Hoan, N.
Co Author Listing * Satellite Image Pansharpening Using a Hybrid Approach for Object-Based Image Analysis
Hoan, N.T.[Nguyen Thanh]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Effects of Land-Use Types in Surface Urban Heat Islands for Developing Comfortable Living in Hanoi City
Hoang Phi, P.[Phung]
Co Author Listing * Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series-Based Assessment of the Impact of Severe Salinity Intrusion Events on Spatiotemporal Changes in Distribution of Rice Planting Areas in Coastal Provinces of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Includes: Hoang Phi, P.[Phung] Hoang-Phi, P.[Phung]
Hoang Van, X.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Scalable Video Coding: An HEVC-Based Framework Combining the Predictive and Distributed Paradigms
* Iterative Algorithm for Efficient Adaptive GOP Size in Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding, An
* Optimal reconstruction for a HEVC backward compatible distributed scalable video codec
Includes: Hoang Van, X. Hoang-Van, X.[Xiem]
Hoang Xuan, N.[Nhat]
Co Author Listing * V-FIRST 2.0: Video Event Retrieval with Flexible Textual-Visual Intermediary for VBS 2023
* V-FIRST: A Flexible Interactive Retrieval System for Video at VBS 2022
Includes: Hoang Xuan, N.[Nhat] Hoang-Xuan, N.[Nhat]
Hoang, A.
Co Author Listing * Human Density Estimation by Exploiting Deep Spatial Contextual Information
Hoang, A.D.[Anh Dung]
Co Author Listing * Metaaug: Meta-Data Augmentation for Post-training Quantization
Hoang, A.T.[Anh Tu]
Co Author Listing * Anonymizing Temporal Phrases in Natural Language Text to be Posted on Social Networking Services
* Detecting Traitors in Re-publishing Updated Datasets
* Test of Determining Geopotential Difference between Two Sites at Wuhan Based on Optical Clocks' Frequency Comparisons
Includes: Hoang, A.T.[Anh Tu] Hoang, A.T.[Anh-Tu] Hoang, A.T.[Anh The]
Hoang, B.[Bach]
Co Author Listing * Anime Sketch Colorization by Component-based Matching using Deep Appearance Features and Graph Representation
Hoang, B.A.M.[Bao An Mai]
Co Author Listing * Image model and printed document authentication: A theoretical analysis
Hoang, D.
Co Author Listing * Development of an ENVISAT Altimetry Processor Providing Sea Level Continuity Between Open Ocean and Arctic Leads
* Lexicographic Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding
* Multiplexing VBR Video Sequences onto a CBR Channel with Lexicographic Optimization
* Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities
Includes: Hoang, D. Hoang, D.[Duc]
Hoang, D.A.[Duc Anh]
Co Author Listing * Hybrid BBO-DE Optimized SPAARCTree Ensemble for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Hoang, D.H.[Dinh Hieu]
Co Author Listing * MEGANet: Multi-Scale Edge-Guided Attention Network for Weak Boundary Polyp Segmentation
Includes: Hoang, D.H.[Dinh Hieu] Hoang, D.H.[Dinh-Hieu]
Hoang, D.T.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Cost Measures for Motion Estimation at Low Bit Rates
* End-to-End Hierarchical Relation Extraction for Generic Form Understanding
* Real-Time VBR Rate Control of MPEG Video based upon Lexicographic Bit Allocation
Includes: Hoang, D.T. Hoang, D.T.[Duc Thanh] Hoang, D.T.[Dzung T.]
Hoang, D.V.[Duc Vinh]
Co Author Listing * Quantifying the Impacts of the 2020 Flood on Crop Production and Food Security in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China
Hoang, H.[Huong]
Co Author Listing * Embedded Deformation-based Compression for Human 3D Dynamic Meshes with Changing Topology
Hoang, H.T.[Huynh Thai]
Co Author Listing * Eye-gaze detection with a single WebCAM based on geometry features extraction
* LODENet: A Holistic Approach to Offline Handwritten Chinese and Japanese Text Line Recognition
Includes: Hoang, H.T.[Huynh Thai] Hoang, H.T.[Huu-Tin]
Hoang, H.V.[Hiep Van]
Co Author Listing * Improving Retake Detection by Adding Motion Feature
Hoang, J.[Jack]
Co Author Listing * Real Time Robust Human Detection and Tracking System
Hoang, K.[Kiem]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Large Scale Image Classification via Prediction Score Decomposition
* Efficient large-scale multi-class image classification by learning balanced trees
* Image-Processing Techniques for Leather Hide Ranking in the Footwear Industry
* Learning Balanced Trees for Large Scale Image Classification
* Using node relationships for hierarchical classification
Includes: Hoang, K.[Kiem] Hoang, K.
Hoang, K.O.[Kim Oanh]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Temperature Effects in SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma
* Temperature Effects in AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products and Development of a Removal Method Using Data at Ascending and Descending Overpasses
Hoang, L.N.[Loi Nguyen]
Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Visual Features and Pseudo Labeling for Robust Natural Language-based Vehicle Retrieval
Hoang, M.A.[Minh Anh]
Co Author Listing * Genre-based search through biomedical images
* Measurement of Color Texture
Includes: Hoang, M.A.[Minh Anh] Hoang, M.A.
Hoang, M.C.
Co Author Listing * Independent Electromagnetic Field Control for Practical Approach to Actively Locomotive Wireless Capsule Endoscope
Hoang, M.D.[Manh Dung]
Co Author Listing * Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image Descriptor
Includes: Hoang, M.D.[Manh Dung] Hoang, M.D.[Manh-Dung]
Hoang, M.T.[Minh Tuan]
Co Author Listing * Motorcyclist Helmet Violation Detection Framework by Leveraging Robust Ensemble and Augmentation Methods
Hoang, N.
Co Author Listing * On the Design of Black-Box Adversarial Examples by Leveraging Gradient-Free Optimization and Operator Splitting Method
Hoang, N.D.[Ngoc Duong]
Co Author Listing * Effective Temporal Localization Method with Multi-View 3D Action Recognition for Untrimmed Naturalistic Driving Videos, An
* New Hybrid Firefly-PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping, A
* Novel Integrated Approach of Relevance Vector Machine Optimized by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Spatial Modeling of Shallow Landslides, A
Includes: Hoang, N.D.[Ngoc Duong] Hoang, N.D.[Nhat-Duc]
Hoang, N.H.[Nam H.]
Co Author Listing * Joint Trajectory Planning and Signal Control Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Modeling Autonomous Vehicles Deployment in a Multilane AV Zone With Mixed Traffic
* System Optimal Speed Advisory Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
Includes: Hoang, N.H.[Nam H.] Hoang, N.H.[Nam Hong]
Hoang, N.M.[Nhat M.]
Co Author Listing * Data Augmentation Using Corner CutMix and an Auxiliary Self-Supervised Loss
Hoang, N.N.
Co Author Listing * Continuous Hand Gesture Spotting and Classification Using 3D Finger Joints Information
Hoang, N.T.[Nguyen Tien]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of hyperspectral transformation accuracies of multispectral Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and EO-1 ALI images for detecting minerals in a geothermal prospect area
* Hyperspectral Transformation From Eo-1 Ali Imagery Using Pseudo-hyperspectral Image Synthesis Algorithm
* Revisiting Graph Neural Networks: Graph Filtering Perspective
* Transformation of Landsat imagery into pseudo-hyperspectral imagery by a multiple regression-based model with application to metal deposit-related minerals mapping
Includes: Hoang, N.T.[Nguyen Tien] Hoang, N.T.
Hoang, N.V.[Nguyen Vu]
Co Author Listing * Cartography of Spatial Relationships in a Symbolic Image Database, A
* Embedding spatial information into image content description for scene retrieval
Includes: Hoang, N.V.[Nguyen Vu] Hoàng, N.V.[Nguyen Vu]
Hoang, P.H.[Phu Hao]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Radial Projection on Fourier Magnitude Spectrum for Document Image Skew Estimation
* Dual Distributed Optimal Energy Management Method for Distribution Grids With Electric Vehicles, A
Includes: Hoang, P.H.[Phu Hao] Hoang, P.H.[Phuong H.]
Hoang, Q.V.[Quoc Viet]
Co Author Listing * 3FL-Net: An Efficient Approach for Improving Performance of Lightweight Detectors in Rainy Weather Conditions
Includes: Hoang, Q.V.[Quoc Viet] Hoang, Q.V.[Quoc-Viet]
Hoang, S.[Son]
Co Author Listing * Learning from Data Stream Based on Random Projection and Hoeffding Tree Classifier
Hoang, T.
Co Author Listing * Accessible Melanoma Detection Using Smartphones and Mobile Image Analysis
* Binary Constrained Deep Hashing Network for Image Retrieval Without Manual Annotation
* Collaborative Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Learning Low Bit-width Deep Neural Networks
* Compact Hash Code Learning With Binary Deep Neural Network
* Enhancing feature discrimination for unsupervised hashing
* Hierarchical Encoding of Sequential Data With Compact and Sub-Linear Storage Cost
* Learn to Unlearn for Deep Neural Networks: Minimizing Unlearning Interference with Gradient Projection
* Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* Remote multimodal biometric authentication using bit priority-based fragile watermarking
* Revisiting Sample Weights Based Method for Noisy-label Detection and Classification
* SDRSAC: Semidefinite-Based Randomized Approach for Robust Point Cloud Registration Without Correspondences
* Simultaneous compression and quantization: A joint approach for efficient unsupervised hashing
* Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Compact Binary Code Learning
* Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Improving the Efficiency of Deep Distance Metric Learning, A
* TransER: Hybrid Model and Ensemble-based Sequential Learning for Non-homogenous Dehazing
* Unsupervised Deep Cross-modality Spectral Hashing
Includes: Hoang, T. Hoang, T.[Tuan] Hoang, T.[Trung]
17 for Hoang, T.
Hoang, T.D.[Trung Dung]
Co Author Listing * Deep MinCut: Learning Node Embeddings by Detecting Communities
* Gradient Descent-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Lens Antenna Array
Includes: Hoang, T.D.[Trung Dung] Hoang, T.D.[Trung-Dung] Hoang, T.D.[Trong-Dai]
Hoang, T.H.[Trung Hieu]
Co Author Listing * Improving the Robustness of 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Benchmark Dataset and Learning from Noisy Input
* iTASK - Intelligent Traffic Analysis Software Kit
* Weighted Viewport Quality Metric for Omnidirectional Images, A
Includes: Hoang, T.H.[Trung Hieu] Hoang, T.H.[Trung-Hieu] Hoang, T.H.[Trang H.]
Hoang, T.M.
Co Author Listing * Image Compression with Encoder-Decoder Matched Semantic Segmentation
* Mathematical variable detection in scientific document images
Includes: Hoang, T.M. Hoang, T.M.[Thang Manh]
Hoang, T.N.
Co Author Listing * Tangible virtual kitchen for the rehabilitation of Alzheimer's patients
Hoang, T.Q.[Toan Q.]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
Hoang, T.T.
Co Author Listing * Development of an EKF-based localization algorithm using compass sensor and LRF
* JAXA Annual Forest Cover Maps for Vietnam during 2015-2018 Using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 and Auxiliary Data
* New JAXA High-Resolution Land Use/Land Cover Map for Vietnam Aiming for Natural Forest and Plantation Forest Monitoring
Includes: Hoang, T.T. Hoang, T.T.[Thanh Tung]
Hoang, T.V.[Thanh Van]
Co Author Listing * Development of Multilayer-Based Map Matching to Enhance Performance in Large Truck Fleet Dispatching
* Edge noise removal in bilevel graphical document images using sparse representation
* Errata and comments on Generic orthogonal moments: Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image description
* Extraction of Nom Text Regions from Stele Images Using Area Voronoi Diagram
* Fast computation of orthogonal polar harmonic transforms
* Fast Generic Polar Harmonic Transforms
* generalization of the R-transform for invariant pattern representation, The
* Generic polar harmonic transforms for invariant image description
* Generic polar harmonic transforms for invariant image representation
* Geometric Invariant Shape Descriptor Based on the Radon, Fourier, and Mellin Transforms, A
* Gradient Boosting Machine and Object-Based CNN for Land Cover Classification
* Invariant pattern recognition using the RFM descriptor
* Projection-Based Polygonality Measurement
* Recognition-Based Segmentation of Nom Characters from Body Text Regions of Stele Images Using Area Voronoi Diagram
* Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam, A
* Robust Extraction of Soil Characteristics Using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS
* Sparsity-based edge noise removal from bilevel graphical document images
Includes: Hoang, T.V.[Thanh Van] Hoang, T.V.[Thai V.] Hoang, T.V.[Thanh-Van] Hoang, T.V.
17 for Hoang, T.V.
Hoang, V.[Vu]
Co Author Listing * efficient approach for real-time abnormal human behavior recognition on surveillance cameras, An
* multi-modal multi-view dataset for human fall analysis and preliminary investigation on modality, A
Includes: Hoang, V.[Vu] Hoang, V.
Hoang, V.D.[Van Dung]
Co Author Listing * Path Planning for Unmanned Vehicle Motion Based on Road Detection Using Online Road Map and Satellite Image
* Vehicle Localization Using Omnidirectional Camera with GPS Supporting in Wide Urban Area
Includes: Hoang, V.D.[Van Dung] Hoang, V.D.[Van-Dung]
Hoang, V.D.D.[Viet Dung D.]
Co Author Listing * Detection with multi-exit asymmetric boosting
* Fast polygonal integration and its application in extending Haar-like features to improve object detection
Includes: Hoang, V.D.D.[Viet Dung D.] Hoang, V.D.D.[Viet-Dung D.]
Hoang, V.N.
Co Author Listing * Indoor assistance for visually impaired people using a RGB-D camera
* projective chirp based stair representation and detection from monocular images and its application for the visually impaired, A
Includes: Hoang, V.N. Hoang, V.N.[Van-Nam]
Hoang, V.T.[Vinh Truong]
Co Author Listing * Superpixel Mixing: A Data Augmentation Technique for Robust Deep Visual Recognition Models
* TD3-Based Optimization Framework for RSMA-Enhanced UAV-Aided Downlink Communications in Remote Areas
Hoang, X.N.[Xuan Nhat]
Co Author Listing * iTASK - Intelligent Traffic Analysis Software Kit
Includes: Hoang, X.N.[Xuan Nhat] Hoang, X.N.[Xuan-Nhat]
HoangVan, X.[Xiem]
Co Author Listing * Learning adaptive motion search for fast versatile video coding in visual surveillance systems
Hoanh, N.[Nguyen]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Task Framework for Car Detection From High-Resolution UAV Imagery Focusing on Road Regions, A