* *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Face Pose and Animation Tracking via Eigen-Decomposition Based Bayesian Approach
* 3D fingerprint reconstruction system using feature correspondences and prior estimated finger model
* 3D Lacunarity in Multifractal Analysis of Breast Tumor Lesions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 3D Modeling of Coarse Fluvial Sediments Based on Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* 3D modeling of multiple-object scenes from sets of images
* 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Polynomial Texture Mapping
* Aberration analysis of light fields in plenoptic cameras
* Absolute Depth Estimation From a Single Defocused Image
* Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-based discrete wavelet transform on GPU
* Accurate ball detection in soccer images using probabilistic analysis of salient regions
* Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Active Vision Approach to Height Estimation with Optical Flow, An
* Adaptive algorithm for large scale DTM interpolation from lidar data for forestry applications in steep forested terrain
* Adaptive multiple description coding for hybrid networks with dynamic PLR and BER
* Affective image adjustment with a single word
* Algorithms improve synthetic aperture radar coherent change detection performance
* Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach
* Analyzing and Reducing DTI Tracking Uncertainty by Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
* Anti-Bayesian parametric pattern classification using order statistics criteria for some members of the exponential family
* approach for developing Landsat-5 TM-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration with the assistance of MODIS, An
* approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from the scene images into characters, An
* Assessing Regional Climate and Local Landcover Impacts on Vegetation with Remote Sensing
* Assessing the Sensitivity of the OMI-NO2 Product to Emission Changes across Europe
* Assessment of number and distribution of persistent scatterers prior to radar acquisition using open access land cover and topographical data
* Augmented Active Surface Model for the Recovery of Small Structures in CT
* Augmented Lagrangian-Based Sparse Representation Method with Dictionary Updating for Image Deblurring
* Augmented reality supporting user-centric building information management
* automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data, An
* Automated segmentation of stromal tissue in histology images using a voting Bayesian model
* Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image matting
* Automatic classification of legumes using leaf vein image features
* Automatic classification of medical X-ray images: hybrid generative-discriminative approach
* Automatic Estimation of Excavation Volume from Laser Mobile Mapping Data for Mountain Road Widening
* Automatic Inpainting Scheme for Video Text Detection and Removal
* Automatic Quantitative Assessment of the Small Bowel Motility with Cine-MRI Sequence Analysis
* Automatic system for virtual human reconstruction with 3D mesh multi-texturing and facial enhancement
* Automatic techniques for 3D reconstruction of critical workplace body postures from range imaging data
* Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition using directional motion history images and Zernike moments
* Axis estimation and grouping of rotationally symmetric object segments
* Background subtraction using hybrid feature coding in the bag-of-features framework
* Background Subtraction With Video Coding
* bag-of-semantics model for image clustering, A
* Barrel-Type Distortion Compensated Fourier Feature Extraction
* Basis image decomposition of outdoor time-lapse videos
* Bayesian Early Mode Decision Technique for View Synthesis Prediction-Enhanced Multiview Video Coding
* Bayesian Hierarchical Factorization Model for Vector Fields, A
* Bayesian predictive kernel discriminant analysis
* Binary grayscale halftone pattern generation using binary artificial bee colony (bABC)
* Blind AM/PM Estimation Method for Power Amplifier Linearization, A
* Blind joint information and spreading sequence estimation for short-code DS-SS signal in asynchronous and synchronous systems
* Block Coordinate Descent Method for Regularized Multiconvex Optimization with Applications to Nonnegative Tensor Factorization and Completion, A
* Block Sparse Estimator for Grid Matching in Single Snapshot DoA Estimation
* Box Spline Wavelet Frames for Image Edge Analysis
* Bundle min-Hashing
* C-loss function for pattern classification, The
* Camera calibration in sport event scenarios
* Characterizing the Absorption Properties for Remote Sensing of Three Small Optically-Diverse South African Reservoirs
* Classification of MRI brain images using combined wavelet entropy based spider web plots and probabilistic neural network
* CM-BOF: visual similarity-based 3D shape retrieval using Clock Matching and Bag-of-Features
* coarse-to-fine IP-driven registration for pose estimation from single ultrasound image, A
* Collaborative Sparse Representation in Dissimilarity Space for Classification of Visual Information
* Color Edge Preserving Smoothing
* Combining texture and stereo disparity cues for real-time face detection
* Comments on Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes
* Comparing CMOS sensor technologies
* Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry for Building Subsidence Rate Measurement, A
* Compound image compression based on unified LZ and hybrid coding
* Compressive spectral imaging for accurate remote sensing
* Computational microscopy improves resolution, field of view
* Computational shear interferometry for digital holography
* Connected Components Labeling on the GPU with Generalization to Voronoi Diagrams and Signed Distance Fields
* Consensus strategy for clustering using RC-images
* Context Coding of Depth Map Images Under the Piecewise-Constant Image Model Representation
* Contrario Selection of Optimal Partitions for Image Segmentation, A
* Contrast-Guided Image Interpolation
* Convex Variational Image Restoration with Histogram Priors
* Convex Variational Model for Restoring Blurred Images with Multiplicative Noise, A
* Corner Detection in Spherical Images via the Accelerated Segment Test on a Geodesic Grid
* Cornice Detection Using Façade Image and Point Cloud
* Deformable model for estimating clothed and naked human shapes from a single image
* Delineating Individual Trees from Lidar Data: A Comparison of Vector- and Raster-based Segmentation Approaches
* DEM Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Depth map misalignment correction and dilation for DIBR view synthesis
* Depth Peeling Algorithm for the Distance Field Computation of Overlapping Objects
* Destination Assisted Secret Wireless Communication With Cooperative Helpers
* Detecting interaction above digital tabletops using a single depth camera
* Detecting pedestrians on a Movement Feature Space
* Detecting Zimbabwe's Decadal Economic Decline Using Nighttime Light Imagery
* Detection and Monitoring of Surface Motions in Active Open Pit Iron Mine in the Amazon Region, Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry with TerraSAR-X Satellite Data
* Deterministic Construction of Real-Valued Ternary Sensing Matrices Using Optical Orthogonal Codes
* Development of an optical system for analysis of the ink-paper interaction
* Die Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Fernerkundungskontrolle
* Digital Circlism as Algorithmic Art
* Direct Algorithm for 1-D Total Variation Denoising, A
* Discretization of continuous convolution operators for accurate modeling of wave propagation in digital holography
* Discriminant analysis and similarity measure
* distance of probabilistic fuzzy sets for classification, The
* Diurnal and seasonal impacts of urbanization on the urban thermal environment: A case study of Beijing using MODIS data
* Dual Constrained TV-based Regularization on Graphs
* Dynamic Diffusion Estimation in Exponential Family Models
* Dynamic random regression forests for real-time head pose estimation
* Dynamics of Sheep Production in Brazil
* Easy-to-use authoring system for Noh (Japanese traditional) dance animation and its evaluation
* Efficient and robust model fitting with unknown noise scale
* efficient approach for scene categorization based on discriminative codebook learning in bag-of-words framework, An
* Efficient Halftoning Based on Multiple Look-Up Tables
* Efficient Reconstruction of All-in-Focus Images Through Shifted Pinholes From Multi-Focus Images for Dense Light Field Synthesis and Rendering
* Efficient segmentation of leaves in semi-controlled conditions
* Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
* Einsatz von Change-Detection-Methoden bei der Fortführung von Versiegelungs- und Gebäudedatenbeständen
* Elastic shapes models for improving segmentation of object boundaries in synthetic aperture sonar images
* Embedding new observations via sparse-coding for non-linear manifold learning
* Enabling a computer to do the job of a lens
* Enhanced pose normalization and matching of non-rigid objects based on support vector machine modelling
* Enhanced waypoint graph for surface and volumetric path planning in virtual worlds
* Establishing Point Correspondence of 3D Faces Via Sparse Facial Deformable Model
* Estimates of Forest Growing Stock Volume for Sweden, Central Siberia, and Québec Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter Data
* Estimation Method of the Homodyned K-Distribution Based on the Mean Intensity and Two Log-Moments
* Evaluating the Effects of Shadow Detection on QuickBird Image Classification and Spectroradiometric Restoration
* Evaluation of Color Based Keypoints and Features for the Classification of Melanomas Using the Bag-of-Features Model
* Evaluation of Rendering Algorithms Using Position-Dependent Scene Properties
* Evaluation of Space Filling Curves for Lower-Dimensional Transformation of Image Histogram Sequences
* Event-related image retrieval: exploring geographical and temporal distribution of user tags
* Exact Tree Projection Algorithm for Wavelets, An
* Extended CRC: Face Recognition with a Single Training Image per Person via Intraclass Variant Dictionary
* Extending a distributed virtual reality system with exchangeable rendering back-ends
* Extracting Dominant Textures in Real Time With Multi-Scale Hue-Saturation-Intensity Histograms
* Extraction of Coastline in Aquaculture Coast from Multispectral Remote Sensing Images: Object-Based Region Growing Integrating Edge Detection
* Extraction of interest points by Harris interest operator for synthetic aperture radar image coregistration
* Face Box Shape and Verification
* Face Illumination Manipulation Using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition
* Face recognition in low resolution thermal images
* Face Verification Using Local Binary Patterns and Maximum A Posteriori Vector Quantization Model
* face-tracking system to detect falls in the elderly, A
* Fast motion estimation for surveillance video compression
* fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise cancellation using cardinal B-splines, A
* Fast perspective recovery of text in natural scenes
* Feedback active noise control based on forward-backward LMS predictor
* Find where you are: a new try in place recognition
* Finding contrasted and regular edges by a contrario detection of periodic subsequences
* Finite asymmetric generalized Gaussian mixture models learning for infrared object detection
* Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis for text-image combination in multimedia information retrieval
* Forecast-Driven Enhancement of Received Signal Strength (RSS)-Based Localization Systems
* Foreground Detection with a Moving RGBD Camera
* framework for interactive image color editing, A
* Frobenius Integrability Theorem and the Blind-Spot Problem for Motor Vehicles, The
* Full-reference quality assessment of stereopairs accounting for rivalry
* Fully Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Two MRI Modalities
* Fused Lasso and rotation invariant autoregressive models for texture classification
* Fusing cluster-centric feature similarities for face recognition in video sequences
* Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood species recognition system
* Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours
* Gaussian Process Guided Particle Filter for Tracking 3D Human Pose in Video, A
* Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting, A
* Generalizing the Majority Voting Scheme to Spatially Constrained Voting
* Genre-specific modeling of visual features for efficient content based video shot classification and retrieval
* Geo-Correction of High-Resolution Imagery Using Fast Template Matching on a GPU in Emergency Mapping Contexts
* Geodesics-Based Image Registration: Applications To Biological And Medical Images Depicting Concentric Ring Patterns
* geometric strategy for computing intersections of two spatial parametric curves, A
* Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure and Geoprocessing Web: A Review of Commonalities and Differences of E-Science Approaches
* Global-local optimizations by hierarchical cuts and climbing energies
* GMES4Mining: Description of a Flooding Process in Mining Areas using spectral Indices on multi-temporal Landsat Imagery
* Good Appearance and Shape Descriptors for Object Category Recognition
* Gravity optimised particle filter for hand tracking
* Guest-Editorial: 25 Years of Development to Improve Earth Observation and Processing of Geoinformation
* Guided depth enhancement via a fast marching method
* HCTNav: A Path Planning Algorithm for Low-Cost Autonomous Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments
* HEASK: Robust homography estimation based on appearance similarity and keypoint correspondences
* HEGM: A hierarchical elastic graph matching for hand gesture recognition
* Hierarchical steganography using novel optimum quantization technique
* High throughput and energy efficient twodimensional inverse discrete cosine transform architecture
* High Throughput Stochastic Log-MAP Turbo-Decoder Based on Low Bits Computation
* High-order total variation-based multiplicative noise removal with spatially adapted parameter selection
* High-resolution tomographic diffractive microscopy in reflection configuration
* How much water is seeping off the Three Gorges Reservoir?
* Hub Height Ocean Winds over the North Sea Observed by the NORSEWInD Lidar Array: Measuring Techniques, Quality Control and Data Management
* Human Activity Recognition Using Hierarchically-Mined Feature Constellations
* Image analysis by moment invariants using a set of step-like basis functions
* Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats at Regional Scales: the MS. MONINA State Service Example in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
* Image Classification via Object-Aware Holistic Superpixel Selection
* Image deblurring for satellite imagery using small-support-regularized deconvolution
* Image denoising algorithm based on contourlet transform for optical coherence tomography heart tube image
* Image denoising based on gaussian/bilateral filter and its method noise thresholding
* Image denoising based on non-local means filter and its method noise thresholding
* Image denoising via 2D dictionary learning and adaptive hard thresholding
* Image fusion scheme based on modified dual pulse coupled neural network
* Image Noise Reduction via Geometric Multiscale Ridgelet Support Vector Transform and Dictionary Learning
* Image Restoration with a New Class of Forward-Backward-Forward Diffusion Equations of Perona-Malik Type with Applications to Satellite Image Enhancement
* Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts with Residual Graph
* Image-consistent patches from unstructured points with J-linkage
* Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines
* improved distance-based relevance feedback strategy for image retrieval, An
* Improved image deblurring based on salient-region segmentation
* Improved Neural Network Training Algorithm for Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Positioning, An
* Improving Image-Based Localization through Increasing Correct Feature Correspondences
* Improving MODIS sea ice detectability using gray level co-occurrence matrix texture analysis method: A case study in the Bohai Sea
* Improving Robustness and Precision in GEI + HOG Action Recognition
* Improving the Bound on the RIP Constant in Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Incorporating Patch Subspace Model in Mumford-Shah Type Active Contours
* Inductive manifold learning using structured support vector machine
* Information permeability for stereo matching
* Integrating Open Access Geospatial Data to Map the Habitat Suitability of the Declining Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra)
* Integrating tracking with fine object segmentation
* Interactive free-form shape modeling in cyberworlds
* Intrinsic spatial pyramid matching for deformable 3D shape retrieval
* Iterative Directional Total Variation Refinement for Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction
* Joint energy-distortion aware algorithms for cooperative video streaming over LTE networks
* Kernel Based Multiple Cue Adaptive Appearance Model For Robust Real-time Visual Tracking
* Kernel estimation from salient structure for robust motion deblurring
* Keypoint Detection and Matching on High Resolution Spherical Images
* Landslide Investigation with Remote Sensing and Sensor Network: From Susceptibility Mapping and Scaled-down Simulation towards in situ Sensor Network Design
* largest inertial sensor-based gait database and performance evaluation of gait-based personal authentication, The
* Learning a Saliency Map for Fixation Prediction
* Legendre polynomials based feature extraction for online signature verification. Consistency analysis of feature combinations
* Local Orientation Patterns for 3D Surface Texture Analysis of Normal Maps: Application to Facial Skin Condition Classification
* Localization of Multi-pose and Occluded Facial Features via Sparse Shape Representation
* Localizing people in multi-view environment using height map reconstruction in real-time
* Lossy Depth Image Compression using Greedy Rate-Distortion Slope Optimization
* Low-contrast satellite images enhancement using discrete cosine transform pyramid and singular value decomposition
* LSS-based registration of stereo thermal-visible videos of multiple people using belief propagation, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Horizon Line Detection Using Local Features, A
* machine vision system to estimate cotton fiber maturity from longitudinal view using a transfer learning approach, A
* Mapping and Evaluation of NDVI Trends from Synthetic Time Series Obtained by Blending Landsat and MODIS Data around a Coalfield on the Loess Plateau
* Measuring structural displacements with digital image correlation
* Memory Efficient Shortest Path Algorithms for Cactus Graphs
* miniature spectral imager for lightweight satellites, A
* Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm For High Angle Annular Dark Field-Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography, A
* Monitoring Services for Food Security: Successful Transfer of Technology to the Sudanese Government
* Monitoring the viability of coral reefs
* Morphological Bilateral Filtering
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on Multihypothesis Motion Estimation and Texture Optimization
* Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unary and Pairwise Priors and its Applications to Object Segmentation
* Multi-Class Multi-Scale Series Contextual Model for Image Segmentation
* multi-manifold semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model for pattern classification, A
* Multi-Modality Image Fusion Using the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
* Multi-projector color structured-light vision
* Multi-spectral dataset and its application in saliency detection
* Multi-view dense 3D modelling of untextured objects from a moving projector-cameras system
* Multicomponent AM-FM signal separation and demodulation with null space pursuit
* Multifocus and multispectral image fusion based on pixel significance using discrete cosine harmonic wavelet transform
* multimodal temporal panorama approach for moving vehicle detection, reconstruction and classification, A
* Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification
* Multiple Velocity Fields Approach to the Detection of Pedestrians Interactions Using HMM and Data Association Filters, A
* Myocardium segmentation in strain-encoded (SENC) magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts
* New Algorithm for Fitting a Gaussian Function Riding on the Polynomial Background, A
* New and efficient DCA based algorithms for minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* New approach for identifying hereditary relation using primary fingerprint patterns
* new level set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation, A
* new method for camera stratified self-calibration under circular motion, A
* New Modified SLM Scheme for Wireless OFDM Systems Without Side Information, A
* new proposal for graph-based image classification using frequent approximate subgraphs, A
* New Semiblind Deconvolution Approach for Fourier-Based Image Restoration: An Application in Astronomy, A
* New Solution for Projective Reconstruction Based on Coupled Line Cameras, A
* New Variable Tap-Length and Step-Size FxLMS Algorithm, A
* New Visual Comfort-Based Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Method, A
* Noise-Adaptive LDA: A New Approach for Speech Recognition Under Observation Uncertainty
* Non-negative and sparse spectral clustering
* Nonconvex TVq-Models in Image Restoration: Analysis and a Trust-Region Regularization-Based Superlinearly Convergent Solver
* Nonlocal Bayesian Image Denoising Algorithm, A
* Nonlocal Poisson Denoising Algorithm Based on Stochastic Distances, A
* novel image decomposition approach and its applications, A
* Novel Nonlinear Regression Approach for Efficient and Accurate Image Matting, A
* Novel Technique for Space-Time-Interest Point Detection and Description for Dance Video Classification, A
* Numerical Recovery of Source Singularities via the Radiative Transfer Equation with Partial Data
* Object Categorization in Context Based on Probabilistic Learning of Classification Tree with Boosted Features and Co-occurrence Structure
* Object detection in remote sensing imagery using a discriminatively trained mixture model
* Object detection: From optical correlator to intelligent recognition surveillance system
* Object Recognition for Service Robots through Verbal Interaction Based on Ontology
* On Connectedness of Discretized Objects
* On the Fisher Information Matrix for Multivariate Elliptically Contoured Distributions
* On the Gradient Descent Localization of Radioactive Sources
* On the impact of anisotropic diffusion on edge detection
* Ongoing human action recognition with motion capture
* Opportunistic Scheduling With BIA Under Block Fading Broadcast Channels
* Optimal Bayesian Resampling for OFDM Signaling Over Multi-scale Multi-lag Channels
* Optimal Multiband Pulse Shaping and Improved Power Spectrum Estimation Using Stopbands Information
* optimisation approach to the recovery of reflection parameters from a single hyperspectral image, An
* Parallel 3D 12-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms Based on Isthmuses
* Parameter estimation for micro-Doppler signals based on cubic phase function
* Perceptually Relevant MSE-Based Image Quality Metric, A
* Performance comparison of feature extraction algorithms for target detection and classification
* PET Protection Optimization for Streaming Scalable Videos With Multiple Transmissions
* Pharynx Segmentation from MRI Data for Analysis of Sleep Related Disoders
* Poisson Image Reconstruction With Hessian Schatten-Norm Regularization
* Polarization effects in 3D vectorial-induced current reconstructions
* Pose Invariant Deformable Shape Priors Using L_1 Higher Order Sparse Graphs
* Positive Semidefinite Generalized Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Quadratic Semidefinite Programming
* Predictive-based adaptive switching median filter for impulse noise removal using neural network-based noise detector
* Preface to the Special Issue on Cyberworlds 2012
* Pressure Based Segmentation in Volumetric Images
* Print-and-Scan Resilient Watermarking through Polarizing DCT Coefficients
* QoS Feasibility in MIMO Broadcast Channels With Widely Linear Transceivers
* QUAC: Quick unsupervised anisotropic clustering
* Rao and Wald Tests for Distributed Targets Detection With Unknown Signal Steering
* Rapid Disparity Prediction for Dynamic Scenes
* Rapid-transform based rotation invariant descriptor for texture classification under non-ideal conditions
* Real-Time 3D Rendering of Heterogeneous Scenes
* Real-Time Simulation of Vehicle Tracks on Soft Terrain
* Recent Declines in Warming and Vegetation Greening Trends over Pan-Arctic Tundra
* Reconstructing Plants in 3D from a Single Image Using Analysis-by-Synthesis
* Reconstruction of Wire Structures from Scanned Point Clouds
* Recursive Bayesian fire recognition using greedy margin-maximizing clustering
* Reliability measure for shape-from-focus
* Remote sensing of coastal habitats
* Remotely detecting weapons of mass destruction
* Representative cross information potential clustering
* Restoration of Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise and Mixed Gaussian Impulse Noise Using Blind Inpainting
* Retinex based visual identicalness detection for videos corrupted by imaging noise
* Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand from single depth images
* Revisiting Inter-Genre Similarity
* Rise of Collaborative Mapping: Trends and Future Directions, The
* River Discharge Estimation by Using Altimetry Data and Simplified Flood Routing Modeling
* Robust estimation of distance between sets of points
* Robust image watermarking using dihedral angle based on maximum-likelihood detector
* Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Robust quantisation index modulation-based approach for image watermarking
* Robust sign language recognition by combining manual and non-manual features based on conditional random field and support vector machine
* Robust Surface Reconstruction in SEM Using Two BSE Detectors
* Rotation-Aware LayerPaint System
* Saliency-Guided Color Transfer between Images
* Salient and non-salient fiducial detection using a probabilistic graphical model
* Satellite-Based Surface Radiation Climatology Derived by Combining Climate Data Records and Near-Real-Time Data, A
* Scale detection via keypoint density maps in regular or near-regular textures
* Scale Invariant Geometry for Nonrigid Shapes
* Scene Character Detection and Recognition with Cooperative Multiple-Hypothesis Framework
* Scene Perception and Recognition in Industrial Environments for Human-Robot Interaction
* Segmentation and localisation of whole slide images using unsupervised learning
* Selection of a best metric and evaluation of bottom-up visual saliency models
* Self-Contained and Self-Checking LPS with High Accuracy, A
* Self-organizing maps whose topologies can be learned with adaptive binary search trees using conditional rotations
* Self-Similar Anisotropic Texture Analysis: The Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform Contribution
* Semantic Interoperability of Sensor Data with Volunteered Geographic Information: A Unified Model
* Semantics of Web Services: An Examination in GIScience Applications, The
* semi-ellipsoid-model based fuzzy classifier to map grassland in Inner Mongolia, China, A
* Set-Valued State Estimation and Attack Detection for Uncertain Descriptor Systems
* Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
* Shortest-Path Constraints for 3D Multiobject Semiautomatic Segmentation Via Clustering and Graph Cut
* Simplified Occupancy Grid Indoor Mapping Optimized for Low-Cost Robots
* Simultaneous Color Camera and Depth Sensor Calibration with Correction of Triangulation Errors
* simultaneous sample-and-filter strategy for robust multi-structure model fitting, A
* Single image super-resolution based on space structure learning
* Single tree biomass modelling using airborne laser scanning
* Single tree species classification from Terrestrial Laser Scanning data for forest inventory
* Sketch-Based Image Warping Interface
* Skin detection by dual maximization of detectors agreement for video monitoring
* Smoothness perception
* Solution to the Similarity Registration Problem of Volumetric Shapes, A
* Spatio-Temporal Data Construction
* Spatiotemporal bag-of-features for early wildfire smoke detection
* Spatiotemporal texture synthesis and region-based motion compensation for video compression
* Special issue on computer vision applying pattern recognition techniques
* Special section on Advances in Machine Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (BVS)
* Speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery with stochastic distances and nonlocal means
* spectral gradient difference based approach for land cover change detection, A
* Stable adaptive algorithm for Six Degrees-of-Freedom haptic rendering in a dynamic environment
* Stereoscopic Height and Wind Retrievals for Aerosol Plumes with the MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX)
* Structure Descriptor for Articulated Shape Analysis
* Study of Soil Line Simulation from Landsat Images in Mixed Grassland, A
* Suite of Tools for ROC Analysis of Spatial Models, A
* survey on activity recognition and behavior understanding in video surveillance, A
* Surveying European Landscape Dynamics
* Synthesis of Transportation Applications of Mobile LIDAR
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging and Motion Estimation via Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Target detection based on a dynamic subspace
* Texture mapping subdivision surfaces with hard constraints
* Third-Order Kalman Filter: Tuning and Steady-State Performance
* Three-dimensional cartoon facial animation based on art rules
* Tight Convex Relaxations for Vector-Valued Labeling
* TimeExplorer: Similarity Search Time Series by Their Signatures
* Towards adaptive learning with improved convergence of deep belief networks on graphics processing units
* Towards an Authoritative OpenStreetMap: Conflating OSM and OS OpenData National Maps' Road Network
* Tracking hand rotation and various grasping gestures from an IR camera using extended cylindrical manifold embedding
* Tracking of a Mobile Target Using Generalized Polarization Tensors
* Tracking-by-detection of multiple persons by a resample-move particle filter
* Training restricted Boltzmann machines: An introduction
* Transferability of Object-Oriented Image Analysis Methods for Slum Identification
* Trends in the Start of the Growing Season in Fennoscandia 1982-2011
* Triangular traffic signs detection based on RSLD algorithm
* UAV@LGL: Pilotstudie zum Einsatz von UAV im Rahmen der Landesvermessung in Deutschland
* Ultraviolet Fluorescence LiDAR (UFL) as a Measurement Tool for Water Quality Parameters in Turbid Lake Conditions
* Understanding the impact of image quality on segmentation accuracy
* Unified Framework for 3D Hand Tracking, A
* Urban DEM generation, analysis and enhancements using TanDEM-X
* Use of Spatially Random Base Stations in Cloud Radio Access Networks, The
* user-specific and selective multimodal biometric fusion strategy by ranking subjects, A
* Using anisotropic diffusion equations in pixon domain for image de-noising
* Using the Hierarchical Pathfinding A* Algorithm in GIS to Find Paths through Rasters with Nonuniform Traversal Cost
* Variance inflation in high dimensional Support Vector Machines
* Variational Approach for Image Stitching I, A
* Variational Approach for Image Stitching II: Using Image Gradients, A
* Variational Histogram Equalization Method for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves With Statistical Constraints
* Vectorial Total Variation-Based Regularization for Variational Image Registration
* Very large scale nearest neighbor search: Ideas, strategies and challenges
* VIIRS Nightfire: Satellite Pyrometry at Night
* Virtual camera calibration and stereo correspondence of single-lens bi-prism stereovision system using geometrical approach
* Virtual unrolling and information recovery from scanned scrolled historical documents
* Visual Analysis for Nowcasting of Multidimensional Lightning Data
* Visual illumination compensation for face images using light mapping matrix
* Visual saliency guided video compression algorithm
* Visualizing 3D Time-Dependent Foam Simulation Data
* Water Reflection Recognition Based on Motion Blur Invariant Moments in Curvelet Space
* Weighted Color and Texture Sample Selection for Image Matting
* Weighted Shape-Based Averaging With Neighborhood Prior Model for Multiple Atlas Fusion-Based Medical Image Segmentation
* What Is the Role of Color Symmetry in the Detection of Melanomas?
* Wideband Gaussian Source Processing Using a Linear Nested Array
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