Journals starting with pr_6

PR(6) * Aircraft identification using a bilinear surface representation of radar data
* Analysis of global pattern features
* Applications of pattern recognition to the diagnosis of equipment failures
* Automatic classification of grains via pattern recognition techniques
* Binarization Using Associative Addressing
* Effect of intraclass correlation among training samples on the misclassification probabilities of bayes procedure
* Experiments with Some Cluster Analysis Algorithms
* measurement of print quality for optical character recognition systems, The
* model study on biomorphological description, A
* Optimization in non-hierarchical clustering
* Paradigm for Semantic Picture Recognition, A
* Schematic classification problems and their solution
* shape-oriented dissimilarity of polygons and its application to the classification of chromosome images, The
* Statistical Analysis of Chromosome Characteristics
* Stereometric pattern recognition by artificial touch
* syntax-directed program that performs a three-dimensional perceptual task, A
* theory and measurement of a silhouette descriptor for image pre-processing and recognition, The
17 for PR(6)

PR(60) * 100 lines of code for shape-based object localization
* 3D descriptor to detect task-oriented grasping points in clothing, A
* Accurately estimating rigid transformations in registration using a boosting-inspired mechanism
* Active colloids segmentation and tracking
* Bottom-up saliency detection with sparse representation of learnt texture atoms
* Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform
* Clustering of cell populations in flow cytometry data using a combination of Gaussian mixtures
* Contrast-dependent surround suppression models for contour detection
* Cost-sensitive dictionary learning for face recognition
* Data-driven techniques for smoothing histograms of local binary patterns
* Density-ratio based clustering for discovering clusters with varying densities
* Discriminative saliency propagation with sink points
* Dual autoencoders features for imbalance classification problem
* dynamic niching clustering algorithm based on individual-connectedness and its application to color image segmentation, A
* Dynamic saliency-driven associative memories based on network potential field
* ECMdd: Evidential c-medoids clustering with multiple prototypes
* Effectively clustering by finding density backbone based-on kNN
* Efficient 3D dental identification via signed feature histogram and learning keypoint detection
* efficient parameter estimation method for generalized Dirichlet priors in naïve Bayesian classifiers with multinomial models, An
* Enhancing information discriminant analysis: Feature extraction with linear statistical model and information-theoretic criteria
* example-based approach to 3D man-made object reconstruction from line drawings, An
* Exploring illumination robust descriptors for human epithelial type 2 cell classification
* Extended nearest neighbor chain induced instance-weights for SVMs
* Face alignment by robust discriminative Hough voting
* Facial action unit recognition under incomplete data based on multi-label learning with missing labels
* fast projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, A
* Feature selection for linear SVM with provable guarantees
* Feature selection using Forest Optimization Algorithm
* Fine-structured object segmentation via neighborhood propagation
* Flexible constrained sparsity preserving embedding
* Flexible Sequence Matching technique: An effective learning-free approach for word spotting
* Fuzzy based affinity learning for spectral clustering
* Fuzzy mathematical morphology for color images defined by fuzzy preference relations
* Graph Embedded One-Class Classifiers for media data classification
* HMM-based Indic handwritten word recognition using zone segmentation
* hybrid classification algorithm by subspace partitioning through semi-supervised decision tree, A
* Hypergraph modelling for geometric model fitting
* improved anisotropic hierarchical fuzzy c-means method based on multivariate student t-distribution for brain MRI segmentation, An
* Improving semi-supervised learning through optimum connectivity
* Incremental relevance sample-feature machine: A fast marginal likelihood maximization approach for joint feature selection and classification
* Inductive and flexible feature extraction for semi-supervised pattern categorization
* Intrinsic sample mean in the space of planar shapes
* L1-norm-based principal component analysis with adaptive regularization
* L2,1-norm-based unsupervised optimal feature selection with applications to action recognition, The
* Learning discriminability-preserving histogram representation from unordered features for multibiometric feature-fused-template protection
* Learning feature fusion strategies for various image types to detect salient objects
* Learning Group-Based Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning simultaneous adaptive clustering and classification via MOEA
* Mass classification in mammograms based on two-concentric masks and discriminating texton
* method for solving the multiple ellipses detection problem, A
* Mining intricate temporal rules for recognizing complex activities of daily living under uncertainty
* New Hermite orthogonal polynomial kernel and combined kernels in Support Vector Machine classifier
* novel comprehensive database for offline Persian handwriting recognition, A
* Object detection using boosted local binaries
* Object recognition using local invariant features for robotic applications: A survey
* Online view-invariant human action recognition using RGB-D spatio-temporal matrix
* Orthogonal optimal reverse prediction for semi-supervised learning
* Part based bit error analysis of iris codes
* Pedestrian detection aided by fusion of binocular information
* Progressive subspace ensemble learning
* RGB-D-based action recognition datasets: A survey
* Robust arbitrary view gait recognition based on parametric 3D human body reconstruction and virtual posture synthesis
* Robust face recognition based on dynamic rank representation
* ROC representation for the discriminability of multi-classification markers
* Segmentation of overlapping cells in cervical smears based on spatial relationship and Overlapping Translucency Light Transmission Model
* Signatures verification based on PNN classifier optimised by PSO algorithm
* Soft Hough Forest-ERTs: Generalized Hough Transform based object detection from soft-labelled training data
* Sparse conditional copula models for structured output regression
* Sparse exponential family Principal Component Analysis
* Sparse tree structured representation for re-identification
* Spatial contextual superpixel model for natural roadside vegetation classification
* spatial domain scar removal strategy for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* Statistical graph space analysis
* Stochastic discretized learning-based weak estimation: A novel estimation method for non-stationary environments
* Structural nonparallel support vector machine for pattern recognition
* survey on curvilinear object segmentation in multiple applications, A
* Symmetry-aware graph matching
* Towards hand gesture based writing support system for blinds
* Towards parameter-independent data clustering and image segmentation
* Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recognition
* Unsupervised feature learning with C-SVDDNet
* Visual attention based on a joint perceptual space of color and brightness for improved video tracking
* ZebraRecognizer: Pedestrian crossing recognition for people with visual impairment or blindness
83 for PR(60)

PR(61) * *Biennial Pattern Recognition Journal Awards 2013 and 2014
* adaptive local binary pattern for 3D hand tracking, An
* Adaptive maximum margin analysis for image recognition
* approach for detecting and cleaning of struck-out handwritten text, An
* Approaching the computational color constancy as a classification problem through deep learning
* Bacterial colony counting with Convolutional Neural Networks in Digital Microbiology Imaging
* Class sparsity signature based Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* collection of challenging motion segmentation benchmark datasets, A
* Convolutional covariance features: Conception, integration and performance in person re-identification
* decision cognizant Kullback-Leibler divergence, A
* Designing multi-label classifiers that maximize F measures: State of the art
* Discriminant Deep Belief Network for High-Resolution SAR Image Classification
* Discriminative sparse flexible manifold embedding with novel graph for robust visual representation and label propagation
* Editorial: Special Section on deep image and video understanding
* efficient semi-supervised representatives feature selection algorithm based on information theory, An
* Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets
* Expression-assisted facial action unit recognition under incomplete AU annotation
* Facial expression recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks: Coping with few data and the training sample order
* Hierarchical graph embedding in vector space by graph pyramid
* Improving the performance of pedestrian detectors using convolutional learning
* Influence of normalization and color space to color texture classification
* Joint sparse principal component analysis
* Lagrangian relaxation graph matching
* Learning Coupled Classifiers with RGB images for RGB-D object recognition
* Learning scale-variant and scale-invariant features for deep image classification
* LLNet: A deep autoencoder approach to natural low-light image enhancement
* Local line directional pattern for palmprint recognition
* Matrix exponential based semi-supervised discriminant embedding for image classification
* Maximum-likelihood approximate nearest neighbor method in real-time image recognition
* MDID: A Multiply Distorted Image Database for Image Quality Assessment
* Motion segment decomposition of RGB-D sequences for human behavior understanding
* MREKLM: A fast multiple empirical kernel learning machine
* Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for lung nodule malignancy suspiciousness classification
* multi-expert based framework for automatic image annotation, A
* Multi-scale volumes for deep object detection and localization
* Multimodal deep learning for solar radio burst classification
* new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection and recognition in Marathon images, A
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: A comprehensive study and new benchmark
* Palmprint recognition with Local Micro-structure Tetra Pattern
* partial Hadamard transform approach to the design of cancelable fingerprint templates containing binary biometric representations, A
* Pattern recognition and classification of two cancer cell lines by diffraction imaging at multiple pixel distances
* Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
* Re-identification by neighborhood structure metric learning
* Recognizing arbitrarily connected and superimposed handwritten numerals in intangible writing interfaces
* Robust human activity recognition from depth video using spatiotemporal multi-fused features
* Robust multi-source adaptation visual classification using supervised low-rank representation
* Robust noise region-based active contour model via local similarity factor for image segmentation
* Selective ensemble of SVDDs with Renyi entropy based diversity measure
* Semi-supervised double sparse graphs based discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Social network model for crowd anomaly detection and localization
* Towards better exploiting convolutional neural networks for remote sensing scene classification
* Uncertainty characterization of the orthogonal Procrustes problem with arbitrary covariance matrices
* Unsupervised saliency-guided SAR image change detection
* variety of local structure patterns and their hybridization for accurate eye detection, A
54 for PR(61)

PR(62) * Approximate string matching: A lightweight approach to recognize gestures with Kinect
* biclustering approach based on factor graphs and the max-sum algorithm, A
* Collaborative probabilistic labels for face recognition from single sample per person
* Combining local and global: Rich and robust feature pooling for visual recognition
* EnKF-based scheme to optimize hyper-parameters and features for SVM classifier, An
* KRNN: k Rare-class Nearest Neighbour classification
* Local binary features for texture classification: Taxonomy and experimental study
* Modification of supervised OPF-based intrusion detection systems using unsupervised learning and social network concept
* new approach for face hallucination based on a two-dimensional direct combined model, A
* novel learning-based dissimilarity metric for rigid and non-rigid medical image registration by using Bhattacharyya Distances, A
* Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneous dictionary learning
* Regularized coplanar discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Semantic annotation for complex video street views based on 2D-3D multi-feature fusion and aggregated boosting decision forests
* spoof resistant multibiometric system based on the physiological and behavioral characteristics of fingerprint, A
* Surface geodesic pattern for 3D deformable texture matching
* Synthetic aperture photography using a moving camera-IMU system
* Trajectory aligned features for first person action recognition
17 for PR(62)

PR(63) * Accurate recognition of words in scenes without character segmentation using recurrent neural network
* Automated segmentation and area estimation of neural foramina with boundary regression model
* Automatic cystocele severity grading in transperineal ultrasound by random forest regression
* Beyond OCR: Multi-faceted understanding of handwritten document characteristics
* Brain Atlas Fusion from High-Thickness Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Images by Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* BundleMAP: Anatomically localized classification, regression, and hypothesis testing in diffusion MRI
* Color perception of diffusion tensor images using hierarchical manifold learning
* Comparing two classes of end-to-end machine-learning models in lung nodule detection and classification: MTANNs vs. CNNs
* dense flow-based framework for real-time object registration under compound motion, A
* Dense registration of fingerprints
* Dependent nonparametric bayesian group dictionary learning for online reconstruction of dynamic MR images
* Ensemble clustering based on weighted co-association matrices: Error bound and convergence properties
* Extracting contrast-filled vessels in X-ray angiography by graduated RPCA with motion coherency constraint
* Eye tracking data guided feature selection for image classification
* Fast and robust image segmentation with active contours and Student's-t mixture model
* Fusing landmark-based features at kernel level for face recognition
* Group-constrained manifold learning: Application to AD risk assessment
* HEp-2 Staining Pattern Recognition Using Stacked Fisher Network for Encoding Weber Local Descriptor
* Heterogeneous data analysis: Online learning for medical-image-based diagnosis
* Hierarchical deep neural network for multivariate regression
* High-precision bicycle detection on single side-view image based on the geometric relationship
* Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction by Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Classification
* Image set classification based on cooperative sparse representation
* Improvements to the TCVD method to segment hand-drawn sketches
* Indexing and mining large-scale neuron databases using maximum inner product search
* Joint hypergraph learning and sparse regression for feature selection
* Joint representation classification for collective face recognition
* Joint volumetric extraction and enhancement of vasculature from low-SNR 3-D fluorescence microscopy images
* LAT: Local area transform for cross modal correspondence matching
* Lip segmentation based on Lambertian shadings and morphological operators for hyper-spectral images
* Machine learning in medical imaging
* Machine Learning on High Dimensional Shape Data from Subcortical Brain Surfaces: A Comparison of Feature Selection and Classification Methods
* Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition for reconstruction of under-sampled dynamic MRI
* Multi-feature based benchmark for cervical dysplasia classification evaluation
* Multi-label methods for prediction with sequential data
* Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for placental maturity staging
* Multi-modal classification of Alzheimer's disease using nonlinear graph fusion
* Multi-modal multiple kernel learning for accurate identification of Tourette syndrome children
* new distance measure for non-identical data with application to image classification, A
* Noise robust image edge detection based upon the automatic anisotropic Gaussian kernels
* Non-rigid free-form 2D-3D registration using a B-spline-based statistical deformation model
* Nonlinear Feature Transformation and Deep Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Staging Analysis
* novel pixel neighborhood differential statistic feature for pedestrian and face detection, A
* novel spectral-spatial co-training algorithm for the transductive classification of hyperspectral imagery data, A
* Objective clinical gait analysis using inertial sensors and six minute walking test
* Performance measures for classification systems with rejection
* Probabilistic class structure regularized sparse representation graph for semi-supervised hyperspectral image classification
* Quantum-behaved discrete multi-objective particle swarm optimization for complex network clustering
* Representative Selection with Structured Sparsity
* Restricted set classification: Who is there?
* Robust multi-atlas label propagation by deep sparse representation
* Robust semi-supervised least squares classification by implicit constraints
* Robust support vector machines based on the rescaled hinge loss function
* RODEO: Robust DE-aliasing autoencOder for real-time medical image reconstruction
* Semi-supervised learning and graph cuts for consensus based medical image segmentation
* Sequential dimensionality reduction for extracting localized features
* Staff removal using image operator learning
* Stochastic shadow detection using a hypergraph partitioning approach
* Subject-adaptive Integration of Multiple SICE Brain Networks with Different Sparsity
* Supervoxel Classification Forests for Estimating Pairwise Image Correspondences
* Writer identification using curvature-free features
* Writer Identification Using GMM Supervectors and Exemplar-SVMs
62 for PR(63)

PR(64) * Are all objects equal? Deep spatio-temporal importance prediction in driving videos
* Bayesian background models for keyword spotting in handwritten documents
* Cancellable iris template generation based on Indexing-First-One hashing
* Category-specific object segmentation via unsupervised discriminant shape
* Color texture image retrieval based on Gaussian copula models of Gabor wavelets
* comprehensive survey of mostly textual document segmentation algorithms since 2008, A
* Constructing Deep Sparse Coding Network for image classification
* Contribution of recurrent connectionist language models in improving LSTM-based Arabic text recognition in videos
* Coupled Hidden Markov Random Field model for simultaneous face clustering and tracking in videos, A
* Decision Pyramid Classifier for Face Recognition Under Complex Variations Using Single Sample Per Person
* Diversified dictionaries for multi-instance learning
* dynamic framework based on local Zernike moment and motion history image for facial expression recognition, A
* efficient approach for Interactive Sequential Pattern Recognition, An
* Efficient temporal pattern recognition by means of dissimilarity space embedding with discriminative prototypes
* Generalized symmetric pair model for action classification in still images
* Hierarchically Supervised Deconvolutional Network for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Joint occlusion boundary detection and figure/ground assignment by extracting common-fate fragments in a back-projection scheme
* Keypoints-based surface representation for 3D modeling and 3D object recognition
* Learning graph affinities for spectral graph-based salient object detection
* Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action recognition
* method of anomaly detection and fault diagnosis with online adaptive learning under small training samples, A
* multi-kernel based framework for heterogeneous feature selection and over-sampling for computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules, A
* Multi-manifold matrix decomposition for data co-clustering
* Neural Bag-of-Features learning
* novel graph-based optimization framework for salient object detection, A
* Online growing neural GAS for anomaly detection in changing surveillance scenes
* Optic disc segmentation based on variational model with multiple energies
* robust approach for object matching and classification using Partial Dominant Orientation Descriptor, A
* SAR Image segmentation based on convolutional-wavelet neural network and markov random field
* simple weighted thresholding method for the segmentation of pigmented skin lesions in macroscopic images, A
* Singular value decomposition and local near neighbors for face recognition under varying illumination
* Sparse embedded dictionary learning on face recognition
* Supervised distance metric learning through maximization of the Jeffrey divergence
* Survey on semi-supervised feature selection methods, A
* Weakly supervised vehicle detection in satellite images via multi-instance discriminative learning
* What is the best way for extracting meaningful attributes from pictures?
36 for PR(64)

PR(65) * application of chain code-based local descriptor and its extension to face recognition, An
* approach to detecting JPEG down-recompression and seam carving forgery under recompression anti-forensics, An
* Automatic mineral identification using color tracking
* Computation of heterogeneous object co-embeddings from relational measurements
* Deep linear discriminant analysis on fisher networks: A hybrid architecture for person re-identification
* Efficient classification with sparsity augmented collaborative representation
* Explaining Nonlinear Classification Decisions with Deep Taylor Decomposition
* Fast hand posture classification using depth features extracted from random line segments
* Feature and label relation modeling for multiple-facial action unit classification and intensity estimation
* Graph formulation of video activities for abnormal activity recognition
* Ground truth bias in external cluster validity indices
* HEp-2 cell classification with Vector of Hierarchically Aggregated Residuals
* Improving handwritten Chinese text recognition using neural network language models and convolutional neural network shape models
* Local part chamfer matching for shape-based object detection
* Locality-constrained max-margin sparse coding
* Parametric methods for comparing the performance of two classification algorithms evaluated by k-fold cross validation on multiple data sets
* Person re-identification by unsupervised video matching
* Point correspondence by a new third order graph matching algorithm
* Selective Weakly Supervised Human Detection under Arbitrary Poses
* Signature alignment based on GMM for on-line signature verification
* Sparse 3D directional vertices vs continuous 3D curves: Efficient 3D surface matching and its application for single model face recognition
* survey on image-based insect classification, A
* TOLDI: An effective and robust approach for 3D local shape description
* Variational method for joint optical flow estimation and edge-aware image restoration
* Voronoï region-based adaptive unsupervised color image segmentation
25 for PR(65)

PR(66) * Attributes driven tracklet-to-tracklet person re-identification using latent prototypes space mapping
* Automatic detection and classification of the ceramic tiles' surface defects
* Complex networks driven salient region detection based on superpixel segmentation
* D2C: Deep cumulatively and comparatively learning for human age estimation
* Deep learning and mapping based ternary change detection for information unbalanced images
* DeepSafeDrive: A grammar-aware driver parsing approach to Driver Behavioral Situational Awareness (DB-SAW)
* Design of Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates with Zoned Minutia Pairs
* Diagnosing deep learning models for high accuracy age estimation from a single image
* Discriminative multi-scale sparse coding for single-sample face recognition with occlusion
* Diversity induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
* Editorial: Special issue on ubiquitous biometrics
* effect of spatial information characterization on 3D local feature descriptors: A quantitative evaluation, The
* Fine-grained face verification: FGLFW database, baselines, and human-DCMN partnership
* Finger-vein image matching based on adaptive curve transformation
* general subspace ensemble learning framework via totally-corrective boosting and tensor-based and local patch-based extensions for gait recognition, A
* Globally consistent alignment for planar mosaicking via topology analysis
* Granger Causality Driven AHP for Feature Weighted kNN
* Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
* Illumination invariant single face image recognition under heterogeneous lighting condition
* Improving texture analysis performance in biometrics by adjusting image sharpness
* Inexact implementation using Krylov subspace methods for large scale exponential discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensionality reduction problems
* JCLMM: A finite mixture model for clustering of circular-linear data and its application to psoriatic plaque segmentation
* Joint and collaborative representation with local adaptive convolution feature for face recognition with single sample per person
* Joint learning sparsifying linear transformation for low-resolution image synthesis and recognition
* k-MS: A novel clustering algorithm based on morphological reconstruction
* Learning discriminative binary codes for finger vein recognition
* Learning discriminative trajectorylet detector sets for accurate skeleton-based action recognition
* Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representations for Face Recognition with Occlusion
* Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Multi-instance dictionary learning via multivariate performance measure optimization
* Multi-task and multi-kernel Gaussian process dynamical systems
* Multi-task mid-level feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* Nonlinear Feature Transformation and Deep Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Staging Analysis
* Pose-invariant face recognition with homography-based normalization
* Regularized max-min linear discriminant analysis
* Robust facial landmark tracking via cascade regression
* SCLS: Multi-label feature selection based on scalable criterion for large label set
* Spectral attribute learning for visual regression
* Subspace clustering guided unsupervised feature selection
* Text/Non-Text Image Classification in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks
* weakly supervised method for makeup-invariant face verification, A
41 for PR(66)

PR(67) * Accurate object detection using memory-based models in surveillance scenes
* Building statistical shape spaces for 3D human modeling
* Clustering nominal data using unsupervised binary decision trees: Comparisons with the state of the art methods
* Comments on 'fast computation of jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image recognition'
* Consistent multi-layer subtask tracker via hyper-graph regularization
* Discriminative multi-layer illumination-robust feature extraction for face recognition
* Discriminative Pose-Free Descriptors for Face and Object Matching
* Edge detection using G-lets based on matrix factorization by group representations
* Efficient 3D morphable face model fitting
* Emotion recognition from scrambled facial images via many graph embedding
* faster cutting plane algorithm with accelerated line search for linear SVM, A
* Fingerprint indexing based on minutiae pairs and convex core point
* Fusion of spatial-temporal and kinematic features for gait recognition with deterministic learning
* Granular multi-label feature selection based on mutual information
* Hierarchical learning of multi-task sparse metrics for large-scale image classification
* ICA based on asymmetry
* Improving patch-based scene text script identification with ensembles of conjoined networks
* joint cascaded framework for simultaneous eye detection and eye state estimation, A
* Learning completed discriminative local features for texture classification
* Local binary circumferential and radial derivative pattern for texture classification
* local start search algorithm to compute exact Hausdorff Distance for arbitrary point sets, A
* Low rank representation with adaptive distance penalty for semi-supervised subspace classification
* Minkowski central partition as a pointer to a suitable distance exponent and consensus partitioning, The
* Multi-biometric template protection based on Homomorphic Encryption
* Multiple object cues for high performance vector quantization
* new maximum relevance-minimum multicollinearity (MRmMC) method for feature selection and ranking, A
* novel active contour model based on modified symmetric cross entropy for remote sensing river image segmentation, A
* Pedestrian recognition in multi-camera networks using multilevel important salient feature and multicategory incremental learning
* Person re-identification by multiple instance metric learning with impostor rejection
* PSI: Patch-Based Script Identification Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Sparse coding based orientation estimation for latent fingerprints
* Unified subspace learning for incomplete and unlabeled multi-view data
* Weighted linear loss multiple birth support vector machine based on information granulation for multi-class classification
33 for PR(67)

PR(68) * Content based image retrieval with sparse representations and local feature descriptors: A comparative study
* Do less and achieve more: Training CNNs for action recognition utilizing action images from the Web
* Dynamic graph fusion label propagation for semi-supervised multi-modality classification
* Editorial for special section of video analytics with deep learning
* Enhanced skeleton visualization for view invariant human action recognition
* Ensemble based deep networks for image super-resolution
* Exploiting superpixel and hybrid hash for kernel-based visual tracking
* Fast alignment for sparse representation based face recognition
* Fractals Based Multi-Oriented Text Detection System for Recognition in Mobile Video Images
* Fuzzy model-based clustering and its application in image segmentation
* Generic performance measure for multiclass-classifiers
* hybrid method for ellipse detection in industrial images, A
* Instance cloned extreme learning machine
* Lighting-aware face frontalization for unconstrained face recognition
* matched subspace detector with interaction effects, The
* Maximum a posteriori estimation method for aorta localization and coronary seed identification
* Multi-layer multi-view topic model for classifying advertising video
* Optimal mean two-dimensional principal component analysis with F-norm minimization
* Robust face recognition with structural binary gradient patterns
* Semi-supervised manifold-embedded hashing with joint feature representation and classifier learning
* Sparse transfer for facial shape-from-shading
* Success based locally weighted Multiple Kernel combination
* Support vector machine classifier with truncated pinball loss
* survey of document image word spotting techniques, A
* Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting
* Towards complex activity recognition using a Bayesian network-based probabilistic generative framework
* Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation through fuzzy entropy maximization
27 for PR(68)

PR(69) * Adjusted weight voting algorithm for random forests in handling missing values
* Clustering ensemble selection for categorical data based on internal validity indices
* Deep, dense and accurate 3D face correspondence for generating population specific deformable models
* Development of a clinically oriented system for melanoma diagnosis
* Dynamic ensembles of exemplar-SVMs for still-to-video face recognition
* Dynamic multi-level appearance models and adaptive clustered decision trees for single target tracking
* Error estimation based on variance analysis of k-fold cross-validation
* Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines
* Feature learning via partial differential equation with applications to face recognition
* FRSVC: Towards making support vector clustering consume less
* Human identification based on temporal lifting using 5/3 wavelet filters and radon transform
* Illumination-insensitive image representation via synergistic weighted center-surround receptive field model and Weber law
* Learning discriminated and correlated patches for multi-view object detection using sparse coding
* Multi-criteria handwriting quality analysis with online fuzzy models
* Multi-manifold matrix decomposition for data co-clustering
* Multiple depth layers and all-in-focus image generations by blurring and deblurring operations
* Notes on shape based tools for treating the objects ellipticity issues
* Object proposal with kernelized partial ranking
* parameter randomization approach for constructing classifier ensembles, A
* Regularized 2-D complex-log spectral analysis and subspace reliability analysis of micro-Doppler signature for UAV detection
* Retinal vessel delineation using a brain-inspired wavelet transform and random forest
* Robust visual tracking via co-trained Kernelized correlation filters
* Towards contactless palmprint recognition: A novel device, a new benchmark, and a collaborative representation based identification approach
* Two-view underwater 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under flat refractive interfaces
* Unsupervised shape discovery using synchronized spectral networks
* Withdrawn: Fast compressive tracking with robust example selection based on multiple instance learning in smart and autonomous systems
26 for PR(69)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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