22 Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics

This chapter contains papers that cover a variety applications to images of people. Face recognition, detection, tracking, expressions, Gesture recognition, Sign Language, fingerprint analysis, and general biometrics. For human motion analysis see the sections under the general surveillance sections (
See also Human Motion Understanding and Analysis. ).

22.1 Recognition and Analysis of Faces -- Early Papers

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Application, Faces. Face Recognition. These are the early papers, before the rush back to face recognition in the 90's.

Bledsoe, W.W.,
Man-Machine Facial Recognition,
TRReport PRI:22, Panoramic Res. Inc., Palo Alto, August 1966. BibRef 6608

Bledsoe, W.W.,
The Model Method in Facial Recognition,
TRReport PRI:15, Panoramic Res. Inc., Palo Alto, August 1966. BibRef 6608

Chan, H., and Bledsoe, W.W.,
A Man-Machine Facial Recognition System: Some Preliminary Results,
TRPanoramic Res. Inc., Palo Alto, 1965. Feature-based recognition system. BibRef 6500

Kelly, M.D.,
Visual Identification of People by Computer,
Stanford AI-Memo 130, July 1970, BibRef 7007 Ph.D.Thesis (CS). Multiple Resolutions. Segmentation, Model Based. Recognize Faces. Model guided face recognition with multi-scale analysis. BibRef

Goldstein, A.J., Harmon, L.D., and Lesk, A.B.[Ann B.],
Identification of Human Faces,
PIEEE(59), No. 5, May 1971, pp. 748-760. Feature based face recognition. BibRef 7105

Goldstein, A.J., Harmon, L.D., and Lesk, A.B.,
Man-Machine Interaction in Human Face Identification,
Bell System Tech.(51), No. 2, February 1972, pp. 399-428. BibRef 7202

Harmon, L.D.[Leon D.],
The Recognition of Faces,
SciAmer(229), No. 5, November 1973, pp. 70-82. Different resolutions and their effects. BibRef 7311

Sakai, T., Nagao, T., and Kanade, T.[Takeo],
Computer Analysis and Classification of Photographs of Human Faces,
US-Japan Seminaron Picture and Scene Analysis, Kyoto, 1973, Session 2-7-1. Alternate reference given as: USA-Japan Computer Conference, Tokyo, October 1972, pp. 55-62. Model guided recognition using an edge image. BibRef 7310

Kanade, T.[Takeo],
Picture Processing by Computer Complex and Recognition of Human Faces,
Kyoto Univ.-TR, Dept. Info. Sci. 1973. BibRef 7300

Kanade, T.[Takeo],
Computer Recognition of Human Faces,
BirkhauserBasel, Switzerland, 1977. BibRef 7700

Rothfjell, R.E.[Rolf Eric],
Method for Identifying Individuals,
US_Patent3,805,238, Apr 1974
WWW Link. BibRef 7404

Baron, R.J.,
Mechanisms of Human Facial Recognition,
MMS(15), 1981, pp. 137-178. Template based face recognition. BibRef 8100

Chapter on Face Recognition, Detection, Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Fingerprints, Biometrics continues in
Recognition and Analysis of Faces .

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