Update Dates 1805

1805 * *BMVC
* *Geoinformation for Disaster Management
* *Hannover Workshop
* *IbISPRS Workshop on Multi-dimensional and Multi-scale Spatial Data Modeling
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *International Conference on Geomatic and Geospatial Technology, Geospatial and Disaster Management
* *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* *ISPRS Geomatics and Restoration: Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era
* *ISPRS Photogrammetric techniques for video surveillance, biometrics and biomedicine
* *ISPRS Symposium CIPA
* 2012 Earthquake: An Abacus of Surveys And Interventions in Mantua Churches, The
* 3-D Characterization of Vineyards Using a Novel UAV Imagery-Based OBIA Procedure for Precision Viticulture Applications
* 3-D Pose Estimation of Articulated Instruments in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery
* 3-D Survey Applied to Industrial Archaeology by TLS Methodology
* 3-dimensional Geometric Survey And Structural Modelling of the Dome Of Pisa Cathedral
* 3-dimensional Pre- And Post-fire Comparison Of Forest Areas
* 3d Data Acquisition Based On Opencv for Close-range Photogrammetry Applications
* 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
* 3d Geomatics Techniques for An Integrated Approach to Cultural Heritage Knowledge: the Case of San Michele in Acerboli's Church In Santarcangelo Di Romagna
* 3d Modeling for the Knowledge of Architectural Heritage And Virtual Reconstruction of Its Historical Memory
* 3d Modeling of A Bazaar in Ancient Harran City Using Laser Scanning Technique
* 3d Modeling of Two Louteria Fragments By Image-based Approach
* 3d Modelling And Mapping for Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeology Assets
* 3d Modelling in the Registration And Restoration of A Megalithic Tomb
* 3d Modelling of Archaeological Small Finds By A Low-cost Range Camera: Methodology And First Results
* 3d Modelling of the Lusatian Borough in Biskupin Using Archival Data
* 3d Modelling the Invisible Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* 3D Modelling with the Samsung Gear 360
* 3D Object Localisation from Multi-View Image Detections
* 3D Recording and Modelling of Middle-Age Fortress in Dense Vegetation Environment
* 3d Recording And Modelling of Mining Heritage: the Monserrat Mine, Sierra Minera of Cartagena-la UniÓn, Southeast of Spain
* 3d Representation of the 19th Century Balkan Architecture Using Scaled Museum-maquette And Photogrammetry Methods
* 3d Survey Techniques for the Architectutal Restoration: The Case of St. Agata in Pisa
* 3d Surveying And Geometric Assessment of A Gothic Nave Vaulting From Point Clouds
* 3d Textured Modelling of Both Exterior And Interior of Korean Styled Architectures
* 3d Visualization And Photo-realistic Reconstruction of the Great Temple Of Bel
* 3d Visualization of A Timber Frame Historic Building: Partite Usage And Its Impact On the Structural System
* 3d Visualization of Mangrove And Aquaculture Conversion in Banate Bay, Iloilo
* 4D Monitoring of Active Sinkholes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS): A Case Study in the Evaporite Karst of the Ebro Valley, NE Spain
* 4d Reconstruction And Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Analyzing Our Legacy Through Time
* 4DILAN Project (4th Dimension in Landscape And Artifacts Analyses), The
* A-Optimal Sampling and Robust Reconstruction for Graph Signals via Truncated Neumann Series
* Accelerating Existing Non-Blind Image Deblurring Techniques through a Strap-On Limited-Memory Switched Broyden Method
* Access Types Effect on Internet Video Services and Its Implications on CDN Caching
* Accuracy Assessment of A Complex Building 3D Model Reconstructed From Images Acquired with A Low-cost UAS
* Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds Geo-referencing in Surveying And Documentation of Historical Complexes
* Accuracy Estimation of the Optical Flow Methods in the Iris Structure Motion Analysis Via Controlled Deformations
* Accurate And Fast Building Detection Using Binary Bag-of-features
* Accurate and robust face recognition from RGB-D images with a deep learning approach
* Accurate Closed-form Estimation of Local Affine Transformations Consistent with the Epipolar Geometry
* Accurate Estimation of Orientation Parameters of UAV Images Through Image Registration with Aerial Oblique Imagery
* Accurate Object Segmentation for Video Sequences via Temporal-Spatial-Frequency Saliency Model
* Acquisition And Processing of High Resolution Hyperspectral Imageries For the 3D Mapping of Urban Heat Islands And Microparticles of Montreal
* Acquisition, Production And Dissemination of Geospatial Data For Emergency Management And Preservation of Cultural Heritage, The
* Action recognition by discriminative Edge_Boxes
* Action recognition using fast HOG3D of integral videos and Smith-Waterman partial matching
* Action-Attending Graphic Neural Network
* Adaptation to Flooding Events Through Vulnerability Mapping in Historic Urban Areas
* Adaptive Batch Normalization for practical domain adaptation
* Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Energy Management Strategy Based on Reasonable SOC Reference Curve for Online Control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric City Bus
* Adaptive Graph-Based Total Variation for Tomographic Reconstructions
* Adaptive Lagrangian Multiplier derivation model for depth map coding
* Adaptive locally affine-invariant shape matching
* Adaptive probability filter for removing salt and pepper noises
* Adaptive Queuing Censoring for Big Data Processing
* Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration
* Adding Synchronization and Rolling Shutter in Multi-Camera Bundle Adjustment
* Advanced Monitoring Systems for Landslide Risk Reduction in the 'Siq' of Petra (Jordan)
* Aerial image geolocalization from recognition and matching of roads and intersections
* Aerial Object Recognition Algorithm Based On Contour Descriptor
* Aerial Platform Reliability for Flood Monitoring Under Various Weather Conditions: A Review
* Affordable content creation for free-viewpoint video and VR/AR applications
* Aggregate keyword nearest neighbor queries on road networks
* Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photosynthesis, Gravimetric Water Content, and CO2 Uptake Efficiency of the Mer Bleue Ombrotrophic Peatland
* Alessandro Antonelli And the Baroque Pre-existence: the Project for The National Parliament in Turin
* Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Multispectral Image Sequences, An
* Algorithm to Detect the Retinal Region of Interest, An
* Algorithms of Crescent Structure Detection in Human Biological Fluid Facies
* Analysis of Height Models Based On Kompsat-3 Images
* Analysis of saturation flow rate at tandem intersections using field data
* Analysis Of The Temporal And Spatial Controlling Factors In Affecting The Accuracy Of Landslide Predicting Model At Taiwan
* Anomaly detection based on maximum a posteriori
* Anomaly Detection Based on Stacked Sparse Coding With Intraframe Classification Strategy
* Application of Digital Survey Mapping Technology in the Investigation Of Colored Wood Statue in the Caoxi Temple
* Application of GIS And Remote Sensing to Monitor the Impact Of Development Activities On the Coastal Zone of Jazan City On the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia
* Application of Ground Penetrating Radar Supported by Mineralogical-Geochemical Methods for Mapping Unroofed Cave Sediments
* Application of Integration of HBIM and VR Technology to 3D Immersive Digital Management: Take Han Type Traditional Architecture as an Example
* Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Biomarkers In Se-turkey Crude Oils
* Application of Photogrammetry to Brain Anatomy
* Application of Softmax Regression And Its Validation for Spectral-based Land Cover Mapping
* Application of Typology Method in Historical Building Information Modelling (HBIM) Taking the Information Surveying And Mapping Of Jiayuguan Fortress Town As An Example, The
* Applying BIM to Built Heritage with Complex Shapes: the Ice House Of Filarete's Ospedale Maggiore in Milan, Italy
* Applying Random Forest Classification to Map Land Use/land Cover Using Landsat 8 OLI
* Applying stochastic second-order entropy images to multi-modal image registration
* Appraisal of Opportunities and Perspectives for the Systematic Condition Assessment of Heritage Sites with Copernicus Sentinel-2 High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery
* Approach for Calculating Land Valuation By Using Inspire Data Models, An
* Approach for High-Resolution Mapping of Hawaiian Metrosideros Forest Mortality Using Laser-Guided Imaging Spectroscopy, An
* Approach for Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal VHR Images Acquired by Different Multispectral Sensors, An
* Approach to 3D Analysis of Gravity Ptosis
* Approximate Joint Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm Based on Givens-Like Rotation
* Arab-Norman Heritage: State of Knowledge And New Actions And Innovative Proposal
* Architectural Heritage Visualization Using Interactive Technologies
* Armagh Observatory: Historic Building Information Modelling For Virtual Learning In Building Conservation
* Arsenic-safe Aquifers in Coastal Bangladesh: An Investigation With Ordinary Kriging Estimation
* Articulated Multi-Instrument 2-D Pose Estimation Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Assessing Temporal Behavior in Lidar Point Clouds of Urban Environments
* Assessing the Spatial and Occupation Dynamics of the Brazilian Pasturelands Based on the Automated Classification of MODIS Images from 2000 to 2016
* Assessment of Accuracy in the Identification of Rock Formations from Aerial and Terrestrial Laser-Scanning Data
* Assessment of Existing Methodologies to Retrieve Snow Cover Fraction from MODIS Data, An
* Assessment of Methods for Passive Microwave Snow Cover Mapping Using FY-3C/MWRI Data in China
* Assessment of Multibeam Backscatter Texture Analysis for Seafloor Sediment Classification
* Assessment of the High Resolution SAR Mode of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission for First Year Ice and Multiyear Ice Characterization
* Assessment of the Impact of GNSS Processing Strategies on the Long-Term Parameters of 20 Years IWV Time Series
* Assessment of the Impact of Land Thermal Infrared Observation on Regional Weather Forecasts Using Two Different Data Assimilation Approaches, An
* Asymmetric kernel in Gaussian Processes for learning target variance
* Atlas-based segmentation of neonatal brain MR images using a gray matter enhancing step
* Attend Refine Repeat: Active Box Proposal Generation via In-Out Localization
* Attention Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Attitude Modelling Method Based On the Inherent Frequency of A Satellite Platform, An
* Attribute Embedding with Visual-Semantic Ambiguity Removal for Zero-shot Learning
* Attribute Recognition from Adaptive Parts
* Attribute-Based Synthetic Network (ABS-Net): Learning more from pseudo feature representations
* Augmented Reality in Architecture: Rebuilding Archeological Heritage
* Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Engeneering Purposes
* Automated Chest X-Ray Screening: Can Lung Region Symmetry Help Detect Pulmonary Abnormalities?
* Automated Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mp-MRI Images Based on an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
* Automated method for the detection and segmentation of drusen in colour fundus image for the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration
* Automated Road Roughness Detection From Mobile Laser Scanning Data, An
* Automatic centroid extraction method for noisy star image
* Automatic Classification Of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study For Urban Areas In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
* Automatic Clearance Anomaly Detection for Transmission Line Corridors Utilizing UAV-Borne LIDAR Data
* Automatic color image contrast enhancement using Gaussian mixture modeling, piecewise linear transformation, and monotone piecewise cubic interpolant
* Automatic Data-Driven Method for SAR Image Segmentation in Sea Surface Analysis, An
* Automatic Depth Extraction from 2D Images Using a Cluster-Based Learning Framework
* Automatic Detection and Positioning of Ground Control Points Using TerraSAR-X Multiaspect Acquisitions
* Automatic localization of signal sources in photon emission images for integrated circuit analysis
* Automatic Rectification of Building Façades
* Automatic Rooftop Extraction in Stereo Imagery Using Distance And Building Shape Regularized Level Set Evolution
* Automatic Ship Classification from Optical Aerial Images with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Sparse Pruning Endmember Extraction Algorithm with a Combined Minimum Volume and Deviation Constraint, An
* Automatic Stem Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data With Distance-Adaptive Search Radius
* Automatic Tree Data Removal Method for Topography Measurement Result Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Autonomous Multi-camera Tracking Using Distributed Quadratic Optimization
* Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Determination Technique for Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning, An
* Back projection: An effective postprocessing method for GAN-based face sketch synthesis
* Back-dropout transfer learning for action recognition
* Bag of Surrogate Parts Feature for Visual Recognition
* Bag of Surrogate Parts: one inherent feature of deep CNNs
* Banca Del Fare Summer School in Alta Langa: the Ruins to Be Rebuilt Will Be Our Classrooms. Knowledge From Artisans to New Generations, From Ancient Skills to New Building Techniques
* Band-Specified Virtual Dimensionality for Band Selection: An Orthogonal Subspace Projection Approach
* Basic Visual Disciplines in Heritage Conservation: Outline of Selected Perspectives in Teaching And Learning
* Bayesian Approach to Policy Recognition and State Representation Learning, A
* BCH-LSH: a new scheme of locality-sensitive hashing
* Behavioral Analysis of Kinetic Telepresence for Small Symmetric Group-to-Group Meetings
* Benchmark Data Set and Method for Depth Estimation From Light Field Images
* Better Together: Joint Reasoning for Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction with Specularities and Shading
* Beyond Action Recognition: Action Completion in RGB-D Data
* Beyond Point Clouds And Virtual Reality. Innovative Methods And Technologies for the Protection And Promotion of Cultural Heritage
* Beyond RGB: Very high resolution urban remote sensing with multimodal deep networks
* Bilateral Convolutional Activations Encoded with Fisher Vectors for Scene Character Recognition
* Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Bim Orientation: Grades of Generation And Information for Different Type of Analysis And Management Process
* BIM System for the Conservation And Preservation of the Mosaics of San Marco in Venice
* Binarized features with discriminant manifold filters for robust single-sample face recognition
* Bio-inspired Collision Detector with Enhanced Selectivity for Ground Robotic Vision System
* Biologically plausible boundary detection
* Biomass Growth from Multi-Temporal TanDEM-X Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of a Boreal Forest Site
* Biomedical compound figure detection using deep learning and fusion techniques
* Bispectrum-based technique to remove cross-terms in quadratic systems and Wigner-Ville distribution
* Bitrate adaptation for seamless on-demand video streaming over mobile networks
* Bivariate analysis of 3D structure for stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Blending Technique of Topograhic And Hydrographic DEMs for River Alignment Modelling, A
* Blind Dual Watermarking for Color Images: Authentication and Copyright Protection
* Blind Graph Topology Change Detection
* Blind Image Quality Assessment via Vector Regression and Object Oriented Pooling
* Block unshifting high-accuracy motion estimation: A new method adapted to super-resolution enhancement
* Blockwise Binary Pattern: A Robust And An Efficient Approach For Offline Signature Verification
* Blurred fingerprint image enhancement: algorithm analysis and performance evaluation
* Body As Echoes: Cyber Archiving of Dazu Rock Carvings
* Boosted Convolutional Neural Networks
* Bottom-up Instance Segmentation using Deep Higher-Order CRFs
* Bottom-Up Top-Down Cues for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Bragg Diffraction Patterns as Graph Characteristics
* Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the contextual information from multi-view data
* Bridge Surface Damage Detection Application with A Laser-based Software Prototype
* Bridging the Gap Between Global And Local Strategies of Architectural Conservation, Examples of the Current Scenarios in India
* Building A National Heritage Registry for the Sudan: The Friedrich W. Hinkel Archive Digitization Project
* Building Detection Using Aerial Images and Digital Surface Models
* Building Extraction From Remote Sensing Data Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Building Roof Boundary Extraction From Lidar And Image Data Based On Markov Random Field
* Cadastral Database Positional Accuracy Improvement
* Calculating Solar Energy Potential of Buildings And Visualization Within Unity 3D Game Engine
* Calibrated Multi-temporal Edge Images for City Infrastructure Growth Assessment And Prediction
* Calibrating And Testing New Ultracam Sensors
* Calibration and validation of cellular automaton traffic flow model with empirical and experimental data
* Camera Calibration Accuracy at Different UAV Flying Heights
* Camera-Projector System for detecting haemoglobin levels during accidents
* Capturing Reality At Centre Block
* Case of Capogrossi in Rome: Collecting Data with Different Technologies On A Contemporary Mural Painting, The
* CF-based optimisation for saliency detection
* Challenges And Opportunities for the Implementation of H-bim With Regards to Historical Infrastructures: A Case Study of the Ponte Giorgini in Castiglione Della Pescaia (grosseto: Italy)
* Challenges And Opportunities: One Stop Processing of Automatic Large-scale Base Map Production Using Airborne Lidar Data Within GIS Environment. Case Study: Makassar City, Indonesia
* Challenges that Preventive Conservation poses to the Cultural Heritage documentation field
* Change Detection and Prediction of Urmia Lake and its Surrounding Environment During the Past 60 Years Applying Geobased Remote Sensing Analysis
* Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images By DT-CWT and MRF
* Change Detection Via Selective Guided Contrasting Filters
* Chaotic particle filter for visual object tracking
* Characterisation of Intensity Values On Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Recording Enhancement
* Characterization of Subgrid-Scale Variability in Particulate Matter with Respect to Satellite Aerosol Observations
* Characterizing the Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Land Surface Temperature through Time Series Clustering: Based on the Latent Pattern and Morphology
* Check Out This Place: Inferring Ambiance From Airbnb Photos
* CHT2 Project: Diachronic 3D Reconstruction of Historic Sites, The
* CIDOC CRM Game: A Serious Game Approach to Ontology Learning, The
* Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Matter in a Sheltered Coastal Area
* Citygml Modelling for Singapore 3D National Mapping
* Classification of High-Mountain Vegetation Communities within a Diverse Giant Mountains Ecosystem Using Airborne APEX Hyperspectral Imagery
* Clinical Report Guided Retinal Microaneurysm Detection With Multi-Sieving Deep Learning
* Close range photogrammetry with tablet technology in post-earthquake scenario: Sant'Agostino church in Amatrice
* Close Range UAV Accurate Recording And Modeling of St-Pierre-le-Jeune Neo-Romanesque Church in Strasbourg (France)
* Cloud GIS Based Watershed Management
* CNN Based Retinal Image Upscaling Using Zero Component Analysis
* Coastline Detection Using Fusion of Over Segmentation And Distance Regularization Level Set Evolution
* Coherent Change Detection For Repeated-pass Interferometric SAR Images: An Application To Earthquake Damage Assessment on Buildings
* Coherent MIMO to Improve Aperture Synthesis Radar Imaging of Field-Aligned Irregularities: First Results at Jicamarca
* Collaborative design of a telerehabilitation system enabling virtual second opinion based on fuzzy logic
* Collaborative Mapping and Autonomous Parking for Multi-Story Parking Garage
* Collaborative Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Collecting Typhoon Disaster Information from Twitter Based on Query Expansion
* Collective Density Clustering for Coherent Motion Detection
* Color Enhancement for Four-Component Decomposed Polarimetric SAR Image Based on a CIE-Lab Encoding
* Color-Boosted Saliency-Guided Rotation Invariant Bag of Visual Words Representation with Parameter Transfer for Cross-Domain Scene-Level Classification
* Combined Approach to Classifying Land Surface Cover of Urban Domestic Gardens Using Citizen Science Data and High Resolution Image Analysis, A
* Combined ASTER MODIS Emissivity over Land (CAMEL) Part 1: Methodology and High Spectral Resolution Application, The
* Combining 3D Volume And Mesh Models for Representing Complicated Heritage Buildings
* Combining Shape from Shading and Stereo: A Variational Approach for the Joint Estimation of Depth, Illumination and Albedo
* Common Evolution of Geometry And Architecture From A Geodetic Point Of View, The
* Community-based Nationwide Capacity Building for GIS-based Integrated Flood Management
* Compact And Hybrid Feature Description for Building Extraction
* Comparative Analysis of Modeling Algorithms for Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation in a Subtropical Region
* Comparing Multi-source Photogrammetric Data During the Examination Of Verticality in A Monumental Tower
* Comparing Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Wearable Laser Scanning (WLS) for Individual Tree Modeling at Plot Level
* Comparing Three Different Ground Based Laser Scanning Methods for Tree Stem Detection
* Comparison Among Different Optimization Levels in 3D Multi-sensor Models. A Test Case in Emergency Context: 2016 Italian Earthquake, A
* Comparison between Standard and Functional Clustering Methodologies: Application to Agricultural Fields for Yield Pattern Assessment, A
* Comparison of Artificial Neural Network And Homotopy Continuation In 3d Interior Building Modelling, A
* Comparison of Commercial Structure-from-motion Photogrammety Software Used for Underwater Three-dimensional Modeling of Coral Reef Environments
* Comparison of Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Size Classes Using In-Situ Measurements in the South China Sea
* Comparison of the Retrieval of Sea Surface Salinity Using Different Instrument Configurations of MICAP
* compiler approach to map algebra: automatic parallelization, locality optimization, and GPU acceleration of raster spatial analysis, A
* Complex Point Cloud for the Knowledge of the Architectural Heritage. Some Experiences, The
* Complex-Valued Fully Convolutional Networks for MIMO Radar Signal Segmentation
* Composite Backstepping Consensus Algorithms of Leader-Follower Higher-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Subject to Mismatched Disturbances
* Comprehensive Analysis of Flying Altitude for High Resolution Slope Mapping Using UAV Technology
* Compressive Sensing-Based User Clustering for Downlink NOMA Systems With Decoding Power
* Computationally Efficient 3-D Full-Wave Model for Coherent EM Scattering From Complex-Geometry Hydrometeors Based on MoM/CBFM-Enhanced Algorithm, A
* Computationally efficient brightness compensation and contrast enhancement for transmissive liquid crystal displays
* Computer Aided Restoration Tools to Assist the Conservation of An Ancient Sculpture. the Colossal Statue of Zeus Enthroned
* Computer Vision in the Temples of Karnak: Past, Present and Future
* Concept Model for Drone Selection in Specific Disaster Conditions
* Connecting the dots: Toward accountable machine-learning printer attribution methods
* Connection Between Dynamic Region-Following Formation Control and Distributed Average Tracking, A
* Conservation of the Sinclair Inn Museum, And the Painted Room Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
* Conservation Process Model (CPM): A Twofold Scientific Research Scope In the Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage
* Conservation-oriented HBIM. the Bimexplorer Web Tool
* Consideration of Formal Errors in Spatiotemporal Filtering Using Principal Component Analysis for Regional GNSS Position Time Series, The
* Consistent Combination of Brightness Temperatures from SMOS and SMAP over Polar Oceans for Sea Ice Applications, A
* constrained total variation model for single image dehazing, A
* Constructing And Representing: A New Project for 3D Surveying Of Yazilikaya - HattuŠa
* construction method of (t,k,n)-essential secret image sharing scheme, A
* Construction of pixel-level resolution DEMs from monocular images by shape and albedo from shading constrained with low-resolution DEM
* Content Preserving Watermarking for Medical Images Using Shearlet Transform and SVD
* Content-Attention Representation by Factorized Action-Scene Network for Action Recognition
* Content-Aware Delivery of Scalable Video in Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networks
* Context Matters: Refining Object Detection in Video with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Contour detection model using linear and non-linear modulation based on non-CRF suppression
* Contrast enhancement using feature-preserving bi-histogram equalization
* Contribution of Earth Observation Technologies to Monitoring Strategies of Cultural Landscapes And Sites, The
* Controllable Multicast for Adaptive Scalable Video Streaming in Software-Defined Networks
* Convex Approach to K-Means Clustering and Image Segmentation, A
* Convex Formulation for Multiband Image Classification With Superpixel-Based Spatial Regularization
* Convolutional aggregation of local evidence for large pose face alignment
* Convolutional Neural Network for Camera Pose Estimation From Object Detections
* Convolutional Recognition of Dynamic Textures with Preliminary Categorization
* Convolutional Regression for Visual Tracking
* Convolutional Sparse Coding-based Image Decomposition
* Cooperative Intersection Support System Based on Mirroring Mechanisms Enacted by Bio-Inspired Layered Control Architecture
* Cooperative Positioning Technique With Decentralized Malicious Vehicle Detection
* Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization
* Correction of micro-CT image geometric artefacts based on marker
* Correlation Analysis of Subsidence Monitoring By D-insar And The Change of Urban Construction Land, The
* Cost-Constrained Video Quality Satisfaction Study on Mobile Devices, A
* Crafting a multi-task CNN for viewpoint estimation
* Creating Sustainable Cities Through Disaster Resilience in Turkey
* Criteria to evaluate the fidelity of image enhancement by MSRCR
* Critical Analysis And Digital Reconstructions of Alberti's Architectures By the Use of 3D Morphometric Integrated Survey Database
* Critical Issues And Key Points From the Survey to the Creation of The Historical Building Information Model: the Case of Santo Stefano Basilica
* Critical Review of Automated Photogrammetric Processing of Large Datasets, A
* Cross-specificity: modelling data semantics for cross-modal matching and retrieval
* CrowdFaceDB: Database and benchmarking for face verification in crowd
* Cubesat-derived Detection of Seagrasses Using Planet Imagery Following Unmixing-based Denoising: Is Small the Next Big?
* Culto: An Ontology-based Annotation Tool for Data Curation in Cultural Heritage
* Cultural Heritage Documentation in SIS Environment: An Application for Porta Sirena in the Archaeological Site of Paestum
* Cultural Heritage in Smart City Environments
* Cultural Heritage Through Time: A Case Study At Hadrian's Wall, United Kingdom
* Current challenges and visions in music recommender systems research
* Current State of the Art Historic Building Information Modelling
* Curriculum learning of visual attribute clusters for multi-task classification
* Curvelet-based multiscale denoising using non-local means and guided image filter
* Damage Assessment And Monitoring Of Cultural Heritage Places In A Disaster And Post-disaster Event: A Case Study Of Syria
* DASH Adaptation Algorithm Based on Adaptive Forgetting Factor Estimation
* DASSCAN: A Density and Adjacency Expansion-Based Spatial Structural Community Detection Algorithm for Networks
* data augmentation methodology for training machine/deep learning gait recognition algorithms, A
* Data Processing for the Space-based DESIS Hyperspectral Sensor
* Data Visualization with Structural Control of Global Cohort and Local Data Neighborhoods
* Decision-Tree, Rule-Based, and Random Forest Classification of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for Wetland Mapping and Inventory
* Deep Aggregation of Local 3D Geometric Features for 3D Model Retrieval
* Deep contextual recurrent residual networks for scene labeling
* Deep Correlated Holistic Metric Learning for Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Deep Learning for Detecting Multiple Space-Time Action Tubes in Videos
* Deep Multi-task Attribute-Driven Ranking for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Deep Part-Based Generative Shape Model with Latent Variables
* Deep Pipelined Implementation of Hyperspectral Target Detection Algorithm on FPGA Using HLS, A
* Deep Primal-Dual Network for Guided Depth Super-Resolution, A
* Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
* Deep Sign: Hybrid CNN-HMM for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Deep Spatial Contextual Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Saliency Detection, A
* Deep super-class learning for long-tail distributed image classification
* Deep-Local-Global Feature Fusion Framework for High Spatial Resolution Imagery Scene Classification, A
* Deformable Parts Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Tracking
* Deformation Based Curved Shape Representation
* DEM Generation From Close-range Photogrammetry Using Extended Python Photogrammetry Toolbox
* Demosaicing enhancement using pixel-level fusion
* Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features for Saliency Detection
* Dense Labeling with User Interaction: an Example for Depth-Of-Field Simulation
* Dependency of Optimal Parameters of the Iris Template On Image Quality And Border Detection Error
* Depth Cameras On UAVS: A First Approach
* Depth Pooling Based Large-Scale 3-D Action Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth Super-Resolution on RGB-D Video Sequences With Large Displacement 3D Motion
* Depth-Adaptive Computational Policies for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Design And restoration: the Roots of Architecture Porject for The Built
* Design of Application Architecture for Spatial Information Based Volcanic Disaster Response System
* Design of Optimal Fixed-Rate Unrestricted Polar Quantizer for Bivariate Circularly Symmetric Sources
* Deskewing by space-variant deblurring
* Detecting Flu Outbreaks Based On Spatiotemporal Information From Urban Systems: Designing A Novel Study
* Detecting Forest Road Wearing Course Damage Using Different Methods of Remote Sensing
* Detecting Topic Authoritative Social Media Users: A Multilayer Network Approach
* Detecting tracking errors via forecasting
* Detecting Trends in Wetland Extent from MODIS Derived Soil Moisture Estimates
* Detection And 3D Modelling of Vehicles From Terrestrial Stereo Image Pairs
* Detection And Purging of Specular Reflective And Transparent Object Influences in 3D Range Measurements
* Detection and Recognition of Traffic Planar Objects Using Colorized Laser Scan and Perspective Distortion Rectification
* Detection And Tracking of Moving Objects with Real-time Onboard Vision System
* Detection Method of Artificial Area From High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based On Multi Scale And Multi Feature Fusion, A
* Detection of fast incoming objects with a moving camera
* Detection of Landslides with SAR Polarymetry: Case Study of South-eastern Colombia
* Detection of moving objects through turbulent media. Decomposition of Oscillatory vs Non-Oscillatory spatio-temporal vector fields
* Determination of optimal electroencephalography recording locations for detecting drowsy driving
* Determination of the Actual Land Use Pattern Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles And Multispectral Camera
* Determining Optimal New Generation Satellite Derived Metrics for Accurate C3 and C4 Grass Species Aboveground Biomass Estimation in South Africa
* Determining Tooth Occlusal Surface Relief Indicator By Means Of Automated 3D Shape Analysis
* Developing A Virtual Museum for the Ancient Wine Trade in Eastern Mediterranean
* Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Local Authority: Case Study in Malaysia
* Developing Historic Building Information Modelling Guidelines And Procedures for Architectural Heritage in Ireland
* Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; the Case Study Of Lesvos, Greece 2017 Earthquake: Assessments, Improvements And Enrichments On the Methodology
* Developing Verification Systems for Building Information Models Of Heritage Buildings with Heterogeneous Datasets
* Development of a Minimal-Intervention-Based Admittance Control Strategy for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton
* Development of A Virtual Museum Including A 4d Presentation of Building History in Virtual Reality
* Dictionary Learning-Based Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Cross-Scene Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dictionary Replacement for Single Image Restoration of 3D Scenes
* Differential SAR Interferometry Technique for Control of Linear Infrastructures Affected By Ground Instability Phenomena
* Digital Documentation of Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece, Fallingwater
* Digital Documentation of Ships in Cultural Heritage: A European Review
* digital fingerprints of brain disorders, The
* Digital Heritage Theory And Innovative Practice
* Digital Invasions: From Point Clouds to Historical Building Object Modeling (H-BOM) of a UNESCO WHL Site
* Digital Investigations of An Archaeological Smart Point Cloud: A Real Time Web-based Platform to Manage the Visualisation of Semantical Queries
* Digital Pre-inventory of Architectural Heritage in Kosovo Using Docu-tools®, A
* Digital Preservation of Ancient Maya Cave Architecture: Recent Field Efforts in Quintana Roo, Mexico
* Digital Technology in Preservation of Buddist Monastery Treasures
* Digital Tools for Documenting And Conserving Bahrain's Built Heritage For Posterity
* Digital Von Fahrenheid Pyramid, The
* Digital watermarking for camera-captured images based on just noticeable distortion and Wiener filtering
* Digital Workflow for the Acquisition And Elaboration of 3D Data in A Monumental Complex: the Fortress of Saint John the Baptist in Florence
* Digital Workflow for the Conservation of Bahrain Built Heritage: The Sheik Isa Bin Ali House
* Digital Workflows for A 3D Semantic Representation of An Ancient Mining Landscape
* Digital Workflows for Restoration And Management of the Museum Affandi - A Case Study in Challenging Circumstances
* Digitalization Culture Vs Archaeological Visualization: Integration Of Pipelines And Open Issues
* Digitization of Blocks And Virtual Anastylosis of An Antique Facade In Pont-sainte-maxence (france)
* Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Improves Image Quality of MRI-Guided Near-Infrared Spectral Tomography of Breast Lesions
* Disaster damage detection through synergistic use of deep learning and 3D point cloud features derived from very high resolution oblique aerial images, and multiple-kernel-learning
* Disaster Resilient Society with Youth Project of the Civil Defence Organization Aiming Disaster Risks Reduction
* Discovering And Sharing of Secret Architectures: The Hidden Tomb of The Pharaoh of El-Khasneh, Jordan
* Discovering motion hierarchies via tree-structured coding of trajectories
* Discovery of Repeated Melodic Phrases in Folk Singing Recordings
* Discretized Convex Relaxations for the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Model
* Discriminative correlation hashing for supervised cross-modal retrieval
* Distance-Driven Consensus Quantification
* Distributed Reference Governor Approach to Ecological Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, A
* Diurnal Variation of Light Absorption in the Yellow River Estuary
* Documental Studio And 3D Recreation of the San Ildefonso's School Facade, Alcala De Henares
* Documentation And Detection of Colour Changes of Bas Relieves Using Close Range Photogrammetry
* Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri On Thera Using Laser Scanning, Image-based Modelling And Geophysical Prospection
* Documenting the Intangible And the Use of Collective Memory As A Tool For Risk Mitigation
* Domain Adaptive Subspace Clustering
* Dominant Set Biclustering
* Double iterative optimal dictionary learning-based SAR image filtering method
* Downscaling of ASTER Thermal Images Based on Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging
* Drift Correction of Lightweight Microbolometer Thermal Sensors On-Board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* DTM Generation From Terrasar-x Using Tin Algorithm in Papua Island, Indonesia
* DTM Generation with UAV Based Photogrammetric Point Cloud
* Dust Detection and Intensity Estimation Using Himawari-8/AHI Observation
* Dynamic 3D Modeling of A Canal-tunnel Using Photogrammetric And Bathymetric Data
* Dynamic background subtraction method based on spatio-temporal classification
* Dynamic Keypoint-based Algorithm of Object Tracking
* Dynamic Range Reduction of SAR Image via Global Optimum Entropy Maximization With Reflectivity-Distortion Constraint
* e-Intangible Heritage
* Edge Computing Framework for Cooperative Video Processing in Multimedia IoT Systems
* Edge Enhanced Direct Visual Odometry
* Edge-preserving Denoising Based On Dynamic Programming On the Full Set Of Adjacency Graphs
* Edge-preserving smoothing pyramid based multi-scale exposure fusion
* Editorial IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Special Section on Video Analytics: Challenges, Algorithms, and Applications
* Effect of Image Enhancement Methods During Feature Detection And Matching of Thermal Images, The
* Effect of Long Term Tidal Constituents On Mean Sea Level Trend During El-Nino and La-Nina Phenomena
* Effect of Underwater Imagery Radiometry On 3D Reconstruction And Orthoimagery, The
* Effective Detection of Sub-surface Archeological Features From Laser Scanning Point Clouds And Imagery Data
* Effects of Ambient Ozone on Soybean Biophysical Variables and Mineral Nutrient Accumulation
* Effects of Built-up And Green Areas On the Land Surface Temperature Of the Kuala Lumpur City, The
* Effects of Heterogeneity within Tree Crowns on Airborne-Quantified SIF and the CWSI as Indicators of Water Stress in the Context of Precision Agriculture
* Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data Collection Of Vrisa After Lesvos Earthquake
* Efficient Bayesian Model Selection in PARAFAC via Stochastic Thermodynamic Integration
* Efficient Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation, An
* Efficient CPS model based online opinion governance modeling and evaluation for emergency accidents
* Efficient Data Fusion Using Random Matrix Theory
* Efficient design of BinDCT in quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) technology
* Efficient image steganography using graph signal processing
* Efficient large-scale distance-based join queries in spatialhadoop
* Efficient Learning for Discriminative Segmentation with Supermodular Losses
* Efficient Method to Create Digital Terrain Models From Point Clouds Collected By Mobile Lidar Systems, An
* efficient motion magnification system for real-time applications, An
* Efficient Parallel Multi-Scale Segmentation Method for Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Efficient Shortest Path Routing Algorithm for Directed Indoor Environments, An
* Efficient task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing with worker and task privacy protection
* Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynamic Simplification, An
* EgoGesture: A New Dataset and Benchmark for Egocentric Hand Gesture Recognition
* EgoSampling: Wide View Hyperlapse From Egocentric Videos
* Elasticity-based matching by minimising the symmetric difference of shapes
* Electroencephalography Source Connectivity: Aiming for High Resolution of Brain Networks in Time and Space
* Elevation Change Derived from SARAL/ALtiKa Altimetric Mission: Quality Assessment and Performance of the Ka-Band
* Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Visual Domain Adaptation, An
* Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters Management: A Big Data Perspective, The
* Emergency Rescue Management Supported By UAV Remote Sensing Data
* Emotion recognition from facial expressions using hybrid feature descriptors
* EMVS: Event-based Multi-View Stereo
* End-to-end cross-modality retrieval with CCA projections and pairwise ranking loss
* End-to-end learning for image-based air quality level estimation
* Enhanced Algorithm for Automatic Radiometric Harmonization Of High-resolution Optical Satellite Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Features And Linear Regression, An
* Enhanced local tone mapping for detail preserving reproduction of high dynamic range images
* Enhanced Modeling of Annual Temperature Cycles with Temporally Discrete Remotely Sensed Thermal Observations
* Enhancement of Fast Face Detection Algorithm Based On A Cascade Of Decision Trees
* Enhancing Close-up Image Based 3D Digitisation with Focus Stacking
* Enhancing Location-Related Hydrogeological Knowledge
* Enhancing pose estimation through efficient patch synthesis
* Environmental Influences on Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity in the U.S.: An Exploration of Spatial Non-Stationarity
* Epic Dimensions: A Comparative Analysis of 3D Acquisition Methods
* Estimating Above-Ground Biomass in Sub-Tropical Buffer Zone Community Forests, Nepal, Using Sentinel 2 Data
* Estimating Crop Cover Fraction From Digital Color Images
* Estimating Ocean Vector Winds and Currents Using a Ka-Band Pencil-Beam Doppler Scatterometer
* Estimating Sub-Pixel Soybean Fraction from Time-Series MODIS Data Using an Optimized Geographically Weighted Regression Model
* Estimating Vegetation Water Content and Soil Surface Roughness Using Physical Models of L-Band Radar Scattering for Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Estimation of Dynamic Sparse Connectivity Patterns From Resting State fMRI
* Estimation of Penetration Depth from Soil Effective Temperature in Microwave Radiometry
* Estimation of Population Number Via Light Activities On Night-time Satellite Images
* Euler-Lagrange Network Dynamics
* European Interoperable Database (EID) to Increase Resilience Of Cultural Heritage, A
* European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (ERIHS), The
* Evaluate the Capability of Landsat8 Operational Land Imager For Shoreline Change Detection/inland Water Studies
* Evaluating Concentrated Flowpaths in Riparian Forest Buffer Contributing Areas Using LiDAR Imagery and Topographic Metrics
* Evaluating Different Methods for Estimating Diameter at Breast Height from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Evaluating Landsat and RapidEye Data for Winter Wheat Mapping and Area Estimation in Punjab, Pakistan
* Evaluating Mobile Laser Scanning For Landslide Monitoring
* Evaluating the Applications of the Near-Infrared Region in Mapping Foliar N in the Miombo Woodlands
* Evaluating the Open Source Data Containers for Handling Big Geospatial Raster Data
* Evaluating the Potential of Imaging Rover for Automatic Point Cloud Generation
* Evaluating the Variations in the Flood Susceptibility Maps Accuracies Due to the Alterations in the Type And Extent of the Flood Inventory
* Evaluation methodology for license plate recognition systems and experimental results
* Evaluation of Heavy Precipitation Simulated by the WRF Model Using 4D-Var Data Assimilation with TRMM 3B42 and GPM IMERG over the Huaihe River Basin, China
* Evaluation of ISS-RapidScat Wind Vectors Using Buoys and ASCAT Data
* Evaluation of One-Class Support Vector Classification for Mapping the Paddy Rice Planting Area in Jiangsu Province of China from Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Evaluation of SMAP Enhanced Soil Moisture Products Using High-Resolution Model Simulations and In-Situ Observations on the Tibetan Plateau, The
* Evaluation of SMOS, SMAP, ASCAT and Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Products at Sites in Southwestern France
* Event-Based Hough Transform in a Spiking Neural Network for Multiple Line Detection and Tracking Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
* Event-Based Perceptual Quality Assessment for HTTP-Based Video Streaming With Playback Interruption
* Evolving Techniques of Documentation of A World Heritage Site in Lahore
* Examination of Gathering Points' Capacity Regarding Mobility And Accessibility: Case of Bayrakli District, The
* Examining the Effects of Hydropower Station Construction on the Surface Temperature of the Jinsha River Dry-Hot Valley at Different Seasons
* Examining the potential of floating car data for dynamic traffic management
* Example of Using Intensity Orthoimages in TLS Data Registration: A Case Study, The
* experimental comparison of superpixels detection methods for contour detection, An
* Exploitation of Digital Surface Models Generated From Worldview-2 Data for SAR Simulation Techniques
* Exploiting AIS Data for Intelligent Maritime Navigation: A Comprehensive Survey From Data to Methodology
* Exploiting Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 Sar Data for Flood Extend Mapping
* Exploiting Random RGB and Sparse Features for Camera Pose Estimation
* Exploring Context with Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Exploring Multispectral ALS Data for Tree Species Classification
* Exponential Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for Face Recognition
* Extended Filtered Channel Framework for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Extending the Life of Virtual Heritage: Reuse of Tls Point Clouds In Synthetic Stereoscopic Spherical Images
* Extent of Agricultural Land Damage in Various Tsunami Wave Height Scenarios: Disaster Management And Mitigation, The
* Extracting Key Segments of Videos for Event Detection by Learning From Web Sources
* Extracting the Principal Shape Components via Convex Programming
* Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling From Multispectral and SAR Satellite Imagery
* Extraction and Recognition of Shoe Logos with a Wide Variety of Appearance Using Two-Stage Classifiers
* Extraction of Greenhouse Areas with Image Processing Methods in Karabuk Province
* Eye feature point detection based on single convolutional neural network
* Eye localization method based on contour detection and D-S evidence theory
* Face biometric quality assessment via light CNN
* Face to face - close range inspection of head vases
* Faces in Places: compound query retrieval
* Facial expression recognition using intra-class variation reduced features and manifold regularisation dictionary pair learning
* Factorized Binary Codes for Large-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search
* Failure Mechanism Analysis Considers the Hydrological And Seismic Conditions At Chashan Site in Central Taiwan
* Fast and accurate circle tracking using active contour models
* Fast and Accurate Poisson Denoising With Trainable Nonlinear Diffusion
* Fast and robust occluded face detection in ATM surveillance
* Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Voronoi Region Partitioning and Image Segmentation
* Fast Eigen Matching
* Fast Feature-Less Quaternion-based Particle Swarm Optimization for Object Pose Estimation From RGB-D Images
* Fast Hash-Based Inter-Block Matching for Screen Content Coding
* Fast J-linkage algorithm for camera orientation applications
* Fast Volume Seam Carving With Multipass Dynamic Programming
* Fast-Scanning Phased-Array Weather Radar With Angular Imaging Technique
* Feasibility of Estimating Cloudy-Sky Surface Longwave Net Radiation Using Satellite-Derived Surface Shortwave Net Radiation
* Feasibility of Oscar As An Information System for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Built Heritage, The
* Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documentation In Nepal
* Feature Orientation And Positional Accuracy Assessment of Digital Orthophoto And Line Map for Large Scale Mapping: the Case Study On Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia
* Feature Vector Construction Method for Iris Recognition
* Filtering 3D Keypoints Using GIST For Accurate Image-Based Localization
* Fine-grained Recognition in the Noisy Wild: Sensitivity Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks Approaches
* Finite mixtures of skewed matrix variate distributions
* Finsler Geodesics Evolution Model for Region based Active Contours
* First Experiences with the Trimble Sx10 Scanning Total Station For Building Facade Survey
* Fisheye Lenses for 3D Modeling: Evaluations And Considerations
* Fisheye Photogrammetry: Tests And Methodologies for the Survey Of Narrow Spaces
* Fitting A Point Cloud to A 3D Polyhedral Surface
* Flash Flood Mapping for Mountain Streams Using High-resolution Alos-2 Data
* Flat Versus Hemispherical Dome Ports in Underwater Photogrammetry
* Flood Vulnerability Reduction, Using A Partial Participatory Gis Approach. A Study Case in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
* Flying small target detection in IR images based on adaptive toggle operator
* Focal Mechanisms of the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence Inferred from High-Rate GPS and Broadband Seismic Waveforms
* Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager High Resolution Visible Channel
* Folk Dance Pattern Recognition Over Depth Images Acquired Via Kinect Sensor
* Food Vulnerability And Alluvial Farming for Food Security in Central Dry Zone Area of Myanmar
* For A Consciuos Fruition of the Cultural Heritage of Ancient Noto (Sicily). Efian Project As Opportunity for Valorisation
* Foreground Detection On Depth Maps Using Skeletal Representation Of Object Silhouettes
* Foreground detection using texture-based codebook method for monitoring systems
* Forest Stem Volume Calculation Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for Geospatial Data Analysis
* Foreword to the theme issue on geospatial computer vision
* Forging voices and faces
* FOSS4G Date Assessment On the Isprs Optical Stereo Satellite Data: A Benchmark for DSM Generation
* Found a Good Match: Should I Keep Searching?: Accuracy and Performance in Iris Matching Using 1-to-First Search
* Fourier Domain Iterative Approach to Optical Sectioning of 3d Translucent Objects for Ophthalmology Purposes
* Framelet-Based Iterative Pan-Sharpening Approach, A
* Free Global DSM Assessment On Large Scale Areas Exploiting The Potentialities of the Innovative Google Earth Engine Platform
* Freeway speed harmonisation experiment using connected and automated vehicles
* From Cultural Path to Cultural Route: A Value-led Risk Management Method for Via Iulia Augusta in Albenga (italy)
* From Daguerreotypes to Digital Automatic Photogrammetry. Applications And Limits for the Built Heritage Project
* From Documentation Images to Restauration Support Tools: A Path Following the Neptune Fountain in Bologna Design Process
* From Excavations to Web: A GIS for Archaeology
* From Field Work to Deliverables. Experiences On the Tin House Courtyard Documentation
* From Metric Image Archives to Point Cloud Reconstruction: Case Study Of The Great Mosque of Aleppo in Syria
* From models to reality, And Return. Some Reflections On The Interaction Between Survey And Interpretative Methods for Built Heritage Conservation
* From OSS CAD to BIM for Cultural Heritage Digital Representation
* From SFM to 3D Print: Automated Workflow Addressed to Practitioner Aimed At the Conservation And Restauration
* From Survey to FEM Analysis for Documentation of Built Heritage: The Case Study of Villa Revedin-bolasco
* From The Road Sign To The Map: 3d Modeling In Support Of The Urban And Rural Road Conditions
* From TLS Point Clouds to 3D Models of Trees: A Comparison of Existing Algorithms for 3D Tree Reconstruction
* From Tls Survey to 3D Solid Modeling for Documentation of Built Heritage: the Case Study of Porta Savonarola in Padua
* From Virtual to Material Restoration. A Proposal for the Reassembly Of The Altar of the Holy Heart of Mary in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Gerace (reggio Calabria, Italy)
* Full Scale Regression-Based Injection Coefficients for Panchromatic Sharpening
* Fully Automatic Feature-based Registration of Mobile Mapping And Aerial Nadir Images for Enabling the Adjustment of Mobile Platform Locations In GNSS-denied Urban Environments
* Fully Automatic Myocardial Segmentation of Contrast Echocardiography Sequence Using Random Forests Guided by Shape Model
* Fully Connected Network-Based Intra Prediction for Image Coding
* Fully-trainable deep matching
* Fusing Georeferenced and Stereoscopic Image Data for 3D Building Façade Reconstruction
* Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post-earthquake 3d Modeling of A Cultural Heritage Church
* Fuzzy classifiers with information granules in feature space and logic-based computing
* Gait Recognition Based On Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gamma Characteristic of Reconstructed PET Images: Implications for ROI Analysis, The
* General Approach to Enhance Short Wave Satellite Imagery by Removing Background Atmospheric Effects, A
* General Human Traits Oriented Generic Elastic Model for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Generating Accurate 3D Models of Architectural Heritage Structures Using Low-cost Camera And Open Source Algorithms
* Generation And Assessment of High Resolution Digital Surface Model By Using Unmanned Air Vehicle Based Multicopter
* Geo-Distinctive Visual Element Matching for Location Estimation of Images
* Geographic Information System And Remote Sensing Based Disaster Management And Decision Support Platform: Aydes
* Geographical Assesment of Results From Preventing the Parameter Tampering in A Web Application
* Geographically Weighted Area-to-Point Regression Kriging for Spatial Downscaling in Remote Sensing
* Geoinformation Approach for Complex Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazard
* Geoinformation Tools Providing Estimations Of Vegetation Areal Damages Caused By Wild Fire Disasters
* Geomatic 3D Modeling of a Statue (also) for Structural Analysis and Risk Evaluation: the Example of San Giovannino Martelli in Florence
* Geomatic Methodologies for the Study of Teatro Massimo in Palermo (Italy)
* Geomatics As A Survey Tool to Document And Enhance the Cultural And Landscaped Heritage of the Monumental Complexes in the Mountains Of Abruzzo
* Geomatics Contribution for the Valorisation Project in the Rocca Of San Silvestro Landscape Site, The
* Geomatics Mapping of Natural Hazards: Overview And Experiences
* Geometric Accuracy Analysis of WorldDEM in Relation to AW3D30, SRTM and Aster GDEM2
* Geometric Accuracy of Sentinel-1A and 1B Derived from SAR Raw Data with GPS Surveyed Corner Reflector Positions
* Geometric Calibration and Validation for the Zy3-02 Satellite Optical Image, The
* Geometric Image Labeling with Global Convex Labeling Constraints
* Geometric Processing Workflow for Transforming Reality-based 3d Models in Volumetric Meshes Suitable for FEA, A
* Geometric Stitching Method for Double Cameras with Weak Convergence Geometry
* Geometrical Similarity Pattern As An Experimental Model for Shapes In Architectural Heritage: A Case Study of the Base of the Pillars in The Cathedral of Seville And the Church of Santiago in Jerez, Spain, A
* Geopan At@s: A Brokering Based Gateway to Georeferenced Historical Maps For Risk Analysis
* Georeferencing in GNSS-challenged Environment: Integrating UWB and IMU Technologies
* Geospatial Data Processing for 3D City Model Generation, Management And Visualization
* Geostatistical Analysis For Landslide Prediction In Transilvania, Romania
* Geostatistical Seismic Analysis And Hazard Assessment; United Arab Emirates
* GF-7 Imaging Simulation and DSM Accuracy Estimate
* Global Deconvolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Global Low-Rank Image Restoration With Gaussian Mixture Model
* Global MODIS Fraction of Green Vegetation Cover for Monitoring Abrupt and Gradual Vegetation Changes
* GoDP: Globally Optimized Dual Pathway deep network architecture for facial landmark localization in-the-wild
* Going deeper with two-stream ConvNets for action recognition in video surveillance
* GPU-based segmentation of retinal blood vessels
* GPU-parallel interpolation using the edge-direction based normal vector method for terrain triangular mesh
* Gracker: A Graph-Based Planar Object Tracker
* Graph Anomaly Detection Based on Steiner Connectivity and Density
* Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* Graph regularised sparse NMF factorisation for imagery de-noising
* Graph Signal Processing Perspective on Functional Brain Imaging, A
* Graph Spectral Image Processing
* Graph Theoretic Approach for Shape from Shading, A
* Graph-Based Video Search Reranking with Local and Global Consistency Analysis
* Grayscale-Inversion and Rotation Invariant Texture Description Using Sorted Local Gradient Pattern
* Ground And Aerial Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Providing Tools for 3D Exploitation of Archaeological Data
* Ground segmentation and free space estimation in off-road terrain
* Groundwater Depletion in the West Liaohe River Basin, China and Its Implications Revealed by GRACE and In Situ Measurements
* Guest editorial: special issue on spatial computing in emergency management
* Guidelines for A Digital Reinterpretation of Architectural Restoration Work: Reality-based Models And Reverse Modelling Techniques Applied To The Architectural Decoration of the Teatro Marittimo, Villa Adriana
* Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double-Sided Embedding Error Diffusion
* Harnessing Digital Workflows for Conserving Historic Places
* Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote Sensing over Beijing and Xuzhou, China
* HBIM Challenge Among the Paradigm of Complexity, Tools And Preservation: the Basilica Di Collemaggio 8 Years After the Earthquake (L'aquila)
* Heritage House Maintenance Using 3D City Model Application Domain Extension Approach
* Heritage Survey And Scientific Analysis of the Watchtowers That Defended the Last Islamic Kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula (thirteen To Fifeteenth Century)
* Heterogeneity Index for the Assessment of Relationship Between Land Use Pattern and Road Traffic Congestion in Apapa-Oworoshoki Express Way, Lagos Metropolis
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition by Margin-Based Cross-Modality Metric Learning
* Hierarchical palmprint feature extraction and recognition based on multi-wavelets and complex network
* Hierarchical Regularization of Polygons for Photogrammetric Point Clouds of Oblique Images
* Hierarchical Structure From Motion Combining Global Image Orientation And Structureless Bundle Adjustment
* high payload steganography mechanism based on wavelet packet transformation and neutrosophic set, A
* High Scale 3D Modelling And Orthophoto of Curved Masonries for A Multipurpose Representation, Analysis And Assessment
* High-quality 3D Models And Their Use in A Cultural Heritage Conservation Project
* High-resolution Urban Greenery Mapping for Micro-climate Modelling Based On 3D City Models
* Highly Efficient Regression for Scalable Person Re-Identification
* Highway Traffic Flow Estimation for Surveillance Scenes Damaged by Rain
* Hijazi Architectural Object Library (HAOL)
* Historic BIM: A New Repository for Structural Health Monitoring
* Historical Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the 3d Virtual Reconstruction of Destroyed Structures: A Case Study in Italy
* Holistically Constrained Local Model: Going Beyond Frontal Poses for Facial Landmark Detection
* Horizon Lines in the Wild
* Human motion segmentation using collaborative representations of 3D skeletal sequences
* Humanitarian Aid Distribution Framework for Natural Disaster Management
* HY-2A Altimeter Data Initial Assessment and Corresponding Two-Pass Waveform Retracker
* Hybrid Approach for Fog Retrieval Based on a Combination of Satellite and Ground Truth Data, A
* Hybrid Approach For Prediction Of Changes In Landslide Rates Based On Clustering And A Decision Tree, A
* Hybrid approach for variable speed limit implementation and application to mixed traffic conditions with connected autonomous vehicles
* Hybrid Color Mapping Approach to Fusing MODIS and Landsat Images for Forward Prediction, A
* hybrid MLP-CNN classifier for very fine resolution remotely sensed image classification, A
* Hybrid Probabilistic Sparse Coding With Spatial Neighbor Tensor for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Hydrothemal Alteration Mapping Using Feature-oriented Principal Component Selection (FPCS) Method to Aster Data:wikki And Mawulgo Thermal Springs, Yankari Park, Nigeria
* Hyperspectral image classification based on adaptive-weighted LLE and clustering-based FSVMs
* Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Approach Based on Local Adaptive Sparse Unmixing and Subpixel Calibration
* Hyperspectral pansharpening based on guided filter and Gaussian filter
* I Have Seen Enough: Transferring Parts Across Categories
* Icing Detection over East Asia from Geostationary Satellite Data Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Identifying the Role of National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) In Malaysia And for Land-based Analysis
* II: Integration of Remote Sensing Medium and Low Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
* Illumination robust face recognition using random projection and sparse representation
* Illumination-Aware Large Displacement Optical Flow
* Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering Based on Attributes and External Knowledge
* Image Captioning with Sentiment Terms via Weakly-Supervised Sentiment Dataset
* Image self-recovery with watermark self-embedding
* Image set-based classification using collaborative exemplars representation
* Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey
* Image-based 3D Reconstruction Data As An Analysis And Documentation Tool for Architects: the Case of Plaka Bridge in Greece
* Image-Based Food Calorie Estimation Using Recipe Information
* Image-Based Learning to Measure Traffic Density Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Image-based Virtual Tours And 3D Modeling of Past And Current Ages For The Enhancement of Archaeological Parks: the Visualversilia 3D Project
* Impact Assessment of Mikania Micrantha On Land Cover And Maxent Modeling to Predict Its Potential Invasion Sites
* Impact Localization on Rigid Surfaces Using Hermitian Angle Distribution for Human-Computer Interface Applications
* Impact of Land Use Change to the Soil Erosion Estimation for Cultural Landscapes: Case Study of Paphos Disrict in Cyprus
* Impact of Surface Soil Moisture Variations on Radar Altimetry Echoes at Ku and Ka Bands in Semi-Arid Areas
* Impacts of 3D Aerosol, Cloud, and Water Vapor Variations on the Recent Brightening during the South Asian Monsoon Season
* Impatient DNNs: Deep Neural Networks with Dynamic Time Budgets
* Implementation of Spatial Planning Objects in a 3D Cadastral Model, The
* Implementing GIS to Improve Hospital Efficiency in Natural Disasters
* Importance of Digital Methods in Preservation of Cultural Heritage The Example of Zirnikli Mansion, The
* Importance of Ultrawide Bandwidth for Optoacoustic Esophagus Imaging
* Improved Bilateral Texture Filtering With Edge-Aware Measurement
* Improved Spatial Collocation and Parallax Correction Approaches for Calibration Accuracy Validation of Thermal Emissive Band on Geostationary Platform
* Improved SSIM IQA of contrast distortion based on the contrast sensitivity characteristics of HVS
* Improvement of stereo matching algorithm for 3D surface reconstruction
* Improving ASTER GDEM Accuracy Using Land Use-Based Linear Regression Methods: A Case Study of Lianyungang, East China
* Improving Google's Cartographer 3D Mapping By Continuous-time Slam
* Improving Mesoscale Altimetric Data From a Multitracer Convolutional Processing of Standard Satellite-Derived Products
* Improving performance of pedestrian positioning by using vehicular communication signals
* Improving the Regional Applicability of Satellite Precipitation Products by Ensemble Algorithm
* Improving the Remote Sensing Retrieval of Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions: A Case Study in a Coastal Upwelling Region
* Improving Weakly-Supervised Object Localization By Micro-Annotation
* Incorporating Network Built-in Priors in Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Individual and Interactive Influences of Anthropogenic and Ecological Factors on Forest PM2.5 Concentrations at an Urban Scale
* Indoor Photogrammetry Using UAVs with Protective Structures: Issues And Precision Tests
* Indoor Space Location Model Based On Location Service
* Inferring Water Table Depth Dynamics from ENVISAT-ASAR C-Band Backscatter over a Range of Peatlands from Deeply-Drained to Natural Conditions
* Influence of Flight Planning And Camera Orientation in Uavs Photogrammetry. A Test in the Area of Rocca San Silvestro (LI), Tuscany, The
* Influence of Tropical Instability Waves on Phytoplankton Biomass near the Marquesas Islands
* Information Flow Settings in Building Rehabilitation
* Information System Framework for Integrated Risk Assessment From Natural Disasters
* Information-Compensated Downsampling for Image Super-Resolution
* Information-Theoretic Performance Analysis of Sensor Networks via Markov Modeling of Time Series Data
* Infrared Cephalic-vein to Assist Blood Extraction Tasks: Automatic Projection And Recognition
* Integrated Approach Based On Traditional Archaeological Surveys, Digital Recording Techniques And Historical Documentation for The Assessment of Threats Related to the Climate-sensitive Territorial Context, An
* Integrated Data Capturing Requirements for 3D Semantic Modelling Of Cultural Heritage: the Inception Protocol
* Integrated Digital Platform for the Valorization of A Cultural Landscape
* Integrated Monitoring System Through 3D Laser Scanner And Traditional Instruments for Load Test On Arch Bridge, An
* Integrated Rapid Mapping System for Disaster Management, An
* Integrated SFM Techniques Using Data Set From Google Earth 3D Model And From Street Level
* Integrated Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Technology for Monitoring The Environmental Problem of Shyamnagar
* Integrating Airborne LiDAR and Optical Data to Estimate Forest Aboveground Biomass in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of China
* Integrating QDWD with pattern distinctness and local contrast for underwater saliency detection
* Integration of 3D Models And Diagnostic Analyses Through A Conservation-oriented Information System
* Integration of Geomatics Techniques for Digitizing Highly Relevant Geological And Cultural Heritage Sites: the Case of San Leo (Italy)
* Integration of Infrared Thermography And Photogrammetric Surveying Of Built Landscape
* Integration of Point Clouds And Images Acquired from a Low-Cost NIR Camera Sensor for Cultural Heritage Purposes
* Integration of Point Clouds Dataset From Different Sensors
* Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Photogrammetry For The Assessment Of Collapse Risk In Alpine Glaciers
* Integrity Analysis of Real-Time PPP Technique with IGS-RTS Service for Maritime Navigation
* Inter-annual Height Variations Observed by GPS Measurements in Turkey
* Interactive 1-bit feedback segmentation using transductive inference
* Interactive Classification of Construction Materials: Feedback Driven Framework for Annotation And Analysis of 3D Point Clouds
* Interactive object segmentation in two phases
* Interdisciplinary Data Fusion for Diachronic 3D Reconstruction Of Historic Sites
* Interoperability Matter: Levels of Data Sharing, Starting from a 3D Information Modelling
* Inventory, Mapping, Geomorphic Characterization, And Validation Of Deep-setated Landslides Using Sky-view Factor Visualization: Northern, Central, And Southern Taiwan
* Inverse Lightfield Rendering for Shape, Reflection and Natural Illumination
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Targets with Complex Motion based on Optimized Non-Uniform Rotation Transform
* Investigating Integration Capabilities Between IFC and CityGML LOD3 for 3D City Modelling
* Investigating the Effect of Focus Stacking on SFM-MVS Algorithms
* Investigation of Spatial Data with Open Source Social Network Analysis And Geographic Information Systems Applications
* Investigation of Urban Growth Effects On Forest Area By Creating Different Simulation Scenarios
* IPST: Incremental Pictorial Structures for Model-Free Tracking of Deformable Objects
* Is the Law Ready for Driverless Cars?
* Is There Really a Closure Gap Between 183.31-GHz Satellite Passive Microwave and In Situ Radiosonde Water Vapor Measurements?
* Ising Models for Binary Clustering via Adiabatic Quantum Computing
* Isophote-Constrained Autoregressive Model With Adaptive Window Extension for Image Interpolation
* Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation and Quantification of Vascular Networks, An
* Iterative Feedback Control-Based Salient Object Segmentation
* Iterative Framework of Cascaded Deblocking and Superresolution for Compressed Images, An
* Iterative-based visualization-oriented fusion scheme for hyperspectral images
* Joint Alignment of Multiple Point Sets with Batch and Incremental Expectation-Maximization
* Joint binocular energy-contrast perception for quality assessment of stereoscopic images
* Joint Convolutional Neural Networks and Context Transfer for Street Scenes Labeling, A
* Joint Denoising/Compression of Image Contours via Shape Prior and Context Tree
* Joint Multi-Leaf Segmentation, Alignment, and Tracking for Fluorescence Plant Videos
* Joint Reconstruction and Anomaly Detection From Compressive Hyperspectral Images Using Mahalanobis Distance-Regularized Tensor RPCA
* Joint Reconstruction of Tracer Distribution and Background in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Joint Vertebrae Identification and Localization in Spinal CT Images by Combining Short- and Long-Range Contextual Information
* Jointly Learning Non-negative Projection and Dictionary with Discriminative Graph Constraints for Classification
* Key Frame Extraction in the Summary Space
* Key-Frame-Based Background Sprite Generation for Hole Filling in Depth Image-Based Rendering
* Knowledge-Guided Deep Fractal Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* LADM And Interlis as a Perfect Match for 3D Cadastre
* Lake Area Changes and Their Influence on Factors in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions along the Silk Road
* Land Administration Support for Post-disaster Management
* Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Data for Harmonized Official Statistics
* Land Use/land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-temporal Satellite Dataset: A Case Study in Istanbul New Airport
* Land Use/land Cover Changes in Semi-arid Mountain Landscape in Southern India: A Geoinformatics Based Markov Chain Approach
* Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Modeling of Urban Land Expansion by the Integration of Cellular Automata and Markov Chain
* Landmark based localization in urban environment
* Landmark Image Retrieval by Jointing Feature Refinement and Multimodal Classifier Learning
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Change Detection Analysis
* Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal DATA: A Comparative Study Using Fuzzy Based Classifiers
* Landslide Monitoring And Assessment For Highway Retainingwall: The Case Study of Taskent(Turkey) Landslide
* Landslide Monitoring Using INSAR Time-series and GPS Observations, Case Study: Shabkola Landslide In Northern Iran
* Landslide Risk Management in the Urban Development of Sandnes (Norway)
* Lane Level Localization; Using Images and HD Maps to Mitigate The Lateral Error
* Large-Area Gap Filling of Landsat Reflectance Time Series by Spectral-Angle-Mapper Based Spatio-Temporal Similarity (SAMSTS)
* Laser Scanning And Modelling of Barely Visible Features: the Survey Of The Grotto of the Animals At the Villa of Castello (florence)
* Laser-scanner Survey of Structural Disorders: An Instrument to Inspect The History of Parma Cathedral's Central Nave
* Learning a constrained conditional random field for enhanced segmentation of fallen trees in ALS point clouds
* Learning a deep network with spherical part model for 3D hand pose estimation
* Learning Additive Kernel For Feature Transformation and Its Application to CNN Features
* Learning Discrete Matrix Factorization Models
* Learning effective binary descriptors for micro-expression recognition transferred by macro-information
* Learning from scratch a confidence measure
* Learning Geomatics for Restoration: Icomos Summer School in Ossola Valley
* Learning Grimaces by Watching TV
* Learning local feature descriptors with triplets and shallow convolutional neural networks
* Learning Neural Network Architectures using Backpropagation
* Learning of Separable Filters by Stacked Fisher Convolutional Autoencoders
* Learning Oriented Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Detection in Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* Learning Robust Graph Regularisation for Subspace Clustering
* Learning Semantic Part-Based Models from Google Images
* Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super-Resolution: A Deep Learning Approach
* Learning to Detect and Match Keypoints with Deep Architectures
* Learning to Invert Local Binary Patterns
* Learning View-Specific Deep Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Learning-Based Cost Functions for 3-D and 4-D Multi-Surface Multi-Object Segmentation of Knee MRI: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Learning-Based Just-Noticeable-Quantization- Distortion Modeling for Perceptual Video Coding
* Least Squares Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function for Digital Terrain Model Interpolation from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Lesion Detection in Ct Images Using Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Technique
* Leveraging Existing Heritage Documentation for Animations: Senate Virtual Tour
* Limited-Memory Belief Propagation via Nested Optimization
* Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view
* Line-Based SLAM Using Non-Overlapping Cameras in an Urban Environment
* Lithological Classification Using Sentinel-2A Data in the Shibanjing Ophiolite Complex in Inner Mongolia, China
* Liver MRI segmentation with edge-preserved intensity inhomogeneity correction
* Local directional ZigZag pattern: A rotation invariant descriptor for texture classification
* Local Effects of Forests on Temperatures across Europe
* Local Shape Transfer for Image Co-segmentation
* Locality sensitive hashing based space partitioning approach for indexing multidimensional feature vectors of fingerprint image data
* Localization of Pathology On Complex Architecture Building Surfaces
* Localized Segment Based Processing for Automatic Building Extraction From Lidar Data
* Localizing Periodicity in Time Series and Videos
* Locally Linear Approximation Approach for Incomplete Data
* Location Uncertainty Principle: Toward the Definition of Parameter-Free Motion Estimators
* Loglet SIFT for Part Description in Deformable Part Models: Application to Face Alignment
* Long-Term Changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians
* Long-Term Monitoring of the Impacts of Disaster on Human Activity Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study of the 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
* Long-Term Subsidence in Lava Fields at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Measured by InSAR: New Insights for Interpretation of the Eastern Flank Motion
* Long-Term Temporal Convolutions for Action Recognition
* LOOP Descriptor: Local Optimal-Oriented Pattern
* Low-complexity inter-layer residual prediction for scalable video coding
* Low-Complexity LS Turbo Channel Estimation Technique for MU-MIMO Systems, A
* Low-cost 3D Laser Scanning in Air Orwater Using Self-calibrating Structured Light
* Low-cost Markerless Tracking System for Trajectory Interpretation, A
* LSTM for Image Annotation with Relative Visual Importance
* Luminance-Guided Chrominance Denoising with Debiased Coupled Total Variation
* L_1 Graph Based Sparse Model for Label De-noising
* Main Features of a 3D GIS for A Monumental Complex with An Historical-cultural Relevance
* Main Portal of the Cathedral of Monreale: First Geometric Analysis And Interpretive Assessment of Architectural Features, The
* Making a long story short: A multi-importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects
* Manhole Cover Localization in Aerial Images with A Deep Learning Approach
* Manifold-Based Visual Object Counting
* Map Archive Mining: Visual-Analytical Approaches to Explore Large Historical Map Collections
* Mapping Auto-context Decision Forests to Deep ConvNets for Semantic Segmentation
* Mapping Forest Characteristics at Fine Resolution across Large Landscapes of the Southeastern United States Using NAIP Imagery and FIA Field Plot Data
* Mapping Heritage: Geospatial Online Databases of Historic Roads. The Case of the N-340 Roadway Corridor on the Spanish Mediterranean
* Mapping Infected Area After A Flash-flooding Storm Using Multi Criteria Analysis And Spectral Indices
* MARO: matrix rank optimization for the detection of small-size moving objects from aerial camera platforms
* Matching by Monotonic Tone Mapping
* Material-Specific Chromaticity Priors
* Material/historic Reality: Catching the Transformation. From A Case Of Applied Research to the Trans-disciplinary Approach to Preserve Architecture
* Matrix completion via capped nuclear norm
* Maximum Consensus Parameter Estimation by Reweighted L_1 Methods
* maximum likelihood filter using non-local information for despeckling of ultrasound images, A
* Maximum Margin Linear Classifiers in Unions of Subspaces
* Maxxi Museum in Rome: An Integrated Survey Experience for The Restoration of Contemporary Architecture, The
* MBest Struct: M-Best diverse sampling for structured tracker
* MCast: High-Quality Linear Video Transmission With Time and Frequency Diversities
* Mean Box Pooling: A Rich Image Representation and Output Embedding for the Visual Madlibs Task
* Mean-Based Blind Hard Decision Fusion Rules
* Measurement Based Appearance Modelling
* Measurements of Cuspal Slope Inclination Angles In Palaeoanthropological Applications
* Measurements on the Absolute 2-D and 3-D Localization Accuracy of TerraSAR-X
* Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns
* Measuring the effect of nuisance variables on classifiers
* Memory-based Gait Recognition
* Merging Geometric Documentation with Materials Characterization And Analysis of the History of the Holy Aedicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
* Method for Robust Estimation of Vegetation Seasonality from Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data, A
* Method of Mining Association Rules for Geographical Points of Interest, A
* Method of Retrieving BRDF from Surface-Reflected Radiance Using Decoupling of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Surface Reflection, A
* Methodology to Adapt Photogrammetric Models to Virtual Reality For Oculus Gear VR, A
* Methodology to Detect and Characterize Uplift Phenomena in Urban Areas Using Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System
* Metric Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Research Directions From The Italian Gamher Project
* Metric Evaluation Pipeline for 3D Modeling of Urban Scenes
* Metric Survey and BIM Technologies to Record Decay Conditions
* Mixed-Timescale Per-Group Hybrid Precoding for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems
* MLBoost Revisited: A Faster Metric Learning Algorithm for Identity-Based Face Retrieval
* Mobile Pass Project: A User Interaction Evaluation, The
* Model Selection for Parametric Surfaces Approximating 3D Point Clouds for Deformation Analysis
* Modeling and Testing of Growth Status for Chinese Cabbage and White Radish with UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Modeling Environments Hierarchically with Omnidirectional Imaging and Global-Appearance Descriptors
* Modeling Interferometric SAR Features of Forest Canopies Over Mountainous Area at Landscape Scales
* Modeling Intradriver Steering Variability Based on Sensorimotor Control Theories
* Modeling Orbital Error in InSAR Interferogram Using Frequency and Spatial Domain Based Methods
* Modeling Surface Energy Fluxes over a Dehesa (Oak Savanna) Ecosystem Using a Thermal Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) I
* Modeling the Decay in an HBIM Starting From 3D Point Clouds. A Followed Approach for Cultural Heritage Knowledge
* Modelling and Accuracy in a BIM Environment for Planned Conservation: The Apartment of Troia of Giulio Romano
* Modelling of Biometric Identification System with Given Parameters Using Colored Petri Nets
* Modelling Single Tree Structure with Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Modelling Stable Backward Diffusion and Repulsive Swarms with Convex Energies and Range Constraints
* Modern Processing Capabilities of Analog Data from Documentation of the Great Omayyad Mosque in Aleppo, Syria, Damaged In Civil War
* MODIS Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as an Estimator of Isoprene Emissions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest, A
* Modulation of Ka-Band Doppler Radar Signals Backscattered From the Sea Surface
* Modulation of Tidal Channel Signatures on SAR Images Over Gyeonggi Bay in Relation to Environmental Factors
* Monitoring And Analysis of the Chinese Traditional Architecture Painting Decay: the Case of Jilan Pavilion in the Summer Palace, The
* Monitoring And Estimation of Soil Losses From Ephemeral Gully Erosion In Mediterranean Region Using Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Monitoring Erosion And Accretion Situation in the Coastal Zone At Kien Giang Province
* Monitoring Groundwater Storage Changes in the Loess Plateau Using GRACE Satellite Gravity Data, Hydrological Models and Coal Mining Data
* Monitoring of Horizontal Movements of High-rise Buildings and Tower Transmitters By Means of Ground-based Interferometric Radar
* Monitoring of Vibrations for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage:the Case of the Summer Palace in Beijing
* Monitoring Quarry Area with Landsat Long Time-Series for Socioeconomic Study
* Morphological Moments of Binary Images
* MSNet: Multi-Scale Convolutional Network for Point Cloud Classification
* Mtf Determination of Sentinel-4 Detector Arrays
* Multi-Agent Dynamic Routing of a Fleet of Cybercars
* Multi-Annual Kinematics of an Active Rock Glacier Quantified from Very High-Resolution DEMs: An Application-Case in the French Alps
* Multi-dimensional Pattern Discovery of Trajectories Using Contextual Information
* Multi-H: Efficient recovery of tangent planes in stereo images
* Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification
* Multi-object Convexity Shape Prior for Segmentation
* Multi-patches Iris Based Person Authentication System Using Particle Swarm Optimization And Fuzzy C-means Clustering
* Multi-Peak Estimation for Real-Time 3D Ping-Pong Ball Tracking with Double-Queue Based GPU Acceleration
* Multi-purpose bi-local CAT-based guidance filter
* Multi-resolution Fusion Model Incorporating Color And Elevation For Semantic Segmentation, A
* Multi-scale Colorectal Tumour Segmentation Using a Novel Coarse to Fine Strategy
* Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Fast Face Detection
* Multi-scale Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images By Integrating Multiple Features
* Multi-Source 3D Models Supporting Ultrasonic Test to Investigate An Egyptian Sculpture of the Archaeological Museum in Bologna
* Multi-source Data Approach for the Investigation of Land Subsidence In the Konya Basin, Turkey, A
* Multi-sourced, Remote Sensing Data in Levees Monitoring: Case Study Of Safedam Project
* Multi-stage ranking approach for fast person re-identification
* Multi-task Relative Attribute Prediction by Incorporating Local Context and Global Style Information
* Multi-Temporal DInSAR to Characterise Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)
* Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
* Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
* Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Road Maps and Car-Following Models
* Multi-vehicles dynamic navigating method for large-scale event crowd evacuations
* Multi-view Multi-illuminant Intrinsic Dataset
* Multi-view pose estimation with mixtures of parts and adaptive viewpoint selection
* Multichannel Staggered SAR Azimuth Processing
* Multicultural Facial Expression Recognition Based on Differences of Western-Caucasian and East-Asian Facial Expressions of Emotions
* Multidisciplinary Information System of Assyrian Cuneiform Tablets Enhancing New Research Possibilities Via Heterogeneous Data in Records
* Multidisciplinary Landslide Case Study: Devrek Landslide, A
* Multiframe Motion Coupling for Video Super Resolution
* Multiframe super-resolution based on a high-order spatially weighted regularisation
* Multilayer Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor Product of Greenland from MODIS, A
* Multiobjective Evolution of Biped Robot Gaits Using Advanced Continuous Ant-Colony Optimized Recurrent Neural Networks
* MultiPath Network for Object Detection, A
* Multiple 3D Approaches for the Architectural Study of the Medieval Abbey of Cormery in the Loire Valley
* Multiple Uses of A 3D Point Cloud: the Castle of Franchimont (province Of LiÈge, Belgium)
* Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinian Volcanic Eruption: The 2015 Calbuco Explosive Event in Chile
* Multiscale Documentation And Monitoring of L'aquila Historical Centre Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Multispectral Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
* Multispectral Imaging in Cultural Heritage Conservation
* Multispectral Photogrammetric Data Acquisition and Processing Forwall Paintings Studies
* Multitemporal 3D Modelling for Cultural Heritage Emergency During Seismic Events: Damage Assesment of S. Agostino Church in Amatrice (RI)
* Multiview max-margin subspace learning for cross-view gait recognition
* Musepick: An Integrated Technological Framework to Present the Complex Of Santissima Annunziata in Ascoli Piceno (Italy)
* MVP2P: Layer-dependency-aware live MVC video streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* N-d Virtual Notebook About the Basilica of S. Ambrogio in Milan: Information Modeling for the Communication of Historical Phases Subtraction Process, A
* Narrowband RFI Suppression for SAR System via Fast Implementation of Joint Sparsity and Low-Rank Property
* national geographic characteristics of online public opinion propagation in China based on WeChat network, The
* National Library of Kosovo PjetËr Bogdani Rapid Condition Assessment And Documentation, The
* Near real-time shadow detection and removal in aerial motion imagery application
* Near-Field Photometric Stereo in Ambient Light
* NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition
* New DTM Extraction Approach from Airborne Images Derived DSM
* new evolving-update-based feedback cancellation scheme for hearing aids, A
* New Geospatial Approaches for Efficiently Mapping Forest Biomass Logistics at High Resolution over Large Areas
* New Master Plan for Harran University Based On Geodesign, A
* New Method for Estimating the Effective Poisson's Ratio in Ultrasound Poroelastography, A
* New Methodologies for the Documentation of Fortified Architecture In The State of Ruins
* New Model-Based Method for Multi-View Human Body Tracking and Its Application to View Transfer in Image-Based Rendering, A
* New Opportunities of Low-cost Photogrammetry for Culture Heritage Preservation
* New Perspectives of Point Clouds Color Management: the Development Of Tool in Matlab for Applications in Cultural Heritage
* new robust watermarking system in integer DCT domain, A
* New semi-supervised classification using a multi-modal feature joint L21-norm based sparse representation
* New Spectral-spatial Framework for Classification of Hyperspectral Data, A
* New Strategy for Extracting ENSO Related Signals in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from GNSS RO Specific Humidity Observations, A
* New Tropical Peatland Gas and Particulate Emissions Factors Indicate 2015 Indonesian Fires Released Far More Particulate Matter (but Less Methane) than Current Inventories Imply
* new variational model for joint restoration and segmentation based on the Mumford-Shah model, A
* Next-Best Stereo: Extending Next-Best View Optimisation For Collaborative Sensors
* Non-greedy Max-min Large Margin based on L1-norm
* Non-rigid point set registration using dual-feature finite mixture model and global-local structural preservation
* Non-stationary deep network for restoration of non-Stationary lens blur
* Nonlinear Compressed Sensing for Multi-emitter X-Ray Imaging
* Nonlinear subspace clustering for image clustering
* Novel Affine and Contrast Invariant Descriptor for Infrared and Visible Image Registration, A
* Novel Approach for Identifying Urban Built-Up Area Boundaries Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Data Based on the Scale Effect, A
* novel computational knowledge-base framework for visualization and quantification of geospatial metadata in spatial data infrastructures, A
* Novel Defogging Algorithm Based on the Joint Use of Saturation and Color Attenuation Prior
* Novel Efficient 3D Short-Range Imaging Algorithms for a Scanning 1D-MIMO Array
* novel hierarchical-based framework for upper bound computation of graph edit distance, A
* novel multi-view dimensionality reduction and recognition framework with applications to face recognition, A
* novel texture segmentation method based on co-occurrence energy-driven parametric active contour model, A
* NRSfM-Flow: Recovering Non-Rigid Scene Flow from Monocular Image Sequences
* NSCT-PCNN image fusion based on image gradient motivation
* NWP-Based Adjustment of IMERG Precipitation for Flood-Inducing Complex Terrain Storms: Evaluation over CONUS
* Object Manifold Alignment for Multi-temporal High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Classification
* Object Scene Flow
* Object Specific Deep Feature for Face Detection
* Object-based Teaching And Learning for A Critical Assessment of Digital Technologies in Arts And Cultural Heritage
* Object-level saliency: Fusing objectness estimation and saliency detection into a uniform framework
* Object-oriented Approach for 3D Archaeological Documentation
* Object-oriented Classification of LIDAR Data for Post-Earthquake Damage Detection
* Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics, An
* Oblique Photogrammetry Supporting 3D Urban Reconstruction of Complex Scenarios
* Observing Scattering Mechanisms of Bubbled Freshwater Lake Ice Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 (C-Band) and UW-Scat (X- and Ku-Bands)
* Occluded face recognition using low-rank regression with generalized gradient direction
* Occlusion-aware 3D Morphable Face Models
* Octree-Based Approach towards Efficient Variational Range Data Fusion, An
* On the Design of High Resolution Imaging Systems
* On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring
* On the vulnerability of deep learning to adversarial attacks for camera model identification
* OnionNet: Sharing Features in Cascaded Deep Classifiers
* Online 3D Database System for Endangered Architectural and Archaeological Heritage in the South-eastern Mediterranean, An
* Online Feature Selection for Visual Tracking
* Online Modeling of Esthetic Communities Using Deep Perception Graph Analytics
* Online object tracking via motion-guided convolutional neural network (MGNet)
* Optimisation of Savannah Land Cover Characterisation with Optical and SAR Data
* Optimised photometric stereo via non-convex variational minimisation
* Optimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Based on Semantic Information of Oblique UAV Images
* optimized multi agent-based modeling of smart rescue operation, An
* Optimized Regressor Forest for Image Super-Resolution
* Optimized superpixel and AdaBoost classifier for human thermal face recognition
* Optimizing Pedestrian-friendly Walking Path for the First And Last Mile Transit Journey By Using the Analytical Network Process (ANP) Decision Model and GIS Network Analysis
* Optimizing the Detection Performance of Smart Camera Networks Through a Probabilistic Image-Based Model
* Optimizing Wavelet Bases for Sparser Representations
* Oracle Performance for Visual Captioning
* OSCAR: a framework to integrate spatial computing ability and data aggregation for emergency management of public health
* Outlier Rejection for Absolute Pose Estimation with Known Orientation
* Overview of Digital Forensics Algorithms in DSLR Cameras
* Overview of Photogrammetric Measurement Techniques in Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Endoscopes
* Palmprint gender classification by convolutional neural network
* Palmyra As It Once Was: 3D Virtual Reconstruction And Visualization Of An Irreplacable Lost Treasure
* Pansharpening of Rasat And GÖktÜrk-2 Images Via High Pass Filter
* Pansharpening scheme using filtering in two-dimensional discrete fractional Fourier transform
* Pansharpening Techniques to Detect Mass Monument Damaging in Iraq
* Pansharpening With Multiscale Geometric Support Tensor Machine
* Parallel Implementation of Algorithms for Finding the Reflection Symmetry of the Binary Images, The
* Parallel real-time virtual dimensionality estimation for hyperspectral images
* Parametric Modelling of As-built Beam Framed Structure in BIM Environment
* Parametric Representation of the Speaker's Lips for Multimodal Sign Language And Speech Recognition
* Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis Using High-Resolution X-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
* Patch Based Confidence Prediction for Dense Disparity Map
* Patch-Based Face Recognition Using a Hierarchical Multi-Label Matcher
* PatchIt: Self-Supervised Network Weight Initialization for Fine-grained Recognition
* Paxel: A Generic Framework to Superimpose High-Frequency Print Patterns Using Projected Light
* Pedestrian Detectability Estimation Considering Visual Adaptation to Drastic Illumination Change
* Pedestrians' Receptivity Toward Fully Automated Vehicles: Research Review and Roadmap for Future Research
* Perception Modelling of Visitors in Vargas Museum Using Agent-based Simulation And Visibility Analysis
* Perceptually motivated enhancement method for non-uniformly illuminated images
* Performance Analysis of Airborne Photon- Counting Lidar Data in Preparation for the ICESat-2 Mission
* Performance Analysis of Low-cost Single-Frequency GPS Receivers In Hydrographic Surveying
* Performance Investigation of A Handheld 3D Scanner to Define Good Practices for Small Artefact 3D Modeling
* Permuted Coordinate-Wise Optimizations Applied to Lp-Regularized Image Deconvolution
* Person re-identification by kernel null space marginal Fisher analysis
* Person Re-identification in Appearance Impaired Scenarios
* Photogrammetric Analysis of Historical Image Repositories for Virtual Reconstruction in the Field of Digital Humanities
* Photogrammetric Recording And Reconstruction of Town Scale Models: The Case of the Plan-relief of Strasbourg
* Photogrammetric Techniques for Analysis And Visualization of Changes In 2d And 3D Data: Plastic Surgery Application
* Photogrammetry As A Tool for Chronological Dating of Fired Bricks Structures in Genoa Area
* Photogrammetry Driven Tools to Support the Restoration of Open-air Bronze Surfaces of Sculptures: An Integrated Solution Starting From The Experience of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna
* Photogrammetry in 3D Modelling of Human Bone Structures From Radiographs
* Physics 101: Learning Physical Object Properties from Unlabeled Videos
* Pixel Selection and Intensity Directed Symmetry for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Matching System
* Pixel-based Classification Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Using Sentinel-2 And Landsat-8 Data
* Pixel-by-pixel Estimation of Scene Motion in Video
* Pixel-by-Pixel Scattering Mechanism Vector Optimization in High-Resolution PolInSAR
* Places: A 10 Million Image Database for Scene Recognition
* Planning By Using Digital Technology in the Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Qiong-lin Settlement in Kinmen Area
* Plasmaspheric Electron Content Inferred from Residuals between GNSS-Derived and TOPEX/JASON Vertical TEC Data
* Platooning of Connected Vehicles With Undirected Topologies: Robustness Analysis and Distributed H-infinity Controller Synthesis
* Play and Learn: Using Video Games to Train Computer Vision Models
* Point Cloud Analysis for Conservation and Enhancement of Modernist Architecture
* Point Cloud Derived From Video Frames: Accuracy Assessment in Relation To Terrestrial Laser Scanningand Digital Camera Data
* Point Cloud Management Through the Realization of the Intelligent Cloud Viewer Software
* Point of Gaze Estimation Using Corneal Surface Reflection and Omnidirectional Camera Image
* Point-based spatial colour sampling in Milano-Retinex: a survey
* PointFlow: A Model for Automatically Tracing Object Boundaries and Inferring Illusory Contours
* Pointing Angle Calibration of Zy3-02 Satellite Laser Altimeter Using Terrain Matching
* Poisson Noise Removal for Image Demosaicing
* Pole-Like Road Furniture Detection and Decomposition in Mobile Laser Scanning Data Based on Spatial Relations
* Police-less multi-party traffic violation detection and reporting system with privacy preservation
* Populating A Library of Reusable H-BOMS: Assessment of A Feasible Image Based Modeling Workflow
* Pose-Robust 3D Facial Landmark Estimation from a Single 2D Image
* Possibilities of the Joint Use of Optical And Radar Data in Flood Space Monitoring
* Possible Contributions Of Citizen Science for Landslide Hazard Assessment
* Post-hurricane Damage Assessment On Greenhouse Fields With Use Of Sar Data
* Practical Approach to Landsat 8 TIRS Stray Light Correction Using Multi-Sensor Measurements, A
* Practical View on Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Pre-processes for Urban Areas Detection in Sar Images
* pre-processing scheme for real-time registration of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images, A
* Predicting citywide crowd flows using deep spatio-temporal residual networks
* Predicting Missing Values in Spatio-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Predicting Selected Forest Stand Characteristics with Multispectral ALS Data
* Prediction of Rain Occurrence and Accumulation Using Multifrequency Radiometric Observations
* Pretraining for Hyperspectral Convolutional Neural Network Classification
* Primary Study on the Recording Method of Interior Decoration in Qing Dynasty: A Case Study of Interior Decoration of Jingfu Palace, A
* Prior-Based Quantization Bin Matching for Cloud Storage of JPEG Images
* Probabilistic Compositional Active Basis Models for Robust Pattern Recognition
* Probabilistic Obstacle Partitioning of Monocular Video for Autonomous Vehicles
* Probabilistic Reconstruction of Orthodox Churches From Precision Point Clouds Using Bayesian Networks And Cellular Automata
* Probabilistic Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Hashing
* Probe Oscillation Shear Wave Elastography: Initial In Vivo Results in Liver
* Problems And Limitations of Satellite Image Orientation For Determination of Height Models
* Procedural 3D Modelling for Traditional Settlements. the Case Study Of Central Zagori
* Processing of Crawled Urban Imagery for Building Use Classification
* Project Anqa: Digitizing And Documenting Cultural Heritage in The Middle East
* Projected Gradient Descent Method for CRF Inference Allowing End-to-End Training of Arbitrary Pairwise Potentials, A
* Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual Evapotranspiration for the Narmada River Basin in Central India in the Future
* Projective Unsupervised Flexible Embedding with Optimal Graph
* Prompt Methodology to Georeference Complex Hypogea Environments, A
* Proposed adaptive joint error-resilience concealment algorithms for efficient colour-plus-depth 3D video transmission
* Proposing A Digital Information System for the Management And Conservation of the Qhapaq Ñan: Andean Road System
* Proving the efficiency of template matching-based markerless tracking methods which consider the camera perspective deformations
* Pushbroom Hyperspectral Data Orientation by Combining Feature-Based and Area-Based Co-Registration Techniques
* Putting Roman Dams in Context: A Virtual Approach
* Quality Assessment of Sea Surface Temperature from ATSRs of the Climate Change Initiative (Phase 1)
* Quantifying Uncertainty in Satellite-Retrieved Land Surface Temperature from Cloud Detection Errors
* Quantum Interference and Shape Detection
* Quasi-Homography Warps in Image Stitching
* Railway Track Condition Assessment at Network Level by Frequency Domain Analysis of GPR Data
* Ranking-Preserving Low-Rank Factorization for Image Annotation With Missing Labels
* Rapid Disaster Mapping through Data Integration from UAVS and Multi-sensors Mounted on Investigation Platforms of Ndmi, Korea
* Rapid Mapping Of Forested Landslide From Ultra-high Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data
* Rate control schemes for panoramic video coding
* Rate-distortion analysis of structured sensing matrices for block compressive sensing of images
* Re-writing the Construction History of Boughton House (Northamptonshire, Uk) with the Help of Docu-tools®
* Real-Time Color Image Improvement System for Visual Testing of Nuclear Reactors
* Real-Time Intensity-Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras Using Manifold Regularisation
* Real-Time, Curvature-Sensitive Surface Simplification Using Depth Images
* Recent Sea Level Changes in the Black Sea From Satellite Gravity And Altimeter Mesurements
* Recoding Color Transfer as A Color Homography
* Recognition and Detection of Two-Person Interactive Actions Using Automatically Selected Skeleton Features
* Recognition of Transitional Action for Short-Term Action Prediction using Discriminative Temporal CNN Feature
* Reconstructing Buildings with Discontinuities And Roof Overhangs From Oblique Aerial Imagery
* Reconstruction for Spatially Distributed Single-Pixel Imaging Based on Pattern Filtering
* Reconstruction From Multiple Particles for 3D Isotropic Resolution in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Recording Information On Architectural Heritage Should Meet The Requirements for Conservation Digital Recording Practices at the Summer Palace
* Recovering Old Stereoscopic Negatives and Producing Digital 3D Models of Former Appearances of Historic Buildings
* Recurrent and Dynamic Models for Predicting Streaming Video Quality of Experience
* Reducing the oversegmentation induced by quasi-flat zones for multivariate images
* Reducing Uncertainties in Applying Remotely Sensed Land Use and Land Cover Maps in Land-Atmosphere Interaction: Identifying Change in Space and Time
* Reducing Uncertainty in Mapping of Mangrove Aboveground Biomass Using Airborne Discrete Return Lidar Data
* Reflective Regression of 2D-3D Face Shape Across Large Pose
* Region-Adaptive Deformable Registration of CT/MRI Pelvic Images via Learning-Based Image Synthesis
* Region-Based Multiple Description Coding for Multiview Video Plus Depth Video
* Regional Daily ET Estimates Based on the Gap-Filling Method of Surface Conductance
* Regional Gating Neural Networks for Multi-label Image Classification
* Regional Geological Mapping in the Graham Land of Antarctic Peninsula Using Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Data
* Registration Method of Point Clouds Collected By Mobile Lidar Using Solely Standard Las Files Information, A
* Rehabilitating Heritage Places) Structural Repairs And Conservation Works for Astor Kolkata, India
* Reinforcement online learning for emotion prediction by using physiological signals
* Relative Camera Pose Estimation Method Using Optimization On The Manifold
* Relative Orientation And Modified Piecewise Epipolar Resampling For High Resolution Satellite Images
* Reliability of Wind Speed Data From Satellite Altimeter to Support Wind Turbine Energy
* Remote Sensing and GIS Integration for Monitoring the Areas Affected by Forest Fires: A Case Study in Izmir, Turkey
* Remote Sensing Techniques In Disaster Management: Amynteon Mine Landslides, Greece
* Remote Sensing Techniques To Assess Post-fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales Via Multi-scale Model
* Remote Vibration Estimation Using Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna SAR for Strong Clutter Environments
* Representing local shape geometry from multi-view silhouette perspective: A distinctive and robust binary 3D feature
* Reprojection Flow for Image Registration Across Seasons
* Reputation-Aware, Trajectory-Based Recruitment of Smart Vehicles for Public Sensing
* Research On the Positioning of Protection And Utilization of Historic Districts Under Big Data Analysis
* Research Pathways of Forest Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Based on SAR Backscatter and Interferometric SAR Observations
* ReST-Net: Diverse Activation Modules and Parallel Subnets-Based CNN for Spatial Image Steganalysis
* Retina-Inspired Filter
* Retinal Microaneurysms Detection Using Local Convergence Index Features
* Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
* Return of the Siegesburg: 3d-reconstruction of A Disappeared And Forgotten Monument, The
* Revealing Recurrent Urban Congestion Evolution Patterns with Taxi Trajectories
* Reversed Sketch: A scalable and comparable shape representation
* Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correlations within color images
* Review of Point Clouds Segmentation And Classification Algorithms, A
* review of semantic segmentation using deep neural networks, A
* Review on Citizen Science (Citsci) Applications for Disaster Management, A
* Revisiting the GNSS-R Waveform Statistics and Its Impact on Altimetric Retrievals
* Roadside Magnetic Sensor System for Vehicle Detection in Urban Environments
* Robotics And Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Digitization And Fruition
* Robust 3D Car Shape Estimation from Landmarks in Monocular Image
* Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable Parts
* Robust 3D registration of CBCT images aggregating multiple estimates through random sampling
* Robust cross-pose face recognition using landmark oriented depth warping
* Robust Cylinder Fitting In Three-dimensional Point Cloud Data
* Robust discriminative nonnegative dictionary learning for occluded face recognition
* Robust feature selection via L2,1-norm in finite mixture of regression
* Robust Fusion for Multisensor Multiobject Tracking
* Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministically Bounded Channel Errors
* Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
* robust technique for copy-move forgery detection and localization in digital images via stationary wavelet and discrete cosine transform, A
* Robust Visual Tracking via Semiadaptive Weighted Convolutional Features
* Robustness of DR-LDP over PCANet for face analysis
* ROI Detection and Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Image
* Role of Context Selection in Object Detection, The
* Role of Social Factors in the Accessibility of Urban Areas for People with Motor Disabilities, The
* Role of Volunteered Geographic Information Applications in Disaster Management, The
* Roof Type Selection Based On Patch-based Classification Using Deep Learning for High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and recognition in video
* RPAS and TLS Tecniques for Archaeological Survey: The Case Study of the Archaeological Site of Eraclea Minoa (Italy)
* Saddle Position-Based Method for Extraction of Depressions in Fengcong Areas by Using Digital Elevation Models
* Safety Project: Sentinel-1 Based Tools for Geohazards Monitoring And Management
* Saliency Detection in Face Videos: A Data-Driven Approach
* Saliency detection integrating global and local information
* Saliency detection via bi-directional propagation
* Saliency driven region-edge-based top down level set evolution reveals the asynchronous focus in image segmentation
* Saliency fusion via sparse and double low rank decomposition
* Saliency-based dark channel prior model for single image haze removal
* Salient object detection using local, global and high contrast graphs
* Salient Object Detection via Recursive Sparse Representation
* Salient Region Detection via Discriminative Dictionary Learning and Joint Bayesian Inference
* San Carlo Dei Barnabiti: Restoration And Reinforcement of the Roofing Of A Florentine Baroque Masterpiece
* SAPC: Application for Adapting Scanned Analogue Photographs to Use Them In Structure From Motion Technology
* SAR And Oblique Aerial Optical Image Fusion for Urban Area Image Segmentation
* SAR Automatic Target Recognition Using a Roto-Translational Invariant Wavelet-Scattering Convolution Network
* SAR Image Recognition with Monogenic Scale Selection-Based Weighted Multi-task Joint Sparse Representation
* SAR Mode Altimetry Observations of Internal Solitary Waves in the Tropical Ocean Part 1: Case Studies
* Satellite Guidance And Control During Operative Optoelectronic Imagery For Disaster Management
* Satellite Image Classification Approach By Using One Dimensional Discriminant Analysis, A
* Satellite-derived Bathymetry: Accuracy Assessment On Depths Derivation Algorithm for Shallow Water Area
* Scale-Aware Edge-Preserving Image Filtering via Iterative Global Optimization
* Scan to BIM for 3D Reconstruction of the Papal Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy
* Scene Classification Based on the Sparse Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Topic Feature Model
* Scene Segmentation with DAG-Recurrent Neural Networks
* SCOM: Spatiotemporal Constrained Optimization for Salient Object Detection
* SDF-TAR: Parallel Tracking and Refinement in RGB-D Data using Volumetric Registration
* Seaplane Base Ivo Monti At S. Nicola Varano (FG): A Monument Of Military Archeology, Between History And Protection, The
* Season-Dependent Distributions and Profiles of Seven Super-Typhoons (2014) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean From Satellite Cloud Images
* SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Management Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication Systems
* Second Iteration of Photogrammetric Pipeline to Enhance the Accuracy Of Image Pose Estimation
* Segmentation of Point Clouds with K-means and ANN (Artifical Neural Network), The
* Self-Gating: An Adaptive Center-of-Mass Approach for Respiratory Gating in PET
* Self-Supervised Learning of Video Representation for Anticipating Actions in Early Stage
* Self-Supervised Video Hashing With Hierarchical Binary Auto-Encoder
* Selimiye Mosque of Edirne, Turkey: An Immersive And Interactive Virtual Reality Experience Using Htc Vive, The
* Semantic Segmentation for Real-World Data by Jointly Exploiting Supervised andxs Transferrable Knowledge
* Semi-automatic leaf disease detection and classification system for soybean culture
* Semi-global Matching with Self-adjusting Penalties
* Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Extended Label Propagation and Rolling Guidance Filtering
* Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Classification for Hyperspectral Image Based on Dual-Strategy Sample Selection
* Semi-supervised dictionary learning via local sparse constraints for violence detection
* Semi-supervised time series classification on positive and unlabeled problems using cross-recurrence quantification analysis
* Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation Using Multiple Random Walkers
* Semianalytical Model of the Synthetic Aperture, Interferometric Radar Altimeter Mean Echo, and Echo Cross-Product and Its Statistical Fluctuations, A
* Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image Validation And Application To Multitemporal Performances And High Latitude Digital Surface Model
* Sequency codes for palmprint recognition
* Server Allocation Problem for Session-Based Multiplayer Cloud Gaming, The
* set-to-set nearest neighbor approach for robust and efficient face recognition with image sets, A
* Shadow and Specularity Priors for Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition
* Shape And Construction of Brick Vaults. Criteria, Methods And Tools For A Possible Catalogue
* Shape-based Image Correspondence
* Sharpening Hyperspectral Images Using Spatial and Spectral Priors in a Plug-and-Play Algorithm
* SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
* Shutter-less Temperature-dependent Correction for Uncooled Thermal Camera Under Fast Changing FPA Temperature
* simple, robust and fast method for the perspective-n-point Problem, A
* Simplified Normalization of C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Terrestrial Applications in High Latitude Environments
* Simulating Infrastructure Outages: An Open-source Geospatial Approach
* Simulation of Inertial Navigation System Errors At Aerial Photography From UAV
* Simulation of the cosmonaut-robot System Interaction On the Lunar Surface Based On Methods of Machine Vision And Computer Graphics
* Simultaneous Object Segmentation and Recognition by Merging CNN Outputs from Uniformly Distributed Multiple Viewpoints
* Simultaneous Spatial and Spectral Low-Rank Representation of Hyperspectral Images for Classification
* Simultaneous Traffic Sign Detection and Boundary Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Single image dehazing and denoising combining dark channel prior and variational models
* Single Image Dehazing Using Ranking Convolutional Neural Network
* Single Satellite Imagery Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Colorization Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks
* Sinkhole Susceptibility Hazard Zones Using GIS And Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP): A Case Study of Kuala Lumpur And Ampang Jaya
* Skipping the real world: Classification of PolSAR images without explicit feature extraction
* Slack and Margin Rescaling as Convex Extensions of Supermodular Functions
* Small Nodules Localization on CT Images of Lungs
* Small ROV Marine Boat for Bathymetry Surveys of Shallow Waters: Potential Implementation in Malaysia
* Smart SFM: Salinas Archaeological Museum
* Smartphone-based 3D Pipeline for the Creative Industry: the Replicate EU Project, A
* SMURFS: Superpixels from Multi-scale Refinement of Super-regions
* Snatch theft detection in unconstrained surveillance videos using action attribute modelling
* Soil Moisture and Vegetation Water Content Retrieval Using QuikSCAT Data
* Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Linear Programming
* Solving Visual Madlibs with Multiple Cues
* Some Tools to Support Teaching Photogrammetry for Slope Stability Assessment And Monitoring
* Sparse Representation for Wireless Communications: A Compressive Sensing Approach
* Sparsity-based no-reference image quality assessment for automatic denoising
* Spatial Changes of Land Use Pattern in Guzelbahce District (Izmir)
* Spatial Distributionmap Of The Wildfire Risk In Mongolia Using Decision Support System, A
* Spatial DMBS Architecture for A Free And Open Source BIM
* Spatial Downscaling of Gross Primary Productivity Using Topographic and Vegetation Heterogeneity Information: A Case Study in the Gongga Mountain Region of China
* Spatial Integration Analysis of Provincial Historical And Cultural Heritage Resources Based On Geographic Information System (GIS): A Case Study of Spatial Integration Analysis of Historical And Cultural Heritage Resources in Zhejiang Province
* Spatial-Temporal Event Detection from Geo-Tagged Tweets
* Spatially adaptive total variation deblurring with split Bregman technique
* Spatio Temporal Detection and Virtual Mapping of Landslide Using High-Resolution Airborne Laser Altimetry (LIDAR) in Densely Vegetated Areas of Tropics
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Uncertainty of Fractional Vegetation Cover Change over Northern China during 2001-2012 Based on Multiple Vegetation Data Sets
* Spatio-Temporal Attention-Based LSTM Networks for 3D Action Recognition and Detection
* Spatio-Temporal Disocclusion Filling Using Novel Sprite Cells
* Spatio-temporal Estimation of Integrated Water Vapour Over The Malaysian Peninsula During Monsoon Season
* Spatio-temporal prediction of crop disease severity for agricultural emergency management based on recurrent neural networks
* Spatio-temporal Scenario Model for Emergency Decision, A
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Annual Sea Level Cycle in the Baltic Sea
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Land Subsidence in the Beijing Plain 2003-2015 Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) with Multi-Source SAR Data
* Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multisource Remote Sensing Data: Literature Survey, Taxonomy, Principles, Applications, and Future Directions
* Spatiotemporal GMM for Background Subtraction with Superpixel Hierarchy
* Special issue on Video Surveillance-oriented Biometrics
* Spectral Reconstruction Based On SVM for Cross Calibration
* Spectral Reflectance Estimation Using Gaussian Processes and Combination Kernels
* Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Discriminant Temporal Pyramid Matching
* Spherical Superpixel Segmentation
* Splitting Terraced Houses Into Single Units Using Oblique Aerial Imagery
* STAR-Net: A SpaTial Attention Residue Network for Scene Text Recognition
* State of Arts of Monumental Stones Diagnosis And Monitoring
* Statewide Inventories of Heritage Resources: Macris And the Experience In Massachusetts
* Static And Dynamic Behaviour Assessment of the Trajan Arch By Means Of New Monitoring Technologies
* Static map reconstruction and dynamic object tracking for a camera and laser scanner system
* Statistical Approach to Preprocess and Enhance C-Band SAR Images in Order to Detect Automatically Marine Oil Slicks, A
* Statistical Evaluation and Analysis of Road Extraction Methodologies Using a Unique Dataset from Remote Sensing
* Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Using Generalized Distillation Framework
* Statistical Study of View Preferences for Online Videos With Cross-Platform Information
* Steady-state behavior of the improved normalized subband adaptive filter algorithm and its improvement in under-modeling
* Stereo Matching via Dual Fusion
* STMAC: Spatio-Temporal Coordination-Based MAC Protocol for Driving Safety in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Strategies for the Management of Built Heritage Linked to Maintenance And Monitoring. Case Study of the San Roque Neighborhood, Cuenca, Ecuador
* Stress Monitoring of Mulberry Plants By Finding Rep Using Hyperspectral Data
* Structure-from-motion for Calibration of A Vehicle Camera System With Non-overlapping Fields-of-view in An Urban Environment
* Structured dynamic time warping for continuous hand trajectory gesture recognition
* Structured Output Prediction and Learning for Deep Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural Networks
* Study of the Integration of Lidar And Photogrammetric Datasets By In Situ Camera Calibration And Integrated Sensor Orientation
* Study on Driver Agent Based on Analysis of Driving Instruction Data: Driver Agent for Encouraging Safe Driving Behavior (1)
* Study On High Resolution Membrane-based Diffractive Optical Imaging On Geostationary Orbit
* Study On Real-time Flood Monitoring System Based On Sensors Using Flood Damage Insurance Map, A
* study on regularized Weighted Least Square Support Vector Classifier, A
* Study on spatial-temporal variations of Meteorological-agricultural droughts in Turkey
* Study on the Construction of Disaster Information Contents for the Storm and Flood Damage Insurance Map, A
* Sub-Selective Quantization for Learning Binary Codes in Large-Scale Image Search
* Suitability of GPUs for real-time control of large astronomical adaptive optics instruments
* Summarising the National Inventory of South Africa for the Public And Its Application in Heritage Management
* Super-resolution image reconstruction using surface fitting with hierarchical structure
* Superimposing Thermal-Infrared Data on 3D Structure Reconstructed by RGB Visual Odometry
* Superpixels Optimized by Color and Shape
* Supervised hierarchical neighborhood graph construction for manifold learning
* Supervised Incremental Hashing
* Survey And Modelling for the Bim of Basilica of San Marco in Venice
* Survey and Restoration
* Survey And Restoration: New Ways of Interaction
* Survey Methods for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Masonry Buildings
* Survey of Content-Aware Video Analysis for Sports, A
* survey of recent advances in CNN-based single image crowd counting and density estimation, A
* Survey of the Pagoda Timber Roof in Derneburg Castle
* Survey, HBIM and Conservation Plan of a Monumental Building Damaged by Earthquake
* Surveying Drifting Icebergs and Ice Islands: Deterioration Detection and Mass Estimation with Aerial Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning
* Surveying Medieval Archaeology: A New Form for Harris Paradigm Linking Photogrammetry and Temporal Relations
* Surveying the Underwater Archaeological Site of Cape Glaros At Pagasetikos Gulf
* Surveying, Modeling And 3D Representation of A Wreck for Diving Purposes: Cargo Ship Vera
* SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Recurrent Convolutional Network
* SWOT Spatial Scales in the Western Mediterranean Sea Derived from Pseudo-Observations and an Ad Hoc Filtering
* Synchronous Control of Vehicle Following Behavior and Distance Under the Safe and Efficient Steady-Following State: Two Case Studies of High-Speed Train Following Control
* Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Post-earthquake 3d Mapping of Vrisa Traditional Settlement, Lesvos Island, Greece
* Target Reconstruction Based on Attributed Scattering Centers with Application to Robust SAR ATR
* TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER): Data Consistency Based Motion Mitigation for MRI Using a Reduced Model Joint Optimization
* Targeting Hydrothermal Alterations Utilizing Landsat-8 Andaster Data In Shahr-e-Babak, Iran
* Tempio Della Consolazione In Todi: Integrated Geomatic Techniques for a Monument Description Including Structural Damage Evolution in Time, The
* Temporal Semantic Motion Segmentation Using Spatio Temporal Optimization
* Temporally Consistent Road Surface Profile Estimation Using Stereo Vision
* Temporally enhanced image object proposals for online video object and action detections
* Ternary-Event-Based State Estimation With Joint Point, Quantized, and Set-Valued Measurements
* Terrestrial Photogrammetry vs Laser Scanning for Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment
* Testing Different Survey Techniques to Model Architectonic Narrow Spaces
* Thaw Subsidence of a Yedoma Landscape in Northern Siberia, Measured In Situ and Estimated from TerraSAR-X Interferometry
* Thermalnet: A Deep Convolutional Network for Synthetic Thermal Image Generation
* Thin-Cloud Mask Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Sparse Dark Pixel Region Detection, A
* Three-dimensional Digital Documentation of Heritage Sites Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning And Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry
* Three-dimensional Mapping of An Ancient Cave Paintings Using Close-range Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technologies
* Three-Point Direct Stereo Visual Odometry
* Tie Point Matching Strategy For Very High Resolution Sar-optical Stereogrammety Over Urban Areas, A
* Time-Delay Estimation Using Ground-Penetrating Radar With a Support Vector Regression-Based Linear Prediction Method
* Tomb of Seti I (kv17) in the Florence Egyptian Museum. Integrated Non-invasive Methods for Documentation, Material History And Diagnostics, The
* Topography and Three-Dimensional Structure Can Estimate Tree Diversity along a Tropical Elevational Gradient in Costa Rica
* Topology Identification and Learning over Graphs: Accounting for Nonlinearities and Dynamics
* Total Variation Regularization Term-Based Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Representation Model for Infrared Moving Target Tracking
* Toward Always-On Mobile Object Detection: Energy Versus Performance Tradeoffs for Embedded HOG Feature Extraction
* Toward identifying behavioral risk markers for mental health disorders: an assistive system for monitoring children's movements in a preschool classroom
* Towards a Closed Form Second-Order Natural Scene Statistics Model
* Towards a tone mapping-robust watermarking algorithm for high dynamic range image based on spatial activity
* Towards Affordable Self-driving Cars
* Towards An Inventory for Archaeological Heritage Management in Israel
* Towards Automatic Image Editing: Learning to See another
* Towards Deep Style Transfer: A Content-Aware Perspective
* Towards Guided Underwater Survey Using Light Visual Odometry
* Towards Operational Monitoring of Forest Canopy Disturbance in Evergreen Rain Forests: A Test Case in Continental Southeast Asia
* Towards Optimal Denoising of Image Contrast
* Towards Radiometrical Alignment of 3D Point Clouds
* Towards Reconstructing A Doric Column in A Virtual Construction Site
* Towards the Enhancement of minor Archaeological Heritage
* Towards the Implementation of Semi-dynamic Datum for Malaysia
* Towards the Optimal Pixel Size of DEM for Automatic Mapping of Landslide Areas
* Track Facial Points in Unconstrained Videos
* Tracking Human-Induced Landscape Disturbance at the Nasca Lines UNESCO World Heritage Site in Peru with COSMO-SkyMed InSAR
* Traffic Scene Segmentation Based on RGB-D Image and Deep Learning
* Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Color Texture Coded Joint Angular Displacement Maps
* Training of CNN with Heterogeneous Learning for Multiple Pedestrian Attributes Recognition Using Rarity Rate
* Travel Mode Detection Using GPS Data and Socioeconomic Attributes Based on a Random Forest Classifier
* Trimmed geometric mean order statistic CFAR detector for Pareto distributed clutter
* True Orthophoto Generation from Aerial Frame Images and LiDAR Data: An Update
* Trusted Data Communication And Security Issues in GNSS Network Of Turkey
* TU1208 Open Database of Radargrams: The Dataset of the IFSTTAR Geophysical Test Site
* Two-Stage Road Terrain Identification Approach for Land Vehicles Using Feature-Based and Markov Random Field Algorithm
* Two-step Decision Fusion Strategy: Application to Hyperspectral And Multispectral Images for Urban Classification, A
* Two-Stream SR-CNNs for Action Recognition in Videos
* U-shaped Networks for Shape from Light Field
* UAV Photgrammetric Workflows: A Best Practice Guideline
* UAV Strategies Validation and Remote Sensing Data for Damage Assessment In Post-disaster Scenarios
* Ultrasonic Communication Using Consumer Hardware
* Uncertainty Assessment And Weight Map Generation for Efficient Fusion of TANDEM-X and Cartosat-1 DEMS
* Uncertainty In Landslides Volume Estimation Using DEMS Generated By Airborne Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry Data
* Underground Surveying: 16th Century Cellar Vaults in the GalerÍa De Convalecientes, Monastery of San Lorenzo Del Escorial
* Understanding Mountain-Wave Phases in ERS Tandem DInSAR Interferogram Using WRF Model Simulation
* Underwater Photogrammetry, Coded Target And Plenoptic Technology: A Set Of Tools for Monitoring Red Coral in Mediterranean Sea in the Framework Of the perfect Project
* Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Unified Functional Framework for Restoration of Image Sequences Degraded by Atmospheric Turbulence
* Unified multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on probabilistic fusion networks
* Unmixing-based Denoising As A Pre-processing Step for Coral Reef Analysis
* Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Motion Patterns for Objects in Urban Street Scenes
* Unsupervised Salient Object Detection via Inferring from Imperfect Saliency Models
* Urban History in 4 Dimensions: Supporting Research And Education
* Urban Mobility Analysis With Mobile Network Data: A Visual Analytics Approach
* Urban Modelling with Typological Approach. Case Study: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
* Use of 3D Scanning And Photogrammetry Techniques in the Case Study Of the Roman Theatre of Nikopolis. Surveying, Virtual Reconstruction And Restoration Study., The
* Use of 3D Technologies Within the Conservation of the Ancient Windows Of the Basilica of S. Sabina in Rome. Construction of Exhibition Stands In Carbon Composite On A Milled Structure
* Use of DEMs Derived from TLS and HRSI Data for Landslide Feature Recognition
* Use of GIS for the Application of the Phenomenological Approach To The Seismic Risk Analysis: the Case of the Italian Fortified Architecture, The
* Use of Multispectral Airborne Images to Improve In-Season Nitrogen Management, Predict Grain Yield and Estimate Economic Return of Maize in Irrigated High Yielding Environments
* Use of Multivariate Machine Learning Analysis Techniques for Flood Risk Prevention
* Use of Sentinel-1 Time-Series Data to Improve Flood Monitoring in Arid Areas, The
* Use of Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks to Interpret LiDAR for Forest Inventory, The
* Use of UAS for the Conservation of Historical Buildings in Case Of Emergencies
* Use of Vertical Aerial Images for Semi-oblique Mapping
* Using Affordable Data Capturing Devices for Automatic 3D City Modelling
* Using GIS for Developing Sustainable Urban Growth Case Kyrenia Region
* Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level
* Using Ready-to-use Drone Images in Forestry Activities: Case Study Of Çinarpinar in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
* Using Satellite Altimetry to Calibrate the Simulation of Typhoon Seth Storm Surge off Southeast China
* Using Shading and a 3D Template to Reconstruct Complex Surface Deformations
* Using Spatial Semantics and Interactions to Identify Urban Functional Regions
* Using Supervised Deep Learning for Human Age Estimation Problem
* Using the TensorFlow Deep Neural Network to Classify Mainland China Visitor Behaviours in Hong Kong from Check-in Data
* Using Webgis And Cloud Tools to Promote Cultural Heritage Dissemination: the Historic Up Project
* Validation of MODIS C6 Dark Target Aerosol Products at 3 km and 10 km Spatial Resolutions Over the China Seas and the Eastern Indian Ocean
* Validity of VR Technology on the Smartphone for the Study of Wind Park Soundscapes
* Variable Selection for Road Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Variable-Order Finite Difference Scheme for Numerical Simulation in 3-D Poroelastic Media
* Variation of Chart Datum Towards Maritime Delimitation Due to Rising Sea Level
* Variational Approach to Shape-from-Shading Under Natural Illumination, A
* Variational image fusion approach based on TGV and local information
* Variational Large Displacement Optical Flow Without Feature Matches
* Variational total curvature model for multiplicative noise removal
* Variational Weakly Supervised Gaussian Processes
* Vector-Based Trajectory Storage and Query for Intelligent Transport System
* Vegetation Analysis And Land Use Land Cover Classification Of Forest In Uttara Kannada District India Through Geo-informatics Approach
* Vegetation Analysis And Land Use Land Cover Classification Of Forest In Uttara Kannada District India Using Remote Sensign And Gis Techniques
* Vegetation Response to the 2012-2014 California Drought from GPS and Optical Measurements
* Vehicle Classification and Speed Estimation Using Combined Passive Infrared/Ultrasonic Sensors
* Vehicle deformation depth based injury risk function for safety benefit evaluation of crash avoidance and mitigation systems
* Vehicle Re-Identification by Deep Hidden Multi-View Inference
* Vehicle Tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery via Stochastic Progressive Association Across Multiple Frames
* Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration
* Verification of a GNSS Time Series Discontinuity Detection Approach in Support of the Estimation of Vertical Crustal Movements
* Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
* Vertex-level three-dimensional shape deformability measurement based on line segment advection
* Vertical Accuracy Assessment of Zy-3 Digital Surface Model Using Icesat/glas Laser Altimeter Data
* Vertical Accuracy Comparison of Digital Elevation Model From Lidar And Multitemporal Satellite Imagery
* Video Analytics for Customer Emotion and Satisfaction at Contact Centers
* Video Completion in Digital Stabilization Task Using Pseudo-panoramic Technique
* Video Stream Retrieval of Unseen Queries using Semantic Memory
* Villa Stein-de-monzie By Le Corbusier (1926-1928): Conservation Strategies Between Research And Education
* Virtual Archaeodrome for the Archaeological Site From Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
* Virtual Diving in the Underwater Archaeological Site of Cala Minnola
* Virtual in Real. Interactive Solutions for Learning And Communication In the National Archaeological Museum of Marche
* Virtual Museums As Digital Storytellers for Dissemination of Built Environment: Possible Narratives And Outlooks for Appealing And Rich Encounters with the Past
* Virtual Museums for Landscape Valorization And Communication
* Virtual Tour Environment of Cuba's National School of Art
* Vision of the Reconstruction of Destructed Monuments of Palmyra (3d) As A Step to Rehabiliate And Preserve the Wholesite
* Vision-based real estate price estimation
* Visual Analysis And Processing of Clusters Structures In Multidimensional Datasets
* Visual Navigation Using Projection of Spatial Right-Angle In Indoor Environment
* Visual object tracking by correlation filters and online learning
* Visualization of the Construction of Ancient Roman Buildings in Ostia Using Point Cloud Data
* VLSI implementation of an ultra-low-cost and low-power image compressor for wireless camera networks
* Volumeter: 3D human body parameters measurement with a single Kinect
* Voxel Based Segmentation of Large Airborne Topobathymetric Lidar Data
* Water Vapour Weighted Mean Temperature Model for GPS-derived Integrated Water Vapour in Peninsular Malaysia
* Wavelet Tree Support Detection for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
* Wavelet-Based Rust Spectral Feature Set (WRSFs): A Novel Spectral Feature Set Based on Continuous Wavelet Transformation for Tracking Progressive Host-Pathogen Interaction of Yellow Rust on Wheat
* Weak Boundary Preserved Superpixel Segmentation Based on Directed Graph Clustering
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation-aided Classification of Urban Scenes From 3D Lidar Point Clouds
* Weather Observation by an Electronically Scanned Dual-Polarization Phase-Tilt Radar
* WebGIS for the Knowledge and Conservation of the Historical Wall Structures of the 13th-18th Centuries, A
* Webgis to Support GPR 3D Data Acquisition: A First Step for The Integration of Underground Utility Networks in 3D City Models, A
* WFS-SVM Model for Soil Salinity Mapping in Keriya Oasis, Northwestern China Using Polarimetric Decomposition and Fully PolSAR Data, A
* When Deep Learning Meets Metric Learning: Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Learning Discriminative CNNs
* Wide Residual Networks
* Wind Gust Detection and Impact Prediction for Wind Turbines
* Wireless Sensor Network Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Height and Volume Variations on Sandy Beaches and Dunes, A
* Woody Cover Estimates in Oklahoma and Texas Using a Multi-Sensor Calibration and Validation Approach
* Worst Case Driven Display Frame Compression for Energy-Efficient Ultra-HD Display Processing
* Wound measurement by RGB-D camera
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Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.