Net Radiation, Surface Shortwave Net Radiation, Outgoing Shortwave, Radiation Budget

Chapter Contents (Back)
Net Radiation. Radiation Budget. Shortwave Radiation. Outgoing Shortwave Radiation. Radiation.
See also Upward Longwave Radiation, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Upwelling Radiation.
See also Climate Data.
See also Solar Radiation, Solar Irradiance, Measurements.

Krähenmann, S.[Stefan], Obregon, A.[Andre], Müller, R.[Richard], Trentmann, J.[Jörg], Ahrens, B.[Bodo],
A Satellite-Based Surface Radiation Climatology Derived by Combining Climate Data Records and Near-Real-Time Data,
RS(5), No. 9, 2013, pp. 4693-4718.
DOI Link 1310

Lu, J.[Jing], Tang, R.L.[Rong-Lin], Tang, H.J.[Hua-Jun], Li, Z.L.[Zhao-Liang],
Derivation of Daily Evaporative Fraction Based on Temporal Variations in Surface Temperature, Air Temperature, and Net Radiation,
RS(5), No. 10, 2013, pp. 5369-5396.
DOI Link 1311

Jiang, B.[Bo], Zhang, Y.[Yi], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Xiao, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang],
Surface Daytime Net Radiation Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks,
RS(6), No. 11, 2014, pp. 11031-11050.
DOI Link 1412
Evaluation from other sources, sensors are expensive for large areas. BibRef

Zhang, Y.T.[Yun-Teng], Xiao, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang],
A Method to Downscale MODIS Surface Reflectance Using Convolutional Neural Networks,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2102.
DOI Link 2305

Holdaway, D.[Daniel], Yang, Y.[Yuekui],
Study of the Effect of Temporal Sampling Frequency on DSCOVR Observations Using the GEOS-5 Nature Run Results (Part I): Earth's Radiation Budget,
RS(8), No. 2, 2016, pp. 98.
DOI Link 1603
Compared to continuous values. BibRef

Roupioz, L.[Laure], Jia, L.[Li], Nerry, F.[Françoise], Menenti, M.[Massimo],
Estimation of Daily Solar Radiation Budget at Kilometer Resolution over the Tibetan Plateau by Integrating MODIS Data Products and a DEM,
RS(8), No. 6, 2016, pp. 504.
DOI Link 1608

Loeb, N.G.[Norman G.], Manalo-Smith, N.[Natividad], Su, W.Y.[Wen-Ying], Shankar, M.[Mohan], Thomas, S.[Susan],
CERES Top-of-Atmosphere Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record: Accounting for in-Orbit Changes in Instrument Calibration,
RS(8), No. 3, 2016, pp. 182.
DOI Link 1604

Holdaway, D.[Daniel], Yang, Y.[Yuekui],
Study of the Effect of Temporal Sampling Frequency on DSCOVR Observations Using the GEOS-5 Nature Run Results (Part II): Cloud Coverage,
RS(8), No. 5, 2016, pp. 431.
DOI Link 1606

Dewitte, S.[Steven], Clerbaux, N.[Nicolas],
Measurement of the Earth Radiation Budget at the Top of the Atmosphere: A Review,
RS(9), No. 11, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1712

Wong, T., Smith, G.L., Kato, S., Loeb, N.G., Kopp, G., Shrestha, A.K.,
On the Lessons Learned From the Operations of the ERBE Nonscanner Instrument in Space and the Production of the Nonscanner TOA Radiation Budget Data Set,
GeoRS(56), No. 10, October 2018, pp. 5936-5947.
Instruments, Earth, Sea measurements, Satellite broadcasting, Extraterrestrial measurements, Meteorology, uncertainty BibRef

Schifano, L.[Luca], Smeesters, L.[Lien], Geernaert, T.[Thomas], Berghmans, F.[Francis], Dewitte, S.[Steven],
Design and Analysis of a Next-Generation Wide Field-of-View Earth Radiation Budget Radiometer,
RS(12), No. 3, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2002

Zhang, Y.[Yi], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], He, T.[Tao], Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Yu, Y.Y.[Yun-Yue],
Estimation of Land Surface Incident and Net Shortwave Radiation from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Using an Optimization Method,
RS(12), No. 24, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2012

Müller, R.[Richard], Pfeifroth, U.[Uwe], Träger-Chatterjee, C.[Christine], Trentmann, J.[Jörg], Cremer, R.[Roswitha],
Digging the METEOSAT Treasure: 3 Decades of Solar Surface Radiation,
RS(7), No. 6, 2015, pp. 8067.
DOI Link 1507

Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], He, T.[Tao], Cao, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Jiang, B.[Bo],
Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from FengYun-3 MERSI Data,
RS(7), No. 5, 2015, pp. 6224-6239.
DOI Link 1506

Cao, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Li, M.[Manyao], Zhang, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhen],
Estimating the Clear-Sky Longwave Downward Radiation in the Arctic from FengYun-3D MERSI-2 Data,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], He, T.[Tao], Shi, Q.Q.[Qin-Qing],
Estimation of Daily Surface Shortwave Net Radiation From the Combined MODIS Data,
GeoRS(53), No. 10, October 2015, pp. 5519-5529.
atmospheric radiation BibRef

Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin],
Estimating Top-of-Atmosphere Daily Reflected Shortwave Radiation Flux Over Land From MODIS Data,
GeoRS(55), No. 7, July 2017, pp. 4022-4031.
Atmospheric modeling, Clouds, Earth, MODIS, Satellites, Sensors, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), radiation budget, shortwave radiation, top-of-atmosphere, (TOA), flux
See also Direct Estimation of Land Surface Albedo From Simultaneous MISR Data. BibRef

Hou, N.[Ning], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Zhang, W.Y.[Wei-Yu], Wei, Y.[Yu], Jia, K.[Kun], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Jiang, B.[Bo], Cheng, J.[Jie],
Estimation of Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation over China from Himawari-8 AHI Data Based on Random Forest,
RS(12), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Pan, X.[Xin], Liu, Y.B.[Yuan-Bo], Fan, X.W.[Xing-Wang],
Comparative Assessment of Satellite-Retrieved Surface Net Radiation: An Examination on CERES and SRB Datasets in China,
RS(7), No. 4, 2015, pp. 4899-4918.
DOI Link 1505

Inamdar, A.K.[Anand K.], Guillevic, P.C.[Pierre C.],
Net Surface Shortwave Radiation from GOES Imagery: Product Evaluation Using Ground-Based Measurements from SURFRAD,
RS(7), No. 8, 2015, pp. 10788.
DOI Link 1509

Su, A.N.[An-Ni], Qi, J.B.[Jian-Bo], Huang, H.G.[Hua-Guo],
Indirect Measurement of Forest Canopy Temperature by Handheld Thermal Infrared Imager through Upward Observation,
RS(12), No. 21, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011

Jia, A.[Aolin], Jiang, B.[Bo], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Ma, H.[Han],
Validation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of CERES Surface Net Radiation Product,
RS(8), No. 2, 2016, pp. 90.
DOI Link 1603

Jiang, B.[Bo], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Ma, H.[Han], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Xiao, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Jia, K.[Kun], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Jia, A.[Aolin],
GLASS Daytime All-Wave Net Radiation Product: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation,
RS(8), No. 3, 2016, pp. 222.
DOI Link 1604
GLASS: Global LAnd Surface Satellite. BibRef

Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], Liu, Q.[Qiang], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Jia, K.[Kun], He, T.[Tao], Jiang, B.[Bo], Wei, Y.[Yu], Ma, H.[Han], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Li, W.H.[Wen-Hong], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin],
An Operational Approach for Generating the Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Product From MODIS Data,
GeoRS(57), No. 7, July 2019, pp. 4636-4650.
Land surface, Satellites, MODIS, Earth, Atmospheric modeling, Remote sensing, Ocean temperature, Globalirradiance, remote sensing BibRef

Wang, Y.Z.[Ye-Zhe], Jiang, B.[Bo], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Wang, D.D.[Dong-Dong], He, T.[Tao], Wang, Q.[Qian], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Xu, J.[Jianglei],
Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from Landsat TM/ETM+ Data Using Four Machine Learning Algorithms,
RS(11), No. 23, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1912

Swartz, W.H.[William H.], Lorentz, S.R.[Steven R.], Papadakis, S.J.[Stergios J.], Huang, P.M.[Philip M.], Smith, A.W.[Allan W.], Deglau, D.M.[David M.], Yu, Y.[Yinan], Reilly, S.M.[Sonia M.], Reilly, N.M.[Nolan M.], Anderson, D.E.[Donald E.],
RAVAN: CubeSat Demonstration for Multi-Point Earth Radiation Budget Measurements,
RS(11), No. 7, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1904

Ma, R., Letu, H., Yang, K., Wang, T., Shi, C., Xu, J., Shi, J., Shi, C., Chen, L.,
Estimation of Surface Shortwave Radiation From Himawari-8 Satellite Data Based on a Combination of Radiative Transfer and Deep Neural Network,
GeoRS(58), No. 8, August 2020, pp. 5304-5316.
Clouds, Satellites, Atmospheric modeling, Spatial resolution, Solar radiation, Aerosols, Land surface, Deep learning, Himawari-8, surface solar radiation BibRef

Guo, X.Z.[Xiao-Zheng], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Zhang, Y.[Yuhu], Lin, Y.[Yi], Jiang, B.[Bo], Jia, K.[Kun], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Xie, X.H.[Xian-Hong], Zhang, L.[Lilin], Shang, K.[Ke], Yang, J.M.[Jun-Ming], Bei, X.Y.[Xiang-Yi],
Discrepancies in the Simulated Global Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux from GLASS and MERRA-2 Surface Net Radiation Products,
RS(12), No. 17, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Yarahmadi, M.[Mehran], Mahan, J.R.[J. Robert], McFall, K.[Kevin], Ashraf, A.B.[Anum Barki],
Numerical Focusing of a Wide-Field-Angle Earth Radiation Budget Imager Using an Artificial Neural Network,
RS(12), No. 1, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2001

Kato, S.[Seiji], Rutan, D.A.[David A.], Rose, F.G.[Fred G.], Caldwell, T.E.[Thomas E.], Ham, S.H.[Seung-Hee], Radkevich, A.[Alexander], Thorsen, T.J.[Tyler J.], Viudez-Mora, A.[Antonio], Fillmore, D.[David], Huang, X.L.[Xiang-Lei],
Uncertainty in Satellite-Derived Surface Irradiances and Challenges in Producing Surface Radiation Budget Climate Data Record,
RS(12), No. 12, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Shankar, M.[Mohan], Su, W.Y.[Wen-Ying], Manalo-Smith, N.[Natividad], Loeb, N.G.[Norman G.],
Generation of a Seamless Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record: A New Methodology for Placing Overlapping Satellite Instruments on the Same Radiometric Scale,
RS(12), No. 17, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Nath, B.[Bibhash], Ni-Meister, W.[Wenge],
The Interplay between Canopy Structure and Topography and Its Impacts on Seasonal Variations in Surface Reflectance Patterns in the Boreal Region of Alaska: Implications for Surface Radiation Budget,
RS(13), No. 16, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Xu, J., Jiang, B., Liang, S., Li, X., Wang, Y., Peng, J., Chen, H., Liang, H., Li, S.,
Generating a High-Resolution Time-Series Ocean Surface Net Radiation Product by Downscaling J-OFURO3,
GeoRS(59), No. 4, April 2021, pp. 2794-2809.
Sea surface, Ocean temperature, Meteorology, Land surface, Spatial resolution, Remote sensing, remote sensing BibRef

Chen, H.K.[Hong-Kai], Jiang, B.[Bo], Li, X.X.[Xiu-Xia], Peng, J.H.[Jiang-Hai], Liang, H.[Hui], Li, S.P.[Shao-Peng],
Evaluation of the J-OFURO3 Sea Surface Net Radiation and Inconsistency Correction,
RS(13), No. 12, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2106

Peng, J.H.[Jiang-Hai], Jiang, B.[Bo], Chen, H.K.[Hong-Kai], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Liang, H.[Hui], Li, S.P.[Shao-Peng], Han, J.[Jiakun], Liu, Q.[Qiang], Cheng, J.[Jie], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Jia, K.[Kun], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong],
A New Empirical Estimation Scheme for Daily Net Radiation at the Ocean Surface,
RS(13), No. 20, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Cierniewski, J.[Jerzy], Roujean, J.L.[Jean-Louis], Jasiewicz, J.[Jaroslaw], Królewicz, S.[Slawomir],
Seasonal Net Shortwave Radiation of Bare Arable Land in Poland and Israel According to Roughness and Atmospheric Irradiance,
RS(13), No. 10, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2105

Ye, S.C.[Shu-Chao], Feng, H.H.[Hui-Hui], Zou, B.[Bin], Ding, Y.[Ying], Zhu, S.J.[Si-Jia], Li, F.[Feng], Dong, G.[Guotao],
Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and Cover Change on the Surface Shortwave Radiation Budget in a Humid Basin,
RS(13), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Si, M.L.[Meng-Lin], Tang, B.H.[Bo-Hui], Li, Z.L.[Zhao-Liang], Nerry, F.[Françoise], Zhang, X.[Xia], Shang, G.F.[Guo-Fei],
An Artificial Neuron Network With Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Net Surface Shortwave Radiation From Satellite Data Under Clear Sky: Application to Simulated GF-5 Data Set,
GeoRS(59), No. 5, May 2021, pp. 4262-4272.
Land surface, Atmospheric modeling, Satellites, Spatial resolution, Broadband communication, Clouds, Artificial neuron network (ANN), top of atmosphere (TOA) broadband albedo BibRef

Shang, H.[Haolu], Ding, Y.X.[Yi-Xing], Guo, H.D.[Hua-Dong], Liu, G.[Guang], Liu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu], Wu, J.[Jie], Liang, L.[Lei], Jiang, H.[Hao], Chen, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang],
Simulation of Earth's Outward Radiative Flux and Its Radiance in Moon-Based View,
RS(13), No. 13, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2107

Yang, G.[Gang], Wang, J.[Jiyan], Xiong, J.[Junnan], Yong, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei], Ye, C.C.[Chong-Chong], Sun, H.Z.[Huai-Zhang], Liu, J.[Jun], Duan, Y.[Yu], He, Y.F.[Yu-Feng], He, W.[Wen],
An Algorithm for the Retrieval of High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Shortwave Albedo from Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance and MODIS BRDF,
RS(13), No. 20, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Lim, Y.K.[Young-Kwon], Wu, D.L.[Dong L.], Kim, K.M.[Kyu-Myong], Lee, J.N.[Jae N.],
An Investigation on Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of TOA Shortwave Radiations from DSCOVR/EPIC, CERES, MERRA-2, and ERA5,
RS(13), No. 22, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Li, S.P.[Shao-Peng], Jiang, B.[Bo], Peng, J.H.[Jiang-Hai], Liang, H.[Hui], Han, J.[Jiakun], Yao, Y.J.[Yun-Jun], Zhang, X.T.[Xiao-Tong], Cheng, J.[Jie], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Liu, Q.[Qiang], Jia, K.[Kun],
Estimation of the All-Wave All-Sky Land Surface Daily Net Radiation at Mid-Low Latitudes from MODIS Data Based on ERA5 Constraints,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Wu, J.[Jie], Guo, H.D.[Hua-Dong], Ding, Y.X.[Yi-Xing], Shang, H.[Haolu], Li, T.[Tong], Li, L.[Lei], Lv, M.Y.[Ming-Yang],
The Influence of Anisotropic Surface Reflection on Earth's Outgoing Shortwave Radiance in the Lunar Direction,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Zhang, H.Y.[Han-Yuan], Ye, X.[Xin], Zhu, P.[Ping], Fang, W.[Wei], Wang, Y.W.[Yu-Wei],
Observation System Design and Analysis for a New Staring Earth Radiation Budget Radiometer Based on the Lagrange L1 Point of the Earth-Moon System,
RS(14), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Zhang, Y.L.[Yan-Li], Chen, L.H.[Lin-Hong],
Estimation of Daily Average Shortwave Solar Radiation under Clear-Sky Conditions by the Spatial Downscaling and Temporal Extrapolation of Satellite Products in Mountainous Areas,
RS(14), No. 11, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Seo, M.J.[Min-Ji], Kim, H.C.[Hyun-Cheol], Seong, N.H.[Noh-Hun], Sim, S.Y.[Su-Young], Han, K.S.[Kyung-Soo],
Variability of Surface Radiation Budget over Arctic during Two Recent Decades from Perspective of CERES and ERA5 Data,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302
For studying climate change. BibRef

Zo, I.S.[Il-Sung], Jee, J.B.[Joon-Bum], Lee, K.T.[Kyu-Tae], Lee, K.H.[Kwon-Ho], Lee, M.Y.[Mi-Young], Kwon, Y.S.[Yong-Soon],
Radiative Energy Budget for East Asia Based on GK-2A/AMI Observation Data,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1558.
DOI Link 2304

Krinitskiy, M.[Mikhail], Koshkina, V.[Vasilisa], Borisov, M.[Mikhail], Anikin, N.[Nikita], Gulev, S.[Sergey], Artemeva, M.[Maria],
Machine Learning Models for Approximating Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux over the Ocean from All-Sky Optical Imagery Based on DASIO Dataset,
RS(15), No. 7, 2023, pp. 1720.
DOI Link 2304

Dewitte, S.[Steven], Nazar, A.A.A.[Al Ameen Abdul], Zhang, Y.[Yuan], Smeesters, L.[Lien],
A Multispectral Camera Suite for the Observation of Earth's Outgoing Radiative Energy,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5487.
DOI Link 2312

Li, T.[Tianci], Xin, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhou], Zhang, H.L.[Hai-Long], Yu, S.S.[Shan-Shan], Li, L.[Li], Ye, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang], Liu, Q.H.[Qin-Huo], Cai, H.[He],
Evaluation of Six Data Products of Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation in Tibetan Plateau Region,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 791.
DOI Link 2403

Jia, J.[Junru], Menenti, M.[Massimo], Jia, L.[Li], Chen, Q.T.[Qi-Ting], Xu, A.[Anlun],
Retrieval of At-Surface Upwelling Radiance and Albedo by Parameterizing Cloud Scattering and Transmittance over Rugged Terrain,
RS(16), No. 10, 2024, pp. 1723.
DOI Link 2405

Cierniewski, J.[Jerzy], Ceglarek, J.[Jakub],
Annual Dynamics of Shortwave Radiation as Consequence of Smoothing Previously Plowed Bare Arable Land Surface in Europe,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2476.
DOI Link 2407

Miao, S.Q.[Shu-Qi], He, Q.[Qisheng], Zhu, L.J.[Liu-Jun], Yu, M.X.[Ming-Xiao], Gu, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Zhou, M.[Mingru],
A Cross-Resolution Surface Net Radiative Inversion Based on Transfer Learning Methods,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2450.
DOI Link 2407

Song, Z.H.[Zhi-Hao], Zhao, L.[Lin], Ye, Q.[Qia], Ren, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang], Chen, R.[Ruming], Chen, B.[Bin],
The Reconstruction of FY-4A and FY-4B Cloudless Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation and Full-Coverage Particulate Matter Products Reveals the Influence of Meteorological Factors in Pollution Events,
RS(16), No. 18, 2024, pp. 3363.
DOI Link 2410

Zhao, X., Liu, L., Liu, X., Zhao, Y.,
Relationship Between Landcover Pattern And Surface Net Radiation In An Coastal City,
ISPRS16(B8: 1093-1096).
DOI Link 1610

Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
Solar Radiation, Solar Irradiance, Measurements .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25