Update Dates 1804

1804 * *CRV
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from the Scientific Seminar of the Italian Association of Transport Academicians (SIDT)2017
* *Guest Editorial: Unconstrained Ear Recognition
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* *International Conference on 3D Imaging
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* *Workshop of Computer Vision
* 2.5-D Extended Field-of-View Ultrasound
* 2D-3D pose consistency-based conditional random fields for 3D human pose estimation
* 3-D Gabor Phase-Based Coding and Matching Framework for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* 3-D Road Boundary Extraction From Mobile Laser Scanning Data via Supervoxels and Graph Cuts
* 360-Degree Virtual-Reality Cameras for the Masses
* 3D deformable model-based framework for the retrieval of near-isometric flattenable objects using Bag-of-Visual-Words, A
* 3D ear recognition using global and local features
* 3D gaze estimation without explicit personal calibration
* 3D immersive karaoke for the learning of foreign language pronunciation
* 3D non-rigid registration using color: Color Coherent Point Drift
* 3D Object Proposals Using Stereo Imagery for Accurate Object Class Detection
* 3D reconstruction from multi-view VHR-satellite images in MicMac
* 3D scene model based frame prediction in video coding
* 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained Region Growing and Voting Strategies
* 4-DoF Tracking for Robot Fine Manipulation Tasks
* 4K Ultra High Definition Video Coding Using Homogeneous Motion Discovery Oriented Prediction
* 500-2000-MHz Brightness Temperature Spectra of the Northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles in Car-Following Maneuvers
* Accelerated hyperspectral image recursive hierarchical segmentation using GPUs, multicore CPUs, and hybrid CPU/GPU cluster
* Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperatures in the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean, The
* Accuracy Analysis of Augmented Reality Markers for Visual Mapping and Localization
* Accuracy Assessment Measures for Object Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Accuracy Assessment of Different Digital Surface Models
* Accuracy assessment of the global TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model with GPS data
* Accuracy of CHIRPS Satellite-Rainfall Products over Mainland China
* Accurate facade feature extraction method for buildings from three-dimensional point cloud data considering structural information
* Accurate Feature Point Matching Algorithm for Automatic Remote Sensing Image Registration, An
* Accurate multi-view stereo by selective expansion
* Achieving high angular resolution via view synthesis: Quality assessment of 3D content on super multiview lightfield display
* Acquisition system for dense lightfield of large scenes
* Action Parsing Using Context Features
* Action proposals using hierarchical clustering of super-trajectories
* Action Recognition Based on Correlated Codewords of Body Movements
* Action recognition from mutually incoherent pose bases in static image
* Action Recognition Using Low-Rank Sparse Representation
* Active contours driven by local pre-fitting energy for fast image segmentation
* Active Surfaces for Selective Object Segmentation in 3D
* Adaptive anchor-point selection for single image super-resolution
* Adaptive clustering algorithm based on kNN and density
* Adaptive Correction Algorithm for Non-Uniform Illumination Panoramic Images Based on the Improved Bilateral Gamma Function, An
* Adaptive difference modelling for background subtraction
* Adaptive filter for denoising 3D data captured by depth sensors
* Adaptive Graph Matching
* Adaptive image interpolation technique based on cubic trigonometric B-spline representation
* Adaptive image segmentation method based on the fuzzy c-means with spatial information
* Adaptive rendering based on robust principal component analysis
* Adaptive RGB Image Recognition by Visual-Depth Embedding
* Adaptive Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Images Based on Sparse Representation With Global Joint Dictionary Model
* Adaptive threshold method for recovered images of FMT
* Advances in Seismic Data Compression via Learning from Data: Compression for Seismic Data Acquisition
* Adversarial Stain Transfer for Histopathology Image Analysis
* Aerial Image Analysis for Estimation of Ground Traversal Difficulty in Robot Navigation
* Affective Video Events Summarization Using EMD Decomposed EEG Signals (EDES)
* Aggregating the temporal coherent descriptors in videos using multiple learning kernel for action recognition
* Aircraft Detection Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks in Remote Sensing Images, An
* Al-Thocb HSC: a harmony search algorithm for automated calibration of industrial equipment
* aligned bidirectional feature representation for person re-identification, An
* All-in-one multicategory least squares nonparallel hyperplanes support vector machine
* Amplitude and phase retrieval with simultaneous diversity estimation using expectation maximization
* Analysis of Online Social Network Connections for Identification of Influential Users: Survey and Open Research Issues
* Analysis of Permafrost Region Coherence Variation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with a High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Image
* Analysis of Secular Ground Motions in Istanbul from a Long-Term InSAR Time-Series (1992-2017)
* Analysis of the Failure Tolerance of Linear Access Networks
* Analysis of Upper-Extremity Motion and Muscle and Brain Activation During Machine Operation in Consideration of Mass and Friction
* Analysis of Vegetation Indices to Determine Nitrogen Application and Yield Prediction in Maize (Zea mays L.) from a Standard UAV Service
* Analysis of Wavelet Families for Face Recognition
* Analytic Gabor Feedforward Network for Single-Sample and Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, An
* Analytical form of globally optimal solution of weighted sum of intraclass separation and interclass separation
* Analytical Resolution Evaluation Approach for Bistatic GEOSAR Based on Local Feature of Ambiguity Function, An
* Ancient statues, digitally reconstructed, return to Mosul [News]
* Angle 2DPCA: A New Formulation for 2DPCA
* Anisotropic blind image quality assessment: Survey and analysis with current methods
* Anisotropic energy accumulation for stereoscopic image seam carving
* Anisotropic Inf-Convolution BV Type Model for Dynamic Reconstruction, An
* Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration
* Anti-spoofing enabled face recognition based on aggregated local weighted gradient orientation
* Application of the 4-D XCAT Phantoms in Biomedical Imaging and Beyond
* Approach for Foliar Trait Retrieval from Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy of Tropical Forests, An
* Approach for Receiver-Side Awareness Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Approach for Sequential Dictionary Learning in Nonuniform Noise, An
* Approach to Measuring Semantic Relatedness of Geographic Terminologies Using a Thesaurus and Lexical Database Sources, An
* Approximate Representation of the Fourier Spectra of Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Functions: A Cost-Effective, Memory-Saving Algorithm, An
* Archaeology and Remote Sensing of Santa Elena's Four Millennia of Occupation, The
* argumentative approach for discovering relevant opinions in Twitter with probabilistic valued relationships, An
* Array Processing in Microseismic Monitoring: Detection, Enhancement, and Localization of Induced Seismicity
* Articulated motion and deformable objects
* Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence
* Artificial Mangrove Species Mapping Using Pléiades-1: An Evaluation of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Classifications with Selected Machine Learning Algorithms
* Assessing Biodiversity in Boreal Forests with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Assessing the Accuracy of Automatically Extracted Shorelines on Microtidal Beaches from Landsat 7, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing the Defoliation of Pine Forests in a Long Time-Series and Spatiotemporal Prediction of the Defoliation Using Landsat Data
* Assessing the Impact of Spectral Resolution on Classification of Lowland Native Grassland Communities Based on Field Spectroscopy in Tasmania, Australia
* Assessment and classification of singing quality based on audio-visual features
* Assessment of 3DTV-related fatigue with resting-state fMRI
* Assessment of Convolution Neural Networks for Surficial Geology Mapping in the South Rae Geological Region, Northwest Territories, Canada
* Assessment of LiDAR and Spectral Techniques for High-Resolution Mapping of Sporadic Permafrost on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
* Assessment of Multiple GNSS Real-Time SSR Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Assessment of the Potential of H/A/Alpha Decomposition for Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data
* Assessment of the Structural Integrity of the Roman Bridge of Alcántara (Spain) Using TLS and GPR
* Assessment of Water Management Changes in the Italian Rice Paddies from 2000 to 2016 Using Satellite Data: A Contribution to Agro-Ecological Studies
* Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Fraction Observations into the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model
* Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction Algorithms for the Multitemporal Assessment of Grasslands Productivity
* Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise
* Atmospheric Phase Screen in GEO-SAR: Estimation and Compensation
* Attention to the Scale: Deep Multi-Scale Salient Object Detection
* Attribute compression of 3D point clouds using Laplacian sparsity optimized graph transform
* Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization Based on Spatiotemporal Bayesian Fusion
* Augmented film narrative by use of non-photorealistic rendering
* Augmented Virtuality for Coastal Management: A Holistic Use of In Situ and Remote Sensing for Large Scale Definition of Coastal Dynamics
* Aurora Image Classification Based on Multi-Feature Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Auto-flag the baseline for Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph with LSTM
* Autofocusing Technique Based on Generalized Multilayer Stolt Migration
* Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
* Automated Feature Extraction from Breast Masses Using Multiscale Fractal Dimension
* Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logging damage with airborne LiDAR data
* Automated quantification of retinal vessel morphometry in the UK biobank cohort
* Automatic 2D to stereoscopic video conversion for 3D TVS
* Automatic breast ultrasound image segmentation: A survey
* Automatic Building Segmentation of Aerial Imagery Using Multi-Constraint Fully Convolutional Networks
* Automatic Camera Calibration Using Multiple Sets of Pairwise Correspondences
* automatic detection of helmeted and non-helmeted motorcyclist with license plate extraction using convolutional neural network, An
* Automatic detection of individual and touching moths from trap images by combining contour-based and region-based segmentation
* Automatic Ground Truths: Projected Image Annotations for Omnidirectional Vision
* Automatic individual identification of Saimaa ringed seals
* Automatic initialization of active contours and level set method in ultrasound images of breast abnormalities
* Automatic Kernel Size Determination for Deep Neural Networks Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* automatic optimum number of well-distributed ground control lines selection procedure based on genetic algorithm, An
* Automatic Photo Orientation Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Random Forest-OBIA Algorithm for Early Weed Mapping between and within Crop Rows Using UAV Imagery, An
* Automatic Recognition of Human Emotions Induced by Visual Contents of Digital Images Based on Color Histogram
* Automatic Registration of Images With Inconsistent Content Through Line-Support Region Segmentation and Geometrical Outlier Removal
* Automatic saturation correction for dynamic range management algorithms
* Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of historical manuscripts in gradient domain
* Automatic Student Verification System Utilising Off-Line Thai Name Components, An
* Automatic subjective quality estimation of 3D stereoscopic videos: NR-RR approach
* Automatic Technique for Power Line Pylon Detection from Point Cloud Data, An
* Autonomous Flying Cameraman with Embedded Person Detection and Tracking while Applying Cinematographic Rules
* AUV-Aided Joint Localization and Time Synchronization for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
* Averaged Kaczmarz Iteration for Solving Inverse Problems, The
* Averaging colors of multicolor mosaics
* Axis estimation of thin-walled axially symmetric solids
* Background modelling, analysis and implementation for thermographic images
* Backward Motion for Estimation Enhancement in Sparse Visual Odometry
* BAdaCost: Multi-class Boosting with Costs
* Bag of Shape Features with a learned pooling function for shape recognition
* Bargaining-Based Solution to the Team Mobility Planning Game, A
* Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images
* Bayesian Bistatic ISAR Imaging for Targets With Complex Motion Under Low SNR Condition
* Bayesian optimization for refining object proposals
* Bayesian Sea Ice Detection With the ERS Scatterometer and Sea Ice Backscatter Model at C-Band
* Behavior Analysis through Multimodal Sensing for Care of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Patients
* Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa Altimetric Mission: Scientific Applications, The
* Best Rated Human-Machine Interface Design for Autonomous Vehicles in the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge, The
* Beyond Temporal Pooling: Recurrence and Temporal Convolutions for Gesture Recognition in Video
* bi-directional evaluation-based approach for image retargeting quality assessment, A
* Bi-Objective Scheduling of Fire Engines for Fighting Forest Fires: New Optimization Approaches
* Bi-Prediction: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Based on Bidirectional LSTM Classification
* Bi-tangent line based approach for multi-camera calibration using spheres
* Bidirectional LSTM for ionospheric vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) forecasting
* Bifurcation Localization in 3D Images via Evolutionary Geometric Deformable Templates
* Bilateral filtering for video coding
* Bilinear CNN Models for Food Recognition
* Binary patterns encoded convolutional neural networks for texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification
* Bio-Inspired Approach to Traffic Network Equilibrium Assignment Problem, A
* Bio-inspired heterogeneous architecture for real-time pedestrian detection applications
* bio-inspired synergistic virtual retina model for tone mapping, A
* Biometric Recognition Based on Fingerprint: A Comparative Study
* Biometric recognition by gait: A survey of modalities and features
* Bird and whale species identification using sound images
* Bistatic Radar Equation for Signals of Opportunity Revisited
* Bistatic Radar Systems at Large Baselines for Ocean Observation
* Bivariate statistics and binocular energy induced stereo-pair quality evaluator
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Elastic-Net Based Rank Prior
* Blind spots in Star Coordinate Visualization: Analysis and correction
* Blind video denoising via texture-aware noise estimation
* Block-Matching-Based Implementation of Affine Motion Estimation for HEVC
* Blocking artifact removal using partial overlapping based on exact Legendre moments computation
* Bloom filter-based search structures for indexing and retrieving iris-codes
* Bluetooth portal-based system to measure the performance of building emergency evacuation plans and drills
* Body-part tracking from partial-view depth data
* Boosting landmark retrieval baseline with burstiness detection
* Boosting Sensitivity of a Retinal Vessel Segmentation Algorithm with Convolutional Neural Network
* Bootstrapping Labelled Dataset Construction for Cow Tracking and Behavior Analysis
* Boundary-Guided Optimization Framework for Saliency Refinement
* Brain Tissue Classification of Alzheimer Disease Using Partial Volume Possibilistic Modeling: Application to ADNI Phantom Images
* BreakingNews: Article Annotation by Image and Text Processing
* Budget-Efficient Viral Video Distribution Over Online Social Networks: Mining Topic-Aware Influential Users
* Building Damage Assessment Using Deep Learning and Ground-Level Image Data
* BULDP: Biomimetic Uncorrelated Locality Discriminant Projection for Feature Extraction in Face Recognition
* Burned Area Mapping of an Escaped Fire into Tropical Dry Forest in Western Madagascar Using Multi-Season Landsat OLI Data
* Cache Behavior Characterization and Validation Over Large-Scale Video Data
* Calculating Viewing Angles Pixel by Pixel in Optical Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery Using the Rational Function Model
* Calibrate Multiple Consumer RGB-D Cameras for Low-Cost and Efficient 3D Indoor Mapping
* Calibration method for sparse multi-view cameras by bridging with a mobile camera
* Calibration of GLONASS Inter-Frequency Code Bias for PPP Ambiguity Resolution with Heterogeneous Rover Receivers
* Camera-Aware Multi-Resolution Analysis for Raw Image Sensor Data Compression
* Capturing Car-Following Behaviors by Deep Learning
* Car manufacturer and model recognition based on scale invariant feature transform
* Caravaggio in Rome: A QoE-based proposal for a virtual gallery
* Cascaded convolutional neural networks for object detection
* Cast Shadow Detection to Quantify the Aerosol Optical Thickness for Atmospheric Correction of High Spatial Resolution Optical Imagery
* Catadioptric Imaging System with a Hybrid Hyperbolic Reflector for Vehicle Around-View Monitoring
* Challenges of Remotely Measuring Oil Slick Thickness, The
* Challenging the Time Complexity of Exact Subgraph Isomorphism for Huge and Dense Graphs with VF3
* Character Recognition via a Compact Convolutional Neural Network
* Characterization of Unstable Blinking Pixels in the AisaOWL Thermal Hyperspectral Imager
* Characterizing Land Surface Anisotropic Reflectance over Rugged Terrain: A Review of Concepts and Recent Developments
* China's 1 km Merged Gauge, Radar and Satellite Experimental Precipitation Dataset
* Chips in the sunshine: color constancy with real versus simulated Munsell chips under illuminants adjacent to the daylight locus
* Chlorophyll-a Concentration Retrieval in the Optically Complex Waters of the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf Using Principal Component Analysis
* Chromatic Indices in the Normalized rgb Color Space
* CIE 2017 color fidelity index Rf: A better index to predict perceived color difference?
* Cinema as large as life: Large-scale light field cinema system
* Ciona17 Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Invasive Species in a Marine Aquaculture Environment, The
* Circular Laser/Camera-Based Attitude and Altitude Estimation: Minimal and Robust Solutions
* Class-specific mutual information variation for feature selection
* Classification and Mapping of Paddy Rice by Combining Landsat and SAR Time Series Data
* Classification of E-Commerce-Related Images Using Hierarchical Classification with Deep Neural Networks
* Classification of Hyperspectral Images by SVM Using a Composite Kernel by Employing Spectral, Spatial and Hierarchical Structure Information
* Classification of Multi-class Daily Human Motion using Discriminative Body Parts and Sentence Descriptions
* Classification of Multidimensional Time-Evolving Data Using Histograms of Grassmannian Points
* Classification of normal and abnormal brain MRI slices using Gabor texture and support vector machines
* Classify vehicles in traffic scene images with deformable part-based models
* Classifying Wheat Hyperspectral Pixels of Healthy Heads and Fusarium Head Blight Disease Using a Deep Neural Network in the Wild Field
* client-server architecture for real-time view-dependent streaming of free-viewpoint video, A
* Climate and Spring Phenology Effects on Autumn Phenology in the Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeastern China
* Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Wetland and Agriculture in the Songnen and Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
* Climate Extremes and Their Impacts on Interannual Vegetation Variabilities: A Case Study in Hubei Province of Central China
* Close-range hyperspectral image analysis for the early detection of stress responses in individual plants in a high-throughput phenotyping platform
* Closed and Open-World Person Re-Identification and Verification
* closed-form expression for thin lens image irradiance, A
* Clothing retrieval with visual attention model
* cloud shadow detection method combined with cloud height iteration and spectral analysis for Landsat 8 OLI data, A
* Clustering based content and color adaptive tone mapping
* Clustering-based quantisation for PDE-based image compression
* CNN cascade for quality enhancement of compressed depth images, A
* CNN oriented fast QTBT partition algorithm for JVET intra coding
* CNN-Based Fusion Method for Feature Extraction from Sentinel Data, A
* CNN-based rate-distortion modeling for H.265/HEVC
* CNN-based text image super-resolution tailored for OCR
* Co-Citation and Cluster Analysis of Scientometrics of Geographic Information Ontology, A
* Coarse-to-fine salient object detection based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Coarse-to-fine texture analysis for inner cell mass identification in human blastocyst microscopic images
* Coding optimization based on weighted-to-spherically-uniform quality metric for 360 video
* Coefficient-group level modeling for low complexity RDO in HEVC
* Coherence Retrieval Using Trace Regularization
* Coherent Auto-Calibration of APE and NsRCM under Fast Back-Projection Image Formation for Airborne SAR Imaging in Highly-Squint Angle
* Coherent Focused Lidars for Doppler Sensing of Aerosols and Wind
* Collaborative 3D accessories customization and trading through web interface
* Collaborative Index Embedding for Image Retrieval
* Collaborative Sampling Using Heterogeneous Marine Robots Driven by Visual Cues
* Collective Behaviors of Mobile Robots Beyond the Nearest Neighbor Rules With Switching Topology
* Collision Risk Rating of Traffic Scene from Dashboard Cameras
* Color constancy of color reproductions in art paintings
* Color correction for stereoscopic image based on matching and optimization
* Color Mapping for 3D Geometric Models without Reference Image Locations
* Color metamerism and the structure of illuminant space
* Color moire reduction and resolution enhancement technique for integral three-dimensional display
* Color Restoration Method for Irreversible Thermal Paint Based on Atmospheric Scattering Model, A
* Colour image encryption algorithm using one-time key and FrFT
* Combined Landsat and L-Band SAR Data Improves Land Cover Classification and Change Detection in Dynamic Tropical Landscapes
* Combined Rule-Based Machine Learning Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition Approach, A
* Combined Strategy of Machine Vision with a Robotic Assistant for Nail Biting Prevention
* Combining Deep Learning and Multi-class Discriminant Analysis for Granite Tiles Classification
* Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy
* Combining GPS, BeiDou, and Galileo Satellite Systems for Time and Frequency Transfer Based on Carrier Phase Observations
* Combining left and right wrist vein images for personal verification
* Combining Multi-Date Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Photogrammetric Data for Forest Growth and Yield Modelling
* Combining Unmixing and Deep Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* common feature-based disparity control strategy in stereoscopic panorama generation, A
* Compact Environment-Invariant Codes for Robust Visual Place Recognition
* Compact VLSI System for Bio-Inspired Visual Motion Estimation, A
* Comparative Analysis of the Evolution of the IBM Watson's Visual Recognition API on Android, A
* Comparative evaluation of facial fiducial point detection approaches
* Comparative Study of Algorithms for Realtime Panoramic Video Blending, A
* Comparing keyframe summaries of egocentric videos: Closest-to-centroid baseline
* Comparing SAR-Based Short Time-Lag Cross Correlation and Doppler-Derived Sea Ice Drift Velocities
* Comparison between AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentration Products and Pseudo-Ship Observations of the Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Edge on Cloud-Free Days
* Comparison between Anatomy-Based and Data-Driven Tree Models for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Comparison Between Traditional Texture Methods and Deep Learning Descriptors for Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Maize Crops
* Comparison of CNN and MLP classifiers for algae detection in underwater pipelines
* comparison of CNN-based face and head detectors for real-time video surveillance applications, A
* Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques in Inferring Phytoplankton Size Classes
* Comparison of Three Methods for Estimating GPS Multipath Repeat Time
* Comparison of Wind Speeds from Spaceborne Microwave Radiometers with In Situ Observations and ECMWF Data over the Global Ocean
* Completed local structure patterns on three orthogonal planes for dynamic texture recognition
* Complexity-driven rate-control for parallel HEVC coding
* Compound-Plus-Noise Model for Improved Vessel Detection in Non-Gaussian SAR Imagery, A
* Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Deformable Face Tracking In-the-Wild, A
* Comprehensive survey of 3D image steganography techniques
* Compression-Dependent Transform-Domain Downward Conversion for Block-Based Image Coding
* Compressive gradient based scalable image SoftCast
* Compressive Sensing Matrix Design for Fast Encoding and Decoding via Sparse FFT
* Compressive Tracking Method Based on Gaussian Differential Graph and Weighted Cosine Similarity Metric, A
* Computational color prediction versus least-dissimilar matching
* Computational Study of Expressive Facial Dynamics in Children with Autism, A
* computer vision method for respiratory monitoring in intensive care environment using RGB-D cameras, A
* Computer Vision System for Virtual Rehabilitation, A
* Computerized simulation of color appearance for anomalous trichromats using the multispectral image
* Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Place Recognition Using CNN
* Confidence-Weighted Local Expression Predictions for Occlusion Handling in Expression Recognition and Action Unit Detection
* Confirmation of ENSO-Southern Ocean Teleconnections Using Satellite-Derived SST
* Connecting infrared spectra with plant traits to identify species
* Constrained Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking for WIP Vehicles Using Model Predictive Control and Extended State Observer
* Constrained Stochastic Gradient Descent: The Good Practice
* Construction of a Bayesian decision theory-based secure multimodal fusion framework for soft biometric traits
* Constructive Interference for Generic Constellations
* Content-Adaptive Feature-Based CU Size Prediction for Fast Low-Delay Video Encoding in HEVC
* Content-Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation
* Context-Aware Local Binary Feature Learning for Face Recognition
* context-sensitive deep learning approach for microcalcification detection in mammograms, A
* Contextual Online Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Continuous activity understanding based on accumulative pose-context visual patterns
* Contour-Point Signature Shape Descriptor for Point Correspondence
* Contours, Corners and T-Junctions Detection Algorithm
* Contributions to the Problem of Fight Detection in Video
* Controlled-Site Comparison of Microwave Tomography and Time-Reversal Imaging Techniques for GPR Surveys, A
* Convex Optimization-Based Coupled Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithm for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data Fusion, A
* Convolution of 3D Gaussian surfaces for volumetric intensity inhomogeneity estimation and correction in 3D brain MR image data
* Convolutional encoderdecoder networks for pixel-wise ear detection and segmentation
* Convolutional neural network steganalysis's application to steganography
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach to Rate Control in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* Convolutional neural network-based cow interaction watchdog
* Convolutional neural networks for histopathology image classification: Training vs. Using pre-trained networks
* Convolutional Oriented Boundaries: From Image Segmentation to High-Level Tasks
* Convolutional Residual Network for Grasp Localization
* Convolutional Sparse and Low-Rank Coding-Based Image Decomposition
* Cooperative Automated Driving for Various Traffic Scenarios: Experimental Validation in the GCDC 2016
* Cooperative Automated Maneuvering at the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Cooperative Positioning Technique With Decentralized Malicious Vehicle Detection
* Cooperative Vehicular Networking: A Survey
* Copy-move tampering detection using affine transformation property preservation on clustered keypoints
* Correction of Sensor Saturation Effects in MODIS Oceanic Particulate Inorganic Carbon
* Correlation between perception of color, shadows, and surface textures and the realism of a scene in virtual reality
* Correlation Coefficient as a Simple Tool for the Localization of Errors in Spectroscopic Imaging Data, The
* Correlation Filter Learning Toward Peak Strength for Visual Tracking
* Correlation Particle Filter for Visual Tracking
* Correlation-based 2D registration method for single particle cryo-EM images
* Counting Challenging Crowds Robustly Using a Multi-Column Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network
* Counting People Based on Linear, Weighted, and Local Random Forests
* Coupled dictionary learning in wavelet domain for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Coupling orientation diffusion with coherence-enhancing diffusion: a fingerprint case
* Covariance Matrix Estimation for Massive MIMO
* Cross-Domain Color Facial Expression Recognition Using Transductive Transfer Subspace Learning
* Cross-Domain Traffic Scene Understanding: A Dense Correspondence-Based Transfer Learning Approach
* Cross-language framework for word recognition and spotting of Indic scripts
* Cross-Modal Discrete Hashing
* Cross-Modality Image Synthesis via Weakly Coupled and Geometry Co-Regularized Joint Dictionary Learning
* Crowd Tracking by Group Structure Evolution
* Crowdsensing Framework for Monitoring Bridge Vibrations Using Moving Smartphones
* CT and MR image information fusion scheme using a cascaded framework in ripplet and NSST domain
* CT image denoising using NLM and correlation-based wavelet packet thresholding
* Cuboid Segmentation for Effective Image Retrieval
* Curvelet analysis of breast masses on dynamic magnetic resonance mammography
* DAAL: Deep activation-based attribute learning for action recognition in depth videos
* Damage-Mapping Algorithm Based on Coherence Model Using Multitemporal Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Data
* Damped Posterior Linearization Filter
* Dark target effectiveness for dark-object subtraction atmospheric correction method on mangrove above-ground carbon stock mapping
* Data Field-Based K-Means Clustering for Spatio-Temporal Seismicity Analysis and Hazard Assessment
* Data processing and imaging for MingantU SpEctral Radioheliograph (MUSER)
* Data-driven approaches for meteorological time series prediction: A comparative study of the state-of-the-art computational intelligence techniques
* database of unconstrained Vietnamese online handwriting and recognition experiments by recurrent neural networks, A
* DCE-MRI Driven 3-D Reaction-Diffusion Model of Solid Tumor Growth, A
* Decadal Historical Satellite Data and Rainfall Trend Analysis (2001-2016) for Flood Hazard Mapping in Sri Lanka, A
* decision support tool using Order Weighted Averaging for conference review assignment, A
* Deconvolution Technology of Microwave Radiometer Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Deep Action Parsing in Videos With Large-Scale Synthesized Data
* Deep Canonical Time Warping for Simultaneous Alignment and Representation Learning of Sequences
* Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Structured Modeling
* Deep convolutional image retrieval: A general framework
* Deep Coupled ResNet for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Deep discriminative network with inception module for person re-identification
* Deep Expectation of Real and Apparent Age from a Single Image Without Facial Landmarks
* Deep fully convolutional regression networks for single image haze removal
* Deep hashing with triplet quantization loss
* deep learning approach for detecting and correcting highlights in endoscopic images, A
* Deep learning for automatic sale receipt understanding
* Deep learning with geodesic moments for 3D shape classification
* Deep Learning-Based Classification and Reconstruction of Residential Scenes From Large-Scale Point Clouds
* Deep Multi-View Correspondence for Identity-Aware Multi-Target Tracking
* Deep Multimodal Feature Analysis for Action Recognition in RGB+D Videos
* Deep Multimodal Fusion: A Hybrid Approach
* Deep multiple instance learning for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images
* Deep probabilities for age estimation
* Deep ranking structural support vector machine for image tagging
* Deep Salient Feature Based Anti-Noise Transfer Network for Scene Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Deep Spatiality: Unsupervised Learning of Spatially-Enhanced Global and Local 3D Features by Deep Neural Network With Coupled Softmax
* Deep transfer network for face recognition using 3D synthesized face
* Deep transformation learning for face recognition in the unconstrained scene
* Deep unsupervised learning of visual similarities
* Deep Visual Attention Prediction
* Deep Visual Attention Prediction
* DeepCoder: A deep neural network based video compression
* DeepDemosaicking: Adaptive Image Demosaicking via Multiple Deep Fully Convolutional Networks
* DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs
* deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classification via cross-modal transfer learning, A
* Defining the Pose of Any 3D Rigid Object and an Associated Distance
* Definition of Management Zones Through Image Processing for Precision Agriculture
* Deformable and Occluded Object Tracking via Graph Learning
* Dehazing of remote sensing images using fourth-order partial differential equations based trilateral filter
* Delay-Aware Resource Provisioning for Cost-Efficient Cloud Gaming
* Delineating Spatial Patterns in Human Settlements Using VIIRS Nighttime Light Data: A Watershed-Based Partition Approach
* Demoireing for screen-shot images with multi-channel layer decomposition
* Demonstration of Percent Tree Cover Mapping Using Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) and Sensitivity with Respect to Landsat ARD Processing Level
* Denoising imaging polarimetry by adapted BM3D method
* Dense Reconstruction of Transparent Objects by Altering Incident Light Paths Through Refraction
* Dense Scale Selection Over Space, Time, and Space-Time
* Dependable Content Distribution in D2D-Based Cooperative Vehicular Networks: A Big Data-Integrated Coalition Game Approach
* Dependence-Aware Feature Coding for Person Re-Identification
* Depolarization Ratio Profiles Calibration and Observations of Aerosol and Cloud in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Polarization Raman Lidar
* Depth estimation for outdoor image using couple dictionary learning and region detection
* Depth Estimation of Semi-submerged Objects Using a Light-Field Camera
* Depth features to recognise dyadic interactions
* Depth map super-resolution via multiclass dictionary learning with geometrical directions
* depth perception evaluation metric for immersive 3D video services, A
* Depth range accuracy for plenoptic cameras
* Depth Super-Resolution From RGB-D Pairs With Transform and Spatial Domain Regularization
* Depth super-resolution via fully edge-augmented guidance
* Derivation of global vegetation biophysical parameters from EUMETSAT Polar System
* Derivative Entropy-Based Contrast Measure for Infrared Small-Target Detection
* Deriving high-level scene descriptions from deep scene CNN features
* Deriving Total Suspended Matter Concentration from the Near-Infrared-Based Inherent Optical Properties over Turbid Waters: A Case Study in Lake Taihu
* Design and Construction of Electronic Aid for Visually Impaired People
* Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving Control Architecture for the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
* Design and Performance of a 1 mm3 Resolution Clinical PET System Comprising 3-D Position Sensitive Scintillation Detectors
* Design of a Generic 3-D Scene Generator for Passive Optical Missions and Its Implementation for the ESA's FLEX/Sentinel-3 Tandem Mission
* Design of an annotation system for taking notes in virtual reality
* Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Noninvasive Autonomous Robot-Mediated Joint Attention Intervention System for Young Children With ASD
* DesnowNet: Context-Aware Deep Network for Snow Removal
* Detail Enhanced Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based On Edge Preserving Filters
* Detecting and inferring repetitive elements with accurate locations and shapes from façades
* Detecting Changes Between Optical Images of Different Spatial and Spectral Resolutions: A Fusion-Based Approach
* Detecting closely spaced and occluded pedestrians using specialized deep models for counting
* Detecting exercise-induced fatigue using thermal imaging and deep learning
* Detecting Neolithic Burial Mounds from LiDAR-Derived Elevation Data Using a Multi-Scale Approach and Machine Learning Techniques
* Detecting walkable plane areas by using RGB-D camera and accelerometer for visually impaired people
* Detection of Forest Disturbance With Spaceborne Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry
* Detection of Land Subsidence Associated with Land Creation and Rapid Urbanization in the Chinese Loess Plateau Using Time Series InSAR: A Case Study of Lanzhou New District
* Detection of morphology defects in pipeline based on 3D active stereo omnidirectional vision sensor
* Determining the optimal features in freezing of gait detection through a single waist accelerometer in home environments
* Developing a Cubature Multi-state Constraint Kalman Filter for Visual-Inertial Navigation System
* Development and utilization of a disgusting image dataset to understand and predict visual disgust
* Development of a Low-Cost, Near Infrared, High-Temperature Thermal Imaging System and Its Application to the Retrieval of Accurate Lava Lake Temperatures at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua, The
* Development of a Plug-and-Play Infrared Landing System for Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Development of a QGIS Plugin to Obtain Parameters and Elements of Plantation Trees and Vineyards with Aerial Photographs
* Development of a Regional LIDAR-Derived Above-Ground Biomass Model with Bayesian Model Averaging for Use in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed Conifer Forests in Arizona and New Mexico, USA
* Development of a System of Compatible Individual Tree Diameter and Aboveground Biomass Prediction Models Using Error-In-Variable Regression and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Development of Platform-Independent System for Cooperative Automated Driving Evaluated in GCDC 2016
* Dictionary learning based high frequency inter-layer prediction for scalable HEVC
* Dielectric and Radio-Emission Properties of Oil-Polluted Soils
* differential geometry approach to camera-independent image correspondence, A
* Diffusive likelihood for interactive image segmentation
* Digiart: Building new 3D cultural heritage worlds
* Digital Rock Physics: Using CT Scans to Compute Rock Properties
* Digital spotlighting parameter evaluation for SAR imaging
* Digital Story Mapping to Advance Educational Atlas Design and Enable Student Engagement
* Direct Georeferencing of a Pushbroom, Lightweight Hyperspectral System for Mini-UAV Applications
* Direct Patlak Reconstruction From Dynamic PET Data Using the Kernel Method With MRI Information Based on Structural Similarity
* Directional L_0 Sparse Modeling for Image Stripe Noise Removal
* Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs
* Disconnectedness: A new moment invariant for multi-component shapes
* Discrimination of spectral reflectance under environmental illumination
* discriminative feature mapping approach to heterogeneous domain adaptation, A
* Discriminative Part Selection for Human Action Recognition
* Distance-Adaptive Refueling Recommendation Algorithm for Self-Driving Travel, A
* Distanceless label propagation: An efficient direct connected component labeling algorithm for GPUs
* Distances evolution analysis for online and off-line human object interaction recognition
* Distances evolution analysis for online and off-line human object interaction recognition
* Distributed Message Delivery Infrastructure for Connected Vehicle Technology Applications, A
* Distribution of Road Hazard Warning Messages to Distant Vehicles in Intelligent Transport Systems
* Diverse Region-Based CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Do Charitable Foundations Spend Money Where People Need It Most? A Spatial Analysis of China
* Do Semantic Parts Emerge in Convolutional Neural Networks?
* Does quality control matter? Surface urban heat island intensity variations estimated by satellite-derived land surface temperature products
* DOM2AFRAME: Putting the web back in WebVR
* Domain adaptation for ear recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
* Domain Generalization and Adaptation Using Low Rank Exemplar SVMs
* Domain Regeneration for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
* Double-Guided Filtering: Image Smoothing with Structure and Texture Guidance
* Downscaling AMSR-2 Soil Moisture Data With Geographically Weighted Area-to-Area Regression Kriging
* Downscaling of Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval by Combining MODIS/Landsat and In Situ Measurements
* Drawing and Recognizing Chinese Characters with Recurrent Neural Network
* Driving Style Recognition for Intelligent Vehicle Control and Advanced Driver Assistance: A Survey
* Driving tests for self-driving cars
* Drone-Borne Hyperspectral Monitoring of Acid Mine Drainage: An Example from the Sokolov Lignite District
* Dual graph regularized sparse coding for image representation
* Dynamic Behavior Analysis via Structured Rank Minimization
* Dynamic displacement monitoring of long-span bridges with a microwave radar interferometer
* Dynamic ensemble selection VS K-NN: Why and when dynamic selection obtains higher classification performance?
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition based on 3D pattern assembled trajectories
* Dynamic monitoring of the Poyang Lake wetland by integrating Landsat and MODIS observations
* dynamically reconfigurable architecture system for time-varying image constraints (DRASTIC) for motion JPEG, A
* Ear recognition in a light field imaging framework: a new perspective
* Ear verification under uncontrolled conditions with convolutional neural networks
* Early-Season Stand Count Determination in Corn via Integration of Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Supervised Learning Techniques
* Economic Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Urban Road Networks via Perimeter Control and Regional Route Guidance
* Edge Detection Based on Receptive Field
* Edge Modeling by Two Blur Parameters in Varying Contrasts
* Edge preserving suppression for depth estimation via comparative variation
* Edge-guided generative adversarial network for image inpainting
* edge-preservation multi-classifier relearning framework for the classification of high-resolution remotely sensed imagery, The
* Edited nearest neighbour for selecting keyframe summaries of egocentric videos
* EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal graph structures
* Effect of Cloud Fraction on Arctic Low-Level Temperature Inversions in AIRS Observations Over Both Land and Ocean
* Effect of Denoising Algorithms on Video Stabilization
* Effect of Distance Similarity Measures on the Performance of Face, Ear and Palm Biometric Systems, The
* Effect of Surface Waves on Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) Measurement Uncertainties, The
* Effective and Fast Estimation for Image Sensor Noise Via Constrained Weighted Least Squares
* Effective image enhancement techniques for fog-affected indoor and outdoor images
* Effective keyframe extraction from RGB and RGB-D video sequences
* Effective outlier matches pruning algorithm for rigid pairwise point cloud registration using distance disparity matrix
* Effective semi-supervised learning strategies for automatic sentence segmentation
* Effective Sequential Classifier Training for SVM-Based Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Effective Waterline detection for unmanned surface vehicles in inland water
* Effects of Augmented Reality on the Performance of Teleoperated Industrial Assembly Tasks in a Robotic Embodiment
* Effects of Phase Coding on Doppler Spectra in PPAR Weather Radar
* Effects of Preview on Human Control Behavior in Tracking Tasks With Various Controlled Elements
* Efficiency of Individual Tree Detection Approaches Based on Light-Weight and Low-Cost UAS Imagery in Australian Savannas
* Efficient 2D and 3D Facade Segmentation Using Auto-Context
* Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution
* Efficient Architecture of In-Loop Filters for Multicore Scalable HEVC Hardware Decoders, An
* Efficient Bayesian Computation by Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo: When Langevin Meets Moreau
* Efficient Data Traffic Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure Communications in VANETs
* Efficient dense labelling of human activity sequences from wearables using fully convolutional networks
* Efficient Encrypted Images Filtering and Transform Coding With Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Parallelization
* Efficient holistic feature basis learning for pedestrian detection
* Efficient Hyperspectral Image Retrieval Method: Deep Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction with DCGAN and Dimensionality Reduction Using t-SNE-Based NM Hashing, An
* Efficient Implementation of GPR Data Inversion in Case of Spatially Varying Antenna Polarizations
* Efficient Maximum Likelihood Estimation Approach of Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry for Refined Topographic Mapping in Mountainous Areas, An
* Efficient Method for POI/ROI Discovery Using Flickr Geotagged Photos
* Efficient Multiple-Line-Based Intra Prediction for HEVC
* efficient nonlinear approach for removing fixed-value impulse noise from grayscale images, An
* Efficient oriented particle arrangements for position-based dynamics simulation
* Efficient Scalable Median Filtering Using Histogram-Based Operations
* Efficient Thermal Noise Removal for Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Cross-Polarization Channel
* Efficient Version-Space Reduction for Visual Tracking
* Elevation and Mass Changes of the Southern Patagonia Icefield Derived from TanDEM-X and SRTM Data
* Eliminating the effects of illumination condition in feature based camera model identification
* ELM based smile detection using Distance Vector
* Embedded binary tree for dynamic point cloud geometry compression with graph signal resampling and prediction
* Emotion and Motivation in Cognitive Assistive Technologies for Dementia
* Empirical Algorithm for Significant Wave Height Retrieval from Wave Mode Data Provided by the Chinese Satellite Gaofen-3
* Empirical ocean color algorithms and bio-optical properties of the western coastal waters of Svalbard, Arctic
* Employing fusion of learned and handcrafted features for unconstrained ear recognition
* En route truckdrone parcel delivery for optimal vehicle routing strategies
* End-to-End Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis
* End-to-End Correspondence and Relationship Learning of Mid-Level Deep Features for Person Re-Identification
* End-to-end neural network architecture for fraud scoring in card payments
* Endoscopic video deblurring via synthesis
* Energy Efficient Canny Edge Detector for Advanced Mobile Vision Applications
* Enhanced Macroblock Features for Dynamic Background Modeling in H.264/AVC Video Encoded at Low Bitrate
* Enhanced zonal search algorithm for motion estimation in depth-map coding
* Enhancing Image Quality via Style Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Enhancing pulmonary nodule detection via cross-modal alignment
* Enhancing Saliency of an Object Using Genetic Algorithm
* Enhancing the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks on Quality Degraded Datasets
* Enlarging the discriminability of bag-of-words representations with deep convolutional features
* Ensemble convolutional neural networks for pose estimation
* ENSO- and Rainfall-Sensitive Vegetation Regions in Indonesia as Identified from Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* EPIC Spectral Observations of Variability in Earth's Global Reflectance
* Essential secret image sharing scheme with equal-sized shadows generation
* Estimating Barley Biomass with Crop Surface Models from Oblique RGB Imagery
* Estimating Camera Tilt from Motion without Tracking
* Estimating Dynamic Connectivity States in fMRI Using Regime-Switching Factor Models
* Estimating Ground Level and Canopy Top Elevation With Airborne Microwave Profiling Radar
* Estimating Maximum Target Registration Error Under Uniform Restriction of Fiducial Localization Error in Image Guided System
* Estimating Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation over China Based on the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Method
* Estimating Uncertainty of Point-Cloud Based Single-Tree Segmentation with Ensemble Based Filtering
* Estimation of Aircraft Operations at Airports Using Mode-C Signal Strength Information
* Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration from Optimizing a Semi-Analytical Algorithm in Productive Inland Waters
* Estimation of Daily Average Downward Shortwave Radiation over Antarctica
* Estimation of Forest Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass from Spaceborne LiDAR and Landsat Imageries in Maryland
* Estimation of Global Vegetation Productivity from Global LAnd Surface Satellite Data
* Estimation of High Spatial-Resolution Clear-Sky Land Surface-Upwelling Longwave Radiation from VIIRS/S-NPP Data
* Estimation of Leaf Area Index in a Mountain Forest of Central Japan with a 30-m Spatial Resolution Based on Landsat Operational Land Imager Imagery: An Application of a Simple Model for Seasonal Monitoring
* Estimation of Residual Motion Errors in Airborne SAR Interferometry Based on Time-Domain Backprojection and Multisquint Techniques
* EV Charging Management System Concerning Drivers' Trip Duration and Mobility Uncertainty, An
* Evaluating accuracy of DSSAT model for soybean yield estimation using satellite weather data
* Evaluating cyclist patterns using GPS data from smartphones
* Evaluating Eight Global Reanalysis Products for Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Sensor: Application to Landsat 8 TIRS10 Data
* Evaluating Endmember and Band Selection Techniques for Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis using Post-Fire Imaging Spectroscopy
* Evaluating Precipitation Estimates from Eta, TRMM and CHRIPS Data in the South-Southeast Region of Minas Gerais State Brazil
* Evaluating the Performance of Photogrammetric Products Using Fixed-Wing UAV Imagery over a Mixed Conifer-Broadleaf Forest: Comparison with Airborne Laser Scanning
* Evaluating the Performance of the SCOPE Model in Simulating Canopy Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Evaluating the Societal Impact of Using Drones to Support Urban Upgrading Projects
* evaluation framework for 360-degree video compression, An
* Evaluation of Close-Range Photogrammetry Image Collection Methods for Estimating Tree Diameters
* Evaluation of Coastal Sea Level Offshore Hong Kong from Jason-2 Altimetry
* Evaluation of Groundwater Storage Variations Estimated from GRACE Data Assimilation and State-of-the-Art Land Surface Models in Australia and the North China Plain
* Evaluation of Multi-Frequency SAR Images for Tropical Land Cover Mapping
* Evaluation of the Ability of Spectral Indices of Hydrocarbons and Seawater for Identifying Oil Slicks Utilizing Hyperspectral Images
* Evaluation of Three Parametric Models for Estimating Directional Thermal Radiation from Simulation, Airborne, and Satellite Data
* Evaluation of Three Techniques for Correcting the Spatial Scaling Bias of Leaf Area Index
* Evaluation of Triple-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition
* EventAware: A mobile recommender system for events
* Every Moment Counts: Dense Detailed Labeling of Actions in Complex Videos
* Exact Robust Solution to TW-ToA-Based Target Localization Problem With Clock Imperfections
* Exact Solution to Rank-1 L1-Norm TUCKER2 Decomposition, The
* Exemplar-based framework for 3D point cloud hole filling
* Experience of DRIVERTIVE-DRIVERless cooperaTIve VEhicle-Team in the 2016 GCDC, The
* Experimental analyses and clustering of travel choice behaviours by floating car big data in a large urban area
* Expert Level Control of Ramp Metering Based on Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Expert Level Control of Ramp Metering Based on Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Explaining Leaf Nitrogen Distribution in a Semi-Arid Environment Predicted on Sentinel-2 Imagery Using a Field Spectroscopy Derived Model
* Exploiting covariate embeddings for classification using Gaussian processes
* Exploiting Satellite-Based Surface Soil Moisture for Flood Forecasting in the Mediterranean Area: State Update Versus Rainfall Correction
* exploration of factors that drive vertical vergence movements across the visual field, An
* Exploration of Some Pitfalls of Thematic Map Assessment Using the New Map Tools Resource, An
* Exploring global sentence representation for graph-based dependency parsing using BLSTM-SCNN
* Exploring hidden coherency of Ray-Tracing for heterogeneous systems using online feedback methodology
* Exploring Kernel Based Spatial Context for CNN Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Exploring Machine Learning to Correct Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperatures
* Exploring Models and Data for Remote Sensing Image Caption Generation
* Exploring Multispectral ALS Data for Tree Species Classification
* Exponential decay sine wave learning rate for fast deep neural network training
* Expression robust 3D face landmarking using thresholded surface normals
* extended analysis of memory hierarchies for efficient implementations of image processing applications, An
* Extending HEVC using texture synthesis
* External Prior Guided Internal Prior Learning for Real-World Noisy Image Denoising
* Extinction Profiles Fusion for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Extracting statistically significant behaviour from fish tracking data with and without large dataset cleaning
* Extraction and height estimation of artificial vertical structures based on the wrapped interferometric phase difference within their layovers
* Extraction of Road Pixels from Airborne Image and Elevation Data: Focusing on Feature Selection
* Extraction of saliency in images and video: Problems, methods and applications. A survey
* Extraction of Tourist Destinations and Comparative Analysis of Preferences Between Foreign Tourists and Domestic Tourists on the Basis of Geotagged Social Media Data
* Extreme field-of-view for head-mounted displays
* Extreme Weather Recognition Using a Novel Fine-Tuning Strategy and Optimized GoogLeNet
* Eye landmarks detection via two-level cascaded CNNs with multi-task learning
* Eye Tracking the Visual Attention of Nurses Interpreting Simulated Vital Signs Scenarios: Mining Metrics to Discriminate Between Performance Level
* Face Destylization
* Face Retrieval in Video Sequences Using a Single Face Sample
* Facial age estimation through self-paced learning
* Facial attributes recognition using computer vision to detect drowsiness and distraction in drivers
* Facial Expression Recognition in Video with Multiple Feature Fusion
* Factors Affecting the Number of Visitors in National Parks in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
* Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm
* Fast and Accurate Detection of Complex Imaging Genetics Associations Based on Greedy Projected Distance Correlation
* Fast and Accurate Tracking of Highly Deformable Heart Valves with Locally Constrained Level Sets
* Fast and Accurate Vanishing Point Detection and Its Application in Inverse Perspective Mapping of Structured Road
* Fast and Automatically Adjustable GRBF Kernel Based Fuzzy C-Means for Cluster-wise Coloured Feature Extraction and Segmentation of MR Images
* Fast and robust homography estimation method with algebraic outlier rejection
* Fast and Robust Multi-Modal Image Registration for 3D Knee Kinematics
* Fast Automatic Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast BCS-FOCUSS and DBCS-FOCUSS with augmented Lagrangian and minimum residual methods
* fast deconvolution-based approach for single-image super-resolution with GPU acceleration, A
* Fast deformable model-based human performance capture and FVV using consumer-grade RGB-D sensors
* Fast detection method of quick response code based on run-length coding
* Fast encoding of surveillance videos based on HEVC
* Fast Estimation of Large Displacement Optical Flow Using Dominant Motion Patterns Sub-Volume PatchMatch Filtering
* Fast Forgery Detection Algorithm Based on Exponential-Fourier Moments for Video Region Duplication, A
* Fast Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching Using Asymmetric Haar Wavelet Packets
* Fast intra bit rate transcoding for HEVC screen content coding
* fast intra prediction algorithm for 360-degree equirectangular panoramic video, A
* Fast Kernel Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors for Feature Extraction
* Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discriminative Metric Learning
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Grayscale Similarity and Inter-View Correlation for Depth Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Fast mode decision method based on edge feature for HEVC inter-prediction
* Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder With GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing
* Fast multi-view people localization using a torso-high reference plane
* Fast Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Based on the Split Bregman Method
* Fast Quasi-Newton Algorithms for Penalized Reconstruction in Emission Tomography and Further Improvements via Preconditioning
* Fast Recursive Computation of Krawtchouk Polynomials
* FatRegion: A Fast Adaptive Tree-Structured Region Extraction Approach
* Feature based inter prediction optimization for non-translational video coding in cloud
* Feature Descriptor Based on Local Normalized Difference for Real-World Texture Classification, A
* Feature extraction algorithms from MRI to evaluate quality parameters on meat products by using data mining
* Feature Selection for Nonstationary Data: Application to Human Recognition Using Medical Biometrics
* Feedback Acquisition and Reconstruction of Spectrum-Sparse Signals by Predictive Level Comparisons
* Feedback-Based Robust Video Stabilization Method for Traffic Videos, A
* Fine Resolution Probabilistic Land Cover Classification of Landscapes in the Southeastern United States
* Fine-Grained Butterfly Recognition with Deep Residual Networks: A New Baseline and Benchmark
* fingerprint and finger-vein based cancelable multi-biometric system, A
* Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry
* Flexible Manifold Learning With Optimal Graph for Image and Video Representation
* flexible mixed-signal image processing pipeline using 3D chip stacks, A
* Flood Extent Mapping from Time-Series SAR Images Based on Texture Analysis and Data Fusion
* Footnote-based document image classification using 1D convolutional neural networks and histograms
* Force Exertion Affects Grasp Classification Using Force Myography
* Foreground extraction for freely moving RGBD cameras
* Four-Band Semi-Analytical Model for Estimating Phycocyanin in Inland Waters From Simulated MERIS and OLCI Data, A
* Fovography: A naturalistic imaging media
* framework for quality control in cinematic VR based on Voronoi patches and saliency, A
* Framework for the Generation of Realistic Synthetic Cardiac Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences From the Same Virtual Patients, A
* Framework to Combine Multi-Object Video Segmentation and Tracking, A
* Frequency Domain Extraction Based Adaptive Joint Time Frequency Decomposition Method of the Maneuvering Target Radar Echo, A
* From Facial Expression Recognition to Interpersonal Relation Prediction
* From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Baseline Imager
* From Weakly Supervised Object Localization to Semantic Segmentation by Probabilistic Image Modeling
* Fully Automated Road Defect Detection Using Street View Images
* Fully Automatic Burnt Area Mapping Processor Based on AVHRR Imagery: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor, A
* Fully Automatic Horizon Estimation for Surveillance Cameras
* Fully Automatic, Real-Time Vehicle Tracking for Surveillance Video
* Fully Probabilistic Design for Knowledge Transfer in a Pair of Kalman Filters
* Fully-Convolutional Framework for Semantic Segmentation, A
* Functional Data Analysis Approach to Traffic Volume Forecasting, A
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images using an average filter and a guided filter
* Fusion of Landsat-8/OLI and GOCI Data for Hourly Mapping of Suspended Particulate Matter at High Spatial Resolution: A Case Study in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary
* Fusion of NASA Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) Lidar Time Series over Mountain Forest Landscapes
* Fusion of structural and textural features for melanoma recognition
* Fuzzy reasoning model to improve face illumination invariance
* Gait recognition based on 3D holoscopic gait energy image
* Gait Recognition Based on Normal Distance Maps
* Gamified Flexible Transportation Service for On-Demand Public Transport, A
* Gate and Common Pathway Detection in Crowd Scenes Using Motion Units and Meta-Tracking
* Gaussian kernel c-means hard clustering algorithms with automated computation of the width hyper-parameters
* Gaussian Mixture Model Representation of Endmember Variability in Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* Generalization of the Dark Channel Prior for Single Image Restoration
* Generalized Model for Indoor Location Estimation Using Environmental Sound from Human Activity Recognition, A
* Generalized Multi-Instance Control Mapping for Interactive Media Systems
* Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree
* Generating Continental Scale Pixel-Based Surface Reflectance Composites in Coastal Regions with the Use of a Multi-Resolution Tidal Model
* Generating Global Products of LAI and FPAR From SNPP-VIIRS Data: Theoretical Background and Implementation
* Generation of Chinese ink portraits by blending face photographs with Chinese ink paintings
* Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
* generic method to improve no-reference image blur metric accuracy in video contents, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Urban Cluster Automatic Threshold Method by Combining VIIRS DNB, NDVI, and NDBI to Monitor Urbanization, A
* Genre linked automated assessment and feedback of photographs based on visual aesthetics
* GEO-Satellite-Based Reflectometry for Soil Moisture Estimation: Signal Modeling and Algorithm Development
* Geographic Information Retrieval Method for Geography Mark-Up Language Data
* Geographical Information Enhanced Cooperative Localization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Geometry-adaptive motion partitioning using improved temporal prediction
* Geostationary Visible Imager Calibration for the CERES SYN1deg Edition 4 Product
* Gestaltic Grouping of Line Segments
* Global abnormal events detection in crowded scenes using context location and motion-rich spatio-temporal volumes
* Global ECMWF Analysis Data for Estimating the Water Vapor Content Between Two LEO Satellites Through NDSA Measurements
* Global Validation of MODIS C6 and C6.1 Merged Aerosol Products over Diverse Vegetated Surfaces
* Global visual saliency: Geometric and colorimetrie saliency fusion and its applications for 3D colored meshes
* Global-Local Temporal Saliency Action Prediction
* Globally Measuring the Similarity of Superpixels by Binary Edge Maps for Superpixel Clustering
* GLSC: LSC superpixels at over 130 FPS
* GMTI and Parameter Estimation for MIMO SAR System via Fast Interferometry RPCA Method
* Good Features to Correlate for Visual Tracking
* GPU deformable part model for object recognition
* GPU parallel implementation of the new hybrid binarization based on Kmeans method (HBK)
* GPU-based real-time RGBD data filtering
* gradient descent implementation of the adaptive robust narrowband constrained LMS beamformer, A
* Gram matrix based representation for image retrieval
* Graph based model for information retrieval using a stochastic local search
* Graph Framework for Manifold-Valued Data, A
* graph-based approach for detecting common actions in motion capture data and videos, A
* Graph-Based Matching of Points-of-Interest from Collaborative Geo-Datasets
* Graphic logo detection with deep region-based convolutional networks
* Greedy refinement of object proposals via boundary-aligned minimum bounding box search
* Grid-clustered rough set model for self-learning and fast reduction
* Ground Deformations around the Toktogul Reservoir, Kyrgyzstan, from Envisat ASAR and Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study about the Impact of Atmospheric Corrections on InSAR Time Series
* Ground-Truth Data Set and Baseline Evaluations for Base-Detail Separation Algorithms at the Part Level
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Dependable Wireless Vehicular Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Guest Editorial: Vision and Computational Photography and Graphics
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Learning with Shared Information for Computer Vision and Multimedia Analysis
* Hair detection, segmentation, and hairstyle classification in the wild
* Half-occluded regions: The key to detecting a diverse array of defects in S3D imagery
* Hallucinating Compressed Face Images
* Hallucinating Face Image by Regularization Models in High-Resolution Feature Space
* Hand-in-Hand: A Communication-Enhancement Collaborative Virtual Reality System for Promoting Social Interaction in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Handwriting gender recognition system based on the one-class support vector machines
* Handwritten digit segmentation: Is it still necessary?
* Hash rearrangement scheme for HEVC screen content coding
* Health Media: From Multimedia Signals to Personal Health Insights
* Heart Sound Extraction From Sternal Seismocardiographic Signal
* HEp-2 Cell Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Her2Net: A Deep Framework for Semantic Segmentation and Classification of Cell Membranes and Nuclei in Breast Cancer Evaluation
* Hetero-Manifold Regularisation for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Heterogeneous Image Stylization Using Neural Networks
* Heterogeneous Parallel Processor for High-Speed Vision Chip, A
* HEVC encoder optimization for HDR video coding based on irregularity concealment effect
* HEVC stream saliency extraction: Synergies between FIT and information theory principles
* HEVC-compliant screen content transcoding based on mode mapping and fast termination
* HEVC-EPIC: Fast Optical Flow Estimation From Coded Video via Edge-Preserving Interpolation
* Hierarchical Fully Convolutional Network Integrated with Sparse and Low-Rank Subspace Representations for PolSAR Imagery Classification, A
* Hierarchical piece-wise linear projections for efficient intra-prediction coding
* Hierarchical Segmentations with Graphs: Quasi-flat Zones, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Saliency Maps
* Hierarchical semantic image matching using CNN feature pyramid
* High performance and fast object detection in road environments
* High Turbidity Solis Clear Sky Model: Development and Validation
* High-Accuracy Positioning in Urban Environments Using Single-Frequency Multi-GNSS RTK/MEMS-IMU Integration
* High-Chlorophyll-Area Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Observations: The Case Study of Cape Trafalgar
* High-level synthesis for FPGAs: code optimization strategies for real-time image processing
* High-Permittivity Pad Design for Dielectric Shimming in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Projection-Based Model Reduction and a Nonlinear Optimization Scheme
* High-Resolution Mapping of Near-Field Deformation With Airborne Earth Observation Data, a Comparison Study
* High-Throughput Phenotyping of Canopy Cover and Senescence in Maize Field Trials Using Aerial Digital Canopy Imaging
* Highly efficient image registration for embedded systems using a distributed multicore DSP architecture
* Holistic Concept to Design Optimal Water Supply Infrastructures for Informal Settlements Using Remote Sensing Data, A
* Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images With Deep Learning
* HOSO: Histogram of Surface Orientation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* How to drive passenger airport experience: A decision support system based on user profile
* HRTF personalization based on weighted sparse representation of anthropometric features
* Hue-Angle Product for Low to Medium Spatial Resolution Optical Satellite Sensors
* Human Control of Air Traffic Trajectory Optimizer
* Human Epithelial Type 2 (HEp-2) Cell Classification by Using a Multiresolution Texture Descriptor
* Human Pose Forecasting via Deep Markov Models
* Human recognition using transient auditory evoked potentials: A preliminary study
* Human Settlement Composite Index (HSCI) Derived from Nighttime Luminosity Associated with Imperviousness and Vegetation Indexes, A
* Human tracking by employing the scene information in underground coal mines
* HWFusion: Holoentropy and SP-Whale optimisation-based fusion model for magnetic resonance imaging multimodal image fusion
* Hybrid Data Dependent Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval, A
* Hybrid eye center localization using cascaded regression and hand-crafted model fitting
* Hybrid fitting energy-based fast level set model for image segmentation solving by algebraic multigrid and sparse field method
* Hybrid image denoising method based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and bandelet transform
* Hybrid model of diffusion based on the Jeffreys-type equation for noise reduction on images
* Hybrid Sparsity and Distance-Based Discrimination Detector for Hyperspectral Images, A
* Hydrological Variability and Changes in the Arctic Circumpolar Tundra and the Three Largest Pan-Arctic River Basins from 2002 to 2016
* Hyper-Feature Based Tracking with the Fully-Convolutional Siamese Network
* Hyperspectral anomaly detection using differential image
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Background Estimation and Adaptive Weighted Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Classification Based on Texture Feature Enhancement and Deep Belief Networks
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Multiple Feature Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Markov Random Fields and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition and Weighted Least Squares Filter
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with Space Consistency Constraint and Spectral Library Pruning
* I-k-means-+: An iterative clustering algorithm based on an enhanced version of the k-means
* Identification Method for Spring Maize in Northeast China Based on Spectral and Phenological Features, An
* Identification of Leveled Archeological Mounds (Höyük) in the Alluvial Plain of the Ceyhan River (Southern Turkey) by Satellite Remote-Sensing Analyses
* IEA Wind Task 32: Wind Lidar Identifying and Mitigating Barriers to the Adoption of Wind Lidar
* IF-MCA: Importance Factor-Based Multiple Correspondence Analysis for Multimedia Data Analytics
* Illumination invariant feature based on neighboring radiance ratio
* Illumination-robust multispectral demosaicing
* Image Appearance-Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Image Based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning on Small Datasets
* Image Colorization with Neural Networks
* Image colourisation by non-local total variation method in the CB and YIQ colour spaces
* Image compression-based multiple description transform coding using NSCT and OMP approximation
* Image cryptography based on the imitation of gene fusion and horizontal gene transfer
* Image Denoising Method Based on a Deep Convolution Neural Network
* Image Extrapolation for the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model: Existence and Applications
* Image matching using GPT correlation associated with simplified HOG patterns
* Image Quality Assessment for Color Correction Based on Color Contrast Similarity and Color Value Difference
* Image reconstruction based on circulant matrices
* Image Reconstruction with Imperfect Forward Models and Applications in Deblurring
* Image restoration via Bayesian dictionary learning with nonlocal structured beta process
* Image retrieval based on saliency for urban image contents
* Image retrieval by dense caption reasoning
* Image Retrieval with Attribute-Associated Auxiliary References
* Image Set Compression with Content Adaptive Sparse Dictionary
* Image super-resolution based on adaptive joint distribution modeling
* Image Super-Resolution via a Novel Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network Framework
* Image-based pencil drawing synthesized using convolutional neural network feature maps
* Image-Based Reconstruction of Tissue Scatterers Using Beam Steering for Ultrasound Simulation
* Imaging Spectroscopy BRDF Correction for Mapping Louisiana's Coastal Ecosystems
* Imagining the Unimaginable Faces by Deconvolutional Networks
* IMF-Slices for GPR Data Processing Using Variational Mode Decomposition Method
* Impact of Blackbody Warm-Up Cool-Down Cycle on the Calibration of Aqua MODIS and S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Impact of Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Errors, Discretization and Grid Type on Calculations of Ice Deformation
* Impact of Tourist Traffic on the Condition and Cell Structures of Alpine Swards, The
* Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectral Properties and Traits across Multiple Species
* Impacts of Climate Change on Tibetan Lakes: Patterns and Processes
* Impacts of Insufficient Observations on the Monitoring of Short- and Long-Term Suspended Solids Variations in Highly Dynamic Waters, and Implications for an Optimal Observation Strategy
* Impacts of Leaf Age on Canopy Spectral Signature Variation in Evergreen Chinese Fir Forests
* Impacts of Street-Visible Greenery on Housing Prices: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model and a Massive Street View Image Dataset in Beijing
* Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model, The
* Improve object detection via a multi-feature and multi-task CNN model
* improved approximation algorithm for hierarchical clustering, An
* Improved Co-Registration of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Imagery for Earth Surface Motion Measurements
* Improved intra boundary filters for HEVC
* Improved Kernel Descriptors for Effective and Efficient Image Classification
* improved MRF model for robust color guided depth up-sampling, An
* Improved object tracking via joint color-LPQ texture histogram based mean shift algorithm
* improved online writer identification framework using codebook descriptors, An
* Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature from the Landsat-8 Thermal Band, An
* Improved Small Baseline processing by means of CAESAR eigen-interferograms decomposition
* Improved Tamura Features for Image Classification Using Kernel Based Descriptors
* Improved tensor voting for missing edge inference
* Improvement of angular velocity and position estimation in gyro-free inertial navigation based on vision aid equipment
* Improvement of Moderate Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Classification by Introducing Adjacent Region Features
* Improvements in the On-Orbit Response Versus Scan Angle Characterization of the Aqua MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Improving a deep learning based RGB-D object recognition model by ensemble learning
* Improving Accuracy Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass Based on Incorporation of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2A Imagery and Machine Learning: A Case Study of the Hyrcanian Forest Area (Iran)
* Improving battery voltage prediction in an electric bicycle using altitude measurements and kernel adaptive filters
* Improving Bivious Relay Selection in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks
* Improving MISR AOD Retrievals With Low-Light-Level Corrections for Veiling Light
* Improving Person Re-Identification by Efficient Pairwise-Specific CRC Coding in the XQDA Subspace
* Improving Satellite Estimates of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Through Data Integration: Methodology and Validation
* Improving SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Western Mediterranean Sea through Multivariate and Multifractal Analysis
* Improving Sparse Multichannel Blind Deconvolution with Correlated Seismic Data: Foundations and Further Results
* Improving the Quality of Satellite Imagery Based on Ground-Truth Data from Rain Gauge Stations
* Improving the Separability of Deep Features with Discriminative Convolution Filters for RSI Classification
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition with locality-sensitive sparse representation toward optimized prototype classifier
* In-Flight Retrieval of SCIAMACHY Instrument Spectral Response Function
* Incoherent Dictionary Pair Learning: Application to a Novel Open-Source Database of Chinese Numbers
* Incorporation of Efficient Second-Order Solvers Into Latent Factor Models for Accurate Prediction of Missing QoS Data
* Incorporation of Stem Water Content into Vegetation Optical Depth for Crops and Woodlands
* Increasing the Accuracy of Crowdsourced Information on Land Cover via a Voting Procedure Weighted by Information Inferred from the Contributed Data
* Incremental Learning With Saliency Map for Moving Object Detection
* Indefinite kernel spectral learning
* Independent Assessment of Sentinel-3A Wet Tropospheric Correction over the Open and Coastal Ocean
* Index Structure for Fast Range Search in Hamming Space, An
* India's biometric ids trigger privacy lawsuits
* Indirect Image Registration with Large Diffeomorphic Deformations
* Individuals' Stress Assessment Using Human-Smartphone Interaction Analysis
* Indoor Scene Recognition-Based 3D Registration Mechanism for Real-Time AR-GIS Visualization in Mobile Applications, An
* Infinite Bayesian one-class support vector machine based on Dirichlet process mixture clustering
* influence of 3D video artifacts on discomfort of 302 viewers, The
* Influence of Sub-Block Position on Performing Integrated Sensor Orientation Using In Situ Camera Calibration and Lidar Control Points, The
* Information Entropy-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Radar Sensing of Rough Surface, An
* Information fusion for unsupervised image segmentation using stochastic watershed and Hessian matrix
* Information Patterns in the Modeling and Design of Mobility Management Services
* Information set based features for the speed invariant gait recognition
* Inherent Optical Properties of the Baltic Sea in Comparison to Other Seas and Oceans
* INPAC: INdependent PAss Coding algorithm for robust image data transmission through low SNR channels
* Integrating fuzzy object based image analysis and ant colony optimization for road extraction from remotely sensed images
* Integrating multi-level deep learning and concept ontology for large-scale visual recognition
* Integration of aerial oblique imagery and terrestrial imagery for optimized 3D modeling in urban areas
* Integration of PSI, MAI, and Intensity-Based Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Results for Landslide Monitoring with X-Band Corner Reflectors: Italian Alps (Corvara)
* Integration of Variational Optical Flow and Surface Splines for Dense Correspondence Estimation of Remotely Sensed Images
* Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and 3D-Photogrammetry for Mobile Mapping of Steep Coastal Cliffs in the Arctic
* Intelligent Thermal Sensing System for Automatic, Quantitative Assessment of Motion Training in Lower-Limb Rehabilitation, An
* Inter-Comparison and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Precipitation Products over China from 2005 to 2013
* Interactions Between Threat and Executive Control in a Virtual Reality Stroop Task
* Interactive 3D object recognition pipeline on mobile GPGPU computing platforms using low-cost RGB-D sensors
* Intercalibration of Polar-Orbiting Spectral Radiometers Without Simultaneous Observations
* interdependence of spatial and angular resolution in the quality of experience of light field visualization, The
* Interferometric SAR DEMs for Forest Change in Uganda 2000-2012
* Internal generative mechanism inspired reduced reference image quality assessment with entropy of primitive
* Introducing spectral moment features in analyzing the SpecTex hyperspectral texture database
* Investigating Arctic Sea Ice Survivability in the Beaufort Sea
* Investigating Keypoint Repeatability for 3D Correspondence Estimation in Cluttered Scenes
* Investigating the Influences of Tree Coverage and Road Density on Property Crime
* Investigation of Gender and Race Classification for Different Color Models
* Investigation of Ice Surface Albedo and Its Influence on the High-Altitude Lakes of the Tibetan Plateau, An
* IPAS: a design framework for analysis, synthesis and optimization of image processing applications for heterogenous computing architectures
* Irish Sign Language Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Iterative optimization in tomographic deconvolution phase microscopy
* iterative possibilistic knowledge diffusion approach for blind medical image segmentation, An
* Iterative spectral clustering for unsupervised object localization
* Joint camera blur and pose estimation from aliased data
* joint compression scheme for local binary feature descriptors and their corresponding bag-of-words representation, A
* Joint Contours, Corner and T-Junction Detection: An Approach Inspired by the Mammal Visual System
* Joint Estimation of Human Pose and Conversational Groups from Social Scenes
* Joint facial landmark detection and action estimation based on deep probabilistic random forest
* Joint Gaussian Processes for Biophysical Parameter Retrieval
* Joint Image Registration and Superresolution Method Using a Combinational Continuous Generative Model, A
* Joint Intra and Multiple Description Coding for Packet Loss Resilient Video Transmission
* Joint medical image fusion, denoising and enhancement via discriminative low-rank sparse dictionaries learning
* Joint multi-feature fusion and attribute relationships for facial attribute prediction
* Joint of locality- and globality-preserving projections
* Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting
* Joint Separable and Non-Separable Transforms for Next-Generation Video Coding
* joint snake and atlas-based segmentation of plantar foot thermal images, A
* Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Multitask Learning with Laplacian-Like Regularization for Hyperspectral Classification
* Joint Spatial and Spectral Low-Rank Regularization for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* JPEG compression model in copy-move forgery detection
* Judging Aesthetic Quality in Paintings Based on Artistic Inspired Color Features
* Just-noticeable-quantization-distortion based preprocessing for perceptual video coding
* KAIST Multi-Spectral Day/Night Data Set for Autonomous and Assisted Driving
* Kalman filter approach for uncertainty quantification in time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
* kCCA Transformation-Based Radiometric Normalization of Multi-Temporal Satellite Images
* Kernel K-Means Sampling for Nystrom Approximation
* Key binding biometrics-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards
* Kinship verification using multiview hybrid distance learning
* L1-2DPCA Revisit via Optimization on Product Manifolds
* L2,1-l1 regularized nonlinear multi-task representation learning based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease
* Lake Chad Total Surface Water Area as Derived from Land Surface Temperature and Radar Remote Sensing Data
* Lake Icepack and Dry Snowpack Thickness Measurement Using Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry
* Land Consolidation Suitability Ranking of Cadastral Municipalities: Information-Based Decision-Making Using Multi-Criteria Analyses of Official Registers' Data
* Land Cover Classification Using Integrated Spectral, Temporal, and Spatial Features Derived from Remotely Sensed Images
* Landsat Super-Resolution Enhancement Using Convolution Neural Networks and Sentinel-2 for Training
* Large Scale 3D Morphable Models
* Large-scale urban point cloud labeling and reconstruction
* Large-scale vocabularies with local graph diffusion and mode seeking
* Latent Space Understandable Generative Adversarial Network: SelfExGAN, A
* Leader and Leaderless Multi-Layer Consensus With State Obfuscation: An Application to Distributed Speed Advisory Systems
* Leaf and Canopy Level Detection of Fusarium Virguliforme (Sudden Death Syndrome) in Soybean
* Learning a Continuous-Time Streaming Video QoE Model
* Learning a convolutional neural network for fractional interpolation in HEVC inter coding
* Learning a Dilated Residual Network for SAR Image Despeckling
* Learning and Recognition of Clothing Genres From Full-Body Images
* Learning audio and image representations with bio-inspired trainable feature extractors
* Learning biased distance metrics with diversity regularizer for person re-identification
* Learning Clip Representations for Skeleton-Based 3D Action Recognition
* Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models
* Learning deep similarity models with focus ranking for fabric image retrieval
* Learning Deep Spatial Lung Features by 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Early Cancer Detection
* Learning Deep Spatial-Spectral Features for Material Segmentation in Hyperspectral Images
* Learning Deep Spatio-Temporal Dependence for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Learning discriminative supplementary features to attributes for novel-category classification
* Learning from Data Stream Based on Random Projection and Hoeffding Tree Classifier
* Learning Geometric Equivalence between Patterns Using Embedding Neural Networks
* Learning multi-view embedding in joint space for bidirectional image-text retrieval
* Learning robust latent subspace for discriminative regression
* Learning Robust Object Recognition Using Composed Scenes from Generative Models
* Learning solar flare forecasting model from magnetograms
* Learning Sparse Representation for Objective Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Learning Theory of Randomized Sparse Kaczmarz Method
* Learning to Associate Words and Images Using a Large-Scale Graph
* Learning to recognize opinion targets using recurrent neural networks
* Learning Trans-Dimensional Random Fields with Applications to Language Modeling
* Learning Variance Kernelized Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Learning with rethinking: Recurrently improving convolutional neural networks through feedback
* LED-Based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solution
* Leveraging Tree Statistics for Extracting Anatomical Trees from 3D Medical Images
* LF-fusion: Dense and accurate 3D reconstruction from light field images
* Light-Field Camera Calibration from Raw Images
* LightenNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for weakly illuminated image enhancement
* Lightweight Discriminative Tracker Based on Classification and Similarity, A
* Line Segmentation for Grayscale Text Images of Khmer Palm Leaf Manuscripts
* Linear Reaction-Diffusion System with Interior Degeneration for Color Image Compression, A
* LinkNet: Exploiting encoder representations for efficient semantic segmentation
* Lithological and Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping of Epithermal, Porphyry and Tourmaline Breccia Districts in the Argentine Andes Using ASTER Imagery
* LLCNN: A Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Local and Global Feature Learning for Blind Quality Evaluation of Screen Content and Natural Scene Images
* Local and Global Feature Utilization for Breast Image Classification by Convolutional Neural Network
* Local contourlet tetra pattern for image retrieval
* Local curvature entropy-based 3D terrain representation using a comprehensive Quadtree
* Local Deep-Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
* Local directional ternary pattern: A New texture descriptor for texture classification
* Local ensemble learning from imbalanced and noisy data for word sense disambiguation
* Local Features Augmenting for Better Image Retrieval
* Local Image Structure and Procrustes Metrics
* Local radon descriptors for image search
* Local similarity refinement of shape-preserved warping for parallax-tolerant image stitching
* Localizing 3-D Anatomical Landmarks Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Locally Weighted Ensemble Clustering
* Locating 3D Object Proposals: A Depth-Based Online Approach
* Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Online Disturbance Detection in Satellite Image Time Series
* Long-Term Annual Mapping of Four Cities on Different Continents by Applying a Deep Information Learning Method to Landsat Data
* Long-term video interpolation with bidirectional predictive network
* Looking at People Special Issue
* Looking beyond appearances: Synthetic training data for deep CNNs in re-identification
* Lookup-Table-Based Approach to Estimating Surface Solar Irradiance from Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data, A
* Lossless compression of subaperture images using context modeling
* Lossless data hiding in JPEG bitstream using alternative embedding
* Lossless light-field compression using reversible colour transformations
* Lossless-constraint Denoising based Auto-encoders
* LOST Highway: A Multiple-Lane Ant-Trail Algorithm to Reduce Congestion in Large-Population Multi-robot Systems
* Low rank regularization exploiting intra and inter patch correlation for image denoising
* Low-complexity compression of high dynamic range infrared images with JPEG compatibility
* low-cost lighthouse-based virtual reality head tracking system, A
* Low-cost plenoptic camera with off-the-shelf components
* Low-Frequency Conductivity Tensor Imaging of the Human Head In Vivo Using DT-MREIT: First Study
* Low-Rank Decomposition and Total Variation Regularization of Hyperspectral Video Sequences
* LSTM method for predicting CU splitting in H.264 to HEVC transcoding, An
* Machine learning for astronomical big data processing
* Machine Learning for Volcano-Seismic Signals: Challenges and Perspectives
* Macular OCT Classification Using a Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT): Convergence and Reduced Basis Approach
* Majorization-minimization algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation of magnetic resonance images
* Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Manifold Learning of Overcomplete Feature Spaces in a Multimodal Biometric Recognition System of Iris and Palmprint
* MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution, A
* Mapping Asphaltic Roads' Skid Resistance Using Imaging Spectroscopy
* Mapping Cropland Abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS Time Series
* Mapping fractional woody cover in semi-arid savannahs using multi-seasonal composites from Landsat data
* Mapping spatial variability of foliar nitrogen in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plantations with multispectral Sentinel-2 MSI data
* Maritime Traffic Networks: From Historical Positioning Data to Unsupervised Maritime Traffic Monitoring
* Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods with additional support camera views
* markerless 3D tracking approach for augmented reality applications, A
* Markov random fields for pattern extraction in analog wafer test data
* Mask-streaming CNN for pedestrian detection
* Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Adaptive Region Growing and Supervised Edge-Based Deformable Model
* Matching of Remote Sensing Images with Complex Background Variations via Siamese Convolutional Neural Network
* Material Based Boundary Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* mathematical approach to best luminance maps, A
* Matrix Completion for Downward-Looking 3-D SAR Imaging With a Random Sparse Linear Array
* Maximal granularity structure and generalized multi-view discriminant analysis for person re-identification
* Mean Partition Theorem in consensus clustering, The
* Measuring Multiresolution Surface Roughness Using V-System
* Measuring the Spatial Relationship Information of Multi-Layered Vector Data
* Median local ternary patterns optimized with rotation-invariant uniform-three mapping for noisy texture classification
* Medium Guardian for Enhanced Dependability in Safety-Critical Wireless Systems, A
* Memory-efficient 3D connected component labeling with parallel computing
* Method for Automatic and Rapid Mapping of Water Surfaces from Sentinel-1 Imagery, A
* method for measuring the thermal geometric parameters of large hot rectangular forgings based on projection feature lines, A
* Method of Repeat Photoclinometry for Detecting Kilometer-Scale Ice Sheet Surface Evolution, A
* Method to Create Stable Lighting and Remove Specular Reflections for Vision Systems, A
* Micro Actions and Deep Static Features for Activity Recognition
* Mid-level deep Food Part mining for food image recognition
* Minimizing Reconstruction Bias Hashing via Joint Projection Learning and Quantization
* Minimum barrier superpixel segmentation
* Mining Individual Similarity by Assessing Interactions with Personally Significant Places from GPS Trajectories
* MIRSVM: Multi-instance support vector machine with bag representatives
* Missing Surface Estimation Based on Modified Tikhonov Regularization: Application for Destructed Dental Tissue
* Mixed-resolution HEVC based multiview video codec
* Mixture correntropy for robust learning
* Mixture Model for Image Boundary Detection Fusion, A
* Mixture of Probabilistic Principal Component Analyzers for Shapes from Point Sets
* Model-Based Generation of Large Databases of Cardiac Images: Synthesis of Pathological Cine MR Sequences From Real Healthy Cases
* Modeling depth uncertainty of desynchronized multi-camera systems
* Modeling Lung Architecture in the XCAT Series of Phantoms: Physiologically Based Airways, Arteries and Veins
* Modeling Multiple Time Series Annotations as Noisy Distortions of the Ground Truth: An Expectation-Maximization Approach
* Modeling of Alpine Grassland Cover Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Multi-Factor Methods: A Case Study in the East of Tibetan Plateau, China
* Modeling perceptual categories of parametric musical systems
* Modeling peripheral vision impact on perceptual quality of immersive images
* Modeling Wildfire-Induced Permafrost Deformation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Using InSAR Observations
* Modelling the Level of Trust in a Cooperative Automated Vehicle Control System
* Modelling Water Stress in a Shiraz Vineyard Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* Models of Driver Acceleration Behavior Prior to Real-World Intersection Crashes
* Modification of Local Urban Aerosol Properties by Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol
* Modified non-local means for super-resolution of hybrid videos
* Modified Rodrigues Parameters: An Efficient Representation of Orientation in 3D Vision and Graphics
* modified ZS thinning algorithm by a hybrid approach, A
* Modulation of sensorimotor rhythms for brain-computer interface using motor imagery with online feedback
* Monitoring Population Evolution in China Using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery
* Monitoring Rice Phenology Based on Backscattering Characteristics of Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Datasets
* Monitoring Sea Level and Topography of Coastal Lagoons Using Satellite Radar Altimetry: The Example of the Arcachon Bay in the Bay of Biscay
* Monitoring Water Levels and Discharges Using Radar Altimetry in an Ungauged River Basin: The Case of the Ogooué
* Morse Codes Enter Using Finger Gesture Recognition
* Motion compensated prediction with geometry padding for 360 video coding
* Motion energy guided multi-scale heterogeneous features for 3D action recognition
* Motion Flow Clustering for Moving Vehicle Detection from Satellite High Definition Video
* Motion Smoothing Strategies for 2D Video Stabilization
* Mouse face tracking using convolutional neural networks
* MPEG Internet Video Coding Standard and Its Performance Evaluation
* MRF-Based Disparity Upsampling Using Stereo Confidence Evaluations
* Multi-Attributed Graph Matching With Multi-Layer Graph Structure and Multi-Layer Random Walks
* Multi-class geospatial object detection based on a position-sensitive balancing framework for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
* Multi-class indoor semantic segmentation with deep structured model
* Multi-class ranking based most probable prediction unit selection for HEVC encoding
* Multi-Feature Fusion for Crime Scene Investigation Image Retrieval
* Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Classification in Alzheimer's Disease
* Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on Laplacian pyramids
* Multi-image matching for object recognition
* Multi-instance multi-label learning of natural scene images: via sparse coding and multi-layer neural network
* Multi-modal data fusion for pain intensity assessment and classification
* Multi-model based cross-component linear model chroma intra-prediction for video coding
* Multi-Object Model-Free Tracking with Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Multi-oriented text detection from natural scene images based on a CNN and pruning non-adjacent graph edges
* Multi-path Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Accurate Detection of Unconstrained Hard Faces
* Multi-Region Segmentation Method for SAR Images Based on the Multi-Texture Model With Level Sets, A
* Multi-Saliency Detection via Instance Specific Element Homology
* Multi-Scale Modeling and Oxygen Impact on Tumor Temporal Evolution: Application on Rectal Cancer During Radiotherapy
* Multi-scale mutual feature convolutional neural network for depth image denoise and enhancement
* Multi-Scale Validation Strategy for Albedo Products over Rugged Terrain and Preliminary Application in Heihe River Basin, China, A
* Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Pigment Absorption Properties in Cyanobacteria Bloom Waters: A Regional Example in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
* Multi-strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker, The
* Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-related regions for action recognition
* Multi-task classification with sequential instances and tasks
* Multi-Task Learning with Low Rank Attribute Embedding for Multi-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Temporal InSAR Structural Damage Assessment: The London Crossrail Case Study
* Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
* Multi-View Visual Saliency-Based MRI Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Multidimensional directional steerable filters: Theory and application to 3D flow estimation
* Multidimensional Seismic Data Reconstruction Using Frequency-Domain Adaptive Prediction-Error Filter
* Multifeature Dictionary Learning for Collaborative Representation Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multifeature Hyperspectral Image Classification With Local and Nonlocal Spatial Information via Markov Random Field in Semantic Space
* Multimedia Big Data Analytics: A Survey
* Multimodal 3D visible articulation system for syllable based Mandarin Chinese training
* Multimodal architecture for video captioning with memory networks and an attention mechanism
* Multimodal Breast Parenchymal Patterns Correlation Using a Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model
* Multimodal medical image fusion by cloud model theory
* Multimodal MR Synthesis via Modality-Invariant Latent Representation
* Multimodal three-dimensional vision for wildland fires detection and analysis
* Multimodal Visual Data Registration for Web-Based Visualization in Media Production
* Multiple 3-D Feature Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple direct mode for intra coding
* Multiple Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for anomaly detection in traffic
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiple Measurement Vector Approach to Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, A
* Multiple Object Tracking Using Motion Vectors from Compressed Video
* Multiple Object Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters in Urban Mixed Traffic
* Multiple sperm tracking in microscopic videos using modified GM-PHD filter
* Multiple sperm tracking in microscopic videos using modified GM-PHD filter
* Multiple-target tracking on mixed images with reflections and occlusions
* Multirelay Cooperation Method for Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signals, A
* multiresolution DCT-based blind blur quality measure, A
* Multiresolution Grid Structure Applied to Seafloor Shape Modeling, A
* Multiscale Geoscene Segmentation for Extracting Urban Functional Zones from VHR Satellite Images
* Multisensor Image Fusion and Enhancement in Spectral Total Variation Domain
* Multispectral single-sensor RGB-NIR imaging: New challenges and opportunities
* Multitemporal SAR Data and 2D Hydrodynamic Model Flood Scenario Dynamics Assessment
* Multiview Label Sharing for Visual Representations and Classifications
* Natural image noise level estimation based on local statistics for blind noise reduction
* NDMP: An emerging MPEG standard for network distributed media processing
* Network Partitioning Algorithmic Approach for Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram-Based Hierarchical Traffic Network Management, A
* Neural network-based arithmetic coding of intra prediction modes in HEVC
* Neuron Segmentation With High-Level Biological Priors
* New 4-D Nonlocal Transform-Domain Filter for 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images Denoising, A
* New Adaptable All-in-One Strategy for Estimating Advanced Tropospheric Parameters and Using Real-Time Orbits and Clocks
* New Algorithm for the On-Board Compression of Hyperspectral Images, A
* New Approach for Monitoring the Terra Nova Bay Polynya through MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Imagery and Its Validation during 2010 and 2011 Winter Seasons, A
* new approach for rotation-invariant and noise-resistant texture analysis and classification, A
* new change detector in heterogeneous remote sensing imagery, A
* New colour morphological operators on hypergraph
* New Dactylology and Interactive System Development for Blind-Computer Interaction, A
* New Framework of Vehicle Collision Prediction by Combining SVM and HMM, A
* New InSAR Persistent Scatterer Selection Technique Using Top Eigenvalue of Coherence Matrix, A
* new latent generalized dirichlet allocation model for image classification, A
* new method for three-dimensional magnetic resonance images denoising, A
* New MODIS C6 Dark Target and Deep Blue Merged Aerosol Product on a 3 km Spatial Grid, A
* new scheme for urban impervious surface classification from SAR images, A
* new semi-supervised method for image co-segmentation, A
* New Soil Moisture Downscaling Approach for SMAP, SMOS, and ASCAT by Predicting Sub-Grid Variability, A
* new spherical hashing method in a low-dimensional isotropic space, A
* new underwater image enhancing method via color correction and illumination adjustment, A
* Night Rider: Visual Odometry Using Headlights
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment for Image Auto-Denoising
* No-reference image quality assessment using Gabor-based smoothness and latent noise estimation
* Noise Reduction in Hyperspectral Imagery: Overview and Application
* Non-invasive imaging based on speckle pattern estimation and deconvolution
* Non-Periodic Translation Symmetry Detection Using Global Self Similarity
* Nonambiguous SAR Image Formation of Maritime Targets Using Weighted Sparse Approach
* Nonlinear Interpolation in the Fourier Domain Guided by Morphologic Filters
* Nonlinear Low-Rank Matrix Completion for Human Motion Recovery
* Nonlinear Method for Imaging with Acoustic Waves Via Reduced Order Model Backprojection, A
* Normal curvature-induced variational model for image restoration
* Normal Integration: A Survey
* Normalization in Unsupervised Segmentation Parameter Optimization: A Solution Based on Local Regression Trend Analysis
* Normalization Methods Analysis Applied to Face Recognition
* Notice of Remova:l Low cost embedded vision system for location and tracking of a color object
* Novel Adaptive Joint Time Frequency Algorithm by the Neural Network for the ISAR Rotational Compensation, A
* novel algorithm for optimal matching of elastic shapes with landmark constraints, A
* Novel Approach for Fingerprint Singularities Detection, A
* Novel Approach to Site Selection: Collaborative Multi-Criteria Decision Making through Geo-Social Network (Case Study: Public Parking), A
* Novel Bayesian Framework for Online Imbalanced Learning, A
* Novel Building Change Detection Method Using 3D Building Models, A
* novel contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks, A
* Novel Data Independent Approach for Conversion of Hand Punched Kannada Braille Script to Text and Speech, A
* novel egocentric pointing system based on smart glasses, A
* novel framework for highlight reflectance transformation imaging, A
* novel global methodology to analyze the embeddability of real-time image processing algorithms, A
* Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Emergency Transportation Problems During Post-Disaster Scenarios, A
* Novel Hydrocarbon Detection Approach via High-Resolution Frequency-Dependent AVO Inversion Based on Variational Mode Decomposition, A
* novel image compression framework at edges, A
* novel incremental topological mapping using global visual features, A
* Novel Linelet-Based Representation for Line Segment Detection, A
* novel local wavelet energy mesh pattern (LWEMeP) for heterogeneous face recognition, A
* Novel Method for Fingerprint Image Segmentation Based on Adaptative Gabor Filters, A
* Novel Orientation-Context Descriptor and Locality-Preserving Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning for Action Recognition, A
* novel orthoimage mosaic method using a weighted A* algorithm - Implementation and evaluation, A
* Novel perspective invariant feature transform for RGB-D images, A
* Novel Quality Metric Using Spatiotemporal Correlational Data of Human Eye Maneuver, A
* novel random forests based class incremental learning method for activity recognition, A
* novel subspace spatial-spectral low rank learning method for hyperspectral denoising, A
* novel synthetic dataset for research in overlapped fingerprint separation, A
* novel unconditionally stable explicit integration method for finite element method, A
* Novel Unsupervised Classification of Collapsed Buildings Using Satellite Imagery, Hazard Scenarios and Fragility Functions
* Novel Virtual View Quality Enhancement Technique through a Learning of Synthesised Video, A
* Object localization in weakly labeled data using regularized attention networks
* Object Similarity-Based Thresholding Method for Urban Area Mapping from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Day/Night Band (VIIRS DNB) Data, An
* Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning
* Object-Based Features for House Detection from RGB High-Resolution Images
* Object-Based Image Analysis Method for Enhancing Classification of Land Covers Using Fully Convolutional Networks and Multi-View Images of Small Unmanned Aerial System, An
* Object-Based Mapping of Aboveground Biomass in Tropical Forests Using LiDAR and Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Data
* objective assessment method based on multi-level factors for panoramic videos, An
* Objective quality assessment for video retargeting based on spatio-temporal distortion analysis
* Objective Subjective Evaluation Models of Pencil Still Drawings for Art Education
* observation based muscle model for simulation of facial expressions, An
* Observation Task Chain Representation Model for Disaster Process-Oriented Remote Sensing Satellite Sensor Planning: A Flood Water Monitoring Application, An
* Off-Feature Information Incorporated Metric Learning for Face Recognition
* Off-line writer verification based on simple graphemes
* Offline handwritten signature verification- Literature review
* Omnidirectional FTV
* On Signal Modeling of Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging of Earth
* On the Applicability of Galileo FOC Satellites with Incorrect Highly Eccentric Orbits: An Evaluation of Instantaneous Medium-Range Positioning
* On the Design of Probe Signals in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks Self-Positioning Algorithms
* On the integration of crowd knowledge in pattern recognition
* On the Performance of the Range Imaging Technique Estimated Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles During the ShUREX 2015 Campaign
* On the role of syntactic dependencies and discourse relations for author and gender identification
* On the Use of Geographic Information in Humanities Research Infrastructure: A Case Study on Cultural Heritage
* On the Use of the Eddy Covariance Latent Heat Flux and Sap Flow Transpiration for the Validation of a Surface Energy Balance Model
* Onboard Processing With Hybrid and Reconfigurable Computing on Small Satellites
* Once upon a Spacetime: Visual Storytelling in Cognitive and Geotemporal Information Spaces
* Online Robust Projective Dictionary Learning: Shape Modeling for MR-TRUS Registration
* Online structural learning with dense samples and a weighting kernel
* Open and scalable analytics of large Earth observation datasets: From scenes to multidimensional arrays using SciDB and GDAL
* Open snake model based on global guidance field for embryo vessel location
* Optimal Compressive Imaging of Fourier Data
* Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
* Optimal Estimation-Based Algorithm to Retrieve Aerosol Optical Properties for GEMS Measurements over Asia
* Optimal Interpolation of Precipitable Water Using Low Earth Orbit and Numerical Weather Prediction Data
* Optimal Lagrange multipliers for dependent rate allocation in video coding
* Optimal Polarization Diversity Gain in Dual-Polarized Antennas Using Quaternions
* Optimal Power Management in DC Microgrids With Applications to Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems
* Optimal Power Management in DC Microgrids With Applications to Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems
* optimal spatial-temporal smoothness approach for tile-based 360-degree video streaming, An
* Optimal Tropospheric Tomography Method Based on the Multi-GNSS Observations, An
* Optimal, Recursive and Sub-Optimal Linear Solutions to Attitude Determination from Vector Observations for GNSS/Accelerometer/Magnetometer Orientation Measurement
* optimized convolutional neural network with bottleneck and spatial pyramid pooling layers for classification of foods, An
* Optimized cross-layer transmission for scalable video over DVB-H networks
* Optimized sampling for view interpolation in light fields using local dictionaries
* Optimized Spectrometers Characterization Procedure for Near Ground Support of ESA FLEX Observations: Part 1 Spectral Calibration and Characterisation
* Optimizing a Homomorphic Filter for Illumination Compensation In Face Recognition Using Population-Based Algorithms
* Original strategy for avoiding over-smoothing in SFS problem resolution
* Orthogonal Projection Algorithm to Suppress Interference in High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, An
* OSM Data Import as an Outreach Tool to Trigger Community Growth? A Case Study in Miami
* Output-Feedback Path-Following Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on an Extended State Observer and Projection Neural Networks
* P2T: Part-to-Target Tracking via Deep Regression Learning
* P3P problem solver representing all parameters as a linear combination, A
* Paddy Field Expansion and Aggregation Since the Mid-1950s in a Cold Region and Its Possible Causes
* Pain recognition with camera photoplethysmography
* Parallel Content-Aware Adaptive Quantization-Oriented Lossy Frame Memory Recompression for HEVC
* Parallelization strategies for markerless human motion capture
* Parameter estimation of image gamma transformation based on zero-value histogram bin locations
* Parameter-free hierarchical image segmentation
* Parameterized principal component analysis
* Parisar: Patch-Based Estimation and Regularized Inversion for Multibaseline SAR Interferometry
* Part-Based Data Association for Visual Tracking
* Passive L-Band Microwave Remote Sensing of Organic Soil Surface Layers: A Tower-Based Experiment
* Passive-Aggressive online learning with nonlinear embeddings
* Patch strategy for deep face recognition
* Pedestrian detection at night time in FIR domain: Comprehensive study about temperature and brightness and new benchmark
* Pedestrian Detection Based on Imbalance Prior for Surveillance Video
* Penalized-Likelihood Reconstruction With High-Fidelity Measurement Models for High-Resolution Cone-Beam Imaging
* Perception of Emotions and Body Movement in the Emilya Database
* Perceptual optimized adaptive HTTP streaming
* Perceptual resolution of color for multiple chromatically ambiguous objects
* Perceptual stereoscopic image quality assessment method with tensor decomposition and manifold learning
* Perceptually Aware Image Retargeting for Mobile Devices
* Perceptually Weighted Rank Correlation Indicator for Objective Image Quality Assessment, A
* Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Based Video Distribution Platform
* Performance Assessment of Balloon-Borne Trace Gas Sounding with the Terahertz Channel of TELIS
* Performance assessment of point cloud compression
* Performance evaluation of patterns for image-based 3D model reconstruction of textureless objects
* Performance indicators and automatic identification systems in inland freight terminals for intermodal transport
* Performance of 3-D Surface Deformation Estimation for Simultaneous Squinted SAR Acquisitions
* Periodic Sequences Modulated Filter Banks
* Permafrost Distribution along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor, China Using High-Resolution Statistical Mapping and Modeling Integrated with Remote Sensing and GIS
* Permafrost Presence/Absence Mapping of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Person Following Robot Using Selected Online Ada-Boosting with Stereo Camera
* Person Identification Using Pose-Based Hough Forests from Skeletal Action Sequence
* Personal-location-based temporal segmentation of egocentric videos for lifelogging applications
* Personalised-face neutralisation using best-matched face shape with a neutral-face database
* Personalized Age Progression with Bi-Level Aging Dictionary Learning
* Perturbation Method to Model Electromagnetic Well-Logging Tools in Curved Boreholes, A
* Phase-based learning for micro-baseline depth estimation
* Phenotyping Conservation Agriculture Management Effects on Ground and Aerial Remote Sensing Assessments of Maize Hybrids Performance in Zimbabwe
* PhotoSketch: a photocentric urban 3D modeling system
* Physical blob detector and Multi-Channel Color Shape Descriptor for human detection
* Physical forces aware aging simulation on cultural heritage artifacts
* Physics-Based Image Segmentation Using First Order Statistical Properties and Genetic Algorithm for Inductive Thermography Imaging
* Physics-inspired approach to realistic and stable water spray with narrowband air particles
* Pitch and Roll Camera Orientation from a Single 2D Image Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detected in Lunar Radar Cross Sections by Chang'e-3
* Pixel Binning for High Dynamic Range Color Image Sensor Using Square Sampling Lattice
* Pixel-Based Skin Segmentation in Psoriasis Images Using Committee of Machine Learning Classifiers, A
* Pixel-Wise Classification Method for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks
* Pixelwise classification for music document analysis
* Planarity constrained multi-view depth map reconstruction for urban scenes
* Plant Disease Detection Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* PMSC: PatchMatch-Based Superpixel Cut for Accurate Stereo Matching
* Pol-SARAS: A Fully Polarimetric SAR Raw Signal Simulator for Extended Soil Surfaces
* Polar square projection for panoramic video
* Polarimetric Active Transponder With Extremely Large RCS for Absolute Radiometric Calibration of SMAP Radar, A
* Polarimetric Calibration of the Ku-Band Advanced Polarimetric Radar Interferometer
* Polarimetric Phase and Implications for Urban Classification
* Pollution Detection on Rail Surface for Adhesion Evaluation Using Multispectral Images
* Portable information security display system via Spatial PsychoVisual Modulation
* Pose Estimation with Action Classification Using Global-and-Pose Features and Fine-Grained Action-Specific Pose Models
* Pose-robust face recognition with Huffman-LBP enhanced by Divide-and-Rule strategy
* Possible influences on color constancy by motion of color targets and by attention-controlled gaze
* Post Rectifying Methods to Improve the Accuracy of Image Annotation
* Post-Processing Approach for Refining Raw Land Cover Change Detection of Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Potential Investigation of Linking PROSAIL with the Ross-Li BRDF Model for Vegetation Characterization
* Potential of Combining Optical and Dual Polarimetric SAR Data for Improving Mangrove Species Discrimination Using Rotation Forest
* Precise Orbit Determination of FY-3C with Calibration of Orbit Biases in BeiDou GEO Satellites
* Predicting CT Image From MRI Data Through Feature Matching With Learned Nonlinear Local Descriptors
* Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimensional Socioclinical Databases
* Predicting head trajectories in 360deg virtual reality videos
* Predicting Microblog Sentiments via Weakly Supervised Multimodal Deep Learning
* Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Different Light Areas of Apple Tree Canopies based on the Color Characteristics of 3D Reconstruction
* Prediction of Manipulation Actions
* Prediction-Based and Locality-Aware Task Scheduling for Parallelizing Video Transcoding Over Heterogeneous MapReduce Cluster
* Predictive complex event processing based on evolving Bayesian networks
* Price of Anarchy in Transportation Networks: Data-Driven Evaluation and Reduction Strategies, The
* Probabilistic Elastic Part Model: A Pose-Invariant Representation for Real-World Face Verification
* Procedural Generation of Large-Scale Forests Using a Graph-Based Neutral Landscape Model
* Progressive Amalgamation of Building Clusters for Map Generalization Based on Scaling Subgroups
* Progressive Sample Processing of Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Transmission
* Proof of Feasibility of the Sea State Monitoring from Data Collected in Medium Pulse Mode by a X-Band Wave Radar System
* QoE-based node selection strategy for edge computing enabled Internet-of-Vehicles (EC-IoV)
* QoE-Driven Mobile Edge Caching Placement for Adaptive Video Streaming
* Quadratic Objective Functions for Dichromatic Model Parameters Estimation
* Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Images by Measuring Local Geometric Distortions and Global Sharpness
* Quality Assessment of DSMs Produced from UAV Flights Georeferenced with On-Board RTK Positioning
* Quality Control Method of Ground-Based Weather Radar Data Based on Statistics, A
* Quantification of Typhoon-Induced Phytoplankton Blooms Using Satellite Multi-Sensor Data
* Quantifying the Severity of Phytophthora Root Rot Disease in Avocado Trees Using Image Analysis
* Quantitative evaluation for dehazing algorithms on synthetic outdoor hazy dataset
* Quantitative steganalysis of spatial LSB based stego images using reduced instances and features
* Quantitative study of color category boundaries
* Quantization noise as a determinant for color thresholds in machine vision
* Quantization-based Markov feature extraction method for image splicing detection
* Quaternion Locality-Constrained Coding for Color Face Hallucination
* Radar Technologies for Earth Remote Sensing From CubeSat Platforms
* Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery for Mineral Exploration of Vertical Outcrops
* Radiometric Correction of Close-Range Spectral Image Blocks Captured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a Radiometric Block Adjustment
* Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes
* Rain removal via residual generation cascading
* Random walks with statistical shape prior for cochlea and inner ear segmentation in micro-CT images
* Randomized nonnegative matrix factorization
* Randomized Subspace Learning Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Range-Point Migration-Based Image Expansion Method Exploiting Fully Polarimetric Data for UWB Short-Range Radar
* Rape (Brassica napus L.) Growth Monitoring and Mapping Based on Radarsat-2 Time-Series Data
* Rapid contour detection for image classification
* Rasabodha: Understanding Indian classical dance by recognizing emotions using deep learning
* Rate control model for high dynamic range video
* Rate control with delay constraint for screen content coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Scan for Point Cloud Color Compression
* Rational Function Model Based Geo-Positioning Method for Satellite Images without Using Ground Control Points, A
* RATSAC - Random Tree Sampling for Maximum Consensus Estimation
* RAW Image Reconstruction Using a Self-contained sRGB-JPEG Image with Small Memory Overhead
* Ray tracing for HoloVizio light field displays
* Re-Planning of Flight Routes Avoiding Convective Weather and the Three Areas
* Read-the-game skill evaluation by analyzing head orientation in immersive VR
* Reading car license plates using deep neural networks
* Ready-Aim-Fly! Hands-Free Face-Based HRI for 3D Trajectory Control of UAVs
* Real-Time 3-D Facial Animation: From Appearance to Internal Articulators
* Real-Time Accurate 3D Head Tracking and Pose Estimation with Consumer RGB-D Cameras
* Real-Time Action Recognition With Deeply Transferred Motion Vector CNNs
* Real-time deep image super-resolution via global context aggregation and local queue jumping
* Real-time enhancement of sparse 3D maps using a parallel segmentation scheme based on superpixels
* real-time implementation of SIFT using GPU, A
* Real-Time Lane Departure Warning System on a Lower Resource Platform
* Real-time multi-resolution edge detection with pattern analysis on graphics processing unit
* Real-Time Obstacles Detection and Status Classification for Collision Warning in a Vehicle Active Safety System
* Real-time recognition of suicidal behavior using an RGB-D camera
* Real-time stereo to multi-view conversion system based on adaptive meshing
* Real-Time Tropospheric Delay Retrieval from Multi-GNSS PPP Ambiguity Resolution: Validation with Final Troposphere Products and a Numerical Weather Model
* Real-Time Visual Rotational Velocity Estimation Using a Biologically-Inspired Algorithm on Embedded Hardware
* Real-time volumetric reconstruction of Manhattan indoor scenes from depth sequences
* real-time, power-efficient architecture for mean-shift image segmentation, A
* Realizing Low-Cost Flash Memory Based Video Caching in Content Delivery Systems
* Rearview Camera-Based Backover Warning System Exploiting a Combination of Pose-Specific Pedestrian Recognitions
* Recent Advances of Deep Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Recent Advances on Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification: An Overview and New Guidelines
* Recognition and retrieval of objects in diverse applications
* Recognition of Wheat Spike from Field Based Phenotype Platform Using Multi-Sensor Fusion and Improved Maximum Entropy Segmentation Algorithms
* Recognizing irregular entities in biomedical text via deep neural networks
* Reconstructing Activity Location Sequences From Incomplete Check-In Data: A Semi-Markov Continuous-Time Bayesian Network Model
* Reconstructing Cloud-Contaminated Multispectral Images With Contextualized Autoencoder Neural Networks
* Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data
* Reconstructing Large- and Mesoscale Dynamics in the Black Sea Region from Satellite Imagery and Altimetry Data: A Comparison of Two Methods
* Reconstructing Seabed Topography from Side-Scan Sonar Images with Self-Constraint
* Reconstructing the Roman Site Aquis Querquennis (Bande, Spain) from GPR, T-LiDAR and IRT Data Fusion
* Reconstruction of a Signal from the Real Part of Its Discrete Fourier Transform
* Reconstruction of High-Contrast Proppant in Hydraulic Fractures With Galvanic Measurements
* Reconstruction of Single Image from Multiple Blurry Measured Images
* Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
* Recurrent Highway Networks with Attention Mechanism for Scene Text Recognition
* Recursive 3D scene estimation with multiple camera pairs
* recursive framework for expression recognition: From web images to deep models to game dataset, A
* Reference frame context-adaptive variable-length coder: a real-time hardware-friendly approach for lossless external memory bandwidth reduction in current video-coding systems
* Refined shape model fitting methods for detecting various types of phenological information on major U.S. crops
* Reflection reprojection using temporal coherence
* Reformulating Level Sets as Deep Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Semantic Segmentation
* Region growing for image segmentation using an extended PCNN model
* Region of Interest Autoencoders with an Application to Pedestrian Detection
* Region-Aware Reflection Removal With Unified Content and Gradient Priors
* Region-based image segmentation evaluation via perceptual pooling strategies
* Regional Crop Gross Primary Productivity and Yield Estimation Using Fused Landsat-MODIS Data
* Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery
* Regional Land Subsidence Analysis in Eastern Beijing Plain by InSAR Time Series and Wavelet Transforms
* Relative Radiometric Calibration Method Based on the Histogram of Side-Slither Data for High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery, A
* Reliable Cooperative Authentication for Vehicular Networks
* Remote Sensing and Geo-Archaeological Data: Inland Water Studies for the Conservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Ferrara District, Italy
* Remote Sensing of Landslides: A Review
* Remote Sensing of River Erosion on the Colville River, North Slope Alaska
* Remote Sensing of Suspended Sediment Concentrations Based on the Waveform Decomposition of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Pre-Trained Using Attention-Guided Sparse Filters
* remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
* Removing Monte Carlo noise using a Sobel operator and a guided image filter
* Reordering for improving global Arnoldi-Tikhonov method in image restoration problems
* Repeated review based image captioning for image evidence review
* Replacement Based Video De-Interlacing Technique by Feathering Effect Detection and Artifact Agglomeration Index, A
* Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part I: Overview and Key Issues
* Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML: Part II: Impact, Comparison, and Future Developments
* Research on Analytical Solution Tensor Voting
* Respiratory-synchronized digital subtraction angiography based on a respiratory phase matching method
* Restricted Boltzmann Machine-Based Approach for Robust Dimensionality Reduction, A
* Rethinking the sGLOH Descriptor
* Retinal vessel segmentation using neural network
* Retracted: Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation using Vessel's Location Map and Frangi Enhancement Filter
* Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
* Retrieval Accuracy of HCHO Vertical Column Density from Ground-Based Direct-Sun Measurement and First HCHO Column Measurement Using Pandora
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth in the Arid or Semiarid Region of Northern Xinjiang, China
* Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water Equivalent from Radar and Passive Microwave Measurements
* Retrieval of Hyperspectral Surface Reflectance Based on Machine Learning
* Retrieval of Reflected Shortwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Retrieval of Sentence Sequences for an Image Stream via Coherence Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Retrieval of Water Constituents from Hyperspectral In-Situ Measurements under Variable Cloud Cover: A Case Study at Lake Stechlin (Germany)
* Revealing the traces of histogram equalisation in digital images
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on adaptive local entropy analysis
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using adaptive block-level prediction-error expansion
* Revisiting graph construction for fast image segmentation
* Reweighted Joint Spatial-Radon Domain CT Image Reconstruction Model for Metal Artifact Reduction, A
* RGB-D face recognition under various conditions via 3D constrained local model
* Rhythm: A Unified Measurement Platform for Human Organizations
* Road Surface 3D Reconstruction Based on Dense Subpixel Disparity Map Estimation
* Road traffic sign recognition algorithm based on computer vision
* Robot motion adaptation through user intervention and reinforcement learning
* robust 3D visual saliency computation model for human fixation prediction of stereoscopic videos, A
* Robust cost function for optimizing chamfer masks
* Robust disparity estimation on sparse sampled light field images
* Robust Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained Bi-Layer Representation
* Robust Facial Expression Recognition for MuCI: A Comprehensive Neuromuscular Signal Analysis
* Robust feature extraction algorithm suitable for real-time embedded applications
* Robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm using non-parametric Bayesian estimation in wavelet transform domain for noisy MR brain image segmentation
* Robust Gait Recognition by Integrating Inertial and RGBD Sensors
* Robust Gait Recognition under Unconstrained Environments Using Hybrid Descriptions
* Robust Monocular 3D Car Shape Estimation From 2D Landmarks
* Robust object detection by cuboid matching with local plane optimization in indoor RGB-D images
* Robust offline handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features under the guidance of printed data
* Robust Real-Time Visual Object Tracking via Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks
* Robust Relative Rotation Averaging
* Robust Shortest Path Problem With Distributional Uncertainty
* Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Adaptive Edge-Preserving Smoothing Regularization
* Robust Sparse and Dense Nonrigid Structure From Motion
* Robust Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Robust Stochastic Control for High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearity, Parametric Uncertainty, and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
* Robust Tracking and Redetection: Collaboratively Modeling the Target and Its Context
* Robust Tracking via Spatio-Temporally Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
* Robust Transform Estimator Based on Residual Analysis and Its Application on UAV Aerial Images, A
* Robust Video Watermarking Approach Based on Crowdsourcing and Hybrid Insertion
* Robust Visual Tracking Revisited: From Correlation Filter to Template Matching
* Role of NWP Filter for the Satellite Based Detection of Cumulonimbus Clouds, The
* Roof Planes Detection Via a Second-Order Variational Model
* Rotation-Insensitive and Context-Augmented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
* RRV: A Spatiotemporal Descriptor for Rigid Body Motion Recognition
* SAINT Self-Adaptive Interactive Navigation Tool for Emergency Service Delivery Optimization
* Saliency Change Based Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Saliency detection using contrast enhancement and texture smoothing operations
* Saliency detection via local structure propagation
* Salient object detection based on Laplacian similarity metrics
* Salient object detection via compactness and objectness cues
* SAMM: A Spontaneous Micro-Facial Movement Dataset
* Sample-based regularization for support vector machine classification
* SAR Automatic Target Recognition Based on Multiview Deep Learning Framework
* SAR Image Classification via Deep Recurrent Encoding Neural Networks
* SAR Target Configuration Recognition via Two-Stage Sparse Structure Representation
* SAR Target Recognition via Incremental Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* SAR Target Recognition via Local Sparse Representation of Multi-Manifold Regularized Low-Rank Approximation
* Satellite Leaf Area Index: Global Scale Analysis of the Tendencies Per Vegetation Type Over the Last 17 Years
* Satellite Rainfall (TRMM 3B42-V7) Performance Assessment and Adjustment over Pahang River Basin, Malaysia
* Satellite-Based Mapping of Cultivated Area in Gash Delta Spate Irrigation System, Sudan
* SBAS Analysis of Induced Ground Surface Deformation from Wastewater Injection in East Central Oklahoma, USA
* Scalable image segmentation via decoupled sub-graph compression
* Scalable near-lossless video compression based on HEVC
* scalable, efficient, and accurate solution to non-rigid structure from motion, A
* Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
* Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
* Scale-aware hierarchical loss: A multipath RPN for multi-scale pedestrian detection
* Scale-Corrected Background Modeling
* Scene Classification Based on a Deep Random-Scale Stretched Convolutional Neural Network
* Scene flow for 3D laser scanner and camera system
* SDF-2-SDF Registration for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* Sea Level Estimation Based on GNSS Dual-Frequency Carrier Phase Linear Combinations and SNR
* Sea Surface Current Estimation Using Airborne Circular Scanning SAR with a Medium Grazing Angle
* Segmentation of the Prostate Gland in Images Using Prior Knowledge and Level Set Method
* Segmentation quality evaluation based on multi-scale convolutional neural networks
* Seismic Remote Sensing of Super Typhoon Lupit (2009) with Seismological Array Observation in NE China
* Seismic Shift in Scalable Acquisition Demands New Processing: Fiber-Optic Seismic Signal Retrieval in Urban Areas with Unsupervised Learning for Coherent Noise Removal, A
* Selection of relevant information to improve Image Classification using Bag of Visual Words
* Selective face encryption in H.264 encoded videos
* self-adaptive segmentation method for a point cloud, A
* Self-Calibration and Bilinear Inverse Problems via Linear Least Squares
* Self-learning for face clustering
* Self-Organization of a Robot Swarm into Concentric Shapes
* Self-Powered ZigBee Wireless Sensor Nodes for Railway Condition Monitoring
* Self-tuning density estimation based on Bayesian averaging of adaptive kernel density estimations yields state-of-the-art performance
* Semi-Empirical SNR Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS SNR Data, A
* Semi-Supervised Image Classification With Self-Paced Cross-Task Networks
* Semisupervised and Weakly Supervised Road Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
* Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Serious Mental Illnesses
* Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Trends and Statistical Projections Using Satellite Data
* Sensitivity and Limitation in Damage Detection for Individual Buildings Using InSAR Coherence: A Case Study in 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
* Sensor-Driven Hierarchical Method for Domain Adaptation in Classification of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Sensory-Glove-Based Open Surgery Skill Evaluation
* Separable Anisotropic Diffusion
* Sequential Convolutional Residual Network for Image Recognition
* Sequential Optimization for Efficient High-Quality Object Proposal Generation
* Shakeout: A New Approach to Regularized Deep Neural Network Training
* Shape Descriptors for Porous Media Analysis Using Computed Tomography Images
* Shape registration with directional data
* Shapely Value Perspective on Adapting Transmit Power for Periodic Vehicular Communications
* Ship Classification Based on MSHOG Feature and Task-Driven Dictionary Learning with Structured Incoherent Constraints in SAR Images
* Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Saliency and a Rotation-Invariant Descriptor
* Short-Term and Long-Term Forecasting for the 3D Point Position Changing by Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Shortwave IR Adaption of the Mid-Infrared Radiance Method of Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Retrieval for Assessing Industrial Gas Flaring Output
* Shortwave Radiation Affected by Agricultural Practices
* Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization
* Side Scan Sonar Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on a Neutrosophic Set and Diffusion Maps, A
* SIFT Meets CNN: A Decade Survey of Instance Retrieval
* SIFT-based adaptive prediction structure for light field compression
* Similarity Measurement of Metadata of Geospatial Data: An Artificial Neural Network Approach
* Simulated Annealing for Independent Component Analysis Over Galois Fields
* Simulation and Analysis of the Topographic Effects on Snow-Free Albedo over Rugged Terrain
* Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging
* Simulation of microlens array based plenoptic capture utilizing densely sampled light field
* Simulationoptimisation framework for City Logistics: An application on multimodal last-mile delivery
* Simultaneous deconvolution and denoising using a second order variational approach applied to image super resolution
* Simultaneous Depth and Spectral Imaging With a Cross-Modal Stereo System
* Simultaneous physical and conceptual ball state estimation in volleyball game analysis
* Single image dehazing using local linear fusion
* Single image dehazing using second-generation wavelet transforms and the mean vector L2-norm
* Single image deraining via decorrelating the rain streaks and background scene in gradient domain
* Single Image Super Resolution Using Joint Regularization
* Single object tracking using offline trained deep regression networks
* Single parameter post-processing method for image deblurring
* Single-Frequency Kinematic Performance Comparison between Galileo, GPS, and GLONASS Satellite Positioning Systems Using an MMS-Generated Trajectory as a Reference: Preliminary Results
* Skeletal Similarity Metric for Quality Evaluation of Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
* Skeleton Optical Spectra-Based Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Sketch-Based Cross-Domain Image Retrieval via Heterogeneous Network
* Sliding Window-Based Joint Sparse Representation (SWJSR) Method for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection, A
* Smart Cable-Driven Camera Robotic Assistant
* Smart Cities
* Smoothly switching method of asynchronous multi-view videos using frame interpolation
* Snow Density and Ground Permittivity Retrieved from L-Band Radiometry: Melting Effects
* Snow Wetness Retrieved from L-Band Radiometry
* Software tools for analysis and visualization of the antikythera mechanism
* Soil Moisture Retrieval From SMAP: A Validation and Error Analysis Study Using Ground-Based Observations Over the Little Washita Watershed
* Soil Organic Carbon Estimation in Croplands by Hyperspectral Remote APEX Data Using the LUCAS Topsoil Database
* Solving Inaccuracies in Anatomical Models for Electrocardiographic Inverse Problem Resolution by Maximizing Reconstruction Quality
* Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Fewer Images by Jointly Optimizing Low-rank Matrix Completion and Integrability
* Space-Time Tree Ensemble for Action Recognition and Localization
* Sparse Bayesian Learning Based Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for Off-Grid Air Targets in MIMO Radar Array
* Sparse fast Fourier transform for exactly sparse signals and signals with additive Gaussian noise
* Sparse Lq-norm least squares support vector machine with feature selection
* Sparse representation-based face recognition against expression and illumination
* Sparse Representation-Based Radiomics for the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors
* Sparse Subspace Clustering-Based Feature Extraction for PolSAR Imagery Classification
* Sparsity constraint nearest subspace classifier for target recognition of SAR images
* Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty, A
* Spatial and Angular Resolution Enhancement of Light Fields Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatial Rice Yield Estimation Based on MODIS and Sentinel-1 SAR Data and ORYZA Crop Growth Model
* Spatial Scaling Using Temporal Correlations and Ensemble Learning to Obtain High-Resolution Soil Moisture
* Spatial Transformation of Equality: Generalized Travelling Salesman Problem to Travelling Salesman Problem
* Spatial Upscaling of Sparse Soil Moisture Observations Based on Ridge Regression
* Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Climatic Responses of Water Level Fluctuations of Global Major Lakes from 2002 to 2010
* Spatial-temporal residue network based in-loop filter for video coding
* SpAtiAL: A sensor based framework to support affective learning
* Spatially Constrained Student's t-Distribution Based Mixture Model for Robust Image Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Characterization of a Reclamation Settlement in the Shanghai Coastal Area with Time Series Analyses of X-, C-, and L-Band SAR Datasets
* Spatio-Temporal Database of Places Located in the Border Area
* spatio-temporal deep architecture for surveillance event detection based on ConvLSTM, A
* spatio-temporal index for aerial full waveform laser scanning data, A
* Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Cloudy SST Fields Using Conditional Analog Data Assimilation
* Spatio-Temporal Scale Selection in Video Data
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its Causes in the Hai Basin
* Spatiotemporal Coherence-Based Annotation Placement for Surveillance Videos
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Vegetation GPP over the Great Khingan Mountains Using GLASS Products from 1982 to 2015
* Spatiotemporal Response of Soil Moisture to Precipitation and Temperature Changes in an Arid Region, China, The
* spatiotemporal saliency-modulated JND profile applied to video watermarking, A
* Special issue MLAAI: Machine learning and applications in artificial intelligence
* Special issue on advances on smart camera architectures for real-time image processing
* Special issue on heterogeneous real-time image processing
* Speckle Suppression Based on Sparse Representation with Non-Local Priors
* Spectral Feature-Based Classification of Wind Profiler Power Spectra
* Spectral Inter-Band Discrimination Capacity of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spectral Mapping Signature for the Rapid Ohia Death (ROD) Pathogen in Hawaiian Forests, A
* Spectral Properties of Coniferous Forests: A Review of In Situ and Laboratory Measurements
* Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral data with mutual information based segmented stacked autoencoder approach
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification via Boundary-Adaptive Deep Learning
* Specular highlight reduction with known surface geometry
* SPI-Based Analyses of Drought Changes over the Past 60 Years in China's Major Crop-Growing Areas
* SSIM-based binocular perceptual model for quality assessment of stereoscopic images
* SSIM-based distortion metric for film grain noise in HEVC
* Stability Monitoring of the VIIRS Day/Night Band over Dome C with a Lunar Irradiance Model and BRDF Correction
* Stabilization of atmospheric turbulence-distorted video containing moving objects using the monogenic signal
* Stable Water Isotopologues in the Stratosphere Retrieved from Odin/SMR Measurements
* Stacked Omnistereo for virtual reality with six degrees of freedom
* Standard Deviation Normalized Summed Squared Difference for Image Registration
* Standardization status of 360 degree video coding and delivery
* Standardized Soil Moisture Index for Drought Monitoring Based on Soil Moisture Active Passive Observations and 36 Years of North American Land Data Assimilation System Data: A Case Study in the Southeast United States
* State of Fakery, The
* Stereo camera upgraded to equal baseline multiple camera set (EBMCS)
* Stereo Super-Resolution via a Deep Convolutional Network
* Stereo Vision Methods: From Development to the Evaluation of Disparity Maps
* Storytelling in Interactive 3D Geographic Visualization Systems
* Structure from motion with efficient homography-based line matching
* Structure Tensor-Based Algorithm for Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Fusion
* Structure-Revealing Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Robust Retinex Model
* Structured deep hashing with convolutional neural networks for fast person re-identification
* Structured Deep-Learning Based Approach for the Automated Segmentation of Human Leg Muscle from 3D MRI, A
* Structured Micro-Pattern Based LBP Features for Classification of Masses in Dense Breasts
* study of deep convolutional auto-encoders for anomaly detection in videos, A
* Study of Rank Defect and Network Effect in Processing the CMONOC Network on Bernese, A
* study on topological descriptors for the analysis of 3D surface texture, A
* Sub-Network Kernels for Measuring Similarity of Brain Connectivity Networks in Disease Diagnosis
* Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Multiple Sinusoids
* Sub-Riemannian Modular Framework for Diffeomorphism-Based Analysis of Shape Ensembles, A
* Subaperture image segmentation for lossless compression
* Subjective quality assessment of animation images
* Subjects and Their Objects: Localizing Interactees for a Person-Centric View of Importance
* Submodular Trajectories for Better Motion Segmentation in Videos
* Subsurface Structure Analysis Using Computational Interpretation and Learning: A Visual Signal Processing Perspective
* Super-resolution for biometrics: A comprehensive survey
* Super-Resolution Mapping of Impervious Surfaces from Remotely Sensed Imagery with Points-of-Interest
* Superpixel-based level set tracking by integrating appearance and motion
* Supervised Deep Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Supervised discrete discriminant hashing for image retrieval
* Supervised hashing with extreme learning machine
* Supervised Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Tensor Local Discriminant Embedding
* Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Production Anomaly in India in 2002
* Surface reconstruction from unorganized points with l0 gradient minimization
* survey and analysis on automatic image annotation, A
* Survey of Hyperspectral Earth Observation Applications from Space in the Sentinel-2 Context
* Survey of Techniques for Automatically Sensing the Behavior of a Crowd, A
* Survey on Learning to Hash, A
* Survey on the Usage of Eye-Tracking in Computer Programming, A
* SVD-Based Tensor-Completion Technique for Background Initialization
* SVM based multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation
* Symmetric Masks for In-fill Pixel Interpolation on Discrete p:q Lattices
* Synergy of foreground-background images for feature extraction: Offline signature verification using Fisher vector with fused KAZE features
* Synthesis of Realistic Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
* Table-top electronic holographic display satisfying stereopsis along 360 degree
* Tailoring reversible data hiding for 3D synthetic images
* Taking the Most of Existing Image Descriptors: A Hybrid Approach
* Target tracking approach via quantum genetic algorithm
* Target-Oriented High-Resolution SAR Image Formation via Semantic Information Guided Regularizations
* TC-CCS: A cooperative caching strategy in mobile transparent computing system
* Team Halmstad Approach to Cooperative Driving in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
* Temporally Coherent 3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation in Generic Scenes
* TenniSet: A Dataset for Dense Fine-Grained Event Recognition, Localisation and Description
* Terrestrial CDOM in Lakes of Yamal Peninsula: Connection to Lake and Lake Catchment Properties
* Testing an innovative predictive management system for bus fleets: outcomes from the Ravenna case study
* Texture features based on the use of the hough transform and income inequality metrics
* Thermospheric Variations From GNSS and Accelerometer Measurements on Small Satellites
* Three-Dimensional Physical and Optical Characteristics of Aerosols over Central China from Long-Term CALIPSO and HYSPLIT Data
* Time Delay and Interface Roughness Estimation Using Modified ESPRIT With Interpolated Spatial Smoothing Technique
* Time-of-Flight Range Measurement in Low-Sensing Environment: Noise Analysis and Complex-Domain Non-Local Denoising
* Tomographic Reconstruction Using Global Statistical Priors
* Topography-Informed Morphology Approach for Automatic Identification of Forest Gaps Critical to the Release of Avalanches, A
* Topological Sensitivity for Solving Inverse Multiple Scattering Problems in Three-Dimensional Electromagnetism. Part II: Iterative Method
* Topology-Preserving Image Segmentation by Beltrami Representation of Shapes
* Total Variation Regularization Strategies in Full-Waveform Inversion
* Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise Removal
* Toward a smart camera for fast high-level structure extraction
* Toward Domain Transfer for No-Reference Quality Prediction of Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Toward Personalized Modeling: Incremental and Ensemble Alignment for Sequential Faces in the Wild
* Toward SI Traceability of a Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Model in the Visible Range
* Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach for Generating Video Descriptions
* Towards an accurate and fast computation of discrete Tchebychev moments for binary and grey-level images
* Towards an automatic correction of over-exposure in photographs: Application to tone-mapping
* Towards an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Segmentation Algorithm
* Towards Automated Feature-Based Calibration of Wide-Area Motion Imagery
* Towards automatic SAR-optical stereogrammetry over urban areas using very high resolution imagery
* Towards breaking the spatial resolution barriers: An optical flow and super-resolution approach for sea ice motion estimation
* Towards display-independent light-field formats
* Towards Large Scale Spectral Problems via Diffusion Process
* Towards light-compensated saliency prediction for omnidirectional images
* Towards Reaching Human Performance in Pedestrian Detection
* Towards Robust and Accurate Multi-View and Partially-Occluded Face Alignment
* Towards Transferring Grasping from Human to Robot with RGBD Hand Detection
* Tracking of group-housed pigs using multi-ellipsoid expectation maximisation
* Tracking Spatially Distributed Features in KLT Algorithms for RGB-D Visual Odometry
* Traffic Analytics With Low-Frame-Rate Videos
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using a Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network
* Traffic Signs in the Wild: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2017 Student Competition
* Traffic-Optimized Data Placement for Social Media
* Training Very Deep CNNs for General Non-Blind Deconvolution
* Transferring Deep Object and Scene Representations for Event Recognition in Still Images
* Transform-based watermarking algorithm maintaining perceptual transparency
* Transform-Sensing Array Based on Wavelets
* Triple-Frequency Code-Phase Combination Determination: A Comparison with the Hatch-Melbourne-Wübbena Combination Using BDS Signals
* TRISK: A local features extraction framework for texture-plus-depth content matching
* Trunk-Branch Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Video-Based Face Recognition
* TS2uRF: A New Method for Sharpening Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery
* Tutorial on Well-Composedness, A
* TVPCF: A Spatial and Temporal Filter for Small Target Detection in IR Images
* Twitter100k: A Real-World Dataset for Weakly Supervised Cross-Media Retrieval
* Two-Dimensional Whitening of Face Images for Improved PCA Performance
* Two-Level Block Matching Pursuit for Polarimetric Through-Wall Radar Imaging
* Two-Pass Clustering Technique for Orientation-Invariant and Language-Independent Text Localization
* Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on structural information
* Two-steps perceptual important points estimator in 8-connected curves from handwritten signature
* Two-stream binocular network: Accurate near field finger detection based on binocular images
* Two-Stream Deep Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Two-stream deep encoder-decoder architecture for fully automatic video object segmentation
* UAV Capability to Detect and Interpret Solar Radiation as a Potential Replacement Method to Hemispherical Photography
* Ubiquitous Document Capturing with Deep Learning
* Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging With Cascaded Dual-Polarity Waves
* Unbiased Sparse Subspace Clustering by Selective Pursuit
* Uncertainty Theories Based Iris Recognition System
* Uncertainty visualization for variable associations analysis
* Unconstrained ear recognition using deep neural networks
* Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Underlying Connections Between Algorithms for Nongreedy LDA-L1
* Understanding Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Crop Residue Burning in China from 2003 to 2017 Using MODIS Data
* Underwater image and video dehazing with pure haze region segmentation
* Unified Algorithm for Channel Imbalance and Antenna Phase Center Position Calibration of a Single-Pass Multi-Baseline TomoSAR System, A
* Unified Discriminative and Coherent Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering
* unified model of appearance and motion of video and its application in STIP detection, A
* Unified Partial Configuration Model Framework for Fast Partially Occluded Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Uniqueness Results for Scattering and Inverse Scattering by Infinite Rough Surfaces with Tapered Wave Incidence
* Universal String Matching Approach to Screen Content Coding, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Traffic Analysis: A Case Study for Shockwave Identification and Flow Parameters Estimation at Signalized Intersections
* Unsupervised Atmospheric Compensation of Airborne Hyperspectral Images in the VNIR Spectral Range
* Unsupervised data analysis for virus detection with a surface plasmon resonance sensor
* Unsupervised Fine Land Classification Using Quaternion Autoencoder-Based Polarization Feature Extraction and Self-Organizing Mapping
* Unsupervised image saliency detection with Gestalt-laws guided optimization and visual attention based refinement
* Unsupervised Long-Term Routine Modelling Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Unsupervised Online Learning for Fine-Grained Hand Segmentation in Egocentric Video
* Unsupervised rumor detection based on users' behaviors using neural networks
* Unsupervised Segmentation of 5D Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Data Using a Fuzzy Markov Random Field Model
* unsupervised technique for optimal feature selection in attribute profiles for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images, An
* Unsupervised Transfer Learning via Multi-Scale Convolutional Sparse Coding for Biomedical Applications
* Unsupervised Uncertainty Estimation Using Spatiotemporal Cues in Video Saliency Detection
* Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Kalmaegi and Sarika in the South China Sea from Multiple-Satellite Observations and Numerical Simulations
* Urban Built-Up Area Boundary Extraction and Spatial-Temporal Characteristics Based on Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
* Urban Heat Island Analysis over the Land Use Zoning Plan of Bangkok by Means of Landsat 8 Imagery
* Urban Land Use Mapping by Combining Remote Sensing Imagery and Mobile Phone Positioning Data
* use of advanced imaging technology in welfare technology solutions: Some ethical aspects, The
* Using a Similarity Matrix Approach to Evaluate the Accuracy of Rescaled Maps
* Using an ARIMA-GARCH Modeling Approach to Improve Subway Short-Term Ridership Forecasting Accounting for Dynamic Volatility
* Using context from inside-out vision for improved activity recognition
* Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning for Bone Age Classification
* Using High-Resolution Airborne Data to Evaluate MERIS Atmospheric Correction and Intra-Pixel Variability in Nearshore Turbid Waters
* Using Landsat Spectral Indices in Time-Series to Assess Wildfire Disturbance and Recovery
* Using mel-frequency audio features from footstep sound and spatial segmentation techniques to improve frame-based moving object detection
* Using multiple spatio-temporal features to estimate video quality
* Using Satellite Error Modeling to Improve GPM-Level 3 Rainfall Estimates over the Central Amazon Region
* Using Support Vector Regression and Hyperspectral Imaging for the Prediction of Oenological Parameters on Different Vintages and Varieties of Wine Grape Berries
* V2X Routing in a VANET Based on the Hidden Markov Model
* Validation and Assessment of Multi-GNSS Real-Time Precise Point Positioning in Simulated Kinematic Mode Using IGS Real-Time Service
* Validation of Carbon Monoxide Total Column Retrievals from SCIAMACHY Observations with NDACC/TCCON Ground-Based Measurements
* Validation of Carbon Monoxide Total Column Retrievals from SCIAMACHY Observations with NDACC/TCCON Ground-Based Measurements
* Validation of Pleiades Tri-Stereo DSM in Urban Areas
* Validation of Sensing Ocean Surface Currents Using Multi-Frequency HF Radar Based on a Circular Receiving Array
* Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Solar Radiation Estimates over India
* Variable Neighborhood Search for a Colored Traveling Salesman Problem
* variance maximization criterion for active learning, A
* Variational Destriping in Remote Sensing Imagery: Total Variation with L1 Fidelity
* Variational Methods for Normal Integration
* Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction, A
* Variational Pan-Sharpening Method Based on Spatial Fractional-Order Geometry and Spectral-Spatial Low-Rank Priors, A
* Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Preconditioned Proximal Algorithm
* VEA: Vessel Extraction Algorithm by Active Contour Model and a Novel Wavelet Analyzer for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
* Vehicle boundary improvement and passing vehicle detection in driver assistance by flow distribution
* Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks
* Vein recognition based on minutiae features in the dorsal venous network of the hand
* Verriest Lecture: Color vision in an uncertain world, The
* versatile major axis voted method for efficient ellipse detection, A
* Vertical Deformation Monitoring of the Suspension Bridge Tower Using GNSS: A Case Study of the Forth Road Bridge in the UK
* Vertical Displacements Driven by Groundwater Storage Changes in the North China Plain Detected by GPS Observations
* Video Caption Extraction Using Spatio-Temporal Slices
* Video Decolorization Using Visual Proximity Coherence Optimization
* Video Foreground Cosegmentation Based on Common Fate
* Video Processing for Remote Respiration Monitoring
* Video Summarization Via Multiview Representative Selection
* Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Representation
* Video super-resolution based on spatial-temporal recurrent residual networks
* Video Super-Resolution via Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Video you only look once: Overall temporal convolutions for action recognition
* Video-rate calculation of depth from defocus on a FPGA
* Viewpoint Invariant RGB-D Human Action Recognition
* Viewpoint refinement and estimation with adapted synthetic data
* Viewport-dependent delivery schemes for stereoscopic panoramic video
* vision-based system for robotic inspection of marine vessels, A
* Visual Attention-Based Target Detection and Discrimination for High-Resolution SAR Images in Complex Scenes
* Visual Change Detection Using Multiscale Super Pixel
* Visual object tracking with multi-scale superpixels and color-feature guided kernelized correlation filters
* Visual odometry based on the Fourier transform using a monocular ground-facing camera
* Visual place recognition with CNNs: From global to partial
* Visual Quality Assessment for Projected Content
* Visual realism and presence in a virtual reality game
* Visual tracking using locality-constrained linear coding under a particle filtering framework
* Visual Tracking via Subspace Learning: A Discriminative Approach
* Visually lossless coding in HEVC: A high bit depth and 4:4:4 capable JND-based perceptual quantisation technique for HEVC
* Wasserstein Dictionary Learning: Optimal Transport-Based Unsupervised Nonlinear Dictionary Learning
* Water Quality Drivers in 11 Gulf of Mexico Estuaries
* Waveform-Preserving Processing Flow of Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data for Adjoint-State Full-Waveform Inversion of Ocean Thermohaline Structure
* Waveletfaces and Linear Regression Classification for Face Recognition
* Weakly Supervised Image Classification with Coarse and Fine Labels
* WebGIS for Geography Education: Towards a GeoCapabilities Approach
* Webly-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization via Deep Domain Adaptation
* Weeds detection in UAV imagery using SLIC and the hough transform
* Weight-based bit allocation scheme for VR videos in HEVC
* Weighted hybrid features for person re-identification
* Weighted kappa loss function for multi-class classification of ordinal data in deep learning
* Weighted Regularized Laplacian Interpolation for Consolidation of Highly-Incomplete Time Varying Point Clouds
* Well-Log and Seismic Data Integration for Reservoir Characterization: A Signal Processing and Machine-Learning Perspective
* Wheel Defect Detection With Machine Learning
* When correlation filters meet fully-convolutional Siamese networks for distractor-aware tracking
* When Dijkstra Meets Vanishing Point: A Stereo Vision Approach for Road Detection
* When Low Rank Representation Based Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Meets Segmented Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoder Based Spatial-Spectral Feature
* Which tone-mapping operator is the best? A comparative study of perceptual quality
* Who Likes What and, Why? Insights into Modeling Users' Personality Based on Image Likes
* Wind Direction Extraction from SAR in Coastal Areas
* Wind Direction Signatures in GNSS-R Observables from Space
* Window to Your Smartphone: Exploring Interaction and Communication in Immersive VR with Augmented Virtuality, A
* Wire segmentation for printed circuit board using deep convolutional neural network and graph cut model
* Wireless controller for interactive virtual reality games
* Wireless Digital Communication Technologies for Drilling: Communication in the Bits/s Regime
* Wireless image and video soft transmission via perception-inspired power distortion optimization
* YoTube: Searching Action Proposal Via Recurrent and Static Regression Networks
* You Are What You Eat: Exploring Rich Recipe Information for Cross-Region Food Analysis
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.