Bell System Tech.(13)
* Theory of Scanning and its Relation to the Characteristics of the Transmitted Signal in Telephotography and Television, A
Bell System Tech.(19)
* Subjective Sharpness of Television Images, The
Bell System Tech.(27)
* Mathematical Theory of Communications, A
Bell System Tech.(29)
* Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes
Bell System Tech.(30)
* Television by Pulse Code Modulation
Bell System Tech.(31)
* Efficient Coding
* Statistics of Television Signals
Bell System Tech.(38)
* Method of Coding TV Signals Based on Edge Detection, A
* Variable-Length Binary Encodings
Bell System Tech.(39)
* Binocular Depth Perception of Computer-Generated Patterns
Bell System Tech.(40)
* Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainity II
Bell System Tech.(41)
* Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainity III: The Dimension of the Space of Essentially Time and Bandlimited Signals
Bell System Tech.(45)
* Predictive Qyuantizing Systems (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) for the Transmission of Television Signals
Bell System Tech.(46)
* Low-Resolution TV: Subjective Comparison of Interlaced and Noninterlaced Pictures
* Low-Resolution TV: Subjective Effects of Frame Repetition and Picture Replenishment
* Restoration of Photographs Blurred by Image Motion
Bell System Tech.(48)
* Companded One-Bit Coder for Television Transmission, A
* Sliding-Scale Direct-Feedback PCM Coder for Television, A
* Video Encoding System Using Conditional Picture-Element Replenishment, A
Bell System Tech.(49)
* Charge Coupled Semiconductor Devices
* Experimental Verification of the Charge Coupled Device Concept
Bell System Tech.(50)
* Digital Encoding of Video Signal
* Exchange of Spatial and Temporal Resolution in Television Coding
* Simple Interframe Coder for Video Telephony, A
* Television Coding Using Two-Dimensional Spatial Prediction
* Transmitting Television As Clusters of Frame-to-Frame Differences
Bell System Tech.(51)
* Man-Machine Interaction in Human Face Identification
Bell System Tech.(56)
* Information in the Zero Crossings of Bandpass Signals
Bell System Tech.(58)
* Motion-Compensated Television Coding: Part 1
* Transform Domain Motion Estimation
Bell System Tech.(59)
* Motion-Compensated Television Coding: Some new Results
Bell System Tech.(61)
* Improved Reconstruction of DPCM-Coded Pictures
Bell System Tech.(62)
* Textons, The Fundamental Elements in Preattentive Vision and Perception of Textures
Bell System Tech.(63)
* Conditional Variable-Length Coding for Gray-Level Pictures