* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Advances in Visual Computing
* *Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 3-D motion recovery via low rank matrix analysis
* 3-D reconstruction of historical documents using an X-Ray C-Arm CT system
* 3-D Shape Recovery from Image Focus Using Rank Transform
* 3D Data Acquisition and Registration Using Two Opposing Kinects
* 3D Face Reconstruction by Learning from Synthetic Data
* 3D Human Activity Recognition Using Skeletal Data from RGBD Sensors
* 3D Human Pose Estimation via Deep Learning from 2D Annotations
* 3D Reconstruction with High Density and Accuracy Using Laser Profiler and Camera Fusion System on a Rover, A
* 3D Saliency for Finding Landmark Buildings
* 3D Scanning System for Automatic High-Resolution Plant Phenotyping
* 3D Sound Field Reproduction at Non Central Point for NHK 22.2 System
* 3D Statistical Shape Models Incorporating Landmark-Wise Random Regression Forests for Omni-Directional Landmark Detection
* 3D subjective quality prediction model based on depth distortion, A
* 3D-DXA: Assessing the Femoral Shape, the Trabecular Macrostructure and the Cortex in 3D from DXA images
* Abnormal Detection by Iterative Reconstruction
* Absolute Pose and Structure from Motion for Surfaces of Revolution: Minimal Problems Using Apparent Contours
* Accurate Cervical Cell Segmentation from Overlapping Clumps in Pap Smear Images
* accurate eye pupil localization approach based on adaptive gradient boosting decision tree, An
* Accurate fingertip detection from binocular mask images
* Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive Appearance-Guided Shape Modeling
* Accurate marker based distance measurement with single camera
* Adapting generic trackers for tracking faces
* Adaptive accordion transformation based video compression method on HEVC
* Adaptive and Optimal Combination of Local Features for Image Retrieval
* Adaptive Fast Mode Decision for HEVC Intra Coding
* Adaptive Foreground Extraction for Deep Fish Classification
* Adaptive Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model for SAR Image Segmentation
* adaptive intra-frame parallel method based on complexity estimation for HEVC, An
* Adaptive Isosurface Reconstruction Using a Volumetric-Divergence-Based Metric
* Adaptive pedestrian detection in infrared images using fuzzy enhancement and top-hat transform
* Adaptive PQ: Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile-based HDR video coding
* Adaptive Two-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Without Assumption of Reflection Symmetry
* Adaptive Video Transition Detection Based on Multiscale Structural Dissimilarity
* Add-On Strategies for Fine-Grained Pedestrian Classification
* Adding Turbulence Based on Low-Resolution Cascade Ratios
* Addressing errors in automated sensor data for real-time traffic state estimation using dynamical systems approach
* advanced local offset matching strategy for object proposal matching, An
* Aesthetic QR Code Based on Modified Systematic Encoding Function
* Affine Invariant Matching Method for Image Contains Repetitive Patterns
* Affine Invariant Point-Set Matching Using Convex Hull Bisection
* Affordance detection by mid-level physical parts
* Age Classification from Facial Images: Is Frontalization Necessary?
* Age Estimation by LS-SVM Regression on Facial Images
* Algorithm of the Roundwood Volume Measurement via Photogrammetry, The
* Analysing the attributes of fiducial markers for robust tracking in augmented reality applications
* Analysis and Extension of the PCA Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
* Analysis of Negatively Focused Ultrasound Detectors in Optoacoustic Tomography
* Analyzing Fine Motion Considering Individual Habit for Appearance-Based Proficiency Evaluation
* Angle Difference Method for Vehicle Navigation in Multilevel Road Networks With a Three-Dimensional Transport GIS Database
* Animal Identification in Low Quality Camera-Trap Images Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Confidence Thresholds
* Anisotropic Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Canine Brain Using DT-MREIT
* Annotation System for Egocentric Image Media, An
* Anomaly Detection for Quaternion-Valued Traffic Signals
* Application of Mixture Regression for Improved Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering
* Approach for Refocusing of Ground Moving Target Without Target Motion Parameter Estimation, An
* Are all objects equal? Deep spatio-temporal importance prediction in driving videos
* Are you what you look like? Exploring correlations in personality type and their wearing
* Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medical Consultation
* Autofocus Correction of Residual RCM for VHR SAR Sensors With Light-Small Aircraft
* Automated Image Analysis on Insect Soups
* Automated mango flowering assessment via refinement segmentation
* Automated path testing using the negative selection algorithm
* Automated Plant and Leaf Separation: Application in 3D Meshes of Wheat Plants
* Automated Rebar Detection for Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Automated Reconstruction of Neurovascular Networks in Knife-Edge Scanning Microscope Rat Brain Nissl Data Set
* Automated tree detection and density calculation using unmanned aerial vehicles
* Automatic 3D Car Model Alignment for Mixed Image-Based Rendering
* Automatic 3D face landmark localization based on 3D vector field analysis
* Automatic alignment and comparison on images of petri dishes containing cell colonies
* Automatic Content-Aware Non-photorealistic Rendering of Images
* Automatic Detection of Deviations in Human Movements Using HMM: Discrete vs Continuous
* Automatic Environment Map Construction for Mixed Reality Robotic Applications
* Automatic Eye Type Detection in Retinal Fundus Image Using Fusion of Transfer Learning and Anatomical Features
* Automatic Off-Line Short Answer Assessment System Using Novel Hybrid Features, An
* Automatic Oil Reserve Analysis Through the Shadows of Exterior Floating Crest Oil Tanks in Highlight Optical Satellite Images
* Automatic Optic Disk Segmentation in Presence of Disk Blurring
* Automatic Retinal Vessel Extraction Algorithm
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm based on contrast-sensitive schemes
* Automatic Web Page Coloring
* Autoregressive image interpolation via context modeling and multiplanar constraint
* Background recovery from video sequences via online motion-assisted RPCA
* Background-foreground information based bit allocation algorithm for surveillance video on high efficiency video coding (HEVC)
* Backlight scaled contrast enhancement for liquid crystal displays using image key-based compression
* Backward compatible opto-electrical transfer function for HDR video coding based on rational quantization
* Baseline method for the decoding of optical markers known as snowflakes
* Bayesian background models for keyword spotting in handwritten documents
* Bayesian method for type-specific quadric fitting, A
* Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Disease Subtyping: Application to Emphysema Phenotypes, A
* Bayesian rule based fast TU depth decision algorithm for high efficiency video coding
* Better region proposals for pedestrian detection with R-CNN
* Bilevel Feature Extraction-Based Text Mining for Fault Diagnosis of Railway Systems
* Bilevel Parameter Learning for Higher-Order Total Variation Regularisation Models
* Binaural Sound Source Distance Reproduction Based on Distance Variation Function and Artificial Reverberation
* Biometric template protection based on Bloom filters and honey templates
* Bioplausible Model for Explaining Café Wall Illusion: Foveal vs. Peripheral Resolution, A
* Bit allocation for 3D video coding based on lagrangian multiplier adjustment
* Blind compressive sensing using block sparsity and nonlocal low-rank priors
* Boosting Radial Strings for 3D Face Recognition with Expressions and Occlusions
* Boredom Recognition Based on Users' Spontaneous Behaviors in Multiparty Human-Robot Interactions
* Bullet-Proof Robust Real-Time Ball Tracking
* Camera Motion Estimation with Known Vertical Direction in Unstructured Environments
* Camera Motion from Group Synchronization
* Can Contextual Information Improve Scene Classification Performance?
* Cancellable iris template generation based on Indexing-First-One hashing
* Capturing Photorealistic and Printable 3D Models Using Low-Cost Hardware
* Category-specific object segmentation via unsupervised discriminant shape
* CELoF: WiFi Dwell Time Estimation in Free Environment
* Centroid Algorithm for Stabilization of Turbulence-Degraded Underwater Videos, A
* Chan-Vese Revisited: Relation to Otsu's Method and a Parameter-Free Non-PDE Solution via Morphological Framework
* Change Detection and Object Recognition Using Aerial Robots
* Character Animation: An Automated Gait Cycle for 3D Characters Using Mathematical Equations
* Characterising 3D Structure of Cancellous Bone
* Characteristics of Color Digital Image Correlation for Deformation Measurement in Geomechanical Structures
* Chasing Rainbows: A Color-Theoretic Framework for Improving and Preserving Bad Colormaps
* Chinese sign language recognition based on trajectory and hand shape features
* Circle Detection Based on Arc Search Using a Table of Virtual Circle
* classification method for estimating the illuminant of an image, A
* Classification of focal and nonfocal EEG signals using ANFIS classifier for epilepsy detection
* Classification of Infection and Fluid Regions in Chest X-Ray Images
* Classification of sMRI for AD Diagnosis with Convolutional Neuronal Networks: A Pilot 2-D+ epsilon Study on ADNI
* Classifying Pollen Using Robust Sequence Alignment of Sparse Z-Stack Volumes
* ClickSmart: A Context-Aware Viewpoint Recommendation System for Mobile Photography
* Closed-Form Bayesian Fusion Equation Using Occupancy Probabilities, A
* Closed-Loop Tracking-by-Detection for ROV-Based Multiple Fish Tracking
* Cluster-based cross-view filtering for compressed multi-view depth maps
* CNN-Based Object Segmentation in Urban LIDAR with Missing Points
* Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for Registration in 3D Street-View Cross-Source Point Clouds, A
* Coherence Analysis of Compressive Sensing Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction
* Collaborative Dictionary Learning and Soft Assignment for Sparse Coding of Image Features
* Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
* Collaborative representation based fine-grained species recognition
* Color Consistency for Photo Collections Without Gamut Problems
* Color guided thermal image super resolution
* Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using inter-channel correlation
* Color texture image retrieval based on Gaussian copula models of Gabor wavelets
* Color-guided boundary-preserving depth upsampling based on L0 gradient minimization
* Color-Introduced Frame-to-Model Registration for 3D Reconstruction
* Combinatorial Optimization for Human Body Tracking
* Combined ternary patterns for texture recognition
* Combining Color Features for Real-Time Correlation Tracking
* Combining Pyramid Match Kernel and Spatial Pyramid for Image Classification
* Combining Visual Tracking and Person Detection for Long Term Tracking on a UAV
* Compact CNN Based Video Representation for Efficient Video Copy Detection
* Comparative Analysis of Deep and Shallow Features for Multimodal Face Recognition in a Novel RGB-D-IR Dataset, A
* Comparative Study for Known Item Visual Search Using Position Color Feature Signatures, A
* Comparison of Approaches for Automated Text Extraction from Scholarly Figures, A
* Comparison of Fine-Tuning and Extension Strategies for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Comparison of Radial and Tangential Geometries for Cylindrical Panorama
* Complementary Keypoint Descriptors
* Complex Event Detection Using Joint Max Margin and Semantic Features
* Complex singular value decomposition based stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Complexity constrained representation selection for dynamic adaptive streaming
* Complexity-Based Intra Frame Rate Control by Jointing Inter-Frame Correlation for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Comprehensive Parameter Sweep for Learning-Based Detector on Traffic Lights
* comprehensive review: Segmentation of MRI images: brain tumor, A
* comprehensive survey of mostly textual document segmentation algorithms since 2008, A
* Compressing Visual Descriptors of Image Sequences
* Compressive hyperspectral imaging with complementary RGB measurements
* Compressive tracking with adaptive color feature selection and foreground modeling
* Computation Reduction in Object Detection via Composite Structure of Modified Integral Images, The
* Computationally Efficient Hyperspectral Data Learning Based on the Doubly Stochastic Dirichlet Process
* Computer-assisted recognition of dolphin individuals using dorsal fin pigmentations
* Computing Temporal Alignments of Human Motion Sequences in Wide Clothing Using Geodesic Patches
* Concept-Based Interactive Search System
* Cone Beam X-ray Luminescence Computed Tomography Based on Bayesian Method
* COnGRATS: Realistic simulation of traffic sequences for autonomous driving
* Consistent Discretization and Minimization of the L1 Norm on Manifolds
* Consistent, Real-Time Image Segmentation for Object Tracking, A
* Constrained energy-efficient routing in time-aware road networks
* Constrained Smoothness Cost in Markov Random Field Based Stereo Matching
* Constructing Deep Sparse Coding Network for image classification
* Contact angle measurement techniques on micro-patterned surfaces: A comparative analysis
* Content adaptive directional transform for high efficiency video coding
* Content Authoring Using Single Image in Urban Environments for Augmented Reality
* Contrast-dependent saturation adjustment for outdoor image enhancement
* Contribution of recurrent connectionist language models in improving LSTM-based Arabic text recognition in videos
* Control strategies for solving the problem of traffic congestion
* Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Post-Processing in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Better Image Understanding
* Coping with motion in MRI: Developments since TRELLIS
* Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Color Space and Moment Invariants-Based Features
* Correction of False Topographic Perception Phenomenon Based on Topographic Correction in Satellite Imagery
* Cotemporal Multi-View Video Segmentation
* Coupled Functional Maps
* Coupled Hidden Markov Random Field model for simultaneous face clustering and tracking in videos, A
* Creating Feasible Reflectance Data for Synthetic Optical Flow Datasets
* critical appraisal on wavelet based features from brain MR images for efficient characterization of ischemic stroke injuries, A
* Cross-modal face matching: Tackling visual abstraction using fine-grained attributes
* Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval: How to Cook this Dish?
* CryoSat-2 SAR-Mode Over Oceans: Processing Methods, Global Assessment, and Benefits
* CutPointVis: An Interactive Exploration Tool for Cancer Biomarker Cutpoint Optimization
* Cytopathological image analysis using deep-learning networks in microfluidic microscopy
* Data Enrichment in Fine-Grained Classification of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
* Data-Driven Long Term Change Analysis in Marine Observatory Image Streams
* DC coefficient estimation of intra-predicted residuals in high efficiency video coding
* Decentralised intelligent transport system with distributed intelligence based on classification techniques
* Decision Model for Resolving Conflicting Transit Signal Priority Requests
* Decision Pyramid Classifier for Face Recognition Under Complex Variations Using Single Sample Per Person
* Decomposition and matching: Towards efficient automatic Chinese character stroke extraction
* Decomposition of 3D Binary Objects into Rectangular Blocks
* Decompressed video enhancement via accurate regression prior
* Deep convolutional encoder-decoder for myelin and axon segmentation
* Deep Convolutional Network Based Image Quality Enhancement for Low Bit Rate Image Compression
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Bidirectional Image-Sentence Mapping
* Deep convolutional neural networks for dense non-uniform motion deblurring
* Deep Learning Based Computer Vision Technique for Automatic Heat Detection in Cows
* Deep Learning Based Intelligent Basketball Arena with Energy Image
* Deep Learning for Shot Classification in Gynecologic Surgery Videos
* Deep Learning-Based Fast Hand Gesture Recognition Using Representative Frames
* Deep Multitask Learning for Railway Track Inspection
* Deep Neural Networks for Page Stream Segmentation and Classification
* Deep Stereo Fusion: Combining Multiple Disparity Hypotheses with Deep-Learning
* Deeper Depth Prediction with Fully Convolutional Residual Networks
* DeepStyleCam: A Real-Time Style Transfer App on iOS
* Dehashing: Server-Side Context-Aware Feature Reconstruction for Mobile Visual Search
* Demo for Image-Based Personality Test, A
* Demographic Attribute Inference from Social Multimedia Behaviors: A Cross-OSN Approach
* Dense Wide-Baseline Scene Flow from Two Handheld Video Cameras
* Depth based two-step disparity vector derivation for AVS2-3D
* Depth Dropout: Efficient Training of Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth from Gradients in Dense Light Fields for Object Reconstruction
* Depth map super-resolution via extended weighted mode filtering
* Depth map up-sampling with texture edge feature via sparse representation
* Depth recovery via decomposition of polynomial and piece-wise constant signals
* Depth refinement for binocular kinect RGB-D cameras
* Depth Restoration Occlusionless Temporal Dataset, A
* Depth-based distributed multi-view video coding with hierarchical Wyner-Ziv frames
* Describing Geographical Characteristics with Social Images
* Description Logics and Rules for Multimodal Situational Awareness in Healthcare
* Design of a new trading card for table-top augmented reality game environment
* Design of a pseudo-holographic distributed time-of-flight sonar range-imaging system
* DeTEC: Detection of Touching Elongated Cells in SEM Images
* Detecting and Correcting Shadows in Urban Point Clouds and Image Collections
* Detecting Covariance Symmetries in Polarimetric SAR Images
* Detecting Tracking Failures from Correlation Response Maps
* Detection and estimation of supra-threshold distortion levels of pictures based on just-noticeable difference
* Detection and spatial analysis of fairy circles
* Development of a low cost microfluidic imaging system
* Diagonal motion partitions for inter prediction in HEVC
* Differential phase calibration of linearly polarized weather radars with simultaneous transmission/reception for estimation of circular depolarization ratio
* Direct Parametric Reconstruction With Joint Motion Estimation/Correction for Dynamic Brain PET Data
* Direct Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping for Unmanned Vehicle
* Directional Kernel Density Estimation for Classification of Breast Tissue Spectra
* Discovering Geographic Regions in the City Using Social Multimedia and Open Data
* Discovering historic traffic-tolerant paths in road networks
* Discovering User Interests from Social Images
* Discriminative Filters for Depth from Defocus
* Distributed Optimal Flocking Design for Multi-agent Two-Player Zero-Sum Games with Unknown System Dynamics and Disturbance
* Diversified dictionaries for multi-instance learning
* Document image retrieval based on texture features and similarity fusion
* Document Image Retrieval Based on Texture Features: A Recognition-Free Approach
* Double Constrained NMF for Partial Multi-View Clustering
* Dual Back-to-Back Kinects for 3-D Reconstruction
* Dynamic delay risk assessing in supply chains
* Dynamic Electrical Source Imaging (DESI) of Seizures and Interictal Epileptic Discharges Without Ensemble Averaging
* dynamic feature map integration approach for predicting human fixation, A
* dynamic framework based on local Zernike moment and motion history image for facial expression recognition, A
* Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: A multi-class deep learning framework with modified k-sparse autoencoder classification
* Edge Preserving and Noise Reducing Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Edge-Aware Label Propagation for Mobile Facial Enhancement on the Cloud
* Effect of Junk Images on Inter-concept Distance Measurement: Positive or Negative?
* Effect of Vertical Distribution of Crop Structure and Biochemical Parameters of Winter Wheat on Canopy Reflectance Characteristics and Spectral Indices
* Effective Denoising and Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Curvelet Transform and Singular Spectrum Analysis
* Effective Multi-Chord Corner Detection Technique, An
* effective post quantization rate estimation for HEVC intra encoder, An
* Effective statistical-based and dynamic fingerprint preprocessing technique
* Efficient Algorithm for Feature-Based 3D Point Cloud Correspondence Search, An
* efficient approach for brain image (tissue) compression based on the position of the brain tumor, An
* efficient approach for Interactive Sequential Pattern Recognition, An
* Efficient arbitrary ratio downscale transcoding for HEVC
* Efficient compressive sensing video compression method based on Gaussian mixture models
* Efficient CU Splitting Method for HEVC Intra Coding Based on Visual Saliency
* Efficient Energy Model for Human Gait Recognition, An
* Efficient Feature Selection and Nearest Neighbour Search for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Efficient GPU Computing Framework of Cloud Filtering in Remotely Sensed Image Processing
* efficient HEVC multi-rate encoding system based on H265, An
* Efficient low-rank supported extreme learning machine for robust face recognition
* Efficient Multi-scale Plane Extraction Based RGBD Video Segmentation
* Efficient object selection using depth and texture information
* Efficient Pedestrian Detector Based on Saliency and HOG Features Modeling, An
* Efficient temporal pattern recognition by means of dissimilarity space embedding with discriminative prototypes
* Efficient Vanishing Point Estimation for Unstructured Road Scenes
* egoPortray: Visual Exploration of Mobile Communication Signature from Egocentric Network Perspective
* Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement for Urban Public Bus Systems
* Embedded infrared imaging to measure the deformation of a soft robotic actuator
* Embodied Earth: Experiencing natural phenomena
* Enabling time-dependent uncertain eco-weights for road networks
* Encryption-then-Compression System for Lossless Image Compression Standards, An
* EndoNet: A Deep Architecture for Recognition Tasks on Laparoscopic Videos
* Energy-Based Global Ternary Image for Action Recognition Using Sole Depth Sequences
* Engineering, Human, and Legal Challenges of Navigation Systems for Personal Mobility
* enhanced localisation system for indoor environment using clustering technique, An
* Enhanced Retrieval and Browsing in the IMOTION System
* Enhancing pedestrian detection using optical flow for surveillance
* Enhancing the Communication Spectrum in Collaborative Virtual Environments
* Ensemble classification with modified SIFT descriptor for medical image modality
* Error models of finite word length arithmetic in CNN accelerator design
* Estimating heading direction from monocular video sequences using biologically-based sensors
* Evaluating the Change of Directional Patterns for Fingerprints with Missing Singular Points Under Rotation
* Evaluating using GoPro cameras and Tsai's calibration for video-based submerged river-bed reconstruction
* Evaluation of beyond-HEVC entropy coding methods for DCT transform coefficients
* Evaluation of Collaborative Actions to Inform Design of a Remote Interactive Collaboration Framework for Immersive Data Visualizations
* evaluation of HDR image matching under extreme illumination changes, An
* Evaluation of the Viewpoint Shift for a Fisheye Lens Based on Stereo Geometry
* Evaluation of Video Browsing on Tablets with the ThumbBrowser, An
* Exemplar-Based 3D Shape Segmentation in Point Clouds
* Expectation Maximization Method for Joint Estimation of Emission Activity Distribution and Photon Attenuation Map in PET, An
* Exploiting location-aware social networks for efficient spatial query processing
* Exploiting Multimodality in Video Hyperlinking to Improve Target Diversity
* Exploiting neural models for no-reference image quality assessment
* Exploiting Temporal Information for DCNN-Based Fine-Grained Object Classification
* Exploration of connectivity with SEM: An fMRI study of resting state
* Exploring Large Movie Collections: Comparing Visual Berrypicking and Traditional Browsing
* Extended Robust Feature-Based Visual Navigation System for UAVs
* Extending the depth of field in microscopy: A review
* Extracting road centrelines from binary road images by optimizing geodesic lines
* Extraction of utility poles in LIDAR scans using cross-sectional slices
* Extraction of Vascular Intensity Directional Derivative on Computed Tomography Angiography
* Extreme imaging: Macromolecular imaging using x-ray free-electron lasers
* Face recognition using training data with artificial occlusions
* Face Reconstruction on Mobile Devices Using a Height Map Shape Model and Fast Regularization
* Facial expression recognition by correlated Topic Models and Bayes modeling
* Facial Expression Recognition by Fusing Gabor and Local Binary Pattern Features
* False Alarm Reduction in Wavelength-Resolution SAR Change Detection Using Adaptive Noise Canceler
* False Positive Reduction in Breast Mass Detection Using the Fusion of Texture and Gradient Orientation Features
* Fast and Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dental Models
* Fast and Accurate Image-Registration Algorithm Using Prior Knowledge, A
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using a Combination of the Pyramidal Approach and Level Set Method, A
* Fast and simple text replacement algorithm for text-based augmented reality
* Fast Binary-Based Video Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Fast CU partition for H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding based on fisher discriminant analysis
* Fast encoder decision for dependent texture coding in 3D-AVS
* Fast genetic multi-operator image retargeting
* fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra prediction, A
* fast mode selection for depth modelling modes of intra depth coding in 3D-HEVC, A
* Fast Obstacle Detection Using Sparse Edge-Based Disparity Maps
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Method Based on Human Retina Property, A
* Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
* Fast Variance Prediction for Iteratively Reconstructed CT Images With Locally Quadratic Regularization
* Fast Vascular Ultrasound Imaging With Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Background Rejection
* Fast, Deep Detection and Tracking of Birds and Nests
* Faster R-CNN Scene Specialization with a Sequential Monte-Carlo Framework
* Feasibility of a semi-automated approach to grading point of care ultrasound image generation skills
* Feature Evaluation for Handwritten Character Recognition with Regressive and Generative Hidden Markov Models
* Feature tracking using epipolar geometry for ego-motion estimation
* Feature-based depth refinement for view synthesis
* Feature-based motion detection and tracking on approximate 3D ground plane
* Features of Internal Jugular Vein Contours for Classification
* Finding dense locations in symbolic indoor tracking data: Modeling, indexing, and processing
* Fine-Grained Image Recognition from Click-Through Logs Using Deep Siamese Network
* Fingertips Detection and Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Discrete Curve Evolution with a Kinect Sensor
* Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Theoretical Study
* Flexible Mixture Models for Colour Image Segmentation of Natural Images
* Flood Detection and Warning System Based on Video Content Analysis, A
* Foreground motion and spatial saliency-based efficient HEVC Video Coding
* Foreign Object Debris Detection on Airfield Pavement Using Region Based Convolution Neural Network
* Fourier Descriptors Based on the Structure of the Human Primary Visual Cortex with Applications to Object Recognition
* Foveated Path Tracing: A Literature Review and a Performance Gain Analysis
* FPGA based multi-shell filter for hot pixel removal within colour filter array demosaicing
* Frame rate up-conversion based on depth guided extended block matching for 3D video
* Frame rate up-conversion based on motion-region segmentation
* Frame-Independent and Parallel Method for 3D Audio Real-Time Rendering on Mobile Devices
* Framework of Privacy-Preserving Image Recognition for Image-Based Information Services, A
* Free view-point video synthesis using Gaussian Mixture Modelling
* Full-reference quality assessment for stereoscopic images based on binocular vision model
* Full-Wave Simulation and Analysis of Bistatic Scattering and Polarimetric Emissions From Double-Layered Sastrugi Surfaces
* Fully Automatic and Robust 3D Modeling for Range Scan Data of Complex 3D Objects
* Fully automatic method for segmentation of brain tumor from multimodal magnetic resonance images using wavelet transformation and clustering technique
* Fully Convolutional Network with Superpixel Parsing for Fashion Web Image Segmentation
* Fully Focused SAR Altimetry: Theory and Applications
* Fusing Meter-Resolution 4-D InSAR Point Clouds and Optical Images for Semantic Urban Infrastructure Monitoring
* Fuzzy rule based approach for face and facial feature extraction in biometric authentication
* GAL: A global-attributes assisted labeling system for outdoor scenes
* Gathering Event Detection by Stereo Vision
* Gaussian Mixture Model Feature for Wildlife Detection, A
* Gender dictionary learning for gender classification
* Generalization of Otsu's binarization into recursive colour image segmentation
* Generalized symmetric pair model for action classification in still images
* Geodesic distance and compactness prior based salient region detection
* Geometry-based PSF estimation and deblurring of defocused images with depth information
* glGetFeedback: Towards automatic feedback and assessment for OpenGL 3D modelling assignments
* Global Evolution-Constructed Feature for Date Maturity Evaluation
* Global sparsity potentials for obstacle detection from Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* GPU-accelerated feature point matching using extended ColourFAST descriptors
* Gradient-Based Optimization for Poroelastic and Viscoelastic MR Elastography
* Graph-Based Multimodal Music Mood Classification in Discriminative Latent Space
* Green Video Transmission in the Mobile Cloud Networks
* Ground Maneuvering Target Imaging and High-Order Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Second-Order Keystone and Generalized Hough-HAF Transform
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
* GUID-based mobile visual communication using NDN mechanism
* Guide to 3D Vision Computation: Geometric Analysis and Implementation
* Guided filtering based pyramidical stereo matching for unrectified images
* Guided Text Spotting for Assistive Blind Navigation in Unfamiliar Indoor Environments
* Hashing with Non-Linear Manifold Learning
* HDRFusion: HDR SLAM Using a Low-Cost Auto-Exposure RGB-D Sensor
* HEVC encoder optimization for HDR video coding based on perceptual block merging
* HEVC fast FME algorithm using IME RD-costs based error surface fitting scheme
* Hidden Markov Model for modeling and extracting vine structure in images, A
* Hierarchical and Networked Vehicle Surveillance in ITS: A Survey
* Hierarchical class-specific kernel discriminant analysis for face verification
* hierarchical fast coding unit depth decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding, A
* Hierarchical Mutual Nearest Neighbour Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical quadtree-based flexible block ordering in HEVC intra coding
* hierarchical segmentation tree for superpixel-based image segmentation, A
* Hierarchically Supervised Deconvolutional Network for Semantic Video Segmentation
* High bit-depth image compression with application to seismic data
* High-accuracy fiducial markers for ground truth
* High-resolution 3D light-field display
* Highly parallel transformation and quantization for HEVC encoder on GPUs
* Highway travel time estimation using multiple data sources
* Hippocampus Segmentation Based on Orientation-Scale Descriptor and Sparse Coding
* How do you develop a face detector for the unconstrained environment?
* How to predict lightness variations from one illuminant to another?
* How to select hashing bits? A direct measurement approach
* HS-Nets: Estimating Human Body Shape from Silhouettes with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Human action recognition using spectral embedding to similarity degree between postures
* Human detection model using feature extraction method in video frames
* Human Pose Tracking Using Online Latent Structured Support Vector Machine
* Hybrid Accurate Model for Tidal Current Prediction, A
* hybrid differential evolution algorithm for parameter tuning of evolving spiking neural network, A
* hybrid Genetic Programming approach to feature detection and image classification, A
* Hybrid Method to Estimate Specific Differential Phase and Rainfall With Linear Programming and Physics Constraints, A
* Hybrid Structure/Trajectory Constraint for Visual SLAM, A
* Hybrid superpixel segmentation
* HyperCast: Hyperspectral satellite image broadcasting with band ordering optimization
* Hyperspectral face recognition with log-polar Fourier features and collaborative representation based voting classifiers
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Canonical Correlation Forests
* Hyperspectral image coding using Spectral Prediction Modelling in HEVC coding framework
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising with Segmentation-Based Low Rank Representation
* i-Stylist: Finding the Right Dress Through Your Social Networks
* Identifying well-oriented diffraction patterns in XFEL datasets
* Illumination-Preserving Embroidery Simulation for Non-photorealistic Rendering
* Image Aesthetic Evaluation Using Parallel Deep Convolution Neural Network
* Image and video dehazing using view-based cluster segmentation
* Image classification with CNN-based Fisher vector coding
* Image co-saliency detection based on clustering and diffusion process
* Image Dataset of Text Patches in Everyday Scenes, An
* Image Denoising Using Directional Adaptive Variable Exponents Model
* Image Descriptors from ConvNets: Comparing Global Pooling Methods for Image Retrieval
* image encryption algorithm based on the memristive hyperchaotic system, cellular automata and DNA sequence operations, An
* Image Enhancement by Volume Limitation in Binary Tomography
* Image Fusion Quality Measure Based on a Multi-scale Approach
* Image guided depth map superresolution using non-local total generalized variation
* Image Multi-Thresholding to Characterise the Mechanical Stability of Rubber Latex Concentrate
* Image quality assessment based on properties of HVS and principle of image structure
* Image quality assessment based on the visual perception of image contents
* Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via L1_2 and S1_2 Regularizations
* Image Watermarking Method Satisfying IHC by Using PEG LDPC Code
* Image-Based Post-processing for Realistic Real-Time Rendering of Scenes in the Presence of Fluid Simulations and Image-Based Lighting
* Immersive Industrial Process Environment from a P&ID Diagram
* Impact of Automatic Feature Extraction in Deep Learning Architecture
* Impact of Backscatter Variations Over Water Bodies on Coarse-Scale Radar Retrieved Soil Moisture and the Potential of Correcting With Meteorological Data
* Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach
* Implicit kernel sparse shape representation: a sparse-neighbors-based objection segmentation framework
* Improve data compression performance using wavelet transform based on HVS
* Improved Aircraft Recognition for Aerial Refueling Through Data Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Improved entropy of primitive for visual information estimation
* Improved Extreme Learning Machine with Parallelized Feature Mapping Structures, An
* Improved LCU level rate control for 3D-HEVC
* Improved Stereo Vision of Indoor Dense Suspended Scatterers Scenes from De-scattering Images
* Improving pedestrian detection
* Improving the Discriminative Power of Bag of Visual Words Model
* Improving Visual Feature Representations by Biasing Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Filters
* Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking
* Individual camera device identification from JPEG images
* Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
* information theoretic approach to reflectional symmetry detection, An
* Integrated Cyber-Physical Immersive Virtual Reality Framework with Applications to Telerobotics, An
* Integrated Octree-RANSAC Technique for Automated LiDAR Building Data Segmentation for Decorative Buildings, An
* Integrating Recursive Bayesian Estimation with Support Vector Machine to Map Probability of Flooding from Multispectral Landsat Data
* Integration of wavelet transform, Local Binary Patterns and moments for content-based image retrieval
* Intensity and Compactness Enabled Saliency Estimation for Leakage Detection in Diabetic and Malarial Retinopathy
* Intensity-guided edge-preserving depth upsampling through weighted L0 gradient minimization
* Interactive Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
* Interest points based collaborative tracking
* Internal-video mode dependent directional transform
* Interpolation-Based Extraction of Representative Isosurfaces
* Interpolation-directed transform domain downward conversion for block-based image compression
* Introduction of a human based attention model for robotic navigation
* Investigation of mobile surroundings for visual attention based on image perception model
* Ionospheric Phase Screen Compensation for the Sentinel-1 TOPS and ALOS-2 ScanSAR Modes
* iterative method for optical flow estimation with motion blur, An
* Joint Face Detection and Initialization for Face Alignment
* Joint iterative guidance filtering for compressed depth images
* Joint Keystone Correction and Shake Removal for a Hand Held Projector
* Joint Motion Similarity (JMS)-Based Human Action Recognition Using Kinect
* Joint MR-PET Reconstruction Using a Multi-Channel Image Regularizer
* Joint occlusion boundary detection and figure/ground assignment by extracting common-fate fragments in a back-projection scheme
* Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation with Deep Convolutional Networks
* Joint super-resolution and compression artifact reduction based on dual-learning
* joint visual-inertial image registration for mobile HDR imaging, A
* Just noticeable disparity difference model for 3D displays
* Kalman Filtered Bio Heat Transfer Model Based Self-adaptive Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
* Kangaroo Vehicle Collision Detection Using Deep Semantic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network
* Keynotes: Deep learning for visual understanding: Effectiveness vs. efficiency
* Keynotes: From geo-referenced pixels to knowledge
* Keynotes: Multimedia-the past, today, and the future
* Keypoints-based surface representation for 3D modeling and 3D object recognition
* Knowledge Based Pattern-Context-Aware Stereo Analysis and Its Applications
* Knowledge-Enhanced Mobile Video Broadcasting Framework With Cloud Support
* Large Image Collection Visualization Using Perception-Based Similarity with Color Features
* Large Scale SfM with the Distributed Camera Model
* Large-Scale 3D Object Recognition Dataset, A
* Large-Scale Product Classification via Spatial Attention Based CNN Learning and Multi-class Regression
* Leaf Classification Using Convexity Moments of Polygons
* Leaf image retrieval using combined feature of vein and contour
* Learning a General-Purpose Confidence Measure Based on O(1) Features and a Smarter Aggregation Strategy for Semi Global Matching
* Learning Camera Viewpoint Using CNN to Improve 3D Body Pose Estimation
* Learning Features Robust to Image Variations with Siamese Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning graph affinities for spectral graph-based salient object detection
* Learning to Navigate the Energy Landscape
* Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action recognition
* Learning-Based Spatial-Temporal Superresolution Mapping of Forest Cover With MODIS Images
* Less-Visible Contrast Enhancement Based on Non-Linear Scaling Function and Singular Value Decomposition
* Leveraging Multi-modal Analyses and Online Knowledge Base for Video Aboutness Generation
* Lidar guided stereo simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for UAV outdoor 3-D scene reconstruction
* Light field image coding with hybrid scan order
* LingoSent: A Platform for Linguistic Aware Sentiment Analysis for Social Media Messages
* Live Tracking of Rail-Based Fish Catching on Wild Sea Surface
* Local depth patterns for fine-grained activity recognition in depth videos
* Local Scale Selection Scheme for Multiscale Area Integral Invariants, A
* local-adapted disparity vector derivation scheme for 3D-AVS, A
* Local-constrained quadtree plus binary tree block partition structure for enhanced video coding
* Localization or Globalization? Determination of the Optimal Regression Window for Disaggregation of Land Surface Temperature
* Long range image enhancement
* Long-Term Ship Speed Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling
* Looking at Intersections: A Survey of Intersection Monitoring, Behavior and Safety Analysis of Recent Studies
* Lossless Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Binary Tree Based Decomposition
* Low complexity depth intra coding in 3D-HEVC based on depth classification
* Low light image enhancement with dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* low-complexity error concealment algorithm for video transmission based on non-local means denoising, A
* Low-cost, hand-held stereoscopic device for measuring dynamic deformations of skin in vivo, A
* Low-Quality Video Face Recognition with Deep Networks and Polygonal Chain Distance
* Low-rank and structured sparse subspace clustering
* Low-rank approximation based LineCast for video broadcasting
* Lumen coronary artery border detection using texture and Chi-square classification
* M-SBIR: An Improved Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Method Using Visual Word Mapping
* M3LH: Multi-modal Multi-label Hashing for Large Scale Data Search
* Machine learning technique for object detection based on SURF feature
* Manifold Interpolation for an Efficient Hand Shape Recognition in the Irish Sign Language
* Matching Deformable Objects in Clutter
* Maximum Correntropy Based Dictionary Learning Framework for Physical Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
* Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimation for Mixture-Markov Random Field Segmentation of the Brain
* Memorable and rich video summarization
* method of anomaly detection and fault diagnosis with online adaptive learning under small training samples, A
* Method to quality assessment of stereo images
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Aggregating Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns
* MinMax Radon Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval
* MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy
* MLE-Based Learning on Grassmann Manifolds
* Mobile Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Mobile Recognition System for Analog Energy Meter Scanning, A
* Modal Space: A Physics-Based Model for Sequential Estimation of Time-Varying Shape from Monocular Video
* Mode-dependent transforms based on elliptical model for high efficiency video coding
* model for honey bee tracking on 2D video, A
* Model-Based 3D Scene Reconstruction Using a Moving RGB-D Camera
* Model-Based Outdoor Performance Capture
* Model-Based Reconstruction for T1 Mapping Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Radial FLASH
* Model-Guided Segmentation of Liver in CT and PET-CT Images of Child Patients Based on Statistical Region Merging
* Modeling 2D Appearance Evolution for 3D Object Categorization
* Modeling and Pre-Treatment of Photon-Starved CT Data for Iterative Reconstruction
* Modeling User Performance for Moving Target Selection with a Delayed Mouse
* Modelling of feature matching performance on correlated speckle images
* Modified total variation regularization using fuzzy complement for image denoising
* MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6 Updates and Examples From Terra and Aqua, The
* Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM for Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Sliding Window Based Nonlinear Optimization
* Monocular, Real-Time Surface Reconstruction Using Dynamic Level of Detail
* Motion Compensation for Airborne SAR via Parametric Sparse Representation
* Motion of Oriented Magnitudes Patterns for Human Action Recognition
* Movie Recommendation via BLSTM
* MR Brain Image Segmentation Based on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering Methods
* MR imaging near metal: The POP algorithm
* Multi-attribute Based Fire Detection in Diverse Surveillance Videos
* Multi-Body Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
* Multi-core parallelism for plane sweep algorithms as a foundation for GIS operations
* Multi-generation packet scheduling for live streaming with network coding
* multi-kernel based framework for heterogeneous feature selection and over-sampling for computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules, A
* Multi-Kernel Fuzzy-Based Local Gabor Patterns for Gait Recognition
* Multi-Label Semantic 3D Reconstruction Using Voxel Blocks
* Multi-level convolutional channel features for content-based image retrieval
* Multi-manifold matrix decomposition for data co-clustering
* Multi-Task Multi-modal Semantic Hashing for Web Image Retrieval with Limited Supervision
* Multi-View Inpainting for Image-Based Scene Editing and Rendering
* Multifamily GLRT for Oil Spill Detection, A
* Multimodal 2D-3D face recognition using local descriptors: Pyramidal shape map and structural context
* Multimodal retinal image registration using edge map and feature guided Gaussian mixture model
* Multimodal Video-to-Video Linking: Turning to the Crowd for Insight and Evaluation
* Multiple Object Tracking Evaluation Analysis Framework, A
* Multiscale Crossing Representation Using Combined Feature of Contour and Venation for Leaf Image Identification
* Multisensor Navigation System Based on an Adaptive Fault-Tolerant GOF Algorithm, A
* Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative Dictionary for Melanoma Detection, A
* Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection
* Mutual information of image intensity and gradient flux for markerless pose estimation
* Narrative Approach to Assess Fear of Heights in Virtual Environments
* Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval by Aggregating Intermediate CNN Layers
* Neural Bag-of-Features learning
* New application of MV- and 3D-HEVC for multi-intensity illuminated infrared video coding
* New Building Mask Using the Gradient of Heights for Automatic Building Extraction, A
* new fast algorithm based on SATD for HEVC intra prediction, A
* New Hierarchical Saliency Filtering for Fast Ship Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* New Method for Fall Detection of Elderly Based on Human Shape and Motion Variation, A
* new method of flash image shadow detection and patch-based correction of shadow regions, A
* new parallel image cryptosystem based on 5D hyper-chaotic system, A
* New privilege-based visual cryptography with arbitrary privilege levels
* new template updating method for correlation tracking, A
* new video denoising method using texture metric and adaptive structure variance, A
* no-reference image enhancement quality metric and fusion technique, A
* No-reference image quality assessment based on global and local content perception
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Internal Generative Mechanism
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Region Statistics
* no-reference infrared image sharpness assessment based on singular value decomposition, A
* Noise Estimation and Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a New Multispectral Nonlocal Maximum-likelihood Filter
* Nonlocal mathematical morphology and spatially-variant connected operators
* Nonparametric Hierarchical Bayesian Model and Its Application on Multimodal Person Identity Verification, A
* Novel Affective Visualization System for Videos Based on Acoustic and Visual Features, A
* novel block compressed sensing based on matrix permutation, A
* Novel feature extraction technique for content-based image recognition with query classification
* novel graph-based optimization framework for salient object detection, A
* Novel Graph-Based Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images, A
* novel low delay in-loop filtering WPP process for parallel HEVC encoding, A
* novel method for video enhancement: RGB local context-based fusion, A
* Novel methods for reflective symmetry detection in scanned 3D models
* novel mode decision for depth map coding in 3D-AVS, A
* Novel Online Bayes Classifier, A
* novel rapid and efficient video stabilization algorithm for mobile platforms, A
* Novel Region-Based Method for Moving Shadow Detection, A
* novel scene text detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network, A
* novel selective image encryption method based on saliency detection, A
* Novel Steering System for a Space-Saving 4WS4WD Electric Vehicle: Design, Modeling, and Road Tests, A
* novel technique for misalignment parameter estimation in double compressed JPEG images, A
* Novel Two-Step Integer-pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for HEVC Encoding on a GPU, A
* Novel visibility threshold model for asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic images
* Novel walk-through imaging system for security screening
* Object Depth Estimation from a Single Image Using Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Object Detection Based on Image Blur Using Spatial-Domain Filtering with Haar-Like Features
* Object localization by density-based spatial clustering
* Object Splitting Model Using Higher-Order Active Contours for Single-Cell Segmentation, An
* Object-Based Aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval
* Ocean Upwelling Along the Yellow Sea Coast of China Revealed by Satellite Observations and Numerical Simulation
* OCR as a Service: An Experimental Evaluation of Google Docs OCR, Tesseract, ABBYY FineReader, and Transym
* Olfactory identification and white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary study
* On Energy-Efficient Offloading in Mobile Cloud for Real-Time Video Applications
* On the Exploration of Convolutional Fusion Networks for Visual Recognition
* On the Phase Calibration by Multisquint Analysis in TOPSAR and Stripmap Interferometry
* On-Road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-Based Lane Change Analysis: Part I
* On-Road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-Based Lane Change Analysis: Part II
* Online growing neural GAS for anomaly detection in changing surveillance scenes
* Online multi-object tracking based on global and local features
* Online User Modeling for Interactive Streaming Image Classification
* Online visual tracking via correlation filter with convolutional networks
* Online-Offline Extreme Learning Machine with Concept Drift Tracking for Time Series Data
* Optic disc segmentation based on variational model with multiple energies
* Optical Flow for Rigid Multi-Motion Scenes
* Optimal Design of Digital IIR and FIR Filters Using Complex Flatness Constraints: A Unified Approach
* Optimal Scheduling of Data-Intensive Applications in Cloud-Based Video Distribution Services
* Optimal space subdivision for parallel approximate nearest neighbour determination
* Optimal stopping theory based fast coding tree unit decision for high efficiency video coding
* Optimization-Based Multi-view Head Pose Estimation for Driver Behavior Analysis
* Optimized and Fast Scheme for Real-Time Human Detection Using Raspberry Pi, An
* Optimizing collaborative sparse dictionary for compressive light field photography
* Optimizing Intersection-Over-Union in Deep Neural Networks for Image Segmentation
* Optimizing ZNCC calculation in binocular stereo matching
* Orthogonal Coprime Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Packetization strategies for MVD-based 3D video transmission
* Palette based colour transfer using image segmentation
* Pancreatic Tumor Growth Prediction With Elastic-Growth Decomposition, Image-Derived Motion, and FDM-FEM Coupling
* Panoramic full-frame imaging with monocentric lenses and curved fiber bundles
* Parallax-aware local alignment for image stitching under large occlusion/disocclusion
* Parallel Bin-Occupancy Filter for Image Observation
* Parallelized Iterative Closest Point for Autonomous Aerial Refueling
* parameter partial-sharing CNN architecture for cross-domain clothing retrieval, A
* Parametric Learning of Texture Filters by Stacked Fisher Autoencoders
* Part propagation for local part segmentation
* Particle Detection in Crowd Regions Using Cumulative Score of CNN
* Pedestrian Tracking Using Online Boosted Random Ferns Learning in Far-Infrared Imagery for Safe Driving at Night
* Perception scheme for fruits detection in trees for autonomous agricultural robot applications
* Perceptual contrast enhancement of dark images based on textural coefficients
* Perceptual Lossless Quantization of Spatial Parameter for 3D Audio Signals, The
* Perceptual sparse representation for compressed sensing of image
* Perceptual threshold in DWT for optimum embedding rate in data hiding using HVS and GA
* Perceptually optimized sparse coding for HDR images via divisive normalization
* Performance Analysis of L-Band Geosynchronous SAR Imaging in the Presence of Ionospheric Scintillation
* Performance Analysis of L-Band Geosynchronous SAR Imaging in the Presence of Ionospheric Scintillation
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoints and Descriptors
* Performance Evaluation of Video Summaries Using Efficient Image Euclidean Distance
* Periocular Recognition Under Expression Variation Using Higher Order Spectral Features
* Persistent Scatterer Selection Incorporating Polarimetric SAR Interferograms Based on Maximum Likelihood Theory
* Personalized and Situation-Aware Multimodal Route Recommendations: The FAVOUR Algorithm
* PH-BRINT: Pooled Homomorphic Binary Rotation Invariant and Noise Tolerant Representation for Face Recognition Under Illumination Variations
* Phase Fourier Reconstruction for Anomaly Detection on Metal Surface Using Salient Irregularity
* phase problem with structured sampling, The
* Photometric stereo using mesh face based optimization
* Physics-Based Algorithm for the Simultaneous Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity From VIIRS Thermal Infrared Data, A
* Physiological Features of the Internal Jugular Vein from B-Mode Ultrasound Imagery
* Pixel distribution-based features for offline Arabic handwritten word recognition
* Place recognition by combining multiple feature types with a modified vocabulary tree
* Plankton Image Classification Based on Multiple Segmentations
* Plant Classification from Leaf Textures
* Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction
* Point Tracking on a thin elastomer to emulate Skin-stretch induced motion artifacts in Electrocardiogram measurements
* Pollen Grain Recognition Using Deep Learning
* Polychromatic near-field ptychography
* Polyp Activity Estimation and Monitoring for Cold Water Corals with a Deep Learning Approach
* Portable and Unified CPU/GPU Parallel Implementation of Surface Normal Generation Algorithm from 3D Terrain Data, A
* Power line detection using Hough transform and line tracing techniques
* PR-MPTCP: Context-aware QoE-oriented multipath TCP partial reliability extension for real-time multimedia applications
* Practical application of the geometric wavefront sensor for adaptive optics
* practical design of digital watermarking for video streaming services, A
* Practical Hand Skeleton Estimation Method Based on Monocular Camera
* Practical Watermarking Method Estimating Watermarked Region from Recaptured Videos on Smartphone
* Pre-processing of Video Streams for Extracting Queryable Representation of Its Contents
* Predicting the memorability of natural-scene images
* Predictive Lossless Compression of Regions of Interest in Hyperspectral Images With No-Data Regions
* Predictive no-reference assessment of video quality
* Prefiltering and Postfiltering Based on Global Motion Compensation for Improving Coding Efficiency in H.264 and HEVC Codecs
* Preliminary Studies on Personalized Preference Prediction from Gaze in Comparing Visualizations
* Preventing Drowning Accidents Using Thermal Cameras
* primal-dual method with linear mapping for a saddle point problem in image deblurring, A
* Prius: Hybrid Edge Cloud and Client Adaptation for HTTP Adaptive Streaming in Cellular Networks
* Proceduralization for Editing 3D Architectural Models
* Progressive 3D Modeling All the Way
* Pyramid stereo matching for spherical panoramas
* Q-DNN: A quality-aware deep neural network for blind assessment of enhanced images
* QMET: A new quality assessment metric for no-reference video coding by using human eye traversal
* QoE-Driven Delay Announcement for Cloud Mobile Media
* QoS Aware Resource Allocation Strategy for Mobile Graphics Rendering With Cloud Support, A
* QoS-Aware Resource Allocation for Video Transcoding in Clouds
* Quality assessment for dual-view display system
* Quality Improvement for Video On-Demand Streaming over HTTP
* Quality-of-Content-Based Joint Source and Channel Coding for Human Detections in a Mobile Surveillance Cloud, A
* QualityNet: Segmentation quality evaluation with deep convolutional networks
* Quantitative Analysis of Tilt in the Cafe Wall Illusion: A Bioplausible Model for Foveal and Peripheral Vision, A
* Quantitative Performance Optimisation for Corner and Edge Based Robotic Vision Systems: A Monte-Carlo Simulation
* Quaternionic Upsampling: Hyperspherical Techniques for 6 DoF Pose Tracking
* Radiometric Scene Decomposition: Scene Reflectance, Illumination, and Geometry from RGB-D Images
* Random-Walker-Based Collaborative Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Rapid Hand Shape Reconstruction with Chebyshev Phase Shifting
* Raptor codes-based energy-efficient screen mirroring system
* Rare Class Oriented Scene Labeling Using CNN Incorporated Label Transfer
* Rate control for consistent video quality with inter-dependent distortion model for HEVC
* RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photometric Similarity Filter for Optical Image Restoration
* Real-Time 3D Visual Singing Synthesis: From Appearance to Internal Articulators, A
* Real-Time Automated Aerial Refueling Using Stereo Vision
* Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Multiple Humans from High Bird's-Eye Views in the Visual and Infrared Spectrum
* Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Geometry
* Real-Time Hyperbola Recognition and Fitting in GPR Data
* Real-Time Multi-object Tracking with Occlusion and Stationary Objects Handling for Conveying Systems
* Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense SLAM
* Realistic 3D Modeling of the Liver from MRI Images
* Recognizing Emotions Based on Human Actions in Videos
* Recognizing Street Lighting Poles From Mobile LiDAR Data
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Scheme for Blurred Images, A
* Reduction of Missing Wedge Artifact in Oblique-View Computed Tomography
* Registration of Point Clouds Based on the Ratio of Bidirectional Distances
* Regularized 3D Modeling from Noisy Building Reconstructions
* Regularized fully convolutional networks for RGB-D semantic segmentation
* Regularized logistic regression algorithm learns progressive sweep algorithm
* Reliability assessment of principal point estimates for forensic applications
* Reliability-Based Local Features Aggregation for Image Segmentation
* ReMagicMirror: Action Learning Using Human Reenactment with the Mirror Metaphor
* Removing ring artifacts in CBCT images via L0 smoothing
* Research on the optimal planning of the battery switch station for electric vehicles
* Resilience Mask for Robust Audio Hashing, A
* Resolution-Independent Superpixels Based on Convex Constrained Meshes Without Small Angles
* Retrieving Directional Gap Fraction, Extinction Coefficient, and Effective Leaf Area Index by Incorporating Scan Angle Information From Discrete Aerial Lidar Data
* Reversible SMVQ Image Hiding Using Adaptive Search Order Coding
* review and an approach for object detection in images, A
* Revisiting visual attention identification based on eye tracking data analytics
* RFVTM: A Recovery and Filtering Vertex Trichotomy Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Road detection via unsupervised feature learning
* Robust and Real-Time Object Tracking Using Scale-Adaptive Correlation Filters
* robust approach for object matching and classification using Partial Dominant Orientation Descriptor, A
* Robust Approaches for Multi-Label Face Classification
* Robust Feature-Preserving Denoising of 3D Point Clouds
* Robust Image Classification via Low-Rank Double Dictionary Learning
* Robust Lip Region Segmentation Based on Competitive FCM Clustering
* Robust multi-view stereo synthesized by various parameters model
* Robust Plane-Based Calibration of Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Robust Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from RGBD Videos under Extreme Pose, Depth, and Expression Variation
* Robust Recovery of Heavily Degraded Depth Measurements
* Robust Scene Text Detection for Multi-script Languages Using Deep Learning
* Robust Sparse Coding for Mobile Image Labeling on the Cloud
* Robust Tracking in Low Light and Sudden Illumination Changes
* Robust view interpolation with mesh cutting
* Robust Visual Tracking Based on Multi-channel Compressive Features
* Robust Watermarking Scheme against Frame Blending, Projection and Content Adaptation Attacks, A
* Robustness of Rotation Invariant Descriptors for Texture Classification
* Rocchio-Based Relevance Feedback in Video Event Retrieval
* role of focus in object instance recognition, The
* Role of Image Contrast Enhancement Technique for Ophthalmologist as Diagnostic Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy
* Room Layout Estimation with Object and Material Attributes Information Using a Spherical Camera
* SAHF: Unsupervised Texture-Based Multiscale with Multicolor Method for Retinal Vessel Delineation
* Saliency analysis and region of interest detection via orientation information and contrast feature in remote sensing images
* Saliency Optimization Based on Compactness and Background-Prior
* Saliency-guided object proposal for refined salient region detection
* Salient Region Detection and Pattern Matching-Based Algorithm for Center Detection of a Partially Covered Tropical Cyclone in a SAR Image, A
* SAR Image segmentation based on convolutional-wavelet neural network and markov random field
* Satellite image classification using Genetic Algorithm trained radial basis function neural network, application to the detection of flooded areas
* Scalable multiview video coding for immersive video streaming systems
* Scalable Video Conferencing System Using Cached Facial Expressions, A
* Scalable wireless video broadcast based on unequal protection
* Scale-Relation Feature for Moving Cast Shadow Detection
* Scene flow estimation through 3D analysis of multi-focus images
* Scene structure analysis for sprint sports
* SceneNN: A Scene Meshes Dataset with aNNotations
* Sea Fetch Observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Segment-based view synthesis optimization scheme in 3D-HEVC
* Segmentation of harmonic syllables in noisy recordings of bird vocalisations
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Echocardiography Using Contextual Shape Model
* Segmenting Neuronal Growth Cones Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Self-normalising linear camera resection
* Semantic Extraction and Object Proposal for Video Search
* Semantic Motion Signature for Segmentation of High Speed Large Displacement Objects
* Semantic-Based Brain MRI Image Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Semi-automated Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel Network with Bifurcation and Crossover Points
* Semi-global stereo matching under large and spatially variant perceptive deviations
* Semi-Inner-Products for Convex Functionals and Their Use in Image Decomposition
* Semi-Supervised Weight Learning for the Spatial Search Method in ConvNet-Based Image Retrieval
* Sensitivity of Pansharpening Methods to Temporal and Instrumental Changes Between Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Sets
* Sensor-Based Official Basketball Referee Signals Recognition System Using Deep Belief Networks, A
* Shape Analysis with Anisotropic Windowed Fourier Transform
* Shape based co-segmentation repairing by segment evaluation and object proposals
* Shape Reconstruction of Objects in Participating Media by Combining Photometric Stereo and Optical Thickness
* Sharpness and contrast measures on videos
* SHORT: A fast 3D feature description based on estimating occupancy in spherical shell regions
* Shot boundary detection using convolutional neural networks
* Shrinking Encoding with Two-Level Codebook Learning for Fine-Grained Fish Recognition
* Signature Embedding: Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification with Deep Metric Learning
* Similarity Metric Learning for 2D to 3D Registration of Brain Vasculature
* simple approach for designing a PID controller for an experimental air blower system, A
* simple but efficient way to combine VLAD with locality-constrained linear coding, A
* Simple Parallel EM Algorithm for Statistical Learning via Mixture Models, A
* simple weighted thresholding method for the segmentation of pigmented skin lesions in macroscopic images, A
* Simple, flexible, and accurate phase retrieval method for generalized phase-shifting interferometry
* Simulating a Predator Fish Attacking a School of Prey Fish in 3D Graphics
* Simulation of temporal coherence loss for repeat-pass synthetic aperture sonar
* Simultaneous Analysis of 2D Echo Views for Left Atrial Segmentation and Disease Detection
* Simultaneous Correspondences Estimation and Non-Rigid Structure Reconstruction
* Single image haze removal using Gaussian mixture model and sparse optimization
* Single image super-resolution via projective dictionary learning with anchored neighborhood regression
* Single Image Super-Resolution with a Parameter Economic Residual-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* Single View 3D Reconstruction under an Uncalibrated Camera and an Unknown Mirror Sphere
* Single-Image RGB Photometric Stereo with Spatially-Varying Albedo
* Single-Shot Multi-Path Interference Resolution for Mirror-Based Full 3D Shape Measurement with a Correlation-Based ToF Camera, A
* Single-Shot Time-of-Flight Phase Unwrapping Using Two Modulation Frequencies
* Singular value decomposition and local near neighbors for face recognition under varying illumination
* SINN: Shepard Interpolation Neural Networks
* SLNSW-UTS: A Historical Image Dataset for Image Multi-Labeling and Retrieval
* Smart Loudspeaker Arrays for Self-Coordination and User Tracking
* Smooth sparse representation for noise robust face super-resolution
* Soft decoding algorithms for optimized JPEG 2000 wireless transmission over realistic MIMO-OFDM systems
* Sparse embedded dictionary learning on face recognition
* Sparse Representation Based Classification Algorithm for Chinese Food Recognition, A
* Sparse Representation for Color Image Super-Resolution with Image Quality Difference Evaluation
* Sparse similarity metric learning for kinship verification
* Sparse unmixing of hyperspectral data based on robust linear mixing model
* Sparse Wavelet Auto-Encoders for Image Classification
* Spatial Shape Constrained Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Clustering for Nucleus Segmentation in Pap Smear Images
* Spatial Verification via Compact Words for Mobile Instance Search
* Spatially and Temporally Weighted Regression: A Novel Method to Produce Continuous Cloud-Free Landsat Imagery
* Spatio-Temporal VLAD Encoding for Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Spatiotemporal LOD-Blending for Artifact Reduction in Multi-resolution Volume Rendering
* Spatiotemporal super-resolution for multiview video in transform domain
* SpectroMeter: Amortized Sublinear Spectral Approximation of Distance on Graphs
* Speech Synchronized Tongue Animation by Combining Physiology Modeling and X-ray Image Fitting
* SS-OFDM: A low complexity method to improve spectral efficiency
* Stacked Autoencoders for Medical Image Search
* Stereo matching algorithm based on per pixel difference adjustment, iterative guided filter and graph segmentation
* Stereo-Image Normalization of Voluminous Objects Improves Textile Defect Recognition
* stereoscopic image quality assessment model based on independent component analysis and binocular fusion property, A
* Stereoscopic images quality assessment based on deep learning
* Stochastic Decorrelation Constraint Regularized Auto-Encoder for Visual Recognition
* Storyboard-Based Video Browsing Using Color and Concept Indices
* Strategic car-following gap model considering the effect of cut-ins from adjacent lanes
* Stratified Decision Forests for Accurate Anatomical Landmark Localization in Cardiac Images
* Streaming Mobile Cloud Gaming Video Over TCP With Adaptive Source-FEC Coding
* Structural Coupled-Layer Tracking Method Based on Correlation Filters, A
* Structure from Category: A Generic and Prior-Less Approach
* Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR and Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Structure tensor-based WLS filter for adaptive smoothing
* Structure-Aware Image Resizing for Chinese Characters
* structure-preserving image restoration method with high-level ensemble constraints, A
* Structured low rank tracker with smoothed regularization
* Study and implementation of the LED headlight driver with auto-start function in specific location
* Supervised Class Graph Preserving Hashing for Image Retrieval and Classification
* Supervised distance metric learning through maximization of the Jeffrey divergence
* Surface Shape Morphometry for Hippocampal Modeling in Alzheimer's Disease
* Surface Stereo for Shallow Underwater Scenes
* Survey on semi-supervised feature selection methods, A
* Synthesising radiance maps from legacy outdoor photographs for real-time IBL on HMDs
* Synthesizing Training Images for Boosting Human 3D Pose Estimation
* Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face Tracking
* Teacher-Student VR Telepresence with Networked Depth Camera Mesh and Heterogeneous Displays
* Tensor Voting Extraction of Vessel Centerlines from Cerebral Angiograms
* Tensor-Based Dictionary Learning for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* Texture modelling with non-contiguous filters
* Texture-aware edit propagation using nonparametric regression
* Texture-based feature mining for crowd density estimation: A study
* Time varying backstepping control for trajectory tracking of mobile robot
* To face or not to face: Towards reducing false positive of face detection
* Tone-preserving contrast enhancement in images using rational tone mapping and constrained optimization
* Toward a real-time belief propagation stereo reconstruction for computers, robots, and beyond
* Towards Estimating Heart Rates from Video Under Low Light
* Towards Extending Bag-of-Words-Models Using Context Features for an 2D Inverted Index
* Towards Landmine Detection Using Ubiquitous Satellite Imaging
* Towards Large-Scale 3D Face Recognition
* Towards Quantitative Evaluation of Tissue Absorption Coefficients Using Light Fluence Correction in Optoacoustic Tomography
* Tracking Deformable Surfaces That Undergo Topological Changes Using an RGB-D Camera
* Transform-domain in-loop filter with block similarity for HEVC
* Transforming a 3-D LiDAR Point Cloud Into a 2-D Dense Depth Map Through a Parameter Self-Adaptive Framework
* triangulation-based technique for building boundary identification from point cloud data, A
* Tsai's calibration applied for close-range hydraulic engineering research
* Tutorials: 3D video processing techniques for immersive contents generation
* Two Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
* Two Phase Classification for Early Hand Gesture Recognition in 3D Top View Data
* Two-Side Agreement Learning for Non-Parametric Template Matching
* Two-Stage Outdoor-Indoor Scene Classification Framework: Experimental Study for the Outdoor Stage, A
* Two-stage patch-based sparse multi-value descriptor for face recognition
* Ultrasound Small Vessel Imaging With Block-Wise Adaptive Local Clutter Filtering
* Understanding Data Augmentation for Classification: When to Warp?
* Understanding Performance of Edge Prefetching
* Unified Framework for Monocular Video-Based Facial Motion Tracking and Expression Recognition, A
* Uniqueness for ab initio phase retrieval in macromolecular X-ray crystallography
* Unsupervised Caries Detection in Non-standardized Bitewing Dental X-Rays
* Unsupervised Deep Networks for Temporal Localization of Human Actions in Streaming Videos
* Unsupervised Multiple Object Cosegmentation via Ensemble MIML Learning
* Unsupervised person clustering in videos with cross-modal communication
* Use fast R-CNN and cascade structure for face detection
* Use of spatio-temporal modeling for age invariant face recognition
* User Identification by Observing Interactions with GUIs
* Using Dense 3D Reconstruction for Visual Odometry Based on Structure from Motion Techniques
* Using independent component analysis and binocular combination for stereoscopic image quality assessment
* Using Object Detection, NLP, and Knowledge Bases to Understand the Message of Images
* USM Sharpening Detection Based on Sparse Coding
* Utilizing Locality-Sensitive Hash Learning for Cross-Media Retrieval
* UTSig: A Persian offline signature dataset
* Uyghur Language Text Detection in Complex Background Images Using Enhanced MSERs
* V-Head: Face Detection and Alignment for Facial Augmented Reality Applications
* V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
* Validation of a Multimodality Flow Phantom and Its Application for Assessment of Dynamic SPECT and PET Technologies
* Validation of Ionospheric Spatial Decorrelation Observed During Equatorial Plasma Bubble Events
* Variational Contrast Enhancement of Gray-Scale and RGB Images
* Variational JPEG artifacts suppression based on high-order MRFs
* Variational Model for Multiplicative Structured Noise Removal, A
* Vectorised SIMD implementations of morphology algorithms
* VERGE in VBS 2017
* Vertical Axis Detection for Sport Video Analytics
* Vessel Detection on Cerebral Angiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Anomaly Detection Based on Adaptive Multiple Auto-Encoders
* Video Cut Detector via Adaptive Features using the Frobenius Norm
* Video Data Modeling Using Sequential Correspondence Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
* Video Depth-from-Defocus
* Video Hunter at VBS 2017
* Video Search via Ranking Network with Very Few Query Exemplars
* Video Summarization Using Geometric Primitives
* Video Tracking with Probabilistic Cooccurrence Feature Extraction
* Video-based document image scanning using a mobile device
* View Invariant 3D Video Watermarking Using Depth Based Embedding
* View Synthesised Prediction with Temporal Texture Synthesis for Multi-View Video
* View-Based 3D Objects Recognition with Expectation Propagation Learning
* Vignetting Correction Algorithm for Bright-Field Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge, A
* Virtual Reality Framework for Multimodal Imagery for Vessels in Polar Regions, A
* Virtual Reality Integration with Force Feedback in Upper Limb Rehabilitation
* VISGIS: Dynamic situated visualization for geographic information systems
* Vision-Based Self-contained Target Following Robot Using Bayesian Data Fusion
* Visual Analytics Using Graph Sampling and Summarization on Multitouch Displays
* Visual attention analysis and prediction on human faces with mole
* Visual domain adaptation using weighted subspace alignment
* Visual information exploited hybrid digital-analog scheme for wireless video multicast
* Visual information measurement with quality assessment
* visual modeling of knowledge for decision-making, A
* Visual Robotic Object Grasping Through Combining RGB-D Data and 3D Meshes
* Volume Radius Function: A new descriptor for the segmentation of volumetric medical images, The
* Weakly supervised 3D reconstruction of the knee joint from MR images using a volumetric Active Appearance Model
* Weakly supervised vehicle detection in satellite images via multi-instance discriminative learning
* Web-Based Service for Disturbing Image Detection, A
* What are Good Design Gestures?
* What Convnets Make for Image Captioning?
* What is the best way for extracting meaningful attributes from pictures?
* When to use what feature? SIFT, SURF, ORB, or A-KAZE features for monocular visual odometry
* White Blood Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using Level Set Methods and Geometric Active Contours
* Will It Last? Learning Stable Features for Long-Term Visual Localization
* Wireless video traffic bottleneck coordination with a DASH SAND framework
* X-Tag: A Fiducial Tag for Flexible and Accurate Bundle Adjustment
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