* *Computer Methods in Images Analysis
* *Digital Image Processing and Analysis
* *University of Southern California, Computer Vision Group
* Learning, General Non-Vision Learning Issues (H2)
* Adaptive Techniques for Photomosaicking
* Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* Analysis of Line Drawings
* Analysis of Occluding Contour
* Analytic Results of the Coleman Segmentor
* Analyzing Sequences of TV Frames
* Application of Line and Character Recognition in Cartography, An
* Application of Relaxation to Edge Reinforcement, An
* Automatic Signature Verification
* Automatic Signature Verification Based on Accelerometry
* Between Regions and Objects: Surfaces and Volumes
* Chameleons use accommodation cues to judge distance
* Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-Spectral Images
* Computer Interpretation of Peanuts Cartoons
* Computer Recognition of Human Faces
* Computing the Shape Hull of Points in the Plane
* Consistent Nonparametric Regression
* Control Strategies in the Eye-Head Coordination System
* Corner Finding Algorithm for Chain Coded Curves, A
* Curve Segmentation by Relaxation Labeling
* Decision-Theoretic Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Design and Implementation of a Picture Processor
* Detecting Natural Plateaus in One-Dimensional Patterns
* Detection of Global Edges in Textured Images
* Diffusion of Shape, The
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Image Restoration
* Digitale Bildverarbeitung / Digital Image Processing
* Duality Concept for the Analysis of Polyhedral Scenes, A
* Empirical Study of Scanner System Parameters, An
* Error Measures for Scene Segmentation
* Experments in Map-Guided Photo Interpretation
* Fast Computational Algorithm for Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Local Picture Computation, A
* Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension
* Fundamental Properties of the Grey Weighted Distance Transformation of Grey Pictures
* Generation of Descriptions for Line Drawings
* Handwriting Identification by Means of Run-Length Measurements
* How to See a Simple World: An Exegesis of Some Computer Programs for Scene Analysis
* Human Vision Paradox Implicates Relaxation Model
* Image Analysis in Paper Manufacturing
* Image Registration Experiments
* Image Segmentation Technique for Locating Automotive Parts on Belt Conveyors
* Image Segmentation Using Texture and Gray Level
* Interactive Aids for Cartography and Photo-Interpretation: Progress Report
* Iterative Enhancement of Noisy Images
* Locus Model of Search and its Use in Image Interpretation, The
* Machine Visualization of Three-Dimensional Objects via Skeletal Transformations
* Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm
* Methodology for Real Time Scene Analysis, A
* Model Building in the Visions System
* Model Representations and Control Structures in Image Understanding
* Modelling spatial patterns
* New convex Hull Algorithm for Planar Sets, A
* On Assembling Subpictures into a Mosaic Picture
* On Reading Sketchmaps
* Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching
* Pattern Matching Under Affine Transformations
* Pattern Recognition Theory and Application
* Picture Understanding by Machine via Textural Feature Extraction
* Pyramid Model for Binary Picture Complexity, A
* Range Data Understanding Guided by a Junction Dictionary
* Rapid Computation of Fourier Texture Descriptors
* Realizable Configurations of Lines in Pictures of Polyhedra
* Recursive Least Squares Smoothing of Noise in Images
* Representing the Orientation of Dendritic Fields with Geodesic Tessellations
* Resolution-Dependent Information Measure for Image Analysis
* Retinex Theory of Color Vision, The
* Segmentation Processes in the VISIONS System
* Separating Non-Stationary from Stationary Scene Components in a Sequence of Real World TV Images
* Shared Near Neighbor Maximal Spanning Trees for Cluster Analysis
* Signature Verification Experiment Based on Nonlinear Time Alignment: A Feasibility Study
* Some Notes on Motion Understanding
* Spatial Mapping in the Primate Sensory Projection: Analytic Structure and Relevance to Perception
* Structural Pattern Recognition
* Syntactic Analysis and Description of Stroke-Based Shapes
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition of Shape
* System for Stereo Computer Vision with Geometric Models, A
* Texture Boundary Analysis
* Three-Dimensional Modelling
* Toward Consistent Descriptions in Vision Systems
* Towards a Science of Image Understanding
* Understanding a Simple Cartoon Film by a Computer Vision System
* Understanding Natural Textures
* Understanding Shape, II: Symmetry
* Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression, A
* Verification Vision for Programmable Assembly
* What One Can See on the Earth from Different Altitudes: A Hierarchical Control Structure in Computer Vision
* Workpiece Orientation Correction with a Robot Arm Using Visual Information
* Worst-Case Analysis for Region and Partial Region Searches in Multidimensional Binary Search Trees and Quad Trees
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