Update Dates 2004

2004 * *3D Face Alignment in the Wild and Challenge
* *3D Reconstruction in the Wild
* *Advances in Image Manipulation
* *Autonomous Driving
* *AutoNUE: Autonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments
* *Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language
* *Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* *Comprehensive Video Understanding in the Wild
* *Computer Vision for Fashion, Art and Design
* *Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement
* *Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving
* *Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation
* *Cross-Modal Learning in Real World
* *Deep Learning for Visual SLAM
* *Disguised Faces in the Wild
* *Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing
* *eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation
* *Eye Tracking for VR and AR
* *Geometry Meets Deep Learning, Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Guest Editorial: Innovative Data, Methodology and Technology for Future Transportation Systems: Selected Papers from the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals
* *Human Behavior Understanding
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
* *Interpreting and Explaining Visual AI Models
* *Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding
* *Learning for Computational Imaging
* *Lightweight Face Recognition Challenge
* *Low Power Computer Vision
* *Moving Cameras
* *Multi-Discipline Approach for Learning Concepts
* *Multimodal Video Analysis and Moments in Time
* *Neural Architects
* *Physics Based Vision Meets Deep Learning
* *Real-World Recognition from Inputs With Limited Quality
* *Recovering 6D Object Pose
* *Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
* *Scene Graph Representation and Learning
* *Should We Pre-register Experiments in Computer Vision?
* *Statistical Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge (TASK) in Computer Vision (CV)
* *Video Retrieval Methods and Their Limits
* *Vision Meets Drones: A Challenge
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *Visual Recognition for Medical Image
* *WIDER Face and Person Challenge
* *Workshop on Gaze Sensing and Interactions
* *Workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action
* *YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Workshop
* 20-Year MODIS-Based Snow Cover Dataset for Svalbard and Its Link to Phenological Timing and Sea Ice Variability, A
* 2nd 3D Face Alignment in the Wild Challenge (3DFAW-Video): Dense Reconstruction From Video, The
* 3C-Net: Category Count and Center Loss for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
* 3D Face Modeling From Diverse Raw Scan Data
* 3D Face Shape Regression From 2D Videos with Multi-Reconstruction and Mesh Retrieval
* 3D Fluid Flow Estimation with Integrated Particle Reconstruction
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation from RGB Using Privileged Learning with Depth Data
* 3D Human Pose Machines with Self-Supervised Learning
* 3D Instance Segmentation via Multi-Task Metric Learning
* 3D LiDAR-Based Global Localization Using Siamese Neural Network
* 3D Point Cloud Generative Adversarial Network Based on Tree Structured Graph Convolutions
* 3D Rigid Registration of Patient Body Surface Point Clouds by Integer Linear Programming
* 3D Scene Graph: A Structure for Unified Semantics, 3D Space, and Camera
* 3D Scene Reconstruction With Multi-Layer Depth and Epipolar Transformers
* 3D Shape Reconstruction of Plant Roots in a Cylindrical Tank From Multiview Images
* 3D Spatially Weighted Network for Segmentation of Brain Tissue From MRI, A
* 3D Texturing From Multi-Date Satellite Images
* 3D-LaneNet: End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
* 3D-RelNet: Joint Object and Relational Network for 3D Prediction
* 3DPeople: Modeling the Geometry of Dressed Humans
* 3SGAN: 3D Shape Embedded Generative Adversarial Networks
* 4-Connected Shift Residual Networks
* 512KiB RAM Is Enough! Live Camera Face Recognition DNN on MCU
* 5G-CAGE: A Context and Situational Awareness System for City Public Safety with Video Processing at a Virtualized Ecosystem
* 6-DOF GraspNet: Variational Grasp Generation for Object Manipulation
* A-MAL: Automatic Motion Assessment Learning from Properly Performed Motions in 3D Skeleton Videos
* A2J: Anchor-to-Joint Regression Network for 3D Articulated Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image
* Ab initio phasing using diffraction data from different crystal forms
* ABD-Net: Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification
* Ability of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence From OCO-2 and MODIS-EVI to Monitor Spatial Variations of Soybean and Maize Yields in the Midwestern USA, The
* Above-ground biomass estimation and yield prediction in potato by using UAV-based RGB and hyperspectral imaging
* Accelerate CNN via Recursive Bayesian Pruning
* Accelerate Learning of Deep Hashing With Gradient Attention
* Accelerated Gravitational Point Set Alignment With Altered Physical Laws
* Accelerating kernel classifiers through borders mapping
* Accuracy and Long-Term Tracking via Overlap Maximization Integrated with Motion Continuity
* Accuracy Assessment of a UAV Block by Different Software Packages, Processing Schemes and Validation Strategies
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Highly Specular Surface using Laser and Stereo Reconstruction
* accurate black lung detection using transfer learning based on deep neural networks, An
* Accurate Calculations of Emissivities of Polar Ocean Surfaces Between 0.5 and 2 GHz Using an NIBC/Nystrom/SMCG Method
* Accurate Monocular 3D Object Detection via Color-Embedded 3D Reconstruction for Autonomous Driving
* ACE: Adapting to Changing Environments for Semantic Segmentation
* ACFNet: Attentional Class Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation
* ACMM: Aligned Cross-Modal Memory for Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching
* ACNet: Strengthening the Kernel Skeletons for Powerful CNN via Asymmetric Convolution Blocks
* Action Assessment by Joint Relation Graphs
* Action Recognition With Spatial-Temporal Discriminative Filter Banks
* Active 3D Classification of Multiple Objects in Cluttered Scenes
* Active Compliance Control Reduces Upper Body Effort in Exoskeleton-Supported Walking
* Active contour image segmentation model with de-hazing constraints
* Active Learning for Deep Detection Neural Networks
* Active Transfer Learning
* Adaptation of Bidirectional Kalman Filter to Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Range Imaging
* Adaptative Inference Cost With Convolutional Neural Mixture Models
* AdaptIS: Adaptive Instance Selection Network
* Adaptive Activation Functions Using Fractional Calculus
* Adaptive Activation Thresholding: Dynamic Routing Type Behavior for Interpretability in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive and Robust Edge Detection Method Based on Edge Proportion Statistics, An
* Adaptive Context Network for Scene Parsing
* Adaptive Control Strategies for Urban Network Traffic via a Decentralized Approach With User-Optimal Routing
* Adaptive Convolutional Kernels
* Adaptive Densely Connected Single Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Density Map Generation for Crowd Counting
* adaptive feature extraction model for classification of thyroid lesions in ultrasound images, An
* Adaptive Multiview Active Learning Approach for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images, An
* Adaptive Online k-Subspaces with Cooperative Re-Initialization
* Adaptive Ptych: Leveraging Image Adaptive Generative Priors for Subsampled Fourier Ptychography
* Adaptive quantization parameter selection for low-delay HEVC via temporal propagation length estimation
* Adaptive Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Adaptive Statistical Superpixel Merging With Edge Penalty for PolSAR Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Variational Model for Contrast Enhancement of Low-Light Images
* Adaptive Waveform Optimization for MIMO Radar Imaging Based on Sparse Recovery
* Adaptive Wing Loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression
* AdaTransform: Adaptive Data Transformation
* Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts Over Image Transformation Sets
* Adherent Raindrop Removal with Self-Supervised Attention Maps and Spatio-Temporal Generative Adversarial Networks
* ADN: Artifact Disentanglement Network for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction
* Advanced Pedestrian Dataset Augmentation for Autonomous Driving
* Advances on the analysis of the LMS algorithm with a colored measurement noise
* Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distillation for Remote Sensing Image Classification, An
* Adversarial Cross-Spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Adversarial Defense by Restricting the Hidden Space of Deep Neural Networks
* Adversarial Defense via Learning to Generate Diverse Attacks
* Adversarial Feedback Loop
* Adversarial Fine-Grained Composition Learning for Unseen Attribute-Object Recognition
* Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Adversarial Learning With Margin-Based Triplet Embedding Regularization
* Adversarial Networks for Camera Pose Regression and Refinement
* Adversarial Noise Attacks of Deep Learning Architectures: Stability Analysis via Sparse-Modeled Signals
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Matching
* Adversarial Robustness vs. Model Compression, or Both?
* AdvGAN++: Harnessing Latent Layers for Adversary Generation
* AdvIT: Adversarial Frames Identifier Based on Temporal Consistency in Videos
* advPattern: Physical-World Attacks on Deep Person Re-Identification via Adversarially Transformable Patterns
* Aesthetic Image Captioning From Weakly-Labelled Photographs
* AFD-Net: Aggregated Feature Difference Learning for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Age Estimation From Facial Parts Using Compact Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks
* agent-based approach for recommending cultural tours, An
* Aggregation via Separation: Boosting Facial Landmark Detector With Semi-Supervised Style Translation
* Agile Depth Sensing Using Triangulation Light Curtains
* AGSS-VOS: Attention Guided Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* AI Benchmark: All About Deep Learning on Smartphones in 2019
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Dataset and Study
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AirFace: Lightweight and Efficient Model for Face Recognition
* Alarm System for Segmentation Algorithm Based on Shape Model, An
* Algebraic Characterization of Essential Matrices and Their Averaging in Multiview Settings
* Align, Attend and Locate: Chest X-Ray Diagnosis via Contrast Induced Attention Network With Limited Supervision
* Align2Ground: Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding Guided by Image-Caption Alignment
* Aligning Latent Spaces for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* All-hardware SIFT implementation for real-time VGA images feature extraction
* AM-LFS: AutoML for Loss Function Search
* AMASS: Archive of Motion Capture As Surface Shapes
* AMP: Adaptive Masked Proxies for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Analysing the Police Patrol Routing Problem: A Review
* Analysis of How Driver Experience Affects Eye-Gaze Behavior for Robotic Wheelchair Operation, An
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of the PAR/GHI Ratio and PAR Modeling Based on Two Satellite Estimates
* Analysis of the Recent Agricultural Situation of Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, Using Meteorological and Satellite Data
* Analytic Determination of Rectangular-Pinhole Sensitivity With Penetration
* Analyzing Dynamical Brain Functional Connectivity as Trajectories on Space of Covariance Matrices
* Analyzing Road Coverage of Public Vehicles According to Number and Time Period for Installation of Road Inspection Systems
* Analyzing the Variety Loss in the Context of Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction
* Anchor Diffusion for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Anchor Loss: Modulating Loss Scale Based on Prediction Difficulty
* Annotation Saved is an Annotation Earned: Using Fully Synthetic Training for Object Detection, An
* Anomaly Detection in Video Sequence With Appearance-Motion Correspondence
* Antarctic Supraglacial Lake Identification Using Landsat-8 Image Classification
* Applicability of a Recreational-Grade Interferometric Sonar for the Bathymetric Survey and Monitoring of the Drava River
* Applicability of Cycle GANs for Pupil and Eyelid Segmentation, Data Generation and Image Refinement, The
* Application of Kinematic GPR-TPS Model with High 3D Georeference Accuracy for Underground Utility Infrastructure Mapping: A Case Study from Urban Sites in Celje, Slovenia
* Application of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, ASTER and WorldView-3 Spectral Imagery for Exploration of Carbonate-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits in the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT)
* Approximated Bilinear Modules for Temporal Modeling
* Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification
* ArcFace for Disguised Face Recognition
* Architectural Tricks for Deep Learning in Remote Photoplethysmography
* Are Adversarial Robustness and Common Perturbation Robustness Independent Attributes ?
* Are These Birds Similar: Learning Branched Networks for Fine-grained Representations
* Are we Asking the Right Questions in MovieQA?
* ARGAN: Attentive Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Artist-Guided Semiautomatic Animation Colorization
* Ash Presence and Abundance Derived from Composite Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time Series and Lidar Surface Models in Minnesota, USA
* Assessment of an Automated Calibration of the SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Dry-Season Surface-Energy Partitioning in a Forest-Savanna Transition in Brazil
* Assessment of Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display Calibration for Interactive Augmented Reality
* Assessment of Sampling Effects on Various Satellite-Derived Integrated Water Vapor Datasets Using GPS Measurements in Germany as Reference
* Assessment of Shift-Invariant CNN Gaze Mappings for PS-OG Eye Movement Sensors
* Assessment of Urban Dynamics to Understand Spatiotemporal Differentiation at Various Scales Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Tools
* Assisting human experts in the interpretation of their visual process: A case study on assessing copper surface adhesive potency
* ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) and ASTER Global Water Body Dataset (ASTWBD)
* Asymmetric Cross-Guided Attention Network for Actor and Action Video Segmentation From Natural Language Query
* Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
* Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial Detection
* Attacking NIST biometric image software using nonlinear optimization
* Attacking Optical Flow
* Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks
* Attention Bridging Network for Knowledge Transfer
* Attention guided neural network models for occluded pedestrian detection
* Attention on Attention for Image Captioning
* Attention Routing Between Capsules
* Attention-Aware Age-Agnostic Visual Place Recognition
* Attention-Aware Polarity Sensitive Embedding for Affective Image Retrieval
* Attention-Based Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening With Privileged Modality
* Attention-guided RGBD saliency detection using appearance information
* Attention-Translation-Relation Network for Scalable Scene Graph Generation
* Attentional Feature-Pair Relation Networks for Accurate Face Recognition
* Attentional Neural Fields for Crowd Counting
* AttentionRNN: A Structured Spatial Attention Mechanism
* AttPool: Towards Hierarchical Feature Representation in Graph Convolutional Networks via Attention Mechanism
* Attract or Distract: Exploit the Margin of Open Set
* Attribute Attention for Semantic Disambiguation in Zero-Shot Learning
* Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for Fashion Images
* Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
* Attribute-Guided Attention for Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension
* Attributes Preserving Face De-Identification
* Attributing Fake Images to GANs: Learning and Analyzing GAN Fingerprints
* Audio-Video Based Emotion Recognition Using Minimum Cost Flow Algorithm
* Audio-Visual Particle Flow SMC-PHD Filtering for Multi-Speaker Tracking
* Augmentation Invariant Training
* Augmented Reality Based Recommendations Based on Perceptual Shape Style Compatibility with Objects in the Viewpoint and Color Compatibility with the Background
* Augmenting Traffic Signal Control Systems for Urban Road Networks With Connected Vehicles
* Augmenting Vehicle Localization by Cooperative Sensing of the Driving Environment: Insight on Data Association in Urban Traffic Scenarios
* Aurora Image Search With a Saliency-Weighted Region Network
* Auto-Encoding Meshes of any Topology with the Current-Splatting and Exponentiation Layers
* Auto-FPN: Automatic Network Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection Beyond Classification
* Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-Aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification
* Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Using Normalized Maximum Eigengap
* AutoDispNet: Improving Disparity Estimation With AutoML
* AutoFocus: Efficient Multi-Scale Inference
* AutoGAN: Neural Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks
* Automated Inundation Mapping Over Large Areas Using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* Automated Multi-Stage Compression of Neural Networks
* Automated Muscle Segmentation from Clinical CT Using Bayesian U-Net for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modeling
* Automated Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography
* Automatic 3D Landmark Extraction System Based on an Encoder-Decoder Using Fusion of Vision and LiDAR
* automatic 3D registration method for rock mass point clouds based on plane detection and polygon matching, An
* Automatic and Robust Skull Registration Based on Discrete Uniformization
* Automatic Classification of Cotton Root Rot Disease Based on UAV Remote Sensing
* Automatic detection of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia based on extending the multifractal features
* Automatic Method for Black Margin Elimination of Sentinel-1A Images over Antarctica, An
* Automatic Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Maximum Intensity Projection
* Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using SegU-Net and a Modified Tversky Loss Function With L1-Constraint
* Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
* Automatic, Age Consistent Reconstruction of the Corpus Callosum Guided by Coherency From In Utero Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Automatically Controlled Morphing of 2D Shapes with Textures
* Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned Surface Vessel Mapping the Southern Ionian Sea. The Winning Technology Solution of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, The
* AVT: Unsupervised Learning of Transformation Equivariant Representations by Autoencoding Variational Transformations
* AWSD: Adaptive Weighted Spatiotemporal Distillation for Video Representation
* BAE-NET: Branched Autoencoder for Shape Co-Segmentation
* Balanced Datasets Are Not Enough: Estimating and Mitigating Gender Bias in Deep Image Representations
* BASN: Enriching Feature Representation Using Bipartite Auxiliary Supervisions for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Batch DropBlock Network for Person Re-Identification and Beyond
* Batch Weight for Domain Adaptation With Mass Shift
* Bathymetry Mapping Approach Combining Log-Ratio and Semianalytical Models Using Four-Band Multispectral Imagery Without Ground Data, A
* Battlefield Image Situational Awareness Application Based on Deep Learning
* Bayes-Factor-VAE: Hierarchical Bayesian Deep Auto-Encoder Models for Factor Disentanglement
* Bayesian 3D ConvNets for Action Recognition from Few Examples
* Bayesian Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation
* Bayesian Gait-Based Gender Identification (BGGI) Network on Individuals Wearing Loosely Fitted Clothing
* Bayesian Graph Convolution LSTM for Skeleton Based Action Recognition
* Bayesian Inference and Uncertainty Quantification for Medical Image Reconstruction with Poisson Data
* Bayesian Loss for Crowd Count Estimation With Point Supervision
* Bayesian Optimization Framework for Neural Network Compression, A
* Bayesian Optimized 1-Bit CNNs
* Bayesian Relational Memory for Semantic Visual Navigation
* Bayesian sparse regularization for parallel MRI reconstruction using complex Bernoulli-Laplace mixture priors
* BBC Net: Bounding-Box Critic Network for Occlusion-Robust Object Detection
* Be Your Own Teacher: Improve the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks via Self Distillation
* Beamforming With Small-Spacing Microphone Arrays Using Constrained/Generalized LASSO
* Better and Faster: Exponential Loss for Image Patch Matching
* Better to Follow, Follow to Be Better: Towards Precise Supervision of Feature Super-Resolution for Small Object Detection
* better way to monitor haze through image based upon the adjusted LeNet-5 CNN model, A
* Beyond Attributes: High-Order Attribute Features for Zero-Shot Learning
* Beyond Cartesian Representations for Local Descriptors
* Beyond Human Parts: Dual Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification
* Beyond Weakly Supervised: Pseudo Ground Truths Mining for Missing Bounding-Boxes Object Detection
* Bi-Directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densley Connected Convolutions
* Bi-Linear Modeling of Data Manifolds for Dynamic-MRI Recovery
* Bidirectional One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Mapping
* Big in Japan: Regularizing Networks for Solving Inverse Problems
* Bilateral Adversarial Training: Towards Fast Training of More Robust Models Against Adversarial Attacks
* Bilinear Attention Networks for Person Retrieval
* Bimodal biometric pattern recognition system based on fusion of iris and palmprint using multi-resolution approach
* Bin-wise Temperature Scaling (BTS): Improvement in Confidence Calibration Performance through Simple Scaling Techniques
* BinaryDenseNet: Developing an Architecture for Binary Neural Networks
* bio-inspired quaternion local phase CNN layer with contrast invariance and linear sensitivity to rotation angles, A
* Bit-Flip Attack: Crushing Neural Network With Progressive Bit Search
* Blind Single Image Reflection Suppression for Face Images using Deep Generative Priors
* Blind tone mapped image quality assessment with image segmentation and visual perception
* Blind Unitary Transform Learning for Inverse Problems in Light-Field Imaging
* Blind video quality assessment via spatiotemporal statistical analysis of adaptive cube size 3D-DCT coefficients
* Block Annotation: Better Image Annotation With Sub-Image Decomposition
* Block Simplex Signal Recovery: Methods, Trade-Offs, and an Application to Routing
* BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Body Part Labelling with Minkowski Networks
* Boosting Few-Shot Visual Learning With Self-Supervision
* Boosting Structure Consistency for Multispectral and Multimodal Image Registration
* Bottleneck Potentials in Markov Random Fields
* Boundary-Aware Feature Propagation for Scene Segmentation
* Boundary-Weighted Domain Adaptive Neural Network for Prostate MR Image Segmentation
* Boundless: Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Extension
* Boxy Vehicle Detection in Large Images
* Brain tumor segmentation and classification from magnetic resonance images: Review of selected methods from 2014 to 2019
* Brain-Computer Interface Software: A Review and Discussion
* Branding: Fusion of Meta Data and Musculoskeletal Radiographs for Multi-Modal Diagnostic Recognition
* Breast Density Classification Using Multifractal Spectrum with Histogram Analysis
* Breast Tumor Cellularity Assessment Using Deep Neural Networks
* Bridging the Domain Gap for Ground-to-Aerial Image Matching
* Bridging the Gap Between Detection and Tracking: A Unified Approach
* BshapeNet: Object detection and instance segmentation with bounding shape masks
* Budget-Aware Adapters for Multi-Domain Learning
* Building a Breast-Sentence Dataset: Its Usefulness for Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* C-MIDN: Coupled Multiple Instance Detection Network With Segmentation Guidance for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* C3DPO: Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-Rigid Structure From Motion
* Calibration of Axial Fisheye Cameras Through Generic Virtual Central Models
* Calibration Wizard: A Guidance System for Camera Calibration Based on Modelling Geometric and Corner Uncertainty
* CAMEL: A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Segmentation
* Camera Distance-Aware Top-Down Approach for 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation From a Single RGB Image
* Camera Relocalization by Exploiting Multi-View Constraints for Scene Coordinates Regression
* Camera That CNNs: Towards Embedded Neural Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays, A
* Camera-Based On-Line Short Cessation of Breathing Detection
* CamNet: Coarse-to-Fine Retrieval for Camera Re-Localization
* CAMP: Cross-Modal Adaptive Message Passing for Text-Image Retrieval
* Can Generative Adversarial Networks Teach Themselves Text Segmentation?
* Canonical Surface Mapping via Geometric Cycle Consistency
* Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for Object Detection
* CapsNet topology to classify tumours from brain images and comparative evaluation
* CapsuleVOS: Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation Using Capsule Routing
* Capturing Cultural Heritage in East Asia and Oceania
* CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures
* Cartographic Symbology for Crisis Mapping: A Comparative Study
* Cascaded Context Pyramid for Full-Resolution 3D Semantic Scene Completion
* Cascaded Parallel Filtering for Memory-Efficient Image-Based Localization
* Case Study of a Retrieval Method of 3D Proxy Reflectivity from FY-4A Lightning Data and Its Impact on the Assimilation and Forecasting for Severe Rainfall Storms
* Cast Search via Two-Stream Label Propagation
* CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* CDPN: Coordinates-Based Disentangled Pose Network for Real-Time RGB-Based 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation
* CDTB: A Color and Depth Visual Object Tracking Dataset and Benchmark
* CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection
* Centroiding of Truncated Shack-Hartmann Laser Guide Star Images with Known Reference Images
* CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) from Afternoon-Only Satellite Orbits
* CFAR Strategy Formulation and Evaluation Based on Fox's H-function in Positive Alpha-Stable Sea Clutter
* CFSNet: Toward a Controllable Feature Space for Image Restoration
* CGC-Net: Cell Graph Convolutional Network for Grading of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images
* Challenges in automatic Munsell color profiling for cultural heritage
* Challenges in Estimating Tropical Forest Canopy Height from Planet Dove Imagery
* Change Detection in Multisource VHR Images via Deep Siamese Convolutional Multiple-Layers Recurrent Neural Network
* Characterizing Extratropical Tropopause Bimodality and its Relationship to the Occurrence of Double Tropopauses Using COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation Observations
* Characterizing Sources of Uncertainty to Proxy Calibration and Disambiguate Annotator and Data Bias
* Characterizing the Connectivity of Railway Networks
* Characterizing the Spatial Variations of Forest Sunlit and Shaded Components Using Discrete Aerial Lidar
* CHAT-Bot: A cultural heritage aware teller-bot for supporting touristic experiences
* Chinese Street View Text: Large-Scale Chinese Text Reading With Partially Supervised Learning
* Chlorophyll a Concentration Distribution on the Mainland Coast of the Gulf of California, Mexico
* CIIDefence: Defeating Adversarial Attacks by Fusing Class-Specific Image Inpainting and Image Denoising
* Class Embodiment Autoencoder (CEAE) for classifying the botanical origins of honey
* Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
* Class-Based Styling: Real-Time Localized Style Transfer with Semantic Segmentation
* Classification and Segmentation of Mining Area Objects in Large-Scale Spares Lidar Point Cloud Using a Novel Rotated Density Network
* Classification of engraved pottery sherds mixing deep-learning features by compact bilinear pooling
* Classification of Volumetric Images Using Multi-Instance Learning and Extreme Value Theorem
* Classifying and Comparing Approaches to Subspace Clustering with Missing Data
* Clinical Scene Segmentation with Tiny Datasets
* Closed-Form Optimal Two-View Triangulation Based on Angular Errors
* Closed-Form Solution to Universal Style Transfer, A
* ClothFlow: A Flow-Based Model for Clothed Person Generation
* Clothing Recognition in the Wild using the Amazon Catalog
* Cloud Computation Using High-Resolution Images for Improving the SDG Indicator on Open Spaces
* Cluster Alignment With a Teacher for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Cluster Low-Streams Regression Method for Hyperspectral Radiative Transfer Computations: Cases of O2 A- and CO2 Bands
* Clustered Object Detection in Aerial Images
* ClusterSLAM: A SLAM Backend for Simultaneous Rigid Body Clustering and Motion Estimation
* CMIR-NET: A deep learning based model for cross-modal retrieval in remote sensing
* CNN based localisation of forged region in object-based forgery for HD videos
* CNN based spatial classification features for clustering offline handwritten mathematical expressions
* CNN-Based Cost Volume Analysis as Confidence Measure for Dense Matching
* CNN-Based Cross-Dataset No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* CNN-Based Learnable Gammatone Filterbank and Equal-Loudness Normalization for Environmental Sound Classification
* Co-Evolutionary Compression for Unpaired Image Translation
* Co-Mining: Deep Face Recognition With Noisy Labels
* Co-Segmentation Inspired Attention Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by Swarm Three-Satellite Constellation
* Co-Separating Sounds of Visual Objects
* Coastal Wind Measurements Using a Single Scanning LiDAR
* cockpit of multiple measures for assessing film restoration quality, A
* COCO-GAN: Generation by Parts via Conditional Coordinating
* Coherent Method for Simulating Active and Passive Radar Sounding of the Jovian Icy Moons, A
* Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting
* Coincidence Counters for Charge Sharing Compensation in Spectroscopic Photon Counting Detectors
* Collect and Select: Semantic Alignment Metric Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Color Consistency Processing Method for HY-1C Images of Antarctica, A
* Color image enhancement with high saturation using piecewise linear gamut mapping
* Color Moments-Based System for Recognition of Emotions Induced by Color Images, A
* Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples
* ColpoNet for automated cervical cancer screening using colposcopy images
* Combating the Impact of Video Compression on Non-Contact Vital Sign Measurement Using Supervised Learning
* Combined Alternate-Direction Lane Assignment and Reservation-Based Intersection Control
* Combining Fractional Cover Images with One-Class Classifiers Enables Near Real-Time Monitoring of Fallows in the Northern Grains Region of Australia
* Combining Multi-Source Data and Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Winter Wheat Yield in the Conterminous United States
* Compact and Efficient Multitask Learning in Vision, Language and Speech
* Compact and intuitive data-driven BRDF models
* Compact Hash Code Learning With Binary Deep Neural Network
* Compact Trilinear Interaction for Visual Question Answering
* Comparison of Cloud Cover Detection Algorithms on Sentinel-2 Images of the Amazon Tropical Forest
* Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST Measurements in the Australian Region
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Estimating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using Multiple Source Remote Sensing Data in the Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam
* Comparison of NIR Versus SWIR Fluorescence Image Device Performance Using Working Standards Calibrated With SI Units
* Comparison of Objective Image Quality Metrics to Expert Radiologists' Scoring of Diagnostic Quality of MR Images
* Comparison of Three-Dimensional Scanning Devices
* Comparison of Two Morphological Techniques in the Classification of Urban Land Cover, A
* CompenNet++: End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* complementary regression network for accurate face alignment, A
* Complete Moving Object Detection in the Context of Robust Subspace Learning
* CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesis and Composition
* Composite Shape Modeling via Latent Space Factorization
* Compositional Video Prediction
* Comprehensive feature fusion mechanism for video-based person re-identification via significance-aware attention
* Comprehensive Overhaul of Feature Distillation, A
* comprehensive review on multi-organs tumor detection based on machine learning, A
* Comprehensive Video Understanding: Video Summarization with Content-Based Video Recommender Design
* Compressive Sensing Multi-Layer Residual Coefficients for Image Coding
* Computation of Circular Area and Spherical Volume Invariants via Boundary Integrals
* Computational Hyperspectral Imaging Based on Dimension-Discriminative Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques for the Analysis of Drone-Acquired Forest Images, a Transfer Learning Study
* Concept Lattice Method for Spatial Association Discovery in the Urban Service Industry
* Conceptual Approach to Modeling the Geospatial Impact of Typical Urban Threats on the Habitat Quality of River Corridors, A
* Conditional Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation
* Conditional GAN based individual and global motion fusion for multiple object tracking in UAV videos
* Conditional Recurrent Flow: Conditional Generation of Longitudinal Samples With Applications to Neuroimaging
* Conditional Vehicle Trajectories Prediction in CARLA Urban Environment
* Confidence Regularized Self-Training
* Coniferous Trees Needles-Based Taxonomy Classification
* Consensus Maximization Tree Search Revisited
* Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
* Constrained Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging by Learning Nonlinear Low-Dimensional Models
* Constraints on Complex Faulting during the 1996 Ston-Slano (Croatia) Earthquake Inferred from the DInSAR, Seismological, and Geological Observations
* Constructing Self-Motivated Pyramid Curriculums for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation: A Non-Adversarial Approach
* Construction of Diverse Image Datasets From Web Collections With Limited Labeling
* Contact-Free Monitoring of Physiological Parameters in People With Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
* Content and Style Disentanglement for Artistic Style Transfer
* Content-Based Light Field Image Compression Method With Gaussian Process Regression
* Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001-2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database
* Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Networks
* Context-Aware Feature and Label Fusion for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation With Partially Labeled Data
* Context-Aware Image Matting for Simultaneous Foreground and Alpha Estimation
* Contextual Attention for Hand Detection in the Wild
* Continual Learning by Asymmetric Loss Approximation With Single-Side Overestimation
* Continuous Detection of Small-Scale Changes in Scots Pine Dominated Stands Using Dense Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Continuous Monitoring of Cotton Stem Water Potential using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Controllable Artistic Text Style Transfer via Shape-Matching GAN
* Controllable Attention for Structured Layered Video Decomposition
* Controllable Video Captioning With POS Sequence Guidance Based on Gated Fusion Network
* Controlling Neural Networks via Energy Dissipation
* Convex Relaxations for Consensus and Non-Minimal Problems in 3D Vision
* Convex Shape Prior for Multi-Object Segmentation Using a Single Level Set Function
* Convex Variational Model for Learning Convolutional Image Atoms from Incomplete Data, A
* Convolutional Approximate Message-Passing
* Convolutional Approximations to the General Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Operator
* Convolutional Character Networks
* Convolutional Sequence Generation for Skeleton-Based Action Synthesis
* Copy-and-Paste Networks for Deep Video Inpainting
* CorNet: Generic 3D Corners for 6D Pose Estimation of New Objects without Retraining
* Correlation Congruence for Knowledge Distillation
* Cost-Aware Fine-Grained Recognition for IoTs Based on Sequential Fixations
* Count, Crop and Recognise: Fine-Grained Recognition in the Wild
* Counterfactual Critic Multi-Agent Training for Scene Graph Generation
* Counterfactual Depth from a Single RGB Image
* Counting Mixed Breeding Aggregations of Animal Species Using Drones: Lessons from Waterbirds on Semi-Automation
* Counting With Focus for Free
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for Multi-Contrast MRI Reconstruction
* Crack Segmentation on UAS-based Imagery using Transfer Learning
* Craquelure as a Graph: Application of Image Processing and Graph Neural Networks to the Description of Fracture Patterns
* Creating speaker independent ASR system through prosody modification based data augmentation
* Creation of One Excavator as an Obstacle in C-Space for Collision Avoidance during Remote Control of the Two Excavators Using Pose Sensors
* Creativity Inspired Zero-Shot Learning
* Crop Separability from Individual and Combined Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and UAV Multispectral Data
* Cross Domain Image Matching in Presence of Outliers
* Cross View Fusion for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification via Unsupervised Pose Disentanglement and Adaptation
* Cross-Domain Adaptation for Animal Pose Estimation
* Cross-Examination of Similarity, Difference and Deficiency of Gauge, Radar and Satellite Precipitation Measuring Uncertainties for Extreme Events Using Conventional Metrics and Multiplicative Triple Collocation
* Cross-Granularity Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Modal Person Search: A Coarse-to-Fine Framework using Bi-Directional Text-Image Matching
* Cross-View Policy Learning for Street Navigation
* Cross-Weather Image Alignment via Latent Generative Model With Intensity Consistency
* Cross-X Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Crowd Counting on Images with Scale Variation and Isolated Clusters
* Crowd Counting With Deep Structured Scale Integration Network
* CullNet: Calibrated and Pose Aware Confidence Scores for Object Pose Estimation
* Cumulative Rain Density Sensing Network for Single Image Derain
* Customizing Student Networks From Heterogeneous Teachers via Adaptive Knowledge Amalgamation
* CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers With Localizable Features
* D-ID-Net: Two-Stage Domain and Identity Learning for Identity-Preserving Image Generation From Semantic Segmentation
* DADA: Depth-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* DAGMapper: Learning to Map by Discovering Lane Topology
* Daily Variation of Chlorophyll-A Concentration Increased by Typhoon Activity
* DAME WEB: DynAmic MEan with Whitening Ensemble Binarization for Landmark Retrieval without Human Annotation
* Dance Dance Generation: Motion Transfer for Internet Videos
* DANet: Divergent Activation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Data Hiding in Computer-Generated Stained Glass Images and Its Applications to Information Protection
* Data-Free Learning of Student Networks
* Data-Free Quantization Through Weight Equalization and Bias Correction
* Dataset of Multi-Illumination Images in the Wild, A
* DBUS: Human Driving Behavior Understanding System
* DDet: Dual-Path Dynamic Enhancement Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* DDSL: Deep Differentiable Simplex Layer for Learning Geometric Signals
* DeblurGAN-v2: Deblurring (Orders-of-Magnitude) Faster and Better
* DeCaFA: Deep Convolutional Cascade for Face Alignment in the Wild
* DECCNet: Depth Enhanced Crowd Counting
* Decentralized Signal Control for Non-Lane-Based Heterogeneous Traffic Under V2I Communication, A
* DeceptionNet: Network-Driven Domain Randomization
* Deciphering Circular Anthropogenic Anomalies in PALSAR Data: Using L-Band SAR for Analyzing Archaeological Features on the Steppe
* Decision explanation and feature importance for invertible networks
* Decoder-Free Approach for Unsupervised Clustering and Manifold Learning with Random Triplet Mining, A
* Deconvolution of Sustained Neural Activity From Large-Scale Calcium Imaging Data
* Decoupled 3D Facial Shape Model by Adversarial Training, A
* DECT-MULTRA: Dual-Energy CT Image Decomposition With Learned Mixed Material Models and Efficient Clustering
* Deep Adaptive Fusion Network for High Performance RGBT Tracking
* Deep Appearance Maps
* Deep Blind Hyperspectral Image Fusion
* Deep Camera: A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Image Signal Processing
* Deep CG2Real: Synthetic-to-Real Translation via Image Disentanglement
* Deep Closed-Form Subspace Clustering
* Deep Closest Point: Learning Representations for Point Cloud Registration
* Deep Clustering by Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders With Graph Embedding
* Deep Co-Saliency Detection via Stacked Autoencoder-Enabled Fusion and Self-Trained CNNs
* Deep Comprehensive Correlation Mining for Image Clustering
* Deep Compressive Sensing for Visual Privacy Protection in FlatCam Imaging
* Deep Constrained Dominant Sets for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Contextual Attention for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Deep convolutional neural networks with transfer learning for automated brain image classification
* Deep Cybersickness Predictor Based on Brain Signal Analysis for Virtual Reality Contents, A
* Deep Depth From Aberration Map
* Deep Elastic Networks With Model Selection for Multi-Task Learning
* Deep End-to-End Alignment and Refinement for Time-of-Flight RGB-D Module
* Deep Feature Fusion via Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Floor Plan Recognition Using a Multi-Task Network With Room-Boundary-Guided Attention
* Deep Garment Image Matting for a Virtual Try-on System
* Deep Graphical Feature Learning for the Feature Matching Problem
* Deep Head Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Images and Partial Adversarial Domain Adaption for Continuous Label Spaces
* Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Deep Hyperspectral Prior: Single-Image Denoising, Inpainting, Super-Resolution
* Deep Joint-Semantics Reconstructing Hashing for Large-Scale Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* deep learning approach to handwritten text recognition in the presence of struck-out text, A
* Deep Learning Based Wearable Assistive System for Visually Impaired People
* Deep Learning Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Deep Learning for Large-Scale Traffic-Sign Detection and Recognition
* Deep Learning for Light Field Saliency Detection
* Deep Learning for Pollen Sac Detection and Measurement on Honeybee Monitoring Video
* Deep Learning for Seeing Through Window With Raindrops
* Deep Learning Performance in the Presence of Significant Occlusions: An Intelligent Household Refrigerator Case
* Deep Learning-Based Imaging using Single-Lens and Multi-Aperture Diffractive Optical Systems
* Deep Mesh Reconstruction From Single RGB Images via Topology Modification Networks
* Deep Meta Functionals for Shape Representation
* Deep Meta Learning for Real-Time Target-Aware Visual Tracking
* Deep Meta Metric Learning
* Deep Metric Learning for Cross-Domain Fashion Instance Retrieval
* Deep Metric Learning With Tuplet Margin Loss
* Deep Metric Transfer for Label Propagation with Limited Annotated Data
* Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
* Deep Multiple-Attribute-Perceived Network for Real-World Texture Recognition
* Deep Multiresolution Cellular Communities for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Gigapixel Histology Images
* Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
* Deep Neural Networks Motivated by Partial Differential Equations
* Deep Non-Rigid Structure From Motion
* Deep Optics for Monocular Depth Estimation and 3D Object Detection
* Deep Parametric Indoor Lighting Estimation
* Deep Plug-and-Play Prior for Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Deep Reinforcement Active Learning for Human-in-the-Loop Person Re-Identification
* Deep Residual Learning in the JPEG Transform Domain
* Deep Restoration of Vintage Photographs From Scanned Halftone Prints
* Deep Saliency Hashing for Fine-Grained Retrieval
* Deep Self-Learning From Noisy Labels
* Deep Single-Image Portrait Relighting
* Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
* Deep SR-ITM: Joint Learning of Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping for 4K UHD HDR Applications
* Deep Step Pattern Representation for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration, A
* Deep subspace learning for expression recognition driven by a two-phase representation classifier
* Deep Supervised Hashing With Anchor Graph
* Deep Tensor ADMM-Net for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Deep Total Variation Support Vector Networks
* Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppression in Ultrasound
* Deep Video Deblurring: The Devil is in the Details
* Deep Virtual Reality Image Quality Assessment With Human Perception Guider for Omnidirectional Image
* DeepBees - Building and Scaling Convolutional Neuronal Nets For Fast and Large-Scale Visual Monitoring of Bee Hives
* DeepBranch: Deep Neural Networks for Branch Point Detection in Biomedical Images
* Deepfake Video Detection through Optical Flow Based CNN
* DeepGCNs: Can GCNs Go As Deep As CNNs?
* DeepHuman: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image
* DeepLIMa: Deep Learning Based Lesion Identification in Mammograms
* Deeply fusing multi-model quality-aware features for sophisticated human activity understanding
* Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound
* DeepMark: One-Shot Clothing Detection
* DeepPruner: Learning Efficient Stereo Matching via Differentiable PatchMatch
* DeepTrailerAssist: Deep Learning Based Trailer Detection, Tracking and Articulation Angle Estimation on Automotive Rear-View Camera
* DeepVCP: An End-to-End Deep Neural Network for Point Cloud Registration
* Defending Against Universal Perturbations With Shared Adversarial Training
* Deformable Surface Tracking by Graph Matching
* Delay Metric for Video Object Detection: What Average Precision Fails to Tell, A
* Delineation and Grading of Actual Crop Production Units in Modern Smallholder Areas Using RS Data and Mask R-CNN, The
* Delving Deep Into Hybrid Annotations for 3D Human Recovery in the Wild
* Delving Into Robust Object Detection From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Deep Nuisance Disentanglement Approach
* Dense and Small Object Detection in UAV Vision Based on Cascade Network
* Densenet Based Robust Face Detection Framework, A
* DensePoint: Learning Densely Contextual Representation for Efficient Point Cloud Processing
* DenseRaC: Joint 3D Pose and Shape Estimation by Dense Render-and-Compare
* Depth Completion From Sparse LiDAR Data With Depth-Normal Constraints
* Depth data and fusion of feature descriptors for static gesture recognition
* Depth From Videos in the Wild: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Learning From Unknown Cameras
* Depth-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Loopy Belief Propagation
* Depth-Guided Dense Dynamic Filtering Network for Bokeh Effect Rendering
* Depth-guided view synthesis for light field reconstruction from a single image
* Depth-Induced Multi-Scale Recurrent Attention Network for Saliency Detection
* Design of Nonsubsampled Graph Filter Banks via Lifting Schemes
* Desoiling Dataset: Restoring Soiled Areas on Automotive Fisheye Cameras
* Destruction from sky: Weakly supervised approach for destruction detection in satellite imagery
* Detecting 11K Classes: Large Scale Object Detection Without Fine-Grained Bounding Boxes
* Detecting Change in Forest Structure with Simulated GEDI Lidar Waveforms: A Case Study of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; Adelges tsugae) Infestation
* Detecting Photoshopped Faces by Scripting Photoshop
* Detecting spatiotemporal irregularities in videos via a 3D convolutional autoencoder
* Detecting the Unexpected via Image Resynthesis
* Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies
* Detecting Visual Relationships Using Box Attention
* Detection of Magnesite and Associated Gangue Minerals using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Laboratory Approach
* Detection of Power Line Insulator Defects Using Aerial Images Analyzed With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection symptoms with airborne multispectral and thermal imagery: Assessing bandset reduction performance from hyperspectral analysis
* Determination of the Gain for a Walking Speed Amplifying Belt Using Brain Activity
* Deterministic dropout for deep neural networks using composite random forest
* Developing a Gap-Filling Algorithm Using DNN for the Ts-VI Triangle Model to Obtain Temporally Continuous Daily Actual Evapotranspiration in an Arid Area of China
* Developing Robot Driver Etiquette Based on Naturalistic Human Driving Behavior
* Development and Application of an Intelligent Modeling Method for Ancient Wooden Architecture
* Development and Assessment of a New Global Mammographic Image Feature Analysis Scheme to Predict Likelihood of Malignant Cases
* Development of a Low-Cost Multistatic Passive Weather Radar Network
* Development of a Microsimulation Model for Motorway Roadworks With Narrow Lanes
* DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks
* DF2Net: A Dense-Fine-Finer Network for Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction
* DFCNN-Based Semantic Recognition of Urban Functional Zones by Integrating Remote Sensing Data and POI Data
* DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss Function
* Dictionary Learning for Two-Dimensional Kendall Shapes
* Different Spectral Domain Transformation for Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery
* Differentiable Kernel Evolution
* Differentiable Learning-to-Group Channels via Groupable Convolutional Neural Networks
* Differentiable Soft Quantization: Bridging Full-Precision and Low-Bit Neural Networks
* Differential Volumetric Approach to Multi-View Photometric Stereo, A
* Differential-Evolution-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Edge Detection
* DIFRINT: Deep Iterative Frame Interpolation for Full-Frame Video Stabilization
* Digging Into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequential Manifold-Valued Data
* dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for supporting the medical decision making, A
* Direct Feedback Alignment Based Convolutional Neural Network Training for Low-Power Online Learning Processor
* Direct Least-Squares Solution to Multi-View Absolute and Relative Pose from 2D-3D Perspective Line Pairs, A
* Direct Validation of the Information Bottleneck Principle for Deep Nets
* Directionally constrained fully convolutional neural network for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Discharge Estimates for Ungauged Rivers Flowing over Complex High-Mountainous Regions based Solely on Remote Sensing-Derived Datasets
* DiscoNet: Shapes Learning on Disconnected Manifolds for 3D Editing
* Discovering Leonardo with artificial intelligence and holograms: A user study
* Discrete Laplace Operator Estimation for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Consistent Attention Regularization for Person Re-Identification
* Discriminative Feature Transformation for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Discriminatively Learned Convex Models for Set Based Face Recognition
* Disentangled Image Matting
* Disentangling Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Disentangling Pose from Appearance in Monochrome Hand Images
* Disentangling Propagation and Generation for Video Prediction
* Disguised Faces in the Wild 2019
* Disparity Refinement with Guided Filtering of Soft 3D Cost Function in Multi-view Stereo System
* Distance Based Training for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Distill Knowledge From NRSfM for Weakly Supervised 3D Pose Learning
* Distillation-Based Training for Multi-Exit Architectures
* Distilling Knowledge From a Deep Pose Regressor Network
* DistInit: Learning Video Representations Without a Single Labeled Video
* Distracted driver classification using deep learning
* Distributed Control Framework of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Dynamic Wildfire Tracking, A
* Distributed Detection of Sparse Signals With Censoring Sensors Via Locally Most Powerful Test
* Disturbance-Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Control of High-Speed Trains: A Markovian Jump System Model Approach
* DIV8K: DIVerse 8K Resolution Image Dataset
* Diverse Image Synthesis From Semantic Layouts via Conditional IMLE
* Diversity With Cooperation: Ensemble Methods for Few-Shot Classification
* DMM-Net: Differentiable Mask-Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Do Cross Modal Systems Leverage Semantic Relationships?
* Do I Smell Coffee? The Tale of a 360° Mulsemedia Experience
* Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation With Maximum Squares Loss
* Domain Adaptation for Structured Output via Discriminative Patch Representations
* Domain Adaptation for Vehicle Detection from Bird's Eye View LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Domain Intersection and Domain Difference
* Domain Randomization and Pyramid Consistency: Simulation-to-Real Generalization Without Accessing Target Domain Data
* Domain-Adaptive Single-View 3D Reconstruction
* Domain-Agnostic Learning With Anatomy-Consistent Embedding for Cross-Modality Liver Segmentation
* Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas with Machine Learning-Based Area-To-Point Regression Kriging
* DPOD: 6D Pose Object Detector and Refiner
* Drive Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver Behavior Recognition in Autonomous Vehicles
* Drivers of Forest Loss in a Megadiverse Hotspot on the Pacific Coast of Colombia
* Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks With Octave Convolution
* Drop to Adapt: Learning Discriminative Features for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Dropout Induced Noise for Co-Creative GAN Systems
* DSConv: Efficient Convolution Operator
* DSiamMFT: An RGB-T fusion tracking method via dynamic Siamese networks using multi-layer feature fusion
* DSIC: Deep Stereo Image Compression
* Dual Adversarial Inference for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Dual Attention Matching for Audio-Visual Event Localization
* Dual Attention MobDenseNet(DAMDNet) for Robust 3D Face Alignment
* Dual Directed Capsule Network for Very Low Resolution Image Recognition
* Dual Embedding Learning for Video Instance Segmentation
* Dual Reconstruction with Densely Connected Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Dual Student: Breaking the Limits of the Teacher in Semi-Supervised Learning
* DUAL-GLOW: Conditional Flow-Based Generative Model for Modality Transfer
* Dual-modality spatiotemporal feature learning for spontaneous facial expression recognition in e-learning using hybrid deep neural network
* Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification, A
* DUP-Net: Denoiser and Upsampler Network for 3D Adversarial Point Clouds Defense
* DV-Net: Dual-view network for 3D reconstruction by fusing multiple sets of gated control point clouds
* DWT-based electromyogram signal classification using maximum likelihood-estimated features for neurodiagnostic applications
* Dynamic Anchor Feature Selection for Single-Shot Object Detection
* Dynamic Block Sparse Reparameterization of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dynamic Context Correspondence Network for Semantic Alignment
* Dynamic Curriculum Learning for Imbalanced Data Classification
* Dynamic Estimation of Spin Spacecraft Based on Multiple-Station ISAR Images
* Dynamic Facial Models for Video-Based Dimensional Affect Estimation
* Dynamic Graph Attention for Referring Expression Comprehension
* Dynamic Kernel Distillation for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos
* Dynamic Multi-Scale Filters for Semantic Segmentation
* Dynamic Online 3D Visualization Framework for Real-Time Energy Simulation Based on 3D Tiles
* Dynamic PET Image Reconstruction Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Incorporated With Deep Image Prior
* Dynamic Points Agglomeration for Hierarchical Point Sets Learning
* Dynamic Predictive Traffic Signal Control Framework in a Cross-Sectional Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Environment, A
* Dynamic Scene Deblurring by Depth Guided Model
* Dynamic Subtitles: A Multimodal Video Accessibility Enhancement Dedicated to Deaf and Hearing Impaired Users
* Dynamic-Net: Tuning the Objective Without Re-Training for Synthesis Tasks
* DynamoNet: Dynamic Action and Motion Network
* Earth Observation Contribution to Cultural Heritage Disaster Risk Management: Case Study of Eastern Mediterranean Open Air Archaeological Monuments and Sites
* Edge-Informed Single Image Super-Resolution
* EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction
* EdgeStereo: An Effective Multi-task Learning Network for Stereo Matching and Edge Detection
* Editor's Note Special Issue on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Editorial for Special Issue Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Large Rivers
* Editorial for the Special Issue Soil Moisture Retrieval using Radar Remote Sensing Sensors
* Editorial: Special Issue on Machine Vision with Deep Learning
* EEG-Based Study on Perception of Video Distortion Under Various Content Motion Conditions, An
* EENA: Efficient Evolution of Neural Architecture
* Effect of Axis-Wise Triaxial Acceleration Data Fusion in CNN-Based Human Activity Recognition, The
* Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method for the Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multiple-Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth Products, An
* Effective Methods for Lightweight Image-Based and Video-Based Face Recognition
* Effects of Category Aggregation on Land Change Simulation Based on Corine Land Cover Data
* Effects on the Double Bounce Detection in Urban Areas Based on SAR Polarimetric Characteristics
* Efficient and Accurate Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection With Pixel Aggregation Network
* Efficient and Robust Registration on the 3D Special Euclidean Group
* Efficient approximate core transform and its reconfigurable architectures for HEVC
* Efficient Bayesian Sequential Classification Under the Markov Assumption for Various Loss Functions
* Efficient hierarchical graph partitioning for image segmentation by optimum oriented cuts
* Efficient In-Loop Filtering Based on Enhanced Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for HEVC
* Efficient Learning on Point Clouds With Basis Point Sets
* Efficient Learning on Point Clouds With Basis Point Sets
* Efficient Particle Scale Space for Robust Tracking
* Efficient Priors for Scalable Variational Inference in Bayesian Deep Neural Networks
* Efficient Range-Doppler Domain ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets, An
* Efficient Real-Time Camera Based Estimation of Heart Rate and Its Variability
* Efficient Segmentation: Learning Downsampling Near Semantic Boundaries
* Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution via Hybrid Residual Feature Learning with Compact Back-Projection Network
* Efficient Solution to the Homography-Based Relative Pose Problem With a Common Reference Direction, An
* Efficient Structured Pruning and Architecture Searching for Group Convolution
* efficient unsupervised feature selection procedure through feature clustering, An
* Efficient Video Super-Resolution through Recurrent Latent Space Propagation
* EGNet: Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection
* EGO-CH: Dataset and fundamental tasks for visitors behavioral understanding using egocentric vision
* Ego-Pose Estimation and Forecasting As Real-Time PD Control
* Ego-Semantic Labeling of Scene from Depth Image for Visually Impaired and Blind People
* EgoVQA: An Egocentric Video Question Answering Benchmark Dataset
* Elaborate Monocular Point and Line SLAM With Robust Initialization
* Elastic Full Waveform Inversion With Source-Independent Crosstalk-Free Source-Encoding Algorithm
* ELF: Embedded Localisation of Features in Pre-Trained CNN
* ELPephants: A Fine-Grained Dataset for Elephant Re-Identification
* EM-Fusion: Dynamic Object-Level SLAM With Probabilistic Data Association
* Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
* Embedded Block Residual Network: A Recursive Restoration Model for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Embodied Amodal Recognition: Learning to Move to Perceive Objects
* EML-NET: An Expandable Multi-Layer NETwork for saliency prediction
* Emotional state detection based on common spatial patterns of EEG
* Empirical Study of Detection-Based Video Instance Segmentation, An
* Empirical Study of Spatial Attention Mechanisms in Deep Networks, An
* Empirical Study of the Relation Between Network Architecture and Complexity, An
* Employing Deep Part-Object Relationships for Salient Object Detection
* EMPNet: Neural Localisation and Mapping Using Embedded Memory Points
* End-to-End CAD Model Retrieval and 9DoF Alignment in 3D Scans
* End-to-End Hand Mesh Recovery From a Monocular RGB Image
* End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fitting
* End-to-End Learning for Graph Decomposition
* End-to-End Learning of Decision Trees and Forests
* End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data
* End-to-End Partial Convolutions Neural Networks for Dunhuang Grottoes Wall-Painting Restoration
* End-to-End Video Captioning
* End-to-end video subtitle recognition via a deep Residual Neural Network
* End-to-end visual speech recognition for small-scale datasets
* End-to-End Wireframe Parsing
* Energy Compaction-Based Image Compression Using Convolutional AutoEncoder
* Energy Distribution of Multiple Target Signal With Application to Target Counting
* Enforcing Geometric Constraints of Virtual Normal for Depth Prediction
* English-Chinese Machine Translation and Evaluation Method for Geographical Names, An
* Enhanced 3D Point Cloud from a Light Field Image
* Enhanced image no-reference quality assessment based on colour space distribution
* Enhanced Memory Network for Video Segmentation
* Enhanced Object Detection With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Advanced Driving Assistance
* Enhancing 2D Representation via Adjacent Views for 3D Shape Retrieval
* Enhancing Adversarial Example Transferability With an Intermediate Level Attack
* Enhancing Bus Holding Control Using Cooperative ITS
* Enhancing Human Face Recognition with an Interpretable Neural Network
* Enhancing Low Light Videos by Exploring High Sensitivity Camera Noise
* Enhancing Precipitation Estimates Through the Fusion of Weather Radar, Satellite Retrievals, and Surface Parameters
* Enhancing Temporal Action Localization with Transfer Learning from Action Recognition
* Enhancing the Quality of Image Tagging Using a Visio-Textual Knowledge Base
* Enhancing Visual Embeddings through Weakly Supervised Captioning for Zero-Shot Learning
* Enriched Feature Guided Refinement Network for Object Detection
* Enriching Variety of Layer-Wise Learning Information by Gradient Combination
* Entangled Transformer for Image Captioning
* EPIC-Fusion: Audio-Visual Temporal Binding for Egocentric Action Recognition
* EPIC-Tent: An Egocentric Video Dataset for Camping Tent Assembly
* Episodic Training for Domain Generalization
* Equivariant Multi-View Networks
* ERA5-Based Hourly Global Pressure and Temperature (HGPT) Model, An
* ERL-Net: Entangled Representation Learning for Single Image De-Raining
* Error Bounded Foreground and Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection in Satellite Videos
* Escaping Plato's Cave: 3D Shape From Adversarial Rendering
* Establishing an Empirical Model for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval at the U.S. Climate Reference Network Using Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Ancillary Data
* Estimating Aggregate Cardiomyocyte Strain Using In~Vivo Diffusion and Displacement Encoded MRI
* Estimating Plant Nitrogen Concentration of Maize using a Leaf Fluorescence Sensor across Growth Stages
* Estimating the Fundamental Matrix Without Point Correspondences With Application to Transmission Imaging
* Estimating Water pH Using Cloud-Based Landsat Images for a New Classification of the Nhecolândia Lakes (Brazilian Pantanal)
* Estimation of Absolute Scale in Monocular SLAM Using Synthetic Data
* Estimation of Crop Water Deficit in Lower Bari Doab, Pakistan Using Reflection-Based Crop Coefficient
* Estimation of Crystal Timing Properties and Efficiencies for the Improvement of (Joint) Maximum-Likelihood Reconstructions in TOF-PET
* Estimation of Forest Growing Stock Volume with UAV Laser Scanning Data: Can It Be Done without Field Data?
* Estimation of Gaussian mixture models via tensor moments with application to online learning
* Estimation of the Lateral Dynamic Displacement of High-Rise Buildings under Wind Load Based on Fusion of a Remote Sensing Vibrometer and an Inclinometer
* European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration
* Eutrophication Monitoring for Lake Pamvotis, Greece, Using Sentinel-2 Data
* EvalNorm: Estimating Batch Normalization Statistics for Evaluation
* Evaluating Deep Learning for Image Classification in Adversarial Environment
* Evaluating Landfast Sea Ice Ridging near UtqiagVik Alaska Using TanDEM-X Interferometry
* Evaluating Robustness of Deep Image Super-Resolution Against Adversarial Attacks
* Evaluating Spatial Configuration Constrained CNNs for Localizing Facial and Body Pose Landmarks
* Evaluating Spatial Scenarios for Sustainable Development in Quito, Ecuador
* Evaluating Text-to-Image Matching using Binary Image Selection (BISON)
* Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Sentinel-2-MSI and Sentinel-3-OLCI in Highly Turbid Estuarine Waters
* Evaluation of Autonomous In Situ Temperature Loggers in a Coastal Region of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea for Use in the Validation of Near-Shore Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements, An
* Evaluation of Global Solar Irradiance Estimates from GL1.2 Satellite-Based Model over Brazil Using an Extended Radiometric Network
* Evaluation of MRI to Ultrasound Registration Methods for Brain Shift Correction: The CuRIOUS2018 Challenge
* Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Imagery and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Evaluation of the Simard et al. 2011 Global Canopy Height Map in Boreal Forests
* Evaluation of Water Vapor Radiative Effects Using GPS Data Series over Southwestern Europe
* Event-Based Incremental Broad Learning System for Object Classification
* Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation
* Event-Driven Video Frame Synthesis
* Everybody Dance Now
* Evidence Based Feature Selection and Collaborative Representation Towards Learning Based PSF Estimation for Motion Deblurring
* Evolution of Adjacency Matrices for Sparsity of Connection in DenseNets, The
* Evolving Space-Time Neural Architectures for Videos
* Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Expert Sample Consensus Applied to Camera Re-Localization
* Explaining Convolutional Neural Networks using Softmax Gradient Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
* Explaining Neural Networks Semantically and Quantitatively
* Explaining the Ambiguity of Object Detection and 6D Pose From Visual Data
* Explaining Visual Models by Causal Attribution
* Explicit Shape Encoding for Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Explicit Spatiotemporal Joint Relation Learning for Tracking Human Pose
* Exploiting Epistemic Uncertainty of Anatomy Segmentation for Anomaly Detection in Retinal OCT
* Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Relationships for 3D Pose Estimation via Graph Convolutional Networks
* Exploiting Temporal Consistency for Real-Time Video Depth Estimation
* Exploiting Temporality for Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation
* Exploiting the local temporal information for video captioning
* Exploring Dynamic Routing As A Pooling Layer
* Exploring Overall Contextual Information for Image Captioning in Human-Like Cognitive Style
* Exploring Randomly Wired Neural Networks for Image Recognition
* Exploring the Combination of PReMVOS, BoLTVOS and UnOVOST for the 2019 YouTube-VOS Challenge
* Exploring the Combined Effect of Urbanization and Climate Variability on Urban Vegetation: A Multi-Perspective Study Based on More than 3000 Cities in China
* Exploring the Dunes: The Correlations between Vegetation Cover Pattern and Morphology for Sediment Retention Assessment Using Airborne Multisensor Acquisition
* Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving
* Extended Classification Course Improves Road Intersection Detection from Low-Frequency GPS Trajectory Data
* Extended Observer for Urban Traffic Control Based on Limited Measurements From Connected Vehicles
* Extended-Sampling-Bayesian Method for Limited Aperture Inverse Scattering Problems
* Extending Convolutional Pose Machines for Facial Landmark Localization in 3D Point Clouds
* Extending Input Channel Using Global Feature Image for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Extrapolation-Based Video Retargeting With Backward Warping Using an Image-to-Warping Vector Generation Network
* Extreme Low Resolution Action Recognition with Spatial-Temporal Multi-Head Self-Attention and Knowledge Distillation
* Extreme View Synthesis
* Extremely Weak Supervised Image-to-Image Translation for Semantic Segmentation
* Eye Semantic Segmentation with A Lightweight Model
* Eye-MMS: Miniature Multi-Scale Segmentation Network of Key Eye-Regions in Embedded Applications
* EyeNet: A Multi-Task Deep Network for Off-Axis Eye Gaze Estimation
* EyeNet: Attention Based Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Eye Region Segmentation
* FAB: A Robust Facial Landmark Detection Framework for Motion-Blurred Videos
* Face Alignment With Kernel Density Deep Neural Network
* Face De-Occlusion Using 3D Morphable Model and Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Representation Learning using Composite Mini-Batches
* Face Video Deblurring Using 3D Facial Priors
* Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation
* FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images
* FaceSyncNet: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Non-Linear Synchronization of Facial Performance Videos
* Facial expression recognition based on a multi-task global-local network
* Facial expression recognition based on deep convolution long short-term memory networks of double-channel weighted mixture
* Facial Pose Estimation by Deep Learning from Label Distributions
* FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less Than a Second
* Factorizing and Reconstituting Large-Kernel MBConv for Lightweight Face Recognition
* Fair Loss: Margin-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* FakeTalkerDetect: Effective and Practical Realistic Neural Talking Head Detection with a Highly Unbalanced Dataset
* Falls Prediction Based on Body Keypoints and Seq2Seq Architecture
* FAMNet: Joint Learning of Feature, Affinity and Multi-Dimensional Assignment for Online Multiple Object Tracking
* Fashion Image Retrieval with Capsule Networks
* Fashion Retrieval via Graph Reasoning Networks on a Similarity Pyramid
* Fashion++: Minimal Edits for Outfit Improvement
* Fast and Accurate One-Stage Approach to Visual Grounding, A
* Fast and Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Point Clouds Using 2D Line Features
* Fast and Efficient Model for Real-Time Tiger Detection In The Wild
* Fast and Practical Neural Architecture Search
* Fast and Secured Visual Content Hiding in Lossy Compressed Images and Video Streams
* Fast Approximation of EEG Forward Problem and Application to Tissue Conductivity Estimation
* Fast Computation of Content-Sensitive Superpixels and Supervoxels Using Q-Distances
* Fast Cross-Validation for Kernel-Based Algorithms
* Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Image Restoration With Multi-Bin Trainable Linear Units
* Fast Method for Estimating Frequencies of Multiple Sinusoidals, A
* Fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding based on texture partition and direction
* Fast Object Detection in Compressed Video
* Fast Point R-CNN
* Fast Video Object Segmentation via Dynamic Targeting Network
* Fast Visual Object Tracking using Ellipse Fitting for Rotated Bounding Boxes
* Fast-deepKCF Without Boundary Effect
* Faster R-CNN, fourth-order partial differential equation and global-local active contour model (FPDE-GLACM) for plaque segmentation in IV-OCT image
* FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
* FDA: Feature Disruptive Attack
* Feasibility of Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Variational Assimilation of Reference-Level Air Temperature and Specific Humidity Observations
* Feature Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Feature Ensemble Networks with Re-Ranking for Recognizing Disguised Faces in the Wild
* Feature Pyramid and Hierarchical Boosting Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* Feature Weighting and Boosting for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Feature-extraction methods for historical manuscript dating based on writing style development
* Fetal Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiogram Screening Based on DGACNN: Adversarial One-Class Classification Combined with Video Transfer Learning
* Few-Shot Adaptive Gaze Estimation
* Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models
* Few-Shot Generalization for Single-Image 3D Reconstruction via Priors
* Few-Shot Image Recognition With Knowledge Transfer
* Few-Shot Learning With Embedded Class Models and Shot-Free Meta Training
* Few-Shot Learning With Global Class Representations
* Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
* Few-Shot Structured Domain Adaptation for Virtual-to-Real Scene Parsing
* Few-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC)
* Fine-Grained Action Retrieval Through Multiple Parts-of-Speech Embeddings
* Fine-Grained Segmentation Networks: Self-Supervised Segmentation for Improved Long-Term Visual Localization
* Fine-Scale Coastal Storm Surge Disaster Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Model: A Case Study of Laizhou Bay, China
* FiNet: Compatible and Diverse Fashion Image Inpainting
* Fingerspelling Recognition in the Wild With Iterative Visual Attention
* Fingertips Detection in Egocentric Video Frames using Deep Neural Networks
* First Demonstration of Multipath Effects on Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1
* First-Person Camera System to Evaluate Tender Dementia-Care Skill
* Fisher Information Matrix for Single Molecules with Stochastic Trajectories
* Fishyscapes: A Benchmark for Safe Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* Fitting, Comparison, and Alignment of Trajectories on Positive Semi-Definite Matrices with Application to Action Recognition
* Flare in Interference-Based Hyperspectral Cameras
* Flexible character accuracy measure for reading-order-independent evaluation
* Flexible Deep CNN Framework for Image Restoration, A
* Flexibly Connectable Light Field System For Free View Exploration
* Flickr1024: A Large-Scale Dataset for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* FloodSim: Flood Simulation and Visualization Framework Using Position-Based Fluids
* Floor-SP: Inverse CAD for Floorplans by Sequential Room-Wise Shortest Path
* Floorplan-Jigsaw: Jointly Estimating Scene Layout and Aligning Partial Scans
* Floors are Flat: Leveraging Semantics for Real-Time Surface Normal Prediction
* Flow Guided Short-Term Trackers with Cascade Detection for Long-Term Tracking
* Flow Modeling and Rendering to Support 3D River Shipping Based on Cross-Sectional Observation Data
* Fooling Network Interpretation in Image Classification
* Forced Spatial Attention for Driver Foot Activity Classification
* Foreground-Aware Pyramid Reconstruction for Alignment-Free Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Forest Height Estimation Based on P-Band Pol-InSAR Modeling and Multi-Baseline Inversion
* ForkNet: Multi-Branch Volumetric Semantic Completion From a Single Depth Image
* Forward Stability of ResNet and Its Variants
* Fourier-CPPNs for Image Synthesis
* FPGA accelerator for PatchMatch multi-view stereo using OpenCL, An
* FPGA Implementation of Optimized Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Image Processing Applications
* Frame Augmented Alternating Attention Network for Video Question Answering
* Frame-to-Frame Aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* FrameNet: Learning Local Canonical Frames of 3D Surfaces From a Single RGB Image
* Free-Form Image Inpainting With Gated Convolution
* Free-Form Video Inpainting With 3D Gated Convolution and Temporal PatchGAN
* Free-Lunch Saliency via Attention in Atari Agents
* FreiHAND: A Dataset for Markerless Capture of Hand Pose and Shape From Single RGB Images
* Frequency Based Radial Velocity Estimation in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging
* Frequency Separation for Real-World Super-Resolution
* From Open Set to Closed Set: Counting Objects by Spatial Divide-and-Conquer
* From Point Cloud Data to Building Information Modelling: An Automatic Parametric Workflow for Heritage
* From Spatial Data Infrastructures to Data Spaces: A Technological Perspective on the Evolution of European SDIs
* From Strings to Things: Knowledge-Enabled VQA Model That Can Read and Reason
* From Theory to Application: Real-Time Sparse SAR Imaging
* FSGAN: Subject Agnostic Face Swapping and Reenactment
* Fuel-Optimal Multi-Impulse Orbit Transfer Using a Hybrid Optimization Method
* FullFusion: A Framework for Semantic Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
* Fully Convolutional Geometric Features
* Fully Convolutional Pixel Adaptive Image Denoiser
* Function Norms for Neural Networks
* FuseMODNet: Real-Time Camera and LiDAR Based Moving Object Detection for Robust Low-Light Autonomous Driving
* Fusing Two Directions in Cross-Domain Adaption for Real Life Person Search by Language
* Fusion Approach for Water Area Classification Using Visible, Near Infrared and Synthetic Aperture Radar for South Asian Conditions, A
* Fusion Despeckling Based on Surface Variation Anisotropic Diffusion Filter and Ratio Image Filter
* Fusion of Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound Images for Endometriosis Detection
* Fusion of MODIS and Landsat-Like Images for Daily High Spatial Resolution NDVI
* Fusion of Multimodal Embeddings for Ad-Hoc Video Search
* Fusion of thermal and visible colour images for robust detection of people in forests
* Future-State Predicting LSTM for Early Surgery Type Recognition
* Fuzzy self-adaptive proportional-integral-derivative control strategy for ramp metering at distance downstream bottlenecks
* FW-GAN: Flow-Navigated Warping GAN for Video Virtual Try-On
* G3raphGround: Graph-Based Language Grounding
* GA-DAN: Geometry-Aware Domain Adaptation Network for Scene Text Detection and Recognition
* Game Theory-Based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* GAN-Based Projector for Faster Recovery With Convergence Guarantees in Linear Inverse Problems
* GAN-Tree: An Incrementally Learned Hierarchical Generative Framework for Multi-Modal Data Distributions
* GANalyze: Toward Visual Definitions of Cognitive Image Properties
* GANILLA: Generative adversarial networks for image to illustration translation
* Gap-Filling of a MODIS Normalized Difference Snow Index Product Based on the Similar Pixel Selecting Algorithm: A Case Study on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cloth Draping
* Gastrointestinal diseases segmentation and classification based on duo-deep architectures
* Gated-SCNN: Gated Shape CNNs for Semantic Segmentation
* Gated2Depth: Real-Time Dense Lidar From Gated Images
* Gaussian Affinity for Max-Margin Class Imbalanced Learning
* Gaussian YOLOv3: An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving
* Gaze Estimation by Exploring Two-Eye Asymmetry
* Gaze360: Physically Unconstrained Gaze Estimation in the Wild
* GCNet: Non-Local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond
* Generalization Approach for CNN-based Object Detection in Unconstrained Outdoor Environments
* Generalized and Robust Method Towards Practical Gaze Estimation on Smart Phone, A
* Generalized Convolutional Sparse Coding With Unknown Noise
* Generalized Cramér-Rao inequality and uncertainty relation for Fisher information on FrFT
* Generalized Gaussian Coherent Scatterer Model for Correlated SAR Texture, A
* Generalized Gaussian model-based reconstruction method of computed tomography image from fewer projections
* Generalized Morphological Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Derived from Tri-Stereo Satellite Imagery
* Generalized Zero-Shot Learning With Multi-Channel Gaussian Mixture VAE
* Generalizing Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Generated Data With Sparse Regularized Multi-Pseudo Label for Person Re-Identification
* Generating Diverse and Descriptive Image Captions Using Visual Paraphrases
* Generating Easy-to-Understand Referring Expressions for Target Identifications
* Generating High-Resolution Fashion Model Images Wearing Custom Outfits
* Generative Adversarial Minority Oversampling
* Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Learning and Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Extreme Learned Image Compression
* Generative Adversarial Training for Weakly Supervised Cloud Matting
* Generative Modeling for Small-Data Object Detection
* Generative Modelling of Semantic Segmentation Data in the Fashion Domain
* Generative Multi-View Human Action Recognition
* Generatively Inferential Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Genetic Programming for Multiple Feature Construction in Skin Cancer Image Classification
* Geo-Aware Networks for Fine-Grained Recognition
* GEOBIT: A Geodesic-Based Binary Descriptor Invariant to Non-Rigid Deformations for RGB-D Images
* Geocoding of trees from street addresses and street-level images
* Geolocation, Calibration and Surface Resolution of CYGNSS GNSS-R Land Observations
* Geometric Approach to Obtain a Bird's Eye View From an Image, A
* Geometric Disentanglement for Generative Latent Shape Models
* Geometry Guided Feature Aggregation in Video Face Recognition
* Geometry Normalization Networks for Accurate Scene Text Detection
* Geometry-Inspired Decision-Based Attack, A
* GeoStyle: Discovering Fashion Trends and Events
* GetNet: Get Target Area for Image Pairing
* GHS-POP Accuracy Assessment: Poland and Portugal Case Study
* GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Model for Determining Glacier Vulnerability, A
* GIScience Theory Based Assessment of Spatial Disparity of Geodetic Control Points Location
* GLAMpoints: Greedily Learned Accurate Match Points
* Glasses-Free 3-D and Augmented Reality Display Advances: From Theory to Implementation
* global canopy water content product from AVHRR/Metop, A
* Global Feature Guided Local Pooling
* Global high-resolution mountain green cover index mapping based on Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* Global Optimization Geometry of Shallow Linear Neural Networks, The
* Global Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Plane-to-Plane Correspondences
* Global-Local Embedding Module for Fashion Landmark Detection, A
* Global-Local Temporal Representations for Video Person Re-Identification
* GLoSH: Global-Local Spherical Harmonics for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Glove-type massage feature acquisition by human organ simulators: Feasibility and comparison
* Goal-Driven Sequential Data Abstraction
* GODS: Generalized One-Class Discriminative Subspaces for Anomaly Detection
* Going Deeper Into Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* GORFLM: Globally Optimal Robust Fitting for Linear Model
* GP2C: Geometric Projection Parameter Consensus for Joint 3D Pose and Focal Length Estimation in the Wild
* Gradient Response Harvesting for Continuous System Characterization During MR Sequences
* Gradient self-weighting linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for human cognitive states classification
* GradNet: Gradient-Guided Network for Visual Object Tracking
* Graph Based Unsupervised Feature Aggregation for Face Recognition, A
* Graph Convolutional Networks for Temporal Action Localization
* Graph-Based Framework to Bridge Movies and Synopses, A
* Graph-Based Non-Convex Low-Rank Regularization for Image Compression Artifact Reduction
* Graph-Based Object Classification for Neuromorphic Vision Sensing
* GraphX-Convolution for Point Cloud Deformation in 2D-to-3D Conversion
* Gravity as a Reference for Estimating a Person's Height From Video
* Great Ape Detection in Challenging Jungle Camera Trap Footage via Attention-Based Spatial and Temporal Feature Blending
* GridDehazeNet: Attention-Based Multi-Scale Network for Image Dehazing
* Ground-to-Aerial Image Geo-Localization With a Hard Exemplar Reweighting Triplet Loss
* Grounded Human-Object Interaction Hotspots From Video
* group lasso based sparse KNN classifier, A
* Group Self-Paced Learning With a Time-Varying Regularizer for Unsupervised Change Detection
* Group-Wise Deep Object Co-Segmentation With Co-Attention Recurrent Neural Network
* Grouped Spatial-Temporal Aggregation for Efficient Action Recognition
* GSLAM: A General SLAM Framework and Benchmark
* GSR-MAR: Global Super-Resolution for Person Multi-Attribute Recognition
* Guessing Smart: Biased Sampling for Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks
* Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems
* Guest Editorial: Image and Video Inpainting and Denoising
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on ACCV 2018
* Guided Curriculum Model Adaptation and Uncertainty-Aware Evaluation for Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation
* Guided Image-to-Image Translation With Bi-Directional Feature Transformation
* Guided Super-Resolution As Pixel-to-Pixel Transformation
* Habitat: A Platform for Embodied AI Research
* HACS: Human Action Clips and Segments Dataset for Recognition and Temporal Localization
* Hallucinating Agnostic Images to Generalize Across Domains
* Hallucinating IDT Descriptors and I3D Optical Flow Features for Action Recognition With CNNs
* Hand Pose Ensemble Learning Based on Grouping Features of Hand Point Sets
* HarDNet: A Low Memory Traffic Network
* Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data to Detect Irrigated Areas: An Application in Southern Italy
* Harvesting Information from Captions for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* HAWQ: Hessian AWare Quantization of Neural Networks With Mixed-Precision
* HBONet: Harmonious Bottleneck on Two Orthogonal Dimensions
* HEMlets Pose: Learning Part-Centric Heatmap Triplets for Accurate 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Heterogeneous Recommendation via Deep Low-Rank Sparse Collective Factorization
* Hiding Video in Audio via Reversible Generative Models
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Action Segmentation
* Hierarchical Encoding of Sequential Data With Compact and Sub-Linear Storage Cost
* Hierarchical LSTMs with Adaptive Attention for Visual Captioning
* Hierarchical Point-Edge Interaction Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Hierarchical prediction-based motion vector refinement for video frame-rate up-conversion
* Hierarchical segmentation from a non-increasing edge observation attribute
* Hierarchical Self-Attention Network for Action Localization in Videos
* Hierarchical Shot Detector
* Hierarchy Parsing for Image Captioning
* High cursive traditional Asian character recognition using integrated adaptive constraints in ensemble of DenseNet and Inception models
* High-Order Scheme for Image Segmentation via a Modified Level-Set Method, A
* High-Performance Vision-Based Navigation on SoC FPGA for Spacecraft Proximity Operations
* High-Resolution Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Imaging in Scattering Media
* High-speed tracking based on multi-CF filters and attention mechanism
* High-speed tracking based on multi-CF filters and attention mechanism
* Higher Order Spherical Harmonics Reconstruction of Fetal Diffusion MRI With Intensity Correction
* Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition-Based Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation Method on High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, A
* Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Analysis
* HighEr-Resolution Network for Image Demosaicing and Enhancing
* Hilbert-Based Generative Defense for Adversarial Examples
* HiPPI: Higher-Order Projected Power Iterations for Scalable Multi-Matching
* HistoSegNet: Semantic Segmentation of Histological Tissue Type in Whole Slide Images
* HM-NAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Hierarchical Masking
* Holistic++ Scene Understanding: Single-View 3D Holistic Scene Parsing and Human Pose Estimation With Human-Object Interaction and Physical Commonsense
* HoloGAN: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Representations From Natural Images
* HoloGAN: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Representations From Natural Images
* Home-Based Physical Therapy with an Interactive Computer Vision System
* HomebrewedDB: RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of 3D Objects
* Homography From Two Orientation- and Scale-Covariant Features
* How Can Remote Sensing Help Monitor Tropical Moist Forest Degradation?: A Systematic Review
* How Communicating Features can Help Pedestrian Safety in the Presence of Self-Driving Vehicles: Virtual Reality Experiment
* How Do Neural Networks See Depth in Single Images?
* How to Fully Exploit The Abilities of Aerial Image Detectors
* How to Improve CNN-Based 6-DoF Camera Pose Estimation
* HowTo100M: Learning a Text-Video Embedding by Watching Hundred Million Narrated Video Clips
* Human action recognition toward massive-scale sport sceneries based on deep multi-model feature fusion
* Human Attention in Image Captioning: Dataset and Analysis
* Human Density Estimation by Exploiting Deep Spatial Contextual Information
* Human emotion recognition by optimally fusing facial expression and speech feature
* Human Mesh Recovery From Monocular Images via a Skeleton-Disentangled Representation
* Human Motion Prediction via Spatio-Temporal Inpainting
* Human Uncertainty Makes Classification More Robust
* Human-Aware Motion Deblurring
* HumanMeshNet: Polygonal Mesh Recovery of Humans
* HVS-Inspired Attention to Improve Loss Metrics for CNN-Based Perception-Oriented Super-Resolution, A
* Hybrid 3D mass-spring system for simulation of isotropic materials with any Poisson's ratio
* Hybrid Approach to Tiger Re-Identification, A
* Hybrid higher-order total variation model for multiplicative noise removal
* Hybrid Overlap Filter for LiDAR Point Clouds Using Free Software
* Hyperparameter-Free Losses for Model-Based Monocular Reconstruction
* Hyperpixel Flow: Semantic Correspondence With Multi-Layer Neural Features
* Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using Deep External and Internal Learning
* Hyperspectral image super-resolution combining with deep learning and spectral unmixing
* Hypertemporal Imaging Capability of UAS Improves Photogrammetric Tree Canopy Models
* I Bet You Are Wrong: Gambling Adversarial Networks for Structured Semantic Segmentation
* I-PETER (Interactive platform to experience tours and education on the rocks): A virtual system for the understanding and dissemination of mineralogical-petrographic science
* i-Siam: Improving Siamese Tracker with Distractors Suppression and Long-Term Strategies
* Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: A New Methodology Designed for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
* Identification of Urban Functional Regions in Chengdu Based on Taxi Trajectory Time Series Data
* Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder With Multi-Site fMRI via Low-Rank Domain Adaptation
* Identifying commuters based on random forest of smartcard data
* Identifying Simple Shapes to Classify the Big Picture
* Identifying Users' Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in the Dominican Republic
* Identity From Here, Pose From There: Self-Supervised Disentanglement and Generation of Objects Using Unlabeled Videos
* IL2M: Class Incremental Learning With Dual Memory
* Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison ­ A Unified Approach to Score Regression, Binary Classification, and Personalization
* Image analyzer for stereoscopic camera rig alignment
* Image Correction with Curvature and Geometric Wavefront Sensors in Simulation and On-sky
* Image Deconvolution with Deep Image and Kernel Priors
* Image Disentanglement and Uncooperative Re-Entanglement for High-Fidelity Image-to-Image Translation
* Image encryption with cross colour field algorithm and improved cascade chaos systems
* Image fidelity estimation from received embedded bitstream
* Image fusion via sparse regularization with non-convex penalties
* Image Generation From Small Datasets via Batch Statistics Adaptation
* Image Inpainting With Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps
* Image Mapping Approach for Quick Dissimilarity Detection of Binary Images, An
* Image patch prior learning based on random neighbourhood resampling for image denoising
* Image Recovery via Transform Learning and Low-Rank Modeling: The Power of Complementary Regularizers
* Image Super-Resolution via Attention Based Back Projection Networks
* Image Super-Resolution via Residual Block Attention Networks
* Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style
* Image2StyleGAN: How to Embed Images Into the StyleGAN Latent Space?
* Imaging Magnetic Nanoparticle Distributions by Atomic Magnetometry-Based Susceptometry
* iMaterialist Fashion Attribute Dataset, The
* Imitation Learning for Human Pose Prediction
* IMP: Instance Mask Projection for High Accuracy Semantic Segmentation of Things
* Impact of Molecular Spectroscopy on Carbon Monoxide Abundances from SCIAMACHY
* Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984-2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, The
* Impact of Strike Hard on Repeat and Near-Repeat Residential Burglary in Beijing, The
* Impact of Sympathetic Activation in Imaging Photoplethysmography
* Impacts of Assimilating ATMS Radiances on Heavy Rainfall Forecast in RMAPS-ST
* Implicit Surface Representations As Layers in Neural Networks
* Improved Conditional VRNNs for Video Prediction
* Improved face super-resolution generative adversarial networks
* Improved Fuzzy Region Competition-Based Framework for the Multiphase Segmentation of SAR Images, An
* Improved Inference and Prediction for Imbalanced Binary Big Data Using Case-Control Sampling: A Case Study on Deforestation in the Amazon Region
* Improved Knowledge Distillation for Training Fast Low Resolution Face Recognition Model
* Improved Rain Screening for Ku-Band Wind Scatterometry
* Improved Res-UNet Model for Tree Species Classification Using Airborne High-Resolution Images, An
* Improved Selective Facial Extraction Model for Age Estimation, An
* Improved SRGAN for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Across Locations and Sensors
* Improved strategy for human action recognition: Experiencing a cascaded design
* Improved Techniques for Training Adaptive Deep Networks
* Improved Topography-Coupled Kernel-Driven Model for Land Surface Anisotropic Reflectance, An
* Improving Adversarial Robustness via Guided Complement Entropy
* Improving CNN Classifiers by Estimating Test-Time Priors
* Improving Deep Binary Embedding Networks by Order-Aware Reweighting of Triplets
* Improving Fashion Landmark Detection by Dual Attention Feature Enhancement
* Improving pattern spotting in historical documents using feature pyramid networks
* Improving Pedestrian Attribute Recognition With Weakly-Supervised Multi-Scale Attribute-Specific Localization
* Improving Robustness of Deep Learning Based Knee MRI Segmentation: Mixup and Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heritage through pattern recognition techniques
* Improving the Spatial Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Content in Two Contrasting Climatic Regions by Stacking Machine Learning Models and Rescanning Covariate Space
* Improving VerticalWind Speed Extrapolation Using Short-Term Lidar Measurements
* In Vivo Demonstration of Photoacoustic Image Guidance and Robotic Visual Servoing for Cardiac Catheter-Based Interventions
* In-Bore Receiver for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* In-loop perceptual model-based rate-distortion optimization for HEVC real-time encoder
* Incoherent Decomposition Algorithm Based on Polarimetric Symmetry for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data, An
* Incorporating Metric Learning and Adversarial Network for Seasonal Invariant Change Detection
* Incremental Class Discovery for Semantic Segmentation With RGBD Sensing
* Incremental Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Incremental Learning Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Indexing Mixed Aperture Icosahedral Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Indices Matter: Learning to Index for Deep Image Matting
* Individual Tree Crown Segmentation of a Larch Plantation Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data Based on Region Growing and Canopy Morphology Features
* Indoor Crowd Detection Network Framework Based on Feature Aggregation Module and Hybrid Attention Selection Module, An
* Indoor Depth Completion with Boundary Consistency and Self-Attention
* Induction Logging Through Casing by Detecting Lateral Waves: A Numerical Analysis
* Inference, Learning and Attention Mechanisms that Exploit and Preserve Sparsity in CNNs
* Inferring Surface Flow Velocities in Sediment-Laden Alaskan Rivers from Optical Image Sequences Acquired from a Helicopter
* Information Entropy Based Feature Pooling for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Information Fusion for Cultural Heritage Three-Dimensional Modeling of Malay Cities
* InGAN: Capturing and Retargeting the DNA of a Natural Image
* Input and Weight Space Smoothing for Semi-Supervised Learning
* InstaBoost: Boosting Instance Segmentation via Probability Map Guided Copy-Pasting
* Instance-Based Video Search via Multi-Task Retrieval and Re-Ranking
* Instance-Guided Context Rendering for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Instance-Level Future Motion Estimation in a Single Image Based on Ordinal Regression
* Instantaneous Accuracy: a Novel Metric for the Problem of Online Human Behaviour Recognition in Untrimmed Videos, The
* Integral Knowledge Distillation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Integral Object Mining via Online Attention Accumulation
* Integrated design of deep features fusion for localization and classification of skin cancer
* integrated environmental analytics system (IDEAS) based on a DGGS, An
* Integrated geometric self-calibration of stereo cameras onboard the ZiYuan-3 satellite
* Integrated Shadow-Adjusted Snow-Aging Index for Alpine Regions, An
* Integrating Data and Image Domain Deep Learning for Limited Angle Tomography using Consensus Equilibrium
* Integrating Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data for Yield Prediction of Sugarcane Crops at the Block Level
* Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Extract Plantation Rows from A Drone-Based Image Point Cloud Digital Surface Model
* Integration of Selective Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Mineral Exploration Using ASTER Satellite Data
* Integrative Remote Sensing Application of Stacked Autoencoder for Atmospheric Correction and Cyanobacteria Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Integrity Monitoring for Horizontal RTK Positioning: New Weighting Model and Overbounding CDF in Open-Sky and Suburban Scenarios
* Interaction Methodology to Collect and Assess User-Driven Requirements to Define Potential Opportunities of Future Hyperspectral Imaging Sentinel Mission, An
* Interactive Contour Extraction via Sketch-Alike Dense-Validation Optimization
* Interactive Sketch Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Translation
* Internal Learning Approach to Video Inpainting, An
* Interpolated Convolutional Networks for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* Interpretable Inference Graphs for Face Recognition
* Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Attention for Video Action Recognition
* Interpreting Intentionally Flawed Models with Linear Probes
* Interpreting Undesirable Pixels for Image Classification on Black-Box Models
* Intertidal Bathymetry Extraction with Multispectral Images: A Logistic Regression Approach
* Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification: A New Benchmark
* Intra-Frame Object Tracking by Deblatting
* Introducing Spatially Distributed Fire Danger from Earth Observations (FDEO) Using Satellite-Based Data in the Contiguous United States
* Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (GeoNEX) Products: 1. Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance and Brightness Temperature, An
* Intuitionistic fuzzy set and fuzzy mathematical morphology applied to color leukocytes segmentation
* Invariant Information Clustering for Unsupervised Image Classification and Segmentation
* InVEST Habitat Quality Model Associated with Land Use/Cover Changes: A Qualitative Case Study of the Winike Watershed in the Omo-Gibe Basin, Southwest Ethiopia, The
* Investigating Convolutional Neural Networks using Spatial Orderness
* Is an Affine Constraint Needed for Affine Subspace Clustering?
* Is Immersive Virtual Reality the Ultimate Interface for 3D Animators?
* Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verification for Indoor Visual Localization
* Iterative projection algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems: Effect of constraint convexity
* Jester Dataset: A Large-Scale Video Dataset of Human Gestures, The
* Jigsaw Puzzle Solver to Locate Piece Position
* Joint Acne Image Grading and Counting via Label Distribution Learning
* Joint Demosaicking and Denoising by Fine-Tuning of Bursts of Raw Images
* Joint Embedding of 3D Scan and CAD Objects
* Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Joint Learning of Saliency Detection and Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Joint Learning of Semantic Alignment and Object Landmark Detection
* Joint local and statistical discriminant learning via feature alignment
* Joint Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection and Tracking
* Joint Optimization for Cooperative Image Captioning
* Joint Prediction for Kinematic Trajectories in Vehicle-Pedestrian-Mixed Scenes
* Joint RElaxation-Diffusion Imaging Moments to Probe Neurite Microstructure
* Joint Syntax Representation Learning and Visual Cue Translation for Video Captioning
* Joint T1 and T2 Mapping With Tiny Dictionaries and Subspace-Constrained Reconstruction
* Joint Trajectory and Fatigue Analysis in Wheelchair Users
* Joint Wasserstein Autoencoders for Aligning Multimodal Embeddings
* Jointly Aligning Millions of Images With Deep Penalised Reconstruction Congealing
* JPEG Artifacts Reduction via Deep Convolutional Sparse Coding
* K-Best Transformation Synchronization
* Kernel Modeling Super-Resolution on Real Low-Resolution Images
* Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm Based on the Nystrom Method With k-Means Sampling
* Kernel-based Bayesian clustering of computed tomography images for lung nodule segmentation
* Kernelized Fuzzy Modal Variation for Local Change Detection From Video Scenes
* Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters
* Kinetic locally minimal triangulation: theoretical evaluation and combinatorial analysis
* KNEEL: Knee Anatomical Landmark Localization Using Hourglass Networks
* Knowledge Distillation via Route Constrained Optimization
* Knowledge-Augmented Multimodal Deep Regression Bayesian Networks for Emotion Video Tagging
* KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
* KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* KSR-BOF: a new and exemplified method (as KSRs method) for image classification
* LA-VITON: A Network for Looking-Attractive Virtual Try-On
* Label-PEnet: Sequential Label Propagation and Enhancement Networks for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* LADN: Local Adversarial Disentangling Network for Facial Makeup and De-Makeup
* lambda-Net: Reconstruct Hyperspectral Images from a Snapshot Measurement
* Land Cover Mapping in Cloud-Prone Tropical Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data: Integrating Spectral Features with NDVI Temporal Dynamics
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Agricultural Areas Using a Novel UAV Platform Equipped with a Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Sensor
* Land-Use Land-Cover Classification by Machine Learning Classifiers for Satellite Observations: A Review
* Landmark-Guided Deformation Transfer of Template Facial Expressions for Automatic Generation of Avatar Blendshapes
* Landslide Mapping and Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique in the French Alps
* Landslide Prediction Method Based on a Ground-Based Micro-Deformation Monitoring Radar
* Language Features Matter: Effective Language Representations for Vision-Language Tasks
* Language-Agnostic Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Language-Conditioned Graph Networks for Relational Reasoning
* LAP-Net: Level-Aware Progressive Network for Image Dehazing
* Laplace Landmark Localization
* Large Scale Multimodal Data Capture, Evaluation and Maintenance Framework for Autonomous Driving Datasets
* Large Scale Near-Duplicate Image Retrieval via Patch Embedding
* Large-Scale Tag-Based Font Retrieval With Generative Feature Learning
* Large-Scale Urban Reconstruction with Tensor Clustering and Global Boundary Refinement
* Larger Norm More Transferable: An Adaptive Feature Norm Approach for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Lautum Regularization for Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning
* Layer-Wise Invertibility for Extreme Memory Cost Reduction of CNN Training
* Layout-Induced Video Representation for Recognizing Agent-in-Place Actions
* LayoutVAE: Stochastic Scene Layout Generation From a Label Set
* LCR-Net++: Multi-Person 2D and 3D Pose Detection in Natural Images
* Learn to Scale: Generating Multipolar Normalized Density Maps for Crowd Counting
* Learnable Triangulation of Human Pose
* Learned Fast HEVC Intra Coding
* Learned Representation for Scalable Vector Graphics, A
* Learned Semantic Multi-Sensor Depth Map Fusion
* Learned Video Compression
* Learning a Mixture of Granularity-Specific Experts for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Learning Aberrance Repressed Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Learning Across Tasks and Domains
* Learning an Effective Equivariant 3D Descriptor Without Supervision
* Learning an Event Sequence Embedding for Dense Event-Based Deep Stereo
* Learning and Analysis of AusRAP Attributes from Digital Video Recording for Road Safety
* Learning Cascaded Context-Aware Framework for Robust Visual Tracking
* Learning Combinatorial Embedding Networks for Deep Graph Matching
* Learning Compositional Neural Information Fusion for Human Parsing
* Learning Compositional Representations for Few-Shot Recognition
* Learning Deep Features for Giant Panda Gender Classification using Face Images
* Learning Deep Priors for Image Dehazing
* Learning Dense Wide Baseline Stereo Matching for People
* Learning Discriminative Model Prediction for Tracking
* Learning Disentangled Representations via Independent Subspaces
* Learning Feature-to-Feature Translator by Alternating Back-Propagation for Generative Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning Filter Basis for Convolutional Neural Network Compression
* Learning Fixed Points in Generative Adversarial Networks: From Image-to-Image Translation to Disease Detection and Localization
* Learning From Synthetic Photorealistic Raindrop for Single Image Raindrop Removal
* Learning Implicit Generative Models by Matching Perceptual Features
* Learning Joint 2D-3D Representations for Depth Completion
* Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation
* Learning Local Descriptors With a CDF-Based Dynamic Soft Margin
* Learning Local RGB-to-CAD Correspondences for Object Pose Estimation
* Learning Meshes for Dense Visual SLAM
* Learning Motion in Feature Space: Locally-Consistent Deformable Convolution Networks for Fine-Grained Action Detection
* Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
* Learning Object-Specific Distance From a Monocular Image
* Learning on the Edge: Investigating Boundary Filters in CNNs
* Learning Perspective Undistortion of Portraits
* Learning Propagation for Arbitrarily-Structured Data
* Learning Relationships for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Representational Invariance Instead of Categorization
* Learning Rich Features at High-Speed for Single-Shot Object Detection
* Learning Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Hierarchical Structured Ensemble
* Learning Semantic-Specific Graph Representation for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Learning Shape Templates With Structured Implicit Functions
* Learning Similarity Conditions Without Explicit Supervision
* Learning Simple Thresholded Features With Sparse Support Recovery
* Learning Single Camera Depth Estimation Using Dual-Pixels
* Learning Single-Image 3D Reconstruction by Generative Modelling of Shape, Pose and Shading
* Learning skeleton information for human action analysis using Kinect
* Learning Spatial Awareness to Improve Crowd Counting
* Learning Spatiotemporal Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Learning Temporal Action Proposals With Fewer Labels
* Learning the Model Update for Siamese Trackers
* Learning the Traditional Art of Chinese Calligraphy via Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Assessment
* Learning to Assemble Neural Module Tree Networks for Visual Grounding
* Learning to Caption Images Through a Lifetime by Asking Questions
* Learning to Collocate Neural Modules for Image Captioning
* Learning to Detect and Retrieve Objects From Unlabeled Videos
* Learning to Discover Novel Visual Categories via Deep Transfer Clustering
* Learning to Find Common Objects Across Few Image Collections
* Learning to Find Correlated Features by Maximizing Information Flow in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Inpaint by Progressively Growing the Mask Regions
* Learning to Jointly Generate and Separate Reflections
* Learning to Navigate Robotic Wheelchairs from Demonstration: Is Training in Simulation Viable?
* Learning to Paint With Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning to Personalize in Appearance-Based Gaze Tracking
* Learning to Rank Proposals for Object Detection
* Learning to Reconstruct 3D Human Pose and Shape via Model-Fitting in the Loop
* Learning to Reconstruct 3D Manhattan Wireframes From a Single Image
* Learning to Reconstruct Symmetric Shapes using Planar Parameterization of 3D Surface
* Learning to See Moving Objects in the Dark
* Learning Trajectory Dependencies for Human Motion Prediction
* Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
* Learning With Average Precision: Training Image Retrieval With a Listwise Loss
* Learning With Unsure Data for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Level Selector Network for Optimizing Accuracy-Specificity Trade-Offs
* Leveraging Class Hierarchy in Fashion Classification
* Leveraging Container Technologies in a GIScience Project: A Perspective from Open Reproducible Research
* Leveraging Long-Range Temporal Relationships Between Proposals for Video Object Detection
* Leveraging Vision Reconstruction Pipelines for Satellite Imagery
* LiDAR-guided dense matching for detecting changes and updating of buildings in Airborne LiDAR data
* Lifelong GAN: Continual Learning for Conditional Image Generation
* Lifting AutoEncoders: Unsupervised Learning of a Fully-Disentangled 3D Morphable Model Using Deep Non-Rigid Structure From Motion
* Light Field Super-Resolution Using a Low-Rank Prior and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Light in Dark Places: 3D Reconstruction from Stereo Views with a Moving Light Source, A
* Lightweight and Accurate Recursive Fractal Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Lightweight Face Recognition Challenge
* Limitations in Validating Derived Soil Water Content from Thermal/Optical Measurements Using the Simplified Triangle Method
* Linearized Multi-Sampling for Differentiable Image Transformation
* Linearly Converging Quasi Branch and Bound Algorithms for Global Rigid Registration
* Linking Ecosystem Services to Land Use Decisions: Policy Analyses, Multi-Scenarios, and Integrated Modelling
* LIP: Learning Instance Propagation for Video Object Segmentation
* LIP: Local Importance-Based Pooling
* Liquid Warping GAN: A Unified Framework for Human Motion Imitation, Appearance Transfer and Novel View Synthesis
* Live Face De-Identification in Video
* Local Aggregation for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Embeddings
* Local Relation Networks for Image Recognition
* Local Supports Global: Deep Camera Relocalization With Sequence Enhancement
* Local-adaptive and outlier-tolerant image alignment using RBF approximation
* Localisation for Augmented Reality at Sport Events
* Localization of Deep Inpainting Using High-Pass Fully Convolutional Network
* Localizing Occluders with Compositional Convolutional Networks
* LogBarrier Adversarial Attack: Making Effective Use of Decision Boundary Information, The
* Long short term memory based patient-dependent model for FOG detection in Parkinson's disease
* Long-Term Land Use/Land Cover Change Assessment of the Kilombero Catchment in Tanzania Using Random Forest Classification and Robust Change Vector Analysis
* Look ahead: understanding cognitive anticipatory processes based on situational characteristics in dynamic traffic situations
* Looking to Relations for Future Trajectory Forecast
* Lossy GIF Compression Using Deep Intrinsic Parameterization
* Low CP Rank and Tucker Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Components in Image Data
* Low Quality Video Face Recognition: Multi-Mode Aggregation Recurrent Network (MARN)
* Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time
* Low-bit Quantization of Neural Networks for Efficient Inference
* Low-Power Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images
* Low-Rank Hypergraph Hashing for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Low-Rank Tensor Tracking
* LPD-Net: 3D Point Cloud Learning for Large-Scale Place Recognition and Environment Analysis
* LU-Net: An Efficient Network for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Based on End-to-End-Learned 3D Features and U-Net
* Lung 4D CT Image Registration Based on High-Order Markov Random Field
* L_1,L_2)-RIP and Projected Back-Projection Reconstruction for Phase-Only Measurements
* M2FPA: A Multi-Yaw Multi-Pitch High-Quality Dataset and Benchmark for Facial Pose Analysis
* M3D-RPN: Monocular 3D Region Proposal Network for Object Detection
* Machine Learning Based On-Line Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon after Removal of Soil Moisture Effect
* Machine Learning-Based CYGNSS Soil Moisture Estimates over ISMN sites in CONUS
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging Surface Coil Transceiver Employing a Metasurface for 1.5T Applications, A
* Make a Face: Towards Arbitrary High Fidelity Face Manipulation
* Making emotions transparent: Google Glass helps autistic kids understand facial expressions through augmented-reaiity therapy
* Making History Matter: History-Advantage Sequence Training for Visual Dialog
* Making Smart Cities Resilient to Climate Change by Mitigating Natural Hazard Impacts
* Making the Invisible Visible: Action Recognition Through Walls and Occlusions
* Mal2d: 2d Based Deep Learning Model for Malware Detection Using Black and White Binary Image
* Manifold Siamese Network: A Novel Visual Tracking ConvNet for Autonomous Vehicles
* Manipulation-Skill Assessment from Videos with Spatial Attention Network
* Many Task Learning With Task Routing
* Mapping and Assessing the Dynamics of Shifting Agricultural Landscapes Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing, a Case Study in Mozambique
* Mapping and Assessment of Tree Roots Using Ground Penetrating Radar with Low-Cost GPS
* Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of Digital Surface Model and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Images Using Adaptive Multiscale Image Segmentation and Classification
* Mapping Kenyan Grassland Heights Across Large Spatial Scales with Combined Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Mediterranean Forest Plant Associations and Habitats with Functional Principal Component Analysis Using Landsat 8 NDVI Time Series
* Mapping of Maximum and Minimum Inundation Extents in the Amazon Basin 2014-2017 with ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Time-Series Data
* Mapping Winter Wheat in North China Using Sentinel 2A/B Data: A Method Based on Phenology-Time Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Markerless Outdoor Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles
* Markov Decision Process for Video Generation
* Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Mask-ShadowGAN: Learning to Remove Shadows From Unpaired Data
* Matching ostraca fragments using a siamese neural network
* Matrix Nets: A New Deep Architecture for Object Detection
* Matrix-variate variational auto-encoder with applications to image process
* Maximum spatial-temporal isometric cluster for dynamic surface correspondence
* Maximum-Margin Hamming Hashing
* mDixon-Based Synthetic CT Generation for PET Attenuation Correction on Abdomen and Pelvis Jointly Using Transfer Fuzzy Clustering and Active Learning-Based Classification
* Measuring Crowd Collectiveness via Global Motion Correlation
* Measuring Delays for Bicycles at Signalized Intersections Using Smartphone GPS Tracking Data
* Memorizing Normality to Detect Anomaly: Memory-Augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Memory-Based Neighbourhood Embedding for Visual Recognition
* Mesh R-CNN
* Meta Module Generation for Fast Few-Shot Incremental Learning
* Meta R-CNN: Towards General Solver for Instance-Level Low-Shot Learning
* Meta-Learning to Detect Rare Objects
* Meta-Sim: Learning to Generate Synthetic Datasets
* MetaPruning: Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning
* MeteorNet: Deep Learning on Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Method for Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images that Uses a Region-Based Object Detector and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Methodological Approach to Incorporate the Involve of Stakeholders in the Geodesign Workflow of Transmission Line Projects
* Metric Learning With HORDE: High-Order Regularizer for Deep Embeddings
* Metric Learning-Based Multimodal Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* Metric-Based Regularization and Temporal Ensemble for Multi-Task Learning using Heterogeneous Unsupervised Tasks
* MGBPv2: Scaling Up Multi-Grid Back-Projection Networks
* MIC: Mining Interclass Characteristics for Improved Metric Learning
* Micro Expression Classification using Facial Color and Deep Learning Methods
* Micro-Baseline Structured Light
* Micro-Simulation Study of the Generalized Proportional Allocation Traffic Signal Control, A
* Microwave Imaging of Breast Tumor Using Time-Domain UWB Circular-SAR Technique
* Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil
* MinENet: A Dilated CNN for Semantic Segmentation of Eye Features
* Mineral Oil Slicks Identification Using Dual Co-polarized Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X SAR Imagery
* Minimal Case Relative Pose Computation Using Ray-Point-Ray Features
* Minimal Solvers for Rectifying from Radially-Distorted Scales and Change of Scales
* Minimax Bridgeness-Based Clustering for Hyperspectral Data
* Minimization of Fuel Consumption for Vehicle Trajectories
* Minimum Delay Object Detection From Video
* Minutiae Triangle Graphs: A New Fingerprint Representation with Invariance Properties
* Miss Detection vs. False Alarm: Adversarial Learning for Small Object Segmentation in Infrared Images
* Missing MRI Pulse Sequence Synthesis Using Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Network
* Mixed High-Order Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice, A
* Mixture-Kernel Graph Attention Network for Situation Recognition
* MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Understanding
* Model Compression and Hardware Acceleration for Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
* Model predictive coordinated control of heavy-duty vehicle using non-linear three-directional coupled model
* Modeling Human Motion with Quaternion-Based Neural Networks
* Modeling Inter and Intra-Class Relations in the Triplet Loss for Zero-Shot Learning
* Modeling Method for Automatic Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Zones Based on Semantic Segmentation, A
* Modeling on the Feasibility of Camera-Based Blood Glucose Measurement
* Modeling the Relationship of Precipitation and Water Level Using Grid Precipitation Products with a Neural Network Model
* Modelling heterogeneous traffic dynamics by considering the influence of V2V safety messages
* MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-Based Deep Learning for Multishot Sensitivity-Encoded Diffusion MRI
* Momenet: Flavor the Moments in Learning to Classify Shapes
* Moment Matching for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* MONET: Multiview Semi-Supervised Keypoint Detection via Epipolar Divergence
* Monitoring and Projecting Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Eleven Large Deltaic Areas in Greece from 1945 Onwards
* Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space
* Monitoring Woody Cover Dynamics in Tropical Dry Forest Ecosystems Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Mono-SF: Multi-View Geometry Meets Single-View Depth for Monocular Scene Flow Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Scenes
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Generation and Ordinal Ranking
* Monocular 3D Object Detection with Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud
* Monocular Neural Image Based Rendering With Continuous View Control
* Monocular Piecewise Depth Estimation in Dynamic Scenes by Exploiting Superpixel Relations
* MonoLoco: Monocular 3D Pedestrian Localization and Uncertainty Estimation
* Mop Moiré Patterns Using MopNet
* More About Covariance Descriptors for Image Set Coding: Log-Euclidean Framework Based Kernel Matrix Representation
* Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection
* Motion Segmentation via Synchronization
* Motion-Guided Spatial Time Attention for Video Object Segmentation
* Motorway Tidal Flow Lane Control
* Moulding Humans: Non-Parametric 3D Human Shape Estimation From Single Images
* Moving Indoor: Unsupervised Video Depth Learning in Challenging Environments
* Moving Object Detection Through Image Bit-Planes Representation Without Thresholding
* MRFN: Multi-Receptive-Field Network for Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution
* MSNet: Structural Wired Neural Architecture Search for Internet of Things
* MUcast: Linear Uncoded Multiuser Video Streaming With Channel Assignment and Power Allocation Optimization
* MuffNet: Multi-Layer Feature Federation for Mobile Deep Learning
* Multi Target Tracking from Drones by Learning from Generalized Graph Differences
* Multi-Adapter RGBT Tracking
* Multi-Adversarial Faster-RCNN for Unrestricted Object Detection
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Frame Sampling for Effective Untrimmed Video Recognition
* Multi-Angle Point Cloud-VAE: Unsupervised Feature Learning for 3D Point Clouds From Multiple Angles by Joint Self-Reconstruction and Half-to-Half Prediction
* Multi-Class Part Parsing With Joint Boundary-Semantic Awareness
* Multi-Decadal Investigation of Tidal Creek Wetland Changes, Water Level Rise, and Ghost Forests, A
* Multi-directional local adjacency descriptors (MDLAD) for heterogeneous face recognition
* multi-feature bipartite graph ensemble for image segmentation, A
* Multi-Garment Net: Learning to Dress 3D People From Images
* Multi-Granularity Canonical Appearance Pooling for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multi-Label Learning based Semi-Global Matching Forest
* Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Latent Semantic Dependencies
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Spatial and Spectral Fusion CNN for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Bottom-Top and Top-Bottom Feature Fusion for Crowd Counting
* Multi-level complexity reduction for HEVC multiview coding
* Multi-Level Domain Adaptive Learning for Cross-Domain Detection
* multi-level image thresholding approach using Otsu based on the improved invasive weed optimization algorithm, A
* Multi-Modal Domain Adaptation for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Fusion for End-to-End RGB-T Tracking
* Multi-Modal Pyramid Feature Combination for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Modality Latent Interaction Network for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Object Tracking Hierarchically in Visual Data Taken From Drones
* Multi-Objective Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multi-Party WebRTC Services Using Delay and Bandwidth Aware SDN-Assisted IP Multicasting of Scalable Video Over 5G Networks
* Multi-Scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoiréing
* Multi-Scale Evaluation of the TSEB Model over a Complex Agricultural Landscape in Morocco
* Multi-scale Gated Fully Convolutional DenseNets for semantic labeling of historical newspaper images
* Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
* Multi-Stage Pathological Image Classification Using Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking by Tracklet-to-Target Assignment
* Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodule Analysis
* Multi-Task Learning via Scale Aware Feature Pyramid Networks and Effective Joint Head
* Multi-Video Temporal Synchronization by Matching Pose Features of Shared Moving Subjects
* Multi-View 3D Face Reconstruction in the Wild Using Siamese Networks
* Multi-view Gait recognition using sparse representation
* Multi-View Image Fusion
* Multi-View PointNet for 3D Scene Understanding
* Multi-View Reprojection Architecture for Orientation Estimation
* Multi-View Stereo by Temporal Nonparametric Fusion
* Multichannel Pulse-Coupled Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Visualization
* Multidimensional virtual reality-MVR method: A new method of visualization of multidimensional worlds
* Multigrid Optimization for Large-Scale Ptychographic Phase Retrieval
* Multimedia and the Tactile Internet
* Multimodal 3D Shape Reconstruction under Calibration Uncertainty Using Parametric Level Set Methods
* multimodal approach for human activity recognition based on skeleton and RGB data, A
* Multimodal Deep Models for Predicting Affective Responses Evoked by Movies
* Multimodal Style Transfer via Graph Cuts
* Multinomial Distribution Learning for Effective Neural Architecture Search
* Multiple Aperture SAR Interferometry (MAI) Technique for the Detection of Large Ground Displacement Dynamics: An Overview, The
* Multiple instance deep learning for weakly-supervised visual object tracking
* Multiple Kernel kk-Means with Incomplete Kernels
* Multiple Object Tracking with Motion and Appearance Cues
* Multiresolution Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Remote Sensing Data With Label Uncertainty
* Multiscale Intensity Propagation to Remove Multiplicative Stripe Noise From Remote Sensing Images
* MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentations From Minimal User Input
* Multisource Compensation Network for Remote Sensing Cross-Domain Scene Classification
* Multispectral Mapping on 3D Models and Multi-Temporal Monitoring for Individual Characterization of Olive Trees
* Multispectral Reconstruction From Reference Objects in the Scene
* Multitask Learning to Improve Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multitemporal 2016-2018 Sentinel-2 Data Enhancement for Landscape Archaeology: The Case Study of the Foggia Province, Southern Italy
* Multitemporal Analysis of Soil Sealing and Land Use Changes Linked to Urban Expansion of Salamanca (Spain) Using Landsat Images and Soil Carbon Management as a Mitigating Tool for Climate Change
* MVP Matching: A Maximum-Value Perfect Matching for Mining Hard Samples, With Application to Person Re-Identification
* MVSCRF: Learning Multi-View Stereo With Conditional Random Fields
* N-Dimensional Tensor Completion for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
* NADS-Net: A Nimble Architecture for Driver and Seat Belt Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks
* Naturalistic Driver Intention and Path Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks
* Near Real-Time Monitoring of the Christmas 2018 Etna Eruption Using SEVIRI and Products Validation
* Near-Field Remote Sensing of Surface Velocity and River Discharge Using Radars and the Probability Concept at 10 U.S. Geological Survey Streamgages
* Nearshore Sandbar Classification of Sabaudia (Italy) with LiDAR Data: The FHyL Approach
* Neighborhood Preserving Hashing for Scalable Video Retrieval
* Neighbourhood Context Embeddings in Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Predicting Pedestrian Motion Over Long Time Horizons
* Network Capacity Maximization Using Route Choice and Signal Control With Multiple OD Pairs
* Networks for Nonlinear Diffusion Problems in Imaging
* Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation
* Neural Inter-Frame Compression for Video Coding
* Neural Inverse Rendering of an Indoor Scene From a Single Image
* Neural Network for Detailed Human Depth Estimation From a Single Image, A
* Neural Re-Simulation for Generating Bounces in Single Images
* Neural Turtle Graphics for Modeling City Road Layouts
* Neural-Guided RANSAC: Learning Where to Sample Model Hypotheses
* New Convex Relaxations for MRF Inference With Unknown Graphs
* New Downscaling Approach Using ESA CCI SM Products for Obtaining High Resolution Surface Soil Moisture
* New GPU Implementation of Support Vector Machines for Fast Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* new pyramidal opponent color-shape model based video shot boundary detection, A
* New Recurrent Plug-and-Play Prior Based on the Multiple Self-Similarity Network, A
* New Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm from the L-Band Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Based on the Change Detection Principle, A
* New, Satellite NDVI-Based Sampling Protocol for Grape Maturation Monitoring, A
* NLH: A Blind Pixel-Level Non-Local Method for Real-World Image Denoising
* NLNL: Negative Learning for Noisy Labels
* No Fear of the Dark: Image Retrieval Under Varying Illumination Conditions
* No-Frills Human-Object Interaction Detection: Factorization, Layout Encodings, and Training Techniques
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment based on cyclopean image and enhanced image
* nocaps: novel object captioning at scale
* Node-Adaptive Multi-Graph Fusion Using Extreme Value Theory
* Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image Analysis
* Noise Flow: Noise Modeling With Conditional Normalizing Flows
* Non-Discriminative Data or Weak Model? On the Relative Importance of Data and Model Resolution
* Non-Local ConvLSTM for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* Non-Local Intrinsic Decomposition With Near-Infrared Priors
* Non-Local Recurrent Neural Memory for Supervised Sequence Modeling
* Nondestructive Conductivity Estimating Method for Saline-Alkali Land Based on Ground Penetrating Radar, A
* Nonlinear Iterative Hard Thresholding for Inverse Scattering
* Normalized Wasserstein for Mixture Distributions With Applications in Adversarial Learning and Domain Adaptation
* Not All Parts Are Created Equal: 3D Pose Estimation by Modeling Bi-Directional Dependencies of Body Parts
* NOTE-RCNN: NOise Tolerant Ensemble RCNN for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* NoUCSR: Efficient Super-Resolution Network without Upsampling Convolution
* Novel Adversarial Inference Framework for Video Prediction with Action Control, A
* Novel Deep Learning Method to Identify Single Tree Species in UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images, A
* novel face presentation attack detection scheme based on multi-regional convolutional neural networks, A
* novel method for lossless image compression and encryption based on LWT, SPIHT and cellular automata, A
* Novel Method of Spatiotemporal Dynamic Geo-Visualization of Criminal Data, Applied to Command and Control Centers for Public Safety, A
* Novel Method to Achieve Ordered Dithering in Images., A
* novel multi-focus image fusion method based on distributed compressed sensing, A
* Novel Proximal Gradient Methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Sparsity Constraints
* Novel Siamese-Based Approach for Scene Change Detection With Applications to Obstructed Routes in Hazardous Environments, A
* Novel Spatial and Temporal Context-Aware Approach for Drone-Based Video Object Detection, A
* Novel Symmetry Driven Siamese Network for THz Concealed Object Verification, A
* Novel UAV-Assisted Positioning System for GNSS-Denied Environments, A
* Novel Unsupervised Camera-Aware Domain Adaptation Framework for Person Re-Identification, A
* Novel Weber Local Binary Descriptor for Fingerprint Liveness Detection, A
* Numerical Investigations on Wave Remote Sensing from Synthetic X-Band Radar Sea Clutter Images by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Numerical Reconstruction of Radiative Sources in an Absorbing and Nondiffusing Scattering Medium in Two Dimensions
* O2U-Net: A Simple Noisy Label Detection Approach for Deep Neural Networks
* O3S-MTP: Oriented star sampling structure based multi-scale ternary pattern for texture classification
* Object Captioning and Retrieval with Natural Language
* Object detection based on semi-supervised domain adaptation for imbalanced domain resources
* Object detection for Verification Based Annotation
* Object Detection in Videos by High Quality Object Linking
* Object Grounding via Iterative Context Reasoning
* Object Guided External Memory Network for Video Object Detection
* Object-Aware Instance Labeling for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Object-Driven Multi-Layer Scene Decomposition From a Single Image
* Objects365: A Large-Scale, High-Quality Dataset for Object Detection
* Occlusion Robust Face Recognition Based on Mask Learning With Pairwise Differential Siamese Network
* Occlusion-Aware Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video
* Occlusion-Shared and Feature-Separated Network for Occlusion Relationship Reasoning
* Occlusions for Effective Data Augmentation in Image Classification
* Occupancy Flow: 4D Reconstruction by Learning Particle Dynamics
* Omni-Scale Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* OmniMVS: End-to-End Learning for Omnidirectional Stereo Matching
* On Boosting Single-Frame 3D Human Pose Estimation via Monocular Videos
* On Control Transitions in Autonomous Driving: A Framework and Analysis for Characterizing Scene Complexity
* On Generalizing Detection Models for Unconstrained Environments
* On Improving Bounding Box Regression Towards Accurate Object Detection and Tracking
* On Network Design Spaces for Visual Recognition
* On Orthogonal Projections for Dimension Reduction and Applications in Augmented Target Loss Functions for Learning Problems
* On Orthogonal Projections for Dimension Reduction and Applications in Augmented Target Loss Functions for Learning Problems
* On the Choice of the Third-Frequency Galileo Signals in Accelerating PPP Ambiguity Resolution in Case of Receiver Antenna Phase Center Errors
* On the Design of Black-Box Adversarial Examples by Leveraging Gradient-Free Optimization and Operator Splitting Method
* On the Efficacy of Knowledge Distillation
* On the Geometry of Rectifier Convolutional Neural Networks
* On the Global Optima of Kernelized Adversarial Representation Learning
* On the Over-Smoothing Problem of CNN Based Disparity Estimation
* On the Vector Space in Photoplethysmography Imaging
* On-Board Spectral-CT/CBCT/SPECT Imaging Configuration for Small-Animal Radiation Therapy Platform: A Monte Carlo Study, An
* On-Device Few-Shot Personalization for Real-Time Gaze Estimation
* On-Device Image Classification with Proxyless Neural Architecture Search and Quantization-Aware Fine-Tuning
* On-line classroom visual tracking and quality evaluation by an advanced feature mining technique
* On-Orbit Calibration of Installation Parameter of Multiple Star Sensors System for Optical Remote Sensing Satellite with Ground Control Points
* On-the-Fly Camera and Lidar Calibration
* Once a MAN: Towards Multi-Target Attack via Learning Multi-Target Adversarial Network Once
* One-Shot Generative Adversarial Learning for MRI Segmentation of Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures
* One-Shot Neural Architecture Search via Self-Evaluated Template Network
* Onion-Peel Networks for Deep Video Completion
* Online action recognition from RGB-D cameras based on reduced basis decomposition
* Online Education Program in Operational Meteorology and a Case Study about a Product for Decision Making
* Online Heterogeneous Face Recognition Based on Total-Error-Rate Minimization
* Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for Auto-Augmentation Strategy
* Online Meta Adaptation for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* Online Model Distillation for Efficient Video Inference
* Online Multi-Task Clustering for Human Motion Segmentation
* Online Regularization by Denoising with Applications to Phase Retrieval
* Online Unsupervised Learning of the 3D Kinematic Structure of Arbitrary Rigid Bodies
* Open Plant Phenotype Database of Common Weeds in Denmark
* Open Set Recognition Through Deep Neural Network Uncertainty: Does Out-of-Distribution Detection Require Generative Classifiers?
* OpenVINO Deep Learning Workbench: Comprehensive Analysis and Tuning of Neural Networks Inference
* Operational Perspectives Into the Resilience of the U.S. Air Transportation Network Against Intelligent Attacks
* OperatorNet: Recovering 3D Shapes From Difference Operators
* Optimal Discriminative Projection for Sparse Representation-Based Classification via Bilevel Optimization
* Optimal Population Modeling Approach Using Geographically Weighted Regression Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, An
* Optimal Recourse Strategy for Battery Swapping Stations Considering Electric Vehicle Uncertainty
* Optimization of UAV Flight Missions in Steep Terrain
* Optimized Object-Based Random Forest Algorithm for Marsh Vegetation Mapping Using High-Spatial-Resolution GF-1 and ZY-3 Data, An
* Optimizing Network Structure for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Optimizing the F-Measure for Threshold-Free Salient Object Detection
* Order-Aware Generative Modeling Using the 3D-Craft Dataset
* Order-Preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis
* Orientation-Aware Semantic Segmentation on Icosahedron Spheres
* Orthogonal Directional Transforms Using Discrete Directional Laplacian Eigen Solutions for Beyond HEVC Intra Coding
* Outdoor RGBD Instance Segmentation With Residual Regretting Learning
* Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting With Unlabeled Data in the Wild
* Overloaded Branch Chains Induced by False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grid
* Overview of Platforms for Big Earth Observation Data Management and Analysis, An
* P-MVSNet: Learning Patch-Wise Matching Confidence Aggregation for Multi-View Stereo
* PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification Using Highly Randomized Synthetic Data
* PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation With Prototype Alignment
* Panoramic Light Field From Hand-Held Video and Its Sampling for Real-Time Rendering
* Panoramic Video Separation with Online Grassmannian Robust Subspace Estimation
* Parallel connected-Component-Labeling based on homotopy trees
* Parallel spatial-temporal convolutional neural networks for anomaly detection and location in crowded scenes
* Parametric Human Shape Reconstruction via Bidirectional Silhouette Guidance
* Parametric Majorization for Data-Driven Energy Minimization Methods
* Pareto Meets Huber: Efficiently Avoiding Poor Minima in Robust Estimation
* PARN: Position-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* Part Matching with Multi-Level Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Part-Pose Guided Amur Tiger Re-Identification
* Partial Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning for Anatomical Landmark Localization in 3D Medical Images
* Partitioned Relief-F Method for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images
* Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm With A~Priori Databases of Various Cloud Microphysics Schemes: Tropical Cyclone Applications
* Patch-Based Reconstruction of a Textureless Deformable 3D Surface from a Single RGB Image
* Patch-Level Augmentation for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Patchwork: A Patch-Wise Attention Network for Efficient Object Detection and Segmentation in Video Streams
* Pathway to the Automated Global Assessment of Water Level in Reservoirs with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), A
* PC-SPSA: Employing Dimensionality Reduction to Limit SPSA Search Noise in DTA Model Calibration
* Pedestrian Detection Using Pixel Difference Matrix Projection
* Pedestrian Proximity Detection using RGB-D Data
* Perceptual Deep Depth Super-Resolution
* Performance Evaluation of Visual Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms Used in Remote Photoplethysmography
* Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-Aware Image Set-Based Recognition
* Persistence-based resolution-independent meshes of superpixels
* Person re-identification with expanded neighborhoods distance re-ranking
* Person Search by Text Attribute Query As Zero-Shot Learning
* Person-in-WiFi: Fine-Grained Person Perception Using WiFi
* Personalized Fashion Design
* Perspective-Guided Convolution Networks for Crowd Counting
* PFAGAN: An Aesthetics-Conditional GAN for Generating Photographic Fine Art
* Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis From Single Image
* Photo-Realistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Photometric Transformer Networks and Label Adjustment for Breast Density Prediction
* Photorealistic Style Transfer via Wavelet Transforms
* Phrase Localization Without Paired Training Examples
* Physical Adversarial Textures That Fool Visual Object Tracking
* Physical Scattering Interpretation of POLSAR Coherency Matrix by Using Compound Scattering Phenomenon
* Physically Based Soil Moisture Index From Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for Soil Moisture Variation Monitoring, A
* Physics-Based Rendering for Improving Robustness to Rain
* Picking Groups Instead of Samples: A Close Look at Static Pool-Based Meta-Active Learning
* PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation and Trajectory Prediction
* PIFu: Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution Clothed Human Digitization
* PIPP: Person Identification from Palm-surface Polygons
* Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation
* Pix2Vox: Context-Aware 3D Reconstruction From Single and Multi-View Images
* Pixel Transposed Convolutional Networks
* Pixel2Mesh++: Multi-View 3D Mesh Generation via Deformation
* Pixelated Semantic Colorization
* PLADE: A Plane-Based Descriptor for Point Cloud Registration With Small Overlap
* Plant Leaf Recognition using Geometric Features and Pearson Correlations
* PLMP: Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
* POD: Practical Object Detection With Scale-Sensitive Network
* Point Cloud Stacking: A Workflow to Enhance 3D Monitoring Capabilities Using Time-Lapse Cameras
* Point-Based Multi-View Stereo Network
* Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Reconstruction From Multiple Non-Simultaneous Angiographic Projections
* Point-to-Point Video Generation
* PointAE: Point Auto-Encoder for 3D Statistical Shape and Texture Modelling
* PointCloud Saliency Maps
* PointFlow: 3D Point Cloud Generation With Continuous Normalizing Flows
* Polarimetric Relative Pose Estimation
* Polarized Remote Inversion of the Refractive Index of Marine Spilled Oil From PARASOL Images Under Sunglint
* PolSAR Feature Extraction Via Tensor Embedding Framework for Land Cover Classification
* Pose and Expression Robust Age Estimation via 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Pose Guided Attention for Multi-Label Fashion Image Classification
* Pose-Aware Multi-Level Feature Network for Human Object Interaction Detection
* Pose-Based View Synthesis for Vehicles: A Perspective Aware Method
* Pose-Guided Complementary Features Learning for Amur Tiger Re-Identification
* Pose-Guided Feature Alignment for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* PoSNet: 4x Video Frame Interpolation Using Position-Specific Flow
* post-processing scheme for the performance improvement of vehicle detection in wide-area aerial imagery, A
* post-processing scheme for the performance improvement of vehicle detection in wide-area aerial imagery, A
* Potato Late Blight Detection at the Leaf and Canopy Levels Based in the Red and Red-Edge Spectral Regions
* Potentiality of Operational Mapping of Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea near the Entrance of the Suez Canal Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data, The
* PotSAC: A Robust Axis Estimator for Axially Symmetric Pot Fragments
* Powering Virtual Try-On via Auxiliary Human Segmentation Learning
* PR Product: A Substitute for Inner Product in Neural Networks
* Practically Lossless Affine Image Transformation
* Precipitation-Sensitive Dynamic Threshold: A New and Simple Method to Detect and Monitor Forest and Woody Vegetation Cover in Sub-Humid to Arid Areas
* Precise Orbit Determination for Climate Applications of GNSS Radio Occultation including Uncertainty Estimation
* PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned on Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings
* Predicting 3D Human Dynamics From Video
* Predicting Heart Rate Variations of Deepfake Videos using Neural ODE
* Predicting Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Nitrogen Stocks in Topsoil of Forest Ecosystems in Northeastern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* Predicting the Future: A Jointly Learnt Model for Action Anticipation
* Predicting Uninterruptible Durations of Office Workers by Using Probabilistic Work Continuance Model
* Prediction of Early Season Nitrogen Uptake in Maize Using High-Resolution Aerial Hyperspectral Imagery
* Prediction of Individual Tree Diameter Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Prediction of Wheat Grain Protein by Coupling Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery and ECMWF Data
* Presence-Only Geographical Priors for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* principles of proper placement of branch cut in phase unwrapping using combined and extended methods based on residue searching, The
* Prior Guided Dropout for Robust Visual Localization in Dynamic Environments
* Prior-Aware Neural Network for Partially-Supervised Multi-Organ Segmentation
* Privacy Preserving Image Queries for Camera Localization
* Privacy preserving search index for image databases based on SURF and order preserving encryption
* Pro-Cam SSfM: Projector-Camera System for Structure and Spectral Reflectance From Motion
* Probabilistic Deep Ordinal Regression Based on Gaussian Processes
* Probabilistic Face Embeddings
* Probabilistic Vehicle Reconstruction Using a Multi-Task CNN
* Processing Simple Geometric Attributes with Autoencoders
* Program-Guided Image Manipulators
* Progressive Differentiable Architecture Search: Bridging the Depth Gap Between Search and Evaluation
* Progressive Fusion Video Super-Resolution Network via Exploiting Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Correlations
* Progressive Latent Models for Self-Learning Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detectors
* Progressive Learning Framework for Unconstrained Face Recognition, A
* Progressive Reconstruction of Visual Structure for Image Inpainting
* Progressive Sparse Local Attention for Video Object Detection
* Progressive-X: Efficient, Anytime, Multi-Model Fitting Algorithm
* Projected Wind Impact on Abies balsamea (Balsam fir)-Dominated Stands in New Brunswick (Canada) Based on Remote Sensing and Regional Modelling of Climate and Tree Species Distribution
* Propagated Perturbation of Adversarial Attack for well-known CNNs: Empirical Study and its Explanation
* Proposal for Modeling Indoor-Outdoor Spaces through IndoorGML, Open Location Code and OpenStreetMap, A
* Prostate Cancer Inference via Weakly-Supervised Learning using a Large Collection of Negative MRI
* ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition
* Providing a Single Ground-Truth for Illuminant Estimation for the ColorChecker Dataset
* Proximal Mean-Field for Neural Network Quantization
* Pseudo-Blind Convolutional Neural Network for the Reduction of Compression Artifacts, A
* PU-GAN: A Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network
* Public Traffic Congestion Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network
* PulseNetOne: Fast Unsupervised Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks for Remote Sensing
* PuppetGAN: Cross-Domain Image Manipulation by Demonstration
* Pushing the Frontiers of Unconstrained Crowd Counting: New Dataset and Benchmark Method
* Pyramid Graph Networks With Connection Attentions for Region-Based One-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Quadratic Video Interpolation for VTSR Challenge
* Quality Control and Rain Rate Estimation for the X-Band Dual-Polarization Radar: A Study of Propagation of Uncertainty, The
* Quality-guided lane detection by deeply modeling sophisticated traffic context
* Quantifying the Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Variations on Vegetation Productivity Changes in China from 1985 to 2015
* Quantifying the Sensitivity of NDVI-Based C Factor Estimation and Potential Soil Erosion Prediction Using Spaceborne Earth Observation Data
* QUARCH: A New Quasi-Affine Reconstruction Stratum From Vague Relative Camera Orientation Knowledge
* Quasi-Globally Optimal and Efficient Vanishing Point Estimation in Manhattan World
* Quaternion-Based Certifiably Optimal Solution to the Wahba Problem With Outliers, A
* Quotienting Impertinent Camera Kinematics for 3D Video Stabilization
* Racial Faces in the Wild: Reducing Racial Bias by Information Maximization Adaptation Network
* Radar-Derived Internal Structure and Basal Roughness Characterization along a Traverse from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
* Radiative Transfer Model for Patchy Landscapes Based on Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory, A
* Radio Frequency Fingerprint Extraction Based on Multi-Dimension Approximate Entropy
* Radiometrically Consistent Climate Fingerprinting Using CrIS and AIRS Hyperspectral Observations
* RainFlow: Optical Flow Under Rain Streaks and Rain Veiling Effect
* RANet: Ranking Attention Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* Range Adaptation for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR
* Range-Angle Decoupling and Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar via Atomic Norm Minimization and Accelerated Proximal Gradient
* RankSRGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks With Ranker for Image Super-Resolution
* Rapid Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction for Irregularly Layered Heterogeneous Media
* Re-ID Driven Localization Refinement for Person Search
* Real Image Denoising With Feature Attention
* Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for the Identification and Re-Identification of Suspicious Individuals using the Bayesian ScatterNet Hybrid (BSH) Network
* Real-Time Age-Invariant Face Recognition in Videos Using the ScatterNet Inception Hybrid Network (SIHN)
* Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
* Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded Platforms
* Real-time object tracking based on an adaptive transition model and extended Kalman filter to handle full occlusion
* Real-time Power Line Detection Network using Visible Light and Infrared Images
* Real-Time Recurrent Tactile Recognition: Momentum Batch-Sequential Echo State Networks
* Real-Time Semantic Segmentation-Based Stereo Reconstruction
* Real-Time UAV Tracking Based on PSR Stability
* Real-Time Vehicle Localization using on-Board Visual SLAM for Detection and Tracking
* Realistic Face-to-Face Conversation System Based on Deep Neural Networks, A
* Reasoning About Human-Object Interactions Through Dual Attention Networks
* Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
* Recent Sea Level Change in the Black Sea from Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Observations
* Reciprocal Multi-Layer Subspace Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* Recognising decorations in archaeological finds through the analysis of characteristic curves on 3D models
* Recognizing Compressed Videos: Challenges and Promises
* Recognizing Part Attributes With Insufficient Data
* Recognizing Text with a CNN
* Recognizing Tiny Faces
* Reconfigurable Platform for Magnetic Resonance Data Acquisition and Processing, A
* Recover and Identify: A Generative Dual Model for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Recovery of Rapid Water Mass Changes (RWMC) by Kalman Filtering of GRACE Observations
* Recurrent Convolutions for Causal 3D CNNs
* Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
* Recurrent U-Net for Resource-Constrained Segmentation
* Recursive Cascaded Networks for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
* Recursive Visual Sound Separation Using Minus-Plus Net
* Refined 3D Pose Dataset for Fine-Grained Object Categories, A
* Refined Four-Stream Radiative Transfer Model for Row-Planted Crops, A
* RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for Dense Prediction
* Reflective Decoding Network for Image Captioning
* Regional Dependence of Atmospheric Responses to Oceanic Eddies in the North Pacific Ocean
* Regional Mapping of Essential Urban Land Use Categories in China: A Segmentation-Based Approach
* Regularization by Architecture: A Deep Prior Approach for Inverse Problems
* Regularized Adversarial Training for Single-Shot Virtual Try-On
* Relation Distillation Networks for Video Object Detection
* Relation of Photochemical Reflectance Indices Based on Different Wavelengths to the Parameters of Light Reactions in Photosystems I and II in Pea Plants
* Relation Parsing Neural Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Relation-Aware Graph Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
* Relational Attention Network for Crowd Counting
* RelGAN: Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via Relative Attributes
* Remote Detection of Uranium Using Self-Focusing Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses
* Remote Heart Rate Measurement From Highly Compressed Facial Videos: An End-to-End Deep Learning Solution With Video Enhancement
* Remote Monitoring of Floating Covers Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Remote Sensing Image Denoising via Low-Rank Tensor Approximation and Robust Noise Modeling
* Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 1: Data Use for Policy and Management
* Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 2: Methods for Evaluating Boreal Wetland Ecosystem State and Drivers of Change
* Remote Sensing of River Discharge: A Review and a Framing for the Discipline
* Removing Imaging Artifacts in Electron Microscopy using an Asymmetrically Cyclic Adversarial Network without Paired Training Data
* Render4Completion: Synthesizing Multi-View Depth Maps for 3D Shape Completion
* RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection
* Rescan: Inductive Instance Segmentation for Indoor RGBD Scans
* Research on Road Traffic Situation Awareness System Based on Image Big Data
* Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Network for Geometric 3D Scene Classification
* Residual Networks as Flows of Diffeomorphisms
* Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constraints
* Resource Constrained Neural Network Architecture Search: Will a Submodularity Assumption Help?
* Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Response Time and Time Headway of an Adaptive Cruise Control. An Empirical Characterization and Potential Impacts on Road Capacity
* Response Versus Scan-Angle Assessment of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands in Collection 6.1 Calibration
* Restoration of Non-Rigidly Distorted Underwater Images Using a Combination of Compressive Sensing and Local Polynomial Image Representations
* ResUNet-a: A deep learning framework for semantic segmentation of remotely sensed data
* Rethinking ImageNet Pre-Training
* Rethinking Task and Metrics of Instance Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds
* Rethinking Zero-Shot Learning: A Conditional Visual Classification Perspective
* RethNet: Object-by-Object Learning for Detecting Facial Skin Problems
* Retinal Image Classification via Vasculature-Guided Sequential Attention
* Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
* Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
* Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
* Retrieval of Aerodynamic Parameters in Rubber Tree Forests Based on the Computer Simulation Technique and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Retrieval of Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Using Dual Polarization SAR Data
* Retro-Actions: Learning Close by Time-Reversing Open Videos
* Revealing the Fingerprint of Climate Change in Interannual NDVI Variability among Biomes in Inner Mongolia, China
* Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Multi-MSB Prediction and Huffman Coding
* Review of Geospatial Semantic Information Modeling and Elicitation Approaches, A
* Review of Human-Machine Interfaces for Small Unmanned Systems With Robotic Manipulators
* Review of Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring in China, A
* Review of Satellite Interferometry for Landslide Detection in Italy
* Revisiting Point Cloud Classification: A New Benchmark Dataset and Classification Model on Real-World Data
* Revisiting Radial Distortion Absolute Pose
* RGB Imaging Based Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content
* RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
* RIDNet: Recursive Information Distillation Network for Color Image Denoising
* Riemannian approach for free-space extraction and path planning using catadioptric omnidirectional vision, A
* RIO: 3D Object Instance Re-Localization in Changing Indoor Environments
* RITnet: Real-time Semantic Segmentation of the Eye for Gaze Tracking
* Road Data Enrichment Framework Based on Heterogeneous Data Fusion for ITS
* Road Scene Understanding by Occupancy Grid Learning from Sparse Radar Clusters using Semantic Segmentation
* Robust Absolute and Relative Pose Estimation of a Central Camera System from 2D-3D Line Correspondences
* Robust Change Captioning
* Robust Cloth Warping via Multi-Scale Patch Adversarial Loss for Virtual Try-On Framework
* Robust dense correspondence using deep convolutional features
* Robust Discrimination and Generation of Faces using Compact, Disentangled Embeddings
* Robust Empirical Bayesian Reconstruction of Distributed Sources for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging
* Robust face tracking using multiple appearance models and graph relational learning
* Robust geodesic based outlier detection for class imbalance problem
* Robust image hashing with visual attention model and invariant moments
* Robust Learning Approach to Domain Adaptive Object Detection, A
* Robust Motion Segmentation From Pairwise Matches
* Robust Multi-Modality Multi-Object Tracking
* Robust Obstacle Detection and Recognition for Driver Assistance Systems
* Robust Person Re-Identification by Modelling Feature Uncertainty
* Robust Temporal Super-Resolution for Dynamic Motion Videos
* Robust Unscented Unbiased Minimum-Variance Estimator for Nonlinear System Dynamic State Estimation With Unknown Inputs
* Robust Variational Bayesian Point Set Registration
* robust visual tracking method via local feature extraction and saliency detection, A
* Rotation and Scale Invariant Bispectral Feature based Recognition of Contactless Palmprints
* RotInvMTL: Rotation Invariant MultiNet on Fisheye Images for Autonomous Driving Applications
* Round Robin Assessment of Radar Altimeter Low Resolution Mode and Delay-Doppler Retracking Algorithms for Significant Wave Height
* RRNet: A Hybrid Detector for Object Detection in Drone-Captured Images
* RT-BENE: A Dataset and Baselines for Real-Time Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
* S2GAN: Share Aging Factors Across Ages and Share Aging Trends Among Individuals
* S4L: Self-Supervised Semi-Supervised Learning
* SalGaze: Personalizing Gaze Estimation using Visual Saliency
* Saliency detection using adversarial learning networks
* Saliency Detection via a Multiple Self-Weighted Graph-Based Manifold Ranking
* Saliency Map-Aided Generative Adversarial Network for RAW to RGB Mapping
* Saliency-Guided Attention Network for Image-Sentence Matching
* Salient Contour-Aware Based Twice Learning Strategy for Saliency Detection
* Salient object detection based on backbone enhanced network
* Salient Object Detection based on CNN Fusion of Two Types of Saliency Models
* Salient object detection via hybrid upsampling and hybrid loss computing
* Salient Region Detection with Multi-Feature Fusion and Edge Constraint
* Sample reduction using farthest boundary point estimation (FBPE) for support vector data description (SVDD)
* Sampling Wisely: Deep Image Embedding by Top-K Precision Optimization
* Sampling-Free Epistemic Uncertainty Estimation Using Approximated Variance Propagation
* SANet: Scene Agnostic Network for Camera Localization
* Satellite Pose Estimation with Deep Landmark Regression and Nonlinear Pose Refinement
* SBSGAN: Suppression of Inter-Domain Background Shift for Person Re-Identification
* SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network With User's Sketch and Color
* Scalable Place Recognition Under Appearance Change for Autonomous Driving
* Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Classification
* Scale Impact of Soil Moisture Observations to Noah-MP Land Surface Model Simulations
* Scale-Aware Trident Networks for Object Detection
* Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* Scaling Object Detection by Transferring Classification Weights
* Scaling Recurrent Models via Orthogonal Approximations in Tensor Trains
* Scaling up the Randomized Gradient-Free Adversarial Attack Reveals Overestimation of Robustness Using Established Attacks
* Scene Graph Contextualization in Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Scene Graph Prediction With Limited Labels
* Scene Graph Prediction With Limited Labels
* Scene Text Visual Question Answering
* SceneGraphNet: Neural Message Passing for 3D Indoor Scene Augmentation
* Scoot: A Perceptual Metric for Facial Sketches
* SCRDet: Towards More Robust Detection for Small, Cluttered and Rotated Objects
* Screen content image quality assessment based on convolutional neural networks
* SCSampler: Sampling Salient Clips From Video for Efficient Action Recognition
* SDN-Based Caching Decision Policy for Video Caching in Information-Centric Networking, An
* SDRNet: An end-to-end shadow detection and removal network
* Searching for Accurate Binary Neural Architectures
* Searching for MobileNetV3
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool and its Associated Climate Factors Based on Remote Sensing
* Second-Order Non-Local Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* See-Through-Text Grouping for Referring Image Segmentation
* Seeing and Hearing Egocentric Actions: How Much Can We Learn?
* Seeing Motion in the Dark
* Seeing What a GAN Cannot Generate
* SegEQA: Video Segmentation Based Visual Attention for Embodied Question Answering
* Segmentation of large-scale remotely sensed images on a Spark platform: A strategy for handling massive image tiles with the MapReduce model
* Segmentation-based recognition system for handwritten Bangla and Devanagari words using conventional classification and transfer learning
* SegSort: Segmentation by Discriminative Sorting of Segments
* Seismo-Deformation Anomalies Associated with the M6.1 Ludian Earthquake on August 3, 2014
* Seismogenic Source Model of the 2019, Mw 5.9, East-Azerbaijan Earthquake (NW Iran) through the Inversion of Sentinel-1 DInSAR Measurements
* Selective Sparse Sampling for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Self-Critical Attention Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Self-Ensembling With GAN-Based Data Augmentation for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Guided Network for Fast Image Denoising
* Self-Similarity Grouping: A Simple Unsupervised Cross Domain Adaptation Approach for Person Re-Identification
* Self-Supervised Deep Depth Denoising
* Self-Supervised Difference Detection for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Supervised Learning of Class Embeddings from Video
* Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Motion Under Photometric Inconsistency
* Self-Supervised Learning With Geometric Constraints in Monocular Video: Connecting Flow, Depth, and Camera
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Hints
* Self-Supervised Moving Vehicle Tracking With Stereo Sound
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning From Multi-Domain Data
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning via Neighborhood-Relational Encoding
* Self-Training and Adversarial Background Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive One-Stage Object Detection
* Self-Training With Progressive Augmentation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Semantic Adversarial Attacks: Parametric Transformations That Fool Deep Classifiers
* Semantic Labeling in Remote Sensing Corpora Using Feature Fusion-Based Enhanced Global Convolutional Network with High-Resolution Representations and Depthwise Atrous Convolution
* Semantic Part Detection via Matching: Learning to Generalize to Novel Viewpoints From Limited Training Data
* Semantic Segmentation of Fashion Images Using Feature Pyramid Networks
* Semantic Segmentation of Sheep Organs by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semantic Stereo Matching With Pyramid Cost Volumes
* Semantic-Aware Knowledge Preservation for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Semantic-Transferable Weakly-Supervised Endoscopic Lesions Segmentation
* Semantically Consistent Hierarchical Text to Fashion Image Synthesis with an Enhanced-Attentional Generative Adversarial Network
* Semantically Interpretable Activation Maps: what-where-how explanations within CNNs
* SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding of LiDAR Sequences
* Semantics-Enhanced Adversarial Nets for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Semi Few-Shot Attribute Translation
* Semi-Automatic Annotation of Objects in Visual-Thermal Video
* Semi-supervised Attentive Mutual-info Generative Adversarial Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation via Minimax Entropy
* Semi-Supervised Eye Makeup Transfer by Swapping Learned Representation
* Semi-Supervised Learning by Augmented Distribution Alignment
* Semi-Supervised Maximum Margin Metric Learning Approach for Small Scale Person Re-Identification, A
* Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction With End-to-End Shape-Preserved Domain Transfer
* Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Instance Synthesis and Detection With Mutual Reinforcement
* Semi-Supervised Skin Detection by Network With Mutual Guidance
* Semi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Using Pseudo-Labels
* SENSE: A Shared Encoder Network for Scene-Flow Estimation
* SensIR: Towards privacy-sensitive image retrieval in the cloud
* Sentiment Recognition for Short Annotated GIFs Using Visual-Textual Fusion
* Separating the Structural Components of Maize for Field Phenotyping Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Seq-SG2SL: Inferring Semantic Layout From Scene Graph Through Sequence to Sequence Learning
* Sequence Level Semantics Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Sequential Adversarial Learning for Self-Supervised Deep Visual Odometry
* Sequential Latent Spaces for Modeling the Intention During Diverse Image Captioning
* Sequential Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Sequentially Aggregated Convolutional Networks
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* SFVCC: Chaotic map-based security framework for vehicular cloud computing
* Shadow Removal via Shadow Image Decomposition
* Shape Reconstruction Using Differentiable Projections and Deep Priors
* Shape-Aware Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction Using Multi-View Images
* Shapeglot: Learning Language for Shape Differentiation
* ShapeMask: Learning to Segment Novel Objects by Refining Shape Priors
* Shaping for PET image analysis
* Shared Multi-View Data Representation for Multi-Domain Event Detection
* Sharpen Focus: Learning With Attention Separability and Consistency
* SharpNet: Fast and Accurate Recovery of Occluding Contours in Monocular Depth Estimation
* ShelfNet for Fast Semantic Segmentation
* ShellNet: Efficient Point Cloud Convolutional Neural Networks Using Concentric Shells Statistics
* Shift-and-Decorrelate Lifting: CAMRA for Lossless Intra Frame CFA Video Compression
* Shift-Invariant Canonical Polyadic Decomposition of Complex-Valued Multi-Subject fMRI Data With a Phase Sparsity Constraint
* Ship Detection by an Airborne Passive Interferometric Microwave Sensor (PIMS)
* short review of well-known image codecs and observations and root cause of some strange behaviors in image compression codecs, A
* Short-Term Prediction and Multi-Camera Fusion on Semantic Grids
* Short-Term Prediction of Passenger Demand in Multi-Zone Level: Temporal Convolutional Neural Network With Multi-Task Learning
* ShuffleFaceNet: A Lightweight Face Architecture for Efficient and Highly-Accurate Face Recognition
* SI-Traceability and Measurement Uncertainty of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Version 5 Level 1B Radiances
* Siamese Networks: The Tale of Two Manifolds
* SID4VAM: A Benchmark Dataset With Synthetic Images for Visual Attention Modeling
* Significance of Softmax-Based Features in Comparison to Distance Metric Learning-Based Features
* Significance-Aware Information Bottleneck for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* SILCO: Show a Few Images, Localize the Common Object
* Silhouette-Assisted 3D Object Instance Reconstruction from a Cluttered Scene
* Similarity-Preserving Knowledge Distillation
* Similarity-Preserving Linkage Hashing for Online Image Retrieval
* Simple and Light-Weight Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Simple and Robust Deep Convolutional Approach to Blind Image Denoising, A
* Simplifying Transforms for General Elastic Metrics on the Space of Plane Curves
* Simulation study on the effect of automated driving in a road network environment
* Simultaneous Deep Stereo Matching and Dehazing with Feature Attention
* Simultaneous Multi-VENC and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Simultaneous Multi-View Instance Detection With Learned Geometric Soft-Constraints
* Simultaneous segmentation and correction model for color medical and natural images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Recognition: Towards More Accurate Ego Gesture Recognition
* SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image
* Single Image Intrinsic Decomposition with Discriminative Feature Encoding
* Single Model CNN for Hyperspectral Image Denoising, A
* Single-Image Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep 3D Re-Centralization
* Single-image raindrop removal using concurrent channel-spatial attention and long-short skip connections
* Single-Network Whole-Body Pose Estimation
* Single-Stage Joint Face Detection and Alignment
* Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
* Singular value decomposition-based virtual representation for face recognition
* Situational Fusion of Visual Representation for Visual Navigation
* Skeleton-Aware 3D Human Shape Reconstruction From Point Clouds
* Skimming-Perusal Tracking: A Framework for Real-Time and Robust Long-Term Tracking
* SkyScapes: Fine-Grained Semantic Understanding of Aerial Scenes
* SLAMANTIC: Leveraging Semantics to Improve VSLAM in Dynamic Environments
* SlimYOLOv3: Narrower, Faster and Better for Real-Time UAV Applications
* SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition
* Small Object Augmentation of Urban Scenes for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Small Obstacle Avoidance Based on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* Small Steps and Giant Leaps: Minimal Newton Solvers for Deep Learning
* SME-Net: Sparse Motion Estimation for Parametric Video Prediction Through Reinforcement Learning
* Smile, Be Happy :) Emoji Embedding for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* SMIT: Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-Image Translation
* Smoothed Graphic User Interaction on Smartphones With Motion Prediction
* SNIDER: Single Noisy Image Denoising and Rectification for Improving License Plate Recognition
* SO-HandNet: Self-Organizing Network for 3D Hand Pose Estimation With Semi-Supervised Learning
* Social and Scene-Aware Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces
* Social Behavior Analysis and Thai Mental Health Questionnaire (TMHQ) Optimization for Depression Detection System
* Soft Prototyping Camera Designs for Car Detection Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Soft Rasterizer: A Differentiable Renderer for Image-Based 3D Reasoning
* SoftTriple Loss: Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling
* Software-Based Phase Control, Video-Rate Imaging, and Real-Time Mosaicing With a Lissajous-Scanned Confocal Microscope
* Solving Vision Problems via Filtering
* Sound of Motions, The
* SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
* Sparse and Imperceivable Adversarial Attacks
* Sparse Generative Adversarial Network
* Sparse Graph Regularized Mesh Color Edit Propagation
* Sparse Robust Adaptive Filtering Algorithm Based on the q-Rényi Kernel Function, A
* SparseMask: Differentiable Connectivity Learning for Dense Image Prediction
* Sparsity adaptive matching pursuit for face recognition
* Spatial and Temporal Variation of Aerosol and Water Vapour Effects on Solar Radiation in the Mediterranean Basin during the Last Two Decades
* Spatial Attention for Multi-Scale Feature Refinement for Object Detection
* Spatial Auto-Regressive Analysis of Correlation in 3-D PET With Application to Model-Based Simulation of Data
* Spatial Compounding of Volumetric Data Enables Freehand Optoacoustic Angiography of Large-Scale Vascular Networks
* Spatial Context-Based Local Toponym Extraction and Chinese Textual Address Segmentation from Urban POI Data
* Spatial Correspondence With Generative Adversarial Network: Learning Depth From Monocular Videos
* Spatial Perception by Object-Aware Visual Scene Representation
* Spatial Perspectives toward the Recommendation of Remote Sensing Images Using the INDEX Indicator, Based on Principal Component Analysis
* Spatial Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility Based on GIS and Discriminant Functions
* Spatial Relationship between Natural Wetlands Changes and Associated Influencing Factors in Mainland China
* Spatial Residual Layer and Dense Connection Block Enhanced Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement Algorithm Based on the Backus-Gilbert Method and Its Application to GCOM-W AMSR2 Data
* Spatial-Temporal Relation Networks for Multi-Object Tracking
* Spatially Enhanced Spectral Unmixing Through Data Fusion of Spectral and Visible Images from Different Sensors
* Spatially Quantifying Forest Loss at Landscape-scale Following a Major Storm Event
* Spatially Variable Relationships between Karst Landscape Pattern and Vegetation Activities
* SpatialSense: An Adversarially Crowdsourced Benchmark for Spatial Relation Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Action Graph Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Intense Convective Storms Tracks in a Densely Urbanized Italian Basin
* Spatio-Temporal Attention Network for Video Instance Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Convolutional LSTMs for Tumor Growth Prediction by Learning 4D Longitudinal Patient Data
* Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Undersampling Artefact Reduction for 2D Radial Cine MRI With Limited Training Data
* Spatio-Temporal Filter Adaptive Network for Video Deblurring
* Spatio-Temporal Fusion Based Convolutional Sequence Learning for Lip Reading
* Spatio-temporal metric learning for individual recognition from locomotion
* Spatiotemporal Distribution and Risk Assessment of Heat Waves Based on Apparent Temperature in the One Belt and One Road Region
* Spatiotemporal Feature Residual Propagation for Action Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Recognizing Spontaneous Micro-Expressions
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Land Surface Albedo over the Tibet Plateau from 2001 to 2019
* Spatiotemporal Variations in Energy Consumption and Their Influencing Factors in China Based on the Integration of the DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Datasets
* Special issue on Advanced Machine Vision
* Special issue on recent advances in statistical, structural and syntactic pattern recognition
* Special Issue on Situation Awareness in Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction for Time Critical Decision Making
* Special Issue on the Mathematical Foundations of Deep Learning in Imaging Science
* Specifying Object Attributes and Relations in Interactive Scene Generation
* Speckle noise suppression in 2D ultrasound kidney images using local pattern based topological derivative
* Spectral Adversarial Feature Learning for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spectral Differential Phase Contrast X-Ray Radiography
* Spectral Feature Transformation for Person Re-Identification
* Spectral Interference of Heavy Metal Contamination on Spectral Signals of Moisture Content for Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils
* Spectral Regularization for Combating Mode Collapse in GANs
* Spectral Response Assessment of Moss-Dominated Biological Soil Crust Coverage Under Dry and Wet Conditions
* SPGNet: Semantic Prediction Guidance for Scene Parsing
* SpiralNet++: A Fast and Highly Efficient Mesh Convolution Operator
* SPLINE-Net: Sparse Photometric Stereo Through Lighting Interpolation and Normal Estimation Networks
* SplitNet: Sim2Sim and Task2Task Transfer for Embodied Visual Navigation
* SPULTRA: Low-Dose CT Image Reconstruction With Joint Statistical and Learned Image Models
* Squeezed Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* SqueezeNAS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Faster Semantic Segmentation
* SRM: A Style-Based Recalibration Module for Convolutional Neural Networks
* SROBB: Targeted Perceptual Loss for Single Image Super-Resolution
* SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid
* SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Stability Assessment of OCO-2 Radiometric Calibration Using Aqua MODIS as a Reference
* Stacked Bidirectional Convolutional LSTMs for Deriving 3D Non-Contrast CT From Spatiotemporal 4D CT
* Stacked Cross Refinement Network for Edge-Aware Salient Object Detection
* StartNet: Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed Videos
* State of the Art in Bionic Hands
* State-of-the-Art in Action: Unconstrained Text Detection
* Status of Earth Observation Techniques in Monitoring High Mountain Environments at the Example of Pasterze Glacier, Austria: Data, Methods, Accuracies, Processes, and Scales, The
* STC-GAN: Spatio-Temporally Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks for Predictive Scene Parsing
* STD: Sparse-to-Dense 3D Object Detector for Point Cloud
* SteReFo: Efficient Image Refocusing with Stereo Vision
* Stereo matching for infrared images using guided filtering weighted by exponential moving average
* Stereo vision architecture for heterogeneous systems-on-chip
* STGAT: Modeling Spatial-Temporal Interactions for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Stitching Partial 3D Models with an Application to Modelling Stone Flakes
* STM: SpatioTemporal and Motion Encoding for Action Recognition
* Stochastic Attraction-Repulsion Embedding for Large Scale Image Localization
* Stochastic Exposure Coding for Handling Multi-ToF-Camera Interference
* Stochastic Filter Groups for Multi-Task CNNs: Learning Specialist and Generalist Convolution Kernels
* Stochastic Relational Network
* Stratification-Based Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation in a Subtropical Region Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Street Crossing Aid Using Light-Weight CNNs for the Visually Impaired
* Strong Baseline for Tiger Re-ID and its Bag of Tricks, A
* Structural Changes in the Romanian Economy Reflected through Corine Land Cover Datasets
* Structure tensor-based SIFT algorithm for SAR image registration
* Structure-Constrained Feature Extraction by Autoencoders for Subspace Clustering
* Structured Label Inference for Visual Understanding
* Structured Modeling of Joint Deep Feature and Prediction Refinement for Salient Object Detection
* Structured Prediction Helps 3D Human Motion Modelling
* StructureFlow: Image Inpainting via Structure-Aware Appearance Flow
* Structuring Autoencoders
* Study of Lunar Microwave Radiation Based on Satellite Observations, A
* Study on Assimilation of CYGNSS Wind Speed Data for Tropical Convection during 2018 January MJO, A
* Study on Geospatial Distribution of the Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Energy-Driven Heat Pumps Included in Low Enthalpy Geothermal Systems in Europe
* Study on the Level and Type Identification of Rural Development in Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Study on the Situational Awareness System of Mine Fire Rescue Using Faster Ross Girshick-Convolutional Neural Network
* Sub-Pixel Registration Technique for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging
* Subpixel Mapping of Surface Water in the Tibetan Plateau with MODIS Data
* Subspace Structure-Aware Spectral Clustering for Robust Subspace Clustering
* Substantially Greater Carbon Emissions Estimated Based on Annual Land-Use Transition Data
* Summarizing Long-Length Videos with GAN-Enhanced Audio/Visual Features
* Sun-Angle Effects on Remote-Sensing Phenology Observed and Modelled Using Himawari-8
* SUN-Spot: An RGB-D Dataset With Spatial Referring Expressions
* SUPER Learning: A Supervised-Unsupervised Framework for Low-Dose CT Image Reconstruction
* Super Wide-Field Photoacoustic Microscopy of Animals and Humans In Vivo
* Super-Resolution Doppler Velocity Estimation by Kernel-Based Range: tau Point Conversions for UWB Short-Range Radars
* Superpixel-Based Mixed Noise Estimation for Hyperspectral Images Using Multiple Linear Regression
* Supplementary Material: AVA-ActiveSpeaker: An Audio-Visual Dataset for Active Speaker Detection
* Surface Networks via General Covers
* Surface Normals and Shape From Water
* Survey of Open-World Person Re-Identification, A
* SVD-based redundancy removal in 1-D CNNs for acoustic scene classification
* SVD: A Large-Scale Short Video Dataset for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Swapping trajectories with a sufficient sanitizer
* Switchable Whitening for Deep Representation Learning
* Sym-Parameterized Dynamic Inference for Mixed-Domain Image Translation
* Symmetric Cross Entropy for Robust Learning With Noisy Labels
* Symmetric Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Symmetry-Constrained Rectification Network for Scene Text Recognition
* SynDeMo: Synergistic Deep Feature Alignment for Joint Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion
* Synergy between Ocean Variables: Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Concentration Coherence
* SynthRel0: Towards a Diagnostic Dataset for Relational Representation Learning
* System Framework for Localization and Mapping using High Resolution Cameras of Mobile Devices, A
* System-Level Solution for Low-Power Object Detection, A
* Systematic Review of the Factors Influencing the Estimation of Vegetation Aboveground Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Systems, A
* Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing Loss
* Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Language Models More Grounded
* Tale of Two Modalities for Video Captioning, A
* Talking With Hands 16.2M: A Large-Scale Dataset of Synchronized Body-Finger Motion and Audio for Conversational Motion Analysis and Synthesis
* Talking With Your Hands: Scaling Hand Gestures and Recognition With CNNs
* TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo
* Targeted Mismatch Adversarial Attack: Query With a Flower to Retrieve the Tower
* TASED-Net: Temporally-Aggregating Spatial Encoder-Decoder Network for Video Saliency Detection
* Task-Aware Attention Model for Clothing Attribute Prediction
* Task-Discriminative Domain Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Task-Driven Modular Networks for Zero-Shot Compositional Learning
* Task2Vec: Task Embedding for Meta-Learning
* Teacher Guided Architecture Search
* Teacher Supervises Students How to Learn From Partially Labeled Images for Facial Landmark Detection
* Tell, Draw, and Repeat: Generating and Modifying Images Based on Continual Linguistic Instruction
* Temporal Accumulative Features for Sign Language Recognition
* Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation
* Temporal Coherence for Active Learning in Videos
* Temporal Feature Augmented Network for Video Instance Segmentation
* Temporal Knowledge Propagation for Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification
* Temporal Recurrent Networks for Online Action Detection
* Temporal Structure Mining for Weakly Supervised Action Detection
* Temporal U-Nets for Video Summarization with Scene and Action Recognition
* Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* Tensor Linear Regression and Its Application to Color Face Recognition
* Tensor Subspace Learning and Classification: Tensor Local Discriminant Embedding for Hyperspectral Image
* Tensor Train Decomposition for Efficient Memory Saving in Perceptual Feature-Maps
* TensorMask: A Foundation for Dense Object Segmentation
* Tex2Shape: Detailed Full Human Body Geometry From a Single Image
* Text2Sign: Towards Sign Language Production Using Neural Machine Translation and Generative Adversarial Networks
* TextDragon: An End-to-End Framework for Arbitrary Shaped Text Spotting
* TextPlace: Visual Place Recognition and Topological Localization Through Reading Scene Texts
* Texture Fields: Learning Texture Representations in Function Space
* TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation With Texture Consistency
* TGF: A New MATLAB-based Software for Terrain-related Gravity Field Calculations
* Thermal Camera Based Continuous Body Temperature Measurement System, A
* Thick cloud and cloud shadow removal in multitemporal imagery using progressively spatio-temporal patch group deep learning
* Thick Cloud Removal With Optical and SAR Imagery via Convolutional-Mapping-Deconvolutional Network
* Think Spatially With Game Engine
* Thorax Disease Classification with Attention Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Three-D Safari: Learning to Estimate Zebra Pose, Shape, and Texture From Images In the Wild
* Three-Dimensional (3D) Reconstruction of Dried Vertebrae from Bi-planar Radiographs
* Three-dimensional salient point detection based on the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions
* Through-Wall Human Mesh Recovery Using Radio Signals
* ThunderNet: Towards Real-Time Generic Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* Time-aware gated recurrent unit networks for forecasting road surface friction using historical data with missing values
* Time-Series Satellite Imagery Demonstrates the Progressive Failure of a City Master Plan to Control Urbanization in Abuja, Nigeria
* To Bundle Adjust or Not: A Comparison of Relative Geolocation Correction Strategies for Satellite Multi-View Stereo
* Topological Graph-Based Representation for Denoising Low Quality Binary Images, A
* Topological Labelling of Scene using Background/Foreground Separation and Epipolar Geometry
* Topological Map Extraction From Overhead Images
* Topology Preserving Gridding Method for Vector Features in Discrete Global Grid Systems, A
* Total Denoising: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Cloud Cleaning
* Tour of Convolutional Networks Guided by Linear Interpreters, A
* Toward a Novel Laser-Based Approach for Estimating Snow Interception
* Toward Real-World Single Image Super-Resolution: A New Benchmark and a New Model
* Toward reliable experiments on the performance of Connected Components Labeling algorithms
* Toward Universal Stripe Removal via Wavelet-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Towards a Maori Telepresence System
* Towards A Rigorous Evaluation Of XAI Methods On Time Series
* Towards Adversarially Robust Object Detection
* Towards Bridging Semantic Gap to Improve Semantic Segmentation
* Towards Dense 3D Reconstruction for Mixed Reality in Healthcare: Classical Multi-View Stereo vs Deep Learning
* Towards Efficient Instance Segmentation with Hierarchical Distillation
* Towards Flops-Constrained Face Recognition
* Towards Generalizable Distance Estimation By Leveraging Graph Information
* Towards Good Practices for Video Object Segmentation
* Towards High-Resolution Salient Object Detection
* Towards Interpretable Face Recognition
* Towards Interpretable Object Detection by Unfolding Latent Structures
* Towards Latent Attribute Discovery From Triplet Similarities
* Towards Learning Multi-Agent Negotiations via Self-Play
* Towards Multi-Pose Guided Virtual Try-On Network
* Towards Photorealistic Reconstruction of Highly Multiplexed Lensless Images
* Towards Precise End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection Network
* Towards Segmenting Anything That Moves
* Towards Spectral Estimation from a Single RGB Image in the Wild
* Towards the Concurrent Execution of Multiple Hyperspectral Imaging Applications by Means of Computationally Simple Operations
* Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
* Towards Unsupervised Image Captioning With Shared Multimodal Embeddings
* Toyota Smarthome: Real-World Activities of Daily Living
* Tracing Leaf Photosynthetic Parameters Using Hyperspectral Indices in an Alpine Deciduous Forest
* Track Cyclist Detection and Identification using Mask R-CNN and K-means Clustering
* Tracking Without Bells and Whistles
* Trading Beams for Bandwidth: Imaging with Randomized Beamforming
* Traffic Flow Imputation Using Parallel Data and Generative Adversarial Networks
* Trail optimization framework to detect nonlinear object motion in video sequences
* Training Objective Image and Video Quality Estimators Using Multiple Databases
* Trajectron: Probabilistic Multi-Agent Trajectory Modeling With Dynamic Spatiotemporal Graphs, The
* Transductive Episodic-Wise Adaptive Metric for Few-Shot Learning
* Transductive Learning for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Transfer Change Rules from Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Hyperspectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images without Ground Truth Data
* Transferability and Hardness of Supervised Classification Tasks
* Transferability of the Deep Learning Mask R-CNN Model for Automated Mapping of Ice-Wedge Polygons in High-Resolution Satellite and UAV Images
* Transferable Contrastive Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Transferable Representation Learning in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Transferable Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection From RGB-D Data
* Transformable Bottleneck Networks
* Transformation of portraits to Picasso's cubism style
* Translating Visual Art Into Music
* TRB: A Novel Triplet Representation for Understanding 2D Human Body
* Tree Crown Delineation Algorithm Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Tree Species Classification of Drone Hyperspectral and RGB Imagery with Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks
* Tree, Shrub, and Grass Classification Using Only RGB Images
* Trend Inconsistency between Land Surface Temperature and Near Surface Air Temperature in Assessing Urban Heat Island Effects, The
* TriDepth: Triangular Patch-Based Deep Depth Prediction
* Triplet-Aware Scene Graph Embeddings
* Tropical Wetland (TropWet) Mapping Tool: The Automatic Detection of Open and Vegetated Waterbodies in Google Earth Engine for Tropical Wetlands
* trunk-based SLAM backend for smartphones with online SLAM in large-scale forest inventories, A
* TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding
* Two sides of the same coin: Improved ancient coin classification using Graph Transduction Games
* Two-stage Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Two-stage traffic sign detection and recognition based on SVM and convolutional neural networks
* Two-Stream Action Recognition-Oriented Video Super-Resolution
* Two-Stream Video Classification with Cross-Modality Attention
* U-CAM: Visual Explanation Using Uncertainty Based Class Activation Maps
* U2Eyes: A Binocular Dataset for Eye Tracking and Gaze Estimation
* U4D: Unsupervised 4D Dynamic Scene Understanding
* Uber Movement Data: A Proxy for Average One-way Commuting Times by Car
* UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Log-Likelihood Loss
* UM-Adapt: Unsupervised Multi-Task Adaptation Using Adversarial Cross-Task Distillation
* Un-Paired Real World Super-Resolution with Degradation Consistency
* Uncalibrated Non-Rigid Factorisation by Independent Subspace Analysis
* Uncertainty in Measured Raindrop Size Distributions from Four Types of Collocated Instruments
* Uncertainty Modeling of Contextual-Connections Between Tracklets for Unconstrained Video-Based Face Recognition
* Uncertainty-Aware Anticipation of Activities
* Uncertainty-Aware Audiovisual Activity Recognition Using Deep Bayesian Variational Inference
* Unconstrained Foreground Object Search
* Unconstrained Motion Deblurring for Dual-Lens Cameras
* Uncovering the Relationship between Human Connectivity Dynamics and Land Use
* Understanding Convolutional Networks Using Linear Interpreters - Extended Abstract
* Understanding Deep Networks via Extremal Perturbations and Smooth Masks
* Understanding Fields by Remote Sensing: Soil Zoning and Property Mapping
* Understanding Generalized Whitening and Coloring Transform for Universal Style Transfer
* Understanding Human Gaze Communication by Spatio-Temporal Graph Reasoning
* Understanding the Effects of Pre-Training for Object Detectors via Eigenspectrum
* Underwater Hyperspectral Target Detection with Band Selection
* Unifying Temporal Context and Multi-Feature With Update-Pacing oFramework for Visual Tracking
* Unifying Theory of Driver Perception and Steering Control on Straight and Winding Roads, A
* Unimodal-Uniform Constrained Wasserstein Training for Medical Diagnosis
* Universal Adversarial Perturbation via Prior Driven Uncertainty Approximation
* Universal Perturbation Attack Against Image Retrieval
* Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques
* Unknown Identity Rejection Loss: Utilizing Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Debris Survey in Coastal Areas: Long-Term Monitoring Programme to Study Spatial and Temporal Accumulation of the Dynamics of Beached Marine Litter
* Unpaired Image Captioning via Scene Graph Alignments
* Unpaired Image-to-Speech Synthesis With Multimodal Information Bottleneck
* Unraveling Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities of Very Slow Rock-Slope Deformations with Targeted DInSAR Analyses
* Unsupervised 3D Reconstruction Networks
* Unsupervised and Supervised Feature Extraction Methods for Hyperspectral Images Based on Mixtures of Factor Analyzers
* Unsupervised Blind Image Quality Evaluation via Statistical Measurements of Structure, Naturalness, and Perception
* Unsupervised Collaborative Learning of Keyframe Detection and Visual Odometry Towards Monocular Deep SLAM
* Unsupervised Deep Feature Transfer for Low Resolution Image Classification
* Unsupervised Deep Learning for Structured Shape Matching
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for mobile semantic segmentation based on cycle consistency and feature alignment
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Deep Networks with Cross-Grafted Stacks
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Regularized Conditional Alignment
* Unsupervised Extraction of Local Image Descriptors via Relative Distance Ranking Loss
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Speech Using Correspondence and Siamese Networks
* Unsupervised Graph Association for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised High-Resolution Depth Learning From Videos With Dual Networks
* Unsupervised Image-to-Video Clothing Transfer
* Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Estimation for Depth-Based Instance Segmentation
* Unsupervised Labeled Lane Markers Using Maps
* Unsupervised Learning for Real-World Super-Resolution
* Unsupervised Learning of Landmarks by Descriptor Vector Exchange
* Unsupervised Microvascular Image Segmentation Using an Active Contours Mimicking Neural Network
* Unsupervised Multi-Task Feature Learning on Point Clouds
* Unsupervised Neural Quantization for Compressed-Domain Similarity Search
* Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection by Maximum Classifier Discrepancy
* Unsupervised Outlier Detection in Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Similarity Consistency Learning
* Unsupervised Pre-Training of Image Features on Non-Curated Data
* Unsupervised Procedure Learning via Joint Dynamic Summarization
* Unsupervised Robust Disentangling of Latent Characteristics for Image Synthesis
* Unsupervised Teacher-Student Model for Large-Scale Video Retrieval
* Unsupervised Video Interpolation Using Cycle Consistency
* UPI-Net: Semantic Contour Detection in Placental Ultrasound
* UprightNet: Geometry-Aware Camera Orientation Estimation From Single Images
* Upscaling UAS Paradigm to UltraLight Aircrafts: A Low-Cost Multi-Sensors System for Large Scale Aerial Photogrammetry
* Urban Heat Island Monitoring and Impacts on Citizen's General Health Status in Isfahan Metropolis: A Remote Sensing and Field Survey Approach
* Urban Scene Vectorized Modeling Based on Contour Deformation
* Use of Automated Change Detection and VGI Sources for Identifying and Validating Urban Land Use Change
* Use of Moiré Patterns in Camera Position Estimation
* Use of Uncertainty Inflation in OSTIA to Account for Correlated Errors in Satellite-Retrieved Sea Surface Temperature Data
* User-interactive salient object detection using YOLOv2, lazy snapping, and gabor filters
* Using Heterogeneous Satellites for Passive Detection of Moving Aerial Target
* Using keyword spotting systems as tools for the transcription of historical handwritten documents: Models and procedures for performance evaluation
* Using Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoder and Superpixel CRF for Long-Term Visual Scene Understanding of UGVs
* Using the Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation in WCE
* USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection From 3D Point Clouds
* UVTON: UV Mapping to Consider the 3D Structure of a Human in Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network
* VACL: Variance-Aware Cross-Layer Regularization for Pruning Deep Residual Networks
* Validating GEV Model for Reflection Symmetry-Based Ocean Ship Detection with Gaofen-3 Dual-Polarimetric Data
* Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Using ACTRIS/EARLINET Ground-Based LIDAR Measurements
* Value of Distributed High-Resolution UAV-Borne Observations of Water Surface Elevation for River Management and Hydrodynamic Modeling, The
* VarGFaceNet: An Efficient Variable Group Convolutional Neural Network for Lightweight Face Recognition
* Variability of Kuroshio Surface Axis Northeast of Taiwan Island Derived from Satellite Altimeter Data
* Variable Macropixel Spectral-Spatial Transforms With Intra- and Inter-Color Decorrelations for Arbitrary RGB CFA-Sampled Raw Images
* Variable Rate Deep Image Compression With a Conditional Autoencoder
* Variance-preserving deep metric learning for content-based image retrieval
* Variational Adversarial Active Learning
* Variational Few-Shot Learning
* Variational Model Dedicated to Joint Segmentation, Registration, and Atlas Generation for Shape Analysis, A
* Variational Networks: An Optimal Control Approach to Early Stopping Variational Methods for Image Restoration
* Variational Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Under General Lighting
* Variations in Winter Surface Temperature of the Purog Kangri Ice Field, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, 2001-2018, Using MODIS Data
* VaTeX: A Large-Scale, High-Quality Multilingual Dataset for Video-and-Language Research
* Vegetation Fraction Images Derived from PROBA-V Data for Rapid Assessment of Annual Croplands in Brazil
* Vehicle Detection with Automotive Radar Using Deep Learning on Range-Azimuth-Doppler Tensors
* Vehicle Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery: Dataset and Approach
* Vehicle Re-Identification with Viewpoint-Aware Metric Learning
* Very High Density Point Clouds from UAV Laser Scanning for Automatic Tree Stem Detection and Direct Diameter Measurement
* Very Long Natural Scenery Image Prediction by Outpainting
* Vessel Tracking Using Bistatic Compact HFSWR
* Vibrotactile Quality Assessment: Hybrid Metric Design Based on SNR and SSIM
* ViCo: Word Embeddings From Visual Co-Occurrences
* Vid3oC and IntVID Datasets for Video Super Resolution and Quality Mapping, The
* Video Classification With Channel-Separated Convolutional Networks
* Video Compression With Rate-Distortion Autoencoders
* Video Face Clustering With Unknown Number of Clusters
* Video Indexing Using Face Appearance and Shot Transition Detection
* Video Instance Segmentation
* Video Instance Segmentation 2019: A Winning Approach for Combined Detection, Segmentation, Classification and Tracking.
* Video Multitask Transformer Network
* Video Object Segmentation Using Space-Time Memory Networks
* Video Representation Learning by Dense Predictive Coding
* Video Summarization by Learning Relationships between Action and Scene
* Video-Text Compliance: Activity Verification Based on Natural Language Instructions
* VideoBERT: A Joint Model for Video and Language Representation Learning
* VideoMem: Constructing, Analyzing, Predicting Short-Term and Long-Term Video Memorability
* View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* View Independent Generative Adversarial Network for Novel View Synthesis
* View N-Gram Network for 3D Object Retrieval
* View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
* View-LSTM: Novel-View Video Synthesis Through View Decomposition
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
* ViSiL: Fine-Grained Spatio-Temporal Video Similarity Learning
* Vision-aware target recognition toward autonomous robot by Kinect sensors
* Vision-Based Online Localization and Trajectory Smoothing for Fixed-Wing UAV Tracking a Moving Target
* Vision-Infused Deep Audio Inpainting
* Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Electron Microscopy Images
* Visual Deprojection: Probabilistic Recovery of Collapsed Dimensions
* Visual Guidance for a Spatial Discrepancy Problem of in Encountered-Type Haptic Display
* Visual Object Tracking by Using Ranking Loss
* Visual Relationships as Functions: Enabling Few-Shot Scene Graph Prediction
* Visual Semantic Reasoning for Image-Text Matching
* Visual Tracking by Means of Deep Reinforcement Learning and an Expert Demonstrator
* Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Visualizing the Invisible: Occluded Vehicle Segmentation and Recovery
* Voice Activity Detection by Upper Body Motion Analysis and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Voronoi classified and clustered data constellation: A new 3D data structure for geomarketing strategies
* VOSTR: Video Object Segmentation via Transferable Representations
* VrR-VG: Refocusing Visually-Relevant Relationships
* VTNFP: An Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network With Body and Clothing Feature Preservation
* VV-Net: Voxel VAE Net With Group Convolutions for Point Cloud Segmentation
* VVBP-Tensor in the FBP Algorithm: Its Properties and Application in Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* W-Net: Two-Stage U-Net With Misaligned Data for Raw-to-RGB Mapping
* Walking Through Shanshui: Generating Chinese Shanshui Paintings via Real-Time Tracking of Human Position
* Wasserstein GAN With Quadratic Transport Cost
* Watch, Listen and Tell: Multi-Modal Weakly Supervised Dense Event Captioning
* Wave Signatures in Total Electron Content Variations: Filtering Problems
* Wavelet Domain Style Transfer for an Effective Perception-Distortion Tradeoff in Single Image Super-Resolution
* Weakly Aligned Cross-Modal Learning for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Weakly Supervised Adaptive Triplet Loss for Deep Metric Learning, A
* Weakly Supervised Energy-Based Learning for Action Segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Fine Label Classifier Enhanced by Coarse Supervision, A
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Segmentation Collaboration
* Weakly Supervised One Shot Segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization Through Contrast Based Evaluation Networks 1
* Weakly-Supervised Action Localization With Background Modeling
* Weakly-Supervised Completion Moment Detection using Temporal Attention
* Weakly-Supervised Degree of Eye-Closeness Estimation
* Web-Shaped Model for Head Pose Estimation: An Approach for Best Exemplar Selection
* Weighted aggregation for guided image filtering
* Weighted Fidelity and Regularization-Based Method for Mixed or Unknown Noise Removal From Images on Graphs, A
* What Else Can Fool Deep Learning? Addressing Color Constancy Errors on Deep Neural Network Performance
* What Face and Body Shapes Can Tell Us About Height
* What Is Wrong With Scene Text Recognition Model Comparisons? Dataset and Model Analysis
* What Synthesis Is Missing: Depth Adaptation Integrated With Weak Supervision for Indoor Scene Parsing
* What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions With Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention
* What, Where, and How to Transfer in SAR Target Recognition Based on Deep CNNs
* Where Is My Mirror?
* WhiteNNer-Blind Image Denoising via Noise Whiteness Priors
* Who Goes There? Exploiting Silhouettes and Wearable Signals for Subject Identification in Multi-Person Environments
* Why are Saliency Maps Noisy? Cause of and Solution to Noisy Saliency Maps
* Why Does a Visual Question Have Different Answers?
* Why Does Data-Driven Beat Theory-Driven Computer Vision?
* Wind Direction Estimation Using Small-Aperture HF Radar Based on a Circular Array
* WoodScape: A Multi-Task, Multi-Camera Fisheye Dataset for Autonomous Driving
* WSOD2: Learning Bottom-Up and Top-Down Objectness Distillation for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
* X-Section: Cross-Section Prediction for Enhanced RGB-D Fusion
* xR-EgoPose: Egocentric 3D Human Pose From an HMD Camera
* XRAI: Better Attributions Through Regions
* xYOLO: A Model For Real-Time Object Detection In Humanoid Soccer On Low-End Hardware
* YOLACT: Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Zero Shot Detection
* Zero-Shot Anticipation for Instructional Activities
* Zero-Shot Cross-Media Embedding Learning With Dual Adversarial Distribution Network
* Zero-Shot Emotion Recognition via Affective Structural Embedding
* Zero-Shot Grounding of Objects From Natural Language Queries
* Zero-Shot Hyperspectral Image Denoising With Separable Image Prior
* Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Variational Mapping
* Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation via Attentive Graph Neural Networks
2644 for 2004

Index for "2"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.