Journals starting with pr_5

PR(5) * Algorithm for Estimating Small Scale Differences Between Two Digital Images, An
* Binary image operations using non-coherent optical techniques
* Cellular Logic Array for Image Processing, A
* Character recognition by complex filtering in reading machines
* Compression algorithms that preserve basic topological features in binary-coded patterns
* Design concepts for an on-board parallel image processor
* Digital holographic logic
* Discriminant analysis using certain normed exponential densities with emphasis on remote sensing application
* Empirical studies of separability and prediction using threshold logic units
* Finite fuzzy automata, regular fuzzy languages, and pattern recognition
* formalization of cluster analysis, A
* Glossary and Index to Remotely Sensed Image Pattern Recognition Concepts
* Guiding a robot by visual feedback in assembling tasks
* Image processing by self-generated spatial and spectral masks
* Introduction to the special issue on parallel image processing
* liquid crystal light valve, an optical-to-optical interface device, The
* Machine Recognition of Handwritten Words: A Project Report
* Machine Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters via Transformation Algorithms
* new approach to feature selection based on the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, A
* Nonsupervised classification using the principal component
* On the use of binary and gray code schemes for continuous-tone picture representation
* Pen direction sequences in character recognition
* Quantitative measurement of soil cracking patterns
* Recognizing machines with parametric and nonparametric learning methods using contextual information
* Remarks on some aspects of language structure and their relevance to pattern analysis
* rubber-mask technique, I: Pattern measurement and analysis, The
* rubber-mask technique, II: Pattern Storage and Recognition, The
* Stereoscopic Pattern Signal: Gestalt Processes in the Binocular Field, The
* synthesis of complex spatial filters for coherent optical data processing, The
29 for PR(5)

PR(50) * a-shapes for local feature detection
* Complete canonical correlation analysis with application to multi-view gait recognition
* computationally efficient scheme for feature extraction with kernel discriminant analysis, A
* Cross-domain, soft-partition clustering with diversity measure and knowledge reference
* Ensemble clustering using factor graph
* Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs
* Guided image completion by confidence propagation
* hierarchical local region-based sparse shape composition for liver segmentation in CT scans, A
* Learning discriminative singular value decomposition representation for face recognition
* Learning representations from multiple manifolds
* Local line directional pattern for palmprint recognition
* Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multivariate alternating decision trees
* Periocular authentication based on FEM using Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues
* Robust multimodal face and fingerprint fusion in the presence of spoofing attacks
* Simultaneous body part and motion identification for human-following robots
* Weighted local intensity fusion method for variational optical flow estimation
17 for PR(50)

PR(51) * Active cleaning of label noise
* Anisotropic motion estimation on edge preserving Riesz wavelets for robust video mosaicing
* automated pattern recognition system for classifying indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp-2 cells and specimens, An
* Breast cancer detection using MRF-based probable texture feature and decision-level fusion-based classification using HMM on thermography images
* Classification and saliency detection by semi-supervised low-rank representation
* Combination of global and local contexts for text/non-text classification in heterogeneous online handwritten documents
* Combining motion and appearance cues for anomaly detection
* continuous linear optimal transport approach for pattern analysis in image datasets, A
* Detection of bird nests in overhead catenary system images for high-speed rail
* Efficient clustering on Riemannian manifolds: A kernelised random projection approach
* ELM based signature for texture classification
* Fabric inspection based on the Elo rating method
* Generation of fiducial marker dictionaries using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Globally consistent correspondence of multiple feature sets using proximal Gauss-Seidel relaxation
* Human detection from images and videos: A survey
* Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and generalized pseudo-Jacobi-Fourier moments
* Improved hyperspectral image classification by active learning using pre-designed mixed pixels
* integrated grammar-based approach for mathematical expression recognition, An
* Kernel PCA enabled bit-string representation for minutiae-based cancellable fingerprint template
* Kernel-based hard clustering methods with kernelization of the metric and automatic weighting of the variables
* Latent topics-based relevance feedback for video retrieval
* Multi-criteria feature selection on cost-sensitive data with missing values
* Multilingual scene character recognition with co-occurrence of histogram of oriented gradients
* New spectrum ratio properties and features for shadow detection
* One-pass online learning: A local approach
* Open-vocabulary recognition of machine-printed Arabic text using hidden Markov models
* Regularized motion blur-kernel estimation with adaptive sparse image prior learning
* Salient object detection via spectral matting
* SODE: Self-Adaptive One-Dependence Estimators for classification
* Soft subspace clustering of categorical data with probabilistic distance
* software system for automated identification and retrieval of moth images based on wing attributes, A
* Task-dependent multi-task multiple kernel learning for facial action unit detection
* Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information and minimum redundancy for hyperspectral images
* variational model with hybrid images data fitting energies for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Video super-resolution using an adaptive superpixel-guided auto-regressive model
35 for PR(51)

PR(52) * Adaptive imputation of missing values for incomplete pattern classification
* Affine-transformation and 2D-projection invariant k-NN classification of handwritten characters via a new matching measure
* Automatic 3D tracking system for large swarm of moving objects
* Contour model based homography estimation of texture-less planar objects in uncalibrated images
* design framework for hierarchical ensemble of multiple feature extractors and multiple classifiers, A
* Distance metric learning for soft subspace clustering in composite kernel space
* Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification
* effective methodology for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval, An
* Errata and comments on 'Errata and comments on Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments'
* Fractional poisson enhancement model for text detection and recognition in video frames
* Hierarchical projective invariant contexts for shape recognition
* Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
* Iterative ensemble normalized cuts
* Low-quality facial biometric verification via dictionary-based random pooling
* Manifold-based constraints for operations in face space
* MLTSVM: A novel twin support vector machine to multi-label learning
* Multi-class Fukunaga Koontz discriminant analysis for enhanced face recognition
* Multiclass ROC Front method for cost-sensitive classification, The
* Multiple instance subspace learning via partial random projection tree for local reflection symmetry in natural images
* multiscale image segmentation method, A
* Noise-robust color edge detector using gradient matrix and anisotropic Gaussian directional derivative matrix
* On incremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* One class proximal support vector machines
* Online active learning of decision trees with evidential data
* Orthogonal moment-based descriptors for pose shape query on 3D point cloud patches
* realistic virtual environment for evaluating face analysis systems under dynamic conditions, A
* Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos via novel integrated strategies of spatio-temporal coherency clues and low-rank analysis
* Robust single-object image segmentation based on salient transition region
* Script identification in the wild via discriminative convolutional neural network
* Semantic segmentation of images exploiting DCT based features and random forest
* Sparse discriminative multi-manifold embedding for one-sample face identification
* Two-Phase Weighted Collaborative Representation for 3D partial face recognition with single sample, A
* Two-tier image annotation model based on a multi-label classifier and fuzzy-knowledge representation scheme
* WIRE: Watershed based iris recognition
34 for PR(52)

PR(53) * 3D skeleton-based human action classification: A survey
* Adaptive pedestrian tracking via patch-based features and spatial-temporal similarity measurement
* Automatic attribute threshold selection for morphological connected attribute filters
* Can high-order dependencies improve mutual information based feature selection?
* dimension range representation (DRR) measure for self-organizing maps, A
* Fuzzy aura matrices for texture classification
* Fuzzy rough classifiers for class imbalanced multi-instance data
* Global and local structure preserving sparse subspace learning: An iterative approach to unsupervised feature selection
* Heterogeneous feature structure fusion for classification
* Human action recognition with graph-based multiple-instance learning
* Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in the setting of fuzzy sets for image texture analysis and classification, The
* Local manifold distance based on neighborhood graph reordering
* Mixture of grouped regressors and its application to visual mapping
* Nonsmooth DC programming approach to the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problems
* On developing and enhancing plant-level disease rating systems in real fields
* OTLines: A novel line-detection algorithm without the interference of smooth curves
* Overfitting in linear feature extraction for classification of high-dimensional image data
* Parameter-free modelling of 2D shapes with ellipses
* Recognizing faces with normalized local Gabor features and Spiking Neuron Patterns
* semi-automatic method for robust and efficient identification of neighboring muscle cells, A
* Uncooperative gait recognition: Re-ranking based on sparse coding and multi-view hypergraph learning
* Understanding image concepts using ISTOP model
* Weighted Multi-view Clustering with Feature Selection
23 for PR(53)

PR(54) * Approximately Symmetrical Face Images for Image Preprocessing in Face Recognition and Sparse Representation Based Classification
* blind deconvolution model for scene text detection and recognition in video, A
* blind system identification approach to cancelable fingerprint templates, A
* Collaborative expression representation using peak expression and intra class variation face images for practical subject-independent emotion recognition in videos
* Depth-based hypergraph complexity traces from directed line graphs
* Face image classification by pooling raw features
* fast and robust circle detection method using isosceles triangles sampling, A
* flexible hierarchical approach for facial age estimation based on multiple features, A
* Generalized mean for robust principal component analysis
* Multiple feature distinctions based saliency flow model
* novel Shape Constrained Feature-based Active Contour model for lips/mouth segmentation in the wild, A
* Offline signature verification and quality characterization using poset-oriented grid features
* On the selection of 2D Krawtchouk moments for face recognition
* scalable pattern spotting system for historical documents, A
* Shape decomposition and classification by searching optimal part pruning sequence
* single-shot structured light means by encoding both color and geometrical features, A
* String representations and distances in deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image classification
17 for PR(54)

PR(55) * Active contours textural and inhomogeneous object extraction
* Adaptive spatial pooling for image classification
* Boosted NNE collections for multicultural facial expression recognition
* Client threshold prediction in biometric signature recognition by means of Multiple Linear Regression and its use for score normalization
* Crop row detection by global energy minimization
* Fisher encoding of differential fast point feature histograms for partial 3D object retrieval
* Global discriminative-based nonnegative spectral clustering
* image-to-class dynamic time warping approach for both 3D static and trajectory hand gesture recognition, An
* Incremental p-margin algorithm for classification with arbitrary norm
* L1-norm and maximum margin criterion based discriminant locality preserving projections via trace Lasso
* Multi-class Support Vector Machine classifiers using intrinsic and penalty graphs
* Multi-layer graph constraints for interactive image segmentation via game theory
* Multi-manifold Discriminant Isomap for visualization and classification
* novel hierarchical framework for human action recognition, A
* O(1) disparity refinement method for stereo matching, An
* Object matching with hierarchical skeletons
* Proportional data modeling with hidden Markov models based on generalized Dirichlet and Beta-Liouville mixtures applied to anomaly detection in public areas
* Rigid image registration by General Adaptive Neighborhood matching
* Supervised dictionary learning with multiple classifier integration
* Unscented Transformation based estimation of parameters of nonlinear models using heteroscedastic data
* Utilizing polygon segmentation technique to extract and optimize light stripe centerline in line-structured laser 3D scanner
21 for PR(55)

PR(56) * Biometric cryptosystems: A new biometric key binding and its implementation for fingerprint minutiae-based representation
* Congested scene classification via efficient unsupervised feature learning and density estimation
* Corrupted and occluded face recognition via cooperative sparse representation
* Delta Medial Axis: A fast and robust algorithm for filtered skeleton extraction, The
* Differential components of discriminative 2D Gaussian-Hermite moments for recognition of facial expressions
* Feature selection in mixed data: A method using a novel fuzzy rough set-based information entropy
* Incremental granular relevance vector machine: A case study in multimodal biometrics
* Labelling strategies for hierarchical multi-label classification techniques
* Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
* Quadratic projection based feature extraction with its application to biometric recognition
* Shape-appearance-correlated active appearance model
* Stable, fast computation of high-order Zernike moments using a recursive method
* SVM-based model-transferring method for heterogeneous domain adaptation, A
* Walking to singular points of fingerprints
14 for PR(56)

PR(57) * Analyzing the oversampling of different classes and types of examples in multi-class imbalanced datasets
* Color face image enhancement using adaptive singular value decomposition in fourier domain for face recognition
* competition in unsupervised color image segmentation, A
* Cost-effectiveness of classification ensembles
* Data-driven facial animation via semi-supervised local patch alignment
* Evaluation of ground distances and features in EMD-based GMM matching for texture classification
* Grassmann framework for 4D facial shape analysis, A
* Nyström-based approximate kernel subspace learning
* Online frame-based clustering with unknown number of clusters
* Self noise and contrast controlled thinning of gray images
* Semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis for dimension reduction and classification
* Shape matching by part alignment using extended chordal axis transform
* Simultaneous pose estimation and patient-specific model reconstruction from single image using maximum penalized likelihood estimation (MPLE)
* Towards hand gesture based writing support system for blinds
14 for PR(57)

PR(58) * Could scene context be beneficial for scene text detection?
* DropSample: A new training method to enhance deep convolutional neural networks for large-scale unconstrained handwritten Chinese character recognition
* fast DBSCAN clustering algorithm by accelerating neighbor searching using Groups method, A
* Filtering graphs to check isomorphism and extracting mapping by using the Conductance Electrical Model
* Fuzzy c-ordered medoids clustering for interval-valued data
* High-dimensional and large-scale anomaly detection using a linear one-class SVM with deep learning
* Image-based historical manuscript dating using contour and stroke fragments
* Individualized learning for improving kernel Fisher discriminant analysis
* Memetic Extreme Learning Machine
* multi-objective approach towards cost effective isolated handwritten Bangla character and digit recognition, A
* Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection
* non-parametric approach to extending generic binary classifiers for multi-classification, A
* Robust ellipse detection with Gaussian mixture models
* Robust individual and holistic features for crowd scene classification
* Robust multiple-instance learning ensembles using random subspace instance selection
* Scale-space spatio-temporal random fields: Application to the detection of growing microbial patterns from surface roughness
* Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images: An integrated framework using level set segmentation and touching-cell splitting
* Small dim object tracking using frequency and spatial domain information
18 for PR(58)

PR(59) * Adaptive noise dictionary construction via IRRPCA for face recognition
* Category co-occurrence modeling for large scale scene recognition
* Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Classification
* Compositional models and Structured learning for visual recognition
* Convex hull indexed Gaussian mixture model (CH-GMM) for 3D point set registration
* Convolutional neural random fields for action recognition
* discriminative representation for human action recognition, A
* Dynamic background estimation and complementary learning for pixel-wise foreground/background segmentation
* Extended compressed tracking via random projection based on MSERs and online LS-SVM learning
* Face recognition using linear representation ensembles
* Hierarchical mixing linear support vector machines for nonlinear classification
* Hierarchical semantic model and scattering mechanism based PolSAR image classification
* Human action recognition using genetic algorithms and convolutional neural networks
* Integrated inference and learning of neural factors in structural support vector machines
* Joint Depth and Semantic Inference from a Single Image via Elastic Conditional Random Field
* Kinship-Guided Age Progression
* Learning structure of stereoscopic image for no-reference quality assessment with convolutional neural network
* Learning to segment with image-level annotations
* LSI: Latent semantic inference for natural image segmentation
* Multi-scale context for scene labeling via flexible segmentation graph
* Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Robust Lane Detection using Two-stage Feature Extraction with Curve Fitting
* Scene parsing using inference Embedded Deep Networks
* Sparsity-inducing dictionaries for effective action classification
* Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image ensemble classification via joint sparse representation
* Structure-Constrained Low-Rank and Partial Sparse Representation with Sample Selection for image classification
* Towards effective codebookless model for image classification
* Transformation invariant subspace clustering
* Video anomaly detection based on locality sensitive hashing filters
29 for PR(59)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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