel-Perfect Structure-from-Motion with Featuremetric Refinement

Award, ICCV, Student Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Close the loop: Joint blind image restoration and recognition with sparse representation prior
* Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
* PLMP: Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility

Award, ICIP Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Video encoder based on lifting transforms on graphs

Award, ICIP, Student Paper Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Vector set-partitioning with successive refinement Voronoi lattice VQ for embedded wavelet image coding

Award, ICPR Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Adaptive Color Curve Models for Image Matting
* Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images
* Bound on the Performance of LDA in Randomly Projected Data Spaces, A
* Consistent collective activity recognition with fully connected CRFs
* HMM-based Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents Using Subword Models
* I don't know the label: Active learning with blind knowledge
* Incorporating contextual knowledge to Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition
* Inverse Multiple Instance Learning for Classifier Grids
* Large scalability in document image matching using text retrieval
* Learning document structure for retrieval and classification
* Measuring and evaluating the compactness of superpixels
* Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification by HPE Signature
* new convex variational model for liver segmentation, A
* PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images
* Shadow detection via Rayleigh scattering and Mie theory
* Special Issue on ICPR 2012 Awarded Papers
* Text Separation from Mixed Documents Using a Tree-Structured Classifier
* Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features
29 for Award, ICPR

Award, IET Bio Premium Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)
* Face spoofing detection from single images using texture and local shape analysis
* Presentation Attack Detection Methods for Fingerprint Recognition Systems: A Survey
* Security evaluation of biometric authentication systems under real spoofing attacks
* Session variability modelling for face authentication
* Speaker identification using multimodal neural networks and wavelet analysis
7 for Award, IET Bio Premium

Award, IET CV Premium Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric and optical flow features in colour image sequences
* Probabilistic gait modelling and recognition
* Robust mean-shift tracking with corrected background-weighted histogram
* Visual tracking of partially observable targets with suboptimal filtering
7 for Award, IET CV Premium

Award, IET IPR Premium Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
* Detection and amendment of shape distortions based on moment invariants for active shape models
* Enhancement of dark and low-contrast images using dynamic stochastic resonance
* Image fusion using multiscale edge-preserving decomposition based on weighted least squares filter
* Methods of evaluating electric vehicles from a user's perspective: The MINI E field trial in Berlin
* Simultaneous image fusion and denoising with adaptive sparse representation
* Visual tracking via bag of features
* Wireless sensor networks for traffic management and road safety
11 for Award, IET IPR Premium

Award, IET IT Premium Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Driver fatigue and drowsiness monitoring system with embedded electrocardiogram sensor on steering wheel
* Method for estimating the energy consumption of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles under real-world driving conditions

Award, IJCAI Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
* Reference Frames for Animate Vision
* Scale-Space Filtering

Award, IJCB Poster Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
* Investigating Age Invariant Face Recognition Based on Periocular Biometrics

Award, ISPRS Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Automated reconstruction of 3D models from real environments
* Automatic Aerotriangulation: Concept, Realization and Results
* Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig
* Errors and accuracy estimates of laser data acquired by various laser scanning systems for topographic applications
* Fuzzy spatial objects and their dynamics
* layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints, A
* On-line boosting-based car detection from aerial images
* Range determination with waveform recording laser systems using a Wiener Filter
* Recent developments on direct relative orientation
* Seamline detection in colour orthoimage mosaicking by use of twin snakes
* SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009)
20 for Award, ISPRS

Award, IVC Most Cited Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* survey on vision-based human action recognition, A
* survey on vision-based human action recognition, A

Award, JVCI Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Going deeper into copy-move forgery detection: Exploring image telltales via multi-scale analysis and voting processes
* Understanding convolutional neural networks with a mathematical model

Award, JVCI, HM Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Poisson inverse problems by the Plug-and-Play scheme
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Quality-Constraint Sparse Coding

Award, JVCIR Most Cited Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Image Retrieval: Current Techniques, Promising Directions, and Open Issues
* Vector sigma filters for noise detection and removal in color images

Award, King Sun Fu Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* dissimilarity space: Bridging structural and statistical pattern recognition, The
* Towards the unification of structural and statistical pattern recognition

Award, King Sun Fu, Related Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
* Generalized Median String Computation by Means of String Embedding in Vector Spaces
* Pattern analysis with graphs: Parallel work at Bern and York

Award, Koenderink Prize * *ECCV
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
* Camera Self-Calibration: Theory and Experiments
* Contour Tracking by Stochastic Propagation of Conditional Density
* Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns
* Hamming Embedding and Weak Geometric Consistency for Large Scale Image Search
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping
* Improving the Fisher Kernel for Large-Scale Image Classification
* Machine Learning for High-Speed Corner Detection
* Semi-supervised On-Line Boosting for Robust Tracking
* Stochastic Tracking of 3D Human Figures using 2D Image Motion
* SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features
* Unsupervised Learning of Models for Recognition
* What Energy Functions Can Be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
25 for Award, Koenderink Prize

Award, Longuet-Higgins * *CVPR
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multi-View Stereopsis
* Adaptive Background Mixture Models for Real-time Tracking
* Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural Scene Categories
* Boundary Detection by Minimizing Functionals
* Combining Grey Value Invariants with Local Constraints for Object Recognition
* discriminatively trained, multiscale, deformable part model, A
* Efficient Matching of Pictorial Structures
* Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection
* ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database
* Layered Representation for Motion Analysis
* Neural Network-Based Face Detection
* Non-Local Algorithm for Image Denoising, A
* Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation
* Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning
* Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial matching
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors, A
* Probabilistic Formulation for Object Recognition
* Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features
* Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift
* Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree
* Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles
* Statistics of Natural Images and Models
* Tracking People with Twists and Exponential Maps
* Training Support Vector Machines: An Application to Face Detection
40 for Award, Longuet-Higgins

Award, Marr Price, ICCV Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Passive Ultra-Wideband Single-Photon Imaging

Award, Marr Prize * *ICCV
Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Color from Black and White
* Deep Neural Decision Forests
* Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance
* Discriminative Models for Multi-Class Object Layout
* Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
* Extracting Projective Structure from Single Perspective Views of 3D Point Sets
* From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry-Level Categories
* Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems
* Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
* Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors
* Maintaining Multiple Motion Model Hypotheses over Many Views to Recover Matching and Structure
* Mask R-CNN
* Natural Image Statistics for Natural Image Segmentation
* Optical Flow Using Spatiotemporal Filters
* Population Shape Regression from Random Design Data
* Probabilistic Tracking in a Metric Space
* Relative attributes
* Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in Spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera Parameters
* Shape from Interreflections
* Shape from Shading with Interreflections Under Proximal Light Source: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Unfolded Book Surface from a Scanner Image
* SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image
* Space of All Stereo Images, The
* Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows
* Theory of Shape by Space Carving, A
* Theory of Specular Surface Geometry, A
39 for Award, Marr Prize

Award, Marr Prize, HM Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Optical Flow Field Computations and Use (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Active Vision
* Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Alignment of Non-Overlapping Sequences
* Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
* BRDF Acquisition with Basis Illumination
* Common Objects in 3D: Large-Scale Learning and Evaluation of Real-life 3D Category Reconstruction
* Complexity Level Analysis of Immediate Vision, A
* Deformable Template As Active Basis
* Detecting Irregularities in Images and in Video
* Equivalence of Julesz and Gibbs Texture Ensembles
* First-Person Activity Forecasting with Online Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Globally Optimal Affine and Metric Upgrades in Stratified Autocalibration
* Hierarchical Data-Driven Descent for Efficient Optimal Deformation Estimation
* Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
* Hypergeometric Filters for Optical Flow and Affine Matching
* Looking Around the Corner Using Transient Imaging
* Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
* Motion Coherence Theory, The
* On Projection Matrices P^k, -> P^2, k=,3..., 6, and their Applications in Computer Vision
* On the Spatial Statistics of Optical Flow
* Open Set Domain Adaptation
* OpenGAN: Open-Set Recognition via Open Data Generation
* Organization of Smooth Image Curves at Multiple Scales
* Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow
* Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Motion Discontinuities
* Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths
* Representing Oriented Piecewise C^2 Surfaces
* Snakes: Active Contour Models
* Specifying Object Attributes and Relations in Interactive Scene Generation
* Stereo Matching with Transparency and Matting
* Theory of Refractive and Specular 3D Shape by Light-Path Triangulation, A
* Viewing Graph Solvability via Cycle Consistency
48 for Award, Marr Prize, HM

Award, Multi Media Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* Toward Multiscreen Social TV with Geolocation-Aware Social Sense

Award, MultiMediaMag Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Nonlocal In-Loop Filter: The Way Toward Next-Generation Video Coding?

Award, MVA Decade Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Automatic Polyp Detection in Endoscope Images Using a Hessian Filter
* Information Fusion on Oversegmented Images: An Application for Urban Scene Understanding

Award, PAMI Everingham, 2015 * *VLFeat
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)

Award, Pattern Recognition Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Efficient supervised optimum-path forest classification for large datasets
* Explaining Nonlinear Classification Decisions with Deep Taylor Decomposition
* Prototype selection for dissimilarity-based classifiers
* Robust twin support vector machine for pattern classification
* Score normalization in multimodal biometric systems
* survey of content-based image retrieval with high-level semantics, A
* survey of kernel and spectral methods for clustering, A
* Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases
* Training restricted Boltzmann machines: An introduction
* Wild Patterns: Ten Years After the Rise of Adversarial Machine Learning
14 for Award, Pattern Recognition

Award, Pattern Recognition, Honorable Mention * 3D wavelet-based multiresolution object representation
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: 3-D Object Description and Computation Techniques, Surfaces, Deformable, View Generation, Video Conferencing (H)
Section: Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics (H)
Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* bibliographical study of grammatical inference, A
* Clustering of time series data: A survey
* Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding: Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach
* Content-based image retrieval using color difference histogram
* Database, protocols and tools for evaluating score-level fusion algorithms in biometric authentication
* Ensemble of local and global information for finger-knuckle-print recognition
* extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices, An
* Face Recognition from a Single Image Per Person: A Survey
* Fast and robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms incorporating local information for image segmentation
* Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images
* Person recognition by fusing palmprint and palm vein images based on Laplacianpalm representation
* review of biometric technology along with trends and prospects, A
* review on automatic image annotation techniques, A
* Shadow detection: A survey and comparative evaluation of recent methods
* survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods, A
23 for Award, Pattern Recognition, Honorable Mention

Award, PRL Most Cited Section: Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms (H)
* Data clustering: 50 years beyond K-means
* Data clustering: 50 years beyond K-means

Award, PROCAMS Section: Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular (H)
* Prototyping a light field display involving direct observation of a video projector array

Award, PROCAMS, HM Section: Implementations and Applications, Databases, QBIC, Video Analysis, Hardware and Software, Inspection (H)
* mu-Nect: On using a gaming RGBD camera in micro-metrology applications

Award, Remote Sensing Best Review Paper Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
* Sun Glint Correction of High and Low Spatial Resolution Images of Aquatic Scenes: a Review of Methods for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelengths

Award, Remote Sensing Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
* Acquisition of NIR-Green-Blue Digital Photographs from Unmanned Aircraft for Crop Monitoring
* Advances in Remote Sensing of Agriculture: Context Description, Existing Operational Monitoring Systems and Major Information Needs
* Global Characterization of CO2 Column Retrievals from Shortwave-Infrared Satellite Observations of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission
* Non-Stationary 1981-2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time Series, A
* Radiometric Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with External Reference Targets
7 for Award, Remote Sensing

Award, Remote Sensing, Review Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
* Remote Sensing of Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review

Award, Remote Sensing, Review, Second Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
* Collective Sensing: Integrating Geospatial Technologies to Understand Urban Systems: An Overview

Award, Remote Sensing, Second Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
* Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for Individual Tree Stem Location, Height, and Biomass Measurements
* Automated Technique for Generating Georectified Mosaics from Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery, Based on Structure from Motion (SfM) Point Clouds, An
* Geo-Wiki.Org: The Use of Crowdsourcing to Improve Global Land Cover
* Global Data Sets of Vegetation Leaf Area Index (LAI)3g and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)3g Derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMM
* International Comparison of Individual Tree Detection and Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning, An
* Studies on the Rapid Expansion of Sugarcane for Ethanol Production in São Paulo State (Brazil) Using Landsat Data
9 for Award, Remote Sensing, Second

Award, Remote Sensing, Special Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
* Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Remote Sensing and Scientific Research: Classification and Considerations of Use

Award, Remote Sensing, Third Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Registration, Matching and Recognition Using Points, Lines, Regions, Areas, Surfaces (H)
Section: Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover (H)
* EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation, The
* Multispectral Remote Sensing from Unmanned Aircraft: Image Processing Workflows and Applications for Rangeland Environments
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Landslide Characterization and Monitoring
* Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs for Monitoring and Management: A Review
* Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and Monitoring, A
9 for Award, Remote Sensing, Third

Award, SP Letters Section: New Unsorted Entries, and Other Miscellaneous Papers (H)
* On the Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems with Randomly Deployed Users

Award, SPS Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: OCR, Document Analysis and Character Recognition Systems (H)
* Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia
* Wavelet-Based Analysis of Fractal Image Compression, A

Award, U.V. Helava, ISPRS * 3D City Models for CAAD-supported Analysis and Design of Urban Areas
Section: 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
Section: Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR (H)
Section: Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform (H)
Section: Motion -- Feature-Based, Long Range, Motion and Structure Estimates, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Bundle adjustment with raw inertial observations in UAV applications
* Cloud removal in Sentinel-2 imagery using a deep residual neural network and SAR-optical data fusion
* Design and evaluation of a full-wave surface and bottom-detection algorithm for LiDAR bathymetry of very shallow waters
* Extraction, modelling, and use of linear features for restitution of airborne hyperspectral imagery
* From Google Maps to a fine-grained catalog of street trees
* Indoor scene reconstruction using feature sensitive primitive extraction and graph-cut
* Time geography for ad-hoc shared-ride trip planning in mobile geosensor networks
* ULSD: Unified line segment detection across pinhole, fisheye, and spherical cameras
* UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery
15 for Award, U.V. Helava, ISPRS

Award, WACV Section: 3-D Shape from X -- Shading, Textures, Lasers, Structured Light, Focus, Line Drawings (H)
Section: Active Vision, Camera Calibration, Mobile Robots, Navigation, Road Following (H)
* Implementing high resolution structured light by exploiting projector blur
* Point-less calibration: Camera parameters from gradient-based alignment to edge images

Award, WACV, Algorithms Section: Image Processing, Restoration, Enhancement, Filters, Image and Video Coding (H)
* Lossy Image Compression with Quantized Hierarchical VAEs

Award, WACV, Applications Section: Medical Applications, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, Heart Models, Brain Models (H)
* Exemplar Guided Deep Neural Network for Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis of Gene Expression Prediction

Award, WACV, Student Section: Computational Vision, Regularization, Connectionist, Morphology, Scale-Space, Perceptual Grouping, Wavelets, Color, Sensors, Optical, Laser, Radar (H)
Section: Motion -- Human Motion, Surveillance, Tracking, Surveillance, Activities (H)
* Group context learning for event recognition
* Predicting human gaze using quaternion DCT image signature saliency and face detection

Axial Descriptions Section: 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture (H)
Section: Axial Descriptions (H2)

Index for "b"

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