JVCIR( Vol No. )
* *Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
* Attentive Transmission
* Gramians, Generalized Inverses, and the Least-Squares Approximation of Optical Flow
* Image Representation of Moving Nonrigid Objects
* Metrics for the Strength of Low-Level Motion Perception
* Morphological Segmentation
* Semiregular Image Grid, A
* Toward The Unsupervised Interpretation Of Outdoor Imagery
7 for JVCIR(1)
* Application of H.263+ Video Coding Modes in Lossy Packet Network Environments
* Call Admission for MPEG Video Streams
* Color Filter Arrays Based on Mutually Exclusive Blue Noise Patterns
* Data Allocation and Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Video Storage Server
* Design and Performance Analysis of Linear Phase Para-Unitary M Band Filter Banks for Image Coding
* Drawing Nice Projections of Objects in Space
* Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Image Features for Image Retrieval, An
* Illumination Invariance and Object Model in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
* Image Retrieval: Current Techniques, Promising Directions, and Open Issues
* Indexing and Retrieval Mechanism for Complex Similarity Queries in Image Databases, An
* Isometry-Based Shape-Adaptive Fractal Coding for Images
* Object-Based Very Low Bit-Rate Coding Using Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Multiple Frame Prediction
* On Reversible Skeletonization Using Anchor-Points from Distance Transforms
* On the Geometries of Conic Section Representation of Noisy Object Boundaries
* Progressive Video Coding for Noisy Channels
* Rate-Constrained Hierarchical Grid Interpolation for Object-Based Motion Compensation, A
* Rotation, Translation, and Scale-Invariant Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Sketch-Based Image Queries in Topographic Databases
* Some Modifications of Gradient Weighted Filters
* Survey on the Automatic Indexing of Video Data, A
* Web-Based Secure System for the Distributed Printing of Documents and Images, A
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* 3D hand reconstruction via aggregating intra and inter graphs guided by prior knowledge for hand-object interaction scenario
* 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learning-based single image dehazing, A
* Adapting projection-based LiDAR semantic segmentation to natural domains
* AI-assisted deepfake detection using adaptive blind image watermarking
* Audio-visual saliency prediction for movie viewing in immersive environments: Dataset and benchmarks
* Blind image quality assessment with semi-supervised learning
* COC-UFGAN: Underwater image enhancement based on color opponent compensation and dual-subnet underwater fusion generative adversarial network
* convolutional neural network based on noise residual for seam carving detection, A
* DAGNet: Depth-aware Glass-like objects segmentation via cross-modal attention
* deep audio-visual model for efficient dynamic video summarization, A
* Dense-sparse representation matters: A point-based method for volumetric medical image segmentation
* DU-Net: A new double U-shaped network for single image dehazing
* Dual branch Transformer-CNN parametric filtering network for underwater image enhancement
* Dual contrastive attention-guided deformable convolutional network for single image super-resolution
* Dual-branch collaborative transformer for effective image deraining
* Edge fusion back projection GAN for large scale face super resolution
* Efficient object tracking on edge devices with MobileTrack
* FFLDGA-Net: Image retrieval method based on Feature Fusion Learnable Descriptor Graph Attention Network
* Fine-grained image classification based on TinyVit object location and graph convolution network
* GaitGMT: Global feature mapping transformer for gait recognition
* GoLDFormer: A global-local deformable window transformer for efficient image restoration
* Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object detection
* Integrating category-related key regions with a dual-stream network for remote sensing scene classification
* keypoints-motion-based landmark transfer method for face reenactment, A
* Learn to enhance the low-light image via a multi-exposure generation and fusion method
* Lightweight Patch-Wise Casformer for dynamic scene deblurring
* LIIS: Low-light image instance segmentation
* Locality-constraint Representation with Minkowski distance metric for an effective Face Hallucination
* MP2PMatch: A Mask-guided Part-to-Part Matching network based on transformer for occluded person re-identification
* Multi-Frequency Field Perception and Sparse Progressive Network for low-light image enhancement
* Multi-level feature enhancement network for object detection in sonar images
* Multi-scale features and attention guided for brain tumor segmentation
* multi-view references image super-resolution framework for generating the large-FOV and high-resolution image, A
* Non-iterative reversible information hiding in the secret sharing domain
* Occupancy map-based low complexity motion prediction for video-based point cloud compression
* Omni-supervised shadow detection with vision foundation model
* Privacy-preserving face recognition method based on extensible feature extraction
* Progressive feature fusion for SNR-aware low-light image enhancement
* SegIns: A simple extension to instance discrimination task for better localization learning
* simple transformer-based baseline for crowd tracking with Sequential Feature Aggregation and Hybrid Group Training, A
* Size-invariant two-in-one image secret sharing scheme based on gray mixing model
* Spatiotemporal feature learning for no-reference gaming content video quality assessment
* TransGANomaly: Transformer based Generative Adversarial Network for Video Anomaly Detection
* Unsupervised single image dehazing: A contour approach
* Unveiling tampering traces: Enhancing image reconstruction errors for visualization
* Using Mixture of Experts to accelerate dataset distillation
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* 3D hand pose estimation and reconstruction based on multi-feature fusion
* 6-DoF grasp estimation method that fuses RGB-D data based on external attention
* Adaptive HEVC video steganograhpy based on PU partition modes
* Blind cartoon image quality assessment based on local structure and chromatic statistics
* Category-based depth incorporation for salient object ranking
* Convolution-transformer blend pyramid network for underwater image enhancement
* Dual-domain joint optimization for universal JPEG steganography
* Few-shot defect classification via feature aggregation based on graph neural network
* FSRDiff: A fast diffusion-based super-resolution method using GAN
* Heterogeneity constrained color ellipsoid prior image dehazing algorithm
* Image dehazing using non-local haze-lines and multi-exposure fusion
* iMVS: Integrating multi-view information on multiple scales for 3D object recognition
* Lightweight JPEG image steganalysis using dilated blind-spot network
* Mask-Guided Discriminative Feature Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Maximum open-set entropy optimization via uncertainty measure for universal domain adaptation
* MCT-VHD: Multi-modal contrastive transformer for video highlight detection
* Memory-guided representation matching for unsupervised video anomaly detection
* Multi-hop graph transformer network for 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-scale recurrent attention gated fusion network for single image dehazing
* novel extended secret image sharing scheme based on sharing matrix, A
* On the use of GNN-based structural information to improve CNN-based semantic image segmentation
* Patch-based tendency camera multi-constraint learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhancement for color images
* review on infrared and visible image fusion algorithms based on neural networks, A
* Scientific mapping and bibliometric analysis of research advancements in underwater image enhancement
* self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked image modeling and contrastive learning, A
* Structure based transmission estimation in single image dehazing
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation based on superpixel affinity
* YOLO-Ships: Lightweight ship object detection based on feature enhancement
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* AFINet: Camouflaged object detection via Attention Fusion and Interaction Network
* BSNet: A bilateral real-time semantic segmentation network based on multi-scale receptive fields
* Dense-sparse representation matters: A point-based method for volumetric medical image segmentation
* Distance-based feature repack algorithm for video coding for machines
* dual-branch infrared and visible image fusion network using progressive image-wise feature transfer, A
* dual-branch residual network for inhomogeneous dehazing, A
* Dual-stream mutually adaptive quality assessment for authentic distortion image
* Efficient 2D transform hardware architecture for the versatile video coding standard
* Efficient random-access GPU video decoding for light-field rendering
* Learning degradation priors for reliable no-reference image quality assessment
* Medical image classification: Knowledge transfer via residual U-Net and vision transformer-based teacher-student model with knowledge distillation
* MSTG: Multi-Scale Transformer with Gradient for joint spatio-temporal enhancement
* Offline writer identification approach using moment features and high-order correlation functions
* P-NOC: Adversarial training of CAM generating networks for robust weakly supervised semantic segmentation priors
* PileNet: A high-and-low pass complementary filter with multi-level feature refinement for salient object detection
* Pixel-wise low-light image enhancement based on metropolis theorem
* Shift-insensitive perceptual feature of quadratic sum of gradient magnitude and LoG signals for image quality assessment and image classification
* Transferable adversarial attack on image tampering localization
* Transformer-Based adversarial network for semi-supervised face sketch synthesis
* Unknown Sample Selection and Discriminative Classifier Learning for Generalized Category Discovery
* Unsupervised video summarization with adversarial graph-based attention network
* X-CDNet: A real-time crosswalk detector based on YOLOX
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* 3D Shape Inferencing and Modeling for Video Retrieval
* Active Contours without Edges for Vector-Valued Images
* Adaptive Finite Element Method for Large Scale Image Processing, An
* Applications of Locally Orderless Images
* Blur and Disorder
* Haar Wavelet Approach to Compressed Image Quality Measurement, A
* Hausdorff Dimension and Scale-Space Normalization of Natural Images, The
* Image Compression Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
* Interresolution Look-up Table for Improved Spatial Magnification of Image
* Nonlinear Scale-Space Representation with Morphological Levelings
* Postprocessing of Compressed 3D Graphic Data
* Qualitative Multiscale Feature Hierarchies for Object Tracking
* Reconciling Distance Functions and Level Sets
* Region-Based Video Coding Using a Geometric Motion Compensation
* Riemannian Drums, Anisotropic Curve Evolution, and Segmentation
* Robust 3D Clue-Based Video Segmentation for Video Indexing
* Scale-Space from a Level Lines Tree
* Scale-Space Properties of Nonstationary Iterative Regularization Methods
* Searching Images on the Basis of Color Homogeneous Objects and their Spatial Relationship
* Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, Guest Editors' Comments
* Texture Recognition and Image Retrieval Using Gradient Indexing
* Two-Dimensional Adaptive Decimation and Interpolation Scheme for Low Bit-Rate Image Coding
* Video Transcoding with H.263 Bit-Streams
* VORTEX: Video Retrieval and Tracking from Compressed Multimedia Databases: Multiple Object Tracking from MPEG-2 Bit Stream
* VQ Based on a Main Feature Classification in Images
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* Automatic Moving Object Extraction toward Content-Based Video Representation and Indexing
* Automatic Shot Change Detection Algorithm Using Multi-stage Clustering for MPEG-Compressed Videos
* Content-Based Hybrid DPCM/Classified Vector Quantization for Coding Video Telephony Sequences
* Design and Evaluation of an Entirely Psychovisual-Based Coding Scheme
* Distortion Minimization with Fast Local Search for Fractal Image Compression
* Efficient Detection of Second-Degree Variations in 2D and 3D Images
* Efficient Motion Estimation and Coding for Arbitrary-Shaped Video Objects
* Encoding DCT Coefficients Based on Rate-Distortion Measurement
* Hausdorff Discretization for Cellular Distances and Its Relation to Cover and Supercover Discretizations
* Hurst Parameter Estimation of Long-Range Dependent VBR MPEG Video Traffic in ATM Networks
* Illumination Effect Descriptor for Video Sequences, An
* Nice Perspective Projections
* Nontexture Inpainting by Curvature-Driven Diffusions
* Novel Fast Block Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Combined Subsamplings on Pixels and Search Candidates, A
* Object-Based Shot Boundary Detection Using Edge Tracing and Tracking, An
* Oblivious Digital Watermarking Scheme with Blob-Oriented and Modular-Arithmetic-Based Spatial-Domain Mechanism
* On-line Scene Change Detection of Multicast Video
* Perception of High-Contrast Blurred Edges
* Robust Nonlinear Filtering Approach to Inverse Halftoning, A
* Segmentation of Perspective Textured Planes through the Ridges of Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Spatial Similarity Retrieval in Video Databases
* Total Variation Denoising and Enhancement of Color Images Based on the CB and HSV Color Models
* Using Browsing to Improve Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Video Segmentation in the Wavelet Compressed Domain
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* 3D Shape Reconstruction from Autostereograms and Stereo
* Adaptive Finite Volume Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations in Image Processing, An
* Algebraic Framework for Linear and Morphological Scale-Spaces
* Bayesian Level Sets for Image Segmentation
* Dense Disparity Map Estimation Respecting Image Discontinuities: A PDE and Scale-Space Based Approach
* Elastica with Hinges
* Entropy-Controlled Artificial Anisotropic Diffusion for the Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws Based on Algorithms from Image Processing
* Fully Global Approach to Image Segmentation via Coupled Curve Evolution Equations, A
* Geodesic Active Regions: A New Framework to Deal with Frame Partition Problems in Computer Vision
* Graph-Based Object Description for Information Retrieval in Digital Image and Video Libraries, A
* Image Recovery via Diffusion Tensor and Time-Delay Regularization
* Matching Structures by Computing Minimal Paths on a Manifold
* Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion I: Regular Points
* Monotonicity Enhancing Nonlinear Diffusion
* Multiresolution Video Coding Based on Kalman Filtering Motion Estimation
* New Method for Region-Based Depth Ordering in a Video Sequence: Application to Frame Interpolation, A
* New Side-Match Finite-State Vector Quantization Using Neural Networks for Image Coding, A
* On Computing General Position Views of Data in Three Dimensions
* Optimal Parameter Height Ridges
* Orientation Diffusion or How to Comb a Porcupine
* Perceptual Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Providing VCR Functionality in Multicast Video-on-Demand Systems Using Adaptive Batching
* Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Learning
* Scheme for Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion Filtering with Optimized Rotation Invariance, A
* Shape Recovery by Diffusion Generated Motion
* Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics
* Surface Evolution under Curvature Flows
* Variational Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Arising in Image Processing
28 for JVCIR(13)
* 3D target recognition based on projective invariant relationships
* accurate bit-rate control algorithm for video transcoding, An
* Algorithms of halftoning color images with edge enhancement
* Analysis of image registration noise due to rotationally dependent aliasing
* bit allocation scheme for a class of embedded wavelet video encoders, A
* Blocking artifact reduction in compressed images based on edge-adaptive quadrangle meshes
* CA-based edge operator and its performance evaluation, A
* Combining positive and negative examples in relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* comparative study of curvature scale space and Fourier descriptors for shape-based image retrieval, A
* effective mesh-based motion compensation technique for video coding, An
* Efficient block-based video encoder embedding a Wiener filter for noisy video sequences
* Efficient error localization and temporal concealment based on motion estimation of enlarged block
* Error prevention and concealment for scalable video coding with dual-priority transmission
* Fast algorithms for color image processing by principal component analysis
* Hybrid global-local motion compensated frame interpolation for low bit rate video coding
* Image watermarking using tree-based spatial-frequency feature of wavelet transform
* Incremental modifications of segmented image defined by discrete maps
* Indexing and retrieval of images by spatial constraints
* Modeling of subband coefficients for clustering-based adaptive quantization with spatial constraints
* New two-phase spatial data structures with applications to binary images
* On the preview of digital movies
* quadtree-based representation technique for indexing and retrieval of image databases, A
* Reduced complexity Retinex algorithm via the variational approach
* Super-resolution reconstruction using spatio-temporal filtering
* Survey of compressed-domain features used in audio-visual indexing and analysis
* Systolic array architectures for computation of the discrete wavelet transform
* Visual attention for region of interest coding in JPEG 2000
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* Adaptive partial distortion search for block motion estimation
* Automatic generation of conference video proceedings
* Bridging the semantic gap in sports video retrieval and summarization
* Colour and Texture Segmentation Using Wavelet Frame Analysis, Deterministic Relaxation, and Fast Marching Algorithms
* Combining a morphological interpolation approach with a surface reconstruction method for the 3-D representation of tomographic data
* Content-based retrieval for human motion data
* discrete particle swarm algorithm for optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* Embedded colour image coding for content-based retrieval
* error resilient coding scheme for H.26L video transmission based on data embedding, An
* Evaluation of shape similarity measurement methods for spine X-ray images
* Framework for measurement of the intensity of motion activity of video segments
* Human factors in color-based image retrieval: An empirical study on size estimate accuracies
* Integrated use of different content derivation techniques within a multimedia database management system
* lifting based system for compression and classification trade off in the JPEG2000 framework, A
* Mapping colour in image stitching applications
* Modified Hausdorff distance for model-based 3-D object recognition from a single view
* Multimedia database management systems
* new adaptive search strategy for fast block based motion estimation algorithms, A
* new cut detection algorithm with constant false-alarm ratio for video segmentation, A
* On supervision and statistical learning for semantic multimedia analysis
* Organizing a personal image collection with statistical model-based ICL clustering on spatio-temporal camera phone meta-data
* Perceptual dithering for octave subband image coding
* Progressive encoding of binary voxel models using pyramidal decomposition
* Real-time view recognition and event detection for sports video
* Restoration of differential images for enhancement of compressed video
* Tissue separation in MR images: From supervised to unsupervised classification
* Transform domain inter-block interleaving schemes for robust image and video transmission in ATM networks
* Video personalization and summarization system for usage environment
* visualizing application of line integral convolution techniques, A
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* Adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment with embedded side information
* Automatic extraction of moving objects for head-shoulder video sequence
* Benefits and costs of scalable video coding for internet streaming
* Block-based motion field segmentation for video coding
* Content-aware error-resilient transcoding using prioritized intra-refresh for video streaming
* Detecting and matching feature points
* Enhancement layer rate control for high bitrate SNR scalable video coding
* Enhancement of image watermark retrieval based on genetic algorithms
* error resilient coding scheme for H.264/AVC video transmission based on data embedding, An
* fast efficient restoration algorithm for high-noise image filtering with adaptive approach, A
* Fast fractal coding of subbands using a non-iterative block clustering
* Foveation embedded DCT domain video transcoding
* hierarchical video-on-demand system with double-rate batching, A
* High quality, low delay foveated visual communications over mobile channels
* hybrid error concealment scheme for MPEG-2 video transmission based on best neighborhood matching algorithm, A
* Joint mode selection and unequal error protection for bitplane coded video transmission over wireless channels
* Joint source-channel coding of GGD sources with allpass filtering source reshaping
* logic framework for active contours on multi-channel images, A
* Markov random field approach to region extraction using Tabu Search
* model for the assessment of watermark quality with regard to fidelity, A
* model-based adaptive motion estimation scheme using Renyi's entropy for wireless video, A
* MPEG video markup language and its applications to robust video transmission
* Multilayered protection of embedded video bitstreams over binary symmetric and packet erasure channels
* Novel fast color reduction algorithm for time-constrained applications
* On the foundations of vision modeling II. Mining of mirror symmetry of 2-D shapes
* Operational distortion-quantization curve-based bit allocation for smooth video quality
* Optimal projections onto grids and finite resolution images
* Packet video transmission over wireless channels with adaptive channel rate allocation
* Perceptual assessment of simulated print noise with random and periodic structure
* rate control scheme using Kalman filtering for H.263, A
* Real-time smoothing for network adaptive video streaming
* Robust video sequence retrieval using a novel object-based T2D-histogram descriptor
* Similarity retrieval of videos by using 3D C-string knowledge representation
* Special issue on visual communication in the ubiquitous era
* Split-domain video transmission protocol for video streaming over hybrid wired-wireless connections
* Technologies for 3D mesh compression: A survey
* VLC/FLC data partitioning with intra AC prediction disabled
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* Adaptive computation-aware scheme for software-based predictive block motion estimation
* Adaptive frame skipping based on spatio-temporal complexity for low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive rate control for H.264
* Appearance-based person recognition using color/path-length profile
* Approximating a set of points by a step function
* Automatic liver segmentation for volume measurement in CT Images
* Color image decomposition and restoration
* Combinatorial boundary of a 3D lattice point set
* Combining geometrical and textured information to perform image classification
* Comments on: Novel full-search schemes for speeding up image coding using vector quantization
* Computationally efficient filtered-backprojection algorithm for tomographic image reconstruction using Walsh transform
* Content-based image retrieval using association rule mining with soft relevance feedback
* Effective vehicle detection technique for traffic surveillance systems
* Efficient intra- and inter-mode selection algorithms for H.264/ AVC
* Emergence of region-based transmission when computation is unconstrained
* Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard
* error resilient coding scheme for JPEG image transmission based on data embedding and side-match vector quantization, An
* Estimating the Euler Characteristic of a planar set from a digital image
* Evaluation and comparison of texture descriptors proposed in MPEG-7
* evolutionary blind image deconvolution algorithm through the pseudo-Wigner distribution, An
* extension of direct macroblock coding in Predictive (P) slices of the H.264 standard, An
* Fast exhaustive multi-resolution search algorithm based on clustering for efficient image retrieval
* Fast H.264 Intra-prediction mode selection using joint spatial and transform domain features
* Fast indexing method for image retrieval using k nearest neighbors searches by principal axis analysis
* Fast integer-pel and fractional-pel motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast motion estimation and Inter-mode decision for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding
* Fast motion search with efficient inter-prediction mode decision for H.264
* FGS enhancement layer truncation with reduced intra-frame quality variation
* Flexible macroblock ordering in H.264/AVC
* Forced intra refreshment method based on the propagation model of uncertainties in the reference pixels for H.264 streaming service
* hybrid gray image representation using spatial- and DCT-based approach with application to moment computation, A
* Image segmentation and filtering based on transformations with reconstruction criteria
* Implementation of H.264 encoder and decoder on personal computers
* Improved H.264 rate control by enhanced MAD-based frame complexity prediction
* improved H.264/AVC video encoding based on a new syntax element, An
* Indexing the aperture 3 hexagonal discrete global grid
* Interactive key frame selection model
* Invariant salient regions based image retrieval under viewpoint and illumination variations
* joint source and channel coding algorithm for error-resilient SPIHT-coded video bitstreams, A
* Layered H.264 video transmission with hierarchical QAM
* List-mode image reconstruction for real-time PET imaging
* Markov model fuzzy-reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation
* Morphological wavelet-based stereo image coders
* MPEG-2 stereoscopic video coding technique using adaptive bandwidth control
* Network performance analysis of advanced video coding schemes
* NMF, LNMF, and DNMF modeling of neural receptive fields involved in human facial expression perception
* Novel Frame-Level Bit Allocation Based on Two-Pass Video Encoding for Low Bit Rate Video Streaming Applications, A
* Overview of H.264/MPEG-4 part 10
* Particle swarm optimization for point pattern matching
* Perceptual quality and objective quality measurements of compressed videos
* POCS-based constrained total least squares algorithm for image restoration, A
* Progressive compression and transmission of PointTexture images
* proposed hardware reference model for spatial transformation and quantization in H.264, A
* quadratic prediction based fractional-pixel motion estimation algorithm for H.264, A
* Rate-constrained motion estimation using Kalman filter
* Rate-distortion-smoothness optimized rate allocation schemes for Spectral Fine Granular Scalable video coding technique
* Real-time image processing for active monitoring of wide areas
* Recognition of traffic signs based on their colour and shape features extracted using human vision models
* Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
* robust real-time video stabilization algorithm, A
* Scalable proxy caching algorithm minimizing client's buffer size and channel bandwidth
* Scene-adaptive video partitioning by semantic object tracking
* Similarity retrieval of shape images based on database classification
* Special issue on emerging H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Special issue: Real-time imaging
* Stitching of H.264 video streams for continuous presence multipoint videoconferencing
* Synthesising and reducing film grain
* Texture image retrieval and image segmentation using composite sub-band gradient vectors
* Thinning by Curvature Flow
* Trading off quality and complexity for a HVQ-based video codec on portable devices
* TV flow based local scale estimate and its application to texture discrimination, A
* Two error resilient coding schemes for wavelet-based image transmission based on data embedding and genetic algorithms
* Vector sigma filters for noise detection and removal in color images
* Video object tracking using adaptive Kalman filter
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* adaptive algorithm for the display of high-dynamic range images, An
* Adaptive dynamic range camera with reflective liquid crystal
* Analysis of sexual dimorphism in human face
* comparison of three total variation based texture extraction models, A
* Complexity controllable DCT for real-time H.264 encoder
* Displaying colourimetrically calibrated images on a high dynamic range display
* Efficient hybrid error concealment algorithm based on adaptive estimation scheme
* efficient PCA-based color transfer method, An
* Efficient updates of bounding sphere hierarchies for geometrically deformable models
* ENCARA2: Real-time detection of multiple faces at different resolutions in video streams
* Error resilient GOP structures on video streaming
* Evaluating tone mapping algorithms for rendering non-pictorial (scientific) high-dynamic-range images
* Fast and active texture segmentation based on orientation and local variance
* Fire detection using statistical color model in video sequences
* From two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion to coupled Haar wavelet shrinkage
* Grayscale true two-dimensional dictionary-based image compression
* iCAM06: A refined image appearance model for HDR image rendering
* Image decomposition combining staircase reduction and texture extraction
* Image restoration combining a total variational filter and a fourth-order filter
* Lossless recovery of a VQ index table with embedded secret data
* Near-infrared composite pattern projection for continuous motion hand-computer interaction
* NMF, LNMF, and DNMF modeling of neural receptive fields involved in human facial expression perception
* Noise reduction in high dynamic range imaging
* Nonparametric background generation
* novel approach to polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* optimized MPEG-21 BSDL framework for the adaptation of scalable bitstreams, An
* Painting in High Dynamic Range
* Photometric image processing for high dynamic range displays
* Position based dynamics
* Predictive vector quantization of 3-D mesh geometry by representation of vertices in local coordinate systems
* Prescription-based error concealment technique for video transmission on error-prone channels
* Rate-distortion analysis of leaky prediction based FGS video for constant quality constrained rate adaptation
* Real-time spatiotemporal segmentation of video objects in the H.264 compressed domain
* Robust video streaming over wireless LANs using multiple description transcoding and prioritized retransmission
* Scale multiplication in odd Gabor transform domain for edge detection
* Scene-based event detection for baseball videos
* Signal modeling for two-dimensional image structures
* Special issue on high dynamic range imaging
* Task-based evaluation of skin detection for communication and perceptual interfaces
* Text detection and restoration in natural scene images
* Two-layer coding algorithm for high dynamic range images based on luminance compensation
* Unsupervised Bayesian image segmentation using orthogonal series
* Unsupervised learning of a finite discrete mixture: Applications to texture modeling and image databases summarization
* Video transmission using advanced partial backward decodable bit stream (APBDBS)
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* 2D Wigner Distribution-based multisize windows technique for image fusion, A
* adaptive media playout for intra-media synchronization of networked-video applications, An
* Adaptive multi-modal stereo people tracking without background modelling
* Adaptive slice-level parallelism for H.264/AVC encoding using pre macroblock mode selection
* Advanced side information creation techniques and framework for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* alpha-Trimmed lexicographical extrema for pseudo-morphological image analysis
* Alternate motion-compensated prediction for error resilient video coding
* ARMOR: A system for adjusting repair and media scaling for video streaming
* As-rigid-as-possible shape deformation and interpolation
* Ball detection from broadcast soccer videos using static and dynamic features
* Bit-depth scalability compatible to H.264/avc-scalable extension
* Combining the rate adaptation and quality adaptation schemes for wireless video streaming
* Compression of facial images using the K-SVD algorithm
* Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for error resilience in wireless video transmission
* Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Design a deblocking filter with three separate modes in DCT-based coding
* Design options and comparison of in-network H.264/SVC adaptation
* Detection of visual attention regions in images using robust subspace analysis
* Dictionary based color image retrieval
* Dynamic computational complexity and bit allocation for optimizing H.264/AVC video compression
* Efficient edge-preserving algorithm for color contrast enhancement with application to color image segmentation
* Efficient multiple faces tracking based on Relevance Vector Machine and Boosting learning
* Exact image reconstruction from a limited number of projections
* Fast block mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC video coding
* Fast detection and removal of impulsive noise using peer groups and fuzzy metrics
* fast MPEG-7 dominant color extraction with new similarity measure for image retrieval, A
* Fast perceptual region tracking with coding-depth sensitive access for stream transcoding
* First-order modeling and stability analysis of illusory contours
* Foveation image coding with fuzzy-based joint parameter selection
* Geodesy on label images, and applications to video sequence processing
* Hardware implementation of a disparity estimation scheme for real-time compression in 3D imaging applications
* Hybrid layered video encoding and caching for resource constrained environments
* Just-noticeable difference estimation with pixels in images
* Maximum-throughput delivery of SVC-based video over MIMO systems with time-varying channel capacity
* method for representing 3D tree objects using chain coding, A
* Mining user hidden semantics from image content for image retrieval
* Novel efficient two-pass algorithm for closed polygonal approximation based on LISE and curvature constraint criteria
* novel image watermarking scheme against desynchronization attacks by SVR revision, A
* rate-distortion optimization model for SVC inter-layer encoding and bitstream extraction, A
* Rateless scalable video coding for overlay multisource streaming in MANETs
* Robust multiple description image coding over wireless networks based on wavelet tree coding, error resilient entropy coding, and error concealment
* Saliency model-based face segmentation and tracking in head-and-shoulder video sequences
* Side information estimation and new symmetric schemes for multi-view distributed video coding
* Special issue on resource-aware adaptive video streaming
* Study on the distribution of DCT residues and its application to R-D analysis of video coding
* Video quality and system resources: Scheduling two opponents
* Video summarisation: A conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art
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* 3D Structure Extraction Coding of Image Sequences
* Analog Computation Structure for Surface Reconstruction
* Application of the Hausdorff Metric in Gray-Scale Mathematical Morphology via Truncated Umbrae
* Binary Space Partitioning Tree Representation of Images
* Digital Coding Techniques for Visual Communications
* Improving the Translation Parameter Estimation of Linear Algorithms
* Localized Measurement of Image Fractal Dimension Using Gabor Filters
* Medial Axis Representation and Encoding of Scanned Documents
* Morphological Hit-or-Miss Transformation for Shape Recognition
* Neural Network-Based On-Line Chinese Character Recognition System, A
* On the Computation of a Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* On the Morphological Representation of Binary Images in a Noisy Environment
* Pel-Recursive Motion Field Estimation from Image Sequences
* Properties of Space-Time Sampling and the Extraction of the Optical Flow: The Effects of Motion Uncertainty, The
* Realistic Image Synthesis of a Deformable Living Thing Based on Motion Understanding
* Spatial Distributions from Contour Lines: An Efficient Methodology Based on Distance Transformations
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using Homocentric Spherical Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
* Variations on a Theme in Binary Mathematical Morphology
18 for JVCIR(2)
* 2D motion aided sampling and reconstruction
* Adapting quantization offset in multiple description coding for error resilient video transmission
* Adaptive video coding control for real-time H.264/AVC encoder
* Bilayer representation for three dimensional visual communication
* Blind blur assessment for vision-based applications
* critical examination of the assumptions used in dynamic allocation, A
* Demosaicing algorithms for area- and line-scan cameras in print inspection
* Efficient one-pass frame level rate control for H.264/AVC
* Efficient quadtree based block-shift filtering for deblocking and deringing
* Embedded lattices tree: An efficient indexing scheme for content based retrieval on image databases
* Error concealment of multi-view video sequences using inter-view and intra-view correlations
* error resilient video coding and transmission solution over error-prone channels, An
* Example-based image super-resolution with class-specific predictors
* Face detection and tracking using a Boosted Adaptive Particle Filter
* Face recognition using message passing based clustering method
* Fractal image compression based on spatial correlation and hybrid genetic algorithm
* Frame-level bit allocation based on incremental PID algorithm and frame complexity estimation
* Generating segmented meshes from textured color images
* genetic algorithm with chromosome-repairing for min-# and min-epsilon polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* Geometric matching for clip-art drawing retrieval
* Graph-based semi-supervised learning with multiple labels
* Interactive broadcast services for live soccer video based on instant semantics acquisition
* Iterative compensation schemes for multimedia content authentication
* Key views for visualizing large spaces
* Latent Style Model: Discovering writing styles for calligraphy works
* Moving object detection in the H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance applications
* N-Point Hough transform for line detection
* Neighbourhood preserving discriminant embedding in face recognition
* note on exact image reconstruction from a limited number of projections, A
* novel Fourier descriptor based image alignment algorithm for automatic optical inspection, A
* On emerging techniques for multimedia content sharing, search and understanding
* One-iteration dejittering of digital video images
* People detection and tracking with multiple stereo cameras using particle filters
* Personal content management system: A semantic approach
* Physics-based ball tracking and 3D trajectory reconstruction with applications to shooting location estimation in basketball video
* Point control of the interpolating curve with a rational cubic spline
* Query representation by structured concept threads with application to interactive video retrieval
* Real-time elliptical head contour detection under arbitrary pose and wide distance range
* Recovering high dynamic range by Multi-Exposure Retinex
* Region-based image retrieval using color-size features of watershed regions
* Reversible data hiding of a VQ index table based on referred counts
* Reversible information hiding for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding
* Robust image watermarking against local geometric attacks using multiscale block matching method
* Robust image watermarking using local Zernike moments
* Semantic clustering for region-based image retrieval
* SNR and temporal scalable coding of 3-D mesh sequences using singular value decomposition
* Subclass linear discriminant analysis for video-based face recognition
* Surface Function Actives
* Techniques for efficient and effective transformed image identification
* Textual description of shapes
* unified image retrieval framework on local visual and semantic concept-based feature spaces, A
* Variational denoising of partly textured images
* visible watermarking algorithm based on the content and contrast aware (COCOA) technique, A
* Wyner-Ziv-based bidirectionally decodable video coding
54 for JVCIR(20)
* 3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Wavelet Transform built into 2D SPIHT
* Activity-driven content adaptation for effective video summarization
* Adaptive resynchronization approach for scalable video over wireless channel
* Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image generation of FTV
* Augmented keyframe
* automated three-dimensional plus time registration framework for dynamic MR renography, An
* Boosting image object retrieval and indexing by automatically discovered pseudo-objects
* Braille document recognition using Belief Propagation
* Construction of isothetic covers of a digital object: A combinatorial approach
* Consumer photo management and browsing facilitated by near-duplicate detection with feature filtering
* CORS: A cooperative overlay routing service to enhance interactive multimedia communications
* Deblurring Poissonian images by split Bregman techniques
* Depth and depth-color coding using shape-adaptive wavelets
* Depth perceptual region-of-interest based multiview video coding
* Design and implementation of geo-tagged video search framework
* Detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and GPR images with a cepstral approach
* Discrete visual features modeling via leave-one-out likelihood estimation and applications
* dual quad-tree based variable block-size coding method, A
* Efficient hundreds-baseline stereo by counting interest points for moving omni-directional multi-camera system
* efficient motion vector composition algorithm for fast-forward playback in a video streaming system, An
* End-to-end optimized TCP-friendly rate control for real-time video streaming over wireless multi-hop networks
* fair optimization scheduling scheme for IEEE 802.16 networks in multimedia applications, A
* Fast Color Correction for Multi-View Video by Modeling Spatio-Temporal Variation
* Fast Interframe mode decision algorithm based on mode mapping and MB activity for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoding
* Fast segmentation of porcelain images based on texture features
* Flip visual cryptography (FVC) with perfect security, conditionally-optimal contrast, and no expansion
* Fractal curves to improve the reversible data embedding for VQ-indexes based on locally adaptive coding
* framework for end-to-end video quality prediction of MPEG video, A
* Free-viewpoint depth image based rendering
* Fusing semantic aspects for image annotation and retrieval
* Geometric algebra colour image representations and derived total orderings for morphological operators: Part I: Colour quaternions
* Geometric attraction-driven flow for image segmentation and boundary detection
* Grouping strategies for promoting image quality of watermarking on the basis of vector quantization
* Guest Editorial: Network Technologies for Emerging Broadband Multimedia Services
* IM(S)2: Interactive movie summarization system
* Image Change Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Genetic Algorithm
* Image matching using enclosed region detector
* Image representation by compressive sensing for visual sensor networks
* Improved motion vector scaling technique based on half-pixel offset compensation
* integrated aurora image retrieval system: AuroraEye, An
* Integrating local distribution information with level set for boundary extraction
* Iterative colour correction of multicamera systems using corresponding feature points
* Joint depth-motion dense estimation for multiview video coding
* joint encoder-decoder error control framework for stereoscopic video coding, A
* Large-scale image and video search: Challenges, technologies, and trends
* Low-bit-rate coding of underwater color image using improved wavelet difference reduction
* M2FEC: An effective FEC based multi-path transmission scheme for interactive multimedia communication
* method for sparse disparity densification using voting mask propagation, A
* Modeling, Classifying and Annotating Weakly Annotated Images Using Bayesian Network
* motion vector prediction method for multi-view video coding, A
* Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techniques and systems
* Multi-view video based multiple objects segmentation using graph cut and spatiotemporal projections
* Multi-view video coding with view interpolation prediction for 2D camera arrays
* novel multi-view image coding scheme based on view-warping and 3D-DCT, A
* Object displays for identifying multidimensional outliers within a crowded visual periphery
* Performance of reconstruction-based super-resolution with regularization
* polygon soup representation for multiview coding, A
* practical bit stream organization algorithm for robust H.264/SVC transmission, A
* Prediction of transmission distortion for wireless video communication: Algorithm and application
* Proposing a new code by considering pieces of discrete straight lines in contour shapes
* QoE-aware mobile IPTV channel control algorithm over WiMAX network
* quality controllable multi-view object reconstruction method for 3D imaging systems, A
* rate-distortion analysis on motion prediction efficiency and mode decision for scalable wavelet video coding, A
* RD-optimized interactive streaming of multiview video with multiple encodings
* real-time FPGA architecture for 3D reconstruction from integral images, A
* Real-time video-based rendering from uncalibrated cameras using plane-sweep algorithm
* Relevance of knowledge from bit-saving in progressive transmission
* Ripplet: A new transform for image processing
* Robust bilayer video segmentation by adaptive propagation of global shape and local appearance
* Robust stereo matching with improved graph and surface models and occlusion handling
* Robust video multicast with joint network coding and video interleaving
* Rotation invariant analysis and orientation estimation method for texture classification based on Radon transform and correlation analysis
* Scalable diagnosis in IP networks using path-based measurement and inference: A learning framework
* Scalable user-friendly image sharing
* Scaling iterative closest point algorithm for registration of m-D point sets
* secure digital camera based fingerprint verification system, A
* Seelinder: Cylindrical 3D display viewable from 360 degrees, The
* Stochastic super-resolution image reconstruction
* Technologies and the development of the Automated Metadata Indexing and Analysis (AMIA) system
* Tetrolet transform: A new adaptive Haar wavelet algorithm for sparse image representation
* Texture Representation and Retrieval Using the Causal Autoregressive Model
* Understanding Internet Video sharing site workload: A view from data center design
* Uniformly sampling multi-resolution analysis for image-based relighting
* Using multi-modal 3D contours and their relations for vision and robotics
* Video copy detection using multiple visual cues and MPEG-7 descriptors
* Virtual spotlighted advertising for tennis videos
* Visual quality assessment for web videos
* Web image concept annotation with better understanding of tags and visual features
* Wireless link state-aware H.264 MGS coding-based mobile IPTV system over WiMAX network
89 for JVCIR(21)
* 3D dense reconstruction from 2D video sequence via 3D geometric segmentation
* adaptive image authentication scheme for vector quantization compressed image, An
* Adaptive pre-interpolation filter for high efficiency video coding
* Automatic body segmentation with graph cut and self-adaptive initialization level set (SAILS)
* Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* Body color sets: A compact and reliable representation of images
* Complex background modeling based on Texture Pattern Flow with adaptive threshold propagation
* Computation-aware fast motion estimation for H.264/AVC using image indexing
* Computationally efficient, one-pass algorithm for morphological filters
* Content-aware video resizing based on salient visual cubes
* Cross-layer optimization for SVC video delivery over the IEEE 802.11e wireless networks
* Deconvolving Poissonian images by a novel hybrid variational model
* Efficient motion vector prediction algorithm using pattern matching
* Efficient video coding based on audio-visual focus of attention
* Efficient video sequences alignment using unbiased bidirectional dynamic time warping
* Fast image inpainting and colorization by Chambolle's dual method
* Fast mode dependent directional transform via butterfly-style transform and integer lifting steps
* Generation of high-quality depth maps using hybrid camera system for 3-D video
* H.264/AVC entropy decoder complexity analysis and its applications
* Heuristic algorithm for visual tracking of deformable objects
* Hierarchical B-picture mode decision in H.264/SVC
* High-quality non-blind image deconvolution with adaptive regularization
* Image filtering in the block DCT domain using symmetric convolution
* Image postprocessing by Non-local Kuan's filter
* Image restoration under mixed noise using globally convex segmentation
* Image retrieval systems based on compact shape descriptor and relevance feedback information
* Improved prediction methods for scalable predictive animated mesh compression
* integrated temporal error concealment for H.264/AVC based on spatial evaluation criteria, An
* Integrated video object tracking with applications in trajectory-based event detection
* Investigating the relationship between image enhancement and image compression in the context of the multi-scale retinex
* Kernel Discriminant Embedding in face recognition
* MIJ2K: Enhanced video transmission based on conditional replenishment of JPEG2000 tiles with motion compensation
* Motion Compensated Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Extrapolation for improved error concealment in video communication
* Motion-based unusual event detection in human crowds
* Motion-refined rewriting of H.264/AVC-coded video to SVC streams
* No-reference analysis of decoded MPEG images for PSNR estimation and post-processing
* Novel H.264/AVC entropy coding mode decision
* Novel intra prediction via position-dependent filtering
* Object detection with feature stability over scale space
* Obtaining depth map from segment-based stereo matching using graph cuts
* On the representation of a digital contour with an unordered point set for visual perception
* On the security of multiple Huffman table based encryption
* Packet scheduling with playout adaptation for scalable video delivery over wireless networks
* Perceptual visual quality metrics: A survey
* Performance analysis, parameter selection and extensions to H.264/AVC FRExt for high resolution video coding
* Quality adaptive least squares trained filters for video compression artifacts removal using a no-reference block visibility metric
* quantization-based semi-fragile watermarking scheme for image content authentication, A
* Random linear network coding with ladder-shaped global coding matrix for robust video transmission
* rate-control algorithm using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC for low-delay applications, A
* Rate-distortion optimized rate-allocation for motion-compensated predictive video codecs using PixelRank
* region-based rate-control scheme using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC, A
* Removing interference components in time-frequency representations using morphological operators
* Restricted H.264/AVC video coding for privacy protected video scrambling
* Reversible data embedding for high quality images using interpolation and reference pixel distribution mechanism
* reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices using locally adaptive coding, A
* Robust contour tracking based on a coupling between geodesic active contours and conditional random fields
* Robust real-time ship detection and tracking for visual surveillance of cage aquaculture
* Rotationally invariant similarity measures for nonlocal image denoising
* Scalable video encryption of H.264 SVC Codec
* solution to efficient power allocation for H.264/SVC video transmission over a realistic MIMO channel using precoder designs, A
* Sparse representations for spatial prediction and texture refinement
* Spatial error concealment with sequence-aligned texture modeling and adaptive directional recovery
* Stabilization and optimization of PLUS factorization and its application in image coding
* steganographic method for digital images with four-pixel differencing and modified LSB substitution, A
* Temporal accumulation of oriented visual features
* Tennis Video 2.0: A new presentation of sports videos with content separation and rendering
* Towards high efficiency video coding: Subjective evaluation of potential coding technologies
* Travelmedia: An intelligent management system for media captured in travel
68 for JVCIR(22)
* 3D information extraction using Region-based Deformable Net for monocular robot navigation
* Adaptive key frame extraction for video summarization using an aggregation mechanism
* Adaptive quantization using piecewise companding and scaling for Gaussian mixture
* Affine invariant image watermarking using intensity probability density-based Harris Laplace detector
* Anisotropic diffusion for image denoising based on diffusion tensors
* augmented Lagrangian approach to general dictionary learning for image denoising, An
* Batch-pipelining for multicore H.264 decoding
* Bilateral Markov mesh random field and its application to image restoration
* Choice of low resolution sample sets for efficient super-resolution signal reconstruction
* Color demosaicking with an image formation model and adaptive PCA
* Comparative study of global color and texture descriptors for web image retrieval
* Comparative study of moment based parameterization for morphological texture description
* contactless biometric system using multiple hand features, A
* Coordinate-descent super-resolution and registration for parametric global motion models
* design framework for hybrid approaches of image noise estimation and its application to noise reduction, A
* edge detection algorithm based on the multi-direction shear transform, An
* Edge Drawing: A combined real-time edge and segment detector
* Efficient disparity vector prediction schemes with modified P frame for 2D camera arrays
* Efficient method of pixel neighborhood traversal
* Evaluation of image resolution and super-resolution on face recognition performance
* Evaluation of segmentation techniques using region area and boundary matching information
* Expectation-maximization algorithm with total variation regularization for vector-valued image segmentation
* Fast algorithm for multiplicative noise removal
* Fast bilateral filter for HDR imaging
* fast compression-based similarity measure with applications to content-based image retrieval, A
* fast progressive image transmission scheme using block truncation coding by pattern fitting, A
* Flash scene video coding using weighted prediction
* Fuzzy Directional (FD) Filter for impulsive noise reduction in colour video sequences
* Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured image denoising
* generalized 3-D Hilbert scan using look-up tables, A
* Generalized Gaussian mixture models as a nonparametric Bayesian approach for clustering using class-specific visual features
* Gradient field multi-exposure images fusion for high dynamic range image visualization
* High efficient distributed video coding with parallelized design for LDPCA decoding on CUDA based GPGPU
* high performance and low complexity sampling-based intra coding method for H.264/AVC, A
* High-performance template tracking
* HMM-based ball hitting event exploration system for broadcast baseball video
* Image forensic signature for content authenticity analysis
* Image watermarking with feature point based synchronization robust to print-scan attack
* Improvements of a two-in-one image secret sharing scheme based on gray mixing model
* Improving the visual quality of size invariant visual cryptography scheme
* Inpainting with image patches for compression
* interactive 3D video system for human facial reconstruction and expression modeling, An
* Invariant curvature-based Fourier shape descriptors
* Iterative search strategy with selective bi-directional prediction for low complexity multiview video coding
* Kernel-based feature extraction under maximum margin criterion
* Key frame extraction based on visual attention model
* Lagrangian multipliers and split Bregman methods for minimization problems constrained on S^(n-1)
* Local tracing of curvilinear structures in volumetric color images: Application to the Brainbow analysis
* Low-complexity video coding via power-rate-distortion optimization
* LS-SVM based image segmentation using color and texture information
* Markov-based reversible data hiding method based on histogram shifting, A
* Measuring perceptual contrast in digital images
* MMSE approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
* Mode decision acceleration for scalable video coding through coded block pattern
* Model-based adaptive resolution upconversion of degraded images
* Modification and implementation of an edge-based fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC high resolution real-time systems
* Monte Carlo cluster refinement for noise robust image segmentation
* Motion differential set partition coding for image sequence and video compression
* Multi-path content delivery: Efficiency analysis and optimization algorithms
* multi-resolution approach for massively-parallel hardware-friendly optical flow estimation, A
* Multichannel image processing by using the Rank M-type L-filter
* multiresolution approach for rotation invariant texture image retrieval with orthogonal polynomials model, A
* Multiview depth coding based on combined color/depth segmentation
* new approach to the reconstruction of contour lines extracted from topographic maps, A
* new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Naor-Shamir’s visual cryptography, A
* Non-local spatial redundancy reduction for bottom-up saliency estimation
* novel fountain code-based mobile IPTV multicast system architecture over WiMAX network, A
* novel gray image representation using overlapping rectangular NAM and extended shading approach, A
* novel predual dictionary learning algorithm, A
* Novel rate control scheme for intra frame video coding with exponential rate-distortion model on H.264/AVC
* Novel wavelet-based QIM data hiding technique for tamper detection and correction of digital images
* Objective and subjective quality assessment between JPEG XR with overlap and JPEG 2000
* Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object tracking
* Optimal (2,n) and (2,infinity) visual secret sharing by generalized random grids
* Perceptual-based distributed video coding
* pixel-wise directional intra prediction method, A
* Playing into the wild: A gesture-based interface for gaming in public spaces
* Quality-efficient demosaicing for digital time delay and integration images using edge-sensing scheme in color difference domain
* Quantitative analysis of visibility determinations for networked virtual environments
* Radial Tchebichef moment invariants for image recognition
* Rapid 3D face reconstruction by fusion of SFS and Local Morphable Model
* Rate-distortion optimized layered coding of high dynamic range videos
* Recognizing tactic patterns in broadcast basketball video using player trajectory
* Reduced set density estimator for object segmentation based on shape probabilistic representation
* reduced-complexity image coding scheme using decision-directed wavelet-based contourlet transform, A
* Reducing frequency-domain artifacts of binary image due to coarse sampling by repeated interpolation and smoothing of Radon projections
* Reference-guided exposure fusion in dynamic scenes
* Reliable moving vehicle detection based on the filtering of swinging tree leaves and raindrops
* robust region-adaptive dual image watermarking technique, A
* Saliency-directed color image interpolation using artificial neural network and particle swarm optimization
* Salient video cube guided nighttime vehicle braking event detection
* Segmentation of images with separating layers by fuzzy c-means and convex optimization
* Selective color transferring via ellipsoid color mixture map
* Self-similarity based structural regularity for just noticeable difference estimation
* Spatial pooling for measuring color printing quality attributes
* Spatially correlated background subtraction, based on adaptive background maintenance
* Super-resolution texture synthesis using stochastic PAR/NL model
* Sustainable image transmission
* Total least square kernel regression
* Total variation blind deconvolution employing split Bregman iteration
* Towards clinical applicability of the diffusion-based DT-MRI visualization algorithm
* Towards optimized binary pattern generation for grayscale digital halftoning: A binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) approach
* Tree representation of digital picture embeddings
* Unsupervised and reliable image matting based on modified spectral matting
* Using SAX representation for human action recognition
* Video coding using fast geometry-adaptive partitioning and an elastic motion model
* Video object segmentation in rainy situations based on difference scheme with object structure and color analysis
* Voxel-based shape decomposition for feature-preserving 3D thumbnail creation
108 for JVCIR(23)
* 3D shape from focus using LULU operators and discrete pulse transform in the presence of noise
* Active appearance models using statistical characteristics of Gabor based texture representation
* Active contours driven by local and global probability distributions
* Adaptive all-season image tag ranking by saliency-driven image pre-classification
* Adaptive tree-based P2P video streaming multicast system under high peer-churn rate
* Analysis of noise sensitivity of Tchebichef and Zernike moments with application to image watermarking
* Assessment of video tone-mapping: Are cameras' S-shaped tone-curves good enough?
* attention emphasized bit arrangement in 3-D SPIHT video coding for human vision, An
* Automated defect detection in uniform and structured fabrics using Gabor filters and PCA
* bivariate rational interpolation based on scattered data on parallel lines, A
* blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, A
* Block-based image steganalysis: Algorithm and performance evaluation
* CDV-DVC: Transform-domain distributed video coding with multiple channel division
* Coding statistics based fast mode decision for multi-view video coding
* Compensation of de-saturation effect in HDR imaging using a real scene adaptation model
* Computer generated images vs. digital photographs: A synergetic feature and classifier combination approach
* content-adaptive sharpness enhancement algorithm using 2D FIR filters trained by pre-emphasis, A
* Correlation estimation from compressed images
* Cross-modal social image clustering and tag cleansing
* Depth sensor assisted real-time gesture recognition for interactive presentation
* Dictionary learning and similarity regularization based image noise reduction
* Dictionary learning based reconstruction for distributed compressed video sensing
* Dictionary learning for image prediction
* Dictionary-based color image retrieval using multiset theory
* Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic human action recognition
* Distributed video coding with progressive significance map
* Dynamic distortion maps for image retargeting
* effective error resilient 3D view synthesis method, An
* efficient and robust line segment matching approach based on LBD descriptor and pairwise geometric consistency, An
* Efficient HD video coding with joint first-order-residual (FOR) and second-order-residual (SOR) coding technique
* Essential secret image sharing scheme with different importance of shadows
* Evaluating similarity measures for brain image registration
* Evaluation of Region-of-Interest coders using perceptual image quality assessments
* exhaustive criterion for estimating quality of images in electrical impedance tomography with application to clinical imaging, An
* experimental study on the universality of visual vocabularies, An
* Exploring heuristic and optimum branching algorithms for image phylogeny
* Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
* fast algorithm of bitstream extraction using distortion prediction based on simulated annealing, A
* Fast exhaustive-search equivalent pattern matching through norm ordering
* Fast human action classification and VOI localization with enhanced sparse coding
* Fast image deconvolution using closed-form thresholding formulas of regularization
* Fast quasi-flat zones filtering using area threshold and region merging
* Fast synthesized and predicted just noticeable distortion maps for perceptual multiview video coding
* fixed-point augmented Lagrangian method for total variation minimization problems, A
* generalized EMD with body prior for pedestrian identification, A
* Generic radial orthogonal moment invariants for invariant image recognition
* Geometric property based ellipse detection method
* Gradient based adaptive thresholding
* Graph-based semi-supervised learning with multi-modality propagation for large-scale image datasets
* Gray-scale image watermarking using GA-BPN hybrid network
* Greedy Regression in Sparse Coding Space for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* HTRI: High time range imaging
* Human action recognition employing negative space features
* Hybrid fractal image coding with quadtree-based progressive structure
* Hybrid regularization image deblurring in the presence of impulsive noise
* Image annotation by semi-supervised cross-domain learning with group sparsity
* Image annotation using high order statistics in non-Euclidean spaces
* Image coarsening by using space-filling curve for decomposition-based image enhancement
* Image content analysis for sector-wise JPEG fragment classification
* Image indexing using the color and bit pattern feature fusion
* Image registration using a point-line duality based line matching method
* Image registration using BP-SIFT
* Image representation using block compressive sensing for compression applications
* Image-based on-road vehicle detection using cost-effective Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Image-pair-based deblurring with spatially varying norms and noisy image updating
* Improving the visual quality of random grid-based visual secret sharing via error diffusion
* Integrating PSONN and Boltzmann function for feature selection and classification of lymph nodes in ultrasound images
* Interactive object segmentation from multi-view images
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent advances on analysis and processing for distributed video systems
* Laplacian affine sparse coding with tilt and orientation consistency for image classification
* Layered moving-object segmentation for stereoscopic video using motion and depth information
* learning-based method for compressive image recovery, A
* Level-set-based motion estimation algorithm for multiple reference frame motion estimation
* Local descriptors and similarity measures for frontal face recognition: A comparative analysis
* Low complexity image interpolation method based on path selection
* Measures of similarity between qualitative descriptions of shape, colour and size applied to mosaic assembling
* Mixture models with skin and shadow probabilities for fingertip input applications
* Mode dependent loop filter for intra prediction coding in H.264/AVC
* Motion estimation in low-delay hierarchical p-frame coding using motion vector composition
* Moving foreground object detection via robust SIFT trajectories
* MR images reconstruction based on TVWL2-L1 model
* Multi-camera invariant appearance modeling for non-rigid object identification in a real-time environment
* Multi-feature gradient vector flow snakes for adaptive segmentation of the ultrasound images of breast cancer
* Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Representation
* Naming persons in video: Using the weak supervision of textual stories
* Natural language letter based visual cryptography scheme
* new method for image retrieval based on analyzing fractal coding characters, A
* new similarity measure for non-local means filtering of MRI images, A
* No-reference blur image quality measure based on multiplicative multiresolution decomposition
* Non-convex hybrid total variation for image denoising
* novel enhancement for hierarchical image coding, A
* novel method for image retrieval based on structure elements' descriptor, A
* On quality of experience of scalable video adaptation
* On the reconstruction of sequences of sparse signals: The Weighted-CS
* Online video summarization on compressed domain
* Optimal resource allocation for Medium Grain Scalable video transmission over MIMO channels
* Optimized contrast enhancement for real-time image and video dehazing
* Packet prioritization for H.264/AVC video with cyclic intra-refresh line
* Parallel fast inter mode decision for H.264/AVC encoding
* Perceptually friendly shape decomposition by resolving segmentation points with minimum cost
* Pose invariant face recognition using biological inspired features based on ensemble of classifiers
* q-Gaussian mixture models for image and video semantic indexing
* QoS-supporting video streaming system with minimum data service cost over heterogeneous wireless networks
* Random grid-based visual secret sharing with abilities of OR and XOR decryptions
* Recognizing jump patterns with physics-based validation in human moving trajectory
* Region duplication detection based on Harris corner points and step sector statistics
* restoration algorithm for images contaminated by mixed Gaussian plus random-valued impulse noise, A
* RII: Renovating the irregular illumination of digital image archives
* Robust blind motion deblurring using near-infrared flash image
* Robust common visual pattern discovery using graph matching
* Robust frontal view search using extended manifold learning
* Robust gait recognition via discriminative set matching
* Robust scalable video multi-cast with multiple sources and inter-source network decoding in lossy networks
* Saliency detection using joint spatial-color constraint and multi-scale segmentation
* Saliency-guided compressive sensing approach to efficient laser range measurement
* Sample-Based Image Completion Using Structure Synthesis
* SCoBeP: Dense image registration using sparse coding and belief propagation
* Shape retrieval and recognition based on fuzzy histogram
* Sharing more information in gray visual cryptography scheme
* Sparse representations for image and video analysis
* Spatiotemporal saliency detection and salient region determination for H.264 videos
* Stretchability-aware block scaling for image retargeting
* Structural image retrieval using automatic image annotation and region based inverted file
* Structured representations in a content based image retrieval context
* Supervised Sparse Patch Coding towards Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Surveillance video synopsis in the compressed domain for fast video browsing
* Ultrasound kidney segmentation with a global prior shape
* Universal intra coding for arbitrary RGB color filter arrays in HEVC
* Using Sorted Switching Median Filter to remove high-density impulse noises
* Video key frame extraction through dynamic Delaunay clustering with a structural constraint
* Visual attention guided video copy detection based on feature points matching with geometric-constraint measurement
* Visual attention modeling based on short-term environmental adaption
* weighted dominant color descriptor for content-based image retrieval, A
133 for JVCIR(24)
* 3D Visual Experience Oriented Cross-Layer Optimized Scalable Texture Plus Depth Based 3D Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Accurate segmentation of land regions in historical cadastral maps
* Action recognition on motion capture data using a dynemes and forward differences representation
* adaptable system for RGB-D based human body detection and pose estimation, An
* Alternating asymmetric search range assignment for bidirectional motion estimation in H.265/HEVC and H.264/AVC
* Automatic identification of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
* Automatic objects segmentation with RGB-D cameras
* Automatic, fast, online calibration between depth and color cameras
* autonomous QoE-driven network management framework, An
* Background foreground segmentation with RGB-D Kinect data: An efficient combination of classifiers
* Bandlet-based sparsity regularization in video inpainting
* Beyond visual word ambiguity: Weighted local feature encoding with governing region
* Bipartite graph-based mismatch removal for wide-baseline image matching
* Bird breed classification and annotation using saliency based graphical model
* Blind image deblurring via coupled sparse representation
* Brain MR image segmentation based on local Gaussian mixture model and nonlocal spatial regularization
* Caged mice mating behavior detection in surveillance videos
* Calculation of average coding efficiency based on subjective quality scores
* Calibrated depth and color cameras for accurate 3D interaction in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment
* Collaborative object tracking model with local sparse representation
* Color CENTRIST: Embedding color information in scene categorization
* Color texture classification method based on a statistical multi-model and geodesic distance
* Computation of level lines of 4-/8-connectedness
* computation of polygonal approximations for 2D contours based on a concavity tree, The
* Confidentiality of a selectively encrypted H.264 coded video bit-stream
* content security protection scheme in JPEG compressed domain, A
* Content-adaptive bitstream-layer model for coding distortion assessment of H.264/AVC networked video
* Content-based image retrieval using H.264 intra coding features
* Content-based image retrieval using local visual attention feature
* Context-aware features and robust image representations
* Continuous plane detection in point-cloud data based on 3D Hough Transform
* Correlation based universal image/video coding loss recovery
* Cross-view gait recognition based on human walking trajectory
* CSM neural network for degraded printed character optical recognition
* DCT/DST-based error propagation-free data hiding algorithm for HEVC intra-coded frames, A
* Depth sculpturing for 2D paintings: A progressive depth map completion framework
* Discontinuity preserving disparity estimation with occlusion handling
* Discriminative common vector based finger knuckle recognition
* Early Detection of All-Zero Blocks in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Editorial: Special issue on QoE in 2D/3D video systems
* effective 2-stage method for removing impulse noise in images, An
* Effective 3D action recognition using Eigen_Joints
* effective dual method for multiplicative noise removal, An
* efficient algorithm to eliminate temporal pumping artifact in video coding with hierarchical prediction structure, An
* Efficient facial landmark localization using spatial-contextual AdaBoost algorithm
* Efficient Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
* efficient reversible data hiding scheme using prediction and optimal side information selection, An
* Encoding true-color images with a limited palette via soft vector clustering as an instance of dithering multidimensional signals
* Encrypted signal-based reversible data hiding with public key cryptosystem
* Engineering wireless broadband access to IPTV
* expeditious cum efficient algorithm for salt-and-pepper noise removal and edge-detail preservation using cardinal spline interpolation, An
* Expert content-based image retrieval system using robust local patterns
* Extended linear regression for undersampled face recognition
* Extracting salient region for pornographic image detection
* Face recognition under large illumination variations using homomorphic filtering in spatial domain
* Facial expression cloning with elastic and muscle models
* False-positive-free SVD-based image watermarking
* Fast 3D video stabilization using ROI-based warping
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* fast mode decision algorithm applied to Coarse-Grain quality Scalable Video Coding, A
* Feature compression: A framework for multi-view multi-person tracking in visual sensor networks
* Finding suits in images of people in unconstrained environments
* flexible architecture for multi-view 3DTV based on uncalibrated cameras, A
* framework for automated cell tracking in phase contrast microscopic videos based on normal velocities, A
* framework for video event classification by modeling temporal context of multimodal features using HMM, A
* Fusing multi-cues description for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Fusion framework for effective color image retrieval
* Fusion of 3D-LIDAR and camera data for scene parsing
* Gait probability image: An information-theoretic model of gait representation
* Gamma rate theory for causal rate control in source coding and video coding
* gender classification system robust to occlusion using Gabor features based (2D)2PCA, A
* Generalized multiple maximum scatter difference feature extraction using QR decomposition
* Generating algorithm for integer DST radixes in video coding
* generic, comprehensive and granular decoder complexity model for the H.264/AVC standard, A
* Genetic algorithm based on discrete wavelet transformation for fractal image compression
* Geometric and colorimetric error compensation for multi-view images
* Geometric calibration of a multi-layer LiDAR system and image sensors using plane-based implicit laser parameters for textured 3-D depth reconstruction
* Gesture-based interaction with voice feedback for a tour-guide robot
* Gradient-based subspace phase correlation for fast and effective image alignment
* Graph-based approach for human action recognition using spatio-temporal features
* Guest editorial: Advances in 3D video processing
* Handheld object detection and its related event analysis using ratio histogram and mixture of HMMs
* Hierarchical Implicit Shape Modeling
* Highly parallel GEMV with register blocking method on GPU architecture
* Image quality/distortion metric based on a-stable model similarity in wavelet domain
* Image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace
* Image segmentation using fuzzy energy-based active contour with shape prior
* improved differential box-counting method to estimate fractal dimensions of gray-level images, An
* Improved interview video error concealment on whole frame packet loss
* improved reversible data hiding-based approach for intra-frame error concealment in H.264/AVC, An
* improved universal subsampling strategy for compressing mosaic videos with arbitrary RGB color filter arrays in H.264/AVC, An
* Incremental object learning and robust tracking of multiple objects from RGB-D point set data
* Intrinsic dimensionality estimation based on manifold assumption
* Introduction to the special issue on visual understanding and applications with RGB-D cameras
* Iterative transductive learning for automatic image segmentation and matting with RGB-D data
* Learning of perceptual grouping for object segmentation on RGB-D data
* Live RGB-D camera tracking for television production studios
* Local maximal margin discriminant embedding for face recognition
* Local scene flow by tracking in intensity and depth
* Locality-sensitive kernel sparse representation classification for face recognition
* Low complexity distributed video coding
* MDVQM: A novel multidimensional no-reference video quality metric for video transcoding
* Media pattern exhibition mechanism via mobile devices
* Model-based approach to spatial-temporal sampling of video clips for video object detection by classification
* Moving cast shadow detection using online sub-scene shadow modeling and object inner-edges analysis
* MR image enhancement using an extended neighborhood filter
* Multi-factor cheating prevention in visual secret sharing by hybrid codebooks
* Multi-manifold metric learning for face recognition based on image sets
* Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D modeling and tracking
* Multi-scale embedded descriptor for shape classification
* Multiphase image segmentation via equally distanced multiple well potential
* Multiple kernel learning with NOn-conVex group spArsity
* Multiple Kernel-Based Multi-Instance Learning Algorithm for Image Classification
* Multiple-step local Wiener filter with proper stopping in wavelet domain
* new continuous max-flow algorithm for multiphase image segmentation using super-level set functions, A
* new reduced reference metric for color plus depth 3D video, A
* New simple and efficient color space transformations for lossless image compression
* No-reference image blur index based on singular value curve
* no-reference sharpness metric based on the notion of relative blur for Gaussian blurred image, A
* novel high-performance reversible data hiding scheme using SMVQ and improved locally adaptive coding method, A
* novel image retrieval method based on hybrid information descriptors, A
* novel multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on random walks, A
* novel semi-supervised canonical correlation analysis and extensions for multi-view dimensionality reduction, A
* novel total variation based frame layer rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* Object segmentation and classification using 3-D range camera
* Online image search result grouping with MapReduce-based image clustering and graph construction for large-scale photos
* Online semi-supervised compressive coding for robust visual tracking
* Orientation contrast model for boundary detection
* orthogonal regularized CCA learning algorithm for feature fusion, An
* Overview of the MVC+D 3D video coding standard
* passive multi-purpose scheme based on periodicity analysis of CFA artifacts for image forensics, A
* Patch based image denoising using the finite ridgelet transform for less artifacts
* PCA-based dictionary building for accurate facial expression recognition via sparse representation
* PLDD: Point-lines distance distribution for detection of arbitrary triangles, regular polygons and circles
* Pose Depth Volume extraction from RGB-D streams for frontal gait recognition
* Pose-based human action recognition via sparse representation in dissimilarity space
* probabilistic framework for next best view estimation in a cluttered environment, A
* Quadtree-based non-local Kuan's filtering in video compression
* Quality perception when streaming video on tablet devices
* Quality-efficient syntax element-based de-interlacing method for H.264-coded video sequences with various resolutions
* Queueing model based resource optimization for multimedia cloud
* Rapid detection of camera tampering and abnormal disturbance for video surveillance system
* Real-time generation of multi-view video plus depth content using mixed narrow and wide baseline
* Recognizing object manipulation activities using depth and visual cues
* rectilinear Gaussian model for estimating straight-line parameters, A
* Region based foreground segmentation combining color and depth sensors via logarithmic opinion pool decision
* Retraction Note: Pose invariant face recognition using biological inspired features based on ensemble of classifiers
* Reversible AMBTC-based secret sharing scheme with abilities of two decryptions
* Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis
* reversible steganographic scheme for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding, A
* RGB-D image-based detection of stairs, pedestrian crosswalks and traffic signs
* Robust depth sensing with adaptive structured light illumination
* robust elastic net approach for feature learning, A
* Robust locality preserving projection based on maximum correntropy criterion
* Rotation and flipping robust region binary patterns for video copy detection
* Saliency detection in computer rendered images based on object-level contrast
* Salt and pepper noise removal in binary images using image block prior probabilities
* Secret image sharing scheme with hierarchical threshold access structure
* Self-learning-based post-processing for image/video deblocking via sparse representation
* Semi-fragile watermarking for grayscale image authentication and tamper detection based on an adjusted expanded-bit multiscale quantization-based technique
* Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new representation for human skeletal action recognition
* Simultaneous 2D and 3D perception for stereoscopic displays based on polarized or active shutter glasses
* Sparse representation for face recognition by discriminative low-rank matrix recovery
* Spatial opportunistic transmission for Quality of Experience satisfaction
* Statistical distributional approach for scale and rotation invariant color image retrieval using multivariate parametric tests and orthogonality condition
* Structure and motion from line correspondences: Representation, projection, initialization and sparse bundle adjustment
* Sub-scene segmentation using constraints based on Gestalt principles
* Supervised and transductive multi-class segmentation using p-Laplacians and RKHS methods
* Systematic analysis of the decoding delay in multiview video
* Time-sliced averaged motion history image for gait recognition
* TUM Gait from Audio, Image and Depth (GAID) database: Multimodal recognition of subjects and traits, The
* Two-stage salient region detection by exploiting multiple priors
* User-independent system for sign language finger spelling recognition
* Visual-PSNR measure of image quality
* Weighted haze removal method with halo prevention
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* Automatic Red-Channel underwater image restoration
* Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* Binary image steganalysis based on pixel mesh Markov transition matrix
* Comparative study of frame-compatible stereo 3D services and a novel method for spatial interleaving using HEVC
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Feature histogram equalization for feature contrast enhancement
* H.264/AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording, An
* human visual system-driven image segmentation algorithm, A
* image segmentation based on optimized spatial feature of superpixel, The
* Image super-resolution using sparse coding over redundant dictionary based on effective image representations
* Incremental low-rank and sparse decomposition for compressing videos captured by fixed cameras
* iterative adaptive multi-modal stereo-vision method using mutual information, An
* Joint global-local information pedestrian detection algorithm for outdoor video surveillance
* JPEG encryption for image rescaling in the encrypted domain
* Multi-frame de-raining algorithm using a motion-compensated non-local mean filter for rainy video sequences
* Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D modeling and tracking
* Multi-scale contour flexibility shape signature for Fourier descriptor
* new lossless data hiding method based on joint neighboring coding, A
* Non-iterative and spatial domain focus map estimation based on intentional re-blur from a single image (NasBirSi)
* Non-negativity and dependence constrained sparse coding for image classification
* QoE-aware video streaming for SVC over multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems
* QoS-Optimized Adaptive Multi-layer (OQAM) architecture of wireless network for high quality digital video transmission
* Random grid-based visual secret sharing with multiple decryptions
* Random-valued impulse noise removal using adaptive dual threshold median filter
* Representation of image content based on RoI-BoW
* Saliency-based content-aware lifestyle image mosaics
* Singular Value Decomposition Projection for solving the small sample size problem in face recognition
* Stereo matching cost computation based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* STFC: Spatio-Temporal Feature Chain for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Subjective quality evaluation of compressed digital compound images
* Texture classification and discrimination for region-based image retrieval
* TriViews: A general framework to use 3D depth data effectively for action recognition
* Visual object tracking via online sparse instance learning
33 for JVCIR(26)
* Automatic target image detection for morphing
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Object recognition via contextual color attention
* Packet losses and objective video quality metrics in H.264 video streaming
* Video quality measurement based on 3-D Singular value decomposition
* Dynamic macroblock wavefront parallelism for parallel video coding
* hand gesture recognition technique for human-computer interaction, A
* High-fidelity reversible data hiding scheme based on multi-predictor sorting and selecting mechanism
* Hybrid graphical model for semantic image segmentation
* Image denoising based on iterative generalized cross-validation and fast translation invariant
* L0-norm sparse representation based on modified genetic algorithm for face recognition
* Lossless and near-lossless compression of hyperspectral images based on distributed source coding
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for DCT-Based Compressed Image
* Object tracking based on local dynamic sparse model
* Quadri-directional searching algorithm for secret image sharing using meaningful shadows
* quantitative evaluation of the conceptual consistency of visual words and visual vocabularies, A
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Absolute Mean Difference of Multiple Neighboring Pixels
* Reversible data hiding scheme for VQ indices based on modified locally adaptive coding and double-layer embedding strategy
* Spatially constrained sparse coding scheme for natural scene categorization
14 for JVCIR(28)
* Automatic local parameterization of the Chan Vese active contour model's force coefficients using edge information
* Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* Classification of farmland images based on color features
* Cost effective window arrangement for spatial pyramid matching
* Forensic and anti-forensic techniques for video shot editing in H.264/AVC
* Going deeper into copy-move forgery detection: Exploring image telltales via multi-scale analysis and voting processes
* new intra prediction with adaptive template matching through finite state machine, A
* No-reference blur assessment based on edge modeling
* Oriented total variation /1/2 regularization
* person re-identification algorithm by exploiting region-based feature salience, A
* Robust skin detection in real-world images
* TapTell: Interactive visual search for mobile task recommendation
* universal chain code compression method, A
* User-friendly secret image sharing scheme with verification ability based on block truncation coding and error diffusion
* Wavelet-based hybrid natural image modeling using generalized Gaussian and a-stable distributions
15 for JVCIR(29)
* Asymptotic Normality of the Morphological Pattern-Spectrum Moments and Orthogonal Granulometric Generators
* Convergence, Continuity, and Iteration in Mathematical Morphology
* Dimensionality in Image Analysis
* Discretization of Morphological Operators
* Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology
* Graph Morphology
* Incremental Estimation of Image-Flow Using a Kalman Filter
* Model-Based Characterization of Statistically Optimal Design for Morphological Shape Recognition Algorithms via the Hit-or-Miss Transform
* Motion of Nonrigid Objects from Multiframe Correspondences
* New Single-Pass Algorithm for Extracting the Mid-Crack Codes of Multiple Regions, A
* Optimization on Euclidean Distance Transformation Using Grayscale Morphology
* Receptive Field Assembly Pattern Specificity
* Smoothed Differentiation Filters for Images
* Special Issue: Image Restoration
* Structuring Element Adaptation for Morphological Filters
* Subsampling of Markov Random Fields
16 for JVCIR(3)
* Adaptive sampling for compressed sensing based image compression
* Affine hull based target representation for visual tracking
* Background replacement using chromatic adaptation transform for visual communication
* bio-inspired center-surround model for salience computation in images, A
* Context-aware vocabulary tree for mobile landmark recognition
* effective use of adaptive combination of visual features to retrieve image semantics from a hierarchical image database, An
* effective vector model for global-contrast-based saliency detection, An
* efficient forgery detection algorithm for object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting, An
* Efficient saliency analysis based on wavelet transform and entropy theory
* Fast and quality-efficient scheme for asymmetric multi-view video plus depth coding under the bitrate constraint
* G-SHOT: GPU accelerated 3D local descriptor for surface matching
* Geometrical-based lip-reading using template probabilistic multi-dimension dynamic time warping
* GridSAR: Grid strength and regularity for robust evaluation of blocking artifacts in JPEG images
* Human movement analysis around a view circle using time-order similarity distributions
* Image denoising via local and nonlocal circulant similarity
* Image segmentation via image decomposition and fuzzy region competition
* Joint movement similarities for robust 3D action recognition using skeletal data
* MCL-V: A streaming video quality assessment database
* Modeling and recognizing action contexts in persons using sparse representation
* Moving object detection and tracking from video captured by moving camera
* Multi-level adaptive switching filters for highly corrupted images
* New high-performance reversible data hiding method for VQ indices based on improved locally adaptive coding scheme
* Novel method to obtain the optimal polygonal approximation of digital planar curves based on Mixed Integer Programming
* novel set of image morphological operators using a modified vector distance measure with color pixel classification, A
* Robust tracking using visual cue integration for mobile mixed images
* Secure watermarking scheme against watermark attacks in the encrypted domain
* singular-value-based semi-fragile watermarking scheme for image content authentication with tamper localization, A
* Tensor rank selection for multimedia analysis
* topology-based approach to computing neighborhood-of-interest points using the Morse complex, A
* Using binarization and hashing for efficient SIFT matching
* Variational Feature Representation-based Classification for face recognition with single sample per person
* Video rate control strategies for cloud gaming
* Video super-resolution with registration-reliability regulation and adaptive total variation
33 for JVCIR(30)
* Adaptive intra-refresh for low-delay error-resilient video coding
* Adaptive-interpolative binarization with stroke preservation for restoration of faint characters in degraded documents
* advanced gradient histogram and its application for contrast and gradient enhancement, An
* Beyond pure quality: Progressive modes, region of interest coding, and real time video decoding for PDE-based image compression
* Content adaptive video denoising based on human visual perception
* Copy-move image forgery detection based on Gabor magnitude
* Dense SIFT for ghost-free multi-exposure fusion
* Dictionary based surveillance image compression
* Digital watermark extraction using support vector machine with principal component analysis based feature reduction
* effective cross-layer designed packet scheduling, call admission control, and handover system for video streaming services over LTE network, An
* Effective Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image with Privacy Protection for Image Content
* Improving the search accuracy of the VLAD through weighted aggregation of local descriptors
* Learning-based image interpolation via robust k-NN searching for coherent AR parameters estimation
* Linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for face recognition
* LSH-based semantic dictionary learning for large scale image understanding
* Motion-compensated orthonormal expansion -minimization for reference-driven MRI reconstruction using Augmented Lagrangian methods
* Noise-resistant Digital Euclidean Connected Skeleton for graph-based shape matching
* Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Compressed Video Sensing
* Optimized sampling distribution based on nonparametric learning for improved compressive sensing performance
* perceptual stereoscopic image quality assessment model accounting for binocular combination behavior, A
* Retinal blood vessel localization approach based on bee colony swarm optimization, fuzzy c-means and pattern search
* Reversible data hiding based on local histogram shifting with multilayer embedding
* reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images, A
* Robust tracking based on local structural cell graph
* Rotation invariant color texture classification using multiple sub-DLBPs
* Scalable 3D video streaming over P2P networks with playback length changeable chunk segmentation
* Split Bregmanized anisotropic total variation model for image deblurring
* Surface trees: Representation of boundary surfaces using a tree descriptor
* ultra-fast human detection method for color-depth camera, An
* Unsupervised regions based segmentation using object discovery
30 for JVCIR(31)
* Blind image watermarking via exploitation of inter-block prediction and visibility threshold in DCT domain
* Center symmetric local binary co-occurrence pattern for texture, face and bio-medical image retrieval
* Classification schemes based on Partial Least Squares for face identification
* comparison of interest point and region detectors on structured, range and texture images, A
* Contrast enhancement influences the detection of gradient based local invariant features and the matching of their descriptors
* Effective computation-aware algorithm by inter-layer motion analysis for scalable video coding
* Error concealment for the transmission of H.264/AVC-compressed 3D video in color plus depth format
* Fine registration of 3D point clouds fusing structural and photometric information using an RGB-D camera
* GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor Detector
* Graph-based video fingerprinting using double optimal projection
* Image-based coin recognition using rotation-invariant region binary patterns based on gradient magnitudes
* New results on connectivity in wireless network
* No reference image quality assessment metric via multi-domain structural information and piecewise regression
* Nonconvex higher-order regularization based Rician noise removal with spatially adaptive parameters
* NR-Bitstream video quality metrics for SSIM using encoding decisions in AVC and HEVC coded videos
* Saliency detection based on singular value decomposition
* Salient region detection through sparse reconstruction and graph-based ranking
* Semantic content-based image retrieval: A comprehensive study
* survey of human pose estimation: The body parts parsing based methods, A
* Two-dimensional principal component analysis based on Schatten p-norm for image feature extraction
* Two-person interaction recognition via spatial multiple instance embedding
* two-stage shearlet-based approach for the removal of random-valued impulse noise in images, A
22 for JVCIR(32)
* Adjacent evaluation of local binary pattern for texture classification
* Automated coronal hole segmentation from Solar EUV Images using the watershed transform
* Bi-l0-l2-norm regularization for blind motion deblurring
* Blind single-image super resolution based on compressive sensing
* Boundary-preserving stereo matching with certain region detection and adaptive disparity adjustment
* Color gradient vectorization for SVG compression of comic image
* Cooperative object search and segmentation in Internet images
* Depth video spatial and temporal correlation enhancement algorithm based on just noticeable rendering distortion model
* Discriminative outlines parts for shape retrieval
* Early merge mode decision for texture coding in 3D-HEVC
* fast encryption algorithm of color image based on four-dimensional chaotic system, A
* Friendly progressive random-grid-based visual secret sharing with adaptive contrast
* Gait recognition with Transient Binary Patterns
* Global Correlation Descriptor: A novel image representation for image retrieval
* Image automatic annotation via multi-view deep representation
* Image segmentation based on weighting boundary information via graph cut
* Improved SAP based on adaptive directional prediction for HEVC lossless intra prediction
* Joint modeling and reconstruction of a compressively-sensed set of correlated images
* Learning contrastive feature distribution model for interaction recognition
* Mallows' statistics CL: A novel criterion for parametric PSF estimation
* Multiexposure image fusion using intensity enhancement and detail extraction
* new image retrieval model based on monogenic signal representation, A
* novel approach for pain intensity detection based on facial feature deformations, A
* novel reversible data hiding scheme based on difference-histogram modification and optimal EMD algorithm, A
* Optimal layered representation for adaptive interactive multiview video streaming
* privilege-based visual secret sharing model, A
* Projected Transfer Sparse Coding for cross domain image representation
* Regularization: Convergence of iterative thresholding algorithm
* Residential Area Extraction Based on Saliency Analysis for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Robust domain adaptation image classification via sparse and low rank representation
* self-adaptive weighted affinity propagation clustering for key frames extraction on human action recognition, A
* site entropy rate and degree centrality based algorithm for image co-segmentation, A
* SuperPixel based mid-level image description for image recognition
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Quality-Constraint Sparse Coding
* Surroundedness based multiscale saliency detection
35 for JVCIR(33)
* ANN based detector to remove random-valued impulse noise in images, The
* Beyond pixels: A comprehensive survey from bottom-up to semantic image segmentation and cosegmentation
* Content-adaptive parameters estimation for multi-dimensional rate control
* Double Gaussian mixture model for image segmentation with spatial relationships
* Fast and robust object tracking via Accept-Reject color histogram-based method
* fast mode decision algorithm applied in medium-grain quality scalable video coding, A
* fast region segmentation algorithm on compressed gray images using Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model and Extended Shading representation, A
* Image distance metric learning based on neighborhood sets for automatic image annotation
* image pixel based variational model for histogram equalization, An
* Iterative Wedgelet Transform: An efficient algorithm for computing wedgelet representation and approximation of images
* novel hierarchical data association with dynamic viewpoint model for multiple targets tracking, A
* Orthogonal Polar V Transforms and application to shape retrieval
* Pathological liver segmentation using stochastic resonance and cellular automata
* Perceptual similarity between color images using fuzzy metrics
* Robust visual tracking via CAMShift and structural local sparse appearance model
* survey on image mosaicing techniques, A
* Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
* varied local edge pattern descriptor and its application to texture classification, A
* Vehicle detection in aerial imagery: A small target detection benchmark
* Weber Binarized Statistical Image Features (WBSIF) based video copy detection
20 for JVCIR(34)
* 2D facial expression recognition via 3D reconstruction and feature fusion
* Canonical principal angles correlation analysis for two-view data
* Complete lattice learning for multivariate mathematical morphology
* Compressed Domain Video Saliency Detection Using Global and Local Spatiotemporal Features
* DAISY descriptor based multi-view stereo method for large-scale scenes, A
* Discriminative descriptors for object tracking
* Double compression detection based on local motion vector field analysis in static-background videos
* Efficient virtual network transmission using correlated equilibrium on Xen-based platform
* Evaluating color vision deficiency daltonization methods using a behavioral visual-search method
* Evaluation of objective quality metrics for multidimensional video scalability
* Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding image restoration
* HEVC intra mode selection based on Rate Distortion (RD) cost and Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD)
* Image representation by harmonic transforms with parameters in SL(2,R)
* Integer transform based reversible watermarking incorporating block selection
* Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal pattern for human activity prediction
* Low complexity encoder optimization for HEVC
* new thresholding approach for automatic generation of polygonal approximations, A
* People tracking in an environment with multiple depth cameras: A skeleton-based pairwise trajectory matching scheme
* Recognition of the gaze direction: Anchoring with the eyebrows
* SCTMS: Superpixel based color topographic map segmentation method
* Sequentially adaptive active appearance model with regression-based online reference appearance template
* Single image super-resolution via internal gradient similarity
* Spatially variant defocus blur map estimation and deblurring from a single image
23 for JVCIR(35)
* Automatic license plate detection in hazardous condition
* Cartoon filter via adaptive abstraction
* Denoising by low-rank and sparse representations
* Efficient visual object detection with spatially global Gaussian mixture models and uncertainties
* Evaluation of color descriptors for projector-camera systems
* Gait identification with partial occlusion using six modules and consideration of occluded module exclusion
* improved scheme for data hiding in encrypted H.264/AVC videos, An
* Indexing and encoding based image feature representation with bin overlapped similarity measure for CBIR applications
* Kernel propagation strategy: A novel out-of-sample propagation projection for subspace learning
* model-based approach to camera's auto exposure control, A
* modified convex variational model for multiplicative noise removal, A
* neutrosophic filter for high-density Salt and Pepper noise based on pixel-wise adaptive smoothing parameter, A
* novel moving object segmentation framework utilizing camera motion recognition for H.264 compressed videos, A
* PEL: A Predictive Edge Linking algorithm
* Rate-energy-accuracy optimization of convolutional architectures for face recognition
* Robust residual error consistent tracker with ranking mechanism
* Segmentation by weighted aggregation and perceptual hash for pedestrian detection
* Signal-dependent noise removal for color videos using temporal and cross-channel priors
* Sparse molecular image representation
19 for JVCIR(36)
* 3D object retrieval based on sparse coding in weak supervision
* Adaptive visual target detection and tracking using weakly supervised incremental appearance learning and RGM-PHD tracker
* aerial image recognition framework using discrimination and redundancy quality measure, An
* APPOS: An adaptive partial occlusion segmentation method for multiple vehicles tracking
* Genetic algorithm and mathematical morphology based binarization method for strip steel defect image with non-uniform illumination
* improved augmented reality system based on AndAR, An
* Local consistent hierarchical Hough Match for image re-ranking
* Network in network based weakly supervised learning for visual tracking
* Special issue on weakly supervised learning
* Towards robust subspace recovery via sparsity-constrained latent low-rank representation
10 for JVCIR(37)
* Adaptive deblocking method for low bitrate coded HEVC video
* Background light ray modeling for change detection
* Binocular Perception Based Reduced-Reference Stereo Video Quality Assessment Method
* Cluster-based image super-resolution via jointly low-rank and sparse representation
* Clustering of hierarchical image database to reduce inter-and intra-semantic gaps in visual space for finding specific image semantics
* Color Image Quality Assessment Based on Sparse Representation and Reconstruction Residual
* Constellational contour parsing for deformable object detection
* Context-aware joint dictionary learning for color image demosaicking
* Creative and high-quality image composition based on a new criterion
* Deformable part-based tracking by coupled global and local correlation filters
* Dense Crowd Counting from Still Images with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth-based detection with region comparison features
* Digital images authentication scheme based on bimodal biometric watermarking in an independent domain
* Effective self-embedding watermarking scheme for image tampered detection and localization with recovery capability
* Efficient prediction of CU depth and PU mode for fast HEVC encoding using statistical analysis
* Evaluation of feature point detection in high dynamic range imagery
* Evaluation of local and global descriptors for emotional impact recognition
* fast scanning based message receiving method on four directed acyclic subgraphs, A
* Fast total variation deconvolution for blurred image contaminated by Poisson noise
* Finding spatio-temporal salient paths for video objects discovery
* FITD: Fast Intra Transcoding from H.264/AVC to high efficiency video coding based on DCT coefficients and prediction modes
* Fractional-order total variation combined with sparsifying transforms for compressive sensing sparse image reconstruction
* Fusion of multifocus images by lattice structures
* Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression based approach for colour image enhancement
* image restoration model combining mixed L1/L2 fidelity terms, An
* Implementation of TiOISSS with meaningful shadows and with an additional authentication image
* Improved PVO-based reversible data hiding: A new implementation based on multiple histograms modification
* Integration of image quality and motion cues for face anti-spoofing: A neural network approach
* Intrinsic structure based feature transform for image classification
* Iterative non-local means filter for salt and pepper noise removal
* Leveraging similarities and structure for dense representations combination in image retrieval
* Local Quaternion PHT Based Robust Color Image Watermarking Algorithm
* Low false positive learning with support vector machines
* Machine learning based fast H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding exploiting block partition similarity
* Matching of images with projective distortion using transform invariant low-rank textures
* Memory-efficient high-speed VLSI implementation of multi-level discrete wavelet transform
* Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification
* Multi-scale noise estimation for image splicing forgery detection
* Multiple description video coding based on adaptive data reuse
* new approach for multi-view gait recognition on unconstrained paths, A
* new Global-Gabor-Zernike feature descriptor and its application to face recognition, A
* New iterative closest point algorithm for isotropic scaling registration of point sets with noise
* new sampling algorithm for high-quality image matting, A
* new SVM-based relevance feedback image retrieval using probabilistic feature and weighted kernel function, A
* Noise robust image matching using adjacent evaluation census transform and wavelet edge joint bilateral filter in stereo vision
* novel image retrieval method based on multi-trend structure descriptor, A
* Parsing 3D motion trajectory for gesture recognition
* Perceptual synoptic view of pixel, object and semantic based attributes of video
* Predicted multi-variable intelligent matching pursuit algorithm for image sequences reconstruction based on l0 minimization
* Radiance map construction based on spatial and intensity correlations between LE and SE images for HDR imaging
* Robust motion estimation for night-shooting videos using dual-accumulated constraint warping
* Robust non-blind color video watermarking using QR decomposition and entropy analysis
* robust watermarking framework for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)-Encoded video with blind extraction process, A
* Secure multicasting of images via joint privacy-preserving fingerprinting, decryption, and authentication
* Segmentation of longitudinal brain MR images using bias correction embedded fuzzy c-means with non-locally spatio-temporal regularization
* Signer-independence finger alphabet recognition using discrete wavelet transform and area level run lengths
* simple primal-dual method for total variation image restoration, A
* Small-world brain functional network altered by watching 2D/3DTV
* Spare L1-norm-based maximum margin criterion
* Spatial quality index based rate perceptual-distortion optimization for video coding
* Spatially constrained level-set tracking and segmentation of non-rigid objects
* Spectral clustering steered low-rank representation for subspace segmentation
* Supervised within-class-similar discriminative dictionary learning for face recognition
* SVD-based self-embedding image authentication scheme using quick response code features
* Tri-directional gradient operators for hexagonal image processing
* Two-layered structure for optimally essential secret image sharing scheme
* two-stage shape retrieval (TSR) method with global and local features, A
* Underwater image enhancement method using weighted guided trigonometric filtering and artificial light correction
* unequal error protection scheme for reliable peer-to-peer scalable video streaming, An
* Unsigned Manhattan chain code
* Virtual view synthesis using layered depth image generation and depth-based inpainting for filling disocclusions and translucent disocclusions
* weakly supervised large margin domain adaptation method for isolated handwritten digit recognition, A
72 for JVCIR(38)
* 3-D color histogram equalization by principal component analysis
* adaptive people counting system with dynamic features selection and occlusion handling, An
* Adjusting samples for obtaining better L2-norm minimization based sparse representation
* Depth extraction of partially occluded objects using deformable net
* Edge-preserving guided filtering based cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Efficient multiple-example based super-resolution for symmetric mixed resolution stereoscopic video coding
* Efficient no-reference metric for sharpness mismatch artifact between stereoscopic views
* efficient unsupervised method for obtaining polygonal approximations of closed digital planar curves, An
* flexible technique based on fundamental matrix for camera self-calibration with variable intrinsic parameters from two views, A
* High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Pixel-Value-Ordering and Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
* Homography-based block motion estimation for video coding of PTZ cameras
* mixture model using Random Rotation Bounding Box to detect table region in document image, A
* multi-object image segmentation C-V model based on region division and gradient guide, A
* Non-reference assessment of sharpness in blur/noise degraded images
* Optimal depth recovery using image guided TGV with depth confidence for high-quality view synthesis
* real-time detector for parked vehicles based on hybrid background modeling, A
* Relative distance features for gait recognition with Kinect
* Robust techniques for abandoned and removed object detection based on Markov random field
* ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images, A
* SARDH: A novel sharpening-aware reversible data hiding algorithm
* Simultaneous reconstruction and calibration for multi-view structured light scanning
* Speckle noise removal via nonlocal low-rank regularization
* Tracking with dynamic weighted compressive model
* Underwater image processing method for fish localization and detection in submarine environment
24 for JVCIR(39)
* Analysis of Intensity and Range Image Sequences Using Adaptive-Size Meshes
* Computation of Dense Optical Flow with a Parametric Smoothness Model
* Conversion and Trade-offs Between Scaled Gaussian Parallel and Hierarchical Analysis Multirate Filter Banks
* Gradient-Based Method For General Motion Estimation And Segmentation, A
* Measurement of Edge Coincidence in Image Thresholdings
* Motion Analysis for Image Enhancement: Resolution, Occlusion, and Transparency
* Motion from Optic Flow: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Motion Tracking of Deformable Objects by Active Contour Models Using Multiscale Dynamic Programming
* Reconstruction of Binary and Gray-Scale Images from Mid-Crack Code Descriptions
* Spatial Derivatives and the Propagation of Noise in Gaussian Scale Space
* Special Issue on Image Sequence Processing and Motion Analysis in Visual Communication
* Texture Classification and Segmentation Based on Iterative Morphological Decomposition
* Wigner Distribution for 2D Motion Estimation from Noisy Images
13 for JVCIR(4)
JVCIR(40, Part A)
* Accurate and robust feature-based homography estimation using HALF-SIFT and feature localization error weighting
* Adaptive shock filter for image super-resolution and enhancement
* Anisotropic diffusion noise filtering using region adaptive smoothing strength
* Blind image motion deblurring with -regularized priors
* Blind image restoration with sparse priori regularization for passive millimeter-wave images
* Blind Quality Index for Camera Images with Natural Scene Statistics and Patch-Based Sharpness Assessment
* Combining inconsistent textures using convolutional neural networks
* Computational complexity allocation and control for inter-coding of high efficiency video coding with fast coding unit split decision
* Computer assisted diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma using Z-transform features
* Disparity map enhancement in pixel based stereo matching method using distance transform
* Encrypted JPEG image retrieval using block-wise feature comparison
* Extended common molecular and discriminative atom dictionary based sparse representation for face recognition
* Fast approximate DCT with GPU implementation for image compression
* Gradient-layer feature transform for action detection and recognition
* Image camouflage by reversible image transformation
* Image fusion based on visual salient features and the cross-contrast
* Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection
* Improved visual information fidelity based on sensitivity characteristics of digital images
* Joint fingerprinting and decryption method for color images based on quaternion rotation with cipher quaternion chaining
* Long-range trajectories from global and local motion representations
* Multiple clusters parts-based sparse representation for single example face identification
* new detector for contourlet domain multiplicative image watermarking using Bessel K form distribution, A
* novel method for image classification based on bag of visual words, A
* novel method of multimodal medical image fusion using fuzzy transform, A
* Object detection in SAR image based on bandlet transform
* On the effective subkey space of some image encryption algorithms using external key
* Person re-identification based on multi-region-set ensembles
* robust iterative super-resolution mosaicking algorithm using an adaptive and directional Huber-Markov regularization, A
* Robust natural image segmentation by using spatially constrained multivariate mixed Student's t-distribution and TV flow edge
* Single image dehazing via reliability guided fusion
* Spatially misaligned HEVC transcoding with computational-complexity scalability
* Structure-aware image inpainting using patch scale optimization
* unified Bayesian mixture model framework via spatial information for grayscale image segmentation, A
* Visual saliency detection based on homology similarity and an experimental evaluation
34 for JVCIR(40, Part A)
JVCIR(40, Part B)
* 3D model retrieval by sample based alignment
* ARGIS-based outdoor underground pipeline information system
* Artistic information extraction from Chinese calligraphy works via Shear-Guided filter
* Block-based histogram of optical flow for isolated sign language recognition
* Boosting up the data hiding rate through multi cycle embedment process
* C2DMCP: View-consistent collaborative discriminative multiset correlation projection for data representation
* Coherence restricted StOMP and its application in image fusion
* Convolutional neural network based deep conditional random fields for stereo matching
* Direct method for rotation estimation from spherical images using 3D mesh surfaces with SPHARM representation
* edge fusion scheme for image denoising based on anisotropic diffusion models, An
* Event recognition in photo albums using probabilistic graphical models and feature relevance
* FACE: Fully Automated Context Enhancement for night-time video sequences
* Fast algorithm based on the sole- and multi-depth texture measurements for HEVC intra coding
* Fast reference frame selection based on content similarity for low complexity HEVC encoder
* Feature discovering for image classification via wavelet-like pattern decomposition
* Image selective restoration using multi-scale variational decomposition
* Improved Joint Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
* improved RANSAC based on the scale variation homogeneity, An
* Joint image splicing detection in DCT and Contourlet transform domain
* Kernel dictionary learning based discriminant analysis
* Kernel discriminant analysis of Block-wise Gaussian Derivative Phase Pattern Histogram for palmprint recognition
* modified multi-grid algorithm for a novel variational model to remove multiplicative noise, A
* Multi-layer authentication scheme for HEVC video based on embedded statistics
* Multiframe super-resolution based on half-quadratic prior with artifacts suppress
* Perceptually-lossless image coding based on foveated-JND and H.265/HEVC
* Plane surface detection and reconstruction using segment-based tensor voting
* Quality biased multimedia data retrieval in microblogs
* rapid hybrid algorithm for image restoration combining parametric Wiener filtering and wave atom transform, A
* Reconstruction of lost depth data in multiview video-plus-depth communications using geometric transforms
* Regularized MSBL algorithm with spatial correlation for sparse hyperspectral unmixing
* Representing 3D shapes based on implicit surface functions learned from RBF neural networks
* Reversible data hiding based on multilevel histogram modification and pixel value grouping
* Reversible data hiding in Paillier cryptosystem
* Scalable line-based wavelet image coding in wireless sensor networks
* spatially constrained generative asymmetric Gaussian mixture model for image segmentation, A
* Unified discriminating feature analysis for visual category recognition
* Unsupervised discriminative hashing
* Vehicle Tracking and Speed Measurement system (VTSM) based on novel feature descriptor: Diagonal Hexadecimal Pattern (DHP)
* Weakly supervised image parsing via label propagation over discriminatively semantic graph
39 for JVCIR(40, Part B)
* BDSB: Binary descriptor with shared pixel blocks
* City-view image location identification by multiple geo-social media and graph-based image cluster refinement
* Collaborative representation discriminant embedding for image classification
* Decomposition-based tensor learning regression for improved classification of multimedia
* efficient depth image-based rendering with depth reliability maps for view synthesis, An
* fast and efficient image retrieval system based on color and texture features, A
* Gaussian-Hermite moment-based depth estimation from single still image for stereo vision
* Generalizing intersection kernel support vector machines for color texture based recognition
* Geometrically resilient color image zero-watermarking algorithm based on quaternion Exponent moments
* image denoising algorithm for mixed noise combining nonlocal means filter and sparse representation technique, An
* Improving image segmentation by using energy function based on mixture of Gaussian pre-processing
* Intermediate multimedia node: Implantable spinal cord stimulator
* Joint enhancement-compression of handwritten document images through DjVu encoder
* Morphological normalization of vowel images for articulatory speech recognition
* Multi-manifold-based skin classifier on feature space Voronoï regions for skin segmentation
* Multi-patch embedding canonical correlation analysis for multi-view feature learning
* Nonnegative coding based ensemble tracking
* On-line video object segmentation using illumination-invariant color-texture feature extraction and marker prediction
* Optimal bi-directional seam carving for compressibility-aware image retargeting
* Poisson inverse problems by the Plug-and-Play scheme
* polygonal approximation of shape boundaries of marine plankton based-on genetic algorithms, A
* Reversible data hiding based on flexible block-partition and adaptive block-modification strategy
* Reversible data hiding for encrypted signals by homomorphic encryption and signal energy transfer
* robust 2D Otsu's thresholding method in image segmentation, A
* Robust penalty-weighted deblurring via kernel adaption using single image
* Saliency-based dense trajectories for action recognition using low-rank matrix decomposition
* semi-automated system based on level sets and invariant spatial interrelation shape features for Caenorhabditis elegans phenotypes, A
* Semi-supervised feature selection with exploiting shared information among multiple tasks
* simple computational framework for defect detection system with orthogonal polynomials transcoded coefficients, A
* spatially variant total variational model for chromatic aberration correction, A
* Spatio-temporal action localization and detection for human action recognition in big dataset
* Statistical feature extraction based technique for fast fractal image compression
* Understanding convolutional neural networks with a mathematical model
* video semantic detection method based on locality-sensitive discriminant sparse representation and weighted KNN, A
* Visible-light and near-infrared face recognition at a distance
35 for JVCIR(41)
* Blind compressive sensing using block sparsity and nonlocal low-rank priors
* Complexity-Based Intra Frame Rate Control by Jointing Inter-Frame Correlation for High Efficiency Video Coding
* GAL: A global-attributes assisted labeling system for outdoor scenes
* Gender dictionary learning for gender classification
* HyperCast: Hyperspectral satellite image broadcasting with band ordering optimization
* Integration of wavelet transform, Local Binary Patterns and moments for content-based image retrieval
* Intensity-guided edge-preserving depth upsampling through weighted L0 gradient minimization
* Low light image enhancement with dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Memorable and rich video summarization
* New privilege-based visual cryptography with arbitrary privilege levels
* practical design of digital watermarking for video streaming services, A
* primal-dual method with linear mapping for a saddle point problem in image deblurring, A
* Reliability assessment of principal point estimates for forensic applications
* Robust multi-view stereo synthesized by various parameters model
* Satellite image classification using Genetic Algorithm trained radial basis function neural network, application to the detection of flooded areas
* Segment-based view synthesis optimization scheme in 3D-HEVC
* Stereo matching algorithm based on per pixel difference adjustment, iterative guided filter and graph segmentation
17 for JVCIR(42)
* Adaptive packet scheduling for scalable video streaming with network coding
* Dual learning based compression noise reduction in the texture domain
* Dynamic texture representation using a deep multi-scale convolutional network
* Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding
* HDR tone mapping algorithm based on difference compression with adaptive reference values
* Hierarchical content importance-based video quality assessment for HEVC encoded videos transmitted over LTE networks
* image texture insensitive method for saliency detection, An
* Integrating machine learning with region-based active contour models in medical image segmentation
* Interactive image segmentation based on samples reconstruction and FLDA
* Key-frame-based depth propagation for semi-automatic stereoscopic video conversion
* No-reference pixel based video quality assessment for HEVC decoded video
* nonconvex nonsmooth regularization method with structure tensor total variation, A
* privacy-preserving content-based image retrieval method in cloud environment, A
* Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region deformity analysis
* Rough mode cost-based fast intra coding for high-efficiency video coding
* Spectral shape classification: A deep learning approach
* Spectral-spatial adaptive and well-balanced flow-based anisotropic diffusion for multispectral image denoising
* two-stage learning approach to face recognition, A
* Virtual view quality assessment based on shift compensation and visual masking effect
* weighted full-reference image quality assessment based on visual saliency, A
20 for JVCIR(43)
* Automatic image annotation based on Gaussian mixture model considering cross-modal correlations
* Block compressive sensing: Individual and joint reconstruction of correlated images
* ColorED: Color edge and segment detection by Edge Drawing (ED)
* Colorimetrically accurate gray component replacement using the additive model
* Efficient fuzzy composite predictive scheme for effectual 2-D up-sampling of images for multimedia applications
* Fast indoor scene description for blind people with multiresolution random projections
* Fast regularized iterative forward backward splitting with adaptive parameter selection for image restoration
* Guest Editorial: Intermediate representation for vision and multimedia applications
* image coding scheme using parallel compressive sensing for simultaneous compression-encryption applications, An
* Integration of semantic and visual hashing for image retrieval
* Iterative optimization for frame-by-frame object pose tracking
* Joint image compression and encryption based on order-8 alternating transforms
* Manifold-ranking embedded order preserving hashing for image semantic retrieval
* Massive parallelization of approximate nearest neighbor search on KD-tree for high-dimensional image descriptor matching
* Multiwavelet transform based license plate detection
* No embedding: A novel image cryptosystem for meaningful encryption
* Novel video stabilization for real-time optical character recognition applications
* Region based Image Steganalysis using Artificial Bee Colony
* Robust object tracking based on adaptive templates matching via the fusion of multiple features
* Spatial/temporal motion consistency based MERGE mode early decision for HEVC
* Store classification using Text-Exemplar-Similarity and Hypotheses-Weighted-CNN
21 for JVCIR(44)
* Contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images based on structure-texture-noise decomposition
* Efficient object-based surveillance image search using spatial pooling of convolutional features
* Exploring visual attention using random walks based eye tracking protocols
* Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learning
* Fast depth map mode decision based on depth-texture correlation and edge classification for 3D-HEVC
* High-dimensional feature extraction using bit-plane decomposition of local binary patterns for robust face recognition
* Image enhancement using divide-and-conquer strategy
* Multi-focus image fusion using HOSVD and edge intensity
* Packet loss visibility across SD, HD, 3D, and UHD video streams
* ParaBoost stereoscopic image quality assessment (PBSIQA) system, A
* Robust corner detection using the eigenvector-based angle estimator
* Separable reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on pixel value ordering and additive homomorphism
* SIFT based video watermarking resistant to temporal scaling
* Transparent encryption with scalable video communication: Lower-latency, CABAC-based schemes
* Tunable data hiding in partially encrypted H.264/AVC videos
* Two-dimensional discriminant analysis based on Schatten p-norm for image feature extraction
16 for JVCIR(45)
* Adaptive stochastic segmentation via energy-convergence for brain tumor in MR images
* Camera as weather sensor: Estimating weather information from single images
* Cross-layer optimized authentication and error control for wireless 3D medical video streaming over LTE
* Depth map super-resolution via low-resolution depth guided joint trilateral up-sampling
* Design, analysis and application of a volumetric convolutional neural network
* Distortion adaptive Sobel filters for the gradient estimation of wide angle images
* Efficient PVO-based reversible data hiding using multistage blocking and prediction accuracy matrix
* global and local consistent ranking model for image saliency computation, A
* Image annotation using multi-view non-negative matrix factorization with different number of basis vectors
* MRI reconstruction using a joint constraint in patch-based total variational framework
* Multinational vehicle license plate detection in complex backgrounds
* Multiple illuminant estimation from the covariance of colors
* Perceptually lossless coder for volumetric medical image data
* Quality assessment for real out-of-focus blurred images
* Recent developments and trends in point set registration methods
* Robust blind image watermarking using crisscross inter-block prediction in the DCT domain
* Robust player detection and tracking in broadcast soccer video based on enhanced particle filter
* Robust skin-roughness estimation based on co-occurrence matrix
* Rotation and script independent text detection from video frames using sub pixel mapping
* SIFT-Symmetry: A robust detection method for copy-move forgery with reflection attack
* Single-shot dense depth sensing with frequency-division multiplexing fringe projection
* Sparse representation for robust face recognition by dictionary decomposition
* splitting method for total least squares color image restoration problem, A
* Steganalysis of content-adaptive binary image data hiding
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment by learning non-negative matrix factorization-based color visual characteristics and considering binocular interactions
* Unsupervised multi class segmentation of 3D images with intensity inhomogeneities
* Vehicle detection and inter-vehicle distance estimation using single-lens video camera on urban/suburb roads
* VideoSet: A large-scale compressed video quality dataset based on JND measurement
28 for JVCIR(46)
* Discriminant analysis via jointly -norm sparse tensor preserving embedding for image classification
* joint dictionary learning and regression model for intensity estimation of facial AUs, A
* new method for inpainting of depth maps from time-of-flight sensors based on a modified closing by reconstruction algorithm, A
* Per-pixel mirror-based method for high-speed video acquisition
* Performance evaluation of local descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions
* Video synthesis from stereo videos with iterative depth refinement
* 3D saliency detection based on background detection
* 3D-DCT video encoder using advanced coding techniques for low power mobile device, A
* Bilinear dynamics for crowd video analysis
* Boundary points based scale invariant 3D point feature
* Collaborative sparse representation leaning model for RGBD action recognition
* Combining multi-layer integration algorithm with background prior and label propagation for saliency detection
* Combining passive visual cameras and active IMU sensors for persistent pedestrian tracking
* Combining self-learning based super-resolution with denoising for noisy images
* Complex impulse noise removal from color images based on super pixel segmentation
* Constructions of general reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography with two decryption options
* Contextual aerial image categorization using codebook
* Contour segment grouping for object detection
* Detecting image seam carving with low scaling ratio using multi-scale spatial and spectral entropies
* Efficient local and global contour detection based on superpixels
* Fast super-resolution algorithm using rotation-invariant ELBP classifier and hierarchical pattern matching
* Frame-wise detection of relocated I-frames in double compressed H.264 videos based on convolutional neural network
* generic denoising framework via guided principal component analysis, A
* Graph-regularized concept factorization for multi-view document clustering
* Hierarchical image resampling detection based on blind deconvolution
* High-level background prior based salient object detection
* Hybrid textual-visual relevance learning for content-based image retrieval
* Identifying source camera using guided image estimation and block weighted average
* Image contrast enhancement based on intensity expansion-compression
* Improved macroblock level rate control for the spatially scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* Improved marching tetrahedra algorithm based on hierarchical signed distance field and multi-scale depth map fusion for 3D reconstruction
* Internet cross-media retrieval based on deep learning
* Multi-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Action Recognition
* Multimedia annotation via semi-supervised shared-subspace feature selection
* Multimedia venue semantic modeling based on multimodal data
* Non-texture image inpainting using histogram of oriented gradients
* Online multi-objective optimization for live video forwarding across video data centers
* Optimal PPVO-based reversible data hiding
* Perceptual stereoscopic video coding using disparity just-noticeable-distortion model
* Rate control for non-uniform video in HEVC
* Representative band selection for hyperspectral image classification
* Salient object detection via boosting object-level distinctiveness and saliency refinement
* Semi-supervised learning on large-scale geotagged photos for situation recognition
* Special issue on cross-media big data analytics
* Sum-of-gradient based fast intra coding in 3D-HEVC for depth map sequence (SOG-FDIC)
* Thermal-image processing and statistical analysis for vehicle category in nighttime traffic
* two-stage convolutional sparse prior model for image restoration, A
* use of IMUs for video object retrieval in lightweight devices, The
* Using 3D face priors for depth recovery
* Wide-angle and long-range real time pose estimation: A comparison between monocular and stereo vision systems
44 for JVCIR(48)
* 2-D Curve Partitioning by Kohonen Feature Maps
* Detecting Activities
* Efficient Algorithm for Drainage Network Extraction on DEMs, An
* How to Catch a Crook
* Polygons in Three Dimensions
* Recovering 3D Shape and Motion from Image Streams Using Non-Linear Least Squares
* Special Issue on Still and Video Image Compression
* Tracking Human Body Motion Based on a Stick Figure Model
* Vector Quantization Based Motion Field Segmentation under an Entropy Constraint
* Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line Drawing Images
* VLSI Design of Digital Cellular Neural Networks for Image Processing
* Well-Shaped, Stable, and Reversible Skeletons from the (3,4)-Distance Transform
12 for JVCIR(5)
* Advanced texture and depth coding in 3D-HEVC
* Blind image sharpness assessment based on local contrast map statistics
* Color image dehazing using surround filter and dark channel prior
* efficient method of content-targeted online video advertising, An
* efficient weak sharpening detection method for image forensics, An
* Egocentric video description based on temporally-linked sequences
* Encoder settings impact on intra-prediction-based descriptors for video retrieval
* Extended smoothlets: An efficient multi-resolution adaptive transform
* High dynamic range 3D shape determination based on automatic exposure selection
* highly efficient method for improving the performance of GLA-based algorithms, A
* Identifying facial expression using adaptive sub-layer compensation based feature extraction
* Improved kernelized correlation filter tracking by using spatial regularization
* Leveraging deep neural networks to fight child pornography in the age of social media
* Low-complexity direct computation algorithm for cubic-spline interpolation scheme
* Motion-based countermeasure against photo and video spoofing attacks in face recognition
* Multi-atlas automatic positioning of anatomical landmarks
* No reference stereo video quality assessment based on motion feature in tensor decomposition domain
* note on patch-based low-rank minimization for fast image denoising, A
* Novel reversible data hiding scheme for Two-stage VQ compressed images based on search-order coding
* novel statistical model for content-based stereo image retrieval in the complex wavelet domain, A
* On data-driven Saak transform
* Optimal feature combination analysis for crowd saliency prediction
* Partial secret image sharing for (k,n) threshold based on image inpainting
* perceptually temporal adaptive quantization algorithm for HEVC, A
* Principal component dictionary-based patch grouping for image denoising
* Saliency integration driven by similar images
* Saliency ranker: A new salient object detection method
* Saliency-based multi-feature modeling for semantic image retrieval
* Salient object detection via spectral graph weighted low rank matrix recovery
* Shape decomposition-based handwritten compound character recognition for Bangla OCR
* TRLH: Fragile and blind dual watermarking for image tamper detection and self-recovery based on lifting wavelet transform and halftoning technique
31 for JVCIR(50)
* Adaptive stopping strategies for fast intra mode decision in HEVC
* Design of linear-phase nonsubsampled nonuniform directional filter bank with arbitrary directional partitioning
* Early event detection based on dynamic images of surveillance videos
* Face sketch-photo synthesis and recognition: Dual-scale Markov Network and multi-information fusion
* Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov feature and support vector machine recursive feature elimination
* HTTP adaptive streaming scheme for improving the quality of experience in multi-server environments
* Image Splicing Localization using a Multi-task Fully Convolutional Network (MFCN)
* improved multimodal medical image fusion algorithm based on fuzzy transform, An
* Infrared image super-resolution using auxiliary convolutional neural network and visible image under low-light conditions
* Learning adaptively windowed correlation filters for robust tracking
* lossy compression scheme for encrypted images exploiting Cauchy distribution and weighted rate distortion optimization, A
* Median filtering detection of small-size image based on CNN
* Multi-modal activity recognition from egocentric vision, semantic enrichment and lifelogging applications for the care of dementia
* novel method for automated correction of non-uniform/poor illumination of retinal images without creating false artifacts, A
* On Fisher vector encoding of binary features for video face recognition
* RENOIR-A dataset for real low-light image noise reduction
* Stroke-based stylization by learning sequential drawing examples
* structural post-processing method for enhancing intensity restoration of low-density impulse-noise for decision based filters, A
* Video Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Prediction and Spatiotemporal Propagation
19 for JVCIR(51)
* Anisotropic blind image quality assessment: Survey and analysis with current methods
* Edited nearest neighbour for selecting keyframe summaries of egocentric videos
* Eliminating the effects of illumination condition in feature based camera model identification
* Essential secret image sharing scheme with equal-sized shadows generation
* Fast BCS-FOCUSS and DBCS-FOCUSS with augmented Lagrangian and minimum residual methods
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images using an average filter and a guided filter
* Generation of Chinese ink portraits by blending face photographs with Chinese ink paintings
* Image restoration via Bayesian dictionary learning with nonlocal structured beta process
* Lossless data hiding in JPEG bitstream using alternative embedding
* Multiple-target tracking on mixed images with reflections and occlusions
* Personal-location-based temporal segmentation of egocentric videos for lifelogging applications
* Physical blob detector and Multi-Channel Color Shape Descriptor for human detection
* RGB-D face recognition under various conditions via 3D constrained local model
* Saliency detection via local structure propagation
* Sparsity constraint nearest subspace classifier for target recognition of SAR images
* spatiotemporal saliency-modulated JND profile applied to video watermarking, A
* Video you only look once: Overall temporal convolutions for action recognition
17 for JVCIR(52)
* Affordable content creation for free-viewpoint video and VR/AR applications
* Chaotic particle filter for visual object tracking
* Connecting the dots: Toward accountable machine-learning printer attribution methods
* Digital watermarking for camera-captured images based on just noticeable distortion and Wiener filtering
* Edge-preserving smoothing pyramid based multi-scale exposure fusion
* Enhanced local tone mapping for detail preserving reproduction of high dynamic range images
* high payload steganography mechanism based on wavelet packet transformation and neutrosophic set, A
* Hyperspectral pansharpening based on guided filter and Gaussian filter
* Integrating QDWD with pattern distinctness and local contrast for underwater saliency detection
* Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects
* new robust watermarking system in integer DCT domain, A
* new variational model for joint restoration and segmentation based on the Mumford-Shah model, A
* novel multi-view dimensionality reduction and recognition framework with applications to face recognition, A
* Object-level saliency: Fusing objectness estimation and saliency detection into a uniform framework
* Online object tracking via motion-guided convolutional neural network (MGNet)
* Rate control schemes for panoramic video coding
* Reducing the oversegmentation induced by quasi-flat zones for multivariate images
* Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correlations within color images
* Robust cross-pose face recognition using landmark oriented depth warping
* robust technique for copy-move forgery detection and localization in digital images via stationary wavelet and discrete cosine transform, A
* Saliency detection integrating global and local information
* Saliency detection via bi-directional propagation
* set-to-set nearest neighbor approach for robust and efficient face recognition with image sets, A
* Single Satellite Imagery Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Colorization Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks
* Super-resolution image reconstruction using surface fitting with hierarchical structure
* Temporally enhanced image object proposals for online video object and action detections
26 for JVCIR(53)
* Chaotic firefly algorithm-based fuzzy C-means algorithm for segmentation of brain tissues in magnetic resonance images
* Color uniformity descriptor: An efficient contextual color representation for image indexing and retrieval
* Content-aware detection of JPEG grid inconsistencies for intuitive image forensics
* Convolutional neural networks: Ensemble modeling, fine-tuning and unsupervised semantic localization for neurosurgical CLE images
* Face spoofing detection with local binary pattern network
* Hierarchical uncorrelated multiview discriminant locality preserving projection for multiview facial expression recognition
* Image quality assessment in first-person videos
* Joint Feature Selection and Graph Regularization for Modality-Dependent Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Lossless coding of light field images based on minimum-rate predictors
* multilevel reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted domain based on LWE, A
* novel distortion criterion of rate-distortion optimization for depth map coding, A
* reduced computational effort mode-level scheme for 3D-HEVC depth maps intra-frame prediction, A
* Region-based rate control for 3D-HEVC based texture video coding
* Rician denoising and deblurring using sparse representation prior and nonconvex total variation
* Saliency propagation with perceptual cues and background-excluded seeds
* Salient object detection via a local and global method based on deep residual network
* Spatial gamut mapping among non-inclusive gamuts
* Targeted attack and security enhancement on texture synthesis based steganography
* Towards exploiting change blindness for image processing
19 for JVCIR(54)
* *2018 JVCI Best Paper Award Winners Announced
* 3D human pose estimation from depth maps using a deep combination of poses
* automatic and serialized ROI extraction framework for the slow-motion video frames, An
* Binary image steganalysis based on local texture pattern
* Blind forensics of image gamma transformation and its application in splicing detection
* Co-segmentation via visualization
* Coding unit complexity-based predictions of coding unit depth and prediction unit mode for efficient HEVC-to-SHVC transcoding with quality scalability
* Content-based image retrieval model based on cost sensitive learning
* Context-Assisted 3D (C3D) Object Detection from RGB-D Images
* Correlation filter tracker based on sparse regularization
* Cut set-based Dynamic Key frame selection and Adaptive Layer-based Background Modeling for background subtraction
* Data-driven multimedia forensics and security
* Deepdiary: Lifelogging image captioning and summarization
* Depth sensing with coding-free pattern based on topological constraint
* Discriminative body part interaction mining for mid-level action representation and classification
* Dynamic 3D reconstruction improvement via intensity video guided 4D fusion
* effective motion object detection method using optical flow estimation under a moving camera, An
* Efficient feature-based image registration by mapping sparsified surfaces
* Efficient graph cut optimization for shape from focus
* Enhancing multi-factor cheating prevention in visual cryptography based minimum (k, n)-connected graph
* Evolution modeling with multi-scale smoothing for action recognition
* Expression-targeted feature learning for effective facial expression recognition
* Face-mask recognition for fraud prevention using Gaussian mixture model
* Feedback weight convolutional neural network for gait recognition
* Fuzzy averaging filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images with a correction step
* Guided filtering based data fusion for light field depth estimation with L0 gradient minimization
* Histogram-based local descriptors for facial expression recognition (FER): A comprehensive study
* Incremental generalized multiple maximum scatter difference with applications to feature extraction
* Integrating support vector machine and graph cuts for medical image segmentation
* Introduction to the special issue: Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging
* Iterative applications of image completion with CNN-based failure detection
* Joint entropy based learning model for image retrieval
* Learning an event-oriented and discriminative dictionary based on an adaptive label-consistent K-SVD method for event detection in soccer videos
* Learning an video frame-based face detection system for security fields
* Learning spatial-temporal features for video copy detection by the combination of CNN and RNN
* Leveraging multi-modal fusion for graph-based image annotation
* Long-term correlation tracking using multi-layer hybrid features in sparse and dense environments
* Merged region based image retrieval
* modified technique for face recognition under degraded conditions, A
* Moving cast shadow detection using scale-relation multi-layer pooling features
* MSKVS: Adaptive mean shift-based keyframe extraction for video summarization and a new objective verification approach
* Multi-task based object tracking via a collaborative model
* multi-view camera-based anti-fraud system and its applications, A
* Multimedia analysis with collective intelligence
* Multipath-based transmission scheme for improving the QoE of HTTP adaptive streaming
* Multiple disjoint dictionaries for representation of histopathology images
* new deep representation for large-scale scene classification, A
* No-reference quality assessment of DIBR-synthesized videos by measuring temporal flickering
* Non-negative matrix factorization via discriminative label embedding for pattern classification
* Nonparametric blind SAR image super resolution based on combination of the compressive sensing and sparse priors
* Object detection from dynamic scene using joint background modeling and fast deep learning classification
* Orthogonal filter banks with region Log-Tied Rank covariance matrices for face recognition
* Photographic composition classification and dominant geometric element detection for outdoor scenes
* Probabilistic collaborative representation based orthogonal discriminative projection for image set classification
* Progressive (k,n) secret image sharing Scheme with meaningful shadow images by GEMD and RGEMD
* Region ensemble network: Towards good practices for deep 3D hand pose estimation
* Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
* Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
* Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
* Robust eye detection using deeply-learned gaze shifting path
* Sampling strategies for performance improvement in cascaded face regression
* Simultaneous joint and object trajectory templates for human activity recognition from 3-D data
* Single Fog Image Restoration with Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Single image super-resolution via adaptive sparse representation and low-rank constraint
* Single-shot underwater image restoration: A visual quality-aware method based on light propagation model
* Small Sample Image Recognition Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network
* sound-based video clipping framework toward sports scenes, A
* Spatio-temporal constrained tone mapping operator for HDR video compression
* Spherically contoured exponential scale mixture prior based nonlocal image restoration with ADMM framework
* survey on image data analysis through clustering techniques for real world applications, A
* Toward a unified scheme for fast interactive segmentation
* Using suprathreshold color-difference ellipsoids to estimate any perceptual color-difference
* Video oriented filter for impulse noise reduction
* Visual adaptive tracking for monocular omnidirectional camera
* Visual tracking via Graph Regularized Kernel Correlation Filer and Multi-Memory Voting
* wavelet-assisted subband denoising for tomographic image reconstruction, A
76 for JVCIR(55)
* 3D object recognition based on pairwise Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive total variation-based spectral-spatial feature extraction of hyperspectral image
* Artistic movement recognition by consensus of boosted SVM based experts
* Attention guided U-Net for accurate iris segmentation
* Can a machine have two systems for recognition, like human beings?
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images via Weighted Spatial Correlation Representation
* Content adaptive interpolation filters based on HEVC framework
* Cost aggregation benchmark for light field depth estimation
* Cost and power efficient FPGA based stereo vision system using directional graph transform
* discriminative dynamic framework for facial expression recognition in video sequences, A
* Discriminative kernel-based metric learning for face verification
* efficient lossless secret sharing scheme for medical images, An
* General-to-specific learning for facial attribute classification in the wild
* Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for feature selection
* Hybrid of extended locality-constrained linear coding and manifold ranking for salient object detection
* Image up-sampling using deep cascaded neural networks in dual domains for images down-sampled in DCT domain
* Joint foveation-depth just-noticeable-difference model for virtual reality environment
* Moving object detection by low rank approximation and L1-TV regularization on RPCA framework
* new framework of action recognition with discriminative parts, spatio-temporal and causal interaction descriptors, A
* new Wronskian change detection model based codebook background subtraction for visual surveillance applications, A
* No-reference image quality assessment with local features and high-order derivatives
* overview of face-related technologies, An
* RETRACTED: Analysis of security operation and maintenance system using privacy utility in media environment
* RETRACTED: Camera network analysis for visual surveillance in electric industrial context
* Robust visual tracking via multi-feature response maps fusion using a collaborative local-global layer visual model
* Single image vehicle classification using pseudo long short-term memory classifier
* spatial correlation problem of noise in imaging deblurring and its solution, The
* Unsupervised multi-view feature extraction with dynamic graph learning
* View synthesis using foreground object extraction for disparity control and image inpainting
* Visual tracking via context-aware local sparse appearance model
30 for JVCIR(56)
* Anti-occlusion tracking algorithm of video target based on prediction and re-matching strategy
* Asymmetric filtering-based dense convolutional neural network for person re-identification combined with Joint Bayesian and re-ranking
* Can modified minimax win in Pearl's game?
* Community detection for multi-layer social network based on local random walk
* Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Category Structure Preserving
* Deep intensity guidance based compression artifacts reduction for depth map
* Disparity tuning guided stereoscopic saliency detection for eye fixation prediction
* Edge detection with feature re-extraction deep convolutional neural network
* Efficient VR Video Representation and Quality Assessment
* Extraction of PRNU noise from partly decoded video
* Facial expression video analysis for depression detection in Chinese patients
* Geometric discriminative deep features for traffic image analysis
* Graph regularized multiview marginal discriminant projection
* HCLR: A hybrid clustering and low-rank regularization-based method for photon-limited image restoration
* HDR video quality assessment: Perceptual evaluation of compressed HDR video
* Input-output finite-region stability and stabilization for discrete the 2-D Roesser model
* Learning multi-denoising autoencoding priors for image super-resolution
* Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimation for visual sentiment distribution prediction
* multi-order derivative feature-based quality assessment model for light field image, A
* novel hypergraph matching algorithm based on tensor refining, A
* optimized non-subsampled shearlet transform-based image fusion using Hessian features and unsharp masking, An
* Panoramic visual tracking based on adaptive mechanism
* Pedestrian tracking by learning deep features
* Reduced-reference quality assessment of multiply-distorted images based on structural and uncertainty information degradation
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with private-key homomorphism and public-key homomorphism
* robust enhancement system based on observer-backstepping controller, A
* Saliency detection based on background seeds by object proposals and extended random walk
* Saliency detection based on directional patches extraction and principal local color contrast
* Sparse optimization of non separable vector lifting scheme for stereo image coding
* Sparsity induced prototype learning via lp,1-norm grouping
* t,n)-multi secret image sharing scheme based on Boolean operations, A
* uniformizing method of MR image intensity transformation, An
* Visual comparison based on linear regression model and linear discriminant analysis
33 for JVCIR(57)
* 3D object retrieval with graph-based collaborative feature learning
* Adaptive perceptual quantizer for high dynamic range video compression
* Adversarial learning for viewpoints invariant 3D human pose estimation
* Affective image classification by jointly using interpretable art features and semantic annotations
* AGs: Local descriptors derived from the dependent effects model
* Application of entropy-based multi-attribute decision-making method to structured selection of settlement
* Automatic extraction of impervious surfaces from high resolution remote sensing images based on deep learning
* Binary image steganography based on joint distortion measurement
* Blind Image Quality Assessment with Hierarchy: Degradation from Local Structure to Deep Semantics
* Blind image quality assessment with semantic information
* Boosting content based image retrieval performance through integration of parametric and nonparametric approaches
* Cancellation of motion artifacts in ambulatory ECG signals using TD-LMS adaptive filtering techniques
* Contrast enhancement and details preservation of tone mapped high dynamic range images
* Cross-modal motion regeneration using Multimodal Deep Belief Network
* deep generative directed network for scene depth ordering, A
* Detection and tracking based tubelet generation for video object detection
* Detection of alteration zones using hyperspectral remote sensing data from Dapingliang skarn copper deposit and its surrounding area, Shanshan County, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China
* Discovering spatio-temporal action tubes
* Discriminant locality preserving projections based on L2,p-norm for image feature extraction and recognition
* Edge-enhancing bi-histogram equalisation using guided image filter
* EVS-DK: Event video skimming using deep keyframe
* Face recognition based on genetic algorithm
* Fast prediction for quality scalability of High Efficiency Video Coding Scalable Extension
* Generalized general access structure in secret image sharing
* Graph-based supervised discrete image hashing
* Heterogeneous multimedia cooperative annotation based on multimodal correlation learning
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on extended run-length coding and block-based MSB plane rearrangement
* Hybrid incremental learning of new data and new classes for hand-held object recognition
* Hyperspectral remote sensing image change detection based on tensor and deep learning
* ImmerTai: Immersive Motion Learning in VR Environments
* Influence of CT scanning parameters on rock and soil images
* Joint image encryption and compression schemes based on 16X16 DCT
* Joint residual pyramid for joint image super-resolution
* Kernel cross-view collaborative representation based classification for person re-identification
* Learning target-aware correlation filters for visual tracking
* literature review of action recognition in traffic context, The
* Mesoscopic structure PFC~2D model of soil rock mixture based on digital image
* method of visibility forecast based on hierarchical sparse representation, A
* mix-pooling CNN architecture with FCRF for brain tumor segmentation, A
* Multi-cue fusion: Discriminative enhancing for person re-identification
* Multi-task multimodal feature refinement for emotional speech animation
* Multimodal clothing recognition for semantic search in unconstrained surveillance imagery
* multiscale Galerkin method for second-order boundary value problems of Fredholm integro-differential equation II: Efficient algorithm for the discrete linear system, A
* Neutrosophic C-means clustering with local information and noise distance-based kernel metric image segmentation
* novel framework for semantic segmentation with generative adversarial network, A
* novel MEDLINE topic indexing method using image presentation, A
* Object detection by spatio-temporal analysis and tracking of the detected objects in a video with variable background
* Online multi-object tracking combining optical flow and compressive tracking in Markov decision process
* passenger flow status identification based on image and WiFi detection for urban rail transit stations, The
* Person re-identification based on re-ranking with expanded k-reciprocal nearest neighbors
* Research on feature extraction algorithm for plantar pressure image and gait analysis in stroke patients
* review on classifying abnormal behavior in crowd scene, A
* Scene graph captioner: Image captioning based on structural visual representation
* Sharing hand gesture and sketch cues in remote collaboration
* Single image super-resolution based on adaptive convolutional sparse coding and convolutional neural networks
* spatial-frequency-temporal domain based saliency model for low contrast video sequences, A
* Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment by Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Super-resolution of single multi-color image with guided filter
* Supervised graph regularization based cross media retrieval with intra and inter-class correlation
* survey on image tampering and its detection in real-world photos, A
* T2FCS filter: Type 2 fuzzy and cuckoo search-based filter design for image restoration
* touchless interaction interface for observing medical imaging, A
* Track circuit fault prediction method based on grey theory and expert system
* Using Expectation-Maximization for exposing image forgeries by revealing inconsistencies in shadow geometry
* Water level changes of Hulun Lake in Inner Mongolia derived from Jason satellite data
* Weighted locality collaborative representation based on sparse subspace
* Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain with L2,1 norm constraint
67 for JVCIR(58)
* 3D human pose estimation from a single image via exemplar augmentation
* 3D human pose estimation from range images with depth difference and geodesic distance
* Analysis of Beijing Tianjin Hebei regional credit system from the perspective of big data credit reporting
* application and design of neural computation in visual perception, The
* Application research of image compression and wireless network traffic video streaming
* Band reordering heuristics for lossless satellite image compression with 3D-CALIC and CCSDS
* Barrett's esophagus analysis using infinity Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* client-based adaptation framework for 360-degree video streaming, A
* CNN-based method for blotches and scratches detection in archived videos
* Collaborative multimodal feature learning for RGB-D action recognition
* Copyright protection method for 3D model of geological body based on digital watermarking technology
* Deep feature representation for anti-fraud system
* Defocus blur detection based on multiscale SVD fusion in gradient domain
* Development of a N-type GM-PHD filter for multiple target, multiple type visual tracking
* Dynamic embedding strategy of VQ-based information hiding approach
* Edge guided compressive sensing for image reconstruction based on two-stage L_0 minimization
* efficient 3D face recognition approach using Frenet feature of iso-geodesic curves, An
* efficient privacy protection scheme for data security in video surveillance, An
* Evaluating hedge fund downside risk using a multi-objective neural network
* experimental study about laser-induced dizziness effect of medium-wave infrared seeker which based on image processing, The
* Face liveness detection using convolutional-features fusion of real and deep network generated face images
* Facial expression recognition from image based on hybrid features understanding
* Gait recognition based on capsule network
* Hardware implementation of digital image skeletonization algorithm using FPGA for computer vision applications
* IL-GAN: Illumination-invariant representation learning for single sample face recognition
* improved multi-branch residual network based on random multiplier and adaptive cosine learning rate method, An
* interactive method for identifying the stay points of the trajectory of moving objects, An
* Iterative fusion convolutional neural networks for classification of optical coherence tomography images
* Jointly social grouping and identification in visual dynamics with causality-induced hierarchical Bayesian model
* k,n) threshold partial reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography using one reference image, A
* K-anonymous clustering algorithm based on the analytic hierarchy process, A
* Learning spatiotemporal representations for human fall detection in surveillance video
* low-cost, accurate strain measurement using multi-view amplification mechanism and visual polydimethylsiloxane lens, A
* Modeling of image, video and text fusion quality data packet system for aerospace complex products based on business intelligence
* Multi-camera transfer GAN for person re-identification
* multi-image Joint Re-ranking framework with updateable Image Pool for person re-identification, A
* Multi-level and multi-scale deep saliency network for salient object detection
* Multi-view non-negative matrix factorization for scene recognition
* Multi-vision tracking and collaboration based on spatial particle filter
* Multimedia retrieval by deep hashing with multilevel similarity learning
* new adaptive boosting total generalized variation (TGV) technique for image denoising and inpainting, A
* new method of Thangka image inpainting quality assessment, A
* No reference quality assessment for Thangka color image based on superpixel
* Object detection and localization in 3D environment by fusing raw fisheye image and attitude data
* Object Memorability Prediction using Deep Learning: Location and Size Bias
* Principal characteristic networks for few-shot learning
* probabilistic topic model using deep visual word representation for simultaneous image classification and annotation, A
* Quantitative similarity calculation method for trajectory-directed line using sketch retrieval
* Research on image compression technology based on Huffman coding
* Research on image restoration algorithms based on BP neural network
* Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image recognition
* Research on video classification method of key pollution sources based on deep learning
* Retracted: An iterative propagation based co-saliency framework for RGBD images
* Seepage mechanism technical practice of hydraulic fracturing of coal seam and auxiliary image simulation technology
* Social multi-modal event analysis via knowledge-based weighted topic model
* survey of recent work on fine-grained image classification techniques, A
* Trademark image retrieval via transformation-invariant deep hashing
* Video facial emotion recognition based on local enhanced motion history image and CNN-CTSLSTM networks
* weighted edge-based level set method based on multi-local statistical information for noisy image segmentation, A
59 for JVCIR(59)
* Colored Illumination for Enhancing Discriminability in Machine Vision
* Compression of Binary Images by Composite Methods Based on Block Coding
* Conformal Mapping-Based Image Processing: Theory and Applications
* Early Image Representation by Slope Districts
* Human Face Perception in Degraded Images
* Human Visual-System Based Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
* Morphological Extraction of Line Networks from Noisy Low-Contrast Images
* Motion and Illumination Variation Estimation Using a Hierarchy of Models: Application to Image Sequence Coding
* New Generalized Hough Transform for the Detection of Irregular Objects, A
* On Dimensionality in Multiscale Morphological Scale-Space with Elliptic Poweroid Structuring Functions
* Postprocessing of Thresholded Images to Maximize Edge Coincidence
* Representation of Linear Granulometric Moments for Deterministic and Random Binary Euclidean Images
* Robust Estimation of Motion Vector-Fields with Discontinuity and Occlusion Using Local Outliers Rejection
* Robust Multiresolution Estimation of Parametric Motion Models
* Straight Line Extraction Using Iterative Total Least Squares Methods
* Symmetry Interpretation of Complex Moments and the Local Power Spectrum
* Texture Segmentation via Haar Fractal Feature Estimation
17 for JVCIR(6)
* Adaptively feature learning for effective power defense
* Automatic extraction of urban impervious surfaces based on deep learning and multi-source remote sensing data
* BALG: An alternative for fast and robust feature matching
* ChaboNet: Design of a deep CNN for prediction of visual saliency in natural video
* Compass aided visual-inertial odometry
* content-based rate control algorithm for screen content video coding, A
* Correlation identification in multimodal weibo via back propagation neural network with genetic algorithm
* crowdsourced system for robust eye tracking, A
* Deep blind quality evaluator for multiply distorted images based on monogenic binary coding
* Detection and segmentation of underwater CW-like signals in spectrum image under strong noise background
* Effect of subject's age and gender on face recognition results
* Feature level MRI fusion based on 3D dual tree compactly supported Shearlet transform
* Generalization of feature embeddings transferred from different video anomaly detection domains
* Hybrid image super-resolution using perceptual similarity from pre-trained network
* Image processing analysis and research based on game animation design
* Image quality assessment using a novel region smoothness measure
* Infrared dim target detection method based on the fuzzy accurate updating symmetric adaptive resonance theory
* integrated approach to emotion recognition and gender classification, An
* Interpretable convolutional neural networks via feedforward design
* Matrix permutation meets block compressed sensing
* multi-view object tracking using triplet model, A
* Multimodal activity recognition with local block CNN and attention-based spatial weighted CNN
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Multifaceted Statistical Representation of Structure
* optimization of sum-product network structure learning, The
* Outlier detection and disparity refinement in stereo matching
* Perceptually learning multi-view sparse representation for scene categorization
* Quantitative CT study of martial arts sports injuries based on image quality
* real-time detection method of building energy efficiency based on image processing, A
* Recognition and extraction of named entities in online medical diagnosis data based on a deep neural network
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Image Super-Resolution by Energy Change and Texture Variation
* Region based multi-stream convolutional neural networks for collective activity recognition
* Regularized uncertainty-based multi-task learning model for food analysis
* Reinforcement learning based coding unit early termination algorithm for high efficiency video coding
* Relevance prediction in similarity-search systems using extreme value theory
* Research on automatic target detection and recognition based on deep learning
* Research on de-motion blur image processing based on deep learning
* Research on image recognition method of bank financing bill based on binary tree decision
* Research on image steganography analysis based on deep learning
* Research on key technologies of remote design of mechanical products based on artificial intelligence
* Saliency prediction by Mahalanobis distance of topological feature on deep color components
* SphereReID: Deep hypersphere manifold embedding for person re-identification
* Study on clues for gold prospecting in the Maizijing-Shulonggou area, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, China, using ALI, ASTER and WorldView-2 imagery
* Three dimensional image of stress space geotechnical constitutive model
* Traffic surveillance video coding with libraries of vehicles and background
* Wind turbine bionic blade design and performance analysis
* You always look again: Learning to detect the unseen objects
46 for JVCIR(60)
* Action recognition using dynamic hierarchical trees
* Application of artificial intelligence algorithms in image processing
* artificial intelligence based data-driven approach for design ideation, An
* Blind quality assessment of gamut-mapped images via local and global statistical analysis
* chain code for representing high definition contour shapes, A
* combination of color-black-and-white visual cryptography and polynomial based secret image sharing, A
* Convolutional neural networks-based stereo image reversible data hiding method
* Depth-Aware Saliency Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Discriminative regularization of the latent manifold of variational auto-encoders
* Dual image reversible data hiding using trinary assignment and centre folding strategy with low distortion
* End-to-end single image enhancement based on a dual network cascade model
* Enhanced Two-Phase Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Exploring frame segmentation networks for temporal action localization
* Fashion recommendations through cross-media information retrieval
* Frequency domain point cloud registration based on the Fourier transform
* Huffman-code based retrieval for encrypted JPEG images
* Improving multimodal action representation with joint motion history context
* Learning based no-reference metric for assessing quality of experience of stereoscopic images
* novel method of text line segmentation for historical document image of the uchen Tibetan, A
* novel natural language steganographic framework based on image description neural network, A
* On the use of joint sparse representation for image fusion quality evaluation and analysis
* Predictor-corrector image interpolation
* Research on image processing of intelligent building environment based on pattern recognition technology
* Research on image screening model of ancient villages
* Research on sports video image based on fuzzy algorithms
* RETRACTED: Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
* RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
* Robust subspace clustering for image data using clean dictionary estimation and group lasso based matrix completion
* Similarity-preserving hashing based on deep neural networks for large-scale image retrieval
* SRLibrary: Comparing different loss functions for super-resolution over various convolutional architectures
* Two-stages based facial demographic attributes combination for age estimation
* Visual data of facial expressions for automatic pain detection
32 for JVCIR(61)
* AFIF4: Deep gender classification based on AdaBoost-based fusion of isolated facial features and foggy faces
* Co-weighting semantic convolutional features for object retrieval
* Deep fusion based video saliency detection
* Deformed landmark fitting for sequential faces
* Dim and small target detection based on feature mapping neural networks
* Discriminative representation learning for person re-identification via multi-loss training
* Estimating the occupancy status of parking areas by counting cars and non-empty stalls
* Face Expression Recognition with the Optimization based Multi-SVNN Classifier and the Modified LDP Features
* Facial expression recognition via region-based convolutional fusion network
* Fast combination filtering based on weighted fusion
* Ghost-free multi exposure image fusion technique using dense SIFT descriptor and guided filter
* HEVC intra-frame drift cancellation matrix
* Hierarchical deep transfer learning for finie-grained categorization on micro datasets
* High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Method for Homomorphic Encrypted Images, A
* Histogram distance metric learning for facial expression recognition
* Image Classification Base on PCA of Multi-View Deep Representation
* learning based approach to additive, correlated noise removal, A
* Learning deep CNNs for impulse noise removal in images
* Locally optimum image watermark decoder by modeling NSCT domain difference coefficients with vector based Cauchy distribution
* Lossless compression codec of aurora spectral data using hybrid spatial-spectral decorrelation with outlier recognition
* Multi-person pose estimation based on a deep convolutional neural network
* Multi-script text versus non-text classification of regions in scene images
* object counting network based on hierarchical context and feature fusion, An
* Personalized training through Kinect-based games for physical education
* Picture-level just noticeable difference for symmetrically and asymmetrically compressed stereoscopic images: Subjective quality assessment study and datasets
* Radial feature descriptors for cell classification and recommendation
* Research on deep learning in the field of mechanical equipment fault diagnosis image quality
* Research on fuzzy enhancement algorithms for infrared image recognition quality of power internet of things equipment based on membership function
* Research on regional energy efficiency based on GIS technology and image quality processing
* RETRACTED: Deeply fusing multimodal features in hypergraph
* RETRACTED: Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
* Retraction notice
* Robust correlation filter tracking via context fusion and subspace constraint
* Salient object detection using background subtraction, Gabor filters, objectness and minimum directional backgroundness
* Semantic consistency cross-modal dictionary learning with rank constraint
* Smooth switching method for asynchronous multiple viewpoint videos using frame interpolation
* Towards genre-specific frameworks for video summarisation: A survey
* Two-level attention with two-stage multi-task learning for facial emotion recognition
* VST-Net: Variance-stabilizing transformation inspired network for Poisson denoising
39 for JVCIR(62)
* 2,2) XOR-based visual cryptography scheme without pixel expansion, A
* Acceleration of RED via vector extrapolation
* Automatic building change image quality assessment in high resolution remote sensing based on deep learning
* Content-sensitive superpixel segmentation via self-organization-map neural network
* Cooperative media control parameter optimization of the integrated mixing and paving machine based on the fuzzy cuckoo search algorithm
* Deep spatial attention hashing network for image retrieval
* Design of museum advertisement picture management system based on web
* Dimension reduction of image deep feature using PCA
* Dynamic gesture recognition by directional pulse coupled neural networks for human-robot interaction in real time
* FISH: Face intensity-shape histogram representation for automatic face splicing detection
* Image classification toward lung cancer recognition by learning deep quality model
* Image quality assessment for advertising applications based on neural network
* Image quality assessment for intelligent emergency application based on deep neural network
* Key pose recognition toward sports scene using deeply-learned model
* Learning a virtual codec based on deep convolutional neural network to compress image
* Learning local feature representation from matching, clustering and spatial transform
* Learning sparse discriminant low-rank features for low-resolution face recognition
* Magnitude-Orientation Stream network and depth information applied to activity recognition
* Natural image segmentation with non-extensive mixture models
* new image size reduction model for an efficient visual sensor network, A
* Pedestrian detection using multi-channel visual feature fusion by learning deep quality model
* Probabilistic guided polycystic ovary syndrome recognition using learned quality kernel
* Quality assessment of stereoscopic video in free viewpoint video system
* Quality assessment on remote sensing image based on neural networks
* Quality-guided image classification toward information management applications
* Reliable identification of redundant kernels for convolutional neural network compression
* Research on image quality in decision management system and information system framework
* Robust estimation for image noise based on eigenvalue distributions of large sample covariance matrices
* Towards controllable image descriptions with semi-supervised VAE
* Weakly labeled fine-grained classification with hierarchy relationship of fine and coarse labels
* Weighted correlation filters guidance with spatial-temporal attention for online multi-object tracking
31 for JVCIR(63)
* Adaptive illumination-invariant face recognition via local nonlinear multi-layer contrast feature
* adaptive template matching-based single object tracking algorithm with parallel acceleration, An
* Analyzing multiple types of behaviors from traffic videos via nonparametric topic model
* Cityscape protection using VR and eye tracking technology
* Deep spectral feature pyramid in the frequency domain for long-term action recognition
* Exclusive feature selection and multi-view learning for Alzheimer's Disease
* Fault point detection of IOT using multi-spectral image fusion based on deep learning
* Finite element model of concrete material based on CT image processing technology
* fuzzy interaction scheme of mid-air gesture elicitation, A
* Hierarchically engineering quality-related perceptual features for understanding breast cancer
* hybrid feature space from texture information and transfer learning for glaucoma classification, An
* Image anomaly detection for IoT equipment based on deep learning
* Image classification toward breast cancer using deeply-learned quality features
* Image classification towards transmission line fault detection via learning deep quality-aware fine-grained categorization
* Image quality guided biology application for genetic analysis
* Image quality optimization towards lidar registration based on iterative termination
* Inversion of organic matter content in wetland soil based on Landsat 8 remote sensing image
* IPTV video quality assessment model based on neural network
* Knowledge driven temporal activity localization
* Local energy oriented pattern for image indexing and retrieval
* method of processing color image watermarking based on the Haar wavelet, A
* multi-scale topological shape model for single and multiple component shapes, A
* multiscale dilated dense convolutional network for saliency prediction with instance-level attention competition, A
* new charge structure based on computer modeling and simulation analysis, A
* Part-based visual tracking via structural support correlation filter
* Patch graph-based wavelet inpainting for color images
* Progressive complex illumination image appearance transfer based on CNN
* Quality assessment towards cell diffraction image based on multi-channel feature fusion
* Quality guided image recognition towards industrial materials diffusion
* Representative discovery of structure cues for coronary heart disease recognition based on quality assessment
* Research on infrared image enhancement and segmentation of power equipment based on partial differential equation
* Research on quality improvement method of deformation monitoring data based on InSAR
* Road surface condition classification using deep learning
* Scene flow estimation by depth map upsampling and layer assignment for camera-LiDAR system
* square lattice oriented reversible information hiding scheme with reversibility and adaptivity for dual images, A
* Ultrasonic image processing based on fusion super-resolution reconstruction of familiar models
36 for JVCIR(64)
* 3DSportNet: 3D sport reconstruction by quality-aware deep multi-video summation
* affective facial recognition task: The influence of cognitive styles and exposure times, The
* Analysis of active faults based on natural earthquakes in Central north China
* Application research of digital image technology in graphic design
* Benchmarking deep learning techniques for face recognition
* Design of high-resolution quantization scheme with exp-Golomb code applied to compression of special images
* Egocentric visitors localization in natural sites
* extensive evaluation of deep features of convolutional neural networks for saliency prediction of human visual attention, An
* extensive review on spectral imaging in biometric systems: Challenges and advancements, An
* Fusing dynamic deep learned features and handcrafted features for facial expression recognition
* Generation of personalized video summaries by detecting viewer's emotion using electroencephalography
* Generative image deblurring based on multi-scaled residual adversary network driven by composed prior-posterior loss
* image denoising approach based on adaptive nonlocal total variation, An
* Image quality recognition technology based on deep learning
* Image quality study of CT imaging examination in children with childhood tumors under ultrasound-guided puncture
* Intelligent attack defense scheme based on DQL algorithm in mobile fog computing
* Large-scale and adaptive service composition based on deep reinforcement learning
* Learning attentive dynamic maps (ADMs) for Understanding Human Actions
* Learning full-reference quality-guided discriminative gradient cues for lane detection based on neural networks
* Multiple object tracking in soccer videos using topographic surface analysis
* Multisource surveillance video coding with synthetic reference frame
* Quality-guided key frames selection from video stream based on object detection
* Saliency detection using Multi-layer graph ranking and combined neural networks
* Salient object detection based on novel graph model
* Scene categorization towards urban tunnel traffic by image quality assessment
* Study on short-term network forecasting based on SVM-MFA algorithm
* topic sentiment based method for friend recommendation in online social networks via matrix factorization, A
* Visual tracking via dynamic weighting with pyramid-redetection based Siamese networks
28 for JVCIR(65)
* Anti-forensics of median filtering and contrast enhancement
* Convolutional sparse coding framework for compressive spectral imaging
* efficient high-capacity reversible data hiding scheme for encrypted images, An
* Face presentation attack detection based on chromatic co-occurrence of local binary pattern and ensemble learning
* Identifying biometrics in the wild: A time, erosion and neural inspired framework for gait identification
* IR saliency detection via a GCF-SB visual attention framework
* Low complexity high efficiency coding of light fields using ensemble classifiers
* novel change-detection scheduler for a network of depth sensors, A
* novel dark channel prior guided variational framework for underwater image restoration, A
* Objects and scenes classification with selective use of central and peripheral image content
* Secure and robust host-adapted color image watermarking using inter-layered wavelet-packets
* Sparseness embedding in bending of space and time; A case study on unsupervised 3D action recognition
* Spline-like Chebyshev polynomial model for compressive imaging
* Superpixels extracted via region fusion with boundary constraint
* Unsupervised fisheye image correction through bidirectional loss with geometric prior
* Video compressed sensing reconstruction based on structural group sparsity and successive approximation estimation model
* Visualization, Discriminability and Applications of Interpretable Saak Features
17 for JVCIR(66)
* Blind tone mapped image quality assessment with image segmentation and visual perception
* Color image enhancement with high saturation using piecewise linear gamut mapping
* Detecting spatiotemporal irregularities in videos via a 3D convolutional autoencoder
* Exploiting the local temporal information for video captioning
* Matrix-variate variational auto-encoder with applications to image process
* new pyramidal opponent color-shape model based video shot boundary detection, A
* novel multi-focus image fusion method based on distributed compressed sensing, A
* Parallel spatial-temporal convolutional neural networks for anomaly detection and location in crowded scenes
* Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
* Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
* Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
* Saliency detection using adversarial learning networks
* Screen content image quality assessment based on convolutional neural networks
* Sparsity adaptive matching pursuit for face recognition
* Spatio-temporal metric learning for individual recognition from locomotion
15 for JVCIR(67)
* Pure intra mode decision in HEVC using optimized firefly algorithm
* real time expert system for anomaly detection of aerators based on computer vision and surveillance cameras, A
* Salient object detection in video using deep non-local neural networks
* Cross-level reinforced attention network for person re-identification
* JPEG quantization step estimation with coefficient histogram and spectrum analyses
* No-reference quality metric for contrast-distorted image based on gradient domain and HSV space
* Research on image feature extraction and retrieval algorithms based on convolutional neural network
* RETRACTED: Analysis of security operation and maintenance system using privacy utility in media environment
* RETRACTED: Camera network analysis for visual surveillance in electric industrial context
* RETRACTED: Deeply fusing multimodal features in hypergraph
* RETRACTED: Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
* RETRACTED: Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
* RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
10 for JVCIR(69)
* 2-Dimensional Inplace Truncation Walsh Transform Method, A
* Abstracting Digital Movies Automatically
* Anisotropic Hierarchical Motion Estimation Method Based on Decomposition of the Functional Domain
* Applications of Partitioned Iterated Function Systems in Image and Video Compression
* Content-Based Indexing of Spatial Objects in Digital Libraries
* Convolution-Based Edge-Detection for Image/Video in Block DCT Domain
* Efficient Automatic Text Location Method and Content-Based Indexing and Structuring of Video Database
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithms for MPEG and for Partial DCT Information
* Fast Search Algorithms for VQ Codebook Generation
* Geometric Feature Detection for Reverse Engineering Using Range Imaging
* Graded Approach to Shape Representation, A
* How to Track a Flying Saucer
* Intermediate Annotationless Dynamical Object-Index-Based Query in Large Image Archives with Holographic Representation
* Lattice-Theoretical Morphological View on Template Extraction in Images, A
* On the Validity of Fractal Dimension Measurements in Image Analysis
* Optical Character-Recognition and Parsing of Typeset Mathematics
* Querying Video Libraries
* Scheme for Intelligent Image Retrieval in Multimedia Databases, A
* Shape from Photometric Ratio and Stereo
* Spatial Indexing for Video Databases
* Special Issue on Digital Libraries: Introduction
* Special Issue on Indexing, Storage, Browsing, and Retrieval of Images and Video: Guest Editors Introduction
* Survey of Technologies for Parsing and Indexing Digital Video, A
* Unified Approach to Iconic Indexing, Retrieval, and Maintenance of Spatial Relationships in Image Databases, A
* Uniqueness of Solutions to Structure and Motion from Combinations of Point and Line Correspondences
* Use of the Gray-Level SAT to Find the Salient Cavities in Echocardiograms, The
* Video Annotation by Motion Interpretation Using Optical-Flow Streams
* Video Coder Based on Split-Merge Displacement Estimation, A
28 for JVCIR(7)
* Adaptive single image dehazing method based on support vector machine
* Chronological pattern indexing: An efficient feature extraction method for hand gesture recognition with Leap Motion
* Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaotic map for distinguishable and robust color image zero-watermarking algorithm
* Data encryption based blockchain and privacy preserving mechanisms towards big data
* Diverse receptive field network with context aggregation for fast object detection
* effective hybrid pruning architecture of dynamic convolution for surveillance videos, An
* efficient tensor completion method via truncated nuclear norm, An
* End-to-end DeepNCC framework for robust visual tracking
* Hand pose estimation in object-interaction based on deep learning for virtual reality applications
* Histopathological Image Classification Through Discriminative Feature Learning and Mutual Information-Based Multi-Channel Joint Sparse Representation
* Human-computer interaction based on face feature localization
* Learning latent geometric consistency for 6D object pose estimation in heavily cluttered scenes
* Learning spatial hierarchies of high-level features in deep neural network
* Locality preserving projection based on Euler representation
* Low overhead spatiotemporal video compression over smartphone based Delay Tolerant Network
* Massive-scale image retrieval based on deep visual feature representation
* Massive-scale visual information retrieval towards city residential environment surveillance
* novel haze image steganography method via cover-source switching, A
* Perceptual visual quality assessment using deeply-learned gaze shifting kernel
* PixelHop: A successive subspace learning (SSL) method for object recognition
* Probabilistic color visual cryptography schemes for black and white secret images
* Relative view based holistic-separate representations for two-person interaction recognition using multiple graph convolutional networks
* Reversible data hiding in binary images by flipping pattern pair with opposite center pixel
* Semi-automatic 2D-to-3D video conversion based on background sprite generation
* Visual object tracking using sparse context-aware spatio-temporal correlation filter
* Wavelet based medical image super resolution using cross connected residual-in-dense grouped convolutional neural network
26 for JVCIR(70)
* Analysis of financial business model towards big data and its applications
* Application of fuzzy image restoration in criminal investigation
* Application of multimedia technology in water conservancy and hydropower engineering
* Artificial intelligence based ensemble approach for intrusion detection systems
* Automated standardization of images of Drosophila embryos
* Blind quality assessment for multiply distorted stereoscopic images towards IoT-based 3D capture systems
* BURSTS: A bottom-up approach for robust spotting of texts in scenes
* Candidate region correlation for video action detection
* Clustering adaptive canonical correlations for high-dimensional multi-modal data
* Credit risk assessment of P2P lending platform towards big data based on BP neural network
* Cross-domain representation learning by domain-migration generative adversarial network for sketch based image retrieval
* Deep hierarchical encoding model for sentence semantic matching
* Detail retaining convolutional neural network for image denoising
* Driver fatigue detection based on deeply-learned facial expression representation
* E-commerce personalized recommendation analysis by deeply-learned clustering
* embedding strategy on fusing multiple image features for data hiding in multiple images, An
* extension of the differential image foresting transform and its application to superpixel generation, An
* Generating video animation from single still image in social media based on intelligent computing
* Hierarchical Learning Using Deep Optimum-Path Forest
* Hierarchical Learning-Guided human motion quality assessment in big data environment
* High-quality face image generation based on generative adversarial networks
* Human action recognition based on convolutional neural network and spatial pyramid representation
* Human motion quality assessment toward sophisticated sports scenes based on deeply-learned 3D CNN model
* Hyperspectral image quality based on convolutional network of multi-scale depth
* image similarity descriptor for classification tasks, An
* Image understanding via learning weakly-supervised cross-modal semantic translation
* improved DCT-based JND estimation model considering multiple masking effects, An
* Intra mode prediction for H.266/FVC video coding based on convolutional neural network
* Learning multiple instance deep representation for objects tracking
* Low-resource automatic cartoon image creation from limited samples
* Multi-path connected network for medical image segmentation
* Multi-scale active patches fusion based on spatiotemporal LBP-TOP for micro-expression recognition
* Multimodal hand gesture recognition combining temporal and pose information based on CNN descriptors and histogram of cumulative magnitudes
* NERNet: Noise estimation and removal network for image denoising
* Neural machine translation with Gumbel Tree-LSTM based encoder
* No-reference image sharpness assessment based on discrepancy measures of structural degradation
* No-reference stereoscopic images quality assessment method based on monocular superpixel visual features and binocular visual features?
* novel approach for space debris recognition based on the full information vectors of star points, A
* novel fast intra mode decision for versatile video coding, A
* Polygonal approximation based on coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm
* Protein secondary structure prediction based on integration of CNN and LSTM model
* Quality-guided video aesthetics assessment with social media context
* Quality-related English text classification based on recurrent neural network
* Radar remote sensing image retrieval algorithm based on improved Sobel operator
* Rate-distortion-complexity optimization for x265
* Real-time license plate detection and recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
* Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
* Reversible data hiding in JPEG bitstream using optimal VLC mapping
* Salient object detection via two-stage absorbing Markov chain based on background and foreground
* Spatial-temporal saliency action mask attention network for action recognition
* Star-Discriminative dictionary learning algorithm based on sample diversity and locality of atoms for face recognition
* Structured feature sparsity training for convolutional neural network compression
* Taguchi-TOPSIS based HOG parameter selection for complex background sign language recognition
* Three stage deep network for 3D human pose reconstruction by exploiting spatial and temporal data via its 2D pose
* Video action recognition based on visual rhythm representation
* Vision-based optimization of the generalized predictive active disturbance rejection controller
* Volume preserving image segmentation with entropy regularized optimal transport and its applications in deep learning
* Water leakage image recognition of shield tunnel via learning deep feature representation
* Weakly-supervised large-scale image modeling for sport scenes and its applications
59 for JVCIR(71)
* Adaptive deep feature aggregation using Fourier transform and low-pass filtering for robust object retrieval
* Adult-child 3D backward face aging model (3D B-FAM)
* Automatic foreground extraction from imperfect backgrounds using multi-agent consensus equilibrium
* Deep gradual flash fusion for low-light enhancement
* Gray-level image denoising with an improved weighted sparse coding
* improved noise loss correction algorithm for learning from noisy labels, An
* Learning discriminative update adaptive spatial-temporal regularized correlation filter for RGB-T tracking
* Light field all-in-focus image fusion based on spatially-guided angular information
* Looking ahead: Joint small group detection and tracking in crowd scenes
* Multiple objects tracking by a highly decisive three-frame differencing-combined-background subtraction method with GMPFM-GMPHD filters and VGG16-LSTM classifier
* Novel shrinking residual convolutional neural network for efficient accurate stereo matching
* OSED: Object-specific edge detection
* Real-time long-term tracker with tracking-verification-detection-refinement
* Real-time sepsis severity prediction on knowledge graph deep learning networks for the intensive care unit
* Scalable Hash From Triplet Loss Feature Aggregation For Video De-duplication
* Semantic granularity metric learning for visual search
* Steganography using a 3-player game
* survey on analysis and implementation of state-of-the-art haze removal techniques, A
* t, k, n) XOR-based visual cryptography scheme with essential shadows
* Transformed denoising autoencoder prior for image restoration
* Translating video into language by enhancing visual and language representations
* Transparency-guided ensemble convolutional neural network for the stratification between pseudoprogression and true progression of glioblastoma multiform in MRI
* TRBACF: Learning temporal regularized correlation filters for high performance online visual object tracking
* Weakly supervised single image dehazing
24 for JVCIR(72)
* adaptive spatio-temporal perception aware quantization algorithm for AVS2, An
* Analytical derivatives for differentiable renderer: 3D pose estimation by silhouette consistency
* AP-GAN: Predicting skeletal activity to improve early activity recognition
* Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization
* Contour and region harmonic features for sub-local facial expression recognition
* Convolutional neural network with adaptive inferential framework for skeleton-based action recognition
* Depth segmentation in real-world scenes based on U-V disparity analysis
* Exploiting multigranular salient features with hierarchical multi-mode attention network for pedestrian re-IDentification
* Exploiting object features in deep gaze prediction models
* heuristic framework for perceptual saliency prediction, A
* Image splicing localization using residual image and residual-based fully convolutional network
* Improved-StoryGAN for sequential images visualization
* Improving the representation of image descriptions for semantic image retrieval with RDF
* large-scale remote sensing database for subjective and objective quality assessment of pansharpened images, A
* Local relation network with multilevel attention for visual question answering
* Multi-stage all-zero block detection for HEVC coding using machine learning
* Multiple depth-levels features fusion enhanced network for action recognition
* Recognition of occupational therapy exercises and detection of compensation mistakes for Cerebral Palsy
* Resolving overlapping convex objects in silhouette images by concavity analysis and Gaussian process
* SAR-NAS: Skeleton-based action recognition via neural architecture searching
* Semi-supervised cross-modal representation learning with GAN-based Asymmetric Transfer Network
* view-free image stitching network based on global homography, A
* Weakly supervised instance segmentation using multi-stage erasing refinement and saliency-guided proposals ordering
23 for JVCIR(73)
* anisotropic reference matrix for image steganography, An
* Attention-based contextual interaction asymmetric network for RGB-D saliency prediction
* Block-based image matching for image retrieval
* Circular intra prediction for 360 degree video coding
* Conditional generative adversarial network for EEG-based emotion fine-grained estimation and visualization
* Densely connected network with improved pyramidal bottleneck residual units for super-resolution
* efficient copy move forgery detection using adaptive watershed segmentation with AGSO and hybrid feature extraction, An
* Gradient-based conditional generative adversarial network for non-uniform blind deblurring via DenseResNet
* Hypergraph-regularized sparse representation for single color image super resolution
* Image annotation based on multi-view robust spectral clustering
* Integrating saliency with fuzzy thresholding for brain tumor extraction in MR images
* Low-rank embedded orthogonal subspace learning for zero-shot classification
* Model-based dehazing scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle system using radiance boundary constraint and graph model, A
* Motion vector modification distortion analysis-based payload allocation for video steganography
* Multiview video summarization using video partitioning and clustering
* Noise reduction for sonar images by statistical analysis and fields of experts
* Non-maximum suppression for object detection based on the chaotic whale optimization algorithm
* novel (k1,k2,n)-threshold two-in-one secret image sharing scheme for multiple secrets, A
* Optimal feature selection-based biometric key management for identity management system: Emotion oriented facial biometric system
* Person Re-identification with Global-Local Background Bias Net
* Reliable fusion of ToF and stereo data based on joint depth filter
* Semantic-aware visual attributes learning for zero-shot recognition
* Sentiment-based sub-event segmentation and key photo selection
* Single image dehazing using a new color channel
* Single image dehazing using improved cycleGAN
* Text to photo-realistic image synthesis via chained deep recurrent generative adversarial network
* Two in One Image Secret Sharing Scheme (TiOISSS) for extended progressive visual cryptography using simple modular arithmetic operations
* Unsupervised video object segmentation with distractor-aware online adaptation
28 for JVCIR(74)
* Adaptive convolution kernel for artificial neural networks
* AdvCapsNet: To defense adversarial attacks based on Capsule networks
* Anomaly3D: Video anomaly detection based on 3D-normality clusters
* Distance based kernels for video tensors on product of Riemannian matrix manifolds
* Exploiting color for graph-based 3D point cloud denoising
* Facial expression recognition using frequency multiplication network with uniform rectangular features
* Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
* High capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images using SIBRW and GCC
* Image super-resolution based on deep neural network of multiple attention mechanism
* Interactive information module for person re-identification
* Lossless chain code compression with an improved Binary Adaptive Sequential Coding of zero-runs
* minimal model for classification of rotated objects with prediction of the angle of rotation, A
* No-reference quality assessment of HEVC video streams based on visual memory modelling
* Parallel-fusion LSTM with synchronous semantic and visual information for image captioning
* Person re-identification from appearance cues and deep Siamese features
* Quality assessment for color correction-based stitched images via bi-directional matching
* Real-time video super-resolution using lightweight depthwise separable group convolutions with channel shuffling
* Revealing stable and unstable modes of denoisers through nonlinear eigenvalue analysis
* Saliency detection via cross-scale deep inference
* Salient object detection via a boundary-guided graph structure
* Single image deraining using Context Aggregation Recurrent Network
* Strong ghost removal in multi-exposure image fusion using hole-filling with exposure congruency
* Various density light field image coding based on distortion minimization interpolation
23 for JVCIR(75)
* Activity recognition in video sequences over qualitative abstracts of a diagram-based representation schema
* Copy Move Forgery Detection based on double matching
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on Huffman coding and differences of high nibbles of pixels
* Human pose estimation and its application to action recognition: A survey
* Learning to predict the quality of distorted-then-compressed images via a deep neural network
* Pain detection using batch normalized discriminant restricted Boltzmann machine layers
* Reversible data hiding based on three shadow images using rhombus magic matrix
* Semantic loop closure detection based on graph matching in multi-objects scenes
* Steganalytic feature based adversarial embedding for adaptive JPEG steganography
9 for JVCIR(76)
* bottom-up and top-down human visual attention approach for hyperspectral anomaly detection, A
* content-based late fusion approach applied to pedestrian detection, A
* Contextual information enhanced convolutional neural networks for retinal vessel segmentation in color fundus images
* Correlation filter via random-projection based CNNs features combination for visual tracking
* deep genetic algorithm for human activity recognition leveraging fog computing frameworks, A
* Deep multi-feature learning architecture for water body segmentation from satellite images
* Depth-aware blending of smoothed images for Bokeh effect generation
* Detecting facial manipulated videos based on set convolutional neural networks
* Discriminative semantic region selection for fine-grained recognition
* Diverse Features Fusion Network for video-based action recognition
* Driver activity recognition by learning spatiotemporal features of pose and human object interaction
* Facial Expression Recognition through person-wise regeneration of expressions using Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (AC-GAN) based model
* Fast and effective Keypoint-based image copy-move forgery detection using complex-valued moment invariants
* Gaussian Process-based Feature-Enriched Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Hybrid Prediction-Based Pixel-Value-Ordering Method for Reversible Data Hiding
* Image deraining with Adversarial Residual Refinement Network
* Image encryption using linear weighted fractional-order transform
* joint cumulative distribution function and gradient fusion based method for dehazing of long shot hazy images, A
* Learned Greedy Method (LGM): A novel neural architecture for sparse coding and beyond
* lightweight multi-scale aggregated model for detecting aerial images captured by UAVs, A
* Line-based visual odometry using local gradient fitting
* Long-term rate control for concurrent multipath real-time video transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks
* MRANet: Multi-atrous residual attention Network for stereo image super-resolution
* Multi-label image recognition by using semantics consistency, object correlation, and multiple samples
* Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
* Person re-identification based on gait via Part View Transformation Model under variable covariate conditions
* Retracted: An iterative propagation based co-saliency framework for RGBD images
* review of video surveillance systems, A
* Robust online multi-target visual tracking using a HISP filter with discriminative deep appearance learning
* Siamese target estimation network with AIoU loss for real-time visual tracking
* Specular highlight region restoration using image clustering and inpainting
* Statistical image watermarking using local RHFMs magnitudes and beta exponential distribution
* survey of reversible data hiding in encrypted images: The first 12 years, A
* TheiaNet: Towards fast and inexpensive CNN design choices for image dehazing
* Underwater image super-resolution using multi-stage information distillation networks
* Weighted voting of multi-stream convolutional neural networks for video-based action recognition using optical flow rhythms
36 for JVCIR(77)
* Air-writing recognition using reverse time ordered stroke context
* Attention-guided image captioning with adaptive global and local feature fusion
* Classifier aided training for semantic segmentation
* Combining Fields of Experts (FoE) and K-SVD methods in pursuing natural image priors
* comprehensive survey on computer vision based concepts, methodologies, analysis and applications for automatic gun/knife detection, A
* Cross-modal dynamic convolution for multi-modal emotion recognition
* directional margin paradigm for noise suppression in face recognition, A
* Disocclusion filling for depth-based view synthesis with adaptive utilization of temporal correlations
* Dual link distributed source coding scheme for the transmission of satellite hyperspectral imagery
* EdgeGAN: One-way mapping generative adversarial network based on the edge information for unpaired training set
* Facial parts swapping with generative adversarial networks
* fast algorithm based on gray level co-occurrence matrix and Gabor feature for HEVC screen content coding, A
* Generative detect for occlusion object based on occlusion generation and feature completing
* generic, cluster-centred lossless compression framework for joint auroral data, A
* ghostfree contrast enhancement method for multiview images without depth information, A
* Harnessing high-level concepts, visual, and auditory features for violence detection in videos
* HP-VCS: A high-quality and printer-friendly visual cryptography scheme
* improved Gamma correction model for image dehazing in a multi-exposure fusion framework, An
* Learn from the past: Sequentially one-to-one video deblurring network
* Multi-view motion modelled deep attention networks (M2DA-Net) for video based sign language recognition
* Perceptual hash-based coarse-to-fine grained image tampering forensics method
* Rethinking pre-training on medical imaging
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted color images using cross-channel correlations
* Revisiting the Iterative Ant-tree for color quantization algorithm
* Saliency detection via coarse-to-fine diffusion-based compactness with weighted learning affinity matrix
* Siamese CNN-based rank learning for quality assessment of inpainted images
* Single image deblurring with cross-layer feature fusion and consecutive attention
* Stable self-attention adversarial learning for semi-supervised semantic image segmentation
* Stacking learning with coalesced cost filtering for accurate stereo matching
* Subpixel rendering for diamond-shaped PenTile displays using patch-based adaptive filters
* Who will receive the ball? Predicting pass recipient in soccer videos
31 for JVCIR(78)
* 3D reconstruction with auto-selected keyframes based on depth completion correction and pose fusion
* Adaptive fractional motion and disparity estimation skipping in MV-HEVC
* Amplitude based keyless optical encryption system using deep neural network
* Are emotional objects visually salient? The Emotional Maps Database
* Atom specific multiple kernel dictionary based Sparse Representation Classifier for medium scale image classification
* Beyond ITQ: Efficient binary multi-view subspace learning for instance retrieval
* CNN model for real time hand pose estimation, A
* comparative study between single and multi-frame anomaly detection and localization in recorded video streams, A
* Component-based metric learning for fully automatic kinship verification
* Deep image compression with multi-stage representation
* Development of scale and illumination invariant feature detector with application to UAV attitude estimation
* Dynamic Dual-Peak Network: A real-time human detection network in crowded scenes
* Dynamic texture analysis for detecting fake faces in video sequences
* Facial micro-expression recognition based on accordion spatio-temporal representation and random forests
* Generalized multiple sparse information fusion for vehicle re-identification
* Generative image inpainting with salient prior and relative total variation
* GIFMarking: The robust watermarking for animated GIF based deep learning
* Illumination-based adaptive saliency detection network through fusion of multi-source features
* Image compression optimized for 3D reconstruction by utilizing deep neural networks
* Instance search via instance level segmentation and feature representation
* Interconnected Feature Pyramid Networks for object detection, An
* Joint model of gradient magnitude and Gabor features via Spatio-Temporal slice
* Learning Discriminative Motion Feature for Enhancing Multi-Modal Action Recognition
* LRGAN: Visual anomaly detection using GAN with locality-preferred recoding
* Performance analysis of VVC intra coding
* Privacy-preserving reversible data hiding based on quad-tree block encoding and integer wavelet transform
* Quality assessment of screen content images based on multi-stage dictionary learning
* Recognition of user-dependent and independent static hand gestures: Application to sign language
* Region-level bit allocation for rate control of 360-degree videos using cubemap projection
* regional distance regression network for monocular object distance estimation, A
* Robust model adaption for colour-based particle filter tracking with contextual information
* Robust multimodal discrete hashing for cross-modal similarity search
* S&CNet: A lightweight network for fast and accurate depth completion
* SAF-Nets: Shape-Adaptive Filter Networks for 3D point cloud processing
* salient object detection framework using linear quadratic regulator controller, A
* Semantic meaning modulates object importance in human fixation prediction
* Sequence-tracker: Multiple object tracking with sequence features in severe occlusion scene
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment considering visual mechanism and multi-loss constraints
* Superpixel alpha-expansion and normal adjustment for stereo matching
* survey on spatio-temporal framework for kinematic gait analysis in RGB videos, A
* SWS-DAN: Subtler WS-DAN for fine-grained image classification
* Tile caching for scalable VR video streaming over 5G mobile networks
* Variational optimization based single image dehazing
* Video hashing with secondary frames and invariant moments
* Wasserstein distance feature alignment learning for 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* WavNet: Visual saliency detection using Discrete Wavelet Convolutional Neural Network
46 for JVCIR(79)
* Adaptive Piecewise-Linear Bits Estimation Model for MPEG Based Video Coding
* Dense Class of Markov Random Fields and Associated Parameter Estimation, A
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Model-Based Feature Extraction and Action Parameter(s) Classification
* Generalized Method for Image Coding Using Fractal Based Techniques, A
* Graph Indexes of 2D-Thinned Images for Rapid Content Based Image Retrieval
* Image Compression and Indexing System Using Neural Networks, An
* Image Decomposition and Representation in Large Image Database Systems
* Improved VQ Codebook Search Algorithm Using Principal Component Analysis, An
* Lossless Image Compression Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Morphological Image Enlargements
* New Binary Image Representation: Logicodes, A
* New Motion Estimation Method Using Frequency Components, A
* On the Discretization of Morphological Operators
* Region-Based Shape-Matching for Automatic Image Annotation and Query-by-Example
* Retrieval and Browsing of Images Using Image Thumbnails
* Review of Image and Video Indexing Techniques
* Robust and Efficient Transform Domain Video Sequence-Analysis: An Approach from the Generalized Color Ratio Model
* Segmented Adaptive DPCM for Lossy Compression of Multispectral MR-Images
* User Dependent Definition of the Information in Images and Its Use in Information Retrieval, A
* Video Content Representation, Indexing, and Matching in Video Information Systems
20 for JVCIR(8)
* Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
* Attention guided feature pyramid network for crowd counting
* Blind Image Quality Assessment with Channel Attention Based Deep Residual Network and Extended LargeVis Dimensionality Reduction
* Camera style transformation with preserved self-similarity and domain-dissimilarity in unsupervised person re-identification
* Deep feature enhancing and selecting network for weakly supervised temporal action localization
* Depth completion towards different sensor configurations via relative depth map estimation and scale recovery
* Detection of moving objects using adaptive multi-feature histograms
* Distinguishing between natural and recolored images via lateral chromatic aberration
* Effective compressed sensing MRI reconstruction via hybrid GSGWO algorithm
* Indoor scene understanding based on manhattan and non-manhattan projection of spatial right-angles
* Internal and external spatial-temporal constraints for person reidentification
* Label projection online hashing for balanced similarity
* Learning complementary Siamese networks for real-time high-performance visual tracking
* Multi-ColorGAN: Few-shot vehicle recoloring via memory-augmented networks
* Multi-scale attention network for image super-resolution
* Multiple attention encoded cascade R-CNN for scene text detection
* Multispectral background subtraction with deep learning
* novel deep learning framework for double JPEG compression detection of small size blocks, A
* Occlusion-robust online multi-object visual tracking using a GM-PHD filter with CNN-based re-identification
* PSGU: Parametric self-circulation gating unit for deep neural networks
* Residual attention-based tracking-by-detection network with attention-driven data augmentation
* Scale aware remote sensing image enhancement using rolling guidance
* Sensor-based image manipulation localization with Discriminative Random fields and Graph Cut
* Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
* Sign language recognition based on global-local attention
* Three Degree Binary Graph and Shortest Edge Clustering for re-ranking in multi-feature image retrieval
* Towards better semantic consistency of 2D medical image segmentation
* Unsupervised person re-identification by Intra-Inter Camera Affinity Domain Adaptation
* Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve video coding efficiency
* Video object segmentation via random walks on two-frame graphs comprising superpixels
* Visible and thermal images fusion architecture for few-shot semantic segmentation
* What and how well you exercised? An efficient analysis framework for fitness actions
32 for JVCIR(80)
* 3-D Epanechnikov Mixture Regression in integral imaging compression
* adaptive two phase blind image deconvolution algorithm for an iterative regularization model, An
* Augmented two stream network for robust action recognition adaptive to various action videos
* comparative study between PVO-based framework and multi-predictor mechanism in reversible data hiding, A
* Discrete hashing with triple supervision learning
* discriminant kernel entropy-based framework for feature representation learning, A
* Dynamic texture representation based on oriented magnitudes of Gaussian gradients
* Fixation prediction for advertising images: Dataset and benchmark
* Gaze estimation via bilinear pooling-based attention networks
* Gaze prediction for first-person videos based on inverse non-negative sparse coding with determinant sparse measure
* Geographical position spoofing detection based on camera sensor fingerprint
* Global and local information aggregation network for edge-aware salient object detection
* Improving UNIWARD distortion function via isotropic construction and hierarchical merging
* Learning to capture dependencies between global features of different convolution layers
* Low-light image enhancement by diffusion pyramid with residuals
* multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhancement of hazy images employing dynamic stochastic resonance, A
* Multi-focus image fusion based on multi-scale sparse representation
* Multi-frame co-saliency spatio-temporal regularization correlation filters for object tracking
* MultiTempGAN: Multitemporal multispectral image compression framework using generative adversarial networks
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality evaluator based on human visual characteristics and relative gradient orientation
* Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhancement using two-sided histogram expansion
* Shape transformer nets: Generating viewpoint-invariant 3D shapes from a single image
* Spatial Self-Attention Network with Self-Attention Distillation for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Stitched image quality assessment based on local measurement errors and global statistical properties
* Structure-prior deep neural network for lane detection
* Video summary generation by visual shielding compressed sensing coding and double-layer affinity propagation
* Weighted truncated nuclear norm regularization for low-rank quaternion matrix completion
* YOLSO: You Only Look Small Object
28 for JVCIR(81)
* 3DFP-FCGAN: Face completion generative adversarial network with 3D facial prior
* Attention Integrated Hierarchical Networks for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* CDGAN: Cyclic Discriminative Generative Adversarial Networks for image-to-image transformation
* Complex Network-based features extraction in RGB-D human action recognition
* comprehensive framework of multiple semantics preservation in neural style transfer, A
* contrast improved OR and XOR based (k,n) visual cryptography scheme without pixel expansion, A
* Cross-dataset emotion recognition from facial expressions through convolutional neural networks
* Cross-layer progressive attention bilinear fusion method for fine-grained visual classification
* DCA-CycleGAN: Unsupervised single image dehazing using Dark Channel Attention optimized CycleGAN
* Deep low-rank feature learning and encoding for cross-age face recognition
* Deep network based stereoscopic image quality assessment via binocular summing and differencing
* DVL2021: An ultra high definition video dataset for perceptual quality study
* Fall detection using body geometry and human pose estimation in video sequences
* Human identification system using 3D skeleton-based gait features and LSTM model
* Human skeleton representation for 3D action recognition based on complex network coding and LSTM
* M2OVQA: Multi-space signal characterization and multi-channel information aggregation for quality assessment of compressed omnidirectional videos
* Multi-oriented run length based static and dynamic features fused with Choquet fuzzy integral for human fall detection in videos
* new head pose tracking method based on stereo visual SLAM, A
* novel active shape model-based DeepNeural network for age invariance face recognition, A
* novel partial-to-partial registration method based on sampling network, A
* Optimization and regularization of complex task decomposition for blind removal of multi-factor degradation
* Person re-identification based on deep learning: An overview
* Proximal-Gen for fast compressed sensing recovery
* QoE optimization for HTTP adaptive streaming: Performance evaluation of MEC-assisted and client-based methods
* Reversal of pixel rotation: A reversible data hiding system towards cybersecurity in encrypted images
* Single image shadow detection via uncertainty analysis and GCN-based refinement strategy
* SpyGAN sketch: Heterogeneous Face Matching in video for crime investigation
* Tamper video detection and localization using an adaptive segmentation and deep network technique
* Two-stream encoder-decoder network for localizing image forgeries
* Visual cryptography scheme for secret color images with color QR codes
* Visual secret sharing scheme with (n,n) threshold based on WeChat Mini Program codes
31 for JVCIR(82)
* A-contrario framework for detection of alterations in varnished surfaces
* Accurate bounding-box regression with distance-IoU loss for visual tracking
* Attention Mechanism Enhancement Algorithm Based on Cycle Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Dehazing
* BGGMM-HMT based locally optimum image watermark detector in high-order NSST difference domain
* CBIR system based on saliency driven local image features and multi orientation texture features, A
* Collaborative Distribution Alignment for 2D image-based 3D shape retrieval
* Detecting moving object from dynamic background video sequences via simulating heat conduction
* Exemplar-based image inpainting using adaptive two-stage structure-tensor based priority function and nonlocal filtering
* Graph-based relational reasoning in a latent space for skeleton-based action recognition
* Learning discriminative representations for multi-label image recognition
* Local perspective based synthesis for vehicle re-identification: A transformation state adversarial method
* Multi-domain residual encoder-decoder networks for generalized compression artifact reduction
* Multimodal face aging framework via learning disentangled representation
* novel dynamic gesture understanding algorithm fusing convolutional neural networks with hand-crafted features, A
* Optimized convolutional pose machine for 2D hand pose estimation
* Robust object tracking via deformation samples generator
* Rotation-aware correlation filters for robust visual tracking
* Security measurement of a medical communication scheme based on chaos and DNA coding
* self-embedding secure fragile watermarking scheme with high quality recovery, A
* TGP-PCQA: Texture and geometry projection based quality assessment for colored point clouds
* Video frame deletion detection based on time-frequency analysis
21 for JVCIR(83)
* ACSiam: Asymmetric convolution structures for visual tracking with Siamese network
* Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters with Multiple Features in the Tracking Application, An
* AMBTC-based secret image sharing by simple modular arithmetic
* FuseKin: Weighted image fusion based kinship verification under unconstrained age group
* fuzzy convolutional neural network for enhancing multi-focus image fusion, A
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on adaptive block encoding
* Multi-receptive Field Aggregation Network for single image deraining
* novel unsupervised multiple feature hashing for image retrieval and indexing (MFHIRI), A
* Shareability-Exclusivity Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-camera video clustering
* Single-Image Depth Estimation Using Relative Depths
* Tracking by dynamic template: Dual update mechanism
* Verifiable varying sized (m,n,n) multi-image secret sharing with combiner verification and cheater identification
12 for JVCIR(84)
* Adaptive reversible data hiding for JPEG images with multiple two-dimensional histograms
* Cattle behavior recognition based on feature fusion under a dual attention mechanism
* Cheating in (halftone-secret) visual cryptography: Analysis of blind authentication schemes
* Classifying between computer generated and natural images: An empirical study from RAW to JPEG format
* Colorful 3D reconstruction at high resolution using multi-view representation
* Decomposition and replacement: Spatial knowledge distillation for monocular depth estimation
* Deep multi-query video retrieval
* Dual-path image pair joint discrimination for visible-infrared person re-identification
* dynamic constraint representation approach based on cross-domain dictionary learning for expression recognition, A
* efficient real-time target tracking algorithm using adaptive feature fusion, An
* efficient six-parameter perspective motion model for VVC, An
* Facial makeup transfer with GAN for different aging faces
* Fragile watermarking scheme for tamper localization in images using logistic map and singular value decomposition
* general framework for reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption, A
* Improving lung region segmentation accuracy in chest X-ray images using a two-model deep learning ensemble approach
* LRHW-AP: Using ranking-based metric as loss for Person Re-Identification
* Neural Style Transfer for image within images and conditional GANs for destylization
* Presentation attack detection based on two-stream vision transformers with self-attention fusion
* reliable and unobtrusive approach to display area detection for imperceptible display camera communication, A
* Video anomaly detection using CycleGan based on skeleton features
* Visible-infrared person re-identification based on key-point feature extraction and optimization
* XOR-based visual cryptography scheme with essential shadows
22 for JVCIR(85)
* brief survey on adaptive video streaming quality assessment, A
* Counting Objects by Diffused Index: Geometry-free and training-free approach
* Deep learning and RGB-D based human action, human-human and human-object interaction recognition: A survey
* Improved inter-view correlations for low complexity MV-HEVC
* Information hiding in the sharing domain
* Multi-stream feature refinement network for human object interaction detection
* Restoration of speckle noise corrupted SAR images using regularization by denoising
* SecureDL: A privacy preserving deep learning model for image recognition over cloud
* Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progressive frequency-interleaved network
* Unified Chinese License Plate detection and recognition with high efficiency
10 for JVCIR(86)
* A3N: Attention-based adversarial autoencoder network for detecting anomalies in video sequence
* ACGAN: Attribute controllable person image synthesis GAN for pose transfer
* ADPNet: Attention based dual path network for lane detection
* Blind quality assessment of tone-mapped images using multi-exposure sequences
* Crowd counting in complex scenes based on an attention aware CNN network
* Deep chroma prediction of Wyner-Ziv frames in distributed video coding of wireless capsule endoscopy video
* Deep image compression based on multi-scale deformable convolution
* Discriminative feature mining hashing for fine-grained image retrieval
* Distributed three-level QR codes based on visual cryptography scheme
* Fast coding unit partitioning algorithms for versatile video coding intra coding
* Fine-grained-based multi-feature fusion for occluded person re-identification
* HEVC video information hiding scheme based on adaptive double-layer embedding strategy
* High dynamic range imaging with short- and long-exposures based on artificial remapping using multiscale exposure fusion
* Image blind restoration based on degradation representation network
* multi-stage spatio-temporal adaptive network for video super-resolution, A
* Multi-task learning for video anomaly detection
* Mutual information maximizing GAN inversion for real face with identity preservation
* On the multi-level embedding of crypto-image reversible data hiding
* penalty function semi-continuous thresholding methods for constraints of hashing problems, A
* Posture and sequence recognition for Bharatanatyam dance performances using machine learning approaches
* PRA-TPE: Perfectly Recoverable Approximate Thumbnail-Preserving Image Encryption
* Progressive enhancement network with pseudo labels for weakly supervised temporal action localization
* Progressive Erasing Network with consistency loss for fine-grained visual classification
* Progressive multi-branch embedding fusion network for underwater image enhancement
* Self-Balanced R-CNN for instance segmentation
* Self-supervised multi-scale pyramid fusion networks for realistic bokeh effect rendering
* two stream convolutional neural network with bi-directional GRU model to classify dynamic hand gesture, A
* Two-stream interactive network based on local and global information for No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Unsupervised Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Joint Structure and Natural Scene Statistics Features
* Unsupervised learning of multi-task deep variational model
* zero-watermark algorithm for multiple images based on visual cryptography and image fusion, A
31 for JVCIR(87)
* Anti-phishing technique based on dynamic image captcha using multi secret sharing scheme
* Block-based progressive visual cryptography scheme with uniform progressive recovery and consistent background
* CCNet: CNN model with channel attention and convolutional pooling mechanism for spatial image steganalysis
* Confidence based class weight and embedding discrepancy constraint network for partial domain adaptation
* Dual attention interactive fine-grained classification network based on data augmentation
* enhanced image quality assessment by synergizing superpixels and visual saliency, An
* EPLL image restoration with a bounded asymmetrical Student's-t mixture model
* ETS-3D: An Efficient Two-Stage Framework for Stereo 3D Object Detection
* GCN-based fast CU partition method of intra-mode VVC, A
* Gender and ethnicity recognition based on visual attention-driven deep architectures
* HEVC's intra mode process expedited using Histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Imitative Collaboration: A mirror-neuron inspired mixed reality collaboration method with remote hands and local replicas
* Motion detection in moving camera videos using background modeling and FlowNet
* Multi-scale attention guided network for end-to-end face alignment and recognition
* no-reference perceptual image quality assessment database for learned image codecs, A
* PointCaps: Raw point cloud processing using capsule networks with Euclidean distance routing
* PTR-CNN for in-loop filtering in video coding
* Semantic guided knowledge graph for large-scale zero-shot learning
* Shadow detection via multi-scale feature fusion and unsupervised domain adaptation
* SIM-MFR: Spatial interactions mechanisms based multi-feature representation for background modeling
* Spatial-frequency HEVC multiple description video coding with adaptive perceptual redundancy allocation
* unsupervised fusion network for boosting denoising performance, An
22 for JVCIR(88)
* Accelerating BPC-PaCo through Visually Lossless Techniques
* Adaptive multi-histogram reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement
* Adaptive weight multi-channel center similar deep hashing
* AS-Net: An attention-aware downsampling network for point clouds oriented to classification tasks
* Bi-projection for 360° image object detection bridged by RoI Searcher
* Blind deblurring with fractional-order calculus and local minimal pixel prior
* Bounding box regression with balance for harmonious object detection
* CNN-based first quantization estimation of double compressed JPEG images
* comprehensive benchmark analysis for sand dust image reconstruction, A
* comprehensive survey and mathematical insights towards video summarization, A
* Context-dependent emotion recognition
* Contour enhanced image super-resolution
* Decomposing style, content, and motion for videos
* DFD-SS: Document Forgery Detection using Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Images
* Efficient graph attentional network for 3D object detection from Frustum-based LiDAR point clouds
* encoding method of position embeddings in vision transformer, The
* Fine-grained neural architecture search for image super-resolution
* From synthetic to natural: Single natural image dehazing deep networks using synthetic dataset domain randomization
* GCENet: Global contextual exploration network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Hardware implementation of HEVC CABAC binarization/de-binarization
* HCFN: Hierarchical cross-modal shared feature network for visible-infrared person re-identification
* HLTD-CSA: Cover selection algorithm based on hybrid local texture descriptor for color image steganography
* Image copy-move forgery detection based on dynamic threshold with dense points
* Improving small objects detection using transformer
* Infrared dim and small target detection based on U-Transformer
* Isomorphic model-based initialization for convolutional neural networks
* JFLN: Joint Feature Learning Network for 2D sketch based 3D shape retrieval
* Joint strong edge and multi-stream adaptive fusion network for non-uniform image deblurring
* Language-guided graph parsing attention network for human-object interaction recognition
* Learn decision trees with deep visual primitives
* Meta-transfer-adjustment learning for few-shot learning
* Multi-level mutual supervision for cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Multi-scale and multi-patch transformer for sandstorm image enhancement
* Multi-scale gradient attention guidance and adaptive style fusion for image inpainting
* Multimodal object tracking by exploiting appearance and class information
* new Copy-Move forgery detection method using LIOP, A
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment using novel hybrid features and two-stage hybrid regression for score level fusion
* Personality modeling from image aesthetic attribute-aware graph representation learning
* Siamese visual tracking with multilayer feature fusion and corner distance IoU loss
* SiamMBFAN: Siamese tracker with multi-branch feature aggregation network
* Single underwater image haze removal with a learning-based approach to blurriness estimation
* Skeleton-based deep pose feature learning for action quality assessment on figure skating videos
* Stereo image quality assessment considering the difference of statistical feature in early visual pathway
* Supporting workspace awareness in remote assistance through a flexible multi-camera system and Augmented Reality awareness cues
* Unbiased feature generating for generalized zero-shot learning
* VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG and inception V3 model for copy-move forgery classification
* VirtualActionNet: A strong two-stream point cloud sequence network for human action recognition
* Weakly supervised learning based on hypergraph manifold ranking
48 for JVCIR(89)
* Image Segmentation with Topological Maps and Inter-Pixel Representation
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using Starting-Point-Independent Wavelet Coefficient Matching
* Recursive Optical Flow Estimation: Adaptive Filtering Approach
* Similarity Retrieval by 2d C-Tree(s) Matching in Image Databases
* Special Issue On High Fidelity Media Processing: Part 2
* Action density based frame sampling for human action recognition in videos
* Adaptive smoothness evaluation and multiple asymmetric histogram modification for reversible data hiding
* AMSFF-Net: Attention-Based Multi-Stream Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Anomaly detection with dual-stream memory network
* Attention meets involution in visual tracking
* Attention-adaptive multi-scale feature aggregation dehazing network
* Cartoon-Texture decomposition with patch-wise decorrelation
* CCFNet: Cross-Complementary fusion network for RGB-D scene parsing of clothing images
* Chosen plaintext attack on JPEG image encryption with adaptive key and run consistency
* Deep Recursive Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Image Super-Resolution, A
* Denoising image by matrix factorization in U-shaped convolutional neural network
* Densely connected convolutional transformer for single image dehazing
* Depth Estimation of Supervised Monocular Images Based on Semantic Segmentation
* Design of anchor boxes and data augmentation for transformer-based vehicle localization
* DRBR-HDR: Dual-Branch recursive band reconstruction network for HDR with large motions
* Dynamic representation-based tracker for long-term pedestrian tracking with occlusion
* Edge-aware object pixel-level representation tracking
* Efficient image dehazing algorithm using multiple priors constraints
* Exploring visual relationship for social media popularity prediction
* FE-YOLOv5: Feature enhancement network based on YOLOv5 for small object detection
* Green learning: Introduction, examples and outlook
* HD-YOLO: Using radius-aware loss function for head detection in top-view fisheye images
* Hierarchical context-agnostic network with contrastive feature diversity for one-shot semantic segmentation
* Hyperspectral image classification based on three-dimensional adaptive sampling and improved iterative shrinkage-threshold algorithm
* Illumination-aware window transformer for RGBT modality fusion
* Image compressive sensing via hybrid regularization combining centralized group sparse representation and deep denoiser prior
* Image quality assessment based on self-supervised learning and knowledge distillation
* Improved action proposals using fine-grained proposal features with recurrent attention models
* improved all-optical diffractive deep neural network with less parameters for gesture recognition, An
* Improving video quality by predicting inter-frame residuals based on an additive 3D-CNN model
* Learning an attention-aware parallel sharing network for facial attribute recognition
* Low complexity inter coding scheme for Versatile Video Coding (VVC)
* MADPL-net: Multi-layer attention dictionary pair learning network for image classification
* MTNet: Mutual tri-training network for unsupervised domain adaptation on person re-identification
* Multi-Scale and spatial position-based channel attention network for crowd counting
* Multi-stage feature-fusion dense network for motion deblurring
* Multiscale Global-Aware Channel Attention for Person Re-identification
* Multiscale spatial temporal attention graph convolution network for skeleton-based anomaly behavior detection
* Object semantic-guided graph attention feature fusion network for Siamese visual tracking
* Online relational tracking with camera motion suppression
* Optimized video compression with residual split attention and swin-block artifact contraction
* Perceptual quality assessment for fine-grained compressed images
* Proposal of a new fidelity measure between computed image quality and observers quality scores accounting for scores variability
* R2RNet: Low-light image enhancement via Real-low to Real-normal Network
* Real-world image dehazing with improved joint enhancement and exposure fusion
* Recaptured screen image identification based on vision transformer
* Reference picture selection with decreased temporal dependency for HEVC error resilience
* SCPNet: Self-constrained parallelism network for keypoint-based lightweight object detection
* SE-PSNet: Silhouette-based Enhancement Feature for Panoptic Segmentation Network
* Single image deraining using multi-scales context information and attention network
* Spatial and temporal information fusion for human action recognition via Center Boundary Balancing Multimodal Classifier
* Spatial-invariant convolutional neural network for photographic composition prediction and automatic correction
* SRI-Net: Similarity retrieval-based inference network for light field salient object detection
* TMSO-Net: Texture adaptive multi-scale observation for light field image depth estimation
* Unsupervised self-attention lightweight photo-to-sketch synthesis with feature maps
* VICTOR: Visual incompatibility detection with transformers and fashion-specific contrastive pre-training
* Visual video evaluation association modeling based on chaotic pseudo-random multi-layer compressed sensing for visual privacy-protected keyframe extraction
57 for JVCIR(90)
* Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment with Representative Features and Viewport Oriented Statistical Features
* Classification networks for continuous automatic pain intensity monitoring in video using facial expression on the X-ITE Pain Database
* Cross-view information interaction and feedback network for face hallucination
* DSE-Net: Deep simultaneous estimation network for low-light image enhancement
* Eyes gaze detection based on multiprocess of ratio parameters for smart wheelchair menu selection in different screen size
* Feature generation based on relation learning and image partition for occluded person re-identification
* FFTI: Image inpainting algorithm via features fusion and two-steps inpainting
* Hierarchical attention vision transformer for fine-grained visual classification
* Image downscaling via co-occurrence learning
* Image watermarking using DNST-PHFMs magnitude domain vector AGGM-HMT
* Improved traffic sign recognition algorithm based on YOLOv4-tiny
* IPC-Net: Incomplete point cloud classification network based on data augmentation and similarity measurement
* MT-Net: Fast video instance lane detection based on space time memory and template matching
* Multi-scale Superpixel based Hierarchical Attention model for brain CT classification
* novel Siamese network object tracking algorithm based on tensor space mapping and memory-learning mechanism, A
* Omnidirectional 2.5D representation for COVID-19 diagnosis using chest CTs
* Research on a face recognition algorithm based on 3D face data and 2D face image matching
* Residual spatiotemporal convolutional networks for face anti-spoofing
* Semantic prior-driven fused contextual transformation network for image inpainting
* TsrNet: A two-stage unsupervised approach for clothing region-specific textures style transfer
20 for JVCIR(91)
* Automatic fake document identification and localization using DE-Net and color-based features of foreign inks
* bilateral attention based generative adversarial network for DIBR 3D image watermarking, A
* Boosting semantic segmentation via feature enhancement
* Compressive Spectral Video Sensing using the Convolutional Sparse Coding framework CSC4D
* computationally efficient moving object detection technique using tensor QR decomposition based TRPCA framework, A
* convolutional autoencoder model with weighted multi-scale attention modules for 3D skeleton-based action recognition, A
* Deep interactive image segmentation based on region and Boundary-click guidance
* Global attention retinex network for low light image enhancement
* Image fusion based on discrete Chebyshev moments
* Learning dynamic relationship between joints for 3D hand pose estimation from single depth map
* Reversible data hiding based on automatic contrast enhancement using histogram expansion
* simple and effective static gesture recognition method based on attention mechanism, A
* TransCAM: Transformer attention-based CAM refinement for Weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Virtual view synthesis using joint information from multi-view
14 for JVCIR(92)
* 3D Deformable Convolution Temporal Reasoning network for action recognition
* Benford's law: What does it say on adversarial images?
* CANet: Context-aware Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection of Surface Defects
* Dual-branch deep image prior for image denoising
* Efficient Lightweight Network for Single Image Super-Resolution, An
* FFTI: Image inpainting algorithm via features fusion and two-steps inpainting
* Generative detect for occlusion object based on occlusion generation and feature completing
* Global-guided weakly-supervised learning for multi-label image classification
* HSP-MFL: A High-level Semantic Property driven Multi-task Feature Learning Network for unsupervised person Re-ID
* Human object interaction detection based on feature optimization and key human-object enhancement
* Joint face completion and super-resolution using multi-scale feature relation learning
* LiDAR-only 3D object detection based on spatial context
* Low calculation cost of HEVC coding unit size based on spatial homogeneity detection
* Multi-scale spatial-temporal attention graph convolutional networks for driver fatigue detection
* Multitone reconstruction visual cryptography based on phase periodicity
* Real-Time and Robust Visual Tracking with Scene-Perceptual Memory
* Rethinking PASCAL-VOC and MS-COCO dataset for small object detection
* Robust reversible image watermarking scheme based on spread spectrum
* Rotational Voxels Statistics Histogram for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
* Semantic-embedding Guided Graph Network for cross-modal retrieval
* Semantical video coding: Instill static-dynamic clues into structured bitstream for AI tasks
* Uncertainty-guided joint attention and contextual relation network for person re-identification
22 for JVCIR(93)
* Accelerating QTMT-based CU partition and intra mode decision for versatile video coding
* Adaptive adversarial prototyping network for few-shot prototypical translation
* Aethra-net: Single image and video dehazing using autoencoder
* BFANet: Effective segmentation network for low altitude high-resolution urban scene image
* CB-D2RNet: An efficient context bridge network for glioma segmentation
* CrowdFormer: Weakly-supervised crowd counting with improved generalizability
* DCAM: Disturbed class activation maps for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* DDFP: A data driven filter pruning method with pruning compensation
* Dual-branch vision transformer for blind image quality assessment
* fast full partitioning algorithm for HEVC-to-VVC video transcoding using Bayesian classifiers, A
* Fast saliency prediction based on multi-channels activation optimization
* hybrid indicator for realistic blurred image quality assessment, A
* Multi-layer and Multi-scale feature aggregation for DIBR-Synthesized image quality assessment
* Multi-loop graph convolutional network for multimodal conversational emotion recognition
* Person re-identification based on improved attention mechanism and global pooling method
* Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on lightweight neural network in frequency domain
* secure fingerprint template generation mechanism using visual secret sharing with inverse halftoning, A
* super-resolution-based license plate recognition method for remote surveillance, A
* UAV image stitching by estimating orthograph with RGB cameras
* Unsupervised sub-domain adaptation using optimal transport
20 for JVCIR(94)
* 3D pedestrian localization fusing via monocular camera
* Accumulated micro-motion representations for lightweight online action detection in real-time
* Adaptive multi-teacher softened relational knowledge distillation framework for payload mismatch in image steganalysis
* Age estimation by extracting hierarchical age-related features
* Bi-READ: Bi-Residual AutoEncoder based feature enhancement for video anomaly detection
* Boosting separated softmax with discrimination for class incremental learning
* CCA-FPN: Channel and content adaptive object detection
* DB-TASNet for disease diagnosis and lesion segmentation in medical images
* Deep ensemble-based hard sample mining for food recognition
* Deep semantic image compression via cooperative network pruning
* Depth Cue Enhancement and Guidance Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Detection of GAN Generated Image Using Color Gradient Representation
* Dictionary-based histogram packing technique for lossless image compression
* Dual cross knowledge distillation for image super-resolution
* Dual-Decoding branch U-shaped semantic segmentation network combining Transformer attention with Decoder: DBUNet, A
* efficient optimization of measurement matrix for compressive sensing, An
* EMHIFormer: An Enhanced Multi-Hypothesis Interaction Transformer for 3D human pose estimation in video
* Event-guided low light image enhancement via a dual branch GAN
* Exploring the potential of Siamese network for RGBT object tracking
* Fast Non-Local Attention network for light super-resolution
* Gesture image recognition method based on DC-Res2Net and a feature fusion attention module
* Global guidance-based integration network for salient object detection in low-light images
* HDR video synthesis by a nonlocal regularization variational model
* Hierarchical deep semantic alignment for cross-domain 3D model retrieval
* Intermediate deep feature coding for human-machine vision collaboration
* Iterative graph filtering network for 3D human pose estimation
* Learning knowledge representation with meta knowledge distillation for single image super-resolution
* Learning-based JNCD prediction for quality-wise perceptual quantization in HEVC
* MTMVC: Semi-supervised 3D hand pose estimation using multi-task and multi-view consistency
* Multi exposure image fusion based on exposure correction and input refinement using limited low dynamic range images
* Multi-scale convolutional attention network for lightweight image super-resolution
* Multi-view convolutional vision transformer for 3D object recognition
* Multiple transformation function estimation for image enhancement
* Multiscale residual gradient attention for face anti-spoofing
* no-reference panoramic image quality assessment with hierarchical perception and color features, A
* novel fast intra algorithm for VVC based on histogram of oriented gradient, A
* Part-attentive kinematic chain-based regressor for 3D human modeling
* Point cloud-based scene flow estimation on realistically deformable objects: A benchmark of deep learning-based methods
* SFGDO: Smart flower gradient descent optimization enabled generative adversarial network for recognition of Tamil handwritten character
* Transformer-based global-local feature learning model for occluded person re-identification
* Transforming spatio-temporal self-attention using action embedding for skeleton-based action recognition
* Wavelet-FCWAN: Fast and Covert Watermarking Attack Network in Wavelet Domain
* YOLOv3-based human detection and heuristically modified-LSTM for abnormal human activities detection in ATM machine
43 for JVCIR(95)
* Accurate subvoxel location and characterization of edges in 3D images based on the Partial Volume Effect
* Class semantic enhancement network for semantic segmentation
* Design of supervision-scalable learning systems: Methodology and performance benchmarking
* Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with Flight Constraints
* dual-task region-boundary aware neural network for accurate pulmonary nodule segmentation, A
* Efficient online real-time video stabilization with a novel least squares formulation and parallel AC-RANSAC
* Improving semantic segmentation with knowledge reasoning network
* Indoor dataset for Person Re-Identification: Exploring the impact of backpacks
* Low-light images enhancement and denoising network based on unsupervised learning multi-stream feature modeling
* Making depthwise convolution SR-friendly via kernel attention injection
* Measuring dense false positive regions from segmentation result for whole slide tissue histology image
* Multi-stage affine motion estimation fast algorithm for versatile video coding using decision tree
* RDD-net: Robust duplicated-diffusion watermarking based on deep network
* Screen content video quality assessment based on spatiotemporal sparse feature
* TASTNet: An end-to-end deep fingerprinting net with two-dimensional attention mechanism and spatio-temporal weighted fusion for video content authentication
* Towards real-world haze removal with uncorrelated graph model
* Underwater image enhancement method based on denoising diffusion probabilistic model
* unique database synthesis technique for coverless data hiding, A
18 for JVCIR(96)
* Action recognition method based on lightweight network and rough-fine keyframe extraction
* Alibaba and forty thieves algorithm and novel Prioritized Prewitt Pattern(PPP)-based convolutional neural network (CNN) using hyperspherically compressed weights for facial emotion recognition
* AMCFNet: Asymmetric multiscale and crossmodal fusion network for RGB-D semantic segmentation in indoor service robots
* approximate tensor singular value decomposition approach for the fast grouping of whole-body human poses, An
* bidirectional fusion branch network with penalty term-based trihard loss for person re-identification, A
* Blind image watermark decoder in NSST-FPCET domain using Weibull Mixtures-HMT
* ClothSeg: semantic segmentation network with feature projection for clothing parsing
* Comprehensive receptive field adaptive graph convolutional networks for action recognition
* Constructing comprehensive and discriminative representations with diverse attention for occluded person re-identification
* CPA-YOLOv7: Contextual and pyramid attention-based improvement of YOLOv7 for drones scene target detection
* Cryptanalysis of iterative encryption and image sharing scheme based on the VQ attack
* DDFusion: An efficient multi-exposure fusion network with dense pyramidal convolution and de-correlation fusion
* DenSplitnet: Classifier-invariant neural network method to detect COVID-19 in chest CT data
* Development and performance evaluation of enhanced image dehazing method using deep learning networks
* EERCA-ViT: Enhanced Effective Region and Context-Aware Vision Transformers for image sentiment analysis
* End-to-end wavelet block feature purification network for efficient and effective UAV object tracking
* hierarchical multi-modal cross-attention model for face anti-spoofing, A
* HY-LSTM: A new time series deep learning architecture for estimation of pedestrian time to cross in advanced driver assistance system
* IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising
* Infer unseen from seen: Relation regularized zero-shot visual dialog
* IPVNet: Learning implicit point-voxel features for open-surface 3D reconstruction
* JPEG image encryption with grouping coefficients based on entropy coding
* Learning full context feature for human motion prediction
* MAPoseNet: Animal pose estimation network via multi-scale convolutional attention
* MFS enhanced SAM: Achieving superior performance in bimodal few-shot segmentation
* MIL-ViT: A multiple instance vision transformer for fundus image classification
* Multi-branch Segmentation-guided Attention Network for crowd counting
* Multi-scale dynamic fusion for correcting uneven illumination images
* Multi-view graph convolution network for the recognition of human action with spatial and temporal occlusion problems
* Night vision self-supervised Reflectance-Aware Depth Estimation based on reflectance
* no-reference underwater image quality evaluator via quality-aware features, A
* novel complex-valued convolutional network for real-world single image dehazing, A
* Object drift determination network based on dual-template joint decision-making in long-term visual tracking
* Pose2Trajectory: Using transformers on body pose to predict tennis player's trajectory
* Random hand gesture authentication via efficient Temporal Segment Set Network
* recent survey on perceived group sentiment analysis, A
* Reversible adversarial steganography for security enhancement
* SAE-PPL: Self-guided attention encoder with prior knowledge-guided pseudo labels for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Semantic segmentation with cross convolution and multi-layer feature refinement
* Toward high imperceptibility deep JPEG steganography based on sparse adversarial attack
* Towards object tracking for quadruped robots
* UAV small target detection algorithm based on an improved YOLOv5s model
* Undirected graph representing strategy for general room layout estimation
* Unsupervised industrial anomaly detection with diffusion models
* V-shaped neural network structure based on multi-scale features for image denoising
* Vehicle re-identification based on grouping aggregation attention and cross-part interaction
46 for JVCIR(97)
* anti-steganalysis adaptive steganography for HEVC video based on PU partition modes, An
* BNDCNet: Bilateral nonlocal decoupled convergence network for semantic segmentation
* CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression databases
* Chronological Gazelle Optimization with Deep Learning-Based pixel prediction for video steganography in H.264 video for defence applications
* Context-based modeling for accurate logo detection in complex environments
* Corner-to-Center long-range context model for efficient learned image compression
* CTFCD: Channel transformer based on full convolutional decoder for single image deraining
* Deep generative network for image inpainting with gradient semantics and spatial-smooth attention
* Deep-MDS framework for recovering the 3D shape of 2D landmarks from a single image
* Deformable attention object tracking network based on cross-correlation
* Depth as attention to learn image representations for visual localization, using monocular images
* domain generalized person re-identification algorithm based on meta-bond domain alignment?, A
* DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
* DRC: Chromatic aberration intensity priors for underwater image enhancement
* DUIANet: A double layer U-Net image hiding method based on improved Inception module and attention mechanism
* Effective image tampering localization with multi-scale ConvNeXt feature fusion
* efficient adaptive Masi entropy multilevel thresholding algorithm based on dynamic programming, An
* Exploring a context-gated network for effective image deraining
* Facial attribute editing method combined with parallel GAN for attribute separation
* Fast HEVC inter-frame coding based on LSTM neural network technology
* Fast intra coding in AVS3 based on direct non-first pre-coding skip
* FDNet: Feature decoupling for single-stage pose estimation in complex scenes
* Feature rectification and enhancement for no-reference image quality assessment
* GSD-YOLOX: Lightweight and more accurate object detection models
* HFA-GTNet: Hierarchical Fusion Adaptive Graph Transformer network for dance action recognition
* hierarchical probabilistic underwater image enhancement model with reinforcement tuning, A
* High-low level task combination for object detection in foggy weather conditions
* Human skin detection: An unsupervised machine learning way
* Hybrid CNN-transformer based meta-learning approach for personalized image aesthetics assessment
* Identification of the Original Images
* Improving vision transformer for medical image classification via token-wise perturbation
* Indoor semantic segmentation based on Swin-Transformer
* Intra-Inter Region Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Learning a Holistic-Specific color transformer with Couple Contrastive constraints for underwater image enhancement and beyond
* Learning informative and discriminative semantic features for robust facial expression recognition
* LL-WSOD: Weakly supervised object detection in low-light
* Locality sensitive hashing scheme based on online-learning
* MFCANet: A Road Scene Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Context Information Aggregation
* Multi-scale convolutional neural networks and saliency weight maps for infrared and visible image fusion
* Multimodal fusion hierarchical self-attention network for dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Multiple integration model for single-source domain generalizable person re-identification
* Neighbor2Global: Self-supervised image denoising for Poisson-Gaussian noise
* no-reference image quality assessment model based on neighborhood component analysis and Gaussian process, A
* Octagonal lattice-based triangulated shape descriptor engaging second-order derivatives supplementing image retrieval
* Recovering sign bits of DCT coefficients in digital images as an optimization problem
* REQA: Coarse-to-fine assessment of image quality to alleviate the range effect
* Residual attention fusion network for video action recognition
* SDCS-CF: Saliency-driven localization and cascade scale estimation for visual tracking
* Sea-Pix-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using adversarial neural network
* Secret image sharing in the encrypted domain
* SICNet: Learning selective inter-slice context via Mask-Guided Self-knowledge distillation for NPC segmentation
* small object detection algorithm based on feature interaction and guided learning, A
* Stereo matching algorithm based on improved census transform and minimum spanning tree cost aggregation
* STSIC: Swin-transformer-based scalable image coding for human and machine
* Style Elimination and Information Restitution for generalizable person re-identification
* Subdomain alignment based open-set domain adaptation image classification
* Subspace learning machine (SLM): Methodology and performance evaluation
* Surveillance video synopsis framework base on tube set
* survey on just noticeable distortion estimation and its applications in video coding, A
* Texture and motion aware perception in-loop filter for AV1
* Texture-aware and color-consistent learning for underwater image enhancement
* Video reversible data hiding: A systematic review
* Weakly-supervised cloud detection and effective cloud removal for remote sensing images
63 for JVCIR(98)
* active contour model based on Jeffreys divergence and clustering technology for image segmentation, An
* AMP-BCS: AMP-based image block compressed sensing with permutation of sparsified DCT coefficients
* Blind quality assessment of light field image based on view and focus stacks
* channel-wise contextual module for learned intra video compression, A
* Coarse-to-fine underwater image enhancement with lightweight CNN and attention-based refinement
* Context-aided unicity matching for person re-identification
* Contextual recovery network for low-light image enhancement with texture recovery
* Copy Move Forgery detection and localisation robust to rotation using block based Discrete Cosine Transform and eigenvalues
* Correlation-attention guided regression network for efficient crowd counting
* CTHD-Net: CNN-Transformer hybrid dehazing network via residual global attention and gated boosting strategy
* Double branch synergies with modal reinforcement for weakly supervised temporal action detection
* Learning dual attention enhancement feature for visible-infrared person re-identification
* LFSimCC: Spatial fusion lightweight network for human pose estimation
* Low-complexity L_inf-compression of light field images with a deep-decompression stage
* Methods for countering attacks on image watermarking schemes: Overview
* MRN-LOD: Multi-exposure Refinement Network for Low-light Object Detection
* Multi frame multi-head attention learning on deep features for recognizing Indian classical dance poses
* Multi-image super-resolution based low complexity deep network for image compressive sensing reconstruction
* Multiple correlation filters with gaussian constraint for fast online tracking
* Multiple object tracking with segmentation and interactive multiple model
* Self-supervised learning monocular depth estimation from internet photos
* UnifiedTT: Visual tracking with unified transformer
22 for JVCIR(99)