Index for nath

Nath, A. Co Author Listing * Design and fabrication of a teleoperated explorer mobile robot

Nath, A.N. Co Author Listing * Determination of satellite nadir and azimuth angles for a tilting sensor

Nath, B.[Baikunth] Co Author Listing * Anti-personnel Mine Detection and Classification Using GPR Image
* Blood Vessel Segmentation from Color Retinal Images using Unsupervised Texture Classification
* Continuous Change Tracker Model for Remote Sensing Time Series Reconstruction, A
* Detection and Classification of Bifurcation and Branch Points on Retinal Vascular Network
* Dynamic Relationship Study between the Observed Seismicity and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Lineament Changes in Palghar, North Maharashtra (India)
* Estimation and Development-Potential Analysis of Regional Housing in Ningbo City Based on High-Resolution Stereo Remote Sensing
* Fine-Scale Urban Heat Patterns in New York City Measured by ASTER Satellite: The Role of Complex Spatial Structures
* Impact of Urbanization on Urban Heat Island Dynamics in Shillong City, India Using Google Earth Engine and CA-Markov Modeling
* Interplay between Canopy Structure and Topography and Its Impacts on Seasonal Variations in Surface Reflectance Patterns in the Boreal Region of Alaska: Implications for Surface Radiation Budget, The
* Land Use and Land Cover Change Modeling and Future Potential Landscape Risk Assessment Using Markov-CA Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process
* Methane Emissions in Boreal Forest Fire Regions: Assessment of Five Biomass-Burning Emission Inventories Based on Carbon Sensing Satellites
* Mining Rare Patterns Using Hyper-Linked Data Structure
* Remote Sensing-Based Urban Sprawl Modeling Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Markov Chain in Baghdad, Iraq
Includes: Nath, B.[Baikunth] Nath, B.[Biswajit] Nath, B.[Bibhash] Nath, B.[Bhabesh]
13 for Nath, B.

Nath, C.D.[Chayanika D.] Co Author Listing * Activity recognition in video sequences over qualitative abstracts of a diagram-based representation schema

Nath, D. Co Author Listing * Parallel Algorithms for the Connected Components and Minimal Spanning Tree Problems

Nath, J.S.[J. Saketha] Co Author Listing * efficient clustering scheme using support vector methods, An

Nath, M.K.[Malaya Kumar] Co Author Listing * deep learning-based illumination transform for devignetting photographs of dermatological lesions, A
* Differential entropy in wavelet sub-band for assessment of glaucoma
* En-ConvNet: A novel approach for glaucoma detection from color fundus images using ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks
* Glaucoma assessment from color fundus images using convolutional neural network
* Multiscale ICA for fundus image analysis

Nath, N.[Nityaranjan] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India
* Novel Meta Attention Guided Framework for Breast Abnormality Classification with Combination of FSL and DA
Includes: Nath, N.[Nityaranjan] Nath, N.[Niharika]

Nath, P.S.[P. Shabari] Co Author Listing * Image glossiness from curvelet features using SVM-based classification
* Quantifying image naturalness using differential curvelet features

Nath, R.[Reshmita] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Phenology in the Mongolian Plateau by Inter-Comparison of Global Vegetation Datasets
* Deformable multi-scale scheme for biometric personal identification
* Entropy-based dual-portal-to-3-DCT registration incorporating pixel correlation
* Knuckle Print Biometrics and Fusion Schemes: Overview, Challenges, and Solutions
* Palmprint and Finger Knuckle Based Person Authentication with Random Forest via Kernel-2DPCA
Includes: Nath, R.[Reshmita] Nath, R. Nath, R.[Ravinder]

Nath, S.[Suman] Co Author Listing * Generic and efficient framework for search trees on flash memory storage systems
* Local trend discovery on real-time microblogs with uncertain locations in tight memory environments
* SensorMap for Wide-Area Sensor Webs
* Smartphone camera-based analysis of ELISA using artificial neural network
Includes: Nath, S.[Suman] Nath, S.[Somjit]

Nath, S.I.[Sharma Ishan] Co Author Listing * New Linguistic-Perceptual Event Model for Spatio-Temporal Event Detection and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, A

Nath, S.K.[Sumit K.] Co Author Listing * Accurate Spatial Neighborhood Relationships for Arbitrarily-Shaped Objects Using Hamilton-Jacobi GVD
* Adaptive Robust Structure Tensors for Orientation Estimation and Image Segmentation
* Exploring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Red Sea Air Quality through Multivariate Analysis, Trajectories, and Satellite Observations
* Fast Graph Partitioning Active Contours for Image Segmentation Using Histograms
* Geodesic Active Contour Based Fusion of Visible and Infrared Video for Persistent Object Tracking
* improved, wavelet-based, stereoscopic image sequence codec with SNR and spatial scalability, An
* New Method for Removal of Edge Artifacts Using a 2d Extrapolated Discrete Wavelet Transform with Biorthogonal Wavelets, A
* Robust Tracking of Migrating Cells Using Four-Color Level Set Segmentation
Includes: Nath, S.K.[Sumit K.] Nath, S.K.[Sajib Kumar]
8 for Nath, S.K.

Nath, T.[Tanmay] Co Author Listing * Automated Social Behaviour Recognition at Low Resolution
* Tracking for Quantifying Social Network of Drosophila Melanogaster

Nath, U.[Utkarsh] Co Author Listing * RNAS-CL: Robust Neural Architecture Search by Cross-Layer Knowledge Distillation

Nath, V.[Vishwesh] Co Author Listing * Body Part Regression With Self-Supervision
* Communication-Efficient Vertical Federated Learning with Limited Overlapping Samples
* Diminishing Uncertainty Within the Training Pool: Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Fair Federated Medical Image Segmentation via Client Contribution Estimation
* HyperSegNAS: Bridging One-Shot Neural Architecture Search with 3D Medical Image Segmentation using HyperNet
* IR-FRestormer: Iterative Refinement with Fourier-Based Restormer for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction
* S2D2Net: An Improved Approach for Robust Steel Surface Defects Diagnosis With Small Sample Learning
* Self-Supervised Pre-Training of Swin Transformers for 3D Medical Image Analysis
* UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Nath, V.[Vishwesh] Nath, V.[Vikanksh]
9 for Nath, V.

Nath, V.K.[Vijay Kumar] Co Author Listing * Lapped transform-based image denoising with the generalised Gaussian prior

Natha, G. Co Author Listing * Animal Detection in Man-made Environments

Nathalie, C. Co Author Listing * Fully scalable object based video coder based on analysis-synthesis scheme

Nathan Mundhenk, T. Co Author Listing * New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots, A

Nathan, A. Co Author Listing * Classification and Tracking Using Local Optimization
* Interactive Displays: The Next Omnipresent Technology

Nathan, J.F.[John F.] Co Author Listing * LVQ-based Automotive Occupant Classification System, An

Nathan, K. Co Author Listing * Parameter Tying in Writer Dependent Recognition of On-Line Handwriting
* Size normalization in on-line unconstrained handwriting recognition

Nathan, K.S. Co Author Listing * Fast Statistical Mixture Algorithm For Online Handwriting Recognition, A

Nathan, M.[Mitch] Co Author Listing * ITA Range Image Processing System, The
* Rule Based System for Pattern Recognition that Exploits Topological Constraints, A
* Spatial Reasoning, Sensor Repositioning and Disambiguation in 3D Model Based Recognition
* Viewpoint Independent Modeling Approach to Object Recognition, A
Includes: Nathan, M.[Mitch] Nathan, M.[Mitchell] Nathan, M.

Nathan, O.B.[Opher Bar] Co Author Listing * Osmosis: RGBD Diffusion Prior for Underwater Image Restoration

Nathan, P.[Praveen] Co Author Listing * HiPose: Hierarchical Binary Surface Encoding and Correspondence Pruning for RGB-D 6DoF Object Pose Estimation

Nathan, R. Co Author Listing * Multiple Description Video Coding with Un-quantized Prediction Loop
* Spatial Frequency Filtering

Nathan, S.[Sabari] Co Author Listing * AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and Results
* Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Production Sites in Oman
* image analysis method for quantification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, An
* Leveraging Multi scale Backbone with Multilevel supervision for Thermal Image Super Resolution
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2024 Challenge on Demosaic for Hybridevs Camera: Methods and Results
* Multi-Level Supervision Model: A novel approach for Thermal Image Super Resolution, A
* Multiattention-Net: A Novel Approach to Face Anti-Spoofing with Modified Squeezed Residual Blocks
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Depth Guided Image Relighting Challenge
* NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* Real-time Under-display Cameras Image Restoration and HDR on Mobile Devices
* SkeletonNetV2: A Dense Channel Attention Blocks for Skeleton Extraction
* Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2020
* Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
Includes: Nathan, S.[Sabari] Nathan, S.[Smiti] Nathan, S.[Steven] Nathan, S.
18 for Nathan, S.

Nathan, V.[Visvamba] Co Author Listing * Analysis of brain-facial muscle connection in the static fractal visual stimulation
* Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices
* Survey on Smart Homes for Aging in Place: Toward Solutions to the Specific Needs of the Elderly, A
Includes: Nathan, V.[Visvamba] Nathan, V.

Nathanael, D.[Dimitris] Co Author Listing * Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior

Nathaniel, J.[Juan] Co Author Listing * Deep Generative Data Assimilation in Multimodal Setting

Nathanson, H.C.[Harvey C.] Co Author Listing * Distributed aperture imaging and tracking system

Nathe, P.[Paul] Co Author Listing * Very High-Resolution Imagery and Machine Learning for Detailed Mapping of Riparian Vegetation and Substrate Types
Includes: Nathe, P.[Paul] Näthe, P.[Paul] (Maybe also Naethe, P.)

Nathke, I. Co Author Listing * Learning-Based Microultrasound System for the Detection of Inflammation of the Gastrointestinal Tract, A
Includes: Nathke, I. Näthke, I. (Maybe also Naethke, I.)

Nathwani, B.N. Co Author Listing * Continuous Class Pattern-Recognition for Pathology, with Applications to Non-Hodgkins Follicular Lymphomas

Nathwani, J.[Jatin] Co Author Listing * Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows

Nathwani, K. Co Author Listing * DNN Uncertainty Propagation Using GMM-Derived Uncertainty Features for Noise Robust ASR
* Exploiting Wavelet Scattering Transform and 1D-CNN for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Detection
* Group Delay based Methods for Detection and Recognition of Whispered Speech
* Group Delay Based Methods for Speaker Segregation and its Application in Multimedia Information Retrieval
Includes: Nathwani, K. Nathwani, K.[Karan]

Index for "n"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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