PandP( Vol No. )
* *Attention, Perception and Psychophysics
* Visual Perception of Biological Motion and a Model for Its Analysis
* Perceptual Buildup of Three-Dimensional Structure from Motion, The
* Surface Perception in Pictures
* Estimating local shape from shading in the presence of global shading
* Parsing silhouettes: The short-cut rule
PandRS( Vol No. )
* *ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* Automated bias-compensation of rational polynomial coefficients of high resolution satellite imagery based on topographic maps
* Classification of airborne laser scanning data using JointBoost
* Coregistration refinement of hyperspectral images and DSM: An object-based approach using spectral information
* Determination of the age of oil palm from crown projection area detected from WorldView-2 multispectral remote sensing data: The case of Ejisu-Juaben district, Ghana
* Evaluation and comparison of different radargrammetric approaches for Digital Surface Models generation from COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2 imagery: Analysis of Beauport (Canada) test site
* In-flight photogrammetric camera calibration and validation via complementary lidar
* Integrating SAR and derived products into operational volcano monitoring and decision support systems
* Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite image correlation using the free open-source software MicMac
* Measuring thermal expansion using X-band persistent scatterer interferometry
* Persistent scatterers at building facades: Evaluation of appearance and localization accuracy
* Radiometric and geometric evaluation of GeoEye-1, WorldView-2 and Pléiades-1A stereo images for 3D information extraction
* Theme issue High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
12 for PandRS(100)
* Aerial multi-camera systems: Accuracy and block triangulation issues
* Assessment of MODIS spectral indices for determining rice paddy agricultural practices and hydroperiod
* Automatic registration of UAV-borne sequent images and LiDAR data
* Biomass estimation with high resolution satellite images: A case study of Quercus rotundifolia
* Canonical information analysis
* Capability of models to predict leaf N and P across four seasons for six sub-tropical forest evergreen trees
* Characterization of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman using MERIS fluorescence data
* Characterizing stand-level forest canopy cover and height using Landsat time series, samples of airborne LiDAR, and the Random Forest algorithm
* comparison of waveform processing algorithms for single-wavelength LiDAR bathymetry, A
* Detection and estimation of ZY-3 three-line array image distortions caused by attitude oscillation
* Development of a spatio-temporal disaggregation method (DisNDVI) for generating a time series of fine resolution NDVI images
* Digital stereo photogrammetry for grain-scale monitoring of fluvial surfaces: Error evaluation and workflow optimisation
* discrepancy measure for segmentation evaluation from the perspective of object recognition, A
* Downscaling remotely sensed imagery using area-to-point cokriging and multiple-point geostatistical simulation
* Effects of LiDAR point density and landscape context on estimates of urban forest biomass
* Evaluating the utility of the medium-spatial resolution Landsat 8 multispectral sensor in quantifying aboveground biomass in uMgeni catchment, South Africa
* Flexible building primitives for 3D building modeling
* Fusion of high spatial resolution WorldView-2 imagery and LiDAR pseudo-waveform for object-based image analysis
* Incorporating land use land cover probability information into endmember class selections for temporal mixture analysis
* Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR satellite data over reference sites
* Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Bangladesh using remote sensing techniques
* new segmentation method for very high resolution imagery using spectral and morphological information, A
* new single-channel method for estimating land surface temperature based on the image inherent information: The HJ-1B case, A
* NORCAMA: Change analysis in SAR time series by likelihood ratio change matrix clustering
* Potentials and limitations of SAR image simulators: A comparative study of three simulation approaches
* Sub-pixel flood inundation mapping from multispectral remotely sensed images based on discrete particle swarm optimization
26 for PandRS(101)
* Automatic registration of unordered point clouds acquired by Kinect sensors using an overlap heuristic
* Daily GPP estimates in Mediterranean ecosystems by combining remote sensing and meteorological data
* Evaluating leaf chlorophyll content prediction from multispectral remote sensing data within a physically-based modelling framework
* Feature space discriminant analysis for hyperspectral data feature reduction
* generic framework for image rectification using multiple types of feature, A
* greedy-based multiquadric method for LiDAR-derived ground data reduction, A
* hybrid algorithm for estimating the chlorophyll-a concentration across different trophic states in Asian inland waters, A
* Improving Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Seasonal Landsat NDVI Time-Series
* Kennaugh element framework for multi-scale, multi-polarized, multi-temporal and multi-frequency SAR image preparation, The
* Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass
* Line segment extraction for large scale unorganized point clouds
* Object-based assessment of burn severity in diseased forests using high-spatial and high-spectral resolution MASTER airborne imagery
* Segmentation quality evaluation using region-based precision and recall measures for remote sensing images
* Solving bundle block adjustment by generalized anisotropic Procrustes analysis
* Spatio-temporal prediction of leaf area index of rubber plantation using HJ-1A/1B CCD images and recurrent neural network
* Training set size, scale, and features in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis of very high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
* Use of Binary Partition Tree and energy minimization for object-based classification of urban land cover
* Water flow based geometric active deformable model for road network
* Zoom lens calibration with zoom- and focus-related intrinsic parameters applied to bundle adjustment
19 for PandRS(102)
* Assessing global land cover reference datasets for different user communities
* Bidirectional effects in Landsat reflectance estimates: Is there a problem to solve?
* Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geographically weighted regression
* Geographic stacking: Decision fusion to increase global land cover map accuracy
* Global land cover mapping at 30M resolution: A POK-based operational approach
* Global land cover mapping using Earth observation satellite data: Recent progresses and challenges
* Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250M resolution
* Spaceborne SAR data for global urban mapping at 30M resolution using a robust urban extractor
* Use of Landsat and Corona data for mapping forest cover change from the mid-1960s to 2000s: Case studies from the Eastern United States and Central Brazil
* web-based system for supporting global land cover data production, A
* Who launched what, when and why; trends in global land-cover observation capacity from civilian earth observation satellites
11 for PandRS(103)
* Applying data fusion techniques for benthic habitat mapping and monitoring in a coral reef ecosystem
* Characterizing C-band backscattering from thermokarst lake ice on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture
* Effect of slope on treetop detection using a LiDAR Canopy Height Model
* Estimation of seismic building structural types using multi-sensor remote sensing and machine learning techniques
* fast and mobile system for registration of low-altitude visual and thermal aerial images using multiple small-scale UAVs, A
* fully automated TerraSAR-X based flood service, A
* fully-automated approach to land cover mapping with airborne LiDAR and high resolution multispectral imagery in a forested suburban landscape, A
* graph-based segmentation algorithm for tree crown extraction using airborne LiDAR data, A
* ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Theme Issue 'Integrated Imaging and Sensor Fusion for Rapid Response and Monitoring Applications'
* Line Matching Based on Planar Homography for Stereo Aerial Images
* Modeling magnitude statistics of multilook SAR interferograms by generalizing G distributions
* Octree-based region growing for point cloud segmentation
* Operational perspective of remote sensing-based forest fire danger forecasting systems
* Remote sensing image fusion via wavelet transform and sparse representation
* Spectral calibration of CBERS 2B multispectral satellite images to assess suspended sediment concentration
* UAV photogrammetry for topographic monitoring of coastal areas
* Validation of Canopy Height Profile methodology for small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data in a discontinuous canopy environment
* Visualisation of urban airborne laser scanning data with occlusion images
19 for PandRS(104)
* Accurate direct georeferencing of aerial imagery in national coordinates
* Analysis of uncertainty in multi-temporal object-based classification
* Detection of fallen trees in ALS point clouds using a Normalized Cut approach trained by simulation
* Diffuse sky radiation influences the relationship between canopy PRI and shadow fraction
* Exploring Issues of Training Data Imbalance and Mislabelling on Random Forest Performance for Large Area Land Cover Classification Using the Ensemble Margin
* general framework and related procedures for multiscale analyses of DInSAR data in subsiding urban areas, A
* Human visual system consistent quality assessment for remote sensing image fusion
* Identification of damage in buildings based on gaps in 3D point clouds from very high resolution oblique airborne images
* Landslide deformation monitoring using point-like target offset tracking with multi-mode high-resolution TerraSAR-X data
* Mapping paddy rice planting area in cold temperate climate region through analysis of time series Landsat 8 (OLI), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and MODIS imagery
* Modeling the effective emissivity of the urban canopy using sky view factor
* Multiband compact texture unit descriptor for intra-band and inter-band texture analysis
* Multiclass feature learning for hyperspectral image classification: Sparse and hierarchical solutions
* novel semi-supervised hyperspectral image classification approach based on spatial neighborhood information and classifier combination, A
* Particle filtering methods for georeferencing panoramic image sequence in complex urban scenes
* Photogrammetric Computer Vision 2014: Best Papers of the ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium
* Random Forest and Rotation Forest for fully polarized SAR image classification using polarimetric and spatial features
* Region change rate-driven seamline determination method
* Savannah woody structure modelling and mapping using multi-frequency (X-, C- and L-band) Synthetic Aperture Radar data
* Semantic classification of urban buildings combining VHR image and GIS data: An improved random forest approach
* Semantic point cloud interpretation based on optimal neighborhoods, relevant features and efficient classifiers
* Understanding Boswellia papyrifera tree secondary metabolites through bark spectral analysis
* Variance-preserving mosaicing of multiple satellite images for forest parameter estimation: Radiometric normalization
23 for PandRS(105)
* *U. V. Helava Award: Best Paper Volumes 87-98 (2014), The
* Accurate and robust registration of high-speed railway viaduct point clouds using closing conditions and external geometric constraints
* Automatic registration of optical aerial imagery to a LiDAR point cloud for generation of city models
* Calibration of hyperspectral close-range pushbroom cameras for plant phenotyping
* comparison of four relative radiometric normalization (RRN) techniques for mosaicing H-res multi-temporal thermal infrared (TIR) flight-lines of a complex urban scene, A
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images Based on Sparse Discriminant Manifold Embedding
* Full-waveform data for building roof step edge localization
* Hyperspectral image classification using discontinuity adaptive class-relative nonlocal means and energy fusion strategy
* Improved capabilities of the Chinese high-resolution remote sensing satellite GF-1 for monitoring suspended particulate matter (SPM) in inland waters: Radiometric and spatial considerations
* Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data
* Modeling aboveground tree woody biomass using national-scale allometric methods and airborne lidar
* Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings
* Radiometric normalization and cloud detection of optical satellite images using invariant pixels
* Scale parameter selection by spatial statistics for GeOBIA: Using mean-shift based multi-scale segmentation as an example
* Sparse-based reconstruction of missing information in remote sensing images from spectral/temporal complementary information
15 for PandRS(106)
* Change detection matrix for multitemporal filtering and change analysis of SAR and PolSAR image time series
* Ground subsidence in Tucson, Arizona, monitored by time-series analysis using multi-sensor InSAR datasets from 1993 to 2011
* Monitoring forest cover loss using multiple data streams, a case study of a tropical dry forest in Bolivia
* Multilayer Markov Random Field models for change detection in optical remote sensing images
* spatial-temporal contextual Markovian kernel method for multi-temporal land cover mapping, A
* Spectral alignment of multi-temporal cross-sensor images with automated kernel canonical correlation analysis
* Street environment change detection from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* TerraSAR-X dual-pol time-series for mapping of wetland vegetation
* Theme Issue: Multitemporal remote sensing data analysis
* three-component method for timely detection of land cover changes using polarimetric SAR images, A
* Understanding angular effects in VHR imagery and their significance for urban land-cover model portability: A study of two multi-angle in-track image sequences
11 for PandRS(107)
* Advantage of hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion over multispectral IKONOS, GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, Landsat ETM+, and MODIS vegetation indices in crop biomass estimation
* Comparison of positioning accuracy of a rigorous sensor model and two rational function models for weak stereo geometry
* Decision fusion and non-parametric classifiers for land use mapping using multi-temporal RapidEye data
* Diameter distribution estimation with laser scanning based multisource single tree inventory
* Distinctive Order Based Self-Similarity descriptor for multi-sensor remote sensing image matching
* efficient approach to 3D single tree-crown delineation in LiDAR data, An
* Experimental Sentinel-2 LAI estimation using parametric, non-parametric and physical retrieval methods: A comparison
* Fusion of waveform LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery for land cover classification
* Generating 3D hyperspectral information with lightweight UAV snapshot cameras for vegetation monitoring: From camera calibration to quality assurance
* Improved wide-angle, fisheye and omnidirectional camera calibration
* Investigating the robustness of the new Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager derived texture metrics in estimating plantation forest aboveground biomass in resource constrained areas
* Leveraging in-scene spectra for vegetation species discrimination with MESMA-MDA
* Mapping invasive species and spectral mixture relationships with neotropical woody formations in southeastern Brazil
* Maximum Margin Metric Learning Based Target Detection for Hyperspectral Images
* Optical remote sensing and the retrieval of terrestrial vegetation bio-geophysical properties: A review
* Orientation-selective building detection in aerial images
* Quantifying mangrove chlorophyll from high spatial resolution imagery
* revised terrain correction method for forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data, A
* Road networks as collections of minimum cost paths
* Sensitivity analysis of vegetation indices to drought over two tallgrass prairie sites
* Stochastic geometrical model and Monte Carlo optimization methods for building reconstruction from InSAR data
* Tapping into the Hexagon spy imagery database: A new automated pipeline for geomorphic change detection
22 for PandRS(108)
* Accurate and occlusion-robust multi-view stereo
* automated method to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, An
* Combining leaf physiology, hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares-regression (PLS-R) for grapevine water status assessment
* Estimating deformation due to soil liquefaction in Urayasu city, Japan using permanent scatterers
* Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI
* Geometric integration of high-resolution satellite imagery and airborne LiDAR data for improved geopositioning accuracy in metropolitan areas
* Globally consistent registration of terrestrial laser scans via graph optimization
* Mapping slope movements in Alpine environments using TerraSAR-X interferometric methods
* Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria spectral mixture analysis
* object-based approach to delineate wetlands across landscapes of varied disturbance with high spatial resolution satellite imagery, An
* Robust Mosaicking Procedure for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Study of the geometry effect on land surface temperature retrieval in urban environment
* Synergy Method to Improve Ensemble Weather Predictions and Differential SAR Interferograms, A
* Wide-area mapping of small-scale features in agricultural landscapes using airborne remote sensing
14 for PandRS(109)
* 3D leaf water content mapping using terrestrial laser scanner backscatter intensity with radiometric correction
* Automated annual cropland mapping using knowledge-based temporal features
* Examining the potential of Sentinel-2 MSI spectral resolution in quantifying above ground biomass across different fertilizer treatments
* Nonlocal similarity based DEM super resolution
* novel transferable individual tree crown delineation model based on Fishing Net Dragging and boundary classification, A
* Segmenting tree crowns from terrestrial and mobile LiDAR data by exploring ecological theories
* Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species classification
* Shading-based DEM refinement under a comprehensive imaging model
8 for PandRS(110)
* Advanced spatio-temporal filtering techniques for photogrammetric image sequence analysis in civil engineering material testing
* Changes in thermal infrared spectra of plants caused by temperature and water stress
* Combining spaceborne SAR images with 3D point clouds for infrastructure monitoring applications
* Fusion of space-borne multi-baseline and multi-frequency interferometric results based on extended Kalman filter to generate high quality DEMs
* Surface-based matching of 3D point clouds with variable coordinates in source and target system
* Costa Concordia last cruise: The first application of high frequency monitoring based on COSMO-SkyMed constellation for wreck removal, The
* Large-scale road detection in forested mountainous areas using airborne topographic lidar data
* Optimising the spatial resolution of WorldView-2 pan-sharpened imagery for predicting levels of Gonipterus scutellatus defoliation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
* Rotation-and-scale-invariant airplane detection in high-resolution satellite images based on deep-Hough-forests
* SGM-based seamline determination for urban orthophoto mosaicking
* Annual Dynamics of Impervious Surface in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 1988 to 2013, Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Automatic registration of large-scale urban scene point clouds based on semantic feature points
* Bag-of-visual-phrases and hierarchical deep models for traffic sign detection and recognition in mobile laser scanning data
* Benchmarking of data fusion algorithms in support of earth observation based Antarctic wildlife monitoring
* Calibration of a catadioptric omnidirectional vision system with conic mirror
* Classified and clustered data constellation: An efficient approach of 3D urban data management
* Correction of terrestrial LiDAR intensity channel using Oren-Nayar reflectance model: An application to lithological differentiation
* Improving spatial representation of soil moisture by integration of microwave observations and the temperature-vegetation-drought index derived from MODIS products
* Learning multiscale and deep representations for classifying remotely sensed imagery
* Octree-based segmentation for terrestrial LiDAR point cloud data in industrial applications
* Optimal seamline detection for multiple image mosaicking via graph cuts
* Wind speed estimation using C-band compact polarimetric SAR for wide swath imaging modes
12 for PandRS(113)
* Algebraic reasoning for the enhancement of data-driven building reconstructions
* Area-to-point regression kriging for pan-sharpening
* Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS
* Building detection and building parameter retrieval in InSAR phase images
* Clever eye algorithm for target detection of remote sensing imagery
* Closed-form solutions for estimating a rigid motion from plane correspondences extracted from point clouds
* Cloud/web mapping and geoprocessing services: Intelligently linking geoinformation
* Combined adjustment of multi-resolution satellite imagery for improved geo-positioning accuracy
* Effect of emissivity uncertainty on surface temperature retrieval over urban areas: Investigations based on spectral libraries
* Engineering web maps with gradual content zoom based on streaming vector data
* Enhanced detection of gossans using hyperspectral data: Example from the Cape Smith Belt of northern Quebec, Canada
* Identifying tree crown delineation shapes and need for remediation on high resolution imagery using an evidence based approach
* Integrating geo web services for a user driven exploratory analysis
* Linked Data and SDI: The case on Web geoprocessing workflows
* Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
* Monitoring interannual variation in global crop yield using long-term AVHRR and MODIS observations
* On the accuracy potential of focused plenoptic camera range determination in long distance operation
* Public participation in GIS via mobile applications
* Random forest in remote sensing: A review of applications and future directions
* Service-oriented model-encapsulation strategy for sharing and integrating heterogeneous geo-analysis models in an open web environment
* Street-side vehicle detection, classification and change detection using mobile laser scanning data
* structured light method for underwater surface reconstruction, A
* targeted change-detection procedure by combining change vector analysis and post-classification approach, A
* Traffic sign detection in MLS acquired point clouds for geometric and image-based semantic inventory
* use of suitable pseudo-invariant targets for MIVIS data calibration by the empirical line method, The
25 for PandRS(114)
* Earth observation from the manned low Earth orbit platforms
* Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges
* Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agenda
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A review
* Real-time collaborative GIS: A technological review
* Recent developments in large-scale tie-point matching
* Remote sensing platforms and sensors: A survey
* Rethinking big data: A review on the data quality and usage issues
* Sensor modelling and camera calibration for close-range photogrammetry
* Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories
* Theme issue 'State-of-the-art in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science'
* Time series analysis of InSAR data: Methods and trends
12 for PandRS(115)
* automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery, An
* Change detection based on deep feature representation and mapping transformation for multi-spatial-resolution remote sensing images
* Context-dependent detection of non-linearly distributed points for vegetation classification in airborne LiDAR
* Feature-based registration of historical aerial images by Area Minimization
* Optical remotely sensed time series data for land cover classification: A review
* spectral-structural bag-of-features scene classifier for very high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery, A
* Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Urban Area Classification Based on Model-Based Decomposition with Cross Scattering
* variants of an LOD of a 3D building model and their influence on spatial analyses, The
8 for PandRS(116)
* asymmetric re-weighting method for the precision combined bundle adjustment of aerial oblique images, An
* Automated mapping of persistent ice and snow cover across the western U.S. with Landsat
* Extracting hurricane eye morphology from spaceborne SAR images using morphological analysis
* general variational framework considering cast shadows for the topographic correction of remote sensing imagery, A
* Improved Persistent Scatterer analysis using Amplitude Dispersion Index optimization of dual polarimetry data
* Improved progressive TIN densification filtering algorithm for airborne LiDAR data in forested areas
* Mapping of macro and micro nutrients of mixed pastures using airborne AisaFENIX hyperspectral imagery
* method to visualize the evolution of multiple interacting spatial systems, A
* new adaptive method to filter terrestrial laser scanner point clouds using morphological filters and spectral information to conserve surface micro-topography, A
* Optimizing the balance between area and orientation distortions for variable-scale maps
* Prediction of high spatio-temporal resolution land surface temperature under cloudy conditions using microwave vegetation index and ANN
* Registration of multitemporal aerial optical images using line features
* seasonal carbon and water balances of the Cerrado environment of Brazil: Past, present, and future influences of land cover and land use, The
* Self-calibration of digital aerial camera using combined orthogonal models
* Spatio-temporal change detection from multidimensional arrays: Detecting deforestation from MODIS time series
* story of DB4GeO: A service-based geo-database architecture to support multi-dimensional data analysis and visualization, The
* survey on object detection in optical remote sensing images, A
* Theme section: Multi-dimensional modelling, analysis and visualization
* Towards a voxel-based geographic automata for the simulation of geospatial processes
* Unsupervised classification algorithm based on EM method for polarimetric SAR images
* web-based 3D visualisation and assessment system for urban precinct scenario modelling, A
21 for PandRS(117)
* 3D building reconstruction from ALS data using unambiguous decomposition into elementary structures
* Depth estimation and camera calibration of a focused plenoptic camera for visual odometry
* Object-oriented approach to oil spill detection using ENVISAT ASAR images
* Prospects of the ICESat-2 laser altimetry mission for savanna ecosystem structural studies based on airborne simulation data
* Road centerline extraction from airborne LiDAR point cloud based on hierarchical fusion and optimization
* Satellite image collection modeling for large area hazard emergency response
* Stable least-squares matching for oblique images using bound constrained optimization and a robust loss function
7 for PandRS(118)
* Assessing post-fire ground cover in Mediterranean shrublands with field spectrometry and digital photography
* Assessment of next-best-view algorithms performance with various 3D scanners and manipulator
* Automated mapping of soybean and corn using phenology
* Blending zone determination for aerial orthimage mosaicking
* Blind spectral unmixing based on sparse component analysis for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery
* Change detection of built-up land: A framework of combining pixel-based detection and object-based recognition
* Correction of ZY-3 image distortion caused by satellite jitter via virtual steady reimaging using attitude data
* Development of a mixed pixel filter for improved dimension estimation using AMCW laser scanner
* Dynamic occlusion detection and inpainting of in situ captured terrestrial laser scanning point clouds sequence
* Efficient terrestrial laser scan segmentation exploiting data structure
* Estimating forest species abundance through linear unmixing of CHRIS/PROBA imagery
* Estimation of the stand ages of tropical secondary forests after shifting cultivation based on the combination of WorldView-2 and time-series Landsat images
* Evolution of regional to global paddy rice mapping methods: A review
* Floristic composition and across-track reflectance gradient in Landsat images over Amazonian forests
* Illumination-invariant image matching for autonomous UAV localisation based on optical sensing
* impact of integrating WorldView-2 sensor and environmental variables in estimating plantation forest species aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in uMgeni Catchment, South Africa, The
* Impacts of spatial heterogeneity on crop area mapping in Canada using MODIS data
* Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis
* Improving winter leaf area index estimation in coniferous forests and its significance in estimating the land surface albedo
* Interferometric phase reconstruction using simplified coherence network
* Large-area settlement pattern recognition from Landsat-8 data
* Local surface sampling step estimation for extracting boundaries of planar point clouds
* Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from radiometrically calibrated airborne LiDAR data
* Mapping of land cover in northern California with simulated hyperspectral satellite imagery
* Meteo-marine parameters for highly variable environment in coastal regions from satellite radar images
* methodology for near real-time change detection between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and wide area satellite images, A
* Nonparametric feature extraction for classification of hyperspectral images with limited training samples
* Precise georeferencing using the rigorous sensor model and rational function model for ZiYuan-3 strip scenes with minimum control
* Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
* Retrieval of leaf area index in different plant species using thermal hyperspectral data
* Satellite images analysis for shadow detection and building height estimation
* Shadow detection and removal in RGB VHR images for land use unsupervised classification
* Slicing Method for curved façade and window extraction from point clouds
* TanDEM-X IDEM precision and accuracy assessment based on a large assembly of differential GNSS measurements in Kruger National Park, South Africa
* Target detection in hyperspectral imagery using forward modeling and in-scene information
* Theme section for 36th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment in Berlin
* Two-step adaptive extraction method for ground points and breaklines from lidar point clouds
37 for PandRS(119)
* Changes in satellite-derived impervious surface area at US historical climatology network stations
* D-FCM partitioned D-BSP tree for massive point cloud data access and rendering, The
* Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR
* dual growing method for the automatic extraction of individual trees from mobile laser scanning data, A
* Hyperspectral sensing to detect the impact of herbicide drift on cotton growth and yield
* Mapping raised bogs with an iterative one-class classification approach
* Multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing image classification by nonlinear relative normalization
* Progress in the remote sensing of C3 and C4 grass species aboveground biomass over time and space
* Semisupervised classification for hyperspectral image based on multi-decision labeling and deep feature learning
9 for PandRS(120)
* Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau
* Automatic cloud detection for high resolution satellite stereo images and its application in terrain extraction
* Description and validation of a new set of object-based temporal geostatistical features for land-use/land-cover change detection
* Detecting bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) abundance in plantation forestry using multisource remote sensing
* Estimation of glacier surface motion by robust phase correlation and point like features of SAR intensity images
* global study of NDVI difference among moderate-resolution satellite sensors, A
* Localization of a mobile laser scanner via dimensional reduction
* Non-rigid registration of 3D point clouds under isometric deformation
* Parametrization and calibration of a quasi-analytical algorithm for tropical eutrophic waters
* RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
* Robust multitask learning with three-dimensional empirical mode decomposition-based features for hyperspectral classification
* Semi-supervised hyperspectral classification from a small number of training samples using a co-training approach
* Skeletal camera network embedded structure-from-motion for 3D scene reconstruction from UAV images
* Understanding human activity patterns based on space-time-semantics
14 for PandRS(121)
* 3D change detection-Approaches and applications
* Automatic detection of blurred images in UAV image sets
* Characterizing major agricultural land change trends in the Western Corn Belt
* co-training, mutual learning approach towards mapping snow cover from multi-temporal high-spatial resolution satellite imagery, A
* Development of an improved urban emissivity model based on sky view factor for retrieving effective emissivity and surface temperature over urban areas
* Examining view angle effects on leaf N estimation in wheat using field reflectance spectroscopy
* Extracting building patterns with multilevel graph partition and building grouping
* MRF-based segmentation and unsupervised classification for building and road detection in peri-urban areas of high-resolution satellite images
* Multimodal registration of remotely sensed images based on Jeffrey's divergence
* Optimizing selection of training and auxiliary data for operational land cover classification for the LCMAP initiative
* Retrieval of forest leaf functional traits from HySpex imagery using radiative transfer models and continuous wavelet analysis
* robust background regression based score estimation algorithm for hyperspectral anomaly detection, A
* robust multi-kernel change detection framework for detecting leaf beetle defoliation using Landsat 7 ETM+ data, A
* Spatial variability of chlorophyll and nitrogen content of rice from hyperspectral imagery
* sub km resolution global database of surface reflectance and emissivity based on 10-years of MODIS data, A
* Urban land use extraction from Very High Resolution remote sensing imagery using a Bayesian network
16 for PandRS(122)
* Feasibility of Terrestrial laser scanning for collecting stem volume information from single trees
* Geolocation error tracking of ZY-3 three line cameras
* hierarchical methodology for urban facade parsing from TLS point clouds, A
* High-quality seamless DEM generation blending SRTM-1, ASTER GDEM v2 and ICESat/GLAS observations
* Incorporation of satellite remote sensing pan-sharpened imagery into digital soil prediction and mapping models to characterize soil property variability in small agricultural fields
* Photochemical reflectance ratio for tracking light use efficiency for sunlit leaves in two forest types
* Raft cultivation area extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery by fusing multi-scale region-line primitive association features
* Remote estimation of Kd (PAR) using MODIS and Landsat imagery for turbid inland waters in Northeast China
* Segmentation and classification of road markings using MLS data
* Semantic segmentation of 3D textured meshes for urban scene analysis
* Time synchronization of consumer cameras on Micro Aerial Vehicles
* Winter wheat mapping combining variations before and after estimated heading dates
12 for PandRS(123)
* Characterizing the relationship between land use land cover change and land surface temperature
* cloud detection algorithm-generating method for remote sensing data at visible to short-wave infrared wavelengths, A
* Energy crop mapping with enhanced TM/MODIS time series in the BCAP agricultural lands
* EXhype: A tool for mineral classification using hyperspectral data
* Ground-based hyperspectral analysis of the urban nightscape
* Multi-objective based spectral unmixing for hyperspectral images
* Multi-source remotely sensed data fusion for improving land cover classification
* on-orbit calibration of geometric parameters of the Tian-Hui 1 (TH-1) satellite, The
* Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images
* Sparse graph regularization for robust crop mapping using hyperspectral remotely sensed imagery with very few in situ data
* survey of landmine detection using hyperspectral imaging, A
11 for PandRS(124)
* Accuracy assessment of seven global land cover datasets over China
* Appearance learning for 3D pose detection of a satellite at close-range
* Assessing the impacts of canopy openness and flight parameters on detecting a sub-canopy tropical invasive plant using a small unmanned aerial system
* Bayesian approach to traffic light detection and mapping, A
* Correcting bias in the rational polynomial coefficients of satellite imagery using thin-plate smoothing splines
* Estimating rice yield related traits and quantitative trait loci analysis under different nitrogen treatments using a simple tower-based field phenotyping system with modified single-lens reflex cameras
* Identifying leaf traits that signal stress in TIR spectra
* Informal settlement classification using point-cloud and image-based features from UAV data
* Integration of remote sensing based surface information into a three-dimensional microclimate model
* intensity-based stochastic model for terrestrial laser scanners, An
* Joint inpainting of depth and reflectance with visibility estimation
* Line segment matching and reconstruction via exploiting coplanar cues
* On-orbit geometric calibration and geometric quality assessment for the high-resolution geostationary optical satellite GaoFen4
* survey of pansharpening methods with a new band-decoupled variational model, A
* Using vector building maps to aid in generating seams for low-attitude aerial orthoimage mosaicking: Advantages in avoiding the crossing of buildings
* Wind adaptive modeling of transmission lines using minimum description length
16 for PandRS(125)
* Analytical and numerical investigations on the accuracy and robustness of geometric features extracted from 3D point cloud data
* Assimilating leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and PROSAIL model
* Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing
* Comparison of low-altitude UAV photogrammetry with terrestrial laser scanning as data-source methods for terrain covered in low vegetation
* comparison of two downscaling procedures to increase the spatial resolution of mapping actual evapotranspiration, A
* Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
* Cross-satellite comparison of operational land surface temperature products derived from MODIS and ASTER data over bare soil surfaces
* Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on discrete firefly algorithm (EE-DFA)
* Estimating and mapping chlorophyll content for a heterogeneous grassland: Comparing prediction power of a suite of vegetation indices across scales between years
* Estimating urban vegetation fraction across 25 cities in pan-Pacific using Landsat time series data
* Forest point processes for the automatic extraction of networks in raster data
* Hierarchical graph-based segmentation for extracting road networks from high-resolution satellite images
* Integration of fuzzy logic and image analysis for the detection of gullies in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory using airborne LiDAR data
* potential of more accurate InSAR covariance matrix estimation for land cover mapping, The
* Semantic segmentation of forest stands of pure species combining airborne lidar data and very high resolution multispectral imagery
* Spatiotemporal downscaling approaches for monitoring 8-day 30 m actual evapotranspiration
* Transferability of multi- and hyperspectral optical biocrust indices
* Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium resolution optical and radar imaging data and the AquaCrop model using the particle swarm optimization algorithm
18 for PandRS(126)
* Cartographic continuum rendering based on color and texture interpolation to enhance photo-realism perception
* Comparing methods for the approximation of rainfall fields in environmental applications
* Development and evaluation of a specialized task taxonomy for spatial planning: A map literacy experiment with topographic maps
* Global robust image rotation from combined weighted averaging
* Lightweight UAV with on-board photogrammetry and single-frequency GPS positioning for metrology applications
* Probabilistic multi-person localisation and tracking in image sequences
* Rule-guided human classification of Volunteered Geographic Information
* scalable and multi-purpose point cloud server (PCS) for easier and faster point cloud data management and processing, A
* Theme issue 'Papers from Geospatial Week 2015'
* Unmanned Aerial Systems and DSM matching for rock glacier monitoring
10 for PandRS(127)
* accelerated image matching technique for UAV orthoimage registration, An
* Analysis and correction of ocean wave pattern induced systematic coordinate errors in airborne LiDAR bathymetry
* C-Pro: A coastal projector monitoring system using terrestrial photogrammetry with a geometric horizon constraint
* Calibration of boresight offset of LROC NAC imagery for precision lunar topographic mapping
* Characterisation and improvement of the structure function estimation for application in PSI
* Contextual segment-based classification of airborne laser scanner data
* Decomposition of LiDAR waveforms by B-spline-based modeling
* Describing contrast across scales
* Displacement monitoring and modelling of a high-speed railway bridge using C-band Sentinel-1 data
* Effects of urban tree canopy loss on land surface temperature magnitude and timing
* Enhancement of low visibility aerial images using histogram truncation and an explicit Retinex representation for balancing contrast and color consistency
* Hyperspectral remote sensing detection of petroleum hydrocarbons in mixtures with mineral substrates: Implications for onshore exploration and monitoring
* Mapping plastic greenhouse with medium spatial resolution satellite data: Development of a new spectral index
* Markov random field integrating spectral dissimilarity and class co-occurrence dependency for remote sensing image classification optimization, A
* Monitoring mangrove biomass change in Vietnam using SPOT images and an object-based approach combined with machine learning algorithms
* Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scanner data for land cover classification and map updating
* operational method for the disaggregation of land surface temperature to estimate actual evapotranspiration in the arid region of Chile, An
* Performance of five surface energy balance models for estimating daily evapotranspiration in high biomass sorghum
* Poisson nonnegative matrix factorization method with parameter subspace clustering constraint for endmember extraction in hyperspectral imagery, A
* Remote identification of research and educational activities using spectral properties of nighttime light
* Remote sensing estimation of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in optically shallow waters
* Self calibration of the stereo vision system of the Chang'e-3 lunar rover based on the bundle block adjustment
* SigVox-A 3D feature matching algorithm for automatic street object recognition in mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Simultaneous inversion of multiple land surface parameters from MODIS optical-thermal observations
* Spatiotemporally enhancing time-series DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery for assessing large-scale urban dynamics
* Species classification using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-acquired high spatial resolution imagery in a heterogeneous grassland
* Stitching images of dual-cameras onboard satellite
* Total canopy transmittance estimated from small-footprint, full-waveform airborne LiDAR
* Using spectrotemporal indices to improve the fruit-tree crop classification accuracy
29 for PandRS(128)
* Assessing the performance of aerial image point cloud and spectral metrics in predicting boreal forest canopy cover
* Automatic detection of Martian dark slope streaks by machine learning using HiRISE images
* Evaluating pixel and object based image classification techniques for mapping plant invasions from UAV derived aerial imagery: Harrisia pomanensis as a case study
* Examining the strength of the newly-launched Sentinel 2 MSI sensor in detecting and discriminating subtle differences between C3 and C4 grass species
* Exploring diversity in ensemble classification: Applications in large area land cover mapping
* Fast ground filtering for TLS data via Scanline Density Analysis
* Feature learning and change feature classification based on deep learning for ternary change detection in SAR images
* Feature matching evaluation for multimodal correspondence
* Gold: A novel deconvolution algorithm with optimization for waveform LiDAR processing
* Illumination compensation in ground based hyperspectral imaging
* linearly approximated iterative Gaussian decomposition method for waveform LiDAR processing, A
* Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data
* morphologically preserved multi-resolution TIN surface modeling and visualization method for virtual globes, A
* Poor textural image tie point matching via graph theory
* Robust point cloud classification based on multi-level semantic relationships for urban scenes
* Surface Extraction from TIN based Search-space Minimization (SETSM) algorithm, The
* voting-based statistical cylinder detection framework applied to fallen tree mapping in terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, A
* WREP: A wavelet-based technique for extracting the red edge position from reflectance spectra for estimating leaf and canopy chlorophyll contents of cereal crops
18 for PandRS(129)
* 3D local feature BKD to extract road information from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Automatic building extraction from LiDAR data fusion of point and grid-based features
* Automatic co-registration of 3D multi-sensor point clouds
* Automatic markerless registration of point clouds with semantic-keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets
* Bundle adjustment with raw inertial observations in UAV applications
* Change Detection Using Landsat Time Series: A review of frequencies, preprocessing, algorithms, and applications
* complex karst dynamics of the Lisan Peninsula revealed by 25 years of DInSAR observations. Dead Sea, Jordan, The
* Evaluation of seasonal variations of remotely sensed leaf area index over five evergreen coniferous forests
* Fusion of photogrammetric and photoclinometric information for high-resolution DEMs from Mars in-orbit imagery
* graph-based approach to detect spatiotemporal dynamics in satellite image time series, A
* High-resolution digital elevation models from single-pass TanDEM-X interferometry over mountainous regions: A case study of Inylchek Glacier, Central Asia
* higher order conditional random field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use, A
* Image jitter detection and compensation using a high-frequency angular displacement method for Yaogan-26 remote sensing satellite
* impacts of environmental variables on water reflectance measured using a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based spectrometer system, The
* Joint classification and contour extraction of large 3D point clouds
* Local and global evaluation for remote sensing image segmentation
* novel binary shape context for 3D local surface description, A
* P2L method of mismatch detection for push broom high-resolution satellite images, The
* Predicting grain yield in rice using multi-temporal vegetation indices from UAV-based multispectral and digital imagery
* Radiometric inter-sensor cross-calibration uncertainty using a traceable high accuracy reference hyperspectral imager
* Random forest wetland classification using ALOS-2 L-band, RADARSAT-2 C-band, and TerraSAR-X imagery
* Reducing classification error of grassland overgrowth by combing low-density lidar acquisitions and optical remote sensing data
* Retrieving the gap fraction, element clumping index, and leaf area index of individual trees using single-scan data from a terrestrial laser scanner
* review of supervised object-based land-cover image classification, A
* Simultaneous extraction of roads and buildings in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain
* Technical design and system implementation of region-line primitive association framework
* Using Landsat time series for characterizing forest disturbance dynamics in the coupled human and natural systems of Central Europe
* Validation of Suomi-NPP VIIRS sea ice concentration with very high-resolution satellite and airborne camera imagery
* Verification of road databases using multiple road models
* Vertical stratification of forest canopy for segmentation of understory trees within small-footprint airborne LiDAR point clouds
31 for PandRS(130)
* Assessing very high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring forest health during a simulated disease outbreak
* Improving the prediction of African savanna vegetation variables using time series of MODIS products
* mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* Mapping leaf nitrogen and carbon concentrations of intact and fragmented indigenous forest ecosystems using empirical modeling techniques and WorldView-2 data
* Multi-temporal mesoscale hyperspectral data of mixed agricultural and grassland regions for anomaly detection
* novel scene-based non-uniformity correction method for SWIR push-broom hyperspectral sensors, A
* On support relations and semantic scene graphs
* practical approach for deriving all-weather soil moisture content using combined satellite and meteorological data, A
* Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery
* Reconstruction of time-varying tidal flat topography using optical remote sensing imageries
* Spectral analysis of amazon canopy phenology during the dry season using a tower hyperspectral camera and modis observations
* Toward combining thematic information with hierarchical multiscale segmentations using tree Markov random field model
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for early detection of drought stress in hyperspectral images
13 for PandRS(131)
* auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
* Camera pose refinement by matching uncertain 3D building models with thermal infrared image sequences for high quality texture extraction
* Contextually guided very-high-resolution imagery classification with semantic segments
* Efficient structure from motion for oblique UAV images based on maximal spanning tree expansion
* Generation and performance assessment of the global TanDEM-X digital elevation model
* Graph SLAM correction for single scanner MLS forest data under boreal forest canopy
* Hierarchical semantic cognition for urban functional zones with VHR satellite images and POI data
* Hyperspectral dimensionality reduction for biophysical variable statistical retrieval
* Robust feature matching via support-line voting and affine-invariant ratios
* Scaling effects on spring phenology detections from MODIS data at multiple spatial resolutions over the contiguous United States
* service relation model for web-based land cover change detection, A
* Significant effect of topographic normalization of airborne LiDAR data on the retrieval of plant area index profile in mountainous forests
* Stand-volume estimation from multi-source data for coppiced and high forest Eucalyptus spp. silvicultural systems in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
* structured regularization framework for spatially smoothing semantic labelings of 3D point clouds, A
14 for PandRS(132)
* Assessing the Three-North Shelter Forest Program in China by a novel framework for characterizing vegetation changes
* crop phenology knowledge-based approach for monthly monitoring of construction land expansion using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imagery, A
* easily implemented method to estimate impervious surface area on a large scale from MODIS time-series and improved DMSP-OLS nighttime light data, An
* Improved atmospheric correction and chlorophyll-a remote sensing models for turbid waters in a dusty environment
* Mapping the height and spatial cover of features beneath the forest canopy at small-scales using airborne scanning discrete return Lidar
* Monitoring surface urban heat island formation in a tropical mountain city using Landsat data (1987-2015)
* Naïve Overfitting Index Selection (NOIS): A new method to optimize model complexity for hyperspectral data, The
* Nonlinear bias compensation of ZiYuan-3 satellite imagery with cubic splines
* Remote sensing of species diversity using Landsat 8 spectral variables
* Subpixel Urban Impervious Surface Mapping: The Impact of Input Landsat Images
* Tile prediction schemes for wide area motion imagery maps in GIS
* Transformation of Landsat imagery into pseudo-hyperspectral imagery by a multiple regression-based model with application to metal deposit-related minerals mapping
* Tree species classification using within crown localization of waveform LiDAR attributes
* Two-dimensional empirical wavelet transform based supervised hyperspectral image classification
* Utility of remote sensing-based surface energy balance models to track water stress in rain-fed switchgrass under dry and wet conditions
15 for PandRS(133)
* Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regression models and SfM data acquired by a UAV platform-A case study in Wild Duck Lake Wetland, Beijing, China
* Auto-calibration of GF-1 WFV images using flat terrain
* Band registration of tuneable frame format hyperspectral UAV imagers in complex scenes
* Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space: The Global Urban Footprint
* DEM generation from contours and a low-resolution DEM
* Estimation and mapping of above-ground biomass of mangrove forests and their replacement land uses in the Philippines using Sentinel imagery
* Large tree diameter distribution modelling using sparse airborne laser scanning data in a subtropical forest in Nepal
* Large-scale block adjustment without use of ground control points based on the compensation of geometric calibration for ZY-3 images
* Pairwise registration of TLS point clouds using covariance descriptors and a non-cooperative game
* Per-pixel bias-variance decomposition of continuous errors in data-driven geospatial modeling: A case study in environmental remote sensing
* Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-based phenotyping of soybean using multi-sensor data fusion and extreme learning machine
11 for PandRS(134)
* Aerial photography flight quality assessment with GPS/INS and DEM data
* Analyzing the performance of PROSPECT model inversion based on different spectral information for leaf biochemical properties retrieval
* Angular difference feature extraction for urban scene classification using ZY-3 multi-angle high-resolution satellite imagery
* Bias of cylinder diameter estimation from ground-based laser scanners with different beam widths: A simulation study
* Classification with an edge: Improving semantic image segmentation with boundary detection
* Evaluation of the S-NPP VIIRS land surface temperature product using ground data acquired by an autonomous system at a rice paddy
* From Google Maps to a fine-grained catalog of street trees
* Guided color consistency optimization for image mosaicking
* hybrid training approach for leaf area index estimation via Cubist and random forests machine-learning, A
* Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining from space-borne SAR interferometry
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery with Cooperative Game
* temperature and vegetation adjusted NTL urban index for urban area mapping and analysis, A
* Uniform competency-based local feature extraction for remote sensing images
13 for PandRS(135)
* approach for flood monitoring by the combined use of Landsat 8 optical imagery and COSMO-SkyMed radar imagery, An
* Automatic registration of panoramic image sequence and mobile laser scanning data using semantic features
* Automatic relative RPC image model bias compensation through hierarchical image matching for improving DEM quality
* Comparing the performance of flat and hierarchical Habitat/Land-Cover classification models in a NATURA 2000 site
* Effects of illumination differences on photometric stereo shape-and-albedo-from-shading for precision lunar surface reconstruction
* Hyperspectral sensing of heavy metals in soil and vegetation: Feasibility and challenges
* Large off-nadir scan angle of airborne LiDAR can severely affect the estimates of forest structure metrics
* Monitoring rubber plantation expansion using Landsat data time series and a Shapelet-based approach
* Object-based detection of vehicles using combined optical and elevation data
* Predicting temperate forest stand types using only structural profiles from discrete return airborne lidar
* Recognition of building group patterns in topographic maps based on graph partitioning and random forest
11 for PandRS(136)
* 3D micro-mapping: Towards assessing the quality of crowdsourcing to support 3D point cloud analysis
* Comparison of hyperspectral transformation accuracies of multispectral Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and EO-1 ALI images for detecting minerals in a geothermal prospect area
* efficient global energy optimization approach for robust 3D plane segmentation of point clouds, An
* Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures in urban landscapes using MODIS time series satellite data
* Harmonic regression of Landsat time series for modeling attributes from national forest inventory data
* Important LiDAR metrics for discriminating forest tree species in Central Europe
* Influence of conversion on the location of points and lines: The change of location entropy and the probability of a vector point inside the converted grid point
* novel approach for epipolar resampling of cross-track linear pushbroom imagery using orbital parameters model, A
* Predicting forest height using the GOST, Landsat 7 ETM+, and airborne LiDAR for sloping terrains in the Greater Khingan Mountains of China
* Radargrammetric DSM generation in mountainous areas through adaptive-window least squares matching constrained by enhanced epipolar geometry
* Robust and adaptive band-to-band image transform of UAS miniature multi-lens multispectral camera
* Understanding the temporal dimension of the red-edge spectral region for forest decline detection using high-resolution hyperspectral and Sentinel-2a imagery
12 for PandRS(137)
* Binary patterns encoded convolutional neural networks for texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification
* Close-range hyperspectral image analysis for the early detection of stress responses in individual plants in a high-throughput phenotyping platform
* cloud shadow detection method combined with cloud height iteration and spectral analysis for Landsat 8 OLI data, A
* Dynamic displacement monitoring of long-span bridges with a microwave radar interferometer
* edge-preservation multi-classifier relearning framework for the classification of high-resolution remotely sensed imagery, The
* Evaluating accuracy of DSSAT model for soybean yield estimation using satellite weather data
* Integrating fuzzy object based image analysis and ant colony optimization for road extraction from remotely sensed images
* Large-scale urban point cloud labeling and reconstruction
* Mapping spatial variability of foliar nitrogen in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plantations with multispectral Sentinel-2 MSI data
* Multi-class geospatial object detection based on a position-sensitive balancing framework for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
* novel orthoimage mosaic method using a weighted A* algorithm - Implementation and evaluation, A
* Open and scalable analytics of large Earth observation datasets: From scenes to multidimensional arrays using SciDB and GDAL
* Refined shape model fitting methods for detecting various types of phenological information on major U.S. crops
* Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
* Roof Planes Detection Via a Second-Order Variational Model
* spatio-temporal index for aerial full waveform laser scanning data, A
* Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral data with mutual information based segmented stacked autoencoder approach
* Towards automatic SAR-optical stereogrammetry over urban areas using very high resolution imagery
* Towards breaking the spatial resolution barriers: An optical flow and super-resolution approach for sea ice motion estimation
* unsupervised technique for optimal feature selection in attribute profiles for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images, An
20 for PandRS(138)
* 3D reconstruction from multi-view VHR-satellite images in MicMac
* Accuracy assessment of the global TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model with GPS data
* Accurate facade feature extraction method for buildings from three-dimensional point cloud data considering structural information
* Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logging damage with airborne LiDAR data
* automatic optimum number of well-distributed ground control lines selection procedure based on genetic algorithm, An
* Connecting infrared spectra with plant traits to identify species
* Derivation of global vegetation biophysical parameters from EUMETSAT Polar System
* Does quality control matter? Surface urban heat island intensity variations estimated by satellite-derived land surface temperature products
* Dynamic monitoring of the Poyang Lake wetland by integrating Landsat and MODIS observations
* Empirical ocean color algorithms and bio-optical properties of the western coastal waters of Svalbard, Arctic
* enhanced multi-view vertical line locus matching algorithm of object space ground primitives based on positioning consistency for aerial and space images, An
* Extraction and height estimation of artificial vertical structures based on the wrapped interferometric phase difference within their layovers
* Improved Small Baseline processing by means of CAESAR eigen-interferograms decomposition
* Integration of aerial oblique imagery and terrestrial imagery for optimized 3D modeling in urban areas
* Local curvature entropy-based 3D terrain representation using a comprehensive Quadtree
* Mapping fractional woody cover in semi-arid savannahs using multi-seasonal composites from Landsat data
* new scheme for urban impervious surface classification from SAR images, A
* Planarity constrained multi-view depth map reconstruction for urban scenes
* remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
19 for PandRS(139)
* Beyond RGB: Very high resolution urban remote sensing with multimodal deep networks
* Construction of pixel-level resolution DEMs from monocular images by shape and albedo from shading constrained with low-resolution DEM
* Disaster damage detection through synergistic use of deep learning and 3D point cloud features derived from very high resolution oblique aerial images, and multiple-kernel-learning
* Foreword to the theme issue on geospatial computer vision
* hybrid MLP-CNN classifier for very fine resolution remotely sensed image classification, A
* Landmark based localization in urban environment
* Learning a constrained conditional random field for enhanced segmentation of fallen trees in ALS point clouds
* Near real-time shadow detection and removal in aerial motion imagery application
* Object Scene Flow
* Skipping the real world: Classification of PolSAR images without explicit feature extraction
* Visual object tracking by correlation filters and online learning
11 for PandRS(140)
* Adaptive stopping criterion for top-down segmentation of ALS point clouds in temperate coniferous forests
* Assessing local climate zones in arid cities: The case of Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada
* Crowd-sourced pictures geo-localization method based on street view images and 3D reconstruction
* Detection flying aircraft from Landsat 8 OLI data
* Dynamics of the wetland vegetation in large lakes of the Yangtze Plain in response to both fertilizer consumption and climatic changes
* Exploring geo-tagged photos for land cover validation with deep learning
* Extracting leaf area index using viewing geometry effects: A new perspective on high-resolution unmanned aerial system photography
* fully automatic approach to register mobile mapping and airborne imagery to support the correction of platform trajectories in GNSS-denied urban areas, A
* Geostatistical modelling of spatial dependence in area-class occurrences for improved object-based classifications of remote-sensing images
* l0-based sparse hyperspectral unmixing using spectral information and a multi-objectives formulation
* Light and Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* Linear SFM: A hierarchical approach to solving structure-from-motion problems by decoupling the linear and nonlinear components
* Mapping permafrost landscape features using object-based image classification of multi-temporal SAR images
* Monitoring height and greenness of non-woody floodplain vegetation with UAV time series
* On the nullspace of TLS multi-station adjustment
* Photovoltaic panel extraction from very high-resolution aerial imagery using region-line primitive association analysis and template matching
* Regularized Volumetric Fusion Framework for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction, A
* review of accuracy assessment for object-based image analysis: From per-pixel to per-polygon approaches, A
* scale-invariant change detection method for land use/cover change research, A
* Spatially adaptive hyperspectral unmixing through endmembers analytical localization based on sums of anisotropic 2D Gaussians
* two-step framework for reconstructing remotely sensed land surface temperatures contaminated by cloud, A
21 for PandRS(141)
* 4D surface kinematics monitoring through terrestrial radar interferometry and image cross-correlation coupling
* Airborne LiDAR intensity banding: Cause and solution
* Burned area estimations derived from Landsat ETM+ and OLI data: Comparing Genetic Programming with Maximum Likelihood and Classification and Regression Trees
* CCD distortion calibration without accurate ground control data for pushbroom satellites
* Comparison of high-density LiDAR and satellite photogrammetry for forest inventory
* Comprehensive assessment of four-parameter diurnal land surface temperature cycle models under clear-sky
* deep learning approach to DTM extraction from imagery using rule-based training labels, A
* Detecting newly grown tree leaves from unmanned-aerial-vehicle images using hyperspectral target detection techniques
* Development of a novel simplification mask for multi-shot optical scanners
* Digital aerial photogrammetry for assessing cumulative spruce budworm defoliation and enhancing forest inventories at a landscape-level
* Editorial to theme section on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
* effects of imperfect reference data on remote sensing-assisted estimators of land cover class proportions, The
* empirical comparison of interpolation methods for MODIS 8-day land surface temperature composites across the conterminous Unites States, An
* Geoinformatics for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Hierarchical motion consistency constraint for efficient geometrical verification in UAV stereo image matching
* Hyperspectral image classification via a random patches network
* ICARE-VEG: A 3D physics-based atmospheric correction method for tree shadows in urban areas
* improved temporal mixture analysis unmixing method for estimating impervious surface area based on MODIS and DMSP-OLS data, An
* Intra-annual phenology for detecting understory plant invasion in urban forests
* local phase based invariant feature for remote sensing image matching, A
* Mapping Water-Logging Damage on Winter Wheat at Parcel Level Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data
* Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization coherence and SAR backscatter analysis of wetlands
* novel spectrum enhancement technique for multi-temporal, multi-spectral data using spatial-temporal filtering, A
* Optical models for remote sensing of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption in Poyang Lake
* Physical resources assessment in a semi-arid watershed: An integrated methodology for sustainable land use planning
* RETRACTED: A new On-orbit Geometric Self-calibration Approach for the High-resolution Multi-linear Array Optical Satellite Based on Stereoscopic Image Pairs
* Satellite derived photogrammetric bathymetry
* Scalable non-rigid registration for multi-view stereo data
* Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8
* supervised approach for simultaneous segmentation and classification of remote sensing images, A
* Three-point-based solution for automated motion parameter estimation of a multi-camera indoor mapping system with planar motion constraint
31 for PandRS(142)
* analytical approach to evaluate point cloud registration error utilizing targets, An
* Ancient Chinese architecture 3D preservation by merging ground and aerial point clouds
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of electrical substation scene from LiDAR point cloud
* Deep fusion of multi-view and multimodal representation of ALS point cloud for 3D terrain scene recognition
* Developing a multi-filter convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation using high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data
* Forward to the theme issue on point cloud processing
* Fusion of images and point clouds for the semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D scenes based on deep learning
* Geometrically stable tracking for depth images based 3D reconstruction on mobile devices
* In-situ measurements from mobile platforms: An emerging approach to address the old challenges associated with forest inventories
* L0-regularization-based skeleton optimization from consecutive point sets of kinetic human body
* multi-scale fully convolutional network for semantic labeling of 3D point clouds, A
* Multi-scan segmentation of terrestrial laser scanning data based on normal variation analysis
* Prioritized multi-view stereo depth map generation using confidence prediction
* probabilistic graphical model for the classification of mobile LiDAR point clouds, A
* Refinement of LiDAR point clouds using a super voxel based approach
* Removing non-static objects from 3D laser scan data
* rigorous fastener inspection approach for high-speed railway from structured light sensors, A
* Semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point cloud
* simple terrain relief index for tuning slope-related parameters of LiDAR ground filtering algorithms, A
* Three-dimensional building façade segmentation and opening area detection from point clouds
* Toward better boundary preserved supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds
21 for PandRS(143)
* 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* 3D convolutional neural network method for land cover classification using LiDAR and multi-temporal Landsat imagery, A
* Analyzing the feasibility of a space-borne sensor (SPOT-6) to estimate the height of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in inland waters
* Assessing and refining the satellite-derived massive green macro-algal coverage in the Yellow Sea with high resolution images
* Atmospheric correction of geostationary Himawari-8 satellite data for Total Suspended Sediment mapping: A case study in the Coastal Waters of Western Australia
* Cloud/shadow detection based on spectral indices for multi/hyperspectral optical remote sensing imagery
* Comprehensive accuracy assessment of MODIS daily snow cover products and gap filling methods
* Deep multi-task learning for a geographically-regularized semantic segmentation of aerial images
* Earth observation based multi-scale assessment of logging activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* effect of spatial resolution on radiometric and geometric performances of a UAV-mounted hyperspectral 2D imager, The
* Estimating the leaf area of an individual tree in urban areas using terrestrial laser scanner and path length distribution model
* Estimation of the directional and whole apparent clumping index (ACI) from indirect optical measurements
* Extraction of Residential Building Instances in Suburban Areas from Mobile LiDAR Data
* Focus model for metric depth estimation in standard plenoptic cameras
* Fusion of TanDEM-X and Cartosat-1 elevation data supported by neural network-predicted weight maps
* Hierarchical registration of unordered TLS point clouds based on binary shape context descriptor
* High-precision co-registration of orbiter imagery and digital elevation model constrained by both geometric and photometric information
* International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories
* Mapping paddy rice agriculture over China using AMSR-E time series data
* Methods for quantification of systematic distance deviations under incidence angle with scanning total stations
* new algorithm predicting the end of growth at five evergreen conifer forests based on nighttime temperature and the enhanced vegetation index, A
* new approach to selecting coherent pixels for ground-based SAR deformation monitoring, A
* new method for 3D individual tree extraction using multispectral airborne LiDAR point clouds, A
* new multi-resolution based method for estimating local surface roughness from point clouds, A
* practical sampling method for assessing accuracy of detected land cover/land use change: Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, A
* Projection learning with local and global consistency constraints for scene classification
* self-adaptive approach for producing clear-sky composites from VIIRS surface reflectance datasets, A
* Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical satellite imagery
* Spherical target-based calibration of terrestrial laser scanner intensity. Application to colour information computation
* Stand age estimation of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations using an integrated pixel- and object-based tree growth model and annual Landsat time series
* Super resolution of laser range data based on image-guided fusion and dense matching
* Towards a polyalgorithm for land use change detection
* Tunnel inspection using photogrammetric techniques and image processing: A review
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* Algorithms for semantic segmentation of multispectral remote sensing imagery using deep learning
* Big earth observation time series analysis for monitoring Brazilian agriculture
* Building instance classification using street view images
* Coping with environmental challenges in Latin America
* Deep learning for remotely sensed data
* deep learning framework for remote sensing image registration, A
* Early assessment of crop yield from remotely sensed water stress and solar radiation data
* Improvements of the MODIS Gross Primary Productivity model based on a comprehensive uncertainty assessment over the Brazilian Amazonia
* Individual tree crown delineation in a highly diverse tropical forest using very high resolution satellite images
* Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rotation equivariant CNNs: Towards small yet accurate models
* Migration monitoring of Ascia monuste (Lepidoptera) and Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera) in Argentina using RMA1 weather radar
* Monitoring Andean high altitude wetlands in central Chile with seasonal optical data: A comparison between Worldview-2 and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Monitoring thirty years of small water reservoirs proliferation in the southern Brazilian Amazon with Landsat time series
* MugNet: Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Limited Samples
* Multi-scale object detection in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* New Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* One-two-one networks for compression artifacts reduction in remote sensing
* Pan-sharpening via deep metric learning
* PatternNet: A benchmark dataset for performance evaluation of remote sensing image retrieval
* Radargrammetric approaches to the flat relief of the Amazon coast using COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X datasets
* Remote sensing monitoring of the impact of a major mining wastewater disaster on the turbidity of the Doce River plume off the eastern Brazilian coast
* Satellite-based view of the aerosol spatial and temporal variability in the Córdoba region (Argentina) using over ten years of high-resolution data
* Seasonal and interannual assessment of cloud cover and atmospheric constituents across the Amazon (2000-2015): Insights for remote sensing and climate analysis
* Semantic labeling in very high resolution images via a self-cascaded convolutional neural network
* semi-supervised generative framework with deep learning features for high-resolution remote sensing image scene classification, A
* Spatial and temporal variation of human appropriation of net primary production in the Rio de la Plata grasslands
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* Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2011 impervious cover data for the Chesapeake Bay region, USA
* Analyzing the role of pulse density and voxelization parameters on full-waveform LiDAR-derived metrics
* Applications and impacts of Google Earth: A decadal review (2006-2016)
* automated mathematical morphology driven algorithm for water body extraction from remotely sensed images, An
* automatic approach for land-change detection and land updates based on integrated NDVI timing analysis and the CVAPS method with GEE support, An
* Color calibration of digital images for agriculture and other applications
* Deep Networks Under Scene-Level Supervision for Multi-Class Geospatial Object Detection from Remote Sensing Images
* DEM refinement by low vegetation removal based on the combination of full waveform data and progressive TIN densification
* Detection of individual trees in urban alignment from airborne data and contextual information: A marked point process approach
* Determination of changes in leaf and canopy spectra of plants grown in soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons
* Determining spectral groups to distinguish oil emulsions from Sargassum over the Gulf of Mexico using an airborne imaging spectrometer
* Drainage ditch extraction from airborne LiDAR point clouds
* Estimating forest structural attributes using UAV-LiDAR data in Ginkgo plantations
* Evaluation of the AVHRR DeepBlue aerosol optical depth dataset over mainland China
* Exploring the potential of Rayleigh-corrected reflectance in coastal and inland water applications: A simple aerosol correction method and its merits
* framework for SAR-optical stereogrammetry over urban areas, A
* High-density stereo image matching using intrinsic curves
* HSW: Heuristic Shrink-wrapping for automatically repairing solid-based CityGML LOD2 building models
* Hyperspectral anomalous change detection based on joint sparse representation
* impact of dataset selection on land degradation assessment, The
* improved progressive morphological filter for UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds in river bank monitoring, An
* Iterative feature mapping network for detecting multiple changes in multi-source remote sensing images
* Joining multi-epoch archival aerial images in a single SfM block allows 3-D change detection with almost exclusively image information
* Mapping underrepresented land cover heterogeneity in arid regions: The Sahara-Sahel example
* multi-UAV cooperative route planning methodology for 3D fine-resolution building model reconstruction, A
* Multiple instance hybrid estimator for hyperspectral target characterization and sub-pixel target detection
* new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies, A
* phenology-based approach to the classification of Arctic tundra ecosystems in Greenland, A
* Progressively Expanded Neural Network (PEN Net) for hyperspectral image classification: A new neural network paradigm for remote sensing image analysis
* Remote sensing of albedo-reducing snow algae and impurities in the Maritime Antarctica
* Retraction notice to Use of LiDAR for calculating solar irradiance on roofs and façades of buildings at city scale: Methodology, validation, and analysis
* Road safety evaluation through automatic extraction of road horizontal alignments from Mobile LiDAR System and inductive reasoning based on a decision tree
* Social functional mapping of urban green space using remote sensing and social sensing data
* Soybean crop coverage estimation from NDVI images with different spatial resolution to evaluate yield variability in a plot
* Sparsity inspired pan-sharpening technique using multi-scale learned dictionary
* Structure from Motion for aerial thermal imagery at city scale: Pre-processing, camera calibration, accuracy assessment
* Successional stages and their evolution in tropical forests using multi-temporal photogrammetric surface models and superpixels
* Super-resolution of Sentinel-2 images: Learning a globally applicable deep neural network
* Towards operational marker-free registration of terrestrial lidar data in forests
* Tweets or nighttime lights: Comparison for preeminence in estimating socioeconomic factors
* UAV-based multispectral remote sensing for precision agriculture: A comparison between different cameras
* Variability in annual temperature cycle in the urban areas of the United States as revealed by MODIS imagery
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* Aerial imagery for roof segmentation: A large-scale dataset towards automatic mapping of buildings
* Ailanthus altissima mapping from multi-temporal very high resolution satellite images
* Analogue-based colorization of remote sensing images using textural information
* Canopy penetration depth estimation with TanDEM-X and its compensation in temperate forests
* Co-polarization channel imbalance phase estimation by corner-reflector-like targets
* Correcting rural building annotations in OpenStreetMap using convolutional neural networks
* Deep Learning Framework for Road Marking Extraction, Classification and Completion from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* Efficient and robust lane marking extraction from mobile lidar point clouds
* Evaluating the capability of the Sentinel 2 data for soil organic carbon prediction in croplands
* Generating a hyperspectral digital surface model using a hyperspectral 2D frame camera
* Generating a series of land covers by assimilating the existing land cover maps
* Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: A comparison study of tree height estimates from field measurement, airborne laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning in a boreal forest
* Learnable manifold alignment (LeMA): A semi-supervised cross-modality learning framework for land cover and land use classification
* Marker-free coregistration of UAV and backpack LiDAR point clouds in forested areas
* Measuring stem diameters with TLS in boreal forests by complementary fitting procedure
* Modeling alpine grassland forage phosphorus based on hyperspectral remote sensing and a multi-factor machine learning algorithm in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China
* multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classification of mobile LiDAR data and an algorithm to reproduce point cloud samples for enhanced training, A
* Multispectral change detection using multivariate Kullback-Leibler distance
* Practical optimal registration of terrestrial LiDAR scan pairs
* RETRACTED: A new On-orbit Geometric Self-calibration Approach for the High-resolution Multi-linear Array Optical Satellite Based on Stereoscopic Image Pairs
* Saliency detection of targets in polarimetric SAR images based on globally weighted perturbation filters
* Scale-variable region-merging for high resolution remote sensing image segmentation
* Segmentation-aided classification of hyperspectral data using spatial dependency of spectral bands
* Simplification of geometric objects in an indoor space
* Spectral-consistent relative radiometric normalization for multitemporal Landsat 8 imagery
* Structure from motion for ordered and unordered image sets based on random k-d forests and global pose estimation
* Wavelet approach applied to EVI/MODIS time series and meteorological data
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* Analysis of urban surface morphologic effects on diurnal thermal directional anisotropy
* Another look on region merging procedure from seed region shift for high-resolution remote sensing image segmentation
* Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteosat-SEVIRI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (2008-2016)
* Cloud removal in remote sensing images using nonnegative matrix factorization and error correction
* derivative-free optimization-based approach for detecting architectural symmetries from 3D point clouds, A
* Estimating Canopy Structure and Biomass in Bamboo Forests Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* How do people understand convenience-of-living in cities? A multiscale geographic investigation in Beijing
* Improvement of photogrammetric accuracy by modeling and correcting the thermal effect on camera calibration
* Improving LiDAR classification accuracy by contextual label smoothing in post-processing
* Mapping salt marsh soil properties using imaging spectroscopy
* Mapping the Yellow River Delta land subsidence with multitemporal SAR interferometry by exploiting both persistent and distributed scatterers
* Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open Foris and Google Earth Engine
* Point clouds for direct pedestrian pathfinding in urban environments
* Potential of nonlocally filtered pursuit monostatic TanDEM-X data for coastline detection
* random forest classifier based on pixel comparison features for urban LiDAR data, A
* Retrieving leaf area index in discontinuous forest using ICESat/GLAS full-waveform data based on gap fraction model
* Seamline network generation based on foreground segmentation for orthoimage mosaicking
* TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest above-ground biomass change detection
* Variation of leaf angle distribution quantified by terrestrial LiDAR in natural European beech forest
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* 3D gray level co-occurrence matrix and its application to identifying collapsed buildings
* 3D hyperspectral point cloud generation: Fusing airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral imaging sensors for improved object-based information extraction
* Application of remote sensing technologies to identify impacts of nutritional deficiencies on forests
* Automated detection and measurement of individual sorghum panicles using density-based clustering of terrestrial lidar data
* DuPLO: A DUal view Point deep Learning architecture for time series classificatiOn
* Geometric comparison and quality evaluation of 3D models of indoor environments
* Height estimation from single aerial images using a deep convolutional encoder-decoder network
* Integrating UAV optical imagery and LiDAR data for assessing the spatial relationship between mangrove and inundation across a subtropical estuarine wetland
* Investigating the gravitational stability of a radio telescope's reference point using a terrestrial laser scanner: Case study at the Onsala Space Observatory 20-m radio telescope
* line-based progressive refinement of 3D rooftop models using airborne LiDAR data with single view imagery, A
* Modelling the effects of fundamental UAV flight parameters on LiDAR point clouds to facilitate objectives-based planning
* new algorithm for the estimation of leaf unfolding date using MODIS data over China's terrestrial ecosystems, A
* new waveform decomposition method for multispectral LiDAR, A
* Radiometric calibration assessments for UAS-borne multispectral cameras: Laboratory and field protocols
* Recurrently exploring class-wise attention in a hybrid convolutional and bidirectional LSTM network for multi-label aerial image classification
* Simulation of satellite reflectance data using high-frequency ground based hyperspectral canopy measurements for in-season estimation of grain yield and grain nitrogen status in winter wheat
* Thin cloud removal from optical remote sensing images using the noise-adjusted principal components transform
* Tree species classification in tropical forests using visible to shortwave infrared WorldView-3 images and texture analysis
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* Albedo estimation for real-time 3D reconstruction using RGB-D and IR data
* Automatic sensor orientation using horizontal and vertical line feature constraints
* BIM-PoseNet: Indoor camera localisation using a 3D indoor model and deep learning from synthetic images
* BIM-Tracker: A model-based visual tracking approach for indoor localisation using a 3D building model
* Box-level segmentation supervised deep neural networks for accurate and real-time multispectral pedestrian detection
* Deep gradient prior network for DEM super-resolution: Transfer learning from image to DEM
* Deep learning based cloud detection for medium and high resolution remote sensing images of different sensors
* Design and evaluation of a full-wave surface and bottom-detection algorithm for LiDAR bathymetry of very shallow waters
* Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV ultrahigh-ground-resolution image textures and vegetation indices
* Evolution of the topography of tidal flats and sandbanks along the Jiangsu coast from 1973 to 2016 observed from satellites
* Extracting sinkhole features from time-series of TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X data
* graph convolutional neural network for classification of building patterns using spatial vector data, A
* higher-order tensor voting-based approach for road junction detection and delineation from airborne LiDAR data, A
* Including Sentinel-1 radar data to improve the disaggregation of MODIS land surface temperature data
* Inversion of rice canopy chlorophyll content and leaf area index based on coupling of radiative transfer and Bayesian network models
* Learning high-level features by fusing multi-view representation of MLS point clouds for 3D object recognition in road environments
* Segmentation for Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA): A review of algorithms and challenges from remote sensing perspective
* Semantic segmentation of slums in satellite images using transfer learning on fully convolutional neural networks
* Time-lapse optical flow regularization for geophysical complex phenomena monitoring
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* Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Gated Residual Refinement Network
* Automatic mapping of planting year for tree crops with Landsat satellite time series stacks
* Automatic reconstruction of fully volumetric 3D building models from oriented point clouds
* Balancing prediction accuracy and generalization ability: A hybrid framework for modelling the annual dynamics of satellite-derived land surface temperatures
* Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
* Deep built-structure counting in satellite imagery using attention based re-weighting
* Detecting and characterizing downed dead wood using terrestrial laser scanning
* dual band algorithm for shallow water depth retrieval from high spatial resolution imagery with no ground truth, A
* Estimation of the forest stand mean height and aboveground biomass in Northeast China using SAR Sentinel-1B, multispectral Sentinel-2A, and DEM imagery
* Exploring semantic elements for urban scene recognition: Deep integration of high-resolution imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM)
* Filter tensor analysis: A tool for multi-temporal remote sensing target detection
* Fusion of thermal imagery with point clouds for building façade thermal attribute mapping
* Multi-temporal image change mining based on evidential conflict reasoning
* new fully convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation of polarimetric SAR imagery in complex land cover ecosystem, A
* new method of equiangular sectorial voxelization of single-scan terrestrial laser scanning data and its applications in forest defoliation estimation, A
* Pairwise coarse registration of point clouds in urban scenes using voxel-based 4-planes congruent sets
* Pipeline leakage detection for district heating systems using multisource data in mid- and high-latitude regions
* Planar surface detection for sparse and heterogeneous mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Remote sensing-based crop lodging assessment: Current status and perspectives
* Robust registration for remote sensing images by combining and localizing feature- and area-based methods
* spatially structured adaptive two-stage model for retrieving ground-level PM2.5 concentrations from VIIRS AOD in China, A
* Vegetation Index Weighted Canopy Volume Model (CVMVI) for soybean biomass estimation from Unmanned Aerial System-based RGB imagery
* Virtual Support Vector Machines with self-learning strategy for classification of multispectral remote sensing imagery
23 for PandRS(151)
* Automatic land-water classification using multispectral airborne LiDAR data for near-shore and river environments
* Characterization and modeling of power line corridor elements from LiDAR point clouds
* Data extraction from digital repeat photography using xROI: An interactive framework to facilitate the process
* Deep learning in remote sensing applications: A meta-analysis and review
* Estimating forest stand density and structure using Bayesian individual tree detection, stochastic geometry, and distribution matching
* improved algorithm for estimating the Secchi disk depth from remote sensing data based on the new underwater visibility theory, An
* Investigating the effects of 3D urban morphology on the surface urban heat island effect in urban functional zones by using high-resolution remote sensing data: A case study of Wuhan, Central China
* Meta-analysis of deep neural networks in remote sensing: A comparative study of mono-temporal classification to support vector machines
* new stochastic simulation algorithm for image-based classification: Feature-space indicator simulation, A
* Normalization of the temporal effect on the MODIS land surface temperature product using random forest regression
* novel framework to detect conventional tillage and no-tillage cropping system effect on cotton growth and development using multi-temporal UAS data, A
* Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing
* Scale invariant line-based co-registration of multimodal aerial data using L1 minimization of spatial and angular deviations
* Spatial, temporal, and spectral variations in albedo due to vegetation changes in China's grasslands
* Urban flood mapping with an active self-learning convolutional neural network based on TerraSAR-X intensity and interferometric coherence
15 for PandRS(152)
* a-contrario method of mismatch detection for two-view pushbroom satellite images, An
* Determining switching threshold for NIR-SWIR combined atmospheric correction algorithm of ocean color remote sensing
* Developing a new cross-sensor calibration model for DMSP-OLS and Suomi-NPP VIIRS night-light imageries
* Effects of broad bandwidth on the remote sensing of inland waters: Implications for high spatial resolution satellite data applications
* Illumination-Robust remote sensing image matching based on oriented self-similarity
* Innovative pheno-network model in estimating crop phenological stages with satellite time series
* Relative space-based GIS data model to analyze the group dynamics of moving objects
* Reliable image matching via photometric and geometric constraints structured by Delaunay triangulation
* Social sensing from street-level imagery: A case study in learning spatio-temporal urban mobility patterns
* Structural segmentation and classification of mobile laser scanning point clouds with large variations in point density
* Thin cloud removal with residual symmetrical concatenation network
11 for PandRS(153)
* Automatic extraction of accurate 3D tie points for trajectory adjustment of mobile laser scanners using aerial imagery
* Calculating potential evapotranspiration and single crop coefficient based on energy balance equation using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
* critical analysis of satellite stereo pairs for digital surface model generation and a matching quality prediction model, A
* Development of soil moisture indices from differences in water absorption between shortwave-infrared bands
* Direct linear and refraction-invariant pose estimation and calibration model for underwater imaging
* Estimating leaf area index and aboveground biomass of grazing pastures using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images
* Evaluation of topographic effects on multiscale leaf area index estimation using remotely sensed observations from multiple sensors
* Explanation for the seam line discontinuity in terrestrial laser scanner point clouds
* Generation of long-term InSAR ground displacement time-series through a novel multi-sensor data merging technique: The case study of the Shanghai coastal area
* Improving public data for building segmentation from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for fused airborne lidar and image data using active contours
* LAM: Locality affine-invariant feature matching
* Learning from data: A post classification method for annual land cover analysis in urban areas
* Local climate zone-based urban land cover classification from multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 images with a recurrent residual network
* Measurement of three dimensional volcanic plume properties using multiple ground based infrared cameras
* Modelling of buildings from aerial LiDAR point clouds using TINs and label maps
* Pixel size of aerial imagery constrains the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle in crop breeding
* Pyramid scene parsing network in 3D: Improving semantic segmentation of point clouds with multi-scale contextual information
* Real-time georeferencing of thermal images using small fixed-wing UAVs in maritime environments
* Semantic segmentation of road furniture in mobile laser scanning data
* Semi-automatic extraction of liana stems from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds of tropical rainforests
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* Addressing overfitting on point cloud classification using Atrous XCRF
* Burn severity analysis in Mediterranean forests using maximum entropy model trained with EO-1 Hyperion and LiDAR data
* Development and evaluation of a deep learning model for real-time ground vehicle semantic segmentation from UAV-based thermal infrared imagery
* HPM-TDP: An efficient hierarchical PatchMatch depth estimation approach using tree dynamic programming
* Lever-arm and boresight correction, and field of view determination of a spectroradiometer mounted on an unmanned aircraft system
* Mapping irrigated cropland extent across the conterminous United States at 30?m resolution using a semi-automatic training approach on Google Earth Engine
* Modelling discontinuous terrain from DSMs using segment labelling, outlier removal and thin-plate splines
* Nomination-favoured opinion pool for optical-SAR-synergistic rice mapping in face of weakened flooding signals
* Per-point processing for detailed urban solar estimation with aerial laser scanning and distributed computing
* robust method for reconstructing global MODIS EVI time series on the Google Earth Engine, A
* Semi-supervised center-based discriminative adversarial learning for cross-domain scene-level land-cover classification of aerial images
* tentative test for measuring the sub-millimeter settlement and uplift of a high-speed railway bridge using COSMO-SkyMed images, A
* Unmanned Aerial System multispectral mapping for low and variable solar irradiance conditions: Potential of tensor decomposition
* Water productivity assessments for dwarf coconut by using Landsat 8 images and agrometeorological data
14 for PandRS(155)
* adaptive machine learning approach to improve automatic iceberg detection from SAR images, An
* Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis
* Automatic canola mapping using time series of sentinel 2 images
* bridge-tailored multi-temporal DInSAR approach for remote exploration of deformation characteristics and mechanisms of complexly structured bridges, A
* Bundle adjustment of satellite images based on an equivalent geometric sensor model with digital elevation model
* Comparison of surface and canopy urban heat islands within megacities of eastern China
* Efficient and robust large-scale structure-from-motion via track selection and camera prioritization
* enhanced bloom index for quantifying floral phenology using multi-scale remote sensing observations, An
* Evaluation of the MODIS collections 5 and 6 for change analysis of vegetation and land surface temperature dynamics in North and South America
* Landslides detection through optimized hot spot analysis on persistent scatterers and distributed scatterers
* Mapping dead forest cover using a deep convolutional neural network and digital aerial photography
* Multi-sensor prediction of Eucalyptus stand volume: A support vector approach
* Multiple-view geospatial comparison using web-based virtual globes
* Parameters determination and sensor correction method based on virtual CMOS with distortion for the GaoFen6 WFV camera
* Random cross-observation intensity consistency method for large-scale SAR images mosaics: An example of Gaofen-3 SAR images covering China
* Recovery of urban 3D road boundary via multi-source data
* Spatial-Spectral Local Discriminant Projection for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image
* TreeUNet: Adaptive Tree convolutional neural networks for subdecimeter aerial image segmentation
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* Accurate modelling of canopy traits from seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery based on the vertical distribution of leaf traits
* Blind Cloud and Cloud Shadow Removal of Multitemporal Images Based on Total Variation Regularized Low-Rank Sparsity Decomposition
* closed-form solution for multi-view color correction with gradient preservation, A
* Comparison between convolutional neural networks and random forest for local climate zone classification in mega urban areas using Landsat images
* Context pyramidal network for stereo matching regularized by disparity gradients
* Coral reef geomorphology of the Spratly Islands: A simple method based on time-series of Landsat-8 multi-band inundation maps
* Deep learning for multi-modal classification of cloud, shadow and land cover scenes in PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Efficiently utilizing complex-valued PolSAR image data via a multi-task deep learning framework
* Large-scale MODIS AOD products recovery: Spatial-temporal hybrid fusion considering aerosol variation mitigation
* Modelling of instrument repositioning errors in discontinuous Multi-Campaign Ground-Based SAR (MC-GBSAR) deformation monitoring
* Multi-season RapidEye imagery improves the classification of wetland and dryland communities in a subtropical coastal region
* Optimizing multiscale segmentation with local spectral heterogeneity measure for high resolution remote sensing images
* Photogrammetric assessment of shoreline retreat in North Africa: Anthropogenic and natural drivers
* Ship detection from PolSAR imagery using the ambiguity removal polarimetric notch filter
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* Application of convolutional neural networks for low vegetation filtering from data acquired by UAVs
* Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series for land cover mapping via a multi-source deep learning architecture
* Comparison of terrestrial LiDAR and digital hemispherical photography for estimating leaf angle distribution in European broadleaf beech forests
* comprehensive evaluation of disturbance agent classification approaches: Strengths of ensemble classification, multiple indices, spatio-temporal variables, and direct prediction, A
* Deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral imaging: A review
* Deep learning for conifer/deciduous classification of airborne LiDAR 3D point clouds representing individual trees
* Estimation and analysis of along-track attitude jitter of ZiYuan-3 satellite based on relative residuals of tri-band multispectral imagery
* implicit radar convolutional burn index for burnt area mapping with Sentinel-1 C-band SAR data, An
* Improving the estimation of fractional vegetation cover from UAV RGB imagery by colour unmixing
* Learning to propagate labels on graphs: An iterative multitask regression framework for semi-supervised hyperspectral dimensionality reduction
* Matching of TerraSAR-X derived ground control points to optical image patches using deep learning
* Metaheuristic pansharpening based on symbiotic organisms search optimization
* Multi-modal deep learning for landform recognition
* NRLI-UAV: Non-rigid registration of sequential raw laser scans and images for low-cost UAV LiDAR point cloud quality improvement
* On the value of corner reflectors and surface models in InSAR precise point positioning
* Plenoptic camera calibration based on microlens distortion modelling
* Predicting forest fires burned area and rate of spread from pre-fire multispectral satellite measurements
* Quantifying PM2.5 mass concentration and particle radius using satellite data and an optical-mass conversion algorithm
* Spatial information inference net: Road extraction using road-specific contextual information
* Statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles with deep convolutional neural networks
* time-series classification approach based on change detection for rapid land cover mapping, A
* Using spectral Geodesic and spatial Euclidean weights of neighbourhood pixels for hyperspectral Endmember Extraction preprocessing
22 for PandRS(158)
* 4D objects-by-change: Spatiotemporal segmentation of geomorphic surface change from LiDAR time series
* Annual Large-Scale Urban Land Mapping Based on Landsat Time Series in Google Earth Engine and OpenStreetMap Data: A Case Study in the Middle Yangtze River Basin
* Automatic scale estimation of structure from motion based 3D models using laser scalers in underwater scenarios
* Building segmentation through a gated graph convolutional neural network with deep structured feature embedding
* Camera orientation, calibration and inverse perspective with uncertainties: A Bayesian method applied to area estimation from diverse photographs
* Comparing partial least squares (PLS) discriminant analysis and sparse PLS discriminant analysis in detecting and mapping Solanum mauritianum in commercial forest plantations using image texture
* Comparison of multi-seasonal Landsat 8, Sentinel-2 and hyperspectral images for mapping forest alliances in Northern California
* Estimation of soil surface water contents for intertidal mudflats using a near-infrared long-range terrestrial laser scanner
* Evaluation of the LSA-SAF gross primary production product derived from SEVIRI/MSG data (MGPP)
* Extraction of urban building damage using spectral, height and corner information from VHR satellite images and airborne LiDAR data
* Frustum-based probabilistic framework for 3D object detection by fusion of LiDAR and camera data, A
* integrated photogrammetric and photoclinometric approach for illumination-invariant pixel-resolution 3D mapping of the lunar surface, An
* Investigating the resolution capability of terrestrial laser scanners and its impact on the effective number of measurements
* Investigation of wildfire impacts on land surface phenology from MODIS time series in the western US forests
* local thresholding approach to flood water delineation using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, A
* Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on tidal elevations: A case study of Southern China
* Object detection in optical remote sensing images: A survey and a new benchmark
* Object-specific optimization of hierarchical multiscale segmentations for high-spatial resolution remote sensing images
* Panoramic SLAM from a multiple fisheye camera rig
* Remote sensing algorithms for estimation of fractional vegetation cover using pure vegetation index values: A review
* robust visible near-infrared index for fire severity mapping in Arctic tundra ecosystems, A
* Significant effects of ecological context on urban trees' cooling efficiency
* Superpixel-enhanced deep neural forest for remote sensing image semantic segmentation
* systematic evaluation of influence of image selection process on remote sensing-based burn severity indices in North American boreal forest and tundra ecosystems, A
* UAV-based panoramic oblique photogrammetry (POP) approach using spherical projection, A
* Vehicle global 6-DoF pose estimation under traffic surveillance camera
* Wide-area invasive species propagation mapping is possible using phenometric trends
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* Assessment of bidirectional reflectance effects on desert and forest for radiometric cross-calibration of satellite sensors
* Automated Extraction of Lane Markings from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Fuzzy Inference
* Automated training sample definition for seasonal burned area mapping
* convolutional neural network approach for counting and geolocating citrus-trees in UAV multispectral imagery, A
* deep learning approach for mapping and dating burned areas using temporal sequences of satellite images, A
* Deep nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization network with semi-supervised learning for SAR image change detection
* Estimating wheat yields in Australia using climate records, satellite image time series and machine learning methods
* Estimating winter wheat yield based on a light use efficiency model and wheat variety data
* Incorporating environmental variables into a MODIS-based crop yield estimation method for United States corn and soybeans through the use of a random forest regression algorithm
* On the versatility of popular and recently proposed supervised evaluation metrics for segmentation quality of remotely sensed images: An experimental case study of building extraction
* Optimising drone flight planning for measuring horticultural tree crop structure
* Orientation guided anchoring for geospatial object detection from remote sensing imagery
* Polarimetric calibration for the distributed Gaofen-3 product by an improved unitary zero helix framework
* Robust point cloud registration based on topological graph and Cauchy weighted lq-norm
* semi-empirical approach for modeling the vegetation thermal infrared directional anisotropy of canopies based on using vegetation indices, A
* TanDEM-X DEM: Comparative performance review employing LIDAR data and DSMs
* Three-dimensional photogrammetric mapping of cotton bolls in situ based on point cloud segmentation and clustering
* Transferring deep learning models for cloud detection between Landsat-8 and Proba-V
* two-step approach for the correction of rolling shutter distortion in UAV photogrammetry, A
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* 3D map-guided single indoor image localization refinement
* Accurate derivation of stem curve and volume using backpack mobile laser scanning
* Aerial image semantic segmentation using DCNN predicted distance maps
* All-sky longwave downward radiation from satellite measurements: General parameterizations based on LST, column water vapor and cloud top temperature
* Annual Large-Scale Urban Land Mapping Based on Landsat Time Series in Google Earth Engine and OpenStreetMap Data: A Case Study in the Middle Yangtze River Basin
* application-driven LOD modeling paradigm for 3D building models, An
* blended census and multiscale remote sensing approach to probabilistic cropland mapping in complex landscapes, A
* Collaborative Learning of Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Clustering for Hyperspectral Image Semi-Supervised Classification with Limited Training Samples
* Deep SAR-Net: Learning objects from signals
* Development and evaluation of a new algorithm for detecting 30m land surface phenology from VIIRS and HLS time series
* Efficient match pair selection for oblique UAV images based on adaptive vocabulary tree
* Examining earliest identifiable timing of crops using all available Sentinel 1/2 imagery and Google Earth Engine
* Extraction of sub-pixel C3/C4 emissions of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) using artificial neural network
* Fast regularity-constrained plane fitting
* Global and local patterns of landscape change accuracy
* Heuristic sample learning for complex urban scenes: Application to urban functional-zone mapping with VHR images and POI data
* improved change detection approach using tri-temporal logic-verified change vector analysis, An
* Learning sequential slice representation with an attention-embedding network for 3D shape recognition and retrieval in MLS point clouds
* migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, The
* Noise-robust transparent visualization of large-scale point clouds acquired by laser scanning
* Object-based incremental registration of terrestrial point clouds in an urban environment
* Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Super-Resolution, A
* Rotation-Aware and Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Thermal unmixing based downscaling for fine resolution diurnal land surface temperature analysis
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* Above-ground biomass estimation and yield prediction in potato by using UAV-based RGB and hyperspectral imaging
* Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001-2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database
* Destruction from sky: Weakly supervised approach for destruction detection in satellite imagery
* Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with airborne multispectral and thermal imagery: Assessing bandset reduction performance from hyperspectral analysis
* Directionally constrained fully convolutional neural network for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Geocoding of trees from street addresses and street-level images
* global canopy water content product from AVHRR/Metop, A
* Global high-resolution mountain green cover index mapping based on Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* integrated environmental analytics system (IDEAS) based on a DGGS, An
* Integrated geometric self-calibration of stereo cameras onboard the ZiYuan-3 satellite
* LiDAR-guided dense matching for detecting changes and updating of buildings in Airborne LiDAR data
* Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
* ResUNet-a: A deep learning framework for semantic segmentation of remotely sensed data
* Segmentation of large-scale remotely sensed images on a Spark platform: A strategy for handling massive image tiles with the MapReduce model
* Thick cloud and cloud shadow removal in multitemporal imagery using progressively spatio-temporal patch group deep learning
* trunk-based SLAM backend for smartphones with online SLAM in large-scale forest inventories, A
* Voronoi classified and clustered data constellation: A new 3D data structure for geomarketing strategies
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* Analyzing spatial variability in night-time lights using a high spatial resolution color Jilin-1 image-Jerusalem as a case study
* Automated and efficient powerline extraction from laser scanning data using a voxel-based subsampling with hierarchical approach
* Deep learning-based remote and social sensing data fusion for urban region function recognition
* Deep point embedding for urban classification using ALS point clouds: A new perspective from local to global
* differential information residual convolutional neural network for pansharpening, A
* Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 time series for predicting wheat and rapeseed phenological stages
* Filtering of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on bidirectional cloth simulation
* Fractional evergreen forest cover mapping by MODIS time-series FEVC-CV methods at sub-pixel scales
* framework for large-scale mapping of human settlement extent from Sentinel-2 images via fully convolutional neural networks, A
* Global multi-scale grid integer coding and spatial indexing: A novel approach for big earth observation data
* Inlier extraction for point cloud registration via supervoxel guidance and game theory optimization
* Interactive dense point clouds in a game engine
* Intertidal topography mapping using the waterline method from Sentinel-1 & -2 images: The examples of Arcachon and Veys Bays in France
* label-noise robust active learning sample collection method for multi-temporal urban land-cover classification and change analysis, A
* Mapping coastal wetlands of China using time series Landsat images in 2018 and Google Earth Engine
* method to improve the accuracy of SAR image change detection by using an image enhancement method, A
* Modeling strawberry biomass and leaf area using object-based analysis of high-resolution images
* Potential of hyperspectral data and machine learning algorithms to estimate the forage carbon-nitrogen ratio in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Region level SAR image classification using deep features and spatial constraints
* Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
* Remote sensing of chlorophyll a concentration in turbid coastal waters based on a global optical water classification system
* Robust normal vector estimation in 3D point clouds through iterative principal component analysis
* SLAM-aided forest plot mapping combining terrestrial and mobile laser scanning
* SVLA: A compact supervoxel segmentation method based on local allocation
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* Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser scanning for land cover classification
* Comparison of pixel unmixing models in the evaluation of post-fire forest resilience based on temporal series of satellite imagery at moderate and very high spatial resolution
* Correction of amplitude scintillation effect in fully polarimetric SAR coherency matrix data
* Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segmentation using convolutional neural networks
* Deep spatio-spectral Bayesian posterior for hyperspectral image non-i.i.d. noise removal
* Development of post-fire vegetation response-ability model in grassland mountainous ecosystem using GIS and remote sensing
* Discriminant analysis for lodging severity classification in wheat using RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 data
* geometry-attentional network for ALS point cloud classification, A
* Google Earth Engine for geo-big data applications: A meta-analysis and systematic review
* Improved optical image matching time series inversion approach for monitoring dune migration in North Sinai Sand Sea: Algorithm procedure, application, and validation
* Large-scale point cloud contour extraction via 3D guided multi-conditional generative adversarial network
* Local climate zone mapping as remote sensing scene classification using deep learning: A case study of metropolitan China
* multi-plot assessment of vegetation structure using a micro-unmanned aerial system (UAS) in a semi-arid savanna environment, A
* National wetland mapping in China: A new product resulting from object-based and hierarchical classification of Landsat 8 OLI images
* Photogrammetric determination of 3D crack opening vectors from 3D displacement fields
* Under-canopy UAV laser scanning for accurate forest field measurements
* Unsupervised change detection between SAR images based on hypergraphs
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* automated PCA-based approach towards optimization of the rational function model, An
* Complete and accurate data correction for seamless mosaicking of airborne hyperspectral images: A case study at a mining site in Inner Mongolia, China
* Estimating offshore oil production using DMSP-OLS annual composites
* GRNet: Geometric relation network for 3D object detection from point clouds
* Long time-series remote sensing analysis of the periodic cycle evolution of the inlets and ebb-tidal delta of Xincun Lagoon, Hainan Island, China
* Mapping PM2.5 concentration at a sub-km level resolution: A dual-scale retrieval approach
* Mapping the condition of macadamia tree crops using multi-spectral UAV and WorldView-3 imagery
* novel skyline context descriptor for rapid localization of terrestrial laser scans to airborne laser scanning point clouds, A
* On the influence of sub-pixel position correction for PS localization accuracy and time series quality
* Reconstruction of lines and planes of urban buildings with angle regularization
* simple and effective method for removing residual reflected skylight in above-water remote sensing reflectance measurements, A
* UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery
* Unsupervised semantic and instance segmentation of forest point clouds
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* 3D Pedestrian tracking using local structure constraints
* Cloud removal in Sentinel-2 imagery using a deep residual neural network and SAR-optical data fusion
* Combined land surface emissivity and temperature estimation from Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS
* DANCE-NET: Density-aware convolution networks with context encoding for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Deep Gaussian processes for biogeophysical parameter retrieval and model inversion
* Deep learning networks for selection of measurement pixels in multi-temporal SAR interferometric processing
* Deeply Supervised Image Fusion Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, A
* Detecting abandoned farmland using harmonic analysis and machine learning
* Development and application of a new mangrove vegetation index (MVI) for rapid and accurate mangrove mapping
* Exploration of OpenStreetMap missing built-up areas using twitter hierarchical clustering and deep learning in Mozambique
* flexible targetless LiDAR-GNSS/INS-camera calibration method for UAV platforms, A
* Fully automatic smartphone-based photogrammetric 3D modelling of infant's heads for cranial deformation analysis
* generalized multi-task learning approach to stereo DSM filtering in urban areas, A
* HyNet: Hyper-Scale Object Detection Network Framework for Multiple Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Identifying floods and flood-affected paddy rice fields in Bangladesh based on Sentinel-1 imagery and Google Earth Engine
* Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data using CNN with optimized hyper-parameters
* Leveraging photogrammetric mesh models for aerial-ground feature point matching toward integrated 3D reconstruction
* Machine learning techniques for regional scale estimation of high-resolution cloud-free daily sea surface temperatures from MODIS data
* marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* MiniNet: An extremely lightweight convolutional neural network for real-time unsupervised monocular depth estimation
* multiclass TrAdaBoost transfer learning algorithm for the classification of mobile lidar data, A
* Near-real time forecasting and change detection for an open ecosystem with complex natural dynamics
* Photometric Multi-View Mesh Refinement for High-Resolution Satellite Images
* PoseGAN: A pose-to-image translation framework for camera localization
* remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
* SLAM integrated mobile mapping system in complex urban environments
* Structure from motion for complex image sets
* Texture-aware total variation-based removal of sun glint in hyperspectral images
* Thin cloud removal in optical remote sensing images based on generative adversarial networks and physical model of cloud distortion
* Towards a semi-automated mapping of Australia native invasive alien Acacia trees using Sentinel-2 and radiative transfer models in South Africa
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* Cross-regional oil palm tree counting and detection via a multi-level attention domain adaptation network
* Deeply supervised convolutional neural network for shadow detection based on a novel aerial shadow imagery dataset
* Detection of radioactive waste sites in the Chornobyl exclusion zone using UAV-based lidar data and multispectral imagery
* Efficient structure from motion for large-scale UAV images: A review and a comparison of SfM tools
* Estimation of 1-km all-weather remotely sensed land surface temperature based on reconstructed spatial-seamless satellite passive microwave brightness temperature and thermal infrared data
* From LiDAR point cloud towards digital twin city: Clustering city objects based on Gestalt principles
* Fully convolutional networks for land cover classification from historical panchromatic aerial photographs
* Gaussian processes retrieval of LAI from Sentinel-2 top-of-atmosphere radiance data
* Generating spatiotemporally consistent fractional vegetation cover at different scales using spatiotemporal fusion and multiresolution tree methods
* Geographically and temporally weighted neural networks for satellite-based mapping of ground-level PM2.5
* GESAC: Robust graph enhanced sample consensus for point cloud registration
* HyperLi-Net: A hyper-light deep learning network for high-accurate and high-speed ship detection from synthetic aperture radar imagery
* Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery within Google Earth Engine and a novel automatic workflow for land cover classification using migrated training samples
* low-cost UAV framework towards ornamental plant detection and counting in the wild, A
* Mapping croplands of Europe, Middle East, Russia, and Central Asia using Landsat, Random Forest, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping quality prediction for RTK/PPK-equipped micro-drones operating in complex natural environment
* Modeling strawberry biomass and leaf area using object-based analysis of high-resolution images
* Multi-level monitoring of three-dimensional building changes for megacities: Trajectory, morphology, and landscape
* Multi-scale deep feature learning network with bilateral filtering for SAR image classification
* novel deep learning instance segmentation model for automated marine oil spill detection, A
* potential of in-situ hyperspectral remote sensing for differentiating 12 banana genotypes grown in Uganda, The
* Radar-based multipoint displacement measurements of a 1200-m-long suspension bridge
* Remote sensed-based rainfall estimations over the East and West Africa regions for disaster risk management
* Semi-automated framework for generating cycling lane centerlines on roads with roadside barriers from noisy MLS data
* Structure-aware Building Mesh Polygonization
* Use of multi-temporal satellite data for monitoring pool surface areas occurring in non-perennial rivers in semi-arid environments of the Western Cape, South Africa
* Vehicle detection of multi-source remote sensing data using active fine-tuning network
* Water level prediction from social media images with a multi-task ranking approach
* Weakly-supervised domain adaptation for built-up region segmentation in aerial and satellite imagery
* X-ModalNet: A semi-supervised deep cross-modal network for classification of remote sensing data
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* BT-RoadNet: A boundary and topologically-aware neural network for road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests
* Detecting and mapping tree seedlings in UAV imagery using convolutional neural networks and field-verified data
* effect of the point spread function on downscaling continua, The
* Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data
* Exploring multiscale object-based convolutional neural network (multi-OCNN) for remote sensing image classification at high spatial resolution
* feasibility of assessing swell-based bathymetry using SAR imagery from orbiting satellites, The
* impact of anthropogenic land use change on the protected areas of the Kilombero catchment, Tanzania, The
* Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* Influence of ULS acquisition characteristics on tree stem parameter estimation
* Machine learning-assisted region merging for remote sensing image segmentation
* Mathematical morphology directly applied to point cloud data
* Monitoring surface water area variations of reservoirs using daily MODIS images by exploring sub-pixel information
* NDVI-Net: A fusion network for generating high-resolution normalized difference vegetation index in remote sensing
* Performance of terrestrial laser scanning to characterize managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands is dependent on forest structural variation
* Pruning multi-view stereo net for efficient 3D reconstruction
* Remotely sensed canopy resistance model for analyzing the stomatal behavior of environmentally-stressed winter wheat
* Response of winter wheat to spring frost from a remote sensing perspective: Damage estimation and influential factors
* See the forest and the trees: Effective machine and deep learning algorithms for wood filtering and tree species classification from terrestrial laser scanning
* spatially explicit surface urban heat island database for the United States: Characterization, uncertainties, and possible applications, A
* Superpixel-enhanced deep neural forest for remote sensing image semantic segmentation
* Tree species classification using structural features derived from terrestrial laser scanning
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* 10-m-resolution mangrove maps of China derived from multi-source and multi-temporal satellite observations
* Active and incremental learning for semantic ALS point cloud segmentation
* Combined geometric-radiometric and neural network approach to shallow bathymetric mapping with UAS imagery
* Comparison of land surface phenology in the Northern Hemisphere based on AVHRR GIMMS3g and MODIS datasets
* deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical imagery, A
* Delineation of built-up land change from SAR stack by analysing the coefficient of variation
* Detection of banana plants and their major diseases through aerial images and machine learning methods: A case study in DR Congo and Republic of Benin
* Developing a machine learning based cotton yield estimation framework using multi-temporal UAS data
* Effects of radiometric correction on cover type and spatial resolution for modeling plot level forest attributes using multispectral airborne LiDAR data
* Empirical validation of photon recollision probability in single crowns of tree seedlings
* Environmental sustainability with remote sensing in Africa
* Flood severity mapping from Volunteered Geographic Information by interpreting water level from images containing people: A case study of Hurricane Harvey
* framework for multiscale intertidal sandflat mapping: A case study in the Whangateau estuary, A
* Fusion of public DEMs based on sparse representation and adaptive regularization variation model
* generic framework for improving the geopositioning accuracy of multi-source optical and SAR imagery, A
* Global comparison of diverse scaling factors and regression models for downscaling Landsat-8 thermal data
* Identifying and mapping individual plants in a highly diverse high-elevation ecosystem using UAV imagery and deep learning
* Integrating spectral variability and spatial distribution for object-based image analysis using curve matching approaches
* Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: Part II, A comparison study of tree height estimates from conventional field measurement and low-cost close-range remote sensing in a deciduous forest
* Low rank and collaborative representation for hyperspectral anomaly detection via robust dictionary construction
* Mapping plastic materials in an urban area: Development of the normalized difference plastic index using WorldView-3 superspectral data
* MLRSNet: A multi-label high spatial resolution remote sensing dataset for semantic scene understanding
* Novel clustering schemes for full and compact polarimetric SAR data: An application for rice phenology characterization
* optimal sampling method for multi-temporal land surface temperature validation over heterogeneous surfaces, An
* Oriented objects as pairs of middle lines
* Retrieving snow wetness based on surface and volume scattering simulation
* Self-attention for raw optical Satellite Time Series Classification
* Time series of remote sensing and water deficit to predict the occurrence of soil water repellency in New Zealand pastures
* Unsupervised scene adaptation for semantic segmentation of urban mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Using hyperspectral plant traits linked to photosynthetic efficiency to assess N and P partition
* Wild animal survey using UAS imagery and deep learning: modified Faster R-CNN for kiang detection in Tibetan Plateau
31 for PandRS(169)
* Automatic registration of a single SAR image and GIS building footprints in a large-scale urban area
* Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of crop phenology across North America during 2000-2016 using satellite imagery and agricultural survey data
* end-to-end shape modeling framework for vectorized building outline generation from aerial images, An
* Jointly optimizing global and local color consistency for multiple image mosaicking
* Mapping forest tree species in high resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery by means of convolutional neural networks
* Mapping of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Optically Complex Waters of Amazon Floodplain Lakes
* Monitoring the spatial distribution and changes in permafrost with passive microwave remote sensing
* Multistrategy ensemble regression for mapping of built-up density and height with Sentinel-2 data
* Parsing very high resolution urban scene images by learning deep ConvNets with edge-aware loss
* Robust 3D reconstruction of building surfaces from point clouds based on structural and closed constraints
* SAR analysis of wetland ecosystems: Effects of band frequency, polarization mode and acquisition dates
* Training CNNs on speckled optical dataset for edge detection in SAR images
* Understanding the synergies of deep learning and data fusion of multispectral and panchromatic high resolution commercial satellite imagery for automated ice-wedge polygon detection
* Urban 3D imaging using airborne TomoSAR: Contextual information-based approach in the statistical way
* Water clarity changes in 64 large alpine lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and the potential responses to lake expansion
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* Aleatoric uncertainty estimation for dense stereo matching via CNN-based cost volume analysis
* Analysis of the temporal correlations of TLS range observations from plane fitting residuals
* Automatic 3D building reconstruction from multi-view aerial images with deep learning
* Cascaded multi-baseline interferometry with bistatic TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X observations for DEM generation
* cross-correction LiDAR SLAM method for high-accuracy 2D mapping of problematic scenario, A
* Developing a spectral angle based vegetation index for detecting the early dying process of Chinese fir trees
* Exploring Google Street View with deep learning for crop type mapping
* From local to global: A transfer learning-based approach for mapping poplar plantations at national scale using Sentinel-2
* Fully convolutional recurrent networks for multidate crop recognition from multitemporal image sequences
* Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* Improving hyperspectral image segmentation by applying inverse noise weighting and outlier removal for optimal scale selection
* Improving traffic sign recognition results in urban areas by overcoming the impact of scale and rotation
* Individual tree detection and crown delineation from Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) LiDAR in structurally complex mixed species eucalypt forests
* Kernel low-rank representation with elastic net for China coastal wetland land cover classification using GF-5 hyperspectral imagery
* Land surface phenology as indicator of global terrestrial ecosystem dynamics: A systematic review
* Laplacian fusion approach of multi-source point clouds for detail enhancement
* Lidar sheds new light on plant phenomics for plant breeding and management: Recent advances and future prospects
* Missing data reconstruction in VHR images based on progressive structure prediction and texture generation
* Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* review of image fusion techniques for pan-sharpening of high-resolution satellite imagery, A
* Robust global registration of point clouds by closed-form solution in the frequency domain
* Robust line segment matching across views via ranking the line-point graph
* Three-dimensional photogrammetry with deep learning instance segmentation to extract berry fruit harvestability traits
* Universal SAR and optical image registration via a novel SIFT framework based on nonlinear diffusion and a polar spatial-frequency descriptor
* Unmixing-based Sentinel-2 downscaling for urban land cover mapping
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* AMENet: Attentive Maps Encoder Network for trajectory prediction
* anchor-based graph method for detecting and classifying indoor objects from cluttered 3D point clouds, An
* Automated iceberg tracking with a machine learning approach applied to SAR imagery: A Weddell sea case study
* Combining graph-cut clustering with object-based stem detection for tree segmentation in highly dense airborne lidar point clouds
* Comprehensive time-series analysis of bridge deformation using differential satellite radar interferometry based on Sentinel-1
* Deep regression for LiDAR-based localization in dense urban areas
* Digital surface model generation for drifting Arctic sea ice with low-textured surfaces based on drone images
* GTP-PNet: A residual learning network based on gradient transformation prior for pansharpening
* Multi-directional change detection between point clouds
* novel surface water index using local background information for long term and large-scale Landsat images, A
* Per-pixel land cover accuracy prediction: A random forest-based method with limited reference sample data
* Quality-based registration refinement of airborne LiDAR and photogrammetric point clouds
* Radiometric correction of laser scanning intensity data applied for terrestrial laser scanning
* Robust line feature matching based on pair-wise geometric constraints and matching redundancy
* SceneNet: Remote sensing scene classification deep learning network using multi-objective neural evolution architecture search
* Spruce budworm tree host species distribution and abundance mapping using multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
* Tropical forest canopy height estimation from combined polarimetric SAR and LiDAR using machine-learning
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* Airborne LiDAR point cloud classification with global-local graph attention convolution neural network
* Automated digital elevation model (DEM) generation from very-high-resolution Planet SkySat triplet stereo and video imagery
* Characterizing urban land changes of 30 global megacities using nighttime light time series stacks
* Damage detection using SAR coherence statistical analysis, application to Beirut, Lebanon
* Efficient global color correction for large-scale multiple-view images in three-dimensional reconstruction
* Efficient RTM-based training of machine learning regression algorithms to quantify biophysical and biochemical traits of agricultural crops
* Enhanced trajectory estimation of mobile laser scanners using aerial images
* Feature-preserving 3D mesh simplification for urban buildings
* Fully automatic spatiotemporal segmentation of 3D LiDAR time series for the extraction of natural surface changes
* Growing status observation for oil palm trees using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images
* M2H-Net: A Reconstruction Method For Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Mapping coastal salt marshes in China using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR
* Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moisture using a long-range terrestrial laser scanner
* PBNet: Part-based convolutional neural network for complex composite object detection in remote sensing imagery
* Phenology estimation of subtropical bamboo forests based on assimilated MODIS LAI time series data
* Remote sensing image segmentation advances: A meta-analysis
* Review on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in vegetation remote sensing
* Robust unsupervised small area change detection from SAR imagery using deep learning
* Semantics-guided reconstruction of indoor navigation elements from 3D colorized points
* Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 atmospheric correction and signal normalization based on ground-truth spectroradiometric measurements
* UAV-Thermal imaging and agglomerative hierarchical clustering techniques to evaluate and rank physiological performance of wheat genotypes on sodic soil
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* Application of UAV-based orthomosaics for determination of horizontal displacement caused by underground mining
* Atmospheric and sunglint correction for retrieving chlorophyll-a in a productive tropical estuarine-lagoon system using Sentinel-2 MSI imagery
* Automated Street Tree Inventory Using Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Hough Transform and Active Contours
* Automatic atmospheric correction for shortwave hyperspectral remote sensing data using a time-dependent deep neural network
* CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect plantation-rows from UAV imagery, A
* Deep multisensor learning for missing-modality all-weather mapping
* Depth-enhanced feature pyramid network for occlusion-aware verification of buildings from oblique images
* Evaluation of Landsat-8 TIRS data recalibrations and land surface temperature split-window algorithms over a homogeneous crop area with different phenological land covers
* Field-scale crop yield prediction using multi-temporal WorldView-3 and PlanetScope satellite data and deep learning
* geographic information-driven method and a new large scale dataset for remote sensing cloud/snow detection, A
* hybrid global structure from motion method for synchronously estimating global rotations and global translations, A
* Large-scale rice mapping under different years based on time-series Sentinel-1 images using deep semantic segmentation model
* maximum bathymetric depth model to simulate satellite photon-counting lidar performance, A
* nested drone-satellite approach to monitoring the ecological conditions of wetlands, A
* Open-air grape classification and its application in parcel-level risk assessment of late frost in the eastern Helan Mountains
* Using a fully polarimetric SAR to detect landslide in complex surroundings: Case study of 2015 Shenzhen landslide
* VPC-Net: Completion of 3D vehicles from MLS point clouds
* Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim mapping with multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images: The importance of different features and consistency of results
18 for PandRS(174)
* Artificial and beneficial: Exploiting artificial images for aerial vehicle detection
* Attention aware cost volume pyramid based multi-view stereo network for 3D reconstruction
* Building outline delineation: From aerial images to polygons with an improved end-to-end learning framework
* Center pivot field delineation and mapping: A satellite-driven object-based image analysis approach for national scale accounting
* CLNet: Cross-Layer Convolutional Neural Network for Change Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* DDRNet: Fast point cloud registration network for large-scale scenes
* Detecting inconsistent information in crowd-sourced street networks based on parallel carriageways identification and the rule of symmetry
* Detecting individual abandoned houses from google street view: A hierarchical deep learning approach
* Efficient interactions for reconstructing complex buildings via joint photometric and geometric saliency segmentation
* Estimating daily full-coverage near surface O3, CO, and NO2 concentrations at a high spatial resolution over China based on S5P-TROPOMI and GEOS-FP
* Floorplan generation from 3D point clouds: A space partitioning approach
* Forest height retrieval using P-band airborne multi-baseline SAR data: A novel phase compensation method
* GAMSNet: Globally aware road detection network with multi-scale residual learning
* Global Context-aware and Batch-independent Network for road extraction from VHR satellite imagery, A
* Greenness, texture, and spatial relationships predict floristic diversity across wetlands of the conterminous United States
* Individual Tree Extraction from Urban Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using Deep Pointwise Direction Embedding
* Learning Deep Semantic Segmentation Network Under Multiple Weakly-Supervised Constraints for Cross-Domain Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Learning from multimodal and multitemporal earth observation data for building damage mapping
* Mapping crop types in complex farming areas using SAR imagery with dynamic time warping
* Mapping trees along urban street networks with deep learning and street-level imagery
* Metrics for aerial, urban lidar point clouds
* point-based deep learning network for semantic segmentation of MLS point clouds, A
* Refinement of interferometric SAR parameters using digital terrain model as an external reference
* Regional evaluation of satellite-based methods for identifying leaf unfolding date
* Registration of multi-platform point clouds using edge detection for rockfall monitoring
* Sentinel SAR-optical fusion for crop type mapping using deep learning and Google Earth Engine
* spectral index for winter wheat mapping using multi-temporal Landsat NDVI data of key growth stages, A
* Structure-aware completion of photogrammetric meshes in urban road environment
* Urban functional zone mapping by integrating high spatial resolution nighttime light and daytime multi-view imagery
* Validation and consistency assessment of land surface temperature from geostationary and polar orbit platforms: SEVIRI/MSG and AVHRR/Metop
* Validation of baseline and modified Sentinel-2 Level 2 Prototype Processor leaf area index retrievals over the United States
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* Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation with Multi-Modal Learning
* Classifying rock slope materials in photogrammetric point clouds using robust color and geometric features
* FPS-Net: A convolutional fusion network for large-scale LiDAR point cloud segmentation
* Juggling with representations: On the information transfer between imagery, point clouds, and meshes for multi-modal semantics
* Learning deep cross-scale feature propagation for indoor semantic segmentation
* Local and global encoder network for semantic segmentation of Airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Mapping fine-scale human disturbances in a working landscape with Landsat time series on Google Earth Engine
* Meta-classification of remote sensing reflectance to estimate trophic status of inland and nearshore waters
* Muti-modal learning in photogrammetry and remote sensing
* Radiative transfer modeling to measure fire impact and forest engineering resilience at short-term
* Robust detection of non-overlapping ellipses from points with applications to circular target extraction in images and cylinder detection in point clouds
* Satellite-based data fusion crop type classification and mapping in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
* Self-calibration dense bundle adjustment of multi-view Worldview-3 basic images
* Self-supervised monocular depth estimation from oblique UAV videos
* Spatio-temporal linking of multiple SAR satellite data from medium and high resolution Radarsat-2 images
* Statistical estimation of next-day nighttime surface urban heat islands
* Symmetrical lattice generative adversarial network for remote sensing images compression
* two-step mapping of irrigated corn with multi-temporal MODIS and Landsat analysis ready data, A
* U. V. Helava Award: Best Paper Volumes 159-170 (2020), The
* Video object detection with a convolutional regression tracker
* Weakly supervised instance attention for multisource fine-grained object recognition with an application to tree species classification
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* 2020 Hpakant Jade Mine Disaster, Myanmar: A multi-sensor investigation for slope failure, The
* Aerial scene understanding in the wild: Multi-scene recognition via prototype-based memory networks
* attention-fused network for semantic segmentation of very-high-resolution remote sensing imagery, An
* Automatic detection of burial mounds (kurgans) in the Altai Mountains
* Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-monthly terrestrial hyperspectral images in Hong Kong
* Characterizing reflectance anisotropy of background soil in open-canopy plantations using UAV-based multiangular images
* Combined deep prior with low-rank tensor SVD for thick cloud removal in multitemporal images
* Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-guided networks for moving vehicle detection and tracking in satellite videos
* Crowdsourcing-based indoor mapping using smartphones: A survey
* Detecting high-temperature anomalies from Sentinel-2 MSI images
* GraNet: Global relation-aware attentional network for semantic segmentation of ALS point clouds
* hierarchical deep learning framework for the consistent classification of land use objects in geospatial databases, A
* High-resolution triplet network with dynamic multiscale feature for change detection on satellite images
* New method for first-order network design applied to TLS self-calibration networks
* Object-level change detection with a dual correlation attention-guided detector
* On the relation between landscape beauty and land cover: A case study in the U.K. at Sentinel-2 resolution with interpretable AI
* Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite image time series
* Semantic segmentation of 3D indoor LiDAR point clouds through feature pyramid architecture search
* Spatiotemporal changes of glacier and seasonal snow fluctuations over the Namcha Barwa-Gyala Peri massif using object-based classification from Landsat time series
* Vectorized indoor surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud with multistep 2D optimization
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* Active fire detection in Landsat-8 imagery: A large-scale dataset and a deep-learning study
* Airborne optical polarization imaging for observation of submarine Kelvin wakes on the sea surface: Imaging chain and simulation
* Automated tree-crown and height detection in a young forest plantation using mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN)
* Dense point cloud map construction based on stereo VINS for mobile vehicles
* Dual-polarimetric descriptors from Sentinel-1 GRD SAR data for crop growth assessment
* Empirical validation of photon recollision probability in single crowns of tree seedlings
* enhanced pixel-based phenological feature for accurate paddy rice mapping with Sentinel-2 imagery in Google Earth Engine, An
* Estimation of daily mean land surface temperature at global scale using pairs of daytime and nighttime MODIS instantaneous observations
* influence of vegetation index thresholding on EO-based assessments of exposed soil masks in Germany between 1984 and 2019, The
* Instance segmentation of fallen trees in aerial color infrared imagery using active multi-contour evolution with fully convolutional network-based intensity priors
* Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series in a heterogeneous landscape in Niger, Sahel
* Long-term monitoring of evapotranspiration using the SEBAL algorithm and Google Earth Engine cloud computing
* M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation
* Mapping essential urban land use categories with open big data: Results for five metropolitan areas in the United States of America
* Mapping landscape canopy nitrogen content from space using PRISMA data
* Mathematically optimized trajectory for terrestrial close-range photogrammetric 3D reconstruction of forest stands
* Multimodal remote sensing benchmark datasets for land cover classification with a shared and specific feature learning model
* Non-Model-Based approach for complete digitization by TLS or mobile scanner
* Rapid and large-scale mapping of flood inundation via integrating spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery with unsupervised deep learning
* Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation Network
* semi-empirical scheme for bathymetric mapping in shallow water by ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2: A case study in the South China Sea, A
* Structure-aware indoor scene reconstruction via two levels of abstraction
* ULSD: Unified line segment detection across pinhole, fisheye, and spherical cameras
* Urban road mapping based on an end-to-end road vectorization mapping network framework
* Wood and leaf separation from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds based on mode points evolution
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* deep translation (GAN) based change detection network for optical and SAR remote sensing images, A
* Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahliae infections in olive trees using thermal- and hyperspectral-based plant traits
* High-accuracy continuous mapping of surface water dynamics using automatic update of training samples and temporal consistency modification based on Google Earth Engine: A case study from Huizhou, China
* Iterative near-infrared atmospheric correction scheme for global coastal waters
* Live fuel moisture content estimation from MODIS: A deep learning approach
* Mapping salt marsh along coastal South Carolina using U-Net
* Multi-task fully convolutional network for tree species mapping in dense forests using small training hyperspectral data
* Robust deep alignment network with remote sensing knowledge graph for zero-shot and generalized zero-shot remote sensing image scene classification
* SUM: A benchmark dataset of Semantic Urban Meshes
* Target-based automated matching of multiple terrestrial laser scans for complex forest scenes
* Urban scene understanding based on semantic and socioeconomic features: From high-resolution remote sensing imagery to multi-source geographic datasets
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* Appearance based deep domain adaptation for the classification of aerial images
* Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning
* Combining data-and-model-driven 3D modelling (CDMD3DM) for small indoor scenes using RGB-D data
* Cross-domain road detection based on global-local adversarial learning framework from very high resolution satellite imagery
* Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands
* downscaled bathymetric mapping approach combining multitemporal Landsat-8 and high spatial resolution imagery: Demonstrations from clear to turbid waters, A
* Exploring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 diversity for flood inundation mapping using deep learning
* Global clear sky near-surface imagery from multiple satellite daily imagery time series
* Identification of mining induced ground fissures using UAV and infrared thermal imager: Temperature variation and fissure evolution
* Illumination-invariant road detection and tracking using LWIR polarization characteristics
* Improving the accuracy of spring phenology detection by optimally smoothing satellite vegetation index time series based on local cloud frequency
* Integrating spatio-temporal-spectral information for downscaling Sentinel-3 OLCI images
* LidarCSNet: A Deep Convolutional Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Framework for 3D Airborne Lidar Point Cloud
* Mapping dominant leaf type based on combined Sentinel-1/-2 data: Challenges for mountainous countries
* MMFF: Multi-manifold feature fusion based neural networks for target recognition in complex-valued SAR imagery
* Multi-scale adversarial network for vehicle detection in UAV imagery
* Optimal scan planning with enforced network connectivity for the acquisition of three-dimensional indoor models
* Phase unmixing of TerraSAR-X staring spotlight interferograms in building scale for PS height and deformation
* practical approach to reconstruct high-quality Landsat NDVI time-series data by gap filling and the Savitzky-Golay filter, A
* RectMatch: A novel scan matching method using the rectangle-flattening representation for mobile LiDAR systems
* Recurrent neural networks for atmospheric noise removal from InSAR time series with missing values
* Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Spatio-temporal linking of multiple SAR satellite data from medium and high resolution Radarsat-2 images
* Tightly-coupled camera/LiDAR integration for point cloud generation from GNSS/INS-assisted UAV mapping systems
* two-stage approach for road marking extraction and modeling using MLS point clouds, A
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* ABCNet: Attentive bilateral contextual network for efficient semantic segmentation of Fine-Resolution remotely sensed imagery
* AProNet: Detecting objects with precise orientation from aerial images
* Automated LoD-2 model reconstruction from very-high-resolution satellite-derived digital surface model and orthophoto
* Automatic voxel-based 3D indoor reconstruction and room partitioning from triangle meshes
* Combining multi-spectral and thermal remote sensing to predict forest fire characteristics
* comparison between TLS and UAS LiDAR to represent eucalypt crown fuel characteristics, A
* deep learning algorithm to detect and classify sun glint from high-resolution aerial imagery over shallow marine environments, A
* deep learning semantic template matching framework for remote sensing image registration, A
* Efficient measurement of large-scale decadal shoreline change with increased accuracy in tide-dominated coastal environments with Google Earth Engine
* Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images via exploiting viewpoint robust local structure and geometric constraints
* Hybrid phenology matching model for robust crop phenological retrieval
* IMGTR: Image-triangle based multi-view 3D reconstruction for urban scenes
* Infrared dim target detection via mode-k1k2 extension tensor tubal rank under complex ocean environment
* Local climate zone classification using a multi-scale, multi-level attention network
* National-scale greenhouse mapping for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery using a dense object dual-task deep learning framework: A case study of China
* novel cotton mapping index combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery, A
* Pose estimation and 3D reconstruction of vehicles from stereo-images using a subcategory-aware shape prior
* Robust hierarchical structure from motion for large-scale unstructured image sets
* Robust registration of aerial images and LiDAR data using spatial constraints and Gabor structural features
* Simple loop closing for continuous 6DOF LIDAR&IMU graph SLAM with planar features for indoor environments
* Simplified Object-Based Deep Neural Network for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Simultaneous identification, modeling and registration refinement of poles using laser scanning point clouds
* Simultaneous investigation of surface and canopy urban heat islands over global cities
* Towards a novel approach for Sentinel-3 synergistic OLCI/SLSTR cloud and cloud shadow detection based on stereo cloud-top height estimation
* unsupervised domain adaptation approach for change detection and its application to deforestation mapping in tropical biomes, An
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* Analyzing multi-domain learning for enhanced rockfall mapping in known and unknown planetary domains
* Automatic large scale detection of red palm weevil infestation using street view images
* Balance learning for ship detection from synthetic aperture radar remote sensing imagery
* Densely connected graph convolutional network for joint semantic and instance segmentation of indoor point clouds
* Digital taxonomist: Identifying plant species in community scientists' photographs
* Feature matching for multi-epoch historical aerial images
* hierarchical self-attention augmented Laplacian pyramid expanding network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images, A
* Influence of solar incidence angle on single-image photoclinometry for precision lunar topographic mapping
* optimized approach for generating dense thermal point clouds from UAV-imagery, An
* Panoramic Visual-Inertial SLAM Tightly Coupled with a Wheel Encoder
* Progressive split-merge super resolution for hyperspectral imagery with group attention and gradient guidance
* repeatable change detection approach to map extreme storm-related damages caused by intense surface runoff based on optical and SAR remote sensing: Evidence from three case studies in the South of France, A
* ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation
* Towards the empirical determination of correlations in terrestrial laser scanner range observations and the comparison of the correlation structure of different scanners
* Water clarity in Brazilian water assessed using Sentinel-2 and machine learning methods
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* 3D reconstruction of Borobudur reliefs from 2D monocular photographs based on soft-edge enhanced deep learning
* Assessing forest fire properties in Northeastern Asia and Southern China with satellite microwave Emissivity Difference Vegetation Index (EDVI)
* ChangeMask: Deep multi-task encoder-transformer-decoder architecture for semantic change detection
* coarse-to-fine boundary refinement network for building footprint extraction from remote sensing imagery, A
* Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification
* Deep-learning-based latent space encoding for spectral unmixing of geological materials
* Deep-learning-based single-image height reconstruction from very-high-resolution SAR intensity data
* Exploring the nature of buried linear features in the Qatar peninsula: Archaeological and paleoclimatic implications
* fast and optimal pathfinder using airborne LiDAR data, A
* Geo-CropSim: A Geo-spatial crop simulation modeling framework for regional scale crop yield and water use assessment
* Global estimates of 500m daily aerodynamic roughness length from MODIS data
* heterogeneous 3D map-based place recognition solution using virtual LiDAR and a polar grid height coding image descriptor, A
* hierarchical approach for refining point cloud quality of a low cost UAV LiDAR system in the urban environment, A
* Histograms of oriented mosaic gradients for snapshot spectral image description
* Hourly mapping of surface air temperature by blending geostationary datasets from the two-satellite system of GOES-R series
* HyperLoopNet: Hyperspectral image classification using multiscale self-looping convolutional networks
* improved methodology for quantifying pixel-scale entrance pupil irradiance of a Moon-based Earth radiation observatory, An
* Improved retrievals of aerosol optical depth and fine mode fraction from GOCI geostationary satellite data using machine learning over East Asia
* Improving synthetic 3D model-aided indoor image localization via domain adaptation
* Influence of atmospheric modeling on spectral target detection through forward modeling approach in multi-platform remote sensing data
* LiDAR-guided stereo matching with a spatial consistency constraint
* LISU: Low-light indoor scene understanding with joint learning of reflectance restoration
* Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
* Monocular spherical depth estimation with explicitly connected weak layout cues
* Performance of deep learning in mapping water quality of Lake Simcoe with long-term Landsat archive
* Photogrammetric 3D mobile mapping of rail tracks
* Radiometric enhancement of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data for volumetric representation in environmental applications
* Refractive geometry for underwater domes
* Remote estimates of total suspended matter in China's main estuaries using Landsat images and a weight random forest model
* ResDepth: A deep residual prior for 3D reconstruction from high-resolution satellite images
* Robust feature matching via neighborhood manifold representation consensus
* S3ANet: Spectral-spatial-scale attention network for end-to-end precise crop classification based on UAV-borne H2 imagery
* Seasonal and interannual drought responses of vegetation in a California urbanized area measured using complementary remote sensing indices
* Smoothly varying projective transformation for line segment matching
* Spatiotemporal pattern and long-term trend of global surface urban heat islands characterized by dynamic urban-extent method and MODIS data
* Unsupervised spectral-spatial processing of drone imagery for identification of pine seedlings
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* CMGFNet: A deep cross-modal gated fusion network for building extraction from very high-resolution remote sensing images
* Effect of feature standardization on reducing the requirements of field samples for individual tree species classification using ALS data
* FAIR1M: A benchmark dataset for fine-grained object recognition in high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Fore-Net: Efficient inlier estimation network for large-scale indoor scenario
* Hierarchical fusion of optical and dual-polarized SAR on impervious surface mapping at city scale
* Hyperspectral vs. Multispectral data: Comparison of the spectral differentiation capabilities of Natura 2000 non-forest habitats
* Improved Lightweight Deep Neural Network with Knowledge Distillation for Local Feature Extraction and Visual Localization Using Images and LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* Land-Use/Land-Cover change detection based on a Siamese global learning framework for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
* Large-scale building height retrieval from single SAR imagery based on bounding box regression networks
* Mapping global flying aircraft activities using Landsat 8 and cloud computing
* Multi-Label Semantic Feature Fusion for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Multiscale and multisource data fusion for full-coverage PM2.5 concentration mapping: Can spatial pattern recognition come with modeling accuracy?
* PlantNet: A dual-function point cloud segmentation network for multiple plant species
* Quantifying the shape of urban street trees and evaluating its influence on their aesthetic functions based on mobile lidar data
* Red tide detection based on high spatial resolution broad band optical satellite data
* Seamless and automated rapeseed mapping for large cloudy regions using time-series optical satellite imagery
* UAV in the advent of the twenties: Where we stand and what is next
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* assessment of image classifiers for generating machine-learning training samples for mapping the invasive Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) DC (pompom weed) using DESIS hyperspectral imagery, An
* Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat Sentinel 2 data compared to Landsat 8 alone?
* Development of a Single-Wavelength Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR: System Design and Data Processing
* Efficient image-based indoor localization with MEMS aid on the mobile device
* Estimating building height in China from ALOS AW3D30
* graph-matching approach for cross-view registration of over-view and street-view based point clouds, A
* Identifying determinants of spatio-temporal disparities in soil moisture of the Northern Hemisphere using a geographically optimal zones-based heterogeneity model
* Land surface phenology retrievals for arid and semi-arid ecosystems
* Mapping the annual dynamics of land cover in Beijing from 2001 to 2020 using Landsat dense time series stack
* novel regression method for harmonic analysis of time series, A
* RANSAC-based multi primitive building reconstruction from 3D point clouds
* Robust symmetric iterative closest point
* Soil Moisture Content Retrieval from Landsat 8 Data Using Ensemble Learning
* Structured graph based image regression for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* survey on vision-based outdoor smoke detection techniques for environmental safety, A
15 for PandRS(185)
* 3D-CSTM: A 3D continuous spatio-temporal mapping method
* Adjusting solar-induced fluorescence to nadir-viewing provides a better proxy for GPP
* Airborne imaging spectroscopy for assessing land-use effect on soil quality in drylands
* Cloud detection with boundary nets
* Continuous space ant colony algorithm for automatic selection of orthophoto mosaic seamline network
* Deformations monitoring in complicated-surface areas by adaptive distributed Scatterer InSAR combined with land cover: Taking the Jiaju landslide in Danba, China as an example
* Direct photogrammetry with multispectral imagery for UAV-based snow depth estimation
* DKDFN: Domain Knowledge-Guided deep collaborative fusion network for multimodal unitemporal remote sensing land cover classification
* enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for escaping human detection in indoor smoke scenarios, An
* Gapless-REMA100: A gapless 100-m reference elevation model of Antarctica with voids filled by multi-source DEMs
* GeoRec: Geometry-enhanced semantic 3D reconstruction of RGB-D indoor scenes
* Hysteretic mapping and corridor semantic modeling using mobile LiDAR systems
* machine learning approach for identifying and delineating agricultural fields and their multi-temporal dynamics using three decades of Landsat data, A
* Mapping corn and soybean phenometrics at field scales over the United States Corn Belt by fusing time series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data with VIIRS data
* Meta captioning: A meta learning based remote sensing image captioning framework
* Modelling people's perceived scene complexity of real-world environments using street-view panoramas and open geodata
* Parameter selection of Touzi decomposition and a distribution improved autoencoder for PolSAR image classification
* PolGAN: A deep-learning-based unsupervised forest height estimation based on the synergy of PolInSAR and LiDAR data
* Refraction and coordinate correction with the JONSWAP model for ICESat-2 bathymetry
* VD-LAB: A view-decoupled network with local-global aggregation bridge for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
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* Change detection-based co-seismic landslide mapping through extended morphological profiles and ensemble strategy
* Deep residential representations: Using unsupervised learning to unlock elevation data for geo-demographic prediction
* Downscaling land surface temperature: A framework based on geographically and temporally neural network weighted autoregressive model with spatio-temporal fused scaling factors
* effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain, The
* Extracting planar roof structures from very high resolution images using graph neural networks
* FCCDN: Feature constraint network for VHR image change detection
* Field-level crop yield estimation with PRISMA and Sentinel-2
* Fusion of optical, radar and waveform LiDAR observations for land cover classification
* Hybrid retrieval of crop traits from multi-temporal PRISMA hyperspectral imagery
* Implementing urban canopy height derived from a TanDEM-X-DEM: An expert survey and case study
* Individual tree detection and estimation of stem attributes with mobile laser scanning along boreal forest roads
* Leveraging vocabulary tree for simultaneous match pair selection and guided feature matching of UAV images
* Mapping the distribution of invasive tree species using deep one-class classification in the tropical montane landscape of Kenya
* Modeling and SAR imaging of the sea surface: A review of the state-of-the-art with simulations
* Multi-modal temporal attention models for crop mapping from satellite time series
* new East African satellite data validation station: Performance of the LSA-SAF all-weather land surface temperature product over a savannah biome, A
* Predicting annual PM2.5 in mainland China from 2014 to 2020 using multi temporal satellite product: An improved deep learning approach with spatial generalization ability
* Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* Spatiotemporal distribution of labeled data can bias the validation and selection of supervised learning algorithms: A marine remote sensing example
* Taxonomy of seasonal and diurnal clear-sky climatology of surface urban heat island dynamics across global cities
* training dataset for semantic segmentation of urban point cloud map for intelligent vehicles, A
* Water body classification from high-resolution optical remote sensing imagery: Achievements and perspectives
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation of airborne laser scanning point clouds
23 for PandRS(187)
* Beyond single receptive field: A receptive field fusion-and-stratification network for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
* Can linguistic features extracted from geo-referenced tweets help building function classification in remote sensing?
* Cloud and cloud shadow detection for optical satellite imagery: Features, algorithms, validation, and prospects
* coarse-to-fine weakly supervised learning method for green plastic cover segmentation using high-resolution remote sensing images, A
* Cross-view SLAM solver: Global pose estimation of monocular ground-level video frames for 3D reconstruction using a reference 3D model from satellite images
* Deep transfer learning of global spectra for local soil carbon monitoring
* Deep-learning generation of POI data with scene images
* HMSM-Net: Hierarchical multi-scale matching network for disparity estimation of high-resolution satellite stereo images
* HyperNet: A deep network for hyperspectral, multispectral, and panchromatic image fusion
* Modelling soil organic carbon stock distribution across different land-uses in South Africa: A remote sensing and deep learning approach
* Monitoring vegetation dynamics with open earth observation tools: the case of fire-modulated savanna to forest transitions in Central Africa
* Multi-Modal Spatio-Temporal Meteorological Forecasting with Deep Neural Network
* new snow bidirectional reflectance distribution function model in spectral regions from UV to SWIR: Model development and application to ground-based, aircraft and satellite observations, A
* new terrain matching method for estimating laser pointing and ranging systematic biases for spaceborne photon-counting laser altimeters, A
* new weakly supervised approach for ALS point cloud semantic segmentation, A
* Point cloud registration and localization based on voxel plane features
* Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* robust multimodal remote sensing image registration method and system using steerable filters with first- and second-order gradients, A
* SAR image classification based on spiking neural network through spike-time dependent plasticity and gradient descent
* spectral grouping-based deep learning model for haze removal of hyperspectral images, A
* systematic review and meta-analysis of Digital elevation model (DEM) fusion: pre-processing, methods and applications, A
* TimeMatch: Unsupervised cross-region adaptation by temporal shift estimation
* Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Time InSAR processing workflow with an emphasis on co-registration and phase unwrapping
* Vision based crown loss estimation for individual trees with remote aerial robots
* visual saliency-driven extraction framework of smoothly embedded entities in 3D point clouds of open terrain, A
25 for PandRS(188)
* Deep learning-based individual tree crown delineation in mangrove forests using very-high-resolution satellite imagery
* Density Map-based vehicle counting in remote sensing images with limited resolution
* Enhanced mangrove vegetation index based on hyperspectral images for mapping mangrove
* FeatLoc: Absolute pose regressor for indoor 2D sparse features with simplistic view synthesizing
* Geocoding of ground-based SAR data for infrastructure objects using the Maximum A Posteriori estimation and ray-tracing
* Improvements in GPR-SAR imaging focusing and detection capabilities of UAV-mounted GPR systems
* Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigorous spatial endmember modeling
* Lidar point-to-point correspondences for rigorous registration of kinematic scanning in dynamic networks
* LiDAR-based single-shot global localization solution using a cross-section shape context descriptor, A
* Multisensor approach to land use and land cover mapping in Brazilian Amazon
* Nation-wide mapping and classification of ground deformation phenomena through the spatial clustering of P-SBAS InSAR measurements: Italy case study
* optical water classification and quality control model (OC_QC model) for spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient, An
* Robust point clouds registration with point-to-point lp distance constraints in large-scale metrology
* second-order attention network for glacial lake segmentation from remotely sensed imagery, A
* Semantic feature-constrained multitask siamese network for building change detection in high-spatial-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Street-view imagery guided street furniture inventory from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* SyntEO: Synthetic dataset generation for earth observation and deep learning: Demonstrated for offshore wind farm detection
* Terrain feature-aware deep learning network for digital elevation model superresolution
18 for PandRS(189)
* adaptive scalloping suppression method for spaceborne ScanSAR images based on pre-estimation and weighted filtering, An
* automatic approach for tree species detection and profile estimation of urban street trees using deep learning and Google street view images, An
* Characterising retrieval uncertainty of chlorophyll-a algorithms in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes and reservoirs
* Coal fire identification and state assessment by integrating multitemporal thermal infrared and InSAR remote sensing data: A case study of Midong District, Urumqi, China
* Deep learning feature representation for image matching under large viewpoint and viewing direction change
* Detecting tiny objects in aerial images: A normalized Wasserstein distance and a new benchmark
* Error analysis and 3D reconstruction using airborne array InSAR images
* estimation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations across China based on a Spatial and Temporal Weighted Continuous Deep Neural Network (STWC-DNN), The
* Evaluation of synthetic aerial imagery using unconditional generative adversarial networks
* Georeferencing oblique PhenoCam imagery
* Learning for mismatch removal via graph attention networks
* linear pushbroom satellite image epipolar resampling method for digital surface model generation, A
* Mapping corn dynamics using limited but representative samples with adaptive strategies
* Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stereo photogrammetry
* Measuring residents' perceptions of city streets to inform better street planning through deep learning and space syntax
* novel full-polarization SAR image ship detector based on scattering mechanisms and wave polarization anisotropy, A
* Physically explainable CNN for SAR image classification
* twenty-years remote sensing study reveals changes to alpine pastures under asymmetric climate warming, A
* UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery
* unified probabilistic framework of robust and efficient color consistency correction for multiple images, A
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* Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree effects enhance the characterization of seedling stands with single-photon airborne laser scanning
* Automatic recognition of earth rock embankment leakage based on UAV passive infrared thermography and deep learning
* CG-SSD: Corner guided single stage 3D object detection from LiDAR point cloud
* Connectivity-aware Graph: A planar topology for 3D building surface reconstruction
* Convolutional neural network model for discrimination of harmful algal bloom (HAB) from non-HABs using Sentinel-3 OLCI imagery
* Cross-spatiotemporal land-cover classification from VHR remote sensing images with deep learning based domain adaptation
* Effects of satellite temporal resolutions on the remote derivation of trends in phytoplankton blooms in inland waters
* EGDE-Net: A building change detection method for high-resolution remote sensing imagery based on edge guidance and differential enhancement
* Fast and accurate multi-class geospatial object detection with large-size remote sensing imagery using CNN and Truncated NMS
* Fully-weighted HGNN: Learning efficient non-local relations with hypergraph in aerial imagery
* Historical mapping of rice fields in Japan using phenology and temporally aggregated Landsat images in Google Earth Engine
* improved approach of dry snow density estimation using C-band synthetic aperture radar data, An
* PKS: A photogrammetric key-frame selection method for visual-inertial systems built on ORB-SLAM3
* Real-world remote sensing image super-resolution via a practical degradation model and a kernel-aware network
* Scribble-based boundary-aware network for weakly supervised salient object detection in remote sensing images
* Sentinel-2 sampling design and reference fire perimeters to assess accuracy of Burned Area products over Sub-Saharan Africa for the year 2019
* Simulation of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a heterogeneous forest using 3-D radiative transfer modelling and airborne LiDAR
* Spatio-temporal characterization of surface water dynamics with Landsat in endorheic Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (1990-2021)
* Task-specific contrastive learning for few-shot remote sensing image scene classification
* Uncertainty quantification in land surface temperature retrieved from Himawari-8/AHI data by operational algorithms
20 for PandRS(191)
* Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry
* Breaking the resolution barrier: A low-to-high network for large-scale high-resolution land-cover mapping using low-resolution labels
* Comparing tree attributes derived from quantitative structure models based on drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds across varying canopy cover conditions
* Determining pseudo-invariant calibration sites for comparing inter-mission ocean color data
* downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VIIRS imagery and SRTM/DEM, A
* Estimation of building height using a single street view image via deep neural networks
* frame-based probabilistic local verification method for robust correspondence, A
* GLF-CR: SAR-enhanced cloud removal with global-local fusion
* How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite observations for quantifying the biomass of desert shrub community?
* hybrid image segmentation method for building extraction from high-resolution RGB images, A
* Multisource forest inventories: A model-based approach using k-NN to reconcile forest attributes statistics and map products
* novel solution for stereo three-dimensional localization combined with geometric semantic constraints based on spaceborne SAR data, A
* Optimal scan planning for surveying large sites with static and mobile mapping systems
* Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from moving cameras on lightweight edge devices
* Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures
* Retrieving global leaf chlorophyll content from MERIS data using a neural network method
* Robust optical displacement measurement of bridge structures in complex environments
* robust registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by dual-cameras, A
* Semi-supervised adversarial recognition of refined window structures for inverse procedural façade modelling
* Semi-supervised thin cloud removal with mutually beneficial guides
* SignHRNet: Street-level traffic signs recognition with an attentive semi-anchoring guided high-resolution network
* Spatial context-aware method for urban land use classification using street view images
* Spectral index-driven FCN model training for water extraction from multispectral imagery
* Using the VENµS Super-Spectral Camera for detecting moving vehicles
* Utilising Sentinel-1's orbital stability for efficient pre-processing of sigma nought backscatter
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* advanced bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) spectral approach for estimating flavonoid content in leaves of Ginkgo plantations, An
* Assessment of crop traits retrieved from airborne hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing imagery to predict wheat grain protein content
* Cross-phenological-region crop mapping framework using Sentinel-2 time series Imagery: A new perspective for winter crops in China
* Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala) across latitudinal coastal areas of China
* Determination of foliar traits in an ecologically distinct conifer species in Maine using Sentinel-2 imagery and site variables: Assessing the effect of leaf trait expression and upscaling approach on prediction accuracy
* Developing a sub-meter phenological spectral feature for mapping poplars and willows in urban environment
* investigation into lidar scan angle impacts on stand attribute predictions in different forest environments, An
* joint deep learning network of point clouds and multiple views for roadside object classification from lidar point clouds, A
* Large-Scale Deep Learning Based Binary and Semantic Change Detection in Ultra High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery: From Benchmark Datasets to Urban Application
* Large-scale road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images based on a weakly-supervised structural and orientational consistency constraint network
* Mapping African wetlands for 2020 using multiple spectral, geo-ecological features and Google Earth Engine
* Nonlocal feature learning based on a variational graph auto-encoder network for small area change detection using SAR imagery
* omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extraction in remote sensing imagery, An
* Optimal positioning of terrestrial LiDAR scanner stations in complex 3D environments with a multiobjective optimization method based on GPU simulations
* Optimal selection of wavelet transform parameters for spatio-temporal analysis based on non-stationary NDVI MODIS time series in Mediterranean region
* Outlier removal and feature point pairs optimization for piecewise linear transformation in the co-registration of very high-resolution optical remote sensing imagery
* Point2Roof: End-to-end 3D building roof modeling from airborne LiDAR point clouds
* RETRACTION: Transformer-induced graph reasoning for multimodal semantic segmentation in remote sensing
* Retrieval of carbon content and biomass from hyperspectral imagery over cultivated areas
* Spatially gap free analysis of aerosol type grids in China: First retrieval via satellite remote sensing and big data analytics
* Towards spatially continuous mapping of soil organic carbon in croplands using multitemporal Sentinel-2 remote sensing
21 for PandRS(193)
* Developing seagrass index for long term monitoring of Zostera japonica seagrass bed: A case study in Yellow River Delta, China
* efficient saliency prediction model for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle video, An
* Empirical SNR-based model of the displacement accuracy for ground-based radar measurements
* Estimating 10-m land surface albedo from Sentinel-2 satellite observations using a direct estimation approach with Google Earth Engine
* full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* Geometry, calibration, and robust centering procedures for refractive dome-port based imaging systems
* Global Spatiotemporal Completion of Daily High-Resolution TCCO from TROPOMI over Land Using a Swath-Based Local Ensemble Learning Method
* I2D-Loc: Camera localization via image to LiDAR depth flow
* In-season crop type identification using optimal feature knowledge graph
* Mapping water clarity in North American lakes and reservoirs using Landsat images on the GEE platform with the RGRB model
* Mosaic gradient histogram for object tracking in DoFP infrared polarization imaging
* optimal method for validating satellite-derived land surface phenology using in-situ observations from national phenology networks, An
* Optimal selection from extremely redundant satellite images for efficient large-scale mapping
* Organizing and visualizing point clouds with continuous levels of detail
* Reconstructing compact building models from point clouds using deep implicit fields
* revision of NASA SeaDAS atmospheric correction algorithm over turbid waters with artificial Neural Networks estimated remote-sensing reflectance in the near-infrared, A
* Structural projection points estimation and context priors for oil tank storage estimation in SAR image
* Temporally corrected long-term satellite solar-induced fluorescence leads to improved estimation of global trends in vegetation photosynthesis during 1995-2018
* VIBUS: Data-efficient 3D scene parsing with VIewpoint Bottleneck and Uncertainty-Spectrum modeling
* What's wrong with the rainbow? An interdisciplinary review of empirical evidence for and against the rainbow color scheme in visualizations
20 for PandRS(194)
* Advances in multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing of mangrove species: A synthesis and study case on airborne and multisource spaceborne imagery
* Benchmarking and scaling of deep learning models for land cover image classification
* Bridging optical and SAR satellite image time series via contrastive feature extraction for crop classification
* CAOM: Change-aware online 3D mapping with heterogeneous multi-beam and push-broom LiDAR point clouds
* Construction of indoor obstacle element map based on scene-aware priori obstacle rules
* Country-wide retrieval of forest structure from optical and SAR satellite imagery with deep ensembles
* Editorial of theme issue 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments
* ensemble method for monitoring land cover changes in urban areas using dense Landsat time series data, An
* Estimation of vegetation traits with kernel NDVI
* General Deep Learning Based Framework for 3D Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo Satellite Images, A
* Generalized few-shot object detection in remote sensing images
* Geometric BIM verification of indoor construction sites by photogrammetric point clouds and evidence theory
* HE2LM-AD: Hierarchical and efficient attitude determination framework with adaptive error compensation module based on ELM network
* Height aware understanding of remote sensing images based on cross-task interaction
* hierarchical multiview registration framework of TLS point clouds based on loop constraint, A
* In-season and dynamic crop mapping using 3D convolution neural networks and sentinel-2 time series
* InstantCITY: Synthesising morphologically accurate geospatial data for urban form analysis, transfer, and quality control
* Joint learning of frequency and spatial domains for dense image prediction
* Large-scale individual building extraction from open-source satellite imagery via super-resolution-based instance segmentation approach
* Learn then match: A fast coarse-to-fine depth image-based indoor localization framework for dark environments via deep learning and keypoint-based geometry alignment
* Manipal-UAV person detection dataset: A step towards benchmarking dataset and algorithms for small object detection
* Meta underwater camera: A smart protocol for underwater image enhancement
* Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 with radiometric consistency losses and its effect on building delineation
* Nested spatial data structures for optimal indexing of LiDAR data
* Progressive fusion learning: A multimodal joint segmentation framework for building extraction from optical and SAR images
* PST: Plant segmentation transformer for 3D point clouds of rapeseed plants at the podding stage
* Rapid identification of damaged buildings using incremental learning with transferred data from historical natural disaster cases
* Recent advances in using Chinese Earth observation satellites for remote sensing of vegetation
* saliency-guided street view image inpainting framework for efficient last-meters wayfinding, A
* Semi-supervised bidirectional alignment for Remote Sensing cross-domain scene classification
* Strict rule-based automatic training data extraction using Mobile laser scanning in urban area
* Target anisotropic scattering deduction model using multi-aspect SAR data
32 for PandRS(195)
* Amazon forest spectral seasonality is consistent across sensor resolutions and driven by leaf demography
* Comparison of detectability of ship wake components between C-Band and X-Band synthetic aperture radar sensors operating under different slant ranges
* continual learning-guided training framework for pansharpening, A
* Enabling country-scale land cover mapping with meter-resolution satellite imagery
* End-to-end learned early classification of time series for in-season crop type mapping
* Few-shot incremental learning with continual prototype calibration for remote sensing image fine-grained classification
* FloorUSG: Indoor floorplan reconstruction by unifying 2D semantics and 3D geometry
* Generating Sentinel-2 all-band 10-m data by sharpening 20/60-m bands: A hierarchical fusion network
* Histogram of the orientation of the weighted phase descriptor for multi-modal remote sensing image matching
* Impact of sun-view geometry on canopy spectral reflectance variability
* Improved cloudy-sky snow albedo estimates using passive microwave and VIIRS data
* Inferring 3D change detection from bitemporal optical images
* Integrated trajectory estimation for 3D kinematic mapping with GNSS, INS and imaging sensors: A framework and review
* Large-scale burn severity mapping in multispectral imagery using deep semantic segmentation models
* Learning urban region representations with POIs and hierarchical graph infomax
* Mapping China's planted forests using high resolution imagery and massive amounts of crowdsourced samples
* methodology to characterize 4D post-failure slope instability dynamics using remote sensing measurements: A case study of the Aniangzhai landslide in Sichuan, Southwest China, A
* MOL: Towards accurate weakly supervised remote sensing object detection via Multi-view nOoisy Learning
* Multi feature-rich synthetic colour to improve human visual perception of point clouds
* Multiple View Stereo with quadtree-guided priors
* Near real-time detection and forecasting of within-field phenology of winter wheat and corn using Sentinel-2 time-series data
* novel weakly supervised semantic segmentation framework to improve the resolution of land cover product, A
* Online fusion of multi-resolution multispectral images with weakly supervised temporal dynamics
* Perception and sensing for autonomous vehicles under adverse weather conditions: A survey
* Plant species richness prediction from DESIS hyperspectral data: A comparison study on feature extraction procedures and regression models
* PSSNet: Planarity-sensible Semantic Segmentation of large-scale urban meshes
* review of non-rigid transformations and learning-based 3D point cloud registration methods, A
* Robust feature matching via progressive smoothness consensus
* Semantic-aware unsupervised domain adaptation for height estimation from single-view aerial images
* Task interleaving and orientation estimation for high-precision oriented object detection in aerial images
* Towards operational atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy: Algorithm evaluation, key parameter analysis, and machine learning emulators
* Tracking changes in coastal land cover in the Yellow Sea, East Asia, using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time-series images and Google Earth Engine
* UIDEF: A real-world underwater image dataset and a color-contrast complementary image enhancement framework
* Unsupervised classification of polarimetric SAR images via SVGp0MM with extended variational inference
34 for PandRS(196)
* Arctic sea ice melt pond fraction in 2000-2021 derived by dynamic pixel spectral unmixing of MODIS images
* BuildMapper: A fully learnable framework for vectorized building contour extraction
* Change detection of urban objects using 3D point clouds: A review
* Continuous monitoring and sub-annual change detection in high-latitude forests using Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data
* Cross-domain landslide mapping from large-scale remote sensing images using prototype-guided domain-aware progressive representation learning
* Current trends in deep learning for Earth Observation: An open-source benchmark arena for image classification
* Domain adaptation in segmenting historical maps: A weakly supervised approach through spatial co-occurrence
* Feasibility assessment of tree-level flower intensity quantification from UAV RGB imagery: A triennial study in an apple orchard
* From center to surrounding: An interactive learning framework for hyperspectral image classification
* From crowd to herd counting: How to precisely detect and count African mammals using aerial imagery and deep learning?
* GlobalMatch: Registration of forest terrestrial point clouds by global matching of relative stem positions
* HoMeNL: A Homogeneity Measure-Based NonLocal Filtering Framework for Detail-Enhanced (Pol)(In)SAR Image Denoising
* Investigating the dielectric properties of lunar surface regolith fines using Mini-RF SAR data
* Land use classification over smallholding areas in the European Common Agricultural Policy framework
* Multi-baseline SAR 3D reconstruction of vehicle from very sparse aspects: A generative adversarial network based approach
* Road object detection for HD map: Full-element survey, analysis and perspectives
* Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanner using a M3C2-based planar patch algorithm
* Siamese KPConv: 3D multiple change detection from raw point clouds using deep learning
* Snow depth estimation at country-scale with high spatial and temporal resolution
* stepwise framework for interpolating land surface temperature under cloudy conditions based on the solar-cloud-satellite geometry, A
* Two-step fusion method for generating 1km seamless multi-layer soil moisture with high accuracy in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
21 for PandRS(197)
* Accurate estimates of land surface energy fluxes and irrigation requirements from UAV-based thermal and multispectral sensors
* Deep Semantic-Visual Alignment for zero-shot remote sensing image scene classification
* Developing an intelligent cloud attention network to support global urban green spaces mapping
* domain specific knowledge extraction transformer method for multisource satellite-borne SAR images ship detection, A
* ENRICH: Multi-purposE dataset for beNchmaRking In Computer vision and pHotogrammetry
* Evaluation of surface reflectance bandpass adjustment techniques
* exploration, analysis, and correction of the distance effect on terrestrial hyperspectral LiDAR data, An
* Fourier domain structural relationship analysis for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* Global-local-global context-aware network for salient object detection in optical remote sensing images
* High temporal frequency vehicle counting from low-resolution satellite images
* HiSup: Accurate polygonal mapping of buildings in satellite imagery with hierarchical supervision
* Improvement in crop mapping from satellite image time series by effectively supervising deep neural networks
* Knowledge and topology: A two layer spatially dependent graph neural networks to identify urban functions with time-series street view image
* Nationwide urban tree canopy mapping and coverage assessment in Brazil from high-resolution remote sensing images using deep learning
* Phase ambiguity resolution and mixed pixel detection in EDM with multiple modulation wavelengths
* Reconstructing cloud-contaminated NDVI images with SAR-Optical fusion using spatio-temporal partitioning and multiple linear regression
* SemiRoadExNet: A semi-supervised network for road extraction from remote sensing imagery via adversarial learning
* Space-to-speed architecture supporting acceleration on VHR image processing
* Spectral saturation in the remote sensing of high-density vegetation traits: A systematic review of progress, challenges, and prospects
* three-point solution with scale estimation ability for two-view flat-refractive underwater photogrammetry, A
20 for PandRS(198)
* AFLI-Calib: Robust LiDAR-IMU extrinsic self-calibration based on adaptive frame length LiDAR odometry
* Aligning semantic distribution in fusing optical and SAR images for land use classification
* Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to estimate soil organic carbon and clay content at local scale in croplands
* Atmospheric-correction-free red tide quantification algorithm for GOCI based on machine learning combined with a radiative transfer simulation
* Cross-Sensor Remote Sensing Imagery Super-Resolution Via an Edge-Guided Attention-Based Network
* Deforestation detection using a spatio-temporal deep learning approach with synthetic aperture radar and multispectral images
* Fast and deterministic (3+1)DOF point set registration with gravity prior
* GL-Net: Semantic segmentation for point clouds of shield tunnel via global feature learning and local feature discriminative aggregation
* Global-aware siamese network for change detection on remote sensing images
* Graph-based spatial pattern multi-type change detection
* Instance recognition of street trees from urban point clouds using a three-stage neural network
* Learning spectral-spatial representations from VHR images for fine-scale crop type mapping: A case study of rice-crayfish field extraction in South China
* OGMN: Occlusion-guided multi-task network for object detection in UAV images
* Polarized laser target detection system for smoky environment based on full-waveform decomposition and multiscale convolutional neural networks with attention
* PolyBuilding: Polygon transformer for building extraction
* practical method for angular normalization of global MODIS land surface temperature over vegetated surfaces, A
* Review of ground and aerial methods for vegetation cover fraction (fCover) and related quantities estimation: definitions, advances, challenges, and future perspectives
* Spatial-spectral-temporal connective tensor network decomposition for thick cloud removal
* Street-level imagery analytics and applications
* Towards better exploiting object-based image analysis paradigm for local climate zones mapping
* Triple Robustness Augmentation Local Features for multi-source image registration
* U. V. Helava Award: Best Paper Volumes 183-194 (2022), The
* unsupervised domain adaptation deep learning method for spatial and temporal transferable crop type mapping using Sentinel-2 imagery, An
23 for PandRS(199)
* Adaptive coarse-to-fine clustering and terrain feature-aware-based method for reducing LiDAR terrain point clouds
* AST: Adaptive Self-supervised Transformer for optical remote sensing representation
* Cross-scene target detection based on feature adaptation and uncertainty-aware pseudo-label learning for high resolution SAR images
* Harvesting the Landsat archive for land cover land use classification using deep neural networks: Comparison with traditional classifiers and multi-sensor benefits
* Large-scale agricultural greenhouse extraction for remote sensing imagery based on layout attention network: A case study of China
* novel method for detecting soil salinity using AVIRIS-NG imaging spectroscopy and ensemble machine learning, A
* Oblique photogrammetry supporting procedural tree modeling in urban areas
* OC_3S: An optical classification and spectral scoring system for global waters using UV-visible remote sensing reflectance
* RSARE: A physically-based vegetation index for estimating wheat green LAI to mitigate the impact of leaf chlorophyll content and residue-soil background
* Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially enhanced long-term vegetation monitoring
* Tide2Topo: A new method for mapping intertidal topography accurately in complex estuaries and bays with time-series Sentinel-2 images
* Using a semantic edge-aware multi-task neural network to delineate agricultural parcels from remote sensing images
12 for PandRS(200)
* Atmospheric correction under cloud edge effects for Geostationary Ocean Color Imager through deep learning
* BCE-Net: Reliable building footprints change extraction based on historical map and up-to-date images using contrastive learning
* Characterization of the layered SIF distribution through hyperspectral observation and SCOPE modeling for a subtropical evergreen forest
* Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* Detecting abandoned citrus crops using Sentinel-2 time series. A case study in the Comunitat Valenciana region (Spain)
* Geographic mapping with unsupervised multi-modal representation learning from VHR images and POIs
* Geometric reasoning for the freehand-drawn delineation of 2D geometries
* High-throughput calculation of organ-scale traits with reconstructed accurate 3D canopy structures using a UAV RGB camera with an advanced cross-circling oblique route
* Identifying mangroves through knowledge extracted from trained random forest models: An interpretable mangrove mapping approach (IMMA)
* Improving building rooftop segmentation accuracy through the optimization of UNet basic elements and image foreground-background balance
* Joint semantic-geometric learning for polygonal building segmentation from high-resolution remote sensing images
* On the automatic quality assessment of annotated sample data for object extraction from remote sensing imagery
* Preliminary exploration of geometrical regularized SAR tomography
* Style and content separation network for remote sensing image cross-scene generalization
* Utilization of synthetic minority oversampling technique for improving potato yield prediction using remote sensing data and machine learning algorithms with small sample size of yield data
15 for PandRS(201)
* assessment approach for pixel-based image composites, An
* attention-based multiscale transformer network for remote sensing image change detection, An
* Automated glacier extraction using a Transformer based deep learning approach from multi-sensor remote sensing imagery
* Automated in-season mapping of winter wheat in China with training data generation and model transfer
* Burned area semantic segmentation: A novel dataset and evaluation using convolutional networks
* Context-enhanced motion coherence modeling for global outlier rejection
* Coupling of hydrography and bio-optical constituents in a shallow optically complex region using ten years of in-situ data
* CropSow: An integrative remotely sensed crop modeling framework for field-level crop planting date estimation
* Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point clouds: A dataset, evaluations and issues
* depth map fusion algorithm with improved efficiency considering pixel region prediction, A
* development of a global LAI and FAPAR product using GCOM-C/SGLI data, The
* dryness index TSWDI based on land surface temperature, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, and water balance, A
* Dualistic cascade convolutional neural network dedicated to fully PolSAR image ship detection
* Dynamic estimation of rice aboveground biomass based on spectral and spatial information extracted from hyperspectral remote sensing images at different combinations of growth stages
* fast LiDAR place recognition and localization method by fusing local and global search, A
* Fusion of aerial, MMS and backpack images and point clouds for optimized 3D mapping in urban areas
* Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively enrich surface water mapping information
* Imbalance knowledge-driven multi-modal network for land-cover semantic segmentation using aerial images and LiDAR point clouds
* MCHA-Net: A Multi-End Composite Higher-Order Attention Network Guided with Hierarchical Supervised Signal for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* method to estimate leaf area index from VIIRS surface reflectance using deep transfer learning, A
* Move and remove: Multi-task learning for building simplification in vector maps with a graph convolutional neural network
* multi-modal garden dataset and hybrid 3D dense reconstruction framework based on panoramic stereo images for a trimming robot, A
* National-scale imperviousness mapping and detection of urban land changes
* Nighttime light remote sensing for urban applications: Progress, challenges, and prospects
* Optimized bare soil compositing for soil organic carbon prediction of topsoil croplands in Bavaria using Landsat
* Polarimetric monocular leaf normal estimation model for plant phenotyping
* polarimetric projection-based scattering characteristics extraction tool and its application to PolSAR image classification, A
* Pruning for image segmentation: Improving computational efficiency for large-scale remote sensing applications
* ReVISOR: ResUNets with visibility and intensity for structured outlier removal
* robust and unified land surface phenology algorithm for diverse biomes and growth cycles in China by using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* Satellite observed response of fire dynamics to vegetation water content and weather conditions in Southeast Asia
* Satellite-derived sediment distribution mapping using ICESat-2 and SuperDove
* Scalable hybrid adjustment of images and LiDAR point clouds
* Semantic segmentation of mobile mapping point clouds via multi-view label transfer
* Semantic segmentation of urban building surface materials using multi-scale contextual attention network
* Sphere2Vec: A general-purpose location representation learning over a spherical surface for large-scale geospatial predictions
* Structure-guided camera localization for indoor environments
* survey of machine learning and deep learning in remote sensing of geological environment: Challenges, advances, and opportunities, A
* Synthetic-real image domain adaptation for indoor camera pose regression using a 3D model
* Two-view correspondence learning using graph neural network with reciprocal neighbor attention
* Wasting petabytes: A survey of the Sentinel-2 UTM tiling grid and its spatial overhead
41 for PandRS(202)
* Automatic silo axis detection from RGB-D sensor data for content monitoring
* Built-up area mapping using Sentinel-1 SAR data
* Characterizing annual dynamics of urban form at the horizontal and vertical dimensions using long-term Landsat time series data
* Cost-efficient bathymetric mapping method based on massive active-passive remote sensing data
* Cross-scene wetland mapping on hyperspectral remote sensing images using adversarial domain adaptation network
* E2EVAP: End-to-end vectorization of smallholder agricultural parcel boundaries from high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Empirical insights on the use of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to estimate short-term changes in crop transpiration under controlled water limitation
* From Local Context-Aware to Non-Local: A Road Extraction Network Via Guidance of Multi-Spectral Image
* Improving autonomous detection in dynamic environments with robust monocular thermal SLAM system
* Integration of microwave satellite soil moisture products in the contextual surface temperature-vegetation index models for spatially continuous evapotranspiration estimation
* Predicting soil organic carbon in cultivated land across geographical and spatial scales: Integrating Sentinel-2A and laboratory Vis-NIR spectra
* ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances
* Removing temperature drift and temporal variation in thermal infrared images of a UAV uncooled thermal infrared imager
* RETRACTION: Transformer-induced graph reasoning for multimodal semantic segmentation in remote sensing
* Review of panoptic segmentation for mobile mapping point clouds, A
* robust approach for large-scale cropping intensity mapping in smallholder farms from vegetation, brownness indices and SAR time series, A
* Robust line segment mismatch removal using point-pair representation and Gaussian-uniform mixture formulation
* Screening the stones of Venice: Mapping social perceptions of cultural significance through graph-based semi-supervised classification
* Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibration network for shadow detection in remote sensing imagery
* Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthetic phenology better than traditional vegetation indices
* Supervised and self-supervised learning-based cascade spatiotemporal fusion framework and its application
* Three-dimensional singular spectrum analysis for precise land cover classification from UAV-borne hyperspectral benchmark datasets
* Total-variation regularized U-Net for wildfire burned area mapping based on Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR backscattering data
* Vegetation descriptors from Sentinel-1 SAR data for crop growth monitoring
24 for PandRS(203)
* Application of a two source energy balance model coupled with satellite based soil moisture and thermal infrared data
* Atmosphere-aware photoclinometry for pixel-wise 3D topographic mapping of Mars
* CIT: Content-invariant translation with hybrid attention mechanism for unsupervised change detection
* Completing point clouds using structural constraints for large-scale points absence in 3D building reconstruction
* Crucial feature capture and discrimination for limited training data SAR ATR
* Deep Learning Based Multi-View Stereo Matching and 3D Scene Reconstruction from Oblique Aerial Images
* Deep multitask learning with label interdependency distillation for multicriteria street-level image classification
* Drone-based RGBT tiny person detection
* Estimating the concentration of total suspended solids in inland and coastal waters from Sentinel-2 MSI: A semi-analytical approach
* Fine-scale characterization of irrigated and rainfed croplands at national scale using multi-source data, random forest, and deep learning algorithms
* Generating evidential BEV maps in continuous driving space
* Global distinct variations of surface urban heat islands in inter- and intra-cities revealed by local climate zones and seamless daily land surface temperature data
* Machine learning for cyanobacteria mapping on tropical urban reservoirs using PRISMA hyperspectral data
* Monitoring inland water via Sentinel satellite constellation: A review and perspective
* MuCoGraph: A multi-scale constraint enhanced pose-graph framework for MLS point cloud inconsistency correction
* Multimodal Image Matching: A Scale-Invariant Algorithm and an Open Dataset
* One Class One Click: Quasi scene-level weakly supervised point cloud semantic segmentation with active learning
* self-supervised remote sensing image fusion framework with dual-stage self-learning and spectral super-resolution injection, A
* SFA-guided mosaic transformer for tracking small objects in snapshot spectral imaging
* Single-image piecewise planar reconstruction of urban buildings based on geometric priors
* Soybean seed composition prediction from standing crops using PlanetScope satellite imagery and machine learning
* Spatio-temporal hierarchical feature transformer for UAV object tracking
* spectral-temporal constrained deep learning method for tree species mapping of plantation forests using time series Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* symmetry-aware alignment method for photogrammetric 3D models, A
* Temporal-agnostic change region proposal for semantic change detection
* UPDExplainer: An interpretable transformer-based framework for urban physical disorder detection using street view imagery
* Volumetric nonlinear ortho full-waveform stacking in airborne LiDAR bathymetry for reliable water bottom point detection in shallow waters
27 for PandRS(204)
* 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with applications on urban semantic segmentation, building extraction and change detection, A
* Atmospheric correction algorithm based on deep learning with spatial-spectral feature constraints for broadband optical satellites: Examples from the HY-1C Coastal Zone Imager
* BoundED: Neural boundary and edge detection in 3D point clouds via local neighborhood statistics
* Examining the potential for early detection of spruce bark beetle attacks using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 and harvester data
* GATraj: A graph- and attention-based multi-agent trajectory prediction model
* Generating 60-100 m, hourly, all-weather land surface temperatures based on the Landsat, ECOSTRESS, and reanalysis temperature combination (LERC)
* Globally quantitative analysis of the impact of atmosphere and spectral response function on 2-band enhanced vegetation index (EVI2) over Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8
* Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM
* Improving agricultural field parcel delineation with a dual branch spatiotemporal fusion network by integrating multimodal satellite data
* large-scale climate-aware satellite image dataset for domain adaptive land-cover semantic segmentation, A
* MA-SARNet: A one-shot nowcasting framework for SAR image prediction with physical driving forces
* Mapping annual center-pivot irrigated cropland in Brazil during the 1985-2021 period with cloud platforms and deep learning
* Mapping crop phenophases in reproductive growth period by satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: A case study in mid-temperate zone in China
* Mapping intertidal topographic changes in a highly turbid estuary using dense Sentinel-2 time series with deep learning
* Mapping snow depth distribution from 1980 to 2020 on the Tibetan plateau using multi-source remote sensing data and downscaling techniques
* Multi-year hyperspectral remote sensing of a comprehensive set of crop foliar nutrients in cranberries
* novel method for identification of disturbance from surface coal mining using all available Landsat data in the GEE platform, A
* Phenology-guided Bayesian-CNN (PB-CNN) framework for soybean yield estimation and uncertainty analysis, A
* Scene-aware refinement network for unsupervised monocular depth estimation in ultra-low altitude oblique photography of UAV
* Simple yet efficient downscaling of land surface temperatures by suitably integrating kernel- and fusion-based methods
* Spatio-temporal registration of plants non-rigid 3-D structure
* Urban-rural gradient in vegetation phenology changes of over 1500 cities across China jointly regulated by urbanization and climate change
22 for PandRS(205)
* Blind single-image-based thin cloud removal using a cloud perception integrated fast Fourier convolutional network
* Cross-domain point cloud completion for multi-class indoor incomplete objects via class-conditional GAN inversion
* DC3DCD: Unsupervised learning for multiclass 3D point cloud change detection
* Deep Learning-Based Local Feature Extraction Method for Improved Image Matching and Surface Reconstruction from Yutu-2 PCAM Images on the Moon, A
* deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemporal resolution LAI, A
* Effective Attention-based CNN Model for Fire Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions, An
* Estimation of grain protein content in commercial bread and durum wheat fields via traits inverted by radiative transfer modelling from Sentinel-2 timeseries
* Exchange means change: An unsupervised single-temporal change detection framework based on intra- and inter-image patch exchange
* Leveraging topology for domain adaptive road segmentation in satellite and aerial imagery
* Merging multiple sensing platforms and deep learning empowers individual tree mapping and species detection at the city scale
* Multiscale probability map guided index pooling with attention-based learning for road and building segmentation
* PanoVLM: Low-Cost and accurate panoramic vision and LiDAR fused mapping
* PatchAugNet: Patch feature augmentation-based heterogeneous point cloud place recognition in large-scale street scenes
* review of regional and Global scale Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) mapping products generated from satellite remote sensing, A
* SAR-ATR with knowledge hierarchy division and information dissemination networks
* Satellite remote sensing model for estimating canopy transpiration in cypress plantation using in situ sap flow observations and forest inventory
* Solving photogrammetric cold cases using AI-based image matching: New potential for monitoring the past with historical aerial images
* Spatio-temporal multi-level attention crop mapping method using time-series SAR imagery
* STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-resolution scale transformation errors and pixel-based synthesis base image pair
* WaterFormer: A coupled transformer and CNN network for waterbody detection in optical remotely-sensed imagery
20 for PandRS(206)
* 3DMASC: Accessible, explainable 3D point clouds classification. Application to BI-spectral TOPO-bathymetric lidar data
* Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine UAV RGB imagery for coral reef monitoring
* Automatic differentiation of Eucalyptus species through Sentinel-2 images, Worldview-3 images and LiDAR data
* Better localized predictions with Out-of-Scope information and Explainable AI: One-Shot SAR backscatter nowcast framework with data from neighboring region
* Blurry dense object extraction based on buffer parsing network for high-resolution satellite remote sensing imagery
* Edge aware depth inference for large-scale aerial building multi-view stereo
* efficient point cloud place recognition approach based on transformer in dynamic environment, An
* Efficient Urban Flood Mapping Framework Towards Disaster Response Driven by Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Decoupled Training Samples, An
* Estimating tree species composition from airborne laser scanning data using point-based deep learning models
* geeSEBAL-MODIS: Continental-scale evapotranspiration based on the surface energy balance for South America
* influence of BRDF effects and representativeness of training data on tree species classification using multi-flightline airborne hyperspectral imagery, The
* Knowledge Evolution Learning: A Cost-Free Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Framework for High-Resolution Land Cover Classification
* Multi-echo hyperspectral reflectance extraction method based on full waveform hyperspectral LiDAR
* Multi-Stage Progressive Change Detection on High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Physics inspired hybrid attention for SAR target recognition
* Rapid survey method for large-scale outdoor surveillance cameras using binary space partitioning
* Scales of oblique photographs updated
* Self-supervised pre-training for large-scale crop mapping using Sentinel-2 time series
* Ship-Go: SAR Ship Images Inpainting via instance-to-image Generative Diffusion Models
* Suaeda salsa spectral index for Suaeda salsa mapping and fractional cover estimation in intertidal wetlands
* TransCNNLoc: End-to-end pixel-level learning for 2D-to-3D pose estimation in dynamic indoor scenes
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for SAR target classification based on domain- and class-level alignment: From simulated to real data
* Validating GEDI tree canopy cover product across forest types using co-registered aerial LiDAR data
23 for PandRS(207)
* Assisted learning for land use classification: The important role of semantic correlation between heterogeneous images
* Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
* CaR3DMIC: A novel method for evaluating UAV-derived 3D forest models by tree features
* ChangeCLIP: Remote sensing change detection with multimodal vision-language representation learning
* continuous digital elevation representation model for DEM super-resolution, A
* Deep learning in statistical downscaling for deriving high spatial resolution gridded meteorological data: A systematic review
* Gaussian meta-feature balanced aggregation for few-shot synthetic aperture radar target detection
* Hierarchical alignment network for domain adaptive object detection in aerial images
* Landsat assessment of variable spectral recovery linked to post-fire forest structure in dry sub-boreal forests
* LiDeNeRF: Neural radiance field reconstruction with depth prior provided by LiDAR point cloud
* Missing information reconstruction integrating isophote constraint and color-structure control for remote sensing data
* Multi-sensor integrated mapping of global XCO2 from 2015 to 2021 with a local random forest model
* multi-task learning method for extraction of newly constructed areas based on bi-temporal hyperspectral images, A
* Open-set domain adaptation for scene classification using multi-adversarial learning
* PhenoNet: A two-stage lightweight deep learning framework for real-time wheat phenophase classification
* Remote sensing image classification using an ensemble framework without multiple classifiers
* Revealing the spatial variation in biomass uptake rates of Brazil's secondary forests
* Similarity and dissimilarity relationships based graphs for multimodal change detection
* Spectral mixture analysis of intimate mixtures for lithological mapping
19 for PandRS(208)
* Bridging the gap between crop breeding and GeoAI: Soybean yield prediction from multispectral UAV images with transfer learning
* Detecting Marine pollutants and Sea Surface features with Deep learning in Sentinel-2 imagery
* enhanced large-scale benthic reflectance retrieval model for the remote sensing of submerged ecosystems in optically shallow waters, An
* Enhancing deforestation monitoring in the Brazilian Amazon: A semi-automatic approach leveraging uncertainty estimation
* Evaluation of Landsat-9 interoperability with Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 over Europe and local comparison with field surveys
* Evaluation of PlanetScope-detected plant-specific phenology using infrared-enabled PhenoCam observations in semi-arid ecosystems
* Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning for precision navigation of agriculture vehicles - beyond crop row detection
* novel algorithm for ocean chlorophyll-a concentration using MODIS Aqua data, A
* One-Point-One-Line geometry for robust and efficient line segment correspondence, The
* Plant-Denoising-Net (PDN): A plant point cloud denoising network based on density gradient field learning
* PROSAIL-Net: A transfer learning-based dual stream neural network to estimate leaf chlorophyll and leaf angle of crops from UAV hyperspectral images
* Quantifying the impact of urban trees on land surface temperature in global cities
* Recognition for SAR deformation military target from a new MiniSAR dataset using multi-view joint transformer approach
* robust data-model dual-driven fusion with uncertainty estimation for LiDAR-IMU localization system, A
* Satellite video single object tracking: A systematic review and an oriented object tracking benchmark
* Semantics-enhanced discriminative descriptor learning for LiDAR-based place recognition
* WPS: A whole phenology-based spectral feature selection method for mapping winter crop from time-series images
17 for PandRS(210)
* AiTARs-Net: A novel network for detecting arbitrary-oriented transverse aeolian ridges from Tianwen-1 HiRIC images
* APC2Mesh: Bridging the gap from occluded building façades to full 3D models
* Bundle adjustment with motion constraints for uncalibrated multi-camera systems at the ground level
* ClearSCD model: Comprehensively leveraging semantics and change relationships for semantic change detection in high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery, The
* Efficient structure from motion for UAV images via anchor-free parallel merging
* Enhanced wavelet based spatiotemporal fusion networks using cross-paired remote sensing images
* First retrieval of daily 160 m aerosol optical depth over urban areas using Gaofen-1/6 synergistic observations: Algorithm development and validation
* Forecasting corn NDVI through AI-based approaches using sentinel 2 image time series
* Global mapping of fractional tree cover for forest cover change analysis
* GlobalMind: Global multi-head interactive self-attention network for hyperspectral change detection
* Ground subsidence in Tucson, Arizona, monitored by time-series analysis using multi-sensor InSAR datasets from 1993 to 2011
* HCTO: Optimality-aware LiDAR inertial odometry with hybrid continuous time optimization for compact wearable mapping system
* Integrating physical model and image simulations to correct topographic effects on surface reflectance
* Joint target and background temporal propagation for aerial tracking
* Maize stem-leaf segmentation framework based on deformable point clouds
* Making satellite-derived empirical bathymetry independent of high-quality in-situ depth data: An assessment of four possible model calibration data
* Methods and datasets on semantic segmentation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle remote sensing images: A review
* On the reachability and genesis of water ice on the Moon
* PAL-SLAM2: Visual and visual-inertial monocular SLAM for panoramic annular lens
* PLANES4LOD2: Reconstruction of LoD-2 building models using a depth attention-based fully convolutional neural network
* ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances
* Robust remote sensing retrieval of key eutrophication indicators in coastal waters based on explainable machine learning
* SAR2Height framework for urban height map reconstruction from single SAR intensity images, The
* satellite-field phenological bridging framework for characterizing community-level spring forest phenology using multi-scale satellite imagery, A
* Semantic change detection using a hierarchical semantic graph interaction network from high-resolution remote sensing images
* TemPanSharpening: A multi-temporal Pansharpening solution based on deep learning and edge extraction
* Unsupervised shape-aware SOM down-sampling for plant point clouds
* Variance-Covariance method to estimating the errors of 3-D ground displacement time-series using small baseline InSAR algorithms and multi-platform SAR data, A
28 for PandRS(211)
* Adversarial learning-based camera pose-to-image mapping network for synthesizing new view in real indoor environments
* Characterizing foliar phenolic compounds and their absorption features in temperate forests using leaf spectroscopy
* Chat3D: Interactive understanding 3D scene-level point clouds by chatting with foundation model for urban ecological construction
* coarse-to-fine visual geo-localization method for GNSS-denied UAV with oblique-view imagery, A
* Combining deep learning with physical parameters in POC and PIC inversion from spaceborne lidar CALIOP
* Continent-wide urban tree canopy fine-scale mapping and coverage assessment in South America with high-resolution satellite images
* DAM-Net: Flood detection from SAR imagery using differential attention metric-based vision transformers
* Decouple and weight semi-supervised semantic segmentation of remote sensing images
* Deep learning-based harmonization and super-resolution of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images
* EarthVQANet: Multi-task visual question answering for remote sensing image understanding
* Effect of intra-year Landsat scene availability in land cover land use classification in the conterminous United States using deep neural networks
* feature selection method for multimodal multispectral LiDAR sensing, A
* Forest feature LiDAR SLAM (F2-LSLAM) for backpack systems
* Identifying Cropland Non-Agriculturalization with High Representational Consistency from Bi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: From Benchmark Datasets to Real-World Application
* Lightweight and rotation-invariant place recognition network for large-scale raw point clouds
* Linearly interpolating missing values in time series helps little for land cover classification using recurrent or attention networks
* Low-severity spruce beetle infestation mapped from high-resolution satellite imagery with a convolutional network
* Meta-Calib: A generic, robust and accurate camera calibration framework with ArUco-encoded meta-board
* National-scale nighttime high-temperature anomalies from Landsat-8 OLI images
* Neural implicit shape modeling for small planetary bodies from multi-view images using a mask-based classification sampling strategy
* Rapid in-flight image quality check for UAV-enabled bridge inspection
* SC-CNN: LiDAR point cloud filtering CNN under slope and copula correlation constraint
* Scattering power components from dual-pol Sentinel-1 SLC and GRD SAR data
* Toulouse Hyperspectral Data Set: A benchmark data set to assess semi-supervised spectral representation learning and pixel-wise classification techniques
* Towards multi-views cloud retrieval accounting for the 3-D structure collected by directional polarization camera
* Towards real-time processing for UAV-mounted GPR-SAR imaging systems
* Unmixing-based radiometric and spectral harmonization for consistency of multi-sensor reflectance time-series data
27 for PandRS(212)
* Detection and attribution of cereal yield losses using Sentinel-2 and weather data: A case study in South Australia
* Evaluating the spatial-temporal transferability of models for agricultural land cover mapping using Landsat archive
* Incremental registration towards large-scale heterogeneous point clouds by hierarchical graph matching
* novel and robust method for large-scale single-season rice mapping based on phenology and statistical data, A
* Regression model for speckled data with extreme variability
* TSI-Siamnet: A Siamese network for cloud and shadow detection based on time-series cloudy images
* Vectorized building extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images using spatial cognitive graph convolution model
7 for PandRS(213)
* AdaTreeFormer: Few shot domain adaptation for tree counting from a single high-resolution image
* CloudSeg: A multi-modal learning framework for robust land cover mapping under cloudy conditions
* Empowering lightweight detectors: Orientation Distillation via anti-ambiguous spatial transformation for remote sensing images
* HRVQA: A Visual Question Answering benchmark for high-resolution aerial images
* Legged robot-aided 3D tunnel mapping via residual compensation and anomaly detection
* Light4Mars: A lightweight transformer model for semantic segmentation on unstructured environment like Mars
* Mapping high spatial resolution ionospheric total electron content by integrating Time Series InSAR with International Reference Ionosphere model
* MCTracker: Satellite video multi-object tracking considering inter-frame motion correlation and multi-scale cascaded feature enhancement
* Monitoring mangrove traits through optical Earth observation: Towards spatio-temporal scalability using cloud-based Sentinel-2 continuous time series
* novel algorithm to extrapolate ultraviolet absorption of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from remote sensing ocean color, A
* Polarimetric calibration of linear dual-pol SAR when corner reflectors are unavailable
* Quick calibration of massive urban outdoor surveillance cameras
* RFE-VCR: Reference-enhanced transformer for remote sensing video cloud removal
* Simultaneous invariant normalization of waveform features from bathymetric lidar, SINWav: A Saipan case study
* temporal-spatial deep learning network for winter wheat mapping using time-series Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* Towards assessing the synthetic-to-measured adversarial vulnerability of SAR ATR
* Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite total and fine-mode aerosol records: Enhanced Land General Aerosol (e-LaGA) retrieval algorithm for VIIRS
17 for PandRS(214)
* ALCSF: An adaptive and anti-noise filtering method for extracting ground and top of canopy from ICESat-2 LiDAR data along single tracks
* CodeUNet: Autonomous underwater vehicle real visual enhancement via underwater codebook priors
* Coherence bias mitigation through regularized tapered coherence matrix for phase linking in decorrelated environments
* Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification
* Deep neural network based on dynamic attention and layer attention for meteorological data downscaling
* EMET: An emergence-based thermal phenological framework for near real-time crop type mapping
* Explaining the decisions and the functioning of a convolutional spatiotemporal land cover classifier with channel attention and redescription mining
* flexible trajectory estimation methodology for kinematic laser scanning, A
* Gap completion in point cloud scene occluded by vehicles using SGC-Net
* Global Streetscapes: A comprehensive dataset of 10 million street-level images across 688 cities for urban science and analytics
* Improving PRISMA hyperspectral spatial resolution and geolocation by using Sentinel-2: development and test of an operational procedure in urban and rural areas
* Incremental multi temporal InSAR analysis via recursive sequential estimator for long-term landslide deformation monitoring
* Look at the whole scene: General point cloud place recognition by classification proxy
* Navigating the publishing landscape in times of revolutionary changes
* Pano2Geo: An efficient and robust building height estimation model using street-view panoramas
* Point2Building: Reconstructing buildings from airborne LiDAR point clouds
* PriNeRF: Prior constrained Neural Radiance Field for robust novel view synthesis of urban scenes with fewer views
* Quality control tests for automated above-water hyperspectral measurements: Radiative Transfer assessment
* Remote sensing vegetation Indices-Driven models for sugarcane evapotranspiration estimation in the semiarid Ethiopian Rift Valley
* Robust feature aggregation network for lightweight and effective remote sensing image change detection
* Self-organized underwater image enhancement
* semi-supervised multi-temporal landslide and flash flood event detection methodology for unexplored regions using massive satellite image time series, A
* SSG2: A new modeling paradigm for semantic segmentation
* Towards a gapless 1 km fractional snow cover via a data fusion framework
* Unifying remote sensing change detection via deep probabilistic change models: From principles, models to applications
25 for PandRS(215)
* Adaptive variational decomposition for water-related optical image enhancement
* Bark beetle pre-emergence detection using multi-temporal hyperspectral drone images: Green shoulder indices can indicate subtle tree vitality decline
* Beyond clouds: Seamless flood mapping using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 time series imagery and water occurrence data
* Catadioptric omnidirectional thermal odometry in dynamic environment
* CropSight: Towards a large-scale operational framework for object-based crop type ground truth retrieval using street view and PlanetScope satellite imagery
* Fraction-dependent variations in cooling efficiency of urban trees across global cities
* framework for fully automated reconstruction of semantic building model at urban-scale using textured LoD2 data, A
* From satellite-based phenological metrics to crop planting dates: Deriving field-level planting dates for corn and soybean in the U.S. Midwest
* importance of spatial scale and vegetation complexity in woody species diversity and its relationship with remotely sensed variables, The
* In-orbit detection of the spectral smile for the Mars Mineral Spectrometer
* Modeling the top-of-atmosphere radiance of alpine snow with topographic effects explicitly solved
* Semi-supervised multi-class tree crown delineation using aerial multispectral imagery and lidar data
* Simulated SAR prior knowledge guided evidential deep learning for reliable few-shot SAR target recognition
* Temporal-spectral-semantic-aware convolutional transformer network for multi-class tidal wetland change detection in Greater Bay Area
* Training-free thick cloud removal for Sentinel-2 imagery using value propagation interpolation
* TSG-Seg: Temporal-selective guidance for semi-supervised semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point clouds
* Unveiling spatiotemporal tree cover patterns in China: The first 30m annual tree cover mapping from 1985 to 2023
17 for PandRS(216)
* Annual improved maps to understand the complete evolution of 9 thousand lakes on the Tibetan plateau in 1991-2023
* CadastreVision: A benchmark dataset for cadastral boundary delineation from multi-resolution earth observation images
* Coarse-to-fine semantic segmentation of satellite images
* Graph-based adaptive weighted fusion SLAM using multimodal data in complex underground spaces
* Integrating geographic knowledge into deep learning for spatiotemporal local climate zone mapping derived thermal environment exploration across Chinese climate zones
* novel soybean mapping index within the global optimal time window, A
* Satellite remote sensing of vegetation phenology: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
* Seasonally inundated area extraction based on long time-series surface water dynamics for improved flood mapping
* spatiotemporal shape model fitting method for within-season crop phenology detection, A
* Sub-national scale mapping of individual olive trees integrating Earth observation and deep learning
* Towards SDG 11: Large-scale geographic and demographic characterisation of informal settlements fusing remote sensing, POI, and open geo-data
* Tracking paddy rice acreage, flooding impacts, and mitigations during El Niño flooding events using Sentinel-1/2 imagery and cloud computing
* UB-FineNet: Urban building fine-grained classification network for open-access satellite images
13 for PandRS(217)
* 3D point cloud regularization method for uniform mesh generation of mining excavations
* ACMatch: Improving context capture for two-view correspondence learning via adaptive convolution
* Advancing mangrove species mapping: An innovative approach using Google Earth images and a U-shaped network for individual-level Sonneratia apetala detection
* ASANet: Asymmetric Semantic Aligning Network for RGB and SAR image land cover classification
* Atmospheric correction of geostationary ocean color imager data over turbid coastal waters under high solar zenith angles
* Automated localization of dike leakage outlets using UAV-borne thermography and YOLO-based object detectors
* automatic procedure for mapping burned areas globally using Sentinel-2 and VIIRS/MODIS active fires in Google Earth Engine, An
* A_OPTRAM-ET: An automatic optical trapezoid model for evapotranspiration estimation and its global-scale assessments
* B3-CDG: A pseudo-sample diffusion generator for bi-temporal building binary change detection
* boundary-aware point clustering approach in Euclidean and embedding spaces for roof plane segmentation, A
* Bridging real and simulated data for cross-spatial- resolution vegetation segmentation with application to rice crops
* Cascaded recurrent networks with masked representation learning for stereo matching of high-resolution satellite images
* Clustering, triangulation, and evaluation of 3D lines in multiple images
* Common-feature-track-matching approach for multi-epoch UAV photogrammetry co-registration
* Contrastive learning for real SAR image despeckling
* cost-effective and robust mapping method for diverse crop types using weakly supervised semantic segmentation with sparse point samples, A
* Cross-modal change detection using historical land use maps and current remote sensing images
* Deep shared proxy construction hashing for cross-modal remote sensing image fast target retrieval
* Detection of buildings with potential damage using differential deformation maps
* Effective variance attention-enhanced diffusion model for crop field aerial image super resolution
* Estimating AVHRR snow cover fraction by coupling physical constraints into a deep learning framework
* Fast and accurate SAR geocoding with a plane approximation
* general albedo recovery approach for aerial photogrammetric images through inverse rendering, A
* Generalization in deep learning-based aircraft classification for SAR imagery
* Generalized spatio-temporal-spectral integrated fusion for soil moisture downscaling
* Global perspectives on sand dune patterns: Scale-adaptable classification using Landsat imagery and deep learning strategies
* Harmony in diversity: Content cleansing change detection framework for very-high-resolution remote-sensing images
* HDRSA-Net: Hybrid dynamic residual self-attention network for SAR-assisted optical image cloud and shadow removal
* High-resolution mapping of grassland canopy cover in China through the integration of extensive drone imagery and satellite data
* highly efficient index for robust mapping of tidal flats from sentinel-2 images directly, A
* Homogeneous tokenizer matters: Homogeneous visual tokenizer for remote sensing image understanding
* HyperDehazing: A hyperspectral image dehazing benchmark dataset and a deep learning model for haze removal
* Improving crop type mapping by integrating LSTM with temporal random masking and pixel-set spatial information
* Improving drone-based uncalibrated estimates of wheat canopy temperature in plot experiments by accounting for confounding factors in a multi-view analysis
* Integrating synthetic datasets with CLIP semantic insights for single image localization advancements
* Joint block adjustment and variational optimization for global and local radiometric normalization toward multiple remote sensing image mosaicking
* Mangrove Mapping in China Using Gaussian Mixture Model with a Novel Mangrove Index (SSMI) Derived from Optical and SAR Imagery
* Mapping the Brazilian savanna's natural vegetation: A SAR-optical uncertainty-aware deep learning approach
* Mesh refinement method for multi-view stereo with unary operations
* METNet: A mesh exploring approach for segmenting 3D textured urban scenes
* Mineral detection based on hyperspectral remote sensing imagery on Mars: From detection methods to fine mapping
* MIWC: A multi-temporal image weighted composition method for satellite-derived bathymetry in shallow waters
* Multi-level urban street representation with street-view imagery and hybrid semantic graph
* multi-view graph neural network for building age prediction, A
* MuSRFM: Multiple scale resolution fusion based precise and robust satellite derived bathymetry model for island nearshore shallow water regions using sentinel-2 multi-spectral imagery
* new methodology for establishing an SOC content prediction model that is spatiotemporally transferable at multidecadal and intercontinental scales, A
* Nighttime fog and low stratus detection under multi-scene and all lunar phase conditions using S-NPP/VIIRS visible and infrared channels
* Nonlinear least-squares solutions to the TLS multi-station registration adjustment problem
* On-orbit geometric calibration of MERSI whiskbroom scanner
* Optimizing hybrid models for canopy nitrogen mapping from Sentinel-2 in Google Earth Engine
* OR-LIM: Observability-aware robust LiDAR-inertial-mapping under high dynamic sensor motion
* phenological-knowledge-independent method for automatic paddy rice mapping with time series of polarimetric SAR images, A
* PolyGNN: Polyhedron-based graph neural network for 3D building reconstruction from point clouds
* PolyR-CNN: R-CNN for end-to-end polygonal building outline extraction
* Predicting gradient is better: Exploring self-supervised learning for SAR ATR with a joint-embedding predictive architecture
* PRISMethaNet: A novel deep learning model for landfill methane detection using PRISMA satellite data
* Re-evaluating winter carbon sink in Southern Ocean by recovering MODIS-Aqua chlorophyll-a product at high solar zenith angles
* Reconstructing high-resolution subsurface temperature of the global ocean using deep forest with combined remote sensing and in situ observations
* Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A fusion-and-fit approach with deep learning residual constraint
* Recursive classification of satellite imaging time-series: An application to land cover mapping
* Review of synthetic aperture radar with deep learning in agricultural applications
* robust method for mapping soybean by phenological aligning of Sentinel-2 time series, A
* SAMPolyBuild: Adapting the Segment Anything Model for polygonal building extraction
* SDCINet: A novel cross-task integration network for segmentation and detection of damaged/changed building targets with optical remote sensing imagery
* Selective weighted least square and piecewise bilinear transformation for accurate satellite DSM generation
* Sequential polarimetric phase optimization algorithm for dynamic deformation monitoring of landslides
* Small object change detection in UAV imagery via a Siamese network enhanced with temporal mutual attention and contextual features: A case study concerning solar water heaters
* Snow depth retrieval method for PolSAR data using multi-parameters snow backscattering model
* SoftFormer: SAR-optical fusion transformer for urban land use and land cover classification
* thin cloud blind correction method coupling a physical model with unsupervised deep learning for remote sensing imagery, A
* Time series sUAV data reveal moderate accuracy and large uncertainties in spring phenology metric of deciduous broadleaf forest as estimated by vegetation index-based phenological models
* UAV-based sparse viewpoint planning framework for detailed 3D modelling of cultural heritage monuments, A
* unified feature-motion consistency framework for robust image matching, A
* unique dielectric constant estimation for lunar surface through PolSAR model-based decomposition, A
* universal adapter in segmentation models for transferable landslide mapping, A
* Unwrap-Net: A deep neural network-based InSAR phase unwrapping method assisted by airborne LiDAR data
* Using difference features effectively: A multi-task network for exploring change areas and change moments in time series remote sensing images
* Variational Autoencoder with Gaussian Random Field prior: Application to unsupervised animal detection in aerial images
* VDFT: Robust feature matching of aerial and ground images using viewpoint-invariant deformable feature transformation
* Vision-guided robot calibration using photogrammetric methods
* VNI-Net: Vector neurons-based rotation-invariant descriptor for LiDAR place recognition
* Weather-aware autopilot: Domain generalization for point cloud semantic segmentation in diverse weather scenarios
* Word2Scene: Efficient remote sensing image scene generation with only one word via hybrid intelligence and low-rank representation
83 for PandRS(218)
* Field-scale evaluation of a satellite-based terrestrial biosphere model for estimating crop response to management practices and productivity
* Location and orientation united graph comparison for topographic point cloud change estimation
* MGCNet: Multi-granularity consensus network for remote sensing image correspondence pruning
* Pansharpening via predictive filtering with element-wise feature mixing
* real time LiDAR-Visual-Inertial object level semantic SLAM for forest environments, A
* Combination of SAR and Optical Line Scanner Imagery for Stereoscopic Extraction Of 3-D Data, A
* Model-Based 3-D Scene Analysis from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
* Parametric Statistical-Method for Error-Detection in Digital Elevation Models
* Remote-Sensing of Vegetation Cover Along A Climatological Gradient
* Towards Automation In Architectural Photogrammetry: CAD-Based 3D-Feature Extraction
* Two-Level Global Optimization for Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Vergence for the Stereo Matching of Oblique Imagery
* Analysis of the Prospects for Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry, An
* Assessment of the Precision and Accuracy of Methods of Digital Target Location, An
* Automated Dimensional Inspection With Real-time Photogrammetry
* Foreword: Image Understanding
* Geometric Alignment and Calibration of a Photogrammetric Image Scanner
* Image-based Digital Mapping
* ISPRS Commission-III Symposium: Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
* Map-Aided Structural-Analysis of Aerial Images
* Performance Evaluation of Real-Simulated Image Matching Techniques in the Acquisition of Ground Control for ERS-1 Image Geocoding
* Road Extraction from Aerial and Satellite Images by Dynamic-Programming
* Towards Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
* Workshop on Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images: 24-28 April 1995, Ascona, Switzerland
13 for PandRS(50)
* 3D City Models for CAAD-supported Analysis and Design of Urban Areas
* Algorithm for Object Reconstruction without Interior Orientation, An
* Costs of Softcopy Orthophoto Bases for GIS Projects
* Delineating Agricultural Field Boundaries from TM Imagery Using Dyadic Wavelet Transforms
* Digital Images in the Map Revision Process
* Digital Ortho-Images: A Powerful Tool for the Extraction of Spatial-Information and Geo-Information
* Integration of Digital Images and GIS for Mapping Applications of Urban, Regional and Global Scales: Foreword
* Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) Image Matching
* Mapping from Digital Satellite Image Data with Special Reference to MOMS-02
* Performance Indicators for the Statistical Evaluation of Digital Image Classifications
* Robust Estimation Applied to Surface Matching
11 for PandRS(51)
* Assessing the Radiometric Fidelity of High Resolution Satellite Image Mosaics
* Automatic Aerotriangulation: Concept, Realization and Results
* Automatic-Generation of High-Resolution Urban Zone Digital Elevation Models
* Digital Camera Self-Calibration
* Experiments with Matching in the Object Space for Aerotriangulation
* Exterior Orientation: An Automatic Approach Based on Fitting Analytic Landmark Models
* Image Matching Using a Three-Line Scanner
* One-Step to a Higher-Level of Automation for Softcopy Photogrammetry Automatic Interior Orientation
* Photogrammetric Object Description with Projective Invariants
* Primitive Recognition Using Aspect-Interpretation Model-Matching in Both CAD-Based and LP-Based Measurement Systems
* Procedure for Automatic Absolute Orientation Using Aerial Photographs and a Map, A
* Quality Assessment of Remote-Sensing Image Registration: Analysis and Testing of Control Point Residuals
* Special Issue: Automatic Image Orientation - Preface
* Towards Automatic Aerial Triangulation
14 for PandRS(52)
* 3D reconstruction from a single image using geometric constraints
* 3D Reconstruction of Straight and Curved Pipes Using Digital Line Photogrammetry, The
* CC-Modeler: a topology generator for 3-D city models
* Determination of terrain models in wooded areas with airborne laser scanner data
* Errors and accuracy estimates of laser data acquired by various laser scanning systems for topographic applications
* Extraction and Textural Characterization of Aboveground Areas from Aerial Stereo Pairs: A Quality Assessment
* Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Satellite Images: Foreword
* Feature-Extraction Using the Constrained Gradient
* Hierarchical Bayesian nets for building extraction using dense digital surface models
* Hybrid Concept for 3D Building Acquisition, A
* Map-Image Matching Using A Multilayer Perceptron: The Case of the Road Network
* Measurement and Tracking of Circle Centers for Geotechnic Applications
* Motion Parameter Estimation by Tracking Stationary 3-Dimensional Straight Lines in Image Sequences
* Panoramic imaging and virtual reality: Filling the gaps between the lines
* practical evaluation of sequential estimation for vision metrology, A
* Recognizing Building Patterns Using Matched-Filters and Genetic Search
* Scale-Space Events and Their Link to Abstraction for Road Extraction
* Statistical analysis of two 3-D registration and modeling strategies
* TOBAGO: A Semiautomated Approach for the Generation of 3-D Building Models
19 for PandRS(53)
* Airborne laser scanning: An introduction and overview
* Airborne laser scanning: Present status and future expectations
* Automated reconstruction of 3D models from real environments
* Automatic orientation and recognition in highly structured scenes
* Change detection assessment using fuzzy sets and remotely sensed data: an application of topographic map revision
* Change detection of buildings using an airborne laser scanner
* comparison between photogrammetry and laser scanning, A
* Development of polygon shift method for generating 3D view map of buildings
* environment for content-based image retrieval from large spatial databases, An
* Extraction of buildings and trees in urban environments
* Image sequence based automatic multi-camera system calibration techniques
* Optimisation of building detection in satellite images by combining multispectral classification and texture filtering
* Suitability of Laser Data for DTM Generation: A Case Study in the Context of Road Planning and Design
* Two algorithms for extracting building models from raw laser altimetry data
14 for PandRS(54)
* Automated processing of mobile mapping image sequences
* Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images
* Capturing and Modeling Geographic Object Change: A SpatioTemporal Gazetteer Framework
* Contributions to a Quality Description of Areal Objects in Spatial Data Sets
* Design and implementation of a computational processing system for off-line digital close-range photogrammetry
* digital photogrammetric workstation on the WEB, A
* framework for the modelling of uncertainty between remote sensing and geographic information systems, A
* Fuzzy spatial objects and their dynamics
* Geocoding SAR interferograms by least squares adjustment
* Geometric in-flight calibration of the stereoscopic line-CCD scanner MOMS-2P
* How well do we understand Earth observation electro-optical sensor parameters?
* Location similarity of regions
* Modelling and representation issues in automated feature extraction from aerial and satellite images
* Monitoring the thermal deformation of steel beams via vision metrology
* Real world modelling through high resolution digital 3D imaging of objects and structures
* robust linear least-squares estimation of camera exterior orientation using multiple geometric features, A
* Self-organised clustering for road extraction in classified imagery
* SENSOR: A Tool for the Simulation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Systems
* Separate adjustment in close-range photogrammetry
* State-of-the-art of elevation extraction from satellite SAR data
* Taxonomy of space tessellation
* Theme Issue on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS
* Towards the global GIS
23 for PandRS(55)
* Application of snakes and dynamic programming optimisation technique in modeling of buildings in informal settlement areas
* Automatic relative orientation of large scale imagery over urban areas using Modified Iterated Hough Transform
* Comparison of resection-intersection algorithms and projection geometries in radiostereometry
* Digital image georeferencing from a multiple camera system by GPS/ISS
* Digital surface model generation from CORONA satellite images
* Estimating relative lidar accuracy information from overlapping flight lines
* Hyperspectral edge filtering for measuring homogeneity of surface cover types
* improved model for automatic feature-based registration of SAR and SPOT images, An
* Improving area-based matching by using surface gradients in the pixel co-ordinate transformation
* Integration of classification methods for improvement of land-cover map accuracy
* Integration of laser-derived DSMs and matched image edges for generating an accurate surface model
* Medical imaging challenges photogrammetry
* Medical imaging: examples of clinical applications
* Medical photogrammetric measurement: overview and prospects
* Multi-Baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: First Experimental Spaceborne and Airborne Results
* Photogrammetric calibration of a C-arm X-ray system as a verification tool for orthopaedic navigation systems
* Photogrammetric measurement of patients in radiotherapy
* Preserving cartographic quality in DTM interpolation from contour lines
* Processing of Ikonos imagery for submetre 3D positioning and building extraction
* Seamline detection in colour orthoimage mosaicking by use of twin snakes
* Surface measurement and tracking of human body parts from multi-image video sequences
* Theme issue on medical imaging and photogrammetry
* Towards computer-assisted surgery in shoulder joint replacement
* Use of generalised Procrustes analysis for the photogrammetric block adjustment by independent models
* use of Roentgen stereophotogrammetry to study micromotion of orthopaedic implants, The
25 for PandRS(56)
* Automated analysis of ultra high resolution remote sensing data for biotope type mapping: new possibilities and challenges
* Calibration and validation of SAR interferometry for DEM generation
* comparative analysis of scanned maps and imagery for mapping applications, A
* comparison of three image-object methods for the multiscale analysis of landscape structure, A
* Geovisualization illustrated
* Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
* Integration of multi-sensor data for landscape modeling using a region-based approach
* Interactive maps for visual exploration of grid and vector geodata
* Mapping from ASTER stereo image data: DEM validation and accuracy assessment
* Radiative transfer codes applied to hyperspectral data for the retrieval of surface reflectance
* shuttle radar topography mission: A new class of digital elevation models acquired by spaceborne radar, The
* Spatial database updating using active contours for multispectral images: application with Landsat 7
* SPECCHIO: a Web-accessible database for the administration and storage of heterogeneous spectral data
* Special section on Image Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
* stochastic analysis of the calibration problem for Augmented Reality systems with see-through head-mounted displays, A
* Theme Issue: Challenges in Geospatial Analysis and Visualization
16 for PandRS(57)
* Automatic extraction of urban road networks from multi-view aerial imagery
* Classification of polarimetric SAR images of suburban areas using joint annealed segmentation and H/A/alpha polarimetric decomposition
* Detecting building changes from multitemporal aerial stereopairs
* Detection of building outlines based on the fusion of SAR and optical features
* dynamic multi-dimensional conceptual data model for transportation applications, A
* Extraction, modelling, and use of linear features for restitution of airborne hyperspectral imagery
* From point-based to feature-based aerial triangulation
* Fusion of hyperspectral and radar data using the IHS transformation to enhance urban surface features
* Fusion of spectral and shape features for identification of urban surface cover types using reflective and thermal hyperspectral data
* Graph-supported verification of road databases
* Image fusion: The ARSIS concept and some successful implementation schemes
* Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
* Insights into the affine model for high-resolution satellite sensor orientation
* Multi-resolution, object-oriented fuzzy analysis of remote sensing data for GIS-ready information
* multi-sensor system for positioning in urban environments, A
* Object extraction and revision by image analysis using existing geodata and knowledge: current status and steps towards operational systems
* Object-based classification of remote sensing data for change detection
* Potential and limits of InSAR data for building reconstruction in built-up areas
* Reconstruction of 3D building models from aerial images and maps
* remote sensing computer-assisted learning tool developed using the unified modeling language, A
* Satellite multi-sensor data analysis of urban surface temperatures and landcover
* Theme issue on Algorithms and Techniques for Multi-Source Data Fusion in Urban Areas
* Theme Issue: Integration of Geodata and Imagery for Automated Refinement and Update of Spatial Databases
* Time geography for ad-hoc shared-ride trip planning in mobile geosensor networks
* Towards an operational system for automated updating of road databases by integration of imagery and geodata
* Variographic analysis of tropical forest cover from multi-scale remotely sensed imagery
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* Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicates potential variables for classification of individual trees or forest stands according to species
* Airborne Laser Swath Mapping: Quantifying changes in sandy beaches over time scales of weeks to years
* Application of multi-temporal high-resolution imagery and GPS in a study of the motion of a canyon rim landslide
* Automatic 3D object recognition and reconstruction based on neuro-fuzzy modelling
* Clustering with obstacles for Geographical Data Mining
* Effects of laser beam alignment tolerance on lidar accuracy
* Environmental simulation within a virtual environment
* Estimating forest biomass using small footprint LiDAR data: An individual tree-based approach that incorporates training data
* Experimental comparison of filter algorithms for bare-Earth extraction from airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Fish-eye-stereo calibration and epipolar rectification
* Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based method for spatiotemporal exploration and analysis
* layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints, A
* Least squares 3D surface and curve matching
* Modelling error propagation in vector-based overlay analysis
* Monitoring the morphological evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco during the 2002-2003 Stromboli eruption using multi-temporal photogrammetry
* new approach for predicting drought-related vegetation stress: Integrating satellite, climate, and biophysical data over the U.S. central plains, A
* Satellite remote sensing of earthquake, volcano, flood, landslide and coastal inundation hazards
* Semiautomated matching for network database integration
* Stratified sampling of satellite images with a systematic grid of points
* subdivision algorithm for smooth 3D terrain models, A
* Theme issue: advanced techniques for analysis of geo-spatial data
* Theme issue: Remote sensing and geospatial information for natural hazards characterization
* Voronoi-based k-order neighbour relations for spatial analysis
23 for PandRS(59)
* Absolute position estimation using IRS satellite images
* Accuracy of large-scale canopy heights derived from LiDAR data under operational constraints in a complex alpine environment
* Additive integration of SAR features into multispectral SPOT images by means of the à trous wavelet decomposition
* ADS40 Vaihingen/Enz geometric performance test, The
* Approximate direct georeferencing in national coordinates
* Characterizing the vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance in coastal waters: Implications for water penetration by high resolution satellite data
* Consideration of smoothing techniques for hyperspectral remote sensing
* DEM generation from SPOT-5 3-fold along track stereoscopic imagery using autocalibration
* Determination and improvement of spatial resolution of the CCD-line-scanner system ADS40
* Gaussian decomposition and calibration of a novel small-footprint full-waveform digitising airborne laser scanner
* Generation of DSMs from SPOT-5 in-track HRS and across-track HRG stereo data using spatiotriangulation and autocalibration
* Geometric test field calibration of digital photogrammetric sensors
* High-end aerial digital cameras and their impact on the automation and quality of the production workflow
* IPODLAS: A software architecture for coupling temporal simulation systems, VR, and GIS
* Measuring the distance of vegetation from powerlines using stereo vision
* Multi-image matching for DSM generation from IKONOS imagery
* performance of pixel window algorithms in the classification of habitats using VHSR imagery, The
* Recent developments on direct relative orientation
* Reconstructing spatiotemporal trajectories from sparse data
* Segmentation of airborne laser scanning data using a slope adaptive neighborhood
* Sensor orientation via RPCs
* SOLAP technology: Merging business intelligence with geospatial technology for interactive spatio-temporal exploration and analysis of data
* SPOT 5 HRS geometric performances: Using block adjustment as a key issue to improve quality of DEM generation
* Studies on DMC geometry
* Theme issue: Digital aerial cameras
* Theme section on advances in spatio-temporal analysis and representation
* Towards 3D map generation from digital aerial images
* Updating topographic mapping in Great Britain using imagery from high-resolution satellite sensors
* Validation of digital elevation models from SRTM X-SAR for applications in hydrologic modeling
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* Air- and spaceborne monitoring of road traffic using SAR moving target indication: Project TRAMRAD
* Analysis of ground moving objects using SRTM/X-SAR data
* Automatic vessel monitoring with single and multidimensional SAR images in the wavelet domain
* Bridge detection in airborne laser scanner data
* Building facade interpretation from uncalibrated wide-baseline image sequences
* Classifying individual tree species under leaf-off and leaf-on conditions using airborne lidar
* Detection of moving objects in airborne thermal videos
* Error modelling, calibration and analysis of an AM-CW terrestrial laser scanner system
* ERS-2 SAR and IRS-1C LISS III data fusion: A PCA approach to improve remote sensing based geological interpretation
* Extracting dynamic spatial data from airborne imaging sensors to support traffic flow estimation
* FFT-enhanced IHS transform method for fusing high-resolution satellite images
* Ground target tracking and road map extraction
* integrated approach for modelling and global registration of point clouds, An
* Land cover classification and economic assessment of citrus groves using remote sensing
* Mapping East African tropical forests and woodlands: A comparison of classifiers
* multi-resolution approach for filtering LiDAR altimetry data, A
* Multiple support vector machines for land cover change detection: An application for mapping urban extensions
* Optical flow based vehicle tracking strengthened by statistical decisions
* Performance analysis of the TerraSAR-X Traffic monitoring concept
* post-classifier for mangrove mapping using ecological data, A
* Radiometric correction of hemispherical images
* Range determination with waveform recording laser systems using a Wiener Filter
* Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
* Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
* Road tracking in aerial images based on human-computer interaction and Bayesian filtering
* Semantically correct 2.5D GIS data -- The integration of a DTM and topographic vector data
* semi-automatic framework for highway extraction and vehicle detection based on a geometric deformable model, A
* Theme issue: Airborne and spaceborne traffic monitoring
* Traffic monitoring with serial images from airborne cameras
* Video camera registration using accumulated co-motion maps
30 for PandRS(61)
* automatic approach for camera calibration from vanishing points, An
* Automatic recognition of man-made objects in high resolution optical remote sensing images by SVM classification of geometric image features
* Building detection by fusion of airborne laser scanner data and multi-spectral images: Performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis
* comparative analysis of broadband and narrowband derived vegetation indices in predicting LAI and CCD of a cotton canopy, A
* concept for feature based data registration by simultaneous consideration of laser scanner data and photogrammetric images, A
* Correction of laser scanning intensity data: Data and model-driven approaches
* Data fusion of high-resolution satellite imagery and LiDAR data for automatic building extraction
* Despeckle and geographical feature extraction in SAR images by wavelet transform
* Discrimination of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus sp. agg.) using hyperspectral imagery in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia
* drainage network extraction from contour lines for contour line generalization, The
* efficient 3D R-tree spatial index method for virtual geographic environments, An
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images using wavelet and matching pursuit
* Filling the voids in the SRTM elevation model: A TIN-based delta surface approach
* Generalization of 3D building data based on a scale-space approach
* hyperspectral band selector for plant species discrimination, A
* Integration of heterogeneous geospatial data in a federated database
* Matching of 3D surfaces and their intensities
* Multitemporal fuzzy classification model based on class transition possibilities
* Prediction of sweetness and amino acid content in soybean crops from hyperspectral imagery
* Propagation strategies for stereo image matching based on the dynamic triangle constraint
* Rule-based classification of multi-temporal satellite imagery for habitat and agricultural land cover mapping
* Scaling functions for landscape pattern metrics derived from remotely sensed data: Are their subpixel estimates really accurate?
* Young author award special issue
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* Accuracy assessment of high resolution satellite imagery orientation by leave-one-out method
* Aspects of generating precise digital terrain models in the Wadden Sea from lidar-water classification and structure line extraction
* Automatic Building Extraction from DEMs Using an Object Approach and Application to the 3D-City Modeling
* CAMPINO: A skeletonization method for point cloud processing
* Coarse orientation of terrestrial laser scans in urban environments
* comparison of illumination geometry-based methods for topographic correction of QuickBird images of an undulant area, A
* Comparison of remotely sensed water stages from LiDAR, topographic contours and SRTM
* Controlled 3D Data Fusion using Error-bounds
* Deformation measurement using terrestrial laser scanning data and least squares 3D surface matching
* Efficiently computing and deriving topological relation matrices between complex regions with broad boundaries
* Formulation of distortion error for the line-of-sight (LOS) vector adjustment model and its role in restitution of SPOT imagery
* framework of region-based spatial relations for non-overlapping features and its application in object based image analysis, A
* genetic algorithm rule-based approach for land-cover classification, A
* Geometric validation of a ground-based mobile laser scanning system
* Image-based 3D surface reconstruction by combination of photometric, geometric, and real-aperture methods
* Improved filtering parameter determination for the Goldstein radar interferogram filter
* ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing theme issue Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Iterative processing of laser scanning data by full waveform analysis
* Keypoint based autonomous registration of terrestrial laser point-clouds
* method for automated registration of unorganised point clouds, A
* method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data, A
* method to test differences between additional parameter sets with a case study in terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration stability analysis, A
* Modeling temporal variations in multipolarized radar scattering from intertidal coastal wetlands
* Multiview range-image registration for forested scenes using explicitly-matched tie points estimated from natural surfaces
* Object extraction in photogrammetric computer vision
* Object-based classification using Quickbird imagery for delineating forest vegetation polygons in a Mediterranean test site
* object-based method for mapping and change analysis in mangrove ecosystems, An
* Object-based target search using remotely sensed data: A case study in detecting invasive exotic Australian Pine in south Florida
* On-line boosting-based car detection from aerial images
* Photogrammetric processing of rover imagery of the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover mission
* Populating a building Multi Representation Data Base with photogrammetric tools: Recent progress
* Relationships between the mineralogical and chemical composition of tropical soils and topography from hyperspectral remote sensing data
* robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
* Shape-based classification of spectrally identical objects
* Theory and reality of direct georeferencing in national coordinates
* Unsupervised robust planar segmentation of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds based on fuzzy clustering methods
* Urban-trees extraction from Quickbird imagery using multiscale spectex-filtering and non-parametric classification
* Using colour, texture, and hierarchial segmentation for high-resolution remote sensing
* Using texture analysis to improve per-pixel classification of very high resolution images for mapping plastic greenhouses
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* 3D segmentation of single trees exploiting full waveform LIDAR data
* Accuracy assessment of digital elevation models by means of robust statistical methods
* algorithm to classify and monitor seasonal variations in vegetation phenologies and their inter-annual change, An
* Analysis at medium scale of low-resolution DInSAR data in slow-moving landslide-affected areas
* application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation, The
* Automated co-registration of images from multiple bands of Liss-4 camera
* automatic procedure for co-registration of terrestrial laser scanners and digital cameras, An
* Calibration facility for airborne imaging spectrometers
* Cascade multitemporal classification based on fuzzy Markov chains
* Cascaded image analysis for dynamic crack detection in material testing
* Change of spatial information under rescaling: A case study using multi-resolution image series
* Classification comparisons between dual-pol, compact polarimetric and quad-pol SAR imagery
* Classification-based vehicle detection in high-resolution satellite images
* Classifier ensembles for land cover mapping using multitemporal SAR imagery
* Close-range constrained image sequences
* Co-registration and correlation of aerial photographs for ground deformation measurements
* Crack measurement: Development, testing and applications of an automatic image-based algorithm
* design and the development of a hyperspectral and multispectral airborne mapping system, The
* Discrimination of agricultural crops in a tropical semi-arid region of Brazil based on L-band polarimetric airborne SAR data
* effect of spatial autocorrelation and class proportion on the accuracy measures from different sampling designs, The
* Estimating vertical plant area density profile and growth parameters of a wheat canopy at different growth stages using three-dimensional portable lidar imaging
* Evaluation of the geometric stability and the accuracy potential of digital cameras: Comparing mechanical stabilisation versus parameterisation
* forward/backward principal component analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ data to enhance the spectral signal of burnt surfaces, A
* Full-waveform topographic lidar: State-of-the-art
* Generation and application of rules for quality dependent facade reconstruction
* Geographical model for precise agriculture monitoring with real-time remote sensing
* geometric stochastic approach based on marked point processes for road mark detection from high resolution aerial images, A
* graph cut optimization guided by 3D-features for surface height recovery, A
* hybrid measurement approach for close-range photogrammetry, A
* image engineering system for the inspection of transparent construction materials, An
* Improving radiometry of imaging spectrometers by using programmable spectral regions of interest
* Integration of optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for delivering operational annual crop inventories
* Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines as a function of their density, depth, and surface cover
* Knowledge Based Reconstruction of Building Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Mapping the understorey of deciduous woodland from leaf-on and leaf-off airborne LiDAR data: A case study in lowland Britain
* Monocular 3D scene reconstruction at absolute scale
* multi-directional ground filtering algorithm for airborne LIDAR, A
* New developments with design and construction of a thermal/vacuum qualified photogrammetric system
* Observations of urban and suburban environments with global satellite scatterometer data
* Optimizing support vector machine learning for semi-arid vegetation mapping by using clustering analysis
* Precise surface topography of the grounded ice ridges at the Ekstromisen, Antarctica, based on several geophysical data sets
* Precision potential of photogrammetric 6DOF pose estimation with a single camera
* Rapid mapping of high resolution SAR scenes
* Region based segmentation of QuickBird multispectral imagery through band ratios and fuzzy comparison
* robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
* SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009)
* Stereo analysis of high-resolution SAR images for building height estimation in cases of orthogonal aspect directions
* Theme issue on 'Mapping with SAR: Techniques and applications'
* Theme Issue: Image Analysis and Image Engineering in Close Range Photogrammetry
* Tree species identification in mixed coniferous forest using airborne laser scanning
* Use of Markov Random Fields for automatic cloud/shadow detection on high resolution optical images
* Validation and comparison of Advanced Differential Interferometry Techniques: Murcia metropolitan area case study
* Validation of geometric models for fisheye lenses
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* 3D road marking reconstruction from street-level calibrated stereo pairs
* Addressing the value of art in cartographic communication
* Analytical 3D views and virtual globes: Scientific results in a familiar spatial context
* Assessment of terrain elevation derived from satellite laser altimetry over mountainous forest areas using airborne lidar data
* Augmented paper maps: Exploring the design space of a mixed reality system
* Augmented reality and photogrammetry: A synergy to visualize physical and virtual city environments
* Automatic change detection of buildings in urban environment from very high spatial resolution images using existing geodatabase and prior knowledge
* Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig
* Automatic Detection of Residential Buildings Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* automatic mosaicking method for building facade texture mapping using a monocular close-range image sequence, An
* Backscatter coefficient as an attribute for the classification of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
* Bias-corrected rational polynomial coefficients for high accuracy geo-positioning of QuickBird stereo imagery
* Classifying historical remotely sensed imagery using a tempo-spatial feature evolution (T-SFE) model
* Close range photogrammetry for industrial applications
* Color correction of texture images for true photorealistic visualization
* Consistency of accuracy assessment indices for soft classification: Simulation analysis
* Crowdsourcing geospatial data
* Delineation and geometric modeling of road networks
* DEM generalization by minor valley branch detection and grid filling, A
* development of an integrated technical-methodical approach to visualise hydrological processes in an exemplary post-mining area in Central Germany, The
* Early-season crop area estimates for winter crops in NE Australia using MODIS satellite imagery
* efficient stochastic approach for building footprint extraction from digital elevation models, An
* evaluation of measures for quantifying map information, An
* Expanding global mapping of the foliage clumping index with multi-angular POLDER three measurements: Evaluation and topographic compensation
* Fast robust large-scale mapping from video and internet photo collections
* framework for creating and validating a non-linear spectrum-biomass model to estimate the secondary succession biomass in moist tropical forests, A
* Generation of three-dimensional deformation maps from InSAR data using spectral diversity techniques
* Hyperspectral boundary detection based on the Busyness Multiple Correlation Edge Detector and Alternating Vector Field Convolution snakes
* integrated bundle adjustment approach to range camera geometric self-calibration, An
* Knowledge-Based Building Reconstruction from Terrestrial Video Sequences
* low-cost multi-sensoral mobile mapping system and its feasibility for tree measurements, A
* Modeling and querying approximate direction relations
* Modelling vertical error in LiDAR-derived digital elevation models
* Monitoring forest areas from continental to territorial levels using a sample of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery
* Performance evaluation of automated approaches to building detection in multi-source aerial data
* Photogrammetric modeling of underwater environments
* pre-screened and normalized multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis for mapping impervious surface area in Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan, A
* Radiometric calibration of small-footprint full-waveform airborne laser scanner measurements: Basic physical concepts
* Radiometric stability assessment of an airborne photogrammetric sensor in a test field
* Range and AGC normalization in airborne discrete-return LiDAR intensity data for forest canopies
* Real-time registration of airborne laser data with sub-decimeter accuracy
* Seam-line determination for image mosaicking: A technique minimizing the maximum local mismatch and the global cost
* Sensor modeling, self-calibration and accuracy testing of panoramic cameras and laser scanners
* Status and future of laser scanning, synthetic aperture radar and hyperspectral remote sensing data for forest biomass assessment
* Terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration: Correlation sources and their mitigation
* Theme issue: Visualization and exploration of geospatial data
* unified approach to self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners, A
* update on automatic 3D building reconstruction, An
* Using simulated Terrestrial Laser Scanning to analyse errors in high-resolution scan data of irregular surfaces
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* Aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
* algorithm for automatically computing the horizontal shift between homologous contours from DTMs, An
* approach to the radiometric aerotriangulation of photogrammetric images, An
* Assessing intra-annual vegetation regrowth after fire using the pixel based regeneration index
* Assessment of digital camera-derived vegetation indices in quantitative monitoring of seasonal rice growth
* Assessment of radargrammetric DSMs from TerraSAR-X Stripmap images in a mountainous relief area of the Amazon region
* Auto-detection and integration of tectonically significant lineaments from SRTM DEM and remotely-sensed geophysical data
* Automatic interpretation of digital maps
* Automatic reasoning for geometric constraints in 3D city models with uncertain observations
* B-spline deconvolution for differential target cross-section determination in full-waveform laser scanning data
* Boosted Genetic Fuzzy Classifier for land cover classification of remote sensing imagery, A
* Building footprint database improvement for 3D reconstruction: A split and merge approach and its evaluation
* Building roof modeling from airborne laser scanning data based on level set approach
* bundle adjustment approach with inner constraints for the scaled orthographic projection, A
* City model enrichment
* cloud mask methodology for high resolution remote sensing data combining information from high and medium resolution optical sensors, A
* Converting local spectral and spatial information from a priori classifiers into contextual knowledge for impervious surface classification
* De-striping hyperspectral imagery using wavelet transform and adaptive frequency domain filtering
* DEM matching for bias compensation of rigorous pushbroom sensor models
* Demonstration of a virtual active hyperspectral LiDAR in automated point cloud classification
* Detection of gullies in roughly textured terrain using airborne laser scanning data
* Detection of impervious surface change with multitemporal Landsat images in an urban-rural frontier
* Direct relative orientation with four independent constraints
* Epipolar resampling of linear pushbroom satellite imagery by a new epipolarity model
* Experimentation of structured light and stereo vision for underwater 3D reconstruction
* Extraction and motion estimation of vehicles in single-pass airborne LiDAR data towards urban traffic analysis
* Forest parameter estimation in the Pol-InSAR context employing the multiplicative-additive speckle noise model
* fuzzy topology-based maximum likelihood classification, A
* Generalization of DEM for terrain analysis using a compound method
* Generation and evaluation of multitemporal digital terrain models of the Mt. Everest area from different optical sensors
* Ground settlement monitoring based on temporarily coherent points between two SAR acquisitions
* Identification of hazelnut fields using spectral and Gabor textural features
* Identifying degrees of freedom in pushbroom bundle adjustment
* Image fusion by spatially adaptive filtering using downscaling cokriging
* Improving the assessment of ICESat water altimetry accuracy accounting for autocorrelation
* Improving the Wishart Synthetic Aperture Radar image classifications through Deterministic Simulated Annealing
* Influence of sample size on line-based positional assessment methods for road data
* investigation into robust spectral indices for leaf chlorophyll estimation, An
* Land cover classification of VHR airborne images for citrus grove identification
* Land use and land cover classification over a large area in Iran based on single date analysis of satellite imagery
* Learning grammar rules of building parts from precise models and noisy observations
* Making a photomap of the human eye based on the spherical shape of its sclera and the circular contour of its iris
* Mapping grassland leaf area index with airborne hyperspectral imagery: A comparison study of statistical approaches and inversion of radiative transfer models
* Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: A case study in an urban-rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon
* Markov-random-field-based super-resolution mapping for identification of urban trees in VHR images
* Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint
* Modelling and analysing 3D buildings with a primal/dual data structure
* Multi-view dense matching supported by triangular meshes
* multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models, A
* new pan-sharpening method using multiobjective particle swarm optimization and the shiftable contourlet transform, A
* Object-based image analysis through nonlinear scale-space filtering
* Orthorectification of VHR optical satellite data exploiting the geometric accuracy of TerraSAR-X data
* Parameter de-correlation and model-identification in hybrid-style terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration
* Photographic assessment of retroreflective film properties
* Pre-processing of a sample of multi-scene and multi-date Landsat imagery used to monitor forest cover changes over the tropics
* Predicting individual tree attributes from airborne laser point clouds based on the random forests technique
* Prediction of L-band signal attenuation in forests using 3D vegetation structure from airborne LiDAR
* Quality analysis on 3D building models reconstructed from airborne laser scanning data
* Rational function modeling for spaceborne SAR datasets
* Relative orientation based on multi-features
* Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests
* role of ground reference data collection in the prediction of stem volume with LiDAR data in mountain areas, The
* Scanning geometry: Influencing factor on the quality of terrestrial laser scanning points
* selection of appropriate spectrally bright pseudo-invariant ground targets for use in empirical line calibration of SPOT satellite imagery, The
* Spatio-temporal modelling of informal settlement development in Sancaktepe district, Istanbul, Turkey
* Statistical analysis of signal measurement in time-of-flight cameras
* Support vector machines in remote sensing: A review
* Theme issue 'Quality, scale and analysis aspects of urban city models'
* Transmission and visualization of large geographical maps
* Unsupervised image segmentation evaluation and refinement using a multi-scale approach
* Use of ALS, Airborne CIR and ALOS AVNIR-2 data for estimating tropical forest attributes in Lao PDR
* Use of ETM+ images to extend stem volume estimates obtained from LiDAR data
* Use of field reflectance data for crop mapping using airborne hyperspectral image
* User interactive multiple aerial view analysis for reconstructing a large number of 3D architectural models
* Using horizontal and vertical building structure to constrain indirect sensor orientation
* Using snakes for the registration of topographic road database objects to ALS features
* Water-removed spectra increase the retrieval accuracy when estimating savanna grass nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations
* Wavelength selection and spectral discrimination for paddy rice, with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance
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* 3D building reconstruction based on given ground plan information and surface models extracted from spaceborne imagery
* assessment of the effectiveness of a random forest classifier for land-cover classification, An
* Combination of individual tree detection and area-based approach in imputation of forest variables using airborne laser data
* Combining the matter element model with the associated function of probability transformation for multi-source remote sensing data classification in mountainous regions
* Determining fast orientation changes of multi-spectral line cameras from the primary images
* Estimation of the relationship between remotely sensed anthropogenic heat discharge and building energy use
* Improving classification accuracy of airborne LiDAR intensity data by geometric calibration and radiometric correction
* Influence of solar elevation in radiometric and geometric performance of multispectral photogrammetry
* new shape from shading technique with application to Mars Express HRSC images, A
* Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchromatic images for creation of historical landslide inventories
* Parameter-free ground filtering of LiDAR data for automatic DTM generation
* Relative INS/GNSS aerial control in integrated sensor orientation: Models and performance
* Urban vegetation detection using radiometrically calibrated small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data
13 for PandRS(67)
* 3D terrestrial lidar data classification of complex natural scenes using a multi-scale dimensionality criterion: Applications in geomorphology
* Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: Accounting for background and vegetation variability
* Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: Accounting for background and vegetation variability
* Building extraction from oblique airborne imagery based on robust façade detection
* Building-damage detection using pre- and post-seismic high-resolution satellite stereo imagery: A case study of the May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
* Comparative evaluation of the Vegetation Dryness Index (VDI), the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) and the improved TVDI (iTVD
* Deriving optical properties of Mahakam Delta coastal waters, Indonesia using in situ measurements and ocean color model inversion
* Discrepancy measures for selecting optimal combination of parameter values in object-based image analysis
* Effect of canopy structure on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
* Integrated point and edge matching on poor textural images constrained by self-adaptive triangulations
* Mathematical morphology-based generalization of complex 3D building models incorporating semantic relationships
* Monitoring Recent Trends in the Area of Aeolian Desertified Land Using Landsat Images in China's Xinjiang Region
* Multi-class predictive template for tree crown detection
* Oil spill feature selection and classification using decision tree forest on SAR image data
* Relative radiometric correction of multi-temporal ALOS AVNIR-2 data for the estimation of forest attributes
* Spatio-temporal patterns in vegetation start of season across the island of Ireland using the MERIS Global Vegetation Index
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* Classification of savanna tree species, in the Greater Kruger National Park region, by integrating hyperspectral and LiDAR data in a Random Forest data mining environment
* Locally adaptive template sizes for matching repeat images of Earth surface mass movements
* method for extracting burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ images by soft aggregation of multiple Spectral Indices and a region growing algorithm, A
* Multi-wavelength canopy LiDAR for remote sensing of vegetation: Design and system performance
* Mumford-Shah variational model for image segmentation: An overview of the theory, implementation and use, The
* Potential of texture measurements of two-date dual polarization PALSAR data for the improvement of forest biomass estimation
* Regional remote sensing by near-space vehicle-borne passive radar system
* Satellite SAR geocoding with refined RPC model
* simple method for distinguishing global Case-1 and Case-2 waters using SeaWiFS measurements, A
* Spatial content-based scene similarity assessment
* Transaction rules for updating surfaces in 3D GIS
* Using multi-frequency radar and discrete-return LiDAR measurements to estimate above-ground biomass and biomass components in a coastal temperate forest
12 for PandRS(69)
* comparative analysis of ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band data for land-cover classification in a tropical moist region, A
* Comparison of support vector machine, neural network, and CART algorithms for the land-cover classification using limited training data points
* Correlation of multi-temporal ground-based optical images for landslide monitoring: Application, potential and limitations
* Discriminating indicator grass species for rangeland degradation assessment using hyperspectral data resampled to AISA Eagle resolution
* Estimating tropical forest biomass with a combination of SAR image texture and Landsat TM data: An assessment of predictions between regions
* geometry and texture coupled flexible generalization of urban building models, A
* in-depth simulation of EnMAP acquisition geometry, An
* individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-scale segmentation of imagery, An
* sensitivity based estimation of leaf area index from spectral vegetation indices, The
9 for PandRS(70)
* automated approach for updating land cover maps based on integrated change detection and classification methods, An
* CityGML: Interoperable semantic 3D city models
* deterministic method to integrate triangular meshes of different resolution, A
* Fast AT: A simple procedure for quasi direct orientation
* Long term land cover and seagrass mapping using Landsat and object-based image analysis from 1972 to 2010 in the coastal environment of South East Queensland, Australia
* Monitoring water stress and fruit quality in an orange orchard under regulated deficit irrigation using narrow-band structural and physiological remote sensing indices
* New rigorous and flexible Fourier self-calibration models for airborne camera calibration
* Verification of 2D building outlines using oblique airborne images
8 for PandRS(71)
* Assessment of Soil Surface Roughness Statistics for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications Using a Simple Photogrammetric Acquisition System
* Bi-scale analysis of multitemporal land cover fractions for wetland vegetation mapping
* Bundle adjustment with additional constraints applied to imagery of the Dunhuang wall paintings
* Characterizing land-use classes in remote sensing imagery by shape metrics
* Classification of 10m-resolution SPOT data using a combined Bayesian Network Classifier-shape adaptive neighborhood method
* Impact of no GCP on elevation extraction from WorldView stereo data
* Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing
* Point-to-plane registration of terrestrial laser scans
* Remote sensing of forage nutrients: Combining ecological and spectral absorption feature data
* Spatio-temporal MODIS EVI gap filling under cloud cover: An example in Scotland
* Temporal mixture analysis for estimating impervious surface area from multi-temporal MODIS NDVI data in Japan
* Upward-fusion urban DTM generating method using airborne Lidar data
12 for PandRS(72)
* advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in non-urban areas, An
* analysis of terrain properties and the location of surface scatterers from persistent scatterer interferometry, An
* Bistatic system and baseline calibration in TanDEM-X to ensure the global digital elevation model quality
* Coherence evaluation of TanDEM-X interferometric data
* Deformation monitoring of single buildings using meter-resolution SAR data in PSI
* Grouping of Persistent Scatterers in high-resolution SAR data of urban scenes
* Operational TanDEM-X DEM calibration and first validation results
* Relative height error analysis of TanDEM-X elevation data
* Retrieval of phase history parameters from distributed scatterers in urban areas using very high resolution SAR data
* Shanghai subway tunnels and highways monitoring through Cosmo-SkyMed Persistent Scatterers
* TanDEM-X calibrated Raw DEM generation
* Theme Issue Innovative applications of SAR interferometry from modern satellite sensors
12 for PandRS(73)
* Assessment of hyperspectral MIVIS sensor capability for heterogeneous landscape classification
* Automated planimetric quality control in high accuracy airborne laser scanning surveys
* Combined rigorous-generic direct orthorectification procedure for IRS-p6 sensors
* Constructing satellite-derived hyperspectral indices sensitive to canopy structure variables of a Cordilleran Cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis) forest
* Conventional and fuzzy comparisons of large scale land cover products: Application to CORINE, GLC2000, MODIS and GlobCover in Europe
* Estimating the fundamental matrix under pure translation and radial distortion
* Estimation of vertical plant area density profiles in a rice canopy at different growth stages by high-resolution portable scanning lidar with a lightweight mirror
* Forest variable estimation using a high-resolution digital surface model
* Hyperspectral shape-based unmixing to improve intra- and interclass variability for forest and agro-ecosystem monitoring
* LiDAR-Landsat data fusion for large-area assessment of urban land cover: Balancing spatial resolution, data volume and mapping accuracy
* Mapping evergreen forests in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS and PALSAR 500-m mosaic imagery
* Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery
* Matching of straight line segments from aerial stereo images of urban areas
* Quantification of crown changes and change uncertainty of trees in an urban environment
* Range camera self-calibration with scattering compensation
* Temporal characteristics of thermal satellite images for urban heat stress and heat island mapping
16 for PandRS(74)
* Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model for LiDAR intensity correction
* Global seamline networks for orthomosaic generation via local search
* Individual Tree Biomass Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Joint estimation of moving target reflectivity and velocity via AT-InSAR systems based on complex interferometric data
* Mapping the distribution of ferric iron minerals on a vertical mine face using derivative analysis of hyperspectral imagery (430-970 nm)
* Monitoring seasonal snow dynamics using ground based high resolution photography (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)
* Perception-based shape retrieval for 3D building models
* review of EO image information mining, A
* Super-resolution image analysis as a means of monitoring bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) distributions
9 for PandRS(75)
* Automatic determination of seamlines for aerial image mosaicking based on vector roads alone
* Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless rock art imagery
* Combining terrestrial stereophotogrammetry, DGPS and GIS-based 3D voxel modelling in the volumetric recording of archaeological features
* Ground filtering and vegetation mapping using multi-return terrestrial laser scanning
* Historic Building Information Modelling: Adding intelligence to laser and image based surveys of European classical architecture
* Model driven reconstruction of roofs from sparse LIDAR point clouds
* One billion points in the cloud: An octree for efficient processing of 3D laser scans
* Segmentation of terrestrial laser scanning data using geometry and image information
* Sensitivity of the MODIS fire detection algorithm (MOD14) in the savanna region of the Northern Territory, Australia
* Theme section Terrestrial 3D Modeling
10 for PandRS(76)
* Detection and 3D reconstruction of traffic signs from multiple view color images
* Development of a Coordinate Transformation method for direct georeferencing in map projection frames
* Extracting polygonal building footprints from digital surface models: A fully-automatic global optimization framework
* improved simple morphological filter for the terrain classification of airborne LIDAR data, An
* Improving Cartosat-1 DEM accuracy using synthetic stereo pair and triplet
* influence of scan mode and circle fitting on tree stem detection, stem diameter and volume extraction from terrestrial laser scans, The
* Learning with transductive SVM for semisupervised pixel classification of remote sensing imagery
* Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional vegetation cover and its object-based spatial pattern analysis over mountain areas
8 for PandRS(77)
* Assessing reference dataset representativeness through confidence metrics based on information density
* Assessing the impact of hydrocarbon leakages on vegetation using reflectance spectroscopy
* Boundary-constrained multi-scale segmentation method for remote sensing images
* comparison of dense matching algorithms for scaled surface reconstruction using stereo camera rigs, A
* Estimation of forest canopy structural parameters using kernel-driven bi-directional reflectance model based multi-angular vegetation indices
* Identification of environmental anomaly hot spots in West Africa from time series of NDVI and rainfall
* influence of scanner parameters on the extraction of tree metrics from FARO Photon 120 terrestrial laser scans, The
* Line segment confidence region-based string matching method for map conflation
* On the degree of polarization for SAR sea oil slick observation
* Parallel indexing technique for spatio-temporal data
* Predicting foliar biochemistry of tea (Camellia sinensis) using reflectance spectra measured at powder, leaf and canopy levels
* Remotely detecting canopy nitrogen concentration and uptake of paddy rice in the Northeast China Plain
* Sensitivity of narrowband vegetation indices to boreal forest LAI, reflectance seasonality and species composition
13 for PandRS(78)
* Automatic fuzzy object-based analysis of VHSR images for urban objects extraction
* Commercial tree species discrimination using airborne AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
* Direct stereo radargrammetric processing using massively parallel processing
* Estimating single-tree branch biomass of Norway spruce by airborne laser scanning
* Exterior orientation of CBERS-2B imagery using multi-feature control and orbital data
* Feasibility of employing a smartphone as the payload in a photogrammetric UAV system
* Field-based sub-boundary extraction from remote sensing imagery using perceptual grouping
* Gaussian elimination based fast endmember extraction algorithm for hyperspectral imagery, A
* Generalization of 3D building texture using image compression and multiple representation data structure
* generative statistical approach to automatic 3D building roof reconstruction from laser scanning data, A
* Geometric calibration of a terrestrial laser scanner with local additional parameters: An automatic strategy
* laser scanning-based method for fast estimation of seismic-induced building deformations, A
* Reconstructing satellite images to quantify spatially explicit land surface change caused by fires and succession: A demonstration in the Yukon River Basin of interior Alaska
* Region-Based Automatic Building and Forest Change Detection on Cartosat-1 Stereo Imagery
* Semi-Automated Extraction and Delineation of 3D Roads of Street Scene from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Sensitivity of spectral reflectance values to different burn and vegetation ratios: A multi-scale approach applied in a fire affected area
* Spatiotemporal dynamic of surface water bodies using Landsat time-series data from 1999 to 2011
* Towards 3D lidar point cloud registration improvement using optimal neighborhood knowledge
* Use of shadows for detection of earthquake-induced collapsed buildings in high-resolution satellite imagery
19 for PandRS(79)
* Change detection from remotely sensed images: From pixel-based to object-based approaches
* Changes in plant defense chemistry (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) revealed through high-resolution spectroscopy
* Derivation of tree skeletons and error assessment using LiDAR point cloud data of varying quality
* Estimating crop net primary production using national inventory data and MODIS-derived parameters
* Improved topographic mapping through high-resolution SAR interferometry with atmospheric effect removal
* On the use of compact polarimetry SAR for ship detection
* Shadow detection in very high spatial resolution aerial images: A comparative study
* Spectral discrimination of giant reed (Arundo donax L.): A seasonal study in riparian areas
* Texture augmented detection of macrophyte species using decision trees
9 for PandRS(80)
* Characterising invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum spectra signatures with spectroradiometry in the laboratory and field: Potential for remote mapping
* Development of a 3-D urbanization index using digital terrain models for surface urban heat island effects
* Effects of national forest inventory plot location error on forest carbon stock estimation using k-nearest neighbor algorithm
* Filtering airborne LiDAR data by embedding smoothness-constrained segmentation in progressive TIN densification
* Forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data and error factor analysis in Hokkaido, Japan
* Independent two-step thresholding of binary images in inter-annual land cover change/no-change identification
* shape-based segmentation method for mobile laser scanning point clouds, A
7 for PandRS(81)
* 3-D voxel-based solid modeling of a broad-leaved tree for accurate volume estimation using portable scanning lidar
* Accurate 3D comparison of complex topography with terrestrial laser scanner: Application to the Rangitikei canyon (N-Z)
* Advances in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis with ontologies: A review of main contributions and limitations from a remote sensing perspective
* Analysis of full-waveform LiDAR data for classification of an orange orchard scene
* Applications of ALOS PALSAR for monitoring biophysical parameters of a degraded black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) forest
* Evaluating the capabilities of Sentinel-2 for quantitative estimation of biophysical variables in vegetation
* Glacier surface velocity estimation using repeat TerraSAR-X images: Wavelet- vs. correlation-based image matching
* Multi-feature based boresight self-calibration of a terrestrial mobile mapping system
* multiresolution hierarchical classification algorithm for filtering airborne LiDAR data, A
* Non-linear partial least square regression increases the estimation accuracy of grass nitrogen and phosphorus using in situ hyperspectral and environmental data
* Partial iterates for symmetrizing non-parametric color correction
11 for PandRS(82)
* Adaptive geo-information processing service evolution: Reuse and local modification method
* Automated detection of slum area change in Hyderabad, India using multitemporal satellite imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Building Roofs Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Backscattering of Individual LIDAR Pulses from Forest Canopies Explained by Photogrammetrically Derived Vegetation Structure
* Classifying a high resolution image of an urban area using super-object information
* Clustering based on eigenspace transformation: CBEST for efficient classification
* Error analysis of satellite attitude determination using a vision-based approach
* Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing in the Canadian Prairies
* Hyperspectral Image Noise Reduction Based on Rank-1 Tensor Decomposition
* Intelligent services for discovery of complex geospatial features from remote sensing imagery
* modified stochastic neighbor embedding for multi-feature dimension reduction of remote sensing images, A
* Moving code: Sharing geoprocessing logic on the Web
* Performance of dense digital surface models based on image matching in the estimation of plot-level forest variables
* protocol for improving mapping and assessing of seagrass abundance along the West Central Coast of Florida using Landsat TM and EO-1 ALI/Hyperion images, A
* Semantic orchestration of image processing services for environmental analysis
* Temporal logic and operation relations based knowledge representation for land cover change web services
* Theme section Towards Intelligent Geoprocessing on the Web
17 for PandRS(83)
* 3D range scan enhancement using image-based methods
* comprehensive review of earthquake-induced building damage detection with remote sensing techniques, A
* data mining approach for evaluation of optimal time-series of MODIS data for land cover mapping at a regional level, A
* Direct georeferencing of airborne LiDAR data in national coordinates
* Geometric structure simplification of 3D building models
* Methods for FMCW radar map georeferencing
* new Likelihood Ratio for supervised classification of fully polarimetric SAR data: An application for sea ice type mapping, A
* Tracking of facial deformations in multi-image sequences with elimination of rigid motion of the head
* Uncertainty analysis of remote sensing of colored dissolved organic matter: Evaluations and comparisons for three rivers in North America
* Urban accessibility diagnosis from mobile laser scanning data
10 for PandRS(84)
* Adaptive algorithm for large scale DTM interpolation from lidar data for forestry applications in steep forested terrain
* approach for developing Landsat-5 TM-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration with the assistance of MODIS, An
* Assessment of number and distribution of persistent scatterers prior to radar acquisition using open access land cover and topographical data
* automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data, An
* Automatic techniques for 3D reconstruction of critical workplace body postures from range imaging data
* Diurnal and seasonal impacts of urbanization on the urban thermal environment: A case study of Beijing using MODIS data
* Image deblurring for satellite imagery using small-support-regularized deconvolution
* Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines
* Improving MODIS sea ice detectability using gray level co-occurrence matrix texture analysis method: A case study in the Bohai Sea
* Object detection in remote sensing imagery using a discriminatively trained mixture model
* semi-ellipsoid-model based fuzzy classifier to map grassland in Inner Mongolia, China, A
* Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
* spectral gradient difference based approach for land cover change detection, A
* Urban DEM generation, analysis and enhancements using TanDEM-X
14 for PandRS(85)
* approach for characterizing the distribution of shrubland ecosystem components as continuous fields as part of NLCD, An
* Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water stress in maize
* Automated detection of buildings from single VHR multispectral images using shadow information and graph cuts
* Automatic detection of a one dimensional ranging pole for robust external camera calibration in mobile mapping
* Bi-cubic interpolation for shift-free pan-sharpening
* Camera derived vegetation greenness index as proxy for gross primary production in a low Arctic wetland area
* Change detection in urban areas by object-based analysis and on-the-fly comparison of multi-view ALS data
* Development of a geometric model for an all-reflective camera system
* Development of an image based integrated method for determining and mapping aerosol optical thickness (AOT) over urban areas using the darkest pixel atmospheric correction method, RT equation and GIS: A case study of the Limassol area in Cyprus
* Gaussian processes uncertainty estimates in experimental Sentinel-2 LAI and leaf chlorophyll content retrieval
* Photogrammetric modeling of the relative orientation in underwater environments
* potential of linear discriminative Laplacian eigenmaps dimensionality reduction in polarimetric SAR classification for agricultural areas, The
* Radargrammetric registration of airborne multi-aspect SAR data of urban areas
* Satellite-based investigation of flood-affected rice cultivation areas in Chao Phraya River Delta, Thailand
* use of single-date MODIS imagery for estimating large-scale urban impervious surface fraction with spectral mixture analysis and machine learning techniques, The
15 for PandRS(86)
* algorithm for automatic detection of pole-like street furniture objects from Mobile Laser Scanner point clouds, An
* Assessing the performance of two unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques on hyperspectral APEX data for high resolution urban land-cover mapping
* Assessment of satellite ocean color products of MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS along the East China Coast (in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea)
* Assessment of the image misregistration effects on object-based change detection
* Contextual classification of lidar data and building object detection in urban areas
* CPU/GPU near real-time preprocessing for ZY-3 satellite images: Relative radiometric correction, MTF compensation, and geocorrection
* Deriving leaf mass per area (LMA) from foliar reflectance across a variety of plant species using continuous wavelet analysis
* EarthEnv-DEM90: A nearly-global, void-free, multi-scale smoothed, 90m digital elevation model from fused ASTER and SRTM data
* Evaluation of data fusion and image segmentation in earth observation based rapid mapping workflows
* Fusion of airborne laserscanning point clouds and images for supervised and unsupervised scene classification
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: Towards a New Paradigm
* Geomorphometric pattern recognition of SRTM data applied to the tectonic interpretation of the Amazonian landscape
* Hierarchical extraction of landslides from multiresolution remotely sensed optical images
* innovative support vector machine based method for contextual image classification, An
* Integrating environmental variables and WorldView-2 image data to improve the prediction and mapping of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (bronze bug) damage in plantation forests
* Maximum-likelihood estimation for multi-aspect multi-baseline SAR interferometry of urban areas
* Optimizing multi-resolution segmentation scale using empirical methods: Exploring the sensitivity of the supervised discrepancy measure Euclidean distance 2 (ED2)
* practical method for SRTM DEM correction over vegetated mountain areas, A
* Quantitative evaluation of variations in rule-based classifications of land cover in urban neighbourhoods using WorldView-2 imagery
* Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Automated Extraction of Road Markings
20 for PandRS(87)
* Aboveground total and green biomass of dryland shrub derived from terrestrial laser scanning
* Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology
* Automated parameterisation for multi-scale image segmentation on multiple layers
* Automatic registration of optical imagery with 3D LiDAR data using statistical similarity
* Detecting Sirex noctilio grey-attacked and lightning-struck pine trees using airborne hyperspectral data, random forest and support vector machines classifiers
* Detecting subcanopy invasive plant species in tropical rainforest by integrating optical and microwave (InSAR/PolInSAR) remote sensing data, and a decision tree algorithm
* Estimation of higher chlorophylla concentrations using field spectral measurement and HJ-1A hyperspectral satellite data in Dianshan Lake, China
* GIHS-based spectral preservation fusion method for remote sensing images using edge restored spectral modulation, A
* Identification of multi-scale corresponding object-set pairs between two polygon datasets with hierarchical co-clustering
* Indoor and outdoor depth imaging of leaves with time-of-flight and stereo vision sensors: Analysis and comparison
* Mapping the human footprint from satellite measurements in Japan
* Measuring deformations using SAR interferometry and GPS observables with geodetic accuracy: Application to Tokyo, Japan
* Multiple-entity based classification of airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
* potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation, The
* Remotely sensed biomass over steep slopes: An evaluation among successional stands of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
* Structured Sparse Method for Hyperspectral Unmixing
16 for PandRS(88)
* Above ground biomass estimation in an African tropical forest with lidar and hyperspectral data
* Automated geometric correction of multispectral images from High Resolution CCD Camera (HRCC) on-board CBERS-2 and CBERS-2B
* Effects of green space spatial pattern on land surface temperature: Implications for sustainable urban planning and climate change adaptation
* Efficient, simultaneous detection of multi-class geospatial targets based on visual saliency modeling and discriminative learning of sparse coding
* improved dark object method to retrieve 500 m-resolution AOT (Aerosol Optical Thickness) image from MODIS data: A case study in the Pearl River Delta area, China, An
* UL-Isomap based nonlinear dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery classification
* 3D change detection at street level using mobile laser scanning point clouds and terrestrial images
* Advanced image processing methods as a tool to map and quantify different types of biological soil crust
* Classification of dual- and single polarized SAR images by incorporating visual features
* Indoor scene reconstruction using feature sensitive primitive extraction and graph-cut
* Introducing Mapping Standards in the Quality Assessment of Buildings Extracted from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* local descriptor based registration method for multispectral remote sensing images with non-linear intensity differences, A
* multi-index learning approach for classification of high-resolution remotely sensed images over urban areas, A
* Spectral monitoring of moorland plant phenology to identify a temporal window for hyperspectral remote sensing of peatland
8 for PandRS(90)
* Different units of measurement of carotenoids estimation in cotton using hyperspectral indices and partial least square regression
* Empirical comparison of noise reduction techniques for NDVI time-series based on a new measure
* L2-SIFT: SIFT feature extraction and matching for large images in large-scale aerial photogrammetry
* Levee crest elevation profiles derived from airborne lidar-based high resolution digital elevation models in south Louisiana
* Mapping seasonal rice cropland extent and area in the high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS 500 mu-m data for the year 2010
* MELISSA, a new class of ground based InSAR system. An example of application in support to the Costa Concordia emergency
* On accurate dense stereo-matching using a local adaptive multi-cost approach
* simple two-band semi-analytical model for retrieval of specific absorption coefficients in coastal waters, A
* Soil moisture retrieval from airborne L-band passive microwave using high resolution multispectral data
9 for PandRS(91)
* adaptive surface filter for airborne laser scanning point clouds by means of regularization and bending energy, An
* Characterization of aboveground biomass in an unmanaged boreal forest using Landsat temporal segmentation metrics
* Cloud removal for remotely sensed images by similar pixel replacement guided with a spatio-temporal MRF model
* Data matching of building polygons at multiple map scales improved by contextual information and relaxation
* Discovering repetitive patterns in facade images using a RANSAC-style algorithm
* first in-flight absolute calibration of the Chilean Earth Observation Satellite, A
* Optimising three-band spectral indices to assess aerial N concentration, N uptake and aboveground biomass of winter wheat remotely in China and Germany
* Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review
* Sub-pixel mapping of remote sensing images based on radial basis function interpolation
* Tomographic airborne ground penetrating radar imaging: Achievable spatial resolution and on-field assessment
* Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review
11 for PandRS(92)
* adaptive approach for the segmentation and extraction of planar and linear/cylindrical features from laser scanning data, An
* Assessment of NIR-red algorithms for observation of chlorophyll-a in highly turbid inland waters in China
* Automatic representation and reconstruction of DBM from LiDAR data using Recursive Minimum Bounding Rectangle
* Calibration of area based diameter distribution with individual tree based diameter estimates using airborne laser scanning
* Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D urban terrain for quick-response tasks
* Cycle graph analysis for 3D roof structure modelling: Concepts and performance
* Detection of early plant stress responses in hyperspectral images
* Detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban objects using mathematical morphology and supervised learning
* Discontinuous GBSAR deformation monitoring
* graph edit dictionary for correcting errors in roof topology graphs reconstructed from point clouds, A
* Ground and building extraction from LiDAR data based on differential morphological profiles and locally fitted surfaces
* Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories
* Integration of intensity textures and local geometry descriptors from Terrestrial Laser Scanning to map chert in outcrops
* Land cover classification of finer resolution remote sensing data integrating temporal features from time series coarser resolution data
* Novel Folded-PCA for improved feature extraction and data reduction with hyperspectral imaging and SAR in remote sensing
* Results of the ISPRS benchmark on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction
* Retrieval of leaf water content spanning the visible to thermal infrared spectra
* review of ground-based SAR interferometry for deformation measurement, A
* SAR change detection based on intensity and texture changes
* spatial-temporal Hopfield neural network approach for super-resolution land cover mapping with multi-temporal different resolution remotely sensed images, A
* Theme section 'Urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction'
* three-band semi-analytical model for deriving total suspended sediment concentration from HJ-1A/CCD data in turbid coastal waters, A
22 for PandRS(93)
* bottom-up approach to segment individual deciduous trees using leaf-off lidar point cloud data, A
* Column-generation kernel nonlocal joint collaborative representation for hyperspectral image classification
* Coupling high-resolution satellite imagery with ALS-based canopy height model and digital elevation model in object-based boreal forest habitat type classification
* Derivation of an urban materials spectral library through emittance and reflectance spectroscopy
* Determination of the crop row orientations from Formosat-2 multi-temporal and panchromatic images
* dual quaternion-based, closed-form pairwise registration algorithm for point clouds, A
* Effect of field plot location on estimating tropical forest above-ground biomass in Nepal using airborne laser scanning data
* Eigen-feature analysis of weighted covariance matrices for LiDAR point cloud classification
* global optimization approach to roof segmentation from airborne lidar point clouds, A
* Improved maize cultivated area estimation over a large scale combining MODIS-EVI time series data and crop phenological information
* multi-band approach to unsupervised scale parameter selection for multi-scale image segmentation, A
* new metric for measuring structure-preserving capability of despeckling of SAR images, A
* Recovery of elevation from estimated gradient fields constrained by digital elevation maps of lower lateral resolution
* Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 VHRR data using a single-channel algorithm and its validation over western India
* Robust river boundaries extraction of dammed lakes in mountain areas after Wenchuan Earthquake from high resolution SAR images combining local connectivity and ACM
* Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada
* Topographic and spectral data resolve land cover misclassification to distinguish and monitor wetlands in western Uganda
17 for PandRS(94)
* accurate and computationally efficient algorithm for ground peak identification in large footprint waveform LiDAR data, An
* Assessing the potential for leaf-off LiDAR data to model canopy closure in temperate deciduous forests
* Automated registration of dense terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds using curves
* Co-polarization channel imbalance determination by the use of bare soil
* Comparison of airborne laser scanning methods for estimating forest structure indicators based on Lorenz curves
* Direct georeferencing of oblique and vertical imagery in different coordinate systems
* effect of short ground vegetation on terrestrial laser scans at a local scale, The
* Evaluating the impact of red-edge band from Rapideye image for classifying insect defoliation levels
* Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model
* Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings
* Surface reconstruction and landslide displacement measurements with Pléiades satellite images
* Tensor-Cuts: A simultaneous multi-type feature extractor and classifier and its application to road extraction from satellite images
12 for PandRS(95)
* Accurate Mapping of Forest Types Using Dense Seasonal Landsat Time-Series
* Adaptive MAP Sub-Pixel Mapping Model Based on Regularization Curve for Multiple Shifted Hyperspectral Imagery
* automated approach to vertical road characterisation using mobile LiDAR systems: Longitudinal profiles and cross-sections, An
* Automated retrieval of forest structure variables based on multi-scale texture analysis of VHR satellite imagery
* Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
* Change detection on LOD 2 building models with very high resolution spaceborne stereo imagery
* Comparing supervised and unsupervised multiresolution segmentation approaches for extracting buildings from very high resolution imagery
* Deriving airborne laser scanning based computational canopy volume for forest biomass and allometry studies
* Detecting blind building façades from highly overlapping wide angle aerial imagery
* effective thin cloud removal procedure for visible remote sensing images, An
* Geostatistical estimation of signal-to-noise ratios for spectral vegetation indices
* Hyperspectral imagery for disaggregation of land surface temperature with selected regression algorithms over different land use land cover scenes
* improved geopositioning model of QuickBird high resolution satellite imagery by compensating spatial correlated errors, An
* Keypoint-based 4-Points Congruent Sets: Automated marker-less registration of laser scans
* new landscape metric for the identification of terraced sites: The Slope Local Length of Auto-Correlation (SLLAC), A
* Object-Oriented Crop Mapping and Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Robust statistical approaches for local planar surface fitting in 3D laser scanning data
* Roughness measurements over an agricultural soil surface with Structure from Motion
* sun-crown-sensor model and adapted C-correction logic for topographic correction of high resolution forest imagery, A
19 for PandRS(96)
* Accuracy in Estimation of Timber Assortments and Stem Distribution: A Comparison of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques
* Adaptive non-local Euclidean medians sparse unmixing for hyperspectral imagery
* Applying object-based segmentation in the temporal domain to characterise snow seasonality
* Assessment of crop foliar nitrogen using a novel dual-wavelength laser system and implications for conducting laser-based plant physiology
* Automatic building detection based on Purposive FastICA (PFICA) algorithm using monocular high resolution Google Earth images
* Automatic histogram-based fuzzy C-means clustering for remote sensing imagery
* efficient semi-supervised classification approach for hyperspectral imagery, An
* Estimating leaf chlorophyll of barley at different growth stages using spectral indices to reduce soil background and canopy structure effects
* Fusion of imaging spectroscopy and airborne laser scanning data for characterization of forest ecosystems: A review
* Method for orthorectification of terrestrial radar maps
* Modeling diurnal land temperature cycles over Los Angeles using downscaled GOES imagery
* Modeling spatiotemporal patterns of understory light intensity using airborne laser scanner (LiDAR)
* On the temporal consistency of chlorophyll products derived from three ocean-colour sensors
* parametric model for classifying land cover and evaluating training data based on multi-temporal remote sensing data, A
* Semi-automatic verification of cropland and grassland using very high resolution mono-temporal satellite images
* Semi-supervised classification for hyperspectral imagery based on spatial-spectral Label Propagation
* Sequential digital elevation models of active lava flows from ground-based stereo time-lapse imagery
* Spectroscopic remote sensing of plant stress at leaf and canopy levels using the chlorophyll 680nm absorption feature with continuum removal
* Tracking seasonal changes of leaf and canopy light use efficiency in a Phlomis fruticosa Mediterranean ecosystem using field measurements and multi-angular satellite hyperspectral imagery
* very fast phase inversion approach for small baseline style interferogram stacks, A
20 for PandRS(97)
* Abrupt spatiotemporal land and water changes and their potential drivers in Poyang Lake, 2000-2012
* Accuracy assessment of airborne photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital elevation models in a high mountain environment
* Assessing integration of intensity, polarimetric scattering, interferometric coherence and spatial texture metrics in PALSAR-derived land cover classification
* Domain adaptation for land use classification: A spatio-temporal knowledge reusing method
* effective approach for gap-filling continental scale remotely sensed time-series, An
* Evaluating the performance of a new classifier: the GP-OAD: A comparison with existing methods for classifying rock type and mineralogy from hyperspectral imagery
* Evaluation of feature-based 3-d registration of probabilistic volumetric scenes
* hybrid framework for single tree detection from airborne laser scanning data: A case study in temperate mature coniferous forests in Ontario, Canada, A
* hybrid method for optimization of the adaptive Goldstein filter, A
* Hybrid region merging method for segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images
* Multi-class geospatial object detection and geographic image classification based on collection of part detectors
* On quantifying post-classification subpixel landcover changes
* Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
13 for PandRS(98)
* Compression strategies for LiDAR waveform cube
* Estimating wide range Total Suspended Solids concentrations from MODIS 250-m imageries: An improved method
* Estimation and analysis of gross primary production of soybean under various management practices and drought conditions
* generic discriminative part-based model for geospatial object detection in optical remote sensing images, A
* Hierarchical Extraction of Urban Objects from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Localization of mobile laser scanner using classical mechanics
* rigorous cylinder-based self-calibration approach for terrestrial laser scanners, A
* Seeing through shadow: Modelling surface irradiance for topographic correction of Landsat ETM+ data
8 for PandRS(99)