Journals starting with stan

STAN-CS * *Stanford University, Computer Science Departent
* Automated Stereo Perception
* Computer Matching of Areas in Stereo Imagery
* Depth Discontinuities by Pixel-to-Pixel Stereo
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Edge Detection and Geometric Methods in Computer Vision
* Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision
* Model based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision
* Model-Based Computer Vision
* Natural Object Recognition
* Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover
* Stanford Automatic Photogrammetry Research
* Symbolic Reasoning Among 3-D Models and 2-D Images
13 for STAN-CS

Stanford AI * *Stanford University, Computer Science Departent
* Automated Stereo Perception
* Camera Models and Machine Perception
* Computer Comparison of Pictures
* Computer Comparison of Pictures
* Computer Identification of Textured Visual Scene
* Computer Identification of Visual Surfaces
* Computer Interpretation of Imperfect Line Data as a Three-Dimensional Scene
* Computer Matching of Areas in Stereo Imagery
* Computer Representation of Simply Described Scenes, The
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Edge Detection and Geometric Methods in Computer Vision
* Fast, Feature-Driven, Stereo Depth Program, A
* GEOMED: A Geometric Editor
* Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision
* Machine Analysis of Multi-Body Scenes
* Model based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision
* Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover
* Operator which Locates Edges in Digitized Pictures, An
* Program to Find Objects in a Picture, A
* Reconstruction of Scenes Containing Polyhedra from Stereo Pairs of Views
* Representation and Description of Curved Objects
* Scene Analysis Using a Semantic Base for Region Growing
* Stanford Automatic Photogrammetry Research
* Symbolic Reasoning Among 3-D Models and 2-D Images
* Verification Vision within a Programmable Assembly System
* Visual Identification of People by Computer
27 for Stanford AI

Stanford CSR * Space-Variant Image Motion Degradation and Restoration

Stanford * Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval, The
* Light Field Photography with a Hand-Held Plenoptic Camera
* Modelling the Environment of an Exploring Vehicle by Means of Stereo Vision
* Stereo Vision: Structural Correspondence and Curved Surface Reconstruction

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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