Journals starting with tr

TR * *Groningen Image Processing System, GIPSY
* *Spider (Subroutine Package for Image Data Enhancement and Recognition)
* *Technical Report
* Active Surveillance Using Dynamic Background Substraction
* Benchmarking Texture Classification Algorithms
* BESSI: An Experimentation System for Vision Module Evaluation
* Bias in Robust Estimation Caused by Discontinuities and Multiple Structures
* Binary Restoration of Thin Objects in Multidimensional Imagery
* Boundary Encoding and Processing
* Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Models
* Canonic Representations for the Geometries of Multiple Projective Views
* Coding Processes for Bandwidth Reduction in Picture Transmission
* Computer Analysis of Images for Crop Identification in Mexico
* Computing 3D Euclidean Distance from a single View
* Content-Based Classification of 3D-Models by Capturing Spatial Characteristics
* Definitions of 3-D Model Objects
* Description of a System for Transmission of Line Drawings with Bandwidth-Time Compression
* Design and Implementation of a Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Software Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, The
* Deterministic Annealing Framework for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation, A
* DIDA: Dynamic Image Disparity Analysis
* Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international standard of joint video specification
* Edge Integration Using Minimal Geodesics
* Edge Integration Using Minimal Geodesics
* Edges: Saliency Measures and Automatic Thresholding
* Efficient Method for Contour Tracking Using Active Shape Models, An
* Efficient Shape Matching and Retrieval at Multiple Scales
* Eigenspace Update Algorithm for Image Analysis, An
* Error Surface for Structure from Motion, The
* Euclidean Shape and Motion from Multiple Perspective Views by Affine Iterations
* Evaluation of Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Models
* EVE: Software for Visual Modeling
* Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* Fast slant stack: A notion of radon transform for data on a cartesian grid which is rapidly computable, algebraically exact, geometrically faithful, and invertible
* From Visual Input to Verbal Output in the Visual Translator
* Fully automated segmentation and morphometrical analysis of muscle fibre images
* Generalized Intrinsic Symmetry Detection
* GIPSY Users' Manual
* Gipsy: General Image Processing System
* GPU-Based Video Feature Tracking and Matching
* Gradual decoder refresh using isolated regions
* High-Confidence Registration of Binary Imagery
* Image Database for 3-D Object Recognition
* Image Denoising using Gaussian Scale Mixtures in the Wavelet Domain
* Interactive Model-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Interplanetary Picture Transmission Using the Edge Detection System
* Introducing New Deformable Surfaces to Segment 3D Images
* Introduction to the Kalman Filter, An
* Lattice-Theoretical Framework for Annular Filters in Morphological Image Processing, A
* Learning Flexible Models from Image Sequences
* Lines and Points in Three Views: An Integrated Approach
* Man-Machine Facial Recognition
* Man-Machine Facial Recognition System: Some Preliminary Results, A
* Matlab Camera Calibration Toolbox
* Minimal Surfaces: A Three-Dimensional Segmentation Approach
* Model Method in Facial Recognition, The
* Multi-sensor text classification experiments: A comparison
* Multiscale Annealing for Real-Time Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Natural Language Description of Time-Varying Scenes
* Object Pose: The Link Between Weak Perspective, Paraperspective, and Full Perspective
* On the Calculation of Arbitrary Moments of Polygons
* On the Calculation of Moments of Polygons
* On the Complexity and Computation of View Graphs of Piecewise-Smooth Algebraic Surfaces
* Parametric Deformable Model to Fit Unstructured 3D Data, A
* Parametric Model-Fitting: From Inlier Characterization To Outlier Detection
* Paraperspective = Affine
* Performance of Camera Translation Direction Estimators, The
* Phase Congruence Model for Edge Detection in Two-Dimensional Pictures: A Mathematical Study, The
* Probabilistic Approach To Geometric Hashing Using Line Features, A
* Randomized Hough Transform: Improved Ellipse Detection with Comparison
* Range and Motion Segmentation: A Robust Approach
* Range Imaging Sensors
* Recognition of Convex Blobs
* Recognition of Digits in Hydrographic Maps: Binary Versus Topographic Analysis
* Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* Recovery of Shapes by Evolution of Zero-Crossings
* Region Growing: A New Approach
* Region/Edge-Based Target Segmentation of FLIR Images Modeled by Weibull/Gaussian Distributions
* Report on the 1982 IEEE Computer Vision Workshop, A
* Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
* Rigorous Bounds for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
* Scene Analysis Using the Concept of a Model
* Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia
* Segmentation from Motion: Combining Gabor- and Mallat-Wavelets to Overcome Aperture and Correspondence Problem
* Self-Calibration of an Affine Camera from Multiple Views
* Several Experiments on Texture Analysis, Coding and Synthesis by Gabor Wavelets
* Shape from Shading Using the Finite Element Method
* Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* Structure of Digital Straight Line Segments and Euclid's Algorithm, The
* Survey on: Contents Based Search in Image Databases, A
* Three New Algorithms for 2-Image and >= 2-Image Structure from Motion
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Tracking
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation, A
* UCF101: A Dataset of 101 Human Action Classes from Videos in The Wild
* Unbiased Detector of Curvilinear Structures, An
* Understanding Object Motion: Recognition, Learning And Spatiotemporal Reasoning
* User-Directed Analysis of Scanned Images
* Using Shape and Intensity to Track Non-Rigid Objects
* Vanishing Points are Meaningful Gestalts
* Video Database System for Digital Libraries, A
* Video Indexing Based on Mosaic Representations
* Visual Monitoring and Surveillance of Wide-Area Outdoor Scenes
* Watersnakes: Energy-Driven Watershed Segmentation
* Weak feature size and persistent homology: Computing homology of solids in Rn from noisy data samples
* What Can Be Done with a Badly Calibrated Camera in Ego-Motion Estimation?
104 for TR

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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