Adam, A.
Co Author Listing * Aggregated Dynamic Background Modeling
* Bayesian Time-of-Flight for Realtime Shape, Illumination and Albedo
* Belgium through the Lens of Rail Travel Requests: Does Geography Still Matter?
* Color Invariants for Person Reidentification
* Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
* Dynamic Time-of-Flight
* Fragments Tracker
* Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation
* Objects Can Move: 3D Change Detection by Geometric Transformation Consistency
* On Scene Segmentation and Histograms-Based Curve Evolution
* Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral Histogram
* Robust Real-Time Unusual Event Detection using Multiple Fixed-Location Monitors
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations in Stereo Matching
* Semantic 3d Point Cloud Segmentation Approach Based On Optimal View Selection for 2d Image Feature Extraction, A
* Using Model-based Localization with Active Navigation
Includes: Adam, A. Adam, A.[Amit] Adam, A.[Arnaud] Adam, A.[Aikaterini]
16 for Adam, A.
Adam, A.B.M.[Abuzar B. M.]
Co Author Listing * Toward Smart Traffic Management with 3D Placement Optimization in UAV-Assisted NOMA IIoT Networks
Adam, B.[Bruno]
Co Author Listing * Shape Reconstruction from Unorganized Set of Points
Adam, B.M.A.[Bashir M. Ahmed]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Mapping of Cultivated Area in Gash Delta Spate Irrigation System, Sudan
Adam, D.
Co Author Listing * Electromagnetic impedance tomography (EMIT): A new method for impedance imaging
* Fast Vascular Ultrasound Imaging With Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Background Rejection
* high-resolution technique for ultrasound harmonic imaging using sparse representations in gabor frames, A
* Improved Contrast-Enhanced Power Doppler Using a Coherence-Based Estimator
* novel approach to the 2-D blind deconvolution problem in medical ultrasound, A
* Phase Unwrapping for 2-D Blind Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images
* Robust estimation of ultrasound pulses using outlier-resistant de-noising
* Ultrasound Image Denoising by Spatially Varying Frequency Compounding
* Validation of ultrasonic image boundary recognition in abdominal aortic aneurysm
Includes: Adam, D. Adam, D.[Dan]
9 for Adam, D.
Adam, E.[Elhadi]
Co Author Listing * Characterizing Leaf Nutrients of Wetland Plants and Agricultural Crops with Nonparametric Approach Using Sentinel-2 Imagery Data
* Detecting Sirex noctilio grey-attacked and lightning-struck pine trees using airborne hyperspectral data, random forest and support vector machines classifiers
* Discriminating indicator grass species for rangeland degradation assessment using hyperspectral data resampled to AISA Eagle resolution
* Empirical Prediction of Leaf Area Index (LAI) of Endangered Tree Species in Intact and Fragmented Indigenous Forests Ecosystems Using WorldView-2 Data and Two Robust Machine Learning Algorithms
* Evaluating the impact of red-edge band from Rapideye image for classifying insect defoliation levels
* Evaluating the Performance of Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis in Mapping Archaeological Landscapes Previously Occupied by Farming Communities: A Case of Shashi-Limpopo Confluence Area
* Examining the Spectral Separability of Prosopis Glandulosa from Co-Existent Species Using Field Spectral Measurement and Guided Regularized Random Forest
* High and Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery to Evaluate Late Holocene Human-Environment Interactions in Arid Lands: A Case Study from the Central Sahara
* Integrating In Situ and Current Generation Satellite Data for Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Hartbeespoort Dam, Crocodile River Basin, South Africa
* Machine Learning Classification of Endangered Tree Species in a Tropical Submontane Forest Using WorldView-2 Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Imbalanced Dataset
* Machine Learning Classification of Fused Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Image Data towards Mapping Fruit Plantations in Highly Heterogenous Landscapes
* Mapping leaf nitrogen and carbon concentrations of intact and fragmented indigenous forest ecosystems using empirical modeling techniques and WorldView-2 data
* Monitoring Shoreline Changes along the Southwestern Coast of South Africa from 1937 to 2020 Using Varied Remote Sensing Data and Approaches
13 for Adam, E.
Adam, G.[Ganesh]
Co Author Listing * Lerojd: Lidar Extended Radar-only Object Detection
* perspective on needle artifacts in MRI: an electromagnetic model for experimentally separating susceptibility effects, A
* Reliable Multilane Detection and Classification by Utilizing CNN as a Regression Network
Includes: Adam, G.[Ganesh] Adam, G.
Adam, G.A.[George Alexandru]
Co Author Listing * Towards Robust Classification Model by Counterfactual and Invariant Data Generation
Adam, H.[Hartwig]
Co Author Listing * 2.5D visual relationship detection
* Adaptive Transformers for Robust Few-shot Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing
* Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Axial-Deeplab: Stand-alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation
* BranchOut: Regularization for Online Ensemble Tracking with Convolutional Neural Networks
* CMT-DeepLab: Clustering Mask Transformers for Panoptic Segmentation
* Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machine Analysis of Media
* Contextualized Spatio-Temporal Contrastive Learning with Self-Supervision
* Distilling Vision-Language Models on Millions of Videos
* Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Exploring Fine-Grained Audiovisual Categorization with the SSW60 Dataset
* Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset
* FEELVOS: Fast End-To-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* Geo-Aware Networks for Fine-Grained Recognition
* iMaterialist Fashion Attribute Dataset, The
* Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-Modal Models
* iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
* k-means Mask Transformer
* Large scale learning and recognition of faces in web videos
* Large-Scale Object Classification Using Label Relation Graphs
* Large-scale privacy protection in Google Street View
* Learning Unified Embedding for Apparel Recognition
* Learning View-Disentangled Human Pose Representation by Contrastive Cross-View Mutual Information Maximization
* MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features
* MaX-DeepLab: End-to-End Panoptic Segmentation with Mask Transformers
* Method and apparatus for image analysis of a gabor-wavelet transformed image using a neural network
* MnasFPN: Learning Latency-Aware Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* Naive-Student: Leveraging Semi-supervised Learning in Video Sequences for Urban Scene Segmentation
* NAS-FPN: Learning Scalable Feature Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection
* NetAdapt: Platform-Aware Neural Network Adaptation for Mobile Applications
* Panoptic-DeepLab: A Simple, Strong, and Fast Baseline for Bottom-Up Panoptic Segmentation
* PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer
* Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference
* Searching for MobileNetV3
* Tour the world: Building a web-scale landmark recognition engine
* TubeFormer-DeepLab: Video Mask Transformer
* Unified Visual Relationship Detection with Vision and Language Models
* View-invariant Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose
* View-Invariant, Occlusion-Robust Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose
* ViP-DeepLab: Learning Visual Perception with Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation
Includes: Adam, H.[Hartwig] Adam, H.
40 for Adam, H.
Adam, J.M.[Jibril Muhammad]
Co Author Listing * GeoSparseNet: A Multi-Source Geometry-Aware CNN for Urban Scene Analysis
* Review: Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
Includes: Adam, J.M.[Jibril Muhammad] Adam, J.M.[Jibril Muhmmad]
Adam, J.P.
Co Author Listing * Mathematical Analysis of Clustering-Free Local SAR Compression Algorithms for MRI Safety in Parallel Transmission, A
Adam, K.
Co Author Listing * Accurate 3D Textured Models of Vessels for the Improvement of the Educational Tools of a Museum
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Cultural Heritage Applications Using Unstructured Planar Objects
* Camera Calibration Using Multiple Unordered Coplanar Chessboards
* KERTAS: dataset for automatic dating of ancient Arabic manuscripts
* Moving camera human activity localization and recognition with motionplanes and multiple homographies
Includes: Adam, K. Adam, K.[Kalthoum] Adam, K.[Katerina]
Adam, L.[Lukas]
Co Author Listing * SeaTurtleID2022: A long-span dataset for reliable sea turtle re-identification
* WildlifeDatasets: An open-source toolkit for animal re-identification
Includes: Adam, L.[Lukas] Adam, L.[Lukáš]
Adam, M.[Markus]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Assessment of GEDI Terrain Elevation and Canopy Height Estimates in European Temperate Forests: Influence of Environmental and Acquisition Parameters
* Effects of Colour Content and Cumulative Area of Outdoor Advertisement Billboards on the Visual Quality of Urban Streets, The
* Finger Localization and Classification in Images based on Generalized Hough Transform and Probabilistic Models
* Fully Convolutional Region Proposal Networks for Multispectral Person Detection
* Ground-Based Measurements of Wind and Turbulence at Bucharest-Magurele: First Results
* Ka-Band Wind Geophysical Model Function Using Doppler Scatterometer Measurements from the Air-Sea Interaction Tower Experiment, A
* Methodology for Lidar Monitoring of Biomass Burning Smoke in Connection with the Land Cover
* Optimal Distributed Kalman and Lainiotis Filters: Optimal Uniform Distribution of Measurements into Local Processors
* Reliable Eyelid Localization for Iris Recognition
* Riccati Equation Solution Method for the Computation of the Extreme Solutions of X+A*X-1A=Q and X-A*X-1A=Q
* Towards Early Detection of Tropospheric Aerosol Layers Using Monitoring with Ceilometer, Photometer, and Air Mass Trajectories
Includes: Adam, M.[Markus] Adam, M.[Mastura] Adam, M. Adam, M.[Mariana] Adam, M.[Max] Adam, M.[Mathieu]
11 for Adam, M.
Adam, M.G.[Michael G.]
Co Author Listing * Bounding Box Disparity: 3D Metrics for Object Detection with Full Degree of Freedom
Adam, M.T.P.
Co Author Listing * Blended Emotion Detection for Decision Support
* Deep Learning for Human Affect Recognition: Insights and New Developments
Includes: Adam, M.T.P. Adam, M.T.P.[Marc T. P.]
Adam, N.[Nico]
Co Author Listing * advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in non-urban areas, An
* Appearance of Persistent Scatterers for Different TerraSAR-X Acquisition Modes
* Characterisation and improvement of the structure function estimation for application in PSI
* Distributed Scatterer Interferometry Approach for Precision Monitoring of Known Surface Deformation Phenomena, A
* High Resolution Deformation Time Series Estimation For Distributed Scatterers Using Terrasar-x Data
* Interferometric Potential of High Resolution Spaceborne SAR
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimator to Simultaneously Unwrap, Geocode, and Fuse SAR Interferograms From Different Viewing Geometries Into One Digital Elevation Model, A
* Spaceborne Spotlight SAR Interferometry With TerraSAR-X
* Synergy Method to Improve Ensemble Weather Predictions and Differential SAR Interferograms, A
* Three-Dimensional Positioning of Point Scatterers Based on Radargrammetry
Includes: Adam, N.[Nico] Adam, N.
10 for Adam, N.
Adam, N.L.[Noor Latiffah]
Co Author Listing * Self-Regulated Learning and Online Learning: A Systematic Review
Adam, O.[Osama]
Co Author Listing * Multitemporal Spaceborn SAR Data For Change Detection In Urban Areas:a Case Study In Shanghai
Adam, R.D.[Robin Dirk]
Co Author Listing * Denoising by Inpainting
Adam, S.[Sebastien]
Co Author Listing * Approximation of Digital Curves using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
* Automatic Ground-truth Generation for Document Image Analysis and Understanding
* Clustering document images using a bag of symbols representation
* DocMining: A Document Analysis System Builder
* Dynamic Random Forests
* Exact Graph Edit Distance Computation Using a Binary Linear Program
* Frequent Graph Discovery: Application to Line Drawing Document Images
* Fully convolutional network with dilated convolutions for handwritten text line segmentation
* GEM++: A Tool for Solving Substitution-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism
* general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods, A
* Graph Classification Approach Using a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Application to Symbol Recognition, A
* Graph Classification Using Genetic Algorithm and Graph Probing Application to Symbol Recognition
* Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
* Graph node matching for edit distance
* integer linear program for substitution-tolerant subgraph isomorphism and its use for symbol spotting in technical drawings, An
* Learning graph prototypes for shape recognition
* Learning to Detect Tables in Scanned Document Images Using Line Information
* Minimum cost subgraph matching using a binary linear program
* multi-model selection framework for unknown and/or evolutive misclassification cost problems, A
* Multi-Objective Optimization for SVM Model Selection
* Multiclass ROC Front method for cost-sensitive classification, The
* Multiscale and Multiorientation Recognition Technique Applied to Document Interpretation: Application to the French Telephone Network Maps, A
* New binary linear programming formulation to compute the graph edit distance
* On defining signatures for the retrieval and the classification of graphical drop caps
* One-shot field spotting on colored forms using subgraph isomorphism
* ROC-based cost-sensitive classification with a reject option
* Similitude Invariant Pattern Recognition on Technical Documents
* Subgraph spotting in graph representations of comic book images
* Symbol and character recognition: application to engineering drawings
* Symbol Detection Using Region Adjacency Graphs and Integer Linear Programming
* Symbols Detection and Classification using Graph Neural Networks
* Using Random Forests for Handwritten Digit Recognition
Includes: Adam, S.[Sebastien] Adam, S.[Sébastien] Adam, S.
32 for Adam, S.
Adam, T.[Tarmizi]
Co Author Listing * Hybrid non-convex second-order total variation with applications to non-blind image deblurring
* L_0-overlapping group sparse total variation for impulse noise image restoration, An
Adam, T.J.
Co Author Listing * Performance-Based Classification of Occupant Posture to Reduce the Risk of Injury in a Collision
Adamantidou, E.[Eleni]
Co Author Listing * AC-SUM-GAN: Connecting Actor-Critic and Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* Unsupervised Video Summarization via Attention-driven Adversarial Learning
* Video Summarization Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
Adamatzky, A.[Andrew]
Co Author Listing * On Growing Persian Words with L-Systems: Visual Modeling of Neyname
Adamatzky, A.I.
Co Author Listing * Evolving Transport Networks With Cellular Automata Models Inspired by Slime Mould
* Route 20, Autobahn 7, and Slime Mold: Approximating the Longest Roads in USA and Germany With Slime Mold on 3-D Terrains
Adamchuk, V.[Viacheslav]
Co Author Listing * Clustering Tools for Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and Proximal Soil Sensing Data
Adamchuk, V.I.
Co Author Listing * Spatially Constrained Geospatial Data Clustering for Multilayer Sensor-Based Measurements
Adamcyk, J.
Co Author Listing * Automated mapping and updating techniques in transboundary East European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves development
Adamczewski, K.[Kamil]
Co Author Listing * Adaglimpse: Active Visual Exploration with Arbitrary Glimpse Position and Scale
* Discrete Tabu Search for Graph Matching
* Revisiting Random Channel Pruning for Neural Network Compression
* Subgraph matching using compactness prior for robust feature correspondence
Includes: Adamczewski, K.[Kamil] Adamczewski, K.
Adamczyk, M.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of next-best-view algorithms performance with various 3D scanners and manipulator
Adame Campos, R.L.[Rita Libertad]
Co Author Listing * Variables Selection for Aboveground Biomass Estimations Using Satellite Data: A Comparison between Relative Importance Approach and Stepwise Akaike's Information Criterion
Includes: Adame Campos, R.L.[Rita Libertad] Adame-Campos, R.L.[Rita Libertad]
Adame, J.A.[Jose Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Polar Stratospheric Clouds Detection at Belgrano II Antarctic Station with Visible Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements
Adamec, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Pervasive Game Utilizing WiFi Fingerprinting-based Localization
Adameck, M.[Markus]
Co Author Listing * Fast 3D-Vision System to Classify Metallic Coins by their Embossed Topography
* Performance Evaluation of Bottom-Up Saliency Models for Object Proposal Generation
Adamek, K.[Katarzyna]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Assessment in Malopolska, Poland, via Satellite Observations
* Why Rivers Disappear: Remote Sensing Analysis of Postmining Factors Using the Example of the Sztola River, Poland
Adamek, T.[Tomasz]
Co Author Listing * DARTs: Efficient scale-space extraction of DAISY keypoints
* Incorporating spatio-temporal mid-level features in a region segmentation algorithm for video sequences
* Inexpensive fusion methods for enhancing feature detection
* multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour, A
* Towards Fully Automatic Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Using Dempster-Shafer Theory to Fuse Multiple Information Sources in Region-Based Segmentation
* Word matching using single closed contours for indexing handwritten historical documents
7 for Adamek, T.
Adamer, K.[Kurt]
Co Author Listing * Wearable, Conductive Textile Based User Interface for Hospital Ward Rounds Document Access, A
Adametz, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Information Bottleneck for Pathway-Centric Gene Expression Analysis
Adami, A.
Co Author Listing * 2012 Earthquake: An Abacus of Surveys And Interventions in Mantua Churches, The
* 4D City Transformations by time Series of Aerial Images
* BIM System for the Conservation And Preservation of the Mosaics of San Marco in Venice
* Comparison between Time-Frequency and Cepstral Feature Representations for the Classification of Seismic-Volcanic Signals, A
* Geomatics In the Management of Built Heritage Through BIM Systems. The Training of New Experienced Professional Figures
* Geometric Survey Data and Historical Sources Interpretation for HBIM Process: The Case of Mantua Cathedral Façade
* Modelling and Accuracy in a BIM Environment for Planned Conservation: The Apartment of Troia of Giulio Romano
* Physical and Virtual Reconstruction for An Integrated Archaeological Model: 3d Print and Maquette
* Range Based Method For Complex Facade Modeling, A
* Sidewalk Detection and Pavement Characterisation in Historic Urban Environments From Point Clouds: Preliminary Results
* Survey And Modelling for the Bim of Basilica of San Marco in Venice
* Survey Of Cultural Heritage After An Earthquake: The Case Of Emilia–lombardia In 2012, The
* Ultra Light UAV Systems for The Metrical Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Applications for Architecture and Archaeology
Includes: Adami, A. Adami, A.[Andrea]
13 for Adami, A.
Adami, A.G.[Andre G.]
Co Author Listing * Variational DNN embeddings for text-independent speaker verification
Includes: Adami, A.G.[Andre G.] Adami, A.G.[André G.]
Adami, C.L.[Christian L.]
Co Author Listing * Space Domain Awareness Observations Using the Buckland Park VHF Radar
Adami, M.[Marcos]
Co Author Listing * Brazilian Mangrove Status: Three Decades of Satellite Data Analysis
* Comparative Analysis of the Global Forest/Non-Forest Maps Derived from SAR and Optical Sensors. Case Studies from Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado Biomes
* Estimating Crop Sowing and Harvesting Dates Using Satellite Vegetation Index: A Comparative Analysis
* Forage Mass Estimation in Silvopastoral and Full Sun Systems: Evaluation through Proximal Remote Sensing Applied to the SAFER Model
* Google Earth Engine: A Global Analysis and Future Trends
* Large-Scale Deep-Learning Approach for Multi-Temporal Aqua and Salt-Culture Mapping, A
* Mapping Deforestation in Cerrado Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Time Series
* Method for Estimating Soybean Sowing, Beginning Seed, and Harvesting Dates in Brazil Using NDVI-MODIS Data, A
* Modis Time Series For Land Use Change Detection In Fields Of The Amazon Soy Moratorium
* MODIS Time Series to Detect Anthropogenic Interventions and Degradation Processes in Tropical Pasture
* Monitoring Biennial Bearing Effect on Coffee Yield Using MODIS Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multisensor approach to land use and land cover mapping in Brazilian Amazon
* Multitemporal Analysis of Deforestation in Response to the Construction of the Tucuruí Dam
* Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover within an Oil Block in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Performance Analysis of MODIS 500-m Spatial Resolution Products for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Oligo- to Meso-Trophic Waters Case Study: Itumbiara Reservoir, Brazil
* Remote Sensing Images in Support of Environmental Protocol: Monitoring the Sugarcane Harvest in São Paulo State, Brazil
* Space-Time Dynamics of Land Use in the Municipality of Goianesia Do Para, Brazil
* Studies on the Rapid Expansion of Sugarcane for Ethanol Production in São Paulo State (Brazil) Using Landsat Data
* Sugarcane Yield Estimation Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Empirical or Mechanistic Modeling: A Systematic Review
* Web Platform Development to Perform Thematic Accuracy Assessment of Sugarcane Mapping in South-Central Brazil, A
Includes: Adami, M.[Marcos] Adami, M.
20 for Adami, M.
Adami, N.[Nicola]
Co Author Listing * Acquisition and Encoding of High Dynamic Range Images using Inverse Tone Mapping
* Detail preserving multiple bit-depth image representation and coding
* Effective color space representation for wavelet based compression of HDR images
* Flexible and Effective High Dynamic Range Image Coding
* Image coding with face descriptors embedding
* Progressive Contour Coding in the Wavelet Domain
* State-of-the-Art and Trends in Scalable Video Compression With Wavelet-Based Approaches
* ToCAI Description Scheme for Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Documents, The
* ToCAI: A framework for indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents
* Two-layer coding algorithm for high dynamic range images based on luminance compensation
* XKin: an open source framework for hand pose and gesture recognition using kinect
Includes: Adami, N.[Nicola] Adami, N.
11 for Adami, N.
Adamiak, C.[Czeslaw]
Co Author Listing * Airbnb Offer in Spain: Spatial Analysis of the Pattern and Determinants of Its Distribution
* Tourism De-Metropolisation but Not De-Concentration: COVID-19 and World Destinations
Adamiak, K.[Krzysztof]
Co Author Listing * Accelerating projections to kernel-induced spaces by feature approximation
Adamiak, M.[Maciej]
Co Author Listing * Aerial Imagery Feature Engineering Using Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks: A Case Study of the Pilica River Region, Poland
* Impairing Land Registry: Social, Demographic, and Economic Determinants of Forest Classification Errors
Adamides, G.
Co Author Listing * Usability Guidelines for the Design of Robot Teleoperation: A Taxonomy
Adamisin, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * remotIO: A Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal InSAR Infrastructure Monitoring Service with Automatic Updates and Data Mining Capabilities
Adamkovics, M.[Mate]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Variation of Water Clouds, NH3, and H2O on Jupiter Using Keck Data at 5 Microns, The
Includes: Adamkovics, M.[Mate] Ádámkovics, M.[Máté]
Adamo Villani, N.[Nicoletta]
Co Author Listing * Natural Interface for Sign Language Mathematics, A
* Perceived Naturalness of Interpolation Methods for Character Upper Body Animation
* Sketching human character animations by composing sequences from large motion database
Includes: Adamo Villani, N.[Nicoletta] Adamo-Villani, N.[Nicoletta]
Adamo, A.[Alessandro]
Co Author Listing * Face Recognition in Uncontrolled Conditions Using Sparse Representation and Local Features
* Local features and sparse representation for face recognition with partial occlusions
* Robust face recognition using sparse representation in LDA space
* Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition by k-LiMapS Algorithm
Adamo, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Ailanthus altissima mapping from multi-temporal very high resolution satellite images
* Bayesian Harmonic Modelling of Sparse and Irregular Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series of Vegetation Indexes: A Story of Clouds and Fires
* Comparison of Three Different Random Forest Approaches to Retrieve Daily High-Resolution Snow Cover Maps from MODIS and Sentinel-2 in a Mountain Area, Gran Paradiso National Park (NW Alps)
* Earth Observation for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 11 Indicators at Local Scale: Monitoring of the Migrant Population Distribution
* EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants' Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies
* Estimation Of Vegetation Height Through Satellite Image Texture Analysis
* Improvement of a Dasymetric Method for Implementing Sustainable Development Goal 11 Indicators at an Intra-Urban Scale
* Intra-Annual Sentinel-2 Time-Series Supporting Grassland Habitat Discrimination
* Knowledge-Based Classification of Grassland Ecosystem Based on Multi-Temporal WorldView-2 Data and FAO-LCCS Taxonomy
* Multi-Scale LG-Mod Analysis for a More Reliable SAR Sea Surface Wind Directions Retrieval
* On the Estimation of Thickness of Marine Oil Slicks From Sun-Glittered, Near-Infrared MERIS and MODIS Imagery: The Lebanon Oil Spill Case Study
* Revised Snow Cover Algorithm to Improve Discrimination between Snow and Clouds: A Case Study in Gran Paradiso National Park, A
* rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic, A
* Sentinel-2 Remote Sensed Image Classification with Patchwise Trained ConvNets for Grassland Habitat Discrimination
* Time Series of Land Cover Mappings Can Allow the Evaluation of Grassland Protection Actions Estimated by Sustainable Development Goal 15.1.2 Indicator: The Case of Murgia Alta Protected Area
* Uncertainty Analysis in SAR Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval through C-Band Geophysical Model Functions Inversion
Includes: Adamo, M.[Maria] Adamo, M.
16 for Adamo, M.
Adamo, N.[Nicoletta]
Co Author Listing * Bodily Expression of Emotions in Animated Agents
Adamopoulos, E.
Co Author Listing * 3d Interpretation and Fusion of Multidisciplinary Data for Heritage Science: a Review
* 3d Thermal Mapping of Architectural Heritage
* Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring: A Review
* Critical Comparison of 3D Digitization Techniques for Heritage Objects, A
* Documenting the State of Preservation of Historical Stone Sculptures in Three Dimensions with Digital Tools
* Enhancing Image-Based Multiscale Heritage Recording with Near-Infrared Data
* Evaluating Unmanned Aerial Platforms For Cultural Heritage Large Scale Mapping
* First Assessments On Heritage Science Oriented Image-based Modeling Using Low-cost Modified and Mobile Cameras
Includes: Adamopoulos, E. Adamopoulos, E.[Efstathios]
8 for Adamopoulos, E.
Adamopoulos, G.
Co Author Listing * Realistic Rendering of Material Aging for Artwork Objects
Adamopoulou, E.
Co Author Listing * Machine-learning methodology for energy efficient routing
* Robust and cost-efficient experimental design for technical tests of information and communication technology-based solutions in the automotive sector
Includes: Adamopoulou, E. Adamopoulou, E.[Evgenia]
Adamou Mitiche, A.B.H.[Amel Baha Houda]
Co Author Listing * Effective hybrid genetic algorithm for removing salt and pepper noise
Includes: Adamou Mitiche, A.B.H.[Amel Baha Houda] Adamou-Mitiche, A.B.H.[Amel Baha Houda]
Adamou, R.[Rabani]
Co Author Listing * Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series in a heterogeneous landscape in Niger, Sahel
Adamovic, S.[Sasa]
Co Author Listing * Cryptographic keys exchange model for smart city applications
* Fuzzy commitment scheme for generation of cryptographic keys based on iris biometrics
Includes: Adamovic, S.[Sasa] Adamovic, S.[Saša]
Adamovskaya, P.[Polina]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Evaluation of Submarine Permafrost Erosion at Shallow Offshore Areas in the Laptev Sea
Adamowski, J.[Jan]
Co Author Listing * Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable EU Flood Risk Management: FOSS and Geospatial Tools: Challenges and Opportunities for Operative Risk Analysis
* GIS Tool for Mapping Dam-Break Flood Hazards in Italy, A
* How Can Seasonality Influence the Performance of Recent Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Products?
* Land use and land cover classification over a large area in Iran based on single date analysis of satellite imagery
* Linking Spaceborne and Ground Observations of Autumn Foliage Senescence in Southern Québec, Canada
Adamowski, J.F.[Jan F.]
Co Author Listing * Flood Spatial Modeling in Northern Iran Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Comparison between Evidential Belief Functions and Its Ensemble with a Multivariate Logistic Regression Model
Adams Seewald, L.[Lucas]
Co Author Listing * Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras
Adams, A.
Co Author Listing * Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras
* Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines
* Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus
* Frankencamera: An Experimental Platform for Computational Photography, The
* Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules For High-Performance Image Processing
* Lattice-Based High-Dimensional Gaussian Filtering and the Permutohedral Lattice
Includes: Adams, A. Adams, A.[Andrew]
Adams, A.E.
Co Author Listing * Real-time synthetic aperture sonar imaging using a parallel architecture
Adams, A.M.
Co Author Listing * Single-Pulse Mueller Matrix LiDAR Polarimeter: Modeling and Demonstration
Adams, B.[Brett]
Co Author Listing * Finding The Beat: An Analysis Of The Rhythmic Elements Of Motion Pictures
* Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Evaluation of Seasonal Composites and Harmonic Regression
* Medical Ultrasound Image Similarity Measurement by Human Visual System (HVS) Modelling
* Novel Approach to Determining Tempo and Dramatic Story Sections in Motion Pictures
* Towards Automatic Extraction of Expressive Elements from Motion Pictures: Tempo
* You Tube and I Find Personalizing Multimedia Content Access
Includes: Adams, B.[Brett] Adams, B.[Bryce] Adams, B.[Benjamin] Adams, B.
Adams, B.A.[Byron A.]
Co Author Listing * River Planform Extraction From High-Resolution SAR Images via Generalized Gamma Distribution Superpixel Classification
Adams, B.J.[Byron J.]
Co Author Listing * Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture over Space and Time in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica, The
Adams, C.[Catherine]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism: How Accurate are Constable's Clouds?, A
Adams, C.N.
Co Author Listing * Image Quality in Lossy Compressed Digital Mammograms
Adams, E.C.[Emily C.]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of a Spatially and Temporally Consistent MODIS Derived NDVI Product for Application in Index-Based Drought Insurance
* Quantifying Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Lake Victoria Basin Using Satellite Remote Sensing: The Trends and Drivers between 1985 and 2014
Adams, G.[Guy]
Co Author Listing * Print biometrics: Recovering forensic signatures from halftone images
* Video in the Web: Technical Challenges and Standardization
Includes: Adams, G.[Guy] Adams, G.[Glenn]
Adams, G.B.
Co Author Listing * Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* Resolving distortion between linear and area sensors for forensic print inspection
Includes: Adams, G.B. Adams, III, G.B. Adams, G.B.[Guy B.]
Adams, G.F.
Co Author Listing * ERIM Interferometric SAR: IFSARE, The
Adams, G.P.[Gregg P.]
Co Author Listing * Classification of Bovine Reproductive Cycle Phase using Ultrasound-Detected Features
Adams, H.[Henry]
Co Author Listing * On the Nonlinear Statistics of Optical Flow
* On The Nonlinear Statistics of Range Image Patches
* torus model for optical flow, A
Adams, I.
Co Author Listing * Foreword to the Special Issue on Radio Frequency Interference: Identification, Mitigation, and Impact Assessment
Adams, I.S.
Co Author Listing * Impact of Radio-Frequency Interference on WindSat Ocean Surface Observations, The
Adams, J.[Jennifer]
Co Author Listing * Bitemporal Radiative Transfer Modeling Using Bitemporal 3D-Explicit Forest Reconstruction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Decoupling Canopy Structure and Leaf Biochemistry: Testing the Utility of Directional Area Scattering Factor (DASF)
* Emergent Challenges for Science sUAS Data Management: Fairness through Community Engagement and Best Practicse Development
* European Space Agency (ESA) Calibration/Validation Strategy for Optical Land-Imaging Satellites and Pathway towards Interoperability
* Genetic-Based Type II Feature Extraction for Periocular Biometric Recognition: Less is More
* Hyperspectral Leaf Area Index and Chlorophyll Retrieval over Forest and Row-Structured Vineyard Canopies
* IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset
* Interaction Methodology to Collect and Assess User-Driven Requirements to Define Potential Opportunities of Future Hyperspectral Imaging Sentinel Mission, An
* Spatially Adaptive Varying Correlation Analysis for Multimodal Neuroimaging Data
* Texture Analysis using Local Property Maps
Includes: Adams, J.[Jennifer] Adams, J.[Josip] Adams, J.[Joshua] Adams, J.
10 for Adams, J.
Adams, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Underpinnings of Workload in Unmanned Vehicle Systems, The
Adams, J.B.
Co Author Listing * Statistical Approach for Topographic Correction of Satellite Images by Using Spatial Context Information
Adams, J.C.
Co Author Listing * Grouper: Optimizing Crowdsourced Face Annotations
Adams, J.D.[Josip D.]
Co Author Listing * QCam: sUAS-Based Doppler Radar for Measuring River Discharge
Adams, J.E.
Co Author Listing * Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Design of practical color filter array interpolation algorithms for digital cameras
* Linking Sequences of Active Appearance Sub-Models via Constraints: An Application in Automated Vertebral Morphometry
* New digital camera sensor architecture for low light imaging
* Robust Active Appearance Models with Iteratively Rescaled Kernels
Includes: Adams, J.E. Adams, Jr., J.E. Adams, J.E.[James E.]
Adams, J.K.
Co Author Listing * Lensless Imaging: A computational renaissance
* PhlatCam: Designed Phase-Mask Based Thin Lensless Camera
Includes: Adams, J.K. Adams, J.K.[Jesse K.]
Adams, J.L.[Jay L.]
Co Author Listing * Conjugate-order systems for signal processing: Stability, causality, boundedness, compactness
Adams, J.R.
Co Author Listing * Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12): Prelaunch Calibration and Validation of the SMAP Soil Moisture Algorithms, The
Adams, J.S.[Jennifer Susan]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations
Adams, L.
Co Author Listing * Optical Navigator for Brain Surgery, An
Adams, M.
Co Author Listing * Detection of range errors due to occlusion in separated transceiver LADARs
* Feature Detection With a Constant FAR in Sparse 3-D Point Cloud Data
* Fractional Harris-Laplace Feature Detector, The
* Gradient model based feature extraction for simultaneous localization and mapping in outdoor applications
* Jasper: A Software-based JPEG-2000 Codec Implementation
* Performance evaluation of different filter banks in the JPEG-2000 baseline system
* Robust Adaptive Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators With Relative Motion
Includes: Adams, M. Adams, M.[Martin] Adams, M.[Matthew]
7 for Adams, M.
Adams, M.D.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Progressive Coding Method for Arbitrarily-Sampled Image Data, An
* Evaluation of Reversible Integer-to Integer Wavelet Transforms for Image Compression
* evaluation of several mesh-generation methods using a simple mesh-based image coder, An
* Flexible Content-Adaptive Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation, A
* improved content-adaptive mesh-generation method for image representation, An
* incremental/decremental Delaunay mesh-generation framework for image representation, An
* LiDAR: A Technology to Assist with Smart Cities and Climate Change Resilience: A Case Study in an Urban Metropolis
* On the coding gain of separable 2D wavelet filter banks
* Reversible Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transforms for Image Compression: Performance Evaluation and Analysis
* Symmetric Extension for Two-Channel Quincunx Filter Banks
* Tracking Naturally-Occurring Indoor Features in 2-D and 3-D with Lidar Range Amplitude Data
* Tuned Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation Based on Data-Dependent Triangulation, A
Includes: Adams, M.D. Adams, M.D.[Michael D.] Adams, M.D.[Matthew D.]
12 for Adams, M.D.
Adams, M.S.
Co Author Listing * High-resolution Debris Flow Volume Mapping With Unmanned Aerial Systems (uas) And Photogrammetric Techniques
Adams, N.
Co Author Listing * Comparison Of Microwave Backscatter Anisotropy Parameterisations Over The Antarctic Ice Sheet
* Comparison of Microwave Backscatter Anisotropy Parameterizations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Using ASCAT
* Real-Time Dynamic Network Anomaly Detection
Adams, N.J.[Nicholas J.]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic trees for image modelling
* Dynamic Trees: Learning to Model Outdoor Scenes
* MFDTs: Mean Field Dynamic Trees
Includes: Adams, N.J.[Nicholas J.] Adams, N.J.
Adams, N.M.
Co Author Listing * Comparing classifiers when the misallocation costs are uncertain
* Exponentially weighted moving average charts for detecting concept drift
* Improving clustering performance by incorporating uncertainty
* lambda-Perceptron: An adaptive classifier for data streams
* Multi-type relational clustering for enterprise cyber-security networks
Includes: Adams, N.M. Adams, N.M.[Niall M.]
Adams, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Automated Detection of Animals in Low-Resolution Airborne Thermal Imagery
Adams, P.M.[Paul M.]
Co Author Listing * Lavic Lake Fault: A Long-Term Cumulative Slip Analysis via Combined Field Work and Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing, The
* On the Utility of Longwave-Infrared Spectral Imaging for Remote Botanical Identification
Adams, P.N.[Peter N.]
Co Author Listing * On the Potential for Remote Observations of Coastal Morphodynamics from Surf-Cameras
Adams, R.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive-Weather-Surveillance and Multifunction Capabilities of the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar
* Analysis of grey-level features for line segment stereo matching
* Learning structural element patch models with hierarchical palettes
* Seeded Region Growing
* Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry, A
* Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions
* Visual Turing Test for Scene Reconstruction, The
Includes: Adams, R. Adams, R.[Roger] Adams, R.[Ryan] Adams, R.[Rod]
7 for Adams, R.
Adams, R.B.[Reginald B.]
Co Author Listing * ARBEE: Towards Automated Recognition of Bodily Expression of Emotion in the Wild
* Identifying Emotions Aroused from Paintings
* Probabilistic Multigraph Modeling for Improving the Quality of Crowdsourced Affective Data
* Unlocking the Emotional World of Visual Media: An Overview of the Science, Research, and Impact of Understanding Emotion
Includes: Adams, R.B.[Reginald B.] Adams, Jr., R.B.[Reginald B.] Adams Jr., R.B.[Reginald B.] Adams, R.B.
Adams, R.D.[Robert D.]
Co Author Listing * microcalcification enhancement method for mammogram images, A
* novel shape feature to classify microcalcifications, A
Adams, R.P.
Co Author Listing * Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Bayesian Nonparametrics
* Revisiting uncertainty in graph cut solutions
* Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization
Includes: Adams, R.P. Adams, R.P.[Ryan P.]
Adams, S.
Co Author Listing * Improvement and Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Thin-Ice Thickness Retrievals
* Self-Supervised Leaf Segmentation under Complex Lighting Conditions
Includes: Adams, S. Adams, S.[Scott]
Adams, T.
Co Author Listing * Continuous, Full-scope, Spatio-temporal Tracking Metric based on KL-divergence
* Extracting More Data from LiDAR in Forested Areas by Analyzing Waveform Shape
* Prediction of Aboveground Biomass of Three Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Genotypes Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Prediction of Root Biomass in Cassava Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Phenomics
* Thresholding Analysis and Feature Extraction from 3D Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Noninvasive Assessment of Peanut Yield
* UAV-Based Phenotyping: A Non-Destructive Approach to Studying Wheat Growth Patterns for Crop Improvement and Breeding Programs
* Wavelet Analysis of GPR Data for Belowground Mass Assessment of Sorghum Hybrid for Soil Carbon Sequestration
Includes: Adams, T. Adams, T.[Tyler]
7 for Adams, T.
Adams, V.
Co Author Listing * HyKo: A Spectral Dataset for Scene Understanding
Adams, W.[Wendy]
Co Author Listing * Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* Rapid recognition of freeform objects in noisy range images using tripod operators
* Spatial language for human-robot dialogs
Includes: Adams, W.[Wendy] Adams, W.
Adams, W.H.
Co Author Listing * Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Content Using Visual, Audio, and Text Cues
Adams, W.J.
Co Author Listing * Local Depth Edge Detection in Humans and Deep Neural Networks
* Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
Includes: Adams, W.J. Adams, W.J.[Wendy J.]
Adamsbaum, C.
Co Author Listing * Continuous Label Bayesian Segmentation, Applications to Medical Brain Images
* Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Segmentation in Whole-Body MRI of Children
Includes: Adamsbaum, C. Adamsbaum, C.[Catherine]
Adamson, G.
Co Author Listing * Designing a Value-Driven Future for Ethical Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
Adamu, A.[Alhassan]
Co Author Listing * Similarity Assessment of UML Sequence Diagrams Using Dynamic Programming
Adamu, M.[Marta]
Co Author Listing * Comparative analysis of the effects of mobile phone use on driving performance using ANOVA and ANCOVA
Adamy, J.
Co Author Listing * brain-like neural network for periodicity analysis, A
* Compact Representation of Dynamic Driving Environments for ADAS by Parametric Free Space and Dynamic Object Maps
* Distant Vehicle Detection: How Well Can Region Proposal Networks Cope with Tiny Objects at Low Resolution?
* Improved multi-source domain adaptation by preservation of factors
* Modeling Driving Behavior of Human Drivers for Trajectory Planning
Includes: Adamy, J. Adamy, J.[Jürgen]