Index for crem

Crema, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Effectiveness of Management Zones Delineated from UAV and Sentinel-2 Data for Precision Viticulture Applications
* Estimating Crop Density From Multi-spectral UAV Imagery in Maize Crop
* Influence of Soil Properties on Maize and Wheat Nitrogen Status Assessment from Sentinel-2 Data
* Spatial Data Infrastructure Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Geospatial Data and Time Series: A Study Case in Agriculture, A
Includes: Crema, A.[Alberto] Crema, A.

Crema, E.R.[Enrico R.] Co Author Listing * High and Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery to Evaluate Late Holocene Human-Environment Interactions in Arid Lands: A Case Study from the Central Sahara

Crema, S.C.[Stefano C.] Co Author Listing * Probabilistic Tracking of Annual Cropland Changes over Large, Complex Agricultural Landscapes Using Google Earth Engine

Cremaschini, F. Co Author Listing * Spatio Temporal Data Cube Applied to AIS Containerships Trend Analysis In the Early Years of the Belt and Road Initiative - From Global To Local Scale

Cremer, C. Co Author Listing * Hybrid Approach to the 3D High Precision Position Measurement and Particle Tracking in Human Cell Nuclei, A

Cremer, F.[Felix] Co Author Listing * Potential of Multi-Temporal ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Data for Vegetation Height Estimation in Tropical Forests of Mexico

Cremer, R.[Roswitha] Co Author Listing * Digging the METEOSAT Treasure: 3 Decades of Solar Surface Radiation
* Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration Climate Data Record for Europe and Africa, A

Cremer, T. Co Author Listing * Hybrid Approach to the 3D High Precision Position Measurement and Particle Tracking in Human Cell Nuclei, A
* Nonrigid Registration of 3-D Multichannel Microscopy Images of Cell Nuclei

Cremers, A.B.[Armin B.] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multi-Cue 3D Tracking of Arbitrary Objects
* Center-Surround Contrast Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Cognitive Approach for Object Discovery, A
* Discriminable Points That Stick Out of Their Environment
* Efficient Pedestrian Detection via Rectangular Features Based on a Statistical Shape Model
* Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot
* Exploring Human Vision Driven Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Extracting Buildings from Aerial Images Using Hierarchical Aggregation in 2D and 3D
* Informed Haar-Like Features Improve Pedestrian Detection
* Moving pedestrian detection based on motion segmentation
* Multi-scale region-based saliency detection using W2 distance on N-dimensional normal distributions
* Multisize Superpixel Approach for Salient Object Detection Based on Multivariate Normal Distribution Estimation, A
* Pattern Recognition Combining De-noising and Linear Discriminant Analysis within a Real World Application
* Realtime Hierarchical Clustering Based on Boundary and Surface Statistics
* Story of the GeoToolKit: An Object-Oriented Geodatabase Kernel System, The
* Tracking Multiple Moving Objects with a Mobile Robot
Includes: Cremers, A.B.[Armin B.] Cremers, A.B.[Armin Bernd] Cremers, A.B.
16 for Cremers, A.B.

Cremers, A.H.M.[Anita H.M.] Co Author Listing * Challenges in 3D Geo Information and Participatory Design and Decision

Cremers, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Cremers, D.[Daniel]: dcremers AT cs uni-bonn de
* 3-D Reconstruction of Shaded Objects from Multiple Images Under Unknown Illumination
* 3D Deep Learning for Biological Function Prediction from Physical Fields
* 4Seasons: A Cross-Season Dataset for Multi-Weather SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* Active Online Learning for Interactive Segmentation Using Sparse Gaussian Processes
* Adopting an unconstrained ray model in light-field cameras for 3D shape reconstruction
* algorithm for minimizing the Mumford-Shah functional, An
* Anisotropic Huber-L1 Optical Flow
* Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami Operators for Shape Analysis
* Anisotropic Minimal Surfaces Integrating Photoconsistency and Normal Information for Multiview Stereo
* approach to vectorial total variation based on geometric measure theory, An
* Associative Deep Clustering: Training a Classification Network with No Labels
* Associative Domain Adaptation
* B-Spline Modeling of Road Surfaces With an Application to Free-Space Estimation
* Behind the Scenes: Density Fields for Single View Reconstruction
* Beyond connecting the dots: A polynomial-time algorithm for segmentation and boundary estimation with imprecise user input
* Beyond Multi-view Stereo: Shading-Reflectance Decomposition
* Binary partitioning, perceptual grouping, and restoration with semidefinite programming
* Boosting Self-Supervision for Single-View Scene Completion via Knowledge Distillation
* Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Deep Matrix Factorization
* Cache Me if You Can: Accelerating Diffusion Models through Block Caching
* CASSPR: Cross Attention Single Scan Place Recognition
* Closed-Form Solution for Image Sequence Segmentation with Dynamical Shape Priors, A
* Co-Sparse Textural Similarity for Interactive Segmentation
* Coding-Cost Framework for Super-Resolution Motion Layer Decomposition, A
* Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models
* Combinatorial Solution for Model-Based Image Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking, A
* Combinatorial Solution to Non-Rigid 3D Shape-to-Image Matching, A
* Combined Region and Motion-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid and Articulated Objects
* Comparison of Shape Matching Methods for Contour Based Pose Estimation, A
* Continuous Energy Minimization Via Repeated Binary Fusion
* Continuous Global Optimization in Multiview 3D Reconstruction
* Continuous ratio optimization via convex relaxation with applications to multiview 3D reconstruction
* Contours, Optic Flow, and Prior Knowledge: Cues for Capturing 3D Human Motion in Videos
* Controlling Neural Networks via Energy Dissipation
* Convex Approach to Minimal Partitions, A
* Convex Formulation of Continuous Multi-label Problems, A
* convex framework for image segmentation with moment constraints, A
* Convex Optimization for Scene Understanding
* convex relaxation approach for computing minimal partitions, A
* Convex Relaxation Approach to Space Time Multi-view 3D Reconstruction, A
* Convex Relaxation for Figure-Ground Discrimination and Perceptual Grouping
* Convex Relaxation for Multilabel Problems with Product Label Spaces
* Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Problems with Coupled Regularization
* convex representation for the vectorial Mumford-Shah functional, A
* Convex Solution to Spatially-Regularized Correspondence Problems, A
* CopyMe3D: Scanning and Printing Persons in 3D
* Correspondence-Free Material Reconstruction using Sparse Surface Constraints
* Curvature regularity for region-based image segmentation and inpainting: A linear programming relaxation
* Cutting-Plane Method for Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Problems with Product Label Spaces, A
* D3VO: Deep Depth, Deep Pose and Deep Uncertainty for Monocular Visual Odometry
* DDIT: Semantic Scene Completion via Deformable Deep Implicit Templates
* Decoupling photometry and geometry in dense variational camera calibration
* Deep Depth from Focus
* Deep Event Visual Odometry
* Deep Video Codec Control for Vision Models
* Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry
* DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling
* Dense Continuous-Time Tracking and Mapping with Rolling Shutter RGB-D Cameras
* Dense Elastic 3D Shape Matching
* Dense Non-rigid Shape Correspondence Using Random Forests
* Dense Tracking and Mapping with a Quadrocopter
* Depth Super-Resolution Meets Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
* Depth-adaptive supervoxels for RGB-D video segmentation
* Detection and Segmentation of Independently Moving Objects from Dense Scene Flow
* DH3D: Deep Hierarchical 3d Descriptors for Robust Large-scale 6DOF Relocalization
* Diffcd: A Symmetric Differentiable Chamfer Distance for Neural Implicit Surface Fitting
* Diffusion Snakes: Introducing Statistical Shape Knowledge into the Mumford-Shah Functional
* Diffusion-Snakes: Combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Image Information in a Variational Framework
* Direct methods for 3D reconstruction and visual SLAM
* Direct Sparse Odometry
* Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter
* Discrete-Continuous ADMM for Transductive Inference in Higher-Order MRFs
* Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment
* Double Sphere Camera Model, The
* DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image Matching Benchmark
* Duality TV-L1 flow with fundamental matrix prior
* Dynamic texture segmentation
* Dynamical Statistical Shape Priors for Level Set-Based Tracking
* DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for Semantic Change Segmentation
* Efficient and Flexible Sublabel-Accurate Energy Minimization
* Efficient Background Term for 3D Reconstruction and Tracking with Smooth Surface Models, An
* Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
* Efficient Derivative Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on Lie Groups
* Efficient Globally Optimal 2D-to-3D Deformable Shape Matching
* Efficient Nonlocal Means for Denoising of Textural Patterns
* Efficient planar graph cuts with applications in Computer Vision
* Efficient Shape Matching using Vector Extrapolation
* Efficient Shape Matching Via Graph Cuts
* Elastic Net Constraints for Shape Matching
* Elastic Ratio: Introducing Curvature Into Ratio-Based Image Segmentation, The
* Enhancing Multimodal Compositional Reasoning of Visual Language Models with Generative Negative Mining
* Entropy Minimization for Convex Relaxation Approaches
* Entropy Minimization for Groupwise Planar Shape Co-alignment and its Applications
* Experimental Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Shape Optimization Methods, An
* Fast and Accurate Large-Scale Stereo Reconstruction Using Variational Methods
* Fast and exact solution of Total Variation models on the GPU
* Fast and globally optimal single view reconstruction of curved objects
* Fast Joint Estimation of Silhouettes and Dense 3D Geometry from Multiple Images
* Fast Matching of Planar Shapes in Sub-cubic Runtime
* Fast Projection Method for Connectivity Constraints in Image Segmentation, A
* Fight Ill-Posedness with Ill-Posedness: Single-shot Variational Depth Super-Resolution from Shading
* Finsler-Laplace-Beltrami Operators with Application to Shape Analysis
* FIRe: Fast Inverse Rendering using Directional and Signed Distance Functions
* Flattening the Parent Bias: Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation in the Poincaré Ball
* Flow and Color Inpainting for Video Completion
* FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks
* FuseNet: Incorporating Depth into Semantic Segmentation via Fusion-Based CNN Architecture
* Fusion of Head and Full-Body Detectors for Multi-object Tracking
* G-MSM: Unsupervised Multi-Shape Matching with Graph-Based Affinity Priors
* game-theoretical approach for joint matching of multiple feature throughout unordered images, A
* Generalized Connectivity Constraints for Spatio-temporal 3D Reconstruction
* Generalized ordering constraints for multilabel optimization
* Generalized Roof Duality for Multi-Label Optimization: Optimal Lower Bounds and Persistency
* Generative Model Based Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* Geometrically consistent elastic matching of 3D shapes: A linear programming solution
* Geometrically Consistent Partial Shape Matching
* Global Solutions Of Variational Models With Convex Regularization
* Globally Optimal Image Segmentation with an Elastic Shape Prior
* Globally optimal shape-based tracking in real-time
* Globalpointer: Large-scale Plane Adjustment with Bi-convex Relaxation
* Gradient-SDF: A Semi-Implicit Surface Representation for 3D Reconstruction
* Graph Based Bundle Adjustment for INS-Camera Calibration, A
* Groupwise Shape Registration Based on Entropy Minimization
* Hamiltonian Dynamics for Real-world Shape Interpolation
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Serves 3-D Pose Tracking: Exploiting Contour and Flow Based Constraints
* High resolution motion layer decomposition using dual-space graph cuts
* High-Quality RGB-D Reconstruction via Multi-View Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo and Gradient-SDF
* High-Resolution Plant Shape Measurements from Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction
* Homogeneous Linear Inequality Constraints for Neural Network Activations
* i3DMM: Deep Implicit 3D Morphable Model of Human Heads
* Image Segmentation with Elastic Shape Priors via Global Geodesics in Product Spaces
* Image segmentation with one shape prior: A template-based formulation
* Image-Based 3D Modeling via Cheeger Sets
* Image-Based Localization Using LSTMs for Structured Feature Correlation
* Inferring Super-Resolution Depth from a Moving Light-Source Enhanced RGB-D Sensor: A Variational Approach
* Integral Invariants for Shape Matching
* Integral Solution to Surface Evolution PDEs Via Geo-cuts, An
* Integration of Multiview Stereo and Silhouettes Via Convex Functionals on Convex Domains
* Interactive Motion Segmentation
* Interactive Multi-label Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Intrinsic Mean for Semi-metrical Shape Retrieval Via Graph Cuts
* Intrinsic Neural Fields: Learning Functions on Manifolds
* Intrinsic3D: High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
* Introducing Curvature into Globally Optimal Image Segmentation: Minimum Ratio Cycles on Product Graphs
* Introducing total curvature for image processing
* Introduction to the special issue on visual understanding and applications with RGB-D cameras
* Isometric Multi-Shape Matching
* Iterated Nonlocal Means for Texture Restoration
* Joint Representation of Primitive and Non-primitive Objects for 3D Vision
* Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Knowledge-Driven Segmentation: Teaching Level Sets to Walk
* Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Shape Priors in Level Set Segmentation
* KillingFusion: Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction without Correspondences
* Large Dataset to Train Convolutional Networks for Disparity, Optical Flow, and Scene Flow Estimation, A
* Large displacement optical flow computation without warping
* Large-Scale Multi-resolution Surface Reconstruction from RGB-D Sequences
* Learn to Predict Sets Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks
* Learning by Association: A Versatile Semi-Supervised Training Method for Neural Networks
* Learning Correspondence Uncertainty via Differentiable Nonlinear Least Squares
* Learning Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection Without 3D Bounding Box Labels
* Learning Nonlinear Spectral Filters for Color Image Reconstruction
* Learning Proximal Operators: Using Denoising Networks for Regularizing Inverse Imaging Problems
* Learning Similarities for Rigid and Non-rigid Object Detection
* LED-Based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solution
* Lifting the Convex Conjugate in Lagrangian Relaxations: A Tractable Approach for Continuous Markov Random Fields
* Lifting Vectorial Variational Problems: A Natural Formulation Based on Geometric Measure Theory and Discrete Exterior Calculus
* Linear Framework for Region-Based Image Segmentation and Inpainting Involving Curvature Penalization, A
* LM-Reloc: Levenberg-Marquardt Based Direct Visual Relocalization
* Low Rank Priors for Color Image Regularization
* LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM
* Markerless motion capture of man-machine interaction
* Masked Event Modeling: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Event Cameras
* Matching non-rigidly deformable shapes across images: A globally optimal solution
* Meshfeat: Multi-resolution Features for Neural Fields on Meshes
* Micdrop: Masking Image and Depth Features via Complementary Dropout for Domain-adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Midrange Geometric Interactions for Semantic Segmentation
* Model-Based Tracking at 300Hz Using Raw Time-of-Flight Observations
* Modeling and Tracking Line-Constrained Mechanical Systems
* MonoRec: Semi-Supervised Dense Reconstruction in Dynamic Environments from a Single Moving Camera
* MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking
* Motion Competition: A Variational Approach to Piecewise Parametric Motion Segmentation
* Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization
* Motion field and occlusion time estimation via alternate exposure flow
* Motion Field Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* MRF Optimization with Separable Convex Prior on Partially Ordered Labels
* Multiframe Motion Coupling for Video Super Resolution
* Multiphase Dynamic Labeling Model for Variational Recognition-driven Image Segmentation, A
* Multiphase Level Set Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* Multiview Stereo and Silhouette Consistency via Convex Functionals over Convex Domains
* Natural Vectorial Total Variation Which Arises from Geometric Measure Theory, The
* Near Real-Time Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Neural Implicit Representations for Physical Parameter Inference from a Single Video
* NeuroMorph: Unsupervised Shape Interpolation and Correspondence in One Go
* Non-convex Variational Approach to Photometric Stereo under Inaccurate Lighting, A
* Non-parametric Single View Reconstruction of Curved Objects Using Convex Optimization
* Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval via Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Embedding
* Nonlinear Dynamical Shape Priors for Level Set Segmentation
* Nonlinear Shape Statistics in Mumford-Shah Based Segmentation
* Nonlinear Shape Statistics via Kernel Spaces
* Nonlinear Spectral Image Fusion
* Nonmetric Priors for Continuous Multilabel Optimization
* Nonparametric Density Estimation for Human Pose Tracking
* Nonparametric Density Estimation with Adaptive, Anisotropic Kernels for Human Motion Tracking
* Nonparametric Priors on the Space of Joint Intensity Distributions for Non-Rigid Multi-Modal Image Registration
* Novel Framework for Nonlocal Vectorial Total Variation Based on L p,q,r-norms, A
* Occlusion Modeling by Tracking Multiple Objects
* On Local Region Models and a Statistical Interpretation of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* On the Implementation of Collaborative TV Regularization: Application to Cartoon+Texture Decomposition
* On the Statistical Interpretation of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* One-Shot Integral Invariant Shape Priors for Variational Segmentation
* One-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Online Smoothing for Markerless Motion Capture
* Optimal Intrinsic Descriptors for Non-Rigid Shape Analysis
* Optimal solutions for semantic image decomposition
* Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Parameterized Temperature Scaling for Boosting the Expressive Power in Post-Hoc Uncertainty Calibration
* Partial-to-Partial Shape Matching with Geometric Consistency
* Performance Evaluation of Narrow Band Methods for Variational Stereo Reconstruction
* Perspective on Deep Vision Performance with Standard Image and Video Codecs, A
* Photometric Depth Super-Resolution
* Photometric Segmentation: Simultaneous Photometric Stereo and Masking
* Pose-Consistent 3D Shape Segmentation Based on a Quantum Mechanical Feature Descriptor
* Post-hoc Uncertainty Calibration for Domain Drift Scenarios
* Power Variable Projection for Initialization-free Large-scale Bundle Adjustment
* Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Method for Semiconvex Splittings, The
* Probabilistic Normal Epipolar Constraint for Frame-To-Frame Rotation Optimization under Uncertain Feature Positions, The
* Product Manifold Filter: Non-rigid Shape Correspondence via Kernel Density Estimation in the Product Space
* Proportion Priors for Image Sequence Segmentation
* Proximity Priors for Variational Semantic Segmentation and Recognition
* q-Space Deep Learning: Twelve-Fold Shorter and Model-Free Diffusion MRI Scans
* Real-Time Dense Geometry from a Handheld Camera
* Real-Time Minimization of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* Real-Time Monocular Pose Estimation of 3D Objects Using Temporally Consistent Local Color Histograms
* Real-Time Monocular Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Multiple Objects
* Real-time visual odometry from dense RGB-D images
* Realtime Depth Estimation and Obstacle Detection from Monocular Video
* Recovering Real-World Reflectance Properties and Shading From HDR Imagery
* Region-Based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking, A
* Region-Based Pose Tracking
* Relative Volume Constraints for Single View 3D Reconstruction
* Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping
* Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation: Integrating Color, Texture, Motion and Shape, A
* Robust Fitting of Subdivision Surfaces for Smooth Shape Analysis
* Robust Variational Segmentation of 3D Objects from Multiple Views
* Role of Diffusion in Figure Hunt Games, The
* S4C: Self-Supervised Semantic Scene Completion With Neural Fields
* SatSynth: Augmenting Image-Mask Pairs Through Diffusion Models for Aerial Semantic Segmentation
* Scalable Combinatorial Solver for Elastic Geometrically Consistent 3D Shape Matching, A
* Scale-Aware Object Tracking with Convex Shape Constraints on RGB-D Images
* Scan2LoD3: Reconstructing semantic 3D building models at LoD3 using ray casting and Bayesian networks
* Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* Semi-dense Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera
* Semidefinite Relaxations for Robust Multiview Triangulation
* Sequential Convex Programming for Computing Information-Theoretic Minimal Partitions: Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization
* Sequential Convex Relaxation for Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Shape Matching by Variational Computation of Geodesics on a Manifold
* Shape priors in variational image segmentation: Convexity, Lipschitz continuity and globally optimal solutions
* Shape Statistics in Kernel Space for Variational Image Segmentation
* Shedding light on stereoscopic segmentation
* Shortest Paths in Graphs with Matrix-Valued Edges: Concepts, Algorithm and Application to 3D Multi-Shape Analysis
* SIGMA: Scale-Invariant Global Sparse Shape Matching
* Silhouette-Based Variational Methods for Single View Reconstruction
* simple and effective relevance-based point sampling for 3D shapes, A
* Simulated Annealing for 3D Shape Correspondence
* Smooth Shells: Multi-Scale Shape Registration With Functional Maps
* SOE-Net: A Self-Attention and Orientation Encoding Network for Point Cloud based Place Recognition
* Space-Varying Color Distributions for Interactive Multiregion Segmentation: Discrete versus Continuous Approaches
* Sparse Views, Near Light: A Practical Paradigm for Uncalibrated Point-Light Photometric Stereo
* Spatial and Temporal Interpolation of Multi-view Image Sequences
* Spatially Regularized Fusion of Multiresolution Digital Surface Models
* Spatially Varying Color Distributions for Interactive Multilabel Segmentation
* Spectral Decompositions Using One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Spectral Meets Spatial: Harmonising 3D Shape Matching and Interpolation
* Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Square Root Bundle Adjustment for Large-Scale Reconstruction
* Square Root Marginalization for Sliding-Window Bundle Adjustment
* Statistical and Geometrical Approaches to Visual Motion Analysis
* Statistical Priors for Efficient Combinatorial Optimization Via Graph Cuts
* Statistical Shape Knowledge in Variational Image Segmentation
* Statistical Shape Knowledge in Variational Motion Segmentation
* Stereo DSO: Large-Scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Stereo Cameras
* Stereo Scene Flow for 3D Motion Analysis
* Stereoscopic Scene Flow Computation for 3D Motion Understanding
* Structure- and motion-adaptive regularization for high accuracy optic flow
* Sublabel-Accurate Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Multilabel Energies
* Sublabel-Accurate Discretization of Nonconvex Free-Discontinuity Problems
* Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies
* Submap-Based Bundle Adjustment for 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* Super-Resolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction, A
* Superresolution texture maps for multiview reconstruction
* SupeRVol: Super-Resolution Shape and Reflectance Estimation in Inverse Volume Rendering
* Surface Normal Integration for Convex Space-time Multi-view Reconstruction
* Survey and Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Multi-label Optimization Approaches for the Potts Model, A
* Text2Loc: 3D Point Cloud Localization from Natural Language
* Tight Convex Relaxations for Vector-Valued Labeling
* Tight convex relaxations for vector-valued labeling problems
* To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Total Cyclic Variation and Generalizations
* Total variation for cyclic structures: Convex relaxation and efficient minimization
* Total Variation Regularization for Functions with Values in a Manifold
* Towards Illumination-Invariant 3D Reconstruction Using ToF RGB-D Cameras
* Towards Recognition-Based Variational Segmentation Using Shape Priors and Dynamic Labeling
* Trajectory prediction for intelligent vehicles using spatial-attention mechanism
* Tree Shape Priors with Connectivity Constraints Using Convex Relaxation on General Graphs
* TVSeg: Interactive Total Variation Based Image Segmentation
* Two Algorithms for Motion Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Unbiased Second-Order Prior for High-Accuracy Motion Estimation, An
* Unified Framework for Implicit Sinkhorn Differentiation, A
* Unsupervised Dense Shape Correspondence using Heat Kernels
* Unsupervised Image Partitioning with Semidefinite Programming
* Variational Approach to Shape-from-Shading Under Natural Illumination, A
* variational approach to vesicle membrane reconstruction from fluorescence imaging, A
* Variational Depth From Focus Reconstruction
* variational framework for image segmentation combining motion estimation and shape regularization, A
* Variational Reflectance Estimation from Multi-view Images
* Variational space-time motion segmentation
* Variational Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Under General Lighting
* Ventriloquist-Net: Leveraging Speech Cues for Emotive Talking Head Generation
* Video Object Segmentation without Temporal Information
* Video Super Resolution Using Duality Based TV-L1 Optical Flow
* WarpCut: Fast Obstacle Segmentation in Monocular Video
* wave kernel signature: A quantum mechanical approach to shape analysis, The
* Wehrli 2.0: An Algorithm for Tidying up Art
* What Makes Good Synthetic Training Data for Learning Disparity and Optical Flow Estimation?
* What Metrics Can Be Approximated by Geo-Cuts, Or Global Optimization of Length/Area and Flux
Includes: Cremers, D.[Daniel] Cremers, D.
326 for Cremers, D.

Cremers, S. Co Author Listing * Magnetic Particle Imaging: A Resovist Based Marking Technology for Guide Wires and Catheters for Vascular Interventions

Cremersl, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Power Bundle Adjustment for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction

Cremilleux, B.[Bruno] Co Author Listing * Finding Groups of Duplicate Images In Very Large Dataset
* Histograms of Pattern Sets for Image Classification and Object Recognition
* Image re-ranking system based on closed frequent patterns
* Unsupervised deep hashing with stacked convolutional autoencoders
Includes: Cremilleux, B.[Bruno] Crémilleux, B.[Bruno] Crémilleux, B.

Cremon, E.H.[Edipo Henrique] Co Author Listing * Classification of Vegetation over a Residual Megafan Landform in the Amazonian Lowland Based on Optical and SAR Imagery
Includes: Cremon, E.H.[Edipo Henrique] Cremon, É.H.[Édipo Henrique]

Cremonese, E.[Edoardo] Co Author Listing * Climatic Drivers of Greening Trends in the Alps
* Using Near-Infrared-Enabled Digital Repeat Photography to Track Structural and Physiological Phenology in Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystems
* Using UAV Imagery to Detect and Map Woody Species Encroachment in a Subalpine Grassland: Advantages and Limits

Cremonese, G.[Gabriele] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Generative Network Designed for High-Resolution Monocular Depth Estimation from 2D HiRISE Images of Mars, An
* Estimate Of Dtm Degradation Due To Image Compression For The Stereo Camera Of The Bepicolombo Mission
* Evaluation Of Area-based Image Matching Applied To DTM Generation With Hirise Images
* Geometrical Calibration for the Panrover: A Stereo Omnidirectional System for Planetary Rover
* Hyperspectral Data Compression Using Fully Convolutional Autoencoder
* moon Mapping Project To Promote Cooperation Between Students Of Italy And China, The
* Performance Evaluation of 3DPD, The Photogrammetric Pipeline for The Cassis Stereo Images
* Rapid Single Image-Based DTM Estimation from ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Images Using Generative Adversarial U-Nets
* Single Image Super-Resolution Restoration of TGO CaSSIS Colour Images: Demonstration with Perseverance Rover Landing Site and Mars Science Targets
* Subpixel-Scale Topography Retrieval of Mars Using Single-Image DTM Estimation and Super-Resolution Restoration
* Ultra-High-Resolution 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM Using Super-Resolution Restoration and Shape-from-Shading: Demonstration over Oxia Planum on Mars
* Validation of the Stereo Observation Strategy of Simbio-sys Using A Virtual Simulator
Includes: Cremonese, G.[Gabriele] Cremonese, G.
12 for Cremonese, G.

Cremonesi, P.[Paolo] Co Author Listing * Recommender Systems Leveraging Multimedia Content
* Using visual features based on MPEG-7 and deep learning for movie recommendation

Cremonesi, S. Co Author Listing * multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: A case study in Mantua Unesco site, A
* Survey And Modelling for the Bim of Basilica of San Marco in Venice
* Survey Of Cultural Heritage After An Earthquake: The Case Of Emilia–lombardia In 2012, The

Cremonini, R. Co Author Listing * Methods to Retrieve the Cloud-Top Height in the Frame of the JEM-EUSO Mission
* Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Products through Disdrometers in Italy
Includes: Cremonini, R. Cremonini, R.[Roberto]

Cremons, D.R.[Daniel R.] Co Author Listing * Small PN-Code Lidar for Asteroid and Comet Missions: Receiver Processing and Performance Simulations
* Speckle Noise Reduction via Linewidth Broadening for Planetary Laser Reflectance Spectrometers

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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