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Chapter Contents (Back)
Chapter Contents (Back)
Abel Stock,
Commercial image database
WWW Link.
Dataset, Images.
Video analysis software.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Surveillance.
Recently acquired by Honeywell.
See also Honeywell.
Robotics systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots.
Alcorn State,
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PRIA) Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
Amerinex Applied Imaging,
Image Understanding software
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis. The Aphelion software environment.
Arizona State University,
Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing
WWW Link.
See also FacePix Database. Also:
Partnership for Research in Spatial Modeling
WWW Link.
Arts, Media and Engineering Program
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
ASPRS: American Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing,
The US society for Photogrammetry.
WWW Link.
Society, US. And publishes Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
ASTM E57 committee on 3D imaging systems,
Data format committee. 2010
HTML Version.
Society, International.
E57 Format. Not really a society, but a standards committee.
Avaya Labs,
Multimedia Technologies.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Multimedia. Descendant of Bell Labs and Lucent.
Spun off in 2002.
Biometrics Alliance,
HTML Version.
Society, International. Goal of enhanced security while respecting privacy.
Boston Dynamics,
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots. Legged robots for rough terrain.
Boston University,
Image and Video Computing Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Research in human motion and gesture analysis, Image and video databases,
medical image analysis, multicamera vision systems, tracking
and behaviors.
Brigham Young University,
Human-Centered Machine Intelligence Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Brown University,
Brown LEMS, Providence, RI 02912.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Primary areas of Image processing, shape representation, modeling, matching.
California Institute of Technology,
Computational Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Computational foundations of vision. A number of datasets are available
CalTech 101 Objects Categories,
Dataset, Objects. HTML Version.
CalTech 256 Objects Categories,
Dataset, Objects. WWW Link.
30607 images, 256 categories.
CalTech 100 Natural Scenes,
Dataset, Natural Scenes. WWW Link.
CalTech 10000 Web Faces,
Dataset, Faces. WWW Link.
CalTech Turntable Images,
Dataset, 3D Data. WWW Link.
144 calibrated viewpoints, 3 lighting variations.
CalTech Archived Images,
Dataset, Images. HTML Version.
CalTech-UCSD Birds 200 2011,
Dataset, Images. HTML Version.
Dataset, Birds. Extension of the CUB-200 dataset.
Cartography and Geographic Information Society,
WWW Link.
Society, International.
CCNY: City University New York,
Media Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
CITeR: Center for Identification Technology Research,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
3D Visualization.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Visualization.
Charles River Analytics, Inc.,
Computational Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Software. The VisionKit™ for computer vision systems development.
CMU School of Computer Science,
CMU-CSMany CMU reports are available online:
HTML Version.
of the index.
Research Group, US.
CMU Robotics Institute,
WWW Link.
List of research projects:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
CMU Digital Mapping Laboratory,
The intersection of image understanding, artificial intelligence, and cartography.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
CMU interACT,
International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Carnegie Mellon Vision and Autonomous Systems Center, VASC,
Computer vision, autonomous navigation, virtual reality,
intelligent manipulation, space robotics
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Colorado State University,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Focuses on semantic object recognition in complex domains.
Human ID project.
Evaluation code:
See also CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The.
Columbia University,
ColumbiaNew York.
Computer Vision Laboratory (CAVE)
WWW Link.
Three areas: creation of vision sensors, desing of physice based models,
and algorithms for scene interpretation.
See also Big Shot Camera. Robotics Group:
WWW Link.
Includes navigation and 3-D models building and visualization.
Research Group, US.
Computer Vision Foundation,
Co Sponsor of CVPR and ICCV meetings.
WWW Link.
Society, US. The CVF maintains open access versions of papers,
and often other material, for
more recent versions of CVPR (
See also CVPR. ), ICCV (
See also ICCV. ),
and WACV (
See also WACV. ).
Cornell University,
CornellIthaca, NY.
WWW Link.
Also: Cornell 3D Reconstruction Group (moved from Stanford):
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Databases, motion and recognition.
Dartmouth University,
Image Science Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. digital forensics, image analysis, computer vision, and human perception.
Delphi Electronics and Safety,
Driver safety, monitoring, assistance.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Driver Assistance.
Digital Equipment Corp.,
Research Group, Company.
Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. A collection of resources for Human Pose. Papers, Surveys, etc.
Disney Research,
Computer Vision
HTML Version.
Video Processing
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company. Locations in Pittsburgh, Zurich, Boston.
Duke University,
Duke Robotics Intelligence and Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, tracking, ASL and gesture recognition.
Electro Technical Laboratory,
ETLUS Army research lab.
Research Group, US Government.
Embedded Vision Alliance,
Designing machines that see.
WWW Link.
Society, US. An alliance of companies related to embedded vision.
Epson Research and Development,
ASD Group. Algorithms and devices for digital imaging and video.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Fordham University,
Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
George Mason University,
Center for Distributed and Intelligent Computation
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Biometrics, robotics, HCI, neural networks, models from video.
Georgia Tech,
Computational Perception Laboratory
WWW Link.
Computational Computer vision
HTML Version.
Contextual Computing Group
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Aware environments, human activity, tracking, modeling, multimedia,
video scene reconstruction, image-based rendering, animation.
See also Large Geometric Models Archive.
GE Research,
Computer Vision Group --
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Aerial video analysis, surveillance, change detection.
Harvard University,
HarvardVarious Harvard departments.
Harvard Robotics Lab
WWW Link.
Surgical Planning Lab:
WWW Link.
Medical, surgical applications.
Research Group, US.
HP Labs,
Managing photo and video collections.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Query.
HRL Laboratories,
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Descended from the Hughes Research Lab.
Security Systems.
WWW Link.
Honeywell Video Systems.
HTML Version.
Vendor, Surveillance.
Research Group, Company. Recently acquired ActivEye.
See also ActivEye.
Heartland Robotics,
Startup Robot systems from the MIT robotics group.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Robots.
Research Group, Company.
Hunter College of CUNY,
Computer Vision Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Photorealistic 3D modeling.
Lehman College of CUNY,
Computer Vision and Computational Software Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
Smartphone applications
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Vendor, Object Recognition. Phone app to take picture of object and speak what it is.
Developed by
WWW Link.
IEEE Computer Society: TC PAMI,
Technical Committee for: Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
WWW Link.
Society, US. The organization that runs the primary US meetings
See also CVPR. ) and WACV (
See also WACV. )
with associated workshops,
See also ICCV. ) with workshops.
Other conferences and workshops are also sponsored.
Through the IEEE and Computer Society itself, publishes the
IEEE Transactions on PAMI.
See also Bibliography Supporters.
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society,
IEEE-CAS, Circuits, Video implementations
WWW Link.
Society, US. Some related conferences and journals, especially related to implementations.
Cir Sys Video Listing, and others.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society,
WWW Link.
Society, US. Publishes IEEE Trans Intelligent Transportation Systems, and conferences.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,
IEEE-RAS, Robotics
WWW Link.
Society, US. Sponsor of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(Conference Listing)
IEEE Signal Processing Society,
Signal Processing, Image Processing.
WWW Link.
Society, US. The organization that runs the Annual Image Processing conference
(ICIP paper listing)
and publishes the Transactions on Image Processing.
Trans IP Listing,
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, NY,
IBM Watsonor
IBMand some report number.
Research Group, Company.
IBM Journal of Research and Development,
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
IBM Systems Journal,
Research Group, Company.
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin,
Research Group, Company.
IBM Research,
Exploratory Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Face Detection.
Vendor, Image Query. MIT AI lab spinoff.
PCB Inspection, image databases, face detection, logo search
Imagineer Systems,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Post Production.
Vendor, Image Processing. Software development for film production, includes image matching,
warping, removing wires, scratches, tracking, etc.
Intel Corp.,
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Processing. Intel is the source for OpenCV.
See also OpenCV.
International Center for Remote Sensing of Environment,
Society, International.
WWW Link.
Not so much a society as an independent organization founded to
run the Reomote Sensing.
International Computer Science Institute,
ICSIBerkeley, CA.
Research Group, US.
WWW Link.
International Federation of Information Processing,
Society, International. Federation of national societies.
International Federation of Robotics,
Society, International. Federation of national societies.
International Graphonomics Society,
WWW Link.
Society, International. Researchers involved in all aspects of perceptual-motor tasks,
especially handwriting analysis. Bi-annual conferences.
Iowa State University,
Human Computer Interaction Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. How the human visual system receives, selects and processes information
in real-world and virtual environments.
See also openEyes.
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Robots.
Research Group, Company. Various robots including the Roomba Vaccuum Cleaning robots, sweepers, gutters,
pools, basic platforms for developers.
ITT Visual Information Solutions,
Image Processing and Analysis.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
System: ENVI. Developed from early NASA work on Mariner.
Jet Proplusion Laboratory,
JPLPasadena, CA.
Robotic systems group:
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US Government. Stereo, robotics, guidance, Mars Rovers.
Johns Hopkins University,
Computational Interaction and Robotics Lab
WWW Link.
And: Center for Imaging Science
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Understanding the problems that involve dynamic, spatial interaction
at the intersection of vision, robotics, and human-computer interaction.
KitWare, Inc,
Visualization, computer vision, medical imaging,
data publishing and quality software process
WWW Link.
Vendor, Image Processing.
Research Group, Company.
Khoral Research, Inc,
Software development.
WWW Link.
Creators of Khoros which is now available from:
WWW Link.
Code, Image Processing.
Research Group, Company.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Imaging and Collaborative Computing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image understanding, reasoning, image-based informatics, and
computational molecular biology.
Lincoln Laboratory Journal,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab,
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
CSAILAI group memo
MIT AI Memoor
MIT AIMAI Memos are shorter reports.
MIT AI TRAI Tech Reports are longer (often the thesis). Also Project MAC
Technical Reports
MAC-TRMost are available through:
AI TR and Memo series go to 2004, then the CSAIL series.
WWW Link.
CS & AI Lab Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Activity, learning, medical vision, and vision interfaces.
Perceptual Science Group:
WWW Link.
Sensing Perception Autonomy and Robot Kinetics
WWW Link.
Motion Magnification
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
MIT Places Database for Scene Recognition,
Dataset, Recognition.
WWW Link. 205 scene categories, 2.5Million images.
SUN 397 Database,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab,
Fluid Interfaces (formerly Ambient Intelligence group)
WWW Link.
Human Dynamics, Gesture systems, wearable systems.
See also Sixth Sense Project. Affective Computing
WWW Link.
See also the MIT Mood Meter:
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
VismodThe Vismod papers are available through
WWW Link.
Vismod is no longer an active research group, old info via:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sensable City Laboratory,
Urban environments.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Intelligent guidance around a city, learns what you want.
Michigan State University,
Department of Computer Science,
MSUAnd the lab home page:
WWW Link.
Also a Biometrics group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Microsoft Research,
MicrosoftVision, Generally:
WWW Link.
Visual Computing:
WWW Link.
There are a large number of other research groups under the vision
category. Vision for applications, HCI.
AutoCollage product.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
See also Photosynth.
Middlebury College,
Robotics and Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Stereo, active vision, feature matching, motion. Various datasets are
Migma Systems,
2002. Image Processing.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Pedestrian Detection.
MERL: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories,
Computer Vision Projects:
WWW Link.
Imaging projects:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Display, surveillance and other image analysis projects.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Intelligent Systems Division,
WWW Link.
Multimodal Information Group
WWW Link.
See also Multimedia Event Detection.
WWW Link.
Earlier references:
Journal of Research National Bureau of Standards,
NBS( Vol No. ),
NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software,
Software guide.
WWW Link.
Code, Mathematical Software.
Research Group, US Government.
See also FERET Database, The.
See also NIST Mugshot Identification Database.
See also NIST ICE Iris Image Database.
See also NIST Special Database 4, Fingerprint Database.
See also TRECVID Workshop DAta.
Naval Postgraduate School,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Gesture recognition
Newton Labs,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis. Variety of image analysis systems and hardware for tracking, etc.
New York University,
Department of Computer Science,
NYULaboratory for Computational Vision.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Statistical properties, motion, image analysis.
North Carolina State University,
Image Analysis Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Hyperspectral imaging, medical imaging.
See also IFS: Image File System.
Northwestern University,
Image and Video Processing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Video, wireless video transmission, audio-visual speech,
shape coding, texture segmentation, wavelet based video compression,
and video surveillance.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Vendor, Image Analysis. Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) applied to vision.
Neocortex based computing model. Object recognition, tracking.
Ohio State University,
Signal Analysis and Machine Perception Laboratory (SAMPL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Broad research areas, hyper and multi-spectral, aerial images,
medical images, range processing, human motion, inspection.
Various datasets for 2-D and 3-D data.
OSU Datasets,
Dataset, Images.
HTML Version.
Oklahoma State University,
Visual Computing and Image Processing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Aerial image analysis, infrared images,
Optical Society of America,
Optics, human and artificial.
WWW Link.
Society, US. Publisher of JOSA and relted journals.
Oregon State University,
Computer Graphics and Vision.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
Palo Alto Research Center,
Information Visualization & Interaction:
HTML Version.
Perceptual Document Analysis:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Document Analysis. Document analysis.
Penn State University,
LPAC: Laboratory for Perception, Action, and Cognition
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Multiple vision groups -- perception, action and cognition, multidimensional
image processing, intelligent information systems.
CAD based vision, HCI, robotics.
PrincetonComputer Science Department. Computer vision group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Human action classification.
Dataset. WWW Link.
SUNRGBD: A RGB-D Scene Understanding Benchmark Suite,
Dataset, RGBD. WWW Link.
Indoor Scenes.
Purdue University,
PurdueRobot Vision Lab, Sensory intelligence for the machines of the future:
WWW Link.
LARS: Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing:
WWW Link.
See also MultiSpec: A Freeware Multispectral Image Data Analysis System.
Research Group, US.
Rand Corporation,
RandSanta Monica, CA.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.,
Troy, NY,
Various Departments,
RPIThe Vision Lab home page:
WWW Link.
Intelligent Systems Lab:
WWW Link.
Tetherless World Constellation:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image registration,
tracking, segmentation, 3d modeling and geometric algorithms.
Robot Vision 2 Inc.,
Image processing.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Code, Image Analysis. Cross Platform software development and software for Image Processing and Robot Vision
RutgersRobust Image Understanding Laboratory.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Develop reliable techniques for Computer Vision employing modern
statistical methods.
Samsung Digital Media Solutions Lab,
Detection, tracking, recognition. The Irvine, CA group works
on "new" TV products.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Sarnoff Research,
SarnoffVision Technology Unit
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. There are also Sarnoff spin-off companies.
Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute,
Human vision research.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering,
Optical engineering. An International society advancing light-based
WWW Link.
Society, International. Especially sponsors SPIE workshops.
SRI AI Center,
SRI AICenteror
SRI AIMemoor
SRIThe Vision group home page:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Machine vision, expert systems, evidential reasoning, and virtual reality.
Stanford University, Computer Science Departent,
Technical report
STAN-CSsome as
Stanford AIThe Stanford Vision Lab:
WWW Link.
Stanford Vision and Imaging Science and Technology
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Also: Make3D moved to Cornell
See also Cornell University.
See also Stanford Cars Dataset.
Stanford University Medical Center,
National Biocomputation Center
WWW Link.
Medical imaging.
Research Group, US.
Stevens Institute of Technology,
CS Department, Computer Vision Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
SUNY at Binghamton,
Multimedia Research Lab
WWW Link.
Graphics And Image Computing Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
See also BU-3DFE (Binghamton University 3D Facial Expression) Database.
SUNY at Buffalo,
Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Document analysis.
SUNY at Stony Brook,
Computer Vision Lab (CVL):
WWW Link.
Image Analysis Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3D modeling, depth from focus, depth from stereo.
Texas A&M University,
Sketch Recognition Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Integration of sketch and gesture
Texas Tech University,
Applied Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Computer Vision and Image Analysis Lab (CVIAL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Arizona,
Computer Science, Intelligent Systems:
HTML Version.
Signal and Image Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Optical Sciences:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of California, Berkeley,
Various Departments,
UCBMay also include LLL and LBL.
Computer Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Grouping, matching, object recognition, human activities, vision based
traffic surveillance, image retrieval.
University of California, Irvine,
Computer Vision Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Representation and recognition of 3-D objects.
University of California, Los Angeles,
Computer Graphics & Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Also: Vision Lab. Structure from motion, control, deformations.
WWW Link.
Also: Center for Image and Vision Science:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of California, Merced,
Computer Vision Lab at UC Merced
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Integrating vision and non-vision geospatial data.
University of California, Riverside,
Visualization & Intelligent Systems Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Automatic object recognition, learning in computer vision and
pattern recognition, multimodal biometrics, image and video databases,
autonomous navigation, network monitoring and intrusion detection,
remote sensing, manufacturing, and various industrial, medical, and
biological applications.
University of California, San Diego,
Computer Vision Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory:
WWW Link.
UC San Diego Computer Vision and Robotics Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Sensor-based intelligent systems.
University of California, Santa Barbara,
Various Departments,
UCSBFour Eyes Lab:
WWW Link.
Image Processing and Vision Research Labs
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Research Laboratory:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
University of California, Santa Cruz,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Perceptual Science Lab. Face analysis.
WWW Link.
Visual Computing Laboratory.
HTML Version.
Multidimensional Signal Processing (MDSP)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Central Florida,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Video retrieval, tracking, object recognition, aerial images,
video understanding, segmentation, shape from shading, matching.
The group makes a number of datasets available.
See also UCF Action Recogniton Dataset 101.
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
Vision And Security Technology Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. The VAST lab moved here from Lehigh.
Video surveillance systems, biometrics, biometric fusion,
supporting trauma treatment, steganalysis, network security,
detection of chemical and bilogical weapons.
University of Delaware,
Video / Image Modeling and Synthesis Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Florida,
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Medical Imaging (CVGMI)
WWW Link.
And: Computational Science and Intelligence Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Georgia,
Visual and Parallel Computing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Ojbect tracking, surgery, compression, genomics.
University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Image Sequence Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Sequence processing and coding.
University of Houston,
Computational Biomedicine Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Medical applications.
University of Illinois,
Various Departments,
IllinoisVision Lab page:
WWW Link.
Quantitative Light Imaging (QLI) Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, Textures, 3-D recognition and representation, cameras, rendering,
University of Illinois Datasets,
Dataset, Texture. 25 textures, 40 samples.
Dataset, Natural Scenes. 15 Categories.
Dataset, Stereo Data. 9 objects, 80 images
Dataset, Multi-View Data. 10 datasets, 24 images of a single object each.
Dataset, Visual Hull.
Dataset, Object Recognition. Birds, Butterflys, etc.
Dataset, Video. WWW Link.
University of Kentucky,
Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Louisville,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Medical imaging, remote sensing.
University of Maryland,
Center for Automation Research
UMD-CAR-TRor Mostly
UMDUnder the CS TR series.
More recent papers under:
UMIACSFor online versions try:
WWW Link.
HTML Version.
The overall Institute for Advanced Computer Studies:
WWW Link.
The Computer Vision Lab (Center for Automation Research):
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Large varied research group.
University of Massachusetts,
Computer Science
UMassGeneral information
WWW Link.
and for the techreports
WWW Link.
Most, but not all, since 1991 are available by year and report number.
And the Computer vision Lab page:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Large group with various projects. Aerial image analysis, sensor networks,
sign recognition.
University of Miami,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory
HTML Version.
automated video surveillance, face modeling and recognition.
And: Center for Confluent Media Studies
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Animation, Telepresence
University of Michigan,
Computer Science
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Minnesota,
Artifical Intelligence, Robotics and Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Learning, robotics, activity recognition, navigation.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Information Science Research Institute,
ISRILas Vegas, NV
Annual reports on OCR software.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Nevada, Reno,
Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Object recognition, visual motion analysis, 3D reconstruction,
face detection/recognition, biometrics, tracking.
University of North Carolina,
Vision Group
HTML Version.
Interactive graphics, image processing.
Also: IDEA Group, Medical School group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Interactive graphics, image processing.
University of Notre Dame,
Computer Vision Research Lab
WWW Link.
And: Laboratory for Image and Signal Analysis
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Face, iris, range analysis.
University of Pacific,
Center for Undergraduate Research in Machine Intelligence
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
University of Pennsylvania,
UPennGrasp lab.
WWW Link.
Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory (PICSL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, vision, perception, control, automation and learning.
See also FLIC: Frames Labelled in Cinema.
University of Rochester,
RochesterComputer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Vision, robotics, computational vision, active vision.
University of South Florida,
Image Analysis Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3D structure, 3D motion, object or person identity, material property, or
geometric shape from images.
University of Southern California, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
USCVision Group home page:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Video analysis, 3D recognition, activity description.
See also Bibliography Supporters.
University of Southern California, Signal and Image Processing,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Dataset, Images. Image processing. Some of the old standard image datasets (texture,
vehicles, compression).
University of Southern California, Visual Processing Laboratory,
Visual Processing Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3-D recognition and modeling.
University of Texas,
Univ. of TexasComputer Vision Research Center.
WWW Link.
Virtual Reality Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
See also UT Zappos50K. Human activity recognition, image retrieval.
University of Texas, Dallas,
Face Perception and Research Laboratories
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Face recognition, tracking.
University of Utah,
Center for Scientific Computing and Imaging.
WWW Link.
Visual Environments:
WWW Link.
Prototyping, interfaces, virtual environments,
Research Group, US.
University of Virginia,
Computer Vision Research
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
University of Washington,
GRAIL: Graphics and Imaging Laboratory
WWW Link.
Video, photo tourism, reconstructions, textures, matching, modeling
Also: Image Computing Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image processing, medical imaging, and computer imaging.
University of West Florida,
Robotics and Image Analysis Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics and medical imaging.
University of Wisconsin,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image-based modeling, analysis, recognition, and rendering;
Medical image analysis; Motion analysis;
Three-dimensional shape representation and recognition,
especially image-based representations.
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
U.S. Geological Survey,
USGS Spectroscopy Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Methods for identifying and mapping materials through
spectroscopic remote sensing.
And if you want something really fun:
(Live, or near-live, Landsat images.)
WWW Link.
Vanderbilt University,
Center for Intelligent Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics.
Vicarious Systems University,
Startup, build intelligent machines to understand images.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
Videre Design,
Robotics, Stereo
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Stereo. Derived from SRI work. Distribute the Stereo system
Image databases.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Query. Image database management systems.
Virginia Tech,
VPISUAlso Virginia Poyltechnic and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Computer Vision Group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
3D Models.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, 3D Models. PhotoNav3D.
Washington University in St. Louis,
Media and Machines
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Graphics, computer vision, robotics.
Willow Garage,
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots.
Vendor, Image Processing. Mobile robots mostly. Open source startup.
Support and developemnt for OpenCV.
See also OpenCV. Also:
Contests in recognition
WWW Link.
Worchester Polytechnic Institute,
Image Science Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Wright State University,
Intelligent Systems Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Surgery, range sensors, image registration.
YaleNew Haven, CT.
Yale School of Medicine Image Processing and Analysis
WWW Link.
Biological Image code.
See also Bioimage Suite. And, Center for Computational Vision and Control
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Face dataset.
See also Yale Face Database.
Chapter on Journal Name List, Conference Name List, Research Groups continues in
Computer Vision Related Research Groups, Americas -- Other than US .
Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25