Journals starting with univ

Univ. Hamburg * MOOSE Users' Manual Implementation Guide Evaluation

Univ. Ill. Press * Mathematical Theory of Communication, The

Univ. Iowa * Nonparametric Correction of Distortion
* Perspective Projection: The Wrong Imaging Model
* Reliable Color Labelling

Univ. of Central Florida * Fast Linear Shape from Shading, A

Univ. of Florence * Algorithms for Optical Flow Estimation in Real-Time on Connection Machine-2
* Analysis of Optical-Flow Constraints
* Vision System for Estimating People Flow, A

Univ. of Illinois * Dynamic Integration of Depth Cues for Surface Reconstruction from Stereo Images
* Rigid Object Motion Estimation from Intensity Images Using Straight Line Correspondences

Univ. of Minnesota * Analysis of Accretion and Deletion at Boundaries in Dynamic Scenes
* Disparity Analysis of Images
* Dynamic Occlusion Analysis in Optical Flow Fields
* Hierarchical Estimation of Spatial Properties from Motion

Univ. of Oulu * Experiments with Histogram Guided Image Smoothing
* Image Analysis System for Industrial Applications, An
* Image Texture Analysis and Segmentation

Univ. of Rochester * 3-D Recognition Via 2-Stage Associative Memory
* Calculating the Principal Views of a Polyhedron
* Class of Stochastic Models for Invariant Recognition, Motion, and Stereo, A
* Control of Selective Perception using Bayes Nets and Decision Theory
* Detecting Regions of Zero Disparity in Binocular Images
* Exploiting World Structure To Efficiently Search for Objects
* Gaze Selection for Visual Search
* Goal-Oriented Dynamic Vision
* Indexing Via Color Histograms
* Localized Receptive Fields May Mediate Transformation-Invariant Recognition in the Visual Cortex
* Optical Phenomena in Computer Vision
* Real-time Gaze Holding in Binocular Robot Vision
* Real-Time Vergence Control for Binocular Robots
* Reasoning About Success and Failure in Aerial Image Understanding
* Representing the Orientation of Dendritic Fields with Geodesic Tessellations
* Robust Kalman Filters for Prediction, Recognition, and Learning
* ROVER: A Prototype Active Vision System
* Seeing Behind Occlusions
* Sequences, Structure, and Active Vision
* Task-Oriented Vision with Multiple Bayes Nets
* Using Color to Separate Reflection Components
21 for Univ. of Rochester

Univ. of Saskatchewan * Skeletonization: An Electrostatic Field-Based Approach

Univ. of South Florida * Tracking 2D Structures Using Perceptual Organizational Principles

Univ. of Strasbourg * Self Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Lines with a Single Translating Camera

Univ. of Texas * *University of Texas
* Automatic Tracking of Human Motion in Indoor Scenes Across Multiple Synchronized Video Streams
* Computer Recognition of Partial Views of Three Dimensional Curved Objects
* Integration of Active and Passive Sensing Techniques for Representing Three-Dimensional Objects
* Multisensor Fusion for Scene Perception: Integrating Thermal and Visual Imagery
* On the Computation of Motion from Sequences of Images: A Review
* Patch Matching and Stereopsis in a General Stereo Viewing Geometry
* Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
* Reconstruction and Recognition of 3-D Objects from Occluding Contours and Silhouettes
* Representation and Recognition of Objects from Depth Maps
* Shape and Structure from Motion of Objects
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects
12 for Univ. of Texas

Univ. of Washington * Multivariate Hypothesis Testing for Gaussian Data: Theory and Software
* Performance Characterization Protocol in Computer Vision
* PREMIO: The Use of Prediction in a CAD-Model-Based Vision System

Univ. of West. Aust. * *University of Western Australia
* Early Jump-Out Corner Detectors

Univ. of Wisconsin * Affine Invariant Detection of Periodic Motion
* Appearance Models of Three-Dimensional Shape for Machine Vision and Graphics
* Computing Spatiotemporal Relations for Dynamic Perceptual Organization
* Deformable Contours: Modeling, Extraction, Detection and Classification
* Exploring Three-Dimensional Objects by Controlling the Point of Observation
* Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Control of Observer Motion
* Image Sequence Description Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves: Toward Motion-Based Recognition
* Model-Based Industrial Part Recognition: Systems and Algorithms
* Object Exploration by Purposive, Dynamic Viewpoint Adjustment
* Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
* Toward Image-Based Scene Representation Using View Morphing
* Visibility, Occlusion, and the Aspect Graph
* Vision-Guided Exploration: A Step toward General Motion Planning in Three Dimensions
13 for Univ. of Wisconsin

University Montpellier II * Color Images Analysis and 3d-Color Images Fusion

University of Chicago Press * Foundations of Cyclopean Perception

University of Chicago * Projective Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Index for "u"

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