* *Computer Vision and Image Processing for Spaceborne Applications
* *Electronics and Communications in Japan- I Communications
* *IEEE International Conference Multimedia Computing and Systems
* *University of Nevada, Las Vegas
* *Vision Interface
* *Vision Interface
* 3-Dimensional Approach to Thresholding Seal Impressions
* Axial Descriptions (H2)
* Basic Algorithms to Partition Curves, Represent Curves (H2)
* Basic Edges, General Discussion, Analysis (H3)
* Basic Edges, Gradient Computations (H3)
* Basic Operators, Noise Analysis (H3)
* Curve Partitions, Applied to Chain Codes (H3)
* Distance Transforms, Distance Functions, Distance Measures (H2)
* Parallel Algorithms, Curve Partition (H3)
* Pattern Recognition Issues (H1)
* Polygonal Representations of Curves (H3)
* Target and Feature Tracking, Multi-Object, Multiple Objects, Multiple Target (H3)
* Target Tracking, Multiple Sensors, Multiple Cameras, Multi-Camera Tracking (H3)
* When Added, or Date Index (H3)
* Adaptive Detection Threshold Optimization for Tracking in Clutter
* Adaptive Fusion by Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Detection Systems
* Adaptive Model Evolution Using Blending
* Adaptive Restoration of Textured Images with Mixed Spectra
* Applications of Universal Context Modeling to Lossless Compression of Gray-Scale Images
* Artificial Neural Networks in Real-Time Car Detection and Tracking Applications
* Automatic Construction of Structural Models Incorporating Discontinuous Transformations
* Automatic detection and prioritized image transmission system and method
* Automatic extraction of human facial features
* Bayesian Approach to Landmark Discovery and Active Perception in Mobile Robot Navigation, A
* Behind the Scenes of Virtual-Reality: Vision and Motion
* Blind Deconvolution via Cumulant Extrema
* Blind Image Deconvolution
* Bond Percolation Based Gibbs-Markov Random Fields for Image Segmentation
* Browsing contents of a given video sequence
* Buyer's Guide to Conic Fitting, A
* Characterizing Stereo Matching Problems using Local Spatial Frequency
* Class Discriminability Measure Based on Feature Space Partitioning, A
* Compact Integrated Motion Sensor With 3-Pixel Interaction
* Comparison of Texture Feature-Extraction Using Adaptive Gabor Filtering, Pyramidal and Tree-Structured Wavelet Transforms, A
* Component-Based Handprint Segmentation Using Adaptive Writing Style Model
* Computational Eye, The
* Computer Vision Approach to Air-Flow Analysis, A
* Computer Vision Approach to Digit Recognition on Pulp Bales, A
* Cooperation de Systemes a Base de Connaissances Pour l'Analyse et la Reconnaissance d'Objets Naturels Complexes: Application au Classement de Galaxies ou de Zooplanctons
* Deformable Template Approach to Detecting Straight Edges in Radar Images, A
* Detecting Danger Labels with RAM-Based Neural Networks
* Detection and description of moving objects by stochastic modelling and analysis of complex scenes
* Digital Image Thresholding, Based on Topological Stable-State
* Digital Library for Geographically Referenced Materials, A
* Digital Ortho-Images: A Powerful Tool for the Extraction of Spatial-Information and Geo-Information
* Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses
* Distance measuring apparatus of a target tracking type
* document recognition system and its applications, A
* Edge-Based Binocular Stereopsis Algorithm: A Matching Mechanism with Probabilistic Feedback
* Efficient automatic analysis of camera work and microsegmentation of video using spatiotemporal images
* Efficient representations of video sequences and their applications
* Epipolar Line Estimation and Rectification for Stereo Image Pairs
* EREC: An Error-Resilient Technique for Coding Variable-Length Blocks of Data, The
* Evaluation of Ridge Seeking Operators for Multimodality Medical Image Matching
* Feature-Extraction for Texture-Discrimination via Random-Field Models with Random Spatial Interaction
* Filmic space-time diagrams for video structure representation
* Focussed Color Intersection for Object Extraction from Cluttered Scenes
* Focussed Color Intersection with Efficient Searching for Object Detection and Image Retrieval
* Gaussian Scale-Space Paradigm and the Multiscale Local Jet, The
* Global Word Shape Processing in Off-Line Recognition of Handwriting
* Graph Matching by Graduated Assignment
* Hardware Implementation of RAM Neural Networks
* Hierarchical Neural-Network for Human Face Detection, A
* Hypercube Separation Algorithm: A Fast And Efficient Algorithm for Online Handwritten Character-Recognition, The
* IBM 3495 robotics and vision system, The
* Image Motion Estimation From Motion Smear: A New Computational Model
* Image-Reconstruction from Fourier-Transform Magnitude with Applications to Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Improved Recursive Median Filtering Scheme for Image-Processing, An
* Improved scanning methods for wavelet coefficients of video signals
* Intelligent Access to Digital Video: Informedia Project
* Knowledge-Based System for the Computation of Land-Cover Mixing and the Classification of Multispectral Satellite Imagery, A
* Laser beam path profile sensor system
* Learning to See
* Locating and Extracting the Eye in Human Face Images
* Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* Method of Normalization to Determine Invariants, The
* Method To Improve Classification With Shape Information, A
* Moving Target Detection by Quadrature Mirror Filter
* Multispectral Image Data Fusion Under a Bayesian-Approach
* Nearly Lossless Compression of Color Still Images and Its Performance Evaluation
* Network Model for the Optic Flow Computation of the MST Neurons, A
* Neural Matching Algorithm for 3-D Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs of Linear Images, A
* Neural Network Adaptive Filter for the Removal of Impulse Noise in Digital Images, A
* Neural-Network Approach to Quality-Control of Padlock Manufacturing, A
* New Probabilistic Relaxation Scheme and Its Application to Edge-Detection, A
* New Prospects in Line Detection by Dynamic-Programming
* Novel Neural Heteroassociative Memory Model for Pattern-Recognition, A
* Obtaining a 3-D Orientation of Projective Textures Using a Morphological Method
* Off-Line Recognition of Handwritten Korean and Alphanumeric Characters Using Hidden Markov-Models
* On the Reconstructive Matching of Multidimensional Objects
* On Unsupervised Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Imagery Using Nonlinear-Regression
* Optical Information-Processing and Beyond
* Optical-Flow: A Curve Evolution Approach
* Optical-Pattern Recognition: Architectures and Techniques
* Orthogonal Moment Features for Use with Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Page Segmentation Using Texture Analysis
* Partially Supervised Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Performance Indicators for the Statistical Evaluation of Digital Image Classifications
* Progressive Transmission of Line-Drawings Using the Wavelet Transform
* Quantitative Planar Region Detection
* Radar Image Segmentation Using Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks
* Recognizing Algebraic Surfaces from Their Outlines
* Recursive Estimation of Time-Varying Motion and Structure Parameters
* Reduction of Boundary Artifacts in Image Restoration
* Removing Ambiguities in a Multispectral Image Classification
* Robust Automatic Clustering Scheme for Image Segmentation Using Wavelets, A
* Rotationally Invariant Two-Phase Scheme for Corner Detection, A
* Sampling and Processing of Color Signals
* Self Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Lines with a Single Translating Camera
* Sewage Pipe Image Segmentation Using a Neural-Based Architecture
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet-Based Multiscale Image Restoration
* Special Issue on Neural Networks for Computer Vision Applications
* Special Issue on Optical Information-Processing 1. Image-Processing and Vision
* Still Image-Coding Based on Vector Quantization and Fractal Approximation
* Structure and Motion from Two Orthographic Views
* System used for real time acquistion of data pertaining to persons in motion
* Theory of the Visual-Motion Coding in the Primary Visual-Cortex, A
* three-dimensional muscle-based facial expression synthesizer for model-based image coding, A
* Toward an Artificial Eye
* Tracking Foveated Corner Clusters Using Affine Structure
* Visual Guidance of a Pig Evisceration Robot Using Neural Networks
* Wavelet Processing and Optics
* What Can Two Images Tell Us about a Third One?
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